
svakshai learnt03:24
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
amachu_persia, which link should i try exactly to renew my membership?09:48
persiaamachu_: That will take me a couple minutes.  Sorry :)09:50
persiaamachu_: I *think* https*//launchpad.net/people/+me/+expiringmembership/ubuntumembers is the right link.09:57
persiaErr, https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+expiringmembership/ubuntumembers09:57
amachu_persia, thank you10:00
amachu_elky, Hi10:01
amachu_lifeless, Hi10:01
amachu_freeflying, Hi10:01
amachu_all of us are here to go?10:01
elkyjust starting now?10:04
elkyamachu, hi!10:04
persiaamachu_: Seems to have worked for you :)  I get an error when I visit there, but it matches a pattern :)10:05
amachu_elky, yep10:07
elkyBy my calculations we have one applicant in the channel, unless the others are hiding under nicknames not listed on the wiki10:10
elkyand then there were two. still lacking quorum though10:11
elkylifeless: ping?10:11
* vish o/10:11
amachu_elky, who is that10:14
elkyamachu, who is what? vish and om26er are applicants.10:14
amachu_duluu ?10:14
elkyso far not in this channel10:15
elkynickserv claims to not have seen him since 3 weeks ago10:15
elkypopey, or another RMB member around?10:16
amachu_freeflying, lifeless ping10:16
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
* persia sends out other sorts of alerts to missing parties10:28
amachu_vish, om26er we are lacking quorum as yet10:28
amachu_let us see, if we could get few more Board Members to continue..10:28
amachu_preferable another 10 minutes10:28
persiaI've been advised freeflying won't be able to make it.10:33
amachu_persia, on membership link problem, are you logged in10:37
persiaamachu_: Yes, but my membership isn't currently expiring, which is my suspected culprit10:38
amachu_persia, ok10:39
amachu_persia, elky We shall sign it off today then..10:40
amachu_and schedule it to fourth Saturday..10:40
elkyYeah, i think anything else would be ambitious10:40
elkyfourth what?10:41
amachu_persia, Tuesday10:41
elkymuch better :P10:41
amachu_vish, om26er: Thanks for joining. Sorry we couldn't take up your application, We lack quorum today10:42
vishnp.. :)10:42
amachu_hoping to see you both, next meeting..10:42
amachu_thank you every one for joining, if there isn't anything else to share..10:43
* asac waves12:58
NCommandermorning all12:59
asacah ... there he is ;)12:59
* cooloney waves back to all13:00
NCommandersorry that I'mlate13:00
plarsnope, right on time :)13:00
* NCommander is also dealing with a sticking spacebar13:00
MootBotMeeting started at 07:00. The chair is NCommander.13:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]13:00
cooloneyjust in time13:00
NCommandergive me a moment to get setup13:00
* NCommander just got his laptop powered on13:01
NCommandermorning dmart13:01
NCommanderthe wiki is timing out13:01
NCommandercan someone post the wiki page?13:01
asac[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100209#preview13:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100209#preview13:02
asacreview doesnt hurt13:02
NCommanderthanks asac13:03
dmart[LINK] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/372469/13:03
MootBotLINK received:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/372469/13:03
dmartOh, did the preview link work?13:03
asacJamieBennett: GrueMaster: ogra: ping13:03
NCommander[topic] Action Item Review13:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Item Review13:03
NCommanderhey ogra13:04
* NCommander is lagging very badly13:04
* asac tries to find ericm13:04
NCommander[topic] * JamieBennett to complete imx51 backportng documentation on13:04
MootBotNew Topic:  * JamieBennett to complete imx51 backportng documentation on13:04
NCommander       boot-speed.13:04
JamieBennettI suck13:04
JamieBennettneed to do that still13:04
NCommander[topic]  cooloney to investigate lucid kernel patches that may need back-porting.13:05
MootBotNew Topic:   cooloney to investigate lucid kernel patches that may need back-porting.13:05
ograi think thats mostly implemented now13:05
ograand we had a meeting where he presented a list13:05
asaccooloney: ?13:05
asacanything you still have in the pipeline for the backports?13:05
cooloneyasac: i think some of them were merged13:06
cooloneyand uploaded13:06
ogratoday, yes13:06
cooloneysuch as modules.builtin13:06
asaccooloney: whats left?13:06
asacor is all done?13:06
* ogra is eager to see todays kernel :)13:06
cooloneyubuntu/ directory changes will be next13:06
ograi thought there were no relevant ones13:07
ograat least thats what i got in the meeting13:07
cooloneyand AppArmor as soon as jj provide the git tree13:07
cooloneyogra: right,13:07
ograso lets leave that out13:07
ograwhich means only AA left13:07
NCommander[topic] ericm and NCommander to investigate what causes the gnome-panel crash/restart cycle.13:07
MootBotNew Topic:  ericm and NCommander to investigate what causes the gnome-panel crash/restart cycle.13:07
cooloneyall the candidates were listed in the wiki page13:07
NCommanderoops, sorry13:07
asaci think thats all fixed by our kernel patch13:08
asac(gnome-panel etc.)13:08
ograwell, lets see how its on the real HW they release :)13:08
NCommanderasac: gnome-panel? As far as we know,m but I didnt get to abuse the board :-)13:08
asacon the AA topic: i think it was said that AA backports are not needed, but good to have13:08
ograthat test board isnt really what we'll get, no ?13:08
asaci think its safe to assume its fixed13:08
NCommanderI think we can say the same for the next action item13:09
ograasac, well, before cooloney idles in front of his desk ... its nice to have the AA backports :)13:09
asacNCommander: gimme an action to tell ericm to smoke test the panel a bit13:09
asaccooloney: so yeah. please backport the bitgs13:09
cooloneyogra: right, and according to JJ, it is not very hard to do that13:09
plarsI tested for the gnome-panel crash for a while over the sprint, and was unable to reproduce with the latest round of kernels13:09
NCommander[action] ericm to smoke-test gnome-panel on dove x0 with kernel patches13:09
MootBotACTION received:  ericm to smoke-test gnome-panel on dove x0 with kernel patches13:09
NCommanderasac, ericm, and NCommander to talk about Thumb2 issues after the meeting and report back.13:09
asacplars: thanks13:09
NCommander[topic] asac, ericm, and NCommander to talk about Thumb2 issues after the meeting and report back.13:09
MootBotNew Topic:  asac, ericm, and NCommander to talk about Thumb2 issues after the meeting and report back.13:09
ograplars, on X0 or older HW ?13:10
plarsno, on Y113:10
ograah, very cool!13:10
* ogra takes back his staement from above then13:10
ograi thought we only had it gone on X013:10
plarsbut since we didn't have a perfect way to reproduce, and it didn't happen every time, it's also possible that I just got lucky13:10
NCommanderso on thumb2 issues, yX is hardware bugs and fubared. X0 with kernel patches is stable13:11
* NCommander fixed his spacebar!13:11
NCommander[topic] cooloney to ping fsl for more reliable chip rev checking method.13:11
MootBotNew Topic:  cooloney to ping fsl for more reliable chip rev checking method.13:11
StevenKApologies, I thought I already was in the channel13:12
cooloneyyeah, i think that is an old action13:12
cooloneyi got confirmation from fsl already13:12
ograi asked last meeting to have it dropped13:13
cooloneyour patch about the chip rev is right.13:13
NCommanderok then13:13
cooloneyand the uboot might have some patch to fix that13:13
NCommander[topic] cooloney to ping fsl about suspend13:13
MootBotNew Topic:  cooloney to ping fsl about suspend13:13
ograit has13:13
ograsame issue13:13
ograi asked to drop it13:13
ograworks and all13:13
NCommander[topic] NCommander to investigate ericm's xorg naming bug13:13
MootBotNew Topic:  NCommander to investigate ericm's xorg naming bug13:13
cooloneysuspend actually no further feedback from fsl,13:14
* NCommander honestly has no idea what this AI was13:14
cooloneythanks ogra13:14
NCommander[topic] persia, asac, Gruemaster to discuss meeting rotation schedule and report back.13:14
MootBotNew Topic:  persia, asac, Gruemaster to discuss meeting rotation schedule and report back.13:14
cooloneyNCommander: lol13:14
asacwe didint reach consent on that13:14
asacpush forward13:14
NCommanderasac: c/o?13:14
NCommanderasac: right, carry over :-)13:14
NCommander[topic] Standing Items13:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Standing Items13:15
* persia failed completely, and sends out the appropriate email13:15
NCommanderThe burndown chart page seems to be broken (or old link)13:15
GrueMasteryou have my full consent to move it to a more reasonable time for the PST timezone.13:15
asacthat url is broken13:15
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm)13:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm)13:15
NCommanderasac: whats the right URL?13:15
asacplease start on top13:15
JamieBennettNCommander yes its broken, use the people.u.c link13:15
cooloneyfsl kernel was uploaded today13:15
cooloneyit includes some backport features.13:15
asacplease use the last weeks wiki to start a new weeks wiki ;)13:15
asaclast one was people already?13:16
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html13:16
asacsorry. lets continue with kernel13:16
asacbecause NCommander already started that13:16
asacwe can go back afte3r that13:16
asaccooloney: go ahead13:16
ograwe're so greeeen13:16
NCommanderogra: green?13:16
ogra(back to kernel, yeah)13:16
cooloneyi'm working on the USB issue13:16
cooloneyand ethernet issue13:17
ograyeha, me wouls love to see bug 457878 fixed13:17
asacany ideas whats going on for the carrier thing?13:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 457878 in linux-fsl-imx51 "imx51 on board ethernet plug/unplug events not detected" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45787813:17
ogra*would even13:17
asaccooloney: do you need help from fsl on that?13:17
cooloneyogra: yeah, that is very annoy13:17
cooloneyasac: yeah, please help me to ping them.13:17
ograi personally think its not properly integrated with mii13:17
asaccooloney: i will raise the ethernet issue on todays call13:17
cooloneyactually, i ping them before about this13:17
ogralets bring it up on the call13:17
cooloneyasac: cool13:18
asaccooloney: can you forward me the mail you sent last time?13:18
asaci will ensure they look13:18
cooloneyasac: ok, will do soon,13:18
cooloneynext time i will keep you in the loop13:18
NCommanderok to move onto burndown charts?13:18
asacanything else on kernel?13:18
asacericm isnt here13:18
ograplease test todays imx upload extensively13:18
NCommander[topic] Burndown Chart13:19
MootBotNew Topic:  Burndown Chart13:19
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html13:19
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html13:19
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html13:19
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html13:19
ograwe have some new features that were never tested before13:19
asacoops ;)13:19
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-lucid-alpha-3.html13:19
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-lucid-alpha-3.html13:19
* NCommander kicks his lagging13:19
asacso ... alpha-3 is what is our real goal13:19
asacthe full cycle chart is a bit lying to us13:19
asacbecause stuff needs to be finishef by alpha-313:19
ograbut iots greener !13:19
* cooloney is apt-get upgrading on his board13:20
asacyes. it gives us a false pov13:20
* ogra likes the more positive pov13:20
StevenKmobile-lucid-arm-une is waiting on everything else,13:20
asacStevenK: waiting on what in particular?13:20
StevenKSuch as chromium, office suite, etc13:20
* NCommander agrees with ogra 13:20
asacStevenK: those work items are in the other specs arent they?13:21
asacimo we can kill them there13:21
asac GNOME games refactored and split: TODO13:21
asacwhats up with that?13:21
asaccan we set that to DONE?13:21
StevenKasac: Right, but -arm-une has a work item for "drive all the other specs to completion"13:21
ograisnt that desktop team work anyway ?13:21
asacand coordinate with -desktop team on the rest?13:21
asacStevenK: document a high level summary of the arm UNE changes at the end of cycle: TODO13:21
* ogra fuels up StevenK 13:21
asacthat one should be targetted for lucid-beta-213:22
asacor so13:22
asaclet me do that13:22
StevenKI'll talk to seb about gnome-games tomorrow13:22
StevenKOr someone in his timezone can, I don't mind13:22
StevenKPersonally, I fail to see the point, the armel UNE images are *tiny*&13:22
asaci am fine with setting that to done/postponed or assigning it to didrocks13:22
NCommanderStevenK: how tiny?13:23
asacthen lets set that to DONE13:23
* NCommander can't get on cdimage.u.c13:23
asacin case we are happy with the current games13:23
ograNCommander, 500something13:23
asacif not we might want to add more13:23
NCommanderogra: wow.13:23
* NCommander wonders how much the langpacks are eating up though13:23
asacplars: mobile-lucid-bringup-testing13:23
asacis blocking on what?13:23
StevenKNCommander: dove is 491, imx51 is 52013:23
ograwe'll get gnumeric and abiword in the next one though13:23
ograthat will grow a bit again13:23
StevenKSure, but I'm guessing only to 550 or so13:24
ograunless we keep out these changes13:24
GrueMasterWhat is our image size limit?13:24
plarsasac: the implementation in checkbox is done, just need to do some testing of the images with it.  I will try to get to it this week, but I'm also hammering out other things13:24
NCommanderogra: I thought we were moving to google docs13:24
ograGrueMaster, img has 1G iirc13:24
StevenKIn the code, anyway13:24
StevenKdavidm has been saying as small as possible13:24
* NCommander notes that can be changed if we have a valid reason to but IMHO, smaller images == doubleplusgood13:24
plarssuch as the suspend resume, some transitioning of pairwise testing to its own iso tracker space, and getting the une-armel images setup for iso tracker for A313:24
asacNCommander: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-lucid-arm-softboot-loader13:25
asacstill has one item open13:25
asackill or keep?13:25
asacRetest kexec() on dove and imx51 final [3 hours]: TODO13:25
ogrado we want to add as many langs to our images as possible btw ?13:25
plarsasac: is there something else I should do to mark mobile-lucid-bringup-testing done?13:25
NCommanderasac: need to poke someone with an imx51 board to test13:25
ograif we have so much space13:25
NCommanderasac: it failed on dove.13:25
davidmimage needs to stay under 700M13:25
NCommanderwho wants the action item?13:25
ericm_cooloney, how's kexec on imx51?13:25
* ogra will ask that later again in the image discussion13:25
davidmNeeds to fit a CD13:25
asacNCommander: please give us instructions13:25
ogradavidm, huh ?13:26
ogradavidm, it cant13:26
StevenKdavidm: I'm happy to tread on the code to enforce that13:26
asacplars: only what is left in the WIs13:26
ogradavidm, armel img ... SD card images ... CD doesnt make any sense13:26
asacplars: "Write a script to pull in arm specific system information (i.e. uboot version): TODO"13:26
asacif you cant do that, postpone13:26
StevenKActually, it probably needs to be a little smaller, like 650, if you want to actually burn the .img itself to a CD13:26
davidmogra, Cd is only cheap way to ship images that can then be installed to USB stick13:26
persiaCD *does* make sense.  While not many boards can boot from CD, being able to put the image on a CD significantly eases distribution.13:27
plarsasac: ah, well I was going to just mark that one done (forgot about it actually) since we're pulling in all we can right now.  We can revisit later if more things become available13:27
ogradavidm, DVD works too, no ?13:27
NCommanderogra: DVD blanks cost more13:27
davidmogra, more expensive13:27
asacplars: ok. then its done - implemented13:27
NCommanderand DVD burners are not ubiquious yet13:27
cooloneyericm_: i did not test yet, it is supposed to fail, heh13:27
ograa few cents13:27
dmartIMHO, >= 650MB does not qualify as "as small as possible" --- so fitting on a CD should not be a problem13:27
NCommandercooloney: ouch. why?13:27
persiaogra: Adds up when multiplied by a very large number :)13:27
asacplars: i set it done13:27
StevenKdavidm: Does 520 quality? :-)13:27
cooloneyNCommander: oh, i got a bug about that.13:27
StevenKEr, qualify13:27
ogradmart, its a question of languages we ship13:27
* ogra would prefer to ship more langs13:28
NCommandercooloney: so can I kill to action item to test kexec on ARM?13:28
StevenKSorry, I'm fading fast, not quite in the Australian timezone yet13:28
cooloneyNCommander: just try to fix it, heh,13:28
asacwe can ship 700M13:28
dmartogra, ~ how much space does each lang take?13:28
ograits just a waste imho13:28
asacplease fill it up with as many langs as possible13:28
NCommandercooloney: ENOIMX51HW13:28
asacStevenK: can you do that programatically?13:28
StevenKRoughly 15MB or so13:28
NCommanderCan we take this off the meeting, and come back with a resolution?13:28
cooloneyNCommander: ok, let me do it13:28
ogradmart, depends on the language, but an average of 15M might be the number here13:28
dmartFilling up any space on a CD with langs is OK; its the size of the typical install we care about13:29
StevenKasac: No, it involes handwavy crap, and I need to make sure I don't step on the i386 image13:29
cooloneyericm_: it might be a common feature missing on ARM v713:29
ograi.e. chinese is a lot bigger than german13:29
asacStevenK: ok. so lets do that before beta and RC/final13:29
ericm_cooloney, someone reported a success on omap13:29
StevenKI can start doing that now13:29
ogradmart, right thats below 600M anyway13:29
StevenKI can also fix the code to cry if it's above say, 600MB?13:29
ografor the live image13:29
asac[ACTION] StevenK to talk to pitti how to fill up armel img with langs without busting i38613:29
StevenKI don't need pitti13:30
cooloneyericm_: is that because they applied the patches from Tony you posted to me?13:30
StevenKI just need to do it13:30
ericm_cooloney, exactly13:30
asacStevenK: then skip the pitti part13:30
ograjust a simple seed change13:30
ograand a matter of us selecting which langs13:30
StevenK[ACTION] StevenK to fill up armel img with langs without busting i38613:30
StevenKNCommander: ^13:30
cooloneyericm_: good, so i think we can file are bug named kexec fails on ARM v713:30
NCommander[ACTION] StevenK to fill armel image with lang packs without breaking i386/amd6413:30
MootBotACTION received:  StevenK to fill armel image with lang packs without breaking i386/amd6413:30
ogra[action] team to discuss which langs we want to ship13:30
ograNCommander, ^^^13:30
cooloneyericm_: then mark fsl, mvl and versatile v7 kexec bug as duplicated13:30
ericm_NCommander, maybe we'll wait cooloney to see the result to kill soft-boot-loader or not, most likely not able to get this into lucid13:30
StevenKWe don't build UNE for amd64, fail13:31
asacogra: thats a none issue13:31
NCommander[action] Team to discuss langs to ship on armel images by default13:31
MootBotACTION received:  Team to discuss langs to ship on armel images by default13:31
ograasac, why ?13:31
NCommanderOk, people13:31
NCommanderwe're getting off topic13:31
asacbecause we follow the same fill up algorithm that is used by desktoP/une13:31
ograasac, we cant ship all, so we need to make a pick13:31
StevenKSo, shall I also change the code for .img oversize?13:31
asacogra: there are rules13:31
ograasac, but we can ship a lot more13:31
* StevenK votes for tlh13:31
ograasac, there are13:31
asacogra: there are rules ;)13:31
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, plars)13:31
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster, plars)13:31
plarsThe pairwise install testing has a place now on iso tracker13:32
asacogra: lets discuss that offline.13:32
asacplars: great13:32
GrueMasterNot much to report image wise, as we haven't had a new image since last week.13:32
plarsAnd has been announced on the mailing list13:32
plarsit's moving (kinda)13:32
asacGrueMaster: ok13:32
plars[LINK] http://pairwise.qa.ubuntu.com/13:32
MootBotLINK received:  http://pairwise.qa.ubuntu.com/13:32
plarsI just got that this morning13:32
asacGrueMaster: did you make progress on a standardized weekly QA report?13:32
plarsso I'll be transitioning the tests over it today, most likely13:33
GrueMasterNot yet.13:33
asacGrueMaster: ok. just think about it. and maybe present it at next week meeting.13:33
plarsonce that's done, we can run the tests off of there full time, rather than having to tip-toe around milestone testing13:33
GrueMasterSince the image has changed from Desktop to UNE, testing will change quite a bit (other than install testing)13:33
asacplars: will the QA team also do that for other archs?13:33
StevenKasac: WRT -arm-une, there is no -beta-2 milestone13:34
asacStevenK: i used beta-113:34
ograthere should be13:34
asacif i did a typo, please fix that13:34
plarsasac: I haven't heard for certain what their plans are for that, for now, it's only on armel13:34
plarsbut that will still benefit all archs13:34
asacand yes, there is a beta-213:34
plarsto some degree at least13:34
asacplars: ok. lets show them how well it works13:34
NCommander[topic] ARM Application status (JamieBennett, dyfet)13:34
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Application status (JamieBennett, dyfet)13:34
JamieBennettLooking fine, we have the 2D launcher UI (with a few bugs) and 33% faster live-cd boots ;) !13:35
StevenKI have a drop-down for setting the milestone, and beta-2 isn't it13:35
asacJamieBennett: can you make a few screenshots of both themes?13:35
asaci would like to blog about it13:35
NCommanderJamieBennett: thats a win.13:35
JamieBennettasac: Will do13:35
ograJamieBennett, did you find anything about the new casper issues ?13:35
StevenKWe have failing images currently, due to new components from the DX team13:35
JamieBennettI'll blog about speedups too13:35
JamieBennettogra: no, started on it yesterday but got pulled into something else13:36
asacJamieBennett: are you on planet?13:36
StevenKWhich is now blocked on mono13:36
ograJamieBennett, you are on planet, right ?13:36
ograget there first !13:36
JamieBennettyou have to be an ubuntu member no?13:36
NCommanderogra: he has to be an Ubuntu Member to be on planet I believe13:36
ograhrm, right13:36
* NCommander is hearing an echo in here this morning13:36
JamieBennettI'm on a few other planets13:36
asacjust blog and let me know13:36
asaci can forward it13:36
ograyeah, we can all link to it13:37
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)13:37
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)13:37
asacok lightweight browser spec isnt decided yet13:37
* ogra sees us all owning planet for a day all postin the same link :)13:37
asacNCommander: thanks for moving so quickly13:37
StevenKAhhh, it's Ubuntu ubuntu-10.04-beta-213:37
asacdmart: can we discuss the feature comparison?13:37
asacfor lightweight browser?13:37
NCommanderasac: I'm trying to organize chaos^W the meeting13:37
dmartasac, did you need more from me on lightweight browser?  I think I'd done all I can do for now...13:37
asacdmart: you sent startup time?13:38
* asac has to make a wiki out of it13:38
dmartHmmm, maybe not13:38
dyfetAnd I am working on mov related items in the ftbfs13:38
dmartasac, do you want to continue that one offline?13:38
asacdmart: startup time is an importnat one  ... would be great if you could get that13:38
asacdmart: yes13:38
NCommanderpython-qt4 was cleared last week13:38
asacdmart: lets dot hat after this meeting13:38
dyfetas was boost13:39
NCommanderWhich should unblock KDE which should make the FTBFS list a lot happier after 4.4 hits the archive13:39
dmartasac, OK13:39
asacNCommander: moving quickly doesnt help removing chaos13:39
asacNCommander: you just start a new topic13:39
asacwhile another is still ongoing -> more chaos13:39
ograNCommander, where is my since two weeks promised likewise bug for the server team ???13:39
* StevenK watches the mono build with interest13:39
* ogra really just wants that bug13:39
NCommanderogra: still ongoing. I filed a bug on it13:40
ogra# ?13:40
StevenKYou filed on a bug about that you need to file a bug?13:40
NCommanderogra: don't have it handy (I'm having some connectivity issues, LP is going about as fast as molasses in winter ATM)13:40
StevenKIsn't that somewhat ... circular?13:40
asacon arm porting we finished all swp to thumb2 ports13:40
asacwe are now moving to the "mov" bugs13:40
asacdyfet: are oyu on that?13:40
NCommanderasac: maybe we should do another mass bug filing and then split the bugs up13:41
asacdyfet: want me to give you chunks or will you jus finish?13:41
dyfetwell, if you want to assign specific ones to do first, that would be okay13:41
ograis there any deadline when we *have* to have that ?13:41
asacdyfet: ok i will assign you a couple for today and tomorrow13:41
dyfetcool :)13:41
asacdyfet: i think getting the list down to just a couple this week should be possible13:41
asacand needed13:42
asacNCommander: we already have bugs for the porting stuff13:42
asacNCommander: want to help?13:42
asaci will assing you a couple of bugs if so13:42
asacguess makes sense as you cant really do much for dove atm13:42
NCommanderasac: sure, although I'm limited to the porting box and dyfet's boards13:42
asac[action] asac to assign thumb2 porting bugs to team13:42
asacNCommander: thats ok13:43
NCommander[action] asaca to assign thumb2 porting bugs to team13:43
MootBotACTION received:  asaca to assign thumb2 porting bugs to team13:43
dmartRelated to this, I was wondering whether a kind of sprint on the Thumb-2 issues would be a good idea --- I tacked it on the end of the agenda.13:43
ogradidnt we have a spare babbage at the sprint ?13:43
NCommanderdmart: we'll get to that at ABO13:43
NCommanderogra: one was dead, and one went with StevenK13:43
ograah, i mean the dead one possibly13:43
NCommanderogra: TBH, I forgot where the dead one went13:43
asacdmart: you mean a real world sprint?13:43
asacor irc sprints?13:44
dmartasac, irc was my first thought13:44
JamieBennettdead one went to GrueMaster13:44
asacwe can do that13:44
JamieBennettStevenK took one and NCommander took one too13:44
NCommanderJamieBennett: I didn't take one13:44
NCommanderat least13:44
NCommanderI don't think I did13:44
StevenKpersia did13:44
asac[action] asac to organize couple of sprints on thumb2 porting issues and get team attend/contribute13:44
ogradmart, asac, though a real world one around beta time would probably bee a good isea as well13:44
persiaI received one: maybe that's the one NCommander took13:45
asacogra: lets make that depending on how well we perform13:45
JamieBennettAh persioa took the 2.5 then13:45
ograyeah, indeed13:45
asacbut yes. we can keep that option i think13:45
dmartok, we can discuss further later13:45
asac14:44 < asac> [action] asac to organize couple of sprints on thumb2 porting issues and get team attend/contribute13:45
asacNCommander: ^^13:45
NCommander[action] asac to organize sprints on thumb2 porting issues and get the team to attend/contribute13:45
MootBotACTION received:  asac to organize sprints on thumb2 porting issues and get the team to attend/contribute13:45
NCommandergot it13:45
asacnext topic?13:45
NCommander[topic] Ubuntu Liquid13:46
MootBotNew Topic:  Ubuntu Liquid13:46
ian_brasilwe have been asked to stop public work on plasma-mobile..the reasoning went something like -> "The product is immature, and doesn't offer significant advancement over plasma-netbook at this time.  We expect significant improvements soon, and want to avoid bothering users with the incompatible transition.13:46
asacian_brasil: so even not in univeres?13:46
persiaSo, while we might end up with some bits and bobs, it's not expected to have something installable for lucid.13:46
asacor just not an image?13:46
persiaNot an image, and quite possibly not a -meta13:46
persia(still looking at alternatives)13:46
asacbut all the bits and pieces?13:46
ian_brasilwe wanted your opinions on what to do13:46
ian_brasilwe thought about continuing in a PPA13:47
asaci would say that we should try to get all the bits and pieces in universe13:47
NCommanderI say have a meta as a developers preview13:47
asacif thats possible13:47
persiaNot necessarily, because upstream doesn't want some stuff shipped, and it messes up other stuff.13:47
asacbut keep meta and image postponed13:47
ogratask would be cool13:47
persiaLook for more with lucid+1, but for now, kubuntu-netbook is probably the closest thing.13:47
ograthen you could just use the alternate installer or rootstock13:47
asactask is probably not going to fly13:47
asacian_brasil: so can you check if you can get all the individual pieces in? if not, we can do that in appa13:48
asaci agree13:48
asacwe can also think about -meta in ppa ... if thats ok13:48
ian_brasilall the pieces minus plasma-mobile13:48
persiatasks in PPAs are hard, but metas are easy.13:48
persiaWe can do a meta with plasma-netbook, maybe.13:49
* NCommander can assist with making a meta13:49
ian_brasilNCommander, great13:49
ian_brasilso we continue as normal just minus plasma-mobile?13:49
asacian_brasil: right. so go ahead and get everything in that you can get in and do the rest in a ppa (if possible) ... document the location of that PPA in the spec13:49
ograyeah, if done properly you just need to move the seeds later13:50
ograto have the meta in the archive13:50
ian_brasilthat sounds great13:50
asacok good13:50
asacanything else on liquid?13:50
ian_brasilasac, no13:50
NCommander[topic] Any Other Business13:50
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Business13:50
asaci think we already covered the sprint thing13:51
NCommanderJust a headsup13:51
NCommanderI'm not going to be online this morning13:51
ograi think we already covered everything in the chaos :P13:51
ograNCommander, please send me that bug # before going afk13:51
NCommanderI'll be in Boston for this afternoon and probably 1-2 days afterwords; long story.13:51
dmartasac: (i think we already covered the sprint thing) agreed - we can follow up after this meeting13:52
asacwhat does that mean?13:52
asacNCommander: so you take a few vacation days?13:52
* NCommander is sitting in his car with his cell phone to be here13:52
NCommanderasac: no, working as normal, just not home13:52
asacNCommander: working as normal with a cell phone?13:52
NCommanderasac: I didn't make it to Boston yet. I tethered my laptop to my phone to sign into the meeting :-)13:52
NCommanderHence the lag.13:52
NCommanderand my laptop is propped up on the steering wheel13:53
asacplease take vacation or swap day if you travel ;)13:53
asacanyway thanks for the heads iup13:53
asacNCommander: please add your AR13:53
NCommanderasac: well, if everything went as planned, it would have been unnoticable13:53
asaceveryone else ... please add your activity13:53
NCommanderBut I had a bit of car trouble13:53
NCommanderThat's why I'm out this morning (I'll be swapping it out)13:53
asacNCommander: remember to add your AR ...13:54
ograand the bug #13:54
NCommanderasac: I'm doing so now13:54
StevenKNCommander: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000IZGIA8/ref=dp_otherviews_3?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&img=313:54
asaceverony else ... please add AR ... JamieBennett will send out the report in a few hours13:54
JamieBennettwill do13:54
ograStevenK, heh, that need sa special steering wheel, no ?13:54
asacogra: thougth you had frinished your AR ... where is it?13:54
persiaStevenK: Please don't encourage that sort of thing :p13:54
StevenKogra: Not that I've seen13:55
ograin your inbox since pre-meeting ?13:55
asacogra: kk13:55
JamieBennettasac: sent to me13:55
MootBotMeeting finished at 07:55.13:55
asacthanks all13:55
StevenKpersia: Spoil all my fun13:55
=== fader|away is now known as fader_
keesheya pitti14:57
cjwatsonI'm here, just addressing an urgent coffee shortage but please start without me14:58
pittiKeybuk: you were voluntold to chair today, are you here?14:59
pittiok, mdz is in the air15:02
MootBotMeeting started at 09:02. The chair is pitti.15:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:02
pittiso it's just the thee of us now15:02
pitti[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda15:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda15:03
pitti[TOPIC] Archive reorganisation15:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Archive reorganisation15:03
pittiReview https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/LucidMOTU15:03
pittithat was discussed in detail two weeks ago, wasn't it?15:04
keesthe thought was that if anything came up about the docs between then and now, we could discuss it now15:05
keesafaik, nothing has come up, so this item is done.15:05
pitticjwatson, ScottK: did anything new come up in the last two week?15:05
pittikees: AFAICS yes, but let's check15:05
pitti* Confirm that DeveloperMembershipBoard  now hears applications for MOTU15:06
pittithat was officially moved over in last week's DMB meeting, which was the first with the new board15:06
cjwatsonpitti: yes15:07
cjwatsonwait, your statement there isn't quite accurate but let us go in order?15:07
persiaWas it officially so moved?  My understanding was that the DMB was hearing the applications because MC doesn't have quorum.15:07
* cjwatson can't type fast enough damnit15:07
* pitti backs up15:07
pittipersia: I misunderstood it then15:08
cjwatsonwe revised LucidMOTU a bit, and presented it to the DMB for approval there; the details about motu-council have been split off for discussion among its constituency (i.e. MOTU)15:08
* persia suspects all will become clear after the backup15:08
cjwatsonthe DMB approved it, but I'd like the TB to approve it as well just so that we're all absolutely clear15:08
sabdflhello all, apologies for my tardiness15:10
pittihey sabdfl15:10
pittiAFAICS https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/LucidMOTU isn't very clear on whether approvals are handled by DMB or the MOTU body (or MC) themselves15:11
cjwatsonhah, that's the next item on the agenda :)15:11
cjwatson15:08 <cjwatson> we revised LucidMOTU a bit, and presented it to the DMB for approval there; the details about motu-council have been split off for discussion among its constituency (i.e. MOTU)15:11
cjwatson15:08 <cjwatson> the DMB approved it, but I'd like the TB to approve it as well just so that we're all absolutely clear15:11
cjwatsonsabdfl: ^-15:11
sabdflhmmk... i'm +0 on this15:13
pittiit seems a bit strange to me that DMB would handle applications which have both more and less power than MOTUs (contributing developer, per-package-uploader, and core-dev)15:14
Keybukpitti: I'm on leave (laundry day)15:14
persiaMy understanding was that the DMB handled all applications not otherwise delegated.15:14
pittibut if there's sufficient reason for this, I don't have a strong objection15:14
Keybukwhich proves you should (a) check the calendar before volunteering someone and (b) actually tell them if you do :p15:14
cjwatsonKeybuk: you don't read ubuntu-devel-announce? O:-)15:15
Keybukcjwatson: not while I'm on leave15:15
cjwatsonpitti: (in fact my understanding is that the DMB *does* approve MOTUs, but that is the next agenda item, not this one)15:16
pittiok, since the topic merely says "review", not "approve", why not go to that then15:16
pitti[TOPIC] Confirm that DeveloperMembershipBoard  now hears applications for MOTU15:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Confirm that DeveloperMembershipBoard  now hears applications for MOTU15:16
sabdflthe doc says:15:17
persiaI'd have fully agreed with this item until the 22nd December DMB Meeting, when I was advised to document MOTU as a delegated team.15:17
sabdflMOTU shall continue to fulfil the following functions:15:17
cjwatsonso it was my understanding from doing the whole "invite everyone in motu-council to stand for the DMB if they want" thing that this was a fait accompli15:17
cjwatsonbut apparently there is some confusion about this15:17
sabdfl  o developer approvals (restricted to within MOTU)15:17
cjwatsonsabdfl: err, hmm15:17
sabdflwhich sounds like "we tend to our own flock", which is fine by me, but counter to what's being said here15:18
pittiat the same time, "MOTU Function Analysis" says15:18
pittiDeveloper approvals: distribute15:18
* cjwatson wasn't at that meeting :-)15:18
persiapitti: In the old world, MC heard applications for Contributing Developers, MOTU, and core-dev.15:18
sabdflpitti: my interpretation is that's not insistent15:18
pittithat's what I meant with "this document is not clear about approvals"15:18
* cjwatson reads the log15:18
sabdfli.e. MC get to approve new MOTU, DMB would hear from them when folks want explicit upload to core or another package set15:19
sabdfl (or when they want to create a package set)15:19
persiaCan we separate the package-set-creation bit from that for now?  I think there's confusion there as well.15:19
pittiso by default DMB does everything, and just like ubuntu-desktop or mythbuntu-dev, the MC has _also_ the power to appoint MOTU, since it's a delegated team?15:19
dholbachwhatever the spec says I think it makes a lot of sense that the DMB takes care of all these applications, the "DMB/MC merge" wouldn't make much sense without that :)15:19
cjwatsonfrom reading the meeting log, I do not get the impression that people were explicitly thinking that they were saying that the MC should continue to handle MOTU approvals15:20
cjwatsonat least it doesn't read that way to me15:20
cjwatsonthe question was phrased in a rather more abstruse way :)15:20
keesmy understanding as well was that DMB was doing the MOTU approvals now too15:20
pittiso it seems that persia, sabdfl, cjwatson, kees, and me all seem to agree on that15:21
pittiand that just some cleanup on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/LucidMOTU is in order?15:21
cjwatsonnow that the DMB includes a large number of members with significant MOTU experience (more than TB historically had) it seems to me that now is an excellent time to fix the bug wherein core-dev and MOTU had to apply to different bodies15:21
persiapitti: I think the only point of confusion is as to whether MC is *also* delegated the right to do so.15:21
pittipersia: my gut feeling would say yes, to be consistent with other delegated teams; WDYT?15:22
cjwatsonand that making MC and DMB both do approvals after putting a good deal of effort into making the latter the successor of the former for the purposes of developer approvals, seems odd to me15:22
persiapitti: That's my sense as well.  I don't think that's cjwatson's sense.15:22
cjwatsonI would rather that the DMB took responsibility for both15:22
cjwatson(core-dev and motu)15:23
sabdfli don't think it makes sense to do either/or15:23
cjwatsonpitti: it is not my belief that the DMB has the power to appoint new members of ubuntu-desktop15:23
sabdflin other words, it should be clear who can appoint new MOTU15:23
cjwatsonmy understanding is that the DMB is delegated specific authority by the TB for the purposes of appointing new core-dev members, and (subject to this discussion) MOTU15:23
pitticjwatson: no, but ubuntu-desktop can appoint new developers15:24
cjwatsonindeed ...15:24
cjwatson15:19 <pitti> so by default DMB does everything, and just like ubuntu-desktop or mythbuntu-dev, the MC has _also_ the power to appoint MOTU, since it's a delegated team?15:24
cjwatsonI'm disagreeing with "by default DMB does everything"15:24
cjwatsonand I agree with sabdfl that there should be precisely one point of entry for each team15:24
sabdflthe original point was that MC and DMB would merge, and we wouldn't have MOTU15:26
pittithat condition doesn't contradict with MCs appointing (nor not) MOTUs15:26
sabdflfolks expressed a strong interest in keeping it, which is OK15:26
keessince MOTU is larger in function (similar to core-dev) than the other teams, it seems okay to me for DMB to be the single body doing MOTU appointments15:26
sabdflbut we want to avoid a situation where it becomes a source of tension15:27
cjwatsonI haven't interpreted this as an actual point of tension15:27
sabdflso, I'll come down firmly +1 on DMB for all developer applications15:27
=== asac_ is now known as asac
cjwatsonit seems to me that there is some confusion, but we don't have a situation where the old MC is saying "but we want to keep on approving MOTUs" or anything like that15:27
cjwatsonit's more a "so how is this org chart *actually* laid out?" kind of conversation15:28
sabdflthe only upside to me with delegating MOTU is that i think there's an argument for taking more risk on new contributors in MOTU15:28
sabdfland i think it will be hard for one body to get that right, i.e. be toughest on core-dev and generous on MOTU15:28
pittisabdfl: that risk can be handled just as well in DMB, I think15:28
cjwatsonI think the DMB can probably manage to get themselves into different headspaces for that - there's per-package uploaders to handle to, frex15:28
pittiit already needs to do that15:28
sabdflif the DMB can handle that, so it doesn't block the flow of new talent into new parts of the platform, then i think we should consolidate around DMB15:28
pittithe bar should be much higher for an aspiring core-dev than a package uploader15:28
pitti^ +115:29
sabdflok, then +1 to DMB handling all permissions15:29
kees+1 on DMB-only15:29
dholbachI agree with cjwatson that the DMB should be able to handle it - while the MC did not have the final say on core-dev applications, they still reviewed member, motu and core-dev applications and there's lots of people on the board with lots of experience in the various developer communities15:29
persiakees: And abolish the other developer approval groups entirely?15:29
cjwatsonall permissions> well, aside from ones we've already delegated, right?15:29
cjwatsonlike ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu, mythbuntu15:29
cjwatsonfor those a specialist body can do a better job15:30
keespersia: hrm? no, I meant core-dev and MOTU.15:30
pittikees: (and per-package uploader)15:30
keesI meant "only" in the DMB vs MC context15:30
keespitti: right15:30
pittiso,  hearing and approvals for MOTU will now be exclusively done by the DMB15:31
pittilet's format that properly15:31
pitti[VOTE] Hearing and approvals for MOTU will now be exclusively done by the DMB15:31
cjwatsonpitti: we have a lot of crosstalk here - can we explicitly vote on something like "DMB to exclusively handle all ubuntu-core-dev, motu, universe-contributors, and per-package uploaders"?15:31
MootBotPlease vote on:  Hearing and approvals for MOTU will now be exclusively done by the DMB.15:31
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot15:31
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting15:31
cjwatsonok, that'll do for starters :)15:32
MootBot+1 received from cjwatson. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 115:32
MootBot+1 received from kees. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 215:32
MootBot+1 received from pitti. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 315:32
sabdflhmm... that's interesting, i forgot, we've actually delegated management of those teams, to admins of those teams15:32
cjwatsonsabdfl: right.  the situation of MOTU was in some question, hence this discussion15:32
sabdflhmm. sorry. i need to think a sec.15:32
persiaMOTU is potentiall "special".  Were it not special, we wouldn't need the discussion :)15:32
pitticjwatson: I thought restricting the vote to MOTU would make more sense, since DMB already exclusively approves core-dev and per-package uploaders15:33
keesthat's my thinking as well.  core-dev and MOTU are special in the world of delegated teams.15:33
sabdflcjwatson: there will be many potential entry points, then, DMB or any of the admins of the delegated teams?15:34
pittisabdfl: right; wasn't that one of the main points of dsitributed teams?15:35
persiakees: "as well" may not be applicable, since I don't think MOTU needs to be special :)15:35
cjwatsonfor somebody seeking entrance to a given team, I think there should be precisely one entry point15:35
sabdfland what's the argument for treating MOTU differently than, say, gnome-desktop?15:35
persiacjwatson: Shall we not have fallback in the case where some group is unable to follow the current process?15:36
cjwatsonfor somebody seeking entrance to Ubuntu development in general, I would say that it makes sense for the entry points to depend somewhat upon one's interests; the kubuntu team is much better able to judge the people they work with, because they're a smaller specialised team15:36
cjwatsonbut motu is (a) big and (b) general15:36
sabdflso, MOTU and core-dev are both general and big15:36
persiacjwatson: For instance, if the ubuntu-desktop team is, for some reason, unable to reach a quorate state to accept a new member, fall back to the DMB?15:36
keessabdfl: my thought is that gnome-desktop is very focused (as far as package upload rights), where as core-dev and MOTU are not.15:36
cjwatsonthe sorts of things that one judges in new members of each are essentially the same15:36
cjwatsonthe only difference is basically quantitative (experience level) rather than qualitative (type of experience)15:37
sabdflpersia: and your argument for delegating this too, is?15:37
cjwatsonpersia: an appeals board?  that's not something we'd discussed before.  I think CC/TB would be more appropriate there15:37
persiacjwatson: Works.  I just don't think single-point is necessarily sufficient.15:37
pittiif some of the delegated teams suddenly stop working, then I think this should be brought up to the TB15:38
pittiinstead of worked around by redirecting an application15:38
persiasabdfl: The main reason I think it makes sense to allow the MC to do it is because it helps MOTU to have sense of self-governance.15:38
pittisince then we need to fix the entire delegation IMHO15:38
sabdflpersia: i don't think someone could reasonably expect DMB to put them into a gnome-desktop uploaders team. they could ask for either (a) the gnome-desktop admins to be changed, or (b) to be admitted to the core-dev team15:38
cjwatsonpersia: wait, so you do genuinely have a beef about taking this away from the MC?  from our IRL discussions last week, I got the impression that it was mainly a procedural question.15:39
cjwatsonpersia: or do you mean the appeals bit, not new applications?15:39
sabdflpersia: that self-governance has been both a good thing and a blocker in the past15:39
persiacjwatson: Two separate bits: 1) I think there is value to MC having self governance.  My apologies if I was not clear.  2) For appeals, I have less of an opinion on the appropriate body.15:40
cjwatsonpersia: so, as a member of the DMB, do you or do you not feel that the DMB should be voting on new MOTUs?15:40
cjwatsonbecause you sure didn't mention this when voting on a MOTU last week :-)15:41
persiasabdfl: If it isn't the case that the DMB can oversee approvals to delegated teams, I think that it's worth making sure that it's well documented that the delegation to the delegated teams stems from the TB, rather than the DMB.15:41
sabdflpersia: i thought bringing the MC into the DMB so strongly was a good result, and am worried that we're setting ourselves up for more inconsistencies in future15:41
dholbachI think by having various ways to get upload rights, we miss an opportunity to simplify processes by merging and unifying (which is what we set out to do with permissions reorg) - it's not just the application process, but lots of other bits that diverged into different directions because of separated communities15:41
cjwatson(which vote incidentally is pending, not yet approved)15:41
persiasabdfl: I agree that the delegation to MC has been a blocker in the past, but I'd argue that this should have been considered an issue with the extant MC, rather than with the idea of an MC.15:41
pittipersia: hm, why did we unite the DMB in the first place then?15:41
persiadholbach: We already have lots of ways to get upload rights, through the delegated teams.15:41
cjwatsonlet's have different ways to get upload rights when it makes sense, and not when it doesn't15:42
persiapitti: I've never quite understood that, to be honest, although I did think that having Contributing Developers and Core Developers first apply to the MC was redundant.15:42
dholbachwe're diluting more and more what permissions reorg set out to do15:42
cjwatsonI don't think we need to be all Highlander about it, but there are some cases where people have to ask a few too many different groups for approval15:42
persiadholbach: I'm very confident that permissions reorg set out to delegate and separate to more people :)15:43
cjwatsonpermissions reorg set out to delegate where the delegation was valuable, and unite where the delegation was unnecessarily divisive15:43
persiaPeople should *definitely* only have to ask one group to get their access.  The multiple group path is awkward and causes unnecessary delays.15:43
sabdflcjwatson: if we delegate to MC for MOTU membership, then there's only one place for MOTU membership15:44
pittiwell, the point was to move away from a main/universe split towards a topic/product based split, wasn't it? so the question would be if the MOTU activities are homogenous enough to fit into this "topic" schema15:44
dholbachI agree with cjwatson, the goal of permissions reorg was not to have a desktop-release team or a kubuntu-sru team or a separate sponsoring process for mythbuntu or a different idea of how NEW packages are dealt with in the server team15:44
persiapitti: Part of how I erad MOTULucid was an attempt to define that topic.15:45
cjwatsonsabdfl: yes; that I think would be a good thing15:45
persiadholbach: I don't think anyone is arguing for a proliferation of release or sru teams.15:46
pittiwell, the voting is pending on sabdfl's vote now (we don't have a quorum with the +1 yet)15:46
pittipersia: do you think the desire to appoint new MOTUs by the MC is representative of the MOTU crowd?15:46
dholbachpersia: I'm just saying that permissions reorg didn't set out to separate people more15:46
cjwatsonpitti: right, my feeling is based precisely on the fact that I feel the topic of MOTU and core-dev are the same, although they have different associated levels of experience15:47
pittior should we rather ask the MC before we continue the vote here?15:47
sabdflhere's a straw man: we consolidate around DMB now, with a view to reviewing and delegating this if (a) the MOTU feels like DMB is blocking folks who would make good MOTU, or (b) the workload grows to the point that DMB wants MC to handle half of it15:47
pitticjwatson: same for me15:47
sabdflpersia: ^?15:47
cjwatson(BTW if (b) happens at least in the next year or two then I think the DMB is failing somehow)15:47
persiapitti: I don't think that MOTU has completed discussion about MC.  Many of the individual MOTU with whom I have spoken have been disspritied about ArchiveReorg in general, and I think it will take some time for there to be an MC that represents MOTU.15:47
cjwatsonI think people have been disspirited due to mixed messages15:48
persiasabdfl: I'd be very happy with that, if we could add 3) that MOTU defines an MC and applies to DMB to request administration (or applies to the TB, depending)15:48
cjwatsonrepresenting stuff that was discussed and discarded a year ago15:48
persiaI don't think the current rump MC is either representative of a future MOTU nor a current suitable delegate.15:49
persiacjwatson: I think you're right.15:49
pittiI like that strawman, too15:49
cjwatsonI am also fine with sabdfl's strawman, leaving aside my parenthetical comment15:49
pittii. e. DMB handles them now, and if MC asks for that (if they want approvals back), DMB can delegate it again15:49
cjwatsonparticularly since that lets us move forward now in a non-irreversible way15:50
keesyeah, strawman plus persia's addition seems like a good way to move forward and have guidelines on changes in the future, if needed.15:50
MootBotFinal result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 315:50
pittithat didn't reach quorum15:50
sabdflpersia: would it help if we invited the MOTU to chat with the CC, or TB, or just me?15:50
pitti[VOTE] Hearing and approvals for MOTU will now be exclusively done by the DMB, with the option of delegating it to the MC upon request and voting in the future15:51
MootBotPlease vote on:  Hearing and approvals for MOTU will now be exclusively done by the DMB, with the option of delegating it to the MC upon request and voting in the future.15:51
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot15:51
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting15:51
sabdfli think ArchiveReorg should be empowering, and want a chance to make the case if it will help15:51
MootBot+1 received from cjwatson. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 115:51
MootBot+1 received from kees. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 215:51
cjwatsonempowering> yes!  I think that is a message I have failed to convey15:51
persiasabdfl: There's an action item outstanding from the DMB meeting for MOTU to discuss the future of MC.  IF that doesn't work, something organised with another body may help.  My main interest is to have a path for the future, rather than an immediate solution.15:51
MootBot+1 received from pitti. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 315:51
cjwatsonthe whole point was to clear away unnecessary barriers, not to take away people's toys15:52
sabdflpersia: i'm happy to spend an hour in #motu answering questions. i'd like folks to be motivated, and want to understand what's got them down15:52
cjwatson(that is not intended to sound patronising; I hope people get the idea)15:52
pittisabdfl: your vote?15:52
persiasabdfl: OK.  If there isn't some useful discussion soon, I'll see if I can organise a MOTU Meeting to discuss it.15:52
cjwatsonI think we made a mistake in not reacting sufficiently quickly and clearly to the concerns about the earliest archive reorg models15:53
sabdflpersia: what do you mean by (3)? that MC would be formed and the request for delegation happen regardless of (a) and (b) ?15:53
persiasabdfl: That if there is an MC desired by MOTU, that that MC would be able to request delegation to approve MOTU.15:53
cjwatsonthe DMB certainly has not acquired all the functions of the historical MC, and there is currently a debate among MOTU about whether MC is still needed and if so in what form15:54
cjwatsonI asked for that discussion to be split out from this one to avoid blocking it15:54
persiaAnd yes, regardless of (a) and (b).  The request may not be approved, but I think it should be noted as available.15:54
sabdflpersia: the straw man says "we'll only do that if there is a problem". your (3) says "we plan to do that"15:54
cjwatsoncould I try to clarify the disagreement here?15:54
persiasabdfl: I'd prefer "we will hear such an application" to "we plan to do that".15:54
pittiand the current voting now explicitly mentions the option of delegating it back later on15:54
persiasabdfl: I don't assume that some future MC may be acceptable as a delegate.15:54
cjwatsonthe discussion about establishing (or revamping) the MC is not explicitly about delegating approvals to it15:54
sabdfli don't want to merely defer the discussion. if folks go to the trouble of picking an MC, and sending in the request, they'll be committed to it. i would rather we only have to debate this again if the DMB concretely fails on (a) or (b)15:54
keesright, I voted based on "an option" not "it will happen"15:55
cjwatsonit's about the other functions of MC, such as organisation, dispute resolution, etc.15:55
sabdflpersia: it would be very bad, socially, if the MOTU picked an MC, and the DMB then refused to delegate to it15:55
dholbachthe "ongoing discussion about the necessity of an MC" has not started among MOTU yet, at least not on any mailing list15:55
sabdfli would rather we commit to moving forward with DMB as the responsible admin for both core-dev and motu, and review if *that* fails15:55
persiasabdfl: I'd hope that it would be a temporary measure, asking for some cleanup on procedures or something, otherwise I'd agree.15:55
cjwatsonwhether the MC deals with MOTU approvals is a separate question, and not in my view intrinsically connected to whether the MC continues to exist15:55
gesersabdfl: a consistent picture of the imagined future (what is the "place" of each team) would be a good start. I've lost track where we are going with all the "redefinitions" (first it was talked that core-dev and motu get merged than not; was the dmb/mc merge a merge or more an election)15:55
pittisabdfl: at least if MC expresses the desire to take up approvals15:55
cjwatsondholbach: oh, ok, ScottK was meant to do it15:56
sabdflgeser: the nominations were a merge, the poll gave us a good result15:57
cjwatsonthat said, I agree with sabdfl, even given a reconstituted MC, I think we should only debate redirecting MOTU nominations if the DMB is failing15:57
sabdfland as i recall, MC folks did well in the poll15:57
MootBotLINK received:  http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/12/08/call-for-nominations-ubuntu-developer-membership-board/15:57
dholbachpitti: I don't think that the majority of the last 7 MC members want to take motu approval away from the DMB.15:57
sabdfli'm sensitive to concerns that the DMB *might* not get sufficiently into MOTU's head that it does a bad job of approving MOTU candidates15:57
pittithe vote was explicitly done under the annoucnement that the DMB unified the approval15:57
sabdfland if that happens, we should fix it15:58
cjwatsonsabdfl: agreed15:58
sabdflit would not be a huge failure, it could happen just through normal "where is the focus" issues15:58
persiaSo the model would assume that if there is an MC, it would likely only make that request if the DMB was perceived to not be meeting needs?15:58
gesersabdfl: my first understanding of this merge was that also the powers/responsibilities get merged and not only the team members15:58
sabdflbut i think saying we *will* setup and MC and it *will* ask for delegation is setting ourselves up either for (a) delegating when we don't want to, or (b) refusing to delegate, and creating tension15:58
sabdflso, -1 to persia's suggestion, though i appreciate the spirit in which it was put forward15:59
sabdflcan i ask that we revote on the straw man:15:59
cjwatsongeser: that was also my understanding but with a slight refinement: the powers/responsibilities associated with developer approvals were merged15:59
sabdfl - DMB will be admin for both core-dev and motu15:59
persia(and contributing developers and per-package uploaders915:59
sabdfl - if motu feel, after a few months, that good candidates are not making it through, they can ask for delegation to MC15:59
sabdfl - if DMB feel that they want that, they can ask for it too15:59
sabdfl - in both cases, the TB will hear the request16:00
pittisabdfl: currently ongoing vote is "Hearing and approvals for MOTU will now be exclusively done by the DMB, with the option of delegating it to the MC upon request and voting in the future."16:00
cjwatsonthat was what I believed I was voting on anyway, but OK16:00
sabdflpitti: yes, but some of the +1's have been "with persia's mod"16:00
pittisabdfl: (which has a +1 from cjwatson, kees, and me)16:00
cjwatsonI don't mind revoting for clarity16:00
sabdfl(persia, i appreciate where you are coming from, but i think it just defers the question, and i'd rather settle the question now with the option to review based on results)16:00
pitti"Hearing and approvals for MOTU will now be exclusively done by the DMB, with the option of delegating it to the MC upon request by MC or DMB, and approval by TB in the future."16:01
pittithat's more explicit?16:01
cjwatson(the TB unambiguously has power to revise its own decisions anyway ...)16:01
persiasabdfl: Understood.  I'd be more unsatisfied if there was an active MC asking for it, but given the current state, I'm fine with the result.16:01
sabdflsorry, network16:01
pittisabdfl "Hearing and approvals for MOTU will now be exclusively done by the DMB, with the option of delegating it to the MC upon request by MC or DMB, and approval by TB in the future."16:01
pittisabdfl: does that cover your concern?16:01
sabdflpitti: yes16:02
MootBotFinal result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 316:02
pitti(no quorum reached)16:02
sabdfl+1 ...16:02
pitti[VOTE] Hearing and approvals for MOTU will now be exclusively done by the DMB, with the option of delegating it to the MC upon request by MC or DMB, and approval by TB in the future16:02
MootBotPlease vote on:  Hearing and approvals for MOTU will now be exclusively done by the DMB, with the option of delegating it to the MC upon request by MC or DMB, and approval by TB in the future.16:02
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot16:02
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting16:02
MootBot+1 received from pitti. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 116:02
MootBot+1 received from sabdfl. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 216:02
MootBot+1 received from kees. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 316:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pitticjwatson ?16:03
MootBot+1 received from cjwatson. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 416:03
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 416:03
pittithus approved16:03
* persia will take an action to update the wiki to match this decision16:03
pittiwe have a time out, so I propose to defer teh other agenda points to the next meeting16:03
sabdflthanks persia, and thanks for making an eloquent case16:03
cjwatsonpitti: seconded16:03
pittibut I  think it was better to discuss this through rather than revisiting it again next time16:03
sabdflpersia: let me know re chat-with-motu16:03
pitti[TOPIC] chair for next meeting16:03
MootBotNew Topic:  chair for next meeting16:03
persiasabdfl: Certainly.16:04
* pitti checks calendar for holidays :)16:04
pittiI'll volunteer Keybuk again16:05
pittiKeybuk: are you okay with leading the meeting next time? You aren't on vac then16:05
pittiI'll confirm that out of band16:05
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:05.16:05
pittithanks everyone16:05
sabdflthanks all16:07
bjfRoll Call17:00
* jjohansen waves17:00
* cking here17:00
* apw leans nonchalantly against the edge of channel17:00
* amitk waves17:00
* ogasawara waves17:00
* smb here now17:00
* manjo waves17:00
MootBotMeeting started at 11:01. The chair is bjf.17:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:01
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:01
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:02
bjfNOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.17:02
bjf[TOPIC] Open Action Item: amitk to meet with keybuk on automated boot tests17:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Action Item: amitk to meet with keybuk on automated boot tests17:02
bjfthis is an old one17:02
bjfamitk, anything to report?17:03
apwi was expecting that to occur last week, but i didn't see it myself17:03
amitkI didn't really talk to keybuk about that in particular. But I now have the info necessary to start my own PXE booting automated installs17:03
bjfamitk, so can we call this action item closed?17:03
bjf[TOPIC] Lucid Release Status: Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs17:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Lucid Release Status: Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs17:04
apwJFo, ?17:04
JFosorry 1 sec...17:05
JFoRelease Meeting Bugs (2 bugs, 3 blueprints)17:05
JFoAlpha 3 Milestoned Bugs (35 bugs against all packages)17:05
JFo * 1 linux kernel bugs17:05
JFo * 2 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs17:05
JFo * 0 linux-ec2 bug17:05
JFo * 1 linux-mvl-dove bugs17:05
JFoRelease Targeted Bugs (133 bugs against all packages)17:05
JFo * 11 linux kernel bugs17:05
JFo * 2 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs17:05
JFo * 0 linux-ec2 bug17:05
JFo * 1 linux-mvl-dove bugs17:05
bjf[TOPIC] Lucid Release Status: Milestoned Features17:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Lucid Release Status: Milestoned Features17:05
JFoMilestoned Features -17:06
JFo * 1 blueprint17:06
bjf[TOPIC] Lucid Release Status: Bugs with patches (apw, JFo)17:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Lucid Release Status: Bugs with patches (apw, JFo)17:06
JFoBugs with Patches Attached:10717:07
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/17:07
* apw notes this is no longer a new topic, and hands it to jfo :)17:07
bjfapw, should we just combine those three topics into a single "Lucid Release Status" topic?17:07
apwfeels that way to me17:08
apwRelease Metrics perhaps17:08
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-bug-handling (JFo)17:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-bug-handling (JFo)17:08
JFo * Arsenal scripts are currently running in dryrun mode daily. I am finishing up adding the -r option in each script to enable the actual run.17:08
JFo * Reviewed the X debugging pages. I have started working up an outline of what we need to put in place and how we can use most of what we already have to do it.17:08
JFo * I'm also making up a listing of what information needs to be updated on our wiki.17:08
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta (apw)17:09
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta17:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta (apw)17:09
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta17:09
apwNothing to report17:09
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review (apw)17:09
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review17:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review (apw)17:09
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review17:09
apwTesting for any boot-speed regression with the PATA and SATA disk controllers removed is ongoing.  We have also cleaned up those patches which were under discusssion, dropping a number of redundant patches.17:10
bjfapw, did we decide anything w.r.t. having builtin drivers vs. modules?17:11
apwthat is part of what the first item there is about17:11
bjfapw, ack17:11
apwi am planning to test that, and use that to start an email discussion on kernel-team17:11
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin)17:11
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kms17:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin)17:11
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kms17:11
apwPreliminary testing with nouveau has been pretty good.  An upload of the new Lucid LBM is pending in the New queue currently.17:12
apwoh one more thing ...17:12
apwactually there is some discussion starting that KMS on radeon may be not as good as it could be17:12
apwand we need to figure out what if anything we need to do there also17:12
manjoI am looking at backporting some patches17:12
manjofor radeon17:12
manjothat might fix some of the memory issues17:13
manjothat are being reported17:13
apwok keep me in the loop on that17:13
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-suspend-resume (manjo)17:13
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-suspend-resume17:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-suspend-resume (manjo)17:13
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-suspend-resume17:13
manjoI have 2 patches, 1. prints a lot of info driver:device:resumetime 2. is based on tracepoints. I have tested patch #1, and I17:13
manjoam in the process of testing patch #2. I plan on tweaking patch #1 and carrying it as a sauce in Lucid.17:13
apwis the first one the one which we're going to make only output on slow things?17:14
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-apparmor-development (jjohansen)17:15
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-apparmor-development17:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-apparmor-development (jjohansen)17:15
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-apparmor-development17:15
jjohansenRemoved an unused feature that is potential security vulnerability (other option17:15
jjohansenwas complete the feature and do heavy code auditing).  The feature could allow privilege escalation when combined with change_profile.  No CVE as there is no way to exploit it with out it being explicitly used in policy, which has never happened except in experimentation.17:15
jjohansenfinished up policy optimization, it provided a 50% reduction in size and 4x speedup, also laid the ground work for further improvements (table sharing, and faster table compression) in the future.17:15
jjohansenpam_apparmor update should be done later in the week.17:15
jjohansenFixing locking deadlock.  The freeing of profiles has a race that can potentially deadlock.  This can occur when free_profile is triggered from an rcu callback that is occurring at the same time as a profile replacement/removal.17:15
apwmost excellent news17:15
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-boot-performance (apw, csurbhi)17:16
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-boot-performance17:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-lucid-boot-performance (apw, csurbhi)17:16
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-boot-performance17:16
apwBoot is looking better, plymouth has been pulled back out of initramfs and we are below budget again.  We have one outstanding issue with khubd which seems to be hanging about, investigation is ongoing.  We have also pulled some of the boot speed improvements back to the ARM branches for lucid, they are under testing now.17:16
apwwe look to be at about 1.8s to rootfs right now17:16
bjf[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Lucid Audio Support (bjf)17:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: Lucid Audio Support (bjf)17:16
bjfnothing new here, wiki and bug work needing to be done17:17
bjf[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Lucid Better Power Mgt (amitk)17:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: Lucid Better Power Mgt (amitk)17:17
amitkI've been playing with CPU wakeups on a stock lucid isntall17:17
amitkgot it down to 5-6 wake ups after using some laptop-mode-tools tricks, blacklisting modules, etc.17:18
amitk5 wakeups/s17:18
ckingdisabled gnome terminal cursor?17:18
amitknow trying to figure out what parts of these hacks can be bundled with lucid17:18
amitkcking: yes done that17:18
amitkI hope to have atleast some scripts for pm-utils17:19
bjfamitk, anything you can writeup and have others try?17:19
amitkno plans for any kernel changes atm17:19
* apw cheers17:19
amitkbjf: possibly17:19
bjfamitk, done?17:20
bjf[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: EC2 Lucid Kernel Status (jjohansen)17:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: EC2 Lucid Kernel Status (jjohansen)17:20
* amitk forgot about the ... code17:20
jjohansenupdated to latest set of patches, and updated configs to more closely match -server (with exception of physical device drivers, which diverged even more).17:20
jjohansenneed to look at linux-meta-ec2 package as it has been reported by smoser that it isn't updating to latest version of kernel.17:20
apwjjohansen, that would be my fault if its not17:21
apwpoke me after so i can check17:21
jjohansenapw: will do17:21
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Lucid (apw)17:21
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Lucid (apw)17:21
apwWe have refactored the debian abstraction to reduce the separation and thereby increase commonality of the rules and scripts.  The kernel is currently being pulled up to v2.6.32.8 and should be uploaded today.17:21
apwOverall we are about half way through alpha-3 and we have completed about 58% of the milestoned tasks.  Much of what remains undone are investigation items.  We are making some progress to returning below the burn-down line:17:21
apw[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.html17:21
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.html17:21
bjf[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (gnarl/smb)17:22
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (gnarl/smb)17:22
smbDapper:     2.6.15-55.82 (security)17:22
smbHardy:      2.6.24-27.65 (security)17:22
smb            2.6.24-27-66 (proposed)[just uploaded]17:22
smbIntrepid:   2.6.27-17.45 (security)17:22
smbJaunty:     2.6.28-18.59 (security)17:22
smbKarmic:     2.6.31-19.56 (security)17:22
smb            2.6.31-20.57 (proposed)[1]  4/18 verifications done17:22
smbSecurity release is done. This time it included updates to fsl-imx51, mvl-dove17:22
smband ec2 packages. The ports-meta will be refreshed as well.17:22
smbA new upload to Hardy proposed is waiting for approval and will also be17:23
smbdone for netbook-lpia.17:23
smbThe Karmic proposed upload includes a few more patches than before and also17:23
smbfixes a regression through that was catched before.17:23
smb-.. --- -. .17:23
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)17:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)17:23
JFoIncoming Bugs17:23
JFo122 Lucid Bugs (up 21)17:23
JFoCurrent regression stats (broken down by release):17:23
JFo== regression-potential (up 4) ==17:23
JFo39 lucid bugs17:23
JFo== regression-update (no change)==17:23
JFo9 karmic bugs17:23
JFo5 jaunty bugs17:23
JFo2 intrepid bugs17:23
JFo1 hardy bug17:23
JFo== regression-release (down 5)==17:23
JFo56 karmic bugs17:23
JFo22 jaunty bugs17:23
JFo11 intrepid bugs17:23
JFo4 hardy bugs17:23
JFo== regression-proposed (no change)==17:23
JFo1 karmic bug17:24
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo)17:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo)17:24
JFoI don't have the page prepared for today. I'd like to create the page and market it a bit. Is it ok to have it next week?17:24
* JFo failed on that point17:24
apwnot sure we had a bug day to report on17:24
ogasawarayah, seeing as we skipped last weeks17:24
apwit would have been last tue i think, and was cancelled17:25
apwso no failure17:25
ogasawaraseems fine to push it to next week17:25
bjf[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?17:25
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?17:25
amitkbjf: I have one17:25
bjfamitk, go17:25
amitkI want to revisit our decision (dtchen's really) to turn off HDA power save mode off17:26
apwbjf i have one too17:26
amitkdo we have any numbers on how many users were affected by the sound glitches17:26
bjfamitk, have you started a conversation with him about it?17:26
* apw thinks that bjf should be involved in the discussion17:26
amitkhaven't yet. But I can write email to kernel-team17:26
amitkbut since you're the audio guy...17:27
apwit would be good to know what the issues were so we can revisit them to confirm if they are the same still or fixed17:27
bjfapw, amitk, I have no problem being involved in the discussion17:27
ckingamitk, how much power does it save?17:27
cndamitk, +1 on having glitches myself17:27
cndbut osx has glitches too17:27
amitkthe better part of a watt in some cases17:27
apwi could have done with that on the plane17:28
cndhmmm... I'm not sure I care enough about the glitches to consume an extra W17:28
ckingthat's significant enough in my books to warrant a revisit on this decision17:28
amitkwe tweaked kirkland's laptop before he got on the plane with my crack17:28
* kirkland high fives amitk 17:28
* amitk takes that to mean that stuff mostly worked ;)17:28
manjoamitk, is your crack on a wiki ?17:29
amitknot yet, I'll try to put it there when I free up some time17:29
bjfamitk, I'll let you send out the initial email but I will jump in as well17:29
manjoamitk, I would like to see17:29
manjowhat it does on Dell 10V17:29
manjoI have one17:29
manjoand its our benchmark17:29
JFonice haiku manjo17:29
amitkmanjo: this is all on a dell mini 10V17:29
bjfapw, you have something you'd like to get off your chest?17:30
apwReminder that we are frezing the kernel on March the 11th, which means we have to have everything ready and in by March 8th.17:30
jjohansenthere is a patch we might want to consider pulling in for lucid now that we have a preempt flavour (I haven't looked at this yet, beyond seeing it on the lsm)17:31
MootBotLINK received:  http://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/66155/17:31
* manjo notes that leaves little time for stuff to get done 17:31
bjfanyone else have anything?17:32
smbProbably I also should note that Karmic SRU for the kernel are about to end as well.17:32
bjfthat seems like the end17:33
amitksmb: meaning mass -stable tree updates?17:33
smbamitk, No meaning all non kitten-killer ones17:33
smbamitk, We need to concentrate powers on Lucid17:34
manjosmb, lbm ?17:34
* amitk nods17:34
smbmanjo, Might be acceptable if you have something but better soon than late17:34
bjfthanks everyone17:34
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:34.17:34
ckingthanks bjf17:35
JFothanks bjf17:35
* smb hands bjf a virtual beer17:35
kangaroooso what about meeting?20:14
cjohnstonthats what I was thinking20:14
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jonosorry folks, I am in a last minute call20:24
jonocompletely missed the reminder20:24
jonojcastro, can you coordinate the meeting while I finish the call?20:25
jonocjohnston, kangarooo or can you run it20:25
jcastrowhat meeting?20:25
jonoglobal jam20:25
jcastroah, duh20:25
jonolooks like there is not many people here for it anyway20:25
jcastrowho's around?20:25
jonothanks jcastro20:25
cjohnstonhey dantalizing20:25
kangarooocan anyone just run it? i would like to if i knew what to do20:25
jonosorry again, bloody google calendar20:25
* jcastro snags gavel and pushes people into chairs20:25
dantalizingmorning cjohnston20:26
kangarooo16min already wasted20:26
jcastrook, let's come to order20:26
jcastrowhich locos are here?20:26
jcastroeach rep sound off please!20:26
cyphermox-qc? :D20:26
jcastrook, please fire up this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam20:27
jcastroonce again we plan to have a "global jam" this cycle20:27
jcastrothis one is at the end of march, 26-28 March20:27
jcastrothis originally started out as the "Ubuntu Global Bug Jam"20:27
jcastrobut then we had so much fun that we decided to just encompass all ubuntu development20:28
kangarooodoesnt bot needs to be started for meeting recording?20:28
jcastroso now LoCos can do whatever kind of jam they want.20:28
jcastrohow many of you have already conducted a jam? global or otherwise?20:28
jcastroheh, ok, so all but one then. Good, we should take this opportunity to spread our best knowledge then20:29
kangarooowhy ask? if to get info how they did it then they should give links to jam meeting timetable20:30
jcastroso like this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jams20:30
* dantalizing got pulled into a meeting .. sry afk20:31
kangarooook at least 1link :) this link needs more info with examples.20:31
jcastrowell, usually your first step is, what kind of jam you want to do20:31
jcastrohowever, regardless what kind of jam it is, you should probably start looking for a venue soon20:32
kangaroooi someone could write example jam schedule i would post that example to wiki20:32
jcastrowhat do you mean by a jam schedule?20:32
itnet7also conducted a jam... sorry a little late20:32
cjohnstonkangarooo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam/Events20:32
jcastrono worries, hi itnet7!20:32
itnet7Hey there jcastro !20:32
jcastrokangarooo: is that what you mean by schedule?20:33
kangarooo10.00 intro meeting with linux ngo 10.30  goverment it minister 11.00 studies of bug fixing 12.00 bug fixing20:33
cjohnstonkangarooo: there is no schedule20:34
cjohnstonits what ever and whenever your loco decides to do it20:34
kangaroooso jam without specific schegule. so jam is agile20:34
jcastrosome locos just sit around and do bug work20:34
cjohnstonkangarooo: yes...20:34
jcastrosome do a scheduled set of sessions20:34
jcastrosome even just drink beer and do no work. *whistles*20:35
cjohnstoni need to join that loco20:35
jcastrobut yes, it's up to your LoCo to jam how they see fit20:35
jcastrohowever, there are common things we can all do20:35
jcastroso first is seeing if you can actually have a jam20:35
jcastrothis is usually a call to a mailing list, etc.20:35
jcastro"Are we jamming this cycle?"20:35
jcastrothen people nod or complain20:36
jcastrodepending on what they're doing that weekend or whatever20:36
jcastrothe next step is surely securing a venue20:36
jcastrosince this is time consuming20:36
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jcastrodepending on the size of your loco that can be easy or hard.20:36
mhall119|workoh man, I hope the new loco-directory is up in time for this20:36
jcastrobut for example if you want to do classes for participants then you will need a venue that has a projector20:37
jcastromhall119|work: indeed!20:37
cjohnstonwould sure be nice20:37
kangarooowhats new loco-directory?20:37
jcastroone new jam we have in place this time is the upgrade jam20:37
jcastrothis is basically where people can just show up, upgrade to lucid, and report bugs.20:38
mhall119|workkangarooo: loco.ubuntu.com with event/venue tracking20:38
* dscassel suggests asking #hackerspaces if there's a hackerspace in your town and they want to help.20:39
jcastrook so I guess the first steps here are for those of us who have done this before to go ahead and ping our respective locos20:39
jcastroand then signing up on events: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam/Events20:40
jcastrolet's each of us take a work item to blog/tweet/dent when their loco signs up, or poke someone who can when their loco signs up so we can get the word out20:40
kangaroooouh wow. i would like to make hackerspace in latvia as loco HQ20:40
jcastrousually what happens is a few locos start and then the deluge begins after20:40
jcastroyeah they just opened a hackerspace by me so I am keen on getting our loco in there!20:41
jcastrokangarooo: ok given the current docs and guidelines, do you have any questions?20:41
itnet7sounds good denting/tweeting20:41
* jcastro is pretty sure the old timers know what they are doing by know20:41
jcastroby now even!20:42
jcastrook, so action to take out of here for everyone is to get this page noticed on the internets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam/Events20:42
jcastroalso, the new "upgrade jam" should be fun for locos I think20:42
itnet7kangarooo: after some other teams put up what their plans are, you will be able to have a wide variety of choices in case you're not sure what you want to do at first20:43
jcastroa person can just bring their laptop and contribute, if anything having the hardware there will be a bonus20:43
jcastrook, so let's each reach out to other locos as well20:44
jcastroso since I'm in michigan I'll bug the rest of the midwest folks, etc.20:44
jcastromhall119|work: want to blog about it later tonight?20:44
* jcastro will blog as well20:44
mhall119|workblog about it where?20:44
kangaroooyes all is fine. its esay to make jam then.20:44
jcastrooh, also20:44
jcastroyou'll note that someone made little logos and banners; use them!20:45
jcastromhall119|work: aren't you on planet?20:45
mhall119|workubuntu-fl.org is20:45
jcastroah ok20:45
mhall119|workone of us will post there20:45
mhall119|workqimo4kids.com might be, I'm not sure20:45
jcastroyou guys had like 4 or 5 jams last time no?20:45
jcastroor was that release parties?20:45
mhall119|workwe had some smaller ones20:45
mhall119|workit was right before FLS though20:46
itnet7I will blog tonight and will ask the rest of the team at our meeting tonight20:46
mhall119|workour release party was the big one20:46
jcastrorock, any questions?20:46
jcastrokangarooo: also, one thing we always forget to tell people20:46
jcastrokangarooo: you can jam whenever you want20:46
jcastroso if you guys have a great time and want to do a bunch, feel free to just run with it20:46
jcastrokangarooo: just take a bunch of pictures, so we can put them on the wiki. People get intimidated when they want to run a jam and then they see the pics of what other people are doing and it gets them pumped up20:48
jcastroand as always, if you have questions, I'm in #ubuntu-localteams idling most of the time20:49
jcastroany other questions?20:49
* jcastro will blog about this right now20:49
jcastrodscassel: is there a web page for #hackerspaces?20:51
akgranerjcastro, did you mean #ubuntu-locoteams20:51
jcastroakgraner: yes I did, thanks!20:52
jcastroooh, on that.20:52
mhall119|workgood eye akgraner20:52
akgranermhall119|work, thanks :-)20:53
dscasselDifferent hackerspaces have different focuses, but a lot of them are programming/free software friendly.20:53
jcastroyeah ours is like a construction site20:54
akgranerjcastro, so we have an FAQ page?20:54
jcastrostill, if this gets hackerspaces and locos together then woo.20:54
akgranerwe not so20:54
jcastrois the FAQ basically, even though it's not called that20:54
akgranerok  - I knew about that one :-)20:55
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