highvoltage | .wub 29\ | 01:19 |
* highvoltage shifts keyboard one button to the left | 01:20 | |
* Seeker` picks up highvoltage and moves them a cm to the left | 01:58 | |
ubottu | xangua called the ops in #ubuntu (stop ubantu_dude please) | 02:56 |
ubantu_dude | Need to report a problem with user hyperstream in ubuntu | 03:04 |
tsimpson | what's that? | 03:04 |
ubantu_dude | Well I asked him for help and he just wants to send me pictures of his umm man hood | 03:05 |
ubantu_dude | and honestly I just need help with some T1 issues not some guy trying to show me his penis | 03:06 |
tsimpson | you should report that to #freenode, we have no control over what people do outside of our channels | 03:06 |
ubantu_dude | just want to give you guys a heads up of what freaks you have in your channels | 03:07 |
tsimpson | if there is nothing else, you can part this channel | 03:08 |
ubantu_dude | k | 03:08 |
funkyHat | Could someone have a quick look in -offtopic re ubantu_dude | 03:16 |
ubottu | UberTaco called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (ubantu_dude) | 03:16 |
ubantu_dude | ok I was banned from ubuntu-offtopic for talking about horse dick | 03:22 |
ubantu_dude | I thought anything goes in there? | 03:22 |
tsimpson | !o4o > ubantu_dude | 03:22 |
ubottu | ubantu_dude, please see my private message | 03:22 |
tsimpson | read the message from the bot | 03:22 |
ubantu_dude | O its that faggot tsimpson who banned me | 03:23 |
ubantu_dude | god damnit wtf is wrong with horse dick | 03:23 |
HFSPLUS | ubuntu sucks cock | 04:33 |
HFSPLUS | Ubuntu has HIV/AIDS | 04:33 |
HFSPLUS | fuck you | 04:33 |
tsimpson | chanserv.py FAIL | 04:35 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 04:36 |
ubottu | FloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 04:36 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 04:36 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) | 04:36 |
elky | rumpsy, can we help with something? | 04:49 |
rumpsy | Thank you, i'm in #ubuntu after a struggle | 04:50 |
rumpsy | :) | 04:50 |
ubottu | F40PH called the ops in #kubuntu () | 04:50 |
rumpsy | Can i stay here !, or it a problem for you ? | 04:52 |
elky | rumpsy, we prefer to keep this channel relatively clear so it's easier to see who needs our help | 04:52 |
rumpsy | okay, fine, i'll part | 04:53 |
ubottu | blakkheim called the ops in #ubuntu (cthulhu2) | 06:40 |
ubottu | blakkheim called the ops in #ubuntu (cthulhu2 (spam PM)) | 06:43 |
Amaranth | @btlogin | 07:06 |
Amaranth | @login | 07:06 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 07:06 |
Amaranth | @btlogin | 07:07 |
jussi01 | funkyHat: was there something further you needed? | 07:12 |
funkyHat | jussi01: ah, someone dealt with the issue I mentioned earlier, I'm just lazy about /PARTing. I'll be off ⡈) | 07:13 |
jussi01 | funkyHat: thanks :) | 07:14 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:59 |
Myrtti | internet broke down, hilarity ensued. | 08:00 |
Myrtti | good morning dholbach | 08:00 |
dholbach | hi Myrtti | 08:02 |
MenZa | Morning Myrtti, dholbach | 08:08 |
dholbach | hi MenZa | 08:08 |
* MenZa sees he was needed yesterday, reads backlog. | 08:09 | |
* MenZa boggles. | 08:09 | |
MenZa | tsimpson: @login or @btlogin gives me no reply in /query | 08:09 |
tsimpson | they won't | 08:10 |
MenZa | oh. | 08:10 |
tsimpson | the bot ignores all /msg's from unknown users | 08:10 |
MenZa | I thought I was a known user. | 08:10 |
tsimpson | and you're not known until you @login ;) | 08:10 |
MenZa | @login | 08:10 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 08:10 |
MenZa | aha! | 08:10 |
MenZa | Thanks! | 08:10 |
tsimpson | unless you give yourself a hostmask | 08:10 |
MenZa | I'll read docs | 08:11 |
tsimpson | /msg ubottu help hostmask add | 08:11 |
MenZa | gotcha | 08:11 |
MenZa | tsimpson: For the record, in case DrManhattan comes back, I've read up on the situation he described | 08:54 |
MenZa | Myrtti: Good luck with the tooth! :) | 08:56 |
MenZa | ubottu: tell JimmyJ|zz about away | 09:20 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from indus) | 09:27 |
Tm_T | aaaah, mr B is sneaky | 09:49 |
ikonia | oh good, paddy_melon is back | 11:34 |
elky | oh joy | 11:35 |
ikonia | all coming out of the woodwork, dormant trolls, panarchy, paddy etc | 11:36 |
elky | not to mention the ones regressing | 11:38 |
=== nik0 is now known as niko | ||
bazhang | Gubuntu? is that a derivative or a typo | 12:06 |
ikonia | typo I guess | 12:07 |
bazhang | ah ubuntu with gnome | 12:07 |
Tm_T | people tend to call Ubuntu with GNOME as Gubuntu in somewhere | 12:07 |
ikonia | never heard that before | 12:07 |
MenZa | I've heard of Gobuntu. o_o | 12:16 |
MenZa | Never Gu- | 12:16 |
ikonia | I'm clearly out of the loop | 12:16 |
jussi01 | it may be a miss spelling for the google ubuntu used in google... | 12:21 |
bazhang | he said (akuma) it was ubuntu with gnome | 12:23 |
Tm_T | Ubuntu can have any kind of DE or no DE at all, so some people explicitly state with G that they use GNOME | 12:27 |
=== niko is now known as Guest82112 | ||
=== nik0 is now known as niko | ||
topyli | i think it's safe to say that ubuntu has gnome. if someone runs fvwm95, *then* they may want to say as much | 14:06 |
topyli | "hi, i'm running fvwm95buntu" | 14:06 |
Tm_T | topyli: I agree | 14:13 |
topyli | i'm getting flashbacks of the fvwm95 taskbar, the blue desktop with redhat logo on it, running the motif-widgeted netscape | 14:16 |
Tm_T | topyli: you don't have those at work, only at home? | 14:16 |
jussi01 | woerk is almost over for the week!!!!!!!!!! yippeee!! | 14:16 |
ikonia | well done | 14:16 |
topyli | tm_T, just this one time i hope | 14:17 |
Tm_T | jussi01: community work is never over (; | 14:18 |
jussi01 | Tm_T: its not work :P | 14:20 |
* Tm_T sets +work flag to jussi01's community activities | 14:21 | |
Myrtti | gobuntu reminds me of the gnu version | 14:27 |
Pici | Is gobuntu still active? | 14:27 |
popey | Pici: no | 14:27 |
popey | Pici: it was rolled into the normal live cd, choose "Free Software Only" on boot up to get a gobuntu-like install | 14:27 |
topyli | oh | 14:28 |
topyli | and here i've been recommending gnewsense for freedom lovers, oblivious of such an option | 14:28 |
topyli | how free is it though? | 14:28 |
* popey shurgs | 14:29 | |
popey | and shrugs | 14:29 |
popey | I have never tried it, but I'm certain it wont please everyone | 14:30 |
topyli | safe bet :) | 14:30 |
* Myrtti allivef home wif fome puleed foupf and ife cleam | 14:30 | |
* popey rot13's Myrtti | 14:32 | |
topyli | toof out happily? | 14:32 |
Myrtti | yeah, though I doubt the tooth fairy will come and visit tonight | 14:33 |
Myrtti | feels extremely weird | 14:42 |
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach | ||
bazhang | at this point is there even a point in removing those sources? with the various distro and version mixing (not to mention all the PPA) | 15:36 |
ubottu | blakkheim called the ops in #ubuntu () | 15:47 |
bazhang | he quit (guille) | 15:48 |
bazhang | am at a loss what to tell zebastion | 16:22 |
bazhang | err zebastian | 16:22 |
bazhang | TheSheep, any opinions about soul_shadow | 16:29 |
TheSheep | bazhang: looks like bored, obnoxious, loud kid | 16:34 |
bazhang | TheSheep, agreed. | 16:35 |
TheSheep | harmless, I suppose, at least as long as nobody else needs help... | 16:35 |
bazhang | yep | 16:36 |
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal | ||
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Amanda98) | 18:28 |
ubottu | blakkheim called the ops in #ubuntu (Amanda98) | 18:28 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16)) | 18:28 |
Myrtti | !test | 19:19 |
ubottu | hrm? | 19:19 |
Myrtti | !list | 19:19 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 19:19 |
Myrtti | !piracy > fabio_ | 19:21 |
Myrtti | damnit | 20:19 |
Myrtti | pleia2: would you have a minute? | 20:23 |
pleia2 | Myrtti: sure, what's up? | 20:32 |
Myrtti | pleia2: pm? | 20:33 |
pleia2 | Myrtti: sure | 20:33 |
Myrtti | I'm obviously too tired to do anything productive | 20:46 |
Myrtti | I just sent a memoserv to a person who is known to idle with their irssi on about 200 channels 24/7 | 20:46 |
Myrtti | failboat choochoo | 20:47 |
ubottu | SpaceGhostC2C called the ops in #ubuntu (zilkomaa) | 21:27 |
jrib | wow, 200 channels | 22:53 |
jrib | (that's a lot) | 22:53 |
Tm_T | good night all | 23:24 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
jpds | reisio: Yo. | 23:47 |
reisio | yoyo | 23:47 |
jpds | reisio: What kind of on-join spam are you recieving? | 23:47 |
jpds | I didn't get anything... | 23:47 |
reisio | 2010 Feb 11 18:44:49 *[Nervous] Visit us at network chat and get bots + hosting special and free, /server IRC.ForChat.Net | 23:47 |
jpds | Investigating. | 23:48 |
reisio | and I joined the channel | 23:48 |
reisio | **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Feb 11 18:44:01 2010 | 23:48 |
reisio | 48 seconds earlier | 23:48 |
jpds | Confirmed. | 23:49 |
jpds | !staff | [Nervous] is a on-join spam bot. | 23:50 |
ubottu | [Nervous] is a on-join spam bot.: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :) | 23:50 |
reisio | :D | 23:50 |
reisio | I hateses them so | 23:50 |
jpds | 23:49 * [Nervous] Þã ÈÒíÇÑÊäÇ Ýí ÔÈßÉ ÇáãÍÇÏËå æ ÇÍÕá Úáì ÈæÊÇÊ + åæÓÊ ÎÇÕ æãÌÇäí /server IRC.ForChat.Net | 23:50 |
reisio | ta | 23:50 |
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