
exshm ok. one more question. i commit a develtree. after that i create a new file and then i want revert to the last revision without all files created after the last commit. is this possible?00:00
bob2perhaps you want bzr uncommit00:05
bob2I'm not sure00:05
exsbut then the newly created files are still there00:07
Peng"bzr revert" instead?00:07
bob2so delete them?00:08
bob2or clean-tree00:08
exsa great. that was i ve searched00:09
exsi go sleep n800:15
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
RenatoSilvalifeless: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-search/+bug/48068401:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 480684 in bzr-search "Return matching revisions" [Undecided,Incomplete]01:47
mwhudsonPeng: your mirror branches broke launchpad :-)02:06
mwhudson(but it seems to be some network provider stupidity, not your fault)02:06
lifelessRenatoSilva: I'm going out, but I have replied to the bug02:06
RenatoSilvalifeless: last 2 comments are mine02:09
spivRenatoSilva: the last comment (#6) isn't02:11
RenatoSilvano idea of what this means: Nor does it have a suffix index (where you put rabedis and rabedis-on in an index and can then find both sidebar and no-sidebar efficiently).02:16
RenatoSilvalifeless: I would simply rename the bug to 'make bzr search human friendly', but that seems a big way to walk through02:17
spivlifeless was going perhaps a bit too much into possible implementation details in those parens.02:17
RenatoSilvahow to find no-sidebar?02:18
spivIf I'm understanding lifeless comment correctly, currently bzr-search only keeps a simple index that lets you look up complete words.02:20
RenatoSilvaI don't understand why the bug is imcomplete, the title and description and comments are pretty clear02:21
spiv(i.e. it doesn't support searches by parts or words, or suffixes)02:21
spivThe problem is the scope of the bug is too large and nebulous to be useful as something to have on a todo list.02:21
RenatoSilvano it's not02:22
RenatoSilva*it's specific*02:22
spivI think lifeless is asking for a bug, or bugs, with specific suggestions about how to improve the searching, rather than something as vague as e.g. "human friendly"02:22
RenatoSilvaI just want to search the diffs, and know the revision02:22
RenatoSilvaI didn't rename the bug to "make it human friendly"02:23
spivSo you want "diff-only search"?02:23
RenatoSilvaI said that because of their comments about how imcomplete bzr-search is02:23
RenatoSilvawell that's a very bad thing that bzr-search is in version 1.7 and can't even search partial words or whatever02:24
RenatoSilvaI would keep the software as beta02:25
RenatoSilvaspiv: well, as in the title, I just want "return matching revisions"02:25
Pengmwhudson: Awesome. How'd that happen?02:26
RenatoSilvareturn the revisions that match a search string, just like bzr search more or less does02:26
spivAlso, comment #4 is suggests you're looking for more complex forms of search queries than simple term-matching.02:26
RenatoSilvaspiv: do you call bzr search Preferences a more complex search??02:26
RenatoSilvasame about no-sidebar02:26
spivRenatoSilva: What does "matching" mean in "return matching revisions"?  "word appears in the diff"?  "substring appears in the diff and/or commit message"?02:27
RenatoSilvaspiv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-search/+bug/480684/comments/202:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 480684 in bzr-search "Return matching revisions" [Undecided,Incomplete]02:27
spivRenatoSilva: ok, so02:28
spivRenatoSilva: I'm guessing a bit at what lifeless would like, but02:28
spivRenatoSilva: I suggest changing this bug title to 'show the revisions whose diff contains the search string'02:28
RenatoSilvaspiv: if you're lucky, your method is not called no-sidebar so you can use bzr-search for that but as I said there 1. no rev *number* 2. output is ugly02:28
RenatoSilvaspiv: nice title, will change it now02:29
spivRenatoSilva: and filing one or more other bugs for other enhancements like "find PreferencesProvider when I search for Preferences", etc.02:29
spivRenatoSilva: I just copied it straight out of your comment #2!02:29
mwhudsonPeng: connections from the data centre to bzr.mattnordorff.com are timing out02:32
RenatoSilvaah ok :) just changed, for the other bugs, I think I'm only able to say 'make it human friendly', which would probably be rejected for being too general (looks more like a blueprint). You guys, however, are more experienced on how it works and all the specific terms like stemming (?), so you can more easily split it into more specific tasks in my opinion02:33
RenatoSilva"return PreferencesProvider when I search for Preferences" is more like a use case than a proper bug description for me (imagine one writing if s == 'Preferences': return 'PreferencesProvider', or some similar hack :D )02:35
spivRenatoSilva: well, don't worry about specific jargon02:36
spivRenatoSilva: give specific examples of things you'd like to work better02:36
RenatoSilvathanks for helping02:36
spivRenatoSilva: i.e. a bug report that is a use case that doesn't work yet is still a reasonable bug report, so long as the use case isn't too general02:36
spivRenatoSilva: i.e. don't file bug 1 ;)02:36
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)02:36
spiv(That was a quick timeout!)02:36
RenatoSilvaspiv: would be nice if you later convince lifeless that the bug is not incomplete02:37
RenatoSilva(because it seem you got me)02:37
spivRenatoSilva: lifeless may still prefer to split some of those bugs into more specific bugs, or mark some as duplicates of others, but that will be easier to do the more specific they are02:37
RenatoSilvaI mean this open bug, its status is incomlete but it's just that lifeless didn't get me in my opinion02:38
RenatoSilva* imcomplete02:38
spivRenatoSilva: well, I'd guess with the new title he'll be satisfied, but ask him02:39
spivRenatoSilva: right, I agree, but that's actually a reasonable use of incomplete02:39
RenatoSilvaok ok, it's because you have more weight in convincing him I suppose :)02:39
spivRenatoSilva: perhaps, I wouldn't be too sure ;)02:39
RenatoSilvaI'll tell him that you think it's ok, ok?02:40
spivWell, you can tell him it's now close to I think he thinks it should be ;)02:40
RenatoSilvadon'tget you, but big thanks anyway!02:41
spivIt's his project, I don't have any special authority over it or him.  I *do* have some experience in understanding what he finds useful in a bug report, though.02:41
spiv(Which isn't far off what I find useful)02:42
RenatoSilvaok ok thanks, gtg good night!02:42
spivRenatoSilva: good night02:45
tonyyarussoSo I have a local (unbound) bzr branch, and I want to merge a change from a branch on launchpad.  I tried doing 'bzr merge lp:~ubuntu-minnesota/ubuntu-drupal-theme/minnesota-patches' and got this:03:01
tonyyarusso"bzr: ERROR: KnitPackRepository('file:///home/drupal/sites6/ubuntu-minnesota.org/themes/ubuntu-drupal-theme/.bzr/repository/'); is not compatible with; RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-minnesota/ubuntu-drupal-theme/minnesota-patches/.bzr/); different rich-root support"03:01
spivYour local branch is in an old format03:02
spivAssuming you have bzr 2.0 or newer, just run "bzr upgrade" in that branch03:02
Pengmwhudson: Ehh. That's not my fault, is it?03:03
tonyyarussospiv: ah, perfect - thanks03:04
Pengmwhudson: FWIW, mtr to crowberry (bazaar.lp) and druzhnaya (puller) from my end work fine. Well, 1 packet gets dropped at the last hop, but that shouldn't matter.03:04
spivtonyyarusso: you're welcome03:09
tonyyarussohmm, now I have a message that there's a conflict in a file - is there a way to show what the actual conflicting text is?  (I only have a filename so far)03:10
tonyyarussothe man page makes it sound like showing the text should be the default03:10
tonyyarussooh, I see03:12
tonyyarusso.BASE and .THIS03:12
mwhudsonPeng: maybe it's better now anyway, not your fault03:14
spivtonyyarusso: and look at the file itself03:15
spivtonyyarusso: the conflicting region(s) will have markers like <<<<<<< ======= >>>>>>> in it.03:15
spiver, s/in it/around it/03:16
tonyyarussooooh, ok03:16
Pengmwhudson: I hit the "Try again" button on one branch -- let's see if it works.03:17
tonyyarussospiv: um, by "the file itself", do you actually mean one with .~1~ appended to the name?03:18
Pengmwhudson: The puller did hit my server, but LP still reports an error. (https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mnordhoff/loggerhead/cheezum)03:19
spivtonyyarusso: the file that has the conflict, usually03:20
spivtonyyarusso: unless you have a conflict where both sides added a file of the same name.  (More common is both sides modified the same file that already existed)03:20
mwhudsonPeng: hmm03:20
tonyyarussospiv: well, the issue is the file with the conflict is listed as 'style.css', but that doesn't appear to exist right now.  I have a style.css.~1~, style.css.20100204 (a separate backup I made a few days ago manually), style.css.BASE, style.css.orig (I'm not sure about that one), and style.css.THIS03:22
tonyyarussoonly .BASE and .THIS have file modification times of today.03:22
spivtonyyarusso: ok, I'd guess you have the more complex kind of conflict, i.e. that both sides added (or renamed) different files to have the name 'style.css', or something like that.03:27
spivtonyyarusso: pastebin the output of "bzr conflicts"?03:27
spivAnd "bzr st"?03:27
tonyyarussono need for pastebin on the former - it's one line:  /home/drupal/sites6/ubuntu-minnesota.org/themes/ubuntu-drupal-theme03:27
tonyyarussothe latter has "renamed: style.css => style.css.THIS; added: css/style.css; unknown: style.css.BASE"03:29
spivtonyyarusso: "bzr conflicts" just shows a filename, not "Text conflict in $filename"?03:29
tonyyarussospiv: bah, bad copy-paste.  "Contents conflict in style.css03:30
spivtonyyarusso: ok, IIRC this is because one side has modified the file (yours probably judging by what you've said), but the other has deleted it03:31
tonyyarussospiv: Yes, I have modified that file manually.  So most likely, upstream tried to move style.css to css/style.css, and got confused b/c I had modified something it wants to delete, right?03:32
spivtonyyarusso: I suspect from the "bzr st" output that someone might have accidentally deleted it and then added it again (as a new file) to rename/move it03:32
spivtonyyarusso: exactly! :)03:32
tonyyarussohrm, ok03:32
spivtonyyarusso: so the resolution is mostly likely to either apply your changes to the new file, or revert the deletion, and move your file to the new location...03:33
spivtonyyarusso: ...and tell whoever made that change to use "bzr mv" next time, or even "bzr mv --auto".03:33
RAOFMan, “git add -i” makes me *long* for bzr shelve.  What the hell are you supposed to do with this prompt: “Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,j,J,g,e,?]?”04:25
bob2you want magit04:26
RAOFAh, no.  Actually I wanted “git add -p”.04:32
vilahi all !07:20
bialixрунф мшдф!!!07:28
bialixheya vila!!!07:28
chxlifeless: ping08:09
lifelesschx: hi. Is this re: the mail you sent me? I've replied.08:10
chxlifeless: yes. i saw. :)08:10
chxlifeless: just wanted to ask whether you want me to collect the more interesting points or you guys will read the (rahter interesting) thread08:11
lifelessI'm not sure at this point08:15
lifelessI'm hoping jam or someone will volunteer to be a resource for you08:15
lifelessin my experience its best to have someone like yourself or emma as a primary advocate though08:16
lifelessfor now, until I hear back, I suggest mailing anything specific that is a concern/needs more info to the main bazaar mailing list08:16
chxI will do that , OK08:18
chxAnd we are advocating -- David Strauss and myself, I will get hold on Emma once she is bakc from NZ08:18
lifelesschx: excellent08:32
bialixchx: battle for drupal?08:32
chxbialix: yes08:33
bialixgimme a link please08:33
mneptokwait ... does PHP allow +?08:34
chxthe discussion so far is suprisingly sober08:34
fullermdmneptok: Of course.  It may even mean what you want it to.08:35
chxor may not08:35
fullermdDoesn't Drupal still have a semi-active bzr mirror around from $YEARS ago when jblack was talking to them?08:35
chxi write phpwtf.org so you dont need to tell me that php is weird08:35
chxfullermd: we have a launchpad mirror which i use.08:36
chxfullermd: thanks god08:36
quicksilvervila: finally got around to finishing and sending that email to the bzr list. Sorry it took so long.08:36
mneptoki just put on a Ring Of Power and now register_globals is enabled.08:37
mneptokTHE EYE CAN SEE ME!08:37
vilaquicksilver: great, thanks08:37
* fullermd writes it for a living; no secret here either :p08:37
chxfullermd: it would have been better to move to bzr in 2006 yes but it did not happen alas. We are a lot bigger so it might be a bit harder but it's also our growth that made CVS unbearable. And let's face it, these last four years made bzr a lot better too.08:37
chxmneptok: i already told you that you do not need to bash PHP to me. I can do it a hell lot better and evne do it on a blog as mentiond. And register_globals is gone for good for one, two, Drupal worked around it for years and now simply refuses to run if it is on...08:39
chxmneptok: i came here for help and not (the rather boring and tiring) PHP bashing. There is more to picking a system than the language it is written in.08:41
mneptokuh. wow. easy there, tiger. i'm not "bashing" PHP. i'm not bashing Drupal. i'm trying to make people smile a little.08:41
vilamneptok: you failed :D08:42
mneptokvila: apparently not. ^^08:42
vilaAs I *try* to teach my daughters, humour is a risky job, sometimes you had to assume the consequences, bear with it and keep bashing :D08:42
vilamneptok: I was meta-smiling :D08:43
mneptokvila: woot! meta-success!08:43
=== gerard_away is now known as gerard_
vilachx: you're preaching the chore, we're all using bzr....08:44
vilahi gerard_08:44
fullermdHumor == brute force?  If it doesn't work, you're not using enough?08:45
chxvila: yes I do. But there are a couple thousand Drupal developers who dont.08:45
gerard_fullermd: heh08:45
chxvila: we have an excellent chance to change that.08:45
vilachx: I was referring to "There is more to picking a system..." :D08:45
vilachx: I agree with lifeless, things work better when some ambassadors act as gateways, we have limited resources so focusing on ambassadors's summaries is the most effective way to help08:46
vilachx: if there are bugs that are more important to the drupal community, flag them as such (affects-drupal or something)08:48
chxhm, then i need to check whether there is a bug for friendlier unshelve08:48
vilachx: if you need help setting up some central server, ask here08:48
chxoh infra knowledge we have aplenty :)08:49
vilachx: you know about 'bzr unshelve --preview' right ?08:49
vilachx: yeah, silly me :D08:49
mneptokchx: GNOME went through similar machinations not long ago. although outdated, this might provide some useful info and topic points - http://live.gnome.org/DistributedSCM08:49
chxlast i checked (which was this year) you could only specify a numeric id for unshelve08:50
chxand not the message08:50
chxlet me retest so i can speak more coherently :)08:50
quicksilverthat's how it seemed to me when I chcked out unshelve just a few weeks ago08:50
quicksilverthat sounds like a really easy one to fix, too :)08:50
bialixwise words, vila, about your daughter.08:51
chxvila: bzr: ERROR: no such option: --preview08:52
vilabialix: two daughters even :D lunches and dinners are more and more... interesting :D08:52
vilachx: upgrade ! :D08:52
* bialix was bitten in the past for not looking forward before start joking on risky themes :-/08:52
vilachx: let me check08:52
bialixvila: w00t!08:52
chxNo packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.08:52
chxi am on 2.0.208:53
bialixchx: unshelve --preview is in 2.108:53
mneptok"let's poke fun at $LANGUAGE" in an IRC dev channel is not risky. it's a hard requirement.  ;)08:53
chxand what does it do? shows the patch to be applied?08:53
vilachx: revno 4955 so yes, part of 2.108:53
bialixbut it fails for me yesterday with non-ascii08:54
vilachx: it shows the corresponding diff08:54
lifelessmneptok: klingon!08:54
fullermdmneptok: Pfft.  That sounds like something a COBOL programmer would say...08:54
lifelessvila: choir08:54
lifelessvila: chores are boring tasks ;)08:54
vilalifeless: it's like hhtps, it's too late now, I will take the one for the other for years to come ;D08:54
mneptoklifeless:  Hab SoSlI' Quch!08:55
vilalifeless: I was so sure to get it right this time...08:55
ronnyfullermd: join the curch of cobol now for final salvation08:55
bialixooo, hhtps! that's cool08:55
* fullermd has been dreaming of cobol's "final salvation" ever since he had to learn it...08:56
vilaCOBOL got the boring printed report descriptions right, I've never since better since then....08:56
mneptokCOBOL's final salvation is the banking industry.08:56
lifelessmneptok: in lucid, you can enable it ;)08:57
vilamneptok: yeah, that's what I just said no ?08:57
ronnyoh ffs - im still in #cobol08:57
vilaronny: yeah ! Don't you love putting 'D' in column 7 ?08:57
ronnylol, every few dats someone got in and declared cobol dead08:57
ronnyand a few weeks ago i explained the religion of cobol to someone08:58
vilaronny: and how about: Error: '.' is missing08:58
mneptokronny: idle     : 6335 days 4 hours 44 mins 30 secs [signon: Jan 31 00:00:00 1969]08:58
ronnydamn, i must have been drunk to get such an idea08:58
vilamneptok: lol08:58
vilaerr, wait, let's stop bashing COBOL, chx is still around08:59
vila. o 0 (Will chx smile on this one ?)08:59
ronnycobol aint that bad, its a pretty good worst case example08:59
vila. o 0 (Darn, missed again)08:59
chxi apparently have a humour detector fail :)08:59
vilaronny: stop ! stop ! someone will try to find worst !09:00
mneptokchx: dude, i have like 10 ex-girlfriends that would LOVE you.09:00
fullermdAt once?  That sounds hazardous.09:00
mneptoknot really. just expensive.09:01
ronnyvila: once someone explained to me how to sort a words file in just as little 100 loc of cobol09:01
vila. o 0 (girlfriends load test harness... worst a try ?)09:01
vilaworse, damn09:01
vilano, worth, or something09:02
vilaon reflexion worst wasn't such a bad joke :D09:02
fullermdYeah, I thought it rather apropos.09:02
exsi want to hold a single file and revert all other files two reversions back09:13
vilacp file SAFE; bzr revert; cp SAFE file ?09:14
vilarm SAFE09:14
vilaexs: bzr shelve/unshelve *may* work too09:15
exsok will tryin09:16
bialixexs: qrevert09:18
bialixerr, no09:19
bialixqrevert can't do two revisions back09:19
exsok i do not use kde09:19
bialixbad bad qrevert09:19
bialixexs: people on gnome using it too, I guess09:19
exsbialix: maybe but i like the commandline more09:20
bialixno problem.09:21
* bialix also likes command line09:21
exsalso i want just to become better in bzr so i asked the question in the hope to learn more and new methods working with bzr09:23
* gerard_ loves lighweight checkouts :)09:30
gerard_I'm switching around git style09:30
exsand how to unignore certain files? ivh not found any commands for this issue09:33
bob2edit .bzrignore09:33
exscan i simply delete this file?09:33
fullermdA lot depends on exactly what you mean by "unignore"...09:34
bob2you almost certainly don't want to delete it09:34
exsi vh ignored only two files and after i delteded it and commited there was a line informed me that the .bzignore is missing. is this very worse?09:35
bialixgerard_: colo ftw!09:48
junak-michalHi. I was trying to send bugfix to bzr through launchpad. More information here https://code.launchpad.net/~junak-michal/bzr/giveback/+merge/18297. I was advised to send an email for accepting contributor agreement so i did it (from the mail I use as launchpad login). I want to ask if I should do something else or if it is okay now. Sorry for stupid question, but I am kind of confused.09:57
spivjunak-michal: that sounds fine to me10:11
spivjunak-michal: (thanks!)10:11
exsone more question. what does revert --no-backup does? which backups are means?10:30
spivjunak-michal: oh, and if for some reason there's more required, a developer will let you know.  Reviews and the like don't always happen immediately, but we mostly manage within a day or two.10:30
spivexs: see "bzr help revert":10:31
spivBy default, any files that have been manually changed will be backed up10:31
spivfirst.  (Files changed only by merge are not backed up.)  Backup files have10:31
spiv'.~#~' appended to their name, where # is a number.10:31
exsi dont see any # files in my directory10:31
spivexs: it would be FILENAME.~1~10:32
spivnot literally #10:32
exsah ok10:32
spiv(or FILENAME.~2~, etc)10:32
exscan you answer me one more question. which advantages i get if i use init-repo?10:33
fullermdSpace savings by sharing history among branches.10:34
spivthe branches inside the repo will share that repo, which means only one copy of revision data.  That saves space (and time when creating and deleting branches)10:34
exsthat means there are no more commands or feature i can use if i have a repo inited, but the .bzr directories are more organized and work faster?10:35
spivexs: right10:36
exsok thx. i have in one directory an inited dir without a repo. but i want to do the repo to the parent direcory. can i do it simply?10:36
exsso the repo accept the inited dir?10:36
fullermdYes.  With the exception of a few dark edge cases, everything should act exactly the same.  Just faster.10:36
spivexs: you should be able to init-repo the parent, then "bzr reconfigure --use-shared" in the branch10:37
fullermdYou can init-repo to create the repo, and then use reconfigure (--use-shared I think) to change that existing branch to use the now-present repo.10:37
* fullermd gives up and lets spiv do the typing :p10:37
spivActually, I'm about to go to bed, but thanks :P10:39
fullermdBed?  Nonsense.  The sun isn't even up yet.10:39
junak-michalspiv: thanks:-)10:40
exsand how to rename a branch?10:54
exsjust bzr mv bla blanew?10:55
beunoexs, rename a branch?10:55
beunoyou can just rename the directory10:55
exscan i mv the repo after init?11:00
exsfor example bzr init-repo bla and then mv bla to subdir/bla?11:01
beunoexs, yes, as long as you take the .bzr dir with you, it's all good11:01
spivexs: so long as the branches are still subdirectories of the repo, sure11:01
* spiv -> bed11:01
exsok thx11:01
Lambahello (this is in relation to launchpad project).  - im getting an error about being unable to lock a file when i try to push, i've used the brek-lock but it gives the same lock error when i try push again. anyone know an easy way out of this mess ?11:13
Lambai should mention its only me using the repo. - i lost net connection during a push which caused this.11:15
vilaLamba: hmm, the simplest way may be to just delete the branch on launchpad11:25
Lambaive just this second fixed it... - apparently break-lock bzr+ssh & break-lock sftp dont actually break the lock. - i did break-lock lp:~username and bingo.11:29
Lambabit confusing because bzr's error message says to uzr bzr+ssh, but hey ho :) - least i know now11:30
vilaLamba: hmm, as long as 'lp~username/...' aliases to the same branch, that's equivalent :D11:31
Lambayea, odd thing was the bzr+ssh and sftp ones didnt ask for a y/n response, just dropped back to prompt. oddness.11:32
vilaLamba: then it may mean there wasn't a lock there to break...11:42
vilaach, he's gone :-/11:42
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GaryvdMThe bzr version in the beta ppa is out of date (it has 2.0.1) - I'm going to have a shot at updateing it.14:07
GaryvdMErr - I guess if I do that, I also need to do all the plugins to. :(14:17
GaryvdMjam: The list that you had in this mail: http://www.mail-archive.com/bzr-windows@lists.launchpad.net/msg00274.html14:29
GaryvdMIs there an update version.14:29
jamGaryvdM: you can just look at lp:bzr-windows-installers or lp:~bzr/bzr-windows-installers/2.0, the file tools/win32/buildout.cfg has the list of files and versions14:30
jamoff-hand, there is a newer qbzr, bzr-explorer and bzr-xmloutput14:30
GaryvdMAh - cool14:30
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* quicksilver utters a long and ugly ancient egyption curse at mailman's ridiculous default settings, and chases his preferences on yet another mailman installation.15:29
bialixevening GaryvdM!16:18
bialixnice to see you here16:18
GaryvdMHi bialix16:18
GaryvdMI'm busy trying to get the beta ppa up to date...16:19
bialixigc: ping16:19
bialixGaryvdM: should we CC announcement mails about qbzr releases to debian maintainers?16:22
GaryvdMMaybe. I think that they have tools to do that automatically. See http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=pkg-bazaar-maint@lists.alioth.debian.org16:24
Takhmm, is dpush part of bzr core, or something like rebase?16:24
bialixjelmer: ^16:25
GaryvdMAnd http://dehs.alioth.debian.org/report.php?package=qbzr16:25
jelmerbialix, GaryvdM: I'll leave updating up to Stefano16:26
bialixhi jelmer, Tak asked about dpush16:27
jelmerTak, it is in core16:27
GaryvdMHi jelmer16:27
jelmerTak, ('bzr help commands' will tell you what plugin a command lives in)16:28
bialixcool, we're now pstream16:28
bialixcool, we're now upstream16:28
Takyeah, I forgot about hidden-commands16:28
GaryvdMbialix: In the debian package is a watch file, which is configured to check our downloads page.16:30
* Tak #51938216:34
jelmerbug 519382?16:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519382 in bzr "dpush reverts added files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51938216:40
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
gerard_jam: got some time to continue reviewing my changes to update?17:18
=== gerard_ is now known as windows_people
=== windows_people is now known as gerard_
jamgerard_: done, in case you didn't see the update18:32
gerard_jam: thx, didn't see it yet ;)18:33
jamvila, poolie: did you see any update about Junak signing the contributor agreement?18:33
vilajam: EODed but, Junak was here a couple of hours ago, I missed him but he sounded like he sent the mail for the agreement, so it should be somewhere in the pipes...18:46
jamvila: I'll have to take control of your machines then... :)18:46
jamthanks for checing18:46
jamSort of makes me wish LP had a "blocked on X" status18:46
jamHaving to read the mp comments to determine that is a pain18:47
jamI suppose even just a "Whiteboard" for merge proposals might suffice18:47
pooliehi vila18:50
pooliejam, in https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/bzr/lpsubmit/+merge/18876 i think you should have picked up on the lack of docs too18:50
vilapoolie: enjoying early wake-ups when coming from Europe ? :-/ :-)18:51
vilajam: a whiteboard sounds like a good idea18:52
vilapoolie: :-(18:52
vilapoolie: I half hoped I was wrong :-/18:52
jampoolie: it just makes you a morning person, able to get done before lunch what most people take all day to accomplish18:52
abentleypoolie, you say "It looks like [lp-submit] creates a merge proposal or requests a merge - that's what the Launchpad UI calls it but this seems to have no connection."  What do you mean?18:53
pooliedoes this create a merge proposal?18:53
abentleypoolie, yes.18:53
pooliebut the term 'merge proposal' doesn't occur anywhere in its ui18:53
poolieor help18:53
jamabentley: I guess that since it wasn't obvious to poolie, it could use some further explanation in the doc string18:53
abentleypoolie, I'll add that.18:54
* gerard_ is looking for a second reviewer for https://code.launchpad.net/~gerard-/bzr/update/+merge/1846418:57
gerard_it's about the coolest merge proposal ever18:57
gerard_or maybe not18:57
pooliei'm happy to have it18:57
gerard_only one way to find out ;)18:57
pooliehi gerard_18:58
pooliei think it would be good18:58
pooliei'll try to get to it later18:58
gerard_hey poolie18:58
pooliethough i think vila is meant to be ppa this week still18:59
vilapoolie, gerard_ : I plan to do it tomorrow morning first thing, I only saw jam's review some minutes ago18:59
pooliei have some more things to put into the queue from my flight19:00
vilaerr, tomorrow morning my TZ so, in ~12 hours19:00
gerard_vila: that's morning for me too ;)19:01
vilagerard_: ok :D19:01
poolieour patch queue is getting long again19:03
pooliekind of good in a way19:03
pooliebut you can have too much :)19:03
vilapoolie: not too much from non-core though and I hope to reduce it before Friday :D19:06
vilapoolie: did you get a mail from Junak for the contributor agreement ?19:07
vilapoolie: He was here a couple of hours ago, I missed him but he sounded like he sent the mail for the agreement, so it should be somewhere in the pipes...19:07
gerard_the contributor agreement looks kinda scary I must admit19:10
gerard_lots of open source projects ask for copyright assignment, but most are really informal about it19:11
pooliegerard_, kfogel and i are working with our lawyers on it19:42
pooliein fact he just sent me a new draft faq19:42
poolieso any further comments are welcome19:42
jamI would also mention that most open source projects aren't backed by something worth suing :)19:45
gerard_I don't like point 5 and the "other license terms" of point 619:45
gerard_jam: yeah, you've got a point there19:45
pooliere clause 5, lawyers understand that to mean you promise to do small non-onerous things19:50
pooliewe will clarify this19:50
poolieand re clause 6, it allows for dual-licencing but not for the code to be closed up19:51
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
pooliehello lifeless20:17
emmajaneLord love a duck: http://groups.drupal.org/node/48818. Reading through the comments on how people pick a dvcs is making my head spin.20:44
lifelessemmajane: ola20:51
lifelesshi poolie20:51
emmajanelifeless, ola :)20:51
gerard_emmajane: interesting read20:57
gerard_git is absolutely horrible to script20:57
emmajaneI'm about 3/4 of the way down now.20:57
emmajaneapparently it's trivial according to the summary here. :/20:57
emmajane3/4 down the comments I should say.20:58
gerard_I wrote a 2way git<->svn gateway script and it wasn't nice20:58
lifelessease in the fingers of the scripter20:58
emmajanethe summary at the top was pretty straight forward but *very* git-leaning20:58
lifeless*ease is in*20:58
mwhudsonemmajane: are you in wellington today?20:59
gerard_lifeless: I guess so, but who doesn't like python better than bash?20:59
gerard_aaah, what did I do? did I just compare two languages on irc?21:00
* emmajane thinks hard. Looks outside, notes it's overcast... yes. Wellington.21:00
emmajanegerard_, :)21:00
emmajanemwhudson, I'm staying with sharrow and metlermmind? (adam) this week. then up to AKLish for the weekend then back down to WLG on Monday evening then fly out on Thursday for SCaLE.21:03
mwhudsonemmajane: cool21:04
mwhudson(it's been sunny until you got here!)21:04
emmajanemwhudson, sure sure. :)21:04
mwhudsonemmajane: i'm in town today, want to meet for a coffee or something?21:05
pooliehello emmajane, mwhudson21:05
lifelessemmajane: adam shand?21:05
emmajanelifeless, no. erm. Adam B. Security bearded kiwi dude.21:06
emmajanemwhudson, oo. I like coffee.21:06
gerard_heh, #bzr, also know as #canonical ;)21:07
thumpergerard_: not entirely :)21:08
mwhudsonemmajane: so do i, although i'm trying to not be entirely dependent on it these days...21:08
emmajanemwhudson, pfffbt. what fun is that?21:09
gerard_thumper: says ~quassel@canonical/launchpad/thumper ;)21:10
thumpergerard_: heh, yeah, I know21:10
thumpergerard_: emmajane isn't a canonical bod21:11
thumperand I'm sure there are others21:11
emmajanegerard_, nor is davidstraus_s21:11
emmajanewe're both here from drupal21:11
jamvila: shouldn't you be asleep?21:11
emmajanechx is normally here too (also drupal)21:12
* vila snores21:12
jamwell, at least not working :)21:12
emmajanenor is sdboye_r21:12
emmajane(also drupal)21:12
* vila snores and has fun21:12
emmajanetonyyaruss_o's ubuntu, not canonical, IIRC21:12
emmajaneand abentley's Canadian. so that hardly counts as canonical. it's way cooler. ;)21:13
emmajanelifeless,    Adam Boileau - Hacker (the security/cracking sort, Kiwicon organiser, pundit, aka "metlstorm"), unix, big networks. black metal. beer. beards.21:14
gerard_I still need to write some tool to make a nice tag cloud of all the channels the people in a channel are in + their cloaks21:14
emmajaneenfin. I found it.21:14
emmajanemwhudson, where are you in Wellington?21:14
mwhudsonemmajane: i'm in the central library right now21:15
emmajanemwhudson, that's down next to the LCA venue?21:15
mwhudsonemmajane: yeah21:15
mwhudsonemmajane: where are you?21:15
emmajanemwhudson, in my PJs about a 20 minute walk from the ustay.21:15
mwhudsonemmajane: i see21:15
emmajaneso maybe post-lunch?21:16
emmajaneor for lunch?21:16
mwhudsonyeah, lunch would make sense21:16
RenatoSilvaverterok: hi21:16
mwhudsoni'm meeting my accountant (exciting!!) at 1221:16
mwhudsonand he's in the left bank on cuba mall21:17
emmajaneI know the cuba mall.21:17
emmajanethe left bank is where the yarn shop is?21:17
mwhudsonknit world?21:17
mwhudsonyeah, that's around there21:17
RenatoSilvaspiv: you are who I was talking to yesterday about bug 480684, right?21:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 480684 in bzr-search "Show revisions whose diff contains the search string" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48068421:17
mwhudsonemmajane: meet you there at 12:30?21:18
emmajanemwhudson, that could work nicely. :)21:18
mwhudsonemmajane: awesome21:18
emmajaneand then it got sunny out.21:20
emmajaneclearly that was the right thing to play. :)21:20
verterokRenatoSilva: hi21:20
mwhudsonemmajane: the forecast is for it to get bad later :/21:21
mwhudsonwow battery suckage21:22
* mwhudson heads off to find powah21:22
emmajanemwhudson, I'll take it personally that wellington only has bad weather when i'm around. ;)21:24
vilaemmajane: you scare their sun ? Shining too much ? :-P21:24
mwhudsonactually bian21:25
emmajanevila, apparently. :)21:25
emmajanemwhudson, laterz21:25
gerard_ok guys, I'm off21:30
emmajaneI think I may just need to get tshirts printed that read, "Git makes me angry inside"21:51
emmajanehttp://groups.drupal.org/node/48818#comment-130248 <-- I've said it again.21:52
emmajaneturns out: I actually like saying it. :)21:52
mkanatemmajane: If you need any help with your argument, I just did a full migration from CVS to bzr for Bugzilla.21:57
mkanatemmajane: I have a script that also perfectly syncs bzr branches back to CVS.21:57
emmajanemkanat, nice. :)21:57
mkanatemmajane: So that people can continue to use CVS as a read-only repo.21:57
emmajanedavidstrauss may want to know that too.21:58
mkanatemmajane: That allowed us to not have to modify any of our build tools right away, because they all just kept using CVS.21:58
* emmajane nods21:58
RenatoSilvaverterok: if I have some time maybe I'll help on that bug21:58
davidstraussemmajane: pardon?21:58
verterokRenatoSilva: awesome, thanks! I'll try to take a look to it later this week21:58
emmajanedavidstrauss, see mkanat's comments just above.21:59
verterokRenatoSilva: I was thinking to provide the --encoding option only for the xml* commands and always use UTF-8 for the xmlrpc-service21:59
RenatoSilvaverterok: I think we need to find the way for one single command, and repeat that for all the other commands. If we create a shared branch and we finish step 1, I may ocasionally contribute to step 2 till we get the whole task done21:59
mkanatemmajane: Also, I don't know if you're going to use launchpad or your own server, but we have the whole process of setting up our own bzr server documented.21:59
davidstraussmkanat: Is it built on Tailor?21:59
mkanatdavidstrauss: No.21:59
mkanatdavidstrauss: It actually syncs the literal file content one commit at a time by using bzr and cvs directly.22:00
RenatoSilvaverterok: that patch seems to be a solution but it breaks tests, so we need to check this22:00
mkanatdavidstrauss: So it catches "renames" and all that from bzr properly.22:00
davidstraussmkanat and emmajane: We're pretty well equipped for deploying Bazaar on our side. I handled institutional deployment at Yale for some projects, and we use it internally and with clients.22:00
davidstraussmkanat: Doesn't Tailor do that?22:00
mkanatdavidstrauss: Also, it can do unlimited numbers of branches.22:00
RenatoSilvaverterok: doesn't it already contains some kind of encoding arg? iirc youhad implemented that already, hadn't you?22:00
davidstraussmkanat: ah, now that's a nice thing22:01
davidstraussmkanat: Tailor scales poorly with many branches from an administration perspective22:01
mkanatI can see that.22:01
verterokRenatoSilva: I think that patch jkust encode/decode everything as UTF-822:01
mkanatI mean, right now, the way the script works is that you have to specify the --from and --to branch on the command line, but it could be re-worked pretty easily to just take a config file or read a directory or something.22:02
mkanatdavidstrauss: Anyhow, if you want to look at it, it's at bzr://bzr.mozilla.org/bzr-plugins/bzr-to-cvs/22:02
emmajanemkanat, thanks. :)22:03
mkanatemmajane: Welcome. :-)22:03
davidstraussmkanat: thanks :-)22:03
mkanatWelcome. :-)22:03
RenatoSilvaverterok: statically like I said, then we would add the arg (which I thought to already exist)22:03
RenatoSilvaverterok: anyway, if I ltake a look/create a branch, I'll let you know22:04
verterokRenatoSilva: yeap, I'll try to refactor that for all commands22:04
verterokRenatoSilva: cool, thanks!22:04
RenatoSilvaverterok: thanks you too22:04
emmajaneok. I should probably get ready to head out into the real world.22:06
RenatoSilvalifeless: hi, I have created a small tool for the bzr search bug22:06
RenatoSilvasimply based on log -p output22:07
RenatoSilvagtg syl22:08
goundyI use bazaar through FTP. I pushed 4 revisions22:18
goundyit only pushed 2... and when I restart push it says no revisions to push22:18
goundy(I committed and everything)22:18
goundyAny ideas ?22:18
davidstraussgoundy: How did you get your numbers?22:19
goundydavidstrauss, by running bzr log in local22:20
goundydavidstrauss, when I pushed the last 2 revisions it acted like if it was done successfully, no errors... etc22:20
goundythe first 2 revisions had only one file (Test.txt) and it's there. The following revisions added many folders and files22:21
davidstraussgoundy: and how do you know there are only two revisions on the remote branch?22:21
goundyweird because I remember I used it before and it worked22:21
goundydavidstrauss, by checkout22:21
davidstraussgoundy: are any revisions merged?22:21
goundydavidstrauss, yes actually I've working/ and mainline/ in local22:22
goundyI work in working, merge into mainline and push mainline to the ftp location22:22
davidstraussgoundy: are you running log with -n0?22:23
goundydavidstrauss, no22:23
davidstraussgoundy: It's best to run that to see what revisions are there. Different branches can have the same revisions as parents of merges (and hence hidden to normal bzr log).22:24
goundydavidstrauss, when I checkout I get only the Test.txt that shouldn't exist anymore, and I don't get the rest of the source code22:24
davidstraussgoundy: are your branches public or accessible in a way I can look?22:25
goundyand still, bzr log -n0 gives 2 revisions22:25
goundydavidstrauss, oh ftp credentials are required, and these are belong to the guy I work for. I do fully trust you but I don't feel confortable toward him by giving you the access ^^22:26
goundydavidstrauss, well look nevermind22:27
goundyI'll try to find a server to host the sources22:27
goundyand thank you very much22:27
davidstraussgoundy: I'm not sure how to help unless you can at least package up the branches for some review22:27
goundydavidstrauss, I can package them but I really think it's useless because I'm sure I didn't do anything wrong. I just did it the way I always do, well am gonna use a server anyway22:28
goundyThank you very much22:28
mtaylorlifeless: any suggestions on how I get started hacking on a pre-existing hudson plugin (like bzr-hudson) ?22:36
lifelessmtaylor: get netbeans; follow the wiki page for checking out the source. do mvn hpi:run in the bzr directory and check it works22:43
lifelessmtaylor: you'll need the official sun java btw22:43
mtaylorlifeless: sigh.22:44
lifelessmtaylor: its in Ubuntu22:44
mtaylorlifeless: thanks22:44
lifelessmtaylor: just a different packae22:44
mneptoklifeless: "official oracle java"22:48
lifelessmneptok: 'meh'22:48
mneptoklifeless: i'll agree with that, but use <capslock> :)22:49

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