
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
=== nik0 is now known as niko
=== niko is now known as Guest82112
=== nik0 is now known as niko
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
Tm_Thi all17:53
dogihi all23:14
dogiI m Stefan Unterhauser23:14
dogisystem admin for sugarlabs.org23:15
dogiwe have a little problem in #ubuntu-sugarteam23:15
dogi... nobody of us there is member enough to change the topic :P23:16
m4vdid you try contacting the founders? morgs seems active23:18
Tm_Tgood night all23:24
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
dogim4v, yes morgs sended us a mail telling about every ubuntu member can change the topic23:50
dogithat why I m here23:50
ubot4Factoid 's' not found23:50
tsimpsondogi: you should contact dfarning, they are online now23:56
dogitsimpson, thx ... looks like he should have enough rights there now23:58
* dogi checked chanserv23:58
dogiwas asking here for him :P23:58
tsimpsonlooks like it was changed over 16 hours ago23:59

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