
Riddelljussio1: maco wonders why she can't connect to quassel core06:30
freeflyingRiddell: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/ailurus07:14
freeflyingRiddell: do you have some mins to review it? thx07:14
QuintasanLex79: lol, metapackage failed at lpia build :O10:59
SputRiddell: I think jussi01 moves/moved servers11:46
jussi01Sput: who what?11:46
Sput<Riddell> jussio1: maco wonders why she can't connect to quassel core11:46
Sputdidn't you ask me something about that yesterday?11:46
jussi01oh, its on ubottu.com currently11:47
jussi01please apologise, I was tired and forgot to let her know about this temporary change11:47
jussi01should be back up on jussi01.com in the near future (read: tonight)11:50
NCommanderRiddell: not sure if you saw, I uploaded kebindings last night to ninjas13:39
NCommanderand unbroke the world :-)13:39
jussi01NCommander: the world is unbroke? o.O13:40
NCommanderjussi01: well KDE anyway13:41
jussi01NCommander: oh, ok then...  :D13:42
markeyhey guys, any ETA for KDE SC 4.4 backports? :)14:38
markeywould love to upgrade14:38
EagleScreenmarkey: it will be soon, be patient14:39
markeygreat :)14:39
Lureany progress with virtuoso 6.1 for lucid?14:57
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apacheloggermarkey: it is not even released yet?! :P15:57
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apacheloggerwell clearly not published to the frontpage, so I suppose it is still not live?16:03
tsimpsonapachelogger: it on the front page when I look16:05
babaluapachelogger: it is in the front page: www.kde.org; it's that the packages for kubuntu aren't ready yet16:05
apacheloggeroh my oh my16:05
apacheloggerNightrose: new kde.org got a problem with notifying the browser of new content16:06
apacheloggeror for some reason my chromium refused to reload properly16:06
shtylman_its been quiet today... a little too quiet...17:39
daskreechhi guys19:05
daskreechIs there any special steps for someone using Virtuoso to upgrade to KDE 4.4 final?19:05
Riddelldaskreech: make sure vituosoconverter is installed19:07
daskreechTHat's not done as a depends?19:07
Riddellit's a recommends so it should be installed without asking19:07
daskreechhm ok19:08
daskreechWill that be in the release notes?19:08
Riddellcan do19:10
JontheEchidnaso.... anybody uploading stuff from bzr yet?19:26
JontheEchidnaI guess we're waiting on Riddell and his script?19:29
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: there were some last minute tarball updates, I do not knwo, if this blocks anything19:29
JontheEchidnaprobably not that much, I wouldn't think.19:30
maco2JontheEchidna: Riddell  says we're waiting on testers19:31
JontheEchidnalucid or karmic?19:32
neversfeldeKarmic isn't finished19:32
JontheEchidnasorry for not being around to package... still adjusting to school, but I can test for lucid at least19:32
maco2he says akonadi needs updated (there's a new version) and kdelibs needs updated19:32
* JontheEchidna ninjas up19:32
JontheEchidnaI can do akonadi19:32
neversfeldeI can testbuild the new kdelibs tarball, but it will last 1,5 h with my hardware?19:33
maco2i'm installing 4.4 on karmic19:33
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: I can do it in 45 mins19:33
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: than probably you should do it :)19:34
* JontheEchidna hugs his laptop19:34
JontheEchidnaschool blocking IRC doesn't help :(19:35
neversfeldeit is annoying that KDE updates a tarball 3 hours before they release. They should have really postponed the release.19:36
neversfeldeespecially, when it is kdelibs19:37
Tm_Tneversfelde: oh, let's see what that update was...19:37
crimsunmaco2: do you have plans to work on bug 66551 before I merge it?19:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 66551 in hunspell-en-us "Application names should be in the dictionaries" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6655119:38
Tm_Tneversfelde: awww, last minute api change =)19:38
neversfeldeTm_T: "to fix a severe dbus connection leak and a BIC api problem in19:38
maco2crimsun: if ya want, i can just merge it and fix that bug all in one o19:40
maco2i have cookie under my g key19:40
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: if it helps, you could use my Quassel server?19:40
Riddellkarmic needs kdebindings fixes19:41
* Riddell makes it sew19:41
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: I think they're blocking the ports that IRC uses. they may even only have a whitelist of port traffic that's allowed19:41
JontheEchidnasince I can't send mail via smtp either19:42
neversfeldeapachelogger: by the way, do you use the chroot on my server or is it outdated?19:42
crimsunmaco2: if you can fix it in 5 minutes, go for it. I'm about to dput.19:43
JontheEchidnaOk, kde4libs pbuilding. will update akonadi in the meantime19:43
maco2crimsun: oh. then dput and ill fix it later19:47
maco2itll take me longer than that to apt-get source, debuild -S, and pbuild19:48
neversfeldeare there any extragear packages?19:49
JontheEchidnaI've not seen any yet on ktown19:50
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: where are they normally on ktown?19:51
neversfeldeI cannot find a dir called extragear19:51
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: 4.4.0/extragear, usually19:51
Riddellprobably for the best19:53
Riddellattica is out of date for karmic20:04
* Riddell updates20:04
JontheEchidnakde4libs w/ new is about half built, will be done in 20 or 30 mins20:07
JontheEchidnahopefully it'll just need to be a tarball switch for the karmic backports. that'd be really convenient20:07
Riddelldid we get the second kdebase-runtime update?20:08
JontheEchidnaugh, got to go. will leave the build running in the car, but I won't get home for another hour or so20:09
Riddellno we didn't, I'll get onto kdebase-runtime b20:10
neversfeldethere was a second kdebase-runtime update?20:11
neversfeldeRiddell: shall I update the karmic package?20:12
Trouble4.4 packaging in progress! \o/20:14
Riddellneversfelde: I'll do karmic too, else tars will get out of sync20:24
neversfeldeRiddell: k20:24
nixternaloi oi20:27
EagleScreenin which PPA will you put 4.4.0 for karmic?20:27
Riddellstaging then updates20:28
Riddellstaging then backports20:28
Riddelluploading virtuoso virtuosoconverter and oxygen-icons to the archive20:32
Riddelljust to get things started :)20:32
nixternaljjesse: config-desktop doesn't validate fyi20:34
nixternaljjesse: bzr up/pull20:36
nixternalno changes made to config-desktop, but there is a bunch of new and updated docs20:36
nixternalconfig-desktop isn't finished, so I am not to worried about it not validating/building right now20:37
jjessenixternal: will work on it tonight20:38
nixternalroger that...getting ready to work on my bugs topic to finish that up20:39
nixternalwant to have a package ready this week20:39
nixternalspeaking of that, where the hell has darkwingduck been20:40
QuintasanRiddell: Are you sure that that kdebase-workspace "b" upload will fix it?21:01
RiddellQuintasan: fix what?21:02
Riddellkdebase-runtime is what got the b upload21:02
Riddellkdebindings is what's blocking karmic and that's compiling21:03
QuintasanRiddell: anyways, kdebase karmic's build fails to install kdebase-workspace-dev, I wonder why21:03
Riddellbecause python-kde4 won't install21:03
QuintasanRiddell: Is anyone working on it?21:06
Quintasanargh bindings21:06
JontheEchidnakde4libs just needs a tarball swap and akonadi just needs a tarball swap + changelog entry21:08
JontheEchidnadebdiff for akonadi: http://pastebin.com/f3b81324621:08
QuintasanJontheEchidna: I'm not sure, did I push your notifications patch (Printer Applet) to bzr?21:09
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: you did, iirc. I did backport some fixes to the patch21:09
RiddellJontheEchidna: I'll upload akonadi to lucid and (for karmic) ninjas21:10
QuintasanJontheEchidna: good, I was in a mood for some work and then I figured out LP sucks so much and it won't let me connect :/21:10
RiddellJontheEchidna: so if kde4libs is up I guess I can do the mass lucid upload21:14
Riddells/up/known to work/21:14
Quintasanyeah, I'm readying my connection for update then :P21:15
* Quintasan goes to bed22:37
Quintasangood night22:37
TomasuAwayI'm doing a kde 4.4 release thing tonight, and I'm having a little trouble installing the rc packages from the ppa/beta repo, there seems to be a few conflicts..22:38
QuintasanTomasuAway: You'd better wait for 4.4 release, will save you few hundreds of MBs to download22:39
Quintasanit's few hours away22:39
TomasuAwayI only have a couple hours or so before I have to leave...22:39
TomasuAwaythe rc is better than nothing at all.22:39
RiddellTomasuAway: are you on karmic?22:41
QuintasanTomasuAway: I usually go to /var/cache/apt/archives and install the problematic file with  sudo dpkg --force-overwrite <deb file> but it's not recommended22:41
TomasuAwayRiddell: yes.22:41
TomasuAwayit will let me install many of the updated packages, but it looks like its going to leave a bunch as 4.322:42
TomasuAwayand I cant forsee that going well22:42
RiddellTomasuAway: want to test what we have for 4.4.0?22:42
TomasuAwaysure :)22:43
* daskreech winks at TomasuAway22:43
TomasuAwaydaskreech: ;)22:43
RiddellTomasuAway: hmm actually it's not ready yet22:44
Riddellmaybe in half an hour22:44
TomasuAwayRiddell: I can wait a bit. hopefully it all works, I have to leave in about two hours, then I'll have another hour at the place I'm giving the presentation to get fully ready22:45
TomasuAwaybut I dont know what their internet will be like22:45
* ryanakca is waiting until 4.4.0 hits the archives before dist-upgrading to lucid... I don't want to upgrade to whatever KDE version is currently in lucid and then have to redownload all of KDE again.22:53
neversfeldeI retried several packages in ninja ppa, seems to work now22:54
neversfeldewell, except for lpia22:56
neversfeldeRiddell: I'll move the packages over to staging, once they build. Is that ok?22:57
Riddell4.4.0 uploading to lucid22:58
ryanakcaCan the KCC make people Ubuntu Contributing Developers? I'm guessing I can't really go Prospective Developer -> Developer whenever I get enough experience to join core-dev?22:58
TomasuAwayRiddell: whats the average time on uploading kde? I imagine it might take a while22:58
neversfeldeRiddell: ofcourse I talked about the karmic backport22:58
Riddellneversfelde: we need to move over the packages except the ones with 4.4.0a or b versions, those need re-uploaded22:59
Riddellelse karmic will have larger version numbers than lucid22:59
Lex79namasté o/22:59
JontheEchidnaSo it seems now that K3b uses KAuth that the only thing using libpolkit-qt0 is the PolicyKit systemsettings module displaying things that use PolicyKit22:59
RiddellTomasuAway: depends on the net connection.  it's 360MB23:00
TomasuAwayRiddell: I meant on how long it'll take you to upload, or whom ever is uploading ;)23:00
JontheEchidna...which at the moment thanks to the efforts of Ubuntu is probably just PolicyKit itself23:00
neversfeldeRiddell: so delete every a nad b packages?23:00
JontheEchidnathe SS module also doesn't show things using PolicyKit-1, so it's sorta useless/confusing at the moment23:01
Riddellneversfelde: don't copy them from ninjas to staging23:01
Riddellneversfelde: rather download the source from ninjas, rename to remove the a/b and upload to staging23:01
JontheEchidnaI'm pinging dario freddi to see what his opinion is on the dialog23:01
neversfeldeRiddell: k, I'lll do it23:02
JontheEchidnaalso all KAuth dialogs seem to be giving this cryptic "error message 4", will have to see what's up with that...23:02
Riddellneversfelde: but not until it's all compiled in ninjas preferably :)23:02
neversfeldecan I delete the packes in staging?23:03
neversfeldewell, except for koffice, I need to improve it ths week23:03
Riddellneversfelde: yes go ahead23:04
JontheEchidnaNot building kdebase-workspace with old-PolicyKit support would kick 202 kB of archives off the CD23:05
RiddellJontheEchidna: sounds like a good plan23:05
Riddellgosh we're 5MB under for i38623:05
JontheEchidnaall that space-shaving payed off :)23:06
JontheEchidnadebian picked up k3b-extrathemes too, so no diff there23:07
Riddellincase anyone missed it, UDS in Belgium May 10th to 14th (probably)23:10
JontheEchidnaI get out of school the 6th. I could possibly make it23:11
RiddellTomasuAway: all uploaded, did you time it? :)23:15
TomasuAwayno, but its darn close to a half hour23:15
TomasuAwayso its all in lucid? or the beta repo?23:15
TomasuAwayor rather it was closer to 15 minutes...23:16
Riddellin lucid23:16
TomasuAwayah nice.23:16
TomasuAwayso yeah, 17minutes give or take ;D23:16
* TomasuAway goes to do an update23:17
babaluwhat about for karmic?23:17
Riddelljust uploaded akonadi which should unblock it23:18
babaluwhat do you mean?23:19
Riddellit's in progresss23:21
babaluRiddell: ok :D23:21
babaluRiddell: should i go to sleep or wait a little?23:21
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daskreechbabalu: Lynx is full of testers :) so get them sorted there first then it should be much simpler to get good koala packages without great disruption23:22
TomasuAwayhmm, trying to dist upgrade, seems theres a few conflicts :o23:23
JontheEchidnahmm, we might have to make soprano-daemon depend on the virtuoso stack, to prevent getting bug reports like bug 517962 from gnome users23:24
ubottuBug 517962 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/517962 is private23:24
* JontheEchidna unprivates23:24
JontheEchidnaI really, really wish upstream would fix bug 321281 :(23:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321281 in kdebase "krunner crashed with signal 7 in KPixmapCache::Private::mmapFile()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32128123:26
JontheEchidna111 duplicates23:27
persiaWhat is "signal 7" ?23:28
* persia can't find it in signal(7)23:29
JontheEchidnaI believe it's SEGV23:30
persiaThat's 1123:30
JontheEchidnaoh, yeah23:30
persiaand it's not a SEGV, because I can recognise those from the stacktrace, and it's the wrong stacktrace.23:31
JontheEchidnaapparently the KPixmapCache code is really scary, or somesuch23:31
persiaStill, it would help to know the nature of the issue.  Otherwise it's hard to fix, even for someone who dares the code :)23:32
persiaI think it's either SIGBUS or SIGEMT, but I don't know which is correct for Ubuntu.23:33
JontheEchidnaah, basically whenever an app regenerates the pixmap cache/creates a new one the crash occurs (like when compositing is turned on or off, or the theme changes)23:33
persiaThat's probably SIGBUS then.  SIGEMT ought only happen for emulators.23:34
persiaSIGBUS is usually the result of bad pointer arithmetic.23:34
JontheEchidnahmm, comment code in the same function says they're already trying to do things to prevent a SIGBUS23:40
JontheEchidna(crashes at line 42)23:42
persiaHrm.  I wonder if it is related.  If info->file->size() is greater than info->available, I imagine something odd might happen when one attempts to map, but I'm not sure I really understand what info->available means.23:44
TomasuAwayRiddell: is there a special server I should be downloading from? I seem to be getting only 4.3.98 packages which I assume is the rc releases...23:45
persiaJontheEchidna: But given that comment, I suspect it's feasible to construct a small client program that always exposes the bug that could be used for instrumentation on iteration to resolve it.23:46
TomasuAwayit seems its also going to install virtuoso 5.x. kde 4.4 seems to have a hard dependency on 6.1 afaik23:53
neversfeldehow can I do an apt-get source or an dget from a private ppa?23:54
Lex79neversfelde: to doing with apt-get source you have to add in sources.list the entry with "deb-src"23:56
persianeversfelde: I don't think you can dget from a p3a23:56
neversfeldegnah, I copied over several binaries to staging and it is pretty late here now23:57
neversfeldea and b need to be removed, but I am bot sure, if I can do it today :(23:58
Lex79you can browse, you have to go in https://user:password@private-ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu/23:58

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