
joergmhall119, how are u?00:12
joergmhall119, I am good as well. thanks for asking :)00:39
highvoltageedubuntugirl: roshambo01:10
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: *blink*01:10
highvoltageedubuntugirl: lsmod01:10
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: Plugins: admin, conversions, core, eval, factoid, feeds, film, fun, games, geography, google, help, icecast, identity, karma, languages, log, lotto, meetings, memo, network, oeis, quotes, rfc, seen, social, sources, strings, test, urlgrab and urlinfo01:10
mhall119edubuntugirl: karma01:17
edubuntugirlmhall119: Excuse me?01:17
mhall119ah, nevermind01:17
highvoltageedubuntugirl: mhall119++01:19
highvoltageedubuntugirl: novel ftl01:19
highvoltageedubuntugirl: karma mhall11901:19
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: mhall119 has karma of 101:19
highvoltageedubuntugirl: karma novel01:19
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: novel has karma of -101:19
highvoltage(I meant novell the first timme)01:19
mhall119change it in the database01:20
highvoltagethis db is going to be dumped anyway, going to import the old edubuntugirl soon :)01:20
mhall119you're dumping the new girl for the old girl?01:20
highvoltageheh, I guess you could say that :)01:21
mhall119we have a supybot in #ubuntu-us-fl01:21
mhall119one of our members wrote a cool XKCD comic lookup plugin for it01:21
mhall119but mostly we use it for doling out cookies and coffee01:21
mhall119hey, you got a second?01:22
mhall119so, there were several sessions about packaging last open/dev week01:23
highvoltagenot sure how useful I'll be, I'm just awake because I can't sleep :)01:23
mhall119and each one used a different helper01:23
mhall119debhelber, cdbs, something python specific01:23
mhall119for most of my packages I just need to copy files into certain directories, no compiling or anything else01:24
mhall119what's the easiest way?01:24
mhall119last time I used debhelper and put my files in debian/install01:24
highvoltagewhat do you use to build the package in the end, something like dpkg -B?01:25
highvoltageusing debhelper is quite important, it does a lot of tedius repetitive stuff for you01:25
mhall119then dput to get it on launchpad01:26
highvoltageoh sorry I totally misread you01:27
highvoltageyes debhelper with your file list in debian/install is most probably the best way to do it01:27
mhall119thanks highvoltage01:55
mhall119sorry for the delay, my mom stopped by01:55
=== joerg is now known as Guest94131
Tm_Tgoogle buzzzrgh yhdistettynä mapsiin ja latitudeen onkin jo ihan kiwa, sanoisin13:16
sbalneavMorning all14:52
=== Guest94131 is now known as joerg
joergsbalneav, morning :)23:55

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