
jibelbdmurray, sorry lost my connection. I've commited the pattern anyway since it's done.00:11
bdmurrayjibel: awesome, thanks!00:13
jibelit's late here. see you tomorrow.00:16
bdmurraymicahg: okay, yes gerry c is getting bothersome00:22
micahgbdmurray: should we request the account blocked until the user comes in here?00:23
bdmurraymicahg: well whatever the Launchpad sys admins do should be done I think00:23
* persia isn't sure how to respond to invernizzi's request to join. I'd like to see examples of Ubuntu bug triage, but I'm not coming up with an encouraging way to request that. Anyone else have any bright ideas?00:33
invernizzii can withdraw the request and triage some before resubmitting00:34
crimsunI don't think there's a need to withdraw the request00:35
persiainvernizzi: No need to withdraw.  I'm just one member.  There are lots of other people who might respond.00:36
persiainvernizzi: And please don't take my request for help in responding to be direct criticism: I asked here precisely because I wasn't sure how to ask for that without appearing to criticise.00:36
invernizzino worries00:36
hggdhwell, OTOH, we do not have a separation for upstreams located on LP and common Ubuntu triaging01:06
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
=== persia` is now known as persia
micahgdid we start getting package based tags?01:49
kermiacmicahg: I've also noticed "Gerry C." assigning people & adding tasks on a fair amount of bugs lately02:45
ddecatoryah there seems to be a little fad goin' on...02:46
micahgkermiac: I asked spm an official notice to consult the docs, hopefully that'll help02:46
nigel_nbhggdh, around.. need a hand with a bug :)02:48
kermiacyeah, hopefully. looks like he might be trying to do the right thing & is simply confused. Doesn't seem to be another of the "full moon" incidents like a few days ago02:48
kermiacshould I unassign people/ remove tasks if I notice them & I'm sure the02:49
kermiac& I'm sure they're incorrect02:50
micahgkermiac: yes02:50
kermiacok, ty micahg :)02:50
micahgkermiac: but comment02:50
kermiacyes, I always comment on bugs that I change :)02:50
ddecatori saw someone was adding things to the flash bug too and they had to be asked to stop02:50
micahgkermiac: good :)02:50
micahgddecator: yes02:50
micahgddecator: BTW, I didn't forget about it, but I had an issue with making the patch...02:51
ddecatormicahg, no problem, the fix is easy, and i still haven't had any issues with it02:51
ddecatoroh, micahg , i was gonna ask you, do you remember that thunderbird bug? you said you were going to do something with it but i haven't seen any changes...anything you want me to do for it? (i can get the # if you want)02:52
micahgddecator: sure02:52
ddecatorone sec...02:55
ddecatorhey, lp is actually loading kind of fast02:55
ddecatorbug 51833602:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 518336 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "thunderbird-3.0: Please turn off global search by default (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51833602:56
micahgddecator: yeah, sorry nothing really to do unless you can find an upstream bug on b.m.o for it02:56
ddecatormicahg, alright, i knew you said there was something you were going to do but i couldn't remember what, haha. i'll take a look upstream in a min. what should i do if i don't find anything?02:57
* micahg looks at the bug again02:58
micahgddecator: idr, but I think there should be an upstream02:58
ddecatormicahg, sounds good, i'll take a look02:59
micahgddecator: thanks02:59
malevhi everyone! I need help with this bug. I can't confirm it coz I don't have a floppy drive :(03:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 476013 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "USB floppy drives aren't formatted correctly (affects: 1)" [Low,Incomplete]03:00
malevI asked int #ubuntu and #ubuntu-es and no luki, any idea what can I do?03:01
hggdhnigel_nb: sorry, hands full with a deployment (yes, yet another one) at my customer03:01
ddecatorman, i haven't seen a floppy drive in years...03:01
micahgmalev: you shouldn't set to Invalid while you check something03:01
nigel_nbhggdh, no probs. I'll ask someone in the room :)03:01
micahgmalev: you could simulate a floppy in virtualbox03:02
micahgmalev: that's only good enough if you can confirm though, not to dismiss03:02
malevupst! ... oks! my bad.03:03
malevI'm gonna change it right now03:03
malevto.. incomplete?03:03
micahgmalev: it's incomplete now03:03
micahgmalev: I'm just saying for the future :)03:03
malevyes! I set it a few hours ago03:03
malevoks! thanks for the observation. I'm gonna try with virtualbox03:04
malevbut, first I have to install it :D03:04
micahgmalev: the other thing to do is check for an upstream bug on bugzilla.gnome.org03:05
malev... I don't know what is that03:05
micahgmalev: or a duplicate on launchpad03:05
micahgmalev: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/GNOME03:05
malevmicahg, nice! I'm checking it right now! thanks again03:06
micahgmalev: np03:07
nigel_nbmicahg, what is the definition of regression?03:08
micahgnigel_nb: something that worked before that no longer does03:11
nigel_nbmicahg, Well, a bug that was closed as fixed is not yet fixed.  I guess that doesn't count as regression03:12
micahgnigel_nb: bug #03:13
nigel_nbmicahg, the new bug is bug 519999, standby for old one03:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 519999 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Paused last.fm stream fails to restart (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51999903:13
ddecatormicahg, quick note, i didn't see anything on bugzilla, but i'll look more in-depth when i get back from a meeting03:16
micahgddecator: k03:17
nigel_nbmicahg, the old bug is bug 48333503:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 483335 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox 0.12.5 cannot start playback of Last.fm after pausing (affects: 2)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48333503:18
micahgnigel_nb: the old bug says nothing about this being fixed in lucid03:19
* micahg has the same problem of glossing over comments03:20
nigel_nbmicahg, there was something in the comments about it03:21
micahgno, another bug was fixed in the lucid release03:22
micahgnigel_nb: dupe the new one to the old one and see if there's an upstream bug on bgo03:22
nigel_nbmicahg, okay :)03:22
micahgchange the status to confirmed03:22
micahgand comment abotu the mistake03:23
micahgso people don't think you're reopening a closed bug03:23
micahgthe reporter thought his bug might have been fixed too03:23
micahgbut there was no proof03:23
nigel_nbI read the release info and it had something to say fix released03:25
nigel_nbdont remember now03:25
micahgnigel_nb: there's probably an upstream for this03:25
nigel_nbsearching now03:25
kermiacmicahg: a task was opened against python in bug 343625. It should be ok to invalidate the new task, right? I'm not 100% sure on this one as the OP mentions "& new python". The bug was set to high/confirmed against system-config-printer03:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 343625 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[jaunty] system-config-printer & new python hangs with 100% CPU (affects: 5) (dups: 2)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34362503:29
micahgkermiac: change to null project with a comment of incorrect upstream project03:32
kermiacty micahg :)03:32
nigel_nbmicahg, in bug 460964, can close the network manager task? the issue must be with notify-osd03:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 460964 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Network manager does not merge its OSD notifications (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46096403:52
micahgnigel_nb: most probably, I can't say for sure as I don't know notify-osd03:53
nigel_nbI've done a little bit of work on it03:53
nigel_nbbut I dont think NM can do much03:53
micahgnigel_nb: I think it's nm03:56
nigel_nbmicahg, oh03:57
nigel_nbmicahg, but if you read the notify specifications that the OP has linked, it would seem like notify-osd03:57
micahgnigel_nb: I would think that nm sets the priorities of teh bubbles03:58
micahgnotify0osd only displays03:58
nigel_nbmicahg, what is happening is not prority03:58
nigel_nbmicahg, notify is supposed to merge notifications if coming from same app within a particular time frame03:58
nigel_nbthat does not seem to be happening03:59
micahgnigel_nb: both of them have indicated that they allow merging03:59
micahgthat's one of the bullets03:59
micahgthat might not be happening03:59
nigel_nbmicahg, bullets, where?04:00
micahgnigel_nb: on the wiki page04:01
micahgone of the bullet points04:01
nigel_nbmicahg, ah.04:04
vishnigel_nb: thats a dup05:11
* vish tries to find bug05:11
nigel_nbvish, which one?05:12
* nigel_nb has been working on too many dups today05:12
vishnigel_nb: the nm notifications05:12
nigel_nbvish, ah05:12
vishnigel_nb: it needs to be dealt in both notify-osd and nm.. [well thats what the Mirco said]05:13
nigel_nbvish, I didn't close any task. I confirmed one of them05:13
vishnigel_nb: yup , just mentioning the info i know  :)05:14
nigel_nbvish, thanks :)05:14
nigel_nbvish, or else I'd have to wait for someone in ayatana to show up05:14
nigel_nbvish, I spent like 4 hours writing an apport hook for notify before pulling lucid source, only to find it was already written ;)05:15
vishnigel_nb: Mirco is the main notify-osd dev.. I had asked him earlier regarding this bug... its a dup.. i'll dup it as soon as i find it ;)05:15
nigel_nbvish, I'm hunting05:15
vishnigel_nb: done05:19
nigel_nbvish, whats the old bug number?05:19
vishnigel_nb: hrm... damn i closed FF , refresh the above bug it should be there05:20
nigel_nbok :)05:21
^arky^Is this bug 460729 triaged properly ?05:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 460729 in fdupes (Ubuntu) "Typo in fdupes manpage (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46072905:24
nigel_nb^arky^, is it triaged at all?05:25
^arky^nigel_nb:  I meant this one bug 48682305:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 486823 in openwsman (Ubuntu) "Typo in package description of libopenwsman-dev, libopenwsman1 and openwsman: "This packages" (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48682305:25
nigel_nb ^arky^:  yep.  its a confirmed error05:27
^arky^nigel_nb: thank you05:28
ddecatoranyone know if micahg will be back on again tonight?05:28
nigel_nb^arky^, you could have submitted a debdiff05:30
^arky^nigel_nb: is that package managed in debian ?05:30
nigel_nb^arky^, dunno, but its easier.  you can jut ask a sponser to merge it then ( I think, not sure)05:31
nigel_nbbah, not merge, sponser05:31
^arky^nigel_nb: I put up a merge request05:31
* hggdh hates production deployments05:32
nigel_nb^arky^, just ask in -motu which is preferred (i'm not sure)05:33
^arky^nigel_nb: ok will do05:33
nigel_nb^arky^, I think you can change to in progress when working on a bug05:33
nigel_nbhggdh, deployment over?05:34
nigel_nbaw :(05:36
nigel_nbhggdh, is it okay to change status to "in progress" if I'm working on a patch?05:42
hggdhnigel_nb: yes05:43
hggdh'in progress' is reserved for those that are working on a fix05:43
nigel_nbshould I assign to myself?05:43
hggdhnigel_nb: also please assign to yourself05:44
nigel_nbah well, ;)05:44
hggdhif it is in progress, there must be an assignee05:44
hggdhand I still hate production deployments...05:44
hggdhshould be sleeping already05:44
nigel_nbhggdh, hehe... linux deployment? or some app on the server?05:45
hggdhSolaris & Windows05:45
hggdhboth servers05:45
nigel_nbthey are updating servers?05:45
hggdhno, upgrading server programmes05:46
nigel_nbso u have to stay back for downtime - not good ;)05:47
hggdhand to fix any issues that pop up05:47
ddecatorhggdh, gl05:47
hggdhwell, actually we have found, so far, 4 issues, 3 I corrected, one is at a remote partner, nothing I can do (except blame their incompetence ;-)05:48
hggdhall in all, better than I really expected. I thought we would have to go back to the old environment to fix a serious issues, and no serious blowups so far05:49
hggdhddecator: sucks. I could be at my hotel, sleeping now.05:50
ddecatorhggdh, at least your not having as much trouble as Jabber =p05:51
nigel_nbhggdh, how do I use sed to correct a list of files?05:57
* nigel_nb has been trying for some time and is fed up05:57
ddecatorhey micahg05:59
hggdhnigel_nb: man sed ;-)05:59
ddecatori left a comment on that thunderbird bug, i only found stuff about the global inbox, nothing about global search, but i think i said the right thing05:59
ddecatorand nothing about the default behavior for downloading mail05:59
nigel_nbhggdh, yeah, but my expression is still not working <pout>05:59
micahgddecator: thunderbird 3 indexes all mail into a super index06:00
hggdhnigel_nb: one way is to search for scrips using it06:00
ddecatormicahg, right, so it can all be searched by thunderbird, but i pointed out that global search and the download behavior are separate06:00
hggdhbut you are probably either giving it the wrong RE, or the wrong options06:00
nigel_nbhggdh, can I get sed to recursively search each directory and replace?06:00
nigel_nbhggdh, I am giving the wrong options definitely06:01
hggdhnigel_nb: I do not thing sed can recurse on directories (but it is a long time since I needed it)06:01
nigel_nboh no, that means I need to write a script06:01
hggdhnigel_nb: have you tried http://sed.sf.net/grabbag/tutorials/sedfaq.txt ?06:02
nigel_nbhggdh, looking06:03
jmarsdennigel_nb: Probably a oneliner... find /somedir -type f | xargs grep -l "somestring" | xargs sed -i -e 's/somestring/otherstring/g'    # Or something along those lines?06:04
nigel_nbjmarsden, ah, thanks :)06:04
jmarsdennigel_nb: You're welcome.  BTW above is untested, it's just my first instinct for doing that ... check it before running it on files you care about :)06:05
nigel_nbjmarsden, sure :)06:06
micahgddecator: mozilla 51649306:06
ubot4Mozilla bug 516493 in Search "User should be warned about "global search and indexer" being enabled on upgrade" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51649306:06
nigel_nbjmarsden, its a bug fix, i can always rm the folder and dpkg-source again ;)06:06
jmarsdennigel_nb: Ah OK, in that case it's not all that risky.  Doing it on an archive of a million historical documents or something might need rather more testing :)06:07
ddecatormicahg, i opened every thunderbird bug and did a search for key words including "global" and i don't remember ever seeing that -_-06:07
nigel_nbjmarsden, I format twice or thrice every releaes after ding something dumb06:07
nigel_nbjmarsden, my /home will always have temp data ;)06:08
micahgddecator: due to the numbers of bugs in bmo, more specific is usually better06:08
ddecatormicahg, that's what i started with, then i generalized, haha, idk what happened...did you already link them or do you want me to?06:08
micahgddecator: yep, BTW, here's my search term: ALL thunderbird global search06:09
micahgddecator: was the seventh bug listed06:09
ddecatormicahg, i might have not had trunk included06:10
jmarsdennigel_nb: Ouch, that's a lot of reformats!   I run rsnapshot every hour over /etc and (most of) /home, so it keeps hourly/daily/weekly/monthly copies, so I can almost always "go back" when I mess up.  And when I'm doing something I know is risky, I do it in a disposable VM anyway.06:10
nigel_nbjmarsden, I dont save much in /home.  everything on other bigger partitions06:11
ddecatormicahg, pedro just had to tell me this morning how to use google to search lp bugs, haha, i'll get this search thing figured out at some point06:11
^arky^question: are there any known bugs for two side printer jobs06:16
nigel_nbjmarsden, I used a simpler expression without the greps06:16
jmarsdennigel_nb: Cool, as long as it works... if you sed files that don't actually contain the string it "works" but updates the modified date on all those files, which can be undesirable... hence my grepping to ensure you only sed the files you actually want to change.06:17
nigel_nbjmarsden, ah :)06:17
monkeylibrehi all, please anyone could mark the bug #352215 as Triaged?, I´ve done the upstream.07:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 352215 in ekiga (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "ekiga crashed with SIGSEGV in calloc() (affects: 2) (dups: 2)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35221507:29
hggdhthis is it. g'night all07:31
kermiacmorning BUGabundo_remote :)09:03
* kermiac is seeing more invalid bug tasks & assigning people/ teams to bugs from Gerry C.09:11
kermiacbug 350178 bug 335968 bug 300622  :(09:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 350178 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[LENOVO 17045UG] suspend/resume failure (affects: 2)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35017809:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 335968 in acpi (Ubuntu) "DVD missing after install (affects: 2) (dups: 1)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33596809:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 300622 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Intrepid] Battery not noticed by ubuntu (affects: 4)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30062209:13
chrisccoulsonwho is gerry c?09:31
nigel_nbchrisccoulson, someone who has been causing a bit of a havoc lately09:33
nigel_nbmicahg was asking earlier if he was a known spammer/problem maker09:33
kermiacchrisccoulson: someone who is "hopefully" confused. he was sent an official notice to read the docs09:34
chrisccoulsonhe's really annoying me now09:34
* kermiac agrees09:34
chrisccoulsoni don't have time to go and clean up his mess09:34
kermiacI'm cleaning up his mess in any bug mail i get, but I'm obviously not subscribed to everything he touched09:35
thekornI'm wondering if these user are using the launchpad API for the "activity"09:35
kermiacand his gmane search was only showing up about 15 bugs09:35
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think you just cleaned up a gpm bug09:36
thekornbecause >900 of karma in two days is a lot09:36
thekornit took me a year to get there ;)09:36
chrisccoulsonthekorn: answer tracker?09:36
chrisccoulsonit's very generous with karma...09:36
kermiacyes, that was me. I'm trying to clean up whilst causing as little amount of bugmail spam as possible09:36
thekornoh, yeah, but he has ~400 on malone, which is still alot09:37
chrisccoulsonhis karma history is just lots of "Bug Task Created"09:38
kermiacyeah, he's been doing that & also assinging teams/people to these tasks he is creating09:38
LimCorewe have a security bug #516500  but it takes over a week for secuirty team to respond in any way yet! Set prio High please?09:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 516500 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher stops updates of random packages (Connection failed) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51650009:39
thekornLimCore, is this your daily reminder for this channel?09:39
LimCorethekorn: yes09:40
LimCoreah wait, it's only security, I guess we can relax and wait few more weeks why not09:40
LimCoresilently not updating packages (not auto updating other security bug fixes from repos) is not that big of a deal is it09:41
nigelbwell, this is the second spammer in the past few weeks09:41
LimCorenigelb: you call me spammer?!09:42
nigelbLimCore, lol not you09:42
thekornLimCore, have you tried to get in contact with the security team directly?09:42
* kermiac laughs09:42
nigelbLimCore, read scroll back about  gerry c09:42
* nigelb snickers09:43
LimCorethekorn: subscribing  Ubuntu Security Team  seems quite direct. what else?09:43
thekornLimCore, instead of asking about this bug in this channel over-andover again, and beeing told that we cannot do anything about it also over-and-over again,09:44
thekornyou can talk to them directly on their irc channel09:45
thekornor write them a mail09:45
LimCoreor someones could just make me bug controll so we could triag embarassing security related problems a bit faster - I would give it a Medium after confirming that bug is indeed popular09:46
thekornLimCore, it isn't a popular bug, it is only affecting you ;)09:49
LimCoreor me and 50 people that didnt notice and 200 that didnt bothered to report09:49
LimCorefor exmaple the flash bug does not affect 2000 reporters,  but it affects like 500.000 ubuntu users that use YT09:49
LimCorebecasuse that flash bug occures for EVERY user =)09:50
LimCorestill I would first confirm it before setting prio of course09:50
SevenMachineshi, is the ubuntu bug control team the one to try and join for setting bug priorities? i've completely forgotten for some reason :)09:55
chrisccoulsonLimCore / thekorn - are you referring to the apt-cacher bug linked above09:55
thekornchrisccoulson, yes09:56
chrisccoulsonthekorn - it's in universe (ie, no support from the ubuntu security team anyway)09:56
chrisccoulsonor certainly not a priority for them09:56
^arky^ hi, can anyone help with this error  bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDi09:56
chrisccoulsonwe've had this issue before for security issues in universe packages09:56
chrisccoulsonit needs a contributor who cares enough about the issue to spend their time fixing it09:57
* kermiac found 47 bugs touched by Gerry C using http://search.gmane.org/?query=&author=Gerry+C&group=gmane.linux.ubuntu.bugs.general&sort=date&DEFAULTOP=and&xFILTERS=Glinux.ubuntu.bugs.general-Arhett-Atrappman---A09:57
kermiacI'll start cleaning them up :/09:57
kermiacshould he be reported like the guy from the other day. The first guy only had around half that many09:58
LimCorechrisccoulson: or is there another way of caching apt downloads?09:58
chrisccoulsonLimCore: i've no idea09:58
LimCorechrisccoulson: this is very important for ubuntu depoyments with no so fast internet09:58
LimCorewell, one other way would be to use squid as a general solution, but I like idea of apt-cacher09:58
chrisccoulsonwell, there's no support with apt-cacher, unless you can find a volunteer to work on it09:59
LimCoreI tried reporting to debian, as they are upstream09:59
LimCorebut they are unfortunatelly a bunch of assholes09:59
LimCoreonly banned for mentioning ubuntu heh10:00
chrisccoulsonwell, calling them assholes is hardly appropriate10:00
LimCoreI may do some more tests first to assert the cause. Currently I bet unstable network connection (or otherwise interrupting a cache download instand going on in the middle of it)10:00
LimCoreok then, least-friendly-linux-community-ever (perhaps besides LFS, not sure, dind't really check ;)10:01
chrisccoulsonthat's quite a generalisation there. i work with some very pleasant debian developers10:04
LimCorechrisccoulson: quieting for pasting link to LP on upstream's irc chan seems just stupid and also rude, never seen behaviour like this on other channels10:12
LimCoreits rather obvious upstream bug,  but even if not, there are ways to say this like a civilized person10:13
LimCoreif such attitude is only the case on irc channel, then its unfortunate that it reflects a bit on entire community that as you say could be really nice10:15
kermiacthis is not even funny any more. filed a question on lp regarding the spammer10:22
nigelbkermiac, looks like we may need a spam handling team :( or ability to reset everything a user has done?10:23
kermiacnigelb: it's starting to look that way :(10:25
kermiacalso an easier way to discover exactly what damage has been done. gmane search finds a lot, but not all10:26
nigelbkermiac, I think the second idea may have merit.  lemme see if I can talk to a few more people and think of logging a bug about launchpad10:26
nigelba wishlist perhaps10:26
kermiacnigelb: ok, sounds like a good idea. when/if you file a bug pls let me know the bug # or subscribe me as I will be intereted in following its progress10:27
nigelbkermiac, a whole lot of people might be10:27
nigelbi want to talk to a few senior bug squad members before filing10:28
* kermiac goes back to cleaning up... 4 done, 43 to go10:28
kermiacok nigelb :)10:28
nigelbkerdekel, ugh! its so frustrating that we're not doing what we're supposed to do and instead cleaning up10:28
nigelboops.. tab fail10:28
nigelberr.. kermiac ^^10:29
kermiacI couldn't agree more nigelb. I don't understand wtf is going on... 3 major issues with 3 diff users in the last week10:30
nigelbthe first was mild, the last 2 are nasty10:30
LimCoreits the same guy, dug10:31
kermiacMS hasn't infiltrated LP have they ;)10:31
kermiacLimCore: how would we prove that???10:32
LimCorekermiac: why would you like to prove that?10:32
kermiacLP doesn't log IP's - does it?10:32
kermiacwell, you said "its the same guy, duh"...10:33
LimCoreits just obvious10:33
LimCorebut it doesn't change anything practically10:33
LimCorejust some anti spam messures are needed in any way10:33
kermiacit's definately a possibility. yes, that's true - even if it is it doesn't change the fact that the issue needs to be looked at try & stop it10:34
chrisccoulsonkermiac: when cleaning the bugs, it might be prudent to subscribe Gerry C, so he gets your comments10:58
chrisccoulsoni just noticed that he's editting them, and not subscribing10:58
jibelkermiac: you can find what Gerry C. has done from the Ubuntu bug ML archive.10:58
jibelkermiac: I've found 47 bug reports10:59
kermiacchrisccoulson: I did that with a few of the bugs, but I was getting annoyed so I have raised a question on LP to ban his account. I also asked in #launchpad to get someone to look at that question but have received no speonse yet10:59
kermiacchrisccoulson: do you think I should bother subscribing him to all of them if he is probably just going to have his account disabled?11:01
chrisccoulsonkermiac: yes, so he's aware of the disruption he's causing11:02
chrisccoulson(if he cares)11:02
kermiacchrisccoulson: ok, I'll start doing that again11:02
kermiacnp :)11:02
kermiacI'm not going to get through all of the bugs he has touched tonight, but I'll start back at it tomorrow (if noone else has cleaned them up by then)11:03
kermiacty for the tip jibel, when i get done with the 47 I found I'll start looking into the last few days of the ML11:03
kermiacjibel: I haven't looked at that ML before, does it only cover bugs for the generic "ubuntu" package?11:04
jibelkermiac: I can send you the list a bug number if it helps11:05
kermiacthat would be appreciated jibel - save me a bit of work :)11:05
kermiacthis is already taking a fair amount of time that I'd much rather have spent triaging bugs instead of cleaning up11:06
kermiacfeel free to emai me jibel :)11:07
jibelkermiac: pasted at http://paste.ubuntu.com/373864/11:07
kermiacty jibel. that looks like a totally diff list to the one i got using gmane - maybe it's even worse than we thought :(11:10
jibelkermiac: oops, I've shift the bug numbers. I update the list. Forget about that one11:11
kermiacok jibel :)11:12
jibelkermiac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/373869/ . it's much better.11:15
jibelThere are 40 unique reports11:16
kermiacok ty jibel. looks similar to the gmane list but I will check it tomorrow11:18
jibelkermiac: Thank you for your help.11:19
kermiacnp :) hopefully nigelb's idea regarding the "ability to reset everything a user has done" comes to fruition - it would save a LOT of work when things like this happen11:21
kermiacshould empty upstream bug tasks be removed if the bug is new (or anything except triaged)? bug 50746911:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 507469 in ufw (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "User deny rules should override connection tracking (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50746911:32
nigel_nbkermiac, can you give me the gmane link for spammer?11:34
kermiacok nigel_nb one sec11:34
kermiacpossibly a bit premature but I also filed this https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/100682 as a lot of people have been upset by his activities11:36
nigel_nbkermiac, definitely not premature11:36
nigel_nbkermiac, chrisccoulson was earlier irritated, yes? so its good :)11:37
kermiacyes & sebastian11:37
nigel_nbthen its good enough11:37
nigel_nbby any chance remember the other guys?11:37
kermiacone sec, I'll look through the backscroll11:38
kermiac[13:46:22] <micahg> kermiac: I asked spm an official notice to consult the docs, hopefully that'll help11:38
nigel_nbkermiac, spm is an lp admin.. no the one before...11:39
kermiacnot sure if there was anyone else. I was def. annoyed by the bugmail spam but I'm not really that important ;)11:40
* nigel_nb starts hunting11:40
nigel_nbokay, forget11:41
nigel_nbI have logged a LP bug for reverting all changes made by user.  Please subscribe and add comments (if necessary)11:41
nigel_nbbug 52041311:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 520413 in malone "All changes by user must be revertable (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52041311:41
kermiaclooking now11:42
kermiacwant me to confirm or just comment?11:42
kermiacmaybe bugsquad member should confirm?11:42
kermiacand I should just comment?11:43
nigel_nbkermiac, dont do either11:43
nigel_nbjust comment11:43
nigel_nbI'll ask lp guys to change to wish list11:43
kermiacok, np :)11:43
nigel_nb(thats what they asked me to do)11:44
thekornI don't think having a mechanism to bulk revert changes of a user is a good idea11:44
nigel_nbthekorn, if its a spam-only user -  it is11:45
nigel_nbnew spammer has made 47 changes which we have to now remove manually11:45
thekornupps, s *public* mechanism11:45
kermiacok, commented & subscribed11:48
kermiacyes, this mechanism could be VERY bad in the wrong hands. It would probably need to be looked after by someone other than bugsquad/control (BTW - def not saying either team is untrustworthy, just needs to be handled by someone "further up the food chain")11:49
nigel_nbkermiac, LP admins.  On formal request and proof11:50
kermiacyeah, I agree LP admins would be perfect11:51
jpdsLP admins can already hide bug comments if that's what you want.11:52
kermiacok, I've gotta go get some sleep, it's alsmost 11pm here & I have spent a lot more time (unfortunatley only fixing issues, not actually triaging) than I should have. Gotta be up in 7 hours for work. I'll finish looking through this mess tomorrow11:52
nigel_nbjpds, revert changes made to 47 bugs too?11:52
nigel_nbmostly in the form of bug tasks :(11:52
kermiacjpds: i didn't know that, you learn something new every day :)11:52
jpdsnigel_nb: They can hide all the spam comments on the bugs if asked.11:52
nigel_nbjpds, its not comments this time.  Its mostly a task or a change in status11:53
kermiacunfortunatlly in this case it's mostly unassigning people/teams11:53
jpdsYou just need to file a request at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad .11:53
kermiache didn't comment11:53
jpdsI'm sure they can work something out if need be.11:53
kermiacanyway.... I've gotta go get some sleep - night all11:53
nigel_nbjpds, answer request already opened.  the bug was for something in the long-term11:56
thekornarg, sorry, nigel_nb got connection issues :(11:58
thekornwhat was the last thing I wrote?11:59
nigel_nbthekorn, "upps, s *public* mechanism"11:59
thekornnigel_nb, ok, so what I wanted to add is: "this mechanism has to be restricted to a small group of people"12:00
thekornotherwise the potential demage causing by abusing the feature will be muc worse than "a few" messed bugreports12:01
nigel_nbthekorn, perhaps an option only to LP admins12:01
nigel_nbthekorn, but something that is easy for both sides to undo the damage12:02
thekornnigel_nb, I think one first step to make things easier is an improved log of a users activity history12:02
thekornso you can see what he did without using external ressources12:03
nigel_nbthekorn, I spoke to a few LP devs12:04
nigel_nbyes, that is the only way this feature can be implemented12:04
thekornand at the point where launchpad gets the batched bug editing feature (*far future* ;)) this maybe can be integrated somehow12:04
nigel_nbthekorn, "Note that implementing this would be extremely difficult and would require rewriting large chunks of Launchpad, since currently Launchpad does not keep a reliable transaction log of things users do on the site, only the 'snapshot' results of what they do."12:06
nigel_nbthe LP dev just commented ^^12:06
bilboed-piwhat channel is being used for the ubuntu bug day ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2010021112:10
thekornnigel_nb, ok, I'm subscribed to this bug now, and will think about this issue later12:10
nigel_nbbilboed-pi, this channel12:10
nigel_nbthekorn, thank you :)12:10
thekornbut I agree we need to do something about it12:10
bilboed-pinigel_nb, perfect :)12:10
bilboed-pierr... guys, can you please just *close* all bugs filed against pitivi < 0.13.3 ?12:22
bilboed-piwe (pitivi) won't fix bugs for anything earlier than the current release12:22
pedro_bilboed-pi, will do12:23
vishanyone using Kubuntu to confirm Bug #411760  ?13:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 411760 in plasmoid-quickaccess (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Quick Access uses the "up one directory" icon instead of "Home" icon (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41176013:40
* vish thinks persia or yofel use kubuntu ^13:40
nigel_nbmicahg, that user you were talking about spammed about 47 bugs.  kermiac logged an answer to block and he's been blocked14:34
chrisccoulsonnigel_nb: he's not been blocked just yet14:35
nigel_nbchrisccoulson, right.  Correction.  Suspended14:35
chrisccoulsonnigel_nb: he's not been suspended yet either14:36
chrisccoulsonnigel_nb: "You may want to read and sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. If I do not  get a reply from you in the next 48 hours, I will suspend your Launchpad  account."14:36
nigel_nbwait, I thought the LP admin said he's been suspended14:36
chrisccoulsonthat's what was sent to him in an e-mail14:36
nigel_nboh.  Well, something has been done :)14:37
* nigel_nb is fatigued14:37
donnHi - I have a potential packaging/repo problem related to pyGtk. Is this the right place to debug?14:59
micahgdonn: this channel is for filing bugs, is this a new package or an existing one?15:03
donnUm, not sure. I am getting : "/usr/bin/python2.6-dbg: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0/glib/_glib.so: undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4"15:03
donnmicahg: Should I go to ubuntu-devel? I am on Mint 8 (but they can't help me)15:08
micahgdonn: sorry, I was looking for a duplicate bug15:08
persiadonn: You probably want to test in an Ubuntu chroot prior to hunting up Ubuntu developers.15:09
donnmicahg: np. I found many with py_initmodule4 in the title...15:09
donnmicahg: ouch. I don't know if I am that advanced.15:09
maxbDoes it only affect the -dbg variant?15:09
donnmaxb: it affects both dbg and normal python (2.6)15:10
maxbdonn: Is there a simple command to run which reproduces the problem for you?15:10
donnHere's a paste: http://pastebin.com/m2bef062a15:10
donnmaxb: Yes, kind of. It's a script I am writing in pyclutter. The file attached to http://bugzilla.openedhand.com/show_bug.cgi?id=198515:11
ubot4bugzilla.openedhand.com bug 1985 in Python "Subclassed Actors causing segfault" [Normal,New]15:11
micahgdonn: do you have the other dbg packages installed?15:11
donnI installed them for python, clutter, pygtk and pycairo15:12
maxbdonn: It does not segfault when run on Ubuntu karmic.15:13
donnmaxb: damn. So, is this something Mint 8 has done then?15:13
maxbWhat Ubuntu does Mint 8 derive from?15:14
donnAlso see: http://pastebin.com/m587627e015:14
donnI could be wrong tho... pretty sure it's not jaunty15:15
donnShould I find a Debian bug channel perhaps? am fairly sure that's the root.15:18
donnCan anyone suggest a Debian channel for me to take the situation to? PyGTK is pretty fundamental to Linux life!15:41
jpdsdonn: #debian-python on OFTC?15:43
donnjpds: thanks will try.15:46
seb128donn, the error means the .so didn't get build with python-dbg15:52
seb128so it can't be use with python-dbg15:52
seb128you need specify builds for those15:52
=== bilboed-pi is now known as bilboed
donnseb128: what package should I install?15:55
micahgUbuntu Mozillateam meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 5 minutes15:55
ddecatormicahg, aww, i have to go to class...15:55
seb128donn, python-gobject-dbg15:56
donnIt's installed already.15:56
donnseb128: Is there a gdb command I can issue to clarify the error?15:57
seb128what are you trying to do exactly?15:58
seb128can you copy the log on paste.ubuntu.com...?15:58
donnseb128:  um ok. I have one here : http://pastebin.com/m4d5c61f8 but I can change that.15:58
donnseb128: that paste summarizes the stu.15:59
seb128the error there is a cairo one16:00
seb128not a glib one as you copied before16:00
seb128do you have python-cairo-dbg?16:00
donnseb128: yes16:01
donnseb128: In the paste on line 25 it implicates _glib.so16:01
donnNot sure if the bug is moving :)16:01
seb128donn, ok, so I don't know16:02
donnDarn :(16:02
seb128your log is not clear16:03
seb128can you get one with16:03
seb128dpkg -l python-cairo-dbg16:03
seb128dpkg -l python-gobject-dbg16:03
seb128and python-dbg ...py16:04
donnseb128: Paste updated. See end. http://pastebin.com/m5711d9b816:05
seb128does python-dbg -c "import glib" work?16:06
donnseb128: It says "[15564 refs]"16:06
seb128so it works16:06
donnseb128: yes16:07
seb128does python-dbg -c "import cairo" work?16:07
seb128so your install is fine16:07
seb128it's not a packaging or distro issue16:07
donnseb128: But what does "symbol lookup error" mean then?16:08
seb128it doesn't happen on import16:08
seb128it's coming from gdb or from your software16:09
seb128python-dbg -c import... working means the installation is working16:09
donnseb128: My code is waaay short - a mere twist on a (working) example. The #clutter people said it worked for them.16:10
donnseb128: And maxb said it works on Ubuntu Karmic. So I am lost.16:11
donnSo, I have been over to debian-python and they reckon python-clutter (for Python 2.6) is not their baby. All my packages come from karmic/main on archive.ubuntu.com -- so I am back here :D16:20
seb128try contacting the mint guys if it works on karmic16:21
seb128it's not an ubuntu bug either16:21
donnseb128: I was on mint-help and they sent me to you.16:22
seb128ok, so I guess you are down to be the only one to have the issue and to debug it yourself16:22
donnI need someone to interpret that 'symbol lookup error' message.16:22
donnWhat does it mean?16:22
seb128oh come on16:23
seb128can you get the log I asked before?16:23
seb128run "python yoursoftware"16:23
seb128and get the log16:23
donnyeah : "undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4"16:23
seb128get the log16:24
seb128I will stop commenting there until you get a proper log as requested16:24
donnYou mean paste.ubuntu.com?16:24
seb128wherever you want16:24
seb128paste.ubuntu.com or pastebin16:25
donnWell - my log is at: http://pastebin.com/d29961d72 (the last number keeps changing)16:25
seb128that page has some explanation16:25
seb128and a zillion gdb and ldd lines16:25
seb128which I don't care about16:25
seb128I stop there16:25
seb128good luck16:25
seb128your example works fine on lucid btw16:26
seb128I tried it16:26
donnseb128: I don't understand what I did to irk you. Sorry. Thanks for trying.16:26
seb128I've been trying to ask for a clear log of one command16:27
seb128not a page with a summary of what you did since you started debugging your issue16:27
donnseb128: Fine. When I run python myapp.py it just says segfault.16:27
seb128what irk me is to waste so much time discussing that where it would take you 5 seconds to get the log16:27
seb128ok, good16:27
seb128so don't bother about the undefined symbol16:27
seb128it's not your issue16:28
donnseb128: New one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/374072/ run from python-dbg16:28
seb128right, I get the same on lucid16:30
seb128seems python-clutter-dbg is busted16:30
seb128use gdb --args python software16:30
seb128don't try to use python-dbg16:30
donnseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/374075/ (seems a new message now)16:31
seb128that's your crach16:31
seb128type "bt" there16:31
donnIt only repeats the last number #0  0x002aa9ce in ?? ()16:32
seb128it probably means you lack debug symbols for something16:32
donnThe #clutter channel also got to this point -- with no ideas.16:32
donnThat's why they told me to use python-dbg16:32
seb128bug #501670 is the gtk warning you get16:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 501670 in glib2.0 (Debian) (and 1 other project) "g_set_prgname() called multiple times (affects: 19) (dups: 1)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50167016:33
donnyes - I see that all the time. But -- other apps run (all examples)16:33
seb128well it's not supposed to be a crasher16:33
seb128could be another issue16:34
seb128you can try installing valgrind16:34
seb128and run you program under valgrind too16:34
seb128debug symbols are in dbgsym btw16:34
seb128dbg are special builds for refcounting16:34
seb128but that seems to not be working with pyclutter16:34
donnok - I will go have a look. First time for everything.16:34
seb128which is a bug16:35
seb128but that we will probably not be fixed now16:35
donnIf my pyclutter is from Karmic, and so is yours (I assume) why should mine be different?16:35
seb128mine is from lucid16:35
donnoh, kay.16:35
seb128but maybe the issue is due to the video stack16:35
seb128clutter uses opengl16:35
seb128that's depends of video driver16:35
seb128there is often crashes on closed sources drivers16:35
donnyes -- but I run all kinds of 3d stuff with no trouble.16:36
seb128ie nvidia and flgrx16:36
seb128ok, I don't know16:36
donnAnd all the clutter examples (python and C) all work.16:36
seb128try valgrind16:36
donnseb128: many thanks. At least I have some info now. I will install valgrind.16:36
seb128the only packaging issue there is pyclutter-dbg being broken16:36
seb128you are down to a real bug in the upstream code16:36
seb128or in the ubuntu version (could be fixed in lucid for example)16:36
seb128which will require debugging16:37
seb128good luck with that16:37
donnheh. thx.16:37
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal
bdmurraypedro_: I've setup json searches for the following packages: alsa-driver, evolution, firefox-*, linux, openoffice.org, pulseaudio, rhythmbox, ubiquity, update-manager, update-notifier and virt-manager17:15
bdmurraypedro_: anything else? nautilus I'd imagine ;-)17:15
micahgbdmurray: are these regenerating?17:15
pedro_bdmurray, great!17:15
bdmurraymicahg: I'm going to setup a cronjob shortly, it'll run daily17:15
micahgbdmurray: awesome :)17:16
pedro_bdmurray, yeah nautilus would be great to have also network-manager17:16
micahgbdmurray: can I request thunderbird?17:16
bdmurraymaybe bughugger should say when the json file was last updated17:16
pedro_or update the list on bughugger automatically ;-)17:16
bdmurrayokay +3 added17:16
pedro_thank you bdmurray!17:17
micahgbdmurray: pidgin would also be a nice one17:17
bdmurraypedro_: what do you mean? the point of using the json file is it takes a long time to run the query17:17
pedro_bdmurray, yeah but i mean that instead of adding a json search in bughugger by hand each time a new one is available, provide to bughugger the ability to update the list automatically17:20
bdmurraypedro_: ah, okay!17:20
pedro_that'd be *neat*17:20
dako3256is it better to start with one package and concentrate on that until you get alittle more use to triaging?17:24
vishpersia: you use kubuntu right?17:53
vishah , nvm me then.. :) thanks17:53
persiaWell, that's not strictly true: I do use some stuff that is also in kubuntu sometimes, but I don't have kubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-netbook installed.17:53
persia(that's also true for the rest of the flavours most of the time)17:54
vishi was more concerned since Bug #411760 wasnt addressed for a sometime..17:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 411760 in plasmoid-quickaccess (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Quick Access uses the "up one directory" icon instead of "Home" icon (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41176017:54
vishand poor OP has been a patient guy ;)17:55
pgoetzCan anyone confirm that roaming profile support for WinXP is broken in the Samba which ships with Karmic Server, 3.4.0?18:12
pgoetzOr not yet fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/samba/+bug/39769918:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 397699 in samba (Fedora) (and 2 other projects) "[jaunty] samba 3.3.2 denies access to roaming profiles (affects: 1)" [Unknown,In progress]18:14
hggdhpgoetz: per the bug, it should be fixed in karmic18:34
hggdhbrb, reboot on new lucid kernel18:35
xteejxEvening all18:37
xteejxbug 462608, is there enough information to set this Triaged?18:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 462608 in linux (Ubuntu) "Compaq Presario CQ50 wireless button not working (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46260818:38
persiaxteejx: For kernel bugs, I tend to not set Triaged, because I'm not a kernel person.18:43
persiaI *believe* that someone has to identify the particular bit of hardware or area of code affected before it is "Triaged", but I'm not sure of current Kernel bug handling practices.18:44
pgoetzhggdh: That's what I'm saying; after spending 8-12 hours configuring and re-configuring samba I'm pretty sure it's not fixed.18:44
xteejxpersia: It needs mainline kernel testing, I can't do that at the moment, but on kernel.org there's nothing to suggest it's been implemented yet.18:44
persiaxteejx: In that case, it can't be "triaged" until later.18:45
persiaxteejx: I think you have enough information that someone else with the hardware could confirm or triage it though.18:46
xteejxCan it be marked Confirmed, Wishlist or something then, as I can't change my own report.18:46
persiaYou can change your own report as much as you like, it's just poor practice.18:46
persiaI'm not going to confirm it because I don't have the hardware to confirm.18:46
persiaYou may as well set "Wishlist" if that's how you feel about it though.18:46
xteejxYeah, it's definitely a feature I want implemented in the kernel18:47
persiaAnd one you don't critically need :)18:47
* persia thinks that setting Importance to Wishlist should be a documented exception to the dont-touch-your-own-bugs guideline18:47
* xteejx agrees18:47
xteejxWishlist doesn't really 'affect' anything as such, and we all know if it's something we want implemented :)18:48
persiaI tend to violate the guideline in that way personally a fair bit, just because I often *know* I'm requesting a feature, and the bug is more of a marker for me to remember and maybe do something about later.18:48
xteejxYeah, I'm more conservative, although I know how to triage, been doing it long enough, just don't want the almighty BugMaster flaming me :P18:49
xteejxanyway, I'm off for a bit, dinner etc :) Catch ya all later, see ya persia and thanks :)18:50
LimCoreworkin in open source seems to be really idiotically organized20:07
LimCorevirtually all of the code lacks tools to documents what is going on *internally*,  log and debug stuff.  That would make it order of magnitude easier to contribute without wasting time for overlong entry time20:08
hggdhif you mean development documentation (as opposed to simple API/ABI documentation) detailing why was it done is such a way... yes. But *you* can help (this is the beauty of FOSS). Also, almost all proprietary software I worked on *also* did not have it20:12
hggdhand yes, one loses quite a chunk of time trying to understand the why/how/what was done20:13
hggdhOTOH, evolution has it, but it is woefully outdated20:13
LimCorehggdh: hehe, no I can't help20:17
LimCoreat least not in that way20:17
LimCoreI mean, that virtaully all the source code  should be better documented - and - include some debug/loging/assert instruction20:17
LimCorewhich NEW developers would use to fastly get into a project, without taking weeks/months of poking around via triall-and-error in unknown code, having to play detective and guessing what code does what20:18
LimCoreso for new could one could promote such style,  and for existing code, well, a bit too late for full rewrite ;)  (or... gradually)20:19
charlie-tcaAnybody else seeing bugs modified by a Gerry C. faster than you can correct it20:19
charlie-tcamicahg: you around? Did you contact the reporter yesterday?20:26
micahgcharlie-tca: I did 2 days ago and spm did yesterday20:28
charlie-tcaHe's hitting xubuntu packages today20:28
micahgyep, I noticed20:29
jibelcharlie-tca, launchpad admin sent him an email without success. See https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/10068220:31
chrisccoulsonhas our  good friend Gerry C been causing more disruption tonight?20:33
micahgk, so now it seems that 3 people sent mails...20:33
chrisccoulsonoh, you're talking about him already!20:34
chrisccoulsonhey micahg20:34
jibelchrisccoulson, yes according to his karma summary, he's still active20:34
chrisccoulsonhe's such a pain20:34
LimCoreblock the account?  or better, with an message explaining20:35
micahghi chrisccoulson20:35
charlie-tcaLaunchpad sent the warning out, but gives him 48 hours to repond. That could be a lot of bugs to fix...20:35
chrisccoulsonLimCore, we already requested his account be blocked20:35
chrisccoulsoni never used to think that restricting who could make changes to bugs would ever be a good idea20:36
LimCore1. call teh admin20:36
chrisccoulsonbut after the last few days, i'm starting to change my mind20:36
LimCore2. press DROP20:36
chrisccoulsoni'm starting to think that users shouldn't be able to change bug status/assignee without signing the CoC first20:36
LimCorehint: db admin or someone that really can just fix it20:36
micahgchrisccoulson: +120:36
micahgLimCore: we've contacted the proper authorities20:37
LimCoreit might be what a person wants20:37
LimCoresort of like the fear of terrorists being more harmfull then the actuall terrorists20:37
micahgchrisccoulson: do you think an ML discussion is enough or should I add to agenda for next meeting?20:37
charlie-tcaYes, but the time required to have action taken seems excessive, when things have to be fixed.20:37
chrisccoulsonmicahg, please feel free to add it to the agenda for the next meeting20:37
chrisccoulsonit's definately worth some discussion20:38
LimCoreon the other hand,  this might hurt community much more then just one guy trolling20:38
micahgLimCore: no, we have other people doing this accidentally as well...20:39
micahgand sometimes on purpose20:39
hggdhI tend to agree with LimCore: closing access to LP should be the last resort. We do not have that much spam that this is warranted20:39
bdmurrayso there's a bug about malone saying that only the bug supervisor should be able to assign bugs in Launchpad20:40
micahgimproptu meeting?20:40
pgoetzhookay, pending any final comments I'm going to file a Samba bug against Karmic in launchpad....20:40
micahgbug 51126920:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 511269 in malone "only bug supervisor should be able to assign bugs to other people (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51126920:41
LimCoreit sounds btw, that you need more direct access to webmaster/DB admin20:41
bdmurraybug 51126920:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 511269 in malone "only bug supervisor should be able to assign bugs to other people (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51126920:42
* micahg did that already bdmurray :)20:43
charlie-tcabut that won't stop them from adding source packages and nominations20:43
LimCorehggdh: perhaps a stop will kick after too much usage (like karma per day limit for not signed CoC)20:43
micahgwell, I like the way bugzilla's permissions work in that you can do very little as signed in (comment, open new bugs)20:44
LimCoreadd limit of max new users per IP and this should be quite it20:44
hggdhI think anyone should be able to self-assign, but only the bug supervisor should be able to assign *others*20:52
hggdhI failed to read *others* in the title.20:52
* hggdh is really tired :-(20:53
hggdhcharlie-tca: no, it will not stop them from doing that. But we are open... should be give up on it?20:54
charlie-tcano, we have to keep trying. I don't really know if there is a way to fix it without causing much greater issues.20:55
hggdhLimCore: although I understand imposing such a limit (as you state), I cannot understand the importance given to karma20:55
ZykoticK9I know this is not a support channel, but I don't know what what package to file a bug under.  Gnome desktop background image on an nvidia twinview setup is showing 2 repeated images instead of 1 large image.  Could someone suggest what package I should file under?20:56
hggdhcharlie-tca: this is what I worry about. I hate as much as all here bug spamming, but I am more afraid of going postal20:56
hggdhZykoticK9: this is not a support channel indeed, but your question falls smack in our charter20:57
charlie-tcaExactly. Without closing everything, we just have to keep cleaning up and trying to do our best. I suspect just staying on top of it the best we can will help.20:57
LimCorehggdh: karma is indication of how much given person does.  Using some other count could be better20:58
hggdhyes. I agree with some limitations (like not being able to commit _others_, but we should be careful how deep we close the system. And we live with the pain.20:58
hggdhyes, I understand that20:58
* hggdh just does not care about it20:58
hggdhanother bad move, BTW: http://lauren.vortex.com/archive/000681.html21:03
LimCorethis reminds me why even bug-riddled linux world is overall better =)21:08
ZykoticK9 hggdh i'm so sorry to bug you, but where you serious about gnome-panel21:11
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hggdhZykoticK9: not, not really. I though this could be one place, but I am not sure -- I *use* Gnome, but I do not do GTK/graphics21:14
ZykoticK9hggdh, #ubuntu doesn't see to have any suggestions either, what why I re-asked21:15
hggdhchrisccoulson: ^ could you please suggest?21:16
chrisccoulsonhggdh - yeah, 1 second. there's already a bug about that somewhere21:17
chrisccoulsonhggdh / ZykoticK9 - see gnome bug 14780821:21
ubot4Gnome bug 147808 in background "Background on dual monitors" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14780821:21
chrisccoulsonand also gnome bug 60430121:21
ubot4Gnome bug 604301 in background "Background Settings Per Monitor" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60430121:21
hggdhchrisccoulson: as usual, IOU. Thanks21:21
ZykoticK9hggdh, chrisccoulson thank you both21:21
chrisccoulsonyou're welcome :)21:22
LimCoreit seems svn / svnadmin just stoped working O_o21:49
LimCoreanyone uses svn and have 5 minutes to test?   (best with 2 computers, but 1 is also ok)21:49
arandLimCore: using it occasionally, test how?21:51
LimCorearand: I make a repository,  and I am unable to use it21:51
LimCoreS(erver)  C(linet)          S: svnadmin create foo          C: mkdir foo ; cd foo ; touch body ; svn import svn://localhost-or-server/srv/svn/foo -m "test"21:52
LimCorenow client always wants to do this anonymously!!21:52
micahgLimCore: why not svn co?21:53
LimCorefails with svn: Authorization failed   and if I allow anonumous then it says (no author) in commits21:53
LimCoremicahg: svn co should be done after initial import, anyway it also fails21:53
micahgLimCore: svn co does a checkout of the repo21:53
LimCorenow svn write operantions always fail on any new repository21:53
LimCoremicahg: I use svn for 3+ yeras21:54
LimCorefor NEW repo: svn import, then svn cop21:54
* micahg goes back to other things21:54
LimCoresvn co  and then  svn ci  fails with same problem - it always tries to connect as anonymous21:55
LimCoreonly to any new repo,  an older repo works fine21:55
LimCoreI even deleted ~/.subversion on client, no help21:55
* micahg uses bzr-svn now...21:56
LimCoresvn is really moronic tool about logging21:56
LimCoresvn client:21:56
LimCoresvn: Authorization failed.      Ok cool. WHY? WHEN? WHAT?  any details?21:56
LimCoresvn server:21:56
LimCoreeven tried to strace the server, no help.  This really should be fixed, this lack of any loging21:57
LimCorearand: did you test that?22:04
ZykoticK9chrisccoulson, thanks for your help earlier, i'm not troubling you again but did want to give you an update - the bug that I was actually looking for was https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=603551 if you notice, Lucid starts to appear in comments22:05
ubot4Gnome bug 603551 in libgnome-desktop "Image doesnt scale for dual monitors" [Normal,Unconfirmed]22:05
LimCoreguys this is an outrage, most basic tools like subversion again become useless.22:47
LimCorethis really makes ubuntu a poor choice for any serious use.22:48
micahgLimCore: how do you know its Ubuntu's fault?22:48
LimCorehow to change this *now*? (starting with this current bug)22:48
LimCoremicahg: it is either software bug, or my mistake22:48
LimCore1) if its a software bug - ubuntu (and/or upstream) fault22:49
micahgLimCore: software bug doesn't make it ubuntu22:49
micahgLimCore: you on lucid or karmic?22:49
LimCore2) if its my mistake - then its software (upstream) fault for implementing NO LOGGING WHAT SO EVER in the damn server. Jesus christ no logging.22:49
arandLimCore: Sorry about before, turns out I know far to little about svn to be helpful in that case.22:49
LimCore(so 2 makes it impossible to [quickly] debug it)22:49
LimCorearand: I can give you the 4 commands to type as client and 4 as server and you are done22:50
LimCoreactually, I will make a simple test case and you can confirm it, wait22:50
LimCoremicahg: this epic fail is on karmic22:50
micahgLimCore: how are you authenticating?22:51
arandLimCore: Well it refused connection to localhost, file:/// works though...22:51
LimCoremicahg: svn does not ask me to. this is the problem22:51
LimCoreit did asked me before22:51
LimCoresomething is seriously **** up related to gnupg, ssh, seahorse, ssh caching, passwords caching.. this all is a mess in Ubuntu!  it also is responsible for fails in kmail/openpgp and in few other places22:51
LimCoreI say, entire passwords and passphrases handling system in ubuntu/gnome is totall mess now22:52
seb128I think that one is a svn fail22:52
LimCoresomeone with balls should throw all this junk, burn to ground, rewrite, this time 1) documenting  2) using assert/debug/log   because its tottall pain to debug22:53
seb128works fine for most users22:53
micahgLimCore: you're welcome to form and create a new version22:53
LimCoreseb128: I found bunch of such reports (2007-2010) in svn22:53
LimCorethe reason is that22:53
LimCorequite frankly22:54
LimCoreI think svn's code quality regarding logging warrants a statement that it is totally retarded junk22:54
LimCore(or I am retarded for not finding the logs, but /var/log/svn etc is not existent, also svnserve -X is quiet)22:54
LimCorethat, plus on the other side,  ubuntu's caching of password is very chaotic, impossible to debug, non-transparent. Most users have no idea WHO is caching which passwords, when and why22:55
seb128you have an idea of where other os cache their passwords and when and how?22:56
LimCoreno, they are also retarded, thats why Im not using them22:56
seb128LimCore, what happens exactly when you try to use svn?22:56
LimCoreseb128: ok I will make a test case22:56
LimCorebtw, SVN failed me when I was about to finish a task blocking me from getting my 20.000 USD.  THANKS A LOT UBUNTU22:57
LimCoreor subversion22:57
seb128ubuntu doesn't write svn22:57
LimCoreyou know what22:57
LimCoreI would pay 100 usd per year22:57
LimCorefor an linux based OS similar to ubuntu, but not full of fail like this22:58
LimCoreI think more people would too22:58
seb128nobody managed to get this GerryC account suspended yet?22:59
* LimCore would thought such topic would cause some interest, direct $$$ for sponsoring not-always-broken version of ubuntu22:59
LimCoreIm using SVN _daily_ for 3 years, and only today it died like this. Heh. :)23:01
seb128LimCore, what about focussing on your issue for now?23:01
seb128does it break?23:01
seb128does it ask for a password where it shouldn't?23:01
LimCoredoes not ask,  so it always connects as anonymous23:02
LimCorethis occurs when I create a new repo23:02
LimCoreif I use an old repo, then it continues to work as it did always23:02
LimCoreand there it asks me for auth (or for key to some gnu something-something)23:02
hggdhseb128: we now have to ask for it via answers.lp.net/lp. This was done, and we are waiting for the LP folks to act on it. We are *not* holding our breath.23:03
seb128hggdh, did somebody try irc ping on #launchpad?23:04
LimCoreI hate chaos.  It also gets users and devels no where... can someone make some flowchart or smth ;) that tells exactly what caches what passwords, why, for how long, how to open/lock/delete/edit it, in which files (to backup) etc? I know that for part of OpenPGP and part of SSH (but the agents are damn confusing!!)23:04
LimCorehggdh: can't you get needed admins from LP "on the phone" in such cases??23:04
hggdhseb128: not today, to my knowledge. Last time I did ping #lp for two issues, and was told to ask a question23:04
seb128hggdh, do you have the question url?23:04
LimCore<jibel> charlie-tca, launchpad admin sent him an email without success. See https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/10068223:05
charlie-tcaThen their next step should be to remove him from launchpad.23:06
hggdhseb128: looking for it, was posted here earlier today23:06
hggdhheh. LimCore thank you23:06
hggdhseb128: ^23:07
LimCoredo you sometimes get a feling that Ubuntu becomes a bit too beurocratic?23:07
hggdhLimCore: no, at least *I* cannot phone the admins23:07
LimCore1) discuss it, discuss, discuss, discuss.  Write a petition to remove the user. Talk talk talk talk. Warn user. Wait. Hopefully, delete user23:07
LimCore2) call admin to delete the user NOW23:08
LimCoreit is interestingly similar to the bug fixing process ;)23:08
hggdhLimCore: this is our way -- give the user a chance23:09
LimCoreok I will give example and will go to town with this stupid svn bug/problem. Whoes with me? Needed: 10+ minutes of time to execute 8 commands,  and apt-get install subversion23:09
charlie-tcaYes, I believe the goal is to treat all people the same, and extend an opportunity to do good whenever possible.23:10
LimCorecool, but I ment the long-waiting part23:10
LimCoreyou could block for a moment  and then talk and possibly unblock; you do not block because the process is stoo slow23:10
persiaLimCore: That was requested, and the LP admins didn't want to do it that way, instead sending another reminder, after which the account becomes potentially suspended.23:12
LimCoreuser floods LP with spam, we should be just blocked nicelly for a moment. If you do it right, with full explanation and kindly, then its not "hostile before evidnce etc"23:12
persiaLimCore: Convince the LP admins :)23:14
hggdhOTOH, this GerryC looks very similar to the other we had a few ago...23:15
LimCoreperhaps its a bot23:16
LimCorehow about, if  (user_acitions_count / user_age) > 200   require_captcha23:16
LimCoreerm, the 200 was example23:16
persiaLimCore: That fails utterly for very young very productive and helpful folk (of which there are many)23:21
persiaAnd most captcha is trivial to circumvent.23:22
LimCorepersia: then sign that coc and continue23:22
LimCorewho have 5 minuts to confirm my very irritating svn-useless bug?   just execute few commands as user/root: http://pastebin.ca/179407023:46
LimCoreguys?  bug #52074323:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 520743 in subversion (Ubuntu) "svn stoped asking for auth, and connects as anonymous - giving usually svn: Authorization failed (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52074323:50

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