
ZykoticK9fullscreen :)00:01
DJOtterHey everyone, while troubleshooting a apache problem I deleted the default files in /etc/apache2/sites-available ? I tried a reinstall in apt but did add them back00:01
BookmanBUGabundo, I still cannot figure out how you got that apple site to work.00:01
BUGabundoBookman: what apple ?00:02
BUGabundothe game site?00:02
BookmanBUGabundo, yes00:02
BUGabundoI still have the old java plugin from SUN00:02
BookmanBUGabundo, ah, got you.00:02
penguin42I wish plymouth and mountall gave useful debug00:54
BUGabundodo you need an hammer penguin4200:54
DanaG1heh, plymouth doesn't do anything for my system.  literally does nothing.00:54
penguin42BUGabundo: I was just trying my own kernel build again00:55
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BUGabundoDanaG1: I get a _nice_ 3 color bar in mine00:56
BUGabundofor 2 seconds00:56
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22239 in plymouth general "improve console= handling" [Normal,New]00:56
DanaG1On my system, it doesn't even TRY to draw the splash screen.00:56
rippsDoes anybody know how to install groundcontrol in Lucid? It seems to look for a couple python-lazr packages that aren't in the repos00:56
kklimondaripps, you can't currently01:01
rippskklimonda: okay01:01
BookmanAnyone know of a good old fashioned side scrolling game?  I tried the Abe's Aventure one but it only comes up with a black screen and I have to power cycle to get out of it.01:10
BUGabundokermiac: LOL01:11
* kermiac chuckles01:11
kermiaccouldn't resist01:11
yofelside scrolling game? er... supertux?01:12
Bookmanyofel, supertux also has graphical problems01:14
yofelthen I somehow doubt that it's the games fault...01:15
BUGabundokermiac: now you made me nostalgic and I want to play it :(01:15
rippsHmm... indicator applet doesn't hide empathy anymore. I liked that feature01:15
Bookmanyofel, ok01:15
ZykoticK9BUGabundo, use GensGS ;)01:15
BUGabundoI should01:16
BUGabundotried to put loki in it... FAILED :(01:16
* BUGabundo cries01:16
kermiachey BUGabundo there's an opensonic or something similar around01:16
yofelBookman: then again, haven't played it in a while, so maybe it broke in the meanwhile01:16
BUGabundokermiac: link me up01:16
kermiacstupid google01:17
yofelhm, auto-url-shorening would be a nice IRC Client feature :D01:17
* kermiac agrees01:17
BUGabundoyofel: ohh there are a few that do it01:18
BUGabundoI have a friend that has it on his01:18
kermiacu remember what client he uses? I'm using quassel atm due to client - server goodness01:18
BUGabundono, bad memory01:19
BUGabundolet me ask him01:19
BUGabundodon't expect RT reply01:19
BookmanAny other scrollers to try?01:21
BUGabundokermiac: thanks for the link. ppa added, game installing01:22
kermiacgotta have a look through the qauassel scripts page, surely someone's made a url-shortner script01:22
kermiacnp BUGabundo - if you're anything like me it is VERY addictive, lol01:22
BUGabundotry snailmail01:23
BUGabundoor akinator01:24
BUGabundoI can't even visit that site, I get hooked01:24
* kermiac grins01:24
BookmanMan, every game I try, full black screen.01:24
kermiacgraphics issue?01:24
BookmanKind of obvious :)01:25
kermiacyeah, I've got a knack for stating the obvious at times :)01:25
kermiacwhat card u running?01:26
BookmanATI Radeon XPress 200M01:26
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
BookmanWorks fine with everything else01:26
kermiacyou got the opensource or proprietory drivers installed? also, u running lucid or karmic? I'll try to reproduce on my ati machine01:28
BookmanI'm running an updated 10.04.  I'm also running the opensource (default) grafics driver01:29
BookmanI can run Compiz with no issues.  Very fast actually.  Video is also not a problem.01:30
kermiacI've not had much luck with the opensource ati drivers... you thought about installing catalyst drivers? 10.1 was released a cpl days ago01:31
Bookmankermiac, scared to.  Not sure if they will work and be stable with 10.0401:33
kermiacok Bookman, I'm just wating for my lucid vm to finish updates & I'll be a guinea pig for you :)01:33
Bookmankermiac, that would be just awesome!01:33
BookmanThis is not a production machine, but it is wireless only.01:34
BookmanThat can cause many problems01:34
kermiacno probs - that's the beauty of vmware. gotta luv snapshots01:34
kermiacanyone had issues with the latest grub update01:34
kermiaccan't seem to get past configureing grub-pc01:34
kermiacthere's an option to "continue without installing grub" but that sounds dangerous01:35
kermiacbtw - this is in lucid01:35
BookmanI always get mixed up by the names01:37
kermiacnvm, that was the only option that would let me get past it01:37
kermiaclucid = 10.0401:37
DanaGI don't need url shortening; all I need is for google to stop mangling the stupid URLs!01:37
kermiacI just chose to continue without installing otherwise it refused to continue the upgrade. will see what happends with a reboot01:38
BookmanYeah, I understand the naming....I've been messing around since 7.10, whatever that was!01:38
* kermiac agrees with DanaG01:38
ZykoticK9kermiac, thanks for the Open Sonic link BTW - it's pretty cool (but i can't play fullscreen :( as I'm running twinview and there doesn't appear to be an option for 1280x1024 which would auto shutoff one monitor) but thanks man01:39
kermiacno probs ZykoticK9 :)01:40
kermiacwell, choosing to continue didn't kill it. rebooted without any issues :)01:42
kermiacI'm just rebooting again with lucid hdd. I'll let u know how the catalyst driver goes Bookman01:44
Bookmankermiac, awesome, thanks!01:45
BookmanI'm watching Space 1999 in the meantime!01:45
BookmanLove retro01:45
kermiacyup, gotta luv retro movies!01:45
BookmanUltra futuristic when I saw it for the first time01:47
BookmanDamn doors still do not open by themselves!01:47
rippsIs there some way to hide the empathy tray icon, It kinda clashes with my theme. I want to keep it hidden until I call empathy from the indicator-applet01:51
kermiacbah, just killed grub on my lucid hdd. gunna have to do a re-install. totally user error :(01:57
BUGabundoI blame kermiac for my lost time02:04
Jeruvydid it succeed? ;)02:05
* kermiac chuckles02:05
kermiaci warned you BUGabundo :)02:05
BUGabundogot stuck after a several levels02:06
BUGabundoreminds me of the time spent playing x-moto02:06
kermiacnow who's being nostalgic? I have very fond memories of x-moto :)02:09
Bookmankermiac, well?  Did it work?  I've downloaded the latest X200 driver but it is dated March of last year02:10
kermiacre-install's at 80% Bookman, will be able to test soon02:10
kermiacI foobarred my install - but not due to catalyst driver, due to me being stupid, lol02:11
kermiacat least we know it'll be a fresh install, lol02:11
BUGabundokermiac: what did you do?02:19
BUGabundovery few things can't be repaired02:19
kermiacleft a ghost cd from work in the drive & it automatically wipes the hdd & starts installing stuff. Like I said - totally my fault02:21
kermiacanyway. got the fresh install now :)02:21
arandThat's a nasty CD...02:21
kermiacyup, I forgot it was in there from when I was doing work stuff earlier today :(02:22
kermiacoh well, lesson learned02:22
kermiacrebooting now after installing ati driver Bookman02:22
BUGabundoyeah that's makes it hard to restore02:23
kermiacyeah, that it does02:23
BookmanGood luck kermiac02:23
kermiacnot looking good. I just remembered reading that lucid is running X.Org Server 1.7.x & the catalyst drivers don't support it02:24
kermiacI think I just remembered the hard way though, lol02:25
kermiaclemme see if i can find the link02:25
kermiacyup, the catalyst drivers are no good yet Bookman. Glad i checked it out before you installed02:27
kermiacsorry for getting your hopes up02:28
kermiacoh well, that's it from me for now02:29
kermiacI'm off to go do some outside work. see you all later :)02:30
BookmanI appreciate the trial on my behalf!  Thanks a ton.02:31
kermiacno probs Bookman I'm just glad I decided to try before killing your system, lol02:31
kermiacwish I had remembered about that link earlier, lol02:32
BookmanCan you recover kermiac?02:32
kermiacyeah, it's no probs. Only takes 10 - 15mins to re-install. It's not my main system so it's all good02:32
kermiaci could recover but it's probably not worth the hassle when re-installing is a much simpler option02:33
BUGabundotime to head to bed02:33
BUGabundocu tomorrow02:33
kermiacanyway, I've gotta get some work done outside before it decides to rain again. cya later02:33
kermiacbye BUGabundo have fun with sonic :)02:34
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/03:43
ChogyDanare the dailys down?03:43
ZykoticK9ChogyDan, working here03:43
ChogyDanZykoticK9: really?  where did you get it?  I got it yesterday, and it failed to install03:44
ChogyDannow today, it doesnt seem to be there.   ?03:44
ZykoticK9ChogyDan, OH i thought you where asking if the site was down.  sorry03:44
ChogyDanya, the site is there, but I don't see the iso.  O well!03:45
ZykoticK9ChogyDan, if i go into the Source directory i see a lucid-src-1.iso is that it? i just went with Alpha2 myself03:45
ChogyDanZykoticK9: 2.5g  :)   I bet that is the source.03:46
ZykoticK9ChogyDan, sure enough - sorry - i have no ideas03:46
ChogyDanthats ok, thanks for the effort03:46
DamasceneI've downloaded Alpha 2. and I did some updates. after some updates It will be beta on my machine right?03:57
ChogyDanDamascene: in theory, when beta gets out of course03:58
ZykoticK9Damascene, Beta1 doesn't come out for a while03:59
Damascenemay I ask, why did you say "in theory"?03:59
ChogyDanbugs, thought I've never had much of an issue04:00
yofelwell, it should update to beta just fine...04:01
ZykoticK9Damascene, FYI 19 more days until Alpha 3, and 40 more days until Beta 104:02
DamasceneI see. is there to know that from my system? like a command or something04:02
DamasceneI see thank you04:02
Damascene*is there any way04:03
ZykoticK9Damascene, any way to know what exactly?04:03
Damasceneif I'm using alpha or beta04:04
yofelDamascene: not really, as those are just artificial milestones to make planning easier04:05
ZykoticK9Damascene, i don't think so it just says "development version" or something righ tnow04:05
yofelusually just make sure you have all updates installed and check the schedule where we are right now04:06
Damascenethank you all. I've to go know.04:07
ZykoticK9I'm having an issue with "gnome-screenshot" and would like to submit a bug, but "ubuntu-bug gnome-screenshot" tells me that "Package gnome-screenshot does not exist" should I be using just Gnome as bug source?04:30
crimsunubuntu-bug gnome-utils04:31
crimsuni.e., the gnome-utils binary package provides /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot04:32
ZykoticK9crimsun, thanks - may i asked how you where able to find the parent package?04:32
crimsunI used dlocate, but you can use dpkg -S or apt-file04:33
crimsunor http://packages.ubuntu.com04:33
ZykoticK9crimsun, thanks04:33
crimsunor, !find /usr/bin/gnome-screenshot04:33
ZykoticK9crimsun, that's a lot of options04:34
crimsun(or not, I may have screwed the syntax)04:34
legodudehi everyone, in dolphin all of the folder icons have now been replaced by printers?04:47
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billybigriggerwhich driver should i be using for an ati mobility 4200hd?05:54
billybigriggercan't tell what im using, as i have no xorg.conf05:56
RAOFThen you're using the correct driver.05:56
RAOFYou can find out what you're using by checking /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:57
RAOFOr opening System->Administration->Log File Viewer & checking Xorg.0.log there.05:57
billybigriggerjust a bunch of (II) RADEON(0): Modeline05:58
billybigriggernot much info05:58
ZykoticK9billybigrigger, "lspci -nnk" might be of some assistance < just learned that command tonight, well the -nnk part anyway05:58
billybigriggernice command05:59
billybigriggerwell nice flag i should say haha05:59
billybigriggerkernel driver in use: radeon kernel modules: radeon05:59
RAOFbillybigrigger: Searching for “driver” in Xorg.0.log will find you the various drivers X is using.05:59
RAOFYou'll be using ati, which is an alias for radeon.06:00
rwwbillybigrigger: If you have a bunch of RADEON lines in your Xorg.0.log, you're using xserver-xorg-video-radeon.06:00
RAOFAs I understand it, there's no particularly good reason to use anything but radeon.06:00
rwwfglrx has better 3D support for some cards. fglrx is also a pain in the backside and I loathe it. I'd recommend radeon almost always.06:01
RAOFOh, yeah.  What I actually meant was “there's no particularly good reason to use radeonhd over radeon”.  There are obvious reasons to use fglrx.06:01
ZykoticK9with Lucid it is becoming even more clear Nvidia is the gfx of choice for linux (or ubuntu anyway)06:02
rwwZykoticK9: xserver-xorg-video-radeon is getting better each release. R6xx cards (including the one I use) now have basic 3D support using the Free driver. I'll stick with ATI myself.06:02
RAOFWhy?  Because there'll be a basic-functionality nouveau package?06:03
hifiR600 works fine for me06:03
ZykoticK9rww, RAOF lucid introduces not only the Nouveau driver, but special nvidia support (3 drives simultaneously installed)06:04
skydromeanyone use linux putty?06:04
hifiwhy would we06:05
skydromecant seem to get it to paste into putty screen06:05
skydromeidk why you would, but i use it06:05
hifiwhy do you use it06:05
skydromestores a lot of sessions06:05
skydromeeasy to click on one and load it06:05
skydromeanswering questions with questions...06:06
hifibad habit06:06
hifibut it's natural when you think someone is doing something stupid06:06
hifithough, you have a good point06:06
skydromeok sherlock holmes06:06
skydromeanyone else?06:06
ZykoticK9skydrome, i use putty if i'm in a windows environment, but in linux i just stick to the regular terminal (i create shortcuts to the different servers i connect to)06:08
hifiI personally upload my public key onto all servers and make an alias for every server in .ssh/config06:08
hifiso I just "ssh alias" and the magic happens06:09
RAOF*I* use GNOME Do to do my SSH.  Throw the configuration in .ssh/config, and I can shell in with the Do SSH plugin :)06:09
skydromeok how do i use my private keys using ssh?06:09
bjsniderRAOF, yes but all of the gnome-do devs are shifty characters06:10
ZykoticK9skydrome, you seem to be getting better answers here then in #ubuntu :)06:10
skydromelol i know right06:10
hifiskydrome: have a file called "id_rsa" in .ssh/ (which is the private part)06:10
hifiI don't know how you have generated the key06:11
skydromeok thanks06:11
skydromei used puttygen06:11
hifithe file should start with a line saying "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY"06:11
skydromeok well i guess ill start making some alias's :) thanks hifi06:13
hifiHost alias\n\tUser <user>\n\tHostname <real host>06:14
hifito .ssh/config06:14
hifialso the very little known controlmaster setting is a must06:15
hifiHost *\n\tControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p\n\tControlMaster auto06:15
skydromewhats the diff between dsa and rsa?06:15
hifiand all your simultaneous ssh connections to the same host will me auto-authenticated06:15
hifiwill be*06:15
skydromeawesome mate06:16
hifiquite handy when you scp files to remote server while you have a ssh connection open06:16
DanaGdamnit, how does a thing segfault in a frigging MATH operation?06:30
DanaGer, sorry.06:30
DanaGwrong tab in pidgin. a06:30
CosmiChaosis anyone able to boot to winxp/xp-x64-NTFS-partition from grub2?07:40
CosmiChaosi get the message "GRUB _" with a blinking cursor and nothing happening, especially the x64 makes my pc-speaker beep repeatingly at that moment07:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 518007 in udev "Asus Eee Function Keys (Hotkeys) are not working with Lucid 10.04" [Undecided,New]07:53
DamasceneI've field this yesterday. now I've one key working after doing update07:54
Damascenethe key is F7, it turns the screen off.07:54
ZykoticK9Damascene, you might want to "Add comment" to your bug with the updated info07:55
DamasceneI think so. but how to to collect package information and added to the report?07:56
Damascene*add it07:56
ZykoticK9Damascene, ? dunno man07:56
CosmiChaosthe os-prober works nice for the windows-oses even when i look for the grub.cfg it seems to be alright (uuids, hd0=a..,1=1) what is wrong?07:57
DamasceneOK, thank you any way07:57
ZykoticK9Damascene, can't you just use ubuntu-bug and select the same bug when the browser opens?  i've never done it before07:58
DamasceneI tried that but only gave me the choice to chose if this bug effects me to or to subscribe to it.08:01
Damasceneshould I ask the ubuntu bug people?08:01
ZykoticK9Damascene, do they have a channel?08:01
Damasceneyes :)08:01
Damascenebut this is better for Lucid as I heard08:02
ZykoticK9Damascene, well there you go!  they would be the people to ask on the "how to update" your bug for sure08:02
DamasceneI'll do. thank you08:03
CosmiChaosHere is the Pastebin. WIndows Xp broke from Grub. Everything looks alright. http://paste.ubuntu.com/370782/08:04
CosmiChaoswhat does drivemap -s (hd0) ${root} is related to?08:05
CosmiChaosstill broke :(08:15
tgpraveenhey people I saw so many blog posts on the new me menu but I have08:17
tgpraveena fully updated lucid and I still don't see the text entry box and chat account and broadcast account and other new options08:17
RAOFYou need to log out and log in before it'll get loaded.08:18
DanaGAs long as they keep taking away the system-menu logout items, I WILL NOT use that "user" applet thingy.08:20
tgpraveenDanaG: which logout items are you referring to?08:20
tgpraveendoesn't shutdown,etc have its own08:20
tgpraveenmenu beside the me menu08:20
DanaGThat's what I mean.08:21
DanaGI want them in the NORMAL place, not in Ubuntu's weird place.08:21
DanaGsystem->logou.......... wtf? where the heck is the logout item?08:21
tgpraveenwell it's a matter of opinion I guess. I find this more practically useful though less easier to find/use08:22
vishtgpraveen: restart the system , or atleast the session ;)08:22
DanaGNow, try logging out with keyboard.08:22
* vish argh! just saw DanaG already replied to that :/08:22
tgpraveenvish: :-)08:22
tgpraveenDanaG: there is a bug open for keyboard access for applets08:23
CosmiChaoshello am i muted or what?08:23
tgpraveenspecifically for the logout one08:23
DanaGStill, I think the logout one should NOT remove the normal logout stuff!08:23
tgpraveenCosmiChaos: heard your last msg08:23
tgpraveenCosmiChaos: hello am i muted or what?08:23
vishCosmiChaos: if someone knows/knew they would have replied ;)08:23
CosmiChaosthx for the ping08:24
vishDanaG: i think you can revert that [system>logout option].. it is somewhere in the gconf[indicator applet turns it off]08:25
tgpraveenvish: that hiding notifications in fullscreen isn't going to be fixed in lucid right?08:27
vishtgpraveen: nope08:27
vishtgpraveen: but it should be in time for lucid.. notify-osd has stalled for some time... they will pick it up again at some point08:28
vishbefore release08:28
tgpraveenvish: hmm iirc the notify-osd related blueprint said it was all postponed08:29
tgpraveenthey really haven't worked on anything in this area this cycle08:29
vishtgpraveen: which? i dont think so..08:29
ZykoticK9does "Multimedia Systems Selector" (method to select ALSA as default audio in 9.10) exist somewhere in Lucid?08:29
vishtgpraveen: only recently i saw an update for notify-osd... it should be in the pipes soon.. its a high priority bug ;P08:30
tgpraveenhope so08:31
coz_so was it determined that the problem with no drivers under  hardware drivers is plymouth?08:59
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CosmiChaosStill booting Windows from grub2 is broke, stopping at GRUB _ (no error or warning) - http://paste.ubuntu.com/370782/09:37
tmwanyone can help me?09:43
coz_tmw,  not sure who is here right now  but generally  just ask a question09:43
tmwis the lucid going to come is april?09:44
tmwi have09:44
tmwis it beta version?09:45
coz_tmw,   yes  at the end of April09:45
tmwthat i have09:45
vish!schedule | tmw09:45
ubottutmw: A schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule09:45
tmwmy is beta version?09:45
coz_tmw,   right now it is alpha 109:45
ZykoticK9tmw, if you have Lucid right now it's ALPHA - before beta09:45
coz_sorry alpha 209:45
ZykoticK9coz_, tmw actually alpha 2 (you got it)09:46
coz_tmw,   I guess you are having issues ?09:46
tmwi need the gnome 3 support09:46
tmwin ubuntu09:46
ZykoticK9tmw, gnome 3 will NOT be the default in Lucid09:46
vishtmw: you can run gnome3 in Ubuntu as of now09:47
tmwso any way is there i can get it?09:47
rwwgnome3 and gnome-shell aren't the same thing.09:47
vishah and that too ^ ;)09:47
ZykoticK9tmw, gnome-shell is the interface that gnome3 will use - it can be installed in Karmic or Lucid09:47
rwwAssuming you actually mean gnome-shell, which is in karmic anyway, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell, and then run gnome-shell --replace, I think.09:48
tmwbut how i can install it?09:48
tmwany website?09:48
tmwor command09:48
coz_sudo apt-get install gnome-shell09:48
vishtmw: read what rww wrote :)09:48
coz_there is a gnome 3.09 beta09:49
coz_never tried it though09:49
tmwi got another question09:49
tmwis there any way in which i can break the apt lock09:49
tmwso i can run many apt commands09:50
ZykoticK9tmw, i don't think so09:50
coz_nix the gnome3 beta I mentioned09:52
coz_tmw,  did you try it?09:55
tmwits in progress09:55
coz_tmw,  you mean installling?09:55
vishhehe , Bug 518191 , something which was bugging me ;p09:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518191 in gwibber "Button state as "pressed" is more ideal and consistent system-wide" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51819109:58
coz_was the "no drivers in hardware drivers"  solve? I wasnt able to stick around yesterday10:00
tmw1that was not good10:04
tmw1black screen came first looked good10:04
coz_tmw1,   I meant yikes   that's not good...10:05
coz_tmw1,  but last I tried it on Karmic   it was not real impressive10:05
billybigriggertmw1, where is this 3.09 beta you speak of?10:06
coz_billybigrigger,  that was me and I was  stupid and not paying attention when I mentioned that10:06
billybigriggeri thought 2.29 which is really 3.0 (correct??) wasn't going to be around for another year or so10:07
billybigriggeror is it 2.30 = 3.010:07
coz_billybigrigger,  I honestly have no idea10:07
tmwfirst black screen came and then i was not able to uderstand it10:08
tmwgod knows what was it10:08
coz_tmw,  well  I works on 9.10 but as I said  It is not impressive..and uses more resources at this stage than I like10:08
tmwThis error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Futhermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.10:09
tmwthis came when i try to install using ubuntu software centre10:09
CosmiChaosSo here is the bug-report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/51833010:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 518330 in grub2 "Booting WindowsXp/Xp-X64 out of Grub2 just echos "GRUB _" blinking cursor" [Undecided,New]10:12
CosmiChaosi hope anybody willt ake this serious10:16
tmwanyone knows some games that need 3d accelration to run?10:17
CosmiChaosglxgears xD10:17
tmwa small size game10:18
tmwi want to know whether my nvidia card can run it or not10:19
CosmiChaoscan anybody fix my windows?  xD10:19
tmwwhat help u nedd?10:19
billybigriggertmw, if your looking for graphics benchmarking, you can try phoronix test suite10:19
ZykoticK9tmw, does glxgears currently work?10:19
CosmiChaosSo here is the bug-report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/51833010:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 518330 in grub2 "Booting WindowsXp/Xp-X64 out of Grub2 just echos "GRUB _" blinking cursor" [Undecided,New]10:19
billybigriggergreat linux benchmarking software, you can test disk, system, gfx, pretty much every aspect of your pc10:19
tmwglxgears command runs fine10:19
ZykoticK9tmw, OpenAreana is another free 3d game (based on Quake3 engine)10:20
CosmiChaostmw, than you graphic card driver successfully ran hardware acceleration :)10:20
CosmiChaostry "glxinfo | direct"10:21
tmwis supertux a 3d grahics game?10:21
CosmiChaosi mean "glxinfo | grep rendering"10:22
CosmiChaosmost of the 3d games for linux require that10:23
tmwdirect rendering: Yes10:24
tmwis the asnwer10:24
CosmiChaosthat is good10:24
CosmiChaosso you want a special game-type?10:24
tmwi just want to test10:25
tmwthat my nvidia grahpics card runs or not10:25
tmwhow to disable the graphic card?10:26
CosmiChaostmw: shut off your computer and remove the graphic card xD10:28
tmwnice answer10:28
tmwand if i want the graphic card to be there but be disabled?10:29
CosmiChaostmw, http://www.lokigames.com/products/10:29
CosmiChaostmw: you cannot disable graphic cards except you have those new mainboard technologies that feature it by enablabling a onboard graphic ship10:30
tmwin lokigames website10:31
tmwi can download the games?10:32
tmwor buy them?10:32
CosmiChaosnow you need to have the original pc-game than download a linux-native isntaller for that content: http://www.liflg.org/?catid=610:33
CosmiChaosthe installer is useless without the content since it only replaces the main executables10:34
CosmiChaosi dont know if the loki installer would work nice with latest kernels because the loki software is closed since 200210:35
pinohow can i manage user groups and permition by graphical interface in lucid? it seems that there is no a dedicated utility in the system setting panel10:35
CosmiChaosanyhow the installers site updated 2010 with happy new year and too provides beta installers for many more games10:35
CosmiChaosGnome-Menu > System > System Administration > Users and Groups10:36
pinoCosmiChaos: im using kubuntu10:37
CosmiChaostmw, actually http://www.epicgames.com/ is providing some stuff too10:38
CosmiChaostmw, or you can explore http://www.linuxgamepublishing.com/10:39
tgpraveen12after the last update and restarting my system i can no longer mount my USB device10:39
CosmiChaostmw, since all the sites i gave you give plenty of free DEMOs you are free to test10:40
pinoCosmiChaos: to whom can i ask for my problm10:40
tgpraveen12i get a msg whenever i insert a USB disk . "not authorized to mount"10:41
tgpraveen12and i did notice that my last update updated a package called mount10:41
tgpraveen12pls help10:41
tmwit gives a mirror how do i install that?10:41
CosmiChaospino, i have no idea sry10:41
tgpraveen12the exact error msg10:41
tgpraveen12"Unable to mount PRAVEEN EXTERNAL HDD. not authorized."10:42
CosmiChaosrun the run lol tmw10:42
tmwcannot see the run which i need to run10:44
CosmiChaosthere http://demofiles.linuxgamepublishing.com/postal2/ is a postal2_demo.run sized 169mb, download it, then  "sudo chmod +x postal2_demo.run" and "sudo sh postal2_demo.run" then isntall and play10:45
tgpraveen12can everybody else mount their USB drives after latest updates and restart?10:46
tmwyes i can10:48
tmwit gives some mirrors how to install them?10:48
tmwwhen i run a game it runs very slow what to do?10:50
iktis there anything major that needs testing?10:51
iktin lucid10:51
ikteverything is running pretty well for me, there's a small bug in the installation but otherwise10:52
coolbhavimy wifi range with nm is very small i have to keep the laptop near to the modem itself to get a signal detection and with wicd it worked fine but i upgraded my laptopand i m getting import gtk failed10:59
coolbhavidaemon not running10:59
coolbhaviand this is the 6th time i m asking so pls help11:00
guntbert!patience | coolbhavi11:08
ubottucoolbhavi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.11:08
coolbhavieven m not able to run wifi-radar http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m4759d89111:09
RAOFcoolbhavi: How have you installed wifi-radar?  Because that indicates that you don't have its dependencies properly installed.11:16
coolbhaviRAOF, through aptitude11:16
RAOFAnd do you have python-gtk2 installed?11:17
coolbhaviroot@bhavani-laptop:/home/bhavani# apt-get install python-gtk211:18
coolbhaviReading package lists... Done11:18
coolbhaviBuilding dependency tree11:18
coolbhaviReading state information... Done11:18
coolbhavipython-gtk2 is already the newest version.11:18
RAOFThere's obviously some bug happening, then.  Try running “python” and typing “import gtk” to see if that works.11:19
RAOFI'm not going to be able to help you to debug, because I'm off, but that looks to be where to start.11:19
RAOFAlternatively you can simply file a bug against wifi-radar11:19
coolbhavi>>> import gtk11:20
coolbhaviTraceback (most recent call last):11:20
coolbhavi  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>11:20
coolbhaviImportError: No module named gtk11:20
RAOFWell, so your python-gtk2 would seem to be broken.11:20
coolbhaviso shall i purge python-gtk2 n reinstall?11:21
RAOFProbably won't hurt.11:21
ueu001How broken is lucid atm?12:51
yofelueu001: that depends on the hardware you're using, how many bugs you can tolerate and the current star constellation12:52
ueu001yofel: is there something critical that is not working or borked?I can handle most things, but if the kernel/grub/etc. is broken, then I cannot get to the desktop12:53
yofelwe did have a discussion about unbootable systems yesterday12:53
yofelseems to be plymouth (and possibly nvidia) related12:53
ueu001ok thanks, I will wait a while and possily consult the forums/mailing lists about that12:55
iktI'm trying to find bugs tbh12:55
iktI thought this was alpha12:55
iktfeels more stable than 9.10 on release :x12:55
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:42
BluesKajHey folks13:45
DamasceneHey BluesKaj13:46
BluesKajhi Damascene13:46
BluesKajwonder if the login/plymouth is fixed on kde4.4 yet , been using the gnome login screen with kde desktop13:48
penguin42BluesKaj: Things can get very confused; my karmic box has had kde, gnome and xfce installed - I get a xubuntu boot screen, gdm, and a kde shutdown I think13:53
BluesKajhehe, yeah penguin42 , I use gnome to rescue my install due to the kde4.4  instability , but this latest prob has no preference it's plymouth apparently which is also a part of kde , from what the experts tell me.13:56
BluesKajI cheated and did reinstall to /  from the latest lucid13:57
jakubohi there13:57
BluesKajthe config files are retained so it's jaust a small bit of bother to restore some non default apps13:57
jakubomy computer always crashes (xserver dose apparently cause sound works) when hitting enter13:57
BluesKajhi jakubo13:58
jakuboany idea?13:58
alex_mayorgaanyone with pidgin installed?13:58
jakuboafter crash when i enter anything via keyboard i can see grey spots moving in the upper taskbar13:59
Damascenenot me13:59
BluesKajdoes it rstore the desktop after a few secs ,13:59
alex_mayorgajakubo, nvidia card?13:59
yofelalex_mayorga: BUGabundo uses pidgin, he's not here right now though13:59
jakuboand i have to fix the filesystem on the disk (but that might be due to raid0 - sotfware)14:00
alex_mayorgaI saw black, white, gray garbling at the top of the lcd the other day14:00
alex_mayorgajakubo, is gdm borked as well14:00
alex_mayorgayeah! it looks like a bunch of black, grey and brown lines14:01
jakuboactually i dont really know where gdm starts and where it ends so i cant tell you14:01
jakuboyeah quite like that14:01
jakuboits just not lines14:01
jakubooh and, i cannot switch to any console14:02
jakubocause they ... dont really exist14:02
jakubojust different letters and signs all over the screen14:03
jakuboso its the nvidia driver?14:03
BluesKajjakubo, use the latest live cd and reinstall to / , without formatting .Your config files will be retained .14:04
jakuboi cant14:05
BluesKajbummer :(14:05
jakuboi have spend 5 f***** days trying, i need to install from alternative cd14:05
jakubodue to raid14:05
jakuboafter having reached 95% it sais it failed to install grub14:06
jakuboi tried it for 20 times14:06
jakuboso.. isnt there any remedy?14:07
jakubolike installing the nvidia driver? or something? im using nv atm14:08
BluesKajwhich nvidia card , jakubo ?14:08
jakubo8600 GS14:09
alex_mayorgajakubo, on gdm (login) do alt+ctrl+sys rq+K14:10
alex_mayorgathat gives back an usable login screen14:10
jakuboi dont have a loginscreen, i use autologin14:10
alex_mayorgaat least it does on my laptop14:10
jakuboim currently on the ubuntu im talking about14:11
jakuboit works fine, although it doesnt have skype in repos and theis driver thing14:11
jakuboif you wonder how i sen messages... ... right-click, and send14:12
BluesKajso you can get to a tty prompt ?14:13
jakuboif you mean alt+ctrl+Fx14:14
jakuboi just wonder how the graphics driver is connected to the keyboard input14:15
CosmiChaosAnyone affected by: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/518330 please confirm bug14:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 518330 in grub2 "Booting WindowsXp/Xp-X64 out of Grub2 just echos "GRUB _" blinking cursor" [Undecided,New]14:16
thopiekarhi.. when will be the evtouch driver installable? I mean without removing other drivers..14:16
thopiekarand what about the poulsbo (Intel GMA500) graphics driver will it be available when lucid will be release in May? I can't find even sources of the driver on the internet... if so I would make my own packages for my ppa.. the old drivers that are used on jaunty and karmic are not working.. see: ppa:~thopiekar/lucid-dev14:19
jakuboin what state is the nouveau driver?14:24
SevenMachinesjakubo: nouveau has no 3d acceleration, thats the only bad thing14:27
SevenMachinesit will be shipped as default in lucid and will enter the kernel in 2.6.3314:27
jakuboi dont use 3d for now14:27
SevenMachinesyou should be fine then14:28
SevenMachinestry, https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/nouveau14:28
jakubobut when trying to install over synaptic it wanted to uninstall all the orther drivers and ubuntru desktop and stuff14:28
SevenMachinesthose are the test packages that will eventually enter lucid14:28
jakuboand the closed driver? does it work at all?14:29
SevenMachinesjakubo: thats the out of date repository version, its not ready for X 1.7, you need the xorg-edgers ppa for the moment14:29
SevenMachinesnvidia-current is the closed source one, its 190, should work fine, no plymouth though (due to the lack of framebuffer)14:30
jakubolonger boot?14:31
SevenMachinesmeans no boot up screen, the ubuntu logo usplash thing you'll remember from karmic14:31
jakubothere has been none so far for me in lucid ....14:32
SevenMachinesits not a speed thing, the closed source works fine, the nouveau edgers ppa should be fine too if you dont really need 3d acceleration14:32
jakubodoes it mean theres something strange?14:32
jakubofor 3d im using arch linux where im using the nvidia driver14:33
SevenMachinestheres problems with plymouth and some drivers at the moment14:33
jakuboso if i dont want to bring in any special new drivers i will have to wait until this plymouth thing is ready?14:34
CrashbitSevenMachines: the ppa nouveau edgers not work properly with the nv5014:35
SevenMachinesjakubo: nvidia-current from the repository will be fine (i'm using it right now!), you just dont get a graphical boot screen, otherwise boot is fine14:37
jakubowell it did work very good so far....14:37
jakubook, how do i get it?14:38
jakubothere has been a problem when trying to get it14:38
SevenMachinesCrashbit: its under testing, i've personally had no problem with it but you may want to open a thread on the forum and see14:38
SevenMachinesjakubo: what problem?14:38
jakuboit didnt finish14:38
Crashbitjakubo: use synaptic, jockey have a bug14:39
jakubohow will i be able to change back to plymouth back again?14:40
SevenMachinesjakubo: change back to plymouth? i dont understand14:41
jakuboi thought the nvidia current doesnt like plymouth, so i thought it will be uninstalled14:42
SevenMachinesplymouth doesnt give a splash with nvidia binary, it doesnt uninstall it14:43
jakubowelll... its not that important.. if you need any further information about my hardware or log files or anything, please tell me now, so i ll leave you my email addres, ill just avoid using enter/return for now14:44
SevenMachinesps. what card do you have? you might need one of the legacydrivers instees14:44
SevenMachinesthats ok, its the nvidia-current (190 driver ) you need then14:45
jakuboill see14:45
jakubothx, i need to learn, for ill have exams soon14:45
alex_mayorgaSevenMachines, I've got "nVidia Corporation Device 0a2a (rev a2)" on my laptop, would it work for me?14:48
SevenMachinesGeForce GT 230M ? thats nvidia-current supported14:51
alex_mayorgaSevenMachines, it seems, thanks, so only catch is install via synaptic?14:51
SevenMachinesi dont know if jockey works or not, if it doesnt then it will with synaptic14:52
SevenMachineswith synaptic you need to add/create the driver to /etx/X11/xorg.conf remember14:53
SevenMachinescurrent list of lucid nvidia packages with the gpu's they support http://paste.ubuntu.com/370975/14:54
tamalemornin' all14:54
tamaletrying out the lucid lynx alpha 2, just finished upgrading all my packages and rebuilding the nvidia driver, and my GDM display is all messed up14:55
tamalewhat really baffles me is that I have no /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:55
tamaleanyone have some time to help me troubleshoot?14:56
penguin42tamale: xor.gconf hasn't been needed for a few releases14:57
penguin42tamale: You can always drop one in if you need to tweak something14:57
alex_mayorgaSevenMachines: mind putting "with synaptic you need to add/create the driver to /etx/X11/xorg.conf" in layman terms14:58
tamalepenguin42: wow14:58
tamalepenguin42: so, how do I even tell if my configuration is using the nvidia driver?14:58
penguin42tamale: Now I don't know Nvidia stuff, but in general /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you what happened14:59
tamalepenguin42: Hmm.. empty.14:59
tamalepenguin42: How do I check the current xorg config if the file doesn't exist?14:59
penguin42how about /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old ?15:00
tamalepenguin42: (in general)15:00
SevenMachinesalex_mayorga: you need to edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf to look like http://paste.ubuntu.com/370993/ , if it doesnt look like that already. this is taken care of by jockey so if its working for you then you should use it15:00
penguin42tamale: It dynamically figures it out and tells you what it did in the log; having said that you might want to follow what Seven is telling alex for nvidia - I'm an ATI and Intel penguin myself15:00
alex_mayorgaSevenMachines, let me give that a try, wish me luck :)15:02
SevenMachineslet me emphasize, use jockey if you can!15:02
alex_mayorgayeah! an empathy update, I wonder if that would kill bug 401028 for good15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401028 in pymsn "telepathy-butterfly crashed with TypeError in b64decode()" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40102815:03
tamaleyeah, I just tried tha tmyself and rebooted15:04
tamalewill let you know15:04
bjsnideralso, the command to make the alternative ssytem use the nvidia-current alternative has to be run. that would normally be executed by jockey15:07
bjsniderbut that command is kicking around out there somewhere15:08
SevenMachinesyep, i forgot about that, its new :)15:08
bjsniderthat's only for the glx side of it though15:08
SevenMachinesi think its done in postinst when you install nvidia-current15:09
SevenMachinesyes, it is15:09
penguin42what are the languages dz and enΩshaw ?15:12
SevenMachinesis dz bhutan?15:13
penguin42shrug - it could be, it's one of the few ones I don't seem to have fonts for15:14
SevenMachineshold on, dzongkha!15:14
SevenMachinesits in the language packs i think15:15
SevenMachinesen shaw is Shavian, which i take it is some unusual form of english15:17
alex_mayorgaSevenMachines: how do I tell if the nvidia driver is now in use?15:19
* penguin42 hates to think why we've actually got translations in it!15:20
tamalepenguin42: Well, something different happened this time GMD looks right but is unresponsive15:20
SevenMachinesalex_mayorga: look at $ glxinfo|head15:22
SevenMachinesit should say NVIDIA Corporation, and direct rendering: yes15:23
alex_mayorgaseems like I need to install mesa-utils first15:23
SevenMachinesyou could look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log instead if you like15:24
SevenMachines$cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep NVIDIA will tell you a bunch of stuff xorg did15:25
bjsnidernvidia-settings will tell you if the driver is in use or not15:25
bjsniderbut the ddx driver could be in use without the glx side15:26
BluesKajI had to reconfigure X, with nvidia-xconfig , otherwidse i had a very low frame rate and no DIR , after reinstalling the nvidi-current driver15:26
BluesKajwhich is the 190.53 in my case15:27
bjsnideralberto has also packaged the 195 driver in his ppa. that one includes the opncl stuff and accelerates xrender, which for kde people will be very nice15:28
SevenMachinesi've been waiting to try some opencl stuff15:28
alex_mayorgaups seems like I only managet to crash glxinfo :(15:28
bjsniderwhat does it do?15:29
BluesKajbjsnider, does the 195 work on your setup ?15:29
bjsnideri'm not using lucid, nor would i ever think of using kde.15:30
alex_mayorgagot this15:31
alex_mayorgaXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".15:31
alex_mayorgaError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig15:31
alex_mayorgathen apport kicked in15:31
BluesKajwhy not kde ? is it too "windows" looking , bjsnider?15:31
bjsniderthis is where jockey comes in. you need to ruin the command to use the nvidia-current glx alternatives15:31
bjsnideri don't have that command in front of me but you can find it15:32
alex_mayorgaallthat when I ran glxinfo|head15:32
SevenMachinesyou might want to put you Xorg.0.log on pastebin15:32
bjsniderBluesKaj, it sucks. i hate the voluble explanations, all of the extraneous options. it's not my cup of tea15:33
alex_mayorgaSevenMachines, OK let me15:34
bjsniderno, he doesn't need to run the xconfig command, his xorg.conf already has the nvidia driver in it15:34
alex_mayorgahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/371011 does it help?15:37
alex_mayorgathis is nvidia card on a VAIO laptop, dunno if that complicates stuff even more15:37
SevenMachinesis the driver loaded ? $dmesg |grep nvidia15:38
alex_mayorgaSevenMachines, looks like no, that last command gives me no output15:39
SevenMachinesdid nvidia-current install without any errors?15:40
alex_mayorgaso I need to modify my xorg.conf?15:40
SevenMachinestry $sudo modprobe nvidia and see what is says15:40
alex_mayorgaSevenMachines, synaptic didn't say anything15:40
alex_mayorgaFATAL: Module nvidia not found.15:41
SevenMachinesah, try $sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current15:41
bjsnidertry dkms status15:41
alex_mayorgaI think the're was this on synaptic but I don't think is related: "/usr/share/themes/Human/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:85: Murrine configuration option "gradients" is no longer supported and will be ignored."15:42
bjsniderthat's got nothing to do wtih it15:42
alex_mayorgaoh, OK15:42
bjsniderwhat does dkms status give you?15:42
alex_mayorgashould I do dkms status or just go ahead and reinstall?15:42
BluesKajbjsnider, fair enough, do you alberto ppa url , i might give the 195 a shot15:42
SevenMachinesdo dkms status first15:43
alex_mayorganvidia-current, 190.53, 2.6.32-12-generic, x86_64: installed15:43
tamalegetting closer - this time GDM loads and works, but it says the kernel module failed to load - no drive15:43
bjsniderthen it's just a xorg.conf issue15:43
alex_mayorgathere are also a number of virtualbox-ose lines15:43
SevenMachinesalex_mayorga: and your booted into the  2.6.32-12-generic kernel?15:44
bjsniderwhat does your xorg.conf file say?15:44
alex_mayorgathis is uname: "Linux VPCCW1FFXL 2.6.32-12-generic"15:44
alex_mayorgaso I'm pretty sure I did15:44
SevenMachinesi think the fact that the module wont modprobe could be the key problem15:45
BUGabundodid I read new nvidia driver some where?15:45
BUGabundois it fixing my probs again15:45
alex_mayorgabjsnider, apologies what's the complete path for xorg.conf?15:45
bjsniderrun this command: grep nvidia /etc/modprobe.d/*15:46
tamale1here's my error message: (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module-specific error, 0)15:47
tamale1(EE) No drivers available.15:47
BUGabundotamale yeah, known15:47
BUGabundobeen complaining of that since late Friday15:47
BUGabundobug 51805815:47
tamale1BUGabundo: ok, so what is the current status?15:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518058 in plymouth "[lucid] system freezes after GDM with nvidia and 2.6.32-12" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51805815:47
tamale1ok thanks15:47
alex_mayorgabjsnider: http://paste.ubuntu.com/371016/15:47
BUGabundojust strip plymouth, and use VESA15:48
BUGabundono 3D , but usable system until this is fixed15:48
tamale1'ubuntu way' to switch to VESA?15:48
alex_mayorgaseems like my .conf still has vesa, do I fix manually?15:48
void^_hum, i'm on nvidia-current now without issues, just got rid of plymouth15:48
tamale1void^_: how'd you get rid of plymouth15:48
bjsnideralex_mayorga,  sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local.conf15:49
void^_apt-get remove'd it15:49
alex_mayorgabjsnider: done15:50
bjsnideralex_mayorga, run sudo nvidia-xconfig if you want. i'd avoid it though. it adds unnecessary crap15:50
bjsnideri think SevenMachines posted a xorg.conf earlier15:50
ChogyDananyone know how I can collect information about a failed to resume from suspend issue?15:51
alex_mayorgabjsnider: so I edit my .conf with what SevenMachines posted http://paste.ubuntu.com/370993/15:51
bjsniderhe only posted the device section, so only edit that and leave the rest untouched15:52
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: that bug was after you logged in, wasn't it?15:53
alex_mayorgabjsnider: done, reboot?15:54
bjsniderhold on15:54
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I got that even on GDM, if autologin was off15:54
bjsnideralex_mayorga, sudo update-alternatives --display gl_conf15:54
tkoornI cant start krandrtray, I get the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/371018/15:54
alex_mayorgabjsnider, bunch of lines, last one "Current `best' version is /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ld.so.conf"15:55
bjsniderthat's good. alright, reboot15:55
alex_mayorgaOK, I have to go for half an hour, would you be aroun in 45 min?15:56
bjsniderunless i'm dead15:56
tamaleI can keep going lol15:57
tamaleI have the exact same problems as alex15:57
tamalejust removed plymouth15:57
alex_mayorgabjsnider: I hope that won't be the case, let you know in 30 or so minutes15:57
tamalestill getting the error15:57
SevenMachinesAlberto Milone's proprietary-video-improvements ppa, super! now i can be lazy again :)15:58
BUGabundotamale: did you change to VESA?15:59
BluesKajSevenMachines, got a url or deb ppa ?15:59
bjsniderwhat's especially nice is they can't use the nvidia installer anymore hahahaaa15:59
thopiekarhey.. has somebody of you news about the poulsbo driver?16:00
BUGabundopurge nvidia driver too, and reconfigure X16:00
SevenMachinesBluesKaj: https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/proprietary-video-improvements16:00
thopiekarif not who can I ask (channel)=16:00
tamaleBUGabundo: driver 'nv' ?16:00
BUGabundoand the all nvidid-* bunch stuff16:00
BUGabundomy system is now free of close source blobs LOL16:00
BUGabundoand no 3D :(16:01
tamalecan vesa do dual-monitor?16:01
BUGabundono idea16:01
tamalelol k16:01
bjsniderdidn't Sarvatt say that problem might have to do with enabling apport for xserver-xorg?16:01
BluesKajSevenMachines, thanks !16:01
bjsniderBluesKaj, don't you have a geforce 7k card?16:02
BluesKajyeah bjsnider , geforce7600gt  , but i don't see it listed as supported on the nvidia driver site16:05
bjsniderit is16:05
bjsniderbut that having been said, the nvidia driver is designed primarily for quadro chips comparable to the 8k and later consumer chips16:06
bjsnideryou're not going to get opengl 3.2 support with that card16:07
tamaleack.. took the nvidia driver out completely, and it's still trying to use it upon startup of GDM16:10
BUGabundotamale: did you reconfigure xorg?16:16
bjsniderBUGabundo, nobody can accuse you of not including enough attachments in your bug posts16:18
tamaleI just changed the driver section16:18
tamalehow can I reconfigure it for the vesa?16:18
bjsniderit appears on that last one that you've posted the entire contents of your root drive16:18
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BUGabundobjsnider: thanks to apport .\16:19
BUGabundobjsnider: LOL16:19
BUGabundowhich one ?16:19
bjsniderwell, they want proof, they're going to get proof, right?16:20
Crashbitbuf! linux-backport-modules-nouveau-2.6.32-12-genreic freezes my sistem16:20
BUGabundotamale: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup201016:20
BUGabundotamale: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh  xserver-xorg16:20
BUGabundoCrashbit: WE KNOW16:20
BUGabundoCrashbit: remover nvidia driver and plymouth for now16:21
BUGabundowb maco16:21
dupondjeI wish somebody reviews https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptitude/+bug/39103516:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 391035 in aptitude "aptitude stops displaying downloads" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:23
tamaleBUGabundo: Just did that, still says "nvidia" in driver section16:24
bjsniderjust remove...the file16:24
EgOrI just downloadded kubuntu 10.04 using torrent Hash info "81114FD9 266FA8E5 1A6565A1 319A3B87 087A8FBB " when i try the the live session user name and password is asked.........how do i login.......i downloaded the torrent from cdimages.ubuntu.com16:25
bjsniderit should pick vesa in the absence of any explicit instructions16:25
tamaleok yah16:25
bjsnidereither that or nv16:25
tamaleremoving it worked16:25
BUGabundodupondje: AFAICR you been pushing that bug for over 3 cycles16:25
tamaledarn, still can't do dual monitors though :[16:26
BUGabundotamale: I told you so :p16:26
tamaleit still thinks nvidia is installed for some reason16:26
dupondjeBUGabundo: i'm trying it since Karmic Alpha 2 :) got a fully working patch, so I hope it gets in, as its kinda crap bug for me and prolly some others also :D16:27
BUGabundodupondje: no mather how much I love this community here, you are barking in the wrong place16:28
BUGabundoeither go to #ubuntu-dev or #ubuntu-motu, on week days16:28
dupondjethey sleep in -dev :) and its in sponsor queue :)16:28
EgOrI just downloadded kubuntu 10.04 using torrent Hash info "81114FD9 266FA8E5 1A6565A1 319A3B87 087A8FBB " when i try the the live session user name and password is asked.........how do i login.......i downloaded the torrent from cdimages.ubuntu.com16:28
yofeldupondje: I'll set the bug to Low/Triaged, maybe that'll help16:29
BluesKajSevenMachines, bjsnider, yeah , the 195beta driver frame rate is about the same as the current, DIR and 3D are working ..seems stable enough so far16:29
BUGabundoEgOr: we heard you the fisrt time16:29
SevenMachinesdoesnt seem to want to link to the opencl libraries without adding -L to g++ at the moment, strange16:30
dupondjeyofel: lets hope :) it just needs somebody's attention :)16:30
bjsniderSevenMachines, report it to alberto. he's in the x channel right now16:31
SevenMachinesi'm just looking into it, its the nvidia sdk so i'm always suspicious16:32
bjsnidermight need to create some extra symlinks16:32
bjsniderBluesKaj, doesn't kde seem faster?16:33
EgOrguys tell me if there a way to start the GUI if I am able to login in the console login16:33
yofelEgOr: 'sudo service gdm restart' ?16:34
bcurtiswxanyone having problems with Lucid and VBox?16:34
EgOrthanx yofel16:34
yofelEgOr: or kdm/lxdm or whatever you're using16:35
bcurtiswxi can use the live CD on a VM, install Lucid.. as soon as I upgrade everything it freezes upon startup16:35
bcurtiswxor just doesn't even load16:35
BluesKajbjsnider, well, kde is always fast , I noticed web pages load faster tho16:38
BluesKajbut no google earth :(16:39
BluesKajthgink I'll revert16:39
dupondjesomebody else has Pidgin installed, and also has that the icon is a full white square ?16:48
LADmaticCAI'm having an issue with shutter in lucid. I get a permission denied error when trying to capture from the screen17:06
* penguin42 tries it17:11
penguin42LADmaticCA: It seems to be getting the directory wrong17:12
penguin42LADmaticCA: It's trying to write to /home/Desk 4_001.png rather than /home/username/...17:12
LADmaticCApenguin42, that's right17:13
penguin42LADmaticCA: Go to preferences and change the save directory17:13
penguin42but the default is a bug, do you want to report it ?17:13
LADmaticCApenguin42, cool it works now. do i report the bug to launchpad? or the shutter developers?17:14
DavidJHeinrichhi all, I'm having problems upgrading to 9.1017:14
penguin42LADmaticCA: I'd report it to launchpad, use ubuntu-bug shutter on the command line, if you give me the bug number I'll confirm it17:15
DavidJHeinrichit tells me can't upgrade b/c Skype is marked for removal but is on removal blacklist? HUH?17:15
DavidJHeinrichand if I try to do minor updates (*not to 9.10), it tells me "please insert CD for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS"17:15
DavidJHeinrichthis all started happening after I rebooted into the Live CD for 10.04 LTS ... although I also installed Skype (hadn't rebooted ina long time)17:16
DavidJHeinrichyea, it is really ticking me off17:17
DavidJHeinrichfor minor update, fails with this error msg: W: Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.04 _Lucid Lynx_ - Alpha amd64 (20100203.1)]/pool/main/d/dkms/dkms_2.1.1.1-0ubuntu3_all.deb17:17
penguin42DavidJHeinrich: How did you try and do the upgrade?17:18
DavidJHeinrichjust clicking the buttons17:18
penguin42in update-manager?17:18
DavidJHeinrichclicked "Install Updates", when didn't work, tried "upgrade to 9.10"17:18
penguin42DavidJHeinrich: OK, go to system->admin->software sources and see what's selected, you should be able to remove the CD there17:19
DavidJHeinrichahh, it checked off CDROM 10.04...WHY??? arg17:20
DavidJHeinrichI never checked that box17:20
DavidJHeinrichwas under one of the third-party sources17:20
penguin42I don't know - did you have the CD in the drive when you hit the update button? I don't know if it looks for that ?17:20
DavidJHeinrichhmm...maybe I did one time  ? I don't know, but maybe last inght, not sure17:21
penguin42just a guess - I don't know if it pays any attention to that17:22
coz_BUGabundo, did anything change with the no drivers under  hardware drivers?  I wasnt able to stick around the other day whey you guys were talking17:22
BUGabundocoz_: yes: many more users reporting probs17:23
DavidJHeinrichahh, ok, now I have no updates other than 9.1017:23
BUGabundoother then that _I think_ its unfixed17:23
DavidJHeinrichmaybe that's why the other updates failed...prolly screwy stuff from 10.0417:23
coz_BUGabundo,  oh  :)  at least we have progress  :)17:23
penguin42DavidJHeinrich: Now - do you want to upgrade?17:23
DavidJHeinrichI dunno, I use ATI Catalyst drivers...I've heard some ppl having problems moving 9.04 => 9.1017:24
BUGabundopenguin42: do it a la MSFT : "Are you sure?" " are you REALLY sure?"17:24
tamaleCan anyone just point me in the right direction for getting dual monitors to work with the vesa drivers?17:24
LADmaticCApenguin42, okay I filed that bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shutter/+bug/51845817:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 518458 in shutter "Shutter default save directory is root" [Undecided,New]17:24
penguin42DavidJHeinrich: Well if you do then I'd say run update-manager -d17:24
BUGabundoDavidJHeinrich: well this is for 10.04 not 9.10 or stable releases. for that, please visit #Ubuntu17:24
DavidJHeinrichk, hanks17:25
BUGabundotamale: I don't know if it is possible17:25
DavidJHeinrichthank you for your help re my update problem though! :-)17:25
tamaleheh.. sounds like you're right "The VESA driver does not support dual-head modes."17:26
billybigriggerok this is really starting to bug me in lucid17:26
BUGabundoding ding17:26
billybigriggerwhy can i not select a compiz theme anywhere?17:26
ZykoticK9billybigrigger, compiz doesn't have themes - what are you trying to do?17:26
BUGabundobillybigrigger: no 3D driver working17:26
billybigriggerok, i'm trying to install emerald themes17:27
penguin42LADmaticCA: I've confirmed it17:27
billybigriggeri've install ccsm and fusion-icon, can't seem to find a theme selector anywhere17:27
LADmaticCApenguin42, cool17:27
ZykoticK9billybigrigger, FYI emerald is no longer developed, and thus you should "try" to avoid it's use17:27
billybigriggerso...compiz themes are just supposed to be ignored now?17:28
billybigriggergo back to metacity themes? hah i highly find that reasonable17:28
billybigriggerfind that highly unreasonable17:28
penguin42heck launchpad is slow17:29
* billybigrigger is still waking up17:29
BUGabundobillybigrigger: I like metacity themes17:29
* penguin42 pours coffee into billybigrigger17:29
BUGabundoAHHHHHHHHHHHHHh that burns17:29
* BUGabundo hands penguin42 a cup17:29
* ikonia waves the topic at all the offtopic nonsense17:30
BUGabundoahah sorry17:30
billybigriggerBUGabundo, metacity themes are fine, but compiz themes are much nicer17:32
billybigriggercompiz/gtk is a nice combo, nicer to look at through my eyes than metacity/gtk17:32
BUGabundono idea what you are talking about17:32
BUGabundoI use (when 3D is not broken) themes in my compiz17:32
BUGabundoand it's the same I have in metacity17:33
BUGabundowv chris17:33
billybigriggerok, where do you select your compiz theme then?17:33
billybigriggeri haven't used compiz themes for over a year now and wanted to try them again...17:33
billybigriggerlast i remember was using emerald theme manager for it17:34
BUGabundobillybigrigger: appearance menu ?17:34
coz_billybigrigger,  unfortunately emerald is no longer developed or maintained17:34
ZykoticK9this is no such this as compiz themes - i think you are refering to emerald themes (please try to call things by their name)17:34
billybigriggerok well thats news to me, didn't know you could install compiz themes through appearance now17:34
* billybigrigger wonders what other useful information he's missed over the last 6 months17:35
LADmaticCAanyone using the nvidia-current driver? I'm having some screen tearing in fullscreen playback17:36
coz_billybigrigger,  well I do know we talked about a new decorator for a short talk about 5 months ago but nothing has come of it yet  and since  0.9.xx is still in the process of being ported I doubt any new decorator is going to show up for some time17:36
billybigriggeryeah see, you can't install .emerald themes17:36
billybigrigger^^ through appearance that is17:36
billybigriggerLADmaticCA, what's your video source? and what player?17:36
billybigriggeri'm using nvidia-current on my desktop to watch movies, 720p .mkv's are fine in smplayer17:37
LADmaticCAbillybigrigger, vlc17:37
BUGabundobillybigrigger: DON'T UPGRDATE17:37
coz_billybigrigger,  no never through appearance with emerald themes17:37
LADmaticCAbillybigrigger, oh and i was watching a DVD17:37
billybigriggerBUGabundo, don'17:38
billybigriggert upgrade what? nvidia drivers?17:38
BUGabundoor plymouth17:38
BUGabundoor X17:38
billybigriggerlol like as of when?17:38
BUGabundountil we get this darn bug fixed17:38
billybigriggeri'm fully up to date as of today17:38
BUGabundodon't reboot then17:38
billybigriggerahh, a little late then haha17:38
billybigriggeri have17:38
billybigriggera few times17:38
BUGabundoand you have a fully working 3D desktp ?17:39
* BUGabundo stabs billybigrigger17:39
billybigriggerhmm...i guess friday was my last reboot17:39
billybigriggerbillybigrigger@cabo:~$ uptime17:39
billybigrigger 10:38:58 up 2 days, 10 min,  3 users,  load average: 2.21, 1.65, 1.2817:39
BUGabundothen wait on it17:39
BUGabundoor, join the gang, and reboot NOW17:39
BUGabundowill be fun17:39
billybigriggernope, i'm fine :) haha17:39
billybigriggeris this an nvidia bug?17:39
billybigriggeras i've rebooted my laptop running up to date lucid, with radeon driver and it works fine17:40
BUGabundoyeah something in NVidia and/or plymouth17:40
coz_good thing I have a karmic machine here...i would go nutsy without compiz :)17:42
yofelhm, reboots... I might want to reboot my lucid running home server again sometime...  18:52:33 up 21 days,  1:57,  8 users,  load average: 3.25, 2.72, 2.58   :D17:53
yofelI just somehow get the feeling that I'll have to fix the nvidia driver after rebooting...17:54
billybigrigger_doooo it17:54
yofelit's still running linux-image-2.6.32-10-server in fact  ^^17:55
BUGabundocoz_: what I miss more is the expose and composite colors18:01
coz_BUGabundo,  :) understood18:01
coz_ guys I have to break here...  need to shower and go to the store18:03
BUGabundooik oik18:07
om26erare there any chances of evolution 2.30 in lucid or lucid will ship 2.28.2?18:18
BUGabundoslim to none ?18:21
BUGabundo"Annoy me if you find an error in GNOME's en_GB translation" aahha bruce... lazy arse18:29
BUGabundoman I miss that guy :(18:29
BUGabundohe was great here18:29
BUGabundobut _we_ pushed him away18:29
billybigriggerwe or you? :P18:31
* BUGabundo slaps billybigrigger18:33
BUGabundoI could have said Canonical...18:33
BUGabundobut then you guys would go over me18:33
billybigriggershould have18:33
barfIs it OK to install ubuntu 10.04 from alternate text?18:35
barfOnly needed package is postfix and whatever is needed to run postfix18:35
ZykoticK9barf, using 10.04 as a server is CRAZY right now -- it's only Alpha2!18:35
barfSo what to use?18:35
barf9 something?18:36
ZykoticK9barf, is this a production server?18:36
barfalpha2 from any open source project is usually more stable than releases from Redmond....18:36
vishom26er: it wont land in lucid , it seems to be a re-write18:36
barfIt will be my main mailserver18:36
barfapprox 25 email accounts18:36
ZykoticK9barf, very conservative would be 8.10 the last LTS release, perhaps 9.10 would give you a bit more modern system though18:38
charlie-tca8.04 was the last LTS18:38
om26erwe will se btrfs support in lucid na?18:39
ZykoticK9barf, sorry see charlie-tca not above18:39
ZykoticK9barf, "8.04 was the last LTS" was his correction of me, too you18:40
charlie-tcaYou could install 8.04 server for the mail server, then upgrade directly to 10.04 when it releases18:40
charlie-tcaThey are both LTS and will be stable for servers18:40
charlie-tcaUsing LTS means you don't have cutting edge stuff, but you do have stablility for up to 5 years18:41
barfI need SMTP18:43
barfSSL optional18:43
barfand binding between openLDAP and MTA18:43
barfAnything cutting edge about that?18:43
barfI would prefer 100% text based, no GUI what so ever18:44
BUGabundoother then a new package to create a Mail server OOTB18:44
BUGabundono, nothing new in Ubuntu18:44
BUGabundo9.10 should be fine18:44
ZykoticK9barf, the "server" version is text only18:44
barfI usually tend to install alternate text18:44
barfserver also installs other stuff?18:44
barfI thought server install LAMP no matter what?18:45
barfa new package to create a Mail server OOTB? Which package would that be?18:45
barfIn which version?18:46
om26ervish: gwibber 2.30 in lucid?18:46
vishom26er: most probably.. [but i'm just guessing ]18:47
BUGabundobarf: in 9.1018:47
barfBUGabundo: and the name of the package?18:47
BUGabundobarf: dovecot-postfix18:48
BUGabundo!info dovecot-postfix18:48
ubottudovecot-postfix (source: dovecot): full mail server stack provided by Ubuntu server team. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.2.9-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 521 kB, installed size 628 kB18:48
billybigriggerdovecot-postfix doesn't create a mail server ootb for you though18:48
BUGabundobarf: start with minimal iso, install ubuntu-base or ubuntu-standard18:48
om26ervish: 2.29.1 already fixes tones of bugs18:49
BUGabundoand then other packages you want18:49
BUGabundobillybigrigger why not?18:49
billybigriggerthere is still some configuration needed18:49
BUGabundodone on install time18:49
barfThat’s OK18:49
* vish points om26er to BUGabundo 18:49
barfOpenLDAP? Or MySQL for virtual host?18:49
* BUGabundo stabs om26er18:49
billybigriggerbarf, is this your first mail server install???18:49
om26erdamn y18:50
BUGabundogwibber is UGLY broken now18:50
barfBut the previous one used /etc/postfix/virtual18:50
billybigriggerbarf: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/email-services.html18:50
billybigrigger^^^ very helpful18:50
* BUGabundo hands om26er and o18:50
om26erBUGabundo: 2.0.0?18:50
* BUGabundo hands om26er and u18:50
barfSo there are probably more modern ways to configure this in the year 201018:50
BUGabundoand spells YOU18:50
barfThank you18:51
BUGabundoom26er: I'm still running the old DEB and testing trunk branch dailly18:51
BUGabundobarf: no. we use postfix as recommended18:51
barfOk, som it’s Exim from debian18:51
barfan alternative MTA18:51
barfAnd Dovecot? What is that?18:52
charlie-tcabarf: server edition now installs only what you tell it too. Without giving it the options, it will install the basic operating system only18:52
billybigriggerbarf, replacment for courier18:52
charlie-tcaBut it will install a kernel optimized for server user18:52
BUGabundocharlie-tca: not anymore (lucid)18:53
BUGabundounified kernels18:53
om26erok I found at planet ubuntu that gwibber 2.29.1 will be uploaded to luicd monday?18:53
BUGabundowe only carrie 4 kernels now18:53
charlie-tcaThat why it changes to generic kernel in lucid?18:53
BUGabundogeneric 32bits, 64bits, 32bits PAE, and RT18:53
barfIs there a postfix IRC channel anywhere that is ubuntu friendly?18:54
charlie-tcaKeeps trying to use PAE on my pIII, which fails everytime18:54
BUGabundocharlie-tca: yeah, there's some _strange_ logic in the upgrade scheme18:54
BUGabundocharlie-tca: file a bug :D18:54
charlie-tcaummm, okay18:54
hggdhbarf: try #postfix18:55
barfI am :-)18:55
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I doubt your p3 supports PAE extentions18:55
charlie-tcaI know it does not, thus the fail everytime18:55
SwedeMikePAE has been around since ppro days.18:55
BUGabundoSwedeMike: in CPU support?18:56
BUGabundoI know some manufactures used a costum bios and board to allow memory bit swap18:57
BUGabundoto extend memory up to 16GBs18:57
charlie-tcaSwedeMike: so, any idea why it would fail to start, then? The generic kernel works18:58
SwedeMikecharlie-tca: no idea.18:59
=== ikonia_ is now known as the_tester
infectohmm, i have problems with wake up from ram19:20
gskerHey all! (lucid) I'm trying to figure out how to turn off the framebuffer during the kernel startup?  I've tried all kinds of stuff but in a console the monitor just shows "Out of Range"19:20
infectoknown issue? :)19:20
infectogsker: its not in kernel compiled option? :)19:21
* BUGabundo tries to remember the last time framebuffer worked19:21
gskerwhich option?  nofb?  vga=normal  I've tried them all.19:21
gskerIt's actually deprecating vga= also.  I personally thing it's dung -- the console should be text not graphical, but all I really want is to disable it now.19:22
penguin42I think the vga= deprecation is a grub2 thing19:23
gskerthat might be.  Either way, the startup changes to a weird fb mode and I can't get it back. Hmmm. Maybe I should try installing a kernel from karmic....19:24
duffydackhttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/lucidity-proposed-lucid-theme.html    not bad.....19:25
gskerI just want to disable framebuffer entirely.19:26
gskerIt's the kernel that's the problem, though. Not grub.  Grub's graphics are fine.  Where does the mode get set in startup?  At setfont? where is that run?19:28
* cwillu huggles BUGabundo in a most offtopic way19:38
BUGabundocwillu I return that with an HORRIBLE PVT19:39
cwillupvt link was access denied :p19:40
cwilluwhat was that supposed to be anyway?19:41
BUGabundorefresh it19:43
BUGabundoit works19:43
bjsnideri'm not sure you want to know what it was19:44
cwilluBUGabundo, no, it doesn't :p19:44
cwillurequestid and hostid change each time, but I still get "request has expired"19:45
BUGabundobjsnider: you mean that PVT you have?19:45
BUGabundolet me get it again19:45
BUGabundothere you go19:46
BUGabundoall clean19:46
bjsniderthanks, appreciate it19:46
BUGabundohumm I think cwillu had a stroke with it19:47
BUGabundonot even is Mac will save him now19:47
cwilluBUGabundo, you fool19:47
cwilluI browse unknown links in links19:48
BUGabundoyou don't trust me :(19:48
* BUGabundo scrapes cwillu out of his foot19:48
GatoLokoa plymouth crash when using xorg-edgers ppa is a valid bug? or using xorg-edgers invalidates it?19:48
cwilluonly as far as I can throw you :p19:48
cwilluGatoLoko, no, it makes it more interesting19:49
BUGabundoGatoLoko: plymouth is simply broken19:49
BUGabundowait until Monday19:49
* cwillu giggles19:49
GatoLokook, i'll wait then, it was working yesterday, applied today updates and it's crashing, leaving the screen off19:50
BUGabundolucky you19:51
BUGabundoI can't even login19:51
GatoLokoi can't login locally, but ssh saved me19:51
cwillusee, this is why I always update the morning before I take my laptop on the road19:51
cwillugives me something to do while I wait for a customer to unlock their scale shack19:51
BUGabundostill on the road? though you were back in the office cwillu19:53
cwilluI'm at home right now19:53
cwilluI've just done that several times now :)19:53
bjsniderscale shack?19:57
DanaGas in, weighing trucks, or such?19:57
ideasman42Hi there, I have been asked to include a `COPYING` file in my project before it can be made into a package20:18
ideasman42is there some template for this/20:19
BUGabundoideasman42: get the source of any other package20:19
ideasman42ok, but they may have their own exceptions20:19
ideasman42or text20:19
ideasman42hrm. get 2 from different projects and do a diff :)20:20
ideasman42So I need to include a COPYING file20:21
ideasman42but I also need to state what is under creative commons20:21
BUGabundotry #ubuntu-motu20:21
SwedeMikeso... I'm having problems with booting (in virtual box) both the daily build installer, plus a alpha2 install after dist-upgrade (after alpha2 install it boots just fine, then dist-upgrade, then won't boot anymore). In the installer I get to the "install ubuntu" choice immediately after bootup, then I just get black screen with cursor top left.20:44
SwedeMikeI get the same problem with "try ubuntu without installing"-choice.20:45
arandSwedeMike: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/510571 disable acpi?20:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 510571 in linux "-11 & later kernels won't boot with acpi, -10 works, Lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:46
SwedeMikearand: hm, thanks, let me see if I can find that option in vbox.20:47
arandSwedeMike: or in the kernel boot line20:47
SwedeMikewell, I'm trying to get into the grub menu, but I can't.20:47
robin0800SwedeMike: use shift20:47
SwedeMikejust add "noacpi" ?20:49
SwedeMikesorry, should have read the bug first20:50
SwedeMikemy bad20:50
SwedeMikearand: yeah, thanks, works now.20:53
arandSwedeMike: even a problem on upstream kernel, so I'm hoping it'll might be fixed soon, since it kind of impairs testing..20:55
SwedeMikearand: yeah, I can imagine.20:57
alex_mayorga_bjsnider: ping21:04
alex_mayorga_anyone else with empathy getting loaded repeatedly on the notify envelope?21:04
bjsnideryeah, what's the deal?21:08
alex_mayorga_bjsnider, remember the nvidia thing on my laptop, after the reboot I was greeted by a blank (black) screen21:14
alex_mayorga_bjsnider: had to modify the xorg.conf back to vesa to get video21:14
alex_mayorgais empathy/notify broken for anyone else?21:15
=== ubuntu_ is now known as lucid_lucid
lucid_lucidHi, I just bought an hp touch screen laptop, does linux support that?21:21
Ian_Cornemulti touch?21:23
Ian_Corneor just touch?21:23
Ian_Cornebecause i think single touch is just like having a mouse, right?21:23
bjsnideralex_mayorga, apparently there's a bug right now with gdm or plymouth. i think it would work if you removed plymouth.21:24
BUGabundoIan_Corne: yes21:24
BUGabundobut current synaptics supports multitouch21:25
alex_mayorgabjsnider, plymouth is the fancy ubuntu logo at boot, that doesn't work anyway for me, even in vesa?21:25
Ian_CorneYeah, but don't know if there's many apps that do that too :p21:25
BUGabundoIan_Corne: right!21:26
lucid_lucidit's multi-touch21:26
* BUGabundo <3 Android21:26
bjsnideralex_mayorga, i guess it's not a terribly important thing to save then21:26
lucid_lucidok but I am now working from it and I can't touch the screen. nothing works by touching21:26
lucid_luciddoes it need some software or what?21:27
Ian_Corneyou're running lucid?21:27
lucid_lucidIan_Corne: yes21:27
BUGabundoudev may need some love for it to work21:27
BUGabundo9.10 does support touch with HAL21:28
alex_mayorgabjsnider, so I remove that, change sorg.conf back to nvidia and retry?21:28
BUGabundoI used some tablets and touch laps21:28
lucid_lucidBUGabundo: you mean lucid doesn't yet support it but karmic does?21:28
BUGabundoI have NO idea what lucid supports in terms of touch21:28
BUGabundoask a X dev21:28
Ian_Cornedid you try karmic?21:30
Ian_Cornebecause chance are that the thing you're trying is broken atm :p21:30
lucid_lucidIan_Corne: no I don't have karmic now21:31
SwedeMikeI have added a crypted partition in /etc/crypttab and to fstab so it now tries to mount it at boot. The machine is in virtualbox and the vbox drive is a file. I need to access fstab in the virtual machine from the outside to get it to boot I guess, how do I do that? or what is the recommended way to edit the fstab on a machine that won't boot into rescue mode? init=/bin/sh doesn't really work anymore :P21:32
bjsnideralex_mayorga, yeah, try that21:32
alex_mayorgabjsnider, OK, be back21:33
SwedeMikehm, booting live usb in the virtual machine is perhaps the easiest, I just realised.21:33
lucid_lucidok I will download a karmic later and try this touch stuff. thanks for your tips21:33
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
Ian_CorneBUGabundo: did you make an app for android yet?21:37
Ian_Corneor interested in the OS itself?21:38
BUGabundoI don't do code21:38
Ian_Corneoh ok :)21:38
=== malnilion_ is now known as malnilion
BUGabundoIan_Corne: take a look for your self. awesome plataform21:52
alex_mayorgabjsnider: no luck either21:54
alex_mayorgabjsnider: still blank screen21:54
alex_mayorgabjsnider: this seem to be the issue here: (II) Feb 07 15:50:05 NVIDIA(GPU-0): No display devices connected; falling back to: CRT-021:59
alex_mayorga(WW) Feb 07 15:50:05 NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-021:59
alex_mayorgahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/371230 is the log in case it's of interest22:00
RAOFalex_mayorga: Does it work with nouveau? :)22:00
alex_mayorgaRAOF: teach me how and I can test ;)22:01
alex_mayorgafor some reason nvidia driver wouldn't find the LCD panel22:02
alex_mayorgamaybe is a VAIO thing22:02
RAOFalex_mayorga: “sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/nouveau && sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade && sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau”22:03
alex_mayorgaI guess VESA is not so bad :)22:03
alex_mayorgaRAOF, fetching packages22:03
alex_mayorgaRAOF, do I need to poke the xorg.conf?22:04
RAOFIt should autoload nouveau.22:04
RAOFOh.  Unless we've got a new X in the main repositories.  Let me just check that :)22:05
alex_mayorgaso just, cross fingers and reboot as it should "just work"?22:05
alex_mayorgaRAOF, do I reinstall plymouth I removed to test nvidia-current by bjsnider's suggestion22:06
RAOFYou could reinstall plymouth, I think.22:06
alex_mayorgajust reboot afterwards or do I need to poke around?22:17
RAOFalex_mayorga: You will need to reboot, yes.22:18
RAOFWell, it's easiest :)22:18
BUGabundoback. seems my router doesn't like rain22:19
BUGabundowhere was I?22:19
BUGabundooh yes, Ian_Corne android22:19
BUGabundoyou should take a look at the SDK22:19
* alex_mayorga crosses fingers and jumps into nouveau22:19
BUGabundothey have this awesome emulator22:19
bjsnideryou keep your router outside?22:20
alex_mayorgaRAOF, and I'm back22:22
BUGabundobjsnider: funny... 3rd time I read that22:22
alex_mayorgano blank (black) screen, so I guess that's good22:22
BUGabundono I don'tb22:22
BUGabundobut it's a new Line, and maybe the screwups mess that up22:22
alex_mayorgahow can I confirm nouveau is effectively enabled?22:22
RAOFCheck out Xorg.0.log22:22
BUGabundohey RAOF22:22
BUGabundohammering the nvidia/plymouth bug?22:23
RAOFNo, not particularly?22:23
alex_mayorgaRAOF, there's Driver"nouveau"22:23
RAOFalex_mayorga: You want to look down further; see which driver has bound to your hardware.22:24
RAOFIt's probably nouveau.22:24
alex_mayorgaRAOF, http://paste.ubuntu.com/371245/22:25
alex_mayorgait certainly created a bunch of sreens22:26
RAOFYou're using VESA, because... [drm] failed to load kernel module "nouveau"22:27
RAOFAre you running a strange (ie: not 2.6.32-12) kernel?22:27
BUGabundoRAOF: im on VESA too22:27
BUGabundocause nothing I do, can get any driver to work22:27
alex_mayorgaRAOF, plain vanilla kernel22:28
Volkodavdid they fix the fonts resizing issue in chromium yet ?22:28
alex_mayorgaRAOF, I don't even know how to compile a kernel yet :S22:28
alex_mayorgajust aptitude sage-upgrades or dist-upgrades so far22:28
RAOFalex_mayorga: Can you pastebin “modinfo lbm-nouveau”22:29
bjsnideri wonder if you've got a broken EDID chip on that panel22:29
alex_mayorgaRAOF: FWIW: "Linux VPCCW1FFXL 2.6.32-12-generic #17-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 5 08:16:30 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux"22:29
alex_mayorgabjsnider, I recall seeing something on borked EDIDs on VAIOs, let me see if I can find the forum entry22:30
alex_mayorgaRAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37124922:31
BUGabundo$ modinfo lbm-nouveau22:31
BUGabundoERROR: modinfo: could not find module lbm-nouveau22:31
RAOFalex_mayorga: Ok.  Now, pastebin your dmesg.22:32
* BUGabundo will be in serious trouble to restore NVIDIA blob once this mess clears22:32
alex_mayorgathe forum posts http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134590722:35
alex_mayorga"This is a common SONY Vaio bug where you need to specify the EDID in your xorg.conf." no workaround though22:35
cwillualex_mayorga, um, wouldn't supplying the edid in xorg.conf be the workaround?22:38
alex_mayorga RAOF: dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/371254/22:38
alex_mayorgacwillu: I guess I'll need a how-to :(22:39
cwillualex_mayorga, nvidia?22:39
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:39
alex_mayorgacwillu, yes, 230M I believe22:39
cwilluOption"CustomEDID" "CRT-1:/home/cwillu/edid.bin"   <-- goes in the screen section of xorg.conf22:40
RAOFalex_mayorga: And what happens if you run “sudo modprobe -vvv lbm-nouveau”?22:40
cwilluacquiring edid.bin for your lcd is left as a problem for the reader, although you can generally find it on the cd that came with the lcd (or downloadable from their website)22:40
alex_mayorgaRAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/371257/22:43
alex_mayorgacwillu: the reader appreciates your help and will try the exercise :)22:44
alex_mayorgacwillu, BTW is not an LCD monitor in this case, but the laptop LCD itself22:44
alex_mayorgathat would teach me not to buy VAIOs in the future :)22:45
cwillualex_mayorga, doesn't really make any difference22:45
RAOFalex_mayorga: Try logging out now.22:47
kklimondadoes anyone know how fast moblin boots?22:48
BUGabundo<3 secs kklimonda22:48
alex_mayorgaRAOF, reboot or just log out/in ?22:48
RAOFJust log out/in; that should restart X with your driver loaded.22:48
kklimondaBUGabundo, do they have some bootcharts and other charts available? :)22:49
BUGabundoour guys did a few last year22:50
BUGabundofor UDS22:50
alex_mayorgaRAOF, OK be back22:50
RAOFAnd now, Xorg.0.log!22:50
alex_mayorgaRAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/371265/22:56
RAOFalex_mayorga: And can I have your dmesg again?22:56
alex_mayorgastill (EE) [drm] failed to open device22:56
* BUGabundo loves how persistent RAOF and alex_mayorga are22:57
alex_mayorgaRAOF: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/371267/22:58
alex_mayorgaBTW how do I nuke my AP details from the previous pastebin :(22:59
alex_mayorgaa bunch of black vans are parking in my garage :D22:59
RAOFBAH!  Stupid me.  You've still got the nvidia binary kernel module installed - that's binding to the card and is breaking nouveau.23:00
RAOFKindly remove the nvidia kernel module, rebuild your initramfs, and reboot ;)23:01
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo, nothing to-do until SuperBowl starts :)23:01
BUGabundoso that's what happened to me too23:01
alex_mayorgaRAOF: monkey friendly directions, please :S23:01
BUGabundostupid question (of the day): what's the diff between having VESA and nouveau?23:02
RAOFBUGabundo: xrandr 1.2 support, Xv support, 2d acceleration, suspend/resume, ...23:03
* BUGabundo still prefers nvidia blob 3D23:03
RAOFBUGabundo: Feel free to try the nouveau gallium that has been uploaded to ppa:xorg-edgers; you'll need both ppa:xorg-edgers & ppa:xorg-edgers/nouveau for it to work.23:03
RAOFalex_mayorga: Remove the “nvidia-current” package, run “sudo update-initramfs -u -k 2.6.32-12-generic”, then reboot.23:04
alex_mayorgaRAOF, thanks, doing it23:05
kklimondaholy crap, xrandr rotation works with nouveau23:05
BUGabundoRAOF: are you saying what I think you are saying23:05
BUGabundoinicial 3D support on nouveau drivers??23:05
RAOFYes; feel free to give it a whirl.23:06
BUGabundoif so, you are not going to bed, until I have that running23:06
* BUGabundo adds ppa23:06
BUGabundoRAOF: assume my system is a trashbin, so I will need to have it purged of BLOBs23:06
kklimondaRAOF, is it already in and ready?23:06
* RAOF is not sure whether the new mesa has built yet.23:07
* BUGabundo stepbs back23:07
RAOFIt won't take too long :)23:07
alex_mayorgaRAOF, it's done, rebooting, wish me luck I guess23:07
BUGabundomind confirming, *before* I mess my lovely (cough) VESA?23:07
kklimondaBUGabundo, but the nouveau driver is awesome23:07
BUGabundoI don't care!23:07
BUGabundoI want 3D or else ill stick at vesa23:07
kklimondaBUGabundo, when they get a decent 3D support there is no use for nvidia other than playing games.. ;)23:07
BUGabundoI don't play games23:08
kklimondaBUGabundo, why 3D?23:08
BUGabundoall I need is compiz expose23:08
alex_mayorgaRAOF: any final warnings, just like BUGabundo I've grown to appreciate VESA so much :)23:08
RAOFBUGabundo: Currently building.23:08
BUGabundoalex_mayorga: don't joke, I spent 2 days using 640x48023:08
BluesKajBUGabundo, I forgot ..ATI ?23:08
BUGabundoadding PPAs23:08
kklimondaalex_mayorga, you may get addicted to open source driver and not be able to switch back23:08
RAOFalex_mayorga: Not really.23:08
BUGabundoBluesKaj: DUH nvidia23:08
Ian_CorneBUGabundo: I have a motorola Milestone23:09
Ian_Cornegonna start developping my first app soon23:09
BUGabundoIan_Corne: then what are you waiting for23:09
BluesKaji tried the 195 driver , it was ok but no different than the 190 performancewise23:10
BUGabundoIan_Corne: small (free) tip: aptoid23:10
BUGabundoyour own repos/market23:10
* alex_mayorga does the final reboot before going to cheer for the Colts23:10
BUGabundoBluesKaj: FPS have been lowering every cycle. I had 200 with 19023:10
BUGabundotwo cycles ago I was on 28023:10
BUGabundowhen I bought this laptop in 2008 I had 360FPS23:11
kklimondaBUGabundo, your gpu is getting worse and worse ;)23:11
BluesKajBUGabundo, i had 19000 with the 185 0n karmic, down 15000 or so now23:11
kklimondaRAOF, oh god - ppa-purge is just a package I was looking for :)23:11
BUGabundoBluesKaj: STOP MOCKING ME23:12
BUGabundo!info ppa-purge23:12
ubottuPackage ppa-purge does not exist in lucid23:12
BUGabundoBluesKaj: you can't do those FPS23:12
kklimondaBUGabundo, it's in xorg edgers ppa23:12
kklimondathat's why I'm thanking RAOF and his band for it ;)23:13
BUGabundoI wonder if add-apt-repository can add 2 PPAs at once23:13
BluesKajBUGabundo, i bought a used 7600gt for my desktop pc in 2008, never regretted it23:13
ZykoticK9BUGabundo, BluesKaj are you talking about glxgears frame rates or in an actual game?23:14
BUGabundoRAOF: ready, master23:14
BUGabundoshow me the LIGHT23:14
BUGabundoZykoticK9: compiz benchmark23:14
BUGabundoVESA speed: $ glxgears23:15
BUGabundo1270 frames in 5.1 seconds23:15
BUGabundo328 frames in 5.1 seconds23:15
BluesKajZykoticK9, just the glxgears frames , with nothing else running23:15
BUGabundo328 FPS fullscreen :(23:15
ZykoticK931362 frames in 5.0 seconds23:15
BUGabundoZykoticK9: MAXIMIZE it23:15
RAOFAt some point, we're really going to have to patch that --iacknowledgethistoolisnotabenchmark option in to glxgears again :)23:16
ZykoticK99736 frames in 5.0 seconds (glxgears is hardly a compiz benchmark though)23:16
BUGabundothat's why I like compiz benchmark23:17
BUGabundocause its called *benchmark*23:17
* BUGabundo ducks23:17
ZykoticK9BUGabundo, what is this "compiz benchmark" called?  where to get it?23:18
BluesKaj380 full screen on this elcheapo lappy...intel graphics23:18
TronicWhy aren't there any useful benchmarks for Linux?23:18
BUGabundoTronic: cause we don't have games ?23:18
yofel165 on my EeePC with intel 945GME ^^23:18
* Tronic does have games on his Linux23:18
ZykoticK9Tronic, you mean bogomips isn't a valid benchmark?  :)23:18
yofelhm, didn't phoronix have something useful?23:19
BUGabundoRAOF: please guide me to purge remaining blobs and initram, and packages to install23:19
kklimondaugh, my boot time has increased from 15 to 38 seconds..23:19
BluesKajthere's gotta be some kind of std test out there23:19
RAOFBluesKaj: I belive that phoronix-test-suite actually has some benchmarks.23:19
RAOFBUGabundo: Ok.  It seems you need to remove the nvidia-current package, then “sudo update-initramfs -u -k 2.6.32-12-generic”.23:20
BUGabundoRemoving nvidia-current ...23:21
BUGabundoRemoving all DKMS Modules23:21
BUGabundodpkg: warning: while removing nvidia-current, directory '/usr/lib/nvidia-current' not empty so not removed.23:21
BUGabundoRAOF: should I do that too for -11?23:21
RAOFYou don't have to.  Nouveau's not going to work for -11 :)23:21
kklimonda18 now but it's still 3 seconds more ;/23:21
BUGabundoRAOF: all good news :\23:22
alex_mayorgaRAOF: fully borked screen after reboot23:22
alex_mayorgaI'm back in an older kernel23:23
BluesKajRAOF, thanks for the tip, gonna try that23:23
RAOFalex_mayorga: Got a dmesg & Xorg.0.log.old for me?23:23
* BUGabundo is afraid of not having any older kernel after this 23:23
BUGabundoRAOF: next23:23
RAOFBUGabundo: You've got -11, don't you? :)23:23
BUGabundo(11:21:50 PM) RAOF: You don't have to.  Nouveau's not going to work for -11 :)23:23
RAOFYeah, but VESA will work there.23:24
alex_mayorgaRAOF, dunno, not even the recovery option help23:24
kklimondaBUGabundo, but it's going to be a perfectly fine backup kernel to boot into if -12 doesn't work with nouveau for you :)23:24
BUGabundoso now what?23:25
kklimondaI've actually added this line to my /etc/rc.local to get dmesg after every boot23:25
kklimondadmesg > /root/dmesg.`date +%Y%m%d-%H:%M`23:25
* BluesKaj sticks with karmic on the lappy , so as to have at least one kubuntu that is fairly stable23:25
BUGabundopatch it and submit upstream eheh23:25
kklimondaI've decided to do a backup dmesg because first time I've played with nouveau I've generated like 10 or 12 dmesgs trying to get something useful ;)23:26
yofelkklimonda: nice idea :)23:26
alex_mayorgaRAOF, log http://paste.ubuntu.com/371282/23:26
RAOFalex_mayorga: Well, at least nouveau started correctly.  Sadly, it doesn't seem to see your LVDS *at all*.23:27
RAOFalex_mayorga: You do have a laptop display, right?23:28
BUGabundoRAOF: what do I install now ?23:28
RAOFBUGabundo: If you haven't already installed xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, you do that.23:28
alex_mayorgaRAOF, yes, is a 14" laptop, dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/371284/23:28
RAOFBUGabundo: If you've booted into a working nouveau setup you now get to wait while I make mesa actually build in xorg-edgers.23:29
BUGabundoThe following NEW packages will be installed:23:30
BUGabundo  libdrm-nouveau1{a} linux-backports-modules-nouveau-2.6.32-12-generic{a} nouveau-firmware{a} xserver-xorg-video-nouveau23:30
BUGabundoThe following packages will be REMOVED:23:30
BUGabundo  dkms{u} fakeroot{u} linux-headers-2.6.32-11{u} linux-headers-2.6.32-11-generic{u} nvidia-settings{u}23:30
RAOFBUGabundo: Looks right to me.23:30
BUGabundoremoning kernel headers is a good thing?23:31
RAOFYou don't need the kernel headers, no.23:31
BUGabundoso reboot?23:31
RAOFalex_mayorga: Is that the dmesg from your failed boot?23:31
BUGabundoupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-12-generic23:32
alex_mayorgaRAOF, I don't think so, is there a way to get it?23:32
* BUGabundo preps a ethernet cable in case X won't start, so no wifi23:32
* BUGabundo wishes for wifi EASY usage as wired 23:32
RAOFBUGabundo: Set your wireless thing to by “system wide” in network manager; it'll start on boot, then.23:33
RAOFalex_mayorga: System->Administration->Log File Viewer should have older dmesg, I think.23:33
BUGabundoRAOF: I have that23:33
BUGabundobut it won't work from recovyer console :D23:34
RAOFEven if you go into netroot, and run “dhclient wlan0”?23:34
BUGabundooh really?23:35
BUGabundogot to try that23:35
BUGabundodoes NM even work in recovery ?23:35
alex_mayorgaRAOF, dmesg.0 here http://paste.ubuntu.com/371287/23:36
RAOFI forget.  You colud probably manually start it with “service start network-manager” or somesuch.23:36
BUGabundoill try if I get stuck23:37
BUGabundothis stuff keeps changing23:37
alex_mayorgaRAOF, any hope for me on mouveau?23:38
BUGabundowell lets go23:38
BUGabundoguys rebooting23:38
BUGabundoif not back in <5 min, its RAOF fault!23:38
RAOFalex_mayorga: [   15.955792] [lbm-drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: LVDS present in DCB table, but couldn't determine its native mode.  Disabling.23:39
RAOFThat's your problem; I'm not quite sure how to work around it.23:39
RAOFIt's possible that you could, but I guess that nouveau needs a bug report before it'll work out of the box on your laptop.23:40
alex_mayorgaRAOF: ubuntu-bug nouveau?23:42
RAOFalex_mayorga: Not quite at this point.23:42
alex_mayorgaRAOF, can you file for me, please?23:43
RAOFalex_mayorga: It'll need to go upstream to nouveau.  Before we do that, I'll need you to test on an up-to-the-minute snapshot.23:44
BUGabundogot an working x23:44
BUGabundoseems smooth too23:44
BUGabundono 3D (yet?)23:44
BUGabundoRAOF: what's next?23:45
kklimondaBUGabundo, nothing - mesa has failed to build :)23:45
BUGabundojust my luck23:45
kklimondaBUGabundo, so you have to wait for RAOF to update package :)23:45
RAOFBUGabundo: I check whether my modifications to the mesa package make it actually build, then I upload to xorg-edgers.  Then you wait half an hour or so for it to get built & published, then it works.23:45
BUGabundoso once mesa finishs, and I get it updated, I can use 3D ?23:46
kklimondaBUGabundo, maybe :)23:46
RAOFThat would be the plan, yes.23:46
BUGabundo*maybe*, yes23:46
RAOFIn theory.23:46
kklimondaBUGabundo, I've heard that those blessed by the lady luck may even run compiz ;)23:46
RAOFYou certainly get to *try* 3D :)23:46
BUGabundoanyway to enable compiz and get logs?23:46
BUGabundooh I did RAOF. failed23:46
alex_mayorgaRAOF, so I recheck when Colts champion?23:46
BUGabundo157 frames in 5.0 seconds = 31.264 FPS23:47
RAOFalex_mayorga: I'll give you a ping when there's some nice new snapshots.  It may be later in the week.23:47
BUGabundoRAOF: VESA was double the speed of this drivers eheh23:47
alex_mayorgaRAOF: Thanks! So for now, is there an easy way to disable the whole thing?23:48
kklimondaBUGabundo, glxgears is lousy benchmark23:48
BUGabundoI know23:48
RAOFYou can add “lbm-nouveau.nomodeset=1” to your kernel boot parameters, I think.23:48
BUGabundojk around23:48
BUGabundoRAOF: me?23:48
BUGabundoohh those this mean I can install plymouth again RAOF?23:49
BluesKajRAOF, BUGabundo , for network start or restart : sudo /etc/init.d/networking start or restart, another command : sudo dhclient eth0 or wlan023:49
RAOFalex_mayorga: That'll turn off KMS, which will cause the nouveau X driver to fail to load, which will mean VESA will be back in business for you.23:49
RAOFBUGabundo: You can certainly try plymouth again :)23:49
BUGabundoBluesKaj: on a WPA2 network ?23:49
BUGabundoRAOF: lets see if it still freezes as it did with nvidia23:49
BluesKajBUGabundo, yes23:50
bjsniderRAOF, it sounds like his monitor in both the nouveau and nvidia driver situations. neither of them can detect what the monitor's settings are23:50
BUGabundojust plymouth or plymouth-x11 too ?23:50
BUGabundoBluesKaj: ok, will try. would be cool23:50
BUGabundogonna try to rotate my screen23:51
RAOFbjsnider: Yes, that's right.  But nouveau says it doesn't know how to handle TMDS version 2.0 tables, which'll be part of the problem.23:51
bjsniderwell, maybe so, but he isn't going to get very far with a busted EDID chip either way23:51
RAOFbjsnider: Right.  But nouveau will want to know if they can add a quirk.23:52
alex_mayorgabjsnider: you mean me, right?23:52
bjsniderif he can find the horizsync/vertrefresh values for that panel, he can put them into the xorg.conf file i suppose23:52
BUGabundoRAOF: I'm _noticing_ more CPU usage. is that expected?23:52
bjsnideralex_mayorga, yeah, you need to ask sony for a new panel23:53
bjsniderif it's still under warranty23:53
BluesKajRAOF, what's this about the nouveau driver ..is it the latest nvidia darling or is it that nv basic driver23:53
bjsniderit's not the damned nv driver23:53
RAOFBluesKaj: It's the fully-featured open-source nvidia driver.  The nv driver is the official open-source nvidia driver, but it's obfuscated, doesn't really accept patches, and doesn't do anything much more than bring up the card.23:54
alex_mayorgabjsnider: yeah! right; they won't even honor the warranty outside the US23:54
bjsnidersue them23:55
bjsnidersue sony23:55
alex_mayorgaI'd love to23:55
alex_mayorgaknow any pro-bono lawyers?23:55
RAOFBUGabundo: More CPU usage is not expected; if that's accompanied by slower drawing, it's possible that you're missing the firmware.  Pastebin dmesg & Xorg.0.log, please thanks.23:55
alex_mayorgaRAOF, where should I add lbm-nouveau.nomodeset=1 exactly, menu.lst is no more23:55
bjsnideralex_mayorga, yes but they're all currently dead23:55
alex_mayorgacan't wait for a fully open laptop23:56
BUGabundoRAOF: $ pastebinit dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/371297/23:56
BUGabundo$ pastebinit Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/371298/23:56
alex_mayorgaI wonder if Canonical would puch for it23:56
RAOFalex_mayorga: If you bring up the grub menu, you can hit 'e' to edit the kernel command line.  For permanence, /etc/default/grub is where you're after.23:57
BUGabundoalex_mayorga: no mather if you have no driver blob, you still have close fw in cpu, disks, modem, wifi , etc23:57
BluesKajRAOF,  any comparirsons with the nvidia-current ?  190.53 in my case23:57
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo, I know, I'm up for a looong wait23:58
bjsnidernouveau can't provide 3d accel yet23:58
alex_mayorgaRAOF, thanks yet again23:58
RAOFBluesKaj: It doesn't do (supported) 3D, so if you want proper 3D you still need the binary blob.23:58
bjsnideralso can't provide vdpau. other than that it compares well i'd say23:58
BluesKajok, I'll stick with the 19023:59
kklimondaBUGabundo, but nvidia blob is seriously bad23:59
bjsniderah...no it isn't23:59
bjsniderit's seriously great23:59
BUGabundokklimonda: it works!23:59
kklimondabinary large object ;)23:59
BUGabundowhen it doenst kill suspend or hibernate23:59

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