
loolFolks, netbook-launcher-efl FTBFS since it expects liblauncher-0.1 and we have 0.308:50
ograyes, its being worked on by Jamie08:52
persiarbelem: Rumour had it that you had finished an ubuntu-liquid-default-settings package.  Can you confirm?15:25
rbelempersia, it is almost done :-)15:26
rbelemi did not work the last weekend, so i did not make much progress :-(15:27
persiarbelem: OK.  No huge rush.  I'm planning to try to put together the -meta this weekend.15:27
persiaI'll put it as a "recommend" for now, and we can adjust later, once it's available.15:27
rbelemi was a little bit chocked yet, so i decided to take the weekend off to relax15:28
=== asac_ is now known as asac
rbelempersia, cool15:28
rbelempersia, are you in which timezone?15:29
rbelempersia, ah! next week is carnaval here, so i will have more time to work on liquid :-)15:30
persiaWell, at least that's what is claimed, but I often feel more like http://xkcd.com/448/15:30
* persia is amused at the idea of hacking for carnaval15:30
rbelempersia, uaheuaheua15:30
rbelempersia, following this routine is nice when you travel. you do not feel the timezone change 15:32
* persia wishes15:32
asachi rbelem ... how are things going?20:06
rbelemhi asac :-)20:07
asaci guess that means you feel great. good to hear20:07
rbelemi will get back to work this weekend20:07
asacwork is always good ;)20:07

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