
mikunchanhola hola  buenas noches a todos !00:55
mikunchang'night to everyone it is then!00:56
Jooder492what would be causing my youtube videos to lagg?01:57
MadRushcan anybody assist me with mv?02:47
LordValiumSleeps@lart LordValiumSleeps02:58
skylineR390I have just finished installing xubuntu on and old machine, an intel celeron @ 1.2GHZ and 256MB  of RAM.  Applied all updates,  Installed some indispensable programs like WINE ,etc But im having some SERIOUS performance issues. major slow downs. Mem stays at 165~190 max so I dont think thats the issue. However the CPU spikes at 100%  by just opening the web browser or gimp or abiword. Videos on youtube are LITERALLY a slide show,03:10
skylineR390think is the problem???03:10
skylineR390I mean I picked Xubuntu because it is one of the lightest linux distros that I know, perfect for older hardware, right???03:11
skylineR390I don't know but even Xp was better than this, at least I could watch some videos without any hassles03:13
skylineR390does any one has a suggestion...?03:13
skylineR390does any one has a suggestion...?03:14
PlainFlavoredi don't think there's any operating system capable of handling flash like hat03:16
PlainFlavoredeven theoretically03:16
PlainFlavoredon those specs03:16
Balsaqgood morning native xubuntites...05:30
gavin__I LOVE XFCE!07:29
Balsaqits way cool07:30
gavin__I know mann.07:30
gavin__I just installed it after having tried gnome, kde, and openbox.07:30
gavin__me and xfce just hit it off.07:30
Balsaqkde bites07:30
gavin__kde, just got off a kde install07:31
Balsaqgnome is ok07:31
gavin__i tried to like kde.07:31
gavin__but it was very buggy.07:31
Balsaqits just...weird07:31
gavin__I'm gonna make mine look like this: link coming.07:31
gavin__stillll coming.07:32
gavin__anyone here.07:36
gavin__i have insomnia.07:36
Balsaqtry some brandy07:37
gavin__some brandy?07:42
gavin__ive tried every prescription sleeping pill made..07:42
Balsaqtry a warm glass of milk07:44
gavin__ive tried everything in the book kiddo.07:47
gavin__but right now.. im pretty tired.07:47
gavin__i took 2 sleeping pills07:48
gavin__and havent slept AT ALL in two days07:48
Balsaqtry reading07:52
gavin__im probably gonna get off and lay down.07:55
gavin__i cant..07:55
gavin__i gotta configure my new xfce desktop07:55
scarhi, I just installed ubuntu-server 9.10 and used apt to install xubuntu-desktop. I am trying to configure my graphics card, but I have no /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:56
scarI have a ATI Technologies Inc RV28012:57
psycho_oreosthere wouldn't be xorg.conf, I think these days its all auto guessed12:58
scarstrange that I actually miss it ^_^13:12
scarjust updated kernel, time for reboot13:13
scarwhat do you know, it's working now :)13:19
Balsaqyeahthe updates fix it alot13:30
=== nikolam__ is now known as nikolam
* Psilocybin_Elf nods.16:39
etron_can anyone help me with sound problems?16:44
* eXpl0i7 hello16:44
eXpl0i7i have a question16:44
eXpl0i7how to kill some conection?16:44
charlie-tcakill as in what ?16:51
eXpl0i7i have some connections in firestarter16:52
eXpl0i7if i scan some ip with nmap16:52
eXpl0i7always two connections stays in firestarter16:52
charlie-tcaNot familiar with firestarter. Is that a firewall builder?16:53
eXpl0i7this is a GUI16:53
eXpl0i7show me active connections16:53
charlie-tcaWhat are the connections?16:54
charlie-tcaDo you have any other applications open?16:55
eXpl0i7after nmap scaning16:55
eXpl0i7allways have two connections16:55
eXpl0i7from scaned ip16:55
charlie-tcaIf you are online at all, you will have connections. To use a browser, email, irc, etc requires connections16:56
eXpl0i7some command to kill connection?16:57
eXpl0i7i tryed sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:57
eXpl0i7but nothing happen16:57
eXpl0i7it same16:57
charlie-tcatry sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop16:58
eXpl0i7after rebooting connections are gone16:58
charlie-tcathat should kill networking completely16:58
charlie-tcaor click the network manager icon on the panel, and close the connection there16:58
etron_can anyone help me with a sound problem?16:59
charlie-tcaetron_: you could try #ubuntu-audio-help , they know a lot about sound issues.17:00
eXpl0i7charlie-tca: it's not work17:00
charlie-tcabut have patience. Everyone is a volunteer, and might be busy at the moment, too17:00
etron_ok thx i'll try that17:00
eXpl0i7only if i reboot pc17:01
charlie-tcawhat are the connections?17:01
eXpl0i7on port 117:01
charlie-tcaHave you turned off update-manager?17:01
eXpl0i7this is only after nmap scan17:02
charlie-tcaport 1 is tcpmux17:02
eXpl0i7if i scan some ip range17:02
eXpl0i7firestarter kills my cpu17:02
charlie-tcait is also called 'TCP port service multiplexer'17:02
charlie-tcamaybe google for that?17:03
eXpl0i7i tryed17:03
eXpl0i7i go to reboot17:04
charlie-tcaeXpl0i7: are you using nmap to find ports on the machine running nmap?17:08
eXpl0i7i'm use nmap for port scaning17:09
eXpl0i7and os detection17:09
charlie-tcaThat's why. The nmap docs tell you it will give wrong readings, since it has to go outside the network to look for ports open to the outside17:09
eXpl0i7sorry my english is bad....17:11
charlie-tcaThe documentation in man nmap tells how to use it and when it will work correctly17:13
eXpl0i7i know how to use nmap17:14
charlie-tcaOkay, then you already knew it does not recommend using it to check for ports on the system it is run on.17:14
charlie-tcayou should ask the developers of nmap that.17:15
eXpl0i7maybe some can discover me17:16
eXpl0i7-T2....hard for firewall to discover17:18
eXpl0i7or -T117:18
eXpl0i7but so slowly17:18
* Psilocybin_Elf stretches his arms & yawns.17:20
skylineR390anybody here??18:32
skylineR390or should I move to the ubuntu chat18:33
exsivh installed ubuntu, but i want try xfce4 too. how to install the packages needed for that issue?18:42
charlie-tcaskylineR390: did you have a question?19:05
skylineR390charlie-tca: yes sir19:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:16
skylineR390LOW performance19:16
skylineR390on a n old19:17
skylineR390on an old  1.2GHZ 256 MB machine19:17
charlie-tcaeverybody here is a volunteer, they will try to answer questions if you ask them and have patience. Many are working, and trying to help here at the same time.19:17
charlie-tcaAsk all on one line, so it is easier to read and follow the question19:18
skylineR390charlie-tca: Im talking about extremely low performance, like watching youtube is a slideshow, literally19:18
skylineR390charlie-tca: k im sorry19:18
charlie-tcaRam is too low. Increasing it will allow you to have better performance from Xubuntu19:18
charlie-tcaWe can't raise the performance, as a distribution, when the hardware is not capable19:19
skylineR390charlie-tca: I know yet thats why I tried xubuntu, and it has the corrct minum specs according to the wikki19:19
charlie-tcaMinimum specs, not great performance specs19:19
skylineR390charlie-tca: I don't think is the ram thou . Ram stay at 160~180 MB under load. My problem is the CPU usage. It spikes to high 80s by just opening a text processor...19:20
charlie-tcaMy 400MHz cpu is slow with 256MB ram, increasing it 640 gives good performance out of it19:21
skylineR390charlie-tca:  lol I dont think I can find mem for that machine anymore,  I think it uses the old 168 pin dimms19:23
charlie-tcaAlso, my 1.4GHz cpu was slow with 256MB, but increasing it to 1GB of ram cured that completely19:23
skylineR390charlie-tca: realy?19:23
geniiPretty much any speed CPU with 256MB is gonna suck19:23
charlie-tcaYes, I run tests daily19:24
charlie-tcaCheck the numbers on the ram, and try TigerDirect or Egghead19:25
charlie-tcaor craigslist or ebay, I think19:25
skylineR390charlie-tca:  I guess, you are right. A low mem system pages a lot back and forward and that slow things quite a bit, but I'm not talking about that kind of slowness. thats natural and I expect it. Im talking about with 160MB of mem usage out of 256 opening abiword spikes my CPU to high 80s..... wtf. when doing some web browsing it stays at 100% all the time....19:27
Psilocybin_Elf'Sup peeps? :-)19:28
skylineR390charlie-tca: is like the kernel is not optimized for my cpu, or theres some kind of musconfiguration or something, I don't know19:28
skylineR390sup man19:29
charlie-tcaI don't know. I just know if you increased ram, the performance will go up19:33
charlie-tcaoh, he's gone19:33
rr72hey ya charlie-tca19:33
charlie-tcaHello, rr7219:33
charlie-tcaNew installs from fridays image have a gdm background. Do you?19:34
rr72i saw in devel chan19:35
rr72*your comment19:35
rr72uhm i have splash turned off would that matter?19:35
charlie-tcaheh, got to raise a little ruckus once in a while.19:36
charlie-tcaSplash should not affect the gdm login background19:36
charlie-tcaI don't know with plymouth, maybe that does matter now.19:36
rr72it's the old defauly background yes?19:36
rr72then it's there lol19:37
rr72w/o plymouth installed19:37
charlie-tcaI get a pretty black screen of nothing here19:37
rr72you had that issue of you having to resert gdm yes?19:37
charlie-tcayes, everytime19:38
rr72so that has something to do with it maybe?19:38
* Psilocybin_Elf waves.19:38
charlie-tcacould be, I guess. They tell me removing plymouth fixes that, too19:38
charlie-tcaHello, Psilocybin_Elf19:38
Psilocybin_ElfHow's it goin' charlie-tca?19:39
Psilocybin_ElfCool cool :-D19:40
* Psilocybin_Elf grins.19:40
rr72afk a bit19:41
Vingiani recently installed xubuntu on my dell laptop and i tried to get the framebuffer to work in the console mode (tty) but i can't seem to get it to work20:56
Vingianon another machine - it just works out of the box....20:56
Vingianthe only real difference is that on the one where it works - i have an intel graphics card and on the other its nvidia...20:57
Vingianis that a correct assumption?20:57
charlie-tcanvidia and intel are different graphics, and don't work the same. I use a framebuffer on this one, but it took about two days to make it work.20:58
Vingianso then what do i need to do to get it to work on the nvidia machine?20:58
charlie-tcaAbout two days of fighting with it, maybe 20 hours time20:59
Vingiani am past that :)20:59
Vingiani'd appreciate your cheat code if you'd be kind enough to share ;)20:59
charlie-tcaI can give you the list of docs I used, there are five coming up: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ConsoleFramebuffer21:00
Vingianno. 1 didn't work...21:01
Vingianthe gfxterm is set to a valid resolution21:02
Vingiangrub screen is coming up correctly21:02
charlie-tcaNone of it works by itself. I had to go back and forth through them and try almost everything suggested in all of them21:02
Vingianthe gfxpayload setting of keep completely destroys the consoles - i get nothing but a blinking cursor21:02
Vingianand the gfxpayload of my resolution has no effect afaict21:03
charlie-tcagrub and terminal need to be set for the same resolution to get it to work. I now have both giving me 1680x1050 on this 21 inch lcd21:03
charlie-tcaThe text is tiny, maybe 6pt, but that is the only resolution it worked at21:04
Vingianmine is 1280x80021:04
Vingianand i'd be thankful to get that21:04
Vingianhwinfo reports it as a valid resolution21:04
Vingianso i know that can't be the problem - after all - grub displays it fine21:05
charlie-tcaI had to use both the vga= and set GRUB_GFXMODE= in grub21:05
charlie-tcaalso, got to set modprobe up in two or three places, as those docs say to.21:06
charlie-tcaOn the other hand, my 19" monitor which runs 1400x900 won't give me better than 1024x768 in the framebuffers21:06
charlie-tcaYou did un-blacklist vga16fb, right?21:08
charlie-tcaIt is the only framebuffer that works for Xubuntu 9.10 for me21:08
charlie-tcaIt is a very involved procedure, that I don't know that I can duplicate. After upgrading one system to karmic, I haven't been able to get it to work there.21:10
Vingiani unblacklisted vesafb and nvidia - didn't do the vga16fb21:16
Vingianthe vga= always spits out that its deprecated and gfxpayload should be used21:18
charlie-tcaI know21:18
charlie-tcabut without it, it don't work21:19
charlie-tcaI don't think the nvidia one works, it wouldn't for me, anyway. I have vesafb vga16fb only here. The nvidiafb is still blacklisted21:20
charlie-tcaAnd I only added vga16fb to /etc/modules21:21
cPtis there any wizard for importing photos from a digital camera? my mother gets confused by the browsing feature21:22
charlie-tcaI just ignore the deprecated / error messages now, since I got the resolution to work. I know the cause of the error, so it is okay.21:22
charlie-tcaand I needed the gfxpayload lines too, along with the vga=21:24
charlie-tcaLike I said, about 20 hours of trying different things, just to get an error message at every boot. But it did finally work.21:24
* Vingian thinks to hell with all this...21:35
knomecPt, i think at least gphoto handled that22:48
cPtill check it out, thanks :)22:48
knome...or was it gthumb22:48
knomecPt, see settings -> removable dries and media22:48
knomecPt, tab "cameras"22:49
cPtcant do it right now, but ill check it out later22:49
knomei use 'gthumb --import-photos' as command ran when plugging in a acm22:49
charlie-tcaHello, knome23:02
knomehey charlie-tca23:02
knomehow are you?23:02
charlie-tcaGreat! just trying to stir the pot, I guess. and you?23:03
knomewell, a bit sick so i think i'm not the one stirring the pot23:03
charlie-tca80 days to Xubuntu 10.04. How is the graphics coming?23:03
knomeshould go to warm bed and sleep in tomorrow23:04
knomewe have a new version of the albatross theme in the shimmer HG repo23:04
charlie-tcaThat would be a good idea for you. You have to stay healthy at this point.23:04
knomenot much else. most of my time this year has gone to other things, unfortunately23:05
knomethe albatross theme is planned to be released in march 1st23:05
knomeso xubuntu can pick it up then23:06
charlie-tcaGreat! We have to wait that many more days? ;-)23:06
knomeyou can also pull the theme from our repo; http://shimmerproject.org/hg/albatross (requires new murrine-engine though)23:07
knomei don't think that's packaged in ubuntu (yet)23:07
knomewell, basically: http://shimmerproject.org/hg/albatross?f=d54f6b3c73ac;file=gtk-2.0/gtkrc23:07
charlie-tcaI haven't seen a murrine error since last week, but I don't have new images to try, either.23:08
knomei did an inspirational wallpaper the other day (main color not blue), and i'm looking forward to do something bit different than previously really soon.23:08
knomemaybe the result will get included in albatross23:09
charlie-tcaI might try it tomorrow, supposed to have the new images then.23:09
knomefeel free to23:09
charlie-tcaI will let you know what happens.23:10
knomealbatross is now tracking bugs in LP as you know - feel free to report any23:10
knome(including too low contrast)23:10
charlie-tcaThat isn't fixed yet?23:10
knomethe new theme is completely rewritten by dashua and i have only seen screenshots of it so far23:11
charlie-tcaWell, get some rest, and get better! we need you23:12
knomei know23:12
knomegonna do that right now23:13
knomehave a nice evening yourself23:13
knomesee you later23:13
charlie-tcaI will try. See you later...23:13
HUBOZORDanyone have idea whats going on ?:) http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/2603/zrzutekranu1w.png23:27

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