charlie-tca | kermiac: you want to put the comments in? I changed the status | 00:02 |
kermiac | ok done, ty charlie-tca | 00:04 |
charlie-tca | nmp | 00:05 |
charlie-tca | no problem | 00:05 |
kermiac | now on to the next part of the issue - well actually a separate issue | 00:05 |
kermiac | when selecting "Print entire document", yelp segfaults. This is still reproducable in lucid | 00:05 |
ddecator | wow, this person is updating that description every few minutes still...anything i can do other than unsubscribe from the bug? | 00:08 |
kermiac | what bug ddecator? | 00:09 |
kermiac | I think all you can do is unsubscribe | 00:09 |
ddecator | bug 517777 | 00:09 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 517777 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Nautilus folder manager generates random colors in folder background when folders are opened. (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] | 00:09 |
hggdh | I just added a comment asking the OP to stop | 00:09 |
ddecator | thanks hggdh | 00:09 |
ddecator | hggdh, should i fix it again or just leave it? | 00:10 |
kermiac | whoah! | 00:10 |
ddecator | kermiac, i know right? | 00:10 |
hggdh | ddecator: just a question: are you flemish, or dutch? | 00:10 |
kermiac | he kinda went crazy | 00:10 |
ddecator | hggdh, well i'm american, but i'm a dutch did you know? | 00:10 |
hggdh | de Cator | 00:11 |
ddecator | hggdh, very good catch | 00:11 |
ddecator | most people never notice | 00:11 |
hggdh | but yes, waht is the problem with this guy? | 00:11 |
ddecator | i have no idea...idk if it's worth fixing the description if he's just going to change it back | 00:12 |
hggdh | leave it how it is right now | 00:17 |
ddecator | will do | 00:18 |
hggdh | and he did it again... | 00:19 |
ddecator | yup... | 00:21 |
chrisccoulson | urgh, bug spam | 00:21 |
ddecator | it's one thing if it's useful info, but he's just updating the exact same thing over and over | 00:22 |
* chrisccoulson slaps hotrodbadboy round the face with a wet kipper | 00:22 | |
ddecator | are all of the people in the "notified" section getting all of these emails too? | 00:24 |
chrisccoulson | ddecator - yes | 00:24 |
ddecator | well that's a problem... | 00:24 |
chrisccoulson | that's why i get them ;) | 00:24 |
ddecator | big surprise, he hasn't signed the CoC -_- | 00:25 |
ddecator | i didn't realize you were getting them too chrisccoulson haha | 00:25 |
chrisccoulson | i'm subscribed to quite a few desktop packages ;) | 00:26 |
chrisccoulson | so i tend to get a lot of bug mail anyway | 00:26 |
chrisccoulson | well, i think i'm going to relax for the rest of the evening now | 00:30 |
ddecator | alright, have fun chrisccoulson | 00:30 |
chrisccoulson | i'm not going anywhere just yet ;) | 00:31 |
chrisccoulson | i'm just not going to do any more work | 00:31 |
ddecator | haha, good deal | 00:31 |
ddecator | i'm taking a coffee break to try and boost my motivation... | 00:31 |
kermiac | coffee sounds like a good plan ddecator :) | 00:33 |
ddecator | it's 6:33pm here, but i'm a night owl, so who cares, haha | 00:33 |
hggdh | yes! I am being warned by him to go take a hike! | 00:34 |
ddecator | by who? | 00:34 |
hggdh | the idiot on your bug: | 00:34 |
ddecator | whoa whoa whoa | 00:35 |
yofel | o.O | 00:35 |
ddecator | where does he get off lashing back like that? | 00:35 |
chrisccoulson | he doesn't sound like a particularly welcome contributor | 00:35 |
charlie-tca | Take that to launchpad. They can shut him off | 00:35 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, he's not the sort of person i want to work with | 00:36 |
chrisccoulson | especially not with an attitude like that | 00:36 |
hggdh | will do :-). My pleasure. Really. | 00:36 |
ddecator | idk how he thinks that reposting the same description over and over is no useless... | 00:37 |
ddecator | does he think we'll fix it for him if he does? -_- | 00:37 |
charlie-tca | He only has two bugs he reported on. Probably a case of "why can't they get it fixed. It is only one of two." | 00:38 |
kermiac | whoah, yeah that should def be reported to the guys in #launchpad | 00:39 |
ddecator | i saw that most of his karma is from answers, so i hope he hasn't been like this to new users seeking help... | 00:39 |
charlie-tca | Some people do not realize how many bugs there are and how much it takes to get them fixed | 00:39 |
hggdh | the funniest is I have been threatened. Very first in Ubuntu | 00:40 |
charlie-tca | ddecator: all one of them? | 00:40 |
ddecator | pretty sure it's the first threat that i've even heard of in ubuntu | 00:40 |
ddecator | charlie-tca, hm? | 00:40 |
charlie-tca | One question in questions and answers. two bugs. | 00:41 |
ddecator | well then i guess there is nothing to worry about, haha | 00:41 |
chrisccoulson | ddecator - most of his karma is answers, but answers is very generous. when you look at his karma histroy, he has only made 2 contributions in answers | 00:41 |
hggdh | pity, though | 00:41 |
ddecator | chrisccoulson, yah i didn't actually look at what he had done, i didn't realize it was that generous | 00:42 |
ddecator | hggdh, what's a pity? | 00:42 |
hggdh | this should not happen | 00:43 |
ddecator | people being disrespectful? agreed | 00:43 |
charlie-tca | True story, but unfortunately, it is one of the things we all deal with. | 00:43 |
ddecator | especially since we're volunteering our time | 00:43 |
chrisccoulson | i try not to let it affect me too much now. i've had quite a few users be disrespectful / rude to me now | 00:44 |
chrisccoulson | i just ignore them when they do that ;) | 00:44 |
ddecator | this is my first, but i'm sure i'll run into more, haha | 00:44 |
ddecator | actually...just so i'm prepared for when that happens, how do you report someone? | 00:44 |
hggdh | yes, I guess we all have had our bit of, er, troubles. But I was never threatened before. I will cherish this idiot | 00:45 |
charlie-tca | ddecator: Most of the time, you don't | 00:45 |
ddecator | charlie-tca, right, i don't mean i'll report them just for being disrespectful, but in the event that they threaten me | 00:45 |
hggdh | most of the times you swallow, and keep on. It is easy to get upset on email/bug/IRC | 00:45 |
charlie-tca | Take it to #launchpad and explain whatis happening | 00:46 |
ddecator | simple enough...thanks charlie-tca | 00:46 |
hggdh | did already. But it is Saturday, so it will take some time | 00:46 |
charlie-tca | yup | 00:46 |
charlie-tca | And then they will ask for more info on it. | 00:46 |
ddecator | at least in this case it's all documented on lp, haha | 00:47 |
ddecator | hggdh, you actually put it up on lp? | 00:47 |
hggdh | yes, I did. This has to be documented | 00:47 |
charlie-tca | It is the only way to cover yourself | 00:48 |
* chrisccoulson waves goodbye to hotrodbadboy | 00:48 | |
chrisccoulson | well, hopefully | 00:48 |
ddecator | true true | 00:48 |
hggdh | yes, but otherwise it is "I said, he said" | 00:48 |
=== David-T is now known as Guest16283 | ||
ddecator | wow hggdh, that guy really doesn't get it... | 01:25 |
hggdh | heh | 01:26 |
kermiac | wow, that's is excatly the kind of attitude we do not need in our community | 01:27 |
ddecator | kermiac, agreed | 01:27 |
hggdh | ah well. We wait for someone from #LP to act on my request | 01:27 |
ddecator | yah, he's only creating more documentation against himself haha | 01:28 |
kermiac | true | 01:28 |
hggdh | still, it is a pity | 01:28 |
yofel | indeed, I didn't think he would actually make matters even worse though... | 01:29 |
yofel | well, it does happen from time to time | 01:30 |
hggdh | yes. it is (unfortunately) good this happened, and you all can learn from it | 01:30 |
nigel_nb | hello | 01:32 |
yofel | hi nigel_nb | 01:32 |
nigel_nb | hey yofel .. what are you guys talking about? | 01:32 |
yofel | nigel_nb: bug 517777 | 01:33 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 517777 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Nautilus folder manager generates random colors in folder background when folders are opened. (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] | 01:33 |
yofel | see the comments... | 01:33 |
* nigel_nb stunned | 01:36 | |
nigel_nb | yofel, what the.... | 01:37 |
ddecator | yah it's been a fun bug... | 01:38 |
kermiac | hi nigel_nb :) | 01:39 |
nigel_nb | her kermiac | 01:39 |
hggdh | one thing that is very important is never to answer angry. If it happens that a bug comment made you angry, wait. | 01:40 |
nigel_nb | hggdh, of all the people in the world he called you rude! and that is so untrue | 01:40 |
ddecator | hggdh, good advice | 01:40 |
* yofel usually waits a day before replying if that happens, better sleep over it... | 01:40 | |
hggdh | yes | 01:41 |
hggdh | I used to write my letters, and then wait a day or two, and then rewrite. I would only give the letters to my secretary (yes, good old times) after that | 01:41 |
nigel_nb | jcastro, ping | 01:47 |
obx | this is the 3rd time an update to the Linux kernel messed up either Xorg or my video card driver. I filed a bug report for both of the first bugs and it took several months to fix it, although many people reported the same bug. and now, after the recent update, I had to reinstall the graphic card drivers and xorg is eating up CPU again. serious question: is it so hard to get it right before officially releasing an update and not beta test it on | 01:53 |
obx | the user base? | 01:53 |
micahg | obx: there is QA done on the kernel before it's released | 01:54 |
micahg | obx: are you using unusual hardware? | 01:54 |
obx | micahg: thank you for your response. I'm using an ATI card (I decided to buy one after I was told that it works perfectly well with Linux/Ubuntu). Truth is, only the official ATI driver seems to work for me. can this be considered unusual hardware? | 01:56 |
micahg | no, ATI's pretty standard, but it's closed source, so it's hard to tell what will break | 01:57 |
micahg | obx: are you using the drivers in the Ubuntu repo or directly from ATI? | 01:58 |
jmarsden | obx: I have an ATI video card too. If you were willing to use the open source drivers instead, you'd be likely to have fewer issues like this. Failing that, if you use fglrx from the Ubuntu "restricted" repos it generally will rebuild at each kernel update automatically (thanks to DKMS) and so it keeps working... | 02:01 |
obx | micahg: directly from ATI. the drivers in the Ubuntu repo didn't work. I cannot remember the error messages exactly. IIRC, there weren't even error messages, it simply didn't do anything after installation. | 02:01 |
jmarsden | obx: I'd suggest revisiting that -- try the Ubuntu drivers, if you have issues ask in #ubuntu for help, and (hopefully!) get them working... | 02:02 |
micahg | obx: well, I don't know if there's anything we can do then to insure that stuff doesn't break | 02:02 |
micahg | obx: do you install teh ATI drivers as a package? | 02:02 |
jmarsden | micahg: ATI doesn't provide the drivers except as a GUI installer or an RPM... | 02:04 |
obx | I just download the .run files from ATI's website and execute them with sudo ./ from the command line. | 02:04 |
micahg | jmarsden: not true, you can make .deb packages from the installed | 02:04 |
micahg | *installer | 02:04 |
micahg | obx: I suggest making .deb packages from the installer | 02:04 |
obx | speaking of open source drivers, didn't they have some sort of restriction? like no hardware acceleration? | 02:04 |
micahg | then DKMS can use its magic | 02:04 |
kermiac | I believe the deb package creation is broken with 10.1 catalyst drivers | 02:05 |
micahg | kermiac: then someone should file a bug with ATI, I used it from 9.3 to 9.6 while I had an ATI card | 02:05 |
jmarsden | And the ATI FAQ says: "The Linux drivers available from our website are available in RPM format as well as a Graphical User Interface installer (operates in both text and X-windows modes)." Nothing about support for .debs there. | 02:06 |
nigel_nb | hggdh, ping | 02:06 |
micahg | jmarsden: the .run file generates it | 02:06 |
jmarsden | micahg: Then I'd say their FAQ needs an update, if they actually *support* that. | 02:07 |
micahg | jmarsden: I used it for a while | 02:07 |
kermiac | micahg: i think it may have been reported already. There's a discussion about it here | 02:07 |
kermiac | | 02:07 |
kermiac | where would i check to see if there's a bug filed or not? | 02:08 |
obx | jmarsden: speaking of open source drivers, didn't they have some sort of restriction? like no hardware acceleration? | 02:08 |
jmarsden | obx: Yes, that's correct. | 02:08 |
jmarsden | That's not a restriction, that's a lack of a feature or two :) | 02:08 |
hggdh | nigel_nb: yes? | 02:10 |
obx | I just noticed that the xorg only starts to eat up the CPU if I have movie player running. | 02:10 |
obx | s/the xorg/xorg | 02:10 |
nigel_nb | hggdh, ;) so can I convince you to get instructors for me? | 02:10 |
hggdh | nigel_nb: I am not sure I follow you here | 02:11 |
nigel_nb | hggdh, um "how to triage" classes... | 02:11 |
hggdh | oh | 02:11 |
charlie-tca | hggdh: before the first of march, please | 02:11 |
hggdh | NOW I am feeling cornered | 02:11 |
hggdh | :-) | 02:11 |
nigel_nb | charlie-tca, lol, you're talking about the same thing too? | 02:12 |
charlie-tca | yeah | 02:12 |
charlie-tca | Didn't you want a couple of sessions before the bugsquad changes? | 02:13 |
hggdh | nigel_nb: I will try. Please be aware that I will have to check with the powers-that-be re. my availability (but I do not foresee problems there) | 02:13 |
charlie-tca | hggdh: I can give a hand with it, if needed | 02:13 |
nigel_nb | not before, but more or less coinciding | 02:13 |
nigel_nb | but I like what quense said.. a monthly session | 02:14 |
hggdh | charlie-tca: sweet! I appreciate it | 02:14 |
charlie-tca | np, I think I am back now | 02:14 |
nigel_nb | so more people can take the classes and yes, at different TZ's | 02:14 |
nigel_nb | I've got several mails with concerns for TZ differences | 02:14 |
hggdh | the problem is we have to have people on different TZs to cover it. And charlie-tca and myself are US TZs | 02:15 |
micahg | jmarsden: | 02:15 |
charlie-tca | I can cover almost any hour, though. | 02:15 |
nigel_nb | I think we have enough people on bug squad to cover them all... just getting to them (my thinking) | 02:16 |
nigel_nb | s/bug squad/bug control | 02:16 |
nigel_nb | hggdh, but I dont know everyone and I was asking you if u could be the recruiter | 02:17 |
hggdh | yes I can try | 02:17 |
jmarsden | micahg: So it might work, but "Status: *UNVERIFIED*" ... at best, they aren't into testing it. | 02:17 |
hggdh | but I myself don't know the TZs people are in | 02:17 |
nigel_nb | I think LP may of service | 02:17 |
nigel_nb | hggdh, | 02:21 |
wgrant | Who is this Rhett Trappman character, and why has he just tried to invite just about every Launchpad team into a new team? | 02:21 |
nigel_nb | well, it shows persia is in the artic circle, donno how true it is | 02:22 |
hggdh | wgrant: I had just declined him to join bugsquad. He may have made a mistake | 02:27 |
charlie-tca | hggdh: Rhett? | 02:29 |
kermiac | I'm off to go do some outside work. see you all later :) | 02:29 |
hggdh | charlie-tca: yes | 02:29 |
ddecator | cya kermiac | 02:29 |
hggdh | what is he trying to do? He has inveited pretty much every team to join his' | 02:29 |
charlie-tca | That would be a BIG mistake to make. He created a new team, with ubuntu-bugs as the administrators | 02:29 |
hggdh | I tend to decline for bugsquad... | 02:30 |
charlie-tca | It seems strange to have a new team created, but no one knows anything about it. | 02:31 |
hggdh | boy, oh boy, this evening is getting to be exciting | 02:31 |
hggdh | very much so. I do not know what he is trying to do. | 02:31 |
charlie-tca | It just gets better, huh? ;-) | 02:32 |
hggdh | heh. Interesting times, these we live | 02:32 |
jmarsden | wgrant: He also made a bug I am subscribed to private for no reason... hmmm. | 02:33 |
wgrant | jmarsden: Some people like doing that :( | 02:33 |
wgrant | Ah, he only sprung into existence yesterday. | 02:33 |
wgrant | No wonder I've not previously heard of him. | 02:33 |
jmarsden | wgrant: Then maybe we need to change things so only the bug submitter or someone in bug control can do that? | 02:33 |
hggdh | wgrant: yes. I do not know what he is trying to do, but I can pretty much state that it is being done without us knowing about it | 02:34 |
charlie-tca | bugsquad appears to own the new team... | 02:34 |
wgrant | charlie-tca: ubuntu-bugs, in fact. | 02:34 |
hggdh | because of ubuntu-bugs | 02:34 |
hggdh | wgrant -- since you are here, can you look at, and please block the OP of bug | 02:35 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 517777 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Nautilus folder manager generates random colors in folder background when folders are opened. (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] | 02:35 |
wgrant | hggdh: I don't have privileges to do that. I looked at it this morning, and was amused. | 02:36 |
hggdh | wgrant: ah, OK. | 02:36 |
hggdh | jmarsden: can you give us the bug #? | 02:37 |
wgrant | "you really do not want to threaten me that would be a bad move!" | 02:37 |
jmarsden | hggdh: bug #370994 | 02:37 |
ubot4 | jmarsden: Bug 370994 on is private | 02:37 |
* charlie-tca thinks it was a power play | 02:38 | |
* hggdh agrees. But Why today? | 02:39 | |
charlie-tca | I don't know. jmarsden: and that is the only bug he has touched, too | 02:40 |
hggdh | I reset it to public | 02:41 |
charlie-tca | looks like he is trying to collect group points | 02:42 |
hggdh | jmarsden: usually this is not done, and there is no need to create more controls | 02:42 |
hggdh | all we would accomplish is making it more difficult to report and work on bugs... | 02:43 |
jmarsden | hggdh: OK. I was planning on giving him a couple of days to respond with a reason before I did that :) Re setting things private though, it is unclear why "just anyone" should be able to set a bug they have no connection with (not owner, not assigned to them, etc) private... but OK, if the system works, we should leave it alone... | 02:44 |
hggdh | jmarsden: in general, anyone can work on any bug. There are very few restrictions -- setting priority, accessing a private bug if you are not subscribed to it, setting a bug Triaged | 02:46 |
hggdh | my POV is that the more open, the better | 02:46 |
wgrant | It rarely causes problems. | 02:47 |
wgrant | The problematic users just need to be informed that they're Doing it Wrong™. | 02:47 |
hggdh | yes | 02:48 |
wgrant | It's overall more pleasant than implementing restrictive technical solutions. | 02:48 |
jmarsden | Making stuff private deliberately creates *less* openness, though... OK. That's what I attempted in my comment on that bug. | 02:48 |
hggdh | and usually, they do it wrong because they do not have enough knowledge about How It Works. So it is mostly a question of education | 02:48 |
hggdh | jmarsden: I agree. Private is an exception | 02:49 |
micahg | jmarsden: it works frine | 02:51 |
micahg | *fine | 02:51 |
charlie-tca | Well, I think I have had all the fun I can take today. | 02:52 |
wgrant | Bug #518254 is relevant. | 03:03 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 518254 in launchpad "Edge crashes on Ubuntu bug visiblity change (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 03:03 |
wgrant | (he filed it) | 03:03 |
wgrant | He even confirmed it and assigned it himself :/ | 03:04 |
yofel | and nominated it for probably anything that was available... | 03:05 |
wgrant | Huh, so he did. | 03:06 |
wgrant | (I just saw the email, which didn't list those) | 03:06 |
hggdh | I'll be dammed, the day keeps on getting interesting | 03:07 |
wgrant | And even linked a branch. | 03:07 |
wgrant | He really knows how to annoy people. | 03:07 |
hggdh | heh | 03:07 |
hggdh | are we under a full moon? Some sort of airborne agent? | 03:09 |
wgrant | I think the situation will take care of itself soon. | 03:10 |
wgrant | He invited the LOSAs 16 minutes ago. | 03:10 |
hggdh | *now* I agree with you... I do not condone his actions, but I sure will sit down and watch | 03:10 |
wgrant | Oh, and the sysadmins. | 03:10 |
wgrant | Ahahahah. | 03:10 |
micahg | what does everyone think of a confirmation required for people adding comments to bugs w/<100 karma points saying that they read the description and are providing useful information? | 03:10 |
wgrant | And the admins. And ~launchpad. He will see unprecedented fury. | 03:11 |
hggdh | LOL | 03:11 |
yofel | now this is indeed getting interesting... | 03:12 |
* hggdh grabs some popcorn and a soda | 03:12 | |
hggdh | micahg: how would it work? | 03:12 |
yofel | micahg: hm, dunno, maybe if you can filter it for bug-karma, but that would annoy upstream triagers with fresh accounts too | 03:13 |
micahg | hggdh: well, if the user in question has < 100 karma points, an alert box would show asking the questions before the comment was actually posted | 03:13 |
wgrant | If you are going to do something stupid, you don't actually want to email elmo about it, nor do you want to email every team with permissions to suspend your account. | 03:13 |
micahg | yofel: well, I don't think it would be too bad | 03:14 |
hggdh | micahg: hum. it *might* work | 03:14 |
micahg | upstream triagers, if they use LP enough, should have enough karma points | 03:14 |
micahg | if not, they might say, hey that's a good idea, let me feature request that for my tracker | 03:14 |
wgrant | There was something like that introduced recently to combat spammers. | 03:15 |
yofel | micahg: well yeah, but only if you can evalutate bug-karma only, as it would defy the point if you can get the karma otherwise | 03:15 |
wgrant | A karma threshold before links that you make in text are linkified. | 03:15 |
micahg | yofel: I don't know about that | 03:15 |
micahg | most of the problematic people don't do anything on LP but post me too | 03:15 |
yofel | micahg: ok, then I would agree with you | 03:15 |
hggdh | they will still do it, just one click removed | 03:15 |
micahg | hggdh: well, I don't think they mean to flood people with the comments (maybe I have too much faith) | 03:16 |
hggdh | :-) | 03:16 |
micahg | it can say in the alert box, please use the me too feature instead of posting such a comment | 03:16 |
hggdh | maybe it is I that am too much cynical | 03:16 |
hggdh | but we will, eventually, have to go this way -- this is the price of success | 03:17 |
* yofel thinks we had enough bad examples today already... | 03:17 | |
micahg | hggdh: you think I should file a bug for it? | 03:17 |
hggdh | micahg: yes, and with wgrant's suggestion also | 03:17 |
wgrant | hggdh: My suggestion? that feature has been in production for a couple of weeks. | 03:18 |
bcurtiswx | whats the bug elevation team? | 03:18 |
wgrant | bcurtiswx: A figment of some user's imagination. | 03:18 |
hggdh | wow. wgrant, I *really* have to get back working with more bugs | 03:19 |
hggdh | sorry | 03:19 |
wgrant | bcurtiswx: He has himself already notified the authorities. | 03:19 |
hggdh | bcurtiswx: and your guess is as good as ours | 03:19 |
bcurtiswx | wgrant: some person abusing the system... NICE | 03:19 |
hggdh | bcurtiswx: plural, please at least two this evening | 03:20 |
bcurtiswx | hggdh: some people abusing the system... sry :'( | 03:20 |
wgrant | hggdh: Which is not altogether bad, given how many people we have overall. | 03:20 |
hggdh | it is fantastically good in fact. | 03:21 |
bcurtiswx | who's the creator? | 03:21 |
wgrant | | 03:21 |
wgrant | Note the creation date | 03:21 |
bcurtiswx | wgrant: this person requested mentorship too... someone wanna go deny? | 03:22 |
hggdh | bcurtiswx: no, not now. He may be just lost | 03:22 |
hggdh | not necessarily a bad person | 03:22 |
hggdh | and the first email about the team hits the -devel list | 03:23 |
bcurtiswx | hggdh: | 03:23 |
bcurtiswx | lost??? | 03:23 |
micahg | hggdh: bug 518261 | 03:23 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 518261 in malone "user with low karma should get an alert before being allowed to comment (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 03:23 |
bcurtiswx | seems to know quite well how to abuse things | 03:23 |
hggdh | no really. It is like a new toy, full of buttons for you to try | 03:23 |
yofel | micahg: thx, subscribed | 03:24 |
micahg | hggdh: already hit the -devel list a half hour ago | 03:24 |
hggdh | micahg: thank you. Added my humble view & subscribed | 03:24 |
hggdh | oh. I have to pay attention to my inbox | 03:25 |
bcurtiswx | hggdh: kids <shakes head left to right> | 03:25 |
micahg | wgrant: what happened to listing the # of people afffected on edge? | 03:25 |
wgrant | micahg: you can't see it because you are the only one it affects at the moment. | 03:26 |
micahg | ah | 03:26 |
hggdh | oh, let me take care of that | 03:26 |
wgrant | If you refresh, it should show something different. | 03:26 |
micahg | k, I thought I saw that on another bur recently, but it seems to be working now :/ | 03:26 |
hggdh | oy, I am getting tired. | 03:27 |
bcurtiswx | hggdh: kinda early for that | 03:27 |
hggdh | long day, too much details to look at, and three Gulden Draak | 03:29 |
Damascene | Hello, | 03:29 |
hggdh | (a flemish beer, fantastically good. Also sort of loaded in alcohol) | 03:29 |
hggdh | hello Damascene | 03:29 |
Damascene | eeepc-acpi-scripts: | 03:29 |
Damascene | Depends: acpi-support-base but it is not installable | 03:29 |
Damascene | I was trying to fix this | 03:30 |
Damascene | | 03:30 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 518007 in udev (Ubuntu) "Asus Eee Function Keys (Hotkeys) are not working with Lucid 10.04 (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 03:30 |
Damascene | any thing I can do? I've reported that bug. | 03:34 |
micahg | Damascene: AFAICT that package was never in Ubuntu and the scipts package you referenced has always been broke | 03:34 |
micahg | bug 262679 and bug 328989 | 03:35 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 262679 in eeepc-acpi-scripts (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "eeepc-acpi-scripts is not installable (affects: 20)" [Medium,Incomplete] | 03:35 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 328989 in eeepc-acpi-scripts (Ubuntu) "This package should be removed (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 03:35 |
Damascene | I see. but it's important for Hotkeys to work | 03:36 |
* yofel has an EeePC 1000H and Hotkeys work fine... | 03:37 | |
Damascene | what is the Ubuntu release yofel | 03:37 |
yofel | lucid | 03:37 |
Damascene | did you install eee-acpi-script? | 03:37 |
yofel | nope | 03:38 |
Damascene | so it's in the 1005HA | 03:38 |
Damascene | as I said in the bug reports the hotkeys are working on Karmic | 03:39 |
Damascene | *report | 03:39 |
Damascene | yofel, do you have the Hybird Engine function on you Eee? | 03:41 |
yofel | Damascene: what's that supposed to be? | 03:50 |
Damascene | it's to control the power saving mode | 03:51 |
yofel | dunno, never heard of it | 03:52 |
Damascene | in windows it shows those modes, Super performance, Hight performance, Power saving and Auto power saving | 03:53 |
yofel | sry, I wiped windows the day I got my EeePC, so I have no idea what Windows-only features Asus added there | 03:54 |
Damascene | look at this | 03:55 |
Damascene | I wish I can do the same | 03:55 |
Damascene | I've bought Asus Eee with windows 7 :( and there was no other choice for 1005HA | 03:56 |
yofel | oh, I think I've heared of that, wonder what's behind those modes though | 03:56 |
yofel | I usually just let powerdevil take care of the power management (KDE) | 03:58 |
Damascene | and does it have real effect on performance and battery? | 04:00 |
yofel | well, since it controls the display brightness and cpu frequency governors yes. | 04:02 |
ddecator | i just found a bug that is a duplicate of bug 380386, i checked upstream and there is no report for this bug, but i'm not sure if it's a bug or a feature request, and idk if i should make an upstream report for it. thoughts? | 04:24 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 380386 in gnome-games (Ubuntu) "Mahjongg: Unsolvable status of puzzle no longer recognized? (affects: 2) (dups: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] | 04:24 |
wgrant | Vandalising more bugs, awesome. | 04:44 |
ddecator | wait what? who? | 04:46 |
wgrant | The Bug Elevation Team guy. | 04:46 |
ddecator | oh ok, i thought you meant me haha. no devs have done anything about him yet? | 04:47 |
wgrant | Only Launchpad admins can do anything. | 04:47 |
ddecator | i'm guessing people have asked him to stop though? | 04:48 |
wgrant | I believe he was kicked out of the team with a discouraging message, which has failed to stop him. | 04:49 |
ddecator | of course... | 04:49 |
micahg | yep, I just got one...should I fix it? | 04:49 |
=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon | ||
ddecator | alrighty, last one for the night...can someone please set bug 380386 to triaged? importance has already been set, but i have linked the duplicate i found and filed a bug upstream | 05:26 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 380386 in gnome-games (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Mahjongg: Two tiles left, stacked on one another, does not automatically end game (affects: 2) (dups: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] | 05:26 |
BalleClorin | Integrated Graphics Chipset: Intel(R) Arrandale (intel core i5 integrated graphics) is not listed here: which tag should I use? | 05:42 |
BalleClorin | this maybe? HD Intel® HD Graphics (used in 2010 Intel® CoreTM i3/i5/i7 Processor Series) | 05:44 |
micahg | BalleClorin: probably HD | 05:46 |
BalleClorin | it should be added to the list then: , I'll go with HD | 05:49 |
kermiac | anyone pls confirm bug 160812 is a dupe of bug 517925 for me? | 06:50 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 160812 in yelp (Ubuntu) "Yelp does not print images" [Low,Incomplete] | 06:50 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 517925 in yelp (Ubuntu) "The help files won't print (affects: 1)" [Low,Fix released] | 06:50 |
kermiac | 517925 has been triaged & going through 160812 it appears to be the same issue | 06:51 |
micahg | kermiac: I don't think so | 06:52 |
kermiac | ok, no probs micahg. can i ask why? | 06:53 |
kermiac | just so i can find out | 06:53 |
micahg | kermiac: the older one is about images not showing up in postscript files, the new one is about printing anything but teh header | 06:53 |
* ddecator agrees with micahg | 06:54 | |
kermiac | ok, ty for the further explanation micahg :) | 06:55 |
kermiac | It was comment #6 in particular that made me think it may be a dupe | 06:56 |
kermiac | as the screenshot is showing exactly the same symptoms as 517925 | 06:57 |
kermiac | either way it appears to be fixed in Lucid so should I mark as fix released wirg the standard bug response for "fixed in dev release"? | 06:59 |
kermiac | s/wirg/with | 06:59 |
ddecator | i'm still not sure that the issue in the older bug is the exact same, so i would be hesitant to mark it as having a fix released just because the newer bug has that status...if you could confirm that the old bug has been fixed in lucid then that would be another story | 07:01 |
kermiac | I noticed that images were printing fine in yelp (help) when triaging the newer bug, I'm just firing up lucid to double check specifically against postscript files | 07:04 |
ddecator | there you go =) | 07:05 |
kermiac | ok, I have just confirmed the "print this page" option with postscript does actually print the images, so this would be fix released now? | 07:09 |
kermiac | is there anything else I have missed in the initial bug report? | 07:09 |
kermiac | I'll obviously update it a bit with a test case & such | 07:09 |
ddecator | i don't see anything else in the report or the comments, so if you fully test it and it works then i think it would be fine to mark as having a fix released | 07:10 |
kermiac | yeah, that's what I think too... micahg, any thoughts? | 07:11 |
micahg | kermiac: the old bug seems simple in that if you can get images to print in a .ps file, then you're good to go | 07:12 |
kermiac | ok, ty micahg & ddecator :) I'll update it with the required info & mark it fix released. I appreciate your clarification :) | 07:13 |
ddecator | anytime | 07:15 |
ddecator | now if i can just get someone to mark my bug as triaged =p | 07:15 |
micahg | ddecator: which bug? | 07:16 |
ddecator | bug 380386 | 07:16 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 380386 in gnome-games (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Mahjongg: Two tiles left, stacked on one another, does not automatically end game (affects: 2) (dups: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] | 07:16 |
micahg | ddecator: done | 07:19 |
ddecator | perfect, thanks micahg | 07:19 |
micahg | ddecator: sorry, I thought you said an hour ago someone already did it | 07:20 |
ddecator | micahg, no problem, theres been a lot going on here tonight so it's been hard to tell what all is going on haha | 07:20 |
* micahg is trying to finish up thunderbird 3 | 07:21 | |
kermiac | what are you doing with thunderbird 3? I've been using it for a while now & quite like it | 07:21 |
ddecator | any progress on 3.1? theres something wrong with the packaging of java or something...i forget what, but we figured it out in a bug i had on mozilla's bugzilla | 07:21 |
micahg | kermiac: packaging it for Lucid :) | 07:22 |
micahg | ddecator: just a matter of time... | 07:22 |
kermiac | awesome! :) | 07:22 |
ddecator | micahg, no problem, i only use it to backup my emails, i was just curious | 07:22 |
micahg | ddecator: the daily is old | 07:22 |
micahg | it's broke :) | 07:22 |
ddecator | so quick question for whoever...i want to join bugcontrol, but i don't know when i should apply. i saw the wiki and launchpad pages, but i just want peoples' personal advice | 07:24 |
kermiac | u have a mentor atm, don't you? | 07:25 |
micahg | ddecator: after a while, ask your mentor when you're comfortable | 07:25 |
ddecator | yes i do | 07:26 |
ddecator | alright, will do micahg, i'm hoping to finally talk to him on irc on monday... | 07:26 |
micahg | ddecator: main thing for bugcontrol is Importance, Triaged and Won't Fix statuses and private bugs | 07:26 |
kermiac | i was basically going to say what micahg just said. I'm still waiting to find a mentor | 07:26 |
ddecator | kermiac, i had to bug them =p | 07:27 |
micahg | you need to show proficiency in importance and triaging | 07:27 |
ddecator | ok, i'll keep that in mind...thanks micahg | 07:27 |
ddecator | i'm curious to see if my mentor has been keeping an eye on my work, or if he's been too busy traveling for work haha | 07:30 |
Damascene | can I add new report to an existing bug? | 08:02 |
Damascene | by using ubuntu-bug for example? | 08:04 |
micahg | Damascene: no, you can use apport-collect if you need to add your system information | 08:04 |
micahg | but only do that if asked by a triager | 08:04 |
Damascene | as I said on ubuntu+1 I've reported bug yesterday and after doing update today some function are working now | 08:06 |
Damascene | | 08:06 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 518007 in udev (Ubuntu) "Asus Eee Function Keys (Hotkeys) are not working with Lucid 10.04 (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 08:06 |
Damascene | now the Fn+F7 is working | 08:06 |
micahg | Damascene: k, why not just post what updates you got that fixed it? | 08:12 |
Damascene | micahg, how to get that? | 08:42 |
Damascene | it's 100+ package I think. | 08:42 |
micahg | Damascene: wow | 08:42 |
micahg | Damascene: take a look at /var/log/apt/term.log | 08:43 |
Damascene | OK | 08:43 |
vish | persia/hggdh: hmm , was i a bit rude , in this mail? > | 09:09 |
vish | i sent that to om26er and hadnt hear a reply.. so was wondering if it might have been a bit rude :( | 09:09 |
vish | if I* | 09:10 |
vish | aw , ping fail... persia / hggdh ^ | 09:13 |
=== Guest16283 is now known as David-T | ||
vish | unping... ah, nvm.. i just got a reply :) | 09:28 |
yofel | gyaaah, first thing I see when reading my mails is that guy vandalizing more bugs... | 11:12 |
yofel | this day doesn't begin well... | 11:12 |
* yofel goes unassigning us from bug 419501 | 11:13 | |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 419501 in libxcb (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "apport-kde assert failure: python: ../../src/xcb_io.c:242: process_responses: Assertion `(((long) (dpy->last_request_read) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed. (affects: 127) (dups: 59)" [High,Confirmed] | 11:13 |
strycore | Hey | 11:26 |
strycore | I'm having some issues with nautilus on lucid and I really don't understand ... | 11:27 |
strycore | whenever i fire up nautilus i get : nautilus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 11:27 |
strycore | but my nautilus is up to date and the changelog says : debian/changelog: * Rebuild with the new libdbusmenu version | 11:28 |
qense | strycore: There must have gone something wrong with that rebuilding. I'll have a look at it. | 11:30 |
strycore | thanks | 11:30 |
SevenMachines | strycore: have you logged out and back in after updating? | 11:31 |
strycore | yes and rebooted, I was having this issue yesterday | 11:31 |
SevenMachines | do you have /usr/lib/ | 11:31 |
strycore | yep | 11:32 |
qense | strycore: I can't reproduce it here. | 11:32 |
SevenMachines | its fine here too | 11:32 |
qense | strycore: What version is libappindicator0 at your system? | 11:32 |
strycore | is libdbusmenu-gtk0 removed from your systems ? | 11:33 |
strycore | qense, i'll check that | 11:33 |
qense | It is removed here, yes. | 11:33 |
qense | And I can't install it without bringing GNOME down. | 11:33 |
SevenMachines | same here | 11:33 |
strycore | Version: 0.0.11-0ubuntu1 | 11:34 |
strycore | for appindicator | 11:34 |
qense | that's the right version | 11:35 |
qense | and nautilus and libdbusmenu-gtk1? | 11:35 |
qense | btw, are you using 32bit or 64bit? | 11:35 |
strycore | nautilus Version: 1:2.29.2-0ubuntu4 | 11:36 |
strycore | 32bit | 11:36 |
strycore | libdbusmenu-gtk1 0.2.3-0ubuntu1 | 11:36 |
qense | SevenMachines: Are you running 32bit or 64bit. I've got 64bit. | 11:37 |
SevenMachines | 64 bit here too | 11:37 |
qense | strycore: the versions are right | 11:37 |
qense | Maybe it's just 32bit that failed. | 11:37 |
strycore | I can try to rebuild it on my machine | 11:38 |
SevenMachines_ | i can try the 32 bit version in a minute | 11:40 |
qense | that would be great | 11:40 |
SevenMachines_ | fine on 32 bit here | 11:42 |
yofel | shouldn't you take that to #ubuntu+1? | 11:43 |
strycore | ok I tries rebuilding nautilus and it didn't help | 11:57 |
hggdh | Damascene: vish sorry, was out | 14:37 |
hggdh | Damascene: sorry for you, this was for vish | 14:38 |
hggdh | dammit | 14:38 |
Damascene | :) np | 14:38 |
vish | hggdh: hehe ;) | 14:38 |
hggdh | I should never sit at my computer *before* a coffee | 14:39 |
vish | hggdh: i'v told om26er to be more careful ... he hasnt even been testing the bugs if the bug is a bug or fixed :( | 14:39 |
hggdh | vish: thank you. I saw your pastebin, no problems there | 14:40 |
vish | hggdh: thanks , bugs like this are a bit worrying for me > Bug 404657 | 14:40 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 404657 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Terminal exit while a process is running or multiple tabs open will ask you either to close or cancle both with underlined c that means to choose either u should press alt+c but they should use different letters example alt+l for cancle so we can exit using alt+c (affects: 2)" [Wishlist,Fix released] | 14:41 |
* vish still has an inbox with om26er's bug triage to double check | 14:41 | |
hggdh | yes, I agree | 14:42 |
hggdh | but the bug title did not help either... I got dizzy before reaching the end | 14:42 |
vish | yeah :D | 14:42 |
hggdh | brb. la recherche du cafe perdu | 14:43 |
* vish fixes title | 14:45 | |
vish | meh , no need bug mail spam ;p | 14:47 |
BUGabundo | bRoas | 15:39 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
SwedeMike | I've reported this bug: I'm thinking if there is something else I can do to improve the description, like installing a new OS in a virtual-box, replicating my config, replicating the bug and provide screenshots and exact configs that replicate the problem? | 17:48 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 516524 in ubuntu "Passphrase request at bootup doesn't work properly (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 17:48 |
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg | ||
charlie-tca | Why do people jump to the conclusion testing was not done in their bug reports? | 18:10 |
charlie-tca | SwedeMike: that is a duplicate | 18:10 |
persia | Often, to a reporter, something seems so obvious that even basic testing would have exposed it. While this isn't always true, it does create that comment in bug reports. | 18:12 |
charlie-tca | thank you | 18:12 |
SwedeMike | what persia said. | 18:13 |
SwedeMike | if it was part of testing it'd be discovered and most likely fixed. | 18:14 |
nigel_nb | heya charlie-tca | 18:14 |
charlie-tca | and that bug was discovered in testing | 18:14 |
charlie-tca | Hello, nigel_nb | 18:14 |
SwedeMike | charlie-tca: ok? and it was decided that it was more important to get the new faster boot-up in place than to keep this working? | 18:15 |
nigel_nb | I've finally gotten around to mailing bdmurray about the classes... got some pretty interesting responses | 18:15 |
persia | SwedeMike: Um, no. Lots of things get tested that end up getting that sort of report, because there's heaps of complex interactions that aren't always exposed in the daily images or in the rolling-release testing. | 18:15 |
charlie-tca | Also, we do not all have the same system specs, which may cause a bug that is marked fixed to be still be broken for other hardwware. | 18:16 |
charlie-tca | or software combinations | 18:16 |
SwedeMike | this functionality worked perfectly in 8.10 and 9.04, and stopped working properly in 9.10, and now that I saw it was still not working properly in 10.04 I wanted to report it before 10.04 was released. I hope it's considered important enough to get fixed. | 18:16 |
persia | There's also the various annoying issues related to the history of the system. Fresh installs and upgrades behave differently sometimes, in surprising ways. | 18:17 |
SwedeMike | persia: so would it help if I replicated this in a fresh 10.04 install? | 18:17 |
persia | Not really. Now that we have the bug, we can track it. | 18:17 |
persia | Getting it fixed requires someone to go fix it, which is different :) | 18:17 |
persia | What's the bug number again (unfortunately, I've recently flushed backscroll). | 18:18 |
SwedeMike | 18:48 < ubot4> Launchpad bug 516524 in ubuntu "Passphrase request at bootup doesn't work properly (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 18:18 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 516524 in ubuntu "Passphrase request at bootup doesn't work properly (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 18:18 |
charlie-tca | it is a duplicate | 18:18 |
qense | of? | 18:19 |
persia | Aha. I've been using that successfully for 9.10 and lucid (so far, except for a while when the prompt was useless). | 18:19 |
charlie-tca | I will have to search when I get a chance. | 18:19 |
qense | SwedeMike: Do you have Nvidia? That should have been fixed recently, but now I've read some reports of users that the fix didn't fix it enough. | 18:20 |
persia | I think the bug needs a clear way to reproduce from scratch, so a fresh install may help, with every step identified. I know that encrypted disk is one of the test cases for milestone images, and it works for me on rolling-release, so I'm sure there's something special going on. | 18:20 |
SwedeMike | persia: oki, I'll do that. | 18:21 |
persia | SwedeMike: Thanks. That it's not working for you should definitely be fixed, but that it's working for me, and has been working during the milestone testing indicates it's something about either your hardware or other software installed in your environment. | 18:22 |
nigel_nb | persia, ping | 18:29 |
* persia has received a contextless ping and ignores it pending context | 18:32 | |
hggdh | heh | 18:32 |
nigel_nb | ah well...context then | 18:33 |
nigel_nb | persia, was wondering where you were located. the map showed some point in the artic circle | 18:33 |
hggdh | LOL | 18:33 |
persia | I'm a bit south of that, and may be a bit east or west, but the timezone is right. | 18:34 |
nigel_nb | (I'm try to make sense of who's where for the triaging classes) | 18:34 |
chrisccoulson | qense - would you mind creating your transmission patch with "diff -Nurp"? I can't get it to apply at the moment, and it's difficult to work out which bits of the patch are meant to go where ;) | 18:34 |
nigel_nb | ah well, TZ is all I want | 18:34 |
nigel_nb | thanks persia :) | 18:35 |
nigel_nb | Is bug 518414 a packaging bug? | 19:03 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 518414 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Please include manpage from upstream (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 19:03 |
persia | nigel_nb: Looks that way to me. | 19:04 |
nigel_nb | persia, isn't there a standard formatting for them? shall I change to that? | 19:04 |
persia | Just add the packaging tag, set the right package name, and so on. | 19:05 |
persia | If you are sufficiently motivated, grab the latest source from lucid, verify that the upstream source contains a manpage, and that it just isn't installed, and mark triaged. | 19:05 |
persia | Otherwise, just confirm that there isn't a manpage installed, and mark confirmed. | 19:06 |
nigel_nb | I'm sufficiently motivated ;) | 19:06 |
hggdh | then go ahead, and propose a debdiff if confirmed | 19:08 |
persia | Do you feel like being a developer today? If so, read the dh_installman manual pages, and see if you can fix it :) | 19:08 |
nigel_nb | I'm always up for trying to be a developer. you'll both be here to help me out? :) | 19:09 |
persia | To a certain degree, yes. If you need a real plymouth developer, you'll need to ask in #ubuntu-devel. | 19:10 |
nigel_nb | I will when we get that far | 19:10 |
jpds | qense: Do you have something to do with ? | 19:17 |
ChogyDan | how do I file a bug for failure to resume? | 19:17 |
qense | jpds: No | 19:17 |
qense | jpds: I just thought I could be an active member of such a team, but then discovered that it's not official. | 19:18 |
qense | Some funny spammer created it and subscribed every team he could find, or something like that. | 19:18 |
jpds | How annoying. | 19:18 |
qense | let me dig up the ubuntu-devel thread | 19:18 |
qense | jpds: | 19:19 |
qense | the user has been kicked from the team, though | 19:19 |
jpds | Yep. | 19:19 |
nigel_nb | whats the upstream for plymouth? | 19:21 |
persia | Some URLs should be listed in debian/copyright | 19:22 |
persia | There *might* be a Homepage: entry in debian/control, but not everyone adds that. | 19:23 |
hggdh | jpds: the team was created by a just-arrived-to-LP person | 19:23 |
hggdh | (which I had just refused entry to busquad, BTW) | 19:23 |
nigel_nb | ah, freedesktop | 19:24 |
qense | hggdh: I remembered his name from a few vandalisations he had carried out earlier. | 19:24 |
hggdh | yup. Yesterday was fun... | 19:24 |
vish | hggdh: found om26er \o/ he'd been in +1.. | 19:25 |
jpds | qense / hggdh: did you report it to an admin? | 19:25 |
qense | vish: he seems to have regular contact with the auther of OMG! Ubuntu. | 19:25 |
hggdh | jpds: to my understanding there was no need -- he was kicked out fast | 19:25 |
vish | meh... ;p | 19:25 |
nigel_nb | hggdh, same guy wgrant__ was talking about yday or so? | 19:26 |
qense | jpds: No, I assumed it was not necessary since he was already kicked out fast, there was a thread on ubuntu-devel and all teams of any stature were notified. | 19:26 |
hggdh | nigel_nb: yes | 19:26 |
nigel_nb | ah | 19:26 |
vish | qense: OMG ! sometimes used to half baked info :( but recently the guy has improved | 19:27 |
qense | yeah, although it's still a bit too much: OMG! A nice mock-up! | 19:27 |
hggdh | jpds: OTOH, I asked #LP to look & act on the OP og bug 517777 | 19:27 |
qense | rather than real news | 19:27 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 517777 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Nautilus folder manager generates random colors in folder background when folders are opened. (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] | 19:27 |
vish | qense: very true , it seems more to just post one blog a day ;) | 19:27 |
vish | qense: and the comments crack me up sometimes :) | 19:28 |
jpds | hggdh: I saw, and the best thing to do about that is to file a question against Launchpad. | 19:28 |
qense | I almost never read website comments, I just hope they are kind for you. ;) | 19:28 |
hggdh | jpds: oh, sorry, then will do it now | 19:28 |
qense | hggdh: troll! | 19:29 |
soliko | Hello I have a patch regarding Ubuntu and Qemu - anyone know where do I send it? | 19:29 |
vish | qense: liferea fwiw doesnt show comments ;) initially i used to read comments on blogs but they are just a waste of time ;) | 19:29 |
qense | I also never use feed readers | 19:30 |
qense | soliko: Great! Does that patch fix an existing bug? | 19:30 |
persia | soliko: Is it an Ubuntu-specific patch, or a more general patch? | 19:30 |
hggdh | qense: heh. I personally think he is just misguided, but I do not want to stir the pot with him right now. | 19:30 |
soliko | it's ubuntu specific bug (capslock not working) | 19:30 |
soliko | it's look like a patch that Ubuntu made in the SDL | 19:31 |
persia | In that case, attach it to a bug in launchpad. First hunt at to see if you can find an existing one, If there isn't one, file a new one. | 19:31 |
qense | soliko: The best practise would be to attach the patch to the bug report on Launchpad and mark the attachment as a patch. | 19:31 |
soliko | qense, thanks I will | 19:31 |
qense | Patches are loved. ;) Two people guiding a patch to the right place at the same time. | 19:32 |
nigel_nb | well, I got the source for plymouth in lucid.. how do I see the manpages? | 19:33 |
hggdh | OK. I confess I am dumb. *Where* does one go to ask a question? | 19:33 |
qense | hggdh: ? | 19:33 |
jpds | hggdh: | 19:33 |
persia | nigel_nb: That's the tricky bit :) `nroff -man foo.1` will display it, but you'll need to hunt around the tree to see if it's already present. | 19:33 |
* persia really enjoys that one "files an answer" when asking a question. | 19:34 | |
hggdh | ah. I went to, but there does not seem to be a link to *ask* a question | 19:34 |
hggdh | thanks | 19:34 |
nigel_nb | persia, is there is a different naming style for main? | 19:34 |
nigel_nb | package naming.. | 19:34 |
persia | No. | 19:35 |
nigel_nb | changelog shows plymouth (0.8.0~-9) | 19:35 |
persia | Yes. | 19:35 |
nigel_nb | shouldn't there be a 1ubuntu1 or something? | 19:35 |
persia | That means revision "9" from upstream "0.8.0~". The '~' is used to indicate that it's not a real release, just something that *will* be 0.8.0 in the future, probably. | 19:36 |
persia | Not necessarily. Lots of packages don't have that revision string. Use of "ubuntu" in the revision string typically indicates that there is some Ubuntu-specific patch to a package not in Debian. | 19:36 |
nigel_nb | ah | 19:37 |
nigel_nb | and it seems that plymouth is in bzr too? | 19:37 |
nigel_nb | so the preferred way of taking source is from the bzr trunk? | 19:37 |
SwedeMike | interesting, I did a fresh install from alpha2 and dist-upgraded it, got all kinds of weird behaviour, freezes approx 20-30 seconds after X starts etc... but my (fully updated) lucid that was upgraded from 9.10 (booting from different drive, same hw) works fine. Guess it's time to try daily build | 19:37 |
nigel_nb | I feel that the bzr branch is synced from git | 19:37 |
persia | apt-get source will get the current version in Ubuntu. bzr synced from git probably gets something closer to upstream. | 19:38 |
crimsun | also, Scott usually deviates from the versioning semantics, so don't look for an Ubuntu-specific version being appended. | 19:38 |
nigel_nb | I got a dget from and I'm going to branch the bzr code | 19:39 |
hggdh | wouldn't pull-lp-source be a better option? | 19:39 |
nigel_nb | so that would be current source in ubuntu and upstream.. right> | 19:40 |
persia | No, that pulls the current Ubuntu source from lp. | 19:40 |
persia | With vcs-imports, the tool becomes less well named, but it made sense at one point. | 19:40 |
nigel_nb | and, should I be running lucid at this point? | 19:40 |
charlie-tca | SwedeMike: You should be able to switch to a tty1 and enter the passphrase. After the updates run, it should correct itself | 19:41 |
persia | nigel_nb: Um, maybe? It works for some people, but is intentionally unstable at this point. If you are comfortable fixing it when it breaks, go ahead, but if not, you'd do better to run it in chroots and VMs. | 19:41 |
nigel_nb | I have it in vm | 19:42 |
nigel_nb | so I guess I have to fire it up | 19:42 |
SwedeMike | charlie-tca: nono, this was way before I even started to try to reproduce my problem. | 19:42 |
SwedeMike | charlie-tca: basically just default install and dist-upgrade | 19:42 |
SwedeMike | and I want to re-install anyway, I couldn't get the partitioner to do what I wanted anyway (couldn't create any new partitions after choosing "new partition table", will see if that works better in the daily build. | 19:44 |
SwedeMike | and when I say freeze, I mean "caps-lock key doesn't change the LED and I have to power cycle" | 19:46 |
charlie-tca | ouch | 19:47 |
persia | SwedeMike: Maybe try it in a VM? That might mask your HW bugs, and help separate any issues related to your specific HW from general issues. | 19:48 |
SwedeMike | persia: yeah, I'm going to try that if this doesn't work now. | 19:49 |
nigel_nb | persia, I didn't understand how the `nroff -man foo.1` works :( | 19:51 |
persia | nigel_nb: Try `zcat /usr/share/man/man1/kill.1.gz | nroff -man | less` to see the effect. | 19:52 |
nigel_nb | persia, the upsteam source has a folder called docs which has this stuff, but I dont see it downstream | 19:53 |
persia | The entire folder is missing? | 19:54 |
nigel_nb | yup | 19:54 |
persia | Then fixing the bug would require a new pull from upstream, which may have additional side effects. | 19:54 |
persia | Were it me, I'd just leave a comment with the results of my investigation, mark it confirmed, and leave it alone. | 19:55 |
nigel_nb | okay :) | 19:55 |
persia | If you're feeling really confident, and understand how plymouth works, you might want to hunt down a developer who works on plymouth and ask how you can help. | 19:55 |
persia | But I'm not sure you'll find one for at least the next 10-15 hours. | 19:55 |
persia | And just randomly updating the software that manages initial startup can have unexpected consequences :) | 19:56 |
nigel_nb | true. I wash my hands with a change of bug status ;) | 19:57 |
persia | heh | 19:57 |
persia | But do add the comment about your investigation, as this will help the developer who fixes it to understand in more detail. | 19:57 |
persia | (otherwise someone else has to do what you've just done all over again) | 19:58 |
nigel_nb | ah, yes | 19:58 |
nigel_nb | is it just me or the does the greasemonkey script for LP missing the "confirmed" message? | 20:01 |
SwedeMike | hm, the daily build iso I downloaded doesn't seem to want to work after I select "install ubuntu" in a virtual-box-machine, the alpha2 seems to work fine. | 20:05 |
BUGabundo | SwedeMike: broken plymouth? | 20:13 |
SwedeMike | I have no idea, I just get a black screen and a blinking cursor top-left and virtual-box runs at 100% cpu (which I guess is normal if the vmachine doesn't do sleep) | 20:14 |
ddecator | can someone please mark bug 514782 as "medium" (it affects the functionality of a core app, although you could argue that using a different app is an "easy" workaround), and "triaged"? | 20:24 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 514782 in brasero (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Brasero fails to recognize erased DVD-RW media (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 20:24 |
persia | I don't like setting importance for incomplete bugs. We don't yet know enough. | 20:27 |
persia | Err, sorry. "And triaged". Looking. | 20:27 |
ddecator | i set it as incomplete before, i just got done updating the description and everything. if you think i missed something, then please let me know | 20:28 |
persia | OK. Now, why isn't 514782 a dup of 386024? | 20:30 |
ddecator | i wasn't sure that the original being for 0.8.2 and the new one being for 2.28.2 would mean that they have the same cause so i was hesitant to mark it as a dup | 20:32 |
persia | Fair enough. I'll encourage you to follow-up on 386024, and see if you can't determine they are the same. | 20:33 |
persia | I'll update 514782 temporarily whilst you do that :) | 20:33 |
ddecator | alright, sounds good | 20:33 |
ddecator | should i just ask the OP if they can confirm the behavior still exists in the latest version? | 20:34 |
persia | That's probably a good way to start. | 20:34 |
ddecator | good deal, thanks persia | 20:35 |
persia | If so, it's suddenly a bug in the latest version, so you can dup it :) | 20:35 |
joumetal | linux-source-2.6.32 package doesn't include kernel sources. | 20:37 |
ddecator | fair enough. thanks again for the help and advice persia | 20:38 |
persia | joumetal: My apt-file claims it installs /usr/src/linux-source.2.6.32.tar.bz2 : are you certain? | 20:38 |
SwedeMike | oki, so, after installing alpha2 in my vbox, then dist-upgrading, I now have the same problem booting my vbox-machine that I had with the daily build of the installer, so whatever is going on seems to be consistent. | 20:39 |
nigel_nb | If a mount point is listed under fdisk -l but not in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab, will it fail? | 20:39 |
nigel_nb | bug 518533 seems to be about it | 20:40 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 518533 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Unable to mount location Not Authorized after nautilus upgrade (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 20:40 |
joumetal | persia: synaptic doesn't show me that file and it isn't in /usr/src as it used to be. | 20:40 |
persia | joumetal: Hrm. Maybe my Contents.gz is out-of-date. File a bug. | 20:40 |
SwedeMike | hm, can't even get into grub. Wonder if this is actually a grub2 problem, does the installer boot grub after one selects "install ubuntu" ? | 20:42 |
persia | The installer installs grub2, I think. | 20:42 |
persia | You might ask in #ubuntu+1 to see if anyone has a workaround or more clues. | 20:43 |
persia | Although we triage lots of bugs here, not all of us run the latest release, so we sometimes miss things. | 20:43 |
ogra | the instller goes directly into initrd after the gfxboot menu | 20:44 |
ogra | the menu is shown after the isolinux bootloader phase | 20:45 |
persia | ogra: Do you know why SwedeMike might be having issues with the decryption call? | 20:45 |
persia | WFM, which puts me in a weak position to understand. | 20:45 |
ogra | no, i dont use any encryption | 20:46 |
ogra | so i never see any decryption stuff :) | 20:46 |
persia | Hrm. | 20:48 |
micahg | anyone using pidgin in here? | 20:48 |
nigel_nb | micahg, i have it installed | 20:49 |
joumetal | micahg: pidgin doesn't let you to network? | 20:49 |
micahg | nigel_nb: if you disable freenode after you connect and then reenable it, do you get an excess flood? | 20:50 |
nigel_nb | micahg, Lemme try. | 20:50 |
nigel_nb | micahg, works as supposed to. no problems | 20:51 |
micahg | nigel_nb: how many channels? | 20:51 |
nigel_nb | (but I haven't joined any channels) | 20:51 |
SwedeMike | seems to be it, acpi=off makes it boot again | 20:51 |
micahg | nigel_nb: I'm in 13 | 20:51 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 510571 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "-11 & later kernels won't boot with acpi, -10 works, Lucid (affects: 7)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:51 |
nigel_nb | I'll join 10 and try | 20:51 |
nigel_nb | micahg, 13? lucky number ;) | 20:53 |
micahg | nigel_nb: no, that's just how many channels I'm in | 20:54 |
nigel_nb | hehe | 20:54 |
nigel_nb | I'm getting to 13 and will try | 20:54 |
nigel_nb | micahg, you have them in favorites? | 20:56 |
micahg | nigel_nb: they're set to persistent | 20:56 |
nigel_nb | micahg, how is that done? | 20:56 |
micahg | add a chat, and right click and select persistent | 20:57 |
nigel_nb | micahg, okay, I cant see an option like that | 20:58 |
micahg | File -> Add chat | 20:58 |
nigelbabu | micahg: lucid? | 20:59 |
micahg | nigelbabu: no | 20:59 |
nigelbabu | Pidgin 2.6.2? | 20:59 |
micahg | nigelbabu: 2.6.5 | 20:59 |
nigel_nb | that figures | 20:59 |
nigel_nb | 2.6.2 is the one in repos | 20:59 |
micahg | nigel_nb: pidgin PPA | 21:00 |
nigel_nb | aah | 21:00 |
nigel_nb | well, in 2.6.2, no issues when you disable and enable | 21:00 |
nigel_nb | only thing it doesn't connect to all channels.. which means you have to do all that again | 21:00 |
micahg | nigel_nb: you can do that in 2.6.2 | 21:00 |
micahg | It's Buddies -> Add Chat | 21:01 |
crimsun | ddecator: when you reassign to pulseaudio/alsa-driver, please ensure that the original reporter has used apport-collect -p alsa-base | 21:04 |
crimsun | ddecator: thanks! | 21:05 |
nigel_nb | micahg, testing | 21:05 |
nigelbabu | micahg: no trouble here | 21:06 |
ddecator | crimsun, sorry, didn't realize i was supposed to do that. i will from now on | 21:06 |
micahg | nigelbabu: you're only in 3 channels | 21:06 |
nigel_nb | I'm in 13 rooms :) | 21:06 |
micahg | the problem is that I autojoin 13 channels twice | 21:06 |
crimsun | ddecator: no prob, it just saves the audio teams some time | 21:06 |
nigel_nb | everyone's +i now, so u can only see channels that we both are in | 21:07 |
micahg | nigel_nb: ah | 21:07 |
micahg | nigel_nb: you have them set for suto join? | 21:07 |
micahg | *auto | 21:07 |
nigel_nb | yep | 21:07 |
nigel_nb | crimsun, have you got some spare time? | 21:08 |
micahg | nigel_nb: 2.6.2 or 2.6.5? | 21:08 |
nigel_nb | 2.6.2 | 21:09 |
micahg | let me try to downgrade | 21:09 |
nigel_nb | crimsun, would you be interested in a session of triaging audio bugs (at some point after lucid launch)? | 21:10 |
nigel_nb | bah... | 21:10 |
crimsun | nigel_nb: in about ten minutes,I'll have some time | 21:10 |
nigel_nb | crimsun, bah.. correction.. would you be interested in a teaching session in classroom of how to triaging audio bugs (at some point after lucid launch)? | 21:11 |
micahg | nigel_nb: seems to be a problem in 2.6.5 | 21:12 |
crimsun | nigel_nb: hm, another one? sure. | 21:13 |
nigel_nb | micahg, ah, bug | 21:13 |
crimsun | I suppose I should get lernid and ground control here prior | 21:13 |
nigel_nb | crimsun, only after lucid launch and once the bug squad changes becomes more definite | 21:13 |
nigel_nb | lernid, yes | 21:13 |
nigel_nb | GC, i'm not so sure | 21:13 |
nigel_nb | you can use presentations and all in lernid (if you so desire) | 21:14 |
crimsun | well, I hope to have the bug fixing stuff tied in and intend to use ground control for that | 21:14 |
nigel_nb | ah, great :) | 21:14 |
nigel_nb | so I'll count you in :) | 21:14 |
crimsun | my goal is to have a screencast/video up on the youtube ubuntu developer channel by lucid | 21:15 |
nigel_nb | crimsun, if I can help in anyway let me know? mixing or something... | 21:15 |
crimsun | nigel_nb: surely | 21:15 |
persia | crimsun: I don't suppose there's features in bughugger that can also help? Might be interesting to have a session showing how to use bughugger + GC to just get stuff fixed. | 21:16 |
persia | (or maybe such features can be added prior to the session? ) | 21:16 |
nigel_nb | um, good idea | 21:16 |
arand | Would it be possible to get an importance on I'd vote in the higher range since it's kind of impairing testing.. | 21:16 |
nigel_nb | I need to talk to bdmurray again | 21:16 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 510571 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "-11 & later kernels won't boot with acpi, -10 works, Lucid (affects: 7)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 21:16 |
crimsun | arand: it's already on the weekly regression list | 21:17 |
arand | crimsun: oh, right, where's this list? | 21:17 |
crimsun | arand: | 21:18 |
arand | crimsun: Ah, I was looking at that one before, when it wasn't there yet... | 21:20 |
arand | But wouldn't an importance still be useful...? | 21:21 |
crimsun | arand: possibly, but the focus is on Critical and High importance bugs | 21:25 |
crimsun | arand: I don't see this being a Critical bug, and it's debatable whether it's a High or Medium | 21:25 |
crimsun | I'll set it to High for now, but someone else will likely triage it | 21:25 |
arand | crimsun: Yea, the breakage is kind of "high" but possibly the workaround makes it medium.. | 21:26 |
crimsun | actually, no, it can't be High | 21:26 |
crimsun | right, there's an easy workaround | 21:26 |
crimsun | Medium it is | 21:26 |
crimsun | I actually think that it's Low, but it's not really my final call. | 21:27 |
arand | okay, just hoping it gets some eyes, since it's quite annoying, and affects quite a few I presume.. | 21:34 |
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo | ||
ddecator | i'm looking at bug 516461, which if from 9.04, but they say that it works fine in 9.10, so would that be "Fix Released"? (i haven't encountered this before so i just want to check before i make a change) | 21:35 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 516461 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Nautilus trash applet don't show erased files (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 21:35 |
ddecator | s/if/is | 21:35 |
persia | ddecator: I generally check the package changelog to see if I can find anything that looks like it might have fixed the bug before doing that. | 21:36 |
ddecator | persia, how can i check that? | 21:37 |
persia | That way I can report the version that fixes is, so if someone wants to look at an update (formal or local), they have somewhere from which to start. | 21:37 |
persia | ddecator: has all the changelogs, if you don't have the package installed. If you do, it's in /usr/share/doc/${package}/changelog.Debian.gz | 21:37 |
ddecator | perfect, thanks persia =) | 21:38 |
persia | aptitude changelog ${package} may also work, but may provide unexpected results in some circumstances (it downloads from, but not always the version you expected) | 21:39 |
crimsun | it would be nice to pull them from LP | 21:41 |
crimsun | I have a shell script that does everything but that | 21:41 |
persia | Does LP have them in a clean form? In the past couple years, I've found the LP changelogs to be oddly truncated, summarised, etc. | 21:42 |
crimsun | I think it only shows the one corresponding to the most recent accepted source upload | 21:43 |
persia | Where? | 21:43 |
crimsun | Show Details | 21:44 |
persia | Because e.g. doesn't match the distirbuted changelog | 21:44 |
* persia looks | 21:44 | |
crimsun | per-release, there should be a Show Details | 21:44 |
persia | Oh, that's just the stuff from the .changes file, which may or may not match anything in particular, depending on how the upload was constructed. | 21:46 |
persia | (and it's mangled anyway) | 21:46 |
crimsun | yes, mangling is an issue | 21:50 |
crimsun | hmm, ekiga's is pretty close without the changed-by, etc. | 21:51 |
crimsun | I didn't check to see if I need to retry something on armel, though. | 21:52 |
persia | And that's what the new features in pbuilder-dist and mk-sbuild-lv are all about :) | 21:53 |
crimsun | yeah, yeah, more HD space devoted to pre-upload testing, sigh. | 21:54 |
crimsun | I can at least test the actual debs I generate on bare metal | 21:55 |
SwedeMike | so, now I've reproduced my crypt problems, and it's even worse now than before. is there any more info that might be of use? | 21:55 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 516524 in ubuntu "Passphrase request at bootup doesn't work properly (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 21:55 |
persia | crimsun: schroot -p might be your new friend. With luck, powerpc may also be available soon, but I'm not sure that can happen before FF. | 21:56 |
persia | There's an annoying bug that all setuid binaries fail to be setuid, but one can work around by being root in the chroot. | 21:56 |
crimsun | right, -p would help with space, but I'm still up a creek with real testing | 21:57 |
persia | Um, -p is what I use to help with testing. | 21:57 |
crimsun | on what armel that I have? | 21:57 |
persia | Lets you run binaries in the schroot against your regular DISPLAY | 21:57 |
persia | The emulated one on which you built stuff? | 21:58 |
crimsun | persia: that would be emulated, no? | 21:58 |
persia | Ah, I see your point. Can't help you there really, unless I suddenly get rich enough to send hardware to everyone :) | 21:59 |
bcurtiswx | if someones having a problems with a work proxy.. whats the best way to debug? (its empathy).. whats a good network diagnostic? | 23:56 |
micahg | bcurtiswx: emapthy IRC? | 23:56 |
bcurtiswx | MSN | 23:56 |
bcurtiswx | and Yahoo (i think) | 23:57 |
micahg | bcurtiswx: some businesses block IM traffic | 23:57 |
bcurtiswx | pidgin works for them | 23:57 |
micahg | hmm | 23:57 |
micahg | well, IM traffic isn't usually proxied | 23:57 |
bcurtiswx | micahg: maybe i'm overdoing it.. lemme grab the bug # | 23:58 |
micahg | bcurtiswx: which version of empath | 23:58 |
BUGabundo | bcurtiswx: tcpdump? | 23:58 |
bcurtiswx | Bug #510454 | 23:58 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 510454 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy "Network error" with any account over corporate network (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 23:58 |
micahg | both MSN and Yahoo have changed protocols recently | 23:58 |
persia | No reason IM traffic can't be proxied. Tends to have little impact. | 23:58 |
micahg | persia: true, I was just saying that it's usually not | 23:58 |
BUGabundo | yeah IM can and is proxied | 23:58 |
BUGabundo | pidgin even obbeys WM settings now | 23:59 |
hggdh | the point is a lot of companies in the US block IM traffic | 23:59 |
micahg | hggdh: that's what I was thinking but pidgin works apparently | 23:59 |
micahg | bcurtiswx: could be the protocols are out of date, is there a newer backport the user can test? | 23:59 |
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