
=== persia` is now known as persia
CIA-52partman-partitioning: cjwatson * r719 ubuntu/ (5 files in 4 dirs):01:42
CIA-52partman-partitioning: Cache calls to tune2fs and ntfsresize, to make navigating through the01:42
CIA-52partman-partitioning: resize UI a little faster.01:42
CIA-52partman-partitioning: cjwatson * r720 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 72ubuntu301:43
CIA-52partman-auto: cjwatson * r308 ubuntu/ (2 files in 2 dirs):01:45
CIA-52partman-auto: Use new get_real_resize_range function from partman-partitioning01:45
CIA-52partman-auto: 72ubuntu3, which caches calls to tune2fs and ntfsresize.01:45
CIA-52partman-auto: cjwatson * r309 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 89ubuntu301:46
CIA-52ubiquity: cjwatson * r3751 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-timezone.py): Enable cancellation of NTP syncing.02:02
CIA-52ubiquity: cjwatson * r3752 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity debian/changelog):02:08
CIA-52ubiquity: Correct tuple syntax in copy_debconf, thereby fixing copying of02:08
CIA-52ubiquity: console-setup's debconf questions.02:08
CIA-52ubiquity: cjwatson * r3753 ubiquity/ubiquity/install_misc.py: whitespace02:10
evI think I've nearly got the casper bug figured out07:46
evawesome, got it!08:14
evcjwatson: you were entirely correct, and I am quite in awe of your intuition when it comes to these kinds of problems08:15
CIA-52casper: evand * r758 casper/ (3 files in 3 dirs):08:25
CIA-52casper: Properly shut down debconf-communicate so that its database gets08:25
CIA-52casper: written (LP: #518272).08:25
CIA-52casper: evand * r759 casper/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.21708:35
cjwatsonev: painful, painful experience ;-)11:40
cjwatsonglad you found the culprit that was holding it open, that's often the tedious bit11:41
aracjwatson, ping11:53
cjwatsonara: hello12:01
aracjwatson, hi, after root installation, (again software target), how can I boot the initiator? (any link to documentation on how to setup dhcp to do this will help)12:09
cjwatsoncf. bug 447377.12:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447377 in netbase "iSCSI installation on root too complicated" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44737712:10
cjwatsonyou tend to have to copy kernel and initrd out to a tftp server12:10
aracjwatson, is this supposed to be fix?12:15
cjwatsonmaybe, if I can figure out how12:16
cjwatsonat best, it may be fixed by providing online directions in the installer.  I don't really see how we would be able to do much better, given that it's very dependent on local details of tftp setup12:16
cjwatsonthe process does suck a bit at the moment12:17
arathen, what I am supposed to test? It is a bit unclear when should I mark the test as passed or failed12:20
araso, if I get to boot it (no matter how hard it is), is it good enough?12:24
davmor2cjwatson: on the live cd you get a notice about there being media with upgrades on it.  Like you would if you dropped a live cd into a machine with ubuntu on already.  Is this a capser issue?12:29
cjwatsonara: well, how about we be a bit interactive about this to start with?  write down the procedures you needed to get it to work, and we'll see if they seem reasonable12:31
cjwatsondavmor2: I don't know ...12:31
cjwatsonI've seen the same thing recently, which implies a regression somewhere else, but it could be that casper needs to work around something differently12:31
aracjwatson, OK, let's do that12:34
davmor2cjwatson: okay I'll bug it do you want it assigning to you?12:38
cjwatsondavmor2: not really :) can you just target it to lucid and I'll see if I have time to pick it up if nobody else does?12:41
cjwatsonara: we already have some other installation paths that involve basically presenting a dialog at the end of installation telling you what you need to do by hand; it's not great but sometimes it seems to be necessary12:43
aracjwatson, yes, some information would be nice :)12:44
* cjwatson notes that the blueprint is not 100% complete yet. :-)12:44
davmor2cjwatson: np's12:47
davmor2cjwatson: done hopefully bug 52043812:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520438 in update-notifier "Update notifier is triggered on livecd saying the is a disc with updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52043812:55
CIA-52ubiquity: cjwatson * r3754 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/install_misc.py):12:59
CIA-52ubiquity: Fix unmount of /target/dev harder; second and subsequent arguments to12:59
CIA-52ubiquity: os.path.join need to not start with a slash.12:59
=== JamieBen1ett is now known as JamieBennett
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3732 plugins-conversion/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Convert migration-assistant page to plugin.15:20
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3733 plugins-conversion/ (16 files in 9 dirs): Merge with trunk.15:38
shtylmanev: anything new on the plugin merging front?16:24
shtylmanwere you able to get the gtk side all "pluginized?"16:24
evshtylman: getting close to finishing, then I'll need your help fixing up some kde bits, if that's okay16:24
shtylmanev: perfectly ok :)16:24
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3755 ubiquity/scripts/install.py: Typo. Missing self parameter.16:29
evshtylman: how many sled dogs did you need to get around for the past few days?  If the NY Times photography section is to be believed, it looks like there was some serious snowfall and whiteout.16:44
shtylmanev: hahaha.... yesterday it snowed all day16:45
shtylmanit was some crazy stuff16:45
shtylmanbut nyc was very good about keeping the now shoveled out of the way16:45
evyeah, manhattan generally does a pretty good job, but all bets are off once you enter any of the other boroughs16:46
evbut that applies to most things16:47
shtylmandoes london get alot of snow?16:47
evwatching queens suffer through a month long power outage because ConEd just doesn't care is basically a spectator sport16:47
evshtylman: well, depends on your perspective16:48
evthe locals surely thought this was a sign of the end times16:48
cjwatsonit gets a lot of snow if you live in, say, Spain16:48
evat least that's how the BBC positioned it16:48
cjwatsonthe thing it has a lot of is inability to deal with it, largely because significant snowfall is rare enough that the country is simply not very well geared up for it16:49
cjwatson(and there's an argument that it wouldn't be economic to gear up much more)16:49
shtylmanI can believe that16:50
shtylmanthe south (in the US) is basically the same way16:50
evit's like DC, which I imagine hasn't been heard from since the storm started and is largely hiding under their collective blankets, waiting for death to come.16:50
shtylmanif Atlanta got any snow.. the city basically broke16:50
shtylmanev: hahaha16:50
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3734 plugins-conversion/ (4 files in 3 dirs):16:52
CIA-52ubiquity: Fix the install component by moving some code back into the base frontend. One16:52
CIA-52ubiquity: could argue that this should be communicated through debconf rather than the16:52
CIA-52ubiquity: frontend, but I'm not sure it's worth the round-trip just for consistency with16:52
CIA-52ubiquity: the other plugins.16:52
cjwatsonev: FWIW, I think your oem-config work item about bullet-proof-X might turn out to be a duplicate of work I'm doing for gfxboot-updat17:12
evcjwatson: I thought it might be.  I'm somewhat blocked on two upstart bugs (unless we start {k,g}dm in oem-config's upstart script.18:56
evbug 516713 and bug 51719818:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516713 in upstart "init: events are unblocked when the job fails" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51671318:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517198 in upstart "init: failing job blocking starting event means blocked job starts, even if failing job can recover and respawn" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51719818:59
cjwatsonev: hmm, I was just planning to reimplement bullet-proof-X in ubiquity-dm; I still want to have the same stuff run in the session19:06
cjwatsonor at least the server bits of it19:06
cjwatsonev: so if you're talking about falling through to a full BPX failsafe session without ubiquity/oem-config, then that's different I think19:06
evno, I'm talking about oem-config X failure -> failsafe-x -> failsafe X session -> oem-config19:07
cjwatsonmy plan was to just have it retry X server startup with vesa, which is not as powerful (you don't get to reconfigure X etc.) but maybe good enough for some cases19:08
evby failsafe x session I mean /etc/X11/failsafeXinit19:08
cjwatsonwould that interfere with what you're doing?19:08
cjwatsonI guess you can always back it out once you have something more powerful in place19:08
evit would, but I think it's a perfectly reasonable approach19:08
evI'm not sure users really need the extra features the failsafe X session provides that early on19:09
cjwatsonI think your answer is better but probably harder :)19:09
evactually, it's surprisingly easy, safe those two upstart bugs19:09
cjwatsonI'm not sure, I so rarely run into it.  It does let you do explicit displayconfig reconfiguration, doesn't it?19:09
cjwatsonI think that would be good to have19:11
evfair enough19:11
cjwatsonright now I'm looking at something like this:19:13
cjwatsonwhich is a massive bodge but I was just trying to clear out the gfxboot-update spec :)19:13
cjwatsonspeaking of which, Cody just sent me a sample greeter; I'll have a look at integrating that tomorrow19:14
evcorrect me if I'm wrong, but I don't think monitor and screen are necessary19:14
evoh, nevermind.  Jockey source code tells me I'm wrong :)19:15
cjwatsonwas just copy and paste from failsafeXServer19:16
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3735 plugins-conversion/ubiquity/ (components/ubi-partman.py plugin.py): Get rid of activeUi as it's no longer necessary.19:36
tbrijeskicjwatson - is ubiquity able to install from multiple *.squashfs files from the iso?20:13
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3736 plugins-conversion/ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Properly fix the install and summary components.20:15
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3737 plugins-conversion/ubiquity/frontend/ (base.py gtk_ui.py): Sigh. Move gtk specific bit to the right place.21:31
CIA-52ubiquity: evand * r3738 plugins-conversion/ubiquity/components/ubi-partman.py: Only show the format warning if there's text to display.21:48
CIA-52ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r193 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ (debian/changelog debian/control generate-local-slides.sh): Remove htmlclean as its in universe and not currently worth the MIR.22:07

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