
* tonyyarusso is doubtful00:07
tonyyarussoSuperbowl ads are intended to generate a return on investment.  Unless you can convince a firm that spending 50 million to run the ad will bring them 100 million in additional profits (not gross revenue), they won't bother.00:08
Takyoji_Otherwise my system "froze". Apparently the wireless LED was off (which it normally isn't). Tried to switch to a terminal, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, Ctrl+Alt+Del, and so on. No reaction.00:08
Takyoji_ Yet the cursor could move.00:08
Takyoji_ When I tried switching to a terminal I had done Ctrl+Alt+F500:08
tonyyarussoSorry, apparently a 30-second spot "only" runs 3 million, so your bar is a little lower.00:10
Takyoji_I wonder how much a typical school district's budget is spent towards software and operating system costs.01:02
Takyoji_I have quite a feeling that it would be a mortifying number01:02
Alpha_ClusterTakyoji_, actually its probably not as bad as you think01:08
Takyoji_Well my school supposedly pays like 10000/year for a web filter solution01:08
Alpha_Clusteri am sure they can weasle some good deals01:08
Takyoji_Or something in that general ballpark01:08
Alpha_Clusterthey can get that through opendns for like way less01:08
Takyoji_It's not DNS-based01:09
Alpha_Clusterthen its worthless01:09
Takyoji_All connections go through the system01:09
Alpha_Clusteroh so its a box?01:09
Takyoji_And if it even sees a blacklisted website's IP, it resets the connection to the server, and sends an error to the client01:10
Alpha_Clusteroh look $2k a year with special school pricing01:10
Alpha_Clustersounds like a steal01:10
Takyoji_and the filtering solution is also very restrictive01:11
Takyoji_Anything blog-like in nature is even blocked.01:11
Alpha_Clusteroh they always do that01:11
Takyoji_Even wikiversity is blocked for being a "blog"01:11
Alpha_Clusterbefore i graduated from HS they were blocking myspace01:11
Alpha_Clustercourse you could get to porn sites accedentally still01:11
Takyoji_then opensourcecinema.com is blocked for "video sharing"01:12
Takyoji_So then is sharing a bad thing or what?01:12
Takyoji_It's just pathetic01:12
Takyoji_The solution is called 8e6 R300001:12
Alpha_Clusterin america sharing can only mean illegal terrorist supporting activies remember01:13
Alpha_Clusterwhy the hell would you use this when opendns would solve the issue i dont get it01:14
Alpha_Clusterdo people not get how the internet works?01:14
kermitopendns would solve what?01:14
Alpha_Cluster99% of school filtering that they feel is need01:14
Alpha_Clusterremember we must "protect" the children01:14
Alpha_Clustergod forbid they learn about this crazy sharing concept01:15
Takyoji_spreadfirefox is also blocked01:15
Alpha_Clusteragain sharing01:15
Alpha_Clusterwe wouldnt want to allow that01:15
Alpha_Clusteror choice01:15
Alpha_Clustergod forbid you use a none IE browser01:15
kermiti still havent figured out what opendns even does01:16
Alpha_Clusterkermit, opendns is just a dns solution01:16
kermiti guess it's like facebook.. you just have to use it to understand.01:16
kermitsolution.. to what probelm?01:16
Alpha_Clusterwell if your isp has a crapy dns it can speed up your dns lookups01:16
kermitusingy our ISP's DNS is dumb01:16
Alpha_Clusteralso if you want to say block porn you can configure opendns to block it01:16
Alpha_Clusterlol exactly01:17
Alpha_Clusteri use opendns instead01:17
Alpha_Clusterplus i get nice stats01:17
Takyoji_games.slashdot.com (but not Slashdot; man it probably has games on it!)01:17
Takyoji_legaltorrents is also blocked01:17
Takyoji_The Microformats specification is blocked01:17
Alpha_ClusterTakyoji_, of course they could learn nothing from a game01:17
kermitso opendns is for blocking sites by name?01:17
Takyoji_But yea, that's just how my school district works with the very "apt" (who tried to have both Apache and IIS bind to specifically port 80 on the exact same server) district technologists01:17
Takyoji_(and didn't know why Apache couldn't start with IIS actively running bound to port 80..)01:18
Alpha_Clusterwell it can it does it by catagories too01:18
Alpha_Clusteralso kermit its just a good alternate dns01:18
Takyoji_WOT is also useful01:19
kermitalternate? it resolves different names?01:19
Alpha_Clustereh somewhat01:19
Alpha_Clusterkermit, no it just is something other then a ISP's dns01:19
kermitits just another isp's dns01:19
kermitwhy use any third party dns?01:20
Alpha_Clustercause its faster01:20
Alpha_Clustermost isps dns's are shit01:20
kermitusing a third party dns is not faster01:20
Takyoji_They have filtering capabilities and so on01:20
Alpha_Clusterum yes it generally is01:20
kermitan isp's dns is a third party01:20
kermitopendns is a third party01:20
kermitusing either is not faster than not using a third party01:20
Alpha_Clusterum... what do you mean?01:21
Alpha_Clusterdo you host your own dns?01:21
Alpha_Clusterand what dns does taht point to :p01:21
kermit'host my own dns' ?01:21
kermiti dont use my isp's dns, i dont use opendns01:21
Alpha_Clusterthen your still using a third parties01:21
Alpha_Clusterdomains dont just work out of air01:22
kermiti know how dns works, the impression i'm under is that most opendns customers dont.01:22
Alpha_Cluster... op top domain for my netowkr is *.l.google.com then time.apple.com waht does that mean about me?01:22
Alpha_Clusterum i understand how it works as well01:23
Alpha_Clusterdo you like to a higher up dns? Cause last i checked that is kinda considered rude liek downloading form a root sync server01:23
kermityou think it's rude to not use a third party dns?01:24
kermitthe TTL on TLDs is 2 days01:25
Alpha_Clusteri know01:25
Alpha_Clustertrust me i understand the internt01:25
Alpha_Clusternow if i could just spell :(01:26
kermiti don't think it's rude to query authoratative servers, they can set the TTL higher if they want.01:28
Alpha_Clusterit really isnt its just third party dns's exist for a reason01:28
kermitor get more hardware, dont the TLD servers make a fortune anyway.01:28
Alpha_Clusterto relieve congestion on the authoriative ones01:28
kermitif a billion computers rebooted every day, that averages to 1200 requests per second accross the root servers01:29
kermita pentium 133MHz could handle that easily01:30
kermitbind is fast01:30
Alpha_Clusteri know01:30
Alpha_Clusteri just would rather use opendns anyways since they have good services01:33
Alpha_Clusteri like knowing the stats for my dns stuff01:33
Alpha_Clusterbut i am also thinking of seting up a caching proxy server again01:33
kermiti run one on my openwrt router01:37
Takyoji_So; what would be our next step of world domination?02:59
Takyoji_next step to world domination*03:00
tonyyarussogood question03:01
tonyyarussoI see them as falling into two categories:03:02
tonyyarusso1)  Energizing our existing base, and getting people active.03:02
tonyyarusso2)  Raising awareness externally.03:02
Takyoji_Woo: I'm in the 538th position of the Ubuntu Folding@Home team03:04
Takyoji_I feel very [un]important. :D03:05
Takyoji_Folding@Home supposedly is partially open source03:23
tonyyarussoYeah, but boinc is fully open source, so they'll get any computing power I'm going to give.03:30
Takyoji_Does it utilize the GPU as well, or not?03:41
tonyyarussono idea03:45
h00ktonyyarusso: thanks again.03:48
Takyoji_So in what ways are OAuth and OpenID different?04:11
Takyoji_In terms of purpose04:18
tonyyarussoI understand OpenID.  I don't really understand OAuth.  :P04:34
tonyyarussoHowever, I *think* they go sort of in opposite directions.04:34
tonyyarussoOne is for a human to log into a site using an external source, the other is for a site to get data from an external source for the human.04:35
Takyoji_leaving for the night05:20
tonyyarussoCheck out our new web site shiny:  http://ubuntu-minnesota.org/content/ubuntu-hour-st-paul06:32
tonyyarussoSomebody remind me to enable proper caching on the web site in a month or two so our performance doesn't suck once I've done most of the early fiddling.07:10
h00kSweet! shiny, shiny!16:32
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tonyyarussoHey, if any TC folks are free, come join us at the Roseville Barnes & Noble in a little over an hour.20:16
tonyyarusso( mr_steve, exigraff, bdunnette ? )20:17
mr_steveooh I wish I could but I gotta be leaving for class around then :(20:21
tonyyarussoClass is overrated.20:21
tonyyarusso(Well, at least the one I'm in right now is)20:22
mr_stevetell me about it. Tonight is my 3:30 long world history class20:26
h00ktonyyarusso: I concur.21:28
Takyoji_Apparently I noticed that the coloration of the background is inconsistent with the color of the background image on my web design; upon viewing it on a different screen today..21:34
tonyyarussomr_steve: you should create an Event (content type) on the site for your Ubuntu Hour this week.22:45
Takyoji_So I take it that there's no keyboard shortcut for opening a terminal window with a vanilla installation of Ubuntu?23:25
mr_steveTakyoji_: not that I know of23:27
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Takyoji_They should associate a key combination for that eventually..23:51

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