
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
cjohnstonhello Linuxian00:09
ClaudinuxLinuxian, hi00:09
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=== skydrome is now known as aen
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=== joerg is now known as Guest94131
=== ShadowChild is now known as lukjad007
=== lukjad007 is now known as lukjad86
=== JFo-afk is now known as JFo
=== fader` is now known as fader_
=== asac_ is now known as asac
* slangasek waves15:55
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is slangasek.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
asac o/16:00
* marjo waves16:01
davidbartho/ too16:01
slangasekRiddell, sistpoty|work, apw: ping16:01
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-02-1216:02
* apw waves nochalently16:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-02-1216:02
slangasek[TOPIC] Actions from previous meetings16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Actions from previous meetings16:02
slangasek  * asac and ScottK to review the plan for xulrunner demotion and present the resolution at the next meeting16:02
slangasek  * slangasek to poke priorities of hw testing bugs (DONE)16:02
slangasek  * pitti to triage bug #506816 to see if it's a dkms bug (DONE)16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506816 in dkms "wl missing after Karmic -> Lucid upgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50681616:02
slangasekasac: what's the status here?16:02
asaci havent talked to him. but after reviewing the list of what needs xul in main i am confident that we will have to keep it in main even16:02
asacso what we do is we treat main and universe the same.16:03
asace.g. go through the list and dump everything that we cant commit to support16:03
slangasekwell, ok16:04
slangaseknothing for it, I suppose16:05
asacif we could get rid of couchdb things would be better ;)16:05
slangasek[TOPIC] Server Team16:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Server Team16:05
ttxStatus at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:07
ttxAlpha3 milestoned bugs:16:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 492365 in psycopg2 "MIR for psycopg2" [Wishlist,Fix released]16:07
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:07
ttxdone now16:07
ttxnext one was also very recently closed16:07
ttxThat leaves us with https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/51581216:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 515812 in eucalyptus "Autoregistration: Node doesn't ask for a specific cluster to be registered in" [Medium,Triaged]16:08
ttxWhich I'm working on right now, setting Inprogress to reflect that16:08
ttxI'm blocking on my test infra right now16:08
ttxIf I can't get past it, I'll just upload Monday and test with the archive :)16:09
ttxAlpha3 status/progress at:16:09
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-lucid-alpha-3.html16:09
ttxOnly 2 High/Essential specs at < 80% completion16:10
ttxserver-lucid-uec-testing (50%): Most remaining work items are about exercising tests, can be completed after FF16:10
ttx server-lucid-seeds (50%): Pending redhat-cluster-suite and ctdb discussions, my understanding is that demotions can be finalized after FF as well.16:11
ttxBugs in other teams affecting us:16:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 506297 in plymouth "Graphical Ubuntu logo enabled on servers, no more login prompt" [High,Triaged]16:11
slangasek(last-minute shuffle of the agenda order, asac needs to get out of the meeting early today)16:11
ttxThis one raises the interesting question of the necessity of plymouth on servers, if it triggers some instability16:11
slangaseker, which I answered in the bug log16:12
ttxslangasek: yes, I saw that :)16:12
ttxslangasek: do you expect to fix that issue for alpha3 ?16:13
ttx(you as in "Foundations team")16:13
slangasekit's not really about the pretty splash - we could even disable that for server if that's deemed appropriate; the real issue is having a common interface for boot-time processes to talk to... carrying lots of extra code in all the other packages to work around this would be a fail16:14
slangasekttx: Keybuk thinks we need to be waiting for a new upstream code drop that changes a lot of code, which either will fix it or will change so much that we should wait for it to land before hacking on it; I don't have a timeline from him for this yet16:15
ttxslangasek: right, I think that would be a fallback option, better try to fix the bugs16:15
ttxslangasek: is it reasonable to make a decision on that by beta1 ?16:15
Keybukslangasek: 5-10 days16:15
slangasekthere you go :)16:15
ttxKeybuk: thanks !16:16
slangasekso if it's not fixed for alpha-3, it should definitely be fixed for beta-116:16
ttxThat's all from me, questions ?16:16
slangaseknone here, anyone else?16:17
Keybukttx: my understanding is that there *should* be a graphical screen for server16:17
slangasek[TOPIC] Mobile Team16:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Mobile Team16:17
Keybukjust that when boot is done, it should show the getty16:17
asaccool. thanks a lot slangasek16:17
Keybukis that right?16:17
asac[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:17
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:17
asacso we have switched to UNE ... and have the 2d launcher now!16:18
ograits so sexy !16:18
ttxKeybuk: yes, that's what the bug is about. But I'd rather say that there *could* be a graphical screen for server16:18
asacvery nice expereience i suggest anyone with arm boards to try that ;)16:18
cjwatsonttx: the default will be one or the other16:18
ttxKeybuk: I don't mind it if it works, but I don't mind if there isn't one either16:18
asacanother really good news is that we managed to mitigate the doomy thumb2 on dove issue16:18
asacusing a kernel patch and swapping hardware ... that finally unblocks the thumb2 rebuild spec16:19
ograby switching to new silicon :)16:19
asacand continue with the thumb2 porting16:19
asacalso we unbroke mono and now have good images for dove and imx51 (last i looked)16:20
slangasekah, great!16:20
ogratodays was fine :)16:20
asacplease dont upload anything like mono and openoffice till alpha-3 is over ;)... thanks16:20
asacon the bug front we got a bunch of bugs fixed ...16:21
* ogra always thought he was the only one saying that :)16:21
asaci made the important thumb2 bugs release critical now (as you can see on the agenda)16:21
asacwe are organizing mini sprints now to get that list to zero ... then we will continue and work on the not-so-serious thumb2 issues identified16:21
* ogra notes that bug 457878 isnt on the report (it should be)16:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 457878 in linux-fsl-imx51 "imx51 on board ethernet plug/unplug events not detected" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45787816:22
asacmaybe the link again16:22
ograkernel team is actively working on it16:22
asac[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2PackageReviewList16:22
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2PackageReviewList16:22
asacogra: let me check16:22
asacogra: feel free to target for release on your own next time ;)16:22
ograits milestoned, but not targeted :/16:23
asaci will add that to the wiki after meeting. thanks16:23
slangasekasac: now, what about the lightweight browser decision?16:23
asacwe are waiting on a reply from chromium devs about their release/security update model ...16:24
asace.g. we would use it i think if we get green light from security team16:24
asacbut after talking to kees ... he feels not good about that unless we figure out how that can be supported decently16:24
slangasekwho's responsible for following up with chromium upstream?  mobile or security?16:25
asacme ... but i think its a good idea to keep security in the loop16:25
* slangasek nods16:25
asacwill do that from now on16:25
slangasekit's starting to get late for switching the default browser (MIRs, FF, etc) - can we expect some progress on this by next week?16:26
marjoslangasek: agree16:26
asacslangasek: yes. i try16:26
pittiis chromium really that much more "lightweight" than firefox, which would justify the enormous commitment?16:26
asacslangasek: note though that its not a default switch on all images16:26
slangasekasac: that changes nothing :)16:26
pitti(it's no different from firefox here, but then that's just my crappy box)16:27
asacpitti: it is much faster16:27
ograpitti, it scrolls without stuttering in frambuffer and starts up a lot faster16:27
pittiogra: ah, I wouldn't notice scrolling speed16:27
ograremember we dont have xservers on armel16:27
pittistartup is just as slooow as ffox here16:27
pittianyway, you guys measure it on the relevant hardware16:27
pittiso ignore me16:27
asacso yes. lets say we need to see good progress by next week to pursue this idea16:28
slangasekanything else on mobile?16:28
asacnot from me16:28
slangasek[TOPIC] Kernel Team16:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Team16:28
slangasekasac, ogra: thanks16:28
* ogra thakls the installer team for help on oem-config 16:28
slangasekapw: hi16:28
apwOverall Kernel Team status is summarised at the first URL below, including the items called out in the agenda.  Alpha-3 activity is summarised at the second URL below, of which we have completed approximatly 60% and are on target to complete them.  We remain above the line on our burn-down chart (at the third URL below), but we made significant progress last week at Sprint towards hitting that target:16:28
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:28
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#Milestone%20lucid-alpha-316:28
apw[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:28
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:28
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#Milestone%20lucid-alpha-316:28
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:28
apwWe reviewed suspend/resume strategy last week, we now have additional diagnostics patches in testing to aid diagnosability of suspend issues, we have also put a triage and diagnosis plan in place to aid characterisation and detection of common faults.  The ubuntu delta tasks are progressing with the discussed patch changes being applied and uploaded for testing.  Of the three arm bugs called out, one is believed fixed, the second has patches which16:28
apw are under review, and the third remains under investigation.16:28
apwTesting of the Nouveau LBM package has been fairly good so far and an updated version has been uploaded and awaits source NEW, userspace bits should already be in place.  The distro kernel is now pulled up to v2.6.32.8 and remains pretty stable in testing.  The mvl-dove branch has been rebased to the distro tip and stabilising patches applied, testing is ongoing.16:28
apw.. done16:29
slangasekany questions for kernel?16:31
slangasek[TOPIC] QA Team16:32
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Team16:32
slangasekapw: thanks16:32
slangasekmarjo: hi16:32
marjoHW Testing16:32
marjo   passed:   7 (54%) failed:   3 (23%) untested: 3 (23%)16:32
marjo   passed:   23 (92%) failed:    0 ( 0%) untested:  2 ( 8%)16:32
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current.html16:32
marjo   passed:   52 (98%) failed:    0 ( 0%) untested:  1 ( 2%)16:32
marjo   passed:   12 (100%) failed:    0 (  0%) untested:  0 (  0%)16:32
marjo   * UbuntuSpec:lucid-qa-checkbox-desktop-experience-tests16:33
marjoStill targeting for lucid-alpha-3.16:33
marjo   * UbuntuSpec:qa-lucid-automated-server-testing16:33
marjoAlpha-3 work items being transferred to ara and sbeattie from soren.16:33
marjoOn track for alpha-316:33
marjothat's all folks from QA team, any questions?16:34
pittinetbook failure is still due to the same sound card bug?16:34
fader_pitti: probably; I've asked alexmoldovan to gather the info on those bugs16:35
marjopitti: we will also file additional bugs today as more analysis is done16:35
fader_He turned them up yesterday and hasn't yet filed bugs16:35
slangasekhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/lucid-qa-checkbox-desktop-experience-tests - is that actively under development?  Some of the work items are rather broad ("integrate new tests during the course of the release"), I wonder if this is really on track16:36
marjoslangasek: yes, just confirmed with cr3 today16:36
marjowe'll adjust work items to be more precise, if necessary16:36
slangasekthat particular one could probably use some finer-grained detail16:37
marjoslangasek: agree16:37
slangasekanything else on QA?16:37
slangasek[TOPIC] Desktop Team16:37
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop Team16:37
slangasekmarjo, fader_: thanks16:37
slangasekpitti: hi16:37
pittias usual, our report is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:37
pittisince the last meeting we made great progress on landing specs, and boot speed,16:37
marjoslangasek: thx!16:37
pittisee wiki for details16:37
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:38
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:38
pittispecs which were called out in the invitation:16:38
pittidesktop-lucid-default-apps: Remaining WI is a new feature in F-Spot which was just applied to the 0.7 branch; it does not have a release yet, and it's not clear whether it'll be stable by beta-1. Ken now worked on a backport and has a first version available in a PPA; might still be a bit rough for alpha-3, but believed to be fixable for lucid.16:38
pittidesktop-lucid-xorg-triaging-diagnosis: remaining work is outside the distro around bug management; some bits might get dropped, and until now Bryce worked on more urgent tasks16:38
pitti(remain targets of opportunity, since investments there will save time later on)16:38
pittilucid-ubuntu-one-client-app: Goal of OLS, not desktop team16:38
pittibut was confirmed to be on track for FF16:38
pitti(I can't say much about it beyond that, I'm afraid)16:39
pittithe bug front remains reasonably calm, most important one was a regression due to ATI KMS; still being figured out (details in the wiki report)16:39
* jdstrand hates that bug16:39
pittioops, please ignore the "planned intrusive changes for alpha-3" section, it was old; I just removed it from the wiki page16:40
slangasekthat's bug #507148, I guess?16:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507148 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[lucid] desktop runs out of video memory on ATI Radeon Mobility 7500" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50714816:40
pittithis will probably require a pull of ati/rdm from 2.6.3316:40
jdstrandbtw-- you can see in the bug and upstream report-- still no progress16:40
pittior we have to disable KMS on ATI by default16:41
pittioh, the Ubuntu bug has a lot of recent action16:41
slangasekis there any more news on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-openoffice?  (spec says "there is currently not a roadmap")16:43
pitti3.2.0 is in lucid right now16:44
pittibut beyond that it depends on upstream whether .1 lands on time16:44
slangasekyes, but the spec says 3.2.1, and says it's not due out until March-ish16:44
slangasek(in fact, we only have 3.2.0 rc4 in lucid...)16:44
pittiI don't know more precise dates right now, but I'm happy to discuss with Chris16:45
slangasekI think it would be good to pin that down more precisely, yes16:46
slangasekanything else for desktop?16:46
jdstrandpitti, slangasek: fyi-- I'm very keen to get that radeon bug fixed. I have several people who have this card depending on me to upgrade their machines to Lucid16:47
pittino Kubuntu report this week, Riddell is on holiday16:47
jdstrandpitti, slangasek: I'm affected too, so it is easy for me to test things16:47
pittiit seems the kernel team has backported much of the stack and is calling to test them16:48
pittibut it's certainly not an easy backport16:48
apwwe have a small backport of 4 patches which i am told stop it crashing16:48
jdstrandI've tested everything they gave me so far-- no difference afaics16:48
apwin nomodeset mode16:48
jdstrandapw: with or without compiz?16:49
slangasekisn't that bug report specifically about KMS?16:49
apwwhich would the lower risk option i presume...  i've note reviewed them yet16:49
jdstrandslangasek: I think they are hoping to have a fallback16:49
pittiit was said to not overrun memory when disabling modeset, yes16:49
jdstrandwell, with no KMS, using compiz results in a different problem-- hard lockup (I filed a bug)16:50
apwwhich presumably you would get with KMS too if it worked16:50
jdstrandthe only working configuration is no KMS, use XAA, do not use compiz and use RenderAccell off16:50
apwthe plans are needing discussion, but the original was to disable cards which do not work with KMS16:50
slangasekok, sounds like there's a lot of following up to be done there16:51
apwthe other bug is a plain regression i assume, and we may have fixes for it16:51
slangasekwhich I trust jdstrand will help with, since he has motivation :)16:51
jdstrandapw: compiz with KMS crashes compiz and is bug #507148. compiz without KMS is a lockup (not a memory issue)16:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507148 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[lucid] desktop runs out of video memory on ATI Radeon Mobility 7500" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50714816:51
apwcan you get me the other bug number too please16:52
* jdstrand looks16:52
* davidbarth waves: DX? while jstrand looks for the bug?16:53
slangasekjdstrand: when you have it, please follow up with apw as needed16:53
slangasek[TOPIC] DX Team16:53
jdstrandapw: there are actually several I've filed: 513950, 513956, 50714816:53
MootBotNew Topic:  DX Team16:53
slangasekdavidbarth: yes :)16:53
slangasekpitti: thanks16:53
davidbarthok, so the report is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus16:53
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus16:54
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus16:54
jdstrandapw: and one more that only affects notify-osd with XAA: 513968. that is worked around by using RenderAccel off16:54
davidbarthbig compatibility change last week; allows KDE & Gnome to finally share compatible APIs, namespaces, types, etc.16:54
davidbarthcreated some side effects while the different libs & desktops were out-of-sync, should be resolved with the latest kubuntu update as of today16:54
davidbarthstream of bug reports (and some fixes for them), thanks to the porting effort with app. indicators16:54
jdstrandapw: also, the upstream bug listed in 507148 has a lot of info16:55
davidbarthfor this blueprint, we are in bug fix mode now16:55
* jdstrand is done16:55
davidbarthongoing work on further gtk patches for cs-deco; plan is to release that early next week, before the Thursday upload window16:55
davidbarthso this one is a bit particular, the cs-deco changes can create some artefacts: layout issues mostly16:56
davidbarthsetting up a test-plan with qa (as planned in the bp, but coming late) to cope for that16:56
davidbarththe thing we'll be adding early next week is the ability to blacklist apps that have issues, to be able to better control that kind of bugs16:57
* slangasek nods16:57
davidbarthfinally in Lucid! please report bugs; known issues (unimplemented: auto-mute detection and automatic switching of default output device)16:57
davidbarth("and there was much rejoicing" ;)16:57
davidbarthlanded last week, as part of the Portland sprint; new integration with gwibber mostly, featuring an IDO (IndicatorDisplayObject) entry in the menu16:58
davidbarthIM integration, same as when integrated in the SessionMenu16:58
davidbarthwill continue integration with the "About Me" feature for A316:58
davidbarthand another menu next:16:58
davidbarthuser list and switching feature restored; based on the new API provided by Robert Ancell16:58
davidbarthso this one should be feature complete now16:59
davidbarthkeeping a wi open for potential integration issues left after that release16:59
davidbarthand some more:16:59
davidbarthset of former SRU candidates, now merged into trunk16:59
davidbarthcloseNotification API fix remaining16:59
davidbarthbp should be 100% complete after that16:59
davidbarththat's it for bp/wi tracking17:00
davidbarthone bug in the agenda:17:00
davidbarth506683: indicator-applet doesn't show menu choices when selected17:00
davidbarthso this one was meant to be fixed by the big dbusmenu/indicate update of last week; but was not tracked per se17:00
davidbarthie, can't 100% say we've closed it17:00
slangasekI was seeing the bug with some frequency before; I can watch for it and update the bug for next week17:01
davidbarthwill nudge ted on monday specifically, but i haven't spotted occurences of that kind of bug anymore17:01
davidbarthyes, safe to keep it on the agenda, as it was a tricky race condition17:01
davidbarthand it took some time and 2 releases for ted to feel better about it17:02
davidbarththat's it for the report17:02
davidbarthquestions, feel free to ask17:02
slangasek[ACTION] slangasek to follow up on bug #506683 to verify whether it's reproducible after latest indicator uploads17:02
MootBotACTION received:  slangasek to follow up on bug #506683 to verify whether it's reproducible after latest indicator uploads17:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506683 in indicator-session "indicator-applet doesn't show menu choices when selected" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50668317:02
slangasekno questions here; anyone else?17:03
davidbarthi guess we could also try to track the app. indicator porting effort as part of that17:03
slangasekas part of which?17:03
davidbarthi haven't looked at the status for the different apps, but the latest status was that it was proceeding well17:03
davidbarththere is a big list maintained by community; maybe i'll let jono or jorge comment as part of their report17:04
slangasekthe community team doesn't report as part of this meeting?17:04
davidbarthwe're also tracking some libappindicator/dbusmenu bug repotrs that are filed by porters; that's a nice sting to improve that infrastructure17:04
jcastro^^^ that's the progress of the porting work17:05
davidbarthjcastro: yes, thanks for the link17:05
slangasek[LINK] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=indicator-application17:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=indicator-application17:06
slangasekhow many of these apps are expected to change for lucid?  (Since that's all feature work, and is affected by FF)17:06
davidbarthas much as possible; knowing that the fallback support mechanism makes safe a safe path17:07
jcastroeverything is on the default desktop has a contractor assigned with the goal of making FF17:07
davidbarthie, apps that are not ported continue to work with the old systray17:07
jcastrothe universe ones are community opportunities.17:08
slangasekok - anything else on DX?17:09
davidbarthslangasek: nope, that's it for me17:09
slangasek[TOPIC] Foundations Team17:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations Team17:09
slangasekdavidbarth: thanks17:09
slangasekcjwatson: hi17:09
cjwatsonI've put summaries there of all the specs in the agenda, as well as a few others that have mostly been deferred now17:10
cjwatsonthe only ones I'm actively concerned about are the software-center ones, which I think were always likely to run late or have bits deferred17:10
* slangasek nods17:11
cjwatsonslangasek: would appreciate your feedback on the remaining bits of release-collaboration-with-debian, as I'm not very current on that17:11
cjwatsonthe rest of pre-desktop-lucid-startup-speed should land next week, subject to fixing this automatic installation bug which I'm going to try to do today; Keybuk says he believes that should get us very close to the 10s targets17:11
slangasekone of the remaining items there is openoffice.org, which it seems still has some uncertainty on our side; I'll follow up with ccheney today and also check with _rene_17:12
pitti(FYI, 11.2 s with the rsyslog/dd change done locally)17:12
slangasekjava/X, I'll look at in the next few days as well; perl, we're current with Debian now so that probably just needs the status updated17:13
cjwatsonyeah, I assume the question was whether we were going to remain current ;-)17:14
slangasekwell, there is that. :)17:14
cjwatsonI'm going to be off next week, so am mostly trying to nail down the absolutely vital stuff today, like the gfxboot changes17:14
slangasek(at the time the question was raised, we were behind Debian by a perl point release)17:15
cjwatsonoh, right, that was never really a big problem17:15
cjwatsonif perl were hard to merge, we'd have somebody permanently assigned to it :)17:16
cjwatsonanyway, nothing else here, unless there are other questions17:17
slangasekno questions here17:19
slangasekanyone else?17:19
slangasek[TOPIC] Security Team17:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Security Team17:20
slangasekcjwatson: thanks17:20
jdstrandso, ass always: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:21
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:21
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:21
jdstrandWe postponed a few medium and lower items before the sprint.17:21
jdstrandso our burndown overall looks good17:21
jdstrandfor alpha 3 we have http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-security-lucid-alpha-3.html17:21
jdstrandWhile security-lucid-ufw-devel is targeted for alpha 3 and shown as 17% (5 items left), the reality is that the work is almost done and it just hasn't hit Ubuntu yet. That should be at 100% completion sometime next week when I upload ufw 0.30.17:22
pittithis graph looks backwards..17:22
* slangasek grins17:22
slangasekand the burndown line is across the bottom, that's no good :)17:23
jdstrandthat graph never made a lot of sense to me...17:23
jdstrandbut, the Status by specification does...17:23
jdstrand(which is what I am talking about here :)17:23
jdstrandbeyond that, we have no RC bugs and are on track17:24
slangasekgreat to hear17:24
jdstrandthat is it from me17:24
slangasekany questions for security?17:25
slangasek[TOPIC] MOTU17:25
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU17:25
slangasekjdstrand: thanks17:25
slangaseksistpoty|work, ScottK: here?17:25
jdstrandsure :)17:25
ScottKslangasek: Here, but I'm on travel for work, so I have no idea what's going on in MOTU right now.17:26
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB17:26
ScottKJust barely managed to be on IRC.17:26
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB17:26
slangasekanything else to touch on this week?17:26
slangasekFF is next Thursday, in case anyone didn't notice :)17:27
slangasekso if you're going to need freeze exceptions, it's not too early to let the release team know17:27
* slangasek raises the gavel in slow motion17:27
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:28.17:28
slangasekthanks, folks!17:28
pittithanks everyone17:28
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sistpoty|workslangasek: sorry, was afk, had a lengthy debug session with a coworker17:40
slangaseksistpoty|work: no worries - anything you wanted to share today?17:41
sistpoty|workslangasek: well, I wanted to raise the question about merging ubuntu-release and motu-release17:41
sistpoty|workslangasek: and in case we want to do this if we already want to do this for lucid17:42
slangasekI think it should happen for lucid; I'll follow up to the mailing list thread today17:42
sistpoty|workslangasek: *nod*, especially since FF is very close17:43
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=== fader|lunch is now known as fader_
=== Guest94131 is now known as joerg
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=== fader_ is now known as fader|away

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