bdmurray | I noticed that the official tags applet was talking a long time to load fwiw | 00:22 |
poolie | is the mp-to-pqm thing at all reusable for bzr? | 00:27 |
poolie | jml^? | 00:27 |
poolie | bdmurray: 'portlet' fwiw | 00:27 |
bdmurray | poolie: right! | 00:28 |
micahg | lp admins...can we block a user that keeps adding tasks/assignments to bugs? | 00:50 |
spm | micahg: only as a last resort; which user/examples? | 00:50 |
micahg | spm: | 00:51 |
spm | nice name there... | 00:51 |
micahg | spm: I have a few bug examples | 00:51 |
spm | I can probably get from the history | 00:52 |
micahg | yeah | 00:52 |
spm | huh, that reads to me - positive spin - like someone is trying to be helpful, but in an irritating to everyone else way | 00:55 |
micahg | spm: yes, but unless we can communicate and train, the user will just annoy... | 00:56 |
spm | heh, using a variant of patches accepted; be my guest to contact them and train ;-) | 00:56 |
spm | I'm guesing that ubuntu has some docs on what bug triargers etc do/how style of thing? | 00:57 |
micahg | spm: user hasn't responded to email | 00:57 |
micahg | spm: how long do I have to wait? | 00:57 |
spm | in? what time period was the email sent? | 00:58 |
micahg | spm: I think last night | 00:58 |
micahg | 24 hrs ago | 00:58 |
spm | hrm | 00:58 |
spm | I'll send an email via the contact user pointing them here and mentioning that assigning folks to bugs is not polite; pls to be considerate of changing bug statusus as that can create unnecessary work for those that are trying to fix them ??? | 01:00 |
spm | sound fair? | 01:00 |
spm | if that fails, then we'll look at a larger hammer. | 01:01 |
spm | actually would be better | 01:01 |
micahg | spm: k, I sent an e-mail but w/out the link and a reference to the bugs channel | 01:01 |
micahg | spm: let's try it | 01:01 |
spm | so some duplication... | 01:02 |
* micahg doesn't like the idea of banning people either | 01:02 | |
spm | heh; no. we want to channel the enthusiasm down a useful path; not turn it off :-) | 01:02 |
spm | micahg: and sent. With any luck the email from a semi-irrelevant "authority" may have some impact; it seems to have had in other like cases. :-/ | 01:08 |
micahg | spm: k, thanks :) | 01:08 |
spm | it's depressing you know; I'm having to use my LART for good; not the usual sysadmin evil. horrible..... | 01:09 |
micahg | spm: lol | 01:09 |
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro | ||
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poolie | thumper, which branches come up when you propose a merge? | 05:17 |
thumper | for lp? | 05:17 |
poolie | i mean, which ones are offered as the main options? | 05:17 |
wgrant | Dev focus and any that you've merged to before, isn't it? | 05:17 |
thumper | development focus, and other branches you've targetted before | 05:17 |
* thumper is running to the shops | 05:17 | |
poolie | hm | 05:18 |
poolie | you can't get them off once they're there? | 05:18 |
wgrant | Doesn't look like it. | 05:18 |
wgrant | Cursed forever. | 05:18 |
micahg | it's getting difficult with these imported bugwatches for non-task bugs. | 06:19 |
thumper | poolie, wgrant: sure we could, we just change the query to only look at branches you've proposed in the last 3 months say. Please file a bug | 07:09 |
poolie | thumper: i guess it's also a bit surprising because generally speaking launchpad doesn't use the pattern of suggesting things you used recently | 07:31 |
poolie | though i wish it would | 07:31 |
poolie | eg for bug assignees | 07:31 |
mgolisch | can the software behind launchpad be downloaded? id like to have something like that for at work | 08:54 |
thumper | mgolisch: lp:launchpad, although there is quite a bit to it | 08:57 |
thumper | mgolisch: and the icons are copyright canonical still | 08:57 |
thumper | mgolisch: see the dev wiki at for how to get it running locally | 08:57 |
mgolisch | thx | 08:59 |
nigelb | wgrant, are you around? | 10:28 |
wgrant | nigelb: I am. | 10:29 |
nigelb | wgrant, we have another spammer now, as me and kermiac were discusing in bugs | 10:29 |
nigelb | is it feasible to have an option to undo all the changes by a particular user? | 10:29 |
nigelb | Can I log a feature request against it? Is it technically possible? | 10:30 |
nigelb | (to make all the db changes) | 10:30 |
wgrant | nigelb: I'm not a Launchpad dev, so I am probably not the best to talk to about that. | 10:30 |
nigelb | wgrant, oh! I thought you were :) | 10:30 |
geser | OOPS-1503EC640 and OOPS-1503ED425 happened when I tried to file a bug through the LP API | 10:30 |
ubottu | | 10:30 |
ubottu | | 10:30 |
kermiac | is this the right channel to have someone ban a user in LP? | 10:39 |
kermiac | | 10:40 |
kermiac | I'm not the only one that has been effected by this user changing things. We've been discussing it in #ubuntu-bugs & at least 2 of the devs in #ubuntu-desktop are very annoyed by what he has been doing | 10:41 |
kermiac | s/effected/affected | 10:41 |
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sinzui | kermiac: I can suspend him and leave a note about it. | 12:21 |
chrisccoulson | sinzui: i think kermiac is afk now, but thanks for suspending the account | 12:28 |
sinzui | chrisccoulson: I sent a en email to the user and demanded that he reply in the next 48 hours, or I will suspend him. | 12:29 |
chrisccoulson | sinzui: thanks, that's appreciated | 12:29 |
nigel_nb | thanks sinzui, much appreciated :) | 12:31 |
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch | ||
micahg | gmb: any chance of getting the reliable bug syncing fixed? | 13:31 |
gmb | micahg: You mean the launchpad-dumbly-links-everything bug? (Which I touched this morning but can't remember the nubmer of off the top of my head)? | 13:32 |
micahg | gmb: yes :) | 13:32 |
micahg | bug 499113 | 13:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 499113 in malone "Launchpad will sync comments and link back to all bug watches, even those not linked to a bug task" [High,Triaged] | 13:33 |
gmb | Ah, yes. | 13:33 |
gmb | micahg: Let me just take a looksie at it; if it doesn't break too many tests I might be able to fix that today. | 13:33 |
micahg | gmb: that would be wonderful :) | 13:33 |
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell | ||
micahg | gmb: is the only way to delete watches with comments by an admin right now? | 13:35 |
gmb | micahg: Yes. | 13:36 |
micahg | gmb: k, I assume that would be a hard one to fix, right? | 13:37 |
gmb | micahg: What, making it possible for anyone to delete those watches? | 13:37 |
gmb | Or at least their comments? | 13:37 |
micahg | gmb: I guess so...I need to go clean up the mozilla bugs both upstream and in LP :) | 13:37 |
micahg | not today obviously | 13:38 |
gmb | micahg: Well, once my fix is in place - which may be today but probably not because we've got to roll it out to the production server that does the linking - you can clean up the mozilla bugzilla. | 13:39 |
gmb | And I'll write a script to find the offending comments and remove / hide them. | 13:39 |
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micahg | gmb: ooh, that would be great, thanks :) | 13:40 |
gmb | micahg: Okay, I'll add a note to the bug. | 13:40 |
micahg | gmb: there's one exception though (not trying to be complicated), if upstream is marked a dupe and people reply through LP? | 13:41 |
gmb | micahg: Sorry, can you clarify that for me... the upstream watched bug (on b.m.o) is marked as a dupe, but people are replying through LP? | 13:42 |
micahg | gmb: yes, people replied through LP before it was marked a dupe...when an upstream bug is marked a dupe, we change the bugwatch to the new bug.... | 13:42 |
gmb | Ah, right. | 13:43 |
micahg | shouldn't be too many as this is new functionality... | 13:43 |
gmb | micahg: But the watch is valid now, right? It's not a case of a spurious link having comment syncing done on it or something? | 13:43 |
micahg | gmb: let's assume it's valid now | 13:43 |
micahg | the other use case of what to do with comments imported when a watch changes, we can deal with later | 13:44 |
gmb | micahg: Okay. Can you give me an example of one of these bugs? | 13:46 |
micahg | bug 512615 | 13:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 512615 in firefox "fonts are incorrectly rendered due to not using system cairo" [Unknown,Confirmed] | 13:47 |
micahg | people in LP are even getting confused and ignoring the bug task now :) | 13:47 |
gmb | micahg: So, which is the *invalid* mozilla bugwatch on that bug? After my fix lands we'll only sync with mozilla-bugs #404637. We can hide any comments on other bugs except those with responses, if you want. | 13:51 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 404637 in bleachbit "bleachbit release upgrade request" [Wishlist,Fix released] | 13:51 |
micahg | gmb: yes | 13:52 |
gmb | micahg: Right. That's what we'll do then. | 13:52 |
micahg | the other ones are related, but I don't think we should pull in everything | 13:52 |
gmb | micahg: No, we shouldn't. Well, the bug is that we pull in everything regardless. So, to fix that we'll only pull in from those watches linked to a bug task. We can maybe work to expand that later, but I don't have a way to fix that right now. This part of the fix is simple. | 13:53 |
micahg | gmb: yep, and as a developer I know to take what I can get :) | 13:55 |
gmb | micahg: :) | 13:55 |
sebner | heya folks! Anyone an idea about ? (Upload/sync of alien-arena) First thought was that dpkg is buggy but explicitly adding quilt b-d also doesn't fix it | 14:00 |
persia | Note that the package concerned fails to unpack in a lucid --variant=buildd chroot unless quilt is manually installed. | 14:00 |
persia | But lucid sbuild can build it just fine in a --variant=buildd chroot if quilt is set as a build-dep. | 14:01 |
sebner | Fails with LP, PPA, local lucid pbuilder. Works extracting the source manually with dpkg-source and pbuilder sid | 14:01 |
wgrant | sebner: That's an #ubuntu-devel question, then. | 14:08 |
wgrant | If it's broken in Lucid without LP in the mix... | 14:08 |
persia | wgrant: Well, we found a workaround that solved it for local lucid, but not for PPAs, which is what brought us here. | 14:08 |
wgrant | persia: It's a dpkg or package bug. | 14:09 |
persia | Specifically, lucid has an old version of dpkg, but for local sbuild, adding a build-dep on quilt seems to work around the issue. | 14:09 |
persia | Yes, It's a bug in dpkg that it behaves differently when quilt is/isn't installed. The confusing bit is why the workaround that works for local sbuild doesn't work for PPAs. | 14:10 |
wgrant | The build-depends are read from debian/contorl. | 14:11 |
wgrant | That's in the unpacked package. | 14:11 |
wgrant | You cannot have special unpack-time dependencies. | 14:11 |
persia | Hrm. In that case, I don't understand why it works with local sbuild. | 14:11 |
persia | But that does make sense, I guess we can't work around the dpkg bug that way :) | 14:11 |
persia | Thanks. | 14:11 |
wgrant | Oh, so it actually works if you just add a build dependency? | 14:12 |
persia | For local sbuild, yes. | 14:12 |
sebner | wgrant: local pbuilder (lucid) build works now too btw. PPA not! | 14:14 |
wgrant | Hm, actually, it looks like it should work. | 14:15 |
wgrant | Do you have a build log? | 14:15 |
wgrant | Ohhh. | 14:15 |
wgrant | I know. | 14:15 |
wgrant | It's rejected at upload time, isn't it? | 14:15 |
wgrant | Not build time? | 14:15 |
sebner | wgrant: ay | 14:16 |
sebner | e | 14:16 |
sebner | Rejected: | 14:16 |
sebner | dpkg-source failed for alien-arena_7.33-2ubuntu1.dsc [return: 2] | 14:16 |
sebner | [dpkg-source output: dpkg-source: info: extracting alien-arena in alien-arena-7.33 | 14:16 |
sebner | dpkg-source: info: unpacking alien-arena_7.33.orig.tar.gz | 14:16 |
sebner | dpkg-source: info: unpacking alien-arena_7.33-2ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz | 14:16 |
sebner | dpkg-source: info: applying launch-server_tool_debianization.patch] | 14:16 |
wgrant | It's because the uploader unpacks it. | 14:16 |
sebner | wgrant: so the uploader is buggy? | 14:16 |
wgrant | A fixed dpkg is needed on cocoplum and germanium. | 14:16 |
wgrant | No. | 14:16 |
wgrant | It's not buggy. | 14:16 |
wgrant | dpkg is. | 14:16 |
sebner | dpkg always is *muahahaha* | 14:17 |
wgrant | Unless somebody declares that you have to install build dependencies to unpack a package, in which case the world is broken and just about impossible to fix. | 14:17 |
persia | No, dpkg is buggy. We were just trying to work around it. Needs a merge. I think cjwatson indicated that one was planned. | 14:17 |
persia | sebner: -> #ubuntu-devel :) | 14:18 |
wgrant | Once it's in Lucid the buildds will be fixed, but it needs to be pushed to other places too before uploads can actually be accepted :/ | 14:19 |
persia | wgrant: Well, we'll come back once it's in lucid :) | 14:19 |
gmb | micahg: So, bad news: making that one line change to fix bug 499113 breaks 13 different tests in all kinds of horrible ways, so it's unlikely I can land a fix for it today. I'll take another look later today if I've got time, see if the tests are trivial to fix, but I can't devote the time to it right now. | 14:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 499113 in malone "Launchpad will sync comments and link back to all bug watches, even those not linked to a bug task" [High,Triaged] | 14:32 |
micahg | gmb: ok, will you be on tomorrow? I might have a little time to help | 14:33 |
exarkun | Any way to remove other people's branches from<project> yet? | 14:33 |
exarkun | Or heck, how do you even remove your own branch from that page without merging it into something else? | 14:34 |
maxb | You could change the branch status to Abandoned | 14:34 |
gmb | micahg: Yes, I'll be around from 09:00 - 17:00 UTC. | 14:34 |
exarkun | maxb: And for the former? | 14:35 |
micahg | gmb: great :) | 14:35 |
maxb | No, there is no way for project owners to control the status of other people's branches of their project | 14:36 |
nijaba | Hello. Is there a known pb with OpenID? Can't login to some web site using my url. | 14:46 |
salgado | nijaba, some users complained about it a few days ago but it turned out to be a problem on the other side. yours might be similar. bac, do you remember the bug # for the OpenID login failing on | 14:49 |
bac | salgado: otp. give me a sec | 14:49 |
nijaba | salgado: it's really weird, I have now checked on 4 sites, 2 work, 2 do not... | 14:50 |
salgado | nijaba, bug 449105 is the one I was talking about | 14:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 449105 in launchpad-foundations "logging into sourceforge with openid breaks" [High,Invalid] | 14:58 |
nijaba | salgado: ok; I'll look into it, thanks | 14:58 |
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maxb | LOSAs: Loggerhead seems unhappy. --> "Internal Server Error" | 15:08 |
bac | salgado-lunch: this is the similar bug: | 15:09 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 449105 in launchpad-foundations "logging into sourceforge with openid breaks" [High,Invalid] | 15:09 |
bac | salgado-lunch: a new bug specifically for blogger was not opened since it is the same issue and appears to not be our fault | 15:09 |
Chex | maxb: looking, thanks | 15:10 |
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jldupont | hi - just curious: are there any LP badge that show up the Karma points? | 15:14 |
Chex | maxb: I think loggerhead is ok, this url checks out fine: | 15:20 |
maxb | Chex: But the one I gave doesn't | 15:24 |
Chex | maxb: yes thats true, I will need to invegstigate further, but I just meant it doesn't seem like a general service issue. | 15:25 |
maxb | I agree, it doesn't affect all branches | 15:25 |
tmow | hi all | 15:45 |
tmow | is lp down? I'm not sure I have network issues or if it's lp | 15:45 |
oojah | tmow: Looks ok for me (in the UK) | 15:46 |
tmow | I don't know how to troubleshoot... which is the server name and the port? | 15:46 |
tmow | oojah: thx | 15:46 |
tmow | bzr uses env variables to use a proxy server... the proxy server is correctly set, i'm using it with other apps... | 15:51 |
tmow | but bzr fails to connect to lp with errno 111 | 15:52 |
tmow | connection refused... | 15:52 |
tmow | anybody as an idea please? | 15:52 |
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desrt | hi guys | 15:54 |
desrt | | 15:54 |
desrt | Registered by Ryan Lortie on 5 minutes ago | 15:54 |
desrt | pretty trivial fix, i guess | 15:54 |
persia | desrt: Which are you hoping to accomplish about the blueprint? | 15:58 |
desrt | just pointing out that "on 5 minutes ago" isn't grammatically correct | 15:58 |
desrt | a bug in launchpad | 15:58 |
persia | aha! | 15:59 |
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lfaraone | doctormo: have you considered merging python-xdgapp with upstream python-xdg? | 16:12 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Yes, because the way xdg positions it's self as a class wrapper for application interactions with xdg, it didn't seem right. | 16:14 |
lfaraone | doctormo: well, POX uploaded python-xdgapp to Debian NEW. Once it's accepted, I'll get an archive admin to sync it over. | 16:18 |
doctormo | lfaraone: That sounds good, I don't know what it means, but it sounds like progress :-) thank you | 16:18 |
lfaraone | doctormo: okay. in a day or so, python-xdgapp will have been accepted into the Debian "unstable" repository. From there, we can import it into Ubuntu's lucid with only a bug report and an ACK by a motu. | 16:19 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Sounds great, thanks very much for pushing at it | 16:23 |
Fenix|work | Greetings... | 16:30 |
Fenix|work | ... how does one get Launchpad? | 16:31 |
Fenix|work | (to install locally) | 16:31 |
oojah | Fenix|work: See | 16:33 |
Fenix|work | Thanks. | 16:33 |
Fenix|work | Also, is there any way to import from bugzilla into Launchpad? | 16:34 |
persia | Fenix|work: Yes, but I believe it's something one requests with a question. | 16:36 |
Fenix|work | a question where? | 16:37 |
jpds | Fenix|work: | 16:37 |
Fenix|work | Ahh, thank you. I've enjoyed launchpad with other projects and with Ubuntu and am happy it's now OS, so I'm new to this aspect of the launchpad website. | 16:38 |
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Laney | how would one go about getting a PPA which builds for ia64? | 18:09 |
maxb | AFAIK it's just a setting by a Launchpad admin, such that builds happen on the Ubuntu buildfarm instead of the PPA one, but I've no idea who is empowered to authorize that. | 18:12 |
maxb | You could ask doko, who has one, to tell you who to ask | 18:12 |
cjohnston | Is the LP mailing list system still in beta? | 18:13 |
* Laney will ping the help contact. mwhudson ^^^ ? | 18:13 | |
Laney | I could just upload to -release ;) | 18:18 |
persia | Laney: I think you need to ask a question, but uploading seems more common. I also think directhex has one if you need a test-build. | 18:26 |
Laney | that is really all I want | 18:28 |
Laney | the problem is that this is ghc, and uploading would be Bad News | 18:29 |
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persia | Laney: Indeed. | 18:33 |
persia | You might also ask in -motu or -devel for other people with hardware. | 18:33 |
Laney | I really want to know if this will work when I upload it | 18:34 |
Laney | there have been problems in Debian with this working on porterboxes but not on the buildds | 18:34 |
Laney | i'll do a launchpad question | 18:35 |
persia | Laney: I think you'll get a faster response asking for people with hardware, but OK :) | 18:37 |
Laney | persia: I really do want to test it on a buildd though :( | 18:38 |
persia | Shouldn't be that different, but yeah, I understand. | 18:38 |
Laney | I reckon this is one of those cases where a difference is more likely to cause problems | 18:40 |
Laney | the experience in tweaking the build for all of Debian's weird architectures shows that ghc is pretty sensitive | 18:40 |
persia | And you think the buildd sbuild is going to behave sufficiently differently? | 18:44 |
Laney | persia: That was the case when the Debian maintainer tried, I believe | 18:48 |
Laney | I just want to be very careful with ghc | 18:48 |
persia | Makes sense. | 18:48 |
lfaraone | persia: would you happen to know anybody else I could bug about reviewing groundcontrol? 1.4 is now in REVU, and the "clean" is now fixed. | 18:49 |
Laney | #ubuntu-motu please | 18:49 |
persia | lfaraone: Don't bug people. Bug teams. | 18:49 |
lfaraone | Laney: sorry, my apologies. | 18:49 |
persia | lfaraone: So, ask in -motu, or ask here (but -motu is likely to have more reviewers). | 18:49 |
Laney | no problem | 18:49 |
persia | Laney: This channel has had a lot of ground-control upstream talk, so it's not entirely off-topic (as ground-control is so tightly linked to launchpad) | 18:50 |
Laney | alright (I have no idea what that is) | 18:50 |
persia | Mind you, I might be wrong about that. | 18:50 |
persia | From what I can tell, it's a tool that provides a GUI wrapper for managing LP projects & branches. | 18:51 |
I-Blocklist624 | Hello, there is a translation that wont confirm, is an admin here than can take alook and maybe check the database to see why? | 19:02 |
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micahg | spm: Gerry C is still at it | 19:37 |
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lifeless | Chex: around ? | 20:21 |
lifeless | micahg: too earliy for spm | 20:21 |
lifeless | micahg: whats the users ~NAME ? | 20:24 |
bdmurray | lifeless: ubuntunerd-nospammail | 20:24 |
lifeless | mbarnett: ^ | 20:25 |
mbarnett | lifeless: it is just me right now and i am pretty slammed, won't be able to take a look for a few minutes | 20:25 |
mbarnett | hopefully... longer if deploys keep blowing up | 20:26 |
lifeless | mbarnett: sure, just passing the info across as I get it. | 20:26 |
mbarnett | lifeless: thx | 20:26 |
=== sale_ is now known as sale | ||
geser | there is also an open question about this user: | 20:38 |
lifeless | geser: same user; we're pending mbarnett putting out some other fires | 20:41 |
tdn | Launchpad keeps giving me timeout when replying to a question on Answers. What gives? | 20:45 |
tdn | Oh. Now it went through. | 20:47 |
poolie | hey | 20:56 |
lifeless | ho | 20:56 |
poolie | is there any public spec or bug for the +patches work that i can point to? | 20:56 |
poolie | kfogel: ^^? | 20:56 |
kfogel | poolie: bug #506018 links to the public specs | 20:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 506018 in malone "Need a "+patches" view: report lists patches attached to bugs." [High,Fix committed] | 20:57 |
poolie | thanks | 20:57 |
poolie | this is not deployed yet, right? | 20:58 |
kfogel | poolie: see also any bugs tagged with "story-patch-report". right now I'm working on bug #255868 | 20:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 255868 in malone "Project summary page should show links to patches" [Low,Triaged] | 20:58 |
wgrant | lifeless: It doesn't actually require a LOSA. | 21:15 |
lifeless | wgrant: I did not knowthat :) | 21:18 |
wgrant | lifeless: ~registry (eg. CHR) is sufficient these days. | 21:19 |
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Lord-Readman | how come a translation import is approved, but not imported? | 22:12 |
MTecknology | Is it possible to make any questions that were marked answered for a long time to be marked as solved? | 22:20 |
MTecknology | oh.. and how do I mark one question as a duplicate of another? | 22:25 |
micahg | anyone around who knows about the LP -> bugzilla bug syncing? | 22:57 |
seb128 | hey | 23:09 |
seb128 | | 23:09 |
seb128 | could somebody don't wait for this guy to keep messing with bugs for day to do desactive the account on launchpad? | 23:10 |
seb128 | being nice is one thing | 23:10 |
seb128 | but letting somebody create extra work for lot of people is another thing... | 23:10 |
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