asac | ArneGoetje: ok trying to get that. we dont really have a spec; let me talk to rick what we can do ;) | 00:02 |
ArneGoetje | asac: thanks a bunch! | 00:03 |
asac | but we discussed that already this afternoon so i think it should be ok. actually i would think that the code changes should be easy enough to have this by friday ;) | 00:04 |
asac | do you think thats doable? otherwise how long does a langpack rollout take? | 00:04 |
asac | like just an update of langpacks without a new export | 00:04 |
ArneGoetje | asac: yes, but it takes my time from working on my work items and I need to justify myself for that | 00:07 |
asac | ArneGoetje: yes. understood ... i will get a work item today so you can work on friday on that ;) | 00:15 |
ArneGoetje | asac: for stable releases with upstream XPIs, do updated strings from rosetta actually get merged into the .jar files? Or are only upstream XPIs used? | 00:16 |
ArneGoetje | asac: thanks | 00:16 |
asac | atm we use upstream xpis for stable release | 00:17 |
asac | simply because we have no qa procedure atm that would be good enough - as discussed before | 00:18 |
ArneGoetje | asac: ah, ok. | 00:18 |
ccheney | what do you link to get the symbols from resolv.h? | 00:22 |
ccheney | libresolv? | 00:23 |
ccheney | yep that fixed it :) | 00:27 |
ccheney | 1 get_type left to fix and then the other more complicated bits left | 00:28 |
ArneGoetje | asac: please note that I won't be available next week, due to Chinese New Year | 00:33 |
* ccheney is also gone thu-mon | 00:41 | |
ccheney | finally down to just: | 01:05 |
ccheney | ../libsoup/.libs/ undefined reference to `g_main_context_pop_thread_default' | 01:05 |
ccheney | ../libsoup/.libs/ undefined reference to `g_poll' | 01:05 |
ccheney | ../libsoup/.libs/ undefined reference to `g_main_context_push_thread_default' | 01:06 |
ccheney | ../libsoup/.libs/ undefined reference to `gnutls_priority_set_direct' | 01:06 |
ccheney | 188KB 6.3Kline patch | 01:07 |
ccheney | still won't really know if it works though until i get it all done :-\ | 01:07 |
* ccheney off to his 5 day weekend :) | 01:09 | |
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro | ||
BUGabundo_remote | morning | 09:01 |
asac | ccheney: ca you post what you got ? | 10:22 |
asac | before going on vac? | 10:23 |
ripps | Man, there has to be a leak in chromium or something, it causes my computer to grind to a halt whenever I start loading relatively large images. It never did this before. And it remains slow even when the tab with the image has been closed. | 13:08 |
asac | i didnt upgrade today. so cant confirm | 13:14 |
ripps | I'm using the -dev ppa and I've had this problem for a while. It seems once chromium takes up most of my ram, it refuses to let it go. | 13:20 |
sebner | asac: too late? *mauahaha* | 14:15 |
* micahg thinks asac is up to his arm in code :P | 14:16 | |
micahg | Ubuntu Mozillateam meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 5 minutes | 15:55 |
micahg | asac: so, I looked at the fontconfig bug in bmo, and followed the links upstream, it seems like it was stalled | 16:07 |
micahg | I was thinking to poke cairo upstream | 16:08 |
asac | micahg: so ... the lcd bug is something upstream blocks on | 16:13 |
asac | micahg: the gtk setting imo just is an issue because its a different cairo than the one previously loaded by gtkj | 16:13 |
micahg | idk | 16:13 |
asac | if nothing changes i will install fedora | 16:14 |
micahg | asac: | 16:14 |
asac | i am sure they have the same issue | 16:14 |
asac | and upstream just never saw good fonts :) | 16:14 |
asac | hmm | 16:15 |
asac | i think that code landed eventually | 16:15 |
asac | maybe check if you can still see that code in the current tree | 16:15 |
micahg | yep | 16:15 |
* micahg checks 1.8 | 16:15 | |
micahg | .1.8.8 first | 16:15 |
micahg | not in 1.8.8 | 16:16 |
* micahg looks in trunnk | 16:16 | |
micahg | asac: not in trunk | 16:17 |
asac | ask in cairo ;)? | 16:17 |
asac | #cairo | 16:17 |
* micahg has it somewhere | 16:17 | |
asac | anyway. that feels related, but still doesnt explain why gtk settings dont work | 16:18 |
asac | thats not fontconfig | 16:18 |
asac | (still would be a great catch if it was true) | 16:18 |
micahg | well, I'm trying to get rid of upstream's reasons why it's not their fault :) | 16:18 |
micahg | I clearly saw the issue posted in teh otehr bug about handling of fonts, so I thought I'd look into it | 16:19 |
micahg | different display based on xfb or cairo backend | 16:20 |
micahg | s/xfb/xft | 16:20 |
micahg | asac: are you waiting to spin all the stuff to teh security PPA at once? | 16:23 |
asac | yeah | 16:25 |
asac | well. the easiest way to give strong indication that its upstream is to run fedora | 16:25 |
asac | and see if it works there ;) | 16:25 |
asac | that gives us two distros having the same issue | 16:25 |
asac | if not, we are at fault | 16:25 |
asac | or they have a patch we didnt pick up | 16:25 |
micahg | asac: k | 16:25 |
micahg | i'll d/l f12 | 16:25 |
asac | cooool | 16:27 |
asac | try upstream build there ;) | 16:27 |
micahg | k | 16:27 |
* micahg will be back in 20-30 min | 16:29 | |
LLStarks | mmmm. did i miss the meeting? | 16:44 |
LLStarks | asac, can you look at this bug: | 16:44 |
LLStarks | dragged links receive no antialiasing. | 16:45 |
svosusr3 | I added the ubuntu-mozilla-daily repositories to my karmic and did sudo apt-get install firefox-3.6 . i fetched some 28KB of data.but i don't have firefox-3.6. when I do aptitude show firefox-3.6 , the description says its a transitional package. how do i get ff 3.6 | 17:12 |
svosusr3 | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable - > <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known> | 17:13 |
micahg | LLStarks: no, we'll reschedule | 17:14 |
micahg | svosusr3: it's firefox now | 17:15 |
ccheney | asac: ok will post it | 17:17 |
svosusr3 | michag: i ran /usr/bin/firefox - i am still at 3.5.7 | 17:18 |
svosusr3 | sorry abt the typo : micahg* | 17:19 |
micahg | svosusr3: so, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should do it | 17:19 |
LLStarks | why dist-upgrade over aptitude? | 17:24 |
micahg | LLStarks: idk | 17:24 |
micahg | you could do sudo aptitude upgrade and look for the right solution I suppose | 17:25 |
asac | ccheney: thanks | 17:41 |
asac | get in to some stable place (where it doenst get overridden on next ) | 17:41 |
ccheney | | 17:43 |
asac | ccheney: whtas that? | 17:46 |
asac | i cannot run debuild -S on it to produce something debdiffable ;) | 17:46 |
asac | ccheney: what can i do with that thing? | 17:47 |
asac | make isnt working either ;) | 17:47 |
asac | e.g. seems to be not preconfigured | 17:47 |
ccheney | asac: run autoreconf then build | 18:06 |
ccheney | or i can generate a debdiff against hardy if you would like | 18:08 |
armin76 | [reed]: did you read what i said? | 18:28 |
fta | kenvandine, the Indicator Applet is completely broken with/for evolution | 18:42 |
kenvandine | describe completely broken | 18:43 |
kenvandine | sometimes it crashes for me | 18:43 |
kenvandine | when evo exits | 18:43 |
kenvandine | otherwise it is working | 18:43 |
kenvandine | and i think that bug is fixed in today's uploads | 18:43 |
fta | kenvandine, | 18:50 |
fta | hm, chromium has a nice embedded player now ): | 18:51 |
fta | :) | 18:51 |
fta | kenvandine, and evo is no longer in the menus :( | 18:55 |
kenvandine | fta, what version of dbusmenu? | 18:56 |
kenvandine | dpkg -l |grep libdbusmenu | 18:56 |
fta | $ dpkg -l | grep libdbusmenu | cut -c-80 | 18:57 |
fta | rc libdbusmenu-glib0 0.2.1-0ubuntu1 | 18:57 |
fta | ii libdbusmenu-glib1 0.2.3-0ubuntu3 | 18:57 |
fta | rc libdbusmenu-gtk0 0.2.1-0ubuntu1 | 18:57 |
fta | ii libdbusmenu-gtk1 0.2.3-0ubuntu3 | 18:57 |
kenvandine | ok, that bug was fixed in 0.2.3-0ubuntu3 | 18:58 |
kenvandine | what version of evolution-indicator? | 18:58 |
fta | 0.2.6-0ubuntu4 | 18:59 |
kenvandine | ok | 18:59 |
kenvandine | weird | 18:59 |
kenvandine | can you make sure there are no files left around from the 0.2.1-0ubuntu1 versions? | 19:00 |
fta | i see there's a new kernel, so maybe a reboot will help | 19:02 |
kenvandine | i just hope we don't still have upgrade issues | 19:02 |
kenvandine | how about indicator-messages? | 19:02 |
kenvandine | what version | 19:02 |
fta | i mean, a desktop restart will probably help, but i only restart when there's a new kernel | 19:03 |
kenvandine | oh | 19:03 |
kenvandine | ok | 19:03 |
fta | 0.3.1-0ubuntu2 | 19:03 |
kenvandine | yeah, you would have needed a restart since monday | 19:03 |
fta | 20:03:49 up 3 days, 20:48, 7 users, load average: 0.09, 0.18, 0.14 | 19:04 |
fta | had to restart, as X lost both kernel & mouse and was unkillable | 19:05 |
fta | kenvandine, gwibber crashed on restart | 19:35 |
fta | dbus | 19:35 |
fta | Title: gwibber crashed with DBusException in call_blocking() | 19:36 |
fta | | 19:37 |
BUGabundo | micahg: what did you make me do :\ | 21:58 |
micahg | BUGabundo: nothing... | 21:58 |
micahg | BUGabundo: just asking about me :) | 21:58 |
BUGabundo | :p | 21:58 |
BUGabundo | in just a few minutes, u managed to due what MANY asked for a long time | 21:58 |
BUGabundo | remove dup posting | 21:59 |
micahg | cool :) | 21:59 |
micahg | BUGabundo: does that mean you'll be posting more to keep your dent count up? :) | 22:00 |
BUGabundo | nope | 22:00 |
BUGabundo | check the stats | 22:00 |
BUGabundo | | 22:00 |
micahg | BUGabundo: domain for sale? | 22:01 |
BUGabundo | sorry | 22:01 |
BUGabundo | .org | 22:01 |
micahg | you're tops :) | 22:03 |
* micahg is 862 | 22:04 | |
BUGabundo | been for a long time | 22:04 |
BUGabundo | and even not posting so much to identica | 22:05 |
BUGabundo | I know im secure for a few months | 22:05 |
BUGabundo | although edy is fast | 22:05 |
BUGabundo | my OMB account is in 20 or so | 22:05 |
BUGabundo | check it | 22:05 |
micahg | BUGabundo: #34 on braindbirf | 22:06 |
micahg | *brainbird | 22:06 |
BUGabundo | calm days | 22:12 |
[reed] | armin76: um | 22:18 |
[reed] | what bug# again? | 22:18 |
[reed] | how do I remove a remote bug watch from a bug (specifically, | 22:53 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 233901 in firefox-3.0 "Autoconfig not working" [Undecided,Fix released] | 22:53 |
micahg | hmm | 22:53 |
micahg | I get an error | 22:54 |
micahg | nm | 22:54 |
[reed] | the one to 178685 needs to be removed | 22:54 |
[reed] | I dunno how to do that | 22:54 |
micahg | [reed]: comments are imported so only an admin can do it | 22:55 |
micahg | [reed]: I'm going to work with someone tomorrow hopefully to fix this issue | 22:55 |
[reed] | ugh | 22:55 |
micahg | you're already subscribed to the bug 499113 | 22:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 499113 in malone "Launchpad will sync comments and link back to all bug watches, even those not linked to a bug task" [High,Triaged] | 22:56 |
micahg | [reed]: it's a huge problem | 22:56 |
[reed] | I'm going to disable launchpad's account in bmo | 22:56 |
micahg | [reed]: gmb said he'd look into it tomorow and I'll try to help... | 22:56 |
micahg | [reed]: maybe that's best until this is fixed | 22:56 |
micahg | [reed]: let me check with them if that'll mess anything up in LP | 22:57 |
[reed] | ok | 22:57 |
BUGabundo | quick OT poll: what topics would you like to see mention or would talk about in a introduction to Open Source desktop apps, running of a Ubuntu Karmic install ? . feel free to PVT me with ideas | 23:34 |
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