Takyoji | Anyone use a media center solution like Boxee or anything? | 00:04 |
* Obsidian1723 have phun all... | 00:06 | |
Takyoji | Awkward; apparently my 0-key on my numpad is acting like the Insert key | 00:11 |
Takyoji | So Opera doesn't have a built-in Theora implementation yet? | 00:15 |
mr_steve | _diablo, hey | 01:30 |
_diablo | mr_steve, yo | 01:31 |
_diablo | what's up? | 01:39 |
_diablo | mr_steve, ? | 02:11 |
mr_steve | _diablo, hey. Sorry, I got pulled away for a bit there | 02:14 |
mr_steve | _diablo, I had a question for ya. What screen resolution do you use when you're running ratpoison? | 02:19 |
_diablo | mr_steve, uhhh, I haven't ever changed it. lemme check my .ratpoisonrc | 02:20 |
_diablo | hmmm, how would I know? | 02:22 |
mr_steve | uh... good question, actually. xdpyinfo, maybe | 02:25 |
mr_steve | In Gnome/KDE it would just be display control panel | 02:25 |
mr_steve | I'm just curious because I'm at 1280x800 on this laptop, and I think I need a higher res for ratpoison to feel really comfy to use | 02:26 |
_diablo | yeah, I think so too | 02:30 |
_diablo | my screen in GNOME is only 12800x800 too. But yeah, I agree. I think 1600 would be perfect. Although RP is still fine for me | 02:31 |
_diablo | you know you can have multiple workspaces right mr_steve? | 02:31 |
mr_steve | yup | 02:35 |
mr_steve | I think I gotta get my dualhead setup going again tho to really work effectively | 02:35 |
_diablo | I want a desk :( | 02:38 |
mr_steve | me too | 02:38 |
h00k | I want another monitor :( | 02:47 |
h00k | or two | 02:47 |
h00k | or three? | 02:47 |
mr_steve | I think a 3x2 grid with a 50" plasma screen above it would suit me just fine ;) | 02:47 |
_diablo | I think that would require about 12 graphics cards lol | 02:50 |
mr_steve | So I still gotta find a new location for the next Ubuntu hour | 03:07 |
_diablo | mr_steve, yeeeah, the lack of wireless is terrible | 03:08 |
mr_steve | Yup. So I'll probably scout one of the other places within a block or two of there | 03:08 |
_diablo | cool. that'd be good | 03:09 |
tonyyarusso | mr_steve: parking would be a good consideration too | 03:39 |
mr_steve | tonyyarusso, indeed. That's a major problem downtown | 03:43 |
tonyyarusso | So our web site now has a feed of the Identi.ca group on it. | 03:52 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso, ah! What is the identi.ca group? | 03:59 |
tonyyarusso | _diablo: http://identi.ca/group/ubuntuminnesota | 04:00 |
_diablo | thx | 04:00 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso, I noticed you're using gwibber. Are you on their daily or on the stable? | 04:12 |
tonyyarusso | stable currently, although I've also used the daily at times | 04:14 |
_diablo | okay, just wondering, I've noticed issues with it. It tended to crash on me a lot while I used it | 04:15 |
_diablo | I've just stopped microblogging on anything but twitter. Kinda sad. :( | 04:17 |
* mr_steve thinks there has got to be a better way to write manpages | 04:25 | |
mr_steve | cnetworkmanager has so many command line options.. I'm going to be muttering "dot TP, dot B, backslash dash backslash dash.." in my sleep | 04:27 |
_diablo | mr_steve, think about writing the page for ls or grep or something. :) | 04:28 |
mr_steve | I'd rather not | 04:28 |
mr_steve | heh or sed, awk, etc | 04:29 |
mr_steve | what drives me nuts about cnetworkmanager is that the developer was really alias happy | 04:30 |
mr_steve | there's multiple short and long forms of each option | 04:30 |
_diablo | mr_steve, I love it though. I appreciate it. I wish other things would do the same | 04:30 |
mr_steve | I think it makes sense to have a short and long option, but for the love of $DEITY, -a, -n, --ap-list, --ap, and --nets all do the same thing | 04:31 |
_diablo | yeeeah, but it's easy to remember because of that :) | 04:32 |
mr_steve | True enough | 04:33 |
_diablo | how annoying is writing man pages? they're .gz files, right? | 04:34 |
tonyyarusso | no, they're text files that get compressed with gzip ;) | 04:35 |
mr_steve | they're gzip'd text files, written with groff macros | 04:35 |
_diablo | ahhh, gotcha | 04:36 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso, yeeah, I assumed :) | 04:36 |
mr_steve | only about 8 more options left to document, and this manpage will be finished. So close to getting this package into universe | 04:37 |
mr_steve | Except that the author didn't put copyright headers in his source files, so apparently I have to ask him if he can do that in the next version | 04:37 |
_diablo | and then you are a Master of the Universe! | 04:38 |
mr_steve | _diablo, eh, I got a ways to go yet | 04:38 |
mr_steve | But I do kinda like packaging, so if he keep at it, it'll probably happen | 04:38 |
_diablo | yeah, fair enough | 04:45 |
_diablo | packaging interests me only because I don't know what it means. Seems like cross-compiling or something, right? | 04:50 |
mr_steve | Well, first you have your source package, which is just the orginal source code wrapped up in a format that various tools know how to deal with | 04:57 |
mr_steve | and with all of the package's dependencies specified | 04:57 |
mr_steve | Then from there you can build a binary package, which contains the actual files to be installed on your system | 04:59 |
mr_steve | So I believe the way ubuntu does it, or at least the way the launchpad PPAs do it, is to pass the source package to 3 different hosts, i386, amd64, and one other arch. | 05:00 |
mr_steve | And each one build the binary package for that architecture | 05:00 |
_diablo | ahhh, okay. | 05:00 |
_diablo | I will be asking you more about this at the next ubuntu hour. :) | 05:04 |
_diablo | and I'll bring an Ubuntu box next time | 05:05 |
mr_steve | Well I just did something stupid | 05:40 |
mr_steve | For those of you who don't know about it, molly-guard really is a wonderful little utility... :) | 05:41 |
mr_steve | Which I am now proceeding to install on every single box on my network | 05:42 |
Obsidian1723 | what is it? | 05:42 |
mr_steve | It replaces the shutdown, halt, and reboot commands with a script that asks you the name of the system you want to shutdown before actually doing it | 05:42 |
tonyyarusso | hehe | 05:43 |
_diablo | ah... that's useful I suppose | 05:43 |
mr_steve | I just tried to shutdown my netbook, started wondering why it was taking so long, and then saw my laptop go dark instead. Whoops. | 05:44 |
mr_steve | Oh well, at least it wasn't my server. It needs a reboot anyway, but I think it's next reboot will be it's last | 05:47 |
Obsidian1723 | Sounds like a stupidity preventer | 05:49 |
mr_steve | exactly | 05:49 |
mr_steve | originally designed for when you're working on a co-located server, where pressing the power button requires a phone call and service fee | 05:50 |
tonyyarusso | Or just when powering off is A Bad Thing, which is true for any server that's not your random thing at home. | 06:03 |
mr_steve | Yeah, been there, done that. It's amazing how fast the phones start ringing when a busy MS Exchange server falls over. | 06:06 |
tonyyarusso | I would love to have video of an Exchange server actually falling over :) | 06:09 |
mr_steve | Me too, actually. | 06:10 |
h00k | I could set that up, actually. | 06:16 |
tonyyarusso | without getting fired? :P | 06:16 |
h00k | weeeelllllll, they might not know about it | 06:21 |
h00k | or, old hardware | 06:22 |
h00k | the rackmount stuffs would be off limits | 06:22 |
tonyyarusso | awright | 06:24 |
* tonyyarusso continues to feel badass for having rackmount equipment in his bedroom | 06:24 | |
mr_steve | I'm jealous. My equipment is in a stack... or more properly, a pile. | 06:27 |
tonyyarusso | hehe, there's a little of that going on too | 06:28 |
tonyyarusso | the new stuff is rack | 06:28 |
h00k | tonyyarusso: its true, you are. | 06:29 |
mr_steve | I'm gonna be looking for some kind of rackmount case when my fileserver finally dies. Should be any day now | 06:29 |
tonyyarusso | Mine's awesome, Norco somethingorother, 430 maybe? | 06:30 |
h00k | tonyyarusso: my equipment consists of a laptop and a netbook. | 06:30 |
h00k | and a bunch of spare crap. | 06:30 |
tonyyarusso | I needed a short-depth (<16") one for this location/rack | 06:30 |
h00k | I have a P3 in my trunk. | 06:30 |
tonyyarusso | I have, uh, 3 P3ish things in my trunk? Not mine though... | 06:31 |
* tonyyarusso should really finish those and return them | 06:31 | |
h00k | I still have to think of a use for mine | 06:31 |
tonyyarusso | They really don't have much if you need them to be in any area where heat/noise is a concern :( | 06:32 |
tonyyarusso | otherwise file servers and firewalls and maybe a web server here and there | 06:32 |
h00k | filesever, maybe. | 06:33 |
tonyyarusso | It's probably a better long-term play to just recycle it and get a nettop though, unless you want a RAID/multi-disk fileserver. | 06:34 |
h00k | maybe a devserver | 06:35 |
tonyyarusso | I thought that too, but that's what VMs are for now. | 06:35 |
h00k | yeah... | 06:36 |
h00k | bah. | 06:36 |
h00k | which I just run on my laptops | 06:36 |
h00k | (vm's) | 06:37 |
h00k | i'm really debating upgrading to alpha-2 on my laptop | 06:37 |
tonyyarusso | I upgraded my kernel, but that's it | 06:38 |
h00k | hrm. | 06:38 |
exigraff | how much difficulty would one run into, running karmic and lucid from separate partitions, using a single partition for /home? | 06:41 |
tonyyarusso | probably not much - I've done that with previous releases. | 06:41 |
tonyyarusso | You'll want backups obviously, but there's a decent chance it won't totally explode. | 06:41 |
h00k | I had asked about this in #ubuntu+1, they said probably not to because if the .dotfiles get changed, it might be angry about different versions | 06:41 |
_diablo | exigraff, I've done this with different distros and had no issues. | 06:42 |
_diablo | ymmv | 06:43 |
mr_steve | bah I gotta go to bed. I really gotta think about adding a clock to my basic ratpoison layout.. | 06:44 |
mr_steve | g'night all | 06:45 |
_diablo | nn | 06:45 |
exigraff | night | 06:45 |
mr_steve | so, i got my multihead setup working, more or less. Now I have to use ratpoison, because Gnome barfs. | 16:12 |
mr_steve | hm. My wireles is cripplingly slow on this laptop, apparently | 16:59 |
mr_steve | Anyone else use a tiling window manager? | 18:30 |
h00k | no, but I've considered it | 18:30 |
mr_steve | I'm kind of liking ratpoison, but I think I'm going to try some of the others, like awesome and wmii | 18:32 |
h00k | I saw a guy use xmonad and it looked pretty neat | 18:34 |
Takyoji | What's the command line application for detecting the ASCII value of a specific keystroke? | 21:36 |
_diablo | Takyoji, sorry, I don't remember off the top of my head | 21:41 |
kermit | Takyoji: hexdump, or od, or xxd | 22:03 |
Takyoji | ahh | 22:03 |
kermit | Takyoji: or man ascii | 22:03 |
Takyoji | I have an IR remote with this laptop that acts as part of the keyboard | 22:07 |
Takyoji | Thus was thinking if I could map certain keys to do certain things | 22:07 |
kermit | Takyoji: oh for extended keyboard input, use showkey .. though any app you'd be using it with probably has a button to capture a 'keystroke' for assignment anyway | 22:27 |
kermit | Takyoji: showkey only works in a console | 22:27 |
mr_steve | hey _diablo, I got my dualhead working :) | 23:11 |
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