
shtylman_cjwatson: is it too late to do a sync with debian?00:39
shtylman_the luabind in ubuntu is older00:40
shtylman_cjwatson: I don't know much about when those syncs happen00:40
shtylman_or how00:40
CIA-52ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r192 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ (8 files in 8 dirs): Bump release in welcome.html to 10.04.09:13
ev_^ shtylman: fixed09:13
cjwatsonshtylman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess09:16
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3728 plugins-conversion/debian/ubiquity.install-any: Add back accidentally removed partman_commit to debian/ubiquity.install-any.10:04
ograev_, hey, so i tested the debconf frontend yesterday on my minimally built rootfs11:17
ogra(talking about oem-config here)11:17
ograthe system is a basic debootstrapped rootfs with a small amount of configuration (loopback interface, minimal fstab etc) but without user keyboard or timezone setup11:18
ograthe plan was to do these through oem-config which i preinstall by default11:18
ograit runs fine ... but ...11:18
ograit seems to forcefully go into tasksel at some point and tries to configure network etc and in the end it loops back to the beginning11:19
ograthough it apparently uses the settings i chose from debconf11:19
ograi.e. the second run is in german, preseeds from the first run are set in the ui11:20
ograam i missing something i.e. a preseed file that tells oem-config to actually write its stuff and remove itself ?11:20
ograand how do i avoid the tasksel run11:21
=== ev_ is now known as ev
ograoh, and on a sidenote installing the -gtk frontend pulls in fvwm1 by default (which is ok dpendency wise (metacity pulls in 300M of recommends) but didnt seem to run properly)11:22
evogra: you can remove /usr/lib/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-network.py and /usr/lib/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-tasks.py if you don't need them.11:23
ogradoes that also affect the debconf ui ?11:24
ogracool !11:24
ograi'll probably keep network for the time server stuff ...11:24
ograjust occurs to me it might be helpful :)11:24
ograhow do i tell it to actually write the configs to disk and restart ?11:25
evI'm confused as to what you're asking.  Once oem-config gets to the install component, it writes the configuration you've selected to the disk.  Please provide logs if it's not getting that far.11:29
ev(/var/log/oem-config.log, /var/log/syslog)11:29
ograok, it might be qemu being at fault, i didnt test the whole thing on real HW yet ... will do that today and we'll see11:30
ograthe qemu arm kernel for arm we use has a weird hack to emulate a v7 CPU on HW thats actually not capable of doing so11:30
ograthat might have bad sideeffects11:30
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3729 plugins-conversion/ubiquity/components/ubi-partman.py: Fix partition create dialog.11:44
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3730 plugins-conversion/gui/gtk/ (stepPartAdvanced.ui stepReady.ui ubiquity.ui): Move alignments to the right place.12:16
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3731 plugins-conversion/gui/gtk/ (stepPartAdvanced.ui stepReady.ui): It is not necessary to disable the minimize button for GTK+ dialogs, as it is done so automatically.12:25
shtylmancjwatson: thanks13:50
ograev, ok, finally got to test the thing on real HW, one obvious thing i see in the log (apart from locale errors) is:16:59
ogragrep: /target/etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory16:59
ograindeed there is no /target dir on a oem system16:59
evdon't worry about that one16:59
ograthere is a traceback directly below ...16:59
* ogra pastes16:59
=== michaelforrest1 is now known as michaelforrest
ograev, ^^16:59
ograand after that the whole app restarts and i have to re-select everything again17:00
ogra(thats with network and tasksel bits removed btw17:01
evogra: ah, can you file a new bug with that, so I can look at it in earnest tomorrow?  I have to leave shortly.17:01
ograok, will do, i just wanted to be sure its not me missing something17:01
evit's definitely a bug17:02
ograsince i dont use d-i to set up the system that could well be17:02
* ogra will try the gtk ui now ... and file bugs on the go if i see any17:03
ograhmm, gtk even fails earlier, no log at all17:29
ograseems like the DM doesnt come up17:29
ograhmm, does oem-config-gtk essentially need an oem user being created in advance ? the code looks like its trying to start the -dm process with a username17:34
cjwatsonit assumes that that was created during installation17:34
cjwatsonand indeed further that no ordinary user was created during installation17:34
ograhmm, k, is there any documentation how to create this user ?17:35
ograi wonder why the debconf frontend doesnt need it too ...17:35
persiaogra: Look at oem-config-prepare17:36
cjwatsonno, oem-config-prepare doesn't do it17:36
* persia fails17:36
ograthats only touching a file that upstart reads on next boot17:36
ograi already create that file in rootstock17:36
cjwatsonno docs that I know of - try 'sudo adduser --uid 29999 oem'17:36
ograany specific password ?17:38
cjwatsondoesn't matter17:38
* ogra treis to boot that 17:38
shtylman_ev: how goes the plugin migration?17:39
cjwatsonI'm confused about where the oem user is used right now, though17:39
cjwatsonI can't actually find it dropping to that user any more17:39
ograwell, and i still see the same python backtrace on the screen17:40
ograsadly it doesnt go into the log17:40
ograhard to capture it ...17:40
ograi think ubiquity-dm uses the user17:41
cjwatsonmaybe I just did that because you have to have *some* user created during installation17:41
cjwatsonexcept it doesn't17:41
cjwatsonwe tell it 'root' as the username17:41
ograwell, root exists with locked pw as it should be17:41
cjwatsonwhat is the traceback?17:41
ogralet me try if i can capture it on a serial console17:42
ograi dont have a separate monitor for my babbage so would have to actually write it down on paper and switch modes back and forth :)17:42
cjwatsonthe last couple of function names and line numbers, and the exception type would do17:43
ogradm.run(*sys.argv[4:]) made me suspect the user17:45
ograthough its probably more related to OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory17:46
cjwatsonno X server installed17:48
cjwatsonyou wouldn't normally run ubiquity-dm for debconf_ui17:48
ograi installed metacity ...17:48
cjwatsonand oem-config-firstboot doesn't run ubiquity-dm in the debconf_ui case17:48
ograindeed i didnt check it doesnt pull in X17:48
cjwatsonso if you're trying to use debconf_ui, you're Doing It Wrong somehow :)17:48
ograyeah, indeed17:48
ograi had debconf ui17:48
ograthat had a looping bug i just filed17:49
ograand now wanted to try the gtk ui17:49
ograoh silly me, sorry for wasting your time17:49
* ogra installs xorg17:49
cjwatsonfwiw oem-config bugs should go on ubiquity now17:49
ograoh, ok17:49
ograthe new deps are horrid though ... i liked the old oem-config a lot more in that regard17:50
ograoem-config-gtk pulls in fvwm1 by default if you dont specify a perticular WM ... not sure you consider that a bug17:51
ogra(i know i produce very special usecases here anyway)17:51
cjwatsonoem-config used to have pretty similar dependencies; attributing this to the merge is wrong17:54
ograthings like crypto-disks ?17:54
cjwatsonfrom before the merge:17:54
cjwatsonPackage: oem-config-gtk17:54
cjwatsonDepends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, oem-config (= ${binary:Version}), xserver-xorg, python-gtk2, python-glade2, python-cairo, metacity17:54
ograthat looks a lot smaller to what i get17:55
cjwatsonx-window-manager is just more generic; deal with it :)17:55
ograyeah, i will indeed17:55
cjwatsonencrypted disks: yes, that's true; I'd prefer the guts to be in ubiquity-common17:55
ograi'm not sure yet i'll use the gtk-ui at all ... all i need is TZ/lang/kbd and user setup17:56
cjwatsonthat would make more sense in some ways17:56
ograand it somehow feels bloated to pull in X for it by default17:56
cjwatsonfor your use case it's probably more sensible to use debconf_ui, once we fix it17:56
ograOTOH its tricky to find out if the user wanted X or just a minimal debootstrap for his arm board17:56
ograwell, if X and a WM are there and all of oem-config is removed cleanly, why not use it ... but its painful to decide in advance when i bootstrap the system17:57
cjwatsonI'd be happy for us to try to shrink oem-config down a bit, if it's useful to your team17:58
ograit definately is17:58
persiaogra: Can you use your tasksel interface to get a hint?  If some -desktop or -netbook task is installed, use an X gui?17:58
ograi think the usecase for armel stuff will move more and more to cross-rolled images built by OEMs17:58
cjwatsonso the question in that bug you filed is why it's touching install.py at all; that's ubiquity-only code17:59
ograpersia, i could even put the install of oem-config till very late in the build and check if xorg and a WM are there17:59
ograstrikes me ...17:59
ograhmm, i'll do exactly that  :D17:59
cjwatsonthis is probably a regression introduced by superm1 converting Install to be a plugin17:59
cjwatsonsuperm1: ^-17:59
cjwatson(bug 519398)17:59
persiaogra: That's even better.  You probably want to have some logic that does gtk/qt detection as well.17:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519398 in ubiquity "oem-config with debconf frontent goes into endless loop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51939817:59
cjwatsonthe approach taken by us in d-i is to select the oem-config frontend by preseeding18:00
ograpersia, yeah, thats easy, it just didnt occur to me that i could just run a second apt-get install after the rootfs is there and check whats installed18:00
ograpersia, so thanks for your question, it gave me the right idea :)18:01
superm1cjwatson, those changes were only made to gtk_ui18:02
* ogra sees a oem-config screen \o/18:03
ogralooks awful when unthemed but it seems to do its job ...18:05
ograhmm, does it expect K/GDM to be there at the end ?18:06
ograit just loops as well now18:07
* ogra grabs the log18:07
ograit wipes the log on restart it seems18:08
cjwatsonsuperm1: hmm18:09
ogranothing useful in there18:09
cjwatsonah, sorry, looks like maybe a regression due to the big merge18:11
cjwatsonI'm obviously confused, since Install *is* meant to be called in oem-config - it just does less18:12
* cjwatson blames having a wriggling child in his lap18:12
ograhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/372649/ is the log thats left over after gtk-ui restarted18:13
ograseems its removed before the new startup18:14
ograsince i ran through all steps18:14
cjwatsonbut PROGRESS REGION obviously can't work with debconf_ui18:14
cjwatsonI'll abstract that, I guess18:15
cjwatsonwill make the code clearer anyway18:15
ogracan we have a change to not delete the log with the next upload so i can get some erros msg more easily for you guys ?18:23
CIA-52ubiquity: cjwatson * r3746 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py): Don't issue PROGRESS REGION command under debconf_ui (LP: #519398).18:38
cjwatsonogra: which log are you seeing being deleted?  all the code I can find that writes to oem-config.log is careful to append18:39
cjwatsonogra: (if you answered, I missed it, sorry)18:48
ogracjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/372649/ has the full log after i went though a full oem-install-gtk run that restarted, thats after the restart and i would expect to simply have some more content in it19:57
cjwatsonogra: definitely not being erased - you can see that it has "Ubiquity 2.1.16 (oem-config)20:03
cjwatson" in there multiple times, which is only emitted at the start of a run20:03
cjwatsonogra: you'll get more if you run in debug mode20:04
ograwell, then i wonder why its so empty20:04
ogradebconf is clearly more noisy20:04
cjwatsonbecause you aren't running in debug mode :-)20:04
ograthe last line is intresting though20:04
ogragiven my HW doesnt deal with any grub stuff20:05
cjwatsonfairly cosmetic, I'd expect20:05
cjwatsonthe code in question is run unconditionally20:05
ograyes, likely, since thats at the start20:05
ograi'll do some debug runs tomorrow20:05
cjwatsonit doesn't imply that that bit of the UI is actually used20:05
ograeffectively it feels like it behaves the same as the debconf ui20:06
cjwatsonis that a feature or a bug? :)20:06
ograit seems to get a little further before restarting, but that might be caused by the separate progressbar that pops up20:07
ograwell, i mean the same in the way it restarts20:07
ograwhich would indeed be a bug20:07
cjwatsonmust be a different crash, since the one I just fixed is definitely specific to debconf_ui20:08
cjwatsonexactly what command are you using to start it?20:09
ogranone, i boot the image20:09
cjwatsonok, and please confirm which log file you're looking at there?20:09
ograin advance i run "touch /var/lib/oem-config/run" at the end of the image build20:10
ograthe log file is oem-config.log20:10
ograin /var/log20:10
ograso upstart starts it20:10
cjwatsonplease check if there's anything of interest in syslog20:10
ograoh, a *lot* !20:11
ograhmm, it seems to try to run update-initramfs20:19
ograbut that doesnt seem to stop it ...20:20
cjwatsonlocking trouble?  odd21:19
cjwatsonogra: is libc6-vfp gone for good?  if so, there's an installer patch I can drop21:26
cjwatsonogra: configure_hardware might just be wrong for the oem-config case.  I think running *some* of it is deliberate but it might need some thought ...21:29
cjwatsonand certainly, anything that involves debconf access there by reconfigured packages can never have worked since the merge, since it doesn't go to the effort of setting up a throwaway db21:30
joshkcjwatson: hey, what more useful information can be provided here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/51779721:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 517797 in ubiquity "apt does not time out during initial update" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:30
joshki feel like it's pretty obvious what's going on21:31
joshki can attach syslog but it just sounds like a waste of time21:31
joshkit's a regression from karmic and earlier, the same code still hangs on earlier releases but eventually times out, which is fine by me21:31
cjwatsonjoshk: gently larted bug triager and reassigned to apt21:34
cjwatsonoh, and tagged regression-potential21:35
cjwatsonnothing jumps out at me, mvo will have to look at this one21:37
joshkcjwatson: thank you!21:47
joshkyeah, 9.10 uses the same flag21:47

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