
tempUserclone1018 maybe a live-CD live-USB System is good enough for your needs?00:00
Gaming4JCKyle_S:  System>>Preferences>>Sound,  then click Input settings.00:00
clone1018login is a one time thing00:00
clone1018so this server can be setup00:00
pfifoKyle_S, I normally use 'alsa-mixer' from the command line, press tab to switch between output/input/all controls00:00
Kyle_SGaming4JC: Hum.  Because with my old install (no pulse audio), I had lots of options there, now I only have one.  And I get no sound input.00:00
Gaming4JCKyle_S: Ah... :/00:01
tempUserclone1018: you are obvis using a keyboard right now can't you plug it in the other comp?00:01
Kyle_SNow it only shows "Internal Audio Analog Stero"00:01
pfifoKyle_S, try this 'alsa-mixer -c0' or 'alsa-mixer -c1'00:01
Jordan_Umagn3ts, hfsplus support in linux can only write to volumes with journaling disabled. I don't know if windows can be made to read / write to hfsplus or not.00:02
pfifoKyle_S, i dont know how to switch cards in the GUI, but that is more than likely your problem.00:02
microlithJordan_U: windows can, with 3rd party software packages (and not as a regular disk)00:03
Kyle_Spfifo maybe.00:03
Kyle_Sthis is a laptop, so I dunno why you'd have to switch cards..but still.00:03
Kyle_SAnyway, how do you switch input sources in alsamixer?00:03
magn3tsJordan_U, yeah, I think Bootcamp drivers include hfs+ read only drivers, which is okay. I use windows < 1% of the time00:04
delemiJordan_U, magn3ts  My windows based OS PC (XP) has issues reading and writing to my imac backup drives.00:04
pfifoKyle_S, pulse adds some weird device as a mixer, with just a single volume control00:04
Gaming4JCDoes anyone know why a kernel wouldn't take graphic acceleration? :P00:04
jp--hi guys. do you know why ubuntu runs faster on a usb hard disk than a usb flash drive? it's running really slow on my flash pen drive00:04
titan_arkhey could someone give me the command to kill firefox? i cant get the pid to kill i00:04
Picititan_ark: killall firefox00:05
Kyle_Spfifo: Ahh ok.00:05
pfifoKyle_S, the -c switch allows you so specify a card number, eg... -c0 -c1 -c200:05
delemijp--, I have had faster read times using a live cd than either of those00:05
titan_arkPici, firefox(1854): Operation not prmitted00:05
pfifoKyle_S, i have to use -c0, why it would default to showing card 1 is beyond me, but -c0 gets the job done00:06
Kyle_Spfifo: oddly -c0 works, -c1 doesn't.  Just errors out immidiately.00:06
zer0rez_i think i have a failing HDD how do I test for it?00:06
Picititan_ark: killall -9 firefox00:06
Picititan_ark: is the process yours?00:06
Jooder492what would cause my youtube videos to lagg?00:06
pfifoKyle_S, what dose -c0 show? the pulse controlls?00:06
jp--i ran it on my usb hard disk and it woah, really fast, but on the flash drive is reaaaally slow :/00:06
titan_arkPici, same error00:06
Gaming4JCJooder492: Flash codec, graphic acceleration... etc.00:06
jp--and it's the same installation, I just copied the filesystem using cp -ax00:06
Gaming4JC!flash | Jooder49200:06
ubottuJooder492: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:06
Picititan_ark: what does ps aux | grep firefox    say? (minus the grep line of course)00:07
Kyle_Spfifo: it shows HDA Intel/Realtek ALC26900:07
skullcandyhey guys, is there an IM program in ubuntu that allows you to add multiple contacts?00:07
Jooder492ok ty00:07
titan_arkPici, ah i think that muct be the problem. i have vnc-ed into my school unix account and need to mail myself the result of a script i just ran00:07
skullcandyi have a ctt file from my msn on my other computer that i need imported00:07
Gaming4JCskullcandy: Pidgin? C:) ...00:07
pfifoKyle_S, looks like your on the right track, press tab to switch to input settings, my card has more than one mic jack, if yours dose as well you may need to change the input source00:08
skullcandyi own pidgin i cant import multiple contacts i jsut checked00:08
Gaming4JCskullcandy: Hmm, I use Pidgin for everything, I'm pretty sure it can import multiple contacts but I rarely have to import any... oh well. :/00:08
Kyle_Spfifo: Allright.  Lemmie try again.00:08
Gaming4JCskullcandy: You checked #pidgin?00:08
skullcandy@game4jc can u show me a tutorial on how to ?00:09
titan_arkPici, yeah i think i can see that there is another persons session running00:09
Gaming4JCskullcandy: I'll check...00:09
skullcandyi'll join now and check @gaming4jc00:09
harskullcandy: pidgin should work but emapthy is good too00:09
titan_arkPici, is its format UID PID ....?00:09
pfifoKyle_S, if there is more than one control there you just need to play around with sound recorder and the levels until you find something that works00:09
skullcandy@har, can you show me a tutorial of empathy importating multiple contacts?00:09
Gaming4JCHmm I'm not entirely sure lol :s00:10
titan_arkPici, anything i can do?00:10
harskullcandy, what do you mean import, do you already have, say, an aim account and just want to use that?00:10
skullcandyno, i have an old msn account that has 1k users i talk to , and i wanna import that form my msn on my mwindows computer into my pidgin on my ubuntu desktop00:11
Picititan_ark: ps ux | grep firefox    then00:11
harwell, your account should be on the msn server so you just add the msn account00:11
Gaming4JCskullcandy: If you enter your username and password it should import them automatically? ...00:11
Royallskullcandy: I'm pretty sure all of your contacts are stored at MSN's servers, so logging on in pidgin should make them all show up00:11
skullcandyi saved all the contacts in contactlist.ctt00:11
pfifoKyle_S, sometimes running this command in a seprate terminal can hint about the various settings 'arecord|aplay' (record input and pipe it to the output [caution this makes a bad feebback if your mic is near your speakers, best turn your volume down])00:11
zer0rez_i think i have a failing HDD how do I test for it?00:12
Gaming4JCzer0rez: System >> Administration >> disk utility. Observer S.M.A.R.T. Data, You may also want to check out Ultimate Boot CD for "Diagnostic" Tools on HDDs. :)00:12
zer0rez_Gaming4JC, thanks00:13
titan_arkPici, http://paste.ubuntu.com/372118/00:13
joe-evanszer0rez: click system|admin|system testing does that do it00:13
skullcandylemme explain, i' am trying to transfer all of my msn contacts to a new msn with 500+ users, i want to import 1k users from my windows laptop called contactlist.ctt to my pidgin that has 500+ contacts00:13
harskullcandy: I've never used that type of file so I'm not sure00:13
skullcandythe old msn i' am getting rid of00:13
zer0rez_joe-evans, thanks00:13
harso you're creating a new account, I see00:13
titan_arkPici the ps us | grep throws lines 5 to 9 as the result00:14
zer0rez_weird both are reporting smart healthy.  gah don't wanna buy 2 drives just in case oh well.00:14
Gaming4JCskullcandy: Create the new account on a windows PC, import it there, then use pidigin? The contacts will remain on the server.00:14
skullcandythis is the tutorial i followed to transfer the ctt file > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By-ioSRNNI800:14
tempUserI am looking for something like mp3val for all files (not only mp3)00:14
skullcandy@gaming4jc my windows comp has no internet atm00:15
Royallskullcandy: did you try logging into msn on pidgin, and if so, were any of your contacts listed00:15
Royalloh wait00:16
Royallyou want a new msn, never mind, that's different probably00:16
Gaming4JCskullcandy: All else fails there's always WINE (http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=127) or perhaps aMSN can do this. :)00:16
titan_arkPici, you with me?00:17
Picititan_ark: sorry, my server's connection is doing weird things.00:17
Gaming4JC!es | Bullma9900:18
ubottuBullma99: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:18
Picititan_ark: manually kill the pid's listed net to the processes with your username next to them00:18
Bullma99I know. I was simply saying Hola.00:18
titan_arkPici, ah okay this is the result of the aux command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/372118/00:18
skullcandythis stupid contacts list thing is annoying me00:18
titan_arkokay il do that00:18
Gaming4JCOk ppl, I'm not the only one according to #ati -- DO NOT INSTALL ATI 10.1!!! It'll kill Ubuntu. :)00:19
titan_arkjust kill <id> will work?00:19
Bullma99I'm so lucky to be here. Got scared for a min thinking I had lost my data using ext400:19
titan_arkPici, just kill <id> will work?00:19
* Gaming4JC goes back to 9.12...00:19
Bullma99Could not boot for the longest.00:19
Picititan_ark: yes00:19
pfifoubottu, you so massively multi-lingual it amazes me.00:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:20
titan_arkPici, this is the last one lefy: radh7997 14927  0.0  0.0 51076  696 pts/14   S+   16:27   0:00 grep firefox00:20
titan_ark should i kill it too?00:20
Picititan_ark: no need, it doesn't exist anymore.00:21
Bullma99Is ext 4 stable?00:21
titan_arkPici, ah yes FF works now!00:21
titan_arkthx a milion00:21
Picititan_ark: yay!00:21
Gaming4JC!bye | Gaming4JC00:23
ubottuGaming4JC, please see my private message00:23
titan_arkPici, thx a ton!!! now i need to analyse the result of the script!00:23
J_K9!bye | J_K900:23
ubottuJ_K9, please see my private message00:23
Aijse1ye now id also like to know what our nice bott says when you leave00:24
Aijse1bye | Iced00:24
pfifo!bye | Aijse100:24
ubottuAijse1: Au revoir!00:24
trismyou can type /msg ubottu !command to test any of them out for yourself (and not flood the channel)00:24
Aijse1thanks :-D00:25
Aijse1and bye00:25
rww!fr | ubottu00:25
ubotturww: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois00:25
pfifotrism, Im sure many are wondering, best to drop it in the chan to save her a few CPS00:25
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?00:26
capronBullma99,  Heard some people still report problems using ext4 and luks crypt ,  I run like that but I had a miss in the md5sum after copy a 40G file00:26
trismpfifo: oh, I agree, was just pointing it out00:26
Bullma99Should I revert to ext3?00:27
capronBullma99,  No keep it ex4 is cool00:28
pfifoBullma99, are you experiencing any problems?00:28
Bullma99I'll cross my fingers.00:28
Bullma99My system all of sudden would not boot. linux 2.6.31-17 (grub ver 1.97)00:29
pfifoBullma99, how sensitive is your data? maybe try ext4 for your root, but keep /home at ext3 until you decide you like it00:29
Bullma99I have not loaded system with sensitive data until I'm confident I can depend on system 100%00:30
Bullma99sadly, have xp still00:30
pfifoBullma99, maybe try upgrading to grub2. im not sure if it supports ext4 any better, but it is an option00:30
pjotri'll change to arch00:31
Jordan_UBullma99, What exactly happens when it "doesn't boot" ?00:31
Bullma99Grub2. .Currently reading that too. I want to be prepared in case boot issue happens again.00:31
pfifoBullma99, i use ext2/3 drivers in XP and I cant get ext4 to work with them so I stuck with ext3.00:31
capronBullma99, it all depends on how important your data is and how you do your backups.00:32
Mike_lifeguardIs there a way to force all files saved in some directory to have a particular owner and/or group?00:34
jribMike_lifeguard: why?00:34
agent47can anyone plz help me with how to connect usb mobile broadband connection in gnome ubuntu 9.1000:34
capronBullma99,  Grub2 is in beta I use ext3 for my /boot00:34
pfifoMike_lifeguard, I have a few directories that I do that with in conjuction with apache, i have a daily cronjob that runs00:35
Ricoshadyhow do I find out what time /etc/cron.daily runs?00:35
Mike_lifeguardjrib: because currently, members of this role account are creating files in the account's $HOME which are owned by the user and have a group the role account isn't in. Thus, they are unwritable.00:35
pfifoRicoshady, 'cat /etc/crontab' its probbally at 00:0000:36
jribMike_lifeguard: "the account" being the "role account"?00:36
Mike_lifeguardjrib: yes00:36
capronDo anyone use tmpfs for /tmp.   Heard it cud bee a good speed tweak ?00:36
jribMike_lifeguard: what you said doesn't make sense to me then00:37
Mike_lifeguardjrib: Do you understand what I mean by "role account"?00:37
jribMike_lifeguard: please explain00:37
pfifocapron, I do, no speed difference at all that I notice, guess it depends how much you use /tmp though00:37
Ricoshadypfifo it says 25 3    * * *   root    test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )00:38
Mike_lifeguardjrib: an account multiple users can su/sudo into. There is a group by the same name which those members are in - so they can access the role account's files.00:38
pfifocapron, Works great for cleaning up garbage files on reboot00:38
pfifoRicoshady, your cron.daily runs at 3:25am local time00:38
capronpfifo, nice ,  How much ram do you have ?00:39
Mike_lifeguardjrib: however, if they *create* files in the role account's $HOME, they would be owned by their normal account, and in their normal account's primary group. Which the role account is /not/ in. Thus, those files are unmodifiable by the role account.00:39
pfifocapron, 2gb00:39
BitWraithdoes anybody know why I might have lost SD card support during the last update?00:39
Mike_lifeguardjrib: the users cannot chown or chgrp the files, so some mechanism to force file ownership and/or group inside the role account's $HOME seems like a very sensible way to solve the issue.00:40
jribMike_lifeguard: the answer to your original question is ACLs, but there is bound to be a better solution here.  If people are su or sudo into the role account, why are the files not being created as the role user?00:40
BitWraithif I plug in the card and look at dmesg, there is no sign that the interface even exists00:40
capronpfifo,  Is it anything you cant do ,  Heard compile and video editing cud eat take lot of space in /tmp00:40
BitWraithI assume there are kernel modules missing... what modules provide SD support?00:40
orangeflyi've tried the 64 bit and 32 bit versions of ubuntu on an acer aspire 7740 and all i get is a black screen....i can here the startup....any ideas....???....00:40
Mike_lifeguardjrib: because they're human and thus lazy - doing it this way saves them trouble initially (until we get stuck with unmodifiable files)00:41
jribMike_lifeguard: so they are creating files with their own accounts and presumably have access because they belong to the role group?00:41
Mike_lifeguardjrib: yes00:41
pfifocapron, Ahh yes there is one thing I have to work around, I was using a dvd authoring tool to make some DVD's (from legal sources that I own the copyright to of course) It would use /tmp by default, so I had to tell it to use /home/pfifo/tmp00:42
Bullma99wish me luck. will upgrade to grub200:42
MTecknologyBullma99: I'm fighting with grub...00:43
jribMike_lifeguard: usually you can do this two ways: 1) ACLs (man setfacl, man getfacl, man mount (you have to add the acl option)) and 2) is to change the umask so files created are group-writable for those users and setgid the directory in question (this way files should be owned by the group on the parent directory by default)00:43
doesntmatterHas anyone played around with sun virtualbox and linux?00:43
Bullma99oh oh..Fighting w/grub?00:43
jribdoesntmatter: no, no one never has.  ever.  Just kidding: ask your real question :)00:44
doesntmatterI'm having trouble setting up a network adapter to work with it.00:44
Mike_lifeguardjrib: I think setgit is what I was thinking of... is there setuid too?00:44
capronpfifo,  thanks I might try it I also have 2G ram00:44
jribMike_lifeguard: there is but I actually don't think it has any effect on directories00:44
Mike_lifeguardjrib: ok, well I will look into those - thanks00:44
pfifocapron, There are stting in the mount command that you can specify to set the maximum amout of memory, if you find your system getting lagged because of it, you may want to try that.00:45
MTecknologyI recreated partitions on a drive, I used rsync to copy data over the partitions and verified it all transferred correctly. I did grub-install /dev/sda --no-floppy from the live cd. When I boot I get a grub command line without any error. Any ideas what I'm missing? I'm moving off of a drive that's dying and I'm happy I'm getting this done before it completely dies...00:46
jribdoesntmatter: you might try #vbox but you need to ask specific, detailed questions if you expect any help00:47
doesntmatterWell I'm running backtrack 4 on sun virtual box00:47
pfifoMTecknology, is you old drive still connected?00:47
doesntmatterI have a new network adapter in my network settings called virtual something....00:48
MTecknologypfifo: no00:48
jrib!enter | doesntmatter00:48
ubottudoesntmatter: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:48
Dracofodderis there an easy way to get a newer version of flashplugin-installer applied?  I have found a problem with the flash 10.0.42 in Firefox, that is fixed in 10.1 d51 (included with seamonkey 2.02) but I'd much rather use firefox and get updates from the repo, but I also want things to actually work, yet I don't know how to get this newer version applied to FF.00:48
pfifoMTecknology, was the old drive connected when you ran grub-install?00:48
doesntmatterIts called virtualbox host-only adapter00:48
MTecknologypfifo: no, I'm on the new drive now - now I just switch back and forth00:49
benkong2hello all00:51
benkong2how can I tell what options ruby1.8 was compiled with?00:51
jrib!source | benkong200:52
ubottubenkong2: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html00:52
pfifoMTecknology, My first guess is that your grub configuration is looking at the wrong harddrive or the wrong partition, or in other words, a file not found.However, if your using grub2 which im not as familiar with,it could be something else. Can you boot from command line grub?00:52
jribbenkong2: read debian/rules in the source package00:52
MTecknologypfifo: I tried but didn't really know how00:52
benkong2jrib: ok reading thanks00:52
pfifoMTecknology, ok, are you using grub 1 or 2?00:53
MTecknologypfifo: 200:53
Jooder492how do i enable hardware acceleration?00:54
pfifoMTecknology, unfortunatly I wont be much help, have a look at your /boot/grub/grub.cfg file to figure out the commands you need to run to boot00:55
NomadluapCan someone help me with a trackpad problem?00:56
jribNomadluap: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)00:56
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
Jordan_UMTecknology, You need to fix your grub.cfg by hand or run grub-mkconfig from within the new system ( for instance in a chroot )00:57
PingFloydcan someone explain to me about what "search domains" means in nm-applet?00:58
Jordan_UMTecknology, Or more correctly, you need to have a grub.cfg in the first place00:58
NomadluapThe trackpad on my Acer Aspire 5738 isn't being recognised in the Mouse preference panel. I: do not even have a Trackpad tab showing up. How do I fix this?00:58
MTecknologyJordan_U: I do, it was copied directly from the other drive and all partitions are the same except UUID; I ran update-grub00:58
PingFloydthe online help said "In the Search Domains box, put in the domain names you wish to automatically search as a comma-separated list", but it seemed rather ambiguous00:59
Jordan_UMTecknology, You ran update-grub from within the new system?01:00
MTecknologyJordan_U: ya01:00
pfifoMTecknology, ok that specifically why im shaking on answering, I dont know id grub2 uses UUID, if it dose that is probbally your problem01:00
MTecknologyJordan_U: from the ubuntu recovery cd01:00
Bennagewhat is the best file system to format a partition for ubuntu?01:00
armenceHey all, I installed 9.10 Koala and I do not have any sound... Can somebody help? (Yes, the volume is turned up and yes it works under my old os...)01:00
Jordan_UMTecknology, Can you use the grub shell and stay on IRC at the same time?01:00
PingFloydanybody understand what "search domains" means in nm-applet?01:01
igieHi folks, I'm behind NAT and a firewall. I've set it up to port forward for sftp, and ssh on port 22. I'm running "openssh" am trying to enable "ChrootDirectory" but run into an error, saying it could not connect... Without Chroot, things work fine... the directory is owned by "root" and I have no idea what i'm doing wrong.... Anyone know how to solve???01:01
=== jeremy is now known as Guest69068
MTecknologyJordan_U: nope :(01:01
pfifoPingFloyd, yes, it uses that setting to try and search for a domain that dose not resolve through DNS01:02
Jordan_UMTecknology, Did you run grub-install within the chroot?01:02
veasmkii_Is there any way i can add start up applications (commands) in ubuntu using a script/cli?01:02
MTecknologyJordan_U: no, from the ubuntu recovery cd that dropped me into a chroot01:02
Guest69068help me01:02
Jordan_UMTecknology, Do you have a separate /boot partition?01:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:03
MTecknologyJordan_U: ya01:03
MTecknologyJordan_U: I shoulda mounted that huh....01:03
NomadluapDoes anybody in here know anyting about touchpads and synaptics; specifically trying to get synaptics to recognise said trackpad?01:03
MTecknologyJordan_U: When I can reboot I'll go back into that and try again...01:03
Jordan_UMTecknology, Should have, but probably didn't01:03
fezveasmkii_: edit /etc/rc.local01:03
MTecknologyJordan_U: thanks - I'll try that01:03
Jordan_UMTecknology, np01:03
Bennagecan ext4 be read by windoze?01:04
NomadluapBennage: nope01:04
Guest69068ok i have a wireless connection but no browser.....apt get doesnt work.....synaptic update no luck doi have to reinstall ubuntu all over again01:04
usserBennage, nope01:04
NomadluapBennage: I don't thiink so01:04
pfifoBennage, yes ext3 works for me01:05
jguzikowskiumm i really messed up my computer D:01:05
NomadluapBennage: it can read ext2 with an addon, but I wouldn't recomendd that01:05
usserBennage, ext2 will work, to be honest ext3 will work too but it will be read as ext2 since its backwards compatible.01:05
jguzikowskii deleted my ubuntu partition that had grub on it i guess so now when i try to boot up my old windows 7 it says 'partition not found' grub rescue01:05
jguzikowskiwhat do i do?01:05
Bennagewould ext3 be the best filesystem to use on a partitioned drive with XP and Os x?01:05
usserBennage, for sharing data between XP and OSX?01:05
pfifoBennage, depends if you need to use files > 2gb01:06
Bennageand ubuntu01:06
semitonesBennage, fat32 would be the most compatible if you don't have any files larger than 4gb01:06
veasmkii_thanks fez, thats actually quite useful information. :)01:06
Bennageprobably will be bigger than 4gb01:06
seth_My logitech webcam works ]01:06
* semitones wonders if xfc is supported by XP and mac01:06
BennageXFC or XFS?01:07
seth_My Logitech webcam works in programs like Skype and Cheese, but it does not work in flash.  Can anyone help me out with this?01:07
NomadluapDoes anybody in here know anyting about touchpads and synaptics; specifically trying to get synaptics to recognise said trackpad?01:07
jguzikowskican anyone help me? :( im in serous trouble right now01:07
Guest69068how do i reinstall firefox without apt get or add remove01:07
semitonesBennage, probably XFS :)01:07
jguzikowskiwell not serious but i can't really lose my windows 7 partition for work01:07
pfifojguzikowski, do a fresh reinstall of ubuntu. thats probbally the easiest way to go01:08
jguzikowskiwell not serious but i can't really lose my windows 7 partition for work?01:08
jguzikowskiwoops i didnt mean to send that01:08
pfifojguzikowski, do you only have 1 partition now?01:08
Guest69068can i back anything up on usb flash ?01:08
jguzikowskipfifo, that'll work? also is there anyway i can just skip grub and go right back to booting windows 701:08
jguzikowskipfifo, yeah im on ubuntu via flash drive now01:09
seth_My Logitech webcam works in programs like Skype and Cheese, but it does not work in flash.  Can anyone help me out with this?01:09
pfifojguzikowski, run the gparted program and resize you windows partition, then install ubuntu on the newly freed space01:09
jguzikowskipfifo, i just want it to boot windows without grub is what i mean to say01:09
Guest69068ive reinstalled ubuntu 8 times and it takes hours to get allmy updates back01:10
jguzikowskior rather, i dont really need/want ubuntu back unless its vital to getting me back into my windows partitin01:10
NomadluapDoes anybody in here know anyting about touchpads and synaptics; specifically trying to get synaptics to recognise said trackpad? The trackpad on my Aspire 5738 isn't being recognised. Can someone help me get it fixed?01:10
pfifojguzikowski, ohh well in that case... on windows 3.1-XP, i would always use 'fdisk /fixmbr' from windows01:10
usserjguzikowski, boot into live cd run fdisk -l making sure to note which disk contains windows and run sudo apt-get install lilo sudo lilo -M /dev/sda mbr where sda is the drive with your windows 701:10
jguzikowskipfifo, i can't get into windows thats my problem :P but i think usser has got the fix01:11
usserjguzikowski, alternatively if you have access to window install disk run repair from that disk.01:11
pfifojguzikowski, Yes usser is right, if you install a bootloader youll be fine01:11
jguzikowskiokay thank you SO much guys i was freaking out..01:11
usserjguzikowski, backup before all those excercises!01:12
usserjguzikowski, i cant stress backup enough. backup.01:12
Guest69068ok how do i back up my file system before reinstalling01:13
pfifoGuest69068, by copying the files to another disk or network file server01:14
Guest69068ok and how?01:15
igiecan anyone help me configure ChrootDirectory in openssh ?01:15
Jordan_Uusser, Any advantage to lilo -M mbr vs install-mbr from the "mbr" package?01:16
kayvewhy should I choose java-jre instead of java-bin?  for developer?01:16
pfifoGuest69068, using the copy command 'cp' or drag and drop from nautilus01:16
Bennageergh, sorry - caps01:16
pfifoBennage, Zero Bytes01:16
Bullma99Reboot w/no problem01:16
semitonesBennage, I thiink it'01:16
Bennageon about 60gig space for the OS, how much of that should I use as swap?01:16
Guest69068cant i just reinstall firefox somehowif that is all i want01:16
jguzikowskiFatal: /dev/sda2 is not a master device with a primary parition table01:17
semitonesBennage, it should be the same amount as your RAM01:17
Bullma99kernel 2.6.31-19 and edited grub 2 timeout to "0"01:17
jguzikowskiusser, that's the error i just got01:17
pfifoBennage, 2GB of ram right? dont use swap at all.01:17
NomadluapDoes anybody in here know anyting about touchpads and synaptics; specifically trying to get synaptics to recognise said trackpad? The trackpad on my Aspire 5738 isn't being recognised. Can someone help me get it fixed?01:17
Jordan_Ujguzikowski, Point it at the drive, sda, not a partition like sda201:17
jguzikowskiJordan_U, not sure I understand01:18
jguzikowskiJordan_U, think I got it, gonna give this a shot01:19
NomadluapIs there anybody out there?01:19
usserJordan_U, nope01:19
kayveinstead of java-6-jre can I do java-6-jdk? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java01:19
Guest69068how can ireinstall firefox01:19
jribNomadluap: too bad you just missed the pingfloyd guy01:19
semitonesjrib, Nomadluap hehe01:20
pfifoNomadluap, yes we can see your having trouble with a piece of hardware, If someone knew the answer they would have offered help. You may want to try back later01:20
Nomadluapok, I will.01:20
NomadluapSorry for the spam01:20
SemataryCan any of you explain to me how to update the glibc in ubuntu?01:20
semitonesNomadluap, another option is post a thread on the forum, you might have better luck there01:20
jribSematary: update-manager handles that for you01:21
Jooder492how do i get ahold of 3rd  drivers?01:21
kayveam I muzzled or something?  Is anybody hearing me?01:21
SemataryIt told me there are no updates01:21
Nomadluapwhich one? ubuntuforums.org?01:21
Sematarybut I have version 2.1 something01:21
jribSematary: then it's the latest in the repositories01:21
Semataryand I need at least 2.2 or higher01:21
Bennagewhat's the difference between primary and logical?01:22
Bennage...in partitioning?01:22
SemataryI'm having problems with flash plugins and I tried to install flash 9 but it said glibc was out of date01:22
izmailivehii... whois indonesian?01:22
hyperstreamBennage, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=the+difference+between+primary+and+logical01:22
izmailivehii... whois indonesian?01:22
kayvete jrib does anybody hear me?01:23
izmailivewanna chat whit indonesian01:23
pfifoBennage, you can have upto 4 primary partiotions on your hard disk, however one of those can be used as an extended partition that allows you to have many more logical partitions01:24
Trek!ot | izmailive01:24
ubottuizmailive: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:24
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?01:24
plumaI'm afraid I may have corrupted my filesystem. Ubuntu forced me into a recovery shell, I ran fsck as it told me (although fsck warned me about the drive being mounted) and now Ubuntu locks up in the boot screen with Num/Scroll lock LEDs blinking. Is there anything I can do to recover my data?01:27
Bullma99Pluma. I just had the same problem.01:28
Bullma99Pluma- I was this close to erasing all my data01:28
plumaBullma99: Please tell me I can still recover the files on the partition... I don't have any backups.01:28
Semataryso can anyone give me some clue on this whole glibc thing01:29
pfifo!hi | james01:29
ubottujames: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:29
hyperstreampluma, put it into another pc and run some data recovery software?01:29
jronCan anyone tell me how to properly add a user to samba!? I keep adding users but no /etc/samba/smbpasswd file is created01:29
Bullma99I'm a newby but ended rebooting from livecd01:29
james_hi pfifo01:29
jribpluma: even if you do recover your files, remember this feeling and make backups from now on.  Everyone has this moment01:29
hyperstreamSematary, try googling about it, and/or producing errors01:29
pfifoSematary, why flash 9, install the latest flash.01:29
liljaycan someone tell me how to watch videos on youtube?01:29
Sematarybecause when my daughter tries to play yoville, it won't work with flash 1001:30
hyperstream!flash | liljay01:30
ubottuliljay: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:30
Semataryjust hangs01:30
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SemataryI tried adding seamonkey but that hung as well01:30
=== NotTooSmart is now known as Nz3212
plumajrib: I know. I will. I inherited the infrastructure from my predecessor and never got around to setting up a backup myself. I will set up a cronjob as soon as I can recover the data.01:30
pfifoSematary, my dad plays texas holdem on myspace, i installed windows-firefox on wine, works like a charm01:30
matrixfoxewww myspace01:31
ZykoticK9liljay, option 2 - install chrome or chromium and goto youtube.com/html501:31
Nz3212./configure: line 14535: syntax error near unexpected token `libmpdclient,'01:31
Nz3212./configure: line 14535: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libmpdclient, libmpdclient >= 2.1,'01:31
SemataryI installed wine01:31
Sematarynot sure what to do with that now01:31
plumaBullma99: So you could still mount the fs via live cd?01:31
liljaywhere do i install it?01:31
SemataryI'd love to have any browser that will allow her to play her game01:31
james_how can i change my nick name?01:31
plumajames_: /nick <mynickname>?01:31
semitonesliljay, you install it from Synaptic, the package manager01:31
pfifoSematary, download the windows firefox setup.exe and goto a command line 'wine setup.exe'01:31
hyperstream!nick | james_01:31
ubottujames_: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.01:31
=== james_ is now known as jameschu
Bullma99Pluma..In fact, now that I look back, I used my thumbdrive01:32
Nz3212trying to compile a program from source and getting this.......... ./configure: line 14535: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libmpdclient, libmpdclient >= 2.1,'01:32
Bullma99I had both plugged and was getting frustrated thinking I was going to lose everything01:32
liljaywhat area is chrome under in the install thing01:32
SemataryI guess I'm having difficulty understanding wine01:32
SemataryI see it01:32
Sematarybut I don't know how to use it01:32
Bullma99I was getting boot error and drive would not mount01:32
plumaBullma99: I was hoping that this could work, but I didn't have a live CD with me at the time. I'll try it ASAP01:32
jribNz3212: what are you compiling?01:33
Nz3212jrib: ncmpcpp01:33
semitonesliljay, google chrome?01:33
jribNz3212: ncmcpp is in the repositories01:33
ZykoticK9Sematary, generally from a terminal use "wine $WINDOWSPROGRAM.EXE"01:33
liljayi can't find it.01:33
=== mac9416_ is now known as mac9416
pfifoSematary, Its quite easy to use, it simple runs .exe files01:33
Nz3212jrib: I must compile to get a certain feature to work01:33
jribNz3212: what feature?01:33
semitonesliljay, what program are you using to look for it?01:33
ZykoticK9liljay, you can install chromium-browser from the "install thing"01:34
liljayubuntu software center01:34
hhfkhcubuntu sucks cock01:34
matrixfoxwine hq is a bitch to setup i suggest reading http://www.winehq.org/documentation and or join there irc channel01:34
Nz3212jrib: wanted to check out the music visualizer they included01:34
Dextronautreal mature, hhfkhc.01:34
plumaBullma99: Thanks for giving me some confidence. They hired a student for data entry half a year ago and I was afraid I'd have to try and manually input all the data myself in order to recover it =P01:34
Nz3212what the fuck?01:34
semitones!oh my01:34
jribNz3212: please keep it pg-13 in here.  Anyway do: sudo apt-get build-dep ncmpcpp   but see ubottu01:35
jrib!compile > Nz321201:35
ubottuNz3212, please see my private message01:35
Dextronautdoes anybody know of a video player that uses oss?01:35
ZykoticK9Dextronaut, "mplayer -ao oss $filename"01:35
matrixfoxya mplayer01:35
DextronautThank you.01:35
PiciNz3212: sudo apt-get build-dep ncmpcpp     should get you the dependencies you need to compile it.01:35
semitonesliljay, I'm looking in Ubuntu software center now, but you *might* have to install chrome separately -- like you would on windows or mac01:36
liljayi am having a hard time figuring out how to install things on ubuntu01:36
ZykoticK9liljay, from a terminal "sudo apt-get install chromium-browser"01:36
jrib!software | liljay01:36
ubottuliljay: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents01:36
Nz3212Pici: jrib same error01:36
semitonesliljay, for most things, it's as easy as looking for them in Synaptic or Ubuntu Software Center. But a few things, like chrome, you have to download separately01:36
jonzbcca "simulate" with GRSYNC gives me "permission denied" errors -- does anyone know how to solve this? It doesn't make sense that you'd have to use sudo grsync or gksu grsync from a command or F2, because this is a _GUI_ front end.. that would defeat the purpose. I'm not just trying to be a pain: I want to make this work for my girlfriend01:38
liljayeh i can't get it01:38
pfifochrome isnt in synaptics? maybe hhfkhc was onto something :D01:38
semitoneshuh, why did liljay leave01:39
ZykoticK9pfifo, chrome isn't - that's from google directly, but the open source chromium is.  and hhfkhc doesn't know what he's talking about.01:39
Dextronautlol pfifo.01:39
DextronautI'm guessing cuz it's beta apparently01:40
ZykoticK9Dextronaut, beta doesn't have anything to do with it - "chrome" is google's proprietary version01:41
jameschupfifo, where are u now?01:41
jonzbccanyone use grsync/01:41
pfifojameschu, florida,but thats too offtopic for this chan, im in #ubuntu-offtopic for chat01:41
carl_cHey folks I'm new to Ubuntu, just thought I'd come hang out. It's been years since I've used IRC.01:42
Nz3212./configure: line 14535: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libmpdclient, libmpdclient >= 2.1,' alreayd done sudo build-dep ncmpcpp any ideas?01:42
jribNz3212: make sure you can compile vanilla ncmpcpp first without the extra stuff you are trying01:42
tessaraktIs the Netbook Remix available with the text-based installer?01:42
Nz3212jrib: I just did, and I can't01:42
isahi !01:42
detrateis there any program that will execute a command every x seconds, without adding a cron job?01:43
detratesort of like 'watch'01:43
Picidetrate: whats wrong with using 'watch'?01:43
jonzbccdetrate: a for loop01:43
pfifotessarakt, Technically netboox just uses a different set of packages by default all which should be available in the text-install01:43
detratewatch -n2 $(fortune | cowsay -f $(ls /usr/share/cowsay/cows/ | shuf | head -n1))01:44
detratedoesn't work 6_^01:44
Semataryhey pfifo, I downloaded it (twice) but when I open up the C:\ drive with wine it doesn't show01:44
jameschupfifo, I have change to offtop, but can not see u01:44
tessaraktso I just take the normal text-based install CD01:44
tessaraktand try to put it on a SD card01:44
Nz3212jrib: any ideas?01:44
Picidetrate: put your command into a script and then run that script with watch.01:45
jribNz3212: ncmpcpp was probably rewritten to depend on the libmpdclient library (which seems to be new and not in karmic)01:45
pfifoSematary, you downloaded the setup.exe with the linux version of firefor which gennerally puts the file on your desktop.01:45
SemataryI told it where to go01:45
detratePici: there's gotta be a way I can do it without that as well01:45
Semataryguess that doesn't work, huh?01:45
Dr_WillisThe 'Desktop' also known as the 'great big place where everything gets dumped' sort of like Your Junk Drawer.01:46
pfifoSematary, now you dont want to 'Browse C drive' you wnat to goto that download location and right click it in nautilus, select 'Run with Wine'01:46
ZykoticK9jrib, perhaps libmpdclient2 will work (not sure if it's in karmic, it's in lucid)01:46
almark1hello I'm trying to install build-essential on a hardy based distro could someone pls look at my errors build-essential will not install01:46
jribZykoticK9: you need the -dev version in any case and it's a good idea to rebuild the package01:47
Sematarynot to sound stupid01:47
Sematarybut what is nautilus01:47
=== NotTooSmart is now known as Nz32
Sematarycan you tell I'm new to this?01:47
ZykoticK9jrib, "libmpdclient-dev" is in lucid, not sure about karmic01:47
Dr_WillisSematary:  the default gnome file manager01:47
Picidetrate: This seems to work (keep the quotes intact): watch 'fortune | cowsay -f $(ls /usr/share/cowsay/cows/ | shuf | head -n1 )'01:47
Nz32jrib: sorry xchat crashed, was asking you about my compiling error01:47
detrategot it01:47
detratebut now I have a new problem :-P01:48
jribalmark1: have you mixed repositories or installed any debs manually?01:48
detrateit's picking the same random character01:48
Picidetrate: Although you may want to use fortune -s, for the shorter fortunes01:48
almark1I have tired everything, I have done apt-get update many times and at first it didn't work due to my sources.list needed keys01:48
ZykoticK9almark1, have you tried running "sudo apt-get -f install"?01:48
almark1jrib yes I have installed something manually with deb01:48
jribalmark1: what did you install?01:48
Picidetrate: it works fine here.01:48
almark1ZykoticK9 yes01:48
Dr_Willisalmark1: even without the keys it should work. just give warnings about the keys being needed.01:48
almark1jrib: let me look I hope its in my history from term01:49
firevaihi everyone.. anyone up for helping me tackle a sound card issue?01:49
detrategot it01:49
firevaiinstalled a new pci soundcard, but i'm only getting sound out of one side.. it works fine in windows01:49
detratewatch -n2 "fortune | cowsay -f \$(ls /usr/share/cowsay/cows/ | shuf | head -n1)"01:49
detrateneeded to escape the $01:49
firevaii've checked mixer settings and stuff allready01:49
jribalmark1: pastebin the following too: apt-cache policy libc6-dev linux-libc-dev01:50
jribNz3212: ncmpcpp was probably rewritten to depend on the libmpdclient library (which seems to be new and not in karmic)  is the last thing I said01:50
detrateis there anyway I can color it without breaking it? sort of like toilet --gay01:50
littlegirlfireval: Did you double-check that the speakers are plugged in properly?01:50
firevaiyes it works fine in windows littlegirl01:51
firevaicard shows in lspci.. and cpl other places01:51
firevaichecked all my sound settings too.. and pretty sure i have it set to right card01:52
almark1jrib_ here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/372155/01:52
=== james is now known as Guest75965
Dr_Willisdetrate:  there are generic 'colorizer' tools out there that can color text based on regular expression patterns01:52
littlegirlfireval: Is it all sound, or just sound in a specific program?01:52
Nz32./configure: line 14535: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libmpdclient, libmpdclient >= 2.1,' when trying to compile ncmpcpp from source, any ideas?01:52
jribalmark1: did you figure out what you installed, because linux-libc-dev is not from the repositories (and it's the problem)01:53
=== james_ is now known as jameschu
firevaiall sound.. i only get sound out of my right speakers, and subwoofer01:53
jribNz32: didn't we say already?01:53
Dr_Willisseems like a lot of work  just to have some pretty fortune outputs...01:53
firevaii have a 7:1 surround card, and 6:1 speakers lol01:53
almark1jrib now I remember01:53
Nz32jrib: I tried what you said01:53
jribNz32: what's that?01:53
almark1jrib: envy01:53
Nz32jrib: the build-dep command01:54
jribalmark1: well I doubt it was envy but linux-libc-dev is the problem.  The only issue is, there may be more01:54
almark1jrib I need it so I can get my dual monitors to go to default and really just configure it properly01:54
detrateDr_Willis: I enjoy stretching reality in a different direction this evening01:54
firevaiugg sorry i'll bbiab.. something just came up01:54
littlegirlfireval: What is your setting in System --> Preferences --> Sound?01:54
almark1_jrib ack01:54
jribNz32: and then after?  We talked about the libmpdclient library not being in karmic01:54
almark1_jrib let me look in my bash_history01:54
Nz32jrib: I did not see anything about that, sorry, what do you recommend I do then01:54
Sematarypfifo - I have firefox working in wine01:55
Sematarysame process for flash player?01:55
marco123Question fo you, since last update 8.04 to 9.10 my usb device are not deteced I got error log Can someone help me thanks01:55
jribNz3212: ncmpcpp was probably rewritten to depend on the libmpdclient library (which seems to be new and not in karmic)01:55
pfifoSematary, goto youtube or whatever and use the auto-install01:56
jribSematary: you realize firefox and flash work natively in linux?01:56
nvmeanyone know the name of the package that lets you trim white space off pdf files ?01:56
Semataryya, I know01:56
Sematarybut version 10 doesn't play the game my daughter plays01:56
Semataryand I would need to update the glibc to install 901:56
Semataryit's ridiculous01:56
Sematarygoto youtube?01:57
jribSematary: you shouldn't have to touch glibc01:57
almark1jrib one is avast01:57
Sematarytell that to the flash 9 installer01:57
=== yy is now known as Guest68074
Nz32jrib: sorry, i dont understand, i have ncmpccp installed already, the same version im trying to compile infact, so are you saying it is not possible for it to work in karmic, or am I not getting your meaning01:57
Semataryit tells me I need at least 2.2 and ubuntu has 2.101:57
almark1jrib one is dssi01:57
jribSematary: just copy the libflashplayer.so yourself to ~/.mozilla/plugins/01:57
SemataryI tried that01:57
jribSematary: and?01:57
SemataryI fixed all my permissions, etc...01:57
Sematarywouldn't let me copy it01:58
jribSematary: pastebin what you did and what the error was exactly01:58
SemataryI've completely deleted all the flash stuff from linux now but still have the flash 10 installer if I want it01:58
pfifoSematary, version 10 of windows flash seems to work better for those games. use windows-firefox in wine to play them, youll need to install flash via the auto installer while running the windows version of firefox01:58
bluebaronis there a way to get the config of a kernel with only the binary kernel file?01:58
jribnvme: the only thing I would guess could do it would be pdftk, but no idea01:58
Sematarythat's what I'm doing now pfifo01:58
littlegirlSematary: Did you go to Tools --> Addons --> Plugins and remove it in Firefox before copying over the new one?01:58
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?01:59
almark1_jrib am I missing something lol I have tried many things but to no avail01:59
jameschuwhen will upgrade the firefox of ubuntu9.10 to 3.6 version01:59
jribwell remove that package for starters... wait for more issues to arise since we don't know how it got installed01:59
jribalmark1: ^01:59
nvmejrib, yeah its texlive extras02:00
almark1_jrib yes I will try that02:00
nvmepdfcrop apparently, my search for pdftrim wasnt returning stuff :P02:00
jribnvme: oh cool02:00
almark1hope I dont break something lol02:00
marco123That's my error msg usb 2-1: device descriptor read/64, error -11002:02
almark1jrib: I'm about to remove the package but if I do will remove g++ and g++ 4.202:02
almark1jrib: I really don't know if I should remove that package especially if its g++02:03
Paradoxanyone with ubuntu want to do me a project?02:03
resnoi somehow messed something up, when i go to view a file using sudo, i get Error reading /home/bryan/.nano_history: Permission denied02:04
Paradoxi mistyped that seriously02:04
Dr_Willisresno:  you could delete that file. its permissions are proberly wrong.02:04
Paradoxi meant to say anyone with bazaar want to help me out with something?02:04
Dr_Willisresno:  running stuff with sudo can make files in the users home.. that one is proberly owned by root not the user02:05
ZykoticK9resno, "ls -l /home/bryan/.nano_history"02:05
Bullma99Just installed startup manager- easy way to configure bootloader02:05
resnoZykoticK9: root root02:06
fwaokdawhen i run "make" I get this... can anyone help me figure out what I need to do to correct it? http://pastebin.com/d4c1f52d9  thanks02:06
resnoDr_Willis: ill just delete it thanks.02:06
ZykoticK9resno, is your username bryan?  "sudo chown bryan:bray /home/bryan/.nano_history"02:06
ZykoticK9resno, that second bray is a typo obviously02:07
resnothanks ZykoticK902:07
resnoi figured it was a typo ZykoticK902:07
DasFloHey guys... might somebody be in the mood to help me get Ubuntu going?02:08
resno!ask | DasFlo02:08
ubottuDasFlo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:08
Dr_WillisDasFlo:  tell the channel the full problem.02:08
igiedo i need ssh for openssh to work?? or are they two separate entities working separately ?02:09
erick1138necesito ayuda con monodeveloped hola02:09
resnoDr_Willis: whats the best way to sudo open a file and not have the happen?02:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:10
almark1jrib: this is odd, I removed the problem package and it completely removed all of them for g++ but, I tried to do a  sudo apt-get install build-essential and I got this, hold for paste02:10
Dr_Willisresno:  i rarely have the issue. I dont use nano normally either.02:11
DasFloI am trying a Dual Boot - Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10 64bit. Windows is on my internal hdd, Ubuntu is on an external hdd. The external hdd has 900GB ntfs for general storage, 100GB ext4 for / and 4GB swap. Grub is installed on the external hdd. I can choose a OS in grub. Windows loads fine. If I chose Ubuntu, the system immediately freezes02:11
Dr_Willisresno:  i use vi or geany02:11
almark1jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/372164/02:11
DasFloThe live cd runs fine, btw...02:11
Dr_Willisresno:  if that file existed befor for the user.. i imagine it wouldent of had its permissions being owned by root.02:13
spemeDasFlo, paste your /boot/grub/grub.cfg02:13
ZykoticK9DasFlo, if Grub really is installed on the external (which by what you describe i don't think it is) you'd have to use a (BIOS) Key at boot to select to boot from external HD...02:13
spemeDasFlo, I mean your set the wrong disk02:14
Dr_WillisDasFlo:  also edit the grub line at boot to have 'nosplash' and 'nofb' at the end of the kernel options so yoyu can see all the error messages.  that may help. Very likely the system is looking in the wrong place for the files to boot.02:14
Dr_WillisDasFlo:  like speme  said. - I never use a external hd. :) but i do know it can cause issues.02:14
DasFloIt has to be on the external HDD. If I unplug the external HDD or set the boot order in Bios to boot the internal hdd first, I go straight to windows02:15
Dr_WillisDasFlo:  when Installing to a EXTERNAL hd - thers some quirks with grub that one has to watch out for.02:15
littlegirlDasFlo: Can you boot Ubuntu in recovery mode?02:15
LogicalDashI have Compiz set up to zoom in, but I also have some applications with windows larger than my tiny netbook screen, and I'd like to zoom out on those sometimes. How I do this?02:15
Dr_WillisDasFlo:  because of how the installer works/sees the drives and how they change when you boot from the external hd.02:15
Dr_WillisDasFlo:  grub basically nees to be told to look on the right drive02:16
Dr_WillisDasFlo:  when bootintg from external HD vs internal the 'order' of the drives change - so it can confuse things02:16
DasFloI think I'm going to boot from the live cd now and come back afterwards. Since I'm on W7 right now I can't really do much02:16
DasFlolittlegirl: I'll try recovery mode first02:17
Dr_WillisDasFlo:  check out the grub menus and how to edit the grub command lines - you canproberly change some hd0,0 to be hd0,1 or somthing and get it working02:17
DasFloDr_Willis: I'll do that, too. Sec, rebooting...02:18
semitonesQuestion: If I install Ubuntu Studio's real time kernel and patches, will that stop the audio from stuttering when the CPU is under heavy load?02:18
duke_hi just small question wanna change my window manager and doesnt work i typed in ~/.xinitrc  exec /home/duke/.cabal/bin/xmonad02:18
duke_and i tried without exec02:18
semitoneson a slowish computer02:18
Dr_Willisduke_:  how are you starting up X ?02:19
duke_ehm autostart02:19
Dr_Willisduke_:  if you mean Via GDM - then you need to use a gdm desktop session to launch the right window manager02:20
ZykoticK9duke_, you'd probably have to use "startx" for it to look at your .xinitrc file02:20
Dr_Willisduke_:  there used to be a 'xsession' gdm session that ran stuff from .xsession or .xinitrc i think02:20
Dr_Willisduke_:  or just not use gdm and use 'startx' that should run whats in .xinitrc02:20
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LavaEagleI ahve a laptop that is going to be dedicated to just watching movies, hulu stuff like that anyone got an idea for a good OS, LXDE? Mandrake? Crunchbang? Kubuntu02:22
happyfacehow can I reinstall the default wifi drivers that come with Karmic?02:22
srvHow can I install updates using the shell, instead of using the Update Manager?02:22
ZykoticK9srv, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"02:23
blakkheimsrv: replace upgrade with "full-upgrade"02:23
nn-laptopHi all,  I cant seem to ever encode a video format windows can use .. :(   anyhow .. I need an opinion on my gimp logo animation .. and weather or not its actually playable by other linux geeks http://fs.userbin.net/gimp.mpeg02:24
blakkheim!ot | nn-laptop02:25
ubottunn-laptop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:25
Dr_WillisLavaEagle:  mythbuntu, or aboyut anything will work..  theres dozens of media players also02:25
srvykoticK9, blakkheim, thank you02:25
Dr_Willis nn-laptop  install the proper codecs -or players I guess.  I rarely have any issues with videos on linux/windows.02:26
astrocubi have a 64bit processor, but opted for the 32bit ubuntu. i'm downloading intel's integrated performance primitives library, do i choose intel 64 for ia-32?02:26
Dr_Willisastrocub:  32bit os = use 3202:26
blakkheimastrocub: ia-3202:26
Dr_WillisI would of opted for teh 64bit OS to begin with02:26
blakkheimdepends on how much ram he has02:26
Dr_WillisI dont worry about the ram. I go 64bit even if i got 1gb of ram02:27
rwwwhy not?02:27
Dr_Willisbenchmarks do show that 64bit even with 1gb ram IS faster in many cases..02:27
Dr_Willisand i only need one apt-cache server to hold all the 64bit packages.  sine the rest of the lan is all 64bit02:28
blakkheimrww: no advantages, some things are incompatible, binaries are more bloated02:28
Dr_Willisblakkheim:  ive not seen that to be the case.02:28
ZykoticK9What is the "sudo apt-get full-upgrade"?  pattern not found in "man apt-get"02:28
Dr_Willisand i have seen.read of advantages02:28
blakkheimDr_Willis: i have :(02:28
rwwblakkheim: no advantages to 32-bit, I've never seen any incompatibility or bloat02:28
Dr_WillisI can thionk of one binary i have that dosent work on 54bit02:28
rwwZykoticK9: something that doesn't exist02:28
rwwZykoticK9: whoever told you full-upgrade was thinking of aptitude02:28
ZykoticK9rww, thanks02:29
matrixfoxwell ya thats the whole point of 64bit02:29
Das-FloOk I'm back and on a live session02:29
elpargohi, if I want to write a program that will run "forever" listening to a streaming api (http1.1) will it be better to make a service out of it? or should I stick with a daemon?02:29
Das-Flocan I paste grub.cfg now?02:29
bbelt16aghey peeps are there apps that can clean up my music folders seriously its like i got 02-pearljam 01 0702:29
bbelt16agweird  crap02:29
Dr_Williselpargo:  a service normally runs stuff as demons..  so it dosent really matter.02:29
astrocubthank you Dr_Willis and blakkheim02:30
ZykoticK9bbelt16ag, easytag can bulk rename based on tags (if your tags are correct)02:30
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gsgleasonbbelt, you  can also make a shell or perl script for that.02:31
elpargoDr_Willis: from the little I have read about upstart all I have to do is build a script. does my process needs to know how to be a daemon?02:31
Das-FloDr_Willis: I think you asked for the contents of grub.cfg, right? I have it now02:32
Dr_WillisDas-Flo:  wasent me.. but you can pastebun it for others to look at.02:32
Dr_Williselpargo:  i am lazy and just run things from rc.local you couldmake your program restart if it exits/ctrashes if you wanted to02:33
srvShall I use "sudo apt-get upgrade" or "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" or sudo apt-get full-upgrade", to get the Update Manager functionality in the shell?02:33
Das-FloDr_Willis: Oh, sorry. "Pastebin it" - ok, I'll quickly find out what that means and do so02:33
Dr_Williselpargo:  thats all a demon does.02:33
Dr_Willis!pastebinit | Das-Flo02:33
ubottuDas-Flo: pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit02:33
bbelt16agno not  tages  folders02:33
bbelt16agstupid  folders i hate itunes i got to make  everything read only to keep it from  touching  crud02:33
ZykoticK9srv, "sudo apt-get full-upgrade" doesn't exist02:33
elpargoDr_Willis: that is what I really need the "always up"02:33
Dr_WillisDas-Flo:  cat /path/to.file | pastebinit02:33
Dr_Williselpargo:  i never bothered with that stuff. so not sure whats the best way02:34
elpargoDr_Willis: I see. ok thanks.02:34
igiehelp please: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140125802:34
ben__planning new pc. does nvidia or radeon have better support for ubuntu?02:36
ZykoticK9ben__, go nvidia02:36
ouyesyes , since 9.1002:36
ben__thank you02:37
gsgleasonigie, have you tried sftp command line?02:37
ouyesben__, but nvidia seems to get better support in old versions of ubuntu , 10.04 will be good for both i think02:37
daz0191hello i am having trouble with dual monitors in 9.10, when i unclick mirror screens in desplay settings my monitors go black, i am using a thinkpad t60 with crappy intel graphics,worked fine on fc12 as an extended desktop02:37
ZykoticK9ben__, especially if your thinking 10.04 go nvidia02:38
ouyesZykoticK9, why?02:38
igiegsgleason: no i'm not sure how. But the purpose of this share is to share with family in a totally different country. They all use Windows.02:38
gsgleasonis ubuntu.com not working for anyone else or is it just me?02:38
blakkheimgsgleason: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com02:39
LavaEagleblakkheim: lol02:39
ouyesgsgleason,  me too02:39
gsgleasonigie: sometimes it's easier to see an issue using a more simple client.02:39
ZykoticK9ouyes, 10.04 has both OS nouveau support + special support for nvidia proprietary driver(s) - you have 3 simultaneously installed and can choose which one to use02:39
gsgleasonigie: try it with sftp.02:40
ouyesgsgleason,   just slow but can work02:40
igiegsgleason: I will give it a shot.02:40
ZykoticK9ouyes, see http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2 for some more details02:40
ben__man wish there was better support for a htpc02:40
gsgleasonigie: open a terminal and type: sftp username@hostname02:41
ZykoticK9ben__, mythbuntu?  what do you mean?02:41
ben__i mean with blu ray02:41
tomatoes6_when i use wine to run diablo 2, it makes my screen colors all funky, and once i quit, my colors are still funky, any ideas how to get my colors back to normal?02:42
daz0191now i can get my monitors working up and down but not left to right, any ideas?02:42
igiegsgleason: I get the error: "Read from remote host igie: Connection reset by peer02:42
igieCouldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer"02:42
Das-Floalright, my grub.conf: http://pastebin.com/m53a5d6eb02:42
ouyesZykoticK9, en thanks, i am now using thinkpad t400 and a ati card with a driver installed by envy-gt, it works good , sometime DIY a PC, nvidia's card is the first choice02:42
ouyesgsgleason, nvidia is the first choice02:43
gsgleasonigie, what is the user's home directory on the server?02:43
fk_007so i have been using xubuntu for about a month now and all the sudden when i log in it loads for a minute then kicks me back to the login screen again :(02:43
Das-Floset root=(hd2,2) looks about right to me :/02:43
ouyesfk_007, which version of release are you running?02:43
Jef91Anyone know of a good FOSS calender program for Ubuntu that is like M$ Outlook's calender? Just put Mint on my girlfriend's laptop and she wants one02:43
Viper1432fk_007,  is your hard disk full?  seen that issue occur with no space left.02:44
fk_007onyes: 9.102:44
gsgleasonjef, what about the evolution calendar?02:44
gsgleasonor thunderbird?02:44
igiegsgleason: its a separate internal disk /media/Media/Public02:44
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myownserverDoes anyone have any suggestions on how to make the "Share" option re-appear when I right click on a directory?02:45
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gsgleasonigie, make sure the home directory matches your chroot dir02:45
myownserverIt disappeared and I don't know how to make it come back.02:45
igiegsgleason: I made the the home directory of the new user I added to the system02:45
MadRushcan someone help me with the MV command?02:45
igiegsgleason: thats the thing.. It matches perfectly.02:45
blakkheimMadRush: "man mv" can02:45
meowbuntuhi i am wanting to know how to make the embedding area of my external hdd bigger so i can install grub 2 on it02:46
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myownserverSo far I've tried restarting the computer and completely re-installing samba, but neither helped.02:46
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acclaimtechIs there a utility that will show you the progress of files copied using SSH?02:46
blakkheimacclaimtech: scp02:46
meowbuntuhi i am wanting to know how to make the embedding area of my external hdd bigger so i can install grub 2 on it /join #ubuntu02:46
myownserverI've searched, but I cannot find what it relys on or why it wouldn't be showing.02:46
acclaimtechyes but doesn't SCP move the data to your workstation and then back to the server?02:46
gsgleasonacclaimtech: scp will do this by default.02:46
Das-FloUbuntu still won02:47
srvIf there is a new distribution of Ubuntu available, will "apt-get dist-upgrade" upgrade to that new version (e.g. from Jaunty to Karmic)?02:47
blakkheimacclaimtech: can copy to and from02:47
myownserverI clicked on it and vamoos, GONE!02:47
blakkheimsrv: no02:47
acclaimtechok but I need one that doesn't copy through my workstation02:47
LordValiumSleepsI have skype but I dont get incoming video. All I have is a gray screen. Skype appears to think I'm getting video because it gives me the option to turn off incoming video02:47
acclaimtechjust go from server to server02:47
blakkheimsrv: you want do-release-upgrade02:47
srvblakkheim, thx02:47
acclaimtechor raid array to raid array02:47
srvblakkheim, hmm02:47
fk_007Viper1432: had to go check the space used, used the terminal command df and it said 19% was used02:47
Das-Flowon't boot from my external hdd. I have no idea what to change in grub.conf. Any ideas? http://pastebin.com/m53a5d6eb02:47
myownserverI can't believe I can't find anything on google about this.  Surely I'm not the first to encounter this issue.02:48
Viper1432it was just a stab at the issue fk_007 .  that wouldn't be the issue then.02:48
Viper1432fk_007,  something might have gotten corrupted...I've seen that with video drivers flaming out before.  you might want to reinstall "desktop" from aptitude in a terminal.  Could just be something got wasted.02:49
lostinspace_46When running " ./configure " for pidgin-2.6.5 I get this message (XScreenSaver extension development headers not found.  Use --disable-screensaver).  Self explanatory I know.  My problem is (no laughing) I can't figure out the syntax.02:50
fk_007Viper1432: very well could be, i had an issue no to long ago with the drivers, it went into safe graphics mode, but then when i rebooted it was fine, for a while02:50
Viper1432Yeah fk_007  as long as your /home is backed up, I' just reinstall the xubuntu_desktop stuff as a check.  Settings and apps should stay the same as long as /home isn't borked.02:51
acclaimtechOk so how does SCP work?02:51
blakkheimacclaimtech: man scp02:52
tulelostinspace_46: you should just insert the --disable-screensaver after ./configure and your filename02:52
fk_007Viper1432: so do you mean install it again from the disk or how might i do it in the terminal02:52
ZykoticK9lostinspace_46, considered just adding the Pidgin Developers PPA instead of compiling?  just a thought.02:52
Das-FloShould I just randomly change the numbers in grub.cfg?02:52
tulelostinspace_46: should have said and BEFORE your filename02:52
cremasterhi folks, i dont have an asound folder under /proc - i'm on karmic, is this normal?02:53
Viper1432fk_007,  from a terminal you could do aptitude install xubuntu-desktop to reinstall all the basic xubuntu stuff.02:53
Dr_Willisacclaimtech:  scp works much like cp only it can take host/username as options to copy stuff to/from remote machines02:53
ZykoticK9blakkheim, could you please stop telling everyone who asks a question to "man X" it's similar to RTFM02:53
Dr_Williswith scp and ssh - it IS worth reading the man pages.02:53
fk_007Viper1432: cool man i appreciate your help, i'll try that02:53
Dr_Willisscp --help also has a good summary02:53
lostinspace_46ZykoticK9, I tried that.  I am having some issues using the PPA02:54
Viper1432fk_007,  as long as your net connection is good (which it should be if you're getting to the login), reinstalling via apt or aptitude on the cmd line is easy.02:54
Viper1432and no problem and good luck fk_00702:54
blakkheimZykoticK9: yeah, it's the "nice way" of saying that02:54
ZykoticK9blakkheim, well it's not really very "nice"02:54
blakkheimZykoticK9: nicer than the alternative02:54
Dr_WillisDas-Flo:  You could learn how grub works and the commnd line for it. and try changeing  the hd#'# from the grub command line till you find an entry that works.02:54
gsgleasonwhen it's clear they haven't read the man page it's perfectly appropriate.02:54
wolfie1I need help with mp302:54
ZykoticK9lostinspace_46, what issue?  if you're on Karmic it should only be a "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pidgin-developers/ppa" then "sudo apt-get install pidgin" and you're done02:55
lostinspace_46tule, configure is the filename02:55
wolfie1I need to recode some mp3 from 128 to 9602:55
blakkheimwolfie1: try ffmpeg02:55
wolfie1with lame, the problem is that, in the process, all the id3tag is lost02:55
wolfie1any idea? :(02:55
Das-FloDr_Willis: Yes, I understand that I'll have to edit that file. However, I'm working from a live cd here and I heard not to manually edit stuff into grub.cfg?02:55
wolfie1ffmpeg will keep the id3?02:55
DuskinDoes ubuntu support ssh?02:55
tulelostinspace_46: i thought you were trying to compile something. no?02:55
Spanglish_7776yes duskin02:56
gsgleasonwolfie, make a shell script to read the tags for a file saved as variables, reencode, then set the tags.02:56
srvDuskin, yes it does02:56
DuskinIs ssh always running or is there a command to turn it on?02:56
wolfie1mmmh.... good idea, thanks gsgleason02:56
TrekDuskin, it should run upon boot automatically02:57
Spanglish_7776Duskin, is it installed?02:57
lostinspace_46ZykoticK9, My Synaptic isn't adding repos correctly02:57
DuskinSpanglish_7776: no idea02:57
myownserverNo one?02:57
Spanglish_7776sudo apt-get install openssh-server02:57
srvDuskin: apt-cache search ssh02:57
Spanglish_7776that will install it02:57
Das-FloThe whole disk is apparently read only from live02:57
DuskinWhat ports do I need to forward for ssh?02:58
DuskinThanks all02:58
myownserverFreaking Ubuntu has pissed me off all day long and now this.02:58
Trekor, Duskin...02:58
Trekhave it point to a custom port for extra security02:58
lostinspace_46tule, the program is pidgin-2.6.5 the file to run is configure02:58
trineoxDuskin, like Spanglish advised...openssh server is real good....get in synaptic or apt-get install.02:58
cremasteralsa is supposed to write logs during bootup to /proc/asound but i dont have this asound folder, is it always there?02:58
srvDuskin: yeah, that'd be a safer practice02:59
skullcandydoes anyone know of a easy to use keylogger for ubuntu?02:59
acclaimtechok that's not working02:59
DuskinHow do I change the port ssh uses?02:59
TrekDuskin: when you conbfigure the SSH config file, make sure you specify either port 22 or port <SomeOtherPortNumberHere>02:59
Trekin the config file, Duskin...02:59
blakkheimrunning ssh on a nonstandard port only lessens the amount of automated attempts to break in, it doesn't actually increase security02:59
acclaimtechAnything like an FTP client for SSH?02:59
DuskinAh ok02:59
blakkheimacclaimtech: sftp, built into openssh02:59
Trekblakkheim, it helps to prevent auto-connectors from finding it02:59
ZykoticK9acclaimtech, gftp support ssh03:00
blakkheimDuskin: /etc/ssh/sshd_config03:00
Das-FloHow can I save changes to my hdd installation from a live cd session? says it's read only03:00
trineoxBlakkheim unless your isp blocks the general port as well03:00
tulelostinspace_46: yes, I know. So, from the shell, ./configure --disable-screensaver03:00
blakkheimtrineox: this is also a possibility, didn't think of that03:00
mac9416acclaimtech, I believe Nautilus works as an SFTP client.03:00
trineoxBlakkheim i run ipcop for my router and had to change its port due to that. took me forever to figure it out lol03:01
DuskinAre the commands for dash the same as bash?03:01
srvacclaimtech, filezilla supports for sftp, I'm using it for SourceForge.net03:01
ZykoticK9Duskin, yup03:01
lostinspace_46tule, I think I did that, but let me try again03:02
ZykoticK9Duskin, or at least 95%03:02
Duskinis there a way to use bash instead of dash?03:03
FlannelDuskin: You're currently using bash as a shell, dash is your default sh03:04
DuskinAh ok thanks everyone03:05
Spanglish_7776np duskin03:05
trineoxur welcome duskin always happy to help :-)03:05
ZykoticK9Duskin, oh darn, Flannel is correct i was getting /bin/sh and /bin/bash confused sorry - Flannel is correct, i'm all mixed up...03:05
lostinspace_46tule, I run "./configure --disable-screensaver" and get "Startup notification development headers not found.  Use --disable-startup-notification."  I run "./configure --disable-startup-notification" I get "XScreenSaver extension development headers not found. Use --disable-screensaver"  ???03:13
kazI just installed Kubuntu 9.10 and Compiz-fusion, and whenver I use the desktop cube in compiz, it only shows that I have 2 desktops eventhough I try to set it to 4 everywhere else. When I use expo, it shows 4 desktops, but I can only use two for the desktop cube and when pressing Ctrl+Alt+left/right. How can I make it use all 4?03:14
StefanieI am new03:14
ZykoticK9kaz, perhaps a question best asked in #kubuntu03:15
Stefaniehello word03:15
kaddihello Stefanie :)03:16
kazOk, thanks.03:16
ZykoticK9Stefanie, do you have a question?  if so please ask.  if you're just looking to chat try #ubuntu-offtopic03:16
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Stefaniehow to play vides03:16
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becker_11I want to use ssh to connect to my home box from work how can I secure my home machine properly03:17
Stefaniemy Ubutu  can not play films03:18
soreaukaz: Dual screens?03:18
trineoxStefanie u mean dvd's?03:19
ZykoticK9Stefanie, have you install ubuntu-restricted-extras?  what player are you using?  can you give any additional details03:19
kazsoreau: I've hooked my computer up to a second monitor before, but right now it only has one.03:20
soreaukaz: Well, you can /msg FusioBot cube or viewports or, you can just come to #compiz and we can help you there03:21
trineoxbecker_11 ssh is secure , i would suggest using openssh server on your home machine03:21
StefanieI down the Kmplay.but i do not know how to use03:22
ZykoticK9becker_11, be sure your user account has a strong password (think pass-sentence)03:22
becker_11trineox: I am running openssh server my problem is the port is visable during a port scan does that cause a problem03:22
becker_11ZykoticK9: thanks thats a good idea03:22
trineoxbecker_11 are you using a router?03:22
ZykoticK9becker_11, MANY MANY people are going to try and break into your ssh - thus the pass-sentence suggestion03:22
Stefaniei want to know that are you all Chinese?03:23
becker_11trineox: yeah wired router03:23
becker_11ZykoticK9: okay03:23
trineoxbecker, along with what zykotick9 said..also i suggest using nonstandard port as well03:23
Stefanie i want to know that are you are  all Chinese?03:23
becker_11trineox: okay I'm off to strengthen my password03:23
jack5463Stefanie, no03:23
ZykoticK9Stefanie, what does that have to do with anything?03:24
trineoxbecker, well i would ? your router it should stealth/ half open your port so its not seen.03:24
trineoxbecker_11 good luck :-)03:24
Stefanieit's my first time to chat in here03:25
isolat3dsh33phey guys, does the gui for nautilus changed? D:03:27
* unixalot has arrived03:27
StefanieAre you all old user who were using Ubuntu?03:27
unixalotStefanie: eh??03:27
* unixalot is downloading gimphoto cause its a lot better than gimp03:28
StefanieI mean you have used Ubuntu for long time,right?03:28
q0_0panyone know why pid cli is running going to this ip address?
unixalotStefanie: For a bit lol.03:29
q0_0panyone know why pid cli is running going to this ip address?
jkthecjerhey all03:30
jkthecjerhaving trouble creating multiple interfaces on an atheros card (orinoco silver)03:30
Stefanieunixalot ,you are not in China now?03:30
jkthecjerit worked earlier today, so its possible03:30
jkthecjerbut since then (even after restart), its failing03:31
ZykoticK9Stefanie, why do you think everyone is in China?03:31
jkthecjersudo wlanconfig ath1 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap03:31
jkthecjerwlanconfig: ioctl: Input/output error03:31
jkthecjerany ideas?03:31
meowbuntuhow do i set up my mic i cant get it working03:31
ZykoticK9Stefanie, i hightly doubt many people in this channel are in china - there is a specific chinese channel (not this one)03:32
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?03:32
Stefaniemay it be.Are you Chinese?03:33
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mehhehtwas me there03:34
GSF1200Sso I do a kernel update, and X fails to load on reboot. I try activating the drivers through jockey in low graphics mode, and while X works, glxinfo returns segfault and glxgears doesnt work. Then, I decide to gdm stop and install the nvidia binary from the website. It tells me permission denied, whether run as user, sudo (root), or even logging in as root to run03:34
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meowbuntuhow do i set up my mic i cant get it working03:34
StefanieZykoticK9,Are you Chinese03:34
ZykoticK9!cn | Stefanie03:35
ubottuStefanie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:35
ZykoticK9Stefanie, no03:35
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:35
q0_0panyone know why pid cli is running going to this ip address?
Stefanieand where are you come from03:35
GSF1200Sif anyone has any ideas about my above issue, that would be great.. because otherwise im going back to arch.. this is bs03:35
Trekq0_0p: we couldn't knwo.  But it looks like an HTTP outbound/inbound connection03:36
Trekq0_0p: firefox?03:36
q0_0pTrek, only happens when i start internet03:36
GSF1200Sim running plain jain xubuntu and ive had more crashes on it in the last 2 weeks than I ever had on arch03:36
q0_0pTrek, it only happens once03:36
q0_0pTrek, it stops after the first time03:36
Trekq0_0p: loading of the firefox start screen03:36
Trekq0_0p: thats my guess03:36
q0_0pTrek, i c03:36
q0_0pTrek, but if it was using firefox it would've showd up in the pid name03:37
CryptoMoleI have a question about running older versions of ubuntu like edgy eft can you still do it ?03:37
q0_0pTrek, in netstat03:37
gamerxcan someone help setting up darkice shoutcast server03:37
q0_0pTrek, it shows up as pid program cli03:37
isolat3dsh33pguys, how to check if elementary nautilus has replaced old nautilus? Besides the different looks?03:37
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, you could install them from their ISOs but there wouldn't be updates / repositories for you to add software with... kinda useless really03:38
gamerxits giving me this error DarkIce: TcpSocket.cpp:248: connect error [111]03:38
CryptoMolesee I thought I read that somewhere.03:38
Trekq0_0p: that might mean CommandLineInterface03:38
q0_0pTrek, u think something bad is going on?03:39
gamerxmy darfice config is here: http://pastebin.com/f12493d0c03:39
Trekq0_0p: that the destination IP?03:39
q0_0pTrek, one sec03:39
q0_0pTrek, yes03:39
CryptoMoleok has anyone had any luck installing xmms from source on ubuntu?03:40
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, audacious is "almost" the same as xmms was03:40
Trekq0_0p, not sure, its not a site that responds to HTTP requests03:41
q0_0pTrek, i went to the site nothing strangely to say03:41
q0_0pTrek, so i am confused03:41
Trekit hits errors, it could be a security threat could be nothing03:41
CryptoMolewell it does not act like xmms in one respect03:41
q0_0pTrek, i guess best just block the IP03:42
ZykoticK9q0_0p, you can "whois $IPADDRESS" < i have no idea who they are03:42
CryptoMolewhich is show my song playing the bitrate frame by frame03:42
Trekq0_0p: yeah, and if an error/issue arises from that, then its easily reversible03:42
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, xmms is OLD man03:42
CryptoMoleit worked03:43
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, oh i used to use it all the time (for years)03:43
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CryptoMoleand im old that dont me im obsolete03:43
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, and i don't like xmms2 at all03:44
CryptoMoleall i want is a solution to the audatious problem03:44
CryptoMoleshow the bitrate for my flac files frame by frame03:45
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, have you tried bmpx?  i haven't, but its also suppose to be similar accorting to !xmms03:45
CryptoMolenot yet heard of it03:46
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, you have one very specific requirement there!03:46
=== ubuntu_ is now known as kameron
kameroni'm trying to access my ext4 partition through third party drivers in windows xp. currenty nothing reads from ext4. is there a way to downgrade-convert my partition to ext3 or cripple ext4 enough that win will read it?03:47
CryptoMoleZykoticK9: hey xmms did this on its own with all my wav and .flac files03:47
xanguaformat¿ :S03:47
LavaEagleDoes Xubuntu support xsf?03:47
CryptoMoleZykoticK9: thanks for trying to help.03:48
kameronLavaEagle, xfs?03:48
DrDamnitTrying to install unixODBC for use with PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 9.10 server. Getting error: ]Can't open lib '/usr/lib/libodbcpsql.so'03:48
LavaEagleXSF something like that it is similar to ext4 kind of thing03:49
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, i hope you find a suitable alternative03:49
kameronLavaEagle, xfs. and yes it does.03:49
CryptoMoleyeah me too.03:49
LavaEagleIs it worth it to go to that format?03:49
kameronit depends on what you're doing with your system.03:49
CryptoMoleproably end  up messing with audatious.03:49
kameroni'd reccomend reading a comparison of linux filesystems.03:49
LavaEaglefor high transfers of files03:49
LavaEagleI believe thats what it's for03:50
DrDamnitTrying to install unixODBC for use with PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 9.10 server. Getting error: ]Can't open lib '/usr/lib/libodbcpsql.so' can anyone help?03:50
kameronLavaEagle, you should read up on XFS, JFS, ReiserFS, ext4, etc and compare them for yourself. i can't tell you which is best for you.03:51
CryptoMoleZykoticK9: hey bpmx only for ubuntu?03:52
q0_0pDrDamnit, i dont know if this is correct but i would've sudo updatedb; locate thelib.so then link it to '/usr/lib/whereever ?03:52
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, ? no idea -- i doubt it, if it's in ubuntu usually mean i can run on any linux03:53
CryptoMoleis it the same as beep media player03:53
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, OH YA - that's probably what it is!03:54
CryptoMoledropped from repo's03:54
DrDamnit@g0_0p: the ilb doesn't exist. It's supposed to be in the unixODBC package for postgres, but it's not there. Was it renamed? Dunno. What do you think?03:54
ZykoticK9!xmms | CryptoMole03:54
ubottuCryptoMole: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.03:54
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, ^ that's where i got it from03:55
akoimeexxAnyone know where I can find the device path for my mic input? /dev/dsp Doesn't seem to be working with XVidCap Screen Capture on an HP Mini, though I get feedback fine from the sound settings using Line In.03:55
LavaEaglekameron: btw i am now reading03:55
kameronLavaEagle, good03:56
CryptoMoleI use lenny and beep media play is not in our standard repo.03:56
iflemaCryptoMole may i ask why you want/need an older version of ubuntu... whats your limitation(s)03:56
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, if you're using Lenny, why are you here?  wouldn't #debian be a better place?03:56
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, i search in ubuntu's repo it isn't here either03:57
CryptoMolei wanted it because it was built on etch technology basicaly03:57
CryptoMoleand the repos were from etch03:57
DrDamnitWhere can I get libodbcpsql.so03:57
CryptoMolein other terms03:57
ryanpriorIs there any diff viewer for Gnome that works across GIO or SSH, so I can sync my local development directory to my server?03:58
CryptoMoleI i liked the older edgy because it had xmms and the older audacity mad madman etc03:59
ZykoticK9CryptoMole, good luck man - i'm off to watch some TV for a while, hope you find a solution/alternative - or get XMMS going ;)  take care man03:59
CryptoMoleI give up04:00
* iflema luved XMMS 04:00
CryptoMoleiflema: me too04:01
Jordan_Uryanprior, GVFS mounts are accessible by any application if only through ~/.gvfs04:02
Jordan_Uryanprior, But if you really want to sync files for development you might consider using a revision control system like git04:03
* iflema :*)04:04
nixjrive recently replaced windows with ubuntu, all my data drives are ntfs, is there any benefit to converting these to ext3, and if so can it be done without loosing my data?04:07
infidis git easier to learn than svn?04:07
ryanpriorinfid: svn and git are different types of revision controls sytems. git is more modern.04:08
i58infid, not in my opinion04:08
DemonousWould anyone be aware of any public virtual private networks that any guest would be allowed to connect to?04:08
ryanpriornixjr: There is not much benefit to converting all your drives. However, if you buy new drives in the future, you can format them as ext4 or whatever's modern at that time (btrfs is coming up) and copy your data over.04:09
ZerIs there anything one needs to do to get Ubuntu to use traffic control (tc) settings?04:09
Jordan_Uinfid, IHMO yes, but there are many that would disagree04:10
ryanpriorinfid: as far as Ubuntu usage and development goes, we largely use Bazaar (bzr) which is more similar to git.04:11
Jordan_Uinfid, For just working with your own stuff http://spheredev.org/wiki/Git_for_the_lazy should be all you need04:11
nixjrryanprior, since i keep different types on data on drifferent drives (photos, movies, msuic etc) is it possible to optimise a drive the specific data?04:11
mrpink57nixjr: certain types fo formats do things better xfs is great for large files04:12
ryanpriornixjr: good ole fat32 works quite well for a drive that contains only movies; ext3 or ntfs would both work well with photos or music.04:12
ryanpriornixjr: xfs would also be good for a movie drive, as mrpink57 suggests04:12
artistxkeep in mind fat32 has a file size limit of 4g minus 1 byte.04:13
mrpink57i'd avoid ntfs is still using what 2001 gave usw04:13
nixjrartistx, ah in the case it would be no good, about 40% of my movies are hd now04:13
vaelennHi all!04:13
gmachine_24Greetings Earthlings. I got an error message which told me to restart nautilus and I found the command to quit nautilus - I think - being    >nautilus -q    but I could not find one to restart it and I read somewhere the computer should automatically restart nautilus but this did not happen.... so... any help please TIA04:14
nixjrwould sharing between a linux and windows box, using etx3 and ntfs repectively, add considerable overhead to network transfers?04:14
mrpink57if they're hd files they are going to take a long time no matter what04:15
vaelennI'm new to Ubuntu and just loaded it on my HP NC6000.  I tried to google for a command to install video driver (Intel) but can't find the proper command.  Any ideas?04:15
LavaEaglenixjr: It doesn't for me, I go between Ubuntu 9.04 and Windows home server 2008 on a N Router and stream videos absolutely fine04:15
JULinuxUser_I was told to add the repo found here https://launchpad.net/~philip5 What Repo? I don't see one. So I could get libavformat.so.52 for Audacity.04:16
artistxvaelenn, the package manager should have video codecs04:16
pradeephow to configure the boot options in karmic??04:16
vaelennart:  package manager from add apps?04:17
YangYinhow do i get networked printer working in ubuntu 8.04.4 server?04:17
artistxi just use the synaptic package manager in the menu.04:17
artistxvaellen,  the command you want is:  apt-get install04:18
YangYinartistx: with server there is no menu04:18
artistxsudo apt-get install04:18
blakkheimor aptitude instead of apt-get04:18
artistxI'm using the artistx distro with about 2500 multi-media tools already installed ; )04:19
vaelennThanks, trying...04:20
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roboboyStuuuupid question: how do you get ubuntu to install the man pages for all the standard C library functions (and maybe even the c++ functions?)04:20
YangYinroboboy: i thought those were in the -doc pacages04:21
roboboyhmm don't know the full name for that package, or how to search for it without getting signal to noise insanity :)04:22
roboboyoh I found a useful link on google nvm mind me04:23
Flannelroboboy: glibc-doc and manpages-dev04:23
spensercan anyone help me with apache.  I'm trying to setup pam auth using authnz_external and pwauth but I cant get it to work.  When I run sudo -u www-data pwauth; echo $? i get 0 but i just keep getting prompted for my password when I try to connect.04:23
spenserto the server04:24
bobomomopopobobSOUND help:  it looks like I'm loading the ALSA module twice.  Sound is having intermittent problems, and I've lost sound in firefox.   I can go to the multimedia control panel and play test sounds, but it fails sometimes.04:24
roboboythanks flannel04:24
jack5463I've found it makes more sense to delete ubuntu and reload it than to ask here for solutions to an os that breaks often.04:25
grumblyIs anyone here familiar enough with gnome-shell to help me change some of its settings?04:26
LavaEaglejack5463: troll alert!04:27
jack5463usually no one has an answer that works correctly04:27
LavaEagleWhen you say something like that your looking for attention04:27
jack5463LavaEagle, really. I delete and reload rather than trying to fix it04:28
grumblygnome-shell is pretty fantastic but there's some things I want to change- like the panel... and how the applications are displayed04:28
bastid_raZorLavaEagle: in all honesty.. jack5463 has a point.. this channel has lost more of the upper echelon people in the past few months.. now you have more of the people who have very little clue trying assist everyone.04:28
vaelennOK, tried sudo apt-get install command, software center and still low res on my NC6000.  I'm definitively lost here.  Any other suggestions?04:28
LavaEagleWhen has just trying to help ever hurt anyone?04:29
grumblyvaelenn: I am not sure Xorg 7.4 supports that card any more.... I was having similar problems04:29
ekim1bastid_raZor, why have the "upper echelon people" leave??04:29
mezquitale!ot | bastid_raZor04:29
ubottubastid_raZor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:29
LavaEaglePlus I have received plenty of good help04:30
gmachine_24not to mention the free beer04:30
bbelt16agok how the heck do i turn off  auto mount for my  data disks.04:30
bbelt16agmy script is  breaking.04:30
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lukaszjak za instalować direct x ?04:31
mneptok!pl | lukasz04:31
ubottulukasz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.04:31
gmachine_24bbelt16ag you mean as in hard drives?04:31
bbelt16agno Disks04:31
vaelenngrumby:  That will explain it.  It was worth tying...  Thanks for the info.04:31
bbelt16agharddrive maybe a disk but i am talking dvds04:31
gmachine_24what kind of 'Disks'04:31
vaelenni meant trying...04:31
mezquitalejack5463, usually the best help comes from people who have experienced the same issue as you and log in and want to help, you dont need to be a "upper echelon" person to be of help.  If you find that no one in the room is able to help you then search in the forums, if it's a bug then search launchpad and/or file a bug report, then try the channel at another time04:31
bbelt16agi want to mount my own  dvd thankyou very much04:32
Jordan_Ubbelt16ag, What does your script do?04:32
gmachine_24how positively old school of you04:32
grumblyvaelenn: if you dont need compositing, the nuoveau ppa is pretty useable04:32
bbelt16agreads my disk04:32
bbelt16agits  bash script so mount /media/cdrom04:32
jack5463LavaEagle, i received good help too but I've run into so many problems sometimes i can't even explain what the problem is like I can get flash to run some video on youtube and not other video on youtube. would take me hours to straighten it out when it only takes an hour to delete it and reload04:33
Jordan_Ubbelt16ag, So you want to disable auto mounting of DVDs because it breaks your script to auto mount DVDs?04:33
grumblyjack5463: I have been in the same situation, but there will come a time when that isnt a viable option...04:33
bbelt16agmy script mounts my dvd reads it and then put that info in a flat file  DB and then ejects the disk. rinse and repeat04:34
grumblyjack5463: and it's better Over All to know how to resolve such issues.04:34
vaelennRemember:  vaelenn=newbie ..., what's nuoveau ppa?04:34
LavaEaglejack5463: haha ok I understand where your coming from, but once you do it once you know how to do it again right?04:34
jack5463grumbly, yes if i didn't have another os to use I'd be in trouble04:34
mneptokLavaEagle / jack5463: this is all off-topic04:34
grumblymneptok: agreed04:35
grumblyso, can anyone help me out with gnome-shell04:35
jack5463mneptok, it's not really offtopic it's just ubuntu04:35
ekim1the easiest thing to do is to have at least two pc's.  Once for linux and one for searching issues.04:35
mneptok!offtopic > jack546304:35
ubottujack5463, please see my private message04:35
grumblyit is great, but it isn't quite right04:35
Jordan_Ubbelt16ag, Can you just remove the mounting part of the script? umount and eject should still work fine.04:35
bbelt16agi suppose i could try that.04:36
LavaEagleekim1 agreed04:36
jack5463I saw it04:36
bbelt16aglets see04:36
mneptokjack5463: this channel is for support for Ubuntu. not Ubuntu in general.04:36
ryanpriorgrumbly: gnome-shell is not supported in any version of Ubuntu yet.04:36
gmachine_24bbelt16ag go to "places" and choose cd/dvd creator andlook under >edit>preferences04:37
jack5463I really really wanted a viable os but ubuntu breaks down daily04:37
mneptokGNOME shell is also not supported in any stable release of GNOME04:37
blakkheim!troll | jack546304:37
ubottujack5463: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel04:37
gmachine_24as in >edit>preferences>media04:37
vaelennOK found an ubuntu driver for ATI Radeon 9600 on AMD.com.  File ends with .run, any ideas how do I install it.  Install manager is not accepting it as a valid file.04:37
mneptokjack5463: stay on-topic.04:37
grumblyryanprior: I understand, but... it is pretty fantastic...04:37
ryanpriorgrumbly: you bet it is. I suggest taking questions to the proper mailing list. :-)04:37
grumblyvaelenn: not to be a downer, but check on the website04:38
jack5463okay give me a way to fix ubuntu04:38
grumblyryanprior: you think #gnome on irc.gnome.org will have some answers?04:38
mneptokjack5463: now you're being deliberately vague, and beginning to severely test my patience.04:38
ryanpriorgrumbly: TBH, certain people in particular will have answers, because they are the devs and early neck-deep testers. Most people you talk to will have no experience with gnome-shell.04:39
meowbuntuif i want to find and copy just grup 2 from this install what do i do04:39
LavaEagleIsn't there a higher level of dev help than this?04:39
vaelennSorry, web site led me to this channel for help.  Guess I'll just leave you guys and keep looking elsewere.04:39
ryanpriorgrumbly: most of the people with the answers you want will be subscribed to http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-shell-list04:39
mneptokgrumbly: are you hacking on GNOME shell or do you have sufficient knowledge of GNOME to provide good QA work? if not, GNOME devs are going to encourage you not to use untested, unreleased code.04:40
jack5463mneptok, My flash stopped working just now. Now i can't watch videos on youtube. ubuntu 9.10 on usb. How can I repair it? Some videos work and some don't.04:40
mezquitalejack5463, i've been in the room for 10-15 minutes and you have yet to describe a problem with ubuntu and that you want to fix it ***now***, all  youre saying is you  always have a problem with ubuntu - youre clearly trolling04:40
grumblymneptok: I am simply hackin...04:40
songerhello everybody04:40
mezquitaleLavaEagle, yes, file a bug report in launchpad04:40
songerhow you guys doing?04:40
bbelt16aggmachine_24:  nothing under places that says cd04:40
songer i can't set my resolution04:40
grumblybut i say F' them devs!!! makin' sweet software and not makin' it stable... balls...04:41
songeri already installed my nvidia drivers04:41
bbelt16agand if i take out mount  i takes longer to mount it and my script just go aheads and  trys to  read04:41
bbelt16agand  fails.04:41
grumblysonger: have you checked the nvidia website/forums yet? and is the videocard supported by Xorg 7.4?04:41
mneptokjack5463: i386 or x86-64?04:41
grumbly(i dont really say f the devs...)04:42
Jordan_ULavaEagle, You probably aren't interested but Canonical also provides commercial support if you really need it.04:42
jack5463mezquitale, I've had ubuntu fail several times, freeze. Why does it do that?04:42
grumbly(they're great folks)04:42
jack5463mneptok, i38604:42
mneptokjack5463: sudo apt-get purge flash-installer && rm -r ~/.mozilla/firefox/$YOUR_PROFILE/cache/* && sudo apt-get install flash-installer04:42
gmachine_24well if you can find the cd/dvd creator you can set the computer so it does nothing when you insert a recorded DVD04:42
jack5463mneptok, yesterday it worked fine. today it doesn't work04:42
mezquitalejack10, usually it has to do with hardware or software that doesnt play nice with your hardware but youre not being specific, it  "fails" or freezes when? have you noticed what you were doing when it froze?04:43
mneptokjack5463: proprietary software stinks, don't it?04:43
gmachine_24I'm sure there is another way to do this but if you insert a blank cd/dvd the cd/dvd creator should open and you can edit its properties04:43
ryanpriorjack5463: Flash crashes a lot on every platform. For that reason, Apple has decided to stop supporting it... hopefully soon you won't want or need it on your computer. :-)04:44
ryanpriorjack5463: in the meanwhile, you can install the Free Flash replacement Gnash, which works with many but not video sites.04:44
MidnighTokerhi guys. how can I set permissions on a directory, so all files created inside of it automatically get r--r--r-- permissions, no matter the user creating them?04:44
ryanpriorjack5463: many but not all*04:44
songernow i'll check it04:44
bbelt16agok seriously what part of ubuntut  software is mounting that  dvd04:45
bbelt16agits not prompting or anything04:45
bbelt16agit just mounts.04:45
bbelt16agbad bad bad04:45
Jordan_Ubbelt16ag, Probably nautilus04:45
LavaEagleI have an Asus 12.1 netbook atom 1.33ghz 160gb hdd 1gb ram,  could not make ubuntu netbook remix run at all on it, is this user error or simply its' not made for netbooks really?04:45
bbelt16agohhh i wanna  kil it04:45
jack5463mneptok, I'm glad i didn't delete my stable os. I think good advice for some would be to delete ubuntu and reload it because it's a faster alternative to finding fixes for problems.04:45
mezquitaleMidnighToker, I dont believe you have a good grasp on how permissions work04:45
MidnighTokermezquitale: no, i dont.04:46
MidnighTokermezquitale: i was under the impression that i could set a 'sticky' bit on a directory, which controled the permissions of files created within04:46
Jordan_Ubbelt16ag, gconf-editor > apps > nautilus > preferences, Uncheck the "media_automount" option ( https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/30501 )04:46
roboboyis there some way of revealing the "mangled" identifies contained in a library?04:47
mezquitaleMidnighToker, that is a tricky question, it might be possible to do it using a script, the trick is that you want them to be read only, problem is a file needs to be writable first otherwise you cant create it-- you create the file then set the permissions04:48
mneptokjack5463: i think god advice is "stop beating the same old tired drumbeat and stay on topic regarding specific issues with Ubuntu support"04:48
mneptokjack5463: and that's the last time i'll give you that advice before i simply ban you.04:48
MidnighTokermezquitale: i'm happy for it to be writable for the owner, I just want to make sure its readable for everyone else.  -at the moment i'm in a situation where files are getting created rw------- which causes headaches and means I have to change the permissions every time something gets added, otherwise it can't be seen by the webserver04:49
bbelt16agthanks Jordan_U04:49
brand0nwhat are the pros and cons of kde vs gnome04:50
Jordan_Ubbelt16ag, np04:50
brand0ni currently use gnome, i liked XFCE but it was missing a few features i liked in gnome04:50
brand0nbut ive never used KDE04:50
brand0nwondering if anyone had an opinion on this04:50
mneptokbrand0n: ask such questions in #ubuntu-offtopic, please04:50
mezquitaleMidnighToker, this is what you do:04:51
mneptokbrand0n: *everyone* has an opinion, and it usually degenerates into a flame war04:51
Random832MidnighToker; type 'umask' what does it say04:51
MidnighTokerbrand0n: install it, play with it and see if you like it.04:51
fezKDE 3 was great04:51
brand0nyou telling me to ask somewhere seems more flamable than an opinion04:51
fezKDE4 is so so04:51
scunizibrand0n: tryr it.. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and then on the username boot screen change "sessions" to kde :)04:51
brand0nlol midnight04:51
brand0nmy AIM screen name is "Midnight Toker" (no numbers)04:51
brand0nkind of weird04:51
fezKDE on ubuntu though isn't quite there IMHO04:51
mezquitaleMidnighToker, you create a folder, chown it to   yourself:users,  give yourself whatever rights you want, and give users read rights only04:51
fezif you want kde i'd go with a more kde centric distro like mandriva04:51
MidnighTokermezquitale: its 002204:52
Random832brand0n; do some people call you a space cowboy, and some people call you maurice?04:52
brand0nfez how is it performance wise compared to gnome04:52
brand0nlol sometimes04:52
brand0nand sudo apt-get install kde04:52
brand0nshould do it right04:52
brand0nthen i can select session at login04:52
fezsomething like that04:52
MidnighTokerbrand0n: and k3b is very swish04:53
fezthe package may be called kubuntu04:53
mezquitaleMidnighToker, have you tried on your machine?04:53
scunizibrand0n: kubuntu-desktop not kde04:53
fezotherwise kde04:53
fezthere you go04:53
MidnighTokermezquitale: tried what?04:53
brand0nthanks scunizi04:53
brand0nthat wont overwrite ubuntu-desktop will it scunizi ?04:53
brand0njust let me select at login?04:53
MidnighTokermezquitale: umask returns '0022'04:53
MidnighTokerbrand0n: you can pick any DE/WM you like at login04:53
scunizibrand0n: I like them both.. kde is fast becoming my favorite.. no it wont' overwrite ubuntu.. you'll have the choice on each boot04:53
brand0nok thank scunizi04:54
brand0nand midnight04:54
Seven_Six_Twoi have 2 boxes. logged in to 1 with user "user1" and logged in to 2 with user "user2". sitting at 1, I do "ssh -X user2@ipaddress2" to get gui apps on my display. I'd like to make it so that in ssh session, I can start an app that pops up for user2. Is this possible?04:54
bbelt16agmount is failing04:55
mezquitaleMidnighToker, have you tried changing the permissions on a folder, then create a file inside that folder and check to see that you have whatever permissions to yourself and everyone else read only04:55
jack5463I'm trying to play a music video on youtube, it won't play. I tried sudo apt-get purge flash-installer && rm -r ~/.mozilla/firefox/$YOUR_PROFILE/cache/* && sudo apt-get install flash-installer but it didn't fix the problem. Yesterday it worked fine. I've made no changes to the program. It happened after rebooting.04:56
mneptokjack5463: you need to specify your actual profile04:56
jack5463mneptok, what's a profile?04:56
mneptokjack5463: look in ~/.mozilla/firefox04:57
MidnighTokermezquitale: yes, but its for a website, so its a little different04:57
bbelt16ag ok the dvd deivce needs to know there is a disc in there before it  trys to mount it..04:57
jack5463mneptok, are you saying i should look up the definition?04:58
bbelt16agso i cant have my try open and then do mount /media/cdrom from cli and close  try and try to mount, it fails.. bummer04:58
mneptokjack5463: i am telling yo to go look inside a folder.04:58
mneptokjack5463: do you know how display hidden folders and examine their contents?04:58
jack5463mneptok, yes. so you're saying to delete the profile and create another one?04:59
mneptokjack5463: no. can you tell what i mean by reading the terminal command i gave you, or would you like more explanation?05:00
cylentsup guys05:01
mezquitalejack5463, how does flash fail when youre using it?  Sound doesnt work or you get no video at all?  I've had the same problem with sound, i see the video but no sound, or the video plays for some time but then it stops05:02
jsoftIs there a way to make ubuntu cancel out the noise coming from the neighbours stereo?05:02
kameronLavaEagle, get it sorted out with your filesystem? i was away for a bit.05:02
kameronjsoft, is that a joke?05:02
jsoft*sigh*. No, I am completely serious.05:02
jack5463mezquitale, the window shows up, just black where the video is supposed to be but on other videos it works fine05:03
LavaEaglekameron: Installing xfs going to test it out if my needs necessitate a xfs file system if not back to ext405:03
scunizijsoft: sudo -rf /neighbor05:03
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:03
kameronLavaEagle, cool. i use XFS with my mythtv setup. works great.05:04
kameronjsoft, do you mean a sort of electrical interference.. or just their loud music?05:04
mneptokLavaEagle: GRUB has serious issues with XFS. keep /boot off of XFS formatted space05:05
kameronscunizi, rm -rf perhaps?05:05
mezquitalejack5463, can you give me the url of the video so I can go and see if I am able to see it myself?05:05
kameronLavaEagle, oh yeah. i assume you read about that. i wouldn't boot to an xfs partition.05:05
LavaEaglekameron: XBMC looks extremely cool05:05
LavaEagleI just did though05:06
scunizikameron: yep..stretching & typing w/ one finger & a cat on my lap05:06
mneptokLavaEagle: it's not that it doesn't work. it's just that it's likely to break.05:06
kameronLavaEagle, oh. well i haven't tried it with grub2, but legacy grub was a major pain. maybe grub2 works well? i don't know.05:06
kameronscunizi, classic irc position.05:06
LavaEaglemneptok: Break as in the middle of Stargate break or break as in ???05:07
mneptokLavaEagle: break as in "it booted yesterday. today it hangs."05:07
kameronLavaEagle, i would only use a ext filesystem for my OS and especially /boot. for media storage, etc, the other filesystem options are more attractive.05:08
LavaEaglekameron: Ok I misunderstood the purpose of xfs then05:09
LavaEagleTime for mandris05:09
jack5463mezquitale, this one doesn't work - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiLveKVQjbY This one works - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCPQubIE2Hk&feature=rec-LGOUT-real_rn-3r-2-HM05:11
scunizifirst one works for me jack546305:14
giantpunei was just in a ubuntu-help chat and now it says it is invite only.  can somebody invite me?05:15
bbelt16agi fixed it05:15
bbelt16agi made it mount  fail, sleep 5, then mount again05:15
jack5463scunizi, worked for me until i shut down and rebooted.05:15
mezquitalegiantpune, if you want help with ubuntu youve come to the right place, this is ubuntu's support channel05:16
YouDidWutAnyone know of a free voice changer for ubuntu?05:17
jack5463mezquitale, do you have an idea why one would work and the other will not?05:17
LavaEagleIs it theoretical that I could take a 3.5inch sata hdd and hook it up to a laptop with sata cords?05:19
mezquitalejack5463, it has to do with the flash software, try other drivers05:20
n1lqjOkay, firefox was downloading a 600 meg file, deleted the file from desktop accidently and cleared the trash.  File downloaded and lsof showed it was downloaded (deleted)  file is gone but so is the 700 megs of drive space, anyone know how to get it back?05:21
mezquitalejack5463, you have 64 bit machine?05:21
jack5463mezquitale, 32 bit05:22
blakkheimn1lqj: du -sh ~/.mozilla05:22
mezquitalejack5463, here's your answer, it's a known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/410407\05:23
blakkheimn1lqj: du -sh /tmp05:23
n1lqjdu -sh /tmp05:24
jack5463mezquitale, the url isn't right.. says - There’s no page with this address in Launchpad.05:24
mezquitalejack5463, you have compiz enabled?05:24
n1lqjhere is a screenshot, worth 1000 words05:24
mezquitalejack5463, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/41040705:25
scunizijack5463: did you enable the medibuntu repos and install ubuntu-restricted-extras and also installed flashplugin-nonfree? if so you may have two flash drivers installed. uninstall the non-free version.05:26
n1lqj.. /tmp is 76k05:26
n1lqj/home is on its own partition and space is missing on /home partition05:26
blakkheimn1lqj: i'm not sure where the temp file could be, then. did you actually check the trash directory?05:27
n1lqjvincent@abaddon:~/Pictures$ ls-trash05:27
AcoustykDoes anyone know a way to run gizmo without it monopolizing the soundcard?05:28
mezquitaleAcoustyk, pulse audio was supposed to be the answer for that but you can try running it through jack, catch is anything else that uses audio needs to be routed through jack as well05:28
Acoustykwhat jack05:30
n1lqjroot@abaddon:/home# find / -name *.iso* -print05:30
Acoustykmezquitale: is it like a physical jack?05:30
gh0sthello guys, i was wondering, i have a up to date ubuntu server install, and was curious if there was a way for me to launch a dedicated x video session to watch an avi using vlc. im in front of terminals all day, and was wondering if i could finally watch some mythbusters :) thnx in advance for the thought, i know this is a difficult/odd request. even a link that disscusses this would be helpful.05:31
seawollf12i want to find mac address from a file using grep how to get this?05:32
blakkheimseawollf12: you want to find your own MAC address?05:33
blakkheimseawollf12: ifconfig -a | grep HWa05:33
soreaugh0st: There is actually a way to watch videos through mplayer in your terminal without X, using the fbdev vo method05:33
seawollf12blakkheim: it shows all the mac addresses.05:34
gh0st:soreau Is there any link that you could provide discussing this method? im very intruiged :)05:34
blakkheimseawollf12: isn't that what you want?05:34
soreaugh0st: However, it is only possible with fbcon loaded, so you'd have to be using radeon with kms for example. I don't think nvidia can do it05:35
mobius2I finally got my independent dual monitors running smoothly in beryl05:35
seawollf12what i want to exactly get is, i am storing the arping output for a client in a file and from there i want to grep the mac which starts with [ and ends with ]05:35
mobius2I will not go back to one screen!!!!05:35
mobius2it was SO worth the work05:35
mobius2the "work"05:35
gh0stdamn, its just some on board chippy's. :(05:35
ryanpriormobius2: I hate to break it to you, but Beryl is way outdated. We've got Compiz++ now. :-\05:36
mobius2its compiz++05:36
mobius2the same project  :p05:36
ryanpriorAs in lower case c?05:36
soreau! beryl | mobius205:36
ubottumobius2: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz05:37
soreaumobius2: beryl != compiz05:37
mobius2multiple i2p nodes on single ubuntu install... has anyone done it?05:37
Acoustykmezquitale: I looked it up05:38
hyperstreamhey guys, just at a friends place, trying to boot the live cd (trying to convert him from windows) anyhow, it seems to load, until it gets to the part loading the gdm. i get a pink screen with funny colors, how ever im able to drop to console and run lspci - its a nv28 / geforce4 APG card, anyway i can resolve this display issue ? ive tried to use dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:38
mezquitaleAcoustyk, yes, and?05:38
soreauhyperstream: Have you tried specifying Driver "vesa" in xorg.conf, then restarting gdm?05:39
Acoustykmezquitale: kind of sucks.  I hope Ubuntu or Gizmo fixes this soon by default.05:39
seawollf12any body can tell how to get a pattern from a file using grep05:39
hyperstreamsoreau, i thought karmic didnt have a xorg.conf ?05:39
Kismethey guys... my automounting dosen't work.. and i can not burn dvds anymore05:39
Acoustykmezquitale: re-rouhting all my programs to JACK sounds like a huge pain05:39
seawollf12i want to grep the complete word which starts with [ and ends with ]05:39
mezquitaleAcoustyk, yes, pulseaudio was supposed to be the answer but it fails miserably from my experience05:39
hyperstreamsoreau, ive just done a locate xorg.conf and there isnt one ?05:40
mezquitaleAcoustyk, youre using karmic with pulse audio?05:40
Kismetanyone any idea05:40
soreauhyperstream: For proprietary drivers, X needs a conf file to be told which driver to load and how. Open drivers do not require a conf file with newer versions of X since X is good enough at guessing how to set up cards that have open driver support05:40
soreauhyperstream: If there is no xorg.conf in /etc/X11, create a default one with Xorg -configure05:41
Acoustykmezquitale: Yeah and pulseaudio actually did solve a lot of issues but there's always something05:41
mezquitaleKismet, what is the output of df -h?05:41
hyperstreamsoreau, this is just the live cd (try ubuntu without installing)05:41
hyperstreamsoreau, ok one sec05:41
soreauhyperstream: You said you could get to a console though05:41
FloodBot4seawollf12: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
hyperstreamsoreau, yes via CTRL + ALT F105:42
mezquitaleAcoustyk, with pulse audio an application is not supposed to hog the audio card but apparently pulse audio is still not working as expected in ubuntu05:42
soreauhyperstream: From there, stop gdm then run Xorg -configure to get a default conf file, then in the Device section put a line Driver "vesa" and restart gdm05:42
hyperstreamsoreau, thanks mate, giving that a shot now.05:43
Kismetmezquitale, something like Filesystem .... /dev/sda1 Size 8.5 gb used 3.5 avail 4.3g05:43
ZykoticK9Acoustyk, mezquitale i gotta say Pulse seems MUCH better under Lucid then it ever did under Karmic05:43
artistxhow do i start compiz fusion from the command line?05:43
Acoustykmezquitale: Figures.  I wish they'd fix it because I have no service at home and I'd like to run Gizmo on my comp so I can make and receive calls here05:43
soreauartistx: compiz &05:43
=== gokturk is now known as Guest1563
ZykoticK9artistx, from a terminal you mean?  "compiz --replace"05:44
AcoustykZykoticK9: I've had the same experience with both.05:44
soreauZykoticK9: The --replace is not needed since the ubuntu wrapper script takes care of that for you05:44
* JBS This channel has become desynched. Please help us re-synch the channel by typing /server synchronize05:44
ZykoticK9Acoustyk, really?  hum, i'm finding it much less annoying05:44
ZykoticK9soreau, good to know, thanks05:44
brand0nanyone know a torrent client capable of running a .sh file upon completetion of a torrent05:45
AcoustykZykoticK9: the only issue I have is with Gizmo05:45
hyperstreamsoreau, i just replace the "nv" with "vesa" and continued to restart the service( also tried its suggestion with X -config /home/ubuntu/xorg.conf.new ) just getting a black screen05:45
ZykoticK9Acoustyk, i don't even know what Gizmo is... googling now :)05:45
mezquitaleKismet, if you cant burn dvds it looks like it's because you only have 4.3 gigs available but if you look at /var/log/messages you might get a better a clue of why it's failing05:45
AcoustykZykoticK9: Haha, I use it with google voice.05:46
hyperstreamsoreau, wait, the service gdm start is still a pink flashing screen05:46
LavaEagleWhat is the command for updating without the update manager?05:46
AcoustykZykoticK9: It's useful in that way.05:46
soreauhyperstream: Did you make sure to cp the file with the vesa driver to /etc/X11/xorg.conf?05:46
Kismetmezquitale, the problem is that i even can not start the application or with brasero i can not choose my dvd rom drive05:46
ZykoticK9Acoustyk, nice - I didn't know there was a functioning GoogleVoice client undre linux - very good to know05:47
user1can anyone answer me?05:47
hyperstreamsoreau, you are my god.05:47
mezquitaleKismet, you didnt see anything interesting in /var/log/messages?05:47
minderaserLavaEagle: apt-get update05:47
LavaEagleuser1: just ask your question05:47
Kismetmezquitale, if i try cd/dvd creator oi get the error message "Nautilus cannot handle "burn" locations."05:48
ryanprior!anyone | user105:48
ubottuuser1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:48
AcoustykZykoticK9: It's incredibly convenient save the sound card issue.05:48
LuciusSirwhy would sound keep dying ?05:48
Kismetmezquitale, nope nothing what was written recently05:48
user1after editing pdf with flpsed i am unable to open it with adobe acrobat on windows while it opens on evince linux.05:48
soreauhyperstream: If you would like to go a step further, and the machine has internet access: Install the nvidia driver (sys>admin>hardware drivers) and when it tells you to reboot, don't reboot but instead restart gdm/X again05:48
user1how do i resolve this05:48
soreauhyperstream: This way, you can show off 3D (compiz) effects05:49
mezquitaleKismet, i suggest you look at the forum or launchpad then, or you could try the room at another time and hopefully someone who's had the same problem can help you?  The problem I had was that I didnt have enough free space on my machine05:49
minderaserLavaEagle: that will just update the list of packages. You may want apt-get upgrade to actually install the newest packages. Check man apt-get05:49
ryanprioruser1: that sucks. One possibility is to import the PDF into a program such as Inkscape or OpenOffice and then re-export it. Assuming that process maintains your formatting sufficiently, it might produce a better end-result.05:49
Kismetmezquitale, thank you for your time....05:50
jellow_Im having a majour issue with a bug that causes random lock ups which i can only solve by reboot , Nothing in logs , What are my options?05:50
mezquitaleKismet, no problem05:50
hyperstreamsoreau, thanks mate, ill install off this live cd first then repeat the steps to fix the display then ill continue to install the restricted drivers :)05:50
hyperstreamsoreau, thanks a mil.05:50
ryanpriorjellow_: Personally, I usually cry when I'm in that situation. Have you been able to reproduce the lockup?05:50
soreauhyperstream: Even better. No problem.05:50
mezquitalejellow_, youre using karmic?05:50
user1ryanprior: how do i import pdf to openoffice writer. there is no option!05:51
ZykoticK9user1, i don't belive you can, i know the export - but doubt the import05:51
LuciusSirhelp me ! HELP ME! audio dies intermittently for no apparent reason, its not the hardware because on windows it worked fine05:52
jellow_ryanprior: No very hard to see any thing in common , Usualy its fine for first few days then gerneraly get worse but this could be just me05:52
AcoustykTrying to learn how to script in terminal... Any recommended guides?05:52
ryanprioruser1: I don't see an import option in OOo either. Try Inkscape.05:52
dingdonghow to install .deb package from a http link from terminal?05:52
jellow_mezquitale: yes05:53
ryanpriorjellow_: In your situation, inbetween tears, I would tend to suspect hardware issues. Do you have a particular reason not to?05:53
disappearednganyway to roll back my firefox to 3.5?05:54
theCarpenteri'm trying to get aircrack working; it says i dont have driver sources installed or something; how/where can i install the sources for my wifi driver?05:54
jellow_ryanprior: it seems to work fine in windows *shivers*05:54
jack5463Where do i find flashplugin-nonfree / flashplugin-installer so I can remove it?05:54
soreautheCarpenter: aircrack-ng.org will tell you everything you need to know05:54
k4rt33ktheCarpenter: Aircrcak has a list of supported wi-fi cards on their homepage05:54
dingdonghow to install .deb package from a http link from terminal?05:54
soreaudingdong: dpkg -i package.deb05:55
ryanpriordingdong: wget http://your-package.deb && dpkg install your-package.deb05:55
ryanpriorjellow_: How about the LiveCD? Other versions of Ubuntu? Knoppix?05:55
mezquitalejellow_, what I would do is try another version of ubuntu.  8.04 would most likely work, or jaunty.  I had a very bad experience with jaunty, my desktop would lock up randomly, intrepid was fine and karmic plays nice with my machine05:55
dingdongryanprior, oh so it can be done only by issuing 2 commands.. anyway thx.05:56
jack5463mezquitale,  Where do i find flashplugin-nonfree / flashplugin-installer so I can remove it?05:56
dingdong<soreau>, i tried that but for this i hv to download the file first and then issue this command.05:56
ryanpriordingdong: there might be a one-shot way to do it, but I'm not aware of one. :-)05:57
LavaEagleminderaser: can I "man anycommand" ? and get the manual or will -h --help do the same thing?05:57
ruggeritpresshere, found a fix for the synaptics driver05:57
jellow_ryanprior mezquitale, No i only ever tried ubuntu , But come to think of it livecd never crashed05:57
k4rt33kjack5463: Try in the synaptic package manager05:57
dingdongryanprior, ok05:57
soreaudingdong: ryanprior told you how to do it using wget05:57
jack5463k4rt33k, It's not there05:57
k4rt33kjack5463: you will find which version of it is installed and remove it05:57
jellow_mezquitale: il try few of the other releases but i has same issue on 9.0405:58
dingdongsoreau, yeah but then again i hv to use 2 commands, i was thinking like there will be a command which will installa package from internet like this apt-get do05:58
LuciusSirhelp me ! HELP ME! audio dies intermittently for no apparent reason, its not the hardware because on windows it worked fine, it just stops randomly, sometimes it plays fine, sometimes it stops after an hour, sometimes in 5 mins05:58
Guest1563Hi friends varmı among you who understand from Cedega05:58
LavaEagleCould I say sudo apt-get remove+ vlc   which would do the same as sudo apt-get install vlc?05:59
soreaudingdong: No, it doesn't work like that. apt-get has specific repos designed especially for ubuntu05:59
dingdongok. :|05:59
LavaEagleGuest1563: ask your question please05:59
soreaudingdong: wget just downloads files. dpkg deals with deb packages directly05:59
dingdonghmmm, i got it.. thx06:00
k4rt33kjack5463: try this then apt-cache pkgnames | grep -i flash06:00
fewfHi, how can I get 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' to run when Ubuntu boots ?06:00
k4rt33kand try unistalling flash related packages06:00
soreauLuciusSir: Sounds like an issue with the audio drivers06:01
k4rt33kbut it must show in synaptic as flash is a basic thing06:01
seawollf12how to pick a particular word from a file by passing the word no.06:01
seawollf12any idea06:01
LuciusSirsoreau:  where might a log be stored if they're crashing ? didn't see anything promising under var/log06:01
i58seawolf, grep pattern file06:02
fewfHi, how can I get 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' to run when Ubuntu boots ?06:02
sandmanYeah, so. I changed sound cards, and the same thing is still happening.06:02
soreauLuciusSir: It sounds like they might be failing silently (no pun intended) but you can check the output of 'dmesg' right after it happens to see if there are any interesting messages06:02
jellow_Because of crashes , I have segemntaion fault on my ext4, I ran fsck on / and it spent ages correcting , Now i can only get grub rescue prompt , Is there anything i can do with grub rescue ?06:02
seawollf12anybody please help me06:03
LavaEagle"i58: seawolf, grep pattern file"06:03
i58seawolf12: grep pattern file06:03
LuciusSirsoreau:  nope nothing just kernel boot messages06:04
soreauLuciusSir: Which audio chipset is it, as reported by lspci?06:05
seawollf12i58: my pattern starts with [ and ends with ], but in between there is mac address stored, that i want to pick06:05
LuciusSirsoreau: intel ac'9706:06
seawollf12i also know the word no. it is 10th of the file06:06
soreauLuciusSir: If you reload the kernel module, does that fix it?06:06
seawollf12how to pick by passing word no.06:06
ryanpriorseawolf: cat yourfile | awk '{print($10)'06:06
ryanpriorseawolf: cat yourfile | awk '{print($10)}'06:06
i58there you go, I missed that "no" meant number06:07
fewfCan anyone tell me how can I get 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' to run when Ubuntu boots ?06:07
LuciusSirsoreau: it fixes itself and then f's up again internittently06:08
LuciusSirsoreau:  so my assumption is its doing something...... on its own............. whatever program the audio crash happens in freezes tho06:08
soreauLuciusSir: Which application(s) are you testing the audio with06:08
jack5463k4rt33k, I tried - apt-cache pkgnames | grep -i flash in terminal and it just gave me a list of terms with flash in them. what am i supposed to do with the list?06:08
LuciusSiramarok and vlc and dragonplayer06:09
LuciusSirsoreau:  all of them, same problem06:09
sandmanMy sound is WoW is thoroughly garbled. Anyone have some ideas?06:10
soreauLuciusSir: Have you checked audio properties, gstreamer-properties etc to see if there is some obvious problem?06:10
i58fewf: look into the /etc/rc scripts. you might not need the sudo06:10
LuciusSirsoreau:  apparently audio is an issue i've yet to tackle, because no i don't even know what to look at in that case06:10
vilkaswhy i cannot enable visual effects?06:11
sandmanAnyone know how to mute sound coming from the microphone from the speakers06:11
vilkascould it be because i run ubuntu from VMware?06:11
sandmanBut not from actually being captured by something like Mangler?06:11
soreauvilkas: Can you pastebin the output of 'compiz &' from your terminal to pastebin.com?06:11
Jordan_Ujellow_, You can try running "ls" to list all partitions that grub can currently see, and then set the $prefix variable if needed, but you are probably better off just re-installing grub from a liveCD if you have one06:11
soreauvilkas: Yes, it is most definitely because vmware doesn't provide the 3D drivers to run compiz effects06:11
soreauvilkas: You can either try your luck with vbox, or just install ubuntu already06:12
ryanpriorsandman: maybe check out http://wiki.jswindle.com/index.php/World_of_Warcraft06:12
ryanpriorsandman: there are a couple of reasonable-looking suggestions there06:12
vilkasi need windows apps06:12
vilkasthats why i dont install it06:12
vilkasi would hate rebooting every 30mins06:13
ryanpriorvilkas: you need to enable opengl hardware support in VMware to use visual effects on Ubuntu06:13
soreauvilkas: There is wine to run windoze apps in linux06:13
ryanpriorvilkas: you might be surprised by how well Ubuntu apps can replace Windows apps, though.06:13
vilkassoreau: i know but not all are awailable06:13
Geoffrey2are there any decent nfs clients for Windows that don't cost a fortune?  FOSS preferably.....06:13
soreauvilkas: Then what ryanprior said06:14
LuciusSirsoreau:  under audio output in the multimedia manager it has two sets of audio devices...  when i test them none of them work06:14
Jordan_Uvilkas, What type of apps?06:14
* i58 hasn't needed a windoze app in 8 years :)06:14
mobius2is it possible to launch a game from terminal  and control the maximum  resolution the program is allowed to envoke this way?06:14
Teedevhi  everybody!06:14
vilkasand it cannot run some games :P06:14
mobius2is there a standard way of doing some thing like that or would it be specific to the game?06:14
soreauLuciusSir: Well if reloading the kernel module fixes it, then it's a driver problem06:14
=== dingdong is now known as o0o
Teedevi'm ubuntu user from thai06:14
AcoustykTeedev: is it available in Thai?06:15
* mobius2 currently battles with figuring out how to launch the awesome game "astromenace" but not in full screen mode ( because I run dualheads )06:15
Jordan_Umobius2, The game probably has a flag to set the resolution, if you *really* need to you can use a nested X server like xephyr to force it to a separate window, which you can then make full screen and control as you wish, but that's almost certainly overkill06:15
mobius2whenever I try to change the settings in  game i literally cannot navigate back through the darn menus06:16
Teedevmy name's Teedev.06:16
mobius2its as if the way back the main game menu is GONE :p06:16
mobius2I know it sounds lame06:16
theadminUh. Can Ubuntu somehow reset the BIOS?06:16
LuciusSirsoreau:  you mean from the cmdline ?06:16
LuciusSirsoreau:  like rmmod and insmod ?06:16
theadminBecause mine just went back to defaults and it wasn't good, had to reconfigure stuff.06:17
soreauLuciusSir: rmmod and modprobe, but yes06:17
ZykoticK9mobius2, consider adding a NULL entry to your xorg.conf - when you start games it can turn one monitor off and run fullscreen in the other, very handy for gaming06:17
vilkasi cant find opengl options in VMware Player. only 3d accelerator which is enabled.06:17
theadminby_reis: You forgot /join06:17
mobius2well Zykitic K9  I would you see but it's not even  using the old xorg anymore... and I dun blame you  for  overlookin  it  I was not aware of that fact until about 10 minutes ago myself06:17
soreauvilkas: You will find little or no support for 3D in vmware under windows06:18
mobius2ubuntu  karmic does not even  use a xorg.conf file06:18
m0arCan anyone help me out a quickie?  I want someone to test if thay can reach my login with SSH06:18
=== o0o is now known as obscurant1st
mobius2not with THAT name06:18
Jordan_Utheadmin, Only by reflashing it, and you would know if you had done that.06:18
icerootm0ar: ip?06:18
ZykoticK9mobius2, karmic WILL infact use an xorg.conf if you set it up - but i take it you aren't using nvidia so i'm probably not the right person to help ya06:18
theadminJordan_U: Uh, I just shutdown yesterday06:18
obscurant1stm0ar, k06:19
theadminJordan_U: And today it went to defaults, including system time, so Ubuntu complained "Last mount time is in future" and I had to fsck to fix it06:19
mobius2Zykotick9 I was really just too scared to over ride all those bad@55 settings from compiz06:19
mobius2but thanks for the input06:19
mobius2more than i ususally get :p06:19
hkbkdcWhat are the programming languages needed to beocome an ubuntu developer06:19
mobius2a time machine06:20
LuciusSirsoreau:  won't let me says they're in use06:20
soreauLuciusSir: Have you tried googling about your issue?06:20
Jordan_Utheadmin, Probably a bad cmos battery or similar, definitely a hardware issue06:20
iceroothkbkdc: gtk, qt, c, c++, python, perl   depending what package you are maintaining06:20
theadminJordan_U: Battery? o_O06:20
LuciusSirsoreau:  yeah because i know thats everone's magic answer LOL06:20
soreauLuciusSir: Sometimes it helps if you use some key strings from lspci, with keywork linux or ubuntu06:20
gangilDoes ubuntu  apply distro-specific patches to GDM ?06:21
icerootgangil: yes06:21
Jordan_Utheadmin, Even desktop computers have a small battery that keeps the clock running and often is needed to keep settings, if somehow power is lost the date/time and all settings will be lost06:22
Filled-VoidHI all I just downloaded the AMD 64 bit ISO from the site and was going to try installing it but had a few concerns . One is Pulseaudio, Does it work fine on most systems or requires a lot of configuration to get correct?06:22
objorn_i've rebooted into a live cd, but i'm unable to resize one of my partitons, help:06:22
objorn_help? *06:22
gangilcan you point me as to how can I apply them? and where can I find them?06:22
theadminJordan_U: Strange... But this computer is old.06:22
gangiliceroot: ^06:22
theadmingangil: They are mainly all built-in I believe06:22
soreauobjorn: do you have space to resize it, if you are trying to enlarge it?06:22
objorn_soreau: yes i do06:22
Jordan_UFilled-Void, It works fine on most systems, but problems are common enough that you may run into them.06:23
icerootgangil: they are in the deb-files06:23
objorn_over 15gb unallocated06:23
soreauobiwan_: Have you not hit the max size, before needing to create an extended partition?06:23
mobius2has anyone in here ever installed ubuntu to a dell inspiron 1525?  how did it go?06:23
Filled-VoidJordan_U, Would it be easily fixable? :D06:23
objorn_soreau: i don't know what you are talking about06:23
gangiliceroot: theadmin: I was trying to make some changes to the gdm source , and then I reinstalled it (./configure,make , make install) , but after I reinstalled it  , it halts during boot after showing the ubuntu logo . I am using Ubuntu 9.1006:24
soreauobjorn: Oh well, me neither. But you need to provide some more information about your situation and what you're trying to do if you want to get any help06:24
theadmingangil: Can you reach the console and reinstall GDM from repositories?06:24
minderasermobius2: I had it on a inspiron m600 - worked like a charm. _Everything_ worked right out of the box06:24
objorn_if i format it from ext4 to ext3 am i liable to lose my files?06:25
minderasermobius2: Try running a live cd first, if that works well there's no reason an install shouldn't go smoothly06:25
icerootgangil: apply the ubuntu-patches to the source as well. you find the patch-files in the deb06:25
gangiltheadmin: I can try to do that , but actually I am trying to make changes in source .  WHen I asked on the gdm mailing list , they asked me to look into my distro specific patches06:25
LuciusSirsoreau:  is there a way i can strip alsa and use oss ?06:26
Jordan_UFilled-Void, Probably not, sound problems in general are usually hard to fix, this was true before pulseaudio and pulse can actually prevent certain problems that you might otherwise have. Try the liveCD, you can even install apps within the live environment to test them if you want.06:27
Filled-VoidJordan_U, Im guessing if the live cd works then likely the install will too ?06:27
soreauLuciusSir: No idea. But that makes me remember that pulseaudio can be problematic too, though not sure if it could cause this kind of issue06:27
Filled-Voidand thanks for the help :)06:27
Jordan_UFilled-Void, Yes06:27
LuciusSirsoreau:  is pulseaudio necessary ?06:28
gangiliceroot: I am googling it , but am unable to find it , can you provide me with the link .:)06:28
AcoustykLuciusSir: There are other options.06:28
soreauLuciusSir: No.06:28
soreau! pulseaudio06:28
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions06:28
Teedevif i want to set keyboard layout to chinese language how do i that06:29
minderaserTeedev: Applications -> System -> Preferences ->  Keyboard06:31
Teedevminderaser,  i set to chinese but iot show eng language06:32
Teedevminderaser,  i set to chinese but it show eng language06:32
mobius2can someone explain IF it's possible to set a "null" item in the displays settings in Compiz ( without xorg.conf) for the purpose of better controlling games which like to start in fullscreen reso?06:32
indusTeedev, first, go to system>administration >language support and add chinese06:32
LuciusSirAcoustyk:  ok i am SO  confused, i just tested every driver listed in the multimedia system settings window and they worked... and pulseaudio is listed... and it works... 3 devices.... all worked.... but if i try to use them use them they f up....06:33
mobius2or how to launch a program from terminal with a resolution argument?06:33
indusTeedev, after that , right click on desktop panel>add to panel >keyboard indicator06:33
minderaserTeedev: Sorry, that's the extent of my knowledge - I've never had a need to change the keyboard layout.06:33
indusTeedev, then select what you want by clicking on that icon06:33
hyperstreamis it possible to hookup the xbox to my ubuntu box06:33
LuciusSirAcoustyk:  and i have no idea where to look to see whats messing up...06:33
Jordan_UTeedev, System > Preferences > Keyboard / ibus is probably a good place to start, you can also ask in #ubuntu-cn ( if you can manage to type in chinese to ask there :)06:33
rn777Does the newest version of Ubuntu use bash?06:34
hyperstreamhow would i go about hooking up a XBOX360 to my pc running ubuntu karmic 9.10 ... via LAN.06:34
ZykoticK9mobius2, you can only launch with specific resolution if the app/game supports it try running "$command --help" and see if there is a resolution switch you can set.  good luck06:34
soreaumobius2: If you have Detect Outputs enabled, the output strings are ignored. Is there a specific problem you are having with fullscreen games?06:34
rn777I have a Unix class and we need to do our work in Bash06:34
Jordan_Urn777, All versions of Ubuntu have used bash as the default shell.06:34
rn777Thank you. Helps alot06:34
Jordan_Urn777, np06:35
AcoustykLuciusSir: A lot of the time using more than one sound device/program causes the sound card to fail06:35
magnetronrn777: /bin/sh is dash. /bin/bash is bash06:35
binMonkeyif i remove virtualbox from my system will the hard drives i made with it be immediately available again?06:35
mobius2ZyloticK9 THANKS man  and soreau,  my specific problem is that on the open source game ( Astro Menace ) like to start maximized to "full screen on " and of course since I just got my coveted dual heads  working independantly it's causing all kinds of weirdness06:35
TeedevOh! thank i will set it06:35
rn777Thanks. I'll remember that if I need it later06:35
mneptokbinMonkey: remove, no. purge, probably.06:36
LuciusSirAcoustyk:  so how do i limit access ?06:36
mobius2soreau, i want it to start in  a smaller  reso like on  ONE screen06:36
soreaumobius2: What do you mean 'working independently' and what kind of weirdness?06:36
AcoustykLuciusSir: Ubuntu is notorious for having issues with sound, namely that the card is monopolized (fought for) by many different apps/devices06:36
binMonkeymneptok: i always 'remove --purge'.  how can i check?06:37
d9500binMonkey, if it doesn't remove the virtual hard drives when you remove the file, then just rm -r ~?.Virtualbox (warning: this will remove ALL virtual hard disks and vbox configuration files)06:37
indusAcoustyk, says who06:37
mobius2soreau, please forgive my convoluted questions,  I really need to know how to make a game called "Astro Menace" start up  in a less-than-fullscreen mode06:37
d9500that should say rm -r ~/.Virtualbox. sorry06:37
soreaumobius2: So, I'm guessing it starts across both of your screens?06:37
LuciusSirAcoustyk:  so what you're saying is i got to live with it ?06:37
binMonkeyd9500: and the formatting that vbox did won't matter?06:37
mobius2soreau, PRECISELY06:37
mneptokbinMonkey: those are files. not physical devices.06:38
Acoustykindus: Volumes of forum posts06:38
soreaumobius2: Q: Does this work as you would expect, without compiz enabled?06:38
d9500It's never caused any problems on any distro that I've ran virtualbox on. And I routinely remove old virtual hard disks even while vbox is installed06:38
AcoustykLuciusSir: No there are options06:38
indusAcoustyk, most of them are minor config issues06:38
binMonkeymneptok: i kind of thought so, but i wasn't sure.  thanks a lot for the help!!!!!06:38
indusbut hmm06:38
AcoustykLuciusSir: You may need to try configurations other than pulseaudio06:39
mobius2soreau,  it works fine in  single  monitor06:39
soreaumobius2: That doesn't answer the question06:39
Acoustykindus: but quite a few aren't06:39
mobius2ohh sorry  yes   it works fine without compiz06:39
LuciusSirAcoustyk:  what is something other than pulseaudio, and wtf is pulseaudio ? i thought the kernel module is what backended the device....06:39
indusAcoustyk, yes, anyways  what is LuciusSir issue06:39
Acoustykindus: I'll admit that I have had very limited issues with Karmic tho06:40
ZykoticK9mobius2, really?  i wouldn't expect compiz to make any difference... hummm06:40
indus!pulse | LuciusSir06:40
ubottuLuciusSir: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions06:40
soreaumobius2: That is strange, because compiz shouldn't make a difference with regards to this06:40
indusLuciusSir, well, pulse gives the applications access to sound instead of apps directly accessing hardware06:40
LuciusSirindus:  ahhhhhhhhhhhh it does multiplexing ?06:40
mobius2Zykotic9  yes it works in  compiz,  the game will run  whether compiz is enabled or not,  however if the  dual  (  non mirrored )  output is enabled,  then the  game starts  up stretched up across both screns06:40
ZykoticK9!tab > mobius206:41
ubottumobius2, please see my private message06:41
indusLuciusSir, hence, for the first time ever on ubuntu since 8.04, you could run a game and a music player with sound from both sources playing simultaneously06:41
LuciusSirindus: so whats an alternative example ?06:41
ZykoticK9mobius2, i'm actually downloading it as we speak06:41
indusLuciusSir, before that, apps needed exclusive access to hardware, and yes it does multitasking06:42
indusLuciusSir, the pulseaudio wiki is a good place to start for you06:42
mobius2ZykoticK9, I think you  wil find it's a nice game and worth  the effort06:42
indusLuciusSir, what are you looking for exactly?06:42
LuciusSirindus:  something that doesn't screw up my audio LOL06:42
mobius2lol  for lack of a better word06:42
dandamanwhat's a program that will allow me to play a sound from one speaker at a time? i have a feeling my rear speakers might be a little lower than my fronts06:42
LuciusSirindus:  so an alternative to pulseaudio that makes my apps work06:42
indusLuciusSir, alsa06:42
soreaumobius2: What we are trying to get you to see, is that this is not an issue with compiz, but rather, the way the driver and X represents your workspace, and that the game makes assumptions based on this information06:42
mobius2soreau,  I am aware of this fact06:43
indusLuciusSir, dont you have audio on your system? what version of ubuntu are you using06:43
soreaumobius2: So why are you targeting compiz output settings?06:43
ZykoticK9mobius2, i still think that creating an xorg and adding a NULL option is your best bet06:43
AcoustykLuciusSir: Mez recommended that I use JACK earlier.  I'm having a similar problem.  I've never used it though.06:43
jack5463mezquitale, I deleted swfdec flash player and installed adobe and now flash works.06:43
mobius2Zykotic9, I am not familiar or  nearly adept enough  to work  with xorg.conf manually\06:44
LuciusSirindus:  I have audio, but it dies randomly and comes back just as randomly06:44
ZykoticK9!tab > mobius206:44
indusLuciusSir, what is the hardware you have, what version ubuntu etc06:44
dandamanwhat's a program that will allow me to play a sound from one speaker at a time? i have a feeling my rear speakers might be a little lower than my fronts. like in windows 7 you can open up the audio settings and click on a speaker and itll play a sound from that speaker06:44
almoxarifeI want to associate mms:// with gnome-mplayer so that perhaps google-chrome will see the association, any help? gnome desktop btw06:44
soreaumobius2: You could write a script, that uses xrandr to clone outputs before starting the game, and expand them into dual head config after the game is finished running, assuming you use graphics drivers that have xrandr support06:44
indusdandaman, easy , do it from alsamixer06:45
indusdandaman, alsamixer-gui06:45
mobius2soreau, I am not so much "targeting" the compiz settings,   I am simply trying to  launch  the GAME in  a less-than-fullscreen output resolution, in an attempt to  have the game display in a windowed  panel06:45
LuciusSirindus: newest version of kubuntu, and intel ac'9706:45
soreaumobius2: That is the wrong way to think about it06:45
indusdandaman, or use the audio properties panel , easy06:45
dandamanindus: dont think there is that option in the audio props06:46
mobius2soreau,  I think i understand....06:46
indusLuciusSir, i mean, laptop/desktop? which motherboard06:46
indusdandaman, in output its there06:46
indusdandaman, select 5 channel or something06:46
dandamanindus: that can only balance left and right, cant screw with rear and front06:46
mobius2soreau,  I think I will just disable compiz effects when I want to play this game :P06:46
soreaumobius2: I believe all graphics drivers capable of running compiz have xrandr support, except nvidia06:46
dandamanindus: there is no place to choose how many channels06:46
mobius2it does make thigs  look the way i want them too06:47
indusdandaman, in hardware first select it properly06:47
indusdandaman, in hardware see?06:47
rn777As Im installing Ubuntu on an extra computer can anyone recommend cool uses for a linux machine?06:47
dandamansorry indus, do you mean right click the volume setting and hitting volume preferences?06:47
indusdandaman, ya06:47
rn777Besides unix homework06:47
mobius2soreau,  be advised that this game depends on a libAL  which can  be found here   http://packages.debian.org/etch/libopenal0a06:48
dandamanindus: yeah so i went to hardware06:48
theadminrn777: Running a server, for instance :D I mean, running server soft on windows is a bleh06:48
Acoustyktheadmin: seconded06:48
indusdandaman, man, ubuntu sucks, it was there in older version for sound channels06:48
dandamanindus: nothing to choose how many channels06:48
almoxarifewhich is the correct method for associating mms with an app, uri/mms or url/mms ?06:48
icerootrn777: youb want something cool on linux? use compiz  with max settings06:48
rn777Whats compiz?06:48
soreaumobius2: openAL has little or nothing to do with graphics06:48
dandamanindus: damn :( got any other idea of what i can do?06:48
soreau! compiz | rn77706:48
ubotturn777: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz06:48
iceroot!compiz | nixjr06:48
ubottunixjr: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz06:48
mobius2soreau,  you are correct,  however the game will not install without it :p06:48
indusdandaman, use alsamixer ,06:49
soreauiceroot: Fail? :)06:49
soreaumobius2: I do not see where this information is relevant06:49
icerootsoreau: some kind of...06:49
mobius2soreau,  just lettin ya know06:49
mezquitalejack5463, awesome! did you follow the bug report in launchpad?  Now if you have anymore issues with ubuntu tackle them one by one and pretty soon your rig will be up and running without a glitch!06:49
mobius2soreau,  I thought you were installing the game...06:49
icerootrn777: have a look at youtube what compiz and the cube are06:49
mobius2yep... compiz kicks  tail06:49
theadminrn777: Well, to be simple, decorations06:49
dandamanindus: i think there might be something wrong with my driver, i think that it might only be assuming its a 2 channel system06:49
dandamanits still playing on 4 speakers06:50
indusdandaman, no i too have this problem06:50
dandamanbut i think the rear is weaker and surround is all the way on06:50
soreaumobius2: I have no idea what gave you that impression, but if you use nvidia I think you are SOL06:50
dandamanindus: so no fix :( ?06:50
indusdandaman, did you try alsamixer, itworks , type in terminal i told you06:50
binMonkeyd9500: and mneptok , thanks for the help.06:50
mobius2i do not use nvidia06:50
dandamanindus: yeah im in the alsa mixer gui06:50
mobius2soreau,  I will pastebin  my GPU  one moment pls06:50
dandamanindus: i have 4 columns, 2 under master, 2 under capture06:50
indusdandaman, there you will find everythinh including setting 6 ch06:50
indusdandaman, scroll to right you will see06:50
soreaumobius2: Then use a script to use xrandr to enable clone mode before the game starts and restore dual config afterward06:51
ZykoticK9mobius2, in the game did you try changing the resolution?  mine started on both monitors (as that was the set resolution) but lowering the resolution to a single monitor resolution shut off the 2nd monitor?06:51
dandamanindus: there is no where to scroll06:51
soreaumobius2: That is my best suggestion to you06:51
indusdandaman, help yourself here , just move to right however it provides06:51
rn777Wow thats pretty cool. So its some programing api for making graphical desktop effects?06:51
indususe arrow keys06:52
mobius2Zykotick9 ...after you changed the resolution in the games settings.. HOW did you get back to the MAIN menu of the game to START the game?06:52
dandamanoh you mean the capture bars06:52
mobius2ZykoticK9,  i think im  getting a "continue" button  cut off or something06:52
ZykoticK9mobius2, it automatically went back to the main menu i think - i'll try again06:52
mobius2ZykoticK9,  thankyou06:52
theadminrn777: Nah, just a premade desktop effect set, you can choose what you like06:53
dandamanindus: playing with the capture bars does nothing06:53
mobius2ZykoticK9,  for instance there is a full screen to  OFF setting06:53
theadminrn777: System -> Appearance -> Desktop Effects, all there06:53
indusdandaman, use the arrow keys right and move and you will find it man06:53
mobius2ZykoticK9,  however it just toggles and im stuck staring at that screen!06:53
rn777Cool, thanks06:53
theadminrn777: Err, system -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Desktop effects06:53
indusdandaman, depending on whether your sound card supports it06:54
dandamanindus: it supports 4 channel in windows06:54
mobius2 sudo lshw -C video   out put is  here   http://pastebin.com/m2d25566106:54
indusdandaman, and here?06:54
dandamanindus: i don't know, i guess thats my problem06:54
ZykoticK9mobius2, there is an apply at the bottom, when i click that it actually quasi-restarts the game (but again, because of my NULL setting in xorg i'm only see 2 resolution - dual monitor & 1280x1024)06:54
indusdandaman, it should here also06:54
dandamanindus: how do i get linux drivers for my sound card?06:54
dandamanit appears as if i don't have them06:54
indusdandaman, try the alsamixer-gui , install it06:55
indusdandaman, what sound card?06:55
mobius2ZykoticK9,  where at the bottom  right or left or center?06:55
indusdandaman, check under the command lspci06:55
ZykoticK9mobius2, lol brb06:55
dandamanindus: i'm in it, its the sound card on my mobo, dont e ven know, k ill check lspci06:55
mobius2ZykoticK9,  thanks so much06:55
dandamanindus: 01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc HD48x0 audio06:56
indusdandaman, hmm a radeon 4850?06:56
indusdandaman, dont use that, use the one on the motherboard06:56
dandamanthat's my gfx card06:56
iluminator101ndiswrapper error bcmwl5 : driver installed06:56
iluminator101device (14E4:4311) present (alternate driver: wl)06:56
indusdandaman, yes but it has support for HD audio dont you know?06:56
dandamani only have one sound card, the one on my mobo06:56
bullgardThe installation of what program package is likely to have installed the DEB program package 'postfix' on my Karmic computer?  (I did not install the DEB program package 'postfix' directly.)06:56
iluminator101how do i get rid of alternate driver wl06:57
dandamanindus: had no idea, regardless i am using the mobo06:57
ZykoticK9mobius2, when i go into option there is a Main Menu at the bottom, when i click next/previous on the resolution that MM button at bottom splits into 2 and the button on the right side is apply (left is main menu) < did that make sense?06:57
dandamanindus: lemme find it06:57
indusdandaman, the radeon 4000 series delivers HD audio and can be selected for playback06:57
dandamanindus: i just thought what i copied down here was my mobo06:57
indusdandaman, paste the output of lspci06:57
dandamanindus you are a genius06:57
dandamani went into sound preferences06:57
indus!paste | dandaman06:57
ubottudandaman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:57
mobius2ZykoticK9,  yep I am going to  try it blindly  and hope I get  lucky...  it worked in  high school  :P06:57
dandamanand it was on my 4850 device06:58
dandamanjust changed it to internal audio06:58
indusdandaman, yes , change hardware06:58
iluminator101how do i blacklist module wl?06:58
indusdandaman, yes good06:58
ZykoticK9mobius2, are you actually getting a choice of any different resolution when you click next/previous - or only different color depths?06:58
dandamanindus: <306:58
indusdandaman, now what06:58
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.06:58
mobius2ZykoticK9,  I was actually just  toggling the  "Full screen"  to the off position06:58
zhuhaifenghow can i apply target selinux policy in ubuntu06:58
dandamannow i see how loud my speakers go on linux :P06:59
mobius2ZykoticK9,   without success06:59
indusdandaman, btw, if you have an HDMI cable, you can enjoy high quality audio too if connected to a device06:59
ZykoticK9mobius2, will now i can type to you and see the game - toggling fullscreen worked for me - it's right under fullscreen that has the resolution choices07:00
indusdandaman, anyways, now do you hear sound07:00
ZykoticK9mobius2, "window Size" it's labeled07:00
indusdandaman, all speakers> ? but did you find the channels07:00
dandamanoh my god klipsch 4.1s you are so loud07:00
dandamanyeah im on alsa playing with it07:00
indusdandaman, alsamixer u mean07:01
dandamanindus: new problem07:01
indusdandaman, good07:01
mobius2ZykoticK9,  it's working perfectly now thanks SO much07:01
dandamanfalse alarm07:01
mobius2ZykoticK9,  I just needed to know that  proceed button was even there07:02
ZykoticK9mobius2, well thank you for introducing me to a new game - now to try it ;)  take care man07:02
mobius2ZykoticK9,   no doubt  im  off to blast aliens07:02
mobius2see ya guys07:02
seawollf12can we return a variables value from a script without a function?07:02
mezquitalesure, why not? a global variable?07:03
mezquitaleyou mean in bash?07:04
iluminator101hi am trying to install dell 1390 with ndiswrapper i get this error07:05
e-frame!id > e-frame07:05
ubottue-frame, please see my private message07:06
seawollf12mezquitale: i have pasted the code here http://pastebin.com/m2aadf6b4 i want to return the value of test107:06
seawollf12instead of echoing i want to get it into a variable07:06
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FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.07:08
mezquitaleseawollf12, sorry, im not much of a bash programmer, try logging in to the room at an earlier time and dont get frustrasted by all the off topic warnings, you can also try #ubuntu-offtopic by the way07:08
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captbaritoneTrying to preserver 355 days of uptime! Ssh is timing out and when I plugged in a monitor and keyboard I get "Login timed out after 60 seconds." Is there any hope for me?07:17
DevrethmanWhat's the best way to transfer a ton of tiny files from a Mac to ubuntu?07:17
DevrethmanSFTP is not working at all.07:17
zambaDevrethman: google?07:17
bullgardThe installation of what program package is likely to have installed the DEB program package 'postfix' on my Karmic computer?  (I did not install the DEB program package 'postfix' directly.)07:17
DevrethmanZamba: -_- What's the point of this channel then.07:18
kosharimy wife just bought a new samsung touch phone, ow do i put ubuntu on it07:18
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:19
objornhow can i tell if i'm now usinga 64bit or 32bit system07:19
Flannelkoshari: You probably don't07:20
zambawhat was that all about?07:20
zambaFlannel: huh?07:20
Flannelzamba: When helping, be helpful.  Don't be rude.  "Google" is not help.07:20
zambaFlannel: i was actually serious.. you can use google docs to upload files and then download them on a separate computer07:21
zambabut yeah, i see how that can be misinterpreted :)07:21
zambaso sorry about that07:21
Flannelzamba: Use complete sentences next time :)  But, NFS would've worked better for him anyway.07:22
hyperstreamWhen i use the LIVECD it shows i have Restricted drivers i can install(Nvidia ones), i just installed from live cd and it isnt popping  up and telling me about it07:22
bullgardzamba: You have frightened Devrethman so that he left this channel.07:22
teddymillswhen does thunderbird3 get in the ubuntu repos?07:23
hyperstreamI need to install the restricted drivers07:23
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:23
ZykoticK9hyperstream, verify that you have done all available updates07:23
bullgardteddymills: I believe Ubuntu 10.04 will include Thunderbird 3.07:23
hyperstreamZykoticK9, i just did 90 megs of updates then restarted, with no new updates- i then remembered about enabling the software sources, and now it has more updates- should i do these then see if pops up?07:23
bullgards /include/provide/07:24
ZykoticK9hyperstream, you have check in System / Admin / Hardware Drivers right (perhaps it's not going to just Popup)07:24
Flannelbullgard, teddymills: Looks like you might have to wait for 10.10, actually.  Lucid currently has 10.0407:24
hyperstreamZykoticK9, says there are none,07:25
EagleWatchhi all07:25
hyperstreamZykoticK9, the live cd has the right restricted drivers for the geforce407:25
ZykoticK9hyperstream, i'd try installing the new update then..07:25
mneptok!google | zamba07:25
ubottuzamba: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.07:25
teddymillsWin32-Thunderbird>Help>Check for updates...updates to T3...07:25
EagleWatcha kernel update from 31-17 -> 31.19 error. (Segmentation fault). any help?07:26
mneptokzamba: sorry, i now see Flannel already told you about not telling people to google07:26
hyperstreamZykoticK9, thanks mate07:26
gdbWhy would you use NFS to move files from a Mac to an Ubuntu machine?07:27
EagleWatchkernel update error cand you help me07:27
gdbUse something that requires zero setup - scp07:27
Gryphon9Any one know to get a 5th generation ipod to work on ubuntu/Rhythmbox07:27
rwwobjorn: type "uname -a" in a terminal. If it says i686, it's 32-bit. If it says x86_64, it's 64-bit07:27
chris8Hey room -- can anyone recommend a room for linux based sound engineering?  I couldn't find one :S07:28
rwwobjorn: (it'll say a bunch of other things too; look near the end of the line)07:28
induschris8, #alsa?07:28
chris8Gryphon9: check out gtkpod program... pretty cool, autosync etc, but not too sure about 5th gen compatibity... there's a chart on a website somewhere :P07:29
user1i am able to import pdf to oo draw using sun pdf import plugin but the layout is stripping the width a bit.07:29
bullgardThe installation of what program package is likely to have installed the DEB program package 'postfix' on my Karmic computer?  (I did not install the DEB program package 'postfix' directly.)07:29
EagleWatchI try to upgrade my kernel and I got a (Segmentation fault) error?07:29
indususer1, isnt that plugin beta07:30
chris8Indus: thanks!  running Jack instead of alsa, but they may help me :P thanks buddy07:30
user1indus: no . http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/pdfimport07:30
multiverse72hi guys, I'm having some hd problems, but I'm not entirely sure if it's dying. symptoms include: some folders take forever to open, random freeze ups, and some errors in dmesg. (give me a moment to write them down)07:30
Gryphon9its registering on rhythmbox but not leting me put music on!07:30
indusbullgard, postfix itself07:31
indusbullgard, accidental perhaps07:31
kayveare these instructions going to work for me? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLABhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB07:32
bullgardEagleWatch:  Do first: System > Administration > Update Manager > Check07:32
optimus_tanyone expert in socket programming?07:32
EagleWatchbullgard, only the linux-kernel-image appear07:32
bullgardindus: No. There was no 'accident'.07:33
Gryphon9chris8:This program is it like rhythmbox?07:33
indusbullgard, mutt probably then , not sure07:33
MononaI'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04.4 Desktop as a dual boot with Windows XP.  The install has been hung at "Please wait... Resizing partition..." for at least 10 minutes.  I know the disc is fine, since I ran an md5sum check on it.  What should I do?  Is there a way to kickstart the install without hard powering off the computer?07:33
mneptokGryphon9: did you reformat the iPod?07:33
rwwbullgard: Is the output of "aptitude why postfix" useful?07:33
EagleWatchbullgard, I hit install and (Segmentation fault). same error in terminal07:34
indusbullgard, no ignore that07:34
chris8Gryph: yeah it's got a comparable GUI07:34
bullgardEagleWatch:  I do not understand your answer. And what do you expect to appear?07:34
indusMonona, keep trying again07:34
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indusMonona, check for errors when this happens,07:34
multiverse72here's a snip of the errors http://pastebin.com/m55b4c7f407:34
Gryphon9mneptok: i found out its already Windows.07:35
chris8Gryph: not too sure if you can play music from there, but it'll definitely access an unmodified ipod07:35
indusMonona, or try another cd what else07:35
Mononaindus, should I just hard power off and try again, then?  Maybe recheck the disc?07:35
rwwMonona: resizing NTFS partitions sometimes takes several hours. I'd recommend not interrupting it.07:35
mneptokGryphon9: yesterday you said it was 4th generation. today it's 5th?07:35
chris8Gryph: it's a pretty handy app07:35
multiverse72and I also have some I/O errors and >10 badblocks ... dying hd or not?07:35
chris8Gryph: It works great for my 3rd gen...07:36
chris8or is it a 5th, i ferget07:36
Mononarww: How can I know that it's resizing?  The disc is 300GB but the resizing has been stuck at 0%07:36
rwwMonona: I don't know, I haven't resized from the installer before, just from gparted directly.07:36
Gryphon9I thourght it was and i then cheaked it up its 5th Gen07:37
chris8Everyboooby: Anyone know anything aboot sound engineering?  I'm looking for a dynamic LAPSDA fliter or gate with a cut-off frequency i can modulate with an auxillary input07:37
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bullgardrww: '~$ aptitude why postfix; i   ubuntu-dev-tools Depends    devscripts; i A devscripts       Recommends bsd-mailx | mailx | mailutils; i A bsd-mailx        Depends    postfix | mail-transport-agent'.  I cannot interpret this output: I need to learn about 'aptitude why foo'.07:38
chris8LAPSDA filter with a modular cut-off frequency?  or a modular wet/dry07:39
iguannahow can i mount a stick usb  in ubuntu by console?07:39
rwwbullgard: You installed the package ubuntu-dev-tools. ubuntu-dev-tools installed devscripts. devscripts recommends one of bsd-mailx, mailx, or mailutils, and installed bsd-mailx. bsd-mailx depends on postfix or mail-transport-agent, and installed postfix.07:39
MononaWoops, there it goes.07:40
iguannaI am doing: mount -t type /dev/sdc /mnt but my problem is I don't know what type it is!07:40
MononaGuess I was just impatient.07:40
multiverse72any help?07:40
iguannaare there any way to find it out?07:40
rwwbullgard: Since bsd-mailx is only recommended, not required, you can remove it and postfix if you'd like.07:40
rwwbullgard: let me know if you'd like me to rephrase that; I know it's complicated07:41
bullgardrww: Thank you very much for ewxplaining and your thorough help.07:41
seawollf12how can we return a variables value from a script without a function?07:41
cdoublejjthis is odd i get a white screen when i try to run zsnes from start menu tried complete uninstall then sudo nautilus deleted all zsnes files still does when i try to run fro start menu i think i have to reformat07:41
mneptokbullgard: what makes you nervous about having Postfix installed?07:41
rwwbullgard: you're welcome. I'm glad to help :)07:41
mneptokbullgard: the default configuration only accepts from localhost, and does not listen for external connections.07:41
seawollf12anybody please07:42
Gryphon7mnetpok: Its 5th Generation.16GB with Camera.07:42
mneptokbullgard: it's necessary to do things like pipe commit e-mails07:42
seawollf12i have pasted the code here http://pastebin.com/m2aadf6b4 i want to return the value of test107:42
rwwseawollf12: ask in #bash, perhaps?07:43
chris8anyone know room for LADSPA dev?  nothing at #ladspa07:43
bullgardmneptok: I would like to learn more about Ubuntu and use it more intelligently. So I am curious how it came on my computer although I did not install it and do not need a Mail Transfer Agent.07:43
Freelancer?DCC SEND STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 007:43
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.07:43
Gryphon4mneptok:Still there?07:43
Greggaz|Laptop?DCC SEND STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 007:44
cdoublejjnow i'm al ittle pissed but , know not mess with mode 7 in that program07:45
cdoublejjbut, i know it is ubuntus fault for some reason not the prog cause i obliterated it from the hdd07:45
mneptokGryphon4: yes, why?07:45
cdoublejjoh well i know what updates progs and extension to get07:46
Gryphon4Any idea on the 5th?07:46
cdoublejjstill a pain in the but to reformat right after a fresh install07:46
mneptokGryphon4: no. i do not use or recommend Apple products.07:46
iguannaI am using server ubuntu version, could you tell me how to mount a usb-stick by command-line please?07:46
iguannamy problem is I don't know what type of file system is the usb-stick07:47
iguannait is something like: mount -t ? /dev/sdc /mnt07:47
pkm4o93iguanna: I 'sudo fdisk -l' to list drives. I identify drive and make a folder in /media/newdrive. then I 'mount /dev/drive to be mounted /media/newdrive07:47
Gryphon4Ok mneptok: what about my processer constantly at 100%07:47
iguannathanks mate07:48
Gryphon4Its not Apple.07:48
=== happinessturtle is now known as nenolod
pkm4o93iguanna: no problem its confusing at first but if you identify correct drive its easy.07:49
indusMonona, yes i have seen it taking 5 min sometimes07:49
indusMonona, so its working now, thats good07:49
q0kHi. How do I create a partition in Windows XP? I currently have only one partition with lots of free space, and want to separate it into 2 equal partitions - onw for XP , one for Ubuntu. Where is partition magager in Windows XP?07:49
bullgardluchs_: [gelöst] Ich habe installiert ubuntu-dev-tools. ubuntu-dev-tools installierte devscripts. devscripts "empfiehlt" eins aus der Menge (bsd-mailx, mailx, mailutils) und installierte bsd-mailx. bsd-mailx hängt ab von postfix oder mail-transport-agent,  und installierte postfix.07:49
pkm4o93iguanna: the next issue is PERMISSIONS on that usb drive.07:49
obiwan_guys, why does ubuntu have both cron and anacron? some kind of posix compliant reuqirement?07:49
Flannel!de | bullgard07:49
ubottubullgard: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:49
mneptokGryphon4: install htop and see what using the CPU cycles.07:49
pkm4o93q0k: Normally I use GPARTED frome a LIVECD such as PUPPYLINUX07:49
q0kpkm4o93, iIsn't there there a partition manager in windows xp?07:50
mint_Is there a way to runa  command that searches for and reconfigures my audio devices07:51
Gryphon4I have every thin is ok, is firefox ment to use 60%??????07:51
indusGryphon4, yes it does07:51
LavaEagleq0k: Right click computer, click manage07:52
indusGryphon4, switch to chrome i say07:52
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
LavaEagleclick drives at the bottom07:52
q0kLavaEagle : yes07:52
Gryphon4What about Madori?07:53
indusyes i hear its nice too07:53
iguannapkm4o93, my next issue is how to copy several link-files to other folder07:53
Gryphon4So that will work too?07:53
=== Bash is now known as Bash23
pkm4o93iguanna: have you mounted the drive? you willl probably need to seach for CHMOD07:54
iguannapkm4o93, I did it just using cp command but these link-files were not copied correctly07:54
pkm4o93iguanna: was there an error result07:54
iguannapkm4o93, I mounted the drive. But about my other issue you know how to solve it?07:55
pkm4o93iguanna: I think you will need to chmod 777. But I am new to permissions in linux you may need to research.07:56
iguannaI am trying to set up eclipse. Eclipse need to know where some files of tomcat are installed, thats is my problem, I have to copy amount of link-files inside a directory to other directory07:58
Gryphon4How do i download Ubuntu Restricted Extras pakage through the Terminal into my Downloads?07:58
indusGryphon4, you mean sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras07:59
mint_Ignatius: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipseIDE07:59
pkm4o93iguanna: perhaps it may be easier if you install a gui such as sudo apt-get xorg fluxbox rox-filer ? is a GUI possible?08:00
Gryphon4Ya but where dose it download to indus?08:00
mint_Gryphon4: sudo aot-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras its in google i found that command when i wanted to do it08:00
indusGryphon4, hmm to /apt/cache/archives08:00
rainy-daywhy is it that I do 'chown -R username *' as root but after ls -l dirs still show up as being owned by root?08:00
mint_Gryphon4: sorry sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:01
indusGryphon4, sorry /var/apt/cache/archives08:01
indusGryphon4, sorry /var/cache/apt/archives08:01
mint_ind his lkast one is corect08:02
alfatauhello, i'm a new ubuntu 9.10 user. i installed ubuntu and now grub2 finds 2 vista partitions while only one is really a bootable vista os while the other is the hp recovery partition. is there a way to remove that recovery partition from grub boot list and to rename other entries? thank you very much for your attention08:02
Gryphon4indus are you sure?!**08:02
indusyesss !08:02
mint_Gryphon4: ^ indus last is corect08:02
gavin__yes there is a way alfatau08:02
mint_Gryphon4: y wanting to know that08:02
gavin__i dont know how though.08:03
gavin__im sure you could find it on google easily.08:03
gavin__let me look for you08:03
bullgardEagleWatch: If the segmentation fault error appeared only recently, reboot your computer. It the segmentation fault re-appears, analyze /var/log/dmesg. If you are not knowledgeable enough to find a pointer to your problem there, post the exact segmentation fault  error message together with /var/log/dmesg in a forum.08:03
mint_alfatau: google how to edit grub 2 boot rechord08:03
gavin__alfatau: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=151493408:04
Gryphon4Do i just put that? or some thing before it? /var/cache/apt/archives08:04
maashahiyas,  have a vanilla postfix install on an ubuntu box and was wondering what the name of the local smtp server might be?08:04
DiverdudeHello. I found this font: http://www.december14.net/fonts.shtml (Bitstream Vera sans mono) Which i want to use. But I don't know the proper place to put the font-files in my system. Where should i put them, so that all editor programs have access to them, or where do font files reside on linux?08:04
Mononaindus, rww: Installed just fine, dual boot and all. :)08:04
rwwMonona: awesome :)08:04
nitemovzHi all08:05
FlannelDiverdude: Pretty sure bitstream sans mono is already installed08:05
nitemovzI am using Transmission BitTorrent client, and I am trying to find out how to set it up to work through a Proxy08:05
xrohi... i chenged my laptop and i have to install my mail account... i had pgp (thunderbird with enigmail) on my old laptop... how can i transfert the private key?08:05
DiverdudeFlannel, well, in my emacs it says unrecognized font when i try to load it08:06
nitemovzI have an HTTP proxy that I have setup on a server, but I am curious as to getting Transmission to run through that08:06
Flannel!fonts | Diverdude08:06
ubottuDiverdude: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer08:06
Gryphon4mint_: is that what i put?? /var/cache/apt/archives08:06
pkm4o93Gryphon4: if you are trying to copy deb files to your apt cache to save downloading them? then yes08:07
mewayHow do I remove all extentions that end with .example ?08:08
mewayall in one folder08:08
k4rt33kany lyrics software for mplayer in the command line?08:08
hakonajmeway: rm myfolder/*.example08:08
Gryphon4pkm4o93 i dont get i what about ubuntu resricted extras???????08:08
unopmeway,  remove the extensions or remove the files?08:09
mewayso what does that do hakonaj?08:09
mewayI want to just remove the extensions not the files08:09
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
alfataugavin__: the link you gave me is unuseful because ubuntu9.10 uses grub2. mint_: thank you, i found a tutorial, even if it doesnt't seem so simple... thank you all. regards08:10
unopmeway,  rename -n 's/\.example//' *.example   # remove the -n if you're happy and that'll do the actual rename08:10
hakonajmeway: Sorry. Was a bit quick there.08:10
pkm4o93Gryphon4: I just saw your original question now. You are attempting to download restricted-extras but NOT install it/08:10
mint_Gryphon4: in terminal you type cd /var/cache/apt/archives08:10
unopmeway, to be a little more correct.     rename -n 's/\.example$//' *.example08:10
zcat[1]meway:  man rename08:10
mint_Gryphon4: is that what you need to do08:10
mewayok i hope it works out08:11
mewaythat is one messed up command XD08:11
Gryphon4pkm4o93 Yes....08:11
Jordan_Ualfatau, Copy the windows entry you want to keep from /boot/grub/grub.cfg into /etc/grub.d/40_custom then "sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30-os-prober"08:11
Dravekxhow do i install a perl client onto ubuntu?08:11
unopmeway,  that's because it's actually perl.08:11
unopDravekx, perl client?08:12
Dravekxunop, yes. I want to install everydns on my server08:12
FlannelDiverdude: sudo apt-get install perl08:12
unopDravekx, perl is already installed08:12
Flannelblah.  Dravekx ^^08:12
Dravekxits a perl client that needs to run.08:12
FlannelSorry Diverdude08:12
mewayunop oh I see now08:12
DravekxI dont know how to install it08:12
Gryphon4mint_: i need to download ubuntu restricted extras but not instal it.08:13
FlannelDravekx: sudo apt-get install perl08:13
unopDravekx, are you asking how to install perl or how to install everydns?08:13
Dravekxunop, everydns. they have a perl client but it doesnt say how to install it, it just comes up as a text file.08:13
unopDravekx, maybe the text file is the perl script itself?  do you recognize the file as a perl script?08:14
pkm4o93Gryphon4: sudo apt-get -d install ubuntu-restricted-extras ??08:14
Dravekxunop, yes. perl is installed, but how do I put the script on ubuntu to run it?08:15
k4rt33kDravekx: perl path/to/script08:15
pkm4o93Gryphon4: "man aptitude" reveals the command line switches.08:15
k4rt33ku should chmod +x /path/to/script first08:15
alfatauJordan_U: really thanks. this is the simple approach i was looking for. thank you very much.08:15
Dravekxk4rt33k, where to put the script?08:16
unopDravekx,  if the file is a perl script. (if?) -- put it in /usr/local/bin  and then   chmod +x /usr/local/bin/everydns   # then you just call it using the   everydns  command08:16
Jordan_Ualfatau, np08:16
aiwahey i installed amarok and it won't play any song. when i start it, it says "The audio playback device HDA Intel (STAC92xx analog) does not work. Falling back to PulseAudio" does anyone know how to fix that?08:16
k4rt33kDravekx: put it in /usr/local/bin08:16
mint_Gryphon4: a strange request y is that08:17
pkm4o93Gryphon4: you have IM08:17
Gryphon4pkm4o93 i dont need to install it i already have it, i want to download the package and put it on a flash and install it when there is no internet.08:17
maashawhat is the most simple mail client on ubuntu for testing if smtp is up and running?08:17
pkm4o93aiwa: does any sound at all work ????08:17
mewayok ty bye bye now :)08:18
aiwapkm4o93: when i play the mp3 from the rhythmbox it works fine08:18
Gryphon4mint_ i live in Zim most times there is no net. so when i reinstall my computer i dont have to wait for internet08:19
pkm4o93aiwa: I dont have expertise in linux audio. I would get many audio programs and compare what works,what does. I use VLC alot also.08:19
mint_Gryphon4: maby this is for you then08:19
dman777what is the kcmshell command used for?08:20
mint_dman777: asking here is good but did you google it first08:20
junkY_Sanhey, does anyone know a text editor with highlighting support which an print ALL opened files at once?08:20
dman777mint_: ya, all i get is bug reports for the most part08:21
tessaraktdon't kill so many trees ...08:21
unopdman777, kcmshell. KCMShell is a small utility to host KDE control modules independently of SystemSettings.   from  api.kde.net08:21
icerootdman777: man kcmshell08:21
dman777my lpi book saids kcmshell4 kdm is a tool that can be used to configure the GDM login screen. That doesn't sound correct to me. Is this true or is the book wrong? I rather keep my system clean and not install gdm or kde/kdm to find out.08:21
Gryphon4mint_: what do you mean its for me??????????08:21
mint_dman777: ask in #kubuntu its a kubuntu command did you know08:22
unopdman777, the book is correct only if KDE and Gnome are both actually installed at the same time - which is questionable08:22
unopmint_, no need for sarcasm eh08:22
dman777unop: thank you08:23
mint_dman777: i just googled adn goit this in 2 secs http://api.kde.org/4.0-api/kdebase-runtime-apidocs/kcmshell/html/index.html08:23
Duskinhow do i update my ati drivers?08:24
infidif a file is owned by www-data and my user (infid) doesn't have permissions to write to the file, and i use sudo to open/write to the file, it maintains www-data as the owner right? so sudo doesn't change permissions it just lets you edit the file not only as root, but also as other users automatically?08:25
infidie i dont have to 'sudo -u <other user> vim file.txt' i can just 'sudo vim file.txt' and it does the same thing?08:25
mint_dman777: hope that helps you08:25
Gryphon4MINT_!!!!!! what comand should i use?08:25
mint_Gryphon4: comand to what08:25
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DubAndyim playing around with a few custom win32 apps for wine. Although wincfg doesnt seem to be able to find directories and subdirectories ive moved to ~/.wine using the mv command. Anybody who knows why?08:26
dman777mint_: google is your friend not mine08:26
Gryphon4to download ubuntu restricted extras through terminal but no install?08:26
pkm4o93Gryphon4: did you read my message to you before I showed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:27
Gryphon4Ya whats IM? pkm4o9308:28
pkm4o93Gryphon4: IM = Instant Message08:28
Gryphon4Ya and ???????08:28
Gryphon4What do i do?08:29
Gryphon4What is im?08:30
aiwa internet messager08:30
EagleWatchbullgard, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m5f31aca308:30
ZatchariusHow does someone make it to an irc and not know that?08:31
EagleWatchGryphon4, Instant Messenger08:31
Jordan_Uinfid, sudo by default runs the command you give it as root, vim will usually keep the file owner the same but that has nothing to do with sudo08:31
mint_sorry Gryphon4 try this it may be what you need http://www.mininova.org/tor/254062208:32
kahenhow do you change fonts (and colours. it's a bit too blue) in Qt applications such as texmaker? they seem horribly out of place after i changed the font in gnome to dejavu condensed08:32
Duskinis there a command to determine what video card i have?08:32
mint_Gryphon4: im = instant messenger08:32
ZykoticK9Duskin, "lspci | grep -i vga"08:33
Gryphon4pkm4o93: Thanks for the help.08:33
mint_dman777: its what you ask google that counts starting with the basicks like the program name.08:34
mint_Gryphon4: no problem hopefully that will be what you need08:35
dman777mint_: ya, the the page 90% bug reports and the rest links to questions in forums.08:36
Gryphon4mint_: forgive my stupidity but i still want to know the comand for downloading ubuntu restricted extras but not to instal it?08:36
nitemovzIf anyone has used Transmission BitTorrent Client with PHProxy, I need help08:37
mandhow can i make "convert" force a certain size to images, no matter what the size ratio is?08:38
mint_Gryphon4: other than that link i cant help sorry '08:38
bullgardEagleWatch: All these messages occur in /lib/ld-2.10.1.so. I do not know the function of /lib/ld-2.10.1.so. Sorry.08:39
k4rt33k_mand: Use Gimp!08:39
MyrttiGryphon4: are you on a computer that isn't connected to the internet, and you want to get restricted extras installed to it?08:39
EagleWatchthanks anyway bullgard08:39
DJones!offline | Gryphon4 This might be a help to you in downloading packages for installation on an other machine08:39
ubottuGryphon4 This might be a help to you in downloading packages for installation on an other machine: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD08:39
mandk4rt33k_: that's not an option due the big amount of images08:40
mandk4rt33k_: i need a command line program08:40
Bravewolfhow can I enable 2 finger scroll in ubuntu jaunty?08:40
Gryphon4djones thanks08:41
k4rt33k_mand: You can write Gimp scripts or use OpenCV (might be too heavy...but don't know anything else)08:41
Gryphon4ubottu thanks08:41
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:41
Myrttimand: there is a command line app for that08:41
mandk4rt33k_: ah, ok, i've found it out, i just needed to add a ! after the size setting to "force" it08:41
zagabarCan I connect to more than one server at a time in irssi?08:42
Myrttimand: imagemagick08:42
mandMyrtti: yes, i'm already using "convert", i just didn't know how to force a size to an image08:42
zilkomaaCan someone point me a good tutorial for compiz-fusion in ubuntu 9.10 64 bit?08:44
icerootzagabar: of course  /connect server08:45
icerootzagabar: switch the server with ctrl + x08:46
Myrttizagabar: I usually configure multiple networks first, /help network, then add servers to the networks, /help server, and then I can just connect saying the name of the network08:46
k4rt33k_zagabar: Which client are you using now?08:46
Myrttizagabar: by default it has several networks configured though, including freenode08:47
Gryphon4zilkomaa: try Ubuntu Guide.org08:47
k4rt33k_Myrtti: How to have an identification script in the beginning. I mean I don't wanna send nickserv my password everytime. Is there a way to do it in a script?08:47
Myrttik4rt33k_: I just use the server password field.08:48
Frxhow can i disable X from starting at boot ?08:48
k4rt33k_Frx: Choose xlient script / command line in session08:49
BigMack84which video card is more ubuntu friendly? nvidia or radeon?08:49
icerootBigMack84: nvidia08:49
k4rt33k_and choose which programs u wanna run in xclientscript08:49
nitemovzI am trying to figure out how to setup an IRC server for my company that validates user creds against a MySQL database08:49
nitemovzany help would be appreciated08:50
Frxk4rt33k_ :  what does that mean in english? :D08:50
Frxwhats the config file that i should edit ?08:50
k4rt33k_Frx: Before you login you will need to choose a session (assuming u have a gdm login)08:51
aaronhey i have a question what's the apache mode call for php so they can view php script on you'te server?08:51
k4rt33k_Frx: Choose command line option instead of GNOME/KDE08:51
Frxk4rt33k_ : no i mean automaticly.08:51
Frxi need to access this via ssh only08:51
aaronhey i have a question what's the apache mode call for php so they can view php script on you'te server?08:52
Frxfound the answer here http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-linux-disable-x-windows-kde-during-system-boot/08:52
maashacan anyone assist me testing the smtp server I hopefully have up and running on this ubuntu box. nmap tells me this -> 25/tcp   open  smtp08:53
FireCrotchnitemovz: Orion IRC Services supports mysql Nickserv authentication08:53
om26ercan any one please test if going to hidden in empathy using only yahoo works08:53
nitemovzFireCrotch: this will allow me to validate creds that are already in the MySQL database?08:54
maashawhat is the simplest text based mail client ala pine?08:54
* om26er waits08:55
aaronhey i have a question what's the apache mode call for php so they can view php script on you'te server?08:56
FireCrotchnitemovz: I've never actually used it, and from what I know, it's alpha quality. it's based on Anope IRC services, so you'll probably have to modify things a bit08:56
jantormaasha did you try a telnet test to the smtp server?08:57
nitemovzokay, thanks!08:57
maashajantor: so telnet localhost 25 ? It connects, and then what?08:58
jantorquit will exit08:58
nitemovzIs there anyway to do networked user names with roaming profiles on linux?08:58
maashajantor: ok, so what did this test reveal?08:58
jantorthat it will respond to connection08:59
bullgardman aptitude: "Actions may be performed from a visual interface or from the command-line." How can I operate aptitude from a GUI? (I am using GNOME.)08:59
maashajantor: now I need some way to test if can send an email.08:59
jantorI have to have the rfc up to see the other commands, I know the next one is ehlo hostname08:59
FireCrotchnitemovz: LDAP + /home mounted via NFS is how I would go about it09:00
nitemovzFireCrotch: Thanks so much! You are a great help!09:00
turtle^s0upIs Kubuntu going to get KDE SC 4.4 release in 9.10?09:01
* maasha installs mutt09:01
maashaman, I have not used mutt for 10 years09:01
jantorsetup thunderbird to test that smtp09:01
Tek-5-8-6Anybody have a usefull link that explains how to set up hardware RAID on ubuntu 9.10 ?09:02
bullgardWhat is the function of /lib/ld-2.10.1.so?09:02
nitemovzis there a way to authenticate a website against LDAP?09:03
FireCrotchTek-5-8-6: if it's a hardware RAID controller, you ought to be able to just set everything up in the RAID card's BIOS09:03
Gryphon4Dose anyone know how i can download ubuntu restricted extras but not instal i just want the package?09:05
FireCrotchnitemovz: two ways you can do it - either in apache with mod_ldap, or in whatever scripting language you're coding the site in09:06
mewaywhat is a good tirminal text editor?09:07
MyrttiGryphon4: apt-get install -d ubuntu-restricted-extras09:07
Myrttimeway: nano, jed, vi etc.09:07
nitemovzAwesome! Thank you so much!09:07
joe_evansmeway: i use diakonos and it is fantastic09:07
mewayooh i think vi is the one I was trying to think of09:07
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FireCrotchnitemovz: PHP, for example, has ldap functions built in09:08
=== twenty1echoes is now known as help
nitemovzI am working for a company that uses Linux as the network system, and I am starting my own company as well, and I love the way Linux works over Windows09:08
=== help is now known as twentyoneechoes
maashaok, so I was able to send a mail via the smtp server. cool09:09
Gryphon4myrtti i dont want to install it i just want to download it.09:10
puckettcWhere do I go looking for LTSP help?  I have been running LTSP 5.0 for a while and have three servers serving about 70 clients but one large server has xorg at 90% CPU.  any ideas?09:10
MyrttiGryphon4: man apt-get tells you, that -d "Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed."09:11
Viper1432Gryphon4,   32bit or 64bit?09:11
bratwhat router brand  tells you the uptime of the router?09:12
Gryphon4is it SUDO apt get????????????????????09:12
MyrttiGryphon4: yes.09:12
Gryphon4or just apt get09:12
indusGryphon4, what do you want to do09:12
FireCrotchpuckettc: #ltsp09:12
Viper1432Gryphon4, ..........dude there's an easier way.  32bit or 64bit restricted-extras?09:12
Viper1432just tell me and I'll show you the light.09:13
MyrttiViper1432: he's been told several methods. which one are you going to suggest?09:13
Viper1432this one:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/i386/ubuntu-restricted-extras/download09:13
nitemovzFireCrotch: Do you know how to setup LDAP Authentication for networks?09:13
mint_hi how to save my current session in ubuntu like i can in kubuntu09:13
Viper1432all the ftp servers that have the files.09:13
MyrttiViper1432: that doesn't handle the dependencies09:13
FireCrotchnitemovz: I played around with it once, didn't get very far, unfortunately09:14
Viper1432he was just asking about that package specifically.  so there is the WAY to download that package.  shrugs.09:14
nitemovzFireCrotch: Thanks anyway. I will Google the crap out of the subject. Hopefully Howtoforge.com has something09:14
FireCrotchnitemovz: the ubuntu docs have some stuff on LDAP09:16
nitemovzFireCrotch: Awesome! Thanks!09:17
FireCrotchnitemovz: good luck :)09:17
heroinHey, can somone help me setup a proxy for my IRC?09:18
nitemovzFireCrotch: I am going to need it. I have only used Linux in a business environment from the end user perspective, it will be a great learning experience to setup the servers and all from the Support perspective.09:18
Error404NotFoundcould someone help me with http://pastebin.com/m5625982d ? I am trying to update Dell Inspiron 1545 BIOS using Karmic09:19
bullgardman aptitude: "Actions may be performed from a visual interface or from the command-line." How can I operate aptitude from a GUI? (I am using GNOME.)09:19
Myrttibullgard: just type aptitude or sudo aptitude, and a ncurses interface will be started09:19
pkm4o93notemovz: I am interested in business and ubuntu too.recently I replied to some one asking about this similar thing on ubuntu forum,very little replies.09:20
pkm4o93nitemovz: he was asking about apt-proxy,and how to manage many machines. I am still looking into this.09:20
mint_hi how to save my current session in ubuntu like i can in kubuntu i want to save my open applications for open on reboot09:22
littlegreenhey guys! I'm having trouble with my HP Mini running ubuntu 9.10... Erm... entering my password @ the login screen doesn't log me in my home dir... I've got no icons on my desktop and nautilus won't run if I don't run it in terminal... any Ideas?09:22
Viper1432Just thinking out loud here pkm4o93  and nitemovz , but if you're dealing with ubuntu from a "biz" perspective, wouldn't it help to query canonical for support as well?  I mean that's what they are setup for.  just curious.09:22
Myrttimain: /join #channelname09:22
bullgardMyrtti: Thank you very much for your help. ('~$ aptitude why postfix' does not start the ncurses interface though.)09:22
nibblerlittlegreen: how do you see your desktop if you cant login?09:22
Myrttibullgard: no, it doesn't because you gave it extra arguments09:23
nitemovzViper1432 - this is very true09:23
bullgardMyrtti: Thank you again.09:23
pkm4o93littlegreen: did you upgrade to 9.10 or install ?09:23
vorlockhi guys09:23
littlegreennibbler, I only see my desktop background image...09:23
Viper1432actually another place to check for that might be the VAR Guy's site as well.  He deals with ubuntu from that very perspective.  just thinkin. :)09:23
peppoanyone know if there's a backport of libsoup 2.29.x (with gzip compression support) to karmic?09:24
pkm4o93Viper1432: thanks I remember that guys name now VARguy09:24
littlegreenpkm4o93,  it09:24
littlegreenpkm4o93,  *sorry. It's a clean install.09:24
Viper1432yep pkm4o93 .  good site with a lot of info and links for business related 'buntu stuff.09:24
vorlockany idea how in karmic tty is linked to framebuffer? cause when killing x I'm loosing tty as well09:24
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littlegreenThat's the trick - I DO login, but don'09:25
littlegreenbut don't see my desktop icons09:25
pkm4o93Viper1432: thanks. I actually find the ubuntu documentation website complex and not intuitive. I find debian much easier to find good info.09:26
pepeIn forums anyone helps me09:26
induspkm4o93, complex?in what sense?09:26
littlegreenSo guys... any Ideas?09:26
mint_hi how to save my current session in ubuntu like i can in kubuntu i want to save my open applications for open on reboot09:26
pepei've got a lot of troubles on my ubuntu 9.1009:26
pepecan someone help me?09:26
Viper1432pkm4o93,  I actually prefer ubuntu's site and documentation to debian's....but to each their own. :)09:26
indusmint_, startup applications from system>admin >09:26
pkm4o93indus: Not so much complex but 'busy' Perhaps I am just missing a simple link or not looking long enough09:27
indusmint_, remember running apps when quitting09:27
bullgard!ask | pepe09:27
pkm4o93I end up googling for help instead.09:27
ubottupepe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:27
induspepe, yes09:27
induspkm4o93, its a wiki which can be edited09:27
induspkm4o93, you can add a few bits maybe09:27
pkm4o93littlegreen: I dont have enough experience with 9.10 right now I have downgraded to 8.10 sorry.09:27
pepefirst at all, i'm from spain, and my english is not perfect09:27
induspepe, tell me dear how may we help09:27
mint_hi how can i login to my nick i;m on another computer09:28
hak5fanHow can I find all unanswerd posts on ubuntuforums?09:28
DaveInPhxno hay problema pepe, podemos traducir si es ncesario09:28
indushak5fan, there is a box on right i think which says so09:28
DaveInPhx(I told him I can translate)09:28
littlegreenWell... can't you give me a suggestion? Throw me a straw here ;-)09:28
pepeMy worse problem is with the microphone. It doesn't work. I don't know why. The mic/line in doesn't work also. I have a notebook acer aspire 653009:29
mint_#/join #freenode09:29
pepeThankyou Dave09:29
FireCrotchmint_: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY yourpassword09:29
DJonesmint_: Do you mean log your nick off irc so you can reconnect to it from a different computer09:29
=== mint_ is now known as meowbuntu
pkm4o93littlegreen: my workaround is to use as many distributions as I can linuxmint, ubuntu 8.04 ubuntu 9.04 fedora, and compare :P09:30
bullgard!sound | pepe09:30
ubottupepe: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:30
kosharipkm4o93 littlegreen left the room09:31
hak5fanindus: i feel really stupid but I can't find it. There is a new posts link though09:31
Sarge[d]NightGood day, I'm having some trouble with Bluetooth dialup on ubuntu 9.10, anyone that can give a guy a hand?09:31
pkm4o93koshari: thanks the text moves so quick when you are doing something else.09:31
koshariSarge[d]Night bluetooth dial up, ? via modem or gprs?09:31
pepei have no the alsa mixer options, but i tried to edit ALSA mixer options in the console09:32
pepeI looked for info in forums and i have seen that this is a common problem since older versions of ubuntu09:32
pepei have the same problem with all distros i tried, like DEBIAN, o.SUSE, KUBUNTU, FEDORA...09:32
koshariSarge[d]Night whats your prob?09:33
Sarge[d]Nightkoshari: someone here posted me a step by step guide to get my dialup going09:33
Sarge[d]Nighttried it last night for a couple of hours09:33
Sarge[d]Nightit seems like when i create all the scripts and startup files, and I restart my bluetooth service, it doesn't recognise the rfcomm channels/devices09:34
koshariSarge[d]Night what was the prob?09:34
FireCrotchhak5fan: Click Search, and on that page, there is an option for "Find Threads with" on the left hand side. choose At Most: 0 replies09:34
koshariSarge[d]Night what version ubuntu09:34
infidis sudoedit worth using? what's the point of it exactly, over just 'sudo vim bla.txt'?09:34
m_fulderhi, I've downloaded samba some days ago and it works fine to share folders between windows and ubuntu...I now connected a HDD via USB to my ubuntu computer and want to share a folder on this HDD...while trying to access it later through windows I get a error message that I can't acess this folder...why is that???09:34
koshariSarge[d]Night you may need to manually bind rfcon 009:35
indushak5fan, can you use search function09:35
Sarge[d]Nighti tried that09:35
indus!who | pepe09:35
ubottupepe: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:35
FloodBot4indus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:35
hak5fanindus: ok09:35
indushak5fan, SO why exactly u looking for this?09:35
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koshariSarge[d]Night this is what i had to do to get gprs ppp https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/41605609:36
Sarge[d]Night...checking it out quickly09:36
Sarge[d]Nightwhat version do u have?09:36
DaveInPhx!pepe did you see that?09:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:36
kosharinokia 613109:37
pepei was reading the links ubottu written09:37
teagehow do you use paste.ubuntu to paste?09:37
DaveInPhxesta bien ^^09:37
industeage, go to paste.ubuntu.com and paste, write your name and clic kon send, then copy url and paste here09:38
pepe! DaveInPhx this way?09:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:38
meowbuntuhi how to save my current session in ubuntu my open apps etc09:39
Diverdudewhen i use xfontsel from the shell to see available fonts, and choose -fndry bitstream i only have very few options to choose between in fmly. How do I install all the bitstream fonts in my system, so that they are available system-wide?09:39
Teffershey guys got 2 issues you people maybe able to help me with im using ubuntu in persistance usb mode and having a troble with broadcom b4312 rev1 b/g drives compat wireless or propirertry and also wondering about is it posible to chage the default username for live mode from ubuntu to something more suitable to me since alot of software that pulls names and nicks are pulled from the user name of the log in on the subject of b43 please pm me if09:39
Teffers posible just dealign with main chat screen is a pain cause of my dyslexia also how can i disable my touchpad mouse cos its driving me up the wall and keeps spazzing out09:39
reni__I cannot start nautilus unless I'm root ... WTF? Can any1 tell me what to do?09:39
teagewhat do you mean "click kon send" i dont see anything or any kind of click icon for kon send?09:39
indusmeowbuntu, i told you befoere no? go to system>prefe>startup applications> remember running apps when quitt09:39
DaveInPhxpepe: include the name of the person you want to talk to at the beginning of the line09:39
industeage, click on send button09:39
Sarge[d]Nightkoshare: can i paste something in aprv msg to you quickly, don't wanna flood the channel09:39
industeage, in the paste box down09:39
ZykoticK9meowbuntu, System / Preferences / Startup Applications / Options tab - put the check in "Automatically remember..."09:40
industeage, first copy the contents into paste, then do it09:40
pepeDaveInPhx ok09:40
DaveInPhxpepe: the person answering your questions initially was bullgard09:40
wizzo50Help, How do you open a .tar.bz2 file in Ubuntu?09:41
pepebullgard do you kwon my problem?09:41
Teffersdid anyone see my intial chat message ??09:41
teageindus, ok i see now , thanx09:41
industeage, np09:41
ZykoticK9Teffers, the big post about persistent usb -- yes09:41
bullgardpepe: Sometimes this helps: Call 'alsamixer'. Set View:= Capture. Carefully search and adjust all microphone-related controls.09:42
wizzo50How do you open a .tar.bz2 file in Ubuntu? To upgrade my Firefox09:42
Teffersthe reason i stated abotu the persistance cos i know of a fix for the broadcom drivers but involves updating the kernel09:42
Tefferswas abit jubeus about it09:42
pepebullgard i also tried this, but it doesn't works09:42
Teffersthank you ZykoticK9 FOR ACKNOLAGEING09:42
Teffersops caps09:42
bullgardpepe: I had the same problem on one computer.09:43
pepebullgard i read in some forums that this is a common bug in UBUNTU since older versions09:43
pepeand there is not sollution?09:43
ZykoticK9wizzo50, i forget the tar switch for bz2 - so the two step process: "bunzip2 $filename.tar.bz2" then "tar xvf $filename.tar"09:43
Mianschi guys... Im on the lve CD atm.. how can I make a NTFS partition using the lvie CD?09:43
Gryphon4Can someone help me, my terminal wont alow me to enter my pasword09:43
pepebullgard for me is very important the microphone, i don't want to come back Windows09:44
TeffersGryphon4, what it litterally nto letting you enter or is just apearign as if to not be letting you enter it09:44
brathow do i change 2 directories in one line in  irc commandline09:44
bullgardpepe: I had the same problem on one computer. This recipe finally worked. --  A friend of mine had a similar problem He did look and look again. Finally he found this relevant control also, after many weeks.09:44
wizzo50ZykoticK9, what is the bunzip2?09:45
Diverdudewhen i use xfontsel from the shell to see available fonts, and choose -fndry bitstream i only have very few options to choose between in fmly. How do I install all the bitstream fonts in my system, so that they are available system-wide?09:45
ZykoticK9wizzo50, it extracts .bz2 files09:45
pepeI'm about 2 weeks looking for in forums09:45
bullgardbrat: Append the second comand with &&09:45
exshi, i have a big problem with java. there is a java tool i need to work and it freeze out the whole time. i reinstalled java, i restarted ubuntu, i downloaded the java tool again but nevertheless, no changes.09:45
Gryphon4Teffers: sorry i dont get what your saying.09:45
induspepe, what is your problem ?09:45
pepein the ubuntu-es forum anyone could giveme an ansuer09:46
Teffersin other words have you tried to type it and its nto apearign btu continued and hit enter when youve finnished09:46
bratbullgard doesn't work09:46
DaveInPhxindus: his mike isn't working09:46
pepeindus My notebook microphone and line in/mic in don't work09:46
Sarge[d]Nightkoshari: thanks for your help man09:46
Teffersor were you just panicing cos it didnt look like it was been enters Gryphon409:46
bullgardbrat: "Doesn't work" is no precise description.09:47
Teffersopps applogies aboput typos friends laptop not used to the keyboard09:47
induspepe, okie , open volume control ,  right click on icon on panel09:47
induspepe, go to input tab09:47
koshariSarge[d]Night hope ot helps09:47
TeffersGryphon4, can i pm you??\09:47
induspepe, what do you see?09:47
Teffersjust makes things a little easyer09:47
bratbullgard  i get "invalid folder" error message09:47
magicsrvErm... guys.. there's something really F**ed up with my user's permissions... I can't open nautilus unless I'm root, I can't reboot unless I'm root... Has any1 ever had that issue? My girl says she has filled up the hard-drive and freed some space then and then that happened09:48
exsmagicsrv: type id09:48
bullgardbrat: So the ooerating system Ubuntu cannot find this folder. Check if you typed a wrong name oder wrong path.09:48
Gryphon4Teffers what do you mean PM?09:48
induspepe, check it input is muted? there is a tick box09:49
bratbullgard  if i do   cd folder1   then  cd folder2  then it works09:49
magicsrvexs do you want the output?09:49
indus!pm | Gryphon409:49
ubottuGryphon4: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:49
pepeindus no, it's not muted, i have no signal of in, and i have only a device option: Analog stereo09:49
Diverdudewhen i use xfontsel from the shell to see available fonts, and choose -fndry bitstream i only have very few options to choose between in fmly. How do I install all the bitstream fonts in my system, so that they are available system-wide?09:49
xiongWhy this (http://www.arsgeek.com/2006/09/19/ubuntu-tricks-how-to-generate-a-list-of-installed-packages-and-use-it-to-reinstall-packages/) when this (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261366) seems simpler?09:50
induspepe, check in input tab, not output09:50
pepeindus this is input09:50
induspepe, analog stereo is in output09:50
induspepe, ok i need a screenshot09:50
multiverse72hi guys, I'm having some HD troubles... I have some random lock-ups (due to some ata I/O errors). Is it because of my 77 bad blocks?09:50
TeffersGryphon4, if you stop entering your password becuase it didnt look as tho it was entering09:50
bullgardbrat: So you are not using the proper bash grammar. People in #bash can help you.09:50
indus!paste | pep09:50
ubottupep: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:50
indus!paste | pepe09:50
ubottupepe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:50
magicsrvexs : uid=1000(reni) gid=115(admin) groups=4(adm), 20(dialout),24(cdrom),26(tape),29(audio),44(video),46(plugdev),103(fuse),104(lpadmin),112(netdev),115(admin),120(sambashare),1000(reni)09:51
TeffersGryphon4 you are not ment to be able to see the input of passwords in terminal so just continue to type your password and hit enter and it should allow you in09:51
Teffersif its jsut genrally not lettign you enter but your sure you type the correct password09:51
Teffersthen im stuck i hope that helps Gryphon409:51
pepeindus sending09:52
DaveInPhxdumb question, how do I copy text from this window? (xchat)09:52
wizzo50ZykoticK9, I get this error: Error is not recoverable: exiting now09:52
multiverse72hi guys, I'm having some HD troubles... I have some random lock-ups (due to some ata I/O errors). Is it because of my 77 bad blocks?09:52
Teffersanyone good with the age old b43 wireless problems??09:52
pepeubottu what are multi-line texts?09:52
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:52
induspepe, where?09:52
ZykoticK9wizzo50, when do you get that error?09:52
induspepe, ubottu is a robot, its not human09:53
CyberWorldif I have vista installed on first partion with boot loader I'm planning on installing linux on that drive will it automatically boot my win 7 partion?09:53
pepeok :P09:53
induspepe, multiline means more than one line09:53
pepei didn0t know09:53
Gryphon4ubottu im new to linux ubuntu, just trying to learn.09:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:53
Diverdudewhen i use xfontsel from the shell to see available fonts, and choose -fndry bitstream i only have very few options to choose between in fmly. How do I install all the bitstream fonts in my system, so that they are available system-wide?09:53
magicsrvexs any ideas?09:53
pepeindus how do i send you the image?09:53
Tefferspepe imagebin.org09:53
induspepe, you go to imagebin.org and upload it , then give me link09:53
Tefferslols indus  both on the same page i see09:54
Teffersmetaphricly that is09:54
wizzo50ZykoticK9, After I type the tar xvf $ filename09:54
ZykoticK9wizzo50, the $filename is a variable/placeholder - but the real filename there09:54
wizzo50ZykoticK9, $ tar xvf $  /home/wizzo50/Desktop/firefox-3.6.tar09:55
wizzo50tar: $: Cannot open: No such file or directory09:55
wizzo50tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now09:55
ZykoticK9wizzo50,  tar xvf /home/wizzo50/Desktop/firefox-3.6.tar09:55
Gryphon4Teffers, it said the comand is not found!09:55
indusTeffers, metaphorically hmm09:55
induspepe, did you understand?09:55
wizzo50ZykoticK9, Ok, I ran it, now what?09:56
pepeindus http://imagebin.org/8402509:56
quietoneDaveInPhx: I select the text then go to the other app then click mouse wheel.09:56
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exsmagicsrv: it looks alright. hmmmmm u mean that u cant start nautilus if u are not root?09:56
Teffershumm what are you trying to enter you password for in terminal Gryphon409:56
ZykoticK9wizzo50, it should now be extracted - whatever it is firefox-3.6 - cd into the directory and try "./firefox" or whatever the bin is09:56
induspepe, entrada is enter?09:57
wizzo50ZykoticK9, ok09:57
Teffersany wireless card issue specialists in here ???09:57
pepeindus yes09:57
induspepe, hmm09:57
induspepe, i cant find devices09:57
DaveInPhxquietone: thanks !09:58
Gryphon4im trying to download ubuntu resricted extras but not download it and its asking for my pasword!09:58
icerootGryphon4: its your user-password09:58
icerootGryphon4: its normal when using sudo09:58
Teffersiceroot, he ses hes gettign a command not found error when enterign his password09:59
multiverse72can anyone help me?09:59
Gryphon4Ya i know but is sayin not found09:59
Teffersbut i think its just genrally the command he using while doign sudo thats the problem09:59
Teffersnow im looking at it09:59
pepeindus reading in blogs and forums i could (now is not installed) that a mic selection option appears, and i research that mi external mic make some noise09:59
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TeffersGryphon4, i think the comand you are sudo'ing is whats at fault09:59
ZykoticK9multiverse72, if you're getting I/O error the best thing to do is make a back of anything important on that drive, as it's probably failing...  hope i'm wrong - good luck10:00
multiverse72ZykoticK9, thanks :)10:00
Gryphon4Teffers: correct me sudo apt-get ubuntu resricted extras////////10:00
pepeindus as i said, i read that this is a common problem since old versions, but i have the same problem with DEBIAN, KUBUNTU, o.SUSE and FEDORA10:00
exscan someone say something to my problem? my java program does not function anymore after ivh killed it with xkill10:00
induspepe, what sound card you have, can you paste \10:00
pepeindus i don't know, how can i see it?10:01
induspepe, open terminal and type lspci10:01
|-_-|Let's get acquainted?10:01
Teffersyes major fail right there gryphon i dont deal witht he repos in terminal i use software sources in System>Administration> but i can tell you now that apt-get command is what is wrong10:01
TeffersGryphon4, *10:02
Teffersbtu i dont no the acctuall terminal commands for apptitude to unlock repos10:02
Gryphon4My terminal is not alowing enter any thing!10:02
Gryphon4Its saying not found.10:03
Teffershumm that sounds like a shell error if it not alowing anythign to be enterd10:03
ouyesbad luck, try to open anther one Gryphon410:03
Gryphon4open anoter What ouyes?10:04
pepeindus 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)10:04
pepeindus 02:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV620 Audio device [Radeon HD 34xx Series]10:04
magicsrv11:57 exs • magicsrv: it looks alright. hmmmmm u mean that u cant start nautilus if u are not root? exactly10:04
ZykoticK9Gryphon4, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" ?10:04
Teffersjust try a basic one for me just to check sudo is working correctly "sudo echo sudo test"10:04
induspepe, can you tell me under hardware, what you have10:04
DaveInPhxnot sure if there are any Wine gurus on, but just a general question: when running an application in Wine which demands internet access, does Wine provide the access or is additional configuration required?10:05
wizzo50ZykoticK9, I not able to find where it extracted the files10:05
indusDaveInPhx, maybe #wine is a good idea10:05
ParanoirHey. Can someone tell me how to use tethering with my iPhone without jailbreaking it? I've tried Bluetooth but it doesn't seem to work..10:05
DaveInPhxindus, copy, thanks, trying there10:05
TeffersRIght for the 40th time now lols Can any one help me with my B43 driver problems so ic an stop using my mobile broadband dongle10:05
ZykoticK9wizzo50, where was the file?  probably in the same place10:05
MyrttiDaveInPhx: in my general experience, wine does it automatically10:05
pepeindus AMD turion X2 RM-72, 2.1Ghz, ATI RADEON HD 3470 X2 (i think CF with 3220)10:06
pepeindus what else?10:06
Myrttiindus: #winehq, for further reference10:06
wizzo50In downloads in Firefox10:06
indusMyrtti, ok thanks , DaveInPhx ask in #winehq10:06
soreau! broadcom | Teffers10:06
ubottuTeffers: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:06
induspepe, actually iam asking in volume properties in hardware tab10:06
ZykoticK9wizzo50, so perhaps "cd ~/Downloads" then try "cd fire<press the TAB key>"10:06
pepeindus what?10:07
Gryphon4Teffers what should it say?10:07
induspepe, in volume properties> hardware tab ,10:07
TeffersGryphon4,  it should have write on screen sudo test10:07
Gryphon4yes it is10:07
TabmowAnyone had any problems mounting an external NTFS partition? It doesn't automatically mount when I plug it in, if I manually mount it I get 'NTFS signature is missing.' error.10:08
pepeindus i'll upload a image10:08
TabmowWorks fine under Win2K8 Server and Windows 7.10:08
Tefferswell terminal is workign correctly10:08
induspepe, wait10:08
ParanoirAnyone had success with tethering from iPhone without jailbreaking it?10:08
Teffersand try this for what you need10:08
Teffers<ZykoticK9> Gryphon4, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"10:08
ZykoticK9Tabmow, have you install ntfsprogs ?10:09
xiongUsing this ($ dpkg --set-selections < installed-software) I expect to download all packages freshly from repos. While this is theoretically best, it's a lot of bytes. How can I substitute already downloaded packages, now backed up onto DVD?10:09
ZykoticK9Tabmow, i JUST say your error on this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84731810:09
Gryphon4Teffers i dont want to instal i just want to download the package.10:09
induspepe, see this is mine http://imagebin.org/8402810:09
pepeindus http://imagebin.org/8402710:10
pepeindus ok10:10
induspepe, there  is a drop down menu to select inuput device10:10
induspepe, ok harware looks fine10:10
TabmowZykoticK9: yes because I can mount other windows drives perfectly, and some other flash disks fine formatted as NTFS.10:10
induspepe, can you type alsamixer in terminal and see there10:10
TeffersZykoticK9,  can you help Gryphon4  im startign to misunderstand what hes wanting10:10
pkm4o93Gryphon4: use apt-get with -d switch -d = download only.10:11
pepeindus do you want an screenshot?10:11
ZykoticK9Gryphon4, Teffers i have bad news - i don't think ubuntu-restricted-extras downloads/installs like other packages, typically stuff goes to /var/cache/apt/archive but i think U-R-E is different (i could be wrong though, but i think they try to prevent people from actually downloading the packages)10:11
chihiroX chat をインストールしてみました。初期状態でここに接続されたわ。10:12
Gryphon4so i cant download the package10:12
ZykoticK9Tabmow, i have no idea man (it was just the fact that i had seen your error 2 minutes before you ask) i don't do any Windows stuff AT ALL10:12
rwwGryphon4: sudo apt-get --download-only install ubuntu-restricted-extras10:12
rwwThis will work fine, except that actually installing Flash requires an Internet connection.10:13
pepeindus http://imagebin.org/8402910:13
TabmowZykoticK9: Unfortunately I have to use it at work... hence why I need to mount this drive :(10:13
ZykoticK9Gryphon4, to start with it's not one package, it's a whole bunch10:13
wizzo50ZykoticK9, When I run it, it just opens firefox, instead of installing it, the upgrade.10:13
ZykoticK9Tabmow, oh i hear you - i just don't have an answer, sorry10:13
TabmowZykoticK9: no probs, i'll keep looking :)10:14
ZykoticK9wizzo50, what you downloaded WILL NOT INSTALL, just create a launch pointing to that directory/file in your menu (system / preferences / main menu - and add a new item for it)10:14
Teffersstill havign no luck with b43 driver all i get when my wirless card is activated apearin is ppp010:16
jermifconfig shows your as ppp0?10:17
Teffersyep and iwconfig states oit isnt a wirless device btu tis thew onyl thing thaty apears after i modprob my card10:18
TabmowZykoticK9: gparted lists it as an unknown partition, ntfsfix also says that it is corrupt and needs a chkdsk run on it, I guess the ntfs driver for linux is more strict than windows and won't mount it because of that, I might have to take it to a windows machine and run a chkdsk on it I guess...10:18
Gryphon4teffers,Zykotick9 and rww do any of you no why my 5th generation ipod will not let ubuntu put music on????10:18
pepeindus i'm here, if you have something tellme please10:18
ZykoticK9Tabmow, quite possible - that's certainly a fairly common issue10:18
ZykoticK9Gryphon4, i've never owned any Apple products so i have no idea10:19
reduxHi all. Does anyone have Karmic running on a macbook 5,1 - with wake-from-usb working? I've tried enabling the various triggers in /proc/acpi/wakeup ...but to no avail.10:20
Gryphon4Ok thanks Zykotick910:20
jermteffers what type of card do you have?10:20
Teffersb4312 b/g rev 01 LP PHY10:20
xiongUsing this ($ dpkg --set-selections < installed-software) I expect to download all packages freshly from repos. While this is theoretically best, it's a lot of bytes. How can I substitute already downloaded packages, now backed up onto DVD?10:21
=== Fugazi is now known as Guest84218
induspepe, i have the same sound card so iam not sure what is happening in your case, give me 1 min10:21
magicsrvhow can I access windows network using CLI?10:21
czeslavoGryphon4 is it jailbroken ?10:21
ZykoticK9Teffers, if it a pci card?  if so do you see it with "lspci | grep -i network"?10:21
induspepe, woohoo found it10:21
Teffers0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)10:21
erUSULxiong: copy them to /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?10:21
erUSULTeffers: install b43-fwcutter10:22
xiongerUSUL, Let me take a look at that.10:22
Teffersgot the firmware10:22
Teffersthats the first thign idid10:22
Teffershell i tryed the propiretery drivers that come with the firmware10:22
induspepe, see in mic it says MM which means muted, so press m !10:22
erUSULTeffers: so you have a wlan0 in the » iw config » utput?10:22
induspepe, understand?10:22
erUSULTeffers: so you have a wlan0 in the » iw config » output?10:22
=== Fugazi_ is now known as Guest28553
induspepe, it will surely work10:22
Teffersit litterally is wantign to fidn the card for love nro monye10:23
induspepe, when you press m it will let you adjust input volume also, just press up arrow10:23
Teffersthe only thign that appeard after i first modprobed it was ppp010:23
xiongerUSUL, I see only about 139 items in that folder now; but I have over 2000 packages actually installed. Why?10:23
magicsrvhow can I access windows network using CLI?10:23
erUSULTeffers: sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 && dmesg | tail -n2010:24
erUSULTeffers: paste the output10:24
bullgardWhat precisely is 'autologin' in Ubuntu Karmic?  '~$ locate autologin; /etc/pam.d/gdm-autologin'. {pam.d means 'personal authentication module directory'.} '~$ grep -r 'autologin' /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.31/Documentation' does not produce any output.10:24
xiongerUSUL, Is it possible that the original packages are *sometimes* automatically deleted? Or perhaps, did I somehow do that myself, in a fit of insanity?10:24
erUSULxiong: if you do sudo apt-get clean you remove packages from there10:24
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pepeindus ooooo10:24
erUSULxiong: or autoclean10:24
induspepe, !!!!!!!!!10:24
induspepe, have fun10:25
pepeindus but now i can't adjust the volume10:25
* xiong picks up the phone and calls the nice fellows in the clean white coats10:25
induspepe, why not?10:25
pepeindus i'ts on 0010:25
pepeindus i can't move the arrow10:25
induspepe, move it with up arrow10:25
induspepe, no ?10:25
xiongerUSUL, Okay, then; the discussion is academic. After doing clean install, I'll have to download all packages freshly anyway.10:25
pepei can't10:25
induspepe, try somethings10:25
TefferserUSUL, http://pastebin.org/8876910:26
ZykoticK9erUSUL, do you happen to know, are the packages included with ubuntu-restricted-extras downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives as well?  I'm under the impression that they are not - can you confirm/deny?10:26
erUSULxiong: yes. unless you have them stored somewhere10:26
pepeindus no, i can't10:26
induspepe, press m again10:26
xiongThe only thing being, I intend to edit out from the reinstall list packages I downloaded to try and didn't like.10:26
Gryphon4Teffers,um learning ubuntu and idont understand what pm means???????10:26
induspepe, move it then m again10:26
erUSUL!aptoncd | xiong FYI10:26
ubottuxiong FYI: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline10:26
edogawaTabmow: tried google with tat error message? seems there are quite some hits, including postings marked [SOLVED]:)10:26
xiongerUSUL, Yes well, next time. I obviously porked myself this time.10:26
Tefferspm isnt anything to do with ubuntu so much it a genric shorthand for private message10:26
erUSULTeffers: [ 9437.660226] b43-phy0 ERROR: FOUND UNSUPPORTED PHY (Analog 6, Type 5, Revision 110:27
erUSULTeffers: :/10:27
pepeindus wait10:27
Teffersi think i need to update the kernel10:27
induspepe, ok10:27
erUSULZykoticK9: they are downloaded there; but some things like flash and b43-fwcutter are just scripts that when dled are executed and downloads tarballs from other locations. that data is not saved anywhere10:28
induspepe, i have some work i come back in 5 min10:28
pepeindus it's done, but the input bar doesn't move10:28
Teffersi been told that is a major becuase my card has a low power phy but im abit jumpy abotu updating kernels on here especialy sicne i run it of a usb pen in persistance mode10:28
pepeindus ok, i'll stay here for 10 minutes, i have to go too10:29
ZykoticK9erUSUL, thanks10:29
magicsrvCan any1 tell me how to access windows network using CLI? I have samba installed and running10:29
Gryphon4Teffers, Can i pm you??/10:29
Tefferskinda busy atm what do you need10:29
ZykoticK9Gryphon4, did you just see the reply that erUSUL sent to me?  some of U-R-E is saved to /var/cache/apt/archive, some is not - does that help you out at all?10:29
icerootmagicsrv: smbclient i would use10:30
icerootmagicsrv: or mount it with cifs10:30
Gryphon4zykotic i dont realy understand10:30
erUSULTeffers: really dunno10:30
magicsrviceroot thanks. I'll try it.'10:30
DaveInPhxok guys, I got what I needed in winehq - thanks for the pointers, and I wish you all a very good night :)  Thanks for being here for us!10:31
toaderHi, what is the meaning of IO bound and CPU bound?10:31
TefferserUSUL,  is it safe to update a kernel on a live usb10:31
Teffersconcidering i run it in persistance10:31
erUSULTeffers: as safe as in any other install afaics10:31
ZykoticK9Gryphon4, basically - you still can't download/save U-R-E, perhaps some packages you could - what are you interested in getting?  flash?10:31
Teffersuck i hate doign kernel updates i always fuck them up lols10:31
Teffersdoes anyone wann screen me through a kernel update10:32
Gryphon4ubuntu resricted extras10:33
hudowhere or how can I find the messages at boot time, like Starting oracle,  these messages are not shown with dmesg10:33
ZykoticK9Gryphon4, yes, but U-R-E is made up of many small packages, what feature/function do you want?10:33
erUSULhudo: /var/log/syslog ? /var/log/daemon.log ?10:33
magicsrvIs there an automatic repair tool for ubuntu 9.10?10:33
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erUSULmagicsrv: to repair what?10:34
Gryphon4i dont know i guess all what is the size of them all?10:34
erUSULTeffers: see here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/37625910:34
magicsrverUSUL the whole system. I can't login correctly - when my computer starts I get a terminal in my top-left corner and no login-screen... many services don't start, etc.10:34
tanono mi funziona il surround ed in piu se inserisco le cuffie l'audio si sente dal notebook e non dalle cuffie: soluzioni?10:35
erUSULmagicsrv: no; not such a broad scope tool10:35
hudoerUSUL, no checked that already10:35
ZykoticK9Gryphon4, i'm just going to say that it can't be downloaded, sorry man10:35
erUSUL!it | tano10:35
ubottutano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:35
MyrttiGryphon4: what are you trying to achieve? why do you need to download them without installing? there's been several answers given to you already, what have you tried, what haven't you? why?10:35
rn777How to I run my script in the ubuntu terminal10:36
rn777I used chmod +x10:36
magicsrverUSUL I guess reinstall then is my option... as soon as I achieve desent backup...10:36
icerootrn777: ./scriptname10:36
erUSULrn777: ./scriptname10:36
icerooterUSUL: to slow :)10:36
erUSULmagicsrv: without knowing what is going on is all i can say.10:36
erUSULiceroot: next time ;)10:36
rn777yay it worked. Thanks10:36
rumpsySomebody need me, who is that ?10:37
induspepe, hi10:37
induspepe, i give you another option, type amixer10:37
indussee if mic is muted10:38
indusif yes i shall tell you what to do10:38
rumpsyIs that safe to assign password for root ?10:38
magicsrverUSUL well... nothing's going on actually :) Instead of welcome screen I get a teminal window... gnome is running, but most of the services don't start. There's no login screen... like I'm in the incorrect runlevel or something... I'm not sure really....10:38
Myrttirumpsy: no10:38
indusi hate it when i cant solve some problem '10:38
xiongHow many kernels is it rational for me to retain?10:38
rumpsyMyrtti: Then my system can easily hacked :(10:38
icerootrumpsy: no10:38
Myrttirumpsy: er, it's more easily hacked if you *HAVE* root password10:38
erUSULmagicsrv: tried to pass a filesystem check form a livecd10:38
magicsrverUSUL not yet. I'm writing down a live-usb as we speak...10:39
rumpsyMyrtti: there is possibilities to enter root account using recovery mode right?10:39
DeathspikeHello; I've installed Subversion and created a SVN repository via https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion - however, web interface to the SVN works but using a SVN client connections are refused. Any idea's to check?10:39
Myrttirumpsy: yes, but it's also possible to set a password to grub to not allow entry to recovery mode10:40
erUSUL!rootshell | rumpsy10:40
ubotturumpsy: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)10:40
Gryphon4Myrtti, ive tryed every thing.i need to use the softwere in a country where there is no internet, so i can just install of the flash. insted of trying to find internet.and ive just started using ubuntu.10:40
magicsrverUSUL that won't damage the information on the PC right?10:40
pepeindus Simple mixer control 'Mic',010:40
pepe  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch10:40
pepe  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right10:40
pepe  Limits: Playback 0 - 3110:40
pepe  Mono:10:40
FloodBot4pepe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:40
pepe  Front Left: Playback 21 [68%] [-3.00dB] [on]10:40
Machtinhey guys.. how can i set my nameserver? or maybe reinitialize the whole networking?10:40
Myrttirumpsy: if someone gets access to your computer physically, you're in trouble anyway10:40
Lord-ReadmanOn launchpad translations how often do the Overall statistics: update?10:41
induspepe, yes wait 1 sec10:41
erUSULmagicsrv: it is hard to know. fsck has options to only check the fs and not try to repair nor writte to it10:41
ZykoticK9Machtin, dns is set in /etc/resolve.conf10:41
erUSULmagicsrv: you can pass fsck with that options first to see what is wrong10:41
Myrtti!offline | Gryphon4, please, please have a look at this10:41
ubottuGryphon4, please, please have a look at this: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD10:41
induspepe, please give me full paste i have to read it10:41
rumpsyMyrtti: ya, i got your point,.. but what is the difference between assigning passwd for grub and root10:41
induspepe, use pastebin.org10:42
erUSULmagicsrv: becouse automatic repair can damage data or move it around if the fs is in very bad state10:42
Gryphon4Right Thanks Guys10:42
MachtinZykoticK9: that's what i thought.. but that doesn't work.. resolv.conf is a link to some file, so vim says it's a new file and when i want to :wq it says it can't write to the linked file.10:43
rumpsyMyrtti: i'll be hacked if they broke my grub passwd, and same scenario to root acount10:43
MachtinZykoticK9: maybe some way to reinitialize the networking as a whole?10:43
erUSULmagicsrv: anyway. first try to mount the partition and acceess important data. backup if needed. then try the fsck options (if reallyis a filesystem error which we do not know yet)10:43
ZykoticK9Machtin, ls -l resolv.conf = -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 87 2010-02-07 12:15 resolv.conf  < not a link for me10:43
Myrttirumpsy: it's a totally different system. assigning a password to root exposes you to bigger threats than what to recovery console does, in my opinion. Root password can be cracked in more ways than grub password10:43
ZykoticK9Machtin, do you use DHCP?10:44
Machtinlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Feb  8 16:33 /etc/resolv.conf -> /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf10:44
Machtinyes i do10:44
pepeindus http://pastebin.org/8877710:44
=== Gryphon is now known as Guest5303
Machtinand i want to set the nameserver to my router's ip adress.. i have some booting issues, that might be why the networking won't work.10:44
magicsrverUSUL I have a problem with the backup thing. I can't access my windows network in order to back my things up... that's why I'm waiting actually...10:44
Machtini gained access via pump -i eth0, but host <domain> doesn't work..10:45
rumpsyMyrtti: Cool, okay let me read about this today @ ubuntu, can you please help me to set password for grub10:45
ZykoticK9Machtin, aren't you on 10.04?  i am too, but i don't even have that /etc/resolvconf/run directory???10:45
pingfloydMachtin: easiest way is through nm-applet10:45
Machtinneither do i.. that's the strange thing.. but yes i am on 10.0410:45
lao5i am 8.0410:45
Machtinpingfloyd: knetworkmanager (I'm on KDE) crashes every time i launch it10:46
rumpsyme too, 8.0410:46
rumpsyme too, 8.04.410:46
ZykoticK9Machtin, are you saying the link doesn't point to an actual file?  if not no way you're getting internet.10:46
lao5i removed a lot programs10:46
pingfloydMachtin: the problem is if you edit /etc/resolv.conf it will just get overwritten10:46
lao5but still less custumized than rh10:47
pingfloydMachtin: so you want to put the nameserver settings in whatever app is being used to manage that file10:47
MachtinZykoticK9: exactly.10:47
Machtinpingfloyd: yes.. but i'm fine with a work around at the moment which just works for this boot.10:47
ZykoticK9Machtin, then just delete it, and put a valid resolv.conf in it's place10:47
hudoI like to read the messages from the bootprocess, the ones which are displayed on screen and have [OK] ode [FAIL] on the end of the line10:48
induspepe, hi10:48
induspepe, wait 1 sec10:48
Myrttirumpsy: you need to do your own research, I've not set a password on mine, as my system is encrypted all the way.10:48
induspepe, amixer set Mic 80% unmute10:48
xfactI have just installed Xsensors, a graphical sensor of 'lm-sensors' from the Synaptic (Karmic), but when I am starting the program, it just loading a blank window and that all, how to solve it?10:48
induspepe, now check amixer again10:48
bullgardWhat precisely is 'autologin' in Ubuntu Karmic?  '~$ locate autologin; /etc/pam.d/gdm-autologin'. {pam.d means 'personal authentication module directory'.} '~$ grep -r 'autologin' /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.31/Documentation' does not produce any output.10:48
ZykoticK9Machtin, all that's in my resolv.conf is http://paste.ubuntu.com/372380/10:48
BuzzaHow do i remove logon password on ubuntu10:49
rumpsyMyrtti: :)10:49
bullgardBuzza: Please do not do this!10:49
rumpsywell i'm looking for howto set grub password, Myrtti10:49
MachtinZykoticK9: thanks :)10:49
pepeindus set mic 80% unmute? how?10:49
Guest5303Dose anyone know how i can find and install the other type of online chat and what its called and the chat tha allowes me to talk on other subjects??10:49
pingfloydMachtin: you can just add   nameserver x.x.x.x to your /etc/resolv.conf then10:49
xfactBuzza, I think you can do this if that is your 'personal' computer....10:50
MyrttiBuzza: you can set it to login automatically, but you'll still need the password to install and update the system10:50
BuzzaI just wan't it to log strait in and yeah it is my personal computer10:50
Buzzathats ok10:50
pingfloydMachtin: you put whatever the ip you want for your dns server there10:50
Machtinpingfloyd: did that, like ZykoticK9 said :) thanks! i had to delete the link10:50
bullgard!nick | Buzza10:50
ubottuBuzza: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.10:50
Buzzaso how do i do it>10:50
xfactbuzza, go to system>admin> 'Login Screen' and select 'login automatically'.10:51
xfact I have just installed Xsensors, a graphical sensor of 'lm-sensors' from the Synaptic (Karmic), but when I am starting the program, it just loading a blank window and that all, how to solve it?10:51
Buzzaok thanks hey whats up with the change nick thing i never changed it lol it's been buzza since i got xchat last week10:52
rumpsyMyrtti: i agree with you, i don't want to set passwd to root now!... its better idea from you to set pass key for grub :)10:52
pingfloydxfact: first run lm-sensors to make sure it's even working10:52
Guest5303 Dose anyone know how i can find and install the other type of online chat and what its called and the chat tha allowes me to talk on other subjects??10:52
pepeindus what did you said? on amixer set 80%?10:52
Myrtti!irc | Guest530310:52
ubottuGuest5303: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines10:52
MachtinZykoticK9: do you maybe have a valid sources.list for 10.04 for me?10:52
MyrttiGuest5303: pidgin/empathy can do other protocols, like MSN, Gtalk, ICQ etc10:53
xfactpingfloyd, I think it is working, because my Gnome applet showing the CPU temperatures etc.10:53
Guest5303Thanks man110:53
pingfloydxfact: that may be using a different facility than lm-sensors10:53
ZykoticK9Machtin, but it's Canadian eh http://paste.ubuntu.com/372384/10:54
Machtinthanks :)10:54
ZykoticK9Machtin, you have internet?10:54
pingfloydxfact: xsensors uses lm-sensors, not sure about the gnome applet.  You should run lm-sensors to make sure lm-sensors is working otherwise xsensors will do you no good.10:54
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.10:54
induspepe, amixer set Mic 80% unmute10:56
induspepe, type that in a new terminal10:56
induspepe, amixer set Mic 80% unmute10:56
induspepe, then check if amixer is unmuted10:56
pingfloydpepe: optionally you can use alsamixer if you want to do it in a curses ui10:57
pepeindus done10:57
induspepe, now in the original terminal type amixer10:57
induspepe, mic is unmuted with 80%?10:58
EmilioTucciHI all10:58
induspepe, now record and good luck10:58
EmilioTucciAnyone knows how can I convert TTF fonts to AFM ones to use in my PDF creators? I found a lot of software for Win but nothing for Linux/Ubuntu. Thanks10:58
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer10:59
MachtinZykoticK9: yes i do :) thanks to you!10:59
EmilioTuccirumpsy, I already have TTF fonts intalled. I want to covnert them to AFM10:59
ZykoticK9Machtin, about 1 hour after your first post in ubuntu+1 - glad you got it working11:00
Guest5303how do fix a failing hardisk?11:00
pepeindus mic is on at 81%11:00
induspepe, good11:00
induspepe, it works then probably11:00
Guest5303Or faild?11:00
pepeindus i want to cry!!!!11:00
induspepe, it works?11:01
erUSULGuest5303: buy a new one; copy important data ASAP11:01
rumpsyEmilioTucci: i know a blog abou that11:01
bullgardWhat precisely is 'autologin' in Ubuntu Karmic?  '~$ locate autologin; /etc/pam.d/gdm-autologin'. {pam.d means 'personal authentication module directory'.} '~$ grep -r 'autologin' /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.31/Documentation' does not produce any output.11:01
MachtinZykoticK9: me too ;) though it's not really working i gues.. just a fix - won't reboot for now11:01
Guest5303Thanks for the info Man!!!!11:01
EmilioTuccirumpsy, it will really help me. I need the fonts in AFM to use them in my scripts that generate PDF files11:01
Myrttibullgard: a setting in gdm11:01
pepeindus no... but thankyou11:01
rumpsyEmilioTucci: But i think its a dirty way !11:02
EmilioTuccirumpsy, how dirty :) ?11:02
rumpsyEmilioTucci: Look at this dirty, http://www.stuermer.ch/blog/convert-otf-to-ttf-font-on-ubuntu.html11:02
StevethepirateCan anyone here give me a hand with some iptables forwarding? Need to basically port forward local:6112 to external:6112 ... here is a bin of what I have done thusfar.: http://pastebin.com/m7105de9611:02
llutzEmilioTucci: look at ttf2pt111:02
ZykoticK9Machtin, seems like more an more people with Lucid are affraid to reboot...  i've been SUPER lucky i guess, almost 0 problems under lucid, basically i thinks it working much better then karmic, even at alpha 211:02
EmilioTuccillutz, yeah, the problem is that that progam does not show up when apt-cache search (I am in 8.10)11:03
Machtinthat's nice :) hope it stays that way, ZykoticK9!11:03
pepeindus and what if i try to restart?11:03
icerootZykoticK9: #ubuntu+111:03
llutzEmilioTucci: build yourself http://ttf2pt1.sourceforge.net/11:03
EmilioTuccillutz, oh, sorry, I meant ttf2afm11:03
=== rusty is now known as Guest71097
induspepe, ok try it , but make sure you hjave microphone working11:03
induspepe, check with  skype11:04
rumpsyEmilioTucci: there is a[ackage11:04
MachtinZykoticK9: one more thing: would you mind telling me what package i need for java? seems not to be sun-java6-jre11:04
rumpsyEmilioTucci: there is a package11:04
EmilioTuccillutz, rumpsy but that produces a post script font, not a afm file (metrics) and a pbf one11:04
=== Guest71097 is now known as rusty200
bullgardMyrtti: '~$ man gdm; No manual entry for gdm.' How can I access this setting?11:04
Guest5303Everyone try this it will solve all your problems! http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Karmic11:05
Myrttibullgard: system - administration - login screen11:05
Guest5303Everyone try this it will solve all your problems! http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Karmic11:05
rumpsyEmilioTucci: so , did you checked that mftrace package?11:05
MyrttiGuest5303: that's not really a good guide, it tells people to install random packages, but doesn't tell why11:05
EmilioTuccirumpsy, oh, what that for me? sorry, let me search11:06
rumpsyGuest5303: what happen to you o_O11:06
pepeindus i checked with skype, but nothing11:06
rumpsyEmilioTucci: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/man1/mftrace.1.html11:06
StevethepirateCan anyone here give me a hand with some iptables forwarding? Need to basically port forward local:6112 to external:6112 ... here is a bin of what I have done thusfar.: http://pastebin.com/m7105de9611:06
EmilioTuccimftrace is a small Python program that lets you trace a TeX bitmap11:07
EmilioTuccifont (a METAFONT font) into a PFA or PFB font (A PostScript Type111:07
EmilioTucciScalable Font).  It is licensed under the GNU GPL.11:07
EmilioTuccirumpsy, the package is under the sorces, no problem. But it says that converst from TeX fonts...mmm, I am not sure if they are TTF, are they?11:07
rumpsyEmilioTucci: where did you get that info?11:08
EmilioTuccirumpsy, Synaptic11:08
induspepe, i think we solved half of your problem, now i have to go11:08
rumpsyEmilioTucci: check out this website, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/man1/mftrace.1.html11:08
EmilioTuccirumpsy, mftrace11:08
indusyou should not lose hope11:08
induspepe, keep trying , check in audio properties again etc11:08
timetrickgot a question: can i write a script to tell NetworkManager to switch to another connection?11:08
EmilioTuccirumpsy, oh, I see, that's the MAN page11:08
pepeindus thankyou11:08
pepeindus and pleased on talking with you11:09
induspepe, adios amigos11:09
rumpsyEmilioTucci: you need, mfrace and fontforge11:09
pepeindus i'll try to restar11:09
pepeindus adios y gracias!11:09
bullgardMyrtti: (Sorry for being stubborn.) Do you mean the 'Login Screen Settings' window  > 'Login as <my name> automatically' checkbox?11:09
pepeindus i'm also going bye!11:10
Myrttibullgard: yes.11:10
rumpsyEmilioTucci: that man page says that, there are possibilities to create afm type fonts11:10
EmilioTuccirumpsy, yeah I see, the process looks to be really complicated11:11
bullgardMyrtti: Thank you.11:11
rumpsyEmilioTucci: Yes, it ruins your time, but learn it11:11
EmilioTuccirumpsy, he he he, just to create a $$%&%% Arial set of fonts11:12
rumpsyEmilioTucci: ha ha :D11:12
alabdhello , how to chat on MSN on ubuntu ?11:13
=== iflema is now known as tremmons
timetrickalabd: amsn11:13
ZykoticK9alabd, amsn is a popular program11:13
jpdsalabd: Use Empathy in Applications → Internet.11:14
timetrickSomeone has an idea?11:14
timetrickhow i could do this?11:14
SubbyHi, in Evolution my "Send/Receive" Button is greyed out and I don't know why11:14
alabdjpds:  here is no Empathy11:14
timetrickSubby: your in offline-mode11:14
anubhavsometime when i use synaptic to search for a package it does not show the package.But using apt-cache i can see the same.Do i have tobuild some index for synaptic?11:15
timetrickSubby: change via bottom left icon11:15
JoshuaLi have set a http_proxy via terminal, now i have unset it but each time i reboot its set again, how can i fix this?11:15
alabdhow about pidgin ?11:15
=== linucks is now known as linucks[afk]
jpdsalabd: That would do it too.11:15
Subbytimetrick: thats right ;) thanks11:15
anubhavJoshuaL: add it to your .bashrc11:15
rumpsyalabd: i think pidgin is still in repo, you can make use of it11:15
JoshuaLanubhav, the unset http_proxy?11:15
alabdjpds:  are you sure ? humble used MSN with live.con account but there is problem11:15
timetrickSubby:  np11:16
jpdsalabd: I use it everyday.11:16
JoshuaLanubhav, because i dont want it to be set11:16
Subbytimetrick: but where is that option stored? I took the whole .evolution folder from my notebook, where the offline mode was not activated11:16
timetricki have no idea11:16
anubhavJoshuaL: where do you set it in the first place?11:16
alabdjpds: what type address do you write in username ?11:16
JoshuaLanubhav, i did set it via terminal: export http_proxy="<proxy info>"11:16
jpdsalabd: My full address.11:16
timetrickmaybe set it to offline again and do a diff?11:16
StevethepirateCan anyone here give me a hand with some iptables forwarding? Need to basically port forward local:6112 to external:6112 ... here is a bin of what I have done thusfar.: http://pastebin.com/m7105de9611:17
JoshuaLi did unset it afterwards with: unset http_proxy, but a reboot undo's the unset..11:17
alabdjpds: id@live.com11:17
FuzzyFox0I am trying to run lampp on ubuntu 9.10 however I am unable to start mysql for some reason any ideas why?11:17
anubhavJoshuaL: yeah so you can add that line in your .bashrc11:17
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: did you add that info in rc.local11:18
timetrickFuzzyFox0: missing rights?11:18
JoshuaLanubhav, ok ty11:18
bullgard!ask | timetrick11:18
anubhavJoshuaL: np ;)11:18
ubottutimetrick: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:18
EmilioTuccirumpsy, faster even! I found the set I want here: http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/fulllist/pdf_generator2_fonts/0.0.1/info/, he he he11:18
jpdstimetrick: Google around for NetworkManager and D-Bus.11:18
alabdjpds: id@live.com this type ?11:18
FuzzyFox0timetrick: yes I am the only user11:18
jpdsalabd: Yes.11:18
rumpsyEmilioTucci: nice11:18
alabdand would you give server name and port cause here it can not login11:18
EmilioTuccirumpsy, thanks for the help11:19
alabdprotocol shouldbe MSN yes jpds11:19
jpdsalabd: Yes.11:19
alabdjpds: server is11:19
alabdport 186311:19
jpdsalabd: That should do it.11:19
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: how did you installed lampp?11:20
alabdjpds: do you use that server how about http mode?11:20
FuzzyFox0rumpsy: extracted the tar, opened nautilus in root and coppied the whole dir to /opt11:20
alabdjpds:  so which server ?11:20
FuzzyFox0everything else works just not xampp11:20
jpdsalabd: There may be a firewall or something in your way.11:20
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: you have to add this info to rc.local to upstart11:21
alabdjpds: server and port is the same ?11:21
jpdsalabd: What?11:21
FuzzyFox0rumpsy: where/what is rc.local11:21
jpdsalabd: I have set up what you've already stated.11:21
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: it will be under /etc11:21
FuzzyFox0rumpsy: in the lampp dir?11:21
alabdany other servers and ports jpds11:21
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: you have to a single line at the bottom11:22
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: you have to add a single line at the bottom11:22
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: use this command, sudo gedit /etc/rc.local11:22
jpdsalabd: None.11:22
=== tremmons is now known as iflema
FuzzyFox0what do I need to add11:22
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: goto last line11:23
FuzzyFox0there is only exit 0 in there11:23
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.11:23
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: before exit0, place your insertion point11:23
erUSUL!gksudo | rumpsy11:23
ubotturumpsy: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)11:23
FuzzyFox0rumpsy: insertion point? the lampp dir?11:24
Myrttiwhy on earth do xampp?11:24
MyrttiFuzzyFox0: are you doing xampp or lamp?11:24
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: bfeore exit0, add this line, /opt/lampp/lampp start11:24
Keriohello! im setting up a sever where stability and performance is high prio, ext3 or ext4? ist ext4 stable enough now?11:24
FuzzyFox0xampp but it is called lampp when using it on, linux11:24
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: save it and exit11:24
MyrttiFyreFoX: why?11:24
MyrttiFuzzyFox0: why are you using it instead of the normal lamp stack?11:25
MyrttiFyreFoX: sorry, mistab11:25
erUSULKerio: ext4 then (performance up)11:25
FuzzyFox0Myrtti: I know it11:25
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: Are you there?11:25
FuzzyFox0I have used it before11:25
FuzzyFox0rumpsy: yes11:25
KerioerUSUL have you tried ext4 yourself?11:25
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: did you added those lines11:25
FuzzyFox0the one line yes11:25
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: give a restart :)11:26
Nom-Hey all... quick question... under KVM, is it possible to display a guest OS in full screen, and will the video performance be better than VMWare Server ... My goal is to have Linux running under the hood, but display Windows for my mum to use the machine as a desktop11:26
FuzzyFox0the whole system11:26
FuzzyFox0I will be back in a minute then11:26
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: wait11:26
Guest5303A FuzzyFox0!11:26
erUSULKerio: i have a data parition with it. but it is not a server. is a destop wit music and movies. mostly reads11:26
MyrttiGuest5303: what?11:26
FuzzyFox0rumpsy: what?11:26
KerioerUSUL, have you experienced any issues at all?11:26
Guest5303A MYRTTI WHAT COUNTRY ARE YOU FROM??????????11:27
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: okay go :)11:27
erUSULKerio: no; nothng at all. maybe you can ask in #ubuntu-server too11:27
erUSUL!caps | Guest530311:27
ubottuGuest5303: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:27
bazhang!ot | Guest530311:27
ubottuGuest5303: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:27
bazhangGuest5303, this is for support only. chat in #ubuntu-offtopic11:27
KerioerUSUL, it's not that serious of a server, its gonna be a counter strike server which i run on ubuntu desktop :)11:28
ffsahello. i face a problem with ubuntu11:28
Guest5303ya ubottu how do i do that????????????????????????????????????????????????11:28
bazhangGuest5303, /join #ubuntu-offtopic11:28
erUSUL!ask | ffsa11:29
ubottuffsa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:29
Guest5303please my i ask how//??<<11:29
ffsawhen i have compiz enabled, although the system is quite fast, programs make a lot of time to show in the screen when they are minimized into the task bar. my card is HD 2600, with 256mb ram. i don't think that the card is powerless for compiz , i have used compiz with 8400 gs without problems11:29
bazhangGuest5303, type this:  ---->  /join #ubuntu-offtopic11:29
FuzzyFox0rumpsy: no luck11:29
FuzzyFox0still not loaded11:29
FuzzyFox0everything else is11:30
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: what is your lammp dir structure?11:30
bullgard!who | timetrick11:30
ubottutimetrick: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:30
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: what is your lampp dir structure?11:30
FuzzyFox0rumpsy: the same as it is in the download straight from apache friends11:30
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: tell me the lampp dir structure11:31
FuzzyFox0one sec11:31
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Guest5303OK sorry People for disterding every one    MY Bad!11:31
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Question -- why LAMP?11:31
MenZaer, the apachefriends distribution*11:32
FuzzyFox0MenZa I have used it before11:32
* MenZa durrhurs.11:32
rumpsyMenZa: he likes that11:32
FuzzyFox0I had to reinstall ubuntu and now it just wont work11:32
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Why not use MySQL/Apache/PHP straight from the repositories?11:32
BuzzaHow can I qualify for more linux cd/dvd11:32
FuzzyFox0MenZa no experience with it11:32
SmokeyDhey everyone, can I shrink a partition which I encrypted with luks?11:33
MenZaFuzzyFox0: I installed it without knowing anything about it; it's working amazingly well. :)11:33
FuzzyFox0Lampp is pre configured11:33
rumpsyFuzzyFox0: its more easy, apache and mysql11:33
BuzzaI have used ship it for 1 ubuntu and 1 kubuntu but i won't the kubuntu 9.10 server edition dvd11:33
ikoniaSmokeyD: shrinking a partition is never a good idea, an encypted one, very much not11:33
MenZaFuzzyFox0: The LAMP stack in the repositories is pre-configured too11:33
FuzzyFox0then how do I set that up?11:33
ikoniaBuzza: there is no kubuntu-server11:33
MenZaFuzzyFox0: I'll guide you through it, if you give me a sec to find some coffee -- hold on :)11:33
Buzzai won't ubuntu server11:33
FuzzyFox0give me a sec to remove lampp11:34
ikoniaBuzza: why ? just disabled the desktop on ubuntu11:34
SmokeyDikonia: why is it different with an encrypted one? I have resized many partitions without trouble before, and yes I need to backup, I know11:34
Buzzano i won't an actual server computer11:34
ikoniaSmokeyD: because the data re-arrangment,11:34
BuzzaI'm planning on having a server client and just my laptop on ubuntu11:34
ikoniaBuzza: you can still run a aserver as a desktop11:34
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Alright, I'm back.11:34
FuzzyFox0one sec11:35
ikoniaBuzza: you can also use the desktop CD to run as a serer, it's very good11:35
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Run sudo tasksel -- then select the "LAMP server" and press OK.11:35
ikoniaSmokeyD: try it if you want, see how you get on11:35
FuzzyFox0give me a sec11:35
ikoniaBuzza: the desktop and server CD's are the same base ubuntu product11:35
ikoniaBuzza: so however you would use "a server", do the same thing on the desktop CD install11:35
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Certainly. I have all the time in the world. :)11:35
l3nshi everyone11:35
BuzzaI won't to use it as a server for halo on windows11:35
ikoniaBuzza:  anything you can do on the server install you can do on the desktop install11:36
l3nsi'm experimenting on using ssh with my laptop and desktop. why it keeps saying permission denied when i try to save a file? i'm accessing the file through ssh.11:36
seginBuzza: The only difference between server and desktop CDs are the software they install; you can convert back and forth betwe3en the two later, no matter which disc originally was used to install.11:36
FuzzyFox0MenZa okay11:37
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Right, did you install the lamp stack yet?11:37
seginBuzza: Lnux systems (and Ubuntu is included) are open and flexible, not facist a certian flag logo OS11:37
FuzzyFox0I hit selected lamp then nothing happend11:37
FuzzyFox0the selection close11:37
MenZaFuzzyFox0: You pressed OK?11:37
rwwsegin: no need for silly name calling11:37
FuzzyFox0I hit enter after selcecting lamp11:38
MenZaFuzzyFox0: In that case, try sudo tasksel install lamp-server11:38
Buzzathough is there a way i can qualify for more cd's?11:38
FuzzyFox0now it is installing MenZa11:38
MenZaBuzza: On ShipIt you mean?11:38
Buzzawhat if i make themes wallpapers is there a way i can trade them for dvd's11:38
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Perfect. :)11:38
rwwBuzza: Become an Ubuntu Member, or ask your local community team.11:39
MenZaBuzza: Try e-mailing shipit@ubuntu.com about that, specifying exactly WHY you need more than one CD.11:39
MenZaHowever, you should, as rww says, contact your LoCo team first.11:39
BuzzaI ordered 1 ubuntu and 1 kubuntu11:39
kolbyif I'm using a netbook with and "Atom" processor architecture, should I use amd64 or x86 packages?11:39
Buzzaso only 2 but i could do with a 3rd server edition11:39
FuzzyFox0MenZa done11:39
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Gimme a sec11:40
Buzzathanks guyz11:40
rwwkolby: All Atoms work with x86. Some work with amd64 also.11:40
=== Anthony_ is now known as TeslaTony
kolbyrww, thank you.11:41
rumpsysilence maintained11:44
cryptk|workI can break the silence11:44
rumpsy:P lol11:44
cryptk|workI have a mouse that works great in windows, used to work great in ubuntu... had a HD fail, replaced it, reinstalled windows and ubuntu.... mouse freezes up in ubuntu11:45
FuzzyFox0MenZa: so i am guessing I have a mysql db and php511:45
cryptk|workany ideas?11:45
cryptk|workunfortunately I am at work now so i am just hoping for some people to list off things I can try or test, or required information that I can gather up once I get home11:45
FuzzyFox0and that the htdocs folder is now /var/www11:45
cryptk|workI tried adding 'acpi=force irqpoll' to the kernel line in grub (which is supposed to fix it) but when i do taht ubuntu doesn't boot properly11:46
StevethepirateCan anyone here give me some help with iptables? Having a problem with --destination-port or -dport paramater.11:46
rumpsycryptk|work: sorry :( i'm not that much familiar11:46
cryptk|workit shows the white ubuntu logo, then when it is supposed to change to the loading bar it instead go's to a black screen with a blinking _ in the top left corner...11:46
cryptk|workStevethepirate: have you tried using something easier like firestarter? or do you have a specific need to work with iptables directly?11:47
StevethepirateThe machine I am working on is a server quite far away.11:47
StevethepirateAnd should firestarter kill my ssh connection.11:47
StevethepirateGoing in locally will be a mission11:47
Jimi_Neutralhaving a major problem with my resolv.conf file. it keeps losing everything that is in it and i cant connect to the internet...everytime i reboot the machine i have to go in and put the nameservers in again and then restart networking11:47
StevethepirateLast time I installed firestarter on a server, it added a REJECT ALL rule as a default ;/11:48
cryptk|workStevethepirate: firestarter is a front end gui so it wouldn't help if you are SSHing in11:48
StevethepirateI know what firestarter is.11:48
Spanglish_7776Jimi, are you using dhcp to aquire an IP address?11:48
StevethepirateBut as a default it adds some "not-so-nice-rules" ;/11:48
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist11:49
cryptk|worknot sure, I don't do iptables manually11:49
cryptk|workI just haven't ever had a need... but the link that ubottu has may work11:49
StevethepirateI've used most of those already ;/11:49
l3nsi'm experimenting on using ssh with my laptop and desktop. why it keeps saying permission denied when i try to save a file? i'm accessing the file through ssh.11:50
cryptk|workl3ns: are you trying to save the file to somewhere that the account you are using doesn't have permissions to?11:51
ct529hi! is it possible to remotely control a *ubuntu desktop from another *ubuntu computer?11:51
l3nscryptk|work, I'm saving the file on the mounted drive.11:52
Spanglish_7776ct, yea11:52
MenZaFuzzyFox0: I'm afraid I'm going to have to run out -- check out this resource (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP), set a MySQL root password, and test if it's working with a phpinfo.php file in /var/www -- I'm sorry :(11:52
cryptk|workl3ns: does the account you are using to log in have permissions to that location?11:52
Spanglish_7776preferences > remote desktop11:52
Spanglish_7776it's a vnc server.11:52
l3nscryptk|work, yep i'm the owner/root11:52
cryptk|workif you were to log in on the destination computer using that account, can you save things there?11:52
cryptk|workl3ns: are you SSHing in as root?11:53
cryptk|workubuntu by default has the root account disabled, you would need to use sudo to get "root permissions"11:53
l3nscryptk|work, yes, i'm ssh'ng as root11:53
Spanglish_7776if you can't ssh as root and you have sudo you can do that also.11:53
cryptk|workis the root account on the destination computer enabled?11:53
l3nscryptk|work, i tried sudo gedit filename and able to edit the file, but not saving it11:54
l3nssame problem for this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sshfs-fuse/+bug/12350111:54
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jiohdiI have remote desktop installed... I can control computer X with Y, but I only get the very first screen and from there the screen does not update...anyone?11:56
NoexHi all11:57
jiohdiI can reverse this so that I can control Y with X but same thing, no screen updating11:57
ct529Spanglish_7776: preferences?11:57
jiohdianyone else run into this and know how to fix?11:57
Spanglish_7776ct, for remote desktop?11:58
jiohdiwhat is that?11:58
Spanglish_7776(06:57:19 AM) ct529: Spanglish_7776: preferences?11:58
Spanglish_7776jiohdi, I can't say i've had that issue, screen not refreshing.11:59
Spanglish_7776same subnet?11:59
jiohdisame router, side by side12:00
Spanglish_7776have you tried a different client?12:00
=== Gryphon is now known as Guest79353
Spanglish_7776on 9.10 I use remote desktop viewer, works great.12:01
jiohdithat is what I am using, having the problem12:02
jiohdiI am using remote desktop server on both ends12:02
jiohdiit connects fine, I can move the mouse on either machine from the other, just no screen refresh12:03
Spanglish_7776joihdi, I'm wondering if you have view only mode on...12:05
jiohdiit is checked for allow others to view and allow others to control12:05
jiohdithere are not that many settings on the client12:06
jiohdior server12:06
Jimi_Neutralanyone know where i would find drivers for the compaq dx200012:06
Jimi_Neutrallinux drivers that is12:06
bullgardWhat is the function of /lib/ld-2.10.1.so?12:06
Spanglish_7776when you connect, you should get an option to view only. be sure it's not checked.12:06
jiohdiSpanglish_7776: view only would be the opposite condition... refresh but no control12:07
NoexFUCK OFF12:07
NoexFUCK OFF12:07
FloodBot4Noex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:07
Spanglish_7776gotcha. odd12:08
sebsebseb!language | Noex12:08
ubottuNoex: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:08
NoexFuck we12:08
rumpsyi want every ubuntu release to look like 8.0412:08
Noexkakvo iskash be12:08
Noexkaun :]12:08
FloodBot4Noex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:08
sebsebsebbazhang: :)12:09
fdlinuxhi all12:10
fdlinuxgot a question for ubuntu 9.1012:10
fdlinuxi have a script for dns updating12:10
sebsebsebfdlinux: just ask12:10
=== james is now known as Guest5376
fdlinuxand in that script i want to $wanip12:11
fdlinuxhow can i set $wanip to show the result of a script12:11
faheem_hi anyone have any ideas how to use my iphone with ubuntu12:11
fdlinuxi have don't it couple of years ago , but forgot it12:11
faheem_hi anyone have any ideas how to use my iphone with ubuntu12:12
sebsebsebfaheem_: easiest and probably the best thing ot do, if you got enough RAM and such, would be to run a Windows virtual machine for it12:12
Spanglish_7776you want the result of a script to be assigned to $wanip fdlinux?12:12
fdlinuxso that comand $time  results script wanip12:12
fdlinux$wanip i mean12:12
faheem_sebsebseb, i have, but i dont wanna download an entire windows iso :/12:13
faheem_hi anyone have any ideas how to use my iphone with ubuntu12:13
sebsebsebfaheem_: you can't just use an iphone with Ubuntu or any other Linux distro12:13
sebsebsebfaheem_: since Apple do not support Desktop Linux12:13
faheem_sebsebseb, .... life sucks :(12:14
faheem_sebsebseb, any idea if theirs a jailbreak software for ubuntu?12:14
sebsebsebfaheem_: well that's one way to probably get it working, but shoudn't really do that, since as far as I know it will brake your Apple warranty for example12:14
DysonReturnsgreets guys. i need somekind of process that continously watches a folder and does actions on the files therein. this needs to be one process, therefore it can't be a cronjob. is there a word for such a thing?12:15
fdlinuxsebsebseb: you know what i mean?12:15
DysonReturnsor do i need to do some clever bashing to see whether the one script is still busy or not.12:15
faheem_sebsebseb, wats ur way his warranty isnt worth it12:15
jribDysonReturns: use incron12:16
faheem_its due to issue's like this ubuntu suffers with the average user :/12:17
thulsahey folks, is there some sort of way to update my package downloading sources to include more recent versions than what i'm seeing in the package manager?12:17
thulsai'm not sure if my terminology is anywhere near correct :D12:17
sebsebsebfaheem_:  fdlinux  I don't have an Iphone,  I have just read some stuff.  Also it's better to buy more open hardware,  an Android Phone for example.12:17
faheem_sebsebseb, unfortunatly as far andorid kinda sucks :)12:18
Myrttithulsa: ubuntu isn't a rolling release distro, the updates to packages are done on each release every six months, apart from security updates. There are some methods to update specific packages, are you after something specific?12:18
chetnickfaheem_:  compared to what?12:19
faheem_chetnick, to iphone...12:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:19
faheem_wonder nexus one will be kewl :/12:19
thulsaMyrtti: well, i was looking at audacious, but the provided .deb isn't the 2.2 release... it's still, i think it was 1.7 or soemthing12:19
sebsebsebfaheem_:  fdlinux   I know this jail brake stuff is pretty common knowledge now days that it can be done, there has been stuff in the media about it.  However as far as I know it's still not meant to be done,  and not just, because someones Apple warranty might brake as a result.12:19
Myrttithulsa: you're on jaunty or something older?12:20
thulsai've recently re-installed, but in my original install someone had provided me with some more software sources to plug into the package manager12:21
Jimi_Neutralcan someone help me to install some drivers for 9.10 on a dx200012:21
thulsaMyrtti: aye, jaunty12:21
Jimi_Neutralintel graphics drivers12:21
bazhangJimi_Neutral, drivers for what12:21
bazhangJimi_Neutral, from the xorg-edgers PPA?12:21
Jimi_Neutralbazhang, intel gfx.....its confusing the hell outta me12:21
rumpsyi donno what is dx200012:21
Jimi_Neutralcompaq dx200012:22
Myrttithulsa: karmic has 2.1 though.12:22
bazhangJimi_Neutral, install from where specifically.12:22
Spanglish_7776fdlinux, I sent you a message12:22
progre55hi people! I'm sharing my internet connection through auth0, the ethernet cable. Is it possible to somehow limit the bandwidth for auth0, so that the other comp. wouldnt be able to consume all my bandwidth?12:22
Jimi_Neutralbazhang, i have no idea, i used to be a windows user, this is new to me12:22
thulsaah, so my software sources are also limited by having a lower release?12:22
bazhangJimi_Neutral, you wish to install which drivers? what card do you have and what version of ubuntu are you on12:23
sebsebsebfaheem_: Buy supported by Linux hardware, or get issue's, it's as simple as that.12:23
Myrttithulsa: as I said, the packages are updated by every release, so you get newer software with newer release12:23
theadminSomething way creepy just happened. System froze, REISUB or Ctrl+Alt+F1 or similar NOT working, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock lamps blinking, what the?12:23
Myrttitheadmin: kernel panic12:23
rumpsytheadmin: hey o/12:23
rumpsybut time to move now:)12:23
Jimi_Neutralbazhang, i have a compaq dx2000, im on 9.10 and the card is intel on board, but i am having trouble finding out what one exactly, i downloaded a gnome device manager but ut just tells me it is intel12:24
theadminMyrtti: o_O What could possibly cause it... was doing nothing related to system that closely, just modifying /etc/hosts a bit.12:24
chetnickJimi_Neutral: sudo lspci -vv12:24
bazhangJimi_Neutral, please inform the channel of your specific model and what particular issues you are having.12:24
Jimi_Neutralbazhang, i am having trouble finding the model because the gnome device wont tell me and the issue is i need to download and install the drivers12:25
Myrttitheadmin: it's hard to tell. I had kernel panic yesterday and haven't figured out myself either what caused it12:25
bazhangJimi_Neutral, try lspci in the terminal12:25
MyrttiJimi_Neutral: if you've got an intel card, it's likely that you already have the best possible drivers in your use. what makes you think you need to download and install them?12:25
Jimi_Neutralbazhang, yerah just looking at that12:26
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theadminMyrtti: That's dangerous right?12:26
Jimi_NeutralMyrtti, cause it doesnt look like the other box that is on the same hardware12:26
thulsaMyrtti: interesting, i had no idea. i figured access to software would be something that wasn't limited to what release you were using... but then, i guess with the way that .deb packages work (i'm new to linux and just starting to understand everything)12:26
secretAnyone know how to create a transparent panel over cairo dock so that I don't have a huge black square on the bottom of the screen?12:26
Jimi_Neutralbazhang, 82865G Intergrated GFX Controller12:26
thulsaMyrtti: but thank you for taking a moment :)12:27
Myrttitheadmin: again, hard to tell12:28
chetnickJimi_Neutral: when you run "sudo lspci -k" you will see driver in use.12:29
cmphow to go to compiz room ?12:30
chetnickJimi_Neutral: if no driver or module is listed, than you will need a driver.12:30
Jimi_Neutralchetnick, kernel driver in us: i91512:30
cmpi want to joiin the compiz room,  how to do it ?12:31
chetnickJimi_Neutral: so you are good to go.12:31
chetnickJimi_Neutral: no need to install.12:31
Johnny1How do I install iTunes on Ubuntu 9.10?12:31
SlimGHow do I launch the dialoguebox that offers to translate the foldernames of ~/Desktop, ~/Documents etc. to my local language equivalent?12:31
sebsebsebJohnny1: you don't12:31
sebsebsebJohnny1: you can run it in a Windows virtual machine though, with enough RAM and such12:32
chetnickJohnny1: you will need older version of iTunes and install through wine.12:32
Johnny1chetnick: How old?12:32
chetnickJohnny1: what is the current version?12:32
Jimi_NeutralChetic, cool ty12:33
Cybothhey guys, is there an easy way for me to dual boot ubuntu and windows, I currently have ubuntu netbook remix 9.10 installed and would like to have a dual boot WinXP12:33
chetnickJohnny1: it looks like wine supports now newer versions than before. I thinks 9.02 is the latest they support. Here is the link for more info.12:34
cmpguide me how to go to compiz room please12:34
DJones!dualboot | Cyboth12:34
ubottuCyboth: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:34
chetnickcmp: what is "compiz room" ?12:35
theadminchetnick: He probably means compiz channel12:35
progre55can anyone please help me out? I'm sharing my internet connection through auth0, the ethernet cable. Is it possible to somehow limit the bandwidth for auth0, so that the other comp. wouldnt be able to use up all my bandwidth?12:36
DJonesCyboth: You'll need to free up space on your hard drive by resizing you ubuntu partions, then install windows and then reconfigure your grub, its normally easier to install windows first, then ubuntu, but it can be done the other way round.  Make sure you've got backups of anything you need to save from your ubuntu partition before resizing just in case something goes wrong12:36
fohos_hello guys, how do u move a directory mv -r dir?12:38
Machtinif i buy a x-fi titanium.. will there be any trouble? or better: do i have to expect any trouble?12:38
chetnickprogre55: try Wondershaper.12:38
jribfohos_: just mv12:38
AHow to create keyboard layout for non-unicode font ?12:39
progre55chetnick: thanks12:39
Aand Add this layout to my ubuntu12:39
fohos_10x jrib12:39
chetnickprogre55: look at "trickle" too.12:40
chetnickMachtin: i have no clue what is x-fi titanium.12:41
tominglishi, i just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop, and gnome-panel doesn't load on startup12:42
tominglisdoes anyone know how to fix that?12:42
tominglisit did load until just now, when i removed a few programs and edited the main menu12:42
chetnickA: creating custom keyboard layout, can be complicated.12:44
l3nssame problem for this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sshfs-fuse/+bug/12350112:44
l3nsi'm experimenting on using ssh with my laptop and desktop. why it keeps saying permission denied when i try to save a file? i'm accessing the file through ssh.12:44
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?12:45
tominglis(i removed gnome-games-common, rhythmbox, gnome-pilot, ubuntu-one-client)12:45
theadminl3ns: Do you have full 6 or 7 permissions to the file?12:45
chetnickl3ns: you have no permission to save the file.12:45
chetnickl3ns: check folder permissions.12:46
progre55chetnick: cool man, appreciate. wondershaper seems to be really simple =)12:46
chetnickprogre55: anytime.12:46
l3nschetnick, what specific folder?12:46
chetnickl3ns: the folder in which you are trying to save the file.12:47
l3nschetnick, okay. folder access: create and delete files, group: access files, others: access files12:48
soreaucmp: /j #compiz12:49
Johnny1Does anyone know how to enable usb on virtualbox?12:52
icerootJohnny1: use the nonfree-version and add your user to the vboxuser group12:53
theadminJohny1: You'll have to use the official Sun (Oracle?) release.12:53
theadmin...oh he left12:53
Aluadohi there, I'm getting a error using skype on ubuntu 9.10... it starts, but I can't have any sound.12:54
blinkizHi. Am looking for a command where I can see hardware information. Like CPU, memory, disks and so on. What is the command?12:57
theadminblinkiz: try lshw and lspci12:57
bazhangblinkiz, sudo lshw12:57
blinkiztheadmin, No, it's not the one am looking for12:57
blinkizWhit this command, is possible to see which memory slots is allocated in a machine12:57
icerootblinkiz: cat /proc/meminfo12:58
blinkiziceroot, No, that is only memory info. Not hardware info12:58
=== faheem_ is now known as _DarkStar_
Aluadoblinkiz, cat /proc/cpuinfo for cpu12:58
icerootblinkiz: then use hwinfo or cat with the /proc-files12:59
blinkizAm looking for a command to see manufacture information for example my memory modules. I have forgot the command.12:59
Aluadoblinkiz, it depends what do you want, there is no a command for everything12:59
Aluadowell... I dont know one12:59
Aluadoblinkiz, lsmod?12:59
blinkizAluado, No, not hardware13:00
icerootblinkiz: hwinfo13:00
jiohdiI have remote desktop installed... I can control computer X with Y, but I only get the very first screen and from there the screen does not update...could this be because of nvidia?13:00
fif0hey guys...i want to edit $PATH without root...how can i do is...export PATH=/path/to/blah:$PATH is just for one bash13:01
theadminfif0: Edit ~/.profile, relogin13:01
jribfif0: what do you mean, "just for one bash"?13:01
fif0if i start a new bach, my path isn't changed13:02
blinkizNow I found the command. dmidecode !13:02
theadminfif0: Look at above. Edit ~/.profile, and log out, then log back in13:02
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?13:02
fif0this direktory doesn't exists13:03
blinkizThanks iceroot , theadmin, Aluado and bazhang. The command I was looking for was dmidecode. Whit this command, I can see manufacture information for my ram modules for example.13:03
theadminfif0: what directory!? It's a file13:03
theadminfif0: Just go to terminal, run gedit ~/.profile13:04
Aluadoblinkiz, ok13:04
obiwan_i wonder, when you copy without following symlinks, do symlinks copied into the new filesystem point to the new inode of the real file?13:04
Aluadoblinkiz, thanks for the feedback :)13:04
fif0okay, thanks13:04
theadminfif0: Add the path there as needed, log out and back in. Will do it13:05
obiwan_i mean, let's say i got a symlink and a real file, and i copy both without the following symlink option, so will the symlink in the new filesystem point correctly to the inode of the inode of the file in the new filesystem? or to the inode it was pointing in the old filesystem?13:06
Dr_Willisobiwan_:  try it and see what it does :)13:06
icerootblinkiz: good to know, thx13:07
fabstermasterGuys I have a dell mini 9 and my sd card reader is not workin in karmic. Help,anyone? Thanks.13:08
you_katanwhere I can ask question about VirtualBox in Ubuntu?13:08
obiwan_ok Dr_Willis i'll resize my disk :( xD13:09
tominglishi, gnome-panel doesn't load up on startup on ubuntu 9.10, does anyone know what i can do to fix it?13:09
Dr_Willisobiwan_:  you COULD test with some smaller test files to see eactly what happens to answer your question13:09
theadminyou_katan: #vbox13:09
coz_fabstermaster,  I am not great with sound issues  however when you open a terminal  and type    alsamixer    is the card listed at the top?  and also are the volume sliders  up ?13:09
fabstermastersorry coz i meant my sd card reader not sound card13:10
erkangurhi, i have problem on my ubuntu9.04...  I accidentaly removed /var/lib/dpkg directory. then I create the files and directories again. But I cant download packages any more. dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:  syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file13:10
erkangurI get this error13:10
Dr_Willisfabstermaster:  some of those sd slots in varioys netbooks need to have some options/tweaks done to work properly. I would suggest checking the ubuntu netbook forums on that exact netbook13:10
coz_fabstermaster,  oh  sorry here too...I misunderstood13:11
theadminerkangur: How on earth could you ACCIDENTALLY remove that?! Ahem, sorry.13:11
fabstermasterthanks willy and coz. Ill ask there13:11
fohos_guys , if I wanna compile a program and the OS is BSD do I need to download the linux tar, or just the source.tar13:11
kermit```Dear all, where can I download the ubuntu-9.04-server-i386-dvd.iso? My new server can't install the network when I install the new system, so I cannot use apt-get to download. I need a dvd version which included most the software which I can used to compile and install the network driver. For example, kernel-source, gcc and so on.13:11
Dr_Williskermit```:  the dvd version dosent include those as far as i know13:11
erkangurtheadmin: When I try to remove /var/lib/dpkg/lock file , ... :s13:12
icerootfohos_: wrong channel13:12
theadminerkangur: Oh... I see :D Sorry.13:12
Dr_Willisfohos_:  linux is not bsd.. so try the source.,  then try the linux one..13:12
kermit```Oh,  my god13:12
erkangurtheadmin: Do you know how to reinstall dpkg?13:12
theadminerkangur: I don't know any ways to install apps without using dpkg unless you compile it from source.13:13
cryptk|workerkangur: check out this link http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1281525.html13:13
cryptk|workthey have some stuff in there, but I think you may need to do a reconfigure -a (that is covered in that post)13:13
cryptk|workbut read the whole post before you do a reconfigure13:14
tominglishi, gnome-panel doesn't load up on startup on ubuntu 9.10, does anyone know what i can do to fix it?13:14
erkangurcryptk|work: ok I 'm reading, thanks13:14
cryptk|workerkangur: please note, I have never attempted that so I don't know if it will work13:14
Chr|swow, screensaver just froze up and couldn't get back to login screen. I had to continually press buttons13:15
fwaokdaI have a laptop 1.3ghz, 4gb ram.  Will I get better performance from running Ubuntu 32bit or 64bit as guest (win7 host) in virtualbox ?13:15
Tek-5-8-6Ok, I just set up and configured thr RAID in the BIOS but when ubuntu 9.10 gets to the Prepare partitions section no drives show up in the menue13:15
Tek-5-8-6Maybe Ubuntu did not install the RAID driver initaly ?13:15
chetnickfwaokda: i dont think it would be noticable difference.13:16
PupenoAny idea how to make unnatended upgrades actually upgrade the installed packages?13:18
cryptk|workTek-5-8-6: are you using the desktop install disk or the alternate>13:18
cryptk|workTek-5-8-6: I had to use the alternate when installing on my RAID setup... I don't think the desktop disk has any/all of the raid drivers, but try the alternate disk and see if it works, it has much more RAID support built in13:18
Tek-5-8-6the normal desktop CD13:19
cryptk|workyeah, try the alternate, that is what I needed for my RAID13:19
Tek-5-8-6I have the alternate CD already downloaded. Should I use that instead ?13:19
Guest5376when will ubuntu10.4 be release?13:19
chetnickPupeno: i think there is a tool called unattended-upgrades13:19
cryptk|workGuest5376: April13:19
Tek-5-8-6Ahh nice ok, I will try this now13:19
cryptk|workthe 4 is the month number13:19
scuniziGuest5376: the answer is in the release number13:19
cryptk|work9.10 came out in... October...13:19
obiwan_sry Dr_Willis i was resizing, i haven't enough space, please w8 i'll report the results13:20
Pupenochetnick: Yes, I know, I have it installed and configured, it doesn't do anything.13:20
cryptk|workthe first number is the year btw13:20
ZykoticK9Guest5376, 79 days from today13:20
cryptk|workthe version numbers are actually the release dates13:20
theadminI can tell when 20.04 be released :D13:20
theadminIf it will that is13:20
stuarticusHi, anyone have experience of 360 wireless pad with usb charging cable in karmic? I'm having no luck...13:20
BluesKajHi Folks13:20
pirxhi! how do i fix unresolver dependencies with apt? i try to install wireshark and i get this: http://pastebin.com/d206025e9  (i upgraded the package tsm-client a few days ago, but apparently there are some problems). when i try to do "apt-get -f install" it tells me that it will remove tsm-client, which is not a very good option for me13:20
scunizipirx: are you on a 64bit system?13:22
theadminpirx: tsm-client conflicts with whatever you're installing. Bad deal. You either have to remove it or don't install whatever you're trying to13:22
chetnickpirx: that is weird, try installing ia32-libs and libpcap first.13:22
pirxscunizi: yes 64bit13:23
scunizipirx: try what chetnick said..13:24
thebombhi there13:24
stuarticusPad shows up in lsusb, nothing in /dev/input though. Should it load automatically?13:24
Oli``Anybody else here have a Gigabyte X58A-UD7? If so have you tried to flash the bios? Every time I try (from the bios and flashbios in Ubuntu) it says the image is a mismatch13:25
pirxi still get "tsm-client: Depends: ia32-libs (>= 2.4) but 2.2ubuntu11.2 is to be installed" with whatever i try to install. hmm.13:26
pirxis the only option going back to the old tsm-client?13:26
waltercoolbambang-pc: hallo13:29
frankS2Hi, my VPS providern doesnt support Ubuntu, only CENTOS, is it possible to install Ubuntu from CENTOS and directly boot into it later?13:29
bambang-pccan somebody help me .. i'm newbie on ubuntu .. a have thousand question about abuntu13:29
Dr_Willisbambang-pc:  ask away13:29
chetnickbambang-pc: google.com13:29
Dr_Willisbambang-pc:  we can always point you to docs/guides/wiki pages if nothing else13:30
scunizifirst rules of irc.. don't beg.. and ask a question.. don't ask to ask13:30
bambang-pci dont understand most of them13:30
bambang-pci have tried to searching on google13:30
bambang-pcfirst.. i want to know the rules to join this chat rooms13:31
chetnickfrankS2: i wish i knew what you mean.13:31
stuarticusHi, anyone have experience of 360 wireless pad with usb charging cable in karmic? I'm having no luck...13:31
scunizi!ask | bambang-pc13:31
ubottubambang-pc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:31
chetnickbambang-pc: it in the topic.13:31
scunizi!coc | bambang-pc13:31
ubottubambang-pc: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .13:31
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panfist_i've replaced a windows share with a samba server share; now whenever windows clients try to access files on the share, they are warned that the files on the host may not be secure...does anyone know how to fix this behavior?13:33
vargadanishello everyone... I got some problems with Audio playback with KDE on 9.10. Once it works and once it doesn't and all I get is static noise... I get a message that analog audio output doesn't work falling back to pulse audio13:33
hashimiwhen i mount my usb in linux and then goto windows. in windows part it has character problems. how i can solve this.13:33
vargadanisany tips why? or how to fix that?13:33
Dr_Willispanfist_:  its some windoes setting. i noticed a similer thing when i accessed my shares via IP instead of hostname for some odd reason13:34
Dr_Willispanfist_:  any time you try to copy/move/access it gives some annoying dialog?13:34
chetnickhashimi: do you unmount clean usb before going to windows?13:34
panfist_dr_willis yes!13:34
scunizivargadanis: try "killall pulseaudio" in a terminal13:34
panfist_it happens when i access by ip, should i access by name?13:34
panfist_i dont know why that should make a difference13:35
Dr_Willispanfist_:  windows security being paranoid.  as i said i saw it a week or 5 ago name worked.. no nagging.. ip nagged13:35
Dr_Willispanfist_:  ask MS. :)13:35
Dr_Willispanfist_:  the name technically comes from the 'wins' server i guess..  so ms considers it safer13:35
Dr_Willispanfist_:  i am guessing13:35
vargadanisscunizi, trying it :)13:35
panfist_well the samba server is the wins server...so...it's the same safetyness13:35
hashimichetnick i just do this : mount -o iocharset=utf8 /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb13:35
Dr_Willispanfist_:  tell it to ms. :)13:35
hashimiand then i goto windows part.13:36
hashimiwhat i must do else?13:36
vargadanisscunizi, wow that worked! :)13:36
vargadanisscunizi, have you met this problem before?13:36
Dr_Willispanfist_:  i just edit my hosts and set the hostname/ips to be the same so i dont even se the wins stuff i think13:36
waltercoolbambang-pc: Rule 1: #ubuntu is not off-topic ;)13:36
panfist_what do you mean, "edit my hosts and set the hostname/ips to be the same"13:36
scunizivargadanis: in one form or another for several years.. use to be killall alsa,, now it's pulseaudio13:36
Dr_Willispanfist_:  the hosts file13:37
chetnickhashimi: is it usb stick or usb drive?13:37
panfist_on each individual client?13:37
Dr_Willispanfist_:  but if the pc's change ip and you dont notice it - the hosts file pointing ot the wrong ip can really confuse things13:37
Dr_Willispanfist_:  thas how i set up my home lan of 4 pc's - identical hosts file on each one - seemed to help out my samba quirks a lot13:37
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?13:38
chetnickhashimi: i think you have to do mount -t vfat ... most of usb stick are fat filesystem.13:38
CyLAny good tutorial about working multi head with linux (ubuntu)?13:38
vargadanisscunizi, hehe :) I'll make a script to do it for me every once in a while :) that's pathetic13:38
panfist_figuring out how to get wins nailed down will probably be a better dynamic solution13:38
panfist_but its good to know there's a fallback if it refuses to work13:38
Dr_WillisCyL:  just using 2 monitors ? or you want a true multi-seat system  with 2 users using same pc at same time with 2 different monitors/keyboard/mice?13:38
YounderCan't seem to find syslogd.conf in the man pages. Is there a .deb pakage I can install?13:39
Dr_Willispanfist_:  from what i read on usign 'wins' - it confused me. :) heh13:39
CyLDr_Willis: just two monitors...13:39
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Dr_WillisCyL:  depends on your video card to some degree13:39
scunizivargadanis: doesn't happen on all systems.. just seems to be a quirky combo of hardware and software that brings this about.  sometimes it's a program that leaves something lying around that causes it.13:39
CyLDr_Willis: intel 945gm13:39
Chr|sOk, I just had to restart now since the screensaver wouldn't go away and take me to the login screen, any ideas why its doing that?13:39
Dr_WillisCyL:  on my intel netbook. I pluged in 2nd monitor. used the res/display settng tool in the menus.. and set them up.. done. :)13:39
Gangrelhow can i mount the other hdds i have permanently without typing root password everytime ? (ubuntu 9.10)13:40
indusDr_Willis, hello13:40
Dr_WillisCyL:  on the netbook i do think i had to select the monitor button a few times to turn on both13:40
vargadanisscunizi, I wish I knew how to find that out13:40
indusGangrel, adding them to the /etc/fstab13:40
chetnickGangrel: add them to /etc/fstab13:40
vargadanisscunizi, maybe I could even help KDE devers to fix pulse audio :)13:40
chetnicki hate pulseaudio.13:40
scunizivargadanis: go for it.13:40
vargadanisscunizi, instead I am stuck at the level of killall and saying nasty things how pathetic it is :)13:40
bullgard'~$ man tilda; ...; -c, --command; Run a command at startup.' How to express 'command' syntactically as the pressing of the key combination Ctrl+Shift+T?13:41
hashimichetnick; Thanks for help. I will try mount -t vfat . and yes it is usb stick.13:41
vargadanisscunizi, well I have no idea how but I'll contact some KDE gurus.. I am sure they will help me13:41
scunizivargadanis: you're one of the few..13:41
Dr_Willisbullgard:  a command is a shell command..13:41
vargadanisscunizi, one of the few of whom?13:41
scunizivargadanis: ask in #kde or #kubuntu13:41
chetnickhashimi: make sure before you take out the stick, do unmount /mnt/flashdrive13:42
Youndernever mind, found it in  inetutils-syslogd13:42
chetnickor whereever you mounted13:42
Dr_Willisbullgard:  like tilda --command 'mc'13:42
scunizivargadanis: one of the few who have an issue like this13:42
bullgardDr_Willis: Your remark is not the answer to my question.13:42
fif0taste my penis13:42
Dr_Willisbullgard:  how about it cant be done.13:42
vargadanisscunizi, yup... i'll do that as soon as I got some time... right now I am sooo in the middle of the work :) BTW... KDE is getting quite usable for work :) I am pleased with that13:42
CyLDr_Willis: plugging the monitor on my netbook hangs up my computer..13:42
scunizivargadanis: yep13:43
Dr_Willisctrl-shift t is not  command.. so not sure what you are trying to do exactly13:43
Dr_WillisCyL:  try plugging it in befor you power up perhaps. sounds like an intel driver bug to me13:43
cmphi, iam using ubuntu Xfce , is there any command which can allow me to change this Version ?13:43
hashimiChetnick; when did mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb it gives error: mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /mnt/usb failed: No such file or directory13:43
chetnickhashimi: does /mnt/usb directory exist?13:43
hashimiyes it exist13:44
chetnickhashimi: and make sure /dev/sda1 exist.13:44
hashimiChetnick, yeah i don't have /dev/sda1 :(13:44
hashimibut i was there before...13:45
chetnickhashimi: did you plug in flash drive?13:45
KrisKoanyone using plowshare? i need to add repo to satisfy it's dependencies...:curl librecode0 recode tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-deu tesseract-ocr-eng imagemagick13:45
chetnickhashimi: type dmesg, it should show you on which dev is your stick.13:45
hashimichetnick: Yeah it is there.  Ok let me try dmesg.13:46
chetnickhashimi: it should be somewhere near the ned.13:46
chetnickhashimi: you might wanna try dmesg | grep -i "SCSI device"13:46
coolcathi, how do I make find print only files that match the pattern instead of every file?13:46
hashimichetnick: I try that but no results return.13:47
obiwan_so here i am back Dr_Willis and YEAH! it does great :D13:47
Gangrelindus how do i do that?13:48
hashimichetnick: do i need to reboot the system and see back?13:48
indusGangrel, sudo gedit /etc/fstab13:48
erUSULcoolcat: -name 'pattern*'13:48
indusGangrel, then need to manually add the partitions there13:48
erUSULcoolcat: -name '*pattern*'13:48
indusGangrel, or maybe ther is an easier way13:49
K99Brainj #ubuntu-offtopic13:49
K99Brainops, sorry13:49
Dr_Willisobiwan_:  what does?13:49
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=== DaveDavenport is now known as Timo_
Gangrelindus i opened fstab but what do i do there? (a bit newbie on ubuntu)13:50
indusGangrel, CAN you paste it ? i will help13:51
indus!paste | Gangrel13:51
ubottuGangrel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:51
Chr|sis their a bug with the screensaver not going back to login screen after its locked?13:51
Gangrel# /etc/fstab: static file system information.13:52
Gangrel# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier13:52
Gangrel# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name13:52
Gangrel# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).13:52
FloodBot4Gangrel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:52
CyLDr_Willis: you've had similar issues with your netbook?13:52
Gangrelindus http://paste.ubuntu.com/372495/13:52
Dr_WillisCyL:  I got an AAO with 2 sd slots - theres been issues with the right hand slot  for ages.13:52
Dr_WillisCyL:  i think if you have a sd card in when you power up it works for many netbooks.. but it depends on the netbook13:53
bullgardDr_Willis: Are you suggesting: "It cannot be done"? I do not believe you.13:53
fif0can I run a prog, that i have compiled on PC1 on PC2 with different hardware13:54
cmpis there any command which can allow me to change my Xfce to some other Version ?13:54
Dr_Willisbullgard:  what command is ctrl-shift-T  exactly?    and what are yoy trying to acomplish exactly?13:54
indusGangrel, right click on the partitions and tell me the properties13:54
scunizicmp: you mean something different from xfce? like gnome? or kde?13:54
cmpscunizi , yes13:54
CyLDr_Willis: I was refering to the second head on the vga out connector...13:55
scunizicmp: and you're running ubuntu's xubuntu?13:55
Dr_WillisCyL:  on my AAO netbook it works fine.13:55
cmpscunizi, yes13:55
Dr_WillisCyL:  ive not had any issues with it.13:55
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CyLDr_Willis: mine is a EEEPC13:55
bigcx2hey guys, i have a fresh karmic install and i just noticed that displayconfig-gtk isn't around anymore?13:55
Gangrelindus what properties of all you need?13:55
scunizicmp: then "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" or sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop .. then on the login screen change "sessions" to the one you want.13:56
indusGangrel, ok nvm wait give me 4 min13:56
Dr_WillisCyL:  thers proberly an EEEE specific forum/thread/wiki page on the ubuntu sites. It could be some odd quirk with the intel drivers and they may suggest some fix.13:56
indusGangrel, how many partitions do you have, can i see output of sudo fdisk -l13:56
CyLDr_Willis: thanks for your advices..13:57
Gangrelindus http://paste.ubuntu.com/372498/13:58
vickHello, when booting ubuntu, sometimes it displays something about battery and stops... i am not even using a laptop...13:58
indusGangrel, man too many13:58
usernethow to downgrade gdm to 2.20 in karmic?13:59
Gangrelindus yeah13:59
obiwan_Dr_Willis: it refresh the inodes so the hardlinks and symlinks point to the new inode in the new fs13:59
indusGangrel, do you have windows too?13:59
Dr_Willisusernet:  ive seen guides on doing it.. but never tried.14:00
Gangrelindus i had but i just formated the drives through linux14:00
cmpscunizi, do you want to see the output so you can know more detailed what is going with it ?14:00
scunizicmp: well if you used either of those commands then it's installing all kinds of stuff.. if there are errors then there's something else going on, on your system14:01
bullgardDr_Willis: " what command is ctrl-shift-T exactly?" <- The command to effect the kepressing of the key combination Ctrl+Alt+T.  --  " what command is ctrl-shift-T exactly?" <- To effect this as a command so that tilda will open another tab when being called.14:01
indusGangrel, ok you need to get the uuid of all partitions first with command sudo blkid14:02
indusGangrel, save that output to a text file14:02
Dr_Willisbullgard:  so the actual question is 'how do i open more then one tab in tilda when it launches' ?14:02
rakelola de donde sois14:02
indusGangrel, for example a windows partition is mounted like this /dev/hda1   /media/windows   vfat   user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000   0   014:03
indusGangrel, those masks are all nonsense ignore it14:03
cmpscunizi - there was some error while i did the first command here .14:03
usernetthx Dr_Willis14:03
jiohdicould Nvidia be the reason why my remote desktop will not refresh?14:03
cmpscunizi , but the second command - is working till now14:03
scunizicmp: ok.. what are the errors14:04
DJones!es | rakel14:04
ubotturakel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:04
Gangrelindus http://paste.ubuntu.com/372501/14:04
indusGangrel, ok14:05
indusGangrel, hold on14:05
occyHey guys... I run a local Gov't Access TV station.  I'd like to have a video informing the public what Ubuntu is... is there like a 30min video for Ubuntu anywhere?14:07
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occyI should call Canonical14:07
bigcx2occy: probably14:07
indusGangrel, /dev/new_partition    /media/partitionname     ext3    defaults,umask=0 0 014:07
indusGangrel, add for all the partitions you have14:07
Dr_WillisI think thers some ubuntu/cononical site on 'promoting ubuntu'  but i cant recall where i saw it at14:08
Dr_Willislate night ubuntu infomercials! :)14:08
indusGangrel, that means, first you need to create mount points for each partition with mkdir /media/p1 etx14:08
Dr_Willis'just install it and forget it!'14:08
indusGangrel, ok oops 1 sec14:08
panfist_is there any way to protect a window from being minimized?14:08
bigcx2panfist_: why?14:09
coz_panfist_,  a "non-minimizeable" window?14:09
Dr_Willispanfist_:  compiz has a featre to do that14:09
DJonesoccy: There's a number of screencasts showing how to do different things on ubuntu, i'm just looking to see if there's any "what is ubuntu" type files14:09
coz_panfist_,   via compiz perhaps14:09
panfist_bigcx2 when i show desktop i want this window to persist all the time14:09
indusGangrel,or use the uuids which is better14:09
occyDJones: yeah... I'd need something more of an "Infomercial" type thing14:09
Gangrelindus so instead of the names i use the UUID right?14:09
indusGangrel, so that will be instead of /dev/partition ,replace with uuid and the rest are same14:09
indusGangrel, super  yes14:09
Dr_Willispanfist_:  with compiz you can set specific windows tobe untop. skip the taskbar,  and other settings14:09
bigcx2panfist: what like a permanent terminal or something14:10
Chr|sis their a bug with the screensaver not going back to login screen after its locked? It freezes on me and I am unable to get back unless I randomly start punching the keys14:10
panfist_bigcx2 actually a permanent seamless virtual machine14:10
indusGangrel, leave the hpfs thing out , its some recovery partition14:10
indusGangrel, all ext3 or whatever14:10
Dr_Willispanfist_:  i got the nautils 'copying.. ' dialog set where it always stays on top by default :)14:10
Gangrelindus ok and at mkdir i use /media/UUID etx?14:10
indusGangrel, add to fstab14:10
DJonesoccy: Have a look at http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/ On page 4, there's a couple that might be useful for you, Introduction to Ubuntu, Why ubuntu etc14:10
panfist_i have usability problems for some users when the minimize the virtual machine, the VM taskbar disappears and then the users are like chickens with their heads cut off14:10
indusGangrel, no no14:10
bigcx2panfist_: hm...i'm sure there's a way to do it...i know you can have it stay on top by default, i don't know about preventing minimization though14:11
davvsHow can I list what files that where installed by a package?14:11
indusGangrel, at /media/ it should be /media/anynameyouwant14:11
panfist_dr_willis do you know how i would access those serttings?14:11
indusGangrel, wait14:11
Dr_Willispanfist_:  install the 'ccsm' tool and  explore it.14:11
Dr_Willis!ccsm | panfist_14:11
ubottupanfist_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz14:11
bigcx2does anybody know what happened to the displayconfig-gtk utility in hardy?14:11
mickster04indus: you about?14:11
indusGangrel, # /dev/partition name14:12
indusmickster04, heya man, long time14:12
mickster04hello indus14:12
mickster04indus: yeah, christmas and new year etc...14:12
bigcx2i have a graphics card that supports resolutions up to 4096x? according to xrandr14:12
indusGangrel, then on second line , the uuid and /media/bla bla etc14:12
bigcx2but i can't get any resolutions to get set permanently14:12
mickster04anyone have any relativly simple problems?:P14:12
bigcx2and there's no Xorg.conf file in karmic??? like wtf14:12
indusGangrel, #/dev/name so you know which partition it is14:13
Dr_Willisbigcx2:  thers  none needed in many cases14:13
indusGangrel, but hash it out since you are using uuids for it14:13
Dr_Willisbigcx2:  and thats changes from the X updates.. not really a ubuntu specific feature14:13
bigcx2Dr_Willis: yea but what about the users that do need it?!?!?!? Are they expected to type in xrandr commands every time they log in to GDM14:13
indusmickster04, so how was the holidays14:13
afterfostercareFirst time on IRC :)14:13
mickster04indus good yours?14:13
Dr_Willisbigcx2:  the nvidia settings tool made a xorg.conf for me14:13
indusmickster04, not bad14:13
afterfostercareUsing Ubuntu 9.1014:13
mickster04afterfostercare: welcome:D14:14
afterfostercare39 years old and IRC for the first time lol That is slow14:14
bigcx2Dr_Willis: I have an Intel Atom chipset and I have no xorg.conf14:14
Dr_Willisbigcx2:  on my netbook the display settings tool sets the default res for my users somewhere in their home dir.. so its not an iss to me14:14
mickster04afterfostercare: everyone starts somewhere and go ahead:D14:14
coz_panfist_,   when you open ccsm  you want to go to the  Window mangement category... Window Rules plugin and under the "Matches"  tab  you will see an option for Non minimizable windows14:14
indusGangrel, i see that you have ntfs also, please use accordingly14:14
Dr_Willisbigcx2:  my netbook AAO, has no xorg.conf - and i can set/change my res with the tools and it rembers.14:14
bigcx2Dr_Willis: If I could simply set the correct resolution in Prefs -> Display then i would be happy14:15
afterfostercarehas anyone else been experiencing lockups every few seconds on their computer (not internet, a local and constant lockup/freeze) that then releases and everything catches up14:15
Dr_Willisbigcx2:  iw as able to enable the 2nd monitor and have it running at a higher res and it rembers14:15
afterfostercareThanks Mickster0414:15
bigcx2but it only has resolutions for 800x60014:15
bigcx2and that's poop14:15
Dr_Willisbigcx2:  that tool rembers them for me. I DO recall i might of had to hit the fn-monitor button to enable the external monitor. then  used that tool.14:15
CShadowRun!ask | giacomo14:15
ubottugiacomo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:15
ferretSorry, stupid question.  Could someone please point me to a page that explains how I would update to a newer kernel on karmic14:16
Gangrelindus thanks man it worked finally :)14:16
Dr_Willisbigcx2:  on my netbook the netbook has its res. then the external monitor has its own res.14:16
indusGangrel, for ntfs do this > uuid  /media/partition ntfs user,defaults 0 014:16
bigcx2lame, the only way I could get it to work was by doing that xrandr hack business :(14:16
indusGangrel, ok thats nice to hear14:16
afterfostercarehas anyone else been experiencing lockups every few seconds on their computer (not internet, a local and constant lockup/freeze) that then releases and everything catches up14:16
indusmickster04, i should go now , solved 1 problem at least :) for Gangrel14:16
mickster04well done14:17
panfist_thanks coz_14:17
indusafterfostercare, which graphics chip are you14:17
coz_panfist_,  no problem14:17
JediMastercan anyone tell me where ubuntu stores the info on the network interfaces that are defined in network/interfaces (e.g. why a network interface is called eth1 when the old eth0 has been removed)14:17
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mickster04nm indus :D14:17
afterfostercarehmm let me see14:17
indusmickster04, nm? whats it14:17
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CShadowRun!it > giacomo_14:18
ubottugiacomo_, please see my private message14:18
mickster04indus nm = never mind as in "Oh well..."14:18
afterfostercareMy 9.10 was fine until just recently14:18
indusmickster04, why nvm??14:18
indusafterfostercare, what do you mean recently14:18
mickster04indus:  you said you were going then started to help someone else:P14:18
kingpingHello room.14:18
indusmickster04, hehe yeah i got that nvm of yours actually but i asked anyway14:18
afterfostercaresorry indus if you have to go feel free to go14:19
kingpingDoesn Ubuntu have nmap(1) in default installation?14:19
ferretI mean to ask; if the latest available version of the kernel package in synaptic is not quite new enough, is compiling a kernel the only option, or are there more updatified packages somewhere else?14:19
indusafterfostercare, tell me14:19
indus!info nmap14:19
afterfostercareI have Nvidia from what I can recall14:19
ubottunmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.00-2 (karmic), package size 1552 kB, installed size 6184 kB14:19
induskingping, is extra as you cna see14:20
accroftHello :D14:20
kingpingOh :(14:20
* YBH_1 the gimp finally gets a single window mode http://static.arstechnica.com/gimp/singlewindow.png14:20
induskingping, cant you install it?14:20
indusYBH_1, really?wow14:20
afterfostercareIndus: I have an Nvidia from what I recall (rookie here)14:20
indusYBH_1, downloadable?14:20
kingpingindus: Have no cheap connection :/14:20
bastid_raZorkingping: nmap is not installed by default14:21
induskingping, its just 2 mb file14:21
kingpingokay, thanks.14:21
indusafterfostercare, what do you mean it was working befoer then stopped\14:21
indus!info nmap |kingp14:21
ubottuNone: nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.00-2 (karmic), package size 1552 kB, installed size 6184 kB14:21
indus!info nmap | kingping14:21
ubottukingping: nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.00-2 (karmic), package size 1552 kB, installed size 6184 kB14:21
bullgardDr_Willis: yes.14:21
afterfostercareIndus: I just mean that my 9.10 was working fine and still "works' it just seems to freeze up for about five seconds every couple minutes ... mouse still moves but cant' click etc.. then it all of a sudden catches up and "remembers" everything I did and executes those commands that I tried while frozen.. then back to normal till it does it again. I think it is only since a recent update manager that this started (two days)14:23
tony_hi folks14:23
lsdlunahi, I have my monitor plugged into my laptop at the moment and the screen displays on the monitor...however, it fails to utilize both the laptop screen and monitor screen at the same time, can someone help? The laptop's graphics card is Geforce 440 GO, I suspect its an issue with the drivers, but I don't understand how to check?14:23
flaemhi :)14:23
indusafterfostercare, do you have compiz enabled14:23
afterfostercareno idea (rookie here) how do I do that14:23
juliocomo estan cabrones14:23
csarvenHow can I verify whether my libx264-67 is used properly. One tool is telling me that it can't find it14:23
afterfostercareIndus: I am a rookie but confident14:24
mickster04lsdluna: there should be the function key with which you can toggle modes of the screen lcd / monitor / both14:24
indusafterfostercare, can you tell me if compiz is enabled14:24
afterfostercaredo I install "Compiz" from the package manager?14:24
anataI have problem with UNR. I canno't configure panel, add/remove applets etc. I even created new account and same thing with it. I canno't modify panel.14:24
mickster04lsdluna: however it will be just a duplicated screen, i doubt you will be able to dual monitor as such...14:24
afterfostercareIndus: I do not know what compis is14:24
chetnicklsdluna: you have nvidia-drivers installed? if you do install nvidia-settings, and try to use that tool to set it up.14:25
afterfostercare(sorry Compiz)14:25
indusafterfostercare, ok do this go to main menu > system>preferences>appearance> visual effects14:25
afterfostercarek going to go there14:25
lsdlunamickster04: can you repeat your first line response please? i accidentally closed pidgin lol14:25
mickster04lsdluna: but i would be happy to be wrong, that sounds like an old graphics card tho?14:25
mickster04lsdluna: there should be the function key with which you can toggle modes of the screen lcd / monitor / both14:25
indusafterfostercare, so an nvidia card you said? did you install the drivers for it?14:25
afterfostercareMy "Visual" are set to "Normal"14:26
indusafterfostercare, also go to system>administration>hardware drivers and see what it says14:26
afterfostercarek going14:26
lsdlunamickster04:  yeah fairly old, before i put ubuntu on, in windows, i could have dual monitor, similar to extended screen14:26
cmpscunizi, i finished ... but it asked me to choose gdm or kdm ... what i have to choose ?14:26
mickster04lsdluna: ok, well i recommend you check drivers are up to date...system>admin>hardware14:26
scunizicmp: did you use both install lines?  then if you want to load kubuntu use kdm.. for ubuntu gdm14:26
chetnickcmp: thats up to you. gdm is gnome login manager, kdm is kde.14:27
afterfostercareIndus: the recomended NVIDIA is active14:27
indusafterfostercare, is active ? hmm ok now go to the previous visual effects thing again and set visual effects to none14:27
industhen check system freezes or not14:28
afterfostercareIndus: k will do14:28
lsdlunamickster04: says "Proprietary drivers are being used to make this computer work properly"14:28
mickster04lsdluna: in theory there should be a tool in system>admin too related to geforce?14:28
afterfostercareIndus: have turned effects from normal to none14:28
mickster04lsdluna: that is probably right14:28
lsdlunamickster04: Nvidia X Server Settings14:28
indusafterfostercare, now use the system for some time and check14:28
indusi gtg now14:28
mickster04lsdluna: yes14:28
afterfostercareAll: This IRC is some fast stuff lol14:28
giacomocan you help me14:28
indusafterfostercare, mickster04 will help you in case you need any :P14:28
afterfostercareIndus: will do some monitoring thank you very much14:29
mickster04afterfostercare: after a while you get used to it an filte out the stuff you dont want:p14:29
mickster04indus thanks :P14:29
indusafterfostercare, i hope you have ram more than 512 mb14:29
afterfostercareMickster04 and Indus: yeah, starting to get there now. Thanks to both of you14:29
afterfostercareI have only that14:29
cfeddeplease keep your tongue in your mouth :-)14:29
indus512 mb afterfostercare?14:29
afterfostercareIndus: Yes 51214:30
lsdlunamickster04: i tried using that, cant seem to make it work on both screens?14:30
indusafterfostercare, ok its probably firefox and flash eating up ram14:30
indusafterfostercare, use chrome browser its light and fast14:30
indusbye now14:30
afterfostercareIndus and Mickster04: Ok, will try chrome14:30
mickster04lsdluna: well unfortunatly i aint in ubuntu atm, i recently install xp again an havent fixed grub...there should be options available for what you want, i would recommend snooping around to see if u can find it...sorry:/14:31
afterfostercareAll: I am going to go now thanks so much to Indus and Mickster0414:31
mickster04afterfostercare: come back soon:p14:31
brian_How do I add programs to start when the computer boots? When I used gentoo I would do it by using the rc-update command, but my ubuntu server doesn't seem to have that.14:31
syrinx2112Hi all.  Anyone familiar with the "Passwords and Encryption Keys" app?  Having an issue with Ubuntu One not remembering the password.14:31
cmpscunizi, i have this error .    http://pastebin.com/ma43a6f514:31
mickster04brian_: you using a gui? or server?14:31
afterfostercareMickster04: I will thanks so very much.. I have heard about IRC for over 20 years and finally used it. A great experience for sure14:32
brian_mickster04: server, no gui14:32
mickster04afterfostercare: its an experience that is true ;D14:32
Myrtti!upstart | brian_14:32
ubottubrian_: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:32
mickster04brian_: ok, give me a minute14:32
cmpscunizi, after the installation finished - i got this error which i got it also in the first installation you gave me ...14:32
afterfostercareAll: By for now have a great day14:32
mickster04brian_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=778921 is similar to what you want?14:33
mickster04brian_: sorry that link is dead....14:34
Urdawhy is the Zend Framework not up to date in Ubuntu's Repo?14:34
blakkheimUrda: things usually aren't14:34
mickster04brian_: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22914 this one might be better :P14:34
Gangrelhow do i edit grub2?14:35
Urdablakkheim: fun... why is that anyway?14:35
brian_thanks guys, I'll try that out14:35
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syrinx2112Every time I boot up, I have to re-enter the password for Ubuntu One.  Not sure how to get it to "remember" it.14:35
cmpscunizi, did you see my pastebin?14:35
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blakkheimUrda: i'm not a developer, anything i told you would just be opinion14:35
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hamzaatova2can i make my laptop card reader to work on ubuntu? it's richo14:36
rand0can any1 help?14:36
Agapitowhat is a petardo?14:37
rand0All of the sudden all the windows in ubuntu turned into black n' white, like it happens in xp, wen u get infected with virus14:37
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coz_rand0,  do you mean grey?14:38
mickster04rand0: there are very few if any virus's that work in linux....14:38
blakkheimmickster04: "viruses"14:39
mickster04blakkheim: good pint14:39
segindipak: Sam14:39
coz_rand0, could you screenshot that and upload to  picpaste.com14:39
docmaxhi, does anyone know how to change the KDE theme into GTK or Windows?14:39
rand0im not sure if it was grey..but all the windows changed , like the borders became sharp? like the graphics was totally gone.14:40
rand0sorry it lasted only for 3-5 seconds14:40
rand0didn't take a screen shot.14:40
obscurant1sthow to enable read and write for a specific user for a root only folder?14:40
alex88_hi all, a quick tip, how can i edit grub.cfg from grub console?14:40
mickster04docmax: you have a bad change of getting themes into windoze14:40
segindocmax: You can select the "Redmond" theme for KDE14:40
coz_alex88_,  you dont edit that file you dit  /etc/default/grub   I believe14:41
docmaxover "systemsettings"?14:41
segindocmax: As for using GTK+ themes in KDE or other QT apps, give up, currently cannot be done14:41
coz_alex88_,   then in terminal sudo update-grub  so that is written to the grub.cfg14:41
mickster04coz_: yeah thats right14:41
farizluqmancan I install COMPIZ on my Ubuntu 9?14:41
Dr_Willisthere might be identacly themes for kde/qt and for gnome/gtk eperhaps14:41
IP-v6obscurant1st, i am not sure but you may try chmod  ?14:41
mickster04you cannot (certainly should not) edit grub.cfg manually14:41
coz_farizluqman,   it is already installed14:41
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  compiz is installed by default14:41
alex88_coz_: i've added --class to a menu.cfg entry, btw now it doesn't boot, is there a way to edit on grub2 console?14:41
alex88_coz_: otherwise i'll use the cd, but it's faster to do on console if it's possible14:42
farizluqmancoz_: couldn't find it anywhere....14:42
jack5463mickster04, what's the difference between windows os and linux where there are very few virus that work in linux?14:42
coz_alex88_,  well you are not suppose to edit the grub.cfg14:42
farizluqmancoz_: can it be started by terminal?14:42
coz_farizluqman,   system/preferences/appearance   visual effects ta14:42
hamzaatova2why after few hours of playing radio with totem the system stops responding?14:42
alex88_coz_: i know, so it's not possible? it says "too many titles for menu entry -class"14:42
hamzaatova2can i make my laptop card reader to work on ubuntu? it's richo14:42
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  if you got the drivers enabled properly 'compiz --replace'14:42
farizluqmancoz_: or autostarted14:42
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  or install/use the fusion-icon tool14:42
mickster04jack5463: that is really off-topic. I don't know much about it, but there are just too few viruses written for linux in comparison to windows.14:42
h2o0Recently I've installed ubuntu 9.10 32-bits, but I've no sound :s what can I do?14:42
rand0nevermind ! i ll figure out myself.14:43
coz_farizluqman,  if your drivers are installed then it should start automatically14:43
h2o0alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory14:43
coz_farizluqman,   in a terminal type   lspci | grep - i vga14:43
coz_farizluqman,  what does that read out14:43
h2o0lspci |grep audio returns nothing for me14:43
h2o0what's wrong?14:43
farizluqmancoz_: Great, I can see.... blank14:44
erUSULh2o0: lspci |grep -i audio14:44
coz_farizluqman,   copy this command into the terminal     lspci | grep -i vga14:44
Asmobhow disable screen ging black after like 10mins?\14:44
alex88_coz_: btw, i'll fix it with the cd.. thank you anyway..14:44
coz_Asmob,   system preferences  screensaver   untick the activate box14:44
h2o0erUSUL, http://pastebin.com/m60b9ff3d14:45
vishal1Any flash editor for Ubuntu 9.04?14:45
Asmobcoz_, ty that was it..14:45
vishal1Any flash editor for Ubuntu 9.04?:)14:45
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coz_vishal1,  mm   not sure   but Pencil is a decent replacement for illustrator14:45
mickster04vishal1: i think you can use wine for your windows oone?14:45
coz_vishal1,  I have not tried to edit flash files with Pencil but  cant hurt to try :)14:46
h2o0so, how to enable sound?14:46
farizluqmancoz_: only blank, then I pressed CTRL + C to cencel..14:46
coz_vishal1,   sudo apt-get install pencil14:46
raulpercyhola mundo14:46
coz_farizluqman,  in terminal you only get black?14:46
erUSULh2o0: that seems to be the dvb card (TV) post your whole lspci output14:46
furythorI am getting http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7a48f003 error when trying to install latest wine could anyone help what to do ?14:47
h2o0erUSUL, http://pastebin.com/d1895e80714:47
coz_farizluqman,  make sure you are spelling it correctly in terminal or just copy and paste it    lspci | grep -i vga14:48
erUSULh2o0: is maybe the onboard audio disabled in the bios?14:48
blakkheimcoz_: the problem was that YOU misspelled the command to give him originally14:48
h2o0erUSUL, nope14:48
vargadanishi, how can I print out to console the directure stucture of a directory? eg: I'd like to see the directory tree of this folder: /root14:48
farizluqmancoz_: done14:49
h2o0works fine until reinstall ubuntu again14:49
vargadaniswithout the files, only the dirs14:49
coz_farizluqman, ok what   does it say?14:49
Dr_Willisvargadanis:  i seem to recall a command to do that.. but i cant rember it.. it did a luttle tree type drawint.14:49
furythorCould anyone help with that wine installing problem ?14:49
b14ckHey all--How can I tell if I have serial devices plugged into my system from the command line?14:49
cmperUSUL, how can i poste img?14:49
Dr_Willis!info tree14:49
ubottutree (source: tree): displays directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 30 kB, installed size 96 kB14:49
mickster04furythor: probably14:49
erUSUL!screenshot | cmp14:50
Dr_Willisvargadanis:  Try tree :)14:50
ubottucmp: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.14:50
coz_furythor,  if no one can help right now try  the #wine channel I believe14:50
h2o0erUSUL, alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory  --> seems alsamixer don't load14:50
vargadanisFOUND IT :) tree -d ./14:50
furythormickster04: I get http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7a48f003 error but got no freaking idea why14:50
erUSULh2o0: if there is no sound card it is hardly a surprise14:50
LavaEagleI am about to install ubuntu on a windows 7 platform, is there anything I should be aware of or can I just go ahead and install?14:50
h2o0then what should I do?14:50
farizluqmancoz_: but the terminal does not show any status, just get me to the next \14:50
LavaEagleCause it isn't loading wubi it is crashing explorer14:51
mickster04furythor: i presume your using ap-get14:51
farizluqmanbash\ something...14:51
coz_farizluqman,  then something is seriously wrong  on that end14:51
furythormickster04: Yes14:51
knxvilleDo anyone have any guide to make ubuntu run faster?!14:51
mickster04furythor: have you run sudo apt-get update?14:51
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furythormickster04: Yes but ran it once more to be sure14:52
cmperUSUL, i want to change my system to something like remix ubuntu or something else than what i have here .... is there any command that can change it without re-installing ?     here is my system       http://imagebin.org/8406214:52
erUSULh2o0: i really dunno the sound card should show up in lspci. re-check bios settings14:52
h2o0ok, thx14:52
rootpowerb43-phy0 problem it doesn't support PHY how to fix (someone?)14:52
furythormickster04: but the problem persists14:52
erUSULcmp: dunno; i do not know of UNR metapackages14:53
mickster04furythor: http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/48910 may be more helpful than me...i am looking through it now but you can too, maybe try the stuff out:p14:53
b14ckHey all--How can I tell if I have serial devices plugged into my system from the command line?14:53
farizluqmanI type compiz in the terminal and it says: "Could not set display"14:53
outoftimehi all - I've got a hand-built Ruby package installed on my machine, which I packaged into a .deb and installed using dpkg. That works fine, but every time Update Manager wants to update software, it tries to replace it with the distribution ruby package. I can manually uncheck it every time but that's kind of a pain. Any way to tell aptitude not to try to touch ruby?14:53
mickster04furythor: it sounds like you'll have to purge and reinstall again14:53
farizluqmansudo compiz14:53
bazhangcmp, what version of ubuntu are you using14:54
blakkheimoutoftime: aptitude hold ruby14:54
outoftimeblakkheim: i was hoping it was something simple : ) thanks!14:54
cmphttp://imagebin.org/84062   here is what iam using bazhang,14:54
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erUSULb14ck: you can not. unless you query them (if it is a modem he may respond to AT commands )14:54
furythormickster04: doing that14:54
bazhangcmp, please tell me the version: is it 9.10 karmic14:54
lunganHaving some big trouble with .mkv -> .mp4 since my tv don't take the .mkv format, which is the easiest way to change from .mkv to .mp4 ?14:54
mickster04furythor:im off now but at least you have stuff to try now, if not ask someone else here:D14:54
b14ckerUSUL, how can I query them locally then? Should I try to telnet to /dev/ttys0 or something?14:54
blakkheimlungan: ffmpeg14:54
hamzaatova2i heard today about a prograam for managing updates and also for security--- do you know the name?14:55
blakkheimhamzaatova2: aptitude14:55
lunganblakkheim, now I have installed it, how do I use it, I have an .mkv file on the desktop14:55
erUSULb14ck: sudo echo 'ATZ' > /dev/ttyS0 worked back in the day... it made modem light blink14:55
cmpits 9.10 but in dont know if its karmic or another - i go to about ubuntu here in my system and its not giving me something understandable14:55
erUSULb14ck: it all depends on the type of device attached14:55
blakkheimlungan: an ffmpeg lesson would be offtopic here, you could read the manpage14:55
cmpbazhang,  its 9.10 but in dont know if its karmic or another - i go to about ubuntu here in my system and its not giving me something understandable14:56
rootpowerb43-phy0 problem it doesn't support PHY how to fix (someone?)14:56
bazhangcmp, and you want to install ubuntu-netbook-remix ?14:56
erUSULb14ck: for example my hp48gx will not respond to that14:56
b14ckerUSUL, thanks ;)14:56
hamzaatova2blakkheim, it isnt in the packege manager14:56
blakkheimhamzaatova2: it IS your package manager14:56
cmpthe Version right before remix.14:56
alex88_coz_: are you still there? do you know how can i load another config file in grub console? i've a backup copy, loaded with configfile command in console, now how to read that cfg and start with it?14:56
cmpbazhang , version right before remix..14:56
cmpoh bazhang, i think i have Xubuntu14:57
coz_alex88_,  mm   you might want to go to the #grub channel     did you try   sudo update-grub ?14:57
bazhangcmp never heard of a version before remix; the package to install for it is ubuntu-netbook-remix14:57
alex88_i can't boot, i've the grub console atm14:57
alex88_btw, i'll join that14:57
alex88_thank you14:57
rootpowerb43-phy0 problem it doesn't support PHY how to fix (someone?)14:57
coz_alex88_,   grub2 is still something I am researching    it is a bit  complex14:57
cmpok guide me for it bazhang, and i will do it14:58
furythorhas anyone else had problem of installing latest wine on fresh system ?14:58
bazhangcmp, no need to guide: open up your package manager and install it. This is the very basic step.14:58
rootpowerb43-phy0 problem it doesn't support PHY how to fix (someone?)14:59
blakkheim!repeat | rootpower14:59
ubotturootpower: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:59
=== nikolam__ is now known as nikolam
coz_alex88_,   I am not trying to push you away ... it is just I need to reasearch grub2 a bit more to be more proficient with it15:00
farizluqmancoz_: sudo apt-get install compiz <<< redownloaded this files...15:00
rootpowerhow to install PHY support with a b43 wlan driver15:00
farizluqmancoz_: and type compiz --replace.... now can start compiz15:01
alex88_coz_: no problem man, i'm just searching for a fast solution.. =)15:01
cmpbazhang, iam always getting this while i install any thing ....     E: mozilla-plugin-gnash: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 215:01
alex88_coz_: ok, using configfile (hd0,0)/boot/grub/grub.cfg.backup worked fine..=) thank you anyway..have a nice time15:02
farizluqman 15:03
`mOOse`cmp - #xfce might be able to help15:03
rootpowerhow to install PHY support with a b43 wlan driver15:03
Dr_Willishasent the b43 driver been replaced/obsoleted/updated?15:04
xfactUbuntu has any emulator to run Mac's .dmg files? (Like WINE for .exe files)15:04
farizluqmanecho "compiz --replace" > ~/.kde/Autostart/startcompiz.sh  and ... chmod +x ~/.kde/Autostart/startcompiz.sh now can start compiz on startup15:04
tryggvibso I've removed openjdk* from my computer and installed sun-java6* but in update-binfmts it's still referring to the old openjdk... how do I update it?15:04
Dr_Willisxfact:  a .dmg is a disk filessstem image file - last i looked.. you dont really run them. they sort of get 'mounted'15:04
xfactSo... .dmg files works on Ubuntu anyway or not?15:06
Dr_Willisxfact:  you Might be ble to 'mount' them to access the contents..15:06
xfactDr_Willis: Can you kindly tell me the process of 'mounting' .dmg files? (If it is too complicated or risky then I do not need to know)15:07
farizluqmandr_willis: .dmg files contain Uni* apps for mac? can it be used on linux? I have Microsoft Office 2008 Mac DMG15:07
axos88Hi! My firefox is dead slow on startup (like ~1 minute), and when typing the first address into the adress bar until it becomes responsive, and everything is ok(another ~30sec)15:08
archboxmanxfact: lolo15:08
axos88Can anyone help me troubleshoot?15:08
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docmaxi really get crazy15:08
Dr_Willisxfact:  i have no idea. on my imac - dmg files get 'mounted' the same way you sould mount an ext3/2 filesystem file on linux.  I dont even know if  linux can read/write  the hfs/hfs+ filesystem in dmg files15:08
`mOOse`axos88: FF 3.6?15:08
docmaxwhy do some apps use kde3 while other use kde4?15:09
Dr_Willisfarizluqman:  i doubt it.15:09
=== Agent_47 is now known as alokito47
axos88`mOOse`, 3.5.715:09
Dr_Willisdocmax:  older apps may still be using kde3 stuff.15:09
=== alokito47 is now known as alokito
Dr_Willis!hfs | xfact15:09
ubottuxfact: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:09
sipiorxfact: for example: http://baghira.sourceforge.net/dmg.htm15:09
vianocturna85xfact: look here at the bottom of the page, it might help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12552615:09
docmaxeven on a kde4 installation some apps use kde3 engine...15:09
axos88`mOOse`, but I've been haivng this issue even before 3.0 came to be15:09
BluesKajaxos88, FF has some issues with the latest version , if that's what you are running... made me switch to chrome ..chrome imports all the FF bookmarks etc15:10
docmaxchrome looks ugly15:10
archboxmanBluesKaj: what issues??? with ff 3.6???????????15:10
updhi, i wan't install ubuntu remix, on my notebook from usb, but i stop at 70% instalation with error bad usb, or something like that for, can i install it now ? i'm trying with minimal ubuntu, and i boot okey but ther is no drivers for wireless so i can't downlad from internet packet what can i do ?15:11
BluesKajugly is in the eye of the looker , docmax and chrome is simple and and straightforward15:11
axos88BluesKaj, I'm running 3.5.7, but I've been having this issue even before 3.0... And chrome is not supported for the university management system, so I can't switch :|15:11
archboxmanaxos88: there are videos on about:config in youtube how to spend up ff...15:11
Tek-5-8-6What is the next step if the ubuntu-9.10-alternate disc was not able to load the drive for my on board RAID ?15:12
vianocturna85upd: after you download the image file, make sure the md5sum is correct, you might have a bad/corrupt image15:12
dougalWhere can I get PHP > 5.2.6 for Jaunty?15:12
archboxmanaxos88: I dont think that is what your problem is... I think you have addtional software that loads at time of boot up...15:12
erUSULTek-5-8-6: for onboard raid (fakeraid) you must use the desktop cd. to load the driver before beginning the install15:12
xfactThis is too hard, i should find any alternative linux supported software file of that .dmg file15:12
erUSUL!fakeraid | Tek-5-8-615:13
ubottuTek-5-8-6: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:13
xfactWell, thanks for sharing those links/help :)15:13
archboxmanaxos88: I minute thats a bit much unless you have a slow machine???15:13
axos88archboxman, like what? I don't have anything special installed besides what came with Ubuntu 9.1015:13
Tek-5-8-6it is not fake raid, It is controlled with an onboard chip. I trid to use the normal install CD and it could not see any hard drives15:13
axos88archboxman, 2GB RAM, 2.6 GHZ Core 2 Duo should be enough for FF i guess...15:13
archboxmanaxos88: thats a lot of bloat loaded15:14
Tek-5-8-6The alternate CD did see the hard drives but when it goes to the partition options there is nothing15:14
Chr|s_for some reason my graphics card isn't working correctly with Ubuntu. I am using ATI Radeon 460015:14
mikealeonettiwhen I try to remove the "guest" user I get this error: "userdel: error deleting shadow password entry" and that's because it's not there. but the guest account doesn't get denied when I SSH15:14
archboxmanaxos88: thats to fast for that slow... :(15:14
erUSULTek-5-8-6: bios raid is fakeraid. true hardware raid cards are 600 $ and up15:14
archboxmanaxos88: which desktop are loading?????? Gnome Kde15:14
axos88archboxman, gnome15:14
Tek-5-8-6Hmmm, I see. But it should still load the Driver yes?15:14
rootpowerBroadcom wlan error b43-ph0 Found unsupported phy15:15
archboxmanWay to slow???15:15
axos88archboxman, (I'm having the same problem under windows too)15:15
furythordo I need to compile and install GIT from source ?15:15
Tek-5-8-6im trying to load it onto a Intel® Server Board S5500BC15:15
archboxmanaxos88: Desktop or laptop15:15
`mOOse`if you think 3.5.7 is slow just try 3.6 - ugh15:15
erUSULTek-5-8-6: yes you need the desktop cd as i said. read the wiki page15:15
axos88archboxman, laptop, but no power management.15:15
Tek-5-8-6Hmm, I will try the desktop CD again15:16
archboxmanaxos88: What about laptop fan?????15:16
axos88archboxman, whoa?... The computer is fast other than FF15:16
aoljahi there15:16
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axos88archboxman, what yes / no?15:17
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:17
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jack5463On the "ubuntu server channel list" using XChat-gnome, unbuntu 9.10 I used to have the function icon to minimize the window. That function isn't available; dissappeared. How do I repair it?15:18
archboxmanaxos88: have laptop chiller...15:18
axos88archboxman, i think the problem is with my ff profile, because if I create another profile, that loads well... But all my data is stored under that profile15:18
axos88archboxman, of course i have a laptop cooler15:18
=== jorge_ is now known as staminna
Spanglish_7776I have a question, hopefully it doesn't stump everyone as it did me. I have a old USB video capture device, I can't remember the name as it's not branded on the device and the model number only says "c" lol, no actually model number. at any rate, I plug it into a usb port and it detects it and tries to use spca505, it's one of those devices that you can pick between two different RCA plugs or an S-Video (no audio input).. any ideas, suggestions, though15:18
archboxmanaxos88: what you got a thousand bookmarks15:19
axos88archboxman, I've got a few, but not a thousand15:19
disposablewhen i install kde applications in ubuntu, a lot of their icons are missing. (konqueror, kdissert) I tried installing kdeartwork but that didn't help. what do i need to install?15:19
archboxmanaxos88: how many add-ons???15:19
axos88archboxman, 315:19
rootpowerBroadcom wlan error b43-ph0 Found unsupported phy15:19
archboxmanaxos88: theres fastest fox... do you have it15:19
bsdnuxi got a intel i7 3.33GHz cpu, dmidecode tells me "Max Speed: 3333 MHz", but cpufreq-info tells me "hardware limits: 1.60 GHz - 2.67 GHz". is this a cpufreq limit?15:20
rootpowerhow to fix15:20
axos88archboxman, is that an addon? No I don't15:20
ki4cgpSpanglish_7776, You can try "lsusb" command to at least get a little info on it.  I won't be of any help troubleshooting it, but maybe armed with a little info, you might find some better answers15:20
archboxmanaxos88: yes it is a add-on15:20
furythorI am pulling git and wine through it to get this disastrous situation cleared15:21
archboxmanaxos88: do you ad blocker???15:21
axos88archboxman, no15:21
archboxmanaxos88: you need to watch a youtube video on top 10 add-ons15:21
traz1anyone know about setting up ubuntu to run from a usb flash drive?15:21
blakkheim!usb > traz115:22
ubottutraz1, please see my private message15:22
archboxmanaxos88: your missing a lot of cool features....!15:22
axos88archboxman, i don't need cool features, all I care about is ff loading in 2-3 sec top15:22
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diablo-sgi guys15:23
archboxmanaxos88: lol what is with the profile???? what do you mean by a profile???15:23
Dr_Willistraz1:  it can be done. but i think at the last step of install you need to tell grub to install to the usb drive - unless you want grub to install to the installed hd on the pc15:23
Tek-5-8-6Hmmm, The ubuntu 9.10 desktop CD did not see the RAID array either. When it gets to prepare partitions its blank as before15:23
axos88archboxman, like firefox -P15:23
rootpowerBroadcom wlan error b43-ph0 Found unsupported phy15:23
diablo-sghow do i get my 3g sim card to work on my laptop :s15:23
rootpowerhow to fix15:24
knxvilleWhat is it the restricted extra is called when using sudo apt-get install15:24
Piciknxville: ubuntu-restricted-extras15:24
Dr_Willisrootpower:  did you check the ubuntu forums yet?15:24
archboxmanaxos88: I don't use a profile for what reason?? I just save my bookmarks and reload them for a profile..15:24
knxvillePici, thanks15:24
archboxmanaxos88: I also take a screenshot of my add-ons and reload them... :)15:25
`mOOse`axos88: that's a trivial amount of addons you have...and 2-3 second load time for FF even with a Cray is unreasonable....good luck with that15:25
archboxmanaxos88: 2-3 seconds is a bit much mine loads in about 5 to 10 seconds15:26
axos88archboxman, okay, so even 10 sec is reasonable, but my FF is usable in 1,5 mins15:26
updhuh, my md5 i not correct, whan now, download again ?15:26
archboxmanaxos88: that profile is killing you15:26
Dr_Willisupd:  yep. You might want to use the torrents to download.15:27
IP-v6why does empathy set automatically status to busy when it is already set hidden ?15:27
axos88archboxman,  probably15:27
archboxmanWhy use a profile if I need to save data I save it to google account15:27
updDr_Willis: okey15:27
erUSULupd: a torrent client may "fix" your iso just overwritte it when asked (by torrent client). it will check it and dwonload the mssing/corrupt pieces15:28
furythorNow I do install 32bit building tools ?15:28
erUSULfind lib3215:28
erUSUL!find lib3215:28
ubottuFile lib32 found in brother-lpr-drivers-extra, brother-lpr-drivers-laser, brother-lpr-drivers-laser1, brother-lpr-drivers-mfc9420cn, fakechroot (and 69 others)15:29
BuxnaMani have dual boot windows and ubuntu and am wandering if i may format my windows partition and reinstall windows on it. My question is if boot files on dual boot are placed on windows or linux partition?15:29
JonathanEllisIs there really no way to use Ubuntu One with a machine running Hardy?15:29
rootpowerBroadcom wlan error b43-ph0 Found unsupported phy15:29
rootpowerhow to fix15:29
archboxmanaxos88: I read up on profiles ohhh no I would save such data that is eating your ff up... Its loading in all your personel settings of course eats eating time...15:29
blakkheimJonathanEllis: what do you need it for? why not just use dropbox or something?15:30
erUSULfurythor: install lib32c-dev (and related) pass -m32 as compiler option ?15:30
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axos88archboxman, this make no sense. If FF would handle that data as it should, it should NOT slow it down.15:30
archboxmanaxos88: All your passwords...there are ff add-ons for just this15:30
furythorBuxnaMan: windows does always take over Master Boot Record (MBR) or atleast is used to do that15:30
furythorerUSUL: it has no install canditates15:31
JonathanEllisblakkheim: I would like to use it for keeping my accounting files secure in case of computer failure. It would be really handy to have a networked folder that desktop applications like gnucash could access directly15:31
archboxmanaxos88: yes has to load the data how many passwords do you have saved to this ... all your personel settings15:31
SubbyHi, how can I grep from stderr over a pipe?15:31
BuxnaManfurythor: so if i format my windows partition i will not be able too boot linux anyomre?15:31
axos88archboxman, yeah, how many data is that? 40-50 kB? maybe 100. So yeah, not very much data. I'm a programmer, so I know that.15:32
jack5463On the "ubuntu server channel list" using XChat-gnome, unbuntu 9.10 I used to have the function icon to minimize the window. That function isn't available now; dissappeared. How do I repair it?15:32
furythorBuxnaMan: Not as far as I know of, before you modify your boot record... and I don't know how to do that15:32
blakkheimJonathanEllis: you could setup a little nfs/ssh server for that15:32
archboxmanaxos88: Really do need to look into add-ons for fire fox...Hey ,but it loads your personel settings before connecting to internet no good...15:32
rootpowerBroadcom driver problems someone want to help?15:32
JonathanEllisblakkheim: On another machine you mean?15:32
blakkheim!broadcom > rootpower15:32
ubotturootpower, please see my private message15:32
blakkheimJonathanEllis: yes15:32
FoolsRunI have a Virtualbox networking question. Kinda specific. Is there a better channel to ask it in?15:32
axos88FoolsRun, try #vbox15:33
BuxnaMandoes anybody knows how can i edit boot record so i place it on my ext3 partition?15:33
JonathanEllisblakkheim: But I dont have another machine, let alone in a separate building that is backed up regularly15:33
IP-v6any1 have any idea about my question ?15:33
Chr|sIm looking to upgrade my graphics card ATI Raedon 4670 what gpu manufacturer is best to go with that works well with linux?15:33
blakkheimJonathanEllis: have you considered dropbox and found it to not be suitable for your need?15:33
blakkheim!pm | rootpower15:34
ubotturootpower: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:34
JonathanEllisblakkheim: And a location on another machine would still be a single point of failure. I haven't used dropbox. I will take a look15:34
blakkheimJonathanEllis: it's basically the same thing as "ubuntu one"15:34
rootpowerBroadcom driver problems someone want to help?15:34
rootpowerBroadcom problem b43-phy0 Found unsupported PHY15:35
k4rt33kHey I am getting weird errors after trying to import random in python after i import print_function from __future15:35
k4rt33kany idea why?15:35
blakkheimk4rt33k: /join #python15:35
furythorANYONE here has latest wine 64 bit install dep ?15:36
`mOOse`BuxnaMan: there are dozens of pgms online that can record your mbr and put it into a file15:36
rukhwilljoin #ubuntu-cn15:36
`mOOse`put it on a usb or floppy and replace it once you install windows15:36
`mOOse`or run grub2 off the live cd and do it from there15:37
rootpowerBroadcom problem b43-phy0 Found unsupported PHY15:37
hagusWhere should I ask about the difference between /home/calum/www and /var/www?  Currently, I use /home/calum/www for ror and then use localhost:3000.  I use /var/www for php scripts, etc.  I want to be able to use  /home/calum/www as well for php scripts.15:38
furythorAtlast got that to work15:38
KaiForceI have an Intel 8500 and want to install 64 bit Ubuntu.  Do I use the AMD64 version?15:38
=== hagus is now known as calum
=== calum is now known as hagus
* hagus is calum15:38
llutzhagus: #apache15:38
erUSULrootpower: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/37625915:38
hagusTy llutz :)15:38
PiciKaiForce: Yes. AMD created the specification and such its named after them.15:39
erUSULKaiForce: if your cpu is 64 bits yes take the amd64 version15:39
Pici!es | pablito15:39
Picipablito: /join #ubuntu-es por espanol15:39
ubottupablito: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:39
pablitok ableis coñooooooo15:39
KaiForcePici, erUSUL thank you kindly15:40
erUSULpablito: aqui no se puede hablar español. y menos con esa actitud. ve a #ubuntu-es si necesitas ayuda en español. Escribe "/j #ubuntu-es" y dale aenter (sin comillas)15:40
hagusAre there good ubuntu-favoured mice?15:41
KaiForceit is possible that pablito speaks portuguese15:41
ribothi, i just installed wu-ftpd, but it is not running, even after i start15:41
* hagus has an A4 mouse.15:41
FloodBot4pablito: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:41
fucnqshunhello is there a way to keep my ftp coonections from closing automatically due to no actuvity? its annoying15:42
konmanhow can i switch the clock ho display time in base 16 ?15:42
pilchUm, question. I just upgraded to lucid, and now my Xorg colors are dark. It's bizarre. The mouse pointer is nice and bright, but everything else greenish...? Any suggestions?15:42
konmani'm not used to digital15:42
Picipilch: Please direct Lucid questions to #ubuntu+115:43
konmani use ubuntu 9.1015:43
pilchPici: thanks.15:43
furythorShould I use latest 190 Nvidia drivers directly from Nvidia website ?15:43
erUSULfurythor: no15:43
archboxmankonman: Are u talk military time base 16???15:43
erUSULfurythor: System>Admin...>Hardware Drivers15:43
konmanarchboxman: how can i set this up?15:44
furythorerUSUL: and recommended from there ?15:44
erUSULfurythor: use the driver offered there yes. only if that fails you can try something else ... (like envyng)15:45
archboxmankonman: click clock edit15:45
ribothi, i just installed wu-ftpd, but it is not running, even after i start15:45
archboxmankonman: is this google gadgets15:46
Spanglish_7776ribot, do you maybe have another ftp server running?15:46
fucnqshunhello is there a way to change the default ftp connection timeout value?15:46
furythornaah, I was just wondering if it had any benefits15:46
konmanarchboxman: i mean the base 16 where you count 0123456789abcdef15:46
ribotSpanglish_7776: no15:46
Spanglish_7776is it logging to syslog and any errors there?15:47
Spanglish_7776or a log of it's own15:47
konmanarchboxman: it's the clock in the upper right corner15:47
llutzkonman: who counts time like that? (just for couriosity)15:47
PoundoI just installed Karmic Koala's and a lamp stack and the httpd.conf is empty and everthing seems to be in the apache2.conf. So in this world is that my apache config file?15:48
ribotSpanglish_7776: i dont know15:48
sipiorllutz: i think he just wants to see how much channel time he can waste :-)15:48
ribotdir is in /var/logs/wu-ftp but nothing written15:48
archboxmanllutz: just to be diffucult or special15:48
KaiForcemilitary uses 24 hour clock, not base 1615:48
llutzmust be fullmoon again15:49
Spanglish_7776ribot: how are you starting (or trying to start) the server? sudo /etc/init.d/wu-ftpd possibly?15:49
konmanllutz: it's a habit15:49
Spanglish_7776if you have ssh it may be listening on port 22 (sftp)15:49
ribotSpanglish_7776: yes, with the word start following15:49
archboxmanKaiForce: im ex milltary dont swee the use of 16base clock15:49
ribotit is not running15:49
ribotafter start no message is coming, and it is not running15:50
Spanglish_7776hmmm. when you try and start does it complain or just fail.15:50
konmansipior: no! i just didn't find it in google15:50
KaiForcearchboxman:  i've never heard of it.  is it described online anywhere?15:50
sipiorkonman: go away.15:50
llutzkonman: good exercise to write your own clock-applet15:50
Spanglish_7776ribot, what version of ubuntu?15:51
konmanllutz: when i do it, will it get into main ubuntu?15:51
llutzkonman: try it, we'll see when finished15:51
archboxmancount down till end of the world 201215:51
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hipyHello i have a problem15:52
hipyim missing my icon in the taskbar with my username in it15:52
llutzkonman:but you'd better take it to #ubuntu-offtopic right now15:52
hipywith the functions lock screen log out etc15:52
ribotSpanglish_7776: actually there was some other ftp server running, what i didnt know, which worked on port 22 '^^15:52
hipyhow can i get it back15:52
ribotso thanks for help15:52
Spanglish_7776no problem15:53
hipycan sombody help me15:53
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konmanllutz: i have nothing more to add15:53
=== guru is now known as MoeGreen
Keriohello, im having problems with grub2, i need to edit grub so it will boot into my newly custom compiled kernel15:53
hipyim missing my username button at the top bar, its just missing15:53
petsoundshipy, right click on the panel and add indicator applet session15:54
erUSUL!es | jm_15:54
ubottujm_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:54
hipypetsounds, that only added a mail button15:54
hipymy log screen log out and shutdown options that should be in that menu are index under system15:55
archboxmanllutz: I beat that clock was to count something for science class...15:55
konmanarchboxman: nope15:55
petsoundshipy, humm.. open terminal and type    gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel15:56
gsgleasonhipy, add indicator applet session to panel15:56
hipypetsounds, it allinged it all nice but nope didnt work15:56
hipygsgleason, only ads mail icon15:57
archboxmankonman: what this clock Greenwich Mean Time15:57
freaky[t]what do i do if i get the following error when compiling a program, i cant find anything on google: libtool: link: require no space between `-L' and `-lFLAC'15:57
konmanarchboxman: swiss time15:58
hipypetsounds, any idea?15:58
gsgleasonhipy, not indicator applet, but indicator applet SESSION15:59
jm_hey hola15:59
jm_soy nuevo aqui en el XCHAT15:59
Das_FloHey everyone. I'm currently installing Ubuntu on a external Hdd. Does it make sense to have a seperate boot partition? If so, should that be ext3 or ext4? Does grub go to the root or /boot partition?15:59
jm_any one speak spanish?15:59
Ronnie_I have a problem starting Ubuntu. I have installed Ubuntu inside Vista, however, every time I type in my username and password I get an 'Authention error'. Is this a common problem, and can anyone help to correct it?15:59
DJones!es | jm_15:59
ubottujm_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:59
kazulusi yo hablo español15:59
kazuluI speak english too15:59
JonathanEllisblakkheim: Thanks for the advice about dropbox. I will try that15:59
jm_ok, I got it16:00
hipygsgleason, i do not have that option at add to16:00
Spanglish_7776I speak spanish as well, and english and sometimes spanish and english in the same sentence.16:00
kazuluremember that16:00
jm_para que sirve este chat? solo para ayuda de ubuntu?16:00
sipiorRonnie_: well, it's a common problem among folks who forget their password :-) sure you've got the right one? caps lock isn't on?16:00
erUSULjm_: escribe "/j #ubuntu-es" sin las comillas y dale a enter16:01
gsgleasonhipy, sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-session16:01
kazuluI need friends that know about programing C/C++16:01
Ronnie_sipior I typed in te correct password16:01
hipybrb neet to relog16:01
TrizicusI'm trying to allow normal non root users to mount my sdc1 drive. However my fstab settings only allow for unmounting. I cannot mount the drive. I have my error  on pastebin can someone take a look? http://pastebin.com/m2962f70116:01
Keriowhat do i have to do to get a normal grub window to conf :(16:02
sipiorRonnie_: you're sure about the username as well?16:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Ronnie_sipior Yes16:03
ashishhow to do file list?16:03
kazulualguien sabe de c/C++ Sql y Ldap16:03
TrizicusI'm trying to allow normal non root users to mount my sdc1 drive. However my fstab settings only allow for unmounting. I cannot mount the drive. I have my error  on pastebin can someone take a look? http://pastebin.com/m2962f70116:03
blakkheim!repeat | Trizicus16:04
ubottuTrizicus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:04
tucemiuxkazulu, si encuentras ayuda en este cuarto va a tener que ser en ingles16:04
KaiForcekazulu preguntale en #ubuntu-es16:04
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:04
kazuluThanks too much at tucemiux and KaiForce16:04
tucemiuxcan you install ubuntu on a flash drive using a machine that is already up and running without having to use the ISO?16:06
TuckLiveUbuntu Forums appears to be down.  Can't login.  Is this a scheduled down time?16:06
the_real_daveTuckLive: working just fine for me16:07
sipiorTrizicus: the web page referenced in the error message seems to have a solution for you.16:07
geniiTuckLive: Works here as well16:07
Trizicussipior: Solution does not work; i've tried.16:07
Ronnie_I guess I'll have to create a new drive. Sipior, Thanks16:07
sipiorTrizicus: which did you try?16:07
tucemiuxTrizicus, that seems to be the wrong way to tackle the problem though, why give someone rights to mount drives? can you just mount the drive and then set permissions on the drive itself?16:08
dbrunsi'm trying to mount a CIFS share and I've finally been able to get it mounted, but when I view the contents of the directory i see a bunch of odd characters.  I've tried adding iocharset=utf8 and removing it, I'm not sure what else to try..16:08
TuckLiveOk, must be on my side16:08
TuckLivemain page shows nobody on.16:08
sipiorTrizicus: you've made ntfs-3g suid root?16:09
chiiiiizall menu bars have gone on my nautilus... I can'ty go in the Preferences, or choose between a compact or list display...16:09
chiiiiizHow can I retrive it?16:09
Trizicussipior: yes16:10
tucemiuxnvictor, el cuarto de ubuntu en espanol ya no sirve?16:10
=== reactor is now known as sircrazy
nvictorhow do i check the encoding of a shell in ubuntu?16:10
sipiorTrizicus: and you've verified that you have correct permissions on the mount point?16:10
nvictortucemiux: yo no hablo espanol16:10
=== sircrazy is now known as reactor
nvictorso any idea?16:11
=== reactor is now known as sircrazy
=== sircrazy is now known as reactor
sipiorTrizicus: only other thing i can think of is the version of ntfs-3g. i assume you've checked that it is at least as recent as the version mentioned on the web page?16:11
tucemiuxcharacter encoding on a shell?!? must be a user specified setting16:11
Faithfulnvictor, export ?16:12
gerry__!hi all16:12
Faithfulnvictor, your env variables?16:12
Trizicussipior: Yes it is latest16:12
tucemiuxcan you install ubuntu on a flash drive using a machine that is already up and running without having to use the ISO?16:12
Trizicussipior: I can umount but I cant mount16:12
sipiorTrizicus: and if you replace "users" with just "user" in fstab?16:12
Trizicussipior: Same thing16:13
chiiiiizI can't access my menus in Nautilus... the menu bar is gone, I can't modify my Preferences, nor choose between the Compat or List display... How can i retrieve it?16:13
Pici!list | gerhard16:13
ubottugerhard: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:13
ginociao a tutti16:14
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:14
nvictorgino: ciao16:14
tucemiuxchiiiiiz, thats a known issue, there should be a solution for it in the forums, do you know how to use the forum?16:14
sipiorTrizicus: well, if you've checked permissions and everything else, i don't know what else to suggest. consider having a look at the ntfs-3g forums, perhaps someone else has a similar issue.16:14
kazuluI need friends for Programing.  my mesenger in prometeum_kaz@hotmail.com16:15
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)16:15
chiiiiizYes I do... I probably have chosen the wrong topics in my research...16:15
Trizicussipior: I do not have to reload /etc/fstab after changing it correct?16:15
sipiorTrizicus: no, the next mount command will check against the updated file.16:16
kazulunecesito amigos para q me ayuden a programar mi mesenger es prometeum_kaz@hotmail.comç16:16
kazulunecesito amigos para q me ayuden a programar mi mesenger es prometeum_kaz@hotmail.com16:16
Timmarshallyo dudes how do i find out how much memory is on my graphics card16:16
kazulunecesito amigos para q me ayuden a programar mi mesenger es prometeum_kaz@hotmail.com16:16
kazuluI need friends for Programing.  my mesenger in prometeum_kaz@hotmail.com16:16
Trizicussipior: So then this obv a ntfs-3g problem16:16
kad__hey sup! need to ask =) why on ubuntu only one player can give sound if i open both!! only one give sound if i clolse the first one, the second one will give sound! thx16:16
sipiorTrizicus: and interaction between ntfs-3g and mount, i would imagine.16:16
bumbblebeeany channel on socket programming?16:17
Timmarshallhow do i find how much memory my graphics card has???16:17
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:18
Pelomorning guys,   do we have a terminal command that will display the mobo model ?16:19
natrixnatrix89what was the command to find out other ip's on my lan?16:19
bastid_raZorTimmarshall: sudo lshw -c video   .. then you would probably google your card to see.16:20
llutznatrixnatrix89: nmap -sP           if thats your subnet16:20
erUSULPelo: lshw or dmidecode (with sudo) will16:21
natrixnatrix89llutz: thanks!16:21
Pelothanks erUSUL16:21
erUSULTimmarshall: lspci -v | grep -A10 -i vga16:22
llutz lspci -v | grep -A10 -i vga16:23
Timmarshallso my graphic card is 256 Mb would that be correct16:24
erUSULTimmarshall: probably mine is 256 MiB too16:25
erUSULTimmarshall: Memory at c0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]16:25
Timmarshallthanks for your i appreciate it16:25
pigdudeThe other day it seems I accidentally installed some Ubuntu MySQL packages. For media support, oddly. Now I can't start my source dist. of MySQL on this machine. I've diffed my /etc/my.cnf and /etc/init.d/mysql, they are the same as the source dist. ones. What might have happened here?16:27
pigdudeStarting MySQL\n * Couldn't find MySQL manager (/usr/bin/mysqlmanager) or server (/usr/bin/mysqld_safe)16:27
pigdudeI am starting this as I always did, with /etc/init.d/mysql start16:28
harisundHey guys I need to install nVidia drivers 190.53 .. are there any official ways to install this driver on Ubuntu?16:28
JoshuaLharisund, download + install them manual16:29
erUSUL!envyng | harisund16:29
ubottuharisund: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver16:29
harisundJoshuaL, how do I stop the X server first?16:30
sipiorpigdude: your install of mysql wasn't in /usr/bin, was it?16:30
pigdudesipior, /usr/local/mysql16:30
nastashi all16:30
JoshuaLharisund, ctrl+alt+f1 brings you to a tty thingy, there you can kill X16:30
sipiorpigdude: the error clearly has the init script looking in /usr/bin. check that the init script does what you think it does :-)16:30
harisundJoshuaL, what's the command?16:31
pigdudesipior, I imagine it's reading another my.cnf16:32
sipiorpigdude: very likely16:32
=== cp is now known as Guest91179
theadmindust_, mlistus, hello.16:34
xfactCan anyone tell me, where does (Directory) Google Chrome saves it's history in the file system? (Ubuntu karmic)16:36
pigdudesipior, it appears that the file at /etc/mysql/my.cnf has somehow gained priority over /etc/my.cnf16:36
en1gmai just burnt the ubuntu 9.10 i386 dvd and was wondering is there an option to boot to ram16:38
en1gmai need to be able to take out the dvd so i can burn some dvds16:38
theadminen1gma: There is... too bad I don't remember it :/16:39
llutzen1gma: there's no option16:39
xfactCan anyone tell me, where does (Directory) Google Chrome saves it's history in the file system? (Ubuntu karmic)16:39
theadminllutz: No, there is a boot option of toram or something similar16:39
en1gmayea i probably burnt the wrong distro if i want to take out the dvd16:39
theadminllutz: It has to be written manually in boot options :/16:39
en1gmasome distros have the boot to ram option but i dont think ubuntu has it16:40
* LasBuntu yawns16:40
gaaaradoes anyone know how to virtualise an existing partition of windows 7 from ubunut?16:40
theadminen1gma: Follow the guide here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM#The%20Process16:41
hichanola ruben16:41
neptune_does any one know why, when  I run "du -sh ." on a directory, I get a value which is bigger than the sum of all sizes I get when I run "du -sh *" ?16:41
pigdudeI just deleted the mysql packages Ubuntu installed...who knows why anything like gstreamer-plugins-bad would need it...16:41
gaaarapigdude: dint it pop up as a dependency while deleting it?16:42
llutztheadmin: that uses a stripped-down iso, not the default live-cd16:42
pigdudegaaara, yep, I need my db more than media support16:42
theadminllutz: Oh...16:42
en1gmai only have a 2gig sd card and that isnt enough to rip the dvd i dont think16:43
en1gmai think i just need a cd distro to load it into ram16:43
llutzen1gma: damnsmall, puppy16:43
en1gmaanyone have a suggestion this will be for a toshiba laptop16:43
gaaaraen1gma: satellite16:43
theadminen1gma: Recovery purposes? Use either DamnSmallLinux or SystemRecoveryCd, both can boot to ram16:44
llutzen1gma: running from usb would be no option?16:44
jellow_im making a usb boot able linux , Should i write iso to /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdb ?16:44
en1gmai only have a 2gig sd card16:44
theadminjellow_: First one. Writing to device itself is generally a bad idea16:44
gaaarajellow_: u want to make it a startup booting usb or to run it from the usb?16:45
llutztheadmin: makes booting easier on usb-sticks16:45
en1gmabasically the toshiba laptop probably has something major wrong with it....gonna try and restore the OS from the hidden partition but first i just want to pull all the pictures off it16:45
jellow_gaaara: jsut bootable using unetbootin16:45
gaaaraen1gma: use systemrescue cd16:46
gaaarajellow_: sdb116:46
ZubrLNXhey, i've got problem with sound on VT82C686 AC97 Audio Controller. I've got rustle on my speakers, in all sound-levels... any help pls?16:46
en1gmayou mean the cd that oomes with the laptop?16:46
en1gmathis one dont have one16:46
jesus90como me conecto a una sala?16:46
llutzen1gma: no its a live-cd linux16:46
KrisKothis looks like death channel....creepy...16:47
gaaaraen1gma: no...download systemrescue cd....install it into a usb, for getting ur photos out16:47
jesus90español ok16:47
gaaaraen1gma: or anything for that matter...it scans ur whole file system16:47
Vingianhello folks16:47
llutzen1gma: www.sysresccd.org16:47
ZubrLNXhey, i've got problem with sound on VT82C686 AC97 Audio Controller. I've got rustle on my speakers, in all sound-levels... any help pls?16:47
Vingiani am having trouble getting the framebuffer to work on my tty consoles... i tried the grub2 gfxterm and gfxpayload attributes but that does not seem to help16:48
Vingianwith gfxterm i grub2 seems to work - but when i set gfxpayload to keep16:48
Vingiani get no consoles - just a blinking cursor16:48
=== cleverman is now known as RedCloud
Sherlockantialising on the stupid ATI drivers does not do anything in window mode16:49
jellow_what file system should the bootable usb be ? ext ? fat ?16:49
eXpl0i7can somebody tell me how to kill some connection?16:49
gaaarajellow_: make it fat16:49
Vingianand if i set it to a resolution it seems to ignore the resolution and just display the 24*80 character console16:49
SherlockIs it normal for antialisng to do nothing in window mode linux? with an ATI OEM driver?16:49
theadminjellow_: FAT is best coz it is supported by everything16:49
gaaarajellow_: just incase u wanna read it from windows also16:49
llutzjellow_: fat32 has 4GB filesize-limitation16:51
dbrunsI'm getting some very odd characters when navigating a mounted network share on my ubuntu system, but the same command to mount the network share on my Suse system works fine.  what am I missing?16:51
jellow_ok thanks for you help everyone16:52
Sherlockdid someone suggest he set his filesystem to FAT?16:55
* Sherlock reads up16:55
SherlockOh, USB drive16:55
gaaaradoes anyone know how to virtualise an existing partition of windows 7 from ubunut?16:55
Sherlockgaaara: please explain your question16:55
gaaarai already have windows 7 installed16:56
gaaarai installed ubuntu over it16:56
erUSULgaaara: ask in #vbox i think mother vbox can do it16:56
gaaaratx m816:56
Sherlockohh, he wnats to run it in a VM16:56
SherlockI was thinking you were trying to mount a partition and saying it funny16:57
`mOOse`very different16:57
gaaaraapart from vbox do u know if xen or vmware or anything else has actually been done16:57
`mOOse`there's 2 methods to installing on a usb16:57
leosan\join #archlinux16:57
`mOOse`one is replicating the live environment and the other is to make the install like a regular hd16:57
`mOOse`and actually there's the 3rd which is persistent16:57
gaaara`mOOse`: are u talking to me/16:58
`mOOse`the live and persistent use fat32 fs16:58
`mOOse`no jellow_  actually16:58
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:58
`mOOse`well, actually to Sherlock jellow_  and anyone else following the conversation16:59
tucemiuxcan you install karmic on a USB drive using Unetbootin?   In the distribution setting the latest distro I can use is 9.04 Live17:00
gaaaraerUSUL: the vbox channel is absolutely dead17:00
gaaaraerUSUL: no one is talking!!!17:00
jellow_`mOOse`: Indeed, Thank you.17:00
erUSULgaaara: no my fault ;)17:01
tucemiuxgaaara, yes it is, if you have a question about vbox ask it here and if someone knows the answer they will surely reply, also make an attempt at being corteous to the users who log in to help17:01
harisundAm I gonna lose anything if I run Ubuntu 9.04? The nVidia website says they have CUDA SDK for Ubuntu 9.04 and I need to do CUDA programming17:01
gaaaratucemiux: ofcourse im being thankful to erUSUL17:01
tucemiuxharisund, it all depends on your setup, what do you currently have installed and in what hard drive?17:02
gaaarawell i guess i just have to ask my qsn again17:02
gaaarahow do i virtualise an existing windows 7 partition as guest OS while im in UBUNTU being the host17:02
harisundtucemix I have a Quadro NVS 290, which is supposedly CUDA enabled. nVidia website says I need to use 190.53 drivers (amd64). Is Ubuntu a good choice?17:03
bubuleinhi, i have a problem. i have installed windows and lucid with grub1 ( sda1 windows extended, sda2 ubuntu, sda3 swap, sda4 and windows where the windows installation is on sda5) when i try to boot windows i get the message - starting up ... and then the system do nothing. ubuntu is booting finde. u can find a snipped of my menue.lst at http://pastebin.org/8894817:03
harisundtucemix so what's the verdict? Ubuntu 9.04, Quadro NVS 290, nVidia 190.53 a good combination?17:04
tucemiuxharisund, youre not making any sense, state the problem correctly17:05
tucemiuxbubulein, lucid is not supported here, try #ubuntu+117:05
harisundtucemix I don't have any OS installed currently, I am trying to figure out on which OS I can code CUDA easily17:05
bubuleintucemiux: ist more a grub one package17:05
bubuleintucemiux: and grub1 isnt suported at lucid17:06
tucemiuxbubulein, but youre using it on lucid, the problem could be with lucid, someone in that support channel wants to hear about the problem17:06
bubuleinok thx17:06
harisundtucemix did I make any sense now?17:07
tucemiuxharisund, I see now, CUDA is like a software development platform for nVIDIA technology?17:07
harisundtucemiux, yes yes .it's a proprietary API for using the nVidia GPUs17:07
nickkontoshelp! my pc is shutting down unexpected! It usually happens while i'm viewing a flash video or playing a game. I upgraded my graphics card but still... xp does the same... is there any log that i can read in my pc so i can figure out what's the problem?17:07
harisundtucemiux, sorry I assumed you knew what CUDA was. It's like a GPU programming language for nVidia GPUs basically17:08
llutznickkontos: check cpu temperatures17:08
nickkontosllutz: how can i do this in ubuntu?17:09
tucemiuxharisund, karmic is supposed to be the most up to date ubuntu distribution, it's supposed to support a lot of hardware unfortunately as you can verify for yourself, there's always issues with nvidia drivers on ubuntu, ATI is even more horrible17:09
llutznickkontos: use lmsensors17:09
EvgeniiÍà Êàíàëå #ubuntu Íå Ôëóäèòå!17:09
llutznickkontos: lm-sensors17:10
harisundtucemiux, hmmm17:10
tucemiuxharisund, what OS do you currently have on your hard drive?17:10
obiwan_hey guys, please one  question17:10
harisundtucemiux, none .. I am trying to find out on which Linux distro the proprietary nVidia drivers can be loaded easily17:10
obiwan_does rsync use also remote journal? i mean, if there's some interrupting during the sync, will the remote fs automatically return to its previous state?17:11
nickkontosllutz I've just installed them with apt-get, now what?17:11
obiwan_i mean, with the current modifying file17:11
Sjekkiedoes anyone here know how to install the Flinger module for Festival Speech Synthesizer?17:11
EvgeniiÍåðóññêèå ÷òîëè?17:11
obiwan_'sup Evgenii ?17:11
Evgenii» obiwan_ » ÷¸÷¸?17:12
llutznickkontos: sudo sensors-detect   and follow instrutions17:12
tucemiuxharisund, the reason I use ubuntu is because it's fast and the hardware actually works, you can try most operating systems if you have a decent sized hard drive, you can dual/triple/as much as you want boot and test for yourself17:12
obiwan_you talking?17:12
Sherlockjoin #askreddit17:12
obiwan_i get symbols Evgenii17:12
Sherlock /join :P17:12
FloodBot4Sherlock: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:12
obiwan_no words at all17:12
Timmarshallhi im on the canonical webpage looking at the recycled laptop bag would they be possible to do it in 15.6inches17:12
Evgenii» obiwan_ » how do you do&17:12
tucemiuxharisund, you might also want to ask in #ubuntu+1 and specifically ask for a developer and let them know what you want to do17:13
obiwan_ok now it works Evgenii17:13
obiwan_ i was receiving strange letters from u hehe17:13
harisundtucemiux, I think I am going to make a post on nVidia's forums asking for which OS would work best with my graphics cards :)17:13
nickkontosllutz, ok, now?17:13
llutznickkontos: load shown modules, "sensors"17:13
Evgenii÷óâàêè, èç áåëàðóñè êòî-íèòü åñòü?17:13
PaNiKinFlammeSy a t'il quelquunr ?17:14
kudlatyjak mogę dodać informację o prędkości wentylatora na procku do conky?17:14
PaNiKinFlammeSquelqu'un peut il m expliquer le principe ?17:14
brandonban6so today, compiz just decided not to load... and I can't figure out where to even begin troubleshooting. I run compiz --replace and it it sort of wigs out for a second like it's trying to load, but then doesn't. Any thoughts on where to start?17:14
Myrtti!ru | Evgenii17:15
ubottuEvgenii: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:15
Screamo_SmurfIm trying to Share files/folders over my network, and it says windows file sharing service not installed, when i click install i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/372599/17:15
Evgenii» ubottu » ñïàñèï ÷óâàê17:15
Myrtti!fr | PaNiKinFlammeS17:16
ubottuPaNiKinFlammeS: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois17:16
nickkontosllutz, ok, my cpu is 49C and my graphics card is 36C. I'm currently running firefox with a youtube playlist17:16
Evgeniiêòî-íèòü çíàåò ÷òî òàêîå õóé?17:16
llutznickkontos: play some games, work with your pc and watch temps17:16
SjekkieEvgenii, you speek english?17:16
nickkontosllutz, and my cpu usage is nearly 50%17:17
Myrtti!pl | kudlaty17:17
Evgenii» Sjekkie » no, i russian17:17
ubottukudlaty: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:17
Evgeniino speek english17:17
llutz!ru | Evgenii17:17
ubottuEvgenii: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:17
SjekkieEvgenii, Vi parolas Esperanton?17:17
Screamo_SmurfIm trying to Share files/folders over my network, and it says windows file sharing service not installed, when i click install i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/372599/17:18
brandonban6so today, compiz just decided not to load... and I can't figure out where to even begin troubleshooting. I run compiz --replace and it it sort of wigs out for a second like it's trying to load, but then doesn't. Any thoughts on where to start?17:18
Evgenii» Sjekkie » you english?17:18
Sjekkieno, dutch17:18
Sjekkiethe netherland17:18
VCoolioScreamo_Smurf: apparently your package server is down, try something else; in /etc/apt/sources.list change .us to .ca (canada) for example17:18
VCoolio\me guesses Sjekkie is a smoker17:18
tucemiuxdoes unetbootin create a USB installation that allows you to install software on the USB drive?17:18
SjekkieVCoolio, good guess17:18
MyrttiEvgenii: /join #ubuntu-ru17:18
SjekkieEvgenii, where you from?17:18
SjekkieMyrtti, you sure hes russian?17:19
Evgeniiäà áëÿ ÿ óæå òàì ñèæó, íå ïèçäèòå áëèí17:19
SjekkieMyrtti, i can see russian stuff here17:19
blakkheim12:17 < Evgenii> » Sjekkie » no, i russian17:19
VCooliobrandonban6: any useful output if you do compiz --replace in a terminal?17:19
Screamo_SmurfVCoolio this has been going on for over 2 weeks17:19
nickkontosllutz, ok, so when it's on 100% usage it's 55C17:19
Evgenii» blakkheim » åáàëî çàáåé17:20
Sjekkiei could recognize russian when ubottu typed it17:20
alojahi there17:20
frankluI would like to set up a ubuntu cluster with my boxes can you please give me the step by step on how to do that?17:20
MyrttiEvgenii: this channel is English17:20
VCoolioScreamo_Smurf: what version of ubuntu? anyway, in synaptic of software sources, change your repository country and see if that helps; or edit the file like I said17:20
Evgeniiäà ìíå ïîõóé íà êàêîì ÿçûêå òóò áàçàðÿò17:20
=== jtrucks is now known as skynet
Evgeniiÿ ðóñêèé áëÿ17:20
Sjekkiefranklu, step 1: go to google.com17:21
blakkheimEvgenii is going on ignore17:21
frankluyeah i used google already17:21
Evgenii» blakkheim » íó è ïàøîë òû íàõóé, äîëáà¸á17:21
Sjekkiefranklu, step 2: type 'ubuntu cluster howto'17:21
llutzcant one just kick him....17:21
jrtaylorivI clicked "Always take this action" to make it where when I plug in my digital camera, it opens up F-spot. How do I undo this, so that F-Spot doesn't open. I want to use gphoto instead17:21
brandonban6VCoolio, I run that, it gives some errors such Xgl: not present, xset q doesn't reveal the location of the log file. Using fall back .. xorg... , checking for from pixmap: not present, aborting and using fall back, which is metacity17:21
franklucan you please give the link you are talking about?17:21
Screamo_SmurfVCoolio still nothing17:22
Screamo_Smurfand those files arent found on the server17:22
duckx0rdoes anyone know what could cause my hard drive to spontaneously disconnect itself from this laptop until I reboot? i'm assuming it's a loose connection somewhere, but i don't know where to look17:22
enrico_can i have italian channel address thank you17:22
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:22
Evgeniiâñ¸, ïîêà ÷óâàêè, ïàøîë ÿ17:22
EvgeniiÏðåò |dinya_|17:23
llutz!ops | Evgenii17:23
ubottuEvgenii: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:23
Rixhi, I use adsl net with wireless router. currently dhcp server is enabled and i get ip automaticly. I am trying to use NAT(napt) to redirect port from the router to the computer, so that i can use web/ftp etc servers and to be accessible from outside world. DO I need to DISABLE dhcp mode?17:23
tucemiuxduckx0r, a hardware failure could cause that.  The hardware doesnt list itself when you run "sudo fdisk -l"17:23
blakkheimthank you Myrtti :(17:23
duckx0rtucemiux, it's definitely hardware.17:23
nickkontosllutz, ok, but the question still remains, why did this happened suddendly?17:23
Rixand to obtain ip static17:23
Rixnot dinamic17:23
jrtaylorivI clicked "Always take this action" to make it where when I plug in my digital camera, it opens up F-spot. How do I undo this, so that F-Spot doesn't open? I want to use gphoto instead of F-Spot...17:24
VCooliobrandonban6: can you open ccsm? what if you reset compiz to default?17:24
_UsUrPeR_can somebody tell me how I can allow passwordless login for multiple users on ubuntu 9.10?17:24
llutznickkontos: watch it for longer time, maybe it gives you an idea17:25
duckx0r_UsUrPeR_, sudo passwd -d username i think17:25
Sjekkiefranklu, http://www.linux.com/community/blogs/Building-a-Beowulf-Cluster-in-just-13-steps-.html17:25
_UsUrPeR_duckx0r: will that totally remove the need for users to specify their password? I.e. click on name in gdm and user logs in...17:25
duckx0r_UsUrPeR_, i thought that's what you wanted17:26
_UsUrPeR_duckx0r: that is what I want :) I'll give it a shot17:26
enrico_i want speak in italian17:27
sipiorjesus90: does your mother know where you are?17:27
sipiorenrico_: you're looking for #ubuntu-it, i believe17:27
VCoolioScreamo_Smurf: what version of ubuntu (not one that isn't supported anymore)? can you install anything? what if you in software sources first tab change server to download from?17:28
woodyjlwin linux security is it recommended to have 2 passwords? user and root?  I may need some help understanding how that works and how I can set it up properly17:28
enrico_thanky jesus very nice17:28
jrtaylorivwoodyjlw, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:29
Sjekkiesipior, what did jesus90 say?17:29
Screamo_SmurfVCoolio v 9.10 and this is the only thing i have problems downloading17:29
Sjekkiesipior, you scared him away?17:29
VCooliowoodyjlw: that's a bit difficult because different linux distros do that in a different way; in ubuntu there is just you with a sudo password17:29
mdisienowhile attempting to update i recieve this error http://dpaste.com/156641/, is their a repository constantly down?17:29
diddyCould anybody please tell me how to format a USB stick with fat32 so it works with consumer DVD players for TV?17:29
nyangzexcuse me, I've a problem with my left mouse button. Any idea what's going on? I'm new to Linux and this problem occured without any tampering..17:29
sipiorSjekkie: it's considered impolite to call folks "noob" in this channel. actually, not just here...17:29
k4rt33knyangz: Cantou describe your problem?17:30
Sjekkiesipior, ah yes i see now17:30
Deliimetre ami §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§?17:30
VCoolioScreamo_Smurf: what if you install samba via synaptic / terminal instead of clicking the filebrowser dialogue?17:30
nyangzIt seems that my right click doesnt work unless i right click a toolbar17:30
bdheemandiddy: create a partition type a517:30
nyangzi mean17:30
nyangzmy left click17:31
dbrunsI'm having issues with character encodings (i think)  here is the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140267917:31
dbrunscan someone please help?17:31
Deliimles gens raisonnaables17:31
diddybdheeman, a5? Not B0?17:31
k4rt33knyangz: did you try pressing escape or logging out and logging in?17:31
Sjekkiesipior, yes, you're right. that's something only 14year old gamers say, when they play halo, wow, chess, and such17:31
woodyjlwVCoolio,  if I had root password aand user password different in ubuntu would I have to log in as root to do admin stuff or install software?17:31
Myrtti!fr | Deliim17:31
ubottuDeliim: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois17:31
nyangzi've restarted, logged out and even reinstalled linux. but the problem seems to stay.17:31
bdheemandiddy: sorry, a5 is ntfs17:32
Deliimubotto je sais17:32
Screamo_SmurfVCoolio apt-get update fixed it lol17:32
bdheemandiddy: let me check17:32
laenWhen you set "No localisation" at install time, does that mean stuff like utf8 won't work?17:32
Screamo_Smurffor some reason i was thinking that that would update everything17:32
ownerDoes gksudo respect exceptions made via visudo? I'm writing a script that allows users to reboot without su priviledges. my visudo edit is "guest ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/sbin/reboot,/home/guest/reboot_link.sh". when started from a launcher (gksu /home/guest/reboot_link.sh), it still asks for a pwd. when gksu is excluded from the launcher, the script doesn't work...17:32
=== aiOn` is now known as Ronen
VCooliowoodyjlw: that's the idea, in ubuntu there is no root; there is the user that gets root permissions as far as I understand it17:32
k4rt33khmmm try adding i8042.reset to the kernel line17:32
Screamo_Smurffinaly be able to stream everything to my xbox :D17:33
nyangz@_@ im confused..17:33
k4rt33knyangz: while booting press e and type i8042.reset and continue booting17:33
laenowner: that would be a very, very bad idea17:33
ownerlaen: i don't understand what would?17:33
k4rt33knyangz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109876717:33
nyangzsorry for sounding inexperienced but.. exactly when does the booting process take part17:33
sipiorowner: try it with gksudo.17:34
bdheemandiddy: either 0C or 0B17:34
sipiorowner: (gksu is not the same thing: consult the man page)17:34
diddybdheeman, I am using cfdisk, made a bootable /dev/sdd1 partition and chose both 0C and 0B but it doesn't work.17:34
woodyjlwVCoolio,  ok then I really dont need to worry about a root password for ubuntu... and that is why I have to type sudo before most commands in terminal then? sudo is asking for password to make sure I am root?17:34
k4rt33knyangz: The thread is meant to be when your keypad or mouse doesn't work but i think it might work for you too17:34
k4rt33knyangz: booting starts when your grub loads and you are asked to choose a kernel17:35
ownersipior: that's what i'm doing. this is a non-persistent machine for public use. at no time should the user be given/asked a pwd, but needs to be able to reboot (that's when the system pxe boots)17:35
VCooliowoodyjlw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo and sudo checks if you are allowed to have root permissions; the administrator sets that for different users17:35
nyangzOh.. That's going to be a problem because I'm not asked to choose a kernel =/17:35
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
ZimCSHi everyone.  I just build a machine to use as a home server and am using two 500GB drives that I'd like to setup using Raid 1.  When I am doing an install of Ubuntu Server, is there a recommended way I should partition the disks?  Ex: a partition for just the OS, another for users, etc?17:36
bdheemandiddy: you can check/view the type of working one with cfdisk or fdisk17:36
k4rt33knyangz: u on karmic?17:36
woodyjlwVCoolio,  thanks17:36
nyangzI'm using the ubunto 9.10 on gnome17:36
diddybdheeman, is it possible to set a label with cfdisk?17:36
LordNAltapw: in response to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/516923 isn't the reason those proflifc pl25a1-based usb-usb 'transfer' cables (like the belkin F5U258 'easy transfer cable') don't work because the patch at http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.network/86240 was never applied upstream?17:36
sipiorowner: you're currently using gksu, not gksudo, or do i misunderstand you?17:36
=== skynet is now known as jtrucks
ownersipior: i see.. i missed the gksudo part... thought you were talking about gksu... i'll give gksudo a try.. TY17:37
VCoolionyangz: in 9.10 grub chooses the most recent kernel automatically, if you want choice keep left shift pressed while grub is loading17:37
bdheemandiddy: have not checked17:37
Amanda98qien nes sis17:37
k4rt33kVCoolio: Thanks didnt know grub 2 did that17:37
erUSUL!es | Amanda9817:37
ubottuAmanda98: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:37
nyangzOkay thank you. I'll try it out now. Be right back.n17:38
Amanda98a vale17:38
sipiorowner: bit dicey allowing users to run a script as root, btw. i'd think very carefully about alternative solutions to the problem, and be *very* careful about the contents of that shell script :-)17:38
Amanda98me voi xao17:38
NetAdmin_UTGi need a help17:38
NetAdmin_UTGfailed to contact configuration save: some are that you need to enable tcp/ip networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due system cras. chttp//www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/for information. (details:1:could not send message to GCONF DAEMON: message did not received reply(timeout by message bus))17:39
NetAdmin_UTGi have this error see above17:39
NetAdmin_UTGcan any one help me out17:39
ownersipior: this is really it> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/372614/. any alternatives?17:40
VCooliok4rt33k: you can set it up in /etc/default/grub if you want the menu by default17:40
ownersipior: without the dot http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/372614/17:40
NetAdmin_UTGwho can help me17:41
NetAdmin_UTGi cant login my computer17:41
NetAdmin_UTGits show me error code:failed to contact configuration save: some are that you need to enable tcp/ip networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due system cras. chttp//www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/for information. (details:1:could not send message to GCONF DAEMON: message did not received reply(timeout by message bus)17:42
zilkomaa_how to update newest alsa-driver from terminal?17:42
sipiorowner: does the user need to be able to shut the machine off? maybe just go to standby when inactive?17:42
erUSULzilkomaa_: install linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic17:42
NetAdmin_UTGi do reboot it yet still the same error17:43
zilkomaa_erUSUL: Ty.17:43
Sherlocknaming conventions ftw17:43
ownersipior: reboot is crucial17:43
LordNAltapw: i gtg, msg me (or Lord_Nightmare) if needed17:43
woodyjlwhow do I learn to compile software on ubuntu? Not all software is GDebi package installer and I have seen some stuff that requires more skilled users.. is there a good website that would have some info about compiling software?17:43
erUSUL!compile | woodyjlw17:43
ubottuwoodyjlw: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:43
NetAdmin_UTGi am very new in Linux world can some one help me out please17:43
=== stony is now known as Guest27283
NetAdmin_UTGfailed to contact configuration save: some are that you need to enable tcp/ip networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due system cras. chttp//www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/for information. (details:1:could not send message to GCONF DAEMON: message did not received reply(timeout by message bus))17:44
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:44
CosmiChaosi created a ramdisk via ext2-method for testing purpose and now removed the script, the autostart-entry, unmounten the device und removed the mountpoint. i just need to know how to stop it reserving kernel-memory, just removing the kernel mode line wont fix it or how to remove the partition / undo that: sudo mke2fs -m 0 /dev/ram0. Any ideas?17:45
NetAdmin_UTGfailed to contact configuration save: some are that you need to enable tcp/ip networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due system cras. chttp//www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/for information. (details:1:could not send message to GCONF DAEMON: message did not received reply(timeout by message bus))17:45
Myrtti!repeat | NetAdmin_UTG17:45
ubottuNetAdmin_UTG: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:45
nyangzholding down the left shift didnt work for me..17:45
NetAdmin_UTGwho can help me17:45
nyangzon the other hand, my left mouse click still doesn't work. sigh17:46
NetAdmin_UTGfailed to contact configuration save: some are that you need to enable tcp/ip networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due system cras. chttp//www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/for information. (details:1:could not send message to GCONF DAEMON: message did not received reply(timeout by message bus))17:46
VCoolionyangz: ? that's the default way of forcing the grub menu to show; try to edit /etc/default/grub properly, then 'sudo update-grub' then reboot17:46
myk_robinsonAny of you guys have the Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 4500M? Curious as to how it performs, out looking for a new laptop.17:47
nyangzedit meaning using the terminal?17:47
ownersipior: still having trouble...the username is "guest", is this correct> "guest ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/sbin/reboot"?17:47
blakkheimmyk_robinson: badly, just as all intel graphics do17:47
VCoolionyangz: yes, you comfortable with nano or wish gedit?17:47
blakkheimnyangz: use vi17:47
myk_robinsonblakkheim: that's what i figured, although I anted to double check and see if it has improved.. Hard to find laptops with nVidia around here17:47
ownersipior:be it> "guest ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/sbin/reboot,/home/guest/reboot_link.sh"?17:47
nyangzmm unfortunately, i've yet to try out either. i just installed linux and i've practically no knowledge about linux whatsoever @_@17:48
fohos_how can i see all user's running processes - ps -aux?17:48
sipiorowner: does the script have the appropriate execute bit set?17:48
blakkheimfohos_: ps aux17:48
VCoolionyangz: ok, then in a terminal 'gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub'  and change line 4 to "GRUB_DEFAULT=1"17:49
blakkheimVCoolio: s/gksudo gedit/sudo vi17:49
fohos_i see only mine17:49
fohos_do i need to be root to see all ps?17:49
VCoolioblakkheim: yeah yeah, but he's uncomfortable with a terminal so that seems unwise to advise17:49
fohos_guys do I need to be root to see all running processes ?17:50
nyangzso after changing it, what do i do?17:50
ownersipior: +x is there...it executes ok, zenity validates ok, but it dies on the "gksudo /sbin/reboot". should i also allow /sbin/shutdown?17:50
nyangzi've already cahnged it to grub_default=117:50
aoljano u don't17:50
cooop3rwhat application can i use for ubuntu to write ISOs?17:50
Timmarshallwhat would all of yu say if someone says to you ubuntu linux is rubbish17:50
aoljabrasero burns cd17:51
erUSULcooop3r: right click on it choose write to disk17:51
sipiorowner: shouldn't need to. any error message?17:51
fohos_ps aux does not show all running processes17:51
VCoolionyangz: you mean it was already there or you're ready for the next step?17:51
Edward123how can i access 'Applications', 'Places', and 'System' with keyboard shortcuts?17:51
erUSULfohos_: i does not ?17:51
nyangzim ready for the next step17:51
cooop3rerUSUL, im burning an ubuntu disk on ubuntu.. so all i need to do is download the ISO then right click on it?17:51
sipiorowner: and it's "gksudo <script>", right?17:51
VCoolionyangz: ok, close gedit, and in terminal 'sudo update-grub' to make it aware of the change17:51
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erUSULcooop3r: yes that works17:51
VCoolionyangz: then reboot and hope for the best17:51
cooop3rthank you erUSUL17:52
=== andrea is now known as Guest34562
erUSULcooop3r: brasero can do it too and cdrecord or growisofs in terminal17:52
erUSUL!iso | cooop3r17:52
ubottucooop3r: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:52
nyangzokay thanks17:52
nyangzjust to be sure, this is likely to fix my left mouse problem right?17:52
anodesniAnybody here with CUDA experience?17:53
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:53
=== edogawa_ is now known as edogawa
anodesnihow can I change dimGrid ?17:54
enrico_give me addres italian again,sorry17:54
ownersipior: that's right, no errors are given, but gksudo still asks for a pwd (from the launcher)... does gksudo respect the exceptions made via visudo?17:54
sipiorowner: yes. try adding the "-d" switch to debug gksudo.17:54
fohosdoes anyone know if the command is the same in bsd?17:54
enrico_i dont remamber italian channel17:55
Diverdudeis it possible to get different background images on the different desktop?17:56
ownersipior: how do i catch the output? from terminal, the script works perfectly, but the launcher "guest ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/sbin/reboot" still asks for pwd.17:56
ownersipior: got the output...17:56
enrico_help me17:56
sipior!it > enrico_17:57
ubottuenrico_, please see my private message17:57
Diverdudeis it possible to get different background images on the different desktop?17:58
nyangzmm left click still doesnt work. any other suggestions? T_T18:01
blakkheimnyangz: get a different mouse?18:01
nyangztried using a different mouse18:01
DeliimCoucou ici18:01
nyangzstill the same thing happens18:01
arvind_khadriDiverdude, yes, using compiz18:01
Deliimubuntu bientot payanyt ?18:02
blakkheimDeliim: english please18:02
Deliimcette merde ?18:02
nyangzcould it be that maybe my computer isn't compatible with ubuntu 9.10?18:02
k4rt33knyangz: What is your computer?18:02
ownersipior: output is... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/372642/18:02
Deliimblacvk vous mavait ejecter18:02
k4rt33kIs it a laptop?18:02
Deliimencule de juif18:02
blakkheim!fr | Deliim18:02
nyangzIt's a desktop18:02
ubottuDeliim: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois18:02
Deliimubottu je suis mort d ailloirs18:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:03
k4rt33k!hn | k4rt33k18:04
ajayhi there18:04
k4rt33knyangz: Hmmm...it should not happen. Try posting it in the forums.  My laptop also had mouse issues with 9.10. Try 9.04 which is pretty smooth18:05
thulsahello, folks. anyone around here know of a way to change the status of an installed package to NOT be included in autoremove?18:05
CosmiChaosDoes the tracker-applet icon still exists in Karmic?18:05
nyangzokay. thanks. =]18:05
k4rt33kthulsa: remove the others manually if there aren't many18:05
oru_workhow can I archive a folder with its contents to a .zip in terminal ?18:06
thulsaso nobody knows then...18:06
Jenyесть вопрос, русские здесь присудствуют?)))))18:06
k4rt33koru_work: man zip will tell you all you want18:06
erUSUL!ru | Jeny18:06
ubottuJeny: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:06
blakkheimthulsa: use aptitude instead of apt-get18:06
blakkheimthulsa: or manually reinstall just that one package with apt-get18:06
sipiorowner: you said the script works correctly when run directly from sudo?18:07
blakkheimoru_work: zip file.zip /directory/to/files18:07
thulsablakkheim: i'll check into the aptitude thing, reinstalling migth be my option, however as it's somethign i compiled myself18:07
arvind_khadriajay, hi18:07
ownersipior: affirmative.18:07
thulsablakkheim: so for aptitude, do i use the same syntax, with aptitude instead of apt-get?18:08
blakkheimthulsa: aptitude has a few small differences, might want to check the manpage18:08
CybodogI have kvm and kvm_amd in /etc/modules but they are not loaded at boot time, but will modprobe.  How do I get them to load at boot?18:09
sipiorowner: what happens if you try using the -S switch to gksudo? (should be redundant, but...)18:09
erUSULCybodog: works for me... can you post the modules file and the dmesg ?18:10
=== _user_ is now known as csotelo
sipiorowner: ah no, never mind: i see it's in the verbose log you posted.18:10
CybodogerUSUL, yes, did not think of dmesg18:10
TrekCybodog: post it to a pastebin though, or you might get banned here18:10
Cybodogno newbie here18:10
Cybodogbut thanks for the advise18:11
Cybodoghttp://pastebin.org/89000  modules18:11
ownersipior: it seems to validate fine the problem is the actual "(gk)sudo /sbin/reboot". that's when I still get asked for a pwd, regardless of my sudoers settings18:12
thulsablakkheim: but work-arounds are my only option, you're saying? there's no way just to take something off of the "auto-remove" list?18:12
Trek!hi | abu1230 and Francisco18:12
ubottuabu1230 and Francisco: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:12
Franciscohay alguien?18:13
Cybodogbrain damage on the dmeg, working onit.18:13
Trek!es | Francisco18:13
ubottuFrancisco: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:13
becker_11Hi I've found a ssh tutorial and it says to enter "ssh yourusername@yourhomeaddress" but I've only got an ip not a domain and I couldn't get it too work18:14
fabioi0m using kde 4.4 with compiz, do you how to get shadows for the kde menus?18:14
Poundoanyone know if there is a way to do something like username-password@http://mysite.com just a general how to question18:14
Trekbecker_11: do this:  ssh yourUserName@yourIPAddress18:14
Cybodoghttp://pastebin.org/89001 dmesg output.18:14
Cybodogthanks for looking at it.18:15
becker_11Trek: silly question but I was entering xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx should I have left out the periods18:15
abu1230http://pastebin.org/89003 can you help me related this probm18:15
renatonel1becker, ssh xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx should work just fine18:15
Trekbecker_11: no, leave the periods.  for example: ssh Trek@
Trekbecker_11: if I were connecting to the right username and computer :P18:16
sipiorowner: interesting: http://bugs.gentoo.org/29183718:16
renatonel1becker_11, maybe ssh is not enabled on the remote computer18:16
becker_11Trek: okay well when I did that I was getting a cursor blinking but no prompt so I ctrl +c out of it18:16
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becker_11Trek: shouldn't I have gotten a prompt?18:16
jellow_how can i recusivly search all .img files on my system / ?18:17
CybodogerUSUL, much noise here, in case you missed it:  http://pastebin.org/89001  http://pastebin.org/8900018:17
jellow_using grep*18:17
blakkheimjellow_: man find18:17
renatonel1becker_11, try ssh -l username xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx18:17
Trekbecker_11: is port 22 open?  did you install the ssh packages?18:17
becker_11renatonel1: I installed it yesterday on my home pc I was trying to access it via the netbook18:17
becker_11Trek: yeah I forwarded port 22 and installed openssh-server18:17
ownersipior: indeed.... there's a patch there.. i'll give that a try... TY18:18
becker_11Trek: maybe I haven't actually got it running18:18
Trekbecker_11:  did you reboot your comp?18:18
sipiorowner: good luck18:18
becker_11Trek: no haven't rebooted18:18
renatonel1becker_11, on the server you've installed ssh server, try ssh localhost18:18
bastid_raZorbecker_11: openssh-server is the package needed18:18
Trekbecker_11:  do this in command line: apt-get install --reinstall openssh-server18:19
Trekbecker_11:  it should also find the dependencies18:19
secretDoes anyone know the wine irc ?18:19
blakkheimsecret: #winehq18:19
bastid_raZorsecret: winehq18:19
blakkheimtoo slow18:19
becker_11renatonel1: Trek I did ssh localhost and it asked for the password and logged me in18:19
Trekbecker_11:  if that doesn't work, then it might not be installed:  apt-get install openssh-server18:19
Trekbecker_11:  then accessing it externally is the issue...18:20
Trekbecker_11:  do you use a firewall on your comp?18:20
becker_11Trek: router18:20
becker_11Trek: no firewall18:20
renatonel1becker_11: can you ping the ssh server?18:20
Trekbecker_11:  is IP tables blocking incoming traffic?18:20
becker_11Trek: if it is I haven't set it up18:21
Trekbecker_11:  i'll assume its not blocking traffic...18:21
renatonel1becker_11, try to ping the ssh server from your notebook18:21
jappletwhy would all /proc/[pid]/maps files come up empty?18:21
trineoxbecker_11 try going to canyouseeme.org and checking to see if the port is open18:22
becker_11renatonel1: unfortunately I can't I don't have wireless at home I had to go to free wifi spot to try it18:22
becker_11renatonel1: yes it's open I just checked18:22
Amanda98hola esta andrina18:22
Amanda98hello  gat andrina18:23
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renatonel1becker_11, How are you connected to the ssh server, via cable?18:23
Amanda98de q colegio sois18:23
becker_11renatonel1: it's running on my desktop box18:23
nickkontoshello, I just installed a new nvidia graphics card (GeForce GTS 250) previous was geforce 7300gs, and now I can't enable desktop effects...18:23
anodesniHow can I see which video card is available on a machine (ssh)?18:23
judokitaamanda de que c olegio eres18:23
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:24
Amanda98gat scoold18:24
blakkheimjudokita: Amanda98: english only18:24
judokitaeso donde estas18:24
ChogyDananodesni: lshw -C video?18:24
renatonel1becker_11, just to make sure I understand, the ssh server is on the desktop pc, and you are trying to access it from your notebook, right?18:24
erUSULCybodog: weird i have a amd 3800+ and have no problems at all18:24
becker_11renatonel1: I'm trying to set it up so I can access my desktop box while I'm out18:24
Amanda98judokita eres una chica o un chico?18:24
becker_11renatonel1: correct18:24
judokitaalguien es de3 españa18:24
becker_11renatonel1: both run linux18:25
blakkheim!op  | judokita Amanda9818:25
ubottujudokita Amanda98: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!18:25
xTEMPLARxanglais solamente, por favor18:25
anodesniChogyDan, it says "command not found" I have very few permmissions on this machine I guess18:25
CybodogerUSUL, yes it is.  I can cludge it by a start up script that runs modprobe, but I don't remember how to do that.18:25
erUSULCybodog: i only load kvm-amd from modules though (and is with - not with _ )18:25
judokitame llamo africa amanda tu no seras  del tierno galvan no?18:25
Myrtti!es | Amanda98, judokita18:25
ubottuAmanda98, judokita: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:25
kirillkaHi all. Sorry for stupid question. I can't get ipv4 address from dhcp server18:25
renatonel1becker_11, how do you access the desktop box, with LAN or through internet?18:25
CybodogerUSUL, I will try that.18:25
Amanda98ola qien sepa de aqi español q diga si18:26
erUSULCybodog: http://pastebin.org/8901018:26
becker_11renatonel1: internet via a router18:26
CybodogerUSUL, though lsmod shows _ not -18:26
erUSUL!es | Amanda9818:26
ubottuAmanda98: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:26
bastid_raZoranodesni: lspci | grep -i vga   ..if it is a ubuntu box18:26
renatonel1becker_11, then the problem is on the network18:26
CybodogerUSUL, I know that kvm-_intel or amd *will* load kvm18:26
becker_11renatonel1: port 22 is forwarded according to the guide at portforward.com18:26
anodesnibastid_raZor, "command not found" (scientific linux)18:26
becker_11renatonel1: brb I'll re check the router18:26
bastid_raZoranodesni: what OS is the remote box?18:27
judokitaamanda eres la de 6b18:27
Myrttijudokita: por favor, en inglés...18:27
SomeoneE1sewhen I try to sshfs mount a remote ssh server it connects fine, but once the script ends the connection closes, what should I do to make it stop that?18:27
anodesnibastid_raZor, scientific linux, I guess I have very few permissions18:27
judokitaesque no se me da nada bien el ingles18:27
metricpianolaunchpad question, but it's for 10.4... anyone in #ubuntu+1?18:27
anodesnibastid_raZor, it's  a system from my university18:27
kirillkaAnyone can help? I can't get ipv4 address from dhcp server18:28
kirillkaI have Ubuntu 8.04.4 server18:28
erUSULjudokita: entonces entra en #ubuntu-es18:28
becker_11renatonel1: opendns wouldn't be causing a conflict would it.18:29
bastid_raZoranodesni: then you need to talk to your local admin.18:29
kirillkaI disable ipv6, but ipv4 don't get18:29
becker_11renatonel1: btw I've just checked the settings and it all looks correct18:29
renatonel1becker_11, I don't know, it should not cause a conflict18:30
becker_11renatonel1: firewall is definately disabled in the router18:31
becker_11renatonel1: hang on I think I was using the incorrect ip addy18:31
Trekbecker_11: perhaps that was the case, wrong IP.  try using the IP on whatismyip.com18:32
nitemovzis anyone familiar with using Transmission BitTorrent Client via HTTP Proxies?18:33
blakkheimnitemovz: /join #transmission18:33
abu1230http://pastebin.org/89003 any one help me18:33
oenonehi, my ar928x won't work18:34
becker_11Trek: that ip is incorrect my isp must have a transperant proxy or something I've just got the correct ip from my router config18:34
nitemovzblakkheim: I tried that last night,but nobody responds on that channel18:34
sampquick question about chmod. one of the octal values you can modify is permissions for that file's group... what does this mean? Every file can't have it's own group....18:34
oenonei get "ath9k: Unable to attach hardware; HAL status -5"18:34
oenoneany idea?18:34
renatonel1becker_11: any luck now?18:35
arvind_khadriabu1230, sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get -f install18:35
metricpianoWhat is the proper way to report a bug affecting 10.4 that was triaged in 9.10... Launchpad bug 471385 in sbackup "simple backup restore error in 9.10" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47138518:36
becker_11renatonel1: can't test it till I go out again but I'm confident it will work now I have the right ip as everything else looks correct18:36
jellow_becker_11: its open i did an nmap and can connect to you ssh server , if thats of any help18:36
becker_11jellow_: thanks18:36
abu1230aravind_khadri: I have donre that18:36
abu1230it shows that prob18:36
samphm never mind, I have some man files to read.18:36
Myrttimetricpiano: add a comment it still exists in lucid?18:37
renatonel1becker_11: that's good news. got 2 go now. Have a good evening18:37
becker_11anyway I'm too tired to go out again tonight I'm off to bed MANY thanks for your help18:37
Cybodogno joy, /etc/modules with kvm-amd does not load my mods either, but modprobe still works.18:37
metricpianoMyrtti: ok, I just wanted to make sure that was correct18:37
CybodogAnybody seen /etc/modules not loading modules that will manually load?18:38
crappermüssen Sie, nachdem Sie Ihren Arsch abwischen shit.18:39
marinitahay alguien español?¿?18:40
Myrtti!es | marinita18:40
ubottumarinita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:40
blakkheimso much spanish here today :(18:40
skylineR390Im having serious performance issues with an old intel celeron @1.2GHZ with 256MB of RAM, in which I just installed xubuntu. The most trivial activity like opening a text processor seems to consume a LOT of CPU. this makes everything sluggish, and laggy. watching a video on youtube is literally a sideshow.  I havent enabled any desktop effects or anything what do you guys think might be the problem?????18:40
marinitahola  'guapera'18:40
marinitate has metido aqui para conocer gente o para hablar?¿?18:40
blakkheimskylineR390: your cpu is the problem, as well as xubuntu being bloated18:40
skylineR390really I thought xubuntu was for old machines?18:41
blakkheimskylineR390: it's still a *buntu, even if it is the "lightest" of the main 318:41
blakkheimskylineR390: i'd recommend a minimal iso install and only use a lightweight window manager like dwm/awesome/openbox/xmonad18:41
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skylineR390so What do you think I should put On that old little piece of junk??18:42
blakkheimskylineR390: what i just said18:42
habanany1a quien le hablas marinita18:42
tessarakt2does the UNR image have the alternate text-mode installer?18:42
marinitaa ti me da igual18:42
marinitaa quien hablarle18:42
skylineR390havent heard of those but Im gonna check them out. BTW what do you think of DSL18:43
blakkheim!mini > skylineR39018:43
ubottuskylineR390, please see my private message18:43
habanany1bueno yo estoy aqui para aprender18:43
blakkheimskylineR390: have a look at that.18:43
marinitaeres un chico o una chica18:43
`mOOse`skylineR390: sounds more like a video problem18:43
exshi can someone say me how to test xfce4 on ubuntu karmic?18:43
oenonehttp://hardware4linux.info/component/40570/ <- that's my card.. how can i get it working?18:43
habanany1pero hacer amistades de verdad , no esta de mas18:43
habanany1soy chico18:43
fohoshello guys.I got this error Wrong permissions in private key file "/home/user1/silcd/etc/silcd.prv".  The permissions must be 0600 or 064018:43
marinitacuantos años tienes?¿?18:44
fohoshow can i fix it18:44
`mOOse`exs: #xfce18:44
marinitaque dices?¿??¿18:44
jellow_skylineR390: you have the right specs* , Do not think is so much Xubuntu18:44
blakkheimMyrtti: can you do something about these people18:44
habanany1anja, 4018:44
skylineR390no I havent activated any desktop effects.18:44
habanany1puedo saber en que parte del planeta vives ?18:45
skylineR390how do you guys send messages in the yellow boxes??18:45
jellow_fohos: sudo chmod 0600 /home/user1/silcd/etc/silcd.prv18:45
jellow_skylineR390: yellow boxes is a little vague ?18:46
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exshi, ive installed ubuntu and i want to test xfce4 too. are there packages for ubuntu?18:48
hellotherCan I ask about selling a computer with ubuntu installed?18:49
skylineR390yes I'm having the impression Xubuntu is'nt what it advertises to be. Yet I seee some videos on youtube with machines older than mine running it with no problems. That makes me wonder if theres something wrong with my installation18:49
hellotherIs it legal to sell a computer with ubuntu installed?18:50
erUSULhellother: yes18:50
Myrttihellother: why wouldn't it be?18:50
`mOOse`skylineR390: I'm going with video18:50
erUSUL!legal | hellother18:50
hellotherDo you have pay Canonical for installing and selling a computer with ubuntu installed?18:50
Myrttihellother: no18:50
skylineR390I haven't activated any desktop effects how can it be the video?18:50
erUSULhellother: www.ubuntu.com/legal18:50
hellotherSo, it's absolutely free?18:50
Trekhellother: ubuntu's free, so there's no need to pay to sell a computer with ubuntu on it18:51
erUSULhellother: you have to ask permission tu use the name the log etc...18:51
erUSULhellother: you have to ask permission tu use the name the logo etc...18:51
`mOOse`because your cpu/mem specs sound fine18:51
skylineR390moose: My problem seems to be the High CPU usage. Just opening abiword spikes the CPU to high 80s18:51
hellotherOkay, thank you for the information.18:52
`mOOse`I run xubuntu on an old dell laptop with a 1.6g celery18:52
skylineR390I can run win xp with better results!!!18:52
fastPuttyhow can i change my PHP PATH?18:52
fastPuttywhen i type php , it execute the wrong18:52
`mOOse`I wouldn't call it smoking for sure, but it runs fine18:52
tessarakt2no usb-creator in Gentoo18:52
hellotherby the way, what do you mean by the logo? do you have to use some logos when a computer with ubuntu?18:52
`mOOse`which is why I *know* it's not the cpu/mem18:52
Ultraputzquestion: in what file(s)/directory does gnome desktop store wifi keys, etc?18:53
hellotheredit :by the way, what do you mean by the logo? do you have to use some logos when selling a computer with ubuntu?18:53
`mOOse`if xp runs faster18:53
skylineR390but ITs the default xfce installation, no desktop effects no nothing it cant be the video18:53
dfghI have thousands of identical messages in dmesg: "eth0: UDP Checksum error" but it suddenly stopped. Networking works well. Any ideas what's wrong?18:53
erUSULhellother: well if you are ging to advertise with the ubuntu logo or trademarks18:53
marcuyany virtuemart users?18:53
sebsebsebhellother: This explains it and applys to Ubuntu as well  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling.html18:53
hellothererUSUL// oh I see18:53
Trekdfgh: that means packets were dropped upon receiving because the checksums on them were wrong18:53
hellothersebsebseb// thank you for the link18:54
dabaRI thought /bin/sh is bash18:54
erUSULhellother: read the webpage i linked18:54
skylineR390MOOSE: can You at least watch youtube??18:54
hellothererUSUL// will do. Thank you18:54
dfghTrek: ok, thanks. Should I be worried, or is this normal?18:54
MyrttidabaR: it's not been for some time18:54
scottie_I can connect to internet at school and have no problems... but when i connect at home my connection is lost after anywhere from 5-20 minutes and this happens all the time... does anyone know how to fix this..??? im using Karmic Koala18:54
PicidabaR: /bin/sh is a symlink to dash by default.18:54
dabaRBut I guess it is dash, and I just forgot.18:54
dabaRThe debian alchemist's shell18:54
scottie_I've looked all over google and can't fin ou how to fix this18:54
Trekdfgh: if you saw how many packets my systems (yes, I said systems) dropped, your chin would hit the floor18:55
Trekdfgh: dropped packets are quite normal, ahppens all the time18:55
spekkohi all. how do i save my resolution? i get an error when saving to X conf file in nvidia-settings18:55
blakkheimspekko: run it as root or with sudo so you have write permissions18:55
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dfghTrek: hehe, ok. I'm at 11.000 at the moment18:55
scottie_I can connect to internet at school and have no problems... but when i connect at home my connection is lost after anywhere from 5-20 minutes and this happens all the time... does anyone know how to fix this..??? im using Karmic Koala18:55
StReYiiTaHhola kami18:55
hellotherThanks to all of you for helping18:55
hellotherhave a great day!!18:56
Ultraputzhow do you back up your wireless keys and such?18:56
spekkoblakkheim, tried that. i had a solution but i forgot it after i formatted, something about copying the file and moving it..18:56
Trekdfgh: as long as your networking works fine, then there's no reason to worry18:56
coooperis there a 32 bit version of ubuntu server?18:56
Trekcoooper: yes there is18:56
blakkheimcoooper: yes18:56
coooperdont see it18:56
pieroHi! I'm converting a really very long int to str in python, so I need lots of CPU time. Can I put a core from my cpu exclusive to a process? If yes, is it better than renice my process to something like -19?18:56
coooperi see18:56
coooperchoose other options then choose 32 but18:57
gerry__skylineR390: Have you tried running top?18:57
skylineR390what is TOP????18:57
erUSULpiero: 1) yes 2) dunno18:57
gerry__!top | skylineR39018:57
skylineR390another distro I assume18:57
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skylineR390no sir I havent18:57
nickkontoshello, i want to reinstall xorg nvidia drivers and compiz because I can't find any solution to why can't i enable desktop effects... is there any way? I don't want to reisntall ubuntu...18:57
pieroerUSUL, how?18:57
skylineR390but I'll try if you recommend it18:57
erUSULpiero: you set cpu affinity for the process18:58
PiciskylineR390: top is an cli system monitor18:58
skylineR390how do you highlight the chat  in yellow BTW18:58
pieroerUSUL, can you give and example of the command line?18:58
gerry__open a terminal and type "top" (without quotes) and hit enter18:58
skylineR390got it18:58
erUSULpiero: man taskset18:58
PiciskylineR390: Your IRC client automatically colors the messages that start with your nick to alert you that you're being spoken to.18:59
pieroerUSUL, thanks18:59
skylineR390thats like the performance monitor in windows Iright?18:59
gerry__skylineR390: that will allow you to see what's using all of the CPU and memory18:59
* erUSUL prefers htop18:59
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:59
tomtom2anyone able to get openvpn running?18:59
tomtom2I get the following error18:59
tomtom2(WSAECONNRESET) (code=10054)18:59
gerry__erUSUL: it is cool, but requires installation18:59
skylineR390gerry_  doesnt the gnome sys monitor does that??19:00
spekkoany solution? when i try saving my resolution to xconf with nvidia settings i get an error19:00
erUSULspekko: run it as root « gksudo nvidia-settings »19:00
skylineR390gerry_:  doesnt the gnome sys monitor does that??19:00
blakkheim!repeat | skylineR39019:00
ubottuskylineR390: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:00
spekkoerUSUL, i tried that. same problem..19:00
gerry__skylineR390: I believe it does pretty much the same thing, yes19:00
erUSULspekko: o.0!19:01
skylineR390gerry_:cause I've ben watching it and the CPu it stays at 0% when im not doing nothin19:01
spekkoerUSUL, i fixed it before i formatted, someone told me to copy files and move files in the terminal, but i forgot what. and after that i do gksu nvidia-settings19:01
erUSULspekko: try moving first xorg.conf out of the way then « gksudo nvidia-settings » and save19:01
skylineR390but when I open a program it spikes to high 80s19:02
pieroerUSUL, when the python's nice was 0, just one of my cores was at 100%. When I renice it to -19, the two cores started to "play a game" like a seesaw. Sounds like Linux things it is faster to switch the process beetween the cores than dedicating one for it?19:02
gerry__skylineR390: ok and when you try to open a program then only that program will spike?19:02
skylineR390gerry_: yes19:02
erUSULspekko: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak && gksudo nvidia-settings19:02
newbuntuguyHi, I'm trying to figure out if my laptop fans are working/cooling my system.  lm-sensors doesnt detect anything but my cpu temps (around 50c on my mobile quad core) and /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/ has nothing in it, nor does /proc_acpi/fans/.  I am wondering if my system is running too hot, and if it is not being cooled.19:02
spekkoerUSUL, kk thanx :))19:02
ptr1has skype for karmic/jaunty gone from medibuntu? it doesn't show up among packages, the website's download link is broken.19:03
erUSULpiero: seems like a bogus decision of the kernel. it is better to keep it in one cpucore19:03
gerry__skylineR390: when you run top what does it read under free memory?19:03
gerry__skylineR390: when idle19:03
pieroerUSUL, cool! thanks!19:03
skylineR390gerry_: then it stabilizes, but if doing something a little cpu stressful like watching a video on youtube it stay at 100%19:03
skylineR390gerry_: mem stays low 160~190 when I have multiple applicatins running (I have 256MB)19:04
Trek!hi | mariano_19:04
ubottumariano_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:05
mariano_what your name?19:05
gerry__skylineR390: well I'm all out of ideas19:05
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:06
Picimariano_: This is the Ubuntu support channel, do you have an Ubuntu question?19:06
gerry__!pm | abu123019:06
ubottuabu1230: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:06
nomaSmy ubuntuserver its freeze i have to reboot, which log should i check to see if theres a problem ?19:06
skylineR390gerry_:  know, me too! lol thanks anyways man, Im gonna try other light distros & see what happens19:07
erUSULnomaS: /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog19:07
tucemiuxtomtom2,  have you tried using open ssh?19:07
gerry__skylineR390: good luck19:07
skylineR390gerry_:  do you recommend any...19:07
blakkheimskylineR390: gentoo19:07
abu1230can you help me I have one broken file in my OS19:08
tucemiuxis it possible to install a "full" ubuntu installation on a USB stick?  Or is the usb "persistent" installation just a live usb installation?19:08
abu1230how to fix the that19:08
mikelissDoes anybody know why my fans stay on after I suspend my desktop?19:08
MasterMatanhi, i have problem with ubuntu 9.10, i does kernel uptade to 2.6.31-19-generic and now i have problem with apps, they are killing same sometimes (pidgin, firefox, totem and others)19:08
skylineR390gerry_:  I'll check it out, Thanks19:08
gerry__skylineR390: only a linux noob here, so outside of ubuntu I'm pretty much lost ;)19:08
gerry__skylineR390: it was blakkheim who suggested it19:08
skylineR390gerry_:  lol me 219:08
geniitucemiux: You can install full, with grub and all. I have one this way.19:08
abu1230hello any one help me19:09
abu1230 I have one broken file in ubuntu 9.1019:09
rambo298what's the key sequence to switch from graphics to text mode, and then back?19:09
MyrttiskylineR390: seriously, you could try installing the core of ubuntu with minimal iso and add stuff onto that, like lxde19:09
skylineR390blakkheim: gentoo I'll check it out, thanks  blakkheim19:09
Trekabu1230: it helps to know what the broken file is19:09
tucemiuxgenii, can you please tell me how you did it?  did you do it from within a working ubuntu distro using a utility with an ISO or did you do it booting up from a CD?19:10
abu1230please check that19:10
erUSULrambo298: crtl + alt + f1 then crtl + alt + f719:10
MyrttiskylineR390: I wouldn't suggest gentoo unless you're very masochistic and love to configure everything to the last detail19:10
newbuntuguyHi, I'm trying to figure out if my laptop fans are working/cooling my system.  lm-sensors doesnt detect anything but my cpu temps (around 50c on my mobile quad core) and /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/ has nothing in it, nor does /proc_acpi/fans/.  I am wondering if my system is running too hot, and if it is not being cooled.19:10
skylineR390what bothers me is that some people seem to run xubuntu on older machines with no problem19:10
musteloafter I installed ubunt my ethernet card is not recognized by linux or windows. thoughts?19:10
rambo298erUSUL: ever have ubuntu switch to text mode on its own and not be able to get back to graphics without restarting?19:10
geniitucemiux: I used the usb stick as a target to install to after booting from the install cd19:10
Trekabu1230: your issue doesnt seem to be a broken file, rather a broken package19:10
erUSULrambo298: no; never19:10
neXyonhow do I find out which application uses a specific module? (lsmod shows 1 user)19:11
skylineR390Myrtti: I know little to knothing about linux so I dont think thats a choice 4 e, Im barely learning some bash...19:11
Trekabu1230: i don't know how to fix your issue, thoguh19:11
rambo298erUSUL: it's happened four times in the past week; i am mystified19:11
abu1230any one help me19:11
tucemiuxmustelo, if your ethernet card is not recognized by either linux or windows then it is ***highly**** likely that ethercard is dead19:11
Piciabu1230: Have you run    sudo apt-get -f install    like it suggests?19:11
erUSULneXyon: that 1 user is another module. not some app19:11
agrifskylineR390: If your new to Linux in general, Gentoo will be hard ( though you'll learn a lot )19:12
rambo298erUSUL: it's almost like X is crashing but i don't see any sign of an exception19:12
mburchillI'm considering upgrading my video card, does Ubuntu + AMD/ATI Catalyst drivers support hardware h.264? I've been using NVidia with VDPAU ... but it's been a pain in the ass to keep it working.19:12
abu1230yes but when am going to install its not repond19:12
TrekPici: his pastebin has that as the initial option he ran19:12
erUSULrambo298: bad memory / hardware ?19:12
mustelotucemiux, that's what I thought. I sent it in to the manufacturer and they imaged my drive, updated my bios, and shipped it back. it worked under windows until I tried to install linux...19:12
PiciTrek: ah19:12
rambo298shrug maybe19:12
gerry__skylineR390: it could be a hardware problem as in something isn't working properly19:12
tucemiuxgenii, im going to try that, thanks!!!19:12
rambo298mburchill: nvidia has never been anything but19:12
Piciabu1230: What version of Ubuntu is this?19:12
skylineR390agrif: what "easy" and lightweight distro will you recommend then, since xubuntu isn't working19:13
geniitucemiux: You can however use also a chroot/debbootstrap method if you have no CD or so on19:13
tucemiuxmustelo, is the ethernet card working right now??? hardware is hardware, its supposed to work, if linux has no drivers or can at least still recognize it19:13
abu1230it shows this error "You have 1 broken package on your system!19:13
abu1230Use the "Broken" filter to locate it."19:13
Willy_Wallaceanyone knows what software could i use to mount a HTC cellular?19:14
skylineR390gerry__: this machine had xp and it ran fairly decent, so I dont think thats the problem....19:14
agrifskylineR390: slackware can be light, and it's easier than gentoo though less a walk in the park19:14
abu1230E: /var/cache/apt/archives/xorg-driver-fglrx_2%3a8.660-0ubuntu4_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 219:14
juancarl1shai can i haz support?19:14
gerry__skylineR390: true, I forgot that19:14
agrifskylineR390: but off the top of my head I have no idea, other than SW19:15
geniijuancarl1s: Just describe your problem in the channel and someone will likely answer19:15
skylineR390agrif: ill check it out, thanks19:15
MyrttiskylineR390: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu19:15
Trek!ask | juancarl1s19:15
ubottujuancarl1s: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:15
neglesaksgood evening. Does anyone here have problems changing their user password in Ubuntu's "Users & Groups" control panel? I've continuously tried to no avail, but "passwd" in the termianl works fine19:15
tessarakt2unetbootin in Gentoo19:15
mezquitalemustelo, i have only been able to install kubuntu on a usb drive using unetbootin but it logged straight into kubuntu, it didnt ask me to create a user19:15
skylineR390Myrtti: that looks INTERESTING19:16
agrifOh man I had forgotten gentoo, so many lost nights recompiling kernels...19:16
wtfwtfdefanyone know bitchx19:16
wtfwtfdefhow do you block the join/parts19:17
wtfwtfdefcan barley read convo19:17
gerry__Myrtti: nice linkage19:17
blakkheimwtfwtfdef: i can in irssi19:17
ehndeanyone know how i can get my hostname to show up instead of my i.p.?19:17
mezquitaleMyrtti, lubuntu is even lighter weigh than xubuntu?19:17
ehnde(on freenode)19:17
Myrttimezquitale: so I've been told19:17
ivansmoguys I have writte one line of code c++, can you tell me how to compile that file?? And run it?19:18
Myrttiehnde: go to #freenode and ask for a cloak19:18
Myrtti!register | ehnde19:18
ubottuehnde: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode19:18
juancarl1sneed a network managment app, network-manager:toobig,too much dependencies / LXNM:try to install half LXDE / gnome-network:try to install half gnome / WICD:GUI crash because missing unknow backends,freedesktop idontknowwhat missing and crash, any recommendation???19:18
ehndethanks Myrtti19:18
mezquitaleMyrtti, i'll add lubuntu to my agenda19:18
burghello. i have some subtitles with romanian characters (like: ș ț Ș Ț) - but if i open those subtitles in gedit or if i open in a movie player, it shows some strange characters instead. how can i fix that?19:18
rambo298ivansmo: g++ file.cpp -o file19:18
arandmezquitale: yes, lxde is generally lighter than xfce, I think.19:18
erUSULivansmo: g++ -o run file.cpp && ./run19:18
blakkheimjuancarl1s: i recommend fixing wicd and using that19:18
trismjuancarl1s: if all the network managers are too heavy for you, just use /etc/network/interfaces19:19
juancarl1sWICD GUI Crash19:19
erUSULburg: probably the file is in a weird charset. convert to utf-819:19
juancarl1sneed a GUI19:19
blakkheimjuancarl1s: no you don't19:20
burgerUSUL, how can i convert it?19:20
erUSULburg: « file subtitles.srt » would tell you what charset then you can use "iconv" to convert it19:20
juancarl1sno, is not for me, really need a GUI19:20
erUSULburg: iconv -f weird_charset -t utf-8 subtitles.srt > subtitles_fixed.srt19:21
burgerUSUL, sub.srt: ISO-8859 text is the charset now19:21
juancarl1sLXNM says it only uses Bash scripts, so no dependencies, but its not true19:21
erUSULburg: use iconv -f ISO-8859-15 -t utf-819:22
erUSULburg: maybe is not 15 ... check the result19:22
burgerUSUL, the result is identical to the old file19:23
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juancarl1sso no solution19:24
erUSULburg: google tells me romanian is ISO-8859-219:24
juancarl1smaybe a packaging bug on wicd19:24
erUSULburg: use iconv -f ISO-8859-2 -t utf-8 subtitles.srt > subtitles_fixed.srt19:24
burgdone, thanks erUSUL19:26
juancarl1swill make my own network manager on python/bash19:26
erUSULburg: no prblem19:26
Das_FloHey, can someone please tell me if it makes a difference whether /boot goes to the beginning or the end at installation? (Location for the new partition)19:26
damjanzgWhat util use to cut text from a file on exactly n line and from a-b collumns19:27
blakkheimdamjanzg: sed/awk/cut19:27
erUSULdamjanzg: tail + cut19:27
TLFcan you tell me the name of the gnome window manager?19:27
blakkheimTLF: metacity19:27
erUSULTLF: metacity19:27
erUSULin stereo where aviable19:27
TLFthank you very much :)19:27
arandDas_Flo: no, just a matter of preference and organisation.19:27
gdizhey does anyone know if there is a way to control or send keyboard/mouse events to a flash app via bash19:28
Das_FloThank you19:28
geniiDas_Flo: If you put it at the end you can put swap at the beginning. The start of the disk has slightly faster access times than the end of the disk19:28
Das_Flogenii: With / in the middle, so to speak?19:29
geirhadamjanzg: awk 'NR==2{print $3,$4,$5}' file   prints fields 3-5 of line 219:29
geniiDas_Flo: Yes. Another method is also to sandwich the swap between / and /home so that the read heads can hit it while travelling between accessing the two19:29
damjanzggeirha: that was usefful tnx19:30
guntbertAmanda98: stop19:30
FloodBot4Amanda98: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:30
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:30
Das_Flogenii: Ok. So /: beginning, /boot: end, swap: beginning - no seperate home dir19:31
juancarl1samanda98: es en Ingles aca19:32
juancarl1sAmanda98: ./join #ubuntu-es19:32
geniiDas_Flo: Something like: /root swap /boot       or so. /boot is used on bootstrap and not constantly so end is fine19:32
habananyola Amanda9819:32
Myrttijuancarl1s: gone already19:32
guntberthabanany: don't encourage such behaviour please19:33
Das_Flogenii: Thanks, that's what I have now... Well, with a big fat ntfs storage area before that, I'll have to figure out how to move that to the end sometime, if possible19:33
geniiDas_Flo: You can also have swap /root /boot    since no separate partition for /var /home or so on19:33
knapikjak skofigurowac ubuntu19:33
arandDas_Flo: Seems to be a bit of discussion of swap-placement-performance here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-installation-40/should-i-put-the-swap-partition-at-the-beginning-or-the-end-of-the-drive-365793/ (Summary: *it depends*)19:33
geniiDas_Flo: If you had /home   then:  /home swap /root /boot         or so19:33
guntbert!pl | knapik19:33
ubottuknapik: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:33
mburchillIf I use the ATI catalyst drivers are mencoder/mpayer able to take advantage of the hardware h.264 support ... 1080 right now is just killing my Quad core box. VDPAU only effects playback not transcoding.19:34
juancarl1sthe problem is that for fixing WICD means installing too much packages, so we are back in troubles19:34
boxemallhey guys. any idea on how to add multimedia stuff as fast as possible? autmotaix has been disco'ed so is there any other easy way?19:35
Dark_Smokeесть руско говорящие?19:35
Myrttiboxemall: install ubuntu-restricted-extras and use medibuntu19:36
boxemallerrrm this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu19:36
Myrtti!medibuntu | boxemall19:36
ubottuboxemall: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:36
Myrttiboxemall: yes, that.19:36
boxemallkk ill look it up and tx19:37
guntbert!ru | Dark_Smoke19:37
ubottuDark_Smoke: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:37
boxemallhmm if i want to install all the progs just to make sure i have it all what do i do? im fixin this rig for people without internet access... and yes such folks do still exist lol19:38
juancarl1sboxemall: apt-zip19:39
Myrttiboxemall: if you forget something from the installation, you can always use the offline way to add them later19:39
Myrtti!offline > boxemall19:39
ubottuboxemall, please see my private message19:39
ZykoticK9Slow text input on Facebook.  I've seen this mentioned before, now it's happening to me.19:39
Screamo_Smurfanyone else having problems downloading ubuntu packages ?19:41
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boxemallwell too sad linuxmint wont work on my rig. at least that has all included19:42
Screamo_Smurfive been downloading a 5mb file for the past hour or so19:42
Screamo_Smurffinaly at 97% but i mean c'mon thats just to slow19:42
MyrttiScreamo_Smurf: difficult to say, ubuntu has a plethora of servers from where to download from19:42
guntbertScreamo_Smurf: you can choose another download server19:42
Das_FloDo i need to modify grub2 in order to boot from an external hdd? read it was "too fast" for an usb device?19:43
juancarl1sneed a network managment app, network-manager:toobig,too much dependencies / LXNM:try to install half LXDE / gnome-network:try to install half gnome / WICD:GUI crash because missing unknow backends,freedesktop idontknowwhat missing and crash, any recommendation???19:44
cdoublejjwould leaving a cd in the cd drive after freshly installing ubuntu during first boot cause it to not to mount cds?19:45
Screamo_Smurfhow do i extract files from an .ISO?19:46
cdoublejjin windows i use winrar19:46
guntbert!iso | Screamo_Smurf19:46
ubottuScreamo_Smurf: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:46
cdoublejjso what ever the alternatvie is to that in ubuntu19:46
damjanzgIs there some console application to record sound, that can take name of saving file for option19:47
guntbertcdoublejj: please stay helpful19:47
knapikgdzie znajde pomoc w ubuntu na forum nikt nie chce19:47
cdoublejjwoah you can mount iso in ubunut with out fancy software like deamon tools, well i'm little rusty19:47
cdoublejjhow ever19:47
Das_FloAfter installation, should I remove the usb stick *before* I reboot or after?19:48
nibblerDas_Flo: before to be save - basically, just make sure you dont boot it once again19:48
arandScreamo_Smurf: open it in archive manager.19:48
juancarl1swill write my own19:48
Screamo_Smurfneither one of those options worked19:48
Das_FloThx... since this is my Nth try to get this setup running... well, wish me luck ;)19:49
nibblerScreamo_Smurf: what did not work? what was the error mesage?19:49
Screamo_Smurfdidnt give an eror message19:50
Screamo_Smurfjust didnt mount it19:50
TamnakzI'm trying to install ubuntu on a pc. I downloaded the 8.10ISO and extracted it, but it won't run? either errors, or asks for internet, but I don't have internet at home. What can I dl that'll do it all in one package?19:50
nibblerScreamo_Smurf: sounds strange, paste the command you used, please19:50
klappidamjanzg: arecord?19:51
sea-gullhow to upgrade linux kernel in ubuntu?19:51
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.19:52
sebsebsebsea-gull: Why do you want to?19:53
sea-gullsebsebseb: http://news.softpedia.com/news/10-Kernel-Vulnerabilities-in-Ubuntu-6-06-8-04-8-10-9-04-and-9-10-134162.shtml19:53
blakkheimsebsebseb: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude full-upgrade19:53
sebsebsebsea-gull: ah yes that, I been on that webpage myself19:53
mezquitalecan you install ubuntu onto a USB drive booting up to a CD?19:54
sebsebsebblakkheim: you meant to message them that or?19:54
blakkheimsea-gull: sorry19:54
`mOOse`mezquitale, what do you mean?19:54
guntbert!md5sum | Tamnakz, did you check?19:54
ubottuTamnakz, did you check?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:54
sebsebsebsea-gull:  Which version of Ubuntu are you on?19:55
scott_ino2anyone know why my battery indicator doesn't tell me time remaining?19:55
mezquitale`mOOse`,  basically I took my hard drives out and connected my USB drive to my laptop, I'm booting up to the CD and I'm going to perform the install on the USB drive, is this possible?19:55
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois19:55
sebsebsebsea-gull: If you apply all the security updates you  should be ok19:55
`mOOse`yes very possible mezquitale19:55
`mOOse`I have usb flashdrives with ubuntu and suse on them...that's how I did it19:56
mezquitale`mOOse`, I wonder if ubuntu will have a problem if I boot up the USB on a different machine?19:56
Screamo_SmurfCan somebody help me with installing this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbiso/19:56
`mOOse`mezquitale, no...they should work fine as long as the machine can bott from a usb port19:56
`mOOse`mezquitale, having them on a flashdrive is pretty cool19:57
Guest30745i'm trying to dualboot ubuntu and windows 7 (windows installed last) i managed to reinstall my grub but i cant get it to chainload windows 719:57
=== Guest30745 is now known as jesse___________
mezquitaleGuest30263,  update-grub and see if that works, if not you can enable windows 7 to boot up by creating a config in 40_custom19:58
`mOOse`Screamo_Smurf - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware19:58
papoI need to mount a samba share (without fuse), but http://pastebin.com/m5c243563. Happens on a karmic with all upgrades installed. What am I doing wrong?19:59
mezquitale`mOOse`, how much space do I need to install ubuntu though?  It looks like 1 gig wont cut it?19:59
urthmoverI have isntalled gpodder from the ppa and for some reason an icon did not show up anywhere in my start menu.  How do I go about fixing that?19:59
`mOOse`no, 1 gig is too small19:59
tatototinopam_check_host drop accepting investment to block host20:00
`mOOse`mezquitale, I used 4 gig Lexar drives20:00
TrekGuest30263, you are supposed to have installed Ubuntu AFTER Windows, as Windows overwrites your boot record.  you'll have to reinstall GRUB to make it work20:00
mezquitale`mOOse`, i guess this project will have to wait until I get a bigger thumb drive then20:00
LinuxReignurthmover, and you are positive that gpodder is actually installed?20:00
urthmoverLinuxReign: yes because I can start it from the CLI just fine20:00
tatototinomy openldap is to block hosts on /etc/ldap.conf20:01
LinuxReignurthmover, ok, you should create a launcher20:01
`mOOse`mezquitale, the base install is about 1.2 gigs20:01
urthmoverLinuxReign: hmm ok I'll do that....but it seems odd that the installation did not do that automatically20:01
papooh never mind I got it20:01
LinuxReignurthmover, sometimes that happens20:01
`mOOse`mezquitale, the minimum flashdrive I'd use would be 4 gigs - 8 much better20:02
LinuxReignurthmover, it used to happen when I installed Enemy Territory :P20:02
urthmoverLinuxReign: is it worth my time to apt-get remove gpodder   and reinstall it?20:02
mezquitaleTrek, Guest30263 said he managed to reinstall but he cant boot up to windows7, most likely grub is pointing to the wrong partition20:02
LinuxReignurthmover, nah, I dont think that will make any difference20:02
=== sarah is now known as Guest82674
Trekmezquitale, i think this is an issue with Win7, it liikes to take over the parition system.  He may have to rewrite the list system manually.20:03
urthmoverLinuxReign: ok thanks for the advice  I'll just create a launcher and move on with my life  much appreciated20:03
LinuxReignurthmover, my pleasure my friend, good luck20:03
mezquitaleTrek, I told him to update-grub and didnt reply so he must have left and must be up and running20:04
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois20:04
=== kottizen_ is now known as hi
`mOOse`mezquitale, but he'd have to do that from a live cd or other installation20:04
=== hi is now known as hifdjs
`mOOse`mezquitale, he can't load ubuntu now20:05
FloodBot4hifdjs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:05
mezquitale`mOOse`, he sent you a PM?20:06
`mOOse`mezquitale, no20:07
juancarl1sneed a guide to package these need packaging bugs, but guides i find or someones pointme is for package on my own PPA, i want to share my packaging work with everyone, not only on my PPA, at least on Multiverse or something like that20:07
`mOOse`mezquitale, he said win7 overwrote his mbr20:07
Trekmezquitale, he needs to reinstall GRUB then20:07
Trekmezquitale, since Win7 overwrote his MBR20:07
`mOOse`mezquitale, and the easiest way to do that is with the live cd20:08
mezquitaleTrek, `mOOse` the guy left so unless he comes back we wont know, no worries20:08
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=== ventz1 is now known as ventz
boxemallafter doin a clean install (wiped all other entries so its just ubuntu) i get an error when bootin. is taht a grub2 bug? tellin me "no such device"20:08
mezquitaleTrek, in his post, he stated he reinstalled grub but was unable to boot to windows 7, he should have figured it out by now though since he left20:08
Trekmezquitale, if the update command worked, that is20:09
Trekmezquitale, otherwise, he'll have to reinstall grub all over again20:09
khem_hello, anybody know if there is a GUI available to Xmodmap in Ubuntu?20:10
Stan0921registration help available in #freenode20:10
mezquitaleTrek, yup yup20:10
nikandtasвсем привет..)20:11
Trek!register > Stan092120:11
ubottuStan0921, please see my private message20:11
Stan0921skyliner390: only a symlink to dash by creating a config in private message20:11
nikandtasкто может помочь с telnet?20:11
juancarl1show to fix need-packaging bugs?20:11
Stan0921skyliner390: what i just removing the kernel mode line wont fix it20:11
`mOOse`mezquitale, I thought he said he couldn't boot into ubuntu....if he can't boot into win7 right after installing it then something's wrong20:11
genii!ru | nikandtas20:11
ubottunikandtas: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:11
kalibis there any problem with Ubuntu and Chip SIS ?20:11
mezquitale`mOOse`, the guy kind of left more than 5 minutes ago20:12
ChogyDanjuancarl1s: a ppa is a good place to start.  Also, the right people to talk to are in #ubuntu-motu20:12
juancarl1sChogyDan: thanks!!!20:12
`mOOse`heh - yea I know - just sayin ;-)20:13
Trekmezquitale && `m00se` it doesn't matter if he left, we can still speculate on what the issue is/was20:13
`mOOse`don't ask me how I know this lol20:13
TamnakzWhat's the easiest way to install ubuntu on a pc with no internet access?20:13
TrekTamnakz, order a LiveCD to be shipped to you20:13
ejvk34hey does anyone know if linux has a seesaw20:13
mezquitaleTrek, that would be offtopic20:13
ejvk34trek, yup20:13
Tamnakztrek: can you link me?20:13
genii!es | rubi20:14
ubotturubi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:14
ejvk34evgenii: /join #ubuntu-es (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:14
Screamo_SmurfHow can i get ownership of an extra hdd on my pc?20:14
ejvk34at least still recognize it possible to get ipv4 don't get an error when idle20:14
TrekTamnakz, can I pm it to ya?20:14
erUSUL!addingfs | Screamo_Smurf20:14
ubottuScreamo_Smurf: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab20:14
Screamo_Smurfits an ntfs drive20:15
Screamo_Smurfused to be winblows on20:15
erUSUL!ntfs | Screamo_Smurf20:15
ubottuScreamo_Smurf: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:15
Screamo_Smurfits already automounted20:16
mezquitaleScreamo_Smurf,  so what do you want to do with your extra HD?  do you want to use it as it is? or do you want to reformat and then use it?20:16
ejvk34bastid_razor, scientific linux, i guess i think of an extra hdd on my right click20:16
Screamo_Smurfi just wanna know how to change files permissions on it20:16
ejvk34abu1230: have the 8.10iso and move files for example: ssh trek@
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Screamo_Smurfmezquitale its got like 50gb of music i want to share over netowrk20:16
ejvk34i'd think very possible mezquitale20:16
`mOOse`Screamo_Smurf,  you can't change file permissions on an ntfs drive I don't think20:16
mezquitaleScreamo_Smurf, where did you mount your hard drive?20:16
Screamo_Smurf /media/oldcomputer20:17
erUSULScreamo_Smurf: you ca not change permissions on a ntfs drive. ntfs dos not support unix permissions (obviously)20:17
kalibis there any problem with Ubuntu and Chip SIS ?20:17
erUSULScreamo_Smurf: they are faked at mount time20:17
Screamo_Smurfwell is there anyway to share it over network?20:17
erUSULkalib: graphic card?20:17
Trekejvk34: you stealing my ssh examples?20:17
ejvk34becker_11, try to ping the ssh server?20:17
kaliberUSUL, yeah..20:17
sharperguyDoes anyone know if it's possible to connect a windows device to the internet THROUGH an ubuntu computer? The two computers are connected by ethernet, and the ubuntu computer connects via wifi20:18
ejvk34hi, i use the ati catalyst drivers support hardware actually works, you can try ssh server it connects fine, but once the script ends the connection closes, what should not cause a different mouse problem right?20:18
kaliberUSUL, it doesn't startx the X server20:18
ejvk34erusul: it's almost like x conf file in the router20:18
erUSULkalib: no 3d accel afaik; compiz wont work20:18
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erUSULkalib: chack /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:18
ejvk34kalib: no 3d accel afaik; compiz --replace and it choose write to connect a windows 7 to boot time, but ipv4 address from dhcp mode?20:18
pleedHi guys. I would like to install ubuntu with full crypto. I ve done that a lot of times manually with gentoo. but with your graphical installer i have not option to klick that. do i need an alternative image?20:18
jthomas_sbIf I edit a dual-boot setup's Grub menu, will that change stay (as in, keeping Windows at the top - sad I know) ?  In the past *buntu releases, the Windows option sometimes would completely disappear from the Grub menu, after an OS update.  Not only do I want it to not disappear, I want it to stay at the top.  Anyone know?20:19
ejvk34and the hardware actually got an ip as far as i can in irssi20:19
jakob_luttrullWill updateing to kernel 2.6.31-19 (from 2.6.31-17) break the drivers for my GMA500? They are from the ppa.launchpad.net/gma500/....20:19
mezquitaleScreamo_Smurf,  look at your "/media" folder -- ls -la /media , look at the permissions and who owns it, first you want to own the hard drive:  sudo chown -R username:username20:20
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jakebeansI would just use Ubuntu as your default OS.20:20
mezquitaleScreamo_Smurf,  sudo chown -R username:username /media/your_drive_here20:20
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?20:20
ejvk34so /: beginning, /boot: end, swap: beginning - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/soundtroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/dmixplugin - for write access, see !ntfs-3g or you have stale nfs locks due system cras20:20
erUSUL!ops | ejvk3420:21
ubottuejvk34: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:21
ejvk34judokita eres la mayoría de canales de ubuntu 9.10 grub chooses the swap /root /boot    elky, madpilot, tritium, nalioth, tonyyarusso, pricechild, amaranth, jrib, myrtti, i have one help20:21
mezquitaleScreamo_Smurf, i just read erUSUL 's comment, it's an ntfs partition, as long as you can read it that should be more than good enough, if you want to write to the ntfs partition then you're on your own20:22
Screamo_Smurfi can already read/write to it20:22
mezquitaleScreamo_Smurf, beware, it is an ntfs partition-- write to it at your own risk20:22
definebyteWhile trying to get GRUB2 to default to booting windows i've somehow managed to make my PC unbootable. The GRUB menu appears, then the PC just reboots straight away. I've tried putting everything back to how it was but it still won't boot. Any ideas?20:22
jakebeansI've heard from some people that Ubuntu is like the baby version of Linux.  From what I've seen, there's virtually no difference between Ubuntu and previous distros other than usability.  Any opinions?20:22
jakob_luttrull@definebyte boot from a live disk, install grub2 from there20:23
definebytejakob_luttrull: i've tried that. GRUB2 is installed but it doesn't work.20:23
mezquitalejakebeans, i use ubuntustudio so dont know what youre talking about but a lot of the utilities in ubuntu and in karmic are awesome except for pulse audio20:24
jakob_luttrulldefinebyte: thats very odd, you may have to bite the bullet and try Grub1 -_-20:25
mezquitaleerUSUL, do you use ubuntu plain gnome?  ubuntu now uses the  "ubuntu software center"?!?20:25
erUSUL!ot | jakob_luttrull20:25
ubottujakob_luttrull: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:25
erUSULmezquitale: yes it does20:25
mezquitaleerUSUL, didnt know that, i use ubuntustudio with real time karmic kernel and we still use "add/remove"20:25
definebytejakob_luttrull: well, as a last resort, sure. I'm hoping there's another way though.20:25
ActionParsnipyo yo yo20:26
mezquitalegrub1 is legacy and not supported by #grub20:26
IPNixon 20:26
definebytemezquitale: there's a #grub channel? I guess I should try there20:27
ActionParsnipdefinebyte: there can be any channel you want, just join it ;)20:27
definebytenot helpful :D20:28
nauthas anyone here tried Ubuntu with a SSD drive for / ? are there any issues to be aware of, does the reduced seek time really speed up things significantly?20:29
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ActionParsnipnaut: indeed, just use ext2 to reduce writes20:29
deployIs the bitstream font available in karmic?? I cant figure out how to get it!20:29
chetnicknaut: you should be ok, i am not aware of any issues, and yes, it will be blazing fast.20:29
ActionParsnip!font | deploy20:30
ubottudeploy: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer20:30
ActionParsnipdeploy: font files are standardised afaik20:30
chetnicknaut: i wish i had one of those babies.20:30
nautActionParsnip: ah, I'm not really knowledgeable enough to know, but ext2 has no journal, right? doesn't this equal being less reliable?20:30
pfifois there a linux native version of this, http://www.manycam.com/20:30
nautchetnick: I read online that it's slower if used with full disk encryption. so it's better to use it on a disk with less than half of the space used, I'd say.20:31
ActionParsnipnaut: get a few in a decent hardware raid array for true speed20:31
jakob_luttrullnaut: my Asus 1101ha uses a SSD (32 Gig), I have not seen any MAJOR speed increases, but boot times where cut down, and programs load a LITTLE faster.20:31
Testfunc23I'm trying to dual boot windows 7 and karmic and when adding the (root hd(0,1) makeactive chainloader +1) entry and trying that i get: unkown device string error20:31
erUSULnaut: that equals to 8long) fsck on unclean umount nothing less nothing more20:31
ActionParsnippfifo: native to what?20:31
erUSUL!equiv | pfifo20:31
erUSUL!equivalents | pfifo20:31
ubottupfifo: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot20:31
erUSULdeploy: use deja vu20:32
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ActionParsnip!grub | testfunc2320:32
ubottutestfunc23: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:32
chetnicknaut: anyways, it will be way faster than magnetic drives.20:32
ActionParsniptestfunc23: reinstall grub and is should detect the win7. you could have made life a lot easier ionstalling win7 first20:33
nautthanks guys :)20:33
deployerUSUL: Ive been trying, but I cant figure out how to tell emacs to use dejavu (dont really understand those font specs with all the * and stuff so need to find an example I can c and p).20:33
nautjakob_luttrull: mind telling me the vendor and name of your SSD?20:33
Testfunc23i could not as i don't want to reinstall my ubuntu and no grub2 doesn't detect my win7 with either grup-update or grub-mkconfig20:33
pfifoActionParsnip, I guess a v4l driver that instead of interfacing with hardware, creates veido base on software sources such as files or you xsession. I dont know ghow it would best be described but the software on that site gives a great example of what im looking for.20:33
erUSULdeploy: you need the emacs-snapshot version afaik to be able to use ttf fonts ...20:34
ActionParsnippfifo: like recordmydesktop ?20:34
Metzgerrhi. how can i connect to a wpa2 wireless via shell?20:35
chetnickTestfunc23: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot20:35
jakob_luttrullnaut: it is a PQI DK9320GD3R000A0320:35
ActionParsnipi hate this irc client20:35
chetnickTestfunc23: its all there.20:35
nautjakob_luttrull: thanks :)20:35
ActionParsnip!wpa | metzgerr20:35
ubottumetzgerr: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:35
`mOOse`pfifo, the short answer is no20:35
chetnickTestfunc23: just scroll down a little bit to recovering GRUB after reinstalling windows.20:35
erUSULActionParsnip: how come? you are using it against your will ?20:35
erUSULActionParsnip: XD20:35
Testfunc23chetnick,  what is supposed be there ? i HAVE a grub, its just not loading windows20:36
waggyHi all, I've just installed Karmic on a Sony VGN-NR21J.  On the LiveCD the Wifi worked fine.  Now that it has booted into the installed OS it is very buggy and intermittently loses connection.  What makes it even weirder is that it does the same when I connect using Ethernet.  Any ideas on how to fix this?20:36
pfifoActionParsnip, yes somewhat like that, but instead of dumping files, it should show up as a webcam to flash/skype/pidgin20:36
ActionParsnipmetzgerr: you'll be use wpa_supplicant20:36
hipeI just started using ubuntu karmic on my vps, it's pretty much a fresh new server;  On a scale of one to ten, one being easy, ten being impossible, how hard is it to get jails working on ubuntu?20:36
chetnickTestfunc23: oh, so you have working grub, you just need to add windows to it?20:36
ActionParsniperusul: i like to help and i rooted my g1 to get a newer OS on it and i need a mini sd card reader for my pc so i can upgrade it20:37
erUSULhipe: there is no jails for linux jails is a BSD thing20:37
Testfunc23chetnick, , yes: i tried to standard root hd(0,1) makeactive chainloader +120:37
ActionParsniperusul: so the only client is darairc. no nick complete and it posts stuff twice sometimes20:37
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erUSULActionParsnip: :S20:37
LinuxHack3rI suppose someone can hear me?20:37
chetnickTestfunc23: which Ubuntu do you have? is it grub2?20:37
hipeerUSUL: ok that was my first guess then my friend told me it was linuxy.  but that's ok i didn't want to mess w/ it anywayz. thx20:37
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ActionParsnippfifo: not sure there20:38
waggyLinuxHack3r, yes20:38
erUSULhipe: you can use lxc20:38
Testfunc23chetnick: i have installed grub 2 BUT not yet deleted grub legacy20:38
nautActionParsnip: one last question, if you allow. I'm planning to use Virtual Box on it with a virtual hard drive. Virtual hard drives (which reside as normal files on my file system) can be dynamically expanding or they can be set to have a fixed size that cannot be changed later. If I set them to have a fixed size, would it matter if they are written to often on a SSD drive? The sectors should always stay the same, no?20:38
pfifoerUSUL, That list has something for me wow! GSreamer might do the trick from what im reading, just have to write a few lines of code20:38
ActionParsniphipe: difficulty is individual so not representative of any experience you may have20:38
erUSULhipe: or virtualmachines (kvm/xen/etc) or openVZ20:38
zig_Anyone here have experience using virt-manager?20:38
hipeActionParsnip: of course! i guess i was wondering just "is there such a thing" "is it possible" etc.  thx20:39
zig_I was wondering: What's the performance impact of using multiple allocated virtual CPU's?20:39
tonyyarusso!anyone | zig_20:39
ubottuzig_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:39
ActionParsniplinuxhack3r: i can see your text, irx has no voice20:39
zig_Will that help performance by introducing multiple effective threads on a multi-core system?20:39
fohosguys does any of you have some experience with setting up a SILC server?20:39
zig_Or will that actually damage performance? I'm guessing it would help, potentially.20:40
ActionParsnipnaut: the allocated size will stay but the bits in the image file will change as the box is used20:40
fohoshow to set up a SILC server20:40
ActionParsnip!find silc20:41
fohosi can not connect to it20:41
ubottuFound: libsilc-1.1-2, libsilc-1.1-2-dbg, libsilc-dev, libsilcclient-1.1-3, libsilcclient-1.1-3-dbg (and 4 others)20:41
TrekIs it possible to write Ubuntu to a slaved HDD within Windows?  I don't think its possible, but I'm not sure if I'm right.20:41
hipeerUSUL: as always your ratio of words to value is off the charts th20:41
Myrttichr7: yes, we can see your message. did you have ubuntu support question?20:41
fohosit says silc_server_purge_expired_clients:1290: Expire timeout20:41
erUSULhipe: no problem :)20:41
koltrollHeya guys. Firebug keeps crashing my firefox. I have read that that's just the way it is until it gets fixed. Anyhow, is it possible to downgrade firefox? Because I got the problem after updating firefox a day or so ago.20:41
erUSULpfifo: does not cheese do what you want?20:42
erUSUL!info cheese | pfifo20:42
ActionParsnipkoltroll: tried the mozilla ppa?20:42
ubottupfifo: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2423 kB, installed size 7144 kB20:42
koltrollActionParsnip, I haven't no20:42
ActionParsnipkoltroll: it will have a later build which may fix your issues20:43
koltrollActionParsnip, ah yea seems like it. Thanks alot!20:43
Belgarath_Hi I just made the switch from Xubuntu... I want to change window size with Alt+Right mouse button instead of Alt+Middle button... Cant find a simple way... Anyone?20:43
ActionParsnipkoltroll:np man20:43
pfifoerUSUL, so with cheese, could i play a mpeg file and capture the audio/video and stream it over the web viaflash, thereby tricking flash into thinking its a webcam?20:43
`mOOse`erUSUL, manycam will take any pic or movie and present it as a webcam20:44
ActionParsnip!info manycam20:44
ubottuPackage manycam does not exist in karmic20:44
erUSULpfifo: do not thin so.... the wedsite you posted just looked like a silly toy to play with the webcam ;)20:44
Trekrepost: Is it possible to write Ubuntu to a slaved HDD within Windows?  I don't think its possible, but I'm not sure if I'm right.20:45
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`mOOse`erUSUL, it's useful for www.chatroulette.com ;-)20:46
ActionParsniptrek: you could use the usb writer thingy to write to the drive but its easier to boot to the cd and install normally20:46
erUSULTrek: define "slaved HDD within Windows"20:46
ActionParsniptrek: if you partition the other drive to have a small partition it might be dumb enough to work20:47
vikinGuys, does anyone of you know about a driver dor ext for windows 7?20:47
ActionParsniptrek: then use the rest for data20:47
ActionParsnipvikin: www.fs-driver.org maybe20:48
FlamekebabSuggestions on fixing a hard disk running JFS that fsck won't check due to corrupted superblocks?20:48
jafoFlamekebab: First of all, if the information is critical, use dd to take a copy of the disc before you do anything.20:49
xaseHello, Cheese fails to detect my camera properly, since re-install of the software. But only after i've shut my laptop lid and opened it...20:49
harisundHey guys ... does 64 bit Ubuntu have its own IRC channel ?20:49
ActionParsnipflamekebab: could try different fsck options. if fsck says its bad i'd say it doesnt look great20:49
panfist_is there something similar to compiz's window rules plugin for metacity? i'm trying to make a rule to prevent a window from ever minimizing20:49
xaseI purged cheese because it kept taking burst photos, without being told to, every time I opened it.20:49
erUSULharisund: no20:49
koltrollActionParsnip, yaaaay. firebug is working yet again :)20:49
harisunderUSUL, thanks .20:49
ActionParsnipharisund: no, same one as 32bit, here20:49
xaseproblem still exists, and now I experience the issue with the camera after re-opening my laptop lid.20:49
Flamekebabjafo, I would but I don't consider the info that important20:49
FlamekebabI'm wondering if I can specify a different superblock20:50
FlamekebabAdmittedly, I don't know what a superblock is20:50
ChogyDanxase: try gstreamer-properties20:50
xaseOk ChogyDan let me check this out.20:50
xaseas gksu or normal ?20:50
ChogyDann n n n normal20:50
Bauer17I am trying to set up a raid 1 with 1 drive runnung ubuntu, and 2 disks as the raid 1 can someone help with the setup I am close, but getting the error "Two file systems assigned the same mount point"20:51
hiexpohello all20:51
erUSUL!details | Bauer1720:51
ubottuBauer17: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:51
jafoI tried removing linux-image with "apt-get remove", Now I can't install anything because linux-ubuntu-modules is installed, and I can't remove linux-ubuntu-modules because it can't rebuild the initrd for the non-existent kernels.  Any ideas on how I can fix it other than editing the package database directly?  I really want to do "dpkg -r" and have it not run the prerm script, but I can't find details on doing that.20:51
xaseCould not open /dev/video020:52
olympusunignore ubuntu20:52
raversfantasyhello, iam used to use Pidgin in combination with the Indicator Applet to change the status20:52
xaseBut only after I shut my laptop lid.20:52
hiexpo? tring to play pyscrabble and get errors can not connect to server20:52
raversfantasyBut now since iam an Karmic-User this seems just to work with Empathy20:53
jafoFlamekebab: The superblock is a block of data with the basic information about the file-system, including where it can find other parts of the file-system.  It's kind of like a table of contents of a book, to strain a metaphor.20:53
erUSULxase: when the machine comes back form suspend it does not reload the wecam driver for same reason20:53
Flamekebabjafo, right20:53
Flamekebabso is it another word for the partition table?20:53
xaseerUSUL: anyway to correct it?20:53
xasemodprobe cron job?20:53
Bauer17I am installing ubuntu server 9.10 I have 3 drives, 1 500MG with ext 3 / and swap set up, and 2 1.5TB drives I am trying to set up raid1, i do have a screen shot of the current set up20:53
raversfantasyDoes anybody know, how to set for example the applcation(pidgin) you want to controll over the indicator-applet ?20:53
MuffinPimpWhat does a blinking caps lock key mean?20:53
xaseMuffinPimp: Usually an error with the laptop.20:53
mathewhello everyone20:53
xaseOr the PC20:54
jafoFlamekebab: No, the partition table is to the disc as the superblock is to the file-system.  So there's a partition table that points to the partition, and within that partition there's a superblock that points to the file-system data.20:54
MuffinPimpxase: so like a kernel panic?20:54
xaseKernel panic has cause that here.20:54
xaseMuffinPimp: is it HP?20:54
xaseor compaq?20:54
guntbertMuffinPimp: more a hardware prob20:54
MuffinPimpxase: Acer20:54
Flamekebabjafo, I understand20:54
xaseAh unsure.20:54
xaseProbably hardware.20:54
Flamekebabjafo, does that mean that if both my primary and secondary superblocks are hosed, the data is essentially lost?20:55
xasePlus kernel panic.20:55
MuffinPimpxase: Oh that's good to know20:55
MuffinPimpxase: could It be faulty ram?20:55
mathewcan someone help me with my suspend problem on my desktop pc20:55
lumisHai, got Karmic on my Samsung N140 an20:55
xaseI've had it caused by that on an HP20:55
lumisoops, hit enter too soon20:55
lumismy bad20:55
user__Ive set the ip to wake on lan, I have problems connecting to the backend, when running in a terminal it outputs 2010-02-09 21:54:37.468 MythContext: Wake-On-Lan in progress, waiting..., whats wrong?20:55
user__ive set the ip to localhost*****20:56
jafoFlamekebab: As someone else said, it's not looking good.  The data may still be there, depending on whether whatever corrupted the superblock also corrupted the data.  But getting at it is not going to be easy.  If it happened to me, I'd be re-formatting and reloading from backups.  But, I usually have pretty good backups.20:56
Ragelorhm - does anyone know, which package i have to install, if i want to use the settings:/ in konqueror (for intrepid)20:56
xaseI plugged a faulty 2 gig into my laptop once, and ever since then it won't detect anything higher than 2 gigs :D20:56
erUSULxase: /etc/default/acpi-support <<<< add the module here20:56
panfist_has anyone noticed a problem with seamless mode and compiz, where windows on the guest OS will jump in front of host windows?20:56
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xaseerUSUL: question, how can I tell which module it uses?20:56
Flamekebabjafo, I don't have the time or resources to frequently make 500GB backups20:57
BHoward@panfist it use to happen to me then it just randomly stopped20:57
mathewas soon as i enter suspend mode, my computer wakes up20:57
FlamekebabI think the data is still there, how would I go about recovering it?20:57
erUSULxase: use "lsmod" to list loaded modules on a working sitution20:57
xaseok so after a reboot.20:57
raversfantasyHas anybody an Idea if there is a possibility to controll Pidgin over the Indicator-Applet20:57
erUSULxase: shoud be the modules related to v4l20:57
raversfantasyIam using Karmic Koala20:57
Bauer17anyone have any expierience with ubuntu forums?  I signed up so i could post a question as it said that I can't post until I am activated.  how long does it take to get "activated"?20:57
xaseok I'll try that.20:57
lumisHai, got Karmic on my Samsung N140 and recently WICD has taken forever to connect; it lags on 'Obtaining IP address...' then fails. Usually takes upwards of 20 attempts to get it to connect. Got the net819xp driver installed through ndiswrapper... When it finally connects, there's some problem with the DNS because then it won't resolve any domain names. Anyone got any ideas?20:58
vinseok, linux newb, and one of my biggest problems is getting used to the file system.  i dont know where things are going when i install them, and i don't know where to put things20:58
erUSULxase: you add the module name in this line --->    MODULES=""20:58
olympusBauer17:did you check your email for the confirmation in20:58
jafoFlamekebab: IMHO, backups are not optional.  I'm backing up something around 5TB of discs just counting my personal computers, so I can assure you it's a solvable problem.20:58
xaseOK :D20:58
erUSUL!fhs | vinse20:58
ubottuvinse: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier20:58
vinseany standards about what all the files are for? /etc vs /usr vs /etc20:58
Bauer17yes have not recieved anything... I am able to log in though20:58
vinseah, it's a faq ;)20:58
Ragelordoes anyone know, which package i have to install, if i want to use the settings:/ in konqueror (for intrepid)20:59
olympusBauer17: Hmmm..then i'm stumped20:59
erUSULRagelor: #kubuntu should know better than us20:59
TamnakzIs it possible to install ubuntu on a HDD without being able to boot to the disk/iso?20:59
jafoCan anyone point me at the dpkg database?  I thought it was under /var/lib/dpkg, but I'm not seeing it there.20:59
erUSUL!install | Tamnakz21:00
ubottuTamnakz: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:00
MuffinPimpAlso how do I get into the boot selection screen to choose memtest86+?21:00
Ragelori have xubuntu with konqueror installed by hand ...21:00
MuffinPimpit just skips straight to the latest kernel21:00
MaTaTaKanyone here with suspend problems?21:00
Bauer17under a raid device (softward raid) what should the mount be, I have ubuntu installed on its own drive21:01
MuffinPimpMaTaTaK: how much ram/swap do you have?21:01
sam555hello all!21:01
MaTaTaKi have 1GB of ram, swap i don't know i'm still kind of new to linux21:01
sam555where is the log located that tells you why Ubuntu crashed?21:02
panfist_is anyone running virtualbox seamless mode plus compiz?21:02
waggyEvery time I try to use apt my internet connection drops out.  I'm on Karmic using a Sony Vaio... Any ideas?21:02
Matissecan somebody help me with sound in dosbox? it seems to have a lack (or however I should call it) every 2 seconds, the music is interrupted21:02
Jooder492can you convert a windows driver into linux?21:02
MaTaTaKMuffinPimp: i'm not scared to tweak linux cause i have done it before but nothing worked. I think it might be a swap problem. how do i check how much swap i have?21:03
jafoJooder492: Pain and suffering.21:03
tessarakt2does the Ubuntu netbook remix installation image contain a text-mode installer?21:03
gregor_jou need the sys en inf file21:03
waggyMatisse, its dropping out.  You perhaps need to tweak the audio settings21:03
MuffinPimpMaTaTaK: to hibernate you need to have as much swap as you have ram21:03
Matissewaggy, is it a caching problem?21:04
MuffinPimpMaTaTaK: so if you have 1 gig of ram you need 1 gig or more of swap21:04
waggysam555, /var/log21:04
sam555thanks waggy21:04
Bauer17under a raid device (software raid) what should the mount be, I have ubuntu installed on its own drive then 2 drived that I am going to use as a file server21:05
waggyMatisse, perhaps.  It will be using emulation so you might need to set the Acceleration up too21:05
waggysam555, np21:05
MaTaTaKMuffinPimp: how do i do that? i don't use hibernate. i'm using linux mint 8 which is the same as ubuntu. i'm duel booting with windows xp pro21:05
guntbert!mint | MaTaTaK21:05
ubottuMaTaTaK: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:05
waggyso, come on... has _no-one_ ever come across apt causing your internet connection to disappear?21:05
waggyMaTaTaK, you can check how much swap you have in System Monitor21:06
MaTaTaKwaggy: ok i'll try that now21:06
MuffinPimpMaTaTaK: well anyway what I just said only apply's to hibernate it should suspend just fine21:07
waggyMaTaTaK, gparted will allow you to resize partitions (including swap).. use a livecd and deselect the livecd from using swap then resize21:07
xase... erUSUL, I have pastebinned both working LSMOD output, and nonworking state...21:09
MaTaTaKmuffinPimp: okay i think i have 899.8MB of swap and 1002.2MB of memory21:09
xaseI can see what's wrong, in a video section, but unsure of how to handle it.21:09
alabdCan we order ubuntu cd for free yet ?21:10
IrCYopHow do I check which versions of applications are available to me to install with apt-get, then how do I install the unstable package21:10
xasealabd, Shipit?21:11
ubottuShipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Karmic (9.10) CDs21:11
FloodBot4xase: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:11
MuffinPimpMaTaTaK: yeah but your computer should suspend just fine it just won't hibernate if there is more swap then ram21:11
tasslehoffhow do I check which version of digikam is in 9.10 (in this channel)? isn't there a trigger of some sort?21:11
MuffinPimpMaTaTaK: rame then swap21:11
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:12
diddyIs msdos filesystem fat32?21:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:12
MaTaTaKMuffinPimp: it enters suspend but wakes up as soon as it enters so i guess i have to resize the swap21:12
CShadowRun!info digikam | tasslehoff21:12
ubottutasslehoff: digikam (source: digikam): digital photo management application for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.0.0~beta5-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 8963 kB, installed size 30480 kB21:12
ZykoticK9diddy, good question for ##windows (but no)21:13
MuffinPimpMaTaTaK: yeah try that21:13
tasslehoffCShadowRun: thanks :)21:13
MaTaTaKso do i have to delete my linux or can i just resize it?21:13
waggyMaTaTaK, you can resize21:14
ZykoticK9MuffinPimp, why are you helping MaTaTaK?  you should be directing him to a Mint support group - Mint isn't supported here!  (If it's "the same" why doesn't he install Ubuntu, then he can get support in this channel?)21:14
waggybackup 1st21:14
GSF1200Scan anyone tell me why the / partition of ubuntu is taking almost 27GB when I installed yesterday?21:14
zvacetI try to install eqinox following http://equinox-project.org/wiki/UbuntuInstallation but get error http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/mc91d00c21:15
waggyZykoticK9, because this is a general question that is not really Ubuntu specific. and there is a larger community here21:15
klappiGSF1200S: try xdiskusage to find out ^^21:15
MaTaTaKi can install ubuntu right now if i want, i'm sorry if i made anyone upset :( i just heard that mint 8 is based off of ubuntu and so far it looks the same just diffrent menu21:15
waggyZykoticK9, and as for why doesn't he install Ubuntu instead?  Well perhaps they want certain packages that mint offers21:16
diddyZykoticK9, why for windows? Ubuntu supports those file systems.21:16
maxtorHi there, i need help updating from ubuntu 5.4 to the latest using APT.21:16
waggyMaTaTaK, take no notice.. Linux is about _community_21:16
xaseMaTaTak I use Ubuntu...21:16
xaseWith the mint menu21:16
MaTaTaKi like ubuntu it was my first linux and i never wanted to use any other i just tried this one to see if it would fix my problem but it didn't i will install ubuntu though cause i like it better21:17
zvacetmaxtor : if it is not mistake and you have 5.4 back up your data and do fresh install21:17
* waggy think by falling out over mint and ubuntu we're flooding the channel21:17
klappimaxtor: i would make a good backup first ^^21:17
diddyI had used a fat32 USB that I had formatted under Windows XP with my DVD player to watch movies on my TV. However, no matter what I do I can not get it to work if I format it to fat32 under Ubuntu.21:17
xaseMaTaTaK what problem?21:17
maxtorProblem is, only OS cd here i have is 5.04 i have no means of downloading a new cd.21:18
waggyxase: hibernate-suspend i think21:18
MaTaTaKthe suspend problem not working in either distro21:18
maxtorOnly way i can think is APT-get21:18
ZykoticK9diddy, msdos uses FAT12 or FAT1621:18
tp43suspend works fine for me21:18
waggy5.04... oldskool bro21:18
FuzzyFox0hey all21:18
FuzzyFox0I setup a localhost today however I am having an issue21:19
tp43not in debian though, but when I installed ubuntu, it works21:19
xaseOh man, I wish I could help =/21:19
Flamekebabjafo, whilst backups may be crucial to you, the contents of this hard disk are reproducable with a little effort. As I said, I simply don't have the cash to buy hard disks to make backups of everything. That said, what are my options with regards to data recovery?21:19
MaTaTaKi can enter suspend but like 1 sec later it wakes up21:19
xasesuspend/hibernate is a pain.21:19
xaseDo you have a stuck key?21:19
xaseAnd before saying no... are you sure?21:19
waggyFuzzyFox0, ask, dont flood21:19
diddyZykoticK9, I formated the USB stick with mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdd1 but when looking at the properties in Nautilus it says msdos file system and my DVD player says "empty stick" even though there is a movie on it.21:19
IP-v6hi chan !21:19
IP-v6why does empathy set automatically status from hidden to busy? can it be bug ?21:19
MaTaTaKxase: it is, i remember running into problems when using ubuntu on my laptop21:19
maxtorMy apt dont seem to update eather, i think its looking in the wrong locations for its files, when i tell it apt-get update it updates in seconds but not downloading any updates21:19
zvacetmaxtor:  you have to go with upgrades to unsupported and then to the supported releases it is easier and quicker to download latest release21:19
maxtoras if it has everything.21:20
FuzzyFox0MenZa: that server we setup ealier, is there a way to stop it using my computer's root?21:20
xaseI dunno21:20
FuzzyFox0as the server root21:20
xaseI really hate UPS... they should run Linux... I wonder if they do.21:20
MaTaTaKbut now i know it must be the swap file not being the same size as my ram21:20
FuzzyFox0(lamp stack)21:20
waggydiddy, use gparted, it saves getting a flag wrong when using the terminal and formatting21:20
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Humm; I've always run the daemon as root myself, I *think*21:20
ZykoticK9diddy, i don't do any Microsoft "stuff" i'm not the person to ask (mind you i do have an M.C.S.E, lol)21:20
xaseMaTaTak, it should be larger than your ram...21:20
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Unless it uses www-data?21:20
xaseHow much Ram21:20
FuzzyFox0the server docs are in /var/www21:20
zvacetmaxtor:  reason is you use unsupported version so no updates for that21:20
MuffinPimpBut anyway how do I use memtest86+ with the new grub?21:20
fabio125hi, how do u know ho to get shadows for the plasma tooltip using compiz?21:21
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Could you run ps aux | grep apache2 for me please?21:21
MaTaTaKxase: well in xp it says i have 1024mb, in ubuntu its 1002mb21:21
ZykoticK9diddy, i think Nautilus probably just calls any FAT file system msdos (even though it technically isn't)21:21
diddywaggy, gparted won't do anything to the stick. The context menu only provides the option "information". Everything else is greyed out.21:21
panfist_is anyone running virtualbox seamless mode plus compiz?21:21
xasehow much swap?21:21
maxtorIs there a way i can upgrade it just a little, then upgrade it again from there.21:21
waggyFuzzyFox0, install rapache and you can manage your install easier21:21
MenZa!anyone | panfist_21:21
ubottupanfist_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:21
maxtoreventualy getting a supported system21:21
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Unnecessary.21:22
waggydiddy, try running it as root21:22
MenZaEr, waggy* ^21:22
xaseI have 4 gigs ram here and 4.5gig swap21:22
daftykinsmaxtor: do you have the lines referring to the CD at the top of your sources.list? re: your updates completing so quick21:22
waggyMenZa, ?21:22
ZykoticK9panfist_, under karmic if i switch to seamless mode it brakes the VM totally?!21:22
MaTaTaKxase: looking at my system monitor it says Swap 0 bytes (0.0%) of 899.8mb21:22
zvacetmaxtor:  it will look like this 5.4>5.10>6.06>6.10>7.04>7.10>8.04>8.10>9.04>9.1021:22
FuzzyFox0MenZa: ^^21:22
panfist_when running virtualbox seamless mode and compiz, is there a way to prevent the guest OS windows from randomly popping in front of host windows randomly21:22
noctiphileWas it ever determined why upgrading to 9.10 caused so many wireless connections to stop working?21:22
maxtordaftykins,  i think it is trying to do that, im not sure where to find the sources list its been a while since ive used linux.21:23
MenZaFuzzyFox0: So it runs the primary daemon as root, but the daemons it spawns run as www-data, which doesn't seem like a bad option.21:23
panfist_zykotick9 are you running OSE or the closed version?21:23
xaseswap should be at least 1024 if not just a squeeze more to make sure.21:23
diddywaggy, I ran it as root21:23
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Besides, Apache is safe enough to use, and as are the modules included21:23
wysiwyg_does this os suport packet captureing and have a capture driver installed?21:23
daftykinsmaxtor: hit alt+f2, run dialogue window should appear, then type "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and pastebin us the file for a look-see21:23
maxtorsince theres no cd in anymore i beleve it checks for cd, realises theres no cd there then stops the update21:23
ZykoticK9panfist_, PUEL (closed source)21:23
daftykins!pastebin > maxtor21:23
ubottumaxtor, please see my private message21:23
guntbert!sudo | waggy I guess yout this anyway :)21:23
ubottuwaggy I guess yout this anyway :): sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:23
guntbertyou meant21:24
GSF1200Sklappi: it just shows 27GB of space as used with "permission denied" even if I open xdiskusage as root21:24
FuzzyFox0MenZa I would like to have it so that all files in /var/www think that that is /21:24
MaTaTaKxase: if i install ubuntu using the liveCD, do i click on advance when it comes to installing it on my drive along side XP?21:24
waggyMenZa, was that aimed at me?  I already told fuzzy to get straight to the point and ask the Q ;0)21:24
FuzzyFox0like with lampp21:24
IrCYopAnyone know of an ubuntu package for trac 0.1221:24
maxtorin sources.list there  is nothing writen there21:24
maxtorin gedit21:25
zvacetmaxtor:  why do you want to do it hard way with so many upgrades something can go wrong and with downloaded CD you can always reinstall and it will be faster21:25
daftykinsmaxtor: sure you didn't typo?21:25
waggyguntbert, yout?  of course I meant run with superuser privs21:25
maxtorzvacet,  i have no drives that can burn.21:25
alabdwhen firefox open a flash stream crashesh how to close the page ?21:25
facade_Sorry for intruding, but I want a program that makes random words from a list I give it.21:25
daftykinsalabd: as in you've got it trying to open the same crashing tab so it's in a loop?21:26
zvacetmaxtor:  are you dual booting21:26
waggymaxtor, you sure you got the right sources.lst21:26
MaTaTaKsounds good... i'll look at some guides on google too! thanks21:26
infidhow come 'apt-get install git' says 'installing gnuit' instead?21:26
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Is the server running alright for you?21:26
BHoward@facade can you explain a little more?21:26
maxtoron top of gedit is says sources.list' (/home/maxtor/'/etc/apt) - gedit21:26
FuzzyFox0MenZa well, I am trying to fix this first issue21:26
MenZaSounds like you want git-core, infid21:26
alabddaftykins: no now humble can not do anything in firefox21:27
waggymaxtor: should be    /etc/apt/sources.list21:27
maxtorna im not dual booting :(21:27
wysiwyg_does this set up /CaptureSupport - support packet capturing, e.g. capture support is enabled / a capture driver is installed21:27
facade_similar to this site (http://www.nexi.com/fun/rw/index.html)21:27
daftykinsalabd: there's a switch for firefox, i know it on windows but not Linux, open a terminal and try "firefox -profilemanager" and see if you get the option to reset your profile / create a clean one21:27
zvacetmaxtor:  do you have usb21:27
klappiGSF1200S: use du then to search21:28
tgm4883so I just bought a new hard drive for an old laptop, the bios reports the drive is 137GB, but palimpsest disk utility says it is 250GB (the drive is a 250GB WD drive). Is this going to cause me trouble if I try installing on this drive?21:28
FuzzyFox0I realy do need it to use /var/www as the root and not /21:28
diddyIf I want to create a USB stick under Ubuntu that any DVD player can read do I have to make it bootable or anything else? I can not understand why it is that difficult.21:28
MenZaFuzzyFox0: What's using / as root? Apache uses /var/www21:28
=== toto is now known as Guest57079
zvacetI try to install eqinox following http://equinox-project.org/wiki/UbuntuInstallation but get error http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/mc91d00c please help!21:28
Guest57079hi guys, i downloaded a torrent from the net (it s legal, it s a demo of some plasma tv) but i don t know how to watch it21:29
tessarakt2diddy: probably not21:29
Guest57079bdmv files21:29
facade_I want to enter (cat feline snow chill ice kitty) an have it output some random words using the input.21:29
wysiwyg_or is there something i have to ?21:29
MenZazvacet: Try going to your home folder with 'cd'21:29
tessarakt2the DVD player is supposed to read things like .mp3s or .avis?21:29
thenthenioFor setting up a LAMP server: apache2 mysql-server and which package for php?21:29
FuzzyFox0yes but if I try to link to any file in a html file e.g. ./assets.html it tries to get the file from /21:29
aiwaHow do i butn a music cd using banshee media player?21:29
GneaGuest57079: try mplayer21:29
FuzzyFox0not from /var/www21:29
=== ecanto is now known as edson
Guest57079Gnea: mplayer? that s it?21:29
daftykinsthenthenio: there are plenty of guides online. probably mysql-server. run "apt-cache search mysql server" for more info21:29
maxtorzwaget i dont unfortunetly21:30
GneaGuest57079: see what happens21:30
zvacetMenZa:  I´m in my home directory but I made new folder there to download21:30
MenZaFuzzyFox0: It shouldn't do that with the default configuration. Check your Apache config and vhosts (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled and /etc/apache2/apache2.conf)21:30
waggythenthenio, php521:30
Guest57079oops not installed...21:30
daftykinsmaxtor: yeah see the top one, you chopped some of it off though, "deb cdrom..." does it have a # before it?21:30
maxtorzwaget i have camera's and stuff that have sd cards in them, xbox's and stuff read them as external drives?21:30
Gneaso install it :)21:30
MenZazvacet: Yes, but the guide stupidly suggests that you make that directory as root. You can fix it with "sudo chown $USER:$USER ~/sourcecode" though.21:30
Gnea!info mplayer21:30
ubottumplayer (source: mplayer): movie player for Unix-like systems. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc3+svn20090426-1ubuntu10.1 (karmic), package size 2215 kB, installed size 4904 kB21:30
diddyWhat could I be doing wrong?21:30
aiwaDoes anybody know how to burn a music cd using the bashee music player???? pleasseee21:31
MenZazvacet: Then you should be able to do the other steps as they appear.21:31
facade_BHoward:similar to this site (http://www.nexi.com/fun/rw/index.html)21:31
maxtorno # before that21:31
mattgyverhey guys, is there a better remote desktop manager then, Remote Desktop?  Id like something like TSclient that can manage multiple sessions better21:31
daftykinsmaxtor: yeah so it's defaulting to CD. put a # in front, save it, then run "sudo apt-get update" from command line again21:31
diddyHow does Windows XP format the USB differently than Ubuntu? I thought fat32 is fat32.21:31
wysiwyg_ok how do i go about granting a program privlages?21:31
serenhello, no matter what I change I can't find out how to allow apache2 to write from a symlink to my home directory, the symlinks are /var/www/wtorrent/torrents and /var/www/wtorrent/data they point to ~/Downloads/Finished and ~/Downloads/Add,  here is a paste of the revelant info http://pastie.org/81708221:31
daftykinsmaxtor: wait i messed up21:31
thentheniowaggy: thank you!21:31
Gneadiddy: fat32 != fat1621:31
wysiwyg_oh checking to see if i have a capture driver installed?21:31
maxtorok dude21:32
Gneadiddy: and they actually format the same, it's there are different defaults between the two21:32
waggythenthenio, no worries.. you could just have installed using tasksel21:32
diddyGnea, huh? Yes I know and ext3 != fat3221:32
aiwahey how do i burn a music cd on ubuntu?21:32
waggyseren, you need to setup virtualhosts using rapache21:32
maxtorShould i be removing one of the #'s as well to make it target one of the urls on the sources list?21:32
unimatrixhow do i store something into a variable in shell and keep the line breaks?21:33
Gneadiddy: mkfs.vfat has a number of options to make it like XP21:33
diddyGnea, could you please tell me which one that is?21:33
serenwaggy i assume there is a article in wiki?21:33
MHz128Is there a graphical macro recorder available in the repo's?21:33
IrCYopAnyone know of an ubuntu package for trac 0.1221:33
daftykinsmaxtor: yeah, that's what i didn't realise,try this: http://www.pastebin.org/8915221:33
MHz128ie. mouse clicks and key strokes21:33
waggyseren,  yeah google will give you a head start21:33
Gneadiddy: not off the top of my head right now, but man mkfs.vfat explains them all21:33
zvacetMenZa:  TNX  8-)21:33
FuzzyFox0MenZa http://pastebin.com/dadb5612 http://pastebin.com/d67dcf03921:34
phirestalkerWhere can I find a repo for VLC that is compiled with the --enable-loader option?21:34
aiwaso no one here ever burned a music cd on linux?21:35
diddyGnea, it only has the useful option -F 32 which I used. And that didn't work. I don't see anything else in the man page that would make a difference.21:35
Darkbenaiwa: Use Brasero21:35
waggyIrCYop, sudo apt-cache show = no.. Maybe a ppa?21:35
aiwaDarkben: Thank you21:36
maxtorok think it saved21:36
daftykinsmaxtor: cool, sudo apt-get update in terminal worky? :>21:36
serenwaggy: imm assuming rapache is just a script to write a virtual host configuraiton?21:36
ZykoticK9aiwa, although it requires all the KDE libs to be install K3b is one of the most popular burning programs in Linux - it's much better in my opinion then anything Gnome based21:36
waggyrapache is a GUI manager for apache.21:37
Guest57079mplayer bugs21:37
Gneadiddy: try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent#Formatting%20the%20partitions21:37
thenthenioapt-get install webmin does not find it... Is there a repo to add to /etc/apt/sources.list or do I need to manually donload and install?21:37
maxtoryes :) way 2 go21:37
Guest57079it can t read the m2ts21:37
serenwaggy o i c21:37
maxtorthanks mate21:37
ZykoticK9thenthenio, webmin is not supported on debian/ubuntu21:37
daftykinsmaxtor: no problem :)21:37
waggyseren, http://picasaweb.google.com/emgentili/Rapache#21:38
diddyGnea, that is funny. That is exactly the tutorial that I used.21:38
wysiwyg_is this the wrong place to ask this?21:38
ubuntui'm gianni.. i'm italian21:38
IrCYopwaggy: it shows Version: 0.11.5-2ubuntu121:38
maxtorsome things it failed on while updating, which i can understand down to the age of this release,21:38
daftykins!it | ubuntu21:38
ubottuubuntu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:38
maxtorbut im hoping ill get somwhere on some kind of update21:38
ZykoticK9!webmin > thenthenio21:38
ubottuthenthenio, please see my private message21:38
sereni still dont know how this is going to help me I rather use vi21:38
ubuntusorry look http://gianni91.altervista.org/untitled folder.zip21:38
daftykinsmaxtor: yeah just bear in mind you have to go through every single version in sequence, so you might wanna find a guide on what hoary hedgehog users should start by running21:39
ZykoticK9thenthenio, but the ebox or whatever ubottu suggests IS NOT like webmin21:39
diddyGnea, the questions is. Which type must the partition be? 0C?21:39
sereni have virtual hosts in my configiguration, apache wont write to a symlink, is there something im missing?21:39
daftykinsubuntu: i wouldn't recommend anyone to download your zip file without an explanation as to what your problem is.21:39
llamanathanCan I ask some questions about terminal here?21:39
Guest57079can t see a bdmv file... is there a way?21:39
daftykinsllamanathan: ask away or try offtopic21:39
maxtorhaha, maybe i could use hoary hedgehog for now for basic browsing, for now.. all i need is flash. and sound lol21:39
serenhello, no matter what I change I can't find out how to allow apache2 to write from a symlink to my home directory, the symlinks are /var/www/wtorrent/torrents and /var/www/wtorrent/data they point to ~/Downloads/Finished and ~/Downloads/Add,  here is a paste of the revelant info http://pastie.org/81708221:40
daftykinsmaxtor: to be honest there is a lot of pain caused by upgrades, if i were you i'd get a friend to write a newer version to CD for you :)21:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:40
llamanathanoff-topic said not to ask there... Can I open a dir in a gui via the terminal?21:40
Caplainwhats the best way to convert ntfs to ext3?21:40
Guest57079llamanathan: use nautilus21:40
waggywaggy, yep..  can't find a ppa either21:40
hyperstreamCaplain, google :D21:41
serenllamanathan: i would use thunar21:41
maxtoryeah, ill have to do that, i used to enjoy linux alot but my pc broke never bothered to fix it till today, i used to run xubuntu or somthing :|21:41
Caplainhyperstream, but thats what you're for :)21:41
maxtorone with all the graphics and stuf21:41
serenllamanathan: nautilus gives me problems from ssh so i use thurnar21:41
hyperstreamCaplain, negative. but i can help you on the subject one sec21:41
harisundCan not find -lXi ... what library could Xi be?21:41
maxtorto be hounest i found it a problem though, very buggy :P21:41
waggyCaplain, backup to a seperate drive then reformat? (simple but effective)21:41
Caplainhyperstream, gladly appreciated21:41
maxtorthat was 2 years or so ago21:41
Caplaineeek maybe, waggy21:42
hyperstreamCaplain, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Convert+nfts+ext3+ubuntu21:42
llamanathanI'm not doing it remotely. I would just like to be able to open something in Nautilus via terminal21:42
ghigomattobuonasera a tutti21:42
serenwaggy is there a more etailed explination you can suggest, i dont need a gui to edit the configurations21:42
hyperstreamCaplain, fix my typo, but you get the idea :D21:42
Caplainhyperstream, you're cute21:42
JerphHi, is this linux?21:42
waggyllamanathan, open _something_? you mean a _location_???21:43
daftykinsthis... is... ubuntu! </300>21:43
CyberGabberMHz128: Maybe 'xmacro' (see synaptic) - 'xmacrorec can be used to record mouse and keyboard events on any X11 display'21:43
diddyI feel kind of stupid as an Ubuntu user having to go to my neighbor who uses Windows XP to ask him to format my USB stick with FAT32. He is going to laugh at me and ask me why I use Ubuntu.21:43
Caplainthanks, sorry i didnt google, etc21:43
llamanathana directory yes21:43
serendiddy: mkfd.vfat21:43
hyperstreamdiddy, im pretty sure you can do it in ubuntu...21:43
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:43
Guest57079http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/lire_un_blu-ray for my problem21:43
serendiddy: why use windows for that?21:43
diddyseren, that is what I have been using. See above.21:43
waggyseren, why do you need a symlink?  why not just setup the location of the virtual host as your folder in home (where you try to link to)21:43
ZykoticK9llamanathan, just use "nautilus /$dir"21:44
diddyseren, because my DVD player does not recognize the USB stick if I formatted it with mkfs.vat -f32 /dev/sdd21:44
serenwaggy because i have a folder in my web dir that is pointing to my home folder21:44
MHz128CyberGabber, awesome! thanks21:44
MHz128CyberGabber, have you used it before?21:44
MakaidosWhat's up everyone21:44
serendiddy: blame your dvd player21:44
diddyseren, no it works if I format it under Win XP21:45
diddywith fat3221:45
waggyseren, yeah, but what I'm saying is, and perhaps I'm not following you here, but why not just setup /home/name/torrents/w/e as your virtual host direct?21:45
ZykoticK9llamanathan, the "/$dir" if an X variable but whatever directory you want there like "nautilus /tmp" for example21:45
serenwaggy: did you look at my paste?21:45
llamanathanright. I understood that21:45
waggyseren, no sorry, I'll have a look21:45
serenwaggy: i have my downloads folder in my virtual host21:46
MenZaFuzzyFox0: Nothing has access to /21:46
JerphIf any of you have used windows 7, it has a few nice keyboard shortcuts: win+up = maximize; win+left = move window to left half of monitor, vertically maximized; win+shift+left = move window one monitor to the left, keeping maximize/restore state21:46
=== ivan_ is now known as ivanblago
ZykoticK9llamanathan, sorry - i had some confusion yesterday when i used a $ so i thought i'd just clarify :)21:46
serenwaggy: o crud i only added the web root21:46
Jerphis there a way to do the later 2 on ubuntu?21:46
daftykinsJerph: yeah i miss those whenever i use any other ver of windows now :(21:46
serenwaggy: one sec21:46
Jerphdaftykins: Don't fret! http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic21703.html21:47
JerphI have Xp figured out, now on to ubuntu21:47
daftykinsyou could probably do it with compiz.21:47
pleedIsnt it possible to use lvm/crypto on the default ubuntu installation? There are no such options on the partition dialog.21:47
serenwaggy: so i do this right I ass </Directory>21:48
seren         <Directory /home/jaymz/Downloads>21:48
seren         Options Inde to virtual host right21:48
FloodBot4seren: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:48
waggyseren, You're perhaps more on the ball than me with this, but does apache have write privileges/is it a member of a group to write to the location?21:48
Jerphubuntu is on virtualbox. compiz doesn't run there, right?21:48
daftykinspleed: if you're running 9.10's livecd, once you select the partition layout, it'll ask if you want to encrypt your /home21:48
daftykinsJerph: correct, it won't.21:48
serenwaggy: ya apache is in my users group21:48
pleeddaftykins: no, i would like to encrypt the whole hdd and create lvm2 in it.21:48
waggyseren, I'm stumped then! sorry! =0)21:48
CyberGabberMHz128: No, read this small tutor; http://ikester.blogspot.com/2007/01/im-huge-fan-of-autohotkey.html21:48
ZykoticK9Jerph, it can - be sure to install the guest additions inside the VM (it doesn't run too well BTW)21:48
Jerphwin+up was easy in preferences/keyboard shortcuts21:48
serenapache is odd with symlinks i think its a rroutine problem21:49
ZykoticK9Jerph, you also have to turn 3d on for the VM in it's settings21:49
Jerph ZykoticK9: haha. Well, i'm not trying to wrestle with compiz and 3d right now - i've lost that fight before. Is there a way to do the window resizy stuff in straight gnome?21:49
daftykinspleed: you're never going to have a secure system since your kernel has to be booted from an unencrypted bootloader21:50
[B]randonso i installed ubuntu onto my 8gb flashdrive, i went to load it up, and then it went to 'grub:sh' how would i mount my flashdrive, or boot up ubuntu on my flashdrive for that matter?21:50
maxtorwould u say Xubuntu 9.10 is safe yet, before it was very buggy21:50
ZykoticK9Jerph, "windows resizing stuff"? i haven't been folloing sorry21:50
maxtorwhen it was first out21:50
ZykoticK9Jerph, read your question - I have no idea man?!?!  best of luck.21:51
[B]randonso i installed ubuntu onto my 8gb flashdrive, i went to load it up, and then it went to 'grub:sh' how would i mount my flashdrive, or boot up ubuntu on my flashdrive for that matter?21:51
arandmaxtor: if you know the bugs, check their status on launchpad, without specifying any particular ones, it's very hard to say..21:51
JerphZykoticK9: no problem21:51
boesci siete21:51
pleeddaftykins: sorry but i havent asked for a discussion if that makes sense... just would like to know if i can do that.21:51
ZykoticK9Jerph, many of the keycombo's you mention are already mapped to certain features of compiz21:51
boesqualcuno ITALIANO?21:51
Das_FloHey everyone. I have 2 ntfs partitions that I can mount and access. However, after a reboot and mounting them again, programs can't access them for some reason. Banshee needs to reload all the media, Firefox can't access the profile it's supposed to share with the windows one... what to do?21:51
daftykinspleed: sure sorry. i've no experience then i'm afraid.21:51
ZykoticK9!it | boes21:51
ubottuboes: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:51
JerphZykoticK9: right right, I'm fine if it's non-standard for compiz, this is just for me21:52
boesok grazie21:52
FuzzyFox0MenZa I am not trying to make it access / it is doing it all on its own21:52
JerphI have this huge monitor running an Ubuntu VM. I just miss my left-half right-half shortcuts. Amazingly useful21:52
pleeddaftykins: okay thanks.21:52
MenZaFuzzyFox0: It shouldn't be.21:52
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:52
FuzzyFox0it is21:52
[B]randonso i installed ubuntu onto my 8gb flashdrive, i went to load it up, and then it went to 'grub:sh' how would i mount my flashdrive, or boot up ubuntu on my flashdrive for that matter?21:53
IP-v6excuse me appdb is for myself : )21:53
daftykins[B]randon: when you installed, did you do it from livecd with hard disks in the machine?21:53
[B]randonyeah :P21:53
FuzzyFox0MenZa do you think reinstalling might work?21:54
[B]randondaftykins, i did, should i just take out all harddisks?21:54
daftykins[B]randon: give it a try again and be sure to check advanced at the end and say install GRUB to the flash drive, /dev/sdx or whatever it comes up as. or pull drives ja21:54
MaletorWhere should I put http://unicorn.bogomips.org/examples/init.sh on my Linux server and how do I add it to update-rc.d so that it will start on startup?21:54
[B]randondaftykins, so it's using the MBR from my windows drives instead of straight installing to my flashdrive?21:54
daftykins[B]randon: i dunno, somethings messing up :) if you want to be 100% it's b0rked, use your BIOS to force USB as the only boot device / hit the key that gives you a boot menu and select USB only21:55
[B]randondaftykins, yeah which is usually F8 at startup, well I'll make sure to pull all 8 of my drives when re-installing to flashdrive, thanks brother! :D21:56
serenwaggy: w00t got it21:56
daftykins[B]randon: for yours and my BIOS, not every ;) good luck21:56
[B]randondaftykins, thanks man [;21:56
nitemovzI am trying to figure out how to configure Ubuntu Server to work as a mail server, can anyone help me?21:57
waggyseren, how?21:57
serenwaggy i had a .htaccess file that had the wrong user in it, was something i over looked21:57
waggyseren, ahhh lol21:58
ZykoticK9nitemovz, if you don't get an answer in this channel you might also want to ask in #ubuntu-server21:58
nitemovzoh, I didn't know there was one for Server, I will go to that one instead21:59
nitemovzThanks ZykoticK921:59
harisundIs there any webpage that shows how to make Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit usable? As in install the latest firefox, install flash, java, acrobat and associated browser plugins, standard codecs etc etc ? I managed to get all the hardware working perfectly, now I would like some software to make the machine useful21:59
ZykoticK9nitemovz, #ubuntu is a good place to ask as well :)  many more people21:59
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
ZykoticK9harisund, installing ubuntu-restricted-extras will certainly get you started22:00
harisundZykoticK9, that's a start, will do man thanks22:01
BluesKajharisund, the medibuntu repos won't hurt either22:01
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:02
harisundBluesKaj, cool cool .. thank you thank you :)22:02
BluesKajharisund, hope ithelps22:03
harisundI will check it out. Thanks again22:03
RoaldEuhm guys, I'm a total Linux newbie, just installed ubuntu today and I tried to get use my wireless internet. Problem is I can't find the wireless network, i can see other networks but mine doen't show up. The SSID isn't hidden22:04
Wickedhello all...it seems my hard drive had a error and remounted as read only as its supposed to do via fstab settings. But i ran fsck on the drive and it seems to be fixed...but i cannot get the drive to remount as rw...when i remount the drive its still mounting as read only...22:05
BluesKajRoald, what wifi chip do you have ?22:05
Roaldi use a D link DWA 140 usb adapter22:06
Roalddunno what chip it uses22:06
LonelyDragonthat was weird...22:06
LonelyDragonhow do you get ubuntu 9.10 (edubuntu) to redetect the video hardware / monitor settings...22:06
LonelyDragon'cause my resolution is maxed at 800x600 and I should be able to do 12xx-102422:07
TrekLonelyDragon, edubuntu questions can be resolved in #edubuntu i think22:07
LonelyDragonjoin #edubuntu22:07
archboxmanLonelyDragon: lscpi22:07
lowryS_join #edubuntu22:08
archboxmanLonelyDragon: in terminal and tell me what the video card is??22:08
ZykoticK9LonelyDragon, using "lspci | grep -i vga" will be MUCH easier!22:09
LonelyDragon00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)22:09
doobeh^Roald: out of interest, what's your SSID called?22:09
UbuntuUserIve compiled Audacious succesfully, but I want to know how to change this:22:09
Roaldit's called22:09
doobeh^Roald: What's the make/model of the router?22:10
UbuntuUsernormally: http://www.howtoforge.de/images/perfect_desktop_mandriva_2008_1_gnome/audacious.jpg22:10
RoaldDWA 140 wireless router22:10
RoaldD link22:10
Trek!enter | Roald22:11
ubottuRoald: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:11
ZykoticK9UbuntuUser, you mean the black background?  that is how mine (from the repo) appears.  could it be a theme issue, in ubuntu i mean?22:11
BluesKajRoald , your wifi adapter uses the ralink rt2870 driver which I also have, but unfortunately i haven't had any luck getting it to work22:12
UbuntuUseryea, I mean the black background. Audacious 2.2 from getdeb PPA has not this "bug"22:12
LonelyDragonlike I said... my Intel 82845G/GL is only giving me 800x600...22:12
ownlifeWould anyone recommend an IRC client other than irssi?22:13
ZykoticK9Roald, could you temporarily disable encryption on your router and see if it then shows up in the wireless list?22:13
jribownlife: weechat22:13
UbuntuUserand no, its not a theme issue22:13
Roaldbut the thing is that there are some wireless networks showing up in my list22:13
ZykoticK9ownlife, if you want a GUI perhaps xchat22:13
ownlifeDoes weechat accessible through reposutory?22:13
ownlifeXchat I've used before :D22:14
doobeh^ownlife: I use Quassel, that's available via the repo's22:14
archboxmanLonelyDragon: system > administration > hardware drivers22:14
ownlifeAlright, thanks for the help!22:14
archboxmanLonelyDragon: see if there is a hardware driver available22:14
ZykoticK9ownlife, i'd recommend just xchat, not the xchat-gnome - but some people prefer it22:14
ownlifeI have Gnome?22:15
ZykoticK9ownlife, so do i22:15
Trekownlife: just do this: sudo apt-get install xchat22:15
ZykoticK9ownlife, you can install both and see which you prefer22:15
Trekownlife: what ZykoticK9 said22:15
doobeh^Roald: http://fostergrant.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1333255 mentions various tips about getting the DWA 140 working22:15
archboxmanLonelyDragon: I loaded my laptop with debian so it may not be in that location...22:15
diablodfamsn does not function video with dlink di-524.22:16
diablodf<diablodf> already I changed the MTU for 1492, more exactly thus not to function the colloquy with video.22:16
InquiryHello, everyone.  Been a while.  I've got an easy one this time.  Trying to upgrade my distro from Hardy Heron 8.04.  Can't seem to get it going.  Anyone know I need to go about this?22:16
trijntjealt +f2 "update-manager -d"22:17
ZykoticK9Inquiry, you might want to wait the 79 days until Lucid is released22:17
TrekInquiry: you need to go from version to version22:17
nitemovzhow do I configure VPN?22:17
InquiryWhat's lucid, other than a heightened state of consciousness, that is.?22:17
ZykoticK9!lucid | Inquiry22:17
ubottuInquiry: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+122:18
TrekInquiry: its 10.04, the next version22:18
Trekor what ubottu just said22:18
ZykoticK9Inquiry, basically you are currently using a LTS release, and Lucid is the next LTS release22:18
ownlife_Apparently the terminal and hl console isn't the same gig22:19
Roald1disabeling encryption doesnt help22:19
InquiryOkay, well, I wasn't wanting the release that's not out yet, but thanks.22:19
archboxmanWell Debian is ok ,but not good for a laptop back to ubuntu 9.04... :)22:19
=== ownlife_ is now known as ownlife
doobeh^nitemovz: http://paulstamatiou.com/how-toreview-surf-securely-with-vyprvpn has a VPN guide, scroll down about half way for the ubuntu bits22:19
Alan502Would someone help me with firefox?22:19
jribAlan502: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)22:20
ZykoticK9Roald1, a "work-around" would be to set your router up to NOT broadcast SSID and use MAC filtering so only approved MAC addresses could connect22:20
Syirrusanyone know where I can find kde 4.4 binaries for ubuntu 9.10 AMD 64?22:20
doobeh^nitemovz: it's focused on the settings for the VyprVPN service, so just ignore the settings it requires for that.22:20
nitemovzdoobeh^: Thanks!22:20
Alan502Okay, so when i click a link that opens in a new window Firefox alerts "javascript - sercurity error"22:20
InquiryHow to ask this?  Hmm.  I'm running Hardy Heron 8.04 on a laptop with no problems at all, except that I can't seem to get rubygame to install, and some other folks are telling me that I need to upgrade my distro.  But I'm not convinced.22:20
ZykoticK9Roald1, SORRY "doesn't help" missread you!22:21
LonelyDragonarchboxman :  I don't see any proprietary drivers used on this system...22:21
Roald1the weird thing is that i can see all other networks in my neighbourhood but mine doesnt show up22:21
archboxmanLonelyDragon: hold on :)22:22
LonelyDragonarchboxman: no prob...   I used to have it working LONG time ago... just recently reloaded (from WattOS... and has Xbuntu on here before that)...  just frustrating...22:23
doobeh^Roald1: This probably won't work, but did once for me on a Symbol router, try changing the channel and the SSID name (long shot, but if you're already pulling at straws...)22:23
antdawgi have a toshiba satellite, a215-7437, to be exact..i've been using ubuntu since 2006 on desktop computers, but can't find a way for hibernate/sleep to work on this sucker22:23
Roald1i'll try that22:23
LonelyDragonand don't see /etc/X11/xorg.conf on the system either... which I thought was strange   and tried to do the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  but it just goes to the next line in terminal...  and doesn't do anything.22:23
antdawganyone had success with the acpi on someting like this toshiba satellite?22:23
ownlifeWould skype be in the repo?22:23
SyirrusHow do I compile KDE 4.4 SC. Is there a way I can download it from an ftp site extract and compile in a few cli commands?22:23
archboxmanLonelyDragon:  locate xorg.conf... in terminal22:24
trismSyirrus: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build (it is not straightforward)22:24
SyirrusThank you Trism22:25
Roald1doobeh^: it doesn't help22:26
antdawgbecuase this suspend/hibernate issue is killing my battery life, so bad, that i'm just gonna forfeit to using XP...22:26
=== marjan_ is now known as marjan
InquiryWhat is the latest stable Ubuntu release?  And can I upgrade to it from my 8.04?22:26
archboxmanLonelyDragon:you find xorg.conf???22:26
=== jon is now known as Guest23003
antdawgInquiry, it should be available in the update manager..."A newer version of Ubuntu is..."22:27
LonelyDragonnot sure where to look.22:27
trismInquiry: 9.10, an no, you need to go 8.04->8.10->9.04->9.10, you are better off clean installing (or you can wait and go 8.04->10.04)22:27
ayam_jagoantdawg : try go to System, Administration, Hardware Drivers22:27
LonelyDragoni think I found it earlier this morning (or last night)... in my home .something directory... but not sure if that was a valid one.22:27
archboxmanLonelyDragon: Terminal type locate xorg.conf22:27
ZykoticK9Inquiry, because you are using LTS it's not going to show an upgrade option (by default) until Lucid is released -- there are ways to upgrade to non-LTS (i just don't remember how)22:28
Inquiryantdawg:  That's the problem, right there.  Update manager doesn't show any reference at all to new distro releases being available.  I don't know that it ever did.  I did an update using it just today, but I still have 8.04 afterwards.22:28
archboxmanLonelyDragon:you find xorg.conf???22:28
trismInquiry: if you wanted to upgrade the hard way, you can enable it in System/Adminstration/Software Sources on the Update tab, switch from lts to normal releases22:29
LonelyDragonya.. found three.. sort of...22:29
antdawgInquiry, see trism 's comment...you will have to do that.  update-manager -d will most likely break ur system22:29
LonelyDragonthe one in /etc/X11/xorg.conf is one I think I cp to that location though...   from my /home/dragon/xorg.conf.new file22:29
LonelyDragonand see one says   /usr/share/man/man5/xorg.conf.5.gz22:29
Alan502Okay, so when i click a link that opens in a new window Firefox alerts "javascript - sercurity error"22:30
Inquiryantdawg: Yeah, I was afraid that something like that could happen.22:30
root__any1 know how i can turn on wireless in backtrack4?22:30
Alan502can somone hlep me?22:30
archboxmanLonelyDragon: Did you mv the file to your home directory???22:30
unixalotroot__: you've already tried ifconfig up? ifup ifdown??22:30
ZykoticK9!backtrack | root__22:31
ubotturoot__: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:31
LonelyDragonfound it their earlier...  when I was trying to do google searches lastnight/this morning...22:31
grendal_primethis might seem irrelevant at first but.....22:31
LonelyDragongetting upset with this stupid machine.22:31
grendal_prime ok was it captain jack sparro that said...."I've found the larger ones are more accommodating" ?22:31
antdawgInquiry, you can upgrade one release at a time...but if you can backup ur home folder and reinstall 9.10, that's ur best bet22:31
archboxmanLonelyDragon: what version 9.10???22:31
LonelyDragonedubuntu 9.10  i believe... at least that is what I thought I downloaded and burned22:32
neurodamagewhat's the correct command to run against a sites-available configuration to make it show up in the sites-enabled? other than manually symlinking it?22:32
fbianconi!karmic | archboxman22:32
ubottuarchboxman: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91022:32
BluesKajRoald1, ZykoticK9, wicd used work well with the rt2870 ralink chip on jaunty , the upgrade to karmic appeared to kill any ability for the driver to connect. I've tried every tutorial I could find with no results. I'll be very happy if you guys can find a way to get the adapter work.22:32
Inquiryantdawg:  Yeah, I think you're right.  Rather than go through all those updates, I could just start from scratch with 9.10.22:33
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, sorry man - i've never used wicd in my life, hope you get it working22:33
Roald1BluesKaj: given the fact that i'm a complete newbie, chances are small that i'm going to find the solution all by myself22:33
thentheniowhich DHCP server package would you suggest to install?22:33
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, have you seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134259322:34
thenthenioZykoticK9: I'm having a look to ebox...22:34
archboxmanfbianconi: I didn't ask for that ... I know as of Oct 26,2009 release date.... Problem is it uses upstart = hal + udev and grub2 ... Which udev and grub2 are developmental packages in there final stage for release... Why ubuntu put them on release 9.10 is a mystery???22:34
ardianHow can i use wall to say Hi ?22:35
ardianon terminal22:35
ZykoticK9thenthenio, i've never setup a DHCP server before.  best of luck - you might want to ask the same question in #ubuntu-server as well22:35
BluesKajZykoticK9, Roald1 , I also tried the default network manager , with no reults , but I didn't investigate it as deeply as I did with wicd22:35
hegneurodamage: sudo a2ensite <site>22:35
ZykoticK9thenthenio, ebox doesn't seem like a drop-in replacement to webmin in my opinion - best of luck22:36
Roald1BluesKaj: have you got any idea of another network manager i could use?22:36
ownlifeI'm having some trouble understanding what the software channel is. I've downloading the Skype deb but I'm getting a message saying the same software version is available on the software channel. I don't know the 3 w's and Google isn't yielding good results.22:36
Inquiryantdawg: Do you know if 9.10 has any issues with wifi setups?  I ask because I had a lot of trouble getting mine to work, and I wouldn't want to have to go through that again after upgrading.22:36
neurodamageheg: that's the one thanks22:36
archboxmanGrub2 has problems with BSD's22:36
thenthenioZykoticK9: actually I need just dhcp and samba... seems it has!22:37
BluesKajRoald1, wicd22:37
amansousalut tout le monde22:37
BluesKaj!info wicd22:37
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2464 kB22:37
antdawgInquiry, it really depends on ur hardware...really could or could not.  If it works live cd, ur usually OK22:37
unimatrixis there a commandline mpd client that would be able to find album art?22:37
ZykoticK9ownlife, just because you get that message doesn't mean you can't install the package!  software channel refers to your apt-get repo list - so there must be a repo with skype already in it (so "sudo apt-get install skype" should work)22:38
khem_can anybody give me advice on how i can map ctrl (25) + 3B to left tag and ctrl (25) + 3C to right tag aswell as ctrl (25) + 33 to pipe with xmodmap?22:38
Schuihello, i just installed counterstrike and there is no sound, any suggestions? also the text is really blocky and hard to read. i'm using karmic22:38
Inquiryantdawg:  Thanks for the tip.  I didn't even think of that.  Yeah, the live CD option would make for a safe way to run an important test.22:38
Roald1Blueskaj: I'll try that22:38
archboxmanLonelyDragon: I would say you have done a lot with your current setup of eubuntu and may have played with xorg file caused problems...22:38
antdawgInquiry, it's not 100%, but it is a good way to feel the release out...see how it's gonna work for you22:38
Inquiryantdawg:  Right.22:39
BluesKajRoald1, it might work with your router.I suspect my problem is with configuring my router to work with the wifi adapter22:39
apollowont show my hardware. hp mini 311.  no proprietary hardware.... etc22:39
archboxmanLonelyDragon: your to backup your xorg.conf when moving the file or editing it...should have done that if you planned to edit it...22:40
archboxmanLonelyDragon: the idea is to backup every conf file you plan to edit...22:42
Roald1BluesKay: Wicd still doesnt recognise my network, though the others are still showing up22:42
harisundhey guys .. can I get A2DP support on Ubuntu? How good is it?22:42
ownlifeCommand to open the sources.list?22:42
ravenhow to upgrade the distribution by command line?22:43
iceroot!upgrade | raven22:43
ubotturaven: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:43
ZykoticK9ownlife, to see it from a terminal "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"22:43
ZykoticK9ownlife, to open it "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" < not sure what you're trying to do though22:44
raveniceroot, only in command mode - apt-get dist-upgrade does not work.....22:44
benofiniquityHas anyone solved the touchpad/keyboard issue that gives all the "psmouse.c: bad data from KBC - timeout bad parity" errors in dmesg?22:44
sharperguyHow do I completely get rid of firestarter and put the iptables config back to normal?22:44
simulationhello guys22:45
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ownlifeI'm wanting to add "deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free"22:45
sponzoris there any howto set up iptables without this firewall programs..?22:45
simulationi have installed a ubuntu server on my vm machine22:45
ownlifeI found the instructions to install from repo22:45
simulationat bridged networking22:45
sharperguy!return | simplexio22:45
ubottusimplexio: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:45
simulationbut ubuntu cant solve the networks computer names :S22:45
sharperguy^ simulation see about :)22:45
simulationfor example my hosts name is myhost22:45
simulationi type ping myhost but ubuntu cant solve the ip :)22:45
simulationbut i can ping the hosts ip directly :(22:46
clrgsimulation: Check /etc/resolv.conf for correct DNS configuration22:46
icerootraven: please read the link ubottu gave you22:46
icerootraven: there is the way using the cli22:46
simulation@clrg thats correct22:46
simulationthe dns is my routers ip22:46
ZykoticK9simulation, you might not get hostname DNS support like that... maybe.  you could add entries into /etc/hosts for the name-to-ip resolution as a work around22:46
clrgsimulation: Or use your /etc/hosts to map your clients22:47
clrgZykoticK9: =)22:47
nipplebutteranyone have experience with a multi linux distro22:47
simulationhmm clrg letme try :)22:47
ZykoticK9nipplebutter, what is a "multi linux ditro"?22:47
nipplebutterthe problem is i need more space for the distro i use more22:47
mabownlife: So do you know how to open up a terminal (also known as a shell... terminal... prompt?)22:48
icerootnipplebutter: gparted22:48
nipplebutteri got studio ubuntu and crunch bang22:48
BluesKajRoald1, did you set up wicd with encryption ?22:48
benofiniquityMost posts online involve passing i8042.nomux=1 to the kernel or setting acpi_osi=Linux, but neither of these solve my problem.22:48
simulationbut i wonder why it cant solve :)) my pyscl computers can solve the ubuntus computer name also :)22:48
nipplebutterbut the problem is i am having problems identifying what partition is my studio install22:48
clrgmab: Press alt+F2 and type "gnome-terminal"22:48
raveniceroot, yes now i got it tnx22:48
oizoQuestion: I want a program that can remove white edges from scanned images automatically and on multiple images. Does anybody know of such a program or what it's called in "image editing language"?22:48
ownlifeWell, I'm about a month new to Ubuntu. I was on Jaunty first.22:49
nipplebutterin order to delete it and resize my crunch bang partition22:49
mabclrg: I know how, I'm asing if ownlife does so I can help him.22:49
nipplebutterbut i dont want to frak my grub22:49
ownlifeI've been clawning my eyes out trying to learn the ins-and-outs22:49
ownlifeBut I'm learning the terminal commands22:49
ownlifeI'm at the point that I know enough to damage stuff :D22:49
mabownlife: Press Alt+F2 and type in "gnome-terminal", like clrg said. :D22:49
mabownlife: alright, and you still need that repo added, right?22:50
simulationwith hosts file its ok ofcourse :)22:50
iuriiкто по русски говорит?22:50
ownlifeUm, where can I find that mouse gesture app that launches apps based on pre-determined mouse jestures?22:50
VCooliooizo: look into imagemagick; not sure about the lingo though22:50
clrg!ru | iurii22:50
ubottuiurii: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:50
simulationthanks for tiny tip :) but i still wonder why it cant solve the names auto :S :)22:50
ZykoticK9speaking of alt+f2, it's OT i know, was show this last night and just want to share.  if you're using Gnome and want to see an Easter Egg -- Alt+f2 and enter "gegls from outer space" for a surprise!  "free the fish" does something as well.22:50
ownlifeYa, I added it to the bottom like the rest: #Skype deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free22:50
oizoVCoolio: thanks22:50
iuriiта я просто так22:51
m0n0hello there, does anyone know how to tell apllications (which run in a console)  the size of the terminal screen? could i use an env var for that? or something like that?22:51
mabownlife: alright, so you have everything figured out? other than the mouse gesture app22:51
mabm0n0: what applications are you trying to run?22:51
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m0n0mab: links just shows me 25 lines via my atari terminal...22:51
clrgm0n0: There's two env vars for that, I believe, but I don't recall how they're called. Try "resize"22:51
ownlifeWell I'm very interested in Linux based IT22:52
calrikhi all Im having problem where my logictech g5 usb mouse would freeze for like 1-2 seconds, I have checked dmesg and seems it is disconnecting and reconnecting any ideas how to fix this from happening?22:52
ownlifeI've done the windows shit for too long, that was my job in the service22:52
Trek!language | ownlife22:53
ubottuownlife: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:53
Roald1BluesKaj: euhm no i didnt22:53
ownlifeBah, sorry!22:53
m0n0thanks for the info, I'll have to look at resize :)22:53
chucheGuys one of the updates broke my ability to drag-n-drop in GNOME.22:53
Roald1BluesKaj: how do I set Wicd up with encryption?22:53
benofiniquityI keep getting "psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 1" and "psmouse.c: bad data from KBC - timeout bad parity" errors in dmesg.  Both my keyboard and touchpad will not respond if there's no input for a couple of seconds.  After typing a key or moving around on the touchpad, things are fine as long as I keep moving or typing. After a couple seconds, everything stops responding again.22:54
chucheWhen I attempt to drag-n-drop I get 60% cpu usage.22:54
chucheEverything was fine until I updated.22:54
VCooliooizo: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/channels/#mask_bgnd seems like what you're looking for22:55
ownlifeNow that I've ruined this pg environment, I was going to ask if there are any well experienced people that'd let me bother them at all times of the day with simple questions and/or willing to explain Linux concepts22:56
BluesKajRoald1, actually you set your router to encrypt your wifi signal with a password and wep or wpa or wpa2 encryption , then you set the wicd network manager to match22:56
ownlife*****soft ruined my interest in the IT field, but Ubuntu lured me back in22:57
By_Your_CommandMicrosoft is run by Cylons22:57
ownlifeI'm just trying to keep it pg22:57
meeluhow do i kill PID 1328822:57
meelupkill 13288 isnt working22:57
velociostrich_Hi all22:58
VCoolioownlife: this channel is crowded 31; also #ubuntu-offtopic if it's not that ubuntu-related22:58
archboxmanfunny I didn't know my cell phone could interfer with wireless lol22:58
velociostrich_I have not been able to get sound in Enemy Territory or any mods for it;22:58
By_Your_CommandYou might end up going to jail  for that Meelu22:58
velociostrich_when I try to start it, I just get an error:22:58
=== Guest45663 is now known as KatherineD
meelulol why22:58
velociostrich_------- sound initialization -------22:58
velociostrich_/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy22:58
velociostrich_Could not open /dev/dsp22:58
Roald1BluesKaj: problem is that I cant see my network in wicd22:58
By_Your_Commandbecause it's murder22:58
meelui just need to stop firefox22:59
meeluhow do i do it?22:59
macrossotakuI have three partitions on my hard drive, only two have their own trash folders, I would like the third to have one too22:59
archboxmankill command22:59
VCooliomeelu: kill pid or pkill processname22:59
icerootmeelu: killall firefox22:59
By_Your_Commandfind what PID firefox is and killall pid22:59
coz_meelu,  which application does this belong to?22:59
coz_meelu,   yeah  killalll firefox22:59
velociostrich_meelu: if you use killall, you don't have to specify the PID22:59
velociostrich_does anyone know why I can't get audio?22:59
archboxmanmeelu: disconnect your internet..22:59
velociostrich_I've checked the sound settings23:00
By_Your_Commandwell I always specify the PID23:00
meelui wont be able to connect to the server if i disconnect it23:00
velociostrich_they seem ok, and when I open the mixer23:00
gregl<velociostrich google no sound Enemy Territory..There is a fix for it.23:00
velociostrich_W:ET isn't listed23:00
ZykoticK9velociostrich_, you can try "padsp et" but i still don't get audio either23:00
BluesKajRoald1, set up the encryption in windows, but I suspect your wifi broadcast on the router is turned off23:00
coz_velociostrich_,   open a termina.... type   alsamixer   see if the card is listed and idf any of the sliders are down or muted23:00
archboxmanmeelu: stop feeding the source it will kill it...23:00
velociostrich_I'll try those fixes, thanks23:00
velociostrich_the odd thing is that it _did_ work before23:00
* By_Your_Command feeds the source a hamburger23:00
Roald1BluesKaj: No it isnt because i can still connect with  a laptop running vista23:00
velociostrich_so I don't know what broke it23:00
archboxmanvelociostrich_: more like *pron* popups.. :)23:01
By_Your_CommandPRON ;)23:01
BluesKajRoald1, whwt encryption are you using in windows?23:01
ZykoticK9velociostrich_, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=271075 for possible solution23:01
By_Your_Commandah Roald1 useing PGP encryption23:02
Roald1BluesKaj: WPA personal23:02
velociostrich_thanks; I just tried "padsp et" and running alsa mixer on a getty but to no avail with either23:02
calrikhi all Im having problem where my logictech g5 usb mouse would freeze for like 1-2 seconds, I have checked dmesg and seems it is disconnecting and reconnecting, I have only my mouse and keyboard plugged into usb, have the latest nvidia drivers, I have changed to different ports still same problem any ideas how to fix this from happening23:02
ZykoticK9velociostrich_, actually that link i sent you is rather old23:02
BluesKajRoald1, then do the same with wicd23:02
By_Your_Commandcalrik is it a wireless mouse?23:02
velociostrich_well, I'll try it anyway23:02
velociostrich_I'm still reading through it23:02
calrikBy_Your_Command: No23:03
velociostrich_ZykoticK9: actually, I came across that already23:03
velociostrich_nothing in there worked23:03
ZykoticK9velociostrich_, i'm worried as it seem to rely on ESD which doesn't really apply anymore23:03
velociostrich_the odd thing is that it worked less than a week ago23:04
By_Your_Commandcalrik: does it only disconnect when you move the mouse?23:04
By_Your_Commandor does it do it with no movement?23:04
velociostrich_could a mod have broken it?23:04
calrikBy_Your_Command: only when I move the mouse23:04
By_Your_Commandmight be a faulty wire23:04
ZykoticK9velociostrich_, it's never worked for me - no idea if a mod could have broken it?  perhaps23:04
Roald1BluesKaj: I did that already, but he just keeps asking the password, which surely is correct23:04
archboxmanIts great to see people playing with there boot times or xorg.conf files ,but you must backup your xorg.conf file before editing and look into run levels if you plan to play with your setup to boot faster :)23:04
benofiniquityI keep getting "psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 1" and "psmouse.c: bad data from KBC - timeout bad parity" errors in dmesg.  Both my keyboard and touchpad will not respond if there's no input for a couple of seconds.  After typing a key or moving around on the touchpad, things are fine as long as I keep moving or typing. After a couple seconds, everything stops responding again. Most posts online inv23:05
khem_can anybody give me advice on how i can map ctrl (25) + 3B to left tag and ctrl (25) + 3C to right tag aswell as ctrl (25) + 33 to pipe with xmodmap?23:05
velociostrich_ZykoticK9: I think it may have stopped working after downloading the No Quarter mod; I'll try moving that out of my ~/.etwolf folder23:06
By_Your_Commandkhem: go to the blue door and make a right and walk 20 paces and then turn left and then walk 15 paces to the old wooden tree...23:06
velociostrich_ZykotiK9: actually, I may even just try rebooting23:06
harisundHey guys are there any instructions for Skype 64 bit on Ubuntu? There's a .deb for Skype 64 bit on Skype web site for 8.10 .. will it work for say, 9.04? Do I need additional packages?23:06
velociostrich_it could have been some program I've run that messed it up, I don't know23:06
coz_harisund,  if it is a deb pacakges run it via the terminl  with sudo dpkg -i nameofpackage.deb  and it shoulde spit out if it needs additional libraires23:07
By_Your_Commandcalrik do you have another computer?23:07
BluesKajRoald1, there is an alternative that can be used with wicd or any network manager ,it's called ndiswrapper.23:08
urlwallaceHi I am losing the wireless connection in ubuntu 9.1.0 when I swith from a published ssid to a non published one. the wireless chip atheros works great when ssid is published. Is htere a fix or config  help? thank you23:08
BluesKaj!ndiswrapper | Roald123:08
ubottuRoald1: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:08
urlwallacethanks ubottu!23:09
Roald1BluesKaj: yes I heard of that, but isnt that to install drivers for your wireless card?23:09
apolloubuntu wont recognize my drivers23:09
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots23:09
urlwallacedrivers work fine as long as ssid is braodcasted23:09
Dzelzsbetonsapollo: are they .exe files? :D23:09
By_Your_Commandapollo that's because it knows you don't have a license*23:10
velociostrichwell, I tried rebooting23:10
velociostrichand lo and behold, it worked23:10
ZykoticK9velociostrich, lucky!23:10
velociostrichI think it may have been because of Adobe Flash23:10
velociostrichI had a firefox window open that I had forgot about23:10
velociostrichso yeah, that may have been keeping the sound device busy23:10
apollohow do i get a license?23:11
ikoniaapollo: for what ?23:11
apolloubuntu wont recognize my drivers23:11
velociostrichapollo: are we talking vehicles or software? :)23:11
By_Your_Commandapollo: go to the BMV23:11
ikoniaapollo: for what23:11
ikoniaBy_Your_Command: please don't mess around with people needing help23:11
coz_apollo,  I cant think of anything off hand on linux that you need to request a license for23:11
benofiniquityIs there a different channel where I should be asking this question?  (I keep getting "psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 1" and "psmouse.c: bad data from KBC - timeout bad parity" errors in dmesg.  Both my keyboard and touchpad will not respond if there's no input for a couple of seconds.  After typing a key or moving around on the touchpad, things are fine as long as I keep moving or typing. After a c23:11
apollonothing shows up when i click hardware drivers23:11
bazhangBy_Your_Command, if you are going to help be helpful, no nonsense comments please23:11
By_Your_Commandsorry ikonia23:12
By_Your_Commandit was funny though23:12
DzelzsbetonsDo you have any hardware?23:12
velociostrichapollo: what hardware is it that's not working?23:12
archboxmanapollo: its not supported drivers look into hardware compatiblity23:12
ikoniaapollo: you may not need to use that tool. What are you having a problem with23:12
coz_benofiniquity,   if no one can answer here  try  the #linux  channel23:12
By_Your_Commandyou need to see if the drivers are supported apollo23:12
benofiniquitycoz_: thanks23:12
velociostrichapollo: the Ubuntu wiki has tons of lists of supported hardware23:12
apollosound, wireless internet, ethernet port... thats what i know of so far. i'm running it on an hp mini 31123:12
coz_apollo,  also check if anything is black listed  for the wireless23:12
velociostrichapollo: you might try ndiswrapper for your wireless23:13
velociostrichbut you'd have to get your hands on a windows driver23:13
apollowhat is ndiswrapper23:13
velociostrichapollo: it's a wrapper (I guess that's the right term) for windows wireless drivers23:13
Alan502Why is it that Ubuntu Firefox modiffications addon doesn't let me open new pop up windows?23:13
m0n0clrg: I just had to set COLUMNS=XX LINES=XX :)23:14
velociostrichapollo: basically, it lets you use windows drivers for wireless23:14
velociostrichapollo: btw, some vendors _do_ offer linux drivers23:14
By_Your_Commandyeah or you can get a ton of drivers in the RPM package repo23:15
ikoniaBy_Your_Command: rpm's are not supported23:15
velociostrichBy_Your_Command: which RPM repo is that? you mean like red hat?23:15
bazhangBy_Your_Command, not for ubuntu.23:15
velociostrichikonia: you can use alien, can't you?23:15
ikoniavelociostrich: not safley23:15
velociostrichikonia: ah, I've never tried it23:15
=== linucks[afk] is now known as linucks
bazhangBy_Your_Command, please dont recommend that here23:15
chilicuilI've just set up an Ubuntu mirror repository in my LAN and it's incredible useful for the desktop machines I can "download" and install the most heavy linux games in few seconds @_@, but I've a little issue with my laptop, when I'm in my house I wanna download as fast as the rest of the machines but it keeps getting the packages from Internet, I've added my local repository in the first line of sources.list but there's no change, so I've to remo23:16
apollook sooo... step one? i'm working seperatly on my desktop right now with windows 7. my laptop doesnt have internet because of the drivers23:16
bazhang!it | sultanodag23:16
ubottusultanodag: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:16
velociostrichapollo: first thing you have to do is find out specifically what hardware your laptop has23:16
velociostrichapollo: like specifically what chipsets23:16
sultanodagqualcuno saprebbe spiegarmi perchè non mi funge il comando Isusb?23:16
velociostrichapollo: then you can ask your friend google for some advice :)23:17
bazhangsultanodag, /join #ubuntu-it for Italian23:17
coz_apollo,  one t hing to do is open a terminal and type    sudo  dmidecode    that should give you a godd idea of the hardware etc  on the system23:17
velociostrichapollo: or the Ubuntu wiki, as I've said before -- there's a lot of specific information there23:17
velociostrichcoz_: that's a cool command -- I've never heard of that before but I'm looking at the man page now23:18
coz_velociostrich,  its an extremely helpful utility23:18
r0k3tm3ni have a Powemac G3 B&W and a powerbook g4, i cant get them to boot from the PPC image of ubuntu. i tried "boot:,/install/yaboot" but it said that it couldnt read the file. has anyone successfully installed ubuntu on either of these machines? i have searched the forums and web, but to no avail.... and i tried the powepc channel, but there is hardly anyone there.23:18
Berzerkeris it possibly to upgrade the kernel to .32?23:18
fuba88dos this thng work23:18
fuba88ohh it does23:18
velociostrichapollo: sudo dmidecode seems to print a lot of stuff, so you might need to pipe it into less23:19
velociostrichapollo like so: "sudo dmidecode | less"23:19
velociostrichapollo: then you can use the arrow keys / jk to scroll around23:19
velociostrichbtw, you don't use quotes23:19
velociostrichand by "jk" I mean the keys, not the acronym23:19
sweetandyYeah, who uses arrow keys anymore. hjkl all the way23:20
sweetandyor C-n and C-p (as on ctrl+)23:20
velociostrichafter getting used to vim, I can't stand using WSIYWIG editors and all their mouse-clickery23:20
fuba88what are you guys talking about23:21
alexfregoealex out23:21
velociostrichfuba88: a number of programs use the hjkl keys instead of the arrow keys23:21
bazhangfuba88, ubuntu support ; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic23:21
velociostrichfuba88: like vim, less, and man23:21
velociostrichthat's not to say that you can't use the arrows keys, but hjkl is far faster23:21
Sargun_ScreenWhere do I get man pages for the stdlib?23:22
Aijsehow do I get something like man IRC to get all possible commands?23:22
tudonaijse google23:22
alexfregoehi google23:22
Aijsegoogle whats that?23:23
velociostrichSargun_Screen: ooh, I'm not sure if you can get man pages for them 'cept for online23:23
velociostrichSargun_Screen: you can try looking for -doc packages in the repository23:23
tudonscroogle what ever for a irc command list or something23:23
velociostrichSargun_Screen: I know Mac OS X has them; I read them online on linux23:23
alexfregoewhy wont you listen23:24
velociostrichSargun_Screen: libstdc++6-4.4-doc looks promising23:25
velociostrichI take that back; I installed it and tried "man malloc" but it didn't find a man page23:26
velociostrichgtg guys23:26
ke1hajust tried to check out branch ubuntu-docs/karmic and got a strange error:23:26
ke1ha*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/python: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0eb31cc0 ***23:26
ke1haany ideas on fixing that one ?23:27
ke1haNevermind, I'm gonna go over to bugs and see what they say.23:28
lsdlunahi, im relatively new to ubuntu, is there anyone who could kindly and patiently enough to guide me through installing SVN? I have followed some guides atm but doesn't seem to be getting anywhere?23:29
methods22can i configure how long the notifications stick around on my desktop ?23:29
r0k3tm3nanyone here install ubuntu on a PowePC architecture computer?23:30
LinuxReignlsdluna, what steps did you already performed?23:30
blakkheim!anyone | r0k3tm3n23:31
ubottur0k3tm3n: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:31
blakkheimlsdluna: open a terminal, type "sudo aptitude install subversion" and press enter - that's it23:31
nothingness`hey guys23:32
r0k3tm3nubottu: then how do u suggest to start a question? and this isnt my first time... be careful with assumptions....23:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:32
nothingness`anybody knows whether we can monitor the threads of a process using monit ?23:32
nothingness`if yes, then how ?23:32
Aijse@r0k3tm3n lol23:32
=== primary is now known as KittyBoots
r0k3tm3nAijse: yeah, lol... dumb moment23:33
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:33
cromat@KittyBoots great name23:33
escood-beefHi all23:33
r0k3tm3ni am having trouble installing Ubuntu on a powerpc, anyone done this successfully?23:33
chervadoes new kernels count as a security update ?23:34
clicker4721r0k3tm3n: Did you download the PowerPC version?23:34
ikoniadepends on the reason for the update23:34
r0k3tm3nclicker4721: yes, it wont boot23:34
sponzorhow to add user that haves permissions only using ftp? (FTP USER)23:35
clicker4721r0k3tm3n: you sure all the downing and burning went right?23:35
r0k3tm3nclicker4721: i tried "boot:,/install/yaboot"  but it just gave me a error23:35
gregor_ yes, it wont boot => then its burned wrong i guesss23:35
r0k3tm3nclicker4721: about to try a different version23:35
clicker4721r0k3tm3n: you sure all the downing and burning went right?23:36
Spanglish_7776r0k may want to check the md5 hash before and after burning23:36
nothingness`anybody can tell me how it is possible to monitor the threads of a process on ubuntu using monit ?23:37
clicker4721Spanglish_7776, r0k3tm3n: Indeed, the md5 check is the best way to check the files' reliability.23:37
clicker4721nothingness: personally, I just use system monitor23:37
r0k3tm3nSpanglish_7776: mac OS X does verifies the disk after burning... no errors23:37
clicker4721*the system monitor23:37
nothingness`clicker4721, I mean I wanted a higher level of monitoring23:38
clicker4721nohtingness: specifically?23:38
nothingness`Like if a thread in a process goes down, I restart the entire process, automatically, clicker472123:38
Spanglish_7776faulty cd-dvd rom? maybe r0k does it boot anything else?23:38
clicker4721nothingness: Wow, I didn't even know you could do that!23:38
nothingness`ok thanks for the help anyway .. monit does something similar, if you're interested :)23:39
lsdlunaLinuxReign: I believe SVN is installed, and so is apache, however when i use says object not found23:39
r0k3tm3nclicker4721: i cant fit the 9.10 powerpc image on one cd argggg23:39
tad1how does one disable X on startup in 9.10, so as to login from the terminal? Nothing I have tried has worked23:39
clicker4721r0k3tm3n: try either multi-session, dvd, or usb23:40
Jordan_U!boot | tad123:40
ubottutad1: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:40
r0k3tm3ntad1: Crtl + Alt + 123:40
tudontad1 you can get command line from recovery mode23:40
BHoward@nothingness im not sure but doesnt the sighup kill signal restart the process with the same PID?23:40
tudondoes your x crash?23:40
r0k3tm3nclicker4721: usb on a mac g3?  thats tricky23:40
Jordan_Utad1, You want to disable gdm auto start23:40
KittyBootsI am having significant trouble keeping grub in order.  I am dual booting Ubuntu and Windows 7.  After I use Windows and restart, grub reports that it cant start the system.  Then I boot into a live Ubuntu distro, and restart and grub works. Windows is doing something wierd with my harddrive.  I don't know how to fix this.23:40
CyLHi, I'd like some advice on about how to get ubuntu to work dual headed.... I tried playing with xrandr, xorg.conf, but no success...23:41
clicker4721r0k3tm3n: dvd then23:41
BHowardI came in at the tail end of the conversation so im just posting from what i saw23:41
r0k3tm3nclicker4721: on a mac g3?23:41
Jordan_UKittyBoots, What is the exact error you get from grub?23:41
Spanglish_7776tad1 maybe sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove23:41
clicker4721r0k3tm3n: i hate typing your name, btw. anyway...perhaps i'm not familiar with the hardware you're working with. why wouldn't dvd work if cd would?23:42
r0k3tm3nclicker4721: does open-firmware support dvd?  and type r0 then tab, auto complete. ;-)23:42
fat_rathi @ll23:42
jazzi now have 2 hdd on a ribbon and one serial ata hdd how can i make the hdd on the ribbon boot up over the serial ata hdd?23:42
KittyBootsJordan_U: It is working now, I can't recreate the error now.23:43
phazer11Hey I need help adding another partition to the grub.cfg file23:43
tad1Spanglish_7776, i've tried removing gdm using the update-rc.d command, but it still does not work to disable the autostart23:43
Jordan_UKittyBoots, Can remember any part of the error?23:43
clicker4721r0k3tm3n: I'm using X-Chat, that just displays those people in a readout. Anyway, I've honestly never heard of this open-frameware you speak of.23:44
Jordan_Uphazer11, "update-grub" should add it automatically23:44
Jordan_Uphazer11, If you are using grub223:44
KittyBootsJordan_U: something about not having a bootable medium23:44
ejcwebI've got the latest release of Ubuntu installed, and the fan seems to be running permanently - is this a known problem? Or is there an easy fix? Thanks.23:44
phazer11it won't add yeah it's Grub 1.97 so technically 223:44
clicker4721r0k3tm3n, nm, r0k -> tab worked23:44
Kismethey guys i get the message "enter password for default keyring to unlock" form account manager every time my laptop resumes from hibernation23:45
Jordan_UKittyBoots, Ok, that's an error from the BIOS, which means that you aren't even getting to grub for some reason23:45
khem_can anybody give me advice on how i can map ctrl (25) + 3B to left tag and ctrl (25) + 3C to right tag aswell as ctrl (25) + 33 to pipe with  xmodmap?23:45
r0k3tm3nclicker4721: Open firmware is apples version of a BIOS on the PowePC architecture23:45
KittyBootsJordan_U: no it was after the post, it was a message from grub.23:45
BHoward@tad1 sudo vi +20 /etc/init/gdm.conf23:45
BHowardgdm starts on line 2023:46
clicker4721r0k3tm3n, Oh! Um...you should simply have a boot from disc option, right? That doesn't specify DVD or CD...23:46
Jordan_UKittyBoots, GRUB never gives an error like that, and the BIOS looks for a drive to boot from after POST23:46
r0k3tm3nclicker4721: i assume that you havent tried this before...23:46
Jordan_UKittyBoots, Does your computer have some "media boot" or "recovery partition" feature?23:47
clicker4721r0k3tm3n, obviously. Hey, I'm going to get into a chat with one of my Mac friends and see if I can extract the info from him. I'll be back as soon as the quest is completed.23:47
KittyBootsJordan_U: I was a message from grub, but since I cant recreate it I will just wait until it happens again and come back here with it.23:47
pierois oursql python package in some official repository?23:47
r0k3tm3nclicker4721: thanks, PM me k?23:48
KittyBootsJordan_U: Yes there is a recovery partition.23:48
luapI'm having trouble with installing SIP. Can anybody help?23:48
clicker4721r0k3tm3n, You got it.23:48
Jordan_UKittyBoots, Why are you so sure it was a message from grub? I have worked with the grub2 source and there is no error message like that.23:48
Jordan_UKittyBoots, The closest thing would probably be "device not found"23:49
nothingness`luap, what SIP ?23:49
r0k3tm3nhas anyone installed ubuntu on a PowerPC architecture computer?23:49
luapI'm trying to install Sip 4.10 for using PyQt23:50
KittyBootsJordan_U: I am trying to recall it from memory I didn't write it down and I am not sure exactly what it was, I just would not boot.23:50
jazzJordan_U,  if you worked with grub on source then maybe you can help me aslo?23:50
nothingness`ah ok lu23:50
nothingness`luap, sudo apt-get install sip4 ?23:50
nothingness`doesn't work ?23:50
Jordan_Ujazz, What problem are you having?23:50
jazzJordan_U,  i got ubuntu on a 40hdd on a ribon but i keep getting the ubuntu on my sata hdd23:50
Andy80do you know if the Gwibber team as an official IRC channel?23:50
nickiehi, i need help with grub. I had vista installed on part1, seven on part2 and ubuntu on part3. I deleted part2 and expanded part1. now when I restarted my comp, I get grub error 17. what do I need to edit in my menu.lst to get grub to work?23:51
jazzJordan_U,  there everyother  ubuntu is a memory check and finally my windows  what about my other ubuntu  hdd?23:51
Jordan_Unickie, Editing the menu.list won't help since grub isn't getting far enough to read it, you need to re-install grub.23:52
Jordan_Ujazz, What version of Ubuntu?23:52
jazzboth are 9.1023:53
phazer11AhH!!!!! well if I can't boot into Arch then I need more programs23:54
jazzJordan_U,  short of unpluggin each drive to boot into the hdd i want...23:54
phazer11Like Encoding GUI23:54
phazer11for video23:54
Jordan_Ujazz, Ok, boot the first entry ( since that is probably the one whose grub.cfg is being used ) and run "sudo update-grub". That should add the other Ubuntu install's entries.23:54
nickiewhen I reinstall grub, will it automatically find my vista partition? I cannot lose my windows, it has all my school stuff on it :(23:54
KittyBootswhere can I go to learn about development of the Linux kernal?23:55
tudonphazer11 you mean something like handbrake23:55
Jordan_Ujazz, You probably then want to boot into the other install and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc", that will ask you some questions, one of which is what drive you want grub to be installed to, make sure *none* are selected.23:56
rodrigo_ola manuel23:56
Jordan_Ujazz, Actually, that second part isn't needed if the two installations are on different drives23:57
Jordan_Ujazz, Just make sure that each Ubuntu installation is set to install to it's own drive, since the grub-pc package re-installs grub to the drive you select whenever it is upgraded23:57

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