
jonoNafai, hey00:23
NafaiHey jono00:23
NafaiI was just working on an e-mail to y'all :)00:23
jonoNafai, awesome00:25
jonoI will wait for that :-)00:25
jonoNafai, thanks, in future could you also copy in Rick Spencer00:32
Nafaioh, sure00:32
Nafaiwant me to forward today's to him?00:32
Nafaianything else you wanted, or just a status report? :)00:33
jonoI forwarded it to him00:34
jononope, just a status is good, thanks!00:34
jonohey murrayc08:10
murraychey jono08:16
jonojpetersen, hey!09:11
jpetersenhi jono 09:15
jonohey jpetersen09:17
jpetersenthanks :)09:18
jonojpetersen, I am just sending you a mail right now with the next set of apps09:18
jpetersenjono, ok09:18
murraycjono: Don't get disconcerted by jpetersen's ueber-efficiency. He tends to just get stuff done, usually perfect the first time, without talking much about it.09:21
murraycIt weirds me out when he just does what I ask.09:22
jonosounds good to me :)09:22
jonojpetersen, ok, so in a nutshell we are shooting for your three apps being done in a week09:31
jonoI know you are still pretty new, so let me know if there are any blockers09:31
jpetersenjono, ok sounds good09:32
jonothanks jpetersen, murrayc09:33
jonook, I am heading to bed :)09:33
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
NafaiGood morning, reporting for duty :)13:53
kenvandineNafai, hey great work on brasero13:58
NafaiLooking forward to any comments :)13:59
kenvandineNafai, i haven't built it, but writing up a little feedback13:59
kenvandinethe autofoo stuff :)13:59
Nafaibrb, restarting with latest updates13:59
NafaiLove how fast things restart14:04
Nafaitedg: About to test with the latest updates14:07
tedgNafai: Cool, ping me if there are issues14:12
NafaiSure thing14:12
Nafaitedg: Yay, your fix worked!14:13
kenvandinei made it a enable arg and tweaking naming to match upstream's style14:13
Nafaikenvandine: I'll have a patch available soon for gnome-control-center14:13
NafaiAfter I make changes there based on your feedback for brasero14:13
kenvandineNafai, upstreams can be picky, so following their conventions can be important, depending on the project14:14
NafaiRight, I admit I just wanted the autoconf foo to work, I'll be more particular in the future :)14:14
kenvandinealso i would say if it is common code between both the tray and the indicator stuff you should probably pull that out into a separate file14:14
kenvandinei am sure upstream would appreciate that14:15
kenvandinebut what you have should work... but maintainability would be better if it was moved14:15
NafaiYeah, shouldn't take too long to do14:15
kenvandineNafai, no worries, just trying to spread some of my experiences with upstreams :)14:15
kenvandinenot all upstreams are as awesome as tedg to work with :)14:16
* kenvandine looks for brownie points before nagging about the duplicate menus :-p14:16
NafaiNo, I appreciate it14:16
tedgkenvandine: It's fixed in trunk ;)14:16
kenvandinei am worried it might be masking other bugs :)14:16
tedgkenvandine: Actually, that's untrue -- it needs a review first.14:17
* kenvandine can do a patch to test it :)14:17
kenvandinelink me14:17
* tedg is trying -- but really just yelling at LP to be faster.14:19
tedgkenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/dbusmenu/menu-repeat-repeat-repeat14:19
tedgkenvandine: There still is some repeating in the Messaging Menu, but I think that's there, not in dbusmenu.14:20
kenvandinei really want to verify that my code actually works :)14:21
kenvandinetedg, also... i suspect this is a different bug14:22
kenvandinebut if you try to restart indicator-messages-service when something is in the indicator... it crashes14:22
kenvandinei just found that this morning14:22
tedgkenvandine: Yes, there are a few... let me get some patches out :)14:23
kenvandinestart empathy and "illall indicator-messages-service; killall indicator-applet; /usr/lib/indicator-messages/indicator-messages-service 14:23
kenvandineok... so known :)14:23
kenvandinein case that helps14:24
kenvandinehopefully it is known and fixed :)14:24
kenvandinei am also seeing this output from indicator-messages-service14:25
kenvandine(process:15198): libindicate-WARNING **: Unable to get property data: Method invoked for GetIndicatorProperty returned FALSE but did not set error14:25
* kenvandine wonders if that is his code14:25
kenvandinetedg, ^^14:25
Nafaikenvandine: I should have an updated patch with the autoconf changes and the common stuff refactored out this morning14:26
NafaiPlus a patch for gnome-control-center :)14:26
NafaiAnd then I'm about halfway through gnome-bluetooth14:26
NafaiSo prepare to be inundated with patches14:26
tedgkenvandine: I've seen a few of those.  I think it's review-notifier right now... but I haven't looked into that one much yet.14:26
kenvandineNafai, awesome14:27
kenvandinetedg: review-notifier?14:27
tedgkenvandine: The LP review thingy that dobey wrote.  I think it's in lp-tools.14:29
kenvandineoh, i am not running that14:30
kenvandineso maybe it is one of the things i wrote14:30
kenvandinei have gwibber, xchat-gnome, empathy and evo in the indicator14:31
tedgkenvandine: Possible.  It usually happens with timeouts.  If you don't make it back to the mainloop in 500 ms, I think that'll cause it.14:32
tedgkenvandine: Though, now that I'm seeing it more than usual, I'm a bit suspicious if it isn't a libindicate bug.14:32
tedgkenvandine: So don't spend too much time on it before I get a chance to look into it.14:33
kenvandinei won't :)14:33
jcastrogood morning14:33
NafaiMorning jcastro14:34
jcastroa community guy went out and finished Transmission yesterday14:34
jcastroNafai: ok so is ken done reviewing the brasero patch?14:38
NafaiI think so, not sure how closely he's looked at the code itself14:39
NafaiI'm really unsure how to best move common stuff out, since the functions that are common have stuff in the middle of the functions that are the same, but other parts that are not :(14:40
jcastroNafai: ok, what's the status of bluetooth?14:43
jcastro(just updating all the statuses since I've been gone)14:43
NafaiI'd say about 50%, the menus are built on the fly there it seems so I'll have to read through the code and see if there are any issues14:44
NafaiI just tested tedg's changes, and g-c-c is working.  If we are find with green -> red -> lock, then I just need to tweak my autoconf foo to be more acceptable upstream and that is ready14:44
jcastrook so we can probably send the patches to brasero, and g-c-c later today pending review?14:46
jcastrook, and after that you're doing vino?14:46
NafaiWould brasero upstream be willing to give me advice on how to make the patch better?14:46
jcastroafter bluetooth I mean14:46
NafaiThat's the plan14:46
jcastroyeah, after your initial review with ken I'll ask luis to look at it14:46
jcastroand then he can review it 14:46
NafaiI know there are some improvements that could be done to improve maintainability/reduce code duplication but I'm unsure of the best way to attack it14:47
Nafaikenvandine: Should I attach an updated patch with your autoconf changes included?14:47
seb128I can review the g-c-c one14:48
seb128Nafai, please don't run autoconf in the same patch if that's what you suggested14:48
jcastrowook, upstream onboard (the onscreen keyboard) just committed a fix for app indicators14:48
jcastrothe ported their own app14:49
seb128they have a patch for it upstream already?14:49
jcastroalready upstream14:49
jcastrono release for lucid yet though14:49
Nafaiseb128: hrm?14:49
seb128jcastro, ok14:52
seb128Nafai, hrm? to you too ;-)14:52
NafaiI was confused by what you meant.  Ken gave me some changes to the configure.in changes I had and I'm updating my overall patch to reflect that14:53
NafaiMy patch doesn't include anything generated by autoconf, if that's what you meant :)14:53
jpetersenI attached a patch for gnome-power-manager lp#49787014:54
* jcastro is overwhelmed updating the statuses. :D14:54
seb128Nafai, yes that's what I meant14:54
Nafaiok, cool14:55
jcastrojpetersen: bah, I messed that one up and I don't think I filed a gnome upstream bug for it, when it's ready can you file a gnome upstream bug?14:55
jpetersenjcastro, yes i can do14:55
jcastrojpetersen: hughsie prefers patches sent to the g-p-m mailing list btw.15:03
jcastrojpetersen: also, getting it blessed as an external dep is important to him, I've made a note of it15:03
jcastrobut I've explained that we'll be carrying the patch for a cycle15:03
jpetersenjcastro, ok15:03
jcastrotedg: when does the window open to propose external deps for the next GNOME cycle?15:04
jpeterseni am looking at gnome-media now, which is basically the volume control15:09
* jcastro nods15:09
tedgjcastro: I don't remember, I believe it starts right when the release leaves.15:09
tedgjcastro: Think of it as an excuse to talk to vuntz ;)15:09
jpetersenAny idea how to map the slider widget? (GtkVScale)15:10
seb128jpetersen, you attached your gpm change to gnome-media15:11
seb128bug #49787015:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 497870 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Support Application Indicators (affects: 1)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49787015:11
jcastroseb128: that's my fault15:12
seb128why do we have 2 components on a same bug there?15:12
jcastrothat bug is all messed up15:12
jcastroit was the first one I did and I hosed it15:12
seb128can we close the gnome-media task15:12
seb128and open a new bug?15:12
seb128will be easier to track15:12
jpetersenthat would be fine with me15:12
seb128than having comment and patches about 2 components in the same bug15:12
* jcastro nods15:15
jcastrojust make sure it's tagged with indicator-application or it drops from my list into the ether of lp15:15
jpeterseni will just file a new bug for gnome-media15:17
jcastrojpetersen: ok so you're just waiting on review for g-p-m before sending it up so you're just going to -media next right?15:24
jcastrojpetersen: Also you know about this page right? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators/ContractorWorkflow15:24
jcastrojpetersen: I'll need the list of icons for each package you touch15:24
jpetersenjcastro, Ah no have not seen that page yet15:25
jcastrofeel free to change it to fit reality, so if seb or ken want the assignee to be different or something adjust the page.15:26
jcastrokenvandine: btw did you upload xchat-gnome to lucid yet?15:29
NafaiMorning jono!15:49
jonohey Nafai15:50
seb128jcastro, I did15:51
seb128jcastro, and pitti new-ed it today15:51
seb128jcastro, xchat-indicator that is15:51
seb128not sure if that's what you meant by xchat-gnome15:51
seb128or if you mean xchat-gnome itself to activate the indicator by default15:51
jcastroseb128: I meant xchat-indicator15:52
Nafaijcastro: Uh, so given mpt's feedback in #ubuntu-desktop, perhaps merely reproducing functionality wasn't exactly what was needed here for brasero :/15:54
NafaiFYI, I'm back to working on gnome-bluetooth16:14
jonoNafai, rock and roll :)16:42
jonojpetersen, how are you getting on?16:42
jpetersenjono, i am basically done with gnome-power-manager, just testing it after i did a small additional change16:44
jpetersenjono, and i started to look at gnome-media16:44
jonojpetersen, awesome :-)16:44
jpetersenjono, with gnome-media there is the question how to do the volume control scale in app indicators16:45
jpetersenjono, i mean this slider widget to control the volume16:47
jonojpetersen, actually ignore gnome-media for now, move onto the next one16:47
jonowe need some design input on it16:47
jpetersenjono, yes ok16:48
jonojpetersen, yeah, so focus on  gnome-settings-daemon 16:49
* vish notes kenvandine likes and is playing a lot with the memenu ;)16:49
jpetersenjono, ok i will do16:51
Nafaikenvandine: Uh, so I clicked "XChat Gnome" in the message indicators thingy...and I launch a new xchat gnome instance19:16
Nafais/I launch/it launched/19:16
seb128kenvandine, ^19:19
qenseI've got a problem with Indicator Application (C implementation) not using the actions as defined somewhere in the code. Instead it shows GTK+ stock menu items.19:30
qenseWhat is needed to properly associate the actions with the menu passed to AppIndicator?19:30
qenseI have used  g_object_set_data_full() to associate the ui_manager to the window19:31
jonoNafai, can you help qense19:39
jonoor tedg can you help him ^19:39
tedgjono: Considering I have no scrollback :)19:39
qense<qense> I've got a problem with Indicator Application (C implementation) not using the actions as defined somewhere in the code. Instead it shows GTK+ stock menu items.19:40
qense What is needed to properly associate the actions with the menu passed to AppIndicator?19:40
qense<qense> I have used  g_object_set_data_full() to associate the ui_manager to the window19:40
qenseBut somehow the actions aren't used in the menu19:41
qensetedg: ^^ (I always forget to include people's names when I'm talking to them...)19:42
Nafaitedg is probably best one to help :)19:42
tedgqense: It shows stock items or it connects to stock actions?19:43
qensetedg: both, but I think the stock icons aren't bad.19:43
qenseWeirdly the menu items are defined with just the action and no icon, so it must read something iirc.19:43
qenseThey look like this: "<menuitem action='alt-speed-enabled'/>"19:44
qenseand the action are defined from a dictionary/list like is done in the C example of the AppIndicator19:44
tedgHmm, I've not done that before.  bratsche ^19:45
qenseThe patches as committed to the upstream trunk are here: <http://trac.transmissionbt.com/changeset/10133>19:45
qenseyay! upstream before it's working properly! :S19:46
jonoqense, you are awesome for working on this :)19:47
qensejono: thank you. But it is just a bit of work and I'm relying a lot on the code samples when programming C since I'm not very familiar with that language, don't give me too much honour. ;)19:51
qensetedg: It was caused by a bug: the strings were translated with glib's gi18n N_() function.20:25
tedgqense: Ah, I see.20:25
qensewhen I removed that function from around the label the right text was displayed, and even properly localised20:25
tedgqense: Hmm, but that means that it probably won't be setup to get translated.20:25
tedgqense: The N_() gets pulled into the .po files.20:26
qensethat's what it's for20:26
qenseok, then is this a bug in AppIndictor?20:26
qensetedg: What does N_() do that could hinder Indicator Application?20:27
tedgqense: Typically it's just a pass through.20:28
tedgqense: One issue that sometimes comes up is with static strings.20:28
qenselike "static GtkToggleActionEntry  pref_toggle_entries[]"? 20:28
qensethat's one of the dictionaries20:28
tedgqense: I'll sometimes do something like:20:29
tedg#ifdef N_20:29
tedg#undef N_20:29
tedg#define N_(x) x20:29
tedgTo get a cleaner pass through.20:29
tedgYou'll need that if you want to do something like:  "bob" N_("alvin") "bob"20:29
qensetedg: whoops, I was wrong.20:33
qenseThat string that worked was already translated. It's not N_()'s fault this time. 20:33
qensepainful mistake here :)20:33
Nafaijono, jcastro: quick update before I head out to my appointment.  I've got my initial version of gnome-bluetooth working, just I need to look over how the menus are created and figure out why app indicators are confused21:41
jonoNafai, sweet :)21:41
Nafaijono, jcastro: screenshot http://www.travishartwell.net/gnome-bluetooth.png21:41
NafaiSo, possibly, 65-75% done.  Or possibly more :)21:42
jonoNafai, great work, thanks for your hard work21:42
NafaiOne thing I have noticed is that app indicators are picking smaller icons (or scaling them smaller) than the previous StatusIcon versions21:42
Nafaino problem, enjoying it21:42
jcastroNafai: yeah that's why we need the icon names21:43
jcastroso the design people can do the right thing there21:43
NafaiI'll send you an updated list for gnome-bluetooth tonight after I have made sure which icons it uses21:43
jcastrowoo, this is looking sweet21:45
Nafaitedg: You around?23:27

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