
Raystonjust about to install Jaunty because alot of people with similiar problems mention that jaunty did not have these issues00:00
capronmhaedo, hope you find it , I think compile is the right way too go.  But have only done it for comipz plugins ,  Right now I will try compile the kernel00:00
MeerCatBlindsite1: did you add a repo for wine and didn't add the key to that repo?00:00
Asmobcan somone give me advice why i need use seperate partition for /home?00:00
sebsebsebAsmob: can be rather usefl if you want to re install Ubuntu or distro hop00:00
braden_mobi-sheep ok also virtualbox 3.0 won't install i keep getting kernall module compile failed00:00
ArsinMeerCat: Worked, thanks. ke1ha_: Working thanks, but I tried entering a passkey that I just created and I got invalid pass00:00
MeerCatAsmob: it gives flexibilty to have partitions on seperate disks00:00
MeerCatas sebsebseb mentioned is a reaason00:01
ke1ha_You have to go to Standford, and apply for a passkey, it will be emailed to you.00:01
Asmobsebsebseb, distro hop?00:01
sebsebsebMeerCat: seperate disks?  you just mean partitions on same hard disk?00:01
Blindsite1ah yeah00:01
Blindsite1added that in the other sorces area00:01
Blindsite1im getting 2 wines show up on the list, the beta and the stable version00:02
AsmobMeerCat, sebsebseb, so do i need make /home on seperate partition?00:02
cyberjunk502guys  anyone know is there some sort of tracker in nokia phones that are removed when the phone arrives in shops00:02
Blindsite1i want the install the stable ver bu it wont le me00:02
sebsebsebAsmob: distro hop as in,  get rid of Ubuntu and try some thing else,  and  then real proper distro hoppers will go through loads of distros like that,  not spending that long on each.  I think it's better to  run a distro that is good enough Ubuntu for example as the host operating system, and then virtual machine other distros, if people want to use others as well.  Or have another distro on another computer even.00:03
MeerCathome can be mounted on a seperate disk or everthing can be partitoned on one disk,, if possible its cool to have partitions on seperate disks,, one reason is in cause of a disk failure.. say your root disk failed however home didn't exist there,, then you can simply reinstall the OS on  the root disk and mount /home back00:03
Arsinke1ha_: Where would I go about doing that? I've been searching for a place to register or something. The only one I can see is for a team00:03
MeerCatAsmob: its not a requirement00:03
sebsebsebAsmob: by default Ubuntu puts /home  in  /00:03
ke1ha_Arsin: Also, it may have installed and downloaded the apps, but you still need to start it with ./foldingathome/folding start00:03
sebsebsebAsmob: and gives you swap space as well00:03
sebsebsebAsmob: creating a seperate home partition  is easier to do before Ubuntu get's installed, but it can be done after woulds00:04
Asmobsebsebseb, now i instaled / 20gb /home about 290 and /swap 2gb is that good?00:04
ke1ha_F@H Passkey Info: http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding/FAQ-passkey.html00:04
sebsebsebAsmob: ok you already instaled Ububuntu and set up like that?00:05
Asmobsebsebseb, yes but i dont now is it good00:05
cyberjunk502anyone know a irc server or a channel where i can ask questions about nokia mobile phones00:05
peepsaloti have a motherboard with some sort of integrated graphics, i can't find details on what the chipset is called.  how do i know what graphics drivers to use?00:05
sebsebsebAsmob: SWAP depends on how much RAM you have, and 20GB is more than you need for / when you got big seperate /home00:05
sebsebsebAsmob: with big seperate /home I would make /  10 to 12GB or a little bit bigger then that00:05
MeerCatyea i would put all that home if anywhere00:05
ke1ha_Arsin: once you started the client, do the install service with: sudo ./installservice and the server install script with do the checkconfig for you.00:05
mint_I need some help. I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a portable flash drive (8GB) but when I plug in my secondary monitor, and click resolution button, the whole thing freezes on me. And when I am able to get the changes on the resolution area, it does the samething00:06
MeerCatthats where the files you acquire would end up any way so give it more space..00:06
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duffydackbear in mind, most stuff you install goes in /usr so you for me, I need quite a lot for /  for games and such that install from repo or debs00:06
Asmobsebsebseb, sory / is 15gb and my ram is 2gb00:06
MeerCatyea duffydack thats correct as well00:06
sebsebsebAsmob: SWAP should be double your RAM00:06
duffydackit would be nice to have the choice00:07
MeerCatswap should be 1 - 1.5 times ram actually00:07
Asmobsebsebseb, / is alredy 21% taken..00:07
sebsebsebAsmob:  also SWAP isn't really needed unless your going to hibernate the computer00:07
rwwubottu: ot | cyberjunk50200:07
ubottucyberjunk502: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:07
MeerCati use LVM i can always add a disk and increase home or usr00:07
peepsaloti have some kind of integrated intel graphics on my motherboard.  does someone know what graphics drivers i need to install?00:07
cyberjunk502ubottu: ot| rww00:08
ubotturww: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:08
Asmobsebsebseb, somone sad that on new system i can do that on 2gb swap.. if i have 2gb ram00:08
sebsebsebAsmob: I think you should still really have 4GB RAM00:08
sebsebsebAsmob: I mean SWAP00:08
mint_Anyone in here with dual monitors?00:08
Dr_Willismint_:  i use dual monitors with nvidia cards all the time00:08
Asmobsebsebseb, but pc dont use it at all.. maybe just in hibernate00:09
ZykoticK9mint_, what's your question (if you aren't using Nvidia i'm no help)00:09
MeerCati use duals at work.. i use nvidia as well00:09
sebsebseb!swap  | Asmob00:09
ubottuAsmob: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info00:09
kayveis it a bad idea to install gstreamer when I already have flash installed?00:09
mint_Dr_Willis: Well I have an intel integrated chipset graphics card, and when I try to change the resolution and disable the mirror settings for whatever reason is set by default, my linux freezes00:09
mint_Dr_Willis: Is there a manual way to set my computer to use dual monitors, so when I reboot the settings will take effect?00:10
Dr_Willismint_:  intel dual monitor works on my netbook.. thats all ive used intel with.  The intel drivers are very much a work in progress in ways. I would say check the intel wiki/forums on the ubuntu sites00:10
Arsinke1ha_: installservice is not a command00:11
seanbrystoneHi whats the terminal command to eject cd/dvd? i cant get it open00:11
ZykoticK9seanbrystone, "eject"00:11
mint_Dr_Willis: Well thats the weird thing, I can boot into linux with my secondary monitor already plugged in but it just shows a mirror of my laptop screen, is there a way I can manually go in and set the resolution of both monitors and reboot and that way when I boot up, it works?00:11
ke1ha_you need to be in the ./foldingathome directory then run sudo ./installservice00:11
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seanbrystoneZykoticK9, thanks :)00:12
mint_Dr_Willis: Because the GUI simply freezes when I click the apply button00:12
Dr_Willismint_:  I plug mine in.. boot up. use teh resoultion tool. and it works for me. I can set 2 monitors up that way00:12
Dr_Willismint_:  sounds like some intel/xrandr/driver bug to me00:12
MeerCatme as well00:12
Davedanhow can I use fdserv to use port 80 as non root?00:13
OerHeksseanbrystone to close, use eject -t :-D00:13
mint_Dr_Willis: what you mean a bug? Would this happen if I am booted on a flash drive? Does that have anything 2 do with it, cause if so then when I had linux installed before on a dual boot, it often did the same thing I am describing00:13
Gananganyone have problem running asf formats on linux?00:13
seanbrystoneok OerHeks ty00:13
ke1ha_ArsinL here's the output from HFM.net that http://hpcmon.com/~fahuser/Myfolding/index.html  I wrote a big how too at OcUK forums to use this facility.00:13
Ganangas video streams?00:13
Raydiationhi im having problems with port forwarding and my router: it seems that although i forward port 80 to my pc, my router gets accessed; for instance if i type in my ip adress i see the router's login00:13
MeerCatports below 1024 need to be started by root,, i believe if the program used setuid its possible Davedan ..00:13
Dr_Willismint_:  the extent of my using intel is on muy netbook . and it works there.  The Intel Drivers for some chipsets are not as good as they should be.00:13
Asmobsebsebseb, hmm.. ok and than if i want fast change distr i can just reinstall and all my /home will stay... but how about programs..?00:13
capronGanang,  yes i had too look in the afs to find the right stream00:14
Blindsite1ok... i've double checked the source.  I've even added the authentication key even though its supposed to be supurfluous for 9.1000:14
DavedanMeerCat: setuid?00:14
Blindsite1and my system STILL won't let me download wine00:15
jiohdiI just booted to ubuntu from win7... not the nvidia seems messed up, giving me 860x640 or some such and no options for more... help00:15
mint_Dr_Willis: Would there be a manual way of setting the resolution through a text edit or something and then save changes and then boot and see if that fixes it? the GUI just freezes when I try applying the settings which is very very weird00:15
Ganangcapron: can you give a hint how u solved your problem?00:15
jiohdiI just booted to ubuntu from win7... no*w the nvidia seems messed up, giving me 860x640 or some such and no options for more... help00:15
AlanFanyone got a good online feed of the superbowl? I don't get CBS here and I tried googling but keep landing in spam holes. Thanks for any links00:15
MeerCatDavedan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid00:15
mint_Dr_Willis: Now when I don't have the 2nd monitor plugged in and try changing settings, nothing freezes which is weird 200:15
MeerCatBlindsite1: what happends now?00:15
Blindsite1*sigh* its too busy in here to get anything done00:16
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Blindsite1if anyone is willing to help me let me know00:16
sebsebsebAsmob: well in the other distro you would have to get it to use home properly etc.   If you re install Ubuntu or put another distro on,  you would remove / and make a new one,  and then re install programs.00:16
MeerCatMeerCat| Blindsite1: what happends now?00:16
darthanubisBlindsite1: use the forums00:16
sebsebsebAsmob: Re installing programs isn't  exactly an issue for Ubuntu and most other popular distros,  because of repos where  they can be easilly installed from.00:17
mint_Dr_Willis: What about manually configuring the Xorg file?00:17
Asmobsebsebseb, how i can get it to use home? and if i reinstall programs does settings stay?00:18
capronGanang, I am not that sure,  I think I only saved the asf as a link then open it in notpad sae that it then  then it pointed to a mpeg that i cud save using wget00:18
Arsinke1ha_:I can't seem to get that installservice to run hm... I'm in ./foldingathome right now00:18
kmelHi, how can i get a module to load on boot?00:18
Ganangcapron: i'll give a try !thanks!00:18
Raystonsorry, got disconnected, can anyone here help me with this resolution problem? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+question/10017700:18
sebsebsebAsmob: If you re install  Ubuntu by removing/formatting /  and doing a new  / with Ubuntu,  then it should pick up /home no problem,  as long as your also using the same username as before.   It's if you switch distro you would have to get it using /home properly, probably.00:19
Xcellubuntu code looks like a dc tourist map.. it dont know wht to do 1/2 the time.00:20
MeerCatubuntu code?00:20
Xcellu know wht i mean00:20
darthanubiswhat "ubuntu code"?00:20
darthanubisno we don't00:20
MeerCatbash command line?00:21
sebsebsebAsmob: Once the old /home is being used,  it should pick up  .mozilla and most other program user data no problem00:21
MeerCatim lost =)00:21
Xcellget a job then00:21
MeerCatsource code?00:21
kayveis gstreamer a flash?00:21
Asmobsebsebseb, is out there... some page what u suggest i can read to find out more about install another distro?00:21
darthanubisa job?00:21
sebsebsebAsmob: How long have you used Ubuntu for?00:21
jolaren23What's wrong with this command?? sudo vol_id -u /dev/sdb100:21
darthanubistry again this time complete sentences in English please?00:21
* Xcell rolz a superbowl fatty00:21
darthanubisohhhh, your high00:21
MeerCatsdb1 is a partition...00:22
Xcell u still talk00:22
Asmobsebsebseb, like about 4days00:22
DavedanMeerCat: when trying to use setuid it tells me that I need to install it00:22
Xcelli waz talkin food00:22
ke1ha_Arsin : make sure you typing it correctly, it's: sudo ./installService   .. note the cap "S"00:22
Asmobsebsebseb, but i have some expirience also before..00:22
MeerCatand it it exists it should work00:22
Tm_TXcell: please stick in channel topic00:23
sebsebsebAsmob: ok I thought you are new,  right well in that case, I suggest that you  get used to Ubuntu first,  and then when your a bit more experienced you can virtual machine other distros or pshyically install them, if you would like to00:23
Xcelllol, i will,00:23
Asmobvirtual bos sebsebseb ?00:23
MeerCatDavedan: possibly you need to install it?00:23
sebsebsebAsmob: bos???00:23
Asmobsebsebseb, box..00:23
sebsebsebAsmob: yes Virtualbox00:23
Xcellanything concerning the ubuntu sys is on topic right   ?00:24
MeerCatDavedan: i think the actual program needs to be able to use setuid as well..00:24
sebsebsebAsmob: and not the one from the repo, but the website/webserver if you want USB support00:24
Ganangcapron: when i download the link, i receive a wmv file which says i dont have the plugins to play00:24
Ganangcapron: i have the w32codes installed by the way00:24
pw-toxichow can i set the language of my system to english?00:24
pw-toxicits currently all german ;(00:24
Asmobsebsebseb, i tryed it also.. :) from page.. instaled on it ubuntu windows xp and 700:24
sebsebsebAsmob: with what host OS?00:24
Xcellwhy do i have to reboot every 30 min or so for my /cdrom to initiate, and when it does, its wrong half the tome.00:24
darthanubispw-toxic: reinstall, this time do it right00:25
MeerCatsounds lke a hardware related issue00:25
Asmobwindows xp and 7 was ubuntu but for ubuntu windows 700:25
Xcellits not00:25
MeerCatwhat do you mean initiate?00:25
DavedanMeerCat:  reading again it won't be good for me because I might need to restart the server00:25
pw-toxicdarthanubis, wow this would be crazy because there is a lot of configuration on this server ;)00:25
MeerCatDavedan: ok00:25
MeerCatDavedan: why would you want to have that application listen on port 80?00:26
Xcellit wont mount any disc, and when it does, i have a hard time handeling it00:26
darthanubispw-toxic: backup the config. If you run a "server" you should have backups00:26
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MeerCatXcell: sounds hardware related00:26
DavedanMeerCat: a web server00:26
DavedanMeerCat: written in Erlang00:26
MeerCatDavedan: oh sorry i never heard of it00:26
Ganangcan anyone help with with wmv movies on ubuntu 9.04. I can't get it working00:26
Xcellits like i have to dedicate a special session to burning and reading cd/dvd's00:26
DavedanMeerCat: I could use nginx but want to simplify things00:26
sebsebsebAsmob: Have you used another Linux distro before?  I feel that we are starting to or are on the verge of getting a bit off topic here, so answer that, and it's probably better for us to continue a bit in a pm.00:26
capronGanang,  I am sorry I checked it was a asx file that I did like that on.   I googled asf is hard to play00:26
XcellMeerCat-  gentoo works, why iz this ?00:27
MeerCatXcell: how is the CDROM connected?00:27
Ganangcapron: thanks!!! i lost the video streaming of my best web site....shit!00:27
sebsebsebAsmob: ok pm it is then00:27
ArsinCan someone help me with FahMon?00:27
Xcelli use no usb, its all cable00:27
Asmobsebsebseb, yes00:28
MeerCatXcell: is it a sata or pata?00:28
ke1ha_Arsin: it's best to run FAHmon from Windows, but you can compile it from Sources on UB.00:28
Xcelland some times /dev/mount  will not work00:28
Xcellmost of the time00:28
MeerCator mount?00:28
DavedanMeerCat: what about iptables to redirect traffic from port 80 to 8000? will it scale?00:28
MeerCatDavedan: thats possible00:29
MeerCati was going to mention it00:29
Arsinke1ha_: I want to fold as I use my computer since this is the only computer I have; but if I can only monitor in Win, I'll be stuck in Win7 forever00:29
DavedanMeerCat: the performance will be as using a reverse proxy?00:29
ke1ha_Arsin: Here's the Ubuntu FAHmon How-Too. I've used it, it works: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70318000:29
Xcellsudo mount /dev/cdrom  does not work00:29
tomatoes7i setup my desktop to accept remote desktop logins....and from my laptop i can login and see the screen, and i can control the desktop with both the mouse and keyboard....but i can't see what i'm doing...the image of the remote desktop doesnt update00:30
MeerCatDavedan: i imagine the performance depends on your system00:30
sarthorHi, how can i redirect my LAN clients all browsing requests to a web server running on on my lan, Using iptbales00:30
MeerCatXcell: i see00:30
DavedanMeerCat: thanks00:30
MeerCatXcell: what doesn't work about it? whats in logs when its done?00:30
Xcelland when i /  echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches   it sometimes works00:30
Xcellya, tell me00:30
jenia_hello everyone00:30
tomatoes7i have the same problem with vncviewer and vinagre00:31
welshboykevnot shure if i can ask about torrenting in here and im just lerning linux after only ever useing windows for 10 years but i was woundering is it posabul to use rtorrent and a back end app for torrentflux-b4rt becaus flux has a number of torrent clians inbedded into it but rtorrent gets much better conection and speeds duz any1 know if this is possable ?00:31
MeerCatXcell: and what is that variable set to in gentoo?00:31
Xcellubuntu 7.10 worked fine in most depatrments, it will be interesting tom see how things work without (hal)00:31
ke1ha_Arsin: here's a shorter version: http://forums.pcper.com/showthread.php?t=457296     Google is Your friend :-)00:31
jenia_i have a lenovo laptop, i want to set the "middle button" of the "mouse" to the following function: when i press the button, the mouse grabs the content on the screen and then i can pull up or down with the mouse and the screen content will scroll up or down00:33
dyekHi! parted command: "resize NUMBER START END" gave me this "Error: File system has an incompatible feature enabled." I suspect that this is caused by Ubuntu's FS utility cannot deal with ext_attr. Is that the case? Is there anything I can do to use Ubuntu (don't have a Fedora system near me at this time) to resize a Fedora-based thumbdrive larger?00:33
* Xcell rollz another superbowl fatty while inticipating how to get his hal, cdrom working properly00:33
Xcellmexican tortia00:34
jenia_anyone knows how to do this?00:34
sebsebseb!ot | Xcell00:34
ubottuXcell: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:34
d1gitalhey all, just moved a hdd from one machine to another, and everything works fine except the nForce ethernet.  ifconfig does not list eth0.  dmesg | grep eth0 returns nothing and modprobe forcecdeth doesn't help. any ideas?00:34
pw-toxicwhen i try to install ebox, i get the following message:  "Could not mark all packages for installation or upgrade" -> "ebox: Depends: libapache-authcookie-perl but it is not installable   Depends: libebox (>=1.) but 0.12.2-0ubuntu1 is not to be installed"00:35
pw-toxicwhat does this mean and how can i fix this?00:35
ke1ha_dlgital: is the NIC embedded or a PCI card ?00:35
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Xcelllol, well, it would sem , that with all the collections of hardware data from a vast pool of peoples resources, that they would have simple fixes for this,. you know, after being an electronics engineer 4 over 30+yrs, i see no reason why nothing should work properly..00:36
Xcellsimple logic00:36
adnchello, my window buttons are on the left side of the window-title-bar (close, minimize, maximize) does someone know how i can get them again to the right side?00:38
dsnydersadnc, change your theme?00:38
adnci tried00:38
dsnydersadnc, well, I'm out of ideas00:38
adncdsnyders, thank you, i did that several times, it still stays left00:39
z0d14rkHey can i get some assistance im having lots of problems00:39
dsnydersz0d14rk, ask your question00:39
PeterT!ask > z0d14rk00:40
ubottuz0d14rk, please see my private message00:40
darthanubislots of new ppl today00:40
Xcelli 1nce recently that there are over 2700 folks alone working on the linux kernel, if this is true, where are the benefits  ?00:40
jsecadnc, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111399900:40
darthanubisadnc: what did you do to get them that way00:40
darthanubissince that is not default00:41
adncquite some time ago i used a theme, that changed it to the left00:41
aaronhey i have a question how come it says Disk has many bad sectors how can i fixed this?00:41
ke1ha_Xcell:  that's a good question :-) ... I see lots change, but benefit has yet to seen on my end.00:41
d1gitalke1ha_:  it's embedded.00:41
adncjsec thank you, i'll read it00:41
Dr_WillisXcell:  people tend to focus on one part/aspcet/driver of the kernel. so one guy may just be doing bug fix/optmizations on one little part00:41
Xcellout of 2700  ?00:41
Dr_WillisXcell:  go do some dev work and learn I guess00:42
ke1ha_Just checking, but have you checked the BIOS to make sure it's not been disabled somehow.00:42
Arsinke1ha_: I've installed I just don't know what to do with the monitoring part of it00:42
Dr_Williswe are not talking FULL TIME Jobs here.00:42
Xcellnasa dont have that many, and they sent man 2 the moon, lol00:42
ke1ha_Arsin: you add a client to it, and it tells you the status.00:42
aaronhey i have a question how come it says Disk has many bad sectors how can i fixed this?00:42
Arsinke1ha_: I added one, but what is "Location"00:42
AndyGraybeali'm running ubuntu 8.10, is there a way to install tmux package ??00:43
pw-toxiccan anyone tell me why the dependencies dont work in the synaptic package manager?00:43
d1gitalke1ha_:  no, it's enabled.  at one point i disabled it and plugged in another nic, to no avail.00:43
ke1ha_Dligital: Additionally, what Motherboard is in the box ? I though nForce used Marvell BICS ?00:43
pw-toxici cant install any ebox module..00:43
ke1ha_opps used Marvell NICS00:43
z0d14rkThank you, i recently installed 9.10 along side windows 7, i had windows 7 installed first and did a iso mount. Everything was running fine until i recieved the normal updates. However grub became became curupted after the update and i get the recover console. I then followed some directions on how to fix it and created a live usb. I reinstalled grub but now i get no boot menu to windows 7 or Ubuntu and i am completely lost for i can only00:44
z0d14rkuse my bootable.00:44
Xcellare you really a doctor  ?00:44
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sebsebseb!ot | Xcell00:44
ubottuXcell: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:44
nomnexwhere is the mplayer doc on Ubuntu Kamric > message mplayer DOCS/HTML/en/video.html00:44
adncjsec, thank you very much, that did the job. there is a gconf key for it00:44
ke1ha_man mplayer00:44
jsecadnc, np00:45
adncit did last for so long i'm not anymore used to have it on the right ;)00:45
XcellDr_Willis-  lets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic00:45
z0d14rkIn simple terms ubuntu updated grub got **** and now i have no boot screen00:45
cryptkok, so I am at a total loss... I have tried multiple distros... multiple versions... all of them have the same issue where my mouse randomly freezes....00:46
jef91z0d14rk Reinstall grub?...00:46
jseccryptk, new mouse?00:46
jef91cryptk - try a different mouse?00:46
z0d14rkAfter reinstalling i lost my boot screen00:46
Xcello, he cNT, SRY00:46
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jef91z0d14rk Reinstall grub?...00:46
z0d14rkGrub was corrupted i reinstalled grub to try to fix it but in resulted in complete loss of my boot screen00:47
cryptkjef91 that is the thing... it worked great before... then my HD broke, I got a new one... reinstalled ubuntu and now I have the problem... I had it before but it stopped, I don't know what I did to fix it00:47
b0whello how can i get into grub screen instead of goign directly to ubuntu's session login?00:47
TCHebbcryptk: This might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3003669&postcount=3200:47
cryptkjef91, the mouse works absolutely fine in Windows... it is a Logitech G700:47
jef91b0w press escape during boot00:47
cryptkTCHebb I am reading it now00:48
z0d14rkHow do i reinstall grub then so i can use my windows and ubuntu00:48
cryptkTCHebb I tried that before and Ubuntu booted to a black screen with a flashing cursor... I will try it again though and report back00:49
cryptkTCHebb I can make that change in grub2 to test it right?00:49
TCHebbcryptk: I think so00:49
z0d14rktcheb i have the same problem00:49
cryptkTCHebb ok, I will try it again and see if it actually boots this time00:49
snaythHey I have a friends older lappy that's not very fast - Couldn't get Karmic to run very good - Thinking about trying Slax, or Crunchbang - This person is a noob to linux though - Not sure what to try - Anybody  have a suggestion ? ?00:50
Akkernighthow do I download the 32bit development libraries for ubuntu00:50
seanbrystonesnayth, why not try an  older ubuntu version?00:50
jonzbccpidgin plugins -- how are third party plugins installed?00:50
ke1ha_sudo apt-get install ia32-libs00:51
Ari_Lazarushi guys. I'm trying to run a using Wine and have run into a few interesting things. I installed Fallout Online (uses Fallout 2 graphics) in Windows and in Ubuntu I can run the exe using Wine. However, I get some rather odd video artifacts. Is there a more advance configuration file I can access for Wine other than the default ones I see when I 'Configure Wine'?00:51
Ari_Lazarusrun a game*00:51
axisyshow do I install this ppa:aroth/ppa using apt short from adding the repo manually to the apt sources.lst ?00:51
dsnydersz0d14rk, do you have some sort of linux boot device (usb, livecd) that you can boot from?00:51
PeterT/join ##superbowl00:52
Utgardheya all, wondering if anyone knew of a good place for magicrescue recipes? ie for .mov files.00:52
jonzbccanyone understand pidgin plugins?00:52
jef91ari_lazarus - You can sometimes, but it is better to just install it under Wine instead of running it from widnows00:53
TactiCal_S3ktset configure00:53
Ari_Lazarusjef91: I considered that the first time, but way too much work involved - I'd have to install the .Net platform in Wine to even do that00:53
lostinspace_46While installing pygtk-2.16.0 I get this messege...configure: error: conditional "HAVE_GTK_2_16" was never defined.  Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally.  I'm not sure what to do about it  I don't which macro the message refers to.00:54
_CommandeR_how do you mount mdf file ?00:54
snaythseanbrystone: Which one might be best or least intensive?00:54
electromanhello all im noobs on ubunto :D00:54
cryptkTCHebb: so i tried what was in that link and again it would not boot00:55
cryptkIt showed the white ubuntu logo, then after that it went to a black screen with a blinking _ in the top left corner00:55
cryptksystem wouldn't change tty's, also wouldnt respond to an Alt+SysRq+B00:56
axisysgot it .. its add-apt-repository.. it really should be apt-add-repo or add-repo-add .. start with apt . not add00:56
cryptkwell... Alt+SysRq+R,S,E,I,U,B00:56
jef91Ari_Lazaurs - just use Wine tricks - its easy00:56
kinja-sheepaxisys: Use alias if it is bothering you that much.00:56
jenia_hi i need some help and im wondering if anyone here can help me?00:56
Ari_Lazarus!ask | jenia_00:57
ubottujenia_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:57
jenia_i have a lenovo laptop, i want to set the "middle button" of the "mouse" to the following function: when i press the button, the mouse grabs the content on the screen and then i can pull up or down with the mouse and the screen content will scroll up or down00:57
Utgardanyone recommend a data recovery software to retrieve deleted camera files?00:57
teageIs it possible to say, have a dewl boot with say Ubuntu and some other Distro, and tunnel the programs to work from one to another .00:57
jenia_hey lazarus00:57
teagehope i didnt confuse anyone00:57
ZykoticK9Utgard, photorec00:57
jribteage: yes, but why would you want to?00:58
jenia_you know how to do this by any change?00:58
blakkheimteage: only with your misspellings. and no that's not really a feasible thing to do00:58
Ari_Lazarusnewp :300:58
Utgardty, does that do .mov aswell?00:58
teageblakkeim: maybe for you it isnt00:58
teagei have my reasons00:58
kinja-sheepjenia_: It does not do that automatically for you? I just tried middle-click-down and scroll.00:58
jribteage: ok...00:58
ZykoticK9Utgard, you might need to use testdisk < they are both made by the same people00:58
jribteage: there's probably a better way which is usually why people ask that question.00:59
teagejrib: Im sure there is. well00:59
Utgardok, tx00:59
teagejrib: i know there is its just im lazy.00:59
jribteage: ok00:59
kinja-sheepjenia_: What software are you trying this on?01:00
teage and i like to explore a little bit01:00
jenia_im using ubuntu 9.04 and i tried it with nautilus and firefox and any other application like the irc client im using01:01
cryptkanyone else have any ideas about my mouse freezing problem... or why my system won't boot with "acpi=force irqpoll" in the kernel line (which is supposed to fix my problem)01:01
Mike_lifeguardIs it possible to rename system accounts after they're created?01:02
z0d14rkDoes anyone know how to install grub to my ubuntu partition01:02
TCHebbcryptk: Is you're mouse plugged into a hub or directly into the computer?01:02
Mike_lifeguard!grub | z0d14rk01:03
ubottuz0d14rk: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:03
cryptkTCHebb: it happens wether the reciever is plugged into the port on it's base/charger or directly into the computer01:03
kinja-sheepjenia_: You may have to configure your mouse, I guess.  Most mouses works correctly right out of the box.  Unless you changed something recently.01:03
kinja-sheep!mouse | jenia_01:03
ubottujenia_: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto01:03
jenia_sorry everyone i'm not using a extra mouse, its the buttons on the keyboard that have the function of the mouse; that is what i meant what i said mouse01:05
TCHebbcryptk: You could try disabling "Legacy USB" in your BOIS. Other than that, I wouldn't know01:06
kinja-sheepjenia_: Please don't PM me. Thanks.01:06
jenia_no probs01:07
kinja-sheepjenia_: I think you want keyboard shortcuts.01:07
kinja-sheepjenia_: Check System --> Preferences --> Keyboard Shortcuts01:07
jenia_no i checked01:08
jgcampbell300_can anyone suggest a free open source version of exchange for ubuntu01:08
jenia_are the mouse bottons considered like the rest of the button on the keyboard or do they have special name?01:08
ke1ha_as in MS-Exchange for UB ?01:09
kinja-sheepjgcampbell300_: Zimbra? Maybe.01:09
jgcampbell300_yahoo owns Zimbra01:09
cryptkTCHebb: I will give that a shot...01:09
Uqbarhello. I'm running 9.10 and geeqie seems to be lacking the "Editors" tab in the prefereces dialog. is this intended?01:09
b0whello! how can i check if i got bluetooth device or whats its name to use it, i know i got one because on Windows i use to have it but i think its on the same card as the wifi, anyone can help??01:10
kinja-sheepjenia_: You could try keytouch.01:10
infidis there a way to list what the last 5 processes were?01:10
kinja-sheep!info keytouch | jenia_01:10
ubottujenia_: keytouch (source: keytouch): A program to configure extra function keys in multimedia keyboards. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.1-1 (karmic), package size 175 kB, installed size 880 kB01:11
kinja-sheepb0w: Try "lsusb"01:11
KentrelWhen I press Ctrl Alt F1 to get the standard console I just get a blank screen? Wazzup?01:11
jgcampbell300_!info exchange01:11
ubottuPackage exchange does not exist in karmic01:11
b0wkinja-sheep: yeah already did but nothing appear on that, i know i got it on Windows but on linux its a lil bit harder01:12
jgcampbell300_thanks Kelha01:12
kinja-sheepb0w: Not even "lsusb | grep -i blu" or "dmesg | grep -i blu"?  Both appears for me.01:12
kameronany grub2 gurus around? i want to add my windows partition to the list. in legacy grub i would simply edit menu.list, but i don't know how to do it in grub2.01:12
Kentrelkameron, there's a command to update grub01:13
bazhangkameron, tried sudo update-grub ?01:13
KentrelI think its either sudo update-grub01:13
Kentrelah, yeah01:13
b0wkinja-sheep: http://pastebin.com/f511551c601:13
kameronbazhang, is that it? it auto-detects or what/01:13
ke1ha_Alternatives to Zimbra: Scalix OpenGroupware Open-Xchange01:14
jenia_thanks very much kinja-sheep01:14
kinja-sheepkameron: Yes. There are Operating-System-Prober script.01:14
b0wkinja-sheep: thats fro dmesg01:14
kinja-sheepjenia_: keytouch did the trick?01:14
Kentrelkameron, it should auto detect01:15
kameronokay ill check it out. reboot.01:15
KentrelAs long as your windows partition is bootable01:15
Kentrelno no, you shouldn't have to reboot01:15
jenia_well actually, i dont see any01:15
kinja-sheepb0w: You installed Ubuntu using LiveCD?01:15
jenia_option for setting this button to scroll01:16
b0wkinja-sheep: yes clean install01:16
jenia_yes i did, but i saw some plug-ins ill see what those are01:16
kinja-sheepb0w: I'll tell you what I have installed -- bluetooth, bluez, gnome-bluetooth. (I installed it from ground up so I had to include those packages).01:17
=== bbq^_ is now known as bbq^
lostinspace_46While installing pygtk-2.16.0 I get this messege...configure: error: conditional "HAVE_GTK_2_16" was never defined.  Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally.  I'm not sure what to do about it  I don't which macro the message refers to.01:17
b0wkinja-sheep: ok let me install those to see if i get it owrking01:18
kinja-sheepb0w: If you don't see Bluetooth-Applet on notification area, try "bluetooth-applet &" -- I'm not sure why you don't see it though. :o01:18
=== aaron is now known as TiMiDo
jriblostinspace_46: pygtk is in the repositories, you shouldn't need to complie it01:18
jenia_can anyone tell me, why cant i talk in channel firefox?01:19
jribjenia_: try #freenode01:19
lostinspace_46jrib,  I will look again.  Thought it was there, but didn't see it. Thanks.01:19
kinja-sheepjrib: I think they are on different server.01:19
jribkinja-sheep: there's a #firefox on freenode too01:20
jrib!info python-gtk2 | lostinspace_4601:20
ubottulostinspace_46: python-gtk2 (source: pygtk): Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.0-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1503 kB, installed size 5456 kB01:20
jenia_okay, i want to report this question: how do i set the middle button on my laptop to scroll01:22
jenia_what i mean by middle button is the button that serves the purpose of the middle button on a regular mouse01:22
jenia_and what i mean by scroll is that i will press it, the virtual mouse will grab the screen and i will be able to pull the screen up or down01:23
lostinspace_46jrib, python-gtk2 is the same as pygtk?01:23
jenia_i want  to repost* my question01:23
* yru12bnvs slaps yru12bnvs around a bit with a large E71-201:23
titan_arkhey, can i not make the menu searchable?01:24
jriblostinspace_46: yes01:24
teagetotam_ark: what do you mean ??01:25
Excalibur43Ïðèâåò âñåì01:27
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:27
Excalibur43Eto mne?01:28
Excalibur43Ot menya krakozyabry?01:28
teagelooks like hebrew er somthin01:28
kaddihis ip is from moscow, that made me think russian01:29
jenia_excalibur privet01:29
jenia_kak mne pisat na ubuntu-ru01:29
jenia_mne pishut cannot send in channel01:30
bazhang!ru | jenia_ Excalibur4301:30
ubottujenia_ Excalibur43: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:30
teageshale break out the handy dandy translator ............*notebook*01:31
Excalibur43thanx parni01:31
titan_arkanyone with an idea on installing beagle? the search thing in the menu?01:31
b2bwildIs there any way to play QuickTime 7 files on Linux?01:31
kadditeage: let me know if you get anything useful from it. :P googletranslate failed miserably :p01:31
marcuyany virtuemart users out there?01:31
jamesbrinkhey guys im trying to do a simple if in bash, can somone tell me what i need to do to make this work01:31
jamesbrinkif `groups` |  grep -q "adm"  ; then echo "Welcome Admin"; fi01:31
dht123Hi, is there ANY way to get TurboTax working under Ubuntu?01:32
dht123I really need to get this working. :(01:32
BrainDancehey does anyone know if theres a lubuntu channel? The beta pretty much saved an old laptop of mine (runs perfectly, really impressive) but I'm having one minor issue I know how to fix in ubuntu, but not lubuntu01:32
teagekaddi: yes it is. I think it only translates words and not sentences01:32
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:32
BrainDanceor better yet, would anyone here be able to help me with my insanely basic lubuntu question?01:33
teagekaddi: the a complete sentence would sound retarded01:33
BrainDancewoah, confusing channel :)01:33
darthanubisdht123: virtualbox01:33
Trek!ot | BrainDance01:34
ubottuBrainDance: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:34
BrainDanceis it even alright to ask for help in this channel?01:34
gyles19The only way to use turbotax on linux that I know of is to use the online forms they started offering a few years ago. They won't make a linux-native Quicken or Turbotax, I've been nagging them for years with no results.01:34
Trek!ask | BrainDance01:34
ubottuBrainDance: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:34
darthanubis!ask | brand0n01:34
ubottubrand0n: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:34
administrator_My name is Liben01:34
darthanubis!ask | BrainDance01:34
BrainDanceoh ok, fair enough01:34
kaddiBrainDance: just ask, if someone knows the answer he'll probably reply even though it's a lubuntu question01:34
Trek@darthanubis: I already got him.  :)01:34
meowbuntuHi with unetbootin does that install a live or full os to a hdd. i know to a usb its a live ome..01:34
dht123Is there ANY native Linux USA Income Tax Software that is NOT open source, and commercially supported?01:34
bazhangmeowbuntu, full01:35
administrator_Who are you01:35
Trekdht123: no.  thats why Linux is Open Source01:35
darthanubisdht123: lol be serious. If it is NATIVE LINUX it would be OPENSOURCE01:35
meowbuntuare you sure wow. could it also install an full os to a usb hdd01:35
Trekdht123: you might be able to run TurboTax (commercially supported) using Wine01:35
meowbuntubazhang, are you sure wow. could it also install an full os to a usb hdd01:35
ke1ha_dht123, have you tried it with "wine" .. I know Quicken works under wine.01:35
darthanubisas if OPENSOURCE would mean your tax data would be insecure01:35
dht123I don't trust open source software to do my taxes properly -- I don't want to be audited...01:35
Kismethey my automount dose not work01:35
darthanubisdht123: logoff then01:36
d1gitalis it a good idea to mount /var/run when using a chroot?01:36
=== alan_ is now known as ahgilbert
darthanubisand trust your data to closed sources01:36
dht123TurboTax does NOT work under Wine. Error Message: Access Denied01:36
Kismeti pluged in a harddrive in my laptop in the cd rom slot and it dose not show01:36
darthanubisdht123: VIRTUALBOX01:36
BrainDanceThe issue is, my laptop has a crappy touchpad for a mouse, and when I'm typing the thing sometimes gets hit and I find out later I've messed up what I was typing. I know how to disable it while typing in ubuntu (edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf i beleive? Among other ways) but that doesnt seem to work in Lubuntu. Any other way to do it? Or even just disable to touchpad altogether since its useless and I just use an external mouse anyway01:36
meowbuntudht123, ay opensorce applications are just the same as anyother applications. only differance is that you have the ability to freely modify them from the sorce code if you know how.01:37
ke1ha_Only other option, VM .. and install WinDoze.01:37
darthanubisBrainDance: the mouse option in the system menu01:37
dht123VirtualBox is a pain to set up -- I'm not a very technical user... I'm used to windows.01:37
darthanubisat least in gnome01:37
darthanubisdht123: then windows 7 it is then01:37
darthanubiscase closed01:37
meowbuntuke1ha_, sorry y do you need windozzy01:37
teagewhy does gnome give me little freeze glitches?01:38
kaddiBrainDance: i have syndaemon -i 0.5 -d -t -K running as a background task. works like a charm01:38
ke1ha_Nope, Dont use WinDoze for much of anything.01:38
gyles19If you have a windows license to run under VirtualBox for accessing Turbotax,etc, then why do you need linux?01:38
dht123meowbuntu: not really. When it comes to tax software if I get audited, I can blame TurboTax. If it's open source software, I have no waranty. I'm on my own.01:38
BrainDanceI got to the "keyboard and mouse" utility, but couldn't find anything about turning off the touchpad, it gave me very limited options in lubuntu, just "accelleration" "sensitivity" and "left handed" for mouse01:38
teagekde runs good but gnome always has tiny glitch freezes01:38
kaddiBrainDance: 0.5 is the number of seconds to wait before reenabling touchpad after last key pressed01:38
bazhang!cn | administrator_01:38
ubottuadministrator_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:38
dht123darthanubis: your answers are not helping to solve my problem...01:38
dht123I just want to find SOME kind of commercially supported tax software. How hard can it be?!?01:38
BrainDancekaddi, I'm not that well versed in linux, skills limited to a community college class back in the day in redhat, so would that just be a terminal command or how would I go about doing that?01:39
darthanubisdht123: you don't have a problem except maybe in comprehension. Use Windows7 and you won;t have this tax situation01:39
ke1ha_Install VMware Player, then Windows x-version and install Turbo, problem solved.01:39
dht123darthanubis: why are you even in an ubuntu channel?01:39
darthanubisyou can't use any of the solutons I gave you because you confess your not too bright to do so01:39
darthanubisyou complain about linux not being trustworhty software01:39
meowbuntudht123, who can audit you. its on your computer. adn if you have firewalls its pritty muchscure.01:39
gyles19dht123, none of the commercial tax software makers believe the linux crowd is an audience worth the development time.  They only want windows users.  We have to use windows if we want their software, end of their story.01:39
BrainDanceSorry to take up your time being relatively illiterate. Stayed out of a CS major because of my lack in math skills :P01:39
dht123meowbuntu: The IRS...01:39
darthanubisyou want to use a cloed source windows only tax app01:40
meowbuntuke1ha_, sorry y do you need windozzy01:40
kaddiBrainDance: yes, that would be a terminal command. syndaemon --help will give you all the options you have. unless you set it up as a service (I believe) you will have to run the command on every boot01:40
Excalibur43Ïðèâåò âñåì01:40
darthanubisdid I miss anything?01:40
Excalibur43ó ìåíÿ íå êðàêîçÿáðû?01:40
bazhangExcalibur43, /join #ubuntu-ru01:40
darthanubisdht123: why are you here?01:40
teageHAHAHA, How is win7 gonna solve tax problems??01:40
dht123darthanubis: I want to use A TAX application on linux...01:40
BrainDanceWhere would I go to find out how to set it up as a service? I mean if its an involved process I wouldnt want to take up too much of your time01:40
administrator_thank you ubottu01:40
darthanubisYou don't trust the software, troll somewhere else then01:40
teageI am interested now01:40
BrainDancebut thank you a lot, for helping out kaddi01:40
meowbuntudht123, . they cant hack into your computer without your permission. remember linux is atm virus free. i dont understand ???01:40
darthanubisdht123: Then is none as google could have well told you01:41
darthanubisyou can use TT in VBOX01:41
Random832!ru | Excalibur4301:41
ubottuExcalibur43: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:41
dht123darthanubis: I trust Linux, I don't trust random opensource tax software made by 17 year old kids who think they can develop01:41
darthanubiswhat more do tou want?01:41
Random832can the people in #ubuntu-ru handle cp1251?01:41
darthanubisTen use what you trust01:41
darthanubisuse what you trust01:41
darthanubisin the environment you wish01:41
gyles19Dht123, you're wanting a linux-based tax application that comes with an IRS Audit warranty.  There are none.  You and I are both stuckk with Windows.  I borrow my Dad's machine once a year for the purpose.  Or I could do it with their Online Turbotax service if I couldn't borrow.01:41
ke1ha_Win7 is not going to solve Tax problems, only the user can do that. If the worry is gattign audited, hire an accountant, that's what they do for a living.01:41
darthanubisI gave you an app where you can do that01:41
dht123meowbuntu: you have to send tax return forms to the IRS by law in the USA. Do you even know what I am talking about?01:41
kaddidht123: noone would buy a closed-tource application for linux and no commerce will give warranties when there's no money to be made. so no such a thing doesn't exist01:41
crunchbanghey guys.... i'm a little unsure of where to go for crunchbang questions..  i'm terrible at navigating IRC01:42
bazhangdht123, you have been given some solutions. Please consider them and stop repeating.01:42
kinja-sheep!crunchbang | crunchbang01:42
ubottucrunchbang: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:42
darthanubiscrunchbang: #crunchbang01:42
dht123kaddi: I would buy a closed source app for Linux, why do you assume nobody would?01:42
darthanubiswhere else?01:42
igiewhenever i try to connect to open ssh with filezilla, using sftp, i get "error: could not connect to server" anyone know how to solve this?01:42
crunchbangdarthanubis, thank you, that was far easier than i expected01:42
gyles19Kaddi, I would, and have, purchased closed-source apps to run on LInux.  Games, mostly, that I couldn't get otherwise.01:42
teagekaddi: yes I would buy depending on what the app is01:42
darthanubiscrunchbang: yw, look before you leap ;)01:43
braden_how can i connect to  vpn network in jolicloud01:43
BrainDanceSo, in this channel, everyones just free to give out help? Thats actually surprising. Most times I've had problems with some kind of software or whatever, and go to an irc channel related to it, I get berrated01:43
BrainDanceI think this is going to be a useful channel :)01:43
dht123so let me get this straight -- there are NO tax applications AT ALL for Linux?01:43
darthanubisigie: soon as you tell us everything01:43
crunchbangjoin #crunchbang01:43
brand0n!ask | Trek01:43
ubottuTrek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:43
woodyjlwin ubuntu when you remove a program like wine and then install it again latter it remembers all the old settings and installed programs. how do you remove all of the stuff so on fresh install of wine it dose not have any of old settings01:43
crunchbangi think i did that wrong...01:43
Trekbrand0n: huh?01:44
darthanubiscourse you did01:44
gyles19dht123, I've never seen a TAX application.  There are ACCOUNTING apps with tax packages attached, but those aren't what you're looking for.01:44
darthanubiscrunchbang: put a / before join01:44
crunchbangforgot my slash.. there we go01:44
brand0nsorry trek01:44
brand0nmeant to say01:44
dht123gyles19: is there even one that will work under WINE?01:44
chelzdht123: there totally are01:44
brand0n!ask | darthanubis01:44
ubottudarthanubis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:44
igiedarthanubis: sorry, once i try to ChrootDirectory a group in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, then I get that error, if I do not use ChrootDirectory, no problems01:44
ke1ha_not is you use the right flags it doesnt' leave anything, like -autoremove --purge it's all gone then.01:44
teageI tried turbo tax under wine till it wanted .net framework01:44
chelzdht123: http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/13071601:44
dht123I dont care if it's under wine as long as it works and I don't have to buy a copy of Win7...01:44
kaddiwoodyjlw: specficially for wine you can just go to ~\ and delete the folder .wine. In general you can do a apt-get purge <packagename> to remove the package and the settings01:45
chelzdht123: http://www.google.com/search?q=doing+taxes+ubuntu+OR+linux01:45
gyles19dht123: None of last years packages would, I haven't looked at this years'.01:45
braden_how can i connect to  vpn network in jolicloud01:45
chelzkaddi: moving is usually better than removing if it doesn't take up a lot of space, just in case it's needed later01:45
woodyjlwkaddi,  thanks01:45
BrainDanceIs there an expected timeframe for a release of a non-beta Lubuntu? Because seriously I'm impressed01:45
kadditeage if it's a .net application wouldn't it run under mono? Or is only part of it using .net?01:46
BrainDancethe laptop I'm on is terrible, Ubuntu barely ran, Windows XP barely ran, but the Lubuntu beta runs perfectly01:46
chelzbraden_: http://www.jolicloud.com/community01:46
gyles19dht123, Intuit has an ONLINE TAX form service based on TurboTax.  If I were so inclined/had no windows access at all, that's what I'd use.01:46
dht123Now is there a program that works under wine that lets you import a 2008 TurboTax file created under Windows Vista?01:46
chelzBrainDance: good to hear :)01:46
TrekBrainDance: you ever tried xubuntu?01:46
darthanubiskaddi: it all runs in VBOX01:46
BrainDanceI have not01:46
kaddichelz: (s)he specifically asked for remove, so I gave him/jer what (s)he asked for :p01:46
meowbuntudht123, yes you are saying that an opensorse applications are not secure i dont get y01:46
kinja-sheepBrainDance: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:46
TrekBrainDance: or some other lower-resource-sucking distro01:46
BrainDanceThe only distros I've tried are Ubuntu, Lubuntu, and I plan on trying Mythbuntu01:46
Excalibur43À òåïåðü?01:46
chelzdht123: that is probably something you'd have to research on your own. i'm guessing turbotax wouldn't work to get it easily imported into anything else, but there might be01:46
teagekaddi: not sure , the app completely blitzed when was time to install .net01:46
kaddidarthanubis: which would mean having a valid windows version to install on it01:46
chelzkaddi: ah i didn't see that, just trying to be helpful01:47
darthanubiskaddi: you assume too much01:47
dht123meowbuntu: I am NOT talking about security. I am talking about the reliability of Tax calculations that need to be very precise regardless of confusing tax laws and regulations.01:47
xander98989dht123: I just realized turbotax online uses flash. How cruel.01:47
harjotwatis the difference between an empty session and restore previous session? (startup)01:47
ke1ha_Im on D400 Laptop right, with two runnign in VM, UB-910 and XB-910 .. only 512MB ram and it's runnign like a champ.01:47
kadditeage: i've tried to install .net with no luck in wine, that doesn't seem to work01:47
LiBenassume'   what is meaning?01:47
kaddidarthanubis: how do you run windows applications in vbox without a full windows install?01:47
darthanubisharjot: the difference between the words empty and resume01:47
BrainDanceI had always thought before that a low-resource distro would be super bare-bones, and barely able to do anything useful, but really, lubuntu (while a little buggy, but its a beta) doesn't really sacrifice anything. Yeah it comes with less packages by default but everything runs and it runs with just as many features, just without killingn this old laptop01:47
dht123How do you people who have been using Linux for a while now file your taxes?01:48
igiedarthanubis: what other info can I provide you that would be of help in assisting me solve this problem?01:48
chelzdht123: in terms of software to automate the tax process, proprietary software does have the upper-hand atm. used licenses of windows aren't that expensive also. you might keep a small partition around to boot to for proprietary purposes01:48
kinja-sheepdht123: No. TurboTax file is a proprietary file IMO. Alternately, use form 4506-T and request a computer copy of your tax return. :)01:48
darthanubiskaddi: again, you assume I imply without01:48
harjotdarthanubis: i was trying to get at what is restored and wat isnt01:48
microlithdht123: turbotax online, manually, pay someone else to do it01:48
BrainDanceI convinced my fiancee' to put Ubuntu on her laptop, and she says it grew on her, and now that shes comfortable she prefers it over windows01:48
jiohdidht123: taxact.com01:48
ke1ha_Most people use Services for Tax's not Linux.01:48
teagekaddi: nope, I use vmware for things like that. love my linux but hate when i have to go back to windows for things like that.01:48
chelzBrainDance: i'd be curious how crunchbang is compared to lubuntu for what you do01:48
darthanubisharjot: I think a dictionay would suit you better than this channel01:48
jribdht123: there are plenty of free ways to e-file01:48
harjotdarthanubis: maybe so01:48
chelzBrainDance: ubuntu netbook edition just needs a bit more polishing and i'm going to try to get it onto all the laptops i can01:49
harjotdarthanubis: but seriously what type of things are saved01:49
kaddidarthanubis: since dht123 asked how to run the software without buying a version of windows I'm intrigued to see what you assumed01:49
woodyjlwkaddi,  that worked. I had to add sudo in front of it but it worked01:49
dht123jrib: I'm not concerned about e-filing as much as not making mistakes... filing taxes manually is very confusing.01:49
teagekaddi: I wonder if OSX has a handle on them sort of things01:49
BrainDanceIn all honesty, I hated linux for a while, back in 2004 I was a senure in highschool, dual enrolled and took a class in redhat, after that I hated it. I thought everything was just harder to do than in windows and took more time, so what was the point? But early last year I gave it another try, things have changed a lot01:49
darthanubiskaddi: I stopped paying him attentio a while ago so I missed that part01:49
BrainDanceWhats crushbang? Another distro?01:49
BrainDanceI thought about trying netbook edition, even though this isnt a netbook01:50
harjotdarthanubis: any idea?01:50
darthanubisharjot: the things you have running? or intentionally save. I mean, really, what else?01:50
microlithdht123: so you either try and make an existing package work in Wine, or use an online filing tool. or do it yourself with a calculator01:50
kaddidarthanubis: well next time i suggest you stop replying once you stopped paying attention to what the person asking is actually saying01:50
jiohdiBrainDance: a window manager bare minimum01:50
BrainDanceI have yet to have to compile anything on any install right now :) Unlike in 200401:50
darthanubiskaddi:  I did, I was replying to your nonsense01:50
chelzdht123: you might be able to import to quicken then from quicken import to one of these: http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/49400?theme=print01:50
harjotdarthanubis: what so if i have firfox open, then its gonna stay open?01:50
jribdht123: that's what I use, my taxes are simple...01:50
BrainDanceI'll have to look into it, even on decent computers I hate things that just useless resources, I hate itunes :P01:50
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darthanubisharjot: hence, resume01:50
chelzBrainDance: wait in another 4 years to see how much you have to compile ;)01:50
BrainDanceI think its because, back in the day the only computer I had was a 286 for a while, while P2s were out01:50
ke1ha_ hated RedHat for a long time too, until Fedora came along, but I've used Slackware, Slack, Debian, UB, I like UB the most for everyday use, then custom builds for HPC apps.01:50
harjotdarthanubis: ok i was just confused01:51
BrainDanceSo I had to be lean01:51
darthanubisharjot: I understand01:51
chelz!ot | harjot01:51
jiohdiBrainDance: if you have very very old low power machines crunchbang is good, but not for much else unless you just dont like gui01:51
ubottuharjot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:51
BrainDanceIts even easier to install software in Ubuntu than Windows, just get a big list of free software, click and choose01:51
harjotdarthanubis: thanks for being an alternative to a dictionary01:51
dht123Can moneydance do US Income Taxes?01:51
BrainDanceI pretty much forgot most of what I knew about using the terminal, which is a shame, because in Ubuntu I dont have t use it01:51
jiohdidht123: there are at least a half a dozen online services that are free01:52
BrainDancebut I do want to re-learn01:52
kaddidarthanubis: like what? pointing out that you were assuming the person was having a windows install handy when he actually had stated he hadn't? :p01:52
ke1ha_dht123: Google + Linux + Taxes Applications01:52
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BrainDanceBut I cant think of what to do or what I'd even have to do?01:52
ekim1BrainDance, I have heard good things about Puppy Linux but never used it.  It is made to run with minimim specs.01:52
ke1ha_we're not tax experts here.01:52
jiohdiBrainDance: I generally use the terminal as a short cut to get programs I like01:52
LiBenHow can I log chian's channal?01:52
dht123TurboTax online doesnt seem to support Linux. I checked. It tells me to "upgrade" my operating system01:52
dht123... to Windows 701:53
chelzdht123: you have to spoof your useragent01:53
ke1ha_Call them, you know, pick up the phone.01:53
dht123chelz: I don't even know what that means.01:53
BrainDancejiohda, sadly every time I've used it I've just been pasting someone elses commands01:53
modulationzdht123: https://turbotaxweb.turbotaxonline.intuit.com/open/registration/Start.htm01:53
BrainDancebut is it really faster and more efficient to work with a command line?01:53
darthanubiskaddi: I figured a lover of all things closed source as he moaned about would have multiple copies of windows on hand. but seriously, they have windows vdis online. But he said he was too dumb and lazy for that even. So he is up a vreek regardless. Mind you, these are his self references not mine.01:53
chelzBrainDance: for some things that can be automated01:53
jiohdibraindance if you learn apt-cache search and then apt-get install whatever you can get programs loads quicker than synaptic01:54
BrainDancethats the thing, on this laptop its just firefox, xchat, abiword, pidgin01:54
BrainDancestuff like that01:54
teagedht123: konquror has a net feature to be recognized as many browsers, I wonder if it can fool the online turbotax.01:54
Jordan_UBrainDance, It really depends on what you want to do.01:54
ekim1seeing all this chat about taxes, what is a good linux accounting package?  Any recommendations?01:54
BrainDanceI'd like to tinker around with it more, but unlike in hgihschool I just dont have the time anymore01:54
jiohdiBrainDance: if you install lots of machines you will find the benefits, but if not... dont worry about01:55
chelzBrainDance: you might be lucky enough (from some perspective) to not need to leave GUIs01:55
darthanubisekim1: search the repos01:55
darthanubisfor "taxes"01:55
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darthanubislearn to use your software01:55
chelzekim1: http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/130716 and http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/49400?theme=print01:55
dht123I only used Linux because I hate Windows and tech-savvy people I know say it's better -- is it really that unsupported?01:55
BrainDanceis there a fully featured browser that runs on linux thats more memory efficient than firefox? I love firefox, but to be honest (especially with my tabbed browsing) it really is a memory hog. And I have issues with it not closing right01:55
BrainDanceIs googles browser any good?01:55
dht123Maybe I should just get a Mac...01:55
chelzcrossover office apparently works with quicken01:55
darthanubis!poll | BrainDance01:56
ubottuBrainDance: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:56
titan_arkhow can i add the universe repository?01:56
Odd-rationaleBrainDance: I'm on chrome right now.01:56
BrainDanceI stil use windows on my media center pc, might switch to mythbuntu though, I just use linux because generally it does what I want to do a lot better and quicker than a PC, with less the hassle01:56
chelzBrainDance: some use google chrome. i personally use chromium, arora, and epiphany in addition to firefox01:56
darthanubis!ot | BrainDance01:56
ubottuBrainDance: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:56
trineoxBrainDance: google chrome is decent i use it as well along with firefox01:56
Odd-rationaleBrainDance: you should also consider xmbc (ubuntu based)01:56
kaddiBrainDance: learn to use the command line and you can disable your touchpad all together. ;) TZhat's the main reason I use the command line as much as I do... using the touchpad for anything is just a pain :D01:56
BrainDanceWell, I guess I do have a support question, how do I go about installing chrome? I didn't see it in synaptic01:57
chelzkaddi: sounds like you need a usb mouse ;)01:57
jiohdiBrainDance: you can try opera its pretty good for ubuntu01:57
kaddiBrainDance: there's also opera as a browser01:57
Odd-rationaleBrainDance: go here: http://www.google.com/chrome01:57
chelzBrainDance: http://www.google.com/search?q=chrome+for+linux01:57
trineoxBrainDance: it has bin file for linux download google it with linux01:57
kaddihehe jiohdi beat me01:57
darthanubisjesus, there is a option to turn off the pad when typing01:57
ke1ha_You want commercial Support for Ubuntu, Call Conaical, you cna get all  the commercial support your wallet can handle.01:57
chelzwow everyone is talking to BrainDance01:57
darthanubisdo you people even use ubuntu?01:57
Odd-rationalethere is a deb file01:57
dht123... TurboTax says I need to install Adobe Reader, but I can already open PDFs. How can I make it stop asking?01:58
BrainDancealright, sounds good. Thanks for everyones help! This has seriously been the friendliest support channel I've ever been in!01:58
trineoxdarthanubis: yes i use ubuntu 99% of the time01:58
Trekdht123: install adobe reader01:58
titan_arkcould some one please help me with adding the universe repo and i also wanted to increase to 4 workspaces/01:58
kaddichelz I'm in to deep by now. Main reason I don't use windows it cause I can't get a working command line01:58
dht123Is that for Linux?01:58
chelzdht123: such is life with a proprietary program, gotta do what it wants01:58
darthanubistrineox: because not being aware of simple options in the menu is astonishing01:58
chelzdht123: no, you would install it with wine01:58
Trekdht123: they are multi-platform01:58
sebsebsebdht123: a lot of Tax stuff, if you want to run Windows apps try Wine, or with enough RAM a Windows virtual machine of real Windows01:58
Trekdht123: but install it under WINE01:58
chelzkaddi: happened to me too. i can't leave linux these days.01:58
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: right-click the switcher applet --> preferences01:58
ekim1darthanubis, I use it daily but I am new so I am trying to learn to do more with it.01:59
ke1ha_sudo apt-get install acroread01:59
jiohdidht123: I have absolutely no problem with taxact.com01:59
chelzdht123: looking into something like crossover would probably be a good idea if you really care about what you're doing, you seemed to consider taxes mission-critical01:59
darthanubisekim1: go through the menu and leanr what apps you have and what they do01:59
dht123Why does every company seem to HATE Linux?01:59
darthanubisget familiar with synaptic01:59
devrethmandarthanubis: I've used ubuntu forever, and I don't know where most stuff in the menu is. If I wanted to do everything with my mouse, I'd use windows.01:59
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto01:59
trineoxdarthanubis: i only use windows for my mmorpg's..thats it.01:59
titan_arkOdd-rationale, i did that and made it 2 rows and 2 columns, but it still gives me 2 only01:59
ke1ha_if you wnat the FF plugins as well:01:59
Trekdht123: there's many differemt linux distros thats why :P01:59
ke1ha_sudo apt-get install acroread mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins01:59
chelzdht123: it's just not that widely used. it took Mac OS X quite a while to finally get first class support for stuff like Photoshop02:00
dht123jiohdi: does taxact allow you to import 2008 TurboTax files?02:00
sebsebsebdht123: not every company, anyway I know what you mean, and  the simple answer to your question, since Windows has most of the desktop market share02:00
darthanubisdevrethman: utter nonsense02:00
ekim1darthanubis, I do that and also sit back on this channel and see what people are using and talking about.02:00
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: you don't have a 4x4 grid?02:00
LiBensudo apt-get install acroread02:00
pitlimitcan anyone tell me what buttons are EOF on ubuntu?02:00
pitlimitis it ctrl-d?02:00
devrethmanDarthanubis: You want to get into an argument with me over my own usage preferences?02:00
devrethmanThat's cure.02:00
dht123Can someone check if TaxAct can import TurboTax 2008 files02:00
tyler_dpitlimit: what do you mean?02:00
sebsebsebdht123: Even if you were using Mac OS X you would get issues with certain things that can be done in Windows02:00
chelzpitlimit: yep, in a terminal on pretty much all unices that's the key combination02:00
titan_arkOdd-rationale, no a 2x2, should it be a 4x4?02:00
darthanubisekim1: this channel is mostly noise. You'd learn more poking through your system, after backing it up of course02:00
tyler_dpitlimit: in terminal its ctrl-d to exit, ctrl-c to quit normal02:01
tyler_dpitlimit: or break, and force is ctrl-x02:01
dht123I don't hate Linux, it's just that nothing seems to work in it.02:01
meowbuntui need help i cant use the command y http://pastebin.com/d4a48e8fa02:01
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ke1ha_then dont use it.02:01
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: yes. try 4 col, 1 row. see if that helps.02:01
mrpink57dht123: a lot of new people say that...02:01
sebsebsebdht123: depends on what people are doing, and a lot works, or can get working, e.g. Wine or Windows virtual machine02:01
ZykoticK9dht123, I doubt (but don't know for sure) that installing the Linux version of Acrobat is going to resolve your issue -- you will probably end up having to install the Windows version in Wine for TurboTax to be "aware" of it -- i'm just guessing here, but something to keep in mind if the linux version fails.  good luck.02:01
microlithdht123: plenty works with it, but there are lots of proprietary applications that assume windows02:01
dht123I just recently installed Karmic to try it -- I'm not a Linux guru or anything...02:01
teagedht123: maybe you are doomed for windows02:01
chelz!es | papi02:01
ubottupapi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:01
ekim1darthanubis, I really do go poking around each day but my main issue is not know what linux program replaces my windoz program, if there is one!!02:02
devrethmanteage: wait, what? How could someone be doomed to windows? That's a terrible fate.02:02
darthanubisekim1: google has a list02:02
tyler_dmeowbuntu: its wget "address"02:02
ke1ha_IIRC charts are not training courses, maybe that would be of more benefit to you.02:02
chelzdht123: turbotax will likely only recognize other windows things, since that's what it was setup to deal with. in this case the windows environment is everything within wine02:02
savidHi, I'm trying to install postgresql, and for whatever reason it's not creating the /etc/postgresql config dir...  What do I do?  I've tried re-install postgresql, I've also tried running dpkg-reconfigure (nothing happens) .02:02
kaddiekim1: osalt.com can be of help as well. IF they know the program02:02
chelzdht123: so you most likely need to install the windows version of acrobat02:02
tyler_dmeowbuntu: the -O- on wget will not save the output02:02
titan_arkOdd-rationale, yes i have got 4 now. i was trying to set up the cube effect ;) cant seem to get the up and down keys to function02:03
ke1ha_savid: you runnign it as sudo or a normal user ?02:03
savidke1ha_,  sudo02:03
chelzsavid: you might find into reading the stuff in /usr/share/doc/postgresql/02:03
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: for the cube, you need to install compizconfig-settings-manager02:04
ekim1darthanubis, kaddi:  I get that but there usually are ten programs that do the same thing so i always look for the recommended one or mostly used one to figure on less issues.02:04
ke1ha_Hmm .. interesting. sudo / root puts it in /etc .. have you ched the big rports ?02:04
titan_arkOdd-rationale, yes i did that and selected the cube and reflection etc02:04
ke1ha_oops checked ...02:04
savidchelz,  no this is an ubuntu problem, not a postgresql problem02:04
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darthanubis!poll | ekim102:04
ubottuekim1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:04
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: ok. does it work now?02:04
ekim1there are some programs that are NOT done in linux that I can find so far. One is called TeamViewer.02:04
meowbuntutyler_d, i am trying to install http://www.playonlinux.com/en/download.html02:05
ke1ha_Yeah, it's a port thing. I'd go to the bugs section, that doesn't seem right. I used to use postg .. ubt moved to mysql. so I've not tried it lately.02:05
titan_arkOdd-rationale, no, it just keeps moving horizontally not like a cube02:05
chelzekim1: the chat program empathy has screen sharing capabilities02:05
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: did you enable the cube?02:05
ekim1yeah, i got all that but it is nice to get recommendations or to at least hear that people are using this program or not.02:05
titan_arkOdd-rationale, yes02:05
meowbuntutyler_d, whats rong with tj=hrer command02:06
titan_arkOdd-rationale, i even enables extras and get the wobble02:06
tyler_dmeowbuntu: huh?02:06
meowbuntui need help i cant use the command y http://pastebin.com/d4a48e8fa02:06
chelzmeowbuntu:  sudo wget http://deb.playonlinux.com/playonlinux_karmic.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list02:06
meowbuntutyler_d, i am trying to install http://www.playonlinux.com/en/download.html02:06
meowbuntutyler_d, whats rong with tj=hrer command02:06
chelzmeowbuntu: all on one line, you need stuff after the    -O02:07
tyler_dlol, just read that02:07
tyler_dinstruction set fail02:07
meowbuntuoh i see there link is wrong ther02:07
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: did you enable rotate cube as well?02:07
meowbuntu^ thanks chelz02:07
chelzmeowbuntu: just something you get from experience02:07
titan_arkOdd-rationale, yes02:08
chelzideally all of that sources.list.d creation can be handled in a similar way to the ppa: stuff is02:08
savidinteresting,   an strace on dpkg-reconfigure shows this:  http://dpaste.com/156005/02:08
meowbuntuchyes i missed it myself02:08
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: still no?02:09
meowbuntu^ chelz02:09
srlopez!help ubuntu02:09
julito^!help ubuntu02:09
sincero!help ubuntu02:09
miguel_ayu!help ubuntu02:09
enzo_29!help ubuntu02:09
g6035!help ubuntu02:09
h7673!help ubuntu02:09
jeff__i need help  please ... i cant get my sound to work with ubuntu02:09
tyler_djeff__: are you using alsa or oss?02:09
sincero!help ubuntu02:09
camila!help ubuntu02:09
g6035!help ubuntu02:09
srlopez!help ubuntu02:09
julito^!help ubuntu02:09
enzo_29!help ubuntu02:09
h7673!help ubuntu02:09
fabian28!help ubuntu02:09
verona|!help ubuntu02:09
joelito!help ubuntu02:09
miguel_ayu!help ubuntu02:09
alex^!help ubuntu02:09
z4021!help ubuntu02:09
ke1ha_jeff_ which version and kernel ?02:09
jeff__thats the odd thing i cant find any sound options anywhere02:09
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:09
jeff__hmm im not really sure ... is there a command i can use to tel lme02:09
savidWhat is the purpose of the files in /var/lib/dpkg/info?   How do I restore files that are missing from there?02:10
ke1ha_uname -a02:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:10
titan_arkOdd-rationale, no :( i saw online i need to set cube caps but i dont see that option02:10
chelzsavid: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2007-August/000659.html02:11
ke1ha_well, before we go through the whole thing, I installed 9.10 sound worked, did the dist-upgrade, it broke, had to reinstall alsa completely from scratch, then all was well again.02:11
chelzsavid: http://mm.bbspals.org/linux/lost-var-lib-dpkg-on-debian/02:12
jeff__hmm guess i could upgrade to 9.1002:12
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: hmm... I just set effects to normal/exta, and enabled "desktop cube" and "rotate cube" in ccsm.02:12
joelito!ops !help !seen !ubunto02:12
sincero!ops !help !seen !ubunto02:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:12
miguel_ayu!ops !help !seen !ubunto02:12
camila!ops !help !seen !ubunto02:12
z4021!ops !help !seen !ubunto02:12
alex^!ops !help !seen !ubunto02:12
fabian28!ops !help !seen !ubunto02:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:12
verona|!ops !help !seen !ubunto02:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:12
tyler_dwhy is everyone doing that?02:12
ke1ha_jeff_ 2.6.31-32 alsa seems to be working properly.02:12
devrethmanWhat's with all the ubottu harassment?02:12
Trekits bots, devrethman02:13
IdleOnetyler_d: it's a botnet attack. the ops will get it under control in a minute02:13
ke1ha_opps sri. 2.6.31-19...02:13
rwwdevrethman, tyler_d: someone spamming the channel with bots. Best to ignoreit.02:13
alex^!ops !help !seen !ubunto !ops02:13
z4021!ops !help !seen !ubunto !ops02:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:13
devrethmanWait. There's bots harassing bots? What kind of world is this?02:13
CShadowRundevrethman: just some kiddie with tiny botnet who thinks he's clever.02:13
rwwubotu: don't worry, we don't :(02:13
jeff__cyber world lol02:13
chelzideally their IPs would get reported to freenode staff and zlined02:13
Trekif I were an op, I'd go do that02:13
brando753guys is there a tool on ubuntu which i can use to print raffle/event tickets? Something like glabels which i use when printing labels02:13
titan_arkOdd-rationale, it seems to rotate and i can move to all 4 workspaces but i cant see the cube and stuff as they show in the videos02:14
alex^!ops !help !seen !ubunto !ops !ubotu02:14
z4021!ops !help !seen !ubunto !ops !ubotu02:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:14
TrekWTF THEY'RE BACK!!!02:14
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:14
jeff__so what do you think ... should i try to upgrade to 9.10 to fix sound02:14
IdleOneTrek: stop calling the ops. they are here waiting for them02:14
chelzbrando753: http://blog.worldlabel.com/2009/printing-labels-in-ubuntu.html02:14
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: try ctrl+alt+right-mouse and hold and move.02:14
ke1ha_Yes, I'd try 9.10 .. then dist-upgrade .. a new install went without a problem, no sound issues at all.02:14
chelzbrando753: http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/56209 and http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/11956602:14
chelzbrando753: all from http://www.google.com/search?q=print+labels+linux+OR+ubuntu02:15
jeff__kk thanks Kelha02:15
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: sorry, left-mouse.02:15
ke1ha_9.04 to 9.10 didn't work to well for sound. and initially, 9.10 broke it, but the latest 9.10-ISO-32 workes poretty good.02:15
titan_arkOdd-rationale, oh yes it works in a kind of circular way now =D but i dont see the small cube kinda thing :P02:15
sje46everytime I watch a youtube video, the sound stops after a few seconds02:16
Treki think i'll go hide in off-topic and the Pennsylvania LoCo Team's channels...02:16
chelzsje46: are you using the firefox and flash plugin from the repos? and does that happen with any other sites using flash besides youtube?02:17
bkssthi everyone02:17
chelz!hi | bksst02:17
ubottubksst: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:17
kaddihi :)02:17
bksstmy first time here02:17
sje46chelz: firefox and chrome.  DOn't know what flash plugin you're talking abot.  And grooveshark doesn't work well either02:17
titan_arkOdd-rationale, i was also seeing how to install the mac-style dock at the bottom, any ideas? i see that the universal repo needs to be activated. how do i do that?02:18
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: you can adjjust the zoom in the ccsm settings02:18
chelzsje46: in a terminal do:  dpkg -l | flash02:18
sje46although, chelz, with chrome, when I refresh, the music begins again, but that doesn't work with firefox.  I assume that has somethign to do with separate processes02:18
titan_arkOdd-rationale, okay shall check now02:18
`mOOse` sje46 right click on the youtube video box and then left click on the little envelope icon - make your cache unlimited02:18
bksstthanks for the info02:18
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: there are many dock applications you can use. My personal favorite is gnome-do with the docky theme.02:18
chelz`mOOse`: my player is set to no cache and YT works fine02:18
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: gnome-do should be in the repos02:19
`mOOse`has to do with flash sucking02:19
titan_arkOdd-rationale, could you help me set it up? i am not very well versed with linux02:19
sje46chelz,  No command 'flash' found, did you mean:02:19
sje46 Command 'flasm' from package 'flasm' (universe)02:19
chelzsje46: sorry in a terminal do:  dpkg -l | grep flash02:19
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: sure. first install gnome-do02:19
sje46ii  adobe-flashplugin                                        Adobe Flash Player plugin version 1002:20
=== cristiano is now known as Guest65141
brando753guys is there a tool on ubuntu which i can use to print raffle/event tickets? simmilar to glabels not glabels02:20
titan_arkOdd-rationale, done02:20
`mOOse`but in the meantime02:20
`mOOse`make your cache as big as possible to give youtube a chance to read ahead02:20
brando753glabels dosent print tickets02:20
chelzbrando753: i linked you to a bunch of sites02:20
Odd-rationaletitan_ark: would you like to pm me? (or let me pm you?)02:20
tyler_danyone know how to hide the join/part in empathy?02:20
sje46'm00se' but it isn't working for firefox or chrome02:20
titan_arkOdd-rationale, yes please could you PM?02:21
sje46so it probably isn't the cache02:21
brando753chelz: those where for printing labels? im trying to print Raffle/Event Tickets02:21
chelzbrando753: probably openoffice using a template: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/openofficeorg-template-collections02:22
alabamahitI have a question. If I install Ubuntu with WUBI, would it be slower thatn if I installed it myself froma  livecd? Or would it be the same?02:22
bazhangalabamahit, wubi is slower, more of a demo02:22
sje46@ chelz "ii  adobe-flashplugin                                        Adobe Flash Player plugin version 10"02:23
Jordan_Ualabamahit, The install itself or the resulting system?02:23
chelzbrando753: http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=6413502:23
perlsyntaxHow do i see what the cpu speed are in ubuntu?02:23
chelzsje46: ah i saw that. thanks.02:23
alabamahitJordan_U, The resulting system.02:23
tyler_dperlsyntax: in terminal type top02:23
ke1ha_cat /proc/cpuinfo02:23
bksstdoes anyone have issues with youtube video not having sound when you play a couple of them02:24
chelzsje46: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255422 - follow the instructions in the top post02:24
chelzbksst: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255422 - follow the instructions in the top post02:24
tyler_dcat /proc/cpuinfo perlsyntax02:24
sje46bksst, does it crap out in the first few seconds?02:24
Jordan_Ualabamahit, IO will be somewhat slower because it has to write to an ext image file on an ntfs file system. Everything else should the same speed.02:24
semitonesbazhang, are there guides in place to installing a real ubuntu installation after trying it in wubi? Or does the user have to figure it out him/herself?02:24
bksstthanks for the link chelz02:24
ke1ha_if you just want the speed only, cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHZ02:25
IdleOnesemitones: the wubi website has instructions02:25
bazhangsemitones, migrating a wubi install to a hdd? is that what you mean02:25
sje46but, chelz, the same thing happens with chrome...02:25
ke1ha_sri, that' MHz with small case "z"02:25
bksstyeah, the fix is only for firefox02:25
tyler_dor a -i ke15SAABM2A02:26
chelzsje46: oss might fix it02:26
bksstI was told to either delete or install fsound02:26
alabamahitJordan_U, I installed with wubi, it took less than 10 minutes. from website. Was just curious if the OS itself will be slower.? Now that I have it installed.02:26
markymarkQuestion, where is the device manager?02:26
semitonesbazhang, yes, and does it warn the user that wubi isn't as fast?02:26
bazhangsemitones, not sure if it warns, but apparently the developer of wubi himself said it was more of a demo than a real install02:27
semitonesbazhang, IdleOne I want to know if I should recommend wubi to windows refugees02:27
chelzsemitones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20do%20I%20migrate%20to%20a%20real%20partition,%20and/or%20get%20rid%20of%20Windows%20entirely?02:27
bksstwhat's oss02:27
sje46okay, trying it, chelz02:27
Jordan_Ubazhang, Source?02:27
ke1ha_If you running anythign from within Windows, even Cygwin .. it's not in a true Linux state and the overhead of the host OS will affect it's performance02:27
alabamahitmarkymark, do you mean  (  System ->Administor -> System Monitor ) ?02:27
IdleOnesemitones: it is a good way for people to try it out02:28
chelzke1ha_: wubi only uses the windows partition, it doesn't actually load anything from windows02:28
ke1ha_best way to see "real" performance is a Native install.02:28
ke1ha_anythign other will be affected buy the Host.02:28
alabamahitwubi, don't run from "Inside" windows lol02:28
markymarkNo, not system monitor. I want to see the installed devices.02:28
chelzntfs-3g is fuse so it runs in userspace and that isn't good for speed02:29
ke1ha_If Widows is "running" it has an affect, if it's not running, it wont.02:29
alabamahitwindows is not running02:29
Jordan_Ualabamahit, ke1ha_: http://wubi-installer.org/faq.php02:29
ke1ha_then it should be close to true native Linux performance, aside from the File system, unless WUBI partitions it to EXT3 /4 or something other than NTFS02:30
alabamahitSweet :)02:30
alabamahitJordan_U, Thanks :)02:30
markymarkWhere is Device Manager in Ubuntu?02:30
chelzcoLinux/andLinux might be more of 'running inside' windows02:30
Jordan_Ualabamahit, np :)02:30
sje46chelz, etc/firefox/firefoxrc doesn't exist =/02:31
chelzmarkymark: linux does things different than windows02:31
sje46it's an empty file, I mean02:31
chelzsje46: yeah you have to make it02:31
semitonesmarkymark, what are you looking to do?02:31
blackmambaanyone having issues using that elementary GTK theme?02:31
Jordan_Umarkymark, "lshw" from the terminal, there is also a GUI application I can't remember the name of, but it doesn't come installed by default.02:31
sje46but I don't see "FIREFOX_DSP=”none” , chelz02:31
alabamahitJordan_U, what is messed up i looked there before coming here lol, didn't find it lol. just looked now and it says clear as day.. "The performance is identical to a standard installation, except for hard-disk access which is slightly slower than an installation to a dedicated partition."02:32
chelzsje46: are you on intel?02:32
kosharimarkymark gnome-system-monitor02:32
markymarkI have a CD Burner installed but system does not recognize it.02:32
sje46chelz, I have an intel celeron processor02:32
chelzsje46: see if this applies: http://downlode.org/Creative/Writing/Notebook/2009/11/fixing_sound_issues_with_flash_in_ubuntu_and_kubuntu_karmic_on_an_intel_sound_card.html02:32
b0whello! anyone can help with bluetooth? my pc recognize it but i cant make it work02:33
_CommandeR_anyone know how to install quake3 on ubuntu?02:33
ke1ha_Looks like WUBI is a boot time app, so it should be close depending on the file-system selected on the partition.02:34
sje46chelz, I don't know if that applies...it doesn't make random popping noises02:34
sje46chelz, what do I do abotu that empty file?02:34
Jordan_Usje46, Are you using Ubuntu 9.10?02:35
chelzsje46: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:35
chelzi gotta brb02:35
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents02:35
sje46I am using ubuntu 9.1002:35
Jordan_Usje46, If you open System > Preferences > Sound, and go to the "Applications" tab, do you see chrome / firefox / flashplugin listed?02:36
sje46Jordan_U, no...02:37
bksstjordan_U I have firefox listed but no chrome02:38
markymarkI am using Ubunty 9.04. Where can I see installed devices?02:38
sje46I have rhythmbox, totem, and alsa-plugin(chrome), Jordan_U02:39
sje46so I guess that is chrome02:39
b0whello! anyone can help with bluetooth? my pc recognize it but i cant make it work02:40
Jordan_Usje46, When flash videos start having sound problems does rythmbox continue playing fine?02:40
sje46rhythmbox plays just fine, Jordan_U .  Also, I tried chelz's last suggestion, removing flash and reinstalling it (I think that's what it was), and I thought it was working, but it stopped playing ausio at the end02:41
kosharimarkymark for hardware scan the bus, ie lspci and lsusb, for drivers scam the loaded modules, ie lsmod02:41
kosharib0w what do you want to do with it?02:42
Jordan_Umarkymark, For a GUI you can install Sysinfo from Applications > Add / Remove02:43
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
b0wkoshari: i want to connect my phone to my laptop02:47
b0whahaha so quiet, everyone watching SB02:49
Dr_Willisb0w:  Nope. :)02:51
b0whahah its not regular to see this chan quiet02:51
b0wbut we are not suppose to talk about this in here :P02:52
=== joel___ is now known as Phosis
bkssthow about audio issues while watching videos on youtube?02:53
christopherhi everybody02:53
bksston ff and chrome02:54
b0whello! anyone can help with bluetooth? my pc recognize it but i cant make it work02:54
Dr_Willisbksst:  it works here in flash on chrome. or try the html5 feature of chrome and youtuibe02:54
bkssthow do I install html502:55
lostinspace_46While installing      I get this message...error: Package requirements ( pygobject-2.0 >= 2.12.0     gst-python-0.10 >= 0.10.10 ) were not met:  Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable These pkgs are installed, but I can't find the executables.  How do I deal with this?02:55
lostinspace_46installing farsight02:56
b0whello! anyone can help with bluetooth? my pc recognize it but i cant make it work02:57
ubuntuserhow would i go about switching my laptop to my elevision monitor02:58
Dr_Willisubuntuser:  here iuse either the laptop special keys to swotch monitors. or the display settings tool02:59
brando753is there a way i can take photos from my digital camera hooked up to my laptop via usb02:59
Dr_Willisbrando753:  some cams do work as a webcam.. some dont. so it depends03:00
brando753if it did how would i03:00
Dr_Willisread the cam manual..03:00
Dr_Willisor check its menus.. or try it03:00
_CommandeR_how do i rename a partition in ubuntu ?03:00
Dr_Willisbye all.03:00
igiewhat do I type in terminal to see disk permissions ?03:00
Jordan_Ubrando753, Try a program called "cheeze"03:01
nawkI realize many screensavers  found in previous versions of Ubuntu are no longer available in Karmic Koala03:02
nawke.g. lattice03:02
kosharib0w ok first see if you can see your phone with hcitool scan03:02
nawkhow can I get them ?03:02
Phillips#ubuntu, how do I make that leap from hello world to fully fledged program?03:02
BluesKajnawk, install xscreensaver03:03
hyperstreamPhillips, depends what language you use ?03:03
Jordan_Unawk, Don't install xscreensaver03:03
lostinspace_46While installing  farsight    I get this message...error: Package requirements ( pygobject-2.0 >= 2.12.0     gst-python-0.10 >= 0.10.10 ) were not met:  Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable These pkgs are installed, but I can't find the executables.  How do I deal with this?03:03
Phillipshyperstream: python03:03
Jordan_Unawk, Install xscreensaver-gl-extra and / or xscreensaver-data-extra03:03
nawkJordan_U: okay, which package should I apt-get to get "lattice back"03:04
hyperstreamPhillips, try #python or googling python tutorials(best way for online)03:04
userzyvia GParted on an ubuntu install CD I completely removed all ubuntu partitions and extended my winxp partition to cover the whole disk, yet when I try to boot I get the GRUB rescue console.  What is wrong?03:04
PhosisThere is a good book on Python, called Learning Python...I have had some good results with it03:04
kosharib0w you need to use ppp protocon and you may need to bind the rfcom manually, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/41605603:04
PhillipsPhosis: Alright thanks03:05
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
Phillipshyperstream: I'll be frequenting #python from now on03:05
BluesKajJordan_U, well , I prefer to use xscreensaver as a vehicle to display my pictures on the , not as a source of images03:05
kosharib0w alternatively a 3g phone MAy be different03:05
BluesKajerr display03:05
Jordan_UBluesKaj, Yes, but there are many differences and consequences when installing xscreensaver, nawk just want's the latice screensaver, not to replace gnome-screensaver ( though he may decide to do that also )03:06
bcurtiswxanyone know what happened to the lyrics plugin for banshee in 1.5.3 ?03:09
bcurtiswxis it just me?03:09
jschalluserzy: you have to restore the windows boot loader using a windows disk.03:09
tp43I have been running ubuntu for about a week now.  I have had two crashes03:09
tp43it may be cairo or compiz03:10
jschalltp43: there's something wrong with your hardware or there's something wrong with your hardware drivers or your definition of "crash" is just too broad.03:10
gibby82can anyone help me with a display issue?03:10
nawkJordan_U atm, I'm using gnome-screensaver.  Do many people prefer xscreensaver over gnome-screensaver?03:11
tp43jschall, when you put in the windows install cd, you can skip install and go to repair, and a command prompt.  Type fix mbr, and in will install windows boot loader03:11
jschalltp43: i didn't ask about that03:12
savidUhhh..  why do I get "unknown host" when I do "ping localhost"03:12
tp43well, my screen freezes, and I can't move my mouse03:12
jschalltp43: also i think its "fixmbr," one word03:12
tp43I have to shutdown03:12
jschalltp43: start by testing memory with memtest03:12
tp43jschall, ok, lets see03:13
jschalltp43: then run mprime for a while (8-24 hours) with compiz or other compositing off03:13
savidmy /etc/hosts shows     localhost localhost.localdomain03:13
Jordan_Unawk, xscreensaver allows you to change the settings of individual screensavers, gnome-screensaver doesn't but integrates much better into Gnome.03:13
Jordan_U!sysrq | tp4303:13
ubottutp43: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key03:13
savidwhy would localhost be not found??03:13
voss749Ok the saints have won the superbowl, if the cubs win the world series , then I will take 2012 seriously ;-)03:13
fosser_joshI have a laptop lenovo y500 and I installed ubuntu 9.10 but now problem is that sound is not proper, there is a sound but its like a noisy sound no clear sound from laptop speakers03:13
lostinspace_46While installing  farsight    I get this message...error: Package requirements ( pygobject-2.0 >= 2.12.0     gst-python-0.10 >= 0.10.10 ) were not met:  Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable These pkgs are installed, but I can't find the executables.  How do I deal with this?03:14
_CommandeR_need help with quake3. When launching from terminal with command quake3 i get sound but when doing a menu launcher the game is silent.03:15
RPG-MasterOK, I'm playing a game, all is good, UNTIL the game randomly slows down and my CPU spikes. It'll stay like that until I close the game and open it again. This happens to just about anything that uses openGL03:15
tp43fosser_josh, that's crazy, maybe speaker is blown, is it brand new.  Sound usually works no problem.  Maybe it gets muted is the worst thing that could happen03:15
gibby82Trying to set an external monitor to 1280x1024. Toshiba notebook with Intel 945GMA, Ubuntu 9.10 x86. Currently just gives me an odd 1152x864 resolution03:15
RPG-MasterAlso, I'm using an NVIDIA card03:15
fosser_joshtp43: nah in external speakers sounds work fine but for internal speakers its giving problem03:16
tp43fosser_josh, oh, so I was right, your speakers are blown.  You bought it used?03:16
mezquitaleRPG-Master, do you have anything else open at the same time?  I've seen the same problem with npviewerviewer.bin-- flash03:17
=== dm_ is now known as dminus
charles__anybody know what i may have done when formatting a drive partition to make it unmountable in  liveCD environment? is there some way i may have set a lock on the drive?03:17
fosser_joshits my friends laptop in xp speakers work fine but bow I Installed ubuntu its giving problem03:17
jschallfosser_josh: what i'd do is get alsamixer, go through and turn everything to half volume and see if it fixes the problem. sometimes max volume on certain things can cause distortion within the sound card.03:17
fosser_joshjschall: okh will see03:18
gibby82Trying to set an external monitor to 1280x1024. Toshiba notebook with Intel 945GMA, Ubuntu 9.10 x86. Currently just gives me an odd 1152x864 resolution03:18
tp43is there a way to make tpb program, for on-screen volume adjusting graphic, and screen brightness graphic run on startup, Cause I have to do xhost + and then sudo tpb & every boot03:19
charles__lemme see if i can put this another way: is there some sort of partition ownership that you can set under linux?03:20
mvsnhello. wondering if someone could help me... im a little confused, i setup vsftp, got everything working, but anything i upload the permissions are set to 600, i cannot seem to find the place to change that setting.. and what should the setting be if im ftping to my web server?03:21
BluesKajcharles__, partition ownership ? Do you mean boot order /03:21
ramirohi, how do I check if all files belonging to a package are properly installed?03:22
JoundillHey, I need some help setting up my Pixel ProView bt878 PCI TV tuner card03:23
BluesKajramiro, run it in the cli , to check for errors03:23
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
Joundilljeremy@jeremy-desktop:~$ lspci | grep Bt87803:23
Joundill02:0a.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 02)03:23
Joundill02:0a.1 Multimedia controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture (rev 02)03:23
_CommandeR_need help with quake3. When launching from terminal with command quake3 i get sound but when doing a menu launcher the game is silent.03:23
charles__BluesKaj: no, ubuntu boots up just fine and i have access to all of my drives and partitions. there is one partition, however, that i reformatted to ext4 (i'm coming over from xp). whenever i try to access the drive from any liveCD (as i go through different distros checking them out) the ext4 partition shows up in the file manager, but i cannot mount it to access the contents.03:24
k0rnCan someone answer a question for me about installing Ubuntu. I have used it before on AMD architecture. The download says AMD64. My question is im on a new box now that runs Intel Core 2 Duo. Will Ubuntu work with this?03:24
slashcheesehey guys, whats the best ubuntu iso for old laptop with 128mb ram?03:24
ramiroBluesKaj: run what in the cli?03:24
Joundillslash, I'd go for slackware with xfce, not Ubuntu :D03:24
slashcheeseim looking at 32bit 9.10 iso , not sure if the netbook version works03:24
BluesKajthe package name , ramiro03:24
mawstGentoo with CLI03:24
jschallk0rn: amd64 refers to the 64-bit version of the x86 instruction set. so, yes.03:24
ramiroBluesKaj: I want to check all packages that are currently installed03:25
k0rnOk Duh that makes sense03:25
tp43charles__, whats so great about ext4?  I still use 303:25
Jordan_Ucharles__, How are you trying to mount it and what happens when you do?03:25
jschallk0rn: its named that way because amd made the first 64-bit x86 processors.03:25
slashcheesei ran ubuntu 9.10 on a netbook and it runs fast with only 64mb ram03:25
JoundillReally, 64 mb?03:25
Joundillwhat DE?03:25
tp43slashcheese, all drivers?03:25
slashcheeseruns beautiful on my dell mini903:26
k0rnjschall: Thank you. I run Windows 7 64-bit on this laptop, but i also love ubuntu so its time to dual boot it.03:26
charles__tp43: i dunno, it just seemed like the thing to do03:26
slashcheeseso i thought ..... install the ubuntu 9.10 netbook version on the old laptop and ???03:26
k0rnNice Iso is done03:26
slashcheeseanyone try this03:26
jschallk0rn: try kubuntu too =P03:26
=== dm_ is now known as dminus
jschallk0rn: i guarantee if you use kde 4.3 for long enough you'll fall in love03:27
tp43charles__, I did it too, well, it came by default and so I didn't change it, and then I was having grub boot issues, and I am not sure if they were related, or I did something else wrong, but I changed everything back to ext303:27
BluesKajJordan_U, he's trying to mount it from a live cd03:27
ke1ha_ext4 was written from scratch, where ext3 was basically upgraded ext3. with all the options enabled on ext3, ext4 performance is very close, and it's a mature fs, where as ext4 is not proven is all areas yet.03:27
mrpink57_slashcheese: it may work but the kernel has Im sure a few customizations for a netbook03:27
ardchoille!ot | jschall03:27
ubottujschall: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:27
Jordan_Uke1ha_, ext4 was not written from scratch03:28
charles__Jordan_U: i go in through the file manager and click the drive like normal. all other drives mount just fine, except this one, which seems to either : A) dissappear from the list without warning or B) give me an error message which, sadly, i failed to write down03:28
k0rnjschall: I go to school for computer programming so a linux environment is ideal.03:28
jschallardchoille: you realise that i just used 1 line to recommend kubuntu, and you just upped it to 3 and now made me respond, upping it to 4 lines.03:28
ke1ha_if you have ext3 already, it's questionable whether you should upgrade, but new installs, probably the best option.03:28
tp43I like to use gnome, cause it runs the macosx style docks better03:28
jschallardchoille: all because you have a stick up your butt. 5 lines.03:28
slashcheesemrpink57: thats why Im asking this group. maybe Ill just do a usb live boot and test it out03:28
tp43But KDE was the reason I switched from debian, cause they still have kde 3.03:29
voss749I like to use gnome because kde 4 is a freakin mess03:29
Jordan_Ucharles__, Do you know how to mount via the terminal?03:29
tp43The desklets are better in kde though03:29
jschallvoss749: i see gnome as a bit of a mess.03:29
ardchoilleLet's take the KDE$ conversations to another channelplease03:29
voss749Gnome is now more like KDE 3 than KDE 4 is03:30
slashcheesewow, lots of discussions on desktops here. hahaha. reminds me of 1995 windows chat groups03:30
charles__Jordan_U: I.. should... i've been learning a lot of new stuff and sadly mounting was the first and i may have lost it already... one sec03:30
tp43voss749, I never noticed anything wrong with it, except the thing I mentioned already, macosx style docks run better on gnome03:30
JabberWalkiehey, so I have a program that needs to be pointed to a sound device like /dev/dsp...but im using pulse audio, what can I point it to?03:30
tp43slashcheese, I love the eye candy, I have cairo dock03:30
jschallardchoille: although i can see how mentioning kde in a gnome channel can kinda snowball.03:30
voss749I dont mind eye candy but it should not effect performance.03:31
nawkJordan_U: lattice is not there. :-(03:31
tp43I like the compiz interface too.  I have it set so I click mouse on the left edge to zoom out all my windows, and right edge window to alt-tab between windows03:31
nawkoh well03:31
voss749Im not fond of compiz either03:31
jschallvoss749: eye candy will always effect performance.03:31
tp43voss749, It doesn't at all.  I have dual core, gig or ram, if I don't run it, that computing power will never get used03:32
panfistwould a small private network (no internet connection at all) need a dns server?03:32
toastedmilkAnyone know how to enable direct rendering with the radeon driver in 8.04?03:32
mandii have an old desktop that i just converted to ubuntu today, an old laptop that converted earlier in the week, and two other newer laptops that are currently still windows - i'd like to know the best way to share files, mostly with the old desktop as a storage place - any suggestions?03:32
tp43I could put my system monitors on, and it will max out just the same if I don't have these eye candy on.  But there were two system freezes I experience that I bet are caused by compiz and/or cairo-dock03:33
Joundillmandi, google samba03:33
klappipanfist: if you want the hosts to have names...03:33
jschallmandi: ubuntu will automatically configure samba for you and share your files with your windows computers03:33
mandijoundill & jschall: thx03:33
lostinspace_46In karmic which repo is farsight in?  I can't seem to find it.03:33
jschallmandi: just open nautilus (the gnome file browser) and right click on something you want to share.03:34
mawstIs cedega really required for gaming anymore or does wine do the trick03:34
voss749The main reason I use mint not 9.10 vanilla is because I like my task bar on the bottom not the top!03:34
jschallmandi: go to properties, sharing. just like windows =P03:34
KreptaHello, I need help, I posted on ubuntu forum, and no response yet.03:34
jschallvoss749: o.O you can just drag it.03:34
tp43well you need compiz to run cairo-dock,03:34
Joundilljschall, mandi wants to share Ubuntu - Windoze03:34
tp43who is the commercial backing of Ubuntu?03:34
Joundillvoss749, you can move the task bar.03:34
kosharimandi samba03:34
voss749jschall, well mint is more stable in general but its the little things I like03:35
jschallJoundill: i know03:35
jschallJoundill: that's how it works in ubuntu iirc, i'm on kubuntu though.03:35
tp43voss749, lol, what is mint anyway?03:35
Kreptaa plant03:35
jschalltp43: an ubuntu-based distro03:35
voss749tp43, a ubuntu variant03:35
kosharivoss749 how do you determine mint is more "stable" ?03:35
tp43let me check it out03:35
voss749I run ubuntu 9.10 on my desktop and mint 8 on my laptop03:35
Joundilljschall: ahh :D03:35
mandialso, can anyone tell me how to resize vista for a dual-boot set up?03:35
jschalli haven't used mint but i would guess its less stable but has more tweaking into it03:36
mrpink57_tp43: i think the best way to describe it is what Ubuntu would be when it is full on mainstream03:36
jschallmandi: the ubuntu disk will do it for you.03:36
k0rnhmm new problem03:36
kosharimandi use gparted, remeber as always backup any critical data before attempting partitioning03:36
klappijschall: i havent used mint so i dont make guesses about it03:36
KreptaEven if it is NTFS5?03:36
jschallmandi: you install windows and then install ubuntu and the ubuntu installer will give you options to resize partitions03:36
k0rnWindows 7 disk image burner is telling me the image is not valid03:36
JoundillDoes anybody know how to turn off these "X has left the room" messages?03:37
JoundillI'm in Pidgin03:37
jschallKrepta: i would assume so. i haven't tried dual booting with windows (which i don't use) in a long time.03:37
KreptaI'm on the webchat app03:37
tp43mrpink57_ huh?  what do you mean, or are you talking about 'it'03:37
mrpink57_tp43: Mint03:37
KreptaAll of the tools I've used to rezise partitions don't allow resizing of NTFS5 partitions, I don't know if the newest gparted can do it.03:37
tp43mrpink57, oh, how is mint so mainstream?03:38
koshariJoundill tools > plugins, jin/leave notifier03:38
jschallJoundill: do you really want to be left hanging wondering why someone has stopped talking to you?03:38
Joundilljschall: sorry?03:38
KreptaI like knowing I'm not being ignored03:38
Jordan_UJabberWalkie, What program? ( Sorry if you already answered, I was disconnected )03:39
mrpink57_tp43: nevermind, I would google Linux Mint.03:39
bastid_raZorjschall: are you just an ass tonight or are you always this stupid?03:39
Viper1432Krepta,  you may have to get a copy of parted magic to do what you're wanting to do.  I thought gparted would, but ...shrugs.03:39
KreptaI'm having trouble getting windows vista to print to a canon pixma mp510 connected and shared from a desktop running ubuntu 9.10.  It was working fine two days ago.  Now, it sais access denied, cannot connect.03:39
jschallJoundill: if you can't see people leaving, then i could leave right now and you wouldn't know if i was ignoring you or had left the room03:39
Viper1432parted magic WILL do what you want with that ntfs partition though.03:39
KreptaI'm really getting frustrated.03:39
Joundilljschall: lol, fair 'nuff03:39
KreptaI've used partition magic, great tool, still can't resize ntfs503:39
tp43mrpink57, I did, I checked out there web site, I dunno, so many distros, Ubuntu is going good for me03:39
jschallbastid_raZor: how am i an ass, or stupid?03:40
Kreptawait, huh?03:40
JoundillI've got a rather big question to ask :P03:40
mrpink57_tp43: im not asking you to change, they just add a lot of additional non-free stuff03:40
JoundillI want to install my Pixelview Prolink TV tuner PCI card03:40
tp43But when debian does their next release, I will definitely try it and maybe switch back.  cause they have acpi all messed up these days, and I can't fix it03:40
KreptaIf anyone can help me with the network printing problem I'm having, that would be Really awesome.03:40
Jordan_UKrepta, Gparted can resize ntfs, you just need ntfsprogs installed.03:40
`mOOse`wait - let me get the life-rescue-inflatable-matress then Joundill03:40
panfistis synaptic multithreaded? would turning on hyperthreading on a single core processor increase performance? I ask because I have a 3.0GHz p4 with 1GB of RAM, and it hangs for over 30 seconds every time I mark a package to install03:40
tp43mrpink57, oh really, I like the sound of that, like what though03:41
Kreptajordan_u, excellent, that's what I wanted to know. :)03:41
Jordan_UKrepta, np :)03:41
mrpink57_tp43: read their site and google about Mint to see the changes maybe a Ubuntu vs Mint03:41
KreptaNow if only I could make this stupid windblowz vista print.03:41
`mOOse`panfist, welcome to linux03:41
jschallKrepta: i would look for logs on the linux machine.03:41
k0rnKrepta: upgrade to 7 if u can its great03:42
mrpink57_panfist: hyperthreading is going to improve since it tells the system you have two cores therefore more can be done.03:42
ArsinCan someone help me out with FahMon03:42
KreptaLinux reports nothing, as if nothing is even reaching it... where do I find the logs?03:42
JabberWalkieJordan_U: running Quake 103:42
mrpink57_Krepta: /var03:42
jschall`mOOse`: it doesn't hang for me. in fact, nothing does. ever.03:42
toastedmilkDoes anyone know how to fix a deleted kernel image?03:42
KreptaK0rn, can't, it's mom's laptop03:42
tp43I like debian cause they are very stable and fast, but I wanna install the best software free, open or proprietary.  I respect their software, and will be installing their bsd version as soon as it out and eventually hurd if ever.03:42
Kreptabrb, looking up logs03:42
jschallKrepta: http://oreilly.com/catalog/samba/chapter/book/ch09_01.html03:42
voss749tp43, mint is ubuntu with all the codecs pre installed among other things and its green...and the bar is on the bottom :)03:43
tp43mrpink57, I dunno, I can't imagine what else they could offer, I already have everything03:43
jschallKrepta: i think sharing printers with windows uses samba, right?03:43
tp43voss749, lol. what codecs03:43
voss749tp43 dvd playing03:43
`mOOse`jschall, synaptic doesn't lag your machine at ALL?03:43
tp43voss749, I just apt-get installed mplayer, no problem, and I can play dvd's03:43
panfistmtpink57_ that's only true for program which are multithreaded, and on a single core hyperthreaded pc, io bound03:43
* `mOOse` is skeptical03:43
jschall`mOOse`: i use kde03:43
BrainDancehey I have another problem. In LXDE on Lubuntu I started moving some things to my desktop, everything works fine except for firefox, firefox has test there and an area to click on, but no icon. I put it there by dragging it from the lxpanel (where it has an icon) and also tried changing the icon of the shortcut in lxpanel that I drag from, and nothing. No matter what I do no icon, so whats up with that? Any way I can manually force03:43
BrainDancean icon on it? Or other reason its not showing up?03:43
jschall`mOOse`: but i'll install synaptic now03:44
ekim1Krepta, tp43: linux mint is pretty good.  I have it installed and it is alittle more refined with less stuff included with the install but there if you need to install it.  I guess the say it is a "chopped down" version of Ubuntu.03:44
ke1ha_Jordan_I: I was generalizing, nothing is "from scratch" ... but compared to ext3 and it's cluge, its a fresh solution.03:44
voss749tp43, im talking about like libdvdcss03:44
`mOOse`what's kde use - yast?03:44
Jordan_UJabberWalkie, Try running "padsp quake" ( or whatever the binary is called ).03:44
BrainDancethe properties box for the shortcut gave me no help, and few options at that03:44
`mOOse`or is that suse?03:44
Joundilljschall, Krepta yeah, sharing printers linux-windoze uses samba03:44
JabberWalkieJordan_U: k, ill try that03:44
tp43voss749, hmmm, you can just add non-free to your sources and you are same as mint then03:44
BrainDancetried going into my desktop forlder as root and seeing what I can do, nothing new03:44
BrainDanceso I'm out of ideas03:44
jschall`mOOse`: yast is for rpm i think03:45
ekim1Krepta, mrpink57_;  Krepta sorry wrong guy, meant for mrpink03:45
jschall`mOOse`: kubuntu seems to use kpackagekit03:45
Joundill`mOOse`: Suse uses yast03:45
BrainDanceIs there a way to build my own shortcut on the lxde desktop that has an icon and points to firefox? Sort of manually recreate it?03:45
jschall`mOOse`: i tend to use aptitude or apt-get, though.03:45
JoundillBrainDance: yes there is03:46
voss749tp43, also wifi works out of the box.03:46
manpreetI want to uninstall ubuntu and install windows03:46
manpreetplease help03:46
JoundillBrainDance: first open terminal03:46
voss749Its just minty :)03:46
BrainDanceJoundill, how do I go about doing that? I assumed it'd be a right click option but for "Create new" all I have are "text document" or "folder"03:46
Paradoxanyone here the maintainer of the ChannelManager plugin?03:46
BrainDancealright, terminals up03:46
jschall`mOOse`: i'll test removing and reinstalling openoffice in synaptic. it's reasonably large. unless there's a better test you have for me?03:47
JoundillBraindance: type in firefox03:47
tp43voss749, yeah, in debian I had to install wifi separately, but in Ubuntu "it installed out of the box"03:47
johnnI am trying to get my svideo out working with karmic and a radeon x140003:47
JoundillBrainDance: see if that opens it03:47
BrainDancealright it opened it03:47
BrainDanceopened firefox that is03:47
JoundillOk, that's all good then03:47
Joundillclose that03:47
Joundill1 minute, googling03:47
Paradoxwell, if they see this, please msg me03:47
Paradoxthank you03:47
manpreetPlease help in uninstalling Ubuntu03:47
johnnwhen i install fglrx i lose my windows manager03:47
BrainDanceBetas of operating systems are fun, but not at 11 at night :P03:47
tp43well, see guys, nice chatting with yas, have a good night03:47
`mOOse`jschall,  no - that would be good ;-)03:48
voss749tp43, I just found it funny how ubuntu 9.10 NBR broke the wifi on my dell mini 9 until I manually downloaded a fix03:48
toastedmilkDoes anyone know how to fix a deleted kernel image?03:48
Jordan_Umanpreet, Did you install as a dual boot, or did you install over windows?03:48
manpreetI installed ubuntu over windows 703:49
jschall`mOOse`: so far on the removal, i searched for it and selected it for removal completely smoothly. no lag on synaptic's interface or any other part of the system.03:49
tp43voss749, oh, it was ok for me.  I guess lots of linux people buy ibm laptops so its a bit easier.03:49
manpreetI wanted to switch over to windows XP03:49
voss7499.10 was rushed03:49
mrpink57_manpreet: a kittie just died because you said that03:49
KreptaI'm in /var/log have no idea what to look for.  Cups logs, Samba logs, what?03:49
johnnhow do I get a dual-monitor going with an x1400? fglrx isn't working for me03:50
jschall`mOOse`: finished the removal, reloading the database took about 3-5 seconds03:50
`mOOse`congratulations jschall  :-)03:50
KreptaI really hope I won't have to replace ubuntu with a pirated XP, I really want this to work.03:50
voss749tp43, My compaq laptop had an atheros wifi so it was ok.03:50
jschall`mOOse`: and now i'm installing it again! seems to be smooth to me. maybe you need to upgrade your hardware.03:50
tp43voss749, cool03:50
voss749I just wind up these days sticking atheros chipsets in everything...works for me03:51
songerkreator,  what's yor problem?03:51
Jordan_Umanpreet, Then since you will have to install windows anyway, just tell it to use the entire drive and it will install over Ubuntu03:51
tp43voss749, talk to you later if you around, I am gonna watch an indian movie now03:51
ArsinCan someone help me out with F@H03:51
voss749tp43, which one???03:51
Jordan_Umanpreet, You may want to back up your documents somewhere of course03:51
tp43voss749, stiker03:51
manpreetI rebooted my computer and tried to boot from CD it is not using that option03:51
manpreetYeah Jordan, I have backed up all the documents03:52
Kreptasetup BIOS03:52
jschalltp43: american indian movie or a movie from india?03:52
mushy1hey i installed ubuntu9 on my computer and i forgot everything linux, everything worked right off the bat even whireless but the sound doesnt work03:52
voss749you mean striker?03:52
mushy1what do i do to fix sound03:52
tp43voss749, you heard of it.  Hey I love that song from de danna dan, and also that song from that bipashu movie about time travel.  I am from Canada born in Pakistan03:52
mushy1its an onboard soundcard and i know the sound worked on olderversions of ubuntu and freebsd03:52
gunawanany body,i need help03:52
jschallmushy1: check that everything is turned up in the sound settings.03:52
jschallmushy1: to start with.03:53
KreptaI also have sound issues, but that's on the laptop at home, I realy need to figure out why windows vista won't print anymore to ubuntu 9.1003:53
tp43karam board movie03:53
ZykoticK9mushy1, this "might" help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544903:53
`mOOse`join the elite!03:53
`mOOse`jschall, all donations accepted03:53
voss749tp43, im like the only american anglo bollywood fan in my town03:53
tp43voss749, I like lots of foreign movies03:53
KreptaYay, ubuntu is here!03:53
johnnanyone have experience with the mobility x1400? I'm trying to use my svideo out.03:53
=== ubuntu is now known as teffers
KreptaAh, hello teffers03:54
voss749Its me and like 50 indian peeps at the local bollywood films03:54
manpreetI have around 450 GB space left, can I use dual boot option as WINDOWS XP03:54
tp43voss749, what city03:54
voss749boca raton03:54
manpreetI have install Ubuntu first03:54
ardchoille!ot | voss749 tp4303:54
ubottuvoss749 tp43: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:54
tp43my bad03:54
mushy1by default what color should the headphones or speakers go into03:54
tp43c ya laters dudes03:54
Kreptawindows hates sharing with other OSes, unless you trick it with boot magic03:54
mushy1green or orange03:55
voss749c ya later03:55
devrethmanmushy1: usually green03:55
jschallmanpreet: in order to do that you have to resize your ubuntu partition first, install windows, then go back with an ubuntu livecd and reinstall grub.03:55
teffershey guys i am having some issues with broadcom drivers03:55
panfistok for the record disabling hyperthreading increased my performance in synaptic majorly...i would estimate around 90% if not more03:55
devrethmanmushy1: although alsa has been known to mix them up.03:55
johnnanyone have experience with the mobility x1400? I'm trying to use my svideo out.03:55
teffersanyone delt with them before i heard ther nutoriously buggy03:56
devrethmanteffers: Yeah, but I did not win the battle.03:56
manpreetJshall, that's what I am trying to do, however it is not recognizing the windows CD after reboot.03:56
devrethmanso I cannot help you.03:56
mushy1hrmm weird it works03:56
jschallpanfist: disabling or enabling?03:56
mushy1i guess one of the updates fixed it03:56
mushy1<3 how easy linux has gotten03:56
`mOOse`you mean you DOWNGRADED your CPU performance and it's working BETTER panfist ?03:56
jschallmanpreet: are you certain its set to boot from cd first?03:57
devrethmanNot all programs that can multithread do it gracefully.03:57
teffersi got whayt apears to think its an eth card but has all wireless attributes which is super anoying03:57
johnnI am trying to get my svideo out working with karmic and a radeon x140003:57
panfistwell moose you must admit there are situations where multithreaded is useful even on a single core03:57
manpreetJshall : Yeah, I selected from BIOS03:57
panfisti find that no multithreading is better most of the time even on a shitty pentium 403:57
`mOOse`yes, and I'm being sarcastic pan ;-)03:57
panfisti know and im just saying that you can't universally deride hyperthreading03:57
mushy1random question probably wrong place but has wine gotten dx9 and older games nearly perfect?03:58
ZykoticK9ioquake3 giving error that "Point Release files are missing.  Please re-install the 1.32 point release" but Points is installed & working but no sound (expected longstanding issue)03:58
jschallmushy1: wrong place. go to #winehq03:58
jschallmushy1: it works ok for a lot of games.03:58
jschallmushy1: for example, eve online is dx9 and it works fine. i wouldn't try it, it is unbelievably boring.03:59
isidro1hi, a program crash in x mode, then i get into console mode to get the logon x mode, is this posible???03:59
meowbuntuhi how can i check what processes are running on my cumputer from terminal03:59
mushy1well i bought a lot of cheap games from half priced books03:59
devrethmanmushy1: it has DX9 down pretty well, but there's more to games than DX03:59
ZykoticK9meowbuntu, "ps aux"03:59
seanbrystonemeowbuntu, top03:59
mushy1i got morrowind which used to look perfect besides the water03:59
hapikhow can I add a starting option for default web-browser?03:59
manpreetJschall : I tried to went to the grub tried to use fdisk command, however it is not accepting that04:00
mushy1im trying to play one now called hammer and sickle04:00
devrethmanhapik: right click on the icon and hit properties04:00
mushy1which installs i just stopped because sound didnt work04:00
mushy1but now it seems to04:00
mushy1QUESTION RELATED: say sound works great, but doesnt work for some reason under wine04:00
devrethmanmushy1: #winehq would know much better than we would.04:00
mushy1is that a wine problem04:00
jschallmanpreet: the grub recovery console is not linux.04:00
mushy1is winehq on his server04:00
mushy1is this the ubuntu server04:01
devrethmanmushy1: it might be a wine problem, but the wine channel would be able to tell you if it is or not04:01
johnnis there another chat server that might know the answer to my video card question04:01
hapikdevrethman: it will work only with browser started with icon, not with browser being called from different applications04:01
devrethmanmushy1: this is a freenode server, so yeah, wine is here.04:01
devrethmanhapik: Oh... I don't know then.04:01
mushy1is ub 9.04 or 9.4 or whatever this version a beta or is it full04:02
isidro1how i can kill processes fron console mode????04:02
acalbazahow do i change my screen resolution for the command line?04:02
ZykoticK9isidro1, "kill $PID" or "killall $PROCESSNAME"04:02
devrethmanisidrol: killall <process name> or ps -e followed by kill <PID>04:03
johnnanyone have experience with the mobility x1400? I'm trying to use my svideo out.04:03
manpreetjschall : Is there any way to format the hard drive. Like booting to the command line after the system is restarted04:03
nabianmplayer whit gui is smplayer?04:04
becker_11I'm setting up #irssi and want to set it to connect automatically at startup but in the text here http://pastebin.com/m23229f9b is the <nick> it wants my nick or to identify the server I'm adding?04:04
nabianmplayer whit gui is smplayer?04:04
becker_11nabian: that or someone with interesting hobbies04:05
isidro1how i can get "logon x" from console mode???04:05
hapiknabian: it depends, can be gnome mplayer04:05
titan_arkthegeekyhaxor, hey04:05
mushy1can someone highlight me in 10 seconds, this is a test04:06
thegeekyhaxortitan_ark: hey04:06
KreptaI'm very unfamilier with windows vista, it confuses and frustrates me to no end.  I cannot make it print to a printer it can see on the network share of an ubuntu desktop, and it's driving me crazy.04:06
KreptaSee, there goes another marble rolling across the floor, I've lost at least 7 marbles now.04:06
becker_11Krepta: it's vista even windoze geeks hate it04:06
Kreptabecker_11, agreed04:07
intokI can't get video files to erase form the tmp folder after flash crashes, trashing them doesn't actually remove the files as emptying the trash doesn't free up the space that the files are using, is there a way to actually remove these files without restarting?04:07
KreptaSo, maybe the only solution is replace ubuntu with a pirated XP, since I have no money to buy it.04:07
isidro1how i can get "logon x" from console mode???04:07
binari0I was looking for in internet about how to put Imagen in the text mode in ubuntu like suse but I did't find it, somebody can help I will be so thankful to who can help with that.04:08
devrethmanSince when does a 4.5GB iso not fit on a DVDR?04:08
ZykoticK9isidro1, startx04:08
binari0I sorry by my english04:08
becker_11Krepta: some times we do things that aren't technically right but it's wise not to announce it to the world first04:08
becker_11I'm setting up #irssi and want to set it to connect automatically at startup but in the text here http://pastebin.com/m23229f9b is the <nick> it wants my nick or to identify the server I'm adding?04:08
KreptaBah, I don't care becker_11, let em fry me.04:08
isidro1thanks again!!!!04:09
mushy1can someone highlight me in 10 seconds, this is a test04:09
Kreptamushy1, what?04:09
`mOOse`intok, bleachbit04:09
`mOOse`in sudo mode04:09
mushy1perfect thanks04:09
Kreptamushy1, a test of what?  To see if anyone can see you?04:09
devrethmanprobably his IRC client's highlighting04:09
mushy1no to see if my notifications work04:09
Kreptamushy1, ok04:10
mushy1while i am off screen04:10
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mushy1it actually pops up a black box in the right corner of my monitors04:10
devrethmanis there a way to mount ISO files?04:10
Kreptamushy1, do you have some kind of loud sound announcing someone is talking to you?  Like crashing thunder, or a bomb going off?04:10
ZykoticK9!iso | devrethman04:10
ubottudevrethman: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:10
`mOOse`intok, btw, you should be able to sudo rm -r <filename> in tmp04:11
Kreptasudo is great04:11
KreptaI'm never gonna get this printer to print, I so hate windows.  DIE Microsoft!04:11
`mOOse`yea it'll nuke everything !04:11
binari0I was looking for in internet about how to put Imagen in the text mode in ubuntu like suse but I did't find it, somebody can help me I will be so thankful to who can help with that.04:11
Kreptasorry binari0, I have no idea how to do that.04:12
Kreptajust letting you know you are seen, there, binari004:12
`mOOse`Krepta, this is gonna really irritate you but I was at my brothers house the other night and he needed the wep key for the wifi lan, which was on my usb flashdrive install of ubuntu - I loaded it on his laptop, it found the WIFI printer, and let me print the txt file with the wep key in it LOL04:13
Kreptayah, that's really cool... FRAK!  I hate windows for being so horrible to me, and nice to others.04:14
`mOOse`I had to be impressed with that myself lol04:14
ZykoticK9binari0, this "might" help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer good luck04:14
`mOOse`well vista is like ME - get rid of it asap04:14
`mOOse`beg borrow steal win704:14
`mOOse`what a difference04:14
`mOOse`you will not regret04:14
mushy1is 7 > ubuntu04:15
Tm_T!ot | `mOOse`04:15
ubottu`mOOse`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:15
KreptaI'll try to convince mom to convert over to win 7 on her laptop.04:15
KreptaThat's the computer I'm working with now, trying to make it fraking print04:15
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isidro1hi, how i can kill "x" from console mode???04:17
Kreptasorry about talking about windblowz.04:17
KreptaOooo, shut down X, I wanna hear this.04:17
binari0 thanks ZykoticK9 you the best04:17
acalbaza 04:17
Tm_Tisidro1: Krepta: "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop"04:17
KreptaWow, cool04:18
mawstinit 304:18
mawstkillall -9 Xorg04:18
Tm_Tmawst: no04:18
Kreptakillall, ahahaha04:18
Kreptablam blam, I love linux04:18
semitoneshehe, is any of this on topic?04:19
KreptaWell, since my printer problem is impossible to solve, because windows is too stupid to work like a proper OS, I'll just leave you guys to your discussions, may many problems be solved. Peace.04:20
`mOOse`that question is off topic04:20
semitones`mOOse`, META is offtopic, noooo04:20
`mOOse`I think that was off topic too but I'm not too sure04:21
charles__hey folks, when using the chown command, what owner would i enter to just set the thing as readable by everyone?04:23
ZykoticK9charles__, the owner doesn't matter so much as "chmod ugo+rw FILE" sorta thing...04:24
alankilacharles__: no such owner exists.04:24
semitonescharles__, do you have to use CLI? you can also do the same thing in nautillus with a gui04:24
unopcharles__, errm, you wouldn't use the chown command to accomplish that - you'd use the chmod command04:24
DravekxI have a problem.. I woke up today and tried logging into my forum and I cant get into anything04:25
Dravekxnothing is working. I tried changing ownership and permissions, but nothing is working... it's like I dont have permission to do anything.04:25
charles__well, here's the thing... i was here a bit earlier asking about a problem i was having accessing a drive. i went in to check a few things and realized that when i had formatted the drive, i selected "take ownership of drive", so while i can access the drive just fine form this install, it is unaccessable from a liveCD, which makes me worry that if i reformat and reinstall ubuntu, i'll lose access to the drive in question.04:26
charles__instead of losing all of the drive's contents, i'd like some what to just... set the drive free, as it were04:27
Joundillis anybody here familiar with the bttv driver?04:27
charles__it's not like there are other folks using this computer, so it being tagged to anyone in particular is needless04:27
toastedmilkMy card should be supported by the radeon driver and I can't get direct rendering to work.  Any pointers?04:27
DravekxI have a problem.. I woke up today and tried logging into my forum and I cant get into anything.. http://www.dravekx.com04:28
semitonescharles__, I think you just have to mount it as read/write in the live cd, but I could be wrong04:29
royceremerJoundill: is that for a tuner card?04:29
Joundillroyceremer: that's the one :D04:29
royceremerJoundill: what kind of card are you using, and what version ubuntu?04:29
ZykoticK9Dravekx, it is phpbb you're using right?  you might want to ask in #phpbb if it is.  good luck man.04:30
Joundillroyceremer: I'm trying to get a bt878p+ (rev 4c) card going on 9.04 Jaunty04:30
DravekxZykoticK9, its not phpbb.. its the server. i cant get into phpmyadmin or anything04:30
Dravekxif it was phpbb related, i would be there, but its not.04:30
Dravekxits ubuntu04:30
jheiselmanI am having problems getting my trackpad recognized on my Acer Aspire One 532h netbook.  It works, but I can't adjust any properties (i.e. tap-to-click).  I think it isn't recognizing it as a touchpad.  The TouchPad Control Preference says that SHMConfig isn't enabled, but setting the fdi file doesn't appear to work.04:30
DravekxI think.04:31
ZykoticK9Dravekx, ? i have no idea man ?  sorry - best of luck04:31
charles__semitones: so setting ownership of a drive means nothing then?04:31
DravekxI think its a permissions issue04:31
toastedmilkMy card should be supported by the radeon driver and I can't get direct rendering to work.  Any pointers?04:31
DravekxI cant even get into phpmyadmin04:31
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Dravekxits like, all the submit buttons stopped working on the server.04:32
royceremerJoundill: good news, I'm fairly certain we can get it working on your rig, it's on a list of supported cards for a version of this driver (found Prolink Pixelview PV-BT878P+ (Rev.4C,8E)04:32
royceremerJoundill: that was here: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Bttv04:32
Joundillroyceremer: sweet, what should I do?04:32
Dravekxeven if I install a new program, the submit buttons do not work in ubuntu, but they work on my laptop04:32
Joundillroyceremer: yeah, I've seen that, card 70, right?04:32
semitonescharles__, I'll tell you now that I"m not that experienced in linux, but I think you can override ownership temporarily, without having to change it.04:33
royceremerJoundill: you  might find this useful: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/other-formats/html_single/BTTV.html04:33
alala/server irc.plasa.com04:33
huyledoes anyone know about socket?04:34
royceremerJoundill: some very detailed instructions, especially for Linux (although there's no simple package download it seems)04:34
charles__semitones: hmmm, well, thanks for your help. it looks like i'm going to have to reformat or something... or maybe read up more on chown, see if i can find an "anyone" tag.04:34
royceremerJoundill: assuming it's plugged in already, I'd just skip to this, run it step by step: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/other-formats/html_single/BTTV.html#HW04:34
Joundillroyceremer: It's apparently part of the kernel now04:35
royceremerJoundill: drivers for this card? under what? do you have a link where you read that?04:35
semitonescharles__, good luck!04:35
ke1ha_charles_ what is it your trying to do ?04:35
voss749.join ubuntu-offtopic04:35
Joundillroyceremer: the link you just gave me04:35
obscurant1st my ubuntu is not mounting my mp3 player, when i do lsusb, this is what it shows http://paste.linuxassist.net/21515204:36
charles__semitones: i'll need it. :)04:36
obscurant1stand this is what it wshows for dmseg http://paste.linuxassist.net/21515304:36
royceremerJoundill: hmm, should pay more attention to what I give out I guess...04:36
Dravekxwhat would stop ubuntu server from responding to any logins??? I can get in via SSH and SFTP, but nothing via web is working04:36
albertolempirahey guys i'm trying to have sound on multiples apps at the same time with alsa on kubuntu karmic, can anybody help me with this? thanks in advance04:37
ChogyDanalbertolempira: isnt that what pulse is for?04:38
ke1ha_Dravekv: DNC or nameservers would cause those symptoms.04:38
ke1ha_oops DNS, not DNC ...04:38
ZykoticK9obscurant1st, user/pass???04:38
semitonesZykoticK9, hunter204:39
ZykoticK9obscurant1st, sorry - read it - got it, my bad04:39
obscurant1stZykoticK9: i dont want the data, i just want to mount it.. dtat loss is not a problem..04:39
Dravekxit all started when I updated GRUB04:40
Dravekxwhat would that hafta do with web logins?04:40
pyr0pathcan someone help me? ive been trying to use the make command all day long and im getting error messages. heres a pastebin of whats happening http://pastebin.com/m1b45edb004:40
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ZykoticK9obscurant1st, that dmesg doesn't look too good... not sure what to recommend man, best of luck04:40
albertolempiraChogyDan: I had to remove pulse beacuse i had no sound out of my speakers...04:41
obscurant1stZykoticK9: can i do just the checkdsk on that by anymenas?04:41
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ke1ha_If your DNS can resolve the IP / or web-name, then yes, if you can get in with the IP, then I'd look at local DNS caches, then to hostname servers on the site your trying to resolve.04:42
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ZykoticK9obscurant1st, the kernel is basically kicking the device off with the "scsi 3:0:0:0: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery" so i don't think you can do much...04:42
ke1ha_Is the site your trying to SSH to a registered domain ?04:43
obscurant1stnot ready after error recovery, ZykoticK9, what does this mean?04:43
toastedmilkAlright how about this.  My grub contains image files, but won't load them at boot.  How can I get grub to recognize the files? P.S. they are on a different partition04:43
obscurant1stwhat kind of error recovery is it doing?04:43
frankdcodera good html graphic editor?04:43
ZykoticK9obscurant1st, not "totally" sure - but it seems like a USB / Device issue -- what kind of MP3 player is it - saw something about Philips but what model #?04:44
obscurant1stphilips go gear 2 gb04:45
toastedmilkMy card should be supported by the radeon driver and I can't get direct rendering to work.  Any pointers?04:46
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quietonepyr0path: have your tried the suggestion on line 9 and 16  - 'make SHELL=/bin/bash'.04:48
semitonestoastedmilk, did you try enabling restricted drivers in hardware manager?04:48
toastedmilksemitones: im using the open source driver04:49
semitonestoastedmilk, afaik, the open source driver doesn't have direct acceleration -- at least not for nvidia04:49
toastedmilksemitones: I have an ati card04:50
Curly_QHello folks. I just downloaded Ubuntu from the so-called web site. There is a splash screen that seems to imply that there is a clause and price associated with it. What is the story with that?04:51
bikcmpHello all, what is the command for launching the mysql configuration wizard?04:51
semitonestoastedmilk, the rule of thumb with graphics cards, is the closed source driver always gives you more hardware acceleration, unless it's broken04:51
oniltonmacielI recently bought a toshiba a505 s-6005. it has a core i3 processor, and integrated intel graphics media accelerator 4500hd, 4gb ddr3 ram. When I try to install ubuntu from live cd it shows me a black screen, like it was running but not showing video04:51
semitonestoastedmilk, I'm 90% sure the open source one doesn't give you direct rendering04:52
ZykoticK9obscurant1st, i'm affraid my googling didn't bring up hardly anything about your model???  I certainly see other people with "Philips Go Gear"s working, but different model numbers.  A search for the "Device offlined..." did bring me to this post - might be worth a try (the waiting, trying different ports, turning on while plugged in stuff) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60546104:52
Curly_QIs Ubuntu free or NO?04:52
svenbuntuoniltonmaciel: mine did that with my radeon 9250 pci card04:52
BiosElementCurly_Q: Yes, it's free.04:52
toastedmilksemitones: trust me, after checking the ubuntu documentation and the dri documentation, it does support direct rendering04:52
toastedmilksemitones: and the fglrx driver doesn't work on my rig04:52
semitonestoastedmilk, Oh, ok :) sorry I don't know then04:53
Curly_QThanks BiosElements.04:53
oniltonmacielI tried ubuntu 9.10 32 and 64 bits , and ubuntu 9.04 32bits. Any idas? What it is?04:53
obscurant1stZykoticK9, thx, i will hv a look at it..04:53
ZykoticK9obscurant1st, good luck man - i'm off04:53
becker_11where is the desktop wallpaper hiding in ubuntu??04:53
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bikcmpHello all, what is the command for launching the mysql configuration wizard?04:53
Curly_QI did burn the CD and will install it now.04:53
obscurant1stok, thx for the help.. :D04:53
oniltonmacielI searched a lot but couldn't find anything concrete about this issue I got when installing ubuntu from live cd04:54
ke1ha_bikcmp: phpmyadmin is an easy to use admin app.04:54
`mOOse`oniltonmaciel, have you tried to right-click on the desktop and get the settings menu up?04:54
`mOOse`if you get that far, the right-most tab will allow you to turn off the aero level graphic candy and you might get your desktop back04:55
oniltonmacielmoose, I don't see anything, not even the usplash04:55
becker_11what is the location of the desktop wallpaper in ubuntu please?04:55
Curly_QHas anyone here played around with IPV6 with Ubuntu?04:55
oniltonmacielactually I think that in the exact moment the usplash enter, I don't see anything any more04:56
`mOOse`no window borders - nothing?04:56
travalasI'm looking for an alternative to LDAP.  I want to sync users accross a series of computers, but I don't have a dependable network.04:56
oniltonmacielI don't know if it's a issue with my video card: intel GMA 4500 HD04:56
toastedmilkMy card should be supported by the radeon driver and I can't get direct rendering to work.  Any pointers?04:57
tomoyuki28jpHow can I specify host's port in /etc/hosts file? This doesn't work ' domain'04:57
j-A_sonHello; I'm having trouble networking my Dell Dimension 8250; I'm fairly sure it's that I don't have the correct driver, but I'm not really sure. last year I was using this machine with Ubuntu, and all networking worked great. Then I had to reinstall Ubuntu over the entire thing to prepare it to give to a scouting group. When I reinstalled, it seems like the ethernet was not found. The ethernet interface was not detected no matter what I04:57
j-A_sontried. I also tried using a D-link wireless N (DWA-160) usb stick (which had also worked before) and it was able to detect my network name, but never able to connect. I tried everything I could find online and in the forums to no avail. I tried a live CD of Knoppix (just to see if it could detect the hardware) and that showed the same results. I then found the Debian device driver check & report for Dell/Dimension 8250, and it motivated04:57
j-A_sonjust try installing Debian, largly in the hopes that it would contain the correct driver(s) to make it work, but upon installation the Ethernet card was not detected. When I selected e100, the correct one according to the report, it stutters and goes back asking for another driver. After install, I proceeded to try a bunch of other stuff, none of which worked. I like Ubuntu better, so now I'm back to 9.10. Can anyone offer any ideas on 04:57
j-A_songet this thing connected to the outside world? Thanks in advance.04:57
FloodBot4j-A_son: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:57
vegombreiwhat is a ext2 partition ... how is it different from the primary ext3 partition??04:58
DaemonFCext2 is basically ext3 without a journal, few other minor things. question is how did you end up with one? :)04:59
vegombreiim trying to format a new drive i added to my system and ubuntu recommenda ext2 .. is this in any way faster or more efficient than a fat 32?04:59
ke1ha_vegombreiL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext304:59
LavaEagleSo then what is a journal exactly?04:59
DaemonFCvegombrei, You mean hard disk or a flash memory drive?05:00
LavaEaglenvm googleing05:00
xfactCurrently Ubuntu recommends ext4, right?05:00
Curly_Qi-A son it might be that you need to get rid of the Windows MBR. Start anew and see if it will work.05:00
DaemonFCLavaEagle, Journaling helps the system make sure the filesystem is consistent05:00
ke1ha_What is Journaling: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journaling_file_system05:01
DaemonFCext2 fsck might take hours after an unplanned shutdown (power loss, etc.)05:01
DaemonFCxfact, It recommends Ext4, I still use XFS05:01
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LavaEagle@k1ha ty for both05:01
xfactdaemonFC: ohh05:01
DaemonFCExt4 is having some data loss issues that have been fixed in XFS for years05:01
DaemonFCnobody wants to admit that, but it's true05:02
j-A_sonCurly_Q: how do you recommend I do this?05:02
Curly_Qi-A son, try before installing the software this:   fdisk/mbr in the DOS mode if you are using Windows as a starter.05:02
j-A_sonmy full system is ubuntu I think...05:02
vegombreiDaemonFC: hard drive ... i have 3 x 1 TB hdds ... i installed ubuntu on hdd0 with ext3 . then when i added the other drives ubuntu recommmended i format them to ext2 ... i however think if i make it fat32 in case of system failure i can still remove the drive plug it into any other machine to retreive my data ... however i wanna know if i can do the same with ext2 .. also do you recommend it DaemonFC?05:02
DaemonFCXFS also doesn't reserve 10% of the volume like Ext2/3/4 do, because XFS has a defragmentation utility for if you ever do fill it up to the point it is fragged05:02
j-A_sonis that a terminal thing too?05:02
Curly_QIt doesn't matter what you are using, it matters what you did.05:03
DaemonFCyou use Ext* file systems, you lose 10% of your volume, you can override that but then you face massive fragmentation you can05:03
DaemonFC*can't fix05:03
LtHummusHow can I prevent Ubuntu's update manager from popping up?  I only want to update packages when I explicitly tell Ubuntu.05:04
Curly_QGo back to square ONE and recover your tracks.05:04
emghazalHow do I remove older kernels from grub? and is it safe?05:04
j-A_sonok, so how do I do that? sorry. Thanks for your willingness to help05:04
BsimsHaving HD issues... getting the following error messages: ata1: hard resetting link, sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Unhandled error code, and lost page write due to I/O error on sda1 however when it does it sets /dev/sdb to read only05:04
DaemonFCvegombrei, If you haven't put anything on them yet, just reformat them as Ext4 or XFS or whatever you wanted05:04
semitonesLtHummus, I think you can stop it from starting on login05:04
vegombreiDaemonFC: so should i reformat the drive to fat32 to be on the safe side?05:04
ke1ha_but, Ext FS is better for handling lots of files, where XFS is far better a large file storage.05:04
LtHummussemitones: how do I do that?05:04
Bsimssmartmon says its clean, and I am running the long test now05:04
DaemonFCvegombrei, FAT32 shouldn't be used if you can possibly avoid it05:04
DaemonFCmajor limitations in FAT32 make it suitable only for devices that only understand FAT3205:05
Bsimssmartmon says its clean, and I am running the long test now... anyone else see this after the last round of upgrades05:05
DaemonFCit's also a Microsoft thing, patents, fun stuff05:05
semitonesLtHummus, look under "sessions" I think, in preferences. I'm not in Gnome right now, so I'm not sure05:05
LtHummussemitones: i'll check it out, thanks05:05
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jadamsI just got a new ipod touch.  I followed what I thought were the corret tutorials, and installed ifuse and gtkpod.  The touch doesn't have the correct dir structure, and gtkpod says it can't create it.  Furthermore, though I've mounted it at /media/ipod with ifuse, it has no dir structure at all (not even . and ..)05:05
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ke1ha_if your storing ten's of thousands of files and types, Ext is probably a better bet, if your storage is for say ISO's or DVD's large volume files, XFS is the right choice.05:05
semitonesLtHummus, no problem :)05:05
vegombreiDaemonFC: its a new drive with no data on it yet ... im asking you to recommend a partition type that is optimal for my system ..05:05
Curly_QAlways remember this: "Never install any operating system without resetting the MBR  <---  Master Boot Record first. That is so very important.05:06
DaemonFCvegombrei, XFS is what I use on drives that size05:06
LtHummussemitones: just putting the final touches on my Ubuntu powered HTPC :)05:06
j-A_sonhow do I do this?05:06
DaemonFCmake sure you get the xfsdump package so you have the maintenance utilities05:06
vegombreiDaemonFC: so be it then ... brb .. need to tell gparted to make that drive xfs05:06
semitonesLtHummus, ah, I see, that sounds fun :)05:06
ke1ha_Boot = EXT2, /root and home dir's ext3/4 or riserrfs, or if your storing bog files XFS05:07
DaemonFCXFS is hellaciously fast and has better management tools than e2fsprogs (ext filesystem tools package)05:07
ke1ha_opps big files XFS05:07
LtHummussemitones: yeah it was...took the weekend but I basically have everything worked out except for one or two issues (this being one of them)....gotta love the Ubuntu community05:07
emghazalHow do I remove older kernels from grub? and is it safe?05:07
DaemonFCif you start throwing around files over 1GB around, XFS murders even Ext405:08
sloopyemghazal, use apt or synaptic05:08
Curly_QHey guys, another tech tip, your BIOS may not support the new Terrabyte drives SATA or IDE.05:08
semitones:D I'm glad!05:08
vegombreiDaemonFC: gparted doesnt give me an option to partition it in xfs05:08
LavaEagle@daemon what os do you use that has XFS or did you tell Ubuntu to install with it?05:08
DaemonFCvegombrei, It should..... hmmmm05:08
j-A_sonCurly_Q: how do you suggest I reset the MBR?05:08
ke1ha_Use the Package Manager, but make sure you know what Kernel your using now, and it's always a good thing to keep a known working older kernel.05:09
DaemonFCLavaEagle, Mandriva has supported XFS very well for years, even as /boot, Ubuntu was using the old buggy crappy GRUB until 9.0405:09
Curly_Qi-A Son, start anew. Go into the CMOS setup and start from scratch and do what you did to get the desired results you had before you had problems.05:09
DaemonFCGRUB 2 now understands XFS where original GRUB didn't05:09
snaythHi - Can someone tell me the main difference between Opebox and Xubuntu ?05:10
LavaEagleSo your talking about karmic?05:10
BsimsHaving HD issues... getting the following error messages: ata1: hard resetting link, sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Unhandled error code, and lost page write due to I/O error on sda1 however when it does it sets /dev/sdb to read only smartmon says its clean, and I am running the long test now... anyone else see this after the last round of upgrades05:10
DaemonFCLasBuntu, Jaunty was the first release that supported XFS on /boot, so if you want, all you need is a SWAP partition and one XFS partition mounted on /05:10
DaemonFCand Ubuntu will work like that :)05:10
rwwsnayth: Xubuntu uses xfce. xfce and openbox are different window managers...05:10
LavaEagleOh cool!05:11
ke1ha_isn't XFS also better suited to 64-Bit OS ?05:11
DaemonFCI've edited my fstab to speed XFS up even more, I would not suggest hand-editing fstab unless you know what you are doing05:11
Curly_QYou see, that most people come here in this forum and complain but don't realize that they may be using a computer that has an outdated BIOS or older BIOS. That is why so many questions are asked here.05:11
DaemonFCke1ha_, XFS will work on 32-bit or 64-bit OS's, the only difference is that your max partition size is 8 Exabytes on a 32-bit Linux, and 16 Exabytes on 64-bit Linux05:12
DaemonFCinode64 mount option also makes it unusable on a 32-bit OS forever05:12
DaemonFCso don't use that!05:12
DaemonFCExt4 max partition is "only" 1 Exabyte *grin*05:13
ke1ha_I've just not used it allot. We used XFS on some of out work clusters, but not anything at home.05:13
j5098i am trying to restore grub on my laptop after a windows installationg.  all the guides i've seen say to do 'find /boot/grub/stage1' as the first step, but i get "file not found"05:14
DaemonFCke1ha_, You probably used CXFS, a version of XFS tailored to clusering05:14
DaemonFCXFS is still heavily worked on all around and will be for years05:14
acclaimtechanyone using ESX server in here?05:14
DaemonFCso I don't think support for it will die this decade05:14
j-A_sonok, I'm not really sure what to do... sorry. can I update it somehow?05:14
Curly_QKe1ha are you working with SCISI drives?05:14
ke1ha_I may out one on a VM install, just to see if there's any real improvement. Clearly though, if your not accessing the file system on a high frequency, we probably won't "notice" a massive improvement.05:15
semitonessnayth, Lubuntu uses openbox. It's more lightweight than xfce or gnome05:15
DaemonFCke1ha_, Another nice thing about XFS is the minimal CPU use05:15
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AscavasaionMorning.  I am trying to get GPRS connectivity via bluetooth so that my laptop can go online using my mobile phone.  I have followed the tutorial at http://www.spiration.co.uk/post/1307/Ubuntu%20Linux%20-%20Bluetooth%20and%20GPRS%20dialup%20connection and the one at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup and when I try to connect using "pon eitherdialupconffilename" I get an error that there is no /dev/rfcomm0".  I checked05:15
Ascavasaion in /dev and there is no device with that name.  Has the device name changed from earlier versions of Ubuntu to 9.04?05:16
acclaimtechCan you store vm's on a XFS?05:16
FloodBot4Ascavasaion: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:16
DaemonFCso it's not any one thing where XFS has a huge advantage over Ext4, it's a lot of little things that come together05:16
DaemonFCacclaimtech, virtual Machine images? Yeah05:16
DaemonFCwhy not ? :)05:16
acclaimtechnot images05:16
acclaimtechrunning vms05:16
ke1ha_At work, the arrays are all RAW write data sub-systems, then for the OS, and program storage, yes, it's SCSI, but 95% of all the nodes are PXE's so only data is stored on drives, not apps.05:16
emghazalWhat about btrfs? I think I read it was better than ext4, but not ready yet. Will it be better than XFS?05:17
* Ascavasaion kicks FloodBot1 in the nads.05:17
DaemonFChaven't tried that, acclaimtech05:17
DaemonFCemghazal, Yeah, Btrfs has more features planned, I've kicked it around once though and it was pretty slow, but that's just after it got merged in Linux 2.6.2905:18
DaemonFCthe best thing about it is that it will convert existing Ext3/4 partitions to Btrfs eventually05:18
DaemonFCExt4 is really just kind of a placeholder05:18
Curly_QI had the worst problem with INODE crashes years ago. it was all SCSI related and the source of the problem was a mismatched CPU Dual SCSI motherboard setup.05:19
acclaimtechHow long should it take to copy 100Gb from one sata drive to another?05:19
Roastedwhats the current scoop with BTRFS? Is it soon coming?05:19
ke1ha_It really comes down to what your using the box for. If you need fast read / writes, then you want the fastest FS you can get, but if your I/O limited to begin with, the FS probably wont have that large of impact.05:19
AscavasaionI am amazed that I am the only person in here who has ever wanted to connect to the Internet on his laptop using his mobile phone and bluetooth connectivity.05:19
ahmed_hi everyone05:19
j5098i am trying to restore grub on my laptop after a windows installation.  all the guides i've seen say to do 'find /boot/grub/stage1' as the first step, but i get "file not found"05:19
acclaimtechKelha what is the fastest FS?05:19
arandRoasted: Not in quite some time afaik.05:19
Curly_QIt was a problematic DUAL CPU Motherboard.05:20
iflemaj5098 one option is download super grub disk iso ... its only small that will get you in the once in reinstall grub.... itll be easier05:20
darthanubis!attitude | Ascavasaion05:20
ubottuAscavasaion: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:20
ke1ha_Well, I dont know what the "fastest" one is, but XFS is certainly faster than EXT's.05:20
ahmed_any news about core i3?05:20
j5098iflema: thanks05:21
fatumDoes anyone know if the Netgear wg311v3 wireless card have known support in 9.10?05:21
darthanubisahmed_: check i3 support channel05:21
Curly_QIt doesn't matter how fast something is, it is how RELI05:21
fatumhas *05:21
Curly_QAble it is.05:21
acclaimtechnot true Curly_Q05:21
_Paint_anyone know enough to offer some help with multi-booting?05:21
acclaimtechotherwise everyone would raid6 everything05:21
DaemonFCCurly_Q, That's why a lot of people still use Ext305:21
ke1ha_JFS and riserfs are really fast as well. All of them are good, aand all have pro's & con's.05:22
acclaimtechor raid5005:22
darthanubis!ask | _pedda_05:22
ubottu_pedda_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:22
darthanubis!ask | _Paint_05:22
ubottu_Paint_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:22
DaemonFCreiser is not good on multi-core cpus and Hans is in prison, JFS goes crazy if you try to grow a file05:22
acclaimtechWell I need something that is fast for vmware05:22
Curly_QFast is OK, but, reliability is more important. Not only that, what is most important is dependability.05:23
DaemonFCExt 3/4 and XFS are the only file system that should be considered out of what Ubuntu offers05:23
acclaimtechmy esxi box is super slow05:23
ke1ha_Yeah, he did not  do well on the lawsuit :-)05:23
acclaimtechit's taking over 5 hours to copy 100Gb05:23
kosharike1ha he murdured his wife05:23
semitonessnayth, are you still here?05:23
ahmed_any news avout core i3? i tried to install Ubuntu on my laptop but the video is not working. any help05:24
Tm_T!ot | koshari05:24
ubottukoshari: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:24
* om26er doubts if he is in the wrong channel05:24
_Paint_alrighty so lets make this a little more precise...i already had xp and ubuntu 8.10 dual booting fine so i made a partition and installed windows 7 on it and now GRUB isnt loading on boot...suggestions05:24
acclaimtechyep...Throw Windows7 out the window05:24
_Paint_lol alternative suggestions :P05:24
Curly_QWindows 7 is a toilette.05:24
koshariTm_T its more on topic than win 7 topics you clown05:24
ke1ha_Ok we're way off topic :-) .. If all ya want is a standard highly support FS, Ext3 / 4, If ya want to try the speedy stuff, XFS.05:24
`mOOse`with LVM ;-)05:25
DaemonFCWindows 7 will eat your GRUB, just like Vista before it, and XP before it, and Windows 2000, Me, 98........05:25
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.05:25
* om26er tries btrfs05:25
* semitones thought XFS was optimized for large files05:25
acclaimtechyou'll have to reinstall GRUb05:25
Tm_T_Paint_: see what ubottu said05:25
DaemonFCyeah, boot off the Ubuntu CD and run a grub-install05:25
j-A_sonCurly_Q: what do you suggest I do with my BIOS? I've never needed to change anything before.05:25
DaemonFCthere's guides to that I think05:26
acclaimtechor get a 2nd boot manager before grub and windows705:26
DaemonFCyes, you can also chainload GRUB off the Windows bootloader05:26
acclaimtechthat's really messy though Deamon05:26
DaemonFCthat way Windows is satisfied that its bootloader is there05:26
_Paint_okay so umm...bring that down to simple english for the ubuntu noob :)...05:27
* acclaimtech hugs Ubuntu05:27
Curly_Qi-A Son, I am not sure what you need to know. I do know that when I teach my students at the Academy where I teach, I teach them the basics on how to understand the CMOS setup and the BIOS structure and how the computer works.05:27
acclaimtechPaint: throw your Ubuntu CD in and do a Grub Install05:27
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j-A_sonso I guess it would be a good idea to update it?05:27
_Paint_technically i installed from usb cause its a netbook...but...same diff?05:27
=== Guest8280 is now known as Jordan_U
acclaimtechsame diff05:28
acclaimtechCurly what do you teach?05:28
_Paint_:) thanks...05:28
Curly_QI teach A+ and CCNA classes.05:28
acclaimtechfor how old of students?05:28
Curly_QAlso Engineering as well as Electrical Engineering.05:28
ahmed_why can't i install Ubuntu on my computer? please help me05:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:29
Tm_TCurly_Q: acclaimtech: please try to stay in channel topic, feel free to use #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting05:29
ke1ha_if the BIOS is not causing our probably better off staying wehre your at.you a particular problem, or there isn't any specific feature you "need" in a later version, y05:29
peepsalothow do i check which graphics drivers X is using?05:29
acclaimtechcome on man... I was just curious we're not flooding the channel05:29
Curly_QTM T we are on topic. The class here is asking how to install operating systems and how to work with BIOS setups.05:29
ke1ha_wow, that came out all wrong. If you dont need to upg BIOS, dont, if you need something n a later version,  upg it.05:30
Jordan_Uahmed_, It's impossible to help you without more information about what exact problem you are running into.05:30
mneptokacclaimtech: the channel has rules. please follow them.05:30
DaemonFCke1ha_, Don't touch the BIOS unless you're certain it's the problem and you know the update fixes it. Could end up having to take it into a PC repair shop and paying them to reflash it for you because it won't boot up. :D05:30
mneptokCurly_Q: "what do you teach" is not an Ubunt support question.05:30
mushy1so whats the latest greatest torrent program for linux05:30
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peepsalotmushy1, try deluge or transmission05:30
om26ermusca, deluge05:31
mushy1which  ones easiest and gui05:31
acclaimtechI use Deluge05:31
mushy1it got gui?05:31
ke1ha_rr. that's what I was trying to say the first time around, it just came out all jumbled .. lol05:31
acclaimtechyes and a webgui05:31
annecoulterliberals!!!! arrrggh05:31
mneptokmushy1: Transmission is installed by default. start there.05:31
RainbowEyestransmission is a pretty simple easy to use gui torrenting program05:31
mushy1oh already installed perfect05:31
om26ermushy1, deluge is better for speed. transmission's speed fluctuates all the time.05:31
Curly_QThe fact of the matter is that unless anyone knows and understands how BIOS works and how the computer talks with the OS , then, all of these questions would be moot.05:31
RainbowEyeswell, I've gotten speeds of around 1.5mb/s consistently with Transmission05:32
RainbowEyesso it doesn't seem that bad to me05:32
mushy1on ubuntu can i tell if i got a cd rom or a cd burner05:32
ahmed_i just bought Gateway laptop with core i3 processor and it is running windows 7 when i tried to install Ubuntu on it the screen goes balck but i can hear the iso image installing but i can not see anything. please help05:32
mushy1any easy way05:32
DaemonFCthe only thing that really miffs me is that the ATI Catalyst/FGLRX is not updated regularly. FGLRX is slow buggy crap, but if they fix some bugs, why are those not in the repo?05:32
mushy1the dirve doesnt days05:32
acclaimtechahmed: you should probably try a text install instead of graphic05:32
darthanubisannecoulter: are you really going to troll politics here?05:32
mneptokdarthanubis: please don't feed the troll.05:33
DuskinAhmed: try using the alternate install cd instead05:33
annecoulterno, i'm just testing webchat.freenode.net05:33
P1umb3rSystem:    Host johntop Kernel 2.6.31-14-generic x86_64 (64 bit) Distro Linux Mint 8 Helena - x64 Edition05:33
darthanubismneptok: I think I got this thanks05:33
ahmed_i am new to linux world and i want  to use gnome05:33
om26erannecoulter, it also support /part05:33
annecoultermibbit wont let me on freenode so...05:33
Curly_QAnyways, it was nice meeting you folks here. I must teach another class now. Take care folks.05:33
* acclaimtech feeds the troll darthanubis05:33
DuskinAhmed: gnome is the default gui for ubuntu.05:34
`mOOse`you like deluge better than others acclaimtech05:34
darthanubisahmed_: not enough information to help you05:34
acclaimtechyes M00se it's also accepted at every private torrent site as well05:34
DaemonFC(my opinion) the only thing worse than Deluge on *nix is Deluge on Windows B-)05:34
darthanubisdeluge works05:35
mneptokdarthanubis: please let channel ops deal with trolls, and do not incite them.05:35
`mOOse`I've used ktorrent transmission qtorrent....I don't like any of them05:35
darthanubistry downloading a large file collection with transmission05:35
peepsaloti upgraded my motherboard and now I have really terrible performance.  i think it's related to my graphics drivers but I'm not sure.  can anyone help me troubleshoot?05:35
ahmed_because i am new to linux i only can work with Gui i am still learning Unix commands05:35
darthanubisyou'll never get it05:35
darthanubisdeluge got it05:35
ahmed_and that will take a long time05:35
mushy1anyone know if i download xp on a linux hd if i can install from there05:35
mushy1or if i have to burn05:35
mushy1it seems to big for a cdrw05:36
darthanubisahmed_: don't experiment on your new box05:36
Duskinmushy1: you have to burn it05:36
DaemonFCWhy are we talking about burning XP on a CD-R? That doesn't sound......kosher?05:36
darthanubismushy1: rephrase05:36
ahmed_darthanubis . what do you mean?05:36
tonhi ^^05:36
darthanubismneptok: please stop addressing me05:36
* acclaimtech becomes a troll05:37
Duskinmushy1: the iso for a windows xp install should be around 650mbs, anything larger is extra stuff added to it05:37
koshariahmed_ a virtual machine is a good place to experiment05:37
acclaimtechyes try a VM ahmed05:37
mneptokdarthanubis: please join #ubuntu-ops05:38
ke1ha_VMPlayer3  and any 9.10 is a good playground, if ya break it, it's real easy and fast to restore / rebuild it. and it's all free.05:38
ahmed_koshari i am running Ubuntu right now on my desktop but i want to run it on my laptop too05:38
semitonessnayth, hey, are you here?05:38
Jordan_Umushy1, You can try installing via the alternate install CD, though you will likely still get a black screen on first boot after installing05:38
snaythsemitones: Yup05:38
ahmed_and i am using Vbox too05:38
DuskinAhmed_ try installing using the alternate install cd05:38
koshariahmed_ by all means go for it,05:39
`mOOse`well I like uTorrent in windows so every torrent pgm I find in linux I subliminally compare to it....I've yet to find anything close so I'm shopping05:39
shizuragirloh sorry05:39
shizuragirli don't know how to use this05:39
`mOOse`I'll give it a shot05:39
semitonessnayth, alright, to answer your question, lubuntu uses LXDE, instead of GNOME, which has been designed to be low-requirement and work on lower hardware05:39
snaythsemitones: So are you running the Lubuntu?  Could I run it with 256MB's ram & about 5GB'd HDrive space ? My friend keeps getting spyware.05:39
iflemaoi.... transmission... its great.... you get treated like a king even if you dont put out... if ya follow me. would ya like a calander with that?05:39
semitonessnayth, I'm running Lubuntu right now on 376 mb ram, and 5GB is enough to install it05:40
semitoneser, 384 mb ram05:40
ahmed_i burned ubuntu 32-bit and 64-bit  iso image  on dc but when i tried to install them on my 64-bit Gateway core i3, they did not work.05:40
snaythsemitones: Does it have a fairly easy to use and understand desktop ?05:40
ahmed_by the way Opensolaris is working but Ubuntu i have a problem with the video graphic05:41
Jordan_Uahmed_, You can try installing via the alternate install CD, though you will likely still get a black screen on first boot after installing05:41
semitonessnayth, it's pretty easy -- I would say that regular Ubuntu is slightly easier, but Lubuntu is pretty easy too.05:41
semitonessnayth, nothing out of the ordinary05:42
ahmed_what is alternate cd? please05:42
snaythsemitones: Sweet - Sounds like the ticket! I'll go check it out - Thanks so much - you're a life saver.....05:42
kinja-sheep!alt | ahmed_05:42
Jordan_U!alternate | ahmed_05:42
ubottuahmed_: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal05:42
j-A_sonis there a way to restore my BIOS to factory defaults?05:42
ahmed_ok i will try to find it thank you for your help05:43
kosharij-A_son theres usually a setting to load failsafe defaults which is pretty much factory05:43
LavaEagleAnyone here using Mandriva Linux Free?05:43
semitonessnayth, no problem :) Lubuntu is also fairly new, and is just being added to the Ubuntu roster, so expect lots of improvements to be made to it too05:43
kinja-sheepj-A_son: Most BIOS should have that option already.. in their BIOS.05:43
mneptokdarthanubis: did you see my request to join #ubuntu-ops?05:43
snaythsemitones: Yea - I was just looking at it - looks promising though.05:44
semitonessnayth, take a look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/UbuntuLxdeDesktop05:44
LavaEagleis there a way to stop seeing all the people who leave and come back?05:45
semitonesLavaEagle, yes, enable conference mode. what program are you using?05:45
DuskinLavaeagle: it should be a setting in your irc client05:45
mneptokLavaEagle: depends on the IRC client.05:45
semitoneslook around for it, It'll be there somewhere05:45
koshariLavaEagle tools > plugins > join/patr hiding05:46
mneptok!es | NEGRITO05:46
ubottuNEGRITO: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:46
Kismetautomounting dosen't work.. anyone halp me05:46
j-A_sonmy BIOS is factory default already... I'm pretty sure I just need a driver.05:46
mneptokj-A_son: for what?05:46
j-A_sonnetwork card05:46
j-A_soni really don't know though.05:46
mneptokj-A_son: wireless?05:46
j-A_sonand ethernet05:47
Duskin'Ismet: what are you trying to mount?05:47
Kismeti would like to burn a dvd.. but my dvd-rom can't be mounted automaticly05:47
kinja-sheepI FORETELL SPAMS?05:47
felixsullaYeah no kidding.05:47
DuskinKismet: do you know what the drive path is?05:47
snaythsemitones, Wow - That looks so cool - I have been seeing people post stuff about not being to run the newer Karmic, etc. The guy's that wrote this responded - looks very promising - I have used DSLinux before but not really good for a linux noob.05:48
LavaEaglekoshari: It worked!05:48
KismetDuskin: no i don't know the path....05:48
semitonessnayth, yeah, I wouldn't recommend DSLinux for regular use, but Lubuntu works really well :)05:48
DuskinKismet: try in console: mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom05:48
snaythsemitones, Toddling off now to download - going to actually set it up in a virtualbox 1st.05:49
semitonessnayth, and if new users have problems, there's a great community for them to come to for help05:49
mneptokj-A_son: run "lspci -vvv" and see if the Ethernet device is listed there. if it is not, then you have BIOS or hardware issues.05:49
semitonessnayth, good idea. Does lubuntu have a live cd you can download?05:49
KismetDuskin, okay i try05:50
magn3tsI'm installing some software and it wants a file in /etc/event.d/<service name> and then run with "sudo start <service name>" but it is just returning "unknown job:"05:50
magn3tsAnyone know how to resolve it?05:50
=== Camaro_09_ is now known as Camaro_09
Ascavasaionubottu: hehehe  Relax dude.05:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:50
snaythsemitones, Yea - When I load Karmic on a friends computer one of the 1st apps I install is Xchat and show them - "look here are all these people that have a passion for what they do" and just waiting to answer your questions. Can't ask more then that!05:51
KismetDuskin, i get some error with : wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr005:52
semitonessnayth: hehe, I'm glad :) and once you've learnd a little bit, you're able to help people newer than you05:52
j-A_sonmneptok: it list ethernet controller, but I still have no idea how to get it to work. Thanks for your help05:52
LavaEagleLol I was on pidgin portable05:52
j-A_sonwhat do you think?05:52
LavaEagleremoved by accident and oh shi*05:52
snaythsemitones, I can't say how times I've called MS and been pretty much frustrated and disappointed by the whole thing...05:52
DuskinKismet: is the cd a blank cd?05:52
KismetDuskin, it is a blank dvd05:53
mneptokj-A_son: "cat /etc/network/interfaces" and tell me if you see eth0 or eth105:53
snaythsemitones, Well thanks - I'am still learning - but it's worth it - cya05:53
mneptokj-A_son: do NOT paste results to the channel05:53
semitonessnayth, yeah, I have to say, ubuntu, and linux in general seem a lot easier to fix than windows. There, it either works, or it doesn't :/05:53
KismetDuskin, i don't know if that makes the difference05:53
DuskinKismet: you don't need to mount it, just open up the burner05:54
DuskinKismet: burner program*05:54
j-A_sonits just the loopback05:54
mneptokj-A_son: when you ran lspci, who makes the Ethernet chipset?05:54
j-A_sonI guess Intel? thats the only company here. sorry :P05:55
KismetDuskin, "could not display "burn:///".05:55
shadowrunihello all05:55
KismetDuskin, is the message if i try to open cD/DVD Creator05:55
om26er!hi | shadowruni05:56
ubottushadowruni: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:56
dj__hey guys.  Anyone know how to properly burn a iso file?  I tried right clicking on it and burning it, however when I was trying to install windows 7 from the burnt dvd, it says not all install files are there05:56
KismetDuskin, and with brasero i just can burn an image file05:56
dj__kismet: brasero is the default application yes?05:56
shadowrunidj, are you sure your iso is good?05:56
dj__i'm + my iso is good05:56
j-A_sonmneptok: I think Intel05:56
j-A_son"Intel Corporation"05:57
Jordan_Udj__, You can use brasero and enable the option to verify that the CD burned properly, beyond that this is really a question for ##windows05:57
mneptokj-A_son: i doubt it's Intel. 99% of Intel wired network stuff "just works" in Linux.05:57
LavaEagledj: you burning an iso from where?05:57
Kismetdj__, i don't know which one is the default application... I just used to use both05:57
dj__ftr I reallly hate windows, however I do like having my music on my subs :P05:57
shadowrunidj, generate an md5 chksum and paste it here and tell me the version you're using05:57
dj__lava i'm burning a iso from my external hardrive05:57
DuskinKismet: I don't know how to fix the programs, you'll have to ask someone else05:57
LavaEagledj: source?05:58
shadowruniI can compare that to my copies (MS gold partnership rocks) and see what's up05:58
j-A_sonEthernet controller: Intel Coporation 82557/8/9/0/1 Ethernet Pro 100 (rev 10)05:58
KismetDuskin, thank you for your time....05:58
mneptokdj__: discussions of software piracy are not welcome here.05:58
KismetDuskin, kind of you05:58
dj__software piracy lol...05:58
mneptokj-A_son: do you have the Live CD/DVD around?05:58
dj__you know I very well could of ripped the iso from a disc I purchased.  I do have a little niece that likes to destroy my cd's and dvds05:58
arooni_____hey folks; i have a 16GB microsd flash card in my phone that doesnt appear as a drive on ubuntu jaunty (usually it did) ; i cant even see it with gparted.  the partition is damaged so i need to reformat.  ideas?05:58
mneptokj-A_son: boot off that and see if the Ethernet interface works. if it does, something you configured on the installed system is causing the issue.05:59
shadowruniarooni, try sudo fdisk -l05:59
j-A_sonmneptok: it's a fresh install- it didn't work off the live CD before either. Should I try again? Thanks for your time.06:00
dj__anything better than brasero?06:00
iflemadj__ the desktop menus.... Applications / Sound and Video / Brasero Disc Burner will burn an iso image.06:00
KismetHey anyone an idea why i can't burn images or anything else to a dvd anymore06:00
dj__kismet: I'd check your disc burner itself.  Sometiems they will crap out on you06:01
DaemonFCKismet, Could be that the drive is dying06:01
mneptokj-A_son: desktop or laptop?06:01
DaemonFCsometimes they still recognize CDs for a while06:01
dj__iflema:  I know how to use brasero, it's just not burning the data I need burnt correctly.  I know my .iso is good to go06:01
mneptokj-A_son: examine the BIOS carefully. ensure the network interface is active.06:01
j-A_sonmneptok: Dell Dimension 8250, desktop06:01
KismetDaemonFC, It works with a live cd06:02
ke1ha_is you run cdrecord -scabus id the drive identified ?06:02
Kismetdj__, it works with a live cd06:02
j-A_sonmneptok: it's on the factory default settings- I'm not really sure what I can do06:02
DaemonFCyeah, but it's not recognizing DVD-Rs, right?06:02
ke1ha_opps cdrecord -scanbus06:02
dj__oh well...I guess i'll figure it out :)06:02
dj__thanks for the idea's though06:02
j-A_sonit worked beofre with the same settings- but when I removed and reinstalled ubuntu it stopped working06:03
iflemadj__ " Anyone know how to properly burn an iso file?" and the burner?06:03
Jordan_Udj__, I seriously doubt that changing software will help anything. Have you tried looking at the md5sum of the CD vs that of the iso?06:03
KismetDaemonFC, the live -cd is a live dvd06:03
dj__i'm going to look at that now06:03
snaythsemitones, Hey you still here ? Does the Lubuntu run restricted - like flash, etc ?06:03
semitonessnayth, yup. In most ways, it's like a lightweight skin on ubuntu06:03
DaemonFCsnayth, Just a guess, but I would assume Lubuntu is using gstreamer and Firefox and all that06:04
DaemonFCIt makes no sense at all to use Xine :)06:04
j-A_sonmneptok: it worked before with the same settings- but when I removed and reinstalled ubuntu it stopped working06:04
snaythDaemonFC, Sweet - Not a purist yet - but working my way there06:04
dj__ /leave06:05
mneptokj-A_son: which release? Live or installed?06:05
arooni_____whats a good way to transfer music over to my blackberry (or any mass storage device) that doesnt involve drag and drop?  (ideally like an itunes for ubunut)06:05
juan_iTunes runs on Ubuntu06:06
DaemonFCsnayth, The problem with bloat is not best solved by cutting everything out, GNOME is bloated because a users needs are big, not because it's harboring a lot of useless crap. (To borrow upon a Jamie Zawinsky quote)06:06
ke1ha_arooni_ rsync .. i use it to sync all my media folders.06:06
DaemonFCjuan_, Poor Ubuntu06:06
mneptokjuan_: is that a question?06:06
j-A_sonmneptok: it worked with 8.10, but then I reinstalled ubuntu 9.10 from disk to overwrite everything. I was going to give the computer to my scout troop, but I ended up keeping it for some home networking usage; now it's just not connecting to anything.06:06
Dravekx70 packages can be updated. 37 updates are security updates. , should I update?06:06
snaythsemitones, That's good to here - When you try to explain about codecs and proprietary to a regular windows user - there eyes kinda glass over and they just don't see your point.06:06
juan_sudo apt-get install playonlinux06:07
LavaEaglearooni: I have looked for something similar for my 3200 bb but the best way I could keep complete control of my phone was drag and drop or possibly acdsee06:07
Jordan_UDravekx, Yes06:07
DaemonFCsnayth, "codec packs! Sweeeeet!"06:07
dbluefieldcan anybody give a linux newb some advice?06:07
mneptokj-A_son: if you are donating it, try 8.04 on it. it's an LTS release. 9.10 is not.06:07
Jordan_U!ask | dbluefield06:07
ubottudbluefield: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:07
_Trulloheh, I run sudo apt-get update / upgrade atleast twice / day :)06:07
dbluefieldthanx Jordan06:07
Dravekxdbluefield, like what?06:07
Jordan_Udbluefield, np06:07
juan_Dravekx: update06:08
Dravekxjuan_, I am06:08
semitonessnayth, haha, it depends how you explain it, but yeah I know what you mean. They don't know why they should care06:08
snaythDaemonFC, Yea I totally agree - my machine is mean and lean with 8gb's ram and huge hard drive so bloat is not a BIG deal to me but is to allot of other folks.06:08
j-A_sonalright- I tried moving back to 8.10, but I don't think I have tried 8.04- come to think of it, that's where I started out- thanks for your help.06:08
j-A_sonI'll do that now.06:08
mneptoksnayth: "a lot." two words. :)06:09
dbluefieldI've burned the Ubuntu ISO onto disk and will try to boot it --my windows XP boc has a C/drive(windowsOS) and a partitioned E drive for extras -- where will Ubuntu install?06:09
snaythsemitones, yup - they just don't get it - but that's how it is06:09
juan_dbluefield: need an EXT4 and Swap partitions06:09
DaemonFCsnayth, GNOME is actually scrapping most of the $50,000 toilet seats anyhow06:09
DaemonFCmaking room for GNOME 306:09
JimmioHey all. How do I use dd to copy only, say, 2MB of a source?06:09
Jordan_Udbluefield, The installer will give you an option to resize your current partitions to make space for Ubuntu06:09
Dravekxdbluefield, it will install where you tell it to.06:09
semitonesdbluefield, you can rearrange your partitions using the installer06:09
dbluefielddidnt understand that juan06:10
juan_dbluefield: need to make 2 more partitions06:10
dbluefieldwill it add another partition?06:10
Dravekxdbluefield, or you can just run it off the CD and not install it. :)06:10
juan_dbluefield: 1 EXT4 / 1 Swap06:10
DaemonFCsnayth, It's not going to surprise me when GNOME 3 is out with all the features it has now and comes in lighter than vanilla XFCE06:10
semitonesdbluefield, the real question is, what would YOU like it to do06:10
DaemonFCXFCE is already overtaking the resource usage title away from GNOME and KDE anyway06:10
mushy1anyone know how to format off the security crap that is on kingston DTVP usb drives06:11
juan_DaemonFC: XFCE is not so lightweight now06:11
semitonesDaemonFC, but XFCE is so pretty :P06:11
DaemonFCa necessary consequence of doing more and being more things to more people06:11
dbluefieldwhen I turn the computer on - do I get a choice between windows and ubuntu?06:11
mushy1i want to make it a regular USB drive to work on windows and linux06:11
DravekxShould I reboot the server after updating?06:11
om26erseme, really ?06:11
juan_dbluefield: yes06:11
semitonesDaemonFC, LXDE is the new lightweight king (aside from fluxbox)06:11
snaythsemitones, You know though it only takes about two weeks for someone that I've put linux on their computer and there saying stuff like - Wow this seems so much more solid the windose and it doesn't crash - so they get the big picture quite quickly06:11
juan_Dravekx: only if requested06:11
dbluefieldis that in the Bios --what does it look like?06:11
Dravekxjuan_, ahhhh. k.06:12
semitonessnayth, yeah, it tends to be that way06:12
LavaEagledbluefield:  When you insert the disk it will give you 3 choices, use entire disk, side by side, or custom,  i believe side by side does ext3 with swap automatically, and custom you must define what partition type nad what the swap size is06:12
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indusdbluefield, it comes after the bios06:12
juan_dbluefield: make Back-Ups --->Data06:12
Jordan_Umushy1, You can format it with either fat32 or ntfs and both windows and linux will be able to read and write to it, though Mac OS only supports reading ntfs by default ( it supports reading and writing to fat32 though )06:12
DaemonFCLavaEagle, Side by side does Ext4, and way too much SWAP06:12
snaythDaemonFC, Gnome 3 ? Is that going to in Lucid ?06:12
DaemonFCjust like normal install does :D06:12
LavaEagleDaemonFC: ty06:13
indussnayth, no it will probably with 10.1006:13
DravekxIm not to fond of dual booting ubuntu and windows. :( I always have problems with it.06:13
DaemonFCsnayth, No, GNOME 2.30 will, GNOME 3 will ship in place of GNOME 2.3206:13
dbluefieldthanx - Im getting the idea - any best practises for installing?06:13
mushy1Jordan_U: right now my linux cannot read it at all06:13
mushy1and wine cannot run the DTVP exe thing06:13
LavaEagleDravekx: agreed, even though it is fairly stable it is always preferable to dedicate a comptuer to it06:13
juan_dbluefield: backup06:13
indusdbluefield, stick with ext 306:13
DaemonFCLavaEagle, The installer tries the 3.5 times physical RAM rule, which doesn't work out so well on systems with over 4 GB06:13
juan_dbluefield: use EXT406:13
DaemonFCcustom install is advisable06:13
DaemonFCerr, 2.506:14
snaythDaemonFC, I had heard about that ( Gnome 3 ) - Have to check it - Sounds great.06:14
dbluefieldmy disks are NTFS06:14
Jordan_Umushy1, Can you give more information about what exactly this device is?06:14
indusjuan_, ext4 has reports of data loss06:14
DaemonFCsnayth, You can preview it by installing gnome-shell06:14
thedancingdeerwhenever u close my gnome-terminal (using ctrl+d) after using the terminal a bit, my volume is set to mute! how do i check the scripts which run after closing any terminal?06:14
dbluefieldis ext 3/4 an install option?06:14
DaemonFCdbluefield, You can install to ext2/3/4, XFS, ResierFS, or JFS06:14
juan_indus: not confirmed, all FS can data loss06:14
petsounds!installation > dbluefield06:15
ubottudbluefield, please see my private message06:15
DaemonFCjuan_, GRUB was even corrupting ext3 at one point, in RHEL06:15
dbluefieldI have all my data on a seperate hard drive - its in the computer---any problems there?06:15
snaythDaemonFC, I'm running Karmic now - Would be best to setup in a virtualbox or something 1st you think?06:15
indusdbluefield, i say stick with ext3 its proven06:15
mushy1Jordan_U: http://www.kingston.com/flash/DTvaultPrivacy.asp   2gb version06:15
mushy1i want the security GONE preferably06:15
Dravekxindus, I've used ext4 for 3 months now, no problems.06:15
juan_DaemonFC: i never trusted RHEL06:15
indusi too, but have a look at this wait06:16
juan_DaemonFC: or Centos06:16
DaemonFCsnayth, gnome-shell is in the repository, you have to manually tell it to replace metacity -or- compiz by using gnome-shell --replace06:16
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ke1ha_same here, 3 servers on Ext3 and 3 on Ext4 ... Ext4 seems very stable to date.06:16
DaemonFCand that's just for one session anyway06:16
juan_EXT4 is rock solid06:16
dbluefieldthanx -- sounds like 3 or 4:)06:17
juan_if suddendly power failure any FS can data loss06:17
DaemonFCI think it also adds an option to use it in the Appearance applet where you normally select metacity or Compiz06:17
juan_but its strange06:17
juan_on any EXT06:17
SpinachHeadwhere is the best place to download the lucid lynx development version?  The daily image won't install06:17
DaemonFCjuan_, I don't trust Ext4, you can format as many of your own drives with it as you care to :D06:17
indusjuan_, its not rock solid as ext 306:17
semitonesdbluefield, go with 4 -- newer = better support in the future06:17
ke1ha_for the average uer Ext3  or 4 is more than enough. if you want high performance, XFS.06:17
dbluefieldmy hysical data drive should be safe? (he asks hopefully)?06:17
snaythDaemonFC, I might install karmic in a VBox and try that - Don't want to screw up this setup I have now - it's running sweet06:17
dbluefieldthis is for basic web surfing06:18
indusjuan_, DaemonFC http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Nzk0OA06:18
dbluefieldunless I get into linux big time:)06:18
rwwubottu: ubuntu+1 | SpinachHead06:18
ubottuSpinachHead: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91006:18
DaemonFCExt4 is already far less reliable because it uses Extents, if you're paranoid you'll want to use Ext306:18
snaythDaemonFC, After all my HDrive is just itch'n to get filled up heh heh...06:19
rwwSpinachHead: sorry, wrong factoid. Lucid questions in #ubuntu+106:19
DaemonFCI know, XFS uses extents too06:19
ke1ha_snayth ... I run UB, XUB and EUB all 9.10 from a single laptop VM, works great, lets me eval all off them painlessly.06:19
Dravekxdbluefield, just back everything up. Run Ubuntu from USB or CD and see if you like it. THEN, if you want to dual boot,  go for it... but not unless you are sure. i would recommend against dual boot. It's better to stay 1 O/S per machine.06:19
DaemonFCXFS is also much more mature than Ext406:19
dbluefieldI want linux for security basically06:19
DaemonFCExt4 has only been tested on the masses for not even 2 years yet06:19
SpinachHeadokay, thx06:19
DaemonFCXFS dates back to 199406:19
snaythkelha, You like VM over VBox?06:20
juan_DaemonFC: no, i use it for years starting on Sabayon Linux06:20
dbluefieldsounds like good advice Dravekx06:20
indusDaemonFC, well, its an evolution of ext 3 so you cannot say its 2 years old /new06:20
juan_DaemonFC: the first to support it officially06:20
tkotuSup everyone. anyone know why I have cdrom2 that wont mount?06:20
ke1ha_I use for testing. All my real boxes are native installs.06:20
juan_DaemonFC: it sux :)06:20
xtagonQuick, easy question: Is it a bad idea to remove gedit? Aptitude says it'll remove ubuntu-desktop. Is that safe?06:20
snaythkelha, Was talking about Vmware.06:20
dbluefieldI use VMware on my laptop06:20
DaemonFCjuan_, The on-disk format of Ext4 is radically different from Ext306:20
rwwubottu: ubuntu-desktop | xtagon06:21
ubottuxtagon: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.06:21
Dravekxdbluefield, advice from experience. I'm about a 7 month newbie still.06:21
dbluefieldso you guys think dual boot will cause problems?06:21
indusdbluefield, it will not !06:21
DaemonFConce you switch over to Extents, you'll never mount an Ext4 partition as Ext3 again (without deleting every file you touched since switching to Extents)06:21
semitonesdbluefield, no, dual booting is great06:21
ke1ha_rr. VMware .. I use Workstation 5.5.9 and it works, not the best, like I said, you want a real performance, Native Install is the way to go.,06:21
snaythkelha_, opps didn't see your underscore - So do you use Vmware and do you like it better then VBox?06:21
xtagonrww: Thanks. In the future, where do I check to see if a package is a meta package or not?06:21
dbluefieldI'm totaL NEWB..lol06:21
indusfrankly i too never had an issue with ext 4, that article is one off i guess06:21
mushy1what kind of dumbass still worries about dualbooting06:21
semitonesdbluefield, we were all in your place, once :)06:21
tkotucdrom2: why is it in my computer?06:22
mushy1niggas be quad booting these days while running multiple vms06:22
songerhello, i can't set my resolution06:22
mushy1with 10 monitors06:22
indusdbluefield, dual boot is the most pratical way of installing linux06:22
semitones!ohmy | mushy106:22
ubottumushy1: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.06:22
juan_i want LXC06:22
DaemonFCYou can create an Ext4 partition that's backward compatible by telling it to not use Extents, but then you've got yourself an overglorified Ext306:22
ke1ha_I also run a VMPlayer 8.04 UB install on my i7 box for Folding at home. Works well.06:22
rwwxtagon: If it's in the "metapackages" section, it's a metapackage. "apt-cache show packagenamehere" will show a bunch of information, including the section. I believe Synaptic can show it also.06:22
Dravekxmushy1, dual booting windows and linux as a newb is like telling a ford mechanic to build a GM car.06:22
dbluefieldI'd like to go for it -- if it craps my machine out - oh well06:23
xtagonrww: Great. Thanks for being so helpful :)06:23
indusdbluefield, here is some neat advice, one partition of say 10 gb for / , the rest for /home and size of ram for /swap06:23
semitonesDravekx, I disagree, for a determined user it's no problem06:23
mushy1no its not06:23
mushy1have the cat run the ubuntu live cd06:23
tkotuI feel invisible...lol.06:23
mushy1figure out if he even NEEDS linux06:23
songeri already install my driver06:23
mushy1then the partitioning is so easy these days06:23
mushy1with the interface it gives06:24
mushy1can you use a slide bar?06:24
juan_tkotu: whats t problem?06:24
indusdbluefield, thats of course if you have manual partitioning,06:24
mushy1if you can use a slide bar and click next you can dual boot06:24
mushy1end of discussion06:24
dbluefieldI guess what Im asking is -- my 1st physical drive has one partition C & E -- will Ubuntu make 2 more? -- the E drive has about 60 gigs left06:24
semitonesmushy1, please don't use enter as a punctuation :)06:24
Dravekxwell, nowadays there is really no need for dual boot.. windows and linux can do pretty much the same things.06:24
semitonesdbluefield, if you want it to, it will06:24
Dravekxits a matter of know-how06:24
DaemonFCyou're also not going to benefit much from Ext4 by mounting an Ext2/3 volume as Ext4, because most of your files are in the old format and there is no defrag tool for Ext4 (yet)06:24
indusdbluefield, ubuntu doesnt make any unless you tell it06:24
dbluefieldI've run Ubuntu - I like it06:24
ke1ha_Manual, after you've done it a couple time is the best way to go. Dead easy, and you can change things as you want to test them.06:25
DaemonFCyou need to format it to really get any benefit06:25
dbluefieldlinux cant play halo06:25
indusdbluefield, what is on E ?06:25
DaemonFCdbluefield, Yes it can06:25
juan_dbluefield: linux can play halo06:25
semitonesdbluefield, it can erase your entire disk if you want, or it can resize your existing partions to make room for ubuntu. it's whatever you choose06:25
juan_sudo apt-get install playonlinux06:25
MyrttiDaemonFC: eh... defrrag doesnt exist for ext3 either06:25
dbluefieldE drive has some programs06:25
indus!wine | appdb06:25
ubottuappdb: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu06:25
DaemonFCMyrtti, The defrag after ext4 conversion would put the old files into the new format06:26
indus!appdb | dbluefield06:26
ubottudbluefield: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:26
ke1ha_You don't need a High Performance FS on the /boot partition, swap is not formated, so that leaves you the rest to do testing with, maake one of each Ext2,3,4 XFS and riserfs06:26
dbluefieldseems like wine would be more trouble?06:26
tkotuI have a non-existent cdrom2. What do?06:26
indusdbluefield, first things first, just install it , then comes wine06:26
juan_tkotu: theres no CDROM 2 on Ubuntu CDs06:26
semitonesdbluefield, honestly, wine can be a hassle. I play games on windows, but use Ubuntu for everything else06:27
juan_tkotu: what CDS are you talking about?06:27
DaemonFCMyrtti, xfs_fsr essentially tries to find a more optimal place on the volume for the fragmented file, copy the file there, and delete the original06:27
dbluefieldthats what I was thinking semi06:27
DaemonFCit takes a lot of work to fragment an XFS volume seriously though06:27
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier06:27
dbluefielddo my viral web surfing in winblows too:)06:27
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DaemonFCExt4 already has the hooks for e4defrag, but e4defrag doesn't exist yet06:27
Dravekxwhats the difference in apt-get and aptitude?06:28
juan_Dravekx: apt-get got super cow powers06:28
DaemonFCDragnslcr, Aptitude has more options and isn't just a command line utility06:28
dbluefieldI guess there's only one way to see - me should install...lol06:28
DaemonFCit's basically a Synaptic for the terminal06:28
Dravekxjuan_, so they are the same thing06:28
indusDravekx, aptitude used to have better dependency solution than apt-get  , but i still find it is better06:29
indusapt-get is no better06:29
mneptokDaemonFC: being "for the terminal" makes it a "command line only utility"06:29
dbluefieldmy digital monitor doesnt show the BIOS - I hope it boots off CD first time:)06:29
DaemonFCmneptok, You know what I meant06:29
juan_Dravekx: more or less, yes, some people say that aptitude got more CLI option, bue doesnt, apt-get got the options too06:29
mneptokDaemonFC: no, i don't06:29
indusdbluefield, you need to enter into bios by pressing some key say f12 f8 etc or maybe del key06:30
ke1ha_apt-get is shorter to type :-) .. that's gotta be a plus :-)06:30
DaemonFCmneptok, It's an ncurses ui06:30
DaemonFCdoes that help?06:30
juan_some people say that apt-get dont have reinstall, but it have apt-get install --reinstall package06:30
mneptokDaemonFC: and ncurses is command line.06:31
DravekxNo packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.  << I guess that means Im good and up to date?06:31
dbluefieldthanx indus -- hopefully it will boot first try06:31
dbluefieldjust lurking here to see if there are any other bears in the woods06:31
xtagonmneptok: More like TUI than command-line. There aren't really lines of commands involved.06:31
juan_Canonical make nice package manager GUI too06:32
DaemonFCDravekx, aptitude it reallu best to use if you're on debian unstable because it gives you safe-upgrade06:32
mneptokxtagon: to invoke aptitude a user must type commands06:32
dbluefieldI was thinking of putting Ubuntu on my E drive (sounds like ext 3 would work)  will that be a custom job?06:32
indusdbluefield, good luck :)06:32
juan_1-SmartPM 2-Add/Remove 3-Software-Center06:32
dbluefieldthanx indus06:33
Jordan_UDaemonFC, aptitude safe-upgrade is exactly the same as apt-get upgrade IIRC06:33
Dravekxmaybe aptitude is more "user friendly" I guess you would say.06:33
indussynaptic is the best06:34
om26erindus, not efficient06:34
DaemonFCJordan_U, The last time I looked, there were things it held back that apt-get would probably have gone ahead and broken06:34
rwwaptitude has a minesweeper function that helpfully crashes it. Can't beat that.06:34
juan_SmartPM is nice06:34
indusom26er, compared to ?06:34
juan_SmartPM, Canonical 200606:34
DaemonFCjuan_,  RPMs on Ubuntu06:34
juan_DaemonFC: not for RPM06:35
dbluefieldthanx for the tips guys - have a great day!06:35
juan_DaemonFC: but can handle RPM and DEB at the same time06:35
DaemonFCsmart could install RPMs on Ubuntu, they tell you not to do it though :)06:35
DaemonFCbut you can :)06:35
juan_any LSB compliant got the capability to install RPM06:36
industoo off topic now06:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:36
Dravekxssl: good or bad?06:36
mneptokDravekx: that's offtopic, also.06:37
Dravekxmneptok, how do you figure? Im wondering if its good or bad for ubuntu server.06:38
dsnydersHi all.  I recently upgraded to 9.10 and now I can't view youtube videos.  What gives?06:38
lzfneed install flashplayer06:38
mneptokDravekx: it's not a support question. start using SSL, and if you have questions, ask them.06:38
juan_dsnyders: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras ; sudo apt-get clean06:38
Dravekxmneptok, k. :)06:39
gnomexcan i know..06:39
gnomexhow can i reload my Bootloader...06:39
mneptok!grub > gnomex06:39
ubottugnomex, please see my private message06:39
darthanubisdsnyders: do you know what flash is?06:40
dsnydersdarthanubis, vaguely.  It's some sort of internet video tool06:40
juan_flash is a nice malware to watch interwebs video and halt the pc06:40
darthanubisyeah basically06:40
snaythsemitones, Hey what version of Lubuntu are you running ? And where is the best site to download it from?06:40
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:41
tomatoes7i'm trying to run rootstock, but i keep getting the message "qemu not installed" even though it is installed06:41
semitonessnayth, I'll look for a link06:41
lzfadobe flash06:41
Jordan_UDaemonFC, From the aptitude man page it appears aptitude safe-upgrade is actually *less* strictly safe. apt-get upgrade will never add new packages or remove old ones, aptitude safe-upgrade will remove packages that it thinks are "unused" if needed to upgrade another package.06:41
snaythsemitones, Cooll thanks06:41
dsnydersdarthanubis, So what happened to flash when I upgraded?06:41
darthanubisit did not go along for the ride06:42
DaemonFCJordan_U, That's probably orphan packages that would be removed by apt-get autoremove06:42
darthanubisso now you have to read the link I shot at you06:42
darthanubis!flash > dsnyders06:42
ubottudsnyders, please see my private message06:42
DaemonFCit's only dangerous if the system flagged a needed package as an orphan06:42
DaemonFCand then you probably have a bug in the distribution anyway B-)06:43
dsnydersdarthanubis, Would have been nice if the upgrade told you about such things.06:43
archboxmanJordan_U: aptitude keeps a running log of files installed and uninstalled not every this is perfect with aptitude , I would combination of ideas for install removes...06:43
snaythsemitones, I found one version that is - lunbuntu-9.10 lynxis b23.iso06:43
darthanubisdsnyders: you are supposed to be aware of such things before you press buttons06:43
semitonessnayth, the thing to do is install regular ubuntu, then convert it to Lubuntu -- there's no separate download as of yet. See here http://gilir.wordpress.com/2009/10/29/lubuntu-9-10-and-plan-for-lucid/06:43
darthanubisdsnyders: all OSes still require some reading06:44
Jordan_UDaemonFC, Yes, but the point is that aptitude safe-upgrade is *less* conservative in all ways than apt-get upgrade looking just at the descriptions in each commands man pages. Look for yourself.06:44
=== lordmortis is now known as lordmortis|away
iflemadsnyders its like java... if everone refused to use it we'd have something better.....  download the .tgz file from adobe and extract it /home/[username]/.mozilla/plugins06:44
juan_lxde is not so DE independent apps, i try to install lxnm and it brings half LXDE06:44
iflemadsnyders ive a 64bit link if ya need06:44
snaythsemitones, That's the big problem - I can't get regular ubuntu installed on this lappy - it's too slow. Any other suggestions06:45
darthanubisiflema: now why reccomend that, when he barely knows what it is. he should stay wiithin the repositories06:45
juan_snayth: mini.iso06:45
juan_snayth: minimalCD06:45
darthanubisdsnyders: you want to follow the PM I shot you. That is the supported method06:45
snaythjuan_, ok - will try anything right now.06:45
iflemadarthanubis get it from the shitty source....06:45
semitonessnayth, yes, if you install a minimal install of ubuntu (no graphics, commandline only really,) then you can install lubuntu on top, and it will run. See the link I sent06:45
indusshould i switch to kde, iam just worried aboutthe new applications06:45
darthanubisiflema: watch your fucking mouth06:46
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:46
* iflema :)06:46
rwwdarthanubis: watch yours.06:46
snaythsemitones, Ok will do - Always one step ahead of myself sorry....06:46
indusah shucks06:46
dsnydersdarthanubis, There are ten thousand different aspects to an operating system.  Most people don't have the time to investigate every nuance.  You just upgrade and hope.06:46
semitonessnayth, no problem06:46
dsnydersdarthanubis, anyways, thanks for the link.  I'm processing...06:46
darthanubisdsnyders: hope is for fools06:46
darthanubisdsnyders: your better than that06:47
juan_theres an app on repo to sandbox the upgrade06:47
tkotuHow do I fix a non-existent cdrom2?06:47
juan_tkotu: you can remove it using sudo06:47
Jordan_Utkotu, Do you mean a directory like /media/cdrom2 , a device node like /dev/cdrom2 or something else?06:48
archboxmandsnyders: not even a good Idea... upgrade and hope for the best... I don't upgrade I watch and see how many problems there are with a system like mine the wait 6 months and see if there are solutions...06:48
tkotujuan_, yeah, its also in places. it says I cant mount because it doesnt exist.06:49
=== aaron is now known as TiMiDo
archboxmandsnyders: I did what you said I would have stayed with ubuntu for ever... :) like debian and archlinux06:49
snaythsemitones, Sounds like an adventure - I'm up to it after all a year ago I tried installing Arch - That was loads of fun06:49
semitonessnayth, yes, it should be pretty straightforward though -- I'd recommend using a wired internet connection while you install though, if possible06:50
juan_dpkg -l | grep boobs06:51
snaythsemitones, Yup not problem here - I have fiber about 20mb's down stream06:51
archboxmansnayth: archlinux has gotten easier to use I think in the next 2 or 3 years they may slow down the idea of rolling releases , but only time will tell06:51
juan_do it06:51
semitonessnayth, alright, you should be set :)06:51
petsoundsmneptok, thanks06:51
semitonesmneptok, join/quit messages?06:52
ActionParsnipyo yo yo06:52
Darkmanhi there06:52
bryandunphyCan anyone help me with why "Hardware Drives" would still say "this driver is not activated" even after I click Activate and enter my password? The driver is for my wireless card.06:52
snaytharchboxman, Yea I see it's number 7 on Distrowatch - May have to give that another try one of these days - I hear tell it's very stable06:52
mneptoksemitones: don't concern yourself with it. let's move on.06:53
DarkmanI've a "small" problem with my ubuntu 9.10 - i use cryptodisks (at least one for swap and one for home) and after an normal update today, it won't boot anymore because i cannot enter the passphrase for my /home06:53
ActionParsnipbryandunphy: run: sudo lshw -C network     websearch for the product line06:53
Darkmani've got likely problems a few times but usually after a second reboot, it worked...06:53
semitonesmneptok, sorry, just curious06:53
snaythsemitones, Yup - I'll give the ol' college try - Can't be worse that a trip to the dentist after all heh heh06:53
Darkmanbut now, it's just fscked...06:53
m0nk3yusing ubuntu 9.10 and gnome, does anyone know how to change the folders shown in the places menu06:54
mneptoksemitones: no worries. but there are better things in this world to spend your time being curious about. ;)06:54
juan_Darkman: i use the ubuntus built-in Crypt, i never have a problem, i dont know these cryptodisk06:54
ActionParsnipm0nk3y: in nautilus, drag them to the left pael06:54
=== Mike is now known as Guest91713
Darkmanjuan_: you mean luks?06:54
semitonesmneptok, definitely :)06:54
juan_Darkman: ecryptfs06:55
ke1haUsing XChat 2.8.6 is there a way to turn of who joins and leave the channel ?06:55
ke1haoopps turn off ...06:55
Darkmanjuan_: mhkay, dunno about that but i use those cryptodisks since a few releases, the problems started with 9.1006:55
semitoneskelha: right click on the channel > settings06:55
m0nk3yActionParsnip: how do i open that - when i type sudo nautilus it just reinitializes dropbox and opens the file browser to root06:55
m0nk3yand i got a slew of errors in the command prompt06:56
ActionParsnipm0nk3y:1. sudo nautilius is NOT to be used06:56
m0arMy gnome-panel doesn't restart when killed, how can I start it from terminal without having the terminal open all the time?06:56
semitonesActionParsnip, is gksudo nautillus ok?06:56
ActionParsnipm0nk3y:2. just launch one of the items in places to run nautiluis as you06:56
stevecamm0ar, & exit06:56
m0arActionParsnip: Why not sudo nautilus?06:57
und3rgr0undz3r0Hey, I installed via wubi and then I uninstalled ubuntu but the grub4dos menu still pops up when I reboot, any suggestions on that one?06:57
ActionParsnipsemitones: thats the right way but we need to edit the user settings so we run it without06:57
ke1haAhh Hide Join/Part msg's seems to have solved it thanks.06:57
rwwubottu: gksudo | m0ar06:57
ubottum0ar: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)06:57
semitonesActionParsnip, gotcha06:57
m0nk3yActionParsnip: thank you very much :)06:57
semitoneskelha: good :)06:57
m0arstevecam: And without closing the terminal? :D06:57
ActionParsnipm0nk3y: not all apps need sudo etc. you will break your system if you do06:58
ActionParsnipm0nk3y: glad you got the gold06:58
stevecamm0ar, does it close the terminal when you run it?06:58
stevecamwithout  & exit06:58
und3rgr0undz3r0I removed my wubi but now its still there when I boot up my XP machine, anyone know how to get rid of it?06:58
ActionParsnipm0ar: sudo isnt made for x apps. it doesnt configure the enviroment correctly and you can screw up ownerships06:59
ActionParsnipm0ar: sudo is only for command line apps like ln, cp, mv etc06:59
m0arstevecam: If I run gnome-panel it's run in the terminal, which renders it unusable for me until I close down the panels07:00
juan_sudo su07:00
ActionParsnipm0ar; gksudo / kdesudo are for x based apps like nautilus07:00
ActionParsnipjuan_: sudo -s   is advised07:00
m0nk3yanyone know how to stop windows from going below the bottom panel on gnome in ubuntu 9.10 - i have a netbook so it's a really small screen07:00
juan_sudo -i07:00
dsnydersActionParsnip, you could do sudo -i07:00
ActionParsnipflannel: isnt kdesudo a symlink to kdesu?07:00
m0arHow to move a program that's run in terminal, as in gnome-panel, to the background?07:00
m0arJust shove it away from my sight07:01
ActionParsnipjuan_: -s uses the users profile. -i uses roots07:01
FlannelActionParsnip: kdesudo doesn't exist.  kdesu or gksu or gksudo (the latter two are linked)07:01
juan_use &07:01
ActionParsnipflannel: gotcha07:01
kosharim0nk3y dunno about that but sometimes you jsut need to use alt key to drag partly off screen, othewist autohide the panel07:01
stevecam& moves it to background and exit will tell it to leave the terminal07:01
m0nk3ykoshari: thanks i'll try that07:01
stevecamm0ar, "gnome-panel &"07:01
vilkaswhy there is no bitchx on the repositories? or i just dont know how to find it?07:01
m0arstevecam: Not really, since I get a newline BEFORE gnome-panel starts :P07:02
m0arstevecam: Aka, can't use the terminal07:02
ZykoticK9m0ar, "gnome-panel & exit" worked on my system...07:02
m0arOh nvm, after gnome-panel & I can ctrl-C the terminal :)07:03
m0arZykoticK9: That closes my terminal for me :P07:03
ZykoticK9m0ar, but it should start gnome-panel first then exit...07:03
stevecamm0ar, "gnome-panel &" will make it run as a background process, but as soon as you close the terminal the process will die, if you run "gnome-panel & exit" then it will run in the background and exit the terminal for you07:04
lankshi guys my wubi install wont boot ubuntu so I am wanting to know if it would be possible for me to mount the wubi ubuntu disk on another ubuntu machine? if so what would the commands be? the two files are root.disk and swap.disk07:05
tomatoes7i'm trying to resize my partitions using gparted, but it doesn't like NTFS, and wont resize it07:05
Jordan_Ulanks, Yes, it is possible. What happens when you try to boot from wubi?07:05
m0arZykoticK9: & = at the same time   && = afterwards07:05
kosharitomatoes7 install ntfsprogs07:05
m0ar&& not working07:05
lanksit just goes in to grub and when i try "boot" it just says error no loaded kernel07:06
juan_too fragmented NTFS can cause problemz07:06
ZykoticK9m0ar, i never suggested && ???07:06
stevecamjuan_, two not too?07:06
m0arZykoticK9: I just clearified, since you made a false statement :)  & doesn't do anything afterwards07:06
ZykoticK9m0ar, fair enough07:07
stevecamm0ar, && does something afterwards07:07
Jordan_Ulanks, That's easy to fix manually, once you have Ubuntu booting would you mind doing additional testing of a proposed package update?07:07
m0arGoodbye guys, have a nice day!07:07
stevecamalso, >> appends to a file07:07
dsnyderstomatoes7, did you log out of windows or just hibernate?  If you hibernated, the partition is marked as busy.07:07
ZykoticK9m0ar, if you want to get "technical" the && mean after the first command successfully runs, run the next command07:07
tomatoes7windows is not running07:08
m0arZykoticK9: If you want to get techical, yes07:08
lankshow can i fix this?07:08
fs002how to find IRC channel for trade?07:08
Jordan_Ulanks, I'm looking for the link now07:08
lanksok thanks07:08
fs002who konws?07:08
lanksis it the one on ubuntuforums because ive tried that?07:08
ZykoticK9fs002, trade?  what's that?07:09
dsnyderstomatoes7, I understand that.  However, how did you end windows?  shutdown or hibernate?07:09
Myrtti!bitchx | vilkas07:09
ubottuvilkas: bitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi or weechat instead.07:09
juan_using irssi07:09
archboxmanirssi all the way :)07:10
fs002ZykoticK9>:oh,such as alcohol tester buyer or sell07:10
ZykoticK9fs002, ?07:11
mneptok!offtopic | fs00207:11
ubottufs002: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:11
tomatoes7dsnyders, shutdown07:11
mneptoktomatoes7: which version of Windows?07:11
fs002oh,sorry,i konw.07:11
mobius2attempting independant / dual head with an M-275 gateway tablet laptop with an external LCD mitsubishi M5507:12
mobius2anybody got a decent xorg.... would save me some ciggs07:12
tomatoes7gparted is giving me issues trying to format an sd card as well07:12
mneptoktomatoes7: boot to Windows, and use the correct procedure for resizing an NTFS partition from there.07:12
tomatoes7mneptok, thats what i'm about to do07:13
mobius2merging partitions?07:13
Jordan_Ulanks, I'm having connection problems here so I can't get the direct link ( and can't view that ubuntuforums link ), but look at comment #90 on this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/47710407:13
* mobius2 listens to mr shadow : los gangstas07:13
lanksok thanks07:14
fs002I just want search a IRC channel trade.07:14
mobius2I am surprised to see the level of decomplication required to envoke dual head07:14
Jordan_Ulanks, np07:15
mobius2have you guys ever heard what happens when you play a windows cd backwards?07:16
ttestti'm trying to make working backend for cups to print to fax (through pdf), but when i'm trying to print, i see window with "Authintication required for printing", that has only one input box. nothing i input here doesnt work. what should i do?07:16
rwwubottu: ot | mobius207:17
ubottumobius2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:17
shawnboyAny programmers here?07:17
juan_shawnboy: not the channel07:17
Jordan_Ulanks, Direct link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/477104/comments/90 And it is not the same suggestion as the top comment on that ubuntuforums link, but it is the same as the one recommended by the last comment on that page.07:17
shawnboyjuan_: can u direct me?07:17
mobius2shawnboy, what are you doing?07:18
rwwshawnboy: which programming language?07:18
juan_shawnboy: ubuntu-devel i think07:18
juan_python here07:18
JunkyardHow do I configure apache2 daemon to stop running on system start?07:18
Jordan_U!boot | Junkyard07:18
ubottuJunkyard: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:18
JunkyardI dont want to manually stop it everytime07:18
mobius2grep the process name and kill it07:18
shawnboyI'm a procedural programmer wanting to dive into OO... wanting some opinions from Linux programmers about language to choose.07:18
mobius2then remember the running procs07:19
shawnboyand good resources to learn from.07:19
rwwshawnboy: #ubuntu-offtopic might be of more help07:19
ke1haand apache2 to init.d and checkconfig .. I think it's already there though.07:19
tonyyarussoJunkyard: The easiest way imo is to use the sysv-rc-conf command/package, to disable apache2 for runlevel 2.07:20
juan_./join #ubuntu-offtopic07:21
ke1hajust delete / add the run-levels you want when you checkconfig, you don't have to go with defaults.07:21
ke1hagoing to load lunbuntu, be back in a bit.07:23
=== orion_ is now known as Guest41226
Speedy2Hey all.  Is there a repository that has a 64-bit Firefox 3.0.17?  I found Firefox 3.5.7 to have strange UI-pausing but 3.0.17 works OK.07:27
Speedy2I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic).07:28
ZykoticK9Speedy2, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa07:30
ZykoticK9Speedy2, sorry ignore my last message :)07:31
ZykoticK9Speedy2, i'm too accustomed to people asking for 3.6...07:32
Speedy2ZykoticK9: 3.5.7 was working OK, then I started to get issues where the UI would pause when I would click on anything in UI.  My machine is plenty fast.  I am running Firefox 3.0.17 from mozilla.org which works OK, but since it's i686, it gets screwed up with the gtk-qt theming engine.07:32
mneptoktsimpson: yeesh. slow down. :)07:33
ZykoticK9Speedy2, after many years of using Firefox I recently switched to Chrome - i'm liking it...07:34
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Speedy2ZykoticK9: This maybe taboo but how do I add jaunty to my sources?  Just do jauny main restricted ?07:35
ZykoticK9Speedy2, i'd image - just be SURE to remove it after you install FF!!!07:36
Speedy2ZykoticK9: Big 10-4.07:36
ZykoticK9Speedy2, s/image/imagine07:36
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=== flo_ is now known as uffiole
charles__heya, folks. could anyone give me a rundown as to what the importance would be for setting ownership on a partition? if it's a personal computer for one person, there shouldn't be any point to it, since anybody physucally accessing your computer would have access to everything anyway, and it would be pointless against internet threats as well since whatever you had mounted would be vulnerable regardless.07:39
gimpy530So I just installed Ubuntu Server 9.10 x64 on another box and it refuses to boot.  the BIOS gets up to where it should hand of to GRUB but just sits there, no errors.  Partitions and boot flags are OK, boot sequence in BIOS (even which HD boots first) is OK.  Any ideas?07:41
ZykoticK9charles__, if you don't get an answer here try reposting to #ubuntu-offtopic as your question is not technically a support question07:41
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
mark105hi i have a slight problem with grub2, i had my computer setup with vista and installed ubuntu, worked mint, then decided to format the vista partition and install windows 7, sweet, booted from live cd and restored grub, sweet my grub boot menu is back, run update grub to update grub for windows 7 (windows 7 is on same partition as windows vista anyways). reboot and windows 7 wont load just gives me an error and i push any key and go b07:42
mark105ack to grub. any ideas on how to fix this?07:42
Myrtticharles__: that's the way Linux/Unix filesystems work, since the history of the operating system starts with big mainframes, computers shared by multiple people07:42
Myrtticharles__: it's easier to keep the peculiarities of the filesystem, since most of Linux boxes are still used as servers, than make an exception for the (for now) rare case of the computer being used by single person07:43
charles__Myrtti: oh, i understand that much, but i'm just asking if, as a regular joe with a PC, is taking ownership of a partition necessary.07:44
Speedy2ZykoticK9: OK!  That worked!  I backed up sources.list, repalced karmic with jaunty and firefox 3.0.17 came along for the ride :)07:44
charles__as in, would it cause any security risks should i not do so.07:44
Myrtticharles__: normal unix partitions don't have ownership. their subdirectories have.07:44
ZykoticK9Speedy2, nice!07:44
Jordan_Ugimpy530, Can you try booting with super grub2 disk? Or possibly try reinstalling grub from a liveCD.07:45
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:45
Myrtticharles__: and the unix security model keeps the root user separate from the basic user, which makes installation of viruses and rootkits a bit more difficult. Of course, if the user is unexperienced and given the powers of sudo, there's possibility for all kinds of catastrophes, but the basic premise still stands.07:46
meowbuntuhi i have installed pidgin facebook and restarted pidgin its not shoing facebook chat what is wrong???07:47
charles__Myrtti: aye, which is why i don't run around as root doing things. :)  the only question i have is if having a partition full of MP3s accessable by anyone is a particularly bad thing.07:47
Chousukecharles__: probably not.07:47
Jordan_Umark105, What error?07:48
Myrtticharles__: set things properly, and there won't be any danger.07:48
=== yy is now known as Guest59922
ZykoticK9meowbuntu, did you install facebook-chat from the repo or from the google-code site?  under Karmic i coudn't get the repo version to work, in Lucid it is though07:48
Chousukecharles__: as long as it's only mp3s though.07:48
Chousukecharles__: for any system files and user preferences you should have proper permissions07:49
charles__of course07:49
meowbuntuZykoticK9, from syapatic then from terminal http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-enable-facebook-chat-for-pidgin-in-ubuntu.html07:49
meowbuntu^ with no resaylts07:49
charles__what brought this up was accessing my files from a live CD... i coudl get into my ubuntu install directories just fine, but i couldn't get into my MP3 drive which i had set "take ownership" for when i formatted it07:50
rozbarwinekCould someone explain me why when I install some custom icons package in openSUSE 11.2 KDE 4.3 they don't replace icons in programs tab in KDE menu? I have even updated KDE to 4.3.5 but with same result, I have a same problem on my other 2 PC's :/07:50
tp43wtf the google os?07:50
hyperstreamQuestion: when updates are applied to ubuntu, do they apply it to the main ISO for download ? or its a standard thing, and you must update it?07:50
ZykoticK9meowbuntu, i'd try uninstalling your current version and download the DEB from http://code.google.com/p/pidgin-facebookchat/ - best of luck07:50
charles__it made me realize that if somebody gets into my system, access to a mounted drive of MP3s is a forgone conclusion regardless of who "owns" it07:50
Myrttirozbarwinek: this is #ubuntu, not #opensuse...?07:51
Chousukecharles__: yeah, filesystem permissions don't protect against physical access07:51
rwwhyperstream: LTS versions of Ubuntu get "point release" updates every so often with updated ISOs. Other than that, updates aren't applied.07:51
Chousukecharles__: on single user systems they're mostly there just to prevent malicious or erroneous scripts from wreaking havoc and to mitigate any security holes in web browsers and such.07:52
charles__Chousuke: well, i couldn't access the partition from a liveCD, so that was something...07:52
Chousukecharles__: that was probably something unrelated to permissions07:52
Chousukecharles__: but if you really want to keep your data safe, encrypt it. :)07:53
charles__Chousuke: well, i went in and started checking different files, to see what i coudl adn could not access... everything i was denied access t was tagged as "owned" with various r/w/x permissions toggled07:54
charles__Chousuke: so it was obviously a permissions issue07:54
hyperstreamrww, bugger ;/07:55
hyperstreamrww, thanks.07:55
mark105Jordan_U: it just says "error: (some big mash of characters)" new line "press any key to continue" and goes back to grub, im not sure if this is a grub error or a windows 7 error though.07:55
charles__Chousuke: it just got me thinking that the only use for "owning" a drive partion would be to deny acess to other users on the same system. but i wanted to make sure there wasn't something else i wasn't thinking of.07:55
Chousukecharles__: right07:56
Chousukecharles__: traditional unix permissions are based on simple user ids, and if you can boot a livecd on a computer, you get to access things as root which has access to everything.07:57
BuzzaHow does the Ubuntu game server work and what time does it run i live in australia so i don't understand UTC when im AEST australian eastern standard time GMT+10.0007:57
Myrtticharles__: though, what filesystem do you have on the partition?07:57
Chousukecharles__: I think the ubuntu livecd uses the "ubuntu" user by default07:57
Jordan_Umark105, Interesting, AFAIK all of grub2's error messages are plain english, but at the same time I don't think there is a way to "return" to grub after grub has chainloaded the windows boot manager.07:59
Buzzaanyone know how the Ubuntu game server works and what time does it run i live in australia so i don't understand UTC when im AEST australian eastern standard time GMT+10.0007:59
bazhangBuzza, game server?07:59
indusBuzza, what is ubuntu game server?07:59
Buzzahey i changed it back use easy bcd07:59
indusBuzza, THE one run by artificial intelligence of the forums?07:59
Buzzait's a game server for the members of ubuntu07:59
edomedahey guys, can anyone tell me how I can add new themes to firefox 3.5.7 on ubuntu 9.10?  When I go to Tools > Add-Ons > Themes it only shows me default and "find updates"  no get more themes or add anywhere...08:00
b4sakenxxhey does anyone have experience running ubuntu on the newer netbooks?  got any recommendations?08:00
mark105Jordan_U: i think i may have fixed it, update-grub was not working properly, i needed to use grub-mkconfig, there was some string that grub has set for windows booting that was wrong08:00
vilkashow do i run irssi from the terminal08:00
vilkasi have downloaded it08:00
meowbuntuhi what formats will unetbootin work with fat 32 is limited. what about ext2,3,4 ????08:00
Buzzadownloaded easy BCD?08:01
charles__okay, if a livecd uses root, which can access anything, then why does it not access drives i "take ownership" of when i format them? i went and tested it out with some new partitions i made, and none of them can be read once i take ownership...08:01
Myrttivilkas: "irssi" . run it in screen if you wish to keep it perpetually running08:01
meowbuntucharles__, mount them first08:01
charles__i click on the drive, it says i don't have permission.08:02
bazhangBuzza, you should ask in #ubuntu-gamers per the link you provided08:02
charles__i did 2 partitions. one i took ownership of, one i didn't. the "owned" one was totaly inaccessible.08:02
BuzzaIf you want to remove grub and replace it with windows boot loader goto this http://neosmart.net/downloads/software/EasyBCD/EasyBCD%201.7.2.exe08:03
Buzzaafter download run it and click boot loader08:03
Buzzathen click reinstall windows boot loader08:03
charles__what i'm worried about is taking ownership of a drive adn not being able to use it if i reinstall or switch distros. but i also want to make sure my system is secure. so i wanted to find out WHEN and WHY i should take ownership of a partition.08:04
Buzzaso creat a partion in windows and install linux on that partion with wubi then if you wan't to upgrade to a new release or another distro format the drive and install your new distro ect then you won't stuff up windows either if you make a mistake08:06
asdfffcan anyone help me troubleshoot my sound? A lot of the ubuntu guides are written for those without sound upon install, but mine was working like 2 days ago :308:07
indusasdfff, so what is the problem08:07
asdffflol can't believe I didn't mention08:07
asdfffI can't get any sound to emit08:08
asdffffrom my headphone out jack08:08
charles__Buzza: was that suggestion for me?08:08
Buzzawell thats how i do it anyway!08:09
charles__Buzza: so my concern is wanting continued access to my files, but wanting to be secure... and the solution is to install linux inside of windows...08:09
asdfffoh lol!08:09
asdfffmy sound works now08:09
asdfffnvm ^_^08:09
airtonix!enter | asdfff08:09
ubottuasdfff: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:09
asdfffmy deepest apologies08:09
Buzzayes though if you want to access your files linux has to be installed on a different partion08:10
charles__Buzza: i appreiciate the help, but i thought getting away from windows was part of the point of using linux...08:10
Myrtticharles__: installing ubuntu via wubi is the last way of doing it08:10
Buzzaif you want to access files on windows that is08:10
Myrtticharles__: there await the dragons08:10
meowbuntuhi what formats will unetbootin work with fat 32 is limited. what about ext2,3,4 ????08:11
Buzzaok well if you wan't to go flat out linux then backup your files music movies games all the good stuff and do a complete install of linux08:11
=== ae86-drifter_ is now known as ae86-drifter
airtonixcharles__, i recommend putting /home on a separate partition from /08:12
airtonixcharles__, its the same as poutting my docs on drive d:08:12
charles__i don't use windows anymore. i don't need access to my files in windows. all i need is to be able to use my files when/if i reinstall some flavor of linux, but also want to make find out if i should be clicking the "take ownership" option when i make a partition.08:12
dandamanso i just used http://cs.ucsb.edu/~hnielsen/cs140/cilk.html those instructions to install cilk++ but when i try using cilk++ i get this, "cilk++: command not found"08:12
airtonixcharles__, then just put /home on a separate partition08:13
Jordan_Umeowbuntu, If it's a large enough drive you may want to just do a standard install08:13
charles__that's basically it right there... should i take ownership of partitions... and if i do how do i keep access through reinstalls/distro changes08:13
Buzzawhy don't you take advantage of aernal hard driven ext08:13
Buzzaan external08:13
airtonixcharles__, "take ownership"? you mean when you install subsequent linux systems ? (i've not been presented with such an option)08:14
meowbuntuJordan_U, i cant its portable hdd and i cant butn iso images last time i tryed i wasted 10-15 cds overall08:14
charles__no... i'm using ubuntu, when i do into the "disk utility" application and format a partition, it gives you the option to "take ownership of this drive"08:15
Jordan_Umeowbuntu, You can put the iso on any file system you want and use grub2 to boot from it08:15
Buzzano i meant after install store your files on an external hdd aka a portable HDD08:15
meowbuntuJordan_U, really how do you do that08:15
meowbuntuthat would be handy to know08:15
airtonixcharles__, i create my partitions at the time of a clean install08:15
Jordan_Umeowbuntu,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860408:15
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
meowbuntuthanks Jordan_U08:16
Jordan_Umeowbuntu, np08:16
airtonixcharles__, ie: from the live installer so i don't see that option...08:16
charles__okay, but what about a 100gig partition full of media files that you don't want to lose every time you reinstall...08:16
charles__ah, i see08:16
airtonixcharles__, you dont have the option of getting another physical hard drive ?08:16
Geoffrey2Atheros chipsets...pretty well supported in Ubuntu?08:17
Jordan_UGeoffrey2, Yes08:17
Buzzai don't get all the distro's of linux though there is too many why not have just linux ubuntu then upgrades like kubuntu like microsoft has xp vista 708:17
airtonixBuzza, because thats not freedom08:17
Buzzaarg but there's not much difference with some of them\08:18
airtonixBuzza, you know this from first hand experience ?08:18
kelvinelladifferent distro is like different brand of cars08:19
airtonixBuzza, also... offtopic.08:19
Buzzakubuntu has a nice GUI THOUGH08:19
kelvinellahonda, toyota, nissan, etx08:19
kelvinellakubuntu interface sucks compare to ubuntu08:19
devrethmanBuzza: Kubuntu's gui is not superior to ubuntu's.08:19
Buzzait's verry simular08:20
FeasibilityStudyKDE rules08:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:20
b4sakenxxBuzza: finding the perfect disto is like finding the perfect car08:20
Buzzathough the theme is nice and the wallpaper but you can change that\08:20
b4sakenxxBuzza: you wouldn't drive home a car with features you didn't like, or that lacked features you wanted would you?08:21
Buzzadefinatly not08:21
charles__Okay. This is what is going on. I have Ubuntu installed. I make a partition on another internal harddrive for MP3s (for example). I am given the option to "take ownership" of the drive, which means that I can access it from that install, but not from a liveCD or another user. I need to know if this is something I SHOULD be doing, and if I will still be able to access that partition should I reinstall Ubuntu later or switch to another d08:21
charles__istro. Because so far, my experience has been that I CAN'T access it from a liveCD, and I want to cover my bases before I lose access to an entire drive's worth of data.08:21
tsimpsonBuzza: please take the conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic08:21
Buzzawell im off anyway catcha08:21
boo-boohi @ all, my java keeps crashing with firefox / opera on ubuntu 9.10 - 64 bit i allways have to sigkill java to get it even closet08:21
boo-booany ideas?08:22
b4sakenxxcharles__: if you reinstall ubuntu on the same drive its on, you should still have access to it.08:22
b4sakenxxyou should still have access to the mp3 drive08:22
gimpy530Whoever suggested re-installing grub for the problem I had, thanks, it worked08:22
Jordan_Ugimpy530, np08:23
b4sakenxxcharles__: it SHOULD autodetect your mp3 drive08:23
charles__b4sakenxx: even if i install a different linux distro?08:23
b4sakenxxcharles__: yep08:23
b4sakenxxas long as you don't delete taht drive, it should autodetect08:23
charles__b4sakenxx: the drive is detected just fine from a liveCD, but i can't access it becuase the permissions are set to somebody else08:23
charles__i can SEE it, i can't USE it08:24
b4sakenxxand the settings won't save08:24
b4sakenxxb/c its booting from a cd08:24
charles__see, that's all i needed to know...08:24
secretDoes anyone know how to initiate elements plugin for compiz fusion once its been enabed?08:24
charles__if i was never donig to have access from any other point, or if i just want' getting it from the CD08:24
b4sakenxxcharles__: the only issue i would think you would have is the permission issue. once you install if you can't access it, all you need to do is take ownership08:25
b4sakenxxits normal08:25
kelvinellacharles__, u have to mount the drive in liveCD to access it08:25
b4sakenxxcharles__: kelvinella has a point there08:25
charles__i have stated multiple times that i could not mount the drive.08:25
Jordan_Ucharles__, You can always change the permissions later as root with sudo08:25
b4sakenxxtho it should auto detect and automount these days08:25
kelvinellacharles__, what is the error?08:25
charles__i loaded up with a liveCD, i saw the drive, it woudl not let me mount it.08:25
charles__"permission denied" or something to that effect08:26
kelvinellasudo mount08:26
b4sakenxxyou need to be root to mount it08:26
b4sakenxx<kelvinella>sudo mount08:26
Jordan_Ucharles__, From a liveCD you can run "gksudo nautilus" to view the files from a GUI, but you should be very careful when running nautilus as root08:26
kelvinellai can mount all my hd in liveCD08:26
almark1I'm trying to get a version of Ubuntu called 64 studio to allow me to use xorg.conf, but when I config it my mouse is gone. And so I have to delete the xorg again to get mouse function, what can I do to get it work?08:26
charles__at this point, i'm almost positive i tried that, but after stating my issue worded a dozen different ways... i'm not sure WHAT i've actually tried anymore :D08:26
almark1I know Ubuntu doesn't allow xorg so where is the config files to manually fix in Ubuntu?08:26
airtonixkelvinella, so why won't gvfs allow him to mount it (which mounts things under a folder in the home folder)08:27
devrethmanalmark1: what do you mean we don't allow xorg?08:27
TiMiDocan someone help me with this error http://pastebin.ca/178990308:27
airtonixcharles__, are you using terminal to mount it or just double clicking on the drive you see in nautilus at computer://08:28
almark1when I use xorg.conf everything is fine but my mouse is missing, all I see is the arrow, I can't move it08:28
kelvinellacharles__, what command did u try?08:28
b4sakenxxcharles__: if you are worried08:28
charles__i'm going to get a glass of juice, and give this another shot. thanks for the help folks. (hopefully it really is just a root access issue and i was blinded by proximity and frustration)08:28
Jordan_Ualmark1, Ubuntu allows an xorg.conf it just doesn't have one by default08:28
kelvinellacharles__, and what was the error code?08:28
b4sakenxxcharles__: i would suggest formating at mp3 drive as fat32 or NTFS08:28
b4sakenxxthat way you can always access it from a windows install08:28
b4sakenxxjust a thought08:28
* airtonix lols08:28
Jordan_Ualmark1, And 64 studio is not a version of Ubuntu08:28
charles__<--- does not sue windows08:28
almark1and I have read that ubuntu doesn't use xorg anymore but you can make one yes, where are the config files in a Ubuntu server so I can fix the mouse thing or at least know what driver its using08:28
almark1I know08:28
almark1but they use Ubuntu from within08:29
devrethmanalmark1: mouse drivers are pretty standard. Have you tried thie mouse in the liveCD or any other OSs?08:29
almark1I know its not supported by Ubuntu so I was just wondering ;)08:29
almark1and it worked, you see what I want to do is use both my monitors for dual display, both work in this system but only at one time08:30
almark1and so I wanted to use xorg to fix the monitor problem08:30
Jordan_Ualmark1, No, 64 studio is based on Debian, and Ubuntu is based on debian. But this channel would still not be the correct place to ask questions about a non official Ubuntu derivitive08:30
TheMusicGuyIs it "safe" to check the integrity of an external hard drive using a bootable CD running inside a virtual machine?08:30
almark1but when I use it the mouse locks up because its a totally different config then this system wants08:30
almark1would debian be using a different way to config mouse settings ?08:31
almark1because the xorg was blank so I pulled my working xorg.conf from another partition to get it to work08:31
almark1I will check out debian thanks :)08:32
KurtKrautTheMusicGuy, I wouldn't rely on it. There is an aditional and unexpected layer between the hard disk and the software doing the analysis. This may lead to false negatives.08:32
TheMusicGuyKurtKraut: oh, ok.08:32
TheMusicGuyKurtKraut: Is there a tool I can use to check the integrity directly?08:32
TheMusicGuyie. while linux is still running?08:33
devrethmanTheMusicGuy: you mean like fsck?08:33
Jordan_UTheMusicGuy, System > Administration > Disk Utility will check the smart data08:33
TheMusicGuydevrethman: I don't know if fsck can do exactly what I need it to do. I'm trying to check to see if the device is physically broken.08:34
devrethmanTheMusicGuy: I think fsck does that, assuming the disk has an FS that there is an FSCK for, but I'm not positive. Anyone else know for sure?08:34
Jordan_Udevrethman, fsck just checks that the file system is sane, it will only detect hardware problems if they lead to filesystem corruption08:35
ke1haThe best source for true disk checking utilities are the drive MFG's themselves. Most offer extended disk analysis tools for their drives.08:35
iflemaalmark1  rename old xorg.conf > cd /etc/X11 and then sudo Xorg -configure08:35
TheMusicGuyRight now I'm running fsck.ext3 -c -y /dev/sdd3, and occasionally a whole bunch of buffer i/o errors will be printed at once.08:36
Jordan_UTheMusicGuy, Sounds like a hardware problem then08:37
Jordan_UTheMusicGuy, If you have important data on that drive back it up as soon as possible08:37
TheMusicGuySee, its actually an IDE drive inside an enclosure, which is connected to my computer through USB, so I'm not sure whether its a problem with the drive itself or the enclosure.08:38
Jordan_UTheMusicGuy, Again, System > Administration > Disk Utility will let you see the smart monitoring data which should tell you more precisely what is going wrong08:38
Lint01how to get grub menu on startup?08:39
Jordan_ULint01, Hold down shift08:39
TheMusicGuyJordan_U: Okay, but I'm just trying to find some backup options in case that doesn't work08:39
TheMusicGuyI can't do it now because fsck still has a long way to go08:40
Gryphon1Hi im having problems with ubuntu08:40
Lint01evryone does,go ahead08:41
devrethmanLint01: I don't.08:41
TheMusicGuyke1ha: I probably will check the mfg's website (SeaGate). I'm thinking its probably a hardware failure, but I want to be sure before ditching the drive because its fairly large and not that old.08:42
devrethmanTheMusicGuy: For what it's worth, I've lost a lot more enclosures than drives.08:42
TheMusicGuy(large = high capacity)08:43
TheMusicGuydevrethman: really? huh.08:43
Gryphon1my processor is constantly at 100%08:43
devrethmanYeah> i've only ever lost one drive, and lost 3 or 4 enclosures.08:43
meowbuntuhey is it possable to change an ext4 partition back to an ext3 without loosing the data stored there.08:43
Lint01my rc-sysinit process seems to hang, what can cause this?08:43
devrethmanmeowbuntu: I'm pretty sure no, but depending on how it's set up, you can sometimes mount an ext4 as an ext308:44
Lint01meowbuntu: yes, if you didn't enabled ext4-specifix functions08:44
ke1haTheMusicGuy: http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/support/troubleshooting_assistance/08:44
TheMusicGuyke1ha: oh, heh, thanks08:45
TheMusicGuysaves me some time08:45
Richlvubuntu installation (/etc/debian_version reports lenny/sid), fully upgraded - i can get apache repeatedly crashing. apache logs contain only "[notice] child pid 21982 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)"08:45
meowbuntuLint01,  how can i find out if i did08:45
Richlvany guidelines on how to obtain as much useful information for a bugreport ?08:45
Richlvi looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CrashReporting - that wasn't very helpful08:45
xiongI'm starting to get frustrated myself. All I want is to burn my entire system to DVD. I've tried several utilities now and none seem to be able to figure out whether they're likely to succeed before wasting a disc + plenty of time.08:46
ke1haThey have an External USB Drive Troubleshooter ... does not look like they have a Native linux app.08:46
xiongI've read all the obvious info and quite a bit of obscure info on the topic. I don't understand -- I don't really believe -- how nobody can have written a decent DVD backup utility.08:47
meowbuntuLint01, i have just been using my hdd as usual i dont know if i actually enabled ext4 stuff unless it has done it automaticly08:47
ke1haHow much data do you have to backup ?08:47
Gryphon1A Richlv, have any idea how to fix my processor constantly at 100%08:48
Lint01meowbuntu: use debugfs <device> to find out08:48
Gryphon1ye how?08:49
TheMusicGuyke1ha: 22+ GB08:49
RichlvGryphon1, i just joined the channel. i'm haivng a problem with apache segfaulting myself. why would you approach me ? :)08:49
TheMusicGuyThe data has already been backup up, and the most important parts of the data is very redundant...risk of permanent loss is minimal.08:50
TheMusicGuyBut its not my data. I'm doing this for my sister. I have to make sure its as safe as possible.08:51
Gryphon1i have also just joined myself and dont know what to do, know any one?08:51
ke1haHmm .. I assuming you need to span that backup. Backup's of that size are normally done to other disk arrays, you could always rsync it, bz2 or 7zip it probably get down to 1/2 to 1/4 of that size.08:51
Gryphon1that knows08:51
theadminGryphon1: Did what to yourself?08:51
Lint01Richlv: head to apache support?08:51
GeppyZHi all. is it appropriate to ask questions about problems with installing ubuntu trough wubi on windows 7 x64?08:52
ke1haUnless it's mostly binary media files.08:52
TheMusicGuymostly, yes08:52
theadminGeppyZ: Well, yes, but AFAIR wubi has it's own support08:52
Gryphon1got online theadmin!08:52
meowbuntuhoe do see a device list in terminal08:52
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TheMusicGuyke1ha: I think I'm going to have to convince her to buy a new external backup drive. :P08:53
theadminWhy does "Ubuntu Firefox modifications" ruin many other addons?08:54
Lint01is there a way to tell which files on my system had been changed?08:54
secretI have installed the elements plugin and I have enabled it, but how do I activate it?08:54
ke1haTwo apps I have used in the past are Amanda and mondorescue they both backup to DVD's. Your probably better off with an external HD08:54
mrpink57meowbuntu: the ls command can do this check the man page08:54
=== bizkit_ is now known as I
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:55
=== I is now known as we
Leoneofhi, i used Storage Device Manager and changed some properties in partitions, now my partitions wont ask about password, and everyone can access it, how to make it as default like before?08:56
theadminsecret: Don't ask twice or ask such useless phrases as "anyone?", if nobody knows, nobody answers08:56
ttesttcan anyone help with problem like this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124931808:56
ke1haIf I recall, Amanda can use Samba, so if you have another box in the LAN, you could just back it up to a shared folder.08:56
mrpink57Leoneof: my guess is the permissions where changed, you will need to change them back, read: chmod08:56
theadminsecret: Never mind. Nobody ever reads the guidelines for some reason :/08:56
Leoneofmrpink57: i'm beginner -_-08:57
secretHow can I acticate my own key combination in CCSM?, I have chosen them but I can't initaiate them08:57
gerry__@ubottu I believe it's usually because the second question takes longer to type and think about. :P08:58
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions08:58
mrpink57Leoneof: read about it there08:58
Leoneofmrpink57: thank you08:58
TheMusicGuyke1ha: I've been using rsnapshot for my own laptop's backups. Of course, my backup drive is a 80GB SATA in an enclosure, and my home partition is 100GB, so I'm limited in how much I can actually back up.08:59
Lint01is there a way to tell which files on my system had been changed?08:59
sergi<sergi> hola08:59
sergi<sergi> resulta que mi disquetera no funciona y no me detecta cd08:59
sergi<sergi> y mi bios no me da la opcion de arrancar desde usb08:59
sergi<sergi> me pueden ayudar a habilitar esa posibilidad en mi computadora08:59
Gryphon1Dose anyone know why a processer would constantly be in use?08:59
Jordan_ULint01, Which files, since when, and in what way?08:59
mrpink57Gryphon1: because the computer is on...08:59
theadminGryphon1: Run "top", see what processes consume most CPU, close those08:59
gerry__beat me to it09:00
dandamanGryphon1: trying to calculate more digits of pi maybe?09:00
mrpink57Gryphon1: you can also run htop to see the highed used09:00
Gryphon1i have, its over loaded09:00
ke1haI'd tar tgz the whole drive  to that location then. if you use max compression, it should not be that bad.09:00
secretsergi: When you go in to your bios what are the boot options?09:01
TheMusicGuyke1ha: can rsnapshot compress automatically? And is that safe?09:01
TheMusicGuycompressed data is harder to recover if it gets corrupted.09:01
ke1haUmmm have to check, not used it, but most any sync / archiver uses some level of compression.09:02
Lint01Jordan_U: files that was installed by package manager09:02
TheMusicGuy"compress" does not appear in the man page.09:03
sergihard disk09:03
Gryphon1mrpink57: how do i run htop and what is its use?09:03
TheMusicGuyI'm going to take a look at Amanda.09:03
theadminGryphon1: Just go to terminal, type "htop" and hit enter (if it's not installed, you will get instructions on how to install it by running that)09:04
ke1hajust read the man page, does not talk about compression, but it's good for incremental BU's09:04
TheMusicGuyyes, it uses hardlinks to reduce space consumed09:05
mrpink57Gryphon1: open a terminal and type htop09:05
ke1hatar the whole thing then bz2 or gzip it.09:05
gerry__mrpink57, cheers for the tip about htop. I knew hopping in here as a lurker would pay off. :)09:05
Jordan_ULint01, There are different ways you can check what files have been modified and how, which to use depends on why you want to know. What is your end goal?09:05
theadminmrpink57: Beat you to it :D09:05
ke1ha7zip is supposed to have the best compression these days, although I've just started using it on UM builds.09:06
Lint01Jordan_U: I need a list of all files created by package manager which were modified after creation09:07
sergihay alguna aplicacion para que la bios te de la opcion de arrancar desde usb?09:08
Gryphon1Who knows how to get a 4th generation ipod to work on Ubuntu?09:08
mrpink57couldnt you grep "pattern" "files" something like that?09:08
TheMusicGuyke1ha: you're taking about compressing 60GB+ of data, most of which is binary media, at regular intervals. Is it even possible to do that without the archival/compression process taking the better half of a day?09:09
Jordan_ULint01, Why? I can't give a good answer without knowing.09:10
TheMusicGuyI mean, I'm sure there's a way, but how can it be done with tools like tar/gzip/7zip?09:10
ke1haSure, although we think 60+ GB is' allot, think of it in terms of DVD, 60GB is not very many 8GB DVD's it is.09:10
gerry__TheMusicGuy, when you said "it uses hardlinks" were you talking about Amanda?09:10
Lint01Jordan_U: how am I supposed to answer this question? also 'modified'='content changed', not just modification date09:11
mrpink57TheMusicGuy: I have seen some command scripts on Ubuntu forums on doing system backups to bzip2.09:11
TheMusicGuygerry__:  no, rsnapshot09:11
gerry__ah cheers09:11
ke1haGranted, your compression ratio wont be stellar on binary data, but it will still archive it.09:11
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
meowbuntuhoe do see a device list in terminal i cant follow the first step in this tutoral there si no room on device ?????09:12
TheMusicGuyke1ha: I have no idea where to even begin with a project like that...09:12
meborcmeowbuntu: type "lspci" in the terminal09:12
ke1haIf it's critical data, or things you can't afford to loose, a hardware solution is the right answer.09:12
anodesniI start empathy, but there is no window showing up. Where is it?09:13
TheMusicGuyke1ha: what do you mean a "hardware solution"?09:13
theadminanodesi: Check tray for icons09:13
Jordan_ULint01, Possible options are etckeeper, dpkg log and bzr log of source packages, doing a diff from a fresh install and others. I refuse to explain all of them, and they all have different advantages and limitations.09:13
=== jason- is now known as jasonjang
anodesnioh, it is this envelope09:13
meowbuntumeborc, then09:13
ke1haIts pretty easy these days. UB supports all sorts of SATA RAID cards. get 3 1TB drives, but then on a SATA RAID CARD and you good to go.09:14
meborcmeowbuntu: then what? i mean... lspci will give you the list of devices... i thought that was the problem09:14
TheMusicGuyke1ha: O_o09:14
TheMusicGuyke1ha: first, I don't know what a RAID card is, second, I certainly can't afforce 3 TB.09:15
Lint01Jordan_U: are you kidding me? I'm not gonna install a second system for this09:15
gerry__TheMusicGuy, TB drives are pretty damn cheap now09:15
ke1haOr you could use SW RAID, but that is a bit more risky. Disk drives are cheap these days. You can create LVM's RAID's Mirrors all with a few key clicks in UB.09:15
TheMusicGuygerry__: I've also heard they're unstable09:16
Jordan_ULint01, That's only one of the multiple options09:16
Gryphon1mrpink57: do you know how to get a 4th generation ipod to work on Ubuntu? or what program i could use?09:16
gerry__TheMusicGuy, I hope not :)09:16
meowbuntumeborc, no ther is not enough room to do it09:16
mrpink57Gryphon1: no, i do not own a ipod09:17
TheMusicGuyke1ha: ahh, slow down. You're blowing my mind with terms. I'm a programmer, not a hardware engineer! :D09:17
meowbuntumeborc, read the first step it has specific instructions.09:17
TheMusicGuyke1ha: but thank you for your help so far, nonetheless. :D09:17
ke1haOne of my Ubuntu File Servers are just a bunch of drives in an LVM. granted, there's not back up for that, but I back up smaller boxes to it and it was cheap, already had the drives.09:17
mneptokGryphon1: when you lug it in, does it appear in Rhythmbox?09:17
Gryphon1yes mneptok09:18
ke1haLVM is a Logical Volume ( Logical Disk )  that cna be 1,2,3,4 et etc drives.09:18
Lint01Jordan_U: how dpkg log can help here? if it is impossible, just say so09:18
Gryphon1but i cant put music on it09:19
meowbuntumeborc, here is the resault http://pastebin.com/d547cd91e09:19
mneptokGryphon1: so what feature is not working?09:19
TheMusicGuyke1ha: don't you need a dedicated server for that?09:19
Gryphon1every thing09:19
meowbuntumeborc, i should mention the external usb hdd i have is ext3 atm09:19
meborcmeowbuntu: sorry, can't help you... i'm also lost now :)09:19
mneptokGryphon1: clearly wrong, as you say it appears in Rhythmbox09:19
ke1haDoesnt' need to be "deticated" .. just any UB box, and do a simple Samba share.09:20
sergiactualizar la bios me ayudaria a arrancar desde usb?09:20
mneptokGryphon1: it is being recognized. it is being recognized as a music player. so what are you trying to do that does not work?09:20
ke1haJust have to be able to spin up the drives.09:20
TheMusicGuyke1ha: what is UB?09:20
Gryphon1it come on rhythmbox, but thats all it dose09:20
mneptokGryphon1: can you copy music to and from it? if not, what is the error message you get?09:21
ke1haIt could be one disk, and a Simple Samba Share .. that technically is a file server.09:21
Blasturif i have a program that results a list of files, one path per line, how can i easily make shell command that cats each of those?09:21
Blasturi tried "myprog | cat" but that didnt work09:22
Gryphon1there is no error message, it wont copy music on to the ipod, when i did get it on it did not show up on the ipod09:22
ke1haBash loop for i in $n .. do something.09:22
mneptokGryphon1: run "df -h" and tell me the mount point of the iPod09:23
Myrtti!es | sergi09:24
ubottusergi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.09:24
Gryphon1mneptok, it seams it only works on iTunes09:24
Jordan_ULint01, It may not be possible to easily do what you want, or it may be almost trivial, or somewhere in between depending on what you really want to accomplish. Please read http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#goal . If you do not want to give more information then I am sorry to say I can't help you further, your question as stated is hard but not impossible to accomplish. It is not worth my time or yours for me to explain the steps required to09:24
Jordan_Udo so when it is likely the wrong approach to solving your actual problem.09:24
TheMusicGuyke1ha: clearly I'm going to have to research this. It would be nice if I could set up a network backup server of some kind, but I really don't have the $$$ for the hardware I need for any real useful solution ATM. I have to make do with existing drives, possibly making use of DVDs.09:25
Gryphon1how do i run "df-h"????????????09:25
meborcGryphon1: type it in terminal... hit enter09:25
mneptokGryphon1: Apps > Accessories > Terminal09:25
mneptokGryphon1: no quotes09:25
TheMusicGuyGryphon1: make sure its df -h  (with a space after the "f")09:26
ke1haSamba is your friend on limited resources, just create a shared drive on any Local LAN PC and you've got a simple file Server  / Backup location.09:26
acusterhey all, sound recorder works fine but none of the im's pick up on my audio: ekiga/pidgin/empathy. How do I get started debugging things?09:26
acusterI've been through the 'tipical sound problems' page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems/KarmicCaveats09:26
induswhat is the ubuntu qa channel09:27
ke1haI would share the biggest drive you have, and use rsync to copy sync the files over your LAN.09:27
TheMusicGuyke1ha: do you think it would be possible to set this up on a router, ie. using custom firmware?09:27
ke1haBaring in mind, rsync will only ensure they are equal, if you need incremental backups, there's loads of Bash scripts for doing that.09:28
TheMusicGuyand some kind of usb/ethernet controller?09:28
Gryphon1 mneptok it mounted on /media/ipod09:28
ke1hawell, unless your on Dialup to this IRC, you've got a LAN already of some sort.09:28
mneptokGryphon1: ls -l /media/ipod09:29
mneptokGryphon1: who owns the mount point?09:29
TheMusicGuyyeah. My router runs DD-WRT, and I've successfully ssh'd into it once or twice.09:29
ke1haif you can SSH to a box on your router, you can do just about anything you need.09:30
Gryphon1mneptok: /dev/sdb109:30
mneptokGryphon1: ls -l /media09:31
ke1hathe Ubuntu docs on Samba shares are pretty good. Follow them for settigng up a simple shares drive / folder.09:32
mneptokGryphon1: you'll get something like "drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2009-09-10 17:17 cdrom0" and i want to know what it says in the "root root" bit09:32
mneptokGryphon1: not for cdrom0, but for the iPod09:33
Lint01Jordan_U: which part of my question did you not understood or which additional information do you require? It's rather clear in my opinion09:34
ke1haTheMusicGuy: yes, you need to be able to connect form one PC to the other somehow.09:35
Jordan_ULint01, I'm sorry, I can't help you.09:35
Gryphon1There is nothing like"drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2009-09-10 17:17 cdrom0"09:36
indusdoes kopete have yahoo voice and webcam support09:36
mneptokGryphon1: ipod09:36
om26erindus, google it09:37
mneptokGryphon1: you type "ls -l /media" (no quotes) and press <enter> and it should have a line about the ipod09:37
Lint01How to get a list of all files on my system created by package manager whose content had been changed then?09:37
indusom26er, well, that can be done by everyone, then whats the point of coming here09:37
indusom26er, you think i havent googled it already?09:37
TheMusicGuyke1ha: this sounds like an involved project. I'm going to need to...09:37
mneptok!google | om26er09:37
ubottuom26er: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.09:37
TheMusicGuy1.) mount a samba share _permanently_ either to or from each of the PCs that want to back up their data,09:38
TheMusicGuy2.) get my router to connect to the backup drives (somehow),09:38
TheMusicGuyand 3.) install software either on the router or on each of the PC's to be backup up to perform some kind of incremental and/or compressed backup automaticallt09:38
indusjust wanted to know , if anyone has info if the newer version has more functionality09:38
TheMusicGuyke1ha: do I have that right?09:38
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin09:38
ke1haTheMusicGuy: it's not really, it just sounds like it. In facts it's about 5 or six comman line arguments, and a few lines in smb.conf.09:39
TheMusicGuyOh, and I should probably figure out this LVM thing while I'm at it, assuming I can get ahold of some more backup drives. (It's possible, but unlikely.)09:40
ke1hayes, you need a router that you can connect 2x computers to, wired is better for this, the Add Samba to share a folder, that's it really.09:40
Gryphon1mneptok;is that it or should i copy the other stuff? lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root     7 2010-02-01 09:49 floppy09:40
TheMusicGuyke1ha: hmmm. well, okay.09:41
mneptokGryphon1: is the iPod plugged in and mounted?09:41
Gryphon1Yes it is.09:41
mneptokGryphon1: then "ls -l /media" should have a line about the iPod09:41
ke1haIts a far better solution than DVD's, although DVD's could be used, it's not generally considered the best method.09:42
Gryphon1drwx------ 9 byron byron 8192 1970-01-01 02:00 BYRON lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root     6 2010-02-01 09:49 cdrom -> cdrom0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root  4096 2010-02-01 09:49 cdrom0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root     7 2010-02-01 09:49 floppy -> floppy0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root  4096 2010-02-01 09:49 floppy0  thats every thing.09:42
mneptokGryphon1: did you use this iPod on a Mac or on Windows?09:43
TheMusicGuybtw, wireless is kind of required atm. I know wired would be faster and more stable but there is really only one computer in the house that can be connected wired all the time.09:43
TheMusicGuyand its pretty old.09:43
ke1haWireless is ok, just do do a 60GB backup while your trying to use the network for anything else, or it will be pretty slow.09:44
ke1haoops just dont do ..09:44
Gryphon1No i tryed it on linux first then when it did not work i put it on windows.09:44
linkiduuI am getting errors while compiling hydra gtk09:44
mneptokGryphon1: unplug the iPod. look in the Settings menu. the last item should be "Format" or something.09:45
ke1haOld is ok for the File server, processor power is not needed for a file server, just stable.09:45
motaka2i have created a .deb package of php 5.3 but it seems to take so long to install is that normal09:46
mneptokGryphon1: and you just bought this? from where? is it new?09:46
linkiduuI am getting errors while compiling hydra gtk.please help09:46
ke1haIn fact, Xubuntu is a good candidate for Older hardware, runes with less resources.09:46
induswhats difference between xubuntu and ubuntu other than light weight, i mean is there something i cannot do with it?09:46
TheMusicGuyke1ha: I think I'd rather have the router be the server (if possible) because I know it will be on all the time.09:47
psycho_oreosindus, xubuntu simply has xfce frontend instead of gnome09:47
om26erindus, no you can do everything in any desktop environment09:47
ke1hadont even need the GUI version, Xubuntu or Ubuntu server installs would be ideal.09:47
ke1hathen SSH to the box for whatever you need.09:47
Gryphon1from the uk a month ago and its still new09:47
secretHow do I make myu 3d sphere transparent, at the moment it just shows my wallpaper all around09:47
indusok , i have 384 mb ram, and i was wanting to install xubuntu, it doesnt have open office i think whhich i dont use anyway09:47
indusdoes skype install on xubuntu ?09:48
om26erindus, yes sure09:48
Gryphon1in settings at the its reset settings09:48
mneptokGryphon1: is it formatted for Windows, or Mac?09:48
ke1haA router, is just that, it routs things, unless you add a NAS (network attached storage), which is a whole other ball of wax, your file server needs to be another box.09:48
linkiduuI am getting errors while compiling hydra gtk.please help09:49
koryahi all09:49
Gryphon1how do i cheak?09:49
indusok 1 question, how do i open links in chrome instead of firefox from irc09:49
mneptokTheMusicGuy: does the router have a USB port that supports mass storage controller functionality?09:49
psycho_oreosindus, you'll need to set chrome as a default browser09:50
mneptokGryphon1: it's in the iPod menu system09:50
linkiduuindus: make chrome the defautl browser09:50
indusfrom where do i set it?09:50
=== lordmortis is now known as lordmortis|away
TheMusicGuyke1ha: a router is just a computer. It has RAM, internal (nvram) storage, a CPU, and in this case, MANY network interfaces.09:50
simplechatrandom question, is there any reason why volume would start off as 0?09:50
ke1haundus: im running Xubuntu on a D400 Laptop right now on a VM install, runs real well, no issues.09:50
simplechatie. boot up, no volume and the control is set to 009:50
DJonessimplechat: Does it get muted every time you shut down09:50
linkiduuSystem> Preferences > Preferred Applications09:51
Gryphon1stupidity is over coming me, Where?09:51
ke1haonly has 300MB deticated to the XB OS09:51
simplechatIt shouldn't be09:51
simplechatDJones, i don't set it to mute when i turn it off, but its muted when it starts up09:51
motaka2how long doesit usually take to install a deb package on ubuntu09:51
TheMusicGuymneptok: It does not have USB, but I've seen devices that can be used to make a couple of USB drives act like network file shares.09:51
indusmotaka2, 1 min09:51
DJonessimplechat: Have a look post 7 on this bug report, I had that bug and it's what I did to solve the problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libao-pulse/+bug/45535709:51
TheMusicGuymneptok: hang on, I'll find a product listing.09:52
indusok done thanks09:52
mneptokTheMusicGuy: do those devices have drivers supported by your router's firmware?09:52
ke1haWell, a computer can be a router, but generally, a router cannot be a computer.09:52
om26ermotaka2, depends on the size of file and speed of the computer. its quick09:52
TheMusicGuymneptok: the firmware is dd-wrt.09:52
TheMusicGuyIf it doesn't have the drivers, I can install them.09:52
ke1haUmm, not exactly. What type of router do you have ?09:53
motaka2om26er: I HAVE DEB PACKAGE OG PHP5.3 AND IT IS INSTALLING FOR MORE than 15 mins, is there something wrong with it?09:53
mneptokTheMusicGuy: oh, really? what if the only drivers provided are for Windows?09:53
TheMusicGuymneptok: Why would I need special drivers for a standard transfer protocol like SMB?09:53
indusok , i want a super quick desktop but with a slick look, iam not happy with gnome09:53
mneptokTheMusicGuy: how do you plan to connect the disks?09:54
mneptokTheMusicGuy: you do not have USB. CAT-5 is not an IO option for hard disks.09:54
mneptokTheMusicGuy: you either need a pre-rolled NAS solution or you need to create one yourself.09:54
TheMusicGuyThe device has an ethernet port and two usb ports. You plug the drive(s) into it and presents them to the network as file shares.09:55
ke1haYou can add NAA to a router without a computer attached to it, as the NAS has an embedded OS, but that's about the only way I know how to turn a router into a FS, but then again, it's not the router serving content, it's the NAS09:55
ke1haoppps.. can add NAS09:55
Gryphon1mneptok and TheMusicGuy any useful advice about my ipod problem?09:56
mneptokGryphon1: what format is it? Windows or Mac?09:57
theadminindus: Quick and sleek are quite... opposite09:57
TheMusicGuywhat is your ipod problem? (bear in mind I know little about interfacing linux with ipod)09:57
mneptokGryphon1: go and look. look through the menus.09:57
industheadmin, well,windows 7 is both09:57
Gryphon1which one in particular09:58
ke1hayeah, I agree, quick is usually not real cool look'en, sleek usually takes up some resource.09:58
opakavicrumpsy, where is he?09:58
mneptokGryphon1: i don't own an iPod. do a Google search.09:58
ObsidianXis there a way to install xorg without all of the superfluous drivers that the virtual packages seem to require?09:58
theadminindus: Did you even _try_ running 7 at 512MB ram? It's slower then anything09:58
industheadmin, i have another system 2 gb so its running dapper :)09:58
ke1haFluxBox is a real lightweight Desktop .. as is Xface.09:58
Gryphon1it looks like MAC09:59
industheadmin, so yes i understand your point,09:59
theadminke1ha: XFCE, not XFace09:59
ke1haUnfortunaly, Gnome, KDE all = Lots of stuff :-)09:59
industheadmin, i have a system with 384 ram, but i find windows xp looks better than xfce09:59
motaka2checkinstall command not found!   what should i do?09:59
theadminindus: Yes...09:59
skydromeHi, Im trying to add usrquota support to my /home partition > after i edit the fstab how do activate it?09:59
indusbut i think i havent seen the newer xfce09:59
mneptokGryphon1: then that's your problem. Mac-formatted iPods have numerous show-stopping issues in Linux. reformat it for Windows.09:59
indusmaybe it looks better09:59
ke1haYeah, I know XFCE :-)09:59
mneptokGryphon1: take it to an Apple store and they will do it for you.09:59
ke1haThe Mouse Face :-)10:00
ObsidianXoop, got it. just had to launch the installation from a driver10:00
theadminindus: It's quite ugly actually... Well, GNOME is the best for me. Fast AND nice :D10:00
Lint01How to get a list of all files on my system created by package manager whose content had been changed then?10:00
industheadmin, :D10:00
industheadmin, i think nautilus takes too much time to open the folders10:00
TheMusicGuyke1ha, mneptok: I know someone who is currently using DD-WRT on a router to serve files over the internet. It's that's possible, it shouldn't be hard to allow local filesharing through smb.10:00
industheadmin, i just installed xp yesterday and its a snap10:00
Gryphon1ok mneptok what contry are you in?10:00
mneptokGryphon1: USA10:01
indussomething wrong with gnome it seems like10:01
ke1haDD-WRT, who makes that router ?10:01
mneptokke1ha: DDWRT is firmware10:01
opakavicrumpsy is not helping me :(10:01
Gryphon1well i am in Zimbabwe and there are no ipod stores hear.10:01
monkeydusthow do i get kradioripper to connect to a stream to record it?10:01
mneptokGryphon1: so do a Google search for "reformat ipod windows" and follow the steps10:02
TheMusicGuyke1ha: the router is a Linksys WRT54G series router.10:02
ke1haFirmware embedded to hardware ?10:02
titan_arkhey is it possible to install chrome on ubuntu?10:02
DJonestitan_ark: Yes10:02
titan_arkor another browser besides FF?10:02
titan_arkDJones, without wine10:02
TheMusicGuyIt's a special type that has 8MB of internal flash storage.10:02
indusactually i hear kde is faster ,and of course it looks so gorgeous i can almost weep10:02
TheMusicGuy(more than other models in the series.)10:02
ke1haRight, Im not up speed on this DD-WRT firmware, I have a Linksys Game-Fuel router. But know of no way to make it a file server.10:03
indusbut i prefer gnome for simple menus, and kinda got used to the apps10:03
DJonestitan_ark: yep, I use either Chromium or Chrome, they're both available in ppa's, although not officially supported yet10:03
theadmintitan_ark: There is a Linux version of Chrome. Opera also has a Linux version10:03
TheMusicGuyke1ha: it basically just runs busybox linux with special software to access the router's...well, routing features.10:03
titan_arkDJones, okay, could u help me add it?10:03
Gryphon1Ive reformated the ipod 3 times, it works on windows but i use linux and i want to get it to work in linux10:03
llutzTheMusicGuy: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Samba_Filesystem10:04
theadmintitan_ark: Just... chrome.google.com and download the package from there10:04
ke1haYeah, Ok, how does it deal with Disk I/O ?10:04
titan_arktheadmin, i remember trying opera but it does not support flash right?10:04
TheMusicGuyke1ha: it would have to mount using samba.10:04
titan_arktheadmin, ah, i was hoping for a way via console :P10:04
TheMusicGuyke1ha: that's where the fileshare device I mentioned comes in.10:04
monkeydustcan any one tell me how to get Kradioripper to connect to shoutcast stream?10:05
ke1haPass, I'd have to read up on that, as Im using Ubuntu server SW for allmost all my LAN funcitons.10:05
llutzke1ha: there are a few 3rd-party firmwares for home-routers being able to use that router as NAS/fileserver10:05
Gryphon1So mneptok: whats the States like?10:05
DJonestitan_ark: I used http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel#TOC-Linux with either the beta/dev channel, dev channel is slightly less stable but I've not had problems with it, if you pick the beta channel, it'll add a google repository then you can just add google-chrome via synaptic10:05
titan_arkDJones, cool thx a bunch. i downloaded it from the site10:06
ke1haNow that's diffrent, if the firmware makes it a NAS, then yes, I suppose it's possible, but it's gonna need an OS even an 8MB OS could be possible.10:06
TheMusicGuyke1ha: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Hitachi+-+SimpleNet+USB-to-Ethernet+Adapter/9362021.p?id=1218091958703&skuId=9362021&st=ethernet%20usb&cp=1&lp=510:06
DJonestitan_ark: Don't forget that it isn't officially supported, so if you have problems, you might not always get support in this channel10:06
llutzke1ha: dd-wrt is embedded linux-os10:06
TheMusicGuyHa! It actually SAYS that it's linux-compatible. That's pretty rare to see.10:07
llutzke1ha: dd-wrt on my asus wl500gp: Linux router 2.4.37 #5193 Thu May 21 01:18:07 CEST 2009 mips unknown10:07
titan_arkDJones, yeah :) thx for reminding. i am a FF user by default, never used Opera on windows either :P just want an additional browser so thought il try it10:07
ke1haok, well I dont know enough about DD-WRT to comment furthele.r on that. But if you can get Samba on your router embedded OS< then I suppose it's possib10:07
theadmintitan_ark: FF is the best. It actually is the only Ubuntu browser on which flash works without problems10:07
llutzke1ha: theres a lot of other stuff you _could_ run with dd-wrt, but not all makes sense (to me)10:08
=== lordmortis|away is now known as lordmortis
titan_arktheadmin, well i cant say i have no flash problems on FF in ubuntu. but it was bug free in kde.10:08
ke1haI've never had a need to but that load onto a router, so iv'e not go down that path. I want the router busy routing, not file serving.10:09
ke1haIf I wanted the router & file server on one box, I'd put it on a Cmputer with 2 NICS>10:09
Gryphon1mneptok: are you also using UBUNTU?10:09
TheMusicGuyke1ha: After samba is set up, I still need to determine the best way to set up automatic backups for each PC. Should it be initiated by the server (the router), or should it be initiated by each client on its own time?10:09
ke1haand a switch of course.10:09
llutzTheMusicGuy: use cron-jobs on clients if they don't run 24/710:10
=== nosrepa is now known as aperson
ke1haBackups = Simple Incremental or sync script. Use crontab for scheduling.10:10
ke1haIncremental sill take up more room, but give more restore options, rsync, fast and  mirris the source tree.10:11
mneptokGryphon1: of course10:11
ke1haoops mirrors the source tree.10:11
llutzTheMusicGuy: look at rsnapshot10:12
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
mneptokGryphon1: but that's off-topic. you should go and learn how to reformat that iPod for Windows10:12
TheMusicGuyAt least one of my systems will be running windows; I can't use a purely linux solution10:12
llutzTheMusicGuy: there's rsync for windows too10:12
Gryphon1Thanks for the help10:12
TheMusicGuyllutz: rsnapshot too?10:12
llutzTheMusicGuy: idk, no windows to backup here :)10:13
mneptokGryphon1: np. good luck.10:13
ke1harsnapshot is good for incremental BU's like we talked abt earlier. What's the goal of the back up ?10:13
Gryphon1But i still want to get it to work on Ubuntu!10:13
mneptokGryphon1: it will, once formatted for Windows10:14
TheMusicGuyTo prevent a lot of important data from being lost once all these old machines I have finally die. :D10:14
llutzTheMusicGuy: http://www.stillnetstudios.com/snapshot-backups-howto/10:14
ke1haok, but do you need multiple restore points, does the data change dynamically ? or is it primarily static data ?10:15
Gryphon1Sure thanks10:15
TheMusicGuyke1ha: its a bit of both.10:15
TheMusicGuyI guess a large portion of it is static, but there are some things that get changed regularly.10:16
ke1hawell I'd say rsnapshot or rsync then.10:16
PupenoI need to add copyright information to lot's of files... any ideas how to do it without having to open file by file?10:16
ke1hacat >>10:16
TheMusicGuyIf I use rsnapshot, I basically just point its backup location to a mount point that is a network drive and then use it as usual, correct?10:17
ke1haBash for i in $n ... cat >>10:17
DocPlatypusare there any known issues with Lucid where a system sits at the login screen with a spinning mouse cursor?10:17
DocPlatypusfailing that... where can I see exactly what is causing my system to hang there10:18
DJonesDocPlatypus: You'll be better asking that in the Lucid support channel #ubuntu-110:18
DocPlatypusDJones: thanks10:18
ghostlinesmy paritions id is 83(ext3) but it's type still isn't recognized when i try to mount it10:18
DJonesDocPlatypus: You'll be better asking that in the Lucid support channel #ubuntu+1 (I mean)10:18
ghostlinesany ideas anyone10:18
ke1haI'd read up on rsnapshot and test it to makes sure you understand all it's features / functions and ensure it meets your needs.10:19
Pupenoke1ha: is that for me?10:19
TheMusicGuyah, I just read that it only runs on linux.10:19
llutzTheMusicGuy: continue reading10:20
llutz"....Rsnapshot only runs on Linux, but you can easily backup any machine running any OS with it......"10:20
motaka2can anyone help me upgrading php5.2 to php5.3 on ubuntu 8.04 ?10:20
ke1haYeah, use a simple for each Bash loop toe cat the copywrite into to the end of each file.10:20
TheMusicGuyllutz: that doesn't make sense...10:20
llutzTheMusicGuy: read how it works, then it will make sense10:21
ke1haassuming there test, binary may be a diffrent story.10:21
TheMusicGuyllutz: erm, I'll keep reading.10:21
Pupenoke1ha: copyright information generally goes at the top. I need it at the top.10:21
ke1haopps assuming they are text files...10:21
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ke1haat the top, well, that can be done too, but I'd have to think on that one a bit.10:22
llutzPupeno: cat file >> copyright.msg10:22
llutz(text only)10:22
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llutzPupeno: then just wrap a mv/copy around and you have it10:23
Quan-Timeanyone know a .jpg batch resizer ? for resizing like 20+ images.. ?10:24
llutzQuan-Time: convert10:24
ke1haid' do an expect or something like that Pupeno ( ex - coptywrite<<! ) something like that in a loop.10:24
Quan-Timellutz: awesome.. cheers10:24
Chousukeconvert may be a bit tricky to use though :P10:24
llutzQuan-Time: package is "imagemagick"10:24
Chousukemostly because it has approximately eleventy billion different options10:24
Chousukeand finding the right one requires careful reading of the manual page :)10:24
ke1hawow, we need to get on some Ubuntu topics .. :-)10:25
llutzChousuke: -resize AxB10:25
Quan-Timellutz: there a gui for it ? or all command based ? not a huge issue, but yer ;)10:25
Chousukellutz: hehe.10:25
sergimy floppy drive does not work and is incompatible with my bios boot from usb, how can I solve this problem?10:25
llutzQuan-Time: i don't know any10:25
ChousukeQuan-Time: for i in *.jpg; do convert -resize AxB ${i}.jpg ${i}-resized.jpg; done10:27
ben_qHello, can anyone help me with starting an ad-hoc wirless connection? when I click on "connect to hidden wireless network" I can choose the network I set up, but I cannot click the connect-button. it's deactive. anyone know why that would be?10:27
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JoundillI need help with tvtime or MythTV and xawtv, I can get sound from my tuner with xawtv, but no sound with tvtime or mythtv. Can anybody help me?10:27
ChousukeQuan-Time: might want to run that with echo in front of the convert first10:27
llutzChousuke: ... convert -resize AxB "$i" ${i//.jpg}-resized.jpg10:30
sergiIs there any to boot from usb without bios support?10:30
theadminsergi: No. If BIOS does not support USB boot, you can't do this.10:30
Chousukellutz: ah, some bash magic I see :P10:30
DiverdudeFor some reason when i have installed emacs using the packet manager it has installed an old version...version 22.2.1...(even though i did it recently)...the newest version is 23.1 How come packet manage did not install the newest emacs?10:31
nixjrmy webcam apparently supports videos of upto 1600x1200, but the program cheese webcam booth, only lets me select upto 640x48010:31
llutzor ${i#*.}-resized.jpg10:31
ChousukeDiverdude: which version of ubuntu are you running?10:32
TupoyVolknixjr: Same thing with webcammax.10:32
ChousukeDiverdude: 23.1 is in the repositories for karmic10:32
sergiand if I update the BIOS might solve the problem or give me the option to boot from usb, I read that Windows has an application for it.10:32
DJonesDiverdude: Are you using Karmic or an older version10:32
Chousukeoh wait.10:32
nixjrTupoyVolk, im nto sure, this the first ive evre used a webcam in linux, ill install that priogram now and test it10:32
ke1hajust go into your /etc/bashrc and change it to what you want command-line and GUI for your defaults.10:32
Chousukeapparently not10:32
TupoyVolknixjr: webcammax has the same problem. + isn't opensource10:33
icerootke1ha: ~/.bashrc10:33
Chousukethe version string for emacs is "23.1+1-4ubuntu2+22.2+0ubuntu6"... I wonder what that's supposed to mean :P10:33
Lint01How to get a list of all files on my system created by package manager whose content had been changed then?10:33
nixjrTupoyVolk, ah sorry, i misread that as a question not a statement, this this is a limitation of the software?10:33
DJonesDiverdude: The latest version in the repo for Jaunty is 22.2, so if you're using Jaunty, that'll be latest version available10:33
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ChousukeDiverdude: try and see if you can install it from the "emacs23" package10:34
ke1hayeah, for the current user ... for all users created change the adduser bashrc or just add it to your profile10:34
DiverdudeDJones, but 22.2 is like way old...2 years old...newest version is 23.1 which is half a year old10:34
TupoyVolknixjr: Yes, I have no idea why. it's frustrating, on the software that comes with the camera (for windows at least) you can use the max resolution.10:34
ChousukeDiverdude: it's at least in the karmic-updates repository10:35
DiverdudeChousuke, should i then uninstall my old emacs first?10:35
ChousukeDiverdude: shouldn't matter. you can have both installed at the same time10:35
sergiI have acer aspire 1640Z if I update the BIOS can boot from usb?10:35
teffershey anyone got stepmania 3.9 working on 9.04 im tryign to compile sourcecode but havign a problem with it missing opengl librarys and or course the ubuntu package need libavcodec which is now depriciated10:35
ChousukeDiverdude: of course, if you aren't going to use 22, then go ahead and uninstall it :)10:35
nixjrTupoyVolk, im thinking of setting up the camera to take snapshots every few seconds for a few days, there are many program that do this, or ones that take single shots i could write scripts for, do you have any reccomendations?10:35
angrynerdis it possible to boot from live cd without having a harddisk??10:36
Chousukeangrynerd: should be.10:36
theadminangrynerd: Yep, should be10:37
angrynerdcan i then plug in the messed up harddisk after booting from live cd to format it?10:37
theadminangrynerd: Yeah10:37
teffershey guys on anyone nto so busy as to help[ me10:37
angrynerdok great10:37
teffersand brb10:37
TheMusicGuyllutz: I've spotted a couple issues: 1.) rsnapshot requires a filesystem supporting hardlinks, and I don't think samba supports that, 2.) the file server must initiate the backup process, which means backups will be missed for clients that aren't connected at the time the backup starts10:37
Chousukeyou can't plug in a hard drive while the system is running... unless it's USB or unless it supports hotswap :P10:37
ke1hayes, you'd just need to create a mount point for the drive.10:37
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TheMusicGuyllutz: the second one may or not become a problem10:38
ke1hawell true, needs to be a USB deal or have it installed at boot the mount it.10:38
angrynerdchousuke why what happens then?10:38
rumpsyi'm here :)10:39
Chousukeangrynerd: well, it MIGHT work but I wouldn't dare try :P10:39
Chousukeangrynerd: why can't you just boot with the HD plugged in? :/10:39
TheMusicGuyI kinda need something that can do incremental backups over samba.10:40
sergisomeone can help me solve my problem please, I want my usb bootable bios, but it gives me that option10:40
TheMusicGuyI need to go, though. Sorry.10:40
rumpsysergi: ?10:40
llutzTheMusicGuy: checking for clients being online can be done by a simple cron-job. hardlinks in samba.. no idea10:40
l700bluetoothLast time I checked was May 2009. Does the ralink rt2860 chipset supports master mode now? I mean can it be used as an AP?10:40
ke1haI would not do it after the systems booted unless it's like Chousuke said, it's a hot swapable setup.10:41
angrynerdwindows7 messed up my harddrive I cant even get to the bootmanager when the hd is plugged in10:41
rumpsysergi: Give us a clear view10:41
Chousukeangrynerd: which boot manager? :/10:41
sergimy bios does not give me the option to boot from usb, as I fix this please?10:41
ke1haWell, you dont need the boot manager for the LiveCD, but does the drive allow you to get to the LiveCD?10:42
angrynerdno bootmanager, I mean it freezes at the bios cant boot from cd nor access the bios setup10:42
theadminsergi: Buy a new computer. You can't "fix" that10:42
Chousukeangrynerd: hm.10:42
rumpsysergi: so what kind of error message you get?10:42
angrynerdwhen I remove the hd it works just asks for boot device10:42
Chousukesergi: see if there is a bios upgrade available10:42
ke1haThat sounds more like a physical fault v.s. a BM fault.10:42
Chousukesergi: other than that, not much you can do about it.10:42
Chousukeangrynerd: can't you borrow a USB case from somewhere?10:43
barfAnyone got a recommendation for an SSD? How can the trim function be called from command line? Need 8-32GB10:43
Chousukeangrynerd: I mean, plugging things into a running system not designed for that is rather risky.10:43
Chousukeangrynerd: who knows how the hardware will react?10:43
ke1haIntel MX25 SSD or the Micron SLC10:43
angrynerdhm ok I'll buy one chousuke10:43
ke1haworks great with Ubuntu :-)10:44
Sargunhow do I find out who maintains a specific package10:44
ke1haThat doesn't sound right though angrynerd .. normally if the MBR is hosed up, the CD will still fire up.10:44
theadminSargun: Check the Launchpad, I believe10:44
macoSargun: nobody does10:45
macoSargun: ubuntu does not have specific people maintaining specific packages10:45
Koharsergi did you check new firmware for youre bios?10:45
sergino error message I get just one out the possibility of hard disk, CD, floppy and USB network and does not leave10:45
barfHere is the smallest one from my local dealer: http://www.netshop.no/aspx/produkt/prdinfovnet.aspx?plid=12586410:45
macoSargun: the MOTU maintain universe & multiverse. the core devs cover everything10:45
barfke1ha: How to run the trim function?10:45
angrynerdkelha i know no one believes me but I found many ppl with the same problem asus notebook + windows 710:46
barfIs there a package with tools?10:46
ke1hatrim ... in what excell :-) ?10:46
Lint01How to get a list of all files on my system created by package manager whose content had been changed then?10:46
barfssd trim10:46
Chousukebarf: why would you run trim manually?10:46
barfI have no clue10:46
Chousukebarf: the OS should take care of that.10:46
sergiThe problem is that you update the bios from Ubuntu, as I do?10:47
barfJust getting to know how it will affect my day10:47
ke1haOh I don't know... not into it that far. Just used a friends box the other day that had a pair of the SLC's in it, man the thing was fast !!10:47
barfupdate BIOS from Ubuntu?10:47
Chousukebarf: I don't think it even makes sense to command the drive directly. you'll just mess up the filesystem :/10:47
ke1haI ordered a  couple last week for another project, so will be testing over the next few weeks.10:48
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barfke1ha: Which did you order?10:48
n00pguys, I have this entry "ifupdown (eth2)" in my wired network connections config... it appeared after I did something stupid, that's really my wireless connection. how do I get rid of it?10:49
ke1haI got the MX's ..10:49
theadminHow do I install .emerald themes?10:50
* n00p waits patiently for a response10:51
ke1habarf: SSDSA2M160G2XXX10:53
llutzn00p: have you changed eth2 settings at /etc/network/interfaces?10:53
Lint01is it a support channel or some club chat?10:54
xiongOK. I have just completed full, duplicate backups onto DVD of my entire filesystem (with a few deliberate and obvious omissions). I'm about to repartition and clean install of 9.10. Obviously, the benefit of this will be lost if I then reinstall everything from DVD.10:54
n00pllutz: I added it to that file yes, to access my wireless which now due to my bitching mother (who doesn't pay a cent to access the internet she was bitching about not being able to access) bitching about the internet... anyway, should I remove it?10:54
theadminLint01: Support channel. Offtopic chat in #ubuntu-offtopic10:54
xiongSo, how should I organize my reinstall? And what last-minute info should I stash in USB thumb drive?10:55
ke1haSound, NIC and VID Driver Iinfo.10:55
onaoghn00p, respect your mother10:56
theadminLint01: If you don't get your question solved here, try ubuntuforums.org10:56
ke1haonly the last few upgrades I've done, NIC and VID has been real good, but had a fair few issues with ALSA.10:56
n00ponaogh: no, I respect her, but I think she's a bitch. If she hadn't bitched about her computer not having access (when she doesn't even pay anything) then I wouldn't be bitching about my computer not having access... maybe I should just cut the internet and get a wireless chip just for this computer... she can pay for it10:57
grub_problemsi have just noticed that in windows "C:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub" directory is empty.  is that wrong?10:57
theadmin!language | n00p10:57
ubottun00p: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:57
n00ptheadmin: are you offended?10:57
theadminn00p: Eh, not me. Just follow the rules.10:57
DocPlatypusn00p: profanity is out of line in a help channel. just as a general rule10:58
n00panyway, I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me install my bcm43xx... the only drivers that worked (without crashing the entire PC and causing me to reinstall -- will not accept suggestions to change drivers!) are the ones that are installed currently, and they worked using iwconfig to set up the configuration... but iwconfig doesn't support WPA2/PSK and my mother's stupid computer relies on that for some stupid reason so I had to reconfigure the10:59
n00ps/install/connect to the wireless network10:59
theadminwhat the heck. Adress bar in Firefox dissapeared o_O11:00
theadmin...Got it back :D never mind. Creepy.11:00
Apust1kmiten saa kirjautettuu kaverin ulos linux11:01
ke1haI had one today, when I booted Xubuntu, after dist-upg, it would let my user log in, but let them log in as other.11:01
theadmin!fi | Apust1k11:01
ubottuApust1k: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)11:01
ke1haopps it would not let ..11:02
ke1habeen scouring the Bug lists for that one, have seen anything yet.11:02
n00pso I removed my wireless device from /etc/network/interfaces, "ifupdown (eth2)" (my wireless with a weird name) still shows up in network manager as a "wired device"...11:03
Jimi_Neutralhi all, i have just downloaded gFTP. I cant find it though under applications. How do I start it?11:03
ke1hashould start from a terminal until you make a link .. just type gftp11:04
barfHow can I install ubuntu from memory stick?11:04
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DJones!usb | barf11:05
ubottubarf: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:05
theadmin!unetbootin | barf11:05
kosharibarf use unetbootin, and hope your PC supports booting from it11:05
barfWhat is that?11:06
ke1hayeah, be prepared for a lengthy install though, those USB drives can really slow tings down.11:06
koshariJimi_Neutral the default place for the launcher is under internet also11:06
barfI just bought new machine11:06
theadminbarf: see http://unetbootin.sf.net11:06
ke1haAre you wanting to install from USB, or install too USB ?11:07
barfUsually when I make a bootable memory stick, I just have to do dd if=OS.iso of=/dev/memorystick11:07
n00pguys can I get some advice regarding my mysterious "ifupdown" in network-manager-gnome GUI that can't be removed due to a disabled 'delete' button?11:08
barfthen do another dd to patch the first sectors11:08
barfn00p: cat /etc/network/interfaces11:08
n00pI cleared it11:08
DJonesbarf: If you already have an ubuntu machine, you can use USBCreator from the menu which does everything for you11:08
barfn00p: I don’t know the GUI11:08
shutupbitchhello everybody!!!!!11:08
n00pthanks for your input. anyone who does know the GUI and the console know how to remove this network connection?11:09
shutupbitchrip off the wires.11:09
ke1haremive it form /etc/network.interfaces11:10
n00pke1ha: from where?11:10
n00pyou mean11:10
ke1ha.. it's late .. remove it from /etc/network/interfaces...11:11
n00p----I already did!----11:11
shutupbitchubuntu sucks.11:11
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!11:11
DJones!ot | shutupbitch11:11
ubottushutupbitch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:11
barfDJones: I have several ubuntu/debian alternate installs and also some Mac workstations11:11
ke1hadid you restart your network ?11:11
nixjrdoes using "complete removal" in synaptic, remove all the dependencies?11:11
n00pke1ha: "restart your network"? what good would that be? the problem lies in network-manager-gnome!11:12
Myrttinixjr: no, it removes all the config files11:12
ke1ha--autoremove --purge does.11:12
n00pand yeh, I restarted my entire machine11:12
n00pmany times11:12
unimatrixdoes gnome-panel in Ubuntu Karmic support RGBA yet ?11:12
n00pthat doesn't seem to do anything.11:12
ke1haOk., pass, can't help ya.11:12
DJonesbarf: In that case, I'd be tempted to download whichever iso you want to use (Live CD/Alternate etc) and use the USB creator to do the work, I've never had a problem using that11:12
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macounimatrix: of course. has for years11:12
n00pthanks for trying. anyone want to ask some new questions regarding my problem?11:12
erUSULnixjr: no; it removes configuration files in /etc/11:12
macounimatrix: as long as i can remember, youve been able to choose a transparency level when picking the colour11:13
unimatrixmaco: are you sure, because when i enable it it's sort of broken11:13
mandi've configured my x-window-manager alternativ to sawfish and i've deleted my ~/.gnome2/session file to start with a fresh session, but gnome still uses metacity and does not execute x-window-manager11:13
unimatrixmaco: that's not RGBA11:13
macounimatrix: A = alpha = transparency, yeah?11:13
grub_problemscan someone give me a grub.cfg file?  mine dissapeared....11:13
unimatrixmaco: yes, but that's just the solid background color11:14
_lenin_hello all i have som problem with grub.  when i boot i see next message11:14
_lenin_       [ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported.   For11:14
_lenin_         the   first   word,  TAB  lists  possible  command11:14
_lenin_         completions.  Anywhere else TAB lists the possible11:14
_lenin_         completions of a device/filename. ]11:14
FloodBot4_lenin_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:14
Jimi_NeutralOk i have started gFTP and changed the conf file to enable a remote pc access. What will the user and passowrd be cause it didnt ask me to set one11:14
unimatrixmaco: colors support RGBA, not the panel11:14
macounimatrix: in that case i'm confused. what?11:14
Slartunimatrix: the panel doesn't support transparency yet .. at least not on my 9.10 install11:15
unimatrixmaco: http://www.cimitan.com/blog/wp-content/rgba-murrine-170208.png11:15
unimatrixSlart: thank you11:15
Slartunimatrix: I'm not sure I should add the "yet" even... I'm starting to think it's not even on the roadmap =/11:15
macoSlart: wait so what's this not-a-colour transparency?11:15
macoSlart: how can rgba refer to anything *but* colours?11:16
unimatrixSlart: they've promised general RGBA support for Lucid, so i think it is11:16
macounimatrix: but lucid will have the same version of gnome as karmic11:16
Slartmaco: the panel will only do a blend between the solid background.. it won't show windows behind it and such11:16
erUSULunimatrix: i can make the panel transparent easily on the properties>background> (compiz enabled)11:16
Tm_T_lenin_: sorry again11:16
macounimatrix: at least, i think it will... cuz lucid's not going to gnome 311:16
macoSlart: aah ok. so unimatrix wants *true* transparency11:17
unimatrixerUSUL: that's not the same, it will make everything transparent, RGBA mode doesn't make the icons and text transparent, only the background11:17
n00pin my "wired connections" I have "Auto eth0" and "ifupdown (eth2)"... eth2 is actually wireless and it was placed there after messing around trying to get the bloody thing to work. The "delete" button is disabled when I highlight "ifupdown"... Does anyone know how I can remove this?11:17
unimatrixmaco: that's right11:17
Slartmaco: or rather.. it will show you the background wallpaper (not just solid color) .. but not windows and such..11:17
Slartmaco: yes11:17
erUSULunimatrix: Slart ok you are right it does not show windows behind it. is fake transparency11:17
theadminn00p: There are key-like icon in networkmanager. Did you hit that?11:17
macoSlart: it didnt occur to me that windows could go behind the panel.11:18
unimatrixerUSUL: no, that's not what true transparency is11:18
n00ptheadmin: the delete button -is- enabled for auto eth011:18
Slartmaco: then you haven't made it big enough =)11:18
n00pand there is no keylike icon for me11:18
macoSlart: made what big enough?11:18
erUSULunimatrix: i'm agreeing with you11:18
Slartmaco: the panel =)11:18
phimichi all11:18
theadminn00p: Oh wait. Strange.11:18
_lenin_I have some problem with grub. When i boot  i see grub>  next i type command boot i have error 8: kernel must be loaded before booting. When i manualy set kernel ubuntu hangs up. What is wrong?11:18
phimicanyone uses ufw with ulogd?11:18
n00ptheadmin: no, just a different distro.11:18
n00pdifferent style11:19
n00pit asks for authorization at a different stage11:19
n00p(ie after I click the delete button)11:19
Jimi_NeutralOk i have started gFTP and changed the conf file to enable a remote pc access. What will the user and passowrd be cause it didnt ask me to set one11:19
macoSlart: i think my window manager always puts windows *on top* of the panel if they're moved to overlap it11:19
theadminn00p: I use Karmic... I kinda forgot stuff already lol11:19
unimatrixerUSUL, Slart, maco: in Karmic you can actually enable RGBA for many programs like gedit, rhythmbox, system-monitor, etc... but not gnome-panel11:19
pedrovrmhi, I lost my hd and would like to use ubuntu in a pendrive, I already have it on a pendrive, but I would like to know how to install software in it11:19
macounimatrix: i have none of those installed :P11:19
Slartunimatrix, maco: actually.. I just made it transparent using the ccsm.. true transparency and all =)11:19
n00pSo is there any bearded wise man here who will rescue my broken GUI?!11:20
unimatrixSlart: it's not the same11:20
unimatrixSlart: that makes the icons&text transparent too11:20
MenZa!details | n00p11:20
ubottun00p: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:20
Oli``One of my RAM sticks occasionally drops out at boot. It's very occasionally so it's very hard to test (I have 6 sticks). Is there some way I can show which slots are running from within Ubuntu?11:20
Slartunimatrix: ah.. yes.. that's true11:20
n00pMenZa: I've given full details. Please read more accurately.11:20
MenZan00p: Well, give them on one line, and have patience.11:20
MenZan00p: There's a massive amount of activity in here which makes it easy to lose things. :)11:21
n00pMenZa, I'm repeating myself word for word for you: in my "wired connections" I have "Auto eth0" and "ifupdown (eth2)"... eth2 is actually wireless and it was placed there after messing around trying to get the bloody thing to work. The "delete" button is disabled when I highlight "ifupdown"... Does anyone know how I can remove this?11:21
Slartunimatrix: including the properties window.. and the "Add to panel"-dialog11:21
macoOli``: maybe "sudo lshw" might help11:21
macoSlart: ew11:21
MenZan00p: Excellent--no need to get bitey; I'm only trying to streamline communication here. :)11:21
unimatrixSlart: yes11:21
arvernusHello! I've got the latest Ubuntu 9.10 installed with the latest updates and Firefox 3.5.7. Whenever I try to enable the Firebug-Console, Firefox crashes. No matter what page I'm on or how many tabs are open. Any help, plese?11:21
MenZamaco: I think -c memory will only grab memory, ftr11:21
unimatrixSlart: we don't want that, we only need the panel background to be transparent11:22
Slartunimatrix: yup.. I agree11:22
n00phmmm... well I did first ask $uptime(mIRC,1) ago...11:22
n00phmmm... well I did first ask 34mins 43secs ago...11:22
unimatrixSlart: i actually found a brainstorm for this http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/23098/11:22
n00pI understand you are telling me not to be bitey for a reason11:23
n00pand I hate to seem impatient11:23
unimatrixSlart: aaand... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/44172711:23
n00pbut I feel as though I'm getting -nowhere- by being here11:23
theadminn00p: Oh? Try the forums, might be more helpful11:23
barfI want to put the ubuntu installer on a memory stick and make it bootable11:23
unimatrixSlart, maco, erUSUL go to that bug and click "It affects me"11:23
Jimi_Neutralhow do i set the username and passord on vsftpd so people can log into it?11:23
Slartunimatrix: will do11:23
theadminbarf: Told ya, use unetbootin.11:23
bazhangbarf, try unetbootin then11:24
Oli``maco: It does show the ram but it shows all 12GB present and correct. free (et al) think there's only 10gigs suggesting one is missing/faulty11:24
MenZan00p: Have patience. Someone will come around; perhaps check the forums while you wait?11:24
barfBut it appears to require GUI? http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/#other11:25
ke1haoli``` I checked /proc/meminfo .. looks like it lumps it all together as well.11:25
barfbazhang: theadmin: But it appears to require GUI? http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/#other11:26
barfIsn’t there just a bootsector file anywhere?11:27
bazhangbarf, correct; you never specified otherwise11:27
theadminbarf: Oh, you want a no-gui solution... sorry11:27
barfI have Mac GUI and ubuntu/debian terminal available11:27
ke1hayou may find this usefull oli```: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/468111:27
ZiagoAnyone having troubles with Mumble + Wine?11:28
ZiagoActually, I'm not sure it's Mumble + WINE. After booting, my microphone just stops working for whatever reason.11:29
Vampire0Hi there, I'm on Karmic and I observe very strange behaviour. I make changes for the autostart programs, but they are sometimes not save. I cannot really reproduce when it happens and when not :-(11:30
JaimieZiago; why not run native?11:30
meatbuni got this thing. and it corrupted my data. beware!!!!!!!!11:30
ZiagoJaimie: Oh, I'm using Mumble natively11:30
Ziagosudo aptitude install mumble11:31
ZiagoBut, I'm also using an application through WINE. Scratch the statement about WINE11:31
ZiagoFor whatever reason, my mic just stops working, and sound ultimately becomes very garbled and unusable after a while.11:31
ZiagoIt's a default Ubuntu install, aside from Wine and Mumble.11:31
Jaimiecant say ive had that before11:31
ZiagoI'm getting tons of messages like this in /var/log/messages: pulseaudio[1461]: ratelimit.c: 14 events suppressed11:32
Jason__Hi, why ubuntu server edition doesn't show all the processes status but just some? (e.g. I don't see mysql booting up, but there is apache). In this way cannot see if everything is booted up correctly11:32
theadminJason__: Are you running the process displaying command as root? Otherwise, it might not display not-owned processes11:33
Guest41226sudo aptitude install libsdl-perl libcompress-zlib-perl11:33
theadminGuest41226: And?11:34
Jason__theadmin: I mean when the system is booting, just before the login. I don't write any command...11:34
Guest41226Writing extended state information... Done11:34
Guest41226(Reading database ... 262778 files and directories currently installed.)11:34
Guest41226Unpacking libsdl-gfx1.2-4 (from .../libsdl-gfx1.2-4_2.0.19-2_i386.deb) ...11:34
Guest41226dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libsdl-gfx1.2-4_2.0.19-2_i386.deb (--unpack):11:34
FloodBot4Guest41226: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:34
ZiagoMeh. Heading back to Windows.11:35
unimatrixZiago: what's the problem11:35
Ziagounimatrix: Sound doesn't work =/11:35
lukjad007I'm following this guide: http://stringofthoughts.wordpress.com/2009/05/24/grub-error-17-debianubuntu/11:35
Ziagounimatrix: Sound works for a while, but then it dies.11:35
lukjad007I'm following this guide: http://stringofthoughts.wordpress.com/2009/05/24/grub-error-17-debianubuntu/11:35
lukjad007I have error 17, but don't know how to install grub since I use sda and not hda for my hard drives11:35
unimatrixZiago: ubuntu 9.1011:35
ZiagoMicrophone input works for a while, then it does. Tons of messages like these in /var/log/messages: pulseaudio[1461]: ratelimit.c: 14 events suppressed11:35
unimatrixZiago: ?11:35
ZiagoUbuntu 9.10, default installation.11:36
unimatrixZiago: what sound card11:36
ZiagoJust mobo sound.11:36
ZiagoI'll get you the lspci sec11:36
ZiagoATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)11:36
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:37
unimatrixZiago: when does it stop working11:37
Guest41226theadmin, and >>>E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libsdl-gfx1.2-4_2.0.19-2_i386.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libSDL_gfx.so.13', which is also in package sdl-gfx 011:38
m_fulderis it possible to connect to a ubuntu machine (while having a server on it) with my mobile phone? so I can use internet through my server?11:38
ke1haThere's allot activity on ALSA on the bug reports I had trouble when I did the dist-upg on an early ISO. worked on the same box with a later ISO, same base install.11:38
Ziagounimatrix: About 5 minutes after booting.11:38
ZiagoSound ultimately becomes very garbled, and the microphone just stops picking up sound altogether11:39
unimatrixZiago: what happens if you restart pulseaudio11:39
calrikHi all for some reason my ubuntu is jumpy, as in the mouse will occasional freeze for 1-2 seconds, I have the latest nvidia-drivers, ubuntu updates etc. My hard drives are healthy, cpu and memory not maxing out... any other ideas?11:40
Ziagounimatrix: It just tells me " * PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions "11:40
unimatrixZiago: you're doing it wrong11:40
n00ps00p@s00p-laptop:~$ service network-manager stop          stop: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.105" (uid=1000 pid=2448 comm="stop) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Stop" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init))11:40
Ziagounimatrix: That's after issuing sudo service pulseaudio restart11:40
unimatrixZiago: yes that's wrong11:40
n00pany ideas about that error message?11:40
ZiagoOh. When I used /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart, it told me to use that command.11:41
unimatrixZiago: that's wrong too11:41
unimatrixZiago: pulseaudio doesn't run as root11:41
unimatrixZiago: just do killall pulseaudio; pulseaudio -D11:41
ZiagoDone. It says: E: main.c: Daemon startup failed.11:42
Jimi_NeutralHi all. I can create a directory on the remote box using gftp but my boss cant vreate a directory using his ftp client on a windows machine even though he is using the same username and password i am to log into the box....anyone know why this owuld be?11:42
indushi folks11:42
waltercoolhi indus11:42
unimatrixZiago: type pulseaudio -v11:42
calrikHi all for some reason my ubuntu is jumpy, as in the mouse will occasional freeze for 1-2 seconds, I have the latest nvidia-drivers, ubuntu updates etc. My hard drives are healthy, cpu and memory not maxing out... any other ideas?11:42
Jimi_Neutralcalrik, too hot?11:42
indushello waltercool whats up11:42
unimatrixcalrik: check dmesg for any errors11:43
induswaltercool, do i know u?11:43
ZiagoIt keeps saying "E: pid.c: Daemon already running." and "E: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed."11:43
unimatrixZiago: that's ok, it restarted on its own11:43
ZiagoOf course, I already issued a killall pulseaudio11:43
calrikJimi_Neutral: no everything running around avg 35 dergrees celcius11:43
calrikunimatrix: how do I check that?11:43
unimatrixZiago: yes, when u do that it's started automatically11:43
Ziagounimatrix: Okay. Sound still isn't working =/11:43
unimatrixcalrik: just type dmesg in terminal11:44
waltercoolindus: I dont think so, im just replying your "hi folks"11:44
unimatrixZiago: type killall pulseaudio; pulseaudio -v11:44
unimatrixZiago: try it a few times until it works11:44
induswaltercool,  ok :)11:44
ZiagoOkay. microphone still isn't working11:44
ZiagoIt worked. Now I have a terminal full of pulseaudio messages =)11:45
unimatrixZiago: that was the point11:45
unimatrixZiago: to see what's wrong11:45
root51how to update my grub in menu list11:45
ZiagoKeeps saying this: "I: protocol-native.c: Connection died." when I open sound properties.11:46
calrikunimatrix: seems like my logitech g5 usb mouse is disconnecting and reconnecting alot, maybe its not getting enough power?11:46
buffmangreetings to all11:46
unimatrixcalrik: yes that is possible, try plugging it in a different USB port11:47
buffmanAnyone got tips/links to getting a USB pinicle TV tuner going in Ubuntu 9.10 ?11:47
unimatrixZiago: try asking the guys on #pulseaudio they might not answer immediately, so be patient, but they know their stuff11:47
calrikunimatrix: awesome that fixed it thanks :)11:48
unimatrixcalrik: no problem11:48
waltercoolroot51: update-grub?11:49
ouyeshi , can anyone recommend me a tool to play DVDs? i have a few DVD films,11:50
DiverdudeAn rpm package can be opened by the packet manager right?11:50
ke1hasafest way if your not familiar with grub, is to use the startup-manager.11:50
iguannahi all11:50
unimatrixDiverdude: not in ubuntu11:50
unimatrixDiverdude: you usually need to convert it to DEB first11:51
ke1haor you can manually edit menu.1st in /boot/grub11:51
iguannacan anyone tell me why doing scroll the text on the windows doesn't display correctly?11:51
unimatrixbuffman: have you tried anything yet?11:51
buffmanunimatrix, tried mythTV11:52
unimatrixbuffman: did it work?11:52
buffmanunimatrix, boot up messages seem to find it11:52
Diverdudeunimatrix, aha, so if i want to install this package: http://ctags.sourceforge.net/11:52
buffmanunimatrix, no11:52
induswhy inst meebo used instead of empathy?i t has voice and video11:52
unimatrixbuffman: try tvtime11:53
buffmanunimatrix, ok will do11:53
corecodewhat's the best way to submit a bugfix to a package?11:53
corecodei created a new version11:53
corecodeshould i just upload the diff.gz or something else?11:53
unimatrixDiverdude: it's usually a better idea to compile it11:53
erUSULcorecode: attach a patch to the bug in launchpad or send the bugfix directly to the program authors11:54
Diverdudeunimatrix, ok, i did sudo apt-get install ctags....i hope its the same program and version11:54
corecodeerUSUL: which patch?  the dpkg-generated patch?11:54
buffmanunimatrix, does tvtime work for Digital tuners?11:54
unimatrixDiverdude: even better11:54
himanshu_could somebody tell me some complier / ide for c / c++ coding on ubuntu  ?11:54
erUSULcorecode: the atch to the sourcecode that fixes the bug11:55
unimatrixbuffman: hmm, i'm not sure11:55
erUSUL!info anjuta | himanshu_11:55
ubottuhimanshu_: anjuta (source: anjuta): A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2: (karmic), package size 1504 kB, installed size 3884 kB11:55
himanshu_also please tell me , in java net beans work upon ubuntu or not?11:55
Jimi_NeutralI cant create a new dir in the apache2 dafault site fodler remotley. I have tried three diff pc's with three different ftp clients and 2 diff O/S. So i am assuming it is a permissions problem. I can create files in the /home/james though. Could someone help me with this please11:55
iguannawhen a windows is moved up and down or doing scroll its content is not displayed right, why please?11:55
Myrttiouyes: vlc is my favourite11:55
corecodeerUSUL: is there a way to generate this patch?  there are ubuntu patches applied already when i use apt-get source11:55
erUSULcorecode: really dunno never played with packages. ask in #ubuntu-motu11:56
erUSULcorecode: thepatches i've done where to vanilla tarballs11:56
Dravekxis there a channel for ZEND?11:56
=== Gryphon is now known as Guest40603
himanshu_is there any release of turbo c++ for ubuntu . i loved working on it.11:56
unimatrixiguanna: can you post a screenshot?11:57
himanshu_how can i install anjuta ?11:57
Dravekxanyone know how to install zend optimizer on a 64bit version of ubuntu server?11:57
ouyesMyrtti, i have smplayer,but i feel it is not very good for playing DVD,(vlc, is it open source?11:57
m_fulderis it possible to crypt/hide your IP adress or the files you're sending/reciving through a ubuntu comp. ?11:57
unimatrixhimanshu_: try the Ubuntu Software Center11:57
Myrttiouyes: of course it's open source11:58
unimatrixm_fulder: no, that is never possible, because of the way the internet works11:58
erUSULhimanshu_: xwpe is similar to tubo c++ 3.0 ;P11:58
himanshu_unimatrix , what would you recommend - code:: block or anjuta ?11:58
unimatrixhimanshu_: anjuta11:58
FloodBot4marshmallow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:59
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs11:59
himanshu_erUSL , how to install xwpe ?11:59
Jimi_Neutrali need to create a dir in /usr/share/apache2/default-site but the ftp client is not letting me, how would i rectify this?11:59
indus!info vlc11:59
m_fulderunimatrix : so there's no way at all to send/recive a file without my interprovider sees it?11:59
marshmallowwer ist der G?11:59
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1ubuntu2.1 (karmic), package size 1586 kB, installed size 3808 kB11:59
unimatrixm_fulder: that is correct11:59
marshmallowey wer ist hier der G?11:59
ke1ham_fulder IP address may be a tricky, but, using the ssh tunnels already encrypts the data. You can set that when your generating leys.11:59
Dravekxanyone know how to install zend optimizer on a 64bit version of ubuntu server?12:00
marshmallowWer ist hier der Super G?12:00
marshmallowist hier auch hans vorhanden?+12:00
Myrtti!de | marshmallow12:00
ubottumarshmallow: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:00
spackenihr gays12:00
unimatrixm_fulder: what you're trying to do is essentially the same as trying to mail a letter to someone, without the post office knowing who it is for12:00
marshmallowey spacken12:00
=== spacken is now known as Guest51461
marshmallowsonja hartwig12:00
Guest51461you are all fucking gays12:00
iguannaunimatrix, how do i send the screenshot file?12:00
Guest51461sonja hartfick12:01
unimatrixiguanna: upload it to imageshack.us12:01
marshmallowauf wiederseheeeeeeeeeeeen12:01
waltercoolmarshmallow: /join   #ubuntu-de12:01
marshmallowist hier auch der hans?12:01
user01_ihr spastis12:01
waltercoolmarshmallow: auf wuedersehen ;)12:01
unimatrix!de > marshmallow12:01
ubottumarshmallow, please see my private message12:01
marshmallowwer ist waltercool?12:01
olonr1kto z polski12:02
unimatrix!pl > olonr112:02
ubottuolonr1, please see my private message12:02
iguannaunimatrix, http://imagebin.ca/view/30fBxb.html12:02
iguannaunimatrix, http://imagebin.ca/view/30fBxb.html12:03
himanshu_which IDE could be best for core java programming  on ubuntu ? when i was on windows i used to write code on notepad and compile it on command prompt , otherwise used net beans .12:03
jussi01!code | himanshu_12:03
ubottuhimanshu_: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, QtCreator12:03
unimatrixiguanna: yes i see12:03
unimatrixiguanna: does this only happen in evolution?12:03
iguannait is very annoy12:03
iguannait happens everywhere12:04
iguannasome place works better than other, I mean, Hotmail works almost perfect12:04
unimatrixiguanna: hotmail in firefox?12:05
Jimi_Neutralhow would i be able to create a diectory in this folder '/usr/share/apache2/default-site' using FTP. It wont do it at the moment because I am logged in as a normal user and i am guessing to create a dir in this path you need root access12:05
iguannaJimi_Neutral, yeah12:05
iguannaJimi_Neutral, yeah12:05
Jimi_Neutralso is it possible to configure vsftpd to allow a remote user root access?12:05
zilkomaaHi everybody12:06
unimatrix!ask > zilkomaa12:06
ubottuzilkomaa, please see my private message12:06
iguannaperhaps if I hand the nvidia setting12:06
m_fulderunimatrix: ah ok .. well yeah that seems not possible :P..kelha : yes ssh gedo encrypt my IP ... what do you mean by generating leys? how do I do that12:06
m_fulderalso kelha: can I make everything be send thourgh ssh ?12:07
zilkomaaunimatrix: ? Why do u have to act like a lamer?12:07
mattgyverJimi_Neutral, as far as i know you either have to give them the root usn/pass or add the user to the root group12:08
unimatrixzilkomaa: ?12:08
ke1haJimi_Neutral: yes, but root anything, especially unsecure transfers ftp or others is really not advisable.12:08
Jimi_Neutralke1ha, yeah i know but what my boss wants......12:09
Jimi_Neutralmattgyver, ah, how would i add them to the root group12:09
filip89hi anyone who can help me with a sound?12:09
ke1ham_fulder ... sri typo, generating Keys, not leys. sri.12:09
unimatrixm_fulder: ssh connections are only possible with specific targets12:09
unimatrixfilip89: what seems to be the problem?12:10
filip89unimatrix: it is serious12:10
zilkomaaunimatrix: Why you giving me ask / info msg? I just salute everybody when i joined.12:10
filip89after i installed new kernel, my sound stop working12:10
unimatrix!offtopic > zilkomaa12:10
ubottuzilkomaa, please see my private message12:10
filip89unimatrix: i update to new alsa, and it is not working12:11
filip89aplay -l gives me only this12:11
mattgyverJimi_Neutral, you should just be able to create a new unix login and/or chmod the accounts group to root, i think its chmod -u username:newgroup12:11
filip89**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****12:11
unimatrix!pastebin > filip8912:11
ubottufilip89, please see my private message12:11
mattgyverJimi_Neutral, i highly suggest disallowing root to even connect in the vsftpd.conf file12:11
Jimi_Neutralmattgyver, still new to linux...and yes I know matt but as I said, what my boss wants.....12:12
ke1haIt's actually chown for dirs, chmod for files. chown user:uer12:12
unimatrixfilip89: oh that's it?12:12
mattgyverthis way you dont expose the true root account, not that what the other account doesnt make it any safer :|12:12
unimatrixfilip89: how did you "update" alsa?12:12
filip89from one script12:12
unimatrixfilip89: what script12:12
filip89i will try to find it12:13
ke1habut that doesnt explain why he can't get access with the users he already has, which i dont quite understand that one yet.12:13
filip89unimatrix: exactly I compiled it12:13
filip89i download new alsa12:13
unimatrixfilip89: why did you do that12:13
filip89this manual.. no helpfull12:14
filip89than i tried this12:14
Jimi_Neutralso how would i add a user to the root group?12:14
ke1haJimi_Nutral: where you sending things to and from, it is just server to server on you own internal LAN ?12:14
mattgyverJimi_Neutral, please see my PM12:15
unimatrixfilip89: but why did you do it? did you have any previous issues?12:15
xgurumy computer fails to boot normally, how do i get to the grub menu for recovery?12:15
Myrttixguru: by pressing shift, if you're running karmic12:16
unimatrixxguru: keep pressing the up or down arrow right before linux boots... grub should show up12:16
unimatrixxguru: or shit or esc... pretty much anything should work12:16
filip89but i stopped at point If you are greeted with the error "Connection failed: Connection refused", manually launch PulseAudio before opening the PulseAudio Volume Control application:12:16
ke1hathat's not to fix the problem, it's bypassing it, especially in VS. but hey ho, not my security hole.12:16
xguruunimatrix: thanks....lemme try....it just usually autoboots into linux12:16
filip89unimatrix: I have no sound after update at new kernel12:17
skydromecan someone give me their top 5 httpd servers?12:17
unimatrixfilip89: that can happen, so why did you update the kernel?12:17
filip89standard update12:18
aapzakguys, what does *manually* upgradeable mean? did I screw something up by removing unwanted repos?12:18
filip89i am updating any time any update which appears12:18
Myrttiskydrome: what exactly are you asking?12:18
unimatrixfilip89: do you remember which update that might have been12:18
teffers|Brewhey guys little issue stepmania src is moaning i dont have liblua installed althought i have install lua50 package why is it say it does not excist12:18
filip89yes.. update from 7.2.12:18
skydromeMyrtti, opinions on top5 httpd servers12:18
Myrtti!best > skydrome12:19
ubottuskydrome, please see my private message12:19
filip89unimatrix from kernel 2.6.28-11-generic12:19
unimatrixteffers|Brew: stepmania won't build since Ubuntu 8.1012:19
skydrome!or you can tell me12:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:19
unimatrixteffers|Brew: install it from playdeb12:19
filip89unimatrix: from kernel 2.6.28-17-generic to kernel 2.6.28-18-generic12:19
farizluqmanis there anybody12:19
Myrttiskydrome: we don't really do polls here, and it's a matter of opinion anyway12:19
Myrttifarizluqman: yes12:19
xgurunope after the bios boots, it say's grub loading.... and tries to boot linux reguardless if i hit any keys after the bios12:19
skydromeerrr gg12:19
Myrttifarizluqman: do you have a ubuntu support question?12:20
ke1haunimatrix: this audo problem's been happening for a while now, base build works, you do the dist-upg and it breaks alsa somehow, but not for all cards.12:20
filip89unimatrix: but i tried compiled new alsa according that manual which i sent you for this kernel 2.6.28-18-generic and also for this one 2.6.28-16-generic12:20
farizluqmana very simple question12:20
unimatrixteffers|Brew: http://www.playdeb.net12:20
farizluqmanhow can I loggin as root?12:20
filip89unimatrix: it seems that is a really big problem, because my sound stop working also at win12:20
Myrttifarizluqman: you don't.12:20
Myrtti!rootsudo | farizluqman12:21
ubottufarizluqman: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)12:21
filip89farizluqman: gksu12:21
unimatrixfilip89: in windows too?12:21
unimatrixfilip89: then it's quite possible a hardware issue12:21
Myrtti!my | farizluqman, also you might want to check out your local Ubuntu people12:21
ubottufarizluqman, also you might want to check out your local Ubuntu people: bantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my12:21
farizluqmanI know the sudo command, but I want to log in as root, to access the / files12:21
MenZafarizluqman: Why?12:22
Myrttifarizluqman: use sudo/gksudo for that12:22
Myrttifarizluqman: you don't need to log in as root12:22
unimatrixfarizluqman: sudo su12:22
MenZafarizluqman: As Myrtti says, all can be done with sudo.12:22
aapzakanyone here who knows about manually upgradeable?12:22
teffers|Brewstepmanika isnt on p[laydeb12:22
filip89unimatrix: i tried install driver for win, installation was successful but no sound again, it shows, like i do not have a sound card12:22
Myrttiunimatrix: please don't recommend that :-(12:22
unimatrixMyrtti: well sometimes it's necessary12:23
MenZaMyrtti: That's very, very bad practice.12:23
MenZaer, unimatrix*12:23
MenZaunimatrix: No, it's not.12:23
filip89unimatrix: ok.. my sound was working for several years how can installation of kernel destroyed my hw?12:23
farizluqmansudo.. but I'm not a professional in terminal things, I like to login as root12:23
MenZaunimatrix: It's never necessary.12:23
FloodBot4MenZa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:23
extorI do sudo su all the time so what12:23
MenZafarizluqman: What are you trying to do?12:23
MenZa!rootsudo | extor12:23
unimatrixMenZa: from my own experience i can tell you that it is12:23
ubottuextor: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)12:23
ke1haI had to use OSS until upg to 2.6.31-19 was released to fix my ICH7 issues.12:23
farizluqmanlogged in as others did12:23
unimatrixfilip89: you should probably contact your sound card vendor about that12:23
farizluqmanHow To?12:23
extorYeah so I don't want to type sudo before each command hence sudo su12:23
himanshu_even after successful compilaion , i am unable to execute the generated onject code using Anjutu ..help me12:23
MenZafarizluqman: You're not making what sense.12:24
MenZaextor: Heard of sudo -i?12:24
Myrttiextor: you don't need to suggest it to people here, though12:24
Mike__Bhi there, after installing latest kernel update in Karmic scrolling in Gnome lead to flickering screen. Anyone can confirm? Changing back to 2.6.31-17 fixed the issue for me. Am using Nvidia.12:24
Myrtti!wfm | extor, unimatrix12:24
ubottuextor, unimatrix: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/12:24
MenZaextor: Well, there you go. Have a look at the manpgage for the -i flag.12:24
teffers|Brewstepmanika isnt on p[laydeb12:24
teffers|Brewunimatrix, i cant find stepmania on playdeb12:24
extorsudo su dangers are overrated especially in comparison to the main user being sudo capable12:24
YosWhat's a good, free newsreader for ubuntu ?12:25
himanshu_i get a message <program_name>  is not a local file12:25
unimatrixteffers|Brew: lol, really? http://www.playdeb.net/updates/ubuntu/9.10/?q=stepmania12:25
extorI mean if you want security then dont HAVE the default user able to sudo12:25
farizluqmanno, I want to login to root, with my password root, in the legon screen, but he says "Root cannot login in this screen" or something similar12:25
MenZaYos: By 'newsreader' do you mean newgroups, RSS feeds?12:25
MenZafarizluqman: You should never, ever, ever, EVER log into an X session as root. EVER. EVER EVER EVER.12:25
YosMenZa: Yes, for newsgroups12:25
ke1hanot seeing that here Mike_B12:25
unimatrixfarizluqman: that's because you should never login as root, unless you want do break something... is that your intention?12:25
MenZaYos: Evolution is a good option. It's installed by default.12:25
Mike__Bhmm.. could be laptop-related then.12:26
Myrttifarizluqman: oh, you've enabled root account? Good luck.12:26
YosMenZa: Evolution can be use to download files from newsgroups ?12:26
farizluqmanok..ok...ok.... I'll learn Sude12:26
MenZaYos: Should be able to, yes.12:26
Myrttifarizluqman: if there'd be a sticker on Ubuntu installation that says "damaging will void warranty" enabling root account would be that12:26
ke1haIv'e not had it on log, and it's an older NV embedded GPU. Dont have it on my GTX-280 box.12:27
farizluqmanooh.... logging in to root will void the warranty.... ok12:27
ke1haoops, not had it on long.12:27
MenZafarizluqman: Well, that's the best way to describe it. We can't support that method.12:27
farizluqmanIs there any "copy" command? and a "paste" command12:28
indusfarizluqman, cp12:28
unimatrixfarizluqman: cp12:28
ke1hacp  & mv12:28
indusfarizluqman,  and mv file1 file2 will rename file 1 as file212:29
indusfarizluqman, cp file1 file2 copies from 1 to 2 and to copy folders do cp -a12:29
induscp -r i think12:29
ke1hamv doe moving to diff dir's, cp or cat to move between files.12:29
filip89unimatrix: i found also one guy who has similar problem after update to a new kernel12:30
farizluqmanooo ok, if i want to copy a file, I will type "sudo cp /something(source) /mylocation"12:30
farizluqmansomething like that12:30
ke1haor mv it from one dir to another12:30
farizluqman<<<< noob12:30
ke1hacp does just that, makes a copy.12:30
unimatrixfilip89: well it does happen, but if it's also a problem in windows, that usually indicates that it's not a linux problem12:31
Myrttifarizluqman: would you mind me asking what files are you copying to other locations?12:31
ravenhow to enable more network interfaces to monitor in the sysmon-panel-plugin?12:31
ke1haYeah, if it takes sudo to do it, could cause other issues :-)12:32
farizluqmanok "sudo cp /home/fariz/oxygenicon /usr/share/icons"12:32
filip89unimatrix: could kernel update destroyed hw?12:32
farizluqmanits a icon theme12:32
unimatrixfilip89: no12:32
MenZafarizluqman: Do cp -R ~/oxygenicon ~/.icons12:33
farizluqmanmmyrtti: "sudo cp /home/fariz/oxygenicon /usr/share/icons"12:33
Myrttifarizluqman: you can install those without sudo or root access12:33
Oyozmy ubuntu 9.10 is rebooting on its on sometimes.does anybody know the reason why???12:33
Myrttifarizluqman: just like MenZa said12:33
farizluqmanyeah, already in sudo now12:34
MyrttiOyoz: not without more details12:34
cpcall@find twist and shout12:34
shai27Hello , i installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop and its seems to have some problem with the internal speaker . when i plug in my headphones Ubuntu not disable the internal speaker ?12:34
farizluqmanthats easy12:34
ravensysmon-panel-plugin: how to change the network interface to monitor12:35
Oyozit just reboots when am brousing the net12:35
ke1hawhat kernel ? Oyoz ?12:36
n00pwpa_supplicant sends error messages to stderr, where can I locate those messages?12:36
farizluqmanke1ha: kernel is the filesystem of linux12:36
ke1hayeah... good guess. but need a number?12:36
MenZafarizluqman: Er, not exactly.12:36
farizluqmanhahahaha... just a guest12:37
farizluqmanwhats the exactly12:37
n00pdoes ubuntu store writes to stderr anywhere special?12:37
MenZa!kernel | farizluqman12:37
ubottufarizluqman: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages12:37
farizluqmanI see, i'm using 2.5.612:37
DonLemmiHi there, I'd like to install an old kernel (2.6.24) under karmic. Can anyone give me a hint where i can get the appropriate package, please?12:37
farizluqmanis it obsolete>>> 2.5.612:37
ravensysmon-panel-plugin: how to change the network interface to monitor?12:38
rwengis there a way to save everything of a terminal, commands and output, to a file?12:38
ke1haHmm.. im on the same one, I had that a couple days ago, before the last round of updates and it's gone away.12:38
coz_hey guys... I have had this issue for the last few versions of ubuntu...systray...system clock etc   switch positions on reboot ...clock always seems to want to be first before systray ...any solutions?  yes I have "Lock to panel"  enalbed  however enabled or disabled the same thing occurs12:38
Dr_WillisKernel i got here -> 2.6.31-19-generic12:38
farizluqmanwhats Karmic? (how can I stop asking silly questions, I'm interested in Ubuntu)12:38
coz_also this is dual monitor set up12:39
n00pwpa_supplicant is returning 1 and writing errors to stderr when I try to ifup eth2. Where can I obtain these error messages?12:39
Dr_Willis!karmic | farizluqman12:39
ubottufarizluqman: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91012:39
ke1haKinda like Karma, with an ic stuck on the end :-)12:39
rwengis there a way to save everything of a terminal, commands and output, to a file? - anyone?12:39
farizluqmanoooh... I see...12:39
farizluqmanmy system will crash is having it12:39
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  Huh?12:40
Dr_Willisrweng:  typescript command i seen to recall can save all in/out of a session12:40
ke1hacommands are ion your .history already .. and if you want to output a commands results, just >tosomefile.txt12:40
n00pI'd like to learn how to set up my network-manager-gnome. I've set it to manage devices in /etc/network/interfaces and added my interfaces, added a pre-up to eth0 to make sure it's the correct duplex... but the wireless returns 1 and I need to know what's going on. The script should be writing an error message to stderr, how do I view this message?12:40
farizluqmanif I install Karmic, my system will sure crash, its look so beautiful and nor for the 450MHz pc, for sure12:41
Dr_Willisrweng:  at least i recall using that years ago.12:41
Lint01How to get a list of all files on my system created by package manager whose content had been changed then?12:41
zleapfarizluqman, can you not install something like xubuntu or one that uses less resource hungary applications12:41
Dr_Willisrweng:  ahh - the command is 'script' it records everything in a session to a file of the type 'typescript' you can then reread later12:42
zleapthere are also alternate installers, for low power (older) systems12:42
n00pI'd like to learn how to set up my network-manager-gnome. I've set it to manage devices in /etc/network/interfaces and added my interfaces, added a pre-up to eth0 to make sure it's the correct duplex... but the wireless returns 1 (and according to the preup script that could mean any number of errors) and I need to know what's going on. The script should be writing an error message to stderr, how do I view this message?12:42
newguesthi all12:42
llutzLint01: compare file-md5sums with those of /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.md5sums12:43
farizluqmanzleap: I'm using ubuntu 8.1 kernel 2.5.6...12:43
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:   so you are using a version of ubuntu thats almost 2 years old.12:44
MenZaDr_Willis: It's still supported until April.12:44
ravensysmon-panel-plugin: how to change the network interface to monitor?12:44
MenZaWait, that's just the server I think.12:44
farizluqman2 years old Ubuntu for 10 years old laptop, should be very ok12:44
ke1haif it's not bork'en dont break it :-)12:44
Dr_WillisMenZa:   yep.. if that really means anything to anyone. :)12:44
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  just because its older. dosent really mean its 'better' for a low end system12:44
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  there are disrtros out there with a focus on low end/old systems12:45
farizluqmanI'm looking for that12:45
farizluqman(but not fedora)12:45
indusi dont get teh point of non LTS releases , everyone upgrades to the next anyway12:45
indusif you do a poll on the forums, everyone will have 9.10 for sure12:46
llutz-1 :)12:46
unimatrixindus: LTS is great for servers12:46
indusunimatrix, yes iam talking of non LTS12:46
indusunimatrix, its useless really12:47
zilkomaaHow can i get games work better on my ubuntu 9.10? Like quakelive i have 60fps wtf? how can i take vsync off there is no option for that nvidia control panel.12:47
pauljwLTS is great on my laptop too12:47
indusunimatrix, i mean the support for beyond 6 months is useless i said12:47
farizluqmanindus: 9.1 is it compatible for Intel 450 Mhz?12:47
indusfarizluqman, 450 mhz?12:47
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farizluqmanindus: yes, 10 years12:47
indusfarizluqman, no atleast 500 mhz i believe12:47
ke1haI only have one box that does not have a -server install on it.12:48
intokanyone here using pidgin from the getdeb repos?12:48
indusfarizluqman, do you have a system around 9 years old ?:)12:48
farizluqmanindus: no, its CELERON 450MHz12:48
farizluqmanindus: yes12:48
indusfarizluqman, hmm, try xubuntu i suggest12:48
zilkomaaAnd i have 64bit ubuntu 9.10 btw.12:48
ke1hawell, 9yrs old, that's a stretch, but this dell acts like it's 9yrs old :-)12:48
indusfarizluqman, but actually, the 450 mhz will work if you have enough ram12:48
induszilkomaa, vsync should be used from the in game controls12:49
farizluqmanindus: have enough ram though, I have 25612:49
Dr_Willisive installed ubuntu on a Pent 1 - 100mhz befor.. took a few hrs.. but it ran. :)12:49
Dr_Willisram is never enough12:49
indusfarizluqman, should work, but i suggest using 8.0412:49
llutzDr_Willis: go, look for a hobby :)12:49
farizluqmanindus: XUBUNTU 8.04?12:49
indusfarizluqman, yes12:49
farizluqmanindus: Ok...12:49
indusfarizluqman, is your best option, but ubuntu also should work but very slow12:49
indusfarizluqman, xubuntu is nice :) and light and fast12:50
ke1ha8.04 is pretty robust after the dist-upg.12:50
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  you could always use  just a window manager... that will bne lighter and faster.  the xubuntu even.  but more limited12:50
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farizluqmanindus: its using XFCE as default DWM?12:50
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Lint01indus: xfce is not exactly 'light'12:50
indusfarizluqman, use12:50
indusfarizluqman, yes i mean12:50
Dr_Willisxfce uses  the xfwm window manager12:50
indusLint01, not interested in the tech aspects, but yes it runs nice on older systems12:51
farizluqmanindus: its a lightweight dwm, sure it will use fewer res12:51
indusLint01, you suggest some other ?12:51
indusLint01, flux?12:51
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  you might want to check out the  lubuntu-desktop its supposed to be about as light as one can get. but its not got its own cd/disrto yet. You install some ubuntu, then install the lubuntu-desktop package12:51
farizluqmanindus: I will wipe my ubuntu from my 8GB hd12:51
llutzindus: lxde might be an alternative12:51
Dr_Willis8gb. :) egads12:52
indusok farizluqman see others are suggesting more options , so do try them12:52
Dr_WillisTiny Core Linux, Puppy Linux, other  Uber-weird-mini linux's12:52
indusllutz, isnt that lxde thing called lubuntu?12:52
llutzindus: is it? no idea12:52
Dr_Willis!info lubuntu-desktop12:52
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.7.1 (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)12:52
ke1haDSL is real light also.12:52
indusDr_Willis, aah no puppy changes the apps so no good12:53
farizluqmanI've used damn small linux.... and WOW!! but not presistent12:53
ke1habut this is Ubuntu, so I'd say FLux on 8.0412:53
farizluqmansave changes12:53
induswhy i suggest xubuntu is , most of the stuff is like gnome except no open office i believe12:53
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  you can set that up if you wanted to12:53
n00pthis channel really... well... what do you think may be causing this command to error? /sbin/wpa_supplicant -s -B -P /var/run/wpa_supplicant.eth2.pid -i eth2 -D wext -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -C /var/run/wpa_supplicant12:53
cosmodadtoday I resumed my machine from S2RAM and now, whenever I'm trying to play audio, the player (e.g., rhythmbox) just blocks. Any idea how to fix this? I tried restarting pulseaudio and alsa but it wouldn't help.12:53
indusso not a drastic change from managing an OS12:53
llutzah, no lubuntu-desktop in jaunty. that is why i never heard of it12:54
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu12:54
indusllutz, see ?12:54
llutzindus: yes12:54
farizluqmanindus: abiword is small but a big eating system res12:54
Dr_WillisLubuntu does some things a little.. weirdly12:54
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  its not big.. your pc is just old... :)12:54
indusfarizluqman, no not true at all. i use it, its awesome and opens in half a sec12:54
llutzindus: i only use lxde with squeeze12:55
indusllutz, ok what is that?12:55
llutzindus: debian testing12:55
farizluqmandr_willis: yes, if I'm rich I have bough one now12:55
Lint01abiword is buggy as hell, i would avoid it12:55
indusi am planning to move to kde12:55
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  thers rich then theres stingy...12:55
indusi can only puke so many times in  a year :D12:55
llutz me likes KDE since 0.6.xx12:55
indusLint01, i think newer versions are ok12:55
ke1haGood luck with that move.12:56
farizluqmanand I'll never install Windows12:56
Dr_WillisThe kde4 beta ive been testing has had some neat features I will admit12:56
indusLint01, but really havent followed its development much12:56
induswhat is the full form of IRC?12:56
Lint01internet relay chat12:56
indusok you are hired :P12:56
llutzDr_Willis: every DE has its pro and cons, at least you will get a usable system with all of them12:57
farizluqmanYou guys are using IRC? me XChat12:57
indusfarizluqman, so go and install lubuntu maybe or try xubuntu12:57
Dr_Willisllutz:  I hear that twm is getting updated :)12:57
indusfarizluqman, irc is a protocol, xchat is a client using it12:57
llutzDr_Willis: whow, must have12:57
MenZa!ot| farizluqman12:58
ubottufarizluqman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:58
Dr_Willisllutz:  i think its gettting compositing support even12:58
indusyes all are off topic now12:58
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  xchat is an IRC client12:58
noel_Can anyone help me how to assemble assembly language with GAS12:58
farizluqman<<< noob12:58
llutzDr_Willis: strange things are going on. i really wonder: who needs/uses that?12:58
farizluqmanubottu: ok12:58
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:58
Rush3dIs there any way to run Batch (.bat) Files in Ubuntu 8.04?12:58
indusfarizluqman, dont you have to install somethings? why are you still here? :)12:59
Dr_Willisllutz:  no idea. but i noticed some of the vncserver packages still used to default to 'twm' but dident have twm as a dependency12:59
farizluqmanubottu: I already know12:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:59
Dr_WillisRush3d:  you mean DOS batch files?12:59
llutzRush3d: dosemu12:59
Rush3dDr_willis: Yes12:59
farizluqmanubottu: And, I also know that12:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:59
Dr_WillisRush3d:  theres dos emulators out. doxbox and a few others12:59
llutzerr dosbox now12:59
farizluqmanindus: I'm downloading XUBUNTU...12:59
Rush3dOk, because im a java coder, and .bat files are the way to run java code12:59
Dr_WillisRush3d:  you are confused I think13:00
Dr_WillisRush3d:  java -jar whatever.jar13:00
Rush3dI am?13:00
indusfarizluqman, ok good luck13:00
Lint01Rush3d: sh ./file.bat ?13:00
llutzRush3d: just make a script to run your code, chmod +x it and you have a "batch" file13:00
Dr_WillisRush3d:  whats your .bat file doing anyway?13:00
noel_How to use GAS(GNU assembler)?13:00
Dr_WillisRush3d:  You are making a 'script' thats saveing you some typing13:00
Rush3dDr_willis: It opens a jar file, so I dont have to jar all my codes every time I edit.13:00
Dr_WillisRush3d:  You are not going to run 'dos' batch files in dosbox to launch java programs13:01
Rush3dDr, I use C++ its basically based of a MMORPG game.13:01
noel_I need help with GAS pls13:01
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Rush3dGive me one second, Ill give you one of my bat files on pastebin.13:01
emxwhere is the file containing the network setup?13:02
Dr_WillisRush3d:  if you want to script the opening of several files.. make a bash script that launches the proper commands, or an alias13:02
Rush3dDr willis: http://pastebin.com/m23f4b7ee13:02
Dr_WillisRush3d:  or somthing like  'geany file1 file12 fule3'13:02
Rush3dWell, is there any way to13:03
Rush3dopen a bat file?13:03
* indus assumes Dr_Willis is a dos expert13:03
* indus sorry DOS 13:03
Rush3dI think indus is right.13:03
Dr_WillisRush3d:  you WRITE a shell script that does the command you need to do13:03
* indus respells in caps DOS13:03
Dr_WillisRush3d:  all that  pastebin semeed to do was save you some typing13:03
Dr_Willisdos and linux sysntax are different13:03
Rush3dYes, it transfers the *.java into *.class files13:04
Rush3dA.K.A compile13:04
Dr_WillisRush3d:  then find the proper linux command to do the same task and make a shell script or alias out of it13:04
Rush3dDr_willis: Ok.13:04
Dr_Willis the fact you are using  the windows command line is not  making it 'dos running the command'13:04
grindhey guys13:06
himanshu_hey grind13:06
grindgot a little issue with line in => line out on 9.1013:07
grindinput is set to "line in" and the level shows activity but i cannot get that sound to pipe out the audio out (to my stezza)13:07
grindany idea's?13:07
ZiberWhats the best way to keep a set of a files completely in sync with each other on two different servers?13:08
grindsounds on the computer still play through output13:08
unimatrixZiber: the simplest way would be Dropbox or Ubuntu One13:09
Ziberneither heard of either of those... :o13:09
vicenteI have a problem with the debs packages. I tried to instal a package from internet and it was broken. Cause of that, currently I can not install, remove or update my packages. Apt, synaptic and so ones are useless. All them show errors like "E: The package 3dxware needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.". I already tried to do apt-get install -f, apt-get remove -f,13:09
vicente dpkg -r 3dxware, dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq 3dxware but no luck. I'm out of ideas, what can I do?13:09
grindZiber: rsync13:10
Zibergrind: doesnt do images13:10
unimatrixZiber: rsync in a cron script if you want to go advanced13:10
Ziberwell yes, i do want to cron it, but rsync wont do images13:10
Dr_Willisthers that Unison program also13:11
llutzZiber: lsyncd13:11
grindziber: as in iso's?13:11
Zibergrind: no. .jpg's13:11
grindziber: of course rsync will do jpgs13:11
ZiberDidnt seem to... :o13:12
llutzZiber: http://code.google.com/p/lsyncd/13:12
Dr_Willisbe sort of odd if it cant do pure 'data' files13:12
emxi have a pc with ubuntu installed without network. how can i install a package that "cannot be authenticated"?13:12
grindanyone good with 9.10 audio?13:12
llutzemx: just install it13:13
erUSULvicente: do you have the problematic deb around around?13:13
emxllutz: it wants to connect to http.us.debian.org13:13
llutzemx: but don't cry if it brakes something13:13
* grind needs help with input to output audio 13:14
emxllutz: actually i would be happy. then i could role with gentoo.13:14
n00pguys here's all the info I can give you, I don't know why you haven't asked enough questions so far... anyone got any ideas why my wireless isn't working? logs, files, if there's anything missing let me know please... ---> http://pastebin.org/8821513:15
aprilharehello. i'm trying to run alien arena (the version from getdeb) and i get the following error: "AL lib: oss.c:179: Could not open /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy" - anyone have any ideas how to get past that?13:15
erUSUL!es | uque13:16
ubottuuque: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:16
grindAnyone good with PULSEAUDIO ?13:16
filip89grind: what is your problem?13:16
n00pgrind: I bet #ubuntu-offtopic is good with pulseaudio!13:16
zaemisgood morning. :)13:17
erUSULaprilhare: launch it like this « padsp alienarena »13:17
emxwhere do i have to save a package to "apt-get" it?13:17
grindfilip89: playing audio into "input" shows level activity but cannot get the sound to pipe through to "output"13:17
erUSULemx: /var/cache/apt/archives/13:17
emxerUSUL: thank you13:17
llutzemx: install local deb with dpkg13:17
n00pwhy is it when I ask a question and take all the time to paste every little piece of information that I see relevant to a pastebin or write every piece of info down nobody bothers to read it? Then people ask stupid shit like "Anyone good with PULSEAUDIO?" and they get all the attention in the world!13:18
aprilhareerUSUL: that made a difference - but it's still not running. get the same errors as before except the one i quoted earlier isn't there. "bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)"13:18
emxllutz: what do you mean by "local deb"?13:18
llutzemx: a file.deb already downloaded to your disk13:18
grindno one likes a cry baby n00p13:18
emxllutz: i see. thank you.13:19
vicenteerUSUL, around around?13:19
n00pgrind: yeh, I was ashamed of crying when I was 15.13:19
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n00pwhat more can I say? chicks dig the sensitive guys13:20
grindthe wrong chicks do ;)13:20
erUSULvicente: sorry typed it twice13:20
n00pheh, I'll say. When was the last time you passed an exam with your "anyone know about MATHEMATICS?" and common usage of the phrase "fail"?13:20
jussi01!ot | n00p13:21
ubottun00p: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:21
grindbut what ever floats your boat mate13:21
n00pjussi01: can you help me?13:21
zaemisquestion: How do I change the boot up progress screen? I upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10, and the 9.10 brown looks like puke to me. I'd much prefer the richer brown color in 9.0413:21
vicenteerUSUL, yes, i have it.13:21
n00pjussi01 here's all the info I can give you, I don't know why you haven't asked enough questions so far... anyone got any ideas why my wireless isn't working? logs, files, if there's anything missing let me know please... ---> http://pastebin.org/8821513:21
farizluqmanjust downloaded Xubuntu iso13:21
filip89after update to new kernel 2.6.28-18-generic i lost sound13:21
farizluqmanwow how fast13:21
filip89also not working at win13:21
darthsitiusIs there any open source media(a/v) converter for Ubuntu?13:21
llutzdarthsitius: ffmpeg, mencoder13:21
vicenteerUSUL, url by pm13:21
darthsitiusllutz : does it have a GUI?13:22
jussi01n00p: sorry, Ive no idea with wpa stuff13:22
ZiberHow can I make a crontab run every hour?13:22
llutzdarthsitius: no idea13:22
llutzZiber: @hourly13:22
erUSULaprilhare: then i really dunno see here maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129070013:22
grindfyi n00p, rather than spamming the channel with a bible of my audio problems thought id ask out for pulase audio experts, as not many people are down with the audio. heh13:22
PiciZiber: 0 * * * * yourscript13:22
farizluqmann00p: WPA... ask me13:22
n00pjussi01: right, so really you're just a pawn who wields the !ot command as a defense for your ego...13:22
llutzZiber: or "0 * * * * cmd"13:22
erUSULvicente: i do not need it. you need it becouse E: The package 3dxware needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for  it.13:23
jussi01n00p: no, Im an op who's responsibility it is to keep this channel running spmoothly :)13:23
erUSULvicente: dpkg can not find it13:23
grindn00p > /dev/null13:23
erUSULvicente: so redownload and try to reinstall reconfigure13:23
ZiagoI was directed to #pulseaudio, but over the course of 2 hours, I am still not getting any help there =/ Can anyone here help me resolve this PulseAudio issue?13:23
Picigrind: please ignore him.13:23
indusi wonder why xchat isnt installed by default13:23
grindrgr pici13:24
vicenteerUSUL, ok, but the package is broken...13:24
grindziago: thanks for the chan13:24
Piciindus: Because we generally only isntall 1 package for a task by default, and empathy was chosen instead.13:24
newguestis there a command to convert a rpm installation file to a deb file? I'm running out of ideas and google does not help me with this...13:24
Pici!alien | newguest13:24
ubottunewguest: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)13:24
erUSUL!rpm | newguest13:24
coz_newguest,   you will need to install alien  I believe13:25
zaemisguess not. Thanks anyway though.13:25
indusPici, no , for irc xchat is better isnt it13:25
coz_newguest, http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/23/installing-using-an-rpm-file/13:25
indusPici, and irc is so important in the linux world13:25
mawstdarthsitius, Avidemux13:25
indusPici, iam sure they will add it someday soon,13:25
n00pmount -t tmpfs tmpfs /crap && mv grind /crap/ && umount -f /crap13:26
darthsitiusmawst, k ill chk it out13:26
coz_newguest,  I am not sure it is always successful   however what pacakge are you trying toconvert???13:26
coz_newguest,  the package you are trying to convert may already be in deb format13:27
indusn00p, so you have a problem with pulseaudio?13:27
vicenteerUSUL, I've tried sudo dpkg -i fullfilename and it, again, broken at the end. Then I've tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure 3dxware but it tells me that that package is not installed.13:27
mawstdarthsitius, and if you need to make video files int o dvds, DeVeDe13:27
n00pno indus13:27
indusoh wireless13:27
darthsitiusmawst: cool thx a lot13:28
n00pyes indus13:28
newguestcoz_, if your running an operating system with support for ONE format, it means that you should be able to convert and run as the native format13:28
filip89glid what was your problem?13:28
Dr_Willisnot installed by default = the cd can only hold so much :)13:28
dariorossiniwhy windows is still better then linux?13:28
filip89i have problem also with my sound13:28
filip89but... i cannot hear any sound..13:28
newguestcoz_, perhaps there is some library that just works.13:28
coz_newguest,  understood however   the pacakge you are trying to convert may already be in deb format ...what is the pacakge13:28
Dr_Willisdariorossini:  take it to #ubuntu-offtopic13:28
Ziagofilip89: My sound is broken also =)13:29
coz_newguest,  no library alone that I know of  you will need to use alien to convert the package13:29
filip89Ziago: mine is after update to new kernel, and yours?13:29
ZiagoNot interested in installing a newer kernel.13:29
moonpupdo sftp connections show up as a login under lastlog ?13:29
Ziagoerrors are apparently related to pulseaudio13:30
butlerHey all, could anyone give me a hand to resize my mdadm raid. ive added the disks and sync'ed them. but cant resize the partition. :D13:32
dbluefieldhey peeps13:34
knxvilleWhy can't I run VirtualBox? It gives me this message when I try to run it: Could not load the settings file '/home/knoxville/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml'.13:34
ugn4vwhats up13:34
dbluefieldanybody here to help a newb?13:35
llutzknxville: "ls -l /home/knoxville/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml"13:35
llutzknxville: "ls -ld /home/knoxville/.VirtualBox/"13:35
darthsitiusknxville: is the file existing in that location?13:35
knxvilledarthsitius, yes13:35
knxvillellutz, the file is there..13:35
dbluefieldIm running ubuntu after a partitioned dual boot install -- it killed my DVI13:35
llutzknxville: owner/group?13:36
knxvillellutz, trying to change the rights atm13:36
newguestcoz_, I understand when you say there is no support to the software alien itself. however, what's your point when you say it's not safe? what do you mean, is it that dangerous because....?13:36
knxvillellutz, didnt work.. it still gives me: Could not load the settings file '/home/knoxville/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml'.13:36
knxvilleCannot convert settings from version '1.9-linux'.13:36
knxvilleThe source version is not supported.13:36
llutzknxville: why don't you provide us with the info needed to help?13:36
Dr_Willisnewguest:  it could break your system13:37
darthsitiusknxville: yeah, just paste the output13:37
dbluefieldare monitor drivers a common problem?13:37
Dr_Willisdbluefield:  cant say that ive ever used monitor drivers at all  in linux.13:37
coz_newguest,  I didnt say it wasnt safe or dangerous  I am saying that the pacakge you want to convert from rpm to deb may already be in deb format13:38
Dr_Willisdbluefield:  my dvi connections alway work fine for me13:38
coz_newguest,  I cant guarantee that conversion with alien will work  but it is there if you want to use it instead of searching for the pacakge in deb format13:38
dbluefieldwell my DVI worked for a little while - then I tried a different visual effect setting - and Kabloooey - not digital output13:39
dbluefieldits an old ATI radeon graphics card 720013:39
n00pwhat's the latest kernel for 9.10?13:39
dbluefieldI'm pretty amazed I got the dual boot thing to work --which is cool13:40
Lint01what is ubuntu repository url?13:40
coz_newguest,  I have been with ubuntu from the beginning.. I have converted rpm package to deb  and some work some dont... I prefer to find the pacakge in deb format.. and even then.,.. if it is not supported  on ubuntu or created for ubuntu  there is always a change it will not work or worse screw things up13:40
llutzknxville: recreate your VMs  with the new version13:41
coz_newguest,  I am not saying  don't experiment  ...13:41
Dr_WillisLinux server 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 02:39:34 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:41
Picin00p: from karmic-updates13:41
dbluefieldthe weird thing is that my XP dvi is busted too13:41
knxvillellutz, recreate my VMs? So I have to reinstall 8 Operating Systems? :)13:42
llutzknxville: why? the images are fine, just the seting-files have to be recreated13:42
knxvillellutz, so I can delete the VirtualBox.xml file and it will create a new one?13:42
llutzknxville: but maybe ask at #vbox, the might have a better solution13:43
mawstkeep a backup jic13:43
llutzknxville: try with renameing that file 1st13:43
knxvillellutz,  thanks alot13:43
KaiForceIf dual booting, install Windows first, then Ubuntu?13:43
llutzKaiForce: makes it easier, yes13:44
Jimi_Neutralhi llutz hope you are well13:44
KaiForcethought so.  Thanks llutz13:44
dbluefieldthats what I did -- I guess sound and picture problems are normal?13:44
llutzJimi_Neutral: hi, what's boss' order today? ;)13:45
Jimi_Neutralllutz, lol, to set up an ftp server and allow him root access cause he doesnt want to put the website in the normal place that it shoudl be13:46
llutzJimi_Neutral: autsch13:46
hyperstreamwhy is it my Laptop, when connecting to my main ubuntu box, when ever i try to double click the workgroup folder/directory/name i get prompted for a friggen password, yet the windows boxes here are fine and dandy... Its just this laptop, and i use the same account credentials for the server and this laptop, all pc's are in the same work group. the password fails. seems mainly to fail logging into this WorkGroup folder13:47
Jimi_Neutralllutz, whats that mean?13:47
llutzJimi_Neutral: sorry, "that hurts"13:47
KaiForcei looked it up - "ouch!"13:48
KaiForcei'll have to use that in mixed company13:48
llutz^ right13:48
Jimi_Neutralllutz, ah i see, yes it does but i sorted it with the help of mattguyver13:48
plumpskunkhi! I have a problem with my usb printer and ubuntu/karmic. Whenever I print something, it needs like 20min to send it to the printer (doesnt matter if 500kb or 5mb file), the printer shows the "receive data" sign. It's working, but thats too slow. Kyocera FS-82013:52
indusbad drivers13:52
llutzplumpskunk: alternate drivers available? try them13:52
indusplumpskunk, does kyocera provide drivers?13:52
plumpskunkwhich drivers to use13:52
plumpskunkI read, this printer is perfect with ubuntu13:53
llutzplumpskunk: look at linuxprinting.org what they recommend13:53
alexxioi fresh partitioned my pc13:53
ZiagoIt's just irritating about this PulseAudio business.13:54
alexxiothen i installed windows, then ubuntu and then mandriva. then i decided to use windows7 so i reinstalled it. now mandriva and window goes, but grub recognizes only windows and mandriva13:54
ZiagoEvery person I have spoken IRL that has used Ubuntu has had _some_ problem with PulseAudio13:54
Ziagomyself included. The sources are slopped, there's no PPA13:55
alexxiothere is no way to use ubuntu and now i'm on an ubuntu live cd, gparted say there is no space allocated on my /dev/sda13:55
ZiagoAnd it's broken.13:55
ZiagoNot even an INSTALL document in the tarball I downloaded13:55
plumpskunkllutz: it says: BW laser printer, max. 1800x600 dpi, works Perfectly13:55
plumpskunkbut not which driver to use13:55
rossouwaphas anybody got an Olivetti d-Colour MF201 to work with Ubuntu?13:55
miniBillMy Xorg server refuses to work. Tried reinstalling the kernel package and restarting but didn't succed. modprobe nvidia says module not found13:56
miniBillpliz :(13:56
knxvilleHow do I add home folder to desktop?13:57
llutzplumpskunk: at the end of that site, follow the link "related website" and try the ppd provided there13:57
alexxionobody for me?13:57
Ziago<== gives up; is going back to Windows.13:58
miniBillknxville: drag it with RMB and select create link?13:58
miniBillZiago: what's your problem13:58
ZiagoMicrophone keeps dying.13:59
cicloneri want to config my wireless card "zydas" for work in master mode (access point), and with the originals drivers didn't work, but i hace downloaded de correct drivers from subversion , how can i make the drivers work?? i have to compile anything?13:59
miniBillZiago: aww, I guess I can't help then :)14:00
ZiagoJust a sec14:00
miniBillcicloner: what form the drivers came into?14:00
ciclonerfrom svn14:00
ciclonersvn co https://zd1211.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/zd1211 zd121114:00
miniBillcicloner: is there a README file?14:01
miniBillcicloner: if yes, did you READ it?14:01
ciclonerok , i go to read .. :)14:02
cicloneri only see a "Makefile"14:03
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:03
plumpskunkllutz: nice thankyou! I tested the ppd-file from this page, and this works better than before.14:04
Jimi_Neutralllutz, i am so mad14:04
llutzplumpskunk: fine14:04
cicloneri want to config my wireless card "zydas" for work in master mode (access point), and with the originals drivers didn't work, but i hace downloaded de correct drivers from subversion , how can i make the drivers work?? i have to compile anything?14:05
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cicloneri can't see any readme file14:05
* alexxio 14:06
hyperstreamwhy is it my Laptop, when connecting to my main ubuntu box, when ever i try to double click the workgroup folder/directory/name i get prompted for a friggen password, yet the windows boxes here are fine and dandy... Its just this laptop, and i use the same account credentials for the server and this laptop, all pc's are in the same work group. the password fails. seems mainly to fail logging into this WorkGroup folder14:06
xzantpd nie synchronizuje mi czasu14:07
xzajuż nie mam pojęcia co zrobić14:07
llutz!pl | xza14:07
ubottuxza: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.14:07
xzaubuntulog, ok14:07
alexxiocan anyone help me?14:07
jiohdialexxio: help you do what?14:08
stagkahow to get info about pc architecture ?14:08
alexxioi fresh partitioned my pc, then i installed windows, then ubuntu and then mandriva. then i decided to use windows7 so i reinstalled it. now mandriva and window goes, but grub recognizes only windows and mandriva...there is no way to use ubuntu and now i'm on an ubuntu live cd, gparted say there is no space allocated on my /dev/sda14:09
FoolsRunHi. I'm rsyncing a 1TB USB drive to another 1TB drive so that I can reconfigure RAID on the first one and then copy back --I keep getting "sb 2-4: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5"  in my dmesg log, but the rsync seems to be going fine. Is this cause for concern?14:09
MyrttiFoolsRun: not necessarily14:13
FoolsRunMyrtti: are there particular circumstances I would or woulnd't worry about?14:14
atlefstagka: dpkg --print-architecture in a terminal14:14
cicloneri want to config my wireless card "zydas" for work in master mode (access point), and with the originals drivers didn't work, but i hace downloaded de correct drivers from subversion , how can i make the drivers work?? i have to compile anything?14:14
MyrttiFoolsRun: I really wouldn't worry until there's i/o errors in the logs or you can point out yourself with md5sum etc that the files are corrupt14:15
atlefstagka: or just arch in a terminal14:15
FoolsRunMyrtti: alright, cool. I found some stuff on the forums about changing my mount settings to try to clear it --I'll try that once this incredibly long rsync process is done. Thanks for calming my fears.14:16
stagkaatlef: i get different results with first i368 and second 63814:17
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atlefthen you have the 32 bit version14:17
atlefrunning on the x86 kernel14:18
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MyrttiFoolsRun: you can always stop it and restart it with -u14:18
MyrttiFoolsRun: then you can continue it from where you left off14:19
emxin a compilation i need gd.h. where is this file contained in?14:19
Seppozhio, where are the ssl cource files located in ubunto (apt-get install libssl-dev)14:19
MyrttiFoolsRun: given it's multiple small files, I've not tried it with big ones14:19
FoolsRunMyrtti: it's media files. I'm fine waiting. I'll spot-check some of the video before wiping the source drive14:20
jribSeppoz: dpkg -l PACKAGE, but why?14:21
jribSeppoz: dpkg -L PACKAGE, but why?14:21
MyrttiSergeant_Pony: that's not how you get the source files14:21
MyrttiSeppoz: that's not how you get the source files14:21
MyrttiSeppoz: that's how you get the development headers14:22
cicloneri want to config my wireless card "zydas" for work in master mode (access point), and with the originals drivers didn't work, but i hace downloaded de correct drivers from subversion , how can i make the drivers work?? i have to compile anything?14:22
MyrttiSergeant_Pony: sorry about that, mishap with tabcomplete14:22
Seppozjrib need them to cross compile something with ssl support14:23
evantandersenhey does anyone here know anything about pam-script and pam modules in general? I'm having a weird problem getting it to work.14:24
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evantanderseni wrote a script for my auth, and it returns a 1 or a 0 correctly when I execute it manually, however when I go to use sudo, the script is ignored and access is granted instantly14:25
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drellokevantandersen, I think it would be helpful if you paste script contents and the commands to run the script14:27
evantandersendrellok: i posted it on the forums.... no one replied. Look here for more info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140127714:28
evantandersenas i said, if I cd in to the dir and execute the script it will work and return either a 1 or a 014:28
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allmoi think a kernl update has broken my ipv614:30
alazyworkaholicI rented a DVD. Due changed circumstances I no longer have time to watch the movie I paid for before having to return it. What's the best/easiest way to get something like an ISO image off, (even if it has typical copy protection) so I can watch it on my computer later?14:30
allmoit works but it doesnt..14:30
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evantandersenhandbrake will the rip the dvd to a format of your choice14:31
evantandersenaka ffmpeg, divx whatever you want....14:31
Favoritif i screwed up sudoers...14:31
evantandersenand now you can't sudo to fix it?14:32
Favoritthere's no way I'll be able to correct it?14:32
Favoritexactly :)14:32
evantandersenlive cd14:32
llutzFavorit: livecd14:32
Seppozso i still didnt find the ssl headers14:32
evantandersenboot in and fix it, you have root access without14:32
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Favorityeah, that would be a problem, the server is about 7500 km away from me :)14:32
Favoritstupid, typoed one word by twisting letters :)14:33
llutzFavorit: have a nice trip :)14:33
evantandersenFavorit: you weren't using visudo?14:33
inveratulothis is why you have another shell logged in as root when you mess around with privs just in case you break it14:34
Favoritevantandersen: hmm, no I think this time right not.. but I guess I need to dig all my screens, there should be a shell somewhere :)14:34
evantandersenFavorit: are their any drives attached to your server? could you get some1 to buy a usb stick and put it in the back?14:35
_21h_hi all. ubuntu server 9.10 offers virtual machines hosting out of the box. where i can read more about this?14:35
inveratuloI think you're looking for KVM https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM14:37
The_PacifistWho here plays Starcraft on Ubuntu?!14:40
shishirdwivedi20how to do audio chat using pidgin?14:40
shishirdwivedi20plz hel14:40
Seppozreally noboy knows location of ssl source in ubuntu?14:41
The_PacifistAnyone use Iccup launcher on ubuntu?14:41
syn-ackSeppoz: it's in the repos...14:41
The_PacifistStarcraft iccup launcher*14:41
FoolsRunThe_Pacifist: Starcraft reports as playable at winehq:  http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=7214:41
syn-ack!source | Seppoz14:41
ubottuSeppoz: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html14:41
llutzSeppoz: /usr/src14:41
Seppozsay-ack, explain plz.. i installed libssl-dev already14:41
The_PacifistFoolsRun: I know I can get Starcraft working but not the Iccup launcher14:42
evantandersenyeah, that's how I play.... don't know what you're talking about14:42
llutzSeppoz: -dev aren't sources14:42
syn-ackSeppoz: the dev package isnt source it's headers14:42
llutzSeppoz: it's dev-files14:42
llutzSeppoz: apt-get source libssl.....14:42
evantandersenwhats the iccup launcher/why do you need it?14:42
The_Pacifistdo you play on B-net?14:42
shishirdwivedi20hey help me in pidgin14:42
shishirdwivedi20how to do voice chat on pidgin?14:43
evantanderseni don't think you can audio/video chat in pidgin yet14:43
shishirdwivedi20i am new user14:43
evantandersenalthough skype is free for linux14:43
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FoolsRunThe_Pacifist: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=14914   iccup reports as working, too14:43
DuskinYou can audio chat with a plugin, but no video14:43
shishirdwivedi20which plugin14:43
atlefshishirdwivedi20: i think kopete supports this14:43
icerootevantandersen: skype is not free14:43
syn-ackiceroot: free as in no cost.14:44
llutzfree of charge, but not free14:44
shishirdwivedi20let me try14:44
DuskinIceroot: skype is free for skype to skype calls14:44
syn-ackWhich it is for computer to computer calls14:44
atlef!kopete | shishirdwivedi2014:44
ubottushishirdwivedi20: Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin14:44
FoolsRunFree as far as most people are concerned14:44
icerootDuskin: syn-ack free = freedom14:44
syn-ackNo it doesnt and lets not get into this discussion14:44
_21h_shishirdwivedi20, typicaly gamers uses something more specialized14:44
_21h_like teamspeak14:44
FoolsRuniceroot: almost nobody asking about voice chat cares about that14:44
tuxnanii have got some problem configuring ip address settings14:44
llutzsyn-ack: on a opensource-related channel "free" might have a special meaning14:45
icerootFoolsRun: voicechat is working with the new messenger (dont know the name) so no need for non-free software14:45
The_PacifistFoolsRun: Thanks dude I'll look ti up14:45
FoolsRunI did not intend that to rhyme14:45
syn-ackiceroot: Please leave the zealotry at the door.14:45
DuskinIceroot: you can find clients that are open-source14:45
tuxnani've got some problem in ubuntu 9.04 there is osme problem configuring network settings manually the method of writing in /etc/network/interfaces is not working out in GUI mode if am trying to set IP address statically the apply button is disabled14:45
pogI have wireless lasermouse (ms natural wireless laser mouse 6000). Actually USB-Device is recognized correctly but the mouse doesn't show anything. According what I have researched the mouse should work. I'm wondring, whether it need's another mousedriver or an option to set somewhere.14:45
tuxnanithe apply button is enabled for all other options except the manual setting of ipv414:46
evantandersenpog: so the mouse doesn't move at all, even when it's turned on and plugged in? do the basic buttons work?14:46
FoolsRunpog: when you plug in the receiver, does it detect?14:46
pogFoolsRun: yes it detects correctly14:46
FoolsRunpog: batteries are fresh/it works on a Windows or Mac machine?14:46
pogevantandersen: the mouse doesn't move, under XP it works...14:47
ZiagoMic still just dies after 10 minutes or thereabouts.14:47
FoolsRunpog: try doing the "Connect" button thing where you make them reset?14:47
pogwhat I find strange, even unter XP no light burns on the mouse14:47
abahkaiyisahhi all,my ubuntu crash and kernel panic, how to recover ubuntu like windows installation recovery on setup cd ?14:47
abahkaiyisahthanks before14:47
FoolsRunpog: laser mice don't have a visible light like optical mice do14:47
pogah, o.k.14:48
FoolsRunpog: try pressing the "connect" button on both the mouse and the receiver14:48
FoolsRunabahkaiyisah: it crashes every time you boot, or just the once?14:49
dbertasoGood Morning or Good Evening for all14:49
pc_magas_Morning if in greece is afternnon14:49
abahkaiyisahyes, everytime boot so now i just use my hardyheron live cd14:49
abahkaiyisahgood day pc_magas and dbertaso14:50
FoolsRunabahkaiyisah: if you look at the GRUB menu at boot time (ESC during the countdown I believe) are there other kernel or safeboot options?14:50
pc_magas_Guys IO need some help with poulsbo!14:50
abahkaiyisahat the grub menu, there is a recovery mode but it still cannot work14:52
iguannato remove a Repository copy of work in subversion is enough doing rm -R directoryRepository?14:52
dbertasoI need to know why ubuntu 9.10 64 bits don't recognize more 3GB ram if bios and lshw-gtk did and don't use memory for sharing video in bios14:52
FoolsRunabahkaiyisah: same error? When does the error appear?14:52
FoolsRunabahkaiyisah: also, what did you do to cause the problem?14:53
impi_hey guys, trying to install redmine, and i get this error: rake aborted!14:53
impi_RubyGem version error: rack(1.1.0 not ~> 1.0.1)14:53
umangWhat does the pipe ( | ) character before a package name in "apt-cache rdepends" mean? (See bzr if you want an example)14:53
abahkaiyisahfirst line error, but i forgot the message14:53
impi_any idea, google doesnt seem to know much..14:53
FoolsRunimpi_: find the rake and make sure it is not aborted. Be sure not to step on the rake.14:54
abahkaiyisahi havent do anything cause i've got work todo . i choose LIVE CD14:54
FoolsRunimpi_: stepping on a rake, though hilarious, can be painful.14:54
pogI don't believe it, when I restarted ubuntu, the wireless mouse works...14:54
FoolsRunpog: woo!14:54
impi_FoolsRun, lol14:54
pc_magas_Hey I need some help with my poulbo driver here.....14:55
FoolsRunimpi_: seriously, though, I have no idea. I'm wasting your time.14:55
pogstrang may be after having initialized under XP oder when starting up with the mouse.14:55
pogok, thanks!14:55
umangWhat does the pipe ( | ) character before a package name in "apt-cache rdepends" mean? (See bzr if you want an example)14:56
pc_magas_HELP ME SOMEBODY HERE!14:56
CShadowRun!ask | pc_magas_14:56
ubottupc_magas_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:56
CShadowRun!caps | pc_magas_14:56
ubottupc_magas_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:56
FoolsRunpc_magas_: it's probable that nobody knows the answer to your question and that's why they haven't responded.14:57
umangI'll repeat my question on last time before asking elsewhere. What does the pipe ( | ) character before a package name in "apt-cache rdepends" mean? (See bzr if you want an example)14:58
FoolsRunor you could ragequit14:58
abahkaiyisahFoolsRun: is there any tools that can make our modified configuration and packages back to genuine standard ubuntu ?14:58
CShadowRunumang: try reading man apt-cache14:58
CShadowRunthe answer will no doubt be in there14:58
Chr|sFor some reason when I do a clean full install of Ubuntu 9.10 it shows I have 240gb Filesystem, I have a 500gb drive. I don't understand.14:58
BluesKajChr|s, do you have the drive partitioned ?14:59
FoolsRunabahkaiyisah: I don't know. Hopefully someone else here can answer that question.14:59
Chr|sI did, but I thought a clean install would use the entire drive15:00
Chr|sThat is what I selected15:00
abahkaiyisahFoolsRun: thankyou15:00
umangCShadowRun: No. I looked there.15:00
umangCShadowRun: And checked again, with a find also.15:00
CShadowRunumang: weird, try #debian15:00
pingyadoes anyone know what app i can use to convert m2ts to mkv or avi?15:00
anto9usabahkaiyisah, you could re-install from live-cd and if you don't format the partition containing /home then it will retain your data15:01
Chr|sThis is my second time doing this, so I decided to come here and try to get some help15:01
BluesKajChr|s, install gparted and use it to look at the drive15:01
|-|3x0rlol nooo, don't send people to #debian, there's enough users in there already15:01
trismumang: I believe it means "or", if you look at packages.ubuntu.com, when they show the depends there, where they would put a | they put the word or15:01
|-|3x0rsend them to LQ15:01
Chr|sBluesKaj, ok15:01
CShadowRun|-|3x0r: haha15:01
FoolsRunpinya: LMGTFY,  http://www.fsckin.com/2008/01/03/transcoding-mtsm2ts-avchd-video-files-with-free-software/15:01
umangtrism: what would that mean?15:02
|-|3x0rlol @ this comment i just read "GH> We don't want another #ubuntu, a channel too noisy to be useful."15:02
umangtrism: I mean, what does "or" mean in terms of packages15:02
* |-|3x0r doesn't want debian to end up like that15:02
|-|3x0r790 for #debian is more than enough15:02
pingyaFoolsRun, thnx15:02
|-|3x0r1390 is insane15:02
trismumang: I would assume it means that the dependency can be satified by either of the two packages (for example, in ubuntu-restricted-extras they have |adobe-flashplugin, flashplugin-installer, so either one would work as a dep)15:03
FoolsRunpingya: That's the first google result for "ubuntu convert m2ts to avi".15:03
umangtrism: OK. Thanks. :)15:03
Chr|sBluesKaj, odd, it says ext4 is 448gb hmm15:03
alex88_hi to all, is this the right channel for lucid discussion?15:03
FoolsRunpingya: (Google is your friend)15:03
Chr|ssda1 sorry15:03
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abahkaiyisahanto9us: so everything under /home wont disappear. and we should install by set the partition label manually?15:03
Guest8784does anybody use moinmoin15:04
candy1 gb ram, 160 gb hard disk, 1.6 ghz atom processor, wihch os of linux u suggest for my netbook??15:04
FoolsRunabahkaiyisah: if you can mount the hdd in the Live environment, just backup /home to another drive or USB stick before installing15:04
atlef!netbook remix15:04
YerushalmiHi folks. I've been trying to get hibernate to work for some time and without success, unfortunately that's pretty much a deal breaker for me. Does anybody know of another Linux distro in which it works less problematically? Or, alternatively, any hibernate experts available to help me?15:04
BluesKajChr|s, when the drive said 250G , what command did you use ?15:04
Andrew-byYerushalami: I can't hibernate on my EEE-PC 900 in this Linux distro too15:05
anto9usabahkaiyisah, the partitioner gives the option to format or not during the install process. You don't have to format to re-install. It should work.15:05
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BluesKajcandy, ubuntu karmic should run ok15:06
tuxnanii've got some problem in ubuntu 9.04 there is osme problem configuring network settings manually the method of writing in /etc/network/interfaces is not working out in GUI mode if am trying to set IP address statically the apply button is disabled15:06
Chr|sBluesKaj, At first I installed ubuntu alongside windows, resizing the partition Windows and Ubuntu at 250gb each and now trying to do a complete install of Ubuntu for the entire hard drive15:06
llutzYerushalmi: "works here" out of the box. it's a real mess to find issues if its not working15:06
tuxnanii've got some problem in ubuntu 9.04 there is osme problem configuring network settings manually the method of writing in /etc/network/interfaces is not working out in GUI mode if am trying to set IP address statically the apply button is disabled15:06
tuxnanii've got some problem in ubuntu 9.04 there is osme problem configuring network settings manually the method of writing in /etc/network/interfaces is not working out in GUI mode if am trying to set IP address statically the apply button is disabled15:07
KentrelHey guys, When I press Ctrl Alt F1 I don't get the standard output. I just get a blank screen15:07
KentrelThis is a problem for me15:07
BluesKajChr|s, format the whole drive to ext15:07
Chr|sBluesKaj, It shows "250 GB Filesystem" on my desktop15:07
ThreetimesHi, sometimes I get this error after waking up from standby: http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/174/p080210155301h.jpg15:07
FoolsRunKentrel: what about CTRL+ALT+F2?15:07
abahkaiyisahanto9us: & FoolsRun: o i see,  thankyou verymuch for the suggestions15:07
candyBluesKaj, are u sure?? u mean netbook version of karmic??15:07
YerushalmiAndrew-by: Same problem as me? Instant wake call before hibernate completes but with no errors?15:07
BluesKajcandy, not a netbook version15:08
Chr|sBluesKaj, why to ext instead of ext4?15:08
FoolsRunBluesKaj: I knwo you're not on a netbook, but on my netbook I got hibernate to work after flashing my bios.15:09
nastashi all15:09
BluesKajext3 or 4 it's your choice15:09
Andrew-byBluesKaj: What is your netbook?15:09
FoolsRunaww crap15:09
candyBluesKaj, are u sure... i hav already xp in my system.. i wanna keep both... wont it b any problem??15:09
FoolsRunBluesKaj: didn't mean you. Sorry for spamming.15:09
Yerushalmioops. Quit by accident. Andrew-by, did you reply?15:09
Chr|sBluesKaj, yeah I understand but when I did a clean install from the Ubuntu 9.10 disk it should of formatted the whole drive when I selected "entire drive"15:09
KentrelCtrl-Alt-F2 just caused X to restard! FUUUUU!!15:10
FoolsRunYerushalmi:  I got hibernate to work on my netbook after flashing my bios to a newer version.15:10
BluesKajI'm not on a net book FoolsRun , Andrew-by , candy is tho :)15:10
Chr|sbe back again later15:10
FoolsRunBluesKaj: netbook netbook netbook. Nebook? Netbook!15:10
YerushalmiFoolsRun: Interesting. Hadn't thought of that.15:10
KentrelCan someone tell me? Why won't Ctrl-Alt-F1 get me the standard output?15:11
FoolsRunKentrel: does CTRL+ALT+F2 give you command line?15:11
BluesKajChr|s, I always use a gparted livecd to do partitioning previous to the live ubuntu-cd install15:11
KentrelNO. It gave me a blank screen. Then when I pressed Ctrl-Alt-F7 to come back it caused X to restart!!15:11
ThreetimesHi, sometimes I get this error after waking up from standby: http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/174/p080210155301h.jpg15:11
atlefThreetimes: it looks like hd failure15:12
atlefThreetimes: backup what you can15:13
BluesKajFoolsRun, I"M NOT using a NETBOOK!!!15:13
Threetimesatlef: it's brand new. Are you sure? How do I find out what is in that sector?15:13
BluesKajcandy is , FoolsRun15:13
FoolsRunBluesKaj: First you want to turn on your netbook. Then, when your netbook has started up...15:14
BluesKajcandy asked the question , not me15:14
Threetimesatlef: and it's only after waking up from standby (maybe the hd's firmware dislikes standby?!)15:14
sipiorFoolsRun: go away.15:14
atlefThreetimes: these are just my thoughts about the screenshot15:14
candyBluesKaj, what happened?? whaat foolsrun says?15:14
FoolsRunBluesKaj: I know :) I mis-read and thought you'd asked Yerushalmi's question15:14
ThreetimesHow do I find out what is in that sector?15:14
Roasted_Hey guys - how do I set xchat to reconnect to the same ubuntu channel each time I open it?15:15
atlefThreetimes: then that might be the problem then, not an uknown problem i think15:15
maashasay, what is the name of the local smtp server on a vanilla ununto install with postfix?15:15
llutzmaasha: localhost15:16
maashahm, I get complaints that I cannot send mail from localhost ->  Could not connect to outgoing mail server localhost15:17
atlefThreetimes: some info here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver15:17
atlefand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/35068015:17
llutzmaasha: configure postfix, www.postfix.org/documentation or ask at #postfix15:18
Threetimesatlef: it's my video drivers causing ext4 errors??! WTF!15:18
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atlefmay be15:19
atlefThreetimes: it is the two first hits from this google search : http://www.google.no/search?q=ubuntu+wakeup+from+standby+problem+ext4-fs+error&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a15:20
barfI finally got the machine put together15:20
barfand a memory stick made this way dd if=/ubuntu-alternate-9-10.iso of=/dev/memorystick15:21
tato_is there anyone who knows how to get the led wireless activity light to work on gnome 9.1015:21
barfBut it will not boot15:21
barfDo I need to make an MBR or something?15:21
barfOr what is the deal?15:21
FoolsRunbarf: define "will not". The stick won't boot? You've selected it as the boot device?15:22
barfOther memory sticks boot15:22
atlefbarf: try unetbootin15:22
barfHackintosh and Win7 that is15:22
FoolsRunbarf: I've had "bad burns" on USB sticks before --try recreating it?15:22
pogyou can try to boot via qemu.15:22
barfTried 5 times already15:22
barfI am more patriotic than I sound15:23
barfSource: http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/os/Linux/distributions/ubuntu/ubuntu-cd/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent15:23
prodcutnews linux reader not opening  LinuxnativeVolume1 ,  for  XP --> vmware -->   ubuntu 9.04   ?   could able to see native and swap volumes15:23
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cyn23busy people15:23
FoolsRunbarf: try a different tool to create the stick?15:23
FoolsRunbarf: does it error or anything?15:24
barfatlef: Unless unetbootin has a command line version, it’s not good to me15:24
atlefbarf: oh, i see15:24
tato_is there anyone who knows how to get the led wireless activity light to work on gnome 9.1015:25
cicloneralguien sabe donde puedo bajar la ultima version de los drivers zydas ZD1211L para mode master?15:25
cicloneragradeceria aydas15:25
FoolsRunbarf: you said you could boot a Windows7 stick --could you boot that, download the ISO and use the GUI stick creator from there?15:25
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:26
barfHowever I found a better wa15:26
barfHackintosh comes with chameleon15:26
barfI’ll just swap memory stick after chameleon shows up15:26
prodcutnewsanyone help ...  linux reader not opening  LinuxnativeVolume1 ,  for  XP --> vmware -->   ubuntu 9.04   ?   could able to see native and swap volumes15:26
ciclonerwhere can i find latest linux wifi drivers for zydas ZD1211 card to work on mode master?15:26
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FoolsRunbarf: like the old swap-trick on a PSX15:27
erUSUL!pl | kgreszczuk15:27
ubottukgreszczuk: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:27
erUSUL!caps | kgreszczuk15:27
ubottukgreszczuk: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:27
itsmegb!english | kgreszczuk15:27
ubottukgreszczuk: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:27
cicloner where can i find latest linux wifi drivers for zydas ZD1211 card to work on mode master?15:28
habaschsomebody knows why a mounted ntfs disk is owned by root even when setting uid=1000 in fstab?15:28
FoolsRunhabasch: that's always bothered me, too. I try to give friends stuff and I can never write to their drives.15:29
ehndeis there a setting i can change in ~/.bashrc to bring color to my terminals?15:30
FoolsRunhabasch: what about ownership of the mountpoint?15:30
habaschFoolsRun: the folder i mount to is owned by me already15:30
Threetimesehnde: yes, just read the file15:30
luizvitoriosou noob como lista os canais?15:31
llutzFoolsRun: a mountpoint always gets permissions/ownership of the mounted fs, if mounted15:31
sylockhello. I need to connect by VPN to a FORTINET. I think it use the IPSEC protocol. Someone know if it is possible to do it with network-manager?15:31
erUSUL!br | luizvitorio15:32
ubottuluizvitorio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:32
YerushalmiQuestion: has anyone here heard of or used eeebuntu?15:33
airtonixYerushalmi, its like easy peasy and not supported here15:34
airtonixYerushalmi, http://www.geteasypeasy.com/15:34
Yerushalmiairtonix: Not asking if it's supported, asking if it's trustworthy :)15:34
YerushalmiHoping it's the answer to my hibernate problem but making sure it's something known15:35
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airtonixYerushalmi, what netbook do you have ?15:35
YerushalmiI wouldn't download Bob's 100% Virus-Free Notbuntu, after all.15:35
FoolsRunYerushalmi: bios didn't work?15:35
YerushalmiEEE 900a.15:35
YerushalmiFoolsRun: Haven't tried yet, but I'm going to as soon as I figure out what motherboard I have (I inherited this computer)15:36
airtonixYerushalmi, i assume you've already tried using normal ubuntu desktop with openbox ?15:36
kantai@search greil marcus15:37
ubottu(search <word>) -- Searches for <word> in the current configuration variables.15:37
FoolsRunYerushalmi: the eee site should have everything by serial number or whatever eee uses15:37
Yerushalmiairtonix: No idea what that is. I'm quite new to this I'm afraid15:37
FoolsRunYerushalmi: in short, you should be able to get BIOS updates on the EEE website, if they're available at all.15:38
Flare183I recently reinstalled Ubuntu and I need my email back, I still have my old home folder including the hidden files and folders, is there any way I can just copy the folders to my new home folder and have my email back?15:38
YerushalmiFoolsRun: Well, yes, but they're asking for my motherboard type and without physically opening the computer I don't know what it is...15:38
rojoloco47Hey ya ,Need a lil help, i want to configure VPN in ubuntu 9.10 i am newbie ,when I try to configure it from network manager It dont allows me to configure it from there15:38
FoolsRunYerushalmi: huh. Weird.15:39
Yerushalmiunless all 900as have a standard one?15:39
coz_Flare183,  in your old home directory open that then hit ctrl+h to show hidden files15:39
FoolsRunYerushalmi: I would hope they would, but I have no idea15:39
prodcutnews  might be aware of linux reader tool to read ext2/ext3 partions, im using ubuntu 9.04 installed over xp using vmware ...i could mount vmx file with LR and could see native, swap volumes, they are not opening15:39
coz_Flare183,  look for the  .evoluttion folder15:39
coz_Flare183,  I believe the mail should be there15:39
coz_Flare183,  copy that to the new .evolution folder15:39
z987kanyone know how to get an email address off a flash email link?15:40
Flare183coz_: Alright, I did that and I copied it to my new home folder but evolution doesn't pick it up.15:40
rojoloco47Hey ya ,Need a lil help, i want to configure VPN in ubuntu 9.10 i am newbie ,when I try to configure it from network manager It dont allows me to configure it from there15:40
YerushalmiFoolsRun: I'll check it out. In the meantime, EasyPeasy is also a recommended eee-specific ubuntu version?15:40
Flare183coz_: It's still giving me the stupid wizard.15:40
prodcutnewscheck this      -->    http://linux-reader.software.informer.com/screenshot/106955/15:40
coz_Flare183,  hold on15:40
Flare183coz_: Alright.15:40
FoolsRunYerushalmi: No idea.15:41
coz_Flare183,  open evolution  go to File   backup settings maybe  ... I am not sure since I dont eveolution but there should be something there to locate the mail15:41
FoolsRunYerushalmi: what are the options for mobo types o the EEE site?15:41
Flare183hmm ok15:41
ivansmoguys on my XUBUNTU 8.04 thunderbird is missing since last night :(15:42
lynx_rhi in /var/log/messages i get this "reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address" and can't mount usb15:43
zagabarAnyone knows how to get the mysqldatabases for a forum from a damaged filesystem that cannot be started, only looted from another partition?15:43
YerushalmiFoolsRun: I'm trying the latest version of BIOS under the 900A, hoping it works.15:44
Flare183coz_: it wants a backup file15:44
FoolsRunYerushalmi: good luck!15:44
YerushalmiThis will entail a restart. Bye! :)15:44
YerushalmiFoolsRun: Thanks :)15:44
coz_Flare183, mm   then I am not sure... I would guess someone knows here if not you could try the #linux channel15:44
Roasted_I have a netowrk printer here at work on a windows domain. how can my ubuntu laptop connect to it?15:45
z987kanyone know how to get an email address off a flash email link?15:45
OerHeksz987k press pauze, and type it over ?15:46
z987kit's a flash based website with an email link15:46
ivansmoHELP people, today I notice that I dont have my email client thunderbird with my mail account15:46
z987kthe mailto: type that is supposed to launch a client15:46
erUSULRoasted_: System>Admin...>Printers   also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPPrinter15:46
ivansmo/usr/bin/ havent thunderbird also15:46
FoolsRunivansmo: I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean that Thunderbird is not installed? Was it before?15:47
rojoloco47Hey ya ,Need a lil help, i want to configure VPN in ubuntu 9.10 i am newbie ,when I try to configure it from network manager It don't allows me to configure it from there15:47
z987kOerHeks, but since those don't launch anything since I don't have a client or have firefox set up to recognize them, it does nothing... but I need the address15:47
Roasted_erUSUL, does my laptop have to be on the same domain to find these printers?15:48
ivansmoIt was installed and I setup one mail account, all worked great and now I turn on my laptop to check mail and I saw there is no thunderbitd atall15:48
varunthackeris there an option to run ubuntu in a power saver mode.My laptop heats up a lot when running firefox!15:48
mguyWhat CPU/laptop15:48
erUSULRoasted_: i guess so; but i'm not really versed in windows networking15:48
sirMajidhi, I have a problem with kubuntu, can anyone help?15:48
indushow to use xchat to auto identify on startup15:48
FoolsRunivansmo: try installing Thunderbird?15:48
Roasted_erUSUL, cause Im only picking up WORKGROUP items, not our domain items. That may be why, I suppose.15:49
sirMajidI want to use ctags in kdevelop. please help15:49
mguysirMajid: Don't ask to ask, just ask your question15:49
erUSULindus: i'm sure there is an option in the servers list15:49
OerHeksz987k if the email adress is not visible, then you have to setup aan email-application to get the link.15:49
Roasted_erUSUL, Ima switch the workgroup and see what happens. thanks bro.15:49
varunthackeropen terminal: gconf-editor. apps >> gnome-power-manager >> ui. This option is not there in 9.1015:49
sirMajidmguy, well can u help?15:49
erUSULRoasted_: no problem15:49
FoolsRunRoasted_: you might be able to hit the printers by IP15:49
induserUSUL, me too sure but sure cant see it15:49
ivansmoFoolsRun :  one question before I install thunderbird again, what do you think of using this other mail that comes with XUBUNTU 8.04 and it can stay on top and watch mails all the time??15:50
erUSULindus: select freenode or ubuntu network. then edit the netry... should be a checkbox to enable it15:50
erUSULindus: iirc... been using irssi too lng ;)15:50
FoolsRunivansmo: I'm not sure what you're talking about, sorry.15:50
ivansmomail watcher15:50
FoolsRunivansmo: mail watcher sounds like a notification app, not a mail client15:51
induserUSUL, why irssi ? you dont have gui?15:51
induserUSUL, how primitive :P15:51
ivansmoOK FoolsRun Im gonna install thunderbird again15:51
erUSULindus: i have gui so i can a maximized gnome-terminal ;P. adicted to terminal15:51
FoolsRunerUSUL: but then you don't get the joy of trying to organize and flip through your windows all day long!15:52
erUSULFoolsRun: :)15:52
fif0is it possible to create a portable version of postgresql?15:53
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FoolsRunerUSUL: I do the same thing. My Ubuntu machine at home is my "server" (NAS/Print, etc) and I run a desktop on it just so I can run a gterm on its display on the rare occasion I need to do something locally on it.15:54
trismfif0: depending on what you need to do, you could use sqlite instead15:54
jamiejacksoni've got an app that depends on libstdc++5, how do i make it immune from an autoremove?15:54
fif0the fulltext search15:54
erUSULFoolsRun: power to you... althought on a server i would use screen/byobu :)15:55
FoolsRunerUSUL: I like having the gui since it's my only Ubuntu machine. I occasionally use it to try apps or test websites and such.15:55
jribjamiejackson: installing it explicitly should be sufficient15:56
erUSULFoolsRun: ok15:56
FoolsRunor, like now, connect to chat despite my work network blocking it.15:56
trismfif0: ahh, then it probably wouldn't work for you15:56
ivansmoHi FoolsRun, I installed thunderbird and it is OK now, even acc is setup already no need to setup it again :)15:56
FoolsRunivansmo: glad it worked15:56
jamiejacksonjrib: i believe i did install it explicitly, from maybe a jaunty deb15:56
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jamiejacksonbut it still shows up as an autoremove candidate when i apt-get stuff, jrib15:57
jribjamiejackson: erm, I assume you aren't on jaunty?15:57
liorI have a question15:58
zer0her0w0rd so i got home last night and my ubuntu box stated one of my HDDs reported a failing state and i could ok for more info, or hit cancel to dismiss, i hit ok and nothing came up.  where could i go to find this info?15:58
jamiejacksonjrib: on karmic15:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:58
jribjamiejackson: right, so don't do that.  Is there no karmic package?15:58
jamiejacksondon't believe so, jrib15:58
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liorI am trying to view PDF files, and some characters are missing15:58
jribjamiejackson: best to rebuild yourself from source (and find out why the package no longer exists)15:58
wahbenQuestion: My computer has died. I have been using Ubuntu for a few years, and verious linux distros for many more years. I have decided to get a Macbook, so I am getting the new macbook (white...) I am planning on installing Ubuntu and (perhaps) windows onto the Macbook. I have seen the instructions, but I am wondering if anyone actually uses this. Have you experienced problems after such a triple-boot setup? Do you think it's a ba15:59
wahbend idea to setup the Macbook to multi-boot with Ubuntu?15:59
jribjamiejackson: and I mean rebuild the *package* from the *source package*15:59
jrib!source > jamiejackson15:59
ubottujamiejackson, please see my private message15:59
fif0thats a problem^^15:59
liorspecifically, it's a file that has math characters on it15:59
zer0her0wahben: run linux in a vm if you're planning on using mac hardwar15:59
FoolsRunlior: shot in the dark: try installing the Windows fonts?16:00
liorhow do I install them?16:00
wahbenzer0her0, I was interested in having Linux run natively. Why to you recommend not to do that?16:00
FoolsRunhurm... it's like ubuntu-restricted-extras or something like that16:00
zer0her0i'm blanking on the technology but apple hasn't released the source/info on how power management is done on their machines so i believe linux pushes full voltage to processor at all times16:01
liorFoolsRun: could you help me out a bit more? this is my 1st day using ubuntu16:01
FoolsRunlior: have you installed a package before?16:01
zer0her0wahben: sorry forgot to highlight you on that response16:01
FoolsRunlior: install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package16:01
wahbenzer0her0, thanks... I have seen a forum post about some people experiencing overheating cpus....16:02
maniaksyesterday i installed ubuntu 9.10 x86.. today i can't run this16:02
liorFoolsRun: all right, that means that I should type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?16:02
wahbenthat sucks. I really want to run it natively.16:02
FoolsRunlior: that'll install a host of things including Mp3 capability and Microsoft fonts.16:02
evantandersen_zer0her0: there is some form of power management, but yes it is limited because apple does not release specs. You can manually set the proccessor voltage if you feel safe doing so16:02
FoolsRunlior: correct16:02
maniaksthere's just black screen all the time;/16:02
liorok, excellent16:02
liorlemme try16:02
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varunthacker Are there any "powersave" options in gnome for use on a laptop running on battery16:02
zer0her0i don't know much about it, i run os x on mac hardware and linux on everything else16:02
maniakssomeone can help me?16:03
jiohdiwhen my computer restarts it cycles to the ubuntu light monster with the one eye... but then blanks and returns to him over and over again... by pressing keys I eventually get to the boot up screen, but something seems obviously wrong16:03
FoolsRunlior: it's a guess. I'm thinking maybe your available fonts don't have the math characters you need.16:03
fif0i have an error in the package of postgres...is it an error of my system?16:03
jamiejacksonjrib: fwiw, the package doesn't exist in karmic because it's old, and it's been replaced by libstdc++6, i believe16:03
maniakssomeone can help me?16:03
evantandersen_!ask |maniaks16:03
ubottumaniaks: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:03
maniakswhen i ran ubuntu today, there's just black screen all the time16:04
liorFoolsRun: yes, it seems like a reasonable guess16:04
unimatrix9hello you all16:04
jamiejacksonthx for the source tip tho, jrib16:04
habaschhow can i force a ntfs disk to belong to another user than root when mounting it?16:04
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liorI haven't used IRC in years16:04
erUSUL!ntfs | habasch16:04
ubottuhabasch: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE16:04
FoolsRunmaniaks: all the time? Even during the boot process?16:04
liorquite a flashback from middle school16:04
erUSULfif0: paste the error message if you want help16:05
maniaksthere's grub, and i click enter16:05
lioralso, all the windows open maximized. Can I change that?16:05
FoolsRunlior: vanilla ubuntu?16:05
maniaksfor ~10 seconds there's Out of frequency(normal) and all the time black screen..16:05
erUSULjiohdi: you should try to boot with splash and quiet removed frm the kernel options so you can see what is going on16:05
habaschproblem is the mounting works fine, only the owner is always root instead ob another user -.-16:05
maniaksi waited 5 minutes and nothing :/16:05
liorFoolsRun: it's ubuntu netbook remix16:06
FoolsRunlior: that's normal in UNR16:06
Darks7arHi. I was wondering what will happen if i install windows after i have linux installed.will this delete my current boot manager? and if so how to recover it?16:06
liorcan I change that somehow?16:06
pozicHow can I configure the standard window manager to open new windows always above all others?16:06
FoolsRunlior: it's designed to make the best use of your limited screen space16:06
maniaksfrequency out of range* FoolsRun16:06
FoolsRunlior: it's sorta like having a "tabbed OS"16:06
liorI know, but now I'm running it connected to a 23" screen16:06
fbianconihabasch: you can make an fstab entry for that partition16:06
liorso it's not really necessary...16:07
FoolsRunYeah I can see how that would be a thing16:07
Darks7arHi. I was wondering what will happen if i install windows after i have linux installed.will this delete my current boot manager? and if so how to recover it?can u help16:07
nonick1who can help me?16:07
erUSUL!grub2 | Darks7ar16:07
ubottuDarks7ar: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:07
FoolsRunI'm not really sure how to disable that. I'd ask the Googs.16:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:07
habaschfbianconi: i did but it does not change the owner at all16:07
zer0her0w0rd so i got home last night and my ubuntu box stated one of my HDDs reported a failing state and i could ok for more info, or hit cancel to dismiss, i hit ok and nothing came up.  where could i go to find this info?16:07
liorok, thanks16:07
tom967>Dark7ar: create a boot cd from a live and boot16:07
FoolsRunlior: I'm sure it's possible, just never had to. How's the PDF?16:07
erUSULDarks7ar: it will remove grub yes. instrucctins on how to recover it in the wiki16:08
Darks7arerUSUL: 10x16:08
Guest59661sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common16:08
tom967>Dark7ar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows16:08
Guest59661debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable16:08
liorFoolsRun: I'm downloading the package...16:09
FoolsRunmaniaks: if you press CTRL+ALT+F1 do you get a command-line interface?16:09
liorI found something16:09
nonick1Can anyone check some text for mistakes (I know English very bad)?16:09
maniakshmm... i've to check16:09
fbianconihabasch: in the options field add "uid=1000,gid=1000" or whatever your uid/gid are16:09
nastasnonick1: paste in the pastebin the text16:09
maniaksFoolsRun, Recovery mode works16:09
liormaximus - it's a desktop daemon that maximizes the windows automatically16:09
liorI see it has exceptions16:10
nonick1I want post it to brainstorm: Default priority for some processes16:10
nonick1Some processes that responsible for user interface must have lower nice value16:10
nonick1Set lower nice value to:16:10
FloodBot4nonick1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:10
habaschfbianconi: i did but i does not do anything :/ had uid=1000,gid=1000 there. even tried with name (uid=habasch) - did not work either16:10
FoolsRunlior: so just except everything on your machine ;)16:10
liorcan I tell it to not maximize when there's another screen?16:10
lioralright, how do I do that?16:10
FoolsRunlior: I was kidding --you probably want to figure out how to disable it from starting at boot time or login (or whenever it starts). I doubt you can disable it only when another screen is attached.16:11
FoolsRunlior: I could definitely be wrong though.16:11
nonick1I want post it to brainstorm: Default priority for some processes Some processes that responsible for user interface must have lower nice value Solution Set lower nice value to: gnome-panel nautilus xorg16:11
nonick1check it please16:11
maniaksFoolsRun, it happens after grub update16:11
maniaksto 1.97 beta 416:11
FoolsRunmaniaks: the black screen problem happens after the GRUB update?16:12
liorFoolsRun: the PDF works perfectly!16:12
FoolsRunmaniaks: did you overwrite your grub lst file?16:12
FoolsRunlior: awesome. Glad it worked.16:12
maniaksit works before i ran update synaptic today... after that i went to school and now it is broken;/16:13
napsterI've a capture card and its not working in Linux! Can anyone help me to fix this? The card is from AVermedia...16:13
FoolsRunlior: now get all zealous with whomever sent you the PDF and explain how they shouldn't be using proprietary fonts because of FREEDOM!16:13
fbianconihabasch: assuming you remounted the file system there's nothing else I can think of16:13
habaschfbianconi: i remounted it dozens of times -.-16:14
liorFoolsRun: that would be my professor, not sure that would work... They love mathtype16:14
maniaksok, i'll be for 5 minutes16:14
emghazalI have a very old computer, It has Windows ME right now, but I want to try Ubuntu on it (Probably Xubuntu or Lubuntu). The problem is, it only boots from (other than HDD)... wait for it.. Floppy disks! But it can access CDs from a DOS boot disk. Is there any way to do it or should I just give up already?16:15
fif0how can i fix this error: configure: error: readline library not found16:15
erUSULfif0: install the readline dev package16:15
erUSULfif0: but you should not be compiling from source16:16
erUSUL!find libreadline16:16
FoolsRunlior: ubuntu-restricted-extras is the first thing I put on new installs. Makes things easier when interacting with the real world.16:16
ubottuFound: libreadline-dev, libreadline-java, libreadline-java-doc, libreadline5, libreadline5-dbg (and 8 others)16:16
BluesKajemghazal, depends, how large is the hard drive and how much ram ?16:16
fif0i need...i can create a portable postgres16:16
emghazal600 Mhz Celeron, 512MB RAM, 20GB HDD.16:17
emghazalEverything in that computer has been upgraded except the CPU.16:17
erUSULemghazal: maybe you can use a grub2 floppy disk image or other bootloader to boot the cdrom16:17
BluesKajemghazal, I think ubuntu using the xfce desktop might run ok16:19
nonick1who can check it for mistakes http://pastebin.com/d659a42ba I want post it to brainstorm, but I know English very bad16:20
breinerawhat room is best for asking programming questions?16:20
mguyBluesKaj: I have installed Linux on a 450MHz P2, 256MB, runs fluxbox real well16:20
mguybreinera: what language?16:20
emghazalerUSUL: Hmm.. I'll look into it. Thanks for the pointer.16:20
erUSULbreinera: one devotes to the language you are using?16:20
breineramguy: c  using glib/gtk/clutter16:20
mguyYou could try #c, someone in there should be familiar16:20
Akkernighthow do I check what kernel version I have?16:21
llutzuname -r16:21
BluesKajemghazal, mguy , maybe you guys should discuss16:21
AkkernightUbuntu, Linux 2.6.32-020632rc6-generic <- how do I get this version? The page where I see it only shows 32bit, I have 64bit16:22
mguyI was able to boot from a CD though ;) I haven't booted from a floppy in ages but I could probably help him figure it out, I have the system sitting right here16:22
nonick1Can anyone check some text for mistakes?16:22
llutz!ot | nonick116:23
ubottunonick1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:23
mguyThen again I don't have any floppy disks16:23
mikeconceptsnetbook w/win7 starter running ubuntu netbook remix from thumb drive...want to store image of win7 to a network share...what program if installed on ubuntu netbook remix would do this image backup?16:24
erUSULmikeconcepts: partimage?16:24
erUSUL!info partimage16:24
ubottupartimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 276 kB, installed size 964 kB16:24
nonick1ubottu sorry16:24
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/16:24
napsternonick1, ;)16:25
BugmanIs not the speaker in Untuntu 10.04 Dailybuild upside down, (shown when installing, and menutext revolves around audio).16:25
fohos_hello guys16:25
Myrtti!lucid | Bugman16:26
ubottuBugman: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+116:26
mikeconceptserUSUL: that looks great, now assume as long as universe repository in software sources is selected, I should find partimage via synaptec16:26
erUSULmikeconcepts: correct16:26
cicloneri need help: i have this problem when i try to use apt-get ... ---> Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/http.us.debian.org_debian_dists_etch_main_binary-i386_Packages16:26
mikeconceptserUSUL: thanks16:26
Akkernighthow do I open GRUB on boot?16:26
vilkashow do i boot a cd during boot?16:27
ZykoticK9Akkernight, hold shift i think16:27
cicloneri need help: i have this problem when i try to use apt-get ... ---> Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/http.us.debian.org_debian_dists_etch_main_binary-i386_Packages16:27
yokobrPulseaudio SUCKS16:27
tom967>Akkernight: do you mean "access to the list of kernels to boot?"16:28
erUSULyokobr: rants go in #ubuntu-offtopic or /dev/null ;) tyvm16:28
CooPs89vilkas: try f12, if that doesn't work you have t set the cdrom as the highest boot priority in the bios16:28
Akkernighttom967, yes16:28
CooPs89pressing delete on boot usually enters bios setup16:29
vilkashow do i set it to highest boot priority?16:29
panter hi all .. i have problem with automounting NFS4 shares on boot ... i added NFS shares to /etc/fstab .. manualy is everything working .. but after reboot automount doesn't work .... any ideas?16:29
pyJackhi I can't get a process to access a folder owner by root16:29
erUSUL!grub2 | vilkas16:29
ubottuvilkas: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:29
pyJackI tried chmod ugo+r -R ./16:29
pyJackbut nothing16:29
tom967>Akkernight: grub 2 has a new way to let you access this list. You should reset the file according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:29
pyJackthe process is apache, and the user apache uses is www-data16:30
Akkernighttom967, ok thanks16:30
CooPs89vilkas: you do it in the bios setup16:30
pyJackwhat can I do so apache can read the folder owner by root?16:30
fohos_if I want to move a a file to my current location in the directory tree, is there a way to do it without repeating the path to my current location16:30
CooPs89pressing the delete key on boot usually gets there16:30
CooPs89gets you*16:30
erUSULfohos_: copy to .16:30
erUSULfohos_: cp /path/to/file .16:30
fohos_10x erUSUL :)16:31
erUSULfohos_: . is current dir .. is parent dir16:31
erUSULfohos_: they even appear in "ls -a" ;P16:31
erUSUL!cli | fohos_16:31
ubottufohos_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro16:31
evantandersen_does anyone know of a somewhat more advanced linux irc?16:34
evantandersen_that is popular16:34
tucemiuxevantandersen_, this is ubuntu support channel16:34
Trek!ot | evantandersen_16:35
ubottuevantandersen_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:35
raul__Some problem happened on update... It shows "Unable to authenticate some packages. This may be due to a network problem. You can try again later. Below is a list of unauthenticated packages." What should I do?16:35
evantandersen_i have a problem, and I'm using ubuntu.... but no one here seems to understand it. However it is a problem that would apply to all versions of linux16:35
BluesKajevantandersen_, konversation or quassel are dedicated irc clints for linux , if that's what you are asking16:36
tucemiux!patience | evantandersen_16:36
ubottuevantandersen_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:36
erUSULevantandersen_: xchat16:36
sipiorevantandersen_: what exactly is the problem?16:36
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tucemiuxevantandersen_, repeat your question every now and then ***in one line***16:36
evantandersen_i do16:37
evantandersen_but no one understands it, i was simply wondering if there was a more advanced linux users irc you could point me too....16:37
evantandersen_like an irc channel16:37
lalimacewhat is you probleme evantandersen_16:37
ZykoticK9evantandersen_, you could try ##linux if you'd like...16:37
evantandersen_I'm having a problem with pam-script.... I posted it here on the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140127716:38
tucemiuxevantandersen_, tjat16:38
sirMajidhi, how can i generate setter and getter for a field automatically16:38
tucemiuxevantandersen_, that's not a problem with ubuntu, that's not even a problem at all, that's clearly off topic16:38
PicisirMajid: Are you sure you're asking in the right channel? This is #ubuntu16:38
erUSULevantandersen_: what do you spect this line to do ? tag=`'/etc/rfid/RFID-login'`16:39
evantandersen_it runs a program i wrote16:39
erUSULevantandersen_: no; no with the single quotes there16:39
erUSULevantandersen_: tag=$(/etc/rfid/RFID-login)16:40
erUSULevantandersen_: also why store a program in /etc/ ??16:40
evantandersen_it was in my home folder... but I feared the pam module wouldn't have access to it there16:40
plunkedquick question - is the address space layout randomisation feature turned on by default in desktop editions of ubuntu?16:40
fohos_would you please tell me which file is responsible tell webadmin what skin version to display?16:41
erUSULevantandersen_: ooops. seems like indeed it runs the command even with the single quotes16:41
alazyworkaholicI rented a DVD & don't have time to watch it. What's the best app to rip it so I can watch it later?16:42
erUSULevantandersen_: sorry16:42
jalonsGood morning, I have a question about sudo (I know, not technically ubuntu) - I have mailto set, and mail_always, but I want to exclude one user (a system account that runs some md5s on some directories) - thoughts on how that'd be accomplished?16:42
guntbertfohos_: are you talking about webmin? thats not supported/recommened on ubuntu any more16:42
evantandersen_if I run the script through  the command line manually, (./RFID-login) it works perfectly and produces the desired result... however when pam goes to auth it instantly returns positive! right now anyone can obtain root login on my copmp!16:42
trismplunked: yes it is; although you can check your system with: sysctl kernel.randomize_va_space16:43
hamzaatova2how to make vlc to open streams by default?16:43
raul__Some problem happened on update... It shows "Unable to authenticate some packages. This may be due to a network problem. You can try again later. Below is a list of unauthenticated packages." What should I do?16:43
ouyesalazyworkaholic, copy the data, you can see it  some other day16:43
trismplunked: 2 is with heap randomization, 1 is without, 0 is off16:43
ouyesalazyworkaholic, watch it16:43
philien1Hi I did the install of an ubuntu server but i've to go in recorvery mode and what is the root default password ?16:43
gerry__guntbert, it's not recommended? Why?16:43
plunkedtrism: ah i see, thank you :)16:44
guntbert!webmin | gerry__16:44
ubottugerry__: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.16:44
evantandersen_alazyworkaholic: handbrake.fr16:44
gerry__guntbert, cheers :)16:44
FoolsRunNever get the bright idea to rsync your 1TB of video files from one USB drive to another on the same bus. Take it from me.16:44
guntbertgerry__: you're welcome :-) but be aware that ebox might not be what you expect as webmin substitute16:45
sebsebseb!noroot |  philien116:45
ubottuphilien1: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.16:45
sipiorevantandersen_: what happens if you add a "auth requisite pam_deny.so" to common-auth?16:45
sebsebsebphilien1: #ubuntu-server exists by the way16:45
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox16:45
evantandersen_sipior: i have that in my file... sorry I only pasted part of my common_auth file. That line is about two lines down in the file16:45
sipiorevantandersen_: how about posting the whole thing? that will save us all a great deal of wasted time.16:46
guntbertphilien1: you don't need a root password - sudo/gksudo gives you all access you need16:46
mazzidDoes anybody have any suggestions for changing environment variables inherited from gnome-session while gnome is running?16:47
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evantandersen_sipior: sorry, I'm not at my ubuntu machine right now. However, the entire file is defaults, I just added that line before the standard one. the only lines I changed are the ones I posted on the forums16:49
tucemiuxI already have ubuntu up and running.  Is there a way to encrypt a partition that I have on a second hard drive or must I encrypt the entire hard drive and all partitions on it?16:50
evantandersen_sipor: I understand it is weird asking for support when I am not at my computer, however It has been difficult to find anyone that even understands this stuff. Thanks for your time so far16:51
AkkernightI have commented out GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT, yet GRUB doesn't show at start up, why?16:51
evantandersen_do you have the timeout set to 0 seconds?16:51
sipiorevantandersen_: you might try getting rid of try_first_pass, at least for testing, and add an "audit" flag to pam_unix.so/16:52
Akkernightevantandersen_, no, 10 seconds16:52
evantandersen_sipor: thanks i'll try that when I get home...16:52
Phurl_hi all, I have a package that is missing from ubuntu, webkitimageqt. how can i get that distributed?16:53
MaraI have the only OS ubuntu9.10 and now i want to install Vista from a recovery CD. how do i do that16:54
me___hiya; i'm running ubuntu netbook remix; i'd like to switch to stock ubuntu; is there an easy way?16:54
FoolsRunIs it possible to virtualize XP in Ubuntu at startup, as a service rather than an app in X?16:54
emghazalAfter looking around the Internet for grub on floppy, I decided I'll try another approach first. If I put the old HDD in a newer computer, install Xubuntu on it, then put it back in the old computer, will that have any problems? Is anything special installed during installation that is computer-dependent? drivers or anything?16:56
erUSULemghazal: should no have mayor problems16:56
spazicemghazal - you should be fine16:56
emghazalOkay, thanks.16:57
spazicethernet might not work but you can config your kernel16:57
usserFoolsRun, are you using virtualbox?16:57
spazicbut it should - use the same net card if you can. that way you can access online for any packages you may need16:58
|-_-|hello all16:58
FoolsRunusser: I'm not using anything yet16:58
llutzFoolsRun: read about Xen16:58
FoolsRunllutz: will do, thanks16:58
|-_-|spazic ___ hello OO16:58
usserFoolsRun, virtualbox has a headless mode when you start your vm from cmd and then connect to it using standard rdp protocol16:58
napsterHow to get a capture card working? Does any driver software needed?16:59
MaraI have the only OS ubuntu9.10 and now i want to install Vista from a recovery CD. how do i do that?16:59
FoolsRunusser: and it starts when the host machine boots and everything?16:59
=== ksebksebkseb is now known as ksebsebseb3
napsterMara, In that case you may have to restore your grub dude...17:00
usserFoolsRun, you can put the start command in /etc/rc.local for example17:00
ZykoticK9FoolsRun, getting VirtualBox to start at boot is non-trivial - i tried and failed, hope you have better luck then I did...17:00
=== ksebsebseb3 is now known as Ksebsebseb3
spazichello <|-_-|>17:00
Marahow do i restore my grub then17:00
usserZykoticK9, FoolsRun it is trivial17:00
|-_-|spazic ___ Russia :D17:00
ZykoticK9usser, really? and what shuts the machines off when you reboot/shutdown?17:01
napsterMara, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows17:01
napsterMara, Hope this helps...17:01
usserZykoticK9, well you didnt mention anything about shutting down :), yea you have to do it manually17:01
usserZykoticK9, but i rarely restart my VM server17:02
ZykoticK9usser, there have been various scripts that I've tried but nothing "totally" worked17:02
ZykoticK9usser, my VM server is my desktop17:02
FoolsRunI'm just running XP to run Office to run an obsolete calendar connector app, shutting down cleanly is not a concern ;)17:03
NostatementG'day partypeople!17:03
fewfHi, is there any way to get more virtual desktops in 9.10? I have two, but that screws up Compiz's desktop cube :(17:03
NostatementI'm looking for a nice musiceditor, any suggestions?17:04
guntbert!hi | Nostatement17:04
ubottuNostatement: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:04
erUSULfewf: right click on the switcher choose properties17:04
FoolsRunfewf: You don't like the 2-dimensional "cube"?17:04
erUSULNostatement: music editor as score editor? or sound editor?17:04
usserZykoticK9, here you can write an init script for shutdown/reboot runlevel that does VBoxManage controlvm "WinXP" acpipowerbutton17:04
usserZykoticK9, that should gracefully terminate a VM17:05
fewferUSUL: switcher?17:05
erUSULfewf: the applet that lets you switch from one workspace to the other. riht botton corner next to the trash17:05
gerry__guntbert, what rule did Nostatement break?17:06
MooseIs there an easy way to take an existing Ubuntu install and basically convert it over to the server version?17:06
NostatementerUSUL: Well, i want to record some guitar and be able to put some effects, add some drums and a bit of poor song17:06
* `mOOse` looks up17:06
MooseMy situation is that I don't have the server edition disks and I have no CD-RWs to burn an image, heh.17:06
ZykoticK9usser, thanks for the input - i do understand the general idea, i've just never gotten a script to work correctly.17:06
Akkernightok, so I got the GRUB screen, but all my kernels aren't there. And I did do sudo update-grub17:06
Moose`mOOse`: Hi there :)17:06
guntbertgerry__: none - I wanted to tell him the purpose of this channel (it really was just Hi :-))17:07
erUSUL!info ardour | Nostatement17:07
ubottuNostatement: ardour (source: ardour): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.8.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 4587 kB, installed size 12824 kB17:07
erUSUL!info jakosher | Nostatement17:07
FoolsRun"Doing initial module builds" for virtualbox takes a while.17:07
ubottuNostatement: Package jakosher does not exist in karmic17:07
gerry__guntbert, oh cool :)17:07
fewferUSUL: according to the help I'm supposed to see a "number of workspaces" area; i don't though, all I see is number of rows and number of collums17:07
erUSUL!info jokosher | Nostatement17:08
ubottuNostatement: jokosher (source: jokosher): simple and easy to use audio multi-tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.3-1 (karmic), package size 1226 kB, installed size 4204 kB17:08
fewfah, nvm, here we go17:08
philien1how to boot in consol mode with the live cd ?17:08
NostatementerUSUL: Great! I'll check it out. Many thanks, big ups !17:08
erUSULNostatement: even audacious should be able to do it....; shouldn't it?17:09
guntbertphilien1: you boot normally, then you use either a terminal windoow or you switch with <ctrl><alt>F2 to a virtual terminal17:09
NostatementerUSUL: Well, i haven't tried any program yet so i thought it would be nice for some opinion :). I'll check these out and hopefully 'es all goood17:10
me___if i run UNR, can i switch to regular ubuntu easily?17:10
erUSULNostatement: well try the last two. ardour is supposed to be big and professional == a pain to set up17:11
guntbert!pm | philien117:11
ubottuphilien1: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:11
LordHawke13Hi guys. I have an interesting problem.17:11
=== les is now known as Guest78536
hamzaatova2why dows ff does not restore the tabs after crash?17:12
guntbertphilien1: whats the problem with temporarily starting X ?17:12
LordHawke13I'm trying to use a conditional statement in a shell script to perform an action if ANY file with the extension .rcproject exists.17:12
philien1this so long17:12
LordHawke13I use if [ -d *.rcproject ] To test for directories endind in .rcproject, but if more than one item fits the conditions, if won't work.17:13
MaraI have the only ubuntu9.10 and now i want to install Vista from a recovery CD. how do i run the recovery on boot?17:13
LordHawke13Please help me.17:13
Jooder492can someone help me with a thunderbird question?17:13
LordHawke13Anyone have any ideas?17:14
erUSULLordHawke13: if [[ -ef *.rcproject ]]; then ....; else .... ; fi17:14
erUSULLordHawke13: files or directories ?17:14
plunkedLordHawke13: if($entry =~ /.*.rcproject/) would work i think17:14
Jooder492how do i get hotmail on my thunderbird?17:14
erUSULLordHawke13: but more an better help is on #bash17:14
plunkednot sure if it work in a shell script though17:14
erUSULLordHawke13: if [[ -ed *.rcproject ]]; then ....; else .... ; fi17:14
eXp`iRc|1514Ciao amici di #ubuntu !!17:14
Bilawhey  there, er, trouble w/ balsa and çw17:15
philien1guntbert: this so long17:15
FloodBot4Bilaw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:15
pickuellhi zusammem17:15
Bilaw(sorry! Cat around…)17:15
guntbertphilien1: in the meantime you would have booted completely already :)17:15
jsecJooder492, http://email.about.com/od/mozillathunderbirdtips/qt/et_free_hotmail.htm17:15
ussererUSUL, that wont work shell expands * making the entire if statement invalid17:16
guntbert!de | pickuell17:16
ubottupickuell: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:16
Jooder492thank you jsec17:16
MaraI have the only ubuntu9.10 on the PC. and now i want to install Vista from a recovery CD. how do i run the recovery on boot? any1 have an answer?17:16
LordHawke13if [[ -ed *.rcproject ]] always returned false17:16
jsecMara, set your BIOS to boot CD first and restart?17:16
llutzMara: start the cd and start it17:17
macman_there a way to have my desktop arrange icons by name ? i looked in gconf-editor and i dont' think i saw that option17:17
erUSULusser: thnaks17:17
candyMara, put recovery cd and follow instructoins17:17
Marait wont run . i get error when i start it17:17
erUSULLordHawke13: see what usser said to me17:17
llutzMara: what error?17:18
thelastdodoSeeing as this is a support channel, do any of you happen to know if there's something like a general discussion channel for Ubuntu or even Linux in general?17:18
padhuMultiple SSL Certification with multiple name based virtual host with single ip & port is possible in apache2.2.11 with out sni ?17:18
candyMara, may be your cd problem17:18
erUSULthelastdodo: #linux ?17:18
LordHawke13erUSUL, Is there a way to do it?17:18
BilawSorry again: Balsa won’t send my messages. Claims «sending message with gpg 0» (translated from fr) but message remains in outbox. Problem is I never asked to use gpg (nor gnugpg nor seahorse), and have no idea what to undo… Advice, anyone?17:18
usserLordHawke13, i suppose you could do something like DIR=`ls | grep .rcproject | head -n 1` and then if [ "$DIR" != "" ] ; then17:18
erUSULLordHawke13: again ask in #bash17:19
thelastdodoerUSUL: Well, that seems to be most tech support as well. Ah well, I'll keep looking around, thanks.17:19
LordHawke13I can't talk in #bash17:19
LordHawke13It says couldn't send to channel17:19
usserLordHawke13, but yea ask in #bash cause my solution looks weird even to myself17:19
marek_thelastdodo: just check sourceforge and others for help...17:19
icerootLordHawke13: then register your nick17:19
=== LordHawke13 is now known as LordHawke
SmokeyDhey everyone, is it possible to make sure that my external harddrive always gets the same device name, no matter how many other usb mass storage devices are plugged in?17:20
Marahttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d6170676f  thats the error17:20
llutzSmokeyD: create an udev-rule for it17:20
marek_hey guys. can somebody please tell me if karmic koala server edition is a good choice for server?17:20
ussermarek_, no. it is not17:21
cfeddeusser: how so?17:21
m0ar_Not really17:21
`mOOse`marek_: are you trying to run vista IN ubuntu?17:21
marek_thanx, and what would you choose?17:21
llutzMara: reboot your PC, start it from CD17:21
padhuusser: why?17:21
SmokeyDllutz: ok, gonna google creating udev rules (I know udev a little, just didn't know you could make rules). Thanks a lot!17:21
llutzMara: you cannot run this from within ubuntu17:21
=== m0ar_ is now known as m0ar
ussercfedde, for server you'd want something with support like 8.04 LTS17:21
`mOOse`Mara: are you trying to run vista IN ubuntu?17:21
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)17:21
usserpadhu, ^17:21
Mara`mOOse`: yes i understand . but thats the only OS i have17:22
marek_no no. just trying to set up a complete server for a firm using linux. but im not sure which one to use17:22
cfeddeusser: ah.  an LTS issue. That's fair17:22
Mara`mOOse`: and i need to install Vista17:22
=== m0ar is now known as Guest1742
llutzMara: reboot your PC, start it from recovery CD17:22
xfactAny benchmark tools available that shows the CPU temperature?17:22
Marallutz: i have no choices when i reboot17:23
llutzMara: enter system BIOS, change boot-order17:23
dingus9open office background cell color not displaying? any thoughts... this seems to be an ubuntu issue... but I am not sure17:23
yokobrhi guys17:23
llutzMara: read system-manual how17:23
xfactAny benchmark tools available for Ubuntu that shows the CPU temperature?17:24
marek_so could you guys please tell me which distro would be most suitable for a server with web hosting, file sharing through network and hosting email?17:24
cfeddemarek_: if you want ubuntu then go with 8.04.4 lts.17:24
yokobrplease, i have a gps wich connects with usb cable. In windows i can open it (it has an SD card) with activesync, but i can't find a way in linux. I need to browse and edit the files inside.17:24
`mOOse`Mara: how old is your computer?17:25
cfeddemarek_: any distro will do but you'll continue getting patches for the lts for several years.17:25
Mara`mOOse`: its like 3 years old alienware17:25
llutzyokobr: use gpsbabel if your gps doesn't use mass-storage-mode17:25
marek_cfedde-thank you. but im not strictly heading for ubuntu. would you choose the 8.04 yourself of all?17:25
`mOOse`ok, so then it should have a bios setting to set the boot order for cdrom/usb/hd etc17:26
xfactMara: alienware! Nice!17:26
Guest59661sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common17:26
Guest59661debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable17:26
`mOOse`and/or an Fkey for one-time changing boot order17:26
cfeddemarek_: you want advice to use a different distro from a ubuntu channel?17:26
xfact Any benchmark tools available for Ubuntu that shows the CPU/HDD temperature?17:26
llutz!repeat | xfact17:26
ubottuxfact: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:26
cfeddemarek_: I have about 40 ubuntu servers of different types in production right now.17:26
mguyxfact: check out conky17:26
Myrttixfact: lm-sensors17:26
=== Rainbow is now known as Guest66817
marek_no. not at all:) sorry for than mate17:26
marek_just wanted to be sure17:27
Myrttixfact: you can hook different tools to monitor what they output17:27
dingus9marek_: Go ubuntu... second Centos(free RHEL) but ubuntu is better p;17:27
cfeddemarek_: it is our current distro of choice for things that do not require licensed os.17:27
padhuxfact: lm-sensors , It is great17:27
asdfasdfasdfasdfhi i encrypted a file using kgpg in 4096 bitrate, now i see in the options the capability of exporting/importing passwords from servers, so question is: how can i make sure the pass i created is private and im the only one who knows it and it havent been exported?17:27
yokobrllutz, i wasn't able to use it... I've tryied, but i can't understand it.17:27
marek_thank you very much guys. all of you and wish you a nice rest of the day17:28
xfactMyrtti: I just want to know my CPU temperature updates, like in Windows 'speed-fan' app17:28
llutzyokobr: what model is your gps-device?17:28
ekim1cfedde, what do you mean by 40 servers in production now?  Do you build and sell?17:28
`mOOse`marek_: mine will be a lot nicer when I get out of this place :-)17:28
govindhow to add a option in the dropdown menu in linux17:28
yokobrllutz, Apontador Slimway17:28
mguyxfact: sudo apt-get install conky17:28
klappihm why dont app maximize properly anymore? http://imagebin.org/8390317:28
yokobrwith IGO navigator17:28
Myrttixfact: you get any kind of information from the cpu/hdd temps you need lm-sensors.17:28
xfactpadhu, lm-sensors, is that a command or any app?17:28
capronxfact,  lm-senesor17:28
ekim1hello all17:29
xfactcapron, How to install lm-sensor?17:29
filip89i want repair my sound17:29
cfeddeekim1: I work for a bigish company. about 30 are vmware guests.17:29
capronxfact,  try apt-get17:29
padhuxfact: application is available17:29
ZykoticK9klappi, i'd ask the same question in #kubuntu17:29
govindhow to edit dropdown menu17:29
klappiZykoticK9: ok ty17:30
ekim1cfedde, oh, you had my attention cause i want one...:D17:30
xfactlm-sensor available in Ubuntu repos?17:30
filip89in volume control it shows me device Playback: Null output17:30
flourinexxfact: to install it, sudo apt-get install lm-sensor17:30
cfeddeekim1: server? for what use?17:30
cfeddeekim1: lots of companies do linux if you want to buy somehting.17:30
morganHello all! Quick query - hibernate just stopped working with 9.10, after an upgrade. Now the machine just freezes. Acer Aspire One 531 - was working well prior to this.17:31
yokobrllutz, http://www.apontadorgps.com.br/slim/17:31
ekim1cfedde, yes, a server...mainly for file server but web dev later.  Dont want to pay top $$$ for one..too rich for my blood.17:31
cfeddeekim1:  any old box will work at home.  If you want it "on the internet" go with one of the cheap vps servers.17:32
gerry__I don't see the point in using 8.10 for a new server just because it's LTS as the next LTS comes out in 2 months. Surely the upgrade path would be a lot easier from Karmic?17:32
ZykoticK9gerry__, 80 days today actually17:32
gerry__But I'm a noob so please correct me17:32
xfactI am using Ubuntu karmic and it saying, 'Couldn't find package lm-sensor'. :(17:33
Peloxfact, lm-sensors17:33
mido_hi all17:33
cfeddegerry__: it's a timing thing.17:33
reto`xfact: use 'aptitude search xxx' if you want to find something17:33
Jooder492is there a way to get facebook chat on pidgin>17:34
PeloJooder492, try asking in #pidgin17:34
Jooder492ok thanks17:34
bucześć wszystkim17:34
MyrttiJooder492: are you using karmic?17:34
ZykoticK9Jooder492, http://code.google.com/p/pidgin-facebookchat/17:34
ekim1cfedde, I like the idea about an old box for cost wise but will checkout the vps idea.  I am new to linux and dont know how to set one up.17:34
sudobashis there any support for multi-gesture touchpad's in Ubuntu?17:35
mido_guyz.. does any body know how to make backtrack automatic to connect to the internet without type /etc/init.d/networking start     each time I run it??17:35
MyrttiJooder492: if so, you can install pidgin-facebookchat from the package management17:35
ZykoticK9Jooder492, install the DEB from the site, the one in repo on Karmic doesn't seem to work (it does in lucid mind you)17:35
gerry__ZykoticK9, can't wait :)17:35
cfeddeekim1: get some implementation experience on some old 586 you have laying around.17:35
llutzmido_: backtrack isn't intended to do so, change /etc/network/interfaces if you want17:35
buja pierdu co to jest17:35
padhuxfact: i am in Ubuntu 8.1017:36
`mOOse`anyone have a suggestions on a pix viewer? I'm using xubuntu and the default one is pretty basic. I'm looking for something like Irfanview or close. Thanks17:36
Pici!pl | bu17:36
ubottubu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:36
mido_thanx for helping llutz17:36
ekim1cfedde, I have to pc just lacking the knowledge and have been reading/surfing for a long time...gets frustrating.17:36
steve_please can someone assist me17:36
sudobashyou a good cheap linux box you can get for $29 is an original xbox you can even run a webserver on it17:36
xfactpadhu, What are you doing there? It's not even supported, at least 9.04....17:36
reesefrancisif I want to execute a command with crontab which requires a Y/N confirmation, how can I do it?17:36
cfeddeekim1: the easiest thing to do is to burn a CD then boot from it.17:37
BluesKaj!ask | steve_17:37
ubottusteve_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:37
xfactpelo, lm-sensors, installed thanks17:37
lesshaste I know this is a dumb question but someone has done something to make the fonts teeeny in gmail (using firefox 3.0.17). All other windows are normal17:37
steve_i have a nvidia mx440 and it will not work corectly with ubuntu 97 drivers its stuck on a small resolution and can not be changed17:37
cfeddeekim1: or find the local linux group.  I bet they have an install fest.17:37
xfactThanks everyone for help :D17:37
reesefrancislesshaste, ctrl +17:37
KaiForcesteve_ wow those go way back17:37
sudobashsteve_ you may need to add a resolution line in xorg.conf17:37
padhuxfact: Debian package should be available, No chance for missing.17:38
lesshastereesefrancis: ah yes :) thanks!17:38
gerry__`mOOse`, I like gThumb17:38
steve_i have tryed but its not playing17:38
capronxfact , Then you need to config it too run sensor-detect hop it finds lot of temps17:38
KaiForcesteve_ I think I may have one laying around17:38
`mOOse`gerry__: thanks - I'll check it out17:38
Pelosteve_ install nvidia-settings,  that should allowyou to make modifications easily17:38
ekim1cfedde, I tried that awhile ago but they are all pretty efficient at it and seems like I was kinda ignored as I didnt know nothing.17:38
Pelolater folks17:38
gerry__`mOOse`, yw17:39
sudobashis there any support for multi gesture touchpads?17:39
steve_kaiforce any help would be mega apprciated as i have litrly try evryint17:39
inveratulosudobash: any idea how many kwh to run an xbox a month?17:39
padhuxfact: i installed lm_sensors and i2c and sensors-applet 2.2.117:40
steve_nvidia setting are installed17:40
sofiankrtgood evening everyone17:40
sudobashno i dont run them all the time, I just have one that makes me money17:40
icerootinveratulo: look at the manual, also this is ubuntu-support17:40
steve_but still only 2 resolutions to chouse from and boath are very small17:40
`mOOse`gerry__: this looks like it might do the trick - thanks again17:40
ekim1cfedde, but thanks for the info anyway.17:40
xfactWOW,configuring it is complicated :(17:41
sofiankrtI have accessed a CD drive on another computer and have it mounted as a directory on my machine. It's an audio CD that I'd like to listen to. However, all the files show up as .cda files. Is there anyway I could make my box treat it as a CD drive and thus interpret the .cda files correctly?17:41
candyin which language linux is written??17:41
sudobashsteve_ paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf in pastebin17:41
sudobashC/C++/Assembly I believe candy17:42
gerry__`mOOse`,  glad you like it. I used to use on windows Irfan before switching to XnView. I really wish that still supported.17:42
icerootcandy: c and asm17:42
icerootsudobash: no c++17:42
reto`candy: mostly C, linux is the kernel... gnu is most of the rest17:42
sudobashahh no c++ how come?17:42
candyiceroot, what is asm??17:42
icerootcandy: assembler17:42
sudobashmachine code17:42
erUSULcandy: the kernel in C + assembly17:42
KERN_INFOHi! After switching to Gentoo from Ubuntu, I feel as if I'm a free bird. I want your opinion on this.17:42
sofiankrtcandy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel that should help. Says it's in a version of C supported by GCC17:42
icerootsudobash: no need for c++ in a kernel /hardware-near program17:42
xfactwell, now how to run lm-sensors?17:43
llutz!ot > KERN_INFO17:43
ubottuKERN_INFO, please see my private message17:43
KaiForceKERN_INFO yes you are a free bird17:43
erUSUL!sensors | xfact17:43
ubottuxfact: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.17:43
=== riku is now known as Guest49794
xfactI have installed and configured it by terminal17:43
`mOOse`gerry__:  yes, I know exactly - yer stuck between needing a viewer that does more than show you a thumbnail and photoshop...something that's versatile yet not a steamhammer17:43
sofiankrtdoes anyone know how I can mount a remote CD drive as a *local* CD drive?17:44
sudobashyeah I think you may need a resolution line in there holf on17:44
sudobashhold on17:44
steve_but i have forced the wrong drivers at the minuet so that i can default a good resolution17:44
erUSULsofiankrt: export the cd via samba ? nfs?17:44
steve_do you want me to set the 97 drivers ?17:44
sudobashwell the resolution line has to be perfect or it probably wont work17:44
KERN_INFOKaiForce, please explain17:44
sudobash96 you mean?17:44
sofiankrterUSUL: what I basically have is a remote directory I can access via samba full of .cda files that I'm not sure what I should do with17:45
Welshy-Robanyone know what this means E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)17:45
steve_yes sorry17:45
sudobashyeah set 96 drivers and uninstall anything else17:45
steve_i will be back in a minuet17:45
ZykoticK9KERN_INFO, ask your same question in #ubuntu-offtopic - this is the support channel17:45
Guest49794hey jst installed ubuntu 9.04 inside windows in my hp pavillion laptop but getin no sound17:45
okci am not getting sound in ubuntu. can u help me?17:45
erUSULsofiankrt: cda are similar to wav. you can convert them easily to mp3 or burn them again in a cdrom17:45
Guest49794plz help17:45
erUSULsofiankrt: is an audiocd that's why it is full of cda files17:45
sofiankrterUSUL: what kind of application should I use to play them?17:46
erUSULsofiankrt: any player should be able to play them but never tried myself17:46
capronxfact , I also installed lm-sensor ,  But it only find coretemp I was hoping for more wood bi nice to have disktemp , and vgatemp too17:46
erUSULsofiankrt: as i said it is just wav with a different header17:46
grendal_primei need to start testing upgrades from 804 to new lts that has not been officially released.  Is there a way to get my hands on lucid yet?17:46
grendal_primenew lts is Lucid right?17:47
erUSUL!lucid | grendal_prime17:47
ubottugrendal_prime: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+117:47
icerootgrendal_prime: #ubuntu+117:47
xfactcapron, sensor-applet show those17:47
icerootgrendal_prime: lucid has no feature-freeze so its useless to test upgrading17:47
breinerawhere is a good place to ask questions about c programming using glip, gtk, clutter (I was told #c, but when I tried to join it told me I needed to be invited), so where now?17:47
sofiankrterUSUL: I tried that, but the problem is, the cda files (according to what I read) are basically files that indicate where on a CD the song is, rather than encoding the song itself. Each file is about 44 bytes in size. So what I thought was, maybe I should try to get my machine to treat this remote directory as a local CD drive, but I have no idea how to go about doing it17:47
EmilioTucciHi all17:48
xguru_how do i change the video settings in one kernel from another?  the kernel i'm on now works fine, but when i try a newer one it bombs on a radeon driver which it shouldn't be loading17:48
capronxfact thanks I will try that17:48
okci installed ubuntu 9.04 in my system but i am not getting sound in ubuntu. can you help me?17:48
EmilioTucciWhat does mean "Go forth and sin no more"? I saw it in my X-Console?17:48
EmilioTucci(I am spanish)17:48
skritemsg /nickserv identify bitsbam17:48
guntbertbreinera: the channel you want is ##c (not #c)17:48
padhuokc: any error messages?17:48
Piciskrite: You should change your password now.  Also, do not identify in channel windows17:49
breineraguntbert: supposdly I am banned from ##c, but I have never been there17:49
guntbertskrite: oops - choose another password17:49
xfactcapron, sudo apt-get install lm-sensors sensors-applet, it's a gnome applet for temperature updates, including fan speed17:49
erUSULsofiankrt: maybe your only option is nbd but i do not thinka cd ripping program will work over a network17:49
guntbertbreinera: ask the ops of that channel - you will get help how to do that in #freenode17:50
steve_im back with 96 driver working with 640x480 resolution17:50
okcpadhu: no. all types of audio and video files are playing but with no sound.17:50
sofiankrterUSUL: how exactly does Ubuntu treat CD's? Can't I pipe my remote directory to whichever virtual device it considers a CD?17:50
grendal_primeanyone familiar with the lts dist upgrade process? has it been painless in the past?17:50
sildurJe vous haistous !!!!17:51
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois17:51
skritePici, guntert, dammit, how do i change my pass, never came up before?17:51
erUSULsofiankrt: you are asking to much imho17:51
alabdwhat's the problem with vlc ? vlc 'mms:' with command can not open it but in gui mode it can17:51
sofiankrterUSUL: it cannot be done?17:51
Piciskrite: /msg nickserv help set password17:51
sildurI HATE YOU !!!17:51
* spazic hates HATE17:52
sudobashsteve also: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42343817:52
guntbertsildur: stop that please17:52
breineraguntbert: thanks17:52
erUSULsofiankrt: as i said you can try to use nbd (network block device) but again ripping software uses low level access something that will fail over a network17:52
guntbertbreinera: np17:53
sofiankrterUSUL: ok. Thanks a lot for your help, anyway17:53
sudobashlook at the bottom of the screen steve and check this out: http://pastebin.com/d75dee52017:53
padhuokc: let us examine. first, our kernel smells any hardware?; #lspci | more   ; this will listout the hardwares found by kernel. just check it.17:53
riku_hey jst installed ubuntu 9.04 inside windows in my HP pavillion notebook and getin no sound17:53
riku_plz help17:53
Guestthank u17:54
sudobashyou may need to change those resolutions there to fit the ones for your screen but that line is what you need to force resolution in xorg17:54
HexxehDoes anyone know of a way of building the nVidia non-free kernel module on a 64-bit box for a 32-bit target?17:54
overmindGuest: Do you need help?17:54
sudobashactually I think those resolutions should work for generic monitors17:55
okcpadhu: no output for #lspci17:55
riku_hey jst installed ubuntu 9.04 inside windows in my HP pavillion notebook and getin no sound17:55
riku_.... plz help17:55
padhusudo lspci | more17:56
reto`riku_: inside windows? how? wubi?17:56
sartanHeya, what ubuntu script will update grubs menu.lst based on the installed kernels?  I had to delete a few in the interests of disk space, and would like to use something automatic to update the file17:56
Myrttisartan: how did you delete them?17:56
riku_reto':yes wubi17:56
sartanwhat's the script i'm looking for?17:56
Myrttisartan: fine, ask the pixies for help then.17:57
padhuMytti: deactive using # as prefix17:57
sartanI don't want to be rude, but linux channels often have a habit of twisting a question around in such an irrelevant way.17:57
Picisartan: if you use apt-get/dpkg to delete them then their post-uninstall scripts will remove them from the appropriate bootloaders.17:57
Hexxehsartan: grub-update or something17:57
erUSULsartan: sudo update-grub17:57
sartanAnswer the question and don't invent a new problem that doesn't exist17:57
Hexxehor that17:57
Myrttisartan: had you removed the kernel with a package manager like aptitude, apt-get or synaptic, the script updating the grub would have been run17:57
sartanThanks! update-grub it is17:57
Hexxehwrong way round, my bad17:57
reto`!sound > riku_17:57
ubotturiku_, please see my private message17:57
steve_lol how do i open the xorg with root permisions ?17:57
* erUSUL o.0!17:57
reto`riku_: see there if you can find some help... if not... come back here17:58
Aijsesteve, in terminal: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:58
dr-nictoHi I get this error while opening playonlinux -you dont seem to have 3d accelleration I can do the glxinfo | grep render command if anyone wants to help17:58
sudobashsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:58
steve_thank you17:58
LordHawkeHow do I hide file extensions with LS17:59
PiciLordHawke: You don't.17:59
sudobashyeah thats kind of a bad practice17:59
llutzLordHawke: they are part of the name, you cannot hide17:59
guntbertLordHawke: LS?17:59
LordHawke$ ls17:59
PiciLordHawke: extensions have no special meaning in Linux17:59
llutzLordHawke: rename you files to get rid of extensions18:00
LordHawkePici, It'd be UNIX in general. It's all BASH and SH18:00
dr-nictoHi I get this error while opening playonlinux -you dont seem to have 3d accelleration18:00
LordHawkeI want 'ls' to hide the .rcproject of every file it lists.18:00
LordHawkeAny way?18:00
riku_<reto`>thnx !!18:00
LordHawkeAnd I can't get rid of the extension. . .18:01
reto`riku_: yw18:01
erUSULLordHawke: no way; people already answered you18:01
LordHawkeBTW, they're directories.18:01
jribLordHawke: you could always write your own ls I guess18:01
LordHawkeThanks. Not the answer I wanted but the answer NTL. . .18:01
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dr-nictoI get this error while opening playonlinux -you dont seem to have 3d accelleration18:03
mawstSounds like cedega18:03
reto`dr-nicto: that means your graphics card either has no 3d accel. or it is not enabled18:03
ZykoticK9maweki, it's a GUI frontend to wine for some games/apps18:04
Arabushey, where can i learn about all the rpocess states "ps ax" outputs to me? I find a lot of documentation about S, R and Z, but SN or SNW is not explained anywhere I searched. :-(18:04
Arabus*process states18:04
dr-nictoI Installed the Graphics driver from the nvidia website and uninstalled it it might have messed up the xorg.conf18:04
steve_not haveing it18:05
steve_im in default again18:05
gerry__`mOOse`, actually I take it back, it seems XnView is now working on a version called XnViewMP (MP == Multi-Platform) and while it currently looks crap in gnome, it runs very fast18:05
Garnashanow I really wonder what other channel I've used is hosted on freenode...18:05
gerry__`mOOse`, oops forgot the linkage http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=1854518:05
Garnashaanyway, hi people, I'm new18:05
tylorQuick question. I was wondering if there is any kind of battery maintnence program for ubuntu?18:06
mawstI have this irritating problem that full screen games that start in 800x600 put my monitor sync out of range18:06
Garnashabattery maintenance?18:06
reto`!welcome | Garnasha18:06
ubottuGarnasha: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:06
Garnashaas in, laptop batteries?18:06
Garnashaactivate the noticifation area18:07
Garnashashould be active by default18:07
Garnashaif it doesn't appear there18:07
Garnashasec, going through the relevant menu's18:07
`mOOse`ahh...thanks gerry__  :-18:07
ZykoticK9Garnasha, i think tylor is talking more about "battery calibration" type stuff - discharging/charging the battery several times (i'm guessing)18:07
reto`tylor: maintenance? what do you mean?18:07
AegNuddelHow do I get Ubuntu to recognize my sound card?18:08
Arabushey, where can I learn about all the process states "ps ax" outputs to me? I find a lot of documentation about S, R and Z, but SN or SNW is not explained anywhere I searched. :-(18:08
Garnashaah right18:08
xguru_tylor: do you me charge and discharge to "exercise" the battery for longer life?18:08
Garnashanevermind then, didn't say anything18:08
tylorI want to try to gain back a bit of battery life.18:08
`mOOse`I have a confession to make - I have never figured out how to compile a pgm18:08
ZykoticK9AegNuddel, this "might" help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544918:08
shane2peruvlc, totem, and mplayer all play my file.mov but don't show the video, just sound?  what am I missing?18:08
* `mOOse` stares at the channel18:08
erUSULArabus: man ps18:08
jrib`mOOse`: you don't really need to anymore18:09
Garnashawell, you could try it the lo-tech way, just unplugging your laptop xD18:09
reya276can anyone tell me why rhythmbox wont transfer files over to my IPOD touch. It detects it but it wont let me do anything with it18:09
sudobash_when I get disconnected from my Atheros AR928X with WPA enc. and I cant connect back to it until I restart ubuntu18:09
fif0how can I change the Python eviroment variable?18:09
reto`!sound > AegNuddel18:09
ubottuAegNuddel, please see my private message18:09
ArabuserUSUL: sadly not :-/ it only states that it outputs the status=STAT but not what it means :-/18:09
jribfif0: why?18:09
ZykoticK9shane2peru, installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?  you might also want to checkout the w32codes (or w64codecs) from Medibuntu18:09
erUSULArabus: i have the man page in front of me18:09
tylorGarnasha, Yeah, I could but I would really like to just set it and walk away so I can let it go while I sleep or such like that.18:09
guntbertArabus: see http://beginlinux.com/blog/2009/05/understanding-cpu-process-states/18:09
reto`AegNuddel: maybe this can help... otherwise try to gain some info and come back here18:09
Arabusah ok18:10
shane2peruZykoticK9, have them installed, they changed the name to non-free-codecs? something like that anyway18:10
erUSULArabus: under PROCESS STATE CODES18:10
Arabusi was jsut blind18:10
Garnashaah, right18:10
sipiorfif0: export PYTHONPATH="/usr/bin/", for example.18:10
Arabusthanks, ^^18:10
dr-nictocan anyone help me when I do this in the terminal glxinfo | grep render i gues this error Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".18:10
ZykoticK9shane2peru, ahhh yes that's true18:10
`mOOse`jrib - lol...but but....there's been 3-4 times that I've wanted something and it needed to be18:10
Garnashaanyway, I got a question too18:10
fif0I'm not root and I need additional packages..so I compile my python an install ist in my homedirectory..to install the additions i have to change the enviroment variable18:10
sipiorfif0: not that that example value is a good choice :-)18:10
jrib!compile > `mOOse`18:10
ubottu`mOOse`, please see my private message18:10
jrib`mOOse`: like what?18:10
sudobash_like I will be connected for a long time but then if I get d/c I can't reconnect until I restart18:10
Garnashatwo in fact, one's about a nuisance I've worked around so far and the other is giving me network trouble18:11
sudobash_the router is in the same room with me18:11
`mOOse`I knew you were gonna ask me that! Let me think a sec18:11
sudobash_Garnasha let me guess samba problems?18:11
Garnashasamba? never heard of that18:11
`mOOse`there was one 2 nights ago...dang...I'll remember it just gimme a minute! LOL18:11
sudobash_what kind of network issues?18:11
reto`fif0: so what's the problem?18:11
xguru_sudobash_: i had the same issue while maxing bandwith for torrents, but after i went to lucid the problem stopped18:12
dr-nictoI got a question about my xorg config18:12
dr-nictocan anyone help me when I do this in the terminal glxinfo | grep render i gues this error Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".18:12
Garnashasorry, I'm sort of a layman who just installed ubuntu out of admiration for GNU18:12
Liquid-Silencevpn klines my internet connection18:12
Garnashaproblem's this:18:12
GarnashaI can only run wireless18:12
Garnashawhy? because the network at my place is set to fixed IP addresses18:13
shane2peruZykoticK9, so having those, mov should play? with video?18:13
Garnashaand whenever I select manual in the method menu the apply button gets grayed out18:13
ZykoticK9!lucid > sudobash_18:13
ubottusudobash_, please see my private message18:13
erUSULdr-nicto: that means the driver you are using those not support 3d18:13
reto`dr-nicto: try renaming xorg.conf and let X autodetect your stuff... the message you get means that glx is not enabled for your card18:13
xguru_sudobash_: next release of ubuntu18:13
shane2peruZykoticK9, it is from my digital camera, automatically gives me those files.18:14
sudobash_so its not stable yet?18:14
tomatoes7i have a folder that is owned by "root" how can i change ownership to another user?18:14
erUSULdr-nicto: or an error ocurred that prevented 3d (opengl) to be enabled18:14
llutztomatoes7: sudo chown18:14
ZykoticK9shane2peru, i'd imagine - i seem to be able to play MOV (although i don't see them often)18:14
xguru_sudobash_: nope, but its a good testing platform18:14
dr-nictooh k18:14
erUSULdr-nicto: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:14
Garnashathe relevant howto tells me to find and delete a file that doesn't even seem to be in the indicated file18:14
erUSULtomatoes7: what folder?18:14
shane2peruZykoticK9, right, I have been using Linux for years, and never ran into mov files, got a new camera, and never even thought about the video format it produced.18:14
aliendude3500So I was thinking... since GIMP is being dropped from Lucid, we need a new simple graphics editing program. Pinta seems to meet all the requirements quite nicely: http://pinta-project.com/18:14
dr-nictothanks ill check that18:15
ZykoticK9shane2peru, in a terminal if you run "mplayer $FILE_FOO.MOV" does the ouput in the terminal (re-video) suggest what could be wrong?  could you pastebin that output?18:15
Garnasha(the howto describing the way to set it by terminal commands)18:15
sudobash_gimp is being dropped what>?18:15
icerootaliendude3500: sudo apt-get install gimp   finish18:15
erUSULsudobash_: from default install still aviable in main18:15
ZykoticK9aliendude3500, sudobash_ Gimp just isn't in the default install...  you can still install it18:15
sudobash_why that seems like a waste of time?18:16
aliendude3500iceroot, ZykoticK9, I mean as somethign included in the default install for new users to play with.18:16
ZykoticK9aliendude3500, sudobash_ actually currently it's still there (in Alpha 2)18:16
shane2peruZykoticK9, good thought, I didn't think of checking mplayer's output:  http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/m23a6b59a18:16
icerootZykoticK9: because its no feature freeze, just a sync from sid18:16
tomatoes7erUSUL, /media/AVCHD/JWedding/BDMV18:17
Garnashaugh, I babble too much and lose the attention of anyone able to help me don't I?18:17
tomatoes7erUSUL, /media/AVCHD/JWedding/BDMV18:17
`mOOse`jeez - what a dummy I am - that page you sent me explains pretty-much everything jrib - thanks - the last time I compiled a pgm was in 1989 on a DG/UX mini mainframe LOL18:17
dr-nictoretro how do i rename the xorg.conf18:17
erUSULtomatoes7: is a ntfs parition ? or what?18:17
`mOOse`it's pretty apparent times have changed greatly!18:17
zambai need a tool to draw network maps.. dia, frankly, sucks..18:17
tomatoes7erUSUL, ext318:17
spekkohi all, i installed kubuntu. is there anyway to uninstall it?18:18
icerootdr-nicto: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old18:18
sudobash_zamba check out insecure.org18:18
tomatoes7erUSUL, i copied folders from NTFS though to the ext3 partition18:18
zambathe icons looks like they're from the dawn of the internet18:18
dr-nictokk thanks18:18
erUSULtomatoes7: sudo chown -R $USER:USER /media/AVCHD/JWedding/BDMV18:18
icerootspekko: uninstall the whole distri or just kde?18:18
zambasudobash_: eh? that's for nmap?18:18
AegNuddelIs there a way to uninstall pulseaudio?18:18
sudobash_i think they have links to network mapping apps, duh....18:18
ZykoticK9shane2peru, where you in Xorg when you ran that mplayer command?18:18
spekkoiceroot, the whole thing18:18
fif0I try to install python setup tools18:19
shane2peruZykoticK9,  yes18:19
icerootspekko: just install antoher distri or windows on the hdd, there is no uninstall18:19
sudobash_insecure.org still has good info not just for nmap18:19
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ZykoticK9shane2peru, if you try "mplayer -vo x11 P1000327.MOV" does anything change?18:19
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SHierlingsry, i didn't know chat put me here at once ^^  bye18:19
spekkoiceroot, no, i mean i have ubuntu, then i downloaded kubuntu "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" or whatever. now i wana uninstall kubuntu desktop and leave only ubuntu.18:20
shane2peruZykoticK9, that fixed it!,  that is odd, is my mplayer not right18:20
shane2peruZykoticK9, or is my x broken? :)18:20
icerootspekko: and i asked, just kde or the whole distri18:20
zambasudobash_: well, i'm drawing the logical map18:20
ZykoticK9shane2peru, ummm, probably didn't "fix it", try making the video fullscreen18:20
iceroot!puregnome | spekko18:20
ubottuspekko: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal18:20
tomatoes7erUSUL, i'm still locked out of the folder18:20
AegNuddelit changed things that were right18:20
spekkoiceroot, oh lol. i didnt understand :P. im a noob at linux still18:21
zambasudobash_: it's basically a tool like dia, only with some more fresh icons18:21
reto`spekko: that's why it's better to use aptitude... apt-get is not good at doing stuff like that18:21
sudobash_like a visual traceroute?18:21
spekkoiceroot, thanx18:21
erUSULtomatoes7: sudo chown -R $USER:USER /media/AVCHD/JWedding/18:21
icerootspekko: np18:21
sudobash_never seen dia18:21
tomatoes7erUSUL, nevermind i got it18:21
Younderwhat utillity do you use for backup. I have approx 100 Gb. 25 Gb of ext3. for the liux drive I am thiking of dump or tar..18:21
ZykoticK9shane2peru, try "mplayer -vo gl $FILENAME" and see if that works18:21
washIs there any way to send myself sms text messages from my server? I am on verizon, running Ubuntu 9.10 server editiin18:21
GarnashaAnother try, all at once this time: Could anyone help me with this problem where when I use "Network Connections" to edit auto Eth0, setting the IPv4 method to manual causes the apply button to get grayed out?18:21
erUSUL!backup | Younder18:21
ubottuYounder: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:21
rocky|raccoonhello :> anyone familiar with iptables know how i could go about blocking all traffic from an entire domain?18:22
tomatoes7erUSUL, thanks :)18:22
washI just want to be able to have the server text me if certain scripts go off18:22
CShadowRunrocky|raccoon: afaik you can't, you can only use iptables with ip addresses18:22
guntbertGarnasha: you have to fill in all fields :)18:22
spekkoiceroot, hmm do i need to type in "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"?18:22
sudobash_wash like sms you?18:22
icerootspekko: not if you already have gnome18:22
richthegeekPidgin just went frog-king mental and used 7.8 GiB of RAM, how do I make a debug report and to whom do I send it?18:23
washyah sudobash18:23
Garnashaso what should I fill in at search domain?18:23
spekkoiceroot, ok thanx :)18:23
=== pc1 is now known as sby
icerootspekko: but its no problem to type it18:23
shane2peruZykoticK9, yep that worked better, I couldn't get them to fullscreen, however maximize worked, the second command made the picture bigger, the first didn't, just the window size, with black edges18:23
sudobash_you would have to make a script that could use a html based sms tool that doesn't use captcha or something, maybe even google labs sms or something18:23
iceroot!bug | richthegeek18:23
ubotturichthegeek: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:23
Garnashaguntbert: is there a default for Search domains?18:23
ZykoticK9shane2peru, so the -vo gl is working?  if so you could edit ~/.mplayer/config and change the vo= line to vo=gl (FYI you might also want to try gl2 from command line and see if it works any better)18:24
AegNuddelpulse would nt be a problem if it would give me my sound card instead of just "dummy output"18:24
richthegeekiceroot: merely telling them that it went mental and used all my RAM isn't gonna help, do you or anyone else know where the runtime logs are for Pidgin?18:24
shane2peruZykoticK9, ok, thanks!  much appreciated18:24
guntbertGarnasha: sorry, not those - only the three address/netmask/gateway18:25
dr-nictoerUSUl how do I check /var/log/Xorg.0.log also can I send you the log cause I would'nt know what i was looking at18:25
shane2peruZykoticK9, does this have to do with my nvidia card or compiz?  or just mplayer?18:25
Garnashaguntbert: Did that, doesn't work18:26
AegNuddelok got my soud back18:26
washOh, actually, sudobash, found an ubuntu command line tool for it :018:26
ZykoticK9shane2peru, all of the above (oh if your using Nvidia and a recent card you might want to look into vdpau support - hardware decoding of video, very cool!)18:26
Garnashanow it does18:26
Garnashaafter switching windows...18:26
sudobash_dr-nicto you will want to pastebin the log18:26
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:26
trismrichthegeek: most things for pidgin are in ~/.purple, but it is doubtful it would log anything useful by default, if you start pidgin with -d, it will print debugging messages, which may be useful if you can reproduce the behavior18:26
=== pc1 is now known as sby
shane2peruZykoticK9, ok, thanks for the tip, will check that out18:26
icerootrichthegeek: pidgin --help  maybe there is a debug-modus18:27
Welshy-Robanyone know anything about dkpg?18:27
iceroot!anyone | Welshy-Rob18:27
ubottuWelshy-Rob: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:27
richthegeektrism, iceroot: i'll take a look at both, thanks18:27
=== sby is now known as sby_selatan_coBi
iceroot!paste | dr-nicto18:27
ubottudr-nicto: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:27
Garnashathank you guntbert18:27
=== sby_selatan_coBi is now known as sby_sltn_coBi20
rocky|raccoonCShadowRun, I see, thanks...I'll have to figure out some other way of doing it then18:28
richthegeektrism: hasn't been doing system logs since August 09 for some reason...18:28
guntbertGarnasha: nice it worked :)18:28
dr-nictoK thanks18:28
richthegeektrism: can't reproduce, seems to be that I sent a message to someone who had just logged out and probably went into a crazy loop trying to get a "recieved" ping18:28
sudobash_so is there anything like vdpau for ATI?18:29
ZykoticK9sudobash_, i don't think so - not "yet" anyways18:29
Welshy-Robwhat dose this mean?  Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:29
=== lewis is now known as Lewix
ZykoticK9sudobash_, give it 5-10 years for ATI to implement on linux (sorry i have no respect for ATI...)18:30
dr-nictok i got the paste bin iceroot http://paste.ubuntu.com/371928/18:30
coolcathi, I am trying to install intel c++ compiler but the installation script complains about 32-bit compatibility libraries, and ask for the libraries libstdc++, libstdc++5, glibc, libgcc, even though the are already installed. I am on an 64-bit machine, what should I do?18:30
wileyDoes anyone know when Virtualbox will support Direct3d?18:30
ussercoolcat, get a 64 bit compiler18:31
ZykoticK9wiley, it already does - to a minor extent18:31
trismrichthegeek: that should at least give the devs a place to look, if you include what protocol you were using18:31
evantandersen_why not use g++?18:31
Garnashaalright, question for python enthusiasts this time: anyone else had this problem, I think it started with the upgrade to 9.10, where the argument tooltip disappearing locks your keyboard until you move your mouse out of and into the python shell window?18:31
richthegeektrism: surething, I'll have to remember my basecamp login now ><18:31
rwwcoolcat: you probably need one or more ia32* packages. I'd start with ia32-libs and go from there18:31
sudobash_lol well i got this new gateway NV5378u with ATI 4200HD and it was a good price so I got it its all black and midnite blue looks pretty sweet I put Ubuntu on it the first hour of having it18:31
=== sudobash_ is now known as sudobash
ZykoticK9coolcat, are you sure you have libstdc++5 ?  dpkg -l | grep libstdc - by default i don't think it's in Karmic18:32
Mrokiihello. Does anybody know which file defines the keymap for TTYs?18:32
dr-nictoI did the glxinfo | grep render   command and got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/371928/18:33
wileyZykoticK9, i tried ChessMaster in Guest Windows XP and I installed additions and Wine3d. It didn't work. Any ideas why?18:33
sudobashit should be cause its hard to find some ppl use alien rpm's of libstdc++518:33
Garnashawow, loads of logins/logouts18:33
sudobashwiley try to run Windows XP in VMware or VirtualBox18:33
evantandersen_Mrokii: http://www.shallowsky.com/linux/keymap.html18:34
wileysudobash I am running Virtualbox18:34
CppIsWeirdmy ubuntu box is all the sudden not booting up, here are the errors on the screen: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d47bc7e3f18:34
ZykoticK9wiley, i have gotten some 3d games working in VBox -- but really the performace is still crap, verging on non-playable.  does ChessMaster run under wine perhaps?18:34
Garnashaalright, question for python enthusiasts this time: anyone else had this problem, I think it started with the upgrade to 9.10, where the argument tooltip disappearing locks your keyboard until you move your mouse out of and into the python shell window?18:34
wileyno, it doesn't either18:35
coolcatevantandersen_, I want to compare both18:35
sudobashI've ran multiple games in VMware before never VirtualBox18:35
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usserCppIsWeird, looks like a dead hdd or bad/punctured cable or loose connection18:35
evantandersen_coolcat: ah... ic. But the reason it is complaining that you don't have those deps ie because you have the 64bit version of those libs installed, and you need the 32 bit versions installed18:35
wileyZykoticK9, no, it doesn't either18:36
CppIsWeirdusser: bummer. seems to start booting. think its got enough left in it to copy files off? I've already tried playing with the cables.18:36
xbb.join #cakephp18:36
evantandersen_CppIsWeird: your grub could be messed up... have you tried using a live cd?18:36
mido_where to find ifconfig file??18:37
usserCppIsWeird, try booting from livecd, but it doesnt look like it'd even mount18:37
sudobashCppIsWeird boot ubuntu live cd and try to transfer files from it18:37
coolcatevantandersen_, I downloaded the IA-32/Intel-64 I am going to download only Intel-64, I do not need 32-bit compatibility ...18:37
Mrokiievantandersen_:  thanks, but as a linux-newbie I don't know how to do that: >do a recursive grep for "loadkeys"<18:37
llutzmido_: /sbin/ifconfig18:38
mido_thanx llutz18:38
dr-nictoHello I checked my /var/log/xorg.o.log and my glxinfo | grep render  I got these errors  http://paste.ubuntu.com/371932/       and  http://paste.ubuntu.com/371928/18:38
llutzmido_: to find commands, "which ifconfig"18:38
evantandersen_Mrokii: cd /etc/  then grep loadkeys *18:38
Mrokiievantandersen_:  thanks, will try that.18:39
=== lilian is now known as Guest83205
steve_hi its not working nothing :( is there anyway of installing the legacy drivers for nvidia trough terminal18:39
mido_llutz .. I wanna configure this file18:39
steve_becasue thay used to work18:39
llutzmido_: you cannot18:39
llutzmido_: "man ifconfig"18:39
qUaNtiC_hi, does anyone use pyjama the audio player?18:40
* steve_ cries under the table18:40
dr-nictoHello I got a question I checked my /var/log/xorg.o.log and my glxinfo | grep render  I got these errors  http://paste.ubuntu.com/371932/       and  http://paste.ubuntu.com/371928/18:40
sudobashsteve pastebin your xorg once again18:40
ZykoticK9mido_, network config file in /etc/network/interfaces < BUT if you change that Network Manager will no longer work18:40
llutzmido_: i guess you want to edit /etc/network/interfaces  for changing networksettings18:41
mido_llutz, what's your opinion ,, how to make backtrack connect automaticly to the internet witout start /etc/init.d/network ??18:41
nastasmido_: what exactly you want to do?18:41
llutzmido_: stupid idea, backtrack isn't made for this kind of usage18:41
ZykoticK9dr-nicto, in your xorg log it even suggest trying to reinstall the nvidia driver, might be a good idea to try reinstalling the nvidia driver18:42
usserdr-nicto, ZykoticK9 heh was just going to say that18:42
mido_llutz,  is there a way do configure this ?18:42
dr-nictoHow do i uninstall the whole thing i did all this from the nvidia driver site instead of hardware18:42
llutzmido_: look at the startscripts and add you network-start18:42
sudobashdid you even put in the resolution line?18:42
ZykoticK9dr-nicto, sorry i can't help if you used Nvidia driver from there page - good luck18:43
ionuthi. where i can find a script that makes automatically updates for ubuntu 9.10  ?18:43
steve_i did and it just defaulted the driver18:43
steve_did not use it18:43
sudobashone sec18:43
dr-nictoK lol guess its back to reinstalling 64 :(18:43
steve_asked me if i wanted to repair or change ect18:43
ZykoticK9dr-nicto, perhaps someone else knows how to uninstall the nvidia driver???18:44
mido_llutz, .. could backtrack connect to internet automaticly ? if I did somethin18:44
evantandersen_Mrokii: that won't work... sorry. what key bind in particular are you trying to change?18:44
=== jon is now known as Guest65940
dr-nictoI hope ;D id hate to have to reinstall i was trying to play guildwars but It doesnt load after all the dx9 install and c++18:44
steve_zykotick9 do it in the synaptics package manager18:44
lovelinuxHi,everyone. I'm using debian5.0 stable. I found out by chance that there're two shadow files under my /etc dir--one is named shadow and another shadow- . I wonder what is shadow-? Is that a copy of shadow?18:44
ZykoticK9steve_, he used driver from site18:44
Mrokiievantandersen_:  I need to change the whole keymap for TTYs as the one that is loaded by default is totally wrong.18:45
denndaHi. With ubuntu 9.10, where is menu.lst of grub located? It used to be in /boot/grub/menu.lst right, but there is no such file on this freshly installed 9.10 system18:45
steve_you mean installed via sh ?18:45
ZykoticK9!grub2 > dennda18:45
ubottudennda, please see my private message18:45
ZykoticK9dennda, in 9.10 there is no menu.lst18:45
evantandersen_Mrokii: okay look here18:45
adalgisoi'd like to set up PXE boot for a livecd, so i can boot over the network into a live environment.  I've read some things online but they all mention running a DHCP server on the same box as the one that will serve the PXE.  In my org, we have DHCP running on another machine, and there is also an existing PXE system that another department uses.  Would I still be able to set it up?  Or if anyone has a few minutes to chat can PM me?18:46
evantandersen_Mrokii: change the file to whatever your keyboard model/region / mode  you want18:46
Mrokiievantandersen_:  sorry, that's not going to work. These settings are already right (the keymap in Ubuntu). It's only the keymap in TTYs that's totally screwed.18:47
llutzmido_: /j #remote-exploit   and ask there18:47
Pykerso many quits :S18:47
sudobashsteve: is this how you did it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/371938/18:47
sudobashtry that and see if it works if it doesnt come back18:48
steve_that looks close but not exact18:48
zilkomaaWhat is super button in compiz fusion?18:48
fif0if I type "python" on the bach i want to start python from my installed source18:48
mido_llutz, thanx a lot dude18:48
sudobashtry that18:48
steve_should i replace that ?18:48
fif0but it doesn't work18:48
steve_i will be back to tell you how it works18:48
Diverdudeanybody knows of a nice changing-background theme with coralreef images?18:49
sudobashyeah no need to back cause I have it now lol18:49
trismfif0: you need to make sure that the path to your local python comes before /usr/bin in your PATH variable18:49
fif0how can i do this without root18:49
rwwlovelinux: Debian questions belong in #debian. I believe the answer is that yes, it's a backup copy.18:49
sudobashcome back and let us know if it worked18:49
ionutdoes anyone knows how can i create a file that makes automatically updates ?18:50
trismfif0: add export PATH=/path/to/your/python:$PATH to ~/.bashrc18:50
jribionut: what?18:50
Garnasha*drops back into the convo* you're a Python user, trism?18:50
adalgisoionut: if you're looking to update your packages (i think you are) you could write a script and make it a cron job18:50
trismGarnasha: yes, what's up?18:50
evantandersen_Mrokii: the keymap in the tty's should load the console-setup file18:50
lovelinuxrww: hey,thax very much rww^_^, sorry for the wrong room...18:51
GarnashaI have a problem where python 3 under ubuntu 9.10 freezes up my keyboard18:51
fif0thanks a lot18:51
evantandersen_Mrokii: did you try reloading the keymap in the tty with sudo /etc/init.d/console-setup reload18:51
sudobashsteve you have to make sure that you are editing and saving the file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:51
ionutadalgiso: exacly :). that's what i want to do. but i am a beginner,can u help me, because i don't know how to create that file !18:51
trismGarnasha: ahh, I haven't migrated to python 3 yet, too lazy to port all my scripts18:51
fif0I had done a wrong export18:51
Garnashaeasy to fix by clicking anywhere outside the window, but it happens everytime an argument list tooltip closes18:51
Garnashaand, as you know, those tend to open and close quite a lot18:52
TrekGarnasha: I'm not an active user of python but perhaps its a bug in 9.10?18:52
icerootionut: sudo crontab -e   with * */1 * * * apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade #upgrading every hour18:52
trismGarnasha: is this in idle?18:52
GarnashaTrek: I'm almost certain it's a bug18:52
ZykoticK9sudobash, if steve is running 9.10 you could just rename xorg.conf and once the Ubuntu nvidia is installed recreate it with "sudo nvidia-xconfig"18:52
GarnashaIDLE for Python 318:53
icerootionut: but automatic updates are bad, do it by hand and read before what will be updated18:53
TrekGarnasha, did you submit a bug report?18:53
Garnashadidn't do that under 9.4 either18:53
ionuticeroot: this command , i must run it from the terminal , or there is a way to write it down into a file ?18:53
sudobashyeah but it will keep outputting the same non working xorg config...18:53
Garnashafor a bug report you need to list a package right?18:53
ionuticeroot: yes, but  i want to use it on a server18:53
Mrokiievantandersen_:  I don't think that this will help. The main problem is that the TTY forgets the "correct" keyboard at every bootup, or maybe loads an unfitting keymap from somewhere, and so far I haven't been able to change that.18:53
Garnashaanyway, wanted to ask here in case I was being stupid about something18:53
jpdsionut, iceroot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates - is the correct way to do what you want.18:53
sudobashhe is having resolution problems I have fixed this on 9.10 nvidia before just not old 96 drivers18:53
TrekGarnasha: wouldn't the package be "python" or something?18:53
sudobashmore like 186 or something18:54
jribionut: check out cron-apt18:54
mido__I need a desktop recorder (good one)18:54
icerootionut: you can write a file on /etc/cron.d/  with the content   * */1 * * * root apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade18:54
jpdsjrib: Or the link I just sent. ;)18:54
AegNuddelwhat does && do in commands?18:54
Garnashainstalling IDLE gets you about 4 packages18:54
ionuticeroot: thx so much18:54
jpdsAegNuddel: Run the first command, then the second one if successful.18:54
ionutjrib: also tnx to u18:54
MyrttiAegNuddel: performs the next command only if the previous has exited successfully18:54
ionutjpds: is perfect18:54
jribjpds: yes :)18:54
icerootAegNuddel: command1 && command2    command2 will only run if command1 was succesfully18:54
evantandersen_Mrokii: http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?p=50193218:55
icerootAegNuddel: command1 || command2    command2 will only run if command1 failed18:55
Garnashaand I wouldn't know which contains the bug18:55
evantandersen_Mrokii: your exact problem (and solution) I believe!18:55
Garnashaon top of that, maybe it isn't even IDLE that's bugging up but some obscure package it uses18:55
steve_are you there slashdot ?18:55
steve_its not causeing a error now but i still only have the same resolution to pick from18:56
Garnashaso basically, I want to file a bug report but don't know what to put in it18:56
steve_yes sorry sudobash18:56
marcuyis there any application to extract a video from youtube in a range of time?18:56
PykerHi. I have a slight problem. I'm running Karmic Koala (9.10) and when I try to connect to the internet, it connects, but I can't access the internet (I can't access any web page, can't ping or any other internet-based operations). My modem is a Huawei E220. Thanks :)18:56
trismGarnasha: it would be best to file it against idle, you may want to try another ide while you're at it though18:56
jpdsionut: Or, you can use the tool in; System → Admin → Software Sources, and then the "Updates" tab.18:56
jpdsionut: Hitting a mirror server ever hour is a Bad Idea.18:57
Mrokiievantandersen_:  I think I read that before and did the reconfiguration of console-data before (far more than once). That lets me set a good keymap, but after a reboot, that's gone again.18:57
sudobashhmmm I need to connect to my buddys box via ssh let me see if he has the same ip and I can grab his xorg config for you18:57
Garnashatride: ok, thanks, will try that18:57
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:57
ionuticeroot: if i create a file in /etc/cron.d how can i execute it every time i loggin into my computer ?  (start my computer )18:57
steve_you are the man18:57
BluesKajPyker, are you using an ethernet or wifi card ?18:57
asdffCan someone help me troubleshoot my sound? I am running Karmic with XFCE window manager. I tried uninstalling pulseuadio then reinstalling but I think it screwed things up worse lol (now gnome-volume-control applet has dissapeared).18:58
Pykercan't remember the right word18:58
tinihi have a problem: my ubuntu is not starting anymore: i have a dualboot, but ext2fs destroyed my grub? and now? some inspirations?18:58
asdffPyker: usb wireless dongle thing?18:58
BluesKajPyker, a wired connection to your modem ?18:58
* steve_ is lovein the technical terms used18:58
Pykera HSDPA USB modem18:58
Pykerlol steve_18:59
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.18:59
Myrttijust stop it18:59
asdffCan someone help me troubleshoot my sound? I am running Karmic with XFCE window manager. I tried uninstalling pulseuadio then reinstalling but I think it screwed things up worse lol (now gnome-volume-control applet has dissapeared).18:59
ionuticeroot: i have created a file automaticupdates that contains this command "* */1 * * * root apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" . now what should i do to "access" that file any time i start my pc ?18:59
tinihi have a problem: my ubuntu is not starting anymore: i have a dualboot, but ext2fs destroyed my grub? and now? some inspirations? windows 7 with ext2fs destroyed my grub?18:59
blakkheim!repeat | tini19:00
ubottutini: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:00
=== Skuld is now known as Guest92138
icerootionut: cron will access that file and update the system automaticly19:00
jok3rhey, i was wondering if anyone here uses a specific key logger, one that they prefer19:00
icerootionut: every hour19:00
Solar_Flaream i wrong or is there with the new kernel a drop in wifi quality?19:00
iceroot!cron | ionut19:00
ubottuionut: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm19:00
steve_do you guys get paid for helping evryone out here ?19:00
jpdssteve_: No.19:00
Solar_Flaresteve_: no19:00
tomek_Hello :)19:00
icerootsteve_: no19:01
blakkheimsteve_: that would be nice, but no19:01
steve_there should be a donation program started19:01
Guest92138Got a question about Kopete and webcam support.  I've installed the libjasper-runtime, but still can't send and recieve streams.  In the settings though, I can see my webcam image.19:01
Mrokiievantandersen_:  yep, reconfiguring console-data is what I have tried numerous times, which only helps until the next reboot.19:01
asdffsteve_ often enough though when people come to get help, they also contribute with help in return19:01
ionuticeroot: thx. but i can also paste that command into my .bashrc (of root profile). and any time i loggin into the shell it will automatically run that command.isn't that ?19:01
Solar_FlareWas there a drop in wifi quality in the new kernel?19:01
usserionut, do not use that command it may and will break. The proper way to accomplish what you want is by using apt-cron19:01
=== Guest92138 is now known as Skuld_kid
Solar_Flarethe 2.4.31-19 seems to lower my wifi connection quality19:02
icerootionut: no not with ** * * * root19:02
usserionut, aptcron sorry19:02
icerootionut: just apt-get update...  but dont do that19:02
jpdsionut: Use the tool in System → Admin → Software Sources, and "Updates" as I suggested.19:02
blakkheimcron-apt does a good job in that area19:02
Pykeranyone can help me? plz :P19:02
asdffI can no longer hear sound in Ubuntu Karmic, and my gnome-volume-control applet is no longer appearing. Any suggestions?19:02
iceroot!ask | Pyker19:03
ubottuPyker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:03
Pykeri already did19:03
usserionut, bah cron-apt sorry19:03
ionutjpds: yes, i've done that.thx19:03
TrekPyker, ask again *once* so we can see it.19:03
Skuld_kid@asdff:  is there a blank space in your 'taskbar' where the speaker icon should be?19:03
MyrttiPyker: you can't ping either?19:03
Pyker"Hi. I have a slight problem. I'm running Karmic Koala (9.10) and when I try to connect to the internet, it connects, but I can't access the internet (I can't access any web page, can't ping or any other internet-based operations). My modem is a Huawei E220. Thanks :)"19:03
ionutjpds: now if i want to cron that file i have to do cron -filename ?19:03
asdffSkuld_kid: nah it is completely gone :(19:03
Pykeri don't think so19:03
MyrttiPyker: try?19:04
Pykeri have to reboot19:04
ionutjpds: crontab -filename,sorry19:04
mattgyverdoes ubuntu allow the use of IDE drives to be configured into a RAID 1, or is only SATA supported?19:04
asdffSkuld_kid: moreover I cannot re-add the volume controll applet19:04
Skuld_kidRepost:  Kopete and webcam support.  I've installed the libjasper-runtime, but still can't send and recieve streams.  In the settings though, I can see my webcam image.19:04
mkquistis there a recent problem with sd cards not automounting?19:04
jpdsionut: Why do you want to put it into cron?19:04
nvmehow much HDD space would i need to run minimal karmic + tomcat + oracle express + SVN ?19:04
jpdsionut: The Updates tool uses cron already.19:05
ionutjpds: yes,but if i am into a server macchine ?19:05
icerootmattgyver: every drive (usb, ide, sata, scsi and so on) can be a software-raid19:05
mattgyvericeroot, thanks19:05
denndaNice. Just installed kubuntu-desktop from a freshly installed & updated 9.10 ubuntu and now when I log in it only shows a gnome terminal without window decoration and does nothing else...19:05
Trek!repeat Skuld_Kid19:05
Trek!repeat | Skuld_Kid19:05
ubottuSkuld_Kid: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:05
usserionut, even worse. server updates should not be handled in this careless way! ever!19:05
jpdsionut: Then follow the guide at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates19:05
mattgyvermkquist, i have had various problems with SD automounting dating back to about 81.019:05
ionutusser: ok,thx,19:05
asdffI can no longer hear sound in Ubuntu Karmic, and my gnome-volume-control applet is no longer appearing. Any suggestions?19:06
ionutjpds: thx so much19:06
jpdsionut: But then again, usser is right.19:06
ionuti gotta go19:06
evantandersen_Mrokii: is there a file at /etc/console/ that is a keymap called boottime19:06
Skuld_kidThanks, I only repeted my question, becuase I changed my nick from that obscure Guest##### nick I didn't relise I had19:06
icerootionut: maybe use apticron which is sending you a mail about pending updates annd then YOU decide if you want that update19:06
usserionut, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade maybe not dist-upgrade19:06
denndaok now it's working19:06
mkquistmattgyver: strange thing is, never been a problem before, now two laptops dont mount my sd cards19:06
blakkheimdist-upgrade or full-upgrade (they do the same thing)19:07
Mrokiievantandersen_:  well, I guess it may load the "boottime.kmap.gz". Maybe if I would edit that, it would help, but I am not sure.19:07
blakkheimjust upgrade can hold things back19:07
steve_ sudobash are you still there ?19:07
karel_Could anyone please tell me how can I see what motherboard does my PC have (Ubuntu 9.10)?19:07
Mrokiievantandersen_:  to be exact, this file is in the "console-setup"-folder.19:07
mattgyvermkquist, yeah its only ever been a problem on my laptop19:07
blakkheimkarel_: lshw19:07
Homely_GirlGentlemen....is there a tool available in Ubuntu for me to check a hdd for errors?19:07
MyrttiHomely_Girl: smartmontools19:07
Homely_GirlThank you Myrtti19:08
sudobashyeah I can't get on my buddy's his IP changed Im looking for another19:08
Myrttia hint of irony there, but no matter19:08
Magnesiumkarel_: sudo apt-get install lshw19:08
mattgyvermkquist, more often then not i just have to mount them manually19:08
Magnesiumkarel_: Then sudo lshw19:08
Myrttihacker-eyes_: /join <channel name here>19:08
karel_Thank you, seems like I already have lshw19:09
Solar_Flareubottu: !wireless19:09
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:09
Mrokiievantandersen_:  the only problem is that the file in that gz-file has keycode-definitions with all sorts of unicode-codes in it and "keydump" for example uses a very different format. Pretty confusing.19:09
mkquistmattgyver: any hints on how to mount them manually?19:09
Magnesiumkarel_: OK...but you might need to run lshw as root...sometimes running it as myself doesn't work right19:09
denndaWhich package contains katapult? (The KDE gnome-do equivalent)19:09
Trek!hi | k4rt33k_19:09
ubottuk4rt33k_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:09
mattgyvermkquist, run sudo fdisk -l and see if they are recognized, and if they are just mount with, sudo mount /dev/(location) /directory19:10
k4rt33k_I am unable to send messages on a channel on freenode. It says cannot send message.Any idea why?19:10
Myrttik4rt33k_: because you're not registered/identified?19:10
k4rt33k_Myrtti: How do I register myself19:11
steffandennda: 'apt-cache search katapult'19:11
Myrtti!register | k4rt33k_19:11
ubottuk4rt33k_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode19:11
PykerMyrtti, yes i can ping
steffan!hi | luq_19:11
ubottuluq_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:11
MyrttiPyker: that means that you only have problems with your dns, and the network otherwise works fine.19:11
sudobashhey steve I can get on his PC at 4 or 519:11
denndasteffan: yeah tried that, even looked on packages.ubuntu.com. neither gave any result19:11
Magnesiumdennda: Katapult is only for KDE 3.x, IIRC19:11
PykerMyrtti, i'm using the same internet with the default dns servers, and it works just fine (on windows)19:12
steve_what time is it local to you now19:12
steve_but that is grate i will wait if thats ok19:12
evantandersen_Mrokii: install-keymap /path/to/file19:12
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode19:12
sudobash2:12, I'm going on a hike on the cumberland trail real quick and I will be back19:12
MagnesiumIn KDE 4 (like in Kubuntu Jaunty and Karmic) it should already be there...try typing Alt+F219:12
evantandersen_Mrokii: where the file is the keymap you want to use19:12
faheem_hello i'm using ubuntu, i own an iphone, is their any other alternative to using itunes for it that DOES WORK19:12
Magnesiumdennda: In KDE 4 (like in Kubuntu Jaunty member:and Karmic) it should already be there...try typing Alt+F219:12
servidoralguem pode me ajudar a instalar um gerenciador de LAnHouse19:12
steffandennda: maybe their website gives more information http://katapult.kde.org/. it is showing in 'apt-cache search katapult' for me19:12
zerozillionhey, does anybody know how to get a keyboard stroke beep in ubuntu? like on old computers, every key you press makes a distinct thin beep sound19:13
Pykerservidor, english please19:13
steffan!sp | servidor19:13
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:13
Mrokiievantandersen_:  the man-page for this command sounds good, thank you. Will try that.19:13
mbeierlanyone worked with Cisco's internet cameras and got audio to work under Ubuntu?19:13
Magnesium!iphone | faheem_19:13
ubottufaheem_: please see above19:13
=== ron_ is now known as Bunklesmush
tucemiuxis it possible to encrypt a partition that already has data on it?19:14
steffan!spanish | servidor19:14
ubottuservidor: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:14
Magnesium!iphone | faheem_19:14
jef91Is there a big quality difference between 480by320 and 720by480 aspect on videos?19:14
ubottufaheem_: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:14
Pykersteffan, actually it's portuguese19:14
mindosis there a mechanical enginering program for ubuntu?19:14
jef91mindos - to do what exactly?19:14
somethingelsehello.  i removed my logical partitions and wrote down all the start/end sectors.  then i recreated them and made sure to use the same start/end sectors as before.  now when i try to mount them i get an error saying that they are not valid ext3 partitions, even though i did set them to 83 in fdisk.  any thoughts?19:14
servidorcan someone help me install a manager LanHouse19:14
faheem_Magnesium, been through that guide and honestly i think its crap but lemme give it another go =P19:15
steffanPyker: then typing !portuguese would be more helpful19:15
Pykerservidor, you can try #ubuntu-br19:15
Pykersorry steffan, i don't know the bot's commands xD19:15
Magnesiumfaheem_: IDK...I don't have an iPhone, so I don't how well the stuff works.19:15
mindosjef91 anything. i ll just try for testing.19:15
Pyker!portuguese | servidor19:15
ubottuservidor: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:15
tucemiuxmindos, use "add/remove" to search for an app, what engineering program youre thinking about? there should be more than plenty19:15
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steffan!hi | frol19:16
ubottufrol: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:16
servidorOk Thanks for the information thank19:16
sponzoris there anyting similar to this but that it is free? https://landscape.canonical.com/19:16
faheem_no worries Magnesium frustation i getting to mer19:16
faheem_no worries Magnesium frustation i getting to me*19:16
jef91mindos tucemiux - remember as of 9.10 add/remove has been replaced by the software center19:16
Magnesiumfaheem_: methinks the iPhone will do that to you :P19:16
faheem_'the worst part is ubuntu is a big operating system and their is no itunes for it :/19:16
mindosi know i t jef91. tnx19:16
faheem_Magnesium, Apple in truth19:16
jef91faheem_ Why use iTunes?19:16
evantandersen_faheem_: try banshee for a similar experience19:16
tucemiuxjef91, im using ubuntu studio and I still have "add/remove"19:17
Magnesiumfaheem_: Apple doesn't really like Linux...I have a MacBook, which runs Linux great19:17
frolcan someone tell me why when i update my .profile or my .bash_profile and execute 'bash' the updates are not there19:17
Bunklesmushdoes the nickname registry not recognize gmail addresses as valid e-mail addresses?19:17
faheem_jef91, simple reason = i live in sa19:17
=== factran is now known as Factran
Magnesiumfaheem_: But iPhone + Linux is not good19:17
frolbut iff i connect in ssh they are19:17
skiwithpeteI've just put a 2gb usb key in my computer and it won't load... it looks like its sleeping (so the light tells me) - my computer is on battery, how can i mount this drive?19:17
JoeEvanstucemiux: truecrypt works with linux so i dont see why not19:17
faheem_Magnesium, iphone + any means of other communication is vad19:17
jef91eww iPhone, N900 ftw19:17
faheem_im jailbreaking this idiot as soon as i get home19:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:17
Magnesiumfaheem_: Very True...maybe you should get an Android or WebOS powered phone?19:17
tucemiuxJoeEvans, LUKS works with linux as well, what I'm trying to figure out is if there is a utility that will allow you to encrypt a partition that already has data on it19:18
Trek!ot | jef91 / faheem_  Magnesium19:18
ubottujef91 / faheem_  Magnesium: please see above19:18
faheem_Magnesium, i have one :) but i was very intested in seeing the iphoine19:18
=== sponzor1 is now known as sponzor
skiwithpetedoes ubuntu have a power reduced mode where the USB don't get proper power?19:18
skiwithpeteor won't mount?19:18
Magnesiumfaheem_: I don't blame you for jailbraking it.19:18
sponzoris there anyting similar to this but that it is free? https://landscape.canonical.com/ ?19:18
evantandersen_skiwithpete: pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l19:18
faheem_Magnesium, its like they want us to resort to being illegal...19:19
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:19
=== somethingelse is now known as CorvetteZR1
faheem_whole point of using ubuntu = no piracy etc19:19
Trekjef91, faheem_, and Magnesium: if you wish to talk about non_Ubuntu stuff, go to #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss it, this is the support channel.19:19
sildurJe vous HAIS tous !!!!!!!!!!!19:19
PiciMagnesium, faheem_: Please stay on topic.  #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support, not chatting about the iphone.  Consider #ubuntu-offtopic or ##iphone instead.19:19
Magnesiumfaheem_: OK we should stop now19:19
faheem_kinky.. ok sorry guys19:19
Pici!fr | sildur19:19
ubottusildur: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois19:19
Boeboeis this the help channel for ubuntu?19:20
skiwithpetean error occured while pasting19:20
SeveasBoeboe, it seems to be :)19:20
evantandersen_!hi |Boeboe19:20
ubottuBoeboe: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:20
frolnobody for my .profile problem?19:20
faheem_no shit....19:20
skiwithpeteanyways, its all sda1-619:21
Boeboelovely :)19:21
skiwithpetethe usb is not shown19:21
Myrtti!language | faheem_19:21
ubottufaheem_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:21
bullgardWhy does Ubuntu install on every system by default a user account 'postfix'?19:21
Seveasfrol, .profile is only executed when you login. You want to add things to .bashrc instead19:21
ard1anHow can i secure my home folder ?19:21
JoeEvansfrol: please repeat prob19:21
skiwithpeteevantandersen_, did you get that, it can only see my HDD19:21
Seveasard1an, chmod og-rwx ~19:21
evantandersen_skiwithpete: what do you mean? actually, run this:       sudo fdisk -l | !pastebinit19:21
frolwhen i update my .profile or my .bash_profile and execute 'bash' the updates are not there19:21
Seveasfrol, .profile is only executed when you login. You want to add things to .bashrc instead19:21
ard1anthanks Seveas19:21
BoeboeI've been trying ages to get my radeon x1600 working. Appearantly the propietary drivers no longer support it and the open drivers don't have decent 3D acceleration, how do I get it working?19:22
evantandersen_skiwithpete: oh... fdisk doesnt even show the usb?19:22
frolSeveas: and whatfor is .bash_profile?19:22
skiwithpeteno, it doesn't show it19:22
frolSeveas: also only at login?19:22
brad[]Hi all, I'm noticing that some of my desktops show a gradient in the translency of the titlebar in a backgrounded window, and others simply show the titlebar/borders with uniform translucency. Is there an obvious reason for that? I'm using nvidia cards everywhere.19:22
Seveasfrol, it's the bash-specific .profile. Shells such as ksh don't read it19:22
Boeboealso, with all my fiddling, I cant get ubuntu to even use the working video drivers, so now Im stuck in safe graphics mode :/. There is the x.conf file, but I have no idea what to put in there19:22
frolSeveas: thanks a mlot19:22
evantandersen_skiwithpete: I have to ask how comfortable are you with linux in general? new user? advanced?19:23
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skiwithpeteI've been using Ubuntu since 7.04, but I'm just an end user - I don't know how to code19:23
lantiziaMy Microphone isn't working, but I know it's in the right port - the physical mic is working - and alsamixer has it on CAPTURE19:24
evantandersen_skiwithpete: thanks. If your usb is not showing up in fdisk linux is not aware, which points to a hardware problem Have you tried using a different usb port?19:24
skiwithpeteyeah, I've tried all 419:25
duffydackdmesg | tail  after pluggin it in19:25
skiwithpetethe usb key lights up like its going to read it, then it switches to sleep mode and does the long slow blink that Cruzers do, meaning it is ejected19:25
ivansmoCan You tell me the terminal command for installing dev c++ on xubuntu 8.04 ?? like this on link   http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html19:26
lunganHaving some trouble since reinstalling ubuntu, my partitionated disk always ask for password when i click on it? how do i remove that password?19:26
duffydackskiwithpete, I have 2 cruzers, both work ok.  1gb and 16gb19:26
erUSULivansmo: devc++ is a windows app afaik19:26
jef91lungan have it auto mount via fstab19:26
skiwithpeteduffydack, [ 1264.480112] usb 2-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 319:26
skiwithpete[ 1264.634308] usb 2-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice19:26
skiwithpete[ 1854.264355] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, address 319:26
skiwithpete[ 1857.002608] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 219:26
skiwithpete[ 1857.154236] usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice19:26
FloodBot4skiwithpete: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:26
erUSUL!info anjuta | ivansmo19:26
ubottuivansmo: anjuta (source: anjuta): A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2: (karmic), package size 1504 kB, installed size 3884 kB19:26
skiwithpetesorry, sshould have paste binned19:27
lunganjef91, how do I do that? Its not an external hdd just a partition19:27
jef91lungan what is the partition name? /dev/sd??19:27
salinconnect irc.quakenet.org19:27
skiwithpeteduffy did you see the output?19:28
ivansmoOK Im installing anjuta19:28
duffydackskiwithpete, odd.. should output an sdX like mine : [ 2973.026335] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through19:28
lunganjef91, /media19:28
dyustinsomeone familiar with intel 915 chipset and its TV-out ?19:29
skiwithpeteso you know, I have a 2 and a 16, they are in opposite usbs (one on eitherside)19:29
jef91lungan - thats where it auto mounts to. What is the partition location? To find this run:   sudo fdisk -l19:29
BoeboeI've been trying ages to get my radeon x1600 working. Appearantly the propietary drivers no longer support it and the open drivers don't have decent 3D acceleration, how do I get it working?19:29
skiwithpeteI ran dmesg | tail again19:29
skiwithpeteand it shows a very similar error...19:29
lunganjef91, /dev/sda3            9622       37155   221166855   83  Linux19:29
ghufranhi .. how do i mount a usb hard disk? it got disconnected and its not mouting automatically .. i know the mount command but i dont know the device path .. how can i find that?19:29
duffydackskiwithpete,  looks like the ports dont like it..  I see you have a usb2 and usb1 port19:30
jef91ghufran :   sudo fdisk -l19:30
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skiwithpeteok, so what you're saying is, it could be the bios shutting down the usbs when booted under battery...19:30
duffydackskiwithpete, is this an old pc?19:30
skiwithpetebecause there is no Linux explanation for this19:30
jef91lungan - is it ext3 or 4? Do you know how to add a line to fstab?19:30
skiwithpetebrand spanking (Jan15)19:30
evantandersen_Mrokii: did it work? did you fix your TTY problem?19:30
lunganjef91, ext4, nope I don't19:30
duffydackskiwithpete, running karmic ?19:31
ivansmoAnjuta is working :)   Now Im gonna see how it is actualy compiling programms19:31
CorvetteZR1hello.  i removed my logical partitions and wrote down all the start/end cylinders.  then i recreated them and made sure to use the same start/end cylinders as before.  now when i try to mount them i get an error saying that they are not valid ext3 partitions, even though i did set them to 83 in fdisk.  any thoughts?19:31
faheem_is their any program i can use for my iPhone :(19:31
skiwithpete9.10 is karmic right?19:31
tucemiuxBoeboe, i would go to launchpad and check if someone posted an issue with your specific card, if not then create a thread of your own and kindly ask the developers to write drivers for your card and that youll be willing to test the drivers19:31
lunganjef91, I also don't have the permissions to change anything on the hdd19:31
Mrokiievantandersen_:  nope, it garbled the keyboard again. I am currently trying to edit the boottime.kmap-file by hand.19:31
ZykoticK9CorvetteZR1, did you format the partitions after you created them?19:31
jef91lungan - make a mount point for the drive (sudo mkdir /mnt/<location>) then run:   sudo gedit /etc/fstab19:31
skiwithpeteduffydack, 9.10 is karmic right?19:31
duffydackskiwithpete, yeah.  I dont know then.. can always test lucid alpha livecd.. see if its any better...least if it works you`ll know its a kernel or other thing...19:32
plecebowhats a good general chatting server19:32
ZykoticK9skiwithpete, yup karmic is 9.1019:32
lunganjef91, okok, now I'm in the fstab file19:32
jef91lungan - check messages19:32
Trek!ot | plecebo19:32
ubottuplecebo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:32
skiwithpetethanks for your help, I'll have a play in the bios see if anything there19:32
ivansmoOK folks, what is command for temporary lets me the rights for making changes on files and folders .. I need to make folders ov new projects in anjuta19:32
CorvetteZR1ZykoticK9, no19:32
evantandersen_ivansmo: sudo command19:33
ZykoticK9CorvetteZR1, well that would be the problem then... no filesystem on those new partitions19:33
inveratuloivansmo: http://xkcd.com/149/19:33
CorvetteZR1ZykoticK9, if i format them, won't that overwrite wipe out the data that was there?19:33
PykerMyrtti: you were right, it was a DNS problem. I changed the DNS server to Google's and it works. Thanks19:34
asdffMy sound is no longer working. I followed this guide to try and fix it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449. It was working a few hours ago.19:34
ZykoticK9CorvetteZR1, i'm sure you already lost everything when you repartitioned19:34
MyrttiPyker: np19:34
CorvetteZR1ZykoticK9, no, you can remove and recreate partitions as long as the cylinder size stays exactly the same, i've done it before19:34
ZykoticK9CorvetteZR1, OK?  best of luck.  i can't help...19:35
tucemiuxasdff, that guide is old, are you using karmic?19:35
asdfftucemiux: Indeed19:35
asdfftucemiux: to both*19:35
ivansmoyou dont understand my question, ones I saw that command that lets user to make those changes for a five minutes or so...19:36
asdffIt was the only guide I could really find, and a few people suggested checking the forums if no one helped with my problem.19:37
tucemiuxasdff,  sound was working = you did something = now sound does not work, what exactly did you do?  All in one line19:37
asdfftucemiux: umm. well I did do stuff. however it stopped working before I started muddling around.19:39
tucemiuxasdff,  can you post the --first line that has card 0: -- ***only the first line with "card 0" --from this command --> aplay -l19:41
asdfftucemiux: card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: ALC880 Analog [ALC880 Analog]19:41
tucemiuxasdff, do you have a laptop? desktop?  sound is not working from headphone? speaker?19:42
Timmarshallcan anyone see this19:42
ZykoticK9Timmarshall, yes19:42
tucemiux!hello| Timmarshall19:42
ubottuTimmarshall: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:42
deseroTimmarshall: yes19:42
gerry__Timmarshall, no19:42
Timmarshallfinally im back on irc19:42
tucemiux!ot | Timmarshall19:43
ubottuTimmarshall: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:43
asdfftucemiux: Desktop pc. Using the audio out port with headphones. The headphones are fine.19:43
Timmarshallright i need help!!!19:43
tucemiux!help | Timmarshall19:43
ubottuTimmarshall: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:43
guntbertivansmo: that command is sudo (or gksudo for graphical programs)19:43
Timmarshallim on talk talk broadband and wont talk talk wireless but its not compatible what do i do??19:44
asdfftucemiux: brb 1 second19:44
BHowardis talk talk wireless wimax?19:44
Timmarshallim not sure19:44
tucemiuxasdff, install "gnome-alsamixer" if you dont have it installed already, click on "External amplifier", you can also try alsamixer in the command terminal to raise the volume19:44
BHowardexplain your problem a little more. Whats not working? the modem?19:45
Timmarshalli wont wireless internet talk talk says its not compatible with linux19:45
BHowardok looking at the talktalk website I see its just wifi19:45
BHowarddont listen to them...19:46
asdfftucemiux: I installed it earlier, nothing is muted everything is at full volume (switching sessions brb)19:46
DuskinDoes world of warcraft have a linux client?19:46
jef91duskin no it does not but it runs pretty flawlessy under wine19:46
BHowardnope you can run it through wine or cedega though19:46
ZykoticK9Duskin, WoW you mean?  No, but it runs under wine19:46
DuskinOr can it run in WINE at least19:46
DuskinFlawless in wine eh...19:46
jef91Duskin there are files of howtos out there.19:46
Timmarshallso if i put the disk in for wireless it should install wifi internet connection19:47
BHoward@timmarshal as long as your wirless card is working you will be able to connect to a wifi router19:47
ZykoticK9Duskin, not flawless, and ONLY GL - graphics no where as good as in Windows i'm affraid19:47
Timmarshalli mean on my desktop19:47
BHowardI would use the disk because it wont have the drivers for linux on it19:47
jef91Duskin ZykoticK9 - thats true for most any game under Wine19:47
jef91BHoward what kind of wifi card?19:48
DuskinAny idea if WINE will run on powerpc architecture?19:48
BHowardnot me.. its for timmarshal19:48
ZykoticK9Duskin, highly doubt it19:48
asdfftucemiux: back, apologies.19:48
BHowardtim, do you already have your wifi card in your computer?19:48
jef91Duskin No - will not19:48
Timmarshalli got broadband to my desktop19:48
jef91Duskin: Wine Is Not an Emulator19:48
Timmarshallbut i wont an upgrade to wi-fi19:49
DuskinJef91: thanks19:49
BHowardgo ahead and do it. Dont listen to talktalk because most wifi cards are supported19:49
tucemiuxasdff, that is ok, so you are attempting to hear sound from a built in speaker in your computer or from the an output plug in the sound card?19:49
Trek!hi | aurelia19:49
ubottuaurelia: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:49
FloodBot4aurelia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:49
BHowardpeople just say linux is not supported because they dont understand it and dont want to take the time19:49
hagusWhen I use my mouse to select a piece of text, I often have to press Ctrl as well in order for that piece of text to stay selected. This has been going on for a couple of months or so and I have no idea how it started or, more importantly, how to fix it.  Anyone any ideas?19:49
tucemiux!es| aurelia19:49
ubottuaurelia: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:49
asdfftucemiux: the latter, an outpug plug in the sound card19:50
Timmarshallso how would i install the wifi with linux then19:50
asdffoutput* f19:50
BHowardjust install your wifi card, it should detect it and if not then you may have to do some stuff19:50
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:50
BHowardgoto that site to help you with hardware19:50
pjjkziqyou can check lspci to see if the card is detected19:50
hagusty BHoward  :)19:51
BHowardno problem19:51
BHowardif you have any problems just ask in the forums or come back here and someone will be happy to help19:52
asdfftucemiux: when I try and run gnome-volume-control from bash I get : WARNING ** Connection failed, as well as a GUI prompt saying: "Waiting for sound system to respond"19:52
tucemiuxasdff, did you try rebooting your system?19:52
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asdfftucemiux: :k... brb restarting19:52
TimmarshallBhoward come to my house and do it for me im confussed XD19:53
jef91Timmarshall - whats the issue?19:53
BHowardwhats confusing you?19:53
Timmarshallinstalling wifi19:54
fuzzybearhi. everytime i update my kernel, it updates my menu.lst wrongly... It puts my startup partition to (3,2) and it should be (0,2). Right now: i adjust it manually when i boot ubuntu and then change menu.lst manually... is there a way to "tell" ubuntu that it should use (0,2) instead of (3,2) ?19:54
jef91timmarshall what wifi card?19:54
bullgardWhy does Ubuntu install on every system by default a user account 'postfix'?19:54
Timmarshalli dont know19:54
BHowardwhen you get your card just install it and then check your connection manager to see if its detected and installed19:54
pjjkziqis the wifi card pcmcia, pci, usb...?19:54
tucemiuxfuzzybear, are you using karmic???19:54
BHowardif its not there then we can go a little further on the help19:55
fuzzybearyes tucemiux, but the problem was there in former versions as well19:55
BHowarduntil you get your card its hard to help you19:55
otswimhello, does someone know an app to retrieve a pdf from google books?19:55
Timmarshallit says wifi is enablled19:55
BHowardso you do already have a card?19:55
tucemiuxfuzzybear, karmic does not use "menu.lst"19:55
Picibullgard: It only adds that user on servers that have postfix installed.19:55
Timmarshalli dont no ive never checked19:55
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prodigelhi all. Anyone familiar with ZTE mf110? I'm trying to install this device on my 64bit ubuntu 9.10. Drivers that come with the device don't work, also I can't get the system recognize it properly - it's still seen as a storage device.19:56
BHowardok goto your terminal and type iwconfig19:56
ZykoticK9tucemiux, careful!  it does if you upgraded instead of fresh installing -- only fresh installs got Grub219:56
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asdfftucemiux: I am very sorry for wasting your time lol. A restart indeed fixed the problem. I think that guide may have helped (it was basically a reinstallation of many things).19:56
kula_hi ppl19:56
fuzzybeartucemiux: it does use that on my box, probably because i upgraded instead of new installation19:56
BHowardare there any interfaces listed?19:56
Trek!hi | kula_19:56
ubottukula_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:56
DravekxI have 2 drives. 1 i use for a web server and the other I want to use for a file server. what software would be good to setup a file server??19:56
Pici!postfix | bullgard19:56
ubottubullgard: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer19:56
tucemiuxZykoticK9, thanks for the information, I never upgrade, I always install from the ISO19:56
kula_anyone knows why there is no snownews in repo?19:56
jef91Dravekx - just use samba19:56
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Timmarshallno wireless extensions??19:57
kula_i mean repo for karmic19:57
BHowardok now do lspci19:57
fuzzybearwell tucemiux, i've been meaning to do a fresh install but i just don't find the time and waiting for a NAS purchase to temporarily backup my files19:57
BHowardand post the output to a pastebin19:57
tucemiuxfuzzybear, youre right, menu.lst is there because you're still using legacy grub, #grub support channel doesnt even support #grub, you can try asking at another time and hopefully someome that still uses legacy grub can help you, or try the forums19:58
fuzzybeari don't really see why #grub wouldn't support that kind of grub anymore?19:58
jef91fuzzybear - kernel updates don't happen often, why even worry about it?19:58
fuzzybeari think a lot of people still use it19:58
fuzzybearas i said: i just change menu.lst and it's fine, but it just annoys me19:59
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switchgirl1umm evolution sent lots of emails from years ago20:00
Timmarshallhow do i find out ive got a wifi card20:00
fuzzybeari will try #grub if they can't help, i'll just leave it then.. thx anyways20:00
TrekTimmarshall, lspci or lsusb20:00
TrekTimmarshall, lspci if a PCI wifi card20:00
jazz_is anyone having the problem with the volume lowering and muting? specifically, not no sound from speakers or any of the previous bugs?!20:00
TrekTimmarshall, lsusb if USB20:00
bullgardPici: "It only adds that user on servers that have postfix installed." <- Not only that. Ubuntu Karmic installs by default the DEB program package 'postfix' on every desktop install. Why do I need it? I don't think that I need it at all.20:00
pjjkziqtype 'lspci' into the console, then use ubuntu.pastebin.com to post your results20:00
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:00
BHoward@timmarshal type lspci in your terminal and post the output to ubuntu.pastebin.com20:00
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:01
Timmarshallwhat do i look for then??20:01
Johnny_Smith_14bonsoir j'ai un soucis j'ai deux PC UBUNTU j'aimerais partager mon imprimante reliée à l'un des deux PC via wifi et je n'y arrive pas j'ai parcouru tous les sites et forum et rien ne va quelqu'un peut m'aider ? merci20:01
Myrtti!fr | Johnny_Smith_1420:01
ubottuJohnny_Smith_14: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois20:01
BHowarddont use lusb because if it was a usb wifi card then you would know that you have it20:01
MyrttiJohnny_Smith_14: Ecrire /join #ubuntu-fr20:01
jazz_i reinstalled ubuntu 9.10 and volume became screwed up!20:01
Timmarshallwhat do i look for on lspci????20:01
ZykoticK9Timmarshall, perhaps this is easier "lspci | grep -i network"20:02
tucemiuxotswim, can you download books for free?20:02
pjjkziqTimmarshall, if you post it we can help. but anything that suggests a wireless card, like Realtek or other drivers (it's easier to post)20:02
Myrtti!paste | Timmarshall20:02
ubottuTimmarshall: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:02
Timmarshallid rather keep this information to myself for security reasons20:02
BHowardlol.... there is nothing there20:03
Timmarshallbut i dont no that20:03
Picibullgard: It shouldn't.  I don't have postfix installed on my own regular desktop computer that I have access to.20:03
BHowardok if you cant do that then i cant help.20:03
Timmarshallfor all i now this information could be used to spy on my actions20:03
BHowardits just hardware info. its not an ip, no exploits, nothing of importance20:04
bullgardPici: Ah! Thank you for your observation. So it is prbably linked to Evolution or Thunderbird.20:04
ZykoticK9bullgard, i certainly don't have postfix on my desktop (but it's 10.04a2)20:04
pjjkziqTimmarshall, look up 'lspci' online if you want to know what type of information it contains (reliable third party)20:04
Timmarshalljust tell me what to look for20:04
ZykoticK9bullgard, i have both evolution & thunderbird installed - but no postfix20:04
BHowarddo you have a laptop or desktop tim?20:04
otswimtucemiux: some books on google are available in 'full preview', i was wondering if there were an (k)ubuntu app to get it20:05
pjjkziqTImmarshall, do you have a line that contains 802.11 in the text?20:05
bullgardZykoticK9: Thank you for your observation.  --  And does your /etc/passwd include a 'postfix' entry?20:05
Timmarshalli have a desktop20:05
ZykoticK9Timmarshall, perhaps this is easier "lspci | grep -i network"20:05
pjjkziqlike 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8180L 802.11b MAC (rev 20)20:05
ZykoticK9bullgard, nope20:06
pjjkziq(that is my lspci line for my wireless card)20:06
tucemiuxotswim, can you download the books?  if they're in PDF format you should still see them even if they're attached in a browser20:06
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trismotswim: you can just click the download link in the corner and choose either epub or pdf20:06
pjjkziqTImmarshall, my desktop has one that says something like "Atheros communications"20:06
BHowardtim unless you installed a card already in your desktop. chances are it didnt come with one20:07
naruivan0de ke kolegio sois20:07
bullgardZykoticK9: Thank you. Now I have the problem to find out why it is installed on two of my Thinkpad Karmic computers.20:07
BHowardsometimes they do. but not always20:07
Timmarshallso its a waste of time then20:07
rwwPlenty of desktops have wifi cards, and some of them are internally USB connected. Mine is.20:07
smacnaydoes ubuntu have some sort of firewall started by default?20:08
Timmarshallwhats the usb one agin in terminal20:08
pjjkziqmany newer ones have them20:08
ZykoticK9smacnay, not be default20:08
naruivan0i am ivan20:08
pjjkziqlsusb (but that probably won't help)20:08
BHowardthats true rww. however if you get one and are able to handle installing ubuntu on it yet not know if you have wifi then you probably dont have it20:08
naruivan0i is in espain20:08
rwwubottu: es | naruivan020:08
ubottunaruivan0: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:08
bullgardsmacnay: No. It is safe by design under normal circumstances.20:08
smacnayZykoticK9, ok, thanks - I have a server in the basement running ubuntu and cannot access it via rdp.20:08
otswimtucemiux: trism: there is no download button for books that are not in full preview20:08
smacnayI have xrdp up and running and the local switch allows all traffic between lan comps.20:09
smacnaynot sure why it doesn't work.20:09
BHowardwithout posting your lspci and lsusb tim then we can give you a definite answer20:09
Timmarshallwhats linux foundation 2.o root hub??20:09
mido_how to  convert *.ogv to avi but in high quality ?20:09
coolcathow do I make an autotools-package use icc compiler(that is in my path) instead of gcc?20:09
trismotswim: yes, this is correct, because you aren't supposed to download them20:09
erUSULTimmarshall: the usb controller20:09
ZykoticK9mido_, you can't upgrade quality in a conversion -- but check out avidemux if you want a gui app20:10
erUSULcoolcat: probably calling it with CC=icc20:10
Timmarshallim going do do this the easy wayy20:10
otswimtrism: it's not to download the full book, just the part that is available20:10
Timmarshallget a wifi searcher of software centre20:10
Z_Godsomehow "apt-get source" is broken here, am I the only one with this problem?20:10
Z_Godand idea on how to fix it?20:10
rwwZ_God: Do you have deb-src lines in /etc/apt/sources.list?20:10
MyrttiTimmarshall: is there a picture of two computers on the top right corner of your screen?20:10
BHowardthe easy way would be to have one of us look at your lspci and lsusb output....20:10
deaconwhat kind of printer can i buy to run on linux?20:11
coolcaterUSUL, You mean export CC and run configure?20:11
Z_Godrww: yes, it can download everything properly20:11
mido_ZykoticK9, i used ffmpeg to convert that .. but the converted file was poor quality20:11
Z_Godrww: but after extracting, a chmod fails20:11
BHowardit may be possible you do have a wifi card but no driver installed20:11
blakkheimmido_: sounds like you need to man ffmpeg20:11
IlluminatusI have a question, if I try to mount a nfs dir with an uid that doesn't exist in the server and I'm not using all_squash, could I mount it ?20:11
Timmarshallno just my ethanet connection20:11
ZykoticK9mido_, ffmpeg is very good - there are lots of settings, try adjusting the quality somehow20:11
erUSULcoolcat: CC=icc ./configure should do or maybe the configure script has an option for that20:11
MyrttiTimmarshall: ok, click the ethernet connection button20:11
erUSULcoolcat: see configure --help20:11
mido_blakkheim, I did this20:11
MyrttiTimmarshall: can you see any wireless networks in there when you do that?20:12
mido_ok ZykoticK920:12
Timmarshallyeah it says disconnected20:12
Timmarshallwith wireless bt hub20:12
Z_Godrww: http://pastebin.com/f1f6ee5ba20:12
MyrttiTimmarshall: disconnect or disconnected?20:12
Timmarshalland o2 wireless20:12
_gtt_can someone tell me the significant differences between lshw lspci lsusb ?20:12
BHoward@Timmarshall it is still possible you have a wifi card installed but its not configured. without seeing your lspci or lsusb we wont know what kind of hardware you have and what type of driver you need20:13
IlluminatusI have a question, if I try to mount a nfs dir with an uid that doesn't exist in the server and I'm not using all_squash, could I mount it ?20:13
rww_gtt_: lspci shows PCI devices, lsusb shows USB devices, lshw shows ridiculous amounts of detail about everything20:13
MyrttiTimmarshall: and what happens if you choose the wireless bt hub, for instance?20:13
BHowardlspci lists pci hardware and lsusb lists usb devices20:13
Timmarshallthe authentication comes up20:13
BHowardlshw hurts my brain20:14
erUSUL_gtt_: lspci list pci connected devices lsusb displayes all usb conected devices. lshw uses /sys/  to report all connected devices the kernel know about20:14
rwwZ_God: Weird. Does it only happen with that package?20:14
MyrttiTimmarshall: so your wifi works on your computer.20:14
Z_Godrww: nope with all of them20:14
Timmarshallbut i havnt got a wifi router though im getting it soon20:14
Z_Godhere is the english version: http://pastebin.com/f5132669020:14
BHowardwould a BT hub be bluetooth?20:15
Timmarshallim on broadband at the moment20:15
erUSULBHoward: probably20:15
MyrttiTimmarshall: so what was your problem then?20:15
Aijsedeacon, hp printers are prety well supported20:15
rwwZ_God: The actual error there is: "chmod: cannot read directory `/home/julius/1down/libxml/libmad_0.15.1b.orig.tar.gz.tmp-extract.CQk0S/libmad-0.15.1b': Permission denied"20:15
toastedmilkSo, I have some linux images on a partition of my hard drive but grub won't read them, what should I do?20:15
toastedmilkrww: sudo?20:16
Z_Godrww: yeah it indeed doesn't exist20:16
Timmarshallhow do i configure the wifi when it comes20:16
rwwtoastedmilk: you shouldn't need it for apt-get source20:16
deaconAijse thanks20:16
Z_Godrww: with other packages I get a similar error20:16
MyrttiTimmarshall: it probably will be configured through your browser20:16
Z_Godrww: I already tried purging dpkg-dev & devscripts20:16
BHowardseems like you have bluetooth and no wifi. best thing to do is just wait till you get your router and see if it works. If not you will need to give somebody enough information to help you or do some searching on ubuntu forums20:16
Aijsedeacon, google for hplip20:16
rwwZ_God: Do you have write access to the directory you're running apt-get source from? You could test that by running "touch testfile" from the same directory.20:17
brontosaurusrexany clues why usb drive formated on ubuntu as fat32 would not be readable with snow leopard?20:17
Z_Godrww: sure the other files are put in there without problems20:17
blakkheimbrontosaurusrex: this isn't a snow leopard  support channel20:17
MyrttiTimmarshall: if the talktalk sales people have told you that the wifi will not work with your ubuntu, they must have understood something wrong.20:17
Darkbenthis is not a snow leopard channel20:17
brontosaurusrexany clues why usb drive formated on ubuntu as fat32 would not be readable with some other unnamed os?20:18
toastedmilkblakkheim: hey, do you remember trying to help me getting the latest version of my linux image to run?20:18
blakkheim!repeat | brontosaurusrex20:18
ubottubrontosaurusrex: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:18
Timmarshallthey are pakistanies though20:18
blakkheimtoastedmilk: no20:18
MyrttiTimmarshall: irrelevant20:18
VhozardWhy does the ATI drivers suck?20:18
Timmarshalli wouldnt expect them to know about computers20:19
blakkheimVhozard: because ati is the enemy of your freedom20:19
toastedmilkVhozard: because ati sucks.20:19
BHowardlol cause ATI hates linux20:19
PiciTimmarshall: Please be nice, this is an International channel.20:19
Timmarshallmy ati cpu works with ubuntu fine20:19
blakkheimTimmarshall: ati doesn't make cpus20:19
Aijsebecause ati dont want to give the specs from there cards20:19
rwwZ_God: alright, I'm out of ideas. Sorry :(20:19
toastedmilkTimmarshall: yeah..20:19
Timmarshalli am not being rascist or discriminative i am sorry if i offended anyone20:20
toastedmilkblakkheim: do you know how to get grub to read an image file it doesn't have on the boot loader from a different partition?20:20
Z_Godrww: I also really have no clue what could be going on :)20:20
Zer7What dependencies do I need to put in Upstart for /sys/class/hwmon to be available?20:20
Timmarshallmy apologises20:20
Zer7That is to say, what provides it?20:20
Vhozardblakkheim toastedmilk No, ATI doesnt suck. No ATI isnt the enemy of my freedom. Yes, Linux is not important enough :/20:20
blakkheimVhozard: those are opinions, obviously they could be debated20:20
toastedmilkVhozard: ATI cards just don't work well with linux.  I have one, it took me FOREVER to get direct rendering20:20
rwwVhozard: I have an ATI Radeon HD 3450. It works fine with xserver-xorg-video-radeon. It has basic 3D compositing support in Lucid. I am happy with it. If you're not happy with it, please use whatever works for you instead of doing offtopic bashing in #ubuntu.20:20
toastedmilkVhozard: and certainly not with my legacy card20:20
Timmarshallmy ati worked fine though20:20
toastedmilkrww: isn't the radeonhd open source driver experimental?20:21
BHowardI have never had any luck with ati.. at least not newer cards20:21
Vhozardrww Well, I actually wanted to know how fast the open drivers are progressing...20:21
mguyMine works fine out of the box with Ubuntu 9.10, ATI 4850?20:21
AijseI believe their fglrx driver works allright with new cards20:21
toastedmilkAijse: true20:21
CyLIs there any fancy app for ubuntu that would allow me to do dual head withou all the xrandr and xorg.conf hassle?20:22
sponzorthe ubuntu uses apache.conf and no httpd.conf?20:22
rwwVhozard: Ah, okay. Surprisingly fast. As I said, I have basic 3D support now. I got awesome 2D support and video a release or two ago.20:22
toastedmilkBHoward: fglrx should work fine20:22
ZykoticK9CyL, if you have Nvidia - yes, nvidia-settings20:22
svenbuntudoes anyone know where xchat keeps logs?20:22
Vhozardrww Including vsync on metacity?20:22
CyLZykoticK9: intel?20:22
alejandrono ablo ingles si no español20:22
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rwwubottu: es | alejandro20:22
ubottualejandro: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:22
ZykoticK9CyL, then i doubt it20:22
toastedmilkalejandro: ubuntu-es20:22
BHowardI teach a Linux class here and we have install parties every month. The only problem I really ever have hardware wise are peoples printers. No problems with graphics cards generally20:22
rwwVhozard: I'm not sure of the terminology, but I've never seen any screen tearing with metacity, so if that's what you mean, then yes.20:23
toastedmilkBHoward: you've lucked out thus far haha20:23
rwwVhozard: Some people would recommend fglrx. I find that fglrx is actually worse at 2D stuff than radeon now :)20:23
AijseBhoward, try to include tvout and/or multiple heads, then problems will appear :P20:23
toastedmilkrww: If you have a legacy card, definitely use the radeon driver20:23
Vhozardrww Yes, that´s what I mean. And I have a HD4850 and I can´t find ANY way to turn off the terrible tearing of metacity/compiz.20:24
toastedmilkVhozard: which driver are you using?20:24
rwwtoastedmilk: I have an R6xx card, which isn't particularly legacy. It's still supported by fglrx, anyway.20:24
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toastedmilkrww: yes, it's supported by fglrx.  but you said you were using the radeonhd driver?20:24
rwwtoastedmilk: no, radeon20:24
Vhozardtoastedmilk I´ve tried the default ubuntu open ati driver, but im now using fglrx20:25
ultemHullo. Does someone still know how to sync a PalmPilot (good old 1997) via RS232 using gnome-pilot or pilot-xfer?20:25
soreauVhozard: You are probably using the proprietary fglrx driver20:25
Vhozardsoreau Yes, I know. :)20:25
toastedmilkVhozard: Well, I don't have any knowledge of the fglrx driver20:25
soreauVhozard: With the open driver, it is possible to have vsync with IRQ enabled in latest kernels20:25
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toastedmilkVhozard: but radeonhd is experimental for 3D20:26
toastedmilksoreau: right?20:26
soreauradeonhd is not recommended20:26
Vhozardsoreau With latest you mean 2.6.33.xx ?20:26
toastedmilkSo, I have some linux images on a partition of my hard drive but grub won't read them, what should I do?20:26
soreauInstead, you want the radeon driver20:26
soreaueven for HD cards20:26
toastedmilksoreau: wouldn't he want radeonhd?20:26
rwwtoastedmilk: so is radeon. They're using highly similar 3D code, from what I hear.20:26
soreautoastedmilk: no20:26
rwwtoastedmilk: no, radeon works fine with Radeon HD cards.20:26
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toastedmilkrww: no shit!  that's pretty sweet.20:26
soreauIt is not similar code20:27
VhozardNo, I know I don´t want radeonhd. radeon is just fine.20:27
rwwtoastedmilk: watch your language. and yes, it is :)20:27
soreauradeonhd cannot work with kms, thus no dri220:27
toastedmilkVhozard: well, at least until a fully functional radeonhd driver is released20:27
toastedmilkrww: :P20:27
soreautoastedmilk: radeonhd is dying20:27
soreauthe open radeon driver is where all of the cool things are happening20:27
`mOOse`gerry__,  - I love this gThumb - thanks again for the suggestion20:27
Vhozardsoreau You said something about full VSYNC support (2D) ?20:27
toastedmilksoreau: so is the community going to just leave the hd cards to fglrx, or implement them in the radeon driver?20:28
`mOOse`it's exactly what I was looking for20:28
toastedmilkVhozard: yes, with the open-source driver20:28
BHowarddoes anybody know what type of wireless cards are used in alienware?20:28
soreauVhozard: With latest kernels, there is now IRQ support which allows for vsync20:28
gerry__`mOOse`: glad it solves your issue :)20:28
BHowardcant find a decent answer20:28
rwwsvenbuntu: .xchat2 in your home folder. You may need to show hidden files (Ctrl-H, I think) to get it to show up.20:28
toastedmilkBHoward: isn't alienware kind of like newegg?20:28
soreauVhozard: More info in #radeon if you want to know20:28
guntbertsvenbuntu: .xchat2/xchatlogs20:28
VhozardI´ll look there, thank you.20:29
rwwguntbert: I see you use -meta also :)20:29
toastedmilksoreau: lol, radeon is usually dead20:29
BHowardnot real sure, im thinking about buying the new netbook they are putting out but would like to do some reasearch on the wifi.20:29
`mOOse`(I just got out of work and on my xubuntu install now)20:29
renfoxdoes anyone know how to change the default email app in the indicator applet?20:29
toastedmilkBHoward: umm..i think you can get whichever card you want20:29
soreautoastedmilk: You have it all backward. radeonhd is dying, radeon is very lively20:29
Vhozard#radeon --> 1 person in the room: ¨Vhozard¨ -.-20:29
guntbertrww: how in the world did you guess ? ;-)20:29
toastedmilksoreau: no, #radeon the channel20:30
toastedmilksoreau: so is the community going to just leave the hd cards to fglrx, or implement them in the radeon driver?20:30
rwwVhozard: You're doing something wrong, there are over 200 people in there :\20:30
soreautoastedmilk: You are very confused20:30
ZykoticK9How to get this channel offtopic for 5 minutes -- enter #ubuntu and ask why the ATI driver is so poor  ;)20:31
ActionParsnipyo yo yo20:31
toastedmilksoreau: no, im just fairly uneducated20:31
Vhozardrww Ah, I see. I got the wrong server ;)20:31
erUSULActionParsnip: hi20:31
soreautoastedmilk: Fair enough20:31
toastedmilksoreau: you said the radeonhd driver was dying, correct?20:31
ActionParsnipwho is Frigg who CTPs me when I join?20:31
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MyrttiActionParsnip: look at the cloak of it20:32
rwwActionParsnip: Freenode service bot20:32
erUSULtoastedmilk: radeonhd does not mean driver for hd cards20:32
toastedmilkerUSUL: what?20:32
ActionParsniprww: cool, but why though?20:32
lenswipeguys root cant login to my server20:32
lenswipeanyone got any ideas?20:33
erUSULtoastedmilk: that plain radeaon already supports HDxxxx cards20:33
ActionParsniprww: dont have a problem with it, just curious20:33
rwwActionParsnip: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#freenodeconnect20:33
Myrttilenswipe: good. don't enable the account either20:33
erUSUL!root | lenswipe20:33
ubottulenswipe: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:33
toastedmilkerUSUL: so...what is radeonhd?20:33
rwwActionParsnip: as the anchor suggests, it's the replacement for the Freenodeconnect bot20:33
ActionParsniplenswipe: thats good, use a normal account and use sudo20:33
erUSULtoastedmilk: is a driver with a different architecture. somewhat an experiment (that failed)20:33
soreautoastedmilk: Yes, get more info in #radeon. The channel is not dead at all, if you idle there for any length of time. Also, it is officially logged, so you can read how much traffic is there each day20:33
lenswipeActionParsnip, except root is enabled - root login has just recently stopped today20:33
LuciusSirhas anyone else used vlc media player and have the audio cut out until you do a killall of vlc, randomly ?20:34
toastedmilkSo, I have some linux images on a partition of my hard drive but grub won't read them, what should I do?20:34
rwwtoastedmilk: There are three xorg drivers for Radeon HD cards: radeon, radeonhd, and fglrx. The first two are open source. radeonhd was somewhat experimental, radeon is generally a better choice.20:34
Myrttilenswipe: then you've voided your warranty - we can't support systems that have root account enabled.20:34
erUSULlenswipe: we do not support that configuration here20:34
Myrttilenswipe: it's not the ubuntu way.20:34
toastedmilkrww: yeah, I just got the whole gist of that xD20:34
lenswipeMyrtti, the hell are you on about? there is no warranty20:34
Guest86649anyone know a "scramdisk" type encryption prog for linex thanks20:34
toastedmilkrww, but thanks!20:34
lenswipeMyrtti, presumably the ubuntu way is to fanny around with sudo - yes?20:34
Myrttilenswipe: yes.20:34
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toastedmilkerUSUL, soreau, thanks to you guys too20:34
erUSULGuest86649: what does "scramdisk" do ?20:35
onaoghlenswipe, this is your local server ?20:35
LuciusSirits quite anoying, i'll be halfway through watching a movie or less and suddenly the sound goes bye bye, for no apparent reason, but then if i kill the vlc process it will play again as soon as I open the media file again20:35
ActionParsniplenswipe: the channel doesn't support using root or enabling root. its not needed20:35
Myrttihe's gone, guys20:35
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LuciusSirenabling root isn't hard :P20:35
ActionParsnipluciussir: tried the vlc ppa version?20:35
LuciusSirppa ?20:35
erUSULLuciusSir: erasing all your files isnnot either20:36
LuciusSiri just used the one provided from the repo20:36
toastedmilkLuciusSir: Personal Package Archive20:36
onaoghwhat is MSDOS tree cmd equivalent in Linux20:36
LuciusSirtoastedmilk:  whats the difference ?20:36
erUSULonaogh: tree20:36
erUSULyou have to install it though20:36
erUSUL!info tree20:36
ubottutree (source: tree): displays directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 30 kB, installed size 96 kB20:36
LuciusSirtoastedmilk:  i simply did an apt-get install vlc20:36
ActionParsnipluciussir: theres a later build on a ppa. websearch it20:36
jozahave any ubuntu studio?20:36
LuciusSirActionParsnip:  what is ppa ?20:36
toastedmilkLuciusSir: well, ppa's have support for different problems.20:37
erUSUL!ppa > LuciusSir20:37
ubottuLuciusSir, please see my private message20:37
ActionParsnip!ppa | luciussir20:37
ubottuluciussir: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.20:37
LuciusSirohhhh its like the opensuse build service20:37
temppuproblem: ubuntu 9.10 wireless connects, but does not let you outside of local network. Works with eth0. Any ideas?20:37
titan_arkZykoticK9, well you could make it on-topic. facing trouble with power management20:37
LuciusSirdo they test the packages once they're published the same way ?20:37
ActionParsnipluciussir: someone has compiled a newer vlc for all to use. try it20:37
toastedmilktemppu: what does dhclient say?20:37
tempputoastedmilk: not that good with this, what was that?-)20:38
ActionParsnipluciussir: the ppa maintainer will test although its not mandatory20:38
ZykoticK9!ask > titan_ark20:38
ubottutitan_ark, please see my private message20:38
toastedmilktemppu: go to a terminal and type in 'sudo dhclient'20:38
ActionParsnipluciussir: the newer version may help20:38
LuciusSirActionParsnip:  is there a special build tool for ubuntu or can i just download the vanilla source and compile it myself if i wanna ?20:38
renfoxe connection]20:39
renfox14:38 < temppu> toastedmilk: not that good with this, what was that?-)20:39
toastedmilkrenfox: go to a terminal and type in 'sudo dhclient'20:39
ActionParsnipluciussir: you will add an extra repo and the app will auto update as the system will see a newer version available20:39
toastedmilktemppu: go to a terminal and type in 'sudo dhclient' and paste the output on pastebin20:39
Diverdudehow can i see what version of valgrind resides in the ubuntu repos before i install it?20:39
benkong2what's wrong with this command?20:39
benkong2hello all20:39
MTecknologyI need to move from a larger HD to a small one - I'd prefer make one exact copy with partitions proportionate to what they are now - any suggestions?20:39
rwwubottu: version | Diverdude20:40
ubottuDiverdude: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »20:40
benkong2update-alternatives --install tclsh wish /opt/path/to/Tcl/bin/wish8.5 520:40
LuciusSirActionParsnip:  ahhh i see just like opensuse then20:40
ActionParsnipdiverdude: apt-cache policy packagename20:40
LuciusSirActionParsnip:  is that the page which has the repo links ?20:40
hagusWhat causes a mouse to lose its selection or alternate very quickly from selected to unselected?  Would that be to do with Compiz or some such thing?20:40
Myrttibenkong2: what are you trying to do?20:40
benkong2error is update-alternatives: error: alternative link is not absolute as it should be:20:40
ActionParsnipluciussir: well both are linux ;)20:40
ZykoticK9Diverdude, apt-cache policy valgrind20:40
brontosaurusrexdoes karmic now has full support for ntfs?20:40
benkong2trying to add Activestate Tcl to alternatives20:40
titan_arkZykoticK9, damn, got disconnected. i am facing trouble with power management. everytime notebook recovers from sleep it used to say no battery. this was on KDE,. now on gnome also it shows me no battery but my screen is very low contrast even though power is plugged in20:40
ActionParsnipluciussir: go to google. search for: vlc ppa20:40
LuciusSirActionParsnip:  hehe i know i just thought that was avant guarde for opensuse i wasn't aware there was a similar thingy for ubuntu20:41
hagusHow would one make a mouse behave properly?20:41
ZykoticK9titan_ark, sorry man I have NO idea, best of luck - hopefully someone else has something for you.20:41
* hagus reckons that mouse-obedience classes are not the answer :)20:41
ActionParsnipluciussir: there are ppas for lots of stuff20:41
ppaulhushow can I find which process has open connections on a specific port? seems like a rogue process on a server of mine is causing mayhem on irc... i see some connections using netstat, but not sure how to find the process which is responsible20:41
titan_arkZykoticK9, okay thanks. i see a bug fix that requires a kernel rebuild but i am not good enough for that20:42
ActionParsnipppaulhus: netstat -a20:42
ppaulhusActionParsnip: yeah, but I dont think this gives me the process20:42
DiverdudeActionParsnip, hmm okay...so just to be sure...when it writes: Candidate: 1:3.5.0-2ubuntu2, then its 3.5.0-2 and not or something like that right?20:42
benkong2Myrtti: I need tcl 8.5 for my tutorial I need libtcltk8.5 but ubuntu only gives me 8.420:42
ActionParsnipppaulhus: it will tell you the name and you can then grep the output of: ps -ef to find what the pid is20:43
hagusMaybe I am getting slow in my old age - maybe I cannot respond fast enough for my mouse ?20:43
erUSULppaulhus: sudo lsof -i :portnumber20:43
ActionParsnipbenkong2: search the ppas20:43
benkong2ActionParsnip: hmmm ok20:43
tempputoastedmilk: connection cut after dhclient command, and then minute later whole ubuntu crashed20:44
erUSUL!info tcl8.5 | benkong220:44
ubottubenkong2: tcl8.5 (source: tcl8.5): Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.5 - run-time files. In component main, is optional. Version 8.5.7-1 (karmic), package size 1548 kB, installed size 4432 kB20:44
Myrttibenkong2: which version of ubuntu are you running? karmic?20:44
xenocampanoliMy vpn service is not connecting with Ubuntu 9.10, and other co-workers using other Ubuntus connect fine.20:44
benkong2Myrtti: yes karmic20:44
toastedmilktemppu: ...that's bad.20:44
benkong2but it makes 8.4 default20:44
xenocampanoliI worked with a person whose is working, and he sees no difference.20:45
toastedmilktemppu: try running that command from a virtual console and pastebinit20:45
benkong2I can install the 8.5 files but20:45
tempputoastedmilk: what should I look in in dhclient?20:45
erUSULbenkong2: sudo update-alternatives --config tcl20:45
LuciusSirraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwrrrr wheres the damn repo link LOL20:45
xenocampanoliWe did have to downgrade from strongswan, but other than that, we did little to change things.  Our system requires a group password, and uses a pcf.20:45
benkong2erUSUL: I am trying to add a location20:45
toastedmilktemppu: dhclient tries to find a working connection for all networking ports20:45
benkong2erUSUL: will that work?20:45
hagusMy mouse loses focus when I try to highlight from one end of a line of text to the other.  By the time I reach the far end, the highlight has lift from the other end :(20:45
toastedmilktemppu: why it crashed your system is beyond me20:45
steve_dont suppose anyone here is useing a nvidia mx44020:45
ActionParsnipluciussir: in karmic it will be: sudo add-apt-repository ppa;//something20:46
erUSULbenkong2: sorry is --> sudo update-alternatives --config tclsh20:46
xenocampanoliI also tried putting all these in combination in the /etc/vpnc directory, and it fails there.20:46
ppaulhusActionParsnip: so if the output of netstat gives me this, what do i do with lsof: tcp        0      0       TIME_WAIT20:46
LuciusSirsteve: i had a problem with my nvidia 5200 fx20:46
tempputoastedmilk: I'll try again, lets see what happens20:46
* hagus wonders if mouse problems have been reported in connection with 9.10?20:46
xenocampanoliIs there a better group for vpn stuff on Ubuntu?20:46
steve_how did you fix it was it resolution problem ?20:46
LuciusSirLuciusSir:  to make the driver from the nvidia site work i had to uninstall all nvidia shtuff hosted on the ubuntu repo20:46
LuciusSirLuciusSir:  and then install the driver20:46
benkong2erUSUL: that works but I need to add my /opt/ActivestateTcl-8.5/bin20:47
LuciusSirthat was directed at you steve20:47
trismbenkong2: if you're curious, the error from the command you gave above is that tclsh must be an absolute path, such as /usr/bin/tclsh20:47
benkong2to the list ^^20:47
jozahi, have any ardour gtk2?20:47
erUSULbenkong2: why you insist in using Activestate tcl ???20:47
benkong2trism: so can I make a link to mine in /usr/bin20:47
LuciusSirsteve_: also inputting your monitor specs into the xorg.conf file manually was necessary to get it to switch to a mode above fricking 640x48020:48
steve_LuciusSir, i have done that and still its the same20:48
toastedmilktemppu: try it in a virtual console!20:48
LuciusSirsteve_:  did you include a mode list ?20:48
benkong2erUSUL: later version and and Activestate recommends it for my tutor20:48
steve_do you want me to past for you ?20:48
erUSUL!es | maria20:48
ubottumaria: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:48
LuciusSirsteve_: i'll dcc you my xorg.conf file if you want an example20:49
jon23dHello, I'm trying to get the updated GD library working on an ubuntu server, but am having issues.  I am following the instructions here: http://www.howtoforge.com/recompiling-php5-with-bundled-support-for-gd-on-ubuntu , but after running dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot I get: dpkg-buildpackage: failure: debian/rules build gave error exit status 220:49
Bennagei'm still struggling to get a USB boot working on my netbook20:49
LuciusSirsteve_: beyond that my success required hours of pulling my hair out not knowing what to do LOL20:49
Temppu1toastedmilk: ok, if I run dhclient it will cut the connection20:49
BennageI'm having to install onto USB on a Mac, then use it on the netbook20:49
Temppu1toastedmilk: which was eth0 (and wireless)20:50
Bennagebut it's not booting from the USB stick at all.20:50
toastedmilkTemppuu1: try 'sudo dhclient auto wlan0', or whatever your wireless port is named20:50
steve_please share im in day 5 and i have not been sleeping20:50
ppl8xger or en?20:50
LuciusSirsteve_: have you tried stopping the kdm or gdm service and starting the x-server manually while piping its output to a file for later viewing ?20:51
Bennagecan anyone tell me how to make the USB bootable?20:51
LuciusSirsteve_: thats what told me what was wrong with mine20:51
`mOOse`I have a usb install of xubuntu and suse...20:51
Bennagei've tried holding down Alt when starting up the Mac, and it doesn't show up there either20:51
doobehIs it possible to get rsync to build, and sync from a file-list?  E.g. if I have locations A and B, where both are large stores, but only a small storage C to move the data between the two, can I get rsync to build a list from A, then use B to diff against the list and put the files required for sync on C?20:51
ppl8xin ned help with develspie, do sb know this aplication????20:51
`mOOse`trick is to remove the hd from the computer before you begin20:51
steve_yes i tried but im a novice and dont relly know whats going on20:51
steve_i got enuff skills to do most things20:52
LuciusSirsteve_: pastebin the log for me20:52
Bennagei've got the ISO, and converted it to .dmg as it says in the tutorial20:52
Temppu1toastedmilk: can attach to paste.ubuntu, because I'm computer is not connected to network. But relovconf error...20:52
sandmanCan someone get my microphone working? It works upon boot. But then later fails to work.20:52
LuciusSirsteve_: your screen section isn't referencing your driver or monitor...20:52
sandmanIt's reproducible, also.20:53
`mOOse`Bennage,  these are true installs - not caspers or casper-rw's20:53
guntbertppl8x: there is #ubuntu-de too (if you are more comfortable with german)20:53
steve_how do i make the change ?20:53
`mOOse`they act look and behave exactly like a hd install20:53
toastedmilkTemppu1: okay.. first, try 'sudo dhclient auto eth0'20:53
Bennage`mOOse`: ?20:53
`mOOse`except they're on a 4 gig usb20:53
toastedmilkTemmpu1: if it works, do 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit'20:53
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
toastedmilkTemmpu1: then 'pastebinit dhclient'20:53
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skylI have installed postgres but this time I have no /etc/postgresql/8.4/.... directory or files20:53
`mOOse`Bennage,  I don't know what tutorial you're looking at - url?20:54
sandmanHelp me get it working, rather. I've looked through PulseAudio, all my system logs, configurations. I've played with /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf to no avail, so I reverted back to defaults...20:54
skyl/etc/postgresql-common/ is the only thing that is there20:54
ppl8xguntbert:  i try to learn english prof. :)20:54
LuciusSirsteve_: one sec i'll pastebin my config file20:54
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sandmanI also tried changing the ports (front ports versus back), no go. However, sound works perfectly in Windows.20:54
* steve_ bows for LuciusSir 20:54
`mOOse`you want to install from a usb or RUN ubuntu from a usb?20:55
sandmanSo anyway, I am unable to use any VoIP networks, Skype or what-have-you, because the mic just dies after about 5 minutes on the system.20:55
sandmanWorks for a bit, then dies.20:55
Temppu1toastedmilk: cant do that, its not connected to network. I changed computers after it crashed every time20:55
Jooder492why does my sound no longer work for youtube or any web sound?  only works for my music player and chat20:55
`mOOse`no what?20:55
Bennageinstall from USB and run on the local HD20:55
skylI have no /etc/postgresql/8.4/main :'(20:55
Ferrenrockok, does anyone know of a firewall program for linux that lets you throttle client connections live...i.e. you don't need to restart the settings, like IP tables?20:55
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
guntbertppl8x: good - but I have to admint that your question was not clear to me - try to write whole words and sentences20:55
sandmanI am also getting a bunch of these: pulseaudio[1354]: ratelimit.c: 1 events suppressed20:56
toastedmilkTemmpu1: you tried 'sudo dhclient auto eth0' from a virtual console?20:56
LuciusSirsteve_: http://www.pastebin.org/8844320:56
LuciusSirsteve_: hope that helps20:56
sandmanFerrenrock: Are you just concerned that one app will consume all the bandwidth?20:56
steve_thanks mate i will have a look and let you know20:56
`mOOse`Bennage,  and you don't have a windows pc available?20:56
LuciusSirsteve_:  if it doesn't try also doing a startx &>mylog.txt and viewing what the server spits out20:56
LuciusSirsteve_: might give ya some clues20:56
LuciusSirbrb all20:56
Ferrenrocksandman: no, I'm concerned about that, torrent connections, etc20:57
Temppu1toastedmilk: running it straight from terminal20:57
Bennage`mOOse`: I only have parallels on this mac...20:57
sandmanHave you looked at Wondershaper?20:57
Ferrenrocksandman: I'm thinking something that can do what htop does and show me all connections but also let me drop or throttle them20:57
steve_i think i might have been playing wiht the wrong xconfig file20:57
kad__hey need to ask! i have ubuntu 9.10 where is xorg.conf ? before versions there were xorg.conf!20:57
toastedmilkTemmpu1: try hitting ctrl+alt+F1, then running the file20:57
toastedmilkkad__: /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:57
Ferrenrockbecause my college gives me infinite bandwidth but drops my connection for hours on end if I take too much at once20:57
Ferrenrocksandman: no, what is that?20:58
Bennageand XP on the netbook, but the USB-creator doesn't work on parallels, and the XP on the netbook isn't accesible20:58
toastedmilkkad__: although 9.10 might not have it20:58
sandmanBasically, do a bandwidth test. Determine your max bandwidth. Take downstream/upstream down by 10%, and run wondershaper eth0 downstream upstream20:58
kad__toastedmilk,  i search no xorg.conf20:58
toastedmilkkad__: check the 9.10 release notes20:58
Bennagei accidentally set the active partition to a dead partition.20:58
sandmanReplace downstream and upstream with your actual bandwidths.20:58
ZykoticK9kad__, it's typically not there by default -- if you're using nvidia - "sudo nvidia-xconfig" will generate one20:58
kad__toastedmilk,  how i can edit the config then ?20:58
sandmanOh, you're worried about that...20:58
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sandmanWell, yeah. Use wondershaper.20:58
Ferrenrocksandman: yeah20:59
kad__ZykoticK9,  no i'm not using nvidia20:59
jp--hi guys. how can I boot ubuntu livecd using kexec to boot the text installer?20:59
sandmanFigure out how much bandwidth you want to use, and do wondershaper20:59
useronemy huawei e220 usb modem has become very slow on 9.10 (~45kb/s). it used to be consistently 650kb/s. nothing wrong with network or modem as i am still getting this speed on windows. any ideas?20:59
Mrokiidoes anybody in here know a site where I can enter unicode and see what sign it represents?20:59
`mOOse`Bennage, and you don't have a cdrom in the netbook I'm guessing20:59
kad__ZykoticK9,  using:     [23:48:51] ­lamiss is now busy20:59
kad__    [23:48:51] ­lamiss doesn't have personal message anymore20:59
kad__    [23:48:56] ­lamiss is now away20:59
Bennagenope :P20:59
toastedmilkMrokii: google?20:59
sandmanwondershaper is also very useful for keeping a connection from getting congested.20:59
sandmanCan anyone help me with this sound issue?20:59
Ferrenrocksandman: I'd rather just throttle individual services or IP connections, not everything globally20:59
kad__ZykoticK9,  sorry20:59
jp--I'm currently using these parameters: kexec --load tmp/casper/vmlinuz --initrd=tmp/casper/initrd.gz --command-line="preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz nosplash vesa video=vesafb"   but I don't know what are the parameters to boot the text installation20:59
Ferrenrockgive precedence to one service over another20:59
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kad__ZykoticK9,  wrong paste was saying i'm using: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller !21:00
Ferrenrockkind of like pfsense or zonealarm21:00
`mOOse`looks like it's time for an external usb dvd/cdrom drive Bennage  :-)21:00
sandmanFerrenrock: You'd want to give priority to a service? Then you'll probably need to research deeply into packet routing21:00
Bennagearse :P21:00
Mrokiitoastedmilk:  I have searched google but found nothing suitable upto now.21:00
sandmanFerrenrock: Which will likely require some time on your part.21:00
Temppu1toastedmilk: same results, and it is not connected, so I can not pastebinit21:00
Ferrenrocksandman: pfsense and zonealarm had nice simple GUIs for it in freebsd and windows, respectively21:00
FerrenrockI'm just looking for something similar21:00
sandmanYou could try that.21:00
ZykoticK9kad__, "sudo service gdm stop" (this will log you out BTW), then from console run "sudo X -configure" will put an xorg in /root -- copy & rename it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:00
`mOOse`if you can boot from a usb you could put hirens on it and fix the boot record with that21:00
sandmanI'm not familiar with those.21:00
Bennageis there any software out there that i can stick on a USB stick, and boot from it on a PC to alter my MBR?21:01
`mOOse`or  ultimatecd21:01
kad__ZykoticK9,  thx =)21:01
`mOOse`yea plenty of em21:01
erUSULBennage: supergrub disk?21:01
toastedmilkTemmpu1: sorry, it's over my head then.  start googling your dhclient error message and see what you can turn up21:01
`mOOse`it's an xp install erUSUL21:01
`mOOse`on his netbook21:01
Ferrenrocksandman: pfsense has a list of running services with checks next to each one on which to drop, while zonelaarm has a list of services with the port and IP, and it literally has a little part to throttle it21:01
almark1Hello I'm trying to install build-essential on Ubuntu Hardy but it tells me  libstdc++6-4.2-dev: Depends: libc6-dev (>= 2.5) but it is not going to be installed21:01
`mOOse`he made the wrong partition active and he needs to switch it21:02
sambagirlhow does one run a windows 98 app in ubuntu? using virtual box and then installing it like that?21:02
Bennageexcept I need to build it on the USB stick from this Mac :/21:02
sandmanI see. Well, I'm not aware of anything like that. But that doesn't mean there isn't anything like that.21:02
Ferrenrocksandman: ah ok21:02
almark1what can I do to get it to install?21:02
Mrokiitoastedmilk:  nevermind, found a suitable site.21:02
FerrenrockI'll keep looking21:02
`mOOse`Bennage,  you in the usa?21:02
erUSULsambagirl: or trying wine first21:02
sandmanKeep asking in here, hopefully someone will know =) Otherwise, if there's no luck here, I'd recommend a little patience and a forum.21:02
erUSUL!appdb | sambagirl21:02
ubottusambagirl: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:02
Bennagenope, UK21:02
Ferrenrocksandman: yeah21:02
Ferrenrocktake it easy21:02
ActionParsnipsambagirl: you can use wine to run some windows apps21:02
almark1I tried to apt-get install the dependency but it didn't install either21:02
`mOOse`you have libraries with computers in them?21:02
guntbert!ot | `mOOse`21:02
ubottu`mOOse`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:02
Bennagei have work puters, but I'm too damn impatient :P21:03
Temppu1toastedmilk: ok, thanks anyhow :)21:03
sambagirlplay in linux should do it tho i thought21:03
ActionParsnipsambagirl: virtualbox will require a windows licence to install windows in the virtualised system21:03
sambagirl'/join #winehq21:03
`mOOse`welp you can always put *UBUNTU* (glares at guntbert ) on it there ;-)21:03
ActionParsnipsambagirl: sure thats a wrapper for wine. not all apps work so check the appdb first21:03
guntbert`mOOse`: this channel is for ubuntu support - not for chatter *about* ubuntu - please remember that21:04
ActionParsnipsambagirl: if its a win98 app it may run in dosbox21:04
`mOOse`he's trying to get it installed on a usb stick guntbert ... sorry21:05
almark1How does one install build-essential if it refuses to install ?21:05
sandmanIf I enable the Pre-released updates and Unsupported updates in Software Sources, will APT still be "pinned" to prefer karmic-updates/karmic-security ?21:05
erUSULalmark1: paste the error msgs21:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:05
sambagirlhas anhyone installed their DM2 in linux sucessfully?21:05
almark1what site erUSUL21:05
almark1oh sorry lol21:06
LuciusSirgod the gui admin tools for nvidia drivers suck ass21:06
ActionParsnipalmark1: can you give a pastebin of the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install build-essential21:06
erUSUL!language | LuciusSir21:06
ubottuLuciusSir: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:06
icerootLuciusSir: like your language, so please dont such a language21:06
LuciusSirdidn't realize this was apr channel21:06
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LuciusSiri'll stop talking like a sailor.. sigh21:06
ActionParsnipsandman: i believe it just looks at version numbers21:06
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useronethe 'green' hsdpa light on my usb no longer comes on. does anyone know how to 'force' it on using ubuntu?21:07
ActionParsnipsambagirl: whats dm2?21:07
ZykoticK9LuciusSir, what's your difficulty with nvidia-settings?21:07
LuciusSirZykoticK9:  nothing anymore, i edited the xorg from scratch and removed all the repo specific packages relating to it lol21:08
swygueHello I'm trying automate a Ubuntu install using pxe and a preseed file, Ubuntu boots and the installer kicks off but fails to detect disk, I get "No root file system is defined". If switch to the shell terminal, and issue fdisk, I don't see any disk. If manually install Ubuntu using the CD-ROM on the same server, the installation detects the disk. Is there something I need to pass as a kernel parameter to get this working. My server is a HP 360. Thanks21:08
ActionParsnipluciussir: either way is fine :) i use xorg.conf too21:08
almark1I forgot how to talk directly to someone, its been a while for me on IRC21:08
almark1is it _joeblow21:08
ikoniaswygue: does the disk have hardware raid setup ?21:08
LuciusSirZykoticK9:  not to mention i dunno if it has a console based backup in case you screw up your xserver lol21:09
erUSUL!who | almark121:09
ubottualmark1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:09
ikoniaalmark1: saying the name will hilight them, /msg user will send a mesage to user21:09
ta_anyone knows if it is possible to import a virtual machine image created with vmware into virtualbox?21:09
ActionParsnipswygue: check the loaded modules in the working system, see what is related to disks and missing from the none working one21:09
LuciusSirActionParsnip:  yeah its the only way lol21:09
ZykoticK9ta_, it is possible, ask in #vbox21:09
erUSULta_: qemu-img can convert them21:09
almark1ok thanks :)21:09
ActionParsnipta_; ask in #vbox21:10
useroneis there a command to check if a usb modem is receiving 3g/hsdpa?21:10
cmpplease i want to go to compiz room21:10
ActionParsnipluciussir: i just find it easier as i have a good file backed up so i can just retore and im away :)21:10
ikoniacmp: join it then21:10
kusznirHi all: I'm trying to create a ubuntu domU on my xen hvm server.  I've been trying with the 9.10 x86_64 dvd iso.  I've got it loading the cd menu (language, etc), but when I select "Install ubuntu", my display hangs (the menu is cleared, a flashing cursor shows up for about 1 sec, then all that remains is the F1... stuff on the bottom of the screen), and the CPU uses 100% of one core until I kill the DomU.  So far, no help from ##xen.  Any suggestion21:10
erUSULcmp: /j #compiz21:10
swygueikonia: yes I am using hardware raid21:10
LuciusSirActionParsnip:  i have been finding if you don't know your monitors specific stats it doesn't like you much :P21:11
ikoniaswygue: this is common when pxe booting, I've got a note on this, hang on21:11
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ActionParsnipswygue: then you will need the module modprobed for your card21:11
ikoniaActionParsnip: it's actually a bit of a bug in how pxe works and how the HP DL range presents it's hardware disks21:11
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ActionParsnipikonia: gotcha21:12
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ikoniaActionParsnip: you're right though, you have to pass the loadmodule option at boot time21:12
thrasholdHow can I download this? https://launchpad.net/~samrog131/+archive/ppa/+build/127457921:12
ActionParsnipikonia ;)21:12
swygueAlso, is this the best channel for server related question?21:12
ikoniaswygue: here or #ubuntu-server21:13
erUSULthrashold: https://launchpad.net/~samrog131/+archive/ppa21:13
syriushow do you find out what version of ubuntu you are using from command line?21:15
erUSULikonia: HP DL  use a block driver ( ccsis ) instead of a scsi driver ...?21:15
thrasholderUSUL: Thank you very much :)21:15
ikoniaerUSUL: bang on21:15
erUSUL!version | syrius21:15
ubottusyrius: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »21:15
ikoniaerUSUL: but when netbooting it doesn't detect it21:15
ActionParsnipsyrius: lsb_release -c21:15
swygueikonia: did you respond, my IRC client crashed?21:16
LuciusSiroOOoOOoOoOoOo helping others is fun :)21:16
ikoniaswygue: just trying to find my notes on this21:16
LuciusSirI love linux, its the best shoot in the dark, yet stable, os known to man :)21:16
Temppu1problem: wireless connected, can ping inside local network, not outside. no errors in dhclient. Ideas?21:16
ikoniaswygue: I've gone through this pain with redhat and kickstart, the process should be the same with ubuntu21:16
ActionParsnipluciussir: indeed and makes users happy too :)21:16
erUSULta_: what is the error you get from ping ?21:17
ikoniaTemppu1: check your gateway, check your dns servers, check your router is forwarding your packets21:17
Temppu1ikonia: how to check them? If I connect the wire, everything works. Everything works also now that I am typing on netbook with wireless...21:18
sudobashyo steve you still having problems?21:18
useronehow can i increase the connection speed of my usb modem? network manager?21:18
swygueikonia: not sure what process you are referring, I'm not experiencing this issue with my RHEL servers on the same hardware21:19
ikoniaTemppu1: look at /etc/resolv.conf for your dns server, look at netstat -rn for your default gateway, look at ifconfig -a for your ip address21:19
ikoniauserone: you can't21:19
ikoniaswygue: ooh really, it's working on your RHEL setup21:19
ppl8xhow can i show me all mounted devices in terminal?21:19
ikoniappl8x: mount21:19
swygueikonia: works fine with RHEL, no special configuration, other that I'm kickstarting21:19
LuciusSirhey guyes21:19
ikoniaswygue: rhel 5 (I assume you're using 5) must have it sorted then as 3 certainly didn't and I don't think 4 did21:20
ikoniaLuciusSir: yes ?21:20
LuciusSirI helped steve12 this far, do you know what the deps might be missing in this compiler log ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/372034/21:20
swygueikonia:yeah I am using RHEL 521:20
useroneikonia: in wvdial there is an entry for baud rate. there must be something to control connection spped? my usb modem has gone from 600kb/s to just 45kb/s on ubuntu! (windows still 600kb/s)21:20
LuciusSirits not letting him compile the kernel mod21:20
ikoniaLuciusSir: why are you building a kernel module, what's wrong with the nvidia drivers in the ubuntu restricted manager21:21
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LuciusSirikonia:  in a word, they suck21:21
sponzoris ext4 ok now? or is it bugy?21:21
almark1ActionParsnip my problem is more a 64 studio problem, even though its using Hardy I know its not official to this channel, I was able to get some answers from 64 studio, which is usually dead thank you :)21:21
ikoniaLuciusSir: how do you know the one you're building won't be a problem ?21:21
ikoniaswygue: yeah21:21
ikoniaswygue: oops21:22
ikoniasponzor: google are moving to it, so it seem production ready21:22
LuciusSirikonia:  because it was written by the hardware manufacturer, and I'm running my xserver on a custom built mod myself, and having less problems now21:22
sponzorok tnx21:22
LuciusSirikonia:  correction, having NO problems21:22
sponzorso the grup works fine on ext4?21:23
ikoniaLuciusSir: there are the nvidia drivers from nvidia in the ubuntu restricted driver tool21:23
LuciusSirikonia:  the moment i got rid of the oss kernel mods and edited my own xorg.conf the problems went away21:23
ikoniaLuciusSir: they are wrote by nvidia - not the open nv drivers21:23
ikoniaLuciusSir: they are the same drivers you are trying to build that you say "suck"21:23
erUSULikonia: yes but google hired ext4 creator that gives extra confidence; doesn't it?21:24
Temppu1ikonia: everything seems identical with this computer and the not-working-one. 2 differenting lines in netstat -rn, one with UGH flag in not-working-computer21:24
nailorai have a syncmaster p2450h and the 1920x1080 resolution does not work how can i fix it? hightest available resolution is 1680x1050. i am running karmic.21:24
ikoniaerUSUL: that is true21:24
ikoniaTemppu1: what's the two gateway line21:24
LuciusSirikonia:  if they are they don't work as well seemingly... what ever happened to the day and age when men were men and wrote their own floppy drivers :P hehehehehe21:24
ikoniaswygue: I can't find the darn module line, but basically you need to pass the cciss module at boot time21:24
cmpikonia, how you are ... please guide me how to install Adobe Flash Player , i went to the site but and i tried to install any of them - but i couldnt21:24
titan_arkpower management does not show me my battery, is there a way to check status from terminal? at least i wont damage my notebook and lose data while i am working if i can keep a tab on my battery status21:25
LuciusSirikonia:  quote linus tolvod :P21:25
ikonia!flash | cmp21:25
ubottucmp: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:25
erUSULcmp: sudo aptitude install flahsplugin-nonfree21:25
ikoniaLuciusSir: have you actually looked in the restricted driver manager, or just using the nv modules ?21:25
jcolewhere is the global firefox settings file? i want to set the global homepage21:25
ikoniajcole: it's per user21:25
LuciusSirikonia: after it crashed my x server i just used the nv modules :P21:26
isolat3dsh33pwho's Gary Parker? Why do I have a key named Gary Parker in my Passwords and Encryption Keys?21:26
ikoniaLuciusSir: ok, so why do you think building the same modules from nvidia will work ?21:26
LuciusSirikonia: did for me21:26
erUSULisolat3dsh33p: probably you collected it via your mail client (a mail gpg key)21:26
Temppu1ikonia: in broken one there is destination 130.208.so on with gateway genmask is 4 times 255. two times the same line of destination 0 and right gateway with flag ug21:26
ikoniaLuciusSir: what do you mean "did for you" ?21:26
LuciusSirikonia: and i've installed and reinstalled multiple builds of linux using different vid cards, and it worked out fine21:27
ikoniaLuciusSir: so really, no proof behind this,21:27
erUSULisolat3dsh33p: if you are susbcribed to a mailing list or similar is easy to get a lot of public keys21:27
LuciusSirikonia:  the only problem steve is having is it seems he's missing development libs21:27
* Krai sustum 21:27
ikoniaLuciusSir: who is Steve ?21:27
isolat3dsh33perUSUL, it's safe?21:27
erUSULisolat3dsh33p: yes21:27
LuciusSirikonia: steve12 the user i'm helping21:27
ikoniaLuciusSir: you're telling Steve12 to build custom modules ?21:27
MisspunkygirlHey x21:28
isolat3dsh33perUSUL, ok, I get it. Thanks! ^.~21:28
cmperUSUL, still i receive the message which ( i need to download the adobe flash player )21:28
LuciusSirikonia: no he's trying to use the sh file from nvidia, which bombed for him, he sent me a log showing the erros gcc spat out21:28
ikoniaLuciusSir: ok - why is he using the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com ?21:28
IP-v6how can i use -l or --list words with grep ? if i write dircetly, grep is acting they are wrong parameters21:28
ikoniaMisspunkygirl: hi21:28
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ikonia!info flashplugin-nonfree21:29
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)21:29
LuciusSirikonia: sigh nm i'll find out for him, you're spending more time trying justify an overglorified gui frontend when you could be helping21:29
Misspunkygirlikonia :hOW ARE YOU??21:29
ikoniacmp: install "flashplugin-nonfree"21:29
ikoniaLuciusSir: I'm not, I'm trying to understand why you're telling someone to blindly install things that may cause him pain later down the line21:29
cmpikonia, i did it - but still giving me the same Message21:29
ikoniacmp: have you restarted the browser21:29
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cmpikonia, yes21:30
ikoniacmp: what website are you using to test this21:30
cmpikonia , youtube21:30
ikoniacmp: what version of ubuntu are you using ?21:30
LuciusSirikonia: linux is about trial and error, if he doesn't feel a lil pain he'll never learn the tricks to get his system stable21:30
ikoniaLuciusSir: linux is not about trial and error, it's about being able to use a desktop,21:30
ikoniaLuciusSir: it's not up to you to push people to feel pain if they just want a working solution21:31
duffydackshame it takes trial and error to get it :)21:31
LuciusSirikonia:  apparnetly you started using linux after the days when you only had the console21:31
cmpikonia, this is my ubuntu     Xfce 4 Desktop Environment21:31
cmpversion 4.6.1 (Xfce 4.6)21:31
duffydackcmp, are you 64bit?21:31
ikoniaLuciusSir: no, I didn't, that doesn't mean everyone else has to compile everything21:31
ikoniacmp: what version of ubuntu (show me uname -a please)21:32
cmpduffydack, i dont know21:32
LuciusSirikonia: look he's having the same problem i had 2 days ago, the only way i had to fix it and get the most out of my vid card and server was to edit the xorg.conf manually and use the prop drivers21:32
duffydackthe 64bit flash plugin might help... I`m using it, no issues.. from a ppa21:32
ikoniaLuciusSir: what video card does he have ?21:32
iakovl_hi, is there anyone here that can help me?21:32
diddyCould anybody help me with this problem? I am trying to format a USB stick with fat32 so I can use it to watch movies from USB stick on my DVD player: http://pastebin.ca/179058221:32
DracoWorkIm running virtualbox ose 3.0.8 from ubuntu 9.10, all fully updated.  When I start my VM, if i let it sit for a little while the VMs screen goes black and I cant click inside it to wake it up.  i have to try again every few minutes and eventually it will work21:32
cmpikonia, guide me how to know my version without ( about ubuntu ) coz its not showing me any thing21:32
duffmanHi guys, anyone know anything about wacom tablets (genius brand) possibly working with ubuntu?21:33
ikoniacmp: use the command "uname -a" as I asked and paste the output in here21:33
LuciusSirikonia: nvidia geforce mx44021:33
ikoniaLuciusSir: that's really old isn't it ?21:33
iakovl_i got myself a MID, running a custom ubuntu ARM edition, the main problem is... no hebrew. how can i add it?21:33
meeluanyone good with rtorrent?, on #rtorrent i can never find help21:33
cmpikonia, Linux cmp 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 01:26:53 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux21:33
ikoniacmp: ok, so 9.10 32bit, great21:33
erUSULiakovl_: intall the apropiate language-pack-21:34
pjjkziqcmp, cat /etc/lsb-release?21:34
LuciusSirikonia:  in hindsight yes apparently i'm looking now to see what the site says about what deps are needed21:34
DracoWorkmx440 is essentially a GF2mx21:34
eisenheim anyone know anything about how can I set-up backtrack 4 final without DVD21:34
DracoWorkaka, 10 yrs old21:34
ikoniaLuciusSir: so the nvidia-legacy package should work21:34
ikoniaLuciusSir: using newer drivers on older cards isn't always the best way to go21:34
cmppjjkziq, what is this ?21:34
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DracoWorknvidias current driver certainly doesnt support it21:34
pjjkziqubuntu release version that is usually shown with about ubuntu21:35
ikoniaDracoWork: I did wonder that21:35
LuciusSirikonia: his problem is he can't get resolution over 640x480...... maybe i should tell him to get his monitor specs first, that can sometimes be the problem21:35
guntbert!backtrack | eisenheim21:35
ubottueisenheim: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:35
iakovldid that, didn't help "apt-get install -q -y language-pack-he"21:35
ikoniacmp: can you pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep flash" please21:35
DracoWorkcan you try answering my question though? :)21:35
duffmananyone know anything about wacom tablets in ubuntu?21:35
ikoniaLuciusSir: or use a supported driver....21:35
titan_arkis there a way to check battery status thro terminal? acpi gives me no result21:35
LuciusSirikonia:  well i was think a combination of what we're saying21:35
ehndei'm trying to figure out what command to use to give a group permission to access a directory21:36
iakovli added fonts with "sudo apt-get install culmus xfonts-efont-unicode xfonts-efont-unicode-ib xfonts-intl-european msttcorefonts" and now i can read hebrew more or less but now write21:36
LuciusSirikonia:  use the legacy driver supported by ubuntu as a stepping stone and see if making mods to the xorg.conf with more specific monitor detail will help21:36
ikoniaehnde: read/write/execute permission ?21:36
ehndeikonia: yes21:36
cmpikonia, http://pastebin.com/m2b497ef021:36
ikoniaehnde: look at chmod - you're interested in the second number of the chmod command21:36
ke1haehnde: chown user:group21:36
ehndeikonia: thanks, i'll read the man page21:37
caproneisenheim, use unetbootin to put the dvd.iso on a usb stick21:37
DracoWorkchmod g+rwx21:37
ikoniacmp: install the package "flashplugin-nonfree"21:37
DracoWorkor chmod 77021:37
deployCan I install the bitstream font on Karmic? Has it been deleted? Im confused.21:37
cmpikonia, i did it - and i will do it again for you21:38
ikoniacmp: that package isn't installed21:38
swygueikonia: how would pass the cciss module as kernel boot parameter. Another thing, I did modprobe -l on the problem server from the installation terminal, i did not see any cciss.ko file. shouldn't't i be seeing the module from that output21:39
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?21:39
ikoniaswygue: it's not called cciss.ko - I can't remember the name and I don't have access to a dl to check it21:39
jrtaylorivI've got a 500gb external USB hard drive, most of which is free space. But I need to keep 2 of the partitions that are currently on it, and wipe out the other two to use for a LiveUSB install. I need to keep the old partitions, because I have to use that drive to back up my old gentoo install. Can I make the LAST two partitions the ones for the liveCD, or does it have to be the first partition that is bootable?21:39
deployOr whats the dejavu/Ubuntu equivalent of this in Emacs?  (set-face-font 'default "-bitstream-bitstream vera sans mono-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*")21:39
ikoniaerUSUL: do you remember/know the cciss module name ?21:40
sandmanSo I ran aptitude purge pulseaudio, and now I have no sound.21:40
cmpikonia, here is the out put    http://pastebin.com/m5eca8d1f21:40
swygueikonia: really, let me look around, in the mean time, how would I load the module from the pxe installer21:40
diddyHow do I create a partition on my USB stick at /dev/sdd ? fdisk /dev/sdd is exiting the program21:40
wy_Hello, I have an issue with my keyboard. The modifier combination is so weird. If I want to presse Alt-Shift-<. If I press Alt first, the Shift, everything is fine. But if I press Shift first, then Alt, I got into trouble because Alt no longer has any effect. Any ideas?21:40
jrtaylorivThat is, is it OK for me to have sdc1 -> backup, sdc2 --> backup, sdc3 --> Ubuntu /boot21:40
ikoniacmp: you spelt it wrong21:40
ppl8xi am trying to install gparted over console, but when i write : sudo apt-get install gparted   i am ask vor a disk? why ubuntu does not download the aplication?21:40
ikoniacmp: flashplugin-nonfree not flahsplugin-nonfree21:41
jrtaylorivOr do I have to move everything from sdc1/2 to sdc3 and then make the first partition bootable?21:41
erUSULppl8x: becouse you have the cdrom as software source21:42
caprondiddy Are you shure your usb is at sdd21:42
ppl8xhow can i change it erUSUL21:42
epaphusDoes ubuntu 9.10 now provide the update to firefox 3.5 automatically?21:42
erUSULppl8x: System>admin...>softare sources in the first tab disable the cdrom21:42
teagewhy cant i highlight and copy with konqueror  like i can with fire fox21:42
ppl8xk thx21:42
MuffinPimpIs fingerprint login support?21:42
teageI looked in the config but cant find anything on the highlight thingy21:43
trijntjehi all, how can I disable the animations plugin in compiz? When I uncheck the box it just checkes itself again21:43
creatureHello. Something appears to be muting all of my sound inputs when I login. What would that be, and how do I stop it doing it?21:43
caprondiddy, I think /dev/sdd do not exist21:43
nailorasolved. there was an old xorg.conf lying around21:43
cmpikonia, here is the out put    http://pastebin.com/m159c094421:44
sandmanCan anyone help me safely remove PulseAudio from Ubuntu 9.10? It is causing major problems for my system.21:44
PeskyJrecently watching videos fullscreen in VLC doesn't disable the screensaver any more where it used to - I'm guessing it's related to a recent update but would this be an Ubuntu issue or something in VLC?21:44
daveycakehey there, could someone please tell me a decent channel for java help?21:45
sandmanI'd like to try just getting rid of pulse altogether. I ran aptitude purge pulseaudio, rebooted my computer. But now there is no sound of course.21:45
erUSULdaveycake: ##java ?21:45
daveycakethank you21:45
ikoniacmp: ok, so that's the problem, it's not installing21:45
=== daveycake is now known as daveycakes
ikoniacmp: swfdec-mozilla package is complaining21:45
jrtaylorivDoes bootable partition have to be the first partition for a LiveUSB?21:45
jrtaylorivOr can I have it be the 3rd?21:46
cmpwhat do i have to do ikonia.?21:46
teagetrijntje: are you running gnome or kde? I know that in gnome you can install compiz-settings-manager21:46
capronsandman, hmm  I guess you have to start too config alsa21:46
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?21:46
teagetrijntje:least thats what i used21:46
ikoniacmp: I'd remove the file /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/iceape-flashplugin for starters, then try to re-install flash-pluginnonfree21:46
trijntjeteage, gnome, that what i'm using. But it just re-cheks the animations box21:46
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tommy^mhi guys, im looking for a php app much like wordpress, but for a picture gallary with voting. is there something like this out there?21:47
ikoniatommy^m: try in ##php21:47
cmpikonia, i want to remove it - so tell me how to remove it21:47
osmosisdo the values returned from  virsh domifstat   have a max value where it resets to 0?21:47
tommy^mikonia: yea i tried it, cant join the channel though :/21:47
ikoniacmp: remove the file21:47
ppl8xhow can i see my swap in terminal, i think i dont have one?!21:47
ikoniacmp: it's 1 file21:47
teagetrijntje: hmmm, well that is a new one for me.21:47
ikoniappl8x: swapon -s21:47
ikoniatommy^m: you need to register21:48
cmpyes where i can find it ikonia,?21:48
ikonia!register | tommy^m21:48
ubottutommy^m: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode21:48
xiongOK. I have just completed full, duplicate backups onto DVD of my entire filesystem (with a few deliberate and obvious omissions). I'm about to repartition and clean install of 9.10. Obviously, the benefit of this will be lost if I then reinstall everything from DVD.21:48
xiongOK. I have just completed full, duplicate backups onto DVD of my entire filesystem (with a few deliberate and obvious omissions). I'm about to repartition and clean install of 9.10. Obviously, the benefit of this will be lost if I then reinstall everything from DVD.21:48
ikoniacmp: the path is in the file name21:48
FloodBot4xiong: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:48
xiongoops, sorry21:48
teagetrijntje: Maybe you could try this, apt-get remove --purge compiz21:48
xiongSo, how should I organize my reinstall? And what last-minute info should I stash in USB thumb drive?21:48
ikoniacmp: /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/iceape-flashplugin21:48
teagetrijntje: and then reinstall it21:48
trijntjeteage, some sort of forcing, but someone found a fix for me21:48
ppl8xpartition60374960-1     does 0 mean not aktivated?21:48
teagetrijntje: good21:49
trijntjeteage, thanks for your time21:49
teageDoes anyone here use konqueror?21:49
osmosishelp.ubuntu.com is down21:49
teagetrijntje: No prob21:49
xiongteage, Occasionally. I prefer Nautilus.21:50
ZykoticK9tommy^m, re: php photo gallery check out Coppermine (might have what you're looking for)21:50
ikoniaosmosis: no it's not21:50
osmosisikonia, it was for a second21:50
cmpikonia, please iam begging you - guide me a bit easily - like - its located in ..... and how you go for it  ... please please please21:50
teagexiong: are you able to copy and paste with it? I can not for some reason21:50
ikoniacmp: read the guide I told you to read yesterday,21:50
stevewhat's the strongest cipher for cryptsetup?21:50
ikoniacmp: it explains the basics, I explained that people can't keep helping you if you refuse to read the basics21:50
Timmarshallheyyy dudes and ladies iv just seen a video on youtube about getting imacs to talk to you would it be possible to have one on linux??21:50
trijntjesteve AES21:51
erUSUL!info festival | Timmarshall21:51
ubottuTimmarshall: festival (source: festival): General multi-lingual speech synthesis system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.96~beta-9ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 865 kB, installed size 2540 kB21:51
stevetrijntje: 256?21:51
capronsteve AES is fast and strong21:51
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dimajoin #ubuntu-ro21:52
steveshould I use -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha25 then?21:52
creatureWhen I login to my system, what gets run automatically?21:52
cmpikonia, why you enjoy that... i cant understand this book. i understand by moves not reading ...please help for last time and dont help me any more - next time i will ask some one else21:52
=== dima is now known as presshere
xiongteage, Dunno specifically. In general, remember there are several ways to perform the standard edit functions. There may be an Edit menu; there may be equivalent shortcuts; and you almost always get edit functions in the contextual menu with right-click.21:52
magn3tsSo, no one bothers to write about converting a VM to physical disk. Anyone have any idea how difficult or easy this is to do wtih a parallels VM?21:52
talntidHi all. Is there an easy way to return just the first word of something that is piped in?21:52
ikoniacmp: no, you need to read the help page I gave you, if you can't know how to remove a file, you can't be helped properly, you need to understand the basics, I told you this before21:53
talntidexample: ps aux | showonlyfirstword21:53
trijntjesteve, yeah, but i'm sure there are lots of guides online that know better than me21:53
xiongSo, any thoughts about restoring after clean install?21:53
teagexiong: thanx, i have checked the edit functions, maybe i missed something.21:53
=== nozes is now known as nozes_cagando
ikoniacmp: the path to the file is in the post I made21:54
ikoniacmp: please don't use caps21:54
ikoniacmp: this would make sense to you if you read the page I gave you on how to manage your file system21:54
Timmarshallwhat does it mean on kmouth : command for speaking texts21:54
capronsteve use cryptsetup -c aes-xts-plain -y -s 512   -<  This is a 256 AES cryption21:54
xiongcmp, Please relax; not all issues are solvable in short time -- ikonia, I detect signs of support burnout.21:54
ikoniaxiong: not at all21:54
xiongcmp, Would you like to try to explain your issue to me, starting from the beginning?21:55
Timmarshallpresshere do you have kmouth???21:55
mixandgois there a way to ignore a dying hard drive ? like not see any warnings and not mount it ?21:55
cmpyes xiong , i would like to coz i got really depressed by this person who enjoy to stress the others21:55
pressherei dont know i dont use it21:55
talntidmixandgo, unplug it? :]21:56
xiongcmp, No need to get personal. Just tell me what's up.21:56
cmpmy problem is i need to install adobe flash player and i cant xiong21:56
ZykoticK9mixandgo, remove the mount from fstab21:56
ikoniacmp: don't call people names21:56
mixandgotalntid: I can't it's a netbook and I don't have access to it21:56
mixandgoZykoticK9: there is no mount, I see the warning tho21:56
LuciusSir*sings to ikonia* if you want my body and you think i'm sexy come on baby let me know :P21:56
icerootis an ubuntu-version get out of support, will the repos be killed? so i cant install anymore software for that ubuntu-release with the normal repos from /etc/apt/sources.list? or is it just security fixes which are stopped?21:56
xiongcmp, That is usually a stress-free operation. What doesn't work?21:56
* LuciusSir is manic today :P21:56
icerootLuciusSir: stop that here21:56
cmpdont talk to me again here Ikonia, please21:56
ikoniacmp: I spent a lot of time with you last night explaining how to resolve you're issues, and gave you a guide to read on the basics of linux/ubuntu as it's hard to helpsomeone if they don't know the basics, today you're back with the same sort of questions21:56
VCooliocreature: everything in /etc/xdg/autostart unless you disabled it, and what you added to startup apps (stored in ~/.config/autostart)21:56
cmpi dont want you to help even if you will help , ikonia,21:57
ikoniacmp: it's important you understand at least the basics21:57
LuciusSirceroot: sorry :( it was just some harmless fun :(21:57
creatureVCoolio: Thanks for the info, I'll check that out.21:57
ikoniaLuciusSir: please stop messing around21:57
LuciusSirikonia: yes stalin :(21:57
cmpikonia,. you really press on me ...21:57
icerootikonia: not bad, i would use /ban long time before21:57
LjLiceroot: after EOL, things are moved to http://oldreleases.ubuntu.com21:57
creatureVCoolio: Is there a configuration tool for this?21:58
ikoniacmp: I don't, I'm trying to help you, others have been unable to help you as you don't know the basics, it would really help others to help you if you just learnt the basics of how to use the desktop21:58
icerootLjL: ah thx, good to know, didnt know that adrress until now21:58
cmpxiong, here is the out put after installing    http://pastebin.com/m159c094421:58
xiongcmp, Attempting to resolve personal issues takes time away from technical issues. What have you tried to resolve your issue with Flash and what happened?21:58
VCooliocreature: system > prefs > startup apps (or 'session' if you use older than 9.10 karmic)21:58
pressherei have some kind of sound issue, if the volume is 100%, the sound is muted automatically(this is not notyfied in system), after some unknow period of time, the soud is back, or after reboot, i am trying to understand that is because of driver(or other software related) or it is a hardware maflunction...21:59
ikoniaxiong: package is corrupted and would benifit from being removed from the file system21:59
vinseso i brought a laptop from home into work, it's 9.04, i managed to get it on to our network by doing "ifconifg eth0 inet 192.168...." so it can now see other machines, but i cannot get out to the internet21:59
capronAre you guys using chrome ?21:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:59
xiongikonia, swfec-mozilla22:00
creatureVCoolio: Is /etc/xdg something accessed by Gnome? I'm using Fluxbux, but I get the impression that things are being run on startup anyway. Maybe by the login manager – gdm, or whatever the modern equivalent is.22:00
pressherecapron, chrome for linux22:00
ikoniaxiong: bang on22:00
diddyDoes anybody know how to change the label of a fat32 partition?22:00
icerootLjL: 404 at that adrress22:00
ikoniadiddy: e2lable as I recall22:00
diddyikonia, e2label (8)          - Change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem22:00
Timmarshalldoes anyone know about kmouth????22:00
gandhijeehey how do i get the kernel sources for the kernel version i am running on?22:00
LjLiceroot: sorry, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/22:00
marnoldcmp, try doing sudo aptitude purge swfdec* && sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree22:00
diddyikonia, I need to change the label for fat3222:00
PeskyJWhenever I connect to remote desktop on my other ubuntu machine, I just see the desktop background but no menus or windows, anyone know the cause?22:01
xiongcmp, Wait one. Just had a minor personal disaster.22:01
icerootLjL: very nice, thx22:01
ruggeritCan anyone help with synaptics drivers?22:01
VCooliocreature: yes, possibly gnome-settings-daemon; copy the launcher from /etc/xdg to ~/.config/autostart and open in an editor, then change the line that says something like autostart in gnome = true to false22:01
useronejust tried my usb modem on windows, 600kbs. in ubuntu its 45kbs. anyone any ideas how i can fix this?22:01
aranddiddy: diddy You could also use gparted.22:01
presshereruggerit, what is the problem ?22:01
ZykoticK9diddy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive22:01
ruggeritmy two finger scrolling doesn't work22:02
ruggeriti think my driver isn't loading properly22:02
xiongcmp, Back. So, you see in your pastebin, lines 32..33? It suggests that the package swdec-mozilla is corrupt (the file is screwed up in some way). Understand?22:02
nvmeis there any way to recover a forgotten root password ?22:03
ValeriGuten abend22:03
cmpxiong, how to fix it ?22:03
LuciusSirsomeone pointed me to launchpad earlier, i found the project page for vlc player, but i don't know how to find the repo link, it has downloadable deb files, but i don't see any link to a repo for auto update...22:03
diddyZykoticK9, arand thx22:03
presshereValeri dobri' vecher22:03
ikoniadiddy: sorry, missed you saying fat22:03
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?22:03
marnoldcmp, i just told you22:03
VCooliocreature: either "X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false" or "OnlyShowIn=GNOME;" , the latter line configures de in which to autostart, not convinced if that works very well22:03
ikonianvme: there is no root password22:03
ikonianvme: use sudo22:03
nvmeikonia, thats what i meant (the main user password is the one i am missing)22:04
presshereruggerit, did it ever work on ubuntu?22:04
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xiongcmp, Trash it. If you throw it out and attempt to reinstall flashplugin-nonfree, then (because swfdec-mozilla is a dependency), it will be reinstalled.22:04
ruggeritpresshere, no22:04
ruggeritpresshere, it's a new install22:04
=== Guest94443 is now known as Gateway`
ruggeritpresshere, but it works in windows722:04
VCooliocreature: read about desktop entries here http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-0.9.4.html22:04
cmpmarnold, here is the output of what you said     http://pastebin.com/m2af409e222:04
talntidi want to loop through a file, and run a command on every line.....22:05
talntidcan someone show me how? :)22:05
cmpxiong, i dont know how to find it so i can trash it22:05
creatureVCoolio: I'm a little confused. I think that something is being run at login in my current setup, which does not start gnome. So if it's Gnome's responsibility to run the xdg apps, then that's not what I'm looking for.22:05
useroneok, lets start here...anyone know why there should even be a difference in usb connection speed between windows and ubuntu? any guesses so i can try *something*22:05
ikoniatalntid: #bash may help22:05
IP-v6nvme, if you can use sudo, try sudo passwd root22:05
jpdstalntid: With which language?22:05
cmpxiong, guide me where is t located22:05
ikoniauserone: poor usb device support, poor kernel support for the device22:05
talntidjpds, doesn't matter to me. it's a one-time thing22:05
IP-v6nvme, when sudo ask password use your user password22:05
nvmeIP-v6, i cant get to a shell, there is only one user and i dont have the password for it22:06
VCooliocreature: what exactly is your issue? something is starting that shouldn't? what are the symptoms22:06
talntidi need to remove 514 files, but don't want to remove them manually. they are listed in a text file now.22:06
shane2peruattention nvidia users, I got a looking for a 'better' driver for my 9500 GT nvidia card.  I installed them through Hardware management thing, is there  a better way?  All the documentation looks outdated, what is recommended?22:06
xiongcmp, I don't know where it is, particularly on your machine. There are several ways to find something. I like typing 'locate foo' on the command line.22:06
presshereruggerit, there is only a standard driver in ubuntu for mouse devices, probably it will not work, what kind of mouse are u using?22:06
MuffinPimpIs there a way to use your fingerprint to login??22:06
ikoniacmp: it's at /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/iceape-flashplugin as I've told you 5 times22:06
talntidMuffinPimp, google "fprint"22:06
xiongtalntid, Sounds like a job for a script.22:06
jpdstalntid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/372077/22:06
creatureVCoolio: Whenever I login, my alsa channels are all 0ed and muted. I want to stop that happening.22:06
useroneikonia: but i used to get 600kbs on ubuntu, even peaked at 900kbs! i must have broken something. i just want a clue so i can try and fix it.22:06
ruggeritpresshere, synClient -V: 1.1.222:06
ruggeritpresshere, it's a synaptic touchpad22:06
cmpok i can do type as you do - just tell me what to type and where to type xiong22:07
sandmanI ran aptitude purge pulseaudio, and now everything works perfectly.22:07
VCooliocreature: that only happens in fluxbox?22:07
talntidjpds, is that bash? :)22:07
ruggeritpresshere, is there a way to update the driver version?22:07
jpdstalntid: Python. \o/22:07
sandmanOnly thing missing is a volume control @ the top right of the screen22:07
ikoniacmp: https://help.ubuntu.com - that will tell you how to use the file browser22:07
xiongcmp, That was my suggestion; 'locate'. You don't need any fancy parameters; just locate what you want.22:07
creatureVCoolio: I haven't tried in other window managers, but I'm not changing window managers to fix this. :)22:07
cmpikonia,,,, WHERE IS THAT /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/iceape-flashplugin ...i cant see where is this ( / var ) is ... your way of helping is really nervusing me22:08
talntidjpds, and to show the contents of the line?22:08
presshereruggerit, try this http://cscott.net/Projects/Synaptics/22:08
talntidfor the command to run22:08
teagexiong, what is the "foo" in locate?22:08
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:08
ikoniacmp: that IS the location, the reason you can't see that is you've no idea how to navigate the file system, which is why I'm telling you to read the page I gave you to understand the basics22:08
jpdstalntid: 'print line' in the for: loop.22:08
cmpxiong, there is no how for me to know how to locate ... i dont know where is search or something like that22:08
talntidjpds, can i PM you real quick? :)22:09
marnoldcmp, try sudo aptitude purge swfdec-mozilla && sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree22:09
PeskyJhrm, I just found this bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/428884 - but it's 5 months old - I wonder why it's only jsut affected me recently22:09
ikoniacmp: if this was a 1 off situation, I would understand but you are constantly having basic problems and refuse to read https://help.ubuntu.com to understand the basics22:09
jpdstalntid: OK.22:09
VCooliocreature: no that's not what I was aiming at; anyway try this: http://tinyurl.com/ybqog7k22:09
=== nozes_cagando is now known as nozes
PeskyJbeen doing regular updates, though did recently do a dist upgrade to 9.10 - probably what caused it :/22:09
creatureVCoolio: The thing is, it's definitely at login, not at boot. I logged in, my channels were muted so I unmuted them, then X crashed, and when I logged in again they were muted again.22:10
creatureAnd I don't think an X crash should have changed runlevels.22:10
teagecmp, you want to delete the firefox right? every thing that has to do with firefox right? so you would type something like " locate firefox " in the terminal22:10
VCooliocreature: right, probably22:10
duffmancan anyone help with getting a genius wacom tablet to work22:11
creatureduffman: Have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom ?22:11
duffmanI think the problem I'm having is that its not a wacom brand one.22:11
teagecmp, then you would see that firefox is in /var/lib/dpkg/info/blah blah blah , so you would then type "gtksudo nautilus" in the terminal and it will open a window with root22:12
duffmanand when I use the cmd wacomcpl it doesn't see it22:12
VCooliocreature: it's a common issue, not sure on what to advice though; for me the link worked; ask again here or search the web, you'll find plenty options I'm afraid22:12
cmpmarnold, here is the output of what you told me to do ...      http://pastebin.com/m273a1da822:12
creatureVCoolio: Thanks for the pointers, and trying to help. I appreciate it.22:12
manueljordisonhi guys!!! I need help. I recently bought a toshiba laptop and the wifi does not work. it is a realtek card22:13
KindOnemanueljordison; is the wifi button on ?22:13
duffmanany ideas?22:13
marnold cmp then you should be good22:13
teagecmp, then you would navigate to that folder first looking for var then dpkg then you get the point,  then delete it.22:13
useroneok..does anyone know how to reset a usb modem. I have disconnected and reconnected usaing network manager several times. i have tried 'eject'22:13
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marnoldteage, that won't help22:14
manueljordisonthe card is not suported i thik22:14
pressheremanueljordinson, System->Administration->Hardware Drivers22:14
marnoldthe swfdec packages were already in his install queue22:14
teagemarnold: well couldnt cmp just then type sudo apt-get remove --purge?22:14
duffmannot sure ill check them out22:14
barfWhen installing Ubuntu, which localization? C or English or my own Language?22:14
Akkernightwhy when I open GRUB at boot, some kernels aren't shown, specifically the ones I installed myself with .deb packages?22:15
marnoldhe needed to get em out22:15
barfI really do not need any localization as I only use the command line22:15
marnoldteage, would have had the same effect22:15
=== atomiku|out is now known as atomiku
useroneis there a command line instruction to generate the output of my usb modem. it contains some files, which i can read but what about the firmware?22:15
ruggeritpresshere, still no luck. my synclient is throwing this error22:15
ruggeritCan't detect hardware properties.22:16
ruggerit    This is normal if you are running linux kernel 2.6.22:16
ruggerit    Check the kernel log for touchpad hardware information.22:16
FloodBot4ruggerit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:16
marnoldapt-get and aptiutude both call into libapt-pkg22:16
teagecmp, what exactly is the problem you are having?22:16
cmpmarnold, now how can i install adobe flash player ?22:16
Diverdudehow do i remove a folder and all its content including subfolders, and delete it permanently?22:17
xangua!flash | cmp22:17
ubottucmp: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:17
ikoniacmp: the pacakge "flashplugin-nonfree" is what you need22:17
krunk-|workI have a user who cannot user pub/priv keys to log into my server. after a bit of digging, I saw that she's using an old version of ssh: "SH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1.2"22:17
hellz_bellz1my keymap is broken22:17
manueljordisonguys anyone can help me to repair my realtek wifi card22:17
retikulaDiverdude: rm -r folder_name22:17
krunk-|workthat likely has the ssh keys vulnerability22:17
hellz_bellz1the left side22:17
ikoniakrunk-|work: shouldn't matter22:17
marnoldcmp first lets check if its installed already the paste you gave me would seen to indicate that22:17
manueljordisonI have tried 8.04 8.10 9.04 9.10 but nothing happens22:17
mikeyYoI've just started using irssi and I've got a few themes and scripts installed. I have seen screenshots of irssi with a who list on the right hand side. Is this an external script?22:17
krunk-|workikonia: sure it does, if it's the vulnerable version she won't be allowed to use keys :)22:18
hellz_bellz1i mean the right22:18
ikoniakrunk-|work: what's important is that your server is setup to use compatible keys22:18
diddyWhich file system does a DVD player require fat32 with LBA or without?22:18
jp--hi guys. I'm trying to boot an installation using kexec, but I get a kernel panic just after it says "loading root filesystem"... any ideas?22:18
marnoldcmp,  so do sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep flashplugin22:18
ikoniadiddy: dvd players ?22:18
cmpok marnold, iam waiting for your guiding22:18
diddyikonia, yes22:18
ikoniadiddy: what dvd players ?22:18
hellz_bellz1it only works when i push the Fn key22:18
krunk-|workikonia: no, there was a critical vulnerability in that version and all futuer and patched versions reject it out of hand. . . lemme find a reference22:18
marnoldand paste output22:18
Diverduderetikula, and force it delete everything without asking me for permission all the time?22:18
diddyikonia, the ones the sell at electronics stores?22:18
mikeyYoCrashOverride`: From the movie, Hackers? haha22:19
Rush3dWhy do people just sit here and talk, is it like your job?22:19
ikoniadiddy: how is that anything to do with #ubuntu ?22:19
Diverduderun as sudo22:19
lekeflyHow do i turn off the DHCP server in ubuntu?22:19
ikoniaRush3d: it's a support channel22:19
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?22:19
=== gary_ is now known as Guest49904
ikonialekefly: you can remove the dhcp server, or disable it with update-rc.d22:19
CrashOverride`!offtopic | mikeyYo22:19
ubottumikeyYo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:19
diddyikonia, I am using Ubuntu and want to format my USB stick unter Ubuntu so I can use it with my DVD player.22:19
hellz_bellz1my keymap is broken, the right  side, it only works when i push the Fn key22:19
hellz_bellz1my keymap is broken, the right  side, it only works when i push the Fn key22:19
ikoniadiddy: that's nothing to do with ubuntu22:19
manueljordisonhi guys!! I have a toshiba realtek wifi card not working in my ubuntu anyone cAN HELP ME??22:19
Rush3dIkonia: yes but how do you support making a living sitting in an irc chat (no offense, just asking)22:19
ikoniadiddy: dvd players normally buffer in ram22:19
diddyikonia, huh?22:19
cmpmarnold, http://pastebin.com/m38ab985a22:19
krunk-|workanyway, I'm when she attempts to upgrade it says there are none, what version of ubuntu is this referring to? 8?22:19
ikoniaRush3d: it's not about making a living, it's a support channel that people donate free time to22:20
lekeflyikonia: could you tell me how to do this via terminal?:)22:20
mikeyYoubottu: Sorry, my mistake. Thanks :)22:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:20
marnoldcmp, flas player is installed22:20
computer_what is the command line for ubuntu appearance?22:20
pierre_lepǝsɹǝʌǝɹ sı ƃuıɥʇʎɹǝʌǝ 'ƃnq ɐ ǝʌɐɥ ı ˙ʎǝɥ oɥ22:20
Rush3dIkonia: OOh. ok.22:20
ikonialekefly: dpkg -l | grep -i dhcp - find the server package then apt-get remove $package name22:20
marnoldsomtimes you need to logout/back in22:20
teageI dont believe anyone gets paid to be in the support channel.22:21
marnoldfor it to work22:21
presshereruggerit, did u installed package "Toshset" from Synatptic?22:21
=== Guest49904 is now known as garymc
computer_pǝsɹǝʌǝɹ sı ƃuıɥʇʎɹǝʌǝ 'ƃnq ɐ ǝʌɐɥ ı ˙ʎǝɥ" lol22:21
ikonia!ru | computer_22:21
hellz_bellz1my keymap is broken, the right  side, it only works when i push the Fn key22:21
ubottucomputer_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:21
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ruggeritpresshere, it says it's the latest version22:21
Jooder492how come i cant install java?22:22
computer_what is the command line for ubuntu appearance?22:22
useroneok, just used network tools. i can ping ubuntu.com at 213ms. so how can i make this faster?22:22
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trismcomputer_: gnome-appearance-properties ?22:22
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lekeflyikonia: Theres only dhcp3-client and chcp3-common ...22:22
cmpoh god = marnold, its still not working22:22
ikonialekefly: so you're not running a dhcp server22:23
lekeflyHehe.. doh22:23
hellz_bellz1my keymap is broken, the right  side, it only works when i push the Fn key22:23
lekeflyDo you know how i can make the computer connect to eth0 ikonia.. it wont auto connect..22:23
ikonialekefly: connect to what22:23
aaronhey how can i disable the autologin ?22:24
marnoldcmp,  that is not helpful what are you trying to do that requires flash and what is the error message22:24
aaronat start uo22:24
VCoolioaaron: system > admin > login screen or something similar22:24
lekeflyikonia: You know when you have desktop you can just click the connect icon to the top right..22:24
aaronVCoolio: can i just disable it by terminal?22:24
ikonialekefly: do you have a dhcp server on the network ?22:24
lekeflybut i need it in terminal22:24
ikonialekefly: why can't you use the gui ?22:25
lekeflyikonia: Yeah.. my router.. no mouse.. :/22:25
ruggerithow do you update synclient?22:25
cmpstill when i open youtube it asks for adobe flash player . marnold.22:25
semanticpcokay this must be a dumb question but still  ..... I started a process (not as a background process) and now I want to logoff .... is there a way to keep the processes running even if i logoff ??22:25
VCoolioaaron: of course, but I don't know the command then, unless it's a setting in gconf22:25
ikonialekefly: look at /etc/network/interfaces file22:25
marnolddid you restart firefox22:25
manueljordison_realtek wifi card not working in my ubuntu any suggestion?22:26
ikoniamarnold: $10 says flashplugin-nonfree is not installed in dpkg -l | grep flash22:26
vinsesemanticpc: google nohup22:26
marnoldikonia, i just checked that22:26
teagemanueljordison_, is that a linksys card?22:26
ikoniamarnold: is it there ?22:26
semanticpcvinse: i should have started the processing using nohup rite ??22:26
marnoldyes it is22:26
DiverdudeIf i employ this command:  sudo tar -zxvf /tmp/matlabr2008b.tgz  where will the packet be extracted to?22:27
marnoldaptitude says so dpkg says so its there22:27
vinsei plugged my pc into my work network, i can see other machines but i cant get to the internet -- i cant ping google by name or ip -- any help is appreciated22:27
vinsesemanticpc: correct22:27
nibblervinse: check if you got a default gateway (route -n) and how far you get (tracepath www.google.com)22:27
pjotrhi this works on command line but I can't figure out how to get it work on /etc/fstab mount -t smbfs '//server/home' /mnt/mountpoint -o rw,username=adusername/adgroup,workgroup=adgroup,uid=linuxusername22:28
manueljordison_teage, it is the one integrated to my new toshiba realtek rtl81022:28
vinsenibbler: i do not have any gateway listed when i do sudo route22:28
VCoolioaaron: sudo nano /etc/gdm/custom.conf (if you're on karmic)22:28
pjjkziqmanueljordison_, what does the lspci line say for it?22:28
semanticpcvinse:  I am looking to make a foreground process run as a background process without stopping it22:28
marnoldit may not have been installed correctly which is what i'm trying to check now22:28
vinsesemanticpc: one you already started? w/o stopping and restarting it?22:28
nibblervinse: so your companys DHCP does not assign a gateway to you?  can be.... no gateway, no inet22:28
semanticpcvinse: yes22:29
DiverdudeIf i employ this command:  sudo tar -zxvf /tmp/matlabr2008b.tgz  where will the packet be extracted to?22:29
vinsesemantic: neato, let me know if you way to do that22:29
nibblersemanticpc: ctrl-z and then bg22:29
nibblerDiverdude: to your local directory22:29
steffanDiverdude: where do you want it to be extracted?22:29
lekeflyikonia i cant just do something like connect eth0 ? :P22:29
vinsenibbler: i'm sure they'd be willing to assign me one, i just didn't get it22:29
ikonialekefly: no22:29
nibblersemanticpc: between the ctrl-z and the bg it it stopped, and then continued by the bg22:29
VCoolioaaron: for AutomaticLogin=  fill in your username, en of course 'true' for AutomaticLoginEnable22:29
ikonialekefly: if you modify that file though, it will auto connect so you don't have to do anything22:30
teagemanueljordison_, google rtl810 , I have a linksys rt2870 that i had to blacklist another driver to get it to work22:30
nibblervinse: do you use dhcp for configuration, or did you assign an ip yourself?22:30
cmpmarnold, are you still going to help me ?22:30
manueljordison_Ethernet controler  Realtek Seminconductor RTL8101E22:30
Diverdudesteffan, i would like it extract to /appl22:30
ke1hasemanticpc: run your app as a service.22:30
lekeflyikonia: sure.. but if there is a command just to make it connect i can VNC into it :P22:30
ikonialekefly: no22:30
vinsenibbler: i had to explicitly set my ip in order to ping anything.  i couldn't even see other machines until i did "sudo ifconifg eth0 inet 192..."22:30
ikonialekefly: you can do dh-client eth022:30
lekeflyGuess i have to give up:(22:30
ikonialekefly: sudo dhclient eth022:30
teagemanueljordison_, You may have to blacklist another current driver to get yours to work, do you have internet on yer machine right now?22:30
vinsebtw, i'm a total moron when it comes to networking if it's not obvious ;)22:30
marnoldcmp restart your computer and then see if it works22:30
pjjkziqmanueljordison_, no clue on that, it looks like a new version I'm not used to22:30
semanticpcnibbler:  ctrl-z and bg worked thanx22:30
nibblervinse: ah ok, then you need to set your router the like, just check the other boxes for their router (and dns)22:31
manueljordison_teage, i don't have internet (wifi)22:31
marnold Jcink what brings you here22:32
vinsenibbler: router = gateway?22:32
nibblersemanticpc: fg would bring it back to the foreground, disown could completely detach it so that you could exit the shell withouterror. screen is a more pwerfull way to backgroud jobs, but needs to be executed before you start the job22:32
Jooder492how do you get linux drivers?22:32
nibblervinse: yep22:32
ikoniaJooder492: for what22:32
Gateway`vinse, sort of yes :)22:32
lekeflyikonia: woho! thanks that worked..22:32
vinsenibbler: and how do i set those explicitly? also with ifconfig?22:32
ehndescreen is worth taking the time to learn how to use22:32
Jooder492my audio22:32
teagemanueljordison_, if you can plug into a jack to get the internet you can fix the problem, the only way i know is to install ndiswrapper and blacklist the driver that is blocking you.22:32
nibblervinse: first try : sudo dhclient eth0 - maybe there is a dhcp server running.22:32
VCoolioehnde: use byobu and you don't need to learn as much22:33
nibblervinse: dns is set by "nameserver" in /etc/resolv.conf, router by "route add default gw"22:33
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vinsenibbler: i tried that before i set my ip, it didnt work22:33
ehndeVCoolio: i'll check it out, never heard of that one22:33
vinsei will try again though22:33
marnoldis launchpad slow for anyone else22:33
semanticpcnibbler:  now that I have executed bg i can exit the shell window right ??22:33
nibblervinse: both can be controlled via /etc/network/interfaces for a more permanent setup22:33
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manueljordison_TEAGE, what do  you mean by BLACKLIST??22:33
teagemanueljordison_, I think its rt2800 that is the coprite22:33
VCoolioehnde: it is screen, but proconfigured with easy keybindings and stuff22:33
nibblersemanticpc: yep, but if you disown it before the shell will exit directly and not "hang" (which does not affect the backgrouded process)22:34
manueljordison_teage, i see22:34
cmpstill not working marnold,22:34
nibblervinse: well, dont now how you tried before22:34
teagemanueljordison_ You have a driver that is loading and you need not that driver, blacklist it and then your other driver will work.22:34
nibblervinse: just pick up the info at another box22:34
marnoldwell ... um maybe try a reinstall22:34
Rasmussen7server irc.freenode.net22:34
uffiolehi, newbie question, how do i get same list(?) from a file as from plz_list = %w(13359 67059 90459 56068 69115)22:34
uffiolei put all those zip codes in the file each in its own line22:35
manueljordison_teage, how can i do that??22:35
marnoldsudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree22:35
aaron  22:35
aaron   22:35
nibbleruffiole: what do you have, and what do you want?22:35
FloodBot4aaron: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
uffioleit tried so much, myfile.readlines()  IO.foreach ...22:36
marnoldcmp, i'm off to dinner and other stuff22:36
teagemanueljordison_, hang on i will get you the command, been a while since i did this22:36
marnoldI'll be back ~9:3022:36
marnoldif that doesn't work22:37
marnoldtheres still a few tricks22:37
uffiolenibbler, i have a file with values in lines and want to loop through them22:37
nibbleruffiole: for i in $(cat file); do echo $i; done22:38
useroneok..when i do right click on network manager and click connection information, it lists 'speed' as unknown. how can i get network manager to register the speed of the usb modem?22:38
uffiolenibbler, sorry wrong channel, it should be ruby ... :)22:38
nibbleruffiole: wrong channel. but cant be much harder :-)22:39
temp3222hi people.  having an issue, put ubuntu 9.10 on my bro's netbook and mouse doesn't work.  neither the touchpad or the usb wireless mouse.  both will move pointer but neither will click22:39
teagemanueljordison_ ,I cant remember the command, so open nautilus with this command, gtknautilus , when you do that i can guid you to the config file22:39
ke1hait will be very similar in Ruby22:39
ubuntuI've now set up a server on ubuntu (LAMP) is also FTP installed now? how can I see my hosted files nicely in a list?22:40
temp3222in fact when the pointer is moved out of a window, the pointer icon doesn't change at all... no atter where i point it22:40
vinsenibbler: thank you! setting everything explicitly did the trick22:40
teagemanueljordison_: opps, i mean gtksudo nautilus22:40
nibblervinse: welcome22:40
teagemanueljordison, sorry bout that22:40
pjotrteage, it's gksudo22:41
semanticpcnibbler: i am using tcsh so it doesn't have disown ...... any alternative on tcsh ??22:41
teagepjotr, thats it, im using kde, havent used gnome in some time now.22:41
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useronelsusb!!!!!!! thats what i wanted to know!!!22:42
macman_question .. i want to share a file between 2 ubuntu laptops .. how do i do this ?22:42
nibblersemanticpc: no diea then. but disowning is not so important, just closes the shell cleaner22:42
nibblermacman_: either use rsync, or trust in ubuntu one22:42
macman_nibbler: there is no sharing ?22:43
semanticpcnibbler:  okay ... closing the shell **fingers-crossed**22:43
barfIn the package dovecot-postix where is the default mail storage?22:43
nibblermacman_: there is dozends of sharing options, use samba, nfs, afs, sshfs22:43
hoffixgood evening22:43
teagemanueljordison_ are you on gnome or kde desktop, if its gnome it is indeed gksudo nautilus, if its kde it is kdesudo konqueror22:43
CrystuferI just installed kubuntu 9.1 on my second partition and I can't boot it cuz there's no menu.lst. Ideas?22:43
forestwalkerDoes somebody know why I have on my root 'list-c' and 'list-l' files? they are created each time when Ubuntu boots.22:45
nibblerforestwalker: what is in them?22:46
forestwalkerthey are empty22:46
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know if this is supported in ubuntu? Integrated 10/1000 Ethernet?22:46
nibblerperlsyntax: depends on the chip22:47
nibblerforestwalker: grep for these names in /etc/init.d22:47
nibblerCrystufer: the install did not report any problems?22:47
perlsyntaxWell it don't say what on dell web site.22:47
Jooder492anyone know how you get drivers in linux for my sound card?22:48
jazz_anyone recomend how much space to use for / and /home on a 40gig hdd?22:48
nibblerJooder492: check the alsa project homepage. what soundhardware do you have, normally it should "just work"?22:48
defryskjazz_, 8 gigs for / will do usually22:49
useronewhat does uhci_hcd and address 2 mean?22:49
nibblerperlsyntax: if you have the box at hand, run lspci22:49
forestwalkersudo grep list-c * - nothing found22:49
ke1haforestwalker: find -L / | grep List.c22:49
VCooliojazz_: depends on how much you want to install and if you're going to try mulpiple de's; 6 Gb for / should get you going22:49
perlsyntaxI don't hve the desktop yet.22:49
nibblerjazz_: if you are new to linux, use it all for /22:49
pjotr"mount -t smbfs '//server/home' /mnt/mountpoint -o rw,username=adusername/adgroup,workgroup=adgroup,uid=linuxusername" works from the command line, ad being the domain, what to put on /etc/fstab?22:49
VCoolionibbler: why no separate /home for furure easy upgrading?22:49
defrysknibbler, if he would be new hew would not ask about /home22:49
nibblerVCoolio: upgrading is always easy22:50
perlsyntaxnibbler,I hope it supported on dell ubuntu 9.04 dvd i burn.22:50
ke1haor whatever files your looking for, may need to use sudo.22:50
useronedmesg says: usb 6-1: reset full speed usb device using uhci_hcd and address 2. what do i do and will this increase the speed of my usb modem?22:50
defryskseperate /home rules22:50
nibblerdefrysk: he asks for how much space he needs for his /home ... noone can answer this, and an experienced use would know that :)22:50
VCoolionibbler: well sure but with only / you always need to backup (which is ok anyway of course, but still)22:50
Crystufernibbler: No it didn't. I was not able to finish entirely as I cannot boot after the cd got spit out.22:50
jazz_im new  been using since 9.10 came out- id like to try other types of linux but im worried about all the other things i do have now22:50
Jooder492nibbler did you get my message?22:51
nibblerVCoolio: no matter what you do partition-wise, you *always* need to backup!22:51
nibblerJooder492: no PM please22:51
Jooder492i did pm.. i thought...22:51
Jooder492 /msg <nick> <message> right?22:51
nibblerJooder492: yep, but i dont read them, ask in channel please22:52
defryskJooder492, its rude in irc to private unasked22:52
Jooder492oh.  well my audio jacks are all diffrent then ussual.  the mic is is audio out and the headphone jack does nothing22:52
nibblerCrystufer: well, i'd boot into the live-cd, chroot into the linux on-disk system and try to fix things manually (grub-install etc)22:52
Jooder492oh i didnt mean anything by it :S22:52
nibbler!grub  | Crystufer22:53
ubottuCrystufer: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:53
darolujazz what other things?22:53
jazz_darolu,  cd players and dvd rippers and stuff22:54
ke1hajazz_: install them in VM then if it breaks, oh well, you've not hosed your base install.22:54
Kudosanyone know of a way to get i3 530 gpu working with 9.10?22:54
jazz_i do have a few extra playres to find which one i like yet22:55
manueljordisonguys anyone can help me.. realtek wifi problem in toshiba with ubuntu22:55
Crystufernibbler: I was thinking of doing this. http://paste.ubuntu.com/372095/22:55
NewfierRichquick question. If I rename a .iso will that change the hash?22:55
powergoalmanueljordison: what kinda poblems?22:55
jazz_ke1ha whats vm?22:55
manueljordisonpowergoal, the wifi card is not working at all.22:55
darolujazz I'd just install them back, most distros have similar package managers than Ubuntu's22:56
ke1haa Virtual application like VMware or similar.22:56
powergoalmanueljordison: what kind of card is it?  Realtek...22:56
darolujazz I think kelha is suggesting you to install whatever distro you want to try on a virtual machine22:57
jazz_right now at the mopment  i have tooo much space for root and not enought space for  home. br right back in a sec22:57
manueljordisonrealtek semiconductor RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express22:57
manueljordisonpowergoal, RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express22:57
jazz_sorry im back22:58
forestwalkercan you guys please a run ls -l / and look for 'list-c' an d'list-l' files? do you have them? i got them and they have root:root ownership and they are empty22:58
powergoalmanueljordison: do you know if you have the kernel module loaded?22:59
rwwNewfierRich: no22:59
ke1haforestwalker: just put sudo in form of itL sudo ls -l /22:59
manueljordisonpowergoal... nop I am just a ubuntu user23:00
daroluforestwalker no I don't have them, I think those are created by a graphics viewer application though23:00
ke1halets try that again: sudo ls -l / | grep list-c23:00
forestwalkerke1ha: i did it. they are empty files23:01
ke1hasmae here, nadda on the list-c or list-l files.23:02
mindosis there anybody playing quake 3 on ubuntu?23:02
forestwalkerke1ha: i'm still running this. i have a lot of files on my HD. so far nothing found usefull23:02
nibblerCrystufer: did it work?23:02
powergoalmanueljordison: looking to see which module you need... then we can check. :)23:02
Crystufernibbler: Not sure yet. I haven't tried it. I need the name of the right kernel.23:02
ke1hamanueljordison: if you can't get the native install to configure you NIC, consider ndiswrapper23:02
jazz_darolu i missed your statement , i got it now...23:03
matrixfoxwrong chat for games u want wines channel23:03
nibblerCrystufer: well, it should be on /boot23:03
jellow_can i use cat to attach to seperate avi files.23:03
manueljordisonkelha, I did it but nothing happens23:03
daroluIs there quake3 for linux?23:03
teagewhat is the text editor in gnome?23:03
matrixfoxcheck wine HQ23:03
mrpink57teage: gedit23:03
matrixfoxi think q3 is under there23:03
Crystufernibbler: Oh yeah, you're right. I should be able to copy paste that bit once I'm in the live environment.23:03
pjotrteage, gedit23:04
Crystufernibbler: Rest of it looks reasonable though with it installed to sda2, right?23:04
ke1hamanualjordon: what does it say when you ndiswrapper -l23:04
nibblerCrystufer: well, mainly its about the location and name of kernel and initrd23:05
nibblerCrystufer: if you cant boot the kernel, you can use the "e" button in grub to edit the lines23:05
h2o0I've installed ubuntu 9.10 64-bit, but I've no sound, how can I fix it?23:05
ke1hacompile alsa manually or use OSS23:06
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johnmcould anyone tell me if something has changed re: users being able to setuid root recently? in that, I can't :)23:06
zebastianwhat is the best ubuntu app for streaming online tv23:06
Crystufernibbler: kk. thanks.23:06
barfI did a command line install of ubuntu 9 alternate and apt-get installed deovecot-postfix23:06
barf$ df -h23:07
barfFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on23:07
barf /dev/sda1             288G  896M  273G   1% /23:07
zebastiantotem seems to work to slowly23:07
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teagemanueljordison_ , gksudo nautilus /etc/modprobe.d , then open file called blacklist.config and look for blacklist eth and type under it blacklist rt2800usb then restart yer computer and see if that works.23:07
powergoalmanueljordison: OK.  so here is what I have found... You need to have the r8101 module in your kernel in order to use that model of wireless card.  But it doesn't seem to be built in, so you might need to rebuild your kernel on a custom build.23:07
ZerAnyone know why libvirt would never properly start up VMs on system startup?23:08
h2o0kelha: should I install alsa-driver only23:08
ZerIt's in /etc/init.d/, so that's not the problem23:08
Zerand the daemon starts up, but it doesn't *start* anything23:09
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manueljordisonpowergoal, it hink you are talking about module-assistant23:09
ke1hamanueljordison: which realtek is it agian ?23:11
ke1haNVM I see it.,23:11
delemiAnyone know the terminal command to launch crossover823:11
manueljordisonkelha,RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express23:11
delemiI installed it but it does not show up23:11
Some_PersonI know that only the main and restricted repositories are officially supported. But who actually provides this support?23:11
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yaaaranybody round here using landscape? i just heard about it and went to the website....sure looks slick. but am i reading it right that you have to pay $150/year/node even for the standalone product that you install on your own equipment? and if so, what's a node? is that just the machine i'm installing landscape on, or is it all the machines i'm controlling with landscape?23:12
deleminode = PC23:12
delemiHave not used Landscape yet23:13
yaaardelemi: uh, both possibilities i suggested above would qualify as a "PC"23:13
kermitis it possible to unmount nfs when the server isnt reachable?23:13
delemiIt would be single PC23:13
ZykoticK9kermit, i think umount has a -f for force but check man if that fails23:13
kermitZykoticK9: that never works23:13
ZykoticK9kermit, it has for me23:14
jpdsyaaar: Depends which version of Landscape you get.23:14
titan_arkis there a way to access MS Word 07 format documents on OOo?23:14
ke1haThere's several Bug reports on that Card / Model. Im looking for the work around.23:14
mrpink57titan_ark: it should already be active, should just need to open the doc.23:14
Akkernightwhy when I open GRUB at boot, some kernels aren't shown, specifically the ones I installed myself with .deb packages?23:15
ZykoticK9darolu, did you get an answer about Quake 3?  Yes - points release and use the Windows CD to copy a bunch of files over, you probably won't get sound though -- perhaps you could try QuakeLive, basically Quake 3 in a browser23:15
titan_arkmrpink57, no i cant. i get an error when i try to open the document and it says it will do some recovery but it doesnt do anything23:15
mrpink57titan_ark: try to reinstall Open Office then, the lastest version 3.0 is suppose to open docx files23:16
daroluZykoticK9: Thanks, I'm already reading about it.23:16
sasa_ciao a tutti23:16
daroluCiao sasa23:16
ZykoticK9darolu, i was trying to get ioquake3 to work the other day (which does have sound), but i failed23:16
titan_arkmrpink57, i have ver 3.1.123:16
derneni created a script for when my computer resumes, in /etc/acpi/resume.d/99-resume-lirc.sh, but for some reason ubuntu is not running the script upon resume, anyone know why?23:16
titan_arkwhats the command for the reinstall?23:16
sponzorwhat user to use to login to phpmyadmin?23:16
mrpink57titan_ark: then try reinstalling, I googled it and it says it has support as of late.23:17
ke1hamanuelJordison: here a solved case:  http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=858151023:17
titan_arkmrpink57, would you know the package name?23:17
jpdsyaaar: Best thing to do is to ask at https://forms.canonical.com/sales/23:18
mrpink57titan_ark: you can just do sudo apt-get remvoe then start typing open office and hit tab23:19
daroluZykoticK9: I'll give it a try this weekend, hopefully it'll work fine.23:19
mrpink57titan_ark: its openoffice.org23:20
titan_arkmrpink57, Package openoffice.org is not installed, so not removed23:20
mrpink57titan_ark: check in synaptic then23:20
mrpink57titan_ark: in synaptic you may even find some extension to install for docx23:20
FYIhello... is there anyway to fake a video input stream... I can do this with pulseaudio23:21
FYIcept it's an audio input stream :p23:21
Chiphead2XSsponzor, with the user you created when installing mysql-server23:21
sponzorhmm it wont login.. i will google it :)23:22
titan_arkmrpink57, it shows me openoffice in the installed and not installed also! thats weird23:22
titan_arkmrpink57, is there a way i can pastebin th eresults to you?23:22
mrpink57titan_ark: before you uninstall see if there is an extension to install for docx.23:23
Gaming4JCHey all, I just installed the official ATI 10.1 for my Radeon HD 4870 X2, but I still don't have any graphic acceleration and it won't enable it in gnome-appearance-properties despite me having catalyst... any ideas? :/23:23
Chiphead2XSsponzor, user is root usually (if it is your machine)23:23
mrpink57titan_ark: no, it would need to come from a command line, you could send a screenshot but dont know what good it would do.23:23
sn00kiehow does the ubuntu live cd autodetect the video card and load the appropriate modules?23:23
Timmarshallanyone know where to get linux game ports from???23:23
mrpink57sn00kie: my guess is a udev type feature were it seeks out what you have and goes from there.23:24
Timmarshallanyone know about linux game ports??23:25
erUSUL!games | Timmarshall23:25
ubottuTimmarshall: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php23:25
ke1hasn00kie: I believe its a genric vga driver, then lists the restricted driver at install.23:25
titan_arkmrpink57, no i cant see any extension23:25
=== m0ar_ is now known as m0ar
Gaming4JCSo umm, anyone know about ATI support on Ubuntu? I followed the official ATI installation instructions to a tee, no luck. :|23:26
titan_arki mean extension for docx format23:26
mrpink57titan_ark: then I'd say either uninstall and reinstall or google about it a bit.23:26
Jordan_Uke1ha, No, vesa is only used if there is no open source driver available for the graphics card available, which is rare.23:26
sn00kiemrpink57: Maybe you can help.  I installed Ubuntu, and used remastersys to create a backup which acts as a livecd.  Only problem is, when I load that livecd into a different computer, the video drivers load fine, but they don't autodetect on any new system.  The live cd detects and graphics effects work, but my install doesn't23:26
ke1haAhh,. ok tnx23:26
sn00kieke1ha: maybe you'd know to23:26
Jordan_Usn00kie, Do you use proprietary drivers?23:27
titan_arkmrpink57, yes, if only reinstall would work, when i say remove it says there is nothing to remove :P23:27
mrpink57titan_ark: just remove it from in synaptic it should have a filled box showing it's installed23:27
mrpink57titan_ark: just mark for uninstall23:27
Jordan_Usn00kie, Does the resulting install ( or the liveCD image ) have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf? ( it should *not* )23:27
titan_arkmrpink57, yes, shall do that23:28
titan_arkthank you23:28
sn00kieJordan_U: nope, no xorg.conf23:28
Gaming4JCoddly, fglrxinfo shows "X Error of failed request:  BadRequest" in terminal. :s23:29
sn00kiecould it be using a different kernel driver than the one on the CD?23:29
sn00kiekernel rather23:30
Jordan_Usn00kie, Could you try booting into recovery mode on the installed system and look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?23:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:31
stabuhow can i change permission on a ntfs external hd?23:32
darolustabu: you can do it via fstab file23:33
daroluor with chmod23:33
sn00kieJordan_U: installed system?  You mean the one I'm generating the livecd on with remastersys?23:33
Gaming4JCAhh, is only ATI driver 9.12 supported on Ubuntu? I notice everyone is saying that version rather than 10.1...23:34
[-jesus-]Hi, I just put Ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop & need help setting up the wireless.. I know what my NIC is & was directed to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126662023:34
[-jesus-]Idk anything about Ubuntu though so yeah I'm pretty lost :(23:34
ke1hastabu: or you cna use the ntfs-config-tools:  udo apt-get install ntfs-config23:34
Jordan_Usn00kie, The one that you say does not boot, which if I understand correctly ( I may not ) is the one resulting from installing from the remastersys CD.23:34
stabudarolu im trying to setup jinzora but cant import the media cause the permssions, i think23:34
titan_arkargah power management!!!23:35
sn00kieJordan_U:  Everything boots, and I can get into Gnome, however, it doesn't load anything other than the generic video card driver where the livecd actually insmods the correct driver and enables the graphical effects.23:35
marcosRzAnyone can help me with Evolution, http://i.imgur.com/nPI4k.jpg23:36
Jordan_Usn00kie, Ok, can you just pastebin the /var/log/Xorg.0.log from there then?23:36
sn00kiesure, I'll need a second.23:36
Zer*Sigh* Does anyone know of any particular dependencies for libvirtd? If I run it manually after system startup, all VMs autostart. However, they refuse to autostart at bootup.23:37
delemiAnyone help with crossover 8?23:39
mikelissHi, I just got emerald running, but it's not showing any themes. I remember there being a theme pack of some kind, but I can't find it.23:40
Gaming4JCdelemi: Try #crossover?23:40
capronsome more have problem black screen after sleep using ati driver23:40
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.23:40
Gaming4JCATI Driver is totally unuseable here. :P23:40
Gaming4JCoddly it worked before23:41
Gaming4JCnow it's not23:41
vinseOH! sudo su - !!23:41
mikelissAnybody know what I'm talking about?23:41
vinsegot i wish i'd known that two days ago23:41
delemiGaming4JC I was there and received good instruction I am just having problems implementing a command they gave me23:41
capronI use emerald and compize what shud I use ?23:41
blakkheimvinse: while this is true, someone here will get mad and say "no dont use root" blahblah23:42
Gaming4JCguess I'll go back to 9.12... the ATI 10.1 isn't working ... :s23:42
delemish install-crossover-pro-8.0.0.sh23:42
b636bc7cais it normal for 'du' to not work in an encrypted homedir?23:42
blakkheimb636bc7ca: works in mine23:42
b636bc7cait gives me 0 for everything23:42
delemish: Can't open install-crossover-pro-
b636bc7cabut the data is all there23:43
Gaming4JCdelemi: run that in a terminal? You may need to run "sudo sh" rather than just "sh" to install as root.23:43
b636bc7caDoes anyone know of a document that will walk me through how to migrate AWAY from encrypted homedirs?23:43
mikelisscapron: I've never seen that blurb about emerald before. There is a theme pack somewhere though....23:43
Viper1432mike  try this site for more info on emerald:  http://www.webupd8.org/2009/03/ubuntu-install-themes-emerald-compiz.html23:43
Gaming4JCdelemi: oh... hmm you sure the name is correct for the sh file?23:43
b636bc7caI found some that tell you how to do go the other direction, but I'm having trouble mentally translating it in reverse23:43
Gaming4JCdelemi: If it cannot find the file it isn't named correctly or doesn't exist23:43
delemiI tried $ su -23:44
delemi# sh install-crossover-pro-8.0.0.sh23:44
mikelissViper1432: Yeah, I saw that page, but it's not very helpful really.23:44
Jordan_Udelemi, Do not run that script as root23:44
delemi# ls23:44
delemiCrossover.Linux.Pro.8-DJM.md5  crossover-pro_8.0.0-1_i386.deb23:44
delemiCrossover.Linux.Pro.8-DJM.nfo  crossover-pro-8.0.0-1.i386.rpm23:44
delemiCrossover.Linux.Pro.8-DJM.sfv  ia32-crossover-pro_8.0.0-1_amd64.deb23:44
delemiCrossover.Linux.Pro.8-DJM.sha  install-crossover-pro-8.0.0.sh23:44
FloodBot4delemi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:44
delemi# sh install-crossover-pro-
Mario_i have a problem23:45
lanzellothhi i can't install java plugin for firefox23:45
Viper1432mikeliss,  if you don't have any themes installed for emerald, there a tons over at gnome-look.23:45
Jordan_Udelemi, You added an extra ".0"23:45
Mario_i am not able to paint my ubuntu23:45
Mario_i would want to paint my ubuntu23:45
Jordan_U!tab | delemi23:45
ubottudelemi: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:45
titan_arkcan i use the remote desktop manager tool as for vnc also? i am able to ssh but after that unable to start a vnc session to log in to the port i connect to23:45
Gaming4JC!enter | Mario_23:46
ubottuMario_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:46
=== jacques_ is now known as Guest96957
lanzellothaugie@blue:~$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin23:46
lanzellothReading package lists... Done23:46
lanzellothBuilding dependency tree23:46
lanzellothReading state information... Done23:46
lanzellothsun-java6-bin is already the newest version.23:46
FloodBot4lanzelloth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:46
lanzellothaugie@blue:~$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin23:46
Mario_i would want to paint my ubuntu, any idea?23:46
daftykinsMario_: paint?23:47
ZykoticK9Mario_, "paint my ubuntu" what does that mean?23:47
Mario_change wallpaper23:47
Gaming4JCMario_: Paint Ubuntu? You mean create themes?... ahh23:47
Gaming4JCMario_: Right click >> Change Desktop Background?23:47
Gaming4JCon the desktop.23:47
Mario_oh.. thank you23:47
ke1haJordan_U, what was the final fix for the graphics issue? Im interested in that one.23:48
jack5463My flash stopped working just now. Now i can't watch videos on youtube. ubuntu 9.10 on usb. How can I repair it?23:48
=== Guest96957 is now known as Jackage
Mario_i will try to paint my ububtu with your suggest23:48
delemiubottu, Jordan_U - Thanks i missed that. I was just an issue of bad typing. Thanks ALL.23:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:48
jazz_are there any tutorials on how to theme yourown self?23:48
Mario_yes it is working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:48
marcosRzAnyone can help me with Evolution, http://i.imgur.com/nPI4k.jpg ?23:48
Gaming4JCjack5463: Reinstall flash from Synaptic? You may also want to try swfdec. :P23:49
Mario_thank you, now i am able to paint my ubuntu23:49
Gaming4JCMario_: Glad it's working for you. :)23:49
tempUserI am looking for a tool to check files if there are parts missing (eg caused by defect sectors) I can not compare them by md5.23:49
pfifoHi everyone23:49
Gaming4JC!greet pfifo23:49
Mario_oh a lot of people in this chan23:49
Mario_so much nice23:49
jazz_as much as there are cool themes in gnome look some things change i didnt want changed  or what i wanted didnt or isnt cool23:50
pfifoGaming4JC, I thought it was !hi23:50
Gaming4JCpfifo: lol sorry I couldn't remember it. :P23:50
Jordan_Uke1ha, sn00kie just left. Last thing he said was that he would pastebin his /var/log/Xorg.0.log, maybe he is rebooting to do that?23:50
jazz_i fount a theme in synaptic i downloaded i like but it was yellow id rather  a diferent color but the wasp theme was decent23:51
Gaming4JCHmm... so anyone mind helping me install ATI drivers on Ubuntu? Make sure it's 10.1 proprietary...23:51
magn3tsWhat is a good FileSystem to store data between mac/windows/linux on?23:51
AquinaLaunchpad - Answers No 99985 - Any ideas?23:51
ke1harrr.. that's odd that LiveCD would work properly, then install incorrectly.23:51
delemimagn3ts, I have been using NTFS23:51
kermitmy sound in firefox plays stuck in a loop, why?23:52
delemimagn3ts, The down fall is file permissions23:52
DreaDy_HKhi brothers i have a problem whit the document kdedrc i dont have change permisions of this document23:52
Jordan_Umagn3ts, While not what I would call good, fat32 is the only filesystem that all three can write to by default ( Mac OS can read ntfs by default and ntfs-3g can be installed to add write support, Ubuntu can read and write to ntfs by default )23:52
magn3tsdelemi, yeah, I think its unavoidable though. Any other choices leaves at least on other OS out23:52
lanzellothso whenever i try to install sun-java6-plugin i get an error: broken packages23:53
pfifook, I have a weird question, just want to make sure its ok, on occasion I come in here and answer questions from new users, once in a great while, the solution to their problem is a file, would anyone get upset if I put files such as these on rapidshare and made an attempt at getting the 10k downloads required for a free rs account?23:53
delemimagn3ts, dual boot PC or MAC23:53
magn3tsJordan_U, yeah, ntfs-3g is standard for me+mac anyway so I odn't mind that. It's mostly the file permissions23:53
blakkheimpfifo: that isn't for here23:53
delemimagn3ts, I mounted a NTFS directory that is in windows (my documents) in /media23:54
clone1018Any way to login to ubuntu without a keyboard?23:54
blakkheimclone1018: mind powers23:55
clone1018:D I wish23:55
capronclone1018,  Auto loggin shud work23:55
clone1018ya but23:55
clone1018I need to login now :P23:55
pfifoblakkheim, ok fair enough, plenty of other places that dont mind at all. Ill stick with the d-see-c I would normally use for this23:55
tempUserclone1018: ask someone to login via ssh and let him/her set your passwd to no passwd23:56
magn3tshm, how does ubuntu play with hfs+?23:56
Gaming4JCclone1018: A quick google search reveals they have a virtual keyboard in the making, that presents a bit of a problem if you don't have a keyboard and you cannot login to enable autologin w/o it. Soo... tempUser's method would work... lol23:56
clone1018Dont you need an ssh server23:57
caprontempUser,  I guess he still needs to press return even if no password is used or ?23:57
Gaming4JCclone1018: Hmm yes I believe that has to be installed first? o_O bummer...23:57
=== carlos is now known as Guest37746
delemiclone1018, I believe there is a program called indic23:58
joe-evansclone1018: sorry i am comming in at the tail end of the conv' here - but is your mouse working23:58
pfifoclone1018, maybe, just add a keyboard to your system?23:58
clone1018I would have to login to the computer23:58
clone1018Yes the mouse works23:58
joe-evansthen you can click to enter the tempuser yes?23:58
Gaming4JC!hi Kyle_S23:59
Gaming4JC!hi | Kyle_S23:59
ubottuKyle_S: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:59
Kyle_SHopefully quick question about pulse audio.23:59
lanzellothi keep getting this error when trying to isntall java plugin: "Depends: sun-java6-bin (=6-13-1) but 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.04 is to be installed"23:59
Kyle_SHow do you adjust the mic input settings?23:59
magn3tswait, this looks like hfsplus adds full read/write for hfs+ to ubuntu, does anyone know how well it supports permissions, etc? considering that mac os x is a unix based os23:59

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