
ubuntu_madwhere do i find the settings for when i press my power off button,in gnome i could chose shut down hibernat log out etc but in KDE only log-out comes up00:10
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AssociateXfor the life of me00:22
AssociateXhow do I make a ext2/3 partition rw by every system user?00:23
AssociateXhow do I set it up in fstab00:23
ubuntu_maddont know sorry00:23
AssociateXit's ok00:23
KDeskAssociateX: the user maybe, not sure, has to be in a special group, or maybe it is a mount option00:26
AssociateXKDesk: right, I just don't know what to put in fstab00:28
AssociateXI'm googling the hell out of this right now.00:29
AssociateXmost for what I want is aimed at fat3200:31
AssociateXI want to have a partition ext2/3 open to every one.00:31
KDeskAssociateX: did you see "man mount"? There is a group option00:32
KDeskAssociateX:  better option "users"00:33
AssociateXwhat would the fstab line look like?00:34
KDeskAssociateX:  I think:  /etc/sdX /media/mount-point extX defaults,users 0 200:36
KDeskAssociateX: is that device a fixed or a external device?00:37
ubuntu_madKDesk how do i get shut down option on log out for KDE?00:39
KDeskubuntu_mad: what do you mean? like suspend to ram/disk?00:40
ubuntu_madKDesk: mmm ya for example when i hit the power button i only get the option to log out not shut down00:41
agent47hello help me to fix my problm00:44
KDeskubuntu_mad: I think this is what you need:  In System Settings, Advanced tab -> Session Manager -> Offer shutdown options00:44
agent47i am uable to use mobile broadband internet connection in ubuntu 9.1000:44
agent47help me00:44
ubuntu_madKDesk: ya its selected00:48
ubuntu_madKDesk:still only got log-out when i hit power button00:49
ubuntu_madgotta run..back later00:49
KDeskubuntu_mad: I get: logout, shutdown and restart, hmm00:49
drakehatHello i have problem, i dont know configure the quassel. How can i add server in quassel?01:06
turtle^s0uphello, does anyone know if we'll be getting KDE 4.4 SC tomorrow in Kubuntu 9.10?01:11
havanegreetings infidels01:48
Jooder492what would be causing my youtube videos to lagg?02:05
LOM_RunnerI hope this is a common problem. upgraded 9.04 -> 9.10 and no desktop02:06
LOM_RunnerFatal server error02:07
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jakentis there a good source for getting NVIDIA HDMI sound working?02:18
jakentgoogle has given me a deluge02:18
e_t_jakent: what nvidia card are you using? And, desktop or laptop?02:39
jakentdesktop ... the built in on the GeForce 9200 motherboard02:40
e_t_What devices do you see in System Settings > Multimedia?02:41
jakentGeForce 8200 (video card) ...02:44
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jakentso uner System Settings > Multimedia02:45
jakenti see HDA NVidia, NVIDIA HDMI (HDMI Audio Output)02:45
jakentHDA NVidia (ALC888 Analog)02:45
jakentand finally HDA NVidia (ALC888 Digital)02:45
jakentwait, three more ... scrolling :-|02:46
jakentPulse Audio02:46
jakentHDA NVidia (NVIDIA HDMI)02:46
e_t_Click on one of those and hit the "Test" button at the bottom. It'll play the login tune through that output device, or tell you it's not functional.02:46
jakentHDA Nvidia, ALC888 Digital (IEC958 (SPDIF) Digital Audio Output02:46
meowbuntuhi i am wanting to know how to make the embedding area of my external hdd bigger so i can install grub 2 on it02:46
jakentso, i get no sound and no error message when I use any that say NVidia02:46
jakentBUT the pulse audio complains doesn't exit02:47
meowbuntujakent, what your sound card02:47
MadRushcan a linux wizard help me with mv?02:49
jakentmeowbuntu:  I have the GeForce 9200 motherboard...  so the integrated sound card without through the HDMI port02:50
meowbuntu^ meaning ??? your motherboard does not have a sound card02:51
meowbuntu!ask | MadRush02:52
ubottuMadRush: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:52
e_t_jakent: open kmix (speaker shaped systray icon), go to setting > configure channels, and be sure that IEC958 and IEC958 Default PCM are visible and un-muted.02:52
MadRushhave two folders,  /abc and /def.   want to move /abc/123 -> /def/123.  file start copying, i cancel it with ctrl c.  123 has subdirectories, so when I try to repeat the same operation, it stops when it comes to overwriting directories.  what switch am I looking for to force it to write into / over them?02:54
jakente_t_:  can't find it in the systray, but it appears to crash when started from menu, looking at that now02:56
e_t_MadRush: "mv -f" will force overwriting without a prompt.02:56
MadRushdoes it matter at all if /abc is on one physical disk and /def a different one?02:58
e_t_Not at all.02:58
MadRushmv: inter-device move failed: `wine-/' to `../../sg250/wine-'; unable to remove target: Is a directory02:58
e_t_The other option is a combination of cp + rm, or rsync --remove-source-files03:01
MadRushso, is this typical though? mv won't overwrite directories (and then nix them) ?03:05
e_t_I'm not sure. I would tend to view it as a safety mechanism -- ensure you don't lose anything in transit between disks, then have it gone from it's source too, but I may be completely off.03:08
xrandrwhat's the google chrome browser for linux called?03:08
e_t_xrandr: Google Chrome03:09
kazI just installed Kubuntu 9.10 and Compiz Fusion and whenever I try to use desktop cube, it shows I have two desktops. When I use expo, it shows 4, but when I use the desktop cube or ctrl+alt+left/right, it only uses 2. In the general settigns of compiz I have it set to 2 vertical and horizontal desktops, but it is stuck on 1 for the number of desktops. Is there anyway to make it so I actually have 4?03:18
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MadRushthanks guys03:39
LOM_RunnerOk.. I'm having problems  with my screen resolution, x server, no desktop problem when I upgraded to 9.1003:50
LOM_Runneroh,  kdesudo not working either03:50
LOM_RunnerI have to use shortcut key to command prompt03:51
lynx_rhi all, does somebody have problems with mounting usb hdd in 9.10?03:51
olskolirccan someone tell me how to get my notes back on top of my desktop please?03:59
e_t_olskolirc: which notes?04:01
olskolircthe ones that are on the desktop after the fresh install e_t_ lol04:09
e_t_go up to the "cashew" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. click it, and then click Add Widgets. The one you want is called Leave A Note.04:12
Zhenyahi guys,05:16
Zhenyais anyone in here active?05:16
Zhenyai'm coming across that dual monitor issue and realized that 4.4 should be released tomorrow which has the fixes in it. How long till the kubuntu repository picks it up?05:17
Zhenyaanyone here?05:57
newbie123abcWhere is KDE 4.4 rc3?06:35
Zhenya_u there?06:48
lauritzhi all07:07
noaXesshi lauritz07:14
noaXessif i update/upgrade over konsole with apt-get, linux-headers... will kept back.. if i update over kpackagekit, they will be installed.. why this different?07:14
DekkzterHello... i need some help on my Kubuntu installation... the problem i have is that the grub wont load... i have a 200mb partition in the beginning for /boot... then a 100 mb partition that windows 7 makes and then windows 7..  after that i have swap and then / .. i installed grub on the /boot but whan i start it says Missing Operating system.... any ideas?07:35
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lauritzdoes someone know how to setup my UPEK touchdriver with karmic 64bit?07:44
DekkzterHello... i need some help on my Kubuntu installation... the problem i have is that the grub wont load... i have a 200mb partition in the beginning for /boot... then a 100 mb partition that windows 7 makes and then windows 7..  after that i have swap and then / .. i installed grub on the /boot but whan i start it says Missing Operating system.... any ideas?07:49
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buckfastI somehow managed to create a split view in Konsole, how do I get back the normal view08:10
cheesyFriesctrl+shift+o will return view to normal08:20
Dekkzterhow do i make x to start up automatically when booting to Kubuntu? for some reason i end up logging in text mode and need to write startx08:23
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meowbuntu!ask | turtle^s0up:09:36
ubottuturtle^s0up:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:36
meowbuntu^ meaning really it this case ask a question09:37
turtle^s0upDo guys know if KDE SC 4.4 is coming to Karmic or do we have to wait for it until Lucid?09:42
Vroomfondlenew releases of software usually only appear in new releases of *buntu09:43
Vroomfondleexcept for bug-fixes/security enhancements09:43
VroomfondleI imagine there will be / is a backport PPA out there somewhere though09:43
Fleckyeah there is, using 4.4 RC2 now09:44
turtle^s0upI meant the final version that's been released today09:44
Vroomfondleit won't appear in the main Karmic repos.09:45
shiro_Hay there people, I have a question, how do I stop my computer from going to sleep when I close the screen lid?09:54
turtle^s0upshiro_: look at the Power Manager profiles, goto Edit09:55
shiro_Ahhh Okay Thank you so much turtle =]09:56
shiro_I don't want to bug but I have another question, How do I turn on multi-touch for my touch pad?09:59
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SertionI can't re produce it but i sucessfully turnd on the "no borders" and on the "shade" options at the same time :D11:01
SertionIf i set proxy settings in ~/.wgetrc and in the network manager but still can't find packages in KPackageKit, what would be the next logical step?11:04
jaemFeasibilityStudy, one sec, and I'll be right with you11:04
youcefhello evry 111:06
FeasibilityStudyIm going ahead and installing this, jaem, I will be a guinea pig and/or an idiot ;)11:06
=== julian__ is now known as timetrick
FeasibilityStudyjaem: I am going to logout and log back in...BRB..Wish me luck11:08
jaem...here's hoping FeasibilityStudy doesn't run a dist-upgrade >_<11:08
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper release upgrade methods.11:09
jaembazhang, yes, I know, hence my comment11:09
bazhangjaem, it wont change versions unless sources.list are explicitly changed11:09
jaemFeasibilityStudy was messing with the kubuntu beta PPA, and from what I heard in #kde, it sounded like his/her system was in the same state mine was a while ago11:10
jaemin which case doing so would try to remove lots of important things11:10
jaemthat was all I was saying11:10
jaemI'm aware of how dist-upgrade works11:10
timetrickgot a question: can i write a script to tell NetworkManager to switch to another connection?11:10
bazhangmissed that part, my apologies11:10
jaembazhang, no problem ;)11:10
oxymoronSorry for language, but oh my fucking GOD, the new kde.org website is amazing!!!!!!!! :O11:11
jaemapology accepted - it is :D11:12
youcefhey whats KDE ???11:13
oxymoronyoucef: Are you kidding me? :P11:13
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jaemyoucef, old branding or new? ;)11:14
oxymoronjaem: I dont understand why they have been waiting until now, but better now then never I guess :P I really hope this time the login screen get same love as the website, because it is really ugly except background image :P11:14
youcefi am new11:15
youcefi am new ubuntu user11:15
jaem"KDE" is an internation technology team... etc (read the website).11:15
jaemwhat you're probably referring to, though11:15
youcefwhat they mak KDE11:15
oxymoronyoucef: Alright, I dont know if you are using Kubuntu or not, but it is the desktop "system"/environment *buntu dist you are using :P11:15
jaemis the KDE Software Compilation, which consists of a desktop workspace, a whole whack of applications, and a development platform11:15
jaemyoucef, give me a sec11:16
ikoniayoucef: visit kubuntu.com and kde.org to find out more11:16
smellyno1erI have to press ` twice for it to show up once. The first time it doesn't register, the second time it shows up?11:16
smellyno1erAnybody know why that would happen?11:16
jaemyoucef, these pages aren't quite done yet (they're still tweaking things) but they should give you a good overview: http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.4/guide.php11:16
jaemalthough that's the new version which Kubuntu won't officially ship until April11:16
youcefTHANK YOU11:16
jaemyoucef, you're welcome :)11:17
jaemand FYI, you can get the new version in the mean time, but YMMV as it's not officially supported by Kubuntu at the moment11:17
jaemjussi01, ?11:17
oxymoronjaem: Btw, do you know approximetly when the 4.4 packages are compiled and ready? :P11:17
jussi01jaem: was aimed for my browser address bar11:17
jaemoxymoron, not a clue for Kubuntu - I primarily use Arch (but I'm borrowing a friend's Kubuntu laptop)11:18
jaemhopefully soon11:18
jaemArch already has them ready... before the release announcement :P11:18
jaemjussi01, heh11:18
oxymoronjaem: Alright, well I have been waiting since KDE officially said that theyve released RC3 which never came for Kubuntu :P11:18
oxymoronjaem: Lucky you :P11:19
jaemoxymoron, not really... my Arch box is borked11:19
jussi01oxymoron: 4.4 should hit a ppa in the fairly near future - next few days Id imagine11:19
jaemand I haven't had time/money to fix it11:19
jaemjussi01, yeah, I was going to mention that11:19
jussi01In anycase, as much as its exciting, its really a topic for #kubuntu-offtopic.11:20
SertionWhen I do "apt-get update" I get "connect (111: Connection refused)" for all connections, I'm behind a proxy and use Kubuntu 9.1011:20
oxymoronjussi01: Next few days? :P Not today or what are you saying.11:20
oxymoronjaem: Whats "borked"? :P My english is not perfect ... xD11:21
jaemoxymoron, that's kind of the point :P11:22
jaemborked is derived from "borken", an intentional misspelling of "broken" for ironic effect11:22
jaemalso spelt "b0rked"11:22
jaemjussi01, yeah, sorry - I got carried away11:23
oxymoronjaem: Hahahaha :D11:23
jussi01Sertion: Im sorry, I havent really any idea with proxies.11:24
Sertionjussi01: Ok =\ If I can't fix it it makes the dist useless11:24
SertionHad the same problem with Arch, openSUSE, Ubuntu, Debiand and so on11:25
jussi01Sertion: I assume youve looked in the system proxy conf?11:25
Sertionjussi01: .kde/share/config/kioslaverc?11:26
jaemSertion, what sort of proxy?11:26
oxymoronjaem: I thought you probalbly meant forked or something but no :P11:26
Sertionjaem: a Webproxy11:26
jaemSertion, HTTP, then?11:26
Sertionjaem: Ya, uses some Microsoft application11:26
jaemSertion, hmm, not sure11:27
SertionISA i think it is.11:27
jaemI've only ever used SOCKS for apt, and I didn't have fun with it11:27
SertionI have found an old bug that says that it's fixed11:27
oxymoronNot sure if it really is a kubuntu topic, but I wonder if someone knows if the wonderful IM-client KMess are going to release version 2.1 soon? :P Or maybe if Kopete got their hands on a nicer GUI and webcam support before them? xD11:27
jaemoxymoron, I presume you mean MSN webcam support?11:28
jaembecause it already supports webcams to some extent11:28
jaemand yeah, Kopete isn't terribly pretty, but it gets the job done11:28
jaemfor that matter, though, you can theme up the chat window quite nicely with GetHotNewStuff11:28
jaemthat should help11:28
oxymoronjaem: It has not been working at all with my DV-cam anyhow and you cannot even setup the device inside Kopete :P But I guess I mean MSN webcam support yeah :P11:28
jaemoxymoron, hmm... I seem to recall some discussion about old/stale code in the Kopete webcam section, but I'm not involved, so I have no idea what's going on :P11:29
jaemI've gotten it recognizing a Logitech cam before, in 4.3, but I none of the IM networks I use were supported at that point, so I couldn't fully test it11:30
SertionRage... there is an app called apt-proxy that makes it possible to use a HTTP-proxy with apt but I can't download it cuss I'm behind a proxy :D11:32
oxymoronjaem: Its not a break through if webcam support for MSN protocol is released but I dont know why they havent solved it yet. Not even Pidgin has been using any solution, only aMSN but it really sucks big time ... And what about STUN-protocol for really fast File transfering. I am really irritated that I must use imagebin.ca instead of msn to send screenshots or images at all through msn because of the lousy File transfering :P On11:32
oxymoronMSNP16 I think theyve using multiple protocols + MSN-servers to send faster :P11:32
FloodBotK1oxymoron: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:32
oxymoronFloodBotK1: LoL ... but thanks anyhow for the remind ;)11:33
jaemyeah, isn't aMSN written in TCL/TK or something old like that?11:33
jaemI tried it, but it was kind of painful11:33
jaemanyhow, yeah, it would be nice11:34
jaemat least *buntu puts users in the video group by default... *sigh* early in my Arch days, I spent about 30min wondering why I couldn't access the webcam XD11:34
oxymoronjaem: But I really like the IM-clients in GNU/Linux and Kubuntu overall, the messagin is really wonderful. It is only the support of media-protocols thats kind of sucks even if it is not really a big problem. One really nice thing would also be screensharing like they have in SKype (L)11:35
oxymoronjaem: I dont know exactly what kind of graphic render library it uses, but I sure know it looks damn ugly :D11:35
SertionIt's a pain to get all the deps for a package mannually :''[11:36
oxymoronjaem: KDE 4.3+ is the first desktop overall that looks esteticly nice for my eyes. IMO it looks more beautiful than Windows 7.11:36
oxymoronSertion: Isnt there a "apt-get build-dep" command?11:37
jaemoxymoron, yeah, for the most part.  Widgets on the desktop certainly beat Win7 flat11:37
jaemand now I'd say it's prettier overall11:37
jaemthe Oxygen theme window tabbing integration is gorgeous11:38
Sertionoxymoron: My problem is that my apt can't acces the internet11:38
oxymoronjaem: Like plasmoids, but honestly I dont really use them at all I like clean and simple without anything on desktop :P Video desktop would be nice though - Maybe supports it already? :P11:38
jaemoxymoron, I go back and forth, but using it as a dashboard is kind of handy11:39
oxymoronSertion: AH I see, well that sounds like an issue to solve first :P Why do you have to use a proxy then? :P11:39
jaemsay, when you need a few sticky-notes and a todo list11:39
jaemjust *tap* and it pops up, and tap esc and it disappears11:39
Sertionoxymoron: I'm using the network at my school11:39
jaembut I agree, I'm not really a "widgety" guy, which is why I'm glad the Plasma team used widgets as a means to an end, unlike most implementations11:40
jaemand in that, they've done a superb job11:40
oxymoronjaem: I prefer my Android phone to help me with todo-list and reminders :P Btw, do you know if there is some application for Kubuntu like KAlarm that supports BIOS-alarm clock or something like that? But then it MUST works, because I do not afford to miss time :D11:40
SertionWTF! Doesn't Kubuntu come with Python 2.6 installed?11:41
jaemif you mean something that reads directly from the RTC, then I highly doubt anything that high-level would do so11:41
jaembut unless Kubuntu is magically changing time on you, I don't see why that's an issue?11:41
oxymoronjaem: Yeah, KDE/Plasma/Kubuntu teams does a smooth and pretty job and it goes fast even if I personally think sometimes their priority is wrong, but its not my call I am just a end user xD11:42
jaemscratch that '?'11:42
jaemoxymoron, well, it's not your call to complain and rant, but it's certainly your prerogative to give constructive feedback if that's how you feel11:42
oxymoronjaem: Uhm, that language is to advanced for me, whats RTC, high-level and so on? :P11:42
jaemthis *is* Linux after all11:42
jaemoxymoron, oh, sorry11:42
jaemRTC==Real-Time Clock, in this case, referring to the actual chip that the BIOS reads from11:43
oxymoronjaem: Its not really a complain, but it feels good to express my "feelings" :P If nobody cares, that sucks for me, but does it matter in the end, both yes and no :P11:43
jaemhigh-level/low-level generally refers to levels of abstraction.  So, for example, a program with pretty pictures and drag-and-drop would be "higher-level" than a set of toggle switches that accomplish the same task11:43
jaemthat's a rather ridiculous example, but hopefully it gets the point across11:44
jaemoxymoron, yeah, but if you think things should be done differently, then post in Brainstorm, or bug the devs11:44
jaemthey may not agree, but they generally care, as long as people are polite and reasonable11:44
oxymoronjaem: Aha I see, not to advanced for me, just didnt here the expressions in english before xD WOuld be nice with a higher-level app that communicates through the lower levers or backwards :P11:45
jaemoxymoron, well, theoretically any app that has a clock should be drawing from the system time, which is set from the RTC11:45
jaemso I don't see what the issue is11:45
jaemas I said, you could probably read directly from the device, but that shouldn't be necessary11:46
oxymoronjaem: I think I am quite lazy in that matter actually, I dont post bugs or brainstormings :P I am the one that does not really understand the beauty of democracy if I am a minority of the people, the geeks does not want GUI like I want, they prefer CLI and prior other things then I mostly :P11:47
oxymoronjaem: Alright, so theoretecly my computer could be turned of and use Alarm? I cant sleep with my computer turned on ...11:47
jaemoxymoron, that depends who you ask.  I love KDE software because it makes things slick, pretty, and easy to do.  Furthermore, *buntu is good at making things straightforward11:48
oxymoronjaem: My computer is nasty if is tunred on :D11:48
jaemon the other hand, there are times when it's quicker for me to cut to the chase and pull out a terminal11:48
jaemoxymoron, ah, I see what you mean11:48
jaemI'm not sure what sort of BIOS you have, but mine has an alarm to power on the computer11:49
jaemyou want to set that from a GUI program?11:49
oxymoronjaem: Theyve said Android alarm should work even if I turn off my phone, but it does not.11:49
oxymoronjaem: Yeah a GUI would be nice, and play music smooth instead of an Alarm too xD11:49
Vroomfondleyou're drifting into the realms of embedded systems, there11:50
jaemI'm still not entirely sure we're on the same page, but either way, I think it would be vendor-specific11:50
oxymoronjaem: And yes sometimes temrinal is kind of handy, especially when the new Adept Frontend IMO sucks and start slow ...11:50
jaemand probably not practical in the sense you mean11:50
jaemoxymoron, I was thinking more of my frustration trying to help a friend "fix" networking in Windows Vista11:50
ct529hi! is it possible to remotely control a kubuntu desktop from another kubuntu computer?11:51
jaem"okay, so let's click on the networking icon..." *box pops up* "...hmm... 'fix networking'..." *click* *wait five minutes* "UNABLE TO FIX NETWORKING" "...well, darn!"11:51
jaemct529, yep11:51
jaemseveral ways11:51
jaemdo you want to just remotely log in, or take control of a login session that's already active on the other computer?11:52
oxymoronjaem: Hahaha, yeah its quite ugly to get network communicate in Windows xD Especially the communciation between new network stack in Vista and the old one in XP :D Hahaha, not backwards compatible xD11:52
ct529jaem: take control of the desktop, either by opening a new session or by using an existing session, so that the desktop is mirrored, and actions carried out on one desktop are carried out also on the other11:53
jaemoxymoron, I was more appalled by the "Fix Networking" button, which takes several times as long to fix things as I would manually in the terminal on Linux, and often just fails and tells you to try again11:53
jaemct529, ah, okay11:53
oxymoronjaem: Woho, unable to solve the problem ... sounds like an fix for Blue Screen of terror maybe? :D Like ATI and atidvag.dll or what it called, crashed my system several times and ATI NEVER EVER solved the problem, but it could be Windows issue also :P11:53
ct529jaem: used for tech support and user support11:53
jaemI personally use NX, from NoMachine.com, for remote desktop.  I believe it is capable of that (I think they call it "shadowing"), but I've never actually tried11:53
oxymoronjaem: Kubuntu and networking on the other hand just works out of the box. More problem with wireless maybe, but works quite smooth now I guess :)11:54
jaemit's a bit technical to set up, but the server's config file is well-commented, and should be straight-forward if you know your way around those sorts of things11:54
ct529jaem: ok11:54
jaemoxymoron, well, for that matter, my last ATI card made X bail on startup for *5* successive versions of Catalyst11:55
jaemthat's why I have to go with nVidia, despite their somewhat anti-Open Source stance :/11:55
jaemat least they make products that I can count on to *work*11:55
ct529jaem: it does not look like it is OS11:55
jaemct529, yeah, I should have mentioned11:56
oxymoronjaem: No ATI for me anymore ... still the first PCI express card ATI Radeon X600 but still xD11:56
jaemthere is a Free/OSS server11:56
jaembut the official client is only Free as in Beer11:56
ct529jaem: :(11:56
jaemyou can get one called QtNX, which is FOSS, but I don't know if it's as featureful11:56
ct529jaem: oh thanks!11:56
jaemit should do the job, though11:57
jaemI think the official NX client supports RDP and VNC as well. and maybe a few other things that QtNX doesn't11:57
jaemalso, IIRC KRDC either has initial NX support, or it's in the works11:57
ct529jaem: but if you use VNC you do not really control / shadow the other desktop .... do you?11:58
jaemct529, you need a special VNC server, but it is possible11:58
jaemNX is much more bandwidth-friendly, though11:58
jaemthey claim you can maintain a session over dialup11:58
jaem...although "maintain" is probably used in a similar sense to what MS meant by "Vista-capable" :P11:58
oxymoronBtw is it possible to remotely connect and communicate with Kubuntu/Linux with a cell phone? :P11:58
Vroomfondlehow do you mean?11:59
jaemoxymoron, well, you can get a shell on any phone that has an SSh client11:59
Vroomfondleyou can do SSH on many cell phones11:59
jaemsuch as the N900, probably Android, and WinMo with PocketPuTTY11:59
ct529jaem: :D .... it would work on a local network in general and on a broadband some times (rarely), so I am not bothered .... :)11:59
jaemct529, I'd still recommend NX if it works for you, though11:59
jaemit's quite nice11:59
Vroomfondlejaem: Symbian too (there's a PuTTY port nowaways)11:59
oxymoronjaem, Vroomfondle: Alright, what to do after an SSH connection then, what can I do theorectly?12:00
ct529jaem: ok .... but I will use qtnx because I would like FOSS12:00
jaemoxymoron, ct529, but there's an NX client in the works for the N90012:00
jaemct529, sure thing12:00
ct529jaem: interesting12:00
Vroomfondleoxymoron: it'll give you a terminal. You can do anything that you'd normally be able to do via terminal.12:00
jaemct529, the N900 client more or less works, but I've run into issues12:00
VroomfondleFor graphics, some phones have a VNC client available I think, but frankly using a desktop GUI on a phone will be... erm... tricky and frustrating ;)12:00
oxymoronjaem: I dont like Nokia, and by default not their N900 even if Maemo or what they call it is quite Open SOurce xD12:01
jaemoxymoron, also, you can do X-remoting (basically pulling an individual app up from a remote system), if the server is set up for it12:01
jaemoxymoron, well, you'd be hard pressed to find a phone that's more open12:01
oxymoronVroomfondle: What about graphicly communicate then? If I want for instance make a backup of my phone to my computer, how do I do that? :P12:01
jaemand the company attitude is "it's your phone - go nuts!" - in stark contrast to the draconian policies of other companies12:02
ct529jaem: how does it exactly work???? there is no doc with qtnx .... :( .... do I have to start it on both desktops?12:02
jaeme.g. they disable root by default just so noobs don't do stupid things, but tell you how to get it on the official website, and it's dead simple12:02
oxymoronjaem: I like Android <3 Maemo is quite good I guess, but again no Nokia ... Apple or HTC only at the moment for cell phones/smartphones xD12:02
jaemct529, QtNX is the client, which you'll need to access the server12:03
jaemFreeNX (from nomachine.com) is the FOSS server, which will have to be configured in the terminal12:03
oxymoronjaem: Alright so basicly I can "only" do terminal based things? :P12:03
Vroomfondleoxymoron: ah, you mean like cloning your contacts & photos via bluetooth?12:03
jaemthere should be documentation and/or tutorials on that on the web12:03
ct529jaem: ok, so the server on the machine you want to control ....12:03
jaembut as I said, if you're comfortable with that sort of thing, it should be fairly straightforward, and if you're not, then this probably isn't for you12:04
jaem...which isn't to say that I wouldn't mind walking you through it anyway, but it's 4am here :P12:04
jaemoxymoron, more or less, yes12:04
ct529jaem: orgh!12:04
jaembut if you can get a VNC/NX client on your phone, then you can get a full graphical login12:04
oxymoronVroomfondle: That would be nice yes even if I didnt specificly want that :P Or like using my Droidphone as an remote controller for what to say, Amarok? :P12:05
VroomfondleI think Amarok might have a web interface (not sure though - I don't use it)12:05
Vroomfondlefor bluetooth, I believe the usual toolset is: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/kdebluetooth4?content=8476112:05
Vroomfondleoxymoron: or as jaem suggests, some sort of NX/VNC/X client will work, assuming such a thing exists for Android12:06
oxymoronVroomfondle: I dont like bad hacks though or ugly complex interfaces :D Think Apple iPhone OS:ly and weyre talking what kind of easyness I want :D12:06
oxymoronVroomfondle: Alright, will be searching for NX/VNC/X and so on for my Android :P12:06
oxymoronVroomfondle: If it is not nice and easy I probably dont wanna bother use it even if it maybe works if you fork back and forth xD12:08
jaemoxymoron, I think there are some media remote control apps for various phones, but I don't know if they work with the 'Rok12:08
jaemoxymoron, my N900 can act as a full HID input device for my computer :D (e.g. keyboard with the slider, mouse with the touchscreen, etc)12:09
oxymoronjaem: A communcation link between Kubuntu and smartphones or bluetooth/IR whatever would be nice, maybe a plasmoid :P12:09
oxymoronjaem: Nice :) Btw, what battery/standbytime does your N900 have? :P12:10
jaemoxymoron, Nokia's stated goal is a day (e.g. ~12hr) of mixed usage12:10
jaemcurrently, they're a bit short of that, but considering what I put mine through, I'm not surprised12:10
jaem...and of course, I currently am working on setting up a second one for another member of my research team, so when the battery dies, *oh snap!* -- I pull out the other one XD12:11
oxymoronjaem: I dont refer to vendors officially forked results in labs :D I wondering a normal day use for you wit mixing wifi, bluetooth, browser, stream music and so on, what battery time?12:11
jaemit amuses me to no end12:11
jaemno, I realize12:11
jaemI was trying to say that that was what they were aiming for, and that they're close12:12
oxymoronjaem: Aha alright, what is it now then? xD12:12
jaemlet's take this to PM, though, to avoid cluttering the channel12:12
=== javier__ is now known as Toru
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository12:38
smellyno1erI have to press ` twice for it to show up once. The first time it doesn't register, the second time it shows up?12:46
smellyno1erAnybody know why that would happen?12:46
noaXessdoes anybody know, that firefox 3.6 will be released in upcoming karmic updates?12:53
ZykoticK9could someone test this "easter egg" for me, i don't think it works in KDE but would like to verify: ALT+F2 to open Run Application dialogue - enter "gegls from outer space"12:55
smellyno1erZykoticK9: Nay12:59
ZykoticK9smellyno1er, too bad -- but thanks for checking for me12:59
mefisto__smellyno1er: sounds like keyboard layout problem. check settings in systemsettings > Region & Language > Keyboard Layout13:02
BluesKajHi Folks13:20
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valentin_есть кто живой?13:48
valentin_нужна помощь13:48
valentin_поставил thunderbird 2,0...13:49
valentin_но не могу воткнуть, как русифицировать13:50
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:54
xteejxI'm using Kubuntu Lucid. I can't see any way to connect to IRC in kopete, am I missing something??14:10
bobbob1016KDE 4.4 has just been released, anyone know a repo that I can use to install it?14:11
xteejxbobbob1016: I think 4.4x has been made available in the backports14:12
jussi01xteejx: ask in #ubuntu+114:12
jussi01bobbob1016: its coming soon to a ppa near you - ie. dont think its been packaged yet ;)14:13
bobbob1016jussi01, http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu that ppa sound right?14:14
jussi01bobbob1016: watch the topic in here, itll change when the repo is sorted14:14
jussi01bobbob1016: the rc 2 is out in a ppa, but not the final afaik14:14
xteejxThe topic says its in the beta PPA http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4-rc-214:14
xteejxIt's really bugging me as well that there's no Software Centre in Kubuntu like there is in Ubuntu, everything just looks like packages, not sorted or anything, and there's no way TO sort them :(14:17
xteejxIn KPackageKit I mean14:17
xteejxI'm not meant to be using adept in Lucid...its KPackageKit as default14:19
BluesKajxteejx, you can if you wish14:21
jaemhmm... are there any plans to make Qt-based version of something like the Ubuntu Software Centre?14:25
jaemwhile I don't personally use it, I think it's going in the right direction for *buntu's target market, and KPackageKit...well... leaves something to be desired14:26
babalujaem: i didn't use any of these, but why is kpackagekit bad?14:29
mefisto__xteejx: you can see categories in kpackagekit with the dropdown menu (the one that says "all packages")14:30
* xteejx is away: Gone away for now14:30
jaembabalu, it's not *bad*, per se, but it's not anything I could see newbie users having fun with14:31
jaemand Joe Windows User would probably run screaming on instinct, even if they were actually capable of using it if they tried14:31
jaemI find that it obfuscates things for my workflow, and for newbies, it isn't as intuitive as it could be14:32
jaembut it's not objectively bad - I just don't like it14:32
jaemthere's a distinction there :P14:32
zegenieaccording to the title in #kubuntu-devel, 4.4 is being packaged at the moment14:33
jaemzegenie, awesome14:33
jaemwas there any eta?14:33
zegenienope, but as jussi01 said, the title will probably change in here as soon as it's available14:34
jaemokay, cool14:35
=== jaem is now known as jaem|away
* xteejx is back.14:42
jospoortvliethi all!!!14:52
jospoortvlietIf any of you want to help out promoting the latest release of the KDE software compilation, it'd be greatly appreciated!14:52
jospoortvlietHere is the announcement on the dot: http://dot.kde.org/2010/02/09/kde-software-compilation-440-released14:52
jospoortvlietFeel free to comment ;-)14:52
jospoortvlietblog, tweet, dent, and help us dig and reddit:14:52
FloodBotK1jospoortvliet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:52
jospoortvlietstill, hope some can and will help out a bit ;-)14:53
gwhipi updated to kde 4.4 and everytime i start kontact i get a nepomuk error something about indexing disabled15:01
gwhipand virtuoso is installed15:02
jospoortvlietgwhip: 1. latest tarballs? cuz they're online only about an hour due to last minute fixes in.... surprise: nepomuk ;-)15:04
jospoortvlietand there is a tool on kde-apps to move your older nepomuk storage to the new one - if you've used the RC's or have the old virtuoso (5.x) installed, you'll need it.15:04
jospoortvlietvirtuoso should be on 6.115:04
anoneemousehi. i enabled the newspaper activity and now my desktop is stuck on it. im using kde 4.3.3 from backports15:14
jospoortvlietanoneemouse: I answered that in #plasma15:14
* jospoortvliet has an evil grin15:15
jospoortvlietyou can not escape the KDE promo people HEHEHE15:15
anoneemousei cant find it in system settings :/15:15
ewoernerno 4.4 final packages yet?15:18
JacklauHello, someone from Brazil ?15:20
Pici!br | Jacklau15:21
ubottuJacklau: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:21
gunsofbrixtonewoerner: they've been out for like half an hour15:21
ewoernergunsofbrixton: karmic or lucid?15:23
Jacklausomeone can help me ?15:23
gunsofbrixtonewoerner: I mean kde 4.4 has been released just half an hour ago, give them some time to package it :)15:23
darthanubis!ask > Jacklau15:24
ubottuJacklau, please see my private message15:24
darthanubisgunsofbrixton: we are like kids on Christmas15:24
jospoortvlietewoerner: hey you15:24
jospoortvliethere huh15:24
jospoortvlietno surprise15:24
jospoortvliethave you dug the news yet ;-)15:25
FloodBotK1jospoortvliet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:25
ewoernergunsofbrixton: tagging has been 5 days ago, enough time for packaging15:25
JacklauI need an book or archive from linux, I'm a new user, someone have this ?15:25
jospoortvlietI just type fast, bloody floodbot :D15:25
ewoernerjospoortvliet: no digg account15:25
jospoortvlietewoerner: make one for this occasion... do it for me and a big hug...15:26
ewoerneryeah, i know your hugs15:26
mischasworldgunbsofbrixton: have a look at his from kubuntu-devel http://paste.ubuntu.com/372544/15:26
jospoortvlieta small step for ewoerner, a big step for the KDE community ;-)15:26
ewoernerjospoortvliet: link?15:26
darthanubisJacklau: yeah, libraries and bookstores15:26
jospoortvlietand here is reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/azx29/kde_software_compilation_440_introduces_netbook/15:26
darthanubisyou could read your manpages and google15:26
jospoortvlietcome on all of you click click click and help your favorite community out there ;-)15:26
darthanubisthis IS the information age15:27
Picijospoortvliet: This is a support channel, please do not spam links here.  #kubuntu-offtopic would be a more appropriate channel, but even there such repeated linking would be frowned upon.15:27
ewoernerPici: i asked him for the link15:28
zegeniegunsofbrixton: it's not like it was made available 30 mins ago - packagers have had almost a week already ;)15:28
Piciewoerner: Missed that.... but my point still stands :)15:28
ewoernerPici: and he definitely supports kde ;-)15:28
mefisto__promoting kde and supporting kubuntu are not the same thing15:29
darthanubiszegenie: amen15:29
jospoortvlietmefisto__: hey you guys are our downstream you should support us ;-)15:29
jospoortvlietyou get dot stories ;-)15:29
jospoortvlietand hugs15:30
darthanubiszegenie: especially since they skipped RC315:30
darthanubisbut this is OT15:30
ewoernerwhat would kubuntu be without kde? ;-)15:30
mefisto__jospoortvliet: :support" as in help with problems15:30
=== Ragnarel is now known as OzoNe
darthanubisanoneemouse: basically15:30
ewoernerthey could do the same thing with gnome...15:30
ewoerner...wait, what?15:30
anoneemousethey should call the gnome one gubuntu15:30
Guest71964yes, ideed15:31
Guest71964is the kde 4.4 release tomorrow or today?15:31
zegenieit's on the webpage already15:32
jospoortvlietmefisto__: no, support as in hug, drink beer with and sing karaoke too ;-)15:32
jospoortvlietGuest71964: yes we're life :D15:32
anoneemousewhen can we expect kubuntu packages... im hoping it will fix my plasma problem :/15:32
zegenieanoneemouse: afaik it's still being packaged15:33
EagleScreenKuubntu packages should appear in a few days15:33
zegenieEagleScreen: "in a few days" where do you get that from?15:33
anoneemousemaybe EagleScreen is packaging it?15:33
EagleScreenKubuntu developers are started to work in it15:34
EagleScreenthey uploaded kdebase 4.4.015:34
EagleScreenthay had compilaiton troubles15:34
EagleScreenthe rmeoved again the packages15:34
ewoernerjospoortvliet: dugg etc.15:34
darthanubisa few days:(15:34
jospoortvlietewoerner: tnx!15:34
zegeniejospoortvliet: ditto15:34
jospoortvlietzegenie: it's appreciated guys!15:35
EagleScreencommon problems15:35
jospoortvlietand girls ;-)15:35
darthanubiswell so much for that15:35
darthanubisEagleScreen: thanks for the update15:35
zegeniedarthanubis: EagleScreen is just making a more or less educated guess15:35
darthanubisit's cool15:35
zegenieit could be today, it could be a month if they can't figure out the packaging problem15:35
EagleScreeni am getting started in Debian/Ubuntu development15:36
EagleScreeni follow that movements15:36
zegeniehe basically doesn't know, and neither do I - and neither does the packagers just yet, so the best answer is the one that's in the #kubuntu-devel channel: "4.4 packages is in progress"15:36
darthanubiszegenie: thanks15:37
EagleScreenthere were build faulures at the fisrt intent to package15:37
WierdAARHello everybody, Does anybody know if there is a way to remove/change the little jumping icons that appear when you open an application? Preferable keeping the little picture but removing the jumping?15:48
zegenieWierdAAR: Open up the K menu -> system settings15:49
EagleScreenWierdAAR: you can disable that or just reduce its time15:49
WierdAARzegenie: where in the system settings?15:50
zegeniethen go to "Desktop"15:50
soeeanyone tried 4.4 already ?15:50
EagleScreenthen go Launch notification15:50
zegenieWierdAAR: it has a configuration section called "Launch feedback"15:50
chris_just installed kde desktop on ubuntu trying to move panel to other monitor can't seem to find a way15:50
EagleScreensoee: I tried in RC15:50
zegeniechris_: right click the panel and select "Panel settings"15:51
soeeEagleScreen: so do i but im asking about final release15:51
zegenieyou may have to select the "Panel options" menu first15:51
WierdAARzengnie: ahh Thank you very much!15:51
zegenieWierdAAR: no problem, it's one if the things I like to change, too :)15:51
EagleScreensoee: it is still building in all major distributions15:51
WierdAARzegenie: Btw, no i have you. Could you help me with firefox file assosiation?15:52
zegenieWierdAAR: I don't know if kubuntu does anything with regards to integrating with that15:53
zegenieas far as I know, it's something that will be added in lucid (the next version of kubuntu)15:53
zegenieI tend to only download the files and then open them up afterwards15:53
zegeniesometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't - I haven't had the time or opportunity to have a look15:54
WierdAARzegenie: Ah ok. Yeah that whats I do as well right now. I not that it diffecult or something, I just would be nice with direct intergration15:54
zegeniesince Firefox integrates well with GTK (which is the Gnome libraries, used by "plain" ubuntu), it tends to detect GTK-based programs pretty well15:54
zegenie"unfortunately", there are  very few of those on my system ;)15:55
zegenieWierdAAR: yeah, it's an annoyance, but I've learnt to live with it15:55
WierdAARzegenie: yeah, I didn't know the course but some programs does work, but others don't. And yeah most of the programs I use are native to KDE, like Ktorent heh15:55
mefisto__WierdAAR: in firefox prefs, applications tab, you can choose what happens with filetypes/mimetypes15:55
WierdAARmefisto: I did that, but some of the programs just don't respond to it15:56
joe__I'm using Kubuntu 9.10 and randomly it seems my sound just stops working.  Anyone seen this?15:56
zegeniemefisto__: that rarely works, because firefox tends to want to open everything based on the "file" filetype association15:56
zegenieweird stuff15:57
mefisto__well it always works for me. can you give me an example of a program that doesn't integrate with firefox?15:57
WierdAARmefiesto_: My ktorrent dosen't work with firefox15:58
zegenieWierdAAR: if you select "browse" when opening, then point it to ktorrent - does that work?15:58
WierdAARzengenie: Well I'm not quite sure where to point but I pointed at "desktop.firefox"15:59
zegenieWierdAAR: on my system it is /usr/bin/ktorrent16:00
WierdAARzengenie: What the name of the file to point to?16:00
joe__I've got Kubuntu 9.10 64 bit with Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster and sound works but sometimes it just stops playing in Amarok... Any ideas?16:00
zegenieWierdAAR: try to download a torrent, then when the download dialog pops up, select "browse" instead of "open", and then point to /usr/bin/ktorrent16:01
joe__Actually also in all other music/sound apps too..........16:01
Martijn81when will kde 4.4 be released for kubuntu?16:02
tsimpsonwhen it's packaged16:02
zegenieWierdAAR / mefisto__: the problem I remember I had was if I selected "always do this for file of this type" then *all* downloads would be opened in that program :P16:02
zegeniewhich is ... "inconvenient"16:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
WierdAARZengenie: It works! I pointed to the wrong application before. Thank you very much16:03
zegenieWierdAAR: kool16:03
zegeniehopefully, firefox will remember so you can pick "ktorrent" from the list next time :)16:03
mefisto__zegenie: what about setting it in firefox prefs instead of doing it when the dialog pops up after clicking a link?16:03
WierdAARzengenie: Yeah i hope it will16:03
zegenieWierdAAR: chances are you'll type my name correctly if you type "ze" followed by one press on the "tab" key :)16:04
zegeniemefisto__: I'll check16:04
WierdAARzegenie: cool. Though it only worked in terminal ^^16:04
zegenieWierdAAR: I haven't found an IRC client that hasn't implemented it, yet :)16:05
WierdAARzegenie: sorry for the terrible spelling. Thought*16:05
=== robin is now known as Guest12345
zegeniemefisto__: it actually says "GTK-based bittorrent client" in the filetype description :P16:05
WierdAARzegenie: Well I haven't really been using IRC before I needed kubuntu support hehe16:05
zegeniemefisto__: any reason why setting it in the "applications" section would work differently than editing it in the download popup?16:05
zegenieWierdAAR: no problems - I learn something new every day :)16:06
WierdAARzegenie: Me too, and that's a good thing ^^16:06
joe__looks like a bug:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/30367916:06
joe__never had the problem with Ubuntu16:07
zegenieWierdAAR: yup :)16:07
mefisto__zegenie: I don't know the reason, but when I set it in "applications" it works, and keeps working. I remember a long time ago trying to do it in the popup dialog, but it would never remember the setting, so I gave up on doing it that way16:07
zegeniemefisto__: it actually does list ktorrent now, even if I select "use other" then select /usr/bin/ktorrent, and then don't save the preference16:08
zegenieif that made any sense16:08
WierdAARzegenie: btw, I don't know if you tried it, but there should be direct support with a projector right? ( I just need it for tonight, and I was hoping I wouldn't need any fancy coding to make it work hehe)16:08
zegeniemefisto__: will have to restart firefox to see if the setting sticks though, but yeah, the thing you mentioned is exactly the same as the problem I had16:08
mefisto__zegenie: one day we16:09
zegenieWierdAAR: what graphics card do you have?16:09
zegenienvidia / ati / intel / other16:09
zegeniemefisto__: was that a premature "Enter" ? :P16:10
mefisto__zegenie: one day we'll have a qt-based firefox for kde, with kde apps set as default. one day...16:10
WierdAARzegenie: ATI Readeon Mobility X16:10
WierdAARzegenie: ATI Readeon Mobility X70016:10
mefisto__zegenie: yeah, premature "enter"16:10
zegeniemefisto__: if all else fails, I just use rekonw :)16:10
zegenierekonq *16:10
zegenieWierdAAR: I've only used nvidia graphics adapters but they work very well, as long as you have a current driver16:11
zegenieof course that says absolutely nothing about the state of affairs with ATI-based adapters16:11
zegenieso I honestly don't know16:11
WierdAARzegenie: I haven't had the "driver needed" icon appear in the taskbar with this installation as i had with previously ubuntu installations so i think it's up to date16:12
zegeniemefisto__: it actually remembers even after restarting. awesomes.16:12
zegeniemmkay, then you should be able to use the "Display" settings in "System settings"16:12
zegenieWierdAAR: it has a "Multiple displays" subsections16:13
zegenieunless you have an ATI configuration application, if so, then that would be your best bet16:13
WierdAARzegenie: "it has" what do you mean by it?16:14
WierdAARzegenie:  and I don't (at least i haven't installed) the ATI configuration application16:15
zegeniehmm, I don't know if it's new in 4.4, but in System settings -> Display, there is a "Multiple displays" icon in the left list16:15
zegenieaaanyway, I need to be heading home16:17
mefisto__zegenie: I have it in kde 4.3.5, but it's called "multiple monitors"16:17
zegenie:) have fun :)16:17
zegeniemefisto__: ah16:17
WierdAARzegenie: there is a mutiple monitors tab, so there seems to be support for it, thanks for all the help!16:17
zegenieclose enough :P16:17
joe__I've got Kubuntu 9.10 64 bit with Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster and sound works but sometimes it just stops playing in Amarok... Any ideas?16:18
=== KeyGruin-zzzz is now known as outofnicks
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:23
mefisto__joe__: are you using pulseaudio?16:24
Koverthardware drivers no longer opens on my system any ideas? has this been superceeded?16:24
petr_hi gie16:25
joe__mefisto__, I don't think its installed...16:25
petr_hello all16:25
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Guest88087how to update my old version of flash player?16:26
joe__mefisto__, should I install it16:26
sverroGo to the adobe site16:26
sverroand download and install it16:26
mefisto__joe__: to find out if it's installed: apt-cache policy pulseaudio16:27
Guest88087how to update my old version of flash player?16:27
mefisto__joe__: NOT having pulseaudio is usually less problematic in kubuntu16:27
sverrohttp://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?promoid=DXLUJ to download16:28
mefisto__joe__: but if you want to install it and give it a try, go ahead. it's easy to remove if it doesn't work16:28
Koverthardware drivers no longer opens on my system any ideas? has this been superceeded?16:29
KovertI heard that there was a ati driver finallyh for 9.1016:29
sverroKovert: that's right, but not all ATI drivers are supported16:30
mefisto__Kovert: try starting it from konsole: kdesudo jockey-kde16:30
Koverthow woudl i find out if mine is16:30
joe__mefisto__, installe (none)16:31
Kovertmefisto__: Traceback (most recent call last):16:31
Kovert  File "/usr/bin/jockey-kde", line 28, in <module>16:31
Kovert    from PyKDE4.kdecore import *16:31
KovertRuntimeError: the sip module implements API v7.0 but the PyKDE4.kdecore module requires API v6.016:31
FloodBotK1Kovert: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:31
Guest88087how to update my old version of flash player?  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!16:31
Kovertgoto adobe d/l and install16:32
Kovertor medabuntu?16:32
Guest88087I can not install !!!!!!!!!   I want to use  APT-GET16:32
mefisto__Kovert: did you install kde4.4? that's the error message I get for many kde config panels in 4.416:32
sverroYou can't install flash16:33
KovertGuest88087: I gave you what you need16:33
mefisto__Kovert: you could use the text-based version of jockey (Hardware Drivers). jockey-text --help  for options16:33
mefisto__Guest88087: install flashplugin-installer (or flashplugin-nonfree)16:36
joe__mefisto__, why doesn't:  sudo service restart alsa-utils work?  sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart does.... ???  I thought it was all about upstart NOW16:37
mefisto__joe__: no idea16:37
joe__mefisto__, now the sound works but it is choppy16:37
pawel_121_will QT4.6.1 will be delivered with KDE 4.4.0 update for Karmic?16:38
Kovertmefisto__ here is no available graphics driver for your system which supports the composite extension, or the current one already supports it.16:38
Kovertbut thanks anyway16:38
ubuntufreakIs it possible to install kubuntu 4.4 in Ubuntu 9.10 without any problems ?16:40
mefisto__Kovert: you may be using the open source ati driver, which supports compositing (at least it does here)16:40
Kovertmefisto__: not great support i think i am using the "radion" driver16:40
Kovertubuntufreak: yes16:40
mefisto__Kovert: I guess it depends on the specific chipset you have and how well the driver works with it16:41
ubuntufreakKovert, will it be enough if i select the kubuntu packages from the synaptic or i have to follow some guide ?16:41
pawel_121_Kovert, I'm also interested, we'll have to wait for KDE 4.4 ppa to install it, right?16:41
neptune_does any one know why, when  I run "du -sh ." on a directory, I get a value which is bigger than the sum of all sizes I get when I run "du -sh *" ?16:41
Kovertubuntufreak: toy know your on kubuntu?16:41
Kovertno there are instruction onn the kubuntu web site16:42
ubuntufreakKovert: i am not able to get what you said ?16:42
Kovertubuntufreak: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4-rc-216:42
Kovertpawel_121_: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4-rc-216:43
pawel_121_Kovert: thanks16:43
Kovertany one have any experiance with gallery2316:44
Kovertsorry 216:45
Kovertola Blueskaj16:45
BluesKajhi Kovert16:45
WierdAARHow do I mount an iso image under kubuntu? Is there an application similar to deamon tools and magic disk?16:51
KoliaWierdAAR: isn't konqueror doing it?16:52
WierdAARKolia: Can konqueror do it? how?16:53
Mamarok!iso | WierdAAR16:53
ubottuWierdAAR: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:53
Koliai thought there was some plugin to konqueror that allow to browse into an iso16:54
MamarokKolia: not AFAIK, and I guess you mean Dolphin, no?16:54
KoliaMamarok: no, konqueror, it was ion a discussion about someone asking it for Dolphin, saying it was previously possible in Konqeuror though :)16:55
MamarokKolia: Konqueror uses Dolphin as a file manager anyway16:56
WierdAARubottu: is there an application that can do it so I don't have to use terminal every time?16:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:56
KoliaMamarok: it was Krusader, not Konqueror, my bad !16:56
Kolia(in the discussion I read)16:57
WierdAARMamarok: I don't want to burn or anything just mount an image. Is there an application so I don't have to use terminal every time?16:57
MamarokWierdAAR: you should have a look at kde-apps.org, there is an add-on for that16:57
WierdAARMamarok: Ok,. thank you16:58
MamarokWierdAAR: that one: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=1157716:58
Mamaroknot sure it is still maintained, though16:58
KovertBluesKaj: any experiance with Gallery2? or it's apache config?16:59
BluesKajKovert, no , sry16:59
Koverthumm any oone who can help with a Gallery2 install?17:01
Koverti installed if from the repro17:01
MamarokKovert: I can't, sorry17:01
Koverti copyed the apache.conf to /etc/apache2/enabled-sites17:02
Kovertbut ng17:02
BluesKajKovert, gallery , is that a game17:02
WierdAARMamarok: How do I install from a install.sh file?17:02
BluesKajWierdAAR, ./nameofapp17:03
MamarokWierdAAR: you should have a look at the questions in the link I gave you, there seem to be problems with recent KDE versions17:03
Kovertsudo ./install.sh ?17:03
BluesKajKovert, cd to the application folder then run it17:04
WierdAARMamarok: Your right, some posted a fix, I will try that17:05
Kovertno that was for WierdAAR17:05
Kovertmy issue is that its in /var/shared/gallery2 and is an html17:05
WierdAARMamarok: Well I might as well learn to use terminal anyway so I will try that. What so I point to as mount point?17:08
MamarokWierdAAR: you can create a folder in /media/ and point to that17:08
WierdAARMamarok: Good idea. Thank you17:09
kde185WierdAAR: you can make it automount at start up if you want17:09
kde185WierdAAR: edit /etc/fstab17:09
WierdAARkde185: I don't need a continuoris mouting, just for a short wile17:09
WierdAARkde185: I don't need a continuoris mouting, just for a short while17:09
kde185ah I see17:10
petr_I download filke17:10
petr_what is next?17:10
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ssssssssswhat is next?17:10
ssssssssswhat file I should to select?17:11
sssssssss$ sudo ./install_flash_player_10_linux.deb17:12
ssssssssssudo: ./install_flash_player_10_linux.deb: command not found17:12
WierdAARMamarok: When Pointing to the mount point why dosen't /media/Mount work?17:12
Mamaroksssssssss: please do not think aloud in this channel17:12
Kovertsssssssss: use ark17:13
MamarokWierdAAR: you need to have sudo rights17:13
WierdAARMamarok: ahh.. thanks17:13
sssssssssKovert   Ark - is arhovator?17:13
WierdAARMamarok: "You must specify filesystem type" What now?17:13
Mamaroksssssssss: a *.deb file can be installed with the command sudo dpkg -i17:14
sssssssssKovert  ok17:14
MamarokWierdAAR: have a look at the loop command I pointed you to earlier, might be easier to use17:14
sssssssssI used Ark and open17:14
Kovertsssssssss: or the debian package installer17:14
sssssssssMamarok   wat next?17:14
sssssssssI have 3 files17:15
WierdAARMamarok: I used the loop > sudo mount -o loop <imagename> <mountpoint>17:15
ssssssssscontrol.tar.gz          data.tar.gz        debian-binary17:15
MamarokWierdAAR: it should not ask you for a filesystem normally, what ISO file are you trying to mount?17:17
WierdAARMamarok: Well I tired with the .cue file first, but then I fingured I would have to go straight to the file, and it's actually an .img file17:18
sssssssssgive me hand17:18
MamarokWierdAAR: I just tried with a video iso file here, it works without asking abything17:20
WierdAARMamarok: Well I'm gonna try some more then heh, thanks for the help!17:20
Mamaroksssssssss: use 'sudo dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb'17:20
sssssssssConsole write   that  they need     libnspr4-dev17:23
sssssssssI just want to install flash player 10... last flash player17:24
Kovertsssssssss: !medabuntu17:25
Mamaroksssssssss: there should be a flash package in the repositoires, no?17:26
MamarokKovert: typo :)17:26
KovertMamarok: Sorry hanging head17:26
MamarokKovert: also I bet it is !flash17:26
sssssssssKovert  1) control.tar.gz      2)    data.tar.gz     3)   debian-binary    it is all that located in packege17:26
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:27
sssssssssKovert  I download from official adobe site   this packege  it is for my kubuntu 8.04    install_flash_player_10_linux.deb17:27
sssssssssAnd thwre are 3 files17:28
Kovertsssssssss: kubuntu what!!!!17:28
sssssssssKovert  8.0417:28
Kovertadd the medabunu repro17:28
sssssssssKovert   apt get install !medabuntu   ?17:29
Kovertyes I did spell it wrong :-017:29
KovertMamarok: WHATS THE SPELLING17:29
Mamaroksssssssss: you don't need to get Flash from Adobe, there is a flash installer in the Kubuntu repositories17:29
KovertMamarok: EKK capsw17:29
MamarokKovert: you will not find it in there17:29
Kovert8..04 isnt that before electricity17:29
Mamaroksssssssss: let me et it for you17:29
geniisssssssss: When you download a .deb package file, don't use Ark on it, just save it then use the command: sudo dpkg -i <put-name-of-downloaded-packagename-here>17:30
EagleScreenit is better to use gdebi17:30
sssssssssgenii  Yes!   I understand17:30
Mamarokgenii: it would be easier to get the flashplugin-installer package, no?17:30
EagleScreengdebi package.deb17:30
sssssssss$ sudo dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb17:30
geniiMamarok: Ideally17:30
renegaidwhat version of kde does the 9.10 cd come with and how do you update it?17:31
geniiEagleScreen: gdebi is not installed by default on Kubuntu17:31
EagleScreenyes geniiit is17:31
sssssssssThere are no this file on my PC  and   ERROR !        libnspr4-dev17:31
Mamarokrenegaid: default is KDE 4.3.2, and you can get the upgrades in a PPA, see the /topic of this channel17:31
Mamarokrenegaid: or check directly on http://kubuntu.org17:32
actarushello, sorry, I have installed kubuntu right now, but I have some problem to connect by wireless, somebody can help me please?17:32
EagleScreenKDE 4.3.5 packages are un karmic-backports17:32
EagleScreen!ask | actarus17:32
ubottuactarus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:32
genii!info gdebi-kde17:33
ubottugdebi-kde (source: gdebi): Simple tool to install deb files. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.9 (karmic), package size 21 kB, installed size 156 kB17:33
kaddican someone help me with a script? I need a command that'll list me all lines that are present in fileA but not in fileB. Diff doesn't seem to be the right choice17:33
sssssssssOK   console affer me to input command "sudo apt-get install -f"17:33
babalukaddi: have you tried kompare?17:34
sssssssssAnd I had done17:34
kaddibabalu: is that a gui-tool?17:34
babalukaddi: yes17:34
kaddibabalu: I'll try it. :) I would prefer a command line aplication though17:35
EagleScreenkaddi: ask in #bash17:36
Martijn81how far are we with v 4.4. of kde?17:40
EagleScreenMartijn81: packages will be available soon17:41
Martijn81thanks man17:42
babalu[15:39] <EagleScreen> markey: it will be soon, be patient17:42
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ssssssssswhat installers are besides dpkg ????17:44
ssssssssssudo dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb17:44
kde185sssssssss: just install using the generic linux install script17:45
sssssssssit all installed fine   but one site write that I need to install   last version of flash player17:45
sssssssssliniux?   not adobe?17:45
Guest98683which browser do you use? Firefox?17:46
Guest98683and what's the website?17:46
Martijn81$ apt-cache search flashplugin17:47
Martijn81and $ apt-cache policy flashplugin17:47
Martijn81$ sudo apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree17:49
sssssssssThere are writed "you use old version of flash player.   use this link to install new - http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ "17:49
Martijn81oops, you do not need sudo for this17:49
sssssssss  Установлен:
sssssssss  Кандидат:
sssssssss  Таблица версий:17:49
sssssssss *** 017:49
sssssssss        500 http://ru.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/multiverse Packages17:49
sssssssss        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status17:49
sssssssss 017:49
FloodBotK1sssssssss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:49
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oxymoronWhat is the public compiling status of KDE 4.4 stable version? :)17:51
kde185in progress17:51
kde185I think17:51
buckfastCan I make a Konsole tab into a separate window?17:52
oxymoronIn progress for sure, I just wonder the status of the compilation. I wanna know if I can look forward it today or later in the week?17:52
sssssssssGuest98683  your brauser open this flash ?17:52
Guest98683firefox 3.617:53
Roeyhey is the PPA the same as the KDE SC 4.4.0 release from today?17:53
kde185the word is that it'll be done "soon"17:54
Roeyoh, ok17:54
Guest98683I little bit old 3.0.1417:54
sssssssssMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US;   rv: Gecko/2009090216   Ubuntu/8.04 (hardy) Firefox/3.0.1417:54
Roeykde185:  were you intending to tell me that or to sssssssssssssss or Guest9868317:54
Guest98683perhaps it works when you update ?17:54
Roeysssssssss:  hisssssss17:54
kde185Roey: you17:54
Roeyoh, okay17:54
Roeykde185:  is the latest PPA < kde sc 4.4.0?17:54
oxymoronkde185: Yeah, developers have that tend to say that kind of expression - But it means nobody have a clue and could be now, tomorrow, about a year or newer :D17:54
Roeykde185:  where PPA is deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu karmic main17:54
Roeykde185:  Kyle?17:54
kde185oxymoron: heh yeah, but it's been tagged for a few days so it should be nearly done17:55
kde185Roey: yes?17:55
Roeykde185: the same Kyle who presented at the KDE 4.0 Release back in 2007?17:55
Roeykde185:  who was a high-school student at the time?17:55
kde185Roey: no no no I'm not a developer, just a user17:55
buckfastI just hope to see some serious bug fixes is 4.4.017:55
Roeykde185:  aye iok.17:55
Roeybuckfast:  like what?17:56
RoeyI long ago (like... in July) put in a bug report about windows sliding the in wrong direction if you have two rows of four columns in your desktop pager17:56
buckfastRoey: Cosidering the desktop effecs, they really bring a lot of problems with them17:56
oxymoronkde185: I am afford to wait hours, days, weeks, months, years and so on. I just want to know approxiemtly what the time schedule is. Its annoying to just wait, like HTC does with Android 2.1. They have been talking about 2.0 since october and now the latest rumor is march for 2.1 instead and Nexus One already got theire freaking OTA update :D17:56
oxymoronkde185: Anyway I just wait and see then as usual ... WHats the greatest news and updates for the new one except the things you already know from the public areas?17:57
buckfastRoey: I have disabled desktop effects alltogether because of that, but I'd like to enable them again, because window management is much easier with them17:58
kde185oxymoron: unfortunately I don't know anything else, I just repeated what I think the package maintainers said earlier17:58
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Roeybuckfast:  aaah17:58
oxymoronkde185: Can i expect a working Firefox for instance? :P I think KDE team broke Firefox with the new Kinetic scroller :P17:58
kde185oxymoron: I doubt it, I recently gave up on firefox cause it was too slow17:58
oxymoronkde185: Kubuntu also says they are working on Firefox integration, could be that too :P17:59
zegenieoxymoron: what's the issue with "kinetic" scroller?17:59
kde185oxymoron: nothing is going to change with the non-kde packages17:59
oxymoronkde185: I gave up Firefox because somebody mess around with it so it does not work at all :D Now I am been using CHrome instead :)17:59
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kde185oxymoron: yeah apparently gcc has some issues that make firefox stupid slow on linux, so until mozilla can figure out how to optimize like everyone else or gcc is fixed it won't get better18:00
oxymoronzegenie: I dont know, just thought MAYBE KDE has been integrating Kinetic scrolling and mess up Firefox somehow. It affected Dolphin too I guess recently and hangs once in a while with scrolling.18:00
ssssssssshow to update firefix to version 3-5  ?18:01
oxymoronkde185: Not just slow, the browser freezes and the scroller sometimes is moving left to right literally speaking :S18:01
sssssssssrepository do not allowed!    only 3-0-1718:01
oxymoronsssssssss: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 ;)18:01
sssssssssNOT FOUND!!18:02
Guest98683sssssssss: go to the mozilla website18:02
ssssssssspackage  was not faund18:02
Guest98683and download firefox 3.618:02
Guest98683that's the quickest way18:02
MamarokGuest98683: bad idea, there are repositories for that18:02
zegenieoxymoron / sssssssss: actually, the easiest way would probably be to enable mozilla-daily18:03
Guest98683Mamarok: Yes? I didn't know18:03
oxymoronzegenie: Mozilla daily what? :P18:03
Mamarokoxymoron: just be aware that these are daily builds, so it can well also break18:03
Guest98683zegenie: good tip18:03
oxymoronzegenie: Awesome :)18:03
Mamarokif you want a stable, go with the firefix packages in the default repositories18:04
kde185I'd avoid daily's unless you know what you're doing18:04
Mamarokkde185: exactly18:04
Mamarokwhy don't you just use the default packages, what is wrong with that in 9.10?18:05
Benkinoobyih, on my kubuntu system monitor i see a permanent consumption of 15KiB/s. i turned off skype, kopete, firefox, tunderbird and what so ever. i measured the 15 KiB/s befor i started quassel. how can i check what is responsble for this?18:05
zegenieoxymoron: yep, I use it to get thunderbird 3, which I can't manage without :)18:05
oxymoronzegenie: Why not KMail? :P18:05
zegenieoxymoron: it behaves weirdly, and the indexing / searching in thunderbird-3 is better18:05
Benkinoobywhat might be intersteing is, that i receive 15KiB/s but i don't send (or sending is close to zero)18:05
zegeniealso, lightning manages to write to our shared zimbra calendar, something kmail / kcalendar never gets right for some reason18:06
=== sssssssss is now known as soxymorons
zegenieMamarok: they're outdated18:06
Mamarokzegenie: outdated in what regard?18:06
soxymoronsfirefox-3.6.tar.bz2  ---  people   it is not .deb  !!!18:07
oxymoronzegenie: Define "weirdly"? :P I think KMail is awesome and also I dont understand why you need indexing in your mail anyway? :P18:07
zegenieMamarok: what part of "outdated" is unclear?18:07
soxymoronswhat packager should be used?18:07
oxymoronsoxymorons: Oh my god, do make install then?18:08
zegeniefirefox is at version 3.6 with much improved support for several parts HTML5, as well as a lot of other bugfixes18:08
Guest98683soxymorons: I know, you can run it. U don't have the compile it18:08
zegenieMamarok: also, thunderbird2 is the latest tb in the repos, I need tb 318:08
Mamarokzegenie: I was talking about firefox18:08
soxymoronsNOw   I wait downloading of firefox 3-6             10MB !18:09
zegenieMamarok: I was too18:09
zegenieI only mentioned thunderbird18:09
zegeniebecause that's also available from the same repository18:09
Mamarokzegenie: just avoid thunderbird 3.1, it doesn't work at all18:09
soee_is there any chance that we will see 4.4 final in ppa today?18:09
Mamarokwhich happens to be in the same repo, too18:09
kde185zegenie: do a google search for repositories that have up to date packages for ubuntu, if that fails you can always try and compile from source18:09
zegenieMamarok: sure, I'm sticking with 3.0 for now18:09
Mamaroksoee_: it will be ready when it is ready, patience :)18:09
zegeniekde185: why? I already posted the mozilla-daily repository which I use18:09
soee_Mamarok: hehe ok :)18:10
kde185zegenie: oh I didn't see that =P18:10
zegenieand I would *never* advice anyone to compile from source as a second option unless they *really* needed to ;)18:10
Mamaroksoee_: if you already run RC2 there will not be that big a change anyway18:10
zegenieoxymoron: first of all, thunderbird 3 has "dynamic" or "joint" inbox18:10
zegeniekmail doesn't have that unfortunately18:11
zegeniemaybe I can get it to work with saved searches or something18:11
zegeniealso, thundebird shows me news in the main folder tree, kmail / kontact / knode is a whole different story18:11
oxymoronzegenie: What is dynamic/joint inbox?18:11
zegenieI have four different accounts set up, they all show up in one "inbox", which is showing all "inboxes"18:12
zegeniebut they're still separate inboxes, just that the common inbox lists everything from all inboxes18:12
soxymorons$ make install firefox-3.6.tar.bz2     do not work.....  "is not aim to compile"18:12
zegeniethey call it "smart folders"18:13
zegenie"Smart Folders helps you manage multiple email accounts by combining special folders like your Inbox, Sent, or Archive folder. Instead of going to the Inbox for each of your mail accounts, you can see all of your incoming email in one Inbox folder."18:13
oxymorongreat xD Could someone help me ...18:13
oxymoronzegenie: I dont use multiple email accounts anyway so :P18:13
zegeniehttp://www.rugby-forum.ru/temp/smart2.jpg <-- shows the inbox smart folder (quickest I could find on google :) )18:14
zegenieoxymoron: well, I have four of them, so I definately prefer the "smart folder" approach :)18:14
Mamaroksoxymorons: why don't you use the reopsitories? Getting packages from external sources is a bad idea, we told you already18:14
soxymoronsoxymoron    I have new FF3-6  firefox-3.6.tar.bz2    what is next?18:14
zegenieI'm not saying kmail stinks or anything like that, it just doesn't fit me as well as thunderbird18:14
zegenieand I have kmail set up, so I try it out from time to time18:15
soxymoronsMamarok   BUT FF-3-6  is not there18:15
oxymoronzegenie: I would like them separatly to different folders though :P it is confusing having them all to one single inbox :P18:15
zegenieoxymoron: you still can, just select the "subfolder" instead of looking at the top-folder18:15
oxymoronzegenie: But GUI for KMail could be better :P18:15
Mamaroksoxymorons: why do you need 3.6 anyway?18:15
zegeniethey're still separate folders (look at the screenshot I posted), only you get a top-level folder for all of them that combines all inboxes18:15
soxymoronsBecause Flash do not work!18:15
zegenievery smooth :)18:16
zegeniekhaledgary: hi18:16
khaledgaryyou speak french18:16
oxymoronzegenie: Alright, could be useful if you need it :)18:16
Mamaroksoxymorons: see the link for the mozilla-daily given earlier, but be aware that those are daily builds, so not recommended18:16
zegeniekhaledgary: I'm pretty sure this is an english channel :)18:16
Mamarokand flash works with 3.5 too, just install the flashplugin-installer package18:16
khaledgaryi'm bad in english18:17
zegeniekhaledgary: do you have anything you need help with ?18:17
Mamarok!fr | khaledgary18:17
ubottukhaledgary: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois18:17
khaledgaryand i want lerning about linux18:17
soxymoronsMamarok What I shoul to do?   I need new FLASH PLAYER 10!!!18:17
zegenieoxymoron: definately is18:17
Mamaroksoxymorons: please do not shout in this channel18:17
soxymoronsMamarok  is one in repository?18:17
khaledgaryok thinks for help18:17
Mamaroksoxymorons: the package name is flashplugin-installer, this is the 3rd time I am telling you about :)18:18
oxymoronzegenie: Woho awesome, tried Firefox 3.7 alpha and it just freezed to death :D Not expect it to work, but still :D18:18
oxymoronzegenie: I mean it does not work at all :D18:18
Mamarokoxymoron: we told you so18:18
soxymoronsMamarok  I want to see South Park in internet.... but there are was written  that I need new flash player18:19
oxymoronMamarok: Who told med 3.7 would not work? :P18:19
zegenieoxymoron: hehe, I only use 3.6, so can't help you there ;)18:19
soxymoronsMamarok   ok18:19
Mamarokand please, people, stay on topic, this is a support channel, not a playground to share experiences with alpha software18:19
soxymoronsMamarok   wait me18:19
oxymoronzegenie: I have 3.6 "stable" too, but I wanted to test 3.7 because 3.6 does not work :D And YES I have been reinstalled over and over again, Firefox does not work.18:19
Mamaroksoxymorons: read what I said above18:19
soxymoronsMamarok  Yes yes   I read18:20
Mamarokoxymoron: topic, please, discussions go in #kubuntu-offtopic18:20
zegenieoxymoron: how does it fail?18:20
zegenieMamarok: discussing installation of software from ppa that fails is not considered support?18:20
Mamarokzegenie: you too, please stay on topic, alpha software is not supported here, and discussions neither18:20
Mamarokplease take it to the offtopic channel18:21
soxymoronsMamarok           $ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer            =>    package not found!18:21
Mamaroksoxymorons: which Kubuntu version do you use?18:21
soxymoronsMamarok   8.0418:21
Mamaroksoxymorons: then I strongly suggest you upgrade your Kubuntu version, 8.04 is heavily outdated18:22
soxymoronsMamarok     apt-get upgrade need 301MБ!!!18:22
Mamaroksoxymorons: well, yes. Else you can get a CD from a local team18:23
soxymoronsMamarok   What CD?  with kubuntu 9.0 ?     I can download it...   but when I download this do no work under Alkohol_120%   emulator18:24
Mamaroksoxymorons: ...18:25
soxymoronsMamarok     ok    "sudo apt-get upgrade"   ?    or  Downloading new kubuntu  ? !!18:25
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Mamaroksoxymorons: it would be sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:26
soxymoronsMamarok   it is hard solf....   I thonk there are easy way to install flash player 1018:26
soxymoronsMamarok ok18:26
Mamarokbut a fresh installation would be better if you currently have 8.0418:26
soxymoronsMamarok  I am conservator18:27
soxymoronsMamarok    And I have installet many programms already!  ftp... firefox... and many others... pidgin18:28
soxymoronsMamarok ok   I talk many18:28
babaluMamarok: well, a lot of random crashes will be fixed, right?18:30
soxymoronsbabalu cars ?18:30
babalusoxymorons: ?18:30
soxymoronsbabalu sorry18:30
Mamarokbabalu: sorry, what are you talking about?18:31
soxymoronsMamarok about cars crashes?18:31
Mamaroksoxymorons: please...18:31
babaluMamarok: you said that there won't be a lot of changes from the RC to the release18:31
Mamarokbabalu: ah, OK, yes, I think so18:32
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oxymoronMamarok: And you said we were talking off topic ...? :D18:41
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Guest6867ou suis-je?18:44
dungahow can i delete audio files less than x bitrate using command line18:45
tsimpson!fr | Guest686718:45
ubottuGuest6867: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois18:45
Torchdunga: get a command line tool that outputs id tags and grep that output with a small awk script18:46
Guest6867communicate stx sous ubuntu 8.10, pas de son18:47
dungaTorch:: I'm new to Linux n been searching for an hour without much success18:47
Torchdunga: then maybe this will either be a steep learning curve or you find some existing app that does this ;-)18:48
dany_21ahello - has anybody else problems with a crashing plasma-desktop with KDE4.4 (from ppa:kubuntu/beta)?18:49
dungaTorch: i hv exiftool and mpg321 to show bitrate18:49
timhi, is there a way to set KDEDIRS automatically? i've installed kdevelop from svn and i currently need to run `KDEDIRS=/usr/local/ kbuildsycoca4' manually before starting it18:49
Torchdunga: lemme look at those.18:50
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kde185tim: oh I didn't see that ~/.bashrc18:50
dungaTorch thanks18:50
kde185tim: oops mixed up a message.  add it to ~/.bashrc18:50
Torchdunga: i know exif from jpeg, though. what does it have to do with mp3?18:52
Torchdunga: and how does mpg321 help here? does it have an "output metadata" option i'm just missing in the help output?18:52
dungaone second18:52
dungaTorch: exiftool -audiobitrate 01\ Track1.mp3  - shows bitrate info18:53
Torchdunga: what package is exiftool from?18:54
dungaone second18:54
Torchdunga: got it18:54
dungaTorch: libimage-exiftool-perl18:54
Torchdunga: yep, thanks18:54
timkde185, yes, that would be a way to do it manually ...18:56
dungaTorch: so the idea will be to delete all files below 64kbits18:57
Torchdunga: yeah, i got that.18:57
Torchdunga: that would work with this program.18:58
dungaproblem is that it doesn't return the filename to capture and delete18:59
Torchdunga: not a problem.18:59
Torchdunga: perl will help.18:59
dungaTorch: write and forget program. My Perl is very basic but I could use the challenge. Any pointers19:00
daskreech!hi | Galvatron19:01
ubottuGalvatron: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:01
Torchdunga: i'm no expert in perl either.19:01
Torchdunga: this is how far i've got it: for i in *.mp3; do exiftool -audiobitrate "$i" | perl -ne 's,.*: (\d+).*,\1,g ; $rate=$1; if ($rate==256000) { print "rate: $rate\n"; }'; done19:01
Torchdunga: gets too long for a one-liner, though19:01
dungaTorch: Thanks man that will help19:02
Torchdunga: the if == 256000 part is just testing, obviously19:02
SnakeATWARhi guys19:02
SnakeATWARi'm trying to install Vuze on Kubuntu and i don't know how to go about it :/19:02
Torchdunga: you'd then need to call some perl func to move the file away or delete it19:02
SnakeATWARonly info i can find is on Ubuntu19:02
Torchdunga: if rate < 64000, of course.19:02
dungaTorch: absolutely delicious - thanks a lot19:03
dany_21aSnakeATWAR: is the same for ubuntu/kubuntu - but give ktorrent a try first.... much more streamlined than vuze19:04
SnakeATWARi have ktorrent but i can't stand the queueing interface :/19:04
Torchouch, gone already....19:04
* Torch just noticed this won't work... well.19:04
SnakeATWARdany_21a: should i install it from the repo?19:05
dany_21aSnakeATWAR, i would to so - but i dont ues vuze in ubuntu19:06
SnakeATWARi'm new to ubuntu and not familiar with installing other than apt-get and software management19:06
SnakeATWARi think vuze is gnome interface, would that affect anything important?19:07
* SnakeATWAR is an uber noob19:07
daskreechSnakeATWAR: No it won't19:09
daskreechSnakeATWAR: You can install using Apt-get the same way. You can run Gnome apps in KDE and KDE apps in Gnome19:09
goodtimejj #ubuntu19:10
timkde185, actually, the .bashrc hack only works, when launching kdevelop from the terminal, not when it is launched from the application launcher menu :/19:14
kde185tim: I've got to go, but it'll work if you log out then back in19:14
[-Haza-]genii: Ping19:15
genii[-Haza-]: Pong19:15
[-Haza-]genii: Hey there. Just wanted to thank you for the help a couple of days ago. I was able to get back my Sudo rights with the boot CD :)19:15
genii[-Haza-]: Glad to have been of asistance19:16
[-Haza-]\o/ Thanks! (Had alot of work to do and that would really have been a thorn in my balls)19:16
timkde185, ah, i see19:16
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FanfareIs KDE 4.4 RC3 (4.3.98) not build for Kubuntu?19:39
Tm_TFanfare: not for Karmic19:39
Tm_TFanfare: and 4.4 final has been released today, so we can expect Kubuntu packages at some point for that one19:39
FanfareTm_T: k, thx was wondering... so 4.4 wil be in backports? but not RC3 ?19:40
Tm_TFanfare: nope, RC3 was small update vs RC2 anyway19:40
FreeaqingmeWhat is the default irc client that comes with kde (or fits best with kde)?19:41
KoliaFreeaqingme: konversation or quassel iirc19:42
Tm_TFanfare: Quassel, Konversation19:42
FanfareFreeaqingme: quassel19:42
Freeaqingmekk, tnx19:42
Koliafirst :p19:42
FanfareHow stable is Lucid already?19:45
Tm_TFanfare: not stable19:45
Tm_TFanfare: actually, I usually say "if you have to ask it, it's not for you"19:45
reagleBRKLNhrm.. dot.kde.org down?19:49
FanfarereagleBRKLN: under fire :-)19:49
reagleBRKLNyou mean from kde 4.4 release? not any packages anyway I expect19:50
albert_can someone tell me why my firefox doesn't detect any plugins installed?19:50
albert_i've got no flash, java, etc.19:50
FanfareYeah, kde.org is heavily  requested and worked on today...19:51
albert_but i've got them installed.19:51
albert_everything works in any other browser, but not firefox.19:51
albert_i've got 3.6 installed from mozilla's ppa19:51
reagleBRKLNalbert_: i don't use firefox, but I expect there's a plugins:/ or config:/ that should show you what's going on19:52
albert_it didn't tell me anything19:53
daskreechalbert_: about:plugins19:55
albert_there's no plugin.19:55
albert_got it?19:55
reagleBRKLNalbert_: if you try to install them via Main/Manage Add-ons/Get Plugins, what happens?19:57
albert_maybe it is because i've got 64bit system, and firefox version is 32bit?19:57
daskreechalbert_: Right. I'm saying that should probably tell you where it's looking for Plugins. I assume you have a ~/.netscape directory?19:57
apo_lapdo you know if it works to remove hal from a lucid kubuntu install? is it needed?19:57
daskreechalbert_: That might be a part of it. You have to chroot it so you have to link in the plugins to the chroot19:58
daskreechapo_lap: #ubuntu+119:58
chris____just installed kde on ubuntu trying to move panel to other monitor19:58
reagleBRKLNalbert_: probably19:59
albert_umm, what about ubufox firefox extension?20:01
albert_it's installed but it doesn't work20:01
albert_no applications are assigned to any mime types20:01
apo_lapdaskreech: thx20:03
buckfastHow can I set a media button to open Amarok, for example?20:08
daskreechbuckfast: get the xmodkey entry and put it in KDE global shortcuts20:11
jc0694should kde/kubuntu automatically recognize all external hard drives or flash drives on startup.  i'm having a problem where it doesn't.  it will recognize if I unplug/replug the device in but if it's already plugged in at startup the device(s) are not recognized.  strange20:18
TomasuAwayis there any chance of seeing the final kde 4.4 packages for kubuntu any time in the next few hours?20:33
daskreechTomasuAway: Probably not still having a build dependcy and sorting out things like nepomuk backend upgrade.20:37
daskreechTomasuAway: If you need to head to bed then please do unless your good dreams are reliant on having KDE 4.4 on your computer :)20:37
TomasuAwayah, yeah, I was going to try and build using kdesvn-build, but I found the new dependencies a little too much of a pain...20:37
SnakeATWARi cant assign a manual IP to my computer... i've tried route add default gw and then ifconfig ra0
SnakeATWARi cant assign a manual IP to my computer... i've tried route add default gw and then ifconfig ra0
TomasuAwaydaskreech: nope, I have a kde 4.4 release "party" to present at later today, in about 4-5 hours20:38
daskreechSnakeATWAR: Ahmm you made yourself the gateway to yourself?20:38
SnakeATWARoops sry for double20:38
daskreechTomasuAway: oooh :)20:38
SnakeATWARdid I?20:38
SnakeATWAR192.168.1.1 is different from
daskreechAh ok sorry :)20:39
SnakeATWARi can connect but not as correct IP address20:39
daskreechSnakeATWAR: You need a netmask20:39
SnakeATWARhow do i set that up daskreech20:39
* SnakeATWAR is clueless20:40
daskreechifconfig ra0 netmask 255.255.whathaveyou.mask20:40
SnakeATWARdo i need to do anything else now?20:42
SnakeATWARdo i need to do anything else now?20:43
kde185doesn't network manager do static ip's?20:43
SnakeATWARdaskreech: my ip is still as it was :/20:44
errafayi need smne to help me in CFD20:44
errafayand FEM20:45
daskreechSnakeATWAR: Which is?20:45
daskreecherrafay: What?20:45
errafayfinite element methode20:45
errafaygeneraly CFD20:45
daskreechTomasuAway: Step into #kubuntu-devel you may get access to the early test servers if they are safe20:46
daskreechWell if they don't break your system20:46
daskreechno way to know if they are safe without testing them :)20:46
TomasuAwaytheres nothing to break ;D20:46
TomasuAwaybe a fresh install20:46
errafaylike what20:46
daskreechTomasuAway: Ok Well join there and if you can give feedback. Will help things move faster overall20:46
TomasuAwayalright, just need to download and install kubuntu ;D20:47
daskreecherrafay: Not sure what you are asking20:47
kde185SnakeATWAR: have you googled for your answer?20:47
daskreecherrafay: with that?20:47
errafaycan i found smne ti help me20:48
kde185errafay: you need to say what your problem is20:48
TomasuAwayno one knows what you want help with20:48
errafayis to found a peopl work on CDF or FEM20:49
TomasuAwayand what is that?20:50
kde185how's that project timelord coming?20:50
SnakeATWARdaskreech: my ip is
errafayfinite element method20:50
TomasuAwaydont know what that is :P20:50
SnakeATWARdhcp :/20:50
daskreecherrafay: based on what?20:50
errafayok thank20:51
daskreechWhat subject is that?20:51
daskreecherrafay: Did you try asking in #math ?20:51
daskreechAnd they could not help?20:52
* genii sips and ponders: echo -e "iface ra0 inet static \\n address \\n netmask \\n gateway \\n broadcast \\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/network/interfaces && sudo dhclient -r ra0 && sudo ifconfig ra0 down && sudo ifconfig ra0 up20:55
geniiStill needs resolv.conf entries though20:55
daskreechgenii: he did resolv.conf already20:56
SnakeATWARdaskreech: my ip is still being served by dhcp20:57
daskreechSnakeATWAR: turn off dhcp ?20:57
SnakeATWARbut i have other computers on the network20:58
daskreecherrafay: I think you can probably try #math again. They would be most capable of helping20:58
kde185I would think that setting a static IP would be one of those things that is in the ubuntu documentation20:58
SnakeATWARi chose an address outside of dhcp20:58
errafaythank yu vr mch20:59
geniiSnakeATWAR:  "man interfaces" can be pretty informative. It's about whats in the /etc/network/interfaces file and has examples therein20:59
SnakeATWARthanks genii i'll prolly be back though xD21:00
Ragelorhi, which package do i have to install to use settings:/ in konqueror (intrepid) ??21:01
oxymoronNice KDE.org has been announced that KDE 4.4 is compiled, is it inside PPA soon? :P21:01
daskreechoxymoron: soon21:02
oxymorondaskreech: Sweet, have been looking forward to it all day :P Is it up before around five hours ahead? :)21:02
daskreechoxymoron: depends on if it plays nice with the build servers21:03
oxymorondaskreech: if it plays nice then? :P21:03
kde185so is it just you that makes the kde packages?21:03
daskreechThen yes21:03
SnakeATWARauto lo21:03
SnakeATWARiface lo inet loopback21:03
SnakeATWAR 21:03
daskreechkde185: Who are you talking to?21:03
supermagnumhi, do anyone know if exists a version of tomtom home that works with linux21:03
oxymorondaskreech: Yay :) I cross my fingers then :P21:03
kde185daskreech: you21:03
SnakeATWARthat's all that's in my interfaces file21:04
daskreechkde185: No the Ninjas make it21:04
kde185daskreech: ah21:04
oxymoron7293 bugs implemented and 1433 future request for KDE 4.4, wow! :D21:05
kde185SnakeATWAR: you need to do a google search.  the answer is right there on the first results usually21:05
kde185SnakeATWAR: http://www.itech7.com/Linux/ubuntu-904jaunty-jackalope-internet-configuration-for-static-ip21:05
migloSnakeATWAR: 'lo' is only the loopback interface, that is not enough to you dhcp21:06
supermagnumhi, do anyone know if exists a version of tomtom home that works with linux?21:07
daskreechtomtom is linux21:08
migloSnakeATWAR: depending on the physical interface you need something like: auto eth0 ; iface eth0 inet dhcp21:08
supermagnummatisse: well, i dont know how to update it .. and tomtom home does not run under wine21:09
Matissesupermagnum, got the wrong one21:10
oxymorondaskreech: BTW, I am looking on the video and see amazing interaction between apps and plasma. I wondering, If i maximize my window and want to place an image or website on desktop, is it possible to mark som text and drag it to left or right on the screen and drop?21:10
migloSnakeATWAR: I think in order to use dhcp you need also have running a dhcp client21:14
oxymoronOh my good I love the grouping windows feature :P21:20
fabio125hi, how do u know ho to get shadows for the plasma tooltip using compiz?21:22
phoenix_hello everyone21:24
phoenix_i get a message everytime i update my kernal21:26
phoenix_where can i upload the image21:26
kde185phoenix_: http://imagebin.ca/21:27
phoenix_thank you21:27
phoenix_here is the snapshot of the error message21:30
mefisto__phoenix_: and does sound still work?21:31
kde185that happens to me all the time, not sure what the problem is21:32
kde185usually I still have sound afterwords21:32
phoenix_kmix is missing from the taskbar21:33
phoenix_when i run it.it shows an empty dialog21:34
mefisto__phoenix_: this happens when you upgrade? or when you reboot after upgrade?21:35
phoenix_after reboot21:35
phoenix_what happens when  i upgrade and restart is that...21:36
phoenix_the kde wont start21:36
phoenix_i am using nvidia card 9400 gt21:37
mefisto__phoenix_: if kde won't start, how do you see that message?21:37
phoenix_i have to reinstall the nvidia driver everytime after i upgrade the kernel21:37
phoenix_after that kde works21:38
phoenix_but now the sound card21:38
scoopexisn't there kde 4.4 final apt repository? .o(how many times did your read this question this day)21:41
mika__hi, i'm kinda new of the (k)ubuntu world, but i'm thinking about moving to it.. i've seen that kde 4.4 has been released, do you think that it will be added to karmic as an update or will we have to wait until april?21:43
kde1854.4 will be pushed to a testing repository sometime soon21:44
kde185soon meaning sometime today I think21:44
oxymoronkde185: Thats awesome, no rush tough :) Just do it as fast you can xD :D21:45
kde185and we'll have to wait till 10.04 till it becomes part of official kubuntu21:45
mika__kde185: testing repositories under ubuntu are considered stable ?21:45
kde185oxymoron: I'm not a developer, I'm just idling in here21:45
oxymoronkde185: Alright :P What you mean part of official Kubuntu btw?21:46
kde185mika__: no they aren't considered stable21:46
mika__i mean, if you use testing under gentoo you can wake some days, do your daily update and see that xorg doesn't start anymore because everything is changed:)21:46
bauerbobdaskreech knows more (i guess) ...and i think 4.4 will make it into a backport repo, not only in a testing repo for 9.1021:46
kde185mika__: they (kubuntu) just don't want to push such a big update until the next version of kubuntu comes out21:47
daskreechSomeone called?21:47
bauerbobit's about the usual topic, daskreech... ;-)21:48
kde185oxymoron: by official I mean it won't come with default kubuntu or using any of kubuntu's repositories.21:49
oxymoronkde185: Ah, but unofficial I guess they will be release it? :P Official I not really care, just want it to my desktop :D21:50
daskreechoxymoron: Yes you cando that21:51
oxymorondaskreech: Goodie :)21:52
daskreechkde185: They can't push a big update like that21:54
mika__aptitude automatically checks which packages can be removed too when something is purged, right?21:54
oxymorondaskreech: Under which deb source will you put 4.4?21:54
daskreechoxymoron: most likely the beta ppa but it will be announced on http://www.kubuntu.org21:55
oxymoronYeah, but would be nice to put it before it is released so I can update directly in my temrinal :P21:55
bau_hi all21:56
bau_where can i find the twitter microblog widget for plasma?21:57
daskreechbau_: in plasma-applets-addons22:00
ToxinPoweI can't wait for the ppa update :D22:01
daskreechToxinPowe: going to help make packages then? :)22:02
ToxinPowedaskreech: I'd like it but I'm only a luser xD22:03
rmrfslashCan someone please just delete csh from the world?22:07
daskreechToxinPowe: The only difference between a user and packager is willingness22:07
mika__daskreech: one question... having 4.3... what happens when upgrading to 4.4 ? i mean, 4.4 will surely have some cool stuff enabled by default, but upgrading we already have a config, will it be updated, ignored or merged? or what? :)22:07
daskreechrmrfslash: Why? It's useful to people who think in C22:07
rmrfslashbecause it's a piece of garbage22:08
rmrfslashit's not useful to anyone22:08
daskreechmika__: Configs are not touched they may do something like change a default app but highly unlikely22:08
kde185mika__: I just upgraded my fedora desktop to 4.4 and it didn't have any issues22:08
daskreechmika__: Make a backup of your ~/.kde22:08
ToxinPowedaskreech: hehe, maybe we can learn, only need free time :)22:08
mika__daskreech: so every new stuff must be manually enabled, right ?22:09
daskreechSome apps will upgrade the config style just based on how they do layout etc. If you decide to retreat to KDE 4.3 then you will have to redo the configs22:09
daskreech backups are a good thing :)22:09
ardianHi im new in kde is it hard to upgrade to the 4.4 Final22:09
daskreechToxinPowe: Yep :) You can take 30 minutes a day and get pretty far. one of the ninjas doing the KDE 4.4 packages now learnt doing that22:09
daskreechrmrfslash: I don't get why it's existence hurts you22:10
rmrfslashbecause I need to edit csh code22:10
daskreechmika__: no of course not22:10
daskreechardian: It's an apt-get upgrade22:10
rmrfslashand I think if a language doesn't support functions it should be deleted from existence22:10
daskreechrmrfslash: ah then maybe look at  tcsh ?22:10
ardianaha thanks daskreech22:10
rmrfslashI didn't say tcsh22:11
donjuanoAnyone know how to make Open Office Writer open a new page below the current one rather than to the right?22:11
rmrfslashdoes tsch support functions?22:12
ToxinPowedaskreech: Do you need to know programming?22:12
daskreechToxinPowe: nope22:12
ToxinPoweok, thx22:12
daskreechrmrfslash: as I recall it does22:13
rmrfslashdoes tcsh support strings that contain more than 1024 chars?22:13
daskreechbeen a long time since Mac OSX10.0 so I might have some foggy memories22:13
daskreechit can if you have your options set22:13
diablodfamsn does not function video with dlink di-524. Somebody could help me?22:13
rmrfslashI don't think tcsh supports functions22:13
diablodfamsn does not function video with dlink di-524.22:14
diablodfalready I changed the MTU for 1492, more exactly thus not to function the colloquy with video.22:15
daskreechrmrfslash: aren't functions simply shell scripts in memory?22:17
rmrfslashno, but I see where you're going with that... and it's wrong22:18
rmrfslashthere's nothing anyone can argue that will dignify csh and/or tcsh22:19
daskreechrmrfslash: Dignify. No I don't think that would work. say that a jihad shouldn't be called against them? I can probably argue that22:20
rmrfslashwho's them?22:20
rmrfslashand who said anything about jihad?22:21
daskreechI think they will die by themselves22:21
daskreechYou asked for them to die :)22:21
rmrfslashdid I?22:21
rmrfslashcrap, gotta go22:22
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bau_daskreech: it says: Package plasma-applets-addons is not available, but is referred to by another package. I'm using kubuntu 9.1022:24
mefisto__bau_: plasma-widgets-addons22:25
daskreechUm yeah :)22:26
daskreechgot renamed22:26
bau_daskreech: thank you very much, now it works22:31
daskreechbau_: Welcome22:32
BusMasterhow should I get the newly released kde 4.4? I am using ubuntu karmic and wish to try kde22:35
TomasuAwayI'm trying to update to the ppa/beta repo for the kde 4.4 rc, but there seems to be several conflicts..22:35
daskreechBusMaster: monitor http://www.kubuntu.org. Instructions will appear there when things are ready22:36
BusMasterif I apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, then I'll get the RC, right? not the released version22:36
FireCrotchBusMaster: Your best bet is to wait until there are 4.4 packages available22:36
BusMasterany idea how long that takes?22:36
FireCrotchapt-get install kubuntu-desktop will give you 4.3.522:36
BusMasterFireCrotch, 4.3.5? thanks for saying taht. I won't get it yet, then22:37
FireCrotchusually the kubuntu team has packages available the next day after a release22:37
BusMastercool. Thank you22:38
daskreechThere was a bug in the released versions from KDE that delayed the official release so all the packages are being built now22:38
daskreechThey should be ready for testing later but yes likely tomorrow before they are passed for public consumption22:38
FireCrotchBugs? Nahhh... undocumented features :)22:39
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oxymorondaskreech: Alright, so when I wake up tomorrow I should be able to get in touch with the new built :)22:45
daskreechoxymoron: Yep. Hopefully your sleep doesn't depend on having KDe 4.422:45
daskreechI know a few people who can't sleep without it22:46
oxymorondaskreech: Hahaha no it doesnt :D I have a real life ... I think xD22:46
daskreechBe free :)22:46
oxymorondaskreech: Thank you :D The new motto of KDE, Be Free, aaah :P Be Free like air :P22:47
TomasuAwayI'd like to be sleeping right now. I was fighting with opensuse last night.. I updated some packages and grub couldnt find the menu.lst file anymore.22:47
TomasuAwayso here I am trying kubuntu instead ;)22:47
TomasuAwayback when I used it, it at least worked most of the time.22:47
oxymorondaskreech: But the new Air theme really feeels relaxing and harmonic, really like the love of it :)22:47
oxymorondaskreech: And must say the new desktop default background is amazing22:48
TomasuAwayoxymoron: if your computer is capable, all of the animations and effects REALLY help with that22:48
TomasuAwaynothing just pops up to jar out, it all smoothly animates :D22:48
ToxinPoweI was a gnome-user until now, 4.4 rlz for me :)22:48
oxymoronTomasuAway: Yes, I think 4 GB Ram, Intel Core 2 Duo 3 GHz is enough and 512 MB Grpahic Card :P22:49
TomasuAwaymore than enough. my "new" lenovo even with 2G ram, 2.53Ghz, and a intel 4500MHD is enough22:49
TomasuAwaythough sometimes the drivers strugle with animations... intel really needs to work on optimizing now22:49
liviowebjoin #kubunutu-br22:50
TomasuAwaythough I upgraded to 4G ram for my trip to vancouver.22:51
oxymoronTomasuAway: Alright, well I think Kubuntu will work with my performance until maybe KDE5? :D22:51
TomasuAwayrunning several firefox tabs, and kontact pretty much eats up more than the 2G in my desktop atm22:51
TomasuAwayoxymoron: to be honest, performance will probably be better in kde5 ;)22:51
TomasuAwayit takes time to optimize stuff22:51
TomasuAwaykde3 wasn't fast to begin with...22:51
oxymoronTomasuAway: I really hope Kubuntu development team will be able to promise what theyve said, like having boot time under ten seconds :D22:52
TomasuAwayI think I remember waiting till 3.2 was out before I switched from 2.2+22:52
oxymoronTomasuAway: But KDE 4 has been reprogrammed from scrath?22:52
TomasuAwayoxymoron: its certianly possible. on a bare debian sid, my boot time (with an ssd) is 8 seconds or less22:52
TomasuAwayoxymoron: large parts of it.22:52
oxymoronTomasuAway: Would be nice, even if it does not exactly matter because BIOS is to slow still xD But in the future I think I might get an SSD disk if the price goes down a lot more :P22:55
TomasuAwayyeah, I'm not holding my breath for one large enough to replace my laptop's internal drive.22:55
shiro_Hay there every one! I was wongering when the kde 4.4 up date is coming out? Does anyone know?22:56
oxymoronTomasuAway: Btw, offtopic once again from my side :D Wanna continue #kubuntu-offtopic ?22:56
oxymoronshiro_: Today or tomorrow, not sure exact time :P22:56
TomasuAwayoxymoron: sure22:57
shiro_OKay =D23:01
daskreechTomasuAway: try su -c update-grub23:09
TomasuAwaydaskreech: to do what? grub is working fine with the kubuntu install.. I wiped the opensuse install since I couldnt find a convenient way to fix it...23:10
daskreechTomasuAway: on Suse23:13
TomasuAwaydaskreech: I couldnt even boot into suse, grub couldnt find the menu.lst, or couldnt parse it, I was dumped to a grub cli on boot, even after trying to fix the file manually.23:13
daskreechTomasuAway: LiveCds rock the body that rocks that party23:14
TomasuAwayit was easier and quicker to just install again.. I decided to try kubuntu instead23:14
KDeskhi, when will be the kde 4.4 packages de available for Karmic and Lucid?23:15
daskreechKDesk: About the time they are ready23:16
KDeskdaskreech: sorry, what?23:16
daskreechKDesk: When they are ready. If they hit a bug they have to fix it.23:16
daskreechCan't predict those23:16
KDeskin the kde.com info for binaries package, the link is only for the rc123:17
KDeskdaskreech: how hits a bug?23:17
KDeskit is odd, becasuse for rc3 the where no packages for karmic.23:18
daskreechKDesk: Kubuntu23:19
daskreechKDesk: It was a small update and Lucid needed some attention.23:19
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KDeskdaskreech: ah, but they only have to upload the sources (from what I read) to the servers, so it is not so time consuming, I think this because *buntu is maybe the biggest distro. Other big distros have already packages.23:21
daskreechKDesk: You are not downloading sources you are downloading packages23:22
KDeskdaskreech: but it is not that they upload the sources, and the servers automatly build them?23:23
daskreechKDE delivers one large "package" which needs to get cut up into packages by various distros23:23
daskreechKDesk: :-) That would be lovely but not quite so simple23:23
daskreechFor an example KDE releases KDE which can be seen "pure" KDE whereas Kubuntu has a few tweaks like removing duplicate applications etc23:24
daskreechso kubuntu-desktop takes some work to create from a "pure" kde but it does require packages for a pure KDE first23:24
daskreechwhich may have things like a new shiny nepomuk server which wasn't included before so that must be packaged etc23:25
KDeskdaskreech: but you told me that rc3 was not so different from rc2, and I think final would be not so   different from rc3, then the process has not to be changes so much.23:25
daskreechIt is a bit of work and is done by volunteers so the more people who volunteer to take care of a package the faster it all goes23:26
KDeskdaskreech:  nah, but that is what I think, sure it is something big, Iam corius to know.23:26
daskreechKDesk: if you like you can jump into #kubuntu-devel and watch it all happen. Just don't keep asking when it's all done but it is instructive23:26
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daskreechyou can pick up a small package like one of the KDE games or EDu packages and you can help out :)23:27
KDeskdaskreech: thanks for the channel link, will have a look.23:27
daskreechOk I'm oit23:27
daskreechbye guys23:27
daskreechSleep well23:27
daskreechBe free23:27
FloodBotK1daskreech: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:27
daskreechQuiet you!23:27
KDeskdaskreech: has kubuntu not paid devs?23:27
daskreechKDesk: They have one23:27
KDeskis  kubuntu official, like ubunut?23:28
KDeskdaskreech: ok, bye, thanks for you help :)23:28
ToxinPowedaskreech: thx for all, we have learn some things today =)23:29
daskreechThat's the spirit of Linux. If you havea problem you should learn something by the end of it23:29
rmrfslashWhy does it take a year and 1/2 to connect to Freenode through Quassel?23:31
BluesKajBenPA, got your pm , but i'm confused by your hardware/OS match up23:31
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jschallomgomgomgomg 4.4 is out. how do i 4.4 on karmic?23:37
KDeskjschall: the devs say that they are working on it23:38
jschallwork faster! =P23:39
jschallthe whole side-by-side windows thing that MS Windows has is pretty awesome and i can't wait to use it on kde. i always want to use 2 windows at a time.23:40
jschalland its a pain trying to resize them manually.23:41
rmrfslashSo I need a newer kernel23:41
jschall"Improvements to the Present Window effect by Martin Gräßlin were leveraged by Marco to allow a ctrl-click on a taskbar group to trigger the Present Windows effect, giving you a fullscreen choice of the windows in the group." very nice.23:43
jschallnew kmix osd, that's nice. needed an upgrade from that plain-looking blue bar.23:44
=== rmrfslash_ is now known as rmrfslash
jschalli think its a little sad that kde, obviously the most modern desktop in the world, is so underused. Look how much more popular Ubuntu is with gnome than kubuntu is... at least it seems that way to me23:46
rmrfslashhow can I restart my audio?23:47
cheesyFriesjust changed from 3+ years of gnome to kde. wish I'd changed sooner, lovin it23:47
rmrfslashwhatever that's supposed to even mean23:48
jschallgnome doesn't feel very tightly integrated.23:48
KDeskrmrfslash: what do you mean, or want to do?23:49
rmrfslashbasially, right now I have no audio23:49
rmrfslashwhen I start Amarok I get this message from info system tray thing:23:49
rmrfslashThe Audio playback devic Intel STACxx is not working23:50
rmrfslashFalling back to HDA ATM HDMI output23:50
jschalldoes it say: "hi, linux audio sucks and should be rewritten from scratch. if you need some noise, please go bang your head against the nearest set of kitchen pans"23:50
rmrfslashI've never had reiable audio on this machine23:51
rmrfslashalways acting up23:51
KDeskrmrfslash: did it work in the past?23:51
rmrfslashwhen I reboot it'll work for a while23:51
jschallkrunner is slow23:51
jschallso i'll just type my commands into quassel, i guess.23:51
rmrfslashbut there's something about apps competing for audio that eventually kills audio altogether23:52
rmrfslashI notice that when I have Chrome up, then start Amarok I will always get this message23:52
rmrfslashif I quit Chrome it goes away23:52
kde185I have similar issues23:52
kde185linux chrome is still in beta23:52
rmrfslashthat is, I can start Amarok and audio will work. But then after a while audio will just stop working no matter if I have Chrome or nything running. Amarok will always throw this message.23:53
KDeskrmrfslash: hmm, maybe it is flash. I hate it!23:53
rmrfslashis the audio subsystem?23:53
cheesyFrieshave you tried tailing any logs when it goes down?23:53
jschallyou should install pulseaudio. that will instantly eliminate all your problems with everything, ever.23:53
rmrfslashhow can Chrome kill audio on a machine... even if it _is_ beta23:53
KDeskrmrfslash: I think I had the same problem. Let me search a bit.23:54
jschallno audio? pulseaudio.23:54
rmrfslashdude, I had pulseaudio for a while... disaster23:54
jschallbad job? pulseaudio.23:54
jschallno sex life? pulseaudio23:54
rmrfslashhand job? pulseaudio.23:54
KDeskpulseaudio is not bad, the problem are the sound drivers or the bad configuration that a distro makes23:54
rmrfslashok that was rude23:54
BluesKajjschall, you're kidding of course :)23:54
rmrfslashanyways, KDesk if you can find an answer to this that would be cool23:55
rmrfslashI'll looked23:55
KDeskrmrfslash:  I think the problem is flash in you case23:55
rmrfslashI also get "Problem with Audio Playback" in Skype no matter what I do.23:55
BluesKajpulseaudio is abig problem for some setups23:55
rmrfslashso when I stop Chrome flash should be gone too23:55
KDeskwhich skype version?23:55
rmrfslashwait... there was a zombie flash process23:56
BluesKajrmrfslash, Iinstall the skype staic version, you don't need pulse audio with that version23:56
rmrfslashlemme see if that fixed it23:56
rmrfslashI did23:56
rmrfslashI tried them all23:56
rmrfslashbelieve me23:56
FloodBotK1rmrfslash: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:56
rmrfslashbut I can try it again23:56
KDesktry removing the packages libflashsupport if you have it23:57
rmrfslashI can't get rid of flash23:57
KDeskrmrfslash: the package is a problem, it was a "fix" for the broken flash, to work ith pulseaudio23:58
KDeskyou will not remove flash23:58
rmrfslashhey look at that23:58
rmrfslashaudio is back23:58
baron86Hello there.. Do you know how to install kde 4.4 ?23:58
rmrfslashoh let me try this then23:58
rmrfslashI don't see anything in apt-cache for libflash support ( apt-cache search flash | grep support)23:59
rmrfslashso I assume I don't have it running23:59

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