
LLStarksasac. woe is me. 3.6.2 dailies are still not being built against cairo.02:56
LLStarksfta, is there a problem with the build system?02:57
LLStarksmicahg. sup.04:09
micahghi LLStarks04:21
micahg[reed]: sqlite check failure w/3.6.2204:53
noaXesshi all06:49
noaXessneed i add ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable to get ff3.6 or will it be in norma updates of (k)ubuntu karmic?06:50
mahfouz_noaXess, probly will not be in karmic updates06:53
mahfouz_since it hasn't been yet06:53
noaXessokay.. so add this ppa..06:54
mahfouz_yeah, check the ppas06:54
mahfouz_or download from mozilla directly06:54
mahfouz_will be in lucid though06:54
noaXesshow is the name of ff3.6 from the mozillateam ppa? still firefox or any other name?.. as in ppa of mozilla daily builds?06:58
mahfouz_which ppa?06:58
mahfouz_check the websites of the ppas, it's all there06:58
mahfouz_dunno which one you mean in particular06:58
noaXessjust  minute.. updating ff07:00
noaXessneed a reboot.07:01
noaXesswil back soon.. kernel update..07:01
mahfouz_just a restart07:01
=== gandi_ is now known as gandi
asac!info libdbusmenu-glib110:12
asac!info libdbusmenu-glib1 lucid10:12
ubottuPackage libdbusmenu-glib1 does not exist in karmic10:12
ubottulibdbusmenu-glib1 (source: libdbusmenu): Menus over DBus shared library for glib. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.3-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 20 kB, installed size 100 kB10:13
Milos_SDI see there is todays build of Firefox 3.7 on PPA page11:37
Milos_SDbut I didn't get any update for it in past 2 days :S11:38
Milos_SDwhat can be the problem?11:38
Milos_SDI see now11:39
Milos_SDbuild faild for 64bit :(11:39
noaXesssince i have ff 3.6 from mozillateam ppa, i haven't sun-java6-plugin enabled.. it is installed but not in firefox.. if i go to http://www.java.com/de/download/installed.jsp and check java version, ff means to install the plugin, i try so.. an get the message that sun-java6-plugin is allready installed... any idea how to get java plugin back to ff 3.6?12:42
noaXessok goit it working..13:01
noaXesssee here.. german solution: https://libertalia.eu/blog/floeschie/2010/01/java-plugin-fuer-firefox-36-unter-ubuntu-linux-karmic13:01
noaXesssudo update-alternatives --set mozilla-javaplugin.so /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so13:01
noaXesscan this posted somewhere on the ppa.. or can the mozillateam this include in a next update?13:13
BUGabundo_worknoaXess: Lucid no longer has SUN Java13:14
noaXessBUGabundo_work: ?? and what does lucid has? openjdk?13:14
BUGabundo_workwhich, AFAIK, doesnt have a browser plugin, yet13:15
BUGabundo_workbut micah has more info on that13:15
noaXessokay.. so i cqn use openjdk also now. right?13:18
noaXesscan ^13:18
noaXessnow have enabled java-6-openjdk.. but ff3.6 plugin won't work.. how to get it up with openjdk?13:22
noaXessplugin is installed: dpkg -l | grep icedtea -> ii icedtea6-plugin 6b16-1.6.1-3ubuntu113:22
and`fta: around?13:43
and`BUGabundo: hey13:44
BUGabundohey and`13:45
and`BUGabundo: do you know if setting up latest gwibber on Debian sid / squeeze is possible? (dependencies are badly messed up)13:45
BUGabundoyes they were13:46
BUGabundoi used Hardy repos13:46
BUGabundoused to at least start13:46
BUGabundono idea about the new 2.9x version13:46
BUGabundohavent tested it13:46
and`k, thanks, will give it a try13:46
gnomefreakwho is here?14:28
asachi gnomefreak14:28
gnomefreakhi asac14:29
asacBUGabundo: and`: latest gwibber doesnt work in hardy afaik14:30
asaci would hope karmic is close enough to squeeze14:31
gnomefreakasac: i am going to try to make the meeting. I have to see my accountant at 9:00am not sure how long it will take. ATM there is no agenda.14:32
gnomefreaki should be here before 9:0014:32
asacgnomefreak: we have a meeting date?14:32
asacwhen is that?14:32
gnomefreakasac: thursday @ 16:00UTC14:33
* asac adds calendar entry14:34
BUGabundognomefreak: i'm, sometimes14:36
gnomefreakwe should really have a way to add wikis as an .ical but have it as "you choose" what ones you want14:36
gnomefreakok there is a very good chance i will get locked up for the next while (updates) ive had problems with memory the past week or 2 and so far works good :) we will see14:46
gnomefreakcan i use * in place of all files/folders in a dir when wanting to compress ever files/folder in the dir?14:59
micahggnomefreak: using what?14:59
gnomefreakusing tar15:00
micahggnomefreak: unnecessary, if you specify the directory, it will pull everything below it15:01
gnomefreakah that makes sense sorry i forgot that i can compress the whole folder "backup :) thanks15:02
micahgyep, just add j or z :)15:02
gnomefreaktar -zcvf is what im using15:03
* micahg managed to crash a terminal :)15:03
gnomefreakhow did you manage that. that is one thing that i never crashed15:05
micahgbad shell commands...15:07
gnomefreakreally bad ones15:07
* micahg left out a space I think...15:08
* micahg is working on his shell-fu15:08
micahgasac: around?  need to chat about TB3 migrator15:25
=== asac_ is now known as asac
_Tsk_micahg:  what is that TB3 migrator ?15:39
micahg_Tsk_: we have a profile migrator15:39
_Tsk_you change the place where the profile is ? or it tweaks prefs and stuff ?15:39
micahg_Tsk_: well, TB2 stored in 1 dir, TB3 daily in another, and TB3 in another15:40
micahgit gives them the option which settings to use15:40
micahgTB3 will be using the same profile dir as upstream15:40
micahgasac: hi15:50
asacon a call now ;)15:54
micahgasac: k15:55
gnomefreakwell that will teach me :(15:56
micahggnomefreak: ?15:57
gnomefreakmicahg: thread from devel-discuss mailing list. thunderbird didnt put them together so i commented to the thread than saw everyone elses15:58
micahggnomefreak: ah...weird15:58
gnomefreakmicahg: yeah15:58
gnomefreakit picks and chooses what ones it wants to put in time line order15:59
gnomefreakit also chooses what emails it wants to put in right folder(filtering)16:01
micahggnomefreak: weird, I don't think I've had those issues16:01
gnomefreaki have from the start of tb316:02
micahggnomefreak: are you using dailies?16:02
gnomefreakmicahg: yes but it happened before dailies16:02
gnomefreakmicahg: take a look at bug 516878 it made me laugh16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516878 in ubufox "makes icons on tool bars disappear " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51687816:15
* gnomefreak thinks mark invalid due to his list16:15
micahggnomefreak: there should be a TMP bug to dupe it to16:15
gnomefreakTMP? i dont remember seeing a bug on this in a long time during Karmic alpha cycle16:17
micahgI think that's the one that's conflicting16:17
gnomefreakyeah that would be the one. i didint look at his list. thanks16:18
gnomefreakmicahg: do you have master bug?16:18
* micahg would have to look16:18
micahggnomefreak: there's bug 511840, but I thought we had an older one16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 511840 in ubufox "Ubufox + Tab Mix Plus make toolbar buttons disappear" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51184016:20
gnomefreakok done16:21
fta2asac, plz reject the merge from mvo, the control file is bogus16:26
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
micahgfta2: I can do it...16:33
fta2ok, thanks16:34
fta2the file still contains merge conflicts16:34
* gnomefreak be rigght back need to hang self16:42
* micahg needs to add the fix for hardy -> lucid ff upgrade16:43
asacfta2: why is the control file bogs?16:52
asacif the doesnt apply cleanly (because its too old) we should merge it16:52
asacor are you saying that it really contained merge conflicts on its own?16:53
micahgasac: it looked like what you said I shouldn't do as well16:53
micahgasac: are you off of your call?16:54
asacok so it was launchpad outlining merge conflicts16:54
asacyes. since a few minutes16:54
asacmicahg: whats up?16:54
micahgasac: a lot :)16:55
asacwant to have a call in 15?16:55
asacor later?16:55
micahgasac: sure16:55
asacotherwise just shoot here16:55
micahglater won't work as I have $WORK :)16:55
asaclet me check with my boss on whether i have time16:57
asacbug 50741616:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507416 in linux-fsl-imx51 "CONFIG_NEON=y causes platform lockups with certain application/platform combinations" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50741616:58
asacmicahg: can you just merge mvos branch and fix the conflict manually?16:59
micahgasac: he reproposed, but it only has a replaces on ff3.016:59
micahgasac: do we need all the transitional pacakges?17:00
asacmicahg: all?17:05
asacwe need even more17:05
asacwe need the ffox3.0 transitional ones as well for hardy,intrepid,jaunty iirc17:06
asacunless we already added those17:06
micahgno, the 5 for ff3.0 I think are all that's left17:06
asacmicahg: merge his patch for now ... that makes him happy17:06
asacfor his upgrade testing17:06
asacthen when we add the transitional packages all is fine17:07
micahgasac: k17:07
micahgasac: won't help anything until we respin anyways17:08
asaclets get the upload done soon then.17:08
asacmvo needs to be unblocked ;)17:08
asache is doing all this upgrade testing17:08
micahgasac: I should stilll merge then?17:08
asacmerge ... then prepare a new release for lucid17:08
asacwith just this patch if it is17:08
micahgasac: k, I'll add the transitional packages right now then17:09
asacbut merge his commit first17:09
asacotherwise its not nice ;)17:09
micahgyep :)17:09
asacsince he submitted twice17:09
* micahg should have fixed this last week...17:09
asacyeah ;)17:10
asacbut well. you are busy :-P17:10
asacmicahg: is tbid ready?17:10
gnomefreakmicahg: any reason tb wont grab all emails from server instead it only grabs $NUMBER but i have to refreash it to grab some more. This is with thousands of emails maybe 2+ or so i never counted17:10
micahgasac: I need to chat about the migrator, otehrwise, yes17:11
micahggnomefreak: no reason AFAIK17:11
gnomefreakmicahg: ok17:12
gnomefreakanyone try printing an envelope using OO.o before?17:32
micahggnomefreak: yes, it's rotated 180 degrees from doing it with Word in windows17:32
gnomefreakmicahg: i cant find it in word. i found insert envelope but that puts it in the doc17:33
micahggnomefreak: I think there may be a template or something17:33
micahgmaybe it's just the paper size?17:33
gnomefreakmicahg: ok ill look thanks17:33
billybigrigger_hey all18:46
billybigrigger_is thunderbird 3.1 broken?18:46
billybigrigger_i can't seem to add a mail account18:46
billybigrigger_i'm copying the account info directly from my desktop that i know works with my mailserver18:46
billybigrigger_and i seem to be stuck at sending login information...18:46
billybigrigger_thunderbird claims my account settings are ok, it checked my user/pass, and gave me a green light, now it's just been sitting there for about 10 mins saying Sending login information...18:47
micahgasac: I already added the team meeting to the fridge20:34
micahgoh wait20:34
micahgare we moving it one month?20:34
asacnot sure20:34
asacwhy do you think=?20:34
micahgI just got an invite for mar 1120:34
asacmicahg: ask gnomefreak whats going  on20:49
asaci am fine with mar 1120:49
asacbut he said on thursday20:50
micahgasac: are you still ok with thursday, we got it in teh newsletter as well20:51
micahgfrom the fridge posting20:51
asacmicahg: so the fridge posting says this thursday?20:51
asacor mar 11?20:51
micahgasac: yeah, this thursday, I can change, it but it went out in teh newsletter20:52
micahgso I'd have to get nathan to post a blurb delaying it ont he fridge20:52
asaci would think that the calendar is wrong then20:52
asaclets not delay20:53
micahgasac: do you need a separate invite for it?20:53
micahgI used google calendar20:53
asaci added it to my calendar manually ... le tme check20:53
* micahg thinks it20:54
* micahg thinks it'll be good to clarify our goals for this cycle for everyone20:54
asacmicahg: is there anything you needed today?21:04
asacwas there anything left for tbird? or are we ready to go tomorrow?21:04
* asac starts a note to do the upload ...21:04
micahgasac: yes21:04
micahgasac: so, can we drop the decide later button or make it just exit21:05
micahgon the migrator?21:05
asacwhy drop?21:05
asaci think atm the decide later button makes it just exit21:06
micahgno, I think decide later lets you use the current profile21:06
micahgwhich there is none21:06
micahgin our case21:06
asacthere is one21:06
asac.mozilla-thunderbird gets copied on first run21:06
micahgasac: not in .thunderbird21:06
asacthen its .thunderbird21:06
asacthats the "current" one21:06
micahgasac: even if they click decide alter?21:07
asacif they click decide later we just keep the beta profile21:07
asacand let the user keep on using the default (aka the previous .mozilla-thunderbird)21:07
micahgbut then the second run, it should move the old .m-tb which is now .tb to .tb.upstream?21:07
asacmicahg: no thats on first run21:08
asacin all cases you do that move21:08
asacoh sorry21:08
asaci dont understand your question21:08
asacso on first run you rename .m-tb to .tb21:08
asacthen you open the dialog if there also is a .tb-3.021:09
micahgasac: yes, but you told me if there's a .tb to move to .tb.upstream21:09
asacif user hits "decide later" you just stat thunderbird  ... so on next run there is .tb and tb-3 still21:09
asacso user gets asked again21:09
asacuntil he either says: "use beta profile" -> use .tb-3 in future21:09
asacor "use standard"21:09
asacmicahg: ah. yes.21:09
asacmicahg: we dont carea bou the .tb.upstream21:10
asacwe just move it there so we dont have to delete it21:10
asacwe consider a .tb directory to be from upstream21:10
asacwe dont ask user whether he wants to keep using it21:10
asacthat would be too difficult21:10
micahgk, so I only move .tb out of the way if either there's a .m-tb or a .tb-3.021:10
micahgor rather, a .m-tb or they click use 3.0 profile21:11
asacnot sure the last thing you said21:11
micahgnext, do you want to review my transitional packages for FF3?21:11
asacimo if .m-tb exists we always move it away21:11
asacthen we ask the question if there is a 3.0 prfile21:12
asacmicahg: sure21:12
asacmicahg: ensure that you have all 3.0 packages that existed21:13
asacafaik there was also dom-inspector or something21:13
asacbesides from that it looks ok21:13
micahgasac: those are the only ones that weren't already transitional in hardy21:13
asacmicahg: what do you mean with "transitional in hardy"?21:14
micahgasac: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=hardy-updates&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=firefox-321:14
asacisnt dom-inspector depending on xulrunner-1.9-dom-inspector?21:14
micahgbut that's dependent on xulrunner-1.921:15
asacfirefox-3.0-dom-inspector depends on xulrunner-1.9-dom-inspector21:16
asacthat means it needs to be transitioned21:16
micahgasac: right21:16
micahgasac: i didn't think we're transitioning xul packages in ff21:16
asacto know for sure you need to install gusy and upgrade to hardy and see if those packages get removed21:17
asaci would assume its safe to transition them21:17
asacbut maybe we dont need them21:18
micahgeven if it's there, it's dependent on xulrunner, not firefox, which we shouldn't remove w/the firefox upgrade21:18
micahgor was it replaced with something in the ff package now?21:19
micahgor was it dropped entirely?21:19
micahgasac: ^^21:22
ftaasac, what's the position of canonical wrt h264?21:25
ftaasac, http://arstechnica.com/media/news/2010/02/royalty-free-codec-still-needed-despite-no-cost-h264-license.ars21:25
asaci thought we already have that in multiverse somewhere21:26
asacso we would want to have that on-demand installed21:26
asacif the decorder can be redistributed in multiverse without getting sued21:26
micahg!info h264enc21:27
ubottuh264enc (source: h264enc): encode video or DVD in H.264/AVC/MPEG-4 Part 10. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.0.0+dfsg-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 102 kB, installed size 400 kB21:27
micahgasac: we never transitioned the xul* packages from jaunty -> karmic, so it should be safe not to do it21:27
micahgsorry, xul-dom, and xul-venkman21:28
armin76[reed]: ping21:28
asacmicahg: hmm. if you are sure that we dropped them its ok i would hope21:32
micahgasac: k, I'm going to push what I have and tag for release21:32
asacmicahg: right21:32
asacmicahg: oh give me the diff again21:33
asacmicahg: can you make a bzr diff --diff-opts="-U8" ?21:33
asace.g. i need more context to know for sure21:33
asacwithout applying here21:33
micahgasac: can I pass that to bzr log?21:33
asaci doubt it21:33
asacyou can do bzr diff -r REV1..REV2 --diff-opts ...21:33
micahgasac: http://pastebin.com/f16e1ead221:34
[reed]armin76: pong21:43
micahg[reed]: BTW, did you see my message about the sqlite failure21:45
[reed]micahg: no21:45
[reed]micahg: configure failure?21:46
micahg[reed]: yes21:46
micahg[reed]: the test didn't pass like you said w/the other distro21:46
[reed]sigh, ok21:48
micahg[reed]: should I comment on the test bug?21:49
[reed]micahg: open a new bug, mark it blocking the test bug, and cc me and anarchy@gentoo.org21:51
micahg[reed]: k21:54
asacwhat kind of check is that?21:55
asacanother NULL_OUT_DATA check?21:55
micahgasac: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=412450&action=diff21:56
asacyeah. thats what i thought. SECURE_DELETE21:57
LLStarksasac, did you get my message about the lack of cairo in umd build?21:58
micahgLLStarks: bug 51261521:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512615 in firefox "fonts are incorrectly rendered due to not using system cairo" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51261521:59
micahgasac: was the diff ok?22:00
BUGabundofta: well latest chromium managed to crash 3 times already22:07
BUGabundoone of them signining in to bookmarks sync22:07
asacfolks we know that there are font issues.22:11
asac[reed]: any success getting that font bug escalated22:12
asacmicahg: thought we had a systme-cairo font bug22:13
asacwhat happened to that22:13
asaconly the lcd bug is added as upstream there22:13
asacoh wait22:13
asacthat was just added as a watch iirc22:13
micahgasac: font hinting or something else?22:14
asacmicahg: 541319 is not a dupe of the other imo22:14
asaclike i said. the lcd patch is the one that its duped22:14
asacthe other bug is about not honouring gtk settings22:14
asacok unduped22:15
micahgthe upstream is a dupe according to the descriptions22:15
micahgasac: no, it is correct according to the descriptions22:15
micahgand the LCD bug is what we're looking at as well22:15
micahgthere might be anotehr bug, but that would be another bug22:16
asacwell the descrption says its ugly22:16
asacnot honouring hinting makes it much more ugly than the lcd patch22:17
asacat least afaik22:17
asacwe are concerend about both22:17
asacbut the gtk setting not honoured is the real bad thing that isnt known and needs escalation22:17
asaclcd setting is known for ages22:17
micahgasac: fine, but the reporter references the LCD patch and fringing, same as the other bug22:17
asaclcd patch22:17
micahgasac: we should open a new bug then instead of hijacking22:18
asacwasnt there one?22:18
micahgasac: are you referring to bug 379761?22:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379761 in fontconfig "MASTER - FF 3.5 font hinting does not honour gnome-settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37976122:18
asaci mean the one from kees is lcd patch22:18
asacwell not22:18
asaclet me check22:18
micahgyeah, I didn't have a chance to look for upstream yet22:18
asacthat was a different bug22:18
asacmicahg: i think we had a bug from llstarks22:19
asacdid you dupe anything into kees bug=?22:19
asacok so lets use 379761 for that one22:19
asacthat one22:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 512561 in firefox "Firefox-3.6 doesn't respect font settings (dup-of: 512615)" [Undecided,New]22:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 512615 in firefox "fonts are incorrectly rendered due to not using system cairo" [Unknown,Confirmed]22:19
asacis not the same as kees22:19
asacand i think https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/513309 probably too ... but that is questionable22:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 513309 in firefox "Font rendering in new Firefox 3.6 package is a regression (dup-of: 512615)" [Undecided,Invalid]22:20
micahgasac: I didn't set that one...22:20
asac512561 is the important one ... the lcd bug i am sure isnt that important22:20
asaconce the hinting is fixed22:20
asacdid i?22:20
micahgasac: so, I should use the old font hinting bug then?22:20
asacme looks22:20
micahgasac: no, someone else22:20
asacthat one is old22:20
asacits a different one that had to do with fontconfig rules22:21
micahgasac: so ,make that one you just pointed out teh master?22:21
asacFirefox-3.6 doesn't respect font settings22:21
asacthat one is the new master22:21
asacand link it to the bug i unduped upstream22:21
micahgasac: no, the upstream bug was hijacked22:21
micahgok, we need to update the title of the upstream bug then22:22
asaci stated it clearly now in the bug22:22
asacok changed title ;)22:23
micahgasac: k22:24
micahgasac: was my diff for ff3 transitional ok?22:24
asacmicahg: main binary has to conflict/replace firefox-3.0-gnome-support too i think22:26
asacotherwise its ok22:26
micahgweird, don't know how I missed that...22:26
asacsame like firefox-3.0 conflicts/replaces the 3.6-gnome-support22:26
asacwell its not obvious ;)22:27
asacmight also be not needed22:27
asacbut is consistent22:27
micahgasac: yeah, it's there for 3.622:27
micahgso I'll add for 3.5 and 3.022:27
asacfor 3.0 its there because we moved files from -gnome-support22:27
asacso now that i thin kabout it22:28
asacdont add it22:28
asacotherwise i would hav eadded 3.5 before too22:28
asacits really just because of the real file move i did from 3.6 to 3.622:28
asacthe other package does the transition22:28
asace.g. the firefox-gnome-support22:28
asac3.5 and 3.6 should be there22:28
asacsorry for confusion22:28
micahgasac: k, np22:28
micahgasac: I'll tag release for lucid then22:28
micahgasac: k, pushed22:29
micahgasac: now, for the 3.5 and 3.0 updates, do I use the BUILD1 tag in teh changelog?22:29
asacif current update is BUILD1 we do that22:30
asacwe also use +build1+nobinonly22:30
asacin the changelog version22:30
micahgand can I list other bugs fixed under the USN notice?22:30
micahgasac: k22:30
micahgso the rest should be done tomorrow22:30
micahgasac: after you release to lucid, I'll add to the firefox-stable PPA?22:32
LLStarksasac, i was referring to the 3.6 builds in umd and the main repo that have zero cairo support and no hinting22:38
asaczero cairo support is wrong22:39
asacwhy do you think that its not using cairo?22:39
asacif that was the case it wouldnt render anything22:39
asacmicahg: yes22:39
micahgasac: k22:39
asacmicahg: we first push to security ppa (with all the 3.0 3.5 etc. stuff)22:39
asacyou are right ;)22:40
asacconfused the context22:40
mbanaman i envy windows a lot23:06
mbanafirefox on it runs at blazing speeds23:07
micahgmbana: shouldn't be a difference23:09
micahgif anything, I would think linux should be faster due to the shared libraries23:10
armin76[reed]: mozilla bug 502369, i want it on 1.9.2 plz23:12
micahgasac: why it's not a good idea to hijack bugs (even for a good reason ) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=541319#c11 ;)23:12
ubottuMozilla bug 502369 in JIT Compiler (NanoJIT) "sparc linux lacks sync_instruction_memory rendering xulrunner unbuildable" [Major,Reopened] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50236923:12
ubottuMozilla bug 541319 in Graphics "firefox does not honour gtk/gnome settings in FF3.6 on Ubuntu/lucid since using --disable-system-cairo" [Normal,Reopened]23:12
mbanamicahg: the ui is defo faster on windows.   scrolling in particular23:19
mbanathe smooth scrolling is amazing23:19
asacwe should really check redhat23:19
asacand see if upstream builds have the same font issues23:19
asac(not the redhat builds)23:19
asacif thats the case i am confident that no upstream developer has ever seen good fonts ... which is why its so hard to explain ;)23:20
asacredhat aka fedora23:20
asacanyone wants to ttest install taht?23:20
asacmbana: ?23:20
micahgasac: i think our builds are fine, so I can't be the one to do that23:21
asacour builds are not fine23:21
asacnot in lucid23:21
micahgasac: ah23:21
asacwe got told to not use system-cairo ... so we do23:21
micahgmaybe I should install lucid in a VM23:21
mbanasoryr ...23:21
asacuse the karmic ffox 3.6 builds23:21
asacfrom daily23:21
mbanaare u saying i test the fronts23:22
micahgasac: the firefox-stable PPA isn't the same?23:22
mbanathe fonts23:22
micahgthat's what I',m using23:22
asacmicahg: yes it is23:22
asacso either daily or firefox-stable ppa23:22
asacupgrade to 3.623:22
micahgI don't see a problem on karmic23:22
mbanaim slightly confused right now.  can u type in a single block23:22
asacbut you see a problem on lucid?23:22
micahgasac: I haven't tried it yet23:22
asacmicahg: try to switch hinting in gtk settings23:23
asacffox doesnt change its font hinting if you do that23:23
asac(and restart)23:23
asacmbana: are you running firefox 3.6?23:24
asacotherwise upgrade to firefox-stable ppa or daily ppa (both have firefox 3.6 for karmic)23:24
mbanai just want to ask; a)  is the new jit compiler in the 64bit builds yet?  i asked in #jsapi in mozilla irc and they said it's in the nightly.  b)  the fonts?  i take it they're fixed ;)23:24
micahgmbana: I was told it was in 3.523:25
mbanayes, but not in 64bit builds - only 32bit23:25
asacmbana: fonts are not fixed. jit is not in 64bit for 3.6 ... just in nightlies 3.7 i think23:25
mbanaso if i get the ppa, i still won't get the new jit23:25
asacmbana: in the ppa we also have firefox-3.723:25
asacso yes and no ;)23:26
micahgasac: what's the alternative for HintStyle?23:26
micahgmine is at hintfull23:26
asacin fontconfig?23:27
asachintmedium hintslight hintnone23:27
asacor just full mediaum slight none23:27
micahgyeah, it doesn't seem to respect it23:28
micahgmy other apps changed to ugly when I went to hintnone23:29
asacwell. thats normal if you have gtksettings ;)23:29
micahgbut FF is still showing full23:29
asaci am talking about gconf aka gtk settings23:29
asacmicahg: or where did you change it?23:29
* micahg is usinf xfconf23:29
asacpreferences -> appearence -> fonts23:29
asacthere you can change hinting somewhere23:29
micahgasac: I'm on xfce23:29
asacdo you have gnome-appearance-properties ?23:30
asacdoes xfce use gtksettings daemon at all?23:30
micahgasac: no23:30
asacotherwise you dont see it23:30
asacwhat does xfconf do? set xwindow properties?23:30
micahgasac: yes, I saw the option Xft->HintStyle23:30
asacthat might be similar to what we have in gnome23:31
asacbut not 100% sure23:31
micahgWell, I saw the fonts in pidgin get bloated when I set to hintnone23:31
asacstill ;)23:31
micahgI figure that's what everyone's talking about23:31
asaccould be a third mechanism23:31
micahgbut FF didn't change23:31
asacits likely that its the same issue23:31
asacjust cant tell for sure unless i know what it does in the back23:31

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