
jakentnvidia drivers are killing me ... can't get the HDMI sound to work... AND the resolution is just unfixable01:40
ahhughes_jakent, out of curiosity... what card have you got?02:31
jakentthe built in for the GeForce 9200 motherboard02:32
jakentreading all these articles over on nvnews ...02:33
rhpot1991jakent: 1. check your bios to make sure its set for hdmi output (for both video and sound)02:34
jakentyeah, checked that... works under Vista02:34
jakentupdating all the various pieces parts now ... will give it a try again in a bit02:35
rhpot1991if you look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:35
rhpot1991should see hints as to what is going on02:35
rhpot1991jakent: might be worth trying to update your bios as well02:36
rhpot1991jakent: and I'm assuming you actually installed the nvidia restricted drivers, correct?02:36
jakentyes... updated to the latest version off the nvidia site from source02:36
jakentwhich has screwed up the resolutions... and killing me w/ over scan02:37
rhpot1991hmmm I prob wouldn't do that02:37
rhpot1991if you want something newer, enable our daily builds 190.56 (I think) is in there02:37
rhpot1991190.53, I was close02:37
jakentso, question one, focusing on video02:41
jakentactually, never mind, I think this problem is due to the flatscreen02:42
jakentthough it worked fine with the ubuntu drivers, not the nvidia02:42
rhpot1991Virtual screen size determined to be 1280 x 72002:44
rhpot1991it detected 720p, sounds about right to me02:45
jakentyes, whch is what my screen sHOULD be02:48
jakenthowever, i can only see the middle 2/3s of the screen...02:48
jakentmajority of the chrome around the desktop is off screen... can get to it and click it just can't see it02:48
jakentdoesn't have that problem when i don't use the NVidia driver... and that resolution02:49
theduckhello, i have an original xbox and would like to know if I can run mythbuntu as a mythtv frontend to watch movies on my network without actually installing it on the xbox?02:51
rhpot1991theduck: you are going to need to install on it02:52
rhpot1991and as far as I know the packages for it are incredibly out of date02:52
rhpot1991theduck: you could do some research and see if you can run an up to date XBMC version on it, that should be able to connect to a backend02:53
rhpot1991jakent: sounds like overscan02:53
theduckok.  thx.02:53
jakentrhpot1991: yeah... ideas on correcting for it?02:54
rhpot1991jakent: there is normally a little bit that goes off the screen, for instance I can't see the menu on mine02:54
jakenti can see a single line of grey at the bottom of my screen02:54
rhpot1991jakent: well you can google and tweak your nvidia settings, or you can find out how to make your tv stop doing this (not all can, but thats the correct fix)02:54
rhpot1991jakent: most of the time if you don't use hdmi it goes away, if you use vga or dvi instead02:55
jakentyeah, seeing that as well02:55
rhpot1991or some tvs let you specify what kind of mode the input is, and normally you can choose pc or "just scan" or something similar that doesn't do overscan02:55
rhpot1991jakent: personally I live with it02:55
rhpot1991its annoying on some setup menus, but thats what vnc is for02:55
rhpot1991and then you don't get the garbage on the top and bottom of your video on your screen02:56
jakentrhpot1991; yes, been using vnc for that very reason02:56
jakentso... to use this like I want to use it... looks like I should probably revert back to Vista...03:09
jakenti can run the mythtv front end there03:09
jakentplus then the remote will work again i guess03:09
jakenti'll sleep on it for a day or two before i do something so dramatic03:09
ZykoticK9How do I actually delete shows i've recorded?  I select Delete from the menu, but the space is not changing.  Reason I ask, my drive is 100% full.04:08
rhpot1991ZykoticK9: by default it does a "slow delete"04:18
rhpot1991eventually they should start deleting04:18
rhpot1991you can disable that in mythtv-setup if you want04:18
ZykoticK9rhpot1991, thanks, was just doing some reading research about the "delete" / "slow delete"04:20
rhpot1991ZykoticK9: ya it didn't use to be default but changed somewhere around the .22 release04:21
ZykoticK9rhpot1991, and it's in mythtv-setup not the Setup in the frontend?04:21
ZykoticK9rhpot1991, nevermind - being in mythtv-setup only makes sense04:22
rhpot1991ZykoticK9: ya its the first option (general, I think)04:23
rhpot1991a few pages in04:23
dragonHas anyone successfully connected MythTV to a comcast cable box?04:44
rhpot1991dragon: lots of ways to connect it, you should be more specific :)04:45
dragonI'd like to use a box with Mythbuntu as a DVR, and plug it into the comcast cable box to provide a backend of some sort.04:46
dragonrhpot1991: ^04:46
dragonI'm still a little unsure about how Mythbuntu and the cable box fit in the scenario.04:47
rhpot1991dragon: ok so I see you as having 2 choices04:47
rhpot1991!firewire | dragon04:47
Zinndragon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Firewire04:47
rhpot1991thats the not so great choice04:47
rhpot1991can be flaky, but is practically free (if it works at all)04:47
rhpot1991or the hauppauge hd-pvr 121204:47
rhpot1991dragon: http://www.hauppauge.com/site/products/data_hdpvr.html04:48
Zinn[www.hauppauge.com] HD PVR Product overview04:48
dragonrhpot1991: cable box's firewire is enabled, so that sounds feasible. I'll look into the HD PVR thing.04:48
rhpot1991dragon: I have used firewire for the longest time04:48
rhpot1991sine I got my hd-pvr I don't anymore04:48
rhpot1991firewire is not very reliable, so it all depends on your situation04:49
dragonrhpot1991: did you use firewire with your cable box?04:50
rhpot1991yes, 3 of them04:50
dragondid cable box recognize it as an attached DVR by any chance?04:50
rhpot1991and still have one hooked up (just in case)04:50
rhpot1991you set it up in mythtv-setup as a tuner04:50
dragonrhpot1991: What are the chances that mythtv installation will be able to communicate with it? Windows requires some drivers, but I do realize that Linux is superior.04:52
rhpot1991dragon: depends on the model and how locked down your cable company has it04:52
rhpot1991dragon: has a lot to do with your location normally, for instance I'm pretty lucky with it but I know a lot of people who don't get anything04:53
dragonI'm not sure about the model. Comcast has like wiped out all the labels etc. I got into the diagnostic screen and found out that USB and Ethernet are disabled, but firewire is enabled.04:54
rhpot1991my motorolas say it in the top right of the black covering on the front04:54
dragonI'm in California, if that matters.04:54
rhpot1991no idea04:55
rhpot1991could google to see if others in your area report success04:55
dragonThis is a smaller box with no display screen, 4 LEDs in front, couple of ports in the back but mostly disabled.04:55
dragonI'd try firewire and see if that works. Thanks for the info rhpot1991!05:00
rhpot1991dragon: actually has firewire on the back?05:00
rhpot1991I've seen the little ones without firewire05:00
dragonrhpot1991: positive05:00
dragonMy plan was to make the cable box see MythTV backend as a DVR, so I could play the recordings on that box. From what I'm reading about firewire, it's a one-way data-stream.05:05
dragonthat box = cable box05:05
rhpot1991well mythtv would be your dvr, and the cable box is a tuner for mythtv05:07
rhpot1991does that make sense?05:07
dragonrhpot1991: yes. That'd let me record TV programs to MythTV for later viewing.05:07
rhpot1991that will let you record with mythtv05:07
rhpot1991you cannot touch any recordings on your dvr05:08
rhpot1991and by dvr I mean the comcast one05:08
dragonThe cable box's inbuilt DVR is disabled and comcast pretends that it doesn't have one.05:08
dragonI understand that it'd let me record to MythTV but I won't be able to view them through the cable box.05:09
dragonIs that correct?05:09
rhpot1991you would use mythtv to record and play back05:09
rhpot1991imagine recording to a vcr05:09
dragongot it05:10
dragonrhpot1991: Can the cable box communicate with MythTV in any way besides transmitting analog A/V?05:12
dragonI'm thinking TV listings etc.05:12
rhpot1991for tv listings you want schedules direct05:14
dragongot it. I just realized it's a law that requires cable companies to leave firewire enabled.05:17
dragonI'm off to installing and trying it.05:20
dragonthanks once again rhpot199105:20
rhpot1991np good luck05:20
Memphis{away}Hey guys, just setup a new system running Mythbuntu 9.10 32bit, e3200, geforce 9300 with vdpau for decoding. Problem is that when I am rewinding livetv and I try and rewind back to the start of viewing ~0 seconds, it segfaults12:47
Memphis{away}and mythfrontend crashes12:47
=== Memphis{away} is now known as Memphis
mrandMemphis: are you running the latest 0.22 autobuilds?  If so, could you enable -dbg by following the directions here: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Debugging#Basic_Backtrace13:27
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Debugging - MythTV13:27
stuarticusAnyone have any experience of adding xbox 360 controllers to 9.10?14:13
stuarticusTrying to et one working for mythgame14:14
stuarticusXbox 360 pad? Anyone know how?14:34
mrandstuarticus: google turns up the following: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Joystick_Control and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82546414:39
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Joystick Control - MythTV14:39
=== Essobi_ is now known as Essobi
stuarticus  jscalibrator has been dropped from repo15:00
stuarticus360 pad isn't showing up in dev/input15:00
stuarticuscan see it via lsusb though15:00
stuarticusThe how-to looks good though, will try, thanks mrand15:03
MemphisZinn: I'll do the dbg thing tomorrow afternoon. I really got to get some sleep first however (it's 1am here)15:17
ZinnHi Memphis, something I can help you with today?  I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do.15:17
Memphisregarding the version; it's the one that's built into my distro: MythTV Version   : 2259415:18
MemphisMythTV Branch    : branches/release-0-22-fixes15:18
mrandMemphis: You'll pick up many bug fixes by enabling 0.22 autobuilds.   The latest is  0.22.0+fixes23473-0ubuntu0+mythbuntu315:23
mishehuwonder why myth is refusing to delete a recording16:13
mishehuI've tried deleting it 5 times now16:13
mishehuand it won't disappear from the db and the filesystem16:14
greglIt deletes gracefully,it depends on your file system how fast it deletes...\16:15
mishehuit keeps showing up in the database though16:16
mishehuwhen I go to "watch recordings" the recording is still there16:16
greglcheck your database for a crashed table..16:16
mishehubetter not be...  I just tried to use mythtranscode to export a recording with a cutlist, and it crapped out after about 620mb of what should have been around 2.6gb16:18
greglI had one once that would delete and then show up a few days later..It was a crashed table that caused that..16:19
mishehu...the problem of using MyISAM16:19
mishehuI've yet to experience a crashed database or table in InnoDB16:19
mishehuhmm odd, I'm wrong16:22
mishehuthe original for hat file was 722mb16:22
mishehuweird.  and it was on atsc.  guess it's not 1080p  :-)16:22
mishehuugh I have to look up how to do the equilavent of REPAIR TABLE (SHOW TABLES) or something like that16:32
kristian-aalborghi all18:03
kristian-aalborga friend asked me if I knew of some PC DVR software, and I of course said that I'd heard of Myth18:04
kristian-aalborgquestion is, is it suitable as a "beginners" linux thing?18:04
mortiniusing mythbuntu, it's not that difficult to configure, assuming reasonable hardware, imo18:20
mrandkristian-aalborg: it is close, but it depends on the user and what hardware it is being installed on.  Linux (and Ubuntu as well as other distro's) are very solid OS's.  MythTV is somewhat complicated, and Mythbuntu softens most of those corners.  Even still, MythTV itself should probably be considered beta software.18:20
mrandvery difficult question to answer without knowing the person.18:21
kristian-aalborgcompared to starting using ubuntu, how hard would it be to setup a working mythtv?18:21
mortinihardware is the biggest thing18:21
kristian-aalborgmrand: guess you're right... this is a person's who's above average with computers but new to linux18:21
mortiniif they have an unsupported encoder card, it could be a huge pain, or only a moderatly supported one18:22
kristian-aalborgyou mean the graphics card which is connected to the tv?18:23
mortinifor example, i'm running 9.04, but to get the PVR-150 IR blaster to work properly, i have to follow some instructions on another webpage18:29
kristian-aalborgwell.... I guess said person just have to give it a try18:30
kristian-aalborgI take it making a dual boot is as easy as with ubuntu?18:30
mortiniyeah, give it a try18:31
kristian-aalborgthanks ppl18:33
boludikoi have a question... how can i change the size for the subs?19:36

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