
=== zniavre_ is now known as zniavre
darkmattergood morning coz_11:30
coz_darkmatter,  morning :)   how are things?11:31
darkmatterok. just wokw up. was going to some theme/icon work for my mockups (just the elements I'll need for the designs basically)11:32
coz_darkmatter,  oh  woke up about at about 5:30 am being 6:30 am now... not wanting to go out because of the snow :)11:33
coz_had to cancel a few clients because of it11:33
coz_so now I am playin with openbravo    POS11:33
darkmatterfun. I was going to go for a morning walk. but the temperature dropped by another 25 C while I was sleeping11:35
coz_darkmatter,  well here we nad 28" of snow :(11:35
coz_we have had11:35
darkmatterwe had a lot, but thankfully not that much11:35
coz_darkmatter,  took all day yesterday to dig out the car11:37
coz_darkmatter, its finally out but the roads have about 6" of packed snow11:37
coz_a little slippy  but  we had to get to the stores11:37
darkmatteryeah. best stay in and be lazy11:37
coz_darkmatter,  oh I am good at that lol11:37
coz_darkmatter,  i would even say that I am highly skilled in that area11:38
vishhmm , has Cimi dropped the option "gradients" from murrine?11:42
vishBug #51832511:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518325 in human-theme "Murrine configuration option "gradients" is no longer supported and will be ignored" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51832511:42
vishi cant find any mention in the changelogs :s11:43
darkmatterthere is no change like that. I pull git on a fairly regular basis. must be uby specific or something11:44
vishdarkmatter: this is the only thing in ubuntu changelog >   * Upload a git snapshot to lucid11:44
vish  * Drop the git changes which are in the new version11:44
vishgit changelog  has no reference either11:44
vishdarkmatter: do you have launchpad account? could you comment that you dont get the error with git package?11:45
* vish can confirm the error occurs in all murrine themes but gradients work11:46
darkmattervish: I can't remember, lol. it's been years since I touched ubuntu. all I can say is I build my own packages of murrine on suse and have no such warnings11:47
vishhehe ;)11:47
vishdarkmatter: do your themes use gradients           = TRUE11:51
vishin the style options?11:51
vishi mean engine* options11:51
darkmattervish: depends on the theme element, but yeah. most of them have gradient = TRUE in at least a few places11:52
vishzniavre: / dashua: you know anything about this^ ?11:54
zniavreis'nt gradient_shades   now ?11:58
zniavrei do not get this error with my own theme but with human yes11:59
vishzniavre: apart from that there was the option  gradients           = TRUE11:59
vishzniavre: i'm getting it for human/dust/dust sand and almost all themes12:00
zniavrei guess just delete the line or #it12:00
vishyeah , theme works without that line , but was weird since darkmatter mentions no such error with git version12:01
darkmattergradient_shades just determines relief and whether or not a gradient is concave, convex, or glassy, etc. I have both enabled in my themes, so dunno *shrug*12:02
zniavremaybe gradient true is include with gradient shade > if gradient shade is present gradient true is inside   ( sorry i really need to improve my technic english)12:04
zniavrein my theme gradient true is not present12:05
darkmatterhmmm... who knows. *shrugs yet again* any and all code in foss repeatedly goes 'up shit creek without a paddle' as they say, and 99.9% of the time never finds its way back. why should murrine be any different :P12:08
darkmattersingle estate darjeeling! yum!12:20
dashuavish, Yes. gradients is deprecated.  It's gradient_shades now.13:44
dashuaMany changes.  Human is going to need a revamp.13:45
vishdashua: but gradient_shades already existed for a long time... why is there no mention of this in the changelog? [most importantly why isnt darkmatter getting this error when using git version?]  are you also using git version?13:45
dashuagit Yes13:46
vishdashua: hmm , you get the error in the git version too?13:47
dashuaOne sec13:47
dashua/usr/share/themes/Human/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:85: Murrine configuration option "gradients" is no longer supported and will be ignored.13:48
vishargh :/13:48
dashuaTry my Human-Lucid.  Very similar to Human just with the added features.13:48
vishdashua: yeah , already did ;) , i saw you dont use that :)13:49
dashuaI still use gradients.13:49
dashuaJust not coded "gradients"13:49
vishmaybe cimi felt there was no need to turn it "on" if there was already a mention of the gradient_shades13:50
dashuavish, I think that was the case13:50
dashuaI'm just excited to see it was pushed.  Now Albatross will work again in Xubuntu :)13:51
vishdashua: i thought albatross was dropped in xubuntu?13:52
dashuaDon't think so.  Maybe it was.13:52
dashuavish, Damn it was. =/13:53
darkmattertechnically I don't like murrine. I only use it because it lets me avoid having a bazillion engines installed13:55
vishyeah , murrine isnt ideal in a few places13:56
vishis there a way to use pixmap engine for toolbars and not have the ugly appearance of the disabled icons?13:57
darkmattervish: there's an alpha patch for the pixmap engine somewhere. I've been meaning to rebuild it but haven't gotten around to it yet13:57
vishdarkmatter: who is the author of the pixmap engine?13:58
darkmatternot sure offhand13:58
vishthats the most irritating aspect of pixmap for me :/13:59
darkmatterI'd really like to see a modernized version of the pixbuf engine. I mean, it's maintained, but it's freaking old code. hence the need for 11,000 workarounds per theme14:00
dashuavish, Looks they dropped it from xubuntu-artwork and added it to murrine-themes.14:00
* darkmatter punches his hiatus hernia in the hiatus hernia14:01
vishdashua: yeah , i saw the mention of the  drop from xubuntu-artwork14:01
vishdarkmatter: _cough_ while you are punching it ;p14:02
darkmattervish: well, I'm aiming for the stomach but the diaphragm keeps getting in the way :p14:04
darkmattervish: word to the wise. heavy lifting = bad ;p14:09
dashuavish, Are you using Rhythmbox?14:10
vishdashua: yup14:10
dashuaCover art not working in Lucid?14:10
* vish checks14:10
vishdashua: wfm14:11
zniavrewhat is cover art? just the cover into rhythmbox?16:28
zniavrehttp://img52.imageshack.us/img52/3852/captureea.png   >it works here  (updated 3 hours ago)16:30

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