
=== persia` is now known as persia
eggonleahi mobile team, as we knew, Karmic gave up clutter and netbook-launcher on ARM because of lacking powerful OpenGL (ES) support on ARM platforms. While this has improved much now, will we have any fancy GUI on Lucid ARM port?08:36
eggonlea1) clutter based netbook-launcher08:37
eggonlea2) OpenGL ES based compiz08:37
eggonlea3) EFI based 2D launcher08:37
eggonleawhich one would be chosen in Lucid? Or just keep gnome based ubuntu-desktop?08:37
looleggonlea: I can't speak for the mobile team, but I understand the focus is to produce an EFL Ubuntu Netbook image09:26
loolso 2D acceleration only09:26
eggonlealool: thanks. but till now we didn't see this EFI 2D GUI in livecd.09:32
eggonleamaybe I miss something, or it should be there already since alpha3 is coming.09:33
looleggonlea: I didn't try the images at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-live/current/09:33
looleggonlea: But the manifest lists the packages in there09:33
loolnetbook-launcher-efl 0.2.2-0ubuntu209:33
eggonleaI mean, the default GUI is still gnome desktop after installation.09:34
loolIs it?  odd09:35
loolasac: ^ Is it a known bug perhaps?   Or perhaps there's an easy work around?09:35
eggonleay. let me double check the latest livecd.09:36
* eggonlea is reinstalling the latest livecd on the board.10:24
asaclatest live images should have the netbook launcher10:25
asacproblem is that shortly after we switched to ue images mono breakage killed our images10:25
asacso for a week or so there were no images at all afaict10:25
asaceggonlea: ^^10:26
eggonleaaha, I see10:27
eggonleaI was wondering why the daily zsync did nothing.10:27
asacyeah. but seems we have images today again \o/10:29
asacseems we recovered from mono probs ;)10:29
loolasac: Well done on mono10:30
loolI wonder whether it actually works10:30
eggonleagood news indeed. congratulations~. but I'm unlucky to try it for some days because of our LONG Chinese new year holiday.10:30
asaclool: i would think its similar flaky10:31
asacas in karmic10:31
asacin karmic 40 tests failed10:31
eggonleaHopefully I can catch it tonight. Do you know how long I should wait for it?10:31
asacnow 3610:31
eggonleaI mean, how many hours does it take to generate the coming livecd?10:32
asacyou mean the next run?10:33
asachmm good question10:33
asacogra: persia: when is the image run?10:33
asacso looking at the timestamp it will be in 18hours or so10:34
asacassuming its done once in 24h10:34
asaceggonlea: todays image isnt good enough?10:35
asacimo that would be ok10:35
asacif not let me know whats broken10:36
loolARCHES='armel+dove' buildlive ubuntu-netbook && ARCHES='armel+dove' for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.ports_daily-live10:38
loolThat's at 1:55 am london time, but after the imx51 build10:38
loolWhoever wrote this line for it wrong though10:38
eggonleaasac: installing... some minutes left.10:39
loolStevenK, ogra: You might want to run a single cron.ports_daily-live; at least that's what I was told should be done back when I added the first desktop armel images10:39
loolStevenK, ogra: see e.g. kubuntu-netbook10:41
ogralool, i thought StevenK discussed it with slangasek at the sprint when he changed ti 10:44
ograeffectively it doesnt do any harm atm though, we dropped a lot of flavours10:45
ogra(and still hope for an additional livefs builder)10:45
loolI think it will cause two revs of the ubuntu-netbook/ports dir10:46
ograoh, right, i see what you mean10:47
ografor-project ubuntu-netbook cron.ports_daily-live shouldnt be there twice, i'll talk to StevenK 10:47
loolThere should be a single for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.ports_daily-live in the whole crontab basically10:47
ograyeah, that would make sense10:48
ograbut getting the timing right might be problematic 10:48
ograespecially for ports 10:48
ograwill require some measuring10:48
loolIt shouldn't be10:48
ograwell, i have no idea how long a livefs build for sparc, ppc or ia64 takes 10:49
loolThere currently is only one line whether this occurs10:49
ograi know hard numbers for armel only 10:49
loolIt doesn't matter10:49
loolJust change ARCHES='armel+imx51' buildlive ubuntu-netbook && ARCHES='armel+imx51' for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.ports_daily-live ; ARCHES='armel+dove' buildlive ubuntu-netbook && ARCHES='armel+dove' for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.ports_daily-live to ARCHES='armel+imx51' buildlive ubuntu-netbook; ARCHES='armel+dove' buildlive ubuntu-netbook && ARCHES='armel+imx51 armel+dove' for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.ports_daily-live10:50
loolWell actually s/&&/;/ in the new version10:50
ograthen dove wont build if imx fails10:50
ograthe && was explicitly added 10:50
ograwe had some runs where there were kernel package issues which then teared down all builds10:51
loolYou're confused, there's no && between imx51 and dove10:51
ograthere should be :)10:51
loolI disagree10:51
ograbetween the two buildlive runs10:51
ograbut then the second one wont be attempted if the first one fails10:51
loolIt's not what we ever did and it's not what buildlive does10:51
ograit was changed a while ago10:52
loolPrecisely, the point is that you do want to try dove even if buildlive imx51 failed10:52
ograafter i had a long discussion with slangasek how to make dove still build if imx51 fails10:52
loolThis is currently the case10:52
ograwe want to10:52
looland would still be after my changes10:52
ograthe ; between the commands makes cron stop the process if the first one exits non zero10:53
ograwell, thats what happened several times10:53
ogra; is fine between the buildlive runs and for-project ... since we dont want the latter if the first failed but we want bot buildlive runs to happen inependently so one subarch doesnt block the other10:55
StevenKlool: I've thought about all this11:21
StevenKlool: I can't come up with a shell snippet to do what I want11:21
StevenKlool: I don't like your suggestion either11:23
ograStevenK, ARCHES='armel+imx51' buildlive ubuntu-netbook && ARCHES='armel+dove' buildlive ubuntu-netbook ; ARCHES='armel+imx51 armel+dove' for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.ports_daily-live11:23
ograthat should be a good start11:23
StevenKogra: And then imx51 fails and dove doesn't build11:23
ograhe is right in saying we dont want cron.ports_daily-live twice11:23
ograthe && should avoid that11:23
StevenKogra: If imx51 fails buildlive, dove's buildlive won't get attempted11:24
ograif you use ; it wont, if you use && it will11:24
ograat least thats what slangasek worked out 11:24
StevenKYes, and read your shell snippet. imx51 buildlive && dove buildlive ; imx51 dove publish11:25
ograoh, you mean we need another &&11:26
ograright, that might be11:26
persiaUm, No.  We *don't* want && because that means "only do this if the previous succeeded"11:28
StevenKYes, we don't want "imx51 buildlive && dove buildlive && imx51 dove publish"11:29
persiaIf we trusted things to work, we could do that, but we don't.11:30
ograwell we dont want "imx51 buildlive; dove buildlive; imx51 dove publish" either11:31
ograthat has proven to not work often enough11:31
StevenK"I wonder if (imx51 buildlive ; dove buildlive) && imx51 dove publish" would work11:31
StevenKMoving the " to the right place, of course11:31
persiaOr at least `(true; false) && echo works` doesn't do what I'd like.11:33
persiaSeems () returns the last return code from the series of commands in the subshell.11:34
persiaWhat we need is something like || that isn't optimised11:38
ograStevenK, how about doing all three of them in separate entries at different times ? 11:57
ogra(with the necessary gaps indeed)11:57
persiaWhy is that better than using ;; to do them sequentially?12:01
persiaPutting in gaps creates a race condition12:01
ogranot if the gaps are big enough ... putting in ; obviously generates probelms12:02
persiaStevenK: `export DRESS="frumpy"; do-this && export DRESS="success"; do-that && export DRESS="success"; [ "$DRESS" == "success" ] && do-it-all`12:22
persia(and yes, this is incredibly ugly12:22
persiaBut now that I've typed that, I've actually started to process backscroll, and realise I'm kinda slow and that better solutions exist.12:27
persia(like just fixing buildlive to not fail on first failure if it does)12:27
loolStevenK: I see that got resolved on #ubuntu-devel since (shell snippet)12:53
persiaI think "resolved" isn't quite the right word, but here is no longer the right forum :)13:01
loolWell cjwatson shared a shell snippet to the effect of what StevenK was asking13:02
StevenKWhich is ugly as sin13:02
loolYou could put that in a script13:02
loolThat might even be in moreutils  ;-)13:02
* StevenK waves his arms13:02
StevenKI don't care, I did slangasek suggested, and I'm going to bed13:03
persialool: It's a rare enough case not to matter.13:03
loolI'm just replying to uglyness in crontab13:04
lool(I agree crontabs are not a proper place to write this kind of shell snippet)13:05
persiaheh.  context leak :)13:06
lamalexhi everyone, is there a list of windows that dont fit on netbooks that need fixing/have been fixed?23:26
persialamalex: I don't know of any list of these, but there's been lots of fixes in that area.23:32
persiaSome of the 576 veritical pixel machines seem to still have lots of issues, but those aren't getting much sympathy from most deelopers.23:32
persiaBut there's still some stuff that doesn't fit in 600 pixels, although I don't think anything left in the default images.23:33

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