
freeflyingRiddell: can we move plasma-widget-kimpanel-backend-scim into universe?00:02
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* ryanakca sighs and wonders why it all the lucid packages appear unsigned / untrusted to aptitude00:04
Riddellfreeflying: yes but the source (kdeplasma-addons) is in main so scim-dev needs to be in main to compile against it00:04
neversfeldehi ryanakca00:09
neversfeldedid you see my posts above?00:10
Riddellbug 52040800:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520408 in kubuntu-ppa "Deadkeys won't work in KDE applications after today's update (KDE 4.4 packages)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52040800:10
Riddellthis problem is so confusing00:10
ryanakcaneversfelde: I can add it to the current one now00:10
neversfeldeI did not use the current one for 4.4, because the news for 4.4 rc2 was different00:11
freeflyingRiddell: ok, then drop scim's backend, since scim's non-maintainace in upstream00:13
ryanakcaneversfelde: ... and done, feel free to check :)00:13
ryanakca(if it's to your liking)00:13
Riddellfreeflying: ok I will try and drop the scim backend00:13
Riddellfreeflying: do you have any thoughts on https://launchpad.net/bugs/520408 ?00:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 520408 in kubuntu-ppa "Deadkeys won't work in KDE applications after today's update (KDE 4.4 packages)" [Undecided,New]00:14
neversfelderyanakca: I'll do tomorrow. Can I improve the templates, if I have admin access?00:14
neversfeldeI'll never test00:15
neversfeldeerr I nevere tested00:15
ryanakcaneversfelde: Yes, go to /admin/ ... then It's under "Content Types" (left column, towards the top, I forget the header)... Then click edit for the PPA content type.00:15
ryanakcaRiddell: Is Ng out of the office again this week?00:18
ryanakca(or is it just that he never checks his IRC client...)00:18
QuintasanJontheEchidna, freeflying: works on RC2, updating to final 4.4.0 and will test00:22
QuintasanRiddell: yuuup, that is a good solution IMO, scim was bad even in KDE 3 :>00:23
JontheEchidnaI recall it causing problems early on in intrepid, even though I never used it in my life00:24
freeflyingRiddell: did we get all this rebuilt agaist qt-4.6.1?00:28
freeflyingQuintasan: rc2 used previous qt release, right?00:29
Quintasanfreeflying: I belive yes00:29
QuintasanThat's why I'm updating :)00:29
freeflyingQuintasan: ok, ibus-qt might not be rebuilt, and also libicu00:29
JontheEchidnalol, kubuntu_104_kdm_active_vt_plymouth.diff made it in to the karmic backports00:42
Lex79I forgot to drop maybe, but I wrote in changelog :)00:46
neversfeldeI am off till tuesday, gn800:46
Lex79JontheEchidna: well, sometimes I can make a mistake, I'm not a bot :)00:46
JontheEchidnayou are doing a lot of work. I wish I could do more, but with school...00:47
Lex79no problem :)00:48
JontheEchidna...and I almost uploaded ~ppa4 with lucid in the changelog entry :D00:48
Lex79good :D00:49
JontheEchidna11 MB diff.gz O_o00:50
Lex79because ethais.tar.gz.uu is 14.9 MB00:52
JontheEchidnablah, I guess it does really need pkg-kde-tools 0.6: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39080222/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.kaffeine_1.0~pre3-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz00:57
JontheEchidnabut it pbuilt fine. how was I supposed to know it'd fail in the buildd? :(00:57
Lex79You can't. Try to build and fix in a ppa :(01:01
Lex79JontheEchidna: drop --parallel01:04
Lex79It's a feauture of pkg-kde-tools 0.6 I think01:05
JontheEchidnaat worst I think that flag would just be ignored01:09
JontheEchidnaI'll throw up a ppa build to test, though I don't know if pkgbinarymangler would get run even in -ninjas01:11
Quintasanfreeflying: still works after update01:12
Quintasanmaybe becuase en_GB uses XIM01:13
Quintasanstill polish01:13
freeflyingQuintasan: well, I checked ibus, they had support deadkey in ibus-qt01:21
JontheEchidnahmm, konversation just failed with a similar error to kaffeine's... http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39082166/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.konversation_1.2.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz01:42
JontheEchidnaguess that rules out pkg-kde-tools being too old, pkgbinarymangler is just screwed'01:42
nixternalpsst, on lifehacker, they are voting for best netbook os...Kubuntu Netbook has 2 thus far, we need more :)01:47
jjessewow looks like a bunch more updates hitting kubuntu/packports or something02:11
JontheEchidnashould hopefully fix the kdm issues02:14
RiddellJontheEchidna: what did you do for that?02:15
JontheEchidnaRiddell: remove the plymouth "don't blank screen" patch02:15
nixternalwtf, why for the past few days, on doing an upgrade in karmic, my system dies? ie. kde doesn't seem to crash, as there is no error messages anywhere, nothing seems to crash that I can find....this time I caught it, and lzma was tanking the system...the systems goes out to a non-gui tty7, where I have to go to another tty, log in, and start kdm02:23
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nixternalchecked sys temps when it happens, 50c, not bad, as I can get it up to 80c when building with all cores02:23
* nixternal goes and eats02:24
ejathi guys .. i cant run my kopete after upgrade to 4.4 .. error : unable to run dr konqi02:24
ejatany idea02:24
Riddellsounds like its crashing02:26
jjesseafter the last update i now have duplicate everything on the desktop, task bar, plasmoids on the desktop, etc02:28
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dhillon-v10hi all, need some help here, this patch I created keeps on saying patch malformed at line 79: http://paste.ubuntu.com/374390/ what's wrong with it? I am pretty sure the patch is right because bzr created it02:54
ZoraelSeems like kdm 4:4.4.0-0ubuntu2 stops the kdm service when upgrading. Intentional?05:30
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* apachelogger hugs sebas_ for having the same nepomuk search issue :)07:06
apacheloggeroh oh oh07:22
apacheloggersebas_: I think I found the cause => silly kubuntu devs ;)07:22
apacheloggeranyone with lucid around?07:43
allee-k__apachelogger: with lucid netbook07:59
apacheloggerallee-k__: can you please run apt-cache rdepends shared-desktop-ontologies07:59
allee-k__apachelogger: no rdepends listed08:05
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apacheloggersomething needs to depend on shared-desktop-ontologies in both lucid and karmic08:23
apacheloggerI just dont know what08:23
allee-kapachelogger: nepomuk-* I assume08:29
apacheloggerthere are such packages?08:29
apacheloggerseems the most low-level dep is in kdelibs so I suppose kdelibs5 should dep the ontologies08:30
allee-kapachelogger: just checked and found nothing.  So maybe soprano-daemon, or even the libsoprano4 ?08:33
apacheloggerallee-k: I am not sure soprano depends on it08:34
Nightroseneversfelde: \o/ your rebuild fixed my problem08:34
apacheloggerI am thinking08:34
apacheloggerapparently debian is splitting kdelibs into subpackages08:34
neversfeldeNightrose: good :)08:34
apachelogger(which I find a good idea, other than the maintenance overhead that creates)08:34
apacheloggerso in the long run there should be some nepomuk library08:34
allee-kapachelogger: maybe kdelibs5 is not the 'perfect' choice, but it will do what is 'needed'08:35
apacheloggerand that library would at the very least need to depend on the ontologies08:35
apacheloggerallee-k: that for sure08:35
apacheloggerhm, debian does not depend on it either :S08:53
agateauhi, just upgrade my lucid machine this morning, and virtuoso is asking me to set passwords for a "dba" and "dev" user! is this also going to happen for regular installs?09:08
agateaufeels like failure to me :/09:09
apacheloggerwe only depend on one virtuoso package IIRC09:10
apacheloggerand that does not have global setup stuff09:10
agateaunot sure I get what you mean09:11
agateauwill users be prompted to set up passwords for those "users"?09:11
apacheloggeragateau: I am not sure on that though09:12
* apachelogger is not on lucid and far away from getting access to a lucid machine :)09:13
agateauI just answered the prompt in a "user" way: pressed enter until debconf dialogs were gone :)09:13
agateauwill see if it's enough09:13
allee-kagateau: I've upgraded rightnow and virtuoso asked me nothing09:13
agateauallee-k: strange09:14
agateaumaybe I have a package installed which is not part of the default install09:14
allee-kagateau: here on virtuoso-nepomuk and -converter is installed (dpkg -l \*virtuoso*09:14
agateauI have a virtuoso-server here09:15
agateaucould be the reason09:15
agateauand some virtuoso-opensource-6.0* packages as well09:16
* agateau tries to remove them09:16
agateauI was able to uninst the virtuoso-server, but not the virtuoso-opensource-6.0* packages09:17
agateau(as it would have uninst virtuoso-nepomuk)09:17
agateauI guess getting the server out will fix it anyway09:18
apacheloggerjussi01, tsimpson: a bit of vim would be nice on firefly :)09:41
ulyssesI want this: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=60209:41
apacheloggerulysses: select quantity and press add to chart09:43
tsimpsonapachelogger: installed09:43
apacheloggertsimpson: thanks :)09:43
ulyssesapachelogger: :)09:43
e-jatmy kopete still crashing after upgrade to 4.4 ... any idea  ?09:59
e-jatunable to start dr konqi09:59
apacheloggerthe 4.3.5 backport got some "interesting" file locations10:16
allee-kKarmic 4.4 upgrade bug: klipper (karmic) in 4.4 and kdebase-workspace-data 4:4.3.5-0ubuntu1~karmic1 both contain /usr/share/kde4/apps/kconf_update/klipper-kconfigxt.upd13:08
freinhar1hi! strigi 0.7.2 want's to get packaged (fixes at least one crash for me)13:09
allee-k^^ so klipper needs a Replaces:   kdebase-workspace-data  (<<4.4.0)  AFAIU13:09
a|wenallee-k: gah, it was moved in lucid with 4.3.3 (but in karmic 4.3.5 it is still not moved), that is why the replaces doesn't work13:56
allee-ka|wen: Heh, Fun with forgotten backports :)   Will you backport 4.3.3 change?   Or should I add a lp bug so it does not get forgotten.14:00
a|wenallee-k: committed to bzr, so should be fixed next time someone uploads kdebase-workspace14:01
allee-ka|wen: thx!!!   I'll paste in #kubuntu too14:02
apacheloggera|wen: needs manual backport to karmic14:02
a|wenapachelogger: necessary to move it in karmic backports?14:03
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apacheloggerno, the ppa14:03
apacheloggercurrent karmic builds do not receive uploads from bzr stuff14:04
apacheloggerso that fix would only get landed with 4.4.114:04
apacheloggernot necessarily but most likely14:04
a|wenapachelogger: ahh, sure; that backport14:04
* a|wen goes fixing that while i actually have a fast connection14:06
binarylooksFYI todays update from ppa again killed my x session14:07
binarylooksI think it was while setting up kdm. it was the last thing i saw before the blackout14:07
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Nightrosebinarylooks: same here14:15
apacheloggeroh my14:15
Nightrosebut no idea where it was14:15
apacheloggera|wen: thx14:15
Nightrosesomehwere configuring i think14:15
binarylooksI read an anrgy comment from nixternal somewhere about the same :-)14:16
apacheloggerNightrose: prolly postinst script14:16
binarylooksAlso, I still get groovy colors on my tty1-614:16
binarylooksthis I also heard several people in kubuntu complaining of14:17
Nightrosehad that as well but it's gone now14:17
Nightrosei upgraded from RC3 btw14:17
binarylooksNightrose: me from rc2 in the backports ppa (there never was a rc3 in the ppas?)14:18
Nightroseehh... 2 i mean14:18
binarylookshmmm, no updates and still flower power on the terminal14:19
Nightroseok - gotta go run some errands14:19
binarylooksgood day14:19
a|wenbinarylooks: how did you upgrade? using aptitude or kpackagekit?14:25
binarylooksa|wen: ^14:26
a|wenbinarylooks: strange ... uses some debconf fun to ask if it should restart if kdm is running; i suppose you never saw that?14:28
binarylooksa|wen: i remember the debconf question when i updated a few days ago. i chose the default answer14:29
binarylooksshould I try reinstalling kdm (are the colors related to kdm at all?)14:29
a|wenbinarylooks: looks to ask if you want to kill kdm (this has only something to do with the restarting)14:30
a|wenallee-k: FYI fixed in 4.4.0 in the karmic backports ppa as well14:31
binarylooksa|wen: ok, he probably asked but i never saw it. i have to do a dpkg --configure -a on restart, but there's no question anymore14:32
a|wenbinarylooks: after asking the question it should be reset so it will ask again next time you upgrade14:34
binarylooksa|wen: didn't happen. I think it happened three times in the last 2 days14:35
binarylooksa|wen: anyway, it's easy solvabla, just very shocking14:36
wstephensonhey folks14:37
ryanakcaDoes kdebase in lucid still require kdebase-workspace or can I update the dependency graph (re: discussion in #debian-qt-kde)?14:38
wstephenson#akonadi tell me that people are reporting apparmor problems with mysql as used by akonadi on kubuntu with kde 4.414:38
wstephensonis that true?14:38
a|wenbinarylooks: well, killing your X might very well kill some of your data too ... so the heuristics for restarting should be changed a bit if many people have problems with them14:40
binarylooksa|wen: right you are14:40
binarylookswstephenson: my akonadi works perfectly in kubuntu with 4.4 (though i'm not a developer)14:41
allee-kwstephenson: I've seen it on #akonadi.   But up to now I only found mysql system table errors.   Maybe I will have this problem later. dunno14:41
a|wenbinarylooks: but you think that the question came up all the last times it killed your X?14:41
wstephensonbinarylooks, allee-k: had you previously fixed apparmor or uninstalled it? i want to know if it works for kubuntu out of the box14:42
binarylooksa|wen: well I didn't kill X, it killed itslef and the last words I saw were ....kdm....black14:42
binarylookswstephenson: no apparmor here, never14:42
binarylookswstephenson: so out of the box was ok14:42
a|wenbinarylooks: but did you get a debconf question as part of the upgrade?14:42
wstephensonbinarylooks: ok, your info is not useful since apparently some people do have it.14:43
allee-kwstephenson: never did anything with appamour.  never had problem.  But to day after 4.3.5 -> 4.4 upgrade mysql, akonadi problem show up14:43
binarylooksa|wen: not before the blackout, and not after. i remember a debconf question when i upgraded yesterday morning. no blackout at that point14:43
allee-kwstephenson: still trying to understand what going on14:43
binarylookswstephenson: sorry for that14:44
wstephensonallee-k: the old apparmor mysql problem was that the ubuntu mysql is configured only to allow the mysql process to access files in the system location. akonadi saves files in ~/.local. therefore boom.14:44
a|wenbinarylooks: hmm; so either the "detect kdm is running" or the "lets ask the user" part is broken... that leaves some more investigation to do14:44
binarylooksAnyway, need to go now. off to heidelberg...14:45
* a|wen runs out as well14:45
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binarylooksa|wen: goog luck with the investigation, nixternal had the same problems14:45
a|wenbinarylooks: thx14:45
allee-kwstephenson: I remeber it.  but 4.3.5 worked so should 4.4 (from appamor POV).     Mhmm, Root of my problem seem to be: http://pastebin.com/m26cc2e9414:46
allee-kthen akonadi fails:  http://pastebin.com/m7bed416114:47
Tonio_hi there14:48
Tonio_wstephenson: hi14:48
Tonio_wstephenson: I was just playing with the network management plasmoid, and noticed it should be about to work, right ?14:49
wstephensonallee-k: this should fix those ERRORS : "mysql_install_db --datadir=$HOME/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/akonadi"14:49
wstephensonTonio_: it's still not released.14:49
Tonio_wstephenson: oh oki14:49
wstephensonsebas and i are going to work on it at the plasma sprint in 2 weeks time14:49
Tonio_wstephenson: we shouldn't include it in the package then....14:50
Tonio_Riddell: should I exclude the files from there ? I see no point including something that won't work anyway14:50
allee-kTonio_: hi14:50
wstephensonTonio_: no, that's why i package it separately to knetworkmanager14:50
Tonio_wstephenson: sure, the point is that the plasmoid gets installed anyway14:50
Tonio_Riddell: should we ship with plasma-widget-networkmanagement by default ?14:53
wstephensonTonio_: you mean people install it manually, or it gets installed along with something else?14:53
Tonio_wstephenson: kubnutu-desktop recommends it14:53
Tonio_so it'll get installed by default14:53
Tonio_wstephenson: no problem with people installing manually14:53
allee-kmhmm,  mysql_install_db   is in mysql-server-5.1 not in mysql-server-core-5.1   that is installed by KDE dependencies14:54
Tonio_wstephenson: installed by default is a problem, since it'll be proposed from the systray options for exemple14:54
wstephensonTonio_: i think kubuntu-desktop should recommend knetworkmanager until we do a release of the plasmoid14:54
wstephenson"proposed from the systray options"?14:54
Tonio_wstephenson: I totally agree :)14:54
Tonio_wstephenson: as a plasmoid you can include in it14:54
wstephensonah i see what you mean14:55
Tonio_wstephenson: check in "system tray settings"14:55
wstephensonthought you meant at pkg resolver level.14:55
Tonio_ah ! nope :)14:55
wstephensonallee-k: it's in the main mysql package on opensuse...14:57
wstephensonuse your command-not-found tool14:57
Tonio_wstephenson: the only thing is,do you expect to release before lucid comes arround ?15:01
Tonio_wstephenson: in that case I can help on the testing side... I have a bunch of corp wireless access to test mschap authentication, vpn access and so on15:01
wstephensonTonio_: when does lucid freeze?15:02
Tonio_wstephenson: 02/18 for the feature freeze, but I think and exception can give us up to 03/04, the user interface freeze15:03
wstephensonTonio_: the important thing to remember is that the plasmoid is only a GUI. the real logic is shared between KNM and the plasmoid.15:03
wstephensonso any functional testing helps both15:03
Tonio_wstephenson: yep, I know that :)15:04
wstephensonTonio_: the plasma sprint starts on feb 19th until 25th15:04
wstephensonwe'll be heavily hacking the UI then15:04
Tonio_wstephenson: so I can help for knetworkmanager right now and we'll see for the plasmoid and decide then if we include it by default and hide knetworkmanager or not15:05
Tonio_wstephenson: sounds a good plan15:05
Tonio_wstephenson: I'll have to play with openvpn tomorrow, I'll give you some feedback15:05
wstephensonTonio_: use the Network Management component in bko15:06
Tonio_wstephenson: yup15:06
Tonio_hum who has some policykit knowledge here ?15:07
Tonio_kcmshell4 kcm_pkk_authorization seems to be incomplete (to say the least...)15:07
Tonio_hum nasty bug !!!!!!15:14
yuriy_workTonio_: i think JontheEchidna was saying that kcm is for the old policykit and will be dropped15:21
JontheEchidnaalready dropped, with the latest updates15:21
JontheEchidnaTonio_: btw, the issue with kauth apps not working is fixed with 4.4.015:21
JontheEchidnakde rev 108650615:21
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1086506&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 108650615:21
Tonio_JontheEchidna: okay so you are aware and checking for update :) fine15:22
JontheEchidnaa bit unfortunate about the loss of the KCM, oh well15:25
Tonio_anyone packaging rekonq ? I can go for it but do we want a beta release ?15:25
JontheEchidnaI don't think anybody's asked upstream if they plan on releasing before its too late yet. If I was packaging it I'd ask first.15:29
apacheloggerNightrose, nixternal: found the issue with kdm getting restarted15:30
apacheloggertrying to find a most appropriate fix15:30
* JontheEchidna has flashbacks to karmic when kdm got restarted during the upgrade15:30
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JontheEchidnaextragear tarballs are up. I think I'll take konq-plugins for starters15:37
seeleis there a karmic version of kcm-touchpad?15:46
danttiJontheEchidna: hey dude :D15:48
JontheEchidnaseele: No, but I can make one easily enough. I'll get it done today15:48
JontheEchidnadantti: hi15:48
seeleJontheEchidna: no rush, but i see i have a todo on the UI15:49
danttiJontheEchidna: I saw you started hacking on it :P did it work ok for you?15:49
JontheEchidnadantti: I've not had to print anything yet :P15:49
JontheEchidnasince I was hacking at my dad's office, I thought it best not to waste paper15:49
danttiJontheEchidna: right, that's why i have dummies printers :P15:50
JontheEchidna\o/ http://websvn.kde.org/?revision=1089160&view=revision \o/15:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yeah, I also seem to remember that I fixed that bug at least once :P15:52
JontheEchidnadantti: I am curious though, what approach do you think would be best to launch the queue UI from the tray icon? KToolInvocation? DBus? (I saw some commented stuff from the KPackageKitD)15:53
danttiJontheEchidna: yup, I copied some files from KPackageKit since I know the code and the ideas are a bit the same15:57
danttiJontheEchidna: my idea is for kded process to show the knotificationIcon, if the user clicks on it, it will call via DBus the org.kde.PrintQueue ShowQueue(destName)15:58
danttithis way both kcm and kded can call the queue showing only one queue15:59
danttias that is a kuniqueApp15:59
wstephensonare you writing a c++ print utility tray icon? *rubs hands*16:00
danttithe commeted code is what i would call, actually my fist approach was to start an application to show the icon whan i saw a new job, but i think putting it in kded is better16:00
danttiwstephenson: yup, what "rubs hands" means?16:01
apacheloggerwstephenson: faith is not that nice :P16:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do we haz bug report for kdm going down on upgrade?16:01
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: glancing over the bugs list I think there's a mis-filed one that could be it16:01
apacheloggermis-filed, as in apachelogger wouldnt find it :P16:01
JontheEchidnamm, different issue but still needs to be fixed16:02
wstephensondantti: it means i like the sound of it16:02
JontheEchidnawstephenson: playground/base/print-manager16:02
danttiwstephenson: ah right, hehe take a look http://dantti.wordpress.com/16:02
danttifunny some people are hating and others are loving the ui :P16:03
wstephensoni'm taking a look16:04
JontheEchidnadantti: I've been meaning to ask you; what's the best way to file aptcc bugs?16:04
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: via commits I suppose ;)16:05
apacheloggerreport and fix all nice  bundled up :D16:05
* apachelogger does that now16:05
danttiJontheEchidna: well, you can send then to packagekit mailing list16:05
danttiI thought there wasn't many users of that...16:06
JontheEchidnawas wondering, since the packagekit bugzilla didnt' have an aptcc product16:06
danttiI used it every day som once in a while i find a bug..16:06
danttiJontheEchidna: yup i should ask for that since it's now more production ready..16:06
ubottuFreedesktop bug 26357 in General "Second letter of some words in package descriptions is "-" instead of "o"" [Normal,New]16:06
wstephensonoh here's a thing. will kubuntu have ubuntu one integration?16:08
danttiJontheEchidna: hmm i have to look if that's not what i did when i changed the code that formates the description16:08
wstephensonwith feature parity to the gnome stuff?16:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/revision/28016:08
danttithe apt does not have this bug as it display as it is16:08
danttiit's like apt-cache show foo, but aptitude show foo is much better16:08
danttibut aptitude code is quite complicated to understand16:09
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the problem was that neversfelde added the debhelper place holders, making dh_installinit active, which by default stops a daemon upon upgrade and starts it once done16:09
danttiwstephenson: were you talking about aptcc? (feature parity and such...)16:10
wstephensondantti: no, ubuntu one.  kioslaves for file sync to it, kconfig backends for ubuntuone, etc16:11
wstephensondantti: what's aptcc?16:11
danttiJontheEchidna: yup i can see the bug here, i think it's best to revert my patch, it didn't work :P16:11
danttiwstephenson: it's a c++ alternative for the python apt backend for packagekit16:12
apacheloggerwstephenson: the larger part of ubuntu one work is a kded module16:13
wstephensonapachelogger: it needs an always-on client?16:13
apacheloggerthe idea is that everything interface of ubuntu one is desktop agnostic, so kconfig integration would be not necessary16:14
apacheloggerwstephenson: a daemon16:14
wstephensonor a single point of contact16:14
apacheloggermy concept was to write a kded module to interact with the ubuntu one daemon, that way not each kioslave instance needs to register via dbus etc.16:14
wstephensonthis is an area where gio has the edge over kio, it can reuse processes better.16:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: uploading fix to backports ppa16:20
wstephensonapachelogger: i was thinking about doing a native dropbox client for kde16:21
wstephensonand wondering if there is anything worth sharing16:21
apacheloggerI do not think dropbox and ubuntu one are much alike16:21
wstephensonperhaps have a single cloud ioslave with backend specific kded modules16:22
apacheloggerthe better part of ubuntu one is realy syncing of contacts and notes and whatnot16:22
apacheloggerwstephenson: that possibly makes sense16:22
wstephensonapachelogger: just to keep things tidy from users' POVs16:22
apacheloggerIMHO frank should just roll a cloud storage solution we can use ;)16:22
apacheloggerwstephenson: yeah, makes sense16:22
nixternalapachelogger: what issue with kdm getting restarted?16:24
wstephensonapachelogger: well it seems till and co started on a simple couch resource for akonadi16:24
wstephensonthat's the notes/contacts side of things in ubuntuone isn't it?16:25
apacheloggerwstephenson: right16:25
smarterany reason we're still launching some kcm modules with kdesudo?16:25
apacheloggerbookmarks, just about anything really ;)16:25
smarterisn't KAuth supposed to take care of that?16:25
apacheloggersmarter: yes because python is the drag16:25
jjessenixternal:  just updated for me and kdm restarted as well16:25
apacheloggerand the gnome part of the python drag is even more the drag16:25
nixternaljjesse: restarted or just died out?16:26
wstephensonbookmarks would be nice16:26
nixternalmine doesn't restart, it died out to tty7, then I have to go in to tty1-6, sudo dpkg --configure -a, then sudo start kdm16:26
smarterapachelogger: you mean, kcm modules written in python? but that's not the case of the KDM one16:26
apacheloggerwstephenson: as I understand it, if they get the couchdb stuff working ubuntu one can sync just about everything that is storable in akonadi16:27
apacheloggeramongst other things bookmarks ;)16:28
maco2howdy. anyone else seeing weirdness with 4.4's kmail? http://people.ubuntu.com/~maco.m/screenshots/kmail_transparent.png  that progress bar popup thingy is hard to read with a transparent background...16:30
nixternalapachelogger: what did you do to figure out that kdm was the problem during upgrades? I have checked all of my damn logs and didn't find a thing that pointed to KDM16:31
seelemaco2: which metro line are you closer to red or green?16:31
maco2seele: green16:31
maco2i live on the green line16:31
nixternalwhat I noticed while upgrading was:  the system would slow to a halt, kdm would bomb, I would be left stairing at tty7 messages16:31
apacheloggernixternal: only kdm can kill the X ;)16:32
maco2nixternal: when i logged out after upgrading so that i could login to a nice 4.4 session, kdm bombed out to tty7, but sudo service kdm restart worked fine16:33
nixternalhrmm, I never had the problem while logging in, only while doing 'apt-get upgrade'16:34
nixternalit would start unpacking stuff and then bomb out16:34
nixternalmaco2: sudo start kdm <- no need for service, unless of course you are studying for LPIC-116:35
seelewhat the fuuuuuck.. turbotax isnt working in firefox16:35
apacheloggerfirefox is not working in firefox :P16:35
apacheloggersry :)16:35
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maco2nixternal: im somewhat used to centos when it comes to starting/stopping services. my last two jobs have involved lots of centos16:36
nixternalfigured as much, as I was about to make a red hat reference, but held myself back :)16:36
nixternalseele: system compatibility check for turbo tax?16:38
jjessethey are probablly checking the browser?16:38
nixternalno, they are checking the OS16:40
nixternalas Firefox is on their list of recommended browsers16:40
nixternalshit, might help if I use firefox though and not chromium :)16:40
jjesseis firefox returning firefox version X on linux though?16:40
jjessethe UserAgent is returning that it is running on linux?16:40
nixternalit is working for me :)16:41
JontheEchidnasmarter: the KDM config module hasn't been ported to KAuth yet :(16:44
wstephensonbye folks.16:45
EagleScreenHi JontheEchidna, in kubuntu-notification-helper/debian/control, your name is wrongly typed in XSBC-Original-Maintainer, if you want to fix..16:45
JontheEchidnaEagleScreen: XSBC-Original-Maintainer is correct16:47
JontheEchidnaoh, my name :D16:47
EagleScreeni see Jonthan and not Jonathan16:47
EagleScreeni have sent you a mail with Spanish translations updated16:48
jrdnyquistI see the "Plasma Widgets Explorer" feature has been completed for "Install widgets from file, Google Gadgets and GHNS", but there's no option to install a GG widget from a local file. Is there a certain package needed for that to show up in the widget explorer?16:48
EagleScreentwo mails really16:48
JontheEchidnaoh, kmail isn't running...16:49
EagleScreenJontheEchidna: is there actually a good way to merge translations .po with new translation tamplates?16:50
JontheEchidnaI don't know of another way besides the msgmerge command16:50
ejatmaco2: me .. im seing that too in kmail ..17:02
maco2seele: however i have a cyberdefense competetition this afternoon in foggy bottom ending at 7pm. so im not really sure how i'll get to the party. itll be 830 or so by the time i can reach the end of a metro line :-/ Riddell will just have to head up without me and then... i dunno17:03
jjessei heard there was a derailment on the metro this morning17:08
seelecrimsun: you coming tonight?17:15
seelemaco: ok17:15
seelejjesse: washington dc metro? hmm.. hadnt heard that17:26
seelefucking shit17:27
seeleyoure right17:27
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:27
nixternalfamily friendly, pfft...guess Riddell's hot tub pictures don't count :D17:28
seeleheh sorry17:28
nixternali had to do it, since Riddell and maco2 like doing that !language thing to me17:30
seelemaco: what metro stop do you live at?17:30
maco2seele: i live at columbia heights17:37
maco2seele: is aboveground closed again? it was open yesterday...17:38
seeleno it is open17:38
maco2what did jjesse say to make you swear?17:39
maco2seele: ^17:39
seelei hadnt yet heard about the FN derailing this morning17:40
seelewould you believe i subscribe to red line alerts and it just said "delay" not "DERAILMENT ZOMG!"17:40
maco2Riddell: did you wake up yet?17:44
Riddellmaco2: a bit17:44
nixternallazy bum17:46
Riddellit's the American way17:47
nixternalgood point17:47
maco2Riddell: we going to meet up for lunch?17:47
Riddellmaco2: could do, will Barack be there?17:47
maco2Riddell: we'll see17:47
nixternalI hope so, and could you please take Barack back with your Riddell when you leave?17:47
nixternaland take Joe too17:48
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persianixternal: What, stuffed in a duffel?  Wouldn't that violate the "no liquids or gels" rule?17:48
nixternalhrmm, if that were true, then nobody could fly...but I am willing to bet you would have problems with a body in your bag17:49
maco2Riddell: if you walk up by the metro, to the entrance on the opposite side of the road (the side that has Potbelly sandwich shop) you can catch a red bus up there called the Circulator. it'll take you down to McPherson Square. text me when you get on the bus and i'll walk over there and meet you?17:49
maco2Riddell: it's a $1 bus17:49
maco2no need to figure out those pesky coins17:50
maco2seele, nixternal: did you guys know that dimes dont say "ten cents" anywhere on them? just "one dime"?17:50
maco2i was trying to show Riddell how to come up with $1.35. the nickels being bigger than dimes was also problematic for him apparently17:51
nixternalRiddell: you should go to the scottish affairs office in dc....it is part of the british embassy I believe, right by the naval observatory, just a few blocks from the national cathedral17:55
maconixternal: thats a long walk17:58
seelenixternal: the naval observatory isnt near a metro17:58
macowe walked home from National Cathedral on Monday night. took 1.5hr17:58
nixternalmaco: you live on the NE side?18:00
nixternalthough, that was 1.5 hours in a couple feet of snow too18:01
jjessesorry was away18:02
jjessei wa supposed to be in DC this week but everything canceled for me18:02
nixternallucky you18:03
jjesseyeah there was a big symantec government tech symposium i was supposed to help present at18:04
jjesseand it got canceled18:04
jjessea co-worker got mostly stuck there18:04
jjessehad to drive to NC to get a flight home18:04
macoapparently i cant trust quassel to stay connected yet18:07
macoalso rather confused as to why the quassel core has 0 backscroll. i know jussi01 said he'd delete stuff up to late last year, but i have nothing from before my current connection to it18:08
jussi01maco: 0.o18:10
jussi01maco: Ive my backlog still18:10
jussi01tsimpson: Around?18:11
maco2jussi01: it started downloading backlog after i said that. then it disconnected from the core again.18:11
jussi01maco2: did you set the never time out actively?18:12
maco2jussi01: thats not an option18:18
jussi01maco2: which version are you running?18:18
jussi01oh bleh.18:19
jussi01yeah, it came in 0.5.1 iirc18:19
jussi01maco2: its probably well worth your time grabbing the one package from backports18:20
maco2eh ill get around to upgrading to lucid soonish18:24
Riddellmaco2: on my way18:33
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* Quintasan found his MTG deck19:22
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shtylmanQuintasan: *sigh*20:09
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EagleSnbrightness keys still aren't working for my laptop in lucid (they don't since karmic)21:25
maco2aww 4.4 doesnt have the "use notify osd" option22:08
Lex79JontheEchidna: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging22:08
shtylmanmaco2: yea... just remind agateau and maybe he will put it back :)22:08
JontheEchidnaLex79: debian's just uploading skanlite, so we could probably just wait for that one to sync22:13
Lex79ok, brb22:14
JontheEchidnaLex79: I can sponsor all you have except kcoloredit which is in main22:17
* nixternal kicks npviewer in the ass22:18
nixternaleverytime I try to watch something flash based, I can only do so for a few minutes, before the CPU starts heating up like my oven22:18
seeleRiddell: heading out. meet you at Greenbelt metro at 6:3022:25
jefferaiJontheEchidna: are you a kubuntu packager?22:30
JontheEchidnajefferai: yeah22:31
jefferaidid you get my patch for the screensaver vuln?22:31
JontheEchidnajefferai: did it get sent to kde-packagers? sometimes that runs a bit behind for me22:33
jefferaiI'm not sure22:33
jefferaiJontheEchidna: I'm not on the packagers list. But you can get it via https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217882#c1722:35
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by KDE: timed out (http://bugs.kde.org/xml.cgi?id=217882)22:36
JontheEchidnahmm, bko *is* being a bit slow22:37
JontheEchidnathere we go22:38
a|wenapachelogger: i see that you found the source of the kdm-restart-on-upgrade; nice :)22:51
Lex79JontheEchidna: thanks23:07
Lex79JontheEchidna: kmldonkey,  http://pastebin.ca/179485423:09
Lex79how to fix the version, since in archive we have 2.0.3 and the new version is 2.0.2 ? :)23:10
neversfeldeLex79: same problem as last time, are there any changes for kmldonkey?23:11
JontheEchidnasit in a corner and start crying23:11
Lex79I like this 4:2.0.3-kde4.4.0really4:2.0.2-kde4.4.0-0ubuntu1 LoL23:11
Lex79ah ok23:11
JontheEchidnaoh, I forgot about the -kde bit23:11
JontheEchidnaha, it has an epoch of 4 already23:12
JontheEchidnaLex79: I think 4:2.0.3really2.0.2-kde4.4.0-0ubuntu1 would be best for now23:13
Lex79make sense, ok23:13
Lex79JontheEchidna: when 2.03 will be release, 4:2.0.3-kde4.4.0-0ubuntu1 is > of 4:2.0.3really2.0.2-kde4.4.0-0ubuntu123:16
Lex79damn, I mean 2.0.323:16
JontheEchidnait is?23:16
JontheEchidna(I don't know if that was a question or a statement)23:16
Lex79a question23:17
JontheEchidnahmm, I don't know23:17
JontheEchidnaI think the symbols are higher value than the letters, but I'm not sure23:17
Lex79maybe is better:23:17
Lex79lol :)23:19
JontheEchidnait'd be so nice if they just made an extragear-l10n package and then stop making new releases of extragear apps if they haven't changed23:20
JontheEchidnait would be even better if half the apps were maintained :P23:20
Lex79eheheh :)23:21
JontheEchidnakuickshow can't be packaged, btw23:21
JontheEchidnaneeds imlib, which can't be packaged either because it needs gtk1.223:22
* JontheEchidna finds it funny that a kde program indirectly needs gtk to function at all23:23
JontheEchidnabug 52076723:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520767 in pkgbinarymangler "Failure during -dbgsym generation" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52076723:24
Lex79so isn't related to the new version of pkg-kde-tools ?23:26
JontheEchidnahas happened to kaffeine, konversation and now konq-plugins. the last two's debian/rules have not changed23:27
Lex79no need to do kphotoalbum, we have already the lastest version23:31
Lex79kmldonkey in my ppa23:31
Lex79kio-gopher in my ppa23:42
JontheEchidnakmldonkey going up23:43
Lex79JontheEchidna: Have I to convert this http://pastebin.ca/1794895 to use dh --with kde ?23:49
JontheEchidnayeah. replacing the kde4.mk with dh --with kde and leaving everything else alone should work23:50
JontheEchidnaI think23:50
JontheEchidnaI won't be able to sponsor that since I think it's in main23:50
Lex79it seems in Universe23:51
JontheEchidnahmm, wonder why it has that kubuntu_desktop_pot thing set23:51
JontheEchidnathat can be deleted since it's not in main anyways23:52
ejatJontheEchidna: there is a bug while im try to edit software sources in kpackagekit :(23:53
ejatits not appearing ..23:53
JontheEchidnaany console output?23:53
JontheEchidnaoh, and which version of Kubuntu?23:53
JontheEchidnano, version of kubuntu23:55
ejatowh sorry .. karmic23:56
ejatmy bad23:56
JontheEchidnaI think he might have the "non-ascii characters in sources.list crash software-properties" crash that was fixed in lucid23:56
ejatJontheEchidna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/375085/23:57
JontheEchidnahmm, don't know what that one means to be honest23:57
JontheEchidnaejat: does it show up if you run kdesudo software-properties-kde?23:57
ejatyes ..23:58
ejatthen after that23:58
ejatnothing appear23:58
ejatJontheEchidna: resend http://paste.ubuntu.com/375087/23:59

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