
sabgentonwhat is a shure fire way to test you printer from the comand line00:01
Spanglish_7776hmm sabgenton 1 sec00:05
Spanglish_7776this miight help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22218000:06
Spanglish_7776hmm 1 sec agin00:06
Spanglish_7776sabgenton you have cups installed?00:07
sabgentonis there not some way I can print without cups?00:07
sabgentonjust form the command line?00:07
sabgentona usb brother 2040 is plug in via usb00:08
Spanglish_7776and it's detected?00:08
Spanglish_7776are you using ubuntu-desktop00:08
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Spanglish_7776sabgenton are you using ubuntu-desktop00:09
Avenegrahello, anyone with experience with samba AD member fileservers?00:09
sabgentonno ubuntu server headless00:10
Spanglish_7776Aven, I'm actually working on the same thing.00:10
Spanglish_7776sabgenton, gotcha00:10
sabgentonsorry my internet just restarted00:10
Spanglish_7776np sab, is you're printer detected and the driver installed?00:10
Spanglish_7776you can unplug and plug the usb cable and in the command line type dmesg and see if it's detected, etc00:11
sabgentonI've tryed  redirecting files to > /dev/lp000:11
sabgentonbut nothing00:11
Spanglish_7776is it showing in dmesg?00:11
Spanglish_77761 sec00:12
Avenegraanyone has experience in samba active directory integration? i have a server running ok but there's a problem: when connecting as the domain admin the files created appear owned as root:"domain admins", why it wont map correctly?00:16
sabgentonSpanglish_7776: any Ideas?00:17
Spanglish_7776googling 1 sec00:17
Spanglish_7776sab- try lp filename00:23
Spanglish_7776work sabgenton?00:26
sabgenton$ lp filef lp: Error - no default destination available.00:28
Spanglish_7776printer is probably not installed correctly00:28
sabgentonyep thats why I'm here00:28
sabgentonshould lp work if cups isn't installed00:29
sabgentonor do you need cups for every type of printing00:29
sabgentonapparently I should have symlinked stuff before installing drivers?00:30
sabgentonsudo ln -s /etc/init.d/cupsys /etc/init.d/cups00:31
sabgentondo I need lpd drivers??00:34
sabgentonI only installed the cups driver for my printer not the lpd00:34
sabgentonok symlinking seems silly as there is a reall file there00:35
sabgentonoh wait00:35
sabgentonthe installer put it there00:35
sabgentonok I'm going to try move /etc/init.d/cups to /etc/init.d/cupsys00:39
sabgentonand makeing the later a symlink to the former00:39
Roxyhart0I i am trying to add this acl on ldap using the command: ldapmodify -x -D cn=admin,cn=config -W . But i am getting: invalid format (line 4) entry: "olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config"00:42
Roxyhart0my acls are: http://pastebin.com/d4dbec0b . Any idea?00:42
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Roxyhart0i just include the acl but i am gettin this error: hi, i did the acl but when i restart samba i got this error: palm slapd[8779]: bdb_db_cache: db_open(sambaDomainName) failed:Permission denied (13) any idea?01:22
ZimCShas anyone used backupPC before?01:26
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:28
Roxyhart0Does anyone/anybode know how i can know if my nss_ldap can connect to LDAP? i am getting this error but i dont know why..nss_ldap: could not connect to any LDAP server as cn=admin,d...01:30
twbnss_ldap can connect to LDAP -- there wouldn't be any point to it if it couldn't.01:31
Roxyhart0why could be the cause for this error?01:31
twblibnss_ldap definitely SHOULD NOT be binding as the privileged binddn.01:32
twbIt probably doesn't need more than an anonymous  bind.01:32
Roxyhart0ok, i will chage that01:33
Roxyhart0and will try ...thanks01:33
ZimCSok, that was excessive.  Is backupPC a good solution for backing up PC's on a home server.  Would anyone recommend anything different?01:36
twbI've used rsnapshot for backups to an offsite unix host.  I don't LIKE it, but it's less effort than amanda.01:39
Roxyhart0twb i chage the user but still the same error01:40
ptingi'm trying to setup rssh to chroot certain sftp and scp users... i noticed in the release notes for 9.10 that upstart will prevent this from working. the workaround was to point /bin/true to /sbin/initctl... what exactly will happen when i make this change?01:40
qman__ZimCS, I have not used it before, but the information on the site is interesting01:40
twbI avoid backups to tape/dvd, because they require users to be awake, and that's not going to happen reliably.01:40
twbpting: why wouldn't you just use OpenSSH's built-in chroot functionality?01:41
qman__yeah, it's a built in option in recent releases, in ubuntu since 9.04 IIRC01:42
ptingtwb, that's a good question, i should have looked for that first. i didn't realize. thanks01:42
twbpting: it's relatively new -- not in 8.04, IIRC01:42
ptingtwb, thx, i'll give that a shot01:42
qman__yeah, it's not in 8.0401:43
qman__I used jailkit for my hardy setups01:43
Roxyhart0i solve it, i didt have installed nscd01:54
Roxyhart0but still i am getting this error: bdb_db_cache: db_open(mail) failed: Permission denied (13). is it acl error?01:55
Roxyhart0somebody know why is this error?01:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #520770 in autofs (main) "Removal request for autofs from lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52077002:02
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uvirtbotNew bug: #520775 in eucalyptus (main) "Eucalyptus apport fails: AttributeError: __AptDpkgPackageInfo instance has no attribute 'get_versions'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52077502:27
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Roxyhart0hi i am installing a pdc and i am gettin this error. I try to join PDC, do a getlocalsid, etc but i doesnt work. somebody know about a doc to configurate properlu a PDC (ubuntu guide doesn work)02:47
Roxyhart0hi somebody know how i can set a wins server?04:28
twbRoxyhart0: that's part of Samba05:08
twbAssuming you want the WINS server to be on Ubuntu05:08
Roxyhart0i just found it :)05:10
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Roxyhart0hi when i do net getlocalsid i am getting this error. any idea? Can't fetch domain SID for name:rx06:37
jumbersIs there a way to kill a console session via SSH? My datacenter seems to have left my machine logged in as root, at the console, for the past 7 days06:58
thebwtjumbers: should be able to 'top' and find the 'bash' processes.07:08
jumbersthebwt: Thanks, but somebody mentioned "skill" to me and that worked07:09
thebwtjumbers: I just learned a new command :)07:10
jumbersthebwt: skill -KILL -v tty1 or pts/1, etc07:11
Roxyhart0 hi aim having this error messagw ehen i try to join my PDC to the domain NT user token: (NULL) UNIX token of user 0, Primary group is 0 and contains 0 supplementary groups07:41
Roxyhart0somebody have any idea?07:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #520841 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "Installation failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52084108:26
twbI'm building disk images using live-helper.08:42
twbUnfortunately, fbcon appears to be loaded by the userland during init: "Switching to colour framebuffer 80x30"08:42
twbThis is a pain, because I have to boot X to test VMs that use VESA instead of the 80x25 text console.  Where's the problem code live, and how do I shut it off?08:43
twb(This is after switching from 8.04 to 10.04.)08:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #520857 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52085709:06
ttxsoren: ping09:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #520865 in bacula (main) "package bacula (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: no package named `bacula' is installed, cannot configure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52086509:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #520872 in dbconfig-common (main) "dbconfig-common: mysqldump must dump routines during upgrade, or risk data loss" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52087209:51
maxagaz_how to get the uid of someone from its id ?10:07
maxagaz_is there a command to do taht ?10:07
arahello all10:26
araI tried to install lucid latest ubuntu-server in KVM, and when it boots, after showing plymouth, it hangs with a cursor blinking in the upper left corner10:26
araany ideas?10:26
kaushali get this error mount.nfs: No such device inside the domU while trying to mount the nfs inside the VM10:34
kaushal"No such device" - NFS is not configured into the client's kernel.10:35
kaushalAny clue ?10:35
sherringhamkausbal: do you need to install NFS support?10:38
kaushalsherringham: i did not understand10:40
kaushalsherringham: i do not have kernel inside domU10:42
sherringhamkaushal: nfs-common pckage? Try : sudo apt-get install nfs-common (in client)10:42
kaushalsherringham: did that already :)10:42
sherringhamkaushal : "NFS is not configured into the client's kernel" - what kernel? uname -a10:43
sherringhamkaushal: OK, sorry. I don't have experience of Xen - maybe it has no NFS kernel support. Seems odd - but I don't know. Sorry.10:44
MenZaI'm attempting to setup openvpn on my server, and my primary problem is creating a bridge interface. When I add it, it doesn't show up in ifconfig after restarting networking. I've used this guide as my starting point: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN10:46
twbSince both Xen and NFS are implemented in the kernel, and Xen involves lying about the filesystem to DomUs, it wouldn't surprise me if NFS support was simply broken within Xen10:49
MenZaErr. Why is an interface not defined in /etc/network/interfaces showing up in ifconfig?10:59
twbMenZa: because it's configured?10:59
MenZatwb: How do I remove it?10:59
twbIf you have accidentally installed NetworkManager, it will bugger up your networking10:59
MenZaOh, no -- I'm trying to setup a bridged device11:00
MenZaThen networking went fubar, and I decided to remove it again11:00
twb"ifconfig eth0 down" should deconfigure an interface eth011:00
twbbridges might be different11:00
MenZaWell, I still can't connect to the thing.11:02
* MenZa growls.11:02
MenZaAlthough br0 is now gone from ifconfig11:02
RoyKifconfig -a?11:02
MenZaOh, still running.11:02
twbbrctl is probably the way to drop bridges11:02
MenZaSuccess. I'm in.11:03
* MenZa phews.11:03
* MenZa draws a line under the large "DON'T TOUCH THE NETWORKING" sign on his wall.11:04
twbYou think that's funny11:05
MenZaAll I can say is "thank you, Linode, for LISH"11:06
twbIf you make a typo in /etc/hosts, suddenly sudo doesn't work11:06
* RoyK rearranges MenZa's networking11:06
MenZatwb: indeed11:06
MenZatwb: I was quite nervous when I had to change the hostname of this box :)11:06
MenZaFor the same reason that I'd typo something. I read it over three times before :w'ing11:06
twbDo not get me started on renaming LDAP slaves.11:06
sorenttx: What's up?11:30
ttxsoren: will talk to you later... if you're available11:32
sorenttx: Sure.11:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #520309 in intel "[Patch] Multipath Tools: modify the path priority tool for Intel Modular Server support" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52030911:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #520304 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "I don't know exactly, I read the message of system and I sent the report the it advises me (dup-of: 501655)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52030412:11
vishttx: could you also close Bug 194472 sudo task as "wont fix" , desktop team wanted the server team to make the final call on that [seems no point in having an open bug ;)  ]12:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 194472 in sudo "Entering password in Terminal gives no visual feedback" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19447212:33
ttxvish: done12:39
vishthanks :)12:40
ttxsoren: wanted to have an updated status on the puppet/etckeeper thing12:45
walle_hi, does anyone know how i can obtain a list of security updates for a ubuntu system as an unprivileged user (ie. unable to run apt-get update)? the goal is to write a monitor script which can be used by remote a remote monitoring solution to alert if there is a unpatched system is detected.12:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #520955 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "synaptic says that the packet is broken. errorcode 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52095512:51
sorenttx: I'm working on the puppet merge today. I'll see if I can get the hooks sorted out today, otherwise it's at the top of my list for next week.12:52
ttxsoren: ok, thanks for the update12:53
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ttxkirkland: if you can send me your latest pxe/index.php, I could make use of it. I almost completed the local build testing infrastructure.14:19
kirklandttx: let me put it in a bzr repo14:20
ttxkirkland: ok, let me know when done.14:21
kirklandttx: organizing now14:21
ttxkirkland: I managed to have the installer use my local build eucalyptus-udeb, now I just need to convince it to use my additional local repository14:21
Roxyhart0somebody know how i can know groups and users in linux?14:21
ttxRoxyhart0: "getent passwd"and "getent group" ?14:22
kirklandttx: lp:~kirkland/+junk/uec-auto-install14:24
ttxkirkland: cool, thx14:24
Spanglish_7776anyone familiar with Samba?14:24
kirklandttx: feel free to propose merges, if you can make it more generic to work with your setup too14:24
kirklandttx: would be nice to work off of a common framework14:24
kirklandttx: and would help to give to a newbie to get up and running quickly14:24
Spanglish_7776I have configured a share but my xp box doesn't see it. and if I enter it manually it prompts me for authentication but doesn't accept14:25
ttxAs soon as I maange to have it pull from my $**!&% local repo14:25
erichammondrestarting mysql on cody14:34
erichammondoops, wrong tab14:34
PupenoAny ideas how to run ufw enable in a non-interactive way?14:40
pmatulisPupeno: once enabled it will stay enabled (persistent across reboots)14:43
Pupenopmatulis: I know that.14:44
pmatulisPupeno: ok, so rephrase then14:44
jdstrandPupeno: I'm assuming you are referring to the ssh prompt. Lucid will support '--force enable' soon. Ubuntu 9.04 and later support preseeding via debconf14:44
Kagarman Как дела?14:44
KagarmanHow are you?14:44
Pupenopmatulis: how do you want me to rephrase it? I want to run ufw enable and get the firewall enabled without a prompt.14:44
PupenoWell, thank god for yes... yes | ufw enable14:45
KagarmanDo you speak Russia?14:45
Pici!ru | Kagarman14:45
ubottuKagarman: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:45
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Sorrelhey, is there any difference between apt-get and aptitude?14:53
smoserlifeless, i see you on txaws, we're wanting to package that and i was wondering if there was already a package.15:00
PupenoHow do I make ufw forget about an allow/reject/deny of an app?15:00
jdstrandPupeno: ufw delete <rule>15:01
Pupenojdstrand: doesn't seem to work with apps.15:01
PupenoThis: ufw delete OpenSSH fails.15:01
jdstrandPupeno: that is improper syntax. use:15:02
jdstrandufw delete allow OpenSSH15:02
Pupenooh, I see.15:02
jdstrandPupeno: basically, prefix 'delete' before the rule that you used to add it (see 'man ufw' for details)15:02
ttxsmoser: o/15:06
smosergood morning ttx15:06
ttxsmoser: question for you, how is AWS library packaging looking ?15:06
smoseri just opened 2 bugs for 'needs packaging' for right_aws (and dependency right_http_connection)15:07
smoseri have packages building, but no real idea how to test15:07
smoserjust pinged lifeless above regarding txaws15:07
Sorrelwhen setting up a static i.p. to the outside world domain name server is = gateway right?15:08
smoseri've not looked at the other 215:08
ttxsmoser: ok15:09
sherringhamSorrel: not necessarily - but the function is often built into routers/modems (DSL/cable etc.)15:13
Sorrelthat's sherringham15:14
Sorrelthanks sherringham15:14
sherringhamSorrel: re: apt-get - aptitude/apt-get do the same thing pretty much, except aptitude also has a curses interface and is thought to have slightly more sophisticated deps checking/resolving15:14
Sorrelsherringham:  so there's not really a reason to use aptitude over apt-get15:15
sherringhamSorrel: as I say, aptitude might be preferred sometimes for resolving deps. But I use both interchangeably.15:16
TeTeTsoren: is there a vmbuilder backport for Hardy somewhere, so you can build karmic images on hardy?15:17
Sorrelsherringham:  I understand now, Thanks :)15:18
sorenTeTeT: I'm not sure, to be honest.15:22
Fawzibquestion: i have a linux server connected to my dsl modem (modem is dhcp server). in my linux server I have a router card. i want to be able to connect comps to the router card and redirect traffic to go out of the server main lan card which is connected to the dsl modem. how would i accomplish that?15:25
Sorreledit the /etc/network/interfaces15:27
Sorrelthe nic that you want to use to go out to the world ( DSL ) should have a static I.P.15:28
Sorreland the internal one should have a static I.P. but have a broadcast range15:28
Spanglish_7776i believe you'll have to also do packet forwarding (MASQ&NAT) ipchains.15:28
Spanglish_7776and may want to utilize dhcp (broadcast range)15:29
Fawzibugh, has to be static? isnt there a way to everything comming from router card broadcast it?15:29
Sorrelwhat is the link to pastebucket?15:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:30
Sorrelsomething like this15:30
Sorreldon't use those address15:31
Sorrel( anybody want to break into my network now )15:31
Spanglish_7776Fawzib I'd suggest IPCop or pfsense, very good open source linux based router software, I use pfsense15:32
Spanglish_7776very good.15:32
TeTeTsoren: ok15:33
mathiaz_smoser: hi!15:36
mathiaz_smoser: bug 52076615:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 520766 in ubuntu "Unable to register lucid-server-uec-amd64-initrd-virtual: Invalid image - UEC image 20100211" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52076615:36
ttxmathiaz_: What's the status on server-lucid-puppet-uec-ec2-integration ? Still planning to complete it for alpha3 ? Am I right in assuming this is not affected by FF ?15:36
mathiaz_smoser: what is it invalid?15:36
mathiaz_ttx: still planning to work on this15:36
mathiaz_ttx: some of the item are impacted by FF15:36
smoserbecause you tried to register a on-existant file15:36
smoserec2-bundle-image I_DO_NOT_EXIST15:37
Fawzibpfsense is a full distribution, already have xbmc-live running on the server, just added a router card to connect my PS3 to it15:37
mathiaz_ttx: mainly adding the puppet job to cloud-init15:37
mathiaz_ttx: now that I have access to a UEC cloud I can work on this15:37
ttxmathiaz_: ok15:40
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Xpistos|workExcuse me, where is the Trash directory in the Karmic?15:42
mathiazsmoser: I'm not sure I understand what you mean15:43
mathiazsmoser: using the same sequence of commands with 20100209 it works correclty15:43
smosertry this, and you'll get the same error that you got in the bug report:15:43
geniiXpistos|work: ~/.local/share/Trash/15:43
mathiazsmoser: ah gotcha15:44
smosereuca-bundle-image -i THE_EYES_OF_TEXAS_ARE_UPON_YOU -r x86_64 --ramdisk true15:44
smoserit might be reasonable to open a bug against euca2ools to have a better error message than "invalid image"15:45
Xpistos|workgenii: That is in server?15:45
smoserie, "file does not exist"15:45
geniiXpistos|work: It gets created if you are going a terminal server. A regular "Trash" doesn't exist otherwise though (as far as i know, since rm'd files don't go into some temp place)15:49
Eladif I am getting the following errors, how do I fix them? (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:8015:49
Elad(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
Eladno listening sockets available, shutting down15:49
EladUnable to open logs15:49
Elad   ...fail!15:49
Sorrelrunning as root?15:50
sherringhamElad: Apache? sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart15:51
Xpistos|workgenii: Thanks! I am trying desperately to recover lost files, but it is looking bad, I wanted to see if I could check in the trash.15:51
Eladsherringham: the error was produced while doing /etc/init.d/apache2 reload15:51
EladI am afraid that a restart will take it down and not come back up15:51
Elador is that a common error when performing a reload?15:52
sherringhamElad: Don't think I ever reload. What command failed? As what user?15:52
Eladsherringham: haha, I wasn't sudoing it15:53
Eladworks now, thanks for the obvious15:53
Eladanother question I have, if I have a cert for https://www.mysite.com, users that hit https://mysite.com are getting a security exception - how do I tell apache to redirect all non www requests for that domain to auto-redirect to the www domain?16:12
RoyKElad: lots of ways - I usually use a php header() call with a 30216:15
EladI am trying the header('location: https://www.mysite.com') and it still serves up the error16:18
EladRoyK: looks like I have die( header('location: https://www.mysite.com')) - I wonder if the die is returning a different header code16:19
Eladlet me remove that and see what happens16:19
TeTeTsoren: when vmbuilder asks for 'Password for root on localhost?' - does it actually expect me to have a root password set on my system?16:19
sorenTeTeT: "asks for"? It should be completely non-interactive.16:20
TeTeTsoren: yeah, that's what's surprising me, I started it like: sudo vmbuilder xen ubuntu --addpkg=openoffice.org --addpkg=cups-pdf --suite karmic16:21
sorenTeTeT: It must be something cups-pdf is asking.16:22
sorenTeTeT: Could you try leaving that out and re-run?16:22
TeTeTsoren: will do, I report back16:24
sorenTeTeT: ta16:33
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
mathiazsmoser: tried to use uec-publish-tarball:http://paste.ubuntu.com/374828/16:36
smosermathiaz, environment is set up ?16:38
mathiazsmoser: mouaahahahahah - no :/16:39
mathiazsmoser: \o/ - works! thanks for the help16:40
smosermathiaz, fyi, with euca2ools, you can now take that eucarc that it gives you and put that in ~/.eucarc16:41
smoserno more need to export sensitive info in the environment16:41
jpdsAh, missed ivoks by a few minutes.16:48
BeardedChimpIs there a central place that I can use to empty log files on reboot so that they dont keep getting larger and larger? I have a few udev scripts that put things into /var/log. I could use /tmp but that seems to miss the point of /var/log16:51
sherringhamBeardedChimp: use logrotate to manage log files16:53
BeardedChimpsherringham: This is perfect, thank you16:57
sorenzul: Mind if I assign the etckeeper MIR writing work item to you?17:00
BookmanI cannot seem to get a printer working over the internet.  Any ideas why?  Both systems are running Ubuntu 9.1017:00
crazygirquestion, where is the "proper" place (in ubuntu) for vhosts (as a DocumentRoot) ?17:02
thebwtcrazygir: I use ~/www/<site name>/public_html17:02
thebwtso that I have write access17:03
crazygirthey're not associated with any user in particular17:03
crazygirthey're just served off of the server :)17:03
thebwtyou could do /var/www/<site name> then17:03
mathiazcrazygir: the FHS recomends to put stuff in /srv17:03
thebwtoh, my bad17:04
ezra-scrazygir, that's really up to you, some use /var/www some use /home/www, some use /web17:04
crazygir /srv?17:04
ezra-sapache is that flexible17:04
thebwt/srv/wwww, no /var/www17:04
crazygirI know apache is flexible, but it's more about ubuntu convention that I'm asking about17:04
thebwt /srv is the "standard"17:04
ezra-sjust tell apache which config file to run with the appropiate settings and voilá17:04
mathiazcrazygir: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#SRVDATAFORSERVICESPROVIDEDBYSYSTEM17:04
BookmanI have my router forwarding port 63117:04
ezra-soh.. I see17:04
mathiazcrazygir: there isn't any convention in ubuntu17:04
ezra-sI'd say /var/www then17:05
crazygirmathiaz: putting stuff in /srv isn't a convention?17:05
mathiazcrazygir: as ubuntu follows the FHS17:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #521081 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52108117:07
BookmanI followed these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu but I still cannot get it to print.17:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #521085 in samba (main) "Samba 3.4.0 denies access to Roaming Profiles for XP Clients" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52108517:12
sherringhamBookman: did you check for errors in any log files?17:13
Lam3r_cois problem with vsftpd enough server related?17:13
TeTeTsoren: it worked without cups-pdf, any chance to automate it with cups-pdf installed/17:14
sherringhamLam3r_co: probably (running on ubuntu server)17:14
Lam3r_cothen, please how is it possible, that I can login on my ftpd and the other user cannot (bad login)17:15
Lam3r_coI tried changing password, but still the same17:16
thebwtsounds like the users aren't allow, permissions17:16
Lam3r_cohow can I check it?17:16
thebwtnot positive.17:17
Lam3r_cothe other user has shell /bin/false, can it be it?17:17
thebwtdoes ftp use shell settings?17:17
Lam3r_coI have no idea17:17
da65if anyone gets files holded back when running apt-get upgrade all you need to do is run apt-get autoclean worked for me17:18
thebwtto be honest, I always use sftp. It sets up so much easier. So setting up standard ftp is unkown to me.17:18
Lam3r_cothe peeps I'm making this for don't know how to use sftp17:19
da65if your accessing your Ubuntu server from a windows machine you will have a job to get better than WinSCP17:20
thebwtLam3r_co: what ftp client are they using?17:20
Lam3r_cothebwt: total commander or filezilla17:20
Lam3r_cothebwt: I use psftp17:21
Bookmansherringham, which log file on which machine?17:21
da65http://winscp.net/eng/index.php if in Windows, it's great, free to17:21
thebwtall those support sftp, try connecting (it is this exact same as connecting with ftp)17:21
thebwtjust set it to sftp17:22
da65wish they would do a unix version though17:22
Lam3r_cookay, so I just remove VSFTPD and install sftpd?17:22
thebwtsftp is with ssh17:22
thebwtdo you access your server with ssh?17:23
da65to be safe yes :)17:23
thebwtthen it's already set up17:23
Lam3r_coooh, so I'm ready with openssh?17:23
da65only way you will get root on ftp is sftp anyway17:23
thebwtLam3r_co: yup17:23
Lam3r_cogreat, thanks guys :)17:24
thebwtLam3r_co: give it a try and see if it does everything you need17:24
da65I love root17:24
thebwtI love well done permissions17:24
sherringhamBookman: no idea, I don;t use printing. Cups? Check /ar/log/syslog, others perhaps. On server probably.17:28
BookmanIs there a way to monitor which ports have connections/attempted connections on the server?17:29
sherringhamBookman: debug cups described here (incl. log file) :17:29
sherringhamGoogle search : debug internet printing +cups +ubuntu17:30
Sorrelsudo make17:33
Bookmanmaybe this is the error:17:35
BookmanRequest from "" using invalid Host: field "clarkhomeftp.dlinkddns.com"17:35
BookmanThis is an error in the cups error log.  It looks like the client is contacting the server. but something is going wrong17:35
jiboumanskirkland: remember the AA ppa review please17:39
sherringhamBookman: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-GB%3Aofficial&hs=EXK&q=%22using+invalid+Host%3A+field%22+%2Bcups&btnG=Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=17:42
sherringham*oops - sorry -search : "using invalid Host: field" +cups17:42
Bookmansherringham, got it and many thanks.17:47
sherringhamBookman: no problem. Helping you help yourself :-)17:48
Bookmangotta sharpen my google skills17:49
smosermathiaz, kirkland , i'm in need of sponsor for for right_aws work:17:49
smoserlibright-aws-ruby (LP: #521002)17:49
smoserlibright-http-connection-ruby (LP: #521006)17:49
smoserlibuuidtools-ruby (LP: #521077)17:49
mathiazsmoser: cool - I'll have a look at it17:50
smoserppa builds are on their way to https://launchpad.net/~smoser/+archive/ppa/+packages17:51
Eriroley|workI'm running into some problems when trying to get my system to auth to a windows AD system via krb5.18:04
Eriroley|workAuth works "as expected" but the windows security log is spammed with pre-authentication failures. Anybody have any hints, or suggestions to point me in the right way18:04
Eriroley|workThe google seems to have a lot of people that are having the same problem, but no solutions that I can find.18:05
smosermathiaz, for txaws, there is no upstream source releases, so what should i use for orig tarball/how do i handle that?18:16
mathiazsmoser: ask upstream to make an upstream tarball release18:17
mathiazsmoser: if upstream is using a setup.py you can use setup.py sdist to create the tarball18:17
mathiazsmoser: in the get-orig-source18:17
mathiazsmoser: and fix setup.py to properly work with sdist (ie everything is packaged as expected)18:17
smoserupstream has a setup.py, but there isn't a released version18:17
mathiazsmoser: ok - then use the an upstream version number based on the bzr revno you're packaging from18:19
mathiazsmoser: like: 0.1~bzr123418:19
smosermathiaz, so then i end up creating the .orig.tar.gz, right? thats what you're implying.18:21
mathiazsmoser: yeah - it would be a native package18:22
mathiazsmoser: since upstream doesn't have a released tarball18:22
mathiazsmoser: I'd actually as in #ubuntu-motu18:23
mathiazsmoser: there may be other options to handle the use case where an upstream doesn't have a released tarball18:23
riboanyone use user-mode linux in karmic?18:30
nijabahello led-zep18:38
nijabanice to see you here18:38
led-zephi nick !18:38
led-zepnice to be here :-)18:38
nijabaled-zep: so this is where all the cool server people hang-out :)18:38
led-zepok a place to be for me for sure ;)18:39
sorensmoser: I usually just create a tarball of the content of upstream's VCS and use that as my orig.tar.gz.19:07
sorensmoser: ...so not as a native package, but with a home-grown upstream tarball.19:07
smoserthey released one19:07
* soren has done this quite a bit19:08
sorenOh, great.19:08
* soren did that with network-manager-{openvpn,vpnc,pptp}, eucalytpus, libcloud, opennebula, libgfshare..19:08
sorenCome to think of it, I think most of my packages started out that way :)19:08
* soren wanders off again19:09
smoserhave a nice friday night soren19:15
smosermathiaz, also seeking review of lp:~smoser/+junk/python-txaws (bug 521121) now.19:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 521121 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] txAWS" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52112119:19
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
lifelesssmoser: I don't think anyone has packaged txaws, I may be wrong. Two groups to check with: U1, and landscape.19:56
smoserlifeless, thanks. its on its way.19:56
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
crazygirfor setting up postfix.. if all I want to do is send out emails via php applications.. should I use "internet site"20:13
crazygirin the configuration utility20:13
Italian_Plumberhello.  With grub, to choose the saveddefault item as the default item, is the line "default saveddefault", or just "saveddefault"?20:19
Italian_Plumberor "default saved"20:20
zulsoren: mem20:22
zulsoren: meh even20:22
Xpistos|workIf I have a NFS share and I delete something off it can i still recover it on my server if I don't have a backup somewhere?20:28
momelodgreetings channel20:35
momeloddoes anyone know why make-kpkg would fail on a xen patched kernel source?20:36
sherringhamXpistos|work: I don't think so (unless you get down and dirty with the filesystem)20:49
Xpistos|worksherringham: Thanks. I was able to rcover some things, but not everything and the pcitures is what I am most concerned about.20:49
sherringhamcrazygir: satellite system might be best - smarthost. The postfix site (postfix.org) has very good docs.20:49
DrNick_i'm sure there must be some 'un-delete' tools available for linux filesystems20:53
DrNick_when one deletes a file on ext3/reiser, i'd imagine only the entry in the inode table is cleared20:54
sherringhamYes, a google search finds some info - worth a shot, if you really need to.21:02
smosermathiaz, are you able to reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/euca2ools/+bug/520707 on a UEC ?21:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 520707 in euca2ools "euca-describe-snapshots invalid literal for int() with base 10" [Undecided,New]21:26
mathiazsmoser: I can give it a try21:26
DrNick_all i read to begin with was 'are you able to reproduce....'21:28
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
mathiazsmoser: well - I can't reproduce it on an UEC setup21:39
mathiazsmoser: I don't have any snapshots created though21:39
smoserhm... funny.21:39
smoseri can't reproduce it on ec2 where there *were* snapshots21:40
smoserso i figured it was a bug when there were none.21:40
mathiazsmoser: how do you create a snapshot?21:40
smosercan you comment to that effect in that bug ?21:40
smoseryou probalby have to create a volume first21:40
smoser$ euca-create-volume --zone us-east-1a --size 1 sm123421:41
mathiazsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/375007/21:42
mathiazsmoser: wait - it worked21:42
mathiazsmoser: with a size of 121:43
mathiazsmoser: ah size is in Gb21:43
mathiazsmoser: I can reproduce the bug21:44
mathiazsmoser: when I've defined a snapshot21:44
smoseroh. wow. cause i just did that pastebin, ie, create volume, create snapshot, describe snapshot, delete snapshot, delete volume21:45
smoserall worked on ec221:45
mathiazsmoser: right - my guess is that eucalyptus return the wrong value21:47
mathiazsmoser: the error message is: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'n/a'21:47
mathiazsmoser: 'n/a' seems like something is missing from the answer21:47
smoseryeah, i think this is a euca bug21:48
smoseroh wait, yeah, i guess not necissarily21:48
smosermathiaz, i suspect its going wrong at boto/ec2/snapshot.py:5421:50
smoserdef endElement:21:50
smoser        elif name == 'volumeSize':21:50
smoser            self.volume_size = int(value)21:50
mathiazsmoser: is the answer xml?21:53
mathiazsmoser: the answer from ec2/UEC21:53
mathiazsmoser: then we should compare the answer from EC2 versus the one from UEC21:55
mathiazsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/375014/21:55
mathiazsmoser: ^^ that's error we see21:55
mathiazsmoser: IMO the answer from UEC doesn't include an integer21:56
smoseryeah, i think so21:56
smoserthe argument we'll get there is that that is a new api that amazon implemented that isn't in euca yet21:56
smosermathiaz, confirmed that volumeSize was added to boto between 1.8 and 1.921:59
smoseralong with 'ownerid' and 'description'22:00
smosermathiaz, i have to run. i posted my suspicion to bug. might have to work arond this in boto.22:02
mathiazsmoser: ok22:02
smosercan you try just changing that 'int()' and see where you get ?22:02
smoseranywy, i'm out now.22:03
ptingi'm creating a 1 TB ebs to store a lot of large files probably 500mb+ a file.. i'm thinking of going with XFS... what's blocksize do you guys recommend?22:09
ptingprobably like 32k?22:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #521191 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52119122:17
rightsprocketHello everyone22:19
rightsprocketI am trying to use an <FilesMatch> directive in apache2 but it is not working.  As if the module is not loaded.22:19
rightsprocketDoes anyone know what module I should be loading to get this to work?22:20
sherringhamrightsprocket: FilesMatch is "core" : http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#filesmatch22:25
rightsprocketsherringham Thanks. I think i figured it out.  Missing an allowoverride in 000-default22:27
rightsprocketsherringham Do you know why apache would ignore a filesmatch directive?22:38
rightsprocketI am trying to figure out where to put alllowoverrides all and am having no luck.22:39
sherringhamHard to say - you sometimes have to play - but keep things simple. For instance, I am using FilesMatch to deny access to various Adobe Contribute files on a server :22:42
sherringham<FilesMatch "\.(lck|mno|bak|lbi|csi|dwt)$">22:43
sherringhamOrder deny,allow22:43
sherringhamDeny from all22:43
rightsprocketsherringham It is as if apache is ignoring it22:48
rightsprocketI cannot seem to get apche to allow a filesmatch in my .htaccess22:48
sherringhamWhat's your match?22:56
mconigliarocan anyone tell me how to change the hostname on an amazon ec2 instance? and/or tell me why i shouldn't do this?23:55
mconigliaroanything you do on the command seems to get overridden by what amazon provides through the dhcp client23:56

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