
chelz!hi | ton00:00
ubottuton: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:00
BluesKajsemitones, I ran it thru the channels i set up for cable phone lines between the main floor nad the basement00:00
switchgirl!tor help00:00
Diverdudechelz, same result00:00
tonhi, does anyone know how to sequence jpeg's into a movie?00:00
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks00:00
chelzDiverdude: please pastebin it00:00
Diverdudechelz, no wait i forgot sudo00:01
Diverdudechelz, no its a different result00:01
chelzDiverdude: please pastebin00:01
semitonesBluesKaj: nice :) I would do it too, except I would have to drill new holes :P00:01
Diverdudechelz, http://pastebin.com/m6bc8c98400:01
chelzDiverdude: mv /appl/matlabr2008b/sys/os/glnx86/libgcc_s.so.1 /appl/matlabr2008b/sys/os/glnx86/libgcc_s.so.1.orig00:02
Diverdudechelz, yeeees00:02
Diverdudechelz, working now :D00:03
chelzDiverdude: there we go :D00:03
Diverdudechelz, well done00:03
ese5anyone use second life in ubuntu?00:03
chelzDiverdude: took me a while. never had an issue like that.00:03
Diverdudechelz, thank you mister thorvalds :D00:03
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:03
chelzDiverdude: haha. turns out that issue came up with some google earth people, i was going off the methodology here: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/earth/thread?tid=0ab0ed80ed61cbfc&hl=en00:03
chelzDiverdude: but yeah gl00:03
Diverdudechelz, ahhh hehehe cool00:04
chelzDiverdude: moral is, trust system libraries over the ones included with a program00:04
Darkben HEHEHE00:04
Diverdudechelz, thx a million00:04
chelzDiverdude: np00:04
Diverdudechelz, definitly...system libs are secure00:04
`mOOse`guys - refresh my memory - totem and exaile aren't working because of missing codecs - where do I get them again?00:04
ZykoticK9`mOOse`, ubuntu-restricted-extras00:05
KenBW2`mOOse`: ubuntu-restricted-extras00:05
`mOOse`thanks - ac3 in there and xvid?00:05
Diverdudechelz, you work with linux profesionally?00:05
ZykoticK9`mOOse`, if they're not check out w32codecs or w64codecs from Medibuntu00:06
tonhello everyone ^^ : what's a good program for compiling jpeg into video?00:06
KenBW2chelz: was that a solution for the Google Earth issue i keep having?00:06
`mOOse`I just left there with those ZykoticK9 - thanks00:06
`mOOse`no go00:06
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chelzKenBW2: erm what issues have you been having?00:08
KenBW2chelz: the one on the google groups page you linked to00:08
iflematon like stopmotion videos or cutting jpeg into a movie00:09
KenBW2chelz: i missed most of the conversation, but saw that00:09
chelzKenBW2: you get the message "version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found "?00:09
toniflema jpeg into a movie00:09
KenBW2chelz: yea00:09
iflematon not sure sorry..... stopmotion i can help.00:10
R0b0t1Hello, for some reason when I try to change my keyboard layout, it doesn't actually change...00:10
toniflema I have all the frames, torn from an avi and edited individually in gimp, just don't know how to compile ><00:10
chelzKenBW2: yeah that thread should fix it. in the install dir you do:  sudo mv libstdc++.so.6 libstdc++.so.6.orig && sudo mv libgcc_s.so.1 libgcc_s.so.1.orig00:10
ZykoticK9ton, mencoder can certainly do it00:10
KenBW2chelz: the "Best answer" answer?00:10
iflematon maybe kino00:10
tonZykoticK9 mencoder? I was using openmovie editor, but it's really really lame =_=00:10
chelzDiverdude: i don't, just a big fan. i might someday. btw officially offtopic talk has to be in #ubuntu-offtopic. i'm there if you have anything offtopic to discuss.00:11
tonI google00:11
chelzKenBW2: yep00:11
ZykoticK9ton mencoder is a cli app but in the man page it has "Encode all *.jpg files in the current directory" as an example00:11
jschallWhy is flash completely unreliable in 64-bit ubuntu? Sometimes it stops working and I have to completely restart firefox. Sometimes it plays video, but none of the buttons work (ie fullscreen, play pause etc.) Anyone else notice this? How can it be corrected?00:11
tonZykoticK9 so do you or not actually KNOW it can >:D00:12
KenBW2jschall: karmic?00:12
iflemajschall remove all other install versions.. if any, make a folder /home/[username]/.mozilla/plugings and extract the following file into it... then (re)start firefox...00:12
R0b0t1jschall: Install the Flash 10 beta. It works fine.00:12
Windopaini am running ubuntu live and there is one HDD in the computer- is it possible to mount it?  i've tried w/ no success so far00:12
iflemajschall http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
jschallKenBW2: yes, but it happened on previous versions too00:12
ZykoticK9ton, i've done it before00:12
KenBW2jschall: the non-clickiness is a known issue00:12
KenBW2jschall: the issue doesnt happen in Chrome/ium00:13
chelzKenBW2: the only one under "Best answers "00:13
ZykoticK9jschall, the button issue can be fixed by following http://paste.ubuntu.com/370590/ -- personally i've switched to Chrome under 64bit and i'm much happier00:13
tonZykoticK9, thanks much friend, I'll go for it :D00:13
KenBW2chelz: yea saw that thanks, now to spend ages downloading GE again00:13
chelz!hi | Bthesorceror00:13
ubottuBthesorceror: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:13
KenBW2ZykoticK9: where have you been with that fix?!00:14
dogmatixI'm running vpnc but I can't access my office's local server do I need to run something else as well?00:14
ZykoticK9KenBW2, sorry?!?  i did give it out last night too.00:14
redany way to set different refresh rates in a twinview dualscreen situation?00:14
redother screen is 60hz lcd, other 50hz telly00:14
redit works with separate x processes when not using xinerama00:15
R0b0t1Hello, for some reason when I try to change my keyboard layout, it doesn't actually change...00:15
hipehow can i add a ppa from the command line?  the instructions i'm seeing rely on the gui00:15
rwwhipe: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?00:15
KenBW2ZykoticK9: ive been so sick of click-outside-flash-drag-mouse-to-button-and-click-again for flash, hope this works!00:15
hiperww: karmic.  i00:15
hipe*it's on my vps so command line only00:15
ZykoticK9KenBW2, "oh i hear you!"00:16
KenBW2ZykoticK9: hmm, the file is empty - is that normal?00:16
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rwwhipe: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nameofppahere00:16
ZykoticK9KenBW2, mine has never been empty???00:16
iflemahipe sudo add-apt-repository ppa:<repository-name>00:16
hiperww: excellent thanks you very much and iflema00:16
KenBW2ZykoticK9: meh, ill put it in anyway00:16
snoopyis there anyway i can save a terminal?00:17
jschalliflema: /home/jschall/.mozilla/plugins or /home/jschall/.mozilla/firefox/plugins?00:17
ZykoticK9KenBW2, pastbin of file contents http://paste.ubuntu.com/370594/00:17
dreamydoes anyone knows how i can make compiz run o XFCE ? ive searched on the web and i think its compatible with my window manager, anyone helping?00:17
iflemajschall mozilla/plugins00:17
=== dreamy is now known as dreamy_
iflemajschall that way it work for associated derivatives00:18
subspiderhi i'm trying to install armericans army00:18
chelzsubspider: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AmericasArmy00:19
jschallalright i'm going to try chrome!00:19
beckettjChrome is very impressive - make sure you get the developer build00:20
Dougdoug4ok so I was changing up my themes, and the Ubuntu icon next to 'Applications' became a white box with a red X00:20
Dougdoug4how do i fix this00:20
* iflema :|00:20
jschallKenBW2: where does chrome look for the flash library?00:20
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KenBW2jschall: isn't it seeing it already?00:21
KenBW2jschall: chrome saw it OOTB for me00:21
jschallKenBW2: i don't know, haven't finished installing it00:21
jschallyeah it works00:22
jschallhow do i get adblock plus on chrome now?00:22
KenBW2you cant00:22
KenBW2ZykoticK9: i didnt have nspluginwrapper installed, the file has appeared now00:22
KenBW2jschall: there are adblocking extensions, but nowhere near adblock00:23
ZykoticK9KenBW2, interesting - have you not installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?  I'm guessing that's where i got it from.00:23
KenBW2ZykoticK9: i have00:23
KenBW2ZykoticK9: perhaps it's because i use Opera rather than FF?00:23
iflemajschall if that not work you got other issues.... are you using ubuntu? did you uninstall all other versions of flash both open and closed source?00:24
ZykoticK9KenBW2, perhaps, I haven't used Opera much00:24
rootpowerdoes someone know how to install a broadcom wirless driver in kde00:25
xim__somehow my wired networking stopped working yesterday (as far as i can tell on its own).  I plugged my laptop in and the wire is still got a good signal but when i plug it into my ubuntu desktop it just continues to say 'no network connection'.  any clue whats the problem?00:25
hiperww/iflema:  can you pls help me find the "name"  of the ppa: https://launchpad.net/~pdoes/+archive/ppa      there is a link to his blog there but no where can i figure out what name i am supposed to do with add-apt-repository00:25
Dusty1dumb question my windows won't boot from grub i am unsure if it is a grub issue or a windows issue is there a way to check??00:25
rootpowerdoes someone know how to install a broadcom wirless driver in kde00:26
onaoghrootpower, install the firmware00:26
ZykoticK9hipe, pdoes/ppa00:26
KenBW2ZykoticK9: problem remains in Opera. ah well00:26
hipeexcellent thanks ZykoticK900:26
ZykoticK9KenBW2, really?  cause that fix works for both ff & chrome?  sorry man.00:26
rootpowerif i go in terminal and say apt-get install broadcom-sta he says i already have it00:26
KenBW2ZykoticK9: the problem doesn't exist in Chrome anyway00:27
KenBW2ZykoticK9: s'ok, im holding out for Lucid. Flash isnt Karmic's only issue >.>00:27
hipewow add-apt-repository is not in my path00:27
xim__flash has never worked in linux and probably never will00:27
ZykoticK9KenBW2, oh i'm loving Lucid already (using it right now)00:27
Dusty1cam anyone give me a hand?00:27
xim__very well i mean00:27
rootpowerif i go in terminal and say apt-get install broadcom-sta he says i already have it00:27
Dusty1my flash works fine on my ubuntu xim00:27
=== nox is now known as Guest88547
KenBW2ZykoticK9: is it more stable than Karmic yet?00:28
iflemajschall sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pdoes00:28
ZykoticK9KenBW2, this is OT for this channel - if you'd like you can PM me00:28
rootpowerdoes someone know how to install a broadcom wirless driver in kde00:28
scorch__anyone got an easy way to at ppa and keys via command line?  .link?00:28
rootpowerif i go in terminal and say apt-get install broadcom-sta he says i already have it00:28
Dusty1then u have it installed already00:29
scorch__so then you have it root00:29
onaoghrootpower, sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source00:29
onaoghrootpower, then reboot00:29
Dusty1my windows won't boot from grub i am unsure if it is a grub issue or a windows issue is there a way to check?? please help00:29
xim__does anyone have any ideas to troubleshoot why my ubuntu keeps saying 'no network connection' when i plug a live network cable in?00:29
scorch__does anyone know of a free MMORPG thats just like WoW but free?00:29
Dusty1yea runes of magic00:30
rootpowercouldn't find package00:30
Dusty1allods online will be out in marchish which is better than runes of magic00:30
onaoghrootpower, sudo apt-get update00:30
scorch__Dusty:  is runes in the repos?00:30
Dusty1ill talk to u about it in pm ok scorch00:30
cordeliahttp://pastebin.com/d4ccd3ca2 how do Imodify grub so that boot sequence is transfered from hd0 to hd1?00:31
tandersonhi, do the ubuntu livecds contain a startable openssh server?00:31
=== Bash is now known as Bash23
leninahi - just wondering: is there a cmdline-tool to retrieve codec data from a avi-file ?00:32
fxhpcordelia hd1 /devsdb that line is missing a /00:33
fxhpbetween the v and s00:33
daftykinstanderson: karmic 9.10 and older vers autorun an ssh server afaik00:33
denis123Hi. I'm trying to get Compiz to work on my Radeon HD4870 and dual screens. I tried to install the driver (Via System>Admin>Hardware Drivers) however that causes my right screen to become default (instead of left) and the left to have a vertical black bar down half of it. Could someone help me get this to work? I'm using 9.1000:34
Dusty1my windows won't boot from grub i am unsure if it is a grub issue or a windows issue is there a way to check?? please help00:34
cordeliafxhp:  I wote it down badly sorry the df I copy pasted00:34
tandersondaftykins: and 10.04 won't?00:34
daftykinstanderson: no idea about lucid00:34
tandersonok, thanks!00:34
daftykinstanderson: actually hang on i could test in a VM to check :>00:34
soreaudenis123: Can you ask in #compiz?00:34
daftykins(for karmic)00:34
rootpoweri did apt-get update and upgrade but the package still doesn't exist00:34
denis123soreau: ok will do00:34
tandersondaftykins: though, I will be using it to remote install gentoo so you might not be as inclined to help :P00:35
fxhp<Dusty1> what happens when you attempt to boot into windows?00:35
lenina*push* hi - just wondering: is there a cmdline-tool to retrieve codec data from a avi-file ?00:35
daftykinstanderson: that's cool i'm about getting jobs done not being bias ^_^00:35
denis123soreau there's no-one in that channel00:35
Dusty1fxhp: i get a little flashing cursor at  top left screen00:35
Dusty1no splash screen or anything00:35
soreaudenis123: You probably typoed.. it's #compiz00:35
Dusty1just cursor at top left00:35
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fxhp<denis123>  You need to drag the monitor to the proper location00:36
hyperstationhey, do u know how to activate screensaver on ubuntu KDE?00:36
matthew_How do I install windows on my ubuntu distro?00:36
Dusty1fxhp; but under grub it is listed as windows xp media center edition like it should be and it is pointing at the right partition00:36
denis123soreau: cheers00:36
denis123fxhp: I tried doing that. It doesn't do anything00:36
daftykins!virtualbox | matthew_00:36
ubottumatthew_: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:36
rootpoweri did apt-get update and upgrade but the package still doesn't exist00:36
daftykinsrootpower: _what_ package?00:36
rootpowerfor the broadcom driver00:36
xim__does anyone know if a recent karma update broke the network drivers?00:36
ShazamI've got an IDE drive plugged in through an IDE to USB converter. lshw -businfo gives me the following information "scsi@5:0.0.0    disk  MK6034GAX (which is the disk name)" - but I can't figure out how to mount it00:36
IdleOnerootpower: b43-fwcutter is the package name00:37
Dusty1fxhp;any idea brb.. my baby is getting into stuff00:37
rootpowerhe says my driver is installed but he doesn't work00:37
=== marisa is now known as risa212
kcj1993 Is there anyway to use a game pad as a mouse?00:37
matthew_what kind of batteries does my iPod take?00:37
rootpowertoo already installed and doesn't work00:37
daftykinsrootpower: it's probably in universe and you don't have the universe repos enabled00:37
rootpowerhow to enable it00:37
daftykins!universe > rootpower00:38
ubotturootpower, please see my private message00:38
matthew_yo get your repos enabled00:38
Dusty1so any idea what i can do to fix the booting into windows problem?00:38
hipeZykoticK9, iflema, rww:  20 minutes ago i didn't know what a ppa does, now i have a recent version of git working on my vps.  thanks so much for your help!00:38
FloodBot3matthew_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:38
Dr_Williskcj1993:  ive seen it done. but dont recall what program did it.00:38
fxhpdusty1 was grub booting windows before?00:38
daftykinstanderson: sorry i was wrong, it's not on as default but if you can get a network connection in your livecd, sshd would be available to install with one command of course :)00:39
Dusty1fxhp:i just now installed ubuntu, this is on a friend's machine, he was having problems with his pc so he wanted to try linx00:39
kcj1993Dr_Willis, Aww00:39
zach_I can't play dvd's.  Been to the website that tells me what to install. still doesn't work.  Does it have anything to do with an atom setup?00:39
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iflemajschall goodone00:40
Dusty1fxhp: before his comptuer wouldn't boot his windows partition, but it is odd that grub sees it and tries but won't it makes me think it is a problem with the windows boot.ini or something which i know nothing about, i hate windows lol00:40
`mOOse`zach_, try VLC?00:40
ZykoticK9kcj1993, because of how a joystick works you can't actually get to any of the corners if you're trying to use it as a mouse (not very handy)00:40
zach_tried vlc, doesnt read properly, it skips through vobs until it finds one that it can00:40
cordeliahttp://pastebin.com/m48141bb1 need to get hd1 to boot withoout hd0 help?00:40
tonugh.... MEncoder is so difficult ><00:41
promet1 i just installed a new laptop battery and karmic seems to have trouble recognizing it. the power-manager says 'full', but when AC is unplugged the laptop shuts down  cold from lack of power, any insights?00:41
kcj1993ZykoticK9, mine is a PS2 stile game pad and it has analogue sticks so I guess it would work like a track point (nipple mouse)00:42
Shazamdev lists an sde2, but doesn't list the sde device. What would this indicate?00:42
Dusty1sorry to rush out but my daughter is getting into everything00:42
Dusty1she is just over  a year old so i gotta go00:42
daftykinsDusty1: good luck!00:43
zach_i've tried vlc, movie player, and xgine, none plate dvd's...What should i try00:43
IdleOnepromet1: did you allow the battery to charge? I am not even sure if that needs to be done but it would seem logical to me00:43
iflemahipe sorry m8 isent the sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pdoes message to jschall00:43
ZykoticK9kcj1993, i was using a PS2 controller as well but the stick moves in a circle right - and a screen is a square00:43
Dusty1i wish someone was able to help me00:43
tandersondaftykins: thanks! That's what I thought(that's how an ubuntu install works)00:43
Dusty1because when i look on the windows partition it is all there and working00:43
FraxtilWhy is bootchart still running on boot, even though I've uninstalled it?00:43
fxhpdusty1 did you install with wubi?00:43
daftykinstanderson: np, that was 32-bit 9.10 karmic livecd btw00:43
Dusty1no installed via cd fxhp00:43
tandersondaftykins: it's actually a little daft to not have sshd on a livecd :/00:44
CooPs89I just compiled pureftp-d but the make install didn't put a startup script in init.d, what to do? (yes I had to compile it)00:44
FraxtilI got the message "init: bootchart main process (478) terminated with status 2"00:44
promet1idleone, yes. i was very careful about allowing it to fully charge before doing any battery only operation00:44
Dusty1if you want ic an explain the situation better on a private message00:44
g1erdoes the new grub still have a user editable boot file?00:44
Dusty1if you want ic an explain the situation better on a private message it is hard for me to keep up with all the chat in here and my baby lol00:44
daftykinstanderson: i guess it's too easy a target for pranks - known user and no pass etc00:44
promet1as i always do with new li-ion batteries00:44
IdleOnepromet1: that was my only guess, sorry can't help more.00:44
fxhpdusty1 first impression would be that grub is causing the issue00:44
scorch__Does anyone know if Runes of MAgic runs ok on Virtualbox?00:44
promet1i also disabled acpi, but n love there either00:44
daftykinsscorch__: VM'ing is not the way to play games if that's what you're planning00:45
scorch__Does anyone know if Runes of MAgic runs ok on Virtualbox or a moded version of wine that was used for Subspace?00:45
promet1that's okay idleone, i really appreciate the response nonetheless00:45
cure_2323could anyone suggest a good music player for ubuntu that i can also install on windows ?00:45
IdleOnepromet1: stick around and ask from time to time in here, somebody will have an answer.00:45
Dusty1cure: VLC media player00:45
hipeiflema: no problem for some reason `which add-apt-repository` turns up empty but i edited my /etc/apt/sources.list manually and it appears to have worked.  (not sure if i installed git-core from the ppa or not but whatevs git is working)00:46
scorch__daftykins:  ok have u heard of a game called supsapce?00:46
Dr_Williscure_2323:  check out SongBird00:46
promet1thanks idleone , will do ;]00:46
scorch__is there a way to install different versions of wine?00:46
[BT]BrendanMy CD/DVD drive won't open when I press the button on it.00:46
promet1i second dusty1's endorsement of VLC00:46
daftykinsscorch__: nah sorry00:46
iflemahipe sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pdoes works but no gpg infomation is available00:46
cyberjunk502Hi Dr_willis00:46
Dusty1i missed what you said x00:46
matscrap speeds on usb sticks, anyone know a fix00:46
promet1it is THE media player00:46
promet1if they could only get the skins to work right00:47
promet1they would take over the world00:47
Dr_Willisscorch__:  I was thinking ive seen it done some how. but I forget where i even saw it at.  Ive rarely needed to use an older wine.00:47
scorch__daftykins:  i had to mod my wine version to play a game called supspace.....   i am wondering if the modded version will run other progrmas00:47
Dusty1im off guys baby is being bad00:47
fxhp<[BT]Brendan> The operating system has mounted the drive, It needs to be unmounted before the button will work00:47
Shazamdmesg reads like its detecting my drive, it shows up under lshw, but it doesn't show up under /dev. How would I find out why its not showing up in /dev?00:47
hipeiflema: i'm saying i don't 'have' add-apt-repository  (tried `locate` and `which`)00:47
fxhpright click on the disk on the desktop and click unmount00:47
cordeliahttp://pastebin.com/d4ccd3ca2 hw do I get hd1 to boot first before hd0?00:48
promet1scorch you can customize wine configs on a program by program basis00:48
sonNdo both linux and windows use the same protocols and ports?00:48
promet1in the 'wine config' interface00:48
hipeiflema: but i'm not blocked, i'll worry about that one later ;)00:48
cure_2323Dr_Willis: thanks00:48
promet1sonN in most cases, yes00:48
scorch__promet k but the mod i think screw shit up for other prgrams00:49
cyberjunk502can anyone show me the difference between a NAT Proxy and ip masquerading00:49
sonNpromet1 so the whole network thing is meant to be as much OS independent as possible, corect?00:49
promet1sonN, generally speaking, yes00:49
iWolf!language scorch__00:50
iWolf!language | scorch__00:50
ubottuscorch__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:50
CooPs89I just compiled pureftp-d but the make install didn't put a startup script in init.d, what to do? (yes I had to compile it)00:50
IzinucsI need a Java 1.6.0_11 - 1.6.1_15 runtime environment to work with a web based program I use for work.. I see tons of Java in the repos.. but can anyone tell me if it's available?00:50
iWolfTry the ubuntu software center00:51
IzinucsiWolf: just said that I see tons of java in the repos.... that means I"ve actually looked in synaptic which lists more than the software center.00:52
cllaudyuhello, how can i install ubuntu on virtual box?00:52
sonNwhat is the problem of rapidshare from networks perspective?00:52
ZykoticK9cllaudyu, of course00:52
jolarenI cant find my external hdd formatted as ntfs in Mythbuntu (i.e clone of ubuntu) dmesg and lsusb gives no message about it00:52
cllaudyuZykoticK9 k!00:53
cyberjunk502can anyone show me the difference between a NAT Proxy and ip masquerading or tell me where to find the answer00:53
jolarenI dont know what to do00:53
fireballAnyone know how to get my Window box's/handles back for maximised apps in netbook edition?00:53
promet1lzinucs i thin you are looking for these  sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts00:54
cordelianeed help with grub http://pastebin.com/d4ccd3ca2 need to get hd1 to boot first eor even without hd0?00:54
ZykoticK9cyberjunk502, perhaps a good question for #networking00:54
Izinucspromet1: the problem I"m finding is the version is below 1.6.0_11 ... It's more like 1.6.0_0200:54
subspideri have these error running americans army can someone help me ./armyops-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory00:55
promet1also cyberjunk502, probably, wikipedia, actually00:55
=== David-T is now known as Guest16283
os2macanyone got a minute to help me work out a scripting issue?00:55
chelzsubspider: are you on karmic/9.10?00:55
cyberjunk502Thanks zykotick900:55
Shazamok, now the drive is throwing Buffer I/O Errors. is this somehow *not* a dead hard drive00:56
ZykoticK9subspider, Install libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_amd64.deb get it from (probably NOT a good idea to install, but gets this game working):00:56
subspideryes i think so00:56
erUSUL!ask | os2mac00:56
ubottuos2mac: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:56
chelzsubspider: are you on 32 or 64 bit?00:56
subspideri already do that ZykoticK900:56
iflemacordelia working off your first post... reinstall grub will get you into kubuntu or super grub disk.... and when new hdd arrives install ubuntu and itll pick'em both up00:56
=== Freeaqingme is now known as Guest60121
subspiderchelz, 64 bits00:56
CooPs89I just compiled pureftp-d but the make install didn't put a startup script in init.d, what to do? (yes I had to compile it)00:57
os2macerUSUL: yeah I know... just didn't want to waste your time with something that's not strictly an Ubuntu issue unless someone felt they had the free time.00:57
subspiderchelz my compiz is off00:57
erUSULos2mac: you can go to #bash00:57
ZykoticK9chelz, good catch!  forgot about the 32-64 thing00:57
CooPs89I have no idea if make install are supposed to do that, but I still need a startup script00:57
subspideri allready Installed what ZykoticK9 sayed but nothing00:58
chelzsubspider: ldconfig -p |grep libstdc++00:58
chelzsubspider: pastebin that please00:58
sean_I need some help with samba. how can i access folders on another computer on my network. both are ubuntu machines. what command is used in terminal?00:58
subspiderwhat is that chelz00:58
XialI have a question that is perhaps stupidly long-winded and likely requires a large level of detail. The short is: I'm wanting to install to hardware that cannot boot from USB, and the optical drive is tricky. The full question is a plain text file here, so as to not flood: http://put.thatin.us/winterm-install00:59
chelzsubspider: it says what libraries you have, it will give info about how to fix your issue00:59
subspiderlibstdc++.so.6 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.600:59
subspiderlibstdc++.so.6 (libc6) => /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.600:59
subspiderlibstdc++.so.5 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.500:59
chelzsubspider: please pastebin next time01:00
cordeliaiflema  I am afraid its beyond my knowledge to do that01:00
subspiderwhat is pastebin sorry01:00
chelz!pastebin | subspider01:00
ubottusubspider: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:00
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
iflemacordelia if you first post is correct.... booting a live cd and reinstall grub in kubuntu will get you in.. or download super grub disk iso and use that to get in.... when ubuntu gets install on new drive it will redo grub for itself and kubutu01:02
subspiderany idea chelz???01:02
chelzsubspider: do    sudo bash -c "cp /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf.1 && echo "/usr/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf && ldconfig"01:02
promet1i just installed a new laptop battery and karmic seems to have trouble recognizing it. the power-manager says 'full', but when AC is unplugged the laptop shuts down  cold from lack of power, any insights?01:03
subspiderchelz, thats more thatn one comand right??01:03
iflemacordelia https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20201:03
chelzsubspider: no, all on one line01:03
subspidernothing happends01:03
Xialpromet1, I'd dare suggest eliminating the operating system from the equation: If you enter the BIOS, and unplug that adapter, does the unit turn off there?01:04
=== Guest60121 is now known as Freeaqingme
subspidershould i try to run now01:04
chelzsubspider: yes01:04
promet1ooooooh xial, that is a great idea!01:04
cordeliaiflema:  so I put the live cd and there will be an option?01:05
lostinspace_46Why would a repo that is in my sources.list file not show up under the origins tab in synaptic?01:05
iflemacordelia super grub disk? its automagic....01:05
iflemacordelia https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20201:06
Xialpromet1, glad to help with that. Some BIOSes also will report battery health and status (Dells tend to have this since the ten year old Latitude CPx, for example) as well, which might provide some insight.01:06
chelzsubspider: did it work?01:06
promet1xial, it does continue to run in the bios without AC power.01:06
iflemacordelia ive given you two options....01:06
jkhmy wireless works but my ethernet doesnt. could anybody help me?01:07
orohi, i'am looking for a how to, to install ldap for thunderbird address book integration01:07
promet1man that's an excellent and very helpful deduction, thanks!01:07
promet1xial, tres elegant01:07
chelzsubspider: was that sudo bash -c all on one line in your terminal?01:07
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=== titaniumbrella is now known as Carbonish
xangua!hi | jkh01:08
ubottujkh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:08
`mOOse`now if only Dell's bios would read the battery accurately we'd be in business01:08
XialGlad to help. :) So, we have a baseline here, promet1: As long as the operating system is not loaded, the unit will run on battery power. But only in the operating system does the unit turn off if unplugged?01:09
rootpowerhow to give a wirless driver an interface?01:09
=== W_Ram is now known as Spanglish_7776
promet1Xial that appears to be correct at the moment01:09
erUSULrootpower: the driver shuld create one when loaded01:10
cordeliaiflema thanks I will try01:10
Shazamplugged in another drive, dmesg lists "Device offlined - not ready after error recovery". How does one resolve this error, and can I manually "on-line" it?01:10
rootpowerhow to give a wirless driver an interface like wlan001:10
promet1i am booting now, hopefully this hascaused some sort of ' state change'01:10
chelzsubspider: install this then try and tell me if it worked:  http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gcc-3.3/libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_i386.deb01:10
jkhmy wireless works but my ethernet doesnt. could anybody please help me?01:10
iflemacordelia so you have pulled the second dive and need to get into kubuntu right?01:11
Xialpromet1, I'm wondering if ACPI has something to do with the situation. I'm no expert with Ubuntu -- I'm trying to figure out how to install it on quirky hardware tonight, but I have this feeling that this might be the direction needed.01:11
BHoward@jkh what is the output of ifconfig?01:11
chelzjkh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2555701:11
rootpowertype ifconfig in terminal01:11
chelzjkh: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-network-troubleshooting-tips.html01:11
rootpowerif there stand eth0 than it could be your driver01:11
promet1xial, for the moment, booting after a 'bios AC plug removal' seems to leave the system operating, strange...01:12
subspiderchelz, that nor for 64 bits01:12
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »01:12
cordeliayes iflema exactly01:12
rootpowerhow to give a wirless driver an interface like wlan001:12
promet1it couldn't possibly be that simple...01:12
iflemacordelia ok... choose one of the two methods and go.......01:12
erUSULrootpower: again --> the driver should create one when loaded *automatically*01:13
subspiderchelz, i already install these one libstdc++5_3.3.6-18_amd64.deb01:13
cordeliaok iflema and thanks01:13
chelzsubspider: install that01:13
chelzsubspider: just try it01:13
Xialpromet1, I have had weirder things resolve themselves like this, so I don't have a good answer. :)01:13
rootpowerthe driver is there but doesn't load01:13
sean_anyone know how to change your computer name in ubuntu?01:13
promet1Xial, i thought  that too, so i've already added 'acpi=off' to my kernel boot line in grub01:13
subspiderchelz, i can't don't aloow me01:13
promet1which didn't seem to help01:13
cordeliabye all01:13
rootpoweri can see what firmware i have but cant access it01:14
jkhBHoward, http://pastebin.org/8728201:14
subspiderbye cordelia01:14
promet1bu your suggestion, at the moment at least, is seeming like a game changer...01:14
erUSULrootpower: what driver are you talking about?01:14
Fauntixhello everyone01:14
rootpowera broadcom bcm431201:14
promet1xial, doh, i spoke too soon, it just went of01:14
chelzsubspider: install this first, then install that other one http://frozenfox.freehostia.com/cappy/getlibs-all.deb01:14
`mOOse`welcome to Dell - may I take your order?01:15
rootpowerdescription: Network controller01:15
rootpower       product: BCM4312 802.11b/g01:15
rootpower       vendor: Broadcom Corporation01:15
rootpower       physical id: 001:15
rootpower       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.001:15
FloodBot3rootpower: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:15
rootpower       version: 0101:15
`mOOse`(I have a 600m and my battery circuit's hosed too)01:15
promet1i need to l et it run longer in bios to test this it looks like...01:15
erUSULrootpower: did you installed b43-fwcutter ?01:15
chelz!pastebin | rootpower01:15
ubotturootpower: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:15
jkhBHoward, are you there?01:15
rootpower!pastebin description: Network controller01:15
rootpower       product: BCM4312 802.11b/g01:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:15
rootpower       vendor: Broadcom Corporation01:15
rootpower       physical id: 001:15
rootpower       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.001:15
FloodBot3rootpower: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:15
rootpower       version: 0101:15
erUSULrootpower: do -->  sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b4301:15
BHoward@jkh type ifconfig eth0 down01:16
BHoward@jkh then type ifconfig eth0 up01:16
BHowardand repost your output01:16
jkhBHoward, the ethernet had to be turned off so wireless would work, is that a problem?01:16
XialI have a question that is perhaps stupidly long-winded and likely requires a large level of detail. The short is: I'm wanting to install to hardware that cannot boot from USB, and the optical drive is tricky. The full question is a plain text file here, so as to not flood: http://put.thatin.us/winterm-install01:16
joel___Is there a command to allow MPLAYER to play an entire folder?01:17
jkhBHoward, SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied01:17
=== jGarcia is now known as Guest63107
bort13jkh: need sudo01:17
Xialpromet1, hm... not sure where to go with that one, short of seeing if it does the same thing from a live CD, if you're not already trying that?01:17
BHowardyeah do the sudo01:17
jkhBHoward, there is no output01:18
erUSULjoel___: for file in folder/*; do mplayer "$file" ; done01:18
jkhbort13, thanks btw01:18
subspiderchelz, i'm rying something01:18
joel___Will that play all the files in the folder? Trying to use MPLAYER for mp3's...01:18
bort13jkh, is "ifconfig" the same?01:18
promet1xial, yeah it;01:18
jkhbort13, no01:19
erUSULjoel___: why would you wan to do that?01:19
rootpowerstill doesn't get an interface01:19
chelzsubspider: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=a5fe5f3f4fd030283b01cfe13aedb59a&p=8349139&postcount=1001:19
kcj1993Where is xorg.conf in 9.10?01:19
BHowardthat is really odd.01:19
ZykoticK9joel___, does "mplayer *.mp3" work?01:19
BHowardgive me a sec01:19
joel___Let me try01:19
ZykoticK9kcj1993, it's not there by default01:19
ShazamerUSUL: I think he means sequentially01:19
jkhbort13 , http://pastebin.org/87282 thats the eth0 part only01:19
rootpowerstill doesn't get an interface01:19
promet1xial, yeah, it's a sticky one, i will try that though thank for the tips01:20
bort13jkh, can you explain the "ethernet has to be turned off for wireless to work" comment01:20
kcj1993ZykoticK9, if I make one will xorg use it?01:20
jkhbort13, i dont know. what more would you like to know about it?01:20
Xialpromet1, you're quite welcome. :)01:20
joel___Yes, erSUL! Thank you :)01:20
ZykoticK9kcj1993, yes - if you use nvidia it's SUPER easy "sudo nvidia-xconfig"01:20
joel___Err, thank you Zykotick, rather.01:21
promet1xial i am beginnn01:21
iflemakcj1993 if you want one to mess with... youll need to recreate it.. there is a command to do this.... nvidia with 3d installed will also give you access01:21
kcj1993ZykoticK9, ati :(01:21
rootpowerstill doesn't get an interface01:21
FauntixE: Type '--2010-02-04' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list01:21
ZykoticK9kcj1993, not so easy :(  but possible01:21
zilkomaaFATAL ERROR: Mplayer interrupted by signal 11 in module:unkown. What the heck is going on i have installed all by the book and wont get that work, could someone please tell what to do?01:21
ZykoticK9kcj1993, want me to give instructions?01:21
promet1beginning to think it'd a battery manufacturing issue with the battery contact spaces01:22
jkhmy wireless works but my ethernet doesnt. could anybody please help me?01:22
promet1they may be slighty 'off'01:22
* I^llGetOverIt амчи тъй кажи01:22
BHoward@jkh what wireless card do you have? what happens if wifi is disabled, does ethernet work?01:22
erUSULrootpower: if it is a laptop check that you have the wifi enabled via the keyboard combo ( Fn + 2 usually ) or any other button01:22
chelzsubspider: ?01:23
erUSULrootpower: no no need to reboot01:23
kcj1993ZykoticK9, can I use "Xsession.options" ?01:23
chelzzilkomaa: pastebin the full output01:23
kcj1993is that the same?01:23
chelz!pastebin | zilkomaa01:23
ubottuzilkomaa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:23
jkhBHoward, its internal so I don't know. no; if I disable wifi, ethernet still doesnt work.01:23
ZykoticK9kcj1993, i don't thing so!01:23
jolarenMy network card is not functional at startup.. If I want it to work I have to type "dhclient eth0" can I get it working without creating a startup script??01:23
BHowardtype lspci and post the output jkh01:24
Fauntixkaffee, zeth, anyone are you there01:24
ZykoticK9kcj1993, first stop GDM "sudo service gdm stop" then in console run "sudo Xorg -configure" which will create a default xorg in /root - copy rename it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:24
chelz!anyone | Fauntix01:24
ubottuFauntix: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:24
zilkomaachelz: Mplayer wont let me copy paste anything from that info window..is there some where a error report file?01:25
FauntixI did ubottu but no one answered lol01:25
chelzzilkomaa: run from a terminal:   mplayer file01:25
chelzFauntix: do: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list01:26
gabriel67I've installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a IBM Thinkpad R51. All is well except01:26
gabriel67I'm having an issue setting up my wireless (ethernet works).01:26
* iflema :)01:26
chelzFauntix: then find '--2010-02-04' and put a # at the beginning of its line01:26
zilkomaachelz, It work what the hell?01:26
nixjri have marked a program for installation in synaptic and it has listed some thing that will be removed, will this mean other programs of mine that depend on those will cease working?01:27
chelzzilkomaa: how are you running it?01:27
chelzzilkomaa: normally i mean01:27
chelznixjr: possibly, yes01:27
chelznixjr: well they won't cease working rather, they'll get removed01:27
knoppiesis there a way to "find" a command (other than <tab><tab>) so that I can search for the letters vnc no matter where in the command they fall?01:27
zilkomaachelz: From applications-sound & video01:27
kcj1993arg! sudo service gdm stop kicked me off my session and into tty101:28
ZykoticK9kcj1993, it was suppose to01:28
kcj1993I'm gonna need a pen and paper, brb01:28
mcurranAnyone here know what the default network service Metasploit 3 uses?01:28
=== dcl is now known as Guest94242
chelzzilkomaa: you could try gnome mplayer or smplayer, both should be in the repos01:28
LeifHello, I'm decideding between buying the Dell Vostro 1520/1720 or the Lenovo Thinkpad SL510, does anyone know how well they work on ubuntu?  Thank you01:28
lostinspace_46I have 2 new repos that are listed in my sources.list file.  They are also visible in System/Administration/Software Sources/Other Software.  However, they are not visible under the  Origins tab in Synaptic.  Why would this be?  And how would I download from them if Synaptic doesn't see them?01:28
=== Freeaqingme is now known as Guest69069
nixjrchelz, im new to all this but its seems one thing, depends on another, which in turn depends on another etc.  am i right in assuming that the removal of one thing coause have a massive chain effect?01:28
Xialhttp://paste.thatin.us/winterm-install - Trying to start an install on hardware that lacks optical drive, and cannot boot from USB media. Hardware setup is kinda quirky, and has left me puzzled for weeks. Suggestions?01:29
knoppieslostinspace_46, you could use: sudo apt-get01:29
Shazamhow can I figure out why a device was "offlined". dmesg and /var/log/messages doesn't give me any more information than that01:29
chelznixjr: it sometimes can. but sometimes packages just get upgraded01:29
gabriel67Can someone walk me through this. I've tried to collect the various data01:29
chelzXial: http://boot.kernel.org01:29
rootpowerdidn't work01:29
knoppiesxial, I have something that might help you, is the machine on a network?01:29
chelzXial: you need a floppy drive or cdrom drive01:29
lostinspace_46knoppies, no, the repos are not listed under Origins01:30
knoppieschelz, no you dont, there is a (very complicated and probably not worth it) method to install ubuntu over the network with a networkboot.01:30
knoppieslostinspace_46, sorry then, Im not sure. I can't help you.01:31
Xialknoppies, I currently do not have the machine attached to the network.01:31
rootpowerhow to get an interface on a wireless driver01:31
chelzknoppies: man -k vlc01:31
XialI'd have to haul it to the living room to drop it on the router, but since I found my spare VGA cable, this isn't quite as much of an issue as it would have been a couple of weeks ago. :)01:31
lostinspace_46knoppies, No problem, I can't help me either01:31
knoppiesXial, do you want me to find the tutorials on network boots (the easiest of the two requires a CD drive or USB boot)01:32
=== FeasibilityStudy is now known as Parah
=== Parah is now known as Parah_Salin
mika__Hi guys, a couple of questions for you. I'm using the ubuntu server edition. with 1gb swap, 20 gb / and 165 gb /home... the /home is crypted and swap is too. I've the problem that when ubuntu loads up, it doesn't load the swap. The error is "One or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted, swap: waiting for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1"... the system is just installed, with the default configs/packages.. Do you know 01:32
denis123Hi. I'm trying to install opensource drivers for ATI cards (mines a Radeon HD 4870). How could I do this on Ubuntu 9.10?01:32
rootpowerhow to get an interface on a wireless driver01:32
chelzknoppies: boot.kernel.org is nice and easy, sounds like a good thing to do to me01:32
knoppiesthank you chelz. That is awesome01:33
denis123The proprietry ones do not work with my card in order to enable compiz01:33
=== Guest94242 is now known as dcl_lcd
Xialknoppies, I've been ramming my head against pxe-booting for a couple of weeks, simply because I kept finding instructions that I couldn't make sense of in my head.01:33
XialHowever, chelz' link to bko here seems to make a bit more sense, and might get me what I need. :)01:33
chelzmika__: you got cutoff at ". Do you know "01:33
mika__doesn't show all the processes that are loaded, is there a way of have all of them (with the "ok" or the error)... like this I don't know if everything it's loaded correctly....... the last one is that not all the starting processes tells "ok", just one of many, is there a way to have it for all ?01:33
rootpowerhow to get an interface on a wireless driver01:34
chelzXial: i take it you have a floppy drive?01:34
chelzrootpower: ifup01:34
mika__chelz:  Do you know why it doesn't load it? Another problem I noticed is that the init process.... [+ message above]01:34
XialNo; no connector for it on this board.01:34
rootpowerthen it says he cannt connect01:34
knoppiesXial, I have a method that doesnt require pxe-booting. I use it. You create an apache server on one of your machines, copy the contents of the CD into your apache server, and then use the mini.iso to boot your machine (choosing your apache server as the repo), but you will still need a CD drive/USB boot.01:34
zilkomaachelz: I have tried those i remember smplayer worked kinda, hey here is what i did get when i ran the mplayer from shell is there anything you to see? http://paste.ubuntu.com/370625/01:34
rootpowerthat he cannt find a interface01:34
ShifftyOneI have Linux on a partition on a second drive.  Is there any way to find out what distro it is?  I cannot boot to it.01:35
zilkomaachelz, using vlc now but would be nice to get mplayer to work..01:35
chelzzilkomaa: nope. looks normal except for "MPlayer UNKNOWN-4.4.1". did you install a new mplayer?01:35
chelzzilkomaa: pastebin the output from a terminal do:   gmplayer file01:36
chelzShifftyOne: you can mount it and: cat /mountpoint/etc/issue01:36
=== mike_ is now known as Guest25665
* Xial breaks for real life event; should return in a bit to tackle the booting issue.01:37
mika__chelz: any idea?01:37
chelz!wifi | rootpower01:37
ubotturootpower: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:37
SuperDefenderXHow can I hack into someone's computer and steal their private info using Ubuntu 9.10?01:37
chelzmika__: not sure about the swap issue but the output of the command "dmesg" has init stuff01:37
=== Parah_Salin is now known as hunkyFat
xanguaSuperDefenderX: go to #lammers01:38
xangua!es | Guest2566501:38
ubottuGuest25665: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:38
CR0WHello, I have a question.01:38
soreauSuperDefenderX: Such questions are certainly inappropriate for this channel and probably any other01:38
edbianCROW: Ask it then01:38
chelz!illegal | SuperDefenderX01:38
ubottuSuperDefenderX: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o01:38
ShifftyOneIS there a way to find out what distro is installed on a partition?  I cannot boot to it.  Running a Live CD to view the partition.01:38
CR0WI'd like to know how can I check the legality of my copy of ubuntu.01:38
iflemachelz that boot.kernel.org link is brilliant :)01:38
chelziflema: tell your friends :)01:38
SuperDefenderXAll jokes aside. Is it possible to replace Xorg with MicroWinX on Ubuntu?01:39
IzinucsHow do I determine the version of Java runtime that is installed?01:39
kcj1993ZykoticK9, I now have xorg.conf in /ect/X1101:39
=== FeasibilityStudy is now known as Parah_Salin
iflemachelz not so required these days but when it arises you bet01:39
denis123Hi. I'm trying to install opensource drivers for ATI cards (mines a Radeon HD 4870). How could I do this on Ubuntu 9.10? The proprietry ones do not work with my card in order to enable compiz01:39
ShifftyOneAm I asking in the wrong room?01:39
zilkomaachelz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/370629/01:39
mika__chelz: dmesg doesn't show all the started processes by rc... :(01:39
edbianShifftyOne, You can view the partition but actually determining what distro it is is sorta tough01:39
zilkomaachelz: after that when i change in prefences video output i get that fatal error thing01:39
lifesenginecan someone please help me, i'm trying to change the permissions for my gimp folder so i can copy brushes01:39
CR0Wkay, bye01:40
chelzSuperDefenderX: wrong OS sounds like01:40
soreaudenis123: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa01:40
ZykoticK9kcj1993, cool man - have fun01:40
ShifftyOneOkay.  I will just wipe it then.01:40
mika__chelz: the strange thing is that if i do a swapon /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 after i login it works and load the swap...it just doesn't work at boot..01:40
ShifftyOneI was hoping to find out what distro it is and try to restore it.01:40
chelzzilkomaa: there should be a lot more tahn that01:40
SuperDefenderXchez, No. MicroWinX is for linux basd distros.01:40
BlackDalekis there any option to delete image files from a camera in f-spot?01:40
knoppieslifesengine, do you mean chmod?01:40
lifesenginei'm trying to extract custom brushes into the folder but i get this message:01:40
lifesengineYou don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes"01:40
Izinucslifesengine: where is the gimp brush folder? if it is outside of your /home directory then copy using "sudo" .. as in sudo cp <filename> <path to new location>01:40
zilkomaachelz: k, sec01:41
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chelzSuperDefenderX: where did you hear of it?01:41
knoppiesShifftyOne, can't you install GRUB and then get it to boot? or is the distro damaged?01:41
SuperDefenderXChez, I was looking for a replacement for Xorg.01:41
lifesengineIzinucs: i'm terrible with locations, i don't know what command to use01:41
knoppieslifesengine, try the sudo command, or use: man chmod01:41
SuperDefenderXWould you like the url?01:41
zilkomaachelz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/370630/01:41
ShifftyOneI am new to all this.  I had the drive in another PC and I let someone have the PC and put the drive in this PC as a second drive.01:42
jumpnmustangAnyone able to help with an update error?01:42
edbianShifftyOne, Tell your bios to boot that harddrive instead of your windows HDD01:42
edbianShifftyOne, Sounds like that HDD is totally fine.01:42
knoppiesShifftyOne, I was under the impression it was on a seperate partition, if you make it the primary HDD (as edbian suggested) then you can have a look.01:42
melonieIs there someone that can help me to increase the screen resolution in 8.04 I have already installed the graphics driver however I have a huge black space down the side of the screen and it is stuck on 720x48001:42
jumpnmustangwow active in here:-)01:43
chelzmika__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1301766&highlight=mounts+%2Fetc%2Ffstab01:43
edbianShifftyOne, Watch the jumbers too!01:43
lifesenginehow do i change the permissions of the folder01:43
Izinucslifesengine: if you are careful ... really careful.. you can gksudo nautilus and use the file manager to do it.. changing the permissions on the directory is more difficult and problemmatic01:43
chelzSuperDefenderX: xorg is used by pretty much everyone. but sure, i'll take the link01:43
lifesenginei want full acess01:43
knoppiesmelonie, I have a machine that wont go above 640x480 and I had it on 1024x768 the other day, dont know what happened.01:44
lifesenginei can use the file manager to copy them in?01:44
knoppieslifesengine, chmod.01:44
ravenxbishop1where is a good place to find someone that is amaising at porting drivers for ubuntu?01:44
Dr_Willislifesengine:  you could use 'sudo mc' and use the mc filemanager to copy things there.01:44
Dr_Willislifesengine:  its 'best' to install user stuff in the proper place in the users home dir. Not system wide.01:44
jumbersedbian: Why are we watching me?01:44
SuperDefenderXchez - Sorry, I got the name wrong. lol. It's MicroXWin. http://www.microxwin.com/01:45
satyagi am trying to cross compile italc on ubuntu 9.10 , "you do not have installed libz and/or development-files are missing!"01:45
lifesengineDr_Willis: sudo mc is an invalid command01:45
edbianjumbers, I was talking to somebody about the jumpers on their hdd01:45
Dr_Willislifesengine:  for example i put my brushes in -> ~/.gimp-2.6/brushes01:45
knoppiesjumbers, he meant watch the jumpers (on an IDE HDD)01:45
satyaglibzzip-dev is installed01:45
Dr_Willislifesengine:  install mc.. or as i just said - put the brushes in the proper directiory in the USERS home01:45
jumbersedbian: Ah, okay then :P01:45
melonieI just switched to this one and for the life of me I can't figure out how to fix it01:45
cvdhelo there i use the Janitor o clena and old kernel but the kernel still in the grub menu, where is the menu file so i can revome the old kernel01:46
lifesengineDr_Willis: i'm brand new to ubuntu, i have no clue how to use any of this stuff01:46
ravenxbishop1hi, where is a good place to find someone who is amaising at porting drivers for ubuntu?01:46
knoppiesDr_Willis, rather than using mc, cant you just do sudo nautilus? (ive done it a few times)01:46
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
Dr_Willisknoppies:  ive seen sudo nautilus break things01:46
edbianknoppies, Yeah, but you gksudo for graphical sudo.01:46
knoppiesedbian, I dont, Ive never had problems, is there something I dont know?01:46
Dr_Willislifesengine:  then like ive been saying.. DONT put stuff in the system directorys.. your USER has a .gimp* directory. copy the brushes to the proper place in there.01:46
jumpnmustangAnyone know why the repositories are telling me signatures are invalid?01:46
conner_hey guys I have been trying to install skype for ubunut and I have ran into a huge problem and I tried to google it, but not really even sure what they mean.  I am brand new to LINUX, my issue is when I try and install skype I get this error:  Dependency is not satisfiable:  libasound201:47
knoppieslifesengine, open up nautilus, <ctrl>-<h>01:47
lifesengineDr_Willis: yes, but i have no permission to copy it there01:47
chelzzilkomaa: are you able to play any videos? or just only not xvid avis?01:47
zilkomaachelz: And i installed mplayer from this guide: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-mplayer-and-multimedia-codecs-libdvdcss2w32codecsw64codecs-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html01:47
ravenxbishop1no one here knows? where i can find people good at porting drivers?01:47
Dr_Willislifesengine:  your user should have permission to do things in their own home directory -  Unless you are doing somthing wrong01:47
ShifftyOneI found what distro it is and will try to restore it.01:48
lifesenginei must be, this makes no sense...i even went through gksudo nautilus and tried to copy01:48
denis123After downloading xorg-edgers PPA via Update Manager, is it installed automatically, or do I have to do something else?01:48
Dr_Willislifesengine:  /home/USERNAME/.gimp-2.6   is my users gimp dir.01:48
conner_Also I can't even view Youtube videos01:48
lifesengineit still says i have no permission01:48
zilkomaachelz: I can play with movie player .mkv files01:48
bort13doesn't seem to be lifesengine's home, he posted /usr/share/gimp01:48
Dr_Willislifesengine:  I suggest you never do gnsudo nautilus it can really scres things up.01:48
knoppiesShifftyOne, nice.01:48
lifesengineYou don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes"01:49
knoppiesDr_Willis, what was that other file manager you suggested?01:49
chelz!module | ravenxbishop101:49
Dr_Willisknoppies:  i always use 'mc' as my root file manager01:49
lifesengineand why is my gimp 2.0?01:49
lifesenginei have the latest ubuntu01:49
knoppiesDr_Willis, thank you01:49
chelz!modules | ravenxbishop101:49
ubotturavenxbishop1: To compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist01:49
Dr_Willislifesengine:  you are confuseing the SYSTEM gimp directory with the USERS gimp directory01:49
lifesengineoh, well how do i find the one on my user side?01:49
Dr_Willislifesengine:  theres really no need for you to be putting things in the SYSTEM gimp directory01:50
chelzzilkomaa: there might be an issue with the way mplayer is trying to output video. might try asking the medibuntu people01:50
Dr_Willislifesengine:  /home/USERNAME/.gimp-2.6   is my users gimp dir.  (for the 3rd time)01:50
chelz!medibuntu | zilkomaa01:50
ubottuzilkomaa: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:50
airtonixlifesengine, why are you trying to extract brushes to the global folder ? just use the one under your home folder01:50
nixjrwhat is the "load average" in top, my first assumption was a percentage, however ive seen it go over 1.00 so that cant be correct01:50
Dr_Willisnixjr:  dual core. :)?01:50
conner_man I have no idea as to what you guys are even talking about, my problem seems simple lol01:51
lifesenginemy home folder is virtually empty01:51
chelzSuperDefenderX: you might be into Arch linux, or linux from scratch. or suckless01:51
lifesenginebesides a few programs01:51
Dr_Willisconner_:  'crawl, walk, run'  then fly....01:51
lifesenginei dont see gimp at all01:51
Dr_Willislifesengine:  note the . befor the name? its a hidden dir.01:51
conner_or crash :)01:51
chelzjumpnmustang: pastebin the output you get01:51
lostinspace_46airtonix, He is adding new brushes01:51
knoppieslifesengine, when in your home folder, hit <ctrl>-<h> to see hidden files01:51
airtonixlifesengine, enter key is not a form of punctuation01:51
nixjrDr_Willis, when a program was playing up and i had to kill it, the load was reportedly 12.xx01:51
chelz!paste | jumpnmustang01:51
ubottujumpnmustang: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:51
FoolishOwlnixjr, load average refers to the average number of processes running.01:51
SuperDefenderXchez - Ah. Well, I like Ubuntu. So, maybe I'll forget it.01:51
jumpnmustangAnyone mine if I paste my problem?01:51
qwertyHi room01:51
airtonixlostinspace_46, that much is obvious01:51
Dr_Willislifesengine:  use the show hidden files item in the file manager window.01:52
lifesengineOkay, this makes a lot more sense.01:52
=== qwerty is now known as Guest42232
lifesengineThank you, i found it.01:52
conner_hey guys I have been trying to install skype for ubunut and I have ran into a huge problem and I tried to google it, but not really even sure what they mean.  I am brand new to LINUX, my issue is when I try and install skype I get this error:  Dependency is not satisfiable:  libasound201:52
Guest42232I have a problem....I am trying to watch a live CBC stream, and its not working01:52
knoppiesjumpnmustang, use pastebin01:52
jumpnmustangW: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>01:52
Guest42232I can watc hother videos fine01:52
Out_Coldi am trying to find a game for my kid, but i can't remember the name. It's an arcade where your screen starts with coloured marbles and you remove the marbles by selecting adjacent groups... Anyone?01:52
chelzSuperDefenderX: some lighter weight ubuntus are lubuntu and xubuntu. there's also crunchbang.01:52
Dr_Willisconner_:  how are you trying to install it?01:52
nixjrFoolishOwl, ah so a 1.60 could mean a duel core with both cores running at 80%?01:52
xangua!gpg | jumpnmustang01:52
ubottujumpnmustang: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts01:52
conner_Add/Remove app01:52
xanguammmm nothing01:52
jumpnmustangI have never seen this before, gives it to me trying to update anything.01:52
FoolishOwlnixjr, no, that'd be a different statistic.01:53
chelzjumpnmustang: settings > repositories > authentication > restore default keys01:53
jumpnmustangoh its normal?01:53
Dr_Willisconner_:  odd..   try from the command line 'sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade' then try installing skype again.01:53
lostinspace_46I have 2 new repos that are listed in my sources.list file.  They are also visible in System/Administration/Software Sources/Other Software.  However, they are not visible under the  Origins tab in Synaptic.  Why would this be?  And how would I download from them if Synaptic doesn't see them?01:53
jumpnmustangHow annoying:-P01:53
Guest42232By any chance is this video showing up for you guys??01:53
chelzGuest42232: could try linking to it01:53
airtonixnixjr, this might help (first few results look relevant) http://www.google.com.au/search?q=linux+understanding+load01:53
lifesengineyou guys are incredibly helpful.  Thanks!01:53
FoolishOwlnixjr, in top, there's a line, CPUs. I think there's some command line options that affect how it handles multiple CPUs.01:54
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.01:54
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  not working here.01:54
terminhellchown us ~/base -r01:55
Guest42232It works on a windows box beside me01:55
Guest42232could it only be because its not windows??01:55
FoolishOwlnixjr, but load average means how many processes are running at a given instant, on average. Normally, with a single user logged on on a desktop, it's less than 1.00.01:55
XialGuest42232: I'm on a Windows box, and nothing loads.01:55
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  send them an email complaining they dont work on linux then01:55
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  it could also be its Canadian only for some of us...01:55
conner_Hey Dr. Willis, I still got the same error01:55
conner_but I did run the apt commands01:55
SecondInfinityHow does the inode size of a filesystem affect it? I want to format a partition with an inode size of 128 (bytes?) and it is currently 256. I know I will have to reformat it and that 256 is the standard inode size for ext4, but what is the difference in application01:56
chelzGuest42232: not working here. chromium with flash 1001:56
nixjrFoolishOwl, ah my mistake, i misread your last message as "processors" not processes01:56
conner_also this is th ename of the file skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.81-1_i386.deb01:56
Guest42232Thats strange01:56
Guest42232its working on a windows box right beside me01:56
jolarenIf I don't type "chclient eth0" after boot I don't get internet.. how do I get this to autoboot?01:56
brianfreudAnyone have any ideas?  I have a white border around the entire desktop; tried changing the background and other various things, nothing seems to get rid of it.  It can be overlaid however, so it's definitely something being drawn, not a monitor issue - the mouse cursor can "block" a part of it when it's over the border.01:56
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  change the firefox useragent to show its IE perhaps.01:56
Guest42232I tried it on Fedora too and no lucj01:56
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  or is it working in FF on windows?01:56
ZykoticK9Guest42232, i'm in Canada - and tried in Firefox & Chrome they both failed01:57
airtonixGuest42232,  it is flash...version 10...probably the ultra beta version...what version flash you have on your windows machine ?01:57
Guest42232Yes on firefox01:57
Guest4223210 I believe01:57
SecondInfinityDoes anyone know01:58
CheeseBallsKnow what?01:58
chelz!hi CheeseBalls01:58
chelz!hi | CheeseBalls01:58
ubottuCheeseBalls: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:58
Dr_WillisSecondInfinity:  why do you even need/think you need/ to mess with the inode size?01:58
Guest42232A stream is a stream, and since were have the same flash versions and are using firefox...why wouldn't it work....strange01:59
* DIL sigh01:59
dooglusi'm having trouble getting online02:00
chelzSecondInfinity: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions#What_are_the_key_differences_between_ext3_and_ext4.3F02:00
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  i find the way these sites force in commercials often break things.02:00
doogluswould someone have time to help please?02:00
chelzGuest42232: linux flash and windows flash are *not* the same02:00
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  so far  i think no ione in the channel has gotten it working in any linux. (have they?)02:00
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  email the site and complaine02:00
chelzdooglus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2555702:00
chelzdooglus: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-network-troubleshooting-tips.html02:00
SecondInfinityDr_Willis: The program I use (the only one I have tried that seems to work reliably) to read ext2 and ext3 partitions in windows requires that the inode size of a partition be 128 or less to be readable. When 8.10 was out the boot cd made the inode size 128 by default02:01
Guest42232well its cbc its a reputable source02:01
Dr_WillisSecondInfinity:  what program is that anyway?02:01
Guest42232I could complain, but they probably wont pay attention02:01
chelzSecondInfinity: you could use a shared ntfs to share data between linux and windows. or fat3202:01
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  if you dont complain they defainatly wont02:01
chelzGuest42232: every bit helps02:01
SecondInfinityExt3 IFS. Ext2fs doesnt really work as well as I would like02:01
Guest42232thats true02:02
FoolishOwlI think there's a general problem that some video codecs aren't available in Linux, mostly for legal reasons.02:02
Guest42232poor linux :(02:02
Dr_WillisIm not sure how much 'codecs' affect flash...02:02
SecondInfinityYou can buy some codecs from fluendo I think02:02
SecondInfinityThey arent cheap but it is better than nothing02:02
Dr_Willisso im not sure that any codec stuff will help flash at all02:02
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Craig_DemThe quicker we move to html5 the better.02:03
NotTooSmartwhy does my speed in hdparm -tT /dev/sda drop from 66mb sec to around 21 mb/s after system is online for a few days?02:03
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.02:04
IzinucsMost flash problems arise when you install ubuntu-restricted-extras *and* flashplugin-non free.. *remove the flashplugin-non free* and it should work much better ... <---- Dr_Willis Guest4223202:04
SecondInfinityI doubt that HTML 5 will really replace flash completely as most functionality that is flashlike requires javascript02:04
trismIzinucs: ubuntu-restricted-extras installs flashplugin-nonfree02:04
Dr_WillisHmm.. ubuntu-restricted-extras just pulls in flashplugin-nonfree i thought.02:04
SecondInfinityoh, and the whole fuss about whether to use ogg codec or h.264 for video02:04
Guest42232lol...how do I remove it...I am new to linux02:04
* Dr_Willis votes for ogg.02:05
Craig_DemI use h.26402:05
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  i doubt if it will change anything.02:05
ujkanovicsome one her02:05
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  flash works at other sites right?02:05
rick_h.264 is more supported for portable devices02:05
NotTooSmartwhy does my speed in hdparm -tT /dev/sda drop from 66mb sec to around 21 mb/s after system is online for a few days?02:05
Craig_DemI love free software and stuff, but my iPod dosen't support ogg.02:05
Guest42232Like youtube works02:05
chelz!repeat | NotTooSmart02:05
ubottuNotTooSmart: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:05
Izinucstrism: that's really strange.. because it's worked for me that way for the last several years.. I think the restricted extras installs a different version or adobe's version.. not the nonfree version..02:05
Guest42232Maybe its something got to do with a live stream?02:05
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  not a flash issue then would be my guess02:05
ujkanovichow can i scan my runing proceses to find out if i am infected froma virus or a malware02:06
lostinspace_46I have 2 new repos that are listed in my sources.list file.  They are also visible in System/Administration/Software Sources/Other Software.  However, they are not visible under the  Origins tab in Synaptic.  Why would this be?  And how would I download from them if Synaptic doesn't see them?02:06
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  unless its got some flash linux vs flash windows duifferances02:06
chelzujkanovic: clamav02:06
SecondInfinitySupposedly h.264 is of higher quality than ogg and if everything was streamed in ogg it would require way too much bandwidth. The iPods should support ogg but they never will because everything on an apple device has to be controlled by apple02:06
trismIzinucs: no, it installs the exact same version (although it will also accept adobe-flashplugin if you have previously installed that before installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, but you would have had to do it manually)02:06
chelz!av | ujkanovic02:06
ubottuujkanovic: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2102:06
Craig_DemYouTube has a html5 trial at http://youtube.com/html5 if you are having problems. Don't think firefox supports it though.02:06
ujkanovicclamav is a antivirus but its not scaning proceses thats runs on the ubuntu02:06
Dr_WillisCraig_Dem:   the latest firefox does. or at least it did.. it seems a little flakey.02:07
Guest42232WOuld another browser make a differece02:07
Guest42232Actualy I NM I tried that02:07
trismyeah, the youtube trial won't work until it supports H.264, which doesn't seem likely any time soon because of license issues (if it does work, it is because the video tag has the ability to fall back on flash if you configure it correctly)02:07
SecondInfinityFirefox has builtin ogg for html5 I believe02:08
FauntixI have a question (2)02:08
NotTooSmartwhy does my speed in hdparm -tT /dev/sda drop from 66mb sec to around 21 mb/s after system is online for a few days?02:08
ZykoticK9Guest42232, i tried using a User Agent switch plugin on FF 3.6 (on Lucid), but when I switched to IE 7/8 the Flash wouldn't even come up at all...02:08
Guest42232OH dear02:09
Guest42232Its ok... thank you so much gentlemen for your help02:09
rick_the one problem with FF is that it is a resource hog.  just sitting at a blank page it jumps my cpu useage from about 10% to 25%.02:09
Guest42232agreed rick02:09
Guest42232OPera is much better02:09
Guest42232faster in my opinion02:10
chelz!hi | mdg202:10
ubottumdg2: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:10
mdg2why is it so quiet here?02:11
SecondInfinityWhatever happened to firefox CPU usage? Just not maintaining the code well or something?02:11
rick_how often do people have to reinstall ubuntu cause it gets curropted like windows?02:11
Dr_Willismdg2:  it is?02:11
FauntixFirst question: I cant seem to find any info to get my finepoint drive to work on 9.1002:11
Dr_Willisrick_:  varey rarely.02:11
Guest42232I have never have to do it02:11
Dr_Willisrick_:  the biggest danger to your linux box.. is the admin doing somthing silly. :)02:12
Guest42232AS long as you dont mess up with the configurations, its a solid OS02:12
NahseiHi! I installed ubuntu 9.10 and then, after doing apt-get upgrade the sound didn't  work... then i thought that it could be a problem of kernel since the upgrade updated some headers and in fact it was... i thought it was ok, but then, after installing virtualbox it stoped working again :s sombody please help02:12
rick_haha being the admin and learning linux i've installed and uninstalled so many programs and packages i can't remember02:12
chelzrick_: if you don't mess with any lowlevel system stuff, you shouldn't ever have to reinstall02:12
chelz!sound | Nahsei02:12
ubottuNahsei: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:12
rick_i lost count on how many times i've used apt-get to get stuff to work02:13
Guest42232The desktop graphics are a bit better in FEdora02:13
olskolircI get get this beep media installed: ./configure --prefix=/usr and then when I 'make' it gives me this error: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop. | how do I install this tar?02:13
airtonixSecondInfinity, it's a xul engine ontop of a sqlite dbase, what did you expect? chrome like speeds ><02:13
Dr_Willis'using apt-get to get stuff to work' - err.. Like installing needed packages?02:13
chelzrick_: adding from official repos is fine, adding from unofficial or removing stuff can lead to issues. if you do those things, be prepared to reinstall ubuntu02:13
tobi_I've got a strange problem, my resolution keeps setting itself at 1440xsomething instead of 1680x1050 which is saved in xorg.conf02:13
Fauntixam i allow to repeat my question02:13
SecondInfinityI dont really know anything about how it works but it is a shame that it runs as slow as it does02:14
tobi_it happens while booting02:14
chelz!x | tobi_02:14
ubottutobi_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:14
Dr_Willisolskolirc:  ther may be some PPA's for watever program you are trying to compile.02:14
Will123456hey guys. i can't get empathy to handle video calls to MSN. why's that? my webcam and mic work fine, but the option is greyed out. even when running sudo empathy02:14
Fauntixi dont want to seem like I am spamming02:14
subspiderchelz it worked02:14
chelzsubspider: good :)02:14
SecondInfinityI have privacy issues with using google's chrome, and it doesnt have nearly as many addons as firefox does02:14
Dr_WillisFauntix:  i dont een know wht a finepoint drive is.02:14
Will123456(to clarify: can't get empathy to make video calls to contacts using the MSN network)02:14
SecondInfinityIt probably isnt as open either02:14
rick_needed packages, following online guides to get all the multimedia working, i'm sure i've invariably messed something up in the process.  oh well i expected it to happen at some point since this is my first time with linux.  die winblows!02:14
chelzSecondInfinity: i personally use google chromium02:14
FauntixDr_Willis: Its for a tablet laptop ... brb btw02:14
airtonixSecondInfinity, what kind of addons... have you looked lately ?02:14
subspiderchelz do you want to know what i did to work??02:15
chelzsubspider: sure02:15
olskolircwhat is a PPA Dr_Willis and where can I get it?02:15
Dr_WillisThe AdBlocker tools for FF are 'better at blocking' then the ones  i find for chrome02:15
Dr_Willis!ppa | olskolirc02:15
ubottuolskolirc: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.02:15
Guest42232Is it possible to watch dvd's and youtibe videos on the most basic linux...like puupy linux02:15
chelzWill123456: don't run sudo empathy. if something is supported it will be functional02:15
Guest42232Like th versions that would work in a P102:15
Dr_Willisolskolirc:  i always google for 'PROGRAM ubuntu ppa'  and see what turns up02:15
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  yes it is.02:16
mdg2Guest42232: P1?02:16
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  on a Pentium I cpu you  mean?02:16
SecondInfinityI have looked but there are still those that I use now that are not available. Like I said though, I have privacy and openness issues with Chrome02:16
Will123456chelz: i'm not - it was only as a last resort (i managed to get my webcam working in flash for firefox by first enabling it via sudo then reverting back to normal firefox, you see)02:16
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  good Luck with that.. your cpu will be so overloaded. it will be scary02:16
Will123456chelz: didn't work anyway :P02:16
mdg2Guest42232: like 133 Mhz?02:16
chelzWill123456: the issue has been fixed in the later releases of Empathy that will be included with lucid. (via https://bugs.launchpad.net/empathy/+bug/333675 )02:16
chelzWill123456: if you want you can hunt down a way to install it in your karmic02:16
Guest42232I heard there were linux versions that can run on old pc's02:16
subspiderchelz, when installinf the intallation ask you for the folder where libs are stored and i had to chage to usr/lib/02:17
Will123456chelz: oh wow, excellent, thanks :) that's great news. i think i might do that02:17
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  theres old.. then theres  OLD....02:17
FoolishOwlThe package management system -- apt-get and so forth -- is really good about maintaining the integrity of packages, i.e., applications and their supporting files.02:17
Guest42232I think puppy linux was one of the02:17
mdg2Guest42232: tinycore02:17
rick_my cell phone has a faster processor then the pentium 1!!!!  talk about legacy equipment!02:17
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  Puppy on a Pent I will still not let you do everything02:17
chelzsubspider: where was it before you have to change it?02:17
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  try it and see.02:17
Guest42232Well which one is the most basic linux with a desktop02:17
mdg2Guest42232: you have to have a GUI or can you go CLI?02:18
Guest42232that can work on a old pc02:18
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  depends on your needs.02:18
chelzWill123456: https://launchpad.net/~telepathy/+archive/ppa - this might help02:18
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  to try PuppyLinux or ask in #puppylinux02:18
chelzsubspider: ah ok. good that it's working02:18
Guest42232Browse the internet, youtube02:18
SecondInfinityGuest42232: You heard correctly, many linux distributions can run on very old hardware, making what is thought to be useless hardware quite usable. I had a computer with a 333MHz processor and 64mb of RAM and I could use it as a basic web browsing machine02:18
Dr_WillisGuest42232:  flash on a pent I will proberly be so slow as to be impossible.02:18
subspiderchelz something so stupid02:18
icerootGuest42232: youtube will NEVER work on a P102:18
jumpnmustangIs there an easier way to fix a gpg error?02:18
mdg2Guest42232: how much ram you got?02:18
icerootGuest42232: because of flash02:18
corthello all is there anyone out there willing to help a newbie with a QGIS install02:18
subspiderchelz,  it's working great sound and everthing02:18
Guest42232I see02:18
chelzSecondInfinity: the cost of making use of an older machine vs getting a new one should factor in the cost of power usage too02:19
FoolishOwlIMHO, package management systems and software repositories are the biggest advantage of Debian-based and Red Hat-based Linux distributions over Windows and OS X.02:19
Dr_WillisPent I + freedos = serial terminal :)02:19
Guest42232I am just wondering... I dont have a old box setup yet02:19
Will123456chelz: thanks, i owe you one./02:19
rick_what would you use an old pc for a distro that is only CLI for anyways?02:19
SecondInfinityAm I paranoid to have privacy issues with Google Chrome or do I have valid suspicions?02:19
chelzFoolishOwl: almost all major *nix distros have some kind of package manager02:19
Guest42232I have numerous ones though, without software02:19
Dr_Willisrick_:  'terminal' machine. :)02:19
chelzWill123456: np. keep promoting linux and ubuntu :)02:19
xanguaSecondInfinity: use chromium then02:19
BlackDalekhow do I import photos with gthumb? Nothing is happening when I click import!02:19
Vladimir_My laptop has a Blu-ray drive but I've read that currently Ubuntu does not support playing these movies and was wondering whether or not we will see better support for Blu-ray in 10.04 and whether there will be a "push" to be able to view Blu-ray movies. This is, so far, the only obstacle preventing me from using Ubuntu.02:19
subspiderchelz do you know why aa 3 is not for linux02:19
Dr_Willisrick_:  ssh in, run htop, just watch the  loads.. :)02:19
Will123456chelz: i've got my middle aged MUM using it :P02:19
rick_Dr_Willis you lost me02:19
chelzsubspider: you'll have to ask them02:20
mdg2rick_: you can browse the net in text browser, gmail, listen to internet radio02:20
airtonixSecondInfinity, things chrome doesnt have that firefox does (in addon form): 1) save page as png 2) page clipping to local file 3) doesn't allow pages at the uri : file:/// to save to local drive (tiddlywiki)02:20
FoolishOwlchelz, true. I think the deb and rpm systems are the best, though.02:20
TDJACRIs there a way to use whole disk encryption with Ubuntu Netbook?02:20
subspiderok chelz02:20
Dr_Willisrick_:  i have serial terminals - and so forth run serial cable, or use network. and you got a spare console02:20
jumpnmustangSeems it has bad keys, is there an easy way to just update the keys?02:20
chelzSecondInfinity: i don't use chrome over chromium because of privacy concerns02:20
corthelp with QGIS and GRASS please02:20
chelzcort: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGIS02:20
tobi_chelz after reseting X resolution changes to 1440x900, as I already said xorg.conf is set to use 1680x105002:20
Guest42232Oh yes another thing I was wondering...you know how in UBuntu the screen gets dark when you dont use it02:20
rick_Dr_Willis basically a dumb gui terminal then?02:20
icerootGuest42232: its the screensaver02:21
Dr_Willisrick_:  err.. NO gui at all.. its a 'serial terminal' :)02:21
Guest42232Well I disabled it02:21
cortchelz have not found the answers there02:21
Dr_Willisrick_:  just like you got on the 'console'02:21
SecondInfinitychelz: Yes, that is correct, older machines are often very inefficient in terms of power usage. However, Linux installations generally seem to work better on older hardware, probably because they aren't tied to the advancements in the hardware industry (Intel comes out with new gear, Microsoft makes their OS a little less optimized)02:21
SecondInfinityWhat is the difference between Chrome and Chromium02:21
chelzcort: what issues are you experiencing02:21
Dr_Willisrick_:  there are 'X terminals' also  that can do GUI/X but those are a little rare these days02:21
sebsebsebSecondInfinity: Chrome is based on Chromeium.  Chromeium is open source,  Chrome is closed source02:21
icerootGuest42232: there is an option in the screensaver menu called energy settings, there is set that dispplay is disabed after 30 minutes02:21
chelztobi_: do you have intel, nvidia or ati?02:21
tobi_chelz nvidia gf 7800GT02:22
jumpnmustangI will wait, have to go for a bit thanks for the help provided so far.:-)02:22
rick_Dr_Willis okay thanks.  I don't think I'll ever be doing/needing that type of setup ever.02:22
cortchelz -- unstable version installed and running.  can't get grass pluggin to show up in pluggin  manager02:22
Dr_Willisrick_:  it can come in handy at times02:22
chelztobi_: do you have nvidia-settings installed?02:22
Dr_Willisrick_:  kernel dev's use it all the time i hear.02:22
tobi_chelz haven't had this problem with 9.10, it started happening on mint 8, of course I am02:22
Dr_WillisThe good old days of serial cables, nullmodem cables, and zmodem protocals..02:22
SecondInfinitysebsebseb: I see. Yeah, closed source is not nice. What operating systems is Chromium available for?02:23
rick_Dr_Willis i'm far from being a kernel Dev.  I'd rather make a stripped down kernel into a car pc or something of the sort.02:23
=== Freeaqingme is now known as Guest31337
jmp_hi to all, do somebody know how to install mysql on ubuntu02:23
chelztobi_: have nvidia-settings save a new config02:23
icerootjmp_: sudo apt-get install mysql-server02:23
Dr_Willisrick_:  i used serial cables the other day to transfer stuff to/from my AMIGA. :)02:23
Dr_Willis!mysql | jmp_02:24
ubottujmp_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:24
phil-jCan anyone help me test my VNC server?02:24
BlackDalekgthumb's photo import does not work.. why?02:24
cortchelz:  follwed these steps to update libraries but not sure I am doing it right:Set your library search path02:24
cortNote This section was added in an update on 31 Nov 200902:24
cortIf you want the grass plugin to load in QGIS, you also need to ensure your library path is updated. I do it system wide. First edit /etc/ld.so.conf as root and add this line:02:24
cortNow do:02:24
cortsudo ldconfig02:24
FloodBot3cort: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:24
Dr_Willisphil-j:  fire up a vnc client and try it out?   thats the ultimate test.02:24
rick_Dr_Willis well if you found a usb port on an Amiga i'd wonder how you frankenstien'd that into it!!!02:24
chelzcort: join #qgis-community-team and #qgis02:24
=== Guest31337 is now known as Freeaqingme
cortoops sorry02:24
airtonixrick_, serial cable != usb02:24
Dr_Willisrick_:  of course Now i realize that the linux kernel can read/write amiga FS' so i can move the amigas hd  to this box copuy stff over. :)02:25
tobi_chelz I've already did configure it to use 1680x1050, and saved xorg.conf successfully, it just keeps changing to 1440x900 on every boot right before icons on desktop appear02:25
rick_airtonix yeah real old school serial02:25
BlackDalekOn gthumb, I can see the thumbnails from the camera but it is not importing anything at all.. the import button just depresses when I click it but nothing happens. Why?02:25
airtonixrick_, although you might find a funky rs232 to usb dongle around somewhere :)02:25
jmp_iceroot_ thanks, process is running02:26
icerootjmp_: great02:26
jmp_ubottu,  thanks too02:26
Dr_WillisI have usb-> serial and usb->parallel02:26
chelztobi_: well mint is not ubuntu, for the record. you'll have to ask them in #LinuxMint02:26
tobi_chelz mint channels are dead :P02:26
chelz!mint | tobi_02:26
ubottutobi_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)02:26
Dr_Willisphil-j:  for vnc over the internet you should be setting up a ssh tunnle.02:26
chelz!mintsupport > tobi_02:26
ubottutobi_, please see my private message02:26
tobi_chelz it might be 185 drivers which are awful at resolutions handling02:27
Dr_Willis'mint channels are dead' -> good reason to use actual ubuntu.02:27
mdg2chelz: what was your question02:27
rick_airtonix I remember when those dongles first came out!02:27
SecondInfinityso has anyone heard any nice features that are supposed to be present in the next Ubuntu release, 10.04?02:27
SecondInfinityI haven't been keeping us02:27
BlackDalekAlso when I plug my camera in I get two import photo dialogue boxes put up - neither of which work.02:27
Dr_WillisSecondInfinity:  they change daily. :) but it should be calming down  soon i imagine02:27
chelzmdg2: what question?02:27
icerootSecondInfinity: LTS is the best feautre  also use #ubuntu+102:27
chelz!fr | berl6902:28
ubottuberl69: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois02:28
mdg2chelz: sorry thought you were asking about mint (mint 8 rocks)02:28
SecondInfinityLTS? Long term support?02:28
chelzmdg2: nope, just stating that this channel isn't for mint support02:28
chelz!lts | SecondInfinity02:28
ubottuSecondInfinity: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)02:28
jmp_berlo69 , qu'est ce qui ne va pas?02:28
phil-jDr_Willis: I know VNC sessions should be sent over SSH. I was just wondering if anyone had a spare screen they can throw me to see if I configured my router right02:28
SecondInfinitySo, in actuality, what does LTS mean?02:29
asdfasdfasdfasdfhello i would like to encrypt a file how can i do this?02:29
icerootphil-j: ip, then i will use nmap to check if 5900 is open02:29
SecondInfinityDont we already get support for Ubuntu? Isnt that more important for businesses or organizations using Ubuntu?02:29
icerootSecondInfinity: see what ubottu told you about lts02:29
icerootSecondInfinity: suport = security fixes02:30
rick_looks like your screen name is already encrypted, kepp it up02:30
ZykoticK9SecondInfinity, "support" in this case means updates, etc.02:30
FlannelSecondInfinity: LTS are supported for 3 years (or 5 on the server) instead of the usual 18 months02:30
chelzBlackDalek: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Photos02:30
conner_any reason why I can't view Youtube videos?02:31
icerootphil-j: port is filterd02:31
chelzSecondInfinity: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Photos02:31
chelzSecondInfinity: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS02:31
SecondInfinitySo that means that 10.04 is going to be reliably stable02:31
icerootphil-j: so the firewall/router is blocking it02:31
asdfasdfasdfasdfhmm better questions if i encrypt something with kgpg which are the chances of someone accessing that file?02:31
chelzSecondInfinity: yes. for people that want a longer upgrade cycle02:31
asdfasdfasdfasdfsay i use a long password with numbers symbols capital letters02:31
Dr_Willisconner_:  try the google chrome browser (or the latest firefox) and the html5 'testing' feature. :) been playing with that all week02:31
jmp_iceroot, then how to launch it,02:31
SecondInfinityI dont mind the 18 month upgrade cycle but I guess for businesses or something it would be great02:32
chelz!encrypted | asdfasdfasdfasdf02:32
ubottuasdfasdfasdfasdf: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory02:32
icerootasdfasdfasdfasdf: that its not possible to crack it within a human life-time02:32
YixterAnyone got any tips for staying awake ?02:32
icerootjmp_: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start02:32
Dr_WillisYixter:  cattle prod.02:32
rick_Yixter caffiene!02:32
Dougdoug4Yixter: #ubuntu-offtopic02:32
FlannelSecondInfinity: instead of upgrading every six months, you get to upgrade every two years.  It's a pretty nice benefit of LTS.02:32
chelzasdfasdfasdfasdf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords02:32
YixterCan someone please tell me why i would like to use ubuntu instead of say vista? iv tried it and i dont see the point?02:33
asdfasdfasdfasdficeroot, i dont want to use a encrypted folder/partition, i need to backup this file to a dvd02:33
jmp_iceroot, I want to create data base using mysql queries02:33
airtonixasdfasdfasdfasdf, gpg can do single files02:33
SecondInfinityI kind of like having new features every 6 months02:33
chelz!freedom | Yixter02:34
phil-jiceroot: My VNC server is on port 550002:34
ubottuYixter: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing02:34
FlannelSecondInfinity: Then you'll likely choose to stick with the regular six month upgrade cycle02:34
chelz!av > Yixter02:34
asdfasdfasdfasdfairtonix, good can it be cracked in human life time?02:34
ubottuYixter, please see my private message02:34
Yixtergood point, but besides that issue, what actaul advantage?02:34
SecondInfinityGnuPG is good for encrypting files, as well as email using enigmail+thunderbird or evolution02:34
airtonixasdfasdfasdfasdf, install seahorse and gpg, then you can right click on a file in nautilus and select encrypt02:34
chelz!truecrypt | asdfasdfasdfasdf02:34
ubottuasdfasdfasdfasdf: Truecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume02:34
Yixteri mean, as far as im concerned i got windows free with my computer02:34
SecondInfinityWhy would someone prefer a longer release cycle, the hassle of setting the system up?02:35
airtonixasdfasdfasdfasdf, depends on the encryption strength you use02:35
BlackDalekgthumb's import photos function is NOT working. NOTHING is happening when I click import.02:35
chelzYixter: vast amounts of open source and free (as in cost) software. also free as in the four freedoms.02:35
chelz!hi | Ana102:35
ubottuAna1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:35
rick_do you need to reinstall ubuntu with each release cycle or does it just update itself and keep on working?  I;ve only been using karmic for 2 months now.02:35
asdfasdfasdfasdfchelz, dont want a partition encrypted , i need to move this file to a dvd.02:35
ZykoticK9Yixter, this is offtop for this channel, perhaps you could ask in #ubuntu-offtopic instead02:35
Ana1I got a great trouble, I upgraded my ubuntu yesterday and now I cant access my other OS02:35
airtonixasdfasdfasdfasdf, i think that encyrption ultimately just keeps morons from getting your data and only slows down educated and determined people...02:36
asdfasdfasdfasdfairtonix, uhm which should i use then?02:36
FlannelYixter: #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place to ask that question02:36
airtonixasdfasdfasdfasdf, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49506202:36
Ana1I got a great trouble, I upgraded my ubuntu yesterday and now I cant access my other OS02:36
rick_Ana1 most likely that has something to do with the grub bootloader.  search the net for fixing the grub bootloader02:36
chelzasdfasdfasdfasdf: there's a program called GnuPrivacyGuard02:36
=== Freeaqingme is now known as Guest89199
Viking667I have a question. I've got ubuntu plus the majority of the Ubuntu Studio packages installed. Where do I find the actual sound files used for the sound theme? I'm trying to debug why one sound in particular only ever appears in the left ear.02:37
chelzAna1: what error messages do you get?02:37
chelz!sound | Viking66702:37
ubottuViking667: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:37
Ana1says nothing02:37
asdfasdfasdfasdfk thx02:37
Ana1just never loads the OS02:37
BlackDalekgthumb is useless.02:38
Nahseiafter i installed virtualbox i cannot hear/listen anything in ubuntu... help?02:38
chelzrick_: ubuntu will only update when you tell it to02:38
ZykoticK9Viking667, have a look in /usr/share/sounds/gnome 'might' be in there02:38
Viking667I'm not having trouble with sound at all... just one sound FILE.02:38
airtonixasdfasdfasdfasdf, are you using 9.10 ?02:38
Viking667I'll try that, thank you.02:38
chelzBlackDalek: you could try filing a bug. there's a channel #gnome on irc.gnome.net02:38
asdfasdfasdfasdfso i create a 15 character password, any idea where to write it down so i dont forget it?02:39
asdfasdfasdfasdfairtonix, nope02:39
chelzasdfasdfasdfasdf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords#Write%20Your%20Passwords%20Down02:39
airtonixasdfasdfasdfasdf, which one then ?02:39
Ana1so I'll have to look up for the grub right?02:39
SolarisBoyNahsei: are you using a virtual audio card in any VMs?02:40
chelzAna1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Dual-booting02:40
asdfasdfasdfasdfairtonix, none using fedora atm02:40
airtonixasdfasdfasdfasdf, ok, but you are asking about this for ubuntu i assume ?02:41
Ana1the  HD stiil have the space that used to have for the other  OS, but when I try to search documents, seems to be empty02:41
NahseiSolarisBoy: right now i'm not using virtualbox... actually i purged virtualbox and tried to reinstall pulseaudio, but didn't work02:41
asdfasdfasdfasdfairtonix, for both, still since i dont want to encrypt a folder/partition just a file to burn it to a dvd, it doesnt matter whether i use ubuntu or not :)02:41
ZykoticK9Nahsei, this might assist you http://www.ghacks.net/2010/02/03/managing-sound-in-ubuntu-9-10/02:42
doogluswhen I boot from livecd, eth0 exists.  when I boot from hdd, it doesn't.  help?02:42
asdfasdfasdfasdfso its probably the same app you guys tell me here, just instead of typing apt-get install i type yum install ^^02:42
airtonixasdfasdfasdfasdf, since seahorse and gnupg are installed by default on ubuntu 9.10, you just need to install seahorse-plugins to get the right click > encrypt entry. : http://www.walkingrandomly.com/?p=184202:42
chelz!es | Ana102:42
ubottuAna1: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:42
airtonixasdfasdfasdfasdf, also, revelation password manager has a nice strong password generator02:42
nixjrIs 1 hour to convert an avi file to dvd video format, an unreasonably long length of time?02:43
ZykoticK9nixjr, or longer02:44
rick_is there a way to use apt-get check to check all the installed programs to make sure they have all the dependencies or do you have to do it one by one?02:44
airtonixasdfasdfasdfasdf, after installing seahorse-plugins... i think you need to either kill nautilus and restart it or logout to restart X02:44
kgsI am interested in scaling my CPU frequencies while running on battery, but my system reports two CPUs (0 and 1). Is it necessary to set the desired frequency on both? I am using the panel applet for this.02:44
Flannelrick_: If they're installed (and not broken), then they've got all their dependencies. So, 'sudo apt-get upgrade' should tell you if you've got broken packages02:45
chelzkgs: CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor 2.24.102:45
rick_kgs if it's a dual core processor they should scale together automatically02:45
chelzrick_: apt does that automatically, as long as all the packages you've installed are through apt02:45
kgschelz, What do you mean?02:45
IronRosesgiving ubuntu a go02:46
chelzkgs: you can google that and find out what it is and add it to your ubuntu02:46
chelz!hi | IronRoses02:46
ubottuIronRoses: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:46
nixjrZykoticK9, just did my first conversion and it took 55mins, do you believe thats satisfactory?02:46
IronRosesok, so i goit ATI drivers working (the offical drivers from the ati site instead of the crap that ubuntu gives you) and got crossover and steam running just fine too02:46
chelznixjr: i hear handbrake is good02:46
felipecnnsomebody have any dificult to install the dbdesigner in ubuntu 9.04?02:46
kgsrick_, It is not a dual core. It is an Intel Atom. I think it is a "virtual" dual core. Hyperthreading and whatnot.02:46
airtonixchelz, if you read what kgs just typed, you will see that he/she is already using that02:46
ZykoticK9nixjr, converting to DVD MPEG is time consuming - depends on the CPU being used - it's cerainly resonable02:46
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IronRosesmy only pro0blem is with crossover and banshee. Crossover steals the sound module from every other applicationl is there a fix for this anywhere?02:47
felipecnnbecause mine appears starting DBDesigner... but nothing happens02:47
chelzairtonix: ah didn't see that02:47
kgschelz, I already have the required software packages. They were included by default.02:47
chelzkgs: yes you have to set it in both02:47
Ana1is someone going to explain me what happend between the upgrade and my other >OS? and how can I get it back?02:47
rick_kgs IIFC the atom processor does have a dual core variant, so yo should be fine with whatever scaling program you find02:47
VaultDwellerI need help02:47
kgsI see.02:47
airtonixkgs, this is something im interested in also (i have a hp mini 311-1018tu).... but i dont think the applet is the way to go.02:47
VaultDwellerI need to identify the brand and model of my cousin's ethernet adapter for Windows 7.02:47
VaultDwellerI've booted into Ubuntu02:47
VaultDwellerI'm wondering if there is a way to identify it02:48
airtonixVaultDweller, lspci02:48
Dr_WillisVaultDweller:  check 'lspci' output for starters02:48
kgsairtonix, what do you see wrong with the applet?02:48
chelzIronRoses: could be an alsa/oss issue02:48
Dr_WillisVaultDweller:  then thers proberly some oher tools as well. but yiou mean to say that Win7 dident auto-matically see it?02:48
knoppiesI have ubuntu 9.10 server install with the desktop installed. I have an FX5200 and the nvidia drivers installed. The resolution used to be something above 1024x768 but after I restarted it, it has reset to 640x480 and I can't get it any higher. got any suggestions?02:48
airtonixkgs, mainly that the applet expects to use /proc/acpi/* and there isn't much there for us to use02:48
rick_kgs i have ubuntu running on my laptop with an amd dual core processor and setting the speed on one core also automatically sets the speed on the other core at the same time02:48
NahseiSolarisBoy: that webpage doesn't help me much...02:49
kgsrick_, I see. I will have to fiddle with it and see what works for my hardware.02:49
EastDallasknoppies: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg at a command prompt02:49
b0wHello !!! how can see what type of sound card i got???02:49
EastDallasknoppies: then restart x02:49
airtonixkgs, what machine do you have ?02:49
switch10_does anyone know how to use mpg123 to stream a music file from my server?  I am trying:  mpg123 dave@xxx.xxx.x.xxx:~/Music/song_i_want_to_play02:49
kgsairtonix, This is a Dell Mini 10v.02:49
knoppieseastdallas, thanks. How do I restart X? can I just do a restart?02:50
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EastDallasknoppies: yes02:50
kgsairtonix, The applet seems to work for me.02:50
rick_airtonix in other words kgs has a netbook02:50
airtonixrick_, ...02:50
b0wHello !!! how can see what type of sound card i got???02:51
knoppiesEastDallas, I did that in SSH and nothing happened. let me go have a look at the machine.02:51
ZykoticK9switch10_, i think you'd need to setup NFS/Samba/SSHFS to accomplish what you want02:51
switch10_bow: lshw02:51
airtonixb0w, you c an use "lspci" in the terminal02:51
Nahseib0w: lspci -v (i think) and you see the part that says audio...02:51
switch10_ZykoticK9: thanks02:51
DilTheKosherHow do I login on irc?02:52
EastDallasknoppies: it won't really look like it does anything02:52
ZykoticK9b0w, "lspci | grep -i audio" might be a little easier to sort through02:52
knoppiesEastDallas, ok, thanks. its restarting now02:52
EastDallasknoppies: it will just return you to a prompt02:52
knoppiesEastDallas, and then how would I load the desktop?02:52
mdg2switch10_: I've heard good reviews of mediatomb02:52
b0wthanks ZykoticK902:53
b0wthat did the work! :)02:53
switch10_mdg2: is that some kind of file sharing client?02:53
seroi installed the radeon driver from the xorg-edgers ppa, but now i want to go back and install xorg 7.4 and then the ati driver02:53
rick_bow if you want to find out what sound card you have and your used to windows, open up your "ubuntu software center" and search for "device manager".  install that and it's basically the counterpart to windows device manager02:53
kgsairtonix, can you tell me more about this /proc/acpi business?02:53
mdg2switch10_: its for mediastreaming02:53
serothe problem is: i can't install Xorg 7.4 though aptitude02:53
semitonesheyo -- I have a problem with wicd -- sometimes, if I leave the computer idle and come back, wicd can't find any networks, and the only way I could fix it was to restart02:53
switch10_mdg2: sweet i'll check it out.  Thanks02:54
mdg2switch10_: your welcome :)02:54
Nahseimy sound stoped working after installing virtualbox... what should i do? the troubleshooters didn't help me much...02:54
allowoverridequick question - i just installed a new ubuntu server with 3 nic cards. im trying to figure out why eth0/1/2 will not ping gw. resolv.conf is good, /etc/hosts is good, and /etc/network/interfaces is good, set to dhcp. is this typical of ubuntu-server ? to not allow ping gw?02:54
jordy240hi would halo 2 for pc work on ubuntu via wine?02:54
airtonixkgs, last night i tried looking for info about getting temp readouts... and controlling fan speeds... i first tried using lm-sensors but it returned nothing and there seems to be nothing relevant in the /proc/acpi directories02:55
Nahseii tried to add myself to audio group, reinstall pulseaudio, modprobe... well, many things... nothing worked02:55
airtonixkgs, have a look in your /proc/acpi directories, you should see some files there which can give data when you use cat on them.02:55
ZykoticK9jordy240, not looking good http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=8117&iTestingId=1238202:55
hexmareanyone having issues with karmic and nvidia graphics cards having low res?02:56
dandaman1i have a problem that needs solving....02:56
allowoverridei took out the 2 other cards, and not familiar to remove their physical configs, and im using the on-board nic at present. 1. i set interfaces to eth1 now, since ifconfig said no card there for eth0, but did when i put ethcable into on-board card. little confused here. someone help me with residual configs or with adding on-board nic?02:56
airtonixhexmare, nope! :)02:56
jordy240thank you ZykoticK902:56
Viking667meh. I'm out of here. I can't seem to find the recalcitrant soundfile, nor why it's playing only on one speaker.02:56
hexmareairtronix :> what cards are you using?02:56
allowoverrideright now im have error on cmdline tty0 stating,,,    failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socke: no such file or dir02:57
rick_hexmare good luck, nvidia and linux is a black art sometimes02:57
dandaman1so i have this netbook with ubuntu netbook remix and a desktop with ubuntu 9.10. I'm laying on my couch with my netbook and i want to play some music on my speakers connected to my desktop(my desktop uses rhythmbox to play music). is there any software that can allow me to do this if im on the same LAN network?02:57
knoppiesEastDallas, it worked. Thanks.02:57
allowoverridehow to reinstall onboard nic drivers? i guess is where i should start02:57
hexmareRick > I am finding that out. Laptop fires off no issue. Desktop , with 2 8800 gts, no go02:57
allowoverrideanyone good?02:57
airtonix!anyone > allowoverride02:58
ubottuallowoverride, please see my private message02:58
allowoverrideubble to connect to system bus02:58
allowoverrideoh ok airtonix thanks02:58
Dr_Willisdandaman1:  thats doable with pulse audio and the right setup02:58
rick_hexmare idk about the desktops, usually you have better luck with regular nvidia graphics cards, but laptops (like mine) usually customize the nvidia hardware somewhat and makes supporting them in linux even harder02:58
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ZykoticK9dandaman1, setup an NFS/Samba/SSHFS share on your desktop, then it will be like the files are on the netbook and you can use any player you want02:58
dandaman1Dr_Willis: what do you mean the right setup?02:58
airtonixhexmare, on my desktop i have a 8800gts 512mb, and on my netbook i have an Ion 256mb02:58
allowoverrideairtonix: can you help our not02:59
allowoverridei can provide info easily02:59
ranjan my ubuntu media players are not audibles,,,,,,,through my laptop speakers but are audible with my headphones....my laptop speaker is very much fine (i checked it) ..any body suggest me the solution for it............02:59
dandaman1ZykoticK9: but then i will only be able to play music on my netbook speakers if im just using the files02:59
Dr_Willisdandaman1:  set up the pulse audio settings properly on each box. You can then tell pc1 to putput sound to pc202:59
Dr_Willis just install02:59
Dr_Willis │             | paprefs and pavucontrol, set auth off in paprefs, then use the pulse gnome applet to set default pulse server to the server02:59
hexmareAirtronix, running 2 8800gt on my desktop , and will only do 640x48002:59
airtonixallowoverride, since nic drivers are part of the kernel, you can start by trying to use a previous version of the kernel (if you still have them listed in your grub menu)02:59
allowoverrideI have an issue - i can not ping gw. can someone help out?03:00
knoppieshexmare, have you installed drivers?03:00
allowoverrideairtonix: its a fresh install03:00
allowoverrideno prev ver03:00
airtonixhexmare, why are you running two? it has no appreciable benefit03:00
ZykoticK9dandaman1, sorry miss read you - perhaps you could just SSH into your desktop and run an app there - should output to your speakers (if the files are on the desktop)???03:00
serohmm help me please03:00
dandaman1Dr_Willis: yeah but the music files aren't on my netbook, i want to use the playlists on my desktop, maybe a remote connection or something?03:00
mdg2allowoverride: what's "gw"?03:00
airtonixmdg2, gateway03:00
dandaman1ZykoticK9: yeah just came to that conclusion03:00
allowoverrideroute add default gw look familar?03:00
Dr_Willisdandaman1:  you can run a media player on pc1. and have the sound to to the speakers of pc2 wasent that what you asked>03:00
hexmareairtronix > 3 monitors03:01
nixjrwhy are programs in linux, such a small download, compared to their windows equivalents? for example my windows copy of openoffice is several hundred mb, this linux one is <100mb03:01
ranjan my ubuntu media players are not audibles,,,,,,,through my laptop speakers but are audible with my headphones....my laptop speaker is very much fine (i checked it) ..any body suggest me the solution for it............03:01
seroi wanna downgrade Xorg to version 7.403:01
airtonixhexmare, ok understand now.03:01
Dr_Willisdandaman1:  or use some remote share/thing i guess if you want to play the FILES from pc1 on a player on pc203:01
dandaman1Dr_Willis: no, the files are on the desktop, sorry bout that didnt specify, i can just do this with a remote connection03:01
Dr_Willisnixjr:  because of how dependencies are handles03:01
Dr_Willisdandaman1:  you can play/mount remote machines in a dozen differnt ways to access files03:01
airtonixhexmare, its not something i've tried... I assume you've exhausted any results google provides ?03:01
ZykoticK9dandaman1, you might want to check out MPD as well03:01
dandaman1im gonna hop on unr gimme a sec03:01
dandaman1on windows right now03:02
knoppieshexmare, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:02
hexmareAirtronix > Only time I can get 1680x1050 is without nvidia drivers, and even then only 1 monitor03:02
seroBUT i cant, because apt-get only shows xorg ver 7.603:02
ranjanDr.willis  my ubuntu media players are not audibles,,,,,,,through my laptop speakers but are audible with my headphones....my laptop speaker is very much fine (i checked it) ..any body suggest me the solution for it............03:02
hexmaretrying now03:02
allowoverrideI have an issue - i can not ping gateway ip, can someone help out?03:02
azabachk lo k03:02
Dr_Willisranjan:  not really. ive seen peple in jhere befir with 'speakers vs headphone'  problems. My speakers do have a headphone port.. so ive never tried it03:02
intokthere a way to force clear items from the tmp folder without restarting? flash keeps crapping out and leaving vids behind that can't be deleted, trashing and tossing them doesn't free up the space they're taking up03:02
knoppieshexmare, then restart the PC.03:02
scunizihexmare: is that with the drivers supplied by ubuntu or the latest/greatest from nvidia?03:02
rick_allowoverride are you sure thats the ip address of your router?03:03
airtonixhexmare, most of the stuff i see involves using xorg.conf which is ignored by ubuntu after 8.10 i think.03:03
allowoverrideso, can someone walk me through troubleshooting?03:03
knoppieshexmare, Hope it doesnt break something. Good luck. see you back here in a bit.03:03
Dr_Willisxorg.conf is not ignored. My nvidia settings are in mine03:03
hexmareoh I am not going anywhere03:03
ranjanknoppies  my ubuntu media players are not audibles,,,,,,,through my laptop speakers but are audible with my headphones....my laptop speaker is very much fine (i checked it) ..any body suggest me the solution for it............03:03
hexmareI am on my laptop in here03:03
nixjrDr_Willis, excuse my ignorance, im trying to wrap my windows-mind around this, would a good comparison of a dependency be something like vb6 runtime, .net, jre etc?03:03
hexmaredesktop is whats thrashed ;)03:03
hexmarerebooting that now03:03
Dr_Willisnixjr:  yes and 100's of other little things03:03
rick_hexmare do you have nvidia graphics on the laptop?03:04
hexmareyup, and that works fine03:04
mdg2ranjan: run "alsamixer" in a terminal and see if everything is turned up03:04
Dr_Willisnixjr:  see windows apps pop some installer that installs dx9 for example.. that you allready have.. well you just had to redownload it even tho you dident need it for that app03:04
allowoverrideim serious. its a new ubuntu-server install, i installed with all 3 nics. and now im at the point where i will just restart the install and start again. it doesnt make any sense. matter of fact, this happend a while go. i did the route add default gw , ipfconfig eth0 up,  and nothing.03:04
hexmareas for what versions I have tried, I have done 185 and 195.0303:04
semitonesis there a way to see why wicd was misbehaving?03:04
rick_hexmare which version drivers are you using?03:04
Dr_Willisnixjr:  windows program/install problems are often becuase the makers dont include all the needed extra windows support stuff.03:04
scunizidoes openJDK conflict with sun-java-6?03:04
dandaman1ok so if i want to remote connect to my desktop on my netbook and get a graphical interface what should i be doing/using?03:04
knoppiesranjan, I dont know why you highlighted my name, but no. Im going to assume you have your audio port unplugged when you say the speakers dont work?03:05
allowoverridethe odd thing is, when in installed, it worked fine. static ip'd and all, but when i rebooted, it wouldnt ping yahoo.com or ip gw.03:05
Dr_Willisdandaman1:  that wasent what you were asking about befor,03:05
rick_hexmare 195 isn't even supported by ubuntu yet is it03:05
ZykoticK9allowoverride, perhaps it just a typo but the command is "ifconfig" not "ipconfig" or "ipfconfig"03:05
dandaman1i know, but itll work03:05
Dr_Willisdandaman1:  you can use the vncserver feature of gnome to do that03:05
allowoverrideZykoticK9: i typed ifconfig eth0 up03:05
hexmarerick let me double check what I have03:05
allowoverrideused tab completion03:05
ranjanhexmare  my ubuntu media players are not audibles,,,,,,,through my laptop speakers but are audible with my headphones....my laptop speaker is very much fine (i checked it) ..any body suggest me the solution for it............03:05
Dr_Willisdandaman1:  if you can see the 2nd pc's monitor you could use syngery to just controll it from pc1's mouse and keyboard03:05
jumpnmustangis there a channel for easy peasy users?03:06
hexmarerick , yeah 195.36.03 is available03:06
rick_hexmare where at?03:06
dandaman1dr willis, chair in the way of the monitor :(03:06
jumpnmustangor does it matter?03:06
hexmarenvidias site03:06
scunizihexmare: make sure if you install that, that you uninstall the nvidia bits supplied by ubuntu03:06
KujablakHi, when I boot I have this screen "Grub loading stage1.5" twice and it's slowy my boot down, how can I avoid this ?03:06
allowoverrideim pretty sure this is not normal issue, and if your good, this should be a challenge. i really dont want to start from scratch and kill another 45 mins03:07
SirStanAre there any good free dns hosts out there?03:07
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knoppiesallowoverride, use ifconfig to see the names of your network interfaces. My eth0 renamed itself to eth0_rename03:07
knoppiesallowoverride, I havnt worked out how to rename it back though, I just used my other network interface eth103:07
allowoverridelo is only showing now03:07
scuniziSirStan: opendns is one of the fastest according to some article I just read a week ago03:07
hexmaredamn all this rebooting you would think I was on windoze03:07
knoppiesallowoverride, use the -a option03:08
SirStanscunizi: sorry; hosting.03:08
seroallowoverride: sudo ifconfig eth0 up03:08
allowoverrideknoppies: thats what i tried initially, still same thing.03:08
rick_hemare lmao your insulting linux now03:08
knoppiesallowoverride, ifconfig -a?03:08
allowoverridesero: sb. i did that by the way a few times. ill try again03:08
ZykoticK9allowoverride, if all you're seeing is "lo" that's loopback - would expain to being able to ping DG03:08
Guest60161hi i encrypted a file using 4096 and it generated a .asc file, now what i dont understand is that in options theres the export gpg password or even retrieve other persons passwords. so does this mean someone can just open the file retrieving the pass i created?!03:08
allowoverrideok, -a worked03:08
hexmareI thought that would amuse you03:08
allowoverrideshow eth103:08
scunizihexmare: no reboot necessary .. when you install the nvidia drivers you have to be at cli with gdm shutdown.. install then "sudo service gdm start" to bring graphics back up03:08
FauntixDr_Willis: im back sorry03:08
seroallowoverride: then it's sudo ifconfig eth1 up03:08
knoppiesallowoverride, are you supposed to be seeing an eth0 as well?03:09
hexmarescunizi I had done that before I just tried with a reboot still no go03:09
allowoverrideok that good.03:09
dariohi everyone03:09
Guest60161please help me03:09
allowoverridenow, how can i tell my ip address? with ifconfig03:09
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allowoverridecuz its not showing any dhcp'd ip03:09
scunizihexmare: I missed most of the previous conversation.. what are you trying to accomplish?03:09
m0nk3yanyone know how to stop maximized windows from going below the bottom panel in gnome03:09
knoppiesallowoverride, I would read man ifconfig03:09
allowoverrideknoppies: nah, thats not gonna help03:10
allowoverridebut thanks03:10
hexmarescunizi , getting more then 640x480 out of my 8800gt graphics cards under karmic03:10
FauntixFirst question: I cant seem to find any info to get my finepoint drive for tablet laptop to work on 9.1003:10
allowoverrideim pretty familiar with ifconfig03:10
scunizihexmare: lcd monitor or crt?03:10
allowoverrideenough for this issue that is03:10
knoppiesallowoverride, Im not.03:10
hexmare21" lcd x 303:10
allowoverrideknoppies: thanks03:10
knoppieshexmare, nice.03:10
dario@webdeveloppers: i've installed zend framework. now, how can i get it running?03:11
hexmareknoppies will be a lot nicer ounce karmic uses them03:11
knoppieshexmare, I assume that means the dpkg-reconfigure didnt work?03:11
allowoverridewhen i ping    network is unreachable03:11
hexmareknopies no it didnt03:11
hexmareI am about to downgrade to 9.0403:11
knoppieshexmare, it worked for me (one monitor, on an FX5200) but under gnome.03:11
hexmareunder gnome here03:11
seroallowoverride: ifconfig03:11
allowoverridequestion - if i reboot, with ubuntu server automatically find that 2 nics are gone, and only one onboard nic remains?03:11
rick_hemare just wait 2 more months and 10.04 will be out03:12
ae86-drifter_dario what does top | grep zend show?03:12
alyssumhow can i have simple resolution of local domain hosts in an ubuntu-only network?  i have edited /etc/hostnams but nslookup still won't work, because the domain is nonexistant (no surpise here, i made it up).  does nslookup utilize the /etc/hostname file?03:12
esicamafter i installed ubuntu 9.10 my laptop lost the sound but in window it is working03:12
allowoverrideim remember in redhat, kudzu fixed all that03:12
hexmarewell I will just downgrade to 9.0403:12
FauntixFirst question: I cant seem to find any info to get my finepoint drive for tablet laptop to work on 9.1003:12
asdfasdfasdfasdfplease help me03:12
scunizihexmare: by 3?  three monitors? ok.. start with one leaving the others unplugged.. get that going first.. then add the next.. remember that there are really 2 different resolutions you're working with .. the size of X and the rez of each monitor.. X needs to be the size of the 3 put together.. xrandr handles a lot of that.. also nvidia-settings03:12
ZykoticK9hexmare, i have an 8800GT and it worked under 9.10 (and under 10.04)03:12
xangua!ask | asdfasdfasdfasdf03:12
ubottuasdfasdfasdfasdf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:12
knoppiesallowoverride, I would turn the machine off, then reseat all the PCI cards, and boot it up again, see if that helps. But I seem to know less about this than you do.03:13
rick_Fauntix First Question:  what is a finepoint drive?03:13
asdfasdfasdfasdfxangua, i asked my question up :)03:13
m0nk3yanyone know how to stop maximized windows from going below the bottom panel in gnome03:13
allowoverrideim pretty much explained what i did early quite well, sorry if you missed it, i tried to not make it too big a paragraph.03:13
Fauntixhey Dr_Willis is back03:13
allowoverrideknoppies: did that03:13
ranjanesicam  my ubuntu media players are not audibles,,,,,,,through my laptop speakers but are audible with my headphones....my laptop speaker is very much fine (i checked it) ..any body suggest me the solution for it............03:13
Dr_WillisFauntix:  no im not :P03:13
hexmareok , give me a min to climb under my desk to unplug these03:13
dariostill working ae86-drifter... the cursor dosen't jump on a new input line...03:13
shifty-tlHello, I recently updated the kernel from my karmic install to 2.6.27-19, I noticed that from Grub I was still loading from 2.6.27-16, so I removed 2.6.27-16, and now I can't boot :S, how can I fix this?03:13
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dandaman1how do i find out the address of my desktop so i can ssh to it?03:13
asdfasdfasdfasdfxangua,  hi i encrypted a file using 4096 and it generated a .asc file, now what i dont understand is that in options theres the export gpg password or even retrieve other persons passwords. so does this mean someone can just open the file retrieving the pass i created?!03:13
scunizihexmare: don't do it while the computer is booted..03:13
ae86-drifter_dandaman1, ifconfig03:13
blakkheimdandaman1: echo `curl whatismyip.org`03:13
esicamafter i installed ubuntu 9.10 my laptop lost the sound but in window it is working. PLZ PLZ Help03:13
allowoverridebasically i did the basics, but im missing something im sure for ubuntu server. i think its not the same as desktop 9.10 version.03:14
alyssumshifty-tl: did you hold shift while the computer boots up?  you should see the grub menu.03:14
Sachse_Siechtumanybody home?03:14
Dr_WillisSachse_Siechtum:  No. :P03:14
ZykoticK9esicam, fresh install or upgrade?03:14
FauntixDr_Willis: Its for a tablet laptop ... Finepoint is the drive for the touch screen tablet03:14
allowoverridewhen i installed, the nic worked fine, went to the net, got all the configs, files so forth. the moment i rebooted, it wouldnt ping gw. this is something NOT right for sure.03:14
shifty-tlalyssum, well the grub loads, but the entry for ubuntu disappeared, memtest and windows xp is still there03:14
ZykoticK9esicam, you might want to have a look at http://www.ghacks.net/2010/02/03/managing-sound-in-ubuntu-9-10/ give a couple of good tips for troubleshooting03:14
Dr_WillisFauntix:  means very little to me. Never seen/heard/used it.  the forums might have info on it03:14
mdg2ranjan: double click the sound icon on your panel bar so it brings up sound dialog03:15
hexmareoh god did that suck03:15
Sachse_SiechtumI got a problem: I just burned an .img file with nero linux...but when I put the cd rom in the cdrom drive I get this message: Method "Mount" with signature "ssas" on interface "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" doesn't exist03:15
Fauntixi googled the crud out of it03:15
scunizihexmare: do you also have 2 video cards?03:15
Sachse_Siechtum(I'm using Xubuntu)03:15
hexmareif you tell me I need to pull one of them I think I am gonna flip03:16
* hexmare snickers03:16
ae86-drifter_is there a way to recover a partition table / MFT if chkdsk and testdisk fail? my ntfs shows as unallocated/ fdisk shows a missing block of sectors. im running photorec now before i try anything, can anybody offer any other sugegstions? help would be much appreciated03:16
alyssumshifty-tl: i guess that your grub menu didn't get updated correctly the first time you installed the new kernel...well, you can manually input the line to boot up by pressing 'e' in grub.  but have to look it up, i forgot all the options.03:16
allowoverridequestion - how to i reconfigure the onboard nic drivers?  its a realtech semi RTL-0110sC/8159SC gigabit eth03:16
ranjanmdg2 no changes ........yet03:16
allowoverrideim starting to think that the nic is in gig mode, and the router is in 100 meg mode03:16
nixjrDr_Willis, i see the benefit of dependencies, breaking down one thing into many small parts, to avoid redundecy, but does having something in many small pieces make it slower?03:16
esicamzykotick9 it's fresh install, lap plays sound through headphone only in ubuntu and in windows, it works fine03:16
mdg2ranjan: are you headphones plugged in right now?03:17
seroallowoverride: lspci03:17
esicamranjan have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting03:17
ZykoticK9esicam, OH sorry - thought you had no sound at all -- don't know a solution for that (not the first time we've seen it tonight though)03:17
allowoverridequestion - is there a way to slow the onboard nic card down manually? maybe this is why. during install it was using 100meg eth, but switched to gigE on reboot03:17
scunizihexmare: that can also be an issue.. in the past, and still.. if you install with more than one monitor plugged in and more than one card things get goofy.. I think you're experiencing the "goofy" part of it.. you'll need to hand write a xorg most likely.. but if you don't have anything important on the machine.. get rid of one card and all but one monitor and reinstall.. then add one thing at a time..03:17
allowoverridesero: i did that03:17
shifty-tlalyssum, ok I'll try that, I did notice before I booted that the new kernel is no longer installed in /boot but somewhere else03:17
ranjanmdg2 no03:17
alyssumshifty-tl: you do have the initrd and vmlinuz files for the kernel in /boot right?03:17
allowoverridejust typed in that input03:17
shifty-tlalyssum no03:17
ae86-drifter_allowoverride, its called duplex03:17
allowoverrideae86-drifter yep03:17
mdg2ranjan: hoover your mouse pointer over the sound icon on the panel bar and see what it says03:17
seroallowoverride: and? what it shows?03:18
hexmareno nothing important on this particular drive03:18
seroallowoverride: pastebin03:18
alyssumshifty-tl: oh that would explain it.  you need those files in their for the grub menu to be automatically updated.  i think you can try copying them in there and regenerating the grub menu.  maybe it would help to use the live cd to do all that first.03:18
scunizihexmare: my feeling exactly... however if you want some reading.. check out.http://superuser.com/questions/65989/ubuntu-9-10-3-monitors-setup03:18
allowoverrideits a realtech semi RTL-0110sC/8159SC gigabit eth03:18
ae86-drifter_mii-tool -F 100baseTx-FD eth003:18
allowoverrideits a realtech semi RTL-0110sC/8159SC gigabit eth03:18
intokis there a way to force clear items from the tmp folder without restarting? flash keeps crapping out and leaving vids behind that can't be deleted, trashing and tossing them doesn't free up the space they're taking up.03:18
esicamranjan try this in terminal aplay -l03:18
allowoverridei dont see how thats going to help. i said its a gigabit E card.03:19
ranjanmdg2 it says "output 97%,-0.76dB,internal audio analog sterio03:19
shifty-tlalyssum, this  is a live cd, but I forgot where 2.6.27-19 installed the image.03:19
ae86-drifter_allowoverride, it switches it to 100mbps mode03:19
ae86-drifter_mii-tool -F 100baseTx-FD eth003:19
Blindsite1hello, just thought I'd drop in and say hi.03:19
yester64hello, i wonder if u can stream hulu03:19
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seroallowoverride: you said you have three of these, don¡t you?03:19
allowoverridesero: i have 1 card installed now03:20
seroah ok03:20
allowoverrideim beyond the other two nics, they are on the counter03:20
ShifftyOneIs there a way to install Linux on top of Linux without loosing any downloads, etc.?03:20
mdg2ranjan: go to Preferences > Sound and test each sound config03:20
allowoverrideim pretty sure he router max speed is 100 megs.03:20
alyssumshifty-tl: make sure you mount your local drive and try using the find command---> find /path/to/drive -name "2.6.27-19"03:20
ZykoticK9ShifftyOne, if you have a separte /home directory then yes03:20
edbianShifftyOne, Be more specific.  That question doesn't make a whole lot of sense...03:20
seroallowoverride: is eth1 "up"?03:20
allowoverridesays UP03:21
ZykoticK9ShifftyOne, sorry s/directory/partition03:21
stiqranyone here used twitter before?  when you write a message like,  @obama, does that person get to see my message??03:21
shifty-tlalyssum, ok will try that03:21
allowoverrideinet6 addre:.... blah blah... typcial but no dhcp'd ip given03:21
seroallowoverride: ok, IP?03:21
ae86-drifter_allowoverride, did you try dhclient eth103:21
allowoverride /etc/network/interfaces states auto eth103:21
allowoverrideae86-drifter yes03:22
allowoverrideoh wait,no03:22
seroallowoverride: ifup eth103:22
allowoverridelet me try sb.03:22
alyssumshifty-tl: oh you will need wildcards before and after the version number "*2.6.27-19*"03:22
allowoverridei didnt it manually03:22
ae86-drifter_do it..03:22
allowoverrideyes sire03:22
ranjanmdg2 no gain03:22
allowoverrideunknown interface teh1-eth103:22
allowoverrideifup eth1 yeiled03:22
mdg2ranjan: when you tested each setting you got no sound with anyof them?03:23
allowoverridesays, ignoring uknown interface eth1=eth103:23
allowoverridebet you never seen that b4 huh03:23
ZykoticK9!enter > allowoverride03:23
ubottuallowoverride, please see my private message03:23
knoppiesallowoverride, Ive seen that, I cant remember what caused it.03:23
ae86-drifter_yes, when your interface is not properly configured03:23
alyssumagain...  looking for advice on setting resolving hostnames to ip on a local lan.  nslookup doesn't seem to use the /etc/hostname file.  is this the wrong command?  is there a better way than editing all those /etc/hostname files??03:24
allowoverrideknoppies: exactly03:24
m0nk3yon ubuntu 9.10, when i maximize a window it goes below the bottom panel in gnome, anyone know how to fix this (i am on a netbook so the screen is small)03:24
seroallowoverride: with ifconfig -a you can see all the interfaces, and with ifconfig you'll see the "up" ones03:24
ranjanmdg2 yes03:24
allowoverrideZykoticK9: ?03:24
alyssumsorry, s/hostname/hosts/g03:24
ae86-drifter_allowoverride, can u paste ur eni file?03:24
mdg2ranjan: is sound set to use Pulse audio?03:24
knoppiessero, he knows that. but thanks for the help.03:24
allowoverrideae86-drifter no,, i can not03:24
ZykoticK9allowoverride, don't use the "Enter" key so much - try and keep your posts on one line03:24
seroknoppies: ok03:24
allowoverrideae86-drifter im trying to type all relevent info though03:24
ranjanmdg2 that means03:24
serowell, who can help me? please03:25
knoppiessero, whats you problem?03:25
seroi want to downgrade Xorg to version 7.403:25
ae86-drifter_allowoverride, if you could pastebin the interfaces file maybe i could try and help you03:25
seroBUT i can't, aptitude install 7.03:25
sero*7.6 as the latest version03:25
knoppiessero, I dont know.03:25
mdg2ranjan: the program controlling sound is Pulse Audio ? Look in Prefernces > Sound and see if it is set to "auto" to Pulse audo or to Alsa03:26
knoppiesae86-drifter_, do you know how to rename an interface?03:26
seroI don't know why, i removed the ppa I was using03:26
syrinx2112Hi all... anyone happen to know how to change the Resume setting, coming out of Sleep, so that you can use the keyboard?  Right now I have to hit the power button to Resume03:26
knoppiessyrinx2112, I dont, but would that be in ubuntu or your bios?03:27
allowoverridenah, nevermind i will figure it, out, i figured someone with experience could have helped. i will fig it out like i usually have. i was just being lazy. as for you ZykoticK9 - i dont really need you picking in me. i have an issue here that is not standard. if you watching me so much, then why don't you step in with your vast knowledge and lend a hand.  you might actually see that this is a bug, and get some cheese points fo03:27
allowoverrideim out l803:27
opakavicsyrinx2112: check that under power saving option03:27
syrinx2112Cool, thank you Knoppies and Opakavic :D03:27
opakavicsyrinx2112: it should be under screensaver03:27
Coachjthinking about getting a gateway laptop with windows 7. I will duelboot ubuntu any advice warnings etc...03:27
shifty-tlalyssum, I used the command with wildcards but it doesn't seem to find it, I also tried searching them with nautilus03:28
knuckanybody know where i can find a notebook under $300?03:28
ae86-drifter_allowoverride is so arrogant03:28
aquileshi all03:28
opakavicknuck: I sure here you can't03:28
Dr_Willisknuck:  ive seen netbooks for under that.03:28
ranjanmdg2 nothing like that03:28
opakavicDr_Willis: hey :)03:28
knoppiesae86-drifter_, thats his problem, do you know how to rename a network interface?03:28
Dr_Willisknuck:  and a few notebooks on sale at xmas. but they were rather stripped down03:28
knuckyeah, i've had trouble find some that cheap03:29
ae86-drifter_knoppies, you should be able to in the ENI file03:29
mdg2ranjan: please explaine "nothing like that"03:29
Dr_Willisknuck:  the ones ive seen that cheap.. are normally that cheap for a reason.03:29
knoppiesae86-drifter_, eni? file03:29
Dr_Willisknuck:  better to save up a little more $$$03:29
ranjanmdg2 no there is no pulse option03:29
knucki'm not really looking for anything too fancy, just not a netbook. a friend of mine is looking for something to replace her broken one03:29
hexmaregod does this suck03:29
knuckthanks though :)03:29
alyssumshifty-tl: do you have any initrd or vmlinuz files in /boot ?03:30
knoppieshexmare, I really wish that worked. Ive always had dreams of setting up 4 monitors on a PC with ubuntu.03:30
opakavichexmare: can you please mind your words03:30
Dr_Willisknuck:  ive seen some laptops these days that are  bigger then a netbook.. but cheaper then a notebook - since they dont have a optical drive03:30
ae86-drifter_knoppies, oh no,, sorry use udev03:30
shifty-tlalyssum, no I don't :(03:30
hexmareknoppies oh I will get it working03:30
fulat2khi folks, i'm running tf-b4rt on jaunty and noticed that it has problems displaying/handling chinese/japanese files.  even w/o tf-b4rt, creating chinese file names comes up with invalid characters.  is there a specific flag i need to enable in the filesystem e.g. utf8 so that the filesystem is able to handle unicode/chinese/japanese files?03:30
alyssumshifty-tl: try running wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/.../main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/initrd.gz where ... is the version you are using (karmic?)03:31
knoppiesthank you ae86-drifter_.03:31
mdg2ranjan: Under preferences, do you have a "pulse audio" instead of "sound"03:31
CoachjDr_Willis r u really a Dr.?03:31
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions03:31
Dr_WillisCoachj:  i got my degree in loveology03:31
alyssumshifty-tl: and do the same for vmlinuz (just replace initrd.gz with vmlinuz) in that last line03:31
shifty-tlalyssum, yes im using karmic but 64 bits03:31
opakavicDr_Willis: you can help me then, lol03:31
ranjanmdg2 no it isn't03:31
mdg2ranjan: sorry I mean pulse has its own menu, not in the sound menu entry03:32
alyssumshifty-tl: amd64 you mean?03:32
shifty-tlalyssum, link seems to be broken "/.../"03:32
ae86-drifter_is there a way to recover a partition table / MFT if chkdsk and testdisk fail? my ntfs shows as unallocated/ fdisk shows a missing block of sectors. im running photorec now before i try anything, can anybody offer any other sugegstions? help would be much appreciated03:32
shifty-tlalyssum, yes03:33
Blindsite1excuse me.  I've just tried to do a systems update but a lot, if not most, of the updated files failed to download.   I've tried redownloading them a couple times now, keep getting fails.  So what's the next step?03:33
Blindsite1I want to keep my system current03:33
ranjanmdg2 no there isn't03:33
alyssumshifty-tl: here's your files then --- http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/hd-media/03:33
ae86-drifter_Blindsite1, try checking your sources.list file and ping the hosts03:33
olskolirchey guys i found atunes its pretty cool03:33
olskolirci just want an xmms kinda player03:34
mdg2ranjan: in a terminal type "lsmod" and search for sound and see what sound modules are in use03:34
ae86-drifter_Blindsite1, did you add any custom repositories?03:34
Dr_WillisAudacious - is similer to xmms/winamp03:34
ZykoticK9ranjan, mdg2 "lsmod | grep snd_" might be a little easier to sort through03:35
scuniziolskolirc: xmms2 or audacity (I think that's it.03:35
opakavicDr_Willis: no, audacious is a cliping tool.. its not a good player03:35
scuniziaudacious... !! that's it03:35
Dr_Willis!info audacious03:35
ubottuaudacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 886 kB, installed size 3264 kB03:35
ZykoticK9scunizi, audacity is the sound editor (you got it)03:35
blakkheimopakavic: you're thinking of audacity bro..03:35
Dr_Willis!info audacity03:36
ubottuaudacity (source: audacity): A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-6 (karmic), package size 2604 kB, installed size 6976 kB03:36
alyssumshifty-tl: copy those to /boot and then trying chrooting to your original installation and run update-grub....i think that would work, but never tried it.  might want to google the steps for chrooting.03:36
opakavicblakkheim: oops, ya.. you are right03:36
shifty-tlalysumm, chrooting? copying is done, they are in boot now03:36
th3gr3gubuntu ibuntu we all buntu03:36
olskolircI can't get a gui on xmms2 can we?03:36
th3gr3gsomeone give me the newbie channel03:37
th3gr3gbitte sehr03:37
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.03:37
Dr_Willisxmms2 jhas gui front ends03:37
scuniziolskolirc: yes?03:37
edbianth3gr3g, What's your question?  Maybe someone here can help!03:37
olskolirchelp me install it Dr_Willis ?03:37
aquileswho can help me with a Router wrt54gand firmware03:38
Dr_Willisolskolirc:  i dont use it.. fire up the packatge manager. install it.. install some front ends.. read the docs.03:38
HAMMERArgsI installed ubuntu on my laptop with an encrypted partition and I'm not prompted for my passphrase, and it hangs03:38
serosame as aquiles here, please...03:38
seromine is bricked...03:39
Blindsite1excuse me, but you gave me a url and suggested I check my source file and ping the host.  I've had ubuntu for like a week now, so I'm sorry if this sounds like a dumb question but what exactly do i do with the url (since when i went there via my browser it looks pretty raw and im guessing its meant to be parsed by the system) and how do i ping the host?03:39
ranjanmdg2 http://pastebin.com/m18b6203e see this03:39
alyssumshift-tl: if your original installation is mounted in /mnt/hda2 then, it should be as simple as running "chroot /mnt/hda2" from the terminal03:39
ZykoticK9Blindsite1, rather then trying to ping everything perhaps you could just try changing you source - System / Admin / Software Sources and chose a different server03:40
ranjanzykotick9 plz send that command again03:40
ZykoticK9ranjan, lsmod | grep snd_03:40
opakavicmdg2: so where is alsa there?03:40
mdg2ranjan: you are using oss.  You have a realtek sound card?03:41
ranjanmdg2 yes realtek is with my laptop03:42
HAMMERArgsI installed ubuntu on my laptop with an encrypted partition and I'm not prompted for my passphrase, and it hangs. Any ideas???03:42
mdg2ranjan: did you ever hear sound, other than from headphones?03:42
opakavic!alsa | ranjan03:42
ranjanmdg2 not till now03:42
ubotturanjan: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:42
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screennamelessHAMMERArgs: Did you just install it? As in no data on the partitions?03:42
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=== CheesyGorditafes is now known as Crunchwrap
mdg2ranjan: do an "lspci" in a terminal so we can see what more info about your sound card03:43
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serobye ppl03:44
xtremoxcual es el canal en español?03:44
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:44
shifty-tlalyssum, ah got the command to go through :), but I got an error03:44
ranjanmdg2 http://pastebin.com/m1df23bf903:44
HAMMERArgsscreennameless: Yes, but I have windows partitions.03:45
shifty-tlalyssum, how do I use paste bin so you can see?03:45
HAMMERArgsscreennameless: It just hangs and doesn't ask for a phrase03:45
screennamelessHAMMERArgs: Hmm... when you say not asking for a passphrase, you mean your login prompt doesn't come up?03:45
HAMMERArgsDo I need to telll grub something?03:45
iWolf!info python03:45
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.4-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 138 kB, installed size 624 kB03:45
HAMMERArgsscreennameless: it won't boot because it can't mount the root fs03:45
Guest28848hi all03:46
edbianGuest28848, Hi.03:46
screennamelessHAMMERArgs: Sounds like it may not have installed properly... I hate to say this, but you might just need to reinstall03:46
opakavicranjan: if you are using karmic, check whether you are in sound group, grep -ie 'audio' /etc/group03:46
mdg2ranjan: R700 audio device  - hmmm03:46
screennamelessThe same thing happened to me once before, a reinstall fixed it03:46
HAMMERArgsscreennameless: Netbook requires it from the CLI03:46
HAMMERArgsNot the CD03:47
alyssumshifty-tl: http://pastebin.com/m3e9f2221 , right?03:47
shifty-tlalyssum, http://pastebin.com/m3e9f222103:47
Xennyok the problem at hand...03:47
shifty-tlalyssum :D03:47
HAMMERArgsSo I was wondering if I have ommited config files somewhere?03:47
hexmareI think tonight would be a great night to start drinking again , everys sytem I have touched has has crashed ;)03:47
shifty-tlalyssum, yes although I wonder how you get it :)03:47
opakavicXenny: ?03:48
Xennyi'm using an nvidia fx 5200 series card, i installed the suggested driver and from that point on had to start x manually, and then i noticed i couldn't set my screen resolution to anything but crap from the days of evga heh....03:48
ranjanopakavic  grep -ie 'audio' /etc/group03:48
alyssumshifty-tl: hmm..  this is new to me, so i'm just kinda guessing here. did you chroot with sudo?03:48
xtremoxsomeone twitter client diferent of twittux?03:48
Xennyso i installed the prop. driver.. and now it says my kernel module and display driver for xorg are different and it won't start03:48
hexmarexenny join the club03:48
shifty-tlalyssum, I tried both, it gives me a simmilar result03:48
opakavicranjan: what that command said?03:49
mdg2if ranjan has sound in headset, would he not be a in sound group?03:49
ranjanmdg2 yes i have R700 audio device03:49
Xennyhexmare: same prob ?03:49
opakavicXenny: i'm having the same card,...03:49
shifty-tlalyssum: http://pastebin.com/m720899ff03:49
Jinxwarei have a strange problem with gnome-power-manager in dimming the screen before it turns off, if i set dim idle to 30 seconds and off to 1 minute it works fine.. but if i set dim idle to 9 minutes and off to 10 minutes it neither dims nor turns off03:49
Xennyso we got 3 people wit the same problem :P03:49
Jinxwarecould someone please check to verify if this is indeed a bug please03:49
Xennyhere that oh mighty package maintainers :P hehehehe03:49
mdg2ranjan: we just need to figure out what module that needs and modprobe it03:49
opakavicXenny: which means, you did a kernel update.. :(03:49
Xennyya i did03:50
Xennyopakavic: ya i did......03:50
Xennyopakavic:  is that bad ???03:50
DravekxI got an error? lol03:50
kayveI installed AMD 64 can I watch YouTube?  Download links have "apturl" dialog that won't let me download03:50
opakavicXenny: which means, you have to create or compile new modules for that!03:50
ranjanmdg2 how can i do that?03:50
shifty-tlalyssum, can I use apt-get to install grub-pc?03:50
Xennyopakavic:  doesn't the kernel package do this itself ?????03:50
DravekxSomeone help me with this error? Im trying to install sendmail. http://pastebin.com/m722f663b03:51
Xennyopakavic:  i didn't compile a kernel, or use a vanilla kernel...03:51
mdg2ranjan: I'm googling - so far have found a bug report....03:51
opakavicXenny: no! , its a part of nvidia driver job03:51
Xennyopakavic: well it said it did....03:51
Dravekxim lost03:51
ZykoticK9kayve, have you installed flashplugin-installer ?03:51
alyssumshifty-tl: yes, it should be doable.  i'm looking at this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4156203:51
kayveapt-get install flashplugin-installer you say?03:51
screennamelessFreaking tethered internet... :P03:52
ZykoticK9kayve, yup (it's included with ubuntu-restricted-extras BTW)03:52
edbiankayve, Flash it tricky.  Make sure that you only have 1 flash package installed at a time.  If you have more than one they tend to block each other.03:52
opakavicXenny: what was your old kernel version?03:52
kayveI just installed a fresh Ubuntu today03:52
Dravekxhttp://pastebin.com/m722f663b  ?? idk why this wont install.03:52
Fauntix*Kills his Ubuntu*03:53
Xennyopakavic:  you mean linux kernel right so theres no confusion ? I have no idea LOL03:53
mdg2ranjan: you using ubuntu 9.04?03:53
opakavicranjan: what that command, said to you?03:53
Xennyopakavic: I just installed the suggested updates and bugfixes that kde spat at me03:53
kayvethx in advance03:53
kayveer.. well.. assuming this works!  {:}  thanks even if it doesn't03:53
DravekxI think I might start fresh with ubuntu again.. I cant get past this error :(03:54
knoppieswhen i change my resolution with "nvidia x server settings" it just resets back to auto when I restart. If I say save to config file, it complains that it cannot parse the config file.03:54
disappearedngHey is there a way to roll back my firefox version to something that I can actually run googlegears on? ( I am runnning 3.6.2.pre)03:54
ranjanmdg2 no, 9.10 is the one i'm using03:54
Xennyugh anyone else using irssi i forget how to look at stat screen lol03:54
aquileswho can help me with some driver for a acer aspire one03:54
opakavicXenny: can you uninstall those drivers, and compile a new for your kernel03:54
alyssumshift-tl: here's the reason why you get the /dev/null permission problems --> http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Dev_null_permission_denied03:54
edbianDravekx, It's being weird!  I suggest trying to install sendmail-base or sendmail-bin or sendmail-mda  instead of just send-mail.  It's worth a shot03:54
Dr_Willisaquiles:  driver for what part of it? My AAO works  fine with the UNR03:55
ranjanopakavic audio:x:29:pulse, it said this03:55
opakavicXenny: use, this, /window 103:55
aquilesgraphoc amd i think pcship03:55
ZykoticK9knoppies, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/370680/03:55
Dravekxedbian, edbian, trying.. it still fails. :(03:55
Dr_Willisdisappearedng:  they way the FF3.6 daily build worked (i think) was it installed alongside ff3.5  under a different name/icon03:55
Fauntixok Dr_Willis can you make my flash work on my Firefox please03:55
aquileshow can i see if my driver are good all03:55
opakavicranjan: okay03:55
Dr_WillisFauntix:  i inztall ubuntu-restricted-extras package and flash works for me03:55
ranjanopakavic then what to do?03:56
picklemyicklecan anyone tell me what could be wrong when your wireless works but your ethernet doesnt?03:56
shifty-tlalyssum, thank you for your help I have to take care some other stuff, but I'm glad you showed me the chroot command ^_^03:56
Xennyopakavic: accept the send to ensure we're on the same page03:56
ChogyDanFauntix: I have a command you can try...03:56
alyssumshifty-tl: no problem, good luck with it.03:56
FauntixDr_willis: command03:56
opakavicranjan: check this, sudo aplay -l03:57
mdg2ranjan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/462821 - looks like the recommended fix is to go with backports per this post03:57
aquilesi have ubuntu 9.10 but not remix03:57
disappearedngI am gettting this The program 'firefox-3.5' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: , but then firefox-3.5: command not found03:57
Dr_WillisFauntix:  use the package manager. install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package03:57
disappearednganyone willing to help03:57
opakavicXenny: what are you doing?03:58
Xennyopakavic:  see i don't think you're getting what i was saying, I installed a new kernel image from the ubuntu repo....03:58
Xennyopakavic:  then i installed the driver from the nvidia website03:58
ZykoticK9disappearedng, are you using "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5" ?03:58
aquilesGMA500 graphoc03:58
Fauntixi get an error when i open Synaptic03:58
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disappearedngZykoticK9 yeah I am03:58
Xennyopakavic: so i don't understand what you mean by recompile, because i didn't compile the kernel from source03:58
ranjanopakavic ranjan@ranjan:~$ sudo aplay -l03:59
ranjan**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****03:59
ranjanHome directory /home/ranjan not ours.03:59
ranjancard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: HDA Generic [HDA Generic]03:59
ranjan  Subdevices: 1/103:59
FloodBot3ranjan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:59
ranjan  Subdevice #0: subdevice #003:59
opakavicXenny: driver from nvidia website, you mean binary file? why don' you use ubuntu repo's driver03:59
Xennyopakavic:  it sucked03:59
mdg2ranjan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/462821 - looks like the recommended fix is to go with backports per this post03:59
=== error404notfound is now known as Error404NotFound
disappearedngok so I need help, my only version of firefox is the Namoraka04:00
knoppiesthanks ZykoticK904:00
tucemiux!help | disappearedng04:00
ubottudisappearedng: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:00
Xennyopakavic:  it wouldn't give me the option of any res higher than 640x480 and i wasn't even sure it was working because my pc didn't start with kdm i had to manually run startx to get in04:00
opakavicXenny: no, i using the same card, what you using, its working fine for me04:00
ranjanopakavic http://pastebin.com/m1b208f29 see this result of aplay -l04:00
mdg2ranjan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/462821 - looks like the recommended fix is to go with backports per this post04:00
Fauntixtype '--2010-02-04' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list04:00
ranjanmdg2 i'm see the contents of that link04:00
Fauntixis my error04:00
disappearedngtucemiux: I DID ask an question don't redirect me to bot help04:00
opakavicXenny: there is a only one solution !04:00
mdg2ranjan: okay04:00
Xennyopakavic:  reinstall the whole system since its easier than troubleshooting at this point ? LOL04:01
Dr_Willisdisappearedng:  so you got Namoraka installed... thats the code name for the developper version. Thers over versions you can installl04:01
opakavicXenny: no!04:01
opakavicXenny: ubuntu version?04:01
Xennyopakavic:  hahaha durn :P what then ? :P04:01
knoppiesXenny, I had that same issue in gnome, where it wouldnt change the ress to anything higher than 640x48004:01
Xennyopakavic:  kubuntu newest04:01
disappearedngDr_Willis, I think cause I added the PPA into my source repository wait04:01
knoppiesXenny, I fixed mine by using sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:02
Dr_Willisdisappearedng:  yea thats how you normally get teh Dev/daily build versions04:02
opakavicXenny: logout , first, and goto tty104:02
knoppiesXenny, hope it helps. (assuming your issue is similar to mine)04:02
knoppiesXenny, I forgot to mention, you need to restart your PC after using that command.04:02
Xennyknoppies: *nods* hope it helps04:02
FauntixI have the error: type '--2010-02-04' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list04:02
Xennyopakavic:  continue tho, i'm curious what you have to say in case his advice doesn't do the trick04:03
ranjanmdg2 what does that mean? can you guide me?04:03
=== khmerouge is now known as gazl
opakavicXenny: Are you in terminal?04:03
Xennyopakavic:  yes04:03
Xennyopakavic:  xserver will not run04:04
opakavicXenny: login04:04
plouffeAt ubuntu.com why is there not an option to download 64bit desktop edition? And where can I get it?04:04
Xennyopakavic:  if you had accepted the thing i sent you you'd see a printout of the error :(04:04
ZykoticK9plouffe, there is...04:04
mdg2ranjan: found another post - am browsing it...04:04
Xennyopakavic:  ok logged in to tty104:04
scuniziplouffe: it's there04:04
opakavicXenny: stop gdm04:04
Xennyopakavic:  killall kdm ?04:04
plouffewhen I click on download ubuntu, there is no 64bit option04:04
opakavicXenny: stop kdm04:05
ranjanmdg2 its kind of you04:05
ZykoticK9plouffe, click "Alternative download options..." then it gives the option for 64bit04:05
hexmareploufe look at all download options pages04:05
opakavicXenny: sudo servide kdm stop04:05
opakavicXenny: sudo service kdm stop04:05
plouffeZykoticK9, my bad, thanks04:05
Fauntixor not04:05
hexmarescunizi , in the middle of reinstall gotta love it04:05
opakavicranjan: it seems that, are having driver for your snd card04:05
Xennyopakavic:  ok stopped04:06
scunizihexmare: :)04:06
opakavicXenny:goto /etc/X1104:06
opakavicranjan: it seems that, you are having driver for your snd card04:06
Xennyopakavic:  yes sah04:06
opakavicXenny: use this command, X -configure04:07
FauntixI have the error: type '--2010-02-04' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list when i open synaptic package manager04:07
ranjanopakavic i have drivers for my sound card, i know that but i need sound also04:07
Dravekxcan you install ubuntu via ssh?04:07
knoppiesDravekx, yes.04:07
Xennyopakavic:  now a startx ?04:07
opakavicranjan: right click the volume icon on your panel04:07
opakavicXenny: what that replied to you?04:08
disappearedngso if I have mozilla's ppa on my repository `firefox` will actually point to the latest nightly build?04:08
ranjanopakavic yes, then04:08
hexmaretime to smoke , back in a bit04:08
Dravekxknoppies, like a fresh partition, blow off your server, install via ssh?04:08
GamesMedicUbuntu graphical login interface crashes and reboots. Sometimes it takes 15 tries to get in. Doing a CNTRL ALT F2 will let me log in tty mode but startx will not run. Log says its already running on DISPLAY 004:08
Xennyopakavic:  failed for the same goddamn reason04:08
Xennyopakavic:  seriously will you accept the dcc send ? it has a log of what happened04:08
opakavicranjan: goto preference04:08
opakavicXenny: sorry, i can't04:08
ranjanopakavic, ok04:08
ZykoticK9Xenny, use pastebin instead04:09
Dr_Willisdisappearedng:  depends on the exact PPA you are using. theres 'stable' ppa's then thers daily build ppa's04:09
Xennyopakavic:  maybe i can use pastebin with lynx04:09
ranjanopakavic, what else04:09
Xennyopakavic:  one sec04:09
opakavicXenny: what was the error message04:09
edbiandisappearedng, Only if you update every day.  The software is still installed on your system.  It's just that the that repo has a newer version every day04:09
opakavicXenny: okay do that04:09
knoppiesDravekx, dont know what you mean by blow off your server.  I think I should explain what I did and you see if you can do something similar to install via SSH (I didnt install via SSH, but I had the option to)04:09
mdg2ranjan: you wanna do it via terminal?04:09
scuniziXenny: you could use pastebinit for the cli04:09
opakavicranjan: what are the options you can see in dropdown list04:09
ranjanmdg2 any way, but i want to do it04:10
opakavicranjan: what are the options you can see in dropdown list04:10
mdg2ranjan: in a terminal type:  sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic04:10
knoppiesDravekx, I used the mini.iso (made a bootable flash drive from it) and it had an option to "continue installation via SSH". I followed this tutorial: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/10/08/how-to-install-ubuntu-locally-over-the-network/04:10
Xennyopakavic:  can't won't let me upload a file i have to paste the f**k*** thing !!! *screams* is there anything which will let me upload txt files to share a link ?04:11
knoppiesDravekx, that tut is not directly related to your problem though.04:11
ranjanmdg2 i'm going04:11
Dravekxknoppies, sweet! thats what I wanted.. an "over the network install.04:11
FauntixI guess this is an unfixable problem04:11
knoppiesDragnslcr, ok. Enjoy.04:11
opakavicXenny: what was error message?04:11
nOStahlhey guys i have a broadcom chipset, linksys wmp11 wireless card, it shows up in wiconfig, i ran fwcutter did reboot, i cant do sudo ifconfig wlan0 up04:12
nOStahlany ideas?04:12
ranjanmdg2 i'm doing it04:12
ranjanmdg2 its 32% going on04:12
ChogyDanFauntix: still having trouble with winehq?list04:12
jlillyanyone have suggestions on keeping 2 ubuntu vmware instances in sync? (files, packages, etc)04:12
Fauntixi guess this is a continuance of the winehq problem04:12
jlillyhave a VM at work and one at home that I'd like to stay the same.04:12
Fauntixnow i cant open synaptic04:13
ChogyDanFauntix: whats the problem?04:13
FauntixI have the error: type '--2010-02-04' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list when i open synaptic package manager04:13
opakavicXenny: did you try this command, "X -configure" , if then what it said?04:13
nOStahlwhat does this mean, SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 13204:13
Dr_WillisFauntix:  tell the channel the esact problem you are having with the package manager.. its proberly fixable..04:13
ChogyDanFauntix: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list04:13
Xennyerror: API MISMATCH nvidia kernel module has version 173.14.20 but this nvidia driver component has version 173.14.22 .........NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize kernel ! module04:13
knoppiesjlilly, you can copy the hdd image over from the one to the other everytime you go to the next one. but thats probably not the answer you were wanting.04:13
Fauntixwhen i open synaptic it gives me that error and then closes04:13
ranjanopakavic tell me what to do in sound preferences04:13
Xennyopakavic: yes i tried that, and then i tried running the x server with the new config file and same error04:14
ranjanmdg2 its done04:14
opakavicranjan: what are the options you can see in dropdown list04:14
knoppiesFauntix, I would suggest you open up the sources list, and comment out the "line 1" it is talking about.04:14
Fauntixtype '--2010-02-04' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list04:14
opakavicXenny: goto /etc/X1104:14
opakavicXenny: and remove that xorg.conf04:14
Dr_WillisFauntix:  typo on line 1 ity seems to be saying to me in  etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list04:14
Dr_WillisFauntix:  so edit that file. or delete that file04:15
ranjanopakavic hardware,input output sound effects and applications04:15
Fauntixi am removing the wine source04:15
picklemyickledoes putting my card in promiscuous mode do I put myself at any security risk?04:15
Xennyopakavic:  ok04:15
opakavicranjan: goto hardware04:15
ranjanopakavic ok04:15
Fauntixok winehq source is gone04:15
opakavicXenny: no try that command, don't move after that...04:15
opakavicranjan: now tell me what are all the options you see here04:16
ranjanmdg2 i did and still i'm not getting sound, should i reboot04:16
Xennyopakavic:  ok04:16
jlillyknoppies, not quite :)04:16
opakavicXenny: now try that command, don't move after that...04:16
ranjanopakavic internal audio and r700 audio device04:16
=== eric is now known as Guest34933
Xennyopakavic:  the x -configure command ? did it.04:16
mdg2ranjan: don't reboot, just try loggig out and logging back in, as well as making sure your sound is still turned up via the icon on panel bar04:17
FauntixI do believe winehq is gone now i can start over04:17
mat__my name is mat and I use a hampster in a ball to power my lappy04:17
opakavicwhat it said04:17
Fauntixi want did stuff to work.... grrr04:17
opakavicranjan: choose r70004:17
ranjanmdg2, ok i ll do it and report you04:17
opakavicranjan: and try to play some sound04:17
nOStahlhey guys i have a broadcom wifi card, its giving me this error SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 13204:18
nOStahl when i try and do sudo ifconfig wlan0 up04:18
nOStahlany ideas04:18
opakavicXenny: ?04:18
Xennyopakavic:  that it created a new configuration file in my users home dir04:18
opakavicXenny: so cp that to /etc/X1104:18
Fauntixok i followed the directions on the winehq list... and that doesnt work04:18
Dr_WillisFauntix:  be more concice and clear as to waht you are doing.04:19
ZykoticK9nOStahl, what is the exact card?  lspci | grep Network04:19
silvernodeAnyone else notice anything strange about http://winehg.org ?04:19
Xennyopakavic:  ok and then ?04:19
opakavicXenny: this is the command, cp /home/xenny/xorg.con.new /etc/X1104:19
FauntixAll i did was remove the winehq source list from synaptic04:19
opakavicXenny:  are you in /etc/X11?04:19
Dr_WillisFauntix:  so what 'dident work' ?04:19
Xennyopakavic:  i did and i renamed it to xorg.conf04:19
seanbrystonei think it's winehq not winehg04:19
Xennyopakavic:  yes04:20
opakavicXenny: cool04:20
ZykoticK9silvernode, use http://www.winehq.org/04:20
opakavicXenny: now start kdm04:20
Xennyopakavic:  then i tried to start the server :P04:20
ranjanmdg2 i logged back in but still i'm nt getting sound04:20
Fauntixlets start over to make winehq installed and work.... from the begining04:20
Xennyopakavic: annddddddddddddddddddd same problem lol04:20
mdg2ranjan: look under  Preferences > Sound and see if you see anything different/new04:21
silvernodeZykoticK9, Yes that was a typo. The actual address is some sort of fake page. The download page is missing as well as the homepage.04:21
Xennyopakavic:  it do not like you sam i am it do not like green eggs and ham :P04:21
opakavicXenny: do you have that binary driver?04:21
Xennyopakavic:  i told you i downloaded the driver from nvidia04:21
silvernodeSomething seems to be wrong with http://winehq.org04:21
Xennyopakavic:  i had installed the one suggested by ubuntu but i don't know how to get rid of the stupid thing04:21
opakavicXenny: i mean, are you having that bin file in your harddisk04:21
ZykoticK9silvernode, right side "Latest Releases" allows downloading?04:21
Xennyopakavic:  its saying the driver and kernel mod are diffent04:21
nOStahlzykotick9 its a bcm430304:22
opakavicXenny: i mean, are you having that bin file in your harddisk04:22
Xennyopakavic:  i'm just gonna reload and try again LOL this isn't worth the time, i just installed the system anyway04:22
hexmarexenny , I just reinstalled with 9.0404:22
opakavicXenny: reply to my answer !04:22
silvernodeZykoticK9, Usually the page is red and has a big download link on it but today it's some strange page that doesn't seem to have anything to do with wine at all.04:22
Xennyopakavic: i already did, multiple times04:23
Alan502is there a way i can handle hex wep passwords with gnome-network-manager? I cannot connect to a router because Ubuntu does not seem to support passwords in hex :(04:23
Xennyhexmare:  how did that work out ?04:23
ranjanmdg2 there is sound option which says starting sound and nothing happens after that04:23
ZykoticK9nOStahl, oh man, lots of people with issues with that card/karmic - best of luck man04:23
opakavicXenny: if you are having that nvidia setup file, just unistall that, and install it again for new kernel modules for your video card04:23
mdg2ranjan: hmm.....04:23
hexmarejust got done the install and kicked over to the nvidia drivers waiting on boot now04:24
ZykoticK9silvernode, i guess i don't pay as much attention - but the Wine DB is certainly still there (all i use that site for)04:24
ranjanmdg2 i found that in my sound preferences the hardware is automatically selected as internal audio rather than r700 audio device04:24
=== _linucks is now known as linucks
GamesMedicUbuntu graphical login interface crashes and reboots. Sometimes it takes 15 tries to get in. Doing a CNTRL ALT F2 will let me log in tty mode but startx will not run. Log says its already running on DISPLAY 004:24
silvernodeZykoticK9, It seems that the strange page I am seeing goes away if I click refresh. Strange now winehq is back to normal...04:24
ranjanopakavic yes in hardware i selected r700 but it goes as i close it04:24
cWe_cRicri cwO setIa NIe04:25
Fauntix.... soo no?04:25
mdg2ranjan: choose R700 and see what happens04:25
nahuel_wicd dont see my wifi network04:25
GamesMedic!windows live cd04:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:25
hexmarewow looks like thats hosed as well04:25
Guest17987Hi there. I have a 42 inch lcd for my display. I can only set 1280 and lower resolution. How do I make it so everything is smaller. IE larger resolution?04:25
opakavicGamesMedic: you are bad, this is linux channel04:25
FauntixOk listen this should be easy.... Help me install winehq from the beginning please04:26
GamesMedicWell, I'm having problems on both!04:26
mdg2nahuel_: I missed your prevoius post - problem with wicd?04:26
screennamelessGamesMedic: Have you tried 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'?04:26
Guest17987Anyone help me out?04:26
nahuel_wicd dont see my wifi network in the preferences there isn't anythin in wireless interface? what would be there?04:26
Guest17987I dont really know what to do.04:26
brishuis there a way to make any files put into a certain directory have executable permissions by default ??04:26
ChogyDanFauntix: are you running karmic?  do you want to install the beta of wine?04:26
nahuel_i thing eth104:26
ranjanmdg2 i chose but it goes out automatically again when i open and see sound preferences04:27
nahuel_but in iwconfig appear just lo eth0 and pan004:27
opakavicranjan: try this, aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav04:27
Fauntixi have 9.10... and i want a working version04:27
Dr_WillisFauntix:  from what i saw earlier. your issue was ONE typo on line 1 of that file you deleted.04:27
nahuel_and all  says no wireless extencions04:27
GamesMedicscreennameless: What does that do? I do a sudo reboot and sometimes that works.04:27
mdg2nahuel_: you don't have a wlan0 interace - you need to add it04:27
ranjanopakavic i did it says playing but i cant hear them04:27
opakavicranjan: right click that volume icon04:28
opakavicranjan: right click that volume icon04:28
mdg2nahuel_: what kind of wifi adapter is your computer using?04:28
screennamelessGamesMedic: The init.d thing restarts gnome. It's not a guaranteed fix, but it might work temporarily04:28
ranjanmdg2 should i install my audio drivers from the cd given by dell again04:28
ranjanopakavic i did04:28
opakavicranjan: goto preference04:29
ChogyDanFauntix: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa04:29
nahuel_broadcom BCM4312 mdg204:29
ranjanopakavic i did04:29
mdg2ranjan: it now gives you r700 as an option, maybe just try a full shutdown and reboot04:29
opakavicranjan: can you see pcm? , choose that04:29
GamesMedicscreennameless: It took me 12 times to get in this time. Its like the problems are getting works!04:29
ranjanopakavic no i cant see that04:29
ugliefrogim using xchat....whats the give voice thing all about04:30
Fauntixok done04:30
opakavicranjan: can you see pcm !04:30
FauntixChogy: ok done04:30
ranjanopakavic no04:30
FauntixChogy: now what04:30
opakavicranjan: can you see master?04:30
Dr_Willisugliefrog:  in some moderated channels only voiceed people can talk04:30
screennamelessGamesMedic: Hmm... I've heard people talk about 'editing an xorg.conf' file. I've never done it, but you should probably check that out04:30
ChogyDan!tab | Fauntix04:30
ubottuFauntix: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:30
ranjanopakavic no04:30
sarumanhexmare: heres the part that confuses me..... i installed the binary driver.. and it installed a kernel mod, but supposedly thats not the kernel mod its loading...04:30
opakavicranjan: then what you see there?04:30
ugliefrogDr_Willis, k thank you :)04:30
mdg2nahuel_: I believe I recall you need the bfcutter driver - are you using 9.04 or 9.10?04:30
Dr_WillisFauntix:  sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade, the sudo apt-get install wine04:30
ranjanopakavic should i install something to see them04:30
crunchbangHI, who knows what super means in a shortcut key.04:30
opakavicranjan: tell me what you see there?04:31
nahuel_9.10 mdg204:31
shawnboyGreetings. Will someone please help me figure out why SSH isn't working w/ my RSA key?04:31
ChogyDanFauntix: what Dr_Willis said04:31
ranjanopakavic, sound effects, hardware,input output and applications04:31
shawnboyI get to point where it asks for my passphrase (like it should) but then it won't use my rsa key.04:31
GamesMedicscreennameless: Hmmm...04:31
mdg2crunchbang: you running crunchbang?04:31
Fauntixok i did sudo apt-get update and got this: E: Type '--2010-02-04' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list04:31
opakavicranjan: goto sound effects04:31
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install wine1.204:31
opakavicranjan: what it has?04:31
ranjanopakavic i did04:31
Dr_Willishmm.. wonder  just 'wine' diodent work juist now.04:31
opakavicranjan: what it has?04:32
Dr_WillisFauntix:  some how your file dident get made right.  check that file.04:32
ranjanopakavic it has sound theme04:32
Dr_WillisFauntix:  that command just worked here for me.04:32
Dr_WillisFauntix:  with a text editor04:32
opakavicranjan: come out04:32
opakavicranjan: goto input and output04:32
ranjanopakavic i did04:32
mdg2nahuel_: need to find the correct driver for wifi adapter, which sets up wlan0 interface.04:32
Fauntixwhere do i find the text file04:32
ranjanopakavic i did04:32
opakavicranjan: what's here?04:32
Dr_Willis$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-wine-ppa-karmic.list04:33
Dr_Willisdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu karmic main04:33
screennamelessGamesMedic: If I were you, I'd google the xorg.conf thing04:33
Fauntixwhich one?04:33
buzzaI'm Using kubuntu 9.10 and i had this same problem in Ubuntu I can't access my wifi i have a Buffalo WZR2-G300N router and a bigpond 2 wire modem non wireless, the connection is via AOSS, i can access my wifi in windows vista with a program that comes with my router called ClientManagerV04:33
Dr_WillisFauntix:  i wionder why yours is saying  winehq.list 0 Mines under a different name04:33
mdg2nahuel_: am unable to scroll back to see the info about your wifi adapter - could you please post again so can go to the ubuntu wiki and check04:33
FauntixDr_Willis: i dont know04:33
Dr_Willissudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa04:34
Dr_Williswas what i used.04:34
opakavicranjan: what you see under, input an output04:34
FauntixDr_Willis, how do i copy from XChat?04:34
heliordHello #ubuntu. I'm trying to set up raid from the 9.10 live session's installer, but I'm not seeing any options for that04:34
crunchbangmdg2, yes running crunchbang04:34
psycho_oreos<nahuel_> broadcom BCM4312 mdg204:34
ranjanopakavic in input input volume and input level and in output internal audio  analog stereo and r70004:34
mdg2crunchbang: super = windows key04:34
ChogyDanFauntix: what command did you use?  how did you get that file again?04:35
crunchbangthank you,mdg204:35
Dr_WillisFauntix:  select, menu to copy/paste04:35
Dr_WillisChogyDan | Fauntix: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa04:35
okchi all04:35
sarumanopakavic: ok imma remove the dpkg maintained nvidia files and the old kernel verson and reinstall a new linux image from scratcha nd then reinstall the driver....04:35
awaadI want a channel which talks about embedded linux, any one can tell me a name of one ?04:35
ranjanopakavic what to do now04:35
heliordI'm on a system with a failing hard drive (gentoo installation) and a new blank one that I'm installing ubuntu on04:35
opakavicranjan: choose output internal audio04:35
shawnboySSH key woes. Any takers?04:35
ranjanok i chose output internal audio but i'm nt getting sound04:36
Dr_WillisFauntix:  check that file its mentioning. could be that file is not needed.. or some how goofed up, it should have 1 line in it.04:36
heliordbut I want to make the first 200 gigs of the new one a degraded raid1, and sync that up to a third hard drive that is currently removed04:36
Dr_WillisFauntix:      deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu karmic main04:36
heliord(syncing after rebooting into the installation)04:36
ChogyDanDr_Willis: yeah, but that command won't give that file, only the old command.  He must have just re-ran the old command...04:37
opakavicranjan: can you please send me screenshot of that preferences04:37
kayveI need to install MatLab but it doesn't say anything about licensing on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB and it has a blurb about being "preliminary"04:37
heliordbut the partitioner doesn't seem to have any raid options, and mdadm doesn't seem to be available04:37
Dr_WillisChogyDan:  yep. thats what has me confused04:37
kayveis one of those commands just going to prompt me for the license password I am going to get after I pay for Matlab?04:37
opakavicranjan: gimme links of those screenshots04:38
heliordand I don't see mdadm in the ubuntu software center tool04:38
ranjanopakavic ok04:38
buzzaI'm Using kubuntu 9.10 and i had this same problem in Ubuntu I can't access my wifi i have a Buffalo WZR2-G300N router and a bigpond 2 wire modem non wireless, the connection is via AOSS, i can access my wifi in windows vista with a program that comes with my router called ClientManagerV, can someone help me connect to my internet connection as i can't access my wifi in kubuntu04:39
Dr_WillisFauntix:  yes. thats a line from within  that repos listing.. its NOT a command.04:39
psycho_oreosbuzza, is there a wireless interface to begin with on ubuntu?04:40
Dr_WillisFauntix:  if this is all voodoo then you may want to learn some more linux basics. and apt-get ussage.04:40
ranjanopakavic where shall i put them in which site04:40
heliordso, anyone know how to install mdadm, or otherwise configure raid from the installation program?04:40
shawnboyThis is me searching for help with failed ssh login using rsa keys. Now would be a wonderful time to jump in.04:40
buzzathe wireless interface wont work to connect04:41
opakavicranjan: use imageshack or something you kow04:41
blankthemuffinis there something nicer than Brasero for burning a dvd video. By nicer I mean something that I can configure and that works?04:41
Jinxwarebuzza, you probably need to disable the AOSS in the router config and just use wpa2 as linux does not support these proprietary "extra security" measures like the windows drivers have04:41
psycho_oreosbuzza, what chipset do you have?04:41
Fauntixi am trying to relearn linux04:41
davepbad clipboard04:41
kayveare these Matlab installation instructions complete:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB ?04:41
ZykoticK9blankthemuffin, personally i like K3B (but hate that it requires all the KDE libs)04:41
knoppiesshawnboy, you can try empty the file that stores the keys. and then let them re-add them. That fixed my issue when the server changed its IP04:42
Fauntixi just need wine and flash to work right now while i learn04:42
blankthemuffinAll I need to do is burn a vob04:42
okcCould anyone help in getting sound in ubuntu9.10?I upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 through net..I lost sound..04:42
happyfacenm-applet says wifi is disabled and dhclient can't resolve dhcp! Help!!04:42
opakavicranjan: use imageshack or something you kow04:42
shawnboyknoppies: so empty the authorized_keys file on server? then try logging in?04:42
Fauntixsorry for being a n00b but that what you get for not touching linux for a few years04:42
psycho_oreoshappyface, then you need to enable wifi04:42
knoppiesokc, I would recommend you backup your /home and do a clean install. but its up to you04:42
buzzaACER Nplify 802.11b/gDraft-N WLAN04:42
knoppiesshawnboy, on client.04:42
Dr_WillisFauntix:  the apt package manager hasent changed that much in several years.04:43
happyfacepsycho_oreos: it is enabled. ifconfig wlan0 up04:43
Fauntixi understand i forgot alot of the commands and stuff lol04:43
kayveapt-get install [to your heart's desire?]04:43
shawnboyknoppies: not sure what u mean. I have in ~/.ssh/   .... id_rsa and known_hosts04:43
psycho_oreosbuzza, hmm would probably help if you pastebin your lspci -nnk output, and you may also want to try Jinxware's solutions, that is to disable AOSS and use WPA204:43
knoppiesshawnboy, I think its the known_hosts.04:43
buzzaI can't access my router config IP though04:44
psycho_oreoshappyface, and the last few lines of dmesg ? anything about rfkill?04:44
Fauntixwhere do i find the repository dialog04:44
knoppiesshawnboy, you might want to make a backup, but thats up to you.04:44
knoppiesshawnboy, did it help?04:44
psycho_oreosbuzza, well you'll need to do that from windows first because it won't connect and therefore be attached to the network and obtain IP address, etc04:44
sarumanopakavic: my idea worked to get my x server back up and running04:45
sarumanopakavic:  now i just need to figure out why i can't get a higher res04:45
Fauntixthe error should be in there04:45
buzzahow can i find out my router's config ip?04:45
shawnboyknoppies. nope. I did "mv known_hosts k_h" then tried... had to reaffirm host key. said yes, but prob at same phase.04:45
Dr_Willis!apt | Fauntix04:45
ubottuFauntix: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)04:45
Dr_WillisFauntix:  i use the cli tools mainly04:45
buzzaIt's not the IP buffalo said04:45
psycho_oreosbuzza, via route, but only when you are connected04:45
gdbbuzza: What brand is it?04:45
buzzavia route?04:46
gdbOh, buffalo is a brand?04:46
gdbheh new one to me04:46
psycho_oreosroute under CLI in the connected linux client04:46
OlivierLiHello? I am having some serious issues with my terminal. Most of my command say not found even sudo. Some work though like ls.04:46
od3ndeos anyone know if the madwifi drivers come with 9.1004:46
buzzaBuffalo WZR2-G300N,04:46
Fauntixok but how does that help my view the repository dialog?04:46
shawnboyssh with rsa works with Putty in XP.04:47
Dr_WillisFauntix:  use the gui pacakge manager tools if you want a gui. check teh menus04:47
happyfacepsycho_oreos: dmesg just says wlan0: link is not ready.. and some other stuff about loading the iwlagn firmware04:47
shawnboybut not from Karmic04:47
psycho_oreosod3n, doubt it, madwifi is slowly being deprecated in favour of ath5k/ath9k04:47
Fauntixagain I Can't Open the synaptic Package manager... is there another package manager?04:48
gdbbuzza: This may be helpful -> http://forums.techguy.org/networking/618264-cannot-access-configuration-page-buffalo.html04:48
buzzaBuffalo WZR2-G300N,04:48
blakkheimod3n: i've got a madwifi svn snapshot if you want it04:48
od3nso those are the drivers I should be using then04:48
psycho_oreoshappyface, hmm04:48
psycho_oreosod3n, depending on your atheros chipset's capabilities04:48
OlivierLiHi could someone help me with a terminal problem? Almost no command work, they all say not found.04:48
happyfacepsycho_oreos: yea it used to work, but just stopped recently seemingly out of nowhere04:49
kayveso these instructions are complete:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB ?04:49
psycho_oreoshappyface, retrace to what you did last04:49
doogluswhen I run 'ifconfig' all I see is 'lo'.  how can I get eth0 and wlan0 to show up?04:49
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ranjanopakavic http://img19.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img19/1337/screenshotrk.png see this04:49
psycho_oreosdooglus, those other interfaces are not up, you can use ifconfig <dev> up or use ifconfig -a04:49
cthulhu2So, how do I make my resolution larger than 1280? Somebody said something about protected drivers? What do I do?04:49
od3nyeah I am looking for all that info on my chipset but have yet to locate it04:50
psycho_oreoscthulhu2, proprietary drivers they probably meant, depends on the chipset04:50
doogluspsycho_oreos: I think I need to install something to get the other interfaces to exist.  I can't 'ifup' either of them04:50
psycho_oreosod3n, how is the device connected?04:50
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ranjanopakavic http://img19.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img19/1337/screenshotrk.png04:50
kosharicthulhu2 restricted drivers?04:50
doogluspsycho_oreos: my laptop died, so I moved the hdd into a different laptop.  now I can't get online04:50
cthulhu2psycho_oreos Can you help me figure out what I need friends?04:50
psycho_oreosdooglus, details of why it may not work may be listed in dmesg04:50
cthulhu2I think I have the restricted ones already.04:50
koshariwhats your monitors resolution and whats your gpu?04:50
cthulhu2I am using a 42 inch lcd tv04:51
psycho_oreosdooglus, that's expected when the other laptop has different hardware specifications compared to your dead laptop04:51
cthulhu2and I dont know how to check the res or even know what a gpu is04:51
kosharicthulhu2 and the tv resolution is?04:51
cthulhu2koshari im not sure!04:51
koshariwhat does lspci return?04:51
psycho_oreoscthulhu2, pastebin your lspci -nnk output04:51
cthulhu2720p I think04:51
koshariyou will need to know04:51
doogluspsycho_oreos: so what's the fix?  is there some way I can tell ubuntu "you're in a new laptop; look around and discover the new hardware'?04:52
heliordhmm, that's not right...04:52
kosharicthulhu2 google your tvs model number04:52
kayvegtg? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB04:52
shawnboyOk... maybe someone can answer this one... where is the sshd_config on ubuntu?04:52
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Fauntixapparently my ubuntu bible is wrong about getting help in the community.... sorry for even trying to use Ubuntu... I don't mean to be rude but I have had too many issues and I have yet to move from step 1, I am describing the problems as best as I can04:52
psycho_oreosdooglus, not quite, not as simple as that compared to a re-install afaik.. some drivers may appear in hardware drivers but that's about it I think04:52
heliordI apt-got mdadm, created a degraded raid1 /dev/md0, but the ubuntu installer wants to partition it!04:52
ranjanopakaviv are you thre?04:52
cthulhu2psycho_oreos http://pastebin.com/m4111628204:52
heliordis there a way to tell it to install directly onto /dev/md0?04:53
doogluspsycho_oreos: I can boot from a live CD and then mount my old home partition, but it's encrypted with ecryptfs and I can't work out how to mount it unencrypted04:53
happyfacepsycho_oreos: wait dmesg does say rf_kill bit toggled to enable radio... im not doing anything wrong connecting to networks, it just doesnt work04:53
heliordI'd prefer not to have the extra level of indirection04:53
psycho_oreoscthulhu2, you'll need to install nvidia's proprietary drivers04:53
psycho_oreos!nvidia | cthulhu204:53
ubottucthulhu2: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:53
doogluspsycho_oreos: is there any way to find out what needs setting up to get the eth0 working?  it's working now, since I'm booting from the CD04:54
psycho_oreosdooglus, you will need the module/driver and the associated program to decrypt that partition, but if you can boot in, you will need to enter hardware drivers04:54
kayveI'm scareded04:54
Alan502is there a way i can handle hex wep passwords with gnome-network-manager? I cannot connect to a router because Ubuntu does not seem to support passwords in hex :(04:54
psycho_oreoshappyface, have you also tried to manually connect? via CLI thatis04:55
od3nIntel 3945ABG04:55
dooglusAlan502: 'wicd' is an alternative you might like to try.  I don't know if it supports hex passwords, but it does seem to be more complete04:55
psycho_oreosod3n, you will need to use iwl3945 driver for that, that isn't Atheros chipset04:55
cthulhu2psycho_oreos it says that the recommended prop driver 185 is activated and currently in use04:55
od3nthas the chipset I am using and the drivers are iwl394504:56
Dr_WillisFauntix:  how old is that book?04:56
cthulhu2psycho_oreos the other one is the 173 and doesnt say recommended next to it and says that that one is NOT activated.04:56
Fauntixi havent fully finished it04:56
psycho_oreoscthulhu2, under your applications menu, do you also see nvidia X server settings? if so, see if its actually showing that you're using nvidia driver04:56
Dr_WillisFauntix:  adding the winehq repos was like 4 commands i added just a few min ago. Im not sure what you are doing wrong04:56
Alan502dooglus, actually wicd does support hex passwords. I tried it, and it works, but wicd doesn't support 3G Modem connections and that is how i normally connect to the internet. So... that way i'd have to be switching between wicd and gnome-network-manager.... is there something that can make it easier?04:56
Dr_WillisFauntix: unless theres somthuing up at the winehq servers04:57
cthulhu2yep it shows that im using 185.18.3604:57
psycho_oreosod3n, well yes which is completely different to madwifi for that matter04:57
od3nso thats just the chipset for the network card right04:57
psycho_oreoscthulhu2, and your TV is connected via VGA type connector?04:57
dooglusAlan502: not that I know of.  I tend to edit /etc/network/interfaces by hand, but that's not particularly friendly04:57
psycho_oreosod3n, yes wireless network card04:57
cthulhu2psycho_oreos hdmi04:57
Alan502dooglus, lol, no04:58
Dr_WillisFauntix:  http://pastebin.ca/1788740    the exact commands i used04:58
kayveOK.  I'm going to do this then  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB04:58
psycho_oreoscthulhu2, under nvidia X settings, are you able to see the secondary monitor?04:58
FauntixDr_Willis, Can you walk me through step by step letter by letter to make sure I "Am" doing this right04:58
kayveI'm scareded.04:58
Alan502does anybody know how can i simplify the task of switching from wicd to gnome-network-manager and viceversa?04:58
kayveI done broke my Ubuntu last year04:58
Dr_WillisFauntix:  thats the history of the commands i typed.04:58
od3nso should I get another card04:59
cthulhu2Alright I changed it to 1920 in the xserver area04:59
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psycho_oreosod3n, why do you want to do that?04:59
cthulhu2but now my top and bottom bars are gone04:59
cthulhu2what to do now?04:59
cthulhu2also it seems to lag a bit05:00
psycho_oreoscthulhu2, the resolution is probably too high, adjust the resolution a bit lower05:00
Xennyfricking nvidia 5200 crap why is it I could get this to work at one point in debian but not on kubuntu ?????05:00
kayveoh I'm dumb.05:00
FauntixDr_Willis, whats the history I dont see anything unless you already typed it up higher05:00
Xennydid any of the other guys in here having the same problem have any luck fixing it ?05:00
Dr_WillisFauntix:  http://pastebin.ca/1788740    the exact commands i used05:00
od3nwell will my current card do all the same things as the atheros05:00
Alan502or perhaps someone know how can i make gnome-network-manager connect to a router with a password that must be entered as Hex?05:00
psycho_oreosod3n, basic things maybe, but advanced stuff no05:01
Fauntixfound it sorry05:01
shawnboyStill hoping for some ssh insight.05:01
rolsworthis ubuntu capable of the windows 7 style task bar or grouping multiple windows in one?05:01
Xennyso... i got the driver from nvidia.com to work on my system now... but i still can't get a resolution greater than 640x48005:01
psycho_oreosod3n, is there a particular reason why you want atheros wireless network card?05:01
k0d3g3arAlan502:  Both of my laptops connected to my home wifi which has a Hex WEP key with Gnome Network Manager.  Not sure what your problem is, but it worked out of the box for me05:02
psycho_oreosXenny, it would probably be better if you went via hardware drivers and install restricted drivers05:02
cthulhupsycho_oreos that seemed to work pretty good man!05:02
Xennypsycho_oreos:  you mean point it to the .run file i get from nvidia ?05:02
psycho_oreoscthulhu, lowering res right?05:02
od3nok well I just want it for learning reasons05:02
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Guest3635yes psycho_oreos05:02
okcsound problem in ubuntu9.10>?can anyone help>????05:02
Xennypsycho_oreos: from inside a running X server ?05:02
Guest3635I dont see much of a difference before I was at 1280 now im at 13 something05:02
Guest3635whats the differencE? things dont really look that smaller05:03
psycho_oreosXenny, no no, under *ubuntu you can go through X into hardware drivers and install proprietary driver from there, it would probably save mucking around with a .run file05:03
Alan502k0d3g3ar, hmm i'm using ubuntu UNR and the network manager doesn't seem to have an option to enter the password as HEX05:03
od3nI am pretty much a windows person and just getting into linux the last few months05:03
okci dont know xserver...but its not working from gui.05:03
Xennypsycho_oreos:  i tried that though, and it sucked balls, it did the same crap i'm having problems with now05:03
psycho_oreosGuest3635, and the reason why it was lagging before was probably because it has to support two monitors I think05:03
rolsworthis ubuntu capable of the windows 7 style taskbar or at least grouping multiple windows in one?05:04
okcwhere is this .run file?05:04
psycho_oreosod3n, ahh well, you can I suppose swap the card out if your laptop/nettop isn't HP/Compaq, Lenovo/IBM afaik05:04
Fauntixok it still gives me the E: Type '--2010-02-04' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list after running the first command05:04
neezerhello all....I'm in the process of ripping 4 episodes of entourage from the dvd onto my computer...i'd like to set something up tonight to automatically scp them to my media server tonight while i sleep. that way I don't have to worry about doing it tomorrow and I can work on other episodes and other dvds.05:04
neezeris there an easy way to set that up?05:04
Alan502rolsworth, try to look in the taskbar preferences, there should be an option that does what you want05:05
RoastedCan anybody tell me why when I apply two identical icon sets to my laptop and desktop, my desktop works fine but my laptop fails to apply all of the icons properly? Particularly the firefox icon?05:05
FauntixDr_Willis, ok it still gives me the E: Type '--2010-02-04' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list after running the first command05:05
psycho_oreosokc, what was your problem?05:05
Avenegrain gnome you can group windows in the taskbar. i use awn and it also has similar functionality05:05
haqe18neezer: umm,, just put everything in a script ?05:05
okci upgraded 9.04 from net to 9.10...and the result is no sound..05:06
neezerhaqe18: I don't really know how to do that?05:06
Dr_WillisFauntix:  delete taht winehw.list file - ive NO idea where that file is comming from05:06
Alan502k0d3g3ar, so basically my problem is that i cannot see where to option to enter as HEX is!05:06
Dr_WillisFauntix:  or edit that file and add a deb line line i pasted.05:06
psycho_oreosXenny, hmm well afaik it has to compile cleanly and *ubuntu these days use dkms.. and then Xorg needs to be using nvidia driver for it to work05:06
FauntixDr_Willis, Command to delete it05:06
OlivierLiHi, I have a really weird problem, my terminal wont run any command that contains whitespace.05:06
Dr_WillisFauntix:  th4 commands i used did NOT make that file05:06
Dr_WillisFauntix:  'sudo rm /path/to/wahtever'05:06
Roasteddoes anybody at least know how to change the firefox icon Im having issues with?05:07
neezerhaqe18: I know the command I need to use, but I'm not sure how to delay it about 2 hours so that I am sure the files are done being ripped before I start transferring them.05:07
psycho_oreosokc, that wouldn't be related to a simple .run file.. that is generally an upgrade issue.. which I personally disliked in favour of clean install05:07
okcpsycho_oreos:tell me how to check the functioning of audio drivers r anything?05:07
Dr_WillisFauntix:  your ubuntu bible book hasent even covered the 'rm' command yet? or any bash basics>05:07
od3nI have a hp nw944005:07
okcpsycho_oreos:So what should I do?05:07
od3nthe card comes outso it can be changed05:07
Roastedhas anybody had video tearing with a nvidia graphics card and actually found a FIX for it? Long time ubuntu/nvidia user here whos lived with the problem since 2006. Any things I can do?05:08
psycho_oreosokc, there's a few ways, see if the driver is loaded for sound card, via lspci -nnk, then check if its muted via pulseaudio or whatever it is05:08
haqe18neezer: basically you just put the commands into a text file, one command per line.05:08
FauntixDr_Willis, rm: cannot remove `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list': No such file or directory05:08
Fauntixlol i feel that i typed that wrong \05:08
shawnboyGood things come to those who wait. I'm looking for some SSH love here. RSA key won't work for me.05:08
haqe18neezer: sleep 7200 can be used to wait 2hrs05:08
Fauntixlol >.<05:08
haqe18neezer: see man sleep05:08
Dr_WillisFauntix:  the TAB key will complete file names..05:08
psycho_oreosod3n, that won't work, HP has whitelisting on their laptops, it'll work via plugging in, but if its not on the whitelist, BIOS will give you an error and disable the device05:08
Dr_WillisFauntix:  cd to the directory and see whats in there05:09
okcpsycho_oreos:i typed the command and got a series of list.... which i didnt understand anything!:'(05:09
psycho_oreosokc, in other words, a reinstall would probably be a better option for you05:10
psycho_oreosokc, not an upgrade but clean install05:10
od3nwhat do you mean by whitelisting?05:10
okcok..so no other options?05:10
Roastedhey.. guys... firefox icon... how do I change it05:11
psycho_oreosod3n, only certain things on that list are allow but the rest cannot be used.. kinda like a bouncer at a privately held party for invited guests only05:11
neezerhaqe18: looks like that is what I need, but I can't figure out from the man pages the syntax is.05:11
psycho_oreosokc, no, not unless you're familiar with linux CLI and you're desperate05:11
Dr_Willissucks when laptop makers Lock down things like that05:12
okcno i dont know CLI!05:12
knoppiesRoasted, you can change icons in launchers, not sure how to change the icon from within FF. I know there is a folder called .icons05:12
Ryan`Will ubuntu 6.10 work on an AMD 1300 with 192MB of SDRAM?05:12
psycho_oreosDr_Willis, yup that's why people need to learn to avoid buying them05:13
Dr_WillisRyan`:  id say yes. but more ram would help05:13
knoppiesRyan`, it should. the only way to find out is to try it.05:13
od3nso then if I was going to build a laptop for training and learning what would  you recomend05:13
Dr_WillisRyan`:  but why 6.10?05:13
Liquid-Silencewhy do people still irc as root?05:13
shawnboyi know someone out there wants the deep satisfaction of helping me with ssh problems.05:13
Ryan`oh, 9.10, sorry.05:13
Roastedknoppies, I know, Ive gone the .icons route. I have an icon package from gnome-look and I have it on my desktop, it sgreat. I put it on my laptop and EVERYTHING works except firefox. Firefox is still the default orange icon, and its enraging me this ONE FKING icon doesnt work. Permissions are fine, 1,566 files in the folder (same as desktop) So Im trying to change JUST that icon at the very elast.05:13
FauntixDr_Willis, I tried to delete the file in the bowser and it says Permission denied05:13
psycho_oreosokc, yup which is unfortunate because going through to try and solve an upgrade issues you have is a long and painstaking journey which may not even work05:13
shawnboypsycho_oreos: avoid buying laptops? that seems extreme.05:13
Dr_WillisFauntix:  use the command line...  'sudo rm /path/to/the/file'05:13
psycho_oreosod3n, for laptop brands?05:13
=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon
neezerhaqe18: Thanks for the help...I got it figured out.05:14
psycho_oreosshawnboy, no, avoid buying laptop manufacturers that does wireless card whitelisting05:14
shawnboyah. gotcha05:14
neezerhaqe18: I really appreciate the help.05:14
okcpsycho_oreos:so is there any method to uninstall all the sound related files and get the new ones?05:14
psycho_oreosod3n, I dunno but personally I'd avoid HP/Compaq, Lenovo/IBM and Sony05:14
shawnboyit's tough to find out detailed info before purchasing , though. (speaking as a very recent laptop purchaser who struggled with making the choice with Ubuntu in mind)05:14
psycho_oreosokc, the problem probably isn't a simple matter of reinstalling, its more of configuration and using one's mind to think on how to solve it because the situation varies05:15
kcj1993is there any way I can make a device file in /dev that links to another device?05:15
FauntixDr_Willis, Ok every wine list in sources.list.d is gone05:15
od3nwell I have to go to bed now ,thanks for all the info05:15
psycho_oreosshawnboy, brands are easier to ignore once you remember by the names, but its unfortunate if you're not the buyer05:15
psycho_oreosod3n, nw, nite05:16
psycho_oreosokc, I think its something to do with pulseaudio, but I could be very wrong about that05:16
Dr_WillisFauntix:  that was not really needed.. but whatever..05:16
marnoldRegarding laptops i've had great success with IBM05:16
FauntixDr_Willis, sorry it was pissing me off05:16
shawnboyso... nobody has any SSH insight for me?05:16
Dr_WillisFauntix:  its a location for extra repos you add.  I tend to keep a 'Disabled' directory in that dir and move things to it as i need05:16
web1109is there an opengl benchmark tools for ubuntu?05:17
okcpsycho_oreos:ok..what to do with pulseaudio?05:17
Dr_WillisFauntix:  so about 2 hrs ago when we told you to delete that file you never did delete it?05:17
FauntixDr_Willis, like i said05:17
Fauntixi thought i did05:17
Alan502Can someone help me connecting to a router that requires a HEX password with gnome-network-manager?05:17
marnoldshawnboy, repeat the question if you will05:17
FauntixDr_Willis, i thought i did05:17
Dr_WillisFauntix:  commands i used -> http://pastebin.ca/178874505:17
koshariweb1109 glxgears is a rough one05:17
Dr_WillisFauntix:  not without using 'sudo rm' or somtjhing similer you dident05:17
=== mike is now known as Guest3031
psycho_oreosokc, that's where you have to use your head and think, it could be muted, it could be not functioning, you need to check.. and/or remove pulseaudio in favour of legacy ALSA.. but much before that you might want to check if there even is a driver loaded for your sound chip05:18
shawnboymarnold: get to enter passphrase stage then it doesn't work. trying to login ssh from karmic to freenas using rsa keys. Works from Putty on XP (as client)05:18
ae86-drifter_is there a way to recover a partition table / MFT if chkdsk and testdisk fail? my ntfs shows as unallocated/ fdisk shows a missing block of sectors. im running photorec now before i try anything, can anybody offer any other sugegstions? help would be much appreciated05:18
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FauntixDr_Willis, http://pastebin.ca/178875305:19
marnoldshawnboy, you have an ssh-agent running05:19
web1109koshari: according to wiki glxgears measures bit throughput as opposed to rendering ability05:19
shawnboymarnold: when I loosen permissions on id_rsa I get the error about being too loose. When I tighten perms, it appears only to look for dsa key. No.. no ssh-agent running.05:19
koshariweb1109 theres a compiz benchmark as well but that measures throughput as well05:19
marnoldtry running an agent05:20
Alan502someone please help me connect a router that requires a hex password! please, another solution than WICD05:20
Dr_WillisFauntix:  so? :) it worked05:20
FauntixDr_Willis, thats what I got... for the first command05:20
Alan502!hi | channel05:20
ubottuchannel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:20
web1109koshari: i have tnt2 no compzi for me05:20
Dr_WillisFauntix:  yes.. thats correct05:20
FauntixDr_Willis, I will run the second one05:20
shawnboymarnold: ok. can u concisely tell me what an ssh-agent is for?05:21
kcj1993Alan502, is it using WEP?05:21
marnoldAlan502, what brand of router and what do you mean by HEX password05:21
Alan502kcj1993, yes it is using WEP05:21
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
marnoldshawnboy, ssh-agent decrypts ssh rsa/dsa keys05:22
Alan502marnold, i mean that the password i use is not in ASCII , its in a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx fashion05:22
kcj1993Alan502, what version of ubuntu are you running?05:22
disappearedngI locked the version of my ubuntu in synaptic manager to make sure I kept my firefox 3.5, then I added the ppa of mozilla in my source and installed firefox 3.6 but then right now I can't seem to find namoraka in my applications->internet why?05:22
marnoldand caches them in memory05:22
Alan502kcj1993, i'm running UNR 9.1005:22
Dr_WillisFauntix:  the program 'ubuntu-tweak' lets you add the winehq and other program repos with just a few clicks. :) somthing to try in the future05:23
shawnboymarnold: hmm. ok. I guess I'll check out using an ssh-agent then. i didn't know that was required.05:23
marnoldit solves most ssh auth problems i find05:23
kcj1993Alan502, can you right click on the network manager and select "Edit Connections..."?05:24
shawnboymarnold: is there a *preferred* ssh-agent out there u can point me to?05:24
k0d3g3arAlan502:  try entering your hex code without the : seperators.  That worked just fine for me05:24
RoastedAnybody have any idea why the icon sets I install on my desktop often dotn work on my laptop? Is there a package that allows this to work on my desktop that maybe Im missing on my laptop?05:24
Alan502k0d3g3ar, humm ok, i'll try it and see if it works. Thank you very much!05:25
k0d3g3arAlan502: np05:25
kcj1993Can anyone help me now please :)05:25
k0d3g3arAlan502:  just one long string, ie.  025F3A  etc05:25
kcj1993is there any way I can make a device file in /dev that links to another device?05:25
Dr_Williskcj1993:  sudo  ln -s /dev/whatever /dev/whever05:26
marnoldshawnboy, ssh-agent or seahorse both are installed by default05:26
Shazamplugged in a USB HDD, dmesg lists "Device offlined - not ready after error recovery". How does one resolve this error, and can I manually "on-line" it?05:26
shawnboymarnold: ok. thanks. I'll go read how to use.05:26
kcj1993Dr_Willis, thanks05:27
Shazamor even thoughts as to what it means? I've googled and I'm not getting anything that makes sense to me05:27
Roastedis there a way to uncompress 7z archives?05:28
Roasteddidnt realize ubuntu had one in their repos.05:28
marnoldkcj1993, note that that approach could damage the device depending on what your trying to do05:28
marnoldso be careful05:28
wl110can someone help me get my wireless card working on ubuntu (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398697)?05:29
FauntixDr_Willis, ok sorry I didnt read anything... Its done05:30
Dr_WillisFauntix:  try 'wine --version' now05:30
Fauntixin the terminal?05:30
Dr_WillisFauntix:  er... yes...05:31
ae86-drifter_does ubuntu server edition update kernel ever with an apt-get upgrade?05:31
Dr_WillisFauntix:  where else ya going to type it at? :)05:31
Dr_WillisFauntix:  it works...05:31
Fauntixi will try it now05:31
Fauntixupdate manager is running at the moment05:31
disappearedngHey if I lock my firefox 3.5.7 version in synaptic how can I install firefox 3.6 ?05:32
wl110ae86-drifter_: i believe it does, at least on 9.04 and below05:32
marnoldae86-drifter1, why wouldn't it05:32
wl110can someone help me get my compaq wl110 wireless card working on ubuntu (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398697)?05:33
Fauntixlast saturday night karissa spent the night with me and snored loudly05:33
Fauntixwrong person05:33
airtonixofftopic much ?05:33
ae86-drifter_wl110, im using 9.10 SE05:34
Fauntixand sorry05:34
Nighthawk82 hey guys how do i install a BIN file in ubuntu? as i'm new to linux and still learning05:35
Fauntix*coughs* scribe! please scratch that from the records. Thank you05:35
ae86-drifter_disappearedng, u would need to unlock it first with synaptic.05:35
airtonixNighthawk82, usually you chmod +x binfile.bin then run it by double cliking it or just $ ./binfile.bin05:35
wl110Nighthawk82: open terminal, cd /home/user/directory/file, sudo chmod +x *.bin, then ./*.bin05:35
disappearedngae86-drifter_ you see, I want BOTH 3.6 and 3.5, cause googlegears doesnt work on 3.605:35
ae86-drifter_disappearedng, well i dont know then.. sorry lol..05:36
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wl110can someone help me get my compaq wl110 wireless card working on ubuntu (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398697)?05:37
okccan anyone tell me where can we get httrack icon after installing it?05:37
wl110okc: try in terminal a 'find / -name httrack' and then cd to it and ./httrack05:38
FauntDr_Willis, sorry had to restart05:38
wl110okc: you might want to ls httrack the /usr/bin directory first (probably there)05:39
diablo-sghey guys05:39
wl110!jp | hong05:39
ubottuhong: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい05:39
wl110!hi | diablo-sg05:40
ubottudiablo-sg: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:40
okcwl110:ok....its nearly at the end of installation..after that  will ping u..:)05:40
Nighthawk82airtonix:  all i got was05:41
wl110okc: that won't work as you'll hit the gateway to my ISP05:41
FloodBot3Nighthawk82: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
* diablo-sg made some linux/ubuntu sticker using my deskjet xD05:41
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wl110can someone help me get my compaq wl110 wireless card working on ubuntu (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398697)?05:42
owen1i try to use update-rc.d <script_name> defaults  but I don't see my script running at boot. any ideas?05:42
intokis there a way to force clear items from the tmp folder without restarting? flash keeps crapping out and leaving vids behind that can't be deleted, trashing and tossing them doesn't free up the space they're taking up05:42
owen1(and it's executable, 700)05:42
diablo-sghow to setup a VPN server on ubuntu?05:42
Dr_Willisowen1:  you got the script in the proper location?05:43
owen1Dr_Willis: in /etc/init.d05:43
wtfpeoplewtfwhere can I get more themes?05:43
plustaxIm having an issue. My sound is clicking. All I hear are small clicking noises.05:43
ae86-drifter_could somebody PLEASE help me with this one?? -- first off, i had a grub error, so i booted a live cd, then gparted showed my ext4 partition as unallocated, i rebooted again and used grub to manually chainload the win7 partition and i managed to repair the ext4 partition with paragon partition manager, so now i had full access to the ext4 partition again, but, then i loaded up gparted again and my main ntfs partition is now "unallo05:44
ae86-drifter_cated" and my recovery partition shows bad MFT05:44
wtfpeoplewtfand does anyone know how to install itunes on here WINE is not working correctly...05:44
xanguawtfpeoplewtf: from 'gnome look' you can get themes05:44
wl110diablo-sg: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNServer?highlight=%28vpn%2905:44
ZykoticK9!art | wtfpeoplewtf05:44
ubottuwtfpeoplewtf: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:44
ae86-drifter_i have everything now backed up with photorec i would just reinstall, but my laptop has a recovery partition which is the only copy of windows 7 i have. i am dual booting only ever used windows to play games on, i updated my GFX driver on win7 one day and this happened...05:44
xanguawtfpeoplewtf: there are nice and native player for linux05:45
FauntDr_Willis, hey can Winehq run drivers?05:45
wtfpeoplewtfam i able to sync it up to my itouch?05:45
k0d3g3ardiablo-sg:  OpenVPN05:46
plustaxIm having an issue. My sound is clicking. All I hear are small clicking noises.05:46
plustaxhow to fix this?05:46
diablo-sgok let me try tat05:46
owen1Dr_Willis: btw, should i be able  to run update-rc.d without sudo?05:46
wl110diablo-sg: yeah, its the easiest i found, not really much easier program than that page (using openvpn)05:46
ekim1is there any program that will let me listen to my WMA music files?05:47
xanguaekim1: do you have already installed restricted-extras¿05:47
ZykoticK9Faunt, it's just called wine, winehq is the site, and no it doesn't usually do drivers05:47
FauntDr_Willis, ok i downloaded ventrilo and i cant find how to run it05:47
FauntZykoticK9, sry05:48
okcekim1:go to gstreamer version of 10...05:48
ekim1xangua:  yes, I think so as they show up under add/remove software.05:48
wl110can someone help me get my compaq wl110 wireless card working on ubuntu (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398697)?05:48
ZykoticK9Faunt, FYI "push to talk" is not going to work in vent05:48
xanguaekim1: if you have already done that try to restart your session ;)05:48
Faunthow do i talk then?05:49
ZykoticK9Faunt, something along the lines of "wine ventrilo_install.exe" should work from cli, or double click the exe in Nautilus05:49
tonhello ^^05:49
gasullHi all.  I used System->Preferences->Display to add a external monitor and now my laptop starts without X Windows.  How can I fix it?  Thank you in advance.05:49
ZykoticK9Faunt, i'm not really sure - i just know that the lack of "push to talk" is very unfortunate with Vent/wine05:49
ZykoticK9Faunt, i don't use Vent myself...05:50
xangua(23:45:12) Faunt: Dr_Willis, hey can Winehq run drivers? -no, you can install windows drivers in linux (sic) :S05:50
wl110Faunt: ventrillo has a beta version for linux: http://www.ventrilo.com/dlprod.php?id=30105:50
Dr_WillisFaunt:  wine basics... 'wine programname.exe'05:50
tondoes anyone know how i might connect camera thru s-video?05:50
FauntZykoticK9, what VOIP do you use.... mangler doesnt have pchats05:50
ekim1xangua:  I plug in my zune and it asks to start Rythmbox but no music is shown.05:50
ZykoticK9Faunt, VOIP i use Skype05:51
ekim1okc: what is gstreamer?05:51
owen1Dr_Willis: if i try without sudo i get: error: unable to read /etc/init.d/finch_listener at /usr/sbin/update-rc.d line 174.05:51
Fauntbut i need to connect to a vent server for work05:51
FauntZykoticK9, but i need to connect to a vent server for work05:51
wl110ton: most s-videos on computers are video out (meaning not inputs)05:51
xanguaekim1: you haven't restarted your session, do you¿05:51
ZykoticK9Faunt, Vent works (except for the Push-to-Talk part)05:51
Fauntneed to voice chat too lol05:52
gasullplease, any help with restoring my X Window system?05:52
FauntZykoticK9, too much background noise to use voice activated05:52
ZykoticK9Faunt, what's the other popular game-chat program called?05:52
tonwl110 >_< that means impossible?05:52
airtonixZykoticK9, recommend using the native linux client for ventrilo05:52
okcekim1:it includes all the plugins to play video or audio files...05:52
ekim1xangua: yes, I was trying this last night and I have restarted linux and restarted the zune.05:52
Faunti dont know... the one i am using currently?05:52
FauntZykoticK9, i use vent for work not game05:53
airtonixZykoticK9, but if you can convince your friends to use another group voip server i recommend mumble05:53
Dr_Willisowen1:  checjk permissions/ownership comapred to other scripts  in init.d  i would suggest05:53
wl110ton: for the most part yeah, its the internal circuitry that is built to only output05:53
ZykoticK9Faunt, see airtonix suggestion above :)05:53
tonwl110: blech.... work around? Like maybe connect to tv and then computer?05:53
nutrixhow to update firefox in ubuntu ?05:53
SaurabhCan anyone give me idea, how to upgrade ubuntu ????05:53
FauntAirtonix, I cant move over 1k-5k people to a different program05:53
ZykoticK9Faunt, TeamSpeak - that's what i was thinking of - it has linux client/server05:53
tonwl110: wait, that wouldn't make any sense either...05:54
airtonixFaunt, mumble is same if not better audio quality than ventrilo, but has better latency performance05:54
ekim1okc: when I checked add/remove software and type it in for a search, it shows up with a checkmark as it is already installed.05:54
wl110gasull: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:54
FauntAirtonix, especially just to accomedate one person05:54
BHoward@saurbh what do you mean?05:55
thovenekim1: install ubuntu-restricted-extras from ubuntu software center and that should fix your problem05:55
jamiehow do i open this ? "perlbox-voice.install"05:55
jamieit says shell script as file type05:55
jamiebut it wont open.05:55
airtonix!enter > jamie05:55
ubottujamie, please see my private message05:55
ZykoticK9jamie, "sh perlbox-voice.install"05:55
ae86-drifter_chmod -x filename; ./filename05:55
ekim1thoven: I have installed them and it shows up as installed but still doesnt play them.05:55
wl110can someone help me get my compaq wl110 wireless card working on ubuntu (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398697)?05:56
ae86-drifter_chmod +x filename; ./filename i mean05:56
Dr_Willisnutrix:  theres stable firefox PPA repos you can add to get the latest stable FF versions05:56
thovengo to rhythmbox.> preferences >playback options change it to mp3 instead off ogg, see if that help.05:57
nutrixppa ?05:58
okcekim1:check whether all the plugins related to gstreamer are installed or not?05:58
gasullwl110: thanks, but it didn't work05:58
FraxtilWhat's the standard method for letting multiple programs use sound at the same time?05:58
airtonixFaunt, i'd think about suggesting it, mumble servers are going to be cheaper to run05:58
Fraxtilmpd always says /dev/dsp is busy.05:58
jamiewait so i put "chmod +x perlbox-voice.install; ./filename perlbox-voice.install05:58
airtonixjamie, no05:58
ekim1okc: it looks like it from the add/remove area when searched05:59
jamiehelp sorry, please05:59
wl110gasull: i'll look around some more05:59
owen1Dr_Willis: i changed it to 755 and now i get: update-rc.d: symlink: Permission denied05:59
airtonixjamie, are you in ther terminal ? are you in the same directory as the perlbox-voice.install ?05:59
skydromethe default way to paste into a putty screen is using middle button correct?05:59
jamieI don't think so its inside my downloads folder05:59
jamiehow would i direct it there?05:59
airtonixjamie, ok open the folder containing the file... right click on it and go to the permissions tab06:00
ZykoticK9jamie, the easiest thing is "sh perlbox-voice.install" - alt way is "chmod +x perlbox-voice.install && ./perlbox-voice.install"06:00
wl110gasull: in the future, always make a backup copy of /etc/X11/xorg.conf by sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak06:00
airtonixjamie, down the bottom of the permissions tab you should see a checkbox "allow this file to execute" or similar.06:00
Nighthawk82Can i use my Ipod touch 8GB on ubuntu and access everything like i would on windows if so what is the app i use?06:00
okcekim1:yeah from there only ..see u have installed this or not...Gstreamer ffmpeg video plugin...if not installit06:00
jamieyes it is checked06:00
airtonixNighthawk82, not if its touched a itunes906:00
gasullwl110:  Thanks.  It's weird that I don't see any errors with ctrl + alt + F8.  And yes, I should have done a backup.06:01
Nighthawk82ok so if i was to restore it then and then have it come to linux it could work is that the only way?06:01
wl110gasull: why don't you move the xorg.conf to xorg.conf.bad and then run that command again; its worth a shot06:01
airtonixjamie, ok to makes things easier to work with the terminal i suggest you install nautilus-open-terminal06:02
jamiewhen i try "sh perlbox-voice.install" it says cant open.06:02
ZykoticK9jamie, are you in the same directory as the file?06:02
airtonixjamie, try this instead :  ./perlbox-voice.install06:02
wl110gasull: then this command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:02
ekim1okc: all plugins are installed.06:02
jamie'No such file or directory" :(06:03
airtonixjamie, when you opened the terminal did you do this ? : cd ~/Downloads06:03
jamieNO lol06:03
jamieI did now06:03
airtonixjamie, :) its the reason why i suggested you install nautilus-open-terminal (it automates that step for you when you right click somewhere in nautilius)06:03
airtonix'!info nautilus-open-terminal06:04
skydromeno one uses putty linux?06:04
airtonix!info nautilus-open-terminal06:04
ubottunautilus-open-terminal (source: nautilus-open-terminal): nautilus plugin for opening terminals in arbitrary local paths. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-1 (karmic), package size 46 kB, installed size 836 kB06:04
wl110can someone help me get my compaq wl110 wireless card working on ubuntu (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398697)?06:04
airtonixjamie, you might also find nautilus-gksu very handy06:04
gasullwl110: renaming the xorg file fixed it.  Thanks a lot!!!06:05
wl110skydrome: to paste alternatively, you can right click in the terminal area of the ssh'ed computer06:05
RoastedI have MANY icon sets installed. Both on my desktop and laptop. Everything works 100% on my desktop, but my laptop does NOT change the firefox icon. It always stays default. What the... ?!?!?!06:05
jamieOkay ,sorry for me being so slow. How do I get to nautilus?06:05
DaemonFCis there a PPA with Catalyst 10.1 in it somewhere?06:05
wl110gasull: no problem, glad to help06:05
jamieI'm still having troubles with this dang file.06:05
airtonixjamie, nautilus is the file manager in ubuntu ... so opening any folder from the desktop or the places menu will mean you are using nautilus06:05
gasullwl110:  thanks a lot :-)06:05
wl110skydrome: *left click* i mean, sorry06:05
wl110skydrome: one of the two06:05
jamieahh i see06:06
skydromewl110, doesnt work06:06
wl110skydrome: i have it installed, let me take a look06:06
ekim1okc: any other ideas!06:06
airtonixjamie, is this where you got the file ? >> http://perlbox.sourceforge.net/pbtk/06:07
wl110skydrome: middle click works for me (the wheel on the mouse)06:07
skydromeok thats my problem, my middle button is broken06:07
wl110skydrome: try ctrl+shift+ins06:08
Dr_WillisRoasted:  i noticed that depending on what firefox PPA repo i was using the icon may or may not be changed as prt of the theme06:08
airtonixskydrome, trying to paste text into terminal ? ctrl shift v06:08
okcekim1:havent u installed GStreamer?06:08
wl110airtonix: its different in putty for linux06:08
BlackDalekhow do I turn off the drum sound when the log in screen pops up?06:08
skydromewl110, yes that works, can that be configured?06:09
RoastedDr_Willis, well, maybe that helps... Im using the regular firefox install from the 9.10 that came default on my laptop. on my desktop I have the PPA for 3.606:09
airtonixskydrome, any reason why you are using putty and not the default ssh client ?06:09
Dr_WillisBlackDalek:  i saw a gdm2 config tool (not in the repos) That did that. i may have it bookmarked at http://delicious/dr_willis/ under the gdm or gdm2 tags06:09
brandon_hi everyone can i have terminal run as my part of my desktop?06:09
airtonixbrand0n, have a look at tilda06:09
wl110skydrome: not to my knowledge, unless you compile putty from source and change that before compile somewhere in the code06:09
Dr_Willisbrandon_:  claify what you mean.06:09
airtonix!info tilda | brand0n06:09
ubottubrand0n: tilda (source: tilda): terminal emulator with first person shooter console likeness. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.6-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 79 kB, installed size 588 kB06:09
ekim1okc: yes, they all show up as installed.06:09
skydromeok thank you06:09
BlackDalekok thanks06:10
owen1Dr_Willis: i tried again with sudo but still it's not running after reboot06:10
xanguaDr_Willis Roasted try 'ubuntuzilla' for use the latest STABLE version of firefox (aka 3.6)06:10
Dr_Willisowen1:  i rarely mess with  service scripts. so no idea.06:10
airtonixbrandon_, that message i sent for brand0n was for you06:10
Dr_WillisThers getting to be so many different PPA's for ff its scary06:10
wl110skydrome: also, other programs use that as past (old linux command), so if your stuck, like in vi, try ctrl+shift+ins06:10
Dr_WillisI noticed teh Daily build PPA had a different icon then the Stable PPA i was using.06:10
okcekim1:tell me players u have?It wil be played even if you have mplayer.06:10
owen1Dr_Willis: np. thanks06:11
Dr_Willisowen1:  for a simple serice/command you could just use /etc/rc.local06:11
wl110can someone help me get my compaq wl110 wireless card working on ubuntu (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398697)?06:11
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nutrixhow to use torrentflux06:11
airtonix!find torrentflux06:11
ubottuFound: torrentflux06:11
okcwl110:can u tell me how t use this httrack..?06:12
brandon_dr_willis i have conky running on the desktop not in a window can i do that with terminal also?06:12
owen1Dr_Willis: how do i use it?06:12
jamieShoot, I can't find the program I just installed , it's not in submenus.06:12
airtonixnutrix, have you looked here yet ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TorrentFlux06:12
RaystonHaving an issue with my resolution stuck at 800x600 on my Acer Aspire laptop with Intel Graphics card, pretty sure I need to edit my xorg.conf but I do not really know how, have posted info at launchpad https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+question/10017706:12
wl110okc: i haven't used it in many years, but the man httrack (then q to quit) should be a great starting point06:12
wl110!httrack | okc06:12
ZykoticK9jamie, what program was it?06:12
ekim1okc: players?  not sure what you mean.  I have a zune and trying to use rhythmbox.06:12
airtonixRayston, unless you are using older version of ubuntu (pre 8.10) xorg.conf wont do much i fear06:13
okcwl110:i typed the command ./httrack in terminal06:13
wl110okc: in terminal, you can try 'man httrack' or ./httrack --help06:13
rwwairtonix, Rayston: Newer versions of Ubuntu still respect an xorg.conf file if it's present, they just don't create one by default.06:13
robtmranyone know what it means if my boot fails with "udevd-work[675]: 'devkit-disks-part-id /dev/.tmp-block-179:1' unexpected exit with status 0x0007"   ?06:14
gasullI cannot watch movies in my laptop since 2 months ago or so.  So long ago that I've kind of given up.  Youtube and embedded videos work, but MPlayer plays only the audio of the movie, not the video.  Any ideas what can be wrong?  Thank you in advance.06:14
airtonixjamie, not all programs create gnome menu entries. your first step would be to find its binary files using the locate command in the terminal06:14
airtonixjamie, is this where you got the file ? >> http://perlbox.sourceforge.net/pbtk/06:14
zealotthis channel is +c06:14
Dr_Willisbrandon_:  ive seen it done in the past. used to be called 'root terminals' or somthing like that. not running a terminal.. but a 'root window level terminal' ie: at the lowest level06:15
zealotthats highly racial06:15
ZykoticK9gasull, from a cli try "mplayer -vo x11 FILE" and/or "mplayer -vo gl FILE" and see if either work06:15
wl110robtmr: what is your computer's architecture; udevd's latest version doesn't work with arm architecture06:15
Raystonairtronix, rww:yeah, its definitely created at this point, using vesa driver, I would think it should use the i915, tried just changing it to that in the xorg.conf, as well as i810 and intel, never fixes it but makes it worse06:15
zealotand it is not the ubuntu way06:15
airtonix!troll > zealot06:15
ubottuzealot, please see my private message06:15
Dr_Willisowen1:  rc.local is just a script you add commands to.. much easier then doing a service06:15
okcekim1:try another players like vlc..Hope this will help for sure!!06:15
robtmrwl110: yeah, it's arm - what are my other options?06:15
superbee"which" is also useful06:15
Dr_Willisekim1:  vlc, mplayer, xbmc, enna, boxee, (boxxee?) moovida,  lets see what else.. :)06:16
ppaulhusHi, just wondering, when you set the hostname of a machine, do you include the domain?06:16
owen1Dr_Willis: interesting06:16
airtonixsuperbee, i assume you are talking to someone in particular ?06:16
gasullZykoticK9: yes, it works!06:16
wl110robtmr: i ran into your problem, so i reinstalled and never let it update udevd, but at the same time, i am currently blocked from upgrading software unless i 'sudo apt-get install program' individually to upgrade (n810 on ubuntu 9.10)06:16
ZykoticK9ppaulhus, careful if you are changing your hostname - be sure /etc/hosts is updated as well (or sudo might break)06:17
gasullZykoticK9:  why if I open the file in Nautilus it doesn't work?06:17
superbeeAirtonix being on Wirc has its cons, i just saw a message on locate in the terminal06:17
ZykoticK9gasull, which one worked?  x11 or gl?06:17
gasullZykoticK9: both06:17
ppaulhusZykoticK9: ok I will be... but is the hostname and domain a different thing? if my machine is one.bluesponge.com, should I just set hostname to 'one' ?06:18
zealotwell i actually need help06:18
zealoti had a kernel panic today06:18
ZykoticK9gasull, in nautilus right click a video file and goto Open With tab and check the settings there...06:18
airtonixsuperbee, :) i had an idea of who, but it helps alot to remove the ambiguity in such a large and fast moving channel.06:18
zealotlet me paste the machine code and see if you guys can make anything of it06:18
robtmrwl110: Do you think I could replace udevd without reinstalling? I have the filesystem on an SD card, so I can replace selective parts if necessary06:19
FloodBot3zealot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:19
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ZykoticK9ppaulhus, hostname and domain are different - i don't think you should put the domain in the hostname06:19
Raystonso anyone have any ideas how to fix my resolution problem, I would think that the problem is that the xorg.conf is pointing to vesa instead of my driver, but just changing that does not fix anything06:19
* airtonix headdesk06:19
superbeeZealot you best post the contents of your syslog then06:19
ppaulhusZykoticK9: and where exactly would i put the domain then?06:19
FloodBot3zealot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:19
rww!ops | zealot flooding and trolling06:19
ubottuzealot flooding and trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:19
FloodBot3zealot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:19
wl110robtmr: i left it broken on my n810, but in theory, if you have gcc/g++ installed, you could compile the older version of udevd from source06:20
ZykoticK9ppaulhus, i'm not sure, when i type "domainname" on my system it says "(none)" so i obviously don't have it set.  good luck man.06:20
wl110robtmr: this is a bug in ubuntu that has not been fixed and is a low priority (even though it feels like it completely breaks the system)06:20
SGottl7227does anyone know about ubuntu-light.. or u-lite.. i want to install flash06:21
FauntixOk i know this isnt an ubuntu question but I am looking for a IRC channel for D&D 3.5 people06:21
wl110can someone help me get my compaq wl110 wireless card working on ubuntu (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398697)?06:21
robtmrwl110: thanks - not sure about everyone else, but for me it completely breaks my system... I still can't boot it06:21
wl110robtmr: it boots fine on my end, i just have to install software individually; you may want to search how to chroot from a live ubuntu, that will get you into the system you can't boot into06:22
SGottl7227anyone know about u-lite.  I am trying to install flash player06:23
brandon_anyone use guake?06:23
ZiberWhen a network interface comes up, should "up ip -6 addr add" work to add routes/other addresses?06:24
gasullZykoticK9:  The settings in open with are Movie Player and Mplayer.  The both fail.  I don't understand why I can't use MoviePlayer/Totem06:24
superbeegOS? :-) anyone?06:24
celthunderZiber, to add routes put route add <routing info>06:24
superbeeGotta love that screenshot06:24
ZykoticK9gasull, i can't help with MoviePlayer/Totem -- i'm a hardcore mplayer guy for many years... sorry i'm no help06:24
ekim1Dr_Willis, vlc, xbmc, mplayer are not listed in ubuntu's add/remove when searched...06:24
Zibercelthunder: and other addresse?06:24
wl110robtmr: in the live ubuntu (or another linux on the same computer), to chroot, (http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-restore-grub-boot-loader-after-installing-windows.html), just don't reinstall grub in your case06:25
ZykoticK9ekim1, Add/Remove doesn't show all software, Synaptic the other GUI installer will06:25
atrusI can't get wireless in karmic to connect. I've got a network-manager/wpasupplicant log at: http://pastebin.ca/1788784 . What's the best way to get assistance with this?06:25
celthunderziber add an address with ifconfig.06:25
celthunderthe two are seperate routes and addresses06:25
superbeeZykotick what happens when you do mplayer filename06:26
okcekim1:If not found get them installed...by 'apt-get install vlc' in terminal06:26
Zibercelthunder: i want a bunch of addresses to be added when a certain interface is activated... how can i do that?06:26
Dr_Willisekim1:  add the proper repos, and google for the ppas for others06:26
wl110can someone help me get my compaq wl110 wireless card working on ubuntu (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398697)?06:26
Dr_Willisekim1:  boxee is a downloadble one. and enna - both have some neat features06:26
gasullZykoticK9:  Mplayer doesn't work from Nautilus.  I guess I need the custom command.06:26
superbeeWhats the error you get on the console06:26
ZykoticK9gasull, if you're adding "mplayer" to open with be sure you are using "mplayer -vo gl" as the custom command06:27
gasullZykoticK9:  Should I use x11 or gl?06:27
okcekim1:if u want it through gui goto System-->administration-->Synaptic manager and serch for vlc 'apply' to get it installed06:27
ZykoticK9gasull, gl!06:27
gasullZykoticK9: OK06:27
almoxarifecompiz won't startup when the system is loaded, I can loaded it once I am in a gdm session though, when I run 'compiz' from terminal it loads with all my settings in place, how do I repair it so that it starts from startup?06:27
ZykoticK9gasull, x11 "probably" doesn't go fullscreen, you can test/check if you want06:27
wl110atrus: you could always try an alternative network-manager, such as wicd, then switch back to default if that doesn't work (wicd.sourceforge.net)06:27
superbeeMplayer+gui launch=reduced performance06:28
ekim1Dr_Willis, the files that I need to listen to or convert are WMA files, not WMV like I thought...my bad.06:28
atruswl110: wicd doesn't support simultaneous wireless/wifi connections :/06:28
superbeeUse it like it was meant to be used, from the termy06:28
atruswl110: er, wired/wifi rather06:28
wl110atrus: u trid the latest version 1.7?06:29
r15hi all,06:29
atruswl110: no, should I?06:29
wl110atrus: here is the change log: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wicd/files/wicd-stable/wicd-1.7.0/NEWS/view06:29
r15i have a laptop, only with one partition and one recovery partition06:29
ZykoticK9superbee, i didn't notice you messaged me (got my nic wrong, use tab key - MUCH easier) - i'm not the one having the issue gasull is06:29
Raystoncan anyone help me with my resolution issue? details at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+question/10017706:29
gasullZykoticK9:  Well, it works with mplayer -vo gl.  I guess this is enough.  Can I ask why do you prefer mplayer over totem?06:29
r15i want to install ubuntu on it,06:29
atruswl110: also, it doesn't support notifying applications of what's happening via dbus like network-manager does.06:29
wl110atrus: see if it was added from the last version you tried06:29
almoxarifecompiz won't startup when the system is loaded, I can loaded it once I am in a gdm session though, when I run 'compiz' from terminal it loads with all my settings in place, how do I repair it so that it starts from startup?06:30
soreaualmoxarife: Install simple-ccsm and select Custom in Sys>Prefs>Appearance>Visual Effects tab06:30
r15basically, could you please tell me some tool to compress existing 99GB partition and make free space to make it dual boot?06:30
ZykoticK9gasull, i prefer mplayer over everything, it's the most powerful linux media player (not the most user friendly, but certainly the most powerful)06:30
almoxarifesoreau: thnks06:30
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superbeeI'm using WIRc from my phone, no tab keys here06:30
wl110atrus: i know wicd is the only one with cli access, maybe dub access might be possible through that port (since 1.6)06:30
kosharir15 is the partition full?06:31
gasullZykoticK9:  define "powerful" :-)  Do you mean that it opens more file formats?  Or that it's faster?06:31
SGottl7227does anyone know about ubuntu-lite..flash player install?06:31
r15koshari: no i have plenty of free space on C drive06:31
superbeeLol userfriendliness can be debated.06:31
ZykoticK9wl110, you've been in the channel the last few nights with the same issue haven't you?06:31
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ouyes how to install man pages in ubuntu :-)06:31
eyinovahi i need irc client texmode sock soported.Help!06:32
atruswl110: nothing about dual access in wicd. i'd really just like to get network-manager working, since that's what's supposed to work in ubuntu. or does everyone just use wicd?06:32
kosharir15 therefore you want gparted, as always back up any omportant data before using partitioning tools06:32
wl110ZykoticK9: yes06:32
atruswl110: nothing in its changelog anyways.06:32
r1599 GB partition with only windows fresh installed06:32
ZykoticK9gasull, it will both play and encode anything i throw at it -- you can change outputs like we did with the -vo switch, it also supports Nvidia accelerated video vdpau06:32
wl110atrus: its fixed many's errors, but you seem to need network-manager for specific reasons06:32
superbeeeyinova: google weechat06:32
kosharir15 you will need to run it from a live session06:33
eyinovahi i need irc client linux console,not webchat06:33
ZykoticK9wl110, your wireless doesn't work right?06:33
atruswl110: it's just annoying that network-manager never seems to work where wicd always does, just with a reduced feature set, and annoying interface :/06:33
ZykoticK9wl110, oh are you using wicd?06:33
heliordanybody knowledgeable about ubuntu's initrd? I installed ubuntu but it doesn't boot correctly06:33
toneyinova, what exactly do you mean?06:33
eyinovahi i need irc client linux console,not webchat with soported sock and firewall06:33
wl110Zykotick9: it doesn't work because it detects the hardware as TI, not Compaq06:33
gasullZykoticK9:  OK.  Thanks a lot.  Can I mess my system if I uninstall totem now?06:33
superbeeI said "weechat" NOT webchat.06:33
r15koshari: rightnow i am from a live ubuntu dvd itself06:34
wl110ZykoticK9: in any network manager06:34
toneyinova you are ON irc, no?06:34
r15/exec /bin/uname -a06:34
eyinovayes irss06:34
ZykoticK9gasull, easier to leave it, but no it won't mess anything up by removing it (i have post-install scripts that i run on my system which does remove it)06:34
r15Linux ubuntu 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux06:34
kosharir15 system > admin partition editor06:34
pyr0pathhey i got a problem everytime i use the -Make- command i get an error. any ideas?06:34
kosharir15 system > admin > partition editor06:34
ZykoticK9wl110, right now are you using NM or WICD - i can't help with WICD at all...06:35
eyinovabut not have socks soported06:35
wl110ZykoticK9: NM using a different wireless card (have to wifi cards)06:35
r15got it koshari: partition editor just opening06:35
eyinovai need solutions avanced comunications06:35
heliordIs there a way to rebuild the initrd from a live session?06:36
ZykoticK9wl110, could you pastebin the output of "lspci | grep -i network"06:36
heliordand if so, how can I configure which modules get included?06:36
Omen_20Could someone please tell me why there are drivers on the live cd, but no way of getting to install? I can see the drivers for my wireless if in the live cd, yet not when i boot and have the cd in the drive. WTF?!06:36
roscoi fired up lubuntu last night.  very short on app's.  not even irc app.06:36
koshariheliord it would be a waste of time because on reboot it would load the one on the image again06:36
blakkheimrosco: so.. install what you want06:36
wl110ZykkoticK9: that says my Intel 2200BG is working fine (nothing about the compaq wl110 attached)06:37
roscocouldn't figure out how to install it either06:37
xanguaOmen_20: use synaptic to install software from the cd/dvd06:37
blakkheimrosco: "it"?06:37
heliordkoshari, I've got an installed ubuntu that I'm hoping to modify06:37
ZykoticK9!tab > wl11006:37
ubottuwl110, please see my private message06:37
heliordkoshari, I installed it but it doesn't boot06:37
roscoright, clicking on the "install lubuntu" ?  nothing happens06:37
koshariheliord whats actually the problem06:37
wl110Zykotick9: no tab access on my irc client06:37
ZykoticK9wl110, lspci will tell me what chipset is in the card06:37
blakkheimrosco: just use regular ubuntu (or minimal iso) and then install lxde06:37
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heliordkoshari, I just installed ubuntu, but the initrd it gave me doesn't have md support available, so it can't find /06:38
ZykoticK9wl110, tab for IRC, you got my nic wrong above thus no highlight for me, plus saves you the trouble of typing it out06:38
koshariheliord boot without quiet mode and see if oyu can isolate the culprit06:38
heliordkoshari, (I installed on a raid1)06:38
wl110Zykotick9: 01:03.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI1410 PC card Cardbus Controller (rev 02)06:38
ZykoticK9wl110, what irc client are you using (let me guess pidgin)06:38
roscoinstall ubuntu 9.1.  i've only run live version.  i'll be asked for either full or minimal version?06:38
wl110Zykotick9: irssi06:39
ZykoticK9wl110, ok i'm going to ask you again could you pastebin "lspci | grep -i network"06:39
wl110!pastebin | wl11006:39
ZykoticK9wl110, that T.I. is NOT a network card06:39
ubottuwl110, please see my private message06:39
koshariheliord whats the module you want to add to initrd06:40
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roscoantoher question - if i put mint on one partition, say, ubuntu or xubuntu on another, and puppy on yet another, will the speed be decreased?06:40
ZykoticK9rosco, nope06:40
heliordkoshari, raid106:40
Omen_20xangua, ok i tell it to add the cd and then it does, and nothing. I see nothing.06:40
wl110Zykotick9: http://paste.ubuntu.com/370749/06:41
roscostupid question - if i start mint, where all my stuff is stored, it will be there.  if i start xubuntu, it won't be there, etc?06:41
koshariheliord can you boot into failsafe on the install?06:41
ZykoticK9wl110, and you have 2 wireless cards "right" now?06:41
Dr_Willisrosco:   depends on how you got the 2 installed.06:42
superbeeI want to help YOU! :-)06:42
wl110Zykotick9: correct06:42
Dr_Willisrosco:  each disrto can have its own /home/ location06:42
koshariheliord heres how i added a module to initramfs a while agon BUT i did it from the session in question, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81012506:42
Omen_20Marking upgrades does nothing as well. This is easily the dumbest thing I've seen Ubuntu do yet.06:42
wl110Zykotick9: and it was in when i ran those commands (powered on fine)06:43
heliordkoshari, I can try that, but I'd have to reboot out of the live session I'm in06:43
Omen_20Put drivers on a disc, show them to u, yet do absolutely nothing with them.06:43
roscoDr_Willis: hello.06:43
HTT-Birddoes someone know if there's a backport package somewhere? anywhere? for nexuiz 2.5.x to Jaunty?06:43
koshariheliord iam not a fan of raid these days anyrate06:44
heliordI was hoping I could chroot into the installation from the live session and fix something from out here06:44
drekii need to access files shared from a windows vista machine on the local windows network, i have tried to accesss  the files with the network browser that comes with ubuntu, but it hasnt worked, im running ubuntu 9.10. can anyone help me?06:44
Dr_WillisHTT-Bird:  look for PPA repos also06:44
ZykoticK9wl110, are you "johndoe32102002"06:44
roscoDr_Willis: i'll install side by side i guess.  is there a way to install them so that resources for whichever is running are maximized?06:44
wl110ZykoticK9: yes06:44
=== superbee is now known as dandylionthebee
Dr_Willisrosco:  set them to use the same /home/ partion and use same usernames on each. but i dont see the need to have both installed.06:44
Dr_Willisrosco:  you can install xubuntu-desktop packatge and just use the login manager to pick what one to use06:45
ae86-drifter_could somebody PLEASE help me with this one?? -- first off, i had a grub error, so i booted a live cd, then gparted showed my ext4 partition as unallocated, i rebooted again and used grub to manually chainload the win7 partition and i managed to repair the ext4 partition with paragon partition manager, so now i had full access to the ext4 partition again, but, then i loaded up gparted again and my main ntfs partition is now "unallo06:45
ae86-drifter_cated" and my recovery partition shows bad MFT06:45
stopmvhi where is the location of rhythm media player plugins06:45
r15koshari: in GUI i am not able to resize beyond 8 MB :(06:45
ae86-drifter_i have everything now backed up with photorec i would just reinstall, but my laptop has a recovery partition which is the only copy of windows 7 i have. i am dual booting only ever used windows to play games on, i updated my GFX driver on win7 one day and this happened...06:45
=== dandylionthebee is now known as superbee
roscoDr_Willis: of leave mint on and decide which to use along with puppy, mint will hold files i'm using.  i've backed them up, just wouldn't want to have to move them around06:46
kosharir15 how do you mean?06:46
roscotoo much time.  and i just did that last week06:46
drekii need to access files shared from a windows vista machine on the local windows network, i have tried to accesss  the files with the network browser that comes with ubuntu, but it hasnt worked, im running ubuntu 9.10. can anyone help me?06:46
heliordAh, haha, raid1 is there, commented out, as an example06:46
r15i opened partition editor06:46
Dr_Willisrosco:  i dont see much need to use Mint at all these days06:47
kosharir15 yes06:47
r15and i can see first 99GB partition06:47
r15selected and clicked on resize06:47
r15resize/move section06:47
candy_how to video chat through empathy or pidgin??06:47
ZykoticK9wl110, this is a PCMCIA card correct?  do you know if dmesg gives any messages when you plug it it at all?  know what i'm talking about or would you like me to give some directions?06:47
heliordSo I can just run update-initramfs and reboot? It is asking for -c -u or -d06:48
stopmvhi where is the location of rhythm media player plugins06:48
candy_is it possible video chat through msn or yahoo account via pidgin or empathy?? anybody??06:48
wl110Zykotick9: yes, correct; don't kknow if dmesg registers it, but the TI interface shows in network-manager; go ahead and give me the dmesg command you want me to run06:48
r15trying to move with cursor, as well as MB size but it's not letting me resize beyond 8 mb06:48
HTT-BirdDr_Willis: it WAS in the Games PPA, but it isn't any longer06:49
r15Also tried with entering new size but new size is not accepted by the partitioner06:49
HTT-BirdDr_Willis: there was also a private PPA hosting it, but it appears that I need a Launchpad account to get at that one06:49
HTT-BirdPlaydeb also has it06:49
HTT-Birdbut how do I get Playdeb to just let me download a .deb file? :p06:49
jcgr15: Is partition mounted?06:49
kosharir15 what are the min and max sizes it states?06:49
Dr_Willistheres also that one tool like a GPL steam called DJL or DLJ that might have it06:50
Dr_WillisHTT-Bird:  never heard of playdeb. so no idea06:50
r15no it's not mounted06:50
heliordkoshari, ok, updated initrd, thanks for the pointer, I'll see if this works now06:50
ZykoticK9wl110, remove the wl110 from your system - "dmesg" shows all kernel messages, type dmesg in a terminal and see what the bottom looks like, open a 2nd terminal - plug the wl110 into the computer, wait 10 seconds and type dmesg again -- does anything change?06:50
ZykoticK9wl110, it would be ideal if you could pastebin the 2nd dmesg (if possible)06:51
HTT-BirdDr_Willis: do you think I could grab the packages from Karmic manually? the deps don't look too onerous, yet...06:51
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toastedmilkI'm getting a glxinfo error06:51
kosharir15 what are the min and max sizes it states?06:51
r15Min= 101465 , Max=10146506:51
Dr_WillisHTT-Bird:  no idea.  i never mixx them.. may be easier to compile06:52
newwarriorhi everybody06:52
candy_video chat in via pidgin or empathy?? anybody help??06:52
HTT-BirdI'd use prevu, but it blows up on derivative distros (such as Mint)06:52
newwarriori have a little question. i have some movies that i bought by itunes(at this time i have win), how could i watch it under linux06:52
Dr_Willisyet another reason to stick to ubuntu, and not derrivitives06:53
r15koshari: Min =101465, Max=101473 MB06:53
shawnboymarnold: thanks for your help earlier. I didn't do ssh-agent, but I tried it with dsa & got same hiccup. After searching, I'm convinced my SSH probs are FreeNAS related. Pretty convoluted to set up compared to ubuntu.06:53
shawnboymarnold: anyway... just wanted to let you know.06:53
wl110Zykotick9: okay, i will copy all that relates to eth2 (the card) to a pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/370755/06:54
newwarriori have a little question. i have some movies that i bought by itunes(at this time i have win), how could i watch it under linux06:54
HTT-BirdDr_Willis: well, missing prevu isn't a huge deal06:54
HTT-BirdI can do what it does by hand :p (I've done the equivalent operation on Debian once or twice)06:54
xanguanewwarrior: copy them to your linux partition¿ navigate on windows partition from linux¿06:54
wl110Zykotick9: looks like this is the error: eth2: Cannot find firmware agere_sta_fw.bin06:55
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa
xanguacandy_: pidgin & empathy support voice and video for jabber06:55
kosharir15 you dont have windows using a dynamic partition do you?06:55
ubottujabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM.  Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Pidgin, Gajim, and Empathy (GNOME), bitlbee (cli/irc).  For more info see http://www.jabber.org/06:55
bashcahi there06:55
newwarriorxangua: i have now windows partition06:55
ZykoticK9wl110, i'm looking at that same line !06:55
roscoDr_Willis: i will keep Mint b/c my files are on there.  transferring them again would take too much time.  as long as it wont' affect speed of OS i use, then kewl.06:55
bashcaany help please  ( usb 2-1: usbfs: process 2346 (usb_modeswitch) did not claim interface 0 before use06:55
ZykoticK9wl110, i'm also worried that it's showing up as eth2 instead of wlan006:55
candy_xangua, it also supports it for hotmail it seems, i don know. my fren use it.06:55
lonnieWhat's the best chat client to use for Ubuntu?06:56
xanguacandy_: no, it doesn't06:56
kosharilonnie whatever one you like best06:56
HTT-BirdZykoticK9: that's common, my broadcom did that for forever under Debian with wl_sta06:56
lonnieI don't know any.06:56
candy_xangua, any alternative??06:56
shawnboynewwarrior: have u tried playing the movie files?06:56
B3rz3rk3rlonnie, pidgin and empathy are most popular06:56
lonnieI'm using xchat for the first time, anyone like something else better?06:56
r15any idea?06:56
kosharilonnie pidgin, xchat, empathy06:56
xanguacandy_: use jabber¿06:56
HTT-Birdit's wlan0 now tho, but I'm one of those wacky guys with an LP-PHY, 2.6.32 kernel, and B43_FORCE_PIO enabled in his kernel06:57
r15koshari: any idea?06:57
Dr_WillisI like WeeChat :) version 0.3.0+06:57
marnoldshawnboy, your welcome and freenas is apperently not the most sane of projects so it wouldn't surprise me06:57
candy_xangua, can i talk to people in hotmail and yahoo with video from jabber id??06:57
HTT-Bird(on that box that is, aka my lappy, which runs Debian Squeeze)06:57
bashcathis  my   usb_modeswitch.conf  (  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1a771ff5    )06:57
g1erlonnie, if your up for a challenge, irssi06:57
kosharir15 iam guessing windows is using a dynamic partition, what version of windows?06:57
newwarriorshawnboy: yes, i have some audio files too and they work, but the movies, vlc don't play it and totem says that the files are crypted06:57
r15widows xp06:57
ZykoticK9HTT-Bird, doesn't that give Network Manager problems?  do the cards get wireless support?  i mean ethernet cards don't need SSIDs / WEP-WPA / sorta thing...06:57
r15koshari: it's widows xp06:58
lonniegler, why would it be worth a challenge?06:58
xanguacandy_: nop, you need an msn/yahoo account to talk to msn/yahoo contacts06:58
kosharir15 winxp didnt use dynamic partitions so that gues is scuttled,06:58
lonnieIs that what you use?06:58
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shawnboynewwarrior: I'm taking a stab as I have no 1st-hand experience with itunes stuff, but maybe avidemux or handbrake could convert to friendly format?06:58
candy_xangua, i dont have anybody in jabber. i want to connect visually and audio'lly to my people.. any suggestion??06:58
kosharir15 try doing a disk defrag in windows and empty recycle bin , temp dirs before so06:58
wl110Zykotick9: should i file a bug report somewhere, if so where?06:58
Dr_WillisItunes stuff BOUGHT from itunes - may have DRM that needs to be removed06:58
HTT-BirdZykoticK9: NM handled it quite fine06:58
xanguacandy_: skype¿¿ it works in linux, mac and windows06:59
ZykoticK9HTT-Bird, thanks06:59
r15ok koshari.06:59
r15i will need to reboot then06:59
kosharir15 sometheings telling gparted its using all the space06:59
HTT-Birdhmmm...anyone used getdeb/playdeb?06:59
g1erlonnie, some folks like the old school feel and the fact that you can use it without a window manager06:59
newwarriorshawnboy: handbrake say is crypted06:59
candy_xangua, i downloaded skype but couldnt install :-(06:59
marnoldmy last sentence had bad grammar in it. Oh No!06:59
shawnboynewwarrior: sorry, that was my best guess.06:59
ZykoticK9wl110, have a look in /lib/firmware - do you see agere_sta_fw.bin ?06:59
lonnieI see.06:59
Dr_Willisnewwarrior:  got to find a way to remove the drm then perhasop06:59
r15will update you on status, thanks a lot koshari for your support.07:00
xanguacandy_: download from where¿¿ you just have to double clic the .deb of the official skype web07:00
=== Guest81243 is now known as just
wl110Zykotick9: ls agere*07:00
wl110ls: cannot access agere*: No such file or directory07:00
newwarriorshawnboy: no problem, i will try it to find a way07:00
candy_xangua, i did and it says file may be corrupted or u dont have permission to open it (packet manager)07:00
m0nk3yanyone know how to keep your windows from going under the bottom panel on the latest version of gnome in Ubuntu 9.1007:01
lonniesudo apt-get install agave alarm-clock amarok amule aptoncd ardour audacity avidemux azureus banshee blender billard-gl bluefish bum cabextract cervisia cheese convertall creox devede dia-gnome dvdrip eclipse ekiga emma enblend expect fdupes festival festvox-kallpc16k festvox-kdlpc16k dvdstyler festvox-rablpc16k ffmpeg2theora filezilla fluidsynth fontforge freemind ghex gnochm gnotime gnucap gnucash gnuplot-doc gocr gstreamer0.107:01
lonnie0-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse grsync gtk-gnutella gtk-recordMyDesktop gtkam gtkpod gufw gwget hamster-applet helix-player hydrogen inkscape istanbul jamin jokosher k3b k9copy kdenlive kimagemapeditor kino koffice kompozer kttsd ktouch lame libavdevice-unstripped-52 libavutil-unstripped-49 libmad0 libmp3lame0 libmp3lame-dev libpostproc-unstripped-51 libswscale-07:01
lonnieunstripped-0 lilypond miro mixxx monodoc-browser monodoc-http monodevelop mozilla-mplayer mozilla-thunderbird mp3splt mp3wrap muse mysql-admin mysql-query-browser nautilus-actions nautilus-gksu nautilus-image-converter nautilus-script-audio-convert network-manager-vpnc nmap nmapsi4 openoffice.org-base p7zip-full parcellite patchage pdfedit pi pidgin-facebookchat pidgin-otr pitivi planner puredata putty pykaraoke qalculate quicks07:01
FloodBot3lonnie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:01
lonnieynergy quanta rapidsvn regexxer rosegarden scribus shutter soundconverter specto sshfs stopmotion streamtuner subcommander sunbird sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin stardict startupmanager subtitleeditor sweep synfig sysinfo terminator thoggen timemachine timidity tovidgui touchfreeze tracker transcriber tree ubuntu-edu-preschool ubuntu-edu-primary ubuntu-edu-secondary ubuntu-edu-tertiary umbrello unison-gtk vcdimag07:01
xanguacandy_: then you don't have an administrator account¿¿ ask you administrator to install it then07:01
g1ero.0 wtf07:01
newwarriorthere is a nother problem, when i want to play enemy territory i have no sound, but with urban terror there is sound, i have 64bit and pulse07:02
candy_xangua, i do have administrator account,07:02
drekii need to access files shared from a windows vista machine on the local windows network, i have tried to accesss  the files with the network browser that comes with ubuntu, but it hasnt worked, im running ubuntu 9.10. can anyone help me?07:02
ZykoticK9wl110, just covering the basics for a moment System / Admin / Hardware Drivers doesn't list anything while the card is plugged in does it?07:02
candy_xangua, can u suggest me command line??07:02
blakkheimnewwarrior: those last 5 words are probably why07:03
HTT-Birdlonny mixed this up with his terminal. :P07:03
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.07:03
stopmvhi, wherr is the location of rhythm media player plugins can't find it inside .gnome2 because there are no apps folders and also there are no rhythm folder07:03
wl110Zykotick9: no propietary drivers are in use07:03
newwarriorblakkheim: ?07:03
wl110Zykotick9: none are listed either07:03
heliordprogress, but not success07:05
heliordthe raid1 module was included in the initrd, but mdadm wasn't07:05
HTT-Birdapparently playdeb doesn't work for me either *sigh*07:06
lonnieOk, here is a list of all applications I install, after installing ubuntu. This one command will install everything I have installed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/370760/07:06
airtonixlonnie, i got to gtkpod and fell asleep. long lines are long.07:08
lonnieyeah, I thought it would wrap.07:08
HTT-Birdhey, does anyone know of an equivalent to gnome-do that doesn't need Mono/CLI?07:08
blakkheimHTT-Bird: gmrun07:08
airtonixHTT-Bird, nothing else does what gnome-do does.07:09
heliordAh, mdadm isn't even install in the system (that was installed on raid)07:09
ZykoticK9wl110, http://paste.ubuntu.com/370761/07:09
heliordclever of the installer, that :)07:09
wl110ZykoticK9: roger, will try that now07:10
valiumhey anyone here got samba and vscan for clam working?07:10
Dr_Willisvalium:  doing what exactly?07:11
`mOOse`k guys, I got one for ya - I just installed xubuntu on my hd and made a /boot partition, and a /home partition - update mgr wants to install 1500 mb of updates on my 30 mb boot partition - help!07:11
Dr_Willis`mOOse`:  you mean a  / and a /home partition?    and a /boot partition?07:11
Flannel`mOOse`: that likely wont be 1500MB on your /boot, it'll mostly go into your /07:12
MHz128Does anyone know how to capture RTMP streaming video using ubuntu tools?07:12
* unixalot has arrived07:12
valiumDr_Willis: well samba can use vfs plugin so that everytime a user requests a file it is scanned before being served.  Alternatively it passes files to clamav before saving them to a samba share07:12
`mOOse`yes a / and a /home07:12
allowoverridequestion - whats the best way to disable ipv6 at boot?07:12
Dr_Willisvalium:  sounds like yet another way to make samba even slower... :)07:12
newwarriorblakkheim: /exit07:13
unixalotallowoverride: for firefox? or what07:13
=== jacquesdupontd_ is now known as jacquesdupontd
allowoverrideunixalot: no07:13
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv407:13
okccan anyone help me in installing mozilla firefox 3.6 in ubuntu 9.1007:13
valiumDr_Willis :  samba is pretty quick if configured properly.  I have over 100 users and it is also a domain controller.  It works nicely.  But virus scanning is a bit issue - cant seem to get it going07:13
airtonixokc, not tried looking for the ppa yet ?07:13
allowoverridequestion - whats the best way to disable ipv6 at boot? ubuntu-server07:13
Dr_Willisvalium:  i toss around 20+GB of files back and forth too much. :) but not much point in virus scanning  my videos07:14
airtonixokc, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa07:14
okcairtonix: what is ppa?07:14
nomad77allowoverride:  edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and add blacklist ipv6 iirc07:14
`mOOse`Flannel, well, it wants to try to install it on boot07:15
airtonix!ppa > okc07:15
ubottuokc, please see my private message07:15
nomad77allowoverride:  if i recall correctly07:15
Flannel`mOOse`: really?  What message is it giving you?07:15
allowoverridenomad77: whats the iirc for?07:15
airtonixallowoverride, horrible internet slang that should be purged from the earth07:15
frankS2-rwxr-xr-x what perms is this in numbers?07:15
`mOOse`Flannel - here07:16
valiumDr_Willis: no you are right.  It does have the option of specifying extension types to exclude in real time scanning.07:16
`mOOse`Flannel, I have 25 gigs free07:17
wl110ZykoticK9: in NM, it showed wifi networks, but still called it TI hardware, and trying to connect to one crashed NM UI07:17
bashcaany help please  ( usb 2-1: usbfs: process 2346 (usb_modeswitch) did not claim interface 0 before use07:17
bashcathis  my   usb_modeswitch.conf  (  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1a771ff5    )07:17
Flannel`mOOse`: Huh.  Alright, try unchecking all of the updates and only installing the linux-image related ones07:17
`mOOse`you think that'll help somehow?07:17
ZykoticK9wl110, sorry man, i'm afraid your issue has beaten me...  i have no more ideas07:18
allowoverrideso i do not modify /lib/modules/~uname/modules.alias? but /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, as /etc/modprobe/aliases doesn't exist on this system.07:18
wl110ZykoticK9: that crashed NM when trying to connect to a network, but the card detected networks, just crashes NM and all my network connections07:18
wl110ZykoticK9: where should i leave a bug report?07:18
ZykoticK9wl110, have you previously tried wicd?  if so perhaps you should try it again?07:18
Flannel`mOOse`: It's worth a shot.  There's no reason those updates would install to /boot (at least some of them) so that message is making me think that's a bug in the UI or whatnot.07:18
Flannel`mOOse`: You could also try doing it from the command line and seeing how it takes it07:19
wl110ZykoticK9: yeah, i might try it again, but if the errors at the kernel, would wicd fix it?07:19
`mOOse`help me out07:19
* unixalot whats your fav. font in ubuntu??07:19
HTT-Birdblakkheim: ah, interesting :)07:19
`mOOse`apt-get updates?07:19
Flannel`mOOse`: Er, wait.  15M?  That's pretty normal.07:19
Flannel`mOOse`: How big is your /boot partition?07:19
ZykoticK9wl110, not sure what "package" this should be reported under but typically bugs can be filed with "ubuntu-bug $PACKAGENAME" and it sorta guides you through the process07:19
`mOOse`I made a 30m boot partition based on previous installs07:20
`mOOse`figured grub would need about 2007:20
FlannelEarlier you said 1500MB for boot, which is significantly different :)07:20
`mOOse`no no07:20
`mOOse`the updates want that07:20
`mOOse`the parition's only 30 megs07:20
wl110Zykotick9: ok, you got me far, i documented everything on ubuntuforums (search wl110), thanks again07:20
Flannel`mOOse`: How many old kernels do you have?07:20
hexmare_knoppies you still here?07:20
`mOOse`just one - I just installed it07:20
ZykoticK9wl110, sorry i couldn't be more help07:21
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
`mOOse`I can't believe this07:21
Dr_Willisunmount /boot so things actually go into the boot directroy on / :)07:21
Dr_WillisI dont see much need for a /boot partiton these days07:22
`mOOse`I don't know what I'm doing is what's going on here07:22
`mOOse`I'll be the first to admit it lol07:23
Flannel`mOOse`: I'm currently using 47MB on boot, and I've got more than a few older kernels.  Are you sure you don't have any old ones you might be able to remove?07:23
Flannel`mOOse`: I'd give yourself 100MB of boot, that'll give you plenty of wiggle room.07:23
Dr_WillisYou  may be missreading whats / and /boot   and what the package manager is saying07:23
`mOOse`I *just* installed this Flannel07:23
`mOOse`like, 30 mins ago07:23
`mOOse`that's the error07:24
Flannel`mOOse`: I've only got two kernels, so if two kernels are 47MB, then you can't fit two of them in 30MB :)07:24
rww`mOOse`: That says 1507k, not 1507M07:24
`mOOse`so I should reformat07:24
`mOOse`yea I realize that now rww :-)07:24
`mOOse`I see now07:25
rww`mOOse`: and personally, I use 100MB or 200MB for /boot partitions. Better safe than sorry :)07:25
`mOOse`new kernels - boot partitions!07:25
`mOOse`I made it too small!07:25
Flannel`mOOse`: On the upside, you've only lost 30 minutes worth of config type stuff.07:25
Dr_Willisor just dont mount /boot/ and let is use the /boot directory on /07:25
`mOOse`true - if I don't lose my windows partition in the meantime07:25
reactorohaider ppl. Does anybody know how to make work UVC webcam that's mounted flipped?07:25
jacquesdupontdmounted flipped ?07:26
`mOOse`ok, so um, dr...already over my head07:26
Flannel`mOOse`: Are you using LVM?07:26
reactorjacquesdupontd, yh07:26
jacquesdupontdseems i won't help you but just to know what you mean so i get less stupid07:26
reactorthat webcam is built in ASUS laptop07:27
jacquesdupontdwhat you mean by flipped07:27
jacquesdupontdi have one as well07:27
jacquesdupontdi have an asus laptop from where i'm talking btw07:27
`mOOse`no - that's another thing I was going to activate during the install that I normally use ...07:27
Flannel`mOOse`: You'll want to grab the alternate CD to install for that.07:27
`mOOse`I know in suse you can retroactively add lvm to a partition07:28
`mOOse`that's what I used Flannel07:28
FlannelYeah, you can, but if you're reinstalling, might as well do it there.07:28
jacquesdupontdreactor, oh in fact you just want your integrated webcam working thats all ?07:28
reactorjacq patches I have tested didtn' work btw07:28
reactorjacquesdupontd, ^*07:28
* `mOOse` breaks out into a sweat07:28
jacquesdupontdhaha ok07:28
jacquesdupontddifferent ways to say it, ok weird mine was working hrm lemme remember, hm yeah was working perfectly from the beginning07:28
reactorjacquesdupontd, webcam worx fine but gives 180 degrees flipped image07:28
jacquesdupontdmine is a chicony07:29
ae86-drifter_i had a grub error, so i booted a live cd, then gparted showed my ext4 partition as unallocated, i rebooted again and used grub to manually chainload the win7 partition and i managed to repair the ext4 partition with paragon partition manager, so now i had full access to the ext4 partition again, but, then i loaded up gparted again and my main ntfs partition is now "unallocated" and my recovery partition shows bad MFT i have everyt07:29
ae86-drifter_hing now backed up with photorec i would just reinstall, but my laptop has a recovery partition which is the only copy of windows 7 i have. i am dual booting only ever used windows to play games on, i updated my GFX driver on win7 one day and this happened...i tried testdisk and chkdsk /R07:29
`mOOse`ok so Dr_Willis ...you think a boot partition isn't necessary right?07:29
jacquesdupontdoh ok07:29
Flannel`mOOse`: It's really easy.  During the partitioner bit, make a boot partition (100-200MB) and then throw the rest of your disk into an LVM partition.  Then up at the top of that partitioning screen, there's a place to play wth your LVM stuff07:29
reactorjacquesdupontd, mine is Chicony too btw07:29
jacquesdupontdreactor, i remember i had to play with stuff like that on an old hercule webcam07:29
Flannel`mOOse`: For LVM, a separate boot partition is required (can't boot straight to LVM)07:29
ae86-drifter_please someone help07:29
`mOOse`yes I've done that before and I was GOING to do it this time, but...07:29
Dr_Willis`mOOse`:  i dont use lvm.07:29
ae86-drifter_been trying for 2 days07:29
jacquesdupontdreactor, lemme remind myself how i was doing, i was setting parameters by loading the module07:29
Dr_WillisI keep my partion layouts very simple. :)07:29
`mOOse`ok, so you DO need a boot partition with LVM - I thought so07:30
reactorjacquesdupontd, ok07:30
`mOOse`I mean not to lvm it07:30
jacquesdupontdreactor, but, there should be some software that could help you to set that lemme check07:30
`mOOse`the boot part07:30
mkanyisiae86-drifter1, are you on ubuntu now? what version? what version is your livecd?07:30
ae86-drifter_i have a 9.04 livecd here and my laptop has 9.1007:30
jacquesdupontdreactor, have you checked camorama ?07:31
`mOOse`ok ext2 for boot, ext4 + LVM for /home ...and I hate swaps - what do you think about them? I have a gig of ram07:31
Dr_Willis`mOOse`:  make a 5 gb /boot then set up grub2 to boot a spare ubuntu.iso file stored on /boot/ :)07:31
reactorjacquesdupontd, it can't fing /dev/fideo0 though other software can07:31
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, im in the livecd now?07:31
mkanyisiae86-drifter1, so you are on ubuntu now. pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l'07:31
Dr_Willis`mOOse`:  i always make a swap partition of at least 512mb just in case i use a live cd07:31
mkanyisiae86-drifter1, ok fine07:31
`mOOse`grub2 already hosed my xp partition - I have a bone to pick with that guy07:31
ae86-drifter_okay, it shows a missing bunch of sectors for the ntfs partition 1 sec07:32
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
mkanyisiae86-drifter1, also open gparted and take a screenshot and upload the image to imageshack.com07:32
jacquesdupontdreactor, that, is weird, camorama can't but others can ?07:32
`mOOse`ok ok...I'm learning here07:32
jacquesdupontdreactor, vlc for example ?07:32
reactorjacquesdupontd, yh and others see my webcam like it's rotated07:32
mkanyisiae86-drifter1, pastebin everything t hat is displayed please07:32
reactorjacquesdupontd, vlc worx07:32
`mOOse`I feel like someone needs to sprinkle me with holy water or something07:33
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, btw my name has _ at the end07:33
`mOOse`I just *know* there's gonna be another major gotcha before this night's over07:33
Dr_Willisitsz such a popular nick....07:33
unixalotae86-drifter_: should just change his name to torino07:33
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, ok07:33
jacquesdupontdreactor, hrm you know what i just realised my cam was not working haha :)07:34
mkanyisiunixalot, why torino?07:34
ae86-drifter_okay, here is my fdisk -l oputput http://pastebin.com/m5a41fa8d07:34
jacquesdupontdreactor, i was just testing /dev/video0 and seems nothings there07:34
reactorjacquesdupontd, :P07:34
jacquesdupontdhaha thanks07:34
`mOOse`aight - I'm off to re-re-re-re-do this install07:34
`mOOse`mOO ya later!07:34
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, ok thanks, now the screenshot of gparted07:34
jacquesdupontdi'm so less using it except in windows but from what i remember i was using it in skype07:34
unixalotmkanyisi: ment 2 say trueno but its the same lol07:35
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, okay .. one sec, as this is on a differnt computer...07:35
jacquesdupontdreactor, ok works on skype07:35
ae86-drifter_unixalot, i was about to correct that lol..07:35
reactorjacquesdupontd, my one too07:35
jacquesdupontdreactor, crazy and called CNF724607:35
jacquesdupontdon /dev/video007:35
unixalotae86-drifter_: do you got a ae86 by chance? lol07:36
reactorjacquesdupontd, maybe I have the same one07:36
iflemamOOse no......07:36
reactorjacquesdupontd, lemme check07:36
jacquesdupontdreactor, yep07:36
=== ASDomar is now known as d-__-b
ae86-drifter_unixalot, yeah i do .. lol07:36
jacquesdupontdi just put pause, that's whats cool on my streaming script i can pause even if didn't downloaded the movie :)07:36
ae86-drifter_its actually a levin07:36
unixalotae86-drifter_: niice, so im guesing you've seen inital d, sick movie how his cup of water is just unspillable07:37
ae86-drifter_unixalot, yeah thats an awesome series.. lol07:37
allowoverride /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist didn't exist,,, do i need to chmod it after editing it?07:38
unixalotae86-drifter_: yeah not the anime but the movie, but the anime is sweet07:38
terinjokesis abi-2.6.31-19 importont for booting?07:38
allowoverrideor is the umask good07:38
IronCityMZ3Hello everyone.  There any chat channels on this server that aren't for support that people actually talk in?07:38
ae86-drifter_heres my gparted screenshot http://yfrog.com/jtscreenshotcp07:38
reactorjacquesdupontd, o4f2:b071 device07:38
reactorjacquesdupontd, CNF712907:38
jacquesdupontdreactor, http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/07:39
realsifo777hello all07:39
jacquesdupontdreactor, btw what laptop do you have, an intel i7 one ?07:39
reactorrealsifo777, ohaider07:39
n2diy_IronCityMZ3: #ubuntu offtopic. Ironcity, isn't that a Pa. beer?07:39
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, , here is my fdisk -l oputput http://pastebin.com/m5a41fa8d   and my gparted - http://yfrog.com/jtscreenshotcp07:39
reactorjacquesdupontd, ASUS K61IC07:39
mkanyisiIronCityMZ3, click on Server > List of Channels > Download List  and then search what you want07:39
jacquesdupontdreactor, seems it supports only v4l2 and no v4l107:40
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
IronCityMZ3Found that... boatloads of people but no one talks.07:40
reactorjacquesdupontd, I see07:40
realsifo777how to fix compiz with vga intel gma x3100 at ubuntu 9.1007:40
grendal_primeanyone any good with mgetty and ppp login. Im going crazy with something that is proably totaly easy her!07:40
realsifo777my computer freeze07:40
ae86-drifter_unixalot, i liked the first season of the anime, it was the best,, just a extended version of the movie basically07:40
jacquesdupontdreactor,  04f2:b071  CNF71297 (Asus N10JA2 netbooks and K50IN notebooks)  Chicony Electronics   [3]07:40
ae86-drifter_this entirely relates to my issue..07:41
jacquesdupontdreactor, that's yours ? check the link i gave you07:41
reactorjacquesdupontd, yh that's mine07:41
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, everything looks fine, what is it that you want, then?07:41
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, lol07:42
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, do u see the unallocated space?07:42
mkanyisii do07:42
ae86-drifter_theres meeant to be a partition there containing win707:42
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, i do07:42
grendal_primebox dials box accepts connection that about 20 seconds later server  just drops07:42
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, there is nothing there07:42
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, yes there is, because i just recovered a crap load of files from that sector range07:43
reactorjacquesdupontd, so how to make it work with camorama and stuff at least with flipped image?07:43
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, but there is no filesystem there07:43
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, i would just like to know how i could get my partition back please07:43
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, maybe you recovered the files, not the filesystem07:43
jacquesdupontdreactor, for now i don't know07:44
ae86-drifter_the data is there, the partition table is damaged07:44
reactorjacquesdupontd, ok but ty for help ;)07:44
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, what was in that partition before?07:44
ae86-drifter_gparted shows bad MFT for my 1st partition, which is the acer recovery partition, and the (unallocated) space, was my windows 7 installation, that i USED TO be able to boot into...07:45
jacquesdupontdreactor, it's not for your cam but the guy has the same problem and maybe the same cam07:45
ae86-drifter_the partition just decided the unallocate itself one day07:45
DaemonFCis there a way to beat Compiz into going any faster with FGLRX?07:47
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, i have aleady tried using testdisk and chkdsk -R in windows from livecds, any other ideas?07:47
jacquesdupontdreactor, seems you have to patch it with a driver comming from linuxtv.org repository and maybe modifying sources to match your kernel07:47
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, i don't think you can recover the entire filesystem unless you have cloned it before07:47
jacquesdupontdreactor, do you understand ?07:47
reactorjacquesdupontd, ofc07:47
anitahalguien habla castellano?07:47
reactorjacquesdupontd, just I'm newbie and it can be hard07:47
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, the filesystem is actually there, the MFT is damaged07:47
ae86-drifter_could someone please tell me what happened to my NTFS partition? here is my fdisk -l oputput http://pastebin.com/m5a41fa8d and a screenshot of gparted - http://yfrog.com/jtscreenshotcp07:48
mneptok!es | anitah07:48
ubottuanitah: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:48
jacquesdupontdreactor, ok try that : sudo apt-get install v4l2ucp07:49
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, it's beyond capabilities, how long have you been using your laptop in dual boot? has it been working fine all along?07:49
reactorjacquesdupontd, roger07:49
reactorjacquesdupontd, oh damn brb to set up nat ><07:50
jacquesdupontdreactor, wait and then : LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so v4l2ucp07:50
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ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, yeah its been fine for the last month, which was when i bought it , installed linux the day i got it07:50
jacquesdupontdreactor, well follow that thread i'm SURE you gonna get it working07:51
jacquesdupontdreactor, and gimme new in private07:51
reactorjacquesdupontd, ok07:51
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, but what did you do? did you install something new or resized something now?07:51
reactorjacquesdupontd, man I brb07:51
jacquesdupontdreactor, and i gotta go just bookmark the link all is explained07:52
jacquesdupontdreactor, that's easy (in a way)07:53
reactorjacquesdupontd, ok bb and ty :P07:53
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, all i did was update some GFX card drivers and install borderlands07:53
jacquesdupontdreactor, np if i can help ... :)07:53
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, i have an HP laptop and it crashes grub2 everytime i boot to windows, i have to recover grub2 by a livecd afterwards everytime. now i just choose to stay away from booting windows.07:53
anitahhi somebody can help me? im new07:53
ae86-drifter_then after a reboot, got this crap07:54
egloriawhat is the problem07:54
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, some guy at ubuntuforums.org suggested that HP laptop recovery tools try to overwrite the MBR all the time, hence breaking grub2.07:54
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, anyway your problem is far far serious than what i had07:55
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, first off i got grub error then my ext4 partition was unallocated, so i booted windows and repaired it then my ntfs is unallocated, but it fixed my ext407:55
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, can  you boot to your ubuntu on the hdd not the livecd?07:56
ae86-drifter_windows 7 likes to destroy linux partitions it appears07:56
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, yes i can07:56
DaemonFCae86-drifter1, Windows always has trashed GRUB, so not surprising07:56
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, are you getting the same outputs of 'fdisk' and 'gparted' as you do here on livecd?07:56
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, yep07:57
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, clueless07:57
newwarriorhi, i use 9.10, i want to change my soundsystem to alsa, but i dont finde the menu point audio07:57
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, live windows cd says the same thing07:57
mkanyisiae86-drifter_, windows has a livecd ?07:57
newwarriorhi, i use 9.10, i want to change my soundsystem to alsa, but i dont find the menu point audio07:58
Duddlehello! I have Ubuntu 8.10, where can I change mount options for removable drives? my drive gets mounted without allow_other, so I cannot write it07:59
ZykoticK9newwarrior, http://paste.ubuntu.com/370779/07:59
DuddleI tried in places - computer - right-click my device and change it there, but it just says "invalid mount option" when I enter "allow_other" in the partitions mount-options08:00
mkanyisiDuddle, what is allow_other ?08:01
mkanyisiDuddle, what is your filesystem type ?08:01
newwarriorZykoticK9: thx it works08:01
spekkohi all, i downloaded a new theme for my gdm login screen, how do i change it?08:02
Duddlemkanyisi: ext3, I think allow_other allows other users to write even if the drive belongs to root08:02
ae86-drifter_mkanyisi, no what i meant was booting recovery console with the install disk sorry08:02
mkanyisi  Duddle, nope08:02
mkanyisiDuddle, never heard of that08:03
Duddlemkanyisi: well, it is part of the mount-options of my other removable drives08:03
mkanyisiDuddle, you have to use 'chmod'08:03
mkanyisiDuddle, ext3 supports file ownership and permissions and attributes08:04
mkanyisiDuddle, so you have to use 'chmod', 'chown' and 'chattr'08:04
reactorjacquesdupontd, where to add "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so v4l2ucp "?08:04
mkanyisiDuddle, the fact that it is removable means nothing08:05
Duddlemkanyisi: ok, i understand08:05
mkanyisiDuddle, np08:05
spekkohi all, i downloaded a new theme for my gdm login screen, how do i change it?08:06
Dr_Willisspekko:  for gdm2 you proberly dont.08:06
mkanyisihi Ragelor08:07
Ragelordoes anyone know, how i can reach the ubuntu-studio-controlls - button under xfce??08:07
wysetermanyone in seattle/window 108:07
catzzHello how to add Google Gadgets and Avant Window navigator to autorun so when i turn on computer they will turn on?08:08
ZykoticK9catzz, system / preferences / startup application -- use the Add button for each08:09
spekkoDr_Willis, what do you mean?08:09
catzzUhu! THANKS!08:09
ZykoticK9catzz, technically those start when you login, not when you turn the computer on - but i think that is what you where looking for08:10
infidhow come when i /clear an empathy im window, the text often comes back?08:10
catzzok ill try08:10
grendal_primeso nobody on the ppp mgetty issue hu?08:12
catzzwhat? :)08:12
Dr_Willisspekko:  gdm2 uses radically diffefent theme.settings then what weas in 9.0408:12
Diverdudeis it possible to somehow say display list, so that each time i step, the next 5 src-lines are outputted in gdb?08:18
=== vaidas is now known as vaidasz
catzzHello! How to set that my computer will automaticaly turn of for example at 11pm and turn on at 7am?08:19
ZykoticK9catzz, look into "cron"08:20
ZykoticK9catzz, not sure about the turning on part though???08:20
catzzumm what is it? :)08:20
catzzcron :D08:20
catzzsrr i use ubuntu 2 days :D08:20
catzzwhat is cron? :)08:21
ZykoticK9catzz, cron is used to automate task - it's not really the easiest thing to get going i'm affraid08:21
catzzwell it is program in ubuntu dwld center?08:21
Flannel!cron | catzz08:21
ubottucatzz: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm08:21
frankS2what is the service. status good for in portmap?08:22
ubottucatzz, please see my private message08:22
Flannelcatzz: No, it isn't, it's already instlaled.  There may be some GUI for it (or for what you're doing) in the repositories though.08:22
CircsHowdy I'm looking to find out if the intel GMA 4500MHD or the GMA X4500HD can output 1080p over vga in Ubuntu. Anyone with a recent dell/ibm notebook care to offer their experiences?08:23
hexmare_1080p over vga .... I don't think thats possible mate08:25
spekkoDr_Willis, oh damn. so its pointless downloading themes for gdm if im using 9.10?08:25
obiwan_please , how can i see the type of a process?? i only know with top but isn't there a more simple way?08:25
=== wyseterm is now known as qxi_gay
Dr_Willisspekko:  basically. ther are tools.themes for it.. see my delicious.com/dr_willis linjks08:25
=== qxi_gay is now known as wyseterm
jacquesdupontdhey guys how can i see easily my ram speed ?08:26
Circshexmare, Yes, actually it is.08:26
Slartobiwan_: "type of process" ? what do you mean by type? they are all processes08:26
spekkoDr_Willis, ok :) thanx will check it out08:26
jacquesdupontdwhat's the command08:26
jacquesdupontdlike 1066 or 133308:26
Slartobiwan_: there are several tools to list your processes, top or htop for the terminal.. then there's the system monitor in system, administration08:26
jacquesdupontdthere must be a command in the terminal no ?08:26
Slartjacquesdupontd: perhaps somewhere in the long listing from "lshw"08:27
Circshexmare, CRTs are fairly commonly driven at 2048 x 1536 over vga08:27
z3r0Could anyone tell me if there is a way to setup my ethernet and wifi connection (both to the same network) to transfer over the connection if one is disconnected so that nothing streaming is interrupted and so I don't have to relogin to my VPN?08:27
weedsgiggity - anyone still up :-p     GOOD MORNING08:28
weedsRAID question - any takers08:28
Circshexmare, Thanks for the input though.08:28
z3r0Slart: could you give me a link or anything?08:29
Slartz3r0: don't know of a good link for that.. perhaps googling for "linux network routing failover" might get you some hits08:30
z3r0Slart: would that also help if i wanted to switch between connections manually on purpose?08:31
meenieGreetings all, is there a tutorial somewhere to install apt-get on ubuntu?08:31
Slartz3r0: I'm not sure if vpn makes it more complicated.. I've never messed with that myself08:31
z3r0Could anyone tell me if there is a way to setup my ethernet and wifi connection (both to the same network) to transfer over the connection if one is disconnected so that nothing streaming is interrupted and so I don't have to relogin to my VPN?08:31
jacquesdupontdthat is perfect command : sudo dmidecode | more :)08:31
Flannelmeenie: apt-get is already install on Ubuntu08:31
meenienot on my install :-/08:31
Flannelmeenie: Where did you get your Ubuntu?08:32
meenieI'm using slicehost.com08:32
weedsin a +2+ drive STRIPED RAID config - when a THIRD drive is added - is the OLD data spread across the new drive - is it REBUILT?08:32
meenievanilla install of ubuntu08:32
Flannelmeenie: It's not "Vanilla" then.08:32
Flannelmeenie: Do you have dpkg?08:32
jacquesdupontdok brb08:33
Slartweeds: just a quick guess.. I'm not 100% sure.. but I don't think you can easily add a third drive like that.. you would have to rebuild it08:33
weedsslart do you think that means copying from the old array to the new ?08:33
Slartweeds: yes08:33
weedsslart - doh!08:34
ae86-drifter_is there any benchmark performance results of wubi vs standard08:34
meenieFlannel: Ah crap, I was logged into an account that's under jailbreak ><08:34
meenieLet me log in as an account that has access to root commands08:34
Flannelmeenie: apt-get is in /bin/ you shouldn't need fancy permissions to see it08:35
meenieFlannel: I checked and apt-get isn't in there :-/08:36
Flannelmeenie: Then you're certainly not using vanilla Ubuntu.  What does `lsb_release -a` say?08:36
Slartflannel, meenie: it's in /usr/bin on my machine08:37
=== z3r0 is now known as z3r0-0n3
asdffHey I am trying to follow this guide on editing my xorg.conf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5144003, however when I append the lines to my xorg.conf as it suggests Ubuntu informs me I have to run in low graphics mode. Also I do not know how to add keyboard0/mouse0. Would anyone be willing to help me :3?08:37
meenie-jailshell: lsb_release: command not found08:38
marlenI have installed xubuntu,satisfied with it but I have little space.so I want to reinstall it with more space. I have vista too,not satisfied with it.so, how can I uninstal xubuntu and then reinstal it with more space available? sorry for my english, I'm a beginner, with linux too.08:39
ae86-drifter_okay i tried chkdsk /R once more from the windows 7 recovery disk and its deleting a whole bunch of orphan file record segments and recovered orphaned file $MFT08:39
z3r0-0n3Could anyone tell me if there is a way to setup my ethernet and wifi connection (both to the same network) to transfer over the connection if one is disconnected so that nothing streaming is interrupted and so I don't have to relogin to my VPN?08:39
ae86-drifter_up to stage 5/5.. maybe this will fix it08:39
asdffHey I am trying to follow this guide on editing my xorg.conf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5144003, however when I append the lines to my xorg.conf as it suggests Ubuntu informs me I have to run in low graphics mode. Also I do not know how to add keyboard0/mouse0. Would anyone be willing to help me :3?08:40
meenieFlannel: I've logged in as root and it says: -bash: lsb_release: command not found08:40
ae86-drifter_asdff, what is the actual reason you're editing the file?08:40
asdfflol, nerdy as it is, it's so I can run Starcraft at it's normal ratio08:41
ae86-drifter_asdff, ah ok.. lol..08:41
asdffas my monitor is 16:10 and there is no fix I can find that will stop it from cutting out the bottom of the game08:41
asdffhaha yeah08:41
B3rz3rk3rz3r0-0n3, iv been wondering that for a little while now, i supposed that bridging them was the way to do that, but all that seems to do is mess up the IPs that they obtain and then neither of them work :P08:41
ae86-drifter_is this running in dosbox?08:41
Dr_Willisasdff:  run it in a window. :)08:41
marlencan you help me, please08:42
asdffDr_Willis: if I run it in a window, not only does my mouse escape and slow the game down, I can not choose the size of the window, it defaults to a certain size08:42
z3r0-0n3Could anyone tell me if there is a way to setup my ethernet and wifi connection (both to the same network) to transfer over the connection if one is disconnected so that nothing streaming is interrupted and so I don't have to relogin to my VPN?08:42
obiwan_sry Slart i was afk, i mean how can i see if the process is a daemon, a pipe, a socket, ... _without_ using top, some simple command like ps (but ps doesn't seem to do it as i read in the man)08:42
z3r0-0n3B3rz3rk3r: there must be a way08:42
ae86-drifter_asdff, what are you using to run it? wine? dosbox?08:42
Dr_Willisasdff:  theres also a wine setting to force wine apps into a 'desktop; thats a window of a set size'08:42
z3r0-0n3on windows it's easy as 1-2-308:42
asdffae86-drifter1: wine08:43
asdffDr_Willis: I would very much appreciate a link or name of some kind :)08:43
B3rz3rk3rz3r0-0n3, well how do you do it on windows? perhaps we can find a solution08:43
ae86-drifter_its a dos game right>?08:43
asdffI can choose a virtual desktop08:43
asdffbut if I do it sets it automatically to a really small window despite resolution settings08:43
z3r0-0n3B3rz3rk3r: its just a box you tick in one of the option windows08:43
ae86-drifter_asdff, yeah you can08:43
B3rz3rk3rz3r0-0n3, lol, you will need to be more descriptive than that08:44
asdffit doesn't fix it though08:44
Slartobiwan_: afaik sockets or pipes aren't processes.. a daemon is a normal process afaik08:44
ae86-drifter_asdff, you can also define the virtual resolution08:44
asdffae86-drifter1: that is what I was referring to08:44
asdffit does not resize it properly08:44
asdffit sets it automatically to an uber small window08:44
Slartobiwan_: if you want to list open ports and such there's "netstat"08:44
pc_whois ubuntu-cz irc channel?08:44
ZenMastais there an open office channel?08:44
z3r0-0n3B3rz3rk3r: i cant remember the exact place where the option resides. you just select both connections, right click on them, and somewhere along the way you can tick a box to bridge them08:45
ae86-drifter_asdff, even if you run the actual game in fullscreen and set the resolution for wine bigger08:45
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.08:45
asdffae86-drifter1: to run it in full screen I have to turn off virtual desktop. Aside from that I know no way of changing the resolution. I tried a command line trick to make it run at 57hz, but it says this is unsupported ;/.08:45
marlenI have vista and I installed xubuntu, but I have little space in it.how can I uninstal it and then reinstal it with more space available?I'm In trouble.08:45
Slartobiwan_: try to explain what you're trying to do08:46
z3r0-0n3Could anyone tell me if there is a way to setup my ethernet and wifi connection (both to the same network) to transfer over the connection if one is disconnected so that nothing streaming is interrupted and so I don't need to relogin to my VPN?08:46
obiwan_Slart: i'm trying to know if a program is running as daemon or not08:46
ae86-drifter_asdff, okay so you want to add a custome resolution into your xorg?08:46
asdffae86-drifter1: the link explains it pretty well.08:46
obiwan_Slart: top does that work, so i thought some simpler program can do it too08:46
asdffit's like a tty so you can ctrl-alt f7/f8 in and out08:47
ae86-drifter_which part do u have trouble with08:47
airtonixz3r0-0n3, if there is a way i doubt its going to be simple...08:47
ae86-drifter_ah ok08:47
resjudicatahow do I get pdfs to open with evince by default instead of acroread?08:47
Slartobiwan_: how do you see if a process is a daemon in "top" ?08:47
ae86-drifter_so.. did you restart x after editing the file?08:47
Dr_Willisresjudicata:  right click on a PDF -> properties. select the tool you want08:47
asdffae86-drifter1: I appended the lines, (without altering keyboard0/mouse0 as I can not determine their values), and when I restarted Ubuntu informed me it has to run in low graphics mode lol08:47
z3r0-0n3airtonix: with what authority do you say that?08:47
resjudicataDr_Willis, but I have to do that everytime, how do I get it to open with evince on double-clicking the file in nautilis?08:48
mawsthmm I ran the codec finder in totem or whatever that is and installed the gstreamer x264 plugin, trying to play a quicktime 1080p file... what do I need?08:48
asdffae86-drifter1: atm when I type ctrl+alt+f7 I have a blank screen =[08:48
ae86-drifter_mawst, use vlc08:48
airtonixz3r0-0n3, if i told you i would have to neutralise you ><08:48
z3r0-0n3airtonix: you'd have to neuter me?08:49
marlencan anybody tell me how can I uninstal xubuntu and then reinstal it?08:49
B3rz3rk3rz3r0-0n3, what was the method that you used to do this on Windows? If you dont know what its called, then  tell me where i can find it and il have a look08:49
mawstae86-drifter1, isn't vlc going to need a codec too?08:49
Dr_Willisresjudicata:  select the default app  -  its in the properties stuff i just mentioned08:49
ae86-drifter_mawst, nope08:49
Slartobiwan_: afaik a daemon is just a regular process that runs in the background.. ie it's not under direct user control..  some daemons have a special parent process.. but that's not necessary either08:49
airtonixz3r0-0n3, to be serious though, is this something you can already achieve with other systems ?08:49
z3r0-0n3B3rz3rk3r: someone did it for me, i just observed. I dont remember that well08:49
resjudicataoh, right08:50
ae86-drifter_mawst, vlc will install all the codecs u need08:50
resjudicataDr_Willis, thanks :)08:50
turtle_i tried to make my usb flash do a live boot, but i dont get a menu option saying "Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer"08:50
z3r0-0n3airtonix: i achieved it under windows08:50
ZenMastais there an open office channel?08:50
Dr_Willisturtle_:  what does it say then?08:50
ae86-drifter_asdff, did you check the x  log08:50
asdfflol I didn't even know there was one, I'm fairly newb to nix08:50
turtle_Install Ubuntu/Check CD for defects/Test memory/Boot from first hard disk08:51
airtonixz3r0-0n3, is there a one word phrase to describe this feature ?08:51
z3r0-0n3airtonix: merge08:51
B3rz3rk3rairtonix, bridging?08:51
B3rz3rk3rthats what i suggested earlier to z3r0-0n3, but he claims its not that08:51
z3r0-0n3they call it merging connections in windows08:51
airtonixz3r0-0n3, so i assume there is nothing on ubuntuforums about it ?08:52
z3r0-0n3B3rz3rk3r: i never said that08:52
sianishello, I have a hardy server and I need a package, like locales-all on Debian, does anybody know this package's alternative?08:52
ae86-drifter_asdff, /var/log/xorg08:52
wyseterm /win 208:52
llutzairtonix: it's called bridging08:52
ae86-drifter_i think08:52
ZykoticK9asdff, that Xorg.conf example is pretty old - for example i believe the Subsection "Display" / Modes line has been changed to "Option         "metamodes" ...", also I hope you didn't past the monitor section into your xorg, as it's probably incorrect08:52
z3r0-0n3airtonix: ill have to try that08:52
asdffZykoticK9: haha alas, I did.08:52
obiwan_ok Slart sry i could read a help inside htop and it says the types are running, sleping, zombie etc not daemon pipe and stuff ok thanks man08:52
ZykoticK9asdff, did you happen to make a backup of your origional xorg?08:52
airtonixllutz, you understand what z3r0-0n3 wants? i thought bridging was something else slightly different08:53
asdffZykoticK9: I merely appended those lines, thus there is no data loss08:53
ZykoticK9asdff, could you pastebin your xorg08:53
Slartobiwan_: you're welcome08:53
asdffZykoticK9: kk brb08:53
Coded1i have a dual boot system setup (winxp/karmic) but I don't want the kids to get into xp with out my approval, grub(v1) allowed me to enter a hash of a password into /boot/grub.conf to load anything other than the default entry but grub2 I cant seem to find the same option, any ideas?08:53
jazzneed a link once again to the florida team please08:54
Dr_WillisCoded1:  you can make it not show a menu at all.08:54
ae86-drifter_Coded1, just set a pw for grub08:54
Coded1Dr_Willis, it still allows for enterprising teens to press the shift key while booting08:54
llutzairtonix: for me it sounds liek bridging, i'm just not sure about the "switch connection" part08:54
Dr_WillisCoded1:  break their fingers.08:54
jazzand also does anyone know if delicious installs a icons for bookmark or it it all online only08:55
Dr_WillisCoded1:  and you can set the timeout i think to where it dose4nt allow that. but i havent bothered08:55
airtonixz3r0-0n3, does this describe what you want ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105869508:55
asdffZykoticK9: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m790a4acf, thanks08:55
Coded1Dr_Willis, that would work but then they wouldn't need a computer either ;)08:55
z3r0-0n3llutz: i want to be able to switch from ethernet to wireless without interrupting my VPN connection08:55
Coded1ae86-drifter_, where do I find the section to set the password?08:56
ae86-drifter_Coded1, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Security.html#Security08:56
llutzz3r0-0n3: thats the part i'm not sure about08:56
ZykoticK9asdff, ok you have mismatched Monitor/Screen sections for sure -- could we possibly start this process again? probably easiest thing to do?08:56
ae86-drifter_Coded1, sorry thats for grub 1 , see here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136901908:57
asdffZykoticK9: tbh I am really not fussed, just want SC to work in full screen without cropping :s08:57
ZykoticK9asdff, ok - start by making a backup "cd /etc/X11 && sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.starcraft", then "sudo nvidia-xconfig", then pastebin the new xorg08:58
Coded1ae86-drifter_, ty08:58
asdffKk brb08:58
z3r0-0n3airtonix: no that's not what i meant08:59
asdffhey ZykoticK9 forgive my entry level knowledge, but the following command doesn't work: sudo cp /etc/X11 /etc/XBAK08:59
ae86-drifter_how come i didnt have to identify my nick to talk09:01
ZykoticK9asdff, you can't copy you need to move the xorg.conf or the nvidia-xconfig will fail - so you need to cd /etc/X11 then "sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.starcraft" (you would have to use "sudo cp -r /etc/x11 /etc/XBAK"09:01
asdffah cheers, that was more than helpful09:02
rwwae86-drifter_: because this channel isn't set to require that09:02
ae86-drifter_rww, ah ok.. i beleive it used to be09:02
ae86-drifter_never mind.. ot09:02
asdffZykoticK9: k made the new xorg.conf file using that command09:03
rwwae86-drifter_: It used to be, yes.09:03
jazzanyone use delicious for bookmarks?09:03
rwwae86-drifter_: It changes based on whether the channel's experiencing spam problems.09:03
ZykoticK9asdff, now pastebin it09:03
ae86-drifter_rww, oh ok cool09:03
asdffZykoticK9: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m74bca507 (lol that is a really handy command)09:04
titan_arkhey. kde seems to be bugging me a lot. will a remove kubuntu-desktop and install ubuntu-desktop remove all kde packages and give me the gnome packages?09:04
asdffI find kfce far lighter than gnome09:04
ae86-drifter_titan_ark, just keep it, choose youre session at login09:04
mneptoktitan_ark: use "purge" and not "remove" to get rid of everything09:05
ae86-drifter_that way u can run kde dependant apps still09:05
asdffae86-drifter1: gnome*09:05
mneptokae86-drifter_: the entire desktop environment just for the libraries and a few apps is a bit extreme09:05
titan_arkae86-drifter_: its too much clutter09:05
ae86-drifter_asdff, i use lxde09:05
asdffae86-drifter1: how is that like? I've messed around with awesome, openbox, gnome and xfce09:06
ae86-drifter_titan_ark, oh ok well its up to u, i just have it there for redundancy09:06
titan_arkae86-drifter_: okay09:06
ae86-drifter_asdff, its kind of similar to xfce09:06
titan_arkso if i do what i was asking then i should have like a new install of gnime-ubuntu right?>09:06
asdffae86-drifter1: ah ok. and whilst I find gnome too slow, I still use the gnome-panel lol. solely for the weather panel add on09:07
ZykoticK9asdff, do you know that your native resolution is set to?  like 1280x1024?09:07
ae86-drifter_asdff, that would be loading gnome libs lol..09:07
jazzi think i may have found my answer,09:07
jazzis this working right?09:08
asdffZykoticK9: 1440 x 990 methinks or 900 or something. It's like 16:1009:08
ZykoticK9asdff, actually don't worry about it - we'll try auto first09:08
ae86-drifter_i lost my encrption key for my home folder any ideas? lol09:08
asdffae86-drifter1: I still have gnome installed, also if I run a full gnome session xorg memory leaks on me09:08
asdffZykoticK9:  kk09:08
ZykoticK9asdff, http://paste.ubuntu.com/370803/ try that - i'll be right back, gotta take the dog out09:08
ae86-drifter_asdff, oh ok, yeah lxde/xfce are the best imo09:09
ZykoticK9asdff, restart GDM after you make the change09:09
asdffZykoticK9: thanks for your help man09:09
ae86-drifter_asdff, i still use gnome apps when i have to on lxde09:09
=== z3r0 is now known as z3r0-0n3
anitah_hi somebody can helpme? i can't install correctly my ubuntu in my new laptop09:09
anitah_plis somebody can help me?09:10
mawstok now someone send me cedega09:10
ZykoticK9asdff, how is it going?09:13
asdffAppended the line under default depth09:13
asdffWhich process do I need to kill to restart the GDM09:13
ZykoticK9asdff, have you restarted X?09:13
asdffsoz for being a noob lol09:13
asdffnot yet09:13
ZykoticK9asdff, this is going to log you out "sudo service gdm restart"09:14
asdffkk brb then ;}09:14
xhhj Good evening, gentlemen!09:14
asdffwell my screen is back to normal and pretty again :309:15
asdffZykoticK9: so if I try and run starcraft it should work :S what about the ctrl alt bussiness?09:15
ZykoticK9asdff, fire up StarCraft and see how we're doing09:15
asdff:3 cheers man brb09:15
asdffZykoticK9: unfortunately it is still cutting out the bottom of the game :( Also ctrl+alt+f7/f8 doesn't do anything (I'm not sure if that is relevant).09:17
asdffwell it does do something.. just doesn't switch 'screens'09:17
chetnickWhere can i get the source code of apt utillity?09:18
asdffsigh it switches screens it just isn't a GUI screen it's a normal TTY screen* sorry about the lack of clarity09:18
ZykoticK9asdff, the f7/f8 doesn't apply to what we're trying - is there any resolution selection in the game?  like is it running at 640x480, as all these instructions are based on that resolution09:18
llutzchetnick: sudo apt-get source apt09:19
asdffZykoticK9: nah unfortunately there is no in game resolution selection. I am fairly sure it is meant to be 640x480, I will google it though. Also there is allegedly a shortcut in wine 'ctrl +' which allows you to change the size, but it doesn't work for me.09:20
asdffZykoticK9: yeah SC's native resolution is 640x48009:20
chetnickllutz: thanks, the location of pulled source will be at /usr/src ?09:20
mintWhat's the easiest way to update to the latest ntfs-3g and make sure that it's updated automatically like the rest of packages?09:20
yorickhelp...my system is crashing about every other bootup09:20
ZykoticK9asdff, ya everything pointed to that09:20
llutzchetnick: yes09:20
chetnickok thanks man.09:20
=== Guest16283 is now known as David-T
=== mint is now known as Xeddy
yorickthe crashes happen like this: every application shuts down, usually in the order I started them, until the system hangs09:21
yorickand then when I reboot, it is perfectly fine09:21
yorickthis usually happens about 5 minutes after bootup09:21
XeddySystem:    Host mint Kernel 2.6.31-19-generic i686 (32 bit) Distro Linux Mint 8 Helena - Main Edition09:21
yorickI suspect this is not entirely an ubuntu problem, as it has been happening when the system had XP09:22
asdfflol my sound stopped working09:22
yorickand also before I replaced my motherboard and memory09:22
llutzyorick: thermal issues09:23
Antalyahello people09:23
ventzI am trying to setup ubuntu as an ldap server. I followed the community page, and I configured it correctly, but it seems that slapd is listening only on, instead of all ips ( Anyone know why?09:23
coz_Antalya,  welcome09:24
ZykoticK9asdff, that's certainly unrelated to xorg stuff?  just for testing edit the xorg "metamodes" to just "metamodes" "640x480" and restart x again (you should have only 640x480 resolution i'm affraid, but i want to see if the game still gets cutoff)09:24
yorickYorvik: grrr...09:24
asdffZykoticK9: yeah it is, sometimes my sound just screws up and a restart of the session fixes it. Didn't mean for you to concern yourself :P. And that's ok I'll try that.09:24
yorickllutz: hmm...how would thermal issues affect this then?09:25
llutzyorick: check cpu/board temperatures09:25
ventzI think I figured it out -- /etc/defaults (someone had modified it)09:25
llutzyorick: run memtest to make sure, memory is OK09:25
yorickllutz: sys: 30.0C, cpu: 55.5C, AUX: 50.5C09:26
tonyyarusso!mintsupport | Xeddy09:26
ubottuXeddy: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:26
yorickllutz: memtest has repeatedly shown no errors09:26
Xeddytonyyarusso, ubottu: Just assume I'm using Ubuntu.. I've got apt-get and deb already :)09:27
tonyyarussoXeddy: Sorry, but to get help in this channel you need to actually be using Ubuntu.09:27
asdffomg lol09:27
asdff640x480 is so heinous09:27
asdfftesting SC now brb09:27
fs002Thinkpad x60s09:28
asdffstill cuts stuff off :(09:29
spekkohow do i change my resolution?. i change it in "nvidia X setting" but everytime i restart my pc it changes back :/09:30
ZykoticK9asdff, if it's still being cut off - I'm affraid I can't help?!?!  shall we correct your resolution, edit xorg and put the metamodes back to "nvidia-auto-select"09:30
asdffyeah I all ready loaded the paste bin09:30
asdffdamnit man that sucks09:30
yorickllutz: there it happened again09:30
ZykoticK9spekko, you using 9.10?09:31
spekkoZykoticK9, yes i am09:31
ZykoticK9spekko, http://paste.ubuntu.com/370814/09:31
yorickllutz: this time, it dropped me into the login screen after some garbage was shown on the screen09:31
yorickand restart just hanged09:31
asdff'sif windows can automatically fix the ratio of SC and X can't =[09:31
llutzyorick: you'd better ask in some hardware-related channels09:31
=== roman is now known as Guest93625
titan_arkI just did a sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop but all the packages of kde seem to be there and i still get the old splash screen and option to boot into kde. how do i remove them?09:31
yorickllutz: you know any?09:31
fakeerhow to get rid of automatically created backup files in Ubuntu?....they are nuisance especially while pushing to remote git repo or FTPing with *.*09:31
ZykoticK9asdff, i'm really not sure what the problem could be...09:31
llutzyorick: no, sorry09:31
RiverthiefSup guys09:32
spekkothanx ZykoticK9 :)09:32
spekkoZykoticK9, gona restart to check09:32
RiverthiefNoww, my problem is not Ubuntu specific. I need an incredibly lightweight Linux distro to install on my lil bor's POS computer. Something that will run on a very old computer. Like, 64mb RAM, 500mhz CPU, 7mb of GGFX, etc.09:33
ZykoticK9asdff, i'm doing some research online09:33
asdffcheers man09:33
titan_arkI just did a sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop but all the packages of kde seem to be there and i still get the old splash screen and option to boot into kde. how do i remove them?09:34
titan_arkcould someone please help09:34
Raliugaisnt it apt-get remove?09:34
asdffnah purge is to remove all isn't it09:34
spekkoZykoticK9, restarted PC, back to old resolution09:35
titan_arkasdff: yes that is what i thought too!09:35
titan_arkbut i get the old splash screen and the option to boot into kde plus all the kde packages!09:35
ZykoticK9spekko, did you click the "Save to xorg" button after making the change in nvidia-settings?09:35
titan_arki wanted to get rid of bloat and here i have more :D09:35
fakeerhey solved it.. in Gedit-->Edit>Preferences>Editor tab and uncheck the option..  :)09:35
ventzhey guys, i am following this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication (using the Notes for 7.10 and later section and AuthClientConfig). Everything is getting moddified corretly, but I still can't see the users. If i do a search by hand (using ldapsearch), I get back the ldap users, so it's not the ldap server or path)09:36
asdfflol can someone help me troubleshoot my sound, sometimes it plays up, but restarting GDM didn't help this time09:36
spekkoZykoticK9, yes. i got a different error this time09:36
Myrtti!puregnome | titan_ark09:37
ubottutitan_ark: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal09:37
q0kHi. Here is a strange but important question: http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7install/thread/8c1324be-849c-458e-8077-685ed0079480 any ideas welcome (but I don't think you have any ;))09:37
* fluvvell OT but just saw the space station go overhead09:37
spekkoZykoticK9, when i click save i get this "unable to create new X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'."09:37
titan_arkMyrtti: i have gnome installed now, do i need to still do the install ubuntu desktop?09:37
ubottuq0k, please see my private message09:37
Myrttititan_ark:  no09:38
ZykoticK9spekko, "cd /etc/X11 && sudo mv xorg.conf.backup .xorg.conf.backup.old"09:38
q0k!ot | q0k09:38
titan_arkMyrtti: okay shall do the initial part then :) thx09:38
q0kwhat is the ubuntu offtopic channel ? (i don't know what to put between the two words)&09:38
ZykoticK9asdff, perhaps you should try setting the resolution to 800x600!  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168313&page=209:39
titan_arkMyrtti: I have started the process but why does it say it will only free 323 MB? while the entire KDE install was taking over 7 gigs of my HDD?09:39
spekkoZykoticK9, "mv: cannot stat `xorg.conf.backup': No such file or directory"09:39
asdffZykoticK9: will give it a shot!09:39
coz_q0k,  ubuntu-offtopic09:39
ZykoticK9spekko, are you in the /etc/X11 directory when you run that command?09:40
spekkoZykoticK9, yes i am09:40
ZykoticK9spekko, are you running nvidia-settings with the command "gksu nvidia-settings" or gksudo (same thing)09:41
spekkoZykoticK9, nope let me try that09:41
titan_arkMyrtti: did you get my query?09:41
asdfftrying it now09:41
asdffif it works09:41
tmwanyone can help me with my ubuntu 10.4?09:41
spekkoZykoticK9, worked now ^_^ let me restart. ty09:41
asdffIt will be pretty lol at us thinking it was 640x48009:42
ZykoticK9tmw, ask in #ubuntu+1 < lucid channel09:42
tmwthank you09:42
asdffZykoticK9: hurrr it is still cutting off the bottom of the game09:42
coz_tmw,   just type   /join #ubuntu+109:42
ZykoticK9asdff, i have NO idea - sorry man09:42
asdffoh well thanks anyway09:42
ZykoticK9asdff, good luck - hope you get it figured out09:43
asdffcheers, it's not the end of the world though, this rig dual boots with XP anyway09:43
spekkoZykoticK9, thanx alot man ;) works09:43
ZykoticK9asdff, there seems to be a lot of howto/guides for SC - i don't think i ever even played it09:43
ZykoticK9spekko, cool09:43
=== IP-v6_ is now known as IP-v6
asdffZykoticK9: oh it's a pretty cool game, takes a while to get past the dated sprite graphics. But the gameplay is pretty cool. There are some really good matches on youtube with english commentary (I can get a link if you want). It's masssiveee in Korea lol.09:44
jazzDoes anyone use linuxMint?09:45
ZykoticK9asdff, oh i don't think i need to see it, thanks though :)09:45
asdffhaha kk man09:45
asdffoh well have a good one I'm out09:45
syn-ackjazz: Perhaps in #linuxmint...09:45
spekkowow, kubuntu looks so awsome \:D/09:45
Myrtti!mintsupport | jazz09:45
ubottujazz: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:45
jazzsyn-ack, thanks then, was actually wondering if its as easy as ubuntu09:46
Myrttijazz: matter of ppreference, less users, perhaps less support09:46
RiverthiefI just resolved my problem haha, downloading puppy linux as we speak09:46
zvacetanybody using lxde09:47
mneptok!anyone | zvacet09:47
ubottuzvacet: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:47
jazzthanks once again.09:47
zvacetI try to compile lxde session edit I get error  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m12b7239609:49
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
becker_11 Hi I have a problem with echoing sound I'm trying to watch the live coverage of the shuttle launch on spacevidcast.com any suggestions??09:50
mneptokzvacet: what are you trying to compile?09:50
titan_arkdamn, no matter what i do i cant get rid of my kde install!!!09:50
zvacetlxde session edit09:50
mneptokzvacet: it seems to require GTK development libraries, and you don;t have them installed. there's no package for this app?09:51
becker_11I am having a sound echo problem while trying to watch the live shuttle launch on spacevidcast.com any suggestions?? this has happened before but only with local avi's I fixed the problem by switching video players, obviously not an option now09:51
titan_arkMyrtti, i tried it, but still the same09:51
chilicuilhi, does anyone know why pidgin doesn't connect to internet even if the network is working?, I've killed NetworkManager and used wpa_supplicant instead and now I've the network working but it doesn't connect I'm using right now xchat and I had no problem setting it up, any ideas?09:51
zvacetno you have to compile it witch libraries I have to install09:51
Myrttititan_ark: um, the questiion...  I'm not familiae with the procedure on a personal level, but I'm sure there are some webpages that explain the procedure09:52
zvacettitan_ark:  do you waqnt to switch from kde to something else and remove kde09:53
titan_arkMyrtti, ah okay. the splash screen log in option of kde still exist. and now i am using 9.5 gigs instead of the earlier 7.909:53
titan_arkzvacet, yes that is what i tried but cant seem to clean up09:54
BUZZAi was thinking about the smae thing09:54
mneptokzvacet: look at the last line of the paste. it tells you what development libraries are missing.09:54
mneptoktitan_ark: did you install ubuntu-desktop?09:54
ZykoticK9!puregnome > titan_ark09:55
ubottutitan_ark, please see my private message09:55
BUZZAi have kubuntu but i was thinking xbuntu or ubuntu whats the best i like the GUI in kubuntu but ubuntu has more apps and not as good gui\09:55
titan_arkmneptok, i did a sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, after that sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data09:55
ZykoticK9titan_ark, not sure if you've already seen/done that09:55
zvacetI s it gtk+-2.0 >= 2.12.0 I can not find them in synaptic sorry for be so stupid09:55
mneptoktitan_ark: sudo apt-get purge kdm09:55
titan_arkZykoticK9, i did a sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, after that sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data09:56
titan_arkmneptok, okay shall try09:56
mneptokzvacet: libgtk2.0-dev09:56
titan_arkmneptok, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:56
becker_11Does anyone have a suggestion please on what I might be able to do to rectify a terrible echoing I'm getting whilst watching spacevidcast.com??09:56
zvacettitan_ark: see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome09:57
ZykoticK9titan_ark, just an FYI but i'd try (in the order) what the !puregnome suggested -- also "sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop" doesn't do anything other then remove an empty package09:57
titan_arkzvacet, thx09:58
titan_arkzvacet, shall try09:58
titan_arkZykoticK9, well, i was just following some ones instructions. i am quite a noob09:59
titan_arkZykoticK9, thanks for informing :)09:59
ZykoticK9titan_ark, :)09:59
ZykoticK9titan_ark, kubuntu-desktop ubuntu-desktop etc are called Meta packages (they just point to other packages) and they often cause confusion in this channel.10:00
tmw1cannot tell10:01
Speedy2Hey all.  How do you normally disable unwanted services from starting up?  I want to remove avahi-daemon & modem-manager10:01
titan_arkZykoticK9, ah okay :) well started the process. just not doing the && ubuntu install. will remove 131 packages (and stuff like vlc) :( but still only freeing 430 MB10:02
zvacetmneptok:  I ´m installing it right now I will tell you how it goes10:02
tmw1anyone knows the ubuntu 10.4 channel?10:03
ZykoticK9tmw1, #ubuntu+110:03
q0kHI! Computer A and computer B are in a LAN. Both computers have recycle bins - files are moved to them before deletion... User of computer A browses a directory of computer B (remotely) and then deletes some file X from it. Which recycle bin will it get into?10:04
q0kHI! Computer A and computer B are in a LAN. Both computers have recycle bins - files are moved to them before deletion... User of computer A browses a directory of computer B (remotely) and then deletes some file X from it. Which recycle bin will it get into?10:04
FloodBot3q0k: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:04
titan_arkZykoticK9, zvacetit still is occupying more space than the kde install! why is it so?10:04
ZykoticK9titan_ark, you might want to check /var/log and see if any of your logs have grown to huge sizes (doubt they have but worth checking)10:04
q0kFloodBot3, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/370839/10:05
Flannelq0k: If they go into the recycle bin at all, they'd go into Bs bin10:05
titan_arkZykoticK9, the log folder is 911 Megs!10:05
ZykoticK9titan_ark, there you go!10:05
q0kFlannel, I can tell you : in Windows XP, it goes into nowhere... just disappears. Is it a peculiarity of Microsoft?10:05
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »10:05
reto`^ Speedy210:06
Flannelq0k: That'd be entirely configurable (either by the user, or the person who wrote the program), so I have no idea.10:06
titan_arkZykoticK9, so how do I clean it up?10:06
q0kFlennel, can you test it in real 2 Ubuntu computers?10:06
reto`Speedy2: oh... sry... you're not talking about modules...10:06
Speedy2reto`: I'm not talking about a module, I mean a "daemon"10:06
q0kFlennel, I have many positive readings about Ubuntu, and now this practical question...10:07
ZykoticK9titan_ark, honestly - i'm really not sure, typically i just go in and blow stuff away (NOT a good idea really)10:07
titan_arkZykoticK9, :D yeah especially for a n00b like me :P10:07
Speedy2reto`: Any ideas for services?10:07
titan_arkZykoticK9, could you suggest someone who would know?10:08
q0kFlannel, can you test it in real 2 Ubuntu computers?10:08
titan_arkor is there a cleanup tool?10:08
alex87hey guys, how do i get an ident response?10:08
Flannelq0k: I can't, no.  But yes, testing it would be the best way to find out.10:08
reto`Speedy2: system/administration/services?10:09
ZykoticK9titan_ark, not a big help at all but on topic for sure http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29934810:09
Speedy2reto`: I tried, but it doesn't show services that are running as running (i.e. avahi-daemon)10:10
titan_arkZykoticK9, okay thx10:10
ouyeshei, i do not know if this is offtopic, how can i get the source code of the game Mine?10:12
reto`Speedy2: try rcconf10:12
Speedy2reto`: Yeah, I tried that guy too10:12
reto`Speedy2: and?10:12
Speedy2reto`: It shows the services I don't want as disabled (I used it to disable them) but they still start10:13
Speedy2reto`: avahi-daemon is a good example.10:13
zvacetmneptok: iti s solved tnx  :)10:15
q0khi! http://paste.ubuntu.com/370847/10:16
ZykoticK9titan_ark, i've been searching for an easy way to manage the logs - didn't find one.  Basically though you could safely get rid of all the files in /var/log that end in .gz (these are older compressed logs BTW)10:16
=== radek is now known as Guest74141
reto`Speedy2: http://en.kioskea.net/faq/739-disabling-the-avahi-daemon10:18
itscan anyone tell me how to restart the alsa sound module after editing alsa.conf without restarting ubuntu?? its because something else is running and I cannot reboot ubuntu atm but need sound10:18
Speedy2reto`: I found that too and tried it.  No go :(10:18
q0khi! http://paste.ubuntu.com/370847/ is a practical Question. Could you please do it? (I'm not an Ubuntu user yet)10:19
rwwq0k: I'm pretty sure that if you delete a file in nautilus over the network, it pops up a warning saying that it can't move it to trash and will actually delete it.10:19
xukunI need to upgrade the memory of my pc with the same type. Is there a command which tels me what kind of memory I already have?10:19
Seveasxukun, dmidecode10:19
q0krww, is it from your experience?10:20
rwwxukun: "sudo lshw -C memory" might be helpful10:20
reto`Speedy2: well, then stick around until a pro gets in, eh?10:20
xukunthanks Seveas rww10:20
Speedy2reto`: Do you have avahi-daemon running in the background as well?10:20
rwwq0k: that's from deleting files accessed through Nautilus's ssh support. I don't know if whatever protocol you're talking about does the same.10:20
reto`Speedy2: no... actually I'm on archlinux... just wanted to see how the ubuntu channels gets along... have been using ubuntu before :)10:22
Speedy2reto`: Ah Arch.  Just goto rc.d and disbale the daemons you don't want =).10:22
titan_arkZykoticK9, i cant install anything now!!! i get Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? everytime i try10:23
reto`Speedy2: well... mostly daemons are not even started until you put them in :)10:23
itscan anyone tell me how to restart the alsa sound module after editing alsa.conf without restarting ubuntu?? its because something else is running and I cannot reboot ubuntu atm but need sound10:23
Speedy2reto`: Yes, I know.  I evaluated Arch before going to Kubuntu.  I like most of Arch but when it was such a PITA to get Xorg working, I gave up10:24
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
ZykoticK9titan_ark, you have a synaptic / update manger / software cetner window open somewhere10:24
Speedy2reto`: Mind you, I got it working, but it was kind of annoying.10:24
ZykoticK9titan_ark, if all else fails log out and back in -- did you happen to see my last message to you about the logs and the .gz files?10:25
titan_arkZykoticK9, ah yes10:25
reto`Speedy2: there's also chakra I heard... arch with KDE10:25
titan_arkworking now :P10:25
Speedy2reto`: Too many bugs right now, but maybe better going forward10:25
mrpink57Chakra is still Alpha and personally I think it's terrible10:26
Liquid-Silencewhats the ubuntu dev channel?10:26
BUZZADoes anyone use the off topic irc?10:26
Liquid-SilenceBUZZA: I do10:26
BUZZAwhats the # for the off topic?10:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:27
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.10:27
BUZZAthanks ubottudouch10:28
SeveasLiquid-Silence, #ubuntu-devel10:28
biopyteinstalling tp-smapi (hardware monitoring on thinkpads) on 9.10 i have to do further compilation, file editing etc. or everything is already in place?10:28
fakeerubottu: this Supybot is so sensitive :)  Anyways..thanks..that was really annoying..10:29
ouyesfakeer, ubottu is a robot,10:32
ouyesdoes anyone know how to get the source code of an application, i want to get the code of Mines ( a game of gnome)10:34
fakeerouyes: yes. i mentioned Supybot. BUZZA complementing and I did the same. Guess that's okay.10:34
fakeerouyes: is it open source?10:34
fakeerouyes: must be as it is for gnome...10:34
rwwubottu: source | ouyes10:34
ubottuouyes: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html10:34
fakeerouyes: see.. how intelligent bots are now!10:35
ouyesfakeer, yes , you can treat me as a robot but not very intelligent10:36
ouyesfakeer, you have a good sense of hummer, i like you10:36
sonNwtf is going on, my ubuntu logs out automatically from time to time and i lose all opened documents and stuff10:38
itscan anyone tell me how to restart the alsa sound module after editing alsa.conf without restarting ubuntu?? its because something else is running and I cannot reboot ubuntu atm but need sound10:38
titan_arkZykoticK9, tried a lot of stuff still using 7.5 gigs. just 400 megs less than my old kde install :P10:39
sonNfuckin ubuntu logs out by itself10:40
sonNi have no idea what is going on10:40
rwwubottu: language | sonN10:40
ubottusonN: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:40
airtonixHaving some problems with gnome-globalmenu where the menu names are being truncated : http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/41405/screenshot_u0EUnG.png10:41
overmindrww: You can use "!" instead of "ubottu:" :)10:41
sonNi got exam tomorow and ubuntu is killing me man... sorry... what can be wrong?10:41
rwwovermind: I know :)10:41
titan_arkwhat would be a good irc client? xchat is pathetic10:43
Myrttititan_ark: matter of preference, I've always liked irssi but it's not for everyone10:43
lxsyswebi seccond that on irssi10:43
titan_arkMyrtti, hmmmm shall try. i cant seem to be clearing up space on my hdd.10:44
titan_arkalso how can i set up to get the terminal from the panel diretly?10:45
titan_arkaccessing from accessories is painful10:45
Myrttititan_ark: have you cleared up your package cache? you could try that10:45
Myrttititan_ark: sudo apt-get clean10:45
reto`emacs ERC ftw10:45
titan_arkMyrtti, tried it, gives back no response10:45
Myrttititan_ark: how about apt-get autoremove10:46
Myrttititan_ark: though, it might be a bit on the dangerous side10:46
mrpink57irssi is pretty solid, once you get the hang of it, it can be reconfigured in no time.  Plus with the use of scripts...10:46
titan_arkReading package lists... Done Building dependency tree  Reading state information... Done10:47
titan_arkthis is what it gives me10:47
mrpink57titan_ark: you could output the command to a file and pastebin it10:47
titan_arkmrpink57, could u please tell me how to output it?10:48
mrpink57what is the command10:48
titan_arkMyrtti, irssi is not a GUI?10:48
Myrttititan_ark: no.10:49
Myrttititan_ark: commandline, but very, very flexible10:49
titan_arkMyrtti, lol its not for me then :D10:49
mrpink57its a modular cli client combine it with screen or tmux and you've got a pro irc10:49
titan_arkMyrtti, i am not very comfortable with CLI10:49
mrpink57titan_ark: what is the command you are using so I can give the example10:49
titan_arkmrpink57, for autoclean10:50
mrpink57titan_ark: sudo apt-get autoclean > autoclean.txt10:50
mrpink57titan_ark: should put a txt file in your home folder10:50
titan_arkmrpink57, yes it does. just 3 lines :)10:51
coolbhavihelllo my wifi range with nm is very small i have to keep the laptop near to the modem itself to get a signal detection10:51
stanman246hi, i'm running ubu 9.10 64bits on my C2Duo machine. Having trouble with thunderbird (64bits). How can i install thunderbird 32bits?10:51
coolbhaviand with wicd it worked fine10:52
titan_arkmrpink57, i am just trying to free space out of my hdd after i switched from kde to gnome10:52
stanman246coolbhavi: different wifi channel?10:52
coolbhavibut i upgraded my laptop10:52
mrpink57titan_ark: ok, if you are having issues with a command or getting errors on trying to run something you can output to a file like that and pastebin it here for us to see.10:52
coolbhaviand i m getting import gtk failed10:52
=== jGarcia is now known as Guest67947
coolbhavidaemon is failing to start in wicd10:53
titan_arkmrpink57, okay shall do so. nothing in specific as of now10:53
coolbhaviany help10:53
stanman246coolbhavi: hmm... dunno much 'bout that...10:53
catzzHello how to make that my computer will for example turn on in 7am and turn off in 11pm?10:53
stanman246but you could try to see if there are other wlan' s near your location with same channels?10:54
lxsyswebcatzz: turn on can be set in the bios10:54
catzzturn off?10:54
filip89after update to 2.6.28-18-generic my sound is not working10:54
mrpink57and I suppose he could setup a shutdown -h <time>10:54
apensi5catzz: cron job10:54
catzzok ty :(10:55
catzz01 04 1 1 1 /usr/bin/somedirectory/somecommand10:55
catzzwhat is somedirectory?10:55
lxsyswebcatzz: its an example10:56
stanman246how do i install Thunderbird 32bits on my 64bits system?10:56
catzzi get it :D10:56
catzzbut what to put instead of it?10:56
stanman246make a directory10:56
catzzo sr i found ;)10:56
catzzty! :)10:56
guntbertstanman246: when helping be helpful please10:56
itscan anyone tell me how to restart the alsa sound module after editing alsa.conf without restarting ubuntu?? its because something else is running and I cannot reboot ubuntu atm but need sound10:58
gelican anybody help me?10:58
filip89its: do you have problem with sound?10:58
noise_i want to be a game programmer,but i donr know how to start,what king of tools should i use?10:58
rwwubottu: ot | noise_10:58
ubottunoise_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:58
Myrttigeli: you need to ask the real question first10:58
filip89its alsa reload10:58
itsfilip89 yes10:59
geliyesterday i installed ndiswrapper10:59
itswill try10:59
filip89its i have problem with sound after update to new kernel10:59
geliand i installed an driver too10:59
geirhacatzz: With those values, that cron-job will run about once every 7 years though.10:59
gelibut i plug in the device10:59
filip89after that, my sound is not working10:59
geliand if i list the devices it wrotes the place of the device10:59
gelibut i can't use it11:00
itsi have not updated.. it does not work on my dell.. so i had to edit a file and reload.. but cannot restart ubuntu atm..11:00
itsbut alsa reload didnt work for me11:00
geliso can you help me?11:00
FRNAKhey there, can anyone help me with nokia n97-syncing with ubuntu 9.10?11:00
FRNAKi have no idea just where and how to start, bluetooth is running11:00
titan_arkis it possible to have a searchable menu like the kmenu in gnome?11:00
haffetitan_ark: Doesn't gnome-do approximate that quite well?11:01
guntbert!enter | its, geli11:01
ubottuits, geli: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:01
rwwtitan_ark: I think gnome-main-menu does that11:01
rww!info gnome-main-menu | titan_ark11:01
ubottutitan_ark: gnome-main-menu (source: gnome-main-menu): GNOME start menu applet. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.12+dfsg-0ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 194 kB, installed size 1544 kB11:01
cmphello, i want to know if my graphic card is working correctly or no . any help?11:02
titan_arkhaffe, do i need to install that11:02
filip89its sudo try11:02
filip89and also force-reload11:02
titan_arkrww, thank you shall try it11:02
mrpink57cmp: are you trying to see if rendering is working?11:02
reahi, i'm trying to change my defaut version of python, i already try  /usr/bin/python and ln -s -f python2.6 /usr/bin/python  .... doesn't work even if i delete /usr/bin/python and tape python -V i get Python 2.4.6 but i don't want it, i need Python 2.611:02
Mik777Hi folks, does anyone know how to turn the front audio panel on?! before it required to do some alterations in realtek win. menu...11:02
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:02
reahi, i'm trying to change my defaut version of python, i already try  RM /usr/bin/python and ln -s -f python2.6 /usr/bin/python  .... doesn't work even if i delete /usr/bin/python and tape python -V i get Python 2.4.6 but i don't want it, i need Python 2.611:02
titan_arkrww, do i need to reboot to get that working after install?11:03
cmpmrpink57, yes iam trying to find out if the driver is installed - coz i have some delay in any visual order ....when i open firefox or even my documents window - it goes slowly - although i have 2 G ram11:03
reamy problem is so weird, why the command python is working if /usr/bin/python is removed ?11:04
rwwtitan_ark: you'd need to add it to your panel with the right-click -> Add to Panel... option. I forget what it's called in there. You might need to restart GNOME to get it to show up.11:04
rwwtitan_ark: (you can probably tell I haven't used it in a while)11:04
mrpink57cmp: if your apps are loading slow I do not see how that is a gpu issue but itg glxinfo |grep rendering11:04
geirharea: What does ''type python'' say?11:04
guntbertgeli: its: the questions of both of you were scattered across many lines - very difficult to read - please repeat them (in one line)11:04
reto`rww: which python11:05
rwwreto`: mistab :P11:05
cmpmrpink57, guide me for what i should do please11:05
reageirha, => python is hashed (/usr/local/bin/python)11:05
mrpink57cmp: open up a terminal11:05
{g}Hey People! I count lines with the occurence of certain keywords in multiple gzipped files like this: `gunzip -c name_*.gz | grep 'the|key|words' | wc` this gives me the sum over all files. any ideas how to get the number of lines for every file seperately?11:05
cmpmrpink57, ok - i did11:06
titan_arkrww, i added it but its not searchable. its like the regular applications menu11:06
geirharea: Right, so you have a python binary in /usr/local/bin which takes precednece, since /usr/local/bin comes before /usr/bin in PATH11:06
mrpink57cmp: type "glxinfo |grep rendering" no quotes11:06
FRNAKcan you tell me how to sync my contacts between a nokia n97 and ubuntu 9.10? what progs would I need?11:06
Geli_so my problem11:06
Geli_so i installed ndiswrapper with a driver, if i plug in the device and i list whitch one is installed it lists the plugged device too. But i can't searching for internet. What can i  do?11:06
FloodBot3Geli_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:06
reto`rww: mistab? what does "which python" give?11:06
rwwtitan_ark: that's not gnome-main-menu, that's the other menu type included with the default install, I think11:06
cmpmrpink57, it says - direct rendering :yes11:07
rwwreto`: You typed my name instead of rea, who is the person with the python problem.11:07
reto`rww: oh... :)11:07
mrpink57cmp: your gpu is working fine then, what processor are you using?11:07
guntbertGeli_: I asked you to put it all in *one* line :)11:07
reageirha, => so this command  ln -s -f python2.6 /usr/local/bin/python should work ?11:08
titan_arkrww i added what is called "Main Menu" " The main GNOME menu"11:08
geirharea: if there's a python2.6 binary in /usr/local/bin11:08
cmpmrpink57, iam using laptop - dell inspiron 1525 ... core 2 duo11:08
=== ersoy-12333 is now known as ersoy
Mik777Hi folks, does anyone know how to turn the front audio panel on?! before it required to do some alterations in realtek win. menu...11:09
Geliso i installed ndiswrapper with a driver, if i plug in the device and i list whitch one is installed it lists the plugged device too. But i can't searching for internet. What can i  do?11:09
=== user is now known as Guest43391
mrpink57cmp: if apps are running slow maybe reinstall them.  I use a very minimal linux distro on my laptop to keep speed and do not install much.  However I had 512mb of ram.11:09
rwwtitan_ark: There are two menu applets that come with Ubuntu by default. One is the one that's added by default, with Applications / Places / System, the other is Main Menu, which puts them all under one button. gnome-main-menu should add a third one, which looks like http://images.google.com/images?q=gnome-main-menu11:09
Gelianybody can help me?11:10
itsthe live ubuntu DVD.. where does it store all data?? the temp one11:10
mrpink57rea: is there is reason it has to be forced with the -f command?11:10
reawell because verything i test, doesn't work11:10
guntbertits: in RAM11:10
Geliso i installed ndiswrapper with a driver, if i plug in the device and i list whitch one is installed it lists the plugged device too. But i can't searching for internet. What can i  do?11:10
itshow much can it hold?11:11
cmpmrpink57 , its my system in all slow ..not just firefox .. i just said it as example11:11
mrpink57rea: to do a symalink I do ln -s ../path11:11
reamicka@micka-laptop:~$ python11:11
reabash: /usr/local/bin/python: No such file or directory11:11
reto`!wifi | geli11:11
ubottugeli: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:11
Seveasits, as much as fits in your memory :)11:11
mrpink57cmp: it wouldnt be a gpu issue though, thats just processing slow.  Maybe look at something slimmer like xfce vs gnome.11:11
Gelireto, ubotuu thank you11:11
catzzHey! What is better Wine or CrossOver and why?11:12
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:12
reto`Geli: np11:12
reai tried sudo ln -s -f usr/local/bin/python2.6 /usr/local/bin/python11:12
rwwcatzz: WINE, because it's free.11:12
cmpmrpink57, how to look at it ?11:12
reabut it doesn't work11:12
catzzok :)11:12
mrpink57cmp: pardon?11:12
reamrpink57, => sudo ln -s -f usr/local/bin/python2.6 /usr/local/bin/python it doesn't work11:12
catzzbut which works faster?11:12
titan_arkrww thats exactly what i want, the 3rd one, but when i am adding the main-menu i am getting the 2nd type you mentioned11:13
reto`the best wine? mmh... I like lambruzzo... ;)11:13
catzzWHAT? :D11:13
rwwtitan_ark: then like I said, you might need to restart GNOME to get it to show up in the Add to Panel window.11:13
mrpink57barley wine or mead11:13
orangeMUFFINanyone here wanna walk me through making a new partition?11:13
ubuntunewbieHow do I set up dual monitor on ubuntu 8.04 using ati driver?11:13
cmpmrpink57, you said - maybe i need to look at something like  xfce vs gnome.    then how to look at it11:13
titan_arkrww, ah okay that it could be :) i apologize11:13
guntbertrea: omit the -f for now and put an absolute path into the "source" part11:13
mrpink57cmp: gnome is a desktop environment so is xfce11:13
rwwtitan_ark: no problem, it's really confusing :)11:14
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.11:14
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels11:14
reaguntbert, what do you mean ? an example ?11:14
cmpmrpink57 , yes but how to reach it - iam so new in linux11:14
airtonixcatzz, in other words ... http://lmgtfy.com/?q=whats+better+wine+or+crossover+and+why11:14
orangeMUFFINso.... no one can help me make a new partition with gparted11:15
reto`!gparted | orangeMUFFIN11:15
ubottuorangeMUFFIN: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:15
guntbertrea: in your case ln -s /usr/local/bin/python2.6 /usr/local/bin/python   -- mind the first / (behind -s)11:15
reto`you might try that one...11:15
titan_arkis it possible to add the applets on the desktop?11:15
airtonixreto`, ... read the sentence again11:15
reto`oh... pff11:16
Seveastitan_ark, look at gdesklets11:16
* airtonix thinks people should drink less coffee11:16
guntbert!pm > rea11:16
ubotturea, please see my private message11:16
mrpink57cmp: go to the links it provides11:16
airtonixorangeMUFFIN, it might be better if you explain where you're at so far ?11:16
reaguntbert, => bash: /usr/local/bin/python: No such file or directory11:16
Dr_Willistitan_ark:  google gadgets also can do it.. as can the Opera browser11:17
airtonixorangeMUFFIN, you have gparted open? do you have the drive you want to partition unmounted ?11:17
titan_arkSeveas, cool thx11:17
cmpmrpink57 , where is the link which is provide ?11:17
titan_arkDr_Willis,  is it? well i am a mozilla guy :P11:17
Dr_Willistitan_ark:  then  you do without11:17
airtonixtitan_ark, muwahaha11:18
mrpink57!xfce > cmp11:18
ubottucmp, please see my private message11:18
reasorry guntbert about the pm11:18
reai don't understand guntbert i've done what you told me to do but i get bash: /usr/local/bin/python: No such file or directory11:18
guntbertrea: its no problem but I always like to have others review my statements :)11:18
zilkomaaIs there a GOOD back up software for ubuntu?11:19
airtonixzilkomaa, define "good"11:20
Myrtti!backup | zilkomaa11:20
ubottuzilkomaa: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:20
guntbertrea: ok try it so: cd /usr/bin  - then look at the output of ls -l pyt*11:20
B3rz3rk3rzilkomaa, http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/top-10-linux-backup-and-recovery-software/11:20
zilkomaaairtonix: That i can install all the files and operating system from dvd or cd after backing up11:21
reacd /usr/bin11:21
reals -l pyt*11:21
airtonixzilkomaa, so you really mean hard drive imaging11:21
guntbertrea: in a terminal :)11:21
mrpink57you can use Clonezilla11:21
zilkomaaairtonix: Yes that is what i'm looking for..11:22
reaguntbert, what is already the link to past a text ?11:22
zilkomaaThank you, everybody for your response.11:22
guntbert!pastebin | rea11:22
ubotturea: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:22
mrpink57you could also try rsync to sync folders to a server11:22
reaguntbert, => http://pastebin.com/d6eb0c57c11:22
airtonixmrpink57, you zilkomaa and I are not the only ones in the channel, infact its a miracle your message actually came within 5 miles of my message that it would be form a correhent conversation trail....prefix messages with your targets names here11:23
guntbertrea: you made a slight mistake - please do rm python  - then ln -s python2.6 python11:25
titan_arki just noticed, i do not get too see my battery info on the panel :P how do i add that?11:25
Geli_i need help because i can't do a step11:26
Geli_please if you have time on private help me11:26
titan_arki just noticed, i do not get too see my battery info on the panel :P how do i add that?11:27
mrpink57titan_ark: it just right click the panel and add it11:27
reaguntbert,  => bash: /usr/local/bin/python: No such file or directory11:27
titan_arkmrpink57, there is no battery applet11:27
mrpink57titan_ark: there should be a search option and the option to install also I think on the add app option or whatever it is11:28
cmpdoes the ubuntu have any back doors for getting infected by any kind of virus?11:28
guntbertrea: you didn't do what I said - no need for the local part - please read back (cd...., rm ..., ln ....   all in the same directory)11:29
mrpink57cmp: not unless you mess around in root a lot11:29
mrpink57!virus | cmp11:29
ubottucmp: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2111:29
titan_arkmrpink57, there is a search but i cant find anything, and there is no install option11:30
mrpink57titan_ark: search it in synaptic then, i cannot remember the name.  i think its cpu applet or something ot that effect11:30
titan_arkmrpink57, okay thx11:30
cmpmrpick57, no  iam not messing around with the root... but i was just asking  coz i want to use linux instead of windows- people told me that its very safe and no viruses for linux    ... so i asked if its true or not11:30
guntbertrea: I gotta go - please ask the channel if there are further problems - Good luck :-)11:31
reacd /usr/local/bin/ => sudo rm python => sudo ln -s python2.6 python11:31
reaguntbert, right ?11:31
mrpink57cmp: all i was doing was giving you the info....11:31
reabut thx a lot !11:31
wejickcan someone give me email of pysycache dev?11:32
titan_arkmrpink57, there are so many for battery and cpu :P i wonder which i should install11:32
wejickthe email at it's site is unresponsible to my mail11:32
zerozillioni have a short question... may seem dumb, but how can i reorganize the icons and apps in the "applications" drop list?11:32
edoloromineste nu se vorbeste11:32
ujkanovicsome one her11:33
wejickzerozillion, you can right click to it11:33
Myrttiujkanovic: usually11:33
Geli_nobody help me?11:33
zerozillionwejick ah!  *facepalm*11:33
reahi !11:34
SeveasGeli_, nobody can help you. You didn't tell us your problem11:34
cmpubottu, i dont want to read all this what you gave me - you always sending a links instead of helping with very simple and easy words - as if you are showing off by your experience ...why you do that ?????11:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:34
Geli_i told my problem11:34
ujkanovici hae problems11:34
reais there someone here who can help me with this problem => bash: /usr/local/bin/python: No such file or directory ?????11:34
ujkanovici have problems can some one help me whit iptables11:34
SeveasGeli_, "<Geli_> i need help because i can't do a step" is not "telling your problem"11:35
wejicknobody help me?11:35
titan_arkMyrtti, any idea on which is the battery power management tool and indicator to be installed?11:35
reais there someone here who can help me with this problem => bash: /usr/local/bin/python: No such file or directory ????? because i've already that => lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       9 2010-02-07 12:30 python -> python2.611:35
zerozillionwejick, thx man... it was too obvious, heh :)11:35
erUSULrea: python is not installed there. what is looking for it there?11:35
wejickzerozillion, its okey11:35
Seveasrea, does /usr/local/bin/python2.6 exist? And why are you installing python manually into /usr/local anyway?11:36
reaerUSUL, my command python doesn't work11:36
Geli_i have a problem if i want to configure my wireless network device in graphical way in Ubuntu (ndiswrapper) it wrotes: coudn't find a network configuring tool11:36
erUSULrea: what command is giving you that error ?11:36
zilkomaaShould i install amd processor drivers for ubuntu 9.10 64bit?11:36
reaerUSUL, => python ^^11:36
Geli_anybody know what can i do?11:37
zerozillionubuntu software center has goatsementracker11:37
zerozillionoops, wrong chan :)11:37
erUSULrea: !? how can that be... what does « which python » returns ?11:37
reaSeveas, not bad, python 2.6 doesn't existe11:37
psycho_oreosGeli_, what is the driver for that chipset?11:38
Seveasrea, sure it does.11:38
psycho_oreosGeli_, err more rather what is the wireless chipset?11:38
Geli_Tp link TL-WN620G11:38
Seveasdennis@mosquito:~$ python -V11:38
SeveasPython 2.6.4+11:38
psycho_oreosGeli_, the device is not usb is it?11:38
Geli_yes it's usb11:38
zilkomaaThey are kinda old in amd site, thinking are those needed because ubuntu is so new..11:38
cmpand really i dont know why people here are trying to make it more complicated for the beginners ...is it a trial of showing how much professionals you are , or trial to make the others feel stupid.  in case if you think you are here to teach and support - then you need to know that teaching and supporting is not this way - you need to make it easy - simple and go with the people who have no experience step by step11:38
reaerUSUL, =>  /usr/bin/python11:39
wejickcmp, okey you can ask to me11:39
Seveasrea, which version of Ubuntu are you on?11:39
reaubuntu 9.1011:39
erUSULrea: "ls -l /usr/bin/python"11:39
reain /usr/bin i've python -> python2.611:39
Geli_the driver is wrong?11:40
reaerUSUL, and of course python2.6 exist11:40
Seveasrea, so don't bother with installing python manually. Remove all python related things from /usr/local and you can use the system python :)11:40
psycho_oreosGeli_, no was thinking there might be issues whilst in 64bit11:40
Geli_i'm in 32 bit11:40
titan_arkwow acpi was not installed11:40
zerozillionGeli_ ubuntu supported most of my wlan usb sticks, no matter if it was a cheapo 5€ stick or some netgear11:40
ujkanoviccan some oe help me on this channle or not11:40
reaSeveas, what it will be the command ?11:41
erUSULrea: then it is imposible that python fails the way you say it fails .... unless you have an alias set11:41
Geli_i don't wanna buy another stick11:41
erUSULrea: run « type python »11:41
titan_arkcould someone please help me get powermanagent on. i hope i wont damage my battery!11:41
reaSeveas, the problem was that  i wanted to change de defaut version of python 2.4 => 2.611:41
Seveasrea, rm /usr/local/bin/python11:41
Seveasrea, the default python version on ubuntu 9.10 is 2.611:41
zerozillionGeli_, does it show up in lsusb ?11:41
reaerUSUL, => python is /usr/bin/python11:42
reanot for me11:42
Geli_it shows only just the port11:42
Geli_what it uses11:42
erUSULrea: then there is no way on earth to get that error running just "python" on a terminal11:42
rea<Seveas> rea, rm /usr/local/bin/python => after that ?11:43
Seveasrea, do this and dpaste the output: ls -la /usr/bin/python; /usr/bin/python -V11:43
daniesahnehi if i choose hibernate in gnome it doesnt work and just the screensaver comes up11:43
ersoyhello, channel 4: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed <- what is the mean?11:43
stanman246guys could anyone reccomend a video editor?11:43
zerozillionGeli_ maybe try finding out which chip is on there, there are not much different ones, its just the outer casing11:43
erUSULersoy: something does not let you open the file ?11:43
reaSeveas, => http://pastebin.com/d5677845b11:44
Seveasersoy, that the sshd you are connecting to doesn't like what you are doing (forwarding ports for instance)11:44
Geli_i need to go11:44
reaSeveas,  it's work !!!!!!!11:44
reathanks !11:44
erUSULersoy: apparmor maybe?11:44
Seveasrea, so the default python version for you is 2.6 :)11:44
echo_when i enter mixed languages (english, japanese) using anthy in web forms, sometimes they are submitted right, sometimes only the ASCI chars are correct and the others are cryptic byte characters. how can this be?11:45
reathanks ALL specialy to Seveas erUSUL and guntberg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:45
UjjainWhy does Ubuntu by default link to 32-bits at download?11:45
reto`echo_: depends on the coding of the site...11:45
erUSULUjjain: explain11:45
reto`echo_: using firefox?11:46
echo_reto`, it was the same site. yes, firefox11:46
UjjainOk, I have 64-bits now :)11:46
UjjainI should have clicked Alternative download options, including Ubuntu installer for Windows :-P11:46
ersoyI think port forwarding, let me check11:46
reawhich python11:46
echo_reto`, can it be a problem to paste characters into the webform instead of entering them right in there?11:46
rwwUjjain: because 32-bit works on both 32-bit and 64-bit computers, so it's a good safe bet for people who don't know the difference11:46
erUSULUjjain: ah you mean in the website ? 32 bit is guarantead to work in all machines11:46
reto`echo_: yes that might also be a problem...11:47
reaSeveas, thx !!!11:47
titan_arkMyrtti, rww , sorry for taking names. could you please help me set up power management. i hope i am not damaging my battery. some packages are installed but i cant get the indicator on11:47
rwwtitan_ark: nope, I'm about to go to sleep11:48
reto`echo_: maybe check that pasting/entering is the issue and then we can analyse it further11:48
rwwgood luck, though :)11:48
timedoutI have UNR 9.10 ISO in usb-drive. I have installed UNR 9.04 IMG to the laptop, but that does not recognize eth or wlan. So I try to upgrade UNR 9.04 -> 9.10 by just using ISO. But I can't get that ISO to boot from usb, so is there away to launch upgrade from UNR 9.04?11:48
zerozillionok another thing... is there any webcam-to-http stream app with a graphical interface? i cant get mjpg-streamer to run11:48
daniesahnecan anyone help me? why does the screensaver come up if i choose hibernate from the menu11:48
titan_arkrww, okay11:49
ersoyerUSUL, Seveas, in local (sshd) and remote port (sshd (ssh tunneling)) port may be the same now11:49
echo_reto`,  so when pasting a character, the bytes the site uses to encode the character where i copied it from is used, and it might be unsuitable to the site i enter it in the form?11:50
timedoutWhy there is no IMG of UNR 9.10?11:50
echo_reto`, ok i will test this11:50
ManiiHi, when im using UNR, half the screen randomly goes dead, but I can still use the other half11:50
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reto`echo_: some pages use UTF encoding and others western or something.... in firefox there should be a menu where you can choose the encoding...11:51
hendryi need to install Ubuntu from USB. Is there some network install images, like Debian has?11:52
Ujjainhendry: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick11:53
UjjainSee more: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation (Server and Network, Installation without a CD)11:53
timedoutThat guide is quite useless11:53
timedoutThere is just ISO, no IMG.11:54
UjjainYou could manually convert.11:54
ManiiHi, can someone please tell me a good session manager to use with a custom setup im using11:56
the_holstaryo prayas ho mero prayas11:56
the_holstartimi lai birsane11:56
reto`Manii: like gdm or something?11:57
Maniireto, like gnome session11:57
Maniitheres gnome-session (cant use that), lxsession (dodgy piece of rubbish) and I dont know any others....11:58
root51hello guy11:58
root51it possible to run my windows apps under linux os11:58
root51what program i used to in order to run my windows apps11:59
reto`Manii: you probably mean a login-manager?11:59
Seveasroot51, not all, but quite a few will work with wine11:59
Seveas!wine > root5111:59
ubotturoot51, please see my private message11:59
Maniireto, not a login manager11:59
Maniisomething that manages the startup programs11:59
UjjainCan you install  Ubuntu via network if you only have a CentOS insatller cdrom?11:59
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:00
hendryUjjain: sign, don't want to convert12:00
reto`Manii: gnome-session is just starting up the gnome DE... via gdm normally...12:00
UjjainI did not have access to burning Ubuntu last day.12:00
UjjainANd needed to install Ubuntu and had only a CentOS drive.12:00
unimatrixis there a way to make music still play in ubuntu even if i restart the x server ?12:00
SeveasUjjain, no you can't.12:00
reto`unimatrix: mpd12:01
lightbrickoWhich virtualizing software is best to run Windows/windows software in? VirtualBox? VMWare? Another?12:01
unimatrixreto`: can i interface it with rhythmbox?12:01
reto`unimatrix: I guess not... but there are many clients for it12:01
root51what i can used12:01
unimatrixreto`: i want to keep using rhythmbox12:01
root51in order to run my windows apps12:01
echo_reto`, i sent forms with manually entered chars, and forms with pasted chars. all went good =/12:02
echo_reto`, seems to be another problem12:02
root51cross over12:02
root51its really works to run my windows apps12:02
reto`unimatrix: mpd is the only thing I know that can do what you want...12:03
unimatrixreto`: how about xmms2?12:03
reto`unimatrix: if it can be started as daemon... not sure12:04
unimatrixreto`: it's been designed the same way as mpd12:04
reto`unimatrix: oh well then... but mpd is great... i love it12:04
homebrewciderHi there, I have a fresh installation of Xubuntu 9.10. Auto login fails every time and I get taken to a manual login screen. It takes usually between 4 and 8 attempts to login using my user name and password. How can I check the cause of the problem. I'm assuming there's a log somewhere but don't know what to look for.12:06
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root51codeweavers cross over is reallt works12:07
root51to run my windows apps12:07
root51what do u think guys?12:07
root51tell me something12:08
reto`windows sucks12:08
unimatrixroot51: it's alright i guess... for proprietary non-free software12:08
root51what i can do12:09
zerozillionif i only could get my cheapo tv card to work just like in windows, there would be zero reason to go back12:09
unimatrixzerozillion: tv cards are a horrible idea anyway, just switch to IPTV12:09
root51i want to explore something12:09
root51how linux it works12:09
unimatrixroot51: ok? what's stopping you12:10
zerozillionunimatrix using AV input for running a commodore6412:10
zerozillionunimatrix, so i dont need a second monitor ;)12:10
root51i understand what u mean to say12:11
root51i stopped12:11
root51i wil to continued to used linux12:11
unimatrixroot51: try #ubuntu-ph12:12
unimatrixzerozillion: no comment :D12:13
xray7224Hey im trying to setup dual moniters using two nvidia graphics cards. I can only get one wokring, ive tried configuring them in the nvidia settings however it doesn't see my second screen12:13
xray7224These are my graphics cards12:14
xray722400:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)12:14
xray722402:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8300 GS] (rev a1)12:14
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead12:15
zerozillionunimatrix, i know there is VICE, but the soundchip can be hardly emulated. and i love the real thing ;)12:15
root51how did u know12:15
root51im a ph12:15
reto`xray7224: maybe that will help? not sure...12:15
xray7224Quick and dirty guide to using nVidia TwinView (two outputs on one card, a single desktop split across two monitors. 3d/video stuff works seamlessly across both).12:16
xray7224i have two cards12:16
hipeis it easyish to get a list of all the packages you installed with apt-get ? i just started setting up this vps a few days ago and my notes are all over the place12:17
reto`xray7224: I guess you would have to run two X then12:17
hipesomething like 'apt-get list --local'12:17
xray7224reto`, what ?12:17
erUSUL!clonning | hipe12:18
erUSUL!clone | hipe12:18
ubottuhipe: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate12:18
hipeexcellent thx erUSUL12:18
gabriel_hellos. If I install windows, it will overwrite my grub-whatever, so I can't login into ubuntu... is there a way to not let windows overwrite it on install?12:18
xray7224gabriel_, yeh windows will stop over grub12:19
gabriel_xray7224: any way to not let it do that?12:19
xray7224gabriel_, i restore it with an arch disk or a pendrive unetbootin + supergrub12:19
xray7224not to my knowledge12:19
xray7224ms can't understand that anyone would want to run anything but windows12:20
gabriel_xray7224: i have a usb stick. what should i put on it?12:20
xray7224there is a distrobution its small12:20
xray7224its for putting it on12:20
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xray7224hold on ill find it12:20
xray7224http://www.supergrubdisk.org/ <-- that i think12:20
gabriel_right now i have a bootable ubuntu 64 bit on the stick. will it due?12:20
gabriel_xray7224: i mean maybe i can just start from that usb stick and do some magic?12:21
xray7224should do maybe there is something that will do it from inside windows12:21
xray7224gabriel_, not sure, i always have a spare archlinux disk that have tools to do it on the grub for it but i don't suppose you do12:21
gabriel_xray7224: well not if it needs to read from my linux partition, as it uses ext4 file system... seems it's not supported in windows, unlike ext3.12:21
xray7224gabriel_, try that link i posted12:22
gabriel_xray7224: but if i boot from the usb stick, i can do something to restore grub, right? Question is, what.12:22
lightbrickoDoes both virtualbox and vmware support seamless mode?12:22
gabriel_xray7224: ok12:22
gabriel_lightbricko: that i know of, yes12:23
xray7224gabriel_, http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/AutoSuperGrubDisk <-- should help you if you get stuck12:23
lightbrickogabriel_: ok thanks. Do you have any idea which one is "best"? I just want to run a few windows apps such as Photoshop etc. as simply as possible.12:23
gabriel_xray7224: oh it's a windows program huh12:24
xray7224you can use unetbootin in linux too12:24
gabriel_lightbricko: not really sure. for me, virtualbox worked much better. But perhaps my computer was just a fit f* up at the time, who knows :)12:24
xray7224and put it on your pendrive before hand12:24
lightbrickogabriel_: ok, thx.12:25
root51may pilipino po ba dito12:25
silv3r_m00nhi there12:25
silv3r_m00nin ubuntu 9.10 why don't I have pdf in the print options12:26
silv3r_m00nhow to get it ?12:26
riktkingsilv3r_m00n, where are you printing from, what program?12:27
erUSULsilv3r_m00n: gedit should have a pdf printer as part of gnome12:28
silv3r_m00nin the printers I can't see the PDF printer12:28
erUSULsilv3r_m00n: print to file prints a pdf12:28
silv3r_m00nlet me check12:29
silv3r_m00noh ok12:29
erUSULi dunno about kate12:29
erUSULsilv3r_m00n: you can also install pdf printer that will work with every program of the system12:29
erUSUL!info cups-pdf12:30
ubottucups-pdf (source: cups-pdf): PDF printer for CUPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-8ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 41 kB, installed size 268 kB12:30
erUSULsilv3r_m00n: but there is no need nowadays12:30
netijakhello good ppl12:35
netijaki'v got big problrms with karmic koala12:35
netijakneed hlp12:35
riktkingnetijak, just ask your question12:35
Machtinhi there.. can i somehow get vlc to play bluray-untouched files smoothly? because it runs fine when i use mplayer, which is unable to open folders.12:36
netijakafter i updated 9.04 on 9.10 i cannot save pictures from firefox12:36
netijakwhen i click sape pic as nothing happens12:36
hak5fanHi I'm trying to help a friend fix a printer issue. The printer won't print at all, but openprinting says the driver should work perfectly. It's a  Ricoh Aficio MP C2500 printer (connected to the network) here's the cups error log:  http://pastebin.com/f462eb76812:37
anodesniHi, since the load cycle count bug is fixed my HDD is running at 41-44 degrees C. On windows7 it is 33-37 degrees C, since windows parks the heads of the hdd approximately 20 times per hour.12:37
anodesniHow can I set the head parking at the same setting as in windows?12:37
jeeezhow do i use greasemonkey scripts in chrome?12:38
netijakevery time after filesystem check i have to install madwifi again12:38
netijaki cannot save images in my firefox12:40
netijaki tried creating a new user acc but it didnt help12:40
netijakit used to wirk fine before12:41
petsoundsjeeez, #chromium-support12:41
brian__no audio.. pls help12:44
riktkingnetijak, did u use the ubuntu upgrade program12:44
toniibrian__: disable pulseaudio12:46
echo_reto`, the problem stands. sometimes my characters are submitted right, sometimes not. on the same site, using the same input method12:46
echo_reto`, any ideas?12:46
brian__tonii: how do i go about it?12:46
phemmysup y'all12:47
phemmyneed sum12:47
anodesniis a temperature of 44 degrees bad for hdd?12:47
overmindanodesni: That depends of hd.12:48
anodesniovermind, seagate laptop hdd12:48
dravekxhow do I login to my ubuntu server via ssh from ubuntu desktop?12:49
overminddravekx: ssh user@server12:49
wejickdravekx, use ssh coman12:49
dravekxovermind, from terminal?12:49
overminddravekx: Yes.12:49
Julien__hi i just change my laptop and i transfert my private ssh key to my new one and at each connection servers ask me for my passphrase12:50
Julien__what i miss12:50
ultraparadigmGreetings people!12:51
toniibrian__: I forget, System settings somewere12:51
phemmyhey need help with aireplay12:51
overmindphemmy: aircrack-ng?12:51
phemmyyeah man12:51
acrushhelp pls :(12:51
phemmyi think its cuz of my caard12:51
overmindWhat's your problem?12:51
ultraparadigmHas anyone here succesfully run Team Fortress 2 in Linux?12:51
overmind!ask | acrush12:52
ubottuacrush: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:52
phemmyit wont associate12:52
acrushany 1 help please12:52
overmindacrush: Ask question and we'll try to help you.12:52
Myrttiacrush: we're not clairvoyants, you need to ask your question12:53
Julien__hi i just change my laptop member:and i transfert my private ssh key to my new one member:and at each connection servers ask me for my passphrase12:53
Julien__what i miss guys12:53
echo_i enter text in unicode in web forms, sometimes they are submitted correctly, sometimes they are unreadable. any idea?12:53
MyrttiJulien__: why don't you create a new private ssh key?12:53
acrushi am havin a doubt??12:53
MyrttiJulien__: the public key contains the username too12:54
Julien__Myrtti because i'm sure i can get back my original12:54
MyrttiJulien__: if you're so sure, then why do you need our help then ;-)12:54
Julien__it's cleaner in this way no need to add a new one to the servers12:54
acrushi am using a slow net can i increase it fastly by anyway n linux??12:55
Julien__because i don't find the way12:55
Julien__so any idea is good to take12:55
brian__tonii:  thanks12:55
Julien__Myrtti yes you're right it could be this i change my user name12:56
acrushany 1 can help me ??12:56
vikihello, i am using ubuntu 9.10 with thunderbird 2.0 and i have a problem with it: i am not able to add rss feeds in the thunderbird (when i fill the dialogbox to add a new feed and press ok, the new feed is not getting added)12:57
brian__i have another query, i was receiving jpeg files via skype. received one file and could view it but the sunsequent ones made skype to stop responding. i cud no longer send messages but could still receive messages from the other end. is this a problem within skype or the OS.never had this problem with windows thiugh12:57
psycho_oreosphemmy, you probably have better support in #aircrack-ng12:58
phemmythanks man psycho12:58
phemmyi got the regular compiz with gears and stuff but am looking for the real deal saw som clips on utube13:00
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phemmyi need some1 2 show me the way13:00
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Kimingmany people can't speak13:05
Kimingfirst enter13:05
sureshsuresh here13:05
lxsysweb!ot |13:06
ubottu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:06
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fumblesoiy vey13:08
fumblesanybody have any luck with clear wireless' usb wimax dongle?13:08
xiongHi all.13:09
Kimingyou speak is too difficult know13:10
xiongLooking for a DVD burning/backup utility. Tried mondo; didn't like it. Tried dkopp, which is better, but still very clumsy. Suggestions?13:10
sumanKiming, what is matter?13:10
Kimingi have question13:10
xiongUm, I should say, I'm backing up one machine.13:10
Kimingi open screenlets but Important! You are running this application as root user, almost all functionality is disabled. You can use this to install screenlets into the system-wide path.13:11
manumarwhatś going on family!?13:11
xiongmanumar, Hi.13:11
manumarsomeone connect with ubuntu via wifi?13:12
manumarI hope no? ::D because I need help, I have just installed WICD13:12
manumarbecause network-manager..ist good enoguht13:12
Chiefhowhowmy ubuntu wont even let me install it13:12
Chiefhowhowi load ubuntu 9.10 and it wont let me install it off of the cd..13:13
manumarwhy dont install it directly?13:14
fumblestry making a new cd then13:14
manumaror, if you have a pendrive13:14
fumblesor making a bootable usb13:14
Kimingubuntu on my virtualbox13:14
manumarmy ubuntu has been installed from a usb13:14
fumblesmanumar: wicd is the way to go13:14
x404xI installed vino but i only get a terminal login window, i need the whole xubuntu-desktop shown remotely13:15
* fumbles only installs from usb...all the cool kids are doin' it13:15
Chiefhowhowdo you need windows system installd before you install ubuntu?13:15
manumarfumbles, yes, I think it too, but my conection..turn of when it is turn on for 2 hours13:15
Oseso I want to run a windows program with wine, but the contents of "/media/ACER/Program files" is not displayed, so I can't find the .exe to run. help?13:15
airtonixChiefhowhow, no13:15
fumblesChiefhowhow: if you want to keep windows it's better to have it installed or install it first13:16
fumblesyou have to reinstall grub it you put windows after linux13:16
manumarinstall virtualbox13:16
manumarfrom SUN13:17
airtonixOse, 1) directory in question is part of a real windows isntall ? 2) if so did you shut windows down properly 3) are you looking at the directory in nautilus?13:17
fumblestoo bad some people <cough> me have a wifi dongle that has no drivers for linux13:17
xiongSo many backup utilities. Any preferences?13:17
Kimingvirtualbox is better VM13:17
airtonix!backup > xiong13:17
ubottuxiong, please see my private message13:17
fumblesbackup? rsync ftw13:18
Chiefhowhowi dloaded the iso and burnt it to a cd.. did a check to see if the cd had any errors and no errors were found.. i then did the install.. it braught ubuntu up after a good 15 minutes.. i then clicked on the ubuntu installer and it kept giving me error messages13:18
rekunable to O_EXCL/dev/sr0 someone was in time to remount? help13:18
manumarmy question please..mmm I have this PC with ubuntu as a server, and my oher computer in my beedroom with windwos...well the problem is that I am working via LAN (programing,etc) and sudenly the conection turn of13:18
fumblesjust rsync -avr --one-file-system /path_of_target /path_to_destination13:18
airtonixChiefhowhow, sounds like your cdrom drive is a bit unreliable13:18
xiongUm, airtonix, I know there are many tools. Perhaps it's naive of me to ask if any real human has a particularly good feel about any of them?13:18
Oseairtonix: 1 yes, 2 I believe so, 3 yes13:18
Travis-42is there a program that lets me copy the tags from one music file to another? (command line is fine)13:19
aaronfcHello!, i've problems with my graphic card "Ati Radeon HD 4650" (r700 chipset) ¿ can anyone help me ?13:19
fumblesxiong: just rsync -avr --one-file-system /path_of_target /path_to_destination13:19
xiongfumbles, How is rsync with DVDs?13:19
Oseairtonix: nvm, I discovered another folder13:19
fumblesxiong: it should work13:19
airtonixOse, so nautilus shows the directory as empty ? are you sure the drive is mounted properly? ie can you see other directories containing the files you expect them to have ?13:19
aaronfcHello!, i've problems with my graphic card "Ati Radeon HD 4650" (r700 chipset) ¿ can anyone help me ? Please ¿13:19
fumblesxiong: rsync is just a fast file copy command13:20
Oseapparently windows had made two program files folders, one english and one norwegian -.-13:20
fumblesthat can produce incremental backups very easy-meant for external hardrives or over a network but it should work for a dvd as well13:20
xiongfumbles, I want a utility that has more features. I want to be able to preview the operation before I burn; see how many files I'm moving as well as how many bytes; that sort of thing.13:20
fumblesxiong: ^13:20
airtonixOse, oh gee that windows! gosh what a joker :)13:20
fumblesbaobab lets you view specifically every amount of space your file system is taking up..you can do the math from there for what you're backing up13:21
SIrRedToothI installed ubuntu using wubi. It worked perfectly for a week. Now I cannot boot into ubuntu.13:21
SIrRedToothHow can I recover my files?13:21
fumblesmore specific please13:21
xiongfumbles, dkopp is supposed to do incrementals but I don't see how, unless it's doing an incremental onto the same media on which it did the full. I think that's bad practice; once a disc is burnt, it's burnt.13:21
erUSUL!wubi | SIrRedTooth13:21
ubottuSIrRedTooth: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.13:21
aaronfc... ¿anybody can help me with my ati graphic card ? Please ?13:22
SIrRedToothI used wubi to install ubuntu13:22
SIrRedToothNow ubuntu wont load13:22
fumblesxiong: nevermind then, I don't actually know any good dvd backup programs...besides doing it yourself through bash/zsh. I'm sorry :(13:22
SIrRedToothHow can i recover my ubuntu files13:23
fumblesSIrRedTooth: why won't it load? what message is it giving13:23
aaronfcanybody reads me ? :S13:23
SIrRedToothI have the error message here13:23
dravekxis there a 64bit web server package I can install?13:23
SIrRedToothXAMPP for linux?13:23
airtonixSIrRedTooth, no13:24
dravekxxampp does have a 64bit version13:24
maltronhey all - just updated from jaunty to karmic and no longer have sound, and have to boot in safe mode!  Help!13:24
xiongfumbles, I may be too demanding. For backup work, I like the cushy sort of app, with bells, whistles, and knobs. I especially think it's important to have a real good handle on what you're about to commit.13:24
lxsyswebdoea apache have a 64bit version?13:24
jriblxsysweb: of course13:25
dravekxidk.. looks like im installing everything by hand. no package deals.13:25
dravekxnot 64bit at least13:25
SIrRedToothfumbles what do you think?13:25
airtonixxiong, this too simple for you ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/SimpleBackupSuite13:25
* xiong looking13:25
jribdravekx: there's certainly no point in installing xampp on ubuntu13:26
fumblesSIrRedTooth: it looks like you might be getting block errors13:26
fumblesaka a bad disk13:26
Jeatonis there something in ubuntu that will allow me to grab files from my vista partition?13:26
Jeatonactually, i know t here is13:26
airtonixJeaton, you mean like ntfs-3g ?13:26
erUSUL!ntfs | Jeaton13:26
ubottuJeaton: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:26
dravekxjrib, ???13:26
SIrRedToothfumbles how can i fix this? And how was it caused?13:26
fumblesJeaton: in a terminal "mount -type ntfs-3g /dev/sdx /mnt/windows (or whatever path)13:27
SIrRedToothThanks for your advice btw13:27
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:27
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko13:27
jribdravekx: "???" doesn't mean much to me.  Do you have a question?13:27
Jeatonfumbles - thanks13:27
xiongairtonix, I think Simple Backup is not oriented toward DVDs. I may be wrong.13:27
fumblesJeaton: np and the /dev/sdx is the path of your vista partition13:27
fumblesyou can add it in /etc/fstab to automount if you like13:27
airtonixxiong, i'm not sure that it matters...that would be handled by the filesystem no ?13:27
fumblesSIrRedTooth: umm howlong have you had the disk?13:28
ftnHi all. can you tell me if there's any command line tool to merge and convert several dv files into a single ogm file?, please13:28
dravekxjrib, what do you mean theres no point in installing xampp on ubuntu?   I have ubuntu server, but I need it to be setup as a webserver13:28
jrib!lamp | dravekx13:28
ubottudravekx: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:28
erUSULftn: ffmpeg ? mencoder ?13:28
airtonixxiong, ok i see what you mean, it doesn't do volumes13:28
xiongairtonix, I'm fairly new to Ubuntu; only about a year in it, so there may be stuff I'm missing. I consider burning a DVD to be a special and particular task, distinct from copying a file from one hard disk to another.13:28
SIrRedToothI am running windows from the same harddrive now13:28
SIrRedToothNo problems13:29
erUSULSIrRedTooth: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide13:29
Kimingubottu is robots ???13:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:29
xiongIdeally, I want the entire process to be simulated beforehand, so I can say definitely that it will succeed (barring media or write failure) before punching the button.13:29
fumblesSIrRedTooth: hrm I would just try to reinstall ubuntu but with a disk or usb...Iv'e heard bad stuff about wubi(atleast in the arch channel)13:30
lxsysweblol ubottu is awesome13:30
airtonixxiong, if you can get it to sort the backups in separate volumes when a size threshold is reached, then creating ISOs from a set of files is trivial13:30
xiongHere's my objection to dkopp: It has a hard limit of 200,000 files but you don't find out you've exceeded this until the app crashes.13:30
capronSomeone know what too config, The screen do not wake up from a suspend or hibrate13:30
erUSUL!info dar | xiong13:30
ubottuxiong: dar (source: dar): Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.9-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 228 kB, installed size 588 kB13:30
Kimingubottu is supybot13:31
* fumbles goes takes nap 07:31 here13:31
xiongairtonix, I understand. This is a matter of mental model. I'm sure, in these modern times, I can just throw in a DVD and use Nautilus to drop files into it until it's full. Then I keep track with pencil and paper what I've copied and what not.13:31
SIrRedToothMy problem still has not been solved13:31
airtonixxiong, sure but i meant that you can actually script the files > iso stage13:32
erUSULSIrRedTooth: did you read the wiki page tha we pointed you to (twice) ?13:32
xiongHas anyone here had experience with Retrospect (for  the Mac)? This is my model of a good backup utility, although it suffers from the drawback of storing files in a compressed, proprietary format.13:32
ftnthx erUSUL , I'll give them a try13:33
vikihello, can anybody tell me how to turn thunderbird-3.0 to any other language than English? Thanks13:33
xiongairtonix, I agree that if I wrote my own backup utility, it would exactly fit both my needs and my desires, rational or otherwise.13:33
atlefxiong: what about backintime13:33
jolarenIs it possible to edit out so I dont have to chose kernel at boot?13:33
xiongatlef, I installed that, along with many others. I'll take another look.13:34
KimingI can learn English here13:34
atlefxiong: ok13:34
brian__my pc freezes whenever i'm watching a movie or also while on youtube. is this some problem reg the graphics? never had this problem with windows13:34
ThreetimesHi, audacity works really slow. Only when I set the project frequency at 8000Hz it becomes "usable"...13:34
Kiwi_hello, I just created a new mobile broadband connection with Ubuntu's network manager, but I have no idea how to access it13:34
capronjorik, /etc/default/grub choose what to boot and set time to zero13:34
xiongatlef, BackInTime appears more oriented toward the HD-to-HD automatic backup, rather than the manual DVD burning.13:35
ThreetimesKiwi_: should be automaic. try disconnecting from your wired/wifi connection...13:35
max__ciao a tutti13:35
capronjorik, run update-grub afterwards13:35
Kiwi_alright threetimes13:35
brian__anybody knows y? pls help13:36
jolarenWhy doesnt this work?? "echo '/usr/local/bin/noip2' >> /etc/rc.local13:36
airtonixxiong, so you'd be happy with simplebackupsuite if it accomodated dvd/cd as a destination ?13:36
capronjolaren,  I think noip2 is a binary and no script13:37
erUSULjolaren: permision issues?13:37
jribjolaren: it does work, but you probably don't have permissions to change /etc/rc.local.  Anyway though, that's not the right way.  If you install noip2 from the repositories it should start when you boot automatically13:37
Dr_Willisjolaren:  it needs to be done as root.13:37
Threetimesjolaren: you must be root to do that13:37
cmphow to install xfce ?13:37
erUSULjolaren: sudo sh -c "echo '/usr/local/bin/noip2' >> /etc/rc.local"13:37
xiongairtonix, I really think the best way for me to express myself is by pointing to Retrospect: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retrospect_%28software%2913:38
hipewith a name like 'visudo', why is it so hard to get it to use 'vi' as the editor? `select-editor` does not present it as an option13:38
Dr_Willisjolaren:  commands in rc.local need to be BEFOR the last exit(0) statement in rc.local also13:38
jolarenerUSUL; It was done13:38
erUSULjolaren: or → echo '/usr/local/bin/noip2' | sudo tee -a /etc/rc.local13:38
bazhangcmp, install xubuntu-desktop package13:38
jribjolaren: just use the repository version instead13:38
jolarenerUSUL;  Wouldn't cat work?13:38
erUSULjolaren: also Dr_Willis is right13:38
xiongI used Retrospect on my OS 9 Macs for years and except for the proprietary format, it worked very very well.13:38
cmpbazhang, how can i do it .....13:38
erUSULjolaren: you have to add them before the "exit 0" so a echo >> wont do13:39
jolarenAny tips on how to skip kernel boot ? Or I mean the "chose kernel" dialog at bootup.. It comes along on my server13:39
airtonixxiong, so i assume you are not using the linux client because it doesn't do disc medium ?13:39
bazhangcmp, with the package manager (synaptic) or the command line13:39
jolarenerUSUL; I did it with cat now13:39
jolarenerUSUL; didnt work either, will use rep version13:39
xiongairtonix, You're talking about Simple Backup?13:40
jolarenerUSUL; Do you know the name of the packet?13:40
phemmyhey i need full compiz effects possible13:40
erUSUL!find noip13:40
ubottuFound: noip213:40
erUSUL!info noip213:40
airtonixxiong, no apparently retrospect has a ubuntu client13:40
ubottunoip2 (source: no-ip): client for dynamic DNS service. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.9-3 (karmic), package size 83 kB, installed size 260 kB13:40
cmpbazhang, i opened the synaptic and i dont know what to do then - i searched for the desktop package but i didnt find it .13:41
atlefcmp: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop13:41
ThreetimesHi, audacity works really slow. Only when I set the project frequency at 8000Hz it becomes "usable"...13:41
xiongI'm sorry; maybe I'm just asking too much. If you'll excuse the analogy, I'm looking for the first-class solution. I want to see what I'm doing, I want control over every aspect of the backup, and when I don't exercise that control, I want intelligent action regardless. High standards.13:41
jolarenerUSUL; Did not know of that funciton, thank yo13:41
airtonixxiong, actually not anymore, seems you'd have to use alien to install it from an rpm : http://forums.dantz.com/showtopic.php?tid/7919/13:41
bazhangcmp, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  , followed by your password13:41
xiongairtonix, *That* would be weird.13:42
airtonixxiong, keep in mind that thread is seven years old13:42
cmpbazhang, it tells me   E: couldnt  get lock    do you want me to send you the out put13:43
atlefcmp: close synaptic13:43
bazhangcmp, did you use sudo? is another installation going on now or do you have synaptic still open?13:44
xiongairtonix, In any case, it's still the proprietary format. I used to think that was wise but now I see the light: no amount of compression or cleverness is worth anything except a straight copy format on the medium.13:44
airtonixxiong, this is true13:44
cmpyes synpatic still opened bazhang,13:44
cmpok atlef,.13:44
bazhangcmp, then close it and use the command again13:44
xiongToo many backup utilities seem to assume that you have unlimited resources.13:45
airtonixxiong, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/pybackpack-a-user-friendly-file-backup-tool-for-ubuntu-linux-desktop.html13:45
cmpbazhang, its working now - but what is this command is for ?13:45
BluesKajHey folks13:45
reto`backpack-a-user-friendly-\|<ubottu> xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more13:45
reto`file-backup-tool-for-ubuntu-linux-desktop.html                   |         physical displays as one large virtual display. See13:45
reto`*** Kiming (~Kiming@ has left channel #ubuntu: "暂 |         https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See13:45
reto`pff... sorry13:46
bazhangcmp, when installing packages from the command line, that is the command you use: sudo apt-get install packagename13:46
reto`freaking middle click problem on my touchpad13:46
jolarenI get errors when trying to install no-ip rep version. It says " Creating a read-write copy of the noip2 configuration... cp: cannot stat '/var/lib/noip2.conf': No such file or directory13:47
cmpok i just want to know what are those command for - coz i want to understand linux - bazhang.13:47
bazhangcmp, let me get you a link for a quite good book on Ubuntu13:47
ubottuG(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org13:48
cmpwait wait bazhang13:48
reto`don't forget gnu :) ^13:48
ae86-drifter_hi i just set up xp in a VM, its in bridged mode for the NIC and it has internet connection etc, it shows up on my router as a connected device, but i cannot ping it from another pc on my LA13:48
cmpthose kind of box are talking too much with soooo many complicated words - no need for that13:48
capronjolaren, Try create a noip.config file13:48
xiongHere's a completely different gripe: When I install new software, I can never figure out where it's going to show up in the Applications menu.13:49
cmpbazhang. my way of learning is to know - what those orders are for - and i write down in a sheet - this command for this order.13:49
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html cmp that is a free and legal pdf you can download and read to explain things more fully13:49
jolarencapron; thanks I will, i chowned and chmoddet now13:49
ae86-drifter_why would my other LAN pcs not see it but still the vm has an ip and internet cnnection?13:49
Coachj Need help which is better: AMD Athlon™ II X2 Dual-Core Processor M300 (2.0GHz, 667MHz FSB, 1MB L2 Cache) or Intel Pent (2.2GHz, 800MHz FSB, 1MB L2 Cache)113:50
jolarencapron; The file exists already..13:50
hipe`update-alternatives` seems like a fancy wrapper around making symbolic links.  I am miffed that 'visudo' doesn't use 'vi' as the name would imply, nor does 'select-editor' offer vi as an option (really?)13:50
bazhangCoachj, please ask in ##hardware as that is the appropriate venue for your question13:50
airtonixxiong, actually dont bother with sbackup....people citing extremely long times to retrieve a single file from large backups and failed sessions13:51
Coachjok didnt know there was a hardware page13:51
xiongairtonix, Oh, I like pybackpack!13:51
reto`ae86-drifter_: cause it's a virtual nic?13:51
airtonixxiong, yeah that one looks very similar to the simplebackupsuite but does disc medium13:51
capronjolaren, okey I guess you have too keep on trying, Maby try to remove it and then install again.13:52
xiongIt has some adult features. I found one backup utility that has exactly two buttons: 'backup' and 'restore'.13:52
jolarencapron; done it 3 times now13:53
ae86-drifter_reto`, never mind its fixed, the VM wad windows firweall on13:53
xiongOkay, well, I'm going to exit this user and do my backup. Thanks all for the help, especially airtonix++13:53
ae86-drifter_reto`, it pings now13:54
Coachjbazhang: can you help me out with a link, please?13:54
bazhangCoachj, which link13:54
Coachjbazhang: to hardware chat13:55
SIrRedToothHow can i recover my files from a root.disk file?13:55
bazhangCoachj, its on freenode here /join ##hardware13:55
SIrRedToothUbuntu wont start and I need to recover my work :(13:55
atlefboot the live cd and see if you can find your files maybe13:56
SIrRedToothatlef I installed ubuntu using wubi13:57
SIrRedToothUbuntu wont load now13:57
SIrRedToothI get a error message13:57
atlefoh, sorry13:58
SIrRedToothno problem :)13:58
=== mermshaus_ is now known as mermshaus
atlefSIrRedTooth: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20can%20I%20access%20the%20Wubi%20files%20from%20Windows?13:59
atlefmight get you going13:59
reto`atlef: was just about to post that one :)13:59
SIrRedToothThanks. Tried the first software and that didnt work14:00
YerushalmiWhat is (and is there) the easiest way to transfer my ubuntu installation from one hard disk to another, maintaining all installed programs, settings, etc. (or as many as possible)?14:00
SeveasYerushalmi, rsync14:01
atlefYerushalmi: clonezilla will do this http://www.clonezilla.org/14:01
reto`SIrRedTooth: how about the livecd approach?14:02
* Yerushalmi goes through both avenues at once.14:02
YerushalmiSeveas: What's rsync?14:02
Seveasrsync -av --exclude /proc --exclude /dev --exclude /sys --exclude /mnt / /mnt/newdisk14:02
SIrRedToothdemonoid.com registrations open :D14:02
atlefreto`: he did a wubi install14:02
SeveasYerushalmi, file synchronization tool.14:02
cmpbazhang, i typed the second command - and it tells me  E: Couldn't find package packagename14:02
Seveascmp, try to think a bit. Replace 'packagename' with the name of the package you want to install...14:03
bazhangcmp, that was an example.  substitute packagename with the actual package name you wish to install14:03
reto`atlef: yes... even so... the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't14:03
reto`        |         physical displays as one large virtual         |         want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See14:03
ShizuoI AM SORRY14:03
reto`always this X clipboard fail14:04
YerushalmiSeveas: seeing as how I'm very, very new to ubuntu, is there anything I should know about the settings and commands you provided?14:04
hipehi, my box thinks it's called 'hipe' but there is no dns entry for it, so i just use the ip address when necessary, (e.g. in the sudoers file) .  Anytime i do a sudo command it gives me "sudo: unable to resolve host hipe".  Is there a workaround for telling your sever its hostname, when you don't have a domain name for it?14:04
atlefcmp: did you do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" in terminal14:04
YerushalmiSeveas: For instance, I assume "/mnt /" is supposed to be my main drive's root directory, and /mnt/newdisk is the one I want to copy it to?14:04
SeveasYerushalmi, yes. They will not work as provided. First you need to create a filesystem on the new disk, then mount it as /mnt/newdisk. / is the root directory14:04
=== user is now known as Guest68589
hipeactually i am using a dyndns temporary name for the server.  How do i tell a server what its domain name is?  (the thing you see in the prompt)14:05
cmpbazhang, here is the out put    http://pastebin.com/m5df21e7d14:05
SeveasYerushalmi, rsync will copy all files/directories except the excluded ones (sys, dev, proc)14:05
bazhangcmp, from what14:05
reto`SIrRedTooth: try this one > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20can%20I%20access%20my%20Wubi%20install%20and%20repair%20my%20install%20if%20it%20won't%20boot?14:05
SIrRedToothCan anybody help fix my grub loader?14:05
YerushalmiSeveas: *nod* The disk I want to copy to, for instance, is mounted under /media/.14:05
SeveasYerushalmi, then replace /mnt with /media and /mnt/newdisk with /media/whateveryoumounted it as14:06
YerushalmiSeveas: Why are those three excluded?14:06
cmpthe last command you told me with the xfce package that i need to install bazhang.14:06
YerushalmiSeveas: Ah, okay.14:06
SeveasYerushalmi, because they do not contain actual files. YOu will need to create the directories manually14:06
=== aperson is now known as snow-bee
=== snow-bee is now known as aperson
YerushalmiSeveas: By just creating them blank, or by actually installing ubuntu on that drive either before or after doing the rsync?14:06
SIrRedToothreto`, How can i run terminal commands when ubuntu wont work >.<14:07
SeveasYerushalmi, mkdir -m0755 /media/whatever/{dev,proc,sys}14:07
zicadaanyone tested 2.6.33-rc7 yet ? i cant get it to read R700_rlc.bin on startup14:08
YerushalmiSeveas: Ah! I get it. I was wondering why the /media kept showing up.14:08
jolarenerUSUL; It complained about location of config files. It doesn't complain now after running "sudo -i" then "noip2 -c"14:08
YerushalmiSeveas: But the first time it appears in the command it's after an exclude14:08
jolarenerUSUL; But it still doesnt run at boot up14:08
YerushalmiSeveas: So I don't end up in an endless loop :p14:08
SeveasYerushalmi, exactly! :)14:08
=== mike_ is now known as Guest6573
YerushalmiSeveas: Makes sense. So I'd enter rsync -av --exclude /proc --exclude /dev --exclude /sys --exclude /media / /media/Shmulik14:09
YerushalmiSeveas: Thus copying everything from all of my folders except proc, dev, sys, and media, into my drive mounted under media/Shmulik14:09
YerushalmiSeveas: What's the av for?14:09
SeveasYerushalmi, that should work if you formatted the drive as ext3 or any other linux filesystem.14:09
YerushalmiSeveas: It's ext4.14:09
Seveas-v is for verbose, -a is for archive mode. Archive mode makes sure all permissions etc. remain intact14:09
cmpaltef, yes i did what you said .14:09
=== ` is now known as Guest65837
YerushalmiSeveas: I assume I should wipe the current ubuntu installation from it, though, right?14:10
YerushalmiSeveas: Before running this command.14:10
SeveasYerushalmi, that's probably useful14:10
SeveasYerushalmi, just unmount it and reformat :)14:10
YerushalmiSeveas: Hehe. And I won't have any weird results, like having the drive I'm copying to appear twice, once as root and once as a separate mounted item?14:10
YerushalmiSeveas: Are there no settings within ubuntu that tell me "this drive is mounted here" and it'll recognize it as mounted here at the same time as being root?14:11
SeveasYerushalmi, on the new drive you will need to edit /etc/fstab. You will also need to boot from live cd the first time after removing the old disk to reinstall grub14:11
YerushalmiSeveas: Oooh. Um. I don't think I know how to do any of that :p14:12
Seveas(/etc/fstab on the new drive: /media/Shmulik/etc/fstab)14:12
reto`SIrRedTooth: burn the ubuntu livecd14:12
YerushalmiSeveas: Also, netbook, no livecd, installed from a USBstick.14:12
reto`SIrRedTooth: boot with that one and try the mount stuff14:12
atlefjulian__: hello14:12
cmpno one will help ?14:13
LjLjulian__: nice french.14:13
Yerushalmijulian__: Syntax error. Did you mean fsck?14:13
julian__kann jemand hacken14:13
atlef!language | julian__14:13
ubottujulian__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:13
LjLjulian__: nein14:13
jellow_!fr | julian__14:13
ubottujulian__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois14:13
LjL!de > julian__    (julian__, see the private message from ubottu)14:13
LjLjellow_: ...14:13
* jellow_ goes back to sleep14:14
* Yerushalmi recognizes that his joke would've been funnier were he experienced enough with terminal to know what the actual error message and suggested alternative would read.14:14
=== Guest50910 is now known as matt_
SIrRedToothStill havnt managed to access root.disk14:14
cmpatlef, i have done what you said ?14:14
cmpand you dont answer me atlef,14:14
cmpany one here will HELLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPP14:14
atlefsorry, could you repeat the original question14:15
cmpfor the god sake some one complete the help he is doing or showing off that he can do ????????????14:15
bazhangcmp, be patient14:15
cmpbazhang , i can be patient , but when some is communicating - not ignoring me every body by letting me scream here for help and no one in answering14:16
NoianoI was wondering if was possible to resolv certain domain (like youtube.com) on particular dns server (eg google's)14:16
capronjolaren I now did a apt-get install noip2  and it work very nicely for me it asked me for username passwd and create a binary config file ,    Maybe you can try a pkg-reconfigure noip2 as root14:16
secret_Hi I am new to ubuntu please do not ban me for asking a question14:17
bazhangcmp, did you update your system? what version of Ubuntu are you using?14:17
atlef!ask | secret_14:17
ubottusecret_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:17
cmpbazhang , guide me how to find out what version iam using ....14:17
capronBan secret for this question :-)14:17
dsnydersHi all!  Did they change the xwindows restart? [ctrl][alt][backspace] is not working for me.14:18
atlefsecret_: and remember, there are no stupid questions only stupid answers14:18
jolarencapron; hum14:18
sdx23dsnyders: yes. There a magic sysreq now afaik14:19
Kiwi_hi, I need to download and install the package at this address http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/i386/wvdial/download how can it be done with apt-get?14:19
jolarencapron; I still get the same error14:19
bazhangcmp in your top panel, do you see Applications, Places, System? under System , choose About Ubuntu14:19
YerushalmiSeveas: If I don't know how to edit fstab or anything like that, should I avoid doing this until and unless it can be explained to me in more detail?14:19
ngirardHi all. Could someone running ubuntu 9.10 could please give me the result of14:19
ngirardecho $INFOPATH14:19
secret_I have tried to set up utorrent to open automatically when I click on a .torrentfile but I get an error, cannot find path14:20
Seveasngirard, it's blank.14:20
bazhangsecret_, using Ubuntu with wine?14:20
OerHeksdsnyders  alt-gr + print-screen + K14:20
ngirardhmmm... weird. Thanks Seveas14:20
SeveasYerushalmi, or until you feel lucky ;)14:20
YerushalmiSeveas: Or alternatively can I do it visually through a program that will do it visually, so I don't have to edit things I don't understand?14:20
YerushalmiSeveas: Hehe14:20
SeveasYerushalmi, unfortunately not14:20
kcghi there, quick question, i previously installed kubuntu and now the kubunt login screen took over the previous ubuntu login screen, does anyone know how to revert it? Many thanks.14:20
atlefngirard: so is mine14:20
bazhangsecret_, wine help in #winehq14:20
cmpbazhang, it doesnt show me the Version of Ubuntu14:21
=== Guest6573 is now known as mikelitooo
bazhangsecret_, also check the appdb14:21
ngirardsame for me atlef . I found it weird, but at least it doesn't come from me. Thanks again !14:21
bazhang!appdb | secret_14:21
ubottusecret_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:21
atlefkcg: try to change session on the loginpage14:21
xanguasecret_: why don't you use a native torrent program¿14:21
YerushalmiSeveas: Fasta. Oh well. Can you give me some guidelines as to what I need to look for when making those changes, then?14:21
capronjolaren, I have no clue what it can be for me it just worked,  I have see some that has simular probelmes here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107294214:22
bazhangcmp, okay, then in the terminal type:    lsb_release -a14:22
secret_because I want to know how to do it, I am new to ubuntu and nothing beats me14:22
kcgatlef, i changed the login section so i am logging into gnome, but every time i restart the computer, the login theme is still kde, do you know how to revert it? thanks14:22
fm is there any warmheart person like to solvle a problem for me about ubuntu in vmware 7.0.1?14:22
SeveasYerushalmi, you'll only know after you replaced the disk and booted from a live cd (or live usb stick)14:22
secret_I am new to ubuntu but not computers14:22
cmpbazhang, its 9.0414:23
HandyGandyHi can someone recommend a intercepting/debugging proxy for ubuntu?14:23
atlefkcg: sorry14:23
babu__is there any room for timepass chatting14:23
Seveasfm, no, we're all cold-hearted but if you explain the problem, maybe someone can help anyway :)14:23
YerushalmiSeveas: Ah. So it won't boot until I make those changes? What would I even be looking for?14:23
Seveas!ot | babu__14:23
ubottubabu__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:23
cmpbazhang, although i have done update and upgraded it to 9.1014:23
xanguasecret_: you want to know ho to do #what¿ :S14:23
cmpbazhang, but still showing me 9.414:23
SeveasYerushalmi, correct.14:23
shipwrekthe download server in the United States is fsked. Does anyone know if there are US mirrors that can be trusted?14:23
OerHeksdsnyders you found it :-)14:24
dsnydersOerHeks, Thanks.  That did it.  Why did they change it?14:24
YerushalmiSeveas: Do I have to do it when booting from a CD? Why can't I edit it immediately after making the copy, without rebooting the computer?14:24
bazhangcmp, okay, now open a browser to paste.ubuntu.com and paste the results of : cat /etc/apt/sources.list and give us the url  (do not post the file in this channel, only the url from paste.ubuntu.com )14:24
OerHeksdsnyders i don't now, maybe the old combination was too easy14:24
SeveasYerushalmi, 'cause grub won't install properly that way :)14:25
fmthe problem for me is that i cant access internet with ubuntu in vmare. i tried nat which is the easiest way to access internet .14:25
secret_how do I get the #winehq channel using smuxi this is totally new to me14:25
cmpbazhang, http://pastebin.com/m727e384c14:25
YerushalmiAh. Ahem. So, since I have no idea what grub is, I should probably just give up on this until I can get someone to walk me through it live, right? :)14:25
FelpsJHi, i'm trying to install an old game called Commandos, I'd like to know if a can install it on linux.14:25
serengetihi, I've compiled google's tmalloc_minimal and did a "sudo make install", so I now linking with libtcmalloc_minimal works fine. But when I try to run the resulting executable, I'm getting "error while loading shared libraries: libtcmalloc_minimal.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" error. The libtcmalloc_minimal.so.0 is in /usr/lib though... any clues?14:25
DarkMHi everybody14:25
jolarenHow do I skip the prompting of which kernel to use? This happends on my server and it's useless14:26
tetsuo_Hey there!. I need some help :P. I get this error when trying to install g++ "cannot find install-sh or install.sh in . ./.. ./../.." anybody knows what it means?14:26
shipwrekgood USA ftp server for ubuntu ISOs, anyone?14:26
Seveas!compiling > tetsuo_14:26
ubottutetsuo_, please see my private message14:26
atleffm: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?bIsQueue=false&bIsRejected=false&sClass=application&sTitle=Browse+Applications&iItemsPerPage=25&iPage=1&sOrderBy=appName&bAscending=true14:26
Seveasshipwrek, us.releases.ubuntu.com14:27
allexxxgeia se olous14:27
shipwrekthank you :)14:27
allexxxpos mpainw sto greece?14:27
allexxxkanas ellinas?14:28
Seveas!el | allexxx14:28
atlef!sound | atlef14:28
ubottuallexxx: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes14:28
bazhangcmp, you have a karmic cd as a repository there, though you are still on jaunty 9.04 ; in a terminal type this: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   then place a # in front of the xubuntu karmic cd, save, then update your system  ( sudo apt-get update) once you have closed that file.14:28
ubottuatlef, please see my private message14:28
hipewhen setting the PS1 env variable for your prompt, what determines the value for the "\h" (hostname) element?  I changed /etc/hostname and rebooted my server, and now `hostname` is the "right" value, but the prompt is still being set to the old value14:30
madurahow to add ground in oregano???14:30
cmpbazhang. i have got an empty gedit14:30
bazhangmadura, in Ubuntu?14:30
erUSUL!hostname | hipe14:30
ubottuhipe: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.14:30
madurabazhang: yes14:30
bazhangcmp, then you made a mistake with the command14:30
dsnydersAnyone have the problem where Xorg starts taking up 99% of cpu time?14:30
CryptIce7is there a way to see what programs are running on startup?  I have ngircd that runs on startup and I want to run it manually instead.14:30
hipeerUSUL: fantastic.  i need to read the entire database of entries for that bot somehow14:31
UjjainHow do I groupinstall Development Tools on Ubuntu?14:31
erUSULCryptIce7: usually they have a init file in /etc/init.d/14:31
Myrtti!bot > hipe14:31
ubottuhipe, please see my private message14:31
hipethe future is so awesome14:31
cmpok i got it now bazhang, and iam replacing14:31
willieis there a recent howto on ssh-agent and 9.10?14:31
=== vaidas is now known as vaidasz
sixtilaafter uninstalling wine, should /etc/ld.so.conf be removed for safety?14:32
madurabazhang: hello14:32
bazhangmadura, hi14:32
madurabazhang: have you used oregano14:32
erUSULsixtila: no; why?14:32
sixtilaerusul saw that somewhere on the net14:33
viktorfulopHi! Can anyone please help me with some serious bios issue?14:33
sixtilaerusul what should i delete after uninstalling wine14:33
OerHeksdsnyders when xorg starts, it should use 100% CPU14:33
bazhangmadura, not heard of it, what are you trying to do: please explain to the channel with some specificity14:33
erUSULsixtila: maybe your ~/.wine/ directory14:33
cmpbazhang,  here is the gedit i get - but i cant find the line you are telling me about it       http://pastebin.com/m6be2195014:34
atlef!ask | viktorfulop:14:34
ubottuviktorfulop:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:34
madurabazhang: its a circuit simulation prog14:34
bazhangcmp, place a # at the front of line number 5, then save and close14:35
erUSULmadura: i found SwitcherCAD V on wine to be a better option then oregano14:35
erUSULmadura: is free as in beer and is designed to work well on wine14:35
dsnydersOerHeks, I'm talking about after startup.  Sometimes, When I'm in the middle of browsing or reading email, my machine seems to freeze.  I can ssh in from another box and top shows xorg at 99%14:36
bazhangcmp, once that is saved and closed, then sudo apt-get update  followed by sudo apt-get upgrade and finally sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop14:36
maduraerUSUL: thanks, i'll give it a try! :)14:36
cmpbazhang, iam just confirming with you again - line number 5 or 4 ????14:36
bazhangcmp       Five (5)14:36
=== obiwan_ is now known as obiobi
dsnydersOerHeks, of course ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't get me out of it.14:36
viktorfulopOk. So I have an old computer and wanted to use it as 'video player' and wanted to update its bios but the one which seemed the correct one and I downloaded and installed turned out to be really bad. So basically I 'killed' my bios, and I googled it and everything but it won't work and I thought probably you guys could help me in what to do with it...14:36
jellow_viktorfulop: have you tired reseting it by removing the battry?14:37
phekis there a way to get the metadata from a package?14:38
erUSULphek: aptitude show package ?14:38
atlefdsnyders: open keyboard - layouts and Layout options and change "key sequence to kill the x server14:38
viktorfulopSure, I tried reseting the cmos, removing the battery, and have the old backed-up bios on bootable floppy, but it won't react. If I change the cmos reset jumper it won't even power-up14:39
=== Sands is now known as Morbeo
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:39
erUSULviktorfulop: then all bets are off your mobo is know paperweight14:39
lonnie What is the best Real Audio player for windows?14:39
capronviktorfulop,  You have to by a new bios or motherbord to fix your computer now.14:39
cmpbazhang, here is the output of what i have got in my terminal after what you said to me     http://pastebin.com/m53c5038314:39
bazhanglonnie, ask in ##windows14:39
erUSULlonnie: ##windows should know14:40
lonnieWithout installing real audio14:40
alessio_ubuntu italiano c'è?14:40
dinobiskOn my 1st gen MacBook, I cannot select the external sound output (like I could in Lucid Lynx), and therefore cannot use headphones. This is not because the channel is muted; it is not even selectable.14:40
Myrtti!it | alessio_14:40
ubottualessio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:40
viktorfulopThat's what googleing also made me think but I thought there's some other solution. So paperweight then... Cool. :(14:40
dsnydersatlef, I don't see key sequence to kill x server on the keyboard - layout and layout options screen14:41
tetsuo_hey there, i need some help seriously. I get this message:  C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check. The wierd thing is that I have g++ installed, any ideas?14:42
capronviktorfulop, My friend also messed up his system ,  But he was lucky find a cheep flash bios that he cud put on top of his old one.14:42
atlefcmp: could you post /etc/apt/sources.list14:43
phekerUSUL, nope wasn't aptitude show (says it doesn't even find the package).  basically looking for the data that was in DEBIAN/control when the package was made14:44
Mrokiihello. I still have a problem with TTYs on Ubuntu 9.10, which is that after a reboot, they seem to forget the right keymap. All keys are mixed up. I tried using "dpkg-reconfigure locals" and the same with "console-data" but that didn't help. Does anybody have any ideas?14:44
atlefdsnyders: it is available here14:44
bazhangatlef, he needs to comment out line #5, I was helping him but a bit busy at the moment14:44
atlefdsnyders: sorry14:44
atlefbazhang: ok14:44
erUSULphek: ask in #ubuntu-motu14:44
bazhanghttp://pastebin.com/m6be21950 atlef that is his sources.list14:44
phektetsuo_, apt-get install build-essential14:45
atlefbazhang: one explenation might be enough :-)14:45
phekerUSUL,  k14:45
cmphere is it atlef, http://pastebin.com/m3b27e98214:45
tetsuo_phek I've got build-essential installed14:45
hdpbmy karmic laptop isn't detecting kernel updates in Update Manager14:45
phektetsuo_, not sure then.  i got that exact same error like 5 minutes ago and that was the solution14:46
TriMeAnyone here use Synergy?14:46
phekTriMe, yes14:46
TriMei am having problems14:47
Fox_1_hi all14:47
TriMeWindows 7 with dual Monitors. and a Linux Ubuntu 9.1014:47
Fox_1_people I have problem with Kubuntu installation (9.10 64bit)14:47
atlefcmp: http://pastebin.com/m6459122a it should be like this, notice line 514:47
TriMephek, can u give me some help manm14:47
viktorfulopanyways, then, thanks for the answers. I'm gonna try and be lucky to get a new and cheap chip... bye!14:47
phekTriMe, pastebin your synergy.conf14:48
TriMepaste that in?14:48
TriMefor Windows linux?14:48
Fox_1_After choosing language and pressing Install in menu it shows black screen and nothing14:48
phekput it on pastebin.com14:48
cmpi dontknow what it should be . atlef.14:48
Napalmhi #ubuntu, i have a problem with a desktop im trying to connect to14:48
Fox_1_I have tried without quite mod14:49
cmpi follow what i receive from you guys here . atlef14:49
maduraFox_1_ is ur monitor on?14:49
Fox_1_and saw that it stops on line [drm]  Initialized radeon 1.30......14:49
Napalmi wired it, connected it to a router, and when i watch the monitor when ubuntu boots up, it boots normally. EXECEPT in the case without the monitor, when i plug it in 2 min later all i see on the screen is a sck and the linux version ? ><14:50
Fox_1_madura: it's notebook :) and if the monitor was off I wouldn't see langauge selection ...14:50
bullgard'~$ iwlist scan: IE WPA Version 1'. What does »IE« stand for?14:50
atlefcmp: so, open gedit as root with alt+F2 and write gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list14:51
hdpbanyone know why kernel updates aren't being picked up by Update Manager?14:51
Napalmanyone familiar with my case ? the sck and the linux version when booting ubuntu w/o a monitor?14:51
Fox_1_any advice?14:51
atlefcmp: then use # to uncomment line 514:51
maduraFox_1_ ah i asked whether ur monitor receives signals  after the language selection14:51
TriMe|serverphek,  first of all the Server is my Windows 7 machine, and the Client is my ubuntu machine... which config do u want?14:51
ph33rhow do I remove old linux kernels ?14:52
Napalmformat ^14:52
Fox_1_it show up only cursor (not mouse)14:52
Myrttiph33r: uninstall them with a package manager, like synaptic or aptitude14:52
phekTriMe, you should only need one config file14:52
dsnydersNapalm, just a guess, but xwindows may be stuck trying to detect the monitor that is not there.  If you are planning on running this headless, perhaps starting in a different init level would help.14:52
ph33rMyrtti: what do I search for ?14:52
phekTriMe, show me the config file from the machine that has the mouse/keyboard attached14:52
maduraFox_1_ did you try google14:53
TriMe|serverphek,  and will that be on the "host" or the "client"14:53
cmpwhat you mean to uncomment atlef,   you mean to remove it ?14:53
Napalmthank you dsnyders, ill look into starting init on a different level14:53
phekTriMe, the computer with they keyboard/mouse is the "host"14:53
Napalmive been clueless for days now :D14:53
Myrttiph33r: the package names always start with linux-image14:53
atlefph33r: use synaptic for that, search for linux-14:53
TriMekk I will pm u kk phek14:54
dsnydersNapalm, only days?  I've been looking for a clue for years :-)14:54
Fox_1_one more thing14:54
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois14:54
maduraFox_1_ have no idea may be something's wrong with the graphics drivers that come with the installation14:54
SirRedToothHow do i open root.disk I have tried multipule things and none of them seemto work14:54
ph33rMyrtti, atlef thank you14:54
Fox_1_now I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 32bit14:54
Fox_1_and want to install Kubuntu 64bit14:55
Fox_1_so, maybe the problem is ATI 64bit driver?14:55
SirRedToothI regret installing ubuntu as all my files are now locked away in a root.disk file14:55
erUSULSirRedTooth: sudo mount -t auto -o loop root.disk /mnt/something/14:55
maduraFox_1_ yea i think so but can't be sure14:55
SirRedToothWell since linux wont boot i cant acess the terminal14:55
SirRedToothand im on windows14:55
maduraFox_1_ why don't u try updating?14:55
cmpi did the same you told me atlef, and i still receive the same result14:56
Fox_1_ubuntu to kubuntu?14:56
Fox_1_I want to have 64bit system :)14:56
=== obiobi is now known as obiwan_
atlefcmp: hmm, sorry14:56
Fox_1_just need to install kubuntu-desktop package right?14:56
maduraFox_1_ yea14:56
maduraFox_1_ but your os is 32bit14:56
atlefFox_1_: no, you need to do a reinstall14:57
Fox_1_but notebook is 64bit and I want to have 64bit14:57
cmpatlef, and what that ( sorry )  suppose to me14:57
atlefcmp: as in i have reached the extent of my knowledge14:58
maduraFox_1_ hmm that wont change much tho14:58
Fox_1_are you sure?14:58
cmpok how can i fix the wrong help you made for me atlef.?14:59
Fox_1_should I add repository for kubuntu?14:59
reto`SirRedTooth: burn a ubuntu live cd... boot with that one and do what the wubi wiki says14:59
spekkohi all, can i ask questions about kubuntu in here?14:59
erUSULspekko: sure but #kubuntu also exist14:59
SirRedToothDoes anybody know how to open root.disk15:00
dsnydersFox_1_, For that big of a change, I'd personally back everything up and install from scratch.15:00
atlefFox_1_: well, you wont get 64bit by installing  kubuntu desktop15:00
Fox_1_atlef: I know15:00
CryptIce7ok, so to prevent a program from running at startup, do i just delete the file within /etc/init.d ?15:00
maduraFox_1_ for a normal user it doesn't mean much, if you do big caculations then 64bit is good(AFAIK)15:00
erUSULSirRedTooth: we've been telling you for hours to read the instructions to do so in the wiki page15:00
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.15:00
SirRedToothI have done obviously :d15:00
SirRedToothAnd they dont seem to work15:00
Fox_1_madura: and what about OS performance?15:00
spekkoerUSUL, thanx, when i increase my resolution in kubuntu my start bar at the bottom shrinks (it does not go till the end of the screen, how can i fix it?15:01
erUSULSirRedTooth: under the tittle  --> How can I access my Wubi install and repair my install if it won't boot?15:01
SirRedToothWell since I am using windows15:01
SirRedToothBecause ubuntu wont boot15:01
SirRedToothI cannot use the terminal15:01
erUSULSirRedTooth: then tell us what of the steps failed and how it failed15:01
SirRedToothI tried to boot, and instead of 4 options I got a Grub command line15:02
SirRedToothI navigated to the linux kernel and tried to boot15:02
erUSULSirRedTooth: you have the ubuntu install disk ?15:02
SirRedToothI got a big error >.<15:02
SirRedToothI used wubi15:02
SirRedToothMy error message: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140054015:02
spekkoSirRedTooth, try downloading the super grub live cd and boot to ubuntu, then repair grub15:03
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remoteCTRL2if i rightclick into an empty folder i get "create empty Document" and then its says "no templates installed" and "create empty file" what templates can i install there and how do i get them?15:03
Fox_1_ok, in this case I will download kubuntu 9.10 32bit, and will install from CD15:03
remoteCTRL2how can i create a link to a file in nautilus?15:03
Fox_1_thank you people :)15:03
reto`SirRedTooth: see here again: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How can I access my Wubi install and repair my install if it won't boot?15:03
maduraFox_1_ 64bit uses more RAM and has a lil bit of speed15:03
cmpiam dreaming to come here once in my life and find the person who can complete his help till the end and knowing what is he doing ....15:03
SirRedToothreto` tried that and it doesnt work. No worries I will try again.15:04
reto`SirRedTooth: do you have the cd?15:04
maduraFox_1_ if u want to have 32bit then you can add KDE15:04
jolarenIs there a "wubi" daemon or something for linux? I want to install ubuntu server on my dell poweredge 750. But I don't have a cd reader or possibility to boot over USB..15:04
DarkMHey everybody uh15:04
Ardeehey guys15:04
DarkMIf someone's good with smtp server15:04
erUSULSirRedTooth: you booted into ubuntu liveCD ???15:04
DarkMI'd like some help15:04
Fox_1_ok, thanks15:04
SirRedToothreto` Sorry i dont know what you mean by CD. I installed using wubi.15:05
`mOOse`I'm a lil mOOse with mah hair gassed back..15:05
DarkMI can't have my mail server working :/ It says it's "connecting" and then I got a timeout15:05
jolarenIf anyone knows if that is possible I would be so grateful.. I have a server with gui now and that really sux ass15:05
reto`SirRedTooth: do you see that on the page: Boot the Ubuntu Desktop CD, or another LiveCD, then mount the windows partition:15:05
erUSULSirRedTooth: but you need the livecd to repair it. you have to burn the iso file ina disk and boot your pc with it15:05
ArdeeQuestion: I have ubuntu 9.0. It's pretty awesome in automating everything I need done. I find and pair my cellphone via bluetooth, but it doesn't add my bluetooth modem automatically. Is there an easy way or application for this?15:06
ArdeeCorrection: Ubuntu 9.1015:06
reto`SirRedTooth: download the ubuntu live cd and burn it... then boot from it and do what the wiki says in the terminal15:07
VCooliodid anyone ever succeed in usefully replace gdm with something else (xdm, lxdm, slim) and how did you do it? Even if I get another display manager on boot it won't log me in15:07
geirha!install | jolaren15:07
ubottujolaren: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:07
dsnydersSirRedTooth, I took a quick boo at your error log.  You're starting linux without a root partition, and it is panicking and failing.  Unfortunately I have to leave.15:07
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning15:07
Shoe_Neep help. I have a wireless internet adapter, the numbers on the side say WNDA3100 to be exact, and I'm trying to get it to work on an Ubuntu machine that doesn't have internet access (exactly why I'm trying to install the wireless adapter). How do I do this?15:07
ArdeeBluetooth modem? Help, anyone ? hehe15:10
disappearednganyone familiar with how I can use grep to grep for only specific file extensions?15:10
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jellow_disappearedng: grep *.exe , think it supports wild cards15:11
Shoe_Can anyone help me out here?15:11
Skyx-mobilewhat to do if i with live cd ubuntu 9.10 just stop un light for caps lock start light ?15:11
bazhangShoe_, usb adapter? what does lsusb show as the chipset please pastebin if more than a single line15:12
Shoe_Well, I can'15:12
Shoe_I can't copy paste because it's on another computer15:12
dotterI am trying to clone my psp memory stick but I get this error Shoe_ pastebin15:12
dotternever mind that lol15:13
atlef!bluetooth | Ardee15:13
ubottuArdee: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup15:13
bazhangShoe_, okay, then tell us on a single line the chipset15:13
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Shoe_It's multiple lines, but the first one shows me what I think I want to see. It says...15:13
Ardeeshot atlef, checking it out quickly15:14
Shoe_Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0846:9010 NetGear, Inc.15:14
Shoe_bazhang, got anything for me?15:15
EremiteWhen I start my computer, why does FireFox automatically opena dn why does it open to the Ubuntu One page?  I do NOT have my browser set to do this.15:15
bazhangNetgear RangeMax Dual Band Wireless-N USB Adapter WNDA3100 Shoe_ is that it15:16
bullgard[IBM Thinkpad T42] '~$ ifconfig; wmaster0: Link encap: UNSPEC Hardware Adresse 00-05-4E-47-3E-86-00...; UP RUNNING'. What is the associated interface driver?15:16
Ardeedamn, thats a mission15:16
bazhangseems to be the atheros chipset Shoe_ are there drivers available for it in hardware drivers15:16
EremiteWhen I start my computer, why does FireFox automatically open and why does it open to the Ubuntu One page?  I do NOT have my browser set to do this.  Why did Ubuntu hijack my browser settings?????15:17
dotterI am getting an Input/Output error while trying to create a folder on a PSP connected by usb http://pastebin.com/m20d69054       What does this mean? (O_o*)15:17
erUSULbullgard: the same as wlan0 --> lshw -C Network15:17
jellow_Eremite: Its the default just go into preferences and change it15:18
Shoe_I'm not computer savvy with Ubuntu at all. I don't really know what you asked bazhang15:18
Ardeecheerz guys15:18
bazhangShoe_, system adminstration hardware drivers check there15:19
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Shoe_I see "Atheros AR9170 802.11n USB wireless" and i says the driver is activated and currently in use15:20
raven_i am looking for a tool/way to CONVERT monophonic AUDIO to MIDI files - any ideas/hints?15:21
ubuntuhey guys no news about that issue regarding a new, better ubuntu interface/GUI on 10.04?15:21
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=885520 Shoe_15:21
bazhangShoe_, in that case disregard the link above15:22
erUSULubuntu: #ubuntu+115:22
Shoe_I've seen that before. I don't understand any of it15:22
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bazhangShoe_, does ifconfig show it15:22
helperhey need to ask! why when i reboot the clock will add 1 hour! now it's : 5:22 when i reboot will be 6:22 althought i disable UTC from /etc/default/rc5 thx15:22
Eremitejellow_, no its not the default.  Ubuntu has officially hijacked my browser and replaced my start page.  It also opens FireFox ON ITS OWN without my consent.  This is nothing short of a hijack and I want to know WHY and how to fix it. Who at Ubuntu thinks that we should all open our browsers to the Ubuntu One page when we start our PC?  This is FORCING the user to do something. Surely it goes against the standard Linux ethics.15:22
bazhangShoe_, should be something like ath015:22
bullgarderUSUL: Excellent! Thank you very much for your help.15:22
erUSULbullgard: no problem15:22
Shoe_I don't see netgear or wireless adapter or atheros anywhere when I do ifconfig bazhang15:23
bazhangShoe_, you see eth0 lo , anything else? such as ath0 or wlan015:23
highfiverhi...i just installed bugzilla3-doc package in to my box, but i can't find it :( , any ideas where it might be?15:24
Shoe_I see eth0 and lo, each with a couple lines of stuff after them15:24
t2ktmphi ive installed 9.10 via mini iso and installed a basic desktop ive followed howtos and google but i cant see windows network machines via network or pynneiberhood is it because my network is configured in /etc/network/interfaces any ideas anyone windows machines can see my shares on the ubuntu machine ?15:24
erUSULhighfiver: /usr/share/doc/15:24
dotterI am getting an Input/Output error while trying to create a folder on a PSP connected by usb http://pastebin.com/m20d69054   How to overcome this?15:24
erUSULhighfiver: dpkg -L bugzilla3-doc | less15:24
bazhangShoe_, no other nic? such as ath0 or other?15:24
Shoe_bazhang, nope15:25
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highfivererUSUL: thanks! that was simple enough15:25
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erUSULhighfiver: no problem15:25
bazhangShoe_, is there a built in wireless device, apart from your usb adapter?15:25
Vhozarddotter try to copy with ¨gksu nautilus¨15:25
Goliathhey how can i get esword in ubuntu15:25
Shoe_no bazhang15:25
dotterVhozard: tried that, get the same error in a popup window15:26
Vhozarddotter reconnect/reboot15:26
atleffor those struggling with java in namoroka/firefox 3.6 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1387492&page=3 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/32708815:26
EremiteUbuntu has officially hijacked my browser and replaced my start page. WHY?  It also opens FireFox ON ITS OWN without my consent.  This is nothing short of a hijack and I want to know WHY and how to fix it. Who at Ubuntu thinks that we should all open our browsers to the Ubuntu One page when we start our PC?  This is FORCING the user to do something. Surely it goes against the standard Linux ethics.15:26
bazhangGoliath, you may mean gnomesword  also referred to as xiphos now15:26
dotterVhozard: I tried that with the PSP, you think I should reboot my computer too?15:27
bazhang!info xiphos | Goliath15:27
ubottuGoliath: xiphos (source: xiphos): environment for Bible reading, study, and research. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1-2 (karmic), package size 342 kB, installed size 828 kB15:27
Vhozarddotter Yeah, try that.15:27
highfiverjust installed bugzilla via synaptic, but how do i use it now?15:27
Goliathbazhang: esword was renamed gnomesword? is it similar or the same thing15:27
bazhangGoliath, did you see what ubottu said above?15:27
dotterVhozard: lol weird but Yeah i guess it's worth a shot. I'll be back *Teminator15:28
bazhang!it | LupoDeiCieli15:28
ubottuLupoDeiCieli: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:28
EremiteGoliath, you should use xiphos instead of esword, its the new version with a new name.15:28
Goliathoh k thanks15:28
bazhangGoliath, its xiphos now15:28
Goliathxiphos is the name for linux and esword for windows?15:28
EremiteYes, Goliath.  Sort of.15:28
bazhangGoliath, no idea about windows15:29
Goliathbut its the same app15:29
highfiverjust installed bugzilla via synaptic, but how do i use it now?15:29
Goliathfrom the same people15:29
EremiteGoliath, Xiphos (formerly known as GnomeSword) is a Bible study tool written for Linux, UNIX, and Windows under the GNOME toolkit, offering a rich and featureful environment for reading, study, and research using modules from The SWORD Project and elsewhere. It is open-source software, and available free-of-charge to all.15:29
dinobiskHow can I reconfigure alsa?15:30
Shoe_got anything for me bazhang?15:30
Eremitehighfiver, I install Mozilla add-ons ONLY from the mozilla website.15:30
bazhangShoe_, yes the link above from ubuntforums explains on how to do it using ndiswrapper15:30
highfiverEremite: so wt should i do now?15:30
EremiteUbuntu has officially hijacked my browser and replaced my start page. WHY?  It also opens FireFox ON ITS OWN without my consent.  This is nothing short of a hijack and I want to know WHY and how to fix it. Who at Ubuntu thinks that we should all open our browsers to the Ubuntu One page when we start our PC?  This is FORCING the user to do something. Surely it goes against the standard Linux ethics.  Anyone knwo how to fix this blata15:31
Eremitent browser hijack?15:31
Shoe_How can I use ndiswrapper if I can't get it on my computer?15:31
Eremitehighfiver, read the documentation at: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:Addons15:31
ubuntuEremite, so do I. However, you might want to take a look at this article: http://download.cnet.com/8301-2007_4-10448331-12.html15:32
xanguaShoe_: ndiswrapper is incluided in the cd/dvd, but whatwireless card do you have¿15:33
convergehi, i dont have the xorg.conf .. it's a default installtion, some idea where it's.. ?15:33
jribconverge: why do you want it?15:34
convergejrib, just to read it15:34
Shoe_xangua, Netgear RangeMax Dual Band Wireless-N USB Adapter WNDA310015:34
convergei'll install nvidia driver and need a backup15:34
jribconverge: there isn't one by default, X takes care of things automagically now.  You can still create one if you want to for some reason15:34
Eremiteubuntu, thanks for that link.  I was unaware that the add-ons are not monitored by Mozilla's staff.15:34
convergejrib, hmm great15:35
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jribconverge: just make sure you install the nvidia drivers through Hardware Manager.  You can always just delete or rename the xorg.conf if you want to stop using the nvidia driver15:35
ubuntuEremite, no problem. just keep your eyes opened.15:35
Shoe_xangua, are you going to help me out?15:37
xanguaShoe_: i've slready told you ndiswrapper is incluided in the cd/dvd15:37
xangua(09:34:28) Shoe_: xangua, Netgear RangeMax Dual Band Wireless-N USB Adapter WNDA3100 - i don't know what is that :S15:38
Shoe_I have no idea what that means. Installing Ubuntu was foced on me, I would have stayed with windows if I could have. Thus, I have almost no Ubuntu experince15:38
* Niku_baiviku bows in respect for erUsul15:38
Niku_baivikuhi Muad'Dib15:38
blakkheimShoe_: how was ubuntu forced on you15:38
xanguaShoe_: you can install software from the cd/dvd with synaptic15:38
erUSULNiku_baiviku: hi15:39
Shoe_Someone fucked up my hard drive and broke my Windows XP disc all in the same day. To get past the BSoD, I had to install Ubuntu15:39
perlsyntaxWhat ever one think about the studio dell desktop?15:40
* `mOOse` hugs his dell lappy15:40
hvgotcodescan i get envyng support here?  I just tried to install the ati drivers thru envyng and it errored out...15:40
perlsyntaxM00se, i was think of get that desktop.15:40
williecan someone point me to a url for a 9.10 ssh-agent howto that has actually worked for them, please?  thanks folks15:40
`mOOse`one thing about the dells - there's safety in numbers usually - although I can't speak for that particular model15:40
perlsyntaxi was worry about the ATI drivers and ubuntu.15:41
* Psilocybin_Elf waves.15:41
Niku_baivikuis there a linux program as the windows ODC?15:41
hvgotcodesperlsyntax,  if you want to be completely safe get an nvidia car15:41
`mOOse`yea that's a worry - and I'm just a begginer here but I've already seen plenty of heartache15:41
ubuntunewbiehi , anyone know how to set up dual monitor ?15:41
kromari have updated my xubuntu today and now my network is gone under windows, whats going on there?15:41
perlsyntaxM00se, i was geting a geforce card with it and 2gb that good for programming and 500gb hard drive or $559.0015:42
blakkheimShoe_: i'd consider it a blessing15:42
perlsyntaxhvgotcodes,That what i was thinking.15:42
perlsyntaxand the cpu 2.615:42
ubuntunewbieI am using ATI CCC driver on ubuntu hardy15:42
perlsyntaxI just hard a hard time make my mind up.15:43
ubuntunewbieanyone know how to set dual monitor ? it's weird when I set the task bar gone15:43
onaoghfrom where i can shred evolution trashed emails ?15:43
ubuntunewbieone is dvi and one is vga15:43
perlsyntaxAnyone program in here?15:43
ubuntunewbieVga as screen 1 and dvi as screen 2 , and with different resolution15:44
ubuntunewbieis it possible ?15:44
NostatementI need to run an app on a specific core. So i'm trying the taskset-thingy but can't get it to work for that specific app. Any ideas?15:44
perlsyntaxIs geforce dual monitor supported in linux?15:45
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings15:47
PeterT!twinview | perlsyntax15:48
ubottuperlsyntax: please see above15:48
secret_does anyone know the wine help irc15:48
bazhangwas that not replaced by !xrandr ?15:48
perlsyntaxIntel® Core™ 2 Quad Q8300 (4MB L2, 2.5GHz, 1333FSB sound better deal.15:48
secret_is there a way of saving this channel ?15:48
bazhangsecret_, #winehq15:48
bazhangsecret_, which chat client15:48
secret_Thanks bazhang, shmuxi15:48
bazhangperlsyntax, did you have an ubuntu support question? please take hardware chat to ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic15:49
Napalmi configured ubuntu's startup applications to start sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start when it boots up. i also disabled xwindows (echo "false" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display/manager).15:49
bazhangsecret_, not heard of that client sorry15:49
Gangrelhow can i join .001 files? cause i cannot find a way to make hjsplit to work15:49
secret_Thanks friend15:50
Napalmdoesnt work tho, still no desktop.15:50
Napalmi can manually start it, however that wont do well with a server15:50
EremiteDoes anyone else have this problem?  Ubuntu has officially hijacked my browser and replaced my start page. WHY?  It also opens FireFox ON ITS OWN without my consent.  This is nothing short of a hijack and I want to know WHY and how to fix it. Who at Ubuntu thinks that we should all open our browsers to the Ubuntu One page when we start our PC?  This is FORCING the user to do something. Surely it goes against the standard Linux ethic15:50
Eremites.  Anyone know how to fix this blatant browser hijack?15:50
perlsyntaxlol this room is a joke.15:50
arandGangrel: Normally just use "cat"15:51
NapalmEremite: troll :P15:51
Gangrelarand erm cat?15:51
blakkheimGangrel: man cat15:51
arandGangrel: cat file1 file2 >file_whole15:52
DilKosherhttp://home.dilkosher.operaunite.com/the_lounge/lounge.html click et15:52
amnayIf I plan to use fluxbox as my WM , what s the best choice Ubuntu or xubuntu?15:52
EremiteNapalm, how am I trolling?15:52
blakkheim!mini | amnay15:52
ubottuamnay: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:52
hvgotcodesall right i screwed up my graphics -- envyng failed to install fglrx. I tried to undo it but now my machine wont run at full resolution.  luckily not compltelty hosed -- how to i get back to a default state for the open source ati drivers?15:52
NapalmEremite: successfully :D15:53
`mOOse`Eremite, you can't be serious15:53
Napalmwill ubuntu's startup applications still function despite being in runlevel 2?15:53
EremiteNapalm, caomplaing about Ubuntu hijacking my browser si not trolling.  I suggest you STFU and stop making accusations that you clearly have no understanding of.15:54
blakkheim!stfu | Eremite15:54
ubottuEremite: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.15:54
Eremite`mOOse`, I am.  Tell me how to fix it.15:54
bazhangEremite, that language is not acceptable; Napalm please desist15:54
dotterEremite: calm down dude15:54
arandEremite: Canonical is a company, if you use ubuntu you'll have to accept it's decisions. Changing the main page is not hard..15:55
Eremitedotter, I am calm.  Telling people to clams down does nothing to calm them.15:55
Napalmaha serious chats today amirite?15:55
hvgotcodeshow can i get back to the default graphics state?15:55
hvgotcodesmeaning the way it was when karmic is initially installed15:55
bazhangNapalm, offtopic chat in #ubuntu-offtopic , not only today but at all times15:55
`mOOse`make sure one tab is open - go to whatever url you want to use as a start page, open edit/preferences, and choose When Firefox Starts, Use Current Page(s)15:55
ubuntunewbie2hi , anyone know how to set up dual monitor ?15:55
Eremitearand, MY BROWSER IS NOT SET TO UBUNTU ONE PAGE by default.  However, it forces my browser to open and to open to a page that is NOT set as the default home page. Im simply asking how to fix this blantant browser hijack.15:56
`mOOse`Eremite, take it up with microsoft - they started that crap long ago15:56
NapalmEremite: install opera, or reinstall firefox15:56
arandEremite: You mean if you click ubuntuone it opens ubuntuone in the browser?15:57
Eremite`mOOse`, this has nothing to do with Microsoft.  Pay attention or please stop giving me suggestions.  Im asking why Ubuntu has hijacked my start page, and why Ubuntu forces me to open FireFox when I start my PC when its not set to do that.  Forcing the user to do ANYTHINg against their will defeats the whole purpose of Linux, non?15:57
`mOOse`I think you need a timeout15:58
Eremitearand, no, my browser automatically opens when I turn on my PC, and it openms to thje Ubuntu One page.  However, its NOT set to do either of those things.  This is a browser hijack.15:58
amnayis there a way to list lately removed files?15:58
NapalmEremite: non15:58
`mOOse`how's that for a suggestion?15:58
Tm_TEremite: have you saved your desktop session at some point?15:58
NapalmEremite: the purpose of linux is not to do the will of the user only15:58
EremiteTm_T, elaborate please.15:58
NapalmEremite: just reinstall firefox15:59
EremiteNapalm, I fail to see why Ubuntu has hijacked FireFox.  Cant ANYONE explain this?15:59
Tm_TNapalm: that won't help15:59
arandEremite: probably because ubuntuone autostarts, and since it doesn't find an account, it wants to create one, disable ubuntuone autostart I think is the solution15:59
ChogyDanEremite: Tm_T ah yeah, I see how that can be a problem15:59
EremiteNapalm, I shouldnt have to, and thats not the point.  I want to know WHY it happens and how to fix it.15:59
purplefoolhey folks...having some troubles with software sources.  the following link doesn't work:  http://ppa.launchpad.net/stesind/stesind-alsa-21/ubuntu.  now admittedly i have played around with it (went to i-net and found out it was the wrong address...) but it still does not work (though message is different).  any ideas what i should do?15:59
NapalmEremite: take it up with devs, send email or file a report15:59
onaoghis there anyway to shred/srm/wipe evolution email client trash box16:00
KamokowEremite: Does it bring ask you to login? If it does, its because it wants you to authorise it. If you /dont/ have an account, then stop having ubuntuone auto start16:00
MaRLBoRoplease help..i can't play my trainsignal cd's on ubuntu16:00
NapalmMaRLBoRo: train signals?16:00
Napalmopen question: will ubuntu's startup applications still function despite being in runlevel 2?16:00
KamokowMaRLBoRo: More info please, do you get an error message. Also what is "trainsignal?"16:00
MaRLBoRoNapalm, yup16:00
onaoghnou, Napalm16:01
ChogyDanEremite: Tm_T: what is the fix?  rm ~/.config/gnome-session/saved-session/*16:01
EremiteKamokow, it brings me to the Ubuntu one page but I fail to see how this is NOT a blantant borwser hijack.  Ubuntu is forcing my browser open and it has replaced my start page (but my default page is not the Ubuntu One login screen).  How do I fix this?  I dont want to open FireFox when my PC starts and I surely dont need the Ubuntu One page repacing my home page.16:01
MaRLBoRonope i didn't get any error...before when i was using in windows when i insert the cd it automatic playing16:01
MaRLBoRobut not in ubuntu16:01
ciclonerthere are some access point software under ubuntu to create a bridged point between a wired router and a wifi ?16:02
MaRLBoRokamokow train signal is my training video16:02
EremiteMaRLBoRo, put the CD in the tray, close the tray, open your file browser to the CD drive and then play the files with your choice of media player.16:02
purplefoolMaRLBoRo, what is trainsignals?  music or a program or what?16:03
MaRLBoRoits a video training materials16:03
ChogyDancicloner: I think that is internal to the routers16:03
NapalmMaRLBoRo what format is the training materials in?16:03
user37Anyone know a good Tutorial for Bind 9 in Ubuntu 9.10?16:03
Napalmalternatively, is it on a cd/dvd?16:03
MaRLBoRowhen i explore the cd i saw and .exe files and .wvm files16:04
Tm_TChogyDan: no idea, I don't use gnome16:04
Napalmwill ubuntu's startup applications still function despite being in runlevel 2?16:04
ciclonerye but i think thats is posible to do a iptables enrouting manually, but i want to know if there are some sofware to do that..16:04
Eremite.wmv files are the media files, MaRLBoRo.  .exe files dont work on Linux without installing "Wine".16:04
purplefoolMaRLBoRo, then it is a program right?  with videos?  do you have wine installed?16:04
ChogyDanTm_T: ah, ok, I thought you were talking about a bug I know of16:04
MaRLBoRonope i don't have wine installed16:05
SalivalDoes someone know how I can pipe text from a screen session to a file?16:05
ChogyDanEremite: have you turned on or off "remember current session" or something?  remember current applications maybe?16:05
purplefoolMaRLBoRo, then go to applications and ubuntu software center and download it and install...16:05
EremiteChogyDan, nope.  There is nothing set that would do this.  That is why I am calling this a textbook browser hijack.16:06
cicloner<Salival>echo "yourtext" >> file.txt16:06
Napalmwill ubuntu's startup applications still function despite being in runlevel 2?16:06
ChogyDanEremite: did you try that command?16:06
calwigHello everyone, Bluetooth and PulseAudio Manager Question:16:06
Salivalcicloner, with a screen session?16:06
calwigPAM is not allowing me to connect. Any specific areas I could check?16:06
Salivalcicloner, didn't get that to work =/16:06
ChogyDanEremite: or you could just look in that folder, it should be empty16:06
bigtom21485good morning.  does anyone know how to add frostwire to my linux computer?16:06
EremiteChogyDan, cannot remove `/home/eremite/.config/gnome-session/saved-session/': Is a directory.16:07
purplefoolso, has anyone thought about my software sources question?  shall i ask it again as a 'refresher'?16:07
blakkheimbigtom21485: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire16:07
cicloneri can remeber the command, but i think is posible to do :)16:07
user37Is there an alternative to Bind for Ubuntu?16:07
GreenDanceAfternoon Everyone16:08
Eremite.config/gnome-session/saved-session is an empty folder ChogyDan.16:08
Salivalcicloner, u can or can't remember, iam getting really confused here sorry16:08
ciclonercan't, sorry for my english!16:09
h4f1I get an error opening file when trying to open compresed html with Evince16:09
trismSalival: are you trying to log a session? (all the commands you enter and their output?)16:09
Salivalcicloner, Okey no problem16:09
anarki2004certain web pages won't load properly when i use firefox/chrome/whatever inside of ubuntu. the websites that won't work *will* work under windows on the same PC. anybody know what I'm missing?16:09
cicloner<Salival> sorry :(16:09
Salivaltrism, Yeah something like that16:09
ChogyDanEremite: ok, well at least it is not that bug.  Anyway, I don't know.  It sounds more like a bug rather than "Ubuntu" did hijacked your browser16:09
bigtom21485blakkheim: it doesnt do anything when i try to run it16:10
h4f1I get an error permission denied when opening compressed html with evince16:10
dinobiskMy soundcard was not working properly, so i tried to update the ALSA drivers, which went wrong. Now ALSA does not recognize my soundcard at all. How can this be fixed?16:10
ciclonerthere are some access point software under ubuntu to create a bridged point between a wired router and a wifi ?16:10
trismSalival: screen can do it with ctrl+a H, but the output isn't really great, you would probably have better luck with the script shell16:10
Salivaltrism, the commands isnt so important tho16:10
EremiteChogyDan, I agree that its very much a bug, but its also a textbook hijack.  Being forced to open an app and then being forced to a website against my will is nothing short of a hijack in my opinion.16:10
bigtom21485blakkheim: i installed it then i go to run it from the applications menu and nothing happens16:10
trismSalival: can you just tell us exactly what you want to do? because I'm not sure16:11
anarki2004certain web pages won't load properly when i use firefox/chrome/whatever inside of ubuntu. the websites that won't work *will* work under windows on the same PC. Do I need to call my ISP, or is this ubuntu doing something odd?16:11
ChogyDanEremite: whatever.  I guess life just forces all sorts of things on you.  Good luck16:12
blakkheimbigtom21485: run "frostwire" from the commandline16:12
Eremiteanarki2004, its probably not your ISP.16:12
Salivaltrism, I gonna run a daemon in a screen session, I wanna have the output in a file as well bcuz its supposed to be access from the internet with a PHP script or something16:12
purplefoolEremite, this happened to me too, but since i had just changed from windows, i was used to it...hijacking is such an ugly word...but if it fits...*shrug*16:12
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Salivaltrism, and a FTP16:12
anarki2004Eremite: have you heard of this problem before?16:12
bigtom21485blakkheim: yeah i need a newer version of the JRE.16:12
jolarenI can't see my HDD in unetbootin when on LIVE CD, why?16:12
ciclonerthere are some access point software under ubuntu to create a bridged point between a wired router and a wifi ?16:13
Eremiteanarki2004, what is the error on the websites?  How are they not displaying correctly?  Do you have any Ad blocking software installed?  That could be your problem.16:13
anarki2004no ad block software on the linux install16:13
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anarki2004Eremite: i'll check the error. I think its connection timed out16:14
purplefoolhow can i confirm if a software source is ok or not?  and do the normal sources change and require manual route changes?16:14
Salivaltrism, If i run the daemon without screen it works like a charm ofc, but when i try to pipe the stdout to a file with screen it seems like iam acctually telling it to pipe the stdout of screen instead of the command iam running16:14
pauljwEremite, have you looked in ~/.config/autostart folder to see if there's something there that you could remove?16:14
anarki2004Eremite: and this is with gmail/yahoo and a couple other major players, so it shouldn't be them16:14
trismSalival: hmm, any specific example?16:15
bigtom21485anybody know how to install a new version of the JRE?16:15
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purplefoolhey folks...having some troubles with software sources.  the following link doesn't work:  http://ppa.launchpad.net/stesind/stesind-alsa-21/ubuntu.  now admittedly i have played around with it (went to i-net and found out it was the wrong address...) but it still does not work (though message is different).  any ideas what i should do?16:15
Eremitepauljw, I owe you a beer, mate.  You may have just saved me a trip to the psychiatrist.16:15
erinaceus_I have a question to the cut cmd, is there a way, to reformat the output so you can pipe it to another cmd16:16
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Salivaltrism, screen -S SessionName -a -d ./daemon --with-some-args > daemon.log 2>&116:16
anarki2004Eremite: it loads a really long URL and displays a white page. No specific error16:16
Salivaltrism, if i just could tell the screen what command i want to run exactly like -> screen -S SessionName -a -d "./daemon --with-some-args > daemon.log 2>&1"16:17
purplefoolhow can i confirm if a software source is ok or not?  and do the normal sources change and require manual route changes?16:17
Salivaltrism, but that ain't working either16:17
Supergri1oSomeone how to recognize karmic dual header as two different desktops? here with intel he recognizes as a single area. does not give Sun Presenter Console. (16:17
boondoklifeSalival: You should prolly cut that up and make a script to launch the daemon that also pipes output to a file. that command looks like it will just pipe screen not the daemon16:18
Eremiteanarki2004, that DOES sound like an ISP problem but if it works on Windows (same machine) then its most6 likely a software problem.  Have you tried installing any other browsers in Ubuntu (Opera, Aurora)?  Are you working from a fresh install of Ubuntu or did you just upgrade?16:18
Salivalboondoklife, how do I make a script that will do diffrent from now?16:19
anarki2004Eremite: this is a fresh install of ubuntu. Only tweaks so far have been visual stuff. I've tried chrome and firefox with similar results16:19
lukushi - i'm having problems with my webcam + flash16:19
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lukusi've looked for a solution via google + ubuntu.org .. but no joy16:19
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boondoklifeSalival: gimma a sec ill throw an example on pastebin16:19
lukusthe webcam works .. it's just flash that seems to be the problem16:19
Eremiteanarki2004, is it possible for you to take a screenshot of one of the pages that are screwing up?16:19
anarki2004Eremite: sure, one sec16:19
Rush3dYou guys, does anyone know how to configure evolution mail with msn?16:20
Rush3dYou guys, does anyone know how to configure evolution mail with msn?16:20
disappearedng_Sometimes my /etc/resolv.conf is empty, any way to fix that?16:20
blakkheim!repeat | Rush3d16:20
ubottuRush3d: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:20
EremiteRush3d, I'll assume that you need to have MSN's outgoing and incoming mail server addresses.16:20
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Rush3dI have everything set up, but all it says is: error reciving mail.16:21
Supergri1oSomeone how to recognize karmic dual header as two different desktops? here with intel he recognizes as a single area. does not give Sun Presenter Console work . :(16:21
SalivalRush3d, You maybe got your answer here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37373916:21
Rush3dOoh, ill take a look.16:21
Rush3dBtw, one more thing16:21
EremiteRush3d, some mail servers require you to use your ISP's outgoing and incoming mail servers.  I use GoDaddy for mail and I have to use my ISP's outgoing server instead of GoDaddys.  Try that.16:22
Rush3dEremite, How do I find out my ISp's outgoing and imcoming mail servers?16:22
Rush3dIncoming, sorry.16:22
boondoklifeSalival: http://pastebin.com/d56e3f24a16:22
hvgotcodesdoes karmic have compiz by default?16:23
Salivalboondoklife, Thank you, I'll take a look :)16:23
anarki2004Eremite: it looks like this may in fact be an ISP issue. tinypic doesn't seem to want to let me upload.16:23
EremiteRush3d, Im not so sure.  I had to Google mine by typing "ISP name + outgoing mail server" and then I looked through the results until I found something that looked legit.  Sorry I cant be of more assistance to you./16:23
boondoklifeSalival: Just get into your screen and then launch the script. Then detach the seesion and you should be fine.16:23
Eremiteanarki2004, are you running a firewall?16:23
EgOrI just downloadded kubuntu 10.04 using torrent Hash info "81114FD9 266FA8E5 1A6565A1 319A3B87 087A8FBB " when i try the the live session user name and password is asked.........how do i login.......i downloaded the torrent from cdimages.ubuntu.com16:23
Rush3dErem, is there any way to make an email account with evolution?16:23
bazhangEgOr, #ubuntu+1 for lucid help16:24
EremiteEgOr, password and user name should be "root" I believe16:24
anarki2004Eremite: it should all be disabled. Packet filters are turned off. whatever settings my router has now work just fine in windows.16:24
joe_evanspword should be root16:24
EgOr@Eremite it does not works16:24
farmazzzeftis there anyone speaks russian/ukrainian ?16:25
EremiteRush3d, you cant have your OWN account without having a mail server.  Basically rocket science for the uneducated in computer nonsense.  I use Thunderbird \, not evolution.16:25
anarki2004Rush3d: you need to have a seperate account like gmail or yahoo mail and then set it up for pop3/imap16:25
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Salivalboondoklife, Maybe I can directly start the script with screen detached. It is not going to be a constant daemon tho, but i guess i can use $1, $2 with the script when i call it16:25
LtHummusfarmazzzeft: #ubuntu-ru16:25
Rush3dMm ok. Im more used to windows not ubuntu.16:25
anarki2004Rush3d: outlooks works the same way :-P16:25
c7phey i've got a problem with ram consumption, take a look at http://pastebin.com/d4fea12d2. What's /sbin/ureadahead --daemon ?16:25
Rush3dOh yeah, eremite, sense you seem very educated.16:26
a1fahello, i am trying to boot an iso from usb drive using grub. the installer starts, but can not find "cdrom"16:26
Rush3dI have another problem.16:26
EremiteEgOr,  have you just tried pressing Enter instead of entering a name and password?  Some linux distros have no default username and pass for the live cd16:26
EgOryes Eremite16:26
anarki2004Eremite: isn't that a windows thing?16:26
a1fa"Your installation CD could not be mounted:16:26
joe_evans@alpha.. perhaps the bios needs looking at (boot from cd)16:26
boondoklifeSalival: yea you can use the $1 and $2, the redirect being in the script should get you the effect you wanted. So no need for one on the actual screen command.16:26
a1fai get past the keyboard detection..16:26
anarki2004nevermind, i didn't catch the part about "live CD"16:26
Eremiteanarki2004, isnt what a windows thing?  You lost me, man.16:26
anarki2004Eremite: i was talking about the lack of a default login/pass16:27
Rush3dDoes anyone here know about .bin files?16:27
Rush3dIf so pm me..16:27
Eremiteanarki2004, nope.  Most linux distros Ive used arew either "root" "toor" or nothing at all.16:27
jribRush3d: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)16:27
Rush3dI cant open .bin files, is there any way I can?16:28
anarki2004Eremite: well then I guess i'm a n00b16:28
EremiteRush3d, what do you need to know about .bin files?16:28
EgOr@Eremite what should i do16:28
Salivalc7p, Seems like it have something to do with the boot time16:28
Rush3dI cant open them, what should I do?16:28
Eremiteanarki2004, me too?16:28
lxsysweb_ Rush3d: all i know about them is that they're usually compiled binary files. try opeining them in bless.16:28
Salivalc7p, But I cant see why that is running as a daemon and eating your RAM16:28
Rush3dWhats bless again? This is my 2nd time on ubuntu :/16:28
lxsysweb_Rush3d: it's a hex editor16:28
Rush3dWhere can I get it?16:29
EremiteEgOr, I suggest that you stay here and periodically ask for assistance.  Not everyone here is knowledgeable in all fields of Ubuntu.  Someone should be able to assist you shortly.16:29
c7pwhat do you suggest?16:29
lxsysweb_Rush3d: sudo apt-get install bless16:29
dinobiskHi. On 1st gen MacBook, soundcard work but not external audio (headphones); there is no possibility to chose the external audio output in the sound settings app. (In Lucid Lynx it was possible). Does anyone know?16:29
EgOrEremite sure16:29
Salivalc7p, Try to kill it :P16:29
ugliefroganyone here using ubuntu?.....if so do you know what meshlab is16:30
c7phm ... killer ok16:30
Rush3dI get an error16:30
Eremitedinobisk, are you saying that you cant hear audio coming from your headphones?  Open a terminal and type "alsa-mixer" or "alsamixer" (I forget which) and make sure that you have your mic/headphones/etc enabled and turned up.16:30
lxsysweb_what is is???16:30
duffydackI have a really weird issue that came out of nowhere like yesterday.  I get this http://tinyurl.com/yd4tjmh (mp4 video very small).  Randomly, not very often tho (I had my camera phone recording for an hour in case it happened again :) ) this like heavily interlaced effect comes over my screen for a second and back to normal.. its nothing that i`m doing at the time, wether I`m doing anytihng or not..16:30
AndeanaAndeana litlebuda amnay Tangle ugliefrog c7p Espen-_- thori SmrtySsa janek ueu001 decherdt BluesKaj Zaidwi minedmind dinobisk kureigu_ a1fa barf itsmegb bibekp LtHummus duffydack EgOr16:30
Rush3dE: Could not get lock  /var/lib/dpkq/lock - open (11 resource temporarily unavailble)16:31
Andeanacabaret farmazzzeft hvgotcodes joe_evans zleap arand gusnan Swian apelgate molnitza_ maco Rush3d jack5463 lukus schlortoo ZeroBeholder benny- vaidasz armence electhor cicloner z0mbie16:31
AndeanaKPXX erinaceus_ meister_ ahe_ pure_hate daftykins numen h32Lg zzneson tyranos woble soldierboy khamael dirk_ KIAaze anarki2004 h4f1 KennethP wildur calwig secret_ ryaxnb magellan quick_lappy16:31
Salivalc7p, Please highlight when i might not always got my focus on this window all the time:)16:31
barf /kick Andeana16:31
quick_lappyThank you :)16:31
lxsysweb_Rush3d: have you got another packagemanager open somewhere?16:31
c7pthe /sbin/ureadahead --daemon line?16:31
Rush3dUmm, I have open update manager.16:31
Rush3dand firefox, and evolution.16:31
Rush3dthats about it16:31
Rush3dand this obviusly.16:31
ubuntunewbie2hi , anyone know how to set up dual monitor ?16:32
dinobiskEremite: That was what I did in Lucid Lynx after having selected the output in the sound settings app. Now it cannnot be selected (there is only the internal option).16:32
IlysEremite: That was what I did in Lucid Lynx after having selected the output in the sound settings app. Now it cannnot be selected (there is only the internal option).16:32
Eremiteduffydack, I see nothing out of the norm in that video.  Elaborate on the problem.16:32
Ilysduffydack, I see nothing out of the norm in that video.  Elaborate on the problem.16:32
Salivalc7p, yeah that16:32
jussi01Rush3d: close the update manager.16:32
Ilysc7p, yeah that16:32
IlysRush3d: close the update manager.16:32
FloodBot3Ilys: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:32
Rush3dIt is updating currently16:32
dirk_updatemanager is a a pac. manager16:32
Rush3dIts preparing files.16:32
jussi01Rush3d: youll need to wait for that first then16:32
Rush3dOk juss.16:32
cicloner<Andeana> what is that?16:32
SalivalIlys, Lol? bot :(16:32
duffydackEremite, look at what happens at the 3sec mark... slow it down16:33
EremiteSalival, I assume he's logged in twice.16:33
EgOrguys tell me if there a way to start the GUI if I am able to login in the console login16:33
Lord_MuffloN^Hi, I'm having severe issues with just about everything related to graphics on Ubuntu 9.10 (ATi 5850 card)16:33
SalivalEremite, Why is he then repeat what other ppl says :S16:33
AntiProxyhi everyone16:33
Lord_MuffloN^To start off with, it detects my screen resolution correctly, but only at 15" instead of the 17" I have, I cannot extend my desktop to my second 17" display, it just mirrors16:33
Eremiteduffydack, oh, that flash wasnt a part of the video?  OK, well, looks like a hardware problem.  Possibly a driver problem.  I cant help, sorry.16:33
blakkheimLord_MuffloN^: don't buy from ati, enemy of your freedom16:33
c7pIlys, does it help http://pastebin.com/d7c85b0f516:34
IlysIlys, does it help http://pastebin.com/d7c85b0f516:34
AntiProxyhow can i verify if grub2 is installed on the MBR of a certain disk?16:34
Ilyshow can i verify if grub2 is installed on the MBR of a certain disk?16:34
FloodBot3Ilys: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:34
IlysIlys: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:34
JLoveI'm having trouble integrating tomcat6 as a server into eclipse on 9.10 can anybody help?16:34
EremiteSalival, he repeats only what ONE person is saying, aye?16:34
Lord_MuffloN^blakkheim: Dude, it's not even funny16:34
dinobiskEremite: In alsamixer, the output seems to be there, but its volume cannot be adjusted.16:34
blakkheimLord_MuffloN^: wasn't meant to be16:34
SalivalEremite, No he is repting everyone ^^16:34
Tangle 16:34
jussi01Eremite: SalivalIm sorting it out16:34
Lord_MuffloN^blakkheim: Dude, they are the only one who releases their hardware speccs, you're suggesting I'd go with NVIDIA instead?16:34
Ruby_FulcrumGood morning.  Today in my server logs I found this message.  Should I be concerned?  Thanks!  "operation="file_perm" pid=2166 parent=1 profile="/usr/16:34
donaldoHello. I have a Toshiba x205-S9800, with a Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller. After I installed ubuntu karmic I only get sound from 2 speakers. I'm trying to get to work my 4.1 built in speakers, I have tried several ways with no luck.16:34
Ruby_Fulcrumsbin/nmbd" requested_mask="w::" denied_mask="w::" fsuid=0 ouid=0 name="/var/run/samba/namelist.debug""16:35
duffydackEremite, its a new laptop, had it just over a month.. the only thing I can think is the updated kernel I installed the other day..  I guess I have to use windows for a while to see if it happens there...16:35
Salivaljussi01, Yeah nice16:35
blakkheimLord_MuffloN^: if you want better graphics performance in linux with less trouble, yes16:35
Lord_MuffloN^blakkheim: But they aren't free16:35
Lord_MuffloN^the free drivers sucks balls16:35
hvgotcodesJLove, thats a java/tomcat/eclipse question16:35
Eremiteduffydack, you should try using a linux Live CD and try playing the files that way.  It may be a driver problem if you can get it to work on the same machine but using windows.16:35
jussi01Lord_MuffloN^: lets keep it family friendly,k?16:35
Lord_MuffloN^Everyone knows it, the proprietary drivers are good, but the free one sucks16:35
JLovehvget..., how do i find the correct channel?16:35
ubuntunewbie2hi , anyone know how to set up dual monitor ?16:36
Lord_MuffloN^jussii01: sure16:36
duffydackEremite, its not the files, or playing issue... I can sit looking at the screen while its doing nothing,..16:36
Salivalc7p, sudo kill -9 52916:36
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama16:36
duffydackI guess I`ll disable compiz and the ati driver (thats been ok for a month)...see then16:36
jussi01Lord_MuffloN^: aticccle if you are using the fglrx packages16:36
Lord_MuffloN^So, is it still in 2010, impossible for me to have something as simple as the correct screen size detected by both the free and non-free drivers on my card?16:37
Rush3dErm, google is bugged?16:37
Rush3dASSERT: *** Search: _installLocation: engine has no file!16:37
Rush3dStack Trace:16:37
Rush3d0:ENSURE_WARN(false,_installLocation: engine has no file!,2147500037)16:37
FloodBot3Rush3d: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:37
c7pSalival: actually i don't have the problem but a friend of mine... so i wait for his reply, thx :)16:37
Salivalc7p, Okey :)16:37
Lord_MuffloN^And what the heck is up with this? sudo aticonfig16:38
Lord_MuffloN^aticonfig: No supported adapters detected16:38
Rush3dErm you guys?16:38
Rush3dIm getting some kind of error in fire fox16:38
Rush3dsaying like16:38
Rush3dweird things16:38
Rush3d4:epsGetAttr([object Object],hidden)16:38
jussi01Lord_MuffloN^: which card ydo you have?16:38
FloodBot3Rush3d: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:39
Lord_MuffloN^jussi01: Ati 585016:39
jussi01Rush3d: as the FloodBot3 says, use pastebin16:39
c7psalival, how can i kill that process ( /sbin/ureadahead --daemon ) without the use of pid?16:39
Rush3dIm trying to get to pastebin16:39
Rush3donly when i type in my adress bar16:39
Rush3di get some kind of weird error16:39
FloodBot3Alanna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:39
Salivalc7p, killall ureadahead16:39
EremiteRush3d, what error?16:39
Rush3dI dont know16:39
Salivalc7p, with sudo*16:39
Rush3da pop up window comes up16:39
Rush3dand says stuff like16:40
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c7pSalival, ok thx, of cource with sudo :p16:40
FloodBot3Alanna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:40
jussi01Lord_MuffloN^: hrm, thats curious.and youve installed the ati drivers through the hardware drivers (jockey) utility?16:40
Rush3dASSERT: *** Search: _installLocation16:40
cicloneralguien sabe hacer un puente entre dos tarjetas de red?16:40
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Ruby_Fulcrumc7p: Try man pgrep and man pkill16:40
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:40
laeg:40 < laeg> !sound16:40
laeg16:40 < ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:40
Rush3dYou guys16:40
c7pRuby_Fulcrum, ok16:40
Rush3dIm getting a weird error16:41
Rush3dit says16:41
Rush3dassertion error16:41
Lord_MuffloN^jussi01: First I tried the standard drivers, sure, they worked to some extent, if you think lack of 3D ain't a problem, then I tried the restricted drivers that Ubuntu suggested, oh hey, same issue as now, I have a big sticker in my bottom right corner that says "AMD Unsupported hardware"16:41
Rush3d]in firefox16:41
FloodBot3Rush3d: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:41
bazhangRush3d, dont use enter after two words16:41
Rush3doh ok.16:41
Lord_MuffloN^and well, I have the screen size of 15" instead of my 17"16:41
Rush3dIm getting a weird error16:41
Rush3dit says "assertion error"16:41
EremiteRush3d, please type all of your statements in ONE line.16:41
ciclonerhow can i do a bridge between two networks?16:41
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Rush3dthen a ton of code, and ok.16:41
Lord_MuffloN^Then I tried the drivers from ATi'16:42
jussi01Lord_MuffloN^: its a new card, right?16:42
Rush3dIt just says assertion error when i try to get to a uRL or search google?16:42
Lord_MuffloN^ATI's homepage16:42
Lord_MuffloN^jussi01: Yes16:42
Rush3dThen it says a whole bunch of text.16:42
EremiteRush3d, you might have to install xulrunner16:42
trismSalival: a bit slow, but after some experimentation, having the screen command be screen -S Name -d -m bash -c 'daemon --with-args > file'; seems to work, although making a script for it is probably the better idea as previously suggested16:42
jussi01Lord_MuffloN^: sometimes it takes a little while for ATI to release drivers, are you certain this card is supported?16:42
Rush3dYou guys16:43
cicloner<cicloner> how can i do a bridge between two networks under ubuntu?i have to use iptables?16:43
a1fahow can i tell ubuntu installer to use a different cdrom device?16:43
Rush3dWell, eremite, evolution says it needs a password to unlock keyring?16:43
Lord_MuffloN^jussi01: Would there else be packages for x86-64 Linux on their website for the 5800 series?16:43
bazhangRush3d, please be patient and dont repeat so quickly16:43
plumpskunkI have problems with ibus. Whenever I start a program from the Terminal (e.g. gedit), I can hit shift-space and it works fine. But when I start the same from Desktop or Gnomenu (for me the normal way to start a program) it doesnt work at all, it's just doing nothing.16:43
Salivaltrism, Oh thank you for that, really, I gonna test both16:43
Rush3dAgh, K, im used to gaming, and usually a motormouth :).16:43
donaldoHello. I have a Toshiba x205-S9800, with a Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller. After I installed ubuntu karmic I only get sound from 2 speakers. I'm trying to get to work my 4.1 built in speakers, I have tried several ways with no luck.16:43
jussi01Lord_MuffloN^: ok, so the drivers exist. you may want to check that the older drivers have been uninstalled, as it may still be confiigured to use those.16:43
donaldoany idea16:43
jussi01Lord_MuffloN^: In any case, I need to go, see you later and I hope you get it sorted.16:44
cicloner<cicloner> how can i do a bridge between two networks under ubuntu?i have to use iptables?16:44
fragowats up16:45
Rush3dHow do I join another channel/make a channel in Ubuntu IRC?16:46
pea[PC]anyone successfully running dreamweaver on ubuntu - wine?16:46
Rush3dHow do I join another Channel or make a channel in this IRC?16:46
EremiteRush3d, type  "/join #channelname" without the quotes16:46
bazhangpea[PC], you might consider aptana studio16:46
pepeemy hdd is very hot16:46
pea[PC]i'll take a look but i usually don't like linux editors16:47
FrotsHi there16:47
FrotsIm having a problem with starting X16:47
bazhangpea[PC], otherwise check the appdb and /join #winehq16:47
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:47
Frotsusing the closed source nvidia drivers16:47
Frotsmy X just crashes on loading16:47
trismplumpskunk: odd, can you manually activate the input method using the ibus icon in the notification area?16:47
EremiteRush3d, you need to stop asking the same questions so quickly.  Ask your questions all in ONE line of text, without hitting enter first.  We end up losing a lot of what you're saying because you break up your sentenes.16:47
pepeethe laptop warms too much16:47
Rush3dOk eremite.16:48
Frotsgeforce 9500GT btw16:48
Frotsif anyone has a clue, I'll give you a beer16:48
pea[PC]can you disable ubuntu's search-on-type feature?16:48
plumpskunktrism: no, it says, no entry window (or something like that, got it in german)16:49
pepeewhat can I do to cool it? there's a way to cool the hdd?16:49
pea[PC]it's slow on the iphone and i likes to crash my laptop16:49
Rush3dFrots, your using a pre realease version?16:49
Rush3dThat might cause some errors, and probably what you ahve there.16:49
SalivalFrots, Strange idd, Not 1 Error so, maybe its not the drivers fault, maybe gdm or something?16:49
lxsysweb_pepee: more fans/better airflow in the case?16:49
sarghi, can anybody help me to test pidgin video calls?16:49
trismplumpskunk: did you select the text area first? ibus will only activate if you are in a text area, in an app (unlike scim which you could set to be always active)16:49
SalivalFrots, You could check some other log files16:50
pepeelxsysweb_, but the hdd has not ventilation16:50
Rush3dCan anyone please help me with this error? http://pastebin.com/m4d1d986316:50
Rush3dI get it in firefox when I try to search somthing.16:50
jolarenCould anyone point me in the right direction on how to install ubuntu server from a live PXE boot ?16:51
jolarenI'm currently running ubuntu desktop live on the PXE boot16:51
lxsysweb_pepee: i know, they normally don't, what i meant was give it more airflow around the case, which could be provided by more fans.16:51
plumpskunktrism: i'm doing exactly the same thing  ... i'm on a text field, yes!16:51
FrotsSalival: as which?16:51
FrotsRush3d: tried wich pre and non pre16:51
pea[PC]so no one has tried dreamweaver on ubuntu?16:51
pepeelxsysweb_, ahh ok16:51
FrotsSalival: btw I dont have gdm16:52
Rush3dHmm ok frots, try updating your drivers?16:52
trismplumpskunk: strange16:52
SalivalRush3d, Make a new profile should fix that problem16:52
FrotsRush3d: I tried with the latest and with beta16:52
plumpskunkyes, it is ...16:52
Eremitepea[PC], there are dreamweaver alternatives.16:52
bazhangpea[PC], sure some have, #winehq for specific issues as well as checking the appdb16:52
Rush3dFrots, you could always just reinstall your operating system.16:52
FrotsRush3d: lol that wouldnt sovle anything16:52
lxsysweb_pepee: mine's usually pretty hot (60-80Celcius) anyways, if it's been doing heavy operations its usually hotter.16:52
SalivalFrots, /var/log/messages (cmd: dmesg)16:53
plumpskunkis there any difference between starting a program from terminal or gnomenu ?16:53
trismplumpskunk: there really shouldn't be any difference16:53
pepeelxsysweb_, whoa, that's dangerous16:53
FrotsSalival: good idea16:53
Eremiteplumpskunk, I think so but I am not sure.  When I start FCEU from the menu my processor max's out to 99 or 100%, but starting from terminal it doesnt.16:53
Xiallxsysweb_, get some cooling on that. really.16:53
SalivalFrots, Not really but could be a start :P16:53
lxsysweb_pepee: lol i know but it's never killed any (yet)16:53
pepeelxsysweb_, 54- here16:53
trismplumpskunk: is it only gedit you're having problems with? does firefox work?16:54
Ruby_FulcrumGood morning.  Today in my server logs I found this message.  Should I be concerned?  I tried googling it and found no results.  "operation="file_perm" pid=2166 parent=1 profile="/usr/sbin/nmbd" requested_mask="w::" denied_mask="w::" fsuid=0 ouid=0 name="/var/run/samba/namelist.debug""16:54
lxsysweb_pepee: thats about normal on my laptop.. and cool for my server16:54
plumpskunktirsm: every programm ! gedit, firefox, pidgin, whatever16:54
pepeelxsysweb_, ahh ok16:54
plumpskunkit's not related to gedit, thats just an example16:55
pepeeI think 50C is something to worry about...16:55
SalivalFrots, gdm also got a log folder, /var/log/gdm .. check if the one you are using have one too16:55
washI've got a 500 G external USB hard drive that Ubuntu 9.10 seems to have messed up in some way. I've been having problems with it for a few days, like files dissappering from it when I move from computer to computer - now it's not showing up, though sometimes I can see the device, and just get an input/output error whenever I cd into it16:55
EremiteBroken fan?16:55
ircuserwiped hard disk clean by mistake while installing ubuntu over. vista how to recover data? esp. images..some 5GB..16:55
lxsysweb_pepee: well if you're worried a fan won't hurt16:55
FrotsSalival: I dont have gdm16:55
pepeethanks lxsysweb_16:56
FrotsSalival: the messages log doesnt have anything special16:56
Eremiteircuser, you cant.  If you wiped a disk clean then you wiped the disc clean.16:56
Frotsit just misses a few minutes (reboot time I think)16:56
SalivalFrots, As I tried to say, check if whatever you are using have a similar folder16:56
washDoesn't show up in gparted either. Is there any software I can use to see if it's dead or recoverable? I don't care about the data on it, I'd just like it wiped and working if possible.16:56
SalivalFrots, In /var/log/something16:56
FrotsSalival: I dont have a login manager :p16:56
ubuntu61hello  all16:56
SalivalFrots, Ah okey16:56
SalivalFrots, Sry :)16:57
trismplumpskunk: what do you get if you enter the command: env | grep IM_MODULE;16:57
Frotsjust installed a minimal system :)16:57
Rush3dEremite: I get an error when I launch firefox (Error launching browser window:no XBL binding for browser)16:57
Rush3dCan anyone help me with this, when I launch firefox: (Error launching browser window:no XBL binding for browser)16:57
ircuserEremite: I mean I had selected the option in ubuntu 8.10 as "use entire disk".. was the wiping clean?16:57
ubuntu61I installed Chromium web brower, you know if you can install it in Italian?16:57
SalivalFrots, And it didnt start to bug right after you deleted the login manager?16:57
FrotsSalival: I havent deleted a login manager :s16:58
Eremiteircuser, if you used the entire disc then you deleted all of your old files and they are gone unless you get some very expensive recovery software that is often used by police and FBI.16:58
FrotsI didnt install it in the first place (it doesnt have anything to do with it)16:58
plumpskunktrism: QT_IM_MODULE=ibus    GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus16:59
Rush3dCan anyone help me with this firefox error? (Error launching browser window:no XBL binding for browser)16:59
jshriveranyone have experience using sphinx?16:59
sweetunicornhi, i try to install a new them on xubuntu, but when i do it like the read me said, it dont works. can anyone help me?16:59
EremiteRush3d, do you have any extensions installed in FireFox?  Start FF in safe mode and then disable allk extensions untill you find the culprit.16:59
trismplumpskunk: ok that looks good, in System/Administration/Language Support; did you set the keyboard input method to ibus?16:59
ircuserEremite: oh...isn't there anyway i can get disk whatever i can get? anyway??16:59
SalivalFrots, I think ubuntu comes with a login manager as default,, aren't you using ubuntu or?16:59
Rush3dErem, I have no add ons, its the same when i get ubuntu.16:59
FrotsSalival: no16:59
plumpskunkno i did not16:59
FrotsIm just asking everywhere on the planet17:00
Eremiteircuser, please say that in English.  You didnt make sense :D17:00
ircuserEremite: right now i am booted off the LiceCd 9.1017:00
trismplumpskunk: try doing that and then test items from the menus17:00
bcurtiswxhow do I add friends in identi.ca ?17:00
Rush3dEremite: How do I start firefox in safe mode?17:00
Eremiteircuser, if you installed Ubuntu over your Vista then your vista no longer exists.  You do not have Windows vista anymore.  You also do not have ANY of the files that were on your PC.17:00
SalivalFrots, Okey =/17:00
Rush3dHow do I start firefox in safe mode?17:01
trismplumpskunk: you might need to log in/log out; (if it works at all)17:01
plumpskunkokay i try17:01
MasterOfDisasterwhat's the best way to get sound from a second X.org display?17:01
EremiteRush3d, open a terminal and type:  firefox -safe-mode17:01
EremiteRush3d, make sure that there is not any other firefox process running, even if you have closed all the visible firefox windows.17:01
ircuserEremite: Sorry.. I mean ... Isn't there anyway I can recover even a GB out that? It is a 241 GB ..  What options I have got for now?17:01
Rush3dWait, it says Bash: firefox-safe-mode: command not found.17:02
MasterOfDisasterI opened second display like this: su -c "Xorg :1" & ; DISPLAY=:1 startfluxbox17:02
Eremiteircuser, if you installed Ubuntu onto your only drive then you lost ALL OF THE FILES. All of them.  100% of them are deleted.  You cannot recover them without very expensive software and a deep knowledge of computer science.17:02
Rush3dNerver mind Eremite, I got it.17:02
MasterOfDisasterWhen I launch mplayer, the sound can only be heard when switching to :0, but not on :1.17:03
ircuserEremite: thank you.. I will try anyway...17:03
sulemanhalo ev117:03
sulemangraviton, halo17:03
sulemanneed help17:03
happyfaceCan anyone help me? I can't connect to wireless networks on Karmic (intel card).17:03
Eremitesuleman, please type your questions all in ONE line, and use full sentences.  We cant read minds :D17:04
plumpskunktrism: doesn't make any difference, only that my dead keys and compose key is not working anymore17:04
Rush3ddo you have your wifi turned on, and your card all the way in?17:04
Lord_MuffloN^Righto, still got issues, my 17" screens are tected as 15"17:04
Lord_MuffloN^Anyone got the slightest idea what to do about that?17:04
sulemani was installing ubuntu,and while extracting files,a error message occured which asked me to see the file "wubi-9.04-rev128.log"17:04
happyfaceRush3d: it's an integrated card. It can scan networks with ifconfig but can't get an IP, also nm-applet can't find the wireless card17:04
bluesword1969http://pastebin.com/m3cf18a1f <-- trying to stop this error17:04
EremiteLord_MuffloN^, you could try editing yoru Xorg config file.  Thats the only suggestion I have.17:05
Rush3dHmm, if you were running windows xp i could help.17:05
Lord_MuffloN^Eremite: I've never edited screen size in xorg config17:05
trismplumpskunk: my only guess is that it is working on the command line because the GTK_IM_MODULE environment variable is set correctly, but when launched directly from gnome, it is ignoring them for some reason...thought maybe setting ibus in Language Support would help (that's how it is set up for me), not really sure what else to try17:05
MasterOfDisasterI opened a second display like this: su -c "Xorg :1" & ; DISPLAY=:1 startfluxbox - When I launch mplayer, the sound can only be heard when switching to :0, but not on :1. How can I get sound from multiple Xorg displays? Use a systemwide pulseaudio instance?17:05
FlamekebabAny ideas why my Belkin PCMCIA wireless card is showing up as "unclaimed" and doesn't have a device name any more? (ralink rt2500 chipset)17:06
EremiteLord_MuffloN^, yes, but you may be able to correct your error by doing so.17:06
Lord_MuffloN^Eremite: I'm not saying it won't fix it, but I do say I don't have the slightest clue how to edit the screen size in Xorg17:06
sulemani was installing ubuntu,and while extracting files,a error message occured which asked me to see the file "wubi-9.04-rev128.log"17:06
Lord_MuffloN^I've never ever even seen such options there17:06
Lord_MuffloN^Only screen resolution17:07
EremiteLord_MuffloN^, please read: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82710717:07
bj0rn2I can't seem to find any info about splitting a long command line into multiple lines in bash.. is \ supposed to work?17:07
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MasterOfDisasterhappyface: which card exactly? (use lspci from pciutils to find out)17:07
MasterOfDisasterbj0rn2: yes17:07
sayanrijubjorge, yes17:07
plumpskunkund danach17:07
=== P is now known as Guest11373
sulemangraviton, i was installing ubuntu,and while extracting files,a error message occured which asked me to see the file "wubi-9.04-rev128.log"17:07
Eremiteplumpskunk, sprache English.17:07
happyfaceMasterOfDisaster: it's a 4965AGN17:08
=== Guest11373 is now known as Keeper
happyfaceMasterOfDisaster: it was using the mac80211 drivers but I tried the iwlagn with no avil17:08
shushekhello please advice on how to release ip address in ubuntu? i've tried ifconfig -down but tht didnt help much17:08
reto`suleman: and did you find the file?17:09
sulemanreto`, yes i did17:09
MasterOfDisastertry to connecting manually17:09
Lord_MuffloN^Eremite: I've read through it, I can't find anything there that'll solve my problem, I've got an ATi card, not a NVIDIA17:09
bcurtiswxhow do I add friends on identi.ca17:09
motaka2does anyone knows the best way to install php5.3 on ubuntu?17:09
reto`suleman: what does it say?17:09
Eremiteshushek, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43585117:09
trismplumpskunk: did you change the default ibus shortcuts to enable/disable ibus? because shift+space was default with scim, but the default in ibus is ctrl+space17:09
FlamekebabAny ideas why my Belkin PCMCIA wireless card is showing up as "unclaimed" and doesn't have a device name any more? (ralink rt2500 chipset)17:09
sayanrijumotaka2, why not just apt-get install?17:09
sulemanreto`, its a log file17:09
MasterOfDisasterStop network-manager and use iwconfig / wpa-supplicant17:09
DavidJHeinrichmy upgrade to 9.10 failed? said Skype marked for removal but was on removal blacklist, couldn't do it? HUH?????17:09
sulemanreto`, its long,how shall i show that to you17:09
EremiteLord_MuffloN^, in terminal type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" and then restart X.17:10
reto`suleman: yeah... can you pastebin it?17:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:10
MasterOfDisasterhappyface: try to connecting manually: Stop network-manager and use iwconfig / wpa-supplicant17:10
Lord_MuffloN^Eremite: And lose all my ATi Xorg settings?17:10
motaka2sayanriju: i think that command has already installed php5.217:10
trismplumpskunk: although at this point, I'm really just out of ideas, you may need to file a bug against ibus about this17:10
MasterOfDisasterhappyface: If this works, then network-manager is to blame.17:10
plumpskunktrism: did i wirte shift ? i meant strg! didnt change that, and as it's working wen I start a program from the terminal, that shouldn't be the problem, I do everytime strg+space17:10
Lord_MuffloN^I'll come back when it've caught fire17:10
EremiteLord_MuffloN^, this will reset your driver to default settings.  Sunds like that's what you need.  I could be wrong.17:10
DavidJHeinrichand also, when trying minor updates (not to 9.10), it gives me some crap about needing to insert CD for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS?? I did do live CD boot with 10.04 LTS, but shouldn't have any effect17:10
sayanrijumotaka2, isn't that what you want?17:10
shushekthank you Eremite,17:10
EremiteLord_MuffloN^, this will reset your XORG to default settings.  Sounds like that's what you need.  I could be wrong.17:11
MasterOfDisasterhappyface: you did install the firmware package, right?17:11
happyfaceMasterOfDisaster: I did, it can't find an IP address with dhclient.. I can try again though17:11
sayanrijumotaka2, oh sorry...u want php 5.317:11
Lord_MuffloN^As said17:11
Lord_MuffloN^I'll be back when it's caught fire17:11
happyfaceMasterOfDisaster: which package? my wireless worked fine a few days ago then just stopped17:11
sulemanreto`, http://paste.ubuntu.com/371062/17:11
MasterOfDisasterhappyface: ok, nevermind then.17:11
sayayinsomone from costa rica?17:12
MasterOfDisasterhappyface: The network in question is not an ad-hoc network?17:12
DavidJHeinrichanyone anny ideas on why my updates & upgrade is failing?17:12
happyfaceMasterOfDisaster: I've tried multiple networks... no just an AP17:12
sulemanreto`, wat can be done17:12
MasterOfDisasterhappyface: ok, sorry. I'm out of ideas now, perhaps there are other takers :-)17:13
reto`suleman: hmm... you are sure you want to use wubi to install ubuntu?17:13
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:13
dinobiskWhen I connect with SSH (in the menu in the upper gnome panel), where is location mounted?17:13
blakkheimdinobisk: type "mount"17:14
sulemanreto`, i dont knw.i just want to install ubuntu17:14
blakkheimsuleman: i would recommend doing a real install, wubi has some issues17:14
sulemanreto`, which other files should i execute to install ubuntu17:14
petsoundsDavidJHeinrich, #ubuntu+117:14
ugliefroganyone know where i can get a deb version of meshlab17:14
reto`suleman: do you have a ubuntu cd already?17:14
sulemanreto`, wats the REAL installation17:14
sulemanreto`, i have17:14
happyfacethanks for trying MasterOfDisaster17:14
sulemanreto`, it had worked on my another computer17:14
trismplumpskunk: as a last attempt, you could try adding export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus; export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus; export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus; to ~/.gnomerc; restart and see if that makes a difference17:15
sulemanreto`, i m using windows7 now17:15
MasterOfDisastersomebody please shed a light on ubuntu's pulseaudio setup: How do I get sound support on multiple X.org displays?17:15
dinobiskblakkheim: Thanks!17:15
reto`suleman: then boot from the cd and install from there, but you will need free space on the hdd so you can create a second partition17:15
Myrttisuleman: wubi is a bit like a demo of a game. you can install and use it to check the game will run on your computer, but you can't really play it17:15
cmphello, will any one help here ????17:15
Myrttisuleman: if the demo works well, you can then install the real thing17:15
blakkheimcmp: what is it?17:15
matthewcan sum 1 gimme some help?17:16
blakkheimMyrtti: that's a good way to put it17:16
=== matthew is now known as Guest49124
Myrttiblakkheim: that's how the developer of it put it year and a half ago in a conference17:16
unr3a1does anyone know what would cause a clean install of 9.10 to freeze after loading the desktop enviroment?17:16
sulemanreto`, i dnt want to make new partition17:16
pouchkine# irc.epiknet.org17:16
Guest49124im getting a problem where my wireless wont accept the password17:16
Shoe_bazhang, I was able to bridge my connection to my Ubuntu machine (this computer is W7) and I installed wine. I'm trying to install a diferent internet card, since I lost the installation disc for the netgear one, but I have this other lynskys one and it's disc. I tried installing but it didn't work, just asked if I wanted to retry, not why it wouldn't work. Anyways, don't know if you can help me or not, but I'm hoping after the upgrade it'll17:16
Shoe_ work. Just thanking you because that link said something about bridging which made me do some research on how to do it17:16
Myrttiblakkheim: or rather, suggested that wubi should be used to demonstration purposes, since there are some caveats of using it as the big thing17:16
blakkheimsuleman: you can either make a new partition or use the whole drive17:16
plumpskunktrism: thats already in17:17
cmpblakkheim, i have 2 hard disk in my laptop and when i open it i find folder called ( lost-found) and i cant get in and i cant delete it so i want help to open and delete it17:17
reto`suleman: ok, but it's recommended... you don't know how?17:17
bazhangShoe_, okay, good luck with doing that17:17
blakkheimcmp: lost+found is part of the ext filesystem, just leave it  alone17:17
cmpblakkheim. ok thanks17:17
sulemani want to install ubuntu in the same drive where windows 7 is installed17:18
blakkheimsuleman: then you need to shrink the windows partition and make a new one from that unused space17:18
sulemanreto`, http://imagebin.org/8374617:18
sulemanblakkheim, http://imagebin.org/8374617:18
sulemanblakkheim, u r getting it more comples17:18
blakkheimsuleman: that's wubi, i wouldn't recommend using it17:18
blakkheim!u | suleman17:19
ubottusuleman: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:19
trismplumpskunk: I don't know then, sorry I couldn't help17:19
reto`suleman: yes... that's what the log says... permission problem...17:20
sulemanreto`, but i m the admin of my PC17:20
plumpskunktrism: doesn't matter, thank you anyways !17:20
blakkheimsuleman: when you use proprietary software, microsoft is the admin of your pc17:20
reto`suleman: is it vista?17:20
reto`suleman: ah 717:20
sulemanreto`, its 717:20
sulemanreto`, n its genuine17:21
AscavasaionHow (can I?) use my cellphone with 3G capability to come onto say chat with my laptop through Bluetooth?17:21
reto`suleman: try to run the wubi "as administrator"17:21
CryptIce7Is there a way to remove all ip addresses from a network card.  I have a honeypot I want to use.17:21
sulemanreto`, ok i m doing it17:21
blakkheimCryptIce7: if you're running a honeypot you should know how to do things like that17:22
mintuxI want to extract a .tar.gz file in a specific directory . I use tar -xvvf arshive.tar.gz -C folder1  but in folder1 the arshive directory created and has contents while I want contents create in folder1 not in arshive in folder1 so what command should I use ?17:22
CryptIce7blakkheim: ever heard of "trying to learn"  It takes some experimentation.17:23
Cybodoggot an apparmor permissions issue when trying to run the latest virt-manger on karmic.  How do I track it down?17:23
cmpblakkheim, how to know if my graphic is working fine ??17:24
fargiolasdoes anybody know what's the "blessed" way to automount a partition at startup karmic? I used to have an entry for it in fstab but this seems to confuse devicekit-disks now and I see the disk twice in gnome17:24
blakkheimcmp: i think it would be pretty obvious to you if it wasn't working17:25
fargiolas*at startup with karmic17:25
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cmpGodd ---- no body here can help without showing off ?????? what the hellllllllllll is thissssssss17:26
CLR-200i need to prepare a USB key from my linux sys17:26
cmpblakkheim, do you think there was a need for such answer ??????17:26
blakkheim!attitude | cmp17:26
ubottucmp: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:26
bazhangCLR-200, using unetbootin ?17:26
CLR-200i can use cat and something?17:26
erUSULmintux: man page --> tar --strip-components=1  -xvf file.tar.gz17:27
bazhangCLR-200, you mean for data storage or to start up with17:27
CLR-200bazhang, some way to use a command line procedure with an iso?17:27
CLR-200to start17:27
ronnnWHEn you have time go to HEAVENTRUTH.ORG :)17:27
Cybodogwhat would happen if I rip out apparmor?17:27
bazhangCLR-200, you could do that , though unetbootin is incredibly simple to set up and use17:27
cmpblakkheim, i didnt ask you to tell me what you think - i asked you and it was to help me by guiding not by showing off your knowlage17:27
blakkheimcmp: what i meant was that if your graphics card wasn't working, your screen would possibly be flickering or have a messed up resolution or have display artifacts. the fact that you haven't complained about anything like that makes it likely that you aren't having graphics issues17:27
sulemanreto`, looks like it is working17:27
CLR-200or maybe if someone have a link for a script17:27
sulemanreto`, i have extracted the files17:27
bazhangCLR-200, what system are you currently on17:28
CLR-200unetbootin is a binary for linux?17:28
blakkheimCLR-200: yes17:28
FlamekebabAny ideas why my Belkin PCMCIA wireless card is showing up as "unclaimed" and doesn't have a device name any more? (ralink rt2500 chipset)17:28
bazhangCLR-200, for windows as well if you are on windows17:28
CLR-200or kuky, is a ubuntu derivate17:28
cmpand you ubottu , dont tell me what you see -   you should see first the way how you suggest your help17:28
blakkheimcmp: you're talking to a bot, bro :(17:28
bazhangCLR-200, you can use it to make a usb startup disk / installer for most linux distros from windows and linux17:29
Guest49124does any 1 know how to stop my screen from moving to the side onto nothing17:29
CLR-200ok thanks really much bazhang17:29
cmpblakkheim, so what was the problem if you could answer so simply like this --- without being cold answer17:29
CLR-200i will look for that right now17:29
da78Hello all, have someone UNR karmic on a eeepc 701? During the live mode the netbook-launcher shows the applications in up to 3 columns after the installation in 2 columns with some overlays..17:30
Cybodogdang cmp, take the advise or don't17:30
bazhangCLR-200, not sure about kucky/kuky, you should check their forums; unetbootin is in the Ubuntu repos as well as at their sourceforge page17:30
blakkheimcmp: with the way you behave, you're lucky anyone has helped you at all. no one is paid to help people here, we do it in our free time.17:30
cmpblakkheim,  so because you are not getting paid, then you dont care about guiding in easy or difficult way ?17:31
CLR-200ok it's kuki Linux what i'm using, sorry but i'm itlaian, the traslation in italian for kuki is biscottino17:31
cmpblakkheim, do you think iam happy when i get here to ask for help -17:32
blakkheimcmp: i think you should just drop it now17:32
CLR-200and is build up over ubuntu17:32
Myrtticmp: the definition of "working fine" is a bit wide, there's several ways of it working fine but not in a satisfactory way17:32
CLR-200not the last stable one, 9.1017:32
CLR-200or is the 9.04.. however17:32
CLR-200it should run17:32
bazhangCLR-200, okay, well you should check there forums for support as Ubuntu is supported here17:32
Rush3dYou guys, How can I install java on my computer?17:32
MyrttiCLR-200: we support only Ubuntu here, not other distros based or built on it.17:32
CLR-200thanks bazhang17:32
Myrtti!java | Rush3d17:33
ubottuRush3d: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository17:33
sulemanreto`, halo17:33
sulemanreto`, it didnt work again17:33
CLR-200ok Myrtti thanks for the fix17:33
DavidJHeinrichthinking of upgrading to 9.10. i'm using Catalyst drivers for ATI 4670 and ave Skype...might i run into any problems?17:33
ikoniaDavidJHeinrich: poor support for ati ?17:33
reto`suleman: same error?17:34
sulemanreto`, but it worked a little bit17:34
sulemanreto`, but again permission denied17:34
cmpblakkheim, every time i come here i know that i will have a trouble with some body - do you know why ? coz every time i ask for help - people here think that i their experience should be transfared  to the other by default ...as if this is the normal life - and people should understand it - what about the people who need to learn - HAVE you Walked once you came to this life from the first moment ---- help should be taking a hand - and go step by step17:34
sulemanreto`, how did i installed it before,cant remember17:34
reto`suleman: it's probably an ntfs permission issue... or UAC related17:35
sulemanreto`, dnt knw17:35
DavidJHeinrichikonia: what do you mean? when I upgrade, is my graphics gonna get borked?17:35
sulemanreto`, wat can b done17:35
Flamekebabcmp, it sounds more like you have trouble here every time because you've got a chip on your shoulder.17:35
Rush3dDoes anyone know how to install Java on Ubuntu?17:35
CLR-200seems it works17:35
ikoniaDavidJHeinrich: possible, the ati packages are very very fussy17:35
blakkheimRush3d: someone just answered that for you17:35
FlamekebabAnyway, anyone with any experience dealing with ralink PCMCIA cards?17:35
CLR-200just add the chmod +x17:35
Rush3dBlakk, it didnt work17:35
ikonia!jre > Rush3d17:35
ubottuRush3d, please see my private message17:35
ikonia!java > Rush3d17:35
blakkheimRush3d: "it didn't work" doesn't give us much to go by17:36
CLR-200to the bin file and it run now i'm testing if it works17:36
Myrtticmp: can you move on? your question was so wide there is no correct answer to it, other than the one blakkheim gave you. there is no way of telling if your graphics "work fine" if you don't supply us with more information. Do you suspect it's not?17:36
sdsdhow do i share folders between 2x ubuntu computers? both are 9.10 ?17:36
FlamekebabMine used to work with older versions of Ubuntu out of the box, but now it doesn't get recognised at all. I think I may need someone to walk me through what to check to see if it can be fixed17:36
Rush3dBlakk , I typed sudo update-java-alternatives -l in terminal17:36
DavidJHeinrichikonia: is there a way to be able to downgrade back if things don't work, like rollback?17:36
Rush3dAnd it did not work.17:36
ikoniaDavidJHeinrich: no17:36
kreatoris grug compatible with EFI?17:36
Ashfire908Is there a place I can get a full list of every checksum for every Ubuntu disc?17:36
ikoniakreator: you can put it on an partition17:37
ikoniaAshfire908: they are on the ubuntu download servers17:37
kreatorim installing linux on a macbook pro and im confused17:37
ikoniakreator: look at bootcamp17:37
reto`suleman: maybe you can file a bug report for wubi, or try to get help in ##windows, or install the regular way to another partition17:37
cmpMyrtti, i would appreciate so much if some one telling me step by step - as you explained now  that you need more info17:37
kreatork bootcamp is the easiest way?17:37
kreatori want to get rid of osx17:37
kreatoron this macbook17:37
ikoniakreator: then get rid of efi17:37
kfizzAnyone know of a Kaboodle-like program that natively runs on Linux?17:37
bj0rn2I'm trying to use tar --listed-incremental to incremental backups (is that a good idea?) and it seems like I have to create incremental filenames for the archives that are created each time. anyone know of a more out of the box solution for incremental backups?17:37
kreatorikonia : could you possibly link me to something to read17:38
sulemanreto`, can i install ubuntu in anohter drive which do not contain win7 without permission problem?17:38
kreatorbecause i am at square 1 here17:38
Ashfire908ikonia: Where?17:38
kreatorive never installed on a EFI machine17:38
ikoniakreator: just install ubuntu but wipe the partition table and efi will be wiped17:38
jseckreator, kreator, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro17:38
Rush3dBlakkheim, please view my private message.17:38
kreatorif one day i want to reinstall os x i can reinstall efi correct?17:38
blakkheim!pm | Rush3d17:38
ubottuRush3d: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:38
sdsdany chance of getting the answer or at least a link to How to share between ubuntu machines? 9.10 ?17:38
reto`suleman: you mean with wubi?17:39
erUSUL!nfs | sdsd17:39
ubottusdsd: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.17:39
ikoniaAshfire908: in the download area for each cd17:39
Rush3dok ubottu.17:39
ikoniakreator: yes17:39
kreatork cool17:39
sulemanreto`, yes17:39
sulemanreto`, but on another partition17:39
Rush3dBlakkheim, I tried downloading java off of their website, and its a .bin file, how can I open it an install it?17:39
ikoniaRush3d: run it as a binary file17:39
ikoniaRush3d: bin = binary17:39
Ashfire908ikonia: I was looking for a complete list of all disc, not a completely spread out fragmented list.17:40
Rush3dWhat program should i open it with? Bless?17:40
blakkheimRush3d: install it from the repositories17:40
ikoniaAshfire908: scrip it to pull it offf17:40
reto`suleman: it could work... is the drive empty?17:40
ikoniascript even17:40
Rush3dWhere can i get to the repositories?17:40
Rush3dIm brand new :).17:40
ikonia!synaptic | Rush3d17:40
ubottuRush3d: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto17:40
ikoniaRush3d: look on https://help.ubuntu.com at the installing software chapter17:40
sulemanreto`, no its not empty.but it doesnt contain windows' OS17:41
cmpMyrtti, here is more info   .... iam having slow moves on my display although iam having 2 G ram, and i go for firefox for Ex it goes slow to open and when i use some other like trying to open my Documents folder - it takes some time ...i asked here before but as usual - people here are telling me the answer not completed as if i have to know this by my self17:41
ikoniacmp: are the windows slow to move around ?17:41
cmpikonia, yes17:41
ikoniacmp: I suspect your video card is perfoming bad, rather than your machine17:42
ikoniacmp: what video card do you have17:42
cmpikonia, i dont know . tell me how to know this17:42
reto`suleman: give it a try...17:42
skriteanyone know of a netbook that does not come pre-loaded with windows?17:43
ikoniacmp: is this a PC or a laptop ?17:43
ikoniaskrite: that's offtopic for this channel17:43
cmpikonia laptop   dell 152517:43
fabioskrite: get rid of windows17:43
usserskrite, dell mini 917:43
skriteusser, thanks17:43
coz_skrite,  if this is a new system you may have a quick start embedded on the motherboard17:44
ikoniacmp: ok, so it's an interl X3100 video card on board17:44
ultemHullo. I have a question concerning PalmPilot-synchronization. Perhaps someone can help me setting it up? -.-17:44
fabioikonia: intel x3100 on compiz blacklist...17:44
ikoniafabio: yup17:44
cmpikonia, then guide me17:45
dr_hey there, i'm having a problem when trying to compile kernel modules, are there any prerequisites when using karmic?17:45
skritewhy off topic ikonia? ubuntu channel, want to load ubuntu on a small netbook?17:45
ikoniaskrite: no - you asked what netbooks come without windows, that's nothing to do with ubuntu17:45
Rush3dThank you ikonia, I have installed java.17:46
ultemsudo ls -la /dev/ttyS*17:47
BennageI'm struggling to do a USB install on my netbook...17:47
sulemanreto`, hey17:48
bazhangBennage, using unetbootin to create it?17:48
sulemanreto`, the cd is out17:48
joel___Does anyone know of any good Word Processors (Not regular text editors) that run in terminal?17:48
sulemanreto`, finising installin ubuntu.but lets c,wats ahead17:48
BennageI've put everything on the USB stick, but when I try to boot on my Acer, it just ignores the USB and goes to it's default OS (currently XP)17:48
bazhangBennage, put on it how17:49
reto`so is there a netbook preloaded with ubuntu? :)17:49
BennageI'm havig to use a Mac to create the stick17:49
reto`suleman: gl17:49
unr3a1hey all17:49
Bennagefollowed the tutorial on the ubuntu site17:49
sulemanreto`, i m rebooting my machine.c ya17:49
bazhangBennage, which tutorial17:49
reto`there he goes... into wubi hell ;)17:49
Bennage2 secs...17:49
sulemanreto`, meh.?lol17:49
Ruby_Fulcrumjoel___: Vim is pretty beautiful.  I've written novels on it just fine.17:50
unr3a1does anyone know what could cause ubuntu 9.10 to freeze after the computer has booted to the desktop?17:50
joel___Great, thank you Ruby_fulcrum, ill try it out17:50
CLR-200bazhang, it works, tahnks again for the help! XD17:50
Ruby_FulcrumBennage: You may have to change the default boot order in your bios to the usb stick.  Or there is often a key to press to select an alternate boot device.17:51
ZykoticK9joel___, FYI vi or vim is CERTAINLY a text editor17:51
Bennagedone that17:51
CLR-200bye bye17:51
Bennageno luck :/17:51
joel___Yes, I do know that...thanks Zykotick :)17:51
reto`unr3a1: seems like some people have that issue... keeps coming up... I bet there are already some bug reports17:51
joel___Im going to try WordGrinder as well17:52
treats-homehow can I determine my host name of an ubuntu box?\17:52
bazhangBennage, never knew about that Mac method, I have had issues both with usb-creator and unetbootin in the past though, so it might take more than the single try (it certainly has here)17:52
erUSULtreats-home: run "hostname"17:52
dr_I'm trying to run "make modules_prepare" but I get make[1]: *** No rule to make target `kernel/bounds.c', needed by `kernel/bounds.s'.  Stop.17:52
Ruby_Fulcrumjoel___: If you want to use typesetting or formatting, you can find plugins for eg latex or your preferred method.17:52
joel___Okay, thank you Ruby...you guys have been a big help!17:52
treats-homethanks erUSUL17:52
Bennagei have a hackintosh partition on there also, but haven't been able to get the part. to boot17:52
FlamekebabAny ideas why my Belkin PCMCIA wireless card is showing up as "unclaimed" and doesn't have a device name any more? (ralink rt2500 chipset)17:53
J_CBennage: you may also want to try a different stick, depending on how old the one you're using now is17:53
ikoniacmp: the problems with the X3100 should be fixed by now, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to make sure it's not a problem17:53
pitipotasbody can help me?17:53
meatcardoes anyone know how I could go about setting up my sound settings to be at a certain level at boot? My pc always starts up mute, and it's getting annoying changing it all the time.17:53
ikoniacmp: run the command "mkdir -p ~/.config/compiz/ && echo SKIP_CHECKS=yes >> ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager" and then restart, see how that works17:53
J_Colder ones didn't work well as a boot device, I don't remember the reasons17:53
ikoniapitipota: ask a question17:53
KarmaJonesMy trash directly delete item17:53
kfizzAnyone know of a Kaboodle-like program that natively runs on Linux?17:53
Ruby_FulcrumFlamekebab: Might check out the latest compat-wireless drivers.  If you google it they're easy to find and easy to install.  I've used them for all my machines.17:53
erUSUL!equivalents | kfizz17:54
ubottukfizz: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot17:54
cmpikonia , wait i will do it and come back to you17:54
pitipotaI want refreshing my video card driver, ... but its a lill difficultly for me :S many wrong msg...ahh17:54
ikoniacmp: don't think it will do much, but worth checking17:54
pitipotaikonia: i had the driver , but i cant use it normally17:54
pitipotacan u help me?17:55
ikoniapitipota: what driver ?17:55
xovermy load is 9, yet my total cpu usage is only 15%, how can this be?17:55
KarmaJonesWhy does my trash can show "no items in trash" even after I delete stuff?17:55
pitipotanVidia 9800gt17:55
ikonia!nvidia > pitipota17:55
ubottupitipota, please see my private message17:55
coz_KarmaJones,  if nothing is in the trash it should say "no items"17:55
pitipotaty dudes! :)17:56
KarmaJonescoz_ok well it say "no items in Trash" when I mouse over the icon17:57
FlamekebabRuby Fulcrum - I'm really confused about the drivers17:58
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Geli_can anybody help me?17:59
ikoniaGeli_: ask a question17:59
FlamekebabRuby_Fulcrum, mainly because I was led to believe that the ralink rt2500 drivers were in the kernel, after all, the card used to work several distros ago17:59
ignaciohay alguien español17:59
reto`ikonia: you have a shortcut for that? ;)17:59
pitipotahm, guys, this link is not good for me, couz i have debian :)17:59
Flamekebab(I'm working on my old laptop, it's been on the shelf for quite a while, hah)17:59
ikonia¬es | ignacio17:59
SirRedToothCan I ask why my thread has been closed17:59
ignaciohay alguien español?18:00
jribSirRedTooth: #ubuntuforums18:00
erUSUL!es | ignacio18:00
ubottuignacio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:00
ikoniapitipota: then ask in #debian - this is support for ubuntu18:00
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KarmaJonescoz_ I understand what your saying. What I'm saying is that it says that even after I delete stuff (put things in the trash)18:00
Geli_so i installed ndiswrapper with a driver, but if i click configure network ther's an error: can't configure because ther isn't configuring tool. What can i do?18:00
pitipotathey didnt helpd me18:00
xoverhow can I have high load and low cpu usage?18:00
ikoniapitipota: that doesn't mean you can ask in here18:00
ikoniapitipota: this channel is for ubuntu only, #debian is the correct channel18:00
FlamekebabRuby_Fulcrum, would a driver fix the problem of a card not appearing in /dev ?18:00
pitipotakay :)18:01
ignaciowho espeak spanish18:01
ikoniaxtr: ram ? costant low CPU usage18:01
ZykoticK9!es > ignacio18:01
ubottuignacio, please see my private message18:01
jsec!es > ignacio18:01
KarmaJonesWhy does my trash can show "no items in trash" even after I put things in it?18:01
Geli_or anybody can help on private?18:01
coz_KarmaJones,   I am confused...what would you expect it to say?18:02
ignaciohay alguien español?18:02
ikoniaignacio: this channel is english only - join #ubuntu-es for spanish18:02
erUSULignacio: ve a #ubuntu-es; escribe "/j #ubuntu-es" sin las comillas y dale a enter18:02
KarmaJonescoz_ you're missing the point: when I delete stuff, they disappear instead of going in the trash18:03
AscavasaionIs there a way I can link my cellphone to laptop with bluetooth and then have the laptop connect to the Internet via bluetooth connection to the cellphone and onto the Internet using GPRS/3G?18:03
ikoniaKarmaJones: how are you deleting it ?18:03
ultemI'm having problems setting up my PalmPilot (1) with gnome-pilot. Can someone help me? Would be appreciated lots!18:03
erUSULGeli_: /j #ubuntu-de hit enter18:03
KarmaJonesikonia just by pressing delte18:03
ikoniawhat application ?18:03
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cmpikonia, the output of this Command  is nothing18:04
ikoniacmp: that's correct18:04
ikoniacmp: there shouldn't be an output18:04
ignaciohay alguien español?18:04
llutzAscavasaion: bind your cellphone with rfcomm to a /dev/rfcommX device, use wvdial/networkmanager to connect isp then18:05
cmpikonia, so what is the next step - and what does this mean .?18:05
nastashi all18:05
ikoniacmp: restart and see if it makes a difference as I explained18:05
cmpikonia, ok18:05
zxcvasHello fello geeks, I have rather simple question for those already familiar with the subject - where else does conky store config files?18:05
blakkheimzxcvas: ~/.conkyrv18:06
KarmaJonesWhy does my trash can show "no items in trash" even after I put things in it (delete stuff)?18:06
llutzAscavasaion: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G/Probing18:06
=== airjump01 is now known as airjump
Ascavasaionllutz: Thank you.18:07
ikoniaKarmaJones: what application are you deleting it in18:07
blakkheimKarmaJones: depends on how you deleted it18:07
erUSULKarmaJones: when you delete from removable devices. each of them has its own trash can18:07
reto`or use rm... no need to worry about trash ;)18:08
KarmaJonesikonia, blakkheim, erUSUL, just regular delete, using the keyboard, from the computer harddrive (not removable drives)18:08
ikoniaKarmaJones: what application are you deleting in18:09
KarmaJonesikonia no application, just from the desktop and folders18:09
FlamekebabKarmaJones, so nautilus?18:09
Zuz|Kubuntucan anyone help me with a partition problem?  I mounted it but still says its not accessible18:10
ikoniaKarmaJones: to delete from "folders" you must be using an application, such as nautilus18:10
KarmaJonesflamekebab, ikonia ok yeah Nautilus18:10
ikoniaKarmaJones: how are you launching nautilus ?18:10
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: what filesystem?18:10
FlamekebabI'm trying to resist the urge to repeatedly ask if anyone speaks Spanish..18:10
matthew_zuz why not try wubi18:11
FlamekebabAnyway, if my ralink rt2500 wireless card is showing up as unclaimed and doesn't have a device name in /dev what should I do?18:11
Zuz|Kubuntullutz: ext318:11
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: use chown/chmod to adjust permissions18:12
matthew_for some weird reason ubuntu wont accept the passwords for any of my routers18:12
unr3a1reto`, alright, thanks.18:12
Zuz|Kubuntu!help chmod18:12
matthew_any 1 know of any fixes for it not accepting my wireless passwords?18:13
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: "man chmod" "man chown"18:13
Zuz|Kubuntulet me try that ill google it18:13
reto`unr3a1: found something then?18:13
KarmaJonesikonia I'm not sure it's nautilus, I'm just deleting item from the Ubuntu desktop by pressing delete on the keyboard...(regular old delete.) I think the problem comes from the fact that I changed the language in Ubuntu from French to English in the folder got mixed up in the name switch..18:13
matthew_zuz kubuntu why not try wubi18:13
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: where is it mounted to, what user/group needs access?18:13
FlamekebabZuz|Kubuntu, I usually just do sudo chmod -R 0777 /media/folder18:13
ikoniaKarmaJones: the language has nothing to do with it18:13
KarmaJonesikonia ok18:13
matthew_so any ideas for my router18:14
llutzFlamekebab: that's usually not a good idea18:14
matthew_oh and when i move my mouse to the right it moves the screen off the monitor so i see black18:14
dingdong1337Hey I was wondering if someoen could help me with a problem I have, i've been running ubuntu for a while and just recently it wont b oot up anymore, it says no wubildr and brings me to a screen saying GNU GRUB18:14
ikonia!trash > KarmaJones18:14
ubottuKarmaJones, please see my private message18:14
Flamekebabllutz, depends on what one is trying to do - it's on my flat's file server that should be accessible to everyone connected to our network, there's no real security issue18:15
CryptIce7I'm trying to remove all ip addresses from eth0.  I can remove them using  ip addr del dev eth0.   However, it is not removed from the Network Manger (GUI) tool.  Also, on reboot, it sets the ip address back to the old one.  Is there a good way to address this?18:15
=== dingdong1337 is now known as paytheo
reto`CryptIce7: I think you'd have to remove them in network manager18:16
paytheocould anyone help maybe?18:16
ikoniapaytheo: if you ask a question18:16
KarmaJonesikonia thanks I'll check this out18:16
llutzFlamekebab: but please don't recommend that to newbies18:16
ikoniaKarmaJones: permissions would be a common issue18:16
KarmaJonesikonia ok cool18:16
=== me is now known as Guest74473
CryptIce7reto: i can't remove the ip address from the Network Manager.  I can remove the interface but any tools that use the network like wireshark won't work.18:16
Zuz|Kubuntuflamekebab: sudo chmod -R 0777 /dev/sda5 ?18:16
joel___BTW, Ruby, Vim works awesome for text editing...it even opens up properly formatted in OpenOffice afterwards. Thanks! Way better than wordgrinder so far18:17
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: NO18:17
=== Guest74473 is now known as pingun789
pingun789 Hello. I have a trouble - mplayer particularly in gnome-mplayer and smplayer, the same problem - when you move mouse to the bottom of screen it shows the controls. When you stop moving it, the controls supposed to go down slowly. in my case, when they go down - the whole movie gets interrupted by blinking... blank...blinking blank blinking intrerruption. Is that a know issue?18:17
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: where is it mounted to, what user/group needs access?18:17
Zuz|Kubuntullutz i dont know how to even check that18:17
ugliefrogcan some on please help me compile meshlab i dont know what to do18:17
Zuz|Kubuntuhehe still a noob18:17
blakkheim!compile > ugliefrog18:17
ubottuugliefrog, please see my private message18:17
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: mount | grep sda518:17
Flamekebabllutz, fair enough, just trying to help give the format of the command18:17
ZykoticK9pingun789, i've seen the same thing on my system -- that's why i don't use the mplayer GUIs18:18
reto`CryptIce7: just set the adapter to dhcp... you've set a static address now, or not?18:18
FlamekebabAlthough in this case it sounds like chmod wouldn't be the issue, as far as I understand it it's for mounted stuff18:18
Zuz|Kubuntullutz when I do that it just goes to the other line18:18
Zuz|Kubuntullutz doesnt seem like there was any action18:18
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: so it isn't mounted at all18:18
CryptIce7reto: it's got a static now.  I'd prefer not set it to dhcp.18:18
cmpikonia, i dont see any change18:18
ikoniacmp: dissapointing, but also not unexpectedddddddddddd18:18
ikoniacmp: do you have a file called /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?18:19
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: create a mountpoint, "sudo mkdir /media/sda5"18:19
cmpikonia, how to find it18:19
ikoniacmp: open a file browser / manager and go to that directory to see if it exists18:19
reto`CryptIce7: well if it's got a static it will have that ip... why do you want to remove it then?18:19
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: then mount that device "sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/sda5"18:19
CryptIce7reto:  I'm trying to run a honeypot.18:20
ugliefrogi need help there isnt anything in the ubuntu forums covering it18:20
ikonia[/join ##slackware18:20
cmpikonia. i went in search page - and it says FILE NOT FOUND18:21
ikoniacmp: that's fine, one moment18:21
axaxaxaxai have problems to access printers connected to linux machine by Windows m/c s in the LAN18:21
pingun789<ZykoticK9> what do you use then?18:21
Zuz|Kubuntullutz: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda5 is already mounted on /media/sda518:21
ivansmoHi folks, can You tell me how can I connect with windows shared folders from my XUBUNTU 8.0418:22
pingun789<ZykoticK9> do you suggest running all the videos from CLI?18:22
ZykoticK9pingun789, just "mplayer" no gui < not for everyone18:22
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: hmmm, fine18:22
reto`CryptIce7: hmm... and the computer shouldn't have ip addresses?18:22
ZykoticK9pingun789, i've setup nautilus to load "mplayer -vo vdpau" all my video files (vdpau is nvidia only btw)18:22
ikoniacmp: I need you to reboot into "recovery mode" from the grub boot menu, trun the command "Xorg -configure > /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (pay attention to the case of the letters, then come back to this channel18:22
ikoniacmp: do you understand18:22
Zuz|Kubuntullutz: thanks  :)18:23
llutzZuz|Kubuntu: to change ownership of that filesystem: sudo chown -R yourusername:yourgroup /media/sda518:23
CryptIce7reto: it shouldn't.  All network requests should go to a virtual address.18:23
ivansmoI instaled nautolus and now I cant find where is it :$18:23
Zuz|Kubuntullutz: Its only 1 account on this machine18:23
axaxaxaxai have problems to access printers connected to linux machine by Windows m/c s in the LAN18:23
blakkheimivansmo: /usr/bin/nautilus18:23
pingun789ZykoticK9,  yes, i use nvidia too. do you happen to know the fix for gui?18:23
ZykoticK9pingun789, i doubt there is one18:23
cmpikonia, iam trying to18:23
KarmaJonesikonia I found the trash folder (~/.local/share/Trash) with all the deleted files in it  (I also checked permissions, and all was good), but my desktop trash applet still doesn't work. I can't empty my trash.18:24
unr3a1reto`, not yet.  I went on break at work. stepped outside for a smoke... lol.  looking for potential bugs now18:24
Zuz|Kubuntuagain, thanks alot llutz18:24
matthew_any 1 know how to get ubuntu to accept my wireless password?18:24
ivansmoTHX I found it :)18:25
ikoniaKarmaJones: interesting, the files are in there, so it sounds like the applets bugged18:25
welshboykevhi guys just wanted a bit of help if you can advise me would be much appreciated i got a ubuntu server 8.04 i have managed to set up a vnc on the server and got conected to my ubuntu desctop from home took me 2 days to work out how to get the actual desctop to show after connecting with vncviewer now i think i got it sused out but i want other users to use the server but have thayer own desktop and install thayer own apps and use web ect... is this p18:25
KarmaJonesikonia yeah I think you're right18:25
joel___What is the command to open a .gz file?18:25
reto`CryptIce7: well that's certainly a special case... I don't think network manager can do that... having interfaces without ip addresses or dhcp... but you said you can remove it with a command... why not just run that automatically after booting18:25
ikoniajoel___: tar zxvf $file.gz18:26
erUSULjoel___: gunzip file.gz18:26
tomsdaleI have a ubuntu 9.04 computer here which doesnt recognize the partitions anymore and gets stuck during boot. checked blkid and fstab, its correct. What should i do next18:26
ivansmonautilus cannot handle network locations ??18:26
joel___ah, thank you18:26
cmpikonia, i will do it now please wait18:26
om26erdoes evolution have thread view similar to google mail?18:26
ikoniatomsdale: how are you checking the blkid if it won't boot ?18:26
erUSULjoel___: but easier is to just right click on it and choose extract here18:26
J_Ctomsdale: what's the message at bootup?18:27
tomsdaleikonia: it boots into recovery mode fine but not further - when i boot normally it says waiting for device ,,, and it just times out.18:27
ikoniatomsdale: what device ?18:27
erUSULjoel___: tar is used when it is a .tar.gz file or .tgz18:27
tomsdalelet me get there - im in recovery mode now.18:27
joel___Great, thanks erUSL18:27
joel___Im trying to learn Terminal, so I am using it exclusively right now18:27
pea[laptop]how do you delete network locations?18:27
pingun789ZykoticK9 there's gotta be, isn't there? i though mplayer is really popular, and in my case this is quite a big problem..18:28
tomsdaleits like the problem I had on ubuntu 9.10 with the new version of grub - but this is 9.04 so I dont understand18:28
ivansmowhen I start nautilus and try to click on network it says :   Couldn't display "network:///".18:28
ikoniatomsdale: still not telling us the problem.....18:28
ZykoticK9pingun789, well personally i don't have ANY suggestions for you - I wish you the best of luck trying to fix it - and if you do happen to find a fix, lot me know.18:28
tomsdaleJ_C one or more of the mounts listed in fstab cannot yet be mounted (ESC for recovery shell)18:29
ikoniatomsdale: ok - so walk through /etc/fstab18:29
pingun789ZykoticK9 is there some kind of support channel to go about this issue?18:30
welshboykevis it possable to run seperate desktops for multi users on a ubuntu server so thay can install all thayer own apps ect.. ?18:30
ikoniawelshboykev: no18:30
ikoniawelshboykev: the applications are installed to system file systems, you'd have to package applications up for their home directories18:30
tomsdaleikonia: ok, im in fstab - it appears to be correct18:30
welshboykevoww ok18:31
welshboykevi sort of got you18:31
ikoniatomsdale: comment them out, one at a time and find out which one it "thinks" has a problem18:31
ZykoticK9pingun789, well i have some good news for you!  with gnome-mplayer under lucid it's not flickering the movie!18:31
welshboykevso you can install it all for them18:31
tomsdaleI see, ikonia. let me try18:31
J_Ctomsdale: like ikonia says, each drive/partition should be labelled, like sda1, sda2 etc. do "fsck /dev/sda?" and answer the questions "y"18:31
ZykoticK9pingun789, controls fade away nicely!18:31
sahalhey i figured out that scim is causing my system to start slowly.  how do i fix this?  here's some lines from syslog: http://pastebin.ca/178925618:31
J_Cor like ikonia says, comment out one at a time18:32
welshboykevis it possabul to have just the seperate desktops so thay dont conect to my admin desktopp18:32
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ikoniawelshboykev: yes, the desktop details are stored in each users home dir18:32
J_Cthen fsck that partition18:32
zambai want to give a user the sudo rights to issue /etc/init.d/networking restart18:32
zambahow do i express that in /etc/sudoers?18:32
ikoniazamba: use visudo to edit the sudoers file and create a ALL= group for just that one command18:32
zambaikonia: you told me about as much as i already know :)18:33
ikoniazamba: so what's the problem then ?18:33
tomsdaleJ_C fsck returns clean for both, root and home partition18:33
zambaikonia: i know the basics, but not how to separate on different commands18:33
barfI am going to install new mailserver on Monday18:33
welshboykevok i set up a diffrent "normal" user on the server i conect to it with vnc but thay see my desktop what am i doing wrong18:33
barfUbuntu 10.04?18:33
axaxaxaxai have problems to access printers connected to linux machine by Windows m/c s in the LAN18:33
unimatrixhow do i make sure the user "mpd" is able to control pulseaudio?18:34
Mike__MRMcan someone help me? im unable to hear any audio18:34
ikoniazamba: so ALL=/etc/init.d/network18:34
zambathat's not "ALL"?18:34
J_Csounds like maybe a grub problem? you may want to use the rescue disk and re-install grub18:34
Myrttibarf: installing a development version of Ubuntu as a mailserver is a bit foolhardy, but if you want to discuss it, join #ubuntu+1 since the discussion for 10.04 is there18:34
zambaisn't that more like "NETWORK"?18:34
tomsdaleikonia - I cannot change the fstab since its single user mode and read only filesystem.18:34
BlessJahhi, my 100GB ext3 home partition was deleted during windows7 installation18:34
llutzzamba: user ALL=ALL: /sbin/ifup /sbin/ifdown18:34
ikoniatomsdale: mount -o remount rw /dev/sda1 /18:34
BlessJahfiles are still there (i hope so), how can i get them back?18:35
KarmaJonesikonia help! I just typed "sudo rm -fr /home/*/.local/share/Trash" in terminal after reading a UbuntuForums post. It didn't fix my trash applet problem and I don't know where the trash folder is now.18:35
J_Cikonia: you're right, try that first18:35
erUSULKarmaJones: you removed it for good18:35
ikoniaKarmaJones: you're trash folder is exactly where it was before, however it looks like you've just deleted it18:35
pingun789<ZykoticK9>, thanks for the good news! trying lucid yourself?18:36
J_CKarmaJones: just recreate it "mkdir" etc18:36
KarmaJonesikonia ok...18:36
reto`maybe check the trash? ;)18:36
bluebaronmy networking is slow.  it's not the network itself.  ping requests are at 20ms but it takes 10-15 seconds between pings18:36
ZykoticK9pingun789, yup - lovin' it!18:36
zamballutz: what does the different ALL=(ALL) ALL stuff refer to?18:36
llutzzamba: typo:        user ALL=(ALL) /sbin/ifup, /sbin/ifdown                 <- list of all commands initiated by /etc/init.d/networking18:36
maniakshey.. i want help with sound ;/18:37
ikoniazamba: hosts and commands18:37
maniaksi haven't this, but i installed alsa18:37
blakkheim!sound > maniaks18:37
ubottumaniaks, please see my private message18:37
llutzzamba: man sudoers18:37
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:37
bullgard'~$ ifconfig -a' lists: eth0, eth1, irda0, lo. '~$ lshw -class network' lists: eth0, eth1. Why is irda0 missing?18:37
KarmaJonesJ_C so I just type mkdir? could you be more explicit? I'm kind of a newbie18:37
reto`bluebaron: try using another dns (not the router, but the isp dns)18:37
ikoniabullgard: because it's not a network device18:37
zamballutz: that's where i'm reading, i see no place where it's described what the different "ALL" actually refer to18:37
ManiiHi, Is there a way to make AWN not have all the icons centered18:38
ikoniazamba: hosts and commands18:38
unr3a1reto`, There are bugs open in launchpad for freezing 9.1018:38
unr3a1reto`, looks like a wide variety of things causing it18:38
J_CKarmaJones:  instead of "rm" the directory (remove) just "mkdir -p <directory path>18:38
reto`unr3a1: that's the problem... hard to track18:38
zambaikonia: still makes no sense.. there's three "ALL" in ALL=(ALL) ALL18:38
zambaikonia: how can that then mean just hosts and commands?18:38
bullgardikonia: If lshw does not consider it a network device, what class does lshw associate it to?18:38
bluebaronreto`:  i would suspect the dns if it were only the initial ping taking 10-15 secs.  after resolution and after the first successful ping, it's still taking 10-15 seconds.  also i have several other computers on this network that do not have an issue.18:38
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
herberoubottu: libqt4-dev18:38
reto`unr3a1: try to find something that looks like "your" freeze18:38
KarmaJonesJ_C   ok thanks18:39
Manii!AWN > Manii18:39
ubottuManii, please see my private message18:39
unr3a1reto`, well, it could be related to this proprietary nvidia driver bug18:39
J_CKarmaJones: the command you just ran, more or less, with mkdir substituted (I can't see the command you ran on my screen anymore)18:39
reto`bluebaron: other computers with linux?18:39
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
bluebaronreto`:  i have a sheeva plug.  it's pinging no problem.18:39
* welshboykev cry's ... im lost18:39
reto`bluebaron: try pinging with the ip address18:39
ikoniazamba: first all is what hosts you're authorized on, second all is what commands you're allowed on the authorized hosts18:40
ikoniabullgard: no idea the classes off the top of my head18:40
binMonkeyi'm installing the latest nethack and i don't understand how to extract the tar from / so that it loads all the files into /usr/games.  how do i do it?18:40
zambaikonia: and third "ALL"?18:40
unr3a1reto`, the weird thing about my freezing, is that it freezes at the white ubuntu logo on startup, unless, I boot from the live CD first, then reboot.18:40
herberoI am having trouble updating libqt4-dev because (I think) of my version of x, or possibly my nividia drivers (geforce 7280). Does anyone know which packages are necessary to get this running? SOme of my programs gui's are missing some stuff18:40
KarmaJonesJ_C   ok I got it.....well the folder reappered on it's own meanwhile, thanks anyways18:40
herberoI get the error at the top18:40
rootpowerneed some help with configuring my broadcom bcm4312 wireless adapter18:40
herberobut I tried updating to no avail18:41
reto`unr3a1: oh... it doesn't get to X even?18:41
herberoand I am now looking at nvidia kernel modules18:41
llutzzamba: it's like wildcards for each of the 4 aliase-fields18:41
welshboykevwow sooooo many people wanting help in here i think ill shut up lol18:41
ManiiIs there a way to make AWN not have all the icons centered?18:41
herberobut not sure which to go for18:41
ikoniazamba: there should only be two18:41
J_Cthrow something in the trash, right click the icon and see if you can empty it18:41
zamba        root           ALL = (ALL) ALL18:41
zamba        %wheel         ALL = (ALL) ALL18:41
ikoniazamba: that's two18:41
zambathat's what mentioned in the man page18:41
zambathat's three18:41
ikoniazamba: no, the second is a response to ALL =18:41
zambai definitely read three "ALL" there18:41
unr3a1reto`, ya, I dont get to X server.  thats MY freezing issue.  I have a friend who freezes once he is in X18:42
llutzzamba: 4, user, runas,host, command18:42
ikoniazamba: the second means all commands18:42
zambaikonia: well, now i understand even less18:42
rootpowerneed some help with configuring my broadcom bcm4312 wireless adapter18:42
zamba"a response to"?18:42
unr3a1reto`, sorry for the confusion, I should have specified that18:42
ikoniazamba: all=ls all=((all) - as in the first is ls only, the second is all commands18:42
llutzzamba: 4 fields per entry, called "aliases": user, runas,host, command18:42
bluebaronreto`: it does ping a lot faster ... ugh ... last time i used this computer i installed dhcpd ... i uninstalled it but it probably has something to do with that ... any ideas18:42
reto`unr3a1: remove usplash and quiet(?) on the grub line18:42
Maniiunr3a1, if your using a really old chipset then give up, windows 7 works on my old desktop but ubuntu doesnt :P18:43
zamba*sigh* i'm not getting it at all18:43
unr3a1reto`, alright, I will write that down and try it to see if there are any errors.  I am at work at the moment, so I cant do it now, I am more or less looking for information.  lol18:43
zambawhy the (ALL) then?18:43
ikoniazamba: that means all commands18:43
rootpowerneed some help with configuring my broadcom bcm4312 wireless adapter18:43
zambaikonia: and ALL doesn't?18:44
unr3a1Manii, its a brand new computer.  Intel core i7 920, 4GB of RAM, Nvidia GT220 graphics card18:44
filip89hi i need a help, after kernel update my sound is not working18:44
bullgardikonia: Thank you.18:44
ikoniazamba: the first ALL is "define all" the (ALL) is "all commands18:44
AraiyaCelebration! After 8 failed installs, I finally got Ubuntu to install on this Winterm WT9455XL. :)18:44
zambaikonia: gah :D18:44
J_Crootpower: do you have b43-fwcutter installed?18:44
zambaikonia: totally not getting it18:44
bluebaroneveryone, after installing and uninstalling dhcpd, i'm having slow network issues.  pings return in 20ms but the time in between is 10-20 seconds even after dns resolution; however, if i ping by ip, it doesn't do this.  i'm assuming i did something wrong with dhcpd ... anyone know what would cause this?18:44
tomsdaleikonia: strange - I commented out all fstab entries and replaced them with a /dev/sda/   /   instead the blkid - its still the same problem and it looks for disk by uuid.18:44
ikoniazamba: ok, here we go18:44
ikoniatomsdale: sda is not a partition18:44
tomsdaleikonia: sry , dev/sda1   mounted on root18:44
filip89i already reinstall alsa to newer one, but it did not help18:45
ikoniatomsdale: that's the whole disk, that would be an error18:45
tomsdaleI know18:45
ikoniazamba: ok, so the ALL= means "what is the list of all commands the users can run"18:45
filip89also it distroyed my sound at win18:45
bluebaronfilip89: you probably have to install from the latest alsa sources18:45
ikoniazamba: follow that ?18:45
Maniiunr3a1, lol okay, ignore me :P18:45
zambaikonia: so it's like a variable?18:45
zambaikonia: or.. rather.. a key..?18:45
reto`bluebaron: I have a similar problem with my router... it just doesn't work well with gnu/linux and dns... I always have to set my dns to the isp instead of the gateway18:45
ikoniazamba: yes, so ALL=ls would mean, all the commands you can run is "ls" only18:45
ManiiIs there a way to make AWN not have all the icons centered?18:45
filip89bluebaron: i made allready18:45
zambaikonia: why not just call it COMMANDS=?18:45
ikoniazamba: I didn't write sudo18:46
bluebaronreto`: thank you ... i will try that immediately18:46
ikoniazamba: (and you can actually do it like that)18:46
zambaikonia: but you agree it makes more sense?18:46
ikoniazamba: not really,18:46
ikoniazamba: so ALL=(ALL) means you can run all commands18:46
unr3a1Manii, lol...18:46
ikoniazamba: you can make sudo MUCH more complicated with veriables like COMMANDS so ALL=(GROUP@ COMMANDS) etc, that's why "ALL" is used,18:47
zambawhere the paranthesis indicate that it is a reserved keyword or something and should be interpreted directly?18:47
ikoniazamba: pretty much yes18:47
zambathe last one, then?18:47
zambaALL=(ALL) ALL?18:47
ikoniathe last one is the hosts18:47
unr3a1Manii, my friends computer is older.  HP pavilion P4 @ 3.20 GHz, 1.5GB of RAM18:48
bluebaronreto`: 5 gold stars ... you have a tp-link par chance?.18:48
Maniiunr3a1, I mean REALLY old, im talking about a VIA chip....18:48
=== parfait is now known as chadou
unr3a1Manii, oh... lol.  yea none of them are that old.  lol18:48
bluebaronRoyall: from ontario?18:48
reto`bluebaron: no, some cheap siemens18:48
tomsdaleis it possible that the error is with grub - not with the fstab. you have to give the uuid to grub as well and I have the feeling it never reaches the fstab18:49
bluebaronRoyall: ah ... thought you were a leafs fan18:49
bluebaronreto`: cool ... thanks buds18:49
reto`bluebaron: yw18:49
pyr0pathhey guys got a question.. im on the latest linux kernel, ubuntu 9.10 and i am unable to use the -Make- command18:49
pyr0pathwhy the hell not?18:49
zambaikonia: ok, so to summarize.. if i want a specific user to be able to bring down and up the network interfaces, then i need him to have access to ifup and ifdown?18:49
zambaikonia: so like: user ALL=/sbin/ifup, /sbin/ifdown ALL?18:50
ikoniazamba: just ifconfig should do it18:50
ikoniapyr0path: the kernel has nothing to do with "make" what are you trying to build18:50
zambaikonia: and that means he can run /etc/init.d/networking script as well?18:50
pyr0patheverytime i try i get an error WARNING: $SHELL not set to bash.18:50
pyr0pathIf you experience build errors, try18:50
pyr0path'make SHELL=/bin/bash'.18:50
ikoniazamba: no, that's a seperate command18:50
ikoniapyr0path: what are you trying to build18:50
pyr0pathtrying to compile the ipwraw drivers for my wireless card18:51
pyr0pathim currently using the iwl3945 intel drivers18:51
ikoniaso set SHELL=/bin/bash as the error suggests18:51
pyr0pathikonia, i did18:51
unr3a1reto`, Manii, the other thing is that when I do get booted into Linux, I am not able to right click on internet items ad do a "save as".  firefox just will NOT load the save as window to select a location18:51
pyr0pathstill the same problem18:51
ikoniapyr0path: type "echo $SHELL"18:51
pachumy name is paco18:51
pyr0pathk lemme try that18:51
Sonjawhenever my netbook goes to sleep mode, i can never wake it up again18:52
Sonjai have to pyhsically press the power button a long time to forcre a shutdown18:52
BlessJahi've deleted 100 gib partition, files are still there, how can i recover it?18:52
pyr0pathits set to /bin/bash18:52
Rush3dCan anyone help me install adobe flash players?18:52
SonjaRush3d:  use linux mint18:52
pachuim spain18:53
Rush3dSonja, where can I get that?18:53
ikoniapyr0path: pastebin the full output in a pastebin18:53
ikoniaSonja: why ? why should he use mint18:53
ikoniaRush3d: ignore that random statment18:53
ikoniaRush3d: flash is available on ubuntu18:53
Sonjabecause linux mint comes with flash already set up nicely18:53
hvgotcodesjoin #tux-on-ice18:53
ikoniaRush3d: install the package flashplugin-nongree18:53
Sonjawith ubuntu you have to do extra work to try to make flash work18:53
Rush3dOk ikonia18:53
pachutus mulasç18:53
ikoniaSonja: so you're saying rather than install one package in ubuntu - re-install the whole distro18:53
elyssonmrcan anybody help me with QT instalation?18:53
AraiyaRush3d: from a terminal, you may want to try `sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree` if you want adobe's option. There are a couple of otehrs.18:53
iWolf!flash | Sonja18:53
ubottuSonja: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:53
AraiyaOooor use iWolf+ubottu's suggestion. :)18:54
ikoniaRush3d: the package flashplugin-nonfree should be all you need18:54
Rush3dIkonia, it just says18:54
iWolfThere should be a package in the Software Center, so search flash @ Sonja18:54
iWolfI find that easier18:54
Jaimiebrowser dependant ofc, opera does its own thing for flash18:54
unr3a1reto`, Manii, 9.04 was working fine on my desktop, so I will most likely just format and go back to that.  thanks for all the info and input.  it really helped.18:55
Rush3dIkonia, i get this: http://pastebin.com/m3549548918:55
* Araiya doesn't have a gui installed, so can't assist on that all that well. :)18:55
ikoniaRush3d: do "sudo apt-get update" first18:55
Rush3dOk Ikonia18:55
ikoniaRush3d: actually can you also show me "uname -a" in this channel please18:56
defryskwhy not just install ubuntu-restricted-extras?18:56
Rush3dIkonia, what is that?18:56
loca|hostdoes anyone have firefox crashing when enabling firebug console ?18:56
ikoniaRush3d: command shows some system info18:56
Rush3dvmadmin@HOSTBOx:~$ uname -a18:57
Rush3dLinux HOSTBOx 2.6.24-27-server #1 SMP Thu Jan 28 00:36:19 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux18:57
ikonialoca|host: someone was complaining about that yesterday, make sure you're using the lastest firefox package on ubuntu 9.1018:57
reto`unr3a1: ok, just try and see without usplash and you should see where it freezes18:57
ikoniaRush3d: what ubuntu version is that ?18:57
Rush3dI have no idea18:57
Rush3dI think I have 7.0418:57
Myrttithat's a bit, old...18:57
ikoniaRush3d: that's end of life/unsupported now18:57
loca|hostikonia, sure it is, firefox                                    3.5.7+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.118:57
Jaimiesudo apt-get upgrade time :)18:57
Rush3dHow do I find out18:58
EnelarHello, somebody know russian language?18:58
ikoniaRush3d: that's probably why you can't install updates any more as your repo files are pointing at non-existing repos18:58
vltHello.  I opened a VOB sequence in avidemux and want to save a PCM audio wav file? How to do this?18:58
ikoniaRush3d: do an "sudo apt-get update" see if it errors18:58
Rush3dIkonia, I just installed about 356 updates18:58
Rush3dan hour ago18:58
ikonialoca|host: there is a bug launched with ubuntu for that18:58
nOStahlhey guys, is it possible to have 2 sata hdd and 1 ide running in my computer18:58
=== ubuntu is now known as chadou
ikonianOStahl: yes18:58
MyrttiRush3d: lsb_release -r on the commanline?18:58
cmpikonia, i have got some numbers after i did what you told me18:58
nOStahlwhen i try to hook them all up it wont go past post screen18:58
EnelarPeople, can somebody help me?18:58
nOStahlcould it be the jumper setting on the ide hd?18:59
EnelarI have a question18:59
ikoniacmp: you should have got no output, it should have wrote it all to a file18:59
ikoniaEnelar: ask a question then18:59
the_real_davenOStahl: look at the bios settigns18:59
Rush3dI have 8.0418:59
MyrttiRush3d: great18:59
Rush3dIkonia, I have 8.04 ubuntu.18:59
ikoniaI saw18:59
the_real_davenOStahl: you should set the IDE drive to slave if it's not your booting drive18:59
Rush3dSo how can I install flash player?18:59
unr3a1reto`, yea, I will definitely do that first.  thanks again18:59
pyr0pathikonia, http://pastebin.com/d78dd1d5e18:59
nOStahlthe ide one is the master18:59
the_real_daveEnelar: ask your question mate19:00
EnelarI have 2 soundcard. One on motherboard. But alsa work only with19:00
nOStahlits what ubunntu is installed too19:00
jrib!flash | Rush3d19:00
ubottuRush3d: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:00
the_real_davenOStahl: are you booting from it?19:00
nOStahlwhat do i need to do too  the two sata hd's to enable me to boot19:00
ikoniapyr0path: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.19:00
Rush3d!restricted | rush3d19:00
ubottuRush3d, please see my private message19:00
ikoniapyr0path: that's the error - you're in the wrong directory19:00
ikoniapyr0path: you have to be in the source directory to build it19:00
the_real_davenOStahl: can you see the sata drives in the BIOS?19:00
cmpikonia, the number i got it at the end of the line which was in the recovery mood... it was - 2010020720019:00
Enelarbut alsa working only with soundcart, that not in motherboard)19:00
ujjainWhy does Ubuntu not have a universal cut, copy and paste?19:00
kostkonRush3d, install the "adobe-flashplugin" to get the latest flash in 8.04. not the "flashplugin-nonfree" package.19:00
matthew_guys can sum 1 help me get my wireless connection to accept my password19:01
ikoniacmp: do you now have a file called /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?19:01
the_real_daveujjain: control and c just like in windows ;)19:01
pyr0paththought i was19:01
EnelarI want for example watch video on first soudcart, and talk skype on second19:01
ikoniapyr0path: no - you're in your home dir as "ls" whos you19:01
cmpi dont know how to find if ikonia, please tell me an easy way to reach it and i will tell you19:01
ikoniashows you19:01
jribujjain: it does, what do you mean exactly?19:01
nOStahlide drive is set to master19:01
Xial!u | matthew_19:01
ubottumatthew_: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.19:01
DavidJHeinrichhow do I d/l a LiveCD to boot / install Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit?19:01
nOStahlit wont let me go into bios  if i boot with all of them hooked up19:01
Rush3dKostkon, E: Coulden't find package adobe-flash plugin19:01
ikoniacmp: as I told you before, open a file manager and go to /etc/X11 directory and see if there is a file called xorg.conf19:01
ujjainjrib: ctrl-c, ctrl-v dont work in terminal, in ddd, just in gedit19:01
nOStahljust if i have 1 sata and 1 ide i can go into bios19:02
matthew_any 1?19:02
the_real_davenOStahl: it won't even post?19:02
nOStahlor two sata's i can go into bios19:02
Rush3dKostkon:  E: Coulden't find package adobe-flash plugin19:02
ikoniaDavidJHeinrich: go to ubuntu.com's download page19:02
ikoniaRush3d: no space19:02
nOStahljust hangs on hp bios screen19:02
blakkheimmatthew_: read what was said to you19:02
jribujjain: in terminal, use shift-ctrl-c (and v).  Traditionally ctrl-c has a different function.  Don't know what ddd is19:02
cmpikonia, what is file manager and how to get it19:02
XialDavidJHeinrich: on the download page, you are looking for "Alternative download options, including Ubuntu installer for Windows"19:02
cmpikonia, ok igot it19:02
kostkonRush3d, go in system → administration → software sources and in the "3d party software" enable the "Partner" repository and then press Reload and try again19:02
matthew_what that u is the 21st letter in the greek alphabet19:02
Rush3dOk kost19:02
blakkheimmatthew_: yes19:02
kostkonRush3d, 3rd party software tab*19:02
XialThis will reveal the 64-bit download option.19:02
ikoniamatthew_: he means please try to type in clear english, you rather than U19:02
the_real_davenOStahl: thats strange :S what BIOS version have you?19:02
loca|hostikonia, a 64b bug: http://blog.getfirebug.com/2010/01/19/64-bit-firefox-on-linux-crashes-with-firebug-1-5-0/19:02
ikonialoca|host: it's also intermittant, eg: I'm using it here with no issues19:03
DavidJHeinrichikonia: I only see 32-bit19:03
DavidJHeinrichikonia: I go here :http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download19:03
Rush3dKostkon, Do i check the19:03
the_real_dave!offtopic | matthew_:19:03
ubottumatthew_:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:03
XialDavidJHeinrich: on the download page, you are looking for "Alternative download options, including Ubuntu installer for Windows"19:03
matthew_okay so why are  you bothered by shortened english when most of the online community understands it?19:03
DavidJHeinrichnm, figured out19:03
kostkonRush3d, did you manage to find it?19:03
axaxaxaxai have problems to access printers connected to linux machine by Windows m/c s in the LAN19:03
ikoniaDavidJHeinrich: see "alternative download options"19:03
cmpikonia, i thought i got it but i didnt - so guide me please how to find the file manager19:03
loca|hostikonia, yours is 64b ?19:03
DavidJHeinrichthanks, just figured out19:03
Rush3dKostkon: yes I did.19:03
ikoniacmp: ok - lets back up19:03
kostkonRush3d, ok19:03
ikonialoca|host: yes19:03
Xialmatthew_: it's a polite way of saying "ENGLISH. Speak it."19:03
matthew_more like pompus to be honest19:04
ikoniacmp: I strongly suggest you have a read of the basics at https://help.ubuntu.com19:04
jribmatthew_: remember it's hard for people for whom english is a second language to understand19:04
axaxaxaxai installed samba but dont know how to configure it19:04
ikoniacmp: you need to have a little understanding of the basics of how to use the desktop19:04
Rush3dKostkon: Thank you, It is installing via terminal now.19:04
kostkonRush3d, :)19:04
ikoniacmp: it will make moving forward much easier19:04
DavidJHeinrichis here any reason for 64-bit Ubuntu over 32-bit if the person doesn't ave more htan 3GB RAM?19:04
EnelarI have 2 soundcards. 1 - on motherboard(M), second SoundBlaster (SB). I want listen musik on SB, and talk skype on M, but ubuntu see onlu SB card. What I should do?19:04
jribDavidJHeinrich: not really, no19:04
blakkheimDavidJHeinrich: no19:04
ikoniaDavidJHeinrich: nope19:04
cmpikonia, cant you tell me how to reach it ?19:04
matthew_yet the funniest thing is people from other languages can speak english better than we can =P19:04
loca|hostikonia, i'll revert to firebug 1.4 till it will be fixed19:05
DavidJHeinrichk, thanks19:05
the_real_davematthew_: It ain't that hard to type "you" and it makes it a lot clearer for people who's first language isn't enlish19:05
matthew_but do u know how to fix it19:05
axaxaxaxa!samba | axaxaxaxa19:05
ubottuaxaxaxaxa, please see my private message19:05
ikoniacmp: you've been in here a few times and you don't know how to open the file browser ?? I suggest you read the basics on https://help.ubuntu.com or you'll never be in a position to get help easier19:05
XialDavidJHeinrich, perhaps if you are on hardware that can actually hold more than 4GB of RAM, and consider upgrading in the future, it could be an advantage.19:05
=== ubuntu is now known as chadou
Rush3d!samba | Xial19:05
ubottuXial: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:05
ikoniacmp: knowing the basics makes it easier to work with you and you'll find it easier to get more out of ubuntu19:05
Ari_LazarusHi there. I'm trying to get a game to run on PlayOnLinux (Fallout Online), but I can't seem to get the manual installations to work. Does anyone have any experience with this program at all?19:05
Rush3d!adobe | ikonia19:05
ikoniaRush3d: I know how to use it19:06
XialRush3d, I'm not asking about samba, though I have the helpdocs open in my browser.19:06
matthew_or was your big rant on my chosen typing just to waste time?19:06
highfiveris ubuntu taking part in gsoc 2010?19:06
cmpikonia, like : file manager is located in ...... and then you will see ..... and then you will do ......... this is how i teach people - not to let them just read by them selves something not easy to be understood19:06
DavidJHeinrichXial: ahh, ok, thanks19:06
DavidJHeinrichXial: if you start with 32-bit ubuntu, can u upgrade to 64-bit version or no?19:06
blakkheimDavidJHeinrich: no19:06
ikoniacmp: ok - so I'm teaching you to read https://help.ubuntu.com so you understadn the basics of how to use ubuntu, then people in here can help you easier19:06
Xialmatthew_, if you have a question, ask it, and ask it in english. I assume you have at least 66 keys on that keyboard, so try using them.19:06
heyyouhello can someone help me to install the driver for my wlan adapter?19:07
ikoniaguys, lets tone it down a little, it's an easy mistake to make, and I'm sure matthew_ will type in english now19:07
milicaphow add header19:07
vibowithello all19:07
milicapon Ubuntu 8.419:07
jribmilicap: why?19:07
ZykoticK9Ari_Lazarus, does "Fallout Online" go by some other name as well?19:07
milicapi need header19:07
the_real_davecmp: its useful to understand the basics of an OS before you try to get help. Basics as in accessing files ;)19:07
milicapfor Clear screen19:07
matthew_well i have been using them and no one answers so in all honesty if no one can be bothered to reply to what i write does me using u rather than you really matter?19:07
DavidJHeinrichthanks all, I'll just d/l both...getting for g/f, have to ask her if she might upgrade RAM19:08
ikoniamatthew_: please just try to type in clear english, it's easire for people to understand, I missed your question, so ask it again19:08
reto`matthew_: u r right ;19:08
Ari_LazarusZykoticK9: Yes. FOnline 2238.19:08
ikoniamatthew_: it's a fast moving room, sometimes you need to repeat it or wait for people to know the answer to join19:08
reto`matthew_: )19:08
XialDavidJHeinrich, if her hardware supports 64-bit, might as well go that route.19:08
milicapany c programmer here ?19:08
ikoniamilicap: just ask your question19:08
quietrackI was wondering when CUDA, OpenCL support (latest nVidia drive) would be available through Ubuntu's Software Center (I've gotten the driver to install but it was kinda iffy last time I tried)19:08
the_real_davematthew_: sometimes there's just no-one in the room who knows the answer ;) ask again19:09
matthew_all i need is a solution for my wireless software that is built into ubuntu to accept my password19:09
milicapikona i want to programm for cls19:09
jribmilicap: you probably want libncurses5-edv19:09
milicapin C19:09
ZykoticK9Ari_Lazarus, i see a "Fallout 3" and "fallout tactics" "fallout 2" but no "Fallout Online" or "Fonline 2238"19:09
milicapfor UNIX19:09
ikoniamilicap: ok, so what's the question ?19:09
milicapi need curses.h header19:09
ikoniamatthew_: what wirless card do you have19:09
panfistwhen i boot in to memtest, it consistently shows that i get errors on the same three addresses...is there a way to block these addresses from use?19:09
MoPiOP: Guest17851 is a spambot19:09
dbertasoAlguien me puede decir porque ubuntu desktop 9.10 64 bits no ve mas de 3gb RAM19:09
the_real_davematthew_: is it rejecting your password? Is your wireless card working?19:10
blakkheim!br | dbertaso19:10
ubottudbertaso: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:10
matthew_i got a usb belkin dongle19:10
ikoniaMoPi: please join #ubuntu-ops19:10
Ari_LazarusZykoticK9: Yeah, I'm trying to do a manual install. What happens is that it'll emulate the program, but the actual launcher won't be made. So if I want to play the game, I have to 'install' it every time.19:10
dbertasoSomething else explain to me what ubuntu 9.10 desktop 64 bits don't see more de sgb RAM19:10
ikoniamatthew_: Hmmm not sure what belkins suppor is like these days, but using gnome-network-manager applet you should be able to put in a password IF your card is seen19:10
the_real_davematthew_: has it been detected? Does it list available networks?19:10
matthew_and yep it is working since im dual booting off windows 7 through wubi19:10
ZykoticK9Ari_Lazarus, if you can't tell me the name of the game i can't help...  help me help you.19:10
heyyouhi i tried to install my wlan adapters driver using ndiswrapper but it doesnt show up in ifconfig what can i do?19:11
matthew_yeh it lists available networks but with no signal19:11
Xialpanfist: sounds like you've got a bad dimm. only way around that that I am aware of is to swap with a known good dimm.19:11
matthew_though a wifi scan (program) does show signal for the routers19:11
candyhow to get direct download link for youtube videos??19:11
the_real_davematthew_: and I presume it works whilst in windows, same distance from the access point and that?19:11
Ari_LazarusZykoticK9: It might not be popular enough to warrant its own entry. It's a mod based off Fallout 2 I think. http://fonline2238.blogspot.com/ is the website19:11
Rush3dIkonia: Is there any way I can install Java Devolopment Kit (JDK)19:11
quietrackaka: does anyone know if I will have less problems with the latest nVidia driver since Ubuntu's latest batch of updates (including new kernel)?19:12
blakkheimcandy: i'm sure you've asked that here not long ago and i answered you19:12
matthew_yes it does work in windows19:12
ikoniamatthew_: have you tried gnome-network-manager ?19:12
Rush3dIkonia: Is there any way I can install Java Devolopment Kit (JDK)19:12
panfistxial i'm not sure if this address corresponds to a location in the ram near the 'end' (if that even makes sense) because this machine has never shown any stability problems19:12
SemiBzRush3d: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk19:12
the_real_davecandy: an easy way to save youtube videos is to let them load in a browser, then navigate to /tmp and copy the flash video19:12
=== ikonia_ is now known as the_tester
tomi05hey ppl19:12
candyblakkheim, but i dint get from the one u told me19:12
matthew_the gnome manager was already pre installed19:13
blakkheimcandy: sudo aptitude install youtube-dl19:13
the_real_davematthew_: try using wicd instead of nm-applet?19:13
candythe_real_dave, i know that, but wht to do for long videos n if my internet is slow19:13
blakkheimcandy: then just run "youtube-dl <urlofthevideo>"19:13
heyyou hi i tried to install my wlan adapters driver using ndiswrapper but it doesnt show up in ifconfig what can i do?19:13
Araiyapanfist - I'd be tempted to pull one stick, hit it with your memory test and isolate it that way.19:13
ZykoticK9Ari_Lazarus, thanks.  so looks like there is no WineDB entry for it i'm affraid, i haven't used PlayonLinux in a long time - forget where it installs everything to, but if you can figure that out you should be able to create a manual lanuch for the game19:13
matthew_installing wicd now19:13
candyblakkheim, run from from where??19:13
Jef91How can I remove old kernels from my Ubuntu system?19:13
blakkheimcandy: the terminal19:13
the_real_davecandy: getting a direct link won't change the speed19:13
panfistxial i ran the test only because i'm running it on most of my machines out of curiosity. the one machine that was actually unstable has only shown one error in 24 hours, which may or may not be a statistical anomaly19:14
the_real_davematthew_: let us know how it goes. NM-Applet can be annoying sometimes19:14
Ari_LazarusI'll try. Thanks anyway!19:14
heyyou hi i tried to install my wlan adapters driver using ndiswrapper but it doesnt show up in ifconfig what can i do?19:14
quietrackif anyone knows OpenCL stuff pol19:14
panfistaraiya the funny thing is i'm not even concerned with that machine...the one machine that prompted me to run memtests in general has shown only one error in 24 hours19:14
quietrackplease PM me19:14
the_real_dave!hi | tomi05:19:14
ubottutomi05:: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:14
candyblakkheim, wait i ll try one and get back to you, thx19:14
ikoniaquietrack: just ask your question19:14
candythe_real_dave, that was not my query19:15
Araiyapanfist - that is quirky, indeed.19:15
iWolf!PM | quietrack19:15
ubottuquietrack: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:15
matthew_i installed it and it gave me a message saying it couldn't find some resources and now neither gnome or wcid are showing19:15
heyyou hi i tried to install my wlan adapters driver using ndiswrapper but it doesnt show up in ifconfig what can i do?19:15
Rush3dIkonia: 399319:15
Rush3do wait19:15
the_real_davematthew_: you installed wicd before you uninstalled nm-aplet right?19:15
ikoniaRush3d: what ?19:15
quietrackikonia: sure, I've been having trouble with nVidia's latest driver and was at least wondering when the Ubuntu people thought the might be able to clear it through to the Software Center19:16
Rush3dIkonia: Can i install JDK (java devolopment kit)?19:16
panfisti have an unstable machine which will usually crash within an hour of a cold boot. I can move my mouse cursor around, but nothing else. I can't switch to another tty, i can't restart X, i can't SSH into it...19:16
dbertasoAlguien podria decirme porque ubuntu 9.10 64 bits no puede direccionar mas de 3gb de ram19:16
the_real_davematthew_: its probably missing dependancies which it now can't get becuase you've no network. can you connect to a wired network?19:16
LADmaticCAJef91, you can remove them through synaptic. Use the search option and type "linux-image-2"19:16
ikoniaRush3d: "yes" look in the package manager - as with every other instalaltion question you've asked19:16
panfistwhich is really strange that the cursor is still responsive but nothing else is19:16
blakkheimpanfist: sounds like a hardware problem19:16
Jef91LADmaticCA - thanks just found that on google19:16
Rush3dOk Iko19:16
the_real_dave! hi | ReJoiN19:16
ubottuReJoiN: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:16
blakkheim!english | dbertaso19:16
ubottudbertaso: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat19:16
Xialheyyou, sorry, I don't have an answer for you on that. you're not being ignored, though -- someone will hopefully have a solution for you.19:16
LADmaticCAJef91, ok cool19:17
ikoniaquietrack: as far as I'm aware there is no plan to update the nvidia drivers at this time19:17
ReJoiNi have a really annoying problem with quake19:17
candyblakkheim, thanks, can u help me one more thing??19:17
heyyouXial, ok, ill wait then19:17
blakkheimcandy: sure, what is it?19:17
Braden_I'm having trouble deciding between ubuntu netbook remix  or jolicloud for my aspire one, what do you guys recommened?19:17
panfistblakkheim is there a way to diagnose that for sure?19:17
Jef91removing kernels free up space in /boot right?19:17
dbertasowhy ubuntu 9.10 64 bits desktop don't recognize more 3GB of ram19:17
blakkheimpanfist: you could run memtest86+ on the machine from a livecd19:17
candyblakkheim, i downloaded skype but i couldnt install it, packet manager says the file is corrupted or u have no permission to open it19:17
quietrackikonia: could someone be petitioned to make plans? As soon as Ubuntu supports CUDA, OpenCL ... this becomes my primary development OS19:17
Jef91dbertaso - How much ram is in it and is any shared to video memory?19:18
ReJoiNthis morning i installed my nvidia drivers, and ran quake, which i previously ran in windowed mode in 320x24019:18
candyblakkheim, what to do?? i want skype to chat with my family abroad19:18
blakkheimcandy: i've never used skype, sorry19:18
reto`heyyou: try to fiddle around with ndiswrapper on the command line... if the card is not showing up in ifconfig then take another driver/version... it can be a hassle and sometimes it doesn't work at all... check the logs, dmesg etc.19:18
ikoniaquietrack: you could log a feature/update request on launchpad.net19:18
the_real_daveReJoiN: and the problem is?19:18
quietrackneat, I will look into that ... thank you19:18
candyblakkheim, any other option of video chat??19:18
blakkheimcandy: skype will work in ubuntu, it's just that i've never used it. i'm sure someone else can help you with it.19:19
ReJoiNthen i set the resolution to about 800x600 and now when i run it in full screen and when i start the game, the monitor turns off and it says "out of range 81,6 hz"19:19
matthew_right got wcid back up and trying to validate my connection19:19
matthew_while I am waiting i got a problem with my desktop where if i move my mouse to the right it will scroll my screen off the side of the desktop so it shows black and nothing can be placed there19:19
matthew_it was unable to get ip address19:19
gskerHey all! (lucid) I'm trying to figure out how to turn off the framebuffer during the kernel startup?  I've tried all kinds of stuff but in a console the monitor just shows "Out of Range"19:19
FloodBot3matthew_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
Araiyacandy, I think pidgin should have video at this point.19:19
dbertasoHow to know how much ram is shared in video memory, the machines is toshiba laptop with 4GB RAm and video intel native19:19
blakkheim!lucid > gsker19:19
ubottugsker, please see my private message19:19
Araiya(except on Windows machines)19:19
guntbert!lucid | gsker19:19
ikoniadbertaso: that's normally machine specific, some can set it in the bios19:19
Braden_I'm having trouble deciding between ubuntu netbook remix  or jolicloud for my aspire one, what do you guys recommened?19:19
ubottugsker: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:19
ivansmoDreamweaver equivalent?????19:19
ReJoiNi removed quake and downloaded it again, but still the same problem19:19
Jef91dbertaso -Bios settings19:19
candyblakkheim, i came here many times with same problem, nobody gave worthy solution19:19
ivansmofor XUBUNTU 8.0419:19
Jef91ivansmo - komposer19:19
ReJoiNthe_holstar, any ideas19:19
ikoniaBraden_: it's personal prefernce, try them, see what you like19:19
candyAraiya, no it hasnt i think19:19
Jef91ivansmo - www.osalt.com19:19
panfistblakkheim i did run memtest and got one error in 24 hours over 20 passes...so i'm thinking that's nothing out of the ordinary19:20
blakkheim!skype > candy19:20
ubottucandy, please see my private message19:20
boondoklifecandy:  I have skype on my box and it works fine, video and all.19:20
rikihi people19:20
rikiI have to restore the grub, but following the lead of the wiki can not do it, gives me an error with chroot and I can not reinstall the boot19:20
heyyoureto, ndiswrapper -l seems ok, i followed the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper19:20
dbertasoThank you, i will check that19:20
matthew__hi sorry i got disconnected but my wireless cant find an ip address19:20
blakkheimpanfist: i would replace the ram then to be honest19:20
blakkheimcandy: check that PM for some instructions19:20
matthew__though through a wired connection with the same router I am able to talk to you know19:20
ivansmoJef91 THX19:20
Braden_ikonia: is jolicloud of 9.04 or 8.10?19:20
Araiyacandy, I do stand corrected -- looks like video and voice are only for XMPP in pidgin.19:20
candyboondoklife, i cannot install it. i have downladed but,19:20
Jef91braden_ 9.0419:20
candyblakkheim, ok19:21
ikoniaBraden_: don't know19:21
motaka2anyone can help me installing php5.3 on linux?19:21
Jef91braden_ Its very modded though, for instance uses 3.5 firefox19:21
Braden_oh ok19:21
AraiyaArright. It's time to put this box in her place. Happy times.19:21
panfistblakkheim you do know that a small amount of errors is normal right?19:21
=== jGarcia is now known as Guest26360
panfistone error in 24 hours to me doesn't have a strong correlation to crashes every hour for not apparent reason19:21
blakkheimpanfist: lockups like that happening regularly aren't normal, though. it was just my advice, you can take it or leave it.19:22
panfisti will replace the ram i just doubt i will be getting to the bottom of my problem19:22
IdleheadI installed a driver for ATI cards via envyng, now after the boot it locks up. i can't switch the tty to uninstall the driver. what do?19:22
blakkheimpanfist: then follow up with me on it after you have replaced it and maybe we can think of something else to check19:22
ReJoiNany ideas for the quake problem?19:23
Emperiumhello, I need some help in here please, After an update, my ubuntu 9.10 (installed using wubi) doesn't strat. the update installed the grub 1.97 beta 2 version. what should I do to fix this? thank you19:23
jellow_Idlehead: Rescuse mode or live cd.19:23
highfiveris ubuntu participating in gsoc this year19:23
EmperiumI'm noob in ubuntu19:23
Xial... sorry. dropped the keyboard there.19:23
Idleheadjellow_: rescue mode... of course. why couldn't i think of that... thank you :)19:23
guntbert!ot | highfiver19:23
ubottuhighfiver: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:23
blakkheimEmperium: i would avoid using wubi if i was you, it has issues like this. try a real installation :)19:23
ivansmoJef91 please tell me the terminal command for install FULL openoffice package19:23
jellow_Idlehead: Good luck =)19:24
Jef91ivansmo sudo apt-get install openoffice.org*19:24
Jef91ivansmo that will install ALL open office packages19:24
Emperiumanders "blakkheim" :) in my organization we use Win and my laptot has to have win installed.19:25
Jef91Emperium Virtual Box?...19:25
ivansmoIs there in openoffice some html editor?19:25
ivansmoI dont need some special tools19:25
Emperiumnop, dont like VM19:25
Jef91Ivansmo - you can make pages in writer19:25
blakkheimEmperium: you can dual boot19:25
Jef91Ivansmo - but it leaves piles of OOO tags in the html code19:26
ivansmoJef91, I just need the editor with HTML split screen design and code :D19:26
mandican anyone tell me how to test the internet in a live session without using the web browser?19:26
Emperiumyes, when I choose Ubuntu19:26
blakkheimmandi: ping -c 1 google.com19:26
guntbert!html | ivansmo19:26
ubottuivansmo: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/19:26
Emperiumit apears this msg sh grub>19:26
mandiblakkheim: thx19:26
Jef91ivansmo - check http://www.osalt.com/dreamweaver19:26
EmperiumI think that ubuntu can't find the partion19:27
tomsdaleikonia: I think I know the source of the problem. It appears its a 9.04 ubuntu with a 9.10 update halfway done.19:27
Jef91ivansmo - Do you own dreamweaver? If so it runs very well via Wine19:27
reto`mandi: test if it works?19:27
heyyoucan i use the same swap partition for ubuntu and opensuse?19:27
mandicomputer i'm testing is a little slow at the moment - it's kind of locked, but will test in a sec19:27
ivansmoTHX guys, I have 2 pages myown but I make those on win app and now I need some linux based program that is good for html editing nothing else :)19:28
the_real_davematthew_: could be a dhcp problem on your router's side?19:28
reto`heyyou: yes19:28
=== edogawa_ is now known as edogawa
harivansmo, gedit works well and I thnk has sytax highlighting for html19:29
Jef91ivansmo - personally I just use gedit and have a web page open next to viewing the local file19:29
mandireto`: yes - test to see if internet works before installing ubuntu19:29
xiambaxAnyone know why my bios would show my system running at 2.0ghz but when i uname it shows its running at 1ghz?19:29
EmperiumI've test this commands, but it doesn't wok --> "linux /boot/vmlinuz.xxx14-generic root=/dev/sda1 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro"19:29
ivansmoJef91 I dont want use wine :)19:29
reto`mandi: before installing ubuntu? where do you want to test?19:29
Emperiumand then "initrd /boot/initrdxxx-14-generic"19:30
Jef91ivansmo - Wine is great software when it works. I use it for MS Office and a few games19:30
blakkheimxiambax: cpu scaling19:30
ivansmoI want to se how to use linux OS without wine or some other windows emulator programs19:30
xiambaxblackkheim, whats that mean?19:30
Jef91ivansmo - personally I just use gedit and have a web page open next to viewing the local file <- thats your best bet ;)19:30
Idleheadjellow_: worked like a charm. my girlfriend is now finally able to surf youtube again xD19:30
Jef91gedit has wonderful syntax highlighting19:30
mandireto`: i'm checking to make sure all my hardware works on an old desktop computer - modem is ethernet connected to it and i am trying to make sure it's supported19:30
Jef91Alrighty peeps, taking off. Homework time.19:30
ivansmoOK guys THX werry much19:31
mandireto`: already did 1 install out of 4 computers19:31
ivansmothis is great help for newbies19:31
reto`mandi: ah from the live cd?19:31
ivansmothis is my fifth day using linux and it is cool19:31
xiambax_Whats cpu scaling19:31
infidivansmo: don't look back :D19:31
mandireto`: well, live session on USB - had problems with CD19:32
matthew_hi I'm back I've tried the wicd network manager and when i try to connect with wireless it cannot find an Ip address =(19:32
ActionParsnipyo yo yo19:32
harivansmo: also check out kompozer19:32
the_real_davematthew_: could it be a dhcp issue on your routers side?19:32
ActionParsnipmatthew_: does it work if you set an ip address manually?19:32
ivansmoI try kompozer but terminal says no package19:33
deechHi all I am running Karmic on a Macbook 22,2 and I have a couple of questions. (1) How do I get a middle-mouse click to work? And (2) is there some way to get my function keys to be both functions and media keys. Appreciate your help.19:33
haryou have to install kompozer19:33
ivansmoapt-get install kompozer and error message says E: couldnt find package kompozer19:33
ActionParsnip!shortcut | deech19:34
ubottudeech: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts19:34
ActionParsnip!find komp19:34
ubottuFound: kompare, komparator, kompozer, kompozer-data, kompozer-dev19:34
harivansmo: what ubuntu version are you runnin?19:34
ivansmoXUBUNTU 8.0419:34
deechActionParsnip: thanks!19:35
matthew_it failed to connect to access point19:35
ActionParsnip!info kompozer hardy19:35
ubottukompozer (source: kompozer): Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.7.10-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 8438 kB, installed size 26008 kB19:35
candyivansmo, did u update first the software center and tried??19:35
ActionParsnipivansmo: make sure you have universe repo enabled19:35
ivansmohar   I dont need kompozer for now, I will se how openoffice manage editing pages19:36
reto`why is aptitude not recommended in here? it's better than apt-get from what I hear...19:36
candyivansmo, try sudo apt=get update and then try to install again what u want19:36
candyivansmo, sorry its sudo apt-get update19:36
ActionParsnipreto`: both are recommended and supported. neither is better19:36
ivansmoMy Xubuntu is up to date since last night :)19:36
ivansmoI check that every day19:36
harivansmo: I don't think I would use openoffice19:36
ActionParsnipivansmo: are the universe repos enabled?19:37
hartry gedit instead if you don't want to mess with kompozer19:37
* I^llGetOverIt е възмутен от големият БЪГ Фейсбук19:37
blakkheim!info cron-apt | ivansmo19:37
ubottuivansmo: cron-apt (source: cron-apt): automatic update of packages using apt-get. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0 (karmic), package size 25 kB, installed size 220 kB19:37
reto`ActionParsnip: oh yes... aptitude is much better...19:37
harivansmo: or vim :)19:37
blakkheimivansmo: that's a good tool for auto-updates19:37
ivansmoGuys now I cant openoffice is installing FULL package :)19:37
ActionParsnipreto`: thats your opinion. not hard fact19:37
ActionParsnipreto`: there is no better or best19:37
ivansmo34 minutes left :)19:37
blakkheimi agree about aptitude being better than apt-get19:37
XialI don't see the difference between aptitude and apt-get, other than the cow powers.19:38
matthew_any other ideas?19:38
ActionParsnipi've used apt-get in all debian based systems ive used and its been fine19:38
blakkheimXial: aptitude is "smarter" - cleans things up and resolves dependencies better19:38
guntbertblakkheim: reto`: please don't start such a discussion :)19:38
ActionParsnipmatthew_: disable security to test19:38
Myrtti!bg | I^llGetOverIt19:38
ubottuI^llGetOverIt: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently19:38
makaveli0129need some help here ok when i run rhythmbox or anything like that it locks the sound so if i pause and lets say open you tube it won't play you tube unless i close rhythmbox close youtube and then reopen youtube is there any way to fix this?19:38
blakkheimguntbert: ok sorry19:38
ivansmoblakkheim   The program 'cron-apt' is currently not installed.19:39
matthew_dont think i have any on19:39
blakkheimivansmo: you have to install it lol19:39
CyLMy computer is hanging up whenever I connect an external monitor. Any advice?19:39
ScuniziWhen synaptic says you have sun-java6-jre 6-15-1 installed is that actaully version 6.0_15.1??19:39
=== Neo|Desktop is now known as Hannibal
reto`guntbert: bah... it's just for the sake of having less problems... aptitude will save you from problems where apt-get just can't help anymore... but to  benefit from that you have to use it19:39
ivansmoOK   but cant now terminal says tmp folder is locked19:40
infidcyl are you using xrandr19:40
ivansmoask me if any other app using it19:40
ActionParsnipmatthew_: stuff like wep and wpa etc. make sure its disabled in the router just to test if the security is holding you down19:40
CyLinfid: I don't think so19:40
ivansmoand I know installation of openoffice does19:40
infidcyl then there's my first advice. use xrandr19:40
CyLinfid: how may I be sure?19:40
makaveli0129when i run rhythmbox or anything like that it locks the sound so if i pause and lets say open you tube it won't play you tube unless i close rhythmbox close youtube and then reopen youtube is there any way to fix this?19:40
infidcyl it's a command you'll purposely run19:40
ActionParsnipreto`: ive never used it and had no package issues.19:40
ivansmoblakkheim dont LOL to me Im new here19:40
infidcyl man xrandr19:40
reto`ActionParsnip: I had issues and I wished I had used aptitude then... now I always do19:41
blakkheimivansmo: oh ok sorry, if you're new then maybe cron-apt isn't a good tool for you since it requires some advanced setup19:41
CyLinfid: doing that right now ;)19:41
CyLinfid: thanks for the advice19:41
ivansmoTXX for telling me, I dont want to mess something here19:41
mandireto`: so if i did the ping command in the terminal and 0 packets were lost, does that mean that ubuntu is compatible with my current internet set up?19:41
ActionParsnipreto`: well i'll stick to apt-get and you use aptitude and we can both be happy19:41
ivansmoIm new, just five days using linux19:42
emeswhy is the current version of texlive at 2007?19:42
blakkheimmandi: most likely19:42
ActionParsnipmandi: if you are pinging the web, yes19:42
matthew_with no password it couldnt connect to the access point19:42
ActionParsnipemes: 2007?19:42
reto`ActionParsnip: yes... but I'm more likely to stay happy than you ;)19:42
emesActionParsnip: yes19:43
ActionParsnipreto`: probably. i reinstall loads due to me tinkering but i dont use my system a lot so i couldnt care less if it crashes19:43
ActionParsnipemes: there is no 2007 in ubuntu19:43
=== fairhonanth is now known as free_hug
makaveli0129mandi: yes19:44
mandiis there another way to check to make sure all the hardware is working before i do the install? browser was taking too long19:44
=== free_hug is now known as fernando
reto`mandi: yeah... if you pinged google.com and got an answer it means that you can access the internet19:44
matthew_is there anything else i could try?19:44
guntbert!info texinfo | ActionParsnip19:44
ubottuActionParsnip: texinfo (source: texinfo): Documentation system for on-line information and printed output. In component main, is optional. Version 4.13a.dfsg.1-4ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 520 kB, installed size 2572 kB19:44
=== fernando is now known as fairhonanth
blakkheimmandi: if you post your system specs i'm sure someone can tell you19:44
ActionParsnipreto`: so i doubt you'll be happier as i dont flip if my system explodes as the data is backed up and the hardware is worth less than a pint of beer19:44
emesActionParsnip: texlive19:44
chedduhdoes anyone know a program that can decode wma to wav?19:44
matthew_or is my pc evil? =P19:45
mandiblakkheim: how do i find them in ubuntu (haven't quite figured that out yet)19:45
FoolishOwlYes, the version of texlive in the repositories for Karmic is 2007.19:45
kostkonchedduh, ffmpeg maybe19:45
mandiblakkheim: i know how to in windows, but that would take an hour19:45
guntbertsorry ActionParsnip I meant texlive and the version is indeed some 200719:45
Fudanyone know a good front end gui for ssh other than putty?19:45
makaveli0129chedduh: winff works19:45
matthew_cheeduh why not try and edit its properties with the desired format19:45
blakkheimmandi: well which components do you need to check? sound/video? wifi?19:45
ActionParsnipguntbert: is that the release year or how the version number is?19:45
=== anderssildnes is now known as Pesk
reto`ActionParsnip: cheers on screwing the system ;)19:46
Rush3dBlakkheim: Is there any way to install JDK via terminal?19:46
kostkonmatthew_, only picard can edit wma tags as far as i know19:46
mandiblakkheim: ummm, not sure really - just need to be completely sure everything will work before i go19:46
Rush3dBlakkheim: Is there any way to install JDK via terminal?19:46
ActionParsnipfud: use a terminal. ssh is a text based interface initially. why do you need a seperate app?19:46
matthew_k was just a thought19:46
chedduhmakaveli0129, will try winff. thanks.19:46
ma5t3rw1ttI have a quick and simple question, is the performance of linux faster on a memory stick or a usb flash drive?19:46
guntbertActionParsnip: from the format I assumed its the release year (2007.dfsg.2-4ubuntu1)19:46
matthew_woops okay it was just a thought19:46
FoolishOwlFud, you can use sftp via Gnome, or via an ftp client. But ssh itself lets you log into a command line remotely, so just use the terminal.19:46
blakkheimmandi: do you know the model of your computer19:47
matthew_dont want another flame over me =P19:47
FudActionParsnip because i like addresses stored19:47
reto`ma5t3rw1tt: faster than what?19:47
mandiblakkheim: dell dimension B11019:47
bummyver irc.thundercity.net19:47
Rush3dBlakkheim: Is there any way to install JDK via terminal?19:47
Rush3dIs there any way to install JDK via terminal?19:47
matthew_so anything else any one could think of that will get my ubuntu to connect to my wireless router19:47
Rush3dIs there any way to install JDK via terminal?19:47
blakkheimmandi: i'll check for you19:47
Rush3dIs there any way to install JDK via terminal?19:47
FloodBot3Rush3d: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:47
ma5t3rw1ttreto: Well I want a portable version of linux, so I wanna know if usb flash drive or memory stick is faster in performance wise19:47
ActionParsnipma5t3rw1tt: they attatch to the same usb bus some higher class sd cards (class 6) are faster but cost more19:47
Rush3dIs there any way to install JDK via terminal?19:47
FoolishOwlThere are a couple of openSSH clients for Windows.19:47
Rush3dIs there any way to install JDK via terminal?19:47
makaveli0129is there any way to stop my sound from locking to only one program?19:47
Rush3dIs there any way to install JDK via terminal?19:47
_schism_afternoon all19:47
Rush3dIs there any way to install JDK via terminal?19:48
Rush3dIs there any way to install JDK via terminal?19:48
ma5t3rw1ttActionParsnip: Thanks :)19:48
ActionParsnipreto`: i suggest you check my rank and karma on launchpad in the questions section19:48
makaveli0129rush3d: sudo apt-get  install19:48
Rush3dThank you makaveli19:48
reto`ma5t3rw1tt: what's the difference between memory stick and flash drive?19:48
tsimpson!repeat > Rush3d19:48
ubottuRush3d, please see my private message19:48
kitche!repeat > Rush3d19:48
ekim1mandi: if it is a dell, then you can use the service tag # and it will tell you exactly what the specs are.19:48
ActionParsnipfud: make a small script then, less waste19:48
FoolishOwlRush3d: sudo apt-get install default-jdk19:48
blakkheimmandi: looks like everything will be supported to me19:48
kitcheRush3d do that and no one will answer you19:48
ma5t3rw1ttreto: Uhhh good question :P.19:48
Rush3dFoolish0wl: Thank you.19:48
Rush3dOk kitche :)19:49
kostkonmakaveli0129, ubuntu version? only happens with flash and rhythmbox?19:49
harmatthew_: your trying to use wicd?19:49
mandiekiml: what is a service tag # and what will tell me the specs?19:49
Aciidwhich solution of flash is working the best at the moment for Karmic 64bit?19:49
Rush3dFoolish0wl: Terminal could not find package default-jdk19:49
CyLOn hang up more19:49
reto`ma5t3rw1tt: you mean sd card and usbflash?19:49
mandiblakkheim: thx19:49
matthew_in all honesty im trying to use anything19:49
kevin__Every time the update manager installs a new kernal and i reboot grub is unable to find linux and i have to reinstall. is tree a way i can either avoid the updates or repair grub2?19:49
Aciid!flash | aciid19:49
ubottuAciid, please see my private message19:49
Rush3dKostkon: Can you install JDK via terminal?19:49
ekim1mandi: it is like the s/n of the unit. usually on the back on a label.19:49
_schism_anyone have a moment to help me with a sound probelm? think it may be in alsa but no one is awake in #alsa right now19:49
matthew_but at the moment im using wicd since its gotten me the furthest19:49
harmatthew_ have you connected before?19:49
reto`ActionParsnip: I'm not interested in your karma, thanks19:50
llutzRush3d: "apt-cache search java jdk" pick what you want, install19:50
mandiekiml: right - duh! thx19:50
ActionParsnipaciid: i'd say the manual install of 64bit runs better bit the advised way is to install flashplugin-nonfree. try both, see which you like19:50
matthew_not on ubuntu but on windows 7 off dual boot with wubi19:50
ma5t3rw1ttreto: correct. I mean I remember having earlier versions of ubuntu installed on a flash drive and the performance on boot and things was horrible however I seen someone using an SD card and it was super quick and I was wondering which is faster19:50
Rush3dllutz: Thank you :)19:50
onaoghwhy ubuntu repos doesnt have ThunderBird-3.0 ???19:50
blakkheim!latest > onaogh19:50
ubottuonaogh, please see my private message19:50
ActionParsnipreto`: you'd see ive got quite a lot and never once advsed using aptitude19:50
harmatthew_ I know this sounds obvious but double check all your settings, that got me a while ago19:50
mandidoes anyone have any suggestions for partitioning during install? sebsebseb walked me through the 1st install, but the hard drive is smaller and i want a complete wipe on this install19:51
harlike encryption19:51
ActionParsniponaogh: add the mozilla ppa19:51
matthew_i have a few times over on everything .... been at this thing for a few hours19:51
infidecryptfs is good19:51
onaoghppa stands for ?19:51
kostkonRush3d, you could try "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-plugin && sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun"19:51
ActionParsnipmandi: 10gb /, 2gb swap, rest for home19:51
AciidActionParsnip: flashplugin-nonfree, tends to lag my system and hog the CPU, even in fullscreen mode "not resized mode"19:51
ma5t3rw1ttppa = piss poor attitude lol ha ha jk19:51
vltHello.  I opened a VOB sequence in avidemux and want to save a PCM audio wav file? How to do this?19:51
ActionParsnip!ppa | onaogh19:51
ubottuonaogh: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.19:51
reto`ActionParsnip: of course... you think it doesn't matter... it's all the same... understood that19:52
kostkonRush3d, oh the jdk and not the jre19:52
matthew_its weird why it cant connect =(19:52
onaoghThanks ActionParsnip19:52
mandiActionParsnip: thx - should i leave the default 3GB that says "Dell restore"?19:52
ActionParsnipaciid: then try the native plugin. remove ALL flash packages including gnash and swf to avoid issues19:52
matthew_it can see all the connections though19:52
matthew_and all the settings19:52
kostkonRush3d, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk ?19:52
infidhar ecryptfs is good if you want your drive to be encrypted19:52
ActionParsnipreto`: thats my point exactly :)19:53
ActionParsnipmandi: i would yes19:53
Rush3dKostkon: I got it :)19:53
mandiand will i loose internet while the install is going on (since my modem is connected to that computer)19:53
ActionParsnipmandi: if ubuntu doesnt pick it up, yes19:53
kostkonRush3d, and if you want to set the Sun Java as your default JVM, give "sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun"19:53
harinfid: I think you replied to the wrong person lol19:53
matthew_i guess no internet connection for me =(19:53
ma5t3rw1ttCan you share your connection like you can in windows. Like take your wireless and have it sent thru your ethernet port like you can windows?19:53
ma5t3rw1ttConnection sharing?19:54
guntbert!ics | ma5t3rw1tt19:54
ubottuma5t3rw1tt: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php19:54
nonameNNma5t3rw1tt: i think u can do that with firestarter19:54
mandithx all for your input - if i have any more problems i'll let you know!19:54
ma5t3rw1ttHmmmm lemme look into it. I am about to buy me another computer and I may put linux on my laptop, so small things like this is something I'll be doing near future19:55
ekim1mandi: ok, good luck.19:55
alabdhow to find which partitions are primary ?19:55
iWolf!gparted | alabd19:55
ubottualabd: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php19:55
iWolfThat might be able to help19:56
=== matteo is now known as Guest17237
alabdiWolf:  are you sure gparted shows that ?19:56
ma5t3rw1ttnonameNN: Does Firestarter have a GUI?19:56
iWolfPretty sure, would you like me to check?19:56
nonameNNma5t3rw1tt: sudo apt-get install firestarter19:56
blakkheimma5t3rw1tt: firestarter IS a gui frontend for iptables19:56
onaoghW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6AF0E1940624A22019:56
llutzalabd: 1-4 = primary, 5-xxx logical drives19:57
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: I was using connection sharing via NetworkManager recently.19:57
blakkheimalabd: yes gparted shows that19:57
reto`ma5t3rw1tt: hmm... I don't use sd cards myself so I'm not sure how fast they are... depends also on the reader I guess19:57
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Oh really?19:57
onaoghsolved :P19:57
ma5t3rw1ttreto: I'll play around with both and figure it out later19:57
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: I had a wireless network connection, and a lan card, and a crossover cable.19:57
truthtacohow do I check my linux kernal version?19:57
llutztruthtaco: uname -r19:58
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Yeah, later on when I get my new computer I am going to be using my laptop for more of a server / connection sharing and things and I think what better way of doing all that then with using some ubuntu or linux mint19:58
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ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Thats why I was wondering about this19:59
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: in NetworkManager, I set the wired connection, under IPv4 settings, to "Shared to other computers"19:59
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Interesting, I just got done making a bootable flash drive with linux mint 8 on it so I am going to give that a try and see what happens, Thank you very much20:00
ma5t3rw1ttReto & nonameNN: Thank you very much for your help guys :)20:00
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: of course, you need two separate interfaces for that to work, like two NICs or one NIC and one wireless.20:00
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: And, the machine doing the sharing has to be booted up, for the other machines to connect to it.20:01
nonameNNma5t3rw1tt: no problem20:01
ismail_hello can someone help me with frostwire ?20:01
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Something along the lines of using my laptop wireless to share the connection out thru my ethernet port to my xbox 360 mainly20:01
krzysz00how do i get a command to run at boot and another comand to run at shutdown in karmic?20:02
* I^llGetOverIt in nomine Patris et filii et spiritos Sancti20:02
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Windows 7 does this flawlessly :P and I am sure Linux can as well, sounds like simple actions with an OS these days anyway20:02
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: Ugh. I was sharing to an Xbox 360. It's annoying that they don't put in a wireless adapter, like every other modern console. It worked for me, anyway, as a workaround until we got a cable modem and our own router.20:02
alabdblakkheim:  where ?20:03
CyLincd: Would you please help me with xrandr? I'm able to have an image on my second monitor, but the problem now is that my first monitor, wich is smaller than the second, is set to a higher resolution, and whatever is shown on the bottom of the screen doesn't appear on it, and secod, I'd like that my second monitor acted as an extension of the first, not the same image...20:03
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Yeah I got a router myself, just wanna fool with new ways of connecting. And yeah your right, I don't like how microsoft did not put a wireless inside xbox.20:03
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Lemme boot into Linux 8 real quick and I'll have a look see, brb20:04
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: Anyway, the thing is, whichever interface you're connecting the Xbox to, should have the setting switched from "Automatic DHCP" to "Shared with other computers".20:04
alfplayerKrzyzs: startup probably using file called rc.local20:04
alabdblakkheim:  where on gparted we can see if partition is primary or not ?20:05
llutzalabd: "sudo fdisk -l", partition numbers 1-4 are primary, 5-xxx logical drives20:05
alfplayerShutdown i dont know20:05
Guest95214Can anyone help me with Ubuntu Privacy Remix20:05
alabdllutz: oh thanks20:05
Guest95214I created a CD to run Ubuntu Privacy Remix, Ubuntu v 9.04. It's in languages de, en. How do I switch between the languages, the menus are in a language (other than English) I can't read? I couldn't find help on Ubuntu Privacy Remix site, www.privacy-cd.org. thanks20:05
alabdllutz: there are /dev/sda2,3,520:06
alabdand 6,7,8,/...20:06
IsyEgood evening, someone using Frostwire ?20:06
llutzalabd: 2. 3 are primary, 3 most likely extended. rest is logical drives20:06
capronGuest91025,  I can translate if you want :-)20:06
vilkasi have never used linux before is ubuntu a good start for me?20:07
alfplayerGuest i dont know about p remix, but it is probably the same as in standard ubuntu20:08
alabdllutz:  you 1-4 are primiary20:08
vilkaswhat is a major plus using ubuntu over windows20:08
PeterTRestart in linux...20:08
llutzalabd:again:  partition numbers 1-4  are primary partitions, >=5 are logical drives20:09
IdleOnevilkas: freedom20:09
defryskno bluescreens and virusscanners20:09
alabdllutz:  so wh you said 3 most likely extended ?20:10
nickwarevilkas: I'm using ubuntu on an old laptop with 512MB memory and it runs very fast.  It's slow with xp.20:10
capronvilkas,  You dont too have too be a criminal installing pirate verions using ubuntu20:10
llutzalabd: extended = special kind of primary20:10
alabdhow did you find it is extended ?20:10
resnowhat do i usse to find the size of a file?20:10
llutzalabd: if you only have 2 and 3 as primary but 5  to xxx as logical, 3 is "most likely" an extended one20:11
OerHeksresno property's of the file, right-click on the file..20:11
llutzalabd: and btw fdisk -l tells you20:11
capronnickware,  I dont think ubuntu is that faster then XP ,   But I use 256 AES lukes cryptdisk so I can not really tell20:11
resnoOerHeks: im looking for through terminal20:11
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo20:12
resnohey ActionParsnip20:12
IdleOneAfternoon ActionParsnip20:12
OerHeksresno sorry, then use ls -l20:12
ma5t3rw1ttalrighty back20:12
alabdllutz:  cause of that 4 ?20:12
llutzalabd: ?20:12
nickwarecapron: I'm not stating a fact, just my experience with my laptop.  xp doesn't do well, but ubuntu does great.20:12
resnoOerHeks: thanks! and i can add h for human readable!20:13
alabdllutz:  can not we say 2 ,3 and 5 are primiary and 6 is extended ?20:13
llutzalabd: 5/6 are never primary20:13
llutzalabd:again:only  partition numbers 1-4  are primary partitions, >=5 are logical drives20:14
OerHeksresno ls -l -h gives you Mb in stead of bytes, yess20:14
defryskdf -h20:14
OerHeksdf -h20:14
llutzalabd: that is the way, partitions are numbered in linux-systems20:14
alabdllutz:  thanks for you'r paitiant20:14
ActionParsnipoerheks you can use: ls -lh   too. no need to have the split ;)20:14
ma5t3rw1ttI'm back Owl :p20:15
ysmn2my local hard drive is as of now partitioned into two parts , that of which being Ubuntu and windows.but as of recently I have been hearing a lot about the fedora project and would like to try it out. so would it be posable to partiton my hard drive in such a way that my ubuntu partiton is smaller thus making room for the fedora partiton? and if by doing so will i in some way mess up my grub settings?20:15
OerHeksdefrysk df -h gives the size of the folder, thnx ActionParsnip i'll do that from now on20:15
ActionParsnipoerheks: not mandatory, just pointing out20:16
ActionParsnipysmn2: you can resize a partition to make room20:17
vilkasis ubuntu 9.10 the newest version?20:17
jribvilkas: yes20:17
FoolishOwlvilkas, I'd say that while proprietary operating systems can be easier on the surface, with any operating system or application, you'll eventually have problems you'll want to fix. With Linux, it's always possible to fix them. With proprietary operating systems, it isn't always possible.20:17
ActionParsnipvilkas: its the latest released20:17
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: cool. Did it work?20:17
tomsdaleikonia J_C, I solved my problem with ubuntu failing to mount the partitions on startup. The owner did a È20:17
tomsdalepartial update to 9.10, I had to finish it and now its working.20:17
ysmn2ActionParsnip, i am assuming with Gparted , but will this mess up my grub settings in some way?20:17
axisyswhat is a good network packet builder software available for ubuntu ?20:17
axisysi noticed colasoft packet builder only works for windows .. looking for something similar20:18
eshatYeah 10.04 works here20:18
ActionParsnipvilkas: lucid alphas are available but lucid discussion is in #ubuntu+120:18
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: If the ipv4 or whatever its called there is something about "Shared to other computers", would that be it?20:18
lebronok, got a question: i recently installed ubuntu (karmic) back on my other notebook, i wanted to install iptables... they already were... so i tried finding /etc/init.d/iptables .. but i can't seem to find the init... any idea?20:18
ActionParsnipysmn2: no the fedora install will see the other boots and add their entries20:18
tomsdalethx again for your help guys -20:18
capronGuest91025,  Did you get help changing form germen ?  Have you tried (System--> Administration--> Language selector20:19
ActionParsnip!iptables | lebron20:19
ubottulebron: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist20:19
DudeDudeshow could I make my ubuntu server emit a sound whenever a file is changed?20:19
ysmn2ActionParsnip,  but will it make itself the primary boot?20:19
ActionParsnipdudedudes: thatd be noisy. you can use tripwire20:19
llutzDudeDudes: write a wrapper around inotify20:19
ActionParsnipysmn2: i assume so. i dont use fedora20:19
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: yes, that's it. Right-click on the NetworkManager applet, choose Edit Connections, choose whichever interface you're attaching the Xbox to, choose Edit, choose the IPv4 tab, and the setting is there.20:20
ysmn2ActionParsnip,  thank you so much man20:20
ActionParsnip!info tripwire20:20
ubottutripwire (source: tripwire): file and directory integrity checker. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 1664 kB, installed size 4368 kB20:20
vilkasis there anything that wont work on ubuntu but will on windows os20:20
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Hmmm lemme see what happens, one momemnt20:20
blakkheimvilkas: viruses20:20
vilkastahts it?20:20
ActionParsnipysmn2: just make sure your backups are recent in case of catastrophe20:20
blakkheimvilkas: spyware20:21
ActionParsnipvilkas: some games20:21
ActionParsnipvilkas: proprietary apps which wont run under wine basically20:21
FoolishOwlvilkas: there are a lot of specific applications you can only use on Windows. For a home user, mostly just games are what you'd worry about. There are open source applications for any category of application.20:22
yokobrhi guys20:22
ActionParsnip!hi | yokobr20:22
ubottuyokobr: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:22
Peliaswhat does "brd +" in command "ip addr add dev vlan1 brd +" do?20:22
SemiBzyokobr: hi20:22
llutz <blakkheim> no  spyware?   look at http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/12/09/221525320:22
Peliasit's conviniently missing from man pages20:22
yokobrhow do i mount an usb GPS ? It has internal memory20:22
blakkheimllutz: seen it20:22
capronvilkas,  CS4 , Games , Adobe Digital reader  )  you can run them too some point under wine it is not the same as under windows20:22
vilkashow can i know for example if this game will work on ubuntu or not20:22
FoolishOwlvilkas, you can try Ubuntu out by booting from a LiveCD. And, you could dual-boot, if you want to keep Windows around.20:22
llutzyokobr: use gpsbabel20:22
ActionParsnip!appdb | vilkas20:23
ubottuvilkas: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:23
pepeeI have this problem: http://www.ubuntu-es.org/?q=node/12598920:23
* I^llGetOverIt Каъвто съм, такъв ще си остана, сезоните не ще ме променят. Един живот, комедия и драма, а между тях, случаен кръстопът.20:23
pepeebut with the ati driver 10.120:23
yokobrcool, i'll try it. Thanx20:23
ubottuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently20:23
ActionParsnipvilkas: some have native installers for commercial games. Id software are great at that20:23
guntbertI^llGetOverIt: don't do that please20:23
CyLAnyone would please help me setting an external monitor with my ubuntu box? Whenever I connect the external monitor the computer hangs. I tried to work with xrandr, but only partial success.20:23
kirillaI have just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on an oldish Fujitsu Esprimo 5515, and while the network appears to be working, I can only access google, not any other websites.. Anybody got any hints?20:23
Myrtti!english | I^llGetOverIt20:23
ubottuI^llGetOverIt: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:23
ActionParsnippelias: man ip20:24
capronvilkas,   There are also lot of drivers that are not supported ,  Like fjutsus wifi nic and other stuff20:24
ActionParsnipkrilla: add the dns servers and to network manager20:24
PeliasActionParsnip: I just did, it's not described there, so fuck you.20:24
kirillaActionParsnip: thanks, will try20:25
ActionParsnip!ohmy | pelias20:25
ubottupelias: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:25
FoolishOwlChecking for hardware compatibility is a good reason to try booting from a LiveCD.20:25
pepeeanyone knows how to install the ati driver?20:25
ActionParsnip!ati | pepee20:25
ubottupepee: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:25
pepeeActionParsnip, http://www.ubuntu-es.org/?q=node/12598920:25
capronvilkas,  Myself can not use the hibrate mode under ubuntu because the screeen do not wake up after that20:26
pepeesame problem with ati driver v. 10.120:26
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Which tab do I go under?20:26
alamt123does any one know how to dodge a G-Line?20:27
pepeeActionParsnip,  http://pastebin.com/m68e26c3b20:27
CyLAnyone would please indicate where can I find a guide to get my computer dual headed?20:27
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Do I go under "Wireless" tab or the "Wired" tab fro the ipv4 settings?20:27
ActionParsnippepee; does gksudo jockey-gtk    not offer a driver?20:27
capronCyl what is dual headed ?20:27
VhozardATI + VSYNC + metacity ? how ?20:27
llutzPelias: brd +  "auto set broadcast"20:27
ActionParsnip!dualhead | cyl20:28
ubottucyl: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama20:28
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: assuming you're connecting the Xbox to a NIC, you'd go to the "Wired" tab.20:28
SwedeMikePelias: bridged?20:28
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Remember I am trying to share my wireless out thru the ethernet cable20:28
PeliasSwedeMike: Don't ask me, I really don't know.20:28
draguregister simone95DRAGUNOV20:28
CyLActionParsnip: thanks20:29
draguaccount add msn dragunov.py@live.it simone95DRAGUNOV20:29
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Lemme see what happens20:29
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: right. So your computer is getting Internet via the wireless, and sharing it out via the wired.20:29
pepeeActionParsnip, it says: this controller is installed and being used20:29
Peliasllutz: thanks20:29
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: correct,20:29
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead20:29
draguaccount on20:29
SwedeMikePelias: hm, broadcast seems more likely.20:29
ActionParsnipdragu: oops ;)20:29
Peliasllutz: for the reference, where did you find that out (where do I search for infow when man page is lacking?)20:29
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: so, it's the wired interface that should be set to "Shared with other computers"20:29
SwedeMike"brd LLADDRESS", LLADDRESS means "link local". And that's actually from "man ip"20:30
llutzPelias: only on german sites like wikipedia, not translated into english :(20:30
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: WOO HOO it worked20:30
ma5t3rw1ttFreaking awsome20:30
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: Great.20:30
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: LOL any ideas on dual monitors lol20:30
ActionParsnippepee: cool sounds great. just read the ati factoid for the command to get the driver started then20:30
coz_ma5t3rw1tt,  which video card?20:30
capronDo you guys run and trust Ubuntu one ?20:30
ActionParsnipdrag: we saw all your text20:30
ActionParsnipdragu: as you missed the leading /20:31
FoolishOwlma5t3rw1tt: I think there's an Xorg setting for that, but I have no experience setting it up.20:31
yokobrwell dudes, i need just to mount my gps as a pen drive20:31
kinja-sheepcapron: Do you trust Google? :)20:31
coz_capron,  it should be very trusworthy although I find  dropbox more  convenient20:31
kirillaI've got DHCP and DNS working, can ping the gateway and ping domain names, but Firefox and wget can't get anything off the net except from Google.com20:31
capronkinja-sheep,  Yes I kind off trust google20:31
ActionParsnipcapron: no need. i have a fileserver20:31
guntbertdragu: change your password20:31
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llutzPelias: english http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-configuring-network-interface-cards-on-debian/20:31
FoolishOwlkirilla, that sounds like a problem I was having.20:32
pepeeActionParsnip, but I want to install the version 10.1 of the driver20:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:32
FoolishOwlkirilla, are you using a NIC built-in to your motherboard?20:32
maniaksi haven't installed soundcard.. alsaconf can't see it20:32
maniakswhat should i do?20:32
kirillaFoolishOwl: yes, fujitsu laptop20:32
cryptkanyone care to try and help me with a problem with my USB mouse20:32
kirillaFoolishOwl: sis191 lan iirc20:32
maniaksit is ALC888, i tried to install from realtek website, but nothing :)20:32
cryptkit just stops responding after a seemingly random amount of time20:33
ActionParsnipdragu: all that account stuff was said in the channel for all to see20:33
cryptkit is a Logitech G7 mouse and I am on a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10 (with all updates installed)20:33
capronI find it cool that they give 2g ,  Hope the dont do any spy stuff other then just backup the public map20:33
cryptkit occasionally happens to my keyboard also, but mostly my mouse20:34
cryptkkeyboard is a G1520:34
FoolishOwlkirilla, in my case, I think it had been a problem with the kernel module that was being loaded. I decided to just install a separate NIC card, since I'd been told that was a good idea in general.20:34
maniakshow to install soundcard ALC888 ?20:34
ma5t3rw1tt_FoolishOwl: Sorry but opened my "Resolution" program and the screen went haywire20:34
=== ma5t3rw1tt_ is now known as ma5t3rw1tt
kirillaFoolishOwl: nice, but difficult with a laptop :)20:35
evanandersentrying to modify my pam file20:35
evanandersenwithout messing everything u20:35
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: I was booted on a USB flash drive so I don't think dual monitors don't play nice?20:35
evanandersenauthsufficientpam_script.so pam_script_auth dir=/etc/pam-scripts/20:35
evanandersenauth[success=1 default=ignore]pam_unix.so nullok_secure use_first_pass20:35
FoolishOwlma5t3rwltt, sorry, that's something I don't know how to fix.20:35
cryptkthis is a problem that has plagued me for multiple versions of Ubuntu... it stopped doing it before but my HD died the other night and I had to reinstall everything... now the problem is back and I don't know how to get rid of it20:35
cryptkand reading the xorg logs reveals nothing20:36
evanandersendoes anyone here know anything about pam?20:36
ma5t3rw1ttFoolishOwl: Its ok, I thank you for the help, the network thing is really what I needed.20:36
Myrtticryptk: are you sure your harddrive isn't dying on you?20:36
kitty_question, i just updated my kernel from the package manager and now compiz and other 3d effects don't work, anyone able to help me trouble shout?20:36
FoolishOwlkirilla, I know. I did a quick Google of "sis191 kernel module" and found instructions on compiling a module for an older version of Ubuntu. So, that may still be necessary, or maybe you can use modprobe to install an existing module.20:36
evanandersenkitty_ did you install the nvidia/ati drivers manually? like from their webiste?20:37
maniakshow to install soundcard ALC888 ?20:37
cryptkMyrtti: I jsut replaced the HD two nights ago20:37
CyLwhere is xorg.conf located in ubuntu 9.10?20:37
lchiHi, I have a question about using GRUB with a 5-boot computer.20:37
kitty_at one time i had nvidia and ati drivers installed (this is a flash card install) but now i'm using intel chipset20:37
cryptkMyrtti: the old HD died and is now replaced with a brand new one....20:37
lchi@CyL should be /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:37
evanandersenyeah oops20:38
evanandersenthats what i meant :P20:38
erykhi all ;)20:38
ma5t3rw1ttAnyone here willing to help me figure out dual monitors, cause I never used dual monitors before but works great in Windows20:38
deathnickHello...i need support with ubutunstudio 9.10 can anyone help please20:38
capronCyL,  There is not xorg.conf default20:38
CyLThere's no xorg.conf there20:38
maniakshow to install soundcard ALC888 ?20:38
capronCyL,  The X11 is now so good it can auto detected20:38
CyLcapron: So how does X gets its configuration options?20:38
lchiIf I have a couple operating systems installed on my computer, how do I keep my GRUB menu up to date with updated kernel information if my GRUB is only installed on one of the drives.20:39
ma5t3rw1ttHow do I make it when I have my second monitor don't show my first monior20:39
koshariCyL you can create an xorg.conf file and its settings will override the default behavior20:39
ma5t3rw1ttLike a mirror image20:39
kitty_it is just showing all the "Configured devices" nothing specific20:39
Fudma5t3rw1tt ater you using ATI?20:39
alfplayerManiaks: i think it works automatically20:39
deathnickdo i ask my question directly or i wait for someone to adress me20:39
coz_ma5t3rw1tt,  which video card do you have?20:39
evanandersenma5t3rw1tt: what video card are you using? nvidia ati or intel20:39
kirillathanks, FoolishOwl, Later!20:39
ma5t3rw1ttFud: No I am not using ATI20:39
FoolishOwlkirilla, I'm finding a bunch of things about the kernel module for that NIC.20:39
capronCyL,  alt ctl f1  and then you make one X --init20:39
guntbert!ask | deathnick20:40
ubottudeathnick: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:40
ma5t3rw1ttcoz: No, Intel Integrated20:40
coz_ma5t3rw1tt,   in terminal copy and paste this   lspci | grep -i vga20:40
hajmoladoes anyone else randomly get white boxes instead of a flash video in Firefox? the only thing to fix it is to restart FF20:40
coz_ma5t3rw1tt,  ok20:40
CyLcapron: there aren't best scripts for this?20:40
ma5t3rw1ttcoz: What will that command do?20:40
lchiIf I have a couple operating systems installed on my computer, how do I keep my GRUB menu up to date with updated kernel information if my GRUB is only installed on one of the drives?20:40
lchier partitions, not drives.20:40
kitty_evanandersen, it is only showing the "Configured <device>" nothing specific so its using hald for the hardware discovery20:41
deathnicki've used the ubuntustudio upgrade disk on my ubuntu 9.10 system...everthing works well and asked me to reboot to complete...but nothing seems to have change ?20:41
FoolishOwlkirilla, it looks like the kernel module you want is sis190.20:41
xMffHi. I recently updated my system to Karmic and I have some troubles with soundcards now, the gnome audio settings and pulseaudio only seem to detect my second soundcard while alsamixer and xmms detect both, where do I need to look to debug the issue?20:41
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:41
ma5t3rw1ttcoz: Lemme boot into linux so I can tell u more info, brb20:42
evanandersenkitty_: what graphics card do you have on the computer?20:42
deathnicki was about to install all the software for multimedias seperatly when i saw ubuntustudio has it all preinstalled so thats why i've choose this option20:42
kitty_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)20:42
yokobrplease. does someone knows how to mount my gps?20:42
capronCyL,  Xorg -configure  or better use  the ( ati och nividia config stuff )20:43
llutzyokobr: does it support mass-storage mode to access data?20:43
evanandersenkitty_: you should be able to configure it from System > Preferences > Display ?20:43
yokobrllutz, yep20:43
evanandersenkitty_: oops wrong person20:43
cryptkso I am reading that evidentally the AMD cool'n'quiet causes problems with USB devices ceasing to respond... I am going to reboot and disable it... I will report back and let you guys know if it fixes it...20:43
evanandersenkitty_: r u running 9.10?20:44
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
llutzyokobr: then it _should_ be mounted if you plug it in. if not, "sudo fdisk -l", look what device, "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt" to mount it manually20:44
kitty_Ubuntu 8.04 LTS20:44
xMffis there some way to list the sound outputs "seen" by pulseaudio?20:45
deathnickim noob to chatting...so how do i know someone is talking to me :)20:45
evanandersenkitty_: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel20:45
pepeeok, for those who want to install the latest ati driver (10.1): http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showpost.php?p=110091&postcount=5620:45
kitty_is there a reason this suddenly changed with an update?20:46
CyLHow may I know wich driver is my X server currently using?20:46
kitty_evanandersen, xserver-xorg-video-intel is already the newest version.20:46
evanandersenkitty_: sorry, i dont know much about intel graphics20:46
deathnickmy problem is that it looks that everything was do ok but i dont see any change in my appl menus ?20:47
evanandersenused to run them on my macbook, but it died (4 years RIP) so i dont have anything to test it on20:47
kitty_neither do i, i'm not sure what changed, all i know is that all the 3d stuff is gone now20:47
xMffCyL: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:47
alfplayerCyl: probably in the xorg log20:48
CyLxMff: thanks20:48
xMffsearch for "LoadModule:"20:48
evanandersenkitty_: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:48
evanandersenput it on pastebin20:48
panfistis there anything in the repos other than openoffice presentation that's compatible with microsoft powerpoint files?20:49
xMffstrange, pulseaudio only sees the hdmi sound output of the ati video card but not the actual system sound card which is default (#0) in alsa20:50
tlukasjak tu sie pisze?20:52
tlukasnormalnie czy komendami?20:52
guntbert!pl | tlukas20:52
ubottutlukas: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:52
KaffeeJunky1231how can I configure wine so that it can write on a ntfs-3g mounted partition20:52
kitty_evanandersen, http://pastebin.com/f7a22a51b20:52
Moon_Doggyis it possible to link multiple computers together to make one20:52
kitty_thats both the .conf and the .log20:52
capronKaffeeJunky1231, You dont need wine for that just mount -t ntfs-3g20:53
alfplayerMoondoggy: what do you want to know EXACTLY?20:53
=== flo_ is now known as uffiole
abumaiais there a way to make my terminal beep or otherwise make a sound for each keypress?20:54
=== Freeaqingme is now known as Guest79468
evanandersenkitty_: odd, it's using the intel driver, yet it's not enabling hardware acceleration20:54
KaffeeJunky1231capron: I want to execute applications on an ntfs file system with wine, but they keep complaining about not beeing able to write to the filesystem, but I'm sure that the filesystem is mounted rw20:54
ChrisTXMoon_Doggy, http://openssi.org/cgi-bin/view?page=openssi.html20:54
kitty_and the glx section says its using the nvidia driver20:55
kitty_yeah funny huh?20:55
evanandersenkitty_: glxgears20:55
evanandersenjust post the fps20:55
capronKaffeeJunky1231,  Cool I had no Ide you cud do that with wine,  Now I also wonder how to do that  :-)20:55
=== ardian is now known as ard1an
mintcoz: ok I am booted into linux, what will that command earlier you gave me do?20:55
kitty_glx missing on display :0.020:56
kitty_lemme try again20:56
kitty_yep missing20:56
kitty_lib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".20:56
KaffeeJunky1231capron: well with the old ntfs driver it worked, but ever since ubuntu switched to ntfs-3g I can't get it to work :/20:56
kitty_same from glxinfo20:56
Moon_DoggyChrisTX, yes, now can i use ubuntu to do this?20:57
cryptkso I disabled PowerNow (a weird Biostar variant of Cool'n'Quiet) and so far my mouse has not frozen...20:57
cryptkwe will see if it happens after I use it for a bit...20:57
evanandersenkitty_: type intel into the command line, press tab and then post all of the possible "auto-completes" that it gives you20:57
kitty_it beeps20:57
cryptktap tab a second time20:58
mintcan someone help me with dual monitors please, mine is showing a mirror image on both screens20:58
ChrisTXI don't think there's a binary for ubuntu, but you could try to compile it from src20:58
cryptkthe first time it beeps to let you know there are no exact matches (ant LOTS of possible matches)20:58
Myrtti!mintsupport | mint20:58
ubottumint: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:58
cryptksecond tab will show them all20:58
evanandersenhit tab twice, still nothing?20:58
kitty_i can tap it a million times, no matches come up20:58
z3r0-0n3my home directory is encrypted. how do I view my hard drive?20:59
evanandersenkitty_: give me a second, just installled intel drivers onto my machine, looking at the commands now...21:00
KaffeeJunky1231z3r0-0n3: How is viewing your harddrive related to your encrypted home dir?21:00
cryptkI have officially made it longer now without a mouse freeze than ever before...hopefully it is fixed...21:01
kitty_brb restarting X21:01
xfactUbuntu has any 'firewall protection system' for Internet attacks? (I am not talking about virus, spy)21:01
z3r0-0n3because every time I try to open it, it gives me a message saying "unable to mount" because "/blah/blah/sda_crypt is mounted"21:02
abumaiaxfact: ubuntu has iptables, a terminal-based firewal21:02
ohirxfact: man iptables21:02
Pici!firewall | xfact21:02
ubottuxfact: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist21:02
ohirxfact: apt-get install firestarter21:02
CQhello, I've got a steady stream of network traffic going out from my machine and don't know what it is... what's a good analysis tool?21:02
kitty_ok so that didn't help21:02
z3r0-0n3KaffeeJunky1231: you there?21:03
evanandersenkitty_: want to try reconfiguring x?21:03
evanandersensudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:03
kitty_done it several times21:03
CQit's around 2k/sec21:03
PiciCQ: netstat -tanp   can tell you what connections are open, wireshark is the de-facto graphical packet inspection tool21:03
KaffeeJunky1231z3r0-0n3: yes I'm here21:03
kitty_its still using the hald results for hardware21:03
z3r0-0n3KaffeeJunky1231: did you see my reply21:03
xfactohir: I just wanted to know,  my computer is safe from online attacks or not...I do not need to install another firewall.21:04
abumaiais there a way to make terminal beep on each keypress?21:04
KaffeeJunky1231z3r0-0n3: yes, but it did make any sens21:04
cryptkxfact, yes21:04
z3r0-0n3KaffeeJunky1231: what?21:04
esteveyhi please can i have some help21:04
cryptkxfact, firestarter is a good program to give you a GUI to allow you to configure the built-in firewall21:04
alfplayerWireshark output is not easy to read though21:04
KaffeeJunky1231z3r0-0n3: What are you trying to open ? And could you please paste the complete error message?21:04
Pici!ask | estevey21:04
ubottuestevey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:04
xfactThank you21:04
mmannestevey ?21:04
cryptkin case you need to open up a port or something21:04
evanandersenestevey: what's the problem21:04
esteveyi have the new ubuntu and i have a nvidia mx440 gx card all i can not change the resolution from small21:05
nuaimat1la ya zam !21:05
CQPici: several connections going to mail.smartfonsib.:58748 ESTABLISHED21:05
esteveyi have tryd a viraty of things from google21:05
CQgoogling that I assume it's in russia...21:05
evanandersengo to System > Administration > Hardware drivers21:05
evanandersenand install the nvidia driver21:05
PiciCQ: If you run netstat with sudo it should be able to tell you what application is making the connection21:05
=== molnitza__ is now known as molnitza
z3r0-0n3im trying to open my hard drive under "computer" in the "places" menu, and it says, "Unable to mount location"21:06
z3r0-0n3/dev/mapper/sda3_crypt is mounted21:06
esteveydont that and its stuck on a small resotltion only 2 options in there and boath are small21:06
CQPici: Hm, nobody: tcp        0      0 blackbox.local:ssh      mail.smartfonsib.:60531 TIME_WAIT   -21:06
dadadahello folks, is there no mint channel?21:06
evanandersenestevey: go to pastebin and paste the result of this command: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:06
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:07
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:07
evanandersenthere u go21:07
KaffeeJunky1231z3r0-0n3: you encrypted your homdir and since you did that you're getting this error message?21:07
KaffeeJunky1231z3r0-0n3: what programm did you use to encrypt your home dir?21:07
mintIs linux mint suppose to freeze when you try and change your resolution?21:08
esteveypast in here ?21:08
z3r0-0n3KaffeeJunky1231: i encrypted my home dir when i first installed ubuntu. this is the first time im trying to open the hard drive.21:08
CQPici: got it, it's a portscan for hiddenSSH ports from russia21:08
CQwhat's the best way to block that?21:08
z3r0-0n3KaffeeJunky1231: the alternative install cd21:08
kitty_ok how do i force reinstall of an package with apt-get ?21:08
Myrtti!mintsupport | mint21:08
ubottumint: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:08
evanandersenestevey: paste the result into pastebin21:09
PiciCQ: Install fail2ban, it will automatically block repeated failed ssh attempts.  The default settings are fine, you shouldn't have to change them21:09
abumaiakitty_: sudo aptitude reinstall *package*21:09
Darks7arHi.I'm running a game server(counter-strike) on ubuntu server but it runs for about an hour and then it just stops.however the proccess is shown in htop.21:09
evanandersenpaste the pastebine link here21:09
esteveySection "Screen"21:09
estevey        Identifier      "Default Screen"21:09
estevey        DefaultDepth    2421:09
estevey        Option  "AddARGBGLXVisuals"     "True"21:09
FloodBot3estevey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
esteveySection "Module"21:09
Darks7arwhere is the problem21:09
evanandersenDarks7ar: any log files?21:09
KaffeeJunky1231z3r0-0n3: I'm sorry I don't know what would cause such a problem21:09
z3r0-0n3my home directory is encrypted. how do I view my hard drive?21:09
evanandersenestevey: go to pastebinit.com21:09
evanandersenpaste the stuff in21:09
z3r0-0n3my home directory is encrypted. how do I view my hard drive?21:09
evanandersenthen paste the link here okay?21:09
KaffeeJunky1231z3r0-0n3: that sounds very fishy to me, encrypting your home folder shouldn't prevent you from using your harddrive21:10
m_does the Ubuntu 9.10 installer offer an option to do whole-disk encryption like Fedora and OpenSUSE?  (that is, encrypt the entire system)21:10
z3r0-0n3KaffeeJunky1231: im not prevented from opening my hard drive, I just cant open the dir "hard drive"21:10
Darks7arevanandersen: nope . the strangest thing is that the server doesnt generate error log even if i run it with option to generate such21:10
arandm_: No, you'd need the alternate installer for that21:10
capronz3r0-0n3,  How did you encrypt your home ? Lukes21:10
esteveysorry for the flood21:11
arandm_: At least I think the alternate has that option..21:11
z3r0-0n3capron: whatever the alternate install cd uses21:11
CQPici: installed it, do I need any setup? The scanning's still going on,it's a user dictionary attack21:11
Darks7arevanandersen: thats why i think its problem with ubuntu21:11
m_arand: and if I use the alternate installer, will i be able to install Ubuntu like the standard installer?21:11
m_is it a text-based installer, that is no-GUI?21:11
evanandersenDarks7ar: is there a console.log in the file?21:11
arandm_: Yes.21:11
PiciCQ: You shouldn't need to. Perhaps just a restart of ssh though.21:11
=== S is now known as Guest9255
deathnickhow do i force the autorun on a dvd than21:12
arandm_: it's ncurses -- text and colour21:12
evanandersenDarks7ar:  often if it doesn't crash, there will be no crash log. Often there is a console.log, that is created even if everything is running smoothly21:12
Darks7arevanandersen: in which file?21:12
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
z3r0-0n3my home directory is encrypted. how do I view my hard drive?21:12
mneptokCQ: another option is the "denyhosts" package. i use it on a few production systems.21:12
evanandersenDarks7ar: whereever the cs log files are?21:12
capronz3r0-0n3, If it is lukes try this  cryptsetup luksOpen  /dev/xxx crypt_home21:13
m_would using the alternate installer require additional configuration or is it as easy as using the standard installer?21:13
mneptokCQ: and if you can, require key authentication for ssh.21:13
Darks7arevanandersen: w8 to see21:13
kitty__ok so reinstalling the intel driver didn't help21:13
Darks7arevanandersen: theres no such file in the whole system21:14
Darks7ari looked for it with locate21:14
z3r0-0n3capron: Command failed: Can not access device21:14
mneptokDarks7ar: did you run "sudo updatedb" before running locate?21:14
Darks7arnope :)21:14
mneptokDarks7ar: then that could be why you get no rsults21:15
capronz3r0-0n3,  Maby not luks or you tried the wrong dev21:15
Darks7armneptok: nope i just ran it and no results21:15
z3r0-0n3capron: what does that mean?21:15
m_is there a howto for using the alternate installer?  is it easy for a newbie to install Ubuntu using the alternate installer?21:17
cchapmanis there a linuxmint channel?  or should questions be asked in the ubuntu channel?21:17
jribm_: it's easy21:17
capronz3r0-0n3,   Did you create a partion for /home21:17
Myrtti!linuxmint | cchapman21:17
z3r0-0n3m_: its not easy for a complete noob21:17
Myrtti!mint | cchapman21:17
ubottucchapman: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:17
Pici!mintsupport | cchapman21:17
ubottucchapman: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:17
z3r0-0n3capron: i dont know21:17
jribm_: why do you want to use the alternate installer?21:18
m_i mean does the alternate installer require manually selecting packages to install and/or manually editing config. files?21:18
jribm_: no21:18
methoi got a bash scripte called cpu.sh which i like to run from any d21:18
m_jrib: i want to use the alt. installer b/c someone here told me that is the only installer to offer the full disk encryption feature to encrypt the entire system...21:18
jribm_: ok21:19
methoi got a bash scripte called cpu.sh which i like to run from any directory without typing ./ at the start21:19
capronz3r0-0n3, Try  fdisk /dev/sda  then you can see your partions21:19
jribmetho: drop it in ~/bin21:19
kitty__evanandersen, found a possible solution in forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1301433&highlight=Module+glx21:19
kitty__working on that for now21:19
methojrib: do i need to modify .bashrc21:19
julio_can anyone lend me a hand with compiz? i miss it :( it stopped working after jumping to karmic, only a few efects won't kill my session...21:19
jribmetho: no21:19
z3r0-0n3capron: Unable to open /dev/sda21:19
m_are the default set of packages installed by the alternate 9.10 installer different from the set of packages installed by the standard 9.10 livecd installer?21:20
metho2 sec, let me try that21:20
mneptokm_: and that is correct. to use LVM+dm-crypt you have to use the alternate installer. just be aware that you *must* encrypt swap, or the installer will complain.21:20
jribmneptok: no21:20
capronz3r0-0n3,  login as root an do that it might also bee sdb or sdc21:20
jriberm, s/mneptok/m_21:20
mneptokm_: the alternate installer is *exactly* the same as the Live installer, just with more options.21:20
julio_sory, hole21:21
klaxiani am trying to mount my old ext3 fs as ext4.  i have updated fstab and rebooted, but mount still reports that is is type ext321:21
klaxianhow can i verify that it is using the ext4 driver?21:21
fabioHello. I have a Dell Mini 9 and I am running xubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. My problem is that my SD Card is not recognized. it doesnt show up either on the desktop or in the file system. it did with regular Ubuntu. Any ideas?21:21
z3r0-0n3The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 1****.21:21
z3r0-0n3There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,21:21
z3r0-0n3and could in certain setups cause problems with:21:21
z3r0-0n31) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)21:21
z3r0-0n32) booting and partitioning software from other OSs21:21
FloodBot3z3r0-0n3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:21
z3r0-0n3   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)21:21
m_mneptok:  is using full-disk encryption as simple as checking a check box... (that's how it is in Fedora)...  If so, would this automatically encrypt everything including swap?21:21
hyperstreamklaxian, its the format, you must mount it as ext321:21
mneptokklaxian: if you formatted it ext3, it's ext3.21:22
iWolfI'm not able to switch between workspaces, Ubuntu 9.1021:22
esteveyplease sir can you help me with my resolution problem21:22
mneptokm_: no, it is not. you have to create LVM volumes21:22
klaxianyes but i read that ext4 is backward compatible21:22
klaxianand i can get some performance gains by just using the new driver21:22
deostrollis there a java irc ?21:22
hyperstreamz3r0-0n3, leet name, stupid person... read the topic l33t021:22
mneptokhyperstream: be nice.21:22
m_mneptok: you mean manually specify LVM volumes?  So, does this mean that if I don't know much about LVM, its probably too complicated?21:23
IdleOnehyperstream: no need for rudeness and insults21:23
hyperstreamklaxian, you would have to change its format21:23
z3r0-0n3ops, could you please reprimand or kickban hyperstream?21:23
esteveyi have a nvidia mx440 and the  96 drivers are not working corectly im stuck on a very small resoltuion21:23
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: he has been.21:23
hyperstream<- crys a little more.21:23
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: let's move on21:23
CQPici: took a few minutes but fail2ban blocked it... thanks!21:23
PiciCQ: great21:24
alfplayerMetho: there is no ~/bin by default, you could add it to path in ~/.bashrc21:24
julio_here, how can i check the version of an intel video driver installed?21:24
CQPici: fail2ban.log:2010-02-07 22:17:32,979 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [ssh] Ban
mneptokm_: why don't you run the installer and see?21:24
jribmetho, alfplayer: just create ~/bin, it will be added to the path automatically (once you login again)21:25
z3r0-0n3capron: you here?21:25
methodo i need to create a folder called bin in my home directory i.e. /home/metho/bin21:25
brontosaurusrexmetho: yes, ~/ stands for home dir i belive21:26
acalbazahow do i change my screen resolution for the command line?21:26
methosorted two minutes21:26
z3r0-0n3ok ill be back in a little while if anyone would be so kind as to help me21:26
m_mneptok: ok, but before I do... couple more qs... if I were to encrypt the entire system using the alternate installer, at what point during booting would I be prompted for the disk password?21:27
soryspanish please21:28
jpds!es | sory21:29
ubottusory: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:29
cryptkso I thought I had fixed my USB device freezing problem... until my keyboard froze21:29
cryptkthere are no errors or anything in the Xorg log files...21:29
mneptokm_: do not encrypt the entire system. leave /boot unencrypted. create a ~500MB partition for /boot21:30
cryptkand there was nothing in dmesg until I unplegged a device... it did show me unplugging it, did not show me plugging it back in21:30
mneptokm_: and you are prompted fairly early in the booting process.21:30
cryptkanyone have any ideas as to what I can try to fix my USB device freezing problem?21:31
TrizicusI want a specific folder from a device mounted as I boot up. How do I set that up in fstab?21:32
mneptokTrizicus: fstab mounts partitions, not directories.21:32
Trizicusmneptok: how do I setup automounting of directories?21:32
methothat worked, thanks guys.... couple of questions what is ~     is it home or root Dir... for my scripts i still need to use the .sh at the end, do i have to do that???21:33
mneptokTrizicus: a directory is not a filesystem. thus, you don't mount directories, unless they are network shares.21:33
jribmetho: ~ means $HOME, your home directory.  You don't need the .sh if you don't want it21:33
Trizicusmneptok: I do not want to mount an entire device into my Music folder for example. Obvioulsy the device needs to be mounted. How do I automount a directory in the device to a local folder?21:34
jribTrizicus: why do you want to mount just a directory?  If it's for organizational purposes, would a symlink do?21:34
coolkehonI've got a computer with a broken graphics card and bestbuy(computer store) installed a new one but left the old one in. ubuntu is using the broken graphics card. what should i do because I can't see anything. all i get is a blank screen. what's the command to refresh displays so that i can fix this (blind command usage)21:34
methothanks so when i created ~/bin, why did it place under /root i.e. /root/bin why not under /home.bin21:34
Trizicusjrib: Durrr rofl... Why didn't i think of that...21:34
Trizicusjrib: thanks lol21:34
mneptokTrizicus: mount the device, and make the local directory a symlink to the directory on the device.21:34
jribmetho: that shouldn't have happened.  Were you playing with sudo or something?21:35
CShadowRuncoolkehon: 1) If the card is broken, bestbuy are morons for leaving it in 2) Unplug it, it's a waste of power.21:35
methooh shit21:35
jribmetho: yes, don't use sudo...21:35
dink2can anyone tell me how to install my wireless card drivers?21:35
coolkehonCShadowRun: how can i fix it without removing it (will do later)21:35
methoshit... two minutes bro21:35
defryskcoolkehon, turn the internal card of in your bios so it wont be used21:36
ente[22:34] < metho> thanks so when i created ~/bin, why did it place under /root i.e. /root/bin why not under /home.bin21:36
CShadowRuncoolkehon: no clue, you certainly can't fix anything blind. Remove the broken graphics card.21:36
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:36
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CShadowRuncoolkehon and complain to bestbuy about leaving a physically broken waste of power inside your computer21:36
entewhat the pancake then21:36
pingunhello. could anyone help me to install gtk+ of a newer version, please?21:36
defryskwhat the tuck21:37
entewhat the duck21:37
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:37
entewhat the Myrtti is wrong with you?21:37
mneptokente defrysk: you're very clever. want to see if you're clever enough not to get banned?21:38
mneptokIOW, stop. now.21:38
enteI think you're so friendly in here?21:38
iLikeYouguys how can I know where a package was installed?21:39
enteas soon as one says something, the ops just have to prove they are uber 1337?21:39
arandiLikeYou: dpkg -L packagename will show it's contents21:39
hyperstreamente, can be like that in here at times :)21:39
defryskente, nuff said ;)21:39
koshariiLikeYou you mean the binaries?21:39
XialThat's the first time I've seen an op actually say something.21:39
iLikeYoukoshari: yea21:39
Flannelente, defrysk: Please stay ontopic in this channel, thanks.21:39
enteI was just asking what sense a /home.bin makes?21:40
iLikeYoukoshari: I want where are they installed on the hard disk. Like in Windows, you can right-click an icon, then Properties, then Find Target21:40
dsnydersiLikeYou, Out of curiosity, why do you want to know?21:40
enteI have a ~/.bin, and I guess it makes a lot more sense21:40
Flannelente: You've already got ~/bin, /home.bin doesn't make sense21:40
iLikeYoudsnyders: Out of curiosity! That's why :D21:40
dsnydersiLikeYou, Fair enough.21:41
entefor system-wide-but-local-installations, there is /usr/local21:41
koshariiLikeYou most apps are installed in the usr/bin21:41
arandiLikeYou: dpkg -L packagename will show it's contents21:41
enteFlannel: well, yes. but metho was talking about /home.bin21:41
pauljwiLikeYou, maybe open a terminal and type locate packagename21:41
entewhich made no sense to me, so I asked what they meant by it.21:41
Flannelente: /home.bin doesn't make an sense21:41
enteand then there started a discussion about what language not to use in here21:42
Flannelente: ~/.bin isn't even what you want, you want ~/bin21:42
methosorry it was /home/bin21:42
jribmetho: /home/your_username/bin21:42
koshariiLikeYou it dont really matter where they are (binaries)as long as they are in your path21:42
enteno, ~/.bin is what I want because I consider ~/bin polluting ~21:42
Flannelmetho: You don't want /home/bin either, thats the homedir of the person named "bin"21:42
entebin laden? :)21:43
IdleOnethe . and / keys are close enough to each other that a user could of figured out it was just a typo. your cursing was not needed21:43
methoanyway without sudo i created a folder with mkdir ~/bin which was placed under /home/metho/bin21:43
iLikeYoukoshari: "in your path"? Please clarify this sentence21:43
abumaiathis is just a test message.  I have my pidgin set to Invisible status, and none of my messages in this room have been replied to, so this is a test message to determine if my messages are getting through or not21:43
methonow i can not run that script from anywhere else21:43
Flannelente: Again, please stay ontopic, thanks21:43
Myrttiabumaia: yeah, they are getting through21:43
methodo i need to specify the path in .bashrc21:43
koshariiLikeYou your path is a list of locations where binaries can be called from21:43
Flannelmetho: Have you logged back in since?21:43
abumaiathanks Myrtti21:43
jribmetho: logout and back in21:43
Flannelmetho: No, but .bashrc checks to see if ~/bin exists (and if it doesn't, it won't include it)21:44
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metho2 mins, thanks very much for the help.... 2 mins21:44
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enteI suggest ~/.bin21:44
koshariiLikeYou so if a binary (or script for that matter ) is located at a location that is in your path then you can call it from any location21:44
iLikeYoukoshari: you mean enviroment variables?21:44
entebut it is nondefault and hence not recommended unless you want to change your bashrc21:45
roscois xubuntu faster than mint?  how much faster21:45
dsnydersiLikeYou, Have you tried the whereis command?21:45
defryskrosco, .25 secs21:45
koshariiLikeYou no i man path http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Path.html21:45
roscodefrysk: what does .25 sec mean?21:46
iLikeYoudsnyders: I Like YOU :D21:46
charles__Anyone mind helping me with an rsync/cron question?21:46
methologgod out and back in and still no joy21:46
methorestart the PC???21:46
defryskrosco, it means that your question cannot be answered21:46
entekoshari: man path as in MANPATH or in /usr/bin/man path?21:46
koshariente i meant mean21:46
Flannelmetho: Is the script set to be executable?21:47
hyperstreamrosco, every system speed, depends on to many different possible values. Hardware specs/drivers whats installed on the machines .... too much to compare.21:47
svenbuntuhi all21:48
roscoi can say that puppy is much faster than the other OS's i use.21:48
z3r0-0n3my home directory is encrypted. how do I view my "hard drive" under computer in the places menu?21:48
defryskrosco, then use puppy21:48
entearch is faster than anything else I used before21:48
alfplayerRestarting ubuntu wouldn't help21:48
`mOOse`xfce ftw21:48
iLikeYouwhy the apps in ubuntu aren't located in a specified place? For example in Windows when you install a program, you can find it along all its file and directories in C:\Program Files/TheProgram. Why in Ubuntu the files are distributed among a lot of directories and locations?21:48
methoyeah it is a+x21:48
methostill no joy21:48
entetalking about windowmanagers just results in flamewars21:49
koshariask! | charles__21:49
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entes/windowmanagers/desktop environments/21:49
MyrttiiLikeYou: because Linux uses the file system hierarchy used before it in Unix systems.21:49
roscoit is too different for me.  i must at least spend time with it as a secondary OS for a while21:49
hyperstreamz3r0-0n3, places -> Computer -> "hard drive"21:49
roscoi don't use winders21:49
entehowever, it applies to both21:49
arandiLikeYou: Since libraries goes in lib, binaries goes in bin, settings in etc, its' just the unix legacy...21:49
MyrttiiLikeYou: if you want to read more, "man hier" in your terminal will tell you more21:49
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koshariiLikeYou because unix systems have better linking/symlinking capabilities21:50
FlanneliLikeYou: Files are still stuck in specified locations, they're just not all in the same folder21:50
charles__alright so I have a laptop that I would like to have back up a music directory to my server. How do I do this? I want to have the server directory only receive backups, never delete anything.21:50
hyperstreamiLikeYou, its better organised, windows is not.21:50
`mOOse`guys - there's a website out there that has apt-games or aptgames and aptapps in the url somewhere - it's got a buncha games and apps on it - anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?21:50
z3r0-0n3any ops: hyperstream is trolling, this has been the third time he sent ignorant messages to me, i suggest kick ban :)21:50
arandiLikeYou: and it's the package manager's job to organise things, not the folder system.21:50
charles__I was thinking the way I wanted to do it was rsync it, and schedule it as a cron job, but I ma not really familiar with rsync21:50
hyperstreamz3r0-0n3, actually, thats how you view your hard drive. perhaps if you had tried it first, you wouldnt have made yourself look silly just then.21:50
defrysk`mOOse`, getdeb.net and related21:51
Myrtticharles__: rsync is brilliant for that job, and it's not really too difficult to learn21:51
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: best advice is to ignore a user who is sending message you don't want21:51
z3r0-0n3my home directory is encrypted. how do I view my "hard drive" under computer in the places menu?21:51
defrysk`mOOse`, is not supported here21:51
hyperstreamIdleOne, im not querying him.21:51
z3r0-0n3IdleOne: im concerned for other users21:51
alfplayerMetho: you can check if it is in the path with "echo $PATH"21:51
hyperstream!repeat | z3r0-0n321:51
z3r0-0n3i never said he queried me21:51
ubottuz3r0-0n3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:51
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: the ops are active in this channel21:51
hyperstreamz3r0-0n3, refer to my post about viewing your hard drive.21:51
`mOOse`yes, that's it defrysk - thanks (yea I know but I knew someone in here would grok what I was trying to find)21:51
z3r0-0n3my home directory is encrypted. how do I mount my "hard drive" under computer in the places menu?21:52
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methoits not there.... how do i add it and where is this file &PATH located21:52
kosharicharles__ then read up about it, you can begin with man rsync21:52
hyperstreamz3r0-0n3, please do not repeat. read the post above from ubottu21:52
mario_no sound in tv time, I got image but no sound... Any help?21:52
z3r0-0n3hyperstream: buh bye :)21:53
hyperstreamz3r0-0n3, take it easy.21:53
osmosis_how can I unsubscribe from launchpad bug mail. Im receiving mail for every bug files for qemu-kvm and dont know how to stop it..21:53
novemberhascome2Hi. How am I to set SHMConfig to True?21:53
z3r0-0n3my home directory is encrypted. how do I mount my "hard drive" under computer in the places menu?21:54
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad21:54
hyperstream!repeat | z3r0-0n321:54
koshariosmosis log in and unsubscribe to the bug21:54
ubottuz3r0-0n3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:54
methoalfplayer: its not there.... how do i add it and where is this file &PATH located21:54
arandz3r0-0n3: What "hard-drive" are you referring to here?21:54
IdleOnenovemberhascome2: this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad has instructions21:54
alfplayerIf you run "echo $PATH" you will get where you can place scripts that can be run like you want it21:54
FraxtilDoes anybody know why I don't get a login prompt on any virtual terminals (Ctrl+Alt+F[1-6])?21:55
FraxtilThey're definitely there because I can see a blinking cursor on each of them, they just never give me a login prompt.21:55
alfplayerIt is not a file, it is a variable21:55
z3r0-0n3arand: the one in computer under the places menu. i want to view both my win and ubuntu partitions21:55
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hyperstreamz3r0-0n3, you can go to 'Places->Computer->"CLICK harddrive/partition"'21:55
hyperstreamz3r0-0n3, provided its mounted.21:56
methoalfplayer: ah i see..... how do i add the location of my script within this VARIABLE21:56
arandz3r0-0n3: If you do what hyperstream says does anything happen, error?21:56
alfplayerYou are saying there is no /home/you/bin in $PATH ?21:56
kosharimetho just create a folder called bin to your home dir and next boot it WILL be in your path21:56
z3r0-0n3what is he saying? to open my hard drive? yes it gives me an error message. would you like to see it?21:57
hyperstreamz3r0-0n3, some more info, could help solve your issue, such as - i cant see my partition in that window. or an error you could pastebin.21:57
xiambaxI have an old drive i accidently locked while modding an old xbox and now its locked for good21:57
Speedy2Hey all.  Is there a repository with the latest (open source) xfree86-ati driver?  I'm experiencing a problem and need the newest driver.21:57
xiambaxDoes anyone know how to unlock an ATA protected disk?21:57
metho/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games thats all i have21:58
z3r0-0n3arand ?21:58
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arandz3r0-0n3: follow hyperstream21:58
kosharimetho /home/user/bin always goes into your path if you create the folder21:58
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: what is that error you get?21:59
methoah i see... so i just need to reboot??21:59
kosharimetho in fact i dont know why its not default? as first thing i do on a new sys is create home/username/bin dir and plonk all my scripts in there21:59
z3r0-0n3IdleOne: unable to mount location /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt is mounted22:00
alfplayer_Metho: are you sure you have /home/your_username/bin ?22:00
hazriihi all22:00
hyperstreamz3r0-0n3, its already mounted.22:00
alfplayer_Metho: you could just log out and log in22:01
methoit is there and i tried logging out and in and no joy22:01
lumpwhen i run the live cd of 9.10 my wifi card works with no problems but when i install it no longer works. I go into hardware drivers nothing is even shown. running a dell 1545 with the built-in wifi card. Right now i am running 9.04 and it all works fine22:01
novemberhascome2Hi. I enabled SHMConfig like the Ubuntu guide says but I still cannot load gsynaptics.22:02
z3r0-0n3IdleOne: ?22:02
hazriiis there any from of Indonesia22:02
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: that error is telling you that it is already mounted22:03
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novemberhascome2Any suggestions?22:03
arandz3r0-0n3: Are you sure that is the win partition?22:04
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azabachhola como estan por aqui22:04
z3r0-0n3IdleOne: then how do i view my windows partition?22:05
hyperstreamazabach, english?22:05
kosharimetho is your script marked as executable?22:05
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: if you read what hyperstream is telling you it may be usefull.22:05
hyperstream!spanish | azabach22:05
ubottuazabach: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:06
alfplayer_koshari: he said it is a+x22:06
z3r0-0n3I ignored him as you suggested.22:06
novemberhascome2I enabled SHMConfig like the Ubuntu guide says but I still cannot load gsynaptics. Any suggestions?22:06
azabachok me friend22:06
hyperstreamazabach, :)22:06
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: yes, but I thought you meant he was sending you priv messages. I was wrong to suggest that you ignore22:06
azabachi dont have problem22:06
FraxtilDoes anybody know why I don't get a login prompt on any virtual terminals (Ctrl+Alt+F[1-6])? They're definitely there because I can see a blinking cursor on each of them, they just never give me a login prompt.22:06
kosharimetho logging uts not enough , you need to reboot22:06
PiraHi hoping someone can help... on startup, "checking file systems" Starting the firestarter firewall" fails... "Starting samba daemon" just causes the machine to hang.. Any idea how i can log in and remove firestarter and samba ?22:07
harjotguys im having problems with skype22:07
harjotit opens22:07
harjoti call22:07
gregor_and ?22:07
harjotthen after maybe a a few minutes it crashes witha segmentation faul;t22:07
z3r0-0n3he was being arrogant and harassing me. What he was saying was obvious and redundant. I don't intend to take him off. Could you please help me22:07
harjotso any ideas wats wrong?22:08
vilkasi cant decide between ubuntu and OpenSuse. can any1 tell me simple advantages and disatvantages please?22:08
xangua!ot | vilkas22:08
ubottuvilkas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:08
harjotfirstly however, im using a skype package for intrepid aas there is none foor heardy22:08
U-b-u-n-t-uwhen I type tor in the terminal it says [warn] Could not bind to Address already in use. Is Tor already running? but its not running how do I tell what is using this port in ubuntu22:08
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xanguaharjot: do you use the latest beta¿22:08
hyperstreamIdleOne, lol.22:08
dsnydersvilkas, well, with ubuntu you get to hang out here.22:08
Pirasystem hangs when "checking file system" anyone know how i can log in to fix issues?22:09
harjoti cant find one beifre22:09
xanguaharjot: if there is none for hardy them maybe that's the problem22:09
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: honestly I don't know how.22:09
harjotthey dont distribute the oldetr packages22:09
ke1haxb-910-32 login fails after dist-upgrade anyone seeing this?22:09
novemberhascome2I can't enable SHMConfig. Please help.22:09
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: for what it is worth it seemed to me that hyperstream was trying to help you with this issue22:09
harjotxangua: its a beta22:10
harjotxangua: and i cant get an older one22:10
z3r0-0n3IdleOne: you are an op and you don't know how to view a windows partition when the /home dir is encrypted?22:10
arandU-b-u-n-t-u: then tor probably is, does "ps -A | grep tor" give you a process no.?22:10
RiverthiefSup guys22:10
RiverthiefI downloaded steam; and am downloading CSS through it right now. Think it'll work ok? Using wine, obv)22:11
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: I am not an op and unfortunately I don't know how to do everything :/22:11
novemberhascome2Any suggestions, please?22:11
U-b-u-n-t-uarand, ok22:11
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: I don't use encrypted /home so I have never had to deal with it22:11
hyperstream!mount | z3r0-0n322:11
ubottuz3r0-0n3: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount22:11
dsnydersFraxtil, what the response from  ps ax|grep getty22:11
joshtpis there a chan for newbs? i've just started using ubuntu via Wubi but have gotten myself to a GRUB command prompt instead of a menu after upgrading the linux kernel; i've tried everythiing i've come across and i keep getting a Kernel panic22:11
z3r0-0n3my home dir is encrypted could anyone tell me how the one in computer under the places menu. i want to view both my win vista and ubuntu partitions22:11
U-b-u-n-t-uarand, it did22:12
xanguajoshtp: do you tried to run the live cd¿22:12
arandU-b-u-n-t-u: then it is running, (if necessary kill with "sudo killall tor")22:12
U-b-u-n-t-uarand, but why dont I see that under ps xu or processes?22:12
emesit seems that the font that firefox uses is missing some basic characters, i get boxes with "0092" and "0096" in some documents. how do i fix this?22:13
IP-v6Riverthief, I've runned steam cs:s with wine but it didn't work well. low fps, slow gaming22:13
xapelHow do I get album art on my android phone from ubuntu?22:13
joshtpxangua: unfortunately i don't have the CD, though i can boot into my windows machine ok22:13
arandU-b-u-n-t-u: Since it's running as root, and not as your user.22:13
RiverthiefIP-v6, damn =/22:13
Fraxtildsnyders: 24212 pts/1    R+     0:00 grep petty22:13
IP-v6i got ati radeon x1600 video card22:13
Fraxtil24226 pts/1    R+     0:00 grep getty22:14
z3r0-0n3hyperstream: stop wasting your time. maybe you dont normally have better things to do, in that case I recommend creating better things to do.22:14
joshtpxangua: i mean linux install, of course i have both on the same machine22:14
IP-v6i think you got better video card, try it : )22:14
z3r0-0n3hyperstream: you're not helping me and the only messages i see from you are the ubottu ones22:14
joshtpxangua: i tried everythin i could find about grub commands for booting but none work22:14
arandU-b-u-n-t-u: ps aux (a -- all users) would show it I think22:14
dsnydersFraxtil, do you know which run level you're starting up?22:15
muri_oneis there much difference between aptitude and apt these days?22:15
Fraxtildsnyders: I've tried checking my runlevel, it just says "unknown"22:15
xapelHow do I get album art on my android phone from ubuntu?22:15
hyperstreamz3r0-0n3, thats because you have me on ignore, while requestion help. since you cannot see my messages, i have to give you info based via the bot. go READ (Someone relay this to him please)22:15
Piraanyone know how to get passed a system hang on boot up ??22:15
z3r0-0n3my home dir is encrypted could anyone tell me how the one in computer under the places menu. i just want to view my windows dir. could anyone please help?22:15
hyperstream!repeat | z3r0-0n322:16
ubottuz3r0-0n3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:16
z3r0-0n3lol try getting a life22:16
U-b-u-n-t-uanyone know a good help channel for tor beside "tor" I know im not suppose to ask tor only questions here so i wont22:16
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IdleOnehyperstream if he doesn't want your help you can't force him. z3r0-0n3 you are limiting your chances at resolving this issue but not taking his help.22:17
jiohdiI have an intel dual processor computer 64 bit... but I only see amd 64 ubuntu... will that work?22:17
hyperstreamIdleOne, he can quit repeating his question so frequently. suggest he tried google or something.22:17
z3r0-0n3IdleOne: i explained why he was on ignore. please drop it.22:17
gyles19I (foolishly, in retrospect) allowed update-manager on my 9.04 laptop to proceed unattended the other day. When I came back, the laptop was unresponsive, so I power-cycled it. Now it boots through grub, loads the Ubuntu-cylon splash, then dies in mountall with an "undefined symbol and ..terminated with status 127." I've been googling all week trying to find a way to repair this failed update without completely reinstalling again.  Is 22:18
`mOOse`I think you're being dense, personally22:18
microlithjiohdi: yes, both the AMD and Intel 64-bit x86 cpus use the same instruction set22:18
z3r0-0n3IdleOne: how would you know if he is helping me if you know nothing about this subject?22:18
novemberhascome2I can't enable SHMConfig. Please help.22:18
jrib!synaptics | novemberhascome222:18
ubottunovemberhascome2: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad22:18
jiohdimicrolith: if I installed the 32, is there a way to upgrade to 64 without a full reinstall?22:18
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: I know that he is trying by offering advice. more then anyone else has22:18
hyperstreamgyles19, all week, suggestion from me would be to clean install 9.10, but backup any data before hand :(22:18
novemberhascome2jrib: I already looked at that and did what it said.22:18
macman_guys question .. my resolution is fine but i don't like it .. i would like all icons all windows everything smaller .. how would i do this ?22:18
microlithjiohdi: no22:18
novemberhascome2jrib: It still tells me that SHMConfig has not been enabled.22:18
jribnovemberhascome2: what did you do exactly?22:18
z3r0-0n3IdleOne: please drop it or ill have to place you on ignore as well22:19
jiohdimicrolith: is there a noticable difference?22:19
novemberhascome2jrib: Put the stuff into the .fdi file.22:19
microlithyou can save your home directory if you put /home on its own partition22:19
jribnovemberhascome2: and rebooted?22:19
IdleOnez3r0-0n3: be my guest22:19
microlithjiohdi: depeds, do you have a lot of devices or more than 3GB of RA?22:19
novemberhascome2jrib: Absolutely.22:19
gyles19Thanks for responding, Hypersteam. I had 9.10 on this laptop (Old thinkpad t23) but 9.10's sound is so broken I went back to 9.04. I had other issues with 9.10, don't recall what they were now.22:19
jiohdimicrolith: I have 4G ram22:19
jribnovemberhascome2: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:19
microlithjiohdi: then you need to go 64-bit22:19
novemberhascome2jrib: For what?22:20
jribnovemberhascome2: for anything interesting22:20
hyperstreamgyles19, ahh yes i endured alot of pain with 9.10 on this laptop also, how ever all my main desktops are running flawless22:20
z3r0-0n3my home dir is encrypted could anyone tell me how to open my windows dir, or my entire "hard drive"? the one in computer under the places menu. could anyone please help?22:20
dsnydersFraxtil, What is the response from who -r22:20
jolarenI installed Ubuntu server from annother computer. Now when I put it inside of my real server I get this error: "No network devices found"22:20
jribz3r0-0n3: open nautilus, there's nothing special to it22:20
Fraxtildsnyders: nothing22:20
hyperstreamgyles19, what kind of sound card do you have? perhaps they have fixed the issue in 9.10?22:20
jolarenI installed Ubuntu server from annother computer. Now when I put it inside of my real server I get this error: "No network devices found"22:20
novemberhascome2jrib: (WW) intel(0): Unknown vendor-specific block f is the only thing I see.22:20
arandjiohdi: one possibility is to use the -pae kernel, which will allow more memory while still on 32bit..22:20
jribnovemberhascome2: pastebin please22:21
z3r0-0n3jrib: as i mentioned, it cant be mounted because of an error22:21
muri_onegyles19: i'd try using a boot cd, chrooting into your system and trying to repair/reinstall packages from there22:21
novemberhascome2jrib: my /var/log/Xorg.0.log?22:21
hyperstreamjrib, its already mounted(his error)22:21
jribz3r0-0n3: you didn't mention that...22:21
jiohdiarand, how do I do that without trashing everything... and having a degree in systems engineering22:21
dsnydersFraxtil, nothing?  Odd.22:21
jribnovemberhascome2: yes22:21
gyles19Hyperstream, it's fine in 9.04, it's broken in 9.10.  That's why I'm back at 9.04. Until update-manager went nuts the other day, I was fine.22:21
microlithusing --pae these days is pointless22:21
novemberhascome2jrib: All of it or the last 100 lines?22:22
jribnovemberhascome2: all of it, pastebin is free :)22:22
dsnydersFraxtil, what about just plain who?22:22
z3r0-0n3jrib: in any case is there anything you could do to help me? that would be much appreciated.22:22
hyperstreamgyles19, :(, lspci and if you could please, let me know what card/chip etc it is, ill have a google around to see if its supported in 9.10, sounds like your 9.04 is definatly broken ;/.22:22
jribz3r0-0n3: explain the error22:22
novemberhascome2jrib: http://pastebin.ca/178950222:22
arandmicrolith: not if you require 32bit otherwise..22:22
`mOOse`and was it EVER mounted?22:22
z3r0-0n3jrib: unable to mount location /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt is mounted22:23
gyles19Muri_one, is there a howto for doing that anywhere around?  I don't know what happened with update-manager, I left it running when I went to work...  Is there an 'undo' for update-managers? recent actions?22:23
Fraxtildsnyders: if it matters, here's what I've got in the ctrl+alt+f8 terminal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140039622:23
Fraxtildsnyders: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1fb6f21122:23
harjotum guys do you know where i can get an older version of skype22:23
jribz3r0-0n3: I presume that has nothing to do with windows though22:23
z3r0-0n3jrib: i think i realize why now! both OSes are encrypted22:23
jribz3r0-0n3: ah, then ok22:23
jribz3r0-0n3: I don't know if you can mount encrypted ntfs or not22:23
`mOOse`z3r0-0n3, have you ever been able to see the windows drive?22:23
`mOOse`did this just happen or?22:24
z3r0-0n3`mOOse`: no22:24
Goliathi use the winetricks script, and got a dll. where is it saved?22:24
jribnovemberhascome2: what ubuntu version?22:24
`mOOse`if ntfs is encrypted....um....I would think that would be a problem for a foreign OS to see22:24
`mOOse`I could be wrong but22:24
jolarenHow do I reconfigure my network device? It cannot find my connection! It's because I installed ubuntu server from annother computer22:25
`mOOse`of course, some enterprising genius has probably written a little routine to fix that22:25
Speedy2What's the package that gives me all the common development tools (autoconf, gcc, headers, etc)?22:25
`mOOse`just finding it though lol22:25
novemberhascome2jrib: 9.10.22:25
jribSpeedy2: build-essential22:25
Speedy2jrib, Thanks22:25
darthanubis!info build-essential22:25
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (karmic), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB22:25
z3r0-0n3`mOOse`: too bad there's not a encryption channel22:25
`mOOse`yea, it would certainly be better than me lol22:25
willie!info ssh-agent22:26
ubottuPackage ssh-agent does not exist in karmic22:26
willie!info ssh-add22:26
ubottuPackage ssh-add does not exist in karmic22:26
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)22:26
Riverthief!info Ws22:26
ubottuPackage Ws does not exist in karmic22:26
muri_onegyles19: if there is a partially installed package or something you can usually just unsinstall and reinstall.. sometimes apt will tell you how to repair it...22:26
jribSpeedy2: is this a default install?  What have you done to the system since installing?  It seems strange i810 fails. Also, did you create an xorg.conf for some reason?22:26
williethanks ubottu - if you are a person22:26
z3r0-0n3`mOOse`: well thanks for your help anyway. should have thought that out.22:26
muri_onegyles19: maybe this will help get yous started? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15725022:26
midmichmarkHello all ..... ubuntu newbie here with printer questions!22:26
darthanubiswillie: he aint22:26
z3r0-0n3*I* should have22:26
darthanubis!printer > muri_one22:27
ubottumuri_one, please see my private message22:27
gyles19muri_one: No idea, it won't boot properly, it dies running 'mountall' with a missing symbol.22:27
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williebut darthanubis  iss  - thanks mate :-)22:27
kazaa_litehi all.... i have installed monit and it is running.... now how to get my application registered to monit so that if it crashes, monit should start it22:27
gyles19Murione, let me look that over...22:27
novemberhascome2jrib: You around?22:27
jribnovemberhascome2: yes22:27
harjotanyone know of any place to get an older skype package?22:27
jribSpeedy2: erm, ignore that22:27
infidis there a signal you can send to a GUI app that stops it from continuing to do anything but doesn't kill the process all together?22:27
muri_onedarthanubis: wrong person22:27
jribnovemberhascome2: is this a default install?  What have you done to the system since installing?  It seems strange i810 fails. Also, did you create an xorg.conf for some reason?22:28
* harjot sits around scratching his head22:28
darthanubismuri_one: sorry22:28
darthanubis!patience | harjot22:28
IP-v6gyles19, i saw a topic on ubuntuforums maybe it will work22:28
ubottuharjot: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:28
midmichmarkI cannot get my Minolta Magicolo 2300DL to print in color via ubuntu. I used the driver that came with this release of ubuntu (9.1.0). Any ideas?22:28
novemberhascome2jrib: This is basically a default install. I didn't do any major changes to the system. I did create an xorg.conf at a point but removed it.22:28
IP-v6gyles19, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130286622:28
harjotdarthanubis: soz22:28
darthanubis!printer > midmichmark22:28
ubottumidmichmark, please see my private message22:28
jribnovemberhascome2: do you know why i810 would be failing?22:28
novemberhascome2I don't even know what that is, jrib.22:29
muri_onegyles19: the bit about the kernel may are may not apply to you. couldhn't hurt to reinstall it anyway. the point is you should be able to use apt from there to reinstall/fix any packages if that is the source of your problems22:29
jribnovemberhascome2: it's a video driver.  Are you sure the install completed successfully?22:29
novemberhascome2jrib: Well, if you ask like that, no!22:30
EntityRebornI have an ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series] Graphics card (in a toshiba laptop). Are there any better drivers that I can get (besides the ones included in Ubuntu?). Having a bit of interesting OpenGL problems22:30
novemberhascome2jrib: I'm using Compiz and it's working.22:30
fixxxermetCan anyone point me to a recommended disk partitioning scheme for Ubuntu Desktop?22:31
edoceoSo I've got this old Feisty machine - was going to update to Hardy; are the Gutsy packages still around? or can I go from Feisty to Hardy w/o using Gutsy in middle?22:31
pumuky1Hallo. I've updated my laptop, which uses U9.10, and now when I reboot, opens grub and ubunt doesn't start. How can I repair grub? (I installed it using wubi)22:31
jrib!upgrade | edoceo22:31
ubottuedoceo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:31
jribedoceo: that link should tell you about old-releases.ubuntu.com22:31
darthanubisfixxxermet: no, because they is totally dependent on your machien and your needs which would exhaust the scope of this forum22:32
pumuky1I execute apt-get upgrade22:32
edoceojrib: nope - read those they asll say "To avoid damaging your system, upgrading should only be done from one release to the next release"22:32
pumuky1I executed apt-get upgrade22:32
jribnovemberhascome2: I don't know.  Certainly, the instructions on ubottu's link should be sufficient.  The log doesn't mention shmconfig at all (I believe it does if it tries to enable it).  See if you can figure out the package responsible for and make sure it's installed ok.  I have to go now though22:32
novemberhascome2jrib: OK.22:33
jribedoceo: yes, and if you read the gutsy upgrade page it will tell you how to do so22:33
jribedoceo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:33
CryptIce7is there a way to suppress output from a shell script.  example:   killall apache   should not display "Process not found" when it doesn't exist.22:33
justine777wHello. I am trying to install my Dell 720 Printer. I have looked at all the forums and have tried what they said, but it does not seem to be working. help?22:34
edoceojust found it , thx22:34
jribCryptIce7: you usually want output... but redirect it to /dev/null if you want22:34
jiohdimicrolith: is there a way to tell the 64 to install itself over the 32 bit installation?22:34
hyperstreamjiohdi, uninstall/remove/purge the 32bit installation22:34
jiohdihyperstream: how?22:34
hyperstreamjiohdi, what have you installed? how did you install it?22:35
VegonanonHi friends22:35
jiohdihyperstream: I installed 32 bit 9.10 on a 64 bit dual core machine via cd22:36
RiverthiefI started to play CS:S in wine22:36
defryskjiohdi, howmuch ram you have ?22:36
hyperstreamjiohdi, ahh, then you need to use 32bit software22:36
RiverthiefNow that I've quit22:36
jiohdidefrysk: 4g22:36
RiverthiefI'm stuck in 640x480 res22:36
erUSULCryptIce7:  killall apache > /dev/null 2>&122:36
Riverthief(1366x768 screen22:36
hyperstreamjiohdi, if you want to use 64bit stuff, you will need to reinstall the 64 bit version of ubuntu22:36
defryskjiohdi, upto 4 gigs 64 bit is useless22:36
Riverthiefbrb, I'll try a logout22:36
laumonierhow can i make an usb key bootable????22:37
jiohdidefrysk: technically it says I have 3.7G so its ok to keep 32 bit?22:37
defryskjiohdi, correct22:37
justine777wI am trying yo install my Dell 720 Printer. I have read the forums and tried what they said, but it is not working. Am I missing something? I am not sure what I did wrong.22:37
VegonanonHi boys, is here anybody who knows more about RPM packages, right whitch language is written by?22:37
macman_i have a 64bit dell running ubuntu 32 bit .. does my resolution suck cause im not running ubuntu x64 ?22:37
darthanubislaumonier: look in your menu for the application that says exactly that?22:37
jiohdidefrysk: so I would not notice any improvements22:37
defryskjiohdi, correct22:38
darthanubismacman_: of course not22:38
LjLVegonanon: try asking #ubuntu-offtopic (since RPM isn't even Ubuntu's package format)22:38
ZykoticK9macman_, resolution is unrelated to 32/64 bit22:38
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darthanubismacman do you know what kind of videocard you have?22:38
VegonanonLjL, okay sorry, I am still forgoting ...22:38
=== wOLFF is now known as wOLFFFF
macman_ok cool ZykoticK9 or darthanubis  im used to a 1900x900 and now i have a 1600x900 .. how do i make everything smaller for my resolution22:38
macman_darthanubis: yes one sec22:38
jiohdidefrysk: there is no way to just upgrade from one to the other?22:39
killazmac man u have to set your resolution22:39
defryskjiohdi, backuo and fresh install22:39
macman_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2a42] (rev 0722:39
darthanubismacman_: do you know the NATIVE resolution for your monitor22:39
laumonierhow can i make an usb key bootable????i try with gparted i put the flag bootable on a fat32 usb key but i cant boot it            someone could help me?22:39
macman_killaz: i have it sucks22:39
jiohdidefrysk: what would have to be different for the 64 bit to be noticable?22:39
macman_darthanubis: i will look22:39
defryskjiohdi, more ram22:40
killazmacman u mean stuck or suck22:40
darthanubis!repeat | laumonier22:40
ubottulaumonier: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:40
jiohdidefrysk: so even 4 G is meaningless these days?22:40
wOLFFFhey hey22:40
defryskjiohdi, for 64bit yesw22:40
macman_darthanubis: a native resolution of 1,440 by 900 pixels.22:41
ekim1joihdi:  you wouldnt notice any diffeu rence unless you went to 6 or more ram.22:41
justine777wneed help installing printer. ubuntu forums not helping.22:41
killazok lol maybe u need upgrade ur card its not really a good resolution22:41
darthanubismacman_: and your trying to run at unsafe resolutions why?22:41
jolarenWhat should I do? My internet is not working but if I run dhclient eth1 then it works.. how should the line look like in /etc/network/interfaces?22:41
jiohdidefrysk: the dual core will still work though, right?22:41
defryskjiohdi, oh yes22:41
defryskworks fine22:41
macman_darthanubis: im fine with the resolution .. its just that all my windows i have open are to big .. i want to some how shirnk all windows / icons so that they fit22:42
FraxtilI think I may have found my problem.22:42
darthanubismacman_: you'll have to put some effort into blowing up your hardware in Linux22:42
killazkeep alt and click and moove it22:42
macman_darthanubis: let me post a screensoht22:42
defryskjiohdi, even frequency scaling monitor works fine22:42
killazso u can resize it<22:42
mobi-sheepjiohdi: Think of the car. Is there any advantages of owning a 8 cylinders over 4 cylinders? The end results of arriving at your destination are same.22:42
darthanubismacman_: why don't you treat us to some screenshots, because your description is too vague22:42
jiohdimobi-sheep: I would think the comparison would be reversed as the 64 bit machine would get you there more economically22:43
jiohdiand quicker22:43
macman_darthanubis: can gconf-editor help me with resolution stuff ?22:44
defryskjiohdi, think of a 8 cyl car utilizing 4 cilynders22:44
mobi-sheepjiohdi: Only if you pressed the pedal to the metal. (ie encoding DVDs).22:44
darthanubismacman_: no22:44
FraxtilFor anyone who may be interested: I solved my problem concerning having no virtual terminals by reverting to my original /etc/network/interfaces file. It needed the "lo" loopback interface.22:44
darthanubismacman_: again, no way to tell with the way you describe it22:44
defryskabove 4 ram 64 bit can utilize all 8 cilynders22:44
killazmacman did you search on google set resolution manually ?22:44
killazfor ubuntu22:44
jiohdidefrysk: so as long as I dont need gamer cpu stuffy I will never notice the difference22:45
defryskpoor analogy but hey22:45
defryskjiohdi, just use 32 bit then, youl never noticv e the diff22:45
justine777whaving printer installation issues.22:45
pw-toxici have installed ebox, but cant access it via the web interface, because i already have apache installed ;(22:45
defryski also use 32 bit on a 64 bit laptop22:45
mobi-sheepjiohdi: Err. If you want to stick with 32bit, that is fine. The only con is that you would not take the full advantage your hardware have to offer.22:45
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository22:46
darthanubisjiohdi: you cann't notice a differnce that you are not exposed to22:46
cphllps2hi, i need help connecting to a wireless router on ubuntu22:46
killazi got ubuntu 64 bit i think its a lot better since u can install maya 2009 64 bit on it and a bunch of software22:46
darthanubis!wireless > cphllps222:46
ubottucphllps2, please see my private message22:46
killaznever had problem on 64 bit22:46
switch10_if I am dual booting several Linux OS's, it's ok if they all share a swap partition right?22:46
mobi-sheepswitch10_: Right.22:46
macman_meh .. i just realized .. my mac at work is 1440x900 .. but i uses spaces with that all the time22:47
darthanubispw-toxic: you have apache installed dbut down't know how to configure it?22:47
switch10_mobi-sheep: thanks22:47
ekim1switch10_, cant they also share /home22:47
pw-toxicdarthanubis, yes i hav configured it manually, but i dont know where the ebox web page can be found on my computer22:47
switch10_ekim1: yeah i know.  just checking the swap thing22:47
pw-toxicdarthanubis, so would define a subdomain myself.. but i cant ;(22:47
darthanubispw-toxic: read the ebox documentation it explicity tells you22:48
ekim1switch10_, I actually wasnt sure so just checking...kinda new at this linux stuff.22:48
pw-toxicim already reading it ;( but it is so long and i dont know where to find this information ;(22:49
jef91Howdy all22:49
darthanubispw-toxic: obviously only read the pertainent part22:49
jef91Anyone here use ever use acidrip for ripping dvds?22:49
justine777wneed help installing a printer please22:49
jef91justine777w What kind of printer?22:49
darthanubis!printer > jef9122:50
ubottujef91, please see my private message22:50
darthanubis!printer > justine777w22:50
ubottujustine777w, please see my private message22:50
darthanubisjef91: yes22:50
justine777wjef91: dell 720 but i am told it is the same as the lexmarks z60022:50
jef91darthasnubis - Have you ever had a video file ripped get like lines and such across it at certain points?22:51
darthanubisjef91: thats why I dropped it for handbrake22:51
ekim1justine777w, did you try to install it as z600?22:51
jef91darthaunbis - hand brake doesn't see my dvd drive for some reason...22:51
cphllps2man, i am having a very hard time with this, i am very new to ubuntu22:51
justine777wekim1: i dont know how. I tried using the forums and installing redhat like i was supposed to but it is not working and now i am getting error messages in terminal when i try to continue22:52
Dantonichi, I'm a little lost, just trying to install java Run time environment on Ubuntu 9.10...  followed instructions on this link.. http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp  anyone have any input22:52
darthanubiscphllps2: it'd be better for you to start with searchign the forums and posting there. Things go by too fast here for a new person22:52
ekim1justine777w, what OS are you running?22:52
paissad_what is the commande to change keyboard map , i do know loadkeys fr , but i have X running ^^22:52
jef91Dantonic - in terminal run: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin22:52
darthanubisDantonic: you were not supposed to follow that. You were supposed to install from the repositiories.22:53
justine777wekim1: Ubuntu 9.1022:53
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:53
darthanubis!info ubuntu-restricted-extras22:53
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 36 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB22:53
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository22:53
Dantonicoh... darn well darthanubis do I have to somehow uninstall that first now??22:53
darthanubisjust delete all that garbage and do it the way jef91 and I suggest22:54
darthanubisubuntu-restricted-extras is what you want22:54
trismjust so you know, java is no longer including in ubuntu-restricted-extras22:54
ekim1justine777w, did you try system/admin/printing, then select new and have Ubuntu show you a list of drivers?22:54
jef91Dantonic - in terminal run: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin22:55
darthanubistrism: that is icedtea?22:55
YouDidWutAnyone know how to save a mac change so that I don't have to change it every time I start my computer up?22:55
justine777wekim1: yes i did and the dell 720 is not there and the lexmarks z600 is not there. apparently i have to download cups or something. I am confuse22:55
YouDidWutmac address change*22:55
Dantonicok ty... just another question I performed this step following those instructions... not sure what it does:  Create the symbolic link ln -s <Java installation directory>/plugin/i386/ ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so22:55
darthanubisYouDidWut: your router?22:55
Dantonicdo I have to undo that first?22:56
darthanubisDantonic: I did that for my 64bit system to give me a native 64bit java plufgin22:56
ekim1justine777w, you will have to find another compatible one or try the cups thing.22:56
YouDidWutdarthanubis, It's not the router, it's a wireless adapter...22:56
darthanubisI kept that change as it works22:56
cryptkUbuntu how I love you... but you don't love me... my mouse constantly freezes... so while we have had good times in the past... nobody on IRC or the forum knows why this is happening...22:56
darthanubisYouDidWut: but your router would keep pthe mac assignments and or spoof them if it is a decent router22:57
justine777wekim1: i dont know how to do the cups thing. I was wondering if someone could take me through step by step on how to do it. I looked at the ubuntu forums and I just do not understand them.22:57
dinobiskIs it possible not to view the "video area" and the playlist when playing audio files in Totem? They take up too much space.22:57
jef91cryptk Ubuntu version and is it a new install?22:57
darthanubiscryptk: because it is not Ubuntu, it is your HW22:57
cryptkjef91 9.10 fresh install22:57
jef91Does it do the same on other distros?22:57
darthanubismouse freeze is always indicative of hardware being subpar22:57
cryptkdarthanubis: it was working great until the HD died, then i did a fresh install...22:57
ekim1justine777w, is it a choice under the system/admin/printer...should show cups as an option.22:58
Dantonicjef91, :Package sun-java6-plugin is not available, but is referred to by another package22:58
cryptkdarthanubis it is a Logitech G7 and worked great before the HD crach, and works great in windows22:58
justine777wekim1: where?22:58
jef91Dantonic - open Synaptic (System->Administration->Synaptic) and search for "java"22:58
Dantonicdo I have to enable a repository?22:58
jef91Dantonic - maybe I know I always have medibuntu added on my systems (first thing I always do) so it might be in there22:59
cryptkthat is what gets me... it was working perfect, I loved it.. and now that I am on a fresh install (you would think it would work great) the mouse freezes shortly after bootup22:59
darthanubisDantonic: yes, it is in synaptic, check all the obvious boxes to check under repositories22:59
cryptkwhen it first go's into the OS the mouse works, then anywhere from 5 seconds to 5 minutes later the mouse stops working...22:59
darthanubiscommunity sources and such22:59
jef91Dantonic fyi - this is reason number 326 I suggest Mint over Ubuntu :)22:59
darthanubisDantonic: +1 jef91 and look at medibuntu23:00
Dantonicok so I see sun-java6-bin already installed version 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.0423:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:00
Dantonichowever when I do the test on the java website to see if an applet works it does not...23:00
cryptkanyone have any other ideas to try before I swap distros?23:00
jef91Dantonic - add the medibuntu repos23:00
Dantonicand under firefox the "javan enabled" box ix marked23:00
reya276I'm trying to mount an ipod touch with gtkpod but it tells me it can't create the /ipod directory in /media/. Can anyone help me with this23:00
ekim1justine777w, go to system/admin/printer, then choose new printer and then it should check for printers and show you what it finds and cups is usually a choice.  If not, try applications/add-remove software and install cups.23:00
Dantonicjef91, all right how do I go about doing that?23:01
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:01
=== wombatman is now known as smartasstronaut
Dantonicnm jef91 checking it out atm23:01
gyles19Ok, To the several kind folks who sent me links: 1 links leads to a hardware clock fix, that's not the error I'm getting.  Another link suggested booting from a liveCD, using chroot into the broken partition, and using apt/dpkg to fix things.  I'm looking for a HOWTO for doing that. My experience fixing broken packages dates back to RedHat RPMs and that simpler environment.23:01
mrproperWhich config file stores my WPA keys for SSIDs?23:01
jef91Dantonic Good boy :) search "medibuntu" on help.ubuntu.com23:02
justine777wekim1: i do not see add/remove software.23:02
ke1ha_Xbuntu 9.10 user login failure after dist-upgrade & reboot. Anyone else seeing this ? had to log on with user "other".23:02
erUSULmrproper: Aplications>Accessories>Seahorse first tab23:02
ekim1justine777w, it is not under the applications menu tab?23:02
justine777wekim1: no23:02
TCHebbcryptk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3003669&postcount=3223:02
jef91justine777w ekim1 As of 9.10 add/remove programs has been replaced by the software center23:03
mrpropererUSUL, Would that be "Passwords and Encryption"?23:03
erUSULmrproper: yes23:03
ekim1justine777w, that is new to me as I am on 9.0423:03
mrproperNice, thanks.23:03
ekim1jef91, thanks for the tip.23:03
justine777wjef91: how do i install cups?23:03
jef91justine777w - should be installed by default, in terminal run: dpkg -l cups*23:04
jef91and let me know what it says23:04
gnarwalI'm trying to reset my preferences in Inkscape to default but I can't find the preference folder. Where is it located?23:05
justine777wjef91: how do i get to the pastebin so i can show u the outcome23:05
Dantonicjef91, all right I added the repos... what now? should I see more java options in the package manager? I dont23:05
jef91Dantonic: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin23:06
jef91justine777w : pastebin.com23:06
Dantonicah ok23:06
erUSULgnarwal: ~/.config/inkscape/23:06
jef91Dantonic - guis are for people who have time to waste ;)23:06
gnarwalerUSUL, thanks a lot mate23:07
justine777wjef91: http://pastebin.com/m4f6c7b4a23:07
Dantonicjef91, The following packages have unmet dependencies:  sun-java6-plugin: Depends: sun-java6-bin (= 6-15-1) but 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.04 is to be installed23:08
jef91Yea - justine777w cups is installed on your computer, let me see what I can find on your printer23:08
aghasterI'm using ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop with a t6670 processor that supports intel vT23:08
Dantonicso I gotta get 6-15-1 first?23:08
wOLFFFI have a server with 6 ips and was wondering how to assign individual users with different ips23:08
aghasterI've enabled intel vt in the bios, but virtualbox will throw an error saying that while vt is enabled, it couldn't use it23:08
justine777wfuse2010: i do not know what cups is23:08
jef91Dantonic - try this: sudo apt-get purge sun-java6* && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin23:08
aghasterI've uninstalled kvm and made sure the module wasn't running23:08
the_real_dave!cups | justine777w:23:08
ubottujustine777w:: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows23:09
aghasteris there any way to check what program is currently locking intel vt?23:09
MK13wOLFFF, just assign then all static ip's ?23:09
jef91the_real_dave - thats not very helpful to what she needs23:09
Dantonichaha it's installing jef91 thanks23:09
jef91Dantonic - very good. That should do the trick23:09
the_real_davejef91: I didn't get the full conversation. Excuse me if it was misplaced23:09
igiei'm using a live cd... my system hangs on boot up at *Starting samba daemon" any way to get past that or even to just log in so I can fix it by uninstalling winbind??23:10
Kismethey guys, have small prob. my iphone won't be recognized anymore in ubuntu23:10
Kismeti cann see it in /media/iphone23:10
jef91justine777w When you go to System->Administration->Printing - Does it find/show your printer?23:10
justine777wjef91: nope23:11
jef91igie - remove it from /etc/init.d on your hard drive23:11
wOLFFF[ MK13: ] yes the network has a range starting with .214 - .220 trying to assoiciate lets say user jim to .214 and user same to .215 ect23:11
wOLFFFsame = Sam **23:11
Kismetanyone any idea how i can see it23:11
igiejef91: I can't seem to find my home folder /home/igie, will it work if i delete it from /etc/init.d ??23:12
MK13wOLFFF,  do you want that to be handled by the dhcp server or just set the static ip up on the client side of jim's and same's computer?23:12
Dantonicjef91, I can't press the <Ok> button on the terminal based installation prompt...23:12
jef91dantonic - press tab and then enter ;)23:12
igiejef91: I mean, i'm on a live cd, dosn't it block me from accessing user data?23:12
Dantonicoh lol sorry23:12
jef91igie - mount your hard drive - no it will not. LiveCD = super user23:13
jef91justine777w - check out http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Dell-Photo_Printer_720 , still looking for something more useful23:13
igiejef91: thanks I will give it a shot23:13
=== Gateway is now known as Guest63836
capronkazaa_lite,   haha do you use this kazaa program ?23:13
Dantonicjef91, Setting up sun-java6-plugin (6-15-1) ... so I guess it is done? now I have 6-15-1? now I can install 6-16-1?23:13
the_real_dave!hi | sebsebseb23:13
ubottusebsebseb: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:13
wOLFFF[ MK13: ] well the goal was so they can both run processes from the same port assigning them seperate IPs to make that possible23:14
kazaa_litecapron: nopes... never:D23:14
kazaa_litebut  i have been using this nick since 2003 so i will just stick to it now forever23:14
jef91Dantonic - it should be all installed. Try the online java check23:14
capronkazaa_lite,   :-)   I tried it and it was kind of okey ,   But then torrent en DC++ tok over23:15
jef91justine777w Check this: http://dgtlmoon.com/dell_720_printer_lexmark_z600_printer_on_debian_sarge23:15
MK13wOLFFF, i am not understanding your setup... if you have the server acting as the dhcp server then it can be done all on it23:15
ArsinCan someone help me out with Folding@Home?23:15
jef91Arsin - what are you having an issue with?23:15
kazaa_litecapron: ahhhhhh...... but you can try me, i wont diappoint you23:15
sebsebsebkazaa_lite:  capron   Piracy naughtey naughtey!23:16
Arsinjef91: I'm running it in termina and it's been running fo 15min and not a step has been completed. Any idea why?23:16
kazaa_litei wont disappoint you (iff you are a girl:p)23:16
jef91Arsin - computer specks? Sometimes it can just take awhile.23:16
kazaa_litesebsebseb: everyone is invited:P23:16
capronkazaa_lite,    Hmm no kazaa under ubuntu  (  apt-cache search kazaa )   do it run under wine23:17
Arsinjef91: I'm embarrased to say, P4 3.0GHz. With Win7 it was completing steps faster though23:17
sebsebseb!piracy |  kazaa_lite capron23:17
ubottukazaa_lite capron: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o23:17
the_real_daveArsin: what CPU do you have? Folding@Home can be take quite a while, and if your using other programs at the same time, F@H gets to use less23:17
igiejef91: I tried  "sudo mount ext3 /dev/sdb1" to mount my hard drive, doesn't seem to work. Did I do it wrong?23:17
RevolutionMastaEver since the kernel update from 2.6.31-14 to 2.6.31-15, I've been having issues with my power management23:17
capronubottu,  okey23:17
kazaa_litecapron: hehehe23:17
wOLFFF[ MK13: ] Yea just wasnt sure how to associate or bind a user using IP.214 and another user IP.215 ect23:17
peepsaloti had a softawre raid array set up, and i just upgraded my motherboard.  now it does not recognize the array.  does anyone know what I need to do to fix this?23:17
jef91igie Does it show your hard drive in Places?23:17
peepsaloti think it must have something to do with the drive numbers being rearranged now23:18
kazaa_liteoka.... me going to bed now....... its 11:18PM23:18
the_real_daveArsin: a PIV 516? :) Same as me, F@H runs fine :) I can't remember exactly how many points per day though23:18
igiejef91: wow, i feel like an idiot... thanks man.. its there23:18
jef91igie lol NP23:18
sebsebseb!women > kazaa_lite23:18
ubottukazaa_lite, please see my private message23:18
Arsinthe_real_dave: How do I check my points? And also do I need to register on the site or?23:18
RevolutionMastaNormally, in 2.6.31-14, when I'd close the lid of my laptop (EEE 1000HE), it would recognize that I had closed the lid, and go into sleep mode. It's still set to go into sleep mode, but in 2.6.31-15, 2.6.31-16, and 2.6.31-19, it won't recognize that the lid is clozed.23:18
RevolutionMastaIt will however go into sleep mode if I manually tell it to.23:19
jef91I do system rescue with live discs alot ;)23:19
PeterT!women > kazaa_lite23:19
ubottukazaa_lite, please see my private message23:19
ke1ha_@Arsin .. check points where, locally or overall ?23:19
wOLFFF[ MK13: ] and have them able to login using that associated IP23:19
PeterT!women > PeterT23:19
ubottuPeterT, please see my private message23:19
erUSULpeepsalot: what type of software raid; linux software raid?23:19
ubottuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.23:19
jef91RevolutionMasta - You know I noticed the same thing on my 900A EEE PC23:19
kazaa_litePeterT: gotcha23:19
wOLFFF[ MK13: ] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8790124#post8790124 here was our post23:19
kazaa_litePeterT: are you from london?23:19
walterola pessoal náo estou consequindo23:19
PeterTkazaa_lite: haha23:19
peepsaloterUSUL, yeah it was set up originally with mdadm23:20
the_real_daveArsin: you can go on their site and search for your username, or install something like F@H monitor. There's a really good guide for installing it on UBuntu, if you give me a sec I'll find it for you23:20
erUSUL!br | walter23:20
ubottuwalter: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:20
walterconfigurar o grub2 para reconhecer a parti;áo23:20
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Bruk0utubuntu-pt tambem23:20
Guest11768o sistema do windows vista23:20
erUSULpeepsalot: i would ask in #ubuntu-server23:20
ujjainUbuntu has so many channels.23:20
Guest11768que tenho arquivos  e algum programas23:20
igiejef91: it won't let me delete it, says permission denied :s23:20
RevolutionMastajef91: I can still fall back onto 2.6.31-14, but it's a bit annoying being out of date.23:20
jef91igie - in terminal gksudo nautilus23:21
RevolutionMastaAnyone got any ideas as to the solution for the lack of lid-closing recognition?23:21
Guest11768alquem sabe qual e o arquivo que configuro para reconhecer a parti;áo23:21
sebsebseb!pt  | Guest1176823:21
ubottuGuest11768: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:21
MK13wOLFFF, so you have 1 computer which has 6 ports, each of which goes to a different client?23:21
Speedy2jrib, What was the package again?  build-??23:21
Guest11768no grub223:21
ujjain!nl | Ujjain23:21
ubottuujjain, please see my private message23:21
* DIL is going to watch the super bowl23:21
Bruk0utcan anyone tell me if ubuntu has the open source ATI radeon driver "out of the box"?23:21
ujjainobuttu: aaargh23:21
Picisebsebseb: do you have a moment for a pm?23:21
jef91RevolutionMasta - Nine Times out of ten if all your hardware works on the older kernel there is 0 reason to update to the new one... this is one of the reasons I like Linux Mint so much23:21
IneptGo saints :)23:21
Speedy2Bruk0ut, Yes it does have the ATI opensource radeon out of the box, but it may give you issues.23:21
erUSULBruk0ut: it does have it; yes23:21
icerootRevolutionMasta: have a look at the eeepc-kernel out there (dont know the link so maybe google is the solution). its a special (current) kernel for eeepc23:21
sebsebsebPici: yeah23:21
kazaa_litePeterT: actually this is something great you told me23:21
PeterTkazaa_lite: What is?23:22
igiejef91: when I do that , I don't see the drive in places. it shows in /home a ubuntu user and not igie.23:22
Bruk0utok, i think its ok, but I tried to intslll the properitry driver and it borked X, however compiz etc is working fine out the box23:22
kazaa_litePeterT: i always suck with women and so if i could find some girl who has interest in computers or programming would make much easier for me to be friends23:22
jef91igie navigate to /media23:22
wOLFFF[ MK13: ] yes I have a dedicated server which comes with 6 IPS which i was wanted to setup to different ips for different users23:22
jef91igie thats where ubuntu auto mounts media to23:22
RevolutionMastaThanks. Capslock...23:22
Guest63836guys, is there a way to know the public ip using a terminal command ?23:23
icerootwOLFFF: can you disable your script? its hard to read grey text on black background23:23
igiejef91: thank you so much :)23:23
Bruk0uti dont seen "driver ati" in xorg though, "out of hte box", which is why im confused23:23
icerootGuest63836: ifconfig23:23
PeterTkazaa_lite: hehe, you're welcome23:23
Speedy2Bruk0ut, It is there.  If you're not sure if you're using it, check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:23
Guest63836iceroot, public one not the local23:23
erUSULiceroot: that wont be the public ip if it is behind a router23:23
PeterTkazaa_lite: You're hoping to meet women in #ubuntu-women?23:23
the_real_daveArsin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8424498&postcount=131323:23
Bruk0utok ill have a look, thanks for hte info23:23
jef91Alrighty all, I am off. My girlfriend is going to kill me if I don't finish this paper before she gets here :) Goodnight all23:24
kazaa_litePeterT: yes..... will it not work?23:24
capronBruk0ut,  the ati was used right after installation for me23:24
erUSULGuest63836: use wget and a website23:24
PeterTI don't know, kazaa_lite23:24
icerootGuest63836: then maybe lynx http://whatismyip.com23:24
mobi-sheepGuest63836: wget www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp -O - -q echo23:24
MK13wOLFFF, i just can't understand your setup, sorry23:24
=== Guest63836 is now known as Gateway`
icerootGuest63836: yes or the wget solution23:24
Arsinthe_real_dave: Thanks23:24
Bruk0utk ;)23:24
the_real_daveArsin: NP mate :)23:24
Ineptjust a Q23:24
protojayare there any video editors that will let me cut small parts out of a larger movie?23:24
erUSULprotojay: avidemux? pitivi? openshot?23:25
Ineptwhy does the desktop version not allow you to setup softrware RAID during install23:25
Gateway`iceroot, mobi-sheep thanks for help but is there a command using " dig " ?23:25
icerootInept: alternate does23:25
Gateway`any idea ?23:25
Arsinthe_real_dave: I never made a pass key since I didn't register anywhere, what's that all about?23:25
mobi-sheepGateway`: I'll just say no.23:25
Ineptyea the server one does but then u have to dwonload all the gnome desktop23:25
icerootInept: no, the alternate, which is not the server edition23:26
the_real_daveInept: you'd need to use the alternative install disk. It'll install the regular gnome desktop just through the text interface23:26
icerootInept: its a gnome-installtion with the alternate just with more options at setup23:26
Ineptoh right i didnt check the alternate one23:26
Inepti thought it was only the server one that you could do it with23:26
the_real_daveArsin: where exactly is that?23:27
Arsinthe_real_dave: When I opened F@H VIA terminal it asked for a passkey23:27
the_real_daveArsin: what command did you use to start F@H? Have you it installed as a daemon?23:28
Arsinthe_real_dave: I haven't installed anything, downloaded and just ran it as "sudo ~/Desktop/Folding@Home/fah6"23:29
icerootArsin: maybe you mean the sudo-password?23:29
Arsiniceroot: Na, it was definetly F@H that asked for it23:29
jamiehiwk_, whats a good game recorder for linux23:30
Arsinjamie: Instanbul? I think23:30
jamieI download instanbul23:30
jamieBut, when I click the icon23:30
docdawningDoes 9.10 not interpret /etc/fstab 'uid=x' options or something? I'm trying to get an sshfs share working and the user that's supposed to get ownership isn't being recognized in fstab.. Please help..23:30
jamienothing happens?23:30
=== mainnick is now known as FiReSTaRT
Arsinjamie: If you can get it to work, I never got it to.23:30
the_real_daveArsin: ok, did some Googling. It appears that the passkey is just used if you register your username, to stop anyone else using it. If you don't care, try leaing it blank23:31
jamieDarn, I heard recordmydesktop23:31
Arsinthe_real_dave: Where can I register?23:31
jamieso i downloaded that, and now i cant find it.23:31
mobi-sheepArsin: You can leave it blank. o.O23:32
the_real_daveArsin: your registering by just give it a username and password when you run it23:32
Arsinmobi-sheep: I suppose, but I'd like to register so I can see myself on their site; right now I have no idea where I am on the site23:32
mobi-sheepjamie: How did you download recordmydesktop? Just run "recordmydesktop" in the terminal.23:32
the_real_daveArsin: or when you install it even. Does it ask for a username when you run the script directly?23:33
ZykoticK9jamie, a little while ago i was looking into screencast software - i got the best results using ffmpeg (cli app) with something similar to "ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 -vcodec huffyuv -sameq screencast.avi"23:33
Arsinthe_real_dave: It asks for user/passkey/team#23:33
jamieAHh i had to get gtk-recordmydesktop too23:33
jamieIts the front end. to it23:33
jamieSO now it works23:33
the_real_daveArsin: if you don't care about a username just leave the user and password blank. If you want to be known as whatever, give it a username. If you want noone else to be able to use that username, give it a password. Simple as, you don't need to register anywhere :) Just make sure you use team 45104 ;)23:35
=== bobo__ is now known as bobo123
U-b-u-n-t-uwhats the default page for firefox when ubuntu is installed23:36
Arsinthe_real_dave: Who is 45104? I'm currently on overclock.net's team23:36
the_real_daveArsin: its team ubuntu :)23:37
=== kaddi__ is now known as kaddi
ke1ha_Arsin: you should also get a passkey from Stanford's website, even if your going to do Anonymous WU's23:37
U-b-u-n-t-unm I found it23:37
igiejef91: your a life saver :)23:37
acusterhey all, how do I test my microphone for jabber clients?23:37
acusterI can't seem to find any preferences for testing out how things work23:38
bobo123how to get first three records from a xml file, using xquery23:38
bobo123position()<4 doesn't work23:38
ke1ha_Info on FAH passkey's: http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding/FAQ-passkey.html23:39
Picibobo123: Probably best to ask in the channel for whatever language you're programming in.23:39
Arsinke1ha_: the_real_dave: With FahMon, do I need to run F@H or does this run it and monitor it?23:39
bobo123Pici: i forgot to switch to XML channle23:39
Raystoncan anyone help me with my resolution problem on my Acer Laptop with Intel HD video card23:39
ke1ha_I use both, FAHMon, and HFM.net, prefer HFM.net as I rsync my data to an external web-server23:40
the_real_daveArsin: far as I know you need to run F@H. Fahmon just reads and show data from the logs23:40
ke1ha_with either client, all you do is add the clients that are folding to the config, then it will show you all sorts of info. to much to go into here.23:41
capronIs there something special in a ubuntu kernel ? Seems to be a special way of compile the kernel23:42
Arsinthe_real_dave: Hmm. My progress is N/A what's up with that?23:42
the_real_daveArsin: you need to add and configure the clients23:42
ke1ha_Arsin: FAHmon is just a clinet monitor, see Folding at Home How-Too's on Stanords site for install instructions.23:43
capronWhy is the normal wya make xconfig not working23:43
kaddiany kde/konqueror users in here? I need to know where the error console is located in konqueror. nobody seems to know in #kubuntu23:43
Pici!kernel | capron these links may be of some use23:43
ubottucapron these links may be of some use: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages23:43
Dj_FlyByI'm having issues with UNR 9.10 on my Aspire ONE - Whenever I unplug it from the wall it shuts down claiming the battery is discharged, but in 9.04UNR this did not happen23:45
Arsinke1ha_: Following their guide, terminal says "curl" is not a command23:45
ke1ha_curl or wget works, or you can just http to it.23:46
ZykoticK9Dj_FlyBy, (this was suggested by someone else the other day) boot into the BIOS and try unplugging the power to see if the same thing happens, removed Ubuntu as a cause23:46
ke1ha_Arsin: what OS build you using ?23:47
Arsinke1ha_: 9.10 Gnome23:47
=== Ganymede is now known as Buntflake
Gananganyone knows a nice GUI Database Management tool for Linux?23:47
ke1ha_open a term window and just wget the url.23:47
Ganangfree of course23:48
mhaedohey everyone23:48
HandyGandyGanang: What database?23:48
ujjainAll those 'joined', 'left' messages seriously mess up things.23:48
capronPici, I will now try following that kernel compile guied and maby get a more snappy kernel.  Still I dont understand why it is so diffrent maby it is because they have a lot off diffrent kernels23:48
Ganangthere is one for all Os which is called aqua something...very nice, but not free23:49
mhaedoi'm having a heck of a time getting focus working properly, perhaps someone might no a solution off hand23:49
ke1ha_Arsin: you wanting to Fold on your CPU or GPU ?23:49
HandyGandyHmm Don't know offhand but I do know that there were like a hundred on MySQls web site.23:49
Dj_FlyByZykoticK9: Ok I will try that and see what happens23:49
Dj_FlyByZykoticK9: thanks23:49
Arsinke1ha_: Tried, failed. Trying Ubuntu's tutorial on installing. CPU23:49
mhaedoI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 (gnome 2.28.1) with compiz enabled.  I'd like each workspace to retain it's own focus settings so when I switch workspaces the new workspace will give focus to the last window that had focus in that workspace.23:50
mhaedoanyone know if that's possible?  i can't find an option in compiz and i've googled everything i can think of that might return a result...no luck23:50
ke1ha_Ok, your on a P4 with or with or without HT enabled ?23:50
GanangHandyGandy: Ok i'll give a try on their web site....i didnt want web based guis!23:50
pw-toxic__man can someone help me with my ebox? i cant find where ebox is installed23:51
ke1ha_if you want to rum SMP, you need Ubuntu 8.04 or better 64-Bit installed with ia32-libs installed also.23:51
pw-toxic__i have setup an apache manually, so the ebox standard doesnt work ;(23:51
capronmhaedo, I guess you have too compile compize form source too get all the options you want23:52
Arsinke1ha_: I can't run it with 9.10 x64?23:52
ke1ha_easiest way is this: wget http://ra.vendomar.ee/~ivo/finstall23:52
ke1ha_chmod u+x ./finstall23:53
ke1ha_then run the finstall script, it will do everything for you.23:53
Arsinke1ha_: What is the easiest way to install F@H (As a GUI)23:53
YouDidWutAnyone know if there is a way to speed up the bittorrent Client in ubuntu 9.10?23:53
mobi-sheepYouDidWut: More seeds.23:54
ArsinYouDidWut: google "Port forwarding"23:54
YouDidWutAragon: Thanks. mobi-sheep: Also, thanks.23:54
ke1ha_You dont want to do a GUI, slows the box to much, you the finstall script, then control it it simply with ./folding start / stop / status / reload23:54
mhaedocapron: i don't mind compiling from source.  i compiled most of my plugins.  do you know for certain that option exists?23:54
capronYouDidWut,   heard Transmission don not support this clud stuff if the tracker is down,  Ktorrent do and shud find more seeders peers23:55
Raystonanyone in here willing to help me with my resolution issue? acer aspire laptop with Intel HD Video card and the display says monitor is "Unknown" and I cannot set my resolution above 800x60023:55
ke1ha_easiest, fast and most effect is finstall it installs everyting for you. then use FAHmon to monitor the client.23:56
capronmhaedo,  ohh I have no clue dont even know what option you are looking for23:56
mhaedocapron: well thanks for the tip.  i hadn't thought of compiling a newer version from source, that may be a viable option23:56
Arsinke1ha_: I ran that script, nothing happened23:57
Arsinchmod u+x ./finstall    that part23:57
mobi-sheepRayston: 800x600?  My phone have 800x480.  Poor you. :\23:57
Blindsite1hey can someone help me out23:58
ke1ha_did you make the script executable with chmod +x ./finstall ?23:58
MeerCattry chmod u+x finstall23:58
MeerCatthe ./finstall23:58
Blindsite1im trying to install wine  and i keep getting an error from the application manager23:58
braden_anyone know how to bring up software sources GUI from jolicloud23:58
Blindsite1"installing this application would requie instaling packages from unauthenticated sources"23:58
Blindsite1or something to that effect23:59
mobi-sheepbraden_: Dunno -- But you can edit the software sources in the cli / perhaps gedit.23:59
Raystonmobi-sheep: yeah, this sucks bigtime, details here, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+question/10017723:59

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