igc | morning | 00:05 |
* fullermd waves at igc. | 00:11 | |
igc | hi fullermd! | 00:12 |
fullermd | igc: I was curious, in this post-2.1 (or almost-so) world, whether content filter stuff was perking up toward the top of people's stacks. | 00:14 |
igc | fullermd: I certainly hope to get branch-specific rules into 2.2 | 00:16 |
igc | fullermd: what did you have in mind in particular? | 00:16 |
fullermd | Oh, just my standard low-level antsyness for $Keywords$. | 00:17 |
fullermd | The branch-specific rules and that collapsing bug are the only things I know offhand keeping it in "PoC curiosity" rather than "Try it on for real use". | 00:18 |
fullermd | (of course, once we hit the latter, THEN we ferret out the other 15,278 things it really needs ;) | 00:19 |
fullermd | (if the answer is "nahgonna'appen this cycle", that's reasonable; just trying to keep up-to-date on my mental sense of where it falls on the List) | 00:24 |
Pilky | hey got a bit of an odd theoretical question | 00:25 |
fullermd | Pilky: You're in luck! I've got an odd theoretical answer right on tap! | 00:26 |
Pilky | if I have a repo with a few branches in, the revisions are stored in the repo | 00:26 |
Peng | In theory, yes. :D | 00:26 |
Pilky | and if I remove the branch by using standard file operations the revisions aren't lost | 00:26 |
Pilky | so theoretically would it be possible to then reconstruct that branch | 00:27 |
fullermd | Basically, yes. | 00:27 |
Pilky | cool | 00:27 |
fullermd | You lose branch-specific config bits, like the parent/push/etc branches, the nick, yada yada. | 00:27 |
fullermd | But all the history revisions are available. | 00:28 |
Pilky | those are minor details, it's the code that's important | 00:28 |
Pilky | but yeah it just made me think after reading this blog post: http://rentzsch.tumblr.com/post/384353696/time-machine-your-version-control-safety-net | 00:28 |
Peng | The "bzr heads" command from bzrtools will help you find them. (Check the help for the proper options.) | 00:28 |
Peng | Then, init a branch in the repo, and do "bzr pull . -r revid:foo" with the ID you got from "heads". | 00:29 |
fullermd | Yeah. There may be cases where that config is necessarily and irreplacable, but I have a very hard time even fabricating such a situation. | 00:30 |
Peng | Tags will be lost, too, but presumably you can pull most of them from one of your other branches. | 00:30 |
fullermd | Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. That's probably the most likely source of a crippling (or at least maiming) loss. | 00:31 |
Peng | Who ever deletes a branch with more than 1 or 2 unique tags, though? | 00:31 |
Peng | ...Well, it's uncommon, at least. | 00:32 |
Pilky | well, even if you work alone, you should be pushing to a remote server frequently | 00:32 |
Peng | Also you have backups, eh, ehh? :D | 00:32 |
fullermd | Peng: Well, nobody, BEFORE. Now that you've said it, 6 people will show up in the next few hours asking how to recover from it. | 00:32 |
Pilky | Peng: heh I have local backups of everything, but I have my source remotely | 00:33 |
fullermd | Sounds like a good time for me to leave, and let YOU field them :p | 00:33 |
Peng | fullermd: Nah, I have stuff to do. (Or at least I'll find something!) Let's foist them on Pilky, he brought it up. :D | 00:34 |
Pilky | lol | 00:34 |
Pilky | I didn't mention tags! | 00:34 |
Pilky | you did! | 00:34 |
Peng | Oh damn. | 00:34 |
fullermd | You just did! | 00:34 |
Peng | Anyway, I really do have a little bit of stuff I need to do. See you soon! Probably! | 00:35 |
Pilky | heh as do i, that little bit of stuff being sleep | 00:35 |
Pilky | thanks for the answer! | 00:35 |
Peng | Sleep? I have a _lot_ of that I need to do, but I'm not going to. :P | 00:58 |
fullermd | Sl... eep? I believe I've heard of this concept. I thought it was a myth. | 01:01 |
Peng | It's a huge waste of time. I'm working on avoiding it. | 01:02 |
Peng | I keep seeing Oprah Winfrey in my wall, and I can't really do math anymore, but overall I think it's going well! | 01:02 |
fullermd | Hm. Do you think those two items are related? | 01:04 |
fullermd | ... actually, I'm not even sure which two items I'm asking about, and every permutation I can think of is more interesting than the last. | 01:04 |
fullermd | So maybe we're on the same page! | 01:05 |
bignose | I have a pending merge, and also some other changes that I want | 01:05 |
Peng | Oprah would like some changes, too. | 01:05 |
Peng | She thinks my hair sucks. :( | 01:05 |
bignose | is the right way to proceed to ‘bzr shelve --all ; bzr commit --message "Merged" ; bzr unshelve --all’? or is there a better way? | 01:05 |
Peng | Wait, what are you trying to do? | 01:05 |
Peng | You want to commit a merge without some of the changes that exist in the working tree? | 01:06 |
bignose | yes. | 01:06 |
bignose | I got the merge because I tried to commit my changes, but it failed because the repository was not up-to-date in this bound branch | 01:07 |
Peng | Oooooh, bound branches. | 01:07 |
bignose | so, I updated, and ended up with a pending merge | 01:07 |
Peng | I was wondering how you got into that situation. | 01:07 |
Peng | Sorry, but I don't know the right way to get out of this situation.. | 01:08 |
fullermd | First, you remove commit --local... | 01:08 |
Peng | Then you remove bound branches completely? >.> | 01:08 |
bignose | well, it seems that shelve gets me through it. (done now.) | 01:09 |
bignose | but I'm wondering if there's a less fiddly way. | 01:09 |
fullermd | In a way, you're a bit screwed. You can do OK with local commits, and you can do OK with uncommitted changes, but both at once is Bad Juju. | 01:09 |
bignose | I've done no local commits. | 01:09 |
bignose | (on this branch) | 01:10 |
fullermd | And that shelve won't really _solve_ it. It'll make a pretty sizable mess in history, since you're committing a merge in which you undo all the changes, and then another commit where you redo all of them. | 01:10 |
fullermd | If you didn't, you wouldn't get a pending merge from an update. | 01:10 |
maxb | By the same logic that 'bzr merge' will require --force if there are modifications, presumably the same ought to apply to 'bzr update' in a bound branch scenario | 01:11 |
bob2 | even if you have no local commits, bzr up can still cause lots of annoying conflicts | 01:12 |
bob2 | (and trash your local changes) | 01:12 |
fullermd | Yes, but only of one set of changes. With local commits, and uncommitted changes, you're in the same position as local changes + merge --force; you've got two things inextricably intermingled. | 01:12 |
bob2 | it is true | 01:12 |
bob2 | real unbound branches ftw | 01:13 |
fullermd | Well, I don't much care about bound branches, but you can have my heavy checkouts when you pry them from my cold dead hands :p | 01:13 |
* bignose doesn't understand the difference between “heavy checkout” versus “bound branch” | 01:14 | |
bignose | also, I don' | 01:14 |
bignose | also, I don't see what mess is created in history | 01:14 |
bob2 | haha | 01:14 |
mkanat | bignose: The difference is just a configuration variable. | 01:14 |
bignose | hmm. what I see in history is that the merge made a change, and the same change is then part of the local changes I've committed after the merge. | 01:15 |
bignose | weird. | 01:15 |
fullermd | Well, the difference is conceptual, and doesn't formally exist in bzr-today. | 01:15 |
lifeless | fullermd: some people dispute that it exists | 01:16 |
fullermd | Yes, but their mothers were hamsters, and their fathers smelt of elderberries. | 01:17 |
bignose | fullermd: is there anyone else here I can talk to? | 01:17 |
fullermd | No! Now, go away, or I shall confuse you a second time! | 01:18 |
bignose | heh | 01:18 |
lifeless | bignose: whats the question ? | 01:18 |
bignose | lifeless: about 40-50 lines back in this channel | 01:21 |
bignose | lifeless: simply, is there a less-fiddly way to resolve local uncommitted changes combined with a pending merge from the remote repository? | 01:22 |
lifeless | bignose: just commit | 01:23 |
lifeless | bignose: bzr will know what was from the merge and what was your changes | 01:24 |
lifeless | because you've done an 'update' right? - bzr should have done a pivot for you | 01:24 |
bignose | what's a pivot? | 01:25 |
bignose | the problem I encountered was that I want to do partial commits | 01:26 |
bignose | but Bazaar won't allow that while I have a pending merge. | 01:26 |
bignose | (to answer the question: yes, I did ‘bzr update’, which is where the pending merge came from.) | 01:27 |
lifeless | ok, then you should shelve the stuff you aren't ready to commit, and then commit. | 01:28 |
bignose | right. that worked. is there a less-fiddly way? say, to get just the merge committed? | 01:28 |
bignose | or, ideally, to get the update done without resulting in a pending merge? | 01:28 |
lifeless | so the update only adds a pending merge if you have done disconnected commits | 01:29 |
lifeless | so one way is 'do not do disconnected commits' | 01:30 |
bignose | never happened on this branch. | 01:30 |
bignose | (or did it? can I tell?) | 01:30 |
lifeless | someone uncommitted then on trunk | 01:30 |
lifeless | either an uncommit, push --overwrite, or you did a 'local' or 'offline' commit | 01:30 |
bignose | can that be detected after the repository is synchronised? | 01:31 |
lifeless | not really; log -n0 may give a hint | 01:33 |
fullermd | Mechanically? Not really. But by looking at the revision in the log, you can probably figure it out. | 01:33 |
bignose | thanks for the help | 01:34 |
=== khmarbaise_ is now known as khmarbaise | ||
lamalex | Hi, can someone help me figure out why one of my co-developers is getting this error when he pushes to what (should be) a shared branch? bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(chroot-24202192:///var/trac/c4398s10_2/repo/trunk/.bzr/branch/lock): Permission denied: "/var/trac/c4398s10_2/repo/trunk/.bzr/branch/lock/5ffyoe3oy1.tmp": [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/trac/c4398s10_2/repo/trunk/.bzr/branch/lock/5ffyoe3oy1.tmp' | 02:49 |
lamalex | what should permissions be to prevent this from happening | 02:50 |
fullermd | He needs to be able to write into that dir. | 02:52 |
fullermd | (and some others under .bzr; probably simplest to be able to write to _everything_ under .bzr) | 02:52 |
spiv | lamalex: as fullermd says; they need filesystem write permissions. You may want to have a 'bzrrepo' group that owns all files/directories in that repo to help with that. | 02:55 |
bignose | lamalex: My understanding is that (like most DVCS) Bazaar works on the assumption that there is a single owner of each repository. | 02:55 |
spiv | bignose: not really | 02:55 |
bignose | so, for a repository to be shared with multiple users, there should be a single account that owns the repository; and some mediator to allow other users to act as that user. | 02:56 |
lamalex | spiv: so if I chgrp -R the repo, we should be ok? | 02:56 |
spiv | Bazaar is perfectly happy for multiple users to be able to write to the repo, but you do need to arrange the filesystem permissions to allow that, which probably means a common group and maybe also setting a sticky bit on the group perms so new directories are owned by that shared group. | 02:56 |
fullermd | lamalex: On a filesystem with SysV semantics, you'll need g+s on the directories as well. | 02:56 |
bignose | e.g. the Bazaar server; or the PQM; or an account used via SSH public key. | 02:56 |
lamalex | fullermd: merci | 02:57 |
lamalex | bignose: that's definitely not true at all | 02:57 |
lamalex | that's not even how launchpad works | 02:57 |
fullermd | Launchpad works by using FM technology. | 02:57 |
spiv | fullermd: fairy munchkins? | 02:58 |
lamalex | :) | 02:58 |
fullermd | F.....lippin' Magic. | 02:58 |
Buginator | Is there a good bzr GUI client for SnowLeopard ? | 02:58 |
fullermd | You can't set a snow leopard loose in a bazaar. It would be chaos. | 03:00 |
fullermd | Buginator: Explorer and/or qbzr are the general answers on most platforms. AFAIK they work on OS X, though I don't know how hard they are to get installed. | 03:01 |
Buginator | ok, thanks | 03:03 |
bignose | lamalex: there's quite a lot of infrastructure difference between “multi-user repository” versus “Launchpad” | 03:06 |
=== JFo is now known as JFo-afk | ||
spiv | Need coffee. | 03:09 |
slestak | hey guys. i was just tinkering with bzr before trying to use it for real, and I would liek to start my repo over from nil | 03:15 |
slestak | ive googled and looed at the docs but I do not see how to do this | 03:15 |
slestak | for instance, i had my eol settings in a state i do not want them longterm, so I think I have crlf stored in the repo. | 03:16 |
fullermd | Well, the general means of starting from scratch involves "rm -rf" and... well... starting from scratch. | 03:18 |
slestak | i think that will just remove the branch, | 03:19 |
slestak | i may have not even doen an init-repo, I may have just init'd a single dir | 03:20 |
slestak | how can one tell the difference between a repo that holds branches and a dir in your projects folder that is just a branch of a remote project you were hacking on? | 03:21 |
fullermd | info will tell you. | 03:21 |
fullermd | But if you have a repo separate from the branch, that just means "rm -rf" * 2 :> | 03:22 |
slestak | i use several workstaitons and I have not reconciled where my repos will live | 03:22 |
meoblast001 | hi | 03:23 |
slestak | ok, bzr info list root as being . which is good. And a push branch as my fileserver at home. | 03:23 |
meoblast001 | is there any way to read Bazaar commits from PHP? | 03:23 |
slestak | let me look at bzr help info, thx for assist | 03:24 |
spiv | meoblast001: not that I know of, the format is pretty complex so it would take a fair bit of effort to write the PHP to decode it. | 03:25 |
meoblast001 | maybe this is more of a PHP question | 03:25 |
lifeless | system('bzr info') | 03:26 |
meoblast001 | ok | 03:26 |
lifeless | ? | 03:26 |
lifeless | :) | 03:26 |
poolie | meoblast001: i'd probably run 'bzr log' in a subprocess with popen | 03:26 |
poolie | and parse that | 03:26 |
meoblast001 | ok | 03:27 |
poolie | lifeless: rereview https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/368931-rename-case-2.0/+merge/19079/+request-review pls? | 03:28 |
slestak | if I have a project that is a proof of concept, but could grow large in the future, is it commonr to refactor branches from one repo to another? | 03:29 |
slestak | duh, merge. sorry for elementary questions | 03:30 |
lifeless | slestak: repos don't matter for workflow: all the affect is performance. | 03:30 |
slestak | lifeless: ive been really in analysis paralysis about project dir setup. i have a mix of personal and work machines and projects. I work on all of them on all the machines | 03:31 |
lifeless | slestak: thats fine, just do it | 03:31 |
lifeless | once you know how you're using it you can decide how to tune it | 03:32 |
meoblast001 | spiv: http://m.mysticgalaxies.com:8080/host/meoblast001/software/dontwant/bzr.php | 03:32 |
meoblast001 | that's the only problem :P | 03:32 |
lifeless | poolie: + if tests.CaseInsCasePresFilenameFeature.available(): | 03:32 |
lifeless | won't work too well | 03:33 |
poolie | why? | 03:33 |
spiv | meoblast001: well, a <pre> tag and HTML-escaping will help a lot :) | 03:33 |
meoblast001 | ah, probably | 03:33 |
lifeless | poolie: its already in tests :) | 03:33 |
lifeless | poolie: # new coding style is for feature instances to be lowercase | 03:33 |
lifeless | dunno if I'd bother with the comment | 03:33 |
spiv | meoblast001: also, I think there's an xmloutput plugin | 03:33 |
poolie | you can import a module from within itself | 03:34 |
poolie | but it's a bit messy | 03:34 |
spiv | meoblast001: so that you could do "bzr log --xml", which might be more convenient (or maybe not) | 03:34 |
lifeless | oh I see you have. I wish colourisation upon these diffs | 03:34 |
spiv | meoblast001: https://launchpad.net/bzr-xmloutput | 03:35 |
lifeless | poolie: anyhow, I'd use the global name space rather than importing inside the feature. other than that , JFDI | 03:35 |
poolie | i did that | 03:35 |
poolie | just now. i previously put it in features but then decided it was better next to its buddies | 03:36 |
lifeless | then +1 | 03:36 |
poolie | tell me, do you think my comment in make_canonical_tree is correct? | 03:36 |
poolie | if i change it to use _convert_tree i do get some failures | 03:37 |
lifeless | this isn't actually guaranteed to return the class ? | 03:37 |
poolie | it seems to be returning a workingtree | 03:37 |
poolie | whereas this class also wants to test some revisiontrees | 03:37 |
lifeless | so per_tree is a bit stubby | 03:38 |
lifeless | but the intent of it is definitely to test more than working tree | 03:38 |
lifeless | Ihaven't seen make_canonical_tree before, I'd guess someone adding a helper that is either meant to be _convert_tree'd, or that wasn't really following the intent. | 03:39 |
meoblast001 | thanks spiv | 03:40 |
* igc lunch | 03:57 | |
lifeless | where? | 03:58 |
* lifeless WANTS | 03:58 | |
fullermd | Maybe he was suggesting himself AS lunch... | 04:03 |
idnar | launch | 04:05 |
idnar | lunchpad? | 04:05 |
* fullermd . o O ( bzr pull lp:BLTandFries ) | 04:05 | |
dOxxx | greetings | 04:35 |
spiv | fullermd: hmm, have you signed the contributors agreement? I have a feeling that you probably have, but don't see your name in the LP team. | 05:23 |
dOxxx | good night all | 05:42 |
lifeless | fullermd: thats cruel man... oh I could so eat that | 05:53 |
igc | night all | 07:44 |
gerard_ | aahh | 09:06 |
gerard_ | admin! | 09:07 |
lifeless | jelmer: ping | 09:08 |
lifeless | jelmer: I'd like to ask a small favour: update the bzr-search packaging :) | 09:09 |
lifeless | someone remind me to unban him tomorrow | 09:11 |
gerard_ | lifeless: thx | 09:14 |
jml | hello | 09:19 |
jml | if I want to stop receiving emails about bzr merge proposals, I have to leave ~bzr-core, right? | 09:19 |
lifeless | jml: I dunno | 10:00 |
lifeless | jml: perhaps you coul subscribe to the relevant branch directly and say 'dont mail me' in that subscription | 10:00 |
lifeless | jelmer: ping | 10:00 |
jml | lifeless, there's a thought. I'll try that. | 10:02 |
lifeless | jml: ping | 10:09 |
lifeless | meh | 10:10 |
lifeless | jelmer: ping | 10:10 |
tonfa | gug | 10:33 |
tonfa | can anybody point me to the details of the protocol used by bzr to discover remote changes? | 10:33 |
jpds | tonfa: I think it uses Avahi. | 10:41 |
ronny | jpds: he means the dag differnce finder, not location discovery | 10:42 |
ronny | lifeless: is there any spec on/doc on what exactly smart-server does? | 10:43 |
spiv | ronny: not really | 11:05 |
spiv | ronny: there's some basic stuff in network-protocol.txt in the developer docs | 11:05 |
spiv | ronny: but that's more about the basic RPC serialisation than what the RPCs do and how to use them | 11:06 |
tonfa | spiv: ok | 11:06 |
spiv | ronny: the individual RPCs are implemented in bzrlib/smart/*.py, and mostly have terse docstrings explaining what they do, e.g. http://starship.python.net/crew/mwh/bzrlibapi/bzrlib.smart.repository.SmartServerRepositoryGetParentMap.html#do_repository_request | 11:07 |
spiv | tonfa: oops, I should have been addressing you :) | 11:07 |
spiv | tonfa: I'd be quite happy to answer questions here (if I'm around, probably not for much longer tonight) or on the mailing list | 11:08 |
tonfa | I see | 11:08 |
spiv | tonfa: the RPC API assumes a fair bit of familiarity with bzrlib, really. e.g. the Repository.get_parent_map RPC essentially works the way bzrlib.Repository.get_parent_map does. | 11:09 |
spiv | tonfa: the complete list of methods can be seen in the source in bzrlib/smart/request.py | 11:09 |
spiv | tonfa: I'd very much like to improve the protocol docs, but there hasn't been much motivation to so far | 11:10 |
LeoNerd | I think I broke my bzr-svn cache :/ | 11:10 |
LeoNerd | bzr: ERROR: exceptions.KeyError: 'No such TDB entry' | 11:10 |
spiv | tonfa: if you'd like to provide that motivation, great :) | 11:10 |
spiv | LeoNerd: whee! | 11:10 |
LeoNerd | I ctrl-C'ed it once because I ran "bzr st" instead of "svn st" by mistake, and didnt' want it to spend 5 minutes now pulling new revs... ever since then it's been broken | 11:11 |
spiv | tonfa: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/annotate/head%3A/bzrlib/smart/request.py#L489 is where the RPC registrations start | 11:11 |
tonfa | spiv: btw we plan on adding early error returns for http in hg | 11:11 |
spiv | tonfa: what do you mean by "early returns"? | 11:12 |
spiv | You're talking about something to do with the finding the differences in the remote graph? | 11:12 |
tonfa | spiv: errors happening while streaming data, | 11:13 |
spiv | Oh, right. | 11:13 |
tonfa | there's a discussion about that at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/annotate/head:/doc/developers/network-protocol.txt | 11:13 |
spiv | Yeah. | 11:13 |
tonfa | so maybe if it works well for us you can do it too :) | 11:13 |
spiv | The current bzr protocol allows that, I can't remember if the HTTP medium handles it appropriately or not. | 11:14 |
spiv | Mid-stream failures are actually a fairly rare occurence for us! | 11:14 |
tonfa | for us too, it's just that we then don't show a meaningful error to the user | 11:15 |
spiv | Yeah. And they are usually "interesting" errors that you'd rather have some hint about :) | 11:16 |
tonfa | yes, instead of asking the user to launch wireshark | 11:16 |
tonfa | or looking at the server logs | 11:16 |
tonfa | which isn't always possible | 11:16 |
tonfa | spiv: how do you clone the bzr repo in one line? (ie what's the url) | 11:17 |
tonfa | it will be easier to browse the code if I have it locally | 11:17 |
tonfa | bzr clone lp:bzr seems to work | 11:18 |
spiv | tonfa: in bzr, you clone branches, not repos (a confusing terminology difference vs. hg) | 11:21 |
spiv | tonfa: the canonical form is 'bzr branch URL', but 'get' and 'clone' are aliases of 'branch'. | 11:22 |
tonfa | ok, so I still didn't do anything wrong :) | 11:23 |
spiv | tonfa: so, that command is fine. Note that Launchpad doesn't yet provide the smart server over HTTP, so you'll need to run provide an SSH key to Launchpad and use 'bzr lp-login' to make lp:bzr fully efficient :) | 11:23 |
tonfa | I see | 11:23 |
spiv | tonfa: oh, | 11:24 |
spiv | tonfa: if you add -Dhpss to your command line (or debug_flags = hpss to your ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf), then your ~/.bzr.log will show much of the smart protocol conversation | 11:25 |
spiv | "hpss" stands for "high-performance smart server", our original jargon for this feature | 11:25 |
spiv | Which will certainly give you a much more helpful picture than wireshark :) | 11:26 |
tonfa | indeed | 11:28 |
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk | ||
lifeless | we' | 11:38 |
lifeless | re nuking clone and get for branches I believe | 11:39 |
fullermd | lifeless: Well, so setup a munch proposal on lunchpad :p | 11:42 |
fullermd | spiv: This iteration, I don't think so. Seems I went through whatever we had before it. | 11:43 |
tonfa | spiv: looks like search_missing_revision_ids() was what I wanted | 11:44 |
spiv | tonfa: yeah (although different operations use different codepaths sometimes, sometimes for good reasons sometimes not... :/ ) | 11:48 |
spiv | tonfa: we have some plans to make some relatively cheap improvements to search_missing_revision_ids, but we haven't gotten around to implementing them yet | 11:49 |
spiv | tonfa: I'd be happy to compare notes with what you do in hg :) | 11:49 |
spiv | But not tonight, it's getting late here. | 11:50 |
fullermd | Is the fallout from the last round of contributor agreement stuff expected to arrive soon? | 11:52 |
tonfa | spiv: ok, night' | 11:53 |
spiv | fullermd: not sure, poolie is the one that would know | 11:57 |
fullermd | Mmp. Well, I'd guess you'd know if it were expected in the next few days... | 11:58 |
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch | ||
spiv | fullermd: me? Not likely, I'm essentially working part-time atm due to a newborn | 12:06 |
fullermd | Oh, I thought you were older than that :) | 12:06 |
fullermd | Damn child labor laws... | 12:07 |
spiv | fullermd: and I'd be superfluous to that discussion anyway, poolie understands all the requirements | 12:07 |
* spiv submits a merge proposal and goes to bed | 12:08 | |
fullermd | Well, I was just thinking if it were about to show up, I'd hold off for it instead of sending in the current one. | 12:08 |
fullermd | Owell. | 12:09 |
spiv | fullermd: yeah, I understand. Unfortunately I really have no insight to offer :) | 12:12 |
fullermd | Hm. irc.ubuntu.com is a CNAME for freenode, but isn't it still a little weird listing it in README? | 12:14 |
fullermd | spiv: 'k, sent. | 12:17 |
rubbs | morning all! | 13:11 |
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell | ||
=== jml is now known as jml-afk | ||
=== jml-afk is now known as jml | ||
quicksilver | can two completely unrelated projects live in the same shared repo? | 14:30 |
beuno | quicksilver, yes | 14:30 |
beuno | they just won't share revisions | 14:30 |
quicksilver | good. | 14:31 |
quicksilver | Can I somehow make bzr push push stuff up as g+w ? | 14:31 |
quicksilver | my umask on that machine is actually 002 | 14:31 |
quicksilver | but newly pushed branches still go up as g-w | 14:32 |
quicksilver | (using bzr+ssh, that is) | 14:32 |
quicksilver | I remember some discussion years about about sftp ignoring umask | 14:36 |
quicksilver | but that was considered to be a shortcoming of sftp | 14:36 |
quicksilver | and I thought one of the good things about bzr+ssh was going to be fixing it. | 14:37 |
mzz | hmm! I haven't actually done this recently, but are you sure the shell startup script that sets your umask actually gets run if you use bzr+ssh? | 14:37 |
mzz | (I'd try putting a "touch /tmp/this-is-reached" in whatever script this is) | 14:37 |
mzz | I don't know if bzr+ssh sets umask itself | 14:38 |
mzz | but if whatever's setting your umask to 002 isn't reached that'd obviously cause this :) | 14:38 |
quicksilver | that's true enough. | 14:45 |
quicksilver | No, I'm not sure. | 14:45 |
fullermd | quicksilver: bzr preserves the +/-w based on the permissions of the directory. | 14:49 |
fullermd | sftp doesn't ignore umask; the problem there is that it refuses to set the set[ug]id bits. | 14:49 |
quicksilver | fullermd: but the enclosing directory is drwxrwsr-x | 14:50 |
quicksilver | fullermd: and new branches are getting pushed up as drwxr-sr-x | 14:51 |
fullermd | There's some uncertainty as to which directory it bases on. It might be .bzr itself, or .bzr/repository, rather than the packs/ directory. | 14:51 |
quicksilver | setgid is being preserved, but not g+w | 14:51 |
fullermd | Oh, new branches. Yes, bzr doesn't itself muck with perms on those. | 14:51 |
quicksilver | right, new branches. | 14:51 |
quicksilver | although perhaps your implication is that if we switch this to a shared repo, which we are about to do anyway, this problem will go away? | 14:52 |
fullermd | Probably an issue with which [parts of] rc files the shell reads in interactive vs. batch environments. | 14:52 |
fullermd | No, the packs for the revs would get the right perms, but the branch files themselves will still wind up umask-based. | 14:52 |
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LeoNerd | Is there a way to alter the number of lines of context 'bzr shelve' uses? I have two unrelated changes in one file that are just close enough that they come out as one diff chunk... I'd like it to be two | 16:35 |
Meths | I imagine the solution would be to shelve one change, then make the second and shelve that but I may be corrected. | 16:39 |
fullermd | If you were thinking it before the fact, you wouldn't need shelve at all ;p | 16:41 |
fullermd | AFAIK there's no way to split patch hunks in shelve. There's some 'edit'-ish functionality, but I don't know how easy it would be to fake up what you want. | 16:41 |
LeoNerd | It's not that I want to split it, as such | 16:42 |
LeoNerd | If you use bzr diff --diff-options="-c 1" then they're split OK | 16:42 |
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poolie | fullermd: re contributor agreement updates; i do expect it soon but it's unpredictable | 18:42 |
mtaylor | NEAT! | 18:43 |
mtaylor | bzr: ERROR: syntax error: line 1, column 0 | 18:43 |
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nosklo | can't use a proxy, how do I get meaningful error message? | 18:58 |
nosklo | lost connection, somebody answered? | 19:10 |
rubbs | no | 19:10 |
rubbs | what is your question again? I'm not quite understanding it | 19:10 |
nosklo | I'm trying to use a proxy | 19:14 |
nosklo | so I can branch some code | 19:14 |
nosklo | But when trying to do so, bzr returns a cryptic error which I can't make sense of | 19:14 |
rubbs | can you post the error on pastebin? | 19:15 |
rubbs | !pastebin | 19:15 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 19:15 |
rubbs | I can't stay long (I have a meeting) but someone here can usually help if they can see the full error. | 19:15 |
nosklo | rubbs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/374922/ | 19:16 |
nosklo | I don't know exactly *what* is not known | 19:17 |
nosklo | wget downloads fine | 19:17 |
nosklo | also using bzr alternatives like git and mercurial works | 19:17 |
rubbs | hmmm | 19:17 |
nosklo | I've tried to setup some proxy | 19:17 |
nosklo | in the bzr config files | 19:17 |
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nosklo | but the bzr docs are hard to find | 19:18 |
nosklo | I can't find any mention of how you configure the proxy | 19:18 |
nosklo | so I'm doing guesswork | 19:18 |
rubbs | not sure how to help :( | 19:18 |
rubbs | any dev's in the house now? | 19:18 |
rubbs | oh... before I go, have you checked .bzr.log? it's usually in your home directory, or my documents if on windows. | 19:20 |
rubbs | that might give you more info, it can help others on here too. | 19:20 |
nosklo | oh | 19:20 |
nosklo | COOL | 19:20 |
rubbs | but I have to go. I'll be back in an hour or so. | 19:20 |
luks | it would be easier to use plain http url | 19:20 |
luks | I think the lp: directory service does some non-http API calls | 19:21 |
nosklo | luks: I've tried that and got a different error | 19:21 |
nosklo | luks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/374927/ | 19:22 |
luks | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~washort/ecru/trunk is the right url to use | 19:22 |
nosklo | same thing :( | 19:23 |
nosklo | http://paste.ubuntu.com/374930/ | 19:23 |
luks | not code | 19:23 |
luks | bazaar | 19:23 |
luks | bazaar.launchpad.net | 19:23 |
nosklo | oh | 19:23 |
nosklo | that works! | 19:23 |
nosklo | luks: thanks | 19:24 |
luks | code.launchpad.net is the launchpad website | 19:24 |
luks | and it seems to force you to use https | 19:24 |
luks | which you can't do over a http proxy | 19:24 |
nosklo | https should work on my proxy | 19:24 |
* nosklo tests | 19:24 | |
nosklo | yeah, wget can use https just fine | 19:25 |
nosklo | wget https://code.launchpad.net/ecru # works | 19:26 |
luks | no idea then | 19:26 |
luks | I prefer to use direct http/bzr+ssh URLs for launchpad to avoid problems like this | 19:27 |
nosklo | the error on .bzr.log is InvalidHttpResponse: Invalid http response for https://code.launchpad.net/%7Ewashort/ecru/trunk/.bzr/branch-format: Unable to handle http code 502: Proxy Error ( The parameter is incorrect. ) | 19:27 |
nosklo | however wget https://code.launchpad.net/%7Ewashort/ecru/trunk/.bzr/branch-format works | 19:28 |
nosklo | returns a file with "Bazaar-NG meta directory, format 1" in it | 19:28 |
luks | I don't know how http/https proxies work | 19:28 |
luks | but maybe bzr is doing something stupid like using http to talk to a https server | 19:29 |
nosklo | unfortunately I'm forced on this proxy in my company | 19:29 |
luks | do you have the https_proxy environment variable set? | 19:30 |
nosklo | yes | 19:30 |
nosklo | that's how wget works btw | 19:31 |
nosklo | if I remove the var, wget stops working | 19:31 |
luks | ah | 19:31 |
luks | (as I said, I don't know much about proxies, so just guessing) | 19:31 |
nosklo | me neither, but I'm trying to debug bzr anyway :) I'm trying to read the source code and reproduce the error on python | 19:32 |
nosklo | so I can ask on #python instead :) | 19:32 |
luks | jam might help :) | 19:32 |
jam | hi luks | 19:33 |
luks | hey | 19:33 |
poolie | hi jam, luks | 19:33 |
nosklo | jam: I'm having some issue when using a https proxy with bzr, can you help me debug? | 19:33 |
jam | hey poolie, nice to see you so early again :) | 19:33 |
nosklo | Hm I think I figured out | 19:40 |
nosklo | reading the logs of the proxy server | 19:40 |
nosklo | bzr is sending some unprintable bytes instead of CONNECT | 19:40 |
nosklo | I think it is trying to talk SSL to the proxy (it's a http proxy that can handle https) | 19:41 |
nosklo | wget sends a CONNECT 443 first | 19:41 |
jam | nosklo: we have you provide the format | 19:41 |
jam | so https_proxy=http://proxy.com:PORT | 19:41 |
jam | etcc | 19:41 |
jam | etc | 19:41 |
nosklo | I did it | 19:41 |
jam | nosklo: you can also try running "bzr -Dhttp COMMAND" which should add some debugging information to ~/.bzr.log | 19:44 |
jam | which might help figure out when we are trying to connect, and how | 19:44 |
jam | also, what version of bzr? | 19:45 |
nosklo | I'm gathering the info... | 19:45 |
nosklo | 1.13.1-1 | 19:45 |
nosklo | http://paste.pocoo.org/show/177244/ | 19:51 |
jam | well if you can, I would recommend upgrading to at least 2.0 | 19:54 |
jam | I think we've had some recent work done on the proxy support | 19:54 |
jam | you can get it from our ppa | 19:54 |
nosklo | I will upgrade. | 19:55 |
jam | https://edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=hardy | 19:55 |
nosklo | I'm on jaunty :) | 19:56 |
nosklo | but okay | 19:56 |
jam | I would have thought jaunty had newer than 1.13... | 19:56 |
jam | but sure | 19:56 |
jam | same archive has hardy => lucid | 19:56 |
KhaZ | Hello: I'm having an issue pushing to a remote repository - it says they're not compatible due to rich root support. How can I fix this? | 20:03 |
KhaZ | Ah; nevermind. bzr upgrade worked, on a hunch. | 20:04 |
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jelmer | poolie, hi | 22:13 |
poolie | hi jelmer | 22:15 |
jelmer | poolie: Should I request a sync of 2.1rc2 to lucid yet or would you prefer to wait until 2.1 itself is out? | 22:21 |
poolie | i agree with james_w, we should sync now | 22:23 |
jelmer | ok | 22:24 |
james_w | jelmer: I can pull the trigger if it's just bzr | 22:24 |
james_w | or if you tell me what else | 22:24 |
poolie | you'll probably need some plugins too | 22:24 |
jelmer | james_w: all of the bzr world basically :-) | 22:25 |
fullermd | What's happening with 2.1 anyway? I thought it was to be released yesterday or today... | 22:25 |
james_w | just a list of source packages will do then | 22:25 |
james_w | saves you filing all the bugs | 22:26 |
poolie | it will be soon, i think jam was busy with somethig else | 22:26 |
jam | poolie, james_w: Yeah it was supposed to be yesterday or today, but today I got caught up with $OTHER | 22:27 |
fullermd | Ah, 'k. | 22:28 |
jelmer | james_w: oh, it actually seems like most things are already synced | 22:30 |
jelmer | (looking at http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/mdt/bazaar.html) | 22:30 |
james_w | ah, I'd forgotten about that page | 22:31 |
jelmer | james_w: can you just sync bzr from experimental? | 22:31 |
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james_w | there's no bzrtools release to go with it> | 22:33 |
poolie | i think there is? | 22:33 |
fullermd | There's a 2.1.0 out. | 22:33 |
poolie | at least upstream, announced 5 feb | 22:34 |
james_w | jelmer: do we not want that first? | 22:36 |
jelmer | james_w: hmm, that's a good point. I guess I'm not running the packaged version on my debian box, otherwise I would've noticed | 22:37 |
jelmer | I'll upload a newer version of bzrtools to experimental as well. | 22:37 |
james_w | thanks | 22:37 |
james_w | any chance of a bzr-builddeb upload as well? | 22:37 |
jelmer | sure | 22:38 |
jelmer | I think the changelog entry needs some work though.. | 22:39 |
james_w | I'm writing it now :-) | 22:40 |
lifeless | jelmer: hi | 22:47 |
lifeless | jelmer: bzr-search :) please pretty please please. | 22:47 |
jelmer | lifeless, hey | 22:47 |
jelmer | lifeless, can you explain what you would like me to do to it exactly? | 22:47 |
jelmer | :-) | 22:47 |
lifeless | package a newer snapshot of trunk | 22:47 |
lifeless | the ~70 snapshot that is packaged is broken with CHK repos | 22:47 |
lifeless | its fixed in trunk, and we're getting lots of bugs from packaged-bzr-search users. | 22:48 |
jelmer | lifeless: revno 77 is the latest version packaged | 22:48 |
jelmer | at least according to my debian qa page | 22:49 |
lifeless | interesting | 22:49 |
lifeless | oh, I see - karmic. | 22:49 |
lifeless | So I think what I mean is 'sob, karmic is bust' | 22:49 |
lifeless | we could look at an SRU I guess | 22:50 |
james_w | jelmer: lp:bzr-builddeb should be ok for an upload now | 22:53 |
jelmer | james_w: thanks | 22:53 |
jelmer | lifeless: ouch :-/ | 22:53 |
jelmer | james_w: wow, that's a lot of bugs that are fix released now :-) | 22:54 |
lifeless | bzr-search | 1.7.0~bzr70-1 | karmic/universe | source, all | 22:55 |
james_w | some have been fixed for ages, it's just not clear exactly what constitutes a release | 22:55 |
jelmer | james_w: * Upload to lucid. | 22:56 |
jelmer | that's not quite true :-) | 22:56 |
james_w | oh yeah :-) | 22:57 |
james_w | + (indirectly) | 22:57 |
jelmer | james_w: the removal of the dependency on bzrtools isn't mentioned in changelog, did it make it into 2.3? | 23:36 |
jelmer | james_w: Looks like it, I'll update changelog | 23:43 |
lifeless | james_w: ping | 23:49 |
lifeless | james_w: I don't understand why import-upstream would delete stuff (re your calling it dhmake | 23:49 |
lifeless | james_w: in fact, bzrtools already has a tarball import; I guess I'd like to see that tarball import do the pristine tar stuff and then builddeb could lose that code altogether (or move it from both into core) | 23:50 |
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