
naught101anyone know if there are LADISH debs anywhere?05:56
=== edogawa_ is now known as edogawa
deathnickhi guys20:51
deathnickwhy when i install ubuntustudio upgraded from unbutu 9.10 everything looks to worked perfectly and when it reboots, nothing seems to had chenge ?20:52
deathnickafter reboot , i expect to find, ardour and other multimedia production software, nothing in applications menus ?20:54
BolachaJohni guess you have selected them to be installed upon installation?20:59
deathnicki didnt answer any question except do you want to proceed with the update21:02
deathnickis there a way to check if ardour was install ?21:02
deathnickit doesnt show in apps menu tho ?21:03
BolachaJohni don't know that process, but i don't think new applications will be installed when you do an upgrade. you should find them using the "add/remive applications" applet21:03
amstandeathnick: if you update, you'll get tons of apps in the sound/multimedia folder21:04
deathnickthats not what i meant...i use the ubuntustudio 9.10 dvd installation disk from the iso image file that i burned and it reconized that unbuntu 9.10 was installed and ask to update it to ubuntustudion versio...21:05
deathnickwell...nothing more than before so how do i start the update again21:06
deathnickthe fisrt time i insert the installation dvd it autoexecute but not anymore ?21:06
deathnickwhat files do i click to start the autorun like21:07
deathnickdo i reboot with the dvd instead21:08
deathnicknow when i insert the dvd...it pops up what it contains not execute ?21:09
BolachaJohnwell i'm out then, sorry. maybe sb else can be of help21:13
deathnickok thanks...21:14

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