=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
dogi | tsimpson, thx for ur help | 00:08 |
dogi | thx m4v and tsimpson :) | 00:34 |
dogi | it working now | 00:34 |
dogi | it is working now | 00:34 |
=== tenach_ is now known as tenach | ||
rumpsy | What can i do to join in #ubuntu | 05:47 |
rumpsy | Any special commands? | 05:47 |
rumpsy | more than this, /j #ubuntu | 05:47 |
rumpsy | !help | 05:52 |
rumpsy | !op | 05:52 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 05:52 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 05:52 |
Tm_T | hi ho | 11:13 |
erUSUL | hi | 11:14 |
bazhang | ho | 11:50 |
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj | ||
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei | ||
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj | ||
Tm_T | WOOO! | 20:58 |
* Tm_T hides | 20:58 | |
* erUSUL counts to 20 blindfolded before going search for Tm_T | 21:01 | |
Tm_T | WOOOO! | 21:03 |
* Tm_T hides again | 21:03 | |
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei | ||
Tm_T | I think we should collect all IRC scripts and aliases to one neat place | 21:52 |
topyli | tm_T, links to useful scripts for operators would be nice in the wiki somewhere | 21:57 |
erUSUL | topyli: Tm_T /j #autobleh | 21:58 |
erUSUL | XD | 21:58 |
topyli | auto_blah.pl and chanserv.py at least, and the irssi aliases for those who don't want the script | 21:58 |
topyli | bleh even :) | 21:58 |
erUSUL | topyli: it is without the _ nowadays | 21:59 |
topyli | oh. i hate change! | 21:59 |
erUSUL | topyli: hey; i have to patch it to make it work with the new ircd .... | 22:00 |
topyli | speaking of change, i guess there's an up-to-date autobleh for modern ircd's that i should get | 22:00 |
erUSUL | --- autobleh.pl.orig2010-02-06 13:03:43.060402010 +0100 | 22:00 |
Myrtti | chanserv.py has already been redone | 22:00 |
erUSUL | +++ autobleh.pl2010-02-06 13:06:25.936647637 +0100 | 22:00 |
erUSUL | @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ | 22:00 |
erUSUL | if (/timeout/) { | 22:00 |
erUSUL | if ($action->{hostname} =~ /gateway\/web\/.+/) { | 22:00 |
topyli | yeah | 22:00 |
ubot4 | erUSUL: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 22:00 |
erUSUL | Irssi::print("Quieting $action->{nick} on $action->{channel} with username $action->{username} for $action->{timeout} seconds") if $DEBUG; | 22:00 |
erUSUL | - $channel->command("/quote MODE $action->{channel} +q *!*=".$action->{username}."@*") if $action->{username} ne ''; #quiet username | 22:00 |
erUSUL | + $channel->command("/quote MODE $action->{channel} +q *!*".$action->{username}."@*") if $action->{username} ne ''; #quiet username | 22:00 |
ubot4 | erUSUL: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 22:00 |
Myrtti | gnaaf. | 22:00 |
erUSUL | } | 22:00 |
topyli | oh dear | 22:00 |
erUSUL | else { | 22:00 |
erUSUL | Irssi::print("Quieting $action->{nick} on $action->{channel} with hostname $action->{hostname} for $action->{timeout} seconds") if $DEBUG; | 22:00 |
erUSUL | @@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ | 22:00 |
erUSUL | if ($action->{hostname} =~ /gateway\/web\/.+/) { | 22:00 |
topyli | gar | 22:00 |
Myrtti | topyli: you really need the new scripts | 22:01 |
Myrtti | didn't you notice seveas posted the new version on -ops couple days back? | 22:01 |
topyli | Myrtti, i even have it, but i should still learn to use it | 22:01 |
Myrtti | aw | 22:01 |
topyli | we made more noise than erUSUL! | 22:02 |
erUSUL | ^.^ | 22:02 |
Myrtti | tut-tut ;-) | 22:03 |
erUSUL | http://paste.ubuntu.com/375018/ | 22:03 |
erUSUL | there like a good guy O:) | 22:04 |
topyli | btw i see no unmute command in chanserv.py | 22:04 |
Tm_T | topyli: my idea exactly is to have wiki page with links or similar | 22:11 |
topyli | just a few links, we could figure out where they fit, somewhere on the pages similar to the operator guidelines and such | 22:13 |
topyli | i should know! i just resuffled the whole wiki just to confuse you all | 22:13 |
rww | back in my day, we typed out banmasks by hand uphill both ways :( | 22:13 |
m4v | haha | 22:14 |
erUSUL | rww: you did? what was the computer good for then? XXDD | 22:14 |
m4v | good old select and middle click | 22:15 |
rww | topyli: did the IRC Council agenda get moved? I don't remember it being where it is now, but the revision history is being less than helpful. | 22:16 |
topyli | rww, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda | 22:18 |
rww | topyli: I know. I was asking whether it moved or not :) | 22:19 |
topyli | in a nutshell, everything's supposed to be under IRC/ now, and the organization should be more sane. redirects from the old pages should be working | 22:19 |
rww | oh, it did, I just found the old page's redirect, never mind :) | 22:20 |
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