
directhextip for the day: writing a full dep5 debian/copyright for 39k source files is hard work00:14
slangasekdirecthex: dep5 says nothing about the granularity you should provide, you know00:42
directhexslangasek, all copyright holders need listing in the appropriately licensed chunks, though. i'm *heavily* abusing wildcards to make life more bearable than it could be00:44
mdeslaurasac: do you mind if I merge liferea?00:44
smoserpersia, hm... i pulled from lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-dev-tools00:45
slangasekdirecthex: well, you only have to list all copyright holders if the license or Policy requires it... dep5 only defines the format :)00:45
directhexslangasek, the aim is to avoid REJECT. experience teaches over-thoroughness is a more successful path than under-thoroughness00:46
persiasmoser: Perhaps that's out of date.  Trunk is at lp:ubuntu-dev-tools.  This may change at some point.00:46
persiasmoser: Once you've rebased, please push somewhere, and I'll redo my tgz handling based on your branch.00:49
directhexnow, bedtime. there's always more time for copyright tomorrow00:51
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
smoserpersia, lp:~smoser/ubuntu-dev-tools/ubuntu-dev-tools.dev01:05
smoseri've got to run, so i didn't test the merge... i had tested what i had before at least for union01:05
keessmoser, persia: ran out of time today, but if you work from smoser's branch, I'll be able to pull it in quickly (i'm working from his branch too)01:23
persiasmoser's branch is way cooler than mine was, and mine has since been discarded :)01:27
persiaOr it would be, based on the patch.01:28
* persia waits for LP more01:28
Caesarslangasek: ping01:30
Caesarslangasek: minor shambles detected wrt autofs01:30
Caesarslangasek: autofs is a dummy package in main01:31
slangasekCaesar: hi01:31
Caesarslangasek: autofs-ldap is a real package in universe claiming to be from the autofs source package01:31
Caesarit's possible to install autofs5 (via autofs) and still have autofs-ldap01:31
CaesarWhat should I file the bug against?01:31
Caesarand trying to install autofs after autofs5 has been installed produced ugly errors01:32
slangasekwhat's your target outcome?  autofs-ldap auto-upgraded to autofs5-ldap, or autofs restored as a real package?01:32
CaesarIt sounds like autofs-ldap (and friends) needs to go/become a dummy package01:35
slangasekok, please file it on autofs then01:36
CaesarIs it normal for dummy packages to be uninstallable after removal?01:36
slangasekany package in the archive should be installable01:36
slangasekif it's not installable, it shouldn't need to be there at all01:36
Caesarautofs (dummy package) is not installable when autofs5 is installed01:36
slangasekyah, autofs5 Conflicts: autofs; that's not right01:37
slangasekso I guess autofs5 needs fixing as well01:37
CaesarTwo bugs?01:37
slangasekone bug, it's all of a piece really01:38
CaesarI'll file it shortly01:38
fullTummyj e b i t e s e02:24
fullTummyViđi vraga su sedam binjišah,02:25
fullTummysu dva mača a su dvije krune,02:25
fullTummypraunuka Turkova s Koranom!02:25
fullTummyZa njim jata prokletoga kota,02:25
fullTummyda opuste zemlju svukoliku02:25
fullTummyka skakavac što polja opusti!02:25
fullTummyFrancuskoga da ne bi brijega,02:25
fullTummyaravijsko more sve potopi!02:25
fullTummySan pakleni okruni Osmana,02:25
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! mneptok, Hobbsee, cjwatson, mdz, lamont, Keybuk, or thom!02:25
fullTummydarova mu lunu ka jabuku.02:25
fullTummyZloga gosta Evropi Orkana!02:25
fullTummyVizantija sada nije drugo02:25
fullTummyno prćija mlade Teodore;02:25
fullTummyzvijezda je crne sudbe nad njom.02:25
fullTummyPaleolog poziva Murata02:25
fullTummyda zakopa Grke sa Srbima.02:25
fullTummySvoju misli Branković s Gertukom.02:25
elpargohi, if I want to write a program that will run "forever" listening to a streaming api (http1.1) will it be better to make a service out of it? or should I stick with a daemon?02:25
fullTummyMuhamede, to je za Gertuku!02:25
fullTummySjem Azije, đe im je gnjijezdo,02:25
fullTummyvražje pleme pozoba narode -02:25
fullTummydan i narod, kako ćuku tica:02:25
fullTummyMurat Srpsku, a Bajazit Bosnu,02:25
fullTummyMurat Epir, a Muhamed Grčku,02:25
fullTummydva Selima Cipar i Afriku.02:25
fullTummySvaki nešto, ne ostade ništa;02:25
fullTummystrašilo je slušat što se radi!02:25
fullTummyMalen svijet za adova žvala,02:25
fullTummyni najest ga, kamoli prejesti!02:25
fullTummyJanko brani Vladislava mrtva;02:26
fullTummyšto ga brani, kad ga ne odbrani?02:26
fullTummySkenderbeg je srca Obilića,02:26
fullTummyal' umrije tužnim izgnanikom. -02:26
fullTummyA ja što ću, ali sa kime ću?02:26
fullTummyMalo rukah, malena i snaga,02:26
fullTummyjedna slamka među vihorove,02:26
fullTummysirak tužni bez nigđe nikoga...02:26
fullTummyMoje pleme snom mrtvijem spava,02:26
fullTummysuza moja nema roditelja,02:26
fullTummynada mnom je nebo zatvoreno,02:26
kklimondawe need more operators02:26
fullTummyne prima mi ni plača ni molitve;02:26
elpargowhy people waste time and money doing that.02:26
kklimondaI have no idea02:26
kklimondaand I've thought really hard about it lately02:26
tsimpsonbetter late than never I guess02:27
elpargothanks tsimpson02:28
zulcaesar: ping02:56
Caesarzul: pong02:56
zulCaesar: got a sec to chat?02:56
Caesarzul: if it's quick, otherwise I'll be home in a little bit02:57
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo
ebroderDoes anybody have any ideas about bug #276777? I'm running into something similar using gdebi, but I think it's the same bug04:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276777 in debconf "libpam0g error while upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 alpha6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27677704:18
ebroderThe error popup is coming from the /usr/share/debconf/frontend process, which doesn't have DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS set04:19
ebroderNothing is bound to the socket it's complaining about, and it's different from the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS that my unprivileged user has set04:20
micahgkees: ping re NSS04:57
keesmicahg: go for it (I just touched it for build changes)05:19
micahgkees: cool, thanks05:20
keesnp, thanks05:21
pittiGood morning06:48
pittiapw: we don't close bug tasks when it's still in -proposed, so "fix committed" is more appropriate06:49
=== nenolod is now known as happinessturtle
=== happinessturtle is now known as nenolod
pittijames_w: I'm a bit confused about https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/ido/lucid-201002090705/+merge/1890508:02
pittijames_w: does that mean that kenvandine committed something different to the branch than what actually got uploaded?08:03
pittikenvandine: ^08:03
dholbachgood morning08:09
keesNg: if the G45M has a TPM module, my rng-tools change should work with it.  what sort of stuff does it have?08:15
pittihey dholbach, guten Morgen08:15
dholbachhi pitti08:15
alkisgThe new tftpd-hpa is serving files from /srv/tftp instead of /var/lib/tftpboot (LP #518815). Is this change permanent? Should we change LTSP to use that new path?08:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518815 in ltsp "The new tftpd-hpa.postinst uses /svr/tftp instead of /var/lib/tftpboot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51881508:20
keessmoser: thanks, I've merged the mk-sbuild changes.08:22
Ngkees: I'm not entirely sure, but the bios for my thinkpad is full of talk of security chips08:30
keesNg: hmmm, and none of the tpm_* modules are happy?08:31
Ngkees: not immediately. http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Intel_GM45_TPM_device_iTPM_INTC0102 seems relevant08:33
pittidoes anyone have an idea what I'm missing to get the AM_CHECK_PYTHON_HEADERS autoconf macro?08:33
keesNg: it looks like the fix is upstream http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=history;f=drivers/char/tpm/tpm_tis.c;h=2405f17b29ddd87994f354e5530f264c726d5761;hb=HEAD  but not in lucid.  perhaps request a cherry-pick from the kernel-team?08:41
Ngkees: aha, ta08:43
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
james_wpitti: no, that's a bug, I'll take care of it09:13
freepitti: hey!09:18
freepitti: I'm preparing an SRU for the landscape-client, just to be extra sure, for each bug the SRU addresses I have to create a task by selecting Ubuntu in the "Also affects project" link, right?09:18
pittifree: right, it needs an Ubuntu package task, and then release tasks for lucid and the release(s) you want to SRU to09:24
pittifree: (the latter is "target to release...")09:24
freepitti: cool, thanks09:24
freepitti: does this one look good? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/landscape-client/+bug/21838809:27
ubottuError: This bug is private09:27
pittifree: please make it public first09:27
pitti(I can't see it)09:27
freeoops :) public now09:27
pittifree: yes, approved all tasks09:28
freepitti: thank you09:28
pittijames_w: thanks09:31
loolcjwatson: I need to add support for setting the credentials "C" flag in binfmt-support; would having a "credentials" line in the format description file in /usr be a good way for that, or do you prefer a different way?09:41
loolcjwatson: This is needed to allow sudo to work from armel chroots09:41
pittijames_w: I'm about to create a brand new package; if I do "bzr init" and "bzr import path/python-gudev-147.1.tar.gz", will this automagically do the pristine-tar magic?09:42
james_wpitti: unfortunately not09:42
pittibzr help commands doesn't have anything about pristine-tar09:42
pittijames_w: is there some howto about using pristine tar with bzr?09:45
james_wpitti: you want to base your work off an upstream branch?09:45
pittijames_w: or should I just not use bzr, upload, wait for the auto-importer, and use it from then on?09:45
pittijames_w: upstream is in git09:46
james_wso? :-)09:46
pittijames_w: so I thought I'd just start with the last upstream tarball09:46
james_win that case using import-dsc will work if you create something that builds a source package, do so, and then import it to a fresh branch09:47
pittiok, so it seems for the initial packaging I shouldn't start with bzr right away then?09:48
james_wthe functionality is not yet exposed at the UI level that makes it easy to do so09:49
mvoheh :) cron segfaults during a karmic->lucid upgrade09:50
brycehmvo, erk!09:51
dholbachpitti: do you have an idea why https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-lucid-harvest-next-steps and https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-lucid-loco-directory-development are not on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-community-ubuntu-10.04.html ?09:53
pittidholbach: neither of those is milestoned for ubuntu-10.0409:54
pittiso they'll just appear on the "entire release" chart09:54
dholbachbah, I'm sure they were09:55
dholbachthanks pitti09:55
pittidholbach: or, more precisely, they have not any work items milestoned to ubuntu-10.0409:55
pitti(the milestone of the spec is merely the default milestone of WIs)09:55
dholbachjono: ^09:55
jonodholbach, I am positive they were09:56
dholbachjono: ok, I'll change it09:56
jonodholbach, this is going to screw our burndown :P09:56
dholbachC'est la vie09:57
dholbachboth specs are looking quite OK09:57
dholbachin terms of done items09:57
jonodholbach, cool09:57
jonodholbach, so long you plough the actions and get us in shape, I am happy :)09:57
dholbachjono: no pressure, eh?09:58
jonodholbach, none at all :)09:58
jonoyou will tock 'em, I have no doubts, you always do :)09:58
jonorock, rather09:58
dholbachjono: now I wonder how many others are not on the list ;-)09:59
jonodholbach, from what I can tell, pretty much all of them are09:59
jonoat least all the key ones I am tracking09:59
jonodholbach, ok, I am heading to bed09:59
dholbachthanks pitti09:59
jonothanks pitti :)10:00
dholbachjono: sleep tight10:00
beuno(for Lucid, that is10:05
beuno(window change fail)10:05
cjwatsondirecthex: I would be overjoyed if you did a grub2/lucid theme10:06
asacmdeslaur: no ... go ahead10:06
directhexcjwatson, is there an art style finalized yet? i was thinking something which has the same l&f as the login screen would be good10:07
cjwatsonkirkland: no objection in general but (a) grub2 uses cdbs patches (b) please send the patch upstream (c) please commit to bzr (d) surely it should fail if there's no qemu available?10:07
cjwatsonlool: I'm not familiar with it - could you file a bug with a description of the flag you're trying to support, please?10:10
cjwatsondirecthex: not sure, I don't think so10:10
directhexcjwatson, i'll leave it for now then - at least the gfxmenu stuff should be mostly bug-free now, thanks to the testing i did on debian10:11
directhexby "bug free" i don't mean "won't explode" i mean "will display what i actually put in the theme file in kvm", of course10:12
loolcjwatson: lp #51922810:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519228 in binfmt-support "Support for C flag" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51922810:17
loolcjwatson: Didn't test it, but am thinking of something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/372364/10:18
loolcjwatson: Correct me if I'm wrong, but as long as I'm adding optional fields and I deal with them being empty, I don't need to deal with upgrade issues for /var/lib/binfmt/* contents?10:18
lool(I don't quite get why that's a different format from /usr/share/binfmts/*)10:19
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
cjwatsonlool: I'd like to think about this a little bit asynchronously if that's OK - it's a little while since I worked on this10:21
dupondjemvo: could you check this patch for me : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptitude/+bug/391035 ? Want it into ubuntu since karmic alpha 2 ;)10:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 391035 in aptitude "aptitude stops displaying downloads" [Low,Triaged]10:21
loolcjwatson: That's fine; I'll finish my patch because I have the contect in mind and we will rediscuss whenever you have slept over the request10:22
cjwatsonlool: (and I'd like to make this change in Debian of course)10:22
loolNotably, it might well be that you want --flags instead of --credentials10:22
loolcjwatson: Oh of course; did you want me to open a Debian bug?10:23
cjwatsondoesn't matter10:23
mvodupondje: thanks, I have a look (but busy ATM)10:26
dupondjemvo: no problem, waiting for it so long now ;) but its a small patch. I also builded it, and it works perfect10:27
mvodupondje: yeah, it looks like its not a big issue :)10:27
mvodupondje: thanks for fixing it!10:27
dupondjemvo: well got fustrated about it, so fixed it myself ;)10:29
cjwatsonjames_w: I've upgraded lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/mainline to 2a; does lp:ubuntu/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu point to that, and if not can it?11:00
looljames_w: I have a small issue with pushing to ubuntu branches: I pushed to lp:ubuntu/binfmt-support/lp-519228 but that seems to have been mapped to lp:ubuntu/lucid/binfmt-support11:02
lool(I initially branched lp:ubuntu/binfmt-support, debcommit, bzr push lp:ubuntu/binfmt-support/lp-519228, but the bug report shows and links to lp:ubuntu/lucid/binfmt-support)11:02
loolI just tried pushing to lp:ubuntu/lucid/binfmt-support/lp-519228 as well, and bzr told me "No new revisions to push." so I guess that too is mapped to the lucid branch11:03
loolI'll push to my namespace instead11:03
loolBah lp:~lool/ubuntu/binfmt-support/lp-519228 => No such distribution series binfmt-support.11:04
loollp:~lool/ubuntu/lucid/binfmt-support/lp-519228 worked11:04
* lool uncommits lp:ubuntu/binfmt-support11:05
james_wlool: lp:~lool/ubuntu/lucid/binfmt-support/lp-51922811:06
james_wlool: please file a bug on bzr that it allowed you to do that11:06
looljames_w: Yup, that's what I used in the end11:06
cjwatsonlool: not that I'll be able to merge that anyway ...11:06
james_wit may be an LP bug, but something is broken if it allowed you to push to that given that url11:06
cjwatsonlool: sadly, lp:ubuntu/binfmt-support does not share branch history with lp:binfmt-support.  the latter is a mirror of the branch I'm actually doing development in11:07
loolcjwatson: There is no Vcs in the binfmt-support control, I thought I would be having multiple revisions for this work, but I ended up committing a single one, consider this a very expensive way to provide a patch  :)11:07
cjwatsonerr, yes there is!11:07
loolI wonder how I missed it11:07
* lool slaps forehead: I apt-cache show-ed instead of showsrc11:08
mvoev_: thanks for fixing #519206 you beat me by 1h :)11:16
ev_mvo: sure thing :)11:17
looljames_w: LP #51924411:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519244 in bzr "Allows pushing to lp:ubuntu/lucid/package/foo or lp:ubuntu/package/foo but silently remaps that" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51924411:18
james_wthanks lool11:19
loolthanks for your patience  :)11:19
=== ev_ is now known as ev
MacSlowany hints how to fix/avoid/work-around and "errorcode 2" from dpkg-deb --control for libglib2.0/-dev/-dbg libnih1 ?11:57
MacSlowthanks in advance11:57
cjwatsonMacSlow: can you be more verbose about the exact problem, please?11:58
cjwatsonMacSlow: error 2 is "no such file or directory"11:58
cjwatsonbut might not be in this case, if that's an error exit status from a script rather than from a C library function11:59
cjwatsoni.e. could be anything and you haven't given enough information to disambiguate11:59
MacSlowcjwatson, I tried to update my desktop-machine with synaptic (lacking all lucid updates which happened during the week in Portland) and for the four mentioned packages I get this error reported for "dpkg-deb --control" presented in a dialog-box where synaptic probably just spits out stdout (or stderr)12:00
MacSlowmvo, ^^^12:01
cjwatsonMacSlow: we need the exact message, not a paraphrase of it12:01
seb128MacSlow, can you run sudo apt-get -f install12:01
cjwatsonI've never heard of dpkg saying literally "errorcode 2"12:01
seb128and copy the log on paste.ubuntu.com12:01
MacSlowcrimsun, I'll try to get the english version of it... stand by12:01
cjwatsonit is better to post an exact translated version rather than a guessed English version12:02
cjwatsonthe former is greppable; the latter is not12:02
seb128MacSlow, LC_ALL=C sudo apt-get -f install12:02
MacSlowcjwatson, seb128: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37242512:04
cjwatsonI think you just have a corrupted download then12:05
cjwatson'sudo apt-get clean' and try again12:05
MacSlowcjwatson, hm... guess all those the nvidia/flash "sponsored" freezes today (while trying to download 1.4 GBytes worth of updates) hosed the .debs then?!12:06
cjwatsonit is possible for driver-induced crashes to cause filesystem breakage, yes, especially proprietary drivers12:07
seb128MacSlow, what do you upgrade from and to what do have that much to download?12:09
MacSlowok... re-fetching 1.6 GBytes now :/12:09
cjwatsonsuperm1: bug 508173> is it possible to get an upgrade log with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer set in the environment?12:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 508173 in grub2 "postinst has errors with grub-probe that cause the system to stop booting" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50817312:09
seb128MacSlow, note that apt-get clean will wipe all your cached debs, you need to download again12:10
seb128too late for that ;-)12:10
MacSlowseb128, it's my desktop (main working machine), which didn't see updates for a week (Portland)12:10
seb1281.6G in a week?!12:10
cjwatsonthat's over twice as big as the .deb size for a complete default install ...12:10
MacSlowseb128, how do I know12:10
MacSlowseb128, cjwatson: you're the repo masters with all the oversight... I've no clue what goes on there12:11
MacSlowseb128, cjwatson: part could be that I've gnome and kde on this box12:11
seb128I've no oversight of the zillion things you installed12:11
seb128but I usually get some 300 meg in a week12:12
seb128not 1.6G12:12
mvoMacSlow: could you run md5sum on the debs?12:16
MacSlowmvo, no... I'll not consider doing stuff like that as it side-tracks me too much... btw... re-downloading the fresh packages anyway now12:17
kenvandinepitti, that is a very strange merge request12:18
pittikenvandine: james_w said it's a bug, and he'd handle it12:18
mvoMacSlow: hm, ok. it might be a real bug hidding somewhere12:18
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
dantticjwatson: ping12:52
cjwatsondantti: I replied to your e-mail12:53
dantticjwatson: yep I saw it, sorry for not putting what I had in mind12:53
dantticjwatson: I have just replyied to it12:54
danttii just thought it woud be simpler to explain on IRC12:54
cyphermoxcjwatson, I'm not sure if you're the right person to ask, but I sent my MOTU application to devel-permissions and the dmb, I'm not sure if it went through to the DMB address, but I can't see my message in the devel-permissions archives (I sent it on Feb 2)13:03
gesercyphermox: your mail reached at least the dmb ml13:06
cyphermoxgeser, thanks, just making sure :)13:06
cjwatsondantti: this is way too long for IRC.  Please can we continue by e-mail in future13:19
cjwatsoncyphermox: thanks, I'm in the process of doing the minutes from the last meeting and catching up on associated actions13:20
saispoanyone use virt-manager ?13:20
cyphermoxcjwatson, ok. When I saw you cleaned up the agenda I added myself in13:21
dantticjwatson: ok, np13:22
mdeslaursaispo: I do13:31
saispomdeslaur: i think i've found why i can't create arm vm ;)13:33
mdeslaursaispo: oh?13:34
saispoi miss installing qemu-* :)13:34
* hyperair wonders if anybody managed to make a ppc vm13:36
mdeslaursaispo: ah, yes, I think there's a separate package for that now: qemu-kvm-extras13:36
cjwatsoncyphermox: that's fine (and indeed best), thanks13:37
saispomdeslaur: it's true13:43
saispomdeslaur: have you tried to create a qemu-arm machine and try to boot it under a Debian iso image ?13:43
mdeslaursaispo: no, I haven't13:45
ograsaispo, use qemu-arm-static and use a chroot ... way faster than a full VM ... has issues with mono though13:46
ogra(and feel free to drop by in #ubuntu-arm for issues ;) )13:46
saispoogra: ok, thanks13:48
dholbachcjwatson: regarding the DMB minutes: the DMB can't be made owner of ~universe-contributors by the CC, only the TB can (MC is owner right now which is owned by the TB)13:50
persiasaispo: If you install the newest ubuntu-dev-tools, you can use pbuilder-dist or mk-sbuild-lv to create an emulated chroot.13:50
persiahyperair: There is work going on to make emulated powerpc chroots work, but it's not complete.  Needs lots of merging from Debian.13:50
hyperairpersia: ooh cool.13:51
saispook persia, will see that13:51
hyperairpersia: i tried running qemu with the openbios-ppc bios, but it kept hanging.13:51
saispoand where i can find openbios for sparc and ppc ?13:51
persiaYou need to get a new openbios-ppc: there's an issue with Soyuz that means we can't build it in Ubuntu right now :(13:51
persiasaispo: You need to find someone to build you one, or try using Debian's.13:52
cjwatsondholbach: if the CC tells us we may, then a TB member can change the ownership.  However what I heard seemed to indicate that this was something for the CC to authorise, which is why I didn't Just Do It13:52
persiahyperair: If you're up for it, try looking at the Debian "qemu" package, and see what bits from the "qemu-user-static" binary you can merge with the Ubuntu "qemu-kvm" package.13:53
persiacjwatson: The CC has authorised the action in a vote in a meeting, but didn't specifically authorise the TB to take that action.  I'm not sure how picky we ought be :)13:53
hyperairhmm okay, if i've got time13:53
dholbachcjwatson: gotcha, I will send a mail13:56
ograpersia, i talked to vagrantc in portland, he said ppc is far from stable13:56
ograpersia, dont pull it into pbuilder yet, i'll give you a heads up if i get one from him (he is doing the work on the static parts)13:57
persiaogra: Yep.  Sparc is apparently even less well, and we can't currently build openbios for either, which makes using them tricky, *but* it's especially hard to fix when we don't have it available at all :)13:57
ograi dont think there is any work going on for a sparc static port yet13:58
persiaMy big fancy plan for emulated build systems for developers was to generalise the wrapped debootstrap calls, and then generalise the links in the tools.  Some stuff won't work, but getting it to work or not work shouldn't affect the tools.13:58
persiaThe SPARC static port is committed, but apparently doesn't work well enough to talk about much yet.13:58
persiaI don't know of any ia64 static work being done though.13:59
cjwatsondholbach: I've followed up to the existing thread14:05
dholbachme too :)14:05
cjwatsondholbach: ah, so you did, mail delays :)14:07
smoserpersia, just wondering, why would you prefer tarball to directory in schroot ?14:08
vishdholbach: hi... i noticed the branding for the 5-a-day team is missing.. since you are the team owner and the only one who can upload it.. could you have a look at > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/5-bold.png   or  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/5-thin.png 14px icons14:08
persiasmoser: 1) Takes up less space, 2) is one of the steps towards getting a working pbuilder->sbuild conversion script, which is itself a step towards helping pbuilder users use the ubuntu-security-tools stuff.14:09
persiasmoser: But I left the default to directory, just added support for --type file14:09
smoseri'm not complaining, hadn't seen your changes, just wondering14:09
dholbachvish: aren't they both the same? :)14:09
smoserthe big benefit of the directory (for me at lesat) is speed14:09
vishdholbach: hmm , one is a bold 5 other one is thin ..14:10
persiasmoser: lp:~persia/ubuntu-dev-tools/more-schroot-types : it's complex enough I didn't want to commit without review.14:10
dholbachvish: oh sorry yes14:10
vishdholbach: just giving you options ;) you can choose which ever you like ;)14:11
dholbachvish: changed14:12
vishdholbach: neat thanks :)14:12
dholbachthank you14:12
smoserpersia, just quickly looking at diff, i like the general cleanups14:18
persiaSome of them are from kees, but I wanted to generalise.  I don't see any reason why we couldn't support all SCHROOT_TYPE variants, although only tgz advances my personal agenda, and I'm far too susceptible to episodes of yak-shaving to look at the rest right now.14:20
persiasmoser: If you'd like, adding in candidate templates and support for all of them would make this a significantly more generalised tool, and might even be suitable for inclusion in schroot rather than being separate.14:21
persia(although that does remove the chance of abstracting the mirror detection code, etc. and sharing between pbuilder-dist and mk-sbuild (but I was kinda stuck on that anyway as writing code that works for both shell and python can be tricky))14:22
dholbachzul: can you maybe change the maintainer field to use ubuntu-devel-discuss@ instead? (update-maintainer of the ubuntu-dev-tools package does it automatically for you)14:36
zuldholbach: yep ill do that14:38
keespersia: I've merged the "file" type now.  thanks!15:12
keesheya BenC15:13
BenCkees: hey dude15:13
persiakees: Thanks.  I think it's now general enough to support the rest of the SCHROOT_TYPE values, if you find a volunteer ;)15:13
keespersia: yeah, probably.  I'm curious to do timing tests now between lvm-snapshot, directory, and file.15:14
persiadirectory will be fastest.  RAOF did some testing, and at least for some hardware, file is faster than lvm-snapshot.15:15
keeslvm-snapshot ends really quickly because it just releases the snapshot, but directory doesn't have to go through dm redirection.15:15
keeswell, the main speed issue with lvm-snapshot is doing the build itself in the lv, which I side-step locally by mounting a common build directory.15:15
persiaBut I think it depends on available RAM, etc.  Plus I suspect we ought have this discussion when we're both not pretending to pay attention to another channel :)15:15
jcastrokees: where do your ubuntu+1 slides live online?15:18
keesjcastro: outflux.net/ul07/15:19
kirklandpitti: where did the work item tracker go?15:26
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/ (weeks ago)15:27
kirklandpitti: oh, i was looking at macaroni15:27
pittikirkland: I just kept the macaroni one around for people not reading their mail fast enough :)15:27
kirklandpitti: or updating their bookmarks :-)15:27
kirklandpitti: thanks!15:27
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pittikirkland: you're welcome15:27
paulliuhi. "hornsey" is currently in Debian testing but still not in Ubuntu Lucid. Where can I query the auto-sync status?15:36
kitallisthe empathy contact window seems to retain it's last position for a while after snapping back into the panel, comes back to the same left corner position after a longer period of time ; in accordance with this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/14434815:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 144348 in empathy "Does not remember window position" [Wishlist,Triaged]15:37
kitallisis this a WM problem, or is this application specific? I think pidgin does this alright.15:38
directhexseb128, 38,780 source files processed by hand - copyright file for moonlight 2.0 written15:54
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Laneyhave fun reviewing that one15:59
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persiakees: re: common build directory: how does that work?16:07
keespersia: http://people.canonical.com/~kees/schroot/16:07
persiakees: Ah.  Do I end up with roughly the same thing by doing it in $HOME/src/${foo}16:08
keesyeah, though without the extra script, it lacks clean up16:09
micahgmvo: I have to talk to asac about the Firefox upgrade issue...I thought we needed transitional pacakges16:26
directhexseb128, so now i'm blocking on an update from upstream which fixes a few licensing bugs plus firefox 3.6 support. should be out within a week or two - they're currently rushing a 3.0 preview release for the winter olympics but will do the 2.0 point release after that16:28
seb128directhex, ok, no hurry, if we get it in lucid that's good16:29
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directhexseb128, once it's in, i'll ubuntu1 monodevelop and re-enable the moonlight authoring which we disabled in debian16:29
mvomicahg: do you have a bug reference? I see a missing panel icon after the uprade16:31
micahgmvo: bug 51307416:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 513074 in firefox "profile is corrupted on FF 3.0.17 to 3.6 upgrade (Hardy 8.04 LTS only)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51307416:33
mvomicahg: thanks, I check it out, I have a upgrade test profile for this that I can run and see if its a universal problem16:34
micahgmvo: I hope to have another release pushed out this week with the transitional packages in there to prevent the upgrade problem, if you can test after the next release, that would be great16:35
mvomicahg: cool, please also check https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/firefox/fix-518747/+merge/18928 if you do a firefox upload16:36
micahgmvo: I just rejected it due to merge conflicts, I'll add the replaces and conflicts when I add the transitional packages though16:37
sebnerdirecthex: will you update to 2.2.1 before?16:37
directhexsebner, yes, it's on my TODO16:38
keestoday's music care of dholbach!  thanks!  :)16:38
mvomicahg: ok, that is fine with me, the important bit is to have a replaces: firefox-3.0 there to avoid the file-overwrite bug16:38
directhexsebner, problem is not all the addins are 2.2.1 (some are still 2.2) so i need to double-check deps & re-upload everything16:38
nxvlslangasek: just noticed that we don't have alpha 5 anymore, and i used to move to the devel release once alpha 5 was out, which one is the equivalent now, alpha 3?16:39
sebnerdirecthex: pretty much trouble so near to the FF, hmm? :\16:39
micahgmvo: I realize that I should have fixed the title in the first bug16:39
dholbachkees: eh?16:40
directhexsebner, i'm sure seb128 will let it by if i flutter my eyelashes16:40
keesdholbach: I just downloaded and am enjoying your first mix of 2010.  :)16:40
dholbachkees: ah, thanks :-)16:40
seb128directhex, sebner: doing some update should be ok yes16:41
* apw has just updated and am getting apopup on the gdm screen 'Install problem! The configuration default for GNOME PowerManager have not been installed correctly" anyone else seeing that?16:47
apw(to lucid)16:47
mvoasac: sorry, just noticed the conflict and micahg rejected already. I fix it16:48
apwbah _and_ i cannot login now16:48
mvomicahg: I did a new proposal now that should fix the problems16:52
Laneymvo: Is the conffile prompt on brltty ubuntu4 -> ubuntu5 expected?17:00
mvoLaney: sort of, karmic (and before) -> ubuntu5 should work fine, but the versions in between are still prompting17:01
Laneyalright, no worries then17:01
mvoLaney: TBH I'm not sure if its worth fixing, its lucid->lucid upgrades only that prompt17:01
LaneyI wouldn't be too concerned about that, only for stable->current upgrades17:02
dupondjemvo: had any time yet ? :)17:16
micahgmvo: sorry, for the trouble, it's merged in and we'll do another release later this evening17:17
slangaseknxvl: alpha3 is the equivalent in some respects17:38
nxvlslangasek: ok, thanks17:48
primes2hpitti: Hello. Could you have a quick look at this please? A patch is attached. bug #394071 It needs a sponsor.17:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394071 in system-config-printer "new printer button looks like "create a new document"" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39407117:55
tjaaltonslangasek: hey, are you running lucid on a client with the nfs4/krb5 setup?17:59
slangasektjaalton: yes17:59
slangasektjaalton: why, are you fixing 480444? :)18:00
tjaaltonslangasek: hmm ok, I'm having issues with expired tickets hanging the client..18:00
slangasektjaalton: I haven't noticed this, since I get a ticket refresh every time I unlock my screensaver18:01
tjaaltonslangasek: yep, a while after I do that the session is frozen, and for instance running just 'ps' hangs. root can still access the shares18:02
tjaaltonnow testing .33 and nfs-utils 1.2.2rc918:03
superm1cjwatson, i'll see what i can do to fetch that log.  should be doable18:03
slangasektjaalton: well, if I have no creds at all, trying to ls a v4+krb5 mount fails immediately for me18:04
tjaaltonslangasek: oh, and the whole $HOME is behind nfs of course. there are plenty of apps that go berserk when the tickets expire. gconf/gnome-settings-daemon being one18:04
tjaaltonslangasek: anyway, happy to hear it works for you, maybe our setup is broken somehow.. though hardy didn't have big issues with expired tickets18:07
tjaaltonmaybe I should try to get a network trace as well.. someone adviced that using iptables to drop the outbound nfs traffic would recover rpciod after a while, but that didn't work18:11
cjwatsonsuperm1: ta18:13
rickspencer3any trial guru around who has a moment to help me run it over one of my libraries?18:21
directhexasac, did you get to the bottom of mono on lucid/arm issues? it was you who was looking, right?18:30
primes2hpitti: wait, changed description.. bug #39407118:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394071 in system-config-printer ""New" printer button is not appropriate and it doesn't respect genre in Italian language." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39407118:32
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qenseI've got a problem with Indicator Application (C implementation) not using the actions as defined somewhere in the code. Instead it shows GTK+ stock menu items.19:07
qenseWhat is needed to properly associate the actions with the menu passed to AppIndicator?19:07
asacdirecthex: i am debugging still19:36
Caesarslangasek: do you know if it's possible to write an upstart job such that it'll kick the service upon a file changing?20:05
CaesarMore concretely, I'd like to restart gssd when /etc/krb5.keytab appears, disappears or otherwise changes20:06
slangasekCaesar: AFAIK no20:10
cjwatsonsorry to DMB members about the list spam; my mail server seems to have gone a bit odd and delivered the same message multiple times20:12
mneptokslangasek: fail. VORLON TAVUTNA CHOG!20:12
Caesarcjwatson: you got a few minutes to talk about OpenSSH?20:13
cjwatsonCaesar: sure ...20:13
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lifelessis there a dedicated UEC channel ?20:29
persialifeless: I've seen occasional discussion on -virt and -server, but there may also be one.20:30
kamalmostafaI'm having trouble doing a requestsync for 'clxclient'.   Any advice?...20:35
kamalmostafa  $  requestsync --lp -d unstable -s clxclient lucid20:35
kamalmostafa  E: Did not retrieve any changelog entries. Was the package recently uploaded? (check http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/)20:35
kamalmostafaYes, it was recently uploaded, but I see that the latest changelog (3.6.1-1.1) is present as of today at http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/c/clxclient/current/changelog.20:35
slangasekkamalmostafa: I can't reproduce this problem20:59
kamalmostafaslangasek: Interesting.  I do still get the same problem, using the exact command line I pasted.  This is Karmic with ubuntu-dev-tools (0.81.1).  Your version?21:03
slangasekusing lucid, of course21:04
kamalmostafaslangasek: Okay, and I see that lucid sports newer ubuntu-dev-tools than I've got.   I'll chase down -- seems likely to be the cause of my problem.  Thanks.21:06
slangasekwell, nothing in the changelog jumps out at me, but it might help21:06
kamalmostafaslangasek: well, certainly the first thing to try anyway...  Let me fire up a kvm and see what happens.21:06
faganwhy is the git package called git-core ?22:47
StevenKSince a package called 'git' already existed22:48
faganIn lucid there is no git package in the repo22:48
Laneyyes, it exist*ed* at the time22:49
LaneyI believe there is a plan to transition git-core to git22:49
faganI just thought I should ask in the interest of simplicity22:50
seb128directhex, Laney: any reason we don't use mono 2.6?22:50
Laney2.4 is the LTS branch22:51
Laneyfrom upstream22:51
seb1282.6 is no stable?22:51
Laneystable yes, lts no22:51
seb128so we will stay on 2.4 for lucid?22:51
Laneyand squeeze22:51
seb128I will do some tweaking to the versions page22:52
directhexseb128, we've found the 2.4 branch very dependable, and guessed that the security guys would prefer the branch with a 5-year support cycle rather than the one with the "until we get bored" cycle23:02
directhexseb128, if anyone asks, i try to run a supported repo with recent releases for LTS. it'll go live around the time lucid releases23:06
seb128directhex, thanks, nobody is asking so far, I was just reviewing our versions table for lucid and wondering if there was a reason to keep an outdated version there23:07
seb128directhex, seems to make sense if 2.4 is lts and not 2.623:08
directhexseb128, 2.4 as lts is what novell have been telling me. i guess because it's what ships in sles11, and in a paid supported addon for sles1023:10
jcastrodirecthex: does that mean we lose file dir watching in banshee?23:11
crimsunjcastro: no, watcher depends on mono >= 2.4.323:15
directhexthe only major item we miss out on is the new debugger23:16
cjohnstonmbudde: ping23:19
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