
LimCoreis there some count in user's profile on LP related to patches that made it into ubuntu or upstream? like in karma00:08
Jordan_UThe instructions given in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/453579/comments/200, "dd if=<iso name> of=/dev/<ext*4* partition>/<some file name> bs=512MB " are potentially dangerous since it suggests outputting to the device node in /dev itself rather than a file on that filesystem. Is it an over reaction to post a comment prominently warning against following these directions?00:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 453579 in linux (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 3 other projects) "in-place corruption of large files *without fsck or reboot* reported with linux 2.6.31-14.46 on ext4 (affects: 22) (dups: 1)" [Critical,Triaged]00:14
LimCoreJordan_U: imho, users are likelly to make mistakes following instructions, and user-data-loss is horrible always00:15
ali12341that wouldn't even work, would it?00:15
Jordan_Uali12341, In most cases it would just result in a syntax or permissions error00:15
ali12341file not found, i would have thought?00:16
LimCorehmm since when /dev/partition/filename  will work?00:16
Jordan_Uali12341, Depends on what they write. /dev/sda1/filename would be file not found, and /dev/sda1 /filename would give unknown option "/filename"00:16
Jordan_UThat's why I am wondering if a prominent warning is appropriate or not00:17
ali12341it looks like a typo to me, they didn't mean to write /dev/ at all00:18
Jordan_Uali12341, I have no doubt that the author didn't mean that, but it is what people will read and try to follow00:19
ali12341i'd say it is appropriate then00:19
Jordan_UDoes "**WARNING** Do not run the dd command in the above comment **WARNING**" and an explanation seem reasonable?00:22
Jordan_UOr is there anyone that could just fix the original comment?00:23
LimCorebug #519083 - svn security. I would like to fix it and with your help push it to ubuntu quickly :)00:24
ubot4LimCore: Bug 519083 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/519083 is private00:24
persiaComments may not be edited.00:24
wgrantThe only way to edit comments is with SQL, and that facility is not used lightly.00:24
LimCorenow public00:24
ali12341huh, rhett trappmann has touched this bug too... crazy00:24
wgrantHas he still just the two accounts?00:25
ali12341well, he has one less now i think00:25
wgrantBoth are suspended.00:26
LimCorewhat is his account name on LP?00:26
wgrantAnd 12056-wikianswers00:27
hggdhyes. So far00:27
LimCoreno page with such address https://bugs.launchpad.net/~r12056   by suspended you ment deleted + with all trace removed?00:28
wgrantSuspended accounts are not visible in the web UI.00:28
wgrant(You can tell that an account is suspended because it says 'Page gone' rather than 'Page not found'.)00:29
hggdhI really wish he would pop in here so we could talk with him00:31
wgrantThat would be pleasant.00:31
LimCoreok guys, actually it's me :o00:32
hggdhLimCore: right now, if you say this, you will be gone in a jiff00:32
LimCorehehe no Im joking00:32
LimCoreall of mine bug reports make sense, and nothing like missing keyboard ;)00:33
LimCoremost of my report are very helpfull I hope00:33
LimCorewhat did he do, created nonsense reports?00:39
hggdhwent on assigning bugs to random people/teams, nominating everything, etc00:45
LimCoreyou could develop some anti-spam tools, or update existing00:47
LimCoreif something then perhaps I can help review some ideas00:47
yofelthere was a nonsense report I think, but the nonsense bug-elevation-team was more entertaining00:47
LimCoreperhaps allow given actions only after some time and creating a few bug reports (that where not deleted right after)00:48
hggdhnot really. Doing something like that would mean closing LP more. I would rather have it open and deal with the problems we find -- which are rare, BTW00:48
LimCorebug-elevation-team  ?00:48
LimCorehggdh: there is _1_ thing that new-LP-users want to do (quickly) - report/comment a bug.  All else doesnt have to be super-open.00:49
yofelLimCore: he created a team and  invited just about every team he could find into it (including the admins etc.) and set 'Ubuntu Bugs' as the owner00:49
LimCoredon't you have option to send a PM to user or something, and ask him to contact you as you said; or just email?00:51
Jordan_UOk, I am about to post this to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/453579 if it looks OK : http://pastebin.com/m666af34e00:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 453579 in linux (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 3 other projects) "in-place corruption of large files *without fsck or reboot* reported with linux 2.6.31-14.46 on ext4 (affects: 22) (dups: 1)" [Critical,Triaged]00:55
hggdhinteresting. I cannot start firefox anymore00:56
micahghggdh: which version?00:58
hggdhooohhhh xul-ext-firegpg is the culprit00:58
hggdhI have it again. micahg want me to open a bug on it?00:59
* micahg thinks there is a bug01:00
hggdhk. This was with the brand-new, just-put-available firegpg01:00
micahghggdh: yeah, 0.7.9 should support 3.601:02
micahg64 bit?01:02
LimCoreoh dear god01:02
LimCorewhat it is with firefox plugins and failures on 64bit01:02
LimCoreit's not year 200501:02
micahgLimCore: upstream doesn't always support it01:02
LimCorefirebug, bugzilla and now you say also firegpg01:02
micahgalso there still aren't any official 64 bit builds of FF01:03
micahgbut soon01:03
hggdhmicahg: yes, 64, and 0.7.1001:03
micahghggdh: no idea01:07
LimCorekde ssl information should allow to copy-past the text. what package to report against?01:08
micahghggdh: makes sense, no xulrunner 1.9.201:08
micahghggdh: please file a bug and subcribe me01:08
hggdhdarn. micahg I cannot, I am using ffox from the mozillateam ppa01:10
hggdhubuntu-bug spits it away01:10
hggdhI *can* got straight into LP...01:11
micahghggdh: no, file against firegpg, not firefox01:14
micahghggdh: it needs to be rebuilt once xul192 is uploaded01:16
micahgwhich needs to happen this week01:17
micahgalong with TB301:17
* micahg will be back later01:17
LimCoreanyone uses apt-cacher? I want to confirm bug 516500.01:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 516500 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher sometimes dissallows to download given packages untill cache is fixed. Failed to fetch (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51650001:37
kklimondaheh, is wubi really officially supported? /me is looking at bug 47710402:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 477104 in grub2 (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 3 other projects) "After 9.10 grub update can not boot into Wubi install (affects: 125) (dups: 9)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47710402:23
nigel_nbkklimonda, yep.  It is.  Its on every ubuntu cd I believe02:23
crimsunsorry for the bug spam; I have about 200 more PA bugsto close tonight02:29
crimsunalready closed ~10002:29
crimsun(all resolved in Lucid)02:29
nigel_nbcrimsun, that is a *lot* of bugs :)02:37
nigel_nbhats off to you buddy :)02:37
nigel_nbcan "Bug Squad" now see private bugs?02:41
kklimondanigel_nb, I don't think so02:42
nigel_nbkklimonda, well, I seem to be able to02:42
nigel_nbkklimonda, are you on bug squad?02:42
kklimondayes - but I'm also a member of bug control so I won't be able to confirm it02:43
nigel_nblemme hunt for someone who's not on bug squad02:43
wgrantnigel_nb, kklimonda: You cannot magically see private bugs.02:45
wgrantPrivate bugs are visible to their subscribers.02:45
wgrantIf you're not in the subscriber list or ~admins, you cannot see the bug.02:45
nigel_nbwell, I'm not sure if I'm a subscriber either02:45
hggdhbug-control gets to some via crash-bug-triagers02:46
nigel_nbwait ubuntu-bugs is subscribed, I think I'm in there02:46
nigel_nbah, figured it out02:47
nigel_nbI'm subscribed to ubuntu desktop bugs....02:47
hggdhI think ubuntu-bugs work work via bug-control, not bug-squad02:47
wgranthggdh: Right.02:47
nigel_nbhggdh, yes.  ubuntu-bugs is via bug control02:48
wgrant(otherwise Rhett would have stil had privileges over the team)02:48
nigel_nbhggdh, but desktop bugs is open and subsrcribed here02:48
wgrantnigel_nb: Which bug?02:48
nigel_nbwgrant, bug 51880602:49
ubot4nigel_nb: Bug 518806 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/518806 is private02:49
nigel_nbit is kinda funny.  the guy attached a pdf02:49
nigel_nband later realized its illegal02:49
nigel_nband made it private02:49
wgrantAh, so, making a bug private will automatically subscribe any implicit subscribers (those under 'Also notified')02:50
wgrant(this is not the case for a bug that starts private)02:50
nigel_nbwgrant, another bug in malone?02:50
hggdhwgrant: I think what happened was the bug started public -- so "also notified02:52
hggdhgot subscribed. After that, they were already there02:53
wgranthggdh: That's right.02:53
wgrantnigel_nb: Not a bug.02:53
nigel_nbit is supposed to work that way?02:53
wgrantPerhaps not exactly desirable in all circumstances, but there is no really good solution.02:53
wgrantThey've already been notified about the bug, so there's no extra disclosure.02:54
wgrantAnd if it didn't work like that, bugs would vanish from all but the reporter if they were quickly made private.02:54
nigel_nbah :)02:54
nigel_nbso, we live with it.02:57
nigel_nbI'll remove the attachment from this guy ;)02:57
hggdhnigel_nb: about desktop-bugs... this is not really a problem. Keep in mind you do *not* need to belong to any team to work with bugs02:57
nigel_nbhggdh, I thought I'd get mails about every bug02:58
nigel_nbapparently, it doesn't work thta way02:58
nigel_nbhggdh, I was going to remove myself.  I *thought* it might be something like gnome bugs.  Now I have to subscribe to packages I understand02:59
hggdhyes, you do. Otherwise we would be completely submerged in email03:00
nigel_nbhggdh, I got filters set and ready ;)03:00
hggdhnigel_nb: I am talking about 10k bugs per month (low-balling it), and *all* comments and changes03:01
nigel_nbhggdh, oh .... OH03:01
hggdhjust subscribe to the ubuntu-bugs ML... you will understand what I am talking about in 1 week, tops03:01
nigel_nboh no thanks03:01
* kklimonda was subscribed to desktop bugs for a while03:01
nigel_nbonly brian can deal with that thing03:01
hggdhI very much doubt he does it :-)03:02
persiaAnd even then, only with support from automation03:02
kklimondahggdh, he did in the past03:02
hggdhyes. And a *lot* of disk space03:02
kklimondaand a well configured mutt ;)03:03
hggdhkklimonda: in the past we did not have 10k bugs per month. I was subscribed to the ML for a while, then03:03
* wgrant was subscribed back in 2006.03:04
wgrantIt was managable.03:04
nigel_nbhggdh, removed the offending pdf and I'm marking it confirmed and public03:05
wgrantNote that the PDF is still accessible.03:05
hggdhnigel_nb: thank you. I *could* have removed it, but I was not sure I should03:05
wgrantAnd will be for several days.03:05
hggdhbut there is nothing we can do... until we get to have private attachments03:06
nigel_nbhggdh, reflects poorly on us if an illegal copy of a book is around for everyone to download03:06
hggdhI agree03:06
nigel_nbhggdh, bah, ran into trouble now03:10
nigel_nbhggdh, that bug isn't confirmable on other pdfs03:10
hggdhnigel_nb: the OP will find another PDF, or create a video, or whatever03:11
nigel_nbgood idea03:11
nigel_nbhggdh, trouble is... I set to confirmed :(03:13
hggdhnigel_nb: just put it back to Incomplete, and explain why03:15
hggdhno problems03:15
* nigel_nb feels stupid03:16
nigel_nbhggdh, um, what should I be doing to get into bug squad? been some time.  It me only yday.03:17
nigel_nberr... bug control03:17
hggdhand I have been monitoring you ;-)03:18
hggdhhave not seen any new upstream to b.g.o03:18
nigel_nbhaven't seen any upsteamable bugs either :(03:18
hggdhnigel_nb: you are almost there03:18
hggdhI would just like a bit longer, for you to feel more confortable03:19
hggdhyour time is coming03:19
nigel_nbI'll try to score 200 bugs ;)03:20
nigel_nbi'm at 110 now I tink03:20
ddecatorhggdh, what is the likelihood that pedro has been watching my progress through emails? idk if you'll know or not, but i can get in contact with him lately03:20
hggdhyou mean you cannot, right03:21
ddecatori guess he's traveling for work03:21
hggdhddecator: might be. But the rest of us are here -- and watching you like eagles03:22
bdmurrayyes, he was in pdx last week and travelled back home over the weekend03:22
hggdhwell, in my case, an eagle with glasses03:22
nigel_nbddecator, there was dev sprint last week in portland (I think)03:22
ddecatorright, i'm just wondering when my time comes to consider bugcontrol, who would be the main one i should talk to? haha03:22
hggdhddecator: Pedro would be it03:23
ddecatoralright, thanks hggdh03:23
hggdhbut we can provide him with feedback also03:23
nigel_nbddecator, most of the time its micahg who helps me out (time difference)... doesn't really matter03:23
nigel_nbany thing you say here has logs... its kinda easy to grep03:24
ddecatornigel_nb, yah micahg helps me out a lot too since we're in the same loco, and he wants to train me for ff bugs03:24
ddecatornigel_nb, that's true...03:24
nigel_nbah :)03:25
nigel_nbbug 518840 is a feature right?03:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 518840 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "not returning to the previous song (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51884003:25
nigel_nbI mean.. it not really a bug....03:25
ddecatori was just looking at that, haha03:25
nigel_nbstandard feature in all players03:25
ddecatori'm gonna check the changelogs03:25
ddecatornigel_nb, he said it didn't happen before, so i'm checking the changelogs to see if they marked a change in that feature03:26
nigel_nbhggdh, a little bit of your evolution foo :) bug 51907903:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 519079 in evolution (Ubuntu) "Evolution STOPPED syncing with GMAIL (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51907903:27
DamasceneI tried all this didn't work for me03:30
nigel_nbDamascene, didn't you log a bug for it?03:30
Damasceneas I told to do for this bug:03:30
DamasceneI did but I asked to do something else to help03:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 518007 in udev (Ubuntu) "Asus Eee Function Keys (Hotkeys) are not working with Lucid 10.04 (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]03:31
nigel_nbDamascene, no reponse with any of the methods03:33
hggdhnigel_nb: seems to be a bug...03:34
nigel_nbhggdh, worthy of upstream?03:34
hggdhmake the bug private, and then ask the OP to run Evo in debug mode from the console. See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/bugs.shtml03:35
Damasceneno respond03:35
DamasceneI'm attaching a file right now with the method 2 results03:35
hggdhthe OP should run 'env CAMEL_DEBUG=all evolution > evo.log 2>&1', and then upload the evo.log03:36
hggdhbut make the bug private -- there will be private data being logged03:37
nigel_nbhggdh, okay :)03:37
hggdhand I am gone. G'night all03:37
ddecatorcya hggdh03:37
bcurtiswxLP just died on me03:38
bcurtiswxok its back.. <shrugs>03:39
nigel_nbbcurtiswx, just show it some love ;)03:39
Damascenenigel_nb, I've updated the bug report. may some one trigger it now?03:40
nigel_nbddecator, you checked chagelog in gnome or ubuntu?03:42
ddecatornigel_nb, whatever set of docs came from debian, i only know of one place where the changelogs are stored03:43
nigel_nbddecator, actually there are git comment messages03:43
nigel_nbbah.. commit messages03:44
nigel_nbif you go to git.gnome.org, it will let you browse, painstaking but possible ;)03:44
ddecatorthe changelog i checked was the "changelog.Debian.gz," but i'll check that site, thanks03:45
bcurtiswxis it possible to search multiple files for a string it includes?03:52
ddecatornigel_nb, i still couldn't find anything, but i don't see it as a bug03:53
nigel_nbbcurtiswx, in your file system?03:54
nigel_nbhm.. lemme chekc my bash history03:55
nigel_nbI tried it out last week03:55
nigel_nbbcurtiswx, grep -H -r “redeem reward” /home/tom03:55
nigel_nbbcurtiswx, that prints the file names with match03:56
ddecatornigel_nb, does apport-collect get crash reports?04:28
nigel_nbddecator, apport automatically gets triggered during crash04:29
micahgddecator: in lucid I think you can attach one to an existing bug04:29
ddecatormicahg, so apport launches automatically for firefox crashes in lucid? is that because it's still in development?04:30
micahgddecator: yes, it's off by default in stable releases, but you can enable it if you want04:30
micahgddecator: you can also use ubuntu-bug /path/to/crash_file04:31
ddecatormicahg nigel_nb, ah, i didn't know it got enabled in development releases. good to know04:31
nigel_nbmicahg, didn't you patch apport once?04:31
micahgmicahg: yes04:32
ddecatori'm guessing the self reference was an accident? haha04:32
* micahg talks to himself sometimes...04:32
micahgnigel_nb: yes04:33
nigel_nbmicahg, LOl04:33
ddecatorwait, i'm confused04:33
nigel_nbmicahg, I knew you were the apport expert04:33
micahgnigel_nb: I'm no expert04:33
micahgpitti and bdmurray are04:33
ddecatorit's good to know that apport is automatically on for firefox crashes in development releases, but nigel_nb that bug is on karmic04:33
nigel_nbwell..enough to patch it04:33
micahgnigel_nb: nah, it was patched in Lucid, I just backported the fix04:34
nigel_nbmicahg, ah :)04:34
nigel_nbddecator, bug number?04:34
micahgddecator: ubuntu-bug /path/to/crash04:34
ddecatorbug 51891304:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 518913 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox crashes constantly (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51891304:34
micahgddecator: problem with ff crashes is you can't report them with ff :)04:34
ddecatormicahg, i copied a comment you told me to use in a crash for ff before04:35
micahgddecator: yes, but if it won't stay open like this bug, it won't work04:35
* ddecator is confused04:35
micahgnigel_nb: also, you might not want that help -> report a problem thing on every bug as this user did with yelp04:36
micahgddecator: apport uses firefox, if firefox won't stay open for more than 5 seconds, you can't report with apport04:36
ddecatormicahg, but does apport-collect get crash info for ff if it's not on by default?04:37
nigel_nbmicahg, I wanted him to do that firefox04:37
nigel_nb*in* firefox04:37
micahgddecator: apport-collect doesn't add crash info in < lucid04:37
micahgnigel_nb: I think you meant about firefox04:38
ddecatormicahg, so since this is karmic...is there any way to get the crash info?04:38
micahgnigel_nb: I think what you did was fine04:38
micahgnigel_nb: no I was wrong04:38
micahgyou did mean for him to do that in FF04:38
micahgnigel_nb: but that's hard with this type of bug04:38
micahgI'm made the mistake myself many times04:38
nigel_nbmicahg, now its totally confusing04:38
ddecatoryah i'm completely lost...04:39
micahgnigel_nb: the 3rd paragraph of your post04:39
micahgreport a bug04:39
nigel_nbmicahg, I need to "read" the gm script.. second time I'm messing up04:40
micahgmy gm script doesn't have that...04:40
micahgnigel_nb: did you edit yours?04:40
ddecatormicahg, so i'm a little confused on this...enabling apport for a firefox crash will create a crash file, but then use firefox to upload to lp right after it just crashed?04:41
nigel_nbmicahg, nopes.  Its direct from the xml04:41
micahgddecator: if it's a rare crash in firefox, it's fine and normal, if it's the firefox crash where the browser won't stay open for > 5 seconds, it's impossible04:41
ddecatormicahg, i see...just seems weird to me that apport uses firefox to upload a firefox crash report haha, i thought it uploaded automatically on it's own without a browser04:42
micahgnigel_nb: are you using the deb apckage?04:43
nigel_nbmicahg, yeah04:43
micahgddecator: it uploads w/out it, the problem is submitting the bug with the crash info04:43
* micahg doesn't have an .xml file04:44
nigel_nbmicahg, the xml file is in bdmurray's people.ubuntu.com website04:44
micahgnigel_nb: BTW, that's the wrong firefox for Karmic04:44
ddecatormicahg, so the report is uploaded, but it needs firefox to actually submit the bug?04:45
* nigel_nb seems to be making only mistakes today04:45
micahgddecator: for the user to register the bug (subject, description)04:45
micahgnigel_nb: dont' worry :)04:45
ddecatormicahg, ah, i guess that makes more sense04:45
nigel_nbmicahg, 3.5 ?04:45
micahgsoon all will be firefox04:45
micahgyeah, I moved it...04:45
ddecatornigel_nb, it's nothing big nigel, i just wanted to know what the right method was for future reference =)04:46
micahgnigel_nb: the hooks are in the firefox-3.5 package04:46
nigel_nbmicahg, ah04:46
* micahg is happy launchpad code is back :)04:48
micahgbzr branch checkout was down earlier04:48
ddecatorhaha, yah i have no idea what that is...04:49
micahgcode branches stored in launchpafd04:49
ddecatorgood enough for me04:49
* micahg needs to prepare next versions of firefox...04:49
nigel_nbmicahg, logger head?04:49
nigel_nbor the host itself?04:50
micahgnigel_nb: I think that's the gui04:50
nigel_nboh, the backend was down too?04:50
nigel_nbyday loggerhead was down04:50
micahgnigel_nb: yes, I guess that's yesterday for you :)04:51
* nigel_nb is lazy to type yesterday04:51
nigel_nbespecially after a night of typing (my work involves plenty of typing anyway)04:52
* ddecator is getting tired and lost track on whether he hit his 5-a-day mark for today...04:52
nigel_nbddecator, check mail ;)04:53
nigel_nbeasiest way04:53
ddecatorwell i guess that depends, i'm assuming it's just doing -any- work on five different bugs?04:53
ddecatorwell, any real work...04:54
ddecatorif so, then yah i hit it easy, haha04:54
* ddecator is debating whether or not to get up early again tomorrow, or just wait for pedro to email him back04:55
* nigel_nb votes waiting or using memoserv04:56
nigel_nb /msg memoserv help04:57
ddecatorirc ceases to amaze me04:57
ddecatorlets see...04:57
ddecatorso i'm guessing i use "send <username> <message>"?04:58
nigel_nbwell.. /msg memoserv send help ;)04:59
giantpunehi guys.  i think i found a bug in ubuntu gnome and i could use sme help trying to fix it05:00
nigel_nbgiantpune, Hi, could you describe your problem.  We can help you file a bug report05:01
giantpunei right-clicked the bluetooth icon in the upper right and selected to remove it from the panel.  after that, the upper and lower "taskbar" panels just keep refreshing05:01
giantpunethey disappear and come back every 3 seconds05:01
nigel_nbgiantpune, which version of ubuntu are you running?05:02
giantpune9.10 x6405:02
nigel_nbgiantpune, odd.  I dont seem to have a "remove from panel for bluetooth"05:03
nigel_nbmicahg, are you on karmic amd64?05:03
micahgnigel_nb: yes05:03
giantpunethere is also one for the envelope icon which isup there beside it05:03
nigel_nbmicahg, do you see a "remove from panel" for bluetooth? I dont, but I'm on i386.. giantpune seems to have issues with it05:04
micahgnigel_nb: I don't have bluetooth and I'm running xubuntu05:04
nigel_nbmicahg, aah05:04
nigel_nbgiantpune, could describe in more detail what you mean by refreshing?05:05
giantpunefor some reason there were 2 bluetooth icons.  so i tried that to remove 1 of them and thats when it all went screwey05:05
nigel_nbthat does sound like an existing bug, but I dont remember the number05:05
giantpunethe panels show up like they do when the pc first starts.  then they vanish.  then they come back and then they vanish05:06
ddecatorwoot, it sent05:06
ddecatoranyway, what about a 64-bit bug?05:06
nigel_nbddecator, can you check your gnome panel to see if you can right click and say remove from panel?05:06
ddecatornigel_nb, what am i trying to remove?05:07
giantpunei eventually got it to let me logout and i logged in with "gnome-failsafe"  and it seems to be working fine now.  but i would like to fix the non fail-safe part05:07
nigel_nbddecator, erm, sorry.. bluetooth05:07
ddecatori don't have it installed right now, but one sec...05:07
ddecatorer...activated, haha05:07
nigel_nbgiantpune, go to your home folder, press ctrl H to view all folders and rename the .gconf folder.05:08
ddecatoryou can't remove it, but there is a "show bluetooth icon" option in preferences05:08
nigel_nbgiantpune, log out and login.  See if everything is normal.  if not log a bug05:08
nigel_nbddecator, ah, I thought so.05:08
nigel_nbddecator, seems like an existing bug..05:08
ddecatornigel_nb, wait, what's the bug?05:09
nigel_nbddecator, phantom icons05:09
nigel_nbddecator, 2 icon shows up.  when you try removing one, it messes everything up05:09
* ddecator has two accessibility icons on his panel05:10
nigel_nbbug 43944805:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 439448 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "notification area shows wrong icons. erratic behaviour (affects: 25) (dups: 2)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43944805:10
* ddecator removed the icon, and now xchat was removed as well?05:10
nigel_nbddecator, you shouldnt have removed05:10
nigel_nbit causes a mess when you remove05:10
ddecatornigel_nb, -shrug- i can always reset the panel05:10
nigel_nbheh ;)05:11
ddecatori've had to do it before, haha05:11
ddecatorbut yah, it's legit05:11
nigel_nbah, thats where the confidence comes from :p05:11
giantpuneso what is the proper way to reset this panel?05:11
ddecatornigel_nb, confidence? haha05:11
ddecatorgiantpune, let me check how i did it before...05:11
nigel_nbgiantpune, rename .gconf and logout.  Login back and should be okay.  but there is an upstream bug about it05:12
ddecatorthere you go05:12
giantpuneok.  let me see what this does05:12
ddecatorlet me see if it works...brb05:12
ddecatorreset to default05:13
nigel_nbddecator, :)05:13
ddecatori just had to remove the panel file, so it had to create a new one on login...haha, i've had to do this so many times, i've been testing software a lot longer than i've been triaging, so i'm getting decent at figuring this stuff out =p05:14
nigel_nbhehe :)05:15
ddecatordelete the bottom panel...autohide...delete the two icons...good to go =)05:15
ddecatorand only one accessibility icon ;)05:15
ddecatorso now what were you saying about confidence? i seem confident? haha05:15
nigel_nbddecator, only when things get screwed and you fix them, you get confidence...true?05:16
giantpuneok am i back?05:17
ddecatornigel_nb, yah i guess, i'm used to the kernel not mounting, nvidia getting screwed up..05:17
ddecatorgiantpune, did it work for you?05:17
nigel_nbgiantpune, working fine now?05:17
giantpunewell, it has stopped the panels crashing.  but now i have 2 volume icons05:17
giantpuneim afraid to try to change my volume now05:18
ddecatorgiantpune, did the panels get reset to their defaults though?05:18
ddecatorgiantpune, one volume icon should work fine, just don't remove either one, haha05:18
nigel_nbgiantpune, well, the 2 volumes is a known bug upstream like I said05:18
giantpuneit appears so.  all the extra icons i had stuck to the upper pannel are now gone05:18
DamasceneHello, any help with this05:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 519150 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "openoffice menus in menu bar is not visible in Ubuntu Netbook Edition (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]05:18
ddecatorgiantpune, yah, sorry about that...05:18
nigel_nbgiantpune, you can add your comments to bug 43944805:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 439448 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "notification area shows wrong icons. erratic behaviour (affects: 25) (dups: 2)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43944805:19
nigel_nbgiantpune, well, I got your panel reset, thats why.05:19
ddecatorDamascene, i don't have access to UNE, so i can't really help much with that05:19
nigel_nbDamascene, that is the default color05:19
giantpunehas the grub bug been fixed?05:20
nigel_nbgiantpune, which one/05:20
nigel_nbDamascene, or is that not the default color otherwise?05:20
giantpunewhen i first installed this version of ubuntu it worked fine.  then i did the update and it updated grub to grub 2 i think.  and grub2 couldnt load any filesystem05:20
giantpuneso i was stuck at grub205:21
Damasceneas I said the default color of UNE is black or dark gray05:21
nigel_nbeek! upgrade.05:21
nigel_nbDamascene, so black on white gray?05:21
giantpuneso ive been afraid to update anything for fear that it will not be able to start again05:21
Damascenefor the menu bar I mean but the problem only with openoffice05:21
ddecatorgiantpune, grub upgrades are risky and sometimes stuff like that happens just by chance. what version did you say you're running?05:21
giantpune1.97beta is what came with the ubuntu i downloaded.  then when it upgraded i got grub205:22
Damascenenigel_nb, it's black text on black background. there is screen shot05:23
nigel_nbDamascene, okay, the problem dawned on me now :)05:23
ddecatorDamascene, i heard Openoffice is planned to be removed from Lucid's UNE...doesn't help your bug, but just good to know05:23
ddecatorgiantpune, 1.97 beta is "grub2," if you run 'sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' is grub listed as one of the upgrades?05:24
Damasceneddecator, why it's just fine05:24
giantpuneyes.  it still wants me to update grub.  but i always tell it no05:24
ddecatorDamascene, not sure, here's what i saw http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/few-days-ago-we-shared-word-that.html05:24
ddecatorgiantpune, if you already have grub2 it shouldn't be a problem, but if you don't want to update it then you can use the update manager to just update everything else05:25
Damascenenigel_nb, can you triage it?05:25
nigel_nbDamascene, its not an open office bug per se.  Its your theme05:26
nigel_nbI'm trying to figure out where to change it05:26
Damascenebut all the other program are working fine05:26
ddecatorDamascene, i think the idea is that netbooks don't normally need a full office suite, so their trying to save room on the disc for other programs05:26
Damasceneand I could not change my theme. maybe it's another bug :)05:26
ddecatorDamascene, can you get into the OO options menu?05:26
Damasceneno options menu05:27
ddecatorDamascene, Tools -> Options... ?05:27
ddecatorgo there and select Appearance05:28
ddecatoryou should be able to change the colors from there so you can read everything05:28
Damasceneok but it still a bug right?05:29
ddecatorfor example, i had to change it so the background is white and the text is black since i use a dark theme05:29
ddecatorhard to tell if it would be considered one...05:29
giantpunealso, is there documentation somewhere about how to use the nVidia drivers?  I cannot understand what im supposed to do to get dual monitors to work properly05:29
ddecatorit might be more of a wishlist for better gtk+ support? what do you think nigel_nb ?05:30
ddecatorgiantpune, do you mean how to activate them?05:30
nigel_nbddecator, its just a theme going crazy.  its working fine on ubuntu05:30
giantpuneI have them installed and it is outputting video to both monitors, but i can only get 640X480 resolution on my second monitor05:31
ddecatornigel_nb, yah but OO doesn't play nice with dark themes usually, haha, but since it won't be in UNE for lucid idk if it's worth filing...maybe ask someone in the morning?05:31
nigel_nbthats best05:31
ddecatorgiantpune, System -> Administration -> NVIDIA X Server Settings05:31
ddecatorgiantpune, i know there are resolution settings in there, but idk if it'll support dual monitor05:32
ddecatornigel_nb, do you want to subscribe to it and ask tomorrow?05:32
giantpuneive tried messing with this, but it only lets me pick 640 resolution for the second monitor.  and it cannot save anything.  even if i start it with sudo05:33
ddecatorgiantpune, odd...but NVIDIA is tricky. maybe try asking on Ubuntu Answer's? or there may be someone who has already asked, you can search around a bit on there. if you don't find one, then you can post the question05:34
ddecatorgiantpune, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu05:35
punethanks a bunch05:36
punethanks again05:39
om26ershould this be made public? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/519050 there is not coredump but its not retraced06:14
ubot4om26er: Error: Bug #519050 is private.06:14
ddecatori'm not in bugcontrol so i can't help, sorry06:17
om26erany please this is a critical bug06:18
ddecatorpersia, you still around? ^06:19
ddecatorsorry, i'm not sure any other bugcontrol members are on right now06:22
crimsunthere are.06:25
crimsungranted, edge.lp seems to be timing out06:25
ddecatorah, hey crimsun06:25
nigelbabucrimsun, how many more to go?06:27
nigelbabu(out of the 200 more you said earlier)06:27
crimsunnigelbabu: I'm taking a break momentarily06:28
DamasceneI wonder how I can triage a bug. I've been here for almost a week and noon of my bugs have been triaged. are here any one who can triage a bug?06:29
ddecatorDamascene, are you talking about the bugs that you are reporting?06:29
om26erDamascene, give the links06:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 518007 in udev (Ubuntu) "Asus Eee Function Keys (Hotkeys) are not working with Lucid 10.04 (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]06:30
wgrantEr, Critical?06:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 519150 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "openoffice menus in menu bar is not visible in Ubuntu Netbook Edition (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]06:30
wgrantom26er: Why is that critical?06:30
om26erwgrant, because netbook launcher dont start for any one06:31
crimsunDamascene: why is that a udev bug/06:31
Damascenesome one here told me to report it against it06:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 215078 in xchat (Ubuntu) "xchat disconnect then reconnect loses channel info (affects: 1) (dups: 1)" [Low,Incomplete]06:33
crimsunlinux, not udev. triaged.06:33
Damascenethank you :)06:33
crimsunsomething must be wonky with chromium06:35
om26erDamascene, about openoffice bug its actually a bug in dust theme06:35
ddecatorwhy do you say that crimsun ?06:35
Damascenebut other programs are working fine06:35
crimsunddecator: because the LP notification showed up in the bug 21507806:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 215078 in xchat (Ubuntu) "xchat disconnect then reconnect loses channel info (affects: 1) (dups: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21507806:36
crimsun"The bug supervisor for linux (Ubuntu) has been subscribed to this bug."06:36
Damasceneany way to whose advice should I lessen before I report a bug? I always ask before I report. some times in #ubuntu+106:36
wgrantcrimsun: Known and practically unsolvable issue with LP.06:37
wgrantYay races.06:37
Damascenesome one should have voice in this channel06:38
crimsunoh, LP? Ok, I'm happy to blame LP, then.06:38
ddecatorDamascene, you don't necessarily have to ask here every time, just look on launchpad for if it is already reported (if it is, click that it affects you), otherwise report a new bug using these guidelines: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs06:39
ddecatorDamascene, just remember, all triagers have different specialties and amounts of experience, so sometimes bugs get instant help, sometimes they never get worked on, it just depends06:39
Damasceneas I see that I reported against false packages. that what I need help with06:41
crimsunDamascene: you aren't expected to know everything ;)06:42
Damascene:) right06:42
ddecatorDamascene, then you can just ask here in general. usually you will get the right answer, but if not we can easily change the affected package on the report. you can even just give your best guess if you want =)06:42
DamasceneOK. thank you very much06:43
* ddecator had to take out his contacts and is 6" away from his screen right now, pardon any typos -_-06:44
kermiaccrimsun: When you've got a sec can you pls have a quick look at bug 515422 & see if there's anything else I need to do? The OP has resolved the issue by adding a model quirk to alsa-base.conf07:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 515422 in linux (Ubuntu) "No sound after upgrading from 8.10 to 9.10 (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51542207:19
DamasceneI was going to report bug to request this feature http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/13132/ as I've been told07:53
Damasceneit's suggest that checkbox should have the ability to test function keys07:53
Damasceneso I wonder if I some one want to suggest improvement for program, where that should be? launchpad bugs or brainstorm ideas?07:55
thekornDamascene, I think the generall target for such improvement suggestions is upstream, the people who are developping the application in question,08:12
thekornand then it depends how upstream whould like to get this requests, via a mai to a mailinglist, via a bugreport, and so on.08:15
thekornIn the case of checkbox I think it is ok to file a bug at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/checkbox08:16
Damasceneok thank you08:19
nigel_nbcan someone set bug 449019 triaged? I reported it upstream08:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 449019 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "empathy doesn't display resource being used by xmpp contact (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44901908:20
thekornit already is triaged08:22
thekornoh om26er did it ;)08:22
nigel_nboh. well. that was fast08:23
nigel_nbthanks om26er :)08:23
om26ernigel_nb, welcome08:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 516555 in checkbox (Ubuntu) "Checkbox (System Testing) bypass Audio tests sometimes (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New]08:27
Damascenesome one have confirmed this in ubuntu+108:27
DamasceneI've updated the bug report08:27
Damascenejust try to test any thing and then get back to main menu without closing checkbox and the audio test will be passed08:28
kermiacDamascene: I just tried in Karmic & it does the same thing08:47
Damasceneso what are we going to do now?08:48
kermiacI'm looking to try & find a duplicate or at least something similar first08:52
kermiaccould be fun... searching for "checkbox" results in 1211 results :(08:53
thekornbug 472743 is maybe the related upstream bugreport08:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 472743 in checkbox "checkbox skips certain tests / does not return to defaults (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47274308:57
kermiachmm... sounds similar, but possibly not exactly the same09:03
kermiacin 516555 if you close checkbox it allows you to perform all tests. It's only if you perform the tests & skip back to the start that it will skip the audio tests. I think it needs further investigation09:05
kermiacas I said in ubuntu+1, this may be by design. checkbox *may* know that the sound tests have already been completed & that could explain why it skips that section of tests (in the same test session)09:07
kermiacbut i don't know checkbox well enough to say if it is or isn't by design09:08
kermiacI will confirm the bug for now & hopefully someone with more knowledge then me can shed some light on the issue09:08
Damascenekees, no09:09
Damasceneif you did disk test then skipped back and chose the audio test it will not do it09:10
thekornyou can also try to get in contact with the developers on #ubuntu-testing (esp. cr3 when he is around)09:10
Damasceneit will do the disk test only09:10
Damascenein this case it didn't do the audio test at all09:10
DamasceneI think the bug title should be changed to something else as we know better now09:11
kermiacok, I tend to think it may be a bug now. I skipped through the audio tests & went through the next few tests. Then I hit previous to go right back to the start where you select the tests & tried to start testing again. It *only* skipts the audio tests09:14
kermiacAfter you update the bug title & description now that we have more info I will confirm it Damascene09:15
LimCoreubuntu systems that use apt-cacher, can stop update the packages. bug #516500. Medium prio?09:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 516500 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher stops updates of random packages (Connection failed) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51650009:16
LimCoreplease set prio for bug #516500 anyone09:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 516500 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher stops updates of random packages (Connection failed) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51650009:20
thekornLimCore, you handed this bug to the security team by marking it as Security vulnerability, so I think they should decide about priority09:22
Damascenekermiac, "Checkbox (System Testing) bypass Audio test if you skiped from unfinished test" is this a good title09:45
kermiacI'm trying to get the wording right...09:47
kermiacperhaps "Checkbox (System Testing) bypasses the Audio Tests if you skip back & try to perform tests again" <-- I'm still not happy with that09:49
kermiacbut it's close to what we're trying to convey09:49
DamasceneI'll but it for now. it's better from mine any way09:50
kermiacDamascene: Do you mind if I edit your bug report to give more precise steps to reproduce. It is a little vague atm09:59
Damascenekermiac, you are more than welcome :)09:59
kermiacok, done. Can someone please mark bug 516555 as triaged, medium?10:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 516555 in checkbox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Checkbox (System Testing) bypasses the Audio Tests if you skip back & try to perform tests again (affects: 3)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51655510:03
kermiacDamascene: do you think "Checkbox (System Testing) bypasses the Audio Tests if you skip back & try restart the tests" would be an accurate title for that bug? I think it's probably better than what I suggested above10:11
kermiacIf you agree, I'll change it10:11
thekornkermiac, why medium and not low?10:12
thekornI really don't have an opinion, just want to understnd your idea10:12
kermiacjust thought that medium is the "safe" option :) & due to the testing going on in the Lucid cycle I thought medium would be appropriate as there is currently no workaround except to start the tests again. I actually would be happy with low or medium, but again "medium" is the safe option10:14
thekornok, the "no workaround" is a good argument ;)10:15
kermiacthanks thekorn :)10:17
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kermiacok, that's it from me for tonight. Good night all :)10:33
om26erif I want to add a package I just add my name at the wiki page? if someone has already adopted should I insert my name after a 'comma'10:48
om26erbug is reported against empathy but the upstream developer says that this feature is implemented in empathy but telepathy butterfly dont have this feature so should this be marked invalid against empathy? https://bugs.launchpad.net/telepathy-butterfly/+bug/51821611:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 518216 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "empathy doesn't support MSN group chat (affects: 1)" [Medium,Triaged]11:07
om26erelse change the ubuntu package to telepathy-butterfly?11:07
thekornom26er, yes, change the ubuntu package to telepathy,11:09
om26erthekorn, thanks11:10
thekornand change the status of the empathy (upstream) task to invalid by hand, as auto sync of status does not work ATM11:10
nigel_nbthekorn, is it a stand process to assign bugs to desktop team?11:10
nigel_nbstand = standard11:10
thekornoh, I don't think so11:12
nigel_nbhm, seen it often though11:12
thekornmy general opinion here is: don't assignee bugs to anybody unless you are member of this team, or you talked to them in any way11:13
thekornbut there might be a team policy, let me try to find out about it11:13
nigel_nbdesktop team seems to have 5600 associated bugs11:14
pedro_nigel_nb, if the package is any of the ones on this list: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs/+packagebugs11:16
pedro_nigel_nb, assign the bug if you sent it upstream for example11:17
pedro_so we can keep track of those as well11:17
nigel_nbpedro_, ah, thanks :)11:17
pedro_if you assign those to desktop-bugs we also receive email on the mailing list11:17
pedro_so it's easier for everybody who is part of that team to follow up11:17
nigel_nbI was part of that team hoping to get mails11:17
nigel_nbbut I didn't get any :(11:17
Damascenekermiac, yes it's better11:18
pedro_nigel_nb, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/desktop-bugs <- that's the mailing list if you want to subscribe11:19
thekornpedro_, so desktop team's policy is: whenever you send one bug to the upstream bugtracker assign the team, correct?11:20
thekornI think this should be documented somewhere as this is different to other workflows+11:21
pedro_thekorn, basically, yes11:22
zeroseven0183Hi! I'm not sure if someone already posted this "Bug# 399139 Mark elements as read" here. I think it should be classified as Wishlist.14:07
nautoCan someone help me figuring out if the following bug has already been reported? The launchpad search function isn't exactly accurate. I use an ATI card, with fglrx drivers, which worked fine for months. after a recent update, the ATI drivers didn't work anymore, so I had to reinstall the exact same (!) drivers. now Xorg has a huge memory leak, which makes it necessary to restart xorg every hour or so. it essentially makes Ubuntu unusable.14:09
nautoThe memory leak always occurs when minimizing and maximizing windows.14:10
yofelbug 39913914:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 399139 in gwibber "Mark elements as read (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39913914:11
nautoSo for example, if I minimize xchat and maximize again, I can watch Xorg gaining almost 50 MB, and it isn't freed.14:13
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hggdhbdmurray: pedro_ and I tried to set our wiki space to email all changes to bugSquad, but either it cannot be done, or we do not have the necessary access.15:36
hggdhdarn! messed up Bugs/Responses15:38
pedro_hggdh, i still don't find the way to do that15:41
pedro_probably we're lacking permissions15:41
hggdhpedro_: I *hope* we are. Otherwise it just cannot be done15:43
nautoCan someone help me figuring out if the following bug has already been reported? The launchpad search function isn't exactly accurate. I use an ATI card, with fglrx drivers, which worked fine for months. after a recent update, the ATI drivers didn't work anymore, so I had to reinstall the exact same (!) drivers. now Xorg has a huge memory leak, which makes it necessary to restart xorg every hour or so. it essentially makes Ubuntu unusable. T15:48
nautohe memory leak always occurs when minimizing and maximizing windows.15:48
micahgnauto: if you don't install the ATI drivers as a debian package, you have to reinstall after a kernel upgrade15:50
nautooh ok, well that explains that then.15:50
nautostill, the same drivers worked fine before, now something causes an Xorg memory leak. I don't know if it's a problem with Xorg or with the drivers.15:51
nautoI tend to think it's not the drivers' fault, since they worked correctly before.15:51
cjohnstonHave we had any more Rhett issues, or has he contacted anyone?15:51
micahgnauto: there might be a problem w/the drivers too idk15:53
micahghggdh: are we doing a meeting today?16:00
hggdhmicahg: IDK, hope so16:00
thekornhey bugsquad!16:01
bdmurraytoday is the 2nd tuesday right?16:02
yofel_meh, stupid timing for a reconnect16:02
yofel_well, I'm here ;)16:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* thekorn too16:03
yofelbdmurray: it is16:03
hggdhah well. Just refused another candidate to bug-control16:03
* micahg thinks he'll add the meeting to the fridge for next month16:04
hggdher. I correct myself. I did not refuse, just gave a -116:05
hggdhpretty good idea, micahg16:05
hggdhmorning/afternoon, thekorn16:05
bdmurraymicahg: and at a reminder e-mail?16:05
micahgbdmurray: I could set it up to e-mail the ML with a reminder16:06
thekorngood morning hggdh16:06
yofelreminder mail would be a good idea, I almost forgot about it16:06
thekornso, who chairs todays meeting ? ;)16:07
bdmurrayI will16:07
bdmurrayThe first item on today's agenda is about "bugs regarding obsolete (removed?) packages" by micahg16:08
micahgwow, that's been a while....16:09
micahgso, if a package is removed from the devel release, do we have a policy about bugs?16:09
micahgI would assume non-SRUable bugs should be closed16:09
micahgbut I don't think there was a written policy anywhere16:10
bdmurrayYes, that sounds about right.  I'm looking for a couple of e-mails.16:10
bdmurraybug 495216 would be a good place to start if you want to work on this16:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 495216 in ubuntu "mass removal of old and unpopular packages (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49521616:10
micahgalso, we should probably note, that this doesn't necessarily apply to versioned source pacakges16:10
bdmurrayand a response like "$pkg_name has been removed by Ubuntu because of ....  While your bug repot is valid we are setting it to Won't Fix since the software is no longer included in Ubuntu."16:11
micahgbdmurray: sounds good16:12
yofel'sun-java6' would be affected too as it was removed in lucid, right?16:12
micahgyofel: well...that's pretty SRUable for security updates16:13
bdmurrayI've a script somewhere for finding packages removed from the archive if someone is really interested16:13
micahgbut in terms of feature requests, for sure16:13
yofelmicahg: didn't we talk about non-SRUable stuff?16:13
micahgyofel: yeah16:13
bdmurraymicahg: Do you have anything else on this topic?16:14
micahgbdmurray: I wonder if there's a way to flag in LP about this16:15
bdmurraymicahg: what do you mean / have in mind?16:15
micahgbdmurray: warn people before they submit new bugs about the guidelines for the package (only major/security fixes)16:16
bdmurraywell there are the package bug filing guidelines. ;-)16:16
micahgbdmurray: right, but normally we take all types of bugs, I think if we can stop people before they submit a bug that will never be fixed, it will be less of a let down16:17
bdmurrayYes, I'm saying we can put a message in the package bug filing guidelines for those specific packages not to file bug reports.16:17
yofelwell, as the package is removed and most bugs are now reported with apport this shouldn't be much of an issue as apport will refuse to report a bug16:17
micahgbdmurray: ah, who can edit those?16:18
bdmurraymicahg: I think only a very small subset of people can (including me), but it's quite easy to script it.16:18
micahgyofel: ubuntu-bug on the stable release should still allow bug submission16:18
bdmurraymicahg: so if you come up with a message I'd be happy to set them.16:18
yofelmicahg: oh, you're right, meh...16:19
bdmurrayOkay, so all square there?16:20
micahgI think so16:20
bdmurrayokay another micahg topic then ;-) mention of #ubuntu-bugs in LP16:21
micahgbdmurray: I was thinking to have some mention of the channel WRT asking about bugs rather than causing more bugmail with what's the status16:22
bdmurraymicahg: So when viewing a bug or reporting a bug?16:23
thekornI think it would be nice to have "bug triaging guidlines" (similar to "bug reporting guidlines") on a per package basis in launchpad16:23
micahgbdmurray: viewing I think16:23
bdmurrayThe only thing we could easily change would be the ubuntu bug filing guidelines.16:23
micahgthekorn: I'd prefer bug commenting guidelines ;)16:23
thekornok, both then ;)16:24
hggdhwhy not both?16:24
micahgsee bug 51826116:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 518261 in malone "user with low karma should get an alert before being allowed to comment (affects: 5)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51826116:24
hggdhoh. Too late16:24
thekornalways keep in mind, it's not always people with low karma writing stupid things ;)16:25
persiaIn fact, leaving lots of "me too" comments generates karma.16:26
bdmurraymicahg: what exactly do you want to have happen since this is a Launchpad change?16:26
bcurtiswxthekorn: don't talk about me like that :P16:26
hggdhthe problem is that karma reflect *current* work levels. OK, normalised, and all of that. Still, I can have 0 karma16:26
thekornbcurtiswx, haha16:27
vishi would think it should be combined with Bug #414401 , user's just leave a comment and dont subscribe to the bug16:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 414401 in malone "Automatically subscribe users to bug mail when they post a comment (affects: 1)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41440116:27
qenseDid I miss the meeting?16:28
hggdhqense: going on16:28
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
micahgbdmurray: I'm not sure exactly, maybe something at the top of all Ubuntu bug pages saying to check w/ #ubuntu-bugs on freenode for bug updates16:30
* micahg is sorry, battery died16:30
qensemicahg: You suggest to add it too wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Header ?16:31
bdmurraymicahg: okay16:31
bdmurrayIs there anything else on this topic?16:32
micahgqense: might not be a bad idea16:33
micahgI don't think so16:33
bdmurraymicahg: is there an reported bug about Launchpad for this?16:35
micahgbdmurray: i don't think so16:35
bdmurraymicahg: Okay, if you report one lets us know.16:38
bdmurrayAre there any other topics for this meeting?16:38
vish... wanted to mention the recent issue with un-upstreamed bugs being marked as "incomplete" [and accidentally wrongly closed when they expire?], several members mentioned here that the status is misleading and we could rather mark it as "confirmed" instead.. probably tag it "needs upstreaming" ?  [the folks who discussed it are probably doing it now , but maybe we could mention it to others as well? and mention it on the wiki]16:38
persiaI'd like to second that.16:39
bdmurraywell, tagging it needs-upstreaming seems redundant as it is possible to open an upstream task w/o a bug watch16:40
persiaMaybe just not marking them incomplete?16:40
qenseWhat do you guys think of the proposal I sentt ot he mailist to ask triagers to open an emtpy bug watch as soon as they move a bug to Confirmed?16:40
vishgood point , yeah the incomplete is the bad part ;)16:40
bdmurrayYes, I don't see why it would be incomplete if it was an upstream issue16:40
persiaqense: I don't think that's useful for all bugs: lots of the bugs I end up doing something to should not be upstreamed.16:41
bdmurrayAnd it should be tested w/ the upstream version...16:41
persiaFor extra points, certainly :)16:41
qensepersia: that is a problem with it indeed16:41
qensebut we could say that they only should open an empty bug if their common sense tells them it makes sesne16:42
bdmurraywell I think we should be more specific than "common sense" and have some guidelines to help people ;-)16:44
qenseof course16:45
qenseBut I do think that it could be very useful in situations where it is an upstream issue and it is straightforward to forward the bug upstream16:45
persiaI think adding a guideline to test with the upstream version should be an important part of that.16:46
bdmurrayWell, if it were straight forward it would have be forwarded I hope. ;-)16:46
persiaOtherwise we end up darkening our reputation "You guys keep sending us bugs that we fixed months ago..."16:46
bdmurrayBut regardless opening an upstream task is a good idea.16:46
qensean empty bug task doesn't do anything upstream yet16:46
qensebut it does make the bug show up on specific searches16:47
persiaI guess.  I'm just not convinced that lots of bugs are upstream.  Lots of things seem to happen because of our packaging or our patches.16:47
qensepersia: Agreed. One guideline should be: only if it clearly is upstream.16:47
persiaDepends on the package, of course :)16:47
hggdhand this is the point where knowledge of upstream may help differentiate, persia16:47
qenseI just would like the affected bugs to show up on the need-forwarding searches.16:48
persiaqense: How do we determine that without having people test against unpackaged upstream?16:48
bdmurrayOr "if you think this is an upstream issue and want a 'bug forwarder' to check whether or not it exists upstream"16:48
qenseHowever, there is an issue with those searches that all empty bug tasks are currently counted as an empty bug watch for all packages. This could hinder when there are multiple affected products and packages.16:48
persiahggdh: Very much so.16:48
hggdhmy major worry is indiscriminate upstreaming16:48
qensepersia: bdmurray answered that now16:48
qensehggdh: that is indeed something we should take care of16:49
persiabdmurray: That seems a good middle ground, as it saves on the hand-holding to test against uppackaged upstream.16:49
hggdhan example is bug 45494916:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 454949 in poedit (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "poeditor crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_prepare() (affects: 2)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45494916:49
qenseBut again, giving a bug an empty bug watch allows people with the right knowledge about upstream to take a look at it and confirm whether it needs forwarding.16:50
charlie-tcaCouldn't you start with "check the source package. If it does not end with 'ubuntu?' upstream it"16:50
persiaqense: And we would mark the empty upstream task as invalid if we determined it wasn't an upstream bug?16:50
qensepersia: yes16:51
qenseIt does add another layer of triaging between upstream and downstream, but I think it could be worth it.16:51
persiaI'm still not happy, but I don't tend to do mass-bug stuff, and if it's enough of an improvement to those who do, I'll stop arguing against it.16:51
micahgcharlie-tca: that doesn't always mean the problem isn't ours16:51
hggdhand what about these upstream that do not have a BTS? e.g., coreutils, where the preferred way is to send an email16:52
qenseit would be of a great help to AdoptionTeams, even though there is just one atm :S16:52
persiahggdh: For that, you end up needing to track status manually, but you can still link to the email.16:52
charlie-tcabut it is a general guideline, which should be fairly accurate, since we did not patch the upstream source16:52
qensepersia: doesn't that spam the author with bug mail?16:52
qensehggdh: in that case the empty bug watch could help to allow people with the right expertise to find those bugs and contact the author16:53
hggdhpersia: oh. And LP will not be sending ping emails, I hope? (not documented at all, the bevahiour)16:53
qenseindeed, not at all16:53
persiahggdh: I don't think so.  Try tracking something on our mailing list as a test :)16:54
bdmurrayhggdh: LP does not send e-mail in that case16:54
persiaqense: I think that's only in the case of subscriptions.16:54
qenseBut it does expose the e-mail to the world.16:54
hggdhcool. Then I will start linking my emails to coreutils16:54
gnomefreaki got email about subscibing to bug evaluvation list but it says i am already subscibed16:54
hggdhno prob, it is already linked in the bugs16:54
persiaqense: But presumably one links to the email on some list archive, which is already exposed to the world.16:54
qensethat's true16:55
persiaThat's much preferable than cc:ing the bug when sending upstream if using launchpad, in my opinion.16:55
qensepersia: but it's harder to find for annoying users16:55
persiaThe Debian BTS has different practices, but I don't think we want to mirror them, as we don't have all the avoid-sending-extra-mails controls in place.16:55
persiaqense: I thought we were trying to improve documentation of upstreaming where there is no bug/issue tracker, not support annoying users :)16:56
persiaI'm sure they can find upstream mailing lists anyway, and will be summarily flamed.16:56
qensepersia: when putting that mail address there the annoying users can easily find it to whine about the bug16:56
bdmurrayThat seems rather unlikely to me.16:57
hggdhwhich will end with them in local spam filters16:57
hggdhno prob16:57
qenseI hope so.16:57
charlie-tcagnomefreak: that team has been deleted16:57
persiaqense: My apologies if I'm not clear.  I don't mean to put a mail address as the link, but rather a link to the actual mail sent in the upstream mailing list archive.16:57
gnomefreakcharlie-tca: ok thanks16:57
qensepersia: I thought you couldn't do that with LP, can you?16:58
persiaThat lets us see the upstream bug, and track it (using the upstream mailing list threading features), as if there was an upstream bug tracker.16:58
persiaUsed to be able to do so.  It's just URLs.16:58
* persia checks the current state16:58
persiaqense: For the upstream task, just set the URL to the mail in the archives under the URL copy in the Remote Watch.16:59
persiaI haven't tested actually doing it, but the UI seems to allow it.16:59
qensepersia: nice! I learned something new today.16:59
qenseIf we are going to make this general policy we should ask Launchpad to solve the search issue with empty bug watches. The work-flow won't work if nempty bug watches for non-related upstreams show up in the results as well.17:00
micahgqense: I think there may be a bug for that...17:00
bdmurrayqense: is there a bug about that and / or do you have an example?17:00
persiaOh, this was to get stuff out of that search list intentionally, for the case hggdh mentioned where upstream doesn't have a proper tracker.17:00
* qense is looking for an example17:01
hggdhBTW, another example is libpst -- only email contact is accepted. No ML available, also (sort of an extreme example, though)17:01
micahgbug 19681417:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 196814 in malone "searching for bugs needing forwarding returns one that doesn't (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19681417:03
bdmurrayoh, look who the reporter was17:03
* bdmurray rolls eyes17:03
thekornyou cannot insert random URLs in the "Url for upstream bug" field, it has to be a url of a known bugtracker17:04
micahgthekorn: right, and a few trackers like JIRA still aren't supported17:05
qenseI even got problems with Debian BTS once!17:06
qenseDoes SF work now?17:06
bdmurrayOkay, I think we've covered marking bugs as needing forwarding pretty well.17:07
qenseyes, vote?17:07
bdmurrayI'd like to see what will go in the documentation sent to the mailing list for group review.17:07
bdmurrayIs there anything else on this topic?17:08
qenseI could write a proposal.17:09
bdmurrayqense: that'd be great17:09
qenseiirc we're already at the Open Disussions point of the agenda17:09
qenseDid you talk about "pollution caused by pending release nominations -- hggdh" already?17:09
bdmurrayqense: yes, and we are over time17:09
bdmurrayqense: no, we didn't go over that17:09
qensewell, it's time indeed17:09
bdmurrayThanks everyone!17:11
charlie-tcasorry I was a bit late, taking of a baby17:11
bdmurraycharlie-tca: no problem!17:12
persiathekorn: Could we open a bug to request support for mailing lists (not tracked, just linked) to make the blank upstream tasks more useful?  Otherwise they will get cluttered in time17:12
qensenice meeting17:12
qenseall: Mark bug #196814 as affecting you!17:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 196814 in malone "searching for bugs needing forwarding returns one that doesn't (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19681417:13
thekornpersia, makes sense, will create one later today17:13
persiathekorn: Thanks.17:13
bdmurraymvo: why does update-manager and apt think I'm out of disk space?17:18
qensebdmurray: Did you have time to review my merge request for lp:~ubuntu-bugcontrol/apport/ubuntu-bugpatterns today?17:43
bdmurrayNo, I did not have time yesterday.  Will look at it right now though.17:46
crimsunkermiac: done. it's a WONTFIX because we can't differentiate on the hw side at all, so it must remain manual.18:26
bdmurrayqense: actually your pattern for bug 362342 isn't working18:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 362342 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_list_remove() (affects: 69) (dups: 15)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36234218:27
qensebdmurray: no? I checked it at my PC and I thought it was working correctly.18:27
bdmurrayqense: there got it sorted with <re key="Stacktrace">in IA__g_list_remove.*\n.*glist\.c:338</re>18:31
qensebdmurray: OK then. I'll edit the pattern with your suggestion and push the new file.18:35
bdmurrayqense: oh, its fine I'll do it18:35
qensebdmurray: ok, thx18:35
bdmurraythere all set18:39
qensebdmurray: thank you!18:40
metricpianoI made a comment on Launchpad bug 471385 in sbackup "simple backup restore error in 9.10" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/471385, that it affects 10.4 as well (e.g. not triaged in 10.4) is there any additional thing I should do to properly report?18:41
ubot4metricpiano: Bug 471385 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/471385 is private18:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 471385 in sbackup (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "simple backup restore error in 9.10 (affects: 1)" [Medium,Triaged]18:41
yofelmetricpiano: as I said in #ubuntu+1, the bug is triaged as the bug task doesn't specify a release, and please mark the bug as affecting you18:44
hggdhyofel: you had just told him the same18:53
yofelI know...18:53
mvobdmurray: what is you df -h output? could you /msg that to me?18:56
bdmurraymvo: it was my apt-cacher system that was out of disk space18:56
mvobdmurray: ok18:58
LimCorecontinuing on the clipboard topic20:08
LimCorebug #1133420:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 11334 in ubuntu (and 2 other projects) "MASTER Copy-Paste doesn't work if the source is closed before the paste (affects: 66) (dups: 20)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1133420:09
LimCoreone of most reported bug I seen, 66 affected and dozen of dupes, reported in 2004 and STLL it is just marked as wishlist??20:09
micahgLimCore: it is a wishlist20:10
LimCorethe blood clipboard does not work, its a bug20:10
micahgLimCore: it's new functionality20:10
LimCorea feauture present in all desktops since decades has a kludge that causes tons of reporters to complain. bug20:11
micahgLimCore: no it's not present, that's the issue20:11
LimCorecopy and paste is present. The kludge: it fails if source app was closed20:11
micahgit's perceived as present, but it is not20:11
LimCorein either case, dont you think someone should seriously take a look at this?20:12
micahgLimCore: the respective upstreams are AFAIK20:12
micahgI think this is fixed in FF3.720:12
LimCorethis is the most embarassing ubuntu/linux desktop bug probably.  Linux does not deliver correct functionallity that was present in windows 3.1120:12
LimCoremicahg: it's about all apps and about WM/desktop, not about one application like firefox20:12
micahgLimCore: if apps respected the standard, it wouldn't be a problem20:12
LimCoreusers do not care why20:13
micahgLimCore: doesn't matter...this isn't about who's fault20:13
LimCoreso, how to fix it AFTER 6 bloody years ;) (counting since first reports)20:13
LimCore(or after 15 years, counting from competiting desktop OSes ;)20:14
micahgdepends on upstreams20:14
micahg4 upstreams not fixed 6 are20:14
micahgthere really shouldn't be one big bug for this20:14
chrisccoulsonLimCore - fix it then (or find someone who cares enough to fix it, or pay somebody to fix it)20:14
LimCorewhat??? 4 upstreams20:15
micahgLimCore: have you read the description?20:15
LimCoreyes I read it and I see it makes no sense20:15
LimCorenot fixed in "xorg open office gimp..." why is each app listed separatelly, this is a global problem in WM no?20:15
micahgat the end there's a list of what's fixed and what's not20:15
micahgLimCore: no, it's not20:15
jcastronope, it's per-app20:16
chrisccoulsonits got nothing to do with the WM20:16
LimCorejust this 4 apps are broken in entire ubuntu world?20:16
LimCorechrisccoulson: then why WM applet like say klipper can "fix it" ?20:16
micahgyou can solve it globally by installing a clipboard manager, but it should be unnecessary20:16
LimCorereally just 4 apps are broken? then sure fix them20:16
chrisccoulsonLimCore, i've got no idea what you mean20:16
chrisccoulsonthe WM has nothing to do with the clipboard whatsoever20:16
LimCorechrisccoulson: what micahg just said20:16
LimCoreright, I should had written Desktop Manager, not wm20:17
micahgLimCore: it's a workaround, not a solution20:17
micahgif you have time to fix, feel free20:17
LimCoreyou seem to not agree with me that this is very very embarassing fail for ubuntu, and that it takes really really waiting of users for the fix (or workaround) for it ?20:18
jcastrono one is disagreeing with you that it sucks20:18
micahgwe're all busy with other things20:18
LimCoreif you agree, then I think any working fir, OR workaround would be really better then 5/15 years long not working on most essentiall desktop functioanllity20:18
jcastroIt's not like we have developers growing on trees that we can throw at the problem20:18
LimCoreI wonder, Ubuntu have what, hundrets of develes/bugsquad members/whatevers right?20:19
micahgLimCore: with 20k packages to support20:19
jcastrowe don't20:19
LimCorewhat more imporant are you fixing, there is a few of such old bugs20:19
LimCore(I would guess)20:19
LimCoreactually, how to list all bugs that are currently being "worked on"?20:20
yofelLimCore: newer bugs that result in broken systems20:20
micahgLimCore: most of the devs are probably trying to stabilize apps for lucid right now20:20
chrisccoulsonright, what micahg said20:20
micahgLimCore: in theory "In Progress" bugs20:20
LimCoremicahg: this is why I originally said we need to increase priority a bit, wishlist is lowest20:20
chrisccoulsonmaking sure things don't regress etc20:20
JFoLimCore, I have 10,000+ bugs on the kernel and only about 22 devs20:20
persiaLimCore: There's no reliable method to list all the bugs currently being investigated.  "In-Progress" can be a guide, but not everyone sets it, and not every issue investigated by developers is added to LP.20:20
micahgLimCore: it's not a high priority in the scheme of things20:20
LimCorekernel bugs?20:20
LimCoreis the other half of developers taking time to introduce new bugs to vanilla kernels, because they appear to have much fewer ;)20:21
yofelLimCore: still, you can work around a broken clipboard by installing a clipboard manager, so there's an easy workaround, there are more important things20:21
JFothey have more than I do20:21
micahgLimCore: we've got bugs affecting thousands of people20:21
LimCorewhat query do you use to see "most important" bugs overall?20:22
JFoit depends on what exactly you are looking for.20:22
micahgLimCore: again, critical/high is a guide20:22
LimCorethis state of things will continue for foreseeable feature right?20:22
hggdhoh. BTW, there is parcelite, a Gnome clipboard manager. It works20:23
micahgLimCore: what do you mean "state of things"20:23
LimCoreso this bug will remain unfixed as "whishlist" during lucid, 11.04, 2012, 2015, 0001-After.Martians, 0010-A.M. and so on right?20:23
LimCoremicahg: no one having time to fix this bug20:23
micahgLimCore: you're welcome to fix that20:23
hggdhkeep in mind this is free software. All you need to do is get the source and fix it20:24
LimCoremicahg: I fixed logging thingy in opensshd, and now looking into svnserve authoriztion bug20:24
micahgLimCore: that's great and I'm sure many people are happy that you did20:24
hggdhoh. Let me see. You are busy. Very much like us.20:24
micahgbut a lot of work is done both upstream and in Ubuntu by volunteers20:24
LimCorehggdh: since we all agree this bug sucks a big lolipop, we should perhaps mark it as Medium or High so eventually someone WILL fix it?20:25
persiaAlthough importance is a guide, it doesn't tend to be an absolute indicator of developer priority.20:25
hggdhLimCore: it *is* a wishlist. Being wishlist does not raise or lower how important it is. Having tens of dups, and 60 many affects-me-too does that20:25
LimCoreok, how about we just install a WORKING (not glipper) clipboard manager for GNOME (for KDE we have klipper and it works) and done?!20:26
LimCore*by default20:26
LimCoreit was my previous idea, then we found out glipper is broken20:26
* hggdh again thinks of parcelite (just to think of one)20:26
* LimCore tries it20:26
persiaOne way to do that would be to extensively test some of the available packages that solve the issue and make sure they are compatible with everything.  If so, discuss the possibility of including one by default.20:26
micahgLimCore: that won't guarantee anything and is misleading20:26
* micahg is going to add the workaround to the bug20:26
LimCoremicahg: it will guarantee that it would work in gnome20:27
LimCoreperhaps I should just talk to gnome developer so they would build it in or smth20:27
* hggdh feels cranky today, and begs pardon20:27
micahgI just added the workaround to install either klipper or glipper which should solve the issue20:27
LimCoremicahg: glipper sucks a big lolipop too, it for example crashes (jesus)20:28
hggdhoy vey20:28
micahghggdh: parcellite by the way :)20:28
hggdhoh. Too few ells, sorry20:28
LimCorelast time I tried glipper to work around this...20:28
LimCore...I found out 2 new bugs lol20:29
* LimCore wonders would he got 1024 bugs after 10 attempts to work around20:29
micahgLimCore: keep in mind there is no "core ubuntu" like there is windows...Ubuntu is a collection of other pieces of softawre20:31
persiamicahg: While I agree with you, it may be worth adjusting your nomenclature to avoid the potential implication that "core-dev" is related to some core.20:39
vishLimCore: trolling eh? ;) copy-paste bug20:40
* hggdh listens to some cool jazz20:40
persiaAnd actually, there is something that would fit in that category, being "^ubuntu-minimal", but it doesn't include an X server, so is probably more minimal than many might consider.20:40
micahgs/"Core Ubuntu"/Ubuntu Code/20:40
micahgpersia: I thought ubuntu-minimal was a metapackage of other pacakges20:40
LimCorevish: what?20:41
vishLimCore: nah , the comment on the bug :)20:41
persiamicahg: Well, yes (and ^ubuntu-minimal is the related task), but it also closely represents the smallest amount of stuff required to qualify as "Ubuntu".20:42
micahgpersia: right, but the point is, that's a collection of otehr software, not software by itself20:42
micahgpersia: I'm not saying we can't do it, I'm saying comparing to Windows isn't a fair comparison20:43
* hggdh throws the bloody jazz away, and goes on straight into Scheherazade, with Daniel Baremboim & the Chicago Symphony20:47
persiamicahg: I'll agree with that, certainly.  Just being nitpicky :)20:50
monkeylibrehi all, please anyone could change the status to triaged of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poedit/+bug/454949 ?20:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 454949 in poedit (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "poeditor crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_prepare() (affects: 2)" [Low,Confirmed]20:53
hggdh? monkeylibre I did set it to triaged yesterday, or today morning20:54
hggdhoh. OK, done, monkeylibre20:55
monkeylibreThank You hggdh20:55
vishmicahg: is the description  "This bug is an Epic Fail, because... " required ? [just asking since you updated the bug and that part remained ;)]20:58
micahgvish: no, I was thinking of removing that20:58
micahgvish: feel free :)20:58
* vish on it20:58
* micahg doesn't want to get flamed...20:58
hggdha bug description should state -- clearly -- what the problem is, not the views and opinions20:59
hggdhmicahg: I can do it, feeling like a schmuck today already20:59
micahghggdh: agreed, but we know how that goes...20:59
hggdhheh. LP timedout on me. The WORLD is against me today :-(21:00
hggdhmicahg: done. Now /me sits down and waits for the flames21:02
* micahg hands hggdh a flame-retardant suit21:02
* hggdh dresses up, fast21:03
hggdhwhat is this LP branch there?21:03
* micahg doesn't know21:04
qensehggdh: isn't LP timing out on you whole last week?21:05
hggdhyes, it is personal. What I should expect from life, I guess. Feeling *very* woodyallen today, though, so take it with a grain of salt21:06
hggdhhell, make it a pound of salt21:06
LimCorehggdh: it's LP's way of telling you that 5 years of waiting to fix a bug indeed is epically long21:07
qenseNice way21:08
hggdh:-) and just making it even longer, I guess21:08
* vish just noted that chrisccoulson might get his pet peeve solved ;p [blanking bug status icon]21:13
chrisccoulsonyeah, we should just get rid of the notification21:13
chrisccoulsonits useless ;)21:13
chrisccoulsonthat's my opinion anyway21:13
hggdhchrisccoulson: sorry, I am not quite sure what you are talking about...21:14
vishchrisccoulson: so the gpm and nm status icons will use the app indicators for Lucid? [/me thought those two were for Lucid+1]21:14
chrisccoulsonhggdh - the "your display is broken" notification that gnome-power-manager sometimes shows21:15
hggdhoh, OK. Sorry again21:15
chrisccoulsonvish - gpm is quite a trivial port21:15
chrisccoulsonbut i don't think NM will be using it21:15
vishok. thanks21:15
vishhggdh: lol , you edited the description while i was editing  ;)  double edit :D21:18
vish*copy-paste bug21:18
hggdhvish: heh. Next bug for LP -- conflit merge21:19
hggdh(must be automagic)21:19
hggdhpersia: good questions to Shane ;-)22:17
hggdhI was trying to get him on IRC, but cannot remember his nick22:17
hggdhduh. fagan...22:20
persiahggdh: fagan22:40
charlie-tcaCan I get bug 519541 triaged with high importance. It does cause the user to lose the documents if not saved before trying to get help22:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 519541 in abiword (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Abiword 2.8.1 freezes with document lost when help is clicked or F1 is pressed (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51954123:00
bdmurraycharlie-tca: only high?23:29
ke1hajust tred to bzr lp:ubuntu-docs/karmic and got a pythin link error:23:29
ke1ha*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/python: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0eb31cc0 ***23:29
ke1hasri ... python error .. any ideas on what's causing that ?23:30
charlie-tcaHigh should work on our side, I upstreamed it to abiword bugzilla, so it really depends on them now.23:30
hggdhke1ha: sounds like a real python (or associated library) bug23:30
charlie-tcaThey won't take the status from us, as far as I know, but I marked it for dataloss and usability, which is a high priority for them23:31
bdmurraycharlie-tca: okay, high it is and I opened a Lucid task23:31
ke1harr. I've a lengthy trace-back so will submit to bugs.23:31
charlie-tcaThank you23:31
bdmurrayhggdh: what were you saying about the wiki this morning?23:32
hggdhPedro and I tried to subscribe bugsquad to wiki changes, and could not find a way23:32
hggdhonly individuals, as far as I can see, can get it23:33
hggdhbdmurray: ^23:34
micahghggdh: can you create an account with the ML as the e-mail and subscribe it?23:34
hggdhduh. Should work, yes.23:34
bdmurraythat sounds like a good work around23:34
hggdhwill try it. First I will find a piece of ground not snowed in, and will much some grass :-(23:35
micahghggdh: ?23:35
hggdhI feel I am dumb today, micahg. Of course, everybody will get the confirmation mail, but no big deal there23:36
micahghggdh: if you can change emails, send to private first, then set to ML after confirmation?23:36
micahgwell, that'll still send a confirmation to the ML23:37
bdmurraywell, it'd be useful to know what we are subscribed to ;-)23:37
micahgso whatever23:37
hggdhwill try, but I would expect it to send another confirmation23:37
hggdhgetting it done23:37
bdmurrayand they might get filtered anyway23:37
hggdhOK. BugSquad/.* and Bugs/.*23:51
hggdhany other pagespace from the wiki?23:51
benofiniquityI keep getting "psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 1" and "psmouse.c: bad data from KBC - timeout bad parity" errors in dmesg.  Both my keyboard and touchpad will not respond if there's no input for a couple of seconds.  After typing a key or moving around on the touchpad, things are fine as long as I keep moving or typing. After a couple seconds, everything stops responding again. Most posts onlin23:52
hggdhbdmurray, micahg: does nto work. ubuntu-bugsquad@lists.ubuntu.com is already registered in LP to Ubuntu BugSquad.23:56
hggdhso we will need to set a forwarding email for that23:56
micahghggdh: so the wiki tries to create an account?23:57
micahgin LP?23:57
hggdhyes. And it validates that the email you entered does not exist in LP already23:57
micahghggdh: can we get a passwd set for bugsquad then?23:57
hggdhactually, you *must* create a LP account to login to the wiki23:57
hggdhbdmurray: ^23:58
micahghggdh: I can give you an alias for it if you want?23:58
persiaHow hard to we want to work to make this happen?  Could we not just document that members are encouraged to subscribe to those wiki hierarchies?23:59
hggdhmicahg: guess so, it will work for the while. Later on we can move it to bugsquad itself23:59
hggdhpersia: we would like to pretty much force feed it in...23:59

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