=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro | ||
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh | ||
rodrigo__ | morning | 08:48 |
rye | rodrigo__, hello | 08:57 |
rodrigo__ | hi rye | 08:58 |
rye | rodrigo__, short question - bug #375486 - was Ubuntu One folder read-only at some point in time? | 09:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 375486 in ubuntuone-client "making the main "ubuntu one" directory read only is not a good idea" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/375486 | 09:23 |
rodrigo__ | rye, hmm, not that I know, maybe the 'shared with me' folders, but I don't think the u1 folder was | 09:25 |
rodrigo__ | rye, or if it was, it was a bug afaics | 09:25 |
aboSamoor | Hi, I can not connect to ubuntuOne servers I am using ubuntu karmic ubuntu-client 1.0.3-0ubuntu1 | 10:46 |
rye | aboSamoor, Hello, do you get any error message? | 10:50 |
aboSamoor | rye, no | 10:51 |
rye | aboSamoor, so the applet stays disconnected no matter whether you click 'Connect' or not, right? | 10:51 |
aboSamoor | rye, yeah | 10:51 |
rye | aboSamoor, were you able to connect to ubuntuone previously? | 10:52 |
aboSamoor | I think the last time I connected to U1 was before month from the desktop, I do not have any problem using my laptop. I connect to U1 from the laptop on daily basis | 10:53 |
rye | aboSamoor, ok, could you please paste the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log and ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log to paste.ubuntu.com (please check that syncdaemon.log does not have the file names you don't want to share with general public) | 10:54 |
aboSamoor | rye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/373857/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/373858/ | 10:59 |
rye | aboSamoor, hm... i believe you are using PPA version on your current machine, could you please double check apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client? | 11:00 |
aboSamoor | rye, I was using 1.0.3 once I posted my question, then I upgraded to the beta version | 11:01 |
rye | aboSamoor, ok, pls wait once I fire the vm with PPA... | 11:02 |
aboSamoor | rye, ok | 11:02 |
rye | aboSamoor, what does u1sdtool --status say? | 11:05 |
aboSamoor | rye, State: READY_WITH_NETWORK_WITH_BOTHQ | 11:06 |
aboSamoor | is_error: False | 11:06 |
aboSamoor | is_connected: False | 11:06 |
aboSamoor | description: ready to connect, network up, user yet to push "go", BOTHQ waiting | 11:06 |
aboSamoor | is_online: False | 11:06 |
rye | aboSamoor, ok, is there applet present? | 11:07 |
aboSamoor | rye, yes | 11:07 |
rye | aboSamoor, have you restarted the applet when you performed the upgrade? | 11:08 |
aboSamoor | yeah, I will do it again \ | 11:08 |
rye | aboSamoor, because it seems that syncdaemon (the process that actually performs the file sync) hasn't received the order to start connecting | 11:08 |
aboSamoor | rye, nothing changed I restarted the applet | 11:10 |
rye | aboSamoor, ok, the applet shows 'Disconnected', could you please click connect and then see whan does u1sdtool --status say? | 11:10 |
aboSamoor | rye, eid@eid-desktop:~$ u1sdtool --status | 11:12 |
aboSamoor | State: READY_WITH_NETWORK_WITH_BOTHQ | 11:12 |
aboSamoor | is_error: False | 11:12 |
aboSamoor | is_connected: False | 11:12 |
aboSamoor | description: ready to connect, network up, user yet to push "go", BOTHQ waiting | 11:12 |
aboSamoor | is_online: False | 11:12 |
rye | hm | 11:12 |
rye | u1sdtool --connect | 11:14 |
rye | aboSamoor, ^ | 11:15 |
aboSamoor | rye, eid@eid-desktop:~$ u1sdtool --connect | 11:15 |
aboSamoor | eid@eid-desktop:~$ u1sdtool --status | 11:15 |
aboSamoor | State: READY_WITH_NETWORK_WITH_BOTHQ | 11:15 |
aboSamoor | is_error: False | 11:15 |
aboSamoor | is_connected: False | 11:15 |
aboSamoor | description: ready to connect, network up, user yet to push "go", BOTHQ waiting | 11:15 |
aboSamoor | is_online: False | 11:15 |
rye | aboSamoor, ok, let's make sure that syncdaemon got upgraded as well, u1sdtool -q | 11:16 |
rye | this will signal syncdaemon to shut down | 11:16 |
aboSamoor | rye, I will repeat the steps | 11:17 |
rye | aboSamoor, then execute ps aux|grep [s]yncdaemon to make sure that it is no longer running | 11:17 |
rye | aboSamoor, it looks like the signals to connect do not reach syncdaemon, since this is happening on DBus, it is just weird | 11:17 |
aboSamoor | rye, it is not running anymore | 11:18 |
aboSamoor | rye, what should I do now | 11:18 |
rye | aboSamoor, ok, thanks, now try to start it with u1sdtool --start | 11:18 |
rye | aboSamoor, the log files should now indicate that it is starting up, reading metadata. u1sdtool --status should show that it is runnign | 11:19 |
rye | aboSamoor, then signal it to connect - u1sdtool --connect | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | rye, eid@eid-desktop:~$ u1sdtool --start | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | eid@eid-desktop:~$ u1sdtool --status | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | State: READY_WITH_NETWORK_WITH_BOTHQ | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | is_error: False | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | is_connected: False | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | description: ready to connect, network up, user yet to push "go", BOTHQ waiting | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | is_online: False | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | eid@eid-desktop:~$ u1sdtool --connect | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | eid@eid-desktop:~$ u1sdtool --status | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | State: READY_WITH_NETWORK_WITH_BOTHQ | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | is_error: False | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | is_connected: False | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | description: ready to connect, network up, user yet to push "go", BOTHQ waiting | 11:20 |
aboSamoor | is_online: False | 11:20 |
rye | aboSamoor, ok, could you please post the output of ps auxww | grep [u]buntuone ? | 11:21 |
aboSamoor | rye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/373873/ | 11:22 |
rye | aboSamoor, hm... is there a firefox window with OAuth request waiting? | 11:23 |
aboSamoor | rye, no | 11:24 |
rye | aboSamoor, do you have firefox browser running at the moment? | 11:25 |
aboSamoor | rye, yes | 11:25 |
rye | aboSamoor, will it be possible for you to quit it? Hm... were you asked to confirm connection to ubuntuone on Feb 10 ? :) It looks like the session has started then, but it might have completed then as well... I am not really sure about this | 11:26 |
rye | aboSamoor, wait | 11:27 |
rye | aboSamoor, could you please perform the following: 1. quit the applet with quit button, then 2. quit syncdaemon with u1sdtool -q, 3. killall ubuntuone-login process - this should kill all ubuntuone-related processes | 11:28 |
aboSamoor | rye, done | 11:29 |
rye | aboSamoor, afterwards, start the applet and try to connect to the cloud. If that fails then we'll need some dbus-monitor-related debugging, that's easy but it will take more time | 11:29 |
aboSamoor | rye, I connected the ubuntuOne and it started automatically login page in firefox | 11:31 |
aboSamoor | rye, now, it asks me to add the machine | 11:31 |
aboSamoor | rye, this machine is already added and I do not want to download the files again | 11:31 |
rye | aboSamoor, ok, that's correct behavior in case your machine was connecting to the cloud during update procedure | 11:31 |
rye | aboSamoor, the files will not be downloaded | 11:32 |
rye | aboSamoor, there is a bug report about this but the bottomline is that the association between server and client is dropped once client receives an invalid response from the server (e.g. during service maintenance). | 11:33 |
aboSamoor | rye, eid@eid-desktop:~$ u1sdtool --status | 11:34 |
aboSamoor | State: SCANNING_WITH_BOTHQ | 11:34 |
aboSamoor | is_error: False | 11:34 |
aboSamoor | is_connected: True | 11:34 |
aboSamoor | description: doing server rescan, BOTHQ waiting | 11:34 |
aboSamoor | is_online: False | 11:34 |
beuno | right | 11:35 |
rye | aboSamoor, it is connected and performing the inventory | 11:35 |
beuno | the servers are under heacy load | 11:35 |
beuno | *heavy | 11:35 |
aboSamoor | rye, eid@eid-desktop:~$ u1sdtool --status | 11:35 |
aboSamoor | State: START_WORKING_ON_BOTH | 11:35 |
aboSamoor | is_error: False | 11:35 |
aboSamoor | is_connected: True | 11:35 |
aboSamoor | description: start working on both content and metadata | 11:35 |
aboSamoor | is_online: True | 11:35 |
aboSamoor | rye, yeah, it is slow. | 11:35 |
rye | beuno, is it upgrade-related? I.e. is there some background process running on the DB system or this is a direct consequence of the upgrade? | 11:36 |
beuno | rye, there's a temporary change that was made that we expected would spike the load | 11:37 |
beuno | to flesh out a long-standing issue | 11:37 |
beuno | it's been found | 11:37 |
beuno | so now __lucio__ is getting the patch rolled out so the performance goes back to normal | 11:37 |
beuno | it will likely be solved within the next day or so | 11:38 |
rye | ok, I'd suggest that the general public this should be informed about this, e.g. via Twitter, Identica & mailing-list | 11:38 |
beuno | I agree | 11:38 |
beuno | you should talk to statik about it | 11:39 |
aboSamoor | rye, that message to add the computer must be more clear | 11:40 |
rye | aboSamoor, hm, good point | 11:40 |
aboSamoor | rye, now, I have the same computer added many times ! and I do not know which one is active | 11:40 |
rye | aboSamoor, hm... give me a sec, i will make a script that shows what computer id syncdaemon is using... | 11:42 |
rye | aboSamoor, http://paste.ubuntu.com/373889/ | 11:53 |
rye | aboSamoor, save it as ubuntuone-syncdaemon-oauth-token and then execute as python ubuntuone-syncdaemon-oauth-token - it should ask about access to the keyring and if you allow it to do that then it will show you the token that is used by syncdaemon | 11:54 |
rye | i believe such kind of info may also be presented by u1sdtool itself | 11:55 |
rye | aboSamoor, the info itself is stored in GNOME keyring and can be accessed via Application/Accessories/Passwords and Encryption Keys. The entry is typically called 'UbuntuOne token for https://ubuntuone.com" | 11:57 |
aboSamoor | rye, thanks :) | 12:02 |
rye | hm, can't we use system.hardware.uuid info from hal (if it can be retrieved) to match the computer with already registered one?.. | 12:04 |
rye | and replace the tokens, not accumulate them | 12:04 |
beuno | that would be super nice rye | 12:05 |
beuno | file a bug, chase dobey about it :) | 12:05 |
rye | beuno, the only thing I can see where it will fail when one person will use 2 accounts on a single machine and will want filesync between them... Of course, we may just ask (It appears that your computer was already registered previously, do you want to update the pairing or create new)... | 12:07 |
beuno | rye, cacn you even use 2 accounts? | 12:07 |
rye | beuno, yup, i have rtg and rtg-test :) | 12:07 |
Chipaca | say "me" to grab a slot to report your DONE/TODO/BLOCKED status | 15:06 |
rodrigo__ | me | 15:06 |
teknico | me | 15:06 |
jblount | me | 15:07 |
Chipaca | aquarius, chad, dobey, CardinalFang/urbanape, vds ? | 15:08 |
* Chipaca wonders where people are | 15:09 | |
beuno | me | 15:09 |
beuno | you insensitive clod | 15:10 |
rodrigo__ | :) | 15:10 |
teknico | :-D | 15:10 |
dobey | me | 15:10 |
rodrigo__ | we need a bot to ping people at the right time every day :-D | 15:10 |
aquarius | me | 15:11 |
Chipaca | rodrigo__: I've tried to convince verterok, but he said some wussy thing about too many robots | 15:11 |
aquarius | sorry | 15:11 |
verterok | Chipaca: me? | 15:11 |
urbanape | me | 15:11 |
Chipaca | ok, rodrigo__: go | 15:12 |
teknico | vds is having network problems | 15:13 |
rodrigo__ | • DONE: Contacts picker UI tweaks. geoip detection on music store server. More couchdb-glib API documentation. On-call review. Music download progress in music store widget | 15:13 |
rodrigo__ | • TODO: Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine? Add jslint tests to check. Remove autosave code in notes web editor. U1 client interrogates library page to update download progress. | 15:13 |
rodrigo__ | • BLOCKED: no | 15:13 |
rodrigo__ | next: teknico | 15:13 |
teknico | DONE: did more reviews; landed a branch to disable autoprovisioning in the DS server (#519246); started redoing a minimal phone setup web ui | 15:13 |
teknico | TODO: completing minimal phone setup web ui; more phone sync minisprint at vds' | 15:13 |
teknico | BLOCK: none | 15:13 |
teknico | next: jblount | 15:13 |
jblount | DONE: Lucid is rocking, started in on figuring out a reasonably complicated series of layout issues | 15:13 |
jblount | TODO: Got these layout issues done, give aq a bit of help with some layout stuff for the music store | 15:13 |
jblount | BLOCKED: Nope | 15:13 |
jblount | beuno: You! | 15:13 |
beuno | DONE: Landed branch with CSS fixes, landed fix for edge file browsing | 15:14 |
beuno | TODO: Another round of CSS fixes, more polish on files UI, officially join the team | 15:14 |
beuno | BLOCKED: no | 15:14 |
beuno | urbanape, go | 15:14 |
urbanape | DONE: Got Bindwood 1.0-ppa into my bindwood-exp PPA, but only for karmic. Joshuahoover tested it for me, and it seems not to have migrated his bookmarks. Sad panda. But! That's now a bug, not a feature, so we can probably push it into lucid for alpha3. | 15:14 |
urbanape | TODO: Make sure all the bugs are in launchpad, start working on funambol web ui. | 15:14 |
urbanape | BLOCK: None | 15:14 |
dobey | who? | 15:14 |
urbanape | EOM? | 15:14 |
dobey | you're all confused and off in the head | 15:14 |
dobey | ☺ DONE: Initial tests branch for control panel, Fixed bw limit defaults in syncdaemon.conf | 15:14 |
dobey | ☹ TODO: Expenses, ChangeUp release, Pkg branch reorg, Me menu integration, Control panel tabs | 15:14 |
dobey | ☹ BLCK: None. | 15:14 |
dobey | aquarius: your roll | 15:14 |
aquarius | clearly dobey and I are invisible to beuno :) | 15:14 |
aquarius | ⚀ DONE: discussion about SSO and payments; have music library page send message to downloader daemon; add translation support to RB plugin; prototype RB/library page integration | 15:14 |
aquarius | ⚁ TODO: work with rodrigo on libubuntuone library page integration; help alecu refine download daemon work; library page CSS with jblount's help; make tomboy first-sync experience nicer | 15:14 |
aquarius | ⚂ BLOCKED: | 15:14 |
urbanape | weird. | 15:15 |
beuno | aquarius, I just realized there is an order to this :) | 15:15 |
teknico | beuno, oh, you thought you could pick your favorite pal as next one? :-) | 15:16 |
beuno | yes | 15:16 |
beuno | that clearly leaves me in a bad position now | 15:16 |
urbanape | hurray! I'm beuno's favorite pal | 15:16 |
beuno | urbanape, you kick ass at lazr-js, I have no choice! | 15:16 |
dobey | i'm surprised he didn't pick the stewardess on Delta or something | 15:17 |
urbanape | yeah, we go in the order of the "me" responses | 15:17 |
Chipaca | beuno is drawn to lazr-js gods like flies to fresh droppings | 15:17 |
dobey | another meeting? | 15:18 |
dobey | what's a desktop? | 15:18 |
Chipaca | dobey: in a few minutes | 15:18 |
dobey | the top of my desk is pretty clean compared to the photo i posted on flickr | 15:18 |
dobey | Chipaca: aren't you supposed to be on a beach or something? :) | 15:19 |
Chipaca | dobey: not today, today is catch-up-with-the-team-and-make-sure-we're-good-for-the-freeze day | 15:19 |
Chipaca | dobey: also: I'm in northwest england. temperature outside has just managed to creep past 35F | 15:20 |
urbanape | Chipaca, speaking of, while I've gotten Bindwood packaged for my PPA, I'm not entirely sure who our go-to guy is now that asac is on a different team. | 15:20 |
urbanape | kenvandine maybe? | 15:20 |
dobey | oh | 15:20 |
kenvandine | urbanape, i can do what i can :) | 15:21 |
Chipaca | urbanape: kenvandine is probably the person to go to, at least to get a redirect | 15:21 |
kenvandine | i still don't understand the process for firefox plugins :) | 15:21 |
urbanape | kenvandine, aha. Okay. | 15:21 |
kenvandine | but i can certainly find out :) | 15:21 |
* Chipaca goes to hug kenvandine, but then buys him a beer instead | 15:21 | |
urbanape | well, I can successfully build a source and binary package, but I don't think I can add it to universe repos. | 15:21 |
kenvandine | do you have a packaging branch for it? | 15:22 |
urbanape | and I'm not sure whoever can will be able to use my built packages. | 15:22 |
urbanape | yeah | 15:22 |
kenvandine | ok | 15:22 |
urbanape | or, rather, will momentarily | 15:22 |
kenvandine | great | 15:22 |
rye | grrr... user designated folders, not user-defined... me wears a funny hat now. | 15:22 |
kenvandine | urbanape, point me at it when it is ready | 15:23 |
kenvandine | but it might not get done today... today is DX upload day :) | 15:23 |
kenvandine | so a ton of releases coming from them | 15:23 |
urbanape | yeah, I dig | 15:24 |
kenvandine | thx | 15:24 |
rickspencer3 | aquarius, not seeing mandel here, am I missing something? | 15:36 |
aquarius | rickspencer3, yeah, he's inconsiderately at work and thus not on irc :( | 15:37 |
rickspencer3 | dang it | 15:37 |
rickspencer3 | luuuuzer | 15:37 |
rickspencer3 | anyway, I'll stay logged in | 15:37 |
* rickspencer3 autojoins | 15:37 | |
vds | sorry technology is against me today | 15:43 |
vds | DONE: sprinting! landed #519740 landed #519876 landed #499879 | 15:43 |
vds | TODO: more sprinting! | 15:43 |
vds | BLOCKED: no | 15:43 |
rye | dobey, is it possible for you to find out what revision was 1.0.3-0ubuntu1 built against? | 16:15 |
dobey | rye: it's tagged in stable-1-0 branch series | 16:17 |
rye | dobey, yeah, right, lp:ubuntuone-client/stable-1-0 277. [release] ubuntuone-client 1.0.3, right on Branches page of ubuntuone-client... | 16:23 |
rye | thanks :) | 16:23 |
urbanape | kenvandine, lp:~urbanape/firefox-extensions/bindwood.ubuntu-lucid | 16:24 |
urbanape | I think it's all set up properly. | 16:24 |
urbanape | but I'd love a sanity check. | 16:24 |
urbanape | beuno, who's got the current best branch for the funambol web ui? | 16:30 |
beuno | urbanape, what an interesting question | 16:31 |
beuno | AIUI, the web ui got ripped off yesterday | 16:31 |
beuno | and teknico_ and vds ar putting a new one back in today | 16:31 |
beuno | that said | 16:31 |
beuno | if you just want to try the syncing | 16:31 |
beuno | you don't really need a UI I think | 16:31 |
beuno | just use the username/password on the phone or email client | 16:32 |
beuno | and look at it on the contacts page | 16:32 |
beuno | depends on what you're wanting to do :) | 16:32 |
=== teknico_ is now known as teknico | ||
urbanape | just want the best place to start | 16:34 |
beuno | teknico or vds would know better than me today | 16:34 |
teknico | urbanape, what beuno said | 16:35 |
teknico | use trunk to try syncing | 16:35 |
teknico | there's no web ui to speak of, yet | 16:35 |
urbanape | k | 16:37 |
teknico | urbanape, otoh there's still #439093 to be taken care of, if you feel so inclined :-) | 16:37 |
urbanape | teknico, okay, thanks | 16:43 |
dobey | ok, lunch time | 16:58 |
mandel | rickspencer3, ping | 18:00 |
rickspencer3 | hi mandel | 18:02 |
rickspencer3 | I heard you were looking for me regarding couchgrid | 18:02 |
rickspencer3 | the single most elegant and unhacky code base in history | 18:02 |
mandel | rickspencer3 yep ;) | 18:02 |
rickspencer3 | what's up? | 18:03 |
mandel | rickspencer3, got a question about it, is there a way to refresh the treeview when the db contents have changed? | 18:03 |
mandel | rickspencer3, such a dialog adding a record | 18:03 |
rickspencer3 | you mean aside from appedning the new record? | 18:04 |
rickspencer3 | like something else updates the database? | 18:04 |
mandel | rickspencer3, exactly | 18:04 |
rickspencer3 | hmm | 18:04 |
mandel | rickspencer3, I was thinking of sending a patch but I did not know if you had it already | 18:05 |
rickspencer3 | well, I would expect the dialog to call my_couch_grid.append_row(new_row) | 18:05 |
rickspencer3 | but there are a few ways to force a refresh | 18:05 |
rickspencer3 | like, just reset the database | 18:05 |
rickspencer3 | if you do: | 18:05 |
mandel | rickspencer3, but reseting will have to get all the objects, right? | 18:05 |
rickspencer3 | my_couchgrid.record_type = record_type | 18:05 |
rickspencer3 | that will refresh as well | 18:06 |
rickspencer3 | yeah, it will just completely throw away the underlying liststore model and rebuild itself | 18:06 |
rickspencer3 | with all the resulting flashing and time and such | 18:06 |
rickspencer3 | I wonder if you would be better off finding the change, and just adding and subtracting the new rows | 18:07 |
mandel | rickspencer3, ok, 'cause my idea was to append a callback function that uses the changes api from desktopcouch and appends the row when it detects changes | 18:07 |
rickspencer3 | mandel, that would be sweet | 18:08 |
mandel | rickspencer3, CardinalFang added a very nice API for that at the last UDS :P | 18:08 |
rickspencer3 | however, please note ... | 18:08 |
rickspencer3 | that the couchgrid that I wrote for Karmic is kind of dead to me as of last night | 18:08 |
mandel | ouch, you killed it? | 18:08 |
rickspencer3 | I ported it to derive from quickly.widgets.dictionary_grid | 18:08 |
rickspencer3 | so it's part of the quickly-widgets library as of last nigh | 18:09 |
rickspencer3 | I didn't kill it, I made it better ... stronger ... faster | 18:09 |
rickspencer3 | :) | 18:09 |
rickspencer3 | the interface changed a bit, as append_row now requires a dictionary instead of a list | 18:09 |
mandel | ok, then I'll take a look at that. Does it take views? | 18:09 |
rickspencer3 | take views? | 18:10 |
rickspencer3 | you give it a record_type, just like the old couchgrid | 18:10 |
mandel | as in couchdb view results, you know.. execute_view(view, name) | 18:11 |
rickspencer3 | not really | 18:11 |
rickspencer3 | well ... yes | 18:11 |
rickspencer3 | but not as part of the API | 18:11 |
rickspencer3 | you give it a record type, and it calls the function that takes a record type and creates a view for the record type if it's not there yet | 18:11 |
* rickspencer3 check function name | 18:11 | |
mandel | you mean get_records | 18:12 |
rickspencer3 | mandel, yeah | 18:12 |
rickspencer3 | #retrieve the docs for the record_type, if any | 18:12 |
rickspencer3 | results = self._db.get_records( | 18:12 |
rickspencer3 | record_type=self._record_type,create_view=True) | 18:12 |
mandel | ok, I was thinking to send you a couple of things for the old grid... allow to use either record_type or a name of a view to filter the result | 18:13 |
mandel | and a widget I've got that create an autocomplete text entry from the result of a view that returns an array | 18:13 |
mandel | such as get all the categories from the contacts db | 18:14 |
rickspencer3 | mandel, I am really open to merges | 18:15 |
rickspencer3 | would be happy to get those | 18:16 |
rickspencer3 | consider the old grid all yours | 18:16 |
rickspencer3 | but the new grid has some very powerful benefits | 18:16 |
rickspencer3 | it automatically understands different column types, for example | 18:16 |
rickspencer3 | in old couchgrid, everything is a string | 18:16 |
rickspencer3 | you can associate the grid with a gridfilter, and get automagic filtering UI | 18:17 |
rickspencer3 | etc... | 18:17 |
mandel | rickspencer3, dont worry, I'll throw my code away and take a look at yours, I'm sure is far more advance :) | 18:17 |
rickspencer3 | well ... | 18:17 |
mandel | rickspencer3, I'll just try to add the view stuff which is kinda useful | 18:17 |
rickspencer3 | there is actuall *less* couchgrid code now, since dictionary grid handles the rendering of the treeview | 18:17 |
rickspencer3 | so the new one should theoretically be easier for you to hack on | 18:17 |
mandel | rickspencer3 superb! which is the lp branch? | 18:18 |
rickspencer3 | lp:quidgets | 18:19 |
rickspencer3 | quidgets/quickly/widgets/couch_grid.py | 18:19 |
rickspencer3 | mandel, I know you probably read my blog with the utmost urgency and care, but just in case you had a technical glitch which kept you from getting up in the middle of the night to read it ... | 18:21 |
rickspencer3 | I am embarking now on actually documenting quickly-widgets | 18:21 |
rickspencer3 | I'll start with the grids in case that can help you out | 18:21 |
mandel | rickspencer3 thanks a lot! I'll do my best to give a hand, and don't worry about me, I understand code quite fast ;) | 18:22 |
rickspencer3 | mandel, yeah, it's not you I worry about, it's me | 18:22 |
rickspencer3 | I know what kind of APIs I want to use myself ... | 18:22 |
mandel | rickspencer3 and I do read your blog though the ubuntu feed (photobomg etc...) | 18:22 |
rickspencer3 | but don't necessarily have the coding skills to implement them in the most elegant manner | 18:23 |
rickspencer3 | hehe | 18:23 |
rickspencer3 | (I hope it was obvious I was kidding about following my blog) | 18:23 |
rickspencer3 | mandel, so, looking forward to seeing what you do | 18:23 |
rickspencer3 | and don't hesitate to ping me | 18:23 |
mandel | rickspencer3, I'm sure your skills are really good, I'll keep you posted, need to go now | 18:23 |
rickspencer3 | bye bye | 18:24 |
mandel | rickspencer3, adios | 18:24 |
seanbrystone | Hi, i keep getting a "Capabilities mismatch" error on Ubuntu One (Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit) | 18:27 |
duanedesign | hi seanbrystone | 18:28 |
seanbrystone | hi | 18:28 |
duanedesign | seanbrystone: that is an error that is effecting people who have updated to Karmic and not updated since the upgrade | 18:29 |
seanbrystone | oh so all i have to do is update Karmic? | 18:30 |
duanedesign | seanbrystone: try System > Administration > Update Manger | 18:31 |
duanedesign | and see if an update comes up for ubuntuone-client | 18:31 |
seanbrystone | k | 18:31 |
seanbrystone | sure is :) | 18:32 |
duanedesign | seanbrystone: ok great. | 18:33 |
seanbrystone | thanks duanedesign , it's downloading (kinda on a slow connection) so imma gonna assume that will work, if not i'll come back later on thanks again :) | 18:34 |
duanedesign | seanbrystone: definetly come back if you have anymore issues | 18:35 |
aquarius | statik, hey | 20:24 |
aquarius | man, irc from a phone is rubbish | 20:25 |
aquarius | is this even working? | 20:27 |
lifeless | yes | 20:27 |
aquarius | lifeless, cheers | 20:28 |
aquarius | cant keep the network up on my phone | 20:28 |
CardinalFang | aquarius, I can't hear you. type louder. | 20:28 |
aquarius | ha. ha. | 20:32 |
aquarius | just checking in in case there were questions for me | 20:33 |
aquarius | but since I've not been clamoured at, I shall happily assume not | 20:34 |
Daviey | aquarius: I heard you found it troublesome keeping it up. | 20:36 |
Daviey | in regards to your cable/adsl on twitter, ofc. | 20:37 |
greg-g | *honk* | 21:15 |
greg-g | having trouble getting the notes I create in the U1 web interface to save | 21:15 |
mattgriffin | rodrigo__: ^^^ is this still an issue or is a fix coming soon? | 21:16 |
greg-g | getting the "There was a problem with saving your note!" ahh, so you know :) | 21:16 |
CardinalFang | mattgriffin, i think that's fixed in one of my branches. I was hoping for more feedback on it, and rodrigo does know more of it than I do. | 21:20 |
mattgriffin | CardinalFang: thanks. greg-g, this should be rolling out soon. have you searched the bugs for the issue? | 21:22 |
greg-g | mattgriffin: I hadn't fully, since the link from one.ubuntu.com brought me to launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client instead of /ubuntuone and I didn't see anything related at ubuntuone-client (obviously). Now I see it, though. (long answer for "no, barely looked, came in here, but now I found it") | 21:26 |
greg-g | thanks for the update | 21:26 |
mattgriffin | greg-g: ah... thanks for that info. we should change that so people can easily find bugs for other projects | 21:27 |
greg-g | no problem | 21:32 |
greg-g | thanks for the help | 21:32 |
mattgriffin | greg-g: does this describe what you are experiencing? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/501020 | 21:47 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 501020 in ubuntuone-servers "Tomboy note sync and web-ui for notes are broken" [High,Confirmed] | 21:47 |
greg-g | mattgriffin: yep | 21:50 |
* greg-g marked it as affecting me and subscribed | 21:51 | |
mattgriffin | greg-g: good. sorry for the delay. i think it took a little while to diagnose the issue. | 21:51 |
greg-g | mattgriffin: no problem. | 21:55 |
Bookman | How do I totally remove Ubuntu One from the command line? | 22:29 |
rye | Bookman, you may be searching for this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/778 | 22:31 |
Bookman | Is that good for a multi-user system? I want to remove it from the computer for all users | 22:34 |
rye | Bookman, actually, if ubuntuone-client* and python-ubuntuone-storage* are removed, then there is nothing in the system that will want to connect. Ubuntu One folder will remain but it will not be bearing any special meaning and the keys in GNOME keyring will be no more used. | 22:39 |
rye | Bookman, may I ask about the reason you are removing the software? | 22:40 |
Bookman | It does not work | 22:40 |
Bookman | How to start it from the command line? | 22:42 |
rye | Bookman, erm... what do you mean? | 22:43 |
Bookman | I am trying to start it via SSH session. | 22:43 |
Bookman | I removed it completely, reinstalled and am trying it one last time. | 22:43 |
rye | Bookman, hm, actually it requires dbus session to be running | 22:44 |
rye | Bookman, are you trying to use it on the headless server? | 22:44 |
Bookman | No, I'm trying to fix a machine remotely | 22:44 |
rye | Bookman, do you have an access to the X session? | 22:45 |
Bookman | yes | 22:45 |
Bookman | I believe | 22:45 |
rye | Bookman, ok, then does your SSH session have dbus session (try $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS) ? | 22:47 |
rye | Bookman, and, additionally, is $DISPLAY set? | 22:47 |
rye | Bookman, i made the following - started gnome-terminal on the desktop, launched screen in it (that's why screen got all the env vars) and then attached to that screen via screen -rx | 22:48 |
rye | Bookman, the applet is started via ubuntuone-client-applet, btw, what version are you running? | 22:48 |
Bookman | Ok, hang on here.....too fast | 22:50 |
Bookman | Let's backup | 22:50 |
Bookman | I have an SSH session open. Ubuntu One is removed and reinstalled. | 22:51 |
Bookman | What to do next? | 22:51 |
Bookman | Keep it simple! | 22:51 |
rye | Bookman, do you have files in Ubuntu One or you want to do it completely from scratch? | 22:51 |
Bookman | I have files there. .local/share/UbuntuOne is gone. | 22:51 |
Bookman | For all users | 22:52 |
rye | Bookman, ok. so now try ubuntuone-client-applet, but it needs a) access to X session (i.e. DISPLAY should be set) and dbus. | 22:54 |
rye | actually, try starting it - if it does not work then it will fail | 22:54 |
Bookman | Ok, how to gain access? I have admin on the remote machine | 22:55 |
Bookman | (it failed via command line) | 22:55 |
rye | Bookman, is there X session running at the moment? | 22:55 |
rye | Bookman, ptw, could you paste the output from terminal? | 22:55 |
Bookman | http://pastebin.ca/1794035 | 22:57 |
Bookman | I'm not sure how to answer the X session question. Someone is on the remote computer at the moment working. I'm logged in via SSH session in Terminal. | 22:58 |
rye | Bookman, ok, is the user that is now working at the computer the one you are setting ubuntuone for? | 22:59 |
Bookman | No | 22:59 |
Bookman | I am the user | 23:00 |
Bookman | That ubuntuone is for | 23:00 |
rye | ok, let me think... | 23:00 |
Bookman | Think away. | 23:00 |
Bookman | Don't hurt yourself though! | 23:01 |
* rye is firing up VM to try such kind of setup, this is definitely can be done... | 23:01 | |
rye | Bookman, what type of connection do you have from your to the remote machine? Is your current machine running linux ? | 23:01 |
Bookman | All machines are on Ubuntu. Current is 10.04, remote is 9.10 | 23:02 |
Bookman | (Nothing but the best) | 23:02 |
Bookman | All over cable | 23:02 |
rye | ok. it is doable :) | 23:04 |
rye | fiirst, establish x forwarding from the remote machine, i.e. ssh -X user@remote-host | 23:05 |
Bookman | Done | 23:05 |
rye | Bookman, then see whether you can run xterm | 23:05 |
rye | xterm should open on your local desktop | 23:06 |
Bookman | Working.................... | 23:06 |
Bookman | done | 23:07 |
rye | Bookman, ok, now start dbus session in your ssh session - eval `dbus-launch` | 23:07 |
Bookman | in xterm? | 23:08 |
rye | Bookman, no, you can close xterm, we no longer need it | 23:08 |
Bookman | done | 23:09 |
rye | ppa version now contains support for applet-free operation, yet it has some rough corners, but there's going to be a tasty upgrade of Ubuntu One soon... | 23:09 |
rye | Bookman, ok, now try launching ubuntuone-client-applet | 23:09 |
Bookman | working............ | 23:10 |
rye | Bookman, it should 1) trigger gnome-keyring prompt for your keyring, 2) open the browser for OAuth authentication (from remote machine) and 3 - it even may appear in your own panel. | 23:10 |
rye | i mean the applet | 23:10 |
rye | Bookman, by cable you mean DSL connection or Ethernet ? | 23:11 |
Bookman | I am wireless>router>cable here locally. Remote is computer>modem>dsl | 23:11 |
Bookman | I get no response from the remote machine. | 23:12 |
Bookman | And now two icons on this local machine. | 23:12 |
Bookman | This Ubuntuone really chokes when dealing with Wicd | 23:12 |
rye | Bookman, hm, need to try Wicd to see whether it can be tweaked to provide DBus interface so that apps know what/whether connection is present | 23:13 |
rye | Bookman, are you able to ping the remote machine? | 23:13 |
rye | it may be loading the browser window over the internet... | 23:14 |
rye | hm | 23:14 |
Bookman | remote machine connection is no problem at all. | 23:14 |
Bookman | I can run anything but ubuntuone | 23:14 |
Bookman | The terminal just has a blinking cursor | 23:14 |
rye | Bookman, ok, are you able to open a concurrent connection to that machine ? | 23:15 |
Bookman | No problem with wicd....ubuntuone does not like anything but NetworkManager which does not like dsl | 23:15 |
rye | Bookman, i mean ssh, to look at the syncdaemon log | 23:15 |
Bookman | No concurrent | 23:16 |
Bookman | I have to control C with : | 23:17 |
Bookman | keithclark@bookworm-acerdesktop:~$ ubuntuone-client-applet | 23:17 |
Bookman | ^CTraceback (most recent call last): | 23:17 |
Bookman | File "/usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet", line 26, in <module> | 23:17 |
Bookman | import gtk | 23:17 |
Bookman | File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py", line 69, in <module> | 23:17 |
Bookman | _init() | 23:17 |
Bookman | File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py", line 54, in _init | 23:17 |
Bookman | _gtk.init_check() | 23:17 |
Bookman | KeyboardInterrupt | 23:17 |
rye | Bookman, i mean open new ssh cnnection to the same host... | 23:17 |
rye | but if you succeeded in killing ubuntuone-client-applet then it looks like it actually started to do something :) | 23:18 |
Bookman | Yes but no synced files | 23:18 |
rye | Bookman, can you open another ssh connection to the same machine ? | 23:19 |
Bookman | Yes | 23:19 |
Bookman | Doen | 23:19 |
Bookman | Doen | 23:19 |
Bookman | *damn, done | 23:19 |
joshuahoover | rye, Bookman: on the machine with wicd, what version of ubuntu one are you using? $ sudo apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client | 23:19 |
rye | ok, then try launching ubuntuone-client-applet again in the first session | 23:19 |
Bookman | Both machines have wicd | 23:19 |
rye | Bookman, The code in ubuntuone-client 1.0.3 instructs ubuntuone to start connecting even if it cannot find NetworkManager | 23:20 |
Bookman | I just reinstalled. Should be the latest. | 23:21 |
Bookman | Local machine is 10.04. Better have the latest | 23:21 |
Bookman | I believe that the code for non NetworkManager does not work. Here is the proof. | 23:21 |
joshuahoover | Bookman: strange, i know i've personally tested with wicd and never had an issue since we put the patch out there | 23:24 |
Bookman | I beg to differ. | 23:24 |
Bookman | Do you want access to my machine? | 23:25 |
joshuahoover | Bookman: are you getting any errors? ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log | 23:25 |
rye | Bookman, hm, could you please run "apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client " on the remote machine? | 23:25 |
Bookman | Ok, which one? | 23:25 |
Bookman | joshuahoover, no such file | 23:28 |
joshuahoover | Bookman: ok, can you run that command on the karmic (9.10) machine? | 23:28 |
joshuahoover | Bookman: apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client | 23:28 |
Bookman | joshuahoover, sorry about that, yes there is a file | 23:28 |
joshuahoover | Bookman: can you paste the contents at http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and post the link here? | 23:29 |
Bookman | I will post it here! Empty. | 23:30 |
rye | Bookman, ok, could you please run apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client on the remote (9.10) machine :) ? | 23:31 |
Bookman | ubuntuone-client: | 23:32 |
Bookman | Installed: 1.1.1+r321-0ubuntu1~ppa1~karmic | 23:32 |
Bookman | Candidate: 1.1.1+r321-0ubuntu1~ppa1~karmic | 23:32 |
Bookman | Version table: | 23:32 |
Bookman | *** 1.1.1+r321-0ubuntu1~ppa1~karmic 0 | 23:32 |
Bookman | 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic/main Packages | 23:32 |
Bookman | 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status | 23:32 |
Bookman | 1.0.3-0ubuntu1 0 | 23:32 |
Bookman | 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic-updates/main Packages | 23:32 |
Bookman | 1.0.2-0ubuntu1 0 | 23:32 |
Bookman | 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main Packages | 23:32 |
joshuahoover | rye: and he's not able to connect? | 23:33 |
rye | Bookman, hm, there is a known issue with beta ppa r321 that may prevent the client from updating files if there are shared folders | 23:34 |
rye | Bookman, can you start the applet in one ssh session then see what is printed to ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log | 23:34 |
rye | i guess you may download it to your machine via scp remote-machine:.cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.log ./ and post it to paste.ubuntu.com (pastebin.ca seems to be somehow slow)... | 23:35 |
Bookman | On the remote machine? Easy Peasy. Gedit | 23:36 |
rye | Bookman, i believe it is faster to download the log locally and then paste, since the DSCL connection might not provide enough upload bandwidth for Gedit to display file in finite amount of time :) | 23:37 |
Bookman | Ok, maybe not | 23:37 |
rye | *DSL | 23:39 |
Bookman | working....this i a PITA | 23:39 |
Bookman | Why is this not fixed? | 23:40 |
Bookman | Your competitor does a fine job. | 23:40 |
Bookman | Ok, I have to research how to copy files from the remote machine. | 23:42 |
rye | Bookman, frankly speaking I am not really sure what the problem you are experiencing is. If it is related to NetworkManager then it was fixed in ppa r298 or so onwards and 1.0.3 version of the stable release. If there is something else then we will need the logs to diagnose the issue | 23:42 |
rye | Bookman, have you filed the bug report or uploaded the logs for the issue you were experiencing before the reinstall? | 23:43 |
Bookman | I filed a bug months ago. I gave up waiting for an answer/solution. I forget the number and don't care to go threw the hassle to look it up. | 23:44 |
Bookman | I'm really frustrated. I try to make it work here. | 23:44 |
rye | Bookman, what's your lp id? | 23:44 |
Bookman | Your competitor just works. | 23:44 |
rye | Bookman, i have to say that ubuntuone really looks like a big black box where it is not really clear what is happening. However this is changing, since this is just unacceptable for the product of this grade to stay in this position. | 23:46 |
Bookman | Well, you are losing me and I'm really trying here. | 23:46 |
joshuahoover | Bookman: we can find the bug if you know your launchpad id...and my apologies for not getting the proper response and follow up on your bug | 23:47 |
Bookman | I really forget | 23:47 |
rye | johnlea, i have found Bookman, is it keithclark ? | 23:48 |
Bookman | keithclark | 23:48 |
rye | Bookman, ok | 23:48 |
Bookman | Or something similar | 23:48 |
Bookman | Yes, I am actually Keith | 23:48 |
rye | Bookman, ok, could you please describe the current state, i.e. is applet started? | 23:51 |
Bookman | how to tell? | 23:52 |
rye | ok, first of all the context - we are working on establishing the connection over ssh. all relevant X forwarding and dbus session launch is performed. There is 2 ssh connection, 1 with X forwarding and dbus session running and 2 is reserved for log reading | 23:52 |
rye | Bookman, i guess you may get the applet icon on your 10.4 machine, so, if there is an applet for your local ubuntuone, then you might get 2 icons | 23:53 |
rye | Bookman, however,... heh, you are running PPA, right? | 23:53 |
Bookman | PPA? | 23:53 |
rye | Bookman, beta PPA version (Personal Package Archive) | 23:53 |
Bookman | I have no idea | 23:54 |
Bookman | I installed it. | 23:54 |
rye | Bookman, so you don't even need the applet, could you please Ctrl+C the applet on the remote machine | 23:54 |
Bookman | done | 23:54 |
rye | Bookman, now please try u1sdtool --status in the same session | 23:54 |
Bookman | keithclark@bookworm-acerdesktop:~/.cache/ubuntuone/log$ u1sdtool --status | 23:55 |
Bookman | State: READY_WITH_NETWORK_WITH_BOTHQ | 23:55 |
Bookman | is_error: False | 23:55 |
Bookman | is_connected: False | 23:55 |
Bookman | description: ready to connect, network up, user yet to push "go", BOTHQ waiting | 23:55 |
Bookman | is_online: False | 23:55 |
rye | Bookman, ok, u1sdtool --connect | 23:56 |
rye | Bookman, do you have some shared with you folders ? | 23:56 |
Bookman | Nothing back. | 23:56 |
Bookman | This is an old computer I cannot remember all shares | 23:56 |
rye | Bookman, ok, now u1sdtool --status | 23:56 |
Bookman | State: READY_WITH_NETWORK_WITH_BOTHQ | 23:57 |
Bookman | is_error: False | 23:57 |
Bookman | is_connected: False | 23:57 |
Bookman | description: ready to connect, network up, user yet to push "go", BOTHQ waiting | 23:57 |
Bookman | is_online: False | 23:57 |
Bookman | keithclark@bookworm-acerdesktop:~/.cache/ubuntuone/log$ u1sdtool --connect | 23:57 |
Bookman | keithclark@bookworm-acerdesktop:~/.cache/ubuntuone/log$ u1sdtool --status | 23:57 |
Bookman | State: READY_WITH_NETWORK_WITH_BOTHQ | 23:57 |
Bookman | is_error: False | 23:57 |
Bookman | is_connected: False | 23:57 |
Bookman | description: ready to connect, network up, user yet to push "go", BOTHQ waiting | 23:57 |
Bookman | is_online: False | 23:57 |
rye | Bookman, hm, it should actually open keyring prompt and/or browser window | 23:58 |
Bookman | nope | 23:58 |
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