[reed] | http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2010/02/09/is-canonical-becoming-the-new-microsoft/ | 00:02 |
[reed] | "Next comes dumping GIMP, OOo and other much-loved applications from the default installation of versions of the forthcoming distribution." | 00:02 |
[reed] | really? | 00:02 |
[reed] | I hadn't heard that | 00:02 |
micahg | [reed]: gimp won't be on teh regular cd and OOo won't be on the netbook CD from what I heard | 00:02 |
micahg | but both are installable | 00:03 |
[reed] | interesting | 00:03 |
micahg | [reed]: it's a matter of space for gimp and usage for netbooks | 00:03 |
asac | [reed]: i am not really sure for UNE in general, but for arm we try to create a more lightweight image of une | 00:08 |
asac | so we drop ooo for sure | 00:08 |
asac | and try to come up with some weboffice integration by default | 00:08 |
[reed] | sure | 00:08 |
asac | you can still install everything | 00:08 |
asac | i think the idea for UNE in general came late and was born by what we do on arm somewhat | 00:08 |
asac | i will have a call on that tomorow with the stakeholders | 00:09 |
asac | fta: why did we go to 5.x for chromium? | 00:25 |
asac | was there ever a stable 4 release? | 00:25 |
asac | oh it failed everywhere | 00:26 |
mbana | im following the emails asac. so a fix isn't coming soon i take it | 00:35 |
micahg | mbana: meeting on Thursday to discuss goals | 00:36 |
LLStarks | asac, the font hinting bug you referenced is probably irrelevant. | 01:43 |
LLStarks | this is 3.6 we are talking about | 01:43 |
LLStarks | 3.6 in the repos. 3.6 in the umd. | 01:43 |
LLStarks | no cairo hinting whatsoever | 01:44 |
LLStarks | *subpixel hinting | 01:45 |
LLStarks | bug 512615 | 01:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 512615 in firefox "fonts are incorrectly rendered due to not using system cairo" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/512615 | 01:45 |
LLStarks | that's the one i'm talking about | 01:46 |
micahg | asac: did you upload ff to lucid yet? | 01:52 |
micahg | asac: if not, I have one more fix | 01:53 |
micahg | LLStarks: meeting on Thursday | 01:56 |
LLStarks | is that an invitation or statement? | 01:56 |
micahg | LLStarks: both | 01:56 |
LLStarks | time and topics of discussion? | 01:56 |
micahg | LLStarks: 1600 UTC, goals of mozilla team for lucid cycle | 01:57 |
LLStarks | i should be able to attend. | 01:59 |
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com | to get firefox 3.6 run: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable" - then use update-manager to update your system | whats up with firefox + search + lucid: 1. search page will respect your search provider choice; 2. default will be Yahoo! - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-de | ||
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com | to get firefox 3.6 run: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable" - then use update-manager to update your system | whats up with firefox + search + lucid: 1. search page will respect your search provider choice; 2. default will be Yahoo! - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-de | ||
LLStarks | micahg, what will keyword default to? | 02:02 |
micahg | LLStarks: ? | 02:02 |
LLStarks | keyword.URL | 02:02 |
micahg | LLStarks: idk, my guess is yahoo | 02:02 |
LLStarks | both search and addressbar will not overwrite during upgrades, right? | 02:03 |
LLStarks | that is, google stays google from karmi to lucid. | 02:03 |
micahg | LLStarks: if they're default, it will change to yahoo | 02:03 |
LLStarks | wait. what. | 02:03 |
LLStarks | why wouldn't it respect pre-existing user settings? | 02:04 |
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com | to get firefox 3.6 run: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable" - then use update-manager to update your system | whats up with firefox + search + lucid: 1. search page will respect your search provider choice; 2. default will be Yahoo! - http://is.gd/83e8U | Meeting Feb 11 2010 UT | ||
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | ML: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com | to get firefox 3.6 run: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable" - then use update-manager to update your system | whats up with firefox + search + lucid: 1. search page will respect your search provider choice; 2. default will be Yahoo! - http://is.gd/83e8U | Meeting Feb 11 2010 UTC 16:00 #u | ||
* micahg gives up on the topic | 02:10 | |
micahg | LLStarks: default will stay default | 02:10 |
micahg | default now is google default in Lucid will be yahoo! | 02:10 |
LLStarks | if you are going to overwrite that default and ignore user settings, we are getting to get hell for it unless there is a meaningful way to change the keyword.URL without forcing about:config | 02:12 |
micahg | LLStarks: no, not ignore user settings | 02:12 |
micahg | just modify the default | 02:12 |
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | ML: http://is.gd/83fnr | to get firefox 3.6 run: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable" - then use update-manager to update your system | whats up with firefox + search + lucid: 1. search page will respect your search provider choice; 2. default will be Yahoo! - http://is.gd/83e8U | Meeting: Feb 11 2010 UTC 16:00 #ubuntu-meeting | ||
LLStarks | but let's say i'm a new ubuntu user and i ****ing hate yahoo. | 02:14 |
micahg | LLStarks: if you choose wikipedia as your default, it will stay | 02:14 |
LLStarks | i can change the drop-down search engine default | 02:14 |
micahg | LLStarks: if you didn't change from google, it will become yahoo | 02:14 |
LLStarks | but that doesn't change the keyword.url | 02:14 |
micahg | LLStarks: you can change it right back to google | 02:14 |
micahg | LLStarks: the awesomebar will use whatever you select as your search engine on teh right | 02:15 |
LLStarks | if i choose google, and i'm a new user, my keyword.url is still yahoo. | 02:15 |
micahg | LLStarks: no | 02:15 |
LLStarks | right now, it doesn't do that. | 02:15 |
LLStarks | i'm using 3.6 umd right now. | 02:15 |
LLStarks | a query into the awesomebar will use google if i select yahoo as my default search engine | 02:16 |
micahg | LLStarks: yes, I think we're changing that forl ucid | 02:16 |
LLStarks | is it on launchpad? if not, i'll file it. | 02:16 |
micahg | LLStarks: better to discuss it at the meeting on thursday | 02:17 |
micahg | asac: karmic and jaunty xul191 and ff35 are ready, but I didn't pull in PIE from xul191.head | 05:11 |
* micahg also realized that we'll have to release to lucid as well because of the apps that are using xulrunner... | 05:12 | |
BUGabundo_remote | {quick} morning | 09:35 |
asac | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/FirefoxNewSupportModel/xulrunner-list | 14:31 |
=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
asac | ccheney: whats the status on libsoup? | 15:46 |
asac | ArneGoetje: did you get my mail with the perl expression to fix the devmode stuff? | 15:51 |
ArneGoetje | asac: yes, but I didn't have the time yet to look at it. I found another problem in the meantime. The install.rdf file which gets generated in firefox-3.6 for Lucid, has the wrong version numbers. It refers to firefox-3.0 instead of firefox-3.6. That's why all firefox translations in Lucid are currently broken. | 15:53 |
micahg | I saw something like that in one of the packages | 15:53 |
micahg | asac: did you do the upload yet | 15:53 |
micahg | I can fix it | 15:53 |
ArneGoetje | also the minVersion field has 3.0 as value and the maxVersion is 3.6. I guess it should be 3.6 and 3.6.* respectively. | 15:54 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: yep | 15:55 |
ArneGoetje | I can hack this into the en-US.xpi on langpack-o-matic for Lucid and rebuild the latest langpacks. Then we don't need to wait for the next full export from rosetta. | 15:58 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: I fixed the rules file, I just need to know from asac if I need to bump the changelog | 16:02 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: ok, thanks | 16:02 |
ccheney | asac: almost done with i think, haven't had it put up any more large sets of unknown symbols recently | 16:03 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: I have it pulling whatever the current FF version is for the minimum and 3.6.* for the max | 16:03 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: ok | 16:04 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: the @firefox-3.0 has also been corrected? | 16:06 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: what do you mean? | 16:07 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: the language identifier string is langpack-en-US@firefox-3.0.ubuntu.com . This needs to be corrected to be firefox-3.6, otherwise the translations are not found. | 16:08 |
micahg | ah | 16:09 |
micahg | let me make sure | 16:09 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: is that string supposed to be the template name in rosetta? | 16:09 |
micahg | yes | 16:09 |
micahg | I think so | 16:09 |
* micahg is checking the version file | 16:10 | |
micahg | ArneGoetje: is that pulled from the EM_TRANSLATION_VERSION variable? | 16:11 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: I don't know | 16:12 |
asac | ccheney: cool | 16:14 |
asac | micahg: should be ... yes. | 16:14 |
asac | its sed'ed in the rules file | 16:14 |
asac | check that | 16:15 |
micahg | asac: http://pastebin.com/f2135de | 16:15 |
ArneGoetje | asac: no, it's hardcoded in debian/translation-support/install.rdf.in | 16:15 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: no, we create that :) | 16:15 |
micahg | oh | 16:16 |
micahg | maybe not :( | 16:16 |
* micahg needs to slow down | 16:16 | |
asac | ok going for lunch | 16:16 |
asac | out for a bit | 16:16 |
micahg | asac: wait | 16:16 |
micahg | did you do the upload, or can I add thisw fix | 16:16 |
ccheney | asac: i think libsoup might be done today besides the part needing integration directly into glib | 16:17 |
ccheney | i only have a few more macro expansion copies to do, each are quite a few functions | 16:17 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: you are correct, hardcoded :) | 16:18 |
micahg | I think I'll fix that... | 16:18 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: wait... let me check something | 16:19 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: yes, it's the template name in rosetta... which gives us a little problem now. We need to make a decision here... | 16:25 |
micahg | oh, so there's a different template for 3.0 and 3 | 16:26 |
micahg | 3.5? | 16:26 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: the template for 3.6 is supposed to be the final template for all further firefox versions, right? | 16:26 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: yes, that's part of the problem. | 16:26 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: well, what does the template say? | 16:27 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: we have the template 'firefox' for 3.0, 'firefox-3.5' for 3.5 and now 'firefox-3.6' for 3.6. I planned to rename it to 'firefox' once we have 3.6 in all releases and obsolete older versions... | 16:29 |
micahg | ah, well, yes, it will be called firefox from now on in releases, but asac should have final say | 16:29 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: ok, so it should be 'firefox' for all further releases | 16:30 |
micahg | yes, at least for the stable version | 16:30 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: do I still need to make it be firefox-3.6 in the install.rdf? | 16:30 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: that means, for now we need to hardcode firefox-3.6 in the install.rdf, because that's the current name of the template in rosetta (and that one is used in po2xpi to determine the installation path). ONce we rename the template to 'firefox' the install.rdf and po2xpi need to be fixed accordingly. | 16:31 |
* BUGabundo_remote is in a passive aggressive mood | 16:33 | |
BUGabundo_remote | >On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 16:28, Wayne Mery (vn) <vseerror@lehigh.edu> wrote: | 16:33 |
BUGabundo_remote | >BUGabundo do you still plan to create a followup bug? | 16:33 |
BUGabundo_remote | >https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=490234 | 16:33 |
BUGabundo_remote | Na... | 16:33 |
BUGabundo_remote | I'll just not user TB.... | 16:33 |
BUGabundo_remote | KMail suits me well enough. | 16:33 |
BUGabundo_remote | If an email client (even if in alpha) can accept accounts, it isnt very usefull for my test abilities. | 16:33 |
BUGabundo_remote | Keep up the hard work | 16:33 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 490234 in Account Manager "[autoconfig] New Quick Account doesn't support Google Apps" [Normal,New] | 16:33 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: so maybe I'll leave it hardcoded then | 16:39 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: yes, but change it to 'firefox-3.6' for now. | 16:39 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: k | 16:39 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: when we rename the template in rosetta, we need to change this string accordingly. | 16:40 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: just ping me when you do and I'll make the change | 16:40 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: will do, thanks :) | 16:41 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: do we remove the branding from the en-US.xpi? | 17:03 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: idk | 17:03 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: who does know? | 17:06 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: asac | 17:17 |
micahg | I'll be back in about an hour | 17:20 |
shang | hi all, if I don't want to save any of my password in FF3.0, is there an entry in about:config (pref.js) that I can set?? | 17:21 |
asac | ArneGoetje: i dont think we remove that ... why? | 17:22 |
ArneGoetje | asac: because it's missing | 17:23 |
asac | since 3.6? | 17:23 |
asac | or before as well? | 17:23 |
asac | in the end the branding isnt really translatable ... does it break completely? | 17:23 |
ArneGoetje | asac: there are references in other .dtd files which source branding/locale/brand.dtd ... I need to check further... | 17:24 |
asac | yes | 17:25 |
asac | but that should fall back to the en-US brand.dtd | 17:25 |
asac | usually if a complete file is missing its not a problem | 17:25 |
ArneGoetje | asac: ok, just want to make sure if it's a problem at all | 17:26 |
asac | i dont think its a problem | 17:29 |
asac | ArneGoetje: you can check by opening about -> help | 17:29 |
asac | etc. | 17:29 |
asac | thats where you can branding strings | 17:29 |
asac | if its completly broken the dialog should be dead | 17:29 |
asac | also having the Mozilla Firefox in the title of each window is a good indication that all is fine | 17:29 |
ArneGoetje | asac: ok, looks fine | 17:30 |
ArneGoetje | asac: your perl snippet also works. Now need to find a way to put this into po2xpi | 17:36 |
asac | yeah ;) | 17:37 |
ArneGoetje | asac: for entityline in `grep ENTITY.*%.*SYSTEM $dtdfile`; do <- shouldn't this grep for any SYSTEM .dtd and not only for the current filename? | 17:50 |
ArneGoetje | asac: oh sorry... I', too tired. ;) | 17:51 |
ArneGoetje | I'm | 17:51 |
asac | ArneGoetje: i think ... the idea was to preprocess the full .dtd with that perl thing | 17:52 |
asac | that would (iirc) merge all multiline entities into one line | 17:52 |
asac | maybe try that and see if anything gets lost | 17:52 |
asac | e.g. especially things like %blabla; | 17:52 |
ArneGoetje | asac: the perl snippet only searches for SYSTEM lines | 17:53 |
ArneGoetje | asac: I think only relace that grep statement with the perl snippet... will try that | 17:53 |
asac | ArneGoetje: right. that might be it | 17:54 |
asac | good | 17:54 |
ArneGoetje | asac: ok, I will build new Lucid langpacks over night and see if the changes have solved the issue | 18:01 |
micahg | asac: am I ok to fix ff translation version before upload? | 18:36 |
asac | micahg: sure ... i havent uploaded yet ;) | 18:40 |
micahg | asac: k | 18:41 |
micahg | asac: I'm hardcoding the template name since there will only be one more change to it | 18:42 |
micahg | asac: pushed | 18:44 |
micahg | oops, I did the translation version and template change in the same commit | 18:44 |
fta | http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/07/heineken-bot-does-what-it-says-on-the-keg-soon-to-be-mans-new/ | 19:19 |
asac | micahg: thats ok if its in the commit message | 19:29 |
micahg | asac: yep | 20:29 |
micahg | asac: I goofed the changelog, do I still have time to fix (wrote debian rules instead of debian/rules) | 20:34 |
asac | micahg: sure | 20:50 |
asac | i wont upload until i have finished dinner ;) | 20:50 |
* micahg wonders how many times I can uncommit and commit the same release tag ;) | 20:51 | |
BUGabundo | evening | 21:19 |
fta | asac, sent chromium from the last dev channel to lucid | 21:34 |
BUGabundo | fta: at least is better then last night :\ | 21:36 |
fta | BUGabundo, ? | 21:36 |
BUGabundo | yesterday it would explode and close it self | 21:37 |
fta | the dev channel? or trunk? | 21:37 |
BUGabundo | trunk | 21:41 |
asac | fta: wondered if there was a beta release in between (because they bumped to 5.*)? | 22:56 |
fta | asac, nope, the beta version is lower than the 1st version we uploaded | 23:24 |
asac | right | 23:39 |
asac | just wondered based on what the major version was bumped | 23:39 |
ArneGoetje | asac: \o/ current FF translations for Lucid look good!!! :) | 23:40 |
micahg | we didn't respin yet, did we? | 23:40 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: I'm uploading the new langpacks now | 23:41 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: yeah, but the ff version with the fixes wasn't uploaded, does that matter? | 23:41 |
asac | ArneGoetje: very good. i will merge your branch soon too ;) | 23:41 |
asac | sorry for the delay | 23:41 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: no, it doesn't, I fixed the same issues locally | 23:42 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: that is, for the latest full-export for Lucid | 23:42 |
ArneGoetje | asac: ok, I will commit the perl snippet change to my branch | 23:42 |
ArneGoetje | asac: it indeed fixes the problem | 23:43 |
asac | yeah thats good i guess | 23:43 |
asac | nice | 23:43 |
asac | next thing we need to tackle is inclusion of searchplugins in langpack production ;) | 23:43 |
micahg | asac: ? | 23:43 |
asac | we want to ship localized searchplugins | 23:43 |
micahg | oh, localized | 23:43 |
asac | like what you get with upstream localized builds | 23:44 |
asac | just that we do that in a multi-lang build (which doesnt work upstream) | 23:44 |
asac | well it would work i guess ;) ... its just that they have no form to distribute those in an .pxi | 23:44 |
micahg | asac: can we create a package like tb-locales and generate them? | 23:44 |
asac | ArneGoetje: so the idea is that we add a for the common_xpi/firefox*/LANGCODE/searchplugins directory | 23:45 |
asac | and then just ship that as /usr/lib/firefox-addons/searchplugins/LANGCODE/ | 23:45 |
asac | micahg: we use langpack-o-matic for firefox | 23:45 |
ArneGoetje | asac: that one doesn't get exposed to rosetta, right? | 23:46 |
fta | asac, because 4.* was released as stable for windows | 23:46 |
asac | ArneGoetje: no. its just on rookery (or howver its called) | 23:46 |
asac | fta: :( | 23:46 |
asac | ok | 23:46 |
ArneGoetje | asac: ok... static | 23:46 |
asac | ArneGoetje: so we inject it to the lang tarballs | 23:46 |
ArneGoetje | asac: ok, shouldn't be a big deal | 23:46 |
asac | not sure which scripts would be the bet place to do that | 23:46 |
asac | but I have the feeling that should be an easy pick ;) | 23:47 |
asac | ArneGoetje: oh ... and we need that by monday ;) | 23:47 |
* ccheney many hundreds of lines later still not done with libsoup2.4 (!#$!* | 23:47 | |
ArneGoetje | asac: !!! | 23:48 |
asac | ArneGoetje: so we can push that up for a3 still | 23:48 |
* ccheney is at 6K lines now | 23:48 | |
asac | aslong as it gets better ;) | 23:48 |
* micahg needs to make sure xul192 gets into a3 | 23:49 | |
micahg | wait, that'll be in universe, so no matter | 23:49 |
asac | its not on CD so its really bound by a freeze | 23:49 |
asac | yes. | 23:49 |
asac | but having that as a milestone target makes sense anyway | 23:49 |
ccheney | 176K+ of source, yuck | 23:49 |
ArneGoetje | asac: if I am supposed to hack that into po2xpi, can you please give me a work item? I'm already behind schedule with my language-selector work... :( | 23:58 |
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