[14:41] hello room [14:41] please i need help [14:43] With which? [14:44] i use Jasper Report and when i lauch my webapplication on windows, my the date is formatd in french, but on linux it is in english [14:45] i need my date format in french :s [14:45] do you know how can i setup it? [14:46] please [14:47] Gwadaboug: have you tried setting your LC_TIME variable? [14:47] (before starting your java application) [14:49] no i tried 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' [14:49] because when i do 'date' my date is in french [14:51] maybe your application has a config file asking it you use a different format then - I haven't used Jasper Report, so I really cannot say. [15:02] thank you i will try that