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kwwii | vish: hey, can you point me at the humanity branch you work on? | 10:05 |
kwwii | vish: I will review it for changes and upload it | 10:05 |
psyke83 | kwwii: hey, sent you an email re: gtk updates, probably needs more tuning for darkroom based on your feedback | 10:13 |
kwwii | hi psyke83, yeah I saw that | 10:14 |
kwwii | psyke83: I uploaded vish's changes yesterday just to fix the bugs | 10:14 |
psyke83 | right | 10:14 |
kwwii | psyke83: I looked into your changes (and will look at the new ones now) and probably include them in the next day or so | 10:15 |
psyke83 | vish's fixes are included in my branch too, so if the updates look otherwise ok, you shouldn't have problems | 10:15 |
* kwwii is *really* busy | 10:15 | |
psyke83 | yep, no worries :) | 10:16 |
vish | kwwii: hei , i didnt understand , what branch? | 10:16 |
vish | the volume icons? | 10:16 |
kwwii | vish: yeah | 10:16 |
kwwii | I think I found them thogh | 10:16 |
kwwii | in elementaryicons | 10:17 |
vish | yup | 10:17 |
vish | kwwii: you want to upload to lucid? | 10:17 |
kwwii | vish: yes, I do...but I need to review things first | 10:17 |
kwwii | the new sound menu is ready to go into lucid | 10:18 |
kwwii | so it will need the right icons ;) | 10:18 |
vish | kwwii: hmm , there are a couple of things that i have to fix in the branch.. | 10:18 |
kwwii | we might need to rename/relink some icons | 10:18 |
vish | i'll upload the changes in a couple of hours | 10:18 |
kwwii | vish: ok, let me know when you are ready | 10:19 |
kwwii | vish: but no hurry, take your time | 10:19 |
vish | kwwii: the volume icons are good to go though.. there are a few extra wip icons there.. [which might be the only problem] | 10:19 |
* vish bbl and fix the branch | 10:20 | |
kwwii | vish: hrm, I guess I'll just add those volume icons for now and give you time to work on your stuff, ok? | 10:21 |
vish | kwwii: hmm , just a sec , i'll remove the offending icon.. and the other changes are good | 10:22 |
kwwii | ok, cool | 10:22 |
vish | kwwii: k. done... it should be good for review [for now ;)] | 10:31 |
kwwii | vish: killer, thanks! | 10:32 |
* vish bbl | 10:32 | |
vish | np.. | 10:32 |
kwwii | have fun | 10:32 |
kwwii | psyke83: hey, ever thought about tryin to desaturate darkRoom ? | 11:18 |
kwwii | in the meantime it looks outdated in my opinion | 11:18 |
psyke83 | yep... I sent a version called "newhuman-light" a good while ago... let me get a screenshot | 11:19 |
psyke83 | kwwii: http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/3841/newhumanlightv01.png | 11:20 |
psyke83 | I agree that it looks outdated too (but I prefer the modification over the current version, at least) | 11:20 |
kwwii | hrm, taht is still too saturated for me (and too light) | 11:22 |
psyke83 | well, I'm not a fan of dark themes in general... UbuntuStudio is tolerable for me, but DarkRoom makes me uncomfortable. I can try to desaturate the brown and see if I can find a working combination | 11:23 |
kwwii | hehe | 11:24 |
kwwii | I was amazed that people like it | 11:24 |
kwwii | I was just playing around | 11:24 |
psyke83 | kwwii: IMHO, something like #665247 for the bg_color would improve the theme | 11:25 |
psyke83 | we need to find a way to create associations with coffee and cocoa beans, rather than fecal matter ;) | 11:26 |
psyke83 | unfortunately all three concepts are related to humanity :P | 11:26 |
kwwii | one second...I had a call | 11:30 |
kwwii | hehe, I actually like it with much less saturation | 11:31 |
kwwii | and darker | 11:33 |
kwwii | 474141 or so | 11:33 |
psyke83 | let me see | 11:33 |
kwwii | 514a4a | 11:33 |
kwwii | yeah...514a4a would be an excellent start | 11:34 |
kwwii | it is close to the brightness overall | 11:34 |
kwwii | but less saturated | 11:34 |
psyke83 | ah you wanted it almost completely desaturated? | 11:34 |
psyke83 | I don't see brown anymore | 11:34 |
kwwii | well, yeah ;) | 11:35 |
kwwii | it is a dark brownish grey | 11:35 |
psyke83 | well... it looks better, but I'd like to change some little things (like the inactive text colour) | 11:35 |
kwwii | 524747 perhaps | 11:35 |
psyke83 | yes, better | 11:36 |
psyke83 | the other just looked grey on my screen (maybe because it's an older LCD panel with 6bit reproduction, I dunno) | 11:37 |
kwwii | it is amazing how different monitors look | 11:37 |
psyke83 | yes | 11:37 |
kwwii | the design team use a lot of macs | 11:37 |
kwwii | which distorts their perception of how things will look on a pc | 11:38 |
psyke83 | yeah the gamma defaults are different (though I dunno if that influences linux) | 11:38 |
kwwii | oh, and they do funky stuff as well | 11:39 |
psyke83 | it's fine though, you can buy me a mac so that I can see the colours properly... I'll send you my address for shipment | 11:39 |
kwwii | using more bits | 11:39 |
psyke83 | :P | 11:40 |
psyke83 | I assumed you'd prefer a darker selected_bg_colour, as the contrast with the bright orange was quite strong | 11:40 |
psyke83 | so... I changed it to the same as Human. I don't know if you wanna change that as well | 11:40 |
kwwii | yeah, guess I'd need to see it to understand what you mean | 11:48 |
kwwii | but the bright orange is a bit too much, if that is what you mean | 11:48 |
kwwii | :p | 11:48 |
kwwii | my son calls and says someone hit him in the face with a book and broke his glasses | 11:49 |
psyke83 | kwwii: I mean #D78E49 (which ends up looking brighter because of the highlight_ratio and gradients) | 11:53 |
psyke83 | wow, sorry to hear that, man | 11:53 |
kwwii | ahh, right | 11:54 |
kwwii | bad day for him ;( | 11:54 |
psyke83 | how old is your son? | 11:56 |
kwwii | 12 | 11:56 |
psyke83 | it's probably tough for him at that age... or was it an accident and not bullying, I wonder? | 11:58 |
* thorwil had classmates purposefully targeting his glasses | 12:00 | |
kwwii | lol, he comes home and explains it...turns out they were fscking around and it's pretty much both of their fault | 12:03 |
kwwii | I hit him, he hit me, I hit him back, he hit me in the face with a book | 12:04 |
thorwil | heh | 12:04 |
kwwii | and they both feel really bad :p | 12:04 |
kwwii | just wait until his mother finds out :p | 12:04 |
psyke83 | heh | 12:05 |
thorwil | back when i was that age, the amount covered by health insurance was pretty good. not anymore | 12:07 |
kwwii | I think we have insurance for his glasses | 12:09 |
psyke83 | kwwii: what about Human, are the changes ok? There's not much changed, mostly gradients and button shading | 12:16 |
kwwii | psyke83: ŷes, I think so | 12:18 |
kwwii | yes | 12:18 |
kwwii | vish: I just made audio-output-none-panel and audio-volume-muted-blocking-panel | 12:26 |
kwwii | for Dark | 12:28 |
kwwii | lol, then I notice you had one of them in Humanity, the red one | 12:28 |
vish | kwwii: yeah , the red icon in one theme is sufficient [humanity-dark just fallsback to humanity for those] | 13:42 |
kwwii | vish: good point | 13:43 |
kwwii | vish: I made the other one with the outline | 13:43 |
vish | kwwii: wouldnt an outline with an "!" inside be better for the "no device "? would using just an outline would sufficiently convey the meaning? | 13:45 |
zniavre | http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/571/captureel.png | 13:49 |
zniavre | who made Lucidity ? | 13:49 |
kwwii | vish: I don't think we need !'s all over, it scares people | 13:49 |
kwwii | zniavre: nifty | 13:50 |
kwwii | but not quite done I think | 13:50 |
vish | k.. | 13:50 |
zniavre | he's not in this channel ... | 13:51 |
kwwii | lol | 13:51 |
kwwii | sorry, I meant that looked nifty | 13:51 |
kwwii | :P | 13:51 |
vish | lol | 13:51 |
zniavre | :o) | 13:51 |
vish | kwwii: you included it to the theme? | 13:52 |
vish | i'll add it to elementary too..we dont want another merge conflict :p | 13:53 |
kwwii | vish: I've just made it now, I will send it to you | 13:53 |
kwwii | I still need to make a light version | 13:53 |
vish | coolio | 13:54 |
kwwii | but right now I am having major problems with my flight on sunday | 13:54 |
zniavre | snow? | 13:55 |
vish | zniavre: what was the command to force the theme for an app? | 14:01 |
zniavre | wait a sec | 14:01 |
zniavre | env GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Human-Murrine/gtk-2.0/gtkrc vlc %U > something around that | 14:02 |
zniavre | this one was for vlc | 14:02 |
vish | zniavre: awesome thanks... | 14:03 |
zniavre | im totally scared to edit wiki page to add a comment on this lucidity theme | 14:08 |
kwwii | zniavre: right | 14:10 |
kwwii | hehe, don' | 14:10 |
kwwii | ahhh | 14:11 |
kwwii | don't fear the wiki | 14:11 |
kwwii | vish: email address? | 14:24 |
* vish wonders if kwwii is very tired :) | 14:29 | |
kwwii | it is the yahoo account, right? | 14:30 |
vish | kwwii: yup.. ;) you've sent me mails already ;) | 14:30 |
kwwii | sorry | 14:30 |
kwwii | I am having a bad day | 14:30 |
vish | yeah , i guessed ;) | 14:31 |
kwwii | my flight for the 14-16 turns out to be for March | 14:31 |
kwwii | and airberlin is not the most helpful company in the world | 14:31 |
* thorwil guesses the most helpful company in the world doesn't sit in germany | 14:34 | |
kwwii | thorwil: service desert Germany...you know it's real when even German comics make fun of it | 14:35 |
dashua | zniavre, It seems you have to enable RGBA for the entire theme to get the new round transparent tooltips. | 14:40 |
dashua | It doesn't work if you theme the style and specify the engine. | 14:41 |
dashua | http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/42144/screenshot_0BW9iA.png | 14:43 |
dashua | Pretty nice | 14:43 |
vish | dashua: how do you define the outline? | 14:49 |
vish | kwwii: does it look anything similar to the real thing? > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/n900-128.png | 14:51 |
* vish just found an error ;) | 14:51 | |
zniavre | dashua, nothing new to this was already available before | 14:52 |
zniavre | http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/571/captureel.png | 14:53 |
zniavre | wrong paste sorry | 14:53 |
zniavre | http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/676/capture1aa.png | 14:53 |
kwwii | vish: it is a bit more rounded on the sides | 14:54 |
kwwii | and the speaker whole is much less visible | 14:54 |
kwwii | vish: and the panel does not go all the way through to the left | 14:55 |
vish | kwwii: the speaker you mean the black line right? | 14:55 |
kwwii | vish: yes | 14:56 |
vish | kwwii: even during the music mode the panel is not to the left? | 14:56 |
kwwii | also, just above that, even less visible is a camera (under the plsatic) | 14:56 |
vish | i saw that in a video | 14:56 |
kwwii | vish: um, right is it full then | 14:57 |
kwwii | your icon does look nice though | 14:57 |
kwwii | I am just trying to be picky to make it perfect ;) | 14:57 |
vish | kwwii: i want you to pick on it ;p | 14:58 |
* vish makes changes | 14:58 | |
vish | ha.. dilmo implemented hbons idea :) | 16:26 |
dashua | Any recommendations for the community themes package as far as adding new themes, removing older ones? Impression and Night Impression are very similar, so do we want both? | 16:38 |
dashua | UbuntuSun seems fairly popular in the community. | 16:38 |
* thorwil looks at "Ubuntu Jersey's" post linking to very scary "designs" | 16:49 | |
dashua | thorwil, Jersey is very scary in general. ;) | 16:52 |
thorwil | http://fontmatrix.net/ in the latest release (not karmic package) is really nice! | 18:47 |
zniavre | good evening | 19:45 |
Raff7 | hi | 19:46 |
Raff7 | :) | 19:46 |
zniavre | how to make progessbar thinner ? please | 19:46 |
Raff7 | maybe you can help me, i'm searching for a not too-much vectorial theme | 19:46 |
Raff7 | something that seems real and not a toon | 19:46 |
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troy_s | Raff7: What does that mean? | 20:30 |
troy_s | Raff7: Sorry, but you will need to explain things a little further. | 20:30 |
Raff7 | sure uhm | 20:30 |
Raff7 | i don't like gnome/kde | 20:31 |
Raff7 | because i don't like their look, seems a toon | 20:31 |
Raff7 | something for children... there is a lot of vectorial art there | 20:31 |
jerrod | hi | 23:40 |
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