micahg | how can someone add a bugwatch to a duplicate bug? | 00:31 |
maxb | Hrm... is the branch scanner broken? | 00:31 |
micahg | I seem to have trouble deleting bugwatches on edge | 00:36 |
micahg | same on production | 00:36 |
micahg | bac: I'm getting a problem connecting to LP page | 00:39 |
spm | maxb: possibly. we're chasing atm. it seems to be working, but we're showing massive delays. | 00:44 |
rockstar | maxb, can you show me an example branch? | 00:51 |
rockstar | Er, an example of the scanner being broken. | 00:53 |
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maxb | rockstar: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~maxb/launchpad/use-hashlib has been pushed for some time now | 01:02 |
spm | bleh nothing in the branch sccaner log matching that | 01:03 |
maxb | just a massive backlog, then? | 01:03 |
rockstar | maxb, actually, that looks like the mirror-puller might have issues. spm and I are chasing now. | 01:04 |
spm | maxb: looks like an unnamed individual has managed to hog the mirror-puller; stuff was still happening; but sufficiently slowly - it impacts on everyone else | 01:19 |
maxb | *blink* | 01:27 |
maxb | Just how many branches do you have to push to do that ! | 01:27 |
mwhudson | it's usually mirrored branches that screw things up | 01:28 |
doctormo | Using a branch object, why is the url attribute always empty? I'm trying to find the url that bzr uses for it's branches but I don't think lp is able to provide it. | 01:40 |
maxb | doctormo: um, more context please? | 01:41 |
james_w | doctormo: the url is probably misnamed, it doesn't provide that information | 01:42 |
doctormo | james_w: Thanks | 01:42 |
james_w | doctormo: you can manipulate self_link to get a url for the branch | 01:43 |
doctormo | My branch listing process is so slow, loading in owners, urls and other data. Although I think checking the owner team members is killed it. | 01:43 |
maxb | james_w: UDD question... having determined that an import failure is likely because an upstream-FOO tag is in the wrong branch.... is there any good way to test that out locally? | 01:43 |
james_w | maxb: you can grab the import-scripts branch and do ./import_package.py <package name> | 01:44 |
james_w | pass --no-push to not push | 01:44 |
james_w | --no-existing to start from the beginning without re-using the branches on LP | 01:45 |
maxb | ah, yes, but I want it to try importing using a local copy of the LP branches which I've moved a tag around in | 01:45 |
james_w | that's probably fairly easy to do with a bit of code | 01:46 |
maxb | ok, I'll have a hack | 01:46 |
james_w | see the BranchStore class in icommon.py | 01:46 |
james_w | if that is the cause it is probably because of a missing merge of the tags | 01:46 |
james_w | bzr doesn't merge the tags when you merge branches, so you have to do it as an explicit step | 01:47 |
maxb | The case I'm looking at, the upstream-x.y.z tag is in the ubuntu branch not the debian branch, where the upstream was independently imported into both | 01:47 |
DBO | anyone else having issues pushing code? | 02:23 |
DBO | oh there we go | 02:25 |
persia | Did something change in the AJAX subscription UI recently? I just ended up on a non-ajax subscribe self and/or teams page ( https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xf86-video-displaylink/+subscribe ) | 03:21 |
persia | I had thought those had all been removed (and have one invalid and one wontfix bug related to them under the assumption they have gone) | 03:21 |
wgrant | persia: I occasionally get there by clicking on the link too quickly. | 03:22 |
wgrant | (before the JavaScript has turned the non-AJAX link into an AJAXy one) | 03:22 |
wgrant | The old forms are still there, so things still work if JS is turned off. | 03:23 |
persia | That may have been what I did. Are the old pages still there to support non-ajax browsers? | 03:23 |
wgrant | Right. | 03:23 |
persia | Aha! Now I think the state of my bugs is wrong. | 03:23 |
persia | It's still possible to get to the exceedingly annoying page where one can't do the obvious subscribing oneself while unsubscribing a team (or vice-versa). | 03:23 |
persia | So the page is still buggy, although the related bug has been declared irrelevant because of the AJAX UI. | 03:24 |
* persia decides it doesn't matter enough, but would prefer a consistent interface | 03:24 | |
mbt | Hi, I have made a new release of my project (AllTray) that is a minor bugfix release out of the maintenance branch. However, it seems that it doesn't want to show up on the front page for downloads. I don't want it at the top, ahead of my trunk releases, but I want it after the 0.70 release from historic, and it won't seem to go. | 04:50 |
mbt | Am I doing something wrong here? https://edge.launchpad.net/alltray/+download | 04:51 |
mwhudson | mbt: what's your new release called? | 04:53 |
mbt | 0.71, from the old-maintenance branch. | 04:53 |
mwhudson | ah | 04:53 |
mwhudson | maybe it's because the series is different? | 04:53 |
mbt | I would like to push the historic releases "down"; as it is, the release that I just made won't even show up on the first page of downloads | 04:53 |
mbt | I expect trunk to show up first, and it does---but then I expect historic to be last since it's obsolete and old-maintenance is the current 'stable', so I'd expect that to display after trunk | 04:54 |
mwhudson | mbt: the series are sorted as if the names are version numbers | 04:56 |
mbt | oh... so i have to rename the series to change the sort order? | 04:57 |
wgrant | That's how series are intended to be used, but that doesn't seem to be conveyed very well. | 04:57 |
mwhudson | looks like it | 04:57 |
mbt | eww. | 04:57 |
mwhudson | i had to read the code to figure this out, i certainly didn't know it off the top of my head | 04:57 |
mbt | that'll break existing branches, though, if I do that, won't it. | 04:58 |
mbt | or at least, their references. | 04:58 |
mwhudson | mbt: it will change the lp:alltray/old-maintenance names | 04:59 |
mbt | Well, wait a minute... trunk, historic-releases, old-maintenance... in that order, so I guess it's sorted by development focus first, then alphabetically? | 04:59 |
mwhudson | but they don't tend to get stored by things | 04:59 |
mbt | I should probably file a bug to ask to sort "obsolete" series last. | 05:00 |
mwhudson | mbt: yes | 05:00 |
mwhudson | mbt: that sounds like a very good idea | 05:00 |
mbt | What's the code hosting component called again? | 05:00 |
mwhudson | launchpad-code | 05:01 |
mwhudson | but! | 05:01 |
mwhudson | this bug should be filed against launchpad-registry probably | 05:01 |
mbt | Oh. | 05:01 |
mbt | I can do that. :) | 05:01 |
mwhudson | thanks | 05:01 |
* mwhudson runs away to make dinner | 05:01 | |
mbt | Oh. | 05:03 |
mbt | Bug 490945. | 05:03 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 490945 in launchpad-registry "obsolete series takes precedence over stable" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/490945 | 05:03 |
nigel_nb | spm, is Lp's gnome bug tracker broken? | 08:11 |
thekorn | nigel_nb, what do you mean by launchpa's gnome bugtracker? the auto sync of upstream bug status? | 08:18 |
nigel_nb | yep | 08:18 |
thekorn | I think it is disabled, there was an annoucement somewhere | 08:19 |
nigel_nb | thekorn, oh! any specific reason? | 08:20 |
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thekorn | nigel_nb, don't know, cannot remember correctly, plus I'm unable to find it right now | 08:21 |
nigel_nb | thekorn, np. thanks for letting me know :) | 08:21 |
om26er | why bug emails come late as compared to answers ? | 08:41 |
wgrant | om26er: They are batched, so each separate change doesn't come in its own email. | 08:41 |
wgrant | Changes made by the same person within a few minutes will all come in the one email. | 08:42 |
om26er | wgrant, hmm, thanks | 08:42 |
solsTiCe | hi. i found strange that i am able to modify the orignal post for a bug whereas i am not the orignal poster. ironically, i am not able to modify my own last post, but change theb ug report ! there is a bug in the bugtracker ;-) | 09:44 |
nigel_nb | solsTiCe, you can change any bug report, though you cannot change the comments to a bug | 09:59 |
wgrant | The bug description may be changed at any time. | 10:01 |
wgrant | Comments may not. | 10:01 |
FloSoft` | hi, one question: why does sometimes it happen that the status is not tracked in the targeted release? like in https://bugs.launchpad.net/s25rttr/+bug/518404 | 10:31 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 518404 in s25rttr/s25client "Road can be constructed over water" [Undecided,Won't fix] | 10:31 |
wgrant | FloSoft`: If the development series task is set to "Won't Fix", the main task becomes active again. | 10:31 |
FloSoft` | how to change that? | 10:32 |
FloSoft` | so its tracked again in the release? | 10:32 |
wgrant | Change it to something other than Won't Fix. | 10:32 |
FloSoft` | ah okay ;-) | 10:33 |
FloSoft` | is it so one can "fix it" in another release? | 10:33 |
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Lamba | anyone here good with bzr ? - i just lost my net connection during a push and it's all gone a bit sideways. - on a new push bzr is saying its unable to obtain a lock and suggests to use "break-lock" but bzr then gives "error unsupported protocol for url" when i try that. | 11:08 |
Meths | Lamba: There's more activity in #bzr than here at the moment, may want to ask there. | 11:11 |
Lamba | kk | 11:11 |
james_w | OOPS-1501EA207 | 11:29 |
ubottu | https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1501EA207 | 11:29 |
Lamba | fixed. for future reference, break-lock lp:~username works. break-lock sftp or break-lock bzr+ssh dont, although they give no obvious error. | 11:31 |
wgrant | Lamba: They should work fine. What do they do? | 11:31 |
Lamba | nothing :P - just drop back to prompt. | 11:33 |
wgrant | Which URLs did you try? | 11:33 |
Lamba | sftp:lp//~username/project/trunk | 11:34 |
wgrant | Ah. That's not a valid URL. | 11:34 |
Lamba | yea. no error though. | 11:34 |
wgrant | lp:~user/project/branch aliases to bzr+ssh://username@bazaar.launchpad.net/~user/project/branch | 11:34 |
Lamba | ah. ok. thanks :D | 11:35 |
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gerard_ | there seems to be some problems with importing lp:warzone2100 from svn | 15:59 |
gerard_ | we're at r9751 but it's stuck at r6897 | 16:00 |
gerard_ | or... let me check, sec | 16:00 |
gerard_ | heh, nvm | 16:01 |
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gerard_ | that's just bzr and svn having different revision numbers | 16:01 |
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kirkland | I can't reach this page: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ecryptfs-devel/+mailinglist-moderate | 16:26 |
kirkland | I suspect because there are thousands of spam messages awaiting approval | 16:26 |
kirkland | help? | 16:26 |
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bigjools | hey kirkland | 16:30 |
kirkland | bigjools: yo | 16:30 |
bigjools | I enjoyed your NZ blog :) | 16:30 |
kirkland | bigjools: thanks! | 16:30 |
bigjools | and somewhat jealous - I spent a lot of time trekking around there | 16:30 |
kirkland | bigjools: evidently my LP presentation was "too enthusiastic" though | 16:30 |
kirkland | bigjools: heh | 16:31 |
kirkland | bigjools: so that mailing list receives dozens of spams per day | 16:31 |
bigjools | I'll find someone to help with your problem | 16:31 |
kirkland | bigjools: so many that i just quit moderating | 16:31 |
bigjools | ok | 16:31 |
kirkland | bigjools: and basically i only go to the page when someone complains that their message doesn't get through | 16:31 |
kirkland | bigjools: is there any spam filtering that is, or can be done on the LP side? | 16:31 |
kirkland | bigjools: otherwise, i just need to get in there and clean out months of spam messages | 16:32 |
bigjools | I have no idea! | 16:32 |
bigjools | but I know a man who does | 16:32 |
kirkland | bigjools: cool, thanks | 16:32 |
bigjools | maybe barry does, even though he's not on LP at the moment? | 16:32 |
bac | hi | 16:33 |
kirkland | bigjools: or, if a mailing can be configured such that only members of the team can post | 16:33 |
* bac reads backwards | 16:33 | |
kirkland | hi bac | 16:34 |
bigjools | heh, didn't see bac in my list of users since he's at the top as an op | 16:34 |
kirkland | bac: let me know what you need from me | 16:34 |
bac | hi dustin | 16:34 |
bac | kirkland: AIUI mailing lists in LP don't have a lot of configurability | 16:34 |
bac | kirkland: what team are you referring to? | 16:35 |
kirkland | bac: yeah, no offense, but they're really pretty bad | 16:35 |
kirkland | bac: ecryptfs-devel | 16:35 |
bac | kirkland: i'll pass that sentiment on to barry! :) | 16:35 |
kirkland | https://edge.launchpad.net/~ecryptfs-devel/+mailinglist-moderate | 16:35 |
kirkland | bac: ;-) | 16:35 |
kirkland | bac: make sure you include the "no offense" part :-) | 16:35 |
bigjools | haha | 16:36 |
persia | Wasn't there a bug about getting CLI mailman access to the LP mailing lists? | 16:36 |
persia | That might help sort things more quickly. | 16:36 |
bac | kirkland: i think we're going to have to wait until barry can provide some answers. | 16:38 |
kirkland | bac: okey | 16:38 |
barry | bac, kirkland wassup? | 16:41 |
bac | barry: dustin has a LP-based mailing list with only 4 members that is getting spammed to death | 16:42 |
bac | barry: is there a way to configure 'only post by members'? | 16:42 |
barry | yeah, but the problem is that mailing lists is not the right place to be doing spam detection. we really need spamassassin in the mta. i think there's an open rt about that | 16:43 |
barry | bac: no, however non-lp users cannot email any mailing list, so if you've identified lp users who are spamming, we need to disable their accounts | 16:44 |
kirkland | barry: spamassasin would be great | 16:44 |
kirkland | barry: in the short term, i can't access the moderation page | 16:44 |
barry | persia: yes, there is an open bug about api access to mlists. will probaby happen after lucid | 16:44 |
barry | kirkland: because it's timing out? | 16:44 |
kirkland | barry: i suspect because there's too many messages in queue | 16:44 |
kirkland | barry: yeah | 16:44 |
barry | lovely | 16:45 |
barry | the only thing i can think of for "right now" is to get some losa love to clear them out. not a fun thought for them though :/ | 16:46 |
kirkland | barry: okay, well, they will get lots of love back from the hot russians ladies messaging that list | 16:47 |
barry | kirkland: there's always a silver lining! :) | 16:47 |
kirkland | barry: so there's 2-3 messages of the hundreds that i'm trying to allow through | 16:48 |
barry | kirkland: do you know which those are? message-ids? | 16:48 |
kirkland | hmm | 16:48 |
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barry | kirkland: if you don't that's okay. it would make the clear out a little simpler i think | 16:51 |
kirkland | 20100209095431.GC16039@sage.bj.intel.com | 16:51 |
kirkland | barry: i'd like to white-list that user | 16:51 |
kirkland | barry: and i'm looking for the 1 other | 16:51 |
barry | kirkland: once that message is approved, they automatically get whitelisted | 16:51 |
barry | kirkland: please send me an email with the message-ids of the messages you want to allow and i will try to get some losa time to figure out how to clear your queue | 17:02 |
kirkland | barry: i can't find them; just clear out everything | 17:02 |
kirkland | barry: and i'll hope for spamassassin in the future | 17:02 |
kirkland | barry: and i'll apologize profusely to the legit users who's messages have been blocked | 17:03 |
barry | kirkland: cool | 17:03 |
kirkland | barry: thanks for your help | 17:03 |
barry | kirkland: this is for the ~ecryptfs-devel mailing list, right? | 17:04 |
kirkland | barry: yessir | 17:09 |
kirkland | barry: though ~ecryptfs-users is equally fscked | 17:09 |
barry | kirkland: what is it about crypto that brings out the spammers and crazies? :) | 17:11 |
mtaylor | is there no way to get at blueprints via launchpad lib? | 17:46 |
maxb | mtaylor: AFAIK, the answer is if it's not on https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc, it's not possible | 17:46 |
maxb | I can quite believe that no one got around to exposing blueprints APIs | 17:47 |
mtaylor | maxb: lovely... there is an object in that api called specification, but the docs for it refer to bugs | 17:47 |
mtaylor | maxb: even though there is a bug object | 17:47 |
mtaylor | maxb: I'm gonna go with "no one got around to exposing it" | 17:48 |
persia | maxb: I thought the answer was "If it's not in +apidoc, patches to expose it would be welcome"? | 17:49 |
maxb | s/not possible/not possible yet/ :-) | 17:50 |
micahg | I seem to be having trouble deleting bug watches | 19:14 |
micahg | it seems that only admins can delete watches with comments imported | 19:28 |
YokoZar | Maybe I'm a complete nit, but has the upstream bug linking been completely moved somewhere? I can't figure out how to link an upstream bug on edge atm | 20:02 |
micahg | YokoZar: also affects project | 20:03 |
YokoZar | I click Also Affects Project -> see no place to enter URL for upstream bug (this is where I used to do it). I click "Also Affects Distribution" and if I paste the link in the url box there I'm told that Ubuntu uses launchpad. | 20:03 |
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micahg | YokoZar: you need to select the project | 20:04 |
YokoZar | micahg: Why? Launchpad used to figure that automatically from the bug url. It's also not helpful that Wine is on the 4th page of the search results for "Wine" | 20:05 |
micahg | YokoZar: no, it only works if the upstream is set, is this for wine in Ubuntu? | 20:05 |
YokoZar | Yeah | 20:07 |
micahg | YokoZar: wine or wine1.2? | 20:08 |
YokoZar | micahg: ah hah, that's the issue, I hadn't set the upstream project for wine1.2 yet I think | 20:09 |
micahg | YokoZar: yep, it's not set | 20:09 |
YokoZar | now how to actually do that... | 20:09 |
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micahg | YokoZar: I'll take care of it, but it's done on the package page by clicking the set upstream link | 20:10 |
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* lamont has a question on archive publishing... | 21:13 | |
lamont | lets say I had something like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20090513 and a pile of disk.. does launchpad have the ability to give me an apt repo with the contents of that packaged up pretty, ala archive.u.c? | 21:14 |
lamont | wgrant: around? | 21:14 |
wgrant | wgrant: I am. | 21:14 |
wgrant | lamont: You cannot publish that archive without code changes. | 21:14 |
wgrant | Small changes, but changes all the same. | 21:14 |
lamont | wgrant: know now that I have a big pile of disk and a fat pipe to the librarian that want to do just that. sometime this month. | 21:15 |
lamont | well, with a copy of lucid, but still..... | 21:15 |
lamont | I'd even settle for a chunk of launchpad-lib abusing code to rip URLs to fetch debs and src files from to craft such an archive | 21:15 |
wgrant | That disk might well have to be on cocoplum. Let me check. | 21:16 |
lamont | mcmurdo, but whatever. | 21:16 |
wgrant | I mean, there may be Soyuz limitations that restrict it to being published to cocoplum. | 21:16 |
lamont | ah, well. surviviable | 21:17 |
lamont | albeit with much grumbling | 21:17 |
wgrant | Although I may be wrong. | 21:18 |
lamont | (as in, "I'LL FILE BUGS, dammit....") | 21:18 |
* wgrant is hunting. | 21:18 | |
lamont | ew. that whole thing is "binary packages awaiting publication" | 21:19 |
wgrant | Yes. | 21:19 |
wgrant | The key bit is whether process-accepted is running over that yet. | 21:19 |
wgrant | It's not. | 21:20 |
wgrant | So you could publish it just about anywhere. | 21:20 |
lamont | \o/ | 21:20 |
wgrant | Assuming you can convince Soyuz to schedule it... | 21:20 |
lamont | are the steps to do that documented somewhere I can see? | 21:20 |
wgrant | It involves hacking some code to allow publishing COPY archives, and mangling DB permissions, so no. | 21:21 |
lamont | for this round, I'd accept an SQL query that gave me a dump of what URLs to grab from the librarian and what to call them in the archive... I'm not picky | 21:22 |
lamont | though doing it with lplib would be far preferable | 21:22 |
lamont | to sql, that is | 21:22 |
wgrant | You can do it through launchpadlib. | 21:22 |
wgrant | But it would make Launchpad cry, I think. | 21:23 |
lamont | cry how? load, or because it got left out of the loop? | 21:23 |
wgrant | You should really talk to Soyuz and see how quickly they can get this done... | 21:23 |
mwhudson | load | 21:23 |
wgrant | Load. | 21:23 |
lamont | the goal is to temporarily publish that, not permanently... | 21:23 |
wgrant | You'd be making tens of thousands of expensive calls. | 21:23 |
lamont | 15000 :-D | 21:23 |
lamont | that's only 1.5 tens of thousands. | 21:24 |
wgrant | *2 due to the two archs? | 21:24 |
lamont | oh meh | 21:24 |
lamont | *6 | 21:24 |
lamont | how ugly an sql query would it be? | 21:24 |
wgrant | It was only a two-arch rebuild. | 21:24 |
lamont | ah, well that's nice of us | 21:25 |
lamont | in the future fantasy land, I expect ports will want to play along, too | 21:25 |
wgrant | Nobody really want to DoS the distro builders for months. | 21:25 |
lamont | yeah - before ports got to play, I'd have to finish up the "let's use the livecd buildd as a buildd when it's not building livecds" thing | 21:25 |
lamont | 50% more buildds for ia64/ppc/sparc could do nothing but help | 21:26 |
wgrant | Plus ideally restrict the rebuild to a subset of the available builders. | 21:26 |
lamont | wgrant: it's not enough that it scores below universe? | 21:26 |
wgrant | lamont: Not if you get three long-running builds on the builders at once. | 21:27 |
lamont | right | 21:27 |
lamont | well, restricted pools should be there soon, we just need to have it htb-ized | 21:28 |
lamont | a dedicated subset of buildds for the rebuild-test, and all of the buildds for the main archive. | 21:28 |
wgrant | So, the SQL to get what you want isn't terribly difficult. | 21:28 |
wgrant | But you might as well just get archivepublisher hacked up to do what you want. It's not that difficult, and would surely make things a little less messy. | 21:29 |
wgrant | The need isn't going to go away, so it might as well be fixed properly now. | 21:29 |
lamont | who is the right person for me to lean on? | 21:30 |
wgrant | bigjools | 21:30 |
lamont | cool | 21:31 |
lamont | brb | 21:31 |
noctiphile | Was it ever determined why after upgrading to 9.10 so many lost their wireless connections? | 21:35 |
Ursinha | noctiphile: hmm, I guess you should ask in #ubuntu instead | 21:35 |
Ursinha | noctiphile: this is a Launchpad related stuff channel | 21:35 |
noctiphile | I'm about to post the problem in Launchpad if there isn't a quick answer to the question. | 21:36 |
wgrant | Try asking in #ubuntu. | 21:37 |
Ursinha | noctiphile: that's ok, considering Ubuntu bug tracker is in Launchpad :) | 21:37 |
wgrant | Launchpad has nothing to do with your wireless! | 21:37 |
Ursinha | noctiphile: but still, you'll hardly have your answer here just because this isn't an Ubuntu channel :) | 21:38 |
lamont | launchpad doesn't get to use wireless | 21:41 |
wgrant | You know, I really hate custom uploads. | 21:42 |
wgrant | They make everything so much harder. | 21:42 |
persia | custom uploads? | 21:43 |
wgrant | Binary uploads that contain stuff like debian-installer or translations tarballs. | 21:44 |
wgrant | They way they are implemented is a little inconvenient, as they are only published to disk once, at accept time. | 21:45 |
jcastro | kfogel: ping | 21:53 |
jcastro | thumper: ping | 21:54 |
thumper | jcastro: hi | 21:54 |
jcastro | hi! | 21:55 |
jcastro | seg|ars is writing an article about launchpad for ars technica | 21:55 |
thumper | jcastro: yes... | 21:55 |
jcastro | and I need to link him up with you folks, as his deadline got assigned to tonight, he doesn't have time for a full interview, so an insightful quote of somekind would be useful. | 21:55 |
thumper | jcastro: quote about what? | 21:56 |
jcastro | basically an insight on which aspects of lp you think are the most compelling enablers of collaboration | 21:56 |
thumper | hmm... | 21:57 |
thumper | when is his deadline? | 21:57 |
thumper | jcastro: as in, how many hours? | 21:57 |
jcastro | seg|ars: ^^^ | 21:57 |
seg|ars | thumper: what aspect of LP do you think has had the biggest impact on the way that users collaborate on software development? | 21:57 |
seg|ars | I've got until about 10pm | 21:57 |
thumper | seg|ars: well, 10pm for me is another 11 hours away, how long do you have? | 21:58 |
seg|ars | I have about 8 hours | 21:58 |
thumper | ok | 21:58 |
thumper | seg|ars: my thoughts come much more from a code hosting point of view, whereas if you asked kfogel he may have others too | 21:59 |
seg|ars | that's cool | 21:59 |
jcastro | thumper: yeah I was hoping to snag as many of you from different parts as possible | 21:59 |
thumper | seg|ars: I think that the way that launchpad can be project focused rather than just person focused helps a lot as it is easy to see branches from other contributors | 22:00 |
thumper | seg|ars: bzr integrates really nicely with launchpad, and allows anyone to commit to their own branch | 22:00 |
thumper | seg|ars: and still have it related to a project | 22:00 |
thumper | seg|ars: the way we have code reviews integrated suggest to developers that they should think about it | 22:00 |
thumper | seg|ars: people can propose their branches for merging easily, and the right people get notified | 22:01 |
thumper | seg|ars: conversations can then ensue around the proposed changes with a view to getting contributions into mainline | 22:01 |
thumper | seg|ars: I have to head out for a bit, but will be around later to address more comments | 22:03 |
seg|ars | thanks, I appreciate your comments | 22:03 |
thumper | seg|ars: ping | 23:51 |
seg|ars | hey | 23:53 |
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk |
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