=== persia` is now known as persia | ||
ara | good morning all | 07:19 |
thekorn | good morning ara | 07:27 |
ara | morning thekorn! | 07:28 |
* ara reboots | 08:41 | |
=== fader|away is now known as fader_ | ||
davmor2 | morning fader_ | 13:37 |
fader_ | Howdy davmor2 and everybody | 13:37 |
davmor2 | fader_: how's things stateside | 13:38 |
fader_ | davmor2: A bit cold, but at least my corner of the country didn't get anything like the snow we were promised | 13:39 |
fader_ | How's Wolverhampton? | 13:39 |
davmor2 | fader_: No that'll be along today dude :) | 13:39 |
davmor2 | wolves got a dusting lasting night looks all xmassy | 13:40 |
fader_ | Heh | 13:40 |
dqueer | PLS tell me somebody how to login liveCD lucid? | 14:39 |
davmor2 | dqueer: user ubuntu no password | 14:41 |
dqueer | Thanks | 14:43 |
davmor2 | dqueer: you should need to do that though so file a bug | 14:43 |
davmor2 | shouldn't even | 14:50 |
davmor2 | cr3: morning dude | 14:50 |
cr3 | davmor2: hey dude, how's life in isd? | 14:51 |
davmor2 | busy but fun | 14:51 |
alexmoldovan | hello nagappan, i've heard you have the same problem with X when hitting ENTER | 15:20 |
cr3 | alexmoldovan: you might have to wait a bit for an answer because he's on the west coast, but he'll be around eventually | 15:23 |
ara | cr3, alexmoldovan: what problem is that? | 15:27 |
davmor2 | alexmoldovan: that issue for me got fixed by todays kernel update. | 15:29 |
alexmoldovan | i found that on some ATI and Nvidia models, hitting enter in the terminal blocks the system | 15:29 |
davmor2 | ara: it happened on login, if you hit enter at anytime on the desktop eg trigger update-manager type in your pass and hit enter, and so on | 15:30 |
fader_ | I thought that was a feature, to keep you from wasting too much time on your computer | 15:30 |
davmor2 | no danger there for you then dude ;) | 15:31 |
persia | The workaround for the press-enter-to-freeze-the-machine-after-boot is to remove plymouth. | 15:31 |
persia | But it ought get reinstalled later, because not having it can cause other issues. | 15:31 |
fader_ | persia: According to bug 516412 it's been fixed now | 15:32 |
davmor2 | persia: as I say todays update made it go away for me at least :) | 15:32 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 516412 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Pressing <Enter> causes X to freeze (affects: 70) (dups: 16)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516412 | 15:32 |
fader_ | So you shouldn't even need to do that :) | 15:32 |
persia | Oh good. | 15:32 |
fader_ | davmor2: You're able to upgrade cleanly today? Update manager and apt-get are barfing on libgtk2 for me | 15:33 |
fader_ | Though my lucid machine is PPC, so I'm not entirely worried | 15:33 |
davmor2 | fader_: I did an install of 20100210 and then upgraded to the latest with no issues | 15:34 |
fader_ | Meh, I haven't updated my system in ~2 weeks, so I can wait another day to see if it gets fixed. | 15:35 |
ara | I haven't had any issues, but I am using nvidia-driver-ppa | 15:35 |
* fader_ really doesn't want to reinstall from scratch. | 15:35 | |
davmor2 | fader_: out of curiosity what happens if you hit ctrl-alt-F1 login via the tty and then run apt-get/aptitude? | 15:41 |
fader_ | davmor2: I would assume the same thing that happens when I run it in a gnome-terminal: | 15:42 |
fader_ | libgtk2.0-bin: Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.19.5-1ubuntu2~ppa1) but 2.19.4-1ubuntu1 is to be installed | 15:42 |
fader_ | Why would running it on a vt make any difference? | 15:42 |
davmor2 | fader_: ah sorry I thought you said that it was gtk causing it not to work, rather than it not being installable | 15:43 |
fader_ | davmor2: Ah, gotcha. I could have been clearer there :) | 15:43 |
davmor2 | so I was thinking cut out gtk end of issue :) | 15:44 |
ara | fader_, did you try this: http://q-funk.blogspot.com/2010/02/ubuntulucid-recovering-from-yesterdays.html | 15:59 |
davmor2 | ara: just finished reading that :) | 15:59 |
fader_ | ara: No, but I'll give it a shot. I'm skeptical, as it's apt-get that's barfing rather than dpkg | 16:00 |
fader_ | It's entirely possible that it's a result of some ppa I've got turned on too -- I haven't really dug into it yet | 16:00 |
davmor2 | ara: I don't know that fader_ comes in here like he owns the joint waffles about problems he hasn't even looked at, and then has the nerve to whinge about them. :D | 16:06 |
fader_ | :P | 16:06 |
fader_ | davmor2: All I did was ask if today's update worked for you! | 16:06 |
ara | :D | 16:06 |
* fader_ storms off in a huff muttering about Wolverines or something. | 16:06 | |
davmor2 | :D lol | 16:07 |
Q-FUNK | alexmoldovan: I'm told that you work in the testing lab? could you test a boot of Lucid on all the AMD Geode-based hardware you have on hand? LTSP support on Lucid is at stake. possible regressions since Hardy. | 16:08 |
fader_ | Q-FUNK: What issue are you looking to reproduce? | 16:10 |
Q-FUNK | fader_: two things: 1) on some LX800-based hardware I have, kernels since Karmic don't boot anymore. there's a regression in the ACL code that makes the kernel crash loudly. I need to verify whether it affects only this platform or some other Geode-based products. | 16:11 |
Q-FUNK | it could easily be a BIOS issue on this particular hardware vendor's platform. | 16:11 |
fader_ | Most of the stuff we have in the lab is Intel-based... I'll see if we have anything with an AMD Geode | 16:12 |
Q-FUNK | 2) there seems to be regressions, possibly cause by recent changes in X server core that result in pixmap support being broken on xserver-xorg-video-geode. again, I need to check whether this only affects this ION603, or all Geode-based products. | 16:13 |
Q-FUNK | fader_: the thin clients you have are all geode-based. | 16:13 |
fader_ | Q-FUNK: Cool, I was just about to ask if you could narrow it down to a type of hardware, as I'm not familiar with Geode | 16:13 |
Q-FUNK | some with a Geode GX, others with a Geode LX. cr3 might remember which one has which. | 16:13 |
* fader_ nods. | 16:13 | |
fader_ | cr3: ^^^ off the top of your head do you remember if/where we have anything like this? | 16:14 |
Q-FUNK | afaik you should have one ThinCan DBE61-PXE, plus a large collection of no-name products based on the old AMD reference designs. | 16:14 |
Q-FUNK | I gave one dbe61 to cr3 in UDS Prague to keep as a reference in the lab. | 16:15 |
Q-FUNK | you had some other Geode-based sample products from customers who had paid for certification. | 16:16 |
fader_ | Cool, should be a matter of just getting cr3 to take a look and tell us where they are :) | 16:17 |
Q-FUNK | :) | 16:17 |
fader_ | He's promised device searching is coming so in the future we won't have to bug him to go scrape the db for us :D | 16:17 |
Q-FUNK | smal black boxes the size of a small stack of CD, some of them in a small stand to keep them vertical on the desktop. | 16:18 |
fader_ | Unfortunately I'm not in Montreal so I can't look, but with that description maybe alexmoldovan can | 16:19 |
fader_ | alexmoldovan: ^^^ | 16:19 |
Q-FUNK | yes, hence why it had been suggested that alexmoldovan might be able to help. | 16:19 |
fader_ | Right :) | 16:19 |
fader_ | The description of the devices should help a great deal | 16:19 |
cr3 | alexmoldovan is currently in the lab, he should be in here shortly | 16:20 |
alexmoldovan | I'm here | 16:46 |
Q-FUNK | ah :) | 16:49 |
alexmoldovan | so, what do you guys need...? | 16:50 |
Q-FUNK | please scroll up | 16:53 |
persia | Q-FUNK: Would you mind replacing your blog script with somethinng like "sudo sed -i 's#copy_exec /lib/udev/firmware.sh#copy_exec /lib/udev/firmware#' ? | 16:57 |
persia | We try not to encourage users to run sudo against arbitrary download stuff. | 16:57 |
* persia credits Rhonda with the snippet | 16:57 | |
Q-FUNK | I would. I don't condone anonymous arrogance. | 16:58 |
persia | anonymous arrogance? | 16:58 |
Q-FUNK | and this topic doesn't belong this this channel. | 16:59 |
* persia only mentioned it because of backscroll 60 minutes ago referencing the post | 17:00 | |
persia | Q-FUNK: Ah, sorry. That was 7 minutes before your join. My apologies for confusion. | 17:00 |
Q-FUNK | persia: just that the tone of whichever anonymous coward who posted that snipet as a comment on my blog was totally uncalled for. the snipet itself is fine. | 17:03 |
persia | Q-FUNK: Makes perfect sense. | 17:03 |
Q-FUNK | besides, the above substitution could probably be made shorter. | 17:04 |
Q-FUNK | but again, it's off-topic for this channel, IMHO. | 17:04 |
persia | Indeed. I just did `sed -i s/ware.sh/ware/` myself, although that's probably technically less correct. | 17:04 |
persia | And fixed so that the current recommendation is `apt-get dist-upgrade` :) | 17:05 |
alexmoldovan | Q-FUNK: we have 4 small thin clients here in Montreal. 2 with geode, the other 2 i don't know | 17:09 |
Q-FUNK | I didn't dare put apt-get dist-upgrade or aptitude full-upgrade. it can easily remove too much stuff, especially when packages are constantly in transition. | 17:12 |
persia | True, but I'm even more inclined to agree with you that we're drifting from topic : for a friendly suggestion, that's fine, but for a debate, I think it's not worth it :) | 17:12 |
Q-FUNK | indeed | 17:13 |
Q-FUNK | alexmoldovan: IIRc all the thin clients you have in MTL have a geode. | 17:15 |
Q-FUNK | differnet geode generations but all geodes anyhow | 17:16 |
alexmoldovan | ok | 17:16 |
alexmoldovan | I'll see what i can do | 17:16 |
Q-FUNK | thanks! | 17:16 |
=== fader_ is now known as fader|lunch | ||
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader_ | ||
nagappan | alexmoldovan, yes :) | 19:19 |
nagappan | alexmoldovan, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/519505 | 19:20 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 519505 in xserver-xorg-video-nv (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Pressing Enter or using sudo command with NVidia driver hangs / reboots the system (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 19:20 |
nagappan | thanks cr3 :) | 19:20 |
alexmoldovan | right, I'm on the machine | 20:15 |
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away |
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