
ryei know what's missing!10:51
ryeprogress bar of file upload on the web ui!10:51
ryecontent-length for form upload is sent, need a background request to update the progress.10:51
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
duanedesignhello rye12:26
ryeduanedesign, hello :)12:26
ryeduanedesign, have you used gedit?12:54
duanedesignrye: yes12:58
ryeduanedesign, ok, have you used it on remote filesystems? I mean i am debugging gedit file save and timestamp update and it looks like there is something happening behind the scenes, but strace looks legitimate...12:59
duanedesignrye: hmm.13:04
duanedesignrye: i am working on some files on my duanedesign@people.ubuntu.com/ right now13:13
* rye discovered bootchart13:14
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
duanedesignthat came in handy the other day. A guy came into #ubutnu-beginners and half his processes werent starting. Was able to use that to find the offending process that was causing the problem13:15
Prettoto share a folder to other user, does he need to have an ubuntu one account?14:04
beunoPretto, he will need to in order to access the files14:04
beunobut not to offer the share14:04
beunohe can create an account after you share with him14:04
Prettobeuno: thank you14:05
mattgriffinrmcbride: ping14:07
rmcbride_mattgriffin: hi14:08
mattgriffinrmcbride: hi rick. are you a moderator of this channel? can you change the topic?14:08
rmcbride_mattgriffin: I can change the topic sure14:08
rmcbride_(from the machien I'm logged on with out the _)14:09
* rye gedit&u1 make me angry, went to get some foods14:11
rodrigo_aquarius: why is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/400153 marked as incomplete?14:40
ubottuError: This bug is private14:40
* aquarius looks14:40
aquariusrodrigo_, because we haven't done it yet. :)14:41
rodrigo_aquarius, ah, I thought incomplete is for bugs missing information, right?14:41
rodrigo_not not-done-yet ones?14:41
aquariusrodrigo_, the original intent of that bug was that you'd be able to talk to couch entirely over D-Bus, and not talk http at all.14:41
aquariusit's "incomplete" because it's missing information, specifically whether we think it's a good idea or not.14:41
aquariusI am inclined to invalid it.14:41
aquariusooh, is it bug day?14:42
rodrigo_as you wish14:42
rodrigo_yes, bug day14:42
rodrigo_aquarius, so, should I mark it as invalid then?14:42
aquariusrodrigo_, actually, wontfix, I think. It's a reasonable request, we're just not going to do it that way. :)14:43
aquariusblimey, we must have done all the "easy" bugs now. All of these are quite hard to decide how important they are :)14:44
rodrigo_aquarius, another one, what is this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/400315 for?14:46
ubottuError: This bug is private14:47
aquariusthe idea of control channels has gone away, pretty much.14:47
aquariusrodrigo_, I'll trade you those two for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/evolution-couchdb/+bug/504282 because I don't understand what's causing the problem, so I don't know how important it is?14:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 504282 in evolution-couchdb "Evolution CouchDB Error" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:48
rodrigo_aquarius, ok14:48
rodrigo_aquarius, I've already marked them as won't fix/invalid, but yeah, have a look at them and add whatever you want14:48
* rodrigo_ looks at the evo-couchdb bugs14:48
rodrigo_aquarius, hmm, is the 'The name org.freedesktop.Avahi was not provided by any .service files' a cause for desktopcouch to not start?14:51
aquariusrodrigo_, it might be. DC looks for avahi to publish its pairing record, if it's paired with anything.14:51
aquariuswhy would someone not have avahi?14:51
rodrigo_not sure, but the evo-couchdb logs show it not being able to contact dc14:52
aquariusthat could be the problem. I don't know how to resolve that, though -- I can't think of any good reasons why avahi wouldn't be there? It's part of the platform!14:53
rodrigo_I'll tell the user to install avahi, if it's not installed14:53
=== CardinalFang__ is now known as CardinalFang
duanedesignrmcbride_: I was coming up with a list of test to run on nightlies. It was mentioned you have some automated acceptance tests that you use?14:59
rmcbride_duanedesign: sort of15:00
mattgriffinsomething's odd so i can't update the topic... here's info about how you can help with Bug Day: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/BugDays15:00
rmcbride_duanedesign: I have tests that can be run that create test data15:00
* rodrigo_ reboots15:00
rmcbride_duanedesign: currently the verification is manual, and the test sets take a long time to sync15:00
rmcbride_duanedesign: it's really rather evil test data  (max POSIX FS depth, etc)15:00
rmcbride_duanedesign: it's available at lp:ubuntuone-testing15:01
rmcbride_duanedesign: There are plans to greatly enhance both the tests as they are, to create a nice checkbox-based runner for people to be able to run the suite or parts of it.15:01
rmcbride_duanedesign: and complete automation in VMs as well.15:02
CardinalFangEditing my grub config remotely.  I told you I was hardcore.15:02
aquariusCardinalFang, that sounds like the quick path to a scragged unbootable machine, to me -- you're braver than I am :)15:04
duanedesignrmcbride_: I had an informal list i use. As i added on to it i realized it wouldnt be much more effort to come up with a list like the testcases on the QA site15:04
rmcbride_duanedesign: the stuff I have is structurally based on what's on the QA site. I have yet to port the formerly internal wiki pages to that location15:05
rmcbride_duanedesign: to the test set that I have, I also typically check that problems in the changelog as fixed are truely fixed15:05
CardinalFangI don't really need that machine today.  I just don't want it to burst into flames.15:06
rmcbride_duanedesign: we've held off on nightlies for the last couple of weeks due to some protocol capabilities changes that would break clients built from current trunk.15:06
rmcbride_duanedesign: hopefully that will change this week.15:06
rmcbride_the package builds will be automated and REALLY nightly once we resume building15:06
duanedesignrmcbride_: nice. I'll take a look at ubuntuone-testing.15:07
mattgriffinrodrigo_: ping15:08
rodrigo_mattgriffin, pong15:08
rmcbride_duanedesign: cool :) it can use some polish, but using doctests makes it easy to parse anyway15:08
mattgriffinrodrigo_: can you take a look at this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/51538015:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 515380 in ubuntuone-servers "Error U1 in web intrface for contacts" [Undecided,New]15:08
mattgriffinrodrigo_: seen it before?15:08
rodrigo_mattgriffin, ok15:08
rodrigo_mattgriffin, teknico might know better15:09
rodrigo_teknico, ^^15:09
mattgriffinrodrigo_: ok. i'll ping him15:09
mattgriffinrodrigo_: thanks!15:09
rodrigo_you're welcome :-)15:09
teknicomattgriffin, rodrigo_, looking at it15:10
mattgriffinteknico: thanks15:12
teknicomattgriffin, that bug is a duplicate of #50658415:14
mattgriffinteknico: cook. thanks!15:14
teknicomattgriffin, sorry, I can't cook to save my life ;-)15:14
mattgriffinhaha... cool :)15:15
rodrigo_hmm, we don't do standups anymore? my DONE list is getting long :-)15:19
dobeyrodrigo_: we don't do it on tuesday, since tuesday is bug day15:19
rodrigo_yeah, but yesterday, and Friday, there wasn't a standup, right?15:20
rodrigo_or did I miss it?15:20
dobeyi don't know15:20
dobeyfriday at that time i would have been sleeping still, being in -080015:21
dobeydon't know about yesterday15:21
* rtgz is now rye15:45
=== rye changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Help with bugs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/BugDays | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Please honk if you want a music store
ryefacundobatista, bug 426930, syncdaemon log seems to be missing any upload directives... the client just stays in START_WORKING_ON_METADATA_WITH_CONTQ15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426930 in ubuntuone-client "Files not uploading" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42693015:59
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
facundobatistarye, let me see (btw, welcomed)16:02
verterokrye, facundobatista: bug 51736116:06
ubottuBug 517361 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/517361 is private16:06
ryeok, how do I make my syncdaemon hang this way?...16:07
verterokrye: no idea :(16:08
ryejblount, bug #506601 - erm... in case avahi is not enabled, then desktopcouch replication silently stops working. Is it really "Low" Importance?16:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506601 in ubuntuone-client "Pairing and replication does not work if Avahi is down" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50660116:11
* rye is still playing with gedit...16:11
ryeso far gedit wins16:11
jblountrye: Feel free to adjust, but that's what I was thinking.16:12
facundobatistaverterok, why is this happening? is new?16:12
verterokfacundobatista: I don't think it's new16:13
verterokfacundobatista: but I couldn't find older bugs, probably marked as dupe of a AQ bug16:13
facundobatistaverterok, why logs don't tell the free space the user have?16:13
verterokfacundobatista: no idea, that info isn't logged? :(16:14
facundobatistaverterok, don't know16:14
verterokfacundobatista: in the case of aquarius, the free space isn't a problem... ~2GB of 50GB16:14
ryeverterok, i believe 517361 can be made public with private log removed and  426930 can be made as duplicate of the first one, just to tie them together16:15
facundobatistaverterok, AQ is not logging if the Queue is blocked by something16:16
verterokaquarius: the hung ActionQueue in your syncdaemon :)16:16
facundobatistaverterok, in any case, don't know why it could hang16:16
aquariusverterok, ah right, yeah :)16:16
verterokfacundobatista: bad AQ! :)16:17
verterokrye: yes, as the logs don't have any useful info16:17
ryeverterok, removing logs from 517361 and making it public..16:29
verterokrye: ack, thanks! :)16:30
mandelteknico, ping18:00
teknicomandel, pong18:01
mandelteknico, mind giving me a hand with my python?18:01
mandelteknico, is about desktopcouch ;)18:01
teknicomandel, ehm, I sure hope there's no double-entendre in there ;-)18:01
teknicomandel, jokes aside, sure18:02
mandelteknico, hehe  good one :D18:03
mandelteknico, the implementation of remove is missing from the MergeableList and I wanted to implement it, the way I see it is that looping through the keys and removing the first match will be close to the performance of O(n) plus the time it takes to get the keys...18:04
mandelbut I have a problem with the comparison since I cannot the a cmp(value_to_remove, self._data[key]) because it could be a list and all lists are mergeable list18:05
mandelups, I mean "I cannot do a simple cmp"18:05
teknicomandel, sorry, in a call now, you'll be better off asking thisfred anyway, I guess18:06
mandelis there a better way or do I have to implement the __cmp__ of the MergeableList to handle lists, other mergeable list et..18:06
mandelteknico, ok, np :P18:06
mandelthisfred, ping18:06
thisfredmandel: pong18:07
mandelthisfred, can you help me with the above?18:07
thisfredmandel: reading through it now18:07
thisfredmandel: ah18:09
thisfredthe values in a mergeable list will not be simple values usually, so you'd be comparing dictionaries mostly18:10
thisfredaquarius: any thoughts on this? To be honest I never thought of removing by value. It's not a list feature I often use anyway18:12
mandelthisfred, indeed,  but the data from the user does not have to, what I mean is that we could have remove([2,3,4]) where the list is converted to a MergeableList, that means that either I implement a __cmp__ in the mergeable list that can work with lists or tuples and18:12
thisfredmandel: yeah. That's doable: a mergeable list can behave like a list already, so you can just loop through the values in order and compare them.18:13
thisfredEfficient it won't be, but I doubt we'll be seeing monstrous mergeable lists in desktopcouch records.18:13
mandelthisfed, the remove is needed  'cause the onyl way to get the keys is by looking in _data18:14
thisfredThough it never hurts to not make the unusual impossible18:14
thisfredmandel: huh, you don't need the keys:18:14
thisfreddoesn't pop(x) work?18:14
thisfredif not, then we need to fix that18:14
mandelAttributeError: 'MergeableList' object has no attribute 'pop18:15
mandelI was going to file a bug but I wanted to have a patch first18:16
mandeland pop will have the same issue for performance since pop does not take the value in a dict and popitem will not pop the item you want but one at random18:17
mandelmy initial idea was to implement a BiHashMap but I have problems with the cmp too since I cannot be using a dict as a key18:20
mandeldicts are not hashable...18:20
ryeuploaded a file with cyrillic name via web interface, tried to download via web, the file is said to be named as '????.flv'18:28
mandelsorry machine gave up on me, did I miss anything?18:30
mandelthisfred, I was wondering why are the list made mergeable list so early? can the be just simple list and modify the json serialization instead?18:32
thisfredmandel:  doesn't pop(x) work?18:34
mandelthisfred, no: AttributeError: 'MergeableList' object has no attribute 'pop'18:35
thisfredmandel: we want to be able to do comparisons/merging/conflict resolution in the clients, rather than in couchdb, which provides no ways to do this18:35
thisfredmandel: ok, then we should definitely fix that18:36
ryevim zig.txt; ls --full-time zzz.txt18:36
rye-rw-r--r-- 1 rtg rtg 7 2010-02-09 20:35:46.000000000 +0200 zzz.txt18:36
ryeubuntuone updates file...18:36
ryels --full-time zzz.txt18:36
rye-rw-r--r-- 1 rtg rtg 7 2010-02-09 20:35:52.000000000 +0200 zzz.txt18:36
mandelthisfred, certainly, but implementing pop is going to be as hard as to implement remove18:37
thisfredmandel: well, it's by position, so the comparison of the value doesn't need to happen.18:38
mandelthisfread, true, pop will not need the cmp18:38
ryeubuntuone-nautilus ???18:38
dobeyrye: huh?18:39
thisfredmandel: hang on, we do implement __delitem__18:39
ryedobey, no, it's my debug info on files that get timestamp updated... checking what version i am actually running18:39
thisfredmandel: so implementing pop is easy18:40
mandelthisfread, yes, but with a key, which I do not know unless I loop though the list.. kinda lame18:41
thisfred    def pop(self, index):18:41
thisfred        result = self[index]18:41
thisfred        del self[index]18:41
thisfred        return result18:41
thisfredmandel: you never need the keys18:42
thisfredmandel: everything works by numerical index18:42
thisfredright now you can already do del my_mergeable_list[3]18:42
thisfredwhich is awful since we're mixing dict and list syntax18:43
mandelthisfred, but I need the index of what I'm removing... which then makes useless the need of calling get)uuid_for index cause I already did a loop around18:43
mandelwhat I mean is that if I have a list, and I do not know the position of the data I want to be able to do remove, which should be O(n) but it will not be so any app that works assuming that it has a list because it put a list will brake...18:44
mandelthisfred, so far i have work around this because I know the internal representation, but it certainly not a nice way to do it18:45
thisfredmandel: agreed, I think we need support for normal lists back18:45
thisfredand make mergeable list an explicit feature18:46
mandelthisfred, lets get CandinalFang involved ;)18:46
ryenautilus plugin, it is utiming() the file18:47
thisfredmandel: indeed, since I currently don't have any time to work on this :)18:47
mandelthisfred, I was going to do it 'cause i'm cleaning my code and this looks ugly :P18:47
mandelthisfred, if you give me some feedback I'll give it a go18:48
thisfredmandel: note though that in most cases lists are iterated over or accessed by index. Maybe that's just my style of using python, though18:48
mandelwell, doing a for to find what you want and remove it is the same as calling remove18:49
thisfredmandel: that I can certainly do. We need some way to signify in the JSON that something is a mergeable list, rather than a dictionary. An "_is_mergeable_list": true property would be fine with me18:49
mandelthisfred, and maybe the remove implementation is more efficient, that would depend on CPython18:49
thisfredmandel: yeah, I hardly ever remove stuff from lists, I think, but then that's kind of essential to an app that stores lists I realize18:51
mandelthisfred, give me some time to think while I have a coffee and I'll be back to ask some more (and  with some code)18:51
thisfredmandel: then, instead of moving all lists in python to mergeable lists, we should provide API to generate them, and leave regular lists as regular lists18:52
thisfredmandel: great, I have to go and walk the dog now anyway18:52
ryeduanedesign, grrr, posted the reponse in bug 501493 but said that that was me who wrote #2...18:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 501493 in ubuntuone-client "modification time changes after upload" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50149318:54
ryeduanedesign, sorry about that18:56
ryeok, gedit done, this is definitely bug 49177718:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491777 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntuone-Nautilus should not update file modification time to refresh the emblems" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49177718:57
ryehe he18:59
ryethe irony is that because the fix was not applied in full, the files do not get utime()d on simple metadata query, they are only utime()d on upload...19:01
dobeyrye: you're testing the stable branch or something?19:11
ryedobey, yes, actually it is 1.0.3-0ubuntu119:12
ryedobey, this is all fixed in trunk19:13
dobeyyes i know19:13
ryeguys, could you please pastebin me the output of tracepath -n files.one.ubuntu.com19:20
dobey13:  no reply19:21
dobey14:  no reply19:21
dobey15:  no reply19:21
dobey16:  no reply19:21
dobey17:  no reply19:21
dobeyi don't think it's going to get to it :)19:21
* dobey wonders what happened to xtraceroute19:23
aquarius16:  no reply19:23
aquarius17:  no reply19:23
aquarius18:  no reply19:23
aquarius19:  no reply19:23
verterok17: no reply 18: no reply 19: no reply 20: no reply 21: no reply19:24
ryenobody replies :)19:25
mandel1:      0.109ms pmtu 150019:27
mandel 1:       2.271ms19:27
mandel 1:       1.946ms19:27
mandel 2:       1.980ms pmtu 148819:27
mandel 2:      23.548ms19:27
mandel 3:   26.759ms19:27
mandel 4:     24.435ms19:27
mandel 5:      25.027ms asymm  819:27
mandel 6:   24.990ms asymm  719:27
mandel 7:    35.302ms19:27
mandel 8:      48.526ms asymm  919:27
mandel 9:      35.807ms19:27
mandel10:      35.701ms19:27
mandel11:     112.785ms asymm 1019:27
mandel12:    115.934ms asymm 1119:27
mandel13:      111.264ms19:28
mandel14:      115.864ms asymm 1319:28
mandel15:    114.917ms asymm 14 16:   113.140ms asymm 1519:28
mandelbuahaha the Spaniard can :D19:28
* aquarius waits for mandel to get autokicked for flooding ;)19:28
aquariusbah, it works for you?19:28
ryemandel, wow19:28
aquariusbet he's got " files.one.ubuntu.com" in /etc/hosts or something :)19:29
rye174.129.230.205 is still not reached :)19:29
mandelaquarius, hehe trust me I dont play much for ubuntu so for me is a mystery :P19:30
ryemandel, ok, you've most likely got a DSL / PPPoE connection, right?19:30
mandelrye, yes19:38
dobeymandel: that last IP you pasted isn't files.one.ubuntu.com though :)19:56
dobeyin fact, it looks like they're probably the same host where the route drops off for me19:57
mandeldobey, I've got no idea, to be honest I've never look much at ubuntu one, just did what rye asked for ;)19:58
ryeif anyone wonders what I am trying to do - question https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/100387 - looks like the guy has firewalled himself from anything ICMP, that's why uploads do not work19:59
dobeywell i can download files20:02
dobeyeven though tracepath doesn't finish :)20:02
dobeyand i uploaded a file20:03
dobeyso i doubt that's the issue20:03
ryedobey, tracepath was needed to find out mtu value. Though it won't help much, since the actual tracepath will need to be done from the server itself20:03
dobeybut weird20:03
ryedobey, the guy has blocked all incoming ICMP requests, therefore, when his router says "hey, i can't use 1500 as mtu, use 1460 / 1488 (as mandel has)", his machine does not receive that and no retransmit happens.20:04
ryethis is still a theory, but his last comment clearly states that tracepath could not even get anything reasonable20:05
* rye had a nice talk with his ISP a month ago or so about MTU and all around that :)20:06
dobeyoh i'm not saying he didn't disable ICMP requests20:06
dobeybut i would suspect that a lot more internet would be failing if blocking ICMP requests made everything else not work20:06
ryedobey, btw, files.one.ubuntu.com seems to be a stealth server :)20:06
ryedobey, nope, only uploads :)20:07
dobeyrye: lots of web servers block ICMP20:07
dobeyso you can't ping flood them20:07
dobeybut then again, they probably only block some requests20:07
ryedobey, the downloads might be handled by his ISP, the server sends response, ISP says "he's got 1460 only, retransmit" (ICMP 4:3), server retransmits and download happens20:07
dobeysince hopefully professional sysadmins are smart enough to do it right20:08
ryedobey, yes, this is a major problem with a lot of internet sites, sysadmins tend to block everything, even useful ICMPs :)20:08
ryehover the mouse over "Sharing", "Upload a File", "New Folder" items in web ui - look at the tooltip ("title") that appears.20:25
dobeyhi Apache_20:58
Apache_dobey: hi, I got some questions re desktop-couch and replication not happening.... is this the right place?21:00
dobeyApache_: yes, you are likely experiencing an odd issue we just discovered yesterday :)21:03
Apache_well I've only been messing around with it for a day or so nad followed the example on http://arstechnica.com/open-source/guides/2009/12/code-tutorial-make-your-application-sync-with-ubuntu-one.ars/121:05
Apache_but it never replicates to my other machine21:05
Apache_I also checked on Freedesktop.org at the trouble shooting section, but I don't have a replication.log21:06
dobeyApache_: do you have couchdb running, but without desktopcouch-service also running?21:06
Apache_in fact no /log/ directory either21:06
Apache_not sure, my code successfully created a test database locally21:07
Apache_and ubuntu-one file syncing is working fine21:08
ryeApache_, try restarting desktopcouch, /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-stop and then start it with /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service21:11
Apache_is there a way for me to check to see if the desktopcouc-service is running21:11
ryeApache_, bug 51902821:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519028 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch replication and org.desktopcouch.CouchDB.service are NOT started on desktopcouch.records calls" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51902821:11
dobeyrun "ps afx|grep couch" in a terminal21:11
ryeps aux| grep [d]esktopcouch-service21:12
Apache_when I restarted desktopcouch-service it popped up a window asking for application access to keyring, don't remember seeing that before21:12
ryeApache_, eeexactly!21:13
ryeI was promised that this is going to be fixed in next stable release update of desktopcouch, this issue has been hanging around for quite a long time w/o being noticed :(21:14
Apache_reading the log now21:16
Apache_is this normal :)21:16
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:09,881 WARNING  Can't reach service ubuntuone.  No JSON object could be decoded21:16
ryeApache_, hm, is there anything else in the log? Do not post the contents of the log that say about oauth, this is confidential info you do not want to share :)21:21
Apache_the bit immediately before that is21:23
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:09,881 WARNING  Can't reach service ubuntuone.  No JSON object could be decoded21:23
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:09,661 INFO     No o.u.c key.  Maybe there's uo.c key?21:23
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:09,660 DEBUG    Looking up prefix for service 'ubuntuone'21:23
ryeApache_, and that's it? I mean you don't have any replication actually going, i.e. no message for that, right?21:27
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:00,172 DEBUG    found 0 self_identity records21:29
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:00,211 DEBUG    set new self-identity value: 'c1863e49-10ee-4472-be98-87ec7d1111d8'21:29
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:00,242 INFO     starting advertising _couchdb_location._tcp on port 3501721:29
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:00,259 DEBUG    started replicating21:29
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:00,308 DEBUG    replication of discovered hosts finished21:29
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:00,342 DEBUG    static pairings are [('8e2f36f5-bbed-477e-ba01-86274d51dfa4', 'ubuntuone', True, True)]21:29
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:00,342 DEBUG    Looking up prefix for service 'ubuntuone'21:29
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:09,660 DEBUG    Looking up prefix for service 'ubuntuone'21:29
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:09,661 INFO     No o.u.c key.  Maybe there's uo.c key?21:29
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:09,881 WARNING  Can't reach service ubuntuone.  No JSON object could be decoded21:29
Apache_2010-02-09 21:13:09,882 DEBUG    finished replicating21:29
Apache_2010-02-09 21:15:01,859 INFO     ending advertising _couchdb_location._tcp on port 3501721:29
Apache_thats the log file21:29
ryenot good21:34
ryeApache_, can you access futon? CouchDB web interface?21:35
ryeApache_, the link to the html was given on desktopcouch startup21:35
Apache_yeah, can see my test db that was created from the code and the 2 records21:35
ryeis there 'management' database?21:36
ryeApache_, what does /_utils/database.html?management/_design/ubuntu_one_pair_record/_view/ubuntu_one_pair_record return21:38
ryeApache_, by the way, can you please start seahorse and see whether there is a record for UbuntuOne token for https://ubuntuone.com ?21:41
Apache_brings back a row21:41
Apache_rye: seahorse, ok you got me there21:41
ryeApache_, huh?21:42
Apache_rye: when you say start seahorse, whats seahorse?21:42
ryeApache_, ah, this is "Applications/Accessories/Passwords and Encryption Keys"21:43
Apache_rye: yeah there is a record for https://ubuntuone.com21:44
ryeApache_, is desktopcouch service allowed to access that key? Doubleclick the key entry and switch to Applications tab21:46
ryehm, no, this does not make sense, it says "No o.u.c key.  Maybe there's uo.c key?" only when keyring does not present it with a key21:48
Apache_checked the applications tab, and desktopcouch serveice has Read, Write and Delete all checked21:49
Apache_there are two other keys in seahorse, both the same description "Desktop Couch user authentication"21:52
Apache_first one has "desktopcouch servce" and "ubuntuone-login" as applications and second one only has "ubuntu-one"21:54
Apache_if that helps any?21:54
ryeApache_, this is ok, that is required by applications to know the credentials for couchdb acces21:54
ryeApache_, ok, lets do it the dumb way, could you please shut down and start desktopcouch again?21:55
ryeApache_, and, what is the name of the keyring the key got put into? was that login or default?21:56
Apache_got this Browse your desktop CouchDB at file:///home/simon/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html and then nothing21:57
ryeApache_, anything new in replication log?21:58
Apache_should I be getting my shell prompt back.... not getting anything at the moment21:58
ryeApache_, no, it will grab the terminal until you kill it21:59
Apache_hold on, loads more in the log file now.... gonna go and check my other machine22:01
ryeso first it starts, finds no tokens in the keyring, then the token magically appears and it finds it on next restart? This looks weird22:01
Apache_do I have run desktopcouch in a terminal window like this always?22:01
Apache_or should it normally start up on boot22:02
ryeApache_, the applet starts desktopcouch, but it starts it via CouchDatabase('name')  call. desktopcouch starts couchdb directly, w/o starting the service that will take care of replication.22:03
Apache_or should it normally start up on boot22:04
Apache_ok, so nothing has appeared on the other machine yet22:05
ryeApache_, is other machine running desktopcouch-service?22:06
ryeApache_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/372764/22:06
Apache_ahh, let me check :)22:06
ryeApache_, this will start desktopcouch-service via dbus call, if it is not started already22:07
Apache_so database has replicated to the other machine22:09
Apache_rye: that script you pointed me at, I shoud add that to my python script?22:11
ryeApache_, actually, I'd add it to the startup applications, so that couchdb is always properly started22:12
Apache_ok, cheers, I will do that... really appreciate all your help this evening, gotta run.... early start, but if I can do anything to help22:14
ryeIt won't hurt but it will be eventually fixed in desktopcouch itself22:14
Apache_thanks again rye!22:15
ryeApache_, you are very welcome!22:15
ryemission accomplished22:15
rye2010-02-09 21:13:09,661 INFO     No o.u.c key.  Maybe there's uo.c key?22:18
ryethis is weird, added to TODO for tomorrow22:18
faganaquarius: im having trouble viewing my desktopcouch records in lucid22:27
faganits asking me for a username and password to access the page22:27
aquariusfagan, OK. We've fixed that bug in trunk, but trunk isn't released into lucid yet. See the troubleshooting page in the documentation for how to work arounf it22:28
faganaquarius: link?22:28
faganthanks aquarius22:29
aquariuswhich is the documentation index, which you may find both useful and interesting22:29
aquariusand then try "troubleshooting" from there.22:29
ryebye everyone, it is night again here and looks like I need to log out :)22:43
faganaquarius: restarting desktopcouch worked22:43
faganAre we going to have any empathy contact syncing in lucid?22:43
aquariusfagan, cool. As I say, we've worked out what the problem is, and CardinalFang fixed it, but that fix hasn't made it into Lucid yet.22:43
aquariusfagan, we're not working on Empathy contact sync for Lucid. If someone else does that'd be great, though!22:44
faganaquarius: give me 15 mins ill get something working :)22:44
dobeywell empathy should poke the address book, so syncing the contacts should work that way. and pretty much all the protocol servers store info on the server22:56
* dobey really goes aaway now22:57
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk

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