
seb128robert_ancell, btw I did add small changes to version to let specify a different regexp or url for some sources00:02
robert_ancellseb128, sweet00:02
seb128robert_ancell, and I did add a lucid table00:02
seb128so we can clean a bit the list00:02
robert_ancellseb128, where is the offical url now?  I notice pittis one no longer works00:02
seb128cf topic? :-)00:03
seb128anyway enough work for today00:04
seb128good night everybody!00:04
chrisccoulsonvish - i understand what is going on with this gpm blanking issue now00:51
brycehhey, from python how do you detect if a program is available in the path (i.e. equivalent of `which dkms`)01:22
james_wbryceh: I believe there is no standard library function01:27
brycehok, I'll just check for path existence01:28
james_wbryceh: you can subprocess.Popen it and catch OSError and check for errno.ENOENT, which is likely to be that the command isn't available01:28
brycehI think checking existence of /var/lib/dkms is probably cleaner01:29
chrisccoulsonvish - i fixed the blanking bug :)01:38
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kklimondachrisccoulson, I can confirm 51515503:43
kklimondabug 51515503:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 515155 in gnome-screensaver "unlocking screensaver hangs when ecryptfs is unmounted" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51515503:43
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, thanks03:44
kklimondachrisccoulson, do you want stacktrace?03:45
kklimondait doesn't crash but I've connected to the process itself03:45
chrisccoulsoni'm not going to look at that tonight though. i've spent all evening debugging a gpm race and i'm going to bed now :)03:45
chrisccoulsonyeah, a backtrace would be useful03:45
chrisccoulsoni suspect that it's not really a gnome-screensaver issue03:45
chrisccoulsonanyway, i can look at that tomorrow sometime03:46
kklimondaif so I'll have to install more debug symbols :)03:46
chrisccoulsonheh ;)03:47
chrisccoulsonanyway, me -> sleep03:47
kklimondagood night03:47
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pittiGood morning06:40
pittididrocks: bonjour06:50
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kenvandine_good morning pitti07:13
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kenvandinepitti,  nice!07:14
* kenvandine just uploaded (to my gnomex ppa) the first pass at merging the f-spot patch adding editing to view mode 07:18
kwwiipitti: morning! one question: if I want to update the humanity-icon-theme which package should I start from? In the meantime it is quite unclear to me what is in lucid and where that is in LP07:24
pittikenvandine: ooh!07:25
pittikenvandine: as a backport, or trunk snapshot?07:25
kwwiipitti: morning! one question: if I want to update the humanity-icon-theme which package should I start from? In the meantime it is quite unclear to me what is in lucid and where that is in LP07:25
pittikwwii: Vcs-Bzr: says lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release07:26
pittikwwii: that ought to be the authoritative place07:26
kenvandinethere are a couple of crashers, but shouldn't be hard to work out07:26
kenvandineand we should make edit mode more discoverable07:26
kenvandinedetails :)07:26
pittikwwii: lucid has 0.4.1ubuntu5, which is in that bzr as well, so it seems fine07:26
pittieven better: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100212-1-no-rsyslog-dd.png07:27
kwwiipitti: ok, cool...things are better than I thought. upstream as two repo's for it and someone has a ppa with new packages07:27
pitti(dropping rsyslog's dd process, which is on the plan for lucid)07:27
kenvandinepitti, that is pretty damn impressive07:27
kwwiipitti: thanks for the info, I'll merge things, review them and then get a package ready for upload07:27
pittikenvandine: 11.5 s is quite good already \o/07:28
pittikenvandine: and we have didrocks' bg caching in the pipe still07:28
* kenvandine drools07:29
* kenvandine should go get a little sleep before the little ones wake me :)07:30
kenvandinegood night folks!07:30
pittikenvandine: sleep well!07:31
pittikwwii: thanks07:31
pittiI need to run out for ~ 2 hours07:35
ericjamesI'm having a bit of trouble registering acpi events.07:50
ericjamesI've created an event file, and an action script. the acpi events are reported from acpi_listen, however, the script doesn't execute when the event occurs07:51
ericjameswhen I attempt to start, stop, or debug acpid i get the message: acpid: can't open /proc/acpi/event: Device or resource busy07:51
didrocksgood morning pitti08:13
didrockspitti: I think I need some sponsoring for gnome-desktop, just grab the branch and it should be ok :)08:14
didrockshey huats08:24
huatshello didrocks08:25
huatsdon't try to talk to me here :)08:25
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chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:06
didrockshey chrisccoulson, ready for your week-end? ;)09:07
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks, yeah, i'm definately ready for the weekend. it was quite a late night again last night09:07
chrisccoulsonare you ready for the weekend?09:07
didrockschrisccoulson: tons of stuff to finish first, but yeah, it'll be again a FLOSS week-end :)09:09
chrisccoulsonooh, bbiab - breakfast has arrived :)09:10
didrocksenjoy ;)09:11
didrockssalut baptistemm09:14
baptistemmsalut didrocks09:15
chrisccoulsonwell, i could sleep after that :)09:29
didrocksshort Friday, isn't?09:34
didrockswake up, go to work, breakfast and sleep :)09:35
chrisccoulsonkklimonda: your gnome-screensaver backtrace misses quite a few symbols. also, was that the only thread running? (i expected to see the PAM stuff in another thread there)09:35
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yeah, short friday :)09:35
chrisccoulsonthen home to do some hacking ;)09:35
chrisccoulsoni think i'm going to go the whole day without looking at anything gpm related today09:36
didrockssome kind of "gpm day" :)09:36
didrocksor gpm-free day09:36
didrocksrather :)09:36
chrisccoulsongpm-free day today ;)09:37
chrisccoulsonafter spending all last night investigating an issue with blanking09:37
didrocksasac: so, netbook-launcher-efl works well with netbook-launcher installed. Some packaging tweaks to remove the conflicts/replaces against netbook-launcher (not sure why there is a replaces btw as there is no common file) and so, creating a wrapper. That should be doable09:38
chrisccoulsonhey seb12809:40
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:40
chrisccoulsonhow are you today?09:40
seb128I overslept again ;-)09:40
didrockssalut seb128, on se couche toujours aussi tardivement ? :)09:40
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i overslept today too ;)09:40
seb128didrocks, lut, ouais, mais on dors le matin pour compenser!09:40
chrisccoulsoni had quite a late one again last night09:41
didrocksseb128: héhé. Ça t'a permi d'uploader seahorse-plugins vu qu'il a poussé sa branche à 22h30 :)09:41
seb128didrocks, oui09:41
seb128chrisccoulson, so you didn't manage to get your early night again? ;-)09:42
gesergir1.0-webkit-1.0 is currently build from two packages (webkit and gir-repository) which makes currently the build of gir-repository "Fail to Upload". Does somebody know which of those two packages should build it?09:43
seb128geser, ignore that, I've it on my list09:44
seb128geser, there is no difference between current gir and the new one09:44
seb128so we don't really need it09:44
seb128debian will drop webkit from gir in the next upload09:44
seb128I pinged one of the debian guys about it some days ago09:44
seb128so next upload will work09:45
chrisccoulsonseb128 - no, i didn't manage an early night this time. i've had 1 early night this week, so that's ok ;)09:49
pittididrocks: yep, will do09:54
didrockspitti: thanks a lot ;)09:54
seb128hey pitti09:55
pittiseb128: bonjour!09:56
pittiseb128: not sure whether you saw the chart from this morning: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100212-1-no-rsyslog-dd.png09:56
seb128pitti, no09:57
pittithis is with the rsyslog/dd thing fixed locally09:57
seb128pitti, I'm doing indicator-sound sponsoring09:57
seb128waouh, 11.5 seconds?09:57
pittiseb128: :)09:58
pittiseb128: i-s> merci09:58
* pitti tries some more shuffling09:58
seb128the bar seems misleading09:59
seb128actual end of cpu use is around 13s09:59
seb128you don't have g-s-d background tweaked there right?09:59
pittiseb128: no, not yet; I just sponsored that10:00
pittiwill do another chart once that's built10:00
pittiseb128: yeah, seems to do some lazy init later on10:00
pittibut that's pretty much what we do with gnome-screensaver, e-d-s, and the like10:01
chrisccoulsonhey pitti10:01
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you?10:02
chrisccoulsoni'm good thanks, how are you?10:02
pittiI'm good, thanks!10:03
seb128pitti, I will need you soon ;-)10:08
seb128pitti, to NEW review indicator-sound10:08
pittichrisccoulson: is it still on your plan to speed up the xrandr plugin? or want me to look into that?10:09
pittiseb128: standing by10:09
seb128pitti, if you want to clean a wi too both didrocks and kenvandine have a gwibber mir listed10:09
chrisccoulsonpitti - i can still look at that to see if there is anything we can do10:09
seb128pitti, one can go10:09
pittiseb128: hm, I see it on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-une-applications, but none on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-social-from-the-start10:11
pittiseb128: or anywhere at http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-lucid-alpha-3.html#ken-vandine ?10:11
seb128pitti, ok, I pinged kenvandine about that yesterday he must have cleaned it already10:11
seb128I'm not subscribed to this spec10:12
seb128so I didn't get the diff to tell10:12
pittiah, good10:12
pittiI remember that diff flying by10:12
* pitti hmmms at http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100212-1-mutter-phase-init.png10:14
pittithat could be something to consider (start mutter early on)10:14
pittithis is now _real_ 11.8 s (no lazy init)10:15
pittiand the CPU block looks almost perfect10:15
pittino pause in between any more10:15
pittiit's funny how sensitive all of this is10:16
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100212-1-mutter-phase-wm.png is the "middle ground" between "application" and "init" phase, and it's much worse10:17
seb128what did you change?10:17
pittiseb128: move mutter to autostart-phase=init10:17
pittiso that it starts with g-s-d10:17
seb128ah right10:17
pittiI don't think it's using a theme or so10:17
didrockspitti: there is still some "not 100% busy cycle" around gdm start time, weird10:20
pittithat's a needle eye indeed10:20
pittione CPU is fully busy, the other is free10:21
pittiso there's a theoretical saving of .5 s there10:21
didrockshum, sounds great if we can launch something in between :)10:21
pittiit's the I/O block of X.org and Xsession.d/10:22
didrockspitti: how do you see that? (and also that only one CPU is fully busy), on the bootchart?10:22
pittibut I think we should deal with that once the kernel fix lands, and the loadkeys.sh block goes away10:22
pittibecause I bet it'll look differently again then :)10:23
pittididrocks: it has two CPUs, thus if the CPU chart is at 50%, it means that one CPU is idle10:23
pittignome-desktop is built, installed locally10:23
* pitti bootcharts10:23
pittididrocks: I just put a ruler on the point when it drops CPU usage, follow downwards, and see what happens at that time10:24
didrockspitti: ok, just from assumptions so, not from something strictely written in the bootchart :)10:24
pittididrocks: well, it does enumerate the CPUs in the headers10:25
* pitti hugs didrocks10:25
* didrocks hugs pitti back ;)10:25
seb128pitti, should we use a -1 or -0ubuntu1 for dx indicator uploads?10:27
pittiseb128: I don't mind so much, but I'm slightly biased towards -0ubuntu110:28
pittijust for consistency10:28
* seb128 is annoyed at debuild complaining about ubuntu revision but no ubuntu maintainer10:28
seb128which doesn't let me build it10:28
seb128I can tweak DEBEMAIL to build but still annoying10:28
pittiDEBEMAIL= bzr bd -S ?10:28
seb128right, what I just said10:29
pittibut oh well, why not set it to ubuntu-desktop@ or u-d-discuss@10:29
seb128we should not have to pay for being upstream10:29
pittiseb128: but it just checks for any @ubuntu.com address10:29
pittiwhat is in the Maintainer: field right now?10:29
seb128the email is a canonical one10:29
seb128Maintainer: Conor Curran <conor.curran@canonical.com>10:29
didrocksI saw some packages using the Original Maintainer when we are upstream and ubuntu-desktop@ as maintainer (a bit weird, but well…)10:31
seb128yeah, I did tha10:32
seb128yeah, I did that10:32
pittididrocks: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100212-2-mutter-phase-init.png10:32
pittithat's with your caching patch10:32
pittiit's not faster in total, but we have some free CPU cycles left10:33
pittiso I'll shuffle the bits some more to get a compact chart again10:33
didrockspitti: right, I'm a bit disappointed that the time is not used for anything else :)10:33
didrockspitti: moving some bits to start earlier?10:33
pittior later, I don't know10:33
didrockspitti: you have the collector running, isn't it?10:34
pittioh, hang on, this was the wrong one10:35
pittiit started mutter in phase=windowmanager, which is bad10:35
pittididrocks: it's always running apparently10:35
pittithat's ureadahead10:35
didrocksbut ureadahead isn't showed in the graph?10:35
seb128pitti, what do we need to do to be able to push to lp:ubuntu/source?10:35
didrocksoh sorry, seeing it now :)10:35
seb128pitti, we need to upload the source first right?10:35
pittiseb128: the package must be in any PPA, or in NEW10:36
pittiseb128: right, get it into NEW, push it to ~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/lucid/pkgname/lucid, and afterwards ping james_w to set that as the official branch10:36
pittiit's currently a bit complicated for new packages10:36
seb128pitti, why not just ~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/source?10:37
pittiif that works10:37
pittiI thought you had to specify the full 5-component path10:37
seb128we are there yet for the easy to use ;-)10:38
seb128james_w, help, I'm being confused :p10:38
seb128pitti, indicator-sound your way btw (just uploaded should hit NEW)10:40
davmor2pitti: came across a weird issue last night.  I did an upgrade from karmic to lucid and somehow it removed my broadcom sta driver, problem is I can't get it back on.  Jockey log say /sys/module/wl/drivers does not exist, cannot rebind wl driver10:47
pittidavmor2: could it be bug 506816 ?10:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506816 in dkms "wl missing after Karmic -> Lucid upgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50681610:47
* davmor2 reads10:48
davmor2pitti: yeap10:50
davmor2pitti: any more info you need for it?10:52
pittiI don't think so, it's pretty well triaged now, and easy to reproduce10:52
davmor2okay cool10:53
pittiseb128, didrocks: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100212-2-mutter-phase-init_maximus-phase-app.png10:53
seb128what did you shuffle?10:54
pittimutter -> phase init, maximus -> phase app (instead of wm)10:54
pittiso that maximus can spread out into the empty CPU ranges instead of blocking startup10:54
chrisccoulson11 seconds isn't long enough to go and make a coffee though ;)10:54
* pitti ^5s seb128, didrocks, and chrisccoulson10:54
didrockssweet ;)10:54
pittiand Keybuk, too!10:55
pittiI'll reboot two or three times to see how it reproduces10:55
seb128I've a friend who told me that the computer work he's using under win takes 7 minutes to start and finish activity10:55
* seb128 hugs pitti10:55
pittithat's with a million virus scanners surely?10:55
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've found that too with most company PC's10:55
chrisccoulsonthey put all sorts of rubbish on10:55
chrisccoulsonhence the comment about not being long enough to go and make a coffee ;)10:56
didrocksseb128: it was 4 at my previous work. Time to go to bathroom, say hello to co-worker ;)10:56
seb128pitti, likely yes10:56
chrisccoulsonwow, in 2 weeks time i'll not have to use a windows machine again10:56
Keybukpitti: I got 10.2s over the weekend with some fiddling10:56
seb128chrisccoulson, feels good ;-)10:57
Keybukas soon as I can get reliably dailies, I'm going to retest and if it still works, upload :D10:57
didrockschrisccoulson: you'll see, it's very good. I'm addicted now ;)10:57
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh yes ;)10:57
seb128Keybuk, plumber fiddling or desktop?10:57
Keybuk(removes almost a second from the kernel-X bit)10:57
Keybukseb128: plumbing fiddling10:57
pittiKeybuk: rock, and that's not even with the recent bg caching and the autostart shuffling10:57
seb128so with the background cache + pitti tweaks we are on target10:57
seb128Keybuk, btw what is happening with gdm to desktop?10:58
Keybukyou know, as soon as we hit 10s, I'm going to send an e-mail telling everyone to stop what they're doing, the release is DONE! :p10:58
seb128will we get plymouth covering background during loading or something?10:58
Keybukseb128: not sure what you mean?10:58
Keybukyeah we should10:58
seb128right now you can see the gnome-panel being drawned etc10:58
Keybukthere's some plymouth vt bugs with fixes pending10:58
Keybukoh, that's DX's stuff10:58
Keybukyou'd have to ask Cody10:58
* Keybuk will biab - got a hair cut10:59
pittimeh, between two identical boots there's so much noise these days10:59
chrisccoulsoni really should get a bootchart from my laptop10:59
seb128("being drawn")10:59
chrisccoulsonit definately isn't 11 seconds though ;)10:59
seb128Keybuk, ok thanks10:59
seb128chrisccoulson, ssd?11:00
chrisccoulsonseb128 - no, it's not ssd unfortunately11:00
chrisccoulsoni might get a mini though11:00
pittiKeybuk: your daily charts are still killed by the broken ubiquity automation, I figure?11:00
pittidarn, the next boot takes 11.42 instead of 11.1511:01
pittibut either way, we've come a loong ay11:01
pittiway, even11:01
pittibut as long as we get one solid CPU block without pauses, we're good11:02
pittididrocks: oh, we still need the ubiquity hook for the bg cache, right?11:02
didrockspitti: right, ubiquity and update-manager one11:02
didrockspitti: that's why I didn't close the WI :)11:02
pittididrocks: it won't be in u-m, but in the gnome-desktop postinst, I figure11:03
pittiwe need a 5-line mini C program to refresh the background and trigger the caching, right?11:03
pittididrocks: I'll do those WIs explicitly11:03
didrockspitti: ok. I'll complete them on Monday morning (I want to finish triaging and selecting bugs for UNE today)11:04
pittididrocks: done11:05
james_wseb128, pitti: yeah, it has to be the full 5-part path for the first push: lp:~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/lucid/package/lucid11:05
pittididrocks: that's fine, it's not so urgent11:05
didrockspitti: thanks :)11:05
seb128james_w, why?11:05
seb128james_w, I used ~ubuntu-desktop/source/ubuntu that doesn't work?11:05
james_wseb128: that's what LP requires11:05
seb128bah, sucker11:06
james_wseb128: that does work11:06
seb128(not you)11:06
seb128james_w, thanks ;-)11:06
james_wthat's just not what you said earlier :-)11:06
seb128james_w, can you get ~ubuntu-desktop/indicator-sound/ubuntu11:06
seb128to be lp:ubuntu/indicator-sound?11:06
seb128james_w, ups, did I switch ubuntu and source again in the url?11:06
seb128I tend to do that often ;-)11:07
james_wyeah :-)11:07
didrocksjames_w: hey o/ btw, does the new plugin version/bzr are now available into lucid for merge-upstream command?11:08
seb128james_w, sorry about that and thanks for looking into it ;-)11:08
didrocksjames_w: (btw, I've converted two new branches to that workflow and it really rocks :-))11:08
pittididrocks: btw, I'm using lp:ubuntu/maxiums now (it doesn't have a Vcs-Bzr, and I didn't find a packaging branch)11:08
didrockspitti: I've done that too IIRC, maybe the changes have been removed as it was in the time I encountered that issue11:09
james_wseb128: done11:09
james_wdidrocks: nice11:10
james_wdidrocks: no, I haven't done an upload yet11:10
seb128james_w, thanks!11:10
didrocksjames_w: ok thanks, I keep doing from the local checkout so ;)11:10
* seb128 gently nudge pitti about NEW11:11
=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_
seb128pitti, I would like to get that new indicator landing before weekend if possible ;-)11:11
didrocksjames_w: oh, the only annoying issue is that for the first merge, I have always to bzr revert debian/11:11
seb128in case things break so somebody is still around working to fix it11:11
james_wdidrocks: because all the dx branches use to have packaging in them?11:11
pittiseb128: doing, sorry11:12
didrocksjames_w: I was thinking that too, but I'm sure not the last one11:12
james_wdidrocks: if you find a case where they didn't then please file a bug11:13
seb128pitti, np, thanks11:13
didrocksjames_w: ok, will do :)11:13
pittiseb128: looks good except the wrong license in debian/copyright; can you please reupload with dropping the "or any later version"?11:20
seb128pitti, ok11:20
seb128sorry I overlooked that one11:21
seb128pitti, done, bzr updated and source reuploaded11:24
pittiseb128: wrt. the bzr branch, I still don't know how to get pristine-tar manually11:29
pittithe auto-imports have those11:29
pittiseb128, kenvandine: so indicator-sound will replace gnome-volume-control in lucid already?11:29
pitti(source NEWed into main, FTR)11:29
seb128pitti, yes, when you NEW the indicator I will comment gnome-media11:30
seb128pitti, ok thanks11:30
seb128doing the gnome-media autostart change now11:30
pittignome-volume-control uses a fair chunk of CPU; let's see how i-s will behave11:32
seb128I'm out of benchmarks land for now11:32
seb128I don't want to reboot my work box all the time11:32
seb128and cpu there is fast anyway so it doesn't behave the same way11:33
seb128lunch time, bbl11:35
pittiseb128: I'll benchmark it, don't worry11:36
pittienjoy lunch!11:36
pittiseb128: binary-NEWed, too11:43
tjaaltonfun, bug 330766 haunts me, but on NFSv411:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330766 in pulseaudio "pulseaudio hangs, prevents login, home as ntfs" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33076611:46
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tjaaltondoesn't hang, but fails to start11:46
tjaaltonok, saw why11:48
asacdidrocks: coool. thanks11:50
asacdidrocks: do you need anything from us?11:51
asacor will you just try to do the fallback?11:51
* asac wonder if we have enough space for both launcher on UNE image11:52
didrocksasac: I didn't look at the space. It brings a lot of depends11:57
didrocksasac: I think it's ok, I'll change the packaging for netbook-launcher-elf and try to run the fallback in that case11:59
asacdidrocks: rock.12:06
asacdidrocks: even if general UNE doesnt ship it that way we probably want to do that in our armel images12:07
didrocksasac: I think ship it directly will depend on size/speed of startup of the wrapper12:08
cassidykenvandine, seb128: your libindicate patch introduced *another* weird crash which has been reported upstream and waste my time again...  see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=609417#c912:08
ubottuGnome bug 609417 in General "Crash when I double click in notification icon (panel)" [Critical,Resolved: notabug]12:08
didrocksasac: but as you can now install UNE in a general desktop, that can be interested12:08
seb128cassidy, the tone is not really required or useful there12:08
* asac fights with his keyboard being kind of broken12:08
cassidyseb128, I'm a bit tired of those tbh12:08
seb128cassidy, what do you suggest doing?12:09
cassidyespecially as the patch here is obviously wrong12:09
cassidybe more careful before pushing patches?12:09
seb128you really think people add bugs for the fun?12:09
cassidyI don't. But it's pretty frustrating for me to see that's the same patch adding bugs again and again12:11
seb128what about getting the change upstream so it's maintained properly there?12:12
seb128what about getting the change upstream so it's maintained properly there?12:13
seb128cassidy, is there anything which was blocking that?12:13
seb128I've not been following reviews and issues12:13
seb128but I'm happy to help getting it in shape if work is still needed12:13
cassidythe plan was to re-implement the libindicate integration by using the proper Telepathy API; but this has been delayed to lucid+112:14
seb128what can we do meanwhile to make things better?12:14
cassidy(partially because Empathy doesn't implement approvers either, so that's our fault too)12:14
seb128I can understand it's annoying sometime for you12:15
cassidyas said, be more careful before pushing your patches. This hunk is obviously wrong, a simple review of the patch would have spot the issue12:15
seb128on an another side it's not trivial to jungle with hundred of component for which you don't know the codebase well as a distributor either12:15
seb128especially when you are under pressure to get a stack ported in a day for a transition12:16
seb128(which is what happened for this one)12:16
seb128cassidy, I will have to look to the code but the libindicator api added timestamp now12:16
seb128cassidy, and I guess the same callback is used for both codepath12:17
cassidyyeah but this is a GTK+ signal, not a libindicate one12:17
seb128cassidy, and ken probably looked only at the indicator case12:17
seb128cassidy, thanks for pointing it and we will try to do better, we have been talking about code review12:17
cassidyyeah he changed both cb12:18
seb128cassidy, we had lucid broken due to the libindicator abi change though and had been in a hurry to fix things before travelling back from a sprint12:18
seb128cassidy, note that I know it's not a justification, sorry about that, I will get it fixed today12:18
seb128hate bzr some days12:19
seb128why does it say that things have diverged when I try to bzr pull on a checkout which I didn't touch12:20
cassidyso do I :)12:20
seb128cassidy, it's nothing compared to how much I dislike git though ;-)12:20
didrocksseb128: someone used maybe --overwrite?12:20
seb128at least pushing to a sftp is one command with bzr12:20
seb128didrocks, I doubt it12:21
seb128didrocks, I doubt somebody overwrote my revisions on the ubuntu-desktop copy12:21
seb128I don't see a reason to do that12:21
didrocksseb128: still the same last revision?12:21
seb128no, I'm trying to pull new revisions12:22
didrockshum, strange, if your revision have been untouched… right12:22
seb128in fact there was a revision missing12:25
seb128I'm wondering what did kenvandine did12:25
seb128and if he did overwrite my revision12:25
seb128he did pulled in my change though12:26
seb128but it doesn't appear has a commit on the online version12:26
didrocksseb128: should be that. I'm constantly playing with bzr (pushing to my server, getting from netbook -> laptop, server -> netbook) and so on. Never encountered such issue except from using --overwrite removing a revision of course12:28
seb128can we see if that has been done somewhere?12:28
didrocksfrom the little knowledge I had reading the doc, --overwrite really rewrite the .bzr file from your source and remove the commit as they never existed. I don't know how it's handled with stacked branch12:29
seb128lool, \o/12:58
seb128lool, thanks for fixing valgrind, I had that on my list of things to look at but didn't manage to come to it yet12:59
=== MacSlow|pizza is now known as MacSlow
seb128pitti, bug #49456113:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494561 in libimobiledevice "[mir] libiphone should be promoted in lucid" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49456113:08
seb128pitti, the build issue has been fixed now, anything else was blocking it?13:08
kenvandinecassidy, damn... sorry about that13:08
pittiseb128: ah, looks fine now, hang on13:08
pittiseb128: approved13:09
seb128pitti, thanks13:09
kenvandineseb128, which package lots your changelog?13:09
seb128kenvandine, empathy13:10
kenvandinei didn't use --overwrite13:10
seb128kenvandine, it didn't lost my changelog but my r85 which was fixing a new line issue in the indicator patch13:10
kenvandineno idea what could have happened13:10
seb128kenvandine, I might have forgotten to push13:10
seb128and did the same change to fix the build when you worked on it13:10
kenvandineah... was it the one in the glade file?13:10
kenvandineok, i fixed it too13:11
kenvandinei wondered how you got it to build :)13:11
seb128it was just a stupid editor error13:11
seb128well, I fixed, commited and probably didn't push13:11
seb128sorry about that13:11
seb128kenvandine, I'm fixing the crasher cassidy indicated btw13:11
loolseb128: eh np13:11
seb128was cleaning some bugs on the way13:11
loolseb128: I didn't actually test it, just that it builds with new libc13:11
seb128lool, ok, let's see if it makes it happy too13:11
seb128lool, right now valgrind ls lists thousand errors and exit13:12
seb128ls or any software13:12
kenvandineseb128, i got that f-spot patch backported13:12
loolupstream only committed a patch to configure WRT to glibc 2.11, so I'd be surprized if more is needed13:12
kenvandineit is a little crashy13:12
kenvandineand i want to change a few things about the behavior13:12
kenvandinebut it kind of works :)13:12
loolseb128: Probably the suppression file not being set correctly13:12
seb128kenvandine, oh, nice13:12
seb128lool, yes, it seemed to be something like that13:12
kenvandinebut i don't have any crashers that aren't in sde's branch :)13:12
kenvandinei'll try to get those worked out today13:13
seb128kenvandine, indicator-sound is in lucid btw13:13
kenvandinethey all seem to be the editor no being happy it isn't in the library view13:13
seb128kenvandine, I made indicator-applet recommends it too13:13
seb128kenvandine, and stopped the gnome-media autostart13:13
seb128so we should be set13:14
seb128works great there13:14
kenvandinedid you get it pushed to lp:ubuntu/indicator-sound?13:14
pittiseb128: what will pull in indicator-sound?13:14
pittiis that a dependency of something? or do we need to seed?13:14
seb128pitti, cf 5 lines up13:14
pittiah, sorry13:14
kenvandineit's a recommends13:14
pittinice timing, I'm just typing the weekly report for release meeting13:14
kenvandineseb128, it actually doesn't work for me... but it looks pretty :)13:14
loolpitti: In the FTBFS list which Lucas just posted, there's the latest version of apport13:15
kenvandinei am experiencing the bug dbarth was talking about13:15
loolpitti: You might want to take a look if you have some time13:15
pittilool: oh, I will (last version built fine on the buildds, hmm)13:15
seb128kenvandine, it works there, mutting and sound slider13:15
loolyeah I've seen that it built on the buildd, that puzzled me a bit13:15
seb128and preference entry13:15
loolI guess something related to icons or debhelper changed or something13:15
kenvandinefor me muting and slider are disabled13:15
seb128pulseaudio is running?13:16
seb128ok, I guess a bug for ronoc then13:16
kenvandineyeah, well i think it has something to do with pulse's status when the service starts13:16
kenvandinewe'll work it out :)13:16
kenvandinefeature is in :-p13:16
didrocksasac: speaking about that, netbook-launcher-efl is FTBFS from lucas' list too, I know what the fix is and I'll upload it on Monday as well as removing C/R, moving .deskop file, and so on :)13:16
looldidrocks: I poked yesterday and JamieBennet is working on that one13:17
looldidrocks: You might want to check with him before working on it13:17
looldidrocks: What do you think the fix is BTW?13:18
loolI'm not sure that just changeing liblauncher-0.1 to 0.3 will allow it to build, it might need some porting13:18
didrockslool: it's just changing liblauncher-dev by liblauncher-0.1-dev13:18
loolor we might need an old source package13:18
loolOh we still have liblauncher-0.1-dev13:18
didrockslool: there is a new source with 0.1 that was uploaded few days ago13:18
looldidrocks: That sounds fine indeed; didn't see we had a liblauncher-0.1 source already13:19
didrocksJamieBennett: ^ (but I can handle it, I have other changes to land on Monday)13:19
loolseb128: still loads of errors with new valgrind I'm afraid13:20
asacdidrocks: cool.13:21
asacdidrocks: does -efl really build with the new -dev?13:22
asaci doubt it does13:22
didrocksasac: no only, with 0.1, cf ^13:22
asacwhat does cf stand for?13:23
asacCystic Fibrosis. CF13:23
loolasac: aha valgrind tip has nice work on an arm port!13:23
loolasac: confere13:23
loollatin for "see also"13:24
asacnevermind ;)13:25
loolseb128: Upstream valgrind doesn't have the issue, I guess I should package a new snapshot13:33
seb128lool, $beers++ for you at next uds if you do that one ;-)13:34
pittikenvandine: do you know the status of https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/lucid-ubuntu-one-client-app ?13:36
kenvandinepitti, they still say in time for feature freeze...13:41
kenvandinedobey, ^^13:41
kenvandinei harassed josh about it wednesday and he was going to get more detailed status for me13:41
* kenvandine needs to run out for a few, bbiab13:42
pittikenvandine: ok, thanks; I was just curious13:42
pittilool, asac: did the nautilus change help in bug 512959? It looks like lool's upload intended to fix it, but it's still open, and there are no followups13:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512959 in gvfs "nautilus assert failure: *** stack smashing detected ***: nautilus terminated" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51295913:46
loolpitti: I uploaded a workaround which was confirmed as hiding the issue13:47
loolpitti: But I kept the bug open because it's apparently a toolchain issue13:47
lool(the workaround is dropping -Wl,-O1 from LDFLAGS)13:47
pittiright, the binutils task13:47
loolAnd the gvfs task is to revert the hack once that's fixed13:47
pittilool: but I guess we can at least close the karmic task from gvfs then13:47
pitti(it's not alpha-3 critical any more)13:48
pittilool: merci13:48
loolpitti: (You're doing it or shall I?)13:48
pittiI'm doing it13:49
asacdo we need to kep the gvfs task open?13:51
asace.g. if its binutils its covered13:52
asacbut i dont mind in either way13:52
seb128asac, it's a reminder to drop the workaround13:52
pitti^ right13:55
pittibut not as an RC task13:55
seb128not questioning that ;-)13:56
seb128a low importance triaged task should do13:56
pittithat's what I did13:57
asacsure that -O1 isnt a workaround in first place?14:02
asacin my book dropping a special flags reset stuff to "normal" ;)14:02
seb128asac, you mean we should use -O1 by default?14:04
asacoh ... nevermind. thought it was the other way around14:05
NafaiGood morning all14:09
seb128hey Nafa14:09
seb128hey Nafai14:09
dobeykenvandine, pitti: yes, feature freeze :)14:14
loolseb128: valgrind PDF manual (which is installed in the package) can't build due to http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=566591  I'm stuck on that one to update valgrind14:16
ubottuDebian bug 566591 in texlive-latex-base "supp-pdf.mkii: cannot use macro parameter character # in horizontal mode" [Normal,Open]14:16
seb128lool, ok, thanks for trying and letting me know!14:17
seb128could people there install indicator-sound14:29
seb128and restart gnome-panel14:29
seb128(or dist-upgrade which should install it)14:29
seb128and tell me if the indicator is working for them14:29
seb128didrocks, pitti: ^14:30
didrocksdoing as well14:30
pittion the mini, anyway (I currently need my session)14:30
cedric_This worked for me works well14:30
seb128cedric_, thanks, the slider is active and the mute button?14:31
Nafaiseb128: works for me too14:32
Nafainow if the sound icon in the notification area would go away :)14:32
seb128Nafai, it will when you dist-upgrade and restart the session14:33
seb128Nafai, did you try the mute and slider?14:33
Nafaiweird, I did restart14:33
Nafaiyeah, both work great14:33
seb128Nafai, you probably didn't get the gnome-media update yet14:33
didrockshum, indicator applet is dying for me14:33
cedric_everything is good for me14:33
seb128Nafai, it disable the autostart under GNOME14:33
chrisccoulson_g1well, this is fun14:33
pittiseb128: it does upgrade and install i-sound, but it doesn't upgrade gnome-media14:33
Nafaiprobably not14:33
seb128pitti, uploaded a publisher run later14:33
Nafaichrisccoulson_g1; IRCing from your G1?14:33
seb128pitti, sorry about that14:33
pittino prob14:34
pittiI'll just wait for 20 mins14:34
chrisccoulson_g1Nafai - yeah, I'm stuck in my car14:34
seb128pitti, is the indicator working?14:34
seb128chrisccoulson_g1, oh? :-(14:34
chrisccoulson_g1I'm blocked in by a fire appliance and some police cars :(14:34
chrisccoulson_g1there's a car on fire nearby14:34
chrisccoulson_g1interesting afternoon ;)14:35
didrocksbah, indicator applet is crashing everytime now :/14:35
seb128didrocks, can I get a stacktrace?14:35
seb128chrisccoulson_g1, sucks :-(14:36
didrocksseb128: I'll try to remove it first to ensure it's the cause14:36
* pitti uploads udisks14:37
pittiseb128: well, it's there14:38
pittiseb128: but I can't operate the slider14:38
seb128oh, suck14:38
pittiopening the dialog works, though14:38
kenvandinepitti, same thing i am getting14:39
didrocksseb128: ok, confirming, removing I got no pb, but I bring it back, I have a failure again. How do you get a stacktrace for the indicators, btw? gdb gnome-panel --replace?14:42
seb128didrocks, apport?14:42
seb128didrocks, what is crashing,14:43
seb128didrocks, the applet should  not take the panel down14:43
didrocksseb128: I have no apport crash report. Just the panel telling me "can't load the indicator"14:43
seb128didrocks, which one?14:43
seb128can you give the exact error14:43
didrocksseb128: "Can't load the OAFFID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet"14:44
didrocksdo you want to remove the applet…14:44
didrockshence my "indicator applet is dying" (the whole applet can't be added to gnome panel)14:45
seb128didrocks, gdb /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet14:45
seb128(gdb) run14:45
seb128and then click "reload" on gnome-panel dialog14:45
seb128you need to run it on a command line first14:46
seb128run it on a command line then add it on the gnome-panel or reload it there if it waits on crash dialog14:46
didrocksseb128: ok14:46
didrocksseb128: no stacktrace really, but at least an undefined symbol: http://pastebin.com/f108fe4c214:48
didrocks(I have to change pastebinit in my netbook to post on pastebin.ubuntu.com btw)14:49
pittimy box seems to be pretty broken now, I get gnome-session segfaults14:50
seb128what did you do to it?14:51
seb128what got upgraded?14:51
pittibut no to the new gnome-media yet14:51
seb128do you have a bt for the crash?14:51
seb128I blame udisk ;-)14:51
pittiudisks isn't even running :)14:51
pittibut purging indicator-sound doesn't help either14:52
* pitti tracks down14:52
kenvandineso who is our firefox guy now?14:54
seb128kenvandine, you? ;-)14:57
* kenvandine hides14:57
seb128kenvandine, chrisccoulson, but officially not yet14:57
pittiseb128: sorry, PEBCAK; I chmodded nautilus to 014:57
pitti(for running the udisks test suite)14:57
seb128pitti, and that makes gnome-session segfault?14:57
* pitti )#*$#)$ at respawning14:58
seb128hey chrisccoulson14:58
chrisccoulsoni saw my name mentioned there14:58
chrisccoulsondid i miss something? ;)14:58
seb128chrisccoulson: managed to go home?14:58
kenvandinechrisccoulson: hey... the u1 guys have a new version of bindwood that needs uploading to universe14:58
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm back now. they let me out :)14:58
seb128<kenvandine> so who is our firefox guy now?14:58
pittiseb128: I got a suspend during dist-upgrade, did several VT switches, and probably otherwise had a pretty bad state; all well after reboot14:58
seb128chrisccoulson: ^14:58
kenvandinechrisccoulson: want to look over it and reject or upload?14:58
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - yeah, i can do. how urgent is it?14:59
seb128pitti, ok good14:59
kenvandinelooks pretty straight forward, the awesome asac did most of the initial packaging14:59
kenvandinechrisccoulson: i doubt it is super urgent...14:59
chrisccoulsoncool, that's ok then. i need to get a drink before i do anything else :)14:59
asacis there a problem with bindwood?14:59
kenvandinenew version15:00
kenvandineimagine that... open source software with a 1.0 :)15:00
asacok. if you have questions please check in mozillateam15:00
asacplease check if it really is based on the latest we have in ~ubuntu-dev15:00
seb128asac, do you know if somebody is working on making search entry have something else than ask.com too?15:00
asacseb128: its fix committed15:01
seb128asac, ok thanks15:01
asacdid that today15:01
seb128you rock ;-)15:01
asacbug 52068215:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520682 in firefox "Only search provider is Ask.com" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52068215:01
* pitti gratefully sees that indicator-sound is much nicer CPU-wise than gnome-volume-control-applet15:03
kenvandineasac, up ... merges cleanly too15:03
kenvandinechrisccoulson: ^^15:03
seb128pitti, nice15:04
james_wwhich package provides the GNOME file chooser?15:04
chrisccoulsonjames_w - gtk?15:04
didrocksbb in a couple of hour, have an appointment15:06
rickspencer3good morning all15:07
pittiMr. Spencer!15:07
seb128hey rick!15:07
pittikenvandine: would you mind updating https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus for DX integration?15:08
rickspencer3seb128, so if I do a dist-upgrade now, I get the new sound indicator?15:08
rickspencer3kenvandine, are you up again, or still up?15:09
seb128rickspencer3, yes15:09
rickspencer3seb128, kenvandine great, can15:09
rickspencer3t wait to try it15:09
seb128rickspencer3, I like it15:09
seb128rickspencer3, and pitti testing says it uses less cpu than the GNOME one15:09
seb128so it's all good ;-)15:09
rickspencer3that's Connor's first contribution, right?15:10
seb128rickspencer3, didrocks and pitti landed background caching too today15:10
pittiguys, check this out:15:10
seb128rickspencer3, and scott said that with some plumper tweaking he was down to 10.5s boot15:10
* rickspencer3 cries tears of joy15:10
rickspencer3keep going guys!15:11
rickspencer3just 1 more week left15:11
pittirickspencer3: and that didn't even include the stuff that landed today (bg caching, and autostart shuffling)15:11
pittithat chart above has 11.09 s15:11
seb128pitti, did you reinstall the mini or do you still have my patched nm-applet there15:11
rickspencer3I'm literatly shaking a bit!15:11
pittiseb128: no, it's lucid's nm-applet15:11
seb128pitti, hum ok, no cpu use anymore, weird15:11
pittibut my chart already has the rsyslog/dd fix locally applied15:11
rickspencer3seb128, pitti last night on my non-SSD dell mini 10v, I noticed that it was starting up really fast15:11
pittiseb128: it seems to be pretty random; it does occur, just two seconds later when the chart stops15:12
rickspencer3I did a dist-upgrade, went to get something, and when I came back I assumed that it hadn't rebooted15:12
pittirickspencer3: right, it does; now it's "really fast" to "amazingly fast" :)15:12
seb128pitti, it's not there on this chart15:12
seb128pitti, and the chart goes 3 seconds after the line15:12
chrisccoulsoni need to invest in a mini so i can enjoy this fast booting :)15:12
seb128chrisccoulson: invest in a ssd for your laptop15:13
pittichrisccoulson: just buy an SSD15:13
pitticheaper, and it'll be even faster15:13
seb128people get faster boot than this now15:13
chrisccoulsonyeah, i suppose i could do that too ;)15:13
seb128cpu sucks on the mini15:13
seb128with decent cpu and ssd some people do 7 seconds15:13
seb128or 8 seconds15:13
pittichrisccoulson: you so much don't want to endure this abdomination of a touchpad15:13
chrisccoulsonpitti - i hate touchpads anyway ;)15:14
seb128tseliot, I guess you are too busy to work on this "disable touchpad" option for lucid?15:14
chrisccoulsoni can work on that if it's wanted and noone else wants to take it15:14
chrisccoulsonit should be easy shouldn't it? (we used to have the option before)15:14
seb128having the option in the capplet would be nice15:15
seb128I use external mouses15:15
seb128and keep touching the pad by error15:15
chrisccoulsonyeah, me 215:15
tseliotseb128: I'm too busy to work on anything other than the boot experience, I guess ;) but I can work on that disable touchpad thing after alpha 315:15
seb128tseliot, thanks, we will see if somebody else do it before15:15
pittithe gnome-keyring-a... (ctivation-something) process is still pretty heavy15:15
seb128seems chrisccoulson is interested15:15
pittiI guess that wouldn't appear on Scott's charts, though15:16
seb128urg, make me thing I still have the new gnome-keyring to land at some point15:16
seb128I packaged it this week15:16
seb128but I've some issues with it15:16
chrisccoulsonis it not getting a bit late to introduce that now?15:16
seb128we are not to ff yet15:16
seb128the lib is api compatible15:16
baptistemmchrisccoulson: YOU SHOULD BUY A SSD !!!!15:16
seb128it's a drop in replacement15:16
tseliotseb128: ok, if no one does it, feel free to ping me again after alpha 315:16
* baptistemm join the ring15:17
seb128tseliot, will do, thanks15:17
* chrisccoulson goes to look at SSD prices15:17
seb128chrisccoulson: but yeah, it's either before alpha3 or not15:17
seb128one thing they did is to split the services15:17
seb128so you have several process started now15:17
seb128pitti, I might ping you to try what difference that makes on bootchart next week15:17
seb128pitti, or do you want to test that on the mini today?15:18
seb128they have services for each component now15:18
seb128like ssh is a service with its autostart15:18
pittiseb128: I'm happy to do some charts if there's a package to test15:18
seb128pitti, I've i386 debs, one minute I scp those15:19
chrisccoulsonvish - my gpm change to (hopefully) fix your issue has been committed :)15:20
vishchrisccoulson: yeah , just noticed :)  [/me keeping fingers crossed :D  ]15:21
chrisccoulsonhopefully people will never see that silly tray icon again15:21
kenvandinerickspencer3, yeah... i am up :)15:23
kenvandinerickspencer3, i have 3 kids, then ensure i never sleep past 6-6:30am15:23
kenvandinerickspencer3, i got the edit in view mode patch for f-spot backported15:23
kenvandineit's a little crashy15:24
kenvandinewill work on it more today :)15:24
rickspencer3kenvandine, yeah!15:24
rickspencer3I should sleep an extra hour every morning15:24
rickspencer3I wake up ...15:24
rickspencer3new sound indicator15:24
rickspencer3boot time is approaching the goal15:24
kenvandineboot time is rocking!15:24
rickspencer3image editing is being worked on15:24
seb128rickspencer3, I uploaded libgpod with iphone support too15:25
seb128rickspencer3, it's a good desktop day so far I think ;-)15:25
rickspencer3I'm meeting eeejay in 2.5 hours15:26
rickspencer3we're going to look into making empathy APIs easier to use15:26
seb128oh, nice15:26
* rickspencer3 tries desperately to appear to be contributing15:26
* seb128 hugs rickspencer3, don't worry you do great work too15:27
seb128the team wouldn't run the same way without you ;-)15:27
pittiif everyone/everything is working so well, this is obviously the result of a great team leader!15:27
pitti(I'm actually serious)15:28
* pitti hugs rickspencer315:28
kenvandinepitti, i just marked 4 items done on the dx-integration blueprint15:28
=== asac_ is now known as asac
* pitti hugs kenvandine15:28
chrisccoulsonthere's a lot of love in here this afternoon :)15:29
jcastropitti, is policykit-1-gnome still called "policykit-gnome" in upstream bugzilla?15:30
chrisccoulsonjcastro - yeah15:30
pittijcastro: yes, I think it is15:30
jcastrothat's what I thought15:30
* rickspencer3 sniff15:30
* chrisccoulson finds that a bit confusing15:30
pittinow that it's gone from KDE as well, we can hopefully eventually rename them back15:31
pittiit has always been meant to be a temporary name fork, to have two ABIs15:31
chrisccoulsonhas anyone got any experience with buying SSD's?15:34
rickspencer3pitti, seb128, kenvandine hey, so codecs + music store + pitivi ....15:35
rickspencer3I'm putting together a call next week so we can hammer it out on the phone15:35
kenvandinerickspencer3, libubuntuone will be ready today15:35
rickspencer3shall I invite all three of you?15:35
seb128chrisccoulson: not me, but baptistemm and jcastro do15:35
kenvandinerickspencer3, sure15:35
seb128rickspencer3, works for me15:35
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks :)15:35
pittirickspencer3: ack15:36
baptistemmI bought mine on ebay for 350€ free of charge15:36
baptistemmwhich 70€ less expensive than any shop in EU15:36
seb128that's expensive15:36
baptistemmyeah :)15:36
baptistemmit is my christmas present15:36
seb128you can get 2 minis for that price15:36
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm, which model did you get? (and what storage capacity?)15:37
baptistemmI took a 160GB intel x25m15:37
seb128160G, that's why I guess15:37
baptistemm80 GB is twice cheaper15:37
jcastrochrisccoulson, you want the intel x25-m g2. They go for about $289 US.15:37
chrisccoulsonah, that's pretty big15:37
baptistemmI tooka g2 too)15:37
chrisccoulsonjcastro - thanks. will have a look :)15:38
pittirickspencer3: tseliot postponed some 5 WIs, you added two for ArneGoetje, but we have more than yesterday; how can that be..15:46
rickspencer3pitti, I have no idea15:48
rickspencer3can we query the database?15:49
pittirickspencer3: we can, yes15:52
seb128pitti, we need daily diffs ;-)15:52
pittioh, I added two more to startu-speed15:53
seb128that still doesn't make for the 515:53
seb128I did close 2 yesterday I think too15:53
seb128and the gwibber duplicate got closed too15:53
seb128we should have dropped by 8 or something15:54
pittiah, and some more from https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-xorg-triaging-diagnosis got assigned from canonical-qa back to us15:54
pittianyway, I'll have a closer look later on (meeting starts soon)15:54
chrisccoulsondoes anybody in here use multiple keyboard layouts?16:02
seb128chrisccoulson: I do yes16:03
NafaiCan do you a different layout per keyboard?16:03
rickspencer3pitti, I think we are going to just punt the rest of those xorg triaging work items to Lucid + 116:03
Nafaii.e., one for my built-in one and one for my external?16:04
chrisccoulsonseb128 - is there any way of switching layouts other than using the layout switcher in the notification area?16:04
pittirickspencer3: well, it's some time spent now which could help us to save lots of time later on16:04
pittithis is why I was a bit hesitant to postpone it16:04
seb128chrisccoulson: you can configure the keybing for that in the capplet16:04
rickspencer3pitti, I know16:04
rickspencer3please discuss with bryce16:04
pitti*nod* (already did)16:04
rickspencer3I believe that he has picked the low hanging fruit and is still working on some16:04
pittistill keeping it as target of opportunity for alpha-316:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ah, ok. thanks. so, it would be a reasonable request to provide a way to hide the layout switcher?16:05
seb128chrisccoulson: I think default is both alt together16:05
rickspencer3but I want us to stop blueprint work on the 18th!16:05
seb128chrisccoulson: yes16:05
* rickspencer3 repeats mantra16:05
rickspencer31. find and fix the worst bugs16:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks16:05
rickspencer32. ensure a smooth upgrade experience16:05
rickspencer33. integrate the latest and greatest from Dx16:05
pittirickspencer3: that probably will contribute to 1. :)16:05
rickspencer3pitti, understood16:05
rickspencer3I think he's on track to do the right work items for Lucid16:06
rickspencer3they aren't *all* necessary to help with 116:06
rickspencer3anyway, I trust that bryceh will be able to make the right trade offs16:06
rickspencer3he always has in the past16:06
rickspencer3but seriously, this bears repeating ...16:07
rickspencer3everyone finish up your blueprint work for A3!!16:07
rickspencer3we need to switch gears to quality mode!!16:07
rickspencer3the users will appreciate that more than one or two more features16:08
* rickspencer3 gets off soap box16:08
* rickspencer3 stops preaching to choir16:08
baptistemmdoes someone experience black display after booting, i don't see GDM greeter but I hear ubuntu login sound16:17
baptistemmIf I switch to vt1 and do "restart gdm", gdm works fine16:18
seb128baptistemm, try ctrl-alt-f1 and ctrl-alt-f716:18
seb128do you have plymounth installed?16:18
seb128kenvandine, no cookie for you!16:18
baptistemmI guess so, is it installed by default in lucid (My computer is at home)16:19
seb128baptistemm, you can try to apt-get remove it16:19
baptistemmI installed my new disk with the A2 cd or a daily one but afterA216:19
seb128it fixes issues for quite some users16:19
baptistemmjust remove it16:19
baptistemmI mean I won't have the real boot process16:20
baptistemmso I can't test16:20
seb128didrocks, wb16:22
seb128didrocks, oh btw I had an idea about your cheese crasher16:24
seb128didrocks, is your source online somewhere or do you want to try something ?16:24
desrti'm in a coffee shop and the people behind me are discussing google's "don't be evil" motto16:25
didrocksdesrt: heh, what kind of coffee shop are you in? ;)16:26
desrtwilliam's coffee pub16:27
desrtacross the street from a university16:27
chrisccoulsonwhats happened to the volume osd notification?16:34
chrisccoulsondoes it work for anyone else?16:34
chrisccoulsonoh, brightness is not working here either16:34
seb128chrisccoulson, is notify-osd working for you?16:36
didrocksseb128: sorry, I was rollbacking  the channel's log. let me scp it :)16:36
didrocksseb128: I can have a try if you want16:36
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i'm seeing message notifications16:36
didrocksseb128: fredp told me yesterday that he doesn't have this issue on debian16:36
chrisccoulsonbut the synchronous notifications are busted16:36
didrocks(maybe related to udev, as I don't have the crash on my box without webcam?)16:37
seb128didrocks, I've a feeling I know what the issue is there...16:37
chrisccoulsonthey're working now16:38
didrocksseb128: do you me to try something or I just push the branch?16:39
chrisccoulsonbrb, session restart16:39
slomoseb128: thanks for syncing all the gstreamer packages :)16:39
seb128+LDFLAGS=$(shell echo $$LDFLAGS | sed -e 's/-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions//')16:39
seb128+export LDFLAGS16:39
seb128didrocks, add that to the rules16:39
didrocksseb128: ok thanks, doing :)16:39
seb128didrocks, before the includes16:39
james_wcould someone review http://paste.ubuntu.com/374830/ please?16:39
seb128chrisccoulson, <james_w> could someone review http://paste.ubuntu.com/374830/ please?16:43
seb128chrisccoulson, I think you know a bit this code?16:43
seb128james_w, looking at it too, but diff of diff is hard, I will apply that to the source :-p16:44
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i will take a look shortly. i took a look at this a little while ago16:44
james_wI'm not sure it's the right fix, and I'd want to run with it for a while16:45
james_wseb128: no kidding :-)16:45
chrisccoulsonjames_w - i've actually got a feeling that there are 2 code paths which don't set a GError (when they should be doing)16:45
chrisccoulsoni vaguely remember that from when i looked at it before16:45
chrisccoulsonbut i will take a look shortly16:46
james_wI was going on what was in the upstream report16:46
didrocksseb128: you ROCK!16:47
* didrocks hugs seb12816:47
pitticcheney: hey, good morning16:47
* seb128 hugs didrocks16:47
pitticcheney: do you know if there is a more precise release roadmap for OO.o 3.2.1 by now?16:48
didrocksseb128: even looking at ld, I have no idea about what this option in LDFLAGS is doing (and what it's doing wrong, in fact :))16:48
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, did you say you had reviewed the gpm appindicator patch?16:48
seb128didrocks, the same symbol is defined in 2 binaries there16:49
seb128didrocks, the binary and the library probably16:49
seb128didrocks, that leads to such crashes when using -Bsymbolic16:49
seb128we had the issue with gnome-bluetooth previously16:49
seb128I know it by now ;-)16:49
pittiseb128: did you want me to test new keyring packages? I. e. did I miss an IRC ping of your's or so?16:50
seb128our toolchain has -Bsymbolic-function by default16:50
seb128pitti, oh right, not I just finished other stuff and forgot16:50
didrocksseb128: oh ok, make sense :) btw how to know what are the default flags? (it's something loaded by make, I guess)16:50
seb128pitti, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/gnome-keyring16:52
seb128it's copying16:52
seb128one minute16:52
seb128didrocks, not sure right now how to do that, I know this one is on though16:52
seb128there is a wiki page with the toolchain option we activate16:53
seb128but I don't want to search for it now, busy with other things16:53
didrocksseb128: ok, I'll try to find it, good to know, thanks :)16:53
seb128didrocks, feel free to comment on the upstream bug saying it happens only with -Bsymbolic-function and it's probably a symbol defined in 2 binaries16:54
seb128you might want to look at which one16:54
seb128pitti, online16:54
pittiseb128: thanks, testint16:54
seb128pitti, danke16:54
pittibah, Friday evening tpying :)16:54
chrisccoulsonpitti - can we do a SRU for bug 160862?16:54
didrocksseb128: yep, I finish some bug triaging first and then cheese upload + report upstream16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 160862 in gnome-system-tools "users-admin (System->Administration->Users and Groups) overwrites group file" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16086216:54
chrisccoulsonit's only a 1 liner :)16:55
pittiseb128: anything I should test in particular? (so far I only have wifi password here, but I can also test ssh easily)16:55
pittichrisccoulson: without looking at the bug, the title very much suggests SRUability16:55
seb128pitti, well you can test if it works for you, but I was rather interested by bootchart on the mini16:55
seb128pitti, be careful if you install that on your session it will break libgnome-keyring customers until gnome-keyring restart16:56
seb128or session restart16:56
seb128ie searhose if you run it will tell you it can't connect to the gnome-keyring daemon16:56
seb128I get empathy crashing with it too which I didn't investigate yet16:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks. would you mind adding targets for hardy, jaunty and karmic? (i suspect it's probably not worth effort fixing on intrepid)16:56
seb128or rather mission-control16:56
pittinp, I don't have anythign on that box16:56
seb128cassidy, do you know if there is some known issue between mission control and keyring 2,29?16:57
cassidyseb128, yes, a crash has been reported16:58
cassidylet me find it16:58
cassidyseb128, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60870916:58
seb128cassidy, thanks!16:58
ubottuGnome bug 608709 in libgnome-keyring "Can't create a new account on 2.29.6" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]16:58
cassidywhich is a dup of https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60851016:58
ubottuGnome bug 608510 in libgnome-keyring "assertion failure when item is not in keyring" [Critical,Unconfirmed]16:58
pittichrisccoulson: done16:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks17:11
pittiseb128: the new one uses more CPU17:19
seb128pitti, is that enough that you would consider it an issue?17:21
seb128I'm still pondering what to do there17:21
pittiseb128: if we want the new one for functional reasons, I'm happy to take a look at it and see what we can optimize17:21
seb128pitti, I've having some email exchange with upstream about it17:23
seb128he wrote recently17:23
seb128" * Better startup, controlling which components launch through17:23
seb128   'Startup Applications'17:23
seb128 * Locking keyrings after a certain amount of idle time."17:23
seb128as new features17:23
seb128and "The two versions use the same file formats, and are completely17:23
seb128compatible with one another"17:23
chrisccoulsonpitti - on the subject of SRU's, hughsie is considering backporting this commit back to gpm 2.28: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-power-manager/commit/?id=7380ab4e13db76cb5be2e1bc4a42a810a5261fd417:23
seb128the said the code has been refactored and should be nicer17:23
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure if we want to consider that for karmic too17:24
pittichrisccoulson: uh, sorry, what's the effect in plain English?17:24
seb128I will pay $beers to whoever fix gpm not coming back to the brighness level it should go to before lucid17:24
chrisccoulsonpitti - the status icon appears in the notification area telling you that your display is broken, and the display blanks whilst you're working17:25
pittiseb128: if you think we should update, as part of 2.30, you have my support for that17:25
pittichrisccoulson: eww; sounds worth fixing indeed17:25
seb128pitti, I've no strong opinion, what we have is known and works17:25
seb128new version didn't break compatibility though17:25
chrisccoulsonpitti - he's going to run it for a while just to make sure it really fixes the issue17:26
seb128they splitted the lib and added those dbus interfaces17:26
seb128and some modularity17:26
chrisccoulsonand i'll upload it to lucid too17:26
seb128but those are not really must have for lucid17:26
seb128what other people take would be on this one?17:26
pittiseb128: *nod*; so that could also be considered a "potential source of regressions without major benefits"?17:26
pittiseb128: don't other GNOME components make use of those new APIs sooner or later?17:27
seb128not this cycle17:27
seb128they plan to rework the store system etc17:27
seb128and will deprecate libgnome-keyring17:27
seb128but that didn't happen this cycle17:27
seb128store -> storage17:27
seb128I think they are working toward dbus method and a freedesktop storage17:27
seb128pitti, http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-keyring-list/2010-January/msg00007.html17:29
pittiseb128: the only thing which I want to avoid is to update to it late (after beta-2 or so) because a newer gnome version depends on it17:29
pittiif that's very unlikely, staying on 2.28 sounds fine to me17:29
seb128didrocks, chrisccoulson: ^ opinion?17:29
pittiif we stay at 2.28, I'd like us to disable the "allow access to keyring" question, though17:30
pitti(but that should be easy)17:30
chrisccoulsoni don't think it's worth updating it this cycle, especially if nothing else in GNOME needs it just yet17:30
seb128well I'm not decided between staying on a known codebase17:30
seb128or going with somebody which will be easier to maintain and an uptodate plateform for those use lucid for work17:30
seb128somebody -> something17:31
didrocksseb128: I agree too, staying at 2.28 seems fine for an LTS17:31
chrisccoulsoni think we've probably already got plenty of bugs to start working on, without introducing lots of new ones17:31
didrocks(we can use the same flag "too many changes" than the one for evolution)17:31
seb128right, that's one way to see it17:31
seb128the other way is that the version you use is deprecated and upstream will not fix bugs on it17:31
seb128and some people might want to use the lts to hack and need an uptodate platform17:32
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's true too17:32
chrisccoulsonit's a difficult choice really17:32
seb128I will put it in the desktop team ppa now I think17:32
seb128and ask for testing17:32
didrocksgood idea17:33
pittithat'd be nice17:33
seb128and we can upload next week or decide against17:33
pittithen I can test it on my amd64 laptop as well, with ssh and everything17:33
seb128thanks everybody17:33
* didrocks adds "test heavily gnome-keyring from ppa" as next week task :)17:33
seb128should I use ubuntu-desktop ppa for that?17:35
seb128or use a gnome-keyring ppa there?17:35
ccheneypitti: not yet, no17:38
ccheneypitti: i'm not even sure if it is still going to be produced as 3.3 is expected by around June17:39
ccheneypitti: there are only two bugs on 3.2.1 currently so if they decide to release it could be pretty quick17:39
ccheneypitti: 3.2.0 was officially released yesterday17:40
didrocksseb128: there is a gnome-keyring ppa? maybe ubuntu-desktop is better, no? (to make it "more official about what we want to test/integrate")17:42
ccheneypitti: it looks like ooo-build and debian aren't caught up with yesterdays release yet though, but probably will be by early next week17:42
seb128didrocks, no, but you can create different ppas, I was pondering using the default ubuntu-desktop one or a subone named gnome-keyring still under ubuntu-desktop17:43
didrocksseb128: oh ok, I have no strong opinion if a new ppa is needed :)17:43
kenvandinewhew... had to fsck / from a livecd again17:48
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, i had to do that a couple of days ago too17:48
kenvandinehappened to me last week as well17:49
chrisccoulsoneeeeek, not good17:49
kenvandineyeah... time to shop for a drive17:49
=== onestone_ is now known as onestone
kenvandineor re-install for real17:50
kenvandinethis is a ext4 filesystem that was created by jaunty alpha117:50
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, this is a brand new install and it breaks too17:51
chrisccoulsoni can't remember what the error was when it broke, as it remounted read-only17:52
kenvandinesame here17:52
kenvandinewell there is no error17:52
kenvandineboth times it happened while the screen was locked17:52
kenvandinetrying to login on a VT just says it is mounted read-only17:53
kenvandineso no access to the errors17:53
* kenvandine looks at the logs17:53
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, i got a load of ext4 related errors at the end of dmesg, and the message telling me it had remounted read-only17:53
chrisccoulsonbut they don't get saved17:53
chrisccoulsonas the volume was read-only ;)17:53
kenvandineoh sigh17:53
seb128asac, pitti: bug #494549 is good to go?17:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494549 in usbmuxd "usbmuxd required in main for libiphone" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49454917:53
seb128asac, pitti: we need to have those promoted now if we want the current libgpod to build17:54
jjardonHello, seems that the yelp version shipped with lucid is the webkit branch, but this is not a officially supported branch, Is this intentional?18:01
NafaiSo what's the best way to handle when you upgrade things like indicator applet and such without having to log out and back in?18:04
Nafaijust kill the process and let the panel re-load it?18:06
pittiseb128, asac: it seems that the issues were addressed18:06
seb128pitti, there is a new upstream version available I will upload it so we get the fixes in lucid18:06
seb128pitti, thanks18:07
pitticcheney: "two bugs on 3.2.1" -> that is, to bugs in 3.2.0 which are regressions and to be addressed?18:07
pitticcheney: that'd be pretty good18:07
ccheneypitti: there are two targeted bugs for 3.2.1 which would be what would block its release if they decide to make it18:09
ccheneypitti: of course as new major bugs are found the count will go up but not bad so far18:10
* pitti waves goodnight18:33
didrocksdinner time, bbl :)18:39
seb128didrocks, enjoy18:41
seb128pedro_, gvfs seems to have quite some crashes duplicates if you want to clean it one day18:56
pedro_seb128, will have a look into it18:57
seb128pedro_, btw how did the pitivi bug day go?18:57
pedro_my pleasure ;-)18:57
pedro_seb128, pretty fine! the product is looking very clean18:58
pedro_we also had some input from the pitivi folks so now it's just time to wait for the reporters feedback on what we did18:58
pedro_no major issues though, just little annoyances with gstreamer crashing in the middle while you're editing something and things like that18:59
seb128I should open a bug at some point, pitivi seems to just do nothing on the video I tried18:59
seb128it the bar at the bottom doesn't get signal etc18:59
rickspencer3hey kenvandine ... I'm looking for some sample code for exporting a dbus service in a real app19:03
rickspencer3do you know off hand where I should look in gwibber?19:04
kenvandinerickspencer3, dispatcher.py19:06
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine19:06
asacpitti: seb128: ack. thx. fine if we have the new upstream (or are sure we will get them)19:10
Nafaikenvandine: Did you see my gwibber bug? :)19:11
kenvandineNafai, not yet19:11
Nafainot high priority, I filed it a couple days ago.  can't get stuff from friendfeed19:11
kenvandinebug number please?19:12
* kenvandine doesn't have it in bug folder19:12
Nafaijust a sec19:12
kenvandinebug 52053719:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520537 in gwibber "Cannot load a FriendFeed account" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52053719:12
Nafaiah, I'll be sure to write bug before it next time ;)19:13
kenvandineNafai, we might not fix it until after feature freeze :)19:13
Nafaithat's fine19:13
kenvandineNafai, nifty huh?19:13
Nafaitwitter and facebook work better for me19:13
Nafairather, are more important19:13
rickspencer3kenvandine, what version of telepathy-gabble shall we deliver in Lucid?20:17
kenvandinewe should talk to upstream20:18
kenvandinecassidy, ^^20:18
kenvandineit would be nice to ship with the facebook chat feature :)20:19
rickspencer3kenvandine, tbh, I'm sitting next to eeejay right now20:19
rickspencer3eeejay is thinking that maybe there is a good reason we are still on .820:20
kenvandineoh... well .9 is the unstable series20:20
kenvandineis .10 planned soon?20:20
kenvandineor soon enough for lucid?20:23
rickspencer3kenvandine, dunno20:23
rickspencer3prolly not it sounds like20:23
kenvandinecassidy, ^^20:23
eeejaythe facebook thingie will be in lucid no matter what20:26
seb128rickspencer3, we are using what cassidy recommended when I ask him about what we should use...20:28
rickspencer3seb128, okay, cool20:28
seb128when I asked20:28
seb128I'm happy to revisit that if they come with a new stable serie20:28
rickspencer3me and eeejay are just trying to get some tubey pythony code working20:28
rickspencer3and just want to make sure we are hacking with the versions intended to land in lucid20:29
rickspencer3(and that we both have the same versions ;) )20:29
rickspencer3thanks seb12820:29
loolseb128: O'm dedicating this special upload for you, have a good weed-end  ;-)20:31
seb128lool did fix the gtk bug20:31
seb128and updated valgrind20:31
seb128lool, you made my end of week ;-)20:31
seb128lool, enjoy your weekend!20:32
loolyou too!20:32
* seb128 hugs lool20:32
jcastrohey chrisccoulson you were handling g-p-m with app indicators right?22:54
* didrocks has finished to triaged all UNE bugs for the last 1 year and half \o/23:45

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