sebsebseb | Hi | 01:02 |
sebsebseb | What's this? | 01:02 |
IdleOne | sebsebseb: | 01:03 |
sebsebseb | IdleOne: yeah was about to go there | 01:03 |
sebsebseb | IdleOne: It's not really clear, but I guess it's so me can work together as a team doing support, helping each other out a bit or something | 01:12 |
IdleOne | sebsebseb: pretty much yes | 01:13 |
sebsebseb | we can, not me can, above | 01:13 |
sebsebseb | so can refer support issues to people in here maybe, if tried to help, but can't really help them properly? | 01:14 |
sebsebseb | and ask for help when doing support in here? if it's needed? | 01:15 |
sebsebseb | IdleOne: is that what this channel is about partly? | 01:15 |
arand | Is discussiond of the !factoids also within the scope of this chan or is that for #ubuntu-irc? | 01:23 |
* erUSUL has the opnion that this channel is just redundant and that everything done here can be done in #ubuntu-irc | 01:24 | |
* erUSUL added bonus one less channel to join | 01:24 | |
arand | And there's also #ubuntu-meta for unanswered questions... | 01:25 |
sebsebseb | erUSUL: I think this channel could be useful, if it's used as a like Ubuntu support team channel, where we can turn to each other for help with support when it's a good idea to | 01:26 |
sebsebseb | no one knows it all | 01:27 |
erUSUL | sebsebseb: i'm not disputing the goals of the channel. i'm saying that what you say can be easily done in #ubuntu-irc there was no need to set up this channel (which is less than a week old) it is redundant | 01:27 |
sebsebseb | we have our areas | 01:27 |
erUSUL | a little tweak in the topic of #ubuntu-irc and an edit in the wiki page and you are done | 01:28 |
sebsebseb | ,but if we knew what each person was good at when it comes to Ubuntu support, we would know who to come to for help with issues, that we can't support properly/fully our selves in the channel | 01:28 |
erUSUL | sebsebseb: again i'm not disputing the what. i'm disputing the how | 01:28 |
sebsebseb | erUSUL: #ubuntu-irc is the big operators room | 01:29 |
sebsebseb | for all Ubuntu channels | 01:29 |
sebsebseb | offical ones | 01:29 |
erUSUL | sebsebseb: what: coordinate helpers ok! how: set up yet another empty channel with little traffic *not* ok | 01:29 |
sebsebseb | erUSUL: I get the impression from the wiki so far, that they want to tell people off in here for misusing the bot, instead of pm, or even #ubuntu itself | 01:31 |
sebsebseb | erUSUL: That's about the only thing that made sense to me when it came to reading the wiki page | 01:31 |
sebsebseb | oh and how people who are regular IRC helpers might become community members | 01:32 |
rww | erUSUL: I agree. | 01:32 |
erUSUL | rww: :) | 01:33 |
rww | The purposes of #ubuntu-irc and #ubuntu-irc-helpers seem to me to be mergable, and the two channels' combined traffic seems like it would be reasonable. | 01:33 |
erUSUL | more than reasonable | 01:33 |
erUSUL | sebsebseb: again i'm not against the goals of the channel i'm against have to join a tens of channles just to keep up | 01:34 |
sebsebseb | erUSUL: same here I don't like being in loads and loads of channels either | 01:35 |
erUSUL | the solution to every problem seems to be just create yet another channel. and we can make sense of t later | 01:35 |
erUSUL | too much traffic in #ubuntu? proposed solution ---> just chop it off in three !!!! | 01:36 |
sebsebseb | erUSUL: well I guess #ubuntu should be split into a few more channels, if the user number, who type stuff, not all those idlers, becomes much bigger | 01:36 |
sebsebseb | erUSUL: I started typing the above before your message | 01:36 |
sebsebseb | oh so many people in #ubuntu people notice that, thing is we never even see most of them type? | 01:37 |
erUSUL | sebsebseb: that just will split knowledge | 01:37 |
rww | There are plenty of good reasons why that's a bad idea. I'll go grab the relevant bug report ;P | 01:37 |
erUSUL | sebsebseb: i for one will have to choose one of the three. | 01:37 |
rww | | 01:38 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 392799 in ubuntu-community "#ubuntu too noisy to be useful" [Medium,In progress] | 01:38 |
rww | one of the reasons why use of #ubuntu-meta is being encouraged is to catch questions that are missed because of the channel's volume | 01:39 |
sebsebseb | I guess it's since Xchat has #ubuntu as the default channel, if I remember correctly, why there are so many idlers, that we don't see type. | 01:39 |
sebsebseb | erUSUL: Some people are in around 60 channels, and more than one network, but most of us nope. | 01:39 |
erUSUL | sebsebseb: good for them. i can not | 01:40 |
sebsebseb | maybe 60 is quite the exeragation, but there are those people in a lot of channels and more than one network | 01:40 |
sebsebseb | erUSUL: I am just saying, and I woudn't want to do something like that myself | 01:40 |
erUSUL | :) | 01:40 |
sebsebseb | altough maybe one day I will try something like that, just to try :D | 01:41 |
arand | Problem is #ubuntu is great for "simple-medium" questions, but for more advanced questions, I don't feel there's not much response in #ubuntu, and sometimes it's almost more likely to get somewhere in #ubuntu+1 even though it's not related to dev version.. | 01:41 |
sebsebseb | arand: sometimes even the basic questions don't get answered in #ubuntu | 01:41 |
sebsebseb | in fact most of the questions being asked in #ubuntu I would consider as being intermediate to advanced | 01:42 |
sebsebseb | basic qustions here and there, but there are a lot of questions, where the answer is to use quite a few commands or to maybe edit some files | 01:43 |
sebsebseb | then of course the standard comon stuff, pulse audio, wireless, ATI graphics card issues | 01:43 |
arand | ...dual monitors, grub... | 01:44 |
sebsebseb | yep and those two | 01:44 |
sebsebseb | altough | 01:44 |
sebsebseb | I don't think many average computer users, have a dual monitor | 01:44 |
sebsebseb | dual monitor issues aren't that common or I am missing it quite a lot or something | 01:45 |
sebsebseb | another issue with #ubuntu is that it's rather busy for new users | 01:46 |
sebsebseb | hence one reason why quite a lot of people want to pm for example | 01:47 |
sebsebseb | sometimes not that much going on in there, but most of the time there is | 01:48 |
arand | What I just came to think of now is that it would be very sweet if "helpers" would have access to a set of "filter" scripts so one could easily say "I can help in the categories: grub, dual-booting and general" And then only get those questions... | 01:51 |
sebsebseb | so many people in there | 01:52 |
sebsebseb | ,but we have regular helpers, and those who don't do it that often | 01:52 |
sebsebseb | can't easilly find out what everyone is good at who wants to help in there I guess, and no not say a form on say Launchpad will be good enough for example, since not everyone who uses Ubuntu IRC want's to use Launchpad | 01:53 |
sebsebseb | a form yeah where people can fill in saying what they want to do. Even if it was on a website, not everyone who wants to help in #ubuntu would want to fill it in I expect. | 01:53 |
sebsebseb | However regular helpers who care enough about things, are likely to come to a channel such as this one I expect, and here we can ask each other what we can help with, and turn to each other for help at times, when doing support in #ubuntu Well those are my suggestions for this channel | 01:54 |
rww | sebsebseb: /meta metabot help subscribe | 01:55 |
rww | /msg, not /meta | 01:56 |
sebsebseb | rww: uhmm? | 01:56 |
rww | sebsebseb: Are you familiar with #ubuntu-meta and metabot? | 01:56 |
sebsebseb | rww: no | 01:56 |
sebsebseb | I know it exists, but don't really know about it. I decided to join the channel again a bit after joining this one | 01:57 |
sebsebseb | was going to check out the wiki | 01:57 |
rww | sebsebseb: /join #ubuntu-meta, idle in there for a while. It's pretty self-explanatory. If you do /msg metabot help, it'll give you a list of commands, one of which is the ability to subscribe to a particular category. | 01:57 |
sebsebseb | rww: oh | 01:58 |
sebsebseb | right, but that channel is for only un answered questions I think | 01:58 |
rww | sebsebseb: you can set a timeout for how long they have to be unanswered before it notifies you. | 01:59 |
rww | of course, it's not a substitute for sitting in #ubuntu and paying attention, it's a supplement that catches missed questions | 02:00 |
sebsebseb | rww: got a description of something, but not sure how to set whatever up | 02:09 |
sebsebseb | rww: Well I got it to tell me the Available categories | 02:11 |
rww | sebsebseb: for example, if you wanted to get notified of package-category questions 30 seconds after they were asked, you'd do /msg metabot subscribe package privmsg 30 | 02:13 |
sebsebseb | rww: right so, it can pm me what's also in the channel, for my choosen cateogire/s ? | 02:15 |
rww | sebsebseb: The channel's set to notify after about five minutes. So if you did the above, you'd get a PM before it showed up in the channel. And yeah, it'd be only for the categories you set. | 02:16 |
sebsebseb | oh right | 02:17 |
sebsebseb | and 30 seconds is just an example, I could do 10 seconds or even 1 second? | 02:17 |
rww | I assume so, yeah. | 02:17 |
sebsebseb | ok could be a good idea, don't want to waste time watching the channel quite a lot, like I have done in the past, and I only tend to help with certain basic areas | 02:19 |
sebsebseb | rww: well thanks I guess | 02:21 |
rww | sebsebseb: no problem, glad I could be of help | 02:21 |
IdleOne | rww: that was the best explanation on how to use metabot. thank you! | 02:28 |
geli | hello | 11:01 |
rww | hello | 11:02 |
guntbert | geli: this is no support channel - please use #ubuntu | 11:02 |
geli | oh sorry | 11:02 |
ThatGuy-_-_ | I cant find the wallpaper I downloaded, in order to set it to slideshow | 18:33 |
erUSUL | ThatGuy-_-_: support is in #ubuntu | 18:35 |
ThatGuy-_-_ | thx | 18:35 |
=== ThatGuy-_-_ is now known as ThatGuy-_- | ||
jussi01 | arand: generally I would say -installer, but if someone says nonfree its no big deal | 20:16 |
arand | jussi01: you know if is it supposed to be removed at some point or are plans to always keep it there? | 20:17 |
jussi01 | arand: I imagine itll disappear at some point, probably after Lucid Id guess, but Im not certain | 20:17 |
* jussi01 waves to cjohnston | 21:07 | |
cjohnston | o/ | 21:07 |
cjohnston | :-) | 21:08 |
* cjohnston noticed that the discussion regarding changes in -ops had died down... (allowing/not allowing people in) | 21:09 | |
IdleOne | Does that mean the issue is resolved? | 21:10 |
jussi01 | cjohnston: we are all thinking about it. | 21:10 |
jussi01 | no | 21:11 |
cjohnston | ya.. | 21:11 |
cjohnston | still nothing new.. I wont be at the meeting Saturday :-( | 21:11 |
IdleOne | what does the general consensus seem to be at this point? | 21:11 |
cjohnston | -1 from what i can tell... | 21:11 |
cjohnston | but thats completely my observation | 21:12 |
IdleOne | yeah, understood | 21:12 |
IdleOne | I like the moderated/only certain approved users option | 21:13 |
IdleOne | but then that will create division in the community so not the best solution | 21:13 |
jussi01 | Im a big fan of the mirror channel tbh. allows people to see instantly whats going on, but not interfere with the process | 21:15 |
IdleOne | yeah that sounds good also | 21:15 |
IdleOne | but I fear that a channel like that will attract trolls requiring another channel for the ops to have to moderate heavily | 21:16 |
IdleOne | unless it is set to +m | 21:17 |
christonapushbik | i need help pls!!! | 21:34 |
christonapushbik | i install kubuntu yesterday | 21:35 |
IdleOne | christonapushbik: with? | 21:35 |
IdleOne | christonapushbik: type /join #kubuntu and ask your question, someone will help if they can. | 21:35 |
christonapushbik | and after a day of searching internet i am hardly being able to connect internet | 21:35 |
christonapushbik | i want to run firefox | 21:36 |
christonapushbik | but dunno how it can b done :| | 21:36 |
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