
aramvo, hi!09:22
mvohey ara09:34
arahey mvo, I want to create a simple guide on how to report bugs on upgrade issues for the Upgrade Jam during the UGJ09:37
aramvo, what package you prefer bugs filed against?09:37
araupdate-manager and then reroot from there?09:37
mvoara: ideally against the package that is causing the problem, second best is update-manager with all logs09:37
araand, /dist-upgrade files are enough? or somehting else¿ç09:38
mvoin 99% of the cases they are enough09:40
mvothe remaining 1% are hard to diangose09:40
mvoand of course it does not help for issues like "my sound is no longer working" or "my screensize is no longer ideal"09:41
mvowell, for some of them, but not all, sometimes its just regressions09:41
mvoin the kernel or X09:41
araOK, I will send you the link when done, so you can review it :-)09:49
arathanks a lot!09:49
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charlie-tcaLast alternate image for lucid Ubuntu and Xubuntu dated 2010-02-05, last server image dated 2010-02-0414:28
charlie-tcaCD1 missing some packages needed by debootstrap14:32
charlie-tcamake: *** [/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/xubuntu/daily/tmp/lucid-amd64/packages-stamp] Error 114:32
persiacharlie-tca: Are you able to run debootstrap on that architecture locally?  I've been running it very frequently lately with some success.14:34
charlie-tcaDon't know how?14:34
charlie-tcaWhat I see is the images are missing from the daily build.14:34
persiaWell, the quick'n'dirty way is to create some directory, and run debootstrap on that directory (man debootstrap for details), chroot into that directory, and apt-get install ^ubuntu-server or ^xubuntu-desktop.14:37
charlie-tcaAnd that will create today's image?14:39
persiaIf you use pbuilder or schroot there are helper tools that let you avoid some of the arguments.  In that case it's something like `mk-sbuild-lv vg00 lucid; schroot -c lucid; apt-get install ...` or `pbuilder-dist lucid create; sudo pbuilder-dist lucid login; apt-get install ...`14:39
persiaIt creates a current chroot and installs the current stuff.  It doesn't precisely match the work being done to create images, but if there is a problem with packages that is still present, you'll see it, and can likely track it down more easily (having local access to the apt-cache with the issue, etc.)14:40
charlie-tcaThe problem though is that the images which could be tested are not present on the server.14:40
davmor2morning fader_ charlie-tca cr314:47
persiaWell, that's the observed issue :)  There is probably some deeper issue that causes that, and so on :)14:47
* fader_ waves.14:48
charlie-tcapersia: I am not a developer or programmer. I just try to test the images each day and notify devel's/file bug reports as needed.14:48
persiaFair enough :)14:50
persiaI tend to use chroots extensively for testing, but then again, the sort of testing I do isn't the same as the image testing.14:51
charlie-tcadavmor2: alternate images are missing again14:56
davmor2slangasek: ^14:57
* charlie-tca could have told him directly. Will try to remember that.14:57
davmor2charlie-tca: slangasek is pretty much the man for release stuff so when things go bump check the daily reports then head for him :)14:59
charlie-tcaI can do that. Thanks. daily report wasn't very much, missing some packages needed by debootstrap15:00
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slangasekcharlie-tca, davmor2: build failure seems to have been fixed in the archive now; respinning19:02
slangasek(I guess the new binary packages from krb5 had the wrong priority set in debian/control, which we inherited)19:03
charlie-tcaThank you19:03
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nagappanat VMware, we are trying with Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 2, hardware info is same as the one available here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nv/+bug/43557020:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 435570 in xserver-xorg-video-nv (Ubuntu) "xorg hangs during karmic install due to issue supporting dual head (affects: 2)" [Medium,Confirmed]20:28
nagappanwhen I press enter on typing any command in terminal (gnome-terminal / xterm) or Synaptic or Firefox, it just hangs the system20:29
nagappanhave installed nvidia-current20:29
nagappanthe work around is to use vesa instead of nvidia in xorg.conf20:30
nagappanany suggestion ? is there a bug already on this ?20:30
nagappandefault ping cr3 :D20:30
cr3nagappan: so if you type the "date" command and press the Enter key, the system just hangs?20:32
nagappancr3, even for ls and press enter :(20:32
cr3nagappan: can you try Alt-F2, enter "date" in the input field, check the box to perform command in terminal, then what happens?20:33
nagappancr3, no a11y enabled20:33
nagappancr3, sure, will try now and update you shortly20:33
cr3nagappan: out of curiosity, which VMware product?20:33
nagappancr3, I'm trying on host machine not on Workstation / Player20:34
nagappancr3, this is DELL hardware same as the one in above bug20:34
cr3nagappan: upgrade or fresh install?20:36
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nagappancr3, fresh install of alpha 220:50
nagappancr3, running with ALT + F2 and gedit it works fine20:50
nagappancr3, but inside gedit, if I press enter, it just hangs20:51
cr3nagappan: nice!20:51
nagappancr3, after alpha 2 installation, just did synaptic update20:51
nagappancr3, on another setup with same hardware kind, we have installed NVidia driver from NVidia website instead of installing through synaptic, this works fine, unless we do anything with sudo20:56
nagappancr3, with we type sudo and press enter or launch synaptic, the system will reboot !20:57
cr3nagappan: I just had a look at the above bug report and the progress you've done with alberto looks great, he will know better than me20:59
nagappancr3, shall I ping him on #ubuntu-xorg or some other channel name ?21:00
cr3nagappan: he's in italy and he has acknowledged your bug report, I think it's safe to assume he's working on the bug. pinging him further will just distract him from doing so21:00
nagappancr3, my xchat just got hanged on Ubuntu 9.10 :(21:02
nagappancr3, when I tried pulling the channel list !21:02
nagappanthis was my last message21:02
nagappannagappan> cr3, shall I ping him on #ubuntu-xorg or some other channel name ?21:02
cr3nagappan: he's in italy and he has acknowledged your bug report, I think it's safe to assume he's working on the bug. pinging him further will just distract him from doing so21:02
nagappancr3, nope that bug is diff21:05
nagappancr3, that's on 9.1021:05
nagappancr3, the new one, pressing enter key on 10.04 just hangs the system21:06
nagappancr3, and on another system using sudo reboots the system21:06
nagappancr3, both are 64-bit system with Ubuntu alpha 221:06
cr3nagappan: you should probably report a bug with similar information requested by alberto in that bug, but on 10.04 of course. then, perhaps you could ping him with a bug number tomorrow morning21:07
nagappancr3, sure21:07
cr3nagappan: that's always preferable than just explaining over and over again on irc :)21:08
cr3in the end, you save typing and waiting21:08
nagappancr3, sure21:08
nagappancr3, :D21:08
cr3nagappan: by the way, in case you might be tempted to subscribe him, it might be preferable to ping him first instead of volunteering him on his behalf :)21:09
nagappancr3, sure, will do that :) thanks21:11
nagappancr3, thanks :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nv/+bug/51950521:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 519505 in xserver-xorg-video-nv (Ubuntu) "Pressing Enter or using sudo command with NVidia driver hangs / reboots the system (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]21:24
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