
LimCoreIm patching a semi-broken security in svn. Anyone wants to give me a hand about the tools to quickly rebuild&test (hand holding ;)00:13
kklimondaLimCore, what do you mean by "quickly rebuild&test"?00:26
kklimondaLimCore, ccache would probably speed up rebuilding00:26
LimCorewell, I have very limited time, so I hoped I will do what I do well (fix this bug, assuming the code base is readable) and someone will help me build/test/and all other ubuntu specyfic stuff00:27
LimCoreupsteam uses variable names like "b". No, its not for index variable. Neat00:30
PackThisLooking for either the "Debian New Maintainers' Guide" or a different Debian package creation guide in a fully-downloadable format, eg; HTML06:06
PackThisCould you please provide a link/command to one?06:06
freeflyingpersia: ping06:24
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dholbachgood morning08:09
OdyXHi MOTUs, I just filed a requestsync for usb-modeswitch (#519216), which needs sponsorship from you (if I understood it correctly). Could anyone take a look after it ?10:08
geserOdyX: Acked10:14
OdyXgeser: great. Thanks.10:15
RhondaIs there something like "bts" for launchpad?10:28
jpdsRhonda: Launchpad bugs in Launchpad?10:29
Rhondai.e., a soap interface or commandline query client?10:29
Rhondajpds: Yes.10:29
jpdsThere's an API for Launchpad.10:29
jpdsRhonda: https://help.launchpad.net/API10:30
RhondaThat sounds like there isn't a tool yet, right?10:30
dholbachand there's https://launchpad.net/bughugger10:30
Rhondajpds, dholbach: Thanks. :)10:38
dholbachno worries10:38
phekwhen using dpkg-buildpackage is there a way to restart it from a specific step?  (there was an error in my make install)11:06
geserdpkg-buildpackage -b -nc11:07
persiaNote that this doesn't always behave entirely as expected, depending on the names of various files and various rules.11:08
phekhmm, ok11:08
pheki'm guessing i also need -rfakeroot too if my original build was using it right?  (this package takes about 5 hours to build so i really don't want to end up starting all over)11:15
phekguess i can just make a backup copy and give it a try11:17
persiaphek: Aside from the -nc, you'll want to use all the same options.11:18
persia-nc just doesn't run debian/rules clean11:18
phekok cool.  thanks11:19
pheknow i'm getting an architecture error (now that i'm doing -b -nc which seems strange).  dpkg-gencontrol: error: current host architecture 'powerpc' does not appear in package's architecture list (cell)11:28
phekwell, i use -mtune=cell -mcpu=cell during the configure (this is on a ps3)11:30
azeem_that wouldn't make dpkg to think you're trying to build for cell11:31
azeem_pastebin your debian/control11:31
azeem_phek: and the output of "dpkg-architecture"11:32
phekthats the control and i just noticed that cell is the architecture:11:33
azeem_that'd be it11:34
phekOK, i guess as long as i can keep the optimizations it's fine to change it11:34
azeem_is this a new package?11:35
azeem_change it to what?11:35
phekchange the control Architecture line to powerpc11:35
azeem_does it compile on amd64?11:35
phekthe software does, but with the optimizations it would probably crash11:36
phek(using the cell optimizations)11:36
phekwhich i guess is obvious11:36
azeem_eh, you're putting the optimizations into debian/rules?11:37
azeem_using a if statement to check for powerpc I hope?11:38
pheknope. probably would have been a good idea11:38
azeem_then the package wouldn't be powerpc-specific and you can set Architecture: to any, as it should be11:39
suji11i need help to create a debian package for hunspell-ta , i'm having the dictionary file and aff file11:39
paissadhi all, i am packaging a software for debian, i have already uploaded to mentors-debian.net ... & i'm waiting for a mentor to handle, but i would like to make the .deb package available for ubuntu too ..... i've totally followed the debian policy ... what must i do now for ubuntu ?11:39
sistpoty|workphek: ooi, does -mcpu=cell make that much difference?11:39
pheksistpoty|work, yeah.  well either that or the -O2 does.  but full screen with that package and no optimizations is almost unusable11:40
paissadmeanwhile, i would like to create a wiki in ubuntu website where i could give instructions about installing that software11:40
pheksistpoty|work, but with the optimizatioins its usuable11:40
azeem_the regular package should use -O2 already11:41
paissadhere is the soft -> http://code.google.com/p/ps3mediaserver/11:41
sistpoty|workphek: interesting. wouldn't have thought that11:41
phekazeem_, there's no regular package for this.  the 1.51 version couldn't do full screen at all due to some file permissions thing.11:42
azeem_sistpoty|work: well, if it's an emulator, it might take advantage of advanced platform features11:42
phek(there's a package for 1.51)11:42
azeem_phek: then I suggest you test yourself with and without the -mcpu=cell and see whether that's it11:42
sistpoty|workazeem_: afaict cell is a ppc + 8 spu's (good at floating point, but extremely hard to program), so I didn't expect that gcc could automatically optimize the code to make use of the spus...11:43
phekyeah, i may do that.  like i said it takes 5 hours to install (at least) so it's not something i can just spend 10 minutes testing11:43
azeem_sistpoty|work: it might just turn on altivec11:44
azeem_as opposed to the regular GCC -O211:44
sistpoty|workazeem_: ah, right. had totally forgotten about altivec, thanks11:44
azeem_phek: to *install*11:44
phekerr i mean build11:45
proppyHi, I updated the bug report asking for sync of poker-network in lucid, because a new version was recently uploaded to debian11:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 509677 in poker-network "Please sync poker-network 1.7.7-1 from unstable to lucid" [Undecided,New]11:46
proppylet me know if it needs more informations11:47
Laneyslytherin: hi, did you have a chance to try that ppc build?11:48
slytherinLaney: No. I couldn't get online yesterday due to some problem on ISP side. Iwill try today if you want.11:49
Laneyif you get some free time, please11:50
slytherinLaney: Can you please send a link of the .dsc file to my email address? I do not have yesterday's logs. https://edge.launchpad.net/~onkarshinde11:51
Laneysure, here goes11:51
slytheringot to go now. Going home.11:52
Laneythere you go11:52
Laneysee you later11:52
sebnerLaney: ~o¨11:53
* Laney pounces on sebner11:53
* sebner hides11:53
phekwell, guess i one of those unexpected behaviors from using -b -nc12:00
oojahLaney: I've addressed your comments on sqlite3-pcre, would you be able to take another look at it when you get a chance please?12:25
persiaoojah: You'll end up with a much better package if you get lots of different reviewers, rather than chasing people who reviewed it before.12:27
hyperairpersia: do MOTU applications via DMB require announcing on developer-membership-board@l.u.c12:31
oojahpersia: I'm sure you're right.12:31
* hyperair is still wondering when exactly the next DMB meeting is12:32
persiahyperair: No.  I'm not sure precisely how it does work, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess is likely your best guideline.12:32
persiaNext Tuesday.12:32
hyperairhmm tuesday12:32
persiaAt 14:00 UTC, so late for you.12:32
hyperair2200 my time.12:33
hyperairi'm spending most of the day in a bus12:33
geserpersia: not 15 UTC?12:33
hyperairmy chinese new year break ends on tuesday so i have to scramble back across the country to campus12:34
persiageser: Oh, right.  15 UTC.12:35
hyperair2300 local time. still great =D12:37
* hyperair is nocturnal anyway12:37
Laneyoojah: A get-orig-source target which reconstructs the .orig.tar.gz from upstream's git repo would be nice12:41
Laney(but not essential)12:41
LaneyI can look maybe later if you don't find anyone else12:41
* oojah nods12:42
oojahI'll look into that and repost later, thanks.12:42
oojahHow can I find out the package version that is currently being built for a get-orig-source rule?14:18
persiaoojah: You can't usefully.  The semantics of get-orig-source are such that it always gets the *newest* available version.  Depending on how usptream releases, you may be able to use hints from tarball names, VCS tags, or similar.14:25
persiaBut, except in the case of tarball names, it may be tricky to determine the version that will be pulled in advance of pulling it.14:25
persia(with tarballs, uscan does an admirable job)14:26
umangHi, I have a new package that was just uploaded to sid a few minutes back. I just wanted to know, is the Import Freeze day after for sid or testing? (There seem to be conflicting information on the wiki).14:26
umangAlso, if it is for testing, then does the package wait for 10.10?14:27
persiaumang: It's usually for sid, but we're doing testing this cycle.14:27
umangpersia: So I'll have to wait for the 10.10 freeze before filing a bug?14:28
persiaFor an upload today, it would probably wait for 10.10, but if you *know* it works in current lucid after being recompiled, you can request a sync directly from unstable.14:28
persiaNo, it would be automatically pulled when the 10.10 archive opened.14:28
umangI know it works on Karmic14:28
persiaYou only need a bug if you want it before that.14:28
persiaYeah, but it needs to be known to work in lucid to be included in lucid :)14:28
persiaYou may find that a VM or chroot can help test that.14:29
umangpersia: I can do that, but by when would I have to file a bug?14:29
umangI mean it has just been uploaded, not even accepted by the ftp.14:29
persiaYou'd have to file the bug after it gets through Debian NEW, and before FeatureFreeze.14:30
persiaIt's potentially possible to do after FeatureFreeze, but that requires a Freeze Exception, which is a much higher bar.14:30
umangOK. I hope I get some time in between. :)14:30
umangIt's just a day I think.14:31
oojahpersia: Ah, ok. I was thinking about it the wrong way round. So for a git repo I should pull the code and create a tarball based on the version there and it's at that point that the new changelog entry would be created?14:31
umangpersia: So a needs-packaging, right?14:32
persiaoojah: Well, there's not usually that much automation.  Someone updating the package would usually run debian/rules get-orig-source to generate a new tarball, and then dch -i separately to add a new changelog entry, manually setting the version in the changelog.14:32
persiaumang: If you've uploaded it to Debian, surely it's already packaged :)  You'd file a sync bug.14:33
umangOh yes. :P14:33
umang"Please sync <packagename> from debian <distro>" where <packagename>"14:33
umangI mean, "Please sync <packagename> from debian <distro>"14:34
AnAntHello, I am preparing a package for a library , some symbols are not hidden although they are not in the official API, the question is, should I remove those symbols from debian/libname.symbols file ?14:34
persiaSomething like that.  Most people use requestsync.  I recommend searching for one in the ~ubuntu-archive subscription list, and following that sort of pattern.14:34
persiaAnAnt: All the symbols file does is help set appropriate dependencies and help you notice when the ABI changes.  If you think these symbols don't matter, then you can hide them.  If you think they will be used, even if undocumented, you may want to include them.  Be careful that no symbols are exposed that properly belong to other libraries.14:36
oojahpersia: Yes, that's what I meant - no automation of dch -i.14:37
AnAntpersia: well, thing is that they were supposed to be hidden in previous releases, yet some packages used a few of those symbols, so upstream kept them (but is considering hiding them) to keep API14:40
persiaIn that case, there are users, and they *should* be shown in the symbols file.  If they are hidden, that's an API change, and you will benefit from dpkg-gensymbols telling you so.14:41
umangpersia: Thanks. I will use that tool if it clears new before the 11th.14:41
c_kornare unmodified packages still automatically synced from Debian testing ?14:41
persiac_korn: Until DIF *)14:42
c_kornpersia: ah, it is the LTSDIF on the 11th, right ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:44
AnAntpersia: but those users used symbols that they weren't supposed to use14:44
AnAntpersia: ie. it is not actually an API change14:45
c_kornwell, then I have not much time to get scilab in :) thanks persia14:45
persiaAnAnt: It's not supposed to be an API change, but it *is* an API change.  The offending applications need to be patched, and so it needs to have a new soname, to break the dependency.14:45
AnAntpersia: or patch to offending apps?14:48
AnAntpersia: especially that they are a few14:49
persiaAnAnt: Well, you *could* patch all the offending applications for which you can get the source, but you can't do it for stuff you can't see.14:51
persiaSo you might see bug reports if you don't adjust SONAME when the API changes.14:52
AnAntpersia: upstream of the lib doesn't want to bump SONAME14:52
persiaThen keep the symbols public.14:52
AnAntpersia: especially that the problem I mentioned is very a very few apps14:52
persiaI argue that it's not possible to know how many applications are affected, because it's not possible to determine what all users are doing in their local environments.14:53
persiaIt's more responsible to just leave those included in the undocumented but official API until there's some other reason to bump the SONAME, and drop them then.14:53
sistpoty|workAnAnt: is the package already in the repos? if not, and if upstream seems to plan to hide those symbols, maybe you should do this too (not in the symbol files, but rather by unexporting them e.g. via __attribute__((__hidden__)))14:59
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cndI've got a package that is near inclusion into fedora, but I can't seem to get anyone to review it for ubuntu15:52
cndI've got it uploaded into revu and a launchpad bug opened for packaging15:52
cndwhat can I do to get it reviewed?15:53
cndthe package is rinputd15:53
EagleScreencnd: are you Chase Douglas?15:55
cndEagleScreen, yep15:55
EagleScreenwhy has you package a -4 debian revision?15:56
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cndI don't know specifics of how packages versions SHOULD work, but my idea is that the 1.0.2 is the version of the source code15:56
cndwhereas the -4 is the 5th version of the packaging15:57
umangcnd: If it hasn't already reached ubuntu, then you should stick to -1. That's what I was told on Debian.15:58
cndI can certainly change the version to fit ubuntu standards15:58
EagleScreencnd: if you package for Ubuntu a package which is not still in Debian, you cannot set a debian reviison grather than zero15:58
umangEagleScreen: cnd, Yes that true. (So I was wrong)15:58
EagleScreencnd: upstream version is 1.0.215:59
umangcnd: Also, why is your package native?15:59
cndEagleScreen, ok, so the revision should just be rinputd_1.0.215:59
EagleScreenthe first Debian revision would be 1.0.2-115:59
EagleScreensecond 1.0.2-215:59
cndumang, because I originally developed it in bzr and used bzr builddeb to build packages15:59
cndI can repackage it as a non-native, but I'm upstream so its easier if I could leave it that way16:00
umangcnd: Ah. But I don't think you should do that unless the package is irrelavant outside Debian/Ubuntu16:00
umange.g. Lintian16:00
cndumang, why not?16:00
cndwhen I ship the source tarball, I filter out the debian directory16:01
EagleScreencnd: if this package is not still in Debian and you package it for Ubuntu, you has to version it like this: 1.0.2-0ubuntu1 -> 1.0.2-0ubuntu2 etc..16:01
umangJust a sec, I'll find the documentation16:01
cndEagleScreen, so if I resubmit as 1.0.2-0ubuntu1 then I should be good on the versioning front?16:01
Laney/sponsoring could interface with LP to provide a list of packages-you-can-sponsor16:01
EagleScreencnd: please merge all your entries in the ubuntu chagelog (debian/changelog) in just one16:02
EagleScreenand verison it 1.0.2-0ubuntu116:02
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cndEagleScreen, every single entry in the changelog?16:03
cndor just since 1.0.2?16:03
umangcnd: For now, you can see this, I'll find a doc that says it more specifically (I'm sure there was one): http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ch-update.en.html#fr516:03
umangsection 9.416:04
cndok, I'll just make a separate non-native package then16:04
EagleScreensince 1.0.216:04
EagleScreenbut upstream version always must be continued by an ubuntu revision16:05
EagleScreennever submit an entrie with just 1.0.216:05
EagleScreendo the same for previous versions16:05
EagleScreencnd: have you packaged it using a Debian system?16:06
cndI currently do my packaging using bzr builddeb16:06
cndand upload to my ppa16:06
cndI'll probably continue to do that for development16:07
cndand have a separate tree for the debian/ files for a non-native package submitted for inclusion into ubuntu16:07
umangcnd: found it http://people.debian.org/~mpalmer/debian-mentors_FAQ.html16:07
umangYou should only use a native Debian package when it is clear that the package would only ever be of use in Debian. Even if the software is currently only available in Debian, if someone could reasonably use the software on another distribution or on another operating system, then the package should be non-native.16:07
cndthanks umang16:08
umang^ quoted from the debian-mentors faq16:08
umangcnd: Welcome16:08
EagleScreencnd: you should ideally include your package in Debian, with a debian revision 1.0.2-1 -> 1.0.2-2 etc.. then it will be automatically synchronized from Debian to Ubuntu16:09
cndEagleScreen, I will look into that16:09
cndwhere is the process documented for inclusion into debian?16:10
cndalso, is it ok if I'm listed as the maintainer in the control file16:10
cndsince I have an @ubuntu.com address16:10
persiacnd: Some people in Debian grumble, but if you're a good maintainer, nobody seems to mind that much.16:10
EagleScreencnd: all ok you are the maintainer16:11
EagleScreencnd: visit and read http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/welcome16:11
cndEagleScreen, thanks16:12
EagleScreenyou have to make a good quality package, upload it to debian.mentors repository as if it were a PPA, and then look for a sponsor in #debian-mentors16:12
umangSorry, I'm curious to know, what does the @ubuntu.com change at debian?16:13
persiaumang: Just some people in Debian are sore because Ubuntu is a derivative.16:14
persiaMost people in Debian aren't, but it's worth noting in case one bumps into someone particularly opinionated.16:15
EagleScreencnd: #debian-mentors channel is in server irc.debian.org16:15
Laneygiving back (by maintaining a package there) should make them less sore really16:15
umangBut ubuntu encourages upstream contribution to debian instead of only to ubuntu16:15
EagleScreencnd: update standars version to 3.8.416:15
cndwill do16:16
umangI guess I've met only the most people. :) debian-mentors and debian-python have been pretty friendly to me (newbie + ubuntu user)16:16
persiaumang: That's been my experience as well, although I hear stories, so like to caution people just in case.16:16
rockstardholbach, ping16:17
dholbachrockstar: pong16:17
umangOh yes. I have a related question. If you bump the standards, Lintian fussed about 3.8.4, because Karmic doesn't have the version in sid. So do we have to manually build the lintian source package from sid and then install onto the karmic installation, or do you always run lintian under a chroot?16:18
persiahyperair: You were asking about procedures to apply to MOTU earlier.  A decision has been reached, and the wiki is now up-to-date (I believe).16:18
rockstardholbach, can you take a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tahoe-lafs/+bug/51674416:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 516744 in tahoe-lafs "please upgrade Tahoe-LAFS to v1.6" [Undecided,New]16:18
hyperairpersia: cool16:18
ubottumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU16:19
persiaumang: I tend to run lintian in the target environment.  Whether you choose to use a chroot, a full install, a VM, etc. depends on your available hardware and preferred workflow.16:19
dholbachrockstar: will do in a sec16:20
umangpersia: OK. But for convenience, is it likely to break something if I downloaded the lintian source package and built it myself?16:20
umang(or karmic)16:20
dholbachrockstar: usually attaching a .diff.gz should be enough and have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess16:20
umang*on karmic16:20
rockstardholbach, great.  I thought I'd bug you since it was you specifically I talked to about getting started in packaging.  Eventually I'll find someone else to harass about getting my into Ubuntu.16:20
dholbachrockstar: will review now16:20
rockstardholbach, okay, great.16:21
persiaumang: No.  lintian is frequently backported.  But there are differences in lintian between Ubuntu and Debian.  It's worth pulling the right one.16:21
EagleScreenumang: just isntall the lintian in Debian sid16:21
persiaMind you, ubuntu-policy doesn't get updated as much as it might, so oddly Ubuntu lintian supports a policy version in excess of that documented.16:21
umangEagleScreen: How, you mean download a binary?16:22
EagleScreenyes, use the Debian package in sid16:22
umangpersia: Karmic is still at 2.2.17, if I'm going to submit to debian, I'd like 2.3.316:23
umangEagleScreen: Thanks. :)16:23
persiaumang: Right, but my point is that if you're submitting to Debian, you want *Debian's* lintian, rather than Ubuntu's.16:23
persiaThe changes are relatively minor, but sometimes surprising.16:24
umangpersia: The part I'm confused about is how. Build the source package or run in chroot?16:24
umangOr download binary16:24
umangfrom sid16:24
persiaI think you'd do best to either run in a chroot or build a cross-port binary given those choices.16:25
umangpersia: Thanks.16:25
persiaBut you could also run it in a VM or on hardware, if you have those available.  Whatever works best for you is best.16:25
umangpersia: I'm not experienced enough to run sid like that. :P I'll stick to chroot. :)16:26
EagleScreenfor standars 3.8.4 you need lintian 2.3.316:26
EagleScreenit is in sid16:26
RhondaEagleScreen, umang: Please notice that 2.3.2 on that sid page is outdated, 2.3.3 is current. packages.debian.org still seems to not have recovered from its harddisk issues.16:26
* Rhonda . o O ( see output of "rmadison lintian" )16:27
EagleScreenyes it is outdated16:27
persiaOr, rather `rmadison -u debian lintian` when running on karmic :)16:27
umangYes. I have actually been checking it on a chroot, I just wanted to know what's best. :)16:27
persiaumang: chroot is fine, if it works for you.16:27
Rhondapersia: Oh, makes sense that ubuntu patched devscripts to use -u ubuntu by default. Should have thought of that. :)16:27
umangThanks all. :) Going to get some sleep now. Good Night.16:28
persiaRhonda: That was why I had the "nifty ..." comment a couple days back: I thought the entirety of -u was an Ubuntu patch.16:28
EagleScreenif you only package for Ubuntu you can use standars 3.8.316:28
* persia should probably use the Debian system for more than a NAS more often16:28
Rhondapersia: No, there is also -u bpo :)16:28
RhondaFor backports.rog16:29
persiaRight.  madison.cgi in Soyuz includes backports by default (but unfortunately only includes 2 architectures for binary results)16:29
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persia(or at least I *think* it's Soyuz)16:29
RhondaEagleScreen: One can also use standards 3.8.3 for Debian, there is nothing really wrong with doing so. The changes aren't relevant for most parts, and it's technically the same, most of the times.16:30
Rhondamost packages, that is.16:30
EagleScreenofcourse, but some uploaders take care about 3.8.416:31
corecodethe newer linux kernels come with tools, specifically "perf"16:33
corecodei can't seem to find a package containing it16:33
corecodewhat's the opinion on how to package that?16:34
persiacorecode: You might want to ask in #ubuntu-kernel : that team has more experience in that area.16:34
persia(assuming it's part of the kernel distribution, rather than just being some other tool distributed from kernel.org)16:35
corecodeso many different chans16:35
persiaLots of different teams :)16:35
LaneyMOTU: Signposts into Ubuntu development16:36
persiaLaney: Well, #ubuntu-devel is probably better for that, but most of us end up working with several teams, just in the nature of what we do :)16:37
Laneypersia: Indeed. Just that recent discussions have me considering how the future looks...16:37
persiaWith today's TB decision, I think there is now a clear path forward.16:38
sebnerLaney: ultra uploader everywhere16:38
persiaMOTU may be less broad than it was, and more QA focused, but at least we know it has a future, and how that works.16:38
* Laney ITA: sebner16:40
sebnerLaney: hm?16:48
Laneynever mind :)16:49
sebnerLaney: I just wanted to point out that there is a new developer position, comparable to core-dev, with upload rights nearly everywhere16:52
persiasebner: Hrm?  What sort of developer?16:59
sebnerpersia: I forgot the correct spelling -.-17:00
persiasebner: I just reedited UbuntuDevelopers, and I'm fairly sure we only have six types, which doesn't include anything like that.17:01
Laneyare most package sets restricted?17:01
persiaNone so far.17:01
sebnerpersia: really? I've heard about that kind of thing. Let me check17:01
persiasebner: Please.  I'd like that everyone had a single shared understanding about these things :)17:02
Laneyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveReorganisation/Permissions#Resolving%20upload%20permissions the second bullet here17:02
persiaThat probably needs revision now that MOTU exists.17:03
persiaBut it basically just says that people can upload to the stuff to which they have permisison to upload, except from the packages' perspective.17:03
sebnerpersia: ah, it was "generalist developer"17:03
Laneyso "generalist" is like core-dev, right17:04
sebnerLaney: aye17:04
sebnerLaney: like core-dev, upload rights everywhere except special stuff like kernel ,..17:04
Laneyand "MOTU" is P(generalist) \ U (packages in sets)17:04
persiaLaney: At the time that document was written, it included an understanding the "MOTU" and "core-dev" would both be replaced by "Generalist".  I do not believe this is still the case.17:05
persiaA proposal for a definition of MOTU under ArchiveReorg has been submitted and approved.17:05
persiaThe definition of "core-dev" is still a bit unclear, but I suspect it will end up being close to the "Generalist Developer" of the prior documentation.17:06
LaneyGood, that's how I understand it17:06
Laneyso I don't think it really affects current permissions that much17:06
persiaWhere I'm less certain is whether "core-dev" will have access to restricted sets, or whether some other group will be created that has access to everything, or whether core-dev will have access limited only by restricted package sets.17:06
persiaNo.  For us (MOTU), the next big permissions change is when we move from being able to upload to the universe component to only being able to upload to packages that don't belong to package sets.17:07
persiaWhich means we can't upload to as much stuff, but also means we don't have to feel responsible for as much stuff.17:07
persiaThose of us who have interests in packages belonging to package sets would likely be welcomed as members of the teams responsible for those package sets.17:08
sebnerpersia: I'm wondering if a MOTU can join freely or also has to make some applications as non-MOTU folks17:08
persiasebner: I personally consider membership in MOTU entirely separate from membership in any other development team.  I don't see any conflict in belonging to several of them, nor any dependencies between them.17:09
persiaUntil today, I considered MOTU just another delegated team, but the TB has determined that MOTU is a bit special for now.17:10
oojahpersia: Is there a link where I can read about that?17:10
sebnerpersia: yeah, I just thought about the technical skill question17:10
LaneyWell, being the "default" uploaders to the distribution does put MOTU in a bit of a special position AFAICS17:11
persiaoojah: About which?17:11
persiaLaney: Indeed.  I don't argue with the TB decision, it just is different than my previous opinion :)17:11
oojahThe TB stuff.17:11
Laneythe minutes just went out to u-d-a17:12
Laneyand the logs in the usual place...17:12
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/17:12
ogra\sh, thanks for the rootstock fix, why wasnt there a bug17:16
corecodewhat's the TB decision?17:19
persiacorecode: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-February/000673.html17:21
ari-tczewwhat is the solution for sync, if package's name has been changed?17:25
kreuterhi #ubuntu-motu.  I'm trying to upload my first package to REVU, and am dubious of the dput documentation.  am I really only uploading the source.changes file?17:26
Laneyhave a look at the contents of the changes file17:26
maco2kreuter: dput will pull the rest from the same directory17:26
maco2i think...17:27
Laneythere is a Files: section17:27
maco2it all it makes it there17:27
kreuterbut the only command I need to execute is "dput revu <foo>_source.changes"?17:27
EagleScreenyes maco2 and kreuter, only the .changes17:27
kreutergreat.  thanks!17:27
maco2kreuter: right17:27
Laneythat's all you need to type, but it's not all you are really uploading17:27
kreuterok.  I guess I expected something more involved.17:28
maco2EagleScreen: well now im wondering about teh insides of dput. i know i only need to tell it the .changes, but i think the way it works is it then looks for the rest of the files in the same directory, and grabs those too, right?17:28
LaneyI just said17:28
oojahmaco2: I'd read what Laney said.17:28
EagleScreenyes maco217:28
Laneythat's why you pass -sa or -sd to dpkg-buildpackage.17:29
ari-tczewLaney: could you take a look @ http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/non-free/f/frobtads/frobtads_0.13-2/changelog17:29
ari-tczewand how we can sync it17:29
EagleScreen-sa is needed when a new upstream tarball is used17:29
persiaari-tczew: The common way is to request inclusion of the new package and removal of the old package.17:29
persiaMost of the time the old package is removed in Debian already, but I've ended up filing a few removal requests there when that didn't happen.17:30
Laney-sa is needed when you need to have the .orig.tar.gz included in the changesfile and it isn't by default17:30
Laneymost commonly when uploading a merge which contains a new upstream version17:30
ari-tczewpersia: how are you think, can be done this before FFe?17:30
Laneyari-tczew: do it now17:30
persiaari-tczew: Quite possibly.  I handled a new-package-addition and removal last week.  Dunno why someone couldn't do it this week.17:31
micahgwhat's the proper short for for replaces/provides/conflicts if any?17:31
micahg*short form17:31
persiaGenerally the archive-admins run the scripts every day, so it's just a matter of making sure the requests have been made properly.17:31
persiamicahg: How do you mean "short form"?17:32
micahgpersia: can I say R/P/C in a changelog entry?17:32
Laneythere is no need to make a changelog entry short17:34
micahgLaney: ok17:34
LaneyMaking it understandable for people in the future should be your goal17:35
micahgwas just wondering if there's a convention17:35
Laneynot that I know of17:35
persiaI usually just put something like "Enable transition from ${PACKAGE}", but that may be too terse.17:35
persiaOr "Support transition ..."17:35
LaneyAdded replaces/conflicts on xxx due to yyy17:35
ari-tczewpersia: do I need to report 2 bugs? 1) remove 2) sync new package?17:38
persiaari-tczew: sync-new should happen without a bug if it reaches testing.17:39
persiaIf it doesn't reach testing, you'll need a sync-new bug.17:39
ari-tczewyes, this is in testing17:39
ari-tczewbut still no synced into lucid17:39
persiaAnd check in Debian: I often find it's more productive to work with maintainers and file removal bugs in Debian directly.  The removal is synced (if it happens in time)17:40
persiaIf it's in testing and not in lucid, check (in #ubuntu-devel) to see if an archive-admin has pulled the new sources from Debian testing recently.17:40
persiaThere's probably a bunch of stuff we ought have included.17:40
ari-tczewpersia: I think is not synced yet, because in Debian this is not _new_package_, just change package's name17:41
persiaari-tczew: The source package name changed?17:42
kreuteris there a delay between dput finishing and the package becoming visibole on revu.ubuntuwire.com?17:42
persiakreuter: Yep.  The queue is processed every 5 minutes or so.  If it's a long time, ask for a REVU Admin to investigate.17:42
kreuteralright.  thank you.17:42
ari-tczewpersia, just look at changelog http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/non-free/f/frobtads/frobtads_0.13-2/changelog17:43
kreuteruh, one last question: is it necessary to upload different sets of files for different architectures?17:43
persiaari-tczew: Yes.  We'll see that as a NEW frobtads package.  So will Debian.  Compare the results on packages.qa.debian.org for frobtads and tads.17:44
persiaari-tczew: Also, check the Ubuntu NEW queue: it may already be there.17:44
persiakreuter: No.  In fact, it's necessary not to upload any architecture-specific files.17:44
kreuterhrm.  dput says it uploaded an amd64.deb.  will that cause problems?  was I supposed to have deleted the .deb before running dput?17:45
persiaYes.  I'll go delete that.17:45
persiaNo, you need to dput source.changes17:45
kreuterhrm.  here's what I did: "debuild; cd ../; dput <package>_source.changes"17:46
kreuterI guess I wasn't supposed to do a debuild./17:46
persiakreuter: All cleaned out.17:47
persiaYou wanted debuild -S.17:47
kreuterpersia: thanks.  should I try again, starting with debuild -S?17:47
rmunnIs it possible to remove a file from a source package without modifying the .orig.tar.gz? The upstream source package includes a binary .jar that shouldn't be there. I tried "rm nltk/nltk.jar; debuild -S" but the removal of nltk.jar didn't show up in the .diff.gz. What should I do here?17:53
persiarmunn: Well, there's two schools of thought: repack and delete on clean.17:54
persiaMy personal preference is to verify the binary object is licensed in a redistributable way, and delete it in my clean: rule in debian/rules.17:54
rmunnpersia: There are no license problems with distributing the .jar since it's built from NLTK source files that are all present in the original tarball, so I'd prefer to leave the original tarball alone and delete it in debian/rules.17:54
persiaIf the blob isn't licensed in a redistributable way, or can't be regenerated from source, or is otherwise annoying, you have to repack.17:54
rmunn(And that are all licensed under Apache-2.0 license)17:54
persiaI can't say I've memorised all the terms of the Apache 2.0 license, but my memory is that it ought be safe.17:55
rmunnAll right, I'll delete it in the clean: target of debian/rules.17:55
persiaJust be prepared to defend your decision if an archive-admin is in a hurry, and be sure to set out your argument in terms of having a license to redistribute the blob, rather than in terms of deleting it in clean.17:56
\shogra: there was a bug :)18:09
ogra\sh, against what ?18:09
ograi didnt get one18:09
\shogra: could be because it was in the sponsoring queue?18:09
ograno, i probably am not subscribed to the package bugs18:10
ograi'll check that, might be my fault18:10
\shbug #51752418:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517524 in rootstock "Error in debian/watch file" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51752418:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 517524 in rootstock "Error in debian/watch file" [Undecided,Fix released]18:11
\shogra: there are two more bugs attached18:11
ograi prefer to know about my packaging errors :)18:11
\shogra: I don't think it's a pkg bug, I wonder if it was a change in launchpad which triggered that?18:11
ograyeah, i guess the whishlist one is a wontfix ...18:12
ograrootstock trunk is already a lot more complex, would be very hard to do18:12
ograok, securetty is triaged ... i'll fix that with my next upload18:13
randomactionIs this sync request somehow malformed? It was overlooked during two last waves of syncs. (bug 491988)18:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491988 in gcl "Sync gcl 2.6.7-56 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49198818:13
\shogra: does armel has different ttyS devices?18:15
ograyeah, nearly for each board there is a different name18:15
ograversatile boards have ttyAMA0, babbage boards have ttymxc0 ... some just use ttyS though18:15
ograbut given that the device name is a parameter to rootstock if you want a serial tty its not a prob18:16
ograjust some sed magic to add the entry to securetty18:16
\shogra: isn't it a better idea to "link" /dev/tty<whatever> to something more standard?18:16
\shogra: somewhere in udev hell?18:16
ograwell, that would break vendor docs18:17
ograusually you get a handbook with your board where such stuff is defined18:17
ograwe could indeed add a udev rule18:17
ograbut i doubt upstream would accept it ... and its hard to get Keybuk convinced to carry extra rules if they are not absolutely needed18:17
\shogra: well, but can't we identify those "exceptions" during install and we add some udev rules to react on those "exceptions"?18:17
ograuuh, no, not if they arent in any package18:18
ograi'm just working on rootstock to be closer to the default ubuntu images ... such a change would be awkward :)18:19
\shspec: "Dynamic UDEV Rule creation on arch during install" ;)18:19
persiaWould it be similarly infeasible to have a special arm-serial-console package that just contained readmes and udev rules?18:19
* persia also advertises #ubuntu-arm as a good forum for this discussion18:19
ograpersia, that would be possible and cleantr18:19
ograheh, yeah18:19
persiaogra: You could probably build it out of the rootstock source, etc. :)18:19
ograheh, yeah thats possible18:19
ograthough i wont have time before FF for that18:20
ogranot sure such a bug justifies an FFe for a new package18:20
* \sh just creates udev rules during deploy time, when FAI comes, it checks my database, and writes udev rules for those machines ;) depeding on the input from my asset management system...but this is far more advanced ;)18:20
ograthats why we dont use FAI but d-i in ubuntu :)18:21
jcastroanyone know anyone who uses or likes mongodb?18:21
persiaogra: Adding a udev rule is trivial with dh_installudev.  Fixing it to work for everyone is clearly post-FF bugfixing :)18:21
jcastroit's a sql-less db.18:21
ograanyway, i need to take a break, long conf call at 8pm ...18:21
ograpersia, i'll quote you on that if slangasek hunts me down for it *g*18:22
\shcouchdb, mongodb why are all cool db systems named after lazyness ;)18:22
persiaogra: As long as you commit to fixing it by beta-freeze, I don't mind if you quote me on that.18:22
persia\sh: Because of hubris, laziness, and impatience18:23
oojahWould someone please review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/sqlite3-pcre when they get a chance?18:23
slangasekogra, persia: depending on what the udev rule does, I might hunt you down sooner. :)18:24
\shwell, couchdb will be included in our 6.1 release..which makes me not happy...and that cisco is tainting the linux kernel with binary blobs on cisco asr, it makes me think../me should switch back to windows or go forward to darwin+apple ui ;)18:24
ograhaha :)18:24
persiaslangasek: It creates a known good dev point for serial consoles on armel devices.  Priority: extra.18:24
slangasekwhat's "known good"?18:25
ograslangasek, linking weird tty names to generic ttyS18:25
slangasekso that will conflict on any system that has both ttymxc and real ttyS?18:25
ograslangasek, like ttyAMA0 or ttymxc018:25
ograthough i wouldnt know what such a system would be18:25
persiaUm, why wouldn't we use something like /dev/tty-console18:26
persiaThat would avoid the conflict.18:26
\shpersia: rewrite LPIC ;)18:26
ograyou would need a lot of soldering experience and a microscope to build it :)18:26
persia\sh: Why?18:26
\shpersia: why not...it would make a good question.."On armel device X what is the name of your serial device? a) ttyS0 b) ttyAMA0 c) ttymxc0 or d) tty-console ;)18:27
\shLPIC 99101 ;)18:28
persia\sh: Ah.  See, I'd like to live in a world where that sort of knowledge didn't need to reside in humans because we had sufficient automation :)18:28
\shpersia: I would like to live in a world, where I plug in a <whatever> hardware thingy into my computer, and everything would behave after a written standard ... but oh well...nice..cisco asr -> crash -> with simple bgp full feed18:31
\shso...dinner time18:32
persia\sh: You could, but it just needs someone to do the automation first.  As time passes, more and more of my hardware actually works.18:33
lucasa long time ago, we had a lot of FTBFS bugs because of a change in X that was picked from the Debian SVN (a dependency change, I think). that change was not in Debian by the time.18:47
lucasdoes someone remember more details?18:47
persialucas: If nobody answers here, you might try #ubuntu-x18:52
crimsunwhat's the timeframe for "a long time ago"?18:53
lucas3-5 years18:53
persiaThere was a GL-related transition in breezy, but I forget the details.18:54
persiaThere was also the x-dev transition, but I don't remember that generating heaps of FTBFSs.18:55
kreuterso my upload to REVU hasn't shown up after about an hour.  could anybody with the relevant privileges tell me if I've done something wronga again?18:57
persiakreuter: Try to use the string "REVU Admin" in your requests of that sort, as it may attract more attention if people are only paying half-attention :)  Looking now.18:57
kreuterpersia: alright.  thanks for the tip.18:58
persiaWhat's your LP ID?18:58
kreuterrichard-10gen, I think.18:58
kreuterer, my name on LP is "Richard M Kreuter"18:59
persiakreuter: richard-10gen was the string I wanted :)  Have you ever logged in to REVU?19:01
kreuterI believe I'm logged in now.19:01
crimsunGL transition was mostly "Depend on lib{gl,glu}1-mesa-dev instead of xlibmesa-{gl,glu}-dev"19:01
persiakreuter: Had you logged in before uploading?19:02
persiacrimsun: Yes.  That was it.19:02
kreuterpersia: yes.19:02
crimsunback when we were tracking transition work on the wiki!19:02
persiaOK.  The signatures look good.  Let me try tossing the .changes back in the queue and see if that fixes it (sometimes this works)19:02
persiacrimsun: Right.19:03
persiaWhich worked nicely, but kinda depended on there not being quite so many of us.19:03
rmunnOK, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/python-nltk now has a new version uploaded that fixes the problems pointed out to me yesterday. I'd appreciate a MOTU or two checking it out and giving me feedback and/or advocating the package. Note that there's one lintian warning (with minor severity), but according to my understanding of Debian policy, the warning is wrong in this particular case.19:05
persiakreuter: Seems it got rejected again.  Let me look harder.19:05
rmunnSince NLTK is apparently a rather famous package in the field of computational linguistics (an O'Reilly book was recently published about it: http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596516499), I'd like to get this package into Lucid, which means advocates are needed. Thanks!19:06
persiakreuter: As a general guideline, you don't want to have two changelog entries with the same version.19:07
persiakreuter: I don't *think* the issue is "Distribution: unsable", but that's the only bit I see wrong about the .changes file.19:09
rmunngeser, jcfp: Thanks for your comments yesterday on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/python-nltk, by the way. Much appreciated.19:15
kreuterpersia: sorry, meeting.  should I change "unsable" to "unstable" and reupload?20:10
persiakreuter: You could try, but I'm unsure if that would work.  I've asked in the support channel for ubuntuwire, but haven't heard back yet.20:11
persiaMaybe another REVU Admin can figure it out, maybe it needs someone who has access to logs, etc.20:12
kreuterokay.  thank you.20:12
juancarl1sneed a guide to package these need packaging bugs, but guides i find or someones pointme is for package on my own PPA, i want to share my packaging work with everyone, not only on my PPA, at least on Multiverse or something like that20:14
juancarl1show to fix need-packaging bugs?, i know package apps20:14
fabrice_sp!revu | juancarl1s20:15
ubottujuancarl1s: REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU20:15
fabrice_spand also !packaging20:15
fabrice_sp!packaging | juancarl1s20:15
ubottujuancarl1s: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports20:15
juancarl1sfabrice_sp: Thanks!, got experience packaging, traduction, and python so maybe i can help20:16
fabrice_spjuancarl1s, sure. You can also help with merges and bug fixing ;-)20:17
juancarl1sfabrice_sp: got some apps marked as "need-packaging bug" on a personal FTP20:19
juancarl1sothers guides talk about my PPA, i dont want to use my PPA20:19
fabrice_spjuancarl1s, PPA is a good way to make the application available to people, andtested before being integrated in the archive20:20
persiaWell, except that it can complicate things if there are issues with the early PPA releases that require special upgrade handling.20:21
juancarl1sfabrice_sp: but there are some easy to package apps, kinda python apps and such20:22
fabrice_sppersia, sure. But in this case, you can always make a pre upgrade in your ppa, and upload the version after20:28
persiafabrice_sp: Assuming you have clean version and revision strings :)20:28
persiaThere's also the risk of someone only updating with update-manager -d, which disables PPAs before doing all the upgrade bits.20:29
fabrice_splol I prefer not to look at all the PPA out there (even in mine, I have some ugly versions :-D )20:29
persiaI prefer to avoid PPAs entirely, when possible, although I've uploaded some stuff to them previously.20:30
* fabrice_sp still has some software in his PPA20:31
fabrice_spespecially, backports (for calibre, for example)20:31
fabrice_spjuancarl1s, what experience do you have in packaging?20:32
crimsunjames_w: hi, do you have a moment to look at lp:ubuntu/goffice and lp:debian/squeeze/goffice?  "bzr merge-package" is balking due to a missing tag.  It doesn't appear as if the latest lucid source package has been imported, either.20:33
crimsunor squeeze, for thatmatter20:33
fabrice_splibboost-dev points to 1.40 in Lucid, right?20:36
fabrice_spthanks :-)20:37
juancarl1sfabrice_sp: i work by selling services consulting support to small business and commercial shoops locally, i build solutions for common problems, packaing, traducing, and making quick'n'dirty python apps20:38
juancarl1snot my main job, but my main job gives me spare time20:38
juancarl1slol, sorry for my english im reading the web ATM20:39
fabrice_spnp: not native english myself :-)20:40
juancarl1sfabrice_sp:"Uploads to REVU should be source files, with the original tarball"20:41
juancarl1sfabrice_sp: explanations are not so explanatory, a screenshot may be good, continue reading20:42
fabrice_spyes. Even if you should build the package locally before20:42
juancarl1sbut i can upload a .deb or not?20:42
fabrice_spthe packaging guide should explain how to generate the source file20:43
fabrice_spno: it has to be a changes files, generated from a dsc20:43
juancarl1sor the ready-to-build sources?20:43
fabrice_sp(basically, with debuild -sa -S )20:43
fabrice_spa source package20:43
fabrice_spA source package commonly contains a .dsc file describing the package and giving md5sums for the source package, an .orig.tar.gz file containing the source code from the author(s)  and a .diff.gz file containing the packaging (in the debian/ directory) and patches applied against the source code.20:46
juancarl1sfabrice_sp: yes i know20:47
juancarl1sfabrice_sp: what if not authors .tar.gz?, sometimes its only a .py or .zip or whatever?20:48
fabrice_spyou have to create a tarball, even if it's from a svn or a git repository20:49
* fabrice_sp don't remember if source format 3.0 support zip files20:49
ari-tczewbetter pack in .tar.gz20:52
fabrice_splast package I uploaded was a tar.bz220:52
fabrice_spand I think mame is zip20:52
fabrice_spno: sdlmame is repacked to tar.gz20:53
fabrice_spby the way, REVU support source format 3.0 yet?20:53
juancarl1slol, REVU logo is nice! Playmobil xD20:54
juancarl1si got my PGP keys uploaded20:54
bdrungfabrice_sp: can you use "dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH" to determine the architecture for test_install (ack-sync)?20:54
fabrice_spbdrung, the sbuild can have a different arch than your main system, so I didn't found an easy way to determine the output20:55
fabrice_spas well as pbuilder, if I remember correctly20:55
bdrungfabrice_sp: then use globbing20:56
juancarl1syou are using LXC or something like that for testing?20:56
fabrice_spoh: patterns20:56
fabrice_spjuancarl1s, I'm using chroots20:57
bdrungfabrice_sp: http://docs.python.org/library/glob.html20:57
juancarl1schroot is nice20:58
fabrice_spbdrung, thanks! :-) I'm reading Python for beginners right now :-) (began last week)20:59
bdrungfabrice_sp: you will love python20:59
fabrice_spjuancarl1s, I also have a VM, as sometime, the chroot is not working for some stuff20:59
fabrice_spbdrung, It's nice, yes: I come from C++ (with some java and C), so it's a kind of easier :-)21:00
fabrice_spthat may explain why my code is not so nice21:00
bdrungyes, it's easier and you reach your goal faster21:00
juancarl1sLOLCode is nice21:01
POXfabrice_sp: http://diveintopython.org/21:01
lfaraoneHi, I was wondering of anybody had some time to do a quick review of a new python module: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=762121:01
bdrungfabrice_sp: can you wrap long lines?21:01
lfaraone(it's depended on by groundcontrol, and we want to get it in before FF)21:01
lfaraonepersia: care to take a look?21:02
fabrice_spPOX, I'm reading the spanish version ;-)21:03
fabrice_spbdrung, for the piuparts call ,you mean?21:03
juancarl1sha hablas español fabrice_sp jajajajaja21:03
POXlfaraone: it will be extremely hard to find a sponsor in Debian if you'll not replace pycentral with pysupport21:04
bdrungfabrice_sp: yes. you can use ["a",\n"b",\n"c"]21:04
fabrice_spok. Will do (I'll try also to add piuparts call with pbuilder tarball)21:06
lfaraonePOX: is there good reason for this general hatred of pycentral?21:06
juancarl1sREVU says im Timezone: Europe/Berlin (GMT+1), and im not, i cant edit, im logged-in21:06
juancarl1sdoesnt matter?21:06
juancarl1sim GMT-321:06
lfaraonejuancarl1s: it's not relevent, really.21:06
lfaraonePOX: I've seen many people say things like that, that's why I ask. Is there anything inherently wrong with pycentral?21:08
persialfaraone: Nothing screams out at me, except that I don't really like python-mkdebian21:09
POXlfaraone: well, short story: pysupport is maintained in Debian21:09
POX(bugs are fixed, etc.)21:10
POXlfaraone: get-orig-source looks familiar ;)21:12
lfaraonePOX: heh :)21:12
persiaPOX: Do you know of anything maintained for pysupport that mirrors python-mkdebian?21:12
persia(from python-distutils-extra)21:13
POXI don't know python-mkdebian very well (never used it to be honest)21:13
* POX maintains stdeb21:13
persiaPOX: it autogenerates copyright, control, rules, compat, watch?21:14
POXcontrol, rules, compat - yes21:15
persiaWell then, maybe I'll send you a patch rather than trying to figure out python-mkdebian (which was causing me confusion).21:15
persiaWith Lucid, there are a number of tools being released that attempt to automate package construction for python developers, and they all seem to use python-mkdebian today.21:16
POXpersia: great, I plan to work on stdeb a little bit once I finish dh_python21:17
juancarl1sLOL, Python tag at REVU is giant21:18
fabrice_spbdrung, I'll change also the status from Confirmed to Triaged, if you are ok21:18
persiaPOX: What's the current estimated schedule for dh_python?  Weeks or Months?21:18
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: what is the different between Confirmed and Triaged in sync requests?21:18
persiaari-tczew: Isn't really one.21:19
fabrice_spari-tczew, for the archive admin, it's the same21:19
POXwe have a freeze in March and I promised doko to have it ready in Squeeze21:19
fabrice_spIIRC, the wiki says to put Triaged21:19
bdrungfabrice_sp: i am fine with that21:19
POXI work now on a compatibility with PEP21:20
persiaPOX: Even faster than I'd hoped.  Thanks for the update.  Good luck!21:20
rmunnHow do I add a tag to a REVU upload? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/python-nltk should probably be tagged with "python" but I can't find a way to tag it anywhere on that page...21:21
lfaraonepersia: should I increment the ubuntu revision on each REVU upload?21:24
persialfaraone: Please don't21:25
lfaraonepersia: mk, just wondering. One of my sponsors in debian insisted that I do so, and he ended up uploading a -4 version of a package to NEW :)21:25
POXdepends on a sponsor21:26
lfaraonePOX, persia, new version sans pycentral: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=764721:27
persiaI've had sponsors in Debian insist both ways.  For REVU, I tend to encourage collapsing the changelog, as I don't think end-users care about what was done prior to the initial release, excepting documentation of local patches.21:28
lfaraone*same version, different content.s21:29
lfaraone!botabuse > juancarl1s21:30
ubottujuancarl1s, please see my private message21:30
POXlfaraone: why XS-Python-Version: >= 2.6? I don't see anything that requires 2.6 (nor even 2.5)21:31
lfaraonePOX: upstream's packaging used "current". I'm not sure how to check for compatiblity with older python versions. (the only change I noticed between 2.5 and 2.6 is "with")21:31
* POX checked with 2.4 and 2.521:32
lfaraonePOX: mk, I'll lower it to 2.4 then, thanks!21:32
POX"current" is bad and should be avoided in 99% of cases21:33
lfaraonePOX: I realize, that's why I changed it :)21:33
POXpython-support can most probably be moved to -Indep21:34
lfaraonePOX, persia, "third (er, fourth) time's the charm" upload: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=764921:49
* persia steps away, still not being confident about python, and not having seen anything else worthy of mention21:51
persiaI'm always happy to *reject* python packages that have something else wrong, but not quite entirely confident advocating them.21:51
kreuterpersia: so I just tried re-uploading my package with the changelog fix, but revu won't take it.  any ideas?21:52
lfaraonekreuter: what error did you get?21:53
kreuter"Already uploaded to revu on revu.ubuntuwire.com"21:53
lfaraonekreuter: that's a issue with dput. do "dput -f pathtofile"21:53
persiakreuter: You probably have a local .revu.upload file.21:53
lfaraonekreuter: -f forces dput to reupload.21:53
persialfaraone: No it isn't: it's a matter of dealing with local files.21:53
persia-f is a large hammer.  It's generally worth sorting the issue.21:54
kreutershould I delete the .revu.upload?21:54
persia(because -f can force other classes of failed uploads as well, and that's less good)21:54
persiaYes.  If you delete the .revu.upload file, you can upload again.21:54
lfaraonepersia: well, the manpage is unclear, then. According to  it, all -f does is "-f, --force - force an upload of an already uploaded package."21:54
kreuterokay, done.21:55
persialfaraone: Or my information is wrong since I haven't looked at that code in quite a while.21:56
juancarl1sREVU is kinda Arch AUR22:04
POXlfaraone: if you'll add python-xdg to build depends I will upload it in Debian22:06
juancarl1swhat happend if i try to package/upload an .exe, like pptview or playolinux???22:06
juancarl1sto REVU22:06
juancarl1sno playonlinux is not the right example, but pptview22:07
POXlfaraone: consider using dh instead of cdbs, though22:07
POXlfaraone: /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny22:07
juancarl1swhat happend if i try to package/upload an .exe, like pptview???22:10
* POX continues stealing developers ;)22:10
jpdsjuancarl1s: It would be uploaded?22:10
juancarl1slol, you reply my question with a question22:11
jpdsjuancarl1s: Yes.22:11
juancarl1sbut wiki says sources only22:11
jpdsjuancarl1s: And due to copyright, we would remove it.22:11
juancarl1swhy?, i dont talk about licensing22:12
juancarl1sthen i report pptview package22:12
juancarl1sfor licensing22:12
RAOFThere are a number of questions you need to ask: (a) Do we have permission to distribute it?  If we don't, then there's no point.22:12
juancarl1sen .exe with permission to distribute22:13
RAOF(b) Can we build the package from source?  If so, it could go into universe.  If not, it could possibly go into multiverse.22:13
juancarl1sthis is nice RAOF22:14
lfaraonePOX: done, much appreciated. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=765022:15
POXlfaraone: let me know if you will want it in Debian (Maintainer field in debian/control and distribution field in debian/changelog will have to be changed before I can upload)22:18
juancarl1sWTFPL are allowed on REVU ?22:19
lfaraonejuancarl1s: yes, WTFPL meets the Debian Free Software License.22:20
juancarl1swhat means build on top of the main component?, it need to build correctly on a Chroot, Ubuntu with ubuntu-standard installed?22:21
lfaraonePOX: okay, I'll add myself as maintainer with Martin as an uploader.22:22
lfaraonePOX: do you mind if I set DMUA?22:22
POXare you DM?22:23
POXanyway, please let DD set this flag22:23
POX(and I will not set it in NEW package for sure)22:24
lfaraonePOX: yes-ish. I applied two weeks ago, got advocated, and recieved an email from the keyring maintainers to keyring@rt.debian.org that I was being added to DM.22:24
POXask me again after at least few clean uploads22:24
lfaraonePOX: https://rt.debian.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=211522:25
lfaraonePOX: understood.22:25
POX(clean = no replies to RFS mail)22:25
POX.oO( that will not be easy ;P )22:25
asbinHi everybody. I'm looking for a reviewer for some packages. They are fully working, I have tested them on my ppa https://launchpad.net/~asbin/+archive/geexbox/+packages : libnfo http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=7625 - libplayer http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=7627 - libvalhalla http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=7629 - enna http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=7630 . Thanks !22:25
POXlfaraone: http://people.debian.org/~piotr/sponsor22:26
juancarl1si printed the Wiki page to play at home22:27
lfaraonePOX: testing in pbuilder right now, I didn't have a sid base built yet so it might take a few mins.22:29
juancarl1s✔ thanks for the Help...22:32
POXlfaraone: please create Debian chroot as well (to test the package)22:32
dooooomimok0: hi! if you've got a minute, i changed klick's debian/copyright as you suggested22:37
mok0dooooomi: ok, great22:38
mok0dooooomi: is it on REVU already=22:39
dooooomimok0: yup, revu has the latest version22:39
* mok0 looks22:40
mok0dooooomi: Looks good. +122:41
mok0dooooomi: I'll take a look at gklick tomorrow. Ping me if I forget :-)22:42
persiaPOX: Getting more people from this channel to upload directly to Debian isn't "stealing developers", it's "collaboration" :)22:43
dooooomimok0: ok, thanks :)22:43
mok0I haven't tracked the multimedia situation lately... Is jack supported now?22:45
mok0It seems a lot of the nice tools use it22:45
asbinHi is it too late to have packages included in lucid ? I though the feature freeze is on february 18th, right ?22:45
persiamok0: jack is certainly supported, but it's in universe, so nothing in main links against it.22:45
persiaasbin: That's right.22:46
mok0I see22:46
mok0persia: of course, nothings in universe soon22:46
asbinpersia: right, but reviewing package takes time too ...22:46
persiamok0: Once that happens, jack will be in a package set.22:46
mok0persia: ... Ubuntu Studio?22:47
persiaIt's in the ubuntustudio set now, and there is an open MIR.  I'm not sure it will end up in some other set anytime soon.22:47
persiaYes :)22:47
persiaBut I think the only things that *could* use it that don't are gstreamer, vlc, and pulse.  I may be mistaken though.22:48
mok0My son is becoming interested in Linux. He wants to use ardour22:49
mok0Perhaps I should recommend him to install Ubuntu Studio22:50
persiaIf he already has an Ubuntu install, no reason to reinstall: just install ardour.  I tend to like ubuntustudio-audio-plugins as well.22:52
asbinI'm trying to have my packages (libnfo, libplayer, and libvalhalla) reviewed before they go automatically with the Debian Import, to fiw some packages issues right now ... what do you think about it ?22:53
persiaubuntustudio-audio has a selection of more apps than just ardour, if that's useful.  ubuntustudio-graphics and ubuntustudio-video may be less interesting collections of software.22:53
mok0persia: he doesn't, not yet22:53
persiaUbuntustudio-desktop is an interesting alternative, but that comes down to a matter of preference, mostly.22:53
persiaWell then, Yes, installing Ubuntu Studio is the way to start :)22:53
mok0Great, I'll tell him. :-)22:54
lfaraonePOX: done, see http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/p/python-xdgapp/python-xdgapp_1.1-1.dsc23:14
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