
actionParsnipmattalexx: df -h     is easier toread too00:00
beterrabaCan't I WRITE data on pendrive when using LIVECD?00:00
learner6reisio:  that would be cool.  How would I get the latest stable kernel to install on my jaunty install?00:00
mattalexxactionParsnip, I tried your command but to no avail.00:00
mattalexxactionParsnip, But Why is du showing something so completely different than df?00:00
tp43beterraba, yep00:00
reisiolearner6: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile00:00
archboxmanbeterraba: netbootin00:01
beterrabatp43 Yes I can?00:01
reisiolearner6: keep your old config/s, use them as a starting point, or just for backups00:01
sabgentonwhat is a shure fire way to test you printer from the comand line00:01
beterrabaI've already tried 'mount -o rw asdf asdfsfd'00:01
reisiosabgenton: make?00:01
beterrababut without result00:01
tp43beterraba, yeah, plug it in, it should automount00:01
tp43actionParsnip, it is smp kernel00:02
sabgentonreisio: ?00:02
actionParsnipbeterraba: you can mount its partition as writable and put data on it, yes00:02
reisiosabgenton: manufacturer?00:02
sabgentonI want to print someting00:02
sabgentonI thougth you mean like $make install printer00:02
beterrabatp43 I know, it mounts without problem. But it always be in 'read-only' mode, even if I put '-o rw' after mount option.00:02
sabgentonbrother 204000:02
reisiosabgenton: magicprntcommand-2700:03
offender_feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces00:03
offender_feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces00:03
offender_feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces feces00:03
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FloodBot1offender_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:03
reisiooffender_: no kidding00:03
beterrabaStop flooding00:03
reisiosabgenton: hrmmm, too bad it isn't HP :p (purely on the software side)00:03
tp43beterraba, oh, thats annoying.  try to mount it rw manually, man mount00:03
actionParsnipsabgenton: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Printing-Usage-HOWTO-2.html00:03
tp43beterraba, its probably fat system00:04
beterrabatp43 fallowing man's instruction, i used 'mount -o rw ASDF ASDFSD' but linux ignores me! and mount as read-only!00:04
sabgentonreisio: I installed this driver brother-cups-wrapper-laser00:04
tp43beterraba, use /dev/sda? what ever it is00:04
beterrabaits used by my windows partition00:05
actionParsnipbeterraba: sudo mkdir /media/usb; sudo mount /dev/partition /media/usb -o rw,uid=100000:05
beterrabaim using /dev/sdb00:05
beterrabaactionParsnip I will try that! thank you for helping00:05
actionParsnipbeterraba: /dev/sdb is the disk, you cant mount disks, you mount partitions00:05
actionParsnipbeterraba: you will find its /dev/sdb100:05
tp43you probably don't even need the options00:05
beterrabayes, im sorry. that's sdb100:05
tp43I never did00:06
sabgentonaparently I should use hl1250.ppd00:06
sabgentonI just want an indcation it will print00:07
actionParsnipsabgenton: use the print icon in the administration section00:07
beterrabaactionParsnip it didn't worked. mounted partition, but as read-only mode00:08
gop-anyone here gotten ZNC working in ubuntu00:08
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XRunnerBSPahh this stupid wireless card is gonna drive me nuts00:09
reisioyes, yes it is00:09
actionParsnipbeterraba: ok then check the mount options, look around online for guides00:12
actionParsnipbeterraba: did you get any errors after the mount command?00:12
beterrabaactionParsnip absolutly none error..00:13
beterrabathat's what amazing me00:13
XRunnerBSPAnyone else got any ideas to the problem with my wireless network.. the problem is that i cannot connect to my router. I enter the password and just keeps asking me to enter password.. (yes its the right password) i can connect to non secure routers no problem.. i did have it working for till i updated and now i can't get back on.00:14
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timmarshallhi ive just got my new laptop anyone recommend any programmes i may need necessary00:14
tp43beterraba, maybe you should fdisk it.  Do you have anything on it already you need?00:14
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kenneth|lunch@timmarshall: Milkytracker, Renoise, clonekeen00:14
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tp43beterraba, never mind that, you should be able mount it already00:15
beterrabayes =\. I usually use winxp, but sundelly a bluescreen appeared and i'm trying to save some important documents before format hard disk.00:15
beterrabaso should i use fdisk?00:15
[specter]can anyone help me? my netbook is always running in low-grafic-mode (i tried to install the gma500 poulsbo drivers)00:15
Avenegraanyone has experience in samba active directory integration? i have a server running ok but there's a problem: when connecting as the domain admin the files created appear owned as root:"domain admins", why it wont map correctly?00:16
reisiotimmarshall: make/model?00:16
jenningsunder what directory does ubuntu software center install programs?00:16
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sabgentonactionParsnip: sorry I only have bash install00:16
sabgentonno gui00:16
reisiojennings: like... process the install files?00:16
timmarshallpreffibilly college work for 1st diploma ict00:17
jsecHi all. I set up a small script trying to have conky auto-start, but when I rebooted nothing happened. Any ideas how to make this any easier?00:17
timmarshallany programmes]00:17
jenningswell I want to add pdt to eclipse00:17
actionParsnipjsec: is it marked as executable?00:17
jsecactionParsnip, yes. chmod a+x right?00:18
reisiojennings: ah00:18
actionParsnipsabgenton: you can access cups onfig from another system (maybe lynx will help too)00:18
reisiojennings: that's a ... plugin?00:18
actionParsnipjsec: +x will do but yeah sure00:18
tp43beterraba, don't use fdisk00:18
actionParsnipjsec: then copy/move it to ~/.config/autostart and it will run at logon00:18
tp43beterraba, why don't you upload to email, is it big files?00:19
reisiojennings: http://wiki.eclipse.org/PDT/Installation#Eclipse_3.4_.2F_Ganymede_.2F_PDT_2.000:19
reisiojennings: not sure you need to know where the Eclipse files are00:19
tp43beterraba, maybe you could burn to disk.  But you should be able to write to usb pen drive00:19
timmarshallright im doing 1st diploma ict at college i was wondering weither there is any neccaserry programes i need to have00:19
quesoHow can I get the Computer and Trash icons off my desktop? (with the option of bringing them back later)00:20
reisiojennings: though you could probably use dpkg -L eclipse or locate eclipse to find them, if you really wanted to00:20
actionParsniptimmarshall: a kernel is necessary00:20
sabgentontheres no printer showing up in cups00:20
actionParsniptimmarshall: ?00:20
reisioqueso: gconftool2 -t bool /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop -s false00:20
timmarshalli mean like to do your work on00:21
timmarshallor abit of opening the garden door if you know what i mean00:21
reisioqueso: or just check the nautilus prefs in the configurator thingy00:21
actionParsnipqueso: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79456200:21
reisioqueso: whoops gconftool-200:21
actionParsniptimmarshall: define "work"00:21
actionParsniptimmarshall: graphics, word processing....what is "work"00:22
timmarshalldoing assignments e.g. graphic design , website development00:22
sabgentonhost:port/printers/ has no printers00:23
actionParsniptimmarshall: bluefish is one html editor, openoffice will let you word process nicely00:23
timmarshallis bluefish on software centre/00:23
actionParsniptimmarshall: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25660400:23
timmarshallgot it thanks man00:24
timmarshallany programmes to do with wi-fi???00:24
PATXWhat is the wiki page for getting a project that I have already made a .deb out of into Ubuntu?00:25
actionParsniptimmarshall: network manager is part of a standard install, or you can use wicd or wifi-radar as an alternative00:25
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timmarshalli got wi-fi radar before lol00:26
sammhows everyone?00:26
quesoreisio, actionParsnip: thx00:27
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ZiggyzxxylI think ubuntu can't use my modem because it is a winmodem... Is there any way to access a winmodem from within sun virtualbox running XP?00:30
pieroZiggyzxxyl, you can use your winmodem on Linux00:31
Ziggyzxxylpiero: how?00:31
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pieroZiggyzxxyl, I really don't know. I never did it. But a lot of friends did. There was a debian-based distribution called Kurumin that used to do it automatically, but I think you will need to get a driver from the web and compile it as a module to your kernel00:32
=== Diareal is now known as Diarrheal
owen1what do i need to do when adding code to APGL lisenced code?00:32
tp43something is making cairo-dock unstable, anyone has experience, how can I determine what it is, cause if I manally, take everything to defaults and put them back one by one it will take two days00:33
darlekfacebook always comes up as mobile page in firefox.  Have to use a plugin to change agent type.  I use FF 3.0.17.  Do I have to upgrade FF?00:33
tp43or how can I make cairo-dock die automatically every 2mins?00:33
pieroZiggyzxxyl, It should be not so hard as it can looks like. I know there's a lot of tutorials in the web, for a lot of modens like Motorolla SM5600:34
sabgentondo I need lpd drivers??00:34
sabgentonI only installed the cups driver for my printer not the lpd00:34
kenneth|workdarlek: Quick question, are you visiting m.facebook.com?00:34
Ziggyzxxylpiero: I've so far not had any luck finding one...00:34
jsecIs anyone here a wizrd when it comes to conkyrc configs?00:35
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mlegerhey all: just installed a third os on my hard drive (ubuntu 9.10 64bit) and selected DO NO INSTALL BOOT LOADER as I did not want GRUB2 to override my grub legacy. Any advice on how I can now access this installation? What do I add to the menu.lst file? Please guys i'm stuck here! THanks!00:36
darlekkenneth|work, it automatically goes there unless I set the plugin header to IE00:36
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pieroZiggyzxxyl, I think it should be easier if you speak portuguese (They sold a lot of this poor bad hardware to brazil, so compile those modules are familiar for us. Not to me, thanks god)00:36
tp43jsec, you are the only wizard around here maybe00:36
kad__hey! how i can give folder in NTFS parition o=rwx ? thx00:36
j-3-r-g_any python guru00:37
j-3-r-g_or aleast help me with this line of code00:37
j-3-r-g_I want to code in python00:37
j-3-r-g_I'm currently a VB programmer00:38
tp43j-3-r-g_, dude do you know where you are?00:38
masi need help with installing java jre and jdk, which should i use and how do i set the JAVA_HOME00:38
j-3-r-g_Ubuntu IRC server00:38
mlegerj-3-r-g_: I dont think this is the right chat room for this00:38
j-3-r-g_i figured00:38
tp43j-3-r-g_, they have a python channel, are you registered?00:38
mascan someone point me in the right direction00:39
j-3-r-g_not sure00:39
j-3-r-g_n00b to IRC00:39
sabgentonok I'm going to try move /etc/init.d/cups to /etc/init.d/cupsys00:39
timmarshallwelcome dude00:39
sabgentonand makeing the later a symlink to the former00:39
mlegeranyone can help me reconfigure GRUB to find my third ubuntu installation?00:39
tp43mas, you can probably apt-get install it all, or you can go direct to sun an ddownload from them00:39
timmarshallj-3-r-g whats the problem00:39
j-3-r-g_I have done any productive move programming-wise on my own00:39
j-3-r-g_oh my bad00:40
j-3-r-g_lemmie see if i can get into the pyhton channel00:40
tp43mleger, it easy, I am not expert though, but I did something like it before.  This is what I did, I went to /boot, and then I copied the kernel name, and then I went to /etc/grub/menu.lst and I edit.  I just copied to already booting kernel setup and added new one for my other kernel00:40
PATXWhat is the wiki page for getting a project that I have already made a .deb out of into Ubuntu?00:41
rwwPATX: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages00:42
kad__what is the command to make folder hidden ?00:42
grndslmi'm getting this error when trying to open nautilus... anybody know why??00:43
grndslm(nautilus:8852): Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()' failed00:43
grndslmInitializing nautilus-gdu extension00:43
grndslmSegmentation fault00:43
tp43kad__, how about if you rename it with prepend .00:43
kad__tp43, u mean like : mv test .test ?00:43
tp43kad__, yep, then you can only see it if you do ls -a00:44
kad__tp43,  thx =)00:44
PATXrww, ty00:44
mlegertp43: great got it! do I make any changes to the root=uuid=bla bla bla area?00:44
tp43mleger, yep, I think that was the one you gonna replace with the other kernel name.  Remember to backup your original file.  Any don't replace copy the section and make two sections, one with the original kernel, and one with new kernel replace root with the new kernel name00:45
macintuxCan someone help me setup a keyboard remap?00:46
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tp43mleger, there is a init and vmlinuz, you need to use this booth I remember00:47
tp43mleger, did you find the menu.list file, I can't find it.  Oh and at the end you have to do grub-update00:47
poggopI am getting a weird acpi error in dmesg constantly, what does this mean? http://paste.ubuntu.com/374322/  Please help, me entire demsg is this.00:48
tp43poggop, does sleep and hibernate work?00:49
poggoptp43: yes, sleep does, never tried hibernate.00:50
[-kind of an off topic question: Does anyone know if there is an Eve Online channel on this server?00:50
tp43poggop, it probably does if sleep works, what else, is everything else working00:50
Zylstra555Has anyone tried to sync Evolution or T-Bird with a Palm device? How well does it work in Ubuntu? What PalmOS version is required for sync?00:51
poggoptp43: yes, although my computer seems slower lately, nothing I can quatativley point to however, I just check dmesg on a whim and thought " hmmm thats not right"00:51
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timmarshallwhich is better coke or pepsi????00:52
tp43poggop, not sure what that error means, check top to see what slowing you down00:52
tp43poggop, maybe you can apt-get install some more acpi packages00:53
tp43timmarshall, ubuntu is the sweetest00:53
tp43ubuntu with gnome, compiz and cairo-dock00:53
reisiotimmarshall: on the whole I like some flavors that Pepsi _distributes_ more00:53
* knoppies agrees with tp43 00:53
reisiobut does pepsi have a museum in Atlanta with all the soda you can drink?!00:53
timmarshallpepsi has a better taste than coke00:54
tp43man...my cairo keeps spiraling, and I have to kill it and restart it00:54
poggoptp43: here is output of top, as you can see, no huge cpu use http://paste.ubuntu.com/374326/00:54
ThendiaHey there people. I've got a question.00:54
knoppies!ask | thendia00:54
ubottuthendia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:54
Thendiaubottu: Good tip :P00:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:55
timmarshallby the way you know when you got on youtube and watch the ubuntu videos they have got like a lauch pannel near the bottom what are those called?00:55
[-A dock00:55
knoppiestimmarshall, I think you are refering to docks.00:55
ThendiaOk. I've finally got my realtime MIDI sync to work, but when I activate JACK server all the actual sound dissapears!00:55
tp43poggop, you system is running fast then00:55
ThendiaWhat to do? :(00:55
[-there are a few different ones like cairo and awm00:55
tp43poggop, you can't find a system running faster than yours00:56
knoppiestimmarshall, the dock I prefer cairo-dock and awn, but they seem to be the most resource heavy.00:56
poggoptp43: I highly doubt that :P00:56
nsahoois there a way to select the best repository mirror from the command line? Nothing happens when I select system/Admin/Software sources00:56
Wicaeedanyone ever had issues where cisco vpnc for linux doesn't split tunnel the selected networks properly? It works fine on Windows but I can't hit any of the hosts on the protected network on linux. Even the damn routes are in the routing table, but traffic isn't being sent to them it seems00:56
knoppiestimmarshall, forgive my horrid grammar, I dont know what has hit me.00:56
tp43poggop, you think windows gonna run like that00:56
poggoptp43: No i am just commenting that my hardware is not, well shall we say, bleeding edge lol00:57
[-Wicaeed: Which version of Cisco VPNC are you running?00:57
tp43poggop, you got only less than 5% used up00:57
allquixoticdoes anyone know if I can purchase a USB stick already loaded down with Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop i686? I know how to create USB sticks well enough myself, but would like to be able to order one and have it shipped to someone else as a gift.00:57
Wicaeed[-: 0.5.3-100:57
tp43allquixotic, if you are in Canada I will sell you one00:58
WicaeedI've got the network-manager overlay installed as well00:58
sabgentonwhats the best way to uninstall a package with apt-get or aptitude00:58
allquixotictp43, I'm in Maryland USA, as is the person I want to send it to. but I was just looking for a distributor who will ship them in the US, preferably with an online order form etc00:58
Kismethey guys, my automounting dosen't work if i plug in a usb hard drive00:58
[-allquixotic: look @ the ubuntu store page00:58
tp43allquixotic, ok, we got a deal then, I have a nice usb, with a 2gig sdcard and I will charge $39.99 for hardware, and $9.99 for download and copy over Ubuntu, which distro version would you like?00:59
tp43allquixotic, paypal man00:59
[-sabgenton: apt-get -r (package name)00:59
allquixotic[-, woohoo, http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=57700:59
[-40 bucks for a 2 gig st card? Are you on crack?01:00
tp43oh shit you can do -r and these years I been typing remove01:00
KismetAnyone have a clue why I can not see it anymore01:00
allquixotictp43, heh, I can get it for $18.36 from the Ubuntu Store :)01:00
Thendiatp43: Does USB stix cost that frikkin much over the pond?01:00
jazzdoes evolution abled to do email, as a stand alone mail program? or is it just another nifty way to access gmail.01:00
sabgenton[-: aptitude?01:00
tp43no, the card plus the reader01:00
sabgentonI've been using aptitude01:00
knoppiestp43, I thought it was against the terms of service to charge for the download and distribution of ubuntu. You should include that in the markup on the card/reader and say the ubuntu is free.01:00
allquixotic[-, thanks for pointing me to the Ubuntu Store - that's all I needed ;)01:00
tp43the card sell for $20, and the reader sells for $20, I am barely making a penny01:00
[-aptitude works as well, but if you want to remove something strait from the command line use apt-get -r01:01
tp43knoppies, nope you are mistaken01:01
knoppiestp43, if you say so.01:01
tp43knoppies, I am free to charge for my service of downloading, copying, and mailing01:01
sabgentonsome guides say to purge01:01
ThendiaSo, noone here has any knowledge of Jack?01:01
[-nadda Thendia01:01
tp43knoppies, I can't sell license01:01
sabgentonand autoremove01:01
Kismethey guys, my automounting dosen't work if i plug in a usb hard drive01:02
[-did the drive work before Kismet?01:02
tp43knoppies, RedHat, Suse, they make money, they charge for service01:02
poggopThendia: have you tried #jack?01:02
tp43Kismet, huh, 9.10, that can't be, it works for me01:02
Thendiapoggop: Oh. Didn't know it existed. On freenode as well?01:02
omarHi everyone01:02
poggopYes, they should be able to help01:02
[-is a new drive Kismet? Different format?01:02
Kismet[-, yeah it did and it works still on other pc and i can manually mount it01:02
Kismettp43, i know it can't be.. but it is01:03
omarI have a little problem with my wireless network: I can connect to it without password but when I use WPA I cant connect01:03
tp43Kismet, hehe01:03
sabgenton[-: is -r the same as typing remove?01:03
[-if you are root yuppers01:04
[-sorry about that lol01:04
malsynedAfter upgrading Ubuntu several times over the years, I am left with my network interface being eth4.  Anybody know how I can change that to eth0?01:04
Kismettp43, [-, it is  not new new... already stuff on it.. i can see it in fdisk -l but it won't mount automaticaly01:04
poggopKismet: paste your  /etc/fstab please01:05
poggopon paste.ubuntu.com01:05
tp43Kismet, do you get some error? like in dmesg01:05
Kismetpoggop, all of it01:05
poggopKismet: yes it's a relativley small file.01:05
omarPlease some help, I can connect to my wireless network without password but when I use WPA I cant01:06
Kismet# /etc/fstab: static file system information.01:06
Kismet# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier01:06
Kismet# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name01:06
Kismet# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).01:06
FloodBot1Kismet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:06
sabgenton[-: is -r the same as typing remove?01:06
sabgentonsorry wasn't shure i u answered before01:06
tp43Kismet, hehe, you supposed to do it in pastebin, this here is called flooding, lol01:06
poggopKismet: on paste.ubuntu.com01:06
tp43poggop, anyway, its not gonna be in fstab anyway01:06
Kismetlol sorry01:06
jp--hi guys. I'm running firefox on a flash drive installation without a swap partition due to the slowness of the flash drive. But I'm now running out of memory and firefox is using a 63% of the memory, which gets the system to hang until I kill firefox. Any ideas in how can I manage it to not use that amount of memory, or maybe creating a swap file? thanks!01:07
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trismmalsyned: you should be able to rename it in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules01:07
[-kismet what do you show when you run lspci?01:07
tp43Kismet, try again, but use pastebin, and paste the last 10 or so lines of dmesg right after plugging in device01:07
malsynedtrism, thanks, I'll try it!01:07
Kismetpoggop, http://paste.ubuntu.com/374332/01:07
nsahoois there a way to select the best repository mirror from the command line? Nothing happens when I select system/Admin/Software sources01:07
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Kismet[-, a lot of stuff01:08
Kismettp43, there are no hard drive messages i guess01:08
poggopKismet: tp43 is right, it won't be in there anyway I thought we were talking about a internal drive, sorry.01:08
semitones_tea how do I add a program to autostart in ~/.config/lxde/config?01:09
Kismetnope it is an usb drive01:09
tp43Kismet, did you look, cause when I plug it in, I get a bunch of messages saying it worked, so you should get the messages it didn't otherwise, maybe you don't have a full install and the automount packages, whatever they are aren't installed, but I don't know about those details01:10
neezerWhen I am using HandBrake to rip DVD's why would some of them come out as unsupported data type on my ps3 and others work just fine? I haven't changed any settings.01:10
Kismettp43, wait01:10
neezerThe only setting I have changed would be the compression ratio.01:10
tp43Kismet, check your mount, just type mount, see if there is the /dev/sdb1 in there01:11
Kismettp43, thats my output of dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/374335/01:11
jiohdianyone know a work around for remote desktop using Nvidia01:11
semitones_tea how do I add a program to autostart in ~/.config/lxde/config?01:11
tp43Kismet, looks like you are golden, check mount to see where the files are01:12
Kismetafter i plugged it in, t43 by the way i have an t43 as well if that refers to thinkpad01:12
Kismettp43, what do you mean01:12
tp43Kismet, on mine it goes in /media01:12
m3Fhow could i install the wireless driver for RealteK RTL8191SE? Laptop Toshiba Satellite L515, Ubuntu 9.1001:13
Kismettp43, you mean it should be under media01:13
jazzdoes evolution abled to do email, as a stand alone mail program? or is it just another nifty way to access gmail.01:13
tp43Kismet, yeah, open your file manager, and it should be in the left pane01:13
Kismettp43,  nope it is not01:14
tp43Kismet, or in a shell /media/some-dir01:14
tp43Kismet, what do you get when you do ls /media01:14
[-jazz: what do you mean "do mail"?01:14
Kismettp43,  there are just cdrom and cdrom001:14
tp43Kismet, oh, what is last line of mount01:14
Kismetgvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/ufuk/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=ufuk)01:15
jazz[-, i have a yahoo and a gmail... can i use evolution as a stand alone mailer?01:15
vinsecan i have more than one projectroot in gitweb?01:15
vinsewrong window :x01:15
tp43Kismet, hmm, then it didn't mount, cause if it did, there would /dev/sdb1 in there01:15
mlegerguys I really need help here: I installed a third ubuntu on my partitioned hard drive but I cant load into it because I chose "do not install grub" at installation so that I wont get GRUB2. Now I cannot log into my new ubuntu install... anyone plesae help???01:15
Kismettp43, thats what i said... that previously it mounted automaticly.. but now01:16
Kismeti have to do sudo mount... all that stuff01:16
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[-mleger either edit your grub settings or reinstall grub01:17
mleger[, thanks how do I reinstall grub? and will that mess up my curent install?01:17
[-mleger not if you do it right01:18
mleger[ can you help me out?01:18
[-google reinstall grub, there are a ton of  guides01:18
timmarshallright ive got a dock how do i move it up abit01:18
[-not atm, getting ready to head to uni class, won't be back on for about 2 hrs01:18
tp43Kismet, did you try a reboot then?  I am running out01:18
[-o7 all01:18
Kismethmm.. not not yet01:19
timmarshalldoes anyone know how to move a dock01:19
Kismettp43, not yet.. i logged off and on couple of times01:19
mleger[ I looked online... mostly windows stuff... nothing about adding my new install to my menu.lst01:20
mleger[ can u help me with that please?01:20
tp43Kismet, that will probably do it, or you can do lsmod and insmod, but not sure what the names are, look for some hal or usb stuff, anyway here is the link http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Udev#Known_Problems_with_Auto-Loading01:20
almarkI'm attemping to compile a kernel with rt support but my question is do I have to have the exact same rt patch  version to do properly01:20
mleger[ my main ubuntu install works fine and loads fine, its the new install that I cannot access01:20
almarkthe same kernel patch version as the kernel itself01:20
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DemonousI currently have the error "out of disk" upon an attempt to boot ubuntu. I managed to boot up by commenting out the line: "if [ -n ${have_grubenv} ]; then save_env recordfail; fi" in grub... but I need to know what's wrong so I can just fix the problem.01:20
Kismetthankx tp43 for your time01:21
tp43Kismet, its alright01:21
tp43Kismet, this one is probably better https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB01:21
MightyTweekDemonous: I believe booting into recovery mode gives you an option of freeing up disk space01:22
Kismettp43, thank you for your hints ill try to reboot and after that those web pages01:22
DemonousMightyTweek: I don't quite get how that would be relevant to the problem? Would you mind elaborating?01:23
almarkI want to patch my kernel right so I need to know if I would harm the system using a different version rt patch that is just a few numbers below or higher I can't find this info im looking for on google01:23
MightyTweekDemonous: Just to clarify, is it Grub giving you an "out of disk" error?01:25
mark____can anyone read this?01:25
ShoeWE can not01:25
mark____^^ :)01:25
mark____Is there anybody who does know a little bit about NP-complete Problems?01:25
DemonousMightyTweek: yeah, and I'm not quite sure how to go about fixing it.01:25
Sir_Fawnpugmark____, I know a little bit, although ##programming might be a better place for us to discuss that01:26
almarkI'm using Kernel version 2.6.26-21 latest kernel do I have to have that version for real time patching?01:26
almarkBecause its no where to be found on google01:26
MightyTweekDemonous: Understood. Sorry, I assumed it was Ubuntu giving you the error about being out of disk. Sorry, don't know offhand what to do about the grub error.01:27
DemonousMightyTweek: I think I may have actually came across something. I appreciate it though.01:27
UncleDIf I have users on my system home directories in /home/users/username and I want to chmod /home/users/ so a user can't cd .. and see the list of other usernames, what chmod permissions do I need to use?01:30
hulloi clicked on a gnome panel and set it to autohide but it froze01:31
NishinAhoy, all.01:31
hulloso i logged out/logged in and it wont open01:31
WaterRatjCan someone help me with installing grub trough live cd01:31
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cicciobellohow can I load ubuntu with ntldr?01:31
PupenoIs there a way to share a terminal with another person, so the other can see what I'm typing?01:31
hulloPupeno: gnu screen01:31
Sir_Fawnpughullo, I'm in the livecd right now (just got a new machine), I'm not sure but you may be able to chroot from it01:32
UncleDhullo: how do you use screen to do that?01:32
isolat3dsh33phello guys, I have a problem with my sound. Everytime I boot after shutting down my computer, the sound is muted. How to solve this so that I don't have to unmute the sound everytime I start my computer?01:32
hulloBtoh sign into the screen session01:32
Sir_Fawnpugerr, that was directed to WaterRatj01:32
WaterRatjlol ?01:33
UncleDhullo: If I have users on my system home directories in /home/users/username and I want to chmod /home/users/ so a user can't cd .. and see the list of other usernames, what chmod permissions do I need to use?01:33
WaterRatjOkay what shall I do?01:33
hullouncleD: i dont know01:33
Sir_FawnpugWaterRatj, what I typically do if grub gets clobbered is mount the root partition, chroot to that mountpoint, and then run grub01:34
hulloi clicked on a gnome panel and set it to autohide but it froze, where can i change the setting to not autohide01:34
Sir_Fawnpug(Although I'm also a gentoo user and there may be a better way to do it in ubuntu)01:34
WaterRatjwel i can't load anything, nd their is no ubuntu installed yet01:34
WaterRatji need grub to install trought live cd so it will run my windows so i can install ubuntu again01:34
Sir_FawnpugWaterRatj, oh, I see. So all you have to do is install ubuntu, then01:35
WaterRatjcan't thats the proble01:35
Sir_FawnpugUbuntu will autoamtically detect Windows and account for it01:35
WaterRatjcan't load cd with that p01:35
WaterRatjcan only run live cd, have terrible cdrom drive, glad that i can even boot in livecd!01:36
illyumeWith regards to the 9.10 server edition, what exactly is the "Enterprise Cloud Server"?01:36
Sir_FawnpugWaterRatj, hmm... that's a pickle indeed. You can also put the installer on a USB stick, if I'm not mistaken01:36
Sir_FawnpugEither way ubuntu will automatically install grub for you01:37
WaterRatjyet again can't load usb sticks :p01:37
DrMrHorsehello all, i repartitioned my windows partition trying to install debian alongside my ubuntu, and messed up grub. i reinstalled grub, but it didnt see my windows. i manually added the chainloader lines, but windows will not boot.  any help?01:37
Sir_FawnpugYou must be using an older machine01:37
adambuntuWaterRatj, you can mount a usb in a windows environment, and use wubi01:37
mdgWaterRatj: what kind of computer you have?01:37
illyumeWaterRatj, sounds like the problem I had before. Took me a lot of tries to get xUbuntu installed on that machine, and afterward I decided I didn't dare try to change the OS again.01:37
adambuntuWaterRatj, that will install ubuntu for you01:37
MightyTweekUncleD: sudo chmod go-r /home01:38
WaterRatjadabuntu: the mbr is broken01:38
WaterRatjelse i would have done that01:38
talonstrikerhow do I edit the order of the entries in grub?  /boot/grub/menu.lst doesn't exit01:38
WaterRatjcan't start windows like i mentioned before01:38
adambuntuWaterRatj, the windows mbr?01:38
timmarshalli got docks01:38
DrMrHorselooks like its grub night01:38
WaterRatjthe hdd with the windows mbr on was formatted01:38
adambuntuWaterRatj, what windows are you running?01:38
WaterRatjwindows xp was runing before i messed it all up :p01:38
adambuntuWaterRatj, can you see the file system on there at all?01:39
WaterRatjwhat you mean?01:39
adambuntuWaterRatj, or is it gone?01:39
mdgWaterRatj: cd drive is bad and too old to boot from USB?  Try and make a plop boot manager floppy01:39
WaterRatjlol no floopy drive :p01:39
adambuntuWaterRatj, are you in ubuntu or what are you in right now?01:39
WaterRatjthe bios supports it normmaly01:39
mdgWaterRatj: so you can try and boot from USB stick01:39
WaterRatjbut just doesn't load from usb01:39
almarkwhat does one do if he can't find a rt patch that matches his kernel01:39
Sir_Fawnpugmdg, if the cdrom is bad, I'd hate to see what kind of condition the fdd is in, haha01:39
adambuntuWaterRatj, what os are you using right now, and is the drive in this box?01:40
hulloi clicked on a gnome panel and set it to autohide but it froze, where can i change the setting to not autohide01:41
WaterRatjadambuntu: i'm using a live cd right now01:41
adambuntuWaterRatj, ok, does it see the ntfs partition from the windows xp?01:41
trineoxhullo if you can right click bar , properties and uncheck it01:41
UncleDMightyTweek: thank you01:41
talonstrikersorry to spam, but how can I change the entries of grub if /boot/grub/menu.lst doesn't exist?01:41
adambuntuWaterRatj, can you boot from the xp cd?01:41
WaterRatjno :p thats the problem :p01:42
hullotrineox: i cant right click the bar01:42
DrMrHorsetalonstriker: grub2 doesnt use menu.lst. do you have grub2?01:42
WaterRatjcddrom is like broken or something, i'm glad i can run live cd01:42
adambuntuWaterRatj, it wont boot at all?01:42
talonstrikerpossibly...how can i check?01:42
WaterRatjOnly boots from live cd01:42
trineoxhullo even if you restart then right click it?01:42
adambuntuWaterRatj, ok, if you got the livecd from ubuntu to boot, then you must have a problem with your xp cd01:43
ardchoillehullo: alt+f2,type in gconf-editor and run. then go to /apps/panel/default_setup/toplevels/top_panel/auto_hide01:43
WaterRatjnow i want to eiter fix mbr in linux or install grub from  live cd01:43
Peter4056how can I retrive list of pakages installed on a 9.10 that doesnt boot, but I have access to all files01:43
WaterRatjxp cd works on laptop01:43
WaterRatjthecdrom is broken, i normmaly don't use it, but i can seem to use it to run live cd01:43
mdgWaterRatj: i recently used plop boot manager to make a boot floppy that would allow me to boot from a usb drive (not native for old P3 dell)01:43
hulloardchoille: thank you01:43
ardchoillehullo: if you uncheck that and do "killall gnome-panel" it should be ok01:43
adambuntuWaterRatj, do u have room on the drive to put ubuntu on it/01:43
adso_grub configuration is in /boot/grub/grub.cfg01:43
tp43I can't find menu.lst on my system, I thought it was in /boot/grub/01:43
WaterRatjits a 40 gig and 120 gig drive01:44
talonstrikeradso_: the comments in the file say that i'm not supposed to edit it01:44
adambuntuWaterRatj, install ubuntu on a small partition, and that will let you boot into windows too. then get a new cd rom drive, and replace that old pos01:44
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:44
mdgWaterRatj: I recently used linux to get data off crashed xp desktop01:44
trismthat wiki link has lots of useful information01:44
WaterRatjcan't install anything :p01:44
WaterRatjelse i would arleady have unbuntu reinstalled01:45
talonstrikerthanks trism01:45
WaterRatjcan only load live cd, not install from it01:45
adambuntuWaterRatj, take that pc out and shoot it01:45
mdgWaterRatj: can't install - due to not enough ram?01:45
WaterRatjno its a fine pc, just the cdrom sucks :p01:45
DrMrHorsetalonstriker: maybe too late, but there is something here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows  theres a part that says 'are you using grub or grub2?"01:45
WaterRatjno cd rom won't read01:45
adso_edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg and line "set default" to change boot order01:45
WaterRatjonly small bits and enough to load live cd01:45
illyumeWaterRatJ, can you put a different CD drive in for long enough to install Ubuntu?01:46
ardchoilleadso_: not supposed to edit that file01:46
trismif you want to change the boot order, edit /etc/default/grub, set GRUB_DEFAULT and run sudo update-grub, don't edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg unless you really need to01:46
ardchoille!grub2 | adso_01:46
ubottuadso_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:46
WaterRatjlol i wish, i was about to buy a cheap one, but its like 02:46 right now01:46
mdgWaterRatj: how old or new is this PC?01:46
`mOOse`you can't manually edit grub.cfg because grub overwrites it01:46
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hulloardchoille: thanks again that was hairy lol01:47
hulloi didnt know about gconf-editor01:47
ardchoillehullo: yw :)01:47
WaterRatjmdg: 5 years, but still works perfectly, if i had a good cd-rom drive lol01:47
ardchoillehullo: Very handy app, you can change almost anything with it01:47
adambuntuWaterRatj, do you have anyone near you with a good cdrom?01:48
m3Fhow could i install the wireless driver for RealteK RTL8191SE? Laptop Toshiba Satellite L515, Ubuntu 9.1001:48
mdgWaterRatj: so its a Pentium 3?01:48
WaterRatjmdg: P4 and no its kinda late01:48
mdgWaterRatj: p4 can boot from USB - you have to choose harddrive and then it is an option under harddrive in your bios01:49
adambuntum3F, I have a Toshiba Satellite L505 and here is what worked for me: run terminal and type01:49
adambuntu"sudo apt-get install ndisgtk" and after that is done go here and get the win2k driver.01:49
adambuntuThen I just unzipped the driver file into the download file. Then I clicked01:49
adambuntusystem-administration-windows wireless driver, and searched for01:49
adambuntufor downloads - rtl8191 (the file that you unzipped)-91_92_SE_Driver-win2k-net8192se.inf01:49
adambuntuand click install and close. Worked for me hope it works for you! I had to use WPA Personal01:49
FloodBot1adambuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:49
WaterRatjmdg: it has all the options, just doesn't want to load from bios, i don't get it01:49
illyumeI still have the same question though, as I'm sitting here installing it to try it out. What exactly does the Enterprise Cloud Server do?01:49
m3Fthank you adambuntu01:50
adambuntusorry guys01:50
adambuntushould have used pastebin01:50
mdgWaterRatj: i found that i had to use a usb slot on the back of the machine, not the ones that come to the front01:50
diablodfdiscovering password archive .xls?01:50
poyntzhi. just wondering, once you've pointed menu.lst to the latest image-headers can you delete the old linux-image-header files?01:50
WaterRatjmdg: hmm lol i'll try that :p01:50
adambuntuWaterRatj, what machine is it?01:51
adambuntuWaterRatj, dell?01:51
adambuntuWaterRatj, maker? custom or hp or dell?01:51
RainbowEyesum, this isn't on topic but I just wanted to point this out:01:52
RainbowEyes[17:50] * robspierre  Visit us at network chat and get bots + hosting special and free,   /server IRC.ForChat.Net01:52
WaterRatjno idea lol01:52
RainbowEyesthat person just advertised me with that so yeah01:52
RainbowEyesthanks ^^01:52
AmaranthRainbowEyes: Yeah, I got it too, was just testing it.01:52
adambuntuWaterRatj, im done trying to help you until you can help yourself. we need this kind of info to help you better. there are ways to fix it, but without the information on the machine, we are literally no good to you since you are shooting down all of our ideas01:52
WaterRatjI'll manage on my own, i'm not shooting down on your ideas, you keep giving ideas that don't work, like when i said can't load usb , you guys say install usb01:53
mdgWaterRatj: in a terminal type 'dmesg | less' and you can find out what kind out all kinds of info01:54
adambuntuWaterRatj, without being able to access an external media, there is no way for us to tell you how to fix it. you need to mount an external device or media to fix it.01:54
=== trovanon is now known as jones___________
timmarshalli find these guys very help full01:54
mdgWaterRatj: if you have any info you can't loose, plug in a  usb or something and save it before you start messing around01:55
AkhlDhow do i turn my ubuntu like this http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs140.snc3/18767_461756435236_882945236_10854708_2285272_n.jpg01:55
adambuntuAkhlD, enable compiz01:56
timmarshallakhld do you have compiz??01:56
AkhlDlemme install it :D01:56
timmarshallits on software centre01:56
thefirstdudewhat do I get to get jre in firefox01:57
mdgWaterRatj: I actually booted slax (very lightweight linux live CD) and copied the entire harddrive contents to a usb harddrive i had on-hand.01:57
AkhlDi see 4 Compiz stuffs01:57
AkhlDgonna install 4 of em :D01:57
AkhlDCompiz is installed01:57
linusoleanderWhat do I have to change in sources.list to use unstable/testing?01:57
tp43I am with AkhlD01:57
k0rbis@thefirstdude You download the Sun Java Plugin01:58
malsynedAkhlD, it may be installed already, but you have to go into System -> Preferences -> Visual Effects -> Normal01:58
tp43AkhlD, it is already installed, you just gotta turn it on01:58
WaterRatjI'll try a few things and let you all know what works :p or in my case doesn't work :D01:58
VTSkepticAkhlD: You must enable it01:58
AkhlDhow ?01:58
adambuntuWaterRatj, if you get us some more information, we can help.01:58
malsynedAkhlD, by following the instructions I just sent01:58
k0rbis@thefirstdude Just go to Add/Remove Applications and search Java, it will popup in the list, then install it.01:58
AkhlDi just turned on the WATER Effect like stuff01:58
WaterRatjwell that command mesg sees not working01:58
malsynedAkhlD, that looks almost like the desktop cube plugin, but curvy.01:59
adambuntuWaterRatj, it could be because of the cdrom live image.01:59
AkhlDmalsyned, to Normal ?01:59
tp43What is that feature that AkhlD pointed to, I wanna try it, is there a howto?01:59
WaterRatji'll try that using not the front usb ports to try and see if it boots from usb first01:59
malsynedAkhlD, unless it's already on Extra01:59
AkhlDtp43, no idea01:59
adambuntuWaterRatj, do yourself a favor and back up the drive with the livecd to an external or something so you dont lose data01:59
technicallyriteHow to setup a kid account in ubuntu?01:59
malsynedAkhlD, if you install compizconfig-settings-manager you can twiddle all kinds of 3D desktop settings.01:59
carlllcan i get help?01:59
adambuntucarlll, just ask02:00
WaterRatjThere's nothing on the hdd's02:00
AkhlDahan lemmme seee02:00
WaterRatjonly windows02:00
carlllok i need help installing java02:00
WaterRatjbut thats the second hdd02:00
PlaHPoyis there any point to virtualizing multiple web servers on 2 physical servers and loadbalancing them via hardware loadbalancer02:00
Stikwhats the current channel?02:00
Sir_Fawnpugcarlll, what kind of help?02:00
tp43AkhlD, malsyned is probably right, turn on the cube feature and adjust settings to make it rounded02:00
carlllinstalling Java02:00
k0rbis@carlll Just open Add/Remove Applications and search for Java. Once it pops up install it.02:00
linusoleanderAny one?02:00
AkhlDtp43, lemme try02:00
adambuntuPlaHPoy, yes, for several reasons, but they may not be applicable to your needs02:00
Sir_Fawnpugcarlll, multiverse has a sun-java-jdk package if I'm not mistaken02:01
PlaHPoyfor web servers02:01
tp43AkhlD, install compiz-fusion-icon02:01
carlllok let me startup my computer02:01
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adambuntuPlaHPoy, the tendency of a web server is to be on a dmz, and isolated from your main network. is there any reason to run any of those inside your main network?02:01
AkhlDtp43, installed02:02
danigi pa02:02
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CCC_i'm tryin to figure out how to boot ubuntu on my iMac with a usb flash drive can anyone help please?02:02
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technicallyritelinusoleander: I've often wondered the same.02:03
Guest25333ng gendi saiki02:03
PlaHPoyits in a colo02:03
PlaHPoyjust 2 servers02:03
mdgCCC_: intel or PPC?02:03
tp43how do you use the desktop cube feature, I just enabled it02:03
litATubuhow to send mails using terminal. Or is there any app to do that?02:03
adambuntuPlaHPoy, colo?02:04
CCC_mdg: intel02:04
IdeAlEssI am having printer and folder sharing problems with a windows XP box.  Anyone have time to troubleshoot with me?02:04
PlaHPoyadambuntu: in a colocation data center02:04
PlaHPoyon oc4802:04
mdglitATubu: mutt (can do gmail too)02:04
PlaHPoyclient is asking me to set it up02:04
PlaHPoybut i see no need02:04
litATubuthanks mdg, hotmail also?02:04
adambuntuPlaHPoy, then yes. dependent upon if the application requires 64/32 bit architecture, etc. look at vmware esx for your solution.02:05
mdglitATubu: i dont02:05
carlllok i dual booted on windows xp how do i set linux as the normal bootup?02:05
mdglitATubu: i don't think it does hotmail, but i could be wrong02:05
litATubuok, thanks.02:05
PlaHPoyhe has on each system a virtual mysql / web / pound02:05
mdglitATubu: your welcome02:05
PlaHPoy1 instance each02:05
PlaHPoymakes no sense02:05
trineoxCCC I would suggest using a live cd of ubuntu then use the usb startup disk creator to put the ubuntu image on it02:05
CCC_does anyone know how to install xubuntu on an imac with a usb flash drive? i already have it on the usb02:06
`mOOse`alpine too litATubu02:06
PlaHPoyand why virtualize 4 webservers all serving the same content on each box w/replication02:06
adambuntuPlaHPoy, remember, different people look at security differently. think of it on that level02:06
PlaHPoywouldn't they all be using the same resources02:06
carllli dual booted on windows xp how do i set linux as the normal bootup?02:06
adambuntuPlaHPoy, no.02:06
PlaHPoyi can understand if there were different clusters or different servers02:06
mdgCCC_: have you checked the ubuntu forums for intel mac's - they may have a sticky with tips02:06
IdeAlEssokay, for whatever reasons cups didn't come up sane with the last reboot.  Restarting cups and samba got the printer back.  The folders are another issue.  I have yet to get them to share correctly.02:06
CyberaX2195carlll: if normally if u install ubuntu after XP it sets ubuntu as default02:07
PlaHPoybut a server can only serve so fast, why not tweak your httpd daemon and utilize the entire box?02:07
CyberaX2195unless u somehow changed it02:07
adambuntuPlaHPoy, the resources if done correctly are not shared. like i said, research vmware esx and its adaptability... ive used it to deploy several web servers and there is a reason for it02:07
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technicallyritecarlll: I have good luck with ultimate boot cd, or super grub disk.02:07
PlaHPoybut wouldnt not sharing resources limit the ability of each virtual server02:07
adambuntuPlaHPoy, no.02:08
adambuntuPlaHPoy, vmware assigns a core to each server, same as memory02:08
carlllhow do i change my username on ubuntu?02:08
jp--hi guys. when I boot ubuntu it's black and white even the usplash until it launches the xserver using composite output, any ideas to get it boot it color?02:08
PlaHPoyso your saying it would be faster to serve identical data from 4 virtual instances with 1 core than 1 system with all 4 cores using the same network adapter?02:09
adambuntuPlaHPoy, dependent upon the ability of the server (resources) it could be a great implementation of saving the environment too. some people have crazy reasons, but there are implementations that do require that they be on their own02:09
PlaHPoyhe is only using it for lamp02:09
adambuntuPlaHPoy, then thats why02:09
ohmygawdhey guys02:10
adambuntuPlaHPoy, he can put a thousand of those on a different os and virtualized environment, and it not even bog it down02:10
tp43whats the super button in compiz?02:10
ohmygawdwhat do you think the likelihood is that i could wipe this and put ubuntu on it? http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=257308&source=102:10
carlllNeed help installing java?????02:10
PlaHPoyok but its still using all the same clock cycles02:10
PlaHPoyand HD's02:10
Random832tp43; super is your windows key02:11
carllli need help installing java02:11
adambuntuPlaHPoy, when partitioned correctly, and setup on vmware, if he is using it, there is division, and the way it uses resources is sick...02:11
Random832the one with the windows logo on it02:11
tp43Random832, probably my fn key for a laptop02:11
CCC_does anyone know how to install xubuntu on an imac with a usb flash drive? i already have it on the usb02:12
Random832not fn - the windows key - with the microsoft windows logo, in windows it'd be for the start menu02:12
MTeckI'm having troubles getting the screen resolution to work on this system; anyone feel like helping? lspci:  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)02:12
adambuntuCCC_, i think you need to hold a key down when booting02:12
CCC_option key?02:12
adambuntuCCC_, or use bootcamp02:12
VTSkepticCarlll: You should be able to install Java through the package manager02:12
Random832if you don't have it you'll have to figure out a different modifier02:12
mdgCCC_: i'm not sure what key combo boots usb - you might need a firewire usb drive instead just a usb drive02:12
Random832CCC_; i think o na mac keyboard it's the command key (the apple logo / four-leaf) actually02:13
carlllwhats package manager?? i know im dumb02:13
Random832wait oops i thought you were talking aout something else02:13
IdleOne!synaptic | carlll02:13
ubottucarlll: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto02:13
`mOOse`CCC_, maybe a little googling? I see very little mac discussion in here02:13
MTeckI'm having troubles getting the screen resolution to work on this system; anyone feel like helping? lspci:  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)02:13
VTSkepticCarlll: System>Adminstration>Synaptic Package manager02:13
Random832CCC_; it's the option key http://support.apple.com/kb/HT194802:14
IdleOneCCC_: you have to hold down the C key while booting02:14
Random832c is for cdrom, not usb02:14
carlllthanks vtskeptic thats what i needed02:14
AkhlDhello  which is the SUPER BUTTON to enable Screen Zoom ?02:14
IdleOneRandom832: yeah your right02:14
Random832AkhlD; it's the ms windows logo key02:14
litATubuI want to configure gmail in mutt. Any idea?02:14
Random832it's just called "super" generically on linux02:14
technicallyritecarlll: It prepares all dependencies for a given application so you don't have to worry about finding them. Makes it easy to manage software installations.02:14
ZemmyI am unable to get karmic to save the monitor settings for my nvidia driver.02:15
CCC_i'll try all 3 of those thanks02:15
`mOOse`technicallyrite, if he wants sun java though he has to go to a restricted repository02:15
VTSkepticCarl once there do a search for sun-java you should find all you need02:15
Zemmywhen I reboot the machine it reverts to a lower res02:15
VTSkepticm00se: True but it easy02:16
`mOOse`sun java is in the multiverse02:16
`mOOse`not if he doesn't have that repo in his sources!02:16
vinsedo i have to install something before i can ssh to a new ubuntu install?02:16
vinsesomething like, say, sshd?02:16
SpaceGhostC2Cvinse sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client02:17
gdbI'd encourage you to evaluate openjdk before opting for sun java.  There's very very little (something like 3% of some more advanced functions) that's not in openjdk.02:17
malsynedvinse, openssh-server02:17
ZemmyI've created a new xorg.conf with "sudi nvidia-config" then made changes with "sudo nvidia-settings"02:17
technicallyriteI wish I could browse repos on my iPhone in cydia, icy or rock for Debian or Ubuntu.02:17
litATubuany idea about mutt configuration?02:18
IdeAlEssokay, I am trying to share a folder on a USB external drive.  Sharing seems to be working from the internal drive.  Is there something I need to be doing different for the external?02:18
adambuntuIdeAlEss, is there any permissions on the external?02:18
VTSkepticcarlll any luck?02:19
IdeAlEssadambuntu, not sure, I just right clicked on the folder I wanted to share and had it do it.  It is a fat32 drive so I would think no.02:19
adambuntuIdeAlEss, it should work then02:19
adambuntuIdeAlEss, is it not working?02:19
ohmygawdwhat do you think the likelihood is that i could wipe this and put ubuntu on it? http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=257308&source=102:20
IdeAlEssadambuntu, no, the xp box can't connect02:20
VTSkepticgbd: I will keep that in mind02:20
adambuntuIdeAlEss, then it has to do with the mounting, and who can mount it02:20
vacuoustruthjoin #javascript02:20
adambuntuIdeAlEss, that one is over my head in terms of configuring that. maybe one of the wizards can help with it02:21
IdeAlEssadambuntu, going to it in a terminal shows that it is mounted as my user with 700 on all folders and 751 on files.02:21
adambuntuIdeAlEss, can you \\(file) to it?02:22
adambuntuIdeAlEss, from the xp machine?02:22
IdeAlEssadambuntu, yes, the share shows up on the xp box with I \\ to the server IP.02:22
robojakeSomething is really screwy with my ubuntu wireless connection.  It has long ping rates and seems to drop packets and do other funky things compared to other devices connected to the same wireless AP.  Where should I start looking for the problem?02:23
adambuntuIdeAlEss, can you not get into the files then?02:23
steve_my X died after playing video, boots says unclean shutdown, "see your admin" msg, can get >$ and >#, dont know what to do02:23
robojakeEven in windows 7 on the same pc the connection is fine02:23
IdeAlEssadambuntu, no, I can't open the shared folder on the xp box02:23
AkhlDi have enabled a few options in the CompizConfig Settings  but i ddnt see any effects :(02:23
thomcIn Firefox 3.5 there are no icons next to the search engines in the drop down menu. Do other people have that?02:24
adambuntuIdeAlEss, did you explicitly allow the permissions to the everyone group on the drive share?02:24
robojakeconnections time out for no reason I can't seem to figure it out, I thought it was fixed in the latest kernal but it started up again02:25
robojakeI don't even know if I'm connected here lol02:25
IdeAlEssadambuntu, I have tried but they didn't seem to stick.02:25
steve_Totem Movie Player killed my X, only boots cli, pls help02:26
adambuntuIdeAlEss, yea, now your getting over my head with the config part. it sounds like when its mounted, its not keeping the settings for the drive share or just the drive..02:26
adambunturobojake, are you using wep?02:27
litorcinoTo put gmail working in mutt. any idea?02:27
IdeAlEssadambuntu, yeah it sounds like a permission thing.  It is using the auto mount thought so I guess I need to learn a little more about that.02:27
q0kI would like you to test my add-on for Mozilla Firefox on Ubuntu... https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addons/versions/13129#version-0.11 :?02:28
adambuntuIdeAlEss, google external usb share in ubuntu02:28
adambuntuIdeAlEss, see what you get02:28
adambuntuIdeAlEss, i think good info02:28
IdeAlEssadambuntu, I did, got the same old - you will need samba for that. links.  I will do some more digging.02:28
adambuntuIdeAlEss, let me look02:29
`mOOse`q0k, what's it supposed to do?02:29
`mOOse`all I see are version revs02:29
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mdgWaterRatj: any luck?02:29
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q0k`mOOse`, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/13129 is the description but please take the latest version 0.1102:30
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rumpsyhow can i choose my torrent client port... i tried many ports but its not working, it says port test fails02:30
WaterRatjmdg: Not yet :p lol but i'm determined to fix it :02:31
ohmygawdanyone here give me some advice re: netbooks?02:32
ohmygawdi want to buy a netbook and wipe it and install ubuntu (or another distro at a push, but preferable ubuntu)02:32
adambuntuIdeAlEss, check this out...02:32
mdgWaterRatj: I like your moxy!02:32
ohmygawdhttp://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=257308 would this work?02:32
adambuntuIdeAlEss, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1056964.html02:33
Davedan1does free and top give me true memory usage of my server?02:33
GryllidaI would like you to test my add-on for Mozilla Firefox on Ubuntu... https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/13129 is the description. But please take the latest version 0.11 at  https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addons/versions/13129#version-0.11 :?02:35
zoinkhow do i set the raid flag with fdisk?02:35
SpaceGhostC2CGryllida, this isn't the place for that. don't advertise here.02:35
GryllidaSpaceGhostC2C, thanks. But what place can you suggest?02:36
johnzornif I have 2 computers connected to the net with a router, whats the easiest way of transferring files between the 2 computers without going over the net?02:36
bastid_raZorjohnzorn: scp .. use the internal ip's of each..02:36
SpaceGhostC2CGryllida, the internet.02:37
WaterRatjIs their an easy way to install grub on a hdd?02:37
`mOOse`johnzorn, you don't go over the net on a local lan02:38
`mOOse`you use your locally assigned ips02:38
SpaceGhostC2CWaterRatj, yes. Grub2 or grub legacy?02:38
`mOOse`usually something like, etc02:38
`mOOse`not your internet ip02:38
WaterRatjSpaceGhostC2C: Does't matter, any grub that I can install trought livecd02:39
SpaceGhostC2CWaterRatj, it does matter, depending on which livecd you use.02:39
WaterRatjGrub legacy02:39
keepitreal chat?02:39
keepitrealolder guys?02:39
SpaceGhostC2Ckeepitreal, what are you getting at? Got a ubuntu question?02:40
litorcinohow to add gmail account to mutt e-mail client?02:40
mkquist__johnzorn: just set up shares02:40
`mOOse`litorcino, did you read the docs?02:41
`mOOse`there's abundant info on how to add gmail to most mail clients ... try googling it ;-)02:41
myk_robinsonhey. Having trouble getting the notification "effect" in firefox. I have installat firefox-notify, any ideas?02:42
xanguamyk_robinson: are you using fx 3.6¿02:42
xanguamyk_robinson: the plugin hasn't been updated, it doesn't work02:43
myk_robinsonxangua: oh. What about java plugin?02:43
litorcinoi still reading it, but no luck about pop3 configuration02:43
SpaceGhostC2Clitorcino, what are you using to set it up?02:44
xanguamyk_robinson: in 'ubuntuzilla' web you can fin how to enable it by creating 'here comes something i can't translate in english :S'02:44
xanguasymbolic files¿¿02:44
CPrgmSwR2I have a Nvidia sound card Codec: Conexant CX20561 (Hermosa) and I cannot get sound to come out of my speakers02:44
myk_robinsonxangua: think i just found an answer for java02:44
joeyjonesxangua: probably just a synlink02:45
xangualitorcino: go to gmail, to preferences, enable pop or imap; whathever ypu want and follow the instructions02:45
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Fondor1So, apparently the latest kernel update ( ) causes my laptop's fan to be set on full speed constantly.  All kernels before that scaled the fan speed according to load.  Anyone else see this too?02:49
tjzpretty fierce02:49
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Fondor1kinda dead today eh? :-/02:54
od3nanyone have any idea why I can connect to the Internet but cant connect to get update manager running02:54
Fondor1od3n: might be the server you have selected02:55
bubuleinmoin moin02:55
od3nwell the only thing that connects is the internet nothing else02:55
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Fondor1od3n: go to System>Administration>Software Sources and see where you are getting packages from02:56
Fondor1od3n: What else are you attempting to connect to that doesn't?02:56
od3nwell I have a proxy at work to connect and I set that up02:57
lksj1104no vm86_info:BAD ???02:57
od3nseems like the only thing that can get out is mozilla02:58
ohmygawdhttp://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=257308 <-- could this run ubuntu?02:58
Fondor1od3n: so it's a port issue maybe?  Only port 80 is correctly configured?02:58
od3nI will have to ask at work I guess02:59
ben__have a dual layer dvd that won't mount?02:59
Fondor1od3n: Probably your best bet.02:59
lacitaarand: Done... The only partition that could not be recovered was the Mac HFS...02:59
cblesliewhoops, my bad.02:59
od3njust seemed odd the firefox could get out but that was it02:59
od3nso I can install anything03:00
arandlacita: Then when you have a partition layout that looks reasonable, do a "write partition table" and hopefully you'll be able to access the partition (emphasis on "hopefully" :/ )03:01
ben__any ideas, it's a guitar lesson dvd?03:01
Fondor1ohmygawd: not sure... do you already own it and are considering installing, or are you looking at purchasing  it and wondering if it would work?03:02
rj1so I got (firefox-bin:3359): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times03:02
rj1any ideas?03:02
rj1I have tried completely reinstalling firefox03:02
mdgWaterRatj: what kind of flash drive you trying to boot/03:02
bubuleinim trying to setup a wireleslan ( broadcom BCM4312 ). after a reboot i can see the wlan0 with ifconfig. if i try iwlist scan i get no result for this card. what can i do to solve03:03
bubulein                  this prob ( any addinal information needed?) running Linux03:03
bubulein                  nick 2.6.32-13-generic #18-Ubuntu03:03
bubuleinoops sorry03:03
FloodBot1bubulein: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:03
mkquist__anyone know what would cause ubuntu not to boot and give mountall: job failed to start?03:04
jiohdianyone know a work around to allow Nvidia to show up on remote desktops and refresh?03:04
joebodojiohdi, disable compiz03:05
jiohdijoebodo, its not the Nvidia? but compiz?03:05
WaterRatjmdg: tried a sandisk cruzer one03:05
joebodojiohdi, compiz gives problems to most of the remote viewing programs03:06
jiohdijoebodo, I have compiz active but no nvidia on my laptop and I can access it and the remote works just right03:06
rj1so I got (firefox-bin:3359): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times after my laptop ran out of battery and died while firefox was trying to restart. Any Ideas?03:06
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joebodojiohdi, disable and try03:06
jiohdijoebodo, will try :)03:07
SpaceGhostC2C!away | JFo-afk03:07
ubottuJFo-afk: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»03:07
mdgWaterRatj: how did you make the boot usb/\?03:08
KRK / leave03:08
jiohdijoebodo: ok... how do I disable it... once it is running?03:08
joebodojiohdi, go to system -> appearance -> visual effects and set to none03:09
Fondor1rj1: what do you mean while FFX was trying to restart?03:09
WaterRatjmdg: was a stick wich has ubuntu on it since last time i tried, but trying new method now!03:09
mdgWaterRatj: did you try all the usb ports on the back of the computer?03:09
ben__ok dvd has a blocker on it, any way around this?03:10
mdgWaterRatj: bummer!03:10
WaterRatjmdg: Yes :p Lets hope my nw try will work :p03:10
jiohdijoebodo, yous is a genius, it woiked03:11
joebodojiohdi, good to hear - although that solution sucks03:11
mdgWaterRatj: keeping my fingers crossed for you!03:11
WaterRatjmdg: Thanks!03:11
jiohdijoebodo, I can live without compiz03:11
joebodojiohdi, not me :)03:11
SpaceGhostC2CAnyone need some help?03:11
jiohdijoebodo, apparently I only have to turn it off on the remote computer not the viewing one :)03:12
joebodojiohdi, good to know -03:12
robberI am trying to figure out if it is possible to create a domain/client configuration with all linux except 1 winxp.  Is this possible?03:12
Fondor1The latest kernel update ( ) causes my laptop's fan to be set on full speed constantly.  All kernels before that scaled the fan speed according to load.  Anyone else see similar issues?  I've heard through the grapevine that there are issues with power management in the latest version, likely leading to this fan issue.03:12
wterreyDoes anyone know if I can sell new computers with Ubuntu on them legally?03:13
robberI am trying to figure out if it is possible to create a domain/client configuration with all linux except 1 winxp.  Is this possible?03:14
robberwterrey: yes you may, you have to let it be known that you are selling the hardware only03:14
wterreyGreat. Thank you03:14
wterreySo I can give them a copy of the disk03:15
deftserIs milder = easier in any sense03:17
robberI am trying to figure out if it is possible to create a domain/client configuration with all linux except 1 winxp.  Is this possible?03:17
SpaceGhostC2Crobber, I think the way you are wording it doesn't exactly give a clear picture of what you want.03:17
robberlike windows where you login into a "domain" your home files are stored on a server, and you print thru a server and no matter which PC you login to you can have access to your files03:19
ohmygawdFondor1: im looking at purchasing and wondering if it'll work03:20
robberSpaceGhostC2C: like windows where you login into a "domain" your home files are stored on a server, and you print thru a server and no matter which PC you login to you can have access to your files03:20
adambuntuohmygawd, hey you asked about a netbook i have a gateway lt3103 that i am using right now on 9.1003:21
* AkhlD this is awwsome http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs195.snc3/20253_109463932397641_100000021031522_235519_2553918_n.jpg :D03:21
SpaceGhostC2CRobber so you want a file server. LDAP or something along the lines of a NFS server?03:21
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robberSpaceGhostC2C:  Yes I suppose.  I am new to Linux come from UNIX a long time ago, and trying to relearn the OS's for a jo interview03:23
StuckMojothe karmic installer does or does not support LVM2?03:24
StuckMojoi don't seem to see an option for it...03:24
robberSpaceGhostC2C: if you could just point me in the right direction, I will do all the research necessary.  I am also turning about 10 of my PC's at home into a network of sorts03:25
daroluHas anyone installed Secret Maryo Chronicles? I just did but I have no music, is it 'normal'?03:25
wgrantStuckMojo: The desktop CD's installer does not yet support LVM.03:25
wgrantStuckMojo: The alternate and server CDs do, however.03:25
aybabtuubuntu friends! Post your screenshots here!!!  http://boards.4chan.org/b/res/196461101#19646529603:26
StuckMojowgrant: ah, thanks03:26
SpaceGhostC2Crobber, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo03:26
StuckMojoalso: what's the story with 64bit? i've got the desktop cd. does that install 32bit by default?03:26
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arandStuckMojo: depends on which version there is both 32bit and 64bit version of the CD03:27
mkquist__StuckMojo:  different isos03:27
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StuckMojoah. i just grabbed of the front page03:27
StuckMojoi suspect i got 32bit then03:28
wterreyCan I start Ubuntu without a password?03:28
arandStuckMojo: yes03:28
daroluStuckMojo: ubuntu website gets you 32-bit by default03:28
StuckMojowhich is probably best. AFAIR there's still no 64 flash plugin right?03:28
mkquist__StuckMojo:  if you have 64bit system then u want to install that one03:28
StuckMojomkquist__: i do, but that's been a hassle in the past03:28
mkquist__StuckMojo: 32bit apps can work with 64 if needed, 64 bit works fine, and flash is no brainer03:28
robberSpaceGhostC2C: Thanks, I will look into this.  I appreciate the help03:28
StuckMojoi've only got 4G ram so i think 32bit will be fine and less problematic...03:28
StuckMojomkquist__: really...03:29
mkquist__StuckMojo: been running it for since 9.04 and i like03:29
StuckMojomkquist__: are there 64bit nvidia drivers? (the binary ones i mean)03:29
mkquist__StuckMojo: 64 bit03:29
SpaceGhostC2Crobber, feel free to ask more. You can also do Samba, but that isn't as good IMO03:29
ZykoticK9StuckMojo, nvidia runs fine on 64bit03:29
mkquist__StuckMojo: you just enable restricted and it goes03:29
arandStuckMojo: if you want the extra 800mb memory you could install the pae kernel03:29
mkquist__StuckMojo:  64bit is faster to do things like encode, noticeably03:30
wterreyDoes anyone know if I can start Ubuntu without a password?03:30
StuckMojocrap, i already downloaded and burned the 32bit, heh03:30
wgrantwterrey: System->Administration->Login Screen03:31
mkquist__StuckMojo: keep it for other machines... ; )03:31
wbmjwterrey: you can enable autologin03:31
wterreyThank you03:31
arandStuckMojo: The difference isn't that big really..03:31
adambuntuhey is there any way I can automate grub to auto load the latest kernel?03:31
StuckMojoi know, i'll just make a relatively small root partition, so i can install 64bit also03:31
StuckMojothat way i can also do lvm03:31
mkquist__StuckMojo: i like the reason, if nothing else - more users mean 64bit get more attention03:31
arandadambuntu: "autoload" as in?03:32
wbmjadambuntu: grub defaults to newest installed kernel03:32
MimiNetflix.  I've been reading and tyring stuff I found online. Nothing seems to work even with wine.   (dont have VM bc dont own windows key)         anyone GOT netflix working in ubuntu?03:32
StuckMojohow big is the desktop install these days?03:32
StuckMojo10G? 15?03:32
mkquist__StuckMojo: really works fine though... desktop machine runs great with 64bit, no problems at all03:32
adambuntuarand, when i boot, i get the list of possible kernels to boot from. i only want the latest one. how do i make it choose that one by default without having to hit enter to get it started?03:32
wgrantStuckMojo: A couple of gigabytes.03:33
StuckMojomkquist__: yeah i'm gonna give it a shot03:33
surge_Netflix requires WMP03:33
mkquist__StuckMojo: i think i gave it 40gigs03:33
SpaceGhostC2Csurge_, does not.03:33
surge_aI mean Silverlight03:33
SpaceGhostC2Csurge_, you're right now :)03:33
mkquist__StuckMojo: have 25 free right now03:33
surge_it uses Silverlight, used to be WMP...03:33
manuel_hello.. i'm having problems to see youtube's videos.. i,ve installed java and flash player but still doesn't wor!! what am i doing wrong?03:33
arandadambuntu: the only convenient way to do that is to uninstall the old kernels (since grub2 has no "howmany" option..)03:33
surge_but yeah its copy-protected stream03:34
surge_so I doubt its easy03:34
adambuntuarand, ok, how do i yank those kernels i am not using?03:34
Fondor1adambuntu: there is something.... I think it's called boot up manager03:34
robberis there a good resource for how to setup a linux network.  Where to place firewalls, wireless access points...03:34
joebodoadambuntu, computer janitor03:34
SpaceGhostC2Cadambuntu, http://www.alterego7.com/2008/04/removing-those-extra-kernels-in-ubuntu.html03:35
SpaceGhostC2Crobber, liunx comes with a firewall and do you need a seperate machine to use as a firewall?03:35
bini don't get full volume on my headphone for some reason03:35
bineverything in alsamixer is maxed out03:36
adambuntuSpaceGhostC2C, thanks! thats it03:36
mkquist__robber !network03:36
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mkquist__!network robber03:37
robbmultiverse and other repositories in synaptic on 9.10? not listed for me....03:37
surge_robber: http://www.ratemynetworkdiagram.com/index2.php03:37
robberI knew that, but what about configuring from the internet into the clients.  I.E. (should I even use that term here... How about for example) the whole shebang.  including servers, and so forth.  examples would be great, ones that may show cabling03:37
StuckMojothanks guys03:38
surge_for layout03:38
lacitaarand: Do you think it would be best to restore the drive to what it was before I started playing with partition tables, or just to recover the one sector with my impr0ntant data?03:38
surge_robber, use IPCop for firewall/router/dhcp machine03:38
deadducki'm having a problem. I just upgraded my kubuntu to kde 4.4 and now as soon as kdm loads the computer turns itself off immediately unless i run startx as root. anyone have any ideas how I can debug this?03:38
surge_I use DDWRT on a WRT54GL for wireless03:38
StuckMojodecided to go with a 512M /boot, a 25G / ext4, and at the end of the drive 1G swap03:39
arandlacita: Frankly, I don't know.03:39
StuckMojo1TB dive03:39
Alan502what security measures should i take before ssh to a computer i don't own/know?03:39
deadduckmyk_robinson, is your name mike robinson?03:39
ZykoticK9deadduck, be sure to ask in #kubuntu as well, if you don't get an answer here03:39
myk_robinsondeadduck: yes03:39
deadduckmyk_robinson, wow so is mine lol03:39
RaNdYHi, I was updating to bash 4.1 when I've accidentally deleted /bin/bash which was my default. And now I can't login to the system, any ideas on how to enter the system again?03:39
StuckMojothat way i can put a bunch of different kernels on there and other OSes like my old Sid install and 64bit karmic03:39
lacitaarand: *partition, not sector, & **Important...03:40
myk_robinsondeadduck: small world!03:40
deadduckmyk_robinson, sure is :)03:40
myk_robinsonjust bought an Asus K50I laptop. Need help with the touchpad, requires two fingers to scroll03:40
deadduckZykoticK9, thanks I will do that03:40
StuckMojohmmm...ext4 is like ext3 in that you can mount it readonly as ext2, right?03:41
ZykoticK9RaNdY, worst comes to worst you might be able to boot off the live cd and chroot and install bash again (or create a link to dash, and install bash again)03:41
HTCI have a Shoutcast server, but I have a program through which to connect to the server and play music for people. I installed Idjc but he stops and hears the sound is bad. Does anyone know a similar program?03:41
myk_robinsonwould like to set my touchpad to require only one finger to scroll, but cannot find settings for this. I assume I will need to edit the xorg.conf file, but will need some help03:41
RaNdYZykoticK9, no other way to login? System is still up.. looking for alternative ways to enter it.03:42
arandlacita: I guessed it was partitions.. (quite the nice freudian slip on "important" :), but yea, I really don't know which is best, I would rewrite the whole partition table with all, but I don't have any good motivation for doing that...03:42
joebodomyk_robinson, system->preferences->mouse should have those options03:42
myk_robinsonjoebodo: that was the first place i looked, no luck03:43
ZykoticK9RaNdY, ? hopefully someone else has a suggestion, good luck03:43
HTCI have a Shoutcast server, but I have a program through which to connect to the server and play music for people. I installed Idjc but he stops and hears the sound is bad. Does anyone know a similar program?03:43
RaNdYthanks ZykoticK9.03:43
lacitaarand: Ok, I'll try all the partitions... now I select "Write", right?03:43
arandlacita: yep03:44
live_wirI'm confused, inputing mkdir ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins/ it tells me no such file or directory..03:44
HTCif anyone at all want to help me?03:45
knoppiesI don't often have this PC plugged into sound, and I want Pidgin and/or Empathy to 'system beep' whenever I get a message and its not selected. Anybody know any leads I can follow?03:45
HTCI have a Shoutcast server, but I have a program through which to connect to the server and play music for people. I installed Idjc but he stops and hears the sound is bad. Does anyone know a similar program?03:47
lacitaarand: I have to reboot for it to take effect?03:47
knoppiesHTC, dont repeat your problem so quickly. I don't know of a solution, Im not even sure what a shoutcast server is.03:47
HTbeeJayhey guys, anyone here has ubuntu running on lenovos latest t410?03:47
arandlacita: I don't know what you use for accessing the truecrypt partition, but if you can get to it from the liveCD, I don't think a reboot should be necessary..03:48
lacitaHTbeeJay: I did... maybe not the latest, but I had ubuntu on a lenovo y410. Pretty sweet.03:48
=== AkhlD is now known as Tester2
HTCknoppies, two days Pinoy program through which he could play the music03:49
lacitaarand: after looking at it graphically with gparted, it appears to be there... kindof. there are 2 new fat32 sectors right after boot... possibly for a boot process?03:50
lacitaarand: This isn't my boot drive though...03:50
=== Tester2 is now known as AKhlD
kennethlacita: So, you were able to recover your blown partition table?03:50
arandlacita: maybe something that wasn't there to start with and tesdisk added in mistake..03:51
tetsuo_Hello there!. Suddenly Ubuntu is not detecting my mp4 player. Can anybody help?03:51
myk_robinsonin Ubuntu Karmic, where is the equivalent of xorg.conf?03:51
myk_robinsoni need to try to manually configure some options on my touchpad03:51
lacitaarand: Yes, the table is back... Let's do a reboot & see how things worked out.\03:51
ZykoticK9myk_robinson, karmic can use an xorg.conf if you create it!03:52
ZykoticK9myk_robinson, s/can/will03:52
lacitaarand: Thanks again. Hopefully, I'll see you in just a bit.03:52
myk_robinsonZykoticK9: I just want to try to disable this two-finger scrolling. To your knowledge, is there already a config file somewhere that is controlling this setting?03:52
ZykoticK9myk_robinson, oh man i have no idea, good luck03:53
myk_robinsonis there a command I can use in console to search the entire hard drive for files containing a certain piece of text?03:53
=== AKhlD is now known as AkhlD
knoppiesmyk_robinson, someone once gave me a list of commands for searching of various things, if you really want I can go boot up my laptop and try find it for you.03:54
Fondor1"locate" can find filenames03:54
myk_robinsonknoppies: I'll see if I can google it, but I wont stop you :)03:54
joebodomyk_robinson, it's in gconf-editor03:54
Fondor1myk_robinson: are you looking for something IN the files?03:54
myk_robinsonFondor1: yes, looking for Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "1"03:55
derekshey guys, i am trying to download and burn the mini.iso (netboot ubuntu) to a usb, and nothing registers it as a valid iso, any ideas why? or is there another way to get this minimal ubuntu?03:55
knoppiesmyk_robinson, ok, let me fetch the laptop.03:55
ZykoticK9Fondor1, if myk_robinson is wanting to look inside the files it would require grep - i'm not sure how, and the hd is a big place to try to look inside of everything03:55
papshdereks, you burned an iso to a usb stick?03:55
myk_robinsonZykoticK9: if it matters, the install is less than 24 hours old03:56
myk_robinsonjust trying to locate something that might allow me to configure this touchpad03:56
nickwaredoes anyone know how to enable TV-out with an ATI Radeon 9200 video card in 9.10?03:56
derekspapsh: you know what i mean03:57
ZykoticK9myk_robinson, i've never had to deal with touchpads (synaptic?) and xorg before man - but i'm sure the setting is there if you dig for it :)03:57
myk_robinsonthing is, there is no xorg.conf in Ubuntu anymore03:57
papshdereks, you used unetbootin?03:57
ZykoticK9myk_robinson, what gfx card do you have?03:57
ZykoticK9myk_robinson, there are 2 ways to make an xorg03:58
nickwaremyk_robinson: here is a tutorial on creating an xorg.conf: http://www.osguides.net/operation-systems/217-how-to-create-xorgconf-in-ubuntu-910.html03:58
myk_robinsononboard intel 450003:58
joebodomyk_robinson, http://imagebin.org/8447403:58
patriothi guys03:58
derekspapsh: no, startup disk maker03:58
nCooLuhhhh i need help to get to the support page ?03:58
=== aether is now known as Guest41563
darolunCooL: you do what?03:59
patriotI have a question about port forward, please help03:59
knoppiespatriot, router port forwarding? or something on your machine?03:59
nCooLyeah i need help to get to the support page for ubuntu03:59
myk_robinsonjoebodo: oddly enough, mine is set to 1   Thanks for the picture though, it is helpful03:59
ZykoticK9myk_robinson, that link nickware sent is perfect!  follow it and you'll be good.03:59
darolunCooL: you mean this? http://www.ubuntu.com/support04:00
myk_robinsonZykoticK9: got it bookmarked, will try it in the morning after some much needed sleep. Thanks!04:01
Kismethey guys automounting with hard drives doesn't work anymore04:01
Kismetany hint04:01
tetsuo_Hey. I need some help please :S. My Mp4 is not being detected anymore. Anyone has any ideas?04:02
seamarshallHelp! I keep receiving E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) whenever I try to install drupal604:02
ZykoticK9Kismet, i've certainly experienced some inconsistent automount behaviour with karmic as well.  if worst comes to works you can create fstab entries using "noauto" and "user" switches - but it won't show up on you desktop as nicely as the automounter does :(04:03
myk_robinsontetsuo_: does the player work on other computers?  Plug it into your linux machine, wait about 60 seconds, then open up a terminal and type    dmesg    see if the output yields any info as to what happened when plugging inthe deivce04:03
KismetZykoticK9, i don't get it.. i am not that fluently with that stuff04:05
KismetZykoticK9, how to create that enterie04:05
seamarshallcan someone help me with the error "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"04:05
ZykoticK9Kismet, sorry -- you can use fstab to mount partitions (like external drives and stuff) but it more a pain!04:05
tetsuo_myk_robinson thanks for replying!. It works on other computers. It was working yesterday. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but when I go to places -> computer -> it says "Nautilus cannot handle computer locations@. By the way, there's nothing useful that I can spot in dmesg04:05
=== AkhlD is now known as Googlie
ZykoticK9Kismet, ideally you won't have to use fstab - but i don't have a solution for the automounter sorry04:06
myk_robinsontetsuo_: what was the last thing you did with it on another computer, and was that computer windows based?04:06
KismetZykoticK9, thats all right, i thought i can mount with the mount command04:06
myk_robinsonIt may have switched USB modes04:06
=== Googlie is now known as AkhlD
ZykoticK9Kismet, this of fstab this way - you put the line you run using mount -- in a file and this file is read each time the computer starts04:07
myk_robinsontetsuo_: does the player have an onboard menu where you can verify the mode is set to MSC and not MTP?04:07
RaNdYHi, I was updating to bash 4.1 when I've accidentally deleted /bin/bash which was my default. And now I can't login to the system, any ideas on how to enter the system again aside from LiveCD boot;chroot-file?04:07
tetsuo_myk_robinson: just charged, I didn't move any files or anything. I think something got messed up with my ubuntu. I didn't install or change anything in the past 2 days04:07
KismetZykoticK9, oh i see04:08
seamarshallPlease someone help me04:08
KismetZykoticK9, but it won't show in nautilus when i plug it in with usb04:08
ZykoticK9Kismet, right!  which is a total drag!04:09
myk_robinsonseamarshall: how are you trying to install drupal?04:09
KismetZykoticK9, thats... no good...04:09
lcfr666s8nI have to admit ubuntu (I think  I have hardy...) is much nicer than windows but I am getting frustrated over some issues with some games, plugins for firefox, etc... Very confusing for someone who has only used windows for 10 years04:09
KismetZykoticK9, but still thx for explaining04:09
myk_robinsonlcfr666s8n: keep in mind that hardy is four revisions old, a LOT has changed since then04:10
seamarshallmyk_robinson, I originally installed it correctly then botched an update so I uninstalled it and tried reinstalling it and always receive this error now. I tried to purge it also but no luck04:10
seamarshallmyk_robinson, im sorry that didnt answer your question. I am using sudo apt-get install04:10
lcfr666s8nmyk_robinson: is 9.10 better?04:10
myk_robinsonseamarshall: just puzzled about the error, installing drupal should be as simple as untarring the drupal file into a directory04:11
myk_robinsonlcfr666s8n: In my opinion, its much better. Newer versions of all software and better hardware support04:11
joe75lcfr666s8n: in 10yr linux will be a piece of cake :P04:11
myk_robinsonseamarshall: can you walk me through your installation?04:11
seamarshallmyk_robinson, it also spits this at me. Not replacing deleted config file /etc/dbconfig-common/drupal6.conf04:11
arlowhere do i go for graphics questions>?04:11
lcfr666s8nanyone familiar with Ubuntu SE?04:12
ZykoticK9arlo ask04:12
seamarshallWhen I uninstalled it I deleted all the files "search" could find named drupal. I then did sudo apt-get remove drupal. the proceeded to do sudo apt-get install drupal604:12
myk_robinsonseamarshall: i feel silly, i didnt know that drupal was in the repository04:13
arloask nvidia 7900gs+ubunto9?04:13
ZykoticK9lcfr666s8n, if it's a support issue ask - otherwise ask in #ubuntu-offtopic04:13
arandseamarshall: That's your problem, deleting program files manually --> problem04:13
myk_robinsonseamarshall: try   sudo apt-get -f install    should fix any possible broken packages.04:13
seamarshallmyk_robinson: that gives me the same error04:14
lcfr666s8nDoes Ubuntu 9 support SE... Also is running vista on one drive and Ubuntu Hardy on another bad.04:14
tetsuo_Does anyone have any idea why my mp4 is not being detected anymore?04:14
lcfr666s8nI have tried Wine for several programs and its spotty at best..04:14
myk_robinsonlcfr666s8n: what is SE?04:14
papshserver edition?04:14
ZykoticK9!ot > myk_robinson04:14
seamarshallarand: i looked in the recycle bin but did not find the files i deleted. will i need to reinstall 9.10?04:14
ubottumyk_robinson, please see my private message04:14
lcfr666s8nJusUbuntu Satanic Edition....04:14
Kismetanyone any idea why my hard drives won't show up in nautlus04:15
arandseamarshall: is this only the package drupal, or a lot of other packages around it?04:15
jesus__alguien de venezuela04:16
overtherainbowAnyone know how to get brasero to make a DVD video image instead of an svcd image like it seems to insist on doing?04:16
Sir_Fawnpugtetsuo_, I imagine because mpeg is encumbered by patents and the developers don't want to force you to violate the law if you don't want to04:16
IdleOne!es | jesus__04:16
ubottujesus__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:16
myk_robinsonseamarshall: you running Karmic? Try   sudo aptitude remove --purge drupal6    provided you want to purge all the config files ,etc   then    sudo aptitude install drupal604:16
arloi seem to use the drivers tht ubuntu recommends for my nvidia 7900gs card and i watched older youtube videos of this card and ubuntu like compiz fusion and it looks spectacular but everything is kinda slow considerably slower than my win xp i looked up i online dont know what to do......04:16
Sir_Fawnpugtetsuo_, you could probably find that kind of functionality in restricted, though04:17
lcfr666s8nIt installed Ubuntu Hardy... Satanic Edition ie SE is a theme setup... I just got a Ubuntu 9.10 disk today, I am just confused and the FAQ are even worse...lol04:17
seamarshallarand: its only drupal as far as i can tell. it keeps saying "Not replacing deleted config file /etc/dbconfig-common/drupal6.conf" amongst other things04:17
ZykoticK9overtherainbow, if you want to output to dvd video check out the program devede04:17
* Automatrix is greeting you 04:17
seamarshallmyk_robinson: that returned the same error04:18
AutomatrixGentlemen, got a problem, my provider changed firmware of my modem/router, but without willing to give me the new administrator pw ...04:18
myk_robinsonseamarshall: @#!!, I'm at a loss04:18
myk_robinsonseamarshall: trying creating the file as a blank file    sudo touch /etc/dbconfig-common/drupal6.conf04:19
lcfr666s8nSorry if I bothered you guys.... I can come back some other time when its not so busy.....04:19
seamarshallmyk_robinson: ok, thank you for your help anyhow :)04:19
rsyring1I am on karmic and have ruby 1.9.1 installed including the -dev package but mongrel fails to build when using gem1.9.1.  It builds fine with the gem1.8. Suggestions?04:19
Automatrixis there a way to intercept their pw at coldboot of the modem ?04:19
Kismetanyone any idea why my hard drives won't show up in nautlus04:19
Out_ColdAutomatrix, any router/modem should have a reset.. but wrong place to ask04:19
Kismeti can mount it manualy with mount command04:19
Kismetbut it is not in nautilus04:20
harisundI have connected to a remote Ubuntu machine with ssh -X, and run Firefox, but it runs my local firefox .. HOW?04:20
AutomatrixOut_Cold, firmaware has been changed and pw is hardcoded inside04:20
AutomatrixOut_Cold, wher should I ask my questionn ?04:20
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:20
Out_ColdAutomatrix, what brand is the router/isp?04:21
WaterRatjmdg: Still here?04:21
AutomatrixOut_Cold, a thomspn speedtouch 716 WL04:21
seamarshallmyk_robinson: that didnt work either and when i tried to create a file using gedit, it returned saying it didnt know the command gedit04:21
AutomatrixOut_Cold, ISP - Base in Belgium; EUrope04:21
myk_robinsonseamarshall: sounds like your install is hosed.. I assume you cannot install gedit either?04:21
omenmastercan some help me with create a text file for a folder containing 249 items?04:22
st4rscr34mDoes anyone know how to get rid of the icons in front of Applications and Places04:22
omenmasterwith the names of the files04:22
ZykoticK9omenmaster, ls > filename04:22
Sir_FawnpugAgh, ZykoticK9 beat me to it04:22
seamarshallmyk_robinson: I was able to reinstall that, however it did show a lot of errors in the process04:23
Sir_Fawnpugomenmaster, the '>' part of that command basically takes what would be printed on the screen and dumps it into a file04:23
myk_robinsonseamarshall: so, did you just go an delete a bunch of stuff manually,  i guess? just asking, trying to figure out what happened04:23
Out_ColdAutomatrix, i'd start here: http://www.plus.net/support/broadband/hardware/speedtouch716.shtml04:23
Out_ColdAutomatrix, step 604:23
Automatrixthanks  Out_Cold04:23
ZykoticK9omenmaster, Sir_Fawnpug the '>' is called a redirect i believe04:24
omenmasterso cd into the folder and do that/04:24
Sir_FawnpugZykoticK9, yep04:24
seamarshallmyk_robinson: Yes i did. Im guessing that breaks files system files?04:24
tetsuo_I can't get my usb flash detected, it was working two days ago. Can anybody help me?04:24
Sir_Fawnpugomenmaster, that's probably the simplest way of doing it04:24
omenmasterok im in the folder right now04:25
omenmastervia terminal04:25
Sir_Fawnpugtetsuo_, so your original method of dealing with it was to use the file browser to copy the files over?04:25
k0d3g3artetsuo:  Are you absolutely sure that your problems are OS related?  I've had lots of USB problems due to lack of power being given to the USB port04:25
myk_robinsonseamarshall: depending on where you deleted from, yes. Anything outside of normally unhidden folders in your home directory should generally not be touched unless you know EXACTLY what your're doing. That's while all that stuff stays hidden and requires root access, its all asafety net04:25
myk_robinsontetsuo_: when its plugged in, does it show in the console when you type     lsusb04:25
AutomatrixOut_Cold, I did that but PW seems to be hardcoded in the firmware, so no access04:26
tetsuo_k0d3g3ar: I'm sure. Something stopped working and it's not my mp3 =(04:26
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks04:26
seamarshallmyk_robinson: til someone like me gets carried away :/. I broke 7 previous ubuntu installs messing around like this.04:26
tetsuo_myk_robinson yes, it's on the list04:26
omenmasteru guys freakin rock..04:26
omenmasterthank u04:26
knoppiesmyk_robinson, you still looking for search commands (sorry i left it booting and forgot about the laptop.)04:26
myk_robinsonknoppies: actually, i forgot I was here to ask for help, got carried away trying to help others :)04:27
Blue1!ssh tunnel04:27
Out_ColdAutomatrix, i live in canada but i have never seen a router that can not be reset to default..04:27
k0d3g3artetsuo_:  Reason I ask is that I have a laptop here that did something very similar.  Found out that it was a flaky power supply to the ports.  Changed the device to a differnent port and magically it appeared04:27
bombelAfter uninstalling a program that has been installed with 'wine', the shortcuts remain in Applications->Other. How do I remove these shortcuts definetly? Where are these files remaining?04:27
seamarshallmyk_robinson: your blank file trick worked! thanks! but I am receiving a mysql error from drupal. Should I purge then reinstall?04:27
myk_robinsonknoppies: i think I found my answer though, I need to create an xorg.conf file and config manually for my touchpad04:27
AutomatrixOut_Cold, I've got one ;) so does several thousand people here04:27
myk_robinsonseamarshall: its worth a shot. I run drupal, but on a hosted server. Until today i didnt even know it was in the repo04:28
tetsuo_k0d3g3ar I wish it were that =( but I tried on different ports and nothing04:28
myk_robinsonseamarshall: it cant get any "broker"04:28
knoppiesmyk_robinson, ok. the 3 commands I had are: whereis locate find.04:28
knoppiesmyk_robinson, not sure what they do though.04:28
tetsuo_it's wierd because it's on the lsusb that myk_robinson said04:28
myk_robinsonknoppies: thanks, I'll check man pages on them04:28
Out_ColdAutomatrix, well if many people there have them, try looking for a forum or something similar for the ISP.04:29
animeloe[net]hey I'm' having serious issues with xubuntu atm04:30
carbm1_Anybody know how to cut output from CAT starting with one trigger and ending with another?  For example... I'm wanting the grub commands for booting Ubuntu. So I'm typing "grub-mkconfig" but I only want output starting after "### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###" and then start with "menuentry" and end on line "}". Just curious if its possible?04:30
Automatrixthe same problem fore everyone, nobody s' got the administrator password04:30
Out_ColdAutomatrix, it's near certain someone else has had/fixed that before.04:30
animeloe[net]I did an upgrade and now dbus has taken a big shit04:30
knoppiesI don't often have this PC plugged into sound, and I want Pidgin and/or Empathy to 'system beep' whenever I get a message.04:30
Sir_FawnpugAutomatrix, animeloe[net], how big of an upgrade?04:30
animeloe[net]it's doing a lot of erroring04:30
Out_ColdAutomatrix, i would refuse service if i could not control my own equipment04:30
animeloe[net]couldn't connect to dbus session bus: /bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error: No protocol specified#012Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.04:30
animeloe[net]that's one of the errors I get04:30
seamarshallmyk_robinson: thats true. lets hope I dont break all of ubuntu now haha. another quick question was running this command bad "sudo aptitude remove rarian-compat"?04:30
AutomatrixOut_Cold, too late now, the did it04:30
ZykoticK9bombel, use System / Preferences / Main Menu - and uncheck them from Other (my guess is you find the eventually reappear and you'll have to uncheck them again, but then you'll have 2 or more entries - fun stuff)04:31
tetsuo_myk_robinson: it's on the lsusb that you mentioned, what should I do next?04:31
myk_robinsonseamarshall: not sure what that app is... lemme look04:31
philosophicallyanyone know of the best open source alternative to whm/cpanel? I'm looking at ravencore, dtc... but i really dont know what decision to make... need something that can run drupal which is PHP based... any suggestions?04:31
AutomatrixSir_Fawnpug, did not understand your question04:31
animeloe[net]I did the security updates for 9.1004:31
animeloe[net]all of them04:31
myk_robinsontetsuo_: you know how to use pastebin? If so, paste a little bit from the end of dmesg04:31
animeloe[net]and now dbus is all screwed up04:31
Sir_FawnpugAutomatrix, whoops, addressed that to the wrong person, sorry04:31
tetsuo_sure, one min04:31
Sir_Fawnpuganimeloe[net], from 9.10 or an older version of ubuntu?04:32
nickwaredoes anyone know how to enable TV-out with an ATI Radeon 9200 video card in 9.10?04:32
ZykoticK9animeloe[net], are you using kde by chance?04:32
animeloe[net]no xfce404:32
animeloe[net]9.10 to 9.10+sec patches04:32
myk_robinsonseamarshall: its installed on mine, and I just clean installed this machine yesterday04:32
tetsuo_myk_robinson: Here you go!: http://pastebin.com/d786bb9e4. Thanks!04:33
seamarshallmyk_robinson: ok thank you for checking04:33
animeloe[net][   87.470684] update-notifier[1939]: segfault at f4 ip 00007f715aa0e751 sp 00007fff913cdf20 error 4 in libdbus-1.so.3.4.0[7f715aa01000+3d000]04:33
bombelAfter uninstalling a program that has been installed with 'wine', the shortcuts remain in Applications->Other. How do I remove these shortcuts definetly? Where are these files remaining?04:33
animeloe[net]a small cut of what's blowing up04:33
myk_robinsontetsuo_: does it duplicate the same bevahiour after a reboot? DO you have a flash drive or something else you can test?04:34
animeloe[net]and yes it's repeatable after a reboot04:34
tetsuo_myk_robinson it's working on windows, so I think it's a OS issue04:35
myk_robinsontetsuo_: you may be correct, but can you duplicate the same problem with a flash drive? I as kthis because if a Windows machine has set the player to MTP mode, it will not mount correct in Linux without some changes..04:35
myk_robinsontetsuo_: this is common with Sansa players04:36
NateWis there a way to flip a screen horizontally? (wanting to put the monitor in front of a one way mirror)04:36
animeloe[net]is there a way to revert all updates?04:36
seamarshallmyk_robinson: seems like i have a new error now. "dpkg: error processing drupal6 (--remove): subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1004:36
tetsuo_myk_robinson argh, i don't have another flash drive to try that. It's a samsung player though04:36
aybabtuGuys, I hit prnt scrn button and nothing happens. I can use compiz screenshot but I dont like dragging. Anyone help me out?04:36
myk_robinsontetsuo_: is there a config menu on the player screen? whats the model number?04:36
ZykoticK9NateW, yes - but if you happen to be using nvidia drivers there is some sort of bug where it fails < i just saw the bug somewhere today04:37
austinnew guy here, I'm trying to install my first plugin for rhythmbox by creating mkdir ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins/ but I get the error file or directory does not exist04:37
animeloe[net]austin: mkdir -p04:37
myk_robinsonseamarshall: hate to say it but your best bet may be a clean install and then be carefull with the random deletes;-)04:37
NateWZykoticK9: how is it done? (the comp uses intel)04:37
lcfr666s8nIf I Upgrade Hardy on a dual boot system, (one OS on One of 2 drives) to 9.10, #1 will I keep my SE themes, #2 can I get wine to work properly with all the games, etc that I already have on the PC... Wine wont run any graphical games etc)04:37
tetsuo_myk_robinson : no config screen while connected to my computer. The model is YP-S304:37
myk_robinsonseamarshall: way too many abnormal errors to be able to trace back to the root cause04:37
austink, i'll try that04:38
myk_robinsontetsuo_: be right back, lemme look it up04:38
ZykoticK9NateW, it's somewhere in Xorg.conf - you'll have to generate one and find the correct settings < i have no idea04:38
seamarshallmyk_robinson: ok thanks for your help :)04:38
arandcarbm1_: I think you'd have to use something else than cat for that..04:38
rafase282i need help with testdisk and geometry for my hdd04:38
rafase282it is a 500gb but it shows as a 2 tb one04:38
aybabtuGuys, I hit prnt scrn button and nothing happens. I can use compiz screenshot but I dont like dragging. Anyone help me out?04:38
Zucavwhat would be a good server for backtrack4 questions?04:38
giikerrunning Wireshark on my nic, I found an entry about a DNS query by my box, the hostname it is looking for is mail. any ideas what app might be doing this?04:38
animeloe[net]any ideas on how to revert updates?04:38
myk_robinsontetsuo_: unplug it, check the menu, and see if you can find the USB mode option, verify that it is set to MSC and not MTP04:39
ZykoticK9aybabtu, i like the default gnome screenshot with the timer of a few seconds feature04:39
arandcarbm1_: awk springs to mind (don't know much about it, other than it's likely a good tool for the job)04:39
lcfr666s8nIf I Upgrade Hardy on a dual boot system, (one OS on One of 2 drives) to 9.10, #1 will I keep my SE themes, #2 can I get wine to work properly with all the games, etc that I already have on the PC... Wine wont run any graphical games etc)...sorry If Im bugging04:40
flynchjust moved my laptops drive to a usb enclosure (to upgrade). but 9.10 will only boot when the new (unformatted) drive is disconnected. Any ideas what might be causing the problem... it seems to get 1/2 way through booting.04:40
arlocan i install another nvidia 7900gs driver for ubuntu 9.10 switched to linux everything slow compiz, firefox hulu, flash... help..... i already searched online im stuck04:40
NateWZykoticK9: is there a site you could suggest? whenever you say mirrored, everyone thinks a clone, but i need it mirrored horizontally04:40
aybabtuZykoticK9 I know but my button doesnt do anything at all04:40
k0d3g3arI've just made some changes to my IPTABLES in Ubuntu.  How can I save those changes permanently?04:40
aybabtunothing physically wrong with it. I think a map got messed up and I dont know where to fix it04:41
carbm1_arand, I was just finding awk in a google search. Hopefully I can find a howto....04:41
ZykoticK9NateW, with an Xorg you can display it any way you want - trust me04:41
myk_robinsontetsuo_: i have a users manual now04:41
tetsuo_myk_robinson no usb menu option =(04:41
giikerrunning Wireshark on my nic, I found an entry about a DNS query by my box, the hostname it is looking for is mail. any ideas what app might be doing this?04:41
ZykoticK9aybabtu, you can run the command "gnome-screenshot"04:41
myk_robinsontetsuo_: that is the only thing that makes sense right now, still looking for a way to change the setting04:41
aybabtuZykoticK9 im not using gnome im using xfce04:41
NateWZykoticK9: would setting a display of say -1280x1024 work? (x being negative)04:42
ZykoticK9aybabtu, ahhhh that would make a difference!  one sec though04:42
aybabtuZykoticK9 that worked04:42
hlxDoes anyone know of a good wifi-viewing program for ubuntu? I have this on my EEE machine, IT tech, wanting to take it on site surveys04:42
aybabtunow how do I map that command back to my prntscrn key ZykoticK9?04:42
rafase282can someone help me?04:42
myk_robinsontetsuo_: what's under System-->Settings?04:42
gmendozahlx: kismet is great04:42
papshhlx, wicd, networkmanager04:42
lcfr666s8nIf I Upgrade Hardy on a dual boot system, (one OS on One of 2 drives) to 9.10, #1 will I keep my SE themes, #2 can I get wine to work properly with all the games, etc that I already have on the PC... Wine wont run any graphical games etc) Or should i try a different room?04:43
hlxgmendoza, papsh: Thanks04:43
ZykoticK9aybabtu, ?04:43
tetsuo_myk_robinson, Sleep time, start mode (last state, etc), and some other options but nothing related to USB04:43
aybabtuim here04:43
aybabtunow how do I map that command back to my prntscrn key ZykoticK9?04:43
ZykoticK9aybabtu, ?04:43
myk_robinsontetsuo_: try the reset hole on the back, page 31 on the manual recommends this if it is not recognized by a computer. Will not remove any of your files, worth a shot04:43
tetsuo_myk_robinson, I did it!. It works04:44
aybabtuZykoticK9 pm04:44
myk_robinsontetsuo_: the reset made it show up?04:44
austinanimeloe[net]: thanks, that seemed to work, no errors that time.04:44
arandlcfr666s8n: wine is and will likely remain spotty, the appdb is the best place for specifics regarding specific apps..04:44
ZykoticK9aybabtu, sorry man lets keep it in channel please04:44
steve777quick question, how to restore X after crash?04:45
aybabtuZykoticK9 np man. what should I do?04:45
lcfr666s8narand, appdb???04:45
tetsuo_myk_robinson Heres how I did it: I installed the mtpfs package. Then I created a mount point in my home directory and used the command: sudo mtpfs /home/xxxxx/S3 -o allow_other04:45
rafase282can someone help me out? what is the geometry for a 500gb hdd?04:45
giikerhlx, have you tried http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=airmon-ng04:45
mjs7231Hey!~ How dangerous is it to install a Lucid .deb on Karmic?  I am trying to install a MacBook Pro util package called pommed.  But version 1.31 (which I need) is only in the Lucid repos04:46
ZykoticK9aybabtu, i have no idea how you can map that key (in gnome or in xfce?) i don't play with keyboard mapping too much04:46
plasmafluxdoes anyone know of an open-source program for linux that will automatically submit ads to craigslist, backpage, kiiji, etc.?04:46
arand!appdb | lcfr666s8n04:46
ubottulcfr666s8n: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:46
myk_robinsontetsuo_: looks like the player mysteriously got set to MTP. That can happen if you use their software or Windows Media to transfer files. MSC mode makes the drive jsut show like a removable hard drive04:46
myk_robinsontetsuo_: where did you find the info to do that?04:46
lcfr666s8narand, what about my upgrade concerns...04:47
tetsuo_myk_robinson, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/cant-see-samsung-yp-s3-files-in-nautilus-725820/04:47
giikerrunning Wireshark on my nic, I found an entry about a DNS query by my box, the hostname it is looking for is mail. any ideas what app might be doing this?04:47
arandlcfr666s8n: The SE things I have no idea about, sorry04:47
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Out_Coldif i set up a really good firewall would it be safe to try to rootkit myself?04:48
mjs7231Hey!~ How dangerous is it to install a Lucid .deb on Karmic?  I am trying to install a MacBook Pro util package called pommed.  But version 1.31 (which I need) is only in the Lucid repos04:48
lcfr666s8narand, not a problem, what about from dual boot to single boot ubuntu04:48
myk_robinsontetsuo_: what version of Ubuntu are you using? People in that same thread at ubuntuforums say it works outof the box with Karmic04:49
Out_Coldmjs7231, i would say it depends on the dependencies that 1.31 needs04:49
tetsuo_myk_robinson, ubuntu 9.10, what do you mean of out the box with karmic?04:49
lcfr666s8ndo I just switch all my important stuff to the drive currently with ubuntu then do what...Sorry Linux/ubuntu is new to me and the FAQ/docs didnt help04:50
spritleany happen to know where i can find a guide to rebuild my grub?  ubuntu wont boot without super grub disk for some reason.04:50
myk_robinsontetsuo_: 9.10 is "Karmic Koala"   Here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=877862&highlight=samsung+s3&page=3 users report that this mp3player just worked with no additional steps in 9.10   but i guess not.. It used to work, though, right?04:50
giikerOut_Cold: well it depends on what you rootkit install right? like, one that deletes all your MBR or your home partition,etc?!04:51
myk_robinsonspritle: try this   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:51
Out_Coldlcfr666s8n, if you want to erase windows, you should back up all data on removable disk and do a fresh partition layout. or partition a new part at the end of your drives and make that your backup or /home04:51
ajayhey actually i forgot my keyring password can any 1 tell me how should i deactivate it04:51
giikerspritle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435104:51
giikerajay: do you have your passphrase?04:52
tetsuo_myk_robinson, yes!, it worked without doing anything two days ago, I don't know what happened. Really wierd because I didn't use it on any windows box. The problem started at the same time I got the message "Nautilus cannot handle computer locations"04:52
spritlesweet, thanks04:52
Out_Coldgiiker, yea i suppose. i don't want to remove things. just see how things evolve and what signs i get04:52
patriotI need help with port forwarding please04:52
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Zucavstupid question.. does anyone know how to stop lanmap?04:52
giikerOut_Cold: why not create  a VM?04:53
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patriotdoes anyone know about port forwarding04:53
giikerpatriot: just ask04:53
Out_Coldgiiker, i suppose that would be alright.04:53
patriotI have an ubuntu server that act as "a middle man", it listening on udp 50000 and forward that to amazon server04:54
patriotI use nc to do port forwarding, it works but not stable04:54
giikerOut_Cold: I know what you want to do, but if you don't really know what the rootkit does, you might ending up giving up something else! rootkits cam make you believe your firewall is up and running04:54
ajaygiiker, no i dont remember my keyring passphare but i know all passphases stored in it04:54
Zucavi recommend VMware. im using it now and like it alot.. very usefull i have 5 OS's on one computer...04:54
patriotcan iptables do the same thing04:55
Zucavdoes anyone here use Lanmap?04:55
candyi have only five gb assigned to my ubuntu partition, how to increase it??04:55
Screamo_SmurfAnyone know of a web broswer for ubuntu that allows you to specify a DNS server to use?04:55
mjs7231Out_Cold, It looks like it needs new only a few things.. (sound in general)04:55
giikerpatriot: nc?04:55
mjs7231Out_Cold, I'll probably risk it.. http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/pommed04:55
myk_robinsonbedtime for me.. Goodnight, all04:56
Out_Coldgiiker, agreed. i have a router firewall as well as the box firewall... but i can always unplug the box.. or use vm..04:56
giikerajay: how did you generate your keys?04:56
billybigrigger_anyone here familiar with ifuse?04:56
patriotthis is the command for nc : nc -u -l -p 50000 -c "nc -u amazonserver 50000"04:56
giikerOut_Cold: better safe than sorry04:56
patriotthe ubuntu server will listen to local port 50000 udp packet then forward it to the amazon server04:57
rafase282can someone help me out?04:57
spritleheh, tried to open grub and got a "grub is not currently installed" message.... this could be the problem04:57
giikerpatriot: what about installing a NAT? nc is not safe if I remember04:58
ajayi jus remember them but my problem is when i do any task like connect to internet or admin task it asks me first my keyring passphase then inhav to deny keyring every time04:58
ajaygiiker: i just remember them but my problem is when i do any task like connect to internet or admin task it asks me first my keyring passphase then inhav to deny keyring every time04:59
patrioti've been trying to use NAT with no luck04:59
giikerajay: your keyring mgr is asking for you password, not the passphrase04:59
giikerajay: so are you sure you are inputing the right one?05:00
ajaygiiker: i forgot my password05:00
giikerpatriot: I would not really use nc in your case, I would first try to read everything about NAT and run from there!05:00
Screamo_SmurfAnyone know of a web broswer for ubuntu that allows you to specify a DNS server to use?05:01
patriotgiiker, I can see using tcpdump that the NAT is working05:01
giikerajay: how did you generate your keys, with GPG, ssh-keygen?05:01
patrioton the ubuntu server05:01
patriotbut nothing is coming to the amazon server05:02
ajaygiiker: what is this GPG and ssh-keygen dont go that techy buddy i cant understand05:02
giikerpatriot: are you using that server as a proxy05:03
patriotfresh installation of ubuntu05:03
patriotand nothing else is running05:03
giikerajay: I'm  not going techie, somehow you must have gone through this step, I have to ask this so I can give you the right commands.05:04
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ajaytell me a gui way rather than commands if possible05:04
giikerpatriot: ok, so do you use something like ssh to the amazon server?05:05
knoppiesajay, its easier to follow commands than a gui walkthrough.05:05
ajayhey i jus know my root password05:05
theadminHow can one set the system time via a terminal?05:05
ajaythats it05:05
knoppiesajay, you understand how sudo works?05:05
patriotI can ssh to the amazon server05:06
patriotbut this particular application it's not05:06
patriotthe amazon server is also running on port 5000005:06
giikerajay: you forgot your sudo pswd? weird, how did ou login?05:06
knoppiesajay, then you should be fine.05:06
giikerpatriot: there is a solution to this05:06
patriotyour question would be why not go direct to amazon server?05:06
etzerdhello all\05:06
ajayknow i know my sudo password05:06
theadminajay: It's the password you use to login to the system05:07
patriotthe reason is we don't want to change all our clients application setting05:07
giikerpatriot: you might want to run  an gent to forward anything to the amazonserver, hold on I' ll look for the tutorial05:07
st4rscr34mhow can I remove the icons from my panels?05:07
ajayyes i know that05:07
patriotthanks giiker05:07
theadminst4rscr34m: What icons do you mean?05:07
etzerdI just purchase a Dell Inspiron i5 430M 1764, now after I install Mandriva and my graphic is set on 1600X900 which is the correct setting but the system after reboot dropped to 1024X768, can someone help with that?05:07
ajayi hav it with me05:07
Screamo_Smurfst4rscr34m right click on them05:07
theadminbenNZ: What do you reffer to by "none"?!05:07
giikerpatriot: this is it, it is long though, first part is about keys generations, but read it anyway to get a broad/better sense: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-keyc.html05:08
benNZur face05:08
theadmin!ot | benNZ05:08
ubottubenNZ: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:08
st4rscr34mI mean the icon in front of Applications and Places05:08
knoppiesetzerd, I have the same problem05:08
benNZi don't need no #ubuntu-offtopic!05:08
patriotsure thanks05:08
st4rscr34mIt used to be when you rightclicked and hit properties05:08
st4rscr34mbut now it seems as having no icon is not an option05:09
knoppiesetzerd, if I remember correctly, you have to save the correct resolution to a config file somewhere, let me see if I can find it.05:09
Roastedany of you guys real good with gimp? I'm a total newb and trying to figure something out that's probably easy and I just dont have a clue.05:09
DurpScreamo_Smurf, run "gksu network-admin", you can change the dns server in there05:09
etzerdknoppies: you too?05:09
wangdxድ ዳድf05:09
theadminRoasted: Well, what exactly are you tryin' to do?05:09
theadminwangdx: English please!05:09
st4rscr34manyone :/05:09
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theadmin(what kinda language is THAT? do we have a channel for this?)05:10
etzerdI even think about returning the laptop. but trust me I love the laptop so much I don't want to return it.05:10
patriotgiiker, it's about key generation05:10
knoppiesetzerd, are you using "nvidia Xserver settings"?05:10
patriotnothing to do with port forwarding05:10
Roastedtheadmin, I'm trying to make a collage, more or less, with a hundred "thumbnails" of pictures onto a single 8x10 printable sheet. But whenever I paste them on my "canvas", I have one chance to move them. When I add another photo, I can't re-arrange the previous photo. Can I get around this?05:10
Roastedtheadmin, I want to be able to just click and drag them in any order any way I want.05:10
wangdxEnglish too hard05:10
etzerdI'm not too sure05:10
giikerpatriot: that is what I said, at the begining, it consists of 3  or 4 parts05:10
etzerdwhat I use05:10
theadminwangdx: This is a english channel05:10
etzerdall I know I set it to VESA05:10
ardchoilleRoasted: place each photo in its own layer, then you can move them around in their own layers05:11
giikerpatriot: there is a forwarding agent instead05:11
Roastedardchoille, thats what I was thinking, but I wasnt sure if itd work. I figured Id ask before I get my fingers into having 100 layers to bounce around with.05:11
ardchoilleRoasted: It's what I do all the time05:11
etzerdknoppies: I believe the video card is an integrated Intel HD 4500 or 540005:12
giikerrunning Wireshark on my nic, I found an entry about a DNS query by my box, the hostname it is looking for is mail. any ideas what app might be doing this?05:12
RoastedIm in the doghouse now so Im tr ying to pull off a half decent valentines day gift :/05:12
ardchoilleRoasted: When you know you have a few placed correctly, you can go to the top layer and "merge down" a few layers to cut down on the number of layers you have to scroll through05:12
knoppiesetzerd, you can type "man xorg.conf" to get a better understanding of the xorg.conf configuration file. I don't own a Radeon so Im not sure how you set the resolution.05:13
ZykoticK9etzerd, "lspci | grep -i vga" in a terminal will tell you for sure what card you have05:13
ardchoilleRoasted: and ctrl+z is your friend :)05:13
Roastedardchoille, ha, I know that one :P05:13
theadminGIMP is one heck of a editor :/ really can't figure anything05:13
giikerpatriot: it is agent connection forwarding05:13
Out_ColdRoasted, 6-pack and a cucumber..05:13
RoastedOut_Cold, I hear that one too...05:13
RoastedOut_Cold, friggen women.05:14
Roastedstupid drama over stupid stuff. sigh05:14
Out_Coldis gimp in 9.10 the new interface? or still multiple windows?05:14
Roastedmultiple windows05:14
Roasted<-- using 9.10 now05:14
wangdxI am installing language pakage05:14
giikerrunning Wireshark on my nic, I found an entry about a DNS query by my box, the hostname it is looking for "A mail". any ideas what app might be doing this?05:15
theadminwangdx: Oh. And what is the problem?05:15
wangdxtomorow is "SPRING DAY"05:15
Out_Coldtheadmin, layering is your friend... any mistakes you make are done on only a small section that can be changed05:15
patriotgiiker, forwarding agent is for ssh and it's secure05:15
giikerpatriot: yeap05:16
etzerdZykotick9: when I type lspci I have: Intel Corporation Arrandale Integrated Graphic05:16
wangdxtheadmin: I want to use05:16
Roastedeach time I paste an image, it pastes as a floating selection. how can I apply it to layer 1, or layer 2, etc?05:16
patriotI just want a simple packet forward05:16
Roastedah, think I got it05:16
patriotdoesn't have to be secure05:16
giikerok sorry05:16
wangdxtheadmin: I want to use Chese Input05:16
ajayhey actually i forgot my keyring unlock password can any 1 tell me how should i deactivate it05:16
ardchoilleRoasted: make sure you click on the desired layer before pasting05:16
ardchoilleRoasted: Then when you anchor it, it will stay in that layer05:17
Roastedgawd what a mess. I suck at this.05:17
knoppiesetzerd,  you still there?05:17
theadminwangdx: Sorry, I don't really understand your english. But to use Chinese input, you'll have to enable "IBus" in System -> Preferences05:17
patriotthe data is just a reading of electricity current05:17
knoppies!resolution " etzerd05:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:17
ajaytheadmin: hey actually i forgot my keyring unlock password can any 1 tell me how should i deactivate it05:17
patriotit's sending every 5 secs05:17
knoppies!resolution | etzerd05:17
ubottuetzerd: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:17
wangdxYeah ! thank theadmin! I want to use chinese input05:18
ajayKnoppies: hey actually i forgot my keyring unlock password can u tell me how should i deactivate it05:18
wangdxtheadmin: you so clever05:18
Out_Coldi guess there are no root kits in the repos lol05:18
Roastedwhen I create a new layer, it wants me to create a pixel size. What if I just want it to be whatever, just handle the image, everything else transparent?05:19
knoppiesajay, Im not sure. if I remember correctly your keyring password is the same as the original login password. I may be mistaken though.05:19
giikerpatriot: my paranoia won't let me think aoutside box, I think iptables would be able to do this05:19
overtherainbowRoasted, the default values in new layer should be the same as your image.05:19
ardchoilleRoasted: not anew image, a new layer. there's a button at the bottomof the layers ui05:19
Out_ColdRoasted, isn't there a way to copy the last layer's dimensions?05:19
shavinderHello friends, I am a teacher and I am looking to host my audio files(my class lectures) on a free service. Could you please suggest such a service, a reliable one?05:19
ajayKnoppies: no its not hte same05:19
patriotgiiker that's what I thought05:19
ardchoillethe layers all stay the same size within the same image05:20
Roastedardchoille, yes, a new image. Im taking a bunch of images onto 1 massive image as a collage. so when I bring in a new image as a layer, I want them to be handled a certain way05:20
giikerpatriot: but in iptables, iḿ lost05:20
patrioti follow this http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/7305:20
giikerpatriot: but in iptables, i'm lost05:20
patriotbut no luck05:20
wangdxtheadmin: Can I add you to my friendslist ?05:20
Nick_3Hola buenas noches a todos!!!05:20
theadminwangdx: Where?05:21
Nick_3Hay alguien que me entienda?05:21
wangdxtheadmin: Here! FriendsList05:21
theadmin!it | Nick_305:21
ubottuNick_3: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)05:21
theadminwangdx: Yeah you can.05:21
koolhead11hi all05:22
wangdxTKS to Theadmin05:22
ajayKnoppies: any way change it??05:22
Nick_3Ok muchas gracias por la comprensión y buen recibimiento!05:22
daroluDoes anyone knows what is the equivalent to "inittab" in Ubuntu?05:23
theadmindarolu: Uh, crontab?05:23
darolutheadmin: is it located at /etc too?05:23
koolhead11darolu: its initab in ubuntu as well05:23
koolhead11theadmin: crontab is different AFAIK05:24
darolukoolhead11: I can't find it in /etc, is it elsewhere?05:24
giikerpatriot: http://netfilter.org/documentation/HOWTO/packet-filtering-HOWTO-7.html05:24
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studenthelp in installing ubuntu from the live cd image kept on harddrive05:24
duckwarshow can I cleanly uninstall ssh, and get rid of all it's config files and everything?05:24
theadmindarolu: "The Upstart init(8) daemon does not use this file,  and  instead  reads its  configuration  from  files  in  /etc/init.   See  init(5) for more details."05:25
studentduckwars: sudo apt-get purge openssh05:25
duckwarsthank you very much05:25
wangdxAny one In china ?05:25
patriotthanks giiker05:25
patriotI will read it05:25
darolutheadmin: thanks I'll check it out05:25
koolhead11darolu: /etc.init.d has all you information05:25
darolukoolehad11: thanks, I'll check that out too05:26
koolhead11darolu: www.linuxhomenetworking.com  might help you05:26
giikerpatriot: the link you gave me is for forwarding to the LAN, not the internet!05:26
patohey fellows, I just install and configured??? (I think ubuntu server), what I need to knoe if any of you guys can give it a look and advise me whether this thing is properly done.....thanks05:27
patriothow about forwarding to the internet05:27
Eric_209wangdx: If you can type in Chinese , #ubuntu-cn may help~05:27
st4rscr34m<Mysoft> dest = src05:28
st4rscr34m<Mysoft> ;p05:28
st4rscr34m* mre has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)05:28
st4rscr34m<Mysoft> so i prefex to stick that way05:28
st4rscr34m<st4rscr34m> this is a bit different though05:28
st4rscr34m<Mysoft> how?05:28
FloodBot1st4rscr34m: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:28
Chad_001Anyone know how I can remove a GUI from my server?05:28
st4rscr34mthese are the icons I'm trying to remove05:29
blakkheimChad_001: why was there a gui on a server in the first place?05:29
studentubuntu linux installation from hard disk help05:29
Chad_001blakkheim: I installed it, I want the machine to always boot into command line, and then I can run the GUI with 'sudo startx'05:29
Chad_001blakkheim, the problem is that now, the GUI is always loading when the machine boots.05:29
blakkheimChad_001: sudo aptitude purge gdm05:30
patriotgiiker, I might try this http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Proxy/Simple-UDP-proxy-pipe-11521.shtml05:30
duckx0rI just installed a LAMP server on this computer. what could cause php or apache not to regonize _POST variables? var_dump($_POST) always prints out array(0) { }05:30
Chad_001blakkheim let me give that a shot, thanks.05:30
loopsevery once in a while i'll hit the gnome help key by accident, and the system darn near locks up for a minute while that monster opens.  Is this a known issue?05:31
carlllneed help installing java05:31
geminianybody know of a program that makes the system think it has another CD drive that is virtual?  (so i can mount an ISO thats on the desktop instead of burning it)05:32
carllli need help installing java05:32
st4rscr34mdaemon tools lite05:32
leaf-sheeploops: Dunno. It could be. You can disable F1 if you don't actively use it, I suppose.05:32
blakkheimgemini: man mount05:32
ZykoticK9!iso | gemini05:32
ubottugemini: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:32
ardchoillegemini: you can mount an iso to any mount point05:32
ardchoilleiirc, it's mount -o loop05:33
Chad_001blakkheim: apt-get purge gdm worked PERFECTLY!  That's what I was after, thank you very much!05:34
Eric_209student: You can use UNetbootin05:34
geminiok...... i have 0... absolutly 0 terminal knowledge and cannot understand the language used in terminal (infact i know 0 programing languages)  >.> sooo program?05:34
blakkheimChad_001: i said aptitude, not apt-get, but i'm glad to help05:34
WaterRatjis their a app that can edit windows registry when in ubuntu?05:34
geminiis theres a Daemon tools version for linux?05:34
giikerpatriot: that might work05:34
patriotit's windows app :(05:35
knoppiesgemini, hmm, not sure. that would be kinda awesome. But you can "man mount" and look for loop mounting. or even google loop mounting05:35
Chad_001blakkheim: sorry, it was aptitude I used (type-o) ... thx again.05:35
patriotsorry the other one for windows05:35
patriotthat one it's broken link05:35
loopsleaf-sheep, yeah, was just hoping to help by solving the problem if possible, can avoid it here if need be05:35
carllli need help installing java05:36
teHow can I get a basic midi software synth working on ubuntu so I can select it as an output with some code im messing with?05:36
giikerpatriot: it says it works on linux too, did you already searched on sourceforge.net?05:36
patriotok try sourceforge05:36
ZykoticK9gemini, for a "basic" iso mounter GUI check out Gmount-iso -- there are many more in Software Center05:37
carllli need help installing java05:37
metricpianoI'm trying to install with Wine and the .exe is on a CD and not executable, and I can't set it to executable because it's on a CD... thought there was a ubuntu flag to turn the executable flag off, but I can't find it... how can I avoid the "not executable"?05:37
leaf-sheeploops: "sudo mv /usr/bin/yelp /usr/bin/yelp-bak" --> That is a workaround and when you pressed F1, nothing will happen. I use it because I hate pressing F1 by accidents. :(05:38
leaf-sheeploops: You will want to create a script to replace /usr/bin/yelp though.05:38
teCan anyone help me get some basic software midi working?  I'm interested in sending events to a software synth via some code I'm writing -- but I cannot seem to get jack/etc working to the point where it will show any outputs...05:38
giikerpatriot: take a look here: http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/96509133/m/95400597193105:38
loopsleaf-sheep,  it's easier to just go into system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts and disable it05:38
giikerpatriot: I know is for a VPN, but you might consider?05:39
leaf-sheeploops: I don't see it in Keyboard Shortcuts? "Launch help browser -- Disabled" does not do it for me.05:39
loopsleaf-sheep, hmmm05:40
daroluOK I can't start X on my laptop; first I thought it wasn't reaching init5, but now I see a module is missing, this is what I get when trying to startX: failed to load module "i810" (moudel does not exist, 0), does anyone knows how to add the module back?05:40
FlintWestWoodim having a rather unusual problem, when i click on the system menu on the top panel, there are no icons next to the options. Ive googled it and searched the forums, but this doesn't seem to be anywhere.. Any help would be appreciated05:41
teCan anyone help me get some basic software midi working?  I'm interested in sending events to a software synth via some code I'm writing -- but I cannot seem to get jack/etc working to the point where it will show any outputs...05:41
knoppiesFlintWestWood, I think there is a menu option for that, let me go see if I can find it.05:41
giikerpatriot: this might help more too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Routing_table05:42
giikerrunning Wireshark on my nic, I found an entry about a DNS query by my box, the hostname it is looking for "A mail". any ideas what app might be doing this?05:42
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jessewhat a good dock for linux05:43
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leaf-sheeploops: http://tinyurl.com/ycba9a405:43
carlllardochoille pls help me05:43
Gary20what's the ^key in Evolution to format text to look like quotes? is there one?05:43
HoudiniMannvidia is trying to update xorg.conf, but failing because of permissions... how do i get it to work?05:44
loopsleaf-sheep, thanks for that.   just found another bug that suggests my problem is having xulrunner 1.9 installed..05:44
nick125HoudiniMan: What is?05:44
WaterRatjAnyone a way to edit registry of windows inside ubuntu?05:44
knoppiesHoudiniMan, try running it from the terminal using sudo.05:44
carllli need help05:44
knoppiesnick125, its a settings manager for display drivers.05:44
kthomas_vhwindows .reg files?05:44
titan_arkhello everyone =)05:45
nick125knoppies: Ah, the settings manager.05:45
kthomas_vhwell,  they are structured data...05:45
WaterRatjjustthe windows registry from a windows install05:45
knoppiesnick125, I assume, yes.05:45
nick125HoudiniMan: alt+f2, enter "gksudo nvidia-settings" (without quotes)05:45
kthomas_vhWaterRatj, first,  you need to look at how .reg files are structured05:45
kthomas_vhand what can read them05:45
kthomas_vhit's not exactly my thing05:46
WaterRatji messed up mywindows and need to fix it true ubuntu,05:46
WaterRatjill look further05:46
teCan anyone help me get some basic software midi working?  I'm interested in sending events to a software synth via some code I'm writing -- but I cannot seem to get jack/etc working to the point where it will show any outputs...05:46
kthomas_vhbut I remember .reg for DNS entries,  for instance05:46
kthomas_vhbeing straighforward05:46
daroluI can't start X on my laptop; first I thought it wasn't reaching init5, but now I see a module is missing, this is what I get when trying to startX: failed to load module "i810" (moudel does not exist, 0), does anyone knows how to add the module back?05:46
kthomas_vhas in text-editable05:46
metricpianois there an option to disable the check for executable in the GUI?05:46
HoudiniManwhat's better to do for dual monitors... separate X screens or "TwinView"?05:46
ZykoticK9HoudiniMan, are you getting a "Failed to parse" error?05:46
nick125HoudiniMan: Depends on what you want.05:47
theadminHoudiniMan: TwinView lets viewing two monitors as one05:47
loopsleaf-sheep, that's weird about keyboard-shortcuts.. works fine on my fedora box05:47
knoppiesHoudiniMan, i once tried seperate x screens, and messed up bigtime. if the monitors are the same size/resolution I think its easier doing TwinView05:47
HoudiniManI want to have menus on one monitor and drag windows between them05:47
nick125HoudiniMan: With separate X screens, you could (theoretically) run two Gnome/KDE/whatever sessions at once05:47
nick125HoudiniMan: Then use Twinview05:47
HoudiniMancrazy! cool too. I'll stick to Twimview though :)05:48
carllli need to get java pls help?05:48
metricpianoloops: mine is listed as disabled in keyboard-shortcuts and F1 still brings up help (ubuntu)05:48
leaf-sheepHoudiniMan: You want TwinView (to drag stuffs between Windows).05:48
* nick125 did have dual XFCE setup once with Synergy to handle the keyboard/mouse...05:48
knoppiesHoudiniMan, your top and bottom panels will span the two monitors I think, if you using a dock like cairo-dock then just set it offset to one side, so it sticks to one monitor.05:48
loopsmetricpiano, yeah, that's what we were just discussing :o)05:48
theadmincarlll: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-bin05:48
metricpianoi know, it was just an FYI because I was following along :)05:49
loopsmetricpiano, and it's been a bug in ubuntu since 2007 apparently :oP05:49
HoudiniManso far the panels aren't budging05:49
knoppiesnick125, never thought of using synergy for that. Ive always thought of it as separate machines.05:49
carllla lot of stuff pulled up should i be worried?05:49
titan_arkhey guys, needed a small help, how can i ensure that i get a notifier on my panel when i have some updates?05:50
fbianconiWaterRatj: whan I tried that a few years ago it could be done with aconnect or aconnectgui and qsynth05:50
nick125knoppies: Yeah, it had some odd bugs...but this was back when I was a FBSD user..it was interesting getting two Xorg sessions running.05:50
ubottuOpera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser05:51
WaterRatjThats wasn't or me fbi05:51
daroluI get this when trying to startX: failed to load module "i810" (moudel does not exist, 0), does anyone knows how to add the module back?05:51
knoppiesnick125, thanks for the idea, I might give it a shot one day.05:51
nick125darolu: sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-driver-i81005:52
HoudiniMananybody who runs two screens, how do you like to set up your panels?05:52
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darolunick125: thanks I'll try it05:52
Blue1umm the directions for opera (!opera) does not have the repo for karmic - suggestions?05:53
ubottuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo05:53
nick125HoudiniMan: I kept notification area and the "main" menus on the main screen, but I had a separate task tray for each screen.05:53
HoudiniMannick125, how do i make a panel act as a task tray?05:54
nick125HoudiniMan: Add a new panel and add a Window list, I believe it is.05:55
electrofreakwhat is floodbot for?05:55
HoudiniManit seems to shows all windows...05:55
HoudiniMancan i have it show only the windows on that screen?05:55
giikerrunning Wireshark on my nic, I found an entry about a DNS query by my box, the hostname it is looking for "A mail". any ideas what app might be doing this?05:55
leaf-sheepelectrofreak: Preventing floods.05:55
nick125HoudiniMan: Then right click on the three lines to the right of the window list, click on preferences and tell it to "show windows from current workspace"05:56
electrofreakleaf-shee: why are there 4 of them?05:56
HoudiniMannick125, that is already selected05:56
nick125HoudiniMan: Hm.05:56
loopsleaf-sheep, btw, if you assign F1 to any other function in keyboard-shortcuts, (eg. "nothing") it works around the problem as well05:56
HoudiniMannick125, haha, whoops, it's working and im just dense :)05:57
HoudiniManx chat, x 11 folder open, x server settings, so very many Xs05:57
loopsleaf-sheep, and that way the menu option to open help still works05:57
nick125HoudiniMan: Haha. Great.05:57
teCan anyone help me get some basic software midi working?  I'm interested in sending events to a software synth via some code I'm writing -- but I cannot seem to get jack/etc working to the point where it will show any outputs...05:57
loopste, you would probably have better luck in  #jack05:58
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giikerrunning Wireshark on my nic, I found an entry about a DNS query by my box, the hostname it is looking for "A mail". any ideas what app might be doing this?06:01
carllli need help installing adobe flash player?06:02
LDCguys. i have querry about a partticular harddsk recovery. not related to ubuntu. which chanel should i go to?06:03
soreau! flash | carlll06:03
ubottucarlll: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:03
theadmincarlll: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer (Jaunty, Karmic), sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree (earlier distributions)06:03
metricpianocarll: if you go to adobe (i went from youtube link) there is an option for apt-get in the flashplayer menu06:03
soreaucarlll: You probably want to simply install flashplugin-nonfree, then restart your browser06:03
darolunick125: I can't find the package xserver-xorg-driver-i810 for karmic, the only one I can find is for drapper06:04
ventzanyone experience 'pam_groupdn' in /etc/ldap.conf not to work under 8.04?06:04
Roastedhey gimp masters, new question. If I make a canvas thats 8000x8000 pixels, and later scale it to be printable in 8x10 format, will it have better print quality than making a canvas thats the exact pixel count of an 8x10 photo and applying the photos to it accordingly?06:04
HoudiniManany way to detect the extra buttons on my logitech mouse?06:04
nick125darolu: You're right. I forgot that Intel replaced the i810 driver with a generic-ish one.06:05
carlllhow do i check if i have installed java right?06:05
soreaudarolu: Which intel chipset do you have as reported by the output of: lspci|grep VGA ?06:05
jiohdicarill, you can go to os.icloud.com if you have java it will work, if not it will send you to java.com06:06
HoudiniMancarlll, http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml06:06
darolusoreau: gimme a min, the laptop is rebooting06:06
metricpianoroasted: i believe the exact pixel count would be better (if you know the print-resolution of the photo) because otherwise things get  changed on resize.  on the other hand starting at 8000x and resizing will help cover some editing (kind of like antialiasing)... note this is coming from non-Gimp image software experience06:06
soreaudarolu: All the package you need should already be installed, unless you did not install karmic cleanly06:07
* Mike_L looks around06:07
Roastedmetricpiano, well, I assume that gimp is picking the exactp ixel size. I chose my canvas by inch... 8x10... which is what I want to print at.06:07
soreaudarolu: ie. if it was an upgrade from a previous version of ubuntu06:07
Roastedmetricpiano, then I'm scaling each picture to 1x1 inch and its doing it accordingly. So I ASSUME gimp is handling it by pixel count. :P06:07
darolusoreau: it used to work fine, was a clean install, worked perfectly since november 09 until tonight06:08
carlllok i have a laptop and it has a wifi button (on and off) but i just installed ubuntu and it wont let me turn it on it just stay orange (off)06:08
ke1haQuestion: I'm writing a server configuration how-too, and want to capture that actions on the screen to create an mpg or avi. Any suggestions on video capture packages?06:08
soreaudarolu: That is very odd. Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log from the failed session?06:08
soreaucarlll: Do you know which wifi chip it is as reported by lspci?06:09
carlllsoreau no but i dont have any idea where to find it06:10
soreaucarlll: lspci is a command you run in your terminal that tells you what hardware you have in the machine06:10
nick125darolu: Try to install xserver-xorg-video-intel06:10
ZykoticK9ke1ha, i was trying various screencasting software the other week, the best results i got was using ffmpeg like "ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 -vcodec huffyuv -sameq screencast.avi" one option for ya anyways (i was trying to capture compiz effects for fps was a big concern for me, and probably not so much what your doing with a how-to)06:10
carlllso how do i find it out?06:11
jiohdicarlll: if you have a broadcom wifi you need to search for drivers online06:11
soreaucarlll: 1) Open a terminal (Applications>Accessories>Terminal) 2) Type lspci and press enter 3) Look for the line that talks about your wireless ethernet apater06:11
carlllit came installed on my laptop06:11
Mike_Lis it OK for me to ask a question about getting an updated version of a package?06:12
darolusoreau, nick125: I'll do it as soon as it boots, it's doing a system check06:12
daroluthansk for the help06:12
nick125darolu: Ah. Let me know what happens.06:12
ke1haZykoticK9, tnx. i've got a couple commercial options, but they cost allot for a simple this is how you do it deal.06:13
soreaunick125: I would like to think the intel driver package did not get removed somehow, but then again, it wouldnt be the first time ;)06:13
carlllsoreau: Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)06:13
soreaucarlll: Ok, so it is an atheros chipset. The driver module for that card is ath5k. So to check if it is loaded, do you see any output from the command:  lsmod|grep ath5k06:14
nick125soreau: Yeah..06:14
ZykoticK9ke1ha, check out the GUI apps gtk-recordMyDesktop & Istanbul as well06:14
carlllso type that in the terminal?06:14
soreaucarlll: Yes.06:14
Mike_LCould someone please help me to install this bugfix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ec2-api-tools/+bug/497171  ?  I have karmic multiverse in my sources.list and I did apt-get update, but apt-cache search ec2-api-tools still shows only the old version06:14
ke1haZykoticK9, rr. will do. Tnx06:15
ventzSomeone here must be authenticating ubuntu via LDAP?06:15
carlllsoreau: this is what i got ath5k                 136680  006:15
carlllmac80211              210104  1 ath5k06:15
carlllled_class               5256  1 ath5k06:15
carlllath                    10304  1 ath5k06:15
carlllcfg80211              109144  3 ath5k,mac80211,ath06:15
FloodBot4carlll: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:15
ventzwhy does pam_groupdn get completely ignored?06:15
ventzBetween CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora -- this works in all of them06:16
soreaucarlll: Well, the module is certainly loaded (please use pastebin for more than a few lines in the future) but I am not sure why it wont allow you to turn it on. Lets see if google turns up anything06:16
Mike_Lcarlll: did you check your dmesg?06:17
carlllsoreau: ok what do i do?06:17
carlllummmm no06:17
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YerushalmiHow do I mount my USB drive exec rather than noexec?06:17
Mike_Lcarlll: less /var/log/kern.log or just type dmesg |less06:17
carlllcame up with lots of stuff06:18
Mike_Lcarlll: then look for messages from the driver06:18
carllli see nothing with the word driver06:19
soreaucarlll: Can you pastebin the output of iwconfig from your terminal to pastebin.com? (then post the link here so we can see what it says)06:19
carlllin it06:19
titan_arkwhy is the latest chrome update 12 Megs?06:20
soreaucarlll: It is not going to say "driver". It is a kernel module, which is a driver. The command lsmod is short for "list modules" and lists the loaded modules on your system06:20
Mike_Lcarlll: your driver is called ath5k so look for lines with that06:21
mneptoktitan_ark: because when they created the update it was about 1MB shy of 13MB.06:21
soreaucarlll: I want to see the output of iwconfig06:21
Mike_Lcarlll: that's the top of your kernel messages log.  What you want should be at the bottom06:21
soreaucarlll: It will be more than a handful of lines, so pastebin the output of iwconfig06:22
viejotrenhi, what is the way to tell the installation steps to avoid seek the cd/dvd as a media source?06:22
carlllthat was all of it06:22
Mike_Lcarlll: it's impossible that dmesg outputs only 21 lines06:22
titan_arkmneptok, quite lame :P i was wondering if anyone was aware if there were any signifacnt changes. i cant seem to find anything online about it06:22
carlllit was06:22
YerushalmiCan anybody tell me how to change my disk-on-key's mount settings from noexec to exec?06:23
soreaucarlll: Ok, the 'wlan0' is your interface, this is a good sign06:23
Mike_Lcarlll: do you know how to use the less command to scroll?06:24
carllluhh no06:24
soreaucarlll: Do you not see any wifi access points when clicking on the wifi icon in the tray?06:24
soreauMike_L: The module is loaded correctly. I suspect the problem is just that the little light doesn't come on even though it's working fine06:25
plustaxGuys, my sound crackles to the point where its completely inaudible. I cant play anything. All I hear is minute crackles. Can anyone help me out?06:25
zevbeeplustax: try killing pulseaudio06:26
plustaxhow do I do that zevbee ?\06:26
Mike_Lsoreau: I don't know what his problem is.  But whenever I have a hardware problem, I look at the messages produced by the driver, hence dmesg06:26
Mike_Lplustax: reboot?06:26
zevbeeplustax: it will start back on it's own, just open system monitor, then right click on pulseaudio, kill it, then it will start back on it's own, see if that helps06:27
carlllno i went to wireless and there was nothing06:27
carllland im sitting right next to my router06:27
carlllcause i have to use ethernet06:27
carlllsoreau: any help?06:27
FloodBot4carlll: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:27
zevbeeMike_L: this isnt windows, you dont need to reboot06:27
m3onh0x84hi all, what's top stable ubuntu version ?06:27
carllli didnt flood06:27
mtuxHi there, synaptic shows this error at startup: http://paste.ubuntu.com/374478/ and running that command, results this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/374477/ What can I do for it!? :( I cannot change/update/install softwares06:27
Mike_Lm3onh0x84: 9.1006:27
m3onh0x84Mike_L, hix, my ubuntu 9.10 always hás bug with grub-pc06:28
carlllsoreau: any help?06:28
m3onh0x84but grub-pc on debian squeeze sid still stable06:29
DaemonFCIs it a known bug that you have to point your Logitech webcam at a light to get it to adjust the brightness to where you can see anything else?06:29
soreaucarlll: I'm looking on google, but I don't see anything that would indicate others are having the same issue you are06:29
YerushalmiI need to set my USB drive's mount option from exec to noexec, can somebody please tell me how to do that?06:31
soreaucarlll: Can you try the following to see if it displays any networks: sudo iw wlan0 scan|grep -i ssid06:31
carlllsudo iw wlan0 scan|grep -i ssid06:31
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Mike_Lm3onh0x84: sorry, I don't know anything about grub06:32
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carlllsudo: iw: command not found06:32
NerikoOkay, I'm having brain issues. I can't remember how to create a bootable usb for karmic06:32
soreaucarlll: You will have to install iw, first (sudo apt-get install iw)06:32
bazhangNeriko, unetbootin06:32
m3onh0x84Mike_L, oh thanks06:34
NerikoOh duh *bonk*. Thanks baz!06:34
carlllsoreau: anything?06:36
soreaucarlll: The other thing you might try, is checking sys>admin>hardware drivers to see if it lists the proprietary madwifi atheros driver.06:36
blakkheimmadwifi isn't proprietary06:37
carlllone of them says something about atheros06:37
carlllother 2 are nvidia06:38
soreaucarlll: If you install it and reboot, you will no longer be using ath5k, but instead ath_pci06:38
soreaucarlll: See if it makes a difference for you06:38
carlllok hold on06:38
crdlbblakkheim: ath_hal is06:38
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soreaublakkheim: Typically, only drivers with some proprietary component(s) are available via jockey06:40
toastedmilkhow do you view a list of files in a directory in a terminal?06:40
soreautoastedmilk: ls /path/to/directory06:41
toastedmilksoreau, ty06:41
carlllsoreau: hold on let me reboot06:41
oscurochuI accidentally deleted a bunch of files that were extremely important to me, and i didnt have a back up because, well idk why. i spend a lot of time working on them. I already double checked the trash can, they're not there. I used the 'delete' function, not the 'move to trash' feature06:42
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tjzoscurochu, if it is "rm" for remove..06:44
tjzit is good game06:45
tjzi doubt u can retrieve it back06:45
YerushalmiI need to set my USB drive's mount options from exec to noexec, can somebody please tell me how to do that?06:45
carlllk im back06:45
HoudiniManwhat's the best way to display geeky info about my computer overlayed on my desktop?06:45
fireOnSongcan we make a read-only drive to allow write permission?06:45
soreaucarlll: Now in iwconfig, do you see an ath0 interface listed?06:45
bazhangHoudiniMan, conky06:46
harisundDoes anyone here know how the window alignment thing works in Windows 7? If you "throw" a window to the corner, it snaps itself there... now is there any way to do this on a Linux box? Or even the equivalent of "Tile Windows Horizontally" or "Tile Windows Vertically"06:46
reto`fireOnSong: isn't that a contradiction?06:46
carlllsoreau: i found my linksys router tyvm06:46
tsimpson(excuse the spam)06:46
bazhangHoudiniMan, there is a great beginners guide at ubuntuforums, let me find the link06:46
soreaucarlll: Great ;)06:46
tjzYerushalmi, try check /etc/fstab06:46
brand0nharisund,  do sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager06:46
brand0nits in there06:46
HoudiniManbazhang, appreciate it! :)06:47
soreautsimpson: ??06:47
harisundbrand0n: I don't run compiz .. do I need to do that in order to be able to do what I want?06:47
toastedmilkCan anyone help me with this? :   http://pastebin.com/m5db8f76f06:47
brand0nas far as i know anyways06:47
fireOnSongreto': well a virus had made it read-only...so i can neither write anythin to it nor format it....is there anyway around it?06:47
brand0nits the only window manager that does what youre asking06:47
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5436679 HoudiniMan06:47
harisundbrand0n: ouch ..so can't do it on low memory machines then, I take it? Anwyay thanks for that piece of info :)06:47
brand0ni dont see why not, you can always disable all the eye candy in compiz06:48
brand0nand just enable that specific feature06:48
brand0nim assuming youre using metacity?06:48
HoudiniManbazhang, much obliged!06:48
Yerushalmitjz: What am I looking for in fstab?06:48
harisundbrand0n: really? I was always under the assumption compiz implied fast video card and all that jazz ... and yes, metacity, default Ubuntu installation. I have even set reduced_resources to true under metacity properties in gconf-editor06:48
fireOnSongand what's the best desktop dock around for ubuntu?06:49
toastedmilkfireOnSong, cairo-dock06:49
brand0nharisund you can use fusion-icon to switch seamlessly between compiz06:49
brand0nif youre using a default ubuntu installation you should already be running compiz06:50
dmerrickaI'm trying to get a second nick running on 9.10. Module should be rtl8139d but modprobe doesn't work. What should I do?06:50
brand0ntry holding the windows key and scorlling the mouse wheel up Harisund06:50
brand0ndoes it zoom in?06:50
fireOnSongthanx toastedmilk!06:50
harisundNope :(06:50
brand0nwell its easy to switch between compiz and metacity06:50
brand0njust do sudo apt-get install fusion-icon06:50
toastedmilkfireOnSong, yup06:50
brand0nand then run that from your main menu under system tools ->06:51
brand0nand it lets you pick between window decorators and window managers06:51
harisundbrand0n: cool .. all right I will check it out thank you very much :)06:51
toastedmilkWhat does 'Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?)' mean?06:51
blakkheimtoastedmilk: it means you chrooted incorrectly, most likely06:51
HoudiniManwhere do programs store user data in ubuntu? a la "application data" on windows?06:52
toastedmilkblakkheim, 'sudo chroot /media/ubuntu'(on which i mounted /dev/sda1)06:52
dmerrickaDo all 8139 drivers work for a nic that needs rtl8139d?06:52
blakkheimtoastedmilk: i was right06:53
icerootHoudiniMan: ~/.programname aka /home/user/.programname06:53
HoudiniManis ~/ generally used to refer to /home/user?06:53
icerootHoudiniMan: yes06:53
toastedmilkblakkheim, so i should try....?06:53
HoudiniMancool :)06:53
toastedmilkblakkheim, echo "bbb" < /dev/null returns bbb06:54
icerootHoudiniMan: and if you are root  ~/ is /root/06:54
blakkheimtoastedmilk: man chroot, you need to mount /proc and /dev correctly06:54
HoudiniManiceroot, good to know :) i dont see any .chrome folder in my /user/ folder06:54
javatexanwhere is python-pyspi?06:54
toastedmilkblakkheim, yeah... the error also says 'grep /proc/modules: No file or directory.  and cat: /proc/cmdline: No such file or directory06:54
jumbersIs there any way to kill a tty session? My datacenter seems to have left my machine logged in as root06:55
jumbersAt the console06:55
HoudiniMantrying to copy my bookmarks from windows into chrome06:55
icerootHoudiniMan: dont know the name chrome is using in ~/ but its in ~/06:55
HoudiniManiceroot, i have a few programs installed and i dont see anything in /home/user/ except "pictures" "videos" and the like06:56
icerootHoudiniMan: . at the start means hidden06:56
icerootHoudiniMan: ls -all ~/06:56
HoudiniManoh, i (dont) see06:56
HoudiniMani showed hidden files and now i see many folders, still no chrome though... hmm06:58
icerootHoudiniMan: maybe its called google?06:58
Pablode q va lo de uboad06:58
HoudiniManiceroot, checked, even tried searching for "chrome" and nadda06:58
vic-chromeòóò åñòü êòî?06:59
Roastedhey gimp experts - I have a flattened image... its images forming the shape of words on a blank white canvas. How can I apply a background image that sits behind EVERYTHING?06:59
toastedmilkblakkheim, well 'info coreutils chroot invocation' is a maze of information..07:00
ZiggyzxxylI found a conexant HSF internal fax modem, so I am trying to get it to work with efax. When I try to "print" a document to efax it responds "printer efax com.apple.print.recoverable" and has a yellow "!" triangle over the printer icon. What does this mean?07:00
vic-chromeïî ðóññêè íè êòî íå ãîâîðèò?07:00
icerootjumbers: killall programname  or ps aux to get the pid and then the hard way "kill -9 pid"07:00
icerootRoasted: #gimp07:00
zulfidose anyone know if ubuntu 9.10 is just a run test for the ubuntu 10.0407:00
icerootzulfi: its not07:00
zulfiim cunfused here07:01
Roastediceroot, very little activity going on there, hence why Im asking here.07:01
anthonywhat does that mean, run test07:01
grzegorzkto poklika?07:01
icerootRoasted: but this is the wrong channel07:01
zulfiso ubuntu 9.10 is better then ubuntu 10.0407:01
Roastediceroot, oh wait, I thought I was in ubuntu off topic...07:01
icerootRoasted: also have a look at google for gimp tutorials, there are nice ones07:01
Roastediceroot, my bad, I was in ubuntu off topic earlier asking gimp questions and a few users in there knew what I was asking. Thought I was still there... my bad.07:02
icerootRoasted: np07:02
ericjamesI'm having a bit of trouble (-_-);07:02
zulfidose any one no when is ubuntu 10.4 coming out07:02
icerootzulfi: there is no "better" both are different releases07:02
ericjamesI just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my thinkpad x61 tablet07:02
icerootzulfi: 2010.04.x07:02
zulfinext mouth right oh07:03
icerootzulfi: 20(10.04).xx07:03
darolunick125: I'm back, after trying a dozen other stuff it is not working yet; this what I found in the log file: http://pastebin.com/d60411ef407:03
darolunick125: lspci = 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)07:03
zulfiso why are they making ubuntu 10.04 im really courues07:03
ericjamesI'm trying to enable screen rotation via screen mount switch.07:03
icerootzulfi: every 6 months there is a new release07:03
toastedmilkIs there any way to ls the contents of a man page into a text document?07:04
HoudiniMandoes search from a folder view go into subdirectories?07:04
icerootzulfi: 8.04, 8.10, 9.04, 9.10, 10.0407:04
zulfireally dam because i just downloaded 9.10 ND ITS REALLY GOOD RIGHT KNOW07:04
ericjamesI' configured the acpi events in fedora effortlessly, but I can't seem to reproduce in ubuntu.07:04
zulfii see07:04
icerootzulfi: then use it, its supported for 18 months07:04
zulfithe one i have right know right07:04
zulfiim using 9.1007:05
iceroot!release | zulfi07:05
ubottuzulfi: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases07:05
toastedmilkiceroot, is 10.04 stable?07:05
zulfii get you know sorry for all those Qus07:05
iceroottoastedmilk: no07:06
toastedmilkzulfi, it's 'now', not 'know'07:06
ericjamesso.. I've added a file in /etc/acpi/events with the name of the event as reported by acpi_listen, and the action (a script to rotate the screen)07:06
HoudiniManok that's a better solution07:06
HoudiniManchrome bookmark sync will keep windows and linux sync'd for me :)07:06
toastedmilkericjames, and...07:06
zulfikind of drunk today07:06
ericjameshowever the action does not occur unfortunately07:06
toastedmilkericjames, you wrote the script?07:07
Kismetanyone any idea why my hard drives won't show up in nautilus and even usb plugged in hard drive won't be there automatically07:07
kreisznertoastedmilk, man ls > file07:07
ericjameswhen I try to start, restart, stop, or debug acpid I get 'acpid: can't open /proc/acpi/event: Device or resource busy'07:07
ericjamestoastedmilk: currently the script is just one line 'xrandr --output LVDS1 --rotate right'07:09
ericjameswell, two lines including '#!/bin/sh'07:09
toastedmilkericjames, debug?07:09
toastedmilkericjames, haha of course07:09
ericjamessudo acpid -d07:09
ericjamessudo acpid --debug07:09
xjkxMy MotherBoard's manual says it supports memories DDR400/333/266. I checked the memory I'm using on the memory test from linux(that one on grub list), and memory shows this: Settings: 199mhz(DDR399) is it the same ?  Or does it actually mean this mobo doesn't support the memory ? I'm having some computer problems and I'm betting on the memory, but I could be wrong.07:10
anthonyNoob question (I think): I just installed LAMP, now I'm not sure how to get to phpmyadmin - how should I go about this? Thanks!07:11
HoudiniMananthony, have you tried navigating to localhost?07:11
mneptok!info phpmyadmin07:12
anthonyyeah. it says: "It works!"07:12
anthonyBut nothing else07:12
ericjamestoastedmilk: any idea why i cant start or stop acpid? or why the script wouldn't execute?07:12
ubottuphpmyadmin (source: phpmyadmin): MySQL web administration tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 4: (karmic), package size 3612 kB, installed size 13516 kB07:12
toastedmilkericjames, i dunno.  do you need to exit the script after it's finished?  You should see what acpi is/has to do so your script isn't interrupting acpi's business07:12
ericjamestoastedmilk: how do you mean?07:13
anthonyHow do I install that?07:13
toastedmilkanthony, apt-get install07:13
anthonythanks toastedmilk!07:14
ubuntu_if i'm booted on the live cd, is is possible to temporarily eject the disk so i can burn a dvd?07:15
=== ubuntu_ is now known as aceface
toastedmilkericjames, since it says device busy..start it at bootup?  I don't really know anythign about scripting acpi07:16
anthonyon localhost it says: "This is the default web page for this server.  The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet." I assume I need phpmyadmin to change the stuff there?07:16
toastedmilkanthony, or write something for the server to display, but you're getting real close to being offtopic07:16
ericjameshas anybody had this problem registering acpi actions to events?07:16
anthonyI tried WAMP on windows, does the menu resemble that if I install LAMP + phpmyadmin?07:17
toastedmilkericjames, post some debug info to pastebin?07:17
ericjamestoastedmilk: I've tried adding the command acpid start to startup applications but nothing changed07:17
anthonyis there an off topic channel that I should go to?07:18
linkiduuHow can I create a directory so that it cannot exceed 1 gb ?07:18
toastedmilkericjames, hmm..I just tried 'sudo acpid' and it said Device or resource busy07:18
ericjamestoastedmilk: I'm not sure what would be useful to pastebin.. the scripts and error message? let me know what would be useful and I will get it to you.07:18
ericjamestoastedmilk: so I'm not the only one (^__^)07:19
toastedmilkericjames, man acpid has some information about how debian differs from other linux flavors(e.g. fedora)07:20
linkiduuHow can I create a directory so that it cannot exceed 1 gb ?07:20
toastedmilkericjames, what it seems to me is that you'll have to stop(it always says it's busy?) acpid and then add the script, then restart07:22
StuckMojoso what's the deal with the "alternative" installer?07:22
StuckMojothere's both that and a 64bit desktop cd?07:23
llutzStuckMojo: alternate isn't a live-cd, textmode installer, more user-options07:24
toastedmilkDoes anyone know how to mount /proc and /dev correctly from a live cd?07:24
linkiduuHi.I removed apache207:24
StuckMojollutz: does it have both 64 and 32 bit?07:24
linkiduubut its still binded to port 80 :(07:24
llutztoastedmilk: mount proc /proc -t proc07:24
StuckMojoon one cd? or are there 2?07:24
ttyXStuckMojo: there are two07:24
toastedmilkllutz, ..just like that?07:25
ttyX32bit & 64bit07:25
llutzStuckMojo: 2 different cds07:25
=== mohamed is now known as Guest42371
ericjamestoastedmilk: the difference mentioned is the naming convention of the event files. in fedora i name the event X61ToTablet.conf, in debian it's just X61ToTablet07:25
StuckMojoboy they don't make it easy to find the 64bit desktop cd07:25
StuckMojothere's no obvious link to it07:25
llutzStuckMojo: look for desktop amd6407:25
zorykjust torrent it07:25
toastedmilkericjames, yikes..07:26
ericjamestoastedmilk: I have added the script and restarted mt computer.. several times.07:26
ericjamestoastedmilk: yikes?07:26
toastedmilkericjames, like I said man, just takin' shots in the dark.  I don't know the first thing about acpid scripting07:26
ttyXStuckMojo: here it is http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/07:26
ericjamesI appreciate your willingness to help none the less! (^__^)07:27
StuckMojozoryk: i realize it's not that hard to get, i just find it odd that it's not obviously linked07:27
StuckMojooff the download page07:27
StuckMojonor is the alternative cd07:27
toastedmilkericjames, sorry i couldn't find a solution for you : [07:27
ericjamestoastedmilk: no worries07:27
ericjamesI'll come back and ask later i suppose.07:27
zorykyeahh i agree, maybe they're trying to vet people so if you want the x64 you need to find it :P07:27
acefacei'm on the live cd, on my mac. I can't access some of my files on the HD because of permissions07:27
StuckMojozoryk: lol07:28
toastedmilkaceface, sudo07:28
acefaceys yes07:28
acefacetoastedmilk: where do i do that within the file browsers07:28
=== cayman is now known as Guest85518
toastedmilkllutz, how do I mount proc on /media/ubuntu?07:28
toastedmilkllutz, which links to /dev/sda107:28
acefacetoastedmilk: if i dont feel comfortable with mv or cp07:28
llutztoastedmilk: mount proc /media/ubuntu/proc -t proc07:28
mneptokaceface: gksu nautilus07:29
acefacemneptok: thanks07:29
ericjamesaceface: sudo nautilus07:29
toastedmilkaceface, lol07:29
acefacemakes sense07:29
ericjamesbeat me to it :)07:29
llutzgksu, not sudo07:29
acefaceI'm terrible at this07:29
mneptokericjames: sudo should not be used with gra[hical apps07:29
ericjamesah, i see. how come? (just curious)07:29
llutzericjames: sudo might not set env correctly for gui-apps07:30
ttyXericjames: terminal closes app dies?07:30
mneptok!gksu > ericjames07:30
ubottuericjames, please see my private message07:30
aceface"Bus error (core dumped)07:30
acefaceshould I see that07:30
acefacewhen i man gksu ?07:30
FloodBot4aceface: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:30
Gryphon1Is Blender a good Graphical program, or is there a better on?07:30
pkm4o93aceface: Did you say that you are mounting a MAC file system?07:30
acefaceit's mounted all nice like07:31
acefacebut i don't have permissions to look at my own files07:31
pkm4o93aceface: I didnt know it would mount. Last time I treid with puppylinux it refused.07:31
acefaceubuntu live disk sees it07:31
llutzGryphon1: blender is a 3d-rendering app07:31
ericjamesubottu: llutz: ttyX: thanks07:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:31
pkm4o93aceface: did you get an error when opening gksu nautilus?07:31
ericjamesmneptok: thx :)07:32
simion314hi, i can't find a way to get the UTC time, it must be a command or somehting to list the time07:32
acefacepkm4o93: yeah i'm confused here07:32
acefacei get a bash input output error07:32
llutzsimion314: date -u07:32
acefacethe problem is this, i ejectd the live cd a moment ago in order to burn the dvd ;_:07:32
pkm4o93aceface: what is the aim of mounting the mac filesystem? backup some stuff?07:32
pkm4o93what the, you ejected the cd that is running ubuntu live to burn a dvd????07:33
acefacepkm4o93: yeah, get a few critical files off07:33
Gryphon1llutz. I know, is was wondering if there was another program that beats it?07:33
theadminaceface: Woah woah woah. You can't eject the disc while running Live07:33
acefacepkm4o93: i know it's crazy07:33
ttyXaceface: why not put live cd onto a usb stick and then burn the dvd?07:33
ericjamesanybody have experience with acpi actions? I'm having a bit of trouble getting an action to occur07:33
acefacettyX: a man with more time and resources would07:33
pkm4o93aceface: yes its crazy. Puppylinux can go completely into RAM.07:33
acefacepkm4o93: does it support hsf+ easily?07:34
acefacei'm really just trying to grab some files across but every other avenue (besides burning dvds) has failed07:34
toastedmilkit's linux-image-2.6.31-17-generic (syntax), right?07:34
pkm4o93aceface: is your mac non bootable? can you not boot into mac OS burn whatever and go back?07:34
zorykaceface: have you got 2 comps running ubuntu??07:35
acefacepkm4o93: it's fubar07:35
pkm4o93aceface: when I treid mounting an HFS with puppy 4 or so a yea rago it wouldnt mount.07:35
theadminI've installed an XP theme on my sister's user account and now all the icons there look huge, this is abnormal. Where is the setting to modify their size?07:35
acefacezoryk: i'm live booting ubuntu on a macbook that has windows and mac partitions07:35
pkm4o93theadmin: are you using GNOME?07:35
toastedmilktheadmin, system>preferences07:35
theadminpkm4o93: Yes07:35
theadmintoastedmilk: Of course somewhere there, where exactly lol07:35
ttyXwhy would anyone want XP theme anyways07:36
zorykaceface: are you trying to get your files from the windows or the mac partition?/07:36
simion314llutz: thx07:36
toastedmilktheadmin, depends on which version of ubuntu you're using :)07:36
theadminttyX: My sister is used to it, I'm sick of Windows :/07:36
theadmintoastedmilk: Karmic07:36
acefacezoryk: from the mac side07:36
toastedmilktheadmin, should be appearance07:36
pkm4o93for people new to linux I think its fair to give them something that looks reasonable similar eg KDE + redmond theme etc07:36
ttyXtheadmin: it still doesn't change the way her system would behave07:36
zorykaceface: sorry dude i only know how to do it from a windows partition :(07:36
toastedmilkaceface, i want a hdd with windows, mac, and linux on it!07:36
toastedmilkaceface, is grub installed in your MBR?07:37
acefacetoastedmilk: it's whatever the default mac boot loadery firmare thing is07:37
theadminttyX: We have WINE + this theme so it's more or less same, for her at least... :D07:37
acefaceit's a simple macbook with windows installed via bootcamp07:37
toastedmilkaceface, there could be your problem. check google07:37
HoudiniManif GNU is "GNU's not Unix" couldn't we say "EMU" is "EMU's not Unix"?07:38
acefacetoastedmilk: i dunno if i need a different boot loader, I'm not trying to install ubuntu even exactly07:38
amnayIs there a way to set pulseaudio volume from console ,07:38
acefacereally just trying to grave one gig of files before this ship goes down07:38
mneptokHoudiniMan: no, because "not" does not begin with "M"07:38
HoudiniManmneptok, err, right, i meant N heh07:38
Gryphon1Is it posible to have Windows, linux and Mac on the same computer?07:38
zorykrecursive acronyms are fun :)07:39
HoudiniManjust wondering why G and not.. "X"07:39
HoudiniManit's like G doesn't mean anything07:39
ttyXGryphon1: everything's possible07:39
ttyXyou just have to google that's all07:39
zorykgryphon1: got it on my dell mini :) well hackintosh...07:39
amnayU know any command line alternative for pavucontrol?07:39
theadminGryphon1: Should be... Windows+Linux is possible, Mac is also unixish so should be.07:39
acefacethx for the help guys07:39
Gryphon1Right thanks:)07:40
acefacegonna try it with a fresh boot hdd tomorrow07:40
pkm4o93Gryphon1: if you mean run linux,windows and mac OS on a mac then yes. Note that if not a mac it is called 'hackintosh' and uses some tricks to pretend to be mac hardware07:40
bbelt16agwhat is this07:41
bbelt16aghow come my libcss is broken for lsdvd07:41
HoudiniMananybody know how to change button assignments for my MX Revolution?07:41
theadminbbelt16ag: install libdvdcss207:41
theadminbbelt16ag: (you have it?)07:41
Gryphon1pkm4o93: How many types of Mac are there????07:42
ttyXGryphon1: Wikipedia can tell you in detail07:42
pkm4o93Gryphon1: there is however many Steve Jobs says there is. Perhaps google would be of use.07:42
theadminbbelt16ag: http://packages.medibuntu.org/karmic/libdvdcss2.html (or add the Medibuntu repository and install from there)07:42
toastedmilkI'm trying to reinstall a linux image file from a live CD and I'm having trouble.  Can anyone take a look at this? http://pastebin.com/m54c2fac607:43
Gryphon1And is mac better than windows or worse?07:43
ttyXGryphon1: depends07:43
pkm4o93Gryphon1: neither is better. Both are different.07:43
Gryphon1On what07:43
bazhangGryphon1, how does that relate to Ubuntu support?07:44
toastedmilkGryphon1, that is terribly offtopic07:44
Gryphon1I wanted to include all three:)07:44
Gryphon1on my computer07:44
bazhangGryphon1, this is not the chat channel07:44
bazhangGryphon1, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat07:45
bbelt16agnwaiting for the update manager that i hate btw..  to finish installing like 60 updates..07:45
toastedmilkGryphon1, yeah i want all three on my comp too hahaha07:45
bbelt16ag so i have no idea if i got it yet it keeps  breezing my terminal07:45
HoudiniManconky is a DL not available in the software program?07:45
theadmin...this is like keeping KDE, GNOME and XFCE. Useless... just bloat, nothing more.07:45
bazhang!info conky07:45
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.2-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 28 kB, installed size 64 kB07:45
Gryphon1toastedmilk: Ha HA07:45
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
AllURBaseRbLongshi all07:46
bbelt16ag3/4 done07:46
ruckuusHi all07:46
pkm4o93theadmin: actually I disagree. Learning how windows works has encouraged me to use linux ;-)07:46
bbelt16agi miss conky07:46
theadminpkm4o93: o_O07:47
toastedmilkpkm4o93, agreed!07:47
theadminAnyway, let's cut the offtopic out of here.07:47
HoudiniManok i downloaded conky.. how do you install a program that you download?07:47
pkm4o93I didnt know this room was that strict.07:47
ttyXwait conky is in the repos07:47
toastedmilkpkm4o93, depends on the time. sometimes it is, sometimes its not07:47
HoudiniManttyx, i didn't find it under search07:47
toastedmilkI'm trying to reinstall a linux image file from a live CD and I'm having trouble.  Can anyone take a look at this? http://pastebin.com/m54c2fac607:48
bazhangHoudiniMan, you need to edit the configuration as per the link I gave you07:48
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
ttyXshows here07:48
HoudiniManbazhang, but i need to install the app first, right?07:48
spartI am having some problems installing ubuntu on my laptop07:48
bazhangHoudiniMan, sudo apt-get install conky07:48
toastedmilkspart, that isn't very informative07:48
Gryphon1Oh so i must find out else where if ununtu will co-exsist with Mac and windows???07:49
HoudiniManis apt-get the same as "Ubuntu Software Center"?07:49
toastedmilkGryphon1, as long as grub is in the MBR, it will07:49
HoudiniManGryphon1, yes it will07:49
bbelt16agum is it  bad when it dont find the menu.lst file when install a new  kernel image?07:49
spartI boot from disk and I can't when I press enter on "Install Ubuntu" nothing happens like my enter key doesn't work07:49
toastedmilkspart, do you have the right version?07:49
HoudiniManspart, do you have a logitech illuminated keyboard?07:49
spartdl today07:49
theadminHoudiniMan: No, Ubuntu Software Center just contains only graphical software, and is mainly for n00bs07:49
Gryphon1Thank you That was easy:)07:49
toastedmilkspart, is your laptop supported?07:50
spartyes I have had ubuntu on it before07:50
HoudiniManbazhang, i hit Alt+F2 and typed that in... nothing notable happening07:50
toastedmilkspart, yikes.07:51
spartI had it dual boot before now I want it native07:51
bazhangHoudiniMan, you need to do that from the terminal not the run dialog07:51
Gryphon1pkm4o93:THANKS :) :)07:51
HoudiniManbazhang, oh they aren't the same? how do you use the run dialog?07:51
toastedmilkspart, try loading the live cd into gnome and installing it from there07:51
toastedmilkI'm trying to reinstall a linux image file from a live CD and I'm having trouble.  Can anyone take a look at this? http://pastebin.com/m54c2fac607:51
spartI can't select any of the options but my keys work when I use the "f" options below07:52
toastedmilkspart, find the command and do it that way *shrug*07:52
spartkk thx07:52
bbelt16agguys libdvdcss207:52
bbelt16aghey libdvdcss or libdvdcss2 is not in my repos for apt-get07:53
bbelt16agwhat one is it suppose to be in07:53
bazhangbbelt16ag, medibuntu.org07:53
bbelt16agwhats the line that needs to be in there07:53
bazhangbbelt16ag, you can add the repo, or just simply download the .deb07:54
bbelt16agi want the repo i might need something else from there right07:54
HoudiniManbazhang, thread you linked is saying "sudo apt-get --asume-yes install conky" what did i miss without --assume-yes, just the "Are you sure?" prompt?07:54
llutzbbelt16ag: deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ karmic free non-free07:54
bazhangbbelt16ag, then go to www.medibuntu.org and follow the instructions there07:54
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[NWM]5starGhello all07:55
toastedmilkI'm trying to reinstall a linux image file from a live CD and I'm having trouble.  Can anyone take a look at this? http://pastebin.com/m54c2fac607:56
bbelt16agok no gpg key  where is it07:57
akirapowershey noobs07:57
bbelt16agone liner fails.07:57
bazhangakirapowers, ??07:57
toastedmilkakirapowers, if im a noob then see if you can figure out my problem07:57
akirapowerswell im a noob07:58
[NWM]5starGim a noob and need help :p07:58
toastedmilk[NWM]5starG, with what?07:58
[NWM]5starGcant get it installed07:58
guillaume_Hey everyone! Is it possible to play at the game team fortress 2 with the défault setting of Wine?07:58
akirapowersshoot i lost wine07:58
impi_guys this is driving me mad...i added user ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/ps - yet when i su as user it still ask me for password to run /bin/ps FTW07:59
akirapowersupgraded ubuntu its installed  wa thier yesturday but goen now07:59
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, apt-get install liquor-store.07:59
[NWM]5starGi made a partition and ubuntu wont intsall on it07:59
[NWM]5starGand it wont install in windows08:00
toastedmilk[NWM]5starG, that isn't very informative..was there an error message?08:00
Sir_Fawnpug[NWM]5starG, did the installer give you any information as to why it wouldn't install?08:00
[NWM]5starGsumthin about boot on the partiotion08:00
pingun8 I need to share this with you: OpenOffice 3.2 Starts... Fast! meshocked.08:00
[NWM]5starGi have 9.10 just got it today08:01
akirapowersany idea how to get wine back so can use it again ?08:01
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, what does "which wine" say?08:01
StuckMojodoes ubuntu have something like apt-listbugs?08:01
akirapowerstbh nothing08:01
impi_fscker sudo!! darn rules below that was superceding my rule!08:01
akirapowerssays installed08:01
akirapowersbut cannot remove it either not thier08:01
guillaume_wine is the same like playonlinux right?08:02
toastedmilk[NWM]5starG, you need to read the ubuntu documentation on dual booting08:02
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, well, it should either print out something like /usr/bin/wine or nothing at all08:02
[NWM]5starGu have a link by cha nce?08:02
toastedmilkI'm trying to reinstall a linux image file from a live CD and I'm having trouble.  Can anyone take a look at this? http://pastebin.com/m54c2fac608:02
toastedmilkguillaume_, wrong channel.08:02
guillaume_ok lol08:02
Sir_Fawnpugguillaume_, playonlinux might be derived from wine, but wine came first08:02
toastedmilkguillaume_, also, there should be information on the wine website about games/setups08:03
akirapowersbefore the update was right below system tools08:03
akirapowerswas ubuntu that updaed08:03
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, open up a terminal08:03
guillaume_thx all srry for disturbing08:03
Sir_Fawnpugguillaume_, actually I think in context your curiosity was justified08:03
toastedmilkguillaume_, not a disturbance : )08:04
guillaume_<3 linux community, more sympathic than windows ^^08:05
Sir_FawnpugNow type which wine, and tell me if it says anything08:05
mgmuscaridoes anybody know how to clone output on one pulseaudio sink to an rtp sink?08:05
akirapowersprompt again08:05
Sir_Fawnpugnow type dpkg -I wine, and tell me if it says anything08:07
Sir_Fawnpugerr, -l08:08
Sir_FawnpugThere we go08:08
Sir_FawnpugSorry, I'm reading the man page for dpkg, I'm on my gentoo machine right now08:08
FloodBot4akirapowers: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:08
Sir_FawnpugThat's good08:09
toastedmilkI'm trying to reinstall a linux image file from a live CD and I'm having trouble.  Can anyone take a look at this? http://pastebin.com/m54c2fac608:09
sandro__buongiorno a tutti08:09
Sir_FawnpugSo have you tried marking the package for reinstallation?08:09
guillaume_sandro__, hi08:10
Kartagis!info empathy08:10
ubottuempathy (source: empathy): High-level library and user-interface for Telepathy. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 115 kB, installed size 456 kB08:10
akirapowerstbh still fairly new been working with for about two days consistantly tenkerd with for ahwie boot disk and stuff08:10
toastedmilkKartagis, is that a joke?08:10
akirapowersbut got virtual machines running among the mix of programs you need within unbuntu08:10
Kartagistoastedmilk, no, why?08:11
toastedmilkKartagis, empathy, telepathy..08:11
guillaume_it's a little bit... difficult to beleive^^08:11
akirapowerswhat i just thought was wierd is wine was working great smooth but after the ubuntu update just gone08:11
dnivrai'm trying to check for updates using update manager; i'd set a proxy when I was at college. but now it still complains "cannot find proxy". how do i let it know I'm using a direct connection? i checked synaptic and network proxy: all are configured as direct connection to the net.08:12
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, the ubuntu updater has never really been perfect; it's gotten way better than its original form but occasionally things get mislaid08:12
Myrttitoastedmilk: empathy uses the telepathy backend. a bit like pidgin is using purple08:12
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, try apt-get --reinstall install wine08:12
Myrttitoastedmilk: geeks are known for bad humour anyway08:12
Sir_Fawnpug(I think that's how you do it)08:12
guillaume_Did you have update wine before?08:12
akirapowersaww check dont do no more ty08:12
dnivraif it's of any use, everytime i open a terminal, $http_proxy has a value; it isn't blank. what is wrong and how do I fix it?08:12
akirapowersno reinstall command found08:13
toastedmilkI'm trying to reinstall a linux image file from a live CD and I'm having trouble.  Can anyone take a look at this? http://pastebin.com/m54c2fac608:13
toastedmilkMyrtti, yeah, but what are you gonna do? :P08:13
akirapowerssudo apt-get install wine08:13
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, hold on08:13
toastedmilkDoes anyone know how to mount /dev/pct correctly with chroot?08:14
Gryphon1pkm4o93:in Compiz-Utility what is video playback?? Whats is use??08:14
akirapowerscompbiz works on that08:14
akirapowersty sir not tryingot get ahead of you08:14
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, you have to prefix --reinstall with two dashes08:15
Sir_FawnpugLike apt-get --reinstall install wine08:15
akirapowersapt-get--reinstall install wine08:15
akirapowersexactly as i put it08:15
toastedmilkSir_Fawnpug, or apt-get install --reinstall wine :)08:15
Sir_FawnpugWell there has to be a space between get and the first dash of --reinstall08:15
almoxarifewhat's wrong with using synaptic?08:16
Sir_Fawnpugtoastedmilk, you'll have to forgive me on that one, haha08:16
Sir_Fawnpugalmoxarife, nothing really08:16
llutztoastedmilk: mount -o bind /dev /chroot/dev08:16
toastedmilkSir_Fawnpug, :P08:17
akirapowerssudo apt-get install --reinstall wine08:17
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, good08:17
akirapowersgave me admin thing08:17
akirapowers sowent to sudo hehehe08:17
toastedmilkllutz, so... mount -o bind /dev /media/ubuntu/dev ??08:17
Sir_FawnpugWhen its finished you should have wine back08:18
llutztoastedmilk: yes08:18
akirapowersut ot08:18
Gryphon1akirapower: what is wine???08:18
akirapowers finished but last line says08:18
akirapowerse: broken packages08:18
Sir_FawnpugGryphon1, wine is not an emulator.08:18
toastedmilkllutz, so, with that and proc i should be able to install packages on a partition from the live cd. correct?08:18
toastedmilkGryphon1, wine allows you to run windows executables on linux08:18
Sir_FawnpugGryphon1, haha, seriously though, it's this thing that lets you run windows programs08:18
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, hmm08:19
akirapowersyeah same thing been getting when tryed to install08:19
toastedmilkllutz, haha but of  course08:19
akirapowersguess i should of said that sorry08:19
Sir_FawnpugThat's pretty peculiar08:19
akirapowersi just installed pidin and that went in np08:19
Gryphon1Ok the can i run a GPRS Modem through wine???08:19
akirapowersyeah prokenpackge issue08:19
brijithHey friends, I want to run a script all the time in system. For that I added the script in to rc.local but not working ..Please help me08:20
Sir_FawnpugI am not sure what to say, did you do an update (as opposed to an upgrade) before trying to reinstall wine?08:20
akirapowersa way to remove broken packages maybe08:20
dnivrahelp with proxy issues anyone? I configured in System -> Preference -> Network Proxy when in college. Now I'm back home and so changed to direct connection there. But somehow bash, synaptic and update manager still are configured to use the proxy. what is wrong?08:20
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, there might be with dpkg08:20
dnivrafunny part is google chrome uses the "network proxy" and it works fine!08:21
Sir_FawnpugTo tell you the truth I am not sure if I have the expertise to help you much further08:21
akirapowersthanks for thehelp you havethow mate08:21
akirapowersreally appreciate08:21
Sir_FawnpugNo problem08:21
akirapowersill just go get my 20 pound sludge08:21
HoudiniManso my situation, i want to install adobe air so i can play pandora and use all the features... how do i tell if there is a package i can download?08:21
akirapowersusually fixs fast08:21
Gryphon1Ok the can i run a GPRS Modem through wine???thas configured to work on windows08:21
Sir_FawnpugI'm sure other people can help you08:22
akirapowersyeah ill figure out or die trying08:22
Sir_FawnpugI just don't know that much about apt, that's why I'm not sure how to fix the broken package08:22
akirapowersunmet dependencies08:22
akirapowershmm wonder what is unmet then08:22
Sir_Fawnpugakirapowers, did you upgrade from a major release?08:23
akirapowersthought i did08:23
Sir_FawnpugLike from 9.04 to 9.10?08:23
almoxarifeunmet=dependencies not met for some pckg08:23
akirapowersno started08:23
HoudiniManoh oh08:23
HoudiniMani know how to remove and fix broken packages08:23
akirapowersinstalled formt heir08:23
HoudiniManjust did this for java08:23
Sir_FawnpugHoudiniMan, if you don't mind, would you be willing to share with us?08:24
akirapowersye splease08:24
akirapowers i bring cookies08:24
Sir_FawnpugI bring beer08:24
toastedmilkllutz, do you know how to diagnose this? :  http://pastebin.com/m53e2511208:24
HoudiniManhad to find it haha, ok so go to System > Administration > Synaptic package manager08:24
almoxarifesynaptic has a nice package repair option, click and go08:24
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toastedmilkHoudiniMan, dpkg?08:24
brijithHey friends, I want to run a script all the time in system. For that I added the script in to rc.local but not working ..Please help me08:24
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, it's my first day, i dont know anything beyond what i clicked08:24
llutztoastedmilk: sry no www available here now08:24
Ademananyone know why the Hardware Drivers panel worked fine in the liveCD but once installed it's blank and i'm now left without wifi?...08:25
HoudiniManAdeman, do you have an icon by the clock that looks like a circuit board?08:25
akirapowersdont know that oen sorry08:25
HoudiniManakirapowers, did you find the package manager?08:25
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akirapowersow yes08:25
akirapowersim int heirnow08:25
brijithHey friends, I want to run a script all the time in system. For that I added the script in to rc.local but not working ..Please help me08:25
AdemanHoudiniMan: not when it's installed, in the LiveCD i do08:26
Gryphon1Can i run a GPRS Modem through wine???thats configured to work on windows, anyone know?08:26
HoudiniManakirapowers, do you see the Broken title on the left?08:26
akirapowersbingo REMOVED08:26
HoudiniMano.m.g. i helped somebody?08:26
daroluAdeman: Press Alt+F2 and type "jockey-gtk" and hit enter to run it (without quotation marks).08:26
akirapowersseems liek it one sec08:26
HoudiniManhah! been on this OS for like 2 hours :P08:27
akirapowerslets install again08:27
almoxarifeAdeman: had that happen too,  my fix was to connect to the internet via ethernet, it updated itself08:27
Ademanalmoxarife: yeah... unfortunately that's not possible right now08:27
Ademandarolu: won't that just bring up the hardware drivers window?08:28
daroluAdeman: yeah I thought that's what you wanted08:28
toastedmilkAdeman, try sudo dhclient auto wlan008:28
toastedmilkAdeman, if that doesn't work pastebin the output of dhclient08:28
Ademantoastedmilk: there's no wlan0 at all08:28
akirapowershmm still not showing up08:28
HoudiniMananybody in here use pandora? im curious what the best "out of browser" way to listen is08:28
toastedmilkAdeman, pastebin output of dhclient08:28
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, there's a widget for it08:28
akirapowerspandora rules08:29
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, I prefer that myself08:29
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, ubuntu has widgets??08:29
ke1haI had trouble today when I installed a new 9.10 box, WEP does not play well, but WAP went without a hitch. Submitted a Bug rpt for it, but there's clearly still a few issues with WiFi08:29
dnivracan someone help: got proxy issues.08:29
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, hahaha, yup! they call 'em screenlets08:29
akirapowersyou still thier sir ?08:29
Ademandarolu: no the problem is it's empty, it had drivers for my wireless card and graphics chipset when i was running the LiveCD but installed it doesn't show anything08:29
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, how do i get them?08:29
Gryphon1Can i run a GPRS Modem through wine???thats configured to work on windows, anyone know? please?:)08:29
Ademantoastedmilk: why would dhclient have any useful output if i have no wireless interface?08:29
MyrttiGryphon1: if the device isn't identified by Linux itself, there's no way of making wine do it08:29
HoudiniManakirapowers, what are you installing?08:30
toastedmilkAdeman, so wait.  your problem isn't that you can't connect to your wireless?08:30
toastedmilkllutz, any theories?08:30
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, i think his computer doesn't see his hardware properly08:30
HoudiniMandriver issue or something08:30
llutztoastedmilk: no really, no08:30
toastedmilkllutz, bleh.  thanks for taking a look at it.08:30
ke1haIt's seeing it with LiveCD just not after HD install right ?08:30
toastedmilkCan anyone help me with this?  http://pastebin.com/m53e2511208:31
akirapowersguessstill not her ehdini08:31
toastedmilkAdeman, well, in that case idk08:31
Gryphon1Myrtti: Thanks :)08:31
HoudiniManakirapowers, im here, i said what are you trying to install?08:31
akirapowerswine was curupted or osmthing08:31
Ademantoastedmilk: it is, but the problem before that is that i don't have drivers for my wireless NIC, *but* the LiveCD found and allowed me to install drivers via the Hardware Drivers window08:31
Myrttiakirapowers: if you type in few first letters and hit tab, chances are that your irc client autocompletes the nick for you08:31
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, I'm not sure where I got them...hahahaha.  They should be pretty easily accessible08:31
akirapowers it let me uninstall it formt heirnow tryong to put bakc on it let me but no icons08:31
toastedmilkAdeman, so..you need to use a proprietary driver for your wireless card?08:32
Ademantoastedmilk: fekkin broadcom...08:32
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, so are they native screenlets or an app to run screenlets?08:32
ke1haAdeman, that's a bug on the installer, send it in on Launchpad08:32
Sir_FawnpugAdeman, broadcom cards can be tricky08:32
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, I'm pretty sure it's written with python08:32
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, I think you can get them from the repositories08:33
Ademanscreenlets are python yes HoudiniMan08:33
MyrttiAdeman: watch your language, obfuscating swearing is still swearing08:33
HoudiniManakirapowers, sorry i've never installed wine08:33
akirapowerswine is good stuff08:33
AdemanMyrtti: :-/08:33
akirapowershow you do the name thing in here08:33
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, Ademan, so python executes right on the OS right?08:33
toastedmilkakirapowers, wine doesn't work well with my setup : [08:33
akirapowersakirapowers, me08:33
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, but of course!08:34
HoudiniManwoah neat08:34
almoxarifeif he loads off the livecd can't he copy the driver to his existing file system?08:34
ke1haIf it works on LiveCD, then yan manually configure it "if" lspci lists the hardware, but it should do it automatically at install. Ultimately, that's what needs to be fixed.08:34
dnivrahelp someone! got a proxy issue. no clue how to fix it!08:35
ke1haoops ... then you can manually .. .. ..08:35
Myrttidnivra: you could try and relogin. (log out, log in).08:36
dnivraMyrtti, will give that a shot.08:36
SiHaHello people. I either have a really simple problem or a pain problem :)08:37
SiHaI cant change the files in filesystem. What do I need to be able to do this? I'm, as you've probably guessed, new to Ubuntu and Linux.08:37
tamranhello all08:37
HoudiniManso sometimes software isn't in "ubuntu software center" but you can get it using apt-get... how do i tell what is available on apt-get?08:37
Gryphon1Is there any linux-ubuntu program that can accelerate the internet speed???:)08:37
DJonesSiHa: You need to use the sudo command to modify files outside of your /home folder08:37
DJones!sudo | SiHa08:37
ubottuSiHa: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:37
tamrancan anyone help me understand aptitude (command line) ... how can I use it to fix package dependency problems? I've managed to break my system and kde won't start08:37
zyxonhello. Is there a standard directory where compiled programs install?08:37
rewatican anybody tell me how to manage my iphone with linux08:38
almoxarifeGryphon1: I doubt it, stuff to filter out garbage,08:38
rewatiis there any sotware like itune for linux to manage iphone08:38
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, you probably just have the wrong syntax for apt-get08:38
HoudiniManwell i dont want to just make up names08:38
soreauzyxon: Any source can install to any location. A standard default install prefix however is /usr/local08:38
HoudiniManapt-get hulu08:38
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, depending on which application you want, there should be information online for the correct command.  I just use google :)08:39
zyxonsoreau: thanks a lot. :)08:39
ke1haapt-get -f shoudl try to solve brokeb deps.08:39
SiHaI kinda tried this. But this doesnt allow me to just add a file in the gui browser?08:39
ke1haman, I've got KB issues, it's not sending what Im typing .. LOL08:39
toastedmilkke1ha, I've got KB issues too...i can't find any08:40
dnivraMyrtti, thanks. it worked!08:40
ke1halol ...08:40
toastedmilksoreau, do you have any chroot knowledge?08:41
HoudiniManoh cool08:41
rumpsytoastedmilk: can you teach me that08:41
HoudiniManhulu installer for ubuntu is great08:41
toastedmilkrumpsy, teach you...what?08:41
ke1haSiHa,I'm not an expert on the GUI Package Manager, rarely do I use it.08:42
rumpsytoastedmilk: chrooting, and its uses, advantage...08:42
toastedmilkrumpsy, what do you need to use chroot for?08:42
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)08:42
=== titaniumbrella is now known as Carbonish
toastedmilkrumpsy, now what do you need to learn about it?08:43
toastedmilkCan anyone help me with this?  http://pastebin.com/m53e2511208:43
rumpsytoastedmilk: being a normal user i can''t able to build irssi, i want to build it, can i use chroot? i08:44
HoudiniManbig moment: got pandora and hulu working in ubuntu painlessly, can officially switch day to day operations to ubuntu :)08:44
toastedmilkrumpsy, no, i would just use sudo08:44
toastedmilkrumpsy, not wise or necessary to chroot08:44
ke1haits a bit off topic, but read the LFS (Linux From Scratch ) documentation, goes into great detail about chroot.08:44
Myrttirewati: Apple has gone to great effort to make iPhone and iPod Touch unusable with non-iTunes software. The most probable answer to your question is no.08:44
rumpsyke1ha: we will not more than this !08:45
toastedmilkrewati, indeed they have.  you have to jailbreak 'em and put firmware08:46
dnivraMyrtti, is that true? iPod touch and iPhone don't work with gtkpod or yamipod?08:46
akirapowershey all08:46
toastedmilkdnivra, yup.08:47
akirapowersthats wierd said requires inventation to come inhere08:47
Gryphon1Then can you change your ipod to linux in any way???08:47
toastedmilkGryphon1, if there's firmware for it08:47
rumpsyGryphon1: check this ipo-linux08:47
rumpsyGryphon1: check this ipod-linux08:47
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod08:48
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!08:48
rumpsyGryphon1: checkin here, http://ipodlinuxinstl.sourceforge.net/08:49
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toastedmilkCan anyone help me with this?  http://pastebin.com/m53e2511208:50
Gryphon1rumpsy: there is no support for 16GB :(08:51
rewatican i install itune using wine will it work with my iphone08:51
rumpsyGryphon1: i donno much about that anyway08:51
toastedmilkrewati, you should probably use a virtual machine08:52
HoudiniManwhat is the hotkey to lock the system?08:53
darolurewati: last time I checked iTunes 9 doesn't work on wine; as toastedmild said your best option is to use a virtual machine08:53
mbhagyaan alternative to itunes.. songbird08:53
dnivraHoudiniMan, check keyboard shortcuts: System -> Preference -> Keyboard Shortcuts.08:53
ke1harewati, and Virtialbox I believe you can share a directory outside of the VM to have access to it.08:54
akirapowerssudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa08:54
akirapowersoops sorry guys08:54
rumpsysongbird in linux? , is that great than rythmbox?...08:54
mbhagyai think its compatible with ipods08:54
fuzzybunnyDoes anyone know if it is possible to download from a site like rapidshare and uploading.com using a text based browser in a shell?08:54
toastedmilkrumpsy, im a fan of songbird08:55
HoudiniMandnivra, thanks!08:55
dnivraHoudiniMan, no problem!08:55
ke1haThe more you stay away from Wine, the better of you'll be. Some things work well, others are a nightmare.08:55
toastedmilkfuzzybunny, idk if that's really a good idea, but yes, it should work08:55
rumpsytoastedmilk: may be, but i like rythmbox . . :)08:55
Gryphon1which ipods is it compatible with??08:55
fuzzybunnytoastedmilk, do you have any idea what i would do on uploading.com the download button doesn't allow me to follow it08:56
GoldChaosHey, everyone! I'm in serious need of help.08:56
rumpsyGryphon1: you need to read the whole story of that website08:56
GoldChaosMy friend has a Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 - a cam I heard works very well with Ubuntu.08:56
toastedmilkrumpsy, yeah, there's a python console for scripts!08:56
GoldChaosHer computer just crashed, so I switched her to Ubuntu in hopes everything would work.08:56
dnivrafuzzybunny, I'm not sure if you can do so with rapidshare: cos there's a wait period and stuff for it right?08:57
GoldChaosUnfortunately, when using Skype, the cam works but the microphone on the cam does not!08:57
toastedmilkfuzzybunny, my advice is to find the link you want and then just type that straight into the browser08:57
rumpsytoastedmilk: For what?08:57
DaemonFCGryphon1, I got rid of my iPod over it, but it's been a few years. The iPod just totally ignores the MP3 tags and uses some kind of awful proprietary database that iTunes sends it, it's kind of like MTP players only worse.08:57
fuzzybunnydnivra, yeah it has one of those timer things08:57
DaemonFCso it was filing all my MP3s under "Unknown Artist > Unknown Album"08:57
fuzzybunnytoastedmilk, yeah i tried that and it does the same thing08:57
toastedmilkrumpsy, well, you could write a python script that finds and removes doubles in your music lists08:57
GoldChaosNobody can help?08:57
rumpsytoastedmilk: oh . . :) .. okay08:58
dnivraGoldChaos, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype. try that.08:58
toastedmilkfuzzybunny, ...im saying get the link of where the button would take you08:58
GoldChaosdnivra: Already did08:58
GoldChaosNo help.08:58
fuzzybunnytoastedmilk, i am not sure how to do that ;)08:58
crespohi guys08:58
GoldChaosIt says the mic works with an updated uvcvideo driver08:58
rumpsytoastedmilk: But i have to be good in python language though.08:58
toastedmilkfuzzybunny, find the link in a normal browser08:58
GoldChaosI had her compile and install the latest version08:58
GoldChaosIt didn't help.08:58
crespohow do i check all the routes present on my ubuntu server?08:58
crespowill "route -a" work??08:58
toastedmilkrumpsy, exactly.  and songbird comes with a doubles-deleter :)08:59
dnivracrespo, maybe "route -n"08:59
ke1harumpsy, get on the programmers IRC and ask them for a simple grep | awk | sed script, should eb simple for them.08:59
GoldChaosThe only audio input devices that currently appear on Skype's list is Pulse Audio Server (local)08:59
dnivraGoldChaos, I'm not sure. i used skype with no problems. My friend had video problems but we debugged it alright. check if the mic works with ubuntu using the sound recorder. if not wait, someone might help out.09:00
DaemonFCCrapple can't just build in a tag reader and allow you to drag and drop. I'd say that iPod is the second worst player out there, only behind Zune, and buying one to use it with anything other than iTunes is crazy.09:00
toastedmilkCan anyone help me with this?  http://pastebin.com/m53e2511209:00
rumpsytoastedmilk: Its seems its not the only reason for you to get attracted with songbird..09:00
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toastedmilkrumpsy, nah, i normally use rhythmbox.  but i like the interface with songbird, and the fact that it includes a browser.  it just runs really slowly on my computer09:01
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HoudiniManmy monitor keeps dimming out, and i set under power managerment to wait an hour... where do i change it for dimming?09:01
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Gryphon1DaemonFC: Im looking into converting my ipod to linux, i hear is posible:)09:01
rumpsyke1ha: no! . . i have to learn on my own, that will be in my mind for ever last09:01
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, did you just install ubuntu?09:01
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, yep09:01
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, lol, coz you've had a lot of problems in the past hour :P09:01
DaemonFCtoastedmilk, Songbird really is just the bastard child of VLC and Firefox, I much prefer drag and drop with Nautilus, Easytag, and Totem :)09:02
rumpsytoastedmilk: you carry on ... brb09:02
marlenhello, I'm having problems with client bittorrent transmission. can you help me?09:02
GoldChaosdnivra: I don't have access to the computer at the moment. I'm looking for ANY possible solutions. Could it be a skype issue, perhaps? :/09:02
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, yeah i have asked a lot of questions heh09:02
darolumarlen, can you be more specific?09:02
rumpsymarlen: what is the problem09:02
toastedmilkDaemonFC, Ah, that's why it's so slow.  VLC.09:02
ke1ha .. well awk and sed are powerful tools, if you master them,  then throw in some perl, you can do allot of data manipulation.09:02
marlenthe port is closed when I do the test09:02
dnivraGoldChaos, I've no clue. ask the person to test sound using soudn recorder. or someone else might help out.09:02
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, is it 9.10?09:02
GoldChaosalright. :/09:03
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, yep09:03
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, then I have no idea, because there's no xorg.conf09:03
marlenI have xubuntu09:03
DaemonFCGryphon1, You can flash over the Crapple firmware with Rockbox and get one fine portable media player, but the problem there is that iPod has an internal battery, and Crapple will refuse to replace the battery when it dies if you have Rockbox on it. So be prepared to reflash it with Crapple firmware and risk bricking it again when that day comes.09:03
llutzke1ha: if you know perl, you hardly need sed/awk anymore09:03
darolumarlen: you have to open whatever port you are using on your router/firewall09:03
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toastedmilkmarlen, #xubuntu09:03
ke1ha.. true09:03
DaemonFCbest thing you get with Rockbox is Wavpack, FLAC, and Vorbis09:03
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, i think there is, my nvidia thing was writing to it09:03
rumpsymarlen: i had the same problem in morning, but i cleared that09:03
marlenhow can I open the port?09:04
marlenI'm a beginner with linux.09:04
rumpsymarlen: you need to add some info to your NAT09:04
DaemonFCtoastedmilk, VLC isn't bad, the reason Songbird is slow is because they strapped Firefox onto it and use XUL plugins09:04
* DaemonFC pukes09:04
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, hmm.  run 'sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'09:04
DaemonFCtoastedmilk, The last time I tried Songbird was on Vista, and it was eating up well over 150 megs of RAM playing an MP3 file09:05
toastedmilkDaemonFC, I never got VLC to run smoothly.  But I totally believe you.  Do you want to write me a python script that finds and removes doubles?09:05
rumpsymarlen: At first open  your router/modem using browser, this will be default ip
toastedmilkDaemonFC, ouch...hahaha09:05
Gryphon1DeamonFC: How long do ipod batteries last????????????:(09:05
Krewloff to network room, disconnecting09:06
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, got it open09:06
marlenok, thank you.09:06
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, well, close it and don't save it!09:06
DaemonFCGryphon1, Depends on how much you use it and your charging patterns. It's best to completely drain it before recharging. 8 hours a day every day it'll last about 1-2 years09:06
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, You may need to set rates in xorg.conf based on your monitor09:07
DaemonFCthe capacity slowly goes down every time you charge the thing until it can no longer hold a usable charge09:07
darolumarlen: the firewall blocking the port is most likely in your router; try to access its software using your browser; sometimes typing "home" in the adress bar gets you there09:07
DaemonFCGryphon1, yeah, the typical expectation is 2 years09:07
rumpsymarlen: goto advance setup, search for NAT option, add your current system IP, or what ever port you want to open, if you find fault internet, don't hesitate to switch to default settings09:07
Gryphon1can i get a battery and change it my self?09:07
HoudiniMantoastedmilk, for the screen dimming from idleness?09:08
DaemonFCGryphon1, No, it's built in. Disassembly voids warranty. Crapple charges $50 to replace the battery.09:08
ke1haprobably need to set a route and open that port to the box.09:08
knoppiesI don't often have this PC plugged into sound, and I want Pidgin and/or Empathy to 'system beep' whenever I get a message.09:08
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, correct.  I would check google/forums to see if someone has had similar problems.  maybe with nvidia, maybe with your monitor09:08
toastedmilkHoudiniMan, a word of warning though.  don't go screwing around with xorg.conf without knowing what you're doing!09:09
DaemonFCGryphon1, Setting your screen darker and having the backlight turn off after 5 seconds is a good way to prolong the battery09:09
DaemonFCit may give you another 5% usable life09:09
HoudiniManthis seems like an OS setting more than display setting09:09
knoppiestoastedmilk, HoudiniMan, always make a backup of xorg.conf before editing it.09:09
[[[_DerMeister_q chucha aqui09:10
knoppiesHoudiniMan, it seems like a (assuming your problem is what I think it is) screensaver settings.09:10
[[[_DerMeister_q idioma qliao se habla09:10
Gryphon1Ok who is crapple???????09:10
HoudiniManknoppies, yes09:10
toastedmilkCan anyone help me with this?  http://pastebin.com/m53e2511209:10
clrg!es | [[[_DerMeister09:10
ubottu[[[_DerMeister: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:10
[[[_DerMeister_la tuya ctm09:10
HoudiniManoh i got it here knoppies09:10
HoudiniMani thought it was power managing the screens off, but it's doing blank screensaver09:10
DaemonFCGryphon1, My advice is sell the thing on eBay and use the proceeds to get a 8 GB Sansa Fuze and a 16 GB Micro SD card, you're looking at 24 GB on a player that supports Vorbis and FLAC for under $10009:10
DaemonFCit's the best player I've had09:11
xodxOkay, does gnome-power-manager depend on the presence of gdm or something? I am trying to run gnome-power-manager inside fvwm without gdm managing my login, and it does not work. Gnome-power-manager functioned before I turned off gdm.09:11
[[[_DerMeister_niun Çuliao habla español?09:11
knoppiessorry toastedmilk, I had a look but I don't know whats going on.09:11
Gryphon1OK what are those??09:11
darolu[[[_DerMeister, en este canal se habla inglés.09:11
DaemonFCThe Fuze doesn't have a user servicable battery either, but at least it works with Linux and is $60 instead of over $200 for the Crapple iPod09:12
akirapowersanyone work with wine?09:12
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Machtintoastedmilk: may i ask why you want the .31-kernel? are there problems with .32?09:12
Gryphon1dose the clicker affect the battery?09:12
toastedmilkMachtin, no, that was just the latest I had in my grub2 list.  I suppose I could get the newer one.  But I don't think that would fix the problem :/09:12
ke1haakirapowers, I try not too, but I uses a few thing with it, like folding on GPU's, what's the question09:12
DaemonFCGryphon1, You mean the noise it makes when you spin the clickwheel?09:13
clrg!ot | Gryphon109:13
ubottuGryphon1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:13
DaemonFCnot enough to worry about09:13
akirapowersupdated icon no longer their09:13
akirapowers was able to remove it and reinstallbut refuses to come up09:13
toastedmilkMachtin, I have x86_6409:13
ke1haon the applications menu ?09:13
mbhagyai have a problem.. evrytime i install smthing, i get a post installation script error in linux-headers-generic and linux-image-generic packages09:13
Machtinagh, toastedmilk: my bad.. thought we were on lucid channel09:13
toastedmilkMachtin, oh, whoops.  I read that twice and answered it differently both times09:14
toastedmilkMachtin, but do you know what's wrong with that picture?09:14
Machtintoastedmilk: hardly.. tried dpkg --configure -a? just a wild guess, though09:14
toastedmilkMachtin, from chroot?09:14
rumpsymbhagya: what you installed?09:15
toastedmilkMachtin, I can't chainload into grub2 on /dev/sda1 ...could that have something to do with it?09:15
mbhagyarumpsy: anything using apt-get or synaptic09:15
Machtini have no clue, sorry :/09:15
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toastedmilkMachtin, bah.  thanks for taking a look09:16
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rumpsymbhagya: what is ubuntu version, and kernel version09:16
mbhagyaubuntu 9.1009:16
haziqhow to download flash player so that i can watch movie on youtube?09:16
Machtintoastedmilk: maybe upgrading the packages somehow solves the problem? -> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 21 not upgraded.09:16
mbhagyarumpsy: kernel 2.6.31-1909:16
ke1haremove the old headers, and re-install the headers for your current kernel.09:17
mbhagyarumpsy: but problem is coming from whn i updated to 2.6.31-1609:17
mbhagyarumpsy: okay.. how to remove?09:17
rumpsymbhagya: so , you do you have old kernel on your grub list09:17
daroluhaziq: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin09:18
DaemonFCOK, I've got one, on boot it tells me it can't read vesafb.ko because of an invalid argument, what to do?09:18
toastedmilkMachtin, hmm.09:18
ke1hado a uname -r and find out what your on, the use the Package manger, dont remove your kernel though :-)09:18
rumpsymbhagya: At present you are having kernel 2.6.31-19?09:19
Machtintoastedmilk: just another blind thought.. actually i think, you know more about that stuff than I do..09:19
mbhagyarumpsy: yes09:19
toastedmilkMachtin, hahahahahahahaha you've got to be joking09:19
mbhagyarumpsy: ya i have old kernels on the grub list09:19
Machtinnot at all!09:19
rumpsymbhagya: goto synaptic, and remove old kernel and its headers09:20
toastedmilkmbhagya, but make a backup!!!09:20
toastedmilkmbhagya, or you'll be where I am!09:20
mbhagyaok.. :)09:20
toastedmilkMachtin, nah man, I've only been using linux for a few months, just messing things up and fixing them with help from people on IRC09:20
rumpsymbhagya: leave the kernel, where you are now, and install headers of current kernel09:21
ke1hahere ys go, this will work: http://www.foogazi.com/2008/07/02/quickzi-how-to-remove-older-kernels-from-ubuntu/09:21
mbhagyathnx a tonne!09:21
toastedmilkejat, yay ssl!09:21
Machtinwell, upgrading didn't work then, i guess ^^09:21
crespoguys, if i want to disable notifications on nagios, how can i go about this?09:22
ke1hawhile your at it, do a localepurge and -autoremove cleans up allot of junk ya don' need.09:23
toastedmilkCan anyone help me with this?  http://pastebin.com/m53e2511209:23
rumpsymbhagya: At the end, apt-get autoremove...09:23
mbhagyaokay.. :)09:24
fuzzybunnyhey everyone if you guys go to a webcal:// is it automatically associated with evolution? for some reason if I double click on .ics files or go to webcal links they don't work with Evolution. Is this the same for everyone?09:24
rumpsytoastedmilk: using live cd you can clear that i think so, for that you have to know about kernel instllation09:25
toastedmilkrumpsy, ...what?09:25
toastedmilkrumpsy,  'you can clear that i think so'???09:25
rumpsytoastedmilk: i was talking about pastebin09:26
toastedmilkrumpsy, so...what are you talking about09:26
rumpsytoastedmilk: so, what is that paste all about09:27
ke1haUB Kernel install: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile09:27
toastedmilkrumpsy, did you look at ti?09:27
rumpsytoastedmilk: right i am09:27
ericjamesstill around toastedmilk?09:29
toastedmilkericjames, yo09:29
ericjamesi figured it out! :)09:29
toastedmilkericjames, nice!! what did you have to do!?09:29
ericjamesi'm a little embarrassed to say so.. lol09:29
toastedmilkericjames, well you asked if i was here and told me you fixed it!! let's hear it09:30
akirapowersgot it working09:30
akirapowers IM SEXY and im BACK in business09:30
ericjamesturns out you can't use 'sudo acpid stop' while acpid's running (in ubuntu anyway), I had to type 'sudo stop acpid'09:31
toastedmilkakirapowers, and still a bit of a noob? :P09:31
akirapowersow yeahhh09:31
toastedmilkericjames, so you did have to stop acpid?09:31
akirapowerschika chica09:31
ericjamesafter that, i started it again, 'sudo acpid start' and it works like a charm.09:31
toastedmilkakirapowers, errit09:31
akirapowersi will have EVE ona linux platform runnng tomrrow09:31
rumpsywhat is noob?09:31
ericjamestoastedmilk: yes, it had to be stopped.09:31
seamarshallI just gave my "www" folder chmod 600 accidentally and now I receive a 404 error. How do I fix this?09:31
toastedmilkrumpsy, ....really?09:31
toastedmilkericjames, neat!  i guessed somewhat right!09:32
ke1hayeah, chmod 77509:32
seamarshallchmod 775 to fix?09:32
ericjamestoastedmilk: not sure if it was necessary, but before 'sudo acpid start' i did a 'sudo acpid --debug' and it told me that two user events were registered.09:33
ke1hayeah, should work.09:33
ericjamesnot it works perfectly.09:33
toastedmilkericjames, awesome.  now you're that much more proficient in acpid scripting :P09:33
seamarshallke1ha: Awesome! thanks09:33
toastedmilkericjames, or at least on debian-based os's09:33
ericjamesscreen rotate, stylus and touch rotate, and the tablet d-pad rotates09:34
akirapowersthanks all im out peace09:34
seamarshallWhat is the difference between chmod 600 and 775?09:34
ke1haakirapowers, one way is using the control script, the other is using the init.d start / stop thats why it failed.09:34
toastedmilkCan anyone help me with this?  http://pastebin.com/m53e2511209:34
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toastedmilkakirapowers, stay classy09:34
toastedmilkericjames, w00t!09:34
llutzseamarshall: "man chmod" tells you09:35
r3zahi guys , when i want to minimize a windows its going be hide , how can i fix it ?09:35
ke1hain a nutshell, no pu intended .. 600 is RO for you only, the other is RWX RX RX09:35
ericjamesI couldn't figure out how to get the d-pad to rotate in fedora. also docking/undocking had to be done while power was off in fedora to prevent crashing, and suspend didn't work well. in ubuntu suspend, hibernate, and docking/undocking work perfectly.09:35
r3zahi guys , when i want to minimize a windows its going be hide , how can i fix it ?09:36
r3zahi guys , when i want to minimize a window its going be hide , how can i fix it ?09:36
seamarshallok now that I have my server fixed. When I try to upload to joomla i receive this error "Permission denied in /var/www/libraries/joomla/filesystem/file.php on line 298"09:36
toastedmilkr3za, first, don't spam.  second, what are you talking about?09:36
rob_pke1ha: ham?09:36
ericjamesI'm having just one more configuration issue though :-/09:36
ke1harrr yes09:36
rumpsyi donno where it went hidden, lol09:36
toastedmilkericjames, what up09:36
rob_pke1ha: me too  :-)09:36
ericjamesI believe it's related to the limit of keys in x09:36
rumpsyr3za: make some clear question09:37
r3zatoastedmilk: hey , for example i want to hide chat window , when i click the minimize button its hide , and in the bottom panel nothing to display it ... :( how can i fix it ?09:37
ke1haRTTY WPX tomorrow :-)09:37
toastedmilkr3za, dunno09:37
r3zarumpsy: hey , for example i want to hide chat window , when i click the minimize button its hide , and in the bottom panel nothing to display it ... :( how can i fix it ?09:37
rob_pke1ha: wish I could TX on HF from this location...09:37
rumpsyr3za: add, notification applet09:37
rob_pke1ha: perhaps I'll get a local callsign and be able to one of these days.09:38
ke1haI'm testing testing Lucid for AX25 .. thinking about porting N1MM to Linux.09:38
rumpsyr3za: goto panel and rightclick to select add to panel, and add notification area09:38
ericjamesso.. I have this tablet button that has a picture of a toolbox. in windows w/ lenovo drivers it brings up a shortcut menu for volume brightness etc. I want to map it to the super key or alt key, something useful (as i only have a couple buttons in tablet mode)09:38
seamarshallok now that I have my server fixed. When I try to upload to joomla i receive this error "Permission denied in /var/www/libraries/joomla/filesystem/file.php on line 298". Anyone know whats going on with this error?09:38
r3zarumpsy: no , its not right09:38
koltrollif one have draged "stiffness" on wobbly windows up to max, so that any active windows jumps around like crazy.. what would be solution be?09:38
koltroll"a friend did it".09:39
ericjamesthe problem it, linux calls it xf86ScreenSaver (identical to fn+f2)09:39
ericjamesand it locks the screen..09:39
anaohello, which paket includes singlemode admin console??09:39
rumpsyr3za: what?09:39
Myrttianao: how come?09:39
ericjamesso, though I can map it to whatever, it still always locks the screen.09:39
rob_pke1ha: I'm stuck on IRLP (into a dummy load) until I can get back on HF.  At least I can keep in touch with part of the ham community this way.09:39
ke1haseamarshall, do an ls -al on the directory and tell me what it gives you back09:39
rumpsyr3za: check for notification applet on your panel, if not add that09:39
Myrttianao: you mean the recovery console you can get to from the bootloader menu?09:39
r3zarumpsy: its dosent do :(09:40
PingFloydkoltroll: what do you mean?09:40
ericjamesany way I can prevent this? (i don't care if fn+f2 works, I just dont want to lock the screen)09:40
anaoif i boot into single mode the blue repair dialog is show which paket?09:40
ke1harob_p, yeah, Echo-Link is a good optioin also as is eQso09:40
rob_pke1ha: I'm not familiar with Lucid but I know AX25.09:40
seamarshallke1ha: which directory? www?09:40
koltrollPingFloyd, well I changed an advanced setting on the wobbly windows so that the window is just jumping around like crazy, totally deformed. And I like to fix it :)09:40
rumpsyanao: why you went to single mode?09:40
ke1hano, the dir that's failing, full path09:40
Myrttianao: you're not making any sense. Why do you want to know? if you're trying to remove it, you'll break the system09:41
rob_pke1ha: Yeah, I run that too.  My node does both Echolink and IRLP.09:41
ke1haor you could just do this chmod 775 -R /www09:41
PingFloydanao: what are you trying to do?09:41
rumpsyanao: you should not enter in single mode take our advice !09:41
ericjamesany ideas about how to disable xf86ScreenSaver key?09:42
PingFloydkoltroll: will it let you change at the same place?09:42
rumpsyr3za: got that thing?09:42
koltrollPingFloyd, I can't change anything now since any active window starts jumping around like crazy =>09:42
Myrttirumpsy: there are valid usecases for recovery mode, telling people not to use it is a bit strange09:42
PingFloydkoltroll: I see09:42
PingFloydkoltroll: that's in gnome?09:42
koltrollPingFloyd, KDE actually09:43
ke1haseamarshall, you probably changed ownership of the directory .. and when the web-server tries to use it, it can't because of the ownership09:43
r3zarumpsy: yes , here it is notification area , but it didnt fix my problem09:43
PingFloydkoltroll: not sure for kde, but gnome you could use the gconf-editor from command line09:43
seamarshallke1ha, so I need to do chown on it?09:43
ericjamestoastedmilk: did you see those messages?09:43
ke1haI dont it's hard to say from this end, I'd nuke the folder and reinstall the joomla as it sets the right permissions how it needs it.09:44
koltrollPingFloyd, thanks, I googled for gconf-editor for kde and found that it's "kwriteconfig".09:44
rumpsyMyrtti: is these are common, recovery mode and single mode?09:44
PingFloydkoltroll: there you go :)09:44
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ke1haopps. . I don't know ...09:44
PingFloydkoltroll: I figured it must have something similar09:44
Myrttirumpsy: yes.09:45
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rumpsyMyrtti: o_O . . okay . . .09:45
Guest48885can any body help me with my linux install please ?09:45
PingFloydkoltroll: it's kind of funny they'd allow such a crazy setting09:45
tonsilDoes anyone here use spotify? I tried logging on but I get an error 117 something about it being blocked but I already forwarded the ports and it works fine in Windows... so I don't know what to do to get it to log in.09:45
knxvilleGuest48885, Can you please change your name, and state your question a little bit more precise?09:46
PingFloydkoltroll: you would think they would put an upper sane limit09:46
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CybertinusI have a new Ubuntu 9.10 install, so I have Grub 2. Now I want to load the RAID module during the start of Grub 2. I found that I need to put the raid module in the variable $GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES but where do I set the value of that varaible?09:46
PingFloydkoltroll: maybe on that setting it will stop jumping around in a day or two09:46
da_germanhi...is somebody using xmonad here?09:47
Firasi have installed BK4 on my virtual box but i cant find my wifi device ?09:48
knxvilleFiras, BK4?09:48
ke1haseamarshall, when you did the chmod 600 where were you in the directory tree and were you root when you did that ?09:48
rumpsyFiras: BK4?09:48
kubanchow do i start LXDE from terminal09:48
PingFloydyou mean BT4?09:48
Firasooooooooooooooh yeah sorry09:48
koltrollPingFloyd, :)09:49
knxvilleFiras, Do you mean Backtrack 4? If, it does only support usb wifi cards when in virtualbox.09:49
Myrtti!backtrack | Firas09:49
ubottuFiras: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)09:49
dragonheartwhat package to I put releated to install CDs?09:49
PingFloydkubanc: you would use apt-get09:49
rumpsyFiras: again, bt4? what is that?09:49
SolarisBoytonsil: are you running a firewall on anywhere?09:49
PingFloydkubanc: not sure if there is a meta-package for it or not, but you could try apt-cache search lxde09:49
dragonheartwhat package to I put releated to install CDs? (in relation to putting in a launchpad bug)09:50
FirasBT4 = Backtrack 409:50
kubancPingFloyd, i already did, but as default my ubuntu goes into KDE, and KDE is broken, so it stoped gdm and went into terminal. now i would like to go to LXDE GUI09:50
tonsilSolarisBoy: Nope. I stopped the firewall in Firestarter but still it wouldn't  connect.09:50
toastedmilkericjames, sorry man, i had to go to the bathroom.  lemme scroll up09:50
PingFloydkubanc: to see any possible lxde related packages.  If you want the full blown lxde environment, you'll probably want to find the one that pulls in all the other lxde related dependencies,  you can use apt-cache show for that09:50
SolarisBoytonsil: but windows connects fine your saying?09:51
PingFloydkubanc: you should be able to choose lxde for you session one of the gdm menus09:51
toastedmilkericjames, that's way out of my league09:51
toastedmilkericjames, sorry :/09:51
SolarisBoytonsil: is this two seperate hosts with 2 seperate IP's that would need to seperate forwarding rules on the NAT side?09:51
kubancPingFloyd, it worked going into LXDe session, i stoped gdm and then enter startX in teminal, and it went into LXDE GUO09:51
toastedmilkericjames, good luck though!09:51
rumpsySolarisBoy: hey :)09:51
PingFloydkubanc: one of the benefits of display managers in general is that you can choose different DEs and/or WMs when you log in09:52
SolarisBoyrumpsy: hi there09:52
* toastedmilk goes to bed09:52
Firasubottu, i search in the internet on D-link website but i did not find any drivers for linux :-(09:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:52
ericjamestoastedmilk: no worries, thanks for your help!09:52
rumpsySolarisBoy: i hope you doing good :)09:52
ericjamestoastedmilk: g-night09:52
Firasi search in the internet on D-link website but i did not find any drivers for linux :-(09:52
PingFloydkubanc: you can use startx script to startup X if you want, but then you'll usually need to edit your ~/.xinitrc09:52
SolarisBoyrumpsy: yes i am,, tired this morning =) but well,, and your self?09:52
kubancPingFloyd, it looks like that for default gdm session there is KDE GUI, can i change this to LXDE?09:52
PingFloydkubanc: yeah, there should be an option to select which type of session you want as default09:53
PingFloydkubanc: right there in the gdm login screen09:53
rumpsySolarisBoy: yeah good i'm ..09:53
kubanchow do i logout from KDE in terminal window to go into login screen?09:53
Cybertinushow can I add modules for Grub2 to load during boot?09:53
tonsilSolarisBoy: I didn't do any port forwarding in Windows but spotify works there. I can connect to spotify before. I don't know what happened as to why I can't connect anymore. I don't remember changing any settings. I found this thread but it didn't really work for me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103533809:53
PingFloydkubanc: if you logged into kde through startx, then you'll just want to shutdown kde09:54
SolarisBoyoh thought you mentioned something about forwarding ports...09:54
kubancPingFloyd, the only thing i see in KDE is black screen with a little white terminal, so i need to exit KDE from terminal09:55
rumpsySolarisBoy: me?09:55
SolarisBoyyou can test if that port is available by telnet to the port 'telnet $lanIP 8070'09:55
tonsilI forwarded ports in this PC that runs Ubuntu but not the one in Windows, SolarisBoy.09:55
ericjamesanybody have any idea how one might go about disabling the screensaver/screen lock event triggered by the xf86ScreenSaver key?09:55
PingFloydkubanc: are you in a VC or in a terminal in KDE?09:55
SolarisBoytonsil: you mean you accepted connections on the ports no? forwarding the port locally on the box or to elsewhere would be diff....09:55
rumpsySolarisBoy: you continue, i'll be back09:56
SolarisBoyrumpsy: k09:56
kubancPingFloyd, what is VC? But i thing i am i terminal in a KDE. can i see in terminal which GUI am I using=09:56
PingFloydkubanc: VC is virtual console i.e. alt-f1, alt-f2 etc.09:56
SolarisBoytonsil: are you behind a router?09:56
tonsilSolarisBoy, frankly I don't really know much about this. I just went to the configuration site of my router (192.168.x.x) and opened the ports there.09:57
tonsilYes, I am.09:57
SolarisBoytonsil: you may need to additionally open the port on that router09:57
kubancPingFloyd, no no, i put command /etc/init.d/gdm start into terminal, and this is were it took me09:57
PingFloydkubanc: didn't the login come up?09:57
fabianCan apps start on a specific Desktop (eg Desktop 3)?09:58
kubancPingFloyd, if i satart X server from VC it works fine09:58
tonsilSolarisBoy, how do I do that?09:58
kubancPingFloyd, no it didn't09:58
peolHowdy. I've set up a custom screenshot script and bound it to <Super>z -- the script is called (I see the notify-send cmd notification), however, my scrot does not seem to be running. Anyone had issues with this? I tried adding DISPLAY=:0 scrot -s ... but to no avail.09:58
SolarisBoytonsil: the outside world doesn't see 192.168.x.x the port may very well be open to devices on your LAN however beyond the NAT router this will be the issue because you need to open a port on the public NATd IP..09:58
PingFloydkubanc: I think understand, you ran gdm from within terminal in kde?09:58
SolarisBoytonsil: do you have a linksys/netgear router or are you behind the ISP provided device?09:58
tonsilI have a Linksys router.09:59
SolarisBoytonsil: find the web interface to the router which generally listens at the routers IP address and reachable by http in your browser,there may be an option depending on your model to forward ports to the internal IP address09:59
kubancPingFloyd, no no, if i reboot computer, i do not see login windows, it gets me directly to (probably) KDE in which i can only see a black background and a 1/4 of the screen is a white terminal09:59
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest28452
tonsilThanks, SolarisBoy. I'll just do some googling around.10:00
SolarisBoytonsil: in general most linksys place them selves on x.x.x.1 so typing that into your browser URL should take you to the router admin GUI10:00
PingFloydkubanc: sounds like it is starting via startx instead of gdm if that is the case10:00
SolarisBoytonsil: np10:00
xfactAnybody can helpme, where to get the regional language output keyboard for launchpad translation?10:00
kubancPingFloyd, but if i start xserver from terminal windows (alt-f1) it gets me directly to LXDE, which is working fine10:00
PingFloydkubanc: if you installed lxde from the package in repo, it should create a session entry in gdm10:01
SolarisBoytonsil: this may give some assistance http://www.dnsexit.com/support/knowledge_base/router/Linksys-2.htm10:01
kubancPingFloyd, I think it's the problem with KDE, so what i wanna to do is to set by default to go into LXDE and not KDE10:01
PingFloydlksj: please don't PM me10:02
Magick211192.168.1.1 is default for linksys10:02
SolarisBoythere you have it10:02
PingFloydkubanc: in gdm, the default behavior is that once you select a different session, it should ask if you want to make it default10:03
kubancPingFloyd, can i see in terminal which GUI am i using right now?10:03
PingFloydkubanc: so after you install say lxde, there should be a new entry for it in gdm menus.  When you choose a different one than the current default (say were usually running kde, but this time chose lxde) it should ask if you want to make it the default session.10:04
PingFloydkubanc: you can, but that isn't what you want10:04
kubancPingFloyd, yes i agree, but how do i get to login window?10:04
PingFloydkubanc: you shutdown the current DE/WM you're in10:04
PingFloydkubanc: choose logout10:05
PingFloydor you can kill it X10:05
tonsilSolarisBoy, I think that's similar to what I did earlier. Here's a screencap: http://imgur.com/xNupz.png10:05
rumpsykubanc: at the login screnn, there is a word called, option click that and choose your own10:05
kubancrumpsy, i do not see login screen right now10:05
SolarisBoyServer not found10:06
rumpsykubanc: logoff..10:06
fatumHow do you go about adding more desktop sides on kde 4.4?  (for the cube)10:06
kubancrumpsy, ctrl+alt+shift doesn't get my into login windows10:06
kubancrumpsy, how do i logoff in terminal window?10:06
SolarisBoy;> you sure that web server isn't behind the linksy too? =)10:06
ke1hakubanc, rumpsy assuming you ahve more than one desktop installed.10:06
rumpsykubanc: exit10:06
PingFloydsounds more like you're in a console10:06
rumpsykubanc: if you are in terminal, start GDM10:07
ke1hajust do an init10:07
SiHaHello.. Is there any way to allow root login to gui in ubuntu 9.10? :)10:07
kubancrumpsy, lol, the only thing i needed to put into terminal was exit and it put me into login window10:07
metaleksSiHa, just use gksu nautilus10:08
metaleksin terminal10:08
SolarisBoytonsil: tonsil that link isn't working10:08
PingFloydkubanc: sounds like you were in a minimal session that just starts a terminal instead of a WM/DE10:08
rumpsykubanc: that is the command to logout, lol10:08
gheddy-zarcwas trying to login to here the other day and I got "Software" incompatibilty issues wha the hey is that about ? I could get into Dalnet or Urchat servers and effnet etc but freenode chucked me eh any clues ?10:08
Magick211What link?10:08
SiHametaleks, ehm.. what? :P10:08
kubancrumpsy, you want so say XTERM session?10:08
metalekstype "gksu nautilus" in terminal to have graphical root access10:08
dallisSiHa: Yepper. Something like Systen -->Administration --> login win- aw crap, they've changed it... Sorry.10:09
rumpsykubanc: ctrl+alt+backspace10:09
SolarisBoyhttp://i.imgur.com/xNupz.png <-- that one does10:09
PingFloydrumpsy: what's lame is that key combo is disabled by default :(10:09
PingFloydrumpsy: easy to change, but imho it makes more sense to have that key combo available by default10:10
kubancrumpsy, i fixed it now, it looks like i was in Xterm session, and i also tried ctrl+alt+backspace but it didn't work to go into login session. the only thing that worked, is, that i put "exit" into terminal, and then i changed my GUI, and now it works.10:10
SolarisBoytonsil: that looks correct have you saved the settings and tried rebooting the router?10:10
PingFloydrumpsy: kubanc's situation is a good example10:10
tonsilSolarisBoy: Yeah. I did earlier. Before I came here. It didn't work though.10:11
SolarisBoytonsil: also ensure you aren't using dhcp and the address is diff...10:11
rumpsykubanc: This is what i was telling you o_O10:11
kubancPingFloyd, thanks for helping me10:11
kubancrumpsy, yes, thank you for helping me10:11
ter35How to give ip Address from a file in ubuntu10:11
PingFloydkubanc: you're welcome10:11
rumpsykubanc: :D . . happy day10:12
PingFloydkubanc: lxde is a great DE for lower end systems10:12
ke1haquesiton is, how did he get to the console, was it by accident or intention ?10:12
dallisSiHa: Have you tried clicking 'other' and logging in as root that way?10:12
PingFloydkubanc: I definitely recommend it for older systemss10:12
SiHadallis: yup.. Did not work though10:12
SiHaBut the gksu is what I need10:12
rumpsyPingFloyd: but gnome is also good for older system..10:13
tonsilSolarisBoy: I just checked Network Connections and the connection I'm using right now has AUTOMATIC (DHCP) in the ipv4 Settings Method. What should I change it to/10:13
kubancPingFloyd, yes, that's why I installed LXDE. i tried lubuntu, but there is no installation . so i installed Kubuntu, and then LXDE. now the only thing i need to do is delete KDE10:13
dallisSiHa: Ah. Glad I could pretend to help.10:13
PingFloydrumpsy: I like gnome, but it tends to be a bit more demanding relatively speaking10:13
silv3r_m00nI have 4 sheets in an excel file , in open office can I merge them all ?10:13
SiHaHehehe.. thanks for the pretended help dallis10:13
PingFloydkubanc: I think there is a meta-package for lubuntu iirc10:13
papshsilv3r_m00n, cut and paste?10:14
teagekubanc: isnt it possible to install ubiquity within the live cd?10:14
dallisHm... I don't like irssi showing my username....10:14
silv3r_m00npapsh: the sheets are big10:14
SolarisBoytonsil: 1. check for an option in your DHCP server to reserve a static address for that MAC address on your ubuntu and make it always be the one thats forwarded... 2. set a static IP on a host you would like to forward any ports to from the linksys10:14
SiHaand thanks metaleks10:14
silv3r_m00nbut column structure is same10:14
ke1hasilv3r_m00n, wrong channel, but yes you can, same way as Excell.10:14
SolarisBoy1 or 210:14
teagekubanc: as you are using it i mean?10:14
ericjamesanybody have any idea how one might go about disabling the screensaver/screen lock event triggered by the xf86ScreenSaver key?10:15
SolarisBoythen im tired...10:15
kubancteage, ubiquity, don't know what this is, sory :(10:15
teagekubanc: its the installer10:15
PingFloydkubanc: I know I read something about that somewhere, one sec10:15
ter35anyone there10:15
al_time to try something new - any wine gurus here? I need to install it10:15
SolarisBoyand again,,, tonsil i forget is the windows and ubuntu two seperate hosts physically or a dual boot?10:15
Slartter35: yes.. about 1333 of us here10:16
Slart!welcome | ter3510:16
ubottuter35: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:16
ke1ha1334 people's are here :-)10:16
tonsiltwo separate hosts, SolarisBoy.10:16
kubancteage, probably the only thing to install ubuntu with LXDE, is to install ubuntu without GUI and then install LXDE10:16
SolarisBoytonsil: Im suspecting the Ubuntu IP isn't x.x.x.102?10:16
ter35HOw to change ip address from file in ubuntu10:16
RudyValenciaHi, how do I install a beryl theme in Ubuntu 9.10?10:16
ke1hakubanc, have you tried the server install, then add only the desktop you want ?10:17
Slartter35: have a look at the file /etc/network/interfaces10:17
PingFloydkubanc: there's lubuntu-desktop package10:17
teagekubanc: worth a shot though, pop the cd in, hop online, open terminal and apt-get install ubiquity10:17
tonsilSolarisBoy, I just checked ifconfig and it said x.x.x.102.10:17
Slartter35: or you can run "ifconfig" manually.. that will be reset when you reboot though10:17
k1kohey :) anyone tried flashdevelop under wine here?10:17
Slart!appdb | k1ko10:17
ubottuk1ko: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:17
SolarisBoytonsil try this just for kicks... "sudo iptables -nvL"10:17
ke1hainstalling any desktop distro adds a ton of things that are nto essential.10:18
ter35auto lo10:18
ter35iface lo inet loopback10:18
kubancteage, hm, this is what i didn't know :D...10:18
ter35whats it10:18
incorrecti am using openvpn and resolvconf, if i start my openvpn client i get an error message saying /etc/resolv.conf is not a a symlink,  is there any way to get network manager to play nice with resolvconf?10:18
Slartter35: man interfaces will tell you more about that file10:18
ernzHi room. Can anyone here answer a noobish bash scripting question for me please? (I have tried RTFM)10:18
bubuleinhi, i have a strange problem with stting up a wlan card. i short summeray can be found here http://pastebin.org/90555 , i hope someone could gimme a tip ho to solve th10:18
Slarternz: go ahead10:18
ter35man ?????10:18
Slarternz: you'll know soon enough if we can answer or not =)10:18
Slartter35: in a terminal you write "man interfaces" and you'll see the manual for that file10:19
ernzSlart: Thanks, can I pm you please?10:19
Slartter35: it works for other commands as well..10:19
SolarisBoySlart: and other config files10:19
Slarternz: it's usually better if you ask the question in the channel.. you'll get better answers that way.. but you're welcome to use pm if you want10:19
Myrttiernz: please ask in the channel10:20
SlartSolarisBoy: hehe.. indeed.. and source functions and whatnot.. =)10:20
tonsilSolarisBoy: Didn't work. I'm still figuring out how to do the first option you mentioned earlier. Where do I configure my DHCP or know which static address to use?10:21
ernzSlart/Myrtti: I know how people get about pasting lines and lines, so here is a pastebin of the offending script: http://pastebin.ca/179445010:21
IncrediblePieDoes anyone here know of a graphical IM client that supports SASL?10:21
SolarisBoytonsil: i recalculated my opinion when you told me the IPaddress is the same as that in the screenshot10:21
Slarternz: at a first glance.. try putting the directory name in quotations10:22
Myrttiernz: I'd personally replace every $variable with "${variable}"10:22
Myrttiernz: and add the hashbang if it already doesn't10:22
SolarisBoytonsil: dhcp should work as static would if the ip addressing is correct,, which you say it is,, unless the linksys has some function to _NOT_ forward to DHCP clients... which i can't confirm....10:22
ernzSlart/Myrtti: I shall do both. Which quotes should I use? ` or ' or "?10:23
Myrttiernz: "10:23
ke1haIncrediblePie, i know irssi does, but i dont know about GUI, have you checked Pigin ?10:23
SolarisBoytonsil: if you have no iptables rules and port 4070 or whatever is in fact open && being forwarded thru the linksys,,, i got nothin =)10:23
Myrttiernz: though " and ' are somewhat interchangeable, but out of habit I personally use " because they are more visible10:23
ke1haOne of them does, I saw it the other day,  or at lease OpenPGP anyway/10:24
tonsilIt's probably a problem with the spotify servers. It seems to be a common error for Ubuntu users/10:24
tonsilThanks anyway, SolarisBoy.10:24
kubancis it OK, if i uninstall al the packages for KDE, to remove KDE from my system?10:24
IncrediblePieKe1ha: Yeah, I'm using Irssi right now (I don't like it too much), and when I tried to set the flag to enable SASL for Pidgin it didn't seem to work. It installed, but it was still not being detected by freenode.10:25
SolarisBoytonsil: some sites or web apps process headers and the client information to work,,, i guess its possible the app doesn't like browsers on ubuntu OS, it does call audio functions and such as it appears its a music site,,,10:25
ke1harr . yeah, none of them are really well suited for the purpose, as the nature of what they do is insecure to begin with.10:25
PingFloydkubanc: yeah, but make sure you remove the top-most package with tool of choice, then let the package manager resolve the dependencies from there10:26
Davedanhow can I find out how many open TCP connections I have10:26
tonsilSolarisBoy, it used to work just a few days ago. I know some people who can still run it in Ubuntu.10:26
IncrediblePie*sigh* Think mIRC will run with Wine...?10:27
PingFloydkubanc: there may be some packages that some of they apps/software you keep that has some dependencies in common10:27
SolarisBoytonsil: =@10:27
SolarisBoyDavedan: use netstat10:27
DavedanSolarisBoy: I'll read about it. thanks10:27
PingFloydkubanc: if you're not hurting for hard drive space, I personally wouldn't bother10:27
PingFloydkubanc: memory only gets used for what gets loaded which means what you need10:28
kubancPingFloyd, yes i saw, i am looking in the description of the program, if it is a program for KDE, that it should go away, and YES, it's bothering free space on my disk drive10:28
ernzSlart/Myrtti: haha: close! It worked all apart from one thing. my mkdir -p "~/Desktop/${proj}/_backups/${proj}_bkp_${filedate}"; created a "~" directory! I'm not really familiar with the ~/ shortcut. What am I doing wrong there?10:28
SolarisBoyDavedan: np10:28
Slarternz: hmm.. ~ usually means the home folder10:28
PingFloydkubanc: I'd look and see which package, but I'm not in ubuntu right now10:28
Slarternz: as in /home/ernz or whatever your username is10:29
PingFloydkubanc: probably kubuntu-desktop10:29
Myrttiernz: $HOME/Desktop/"${proj}"/_backups/"${proj}"_bkp_ etc10:29
ernzSlart: Yea, that's what I thought too10:29
Bravewolfdoes bibd9, by default configuration, open tcp and udp port 53 also to the external world?10:29
PingFloydkubanc: which is a meta package that in turn depends on kde and some other niceties.  Keep in mind that it may want to remove your DM too, so you might want to make sure you keep gdm/kdm/xdm or whatever dm you're using on there10:30
kubancPingFloyd, i uninstalled package kubuntu-desktop with apt-get remove, and it said that it will only remove 53.2 KB10:30
IncrediblePieOh, and by the way, has anyone managed to properly set up an ATI Radeon HD 4650 AGP card in 'buntu? I tried on my desktop but it didn't work to well at all with video. Seemed as if it was still using vesa or something (it wasn't).10:30
nysisHi. I have sporadic freezes with Intel 845G Video driver. I use Ubuntu 9.10, everything worked fine until one day after a usuall package update my system periodically freezes. Any bugfix to this issue? Is it an intel driver or kernel issue?10:30
SolarisBoyDavedan: FYI; 'sudo netstat --tcp -pno' should do the trick10:30
PingFloydkubanc: see what kubuntu-desktop depends on10:30
knxvilleIs there any clamav channel on freenode or any other server?10:31
PingFloydkubanc: also you can try apt-get autoremove to clean out the orphans left over10:31
ke1hathere's also a deborphan app that cleans house too.10:31
DavedanSolarisBoy: trying. thanks10:31
paddy_melonknxville, yes, #clamav>> /join #clamav10:32
knxvillepaddy_melon, i found out.. I need to try my self some time before asking ;)10:32
ernzSlart/Myrtti: YEA! Rocking and rolling now guys. Thanks both for your help, now I can backup my crappy web apps in *style*! 3 Internet points to the both of you. Enjoy your day.10:32
ke1hakubanc, also, you can free up space with localepurg too, as it clears all the lang files you dont want.10:32
Slarternz: *pst10:32
paddy_melonknxville, so true10:32
wstephensonhow do those orphan tools work, do they identify every leaf package as a possible remove?10:32
Slarternz: *pst*... not guys..10:32
ericjameswhere does ubuntu keep THE xmodmap file? i see that there are many in /usr/share/xmodmap, but I'm looking for the one that's being used, not the choices for different layouts etc..10:32
knxvillepaddy_melon, ;)10:32
PingFloydwstephenson: in theory :)10:32
Slarternz: but you're welcome10:33
ernzSlart: You've lost me.10:33
kubancPingFloyd, apt-get autoremove didn't to anything10:33
PingFloydkubanc: you probably have to remove kde package itself too10:33
SolarisBoyke1ha: is localepurg available on 8.10?10:33
kubancPingFloyd, i am already doing this10:33
SolarisBoyoo found it =)10:33
ernzSlart: ?10:33
PingFloydkubanc: look at the dependencies of kubuntu-desktop as a guide10:33
kubancI hope i won't messed up my LXDE10:33
rumpsykubanc: try snynaptic10:33
Slarternz: nevermind.. glad you got it working10:34
ernzSlart: This is clearly a lie. Everyone knows that there are no women on the internets. I've checked.10:34
ke1hakubanc, here' see the last pot on this thread: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=852805510:34
SunRavenmother fuckers10:34
IncrediblePieOops... hehe.10:34
PingFloydernz: my girlfriend uses the internet10:34
Slarternz: we're all dogs =) and offtopic dogs at that10:35
wstephensonernz: how, did you pick up every last user and look underneath their tails?10:35
ke1hawhoff whoff :-)10:35
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:35
Slartmight as well do it myself..10:35
ernzPingFloyd: We call that "homosexuality". It's cool. I'm 'down with that, yo.' Awesome username BTW. wstephenson: Yes. Slart: Point take ;) Have a good one!10:36
SolarisBoyi love ubottu,, so well behaved10:36
rumpsylol, SolarisBoy10:37
ke1haSolarisBoy, re localepurge and 8.10 .. don't know, just apt-get it and see, put it's pretty clock, does it for all packages you install after it's been installed.10:37
SunRavenI have a package you can install10:37
ke1haoops, but it's pretty slick ..10:37
HoudiniManwhat does "restart your session" mean?10:37
HoudiniMantrying to install conky colors10:37
SolarisBoyke1ha: sweet10:37
SunRavenconky as in the trailer park boys clown?10:37
schertzerPetit problème: je dois créer des formulaires et des rapports sur une base externe. Les outils spip ne permette pas. Existe-t-il un produit équivalent en php- mysql?10:38
Myrtti!fr > schertzer10:38
ubottuschertzer, please see my private message10:38
SlartHoudiniMan: in that context I guess it means.. restart conky10:38
LohnSoops =)10:38
SlartHoudiniMan: might also mean to logout and login again10:38
ericjameshow can i tell which xmodmap file I'm using? ( I want to make edits to my xmodmap file, but there are many for many diff keyborad layouts)10:38
root51i am using grub210:38
PingFloydHoudiniMan: one way to find out for sure what it does10:39
PingFloydHoudiniMan: press the button!10:39
PingFloydHoudiniMan: you know you want to10:39
ericjamesi would assume xmodmap.us-101, however this doesn't contain records for all the keys listed in 'xmodmap -pke'10:39
root51how to install background in boot loader10:39
HoudiniMananybody here running conkycolors?10:39
llutzericjames: use ~/.Xmodmap10:40
root51any available command to change backgound in grub210:40
root51im mean in bootloader10:40
HoudiniManshould i download "Conky Hardcore PPA" or "Conky 1.8.0"?10:40
Myrtti!es | usuario_10:40
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:40
root51in other words grub2 config10:40
ikoniaHoudiniMan: don't use a PPA unless you know what you're doing and have to use it10:41
ikoniaroot51: there are graphics patches available, but I don't think they are included in grub2 built by uubntu by default10:41
HoudiniMan!info conky10:41
ericjamesllutz: thanks. how do i ensure that it's read from when I log in? or is that taken care of for me?10:41
koltrollanyone can recommend a program for mounting iso-files ?10:41
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.2-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 28 kB, installed size 64 kB10:41
llutzericjames: xsession should read that10:41
ikoniakoltroll: "mount" will do it10:41
koltrollikonia, something that has a gui10:42
root51compatible to karmic?10:42
PingFloydkoltroll: mount with loop option10:42
ericjamesllutz: appreciated.10:42
ikoniaroot51: yes, but do you REALLY want to start patching your grb package ?10:42
root51can create background in boot loader10:42
ke1hathat gets to be a pain if you want to update your distro.10:43
ikoniaroot51: it can, but I would strongly advice against patching grub10:43
PingFloydmount file.iso /path/to/mountpoint -t iso9660 -o loop10:43
koltrollPingFloyd, but there's gotta be some nice gui tool for this.10:43
koltrollI'm to old to be using the terminal.10:43
PingFloydthen you can access it from the mountpoint10:43
PingFloydkoltroll: I think nautilus will10:43
root51so what i can do10:44
ikoniaroot51: without patching it, nothing10:44
root51how to patch10:44
ke1hawhen you say background, are you talking about the splash image ?10:44
PingFloydkoltroll: seems like nautilus will do it transparently if you have dbus/hal installed10:44
ikoniaroot51: if you have to ask - don't, more so when you are talking about your boot loader10:44
root51i talking about boot loader10:45
root51grub loader10:45
ke1haif yeah, the splash image when it's booting right ?10:45
wstephensonis anyone using an explicitly set $KDEHOME here with 4.4? if so could you check if $KDEHOME/share/apps/nepomuk is using it or ~/.kde?10:45
ke1haIsn't that just a zipped image that's like 640x480 ?10:46
ikoniake1ha: if grub is patched for image support10:46
ke1harrr. yeah, it's gotta have that. but changing the actual image is simple enough.10:47
ke1hatypically though, I dont mess with boot-loaders, that a sure fire way to break things.10:48
PingFloydonly if you don't know what you're doing10:49
DhavalMakehow to stop bluetooth on startuo in ubuntu 9.1010:49
ke1haand I dont, so I dont :-)10:49
knxvilleDo anyone know where to find IOS Images? For example ASA5505?10:50
PingFloydke1ha: that's a good policy :)10:50
ikoniaknxville: that's not an ubuntu issue10:50
knxvilleikonia, i know, I was jus wondering if someone knew10:51
=== schrmz is now known as schmrz
ikoniaknxville: if it's offtopic, don't ask10:51
DhavalMakecan anybody know how to stop bluetooth on startup in ubuntu 9.1010:51
llutzDhavalMake: sudo update-rc.d -f bluetooth remove10:52
root51how to correct this error10:52
luckymuralihi to all10:52
ikoniaroot51: it's not an error10:52
root51my karmic update10:52
schmrzHello Everyone. Can anyone please help me I'm getting desperate. I had a perfect installation of debian for a year or so and then I installed winXp on another partition because I had to use this program (yes, yes, I wanted to play games) and it deleted GRUB ofcourse. Well it happened before I guessed. But this time I can't restore it...10:52
root51not available10:53
PingFloydroot51: what error?10:53
DhavalMakellutz: thanks10:53
llutz!grub | schmrz10:53
ubottuschmrz: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:53
DhavalMakellutz: i'm try10:53
ke1haDhavalMake, depends on your hardware, but you can install checkconfig then just checkconfig bluetooth off10:54
schmrzllutz: I have already tried that. I'm getting Error 2 when booting GRUB.10:54
DhavalMakellutz:i have 1 more problem my samsung s 3310 can not detect as mobile modem for net connection10:54
Myrttischmrz: you're running Debian?10:55
ter35How to restore grub when we install xp upon ubuntu10:55
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:55
ke1haDhavalMake, or sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth stop10:55
schmrzMyrtti: Yes, but this is a bit of a weird situation. Debian is installed on the HDD but I'm trying to reinstall GRUB using Ubuntu 9.10 Live CD.10:55
schmrzSo, I'm not really sure where to ask for help :\10:56
Myrttischmrz: the problem with your thing is that ubuntu 9.10 comes with grub2 by default10:56
schmrzAnd I should get 9.04 ?10:56
DhavalMakeke1ha: yaa but it can stop just for this time whenever i'm start my laptop bluetooth has been on again10:56
ericjamesso i successfully changed keycode 160 = XF86ScreenSaver NoSymbol XF86ScreenSaver NoSymbol XF86ScreenSaver' to '160 = Super_L NoSymbol Super_L NoSymbol Super_L' , however the key still locks the screen and X server reports MappingNotify events to xev when I press this key (-_-);10:57
schmrzMyrtti: I have also tried installing Lilo but I'm getting an error when trying to use chroot.10:57
Myrttischmrz: is using Ubuntu live disk what the Debian people suggested?10:57
ke1haupdate-rc.d then and not ahve it start in any runlevel10:57
schmrzMyrtti: No, it's the only live cd I had lying around.10:58
Myrttischmrz: perhaps you should really look into what the debian peeps suggest for doing in your case10:58
schmrzMyrtti: Ok, thanks.10:58
hellpSince yesterday (I guess) the F9 key darkens my screen by some percent (like in powersave mode when on battery). When I click the mouse it brightens again. It overrides all other applications' F9 hotkey commands. How can I disable it?10:58
ke1ha update-rc.d bluetooth remove10:58
DhavalMakeke1ha: sudo update-rc.d -f bluetooth remove10:59
DhavalMakehow to start my bluetooth again after above command10:59
ke1hayes you need sudo11:00
ke1hayou wont be able too until you add it back into rc.d / init.d11:00
ke1haat least from an automatic standpoint11:01
root51how to correct this error11:01
root51W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY DA360C64005E027611:01
root51the error is appear11:02
root51how fix that kind of error in my update manager11:02
root51W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY DA360C64005E027611:03
wdstudioWould i be able to use font if i use ln -s path of my fonts /usr/share/fonts/truetype11:03
luckymuraliI am trying to connect my ubuntu machine from windows xp using remote desktop11:04
luckymuralibut Im getting connection is refused11:04
luckymuralihow can i open the port for 5900??? please help me11:04
TREllisroot51: you need to import the GPG key for that PPA, see http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2009/05/14/add-ppa-key-to-your-apt-keyring/11:05
Kohar<root51> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+question/9783811:05
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erUSULluckymurali: what are you using in windows to connect t the ubuntu machine ?11:06
fucnqshunis there a rapidshare channel somewhere?11:06
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »11:06
erUSUL!alis | fucnqshun11:06
erUSULfucnqshun: /msg alis list *rapidshare*11:06
ke1hawe need a better How-Too for Launchpad and GPG, it's kind of tricky following all the links if your not used to using them.11:07
luckymuralierUSUL, vnc viewer11:07
ke1haor PGP I should say ..11:07
erUSULand there is a vnc server running in ubuntu ?11:07
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX11:07
nfdHello all! Apologies if this is the wrong place, but I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. Installed 9.10 on an Apple MBP, was expecting to see my wifi driver in Admin>Hardware Drivers, but I don't. But Network Tools doesn't see a wireless interface. How can I tell if there's a driver installed for this card, or, otherwise, what else should I do?11:08
jiohdierUSUL: you can add a package called remote desktop server11:08
jiohdiit works well with remote desktop viewer11:08
PingFloydroot51: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SecureApt11:08
jiohdias long as the remote computer is not running compiz11:08
erUSULjiohdi: talk to luckymurali11:08
TRElliske1ha: there is a pretty good one on the page of the PPA... it's just a bit hidden... if you click on the 'What is this?' link next to 'Signing Key:' on any PPA page11:09
jiohdierUSUL: about?11:09
ke1harr. yeah, I got no prob's but folks new to the whole things it would be tricky to get through the whole process.11:09
ke1hanfd, is your card seen when you do lspci ?11:10
erUSULjiohdi: about the remote desktop server. he/she is the one with the problem11:10
ke1hanfd, also, did it work during LiveCD ?11:10
jiohdierUSUL: sorry, saw your question11:11
luckymuralierUSUL, yes my vncserevr is running on ubuntu11:11
erUSULluckymurali: and is in the 5900 port? "sudo lsof -i :5900" shoud tell11:11
root51im trying to fix my ppa11:12
steve777nned some help to fix my X, only have cli, and its booted into readonly FS, i am a newbie, need help pls11:12
nfdOn LiveCD it wanted to install the drivers, now I don't see anything. lspci sees it11:12
erUSULluckymurali: also check that no firewall is blocking the connection11:12
luckymuralierUSUL, i am getting nothing11:12
ke1hanfd, ok, and in the network manager it's not bringing up the WifI card at all ?11:12
ZuZuuI've got a question on a ubuntu server with iptables11:13
ZuZuuAnyone can give me a help?11:13
erUSULluckymurali: sudo netstat -putan | grep -i vnc11:13
ZuZuuOkay I'm currently using a routeur, with forward 443 port to an exchange server.11:13
steve777need cli commands to fix xserver pls11:13
ke1haUB iptables: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo11:13
nfdIn network tools I got loopback, eth0 and unknown device pan011:13
erUSULsteve777: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'11:14
ZuZuuBut in my organisation i need another 443 Website11:14
erUSULsteve777: but if the fs is read only that wont work ...11:14
steve777ok trying11:14
ZuZuuso I would like to use the port 444 for example, and iptable will redirect trafic ton the right local server on 44311:14
luckymuralierUSUL, thanks11:14
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist11:14
luckymuralii got it11:14
erUSULluckymurali: it is in another port?11:14
ZuZuuthx but i've already read it11:15
steve777<erUSUL it booted in readonly11:15
steve777i booted cd did unmount and did disk check11:15
=== ShapeShifter499_ is now known as ShapeShifter499
erUSULsteve777: that's probably because there was an error in the filesystem. you should boot into a liveCD (desktop cd is live) and check the filesystem with gparted11:16
steve777ok trying11:16
erUSULsteve777: ok; you already checked the disk but it wont mount rw ?11:16
steve777yes true that11:16
erUSULsteve777: the check didn't give any errors or warings??11:17
ReggieRareBreedI am using Firestarter and this program is showing constant hits from various ip addresses even though I have no internet applications running, any help please?11:17
steve777after finished said /d not clean /d or something11:17
steve777ill try again11:18
PingFloydReggieRareBreed: those are probably port scans11:18
ReggieRareBreedhi PingFloyd, many thanx, But I have a strange connection going out from my PC on port 631 and it aint me?11:20
ke1haZuZuu, ptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to :444   Something like that I think.11:20
RudyValenciaHow do I set up something to turn off my monitor at night?11:20
HappyNessพอ มาอัพเกรด เครื่องมันก็ค้าง11:20
PingFloydReggieRareBreed: see what it is with netstat -ltunap11:20
RudyValencia(using DPMS power-off)?11:20
HappyNessหนังจากนั้น ก็มีปัญหาเรื่องการ์ดจออะคับ11:20
PingFloydReggieRareBreed: the -p will show the process names11:20
jpds!en | HappyNess11:20
ubottuHappyNess: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:20
ReggieRareBreedI am pretty new to Ubutnu since trashing micropants so give me a sec..11:21
PingFloydReggieRareBreed: you probably will need to run the command under rootprivs to see them all11:21
ReggieRareBreedok, me being a numpty, give me clue what to do.....lol11:21
PingFloydReggieRareBreed: in a terminal sudo netstat -tunapl11:22
ReggieRareBreedok 2 ticks11:22
Matthew11Hello! I have got a very serious problem with network management. I have got an eeepc 1201n, and i got a kernel pain (using wireless) or a freeze (with ethernet connection)11:22
erUSULZuZuu: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/7311:22
ke1haZuZuu, or from one server to another on anther port:iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination
PingFloydReggieRareBreed: that will list all ports that are listening along with which process it is doing the listening11:22
PingFloydReggieRareBreed: you could do sudo netstat -ltunap | grep 631 if you want to filter the output11:23
ke1haYou have to specify the IP / Host and Port, then redirect11:23
HappyNesshello all11:23
ReggieRareBreedok I've got a little list, do you want me to add them here?11:23
ke1hathe 0.1/24 was an example11:23
=== TiruRiru is now known as schmrz
HappyNessmy name happy11:24
jpds!ot | HappyNess11:24
ubottuHappyNess: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:24
HappyNessam form thailand11:24
ke1hahe wants to redirect all trafic on that port to another server and port.11:24
MrEgg964Hi all - do ACL permissions prevail over UGO permissions, or can they possibly conflict ?11:25
diddyMy sound just went. I didn't do anything. sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart does not fix it. Any idea?11:25
HappyNesssorry  i know english11:25
HappyNess*sorry i don't know english.11:26
ke1haIm glad somebody does, as I mangle English all the time :-)11:26
diddyNever mind a reset fixed it.11:26
PingFloydReggieRareBreed: no, but that should show you the port you were concerned about11:28
PingFloyd!pastbin | ReggieRareBreed11:29
cgchi everyone11:29
TimothyAwhat does an entry in hosts.deny look like normally when I want to ban an IP?11:30
cgcdoes anyone know how to completely empty the apt cache?11:30
archboxmancgc apt-get clean apt-get autoclean not sure what your trying to do??11:31
archboxmancgc I can give you a link to read if you want it???11:31
=== willem is now known as oenli
* TimothyA kicks hosts.deny in the knees11:32
erUSULTimothyA: man hosts.dny11:32
TimothyAsome help you are for preventing access from an IP11:32
erUSULTimothyA: man hosts.deny11:32
Matthew11Can anybody help? have got a very serious problem with network management. I have got an eeepc 1201n, and i got a kernel panic (using wireless - that is a known problem) or a freeze (with ethernet connection) within 10-20 minutes, especially when I massively use an high speed internet connection (torrent)11:33
ke1haTimeRider, your better off to do it in the iptables / firewall: iptables -I INPUT -j DROP -s
Kartagishow can I find out a package's dependencies?11:33
erUSULTimothyA: i gues it is ALL: ip11:33
ke1haobviously you'd need to change the IP range11:33
erUSULKartagis: aptitude show package11:33
TimothyAerichynds; i did that11:33
cgcarchboxman: im creating a pbx on a soekris box so space is an issue, what i want to do ultimately is completely empty the cache and then write a script that on boot puts all the files needed for the cache in ram (/dev/shm) so that package installation through apt is still possible11:33
Kartagisthanks erUSUL11:33
czarownikjoin kielce11:33
nfdSorry, but with the wireless card problem, I was following the troubleshooting documentation, and it's not getting me anywhere. It reccomends running lshw -c network, which I do, and it sees the card. But it's either not outputting the driver claimed/unclaimed/etc. info, or I'm a tard. >< Is there any other way to see if a driver's loaded?11:33
TimothyAthe IP is still trying to bruteforce the box, without any sign of the IP being blacklisted :|11:33
ke1haor you could use the ALL statement: ALL: ip_address1, ip_address2, ip_address311:34
steve777erUSUL: good news, it fixed it, gparted is great11:34
TimothyAke1ha; I *did* use that11:34
erUSULnfd: if lshw list it as unclaimed is becouse the driver is not loaded11:34
TimothyAand fail2ban is doing one admirable non-job11:34
TimothyAit just goes wah-wah-wah11:34
ke1haand Ok, it's not working or what ?11:34
archboxmancgc sorry I dont set boxes up this way you may want other help... sorry :( have money to afford a lot of computer with a lot of space.. :)11:35
TimothyAke1ha; it's not working11:35
erUSULTimothyA: use iptables for that no hosts.deny11:35
TimothyAand neither is fail2ban11:35
TimothyAwhat's the command for adding an IP address?11:35
cgcarchboxman: lol ok :)11:35
TimothyAiptables -A INPUT -s <IP> -j DROP ?11:35
preditor_hello everyone, is this a help line?11:36
erUSULTimothyA: iptables -I INPUT -s ip.address.to.ban -j DROP11:36
nfderUSUL: That's the bit I'm stuck on. I'm following the documentation, so I'm looking for a claimed/unclaimed/enabled/disabled, but either none of those keywords show up in the output, or I'm going crazy11:36
archboxmancgc: this computer I';m on is 3 years old and has 250 gig drive and 2.1 ghz works great paid 350 used..11:36
steve777i have 8.10 running, how to upgrade from 9.10 cdrom?11:36
erUSULnfd: what is the wifi chip ?11:36
steve777and keep all data11:36
erUSULsteve777: you have to upgrade to 9.04 first then to 9.1011:36
ke1hawell host.deny only work on services on the local computer. are you tying to block them locally?11:37
erUSULsteve777: 8.10 --> 9.10 is not allowed11:37
DJonespreditor_: Yes it is for questions about ubuntu support11:37
Seveassteve777, you can't upgrade from cdrom. Just run the update-manager11:37
cgcarchboxman: the point is to get a pbx on a box the size of a firewall, a soekris box, as to take up as little space as possible11:37
erUSULSeveas: with the alternate cd you can11:37
TimothyAke1ha; the services are running locally, but someone is bruteforcing the box :/11:37
nfderUSUL: Broadcom BCM4322. It shows up in the output, I just don't see anything related to the driver.11:37
TimothyAwell, iptables didn't work either!11:37
DaemonFCsteve777, You'll need to change your apt sources to Jaunty, dist-upgrade, change them to Karmic, and dist-upgrade again11:37
cgcarchboxman: space in the sense of hd space and in the sense of physically space11:37
SeveaserUSUL, you'd still need to download updates for packages not on the cd though11:38
archboxmancgc: understand what your aiming at just not my bag of tricks.. :)11:38
erUSULnfd: you installed b43-fwcutter? (while connected to internet via a wired connection)11:38
steve777ok cool11:38
cgclol ok cool, cheers anyway :)11:38
erUSULSeveas: correct11:38
ke1hado you know what port its' comming in on ?11:38
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DaemonFCsteve777, You can probably just change all references in /etc/apt/sources.list from Intrepid to Jaunty, save it, update, then do it again changing Jaunty to Karmic11:38
nfderUSUL: Negative, haven't seen anything about that. I suppose I...should? :)11:39
DaemonFCskipping a release makes things complicated :)11:39
erUSULnfd: once b43-fwcutter is installed do « sudo  modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 »11:39
erUSULnfd: you should yes. the driver needs the firmware to work. Broadcom does not let anyone distribute the firmware. all linux user of broadcom wifi are F***ed up11:40
DaemonFCI actually just updated a system from Edgy :)11:40
ke1hatypically, I use that loosly, brute force attaches are on SSH ports, like 22, you chane the port and do somthing like this:11:40
DaemonFCthat was, interesting11:40
ke1haiptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set \11:40
ke1ha --name SSH -j ACCEPT11:40
erUSULnfd: send an ungry email to its support11:40
ke1haiptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --rttl \11:40
ke1ha --name SSH -j LOG --log-prefix "SSH_brute_force "11:40
erUSULnfd: or better yet do not buy broadcom hardware ;)11:41
ke1haiptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m recent --update --seconds 60 \11:41
ke1ha --hitcount 4 --rttl --name SSH -j DROP11:41
* erUSUL finish the rant11:41
nfderUSUL: Haha, angry letters are a bit of a specialty! Thanks for the help + thanks @ kelha.11:42
DaemonFCerUSUL, Broadcom has open source firmware now for most chipsets, Fedora ships it11:42
erUSULDaemonFC: that would be atheros i'm afraid11:42
DaemonFCno, Broadcom11:43
DaemonFCmy laptop can use it11:43
=== TiruRiru is now known as schmrz
SeveasDaemonFC, that's an open source driver with closed-source firmware11:44
DaemonFCno it's not11:44
FunkyWeaselGood morning!  Found sound locked into a loop again listening to amarok - in the syslog I found "pulseaudio[694]: protocol-native.c: Failed to push data into queue"  Sound device is an nVidia MCP61 HDA11:44
erUSULDaemonFC: maybe fedora like ubuntu has the option of using the wl (broadcom_sta) driver?11:44
erUSULDaemonFC: that's not optimal.11:45
DaemonFCno, it's not closed source firmware and it's not ndiswrapper11:45
DaemonFCthere's open source firmware for at least the 43xx series that works fine11:45
FunkyWeaselCan anyone help me, or am I just doomed to have to reboot once a week due to rubbish sound support?11:45
archboxmanthere has been a frenzy of sound card issues this week11:46
DaemonFCerUSUL, Seveas, http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Announcement11:46
DaemonFC"Open Broadcom firmware - The openfwwf open source Broadcom firmware is included by default. This means wireless networking will be available out of the box on some Broadcom chipsets."11:46
Seveasthanks DaemonFC11:46
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DaemonFCI noticed my laptop's wifi light came on without me doing anything and investigated :)11:47
fabioHEY guys im thinking of buying a new pc. is ATI support for LInux still shit?11:48
fabioim not an expert on pc. middle user.11:48
fabioi want it to work out of the box11:48
DaemonFCfabio, It's kind of borderline11:48
archboxmanDaemonFC: Mine comes on because network manager probes for wireless networks and some times connects to my router11:48
fabio:S then not good enough11:49
DaemonFCfabio, You'll have to install the driver from ATI themselves unless you want the buggy one that Karmic offers11:49
DaemonFCneed to uninstall and reinstall it everytime the kernel is upgraded11:49
DaemonFCfabio, It runs games fine, Compiz though is "slightly" jerky11:50
* StuckMojo wallows in 64bit-ness11:50
DaemonFCbeats the hell out of where they were this time last year11:50
StuckMojosharing /home between 64 and 32 no less11:50
StuckMojoso...i installed a few things i like in the 32 root, any way i can get a list of the installed packages there without booting into it?11:50
DaemonFCin 6 months, I doubt any ATI user on the RadeonHD 4000 series or lower will need the proprietary driver11:51
shomonI'm trying to find out if there is some kind of open source community chat software that can be installed across a public access network for people to chat11:51
DaemonFCprobably by Ubuntu 10.1011:51
shomondoes anyone know anything that might do that?11:51
shomonor where to find out about this kind of thing?11:51
ManDayEvery time I return the Laptop from Hibernation I have to RE-UNLOCK the keyring for nm-applet (gnome network manager) - How can I MAKE IT STOP???11:51
=== Gateway is now known as Guest55529
ke1hafabio, I only have one old X1900GT card and It seems to load fine. ALl the NV cars Im suing are loading restricted drivers with out issue up through GTX-28011:51
Tm_Tshomon: like IRC, Jabber or some others?11:52
shomonyeah maybe, but for example lanchat...11:52
shomonmore for a residential community11:52
ke1haoops .. all the NV cards ...11:52
Tm_Tshomon: you can use those for lan too11:52
Guest64967nebie here11:52
Guest64967newbie here11:52
=== Guest55529 is now known as Gateway`
DaemonFCI've got a RadeonHD 4670, it runs acceptably, the freezes and lockups and slooooooooooooowness of the ATI driver are pretty much gone11:52
shomonthanks... yeah it's a thought. I was checking if there is already one concieved for deprived areas11:53
shomonor inner city use...11:53
archboxmanyes newbie11:53
FunkyWeaselarchboxman: Sadly I've been wrestling with sound issues on my nvidia MCP61 HDA for a bit.  I have to reboot at least once a week on my work machine.  Hopefully I'll be getting a new laptop soon but til then... rage.jpg11:53
knxvilleDo anyone know of an opensource program for ubuntu like Visio?!11:53
Tm_Tknxville: you have to explain what Visio does11:53
archboxmanFunkyWeasel: Hold on I think I use the same chipset for sound...11:54
knxvilleTm_T, it makes drawings over buildings, so I can illustrate computeres, AP, Routers, Switches position.11:54
knxvilleTm_T, with nice images and so on.11:54
PingFloydgnome-dia probably11:54
PingFloyderm dia11:55
matthewbrianhi, i just installed ubuntu 9.10 dual boot with WinXP SP2 (same harddrive different partition), but I can't get to grub menu, it says GRUB Loading. error : out of disk. grub rescue> how could I repair it?11:55
FunkyWeaselarchboxman: Sweet.  I used to run off ALSA, but that died more than twice a week.   Setting up pulseaudio helped, but the problems seem to have gotten worse again lately.  Especially if I've ran any sort of flash with audio within the last few hours.11:55
PingFloydknxville: you might look into dia11:55
PingFloydknxville: there's actually a few11:56
PingFloydknxville: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagramming_program11:56
realsifo777hello all11:56
knxvillePingFloyd, Thanks11:56
PingFloydknxville: you're welcome11:56
archboxmanFunkyWeasel: sorry I use a nvidia MCP51 not the mcp61 had to use oss11:56
ke1haI was going to say, Dia is all that I know of, but there's probably others similar, I just dont know them.11:56
ManDayEvery time I return the Laptop from Hibernation I have to RE-UNLOCK the keyring for nm-applet (gnome network manager) - How can I MAKE IT STOP???11:56
shomonif it's simple stuff you can use inkscape to link stuff up randomly11:56
PingFloydknxville: openoffice.org draw is another one to look at11:56
shomonor art of illusion?11:56
realsifo777ask : why i can't use compiz in intel x3100 at ubuntu 9.10?11:57
shomonor is that just 3d modelling...11:57
PingFloydknxville: especially if you're an avid user of openoffice11:57
knxvillePingFloyd, right'o11:57
FunkyWeaselarchboxman: Ah well, fair enough.  Better than my last box - a dell that would lock up if I typed in the wrong password on the gnome screen save.  Now THAT thing I nearly kicked out the window.11:57
realsifo777its freezee11:57
sulumarHello everybody11:57
sulumarCan anyone help me fix myscreen resolution11:58
soreaurealsifo777: I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to. What makes you think you can't?11:58
PingFloydsulumar: can you describe the issue more?11:58
soreausulumar: Which graphics card model do you have?11:58
archboxmanFunkyWeasel: yes, I have the dell dimension e521 it works go with Archlinux , Ubuntu was a problem :(11:59
realsifo777my computer freeze if i activate my compiz11:59
PingFloydsulumar: what kind of resolution issue are you having?11:59
realsifo777how to fix it?11:59
obiwan_hahaha lol PingFloyd good nick lol :P11:59
soreaurealsifo777: Well that's certainly a driver issue. Maybe you can try latest drivers using the xorg-edgers repo11:59
FunkyWeaselarchboxman: It's such a shame - home linux is great, but there's always some bloody thing on whatever work box I have.11:59
soreaurealsifo777: Also, it might not hurt get a latest kernel too, maybe from ppa12:00
Guest64967hi all, why my nickname wont work here?12:00
realsifo777ok thanks :D12:00
PingFloydGuest64967: check with nickserv and see if it taken12:00
PingFloydGuest64967: might also be the irc client you're using and how it is configured12:00
sulumarSure PingFloyd : I Installed a nvidia graphic card Driver and now im stuck with a res of 800x600 in stead of 1024x76812:00
Guest64967PingFloyd: I'll try tnx.12:01
PingFloydsulumar: which method of installation did you use?12:01
archboxmanFunkyWeasel: fun never had that problem even if I built a system I would always aim middle of the road on all computer hardware so no problems... It probably is that your using ubuntu 9.1012:01
Guest64967sulumar: u must activate the nvidia driver12:01
FunkyWeaselarchboxman: Ibex, sadly.12:02
sulumarthe Detection Ubuntu gave me12:02
alabdhello, when system (client in a network) goes stand by , internet connection will be disconnected , how to solve it ?12:02
soreausulumar: Which version of ubuntu?12:02
PingFloydsulumar: as in just out of the box?12:02
sulumarand the Driver is Activated but i cant raise the res12:03
sulumarXubuntu 9.1012:03
StuckMojoanyone know how to get a list of the packages installed on a system if you're not booted into it? i.e. you have the root drive mounted under a different install?12:04
ke1hadid you install the restricted driver?12:04
StuckMojoi thought this might be it: /var/lib/apt/extended_states12:04
StuckMojobut now i don't think so12:04
archboxmanFunkyWeasel: with older hardware you usually have to aim at 1 or 2 version prior to the lastest vesion of ubuntu to find a stable driver and upgrade... For new hardware you usually have to wait for the next kernel release and maybe even ubuntu release for a working part.. This is my rule of thumb when working with ubuntu because of release dates12:04
RudyValenciaI wrote a "sleep timer" script that takes one integer (the number of seconds until DPMS is enabled) and waits that long before calling xset dpms force off :)12:05
ChiiiiizI am looking for a software that can make some morphing on images (like modify the size of a nose, ...)12:05
RudyValenciaFirst bash script I've written in a long time12:05
Chiiiiizany clue?12:05
RudyValenciaChiiiiiz: GIMP?12:05
ernzOK, I'm back (I'm lookin' at you Slart). Does anyone know why "rm -rf /home/ernz/backups/20100212" also deletes "/home/ernz/backups/20100212.tar.gz" ?12:05
FunkyWeaselarchboxman: I'm pretty certain this is an older box.  And I've stuck with 8.10, though I may have a swing at upgrading to jaunty this arvo to see if that helps12:06
ernzThe tar.gz isn't a directory, so why is it included in the recursion!?12:06
PingFloydsulumar: are you wanting to get the restricted drivers to work?12:06
ke1haChiiiiiz,  http://www.imagemagick.org/script/convert.php12:06
soreausulumar: Semms you're not the first one with this problem. You might need to add a Modes line if it does not detect resolutions higher than 800x600 http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/im-stuck-in-800x600-in-ubuntu-9.04-721637/12:06
candyhow much size is enough for swap area?? betwn win 7 and ubuntu 9.1012:06
PingFloydsulumar: did you check this yet? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia12:07
Chiiiiizthanks... I did not know Imagemagick.... I'll test it right now...12:07
PingFloydsulumar: has some helpful links for various issues as well12:07
erUSULernz: maybe becouse you did not put a trailing / but i'm puzzled too12:07
ke1haChiiiiiz,  its a real powerful Image program, you'll like it.12:07
archboxmanFunkyWeasel: usually drivers will stay as long as no updates for driver cards... I usually will read to see the status of hardware in newer versions I like to wait a least 6 months to see reports of problems and look for solved threads...12:07
ernzerUSUL: Hrm. Lemme try that.12:08
FunkyWeaselarchboxman: I've had a look around, it seems to be 'one of those things'.  You know, "lol linux audio still sucks" - highly helpful stuff.12:08
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erUSULernz: i can not reproduce it here, just tried. and it respects it for me12:08
jz777hi all12:09
candyhello there,12:09
erUSULernz: so you did something different12:09
candyhow much size shall we keep for swap area??12:09
FunkyWeaselarchboxman: Ah well, time for my weekly reboot.  Ironically although it was a far weaker dev environment I never had to reboot so frequently off my dreaded old xp dev box.12:09
da_germancandy double of your RAM12:09
FunkyWeaselarchboxman: Cheers for your time old chap, have an awesome one :)12:10
archboxmanFunkyWeasel: like I said to go beyond that I might look for a cheap soundcard and see if it works in ubuntu and install a 9.99 soundcard to make problems go away12:10
candyif my ram is 256 mb den 512 mb for swap area ll be enough??12:10
erUSULernz: try this in /tmp/ --> mkdir foo ; touch foo/{a..z} ; touch foo.tar.gz ; rm -rf foo ; ls foo*12:10
candyda_german, will 512 be enough for my 256 mb ram??12:10
archboxmansound cards are to cheap to keep around obselete sound cards and not replace the card...12:11
da_germancandy ...yes definitely12:11
ke1haernz, its because of the -r its recursive.12:11
archboxmanI can get a cheap sound card for about 7.99 and replace the problem to keep rebooting is poor judgement will trash your power supply and your out 30-70 bucks to replace that ...12:13
gatinhono no12:13
gatinhomy file12:13
HTCI have a Shoutcast server, but I have a program through which to connect to the server and play music for people. I installed Idjc but he stops and hears the sound is bad. Does anyone know a similar program?12:15
ernzerUSUL, ke1ha: "rm -rf /home/ernz/backups/20100212" does not touch this tar.gz: "/home/ernz/backups/archive_20100212.tar.gz". Just because of the prefixed "archive_". How weird is that?12:15
erUSULernz: as i posted here. you are doing something else. maybe you are doing rm -rf /home/ernz/backups/20100212* ?? with a wildcart ?12:16
ke1haBecause you specifying the file name with just "20100212"   if you add a * to it, the anything with that prefix will be gone.12:17
HTCI have a Shoutcast server, but I have a program through which to connect to the server and play music for people. I installed Idjc but he stops and hears the sound is bad. Does anyone know a similar program?12:17
ke1haor in that case, yes, the archive_ is a different file name prefix12:18
ernzerUSUL: Nah, I checked that. Here my exact script: http://pastebin.ca/179451312:18
ke1hawhat are you wanting it to do ?12:19
erUSULernz: the rm has two arguments one is the tar.gz. no wonder it gets deleted12:19
erUSULernz: you are explicitily removing it12:20
tolarnHi there12:20
ernzerUSUL: How did I not see that?...I need to go to bed I think.12:20
erUSULernz: probably12:20
ke1haThat's what I was thinking as well, it's gettign del cuz your tellign it to delete it.12:20
erUSULernz: the longitude of the rm command line if nothing else should have ringed a bell ;)12:21
dreamnidDoes anybody know where in the Applications menu, what specifies the sort order?  I'm trying to erase the custom sort order so it will be sorted alphabetically automatically12:21
ke1haI thought it "was not deleting it" and you wanted too be.12:21
HTCI have a Shoutcast server, but I have a program through which to connect to the server and play music for people. I installed Idjc but he stops and hears the sound is bad. Does anyone know a similar program?12:22
ernzerUSUL, ke1ha: lol, Thanks for clearing the wood. Can see the trees now. Appreciated. 2 internet points to you both. Seeya later.12:22
tolarnCan anyone help this Ubuntu noob get the mac looking bottom panel?12:23
Soul_Sample_tolarn: install avant window manager or cairo dock12:23
abhijit_how to change monitor freq?12:24
abhijit_how to change monitor freqency?12:24
tolarnok i'll do that12:24
tolarnwich ones better?12:24
abhijit_how to change monitor refresh rate?12:25
stevecamabhijit_, i was typing an answer12:25
stevecambut im going to forget about it now12:25
rojoloco47Can anyone guide me for configuring the DMZ on my router setting page ?12:25
abhijit_plz continue?12:25
abhijit_i am waiting12:25
erUSULtolarn: which one ?12:25
stevecamno. get lost12:25
erUSUL!awn | tolarn12:25
ubottutolarn: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.12:25
erUSUL!info cairo-dock12:26
ubottucairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.9-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 8 kB, installed size 36 kB12:26
abhijit_stevecam what happends?12:26
Soul_Sample_tolarn: i prefer awn12:26
stevecamyour too rude12:26
rojoloco47i need help on configuring DMZ host12:26
stevecamrojoloco47, do you know what dmz is?12:26
ke1harojoloco47, we'd need your specific router manual for that, all are similar, but cna be a bit diffrent.12:26
tolarnIs there a theme changing program?12:26
tolarnI keep downloading themes and none have worked lol12:26
erUSULtolarn: System>Preferences>appearance12:27
abhijit_i am not aware of that thing12:27
stevecamabhijit_, you ever used irc before?12:27
rojoloco47stevecam : I want to access my local host from outside of my localnetwork ( internet)12:28
Blue_Slacker86sgwgo : are you here12:28
ke1harojoloco47, one word of caution though, whatever box you stick in the DMZ, make sure it's got a good firewall on it.12:28
marek_hey guys. im trying to install medieval 2 total war. am i supposed to install directx as well?12:28
abhijit_it ws my mstke i wll crrct it12:28
Blue_Slacker86how i can install  SkyStar2 Rev 2.8A in ubuntu 9.10 64bit12:28
ke1hathen you dont need a DMZ box, add a udp / tcp rout on your route to the box you want to access12:28
erUSULmarek_: no; shouldn't be needed but check the appdb12:29
erUSUL!appdb | marek_12:29
ubottumarek_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:29
ke1haopps route on your router ...12:29
rojoloco47ke1ha: I know little about configuring it in my modem setting its simple to give an local IP to it, But when i try to open with my DNS it redirects to my modem setting page again intead of going to my localhost12:29
HTCI have a Shoutcast server, but I have a program through which to connect to the server and play music for people. I installed Idjc but he stops and hears the sound is bad. Does anyone know a similar program?12:29
abhijit_stevecam i dont mean to be rude. i asked "so?" because i think that whats went wrong? i menas u said u were typing and suddenly what happend?12:29
abhijit_thats why i typed so?12:29
marek_thanx guys will try that12:29
archboxmanmarek_: try playonlinux if unsure of setup with Wine... good luck :)12:30
rojoloco47my firewall is disabled @ ke1ha12:30
ke1haYou need your IP address thats' assigned to your router from your ISP, then just add a virtual route on whatever port you want, say SSH port 22 ==> to 192.168.0.XX12:30
rojoloco47ke1ha: setting page my firewall is disabled12:30
tolarnLol stupid question. Do I need to cd to the awn file to compile it?12:31
chiiiiizem again.... I am looking for a GUI for ffmpeg or mencoder... gmencoder seems not to be supported for a while... any idea???12:31
abhijit_stevecam again i am sorry for that . but it was mistake12:31
rojoloco47ok SSH on 22 ,can I go with this same port for webpage setting on my router page @ ke1ha ?12:31
abhijit_how to change the screen refresh rate?12:31
rojoloco47ke1ha:  like webpage :2212:32
Newkychiiiiiz: winff12:32
chiiiiizOK... giving it a look.. thanks12:32
ke1harojoloco47, when whatever it is your sending inbound hits the router, if your have the udp / tcp port forward setup to a particular box, it will then route that request to the box you specify.12:32
abhijit_how to change monitor refresh rate?12:32
rojoloco47I got it ,let me try this I will back to you if any problem exists thanks for this great guide @ ke1ha12:33
ke1haif yo dont ahve a Local ( LAN nameserver / DNS ) setup, you ahve to use the local LAN IP address, as the name something.home.com wont render.12:33
Dr_WillisI always edit my /etc/hosts to have the proper name/ip :)12:34
djugglerUsing this command:  grep -lr -e 'foo.cc' * | xargs sed -i 's/foo.cc/foo.com/g' I've been making some replacements over many many directories. However when a directory has a space in the name "sna fu" this command interprets that as 2 directories.12:34
Dr_Willisbut for anything other then a small lan.. that can get to be a pain12:34
abhijit_how to change monitor refresh rate?12:34
djugglerWhat do I need to change to make it recurse through directories with spaces in the name?12:34
ke1harojoloco47, if it's a web-server your addressing inside your LAN, then that's probably Port: 80 or 8080 .. no 2212:34
rojoloco47Server Name  Protocol  External Port  Internal Port  Server IP Address  WEB TCP/UDP 22 22
Dr_Willisdjuggler:  You may want to use an actual script and some how tack on extra quotes around the dirctory name when passing it to the sed command.12:35
djugglergood call12:35
Dr_Willisdjuggler:  at least thats the normal way to do it  some how add some quotes12:35
Dr_Willisspaces in file/dir names = bad juju :)12:35
rojoloco47Ok I try it with 8080 this time @ ke1ha12:35
ke1harojoloco47, are you tryign to render a web-page or you wanting an SSH tunnel to this box inside your LAN ?12:35
djugglerspaces in file/dir names == previous developer12:35
djugglerand agreed12:36
Dr_Willisdjuggler:  i recall some 'gres' command/script  that did replacements in files.12:36
abhijit_how to change monitor refresh rate?12:36
rojoloco47i am trying to access my localhost (webpage) ovr the internet @ ke1ha12:36
Dr_Willisdjuggler:  but i forget where i even saw it at. as an example i think in some using bash/sed/awk/regular expressions book perhaps12:36
Kismetanyone any idea why my hard drives won't show up in nautilus and even usb plugged in hard drive won't be there automatically12:36
Dr_WillisKismet:  ive had issues in the past where some times when i plug in a usb hd it dosent 'auto mount' - also if its ntfs - its possible theres an error with the ntfs filesystem. so the system refuses to mount it.12:37
djugglercool. I used to work magic with sed grep and awk and now I barely remember how to spell them.12:37
djugglerTiem to dust off the references12:37
KismetDr_Willis, it is an ftp drive12:37
NobleYou know what pisses me off? When I edit a config file, and ubuntu does not use it any more. Does ubuntu not use xorg.conf anymore?12:38
ke1harojoloco47, do you ahve a web-server running on the local box inside your LAN ?12:38
KismetDr_Willis, to be clear internal one hard drive 2 partition both ftp12:38
Kismetusb one ftp and other ntfs12:38
Kismeti can mount both manually12:38
Dr_WillisKismet:  a ftp drive? huh? how are you  plugging that in?  :) Or do you mwan you are using the gnome 'connect to server...' feature?12:38
KismetDr_Willis, i meant fat sorry12:38
Dr_WillisKismet:  :) ok that makes more sence then. Ive had similer issues all through beta. Even now i have it where thumbdrives automount for a while.. then stop.. if i log out/back in - they start automounting again.12:39
rojoloco47yes I have configured LAMP server on my ubuntu machine ,for testing purpose I have install joomla (web software) on it (localhost) now I want to access it over internet12:39
rojoloco47@ ke1ha12:39
KismetDr_Willis, the thing is they don't mount at all12:39
Dr_WillisKismet:  but ive only had those issues on 1 of my 3 machines..   Im not sure whats going on with it. but if i let it run for a while (like a day) and plug in flash drives. they never automount.12:40
Kismetusually i could see the internal drives... but scince i did something.. can't remember what.. it won't work12:40
abhijit_how to change monitor refresh rate?12:40
Dr_Willisfor an internal drive. You may as well add a proper fstab file entry.12:40
ke1harojoloco47, then if you added the port forwaed correctly on your router, point it at your router's IP address with an http://IP-ADDRESS12:40
KismetDr_Willis, the thing is i am on a laptop IMB where i can change the internal drive with an cd rom drive12:40
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:41
KismetDr_Willis, don't think i should put it in fstab12:41
Dr_WillisKismet:  cdrom would use /dev/cdrom hd would use /dev/sd?? or whatever by UUID - so it shouldent matter.12:41
Dr_WillisKismet:  you could use the 'noauto' option where it dosent try to mount it at boot time. but you could just do 'sudo mount whatever' and have it mounted12:42
KismetDr_Willis, even if i don't have it lugged in all the time...12:42
rojoloco47yes I have account with hosting "hostmonster.com" I have cPanel, in that cpanel I have give my internet Ip address to a subdomain of mine i.e http://secure.sajidsaif.com , But this time when I am trying to open this domain its taking too much time in loading @ ke1ha12:43
KismetDr_Willis, not lugged i meant plugged12:43
Dr_WillisKismet:  yes. thats wht noauto is all about. use the 'user, or 'users' option and then a user could mount the device even12:43
walle_hi, does anyone know how i can obtain a list of security updates for a ubuntu system as an unprivileged user (ie. unable to run apt-get update)?12:43
ke1harojoloco47, that's a different deal all together, are you trying to render you hosting server web-page, or the web pages your created at home ?12:44
Kismethmm.. Dr_Willis so i should write it in fstab wit noauto12:44
kubanchow can i edit grub menu list in ubuntu 9.10, because it won't boot my windows XP?12:44
demohey guys I have a prob12:44
rojoloco47everytime I reboot my router (modem) it resets my DMZ host IP address too ,12:44
sdhey im new to ubuntu, how do i add the wireless connection to the panel12:44
demoafter setting up windows I lost my Ubuntu12:44
KismetDr_Willis, but still the problem with my usb hard drives.. which won't be recognized atomaticelly12:45
demoI can't choose it to boot12:45
rojoloco47I want to change the domain name from http://localhost to http://secure.sajidsaif.com12:45
demowhat's the orders that I should make through the live CD12:45
ke1harojoloco47, send me a PM this is way off topic for this channel12:46
rojoloco47for what i have tried 2 things 1. Dyndns.com 2nd. My cpanel @ ke1ha12:46
HTCI have a Shoutcast server, but I have a program through which to connect to the server and play music for people. I installed Idjc but he stops and hears the sound is bad. Does anyone know a similar program?12:46
Dr_WillisKismet:  somthing similer to  the existing lines. if you want to use uuid. otherwise somthing like /dev/devicename /media/mount FILESYSTEM defaults,noauto 1 112:46
abhijithow to change monitor refresh rate?12:46
Shardokhttp://tinyurl.com/249rjg Hehe. awesome.12:47
r3zahey , when i want to minize a window its going hide and i cant maximize it ... for example i want to hide chat window , when i click the minimize button its hide , and in the bottom panel nothing to display it ... :( how can i fix it ?12:47
Kismetthank you Dr_Willis....12:47
tolarnSoul are you still around?12:47
sulumarjust wanted to tell you. I installed the "nouveau" driver and the problems are fixed12:47
KismetDr_Willis, but you don't have a solution for the usb drive which won't be mounted automaticaly12:47
Dr_WillisKismet:  ive never figured out why its doing it. Had issues since beta.. others seem to have similer issues. Id almost wonder if its not some gnome service crashing.12:48
KismetDr_Willis, hmm... maybe i have to live with it and mount it like old shool12:49
chadiHi.  I sense an invalid shutdown on my machine. It's an hp dv3-2270ev.  In fact, I don't get a verbose shutdown (even though verbose is on), I don't see "Desactivating swap", and my usb devices remain lit.  How can I know what the problem is? PS: I'm an intermediate user.12:51
Dr_WillisKismet:  thats what i end up doing. but Then again. ive not noticed it doing it lately.... so im not sure if its being worked on.. or if somthing ive done fixed it12:51
stylezI'm building a .deb package and I was wondering if anyone had recommend utility to assist with creating dependencies for set of Perl scripts to be added to the Control file?12:51
KismetDr_Willis, thanks.. for your support...12:52
pirxhas anyone tried something like this:   ssh user@host1 "ssh user@host2"12:52
InquiryHello, everyone.  I've just installed NDISwrapper for Ubuntu 9.10.  Don't know if it works yet.  Don't know how to check, really.  Do I need to configure WEP and WPA before I can find out?  If so, how do I do this, exactly?12:52
KismetDr_Willis, at least some clarification for me12:52
Myrttipirx: what do you expect that to do?12:52
Myrtti!ru | Jedcat12:53
ubottuJedcat: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:53
bazhang!ru | Jedcat12:53
Jedcati am not RU) I am UA))12:53
pirxi have tried with "ssh -v" and the debug prints indicate that i get logged in to host2, but i get no prompt. the last thing i see printed from debug is: debug1: Sending env LANG = en_DK.UTF-812:53
abhijithow to change monitor refresh rate?12:53
bazhangJedcat, it is english here12:54
pirxMyrtti: to ssh to host2 via host112:54
Jedcati see=12:54
abhijithow to change monitor refresh rate?12:54
Slartabhijit: if you're running X the refresh rate and screen resolution are usually autodetected12:55
Jedcat!ru | Jedcat12:55
ubottuJedcat, please see my private message12:55
InquiryNevermind.  I guess I'm denied permissions so I can't even configure the wireless connection anyway.  So many setbacks...12:55
dreamnidFound my answer: The gnome application menu is kept at ~/.config/menus/applications.menu12:55
Jedcatbye lols!12:55
chadiHi.  I sense an invalid shutdown on my machine. It's an hp dv3-2270ev.  In fact, I don't get a verbose shutdown (even though verbose is on), I don't see "Desactivating swap", and my usb devices remain lit.  How can I know what the problem is? PS: I'm an intermediate user, and sorry for re-asking.12:56
menguhi. i am about to upgrade to 9.10 from 9.04.12:56
menguin the process, do i lose my files in /var/lib/mysql and /var/www/?12:56
Myrttipirx: you could try with -L (see man ssh for more info)12:56
Slartmengu: probably not.. but you should do backups anyway..12:56
abhijitSlart my current refresh rate is 60hz but i read in ubuntupocket guide that it shold be 75 for lcd12:57
abhijitthats why i want to manualy want to change it12:58
DaemonFCabhijit, You shouldn't, refresh rate doesn't really matter on an LCD like it does on CRT12:58
Slartabhijit: the ubuntu pocket guide doesn't know what refresh rate you should be running at.. it's limited by the graphics card and your monitor12:58
DaemonFCjsut leave it at 6012:58
abhijitok. thnx daemonfc and slart12:58
oKtosiTeHey all. I need to mail someone a USB stick with a live system that contains a confidential filesystem image. What's my best encryption option for being able to pipe said filesystem image to the harddisk of the recipient?12:59
abhijitthnx DaemonFC & Slart12:59
Slartabhijit: you're welcome13:00
SlartoKtosiTe: I'm no expert at this but I would start looking at truecrypt for starters13:01
Slart!truecrypt | oKtosiTe13:01
ubottuoKtosiTe: Truecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume13:01
oKtosiTeubottu: I'll have a look. My intention is to write a script that does this automatically upon clicking a desktop icon, ideally it will only give a brief explanation (in a terminal) and prompts for a password. The main limitation is that the USB stick will not be able to hold an unencrypted version of said image, so I need to be able to pipe the output directly. Thanks.13:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:03
oKtosiTeSlart, even13:03
oKtosiTeexcuse me13:03
thomcThumbnails for video files are not showing up in Nautilus - any ideas?13:03
xerophytedeos anybody know why does the apt-get hangs saying Processing triggers for man-db ?13:03
SlartoKtosiTe: so basically you want a script that does file -> unencrypt -> dd to a hard drive partition ? and perhaps ask for a password somewhere along the line13:04
euriskohi there i am using Ubuntu 9.04, and i just have done some updates, and some users i have recently added just can't login anymore on the gdm login window someone have any clue?13:06
euriskoi can't find any info and the var/gdm13:07
oKtosiTeSlart, even more: file | unencrypt | ungzip > /dev/xyz13:07
Dr_Williseurisko:  what happens when they do try to login?13:07
euriskonothing it just returns to the username field13:07
SlartoKtosiTe: hmm.. well.. this is linux.. there probably is a command line tool that does that.. I've never really looked into it though..13:07
Dr_Williseurisko:  the question is.. is it logging in, then X crashing.. or is it instantly just saying login failed or somting13:08
ke1haOk, we're back, got the whole Home Web-Server thing sorted out for rojoloco47 :-)13:08
Dr_Williseurisko:  you could see if they could login to a different window manager/desktop such as icewm as a 'test'13:08
BluesKajHey all13:08
oKtosiTeSlart, but yes. Scripting shouldn't be an issue. I've written several interactive bash scripts before, but have little experience with encryption beyond having run a fully encrypted Debian laptop for a while.13:08
SlartoKtosiTe: ccrypt looks promising..13:09
Slart!info ccrypt | oKtosiTe13:09
ubottuoKtosiTe: ccrypt (source: ccrypt): secure encryption and decryption of files and streams. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-11 (karmic), package size 69 kB, installed size 252 kB13:09
euriskoDr_Willis, it doesn't say login failed or anything, it just returns to the username field. i ve tried also a kde session but the same beahavior ocurred. i've tried to do the login on tty1 and it worked. is there any file with logs from gdm that registers failed login attempts?13:09
DaemonFCthat's just wrong13:10
rojoloco47yes ke1ha you are great teacher Sir13:10
oKtosiTeSlart, thanks, diving into it in 3... 2... 1...13:10
Dr_Williseurisko:  perhaps in /var/log  an interesting test would be to use KDM instead of GDM and see if it fails/works there13:10
orkunhi! when i answer with evolution, the auto quote gets to be "blabla wrote:" - which is the language of my karmic installation. how would i localize that? i prefer english language, but those i reply to don't13:10
euriskohum ok i'll try with the kdm login .13:11
* DaemonFC hates Evolution13:11
* DaemonFC uses Thunderbird13:11
PingFloydthere's also xdm and slim as well13:11
ascheelIs there a way to permanently block a package from updating in synaptic/apt-get?  Perhaps a blacklist?13:12
Dr_WillisThen theres a few other *dm alternatives besides those :) but thats getting extreme13:12
Dr_Willis!pin | ascheel13:12
ubottuascheel: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto13:12
PingFloydslim is kind of nice if you want something ultra-light, but when I used it, it seemed to pause a long time due to a bug13:12
PingFloydthat was a long time ago though, and on a different distro13:12
ascheelDr_Willis: Thanks.  :)  Looking into it now13:12
chadii have a incorrect shutdown. USB devices remain on after shutdown. How can I fix this problem?13:13
PingFloydI did like its easier to follow configuration files though13:13
InquiryDoes anyone want the headache of walking me through wireless network configuration in Ubuntu 9.10?13:13
InquiryCommon, it'll be fun.13:14
ascheelDr_Willis: That doesn't really seem to apply to me. In my case, I use xscreensaver instead of gnome-screensaver.  Any time I upgrade gnome-screensaver, it disables the changes I've made so xscreensaver will run.13:14
* eurisko brb13:14
Dr_Willisascheel:  just remove gnome-screensaver -   i did that in the past..13:14
ascheelDr_Willis: do you use gnome?  I've read that it also forces a removal of gnome-desktop13:15
Dr_Willisascheel:  if you pin gnome-screensaver to some older version then it wont upgrade it.. so im not sure what you are doing13:15
ascheelsorry ubuntu-desktop13:15
Dr_Willisascheel:  thats just a meta-package.13:15
ascheelDr_Willis: ah, I see your logic now.13:15
Dr_Willisascheel:  so its not a big big deal really13:15
PingFloydascheel: you're wanting to use gnome-screensaver or xscreensaver?13:15
oKtosiTeSlart, thanks for your help. Looks like ccrypt is exactly what I needed. Spot on!13:15
InquiryCan anyone at least direct me to a resource for explaining wireless network configuration in Ubuntu that doesn't assume I already know how to do what I'm trying to do?13:15
Dr_Willisascheel:  i Have seen sokme forum threads on xdcreensaver vs gnome-screensaver.13:15
SlartoKtosiTe: nice.. hope it works out for you13:16
ascheellol xscreensaver is already working just fine.13:16
Dr_Willisascheel:  and i will hbe the first to admit - Gnomescreensaver stuff needs serious work. :)13:16
ascheelDr_Willis: I hate not being able to configure my screensavers.  Hate it.13:16
PingFloydI use powersaving myself13:16
Dr_Willisascheel:  and the gnome devs seem to think configring your screen saver is too 'hard' for users. :)13:16
ascheelPingFloyd: wanting to use xscreensaver (and it's already running great right now)13:16
PingFloyddpms off13:16
InquiryYeah, screensavers are so much harder to deal with than networking configuration.  : )13:16
da_germanThe Answer to all your questions is simply: 42 !!13:17
blip-how can I install gdm themes for xubuntu ?   guides on the net talk about using some sort of gui but I don't seem to have that.... even though i do use gdm13:17
ascheelDr_Willis: aye and it's been argued time and time again with no change of heart13:17
Dr_Willisascheel:  check out the gnome threads on the topic some time. its amazing silly13:17
ascheelDr_Willis: I have and I agree.13:17
CybertinusI installed my entier Ubuntu Server 9.10 install to /dev/sda3. Now I've created /dev/md0p1 (yes, that is software RAID). I've copied everything to that partition. Now I need to edit Grub2 to boot from a different partition. How? :). Which file do I need to edit in what way to make Grub2 boot from a different partition?13:17
DShow do you set the directory in terminal wasnt it cd13:17
Inquiryda_german: I'm not looking for the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.  I'm more high-minded than that: trying to set up wireless networks.13:17
Dr_Willisascheel:  I Imagine what will happen sometime. will be the Ubuntu devs will just start ignoreing the gnome devs and put the features in anyway.13:17
icerootDS: with cd you change into a directory13:18
icerootDS: cd /etc  will bring you into the directory etc13:18
DSiceroot: yes that it is do you type cd /home..etc13:18
ascheelDr_Willis: I've been hoping so.  IMO just give it xscreensaver but modify the password screen so it's 'gnome'ie13:18
icerootDS: you can use ~/ instead of /home/username13:18
Dr_WillisI dont even bother with screensavers much any more. Just bank and be done.13:19
ascheeliceroot: you can just type 'cd' to go to your home.  No arguments13:19
Dr_Willisa Nice RSS reader/news/weather screensaver would be handy13:19
koolhead11hey iceroot13:19
icerootascheel: nice to know13:19
ascheelDr_Willis: probably not very difficult, either.13:19
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Dr_Willisascheel:  yea - i got one for windows thats a fishtank. :) drives the wife crazy.. she thinks water is running in the pc room13:19
DSiceroot: i want to access a file on desktop using terminal how do i do this13:19
ascheelDr_Willis: It looks as though gnome-screensaver is no longer a depencency for ubuntu-desktop13:19
ascheelhahahaha Dr_Willis.  That's great.13:20
Dr_Willisascheel: :) that will make the gnome devs stand up and pay attention! :P not...13:20
GilesWhy does about:plugins not work anymore in epiphany?13:21
GilesI am sure i have seen it since the switch to webkit13:21
pirxMyrtti: open a tunnel you mean using two ssh sessions somehow where one is used for forwarding a tunnel?13:22
Myrttipirx: yes.13:22
pirxMyrtti: but i want it in one command, otherwise i can just as well manually ssh from host1 to host2:)13:22
ascheelpirx: what is it you're trying to do?13:23
icerootDS: access with what?13:23
=== NinjaTori is now known as AaronesS
DSiceroot: nvm i got it lol13:24
ke1hayeah that's a good question :-) what's trying to access what :-)13:24
Range_500  we are not all prix @ ascheel13:24
Range_500  oh pirex13:24
Range_500  sorry13:24
pirxascheel: i want to ssh to host1 and automatically be ssh'd further to host213:24
ascheelpirx: And you're 100% absolutely positive it can't be achieved with a single tunnel?13:25
ascheelOh, you don't want to tunnel, you just want a regular ssh session13:25
ke1haset up a ip forward in sshd and use id_rsa keys for auth.13:25
icerootpirx: use portforwarding (iptables on host 1) so you can use ssh -p 122 user@host1 and you will get to host213:25
ardianHow to setup a static ip address in ubuntu ?13:25
icerootpirx: and with ssh user@host1 you will get into host113:25
icerootardian: with what? gui? ifconfig? /etc/network/interfaces?13:26
ascheelardian, use the network-manager and set up a new connection with the IP you want13:26
pirxiceroot: not allowed by firewall13:26
ardianno gui13:26
ardianthanks iceroot13:26
ke1hathat's probably a good thing actually prix13:26
ascheelpirx: here's a way to do it.  On the first host you connect to, set up a script that just 'ssh host2.address'13:27
ascheelpirx: then run a command like this:  ssh host1.address /path/to/script/to/connect/to/host213:27
ke1haYeah, use rsa keys and "ssh -l sombade@host2"13:27
InquiryOkay, here's an easy one.  Surely, someone wants to tell me what to do here.  Got my wireless working.  Can't connect due to permissions restrictions.  the needed interface buttons are grayed out.  How do I fix this?13:27
ascheelke1ha: get rid of that -l13:28
Lusulehi there, does anyone know a linux program i could use to keep track of urls when i copy clips from webpages during research?  onenote has a feature which does just that but i can't find the linux equivalent13:28
ascheelke1ha: that -l is used when you don't use @13:28
ascheelso either ssh -l sombade host2       or ssh sombade@host213:28
ke1harr .. but you wont be able to auto connect if port forward on host1 is not allowed13:28
diddyI need a simple FTP server.13:29
icerootpirx: have a look at netcat and inetd or xinetd13:29
ascheeldiddy: use openssh13:29
icerootpirx: working like iptables for that13:29
SunRavenpussy ftp13:29
ascheel!language SunRaven13:29
SunRavenis good13:29
ascheel!language | SunRaven13:29
ubottuSunRaven: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:29
=== horndog_ is now known as horndog
SunRavenI will not!13:30
iceroot!crosspost | pirx (#debian)13:30
ubottupirx (#debian): Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.13:30
diddyHow can I synch a local site with a remote site via ssh? I mean I do the work on a remote site and then I want to back it up locally.13:30
Dr_Willisdebian and ubuntu? :)13:30
ascheeldiddy: rsync13:31
Myrttididdy: rsync over ssh?13:31
diddyascheel, yes I know13:31
ascheeldiddy: then why did you ask?13:31
Soul_Shadow I have broadwave installed lame encoder & lame acm encoder installed for it & now its acting like its mising mp3el again & will not even run... any suggestions?13:31
diddyascheel, because I was asking for the syntax.13:31
caprondiddy,  you can also use scp on your local machine13:31
Soul_Shadowit was running till I restrated the pc13:31
diddycapron, but can that copy remote to local?13:32
ascheeldiddy: rsync -av --progress login@remotesite:/path/to/backup /path/to/save/locally13:32
ubuntu_need help.  just booted up live CD of ubuntu.  i'm getting crash error reports.  Bug #42253613:32
blip-anyone know the name of the GDM gui that let's you configure it ?13:32
ubuntu_webpage is brought up during reporting of "CRASH" :::  "13:32
ubuntu_EDAC amd64: WARNING: ECC is NOT currently enabled by the BIOS. Module will NOT be loaded. "13:32
ubuntu_any idears???13:32
caprondiddy, yes scp copy the remote user@remote_ip:/13:32
ke1hadiddy, rsync [ options ] -e "ssh -l username]" /files_to_sync some_domain.com:/www13:33
ascheelcapron: scp doesn't have error correction.  rsync will work just as fast and does delta xfers to ensure integrity.  use rsync, not scp13:33
ubuntu_help ^ or Ideas ^13:33
ascheelke1ha: way too complicated.  diddy, follow my original syntax13:33
Cartmansuck my balls13:33
Soul_Shadowcan anyone help me get broadwave running again??13:33
ascheel!language | Cartman13:34
ubuntu_hello?  anyone to help me available?13:34
ubottuCartman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:34
diddyascheel,  rsync -av --progress login@remotesite:/path/to/backup /path/to/save/locally doesn't work13:34
ubuntu_boot Cartman off?13:34
Guest_48529  Cartman o_O13:34
furythorCan I use Open LDAP to create access control for apache document root and storage hard drive on my server ?13:34
Soul_Shadowcartman you have to have them first13:34
ascheeldiddy: this is off topic, I'll continue this in a PM, bud.13:34
Soul_Shadowread the chan rules13:34
diddyascheel, the remote host is fedora and somehow only SSH is allowed in the firewall13:34
capronascheel,  you might be right ,  but scp worked fine for me13:34
ke1hayes, but your example isn't on a secure channel13:34
Cartmansrry idiot    friend of mine13:34
pirxrunning a script at host1 to ssh to host2 results in the same as running ssh there, it sends env variables and i get no prompt13:34
diddyascheel, I can not get rsync to work13:34
furythorCartman: Simple, lock the the screen every time you leave the keyboard13:35
ke1haif it's all within the LAN, that's fine, but outbound to the net is not encrypted13:35
Cartmanouch dont slap me13:35
ke1hadiddy, then use sFTP or scp13:36
sheldonanyone has experience with logitech c120 webcam with flash videochat?13:36
diz_Child1how can i splinter a iso media mpeg v4 system version 2 file?13:36
chadiHi.  I sense an invalid shutdown on my machine. It's an hp dv3-2270ev.  In fact, I don't get a verbose shutdown (even though verbose is on), I don't see "Desactivating swap", and my usb devices remain lit.  How can I know what the problem is? PS: I'm an intermediate user.13:38
=== gdb_ is now known as gdb
Soul_Shadowhp lol just shoot it :P13:38
chadiSoul_Shadow: indeed :/ hp sucks, and so is their support :/13:39
Soul_ShadowI need help, I cannot get broadwave to run.. it was working & it says its missing mp3el again after I already installed the lame & lame acm codecs.. I even tried to sudo it.. any suggestions?13:40
LinI do I see what values change in gconf?13:40
ascheelchadi: check /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages13:40
Soul_Shadowsupport for hp... all I can tell u is sell it to some poor sucker & get a good pc13:40
ascheelSoul_Shadow: you need to get ahold of the folks that maintain broadwave13:40
Linhow do I see what changes are made in gconf*13:40
trancefatIs it possible to develop iPad apps on Ubuntu?13:40
ascheeltrancefat: not until Apple releases a Dev Kit for Linux13:41
trancefatascheel, hmmm13:41
=== Guest_48529 is now known as Range_500
chadiascheel: you can consider me a n00b. For what should I look, if there is anything in particular?13:42
DSdoes anyone here know how to install gmsh as a library13:42
ke1haDont hold your breath, they want you to buy Mac.13:42
uncolaI guess you could run the dev kit in windows through a virtual machine? or is it os x only?13:42
trancefatascheel, how bout iphone dev then?13:42
ascheelchadi, just look for messages about shutdowns13:42
Soul_Shadowbraodwave is not the issue its the os being a D*ck13:42
ascheeltrancefat: same idea.  Need the dev kit13:42
trancefatascheel, okay, thanks13:42
DexterLBI have a ~/torrents folder which occupies 100%+several bytes of the disk space, and all software reports that I have no free diskspace left. But fdisk -l shows that that's not the case, and the problem is that ~/torrents is actually a symlink that points to a big folder on another filesystem (smbfs). how do I fix the false readings?13:42
ascheelDexterLB: type this:  df -h13:43
DexterLBand /home is 100% used13:43
chadiascheel: I'll shutdown now, and see what happens...13:43
DexterLBas reported by df -h13:44
ascheelDexterLB: then it's 100% used.  it doesn't lie.13:44
Dr_Willisive neer notived mount samba shares messing with df -h13:44
ke1haLVM and add another disk13:44
LinI'm trying to use gconftool to auto configure Ubuntu, but I cant quite find the things I want. Is there a way to see what values change via gconf-editor or something?13:44
DexterLBno it's not a share, it's a SYMLINK13:44
DexterLBit points to a share13:45
DexterLBsorry for caps13:45
ouyes scanf("%f",&y); if for float y, what is for double y?13:45
ubottuDexterLB, please see my private message13:45
DexterLBdu|sort also says that ~/torrents is the biggest13:45
Slartouyes: check your favourite programming book.. there are lots of switches for scanf13:45
ascheelDexterLB: then cd to ~/torrents and type this:  du -sh13:46
Slartouyes: here's one http://www.cppreference.com/wiki/c/io/scanf13:46
ouyesSlart,  i just want to how what is for double13:46
Dr_Willissome tools have a 'dont follow links' option.13:46
Lin%r? google "scanf placeholders13:46
DexterLBascheel: it says it's 11Gb13:46
ascheelDexterLB: do you disagree with that?13:46
DexterLBit's correct13:47
DexterLBand the entire HDD is 20Gb13:47
ChrisTXto scanf a double, you need to use %f with a width specifier13:47
ouyessladen,  thanks you give me not the answer but a good link13:47
ascheelDexterLB: I guess I'm confused.  What's the problem?13:47
mixed22891how do i install a file?13:48
Slartouyes: you're welcome.. google is your friend (for now at least) =)13:48
mixed22891suso what?13:48
furythorCan I use Open LDAP to create access control for apache document root and storage hard drive on my server ?13:48
Slartmixed22891: a file? what file?13:48
raviccan some1 share perl epic-ide "how to" for ubuntu,( if handy)13:48
mixed22891flash update13:48
=== NinjaTori is now known as AaronesS
DexterLBmy mistake13:48
ouyesSlart, yes, ill learn to use it more smoothly13:49
syrinx2112Hello all... every time I start my computer, I get the following message: "The application 'ubuntuone-syncdaemon' wants access to the default keyring but it is locked"  Is there a way to set that up to happen automatically?13:49
Spanglish_7776furythor, yes http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.1/mod/mod_authnz_ldap.html)13:49
ZORG2Problem: ubuntu 8.04 server, sendmail, PHP mail().  /var/log/mail.log - "domain of sender address root@localhost does not exists". How can I fix this problem??13:49
ZORG2can help me ?? )))13:50
furythorSpanglish_7776: well that is whole lot of reading coming13:50
ronaltywhat is bind9 ?13:50
Spanglish_7776ronalty DNS13:51
ouyesthere is a math calculation function in math.h sqrt i want to see its implementation, how can i ?13:51
Spanglish_7776serves up DNS13:51
mixed22891how do i install file? sudo what?13:51
Spanglish_7776furythor, yep,13:51
mixed22891i need the folder name?13:51
Dr_Willismixed22891:  what is the EXACT filename you are trying to install?13:51
Piciouyes: These questions would be more appropriate for a channel for your programming language, have you asked in ##C++ ?13:51
ke1hasudo apt-get install [ filename ]13:51
Slartouyes: it's probably in math.cpp or math.c13:51
Dr_Willismixed22891:  you copy it to the right location. but its best to use the flash in the package mnager13:52
gdbouyes: http://www.thinkage.ca/english/gcos/expl/c/lib/sqrt.html13:52
ouyessorry everybody i am in such a hurry , i forget this is the ubuntu channel13:52
arandmixed22891: is this the libflashplayer.so file?13:52
mixed22891what is the right location?13:52
Dr_Willismixed22891:  thers no special magical command to 'install' it.  You basicaly copy it to teh firefox plugins dir. and hope it works13:52
mixed22891and thanks ke1ha13:52
Dr_Willismixed22891:  i would strongly suggest using the flash from the repos13:52
ronaltyAnybody know how to configure bind9?13:53
Spanglish_7776ronalty http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dns-server-setup-using-bind-in-ubuntu.html13:53
Spanglish_7776good guide13:53
ChrisTXI'd guess sqrt() uses logarithms, sqrt(x) = e^(0.5*ln(x))13:54
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:54
zoran119i'm reading about ldap auth on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication13:54
mixed22891i can't find the folder: program files!!!13:55
zoran119why does it need the ldap root account and password (points 9 and 10)?13:55
Dr_Willismixed22891:  there is no 'program files' directory on linux.13:55
SlartChrisTX: would that be easier than a iterative method? is exponents easy to calculate?13:55
ke1hawell there is if you use"wine" .. ;-)13:55
Dr_Williswhine :)13:55
chadii don't remember the nickname of the guy I was talking to, but looking at the logs, I don't see any error...13:55
ChrisTXSlart, if you got log tables it is easy13:56
ke1haLOL.. that's even better "Whine"13:56
ChrisTXelse use a digit-by-digit calculation13:56
Spanglish_7776zoran, because you don't want anyone just to be able to modify your ldap13:56
ChrisTXthat is the easiest13:56
SlartChrisTX: hmm.. thanks.. I'm going to do some googling.. interesting13:56
mixed22891where is firefox folder is storge?13:57
Spanglish_7776.firefox in ~13:57
Spanglish_7776well the settings are13:57
* Dr_Willis watches mixed22891 break flash even more13:57
ke1haor default downloads in ~/Downloads13:57
ronaltyHow to get a live cd of xubuntu?13:58
arandmixed22891: is this the libflashplayer.so file?13:58
ke1hamixed22891, Go with what the good Doctor as said, You the Package Manager to install.13:58
zoran119anyone know?... does that mean that you cannot auth against an ldap server unless you know the root password of the ldap server?13:58
ke1haooops .. use the  ...13:58
zoran119isn't the binding account enough?13:58
mixed22891update flash player13:58
ke1haFF add-on's then if that's what your after.13:59
ke1hawhat are you trying to do exactly ?13:59
mixed22891E: Couldn't find package libflashplayer.so13:59
ouyeshi  this is a ubuntu question, i want to take a look at the implementation of function sqrt in the math.h, what to do? do i need to download the source of glibc? and how to do it ?13:59
Dr_Willismixed22891:  you mean INSTALL flash ? or update the flash you allredy have installed>?13:59
mixed22891sudo install?14:00
Dr_Willismixed22891:  thers a flash package in the package manager you should be using14:00
ke1haif you've not installed Flash, that's the problem, if you have then that's a diff problem.14:00
Dr_Willismixed22891:  thers no need otbe messing what that whatever.so at all14:00
theadminmixed22891: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer14:00
mlegerhello, last time a bot here gave me instructions on how to export a list of all packages to be used later for a quick install of all those packages, anyone know how to do it?14:01
Dr_Willis!flash | mixed2289114:01
ubottumixed22891: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:01
theadminmleger: I think you can get a list of all installed packages in a file by "dpkg -l > filename.txt"14:01
mlegertheadmin: suppose I have a list of all package how can I use them as args for apt-get or aptitude?14:02
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:02
mlegerDr_Willis: thats exactly it!! Thanks!14:02
Slartouyes: I'm actually trying to do the same thing.. I'll let you know if I find it14:03
ke1haDr_Willis, does that work for deploying apps to other boxes as well ?14:03
Dr_WillisYoure welcome, keep in mine im just a bot....14:03
Dr_WillisNo idea ke1ha  i rarely do things that way14:04
Dr_Williske1ha:  i dont see why it shouldent,14:04
=== ubuntu__ is now known as lacita
Dr_Williske1ha:  be ware of installing the wrong video drivers on teh other machines14:04
=== Soul_Sample__ is now known as Soul_Sample
theadminMeh I really prefer aptoncd for this stuff14:04
=== litorcino is now known as litATubu
* Range_500 wish I know about this chat 5 months ago14:04
ke1harr .. was just looking for a simple deploy method as someone asked em the other day.14:04
manoxfact where are you14:05
xfactHello Mono14:05
Dr_Williske1ha:  i tend to just write my own setup scripts :)14:05
mlegerDr_Willis: This worked perfectly!! For some reason I'd get a abort whenever I tried to just use the my-packages as xargs for aptitude... I guess scheduling them first made the difference?14:05
ke1haI think he was looking to deploy the a Citrix Clinet to something like 150 boxes14:05
xfact!hi | mono14:05
ubottumono: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:05
ke1haThat's what we did also, wrote our own. Safer that way.14:06
no-nameanybody know how to change the backlight intensity on ubuntu?14:06
netman1Dr_Willis: is there a list of the available "aliases", like the !clone you just showed, that are available here?14:06
theadminnetman1: Those're commands14:07
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:07
theadminnetman1: Look here: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi14:07
netman1Dr_Willis/theadmin: thanks.14:07
ke1haOMG .. just a few to remember ey' :-)14:07
ke1ha26+ pages of factoids .. that hurts my head to think about.14:08
theadminke1ha: Who needs them all?14:09
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.14:09
ouyeswhen i open a window, it always takes all the space of my screen, it seems it is in the max state, why how to make it a little small?14:09
theadminouyes: The "restore" button?14:09
mixed22891Fitness - Sexy Beast Workout - High Intensity Interval Training14:09
mlegerThanks everyone!14:09
ouyestheadmin, nearly the same big as the max button14:10
theadminouyes: Then, resize it by dragging the window borders14:10
=== john is now known as Guest54259
ouyestheadmin, yes it work, but how to make all application's window the same size ?14:11
theadminouyes: Hm. I think every app remembers it's own window size14:11
Dr_Williscompiz has some features  to remer windows size/location14:12
Spanglish_7776zoran, still around?14:12
theadminDr_Willis: I have compiz off yet I still have windows remembering their sizes, so I believe it's in metacity14:12
Dr_Willistheadmin:  yep different wm's can rember it also.14:13
Dr_Willismetacity is a little weak in this area14:13
usr13ouyes: Are you on netbook remix?14:14
ddavidspls i need help on my system. cant get sound from the internal speakers except using headphones...14:14
theadminddavids: Desktop/laptop?14:15
PauleethaaAAuf alguien que habla español14:15
ddavidsdesktop pls14:15
ddavidsits hp14:16
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:16
theadminddavids: Hm, so speakers, are they like on monitor?14:16
mixed22891I LUV UBUNTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:16
mixed22891good day14:16
=== _iron is now known as i_ron
ddavidsno, they are on the cpu...14:16
theadminddavids: Hm. Try starting alsamixer and bumping everything all the way up. Then, try to figure from this which volume control do you need.14:17
ddavidsi have tried so many supposed fixes on the forum but not successful...14:17
usr13ddavids: (They may not be labled properly.)14:17
PauleethaaAA¿Alguien habla español?14:18
Pici!es | PauleethaaAA14:18
ubottuPauleethaaAA: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:18
usr13ddavids: Did you try PCM?14:18
ddavidsi have opened alsamixer, do i increase all the volumes?14:19
ddavidsPCM is now 10014:19
usr13ddavids: Yes, or just experiment14:19
Slartouyes: here's one of the implementations I found in the source to libc6.1 http://pastebin.com/f3a1418d114:19
usr13ddavids: To save time, turn them all up first and see how it works.14:20
ddavidseverything that can be incresaed has been increased...14:20
usr13ddavids: ... and the result...?14:20
Spanglish_7776!es | nuca14:23
ubottunuca: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:23
dylanso, in karmic, which parts of bootup other than usplash and xsplash are going to attempt to change the screen resolution?14:23
perebaPessoal, vendo as conexões tcp aqui, percebi que o skype fica permanentemente conectado a um certo ip do virtua, para testar fechei a conexão e logo estabilizou com um da telefonica (telesp.net.br). Outro programa com mesmo comportamento é o TeamViewer.14:24
perebaEstou curioso para saber se isso é uma parceria deles com essas operadoras brasileiras, se alguém tiver alguma ideia pronuncie-se por favor.14:24
dylanI've disabled both of those, but it's still attemtping to set a resolution that is damaging (burn-in) on this rather old vaio laptop.14:24
khamaelI just installed gnome-shell in karmic. how do I use it?14:24
perebawrong channel sorry :P14:25
Dr_Williskhamael:  theres soe guides on using that.. basically 'gnome-shell --replace' then youwill get sck of it very soon.. and not want it. :)14:25
khamaelDr_Willis: but then it is easy to remove, right?14:26
Dr_Williskhamael:  thers some newer ppa repos for latest versions also14:26
Dr_Williskhamael:  it only launches when you do that command14:26
=== brandonz is now known as brandonedens
khamaelDr_Willis: is there a repo for a newer version? I am using basic Karmic14:27
Dr_Williskhamael:  thers some newer ppa repos for latest versions also14:28
=== Loginx is now known as Linkadmin
PupenoHow do I make a package re-install config files that were erased?14:30
dylanso, right after 'apparmor', something runs that attempts to adjust the screen resolution14:30
ouyeshow to install glibc source?14:32
myk_robinsonusing ubuntu 9.10, the Touchpad option is not showing up under mouse preferences. ANy ideas?14:32
PerberosI am getting overflow messages from some log in ubuntu remix. can i desactivate the logging output?14:34
netman1ouyes: dpkg -S /lib/libc-2.10.1.so ; apt-cache show libc6 ; apt-get source eglibc14:35
=== orion_ is now known as Guest71556
ke1haYour Back ;-)14:37
chiiiiizproblem with mencoder. I want to transcode wmw into avi...14:37
chiiiiizmy encoder line is: mencoder -ovc lavc -oac lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1500:vhq -ffourcc DX50 acodec=mp3:abitrate=192 "$file" -o ${file%%wmw}avi14:38
IsabelaI speaking Espanish14:38
ke1ha!es | Isabela14:38
ubottuIsabela: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:38
Pici!es | Isabela14:38
chiiiiizbut, when it finishes the video part, after 10 mn (360 Mb file), it gives me an error message regarding the audio part: "acodec=mp3:abitrate=192: File not found". Any idea?14:39
ke1hachiiiiiz, nadda on that one, sri, im not a codecs guru.14:40
Pupenoany ideas how to get ufw not to ask whether I want it or not, just to enable the firewall?14:40
khamaelDr_Willis: you were right ;-)14:40
chiiiiizthanks anyway, ke1ha14:40
dwessellRunning Ubuntu server. I have apache pointing to /var/www/eachdomain. How can I give individual users access to /var/www/specific domain so that they can ftp in and write files?14:40
myk_robinsonlooks like my touchpad on my Asus K50I laptop is being detected as a mouse, so that must be why I dont have touchpad options under mouse. How can I make it a touchpad??14:41
sexmachinedoes anyone here know how to hck shells easily....am nebies and need help14:41
m0ar_cswtyl: What the fuck are you doing in linux-overflow? You have been leaving and joining constantly for a long time, just curious14:41
netman1dwessell: does "chown username /var/www/specific " help?14:42
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.14:42
sexmachinethanks Unottu14:42
Dr_Willis khamael  i was? on what? :)14:43
dnivrais there any application that I can use to convert video to audio in Ubuntu? I tried XCFA; but no luck.14:43
Dr_Willisdnivra:  you mena rip out the audio from a video?14:43
kreuterhi #ubuntu.  how can I determine the default and/or current runlevel on a system that uses upstart?14:43
dwessellnetman1: Wouldn't that screw up apache, as var/www needs to be owned by www:data?14:43
aciculakreuter: upstart doesnt use runlevels anymore i think14:44
dnivraDr_Willis, yeah rip the audio from a video.14:44
acicula!upstart | kreuter there's a writeup here14:44
ubottukreuter there's a writeup here: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:44
khamaelDr_Willis: that I wouldn`t want it14:44
netman1dwessell: yes, unless you make www member of a group that has write permissions on all directories.14:44
kazmihow to install 3 destro on pc14:44
Dr_Willisdnivra:  avidmux, winff, can both do it i think. .they are front ends to ffmpeg/mencoder i belive14:44
Dr_Williskazmi:  use 3 hds is one way.. or learn your grub skills.14:44
dnivraDr_Willis, thank you. I will check them out.14:45
acicula!dualboot | kazmi, look here14:45
ubottukazmi, look here: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:45
kreuterso when writing an upstart job for different versions of ubuntu, do I need "start on startup" and "start on runlevel ..."?14:45
ke1hadwessell, netman1 if all your use the counts for is that funciton, can't you just put -m on the adduser and specify the /var/www[username] ??14:45
___^___What if wall were made of pie filling?14:45
dylan!es | martita14:46
ubottumartita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:46
aciculakreuter: upstart is event based, look at the faq on the linked page for more details14:46
martitafeos hablad un poquito you speak  español?14:47
javier__Hello bitch14:47
javier__My cock is growing.14:47
ke1hadwessell, or another way may be to create a link form their /home/Public_Html to /www/username or something like that14:48
javier__my cock, you know14:48
javier__ave maría....14:48
martitamy name is marta .I SPEAK ESPAÑOL14:48
acicula!ops | javier__14:48
ubottujavier__: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!14:48
javier__culo la mierda14:48
conflixnever thought i would see that on irc14:48
martitaque vhaceis so gilipollas14:48
Myrtticonflix: we can do without commentary14:49
conflixwell ok.14:49
overmindmartita: Please do not insult.14:49
* shadenzo is away: c'ho la sciolta14:49
Krewli've seen it before, still depressing14:49
martitade donde sois? contestad uno por uno14:49
stylezI'm building .deb package and wanted to know if anyone has recommendation on tools to assit in building the dependency list for perl scripts?14:49
martitaennn de donde sois?14:50
Pici!es | martita14:50
ubottumartita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:50
ddavidsi love ubuntu, thanks 'the admin'14:50
kreuteracicula: I'm looking at the FAQ, it's quite unclear.  my service wants to use the filesystem, and the FAQ says that the "startup" event is emitted before there's a writable filesystem. does that mean I'm not supposed to say "start on startup"?  and are you really supposed to say "start on stopped"?14:51
martitahello i am is marta speak please14:52
zilkomaawhat whas the right command for gettin access to my new mounted ext4 partition? someone gave it to me and i did get it work but now i need that command again get it work my other computer too :) it did go something like this: sudo chown username:username14:52
Dr_Williszilkomaa:  yes you need to chown the files/dirs on the devie to be owned by whatever user you want to own them14:53
Dr_Willis!chown | zilkomaa14:53
ubottuzilkomaa: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:53
aciculakreuter: dunno, arent there other events to use that occur after the fs is mounted?14:53
Dr_Williszilkomaa:  or chmod them14:53
bwallenI'm booting ubuntu from a 4 gb usb stick but I'm running out of space on it. I have a new 16 gb stick that I want to upgrade to. How can I do that and make sure I'm taking advantage of the full 16 gb?14:53
kreuteracicula: I don't know.  I was hoping somebody here would! :)14:53
lucas71hello everyone14:54
PingFloydzilkomaa: it comes down to the bigger picture14:54
Dr_Willisbwallen:  how did you install to the 4gb stick?14:54
jpds!ot | ___^___14:54
ubottu___^___: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:54
BluesKajisuspect there is a translator being used and  copy and paste is the tool being used14:54
PingFloydzilkomaa: who you want to have access to what dirs/files14:54
___^___Blues: likely14:54
kazmiI have dual boot part. my windows partion is having virus and currpt the win-xp , how i can clean the virus14:54
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bwallendr_willis: I actually did it in windows. Let me find the guide I used.14:54
genuHey...I installed eclipse from the repositories, but it doesn't have the JDT feature installed on it....how can I get the java perspective to show?14:55
zilkomaaPingFloyd: I formatted new ntfs patition to ext4 to get more space thats all.14:55
BluesKaj___^___, whynot use real letters in your nick14:55
lucas71could you tell me how can I connect 2 comp with Ubu for share folders...?14:55
zilkomaaPingFloyd: Its my mothers computer where i storage all my stuff14:55
Guest_53601  they wish to remain annoymouse @ BluesKaj14:55
PingFloydzilkomaa: what exactly are you trying to do?14:55
ke1halucas71, Samba14:55
___^___BluesKaj, I do not know.14:56
PingFloydzilkomaa: are you trying to make it so the user she logs in has access to the files and dirs on there?14:56
bwallendr_willis: here it is http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-a-ubuntu-9-10-live-usb-in-windows/14:56
ke1ha!samba | lucas7114:56
ubottulucas71: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:56
zilkomaaPingFloyd: to get access that mounted ext4 partition that i can use it like regular user14:56
* Guest_53601 BluesKaj you made it part14:56
lucas71I have installed samba and I have two computers with Ubuntu14:57
zilkomaaPingFloyd: She doesnt understand anything14:57
BluesKajGuest_53601, not as anon as he thought ..lives outside of Chicago14:57
PingFloydzilkomaa: then chown is the proper tool for that.  Keep in mind that if you want multiple users to have access to it, then you'll probably want to setup a group appropriately and add the appropriate users to that group14:57
PingFloydzilkomaa: chmod as well14:57
ke1halucas71, then all you need to do is share a directory / folder on one of them14:57
dylansetfacl is also a good solution to that problem.14:58
dylanin the 'acl' package14:58
zilkomaaPingFloyd: ok but what is the right command  if i mounted 50g ext4 partition in /home/zilkomaa/storage? Meaning what should i wrote in terminal sudo chown zilkomaa:zilkomaa /home/zilkomaa/storage14:59
zilkomaaPingFloyd: Is that about right?14:59
PingFloydzilkomaa: is it just for her access?15:00
Guest_53601  over 1350 users!!  real people or just a mix & bots ?15:00
zilkomaazilkomaa: yes15:00
* Guest_53601 i wonder15:00
zilkomaaPingFloyd: yes15:00
lucas71ke1ha, unfortunately I can't see my computers each other in network... I have shared one folder but I cant see it on another comp...15:00
PingFloydzilkomaa: do you want that ownership for everything at that directory level and lower?15:00
lfaraoneDoes gparted in 8.04 support GPT partitions?15:01
zilkomaaPingFloyd: yea15:01
PingFloydzilkomaa: you've got the right command,  just put a -R after chown to make it recursive15:02
ke1halucas71, how did you create the shared folders?15:02
PingFloydzilkomaa: recommend referring to the manpage also15:02
PingFloydzilkomaa: good idea to always exercise some caution when using chown -R15:03
lucas71ke1ha, right click and share15:03
euriskohi there, i an trying to find out a problem i am having with some accounts i am trying to use on my ubuntu 9.04 . if i add a account with 2 specific names i can't login with gdm or kdm15:03
PingFloydzilkomaa: can also be done through nautilus iirc15:04
kazmiHow to remove windows partion virus through ubuntu15:04
lfaraoneeurisko: what are the names?15:04
zilkomaaPingFloyd: hehe rly?15:04
euriskoaed  and poo15:04
euriskobut for example i tried ttt and it worked15:04
lfaraoneeurisko: that's really odd, actually. I've no idea.15:04
PingFloydzilkomaa: I believe so, I usually do it through the command line, but I could swear that you can go into properties of the directory and change ownerships recursively15:04
cinexis umask per user or per directory?15:05
kazmihello How to remove windows partion virus through ubuntu15:05
ke1halucas71, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba15:05
euriskoi also have tried deleting and adding the accounts but no way...15:05
lfaraonecinex: per shell session, iirc.15:05
PingFloydzilkomaa: thought I recall seeing it somewhere in there15:05
lfaraonekazmi: you want to /join ##windows15:05
cinexkazmi: delete the virus file. then when in windows you need to delete the viruses startup entrys in the registry (otherwise you will get error messages when you start it )15:05
cinexlfaraone: I have a media directory and I want it to save files with a certain permissions so that the group can access it. do I need umask or will it just copy the parent directory? (/home/Media)15:06
euriskoin ubuntu is better to add the users using the graphical utility or using adduser comand line utility?15:07
cinexeurisko: whichever you're comfortable with15:07
ke1halucas71, this may be better for you to follow:  http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/SAMBA_Filesharing15:07
robertzaccourwhich is better between java and openjdk?15:07
lfaraonecinex: well, you can chmod the files afterwards.15:07
xminei've updated a minute ago kde 4.4 (not to 4.4) and after or while updaing the screen went black and i have a blinking server - i'm in the console now15:07
cinexeurisko: if you ever intend to add users remotely you should learn the commands15:07
kazmimy win-xp is currupt and cant install antivirus15:07
zilkomaaPingFloyd: Ok thank you for your help.15:07
ikoniaeurisko: it really doesn't matter15:08
xminewhat can i do? any help would be appreciated15:08
=== xmine is now known as xMine
PingFloydzilkomaa: you're welcome15:08
euriskocinex, i am asking this because those 2 users where the only users that i created using the comand line but now i can't use them15:08
ikonia1suwhat is the error ?15:08
zilkomaaPingFloyd: Was such a fight yesterday with that thing in my mothers computer huhu ..15:08
lfaraoneeurisko: that probably isn't the cause of your problem.15:08
cinexlfaraone: I dont want the users to have access to that command... and I dont want to have to constantly eddit those files. If I set the umask in rc.local or the systemwide profile files it would change the umask for all files?15:08
ikoniaericm: what is the error when you try to use them15:08
euriskobesides /etc/passwd is there any file where ubuntu can keep user info?15:09
cinexeurisko: did u set a login shell and a home directory?15:09
robertzaccourwhich is better between java and openjdk?15:09
ikoniaughh, sorry15:09
ikoniaeurisko: what is the error when you try to use them15:09
euriskono error appears15:09
lfaraonecinex: umask only affects new files, but yes.15:09
ddavidsi need help15:09
ikoniaeurisko: what happens, does it not let you login ?15:09
euriskogdm just goes back to username15:09
PingFloydzilkomaa: what do you mean?  Was she being hard headed?15:09
euriskobut in tty i cna login15:09
ddavidsi need help...15:09
usuario__olaa tonto15:09
lfaraoneeurisko: okay, that would be useful to know.15:09
euriskokdm does the same15:09
cinexeurisko: cat ~/username/.xesessionerrors15:09
ikoniaeurisko: ok - so thats going to be probably a lack of write permissions to the home dir15:09
lfaraone!helpe | ddavids15:09
alankilarobertzaccour: the sun java, the openjdk is unmaintained15:10
lfaraone!helpme | ddavids15:10
ubottuddavids: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:10
cinexeurisko: cat ~/username/.xesession-errors15:10
archboxmandemonspork: /part15:10
usuario__you are silly15:10
ikoniaeurisko: the desktops need to be able to write tot he home dir15:10
zilkomaaPingFloyd: No no i that mount thing was so hard to get it to work15:10
ikoniausser: ?15:10
robertzaccouralankila, thanks15:10
ke1haddavids, what ya need help with ?15:10
cinexeurisko: also bad permission on /tmp  can cause that problem15:10
javitok de peña15:10
euriskodrwxr-xr-x 30 aed           aed           4096 2010-02-12 15:10 aed15:11
cinexeurisko check the error log file, it will tell you whats up15:11
alankilarobertzaccour: but I must mention that openjdk has been patched to use pulseaudio output mode, while sun java has not. It's possible to transplant the pulse extension into the sun jdk, but there's still some issues left even after doing it15:11
ikoniaeurisko: is there disk space free15:11
maduraglobal menu executes the menu item commands twice for some items(pidgin's join a chat menu item, it pops up two dialog boxes).. is there any fix?15:11
ikoniaericm: are there any warnings/errors when you login from teh tty ?15:11
PingFloydzilkomaa: the thing to remember, is the ownerships are relative to the system.  i.e. user ids may be mapped different to usernames on a different system15:11
chumiola javi15:11
ikoniachumi: english only please15:11
lucas71ke1ha, thanks, I can see another comp from my own but there is ask for password... I'm trying to write all my passwords but all are odd..15:12
eurisko21 Gb free15:12
lfaraone!es | chumi, javito15:12
ubottuchumi, javito: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:12
chumianda callate ya15:12
metricpianois there a way to make the cdrom always mount as executable?  it automounts just fine, but I would like the permission to be executable for all CDs15:12
ericmikonia, tab after typing another two letters might be helpful to you15:12
ikoniaculb: Egnslish only please15:12
ericmikonia, heh :-)15:12
maduraanyone for help with gnome global menu?15:12
cinexeurisko: did you do: cat /home/username/.xsession-errors15:12
ikoniaericm: I'm lagging very bad it's causing a lot of problems15:12
PingFloydmetricpiano: you can change its mount options in /etc/fstab15:12
ikonia!es > chumi15:12
ubottuchumi, please see my private message15:12
zilkomaaPingFloyd: Ok15:13
ddavidsits my desktop, i didnt have sound b4 frm the internal speakers only and i had frm the headphones but 'the admin' helped and now i have from my internal speakers but when i plug the headphones i hear sounds frm both the nheadset and the internal speakers15:13
euriskocinex, yes15:13
cinexeurisko: what did it say at the bottom?15:13
ke1halucas71, the pwd should be the pwd you set when you created the samba user, not your username password.15:13
euriskocinex, i am reading it tells me something about applets15:13
cinexeurisko: google excatly what it says15:13
ke1halucas71, unless of course you made the samba user your username and pwd.15:14
lucas71ke1ha, I did't create any passwords :(((15:14
BookmanI cannot seem to access a printer over the internet.  I think I have it setup correctly and the router is forwarding port 631 to the server.15:14
Kwpolskahello ubunties15:15
KwpolskaWhat is the kernel modules path?15:15
PingFloydmetricpiano: please ask your questions to the channel15:15
ke1halucas71, thats' the problem then, you need to add a Samba user and pwd.15:15
cinexeurisko: you could move the gnome config folders to a new location then log in. it will reset all the users settings.15:15
euriskothis .xsession-errors is copy from skel , i have to delete all the content inside the user folder15:15
KwpolskaWhere is kernel headers in nubuntu?15:15
euriskoand try to login again15:15
vagvafany idea why dropbox and ubuntu one stop connecting suddenly?15:15
cinexeurisko: there is a log file in /var/logs too15:15
euriskoi have a preconfigured desktop i have made on /etc/skel15:16
Kwpolskavagvaf: your network is shutdown?15:16
vagvafno it's fine15:16
metricpianowhat do I need to change in fstab... nothing looks like a CDrom to me?15:16
lucas71ke1ha,  is that very difficult for newbie in Ubuntu?15:16
Dr_Willishmm why would /etc/skel have a .xsession-errors file.15:16
cinexeurisko: tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:16
KwpolskaWhere is kernel headers in nubuntu?15:16
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages15:16
vagvafplus i reinstalled 9.10 and the problem persists15:16
euriskocinex, everything normal15:17
* eurisko brb15:17
euriskoi'll try to login again15:17
cinexeurisko: log in from the command line15:17
cinexsu - username15:17
euriskoi can15:17
cinexu can what ?15:17
euriskoi can login in the tty15:18
ke1halucas71,  in a terminal type: [ sudo smbpasswd -a $USER   ] then enter a easy to remember password.15:18
euriskoi just can't login in the gdm/kdm15:18
euriskobut no error appears15:18
cinexeurisko: ls -ld /tmp15:18
sindhudweepI'm getting an error using dput to upload a package to a team ppa. I'm fairly certain my .dput.cf is correct as I've used it before, but launchpad is telling me "Launchpad failed to process the upload path '~gnash':Path format mismatch."15:18
Dr_Williseurisko:  kdm has problems also?15:18
ke1halucas71, then I always restart samba: [ sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart ]15:18
Dr_Williseurisko:  that is weird.15:18
WhtigerI have a 1280x1024 external monitor but I want it to be 1280x800 to match my laptop.. how can I do this?15:18
WhtigerI don't want to have 224 pixels off the screen15:18
euriskodrwxrwxrwt 13 root root15:19
Dr_Williseurisko:  if you use a newly made user - does it work?15:19
cinexeurisko: thats good15:19
tonyyarussosindhudweep: You'll be more likely to get an answer to that in #ubuntu-motu (although responses also take longer)15:19
sindhudweepthanks tonyyarusso15:19
euriskoDr_Willis, just two specific user names doesn't work15:19
cinexeurisko: delete /home/username/.Xauthority15:19
Dr_Williseurisko:  as a test you could move ALL their .* files/dir  to some other dir.. and see if it works then15:19
Dr_Williseurisko:  or try what cinex  says :)15:19
Dr_Willisthats less severe15:19
Dr_Willis!ask | Kwpolska15:20
ubottuKwpolska: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:20
ezra-sTo use Ubuntu One do I have to copy every folder I want to synchronize into that directory?15:20
KwpolskaDr_Willis: I'd tried, but NO-ONE RESPONDED ME TO THAT EASY QUESTION15:20
PiciKwpolska: Please lose the caps.15:20
KwpolskaWhere is kernel headers? vmware asks me for it15:20
Dr_WillisKwpolska:  actually I did!headers15:20
Dr_Willis!headers | Kwpolska15:20
cinexKwpolska: sudo apt-get install build-essential15:20
ubottuKwpolska: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages15:20
* eurisko brb15:21
Dr_WillisKwpolska:  examine the package details top see where it installed stuff if you need to find them15:21
euriskono luck15:21
cinexKwpolska: apt-cache search kernel-headers15:21
euriskothis is a mistery...15:21
lucas71ke1ha, I've done it, but my new password still is odd15:21
Kwpolskai have this inszttalled...15:21
Fawzibquestion: i have a linux server connected to my wireless dsl modem (modem is dhcp server). in my linux server I have a router card. i want to be able to connect comps to the router card and redirect traffic to go out of the server main lan card which is connected to the dsl modem. how would i accomplish that?15:21
cinexeurisko: move the home directory to /home/meh15:21
nutzer8787i will cookies15:22
cinexmkdir /home/username15:22
cinexset the permissions and relogin15:22
ke1halucas71, what do you men "odd" it's not allowing you to browse to the folder ?15:22
cinexeurisko: chmod 777 /home/username (after recreating)15:22
KwpolskaVmware tools want to me type the path. what is it?15:22
cinexeurisko: this is a test, the permissions cant stay like that15:22
Dr_WillisKwpolska:  use synaptics -> search for  kernel-headers, check package details to see what it installed where.15:23
cinexDr_Willis: are they not in build essentials ?15:23
juliohi there15:23
ke1haIt normally puts them in /tmp15:23
Dr_Williscinex:  no.15:23
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages15:24
cinexKwpolska: the bot has said that twice now15:24
MartinBoeckenubuntu does ot let me install packages, what do I do?15:24
lucas71ke1ha,  - my english, sorry... odd=wrong.... when the windows appears I write my new password but the windows (with asking password) still is "on"15:24
juliocan anyone tell how to config squid to ftp over it? i just cant connect to my server...15:24
euriskodrwxrwxrwx  2 aed           aed           4096 2010-02-12 15:22 aed15:24
MartinBoecken>ubuntu does ot let me install packages, what do I do?15:24
ke1halucas71, send me a PM pse15:24
mlegerhello, I was wondering if anyone has a decent solution to getting the thunderbird 3 stable build on my ubuntu 9.10 64bit (ubuntuzilla ppa only supports 32 bit editions). Any advice will be great!15:24
histoAnyone here use empathy?15:24
PiciMartinBoecken: Why not? Are you getting an error?15:25
Kwpolskame, on AnotherDistro, histo.15:25
mlegeror should I just wait until lucid comes out?15:25
dandyI have ubuntu 9.10, with a ATI 4770 gfx card (using prop ati drivers 10.1)  but i experience choppy playback with HD video in VLC and flash video, does anybody know why?15:25
MartinBoeckenit says no packages found15:25
MartinBoeckenbut i am online15:25
histoI'm in the accounts window i've added 3 accouts all say that status is set to offline how do I put them in online mode?15:25
euriskoi'll try now again!15:25
lucas71ke1ha, sorry, but what does it mean "PM" ?15:25
* eurisko brb15:25
PiciMartinBoecken: What  package are you trying to install?15:25
Kwpolskahisto: close accounts window15:25
KazuhaDoes the live-cd have a set of online repositories at its disposal?15:25
MartinBoeckenPHP Appache MYSQL15:25
histoKwpolska: ok15:25
Kwpolskaand go T-H-I-N-K how to do this15:25
PiciMartinBoecken: What command are you using to install them?15:26
KwpolskaMartinBoecken: APACHE!15:26
histoKwpolska: huh?15:26
lucas71ke1ha, PM=private message ??15:26
MartinBoeckensudo apt-get install apache215:26
cinexlucas71: yeah15:26
Kwpolskahisto, go to main window. and think.15:26
histoKwpolska: there is no main window just a drop down from the status bar.15:26
KwpolskaMartinBoecken, this installs APACHE ONLY. type in: sudo tasksel15:26
Kwpolskahisto: so use this dropdown15:27
KazuhaAlso, does the live-cd have flash anywhere?15:27
icerootKazuha: no15:27
KwpolskaMartinBoecken: and select lamp and install it15:27
KwpolskaKazuha: no.15:27
histoKwpolska: and do what there is no option to put online everything is greyed out15:27
euriskookay i am starting to thinking on suicide, because if i added a user xxx with the exact same skel , and it worked!15:27
Kwpolskahisto: try to restart empathy15:27
cinexKazuha: no. u need to install it. the flash website has a version for you download or you can get it from the reositorys15:27
euriskowith those two specific ones i really need don't work!15:27
=== WaterRatj is now known as WaterRatj[A]
icerootKazuha: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:27
KazuhaThat was already tried.15:28
cinexeurisko: recap, what have you tried?15:28
Kazuha(Barring a *certain issue*.)15:28
Kazuha(Seeing as I'm not able to see the screen of the system he's doing this on.)15:28
mlegerdoes anyone know how I can install thunderbird 3 on my ubuntu 9.10 64 bit?15:28
histoKwpolska: yeah aparently it wasn't started but I could still manage the accoutns from the drop down in the status bar. Now I hav ea green ball.15:29
histoKwpolska: ty for the help15:29
AntaineI have never used this before can you tell me how I register a nick as I am totally new to ubuntu15:29
euriskoi have tried deleting the accounts, adding the accounts, deleting groups , creating groups again, deleting all the contents inside the home folder, creating a diferent user with 3 letters with the exact same password and it worked and the same /etck/skel15:29
euriskowith the same /etc/skel15:29
histoAntaine: you msg nickserv    try /msg nickserv help15:29
cinexeurisko: I got a plan. kill the xserver completly then use startx to login. you would need to: sudo killall -9 gdm then killall -9 Xorg then login to the username via the commands line (cntrl+alt+f1) then type startx. then when it fails you will have the errors written for you. then type sudo gdm to get baack to the login screen15:29
cinexmake senesSS?15:29
Pici!register | Antaine15:30
ubottuAntaine: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode15:30
euriskogood tip!15:30
euriskolet me try it!15:30
euriskoi'll brb15:30
histoAntaine: /msg nickserv help register     will explain everything.15:30
metricpiano!register | metricpiano15:30
ubottumetricpiano, please see my private message15:30
Lusulehi there, I haven't got any sound after installing xubuntu on a toshiba laptop, anyone have any idea how to fix it? if I right click the volume button I get the error: GStreamer was unable to detect any sound devices. Some sound system specific GStreamer packages may be missing. It may also be a permissions problem.15:30
AntaineThank you very much I reaaaaaly appreciate it15:30
shanganyone knows how to disable gnome-keyring-daemon from the command line in Jaunty?15:31
ascheelLusule: please try in #xubuntu15:31
Lusulei did, they're dead in there atm :(15:31
Lusulenm i'll keep looking for solutions15:31
histo!sound > Lusule15:31
ubottuLusule, please see my private message15:31
dnivrahello. I'm using winFF to convert video to audio. when i try to convert flv files, it says "unknown encoder libmp3lame". I checked that the package "libmp30lame" is installed. what is wrong?15:32
cinexdnivra: maybe you need another lame package15:33
cinexapt-cache search lame15:33
dnivracinex, lame package for mp3?15:33
usserdnivra, you need ffmpeg packages from medibuntu default ones dont have mp3 and other restricted codecs15:34
cinexdnivra: yeah, I k now there is one called twolame15:34
Asad_Is it safe to 'defragment' a drive using windoze utilities that contains both ntfs and ext3 partitions?15:34
cinexAsad_: last time i checked windows couldnt even see ext315:34
histoAsad_: as long as you are only defragmenting the ntfs partition15:34
Asad_yeah ... only ntfs...15:34
histoAsad_: it shouldn't be able to see the ext3 part.15:35
Asad_yea it doesn't see it .. but was just wondering if it could mess up anything15:35
histoAsad_: it shouldn't15:35
Asad_ok cool :)15:35
KazuhaAlso, I'm pretty sure partitions are mostly static.15:35
dnivracinex, libtwolame0 is already the latest version.15:35
cinexdnivra: what about twolame ?15:35
dnivrausser, I'll check those out too. thanks.15:35
dnivracinex, installing twolame now.15:36
cinexthere is plain old lame too15:36
ascheellame > all15:36
cinexwhat program are u using dnivra ?15:36
dnivracinex, winFF.15:37
usserdnivra, you dont need twolame15:37
usser!medibuntu | dnivra15:37
ubottudnivra: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:37
cinexyou could try sudo apt-get build-dep winff15:37
dnivrausser, sure medibuntu restricted codecs will work right?15:37
usserdnivra, see libav packages on those page, those are the ones you need instead of the ones you now have installed http://packages.medibuntu.org/karmic/index.html15:38
cinexeurisko: ?15:38
euriskolol now i am pissed for15:38
cinexeurisko: what did it say?15:38
dnivrausser, sure thing I'll check it out.15:38
euriskoi can get to the X session with the desktop perfectly working15:38
cinexusing startx?15:38
euriskoso is both a issue with kdm and gdm15:38
euriskowith both two users15:38
euriskoi have a log15:39
euriskolet me find it again15:39
cinexeurisko: is there anything in /var/log/kdm.log15:39
cinexor gdm.log15:39
abdullahi have a gprs connect15:39
shanganyone knows how to disable gnome-keyring-daemon from the command line in Jaunty?15:39
abdullahhow can i force 3g mode15:40
euriskoGDM file gdm-daemon-config.c: line 2042 (): Cannot run seteuid to 0: Operation not permitted15:40
euriskoit's the only line15:40
chiiiiizI have a list of files which names contain spaces, '-' and ':' characters. How can I remove them in batch using sed or awk? I do not understand its syntax...15:40
Myrttiabdullah: huh?15:40
cinexeurisko: that's progress at least15:40
metricpianomy cdrom automounts in /media under the name of the cdrom so, /media/QVXTR say.  Someone said add a line to fstab to make it automount as executable, but I can't use the specific name of the cd (QVXTR) as the mount point in fstab because it only exists for that CD... there is currently no line in fstab for the drive (only ext4 and swap)... what is an appropriate line for an executable dvd-rw drive to be added to fstab to make au15:40
euriskoand kdm15:40
metricpianotomounts executable?15:40
usserchiiiiiz, rename command15:40
nandorhello all15:41
usserchiiiiiz, rename 's/[-:]//g' *.txt15:41
cinexeurisko: fglrx?15:41
euriskowhat is that?15:42
cinexati graphics card?15:42
euriskono nvidia15:42
euriskowhere is the kdm log file15:43
chiiiiizusser: ok, works for the '-' and ':',  I still have some '...' and most of all, the spaces...15:43
cinexeurisko: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59846315:43
cinexeurisko: its in /var/log15:43
usserchiiiiiz, rename 's/[-: ]//g' *.txt15:44
nandorCan I ask, that how can I take back that modul what dispalys my username, and then it displays the "power off" buttons... (log off, power off... etc..) ?15:44
euriskoi'll read the thread15:44
dnivrausser, is there some package in which all these codecs will be installed? The medibuntu repo is added to my sources list.15:44
usserchiiiiiz, the above one will take care of spaces15:44
cinexnandor: its in the system settings (I only know how to find it in  kde)15:44
usserdnivra, you need libav*-unstripped packages15:44
nandorCinex: I have Gnome15:44
chiiiiizOK, I tried with : rename 's/[-:,...]//g' *.wmv15:44
chiiiiiz... but it also removed the '.' before the wmv extension.... :-(15:44
dnivrausser, thanks15:45
usserchiiiiiz, and im not sure what your situation with ... that has to be dealt specially because of the extensions15:45
cinexnandor: u want to make it so that it doesn't ask for confirmation?15:45
ouyeshow to get the source for glibc15:45
cinexouyes: sudo apt-get source glibc15:46
abdullahmyrtii : i have a GSM Modem (bandlux c270) it just connect to 2g network not to the 3g15:46
cinexouyes: sudo apt-get -b source glibc to auto-compile-build15:46
abdullahhow can i force it to use the 3g network15:46
nandorI think you dont understand :D I had a small module wher can I log off, etc in 1 button, but now I can find a turn off button :S15:46
ikoniaouyes: I would strongly advise against building glibc15:46
UbershutzeHello everyone XD15:46
ikoniacinex: it's called libc in ubuntu15:46
ouyesikonia, why?15:46
cinexnandor: on the taskbar? I think thats an applet15:46
nandoron the panel15:47
nandoryes :)15:47
ikoniaouyes: it's a critical part of the system that a LOT depends on for stability and compatability15:47
cinex nandor there is a way to to add applets, i just dont know it15:47
chiiiiizusser: I have download from a TV channel loads of programs (Arte TV in France), but the videos are in wmw, that I must transcode in avi to be able to play them with my multimedia hard disk... problems is that the names include the dates, time, and lots of characters that my mencoder command line does not understand15:47
ddavidsi wantto use winff but i when i try to convert avi to mp4, it just keeps going on forever. what can i try?15:47
blakkheimddavids: does it happen when you just use ffmpeg?15:48
nandorcinex but it is disappeared, after setup it was there15:48
BluesKajchiiiiiz, have you considered using ffmpeg instead of mencoder ?15:48
ikoniachiiiiiz: rename them or look at eape chars15:48
cinexnandor: try right clicking the taskbar and see if it says 'add applets to panel' or something like that15:48
usserchiiiiiz, you gotta learn regular expressions for that :), my knowledge of the subject is rather limited too15:48
MenZa!es | nana15:48
ubottunana: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:48
dnivrausser, thanks a lot! it worked. conversion happening. thanks a lot!15:48
ouyescinex, ikonia i want to see the c code implementation of  functions in C language such as sqrt fabs printf... so i have to get the source of glibc15:48
=== nana is now known as Guest10998
cinexchiiiiiz: can you encase the command switches for mencoder in ''15:49
zbo09anyone here use nictone?15:49
ddavidsno it happens when i use winff...15:49
nandorcinex, I saw, but there was only a TURN OFF button, nothing else15:49
blakkheimzbo09: i do15:49
ikoniaouyes: as long as you don't compile it, I see no problem with reading the code15:49
cinexnandor: did you try the switch off button ?15:49
zbo09ok I am in work and behind a firewall15:49
Guest10998please speak spanish+15:49
zilkomaaI was playing music and suddenly my sound started stutter?15:49
cinexnandor: maybe there is a package u need15:49
usserdnivra, no problem15:49
zbo09is there anyway I can get it to work on port 80 or a port which i know is open15:49
MenZaGuest10998: This channel is English only.15:49
chiiiiizBluesKaj: not yet, I am a newbie in video file treatment, I have found an example of mencoder command line (that does not work, but that is another topic)... any help welcome15:49
MenZaGuest10998: For Spanish, please see #ubuntu-es15:49
BluesKaj!ffmpeg | chiiiiiz15:50
UbershutzeHey, i installed Ubuntu on a 4GiB flash drive but cant have it save what i do during the session. Any ideas why ?15:50
ouyesikonia, cinex so just to sudo apt-get source glibc? then how to see the code ? e.g. fabs?15:50
usserchiiiiiz, post the command line, also ffmpeg15:50
nandorcinex i think my dad, or some of my family :D15:50
trismouyes: without the sudo15:50
usserchiiiiiz, i prefer ffmpeg to mencoder15:50
BluesKaj!info ffmpeg | chiiiiiz15:50
ubottuchiiiiiz: ffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component main, is optional. Version 4:0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 227 kB, installed size 824 kB15:50
nandorbut they are complett noobs for ubuntu :D15:50
davidoehaving difficulty installing a thing that i want. configure: error: No 32-bit datatype found what does this mean? can i install the 32-bit datatype somehow?15:50
trismouyes: and I believe you want libc615:50
chiiiiizBluesKaj: I have ffmpeg installed15:50
zilkomaaTrying if restarts helps..15:51
chiiiiizmencoder -ovc lavc -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=mp3:abitrate=192:vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1500:vhq -ffourcc DX50  "$file" -o ${file%%wmv}avi15:51
trismouyes: it downloads and unpacks the code in the current directory15:51
ouyestrism, i am in xubuntu 9.10 32-bit15:51
maple1I just smoked a huge joint and am having trouble resizing my NTFS partition to make room for ubuntu15:51
maple1can someone help me?15:51
ikoniaouyes: looks good15:51
cinexmaple1: lol15:51
ouyesE: Unable to find a source package for glibc15:51
cinexmaple1: defrag it first eh15:52
BluesKajyes chiiiiiz , most ppl do , but you can use it decode or re-encode windows media files to mpeg without a lot of lossess15:52
chiiiiizbut when I use this command, it does work for 10 mn (360 Mb files) and in the end, it says that the acodec=mp3:abitrate=192: file not found"15:52
trismouyes: because it is called libc615:52
ussermaple1, "i just smoked a huge joint" there's your problem15:52
donwINOdoes OOo 3.2 work well on Ubuntu?15:52
ddavidsi use winff but i when i try to convert avi to mp4, it just keeps going on forever. what can i try?15:52
cinexdonwINO: yes15:52
demonicUSB Startup Dis Creator give me a checksum don't match error?????????15:52
blakkheimddavids: you can try answering the question i asked instead of repeating your question15:52
Avenegrai suggest u smoke another and wipe ntfs altogheter15:52
chiiiiizBluesKaj: do you have an equivalent command line for ffmpeg? with a very good video and audio quality?15:53
pogis it possible to record television *with* the subtiles, which are available by some TV-Channels. (I'm interested because I know somebody who is deaf and the new video-recorder doesn't seem to record these subtiles. May be somebody can give me a hint, for further research.15:53
ouyestrism, then how to use it? take an example , i want to see the code for function sqrt?15:53
donwINOcinex, should I just get the DEB or wait for it to the repos?15:53
cinexchiiiiiz: there are frontends to mencoder, quite a few.15:53
Slartouyes: you didn't see my pastebin link?15:53
chiiiiizand how can I insert a '.' before the last 3 letters of my filenames, since I have removed all '.'15:53
cinexdonwINO: you could get the deb. you could always remove the deb15:53
ddavidsim sorry but i dont seem to understand ur question, winff just start at the command line when i press convert and it just keeps dropping lines of codes and never stops...15:53
trismouyes: it downloads all the code for the c library and unpacks it in the current directory, if you want to see the code for any specific function, you will need to grep for it15:54
trismouyes: or use an editor with ctags support15:54
xfactMy desktop icons are really wide and I want to make those little.. anybody can answer 'How to shorten the desktop icons'?15:54
Slartouyes:  http://pastebin.com/f3a1418d115:54
chiiiiizcinex: i tried winff... but something was not OK, it did not start the transcode15:54
ouyesTriMe, thanks15:54
donwINOcinex, any ideas on when it will go live on the repos?15:54
demonicHow do you fix the checksums does not match error?15:54
Slartdemonic: where do you get this?15:54
cinexpog: I know that mplayer has a -dump switch to dump the sounds and videos into afile15:55
=== bfox_afk is now known as bfox
ouyesSlart, how you get that?15:55
ddavidsffmpeg is also installed...15:55
cinex-dumpsound -dumpvideo15:55
AntaineTotal newbie any ideas of how to convert flv to mp3 convertor15:55
Slartouyes: it's from the source of libc6.115:55
cinexpog: konquror man:mplayer15:55
chiiiiizcinex: ?????15:55
cinexpog: konqueror man:mplayer15:55
xfactHow to shorten the desktop icons?15:55
blakkheimAntaine: ffmpeg15:55
cinexpog: search for -dump and see if its what u want15:55
pogthanks cinex I'll have a look15:56
Slartouyes: cd to a folder where you can put the source.. I use ~/sources .. then "sudo apt-get source libc6.1"15:56
blakkheimxfact: right click, resize15:56
trismdon't sudo apt-get source, it serves no purpose15:56
=== Access_Granted is now known as Access_Denied
trismjust apt-get source15:56
cinexdonwINO: no, none15:56
twig11I have a problem with Empathy: when I launch it, it takes a long time, maybe a minute or two, to connect, and only after displaying an error first. I know it's not my connection because Pidgin connects almost instantly. Is this a problem you've heard of, or can you suggest a cause or a fix?15:56
cinexchiiiiiz: winff is only one gui15:57
Slartouyes: then you go to the .. sysdeps folder. then ieee754 and there you have lots of different folder for diffferent architectures15:57
xfactblakkheim,  but I how to do it one by one? Now way to short all together?15:57
cinexchiiiiiz: gui/frontend15:57
blakkheimxfact: i think you need to do it one by one15:57
chiiiiizcinex: OK... whta would you advise?15:57
cinexchiiiiiz: google15:57
UbershutzeIm a newb here, any idea how can i make my live session save between reboots ? I installed it on a 4GiB flash drive ...15:57
chiiiiizcinex: of course15:58
Slartouyes: that pastebin is from ./eglibc-2.10.1/sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/e_sqrt.c15:58
cinexUbershutze: did you install it to a memory stick or put the livecd on a memory stick?15:58
* xfact 's keyboard is again making him embarrassed! Weird writings :(15:58
ouyestrism, Slart cinex  i appreciate, i am trying to learn c programming, so need a good and detailed reference of the glibc15:58
AntaineI know this is not a question but I was a die hard Windows system engineer and now have totally changed over to Ubuntu love it  and would not go back now does anyone know if there are any LUG's near Norwich as I checked there site and there did not appear to be any15:59
Ubershutzecinex: I installed it from a live cd ISO into the flash drive15:59
ouyesSlart, you give a very detailed information, thanks again15:59
theadminouyes: Go to #c for help on the C language15:59
cinexAntaine: there will be a lug website to check15:59
Slartouyes: you're welcome15:59
trismouyes: have fun15:59
cinexUbershutze: have you got a little switch on the memory drive to make it readonly?15:59
ouyestheadmin, yes, i wll15:59
twig11When I launch Empathy, it takes a long time, maybe a minute or two, to connect, and only after displaying an error first. I know it's not my connection because Pidgin connects almost instantly. Also, it doesn't seem to recognize when I receive a PM. Do you have any idea what could be causing this behavior?15:59
BluesKajchiiiiiz, http://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-doc.html16:00
Ubershutzecinex: I used USB creator to do it16:00
MenZaAntaine: Have a look in #ubuntu-uk :)16:00
AntaineI checked them and the nearest seemed to be Cambridge16:00
cinexyeah but Ubershutze some memory sticks have a 'lock' so u cant delete stuff on them16:00
Ubershutzecinex: No, its a Transcend flash drive. No switches16:00
theadmintwig11: Empathy is not very... good... yet, I'd stick to Pidgin. As for connection, it might be a Telepathy issue16:00
metricpianowhen I attempt to su - i cannot authenticate... I've tried the sudo password for my user and the system password... I can't remember setting up or entering any other password, though I've tried a few and nothing authenticates.16:00
blakkheimmetricpiano: prefix it with sudo16:00
cinexUbershutze: and u installed it through the livecd's installer?16:01
harolddoes anyone have a working yahoo messenger for ubuntu9.10 with audio and video??16:01
harolddoes anyone have a working yahoo messenger for ubuntu9.10 with audio and video??16:01
metricpianoblakkheim:  oh that's obvious :D duh!  Thanks16:01
MenZaPlease don't spam, harold.16:01
Myrttimetricpiano: su is not supposed to work at all, you're supoosed to use sudo.16:01
cinexsudo su - :P16:02
theadminMenZa: This happens if connection is laggy sometimes...16:02
davidoeerror: No 32-bit datatype found. Could some one tell me what that means? plz. Can i change datatype in ubuntu?16:02
haroldmenza, sorry for the double post..16:02
Ubershutzecinex: No, i used USB Creator to install it. It asked me to point to the live cd ISO and it did the rest16:02
Myrtticinex: I wouldn't recommend that to anyone when there's sudo -i and other options available16:02
nandorcinex - I have found :D Indicator applet :D lol16:02
nandorthanks :) bb16:02
cinexUbershutze: you didn't set it to be 'persistent' there is a file u can edit, i think16:02
sipiordavidoe: what's the context of that error?16:02
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.16:02
cinexUbershutze: I would do it again, making sure you set it to persitent16:02
Myrttimetricpiano: so if you've done sudo password, you've basically set a root password to your ubuntu?16:02
metricpianoi'm blindly following guides I don't understand.... if they say su - then I su -... can't help it can't find the right info... *shrug*16:03
Slartdemonic: hmm.. not really sure.. haven't used that myself16:03
cinexnever: well done :D16:03
ksbalaji!openoffice channel16:03
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ikonia ksbalaji #openoffice.org16:03
blakkheimmetricpiano: blinding following guides you don't understand isn't a good idea16:03
blakkheimmetricpiano: blindly*16:03
davidoeconfigure: error: No 32-bit datatype found - please report this to the developers16:03
ksbalajiikonia, thanks!16:03
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.516:03
Slart!who | davidoe16:03
ubottudavidoe: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:03
Myrttimetricpiano: blindly following instructions isn't a good idea, you might have just mucked your system to a state where we can't help you with any of your problems16:03
super!firefox uninstall16:04
bwallenI've got ubuntu installed on a 4gb usb stick. Is it possible to upgrade that to a 16gb stick and take advantage of all of it's space?16:04
Ubershutzecinex: Okies, i will try that and report here any success. Thanks for your help ! :P16:04
demonicI tried dl a new ISO and use the one on the CD and still doesn't work for me, I did a fresh install of Karmic Kola and think thats why16:04
sipiordavidoe: well, which package? what version of ubuntu are you running? how are you running the configure script? the quality of the help you receive is generally proportional to the amount of data you provide.16:04
ikoniabwallen: just copying the file systems over and installing grub on the new stick will work16:04
metricpiano@blindyfollowing guides: I know I'm being pissy.  being new to ubuntu suxxor16:04
cinexbwallen: u could try copying all the files then isntalling grub on it ?16:04
zilkomaaIf my music playing starts stutter (does it very rarely) how can i fix it without restarting ?16:04
cinexbwallen: you could install it onto the new stick, then transfer all your personal files over16:05
t35t0rwhere are downloaded package files?16:05
t35t0rI don't see them in /var/lib/dpkg16:05
Slart!details | zilkomaa16:05
ubottuzilkomaa: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:05
ikonia!synaptic | t35t0r16:05
ubottut35t0r: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto16:05
Picit35t0r: /var/cache/apt/archives/16:05
ddavidspls i need help with winff and ffmpeg16:05
qiluI have a problem with my showlyric16:05
Slartzilkomaa: at least tell us WHICH music player16:05
krishna_I just installed ubuntu9.10 but i am not able to get any sound16:06
krishna_plz help16:06
nandorahh... can I ask, that why can I see in scrshots, that skype icon is orange? I have blue icon, is that orange is newer version (not 2.X)?16:06
cinext35t0r: /var/cache/apt/archives16:06
t35t0rwhere did the downloaded flashplugin-nonfree .tar.gz go ? apt-get doesn't want to install the thing saying that the SHA256 doesn't match16:06
zilkomaaSlart: vlc16:06
t35t0rtried apt-get update and didn't fix the problem16:06
Slartzilkomaa: ok.. and then back to the rest of the details..16:06
davidoesipior: sudo ./autogen.sh is the command that i am running im running ubuntu 9.10. and i know whery little about linux in general. sry bout that16:06
ikoniat35t0r: what version of ubuntu are you using16:06
Slartzilkomaa: you might want to add other info .. playing music from the local hard drive.. streaming from internet etc?16:07
sipiordavidoe: but what are you trying to build?16:07
KrewlIn case of an apt-get dist upgrade proces beeing intterupted because my session was hung up, can I log in, kill aptś process ID and start apt-get dist-upgrade again?16:07
davidoesipior: xbtt16:07
cinexKrewl: apt-get autoresumes. so probably16:07
BluesKajKrewl, from the tty prompt ?16:07
krishna_I just installed ubuntu9.10 but i am not able to get any sound ...16:07
MyrttiKrewl: depends on what state you kill it in16:07
zilkomaaSlart: music just starts stuttering, and im playing it on my local drive16:07
cinexKrewl: as long as it hasn't got to the install stage?16:07
Krewlremote session16:07
t35t0ri can download the file manually, but apt-get says that it downloaded the file and put it somewhere ..trying to figure out where it put it16:07
babo1i can't open xclock16:08
cinexKrewl: and it is still downloading files16:08
Krewland yes itś inthe install stage16:08
babo1DISPLAY=; export DISPLAY16:08
cinexKrewl: I dont know then16:08
Krewldownloading was done already16:08
ikoniat35t0y3you may need to log a bug on launchpad.net to get the flashplugin sha's updated16:08
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:08
Slartzilkomaa: sorry.. try asking the channel again16:08
krishna_I just installed ubuntu9.10 but i am not able to get any sound16:08
BluesKajKrewl, let it go for a while til you're sure all is installed16:08
t35t0rOkropNick, but do you know where it downloads package files into ?16:09
KrewlBluesKaj: The problem is part of the proces is interactive16:09
t35t0rblah i'll just strace16:09
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:09
KrewlBluesKaj: so it waits for input16:09
ikoniat35t0r: strace won't help you16:09
BluesKajKrewl, did X crash ?16:09
babo1i can't seem to open xclock. i think i have a DISPLAY variable set incorrectly. can anyone help ?16:09
nandorahh... can I ask, that why can I see in scrshots, that skype icon is orange? I have blue icon, is that orange is newer version (not 2.X)?16:09
t35t0rikonia, it will if i do strace -ff16:09
ikoniat35t0r: no it won't16:09
cinexpog: did mplayer do what u wanted?16:09
t35t0ri'll show you16:09
ikoniat35t0r: it wo'nt make the checksum start working16:09
sipiordavidoe: the documentation mentions running make.sh. have you tried that?16:10
KrewlBluesKaj: No, the ssh session hung up.. (screen freeze)16:10
krishna_I just installed ubuntu9.10 but i am not able to get any sound16:10
t35t0rikonia, I want to find where it downloads the file into16:10
zleapce20_manja, I don't think you are allowed to advertise in here or in IM esp other networks16:10
zilkomaaslart, naah its hard to help this kind of problem, i restarted computer and everything is working fine again..16:10
t35t0ri don't care about the checksum16:10
ikoniat35t0r: /var/cache/apt normally16:10
BluesKajKrewl, ok, X crashed earlier on my update , so I thought it might be the same problem16:10
Picizleap: Are you getting unsolicited private messages from ce20_manja?16:10
euriskowhat is the name of tool to set the default login manager?16:11
davidoesipior: no i havent.16:11
zleapPici, yes16:11
Picizleap: Can you pm me the contents?16:11
cinexeurisko: it is written in a file somewhere. or you can edit the links in /etc/rc<runlevel>.d16:11
zilkomaaHow to check alsa drivers version?16:11
zleaperm i just closed the window,16:11
BluesKajrossini, this not a server chat , list in the server teat box16:12
cinexeurisko: or uninstall one16:12
KrewlI love debian, Kill apt-get proces id, retried apt-get dist-upgrade and it told me what to do :-D16:12
euriskoi have edited twice and now gdm doesn't work16:12
Picieurisko: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm or kdm16:12
euriskobut good news16:12
KrewlBluesKaj: thanx16:12
euriskokdm is now working16:12
t35t0ryup /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree16:12
zilkomaaOr how to update / upgrade alsa drivers from terminal?16:12
assemblerI have installed python in my ubuntu 9.10 but cann't locate it any of the menus. can anyone help ?16:12
euriskotks pici16:12
davidoesipior: i am was folloing an online tutorial and it did not mention the make.sh -cheking the documentation this time around16:12
chiiiiizcinex: I found Avidemux... and it saves my life... but I was originally looking for a command line in order to batch transcode...16:13
alienkid10what partitions do I need a on a Flashdrive to use it as the persistent media for a16:13
alienkid10whoops hit enter sorry16:14
euriskoi really can't uderstand what's up with gdm...16:14
assemblerI have installed python in my ubuntu 9.10 but cann't locate it any of the menus. can anyone help ?16:14
chiiiiizI guess Avidemux can't be driven by a command line to do batch..16:14
cinexchiiiiiz: watch the logfiles and outputs of the program, it might help you learn how to get around the commandline problem16:14
euriskobut even kdm half a hour ago did the same16:14
OerHeksalienkid10 fat3216:14
ikoniaassembler: it's not a menu application16:14
ikoniaassembler: it's a scripting language16:14
BluesKajeurisko, you must choose which desktop manager you want at login if you run both kde and gnome ...i'm sure you're aware of that , right ?16:14
chiiiiizcinex: where do I find them?16:14
cinexchiiiiiz: everything can be run by commandline EVERYTHING16:14
assembleris it not an IDE ?16:14
ikoniaassembler: no16:14
alienkid10OerHeks: I know the format what do I name them?16:14
chiiiiizI am no command-line guru... yet16:14
euriskoi using gdm with gnome16:15
alienkid10or do I only need casper-RW16:15
euriskoi just installed kdm to try to find out a problem16:15
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:15
cinexchiiiiiz: I guess it will havea log file or an output window. or just run it from a terminal and watch the ouput16:15
assemblerikonia, so do i have to write the code and compile it in the terminal like gcc ?16:15
alienkid10OerHeks:  or do I only need casper-RW16:15
chiiiiizOK... I will do my homework, and I 'll come back here in a few days if I have more questions... Thanks to all of you16:15
ikoniaassembler: qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqyup16:15
ikoniaassembler: sorry, yes, that's right16:16
cinexchiiiiiz: np16:16
OerHeksalienkid10 no name, unetbootin or the ubuntu's usb-creator-gtk does the handeling with partitions + free space to save personal data16:16
assemblerikonia, Thanks.16:16
sipiorassembler: python is an interpreted language, so you don't generally compile it yourself. try firing up a terminal, and typing "python".16:16
jumarhello! is there a fix on jaunty for a dell d830 laptop wifi? i already installed backports and the intel wifi package in the firmware dir16:16
sipiorassembler: you can of course use your favourite editor, as you like.16:17
kaddijumar: what is not working?16:17
assemblerikonia, Do you have a basic idea of python ? i am absolutely beginner to it.16:17
alienkid10OerHeks: I don't want the USB bootable unless it can also run Portable Apps on Windows16:17
ikoniaassembler: try ##python16:17
alienkid10Which from reading around looks to be imposable with a bootable USB16:17
jumarkaddi: the problem is that i cant connect to wpa networks, so encrypted network in school dont work, it connects, but cant communicate16:17
sipiorassembler: start here: http://diveintopython.org/  Have fun :-)16:18
kaddijumar: have you tried alternative networkmanager such as wicd?16:18
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kaddijumar: do you know for sure that your wireless card can do wpa encryption?16:18
jumarno i haven't im stuck with gnome's from the start, but i can give it a shot16:18
assemblerikonia, I was going through a book "Beginning python", it has mentioned that i can use a python editor16:19
Pablillohay algen del virgen de la cabeza o alguen q sea español?16:19
jumarkaddi: does it make a difference?16:19
demonicAn error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for evolution-alarm-notify.16:19
koltrollAnyone in here using dual screens with radeon 4770?16:19
cinexurgh radeon16:19
alienkid10OerHeks: if I use unetbootin can I run Portable Apps while in Windows?16:19
BluesKaj!es | Pablillo16:19
ubottuPablillo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:19
ikoniaassembler: some of the guys in #python will have some good ideas16:19
t35t0rhow do i install firefox-3.5 on 8.10 ? sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 not doing it16:19
jumaryes, my wifi did it on hardy and intrepid, the jaunty upgrade messed it up16:19
jumari read that xfce 4.6.1 would fix it, but i cant find a repo for it16:20
ikoniat35t0r: it's not available16:20
babo1i can't open xclock. i just get nothing, the terminal hangs. I've set the export variable to export DISPLAY= Does anyone have any ideas about how i can fix this please ?16:20
demonicHow can I get rid of the evolution-alarm-notify, it came with the fresh install of Ubuntu 9.1016:20
kaddijumar: ok. I'm using wicd and it's working great. I've had trouble with network manager and wpa2, that is why I switched, in the past. So I guess it may be relevant.  Not sure if it is a solution to your problem16:20
sipiorbabo1: instead of setting DISPLAY manually, try logging in with the -X switch to ssh.16:21
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t35t0rit says firefox-3 is installed but launching firefox launches 1.916:21
cinext35t0r: edit the menu and see if the command is wrong16:21
jumarkaddi: thanks i just needed a real testemonial, was not sure about it on the forums, i've been fighting nm-applet since day one on my laptop16:21
ikoniat35t0r: there is no firefox 1.916:21
cinext35t0r: uninstall the old firefox16:21
ikoniat35t0r: it launches firefox 3.0.1716:22
jumarthanks, installing wicd16:22
fishspongehey people - simple question... how do i stop the mysql server from starting up when the system boots?16:22
babo1sipior: how do i do that ?16:22
t35t0rno lauinched it from "firefox"16:22
fishsponge"insserv -r mysqld" doesn't seem to work...16:22
babo1what username and pass do i use ?16:22
ikoniafishsponge: update-rc.d16:22
sipiorbabo1: well, your own, i hope!16:22
t35t0rit says version but down in the build identifier it says Firefox/3.0.1716:22
kaddijumar: I've been very happy with wicd since intrepid. So it's probably not fixing the same problems you've been having, since they only appeared in the jaunty upgrade ;)16:22
sipiorbabo1: you're trying to run X applications on a remote machine, right?16:22
t35t0ris this the branding issue again?16:22
erUSULfishsponge: sudo update-rc.d -f mysqld remove16:22
babo1sipior, no, i'm trying to run it locally ...16:23
ikoniat35t0r: no, it's branded as 3.0.1716:23
t35t0rdo you wan't a friggin screenshot?16:23
t35t0rabout: shows firefox version
t35t0rthe build identifier shows Firefox/3.0.1716:23
ikoniat35t0r: I'm on 8.10 now16:23
ikoniatI'm using the version from the repo16:23
sipiorbabo1: then no need to set a display variable, just run xclock from a terminal.16:23
fishspongethanks, people! :-)16:24
t35t0ranyways why isnt' the flashplayer working i put libflashplayer.so into /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/16:24
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BluesKajt35t0r, got flashplugin-nonfree installed ?16:25
ikoniat35t0r: permissions maybe ?16:25
cinext35t0r: shouldnt it be /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins?16:25
babo1sipior babo@eire:~/Desktop$ xclock16:25
babo1Error: Can't open display:16:25
ikoniaBluesKaj: he can't as the 8.10 pacakge has invalid check sums16:25
t35t0rBluesKaj, no it's 644 root:root ..let me try the mozilla dir16:25
sipiorbabo1: try opening a new terminal, and don't set DISPLAY16:25
babo1sipior: same problem16:26
t35t0rhelp -> about shows 3.0.17 but about: in URL bar shows
sipiorbabo1: other X applications run fine, i assume?16:26
t35t0rwith the correct build identifier at the bottom16:26
babo1sipior yes16:26
ikoniat35t0r: that's the ubuntu build id16:26
t35t0rok it was /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins16:27
cinext35t0r: when I set up my plugins i link ~/.mozilla/plugins to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins16:27
sipiorbabo1: does something like "xeyes" run with no trouble?16:27
babo1sipior: same error16:28
sipiorbabo1: you're logged into X right now, right?16:28
cinext35t0r: the command(s) would be: cd /home/shannon/.mozilla/; ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/16:29
cinext35t0r: the command(s) would be: cd ~/.mozilla/; ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/16:29
cinext35t0r: works don't it16:29
babo1sipior, yes16:29
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nightfrogdoes ubuntu have something like snipping tool in windows 716:29
t35t0rthe ubuntu builds already read from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins16:29
OerHeksalienkid10 if you make a storage of the leftover usb-stick memory, you could save portable apps on in ?16:29
sipiorbabo1: you haven't run an X application through sudo at any point, have you?16:29
babo1sipior, nope16:30
Slade-Hey apt-get is doing something I dont understand..  i'm trying to install couchdb, which depends on erlang..   but apt-get install couchdb will install fewer packages than apt-get install erlang ... how come?16:30
sipiorbabo1: what does "echo $DISPLAY" produce in the terminal you're using?16:30
sipiorbabo1: try "unset DISPLAY"16:31
sipiorbabo1: and then xclock or whatever16:31
irfan_how ca i install video and audio drivers in ubuntu ?16:31
cinexbetter still poo=$ISPLAY;DISPLAY=16:31
tp43_I am banned from #inkscape, why?16:32
cinexbetter still poo=$DISPLAY;DISPLAY=16:32
babo1oracle@eire:~$ unset DISPLAY16:32
babo1oracle@eire:~$ xclock16:32
babo1Error: Can't open display:16:32
irfan_any body help me ?16:32
ikoniat35t0r: ubuntu doesn't manaage #inkscape, talk to their staff/ops16:32
cinexbabo1: are you in an xterminal after having su'd ?16:32
sipiorbabo1: now, try "export DISPLAY=localhost:0"16:32
ikoniat35t0r: sorry, not you16:32
ikoniatp43_: ubuntu doesn't manaage #inkscape, talk to their staff/ops16:32
cinexbabo1: then it wont work16:32
* sipior facepalms16:33
irfan_help me please16:33
sipiorbabo1: you might have mentioned that...16:33
sipiorcinex: (nice catch :-)16:33
bazhangirfan_, ask a question then16:33
cinexbabo1: this is some kind of security issue you have to reset somehow16:33
irfan_ how can i install video and audio drivers in ubuntu ?16:33
zonemaHowabout sound whit alc1200?16:33
cinexirfan_: which video card?16:33
babo1sipior, cinex; it won't work in my new terminal either16:33
cinexsipior: thanks16:33
zonemai think i need  too add a usersomewhere16:34
cinexbabo1: did u su ?16:34
irfan_it's built in in asuse board16:34
babo1cinex; not in my new terminal16:34
cinexirfan_: do lspci |grep VGA16:34
irfan_on intel DG31 PR16:34
cinexbabo1: u just messed with all the $DISPLAY stuff, maybe u broke it ?16:34
epinky!es | oreja16:34
ubottuoreja: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:34
sipiorbabo1: and what is DISPLAY in the new terminal?16:34
babo1sipior blanl16:35
irfan_when i install ubuntu the every thing was ok but now no any driver installed16:35
cinexirfan_: open an xterminal and run the command: lspci |grep VGA16:35
cinexit will tell u what video card u have16:35
zilkomaaCan someone tell me why like my firefox minimizes himself automatically suddenly?16:36
irfan_VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10)16:36
cinexirfan_: im googling,  what version of ubuntu do u have?16:36
lost_in_edmontonanyone having issues with VirtualBox not saving last state?16:36
irfan_it's 9.1016:38
Guest27922hello there, i have a  problem here with X: the screen sometimes becomes unreadable, with destroyed patterns, i must alt tab or minimize maximize to get something back again, it s a weird problem and i don t really know here to begin16:38
cinexcan someone confirm that 9.10 has no xorg.conf ?16:38
ZykoticK9cinex, not by default16:38
irfan_cinex: now what ?16:38
lost_in_edmontonyou have to create it16:38
cinexirfan_: do u have a restricted hardwear driver in the restricted hardwear driver application ?16:39
Guest27922i also have a question: how does perform a netbook compared to a pentium III laptop?16:40
irfan_it's just for windows16:40
cinexirfan_: you could try installing xserver-xorg-video-intel16:40
cinexi hate there being no xorg.conf16:40
Guest27922i have an old laptop; i read they are slow sluggish etc. But i d like to know whether i ll still feel a speed improvement or not16:40
llutzGuest27922: most netbooks should be faster16:40
irfan_how can i do it ?16:40
cinexirfan_: in the xterminal run the command: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel16:41
Guest27922llutz: ok so the asus 1201n ith nvidia ion should perworm well then? will i notice a NICE difference?16:41
irfan_i have done16:41
cinexirfan_: just now or already before?16:41
Guest27922i can feel a nice diff between a PIV laptop and a intel core 2 duo...16:41
epinkyGUest27922: IMHO netbooks and smartbooks have superior performance than pentium III16:41
irfan_just now16:41
cinexirfan, try logging out an in. then come back here16:42
Guest27922epinky: ok cool. good news then16:42
cinexirfan_: if it messes up. you need to press cntrl+alt+f1 log in and run the command apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-intel16:42
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nomicif i put 2 graphics cards into a pc -- would I be able to run 4 monitors with the same desktop with ubuntu -- (anyone)?16:44
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lost_in_edmontonanyone having issues with encrypted file systems riding 9.10 x64, particularly /home/xxx when residing on RAID'd devices?16:44
cinexnomic: good question16:44
nomici am using synergy and want more -- ie -- drag and drop over 4 monitors16:44
zicadanomic: in theory yeah16:45
zicadanomic: same desktop as in, clones ?16:45
nomicno -- 4 screens -- expanded desktop16:45
cinexnomic: you into flight sims?16:45
nomici'm into having lots of space on screen -- graphics16:45
michael_hi quick question about iptables. will this script work: http://pastebin.com/m2af0cf3f ? want only ssh and http to be open on the server.16:46
Picilost_in_edmonton: regarding vbox issues:  I've not had any problems with virtualbox on any of the platforms I've run it on.  For more specific help you could try asking in #vbox16:46
cinexmichael_: install guarddog16:46
cinexmichael_: guarddog builds them for you16:46
nomicthere is no point in clones of the desktop over screens -- will it do a complete desktop (2 graphics cards 4 monitors?)16:46
assemblerikonia, why its written everywhere "PythonCard is a GUI construction kit for building cross-platform desktop applications on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, using the Python language." ?16:46
caparz0 f16:46
michael_cinex: isnt that gui?16:47
michael_its on a headless server16:47
cinexmichael_: yes16:47
cinexmichael_: you can copy the script file over after you've built it i guess16:47
lost_in_edmontonthx Pici on that channel as well16:47
cinexhi irfan_16:47
ZykoticK9nomic, as zicada said "in theory yeah" - you'll probably have less issues if both graphics cards are the same make - trying to use two different drivers could get ugly - best of luck man (would put my 2 monitor setup to shame)16:48
irfan_yes em trying16:48
michael_cinex: i have no computers with linux exept this though16:48
cinexmichael_: oh. then you need to read a book16:48
nomicok ty zykotick916:48
irfan_not working16:48
michael_cinex: :P16:48
cinexmichael_: if u mess it up its going to need a 'head' because you will be locked out over ssh16:48
irfan_i think em doing wrong16:49
michael_cinex: i know.. thats why i want someone to "Ok" it :)16:49
irfan_or could not understand properly16:49
Picimichael_: The iptables gurus are in #iptables, probably best to ask in there.  You could always use ufw if you want something easier.16:49
cinexmichael_: there are nuff iptable resources online. find one and learn it. once you know that, your salary could jump 20k a year16:50
cinexirfan_: what dont you understand ?16:50
irfan_i try that command but error was that could not open16:50
crazygirhiya hiya! I'm not sure if this question is better suited to #httpd, but the default config in ubuntu is pretty specific, so I thought I'd start here: I am trying to setup apache vhosts. I copied the default vhost configuration for a new vhost and added the ServerName directive so that apache knows how to work that out. Apache didn't like this: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerN16:51
jojojohello i've a question about vmware  someone know how to use this software for network configuration ?16:51
cinexirfan_: which command ?16:51
michael_Pici: oki ill ask there16:51
cinexeurisko: ?16:51
euriskoit was my fault16:51
cinexeurisko: what was wrong ?16:51
assemblerikonia, why its written everywhere "PythonCard is a GUI construction kit for building cross-platform desktop applications on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, using the Python language." ?16:52
euriskoi had a script at gdm/postlogin16:52
euriskothat was messing up with those two specific users16:52
euriskoi am sorry!16:52
euriskowhen i reinstalled kdm16:52
euriskoit worked16:52
BookmanI cannot seem to get a printer to print over the internet.  Can anyone help with this?16:52
euriskobecause it purged all the files16:52
euriskotks cinex!16:52
Danb5854hi all16:53
Picicrazygir: That FQDN message is only a warning, its not stopping apache2 from starting.  You can add entries into /etc/hosts for each of your domains so it stops complaining though.16:53
abstraktanyone know how to add php5-pdo-mysql under 9.10 ?16:53
euriskosometimes we don't remember all the stuff we do...16:53
abstrakti don't see it in the default repos?16:53
abstraktare there some common extras repos? it's been years since i've used ubuntu16:53
cinexeurisko: but we never forget the 3 hours fixing those problems16:53
Danb5854any one know how i can fix an issue with my max monitor rez being 800x60016:53
euriskolol, this one is already on my wiki16:53
Danb5854ive checked the wiki and cant seem to find anything16:54
euriskobut now i've got another problem16:54
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:54
actarushello, sorry I have some problem with kpackagekit on kubuntu 9.1, doesn't show me the applications16:54
ZykoticK9Danb5854, what is your graphics card?16:54
Danb5854pro savage pm13316:54
krishna_36I am not able to get sound to work in ubuntu 9.1016:55
krishna_36can anyone help16:55
euriskoprior to this i had in pam.d some users in the gdm list login in without password16:55
euriskonow isn't working...16:55
euriskobut i will find out16:55
euriskoi just came16:55
krishna_36I am not able to get sound to work in ubuntu 9.1016:55
euriskoto thank you for you time and pacience!16:55
cinexeurisko: reconfigure the autologin?16:56
cinexkrishna_36: u need to find out which graphics card u have16:56
cinexkrishna_36: u need to find out which sound card u have16:56
crazygirPici: oh.. I've never had to add FQDN's to /etc/hosts for apache before. is that not somethign that can be setup properly in apache?16:56
krishna_36tell how to do so16:56
krishna_36i will tell16:56
crazygirI'm a little more used to apache in BSD16:56
cinexkrishna_36: lspci16:56
euriskoit's no autologin , i am doing like this16:56
euriskoon pam.d/gdm i place16:57
euriskoauth sufficient pam_listfile.so item=user sense=allow file=/etc/gdm/nopassusers.txt onerr=fail16:57
euriskoand i list all the users i want on that file16:57
krishna_36Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)16:57
Picicrazygir: It might be, #httpd would know better, I'm pretty sure that the fqdn warning isn't limited to Ubuntu's configuration.16:57
euriskoi list that users on the interface16:57
Danb5854ZykoticK9, i have a S3 ProSavage PM13316:57
cinexeurisko: why not remove their passwords?16:57
krishna_36This is my sound card details16:57
demonicFailed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1: Failed to get connection to session: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-rB4h1fcOrf: Connection refused)16:57
crazygirPici: thanks16:57
euriskoand that way they don't password to login16:57
euriskocinex because i don't want them to change them16:58
euriskoi want it to have pass, but no require to login16:58
irfan_apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-intel16:58
ZykoticK9Danb5854, ya thanks - i had to google what a "prosave pm133" was - S3, i have never dealt with them before so i have no idea -- best of luck16:58
cinexeurisko: deny access to /usr/bin/passwd16:58
crazygirnext question, where is the "proper" place (in ubuntu) for vhosts (as a DocumentRoot) ?16:58
euriskogood point16:58
cinexirfan_: sudo apt-get remove16:58
Danb5854ZykoticK9,ok thanks16:58
cinexirfan_: why are u removing it ?16:58
irfan_but you was told me like that16:58
cinexirfan_: u need to use sudo to get permission. you also need to only remove it if it breaks your system somehow - graphics are tricky16:59
Picicrazygir: I hate to keep redirecting you to different channels, but the folks in #ubuntu-server would probably be the best people to answer.  #ubuntu tends to be more Desktop oriented.16:59
abstraktanyone know the best way to get php5-pdo ?17:00
abstrakti just googled it and the forums say that there is no PDO support... if this is the case, I'll just custom compile PHP by hand17:00
irfan_ok dear thnx to help me17:01
irfan_now em trying another way to get it17:01
crazygirPici: that's cool..I didn't even know about ubuntu-server17:01
rothsdadi use phone to chat in irc17:02
armenceHello all, I need help: I am not getting any sound at all (Yes, the usual culprits have been checked: volume is on max and speakers are neither off, nor unplugged nor exploded) Can anyone help me out with that?17:04
rothsdadreinstall the alsa or oss17:05
WeirdAARHello, I just saw the following when install Battle for Wesnoth. "The following packages were installed and are no longer needed "20-30 names". Type sudo apt-get autoremove to remove them". What should I make of this?17:05
armencerothsdad, How would I go about doing that?17:05
nibblerWeirdAAR, copy/paste them if you are unsure, else just autoremove them17:06
WeirdAARnibbler,  libxine1-x libqtscript4-network libgpod-common libqt4-script17:06
WeirdAAR  libknotificationitem1 libqt4-designer libqt4-network libqt4-dbus17:06
WeirdAAR  libqtscript4-gui kdelibs5 libxcb-xv0 libtag-extras1 libexiv2-5 libkcddb417:06
WeirdAAR  libgpod4 libqtscript4-sql libqt4-opengl khelpcenter4 liblzma017:06
WeirdAAR  libqtscript4-xml libqt4-sql-sqlite linux-headers-2.6.31-14 libsoprano417:06
FloodBot4WeirdAAR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
WeirdAAR  kde-icons-oxygen libclucene0ldbl phonon-backend-xine libxine1-console17:06
nibblerWeirdAAR, copy & paste them to a local textfile for future reference, or just autoremove them17:06
bazhanggonzalo, stop that17:07
WeirdAARnibbler, Well if terminal suggest I remove them I guess it's because they are unused?17:07
rothsdadarmence: you can google this : alsa ubuntu17:07
renegaidwhen I installed ubuntu I got grub legacy instead of grub 217:07
nibblerWeirdAAR, most likeley, yes. whenever a packet gets installed as dependency and not explicitly it is subject to autoremoval, once it is not directly needed anymore. but maybe you started using something of it - after all you could reinstall it easily anyways17:08
renegaidanyone know why this will happen17:08
* rothsdad so tired, use gphone to input these words17:09
seanbrystoneis there a command that shows what files are read/writing to hard drive in real time?17:09
WeirdAARnibbler, Yeah that makes sense. I just a saw a package like "libqt4-sql-mysql" and I got not sure whether to do it or not17:09
nibblerWeirdAAR, thats why i recommended to make a local copy+paste, so that if you miss something you have less trouble finding out the package it belongs to or whatever17:10
WeirdAARnibbler, Could I be that I recently made a major update and this is the outdated packages?17:10
nibblerWeirdAAR, not outdated in a way taht there is newer versions of this on your system now, but outdated like in "not needed anymore"17:11
nibblerWeirdAAR, maybe foosoft-1.0-22 needed libbar as dependecy, but with foosoft-1.0-24 this dependency is gone.17:11
bazhang!pl | Trick17:11
ubottuTrick: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:11
JSteinnHi, I've got some problems getting my vsftpd to work, anyone who are so kind they maybe could guide me step by step though it?17:11
Trickthx for it17:12
WeirdAARnibbler, Ok. Well I will make a local text copy as you suggested and use autoremove. Thanks for the help.17:12
rothsdadubuntu is suck17:12
nibblerWeirdAAR, no problem17:12
bazhangrothsdad, wrong channel then17:12
aggalitsas85Hi all , does anyone know how can I connect a router in Ubuntu ??? ( prv me please)17:12
vnghow do I stop Synaptic Package Manager, it doesn't respond17:12
JSteinnrothsdad, Wrong channel.. this is really not the place to let your negative feeling out. Sorry to hear though.17:13
WeirdAARBtw, does anybody know if there is a MTP device (creative zen) manager native to Xubuntu?17:13
bazhangvng, are you installing a package?17:13
erUSULvng: pkill synaptic17:13
seanbrystoneis there a command that shows what files are read/writing to hard drive in real time?17:13
nibblervnd: alt-f2 then xkill17:13
icerootseanbrystone: iotop  is it imo17:13
erUSULWeirdAAR: banshee or rhythmbox support MTP afaik17:14
rothsdadok, how to remote cotrol my ubuntu?17:14
cinexrothsdad: ssh17:14
bazhangrothsdad, with a wiimote?17:14
nibblerrothsdad, aptitude install openssh-server17:14
rothsdadlike use another linux or phone17:14
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erUSULseanbrystone: mortadelo http://lwn.net/Articles/271796/17:14
cinexcontroling the computer with an ipod/iphone is a serisou chore17:14
WeirdAARerUSUL, They are based on Gnome (g++) right?17:15
vngbazhang, erUSUL : thank you!17:15
nibblerdepends of what oyu want to controll....17:15
erUSULWeirdAAR: rhymbox is C + gnome; banshee is mono17:15
rothsdadthe terminal17:15
QuaintRckyThere are a couple of options to control an ubuntu machine with an iPhone17:16
WeirdAARerUSUL, Ok. I will try Banshee then. Thanks17:16
cinexQuaintRcky: its the keyboard, its crap17:16
QuaintRckyssh will work - enable ssh server from the ubuntu software center, then get an ssh client17:16
vngwhen I try to open Synaptic again. It's said:17:16
vngThis usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) is already running. Please close that application first.17:16
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QuaintRckyor, if you want graphical control, turn on the remote desktop in the settings, then get a vnc client for the iphone17:17
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bazhangvng, are you using another instance of apt?17:17
rothsdadQuaintRcky: does ssh support image?17:17
QuaintRckyno - but vnc does17:17
nibblerQuaintRcky, sure it does, via -X17:17
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rothsdadQuaintRcky: thx17:17
QuaintRckyit will be pretty painful though - the small iphone screen is less than ideal17:17
StevethepirateWell, thats merely xforwarding.17:17
nibbleryep :)17:17
vngbazhang: I just do the previous command pkill synaptic17:18
QuaintRckyI was answering about the iphone - sure ssh can do X, but not on the iPhone17:18
QuaintRckyvnc is probably going to be the best option there17:18
StevethepirateThats assuming his client has an Xserver17:18
rothsdadthen how to control iphone using ubuntu?17:18
StevethepirateWell, x11vnc sounds like the best.17:18
JSteinnMy vsftpd server won't let me connect through my IP. I can acces it though localhost( but not the internet IP. My ports are forwarded..17:18
StevethepirateSince he no doubt wants to use his active desktop.17:18
vngbazhang: and synaptic is closed17:18
bazhangvng, are you trying to install via the command line/software center and synaptic at the same time?17:18
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod17:18
QuaintRckythere are options to control the iPhone, but pretty much all of them require a jailbroken iPhone17:18
StevethepirateBot ;/17:19
QuaintRckyalthough I seem to remember someone said libiphone will actually work without jailbreaking - anyone know more?17:19
bazhangQuaintRcky, there is a PPA for ifuser17:19
QuaintRckypersonally I have a jailbroken iPhone, which runs ssh on it, so that makes life easy17:19
cinexQuaintRcky: I had a ipod touch with the newest firmware. had to jailbreak it which needed windows (vmware couldnt do it)17:19
bazhanguses libiphone17:19
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX17:19
reto`^ that's the way to go...17:20
vngbazhang: no, I use synaptic to install software. And use pkill synaptic to close it17:20
Lam3r_coplease, is someone here experienced with VSFTPD ?17:20
mikeconceptsis there an irc channel for parted magic? the beta 4.9 available as cd only and I need usb17:20
bazhangvng, that is not the way to close it, did you have more than one instance running? open a terminal and type   top17:20
* rothsdad bye everybody17:21
bazhangmikeconcepts, you write the iso to usb17:21
vngI don't see another instance running17:21
bazhangvng, pastebin the output of sudo apt-get update17:21
bazhang!paste | vng17:22
ubottuvng: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:22
mikeconceptsbazhang: I tried with unetbootin and the ubuntu usb startup creator17:22
bazhangmikeconcepts, it sometime s takes more than a single try to get it right17:23
niazkk5 linux17:23
niazkk5 linux17:23
FloodBot4niazkk5: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:23
bazhangniazkk5, dont paste that here17:23
glphvgacshi, can I can fabs() from with in a shell script?17:23
glphvgacsor what does fabs() in shell scripts?17:23
vngbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/374857/17:25
Piciglphvgacs: I'm not familiar with what 'fabs' is, You are talking about bash scripts right?17:25
unopglphvgacs,  fabs() is abs() for floating point numbers?17:25
bazhangvng in a terminal type sudo dpkg --configure -a17:26
vngbazhang: yeah, it's running17:26
vngbazhang: thank you17:26
DemoOnCan someone help me with openofice? I made bar chart and i want to make that negative bars go down. If i make chart it is so, but when i save and open again then negative bars are gone and every bar starts from biggest negative numbet17:26
bazhangvng, next time try not to run more than one instance of apt, xkill'ing synaptic is not the ideal way of closing it17:26
mikeconceptsbazhang: so I guess I will keep trying with ubuntu usb creator if I understand you right17:27
abstraktok i just tried to install apache mono and the bastard hung during configuration in synaptic17:27
abstraktwhat do i do?17:27
ZykoticK9conky appearing under wallpaper (using Compiz background vs Gnome/Nautilus background), when I switch to 3d Cube I can see Conky running under wallpaper -- any ideas?17:27
vngbazhang: But synaptic hang on. It does not respond me17:27
bazhangmikeconcepts, I would use unetbootin personally as have had much more success with that, also check the md5 of the iso before doing it17:27
rosiuHi im from poland :)17:28
abstraktbazhang, any idea? seems you're discussing a synaptic issue right now...17:28
rosiui new user Linux Ubuntu :)17:28
mikeconceptsbazhang: thank you, I will use unetbootin and double check md517:28
erUSUL!hi | rosiu17:28
ubotturosiu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:28
LMJIs there anyone would could help me out with this issue plz http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=879610417:29
bazhangabstrakt, apache mono? two different packages? what are you trying to accomplish and what was the error message if any17:29
cinexdoes ubuntu have an audio group to get access to sound ?17:29
abstraktbazhang, no error message... mono-apache-server217:29
akSeyaguys.. i need some help here with dnsmasq17:30
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
abstraktbazhang, synaptic console says it restarted apache, all I get it a minor warning about cannot determine FQDN using 127......17:30
stone1343-40hi, my question is about wi-fi on Lucid, that keeps stopping. it doesn't disconnect, just stops. I have to manually disconnect and re-connect, any suggestions?17:30
abstraktall i get is*17:30
bazhangabstrakt, just hanging when configuring? already downloaded? how long did/does it hang?17:30
keith_If I buy Crossover Linux, can I install that license on more than one machine?17:30
akSeyawell.. i have a DHCP server on my network.. and I'm creating a FOG server here.. so.. i cannot have another DHCP, neither can change the existing one ..17:30
abstraktbazhang, how long? well it's been hung for over 5 minutes now17:31
bazhangstone1343-40, lucid in #ubuntu+1 please17:31
abstraktbazhang, no HD or CPU activity17:31
stone1343-40ok thanks17:31
babo1babo@eire:~/Desktop$ xhost +localhost17:31
babo1xhost:  unable to open display ""#17:31
akSeyaI found some tutorials about dnsmasq and LTSP, but they are not working with fog...17:31
bazhangkeith_, ask the crossover people as that is not a Ubuntu issue17:31
QuaintRcky@cinex there is an audio group, of which pulse is a member, but it shouldn't need to be on a personal account17:31
abstraktbazhang, yes already downloaded, it's in the configuration process17:31
cinexQuaintRcky: what group does the user need to be in to get sound ?17:31
keith_Sorry Bazhang.  Thanks17:31
QuaintRckyyou could try adding audio to the user (audio is the name of the group)17:32
akSeyaanyway.. does anyone knows how to configure dnsmasq so it works as a DHCP proxy, working with FOG (PXE boot with DRBL)17:32
LuserN800I did not manage to get the new ati driver (or even now the 9.2) to work with a 4650. Anyone having this graphic card?17:32
bazhangabstrakt, I would let it error out, to be honest17:32
QuaintRckybut I would guess that your sound may not be working for other reasons17:32
abstraktSetting up mono-apache-server2 (2.4.2-1) ...17:32
davidiskohi guys, i'm trying to install ubuntu-8.04.4-server-amd64.iso, but i'm stucked on step "Install the base system" - it fails and in console says "unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update".. but can't apt-get update it cause there's no apt-get..17:32
abstraktbazhang, uhhh, how long will that take?17:32
cinex QuaintRcky do u have a quick command. trying to help krishna_36 but i dont know the command17:32
cinexand I need to go17:32
abstraktbazhang, will I be screwed if I ctrl-c ?17:33
cinexhe has sound as root only17:33
taveI have two network cards in my my system. One wireless and the the other wired.  The wireless one has the Internet connection, and the wired one is for local shares.  How can I get my applications to point to the eth1(wireless) for internet use and not eth017:33
bazhangabstrakt, not sure, but the one time you dont want to interrupt is when it is configuring17:33
WeirdAARanybody got an opinion on Abiword vs. open office?17:33
abstraktbazhang, wonderful :(17:33
QuaintRckysudo adduser <username> audio17:33
abstraktthis sucks... i should have just left it alone and only installed apache17:33
prathab  17:33
abstraktbazhang, any idea how to get php5-pdo on 9.10 ?17:33
cinexQuaintRcky: that will wipe all his other groups?17:34
abstraktbazhang, googling turns up that PDO doesn't really exist, since basically 6.x and doesn't seem to be different on 9.1017:34
GoldChaos'lo all! Quick question.17:34
bazhangabstrakt, let me do a web search on the forums17:34
QuaintRckynope - it will just add that group17:34
QuaintRckyhope it works17:34
LuserN800Is dpkg --get-selections available somewhere for karmic? I'd like to revert from lucid/karmic to pure karmic?17:34
GoldChaosI'm lookin' at the GetDeb repository - if I install it, will software from that repository appear in the software center, or will I have to go through the package manager?17:34
GoldChaos(erm, synaptic that is)17:34
LuserN800Or if someone can post a dpkg --get-selections for a _pure_ karmic17:35
abstraktbazhang, also are there any "standard" extras repositories? like i used to use dag/wiers back in the day... it's been years since i've run *nix as my desktop though, just getting back into the game17:35
cinexQuaintRcky: thanks17:35
GoldChaosI'm trying to get my girlfriend set up with Songbird, but if there's a way to get all the software she needs really in the software center, I'd like that :)17:35
abstraktbazhang, so i dunno what the officially or semi-officially recommended repos are, if there are any. i mean aside from universe/multiverse if those aren't enabled17:35
bazhangabstrakt, backports and PPA ( /msg ubottu PPA)17:35
abstraktbut synaptic is hung so I can't very well enable them17:35
abstraktbazhang, so basically I should make my own package...17:36
GoldChaosGuess I'll just try this all myself.17:36
bazhangabstrakt, still searching, will take more than a minute17:36
bazhangGoldChaos, songbird has its own website with a deb to download17:37
jackhornerHi, id like to forward a couple of ports from my host A to host B, im currently using ssh but since line is not 100% reliable on the other side sometimes i have the port open but im not able to connect, is there any workaround to this? or any simple solution, i mean simpler than using tinc or openvpn17:37
=== rusty is now known as Guest70933
GoldChaosbazhang: There's no deb on their site.17:37
GoldChaosJust a precompiled directory. It's very sloppy.17:38
abstraktman this is seriously lame... i'm sorry but i have to say i'm highly disappointed in Ubuntu right now... i mean I haven't even enabled any like, non-free or other repos except for my nVidia driver... sucks that they can't even get the base packages to install right... or rather, configure right17:38
abstraktand the whole reason i wanted to come to ubuntu anyway was for PHP web dev and I absolutely need php5-pdo for the projects i work with17:38
ZykoticK9GoldChaos, there is also a daily build ppa https://launchpad.net/~songbird-daily/+archive/ppa for songbird17:38
GoldChaosI don't want daily builds - is there one for stable builds only?17:39
zamanianabstrakt: Are you running an alpha build?17:39
zamanianBecause I'm not getting misconfigured packages...17:39
ZykoticK9GoldChaos, if you want stable get the one from their site i'd guess17:39
abstraktzamanian, don't think so...17:39
abstraktzamanian, i downloaded 9.1017:39
LuserN800Is dpkg --get-selections available somewhere for karmic? I'd like to revert from lucid/karmic to pure karmic? Or can someone post on pastebin the output of dpkg --get-selections ? thanks17:40
GoldChaosBut there isn't one from their site, that's the problem :P17:40
abstraktzamanian, from the main download link... why would they put an alpha build as the main download link?17:40
duryhi there channel :)17:40
babo1i've created a user oracle on my computer but it won't let me log in. it gives me an authentication error ...17:40
millertimek1a2m3hey does anyone know how to turn off the default login sounds on ubuntu 9.1? and yea i know it's not pref>sound17:40
zamanianabstrakt: They wouldn't, I was just wondering if you downloaded an alpha build. Some people do that. :)17:40
abstraktzamanian, nope, definitely not interested in alpha or beta right now, i just need a dev server17:41
zamanianabstrakt: Do you know at what speed you burned the CD? From my experience, sometimes the install is botched by burning the CD at a speed too high.17:42
overmind!es | kori17:42
ubottukori: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:42
millertimek1a2m3hey does anyone know how to turn off the default login sounds on ubuntu 9.1? and yea i know it's not pref>sound17:42
abstraktzamanian, actually i turned down the burn speed when i burned specifically to hopefully prevent against that happening17:42
zamanianabstrakt: Well isn't that ironic. :-/17:42
abstraktzamanian, and given that this software was downloaded from the net, not installed from the CD, i doubt it's the CD's fault17:43
abstraktzamanian, Setting up mono-apache-server2 (2.4.2-1) ...17:43
timmarshallor how do you change the login sound??17:43
abstraktzamanian, it's hung right there ^17:43
abstraktand has been for like over 15 minutes now17:43
abstraktzamanian, i'd like to just CTRL-c but bazhang says it's a bad idea... and i agree that it probably is17:43
ZykoticK9GoldChaos, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird the are two options for DEB files there17:43
zamanianabstrakt: Meh. I've done it a lot of times and apt is pretty good at fixing things in my experience17:44
zamanianabstrakt: But maybe I've not tried to install very dependent programs.17:44
abstraktk, well ctrl-c it is then17:45
BaribalHi. I tried mounting a USB HD, dmesg however has lots of entries in the format "Buffer I/O error on device sdc, logical block 0" (full dmesg output: http://pastebin.com/m6dcb6d04)17:45
BaribalI can't even fdisk that drive. :(17:45
timmarshallhow do you change the log in sound17:45
krishna_36_Root user having sound and my normal user not having sound in ubuntu 9.1017:45
abstraktzamanian, oh, hmmm, well it just aborted the mono config, everything else went through fairly smooth... coolness17:45
krishna_36_how to change17:45
abstraktstill need PDO... looks like i'm just gonna compile PHP by hand17:45
johnPLoption icon 225 orange problem ubuntu 9.10 help me17:45
abstraktsince there's no PDO available anywhere17:45
zamanianabstrakt: You should try to install mono again or whichever program was aborted, just to make sure it was properly installed.17:46
taveI have two network cards in my my system. One wireless and the the other wired.  The wireless one has the Internet connection, and the wired one is for local shares.  How can I get my applications to point to the eth1(wireless) for internet use and not eth017:46
zamanianabstrakt: You know, when it finishes.17:46
krishna_36_sound issues in ubuntu17:46
krishna_36_sound issues in ubuntu .. can any one resolve the same ?17:47
ZykoticK9abstrakt, i don't even know what PDO is, but if you "apt-cache search pdo" - you'll see 5 php5 items related to databases - hope that help (probably doesn't)17:47
=== cp is now known as Guest56543
johnPLi'm looking for glopal 3g full version17:47
johnPLglobal 3g17:47
keexdoes ubuntu also make use of codenames such as "testing" "stable" or even "unstable" ?17:48
abstraktZykoticK9, given that i already did a search with synaptic, and then with google... google results report that PDO is not, has not been, and probably will not be available17:48
durywell... is it possible to mount automatically the other HD drives each time I boot ubuntu?17:48
abstraktZykoticK9, PDO = database abstraction layer17:48
abstraktpersistent data objects? php data objects? i don't remember offhand17:49
unopkeex, yes, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases17:49
ZykoticK9abstrakt, i was just trying to help - sorry it didn't assist at all...17:49
abstraktZykoticK9, no worries17:49
babo1how do i access an account whose password i can't remember17:50
bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-sqlite3/+bug/178906 abstrakt please see this17:50
sipiorbabo1: if you have sudo access on the machine, you can always reset the account's password.17:51
Piciabstrakt: the package description for php5-mysql says that it provides the pdo_mysql module.17:51
keexunop: I mean testing... can I simply specify testing instead of a fixed codename?17:51
shreymechhello everyboody..i have a serious problem with my ubuntu 9.10... whenever i suspend or hibernate my system and when i resumes back .. my system monitor shows 100% CPU usage.... so i have to restart my system to make it normal...plzz help me with this issue...17:51
ZykoticK9shreymech, can you use the "top" command in a terminal to determine what is eating the CPU?17:51
shreymechi checkded but its not showing anything17:52
shreymechZykoticK9: i checked but no help... :(17:52
unopkeex, no, not as far as i know off.17:52
adrian__can anybody tell me how can I change my mouse pointer ?17:52
ZykoticK9shreymech, does top show 100% CPU usage?17:52
shreymechZykoticK9, hold on i will check again17:53
trismadrian__: System/Preferences/Appearance, click customize, select the pointer tab17:53
ZykoticK9adrian__, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy#Mouse Cursor Themes17:54
adrian__thx I want to change my mouse pointer to right , I want flip the arrow to right17:54
ZykoticK9adrian__, what trism said :)17:54
shreymechZykoticK9,  hey man plzz check this.. top command is showing that 100 %17:55
shreymechZykoticK9,  1274 root      20   0  6044 2464 2308 R  100  0.1   0:45.05 ipfm17:55
git__which is faster sha1sum or md5sum?17:55
shreymechZykoticK9, 100 is the CPU usage17:55
abstraktPici, oh? hmm, nifty...17:55
akSeyadoes anyone have a dnsmasq.conf sample working for a DHCP Proxy server?17:55
adrian__all the pointer are to left in System/Preferences/Appearance,17:56
ZykoticK9shreymech, ipfm appears to be a bandwidth monitor app - it doesn't seem to be part of base install, could you uninstall it perhaps?17:56
ZykoticK9shreymech, or file a bug against it?17:56
shreymechZykoticK9, okk i will try that17:57
sebastian_Hi... Anyone knows how to turn off all the WHO CAME AND WENT infos???17:57
adrian__and I want to arrow to point to left like in RedHat17:57
shreymechZykoticK9, will get back to u17:57
ZykoticK9sebastian_, it depends on what irc client you are using, in xchat right click on the channel on the left side and "Hide Joins/Parts"17:58
abstraktPici, ok and where do I access said package description? when i select php5-mysql in synaptic (9.10) it just says it provides mysql and mysqli, says nothing about PDO17:58
babo1racle@eire:~$ xhost +localhost17:58
babo1No protocol specified17:58
babo1xhost:  unable to open display ":0.0"17:58
zoinkhey guys, i recently made a new array and copied my files from the old one over.  it's an NFS and now i don't have acces to the files...i'm guessing because I copied them as root.  what do i need to change the permissions to to be able to read/write from the nfs mount?17:58
babo1any one have any ideas about this ?17:58
millertimek1a2m3hey, how might i go about changing the default ubuntu setting of logging in with sound on to logging in with sound off? i mean, no matter what I've set my sound to when I log out, it still turns the volume up when I log in...17:58
erUSULzoink: chmod ?17:58
abstraktoh nm, there it is17:58
shreymechZykoticK9, hii it worked perfectly for me....17:58
ZykoticK9babo1, what happens if you just try "xchat"17:58
mantishi, can someone give some help intalling ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 on ubuntu 9.10?17:59
zoinkerUSUL: right..but what permissions do i need to use :/17:59
alabdhello , what does executable mean ? here in line3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_distribution17:59
ZykoticK9shreymech, cool - you "might" want to post a bug about that program - if you feel generous17:59
babo1ZykoticK9, No protocol specified17:59
babo1(xchat:22015): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.017:59
ksx4system@mantis: msg me17:59
erUSULzoink: actually chown (change the owner) them to your user17:59
ZykoticK9babo1, are you in X?17:59
babo1ZykoticK9, yes17:59
git__md5sum is pretty reliable yeah?18:00
ZykoticK9babo1, are you signed in as root, or trying to use sudo?18:00
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:00
shreymechZykoticK9, hey can u help me in solving one more problem..?? whenever i boot or shutdown my  system i see a line while booting.. "pidfile not found. is jackd running" ... what is that,,, and there it shows a red * in front of that18:00
babo1ZykoticK9, i'm signed into terminal as root18:00
ZykoticK9babo1, that's the problem!18:00
ZykoticK9shreymech, jack is an audio sub-system of some sort - i've never used it sorry18:01
babo1ZykoticK9, still doesn't work when i sign out of root18:01
millertimek1a2m3hey, how might i go about changing the default ubuntu setting of logging in with sound on to logging in with sound off? i mean, no matter what I've set my sound to when I log out, it still turns the volume up when I log in...18:01
shreymechZykoticK9,  what is a pidfile ...??18:01
ZykoticK9babo1, are you logged into X as root?18:01
babo1ZykoticK9, nope18:01
zoinkerUSUL: i feel dumb, thanks18:01
erUSULzoink: no problem.18:02
ZykoticK9shreymech, pidfile is a recording of what PID (process ID) a particular program is running with - it's saying no PIDFILE most likely because the program isn't running18:02
ZykoticK9shreymech, i really wouldn't worry too much about it myself18:02
shreymechZykoticK9, ohkk...18:02
Lasivianis it possible to change the default icon spacing distance for the Gnome desktop?18:03
babo1ZykoticK9, i can't open xclock18:03
shreymechZykoticK9, hey man. how did u have soo much knowledge about LINUX.. whats your age.. are u a engineer18:03
sjefen6What commands sets root back to the default disabeled stage? sudo passwd root NULL ?18:03
babo1ZykoticK9, i can open it as user 'babo'. but not as user 'oracle' or 'root'18:03
babo1i've set the DISPLAY variable to be the same in each18:04
ZykoticK9babo1, the error you're getting with xchat is saying it can't open a windows in X - most usually caused because you're trying to run it as root (which is blocked in some instances)18:04
GSF1200Sok, i have a serious / filesystem issue: i have an almost plainjain xubuntu install on a 40GB / partition, and its down to nearly 990MB! Things are going to get hairy if it runs out all of a sudden18:04
babo1ZykoticK9, i get the same error when i try it as oracle18:04
ZykoticK9babo1, you shouldn't really be trying to open ANY application as root (with only occasional exceptions)18:04
ZykoticK9babo1, why are you trying to run things under different users?18:04
vngne and only installed18:05
vng   apache18:05
vng<QuaintRcky> sudo adduser <username> audio18:05
babo1ZykoticK9, i'm trying to install oracle 11g18:05
FloodBot4vng: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:05
vng<abstrakt> bazhang, any idea how to get php5-pdo on 9.10 ?18:05
vng*** tux (~tux@dhcp53.medienkunstlabor.at) has quit: Disconnected by services18:05
SabbelIs it possible to install php4 exceptly for php5 ?!18:05
GSF1200Swhy is my /dev folder 7 GB?18:06
babo1no ideas ?18:06
abstraktvng, yeah actually the various DB packages already contain PDO, there's no PDO specific package18:06
shreymechZykoticK9, hey can i uninstall jackd ..???18:06
usserGSF1200S, thats a good question.18:06
ZykoticK9babo1, that doesn't seem to have anything to do with running xchat as root/oracle?  I have never installed "Oracle 11g", don't even know what that is - but typically you'd run the install with "sudo" if it's a command line thing, or "gksu" if it's a graphical installer18:06
abstraktvng, dunno what you were referencing or why, but Pici helped me figure it out18:06
ZykoticK9shreymech, ? dunno - it's not installed on my system, but perhaps something you did install requires it18:07
abstraktaight thx yall, peace out18:07
=== Sabbel is now known as Sabrinchen
erUSULGSF1200S: check with Aplications>Accesories >disk use analizr. where all the space is going18:08
SabrinchenI install php4 its running, when i want to install the wrapper :18:09
SabrinchenFeb 12 18:46:21 server03 kernel: [318766.538046] php4-cgi[5198]: segfault at 18 ip 000000000056326a sp 00007fff4e10f160 error 4 in php4-cgi[4$18:09
SabrinchenFeb 12 18:46:27 server03 kernel: [318773.116559] php4-cgi[5200]: segfault at 18 ip 000000000056326a sp 00007fffba115450 error 4 in php4-cgi[418:09
rlameiroanyone here is expert in mirror? or apt-mirror or network install?18:09
gilligan1hello. for some reason ubuntu 9.10 won't install at all. it seems to be unable to load the kernel after the first boot splash from the installation CD. any ideas what i can do?18:09
GSF1200SerUSUL: /lib/udev/ has 14 items and is 7 GB large18:09
TheBaseCan anybody help me. I'm running a ubuntu 9.10 and the sound quality is not good. I think I have to change the sound system but I don't know how.18:09
rlameirogilligan1, maybe you can change the grapgic setings18:10
ZykoticK9TheBase, is the sound always poor or just in certain programs?18:10
erUSULGSF1200S: go there and find out who's the culprit... mine is 1.5 MiB18:10
dagny_taggartTheBase:  I did an apt-get remove pulse-audio.  I now use ALSA only and finally have sound in flash as well as other apps18:10
TheBaseI though it was just on the browser but now I realised with mplayer is also not very good.18:11
abstraktok, so nevermind... i'm wondering if there's a recommended route for setting up apache document root(s) so that I can edit the website contents as my regular user as opposed to root18:11
abstraktas in nevermind i guess i'm not done yet :)18:11
gilligan1rlameiro: i tried different settings. my guess is, that my box isn't working with the kernel for some weird reason18:11
TheBaseIt works but when you have kind of load sounds it gets bad18:11
ZykoticK9TheBase, be aware that dagny_taggart might have consequences, 1st you won't have a volume control on your panel - you might also have issues with browser audio after...18:11
GSF1200SerUSUL: nothing inside is that large.. whats the command for filesystem freespace check via cli, preferably in terms of GB18:11
erUSULGSF1200S: df -hs18:12
abstrakti'm well familiar with configuring apache and vhosts... just curious as to whether there's a standard method on ubuntu for allowing my regular user to edit website files... cuz afaik the standard document root for apache is owned, in fact, by root... not by my regular user18:12
dagny_taggartZykotick9:  You are correct, no sound applet on the panel.  But so far no other consequences, it's all good18:12
TheBaseI remember I saw a list with the sound systems before but I can't find it anymore18:12
trismadrian__: found some left-handed pointers for you, http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ComixCursors?content=32627 download an unpack ComixCursors-LH-0.6.1.tar.bz2 to ~/.icons18:12
GSF1200Syeah, df -h shows 991MB free on /18:12
rlameirogilligan1, wich box do you have?18:13
adrian__thank you very much18:13
erUSUL"es | almu18:13
ZykoticK9dagny_taggart, i experimented with removing Pulse from Karmic - i ended up having more issues then it was worth - but hey if it's working for you great.  But please don't suggest things that radically change Ubuntu without explaining to people first there may be consequences.  :)18:13
erUSUL!es | almu18:13
ubottualmu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:13
rlameiroerUSUL, ;)18:14
ZykoticK9TheBase, you can try playing with http://paste.ubuntu.com/374892/ and see if it make any difference...18:15
jlbprofquestion: I have just installed desktop 9.10, with ssh, but nothing outside of my lan can connect and I have nat forwarding 22 to my desktop machine is there something I need to do to open it up to the wan?18:15
theadminNautilus behaves strangely in manner of icon placement in one specific folder.18:15
gilligan1rlameiro: Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 2.66 GHz, 32 bit, 3 GB RAM18:16
aaronfcIve problems in #radeon18:16
aaronfcI get "cannot send to channel"18:16
aaronfcwhy ? :S18:16
theadminaaronfc: Are you registered?18:16
GSF1200SerUSUL: xdiskusage shows a 35GB /, with 29 GB as "permission denied"..18:16
giuseppe__can you help me ?18:17
aaronfcyes :S18:17
theadminaaronfc: And identified?18:17
aaronfcmy username "aaronfc" is registered, and I identified using NickServ Identify ...18:17
bigpreshaaronfc: Users from the web gateway are quieted in that channel18:17
theadminaaronfc: Channel problems then, nothing you can fix I believe18:17
erUSULGSF1200S: run it as root (with gksudo); btw found out what was wrong in /lib/udev/ ?18:17
TheBaseZykoticK9, cool. I'll try that. Thanks18:18
bigpreshaaronfc: You'll need to connect via a real IRC client, or convince an op from that channel to set an exempt on you (or remove that +q entry)18:18
GSF1200SerUSUL: the rest according to it is using less than 3GB.. thunar is reporting /lib to be over 7GB..18:18
GSF1200SerUSUL: yeah, I was root in terminal upon launch18:18
rlameirogilligan1, maybe try the alternate iso.... cant help more than that, you have a good system :D18:18
aaronfcbigpresh: how can I do it ?18:18
abstraktwhat's the hotkey to switch desktops and where do I change said hotkey?18:18
bigpreshaaronfc: Do what?18:18
giuseppe__Someone it speaks Italian?18:18
aaronfcbigpresh: nothin, I read wrong :P18:18
bazhanggiuseppe__, in #ubuntu-it18:19
aaronfcI'll try from Xchat18:19
bigpreshaaronfc: You're welcome :)18:19
Lasivianhow can I change the setting that determines icon spacing on the Gnome desktop?18:19
=== joseph is now known as Guest65314
abstraktok nm found that one18:19
lfaraoneI'm installing Ubuntu via the mini.iso/netinstall and it seems to be stuck on "Finishing the installation" at 27%: Setting users and passwords. I checked the console and it hasn't output anything for 8 minutes. How can I "push it along"?18:19
gilligan1rlameiro: thanx. I will try 9.04. later18:20
lukaszcoinnect polnet18:20
lukasz#connect PolNet18:20
GSF1200SerUSUL: says permission denied when im root, AND i launch using gksudo.. according to xdiskusage usr/lib isnt using much space, while thunar says it is18:21
lfaraonelukasz: you want /connect HOSTNAME_GOES_HERE18:21
GSF1200Sthis install is 4 days old!18:21
erUSULGSF1200S: something is fishy with the filesystem. i would just pass a fsck18:21
erUSULGSF1200S: "sudo touch /forcefsck" and reboot18:22
theadminhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/2012912/Screenshot-Nautilus-strange.png - As you can see, icons are lined up strangely, one area is weirdly left out, how can one fix this?18:22
GSF1200SerUSUL: cool, ill give it a shot.. thanks for the help18:22
lfaraonetheadmin: make the window larger?18:22
jcordeiroi there can any one tell me in what script/bin are the normal disks(sda,sdb,*) detected?18:23
theadminlfaraone: It's maximized :/18:23
* toastedmilk wakes up18:23
millertimek1a2m3does anyone know about a tool that can be used to simply ghost image my ubuntu partition?18:23
airtonixi assume checkinstall is not the desired way to create debs from compiled src prior to installing ?18:23
toastedmilkCan anyone help me with this?  http://pastebin.com/m53e2511218:23
lfaraone!clonezilla | millertimek1a2m318:23
lfaraonemillertimek1a2m3: see http://clonezilla.org18:23
sipiorairtonix: works well enough, albeit quick and dirty.18:24
=== rusty is now known as Guest50153
HappehwalrusI just changed my user to administrator from custom, now it says18:24
Happehwalrus"wireless networking disabled".18:24
zilkomaaHi all. I installed gnome do and i dont have in the panel any programs only the 'search' thing ?18:24
guntberttoastedmilk: please tell about your problem in the channel - you will get a much greater audience18:24
jcordeirohi there can any one tell me in what init script/bin are the normal disks(sda,sdb,*) detected?18:24
lfaraonetheadmin: unless you get a bigger monitor or make the window larger somehow, it won't use that extra pages.18:24
theadminzilkomaa: Panel does NOT come with GNOME Do.18:24
airtonixsipior, i've used it before also, but some nagging doubts caused me to review the reasons why I use it...18:24
disabledhappehwalrus: WTF!!!!!18:24
theadminlfaraone: It DID before18:25
k4rt33kzilkomaa: Change the mode to dock mode in the settings18:25
toastedmilkguntbert, huh, should've identified first.18:25
toastedmilkCan anyone help me with this?  http://pastebin.com/m53e2511218:25
guntbert!language | disabled18:25
ubottudisabled: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:25
lfaraonetheadmin: okay, that's new information. did anything change?18:25
sipiordisabled: did you have anything intelligent to add, or were you just going to keep grunting?18:25
theadminlfaraone: Nothing I recall, I messed with themes a bit but restored previous config completely...18:25
airtonixsipior, any thoughts on : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto ?18:25
disabledNope, I'm leaving because you keep saying my name18:25
lfaraonetoastedmilk: I don't see a problem.18:25
DeathspikeHello; Does anyone know if Empathy can be set up to create minimized windows for new conversations?18:26
Happehwalrusmhm. Very much wtf. I changed my user type from custom to administrator, now I can't connect to wireless networks. It says "Wireless networking disabled" to be precise.18:26
ZykoticK9zilkomaa, if you want the Gnome-Do dock - open GnomeDo's preferences, click on the Appearance tab and select Theme as Docky18:26
GSF1200SerUSUL: is there anyway to make do a really thorough check? I also would like to avoid doing fsck on my other drives18:26
sudeephow can i install fonts in ubuntu??18:26
toastedmilklfaraone, thanks.  then it must be a grub2 problem im having.18:26
GSF1200Sthat didnt work- im at 990mb now18:26
k4rt33ksudeep: http://www.detector-pro.com/2009/04/how-to-install-fonts-on-ubuntu-904.html18:27
zilkomaaZykoticK9: k thank you18:27
lfaraonetoastedmilk: personally, I use "sudo mount --bind /proc /media/ubuntu/proc; sudo mount --bind /dev /media/ubuntu/dev", but that's just preference.18:27
sipiorairtonix: never used it, but if you're planning on actually maintaining a package (as opposed to a once-off install), it would probably be the way to go.18:27
erUSULGSF1200S: you can do it from a livecd. and tweak the command line options.. see « man e2fsck »18:27
IanWizardI'm  having a problem with ubuntu graphics, and I'm new to IRC.18:27
GSF1200SerUSUL: allright thanks..18:27
lfaraoneIanWizard: what specifically is your problem?18:27
k4rt33kIanWizard: Can you describe your problem?18:27
sipiorairtonix: another possibility would be to use "stow", and keep your source installs in /usr/local (the solution i prefer personally)18:28
toastedmilklfaraone, you wouldn't happen to know why when I try to chainload into grub2 on /dev/sda1 that I'm getting an error: invalid magic number, would you?18:28
IanWizardI'm trying to install on my new asus eeepc 1201n18:28
IanWizardit boots and I select "live" mode18:28
lfaraonetoastedmilk: what sort of disk setup do you have?18:28
* airtonix begins researching 'stow'18:28
guntbertHappehwalrus: please wathch you language - what OS are you using?18:28
IanWizardit starts booting18:29
theadminIanWizard: Could you post the whole question in one post? this really helps to keep track of it18:29
Happehwalrusguntbert: 9.10 Netbook Remix.18:29
jagehow do I mount a CDrom as executable?  sudo mount -o exec /dev/cdrom /media gives mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only18:29
lfaraone!enter | IanWizard18:29
ubottuIanWizard: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:29
toastedmilklfaraone, well, when /dev/sda1 broke, I installed 8.04 on /dev/sda5, so grub tries to go into that first.  but im not entirely sure what you mean by that18:29
cfeddeHow can I keep single user mode startup from starting network stuff 8.04 lts.18:29
guntbertHappehwalrus: and there are user types like "custom" and "administrator"?18:30
lfaraonejage: mount file.iso /cdrom -t iso9660 -o loop18:30
k4rt33k!fonts | k4rt33k18:30
ubottuk4rt33k, please see my private message18:30
lfaraonejage: oh, sorry, I misunderstood18:30
toastedmilkIanWizard, There is information for asus laptops online, I believe...18:30
fabio123jage: executable and read-only is not the same18:30
ZykoticK9lfaraone, i don't think jage is mounting an iso (perhaps i'm wrong)18:30
Happehwalrusguntbert: Yes. Custom, administrator, and desktop. I changed it to administrator from custom.18:30
lfaraonejage: it should automagically be executable, and read-only is normal.18:30
guntbertHappehwalrus: then I have to give up - never seen that on ubuntu - sorry18:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:31
sudobashwhen I connect to wireless wpa networks it only last 15 minutes and freezes my pc to where I have to hard reboot, i have ran hardware tests and everything passed18:31
Happehwalrusguntbert: It was in Users and Groups.18:32
toastedmilkHappehwalrus, pastebin output of dhclient18:32
theadminguntbert: Maybe it no longer exists. AFAIR, on Karmic, you can see that only when creating a new user.18:32
sudobashcan any one help me with this serious bug?18:33
hamzaatova2how can i view hebrew subs?18:33
IanWizardI use UNetbootIn and put 9.10 64 bit on a flash drive.  I boot to the flash drive, and select "Live" mode.  It starts to boot, but I just get horizontal alternating red and black blocks, and vertical gray bars.  It scrolls as if it's booting. but no text.  This laptop has a high-def display and ION graphics.  I imagine I need some boot paramaters.  I just don't know what to use.  (I'm sorry for my bad use of IRC,  I'm not used to it.  Sor18:33
Happehwalrustoastedmilk: Can't, not on my ubuntu right now. Also laptop with it has no internet.18:33
toastedmilkHappehwalrus, can't help then.18:33
HappehwalrusIt says under where it usually has all my wireless connections just18:34
Happehwalruswireless networking disabled.18:34
flexyHey, ubuntu 9.10 here, with gnome as desktop. The Clock on a panel, it shows calender when I click it. How do I change the calender to start week at monday? It's starting at sunday now and it's really confusing...18:34
toastedmilkHappehwalrus, I'd be more than happy to help if I had some information that might be useful.18:34
toastedmilkflexy, lol18:34
ZykoticK9Happehwalrus, can you right click on the icon and add a check to Enable Wireless?18:35
erUSULflexy: it should use what your locale settings says. i'm in spain here wek start at monday and the calendar applet does the right thing (tm)18:35
HappehwalrusZykoticK9: I'll go check.18:35
toastedmilkflexy, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/2237518:35
flexyerUSUL: I'm in Finland, it should start at monday as well. But I like to have my computer in english, so it speaks english to me.18:36
jcordeiroIn what init script/bin are the normal(sda, sdb, etc) disks detected?18:36
flexytoastedmilk: I'll check that link18:36
TheBaseZykoticK9, changed the sounds systems made no difference. I ran alsamixer and reduced the PCM now it's much better.18:36
HappehwalrusYes, Ican check it, but it does nothing.18:36
ZykoticK9TheBase, :)  glad it's working better18:37
Myrttiflexy: the finnish forum has some guides and howtos, iirc18:37
HappehwalrusI'm using an Acer Aspire One.18:37
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:37
k4rt33k!list | k4rt33k18:37
ubottuk4rt33k, please see my private message18:37
erUSULflexy: weel if you have your computer with an english locale it will display the week as english people want it. starting in sunday18:37
sudobashthe wifi will stop working after 15 minutes and when it trys to reconnect it freezes the PC and if I try to click on the wifi signal it wigs my screen out I have ATI 4200HD graphics and Atheros AR928X18:37
flexyMyrtti: URL?18:38
toastedmilkflexy, google?18:38
flexytoastedmilk: might be few...18:38
xenhey is there any way to connect my htc phone to ubuntu??? plzzz help...18:39
Myrttiflexy: http://ubuntu-fi.org18:39
Myrtti!fi | flexy, katso myös18:40
ubottuflexy, katso myös: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)18:40
hamzaatova2how can i view hebrew subs?18:40
mattalexxI have separate drives for / and /home. For some reason, my / drive is full but du is not reporting what I need to debug the situation. http://pastebin.com/m5b6b416b Any ideas?18:41
xenhey is there any way to connect my htc phone to ubuntu??? plzzz help...18:41
guntbert!repeat | xen18:41
ubottuxen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:41
taveI have two network cards in my my system. One wireless and the the other wired.  The wireless one has the Internet connection, and the wired one is for local shares.  How can I get my applications to point to the eth1(wireless) for internet use and not eth018:41
hamzaatova2how do i find the right subtitles for an movie--????? i always end up with unsyncronized ones18:41
moos3does anyone of documentation on how to make a servers in a VPS sevrer18:42
Myrttiflexy: they'll help if the forums fail18:42
erUSULtave: the routing table should tell all apps where to go to reach the internet18:42
abstraktok, i just tried to setup vhosts, but i'm getting permission denied errors18:42
abstrakti set the document root to be /home/abstrakt/Websites/sitename/html18:42
flexyMyrtti: that /usr/share/i18n/locale/my-locale file helps, I think.18:43
abstraktand i placed a default index.html file in there with a simple Hello World but i'm getting 403 forbidden18:43
abstrakti did select to encrypt my home folder, does that have anything to do with it?18:43
GSF1200SerUSUL: ok dude.. I figured something out.. I have an rsync problem.. my backup drive wasnt mounting so it was filling up / with crap from /home.. i need your help though18:43
guntbert!enter | abstrakt18:43
ubottuabstrakt: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:43
abstraktpermissions are 644 on files and 755 on folders18:43
ZykoticK9hamzaatova2, if your using "Movie Player" aka Totem, you can select the Sub with View / Subtitles / and select your language.  The out-of-sync might be due to the source file, or the player - perhaps try with VLC and/or Mplayer.18:43
erUSULGSF1200S: ok; ask18:43
erUSULtave: paste your routing table « ip route »18:44
guntbert!paste | tave18:44
ubottutave: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:44
=== everthonVS is now known as valadao
ersoyhello, how can i find google sync my docs and google docs for ubuntu? thanks18:44
GSF1200SerUSUL: I unmounted the backup drive, and like an idiot, as root in thunar i deleted the backup folder (what I wanted to do), but I while it dissappeared, it didnt free up the space. Where did it go? I know trash is .local/share/trash for user, but what about root?18:44
abstraktwould it be a better idea to leave things in /var/www and just set ownership to abstrakt.abstrakt so I can edit the contents as my normal user?18:44
toastedmilktave, try 'sudo dhclient auto eth1'18:45
kiwi_hello. does someone know if its possible to reboot instead of poweroff after ubuntu put the system in hibernation ?18:45
erUSULGSF1200S: in root's home? --> /root/18:45
kiwi_i guess it is indeed, but where to look =)18:45
ivansmoBest FTP client for XUBUNTU 8.04  XFCE18:45
GSF1200Stheres NOTHING in root home... hmmm18:45
ZykoticK9!best > ivansmo18:46
ubottuivansmo, please see my private message18:46
erUSULGSF1200S: see hidden files18:46
ivansmoOK sorry18:46
GSF1200SerUSUL: omfg.. wheres my dunce cap.. what a dumba**.. im used to having show hidden always shown.. thanks dude..18:46
guntbertmoos3: maybe #ubuntu-server is better suited for your problem18:47
trismabstrakt: if this is just a dev machine, I usually leave /var/www as root:root and create symbolic links to projects in $HOME/Websites there, so I can edit them normally18:48
=== james is now known as Guest41975
GSF1200SerUSUL: 30.1 GB free :) Now i gotta figure out how rsync script is wrong.. thanks18:49
erUSULGSF1200S: yw18:49
TetracommI personally want to thank all of the members of the Ubuntu community to integrate Creative ZEN support into 9.10 so that it can be mounted as a drive automatically. :)18:49
ldleworkCan anyone help me get ATI HDMI audio to work? I have Ubuntu 9.0418:50
ldleworkI have the proprietary drivers installed18:50
ldleworkThe HDMI audio shows up as an option under setting the default sound, but I cannot chose it in the ALSA mixer18:50
ldleworkpretty please?18:51
alienkid10everytime I try to boot the LiveCD I burned I get I/O error rebooting18:52
ZykoticK9!please > ldlework18:52
ubottuldlework, please see my private message18:52
alienkid10running check for defects with it in VBOX right now18:52
alienkid10how long does check for defects usually take?18:53
ZykoticK9!pl > tobi_18:54
ubottutobi_, please see my private message18:54
shane2peruok, trying to get my printer to print faster (use max potential) when setting up the print driver, what is the difference between hpijs pcl3 and hpijs zjs?18:55
erUSULmattalexx: have you passed a fsck to the partition ?18:56
abstrakttrism, hmm... so i can edit the root files without root perms just by putting symlinks in my home folder?18:56
abstraktthat seems... odd18:56
ZykoticK9abstrakt, certainly doesn't work for me?18:58
abstraktZykoticK9, er... what? i don't understand what you mean by that... what certainly doesn't work for you? and why the question mark...18:58
zilkomaaHow i can remove unused icon from panel at places ?18:59
ZykoticK9abstrakt, it shouldn't work for you either, are you using sudo before your command?18:59
abstraktzilkomaa, right click18:59
abstraktZykoticK9, i'm not doing anything right now, i'm questioning the validity of trism's response to me in regards to my goals18:59
ecolitan_to install ubunto over network, when setting up the bootp server, does the 'pxe' boot file just mean the .iso file?18:59
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:00
ZykoticK9abstrakt, sorry i'm just reacting to what i thought was a statement - the linking thing doesn't work...19:00
trismabstrakt: I never said anything about editing root files, you have a project in $HOME/Websites/someproject, owned, by you, you place a symbolic link to it in /var/www, and you can access it, but the directory is owned by you19:00
zilkomaaabstrakt: it only opens that etc if i click home folder19:00
abstraktZykoticK9, i haven't implemented his suggestion... i was questioning it heavily before i did, as i don't think he quite understands that i DO NOT want to have to use sudo19:00
ecolitan_yeah i'm following that guide and want clarification19:00
abstrakttrism, ohhh ok, not enough info, i thought you meant the reverse, place symlinks in the home folder19:00
zilkomaai mean that where is applications places system19:00
trismabstrakt: oh, sorry, the other way around19:00
shane2peruok, does no one know of the printer drivers, zjs or plc?19:01
abstrakttrism, k, so i mean, why would that be any different though from just telling the vhosts to use /home/abstrakt/Websites/mysite/html as document root19:01
trismabstrakt: it isn't really19:01
abstraktseems about the same amount of work to me... in fact it seems to just add an extra step19:01
ZykoticK9shane2peru, that a pretty specific question - if there a CUPS channel you could ask in perhaps?  i don't know.19:01
zilkomaaabstrakt: from places i want to remove named storage because there is two storage named shortcuts19:02
abstrakttrism, ok so that's how i have it setup right now, my vhosts just point their document roots straight to my home folder, but i'm getting 403 forbidden19:02
shane2peruZykoticK9, right, I was not sure where to ask it, I will look for a cups channel, good idea.19:02
abstraktzilkomaa, oh... you said panel, not places19:02
abstraktzilkomaa, i don't know how to edit the places menu19:02
alienkid10how long does check disc for defects usually take?19:02
erUSULecolitan_: th guide says where that file comes « Download the netboot installer tarfile from the Ubuntu Archives (karmic, jaunty), and extract its contents into the tftpboot server file root as per above. »19:02
zilkomaaabstrakt: ok sry for my bad english19:02
erUSULalienkid10: depends on the speed of the optical drive ...19:03
trismabstrakt: I have no idea, I don't mess with apache that much, which is why I use the sym link on my dev machine, then I don't generally have to mess with the default apache config at all19:03
abstraktzilkomaa, lol, that's less a case of bad english, more a case of saying the right thing... regardless of the language you speak19:03
abstrakttrism, do you use vhosts?19:03
zilkomaaabstrakt: =)19:03
abstraktwell actually i suppose you do, since it's setup as vhosts anyway... but i mean multiple vhosts19:04
zilkomaaHow do i remove icon from places menu ?19:04
alienkid10erUSUL: OK19:04
abstraktzilkomaa, i don't think you do. or if you do, you probably need to edit a config/text file somewhere, cuz places doesn't show up in the menu editor19:04
alienkid10erUSUL: I keep getting I/O error rebooting when I try to boot the disc19:05
ecolitan_then I am loooking for netboot installer tar file on ubuntu.com and not finding19:05
alienkid10so wanted to know before I lock up my only computer19:05
geekualizerzilkomaa, open nautilus, show the places side plane, you can add and remove items there19:05
erUSULzilkomaa: remove it from the nautilus side panel. just select it a and hit supr ?19:05
vngno, I don't flood. I have a problem with irc client. Sorry!19:05
vngwhen i upload a file on htts://files.one.ubuntu.com/upload/ . I see Invalid Form Data19:05
alienkid10will Vbox work to check a burned CD?19:05
vngWhat is it?19:05
abstraktaight, so... anyone else have a guess? why do i get 403 forbidden on my vhosts? they're pretty much OTB copies of default but with different document roots... is the fact that my home folder is private/encrypted a problem?19:06
vngIt seem that something's  wrong with my ubuntu one. When i upload a file on htts://files.one.ubuntu.com/upload/ . I see Invalid Form Data error. I don't know why?19:06
ZykoticK9zilkomaa, gconf-editor -- Desktop / Gnome / Interface - uncheck "menus_have_icons" but this will apply to ALL menus, not just places19:06
alienkid10HTTS I think needs to be HTTPS?19:06
ZykoticK9zilkomaa, ignorme my last statement :)19:07
zilkomaaZykoticK9: Why? =)19:07
ZykoticK9zilkomaa, NOT what you where looking for!19:07
fakeerHow long does it usually take the new Mozilla releases like Firefox 3.6 to come to Ubuntu repos?19:07
Picivng: Ubuntu One support is in #ubuntuone, best to ask in there.19:07
alienkid10fakeer: next release19:08
erUSUL!latest | fakeer19:08
ubottufakeer: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.19:08
gandhiyou're better off hitting up launchpad19:08
gandhibut that may cause instability19:08
alienkid10fakeer: use ubuntuzilla19:08
ZykoticK9fakeer, you need to add 3rd party repos (like PPAs) if you want the latest 'n greatest of things19:08
erUSUL!es | peluchito219:08
ubottupeluchito2: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:08
peluchito2quien eres19:08
zilkomaaZykoticK9: i wanna remove shortcut from places in menu19:08
ZykoticK9zilkomaa, i don't know how - good luck19:09
trismabstrakt: sorry, I don't know, was just trying to suggest an alternative way, hope you get it all working19:09
zilkomaaZykoticK9: K19:09
geekualizerzilkomaa, open your home folder, view | side pane, select places in side pane, you can add and remove shortcuts there19:09
ivansmoplease can someone tell me a good supstitute for dreamweaver, I need editing .html .php and a posibility to connect to web server  :)  Now I have screem HTML/XML editor and I see that is not what I need19:09
mattews17que que que?19:09
mattews17ya me perdí?19:09
mattews17hay alguien que sepa español?19:09
erUSUL!html | ivansmo19:09
ubottuivansmo: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/19:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:10
erUSUL!es | mattews1719:10
ubottumattews17: please see above19:10
mattews17aqui mismo?19:10
erUSULmattews17: si19:10
mattews17ok gracias por su VALIOSA AYUDA!19:10
LuserN800how does one set its locale settings in ubuntu?19:11
LuserN800dpkg-reconfigure locales does not ask for anything19:11
stefgLuserN800: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/set-language-env.1.html19:12
zilkomaageekualizer: Ok i found that but i cant remove that pecific shortcut because it is  unneeded mount shortcut i have two 'storage' needed shortcuts there and other is working and other is not..how can i resolve this issue?19:13
zilkomaageekualizer: specific19:13
LuserN800-bash: set-language-env: command not found19:13
aztek[tum]what's the best tool for ripping CDs19:14
LuserN800stefg, there must be another way19:14
geekualizerzilkomaa, I've found this happen when devices are detached before being unmounted, it should resolve on reboot.19:14
bazhangaztek[tum], sound-juicer is fine19:14
abstraktok for anyone who cares (trism) it's probably cuz I checked the box to not let other users see my files19:15
abstraktwhich apparently set my home directory to a permission set of 70019:15
LuserN800stefg, i don't have this command, I have karmic19:15
stefgLuserN800: set-language-env is a script that modifies your .dot-files19:15
zilkomaageekualizer: i'll tryed that hmm maybe i should edit fstab and mount that ext4 partition in different location19:15
stefg!info language-env karmiv19:15
ubottu'karmiv' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner19:15
stefg!info language-env karmic19:15
ubottulanguage-env (source: language-env): simple configuration tool for native language environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.66 (karmic), package size 178 kB, installed size 1492 kB19:16
stefgLuserN800: ah... ok. i was thinking too debian19:16
erUSUL!es | usuario__19:16
ubottuusuario__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:16
usuario__I spaking Spanish19:16
geekualizerzilkomaa, yes, it will show what's in fstab :)19:16
fakeerZykoticK9: I tried but it messed up things like logos etc.. and renamed apps.. even ubuntuzilla wasn't a good option... but I believe that if Mozilla released a new version and that after Beta then it must be here.. and that too after so many weeks....huh.... it frustrates at times...19:16
stefgLuserN800: so you'd need to install language-env19:16
davidiskohi guys, i'm trying to install ubuntu-8.04.4-server-amd64.iso, but i'm stucked on step "Install the base system" - it fails and in console says "unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update".. but can't apt-get update it cause there's no apt-get..19:16
LuserN800stefg, okay thanks. just strange that after downgrading my libc6 from lucid back to karmic, I lost my LANG settings19:17
LuserN800stefg, this looks good19:17
zilkomaageekualizer: heh i know19:17
geniidavidisko: Usually happens when you have no working internet to the box (not connected or the ethernet adapter is not know and no driver)19:18
zilkomaasome1 wanna take duel in quakelive?19:18
trismabstrakt: I see, yeah, that would do it, so it's working now?19:18
ZykoticK9fakeer, i didn't have much luch using the mozilla PPA either :|  you must understand that new software IS NOT destined to show up in the repos ever!  Ubuntu does not to rolling-release updates except for security issues.  Want a new version of something, you might need to wait until the next release.  Lucid is using FF 3.6 by default.19:18
davidiskogenii: ethernet is working 100% correctly. detected 4 broadcom ethernets and internet connectivity is working otherwise i would not be here..19:19
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geniidavidisko: if it has 4 adapters, likely internet is connected to eth1 or eth2 or eth3 and not eth0 which is the default gateway19:22
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abstrakttrism, yup, but i'm not satisfied, so i'm gonna set it up how i usually do, manually chown /var/www to my user19:24
fakeerZykoticK9: is this with all the distros or Ubuntu Special Policy?19:24
abstraktso i can leave my home dir non readable by other users19:24
ZykoticK9fakeer, several distros are like this - i'd guess most are not19:24
ZykoticK9fakeer, it's done for stability19:24
fakeerZykoticK9: sad..  oh come on stability is fine but they should have at least a repo for that which would have been optional....19:25
abumaiawhen I start up my computer after upgrading to the .19 kernel, I get the error "could not update ICEauthority file /var/lib/gdm/.ICEauthority.  I found out why: I don't have a /var/lib/gdm directory.  Can I solve this error by creating the /gdm/.ICEauthority folders?19:25
cig4hi whats up m/19:25
akSeyahas anyone here ever played with FOG?19:25
ZykoticK9fakeer, for mozilla firefox etc. see https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa19:26
cig4what are the new games for ubuntu (which are compatible with 8.0)19:26
fakeerZykoticK9: I am not going to Daily Build or other repos because they make things real horrible at times,..... O was just looking for latest stable releases of packages like Firefox and Thunderbird...19:26
fakeerZykoticK9: I once tried Daily build but the experience has not been good...19:26
ZykoticK9fakeer, then i'm affraid you are going to have to be patient < hard sometime i know19:26
cig4dont u know that19:27
ugliefrogjoin #/blender19:27
pratik_narainfakeer: try ubuntuzilla repos19:27
cig4fuck u man19:27
stefgdavidisko: so there might be a problem with the chosen mirror being down or some DNS misconfiguration19:27
jribcig4: please don't use that kind of language here19:28
pratik_narainfakeer: better still, download from official firefox website and use without installing19:28
abumaiabyebye cig4.  that's the wrong attitude for this place19:28
abstraktwerd, my setup is complete! thanks yall19:28
pratik_naraincig4: watch your language19:28
fakeerZykoticK9: yeah..pretty hard.... may be we could request Ubuntu for some change..19:28
cig4i want to know abt new games19:28
pratik_naraincig4: visit playdeb.net19:29
stefgfakeer: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable19:29
ZykoticK9fakeer, if be "we" you mean "you" then yes - i like the policy myself19:29
fakeerpratik_narain: ubuntuzilla is sth i will never try again.. had a hard time updating my firefox with it and then harder coming back to default mozilla products.. thanks for suggesting anyway.....19:29
daroluabumaia: is the .ICEauthority file in your /home directory?19:29
abumaiadarolu: yes, it's in the home directory, but not where the error said19:30
abstraktfakeer, I fail to see the problem with using FF 3.519:31
daroluabumaia: check this file's permissions19:31
abstraktfakeer, iirc it is in fact the "latest" version... maybe not the penultimate latest build, but if you want that you can always make a package yourself from source19:31
fakeerZykoticK9: by "we" I mean me and ppl like me.. doesn't necessarily need to include you or anybody in particular... I certainly don;'t think delaying a stable release is a good policy...but anyway as long as ubuntu is canonical ubuntu some things will always be the way they are right now.... however I love ubuntu and want it to be better19:31
pratik_narainfakeer: actually i'm using ubuntuzilla. Its very easy to update like apt-get update command. earlier they had a script which was cumbersome to use. but the new repository structure is good.19:31
metricpianoabumaia: check permissions and owner/group19:31
abumaiaI am set as owner with read write, and as group with read19:31
scootsmQuestion: Why does the "gnome control panel" install, but not show up anywhere in the menus?19:32
kedlunHey anyone know if there is a undo for "clear" command in bash?19:32
ikoniakedlun: there is not19:32
abumaiakedlun: scroll up19:32
pratik_narainfakeer: may I suggest you to use opera instead. I feel its a better browser than firefox. but again, its my personal opinion.19:32
kedlun:(  thanks ikonia19:32
ikoniakedlun: sorry19:32
fakeerabstrakt: to start.. i will name one.. the next tab opening features...which opens besides the current tab..and in 3.5 i have to use a Add-On for that.. i am already using a lot to make it slow.....19:33
metricpianois there a better way to add applications to the Applications menu than the GUI Edit Menus?19:33
darolukedlun: if you press "up" key you can track your steps back19:33
abumaiakedlun: clear just moves everything up, scroll up in terminal to see it again19:33
Gananghi everyone, i have a file which is owned by root(me), and i wanted to give free access to everybody inside the machine with the command chmod ugo+rx directory-name , so why when i give a right click in nautilus with the mouse, the permission is still set to root?19:33
Yevial hola esto q es ingles???19:33
kedlundarolu, yeah, but not output, unfortunately.19:33
abstraktfakeer, er... you mean the little plus sign button to the right of my last tab?19:33
fakeerpratik_narain: but my problem is not the browser but update cycle brought into ubuntu repos19:33
stefgscootsm: probably it's hidden by the menu editor (alacarte). The job is done by the "system" menu anyway so actually no need to double this by having it19:33
abstraktfakeer, i've got that19:33
Picimetricpiano: No, not really.  The application menus are in the freedesktop.org specification, which is a messy xml file.  alacarte (the name of the edit menu tool) is the easiest way to add new items.19:33
ZykoticK9fakeer, i like your motivation to make Ubuntu better - but what you are advocating would require splitting Ubuntu into Stable / Testing branches which would certainly complicate matters for everyone.19:33
daroluYevial Sí, aquí se habla inglés19:34
Yevial 19:34
Yevial 19:34
Yevial   19:34
FloodBot4Yevial: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:34
kedlunabumaia, I'm using Yakuake/Konsole. it doesn't appear to.19:34
ikonia!es | darolu19:34
ubottudarolu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:34
abstraktfakeer, it's srsly lame to complain that ubuntu sucks cuz it doesn't have some tiny little tabbing feature that, afaik it does have19:34
ZykoticK9fakeer, this is a topic/issue for #ubuntu-offtopic rather then #ubuntu19:34
abumaiakedlun: ah, sorry then, I dunno ^_^19:34
daroluikorria: thanks :)19:34
Yevialpero esque yo soy espeyol19:34
Yevialno se ingles19:34
abstraktfakeer, and if you *really* need bleeding edge, you probably shouldn't be using *nix, or you should be using one of those daily build distros, pick your poison... stability, cutting edge... or go back to windows19:35
darolu!es | Yevial19:35
ubottuYevial: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:35
overmind!es | Yevial19:35
abstraktfakeer, or... install ubuntu, and compile by hand, those packages you want or "need" to be bleeding edge19:35
metricpianoroot is not a permission its the owner and group | ganang19:35
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daroluYevia, escribe esta secuencia sin comillas, yo te alcanzo en el de español: "/join #ubuntu-es"19:35
scootsmstefg: The gnome interface is kinda annoying.  I'm seeeing that most (but not all) of the options show up in the menus.  When I install programs, they don't seem to be added to any of the menus and it's very, very frustrating.  KDE seems to add things to its menus, but KDE interface is fairly heinous.19:35
trismfakeer: they actually seem to be planning to move to a different update schedule for firefox, if I understand this blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-new-firefox-support-model19:35
Ganangmetricpiano: how can i make it free so everybody can acess this folder?19:35
abstraktfakeer, if you think there should be an optional repo with bleeding edge stuff, then stop complaining, make one, host it, and come back and tell us... or better yet put it on the forums19:36
NewfieRichHey all, I am having problems setting up internet on ubuntu. Its not picking up any routers.19:36
carllli need help installing the WoM client on linux19:36
NewfieRichany ideas?19:36
stefgscootsm: depending on the package and it's post-install script you might need to log off and back to mae menu entries appear19:36
ZykoticK9scootsm, sometimes after installing software you need to refresh the Gnome Menu (do the installed apps appear after a reboot or logoff-login?)  I sometimes use xkill on the menu to get the changes right away (not really recommended)19:36
ikoniaNewfieRich: are you connecting to a dhcp server19:36
abumaiawhen I start up my computer after upgrading to the .19 kernel, I get the error "could not update ICEauthority file /var/lib/gdm/.ICEauthority.  I found out why: I don't have a /var/lib/gdm directory.  I do have .ICEauthority in my home directory, and I have owner read-write and group read permissions.19:36
fakeerabstrakt: stop being judgemental... if i had to go back to windows i would have been waiting here for your words...19:36
daroluNewfieRich: what's the output of dhclient?19:36
fakeertrism: thanks..i am reading it19:37
abstraktfakeer, and that's a seriously stupid feature to complain about IMO... what's wrong with CTRL-t ? now I could see complaining about a common critical library that you need to do your development not being available... but your "rationale" is just, well... pretty paltry19:37
scootsmQuestion 2.0: I want to do some development in a VM (and minor desktop-ish usage).  I want to have an easy way to admin a web server+mysql / manage packages / etc.  Is there a good set of tools to install, to make this easy....  Or is there an ideal distro for this scenario?19:37
NewfieRichi Don't know, i am a bit of a newb19:37
scootsmstefg / ZykoticK9: It's weird, because even after restarting the menus did not seem to update.19:37
ikoniascootsm: mysql apache and php tools are very easy to install19:37
NewfieRichI had it working before but i reinstalled ubuntu19:37
carlllcan i get help installing the WoM client for linux19:37
abstraktfakeer, i'm still curious about this new tab feature that you say doesn't exist... cuz it looks like it exists to me19:37
ikoniacarlll: WoM ?19:38
fakeerabstrakt: i just gave an example.. and as you say what's wrong with 3.5?? very well.. what was wrong with 1.5.. you could still surf the net pretty fine.. (it's really off topic now i guess...huh..).19:38
daroluNewfieRich: open a terminal and type "dhclient"19:38
ikoniadarolu: he'll need sudo19:38
carlllWorld Of Minecraft19:38
ikoniacarlll: I'm not aware of that product, one moment while I look for it19:38
daroluNewfieRich: yeah sorry, type "sudo dhclient"19:38
fakeerabstrakt: it's not there...19:39
abstraktfakeer, you gave an example about opening new tabs... i fail to see the lack of that feature in 3.519:39
carlllits at worldofminecraft.com19:39
scootsmstefg / ZykoticK9: I went to KDE and then back to Gnome.  Nothing refreshed.19:39
fakeerabstrakt: you might be using some plugin you have no idea of...19:39
abstraktfakeer, maybe i'm just confused as to this fabulous new ability in FF 3.619:39
stefgscootsm: Do you have some example ? what app doens't show in the menus? Not all apps comply with the xdg standards19:39
ikoniacarlll: it's a java client from what I'm seeing, would you agree that's the right application ?19:39
fakeerabstrakt: it's about opening a tab just next to the current tab..read my first msg19:40
ZykoticK9scootsm, what program is not showing up?  did you install it from apt/aptitude/synaptic/USC ?19:40
furythorI am configuring LDAP server and now it asks password and I need to dig it up but from where ?19:40
carlllyes its for a game called minecraft19:40
NewfieRichdarolu: I put in that command19:40
ikoniacarlll: ok, it's a java jar file19:40
scootsmikonia: My question is more along the lines of some kind of a Panel, where I can control all of the services that are running and make minor tweaks.  The SuSE (barf) server was OK at this, with the exception of it generating faulty starting configs.19:40
abumaiafakeer:  the Tab Mix Plus extension will give you that setting, to open a new tab next to the tab you opened it from19:40
abstraktfakeer, mmm, next to the *current* one... k, so your critical app is that you don't have to drag the newly opened tab into place where you want it...19:40
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ikoniascootsm: look at tools like ebox, mysqladmin etc19:40
NewfieRichdarolu: it seems like my wireless network adapter is not installed19:41
ZykoticK9carlll, it doesn't seem to have a native linux client, and there is not currently an entry on WineHQ - you could just try installing with wine and see if it works?  good luck.19:41
NewfieRichdarolu: Says not DCHPOFFERS received19:41
abstraktsave yourself some mousing time... admirable, but i still don't see why you don't just make your own 3.6 package or just download 3.6 from firefox.com and install it...19:41
scootsmstefg: Well, the Gnome Control Center, for one.  I installed programming tools / IDEs (Kate / Eclipse / others) and they never showed up19:41
carlllzykoticK9 yes there is a native linux but ITS ON WWW.worldofminecraft.com19:42
ZykoticK9carlll, didn't realize it was a java thing - good luck man19:42
scootsmstefg / ZykoticK9: Yes, all tools were installed via the Software Centeropolis19:42
fakeerabstrakt: leave it.. no use talking about it when you aren't able to see what i actually meant...19:42
NewfieRichhow do i check to see if my wireless network card is installed?19:42
ahusakso I installed xubuntu-desktop, and i'm now trying to remove everything it installed. apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop just seems to remove that package, not all the underlying stuff. What's the magic command to get rid of it all?19:42
blakkheimahusak: there isn't one19:42
NewfieRichhow do i check to see if my wireless network card Drivers is installed:19:42
ahusakoh joy19:42
abumaiafakeer: check out Tab Mix Plus, I believe it may do what you're looking for19:43
stefgscootsm: check by right-clicking on the menu and choosing 'edit menus' the the entries are not simply hidden19:43
ZykoticK9scootsm, do you see an Other category in your menu?  are they in there perhaps?19:43
ahusakany ideas on what to do? or am i just going to have to reinstall kubuntu?19:43
Kohar<NewfieRich> lspci | grep controller19:43
scootsmZykoticK9: I'm not that stupid :)  No other categories.19:44
blakkheimahusak: you'll have to uninstall each package that was contained in the metapackage if you want them all done19:44
blakkheimahusak: all gone*19:44
jribahusak: if no one is helping you, you must restate your problem in its entirety (on one line) when you repeat it19:44
mneptokahusak: sudo apt-get remove a2ps abiword abiword-common abiword-help abiword-plugin-grammar abiword-plugin-mathview abiword-plugins app-install-data-commercial catfish exaile exo-utils feh fortune-mod fortunes-min giblib1 gigolo gnome-app-install gnumeric gnumeric-common gnumeric-doc gtk2-engines-xfce imagemagick libaiksaurus-1.2-0c2a libaiksaurus-1.2-data libaiksaurusgtk-1.2-0c2a libexo-0.3-0 libgdome2-0 libgdome2-cpp-smart0c2a ...19:44
ZykoticK9ahusak, see the Remove Xubuntu at http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome19:44
mneptok... libgnomecups1.0-1 libgnomeprint2.2-0 libgnomeprint2.2-data libgnomeprintui2.2-0 libgnomeprintui2.2-common libgoffice-0-8 libgoffice-0-8-common libgtkmathview0c2a libid3tag0 libimlib2 liblink-grammar4 libotr2 libots0 libpolkit-dbus2 libpolkit-gnome0 libpolkit-grant2 libpolkit2 librecode0 libscim8c2a libt1-5 libtagc0 libthunar-vfs-1-2 libwv-1.2-3 libxcb-keysyms1 libxfce4menu-0.1-0 libxfce4util4 libxfcegui4-4 libxfconf-0-2 ...19:44
fakeerabumaia: thanks.. but i used it and then uninstalled thought firefox was bringing this feature soon.. now i may install it back... sad.. an add-on for one feature..anyway i am closing this topic19:44
mneptok... libxmlrpc-core-c3 link-grammar-dictionaries-en mousepad orage pidgin pidgin-data pidgin-libnotify pidgin-otr policykit policykit-gnome psutils python-cddb python-mmkeys python-mutagen ristretto scim scim-bridge-agent scim-bridge-client-gtk scim-gtk2-immodule scim-modules-socket scim-modules-table scim-tables-additional tango-icon-theme tango-icon-theme-common tcl thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-data thunar-media-tags-plugin ...19:44
furythorI am configuring LDAP server and now it asks password and I need to dig it up but from where ?19:44
mneptok... thunar-thumbnailers thunar-volman thunderbird ttf-arphic-uming ttf-liberation usb-creator usplash-theme-xubuntu vim-runtime wdiff xchat xchat-common xfce4-appfinder xfce4-battery-plugin xfce4-clipman-plugin xfce4-cpugraph-plugin xfce4-dict xfce4-fsguard-plugin xfce4-mailwatch-plugin xfce4-mixer xfce4-mount-plugin xfce4-netload-plugin xfce4-notes-plugin xfce4-panel xfce4-places-plugin xfce4-power-manager xfce4-power-manager-data ...19:44
mneptok... xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-session xfce4-settings xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin xfce4-systemload-plugin xfce4-terminal xfce4-utils xfce4-verve-plugin xfce4-volumed xfce4-weather-plugin xfce4-xkb-plugin xfconf xfdesktop4 xfdesktop4-data xfprint4 xfswitch-plugin xfwm4 xfwm4-themes xubuntu-artwork xubuntu-artwork-usplash xubuntu-default-settings xubuntu-desktop xubuntu-docs xubuntu-gdm-theme xubuntu-wallpapers ...19:44
inveratuloholy spam batman19:45
mneptok... && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:45
furythormneptok: !pastebin19:45
* jrib pummels mneptok19:45
Picimneptok: ...19:45
carlllthe exact download link is http://www.worldofminecraft.com/sites/default/files/womclient-1.5.9.zipit is actually pretty smalll19:45
scootsmstefg: Ok, so I see this and it might have been hidden.  I'm reinstalling / playing around with distros, so I'll isntall the stuff again and see if it's hidden.  I really don't like Gnome's interface choices.19:45
ahusakthanks mneptok19:45
ZykoticK9mneptok, use pastbin instead of flooding the channel19:45
abumaiawhen I start up my computer after upgrading to the .19 kernel, I get the error "could not update ICEauthority file /var/lib/gdm/.ICEauthority".  I found out why: I don't have a /var/lib/gdm directory.  I do have .ICEauthority in my home directory, and I have owner read-write and group read permissions.  Can I copy the .ICEauthority file to where the error said it was looking for it?19:45
ikoniahe knows, it was an accident19:45
mneptokZykoticK9: thanks for the insight19:45
scootsmThanks for your help everyone19:45
furythor!pastebin mneptok19:45
stefgscootsm: so check xfce19:45
ikoniafurythor: he knows19:45
ahusakthanks everyone, i'll start working on that.19:45
mneptokfurythor: rly19:46
Kohar<abumaia> maybe try reinstall gdm?19:46
carlllneed help with fixing WoM client "http://www.worldofminecraft.com/sites/default/files/womclient-1.5.9.zip"19:46
deostrollwhats a good c/c++ editor for ubuntu?19:46
abumaiathanks Kohar, I'll give that a try19:46
erUSULdeostroll: editor only ? emacs19:47
carllli need help with fixing WoM client "http://www.worldofminecraft.com/sites/default/files/womclient-1.5.9.zip"19:47
jribdeostroll: there are plenty of text editors, emacs, vim, gedit, geany are some popular ones19:47
ikoniacarlll: what's the issue with it19:47
abumaiaby the way, which is better to use, apt-get or aptitude?19:47
ikoniaabumaia: personal choice19:47
jribabumaia: use aptitude19:47
Kohar<abumaia> up to you i like apt-get =))19:47
erUSUL!es | viano controla tu lenguaje19:47
ubottuviano controla tu lenguaje: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:47
carlllit does not pull up it says i havent put the Minecraf.jar file in the lib folder but i just checked and it is19:47
mneptokabumaia: apt-get was always encouraged by the distro team19:47
jribdebian docs push aptitude now :/19:48
inveratuloi thought aptitude kept better logs / etc19:48
ikoniacarlll: how are you launching it, and where have you put the jar file19:48
ikoniainveratulo: it's personal choice19:48
lfaraonemneptok: aptitude is the official package manager of Debian, now.19:48
abumaiaI had heard that aptitude was a "sequel" to apt-get, so I wasn't sure which was better to use19:48
carlllim launching it with the run.bat and i put the jar file in the lib folder19:49
ikoniacarlll: run.bat is a windows batch file19:49
carlllso what do i do to run it?19:49
abumaiawell, done reinstalling, going down for a reboot, I'll be back if there are futher problems19:49
ikoniacarlll: I don't know, but on their webpage are support and install docs and an irc channel, it may be better to ask them19:50
vianohijo de puta19:50
carlllikonia i asked them but all they said was to reinstall it and i already did19:50
ikoniacarlll: work with them, explain that your running linux, not windows, explain the error19:51
jribviano: /join #ubuntu-es     and watch the language...19:51
furythorWhere Open LDAP stores user information and is that recoverable by any means ?19:51
ikoniafurythor: ldap stores it's information in a "database" or directory, that's it's whole purpose19:52
Seveasfurythor, /var/lib/ldap/19:52
Seveasfurythor, and there are recovery tools for its default formats19:52
furythorI do wonder that what it could have set as default password after install19:52
Seveasikonia, (technically: ldap is a directory. The openldap implementation can store the information in a variety of database backends. Historycally that was bdb, but nowadays hdb is prefered)19:53
Seveasfurythor, openldap doesn't set default passwords.19:53
ikoniaSeveas: I did say directory, I was trying to use database to explain to someone who doesn't know what ldap is19:53
knxvilleDo you guys know any program for webcams?19:54
ikonia!webcam | knxville19:54
ubottuknxville: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras19:54
scootsmOne last question:  Is there an unstable repo for Ubuntu, or something that's fairly cutting edge in the packages it offers?19:54
fredje_chillno balls, no glory19:54
scootsmie, the latest stable builds of XFCE / Gnome / KDE, and other things along those lines19:54
guntbert!ot | fredje_chill19:55
ubottufredje_chill: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:55
furythorthen does Open LDAP suit if I want to create access control to my server for various users and groups19:55
ikoniascootsm: I suggest you stay well away unless you have a genuine need, which basic from the questions you're asking - you don't19:55
Seveasfurythor, yeah19:55
Coachjhow do I edit my smb.conf file19:55
blakkheimscootsm: debian sid :/19:55
ikoniafurythor: ldap is an excellent authentication model19:55
ikoniaCoachj: any text editor you want19:55
Seveasfurythor, but if it is just one server, don't bother. Use local groups.19:55
Coachjdo i nedd to type sudo?19:55
ikoniaCoachj: yes19:55
Seveasfurythor, ldap is good though if you have more than one server :)19:55
ikoniaSeveas: rule of 10 ?19:55
Seveasikonia, rule of 219:56
Seveas(I always use ldap for environments with more than 1 server :)19:56
ikoniaSeveas: lazier than I19:56
Seveasikonia, different rule ;)19:56
furythorSeveas well actually this is something I am interested to learn for future job opportunities since I know there are few possible if I got the "Know how"19:56
ZykoticK9Coachj, for a GUI edit you could use "gksu gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf"19:56
Seveasrule of 10 isn't always appropriate though. If you know for sure one server will be enough, don't plan for 2 or more :)19:56
ikoniaSeveas: touche'19:57
Coachjill try that19:57
serylhas anyone gotten pHash to build?19:57
ugliefrogwhy does firefox and chrome wig out on flash....is there a fix..or a constant work in progress19:57
Seveasfurythor, then by all means play around with it. ldap definitely is a good thing to know if you want to get a sysadmin job19:57
al__I've searched the forums and found various WLAN card lists, apparently my wireless card IS supported (Netgear WG311v2) both natively and using ndiswrapper - but lshw and lspci report it as UNCLAIMED - how do I kick the driver into action?19:57
furythorYeah, I know that around thousand ppl I know of, I am probably only who really could become sys admin19:58
obiwan_guys when it talks about a version and it says: 'an older version' it means, a version made after that one, or before? i think it means before but i'm not sure19:58
furythormost aren't just bothered with this kind of things, but this is driving me little nuts19:58
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ikoniaobiwan_: when what talks about it ?19:58
obiwan_it's a man19:58
obiwan_i'm having a real hard time understanding it ikonia19:59
ikoniaobiwan_: what's the question ?19:59
ikoniaobiwan_: what's the actual question19:59
ugliefrogwhy does firefox and chrome wig out on flash....is there a fix..or a constant work in progress19:59
gandhi_cause flash is fail19:59
ikoniaugliefrog: flash is closed source and therefore not always %100 stable with linux components19:59
CoachjThank you, that did it20:00
neopsychehello all20:01
neopsycheis there a fix for 9.10 for Huawei e220 modem yet? a simple patch?20:01
ikonianeopsyche: no20:02
neopsycheikonia: its terrible, such a well known device yet it has so many issues with linux20:02
ikonianeopsyche: it's nothing to do with linux20:02
ikonianeopsyche: contact the makers20:02
neopsycheikonia: I understand that they are trying to make new things work on ubuntu.. but the usb detect system has a conflict with the connection software on ubuntu.. strangely, this seems to work ok on other systems.20:03
neopsychewell, apparently it was ok in 9.0420:03
furythorI was following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html#openldap-configuration got to point ldapsearch -xLLL -b cn=config -D cn=admin,cn=config -W olcDatabase={1}hdb where it does ask password of which I got no freaking idea20:03
Flare183alumno: ???20:03
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alumnohola que haces20:03
furythorcould comeone help to clear this or should I just reinstall the server software ?20:03
ikonia!es | alumno20:03
ubottualumno: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:03
Flare183!es | alumno20:03
pmvalenteas anyone knows how to prevent my users to change their password. this is the students account in a notebook, but they always change the password.20:03
obiwan_ikonia: man rsync says versions before than 3 preserve symlinked dirs in the target host. Then it says --no-implied-dirs avoids creating files as symlinks (the current behaviour of rsync). But it says, if you got an older version, to ensure you send as symlinks (that's supposed to be the default behaviour of older rsyncs) use --no-implied-dirs(what the heck? that is absolutely the opposite you want if you want to send as symlinks)20:03
ikoniaobiwan_: a.) rsync support in #samba b.) older means file before the current20:04
ikonia!es | Petronio20:04
ubottuPetronio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:04
=== Petronio is now known as carlos
obiwan_ok ikonia thanks20:04
=== carlos is now known as Guest11862
ikoniaobiwan_: if you have rsynced a file 3 times, then the rsync copies are older than your current, even if they are the same20:05
stefgpmvalente: make /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow readonly20:05
serylpmvalente: don't give them root/sudo access.. and don't worry about it? Let them change their password.20:05
SpaceGhostC2CHello. Anyone need some help.20:05
Slartpmvalente: there might be something here https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/user-management.html20:05
Flare183!ask | SpaceGhostC2C20:06
ubottuSpaceGhostC2C: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:06
furythoror should I just reinstall whole server since I got nothing else done yet ?20:06
Flare183furythor: What's the problem?20:06
obiwan_ikonia: but it speaks about older versions20:06
obiwan_ikonia: 'in older versions...'20:06
ikoniaobiwan_: yes, older versions of the file20:06
obiwan_no, older versions of rsync ikonia20:06
furythorFlare183: my Open LDAP went wild, it has password of which I got no idea20:06
obiwan_in that context it means older versions of rsyn20:07
UncleDThe force be with you obiwan.20:07
Flare183furythor: That's beyond me O.O20:07
UncleDwhois luke20:07
ikoniaobiwan_: ok, so older verions of rsync then20:07
SpaceGhostC2CFlare183, I don't have a question bro. Thanks for the concern though.20:07
Flare183SpaceGhostC2C: oh ok20:07
obiwan_ikonia in that context it means older versions of rsyn and i don't understand if it means versions made after 3.0 (3.x) or before 3.0, (2.x)20:07
ikoniafurythor: just remove your open ldap install20:07
ikoniafurythor: then re-install it20:07
furythorgotta try that20:07
Slartpmvalente: this might also be useful http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/disable-passwd-change-for-user-account-218616/20:07
Flare183pmvalente: its easy to do just run this: sudo usermod -L <username>20:07
Coachjafter editing smb.conf to change the workgroup name do I have to restart the machine?20:08
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ikoniaCoachj: no, just samba20:08
Flare183pmvalente: It locks there password, to where they can't change it20:08
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Coachjikonia: how do I do that?20:08
cslaterpmvalente - you'll want to do chage -m 100 username20:08
ikoniaCoachj: /etc/init.d/samba restart20:08
ZykoticK9Coachj, "sudo service samba restart" in a terminal will also work20:08
cslaterpmvalente:  that will make the minimum time between password changes 100 days20:08
SlartFlare183: are you sure about that one? it doesn't lock the account?20:09
=== cthulhu is now known as Guest47231
GSF1200SerUSUL: just so you know, what happened is my backup drive was being autofscked and was unmounted. rsync ran by crontab to backup /home to /media/Backup. Since backup wasnt mounted, it started filling the directory, now /, with crap from /home. So I set crontab to call a script at /home, which calls another script on /media/Backup, so the problem doesnt happen again. Thanks for the help20:09
Flare183Slart: see the man page dude20:09
srdjanhi i need instalation package for skype20:09
ikonia!skype | srdjan20:09
ubottusrdjan: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga20:09
srdjancan anyone give me all comand to type in gnome-terminal20:09
ikoniasrdjan: read the document just posted to you20:09
erUSULGSF1200S: again no problem20:10
mauriI need to change the root path but i dont know how :linux   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-19-generic root=UUID=8427388d-977c-4e10-a6e2-5 ro   quiet splash20:10
SlartFlare183: I just did =) it seems it's used to lock an account as well.. together with an "expired flag"20:10
ikoniamauri: look at the "root" linux20:10
Flare183Slart: Oh... O.O20:10
Flare183Slart: ahh ok20:10
SlartFlare183: but just using L will just lock the password20:10
mauriikonia: i dont understand sorry20:10
ikoniamauri: there is normally a root=/blah line20:11
obiwan_ikonia: np i'm asking at samba, but please could you tell me what means an older version of rsync 3? (2.x or 3.x)?20:11
Flare183!language | EmDawg224720:11
ubottuEmDawg2247: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:11
zbijuhi there20:12
mauriikonia: i moved all the directoris (bin,sbin,dev,etc) from root to a directory called Lucid20:12
EmDawg2247but i'm not 720:12
ikoniamauri: errrr why ?20:12
ikoniamauri: that's going to cause you a LOT of pain20:12
Flare183EmDawg2247: That doesn't matter, its one of the rules :)20:12
airtonixEmDawg2247, your point ? vulgarities at any age are not acceptable in this channel20:12
mauriikonia: i wrote   root=/dev/sda4/Lucid20:12
ikoniamauri: you're system is going to fail20:12
EmDawg2247wat do u mean ikonia20:12
mauriikonia: but it doesn work20:13
ikoniamauri: applications are linked to /lib not /lucid/lib for example20:13
zbijui just installed ubuntu server 9.10 but I've got no network there20:13
zbijuI have dlink dwl 520+ card20:13
EmDawg2247no i didnt20:13
mauriikonia: there is no a way to set a different root starting point? i dont know perhaps is a stupid questions20:14
zbijuI have no idea what to do to setup a network there20:14
zbijucan any of you help me ?20:14
EmDawg2247im still here....i didnt quit20:14
* Flare183 facepalms20:14
ikoniamauri: no, root needs to be root20:14
mick_laptopzbiju: what is the question20:14
ikoniamauri: file systems like /home don't matter, but core things like /lib /dev do matter20:14
gmathewshey there. I am trying to connect my Kubuntu installed laptop to my sony bravia to play video from it. But i am not too happy, SD video is choppy (xvid rips) and hd as well, esp during fast motion scenes. Can anyone help? Using Lenovo T500, Kubuntu 9.10. I have downloaded kubuntu-restricted-extras and i have tried on VLC too, but same result20:14
mick_laptopzbiju: can you ping your router/gateway?20:14
zbijumick_laptop: how to install and configure dlink dwl 520+ card on ubuntu server20:14
Koharhey guys need advice at home pc have 2 hhd (sda and sdb) sda have win7 installed and i install ubuntu 9.10 on sdb, after reboot, when i must get grub menu pc just reboot, reinstall grub from live-cd didn't help20:15
mick_laptopah so you have installed ubuntu and you want to add a card afterwards20:15
AJH101hi - has anyone tried WattOS please?20:15
zbijumick_laptop: network is unreachable, card was not recognized during install20:15
Slartgmathews: if you download these videos locally to the laptop do they play alright?20:15
SlartAJH101: this channel.. #ubuntu.. for Ubuntu only20:15
EmDawg2247so wat are we suppose to do in #ubuntu channel?20:15
Flare183!ot | AJH10120:15
ubottuAJH101: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:16
mauriikonia: there is no way to set /dev/sda4/Lucid as it be a root....?20:16
ikoniaEmDawg2247: it's a support channel20:16
mick_laptopzbiju: no idea. do they have a linux driver for the card? (dlink)20:16
ikoniaEmDawg2247: ubuntu support disucssion only20:16
jeremycant get my at symbol to work20:16
=== jeremy is now known as Guest418
SpaceGhostC2CEmDawg2247, try /topic20:16
mick_laptopzbiju: for these types of questions, google might be better than irc20:16
ikoniamauri: you can set that - but your system won't work20:16
EmDawg2247i came here for nothing i guess20:16
gmathewsSlart: the choppy video on my laptop screen is less noticeable due to the small screen, but when i blow it up on the Sony 40 inch..its pretty obvious ;( I am dual booting and Windows video plays fine ;/20:16
SpaceGhostC2CEmDawg2247, you can join #ubuntu-offtopic20:16
zbijumick_laptop: I guess, ftp://ftp.dlink.pl/dwl/dwl-520/driver_software/20:17
Guest418i cant get my at symbol to work......any suggestions20:17
BluesKajzbiju, USB adapter wifi ?20:17
mick_laptopzbiju: they usually have detailed install info there20:17
zbijuBluesKaj: nope, PCI20:17
Slartgmathews: ahh.. sorry.. I misunderstood you.. now I see what you're doing.. What version of ubuntu are you running? what graphics card is your laptop using?20:18
zbijumick_laptop: it looks like windows drivers :/20:18
gmathewsSlart: Kubuntu 9.10. got a Mobile Intel graphics card..20:18
mick_laptopgmathews: might be a number of things. try another graphic driver. what are you using to play? (ex: if it is mplayer, what -vo do you have set etc)20:18
Guest418but no shift 22220:18
gmathewsmick_laptop: okay that looks like greek ahahha..hmm how can i try another graphics driver for the mobile intel card?20:19
Slartgmathews: there were some problems with intel graphics cards.. but that was in 9.04 so I think they've fixed it20:19
BluesKajzbiju, have you tried network manager?20:19
gmathewsSlart: are u using Ubuntu to play videos fine?20:19
zbijuBluesKaj: it's ubuntu server , no gui stuff there20:19
TetracommI personally want to thank all of the members of the Ubuntu community to integrate Creative ZEN support into 9.10 so that it can be mounted as a drive automatically. :)20:20
matsi have to ask, is there any place to get help in swedish with my internet connection and wicd with ubuntu.20:20
mick_laptopi haven't seen a nic not work on a standard linux install for over 10 years (minus wifi cards and usb cards)20:20
furythorWell I will look into that server more tomorrow20:20
Pici!se | mats20:20
ubottumats: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se20:20
Tetracommwho integrated*20:20
Slartgmathews: sure.. I can play most videos just fine.. but I have a nvidia card and a quad core cpu =)20:20
mick_laptopgmathews: is this a netbook?20:20
mick_laptopout of curiousity20:20
mick_laptopmy netbook had issues like that20:21
gmathewsSlart: hahah nice one :P20:21
Slartgmathews: don't really know of any quick fixes for intel graphics cards.. sorry20:21
gmathewsmick_laptop: nope..its a laptop.. T500 lenovo20:21
BluesKajzbiju, so you're using /etc/network/interfaces ?20:21
serylAnyone know why I'd be getting this error? https://gist.github.com/54674aed2494337977d920:21
matsPici, cant write there, says "cannot send to channel"20:21
serylMy guess is it's not importing cimg properly..?20:21
gmathewsSlart: no worries mate :)20:22
Picimats: You'll need to register and identify first20:22
Pici!register | mats20:22
ubottumats: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode20:22
mick_laptopgmathews: have you seen this: http://www.linlap.com/wiki/lenovo+thinkpad+t50020:22
zbijuBluesKaj: I have just lo there20:22
mauriesdaniel: so it is not possibile to have 2 distro in the same partition...right?'20:23
resnowheres the conf/config.inc.php file?20:23
erUSULmauri: no; you can not.20:23
gmathewsmick_laptop: checking now20:23
zevbeemauri: you can use virtualbox20:23
unoperUSUL, mauri - you can have two distros on the same partition - just as long as they don't share the same root i.e. you can chroot one20:24
knxvilleDo anyone know how to make my webcam picture not upside down?20:24
mick_laptopmauri: technically it can be done w/ various hacks (but for the average user, no you can't). there are only a few reasons why you might want that (and if you don't know the reasons, you don't need them)20:24
mick_laptopknxville: turn your webcam around20:25
mick_laptop180 degrees20:25
Coachjvery easy to share files with smb and ubuntu :)20:25
mauriunop: mick_laptop I supposed that it should be driven by grub....20:25
knxvillemick_laptop, its on a laptop.. ;)20:25
al__I've installed ndiswrapper and downloaded and unzipped the netgear wg311v2 windows driver, but there's no .ini file, how can I install this driver?20:26
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unopmauri, for the sakes of simplicity - i'd advise you to use different partitions for the different distros20:26
blakkheimal__: if there's no ini file, you probably can't20:26
mick_laptopmauri: nope, like i said - if you don;t know the reason - think of it like you can't do it. just partition that partition into two (or use virtualization)20:26
* mick_laptop hands knxville a screwdriver20:27
Guest14502was wondering if someone might be able to help me...  i got an alfa AWUS036H wireless adapter for my laptop so I could use my brother "lives across me" wireless internet "open" and I can connect showing 60=% but it doesn't load any webpages20:27
mick_laptopknxville: what app are you using? or does everything look upside down?20:27
matsPici, Thanks20:27
mick_laptopthere might be a filter20:27
Guest14502I was able to connect to a few other signals but only the first site would load and the rest wouldn't20:27
mick_laptopor (i've seen this once) a horribly hooked up webcam20:27
al__blakkheim, ugh, that's a pain - the ACX111 linux driver apparently doesn't support WPA20:28
Guest14502i'm using a 2.4ghz 9dBi antenna also20:28
knxvillemick_laptop, no app.. java20:29
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ZlNGany help would be great :D20:29
zilkomaaWhats the newest kernel ?20:29
ZlNGtrust me i've googled for 2 hours and tried a few things but still no luck20:29
HappyHoboI have no sound.  I even tried an ancient shell script alsaconf and still nothing.  I hate to reinstall just because I have no sound.20:29
besogonSomeone please look at it http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=588. What do you say to working my power supply?20:30
zbijuwhat should I do if I don't have /lib/modules/XYZ/build folder ?20:30
al__is there a way to use the ACX111 driver and add WPA support, or must it be part of the driver?20:30
wamHi, I have a problem with copying, reading and writing large files at once. Whenever I do this, my box freezes (nearly) due to heavy disk-io. Everything works as long as disk-buffers are available. But as soon as buffers are full, most processes stop working. This happens on my local boxes and even on my big 8-core server with a netapp san in the back. I'm looking for documents to read about that problem and for mount options or other hints...20:31
besogonSomeone please look at it http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=588. What do you say to working my power supply?20:32
mauriunop: ok if i  moved one distribution under a directory and using chroot, is it possibile?20:32
unopmauri, errm, how was this distro installed?20:33
Flare183!repeat | besogon20:33
ubottubesogon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:33
wamMy problem is I don't even find good words to google for.20:34
HappyHoboI HAVE NO SOUND.  Can you hear me now?20:34
mauriunop: ok let me explain....I installed distro on a partition and after a moved all under a directory Lucid20:34
Wind0painany ideas why i can not change the # of desktops in compiz config manager w/ ubuntu 9.10?20:35
Wind0paini can adust horizontal and vertcail virtual sizes, but not the # of desktops20:35
mauriunop: in this partitions now there is only Lucid directory that contains the distro20:35
mauriunop: I tried to changed root directory in grub but it was not enought20:35
soreauWind0pain: You always want the number of desktops to be 120:35
besogonFlare183: Don't nag me. It would be better to answer.20:36
ZykoticK9Wind0pain, right click the switcher in the Gnome Panel and goto preferences - number of desktop should be changable there (Columns)20:36
mauriunop: im not an expert but i supposed that20:36
guntbertHappyHobo: we hear you - no need to shout20:36
Flare183!attitude | besogon20:36
ubottubesogon: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:36
soreauWind0pain: None of the compiz plugins use desktops since compiz uses a single desktop at its core it divides into viewports that are your workspaces20:36
mauriunop: redefined what the root is...like /lucid... it should worked20:36
sebsebseb!lucid | mauri20:37
ubottumauri: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+120:37
guntbertbesogon: and if you ask your question in the channel you will get a greater audience20:37
Wind0painsoreau: ahh20:37
maurisebsebseb: im refering to a generic distro..it is not a lucid problem20:37
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HappyHoboguntbert I've modprobed but don't know how to remove and replace a mod.  alsaconf found two cards on my computer but there is no longer a command called update-modules that that script requires.20:38
colombianHey all, I'm looking for the best way to change my username in my Ubuntu account20:38
Wind0painhow do i display the desktop cube w/ compiz then?20:38
erUSUL!ccsm | Wind0pain20:38
ubottuWind0pain: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:38
colombianI've seen some forum posts but they all say there may be some shortcuts etc.. that are left not working20:38
alienkid10I want to make a Persistent LiveCD what file do I edit on the iso to add persistence as a menu item? Also can I install propriety drivers in A persistent session?20:38
guntbertHappyHobo: why do you ask me? I only said we can hear you :)20:39
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myk_robinsoni need to make an xorg.conf file in Ubuntu 9.10 to set some options for my touchpad to show up. My question, can my xorg.conf file contain nothing but hte touchpad entries, as I do not want to F up anything else in the process.  Thanks20:39
unopmauri,  when you use a chroot you usually run that distro within another - i suppose you could apply the same principle for grub, but it requires too much work - you need to change a lot of files around to point to new directory locations e.g. to point to /lucid/var instead of /var  -- i think you should just create a new partiton and use that instead.20:39
HappyHobobecause no one else is paying attention guntbert20:39
Wind0painerUSUL: i have that installed; on the ccsm page for the cube, there are three shortcut keys.. unfold, next slid, and prev slide... not one to display it though20:39
alienkid10anyone know?20:39
ZykoticK9alienkid10, typically Persistent installs use USB drivers -- you understand that a persistent CD would need some sort of HD storage.20:40
soreauWind0pain: I would recommend you install simple-ccsm and use the Custom radio button so the settings in ccsm will be saved. If you need more help, please come to #compiz20:40
Wind0painsoreau: thank you20:40
alienkid10ZykoticK9: I am the casper-rw on a USB drive20:40
erUSULWind0pain: do you have four workspaces ? crtl + alt + ← → works here for me20:40
guntbertHappyHobo: don't assume we ignore you - whoever *has* an answer will provide it20:40
mauriunop: ok tnk20:40
alienkid10I want to add a menu entre to the CD instead of adding persistent everytime20:40
p0aHello how can I raise the audio sound?20:40
HappyHobop0a: are you sure you have sound?20:41
erUSULp0a: use the pavucontrol or alsamixer20:41
p0aI have the hardware volume 100% but it's much less loud than windows20:41
HappyHoboAt least you have sound p0a.20:41
colombianHey guys, what's the best way of changing my Ubuntu account name, and ensuring all shortcuts and files are left working properly?20:42
p0aI guess the problem that brought you here HappyHobo is lack of sound?20:42
HappyHoboyes p0a20:42
HappyHobono one has an answer so far20:42
ZykoticK9p0a, have you increated the Output Volume in Sound Prefernces?20:42
alienkid10ZykoticK9: I have the casper-rw on a USB drive. Should I install things like display drivers when in persistent?20:42
p0acolombian, change username, link ~/old to ~/new20:42
colombianp0a: Isn't that bad form?20:43
ZykoticK9alienkid10, i don't know man - i've only ever used the USB creator to create persistent USB keys - no idea how to do it manually20:43
p0acolombian, it's a solution20:43
alienkid10I am booting off a CD20:43
HappyHobop0a: I even used alsaconf an ancient script and that didn't work.20:43
alienkid10wiht a partition on the flash drive as casper-rw20:43
erUSUL!es | usuario_20:43
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:43
p0aZykoticK9, where is Sound Preferences?20:44
erUSULcolombian: man usermod20:44
ZykoticK9p0a, right click sound icon in panel20:44
KentrelHi, can someone identify the error here...20:44
Kentrelsudo mkdir /media/"$"20:44
myk_robinsonin Ubuntu Karmic, how can I load the "synaptics" touchpad module? sudo modprobe synaptics says the module is not found, but the driver seems to be present in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/synaptics_drv.so20:44
KentrelThis command in a script just creates a directory called $20:44
HappyHoboZykoticK9: can you help me fix my sound?20:44
KentrelHow do I get it to create the directory that was passed to it as a parameter?20:45
erUSULKentrel: what do you expect it to do ?20:45
KentrelerUSUL, I right click an iso file and its supposed to create a directory in /media with the name of that iso20:45
erUSULKentrel: how did you passed the parameter20:45
KentrelIts passed in a nautilus script20:45
KentrelI can pastebin the script if it will help20:45
erUSULKentrel: maybe it is $1 and not jus $20:45
KentrelHmm, maybe20:45
ZykoticK9HappyHobo, sorry man i'm not really a sound-guy - and your two card thing is certainly beyond my expertise20:46
erUSULKentrel: $1 is the first parameter passed to a script20:46
erUSULKentrel: or maybe nautilus scripts have specialnames for parameters20:46
macman_ question .. i use dvdauthor a lot right .. i use it with the -T optoin ... what is a good console / linux app i can use to make menus/chapters from an mpg20:46
Sh3r1ffKentrel: and $0 is the command itself20:46
Wind0painerUSUL: ahh ctrl+alt+ </> works... i was looking for a way to do it with the mouse so i could hold it open20:46
alienkid10let me rephrase my question: I have a casper-rw partition on a USB drive. I am going to use a CD to boot with persistence enabled. I want to know 2 things 1. what file on the CD contains the menu options when booting the CD and 2. should I install things like display drivers?20:46
erUSULWind0pain: well i have it configured to super + crtl + drag mouse20:47
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
overmind!ask | alienkid1020:50
ubottualienkid10: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:50
alienkid10let me rephrase my question: I have a casper-rw partition on a USB drive. I am going to use a CD to boot with persistence enabled. I want to know 2 things 1. what file on the CD contains the menu options when booting the CD and 2. should I install things like display drivers?20:50
LeadColdAny way to upgrade from Feisty to Karmic directly without a clean install? No installer supports my environment20:51
guntbert!eol | LeadCold20:53
ubottuLeadCold: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:53
LeadColdYes, EOL it is20:53
HappyHobo1Can anyone help me?  My computer is quiet, it has no sound.20:54
seanbrystonewish my computer was quiet20:54
guntbertLeadCold: the last link from ubottu is for you20:54
LeadColdYes, I'm checking that20:55
MindVirusDoes anyone know how to install Skype 64-bit? I can't find it in Medibuntu.20:55
MartinBoeckenUbuntu will not let me install PHP, Apache, MYSQL. what do I do?20:55
guntbertLeadCold: it is a several steps process in any case20:55
guntbert!lamp | MartinBoecken20:55
ubottuMartinBoecken: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:55
SpaceGhostC2CMartinBoecken, we need some sort of error, or whatever you can give us. Just saying, it's broke doesn't help much, I'm afraid.20:55
MindVirusMartinBoecken: My best advice is to be less descriptive.20:56
LeadColdI believe a clean install will be easier for me20:56
BluesKajMindVirus, go to the skype site and download the static version , it works on 64 bit20:56
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MindVirusBluesKaj: Anything in any repository?20:56
HappyHobo1I thought Ubuntu was ready for the mainstream but you upgrade 9.10 to the latet of 9.10 you lose your sound20:56
guntbertMindVirus: when helping be helpful please20:56
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BluesKajMindVirus, dunno20:56
MartinBoeckenE: cloudn't find package apache 220:56
MindVirusguntbert: Sarcasm works.20:56
MartinBoeckenthat is the error i get20:56
SpaceGhostC2CMartinBoecken, what command did you use?20:57
Sh3r1ffMartinBoecken: apache2 in one word ;)20:57
=== NCommander_ is now known as NCommander
guntbertMindVirus: not here - definitely no good attitude20:57
MindVirusguntbert: Thanks for your advice. I'll be sure to take it into consideratino.20:57
MartinBoeckensudo apt-get install apache220:57
melfyi'm on ubuntu 8.10 trying to read drive from a diff system formatted with ext4 but it doesnt have support for ext4, where can i find package for ext4?20:57
marlenpanels of control in my pc disappeared, i'm using xubuntu, can you help me please?20:57
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HappyHobo1come the fuck on, someone has to know about sound20:57
marlenwhat can I do?20:57
HappyHobo1cheesy fucking rice20:58
MindVirus!language | HappyHobo120:58
ubottuHappyHobo1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:58
HappyHobo1bite me20:58
LeadColdWell thank you. I'll clean install. Consider it resolved. Cheers20:58
sebsebsebMindVirus: You need a later Live CD really20:58
BluesKajguntbert, what's the problem ?, MindVirus is the one asking for help20:58
MindVirusHappyHobo1: You will get banned.20:58
seanbrystonesuch violence20:58
Gananghi i  have a web application, and i moved it from windows to linux . I just notice now, that the images wouldnt load, and i need relative path. The same folder structure was preserved between windows and linux, and there is no capitalization problem. i had the followin <img src="../../modules/bwi/img.png"> working great on windows, now in linux i had to change to src="http://localhost/myapplication/modules/bwi/img.png"> to get the image...can anyone help with20:58
MindVirusBluesKaj: I also responded with a snarky comment to someone else.20:58
MindVirusIt's OK.20:58
guntbertMindVirus: remember there are many people who don't have english as first language - they might not understand20:58
marlenI need help, please!20:58
Ganangmarlen: what is your problem?20:59
guntbertBluesKaj: nothing to do with your help for him :)20:59
MindVirusguntbert: I don't see how one can interpret my sentence without seeing sarcasm.20:59
e2rdis there any way to change login screen ?20:59
marlenpanels of control disappeared in my xubuntu, I don't know what to do:21:00
BluesKajwow , your baby sitting is a bit much there guntbert21:00
MindVirusguntbert: But it is fine. I'll stop being snarky.21:00
sebsebsebah I messaged MindVirus  by mistake.   melfy  you need a later Live CD really21:00
VCoolioe2rd: if you're talking karmic, then not by default, but look at gdm2setup on launchpad.net21:00
guntbertMindVirus: I'll drop that now - it wasn't *that* big an issue anyway - have a nice time :)21:00
melfyoh :(21:00
MindVirusBluesKaj: It's fine. His intentions are pure.21:00
e2rdok, thx!21:00
sebsebsebmelfy: 8.10 does not have Ext4 support at all21:00
MartinBoeckenI type"sudo apt-get install apache2"  and then i get a message saying  "E: cloudn't find package apache 2"  What can i do?21:00
al__ok, I managed to install windows drivers under ndiswrapper. but the card still appears as UNCLAIMED in lshw - what's next?21:01
guntbertBluesKaj: I beg your pardon?21:01
marlencan you help me?21:01
MindVirusguntbert, BluesKaj: Drop it.21:01
sebsebsebmelfy: np and good idea to check  your ISO before burning by the way21:01
sebsebseb!md5sum > melfy21:01
ubottumelfy, please see my private message21:01
guntbertMindVirus: will do :)21:01
MindVirusBluesKaj: I'll use that if I can't find a repository. Thanks. :)21:01
MindVirusAnyone know if there's an AMD64 Skype repository?21:01
myk_robinsoni am unble to load the synpatics driver on my laptop, not even using sudo modprobe synpatics   any ideas?21:02
melfywell i installed 9.10 karmic w/ ext4, but motherboard died, so i'm using a vmware 8.10 xubuntu to recover data21:02
hopekwhat's the best linux on my compaq armada e50021:02
MartinBoeckenI type "sudo apt-get install apache2" and then i get a message saying "E: cloudn't find package apache 2" What can i do?21:02
marlenwhat can I do to make appear the panels of control?they disappeared...21:02
BluesKajMindVirus, i'm using skype stayic on my amd 64 bit ..takes a bit of configuring with the audio , but otherwise it should work ok for you .21:02
erUSUL!resetpanels | marlen21:03
ubottumarlen: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:03
guntbertGanang: I suppose you will get better help in #httpd21:03
busfahrerExcuse me, I plan on dual booting Linux and WinXP. I setup an extended Partition in WinXP, however it's of the Type W95 Ext. and Linux doesn't seem to like it. If I use fdisk in Linux to manually setup a "real" extended partition, will I be able to create WinXP logical drives in there as well?21:05
=== Guest88140 is now known as NCommander
erUSULbusfahrer:  W95 Ext is fine; linux should have no problem with it21:06
KentrelHow do I view the standard output without doing that Ctrl_Alt_F1 command, which generally only gets me a blank scrreen21:06
olympusif I use a tty session for any reason and then want to go back to a graphical session what is the way to do that?21:06
erUSULolympus: alt + crtl + f721:07
icerootolympus: ctrl + alt +f1 for cli, ctrl + alt + f7 for gui21:07
guntbertKentrel: try <ctrl><alt>F221:07
marlenIt tells me: no process found.21:07
busfahrererUSUL: fdisk told me I can't create another partition21:07
erUSULKentrel: work in a x-terminal like gnemoe terminal21:07
olympusiceroot: thanks a lot, exactly what I was looking for.21:07
Kentrelguntbert, that just restarts X... not trying it again lol21:07
MartinBoeckenI type "sudo apt-get install apache2" and then i get a message saying "E: cloudn't find package apache 2" What can i do?21:07
erUSULbusfahrer: how may partitions do you have? and what type?21:07
daroluKentrel: ctrl+alt+backspace restarts X; and that combination is disabled by default now21:08
Dj_FlyByanyone using UNR9.04 on an Acer Aspire ONE that is having/had issues with the battery (Says it has 2.5 hours left after full charge but only lasting like 40minutes tops)? Any ideas would be excellent and appreciated21:08
erUSULbusfahrer: a msdos part. table only can hold u to  4 prim or 3 prim + 1 ext21:08
erUSULbusfahrer: a ext parition can hold 63 logical ones21:09
MartinBoeckenI type "sudo apt-get install apache2" and then i get a message saying "E: cloudn't find package apache 2" What can i do?21:09
satchmohow can I get my you tube working21:09
guntbertKentrel: no - <ctrl><alt><backspace> used to do that - with <ctrl><alt>F2 (or 3,4,5) you get another virtual terminal21:09
erUSUL!flash | satchmo21:09
ubottusatchmo: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:09
Kentrelguntbert, I swear I don't21:09
knxvilleanyone know how to make the picture not upside down when using webcam?21:09
KentrelLast time I did it X restarted21:09
guntbertMartinBoecken: apache2 - not apache 221:09
MartinBoeckeni did21:09
marlenwell people, windows sucks, I know that, but what can I do if linux creates me such problems?...21:10
daroluMartinBoecken: try this command to find the package's name: sudo apt-cache search apache21:10
frostburnff3.6 break for anyone elses x86_64 installs?21:10
erUSULmarlen: are you using kubuntu by chance?21:10
guntbertKentrel: I believe you - although I never saw that .  do you really need a terminal or will applications/accessories/terminal do as well?21:10
Siria_CalvHow do I configure a linux autorun config file such as is used for CD's DVD's and flash drives?21:10
marlenno, xubuntu.21:11
MartinBoeckeni will, but cant rite now, my ubuntu somehow does not connect to the internet rite now21:11
busfahrererUSUL: Oh hmm I think the containing partition is too small. My bad. Thanks for your input!21:11
Kentrelguntbert, well, it would be nice if I forget to launch something from an x terminal, so I can see what errors its producing21:11
erUSULSiria_Calv: there is no such thing in linux. linux does not run thing automatically from a random media21:11
erUSULbusfahrer: no problem21:11
guntbertKentrel: you get the stdout in every terminal21:12
Siria_CalverUSUL: You are wrong. Linux DOES support autorun on external media. At least red-Hat and Ubuntu version do anyway.21:12
knxvilleIs there some conf file where I can edit to my cam does not show me up side down?21:13
MyrttiSiria_Calv: in Ubuntu?21:13
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daroluknxville: it depends on the app you are using21:14
marlenwell, my problem is: I was using vista, then I turned in xubuntu two hours ago and when I was in xubuntu the panels disappeared.... I don't know what to do now... (sory for my english!)21:14
Siria_CalvMyrtti: Yes, ubuntu does support autorun on external media. However All linux's autorun config on external media is different then windows21:14
xanguamarlen: xfce4-panel21:14
erUSULSiria_Calv: they run an aplication that is installed in the system (banshee; nautilus; cd burning softeware etc) but it does not run an executable from the cdrom like the autorun files do21:14
xanguain terminal or launcher21:14
Siria_CalverUSUL: Yes it does21:14
knxvilledarolu, im not using any app, its java21:15
=== Vlet is now known as martian
titan_arkhey, is there a way i can set up a notification indicator for updates on the panel on top21:15
=== Ethan` is now known as EthanB
marlenI don't understand...21:15
titan_arki cant seem to find the option to do that21:15
erUSULSiria_Calv: ok; you already know everything dunno why you are asking then...21:15
Siria_CalverUSUL: I know it can be done, I just don't know how to do it.21:16
daroluknxville: what's the outpu of lsusb21:16
HappyHobo1I need help with my sound21:16
marlendoes anybody here speak italian or albanian?21:16
DavidJHeinrichdoes anyone know what kernel Ubuntu 9.04 & 9.10 have? and how to figure out what version of ALSA you have? I need to get an Asus Xonar STX soundcard working21:16
knxvilledarolu, Bus 002 Device 003: ID 04f2:b106 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd21:16
titan_arkHappyHobo1, what exactly is the problem?21:16
HappyHobo1I have none21:16
titan_arkHappyHobo1, have you installed alsa mixer?21:17
Slart!info linux-image-generic | DavidJHeinrich21:17
OverandHas anyone had *major* performance issues using 'rdesktop' with Windows SBS 2008?21:17
=== EthanB is now known as MajorGeek
Siria_CalverUSUL: Linux uses a special sh script of filename 'autorun' (without quotes). I am wanting to know what I have to set in the autorun sh script to get it to work.21:17
ubottuDavidJHeinrich: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)21:17
Slart!info linux-image-generic | DavidJHeinrich jaunty21:17
titan_arkHappyHobo1, and the alsa gui?21:17
ubottuDavidJHeinrich: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)21:17
=== MajorGeek is now known as EthanB
HappyHobo1Yes I do titan_ark21:17
daroluknxville: run: "sudo lsusb -d 04f2:b106 -v | grep "14 Video"21:17
Slart!info linux-image-generic jaunty | DavidJHeinrich21:17
ubottuDavidJHeinrich: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB21:17
SlartDavidJHeinrich: got those?21:17
titan_arkHappyHobo1, okay, what do the settings in the gui look like?21:18
HappyHobo1titan_ark: I can't find alsa gui21:18
knxvilledarolu, changes nothing21:18
SlartDavidJHeinrich: I'm not sure about the alsa version though..21:18
daroluknxville: did you get bFunctionClass 14 Video... etc?21:18
PsychomanHello all !21:18
knxvilledarolu, yeah!21:18
PsychomanPlease I have a big probleme with the 9.1021:18
titan_arkHappyHobo1, applications > Sounds and Video21:18
DavidJHeinrichso I type info linux-image-generic ?21:19
guntbert!ask | Psychoman21:19
ubottuPsychoman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:19
daroluknxville: OK it can be fixed; follow this instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83821021:19
Siria_CalverUSUL: What you said works on external media auto run is done fromt he system. I've seen an auto-run work from the external media on red Hat. I know it works on ubuntu because I tried making an autorun file, but ubuntu effectively said it wasn't configure correctly.21:19
HappyHobo1it's not there titan_ark21:19
marlencan anybody help me?21:19
SlartDavidJHeinrich: that's just to make the bot tell you the version of the package.. see the lines from ubottu21:19
xanguamarlen: doesn't worked¿21:19
titan_arkHappyHobo1, okay 1 moment21:20
guntbertDavidJHeinrich: on your system type uname -a21:20
PsychomanI'm using the Sagem Fast 800 on WIN Xp , but on Karmic , I tried to setup ubudsl , without succes , and now i'm diving to use my modem on this distribution !21:20
SlartDavidJHeinrich: basically you do     !info <somepackagename>     and it will tell you a little about that package.. the linux-image-generic package is the package with the kernel.. the version of that package matches the kernel version21:20
SlartDavidJHeinrich: that only works here in this irc-channel though21:20
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>21:20
titan_arkgo to synaptic and check for what all alsa stuff is installed21:20
SlartDavidJHeinrich: ok .. nevermind that stuff.. 9.10 uses kernel 2.6.31 and 9.04 uses 2.6.2821:21
marlenyou told me xfce-panel.what have I to do with this information? I,m a beginner..21:22
Siria_CalvDoes anybody know how to configure a linux autorun file?21:22
DavidJHeinrichok, what I need is the STX driver for my sound-card21:22
DavidJHeinrichon the asus forums, someone said, "The STX driver is part of ALSA 1.0.20 or kernel 2.6.30 (not yet released); just wait until your distribution picks it up."21:22
razorxdo we got a busybox guru in the chan?21:22
becomingGuruHi... I want to restrict some one, access to one sub folder alone...21:23
titan_arkHappyHobo1, anything?21:23
becomingGuruI know, it should be fairly trivial...21:23
DavidJHeinrichso do I need to upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 to get the Asus Xonar STX sound-card to work then?21:23
becomingGuruHow do I do it?21:23
darolumarlen: what is your problem with xfce-panel?21:23
HappyHobo1I need to upgrade all my alsa21:23
erUSUL!upgrade | DavidJHeinrich21:23
ubottuDavidJHeinrich: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:23
erUSUL!permissions | becomingGuru21:24
ubottubecomingGuru: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:24
erUSUL!ask | razorx21:24
ubotturazorx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:24
=== macaroni is now known as spaghetti
Psychomanthank for help !21:24
guntbertalienkid10: for whom was that?21:24
alienkid10there since my Q is on multiple lines I pastebined it?21:24
alienkid10a question21:24
becomingGuruThanks erUSUL21:24
alienkid10since last time people killed me for haveing multiple lines21:25
WhyNotcan any1 help with backtrack 4.?21:25
guntbertalienkid10: please tell us you question in the channel - use one line (don't press <enter> in between)21:25
blakkheimWhyNot: this is an ubuntu support channel, not backtrack21:25
Dj_FlyByanyone using UNR9.04 on an Acer Aspire ONE that is having/had issues with the battery (Says it has 2.5 hours left after full charge but only lasting like 40minutes tops)? Any ideas would be excellent and appreciated21:25
alienkid10I followed the tutorial here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence on LiveCD persistence using a casper-rw file at the root of a flash drive with a size of 512MB. I booted into the CD and hit F6 added "persistent" and everything booted fine I install things etc. then reboot F6 "persistent" NOTHING! I loop mount the casper-rw file and find an empty folder called "lost+found" and nothing else. I am only booting from 21:25
titan_arkHappyHobo1, i am not sure if that is the problem, but you could try. alternately also check in Applications >ubuntu software center installed software tab and check for alsa mixer and alsa mixer gui21:25
HappyHobo1I just realized I have my repositories turned to lucid titan_ark so now I will have all my alsa stuff from lucid and I'm running karmic21:25
titan_arkHappyHobo1, oh21:26
rambo298i'm mostly through an ldap install and i am locked out of sudo. i now want to remove ldap, but i need to get to sudo. how can it recover my sudo privileges?21:26
razorxI need to dump a busybox system to a usbstick. Can some one guide me?21:26
erUSUL!backtrack | WhyNot21:26
ubottuWhyNot: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:26
titan_arkHappyHobo1, do one thing, in terminal type "alsamixer" and tell me what does it say21:26
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alienkid10do I need a bigger casper-rw file?21:27
doug_I just did an upgrade on a ubuntu-server-9.10 system and it appears that mysql-server is not hosed.  As a result, I can't use apt-get or aptitude any longer since they require stopping, the restarting mysql-server, and part of the script that uses dpkg --configure fails, and hence, apt-get and aptitude fails.21:27
HappyHobo1I switched to lucid last night to get the 2.6.32 kernel21:27
HappyHobo1they are all on 0 now titan_ark21:27
WhyNotafter starting the network service in bt4, i start wicd network manager, when i try to connect to a wireless device it say this connection requires encryption to be enabled. but how do i do it?21:27
Siria_CalvDoes anybody here know how to configure a linux autorun file for external media?21:27
doug_Anyone know how to fix this?  I've tried using dpkg -i to reinstall mysql-server-5.1, but that hasn't helped.21:27
guntbertHappyHobo1: you cannot go back21:27
titan_arkHappyHobo1, ok. i have not tried lucid. dint okay then use the left right cursor keys to go to an option and then use the up arrow key to increase it21:28
titan_arkHappyHobo1, you would have to do it for mater, headphone and PCM21:28
HappyHobo1OH MY GOD it's playing21:28
titan_arkHappyHobo1,  and yes for the last option of speaker also21:28
HappyHobo1and this song sucks21:28
titan_arkHappyHobo1, :D21:29
alienkid10anyone have any clue what;s wrong?21:29
titan_arkchange the song :P21:29
* HappyHobo1 hug titan_ark21:29
titan_arkHappyHobo1, :D you are the second person i helped on Ubuntu irc21:29
HappyHobo1How did they do21:29
titan_arkHappyHobo1, quite good :)21:30
alienkid10should I ask again?21:30
titan_arkwohoo i am happy too!!!21:30
WhyNotcan any one help with  enabling encryption for wireless device in backtrack 4..21:30
erUSULWhyNot: we told we do not support backtrack here ...21:31
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WhyNotok thanks21:31
lucas71hello, could you help me with sharing folders between 2 Ubuntu computers...?21:32
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.21:32
alienkid10I followed the tutorial here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence on LiveCD persistence using a casper-rw file at the root of a flash drive with a size of 512MB. I booted into the CD and hit F6 added "persistent" and everything booted fine I install things etc. then reboot F6 "persistent" NOTHING! I loop mount the casper-rw file and find an empty folder called "lost+found" and nothing else. I am only booting from 21:32
hamzaatova2how can i make vlc to open the radio files?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????21:32
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
ubottuHelpful information for filing a sync request can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess21:33
HappyHobo1titan_ark: so now it's officially a karmic/lucid mutt.21:33
daroluWhyNot: try "/join #backtrac-linux" they may be able to help you there21:33
dabaRwin 721:33
HappyHobo1I wonder if should throw in a little jaunty to have some fun21:33
dKingstoni have logitech wireless headphones. however, no sound comes out. instead, it comes out of my speakers21:33
dKingstonany ideas?21:33
kymaraHi, I made a bootable flash drive for installing ubuntu and now I would like to make it a normal flash drive again. Can I do it? googling is just showing me about how to make bootable flash drives... Thanks!21:33
BluesKaj!patience | alienkid1021:33
ubottualienkid10: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:33
titan_arkHappyHobo1, :D nice. i did not want to get too adventurous by taking the lucid kernel21:34
HappyHobo1That kernel is fast fast fast.21:34
titan_arkHappyHobo1, have had a lot of trouble using the latest distros on notebook21:34
rambo298ldap install trashed my password, so i can't sudo or anything. any way i can reset my password without knowing what it is?21:34
HappyHobo1this one is very linux friendly other than it's wireless card21:34
titan_arkHappyHobo1, karmic is fast enough and trouble free so i can wait for the official release ;)21:35
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knxvilledarolu, it does not work apparantly21:35
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords21:35
titan_arkis the properietery drivers not available?21:35
lucas71 could you help me with sharing folders between 2 Ubuntu computers...?21:36
Siria_CalvAny idea how to get a restricted driver from the Ubuntu 9.10 cd to work on Xubuntu 9.10? My laptop requires a restricted driver that only the Ubuntu desktop variation of 9.10 has on the CD.21:36
erUSULlucas71: tried right clicking on the folder. choosing sharing options ? in both computers?21:37
BluesKajkymara, format the drive21:37
kymarayes BluesKaj may you please show me a guide so i can follow it? Maybe i need a hint also what something to format it to?21:37
lucas71erUSUL, yes I tried, but only on one this trick is working :(21:37
DJI need help21:37
HappyHobo1I want a netbook but no one will let me test drive one titan_ark.  I want to know if I can get comfortable with it here in lap.21:37
HappyHobo1in this recliner21:37
kymaraBluesKaj: i don't know what i want to format it back *to* (newbie)21:38
DJHelp me!!!!21:38
Siria_CalvAll you have to do to turn an Ubuntu flash drive version of the Live CD into a regular flash drive again is delete all of the live cd files. There is a linux hidden fold of the exact file name .disk that you also have to delete.21:38
kymaraok thanks Siria_Calv !21:38
Kohar!nfs | lucas7121:39
ubottulucas71: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.21:39
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erUSUL!es | Guest5604621:39
ubottuGuest56046: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:39
dKingstonhow do i set a sound card to the default21:39
lucas71ok, but why can I browse my shared folders from one comp and I can't from another one...?21:39
daroluknxville: that thread worked for a friend of mine who had the same problem, out of linking you to ubuntu docs about webcams; I can't helpe you more =( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam21:40
lucas71ubottu, samba status tels me that nmbd and smbd are not running....21:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:40
Siria_Calvkymara: You only have to re-format it if you used the form-drive option in the USB Startup Disk Creator program.21:40
Siria_Calvkymara: *format-drive*21:41
darolulucas71: are you replying to a bot?21:41
BluesKajkymara, here's ahow to : http://www.ehow.com/how_5092605_format-flash-drive-linux.html21:41
Koharlucas71 then run smbd?21:41
knxvilledarolu, that sucks :(21:41
titan_arkHappyHobo1, i would suggest installing alsamixer gui also if you want your recording settings etc easily21:42
lucas71Kohar, I don't know how to do this because I'm not so good in Linux :(21:42
HappyHobo1I got wmix21:42
c3lim getting no sound from LMMS, what could the problem be? (noob and just installed it=21:42
kymaraok thanks Siria_Calv and BluesKaj !21:42
titan_arkHappyHobo1, oh okay21:42
Siria_Calvkymara: your very welcome21:42
HappyHobo1I like the volume knob21:42
kymaraoh but sorry i am still not sure what kind of file system i want?21:42
titan_arkHappyHobo1, =)21:43
=== DGPRO|away is now known as DGPRO
kymarai know that ntfs exists and fat32 and ext something but i forget what is the one ubuntu uses sorry21:43
Kohar<lucas71> sudo /etc/init.d/samba start21:43
Siria_CalvFor some reason the master channel in volume control does not affect the volume at all.21:43
darolulucas71: have you installed system-config-samba?21:43
titan_arkkymara, i think ot would be ext3 or 421:43
Siria_CalvNever has on my laptop in Ubuntu21:44
Fendarilim soooo excited21:44
FendarilI got my ubuntu installation disk at least in a week and a half21:44
kymaraok thanks titan_ark i'll try21:44
Fendariltook quicker then the 4-6 weeks suggested21:44
lucas71darolu, no, I haven't21:45
Fendariland actually installs on my PC21:45
darolulucas71: open synaptic and install it; it will help you to configure samba easier, or open a terminal and do: sudo apt-getinstall system-config-samba21:46
lucas71darolu, ok, I have installed it jet21:46
lucas71yet *21:46
grendal_primei need to run two openvpn connections at one time. I can do this the ususual way but i was hoping the NM openvpn plugin would handle it.  Anyone able to do this with the NM openvpn plugin?21:47
FoolishOwlI'm trying to write a BASH script for backing up /home, via cpio. I'd like to use a sort of grandfather-father-son rotation. The tricky part is figuring out the rotation.21:48
lobo_tuertohi guys21:48
lobo_tuertoI just installed ruby 1.9 in ubuntu 9.1021:48
al__I'm looking at the WPA howto and it says it's for an older version of ubuntu, does that mean 9.10 should support WPA without the need for any fixes?21:48
lobo_tuertobut when trying to install ruby-opengl I get the following error:21:49
SpaceGhostC2Clobo_tuerto, can you tell us the question on one line, and not worry about the back story?21:49
al__got the wireledd card driver working under ndis wrapper, but now it won't actually connect21:49
lobo_tuertoSpaceGhostC2C: I get the following error when trying to install ruby-opengl in ubuntu 9.10: cannot find -lruby1921:50
c3lim getting no sound from LMMS, what could the problem be? (noob and just installed it)21:50
lobo_tuertoSpaceGhostC2C: I know where those files are located (/usr/include/ruby-1.9.0, or something like that)21:50
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lucas71darolu, it was the best thing today - your advise - thank you very much21:51
darolulucas71: np, I'm glad it helped21:51
erUSULc3l: lmms being professional oriented probably needs a jack setup21:52
lucas71darolu, I didn't know that packet like that is at all21:52
lucas71darolu, so, thank you once again :)))21:52
lobo_tuertoSpaceGhostC2C: I have installed: ruby1.9 ruby1.9-dev already21:52
mikobuntuc3l; goto edit settings ans sound, then choose pulseaudio ans resrart LMMS, let me know how this goes21:53
SpaceGhostC2Clobo_tuerto, is ruby in your path?21:53
lobo_tuertoSpaceGhostC2C: yes it is21:53
c3lmikobuntu, okay!21:53
c3lmikobuntu, it works :D but with a great latency..21:54
lobo_tuertothe ruby-opengl gem needs to link with -lruby19, is there a way to see the list of available libraries to link to?21:54
mikobuntuc3l,  ok give me the terminal output of command   aplay -l21:54
quincypf just installed ubuntu on my machine..21:55
quincyseems that my HDD has 60% bad sectors21:55
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c3lmikobuntu, http://pastebin.com/d1dffaab121:56
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Guest9461any suggestions on downloading a chinese translator? anyone?21:56
Flannel!br | BORJS21:57
ubottuBORJS: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:57
mikobuntuc3l ; is it LMMS version 0.4.6?21:57
erUSUL!es | BORJS21:57
ubottuBORJS: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:57
al__do I need to manually do wpa_supplicant things in 9.10 or does network manager automatically handle that?21:57
Seveasal__, the latter21:57
Seveasand it has been doing that for a few releases already :)21:57
al__Seveas, ok thanks - this things I'm reading is out of date then :)21:57
mikobuntuc3l; i will presume you are running Ubuntu karmic, yes?21:57
Seveasal__, n-m will take care of all your desktop networking needs :)21:58
c3lmikobuntu, thats correct21:58
mikobuntuc3l ; LMMS version?21:58
erUSULBORJS: quita las mayusculas; es de mala educacion21:58
jhb1608How do I make an another partition in Xubuntu?21:59
BORJSvale erusul tu me conoces21:59
c3lmikobuntu, latest in the ubuntu repo. 0.4.5 (x64)21:59
mikobuntuc3l; you will need version 0.4.6 installed from source , for the alsa fix i can help you with22:00
al__Seveas, yeah - looks as if there's a bug in ndiswrapper and I'll have to recompile it or something :/22:00
Goliath[23:59] <Goliath> i downloaded a rapidshare ebook with opera, and it finished ok22:00
Goliath[00:00] <Goliath> then is it 100% that it was downloaded correctly?22:00
Goliath[00:00] <Goliath> does opera have some type of has check?22:00
Seveasal__, ah, ndiswrapper. broadcom card?22:00
jhb1608How do I make an partition for Windows so I can dual boot, but I installed Xubuntu first.22:01
sebsebsebjhb1608: uhmm22:01
n-iCei'm running ubuntu 9.10 and would like to be able to output to tv using s-video. right now i'm getting 0 output. any advice on how to  get this working?22:01
jhb1608I can boot Gparted22:01
sebsebsebjhb1608: better to have Windows installed first,  since otherwise  setting up Grub to work properly again can be a right issue22:01
Seveashi BORJS, how can we help you?22:01
jhb1608and adjust it but I want to ask first.22:01
arandGoliath: Integrity chekc you mean, I don't think so, only way to know if you have the md5, which I assume not..22:01
al__Seveas, it's a Netgear WG311v2 which has a native ACX111 driver but that doesn't support WPA so I'm using the windows driver and ndiswrapper - which appears to be mostly working (can see networks) but just can't connect - I get the invalid cmd 12 error as mentioned in the topic I just linked22:01
jhb1608aha thought so22:02
lieelow# Appears as JORDAN22:02
mikobuntuc3l,  install this >>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/lmms/files/lmms/0.4.6/lmms-0.4.6.tar.bz2/download  and get back to me, no need to remove the version that you have this will overwrite it22:02
HaPKI'm having a bit of a problem... no sound is coming out. I'm using Ubuntu 9.1022:02
sebsebsebjhb1608: 9.10?22:02
lieelow(#G710E010RM1) HEY EVERYONE22:02
jhb1608Xubuntu 9.1022:02
c3lmikobuntu, oh that sounds good, ill fix that, thanks =)22:02
sebsebseb!grub2 | jhb160822:02
ubottujhb1608: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:02
jhb1608ah this makes my life easier22:03
Kohar<jhb1608> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1035999 i think it's for you22:03
arandlacita: How did it go with the partition table?22:03
Seveaslieelow, please use a notmal irc client instead of that spamming abomination. Also, don't shout please.22:03
Goliatharand: are you sure they have no integrity check?22:03
mikobuntuc3l; this will involve building this yourself from the terminal, if you get stuck let me know ok :)22:03
lieelow(#G<10E07:M1) DOES MS-COMIC CHAT WORK UNDER WINE??????22:03
n-iCei'm running ubuntu 9.10 and would like to be able to output to tv using s-video. right now i'm getting 0 output. any advice on how to  get this working?22:03
jhb1608silly my windows is XP not 722:03
lieelow(#G<10E07:M1) I CANNOT GIVE UP THIS CLIENT22:03
Kohardosn't matter22:03
icerootlieelow: stop it please22:03
HaPKI'm having a bit of a problem... no sound is coming out, and I'm sure it did came out earlier... how do I fix this?. I'm using Ubuntu 9.1022:03
SpaceGhostC2Ciceroot, maybe you should tell him to not use caps lock.22:04
jp--what's the best way to upgrade glib-c from 8.04 to the one that's on 9.10?22:04
SpaceGhostC2C!caps | lieelow22:04
ubottulieelow: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:04
icerootSpaceGhostC2C: its the client, ms comic chat is really funny :)22:04
Myrttipeople, he's muted.22:04
SpaceGhostC2Ciceroot, I know what it was, you were referring to the caps, right?22:05
icerootSpaceGhostC2C: but not good at a support-channel22:05
SpaceGhostC2CMyrtti, what does that mean?22:05
icerootSpaceGhostC2C: caps, the strange string in the message, the content... everything22:05
MyrttiSpaceGhostC2C: do you see him talking?22:05
SpaceGhostC2CMyrtti, not after his last message. :)22:05
erUSULjp--: not a good idea. libc is the central library of linux systems. messing with it is dangerous22:06
SpaceGhostC2CMyrtti, I was talking to iceroot to tell him to be a bit more specific about what he's letting people know what to stop doing.22:06
CrazyguyMyrtti, great job22:06
n-iCei'm running ubuntu 9.10 and would like to be able to output to tv using s-video. right now i'm getting 0 output. any advice on how to  get this working?22:06
mikobuntuc3l,   extract the lmms-0.4.6 file to your home directory, then open the terminal and paste this    cd lmms-0.4.6 && mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../ && make && sudo make install22:06
icerootSpaceGhostC2C: i mean, stop everything you (he) is doing here. and now lets stop being off topic22:06
scootsmJesus, the "Ubuntu Software Center" design is godawful.  "Get Free Software" -> "Programming" -> 163 items available, enjoy sifting through all the choices!22:06
=== DGPRO is now known as DGPRO|away
* Myrtti curtsies to Crazyguy 22:07
Crazyguyuh... :)22:07
GhostWolfdoes anyone here use amsn? i have a question and don't know where to go to find the answer for it22:07
icerootGhostWolf: try it by asking22:07
n-iCei'm running ubuntu 9.10 and would like to be able to output to tv using s-video. right now i'm getting 0 output. any advice on how to  get this working?22:08
c3lmikobuntu, that makes it a lot simpler, thanks!=)22:08
jp--erUSUL, ouch.22:08
GhostWolfwell iceroot i did asking if anyone here uses msn22:08
GhostWolfi mean asmn22:08
GhostWolfon ubuntu22:08
SpaceGhostC2Ciceroot, the only thing he did wrong was caps. I'm assuming he was using some odd client that allowed colouring and then he was impatient. Be more specific when telling users to stop something, thanks.22:08
iceroot!anyone | GhostWolf22:08
ubottuGhostWolf: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:08
=== carlll is now known as carlllewispope
GhostWolficeroot im not dumb i know what anyone means22:08
DILuh oh22:08
mikobuntuok :022:08
icerootGhostWolf: what about asking the real question?22:09
David_hIIafter a fresh install to ubuntu 9.10 from opensuse i cannot achieve a screen resolution of 1024x768 can anyone help me out?22:09
erUSULjp--: if you really need the new libc upgrade to the new version of the distribution22:09
GhostWolfi rather find out who uses amsn first thats a real question if you don't think so then i don't know what to tell you22:09
SpaceGhostC2C!best GhostWolf22:09
SpaceGhostC2C!best | GhostWolf22:09
ubottuGhostWolf: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:09
SeveasGhostWolf, yes, people use amsn. Now ask the real question...22:10
SpaceGhostC2CGhostWolf, go ask the bots what people use.22:10
rainy-dayversion 9.10, no sound in flash!22:10
icerootGhostWolf: please ask you amsn related question, if anyone knows the answer.. (what ubottu told)22:10
HaPKI'm having a bit of a problem... no sound is coming out, and I'm sure it did came out earlier... how do I fix this?. I'm using Ubuntu 9.1022:11
GhostWolfreason i asking if people use it so i can ask them personally without people not using it sheesh tough crowed in here atm..22:11
icerootGhostWolf: i know Myrtti will tell me something... but can you stop trolling?22:11
SpaceGhostC2CGhostWolf, if you need help, just say your question bro. It's how it works. It's created more chatter to ask.22:11
SpaceGhostC2Ciceroot, to ask a troll not to troll is feeding the troll.22:12
MyrttiGhostWolf: just ask your question.22:12
GhostWolfMyrtti, im trying to, just trying to find the right wording for it..22:12
rainy-dayI had sound working fine, then it started disappearing sometimes that required quitting firefox, killing the process from command line, and now even that doesn't help. I have stock flash installed with ubuntu22:12
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Myrttibrilliant! back to normal programming!22:12
SpaceGhostC2CGhostWolf, gather your thoughts and form the question, and then ask us. We'll do our best to help you.22:13
SeveasMyrtti, news at 11.22:13
=== Klapo_ is now known as Klapo
GhostWolfmy question is this, whenever someone adds me or i add them on amsn, i see a x inside a circle next to their nick if you need me to post a printscreen to show what i mean i can22:13
Soul_Samplewhere does gnome store settings? i would like to kill any modifications i have done to it, what should i delete?22:13
[1]timaaarrreeehi all22:14
erUSULSoul_Sample: ~/.gnome*/* and some apps in ~/.config/22:14
SeveasGhostWolf, yeah, please do that22:14
SpaceGhostC2CGhostWolf, a picture would be nice.22:14
GhostWolfok i'll put a printscreen22:14
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:14
Soul_SampleerUSUL: thnx22:15
SpaceGhostC2C!hi | Nibz22:15
ubottuNibz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:15
NibzI need help22:15
Seveashellp Nibz. what can we do to you?22:15
[1]timaaarrreeedoes anyone know python programming?22:15
Seveas[1]timaaarrreee, yeah, probably someone does.22:15
iceroot[1]timaaarrreee: #python22:16
NibzThis is very frustrating and I have caped my bathwith doing so22:16
erUSUL[1]timaaarrreee: ##python does22:16
[1]timaaarrreeethe cahnnel seems to not be talking22:16
GhostWolfok i got the image would i just put it on pastebin?22:16
NibzI have downloaded and installed ubuntu with wubi I updated it and now grub is having some problems22:16
SeveasGhostWolf, anywhere where we can see it will do :)22:16
erUSUL!imagebin | GhostWolf22:16
ubottuGhostWolf: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.22:16
NibzI have spent the last 6 hours trying to figure this out22:16
erUSULNibz: we havent' heard of the actual problem22:17
Nibzubuntu wont load22:17
Nibzafter update22:17
GhostWolfi know how to do screenshots lol again im not dumb i just trying to figure the best way to show it here22:17
erUSUL!details | Nibz22:17
ubottuNibz: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:17
erUSULGhostWolf: you missed the url part of the factoid ----- >>>>> http://tinyurl.com/imagebin22:18
NibzAfter downloading and installing ubuntu 9.1 I updated rebooted, Grub came up with its promot and will not load ubuntu22:19
icerootNibz: what about error-codes?22:19
erUSULNibz: yiou end up in some sort of minimal shell ? busybox ?22:19
Nibzdroped my shell22:19
edbianWhat's a good movie player for KDE besides kaffiene??22:20
erUSULNibz: iceroot asked already any menaingfull message?22:20
icerootedbian: vlc22:20
Nibzsays canot find roo.disk I tryed sda1 and sda2 my patrion is on drive 222:20
erUSULNibz: is a wubi install ....22:20
Malmishm does someone know if there is possible to pxe boot ie. debian live cd or ubuntu live cd as persistent when booting it from a nfs server? i mean, how could i access ie. casper-rw persistant filesystem when the livecd is mounted as cdrom? :/22:20
NibzI installed with qubi22:21
erUSULNibz: and the file is still in the windows drive?22:21
Nibzthe files are all there22:21
Malmisi can boot it as a live cd from nfs, but not accessing casper-rw22:21
abstraktaight so how do I go about getting my wireless to work. the ubuntu software manager told me to install the BCM drivers for my Dell 1490 WLAN card and it "appears" to work, e.g. when i flick the physical switch on my laptop wireless card to the "on" position, i do get an "enable wireless" checkbox when I right click the network connection icon on the panel22:21
abstraktbut i don't get any autodetected networks22:21
erUSUL!wubi | Nibz see the wiki page it has a lot of info22:21
ubottuNibz see the wiki page it has a lot of info: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.22:21
NibzI have looked at that22:21
NibzI have spent the last 6 hours trying to fix the problem22:21
erUSULNibz: i never used wubi so i can not help further sorry22:21
abstraktand when i try to set up a network manually the apply button stays ghosted/grayed out so I can't do anything22:22
NibzI have reinstalled tryed sudo install-grub222:22
NibzIt seems the update is overwriting my kernal22:22
gslauenhello all22:22
lobo_tuertohow can you tell if you have a certain library ready to use for linking? is there a command for that?22:22
ikonialobo_tuerto: can you give more background please.22:23
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:23
erUSULlobo_tuerto: make sure the -dev package for the lib is present22:24
NibzSo noone can help me with my problem22:24
gslauenI have just installed mythbuntu 9.10 and I am having an odd problem. In the frontend I am being asked for a password to change settings under utilities/settings. I have never seen this before. Can anyone help me with this or tell me where to find or change this password. Thanks22:24
lobo_tuertoikonia: I'm trying to compile something in my ubuntu box, but it is complaining I'm lacking "-lruby19" (but I have /usr/local/lib/libruby19-static.a)22:24
lobo_tuertoerUSUL: I have already installed ruby19-dev :(22:24
mattgyveris it possible to configure a wine application to use a specific version of windows so that you dont have to change the global setting?22:24
dabaRNibz: are you saying you can not boot into Ubuntu?22:25
SpaceGhostC2C!hi | Glowball22:25
ubottuGlowball: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:25
NibzThats corect22:25
ikonialobo_tuerto: did you configure it to look in /usr/local/lib for libarries ?22:25
Glowball(SpaceGhose: I know, I was already typing, I just say hi first :P)22:25
arandNibz: Is this maybe the problem?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/477104?comments=all If soo, try replacing (rather backup and replace) the current wubildr with the one in comment #9022:25
ikonialobo_tuerto: -L/usr/local/lib for example or the correct configuration, is your dynamic linker setup to look in /usr/local/lib ?22:25
GhostWolfhttp://img199.imageshack.us/img199/102/screenshotqez.png for those who wanted to see the image of what i meant on amsn22:25
SpaceGhostC2CGlowball, no worries then. Got a question?22:25
GlowballI'm looking for sun-java6-jdk, but I can't find it in synaptic anymore... (Somebody confirmed me it was in there with that name before), was it renamed?22:26
lobo_tuertoikonia: this is part of the command: gcc -shared  -L/usr/local/lib22:26
erUSUL!info sun-java6-jdk | Glowball22:26
SpaceGhostC2CGhostWolf, does this interfere with anything?22:26
ikonialobo_tuerto: looks like it's looking in the right place, why is ruby in /usr/local/lib, it's normally in /usr/lib on an ubuntu install22:26
ubottuGlowball: sun-java6-jdk (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-15-1 (karmic), package size 18087 kB, installed size 56628 kB (Only available for all amd64 i386 lpia ia64)22:26
dabaRNibz: and what have you tried so far? You might want to type it all out into a pastebin, so you can reuse it if noone can help you now, so you don't have to type it over and over22:26
Nibzill check that arand22:26
erUSULGlowball: maybe you need to enable multiverse? (weird it is disables though)22:26
lobo_tuertoikonia: when I compiled and installed ruby 1.9, I decided to put it in my /usr/local since I installed it manually22:27
GhostWolfSpaceGhostC2C, not that im aware of i just know people who add me or i added after i got amsn looks like that i just don't like it it, its a bit annoying to me22:27
ikonialobo_tuerto: ok, so it's because you've compiled it manually, that makes sense22:27
tessaraktwhat do I have to do on a 64bit machine to be able to run 32bit programs?22:27
tessarakte.g. downloaded Firefox22:27
GlowballerUSUL: I'll have a look..22:27
SpaceGhostC2CGhostWolf, interesting. I don't know what it is for exactly.22:27
SpaceGhostC2Ctessarakt, sudo apt-get instal ia32-libs22:27
ikonialobo_tuerto: surprised it's causing you a problem if you're saying -L/usr/local/lib22:27
DaughainWhat app did I lose if nautilus tells me "There is no application installed for executable files"?22:28
GhostWolfSpaceGhostC2C, me neither i think its something that showing me someone didn't add me22:28
NibzDabar I have tryed everything on that site you gave me22:28
tessaraktI searched for x8622:28
lobo_tuertoikonia: maybe I need to rename that /usr/local/lib/libruby19-static.a to something else? so it can find it as -lruby1922:28
SpaceGhostC2CGhostWolf, possible.22:28
tessaraktand 32 was a bit too generic22:28
DaughainAnd/or how do I find out?22:28
GlowballerUSUL: It's disabled indeed. Quite strange I *do* find the jre...22:28
ikonialobo_tuerto: no, you shouldn't need to rename it, that's fine,....ahh wait22:28
ikonialobo_tuerto: it's doing -shared = shared libaries, .la is static22:28
gslauenI have just installed mythbuntu 9.10 and I am having an odd problem. In the frontend I am being asked for a password to change settings under utilities/settings. I have never seen this before. Can anyone help me with this or tell me where to find or change this password. I understand being asked for a password for the backend and to login but I have never seen it on the frontend. Thanks22:28
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, it's not associated with the files, you might not have lost a application, just the association.22:28
ikoniaGoliath: what's that for ?22:28
tessarakt2 more minutes and I have my beloved Thunderbird3 back ...22:29
Goliathikonia: wrong paste22:29
ikoniaGoliath: no problem22:29
GhostWolfbut SpaceGhostC2C i know those people added me so i dunno even one person added me when i had to use my windows machine for a while cause i was on dial up22:29
ikonialobo_tuerto: when you've built ruby, you've only built the static libraries, that's why it's failing22:29
lo127anyone know if it is possible to configure a vpn connection in network manager and then start/stop it from the terminal?22:29
codenamenoshey i want to copy the whole website of lyrics any idea how to do that. using ubuntu 9.1022:29
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: How do I reset the association?22:29
dabaRNibz: hey, when did I give you a site?22:29
NibzDabar: Few min ago https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/477104?comments=all22:30
dabaRthat was someone else.22:30
lobo_tuertoikonia: ohhh :O  do you know what do I need to do for it got generate the shared ones? (or do I need to go google it?) :)22:30
NibzDabar: My bad22:30
ikonialobo_tuerto: need to recompile ruby, look for the shared libs options22:30
NibzDabar: But I have tryed everyone on that site.22:30
al__Seveas, looks like I'm affected by this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/45971622:30
dabaRNibz: so you just installed ubuntu using wubi. You can not boot into it, right?22:30
ikonialobo_tuerto: you could just link it against ruby supplied with ubuntu22:30
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, I'm looking it up.22:31
Nibzdabar: Yes I can boot the first time but not have I update22:31
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: Thanks.22:31
al__Seveas, do you have WPA working using ndiswrapper in 9.10 - and if so did you have to do your own build or is there another (less scary) way?22:31
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, here is one answer, but I remember seeing something better.22:31
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, http://techntools.vox.com/library/post/changing-file-associations-in-ubuntu-is-as-easy-as-cake.html22:31
dabaRNibz: so, you installed, it worked, you updated and it does not work any more?22:31
Seveasal__, I don't. I've used intel hardware for years, no problems at all :)22:31
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: Cool, thanks. =)22:31
al__Seveas, heh22:31
NibzDabar: Correct is on boot it brings me the grub promt22:32
lobo_tuertoikonia: I already did sudo apt-get build-dep ruby1.8 ruby1.922:32
lobo_tuertoikonia: thought that would take care of that22:32
ikonialobo_tuerto: not if the build options are static22:32
al__Seveas, though getting the latest code and rebuilding it I guess wouldn't help if the bug itself isn't fixed - or am I missing something?22:33
dabaRNibz: and what did you try on the prompt?22:33
lobo_tuertoikonia: lol, I just solved my problem22:33
ikonialobo_tuerto: ooh, cool, do tell22:33
Seveasal__, if upstream hasn't fixed the bug tht will indeed not help22:33
gslauenI have just installed mythbuntu 9.10 and I am having an odd problem. In the frontend I am being asked for a password to change settings under utilities/settings. I have never seen this before. Can anyone help me with this or tell me where to find or change this password. Is this a bug? Thanks22:33
lobo_tuertoikonia: you know what I did? renamed libruby19-static.a to libruby19.a22:33
lobo_tuertoand it succesfully compiled and installed22:33
lobo_tuertomy ruby-opengl :)22:33
NibzDabar: linux/boot/vml... root=/dev/sda2 loop=/ubuntu/disks/roo.disk ro >initrd /boot/init... >boot22:34
ikonialobo_tuerto: and it's linked against the static libary ?22:34
ikonialobo_tuerto: didn't think that would work as the gcc line you've shown me was using -shared22:34
codenamenosi want to copy whole website of lyrics any idea how i gonna do that?22:34
=== sekrit is now known as charitwo
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: Ok.....What app do I need to associate an exe file with?22:34
lobo_tuertoikonia: yeah, me too, but it did... I will run the samples to check everything is alright22:34
SpaceGhostC2Ccodenamenos, maybe you should look up wget. man wget is the command.22:34
dabaRNibz: Do you know that /dev/sda2 is correct?22:34
pH_hey guys22:34
GhostWolfso no one else would know the problem with amsn that has an x inside a circle?22:34
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, depends, is it a windows app you want to run?22:34
ikonialobo_tuerto: be interesting to see if it's stable, nice spot though22:34
FireCrotchDoes anyone know if there's a way to make google chrome use your window manager's theming?22:34
pH_guys, any idea about how can I mount a dvd on my windows and read it from my netbook?22:35
pH_remote dvd stuff22:35
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: No, linux app. windows I know what to link it to. =)22:35
trismGhostWolf: the amsn faq says that the person does not have you in their contact list22:35
Nibzdabar: Yes I do22:35
ikoniapH_: you'd have to share your dvd drive on windows, it will be slow though22:35
=== codenamenos is now known as codename09
FireCrotchOh pffft, nevermind, I didn't look well enough22:35
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, are you sure it's a linux app? .exe is usually windows..22:35
GhostWolftrism well i know they do, cause they added me on the normal msn when i had to use windows on dial up22:36
trismGhostWolf: a forum post I found said this could be for 3 reason, the user removed you, didn't add you yet, or it is a bug with the server and they really do have you22:36
lobo_tuertoikonia: well, the chingu's game samples run just good, thanks for your support :)22:36
ikonialobo_tuerto: you fixed it yourself, well dont "yourself"22:36
Nibzdabar: still there?22:37
GhostWolftrism, well its mainly the 3rd option.. i know for a fact the person added me cause i accepted it when i was on my windows comp before i could get dsl back22:37
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: Yes, I just write it that way, since I dont actually know what file extension linux apps use.22:37
dabaRNibz: yes. A couple of people say they can manually boot.22:37
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, linux isn't dependent on a file extiension22:37
NibzDabar: With the same thing I typed to you?22:38
DaughainIts unetbootin for linux.22:38
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, I'd rename the file to just the name or something you want.22:38
pH_ikonia: how22:38
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, so when you downloaded it, what was it's name?22:38
ikoniapH_: the guys in ##windows will tell you how to share your cd drive, you then need to use "samba" on linux to mount it22:38
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: unetbootin-linux-39322:38
mtrgwhat's the best media server for playihg HD 5.1 1080p/i moivies22:38
SpaceGhostC2Cthen all you should need to do is chmod +x unetbootin-linux-393 and then ./unetbootin-linux-39322:39
ikoniamtrg: the client is what matters22:39
GhostWolfok anyways thanks for the problem guys have a nice weekend22:39
dabaRNibz: ya, looks like.22:39
NibzDabar: What is /dev22:39
dabaRAs in here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/477104/comments/1822:39
SpaceGhostC2Cikonia, but don't some servers have better features, like on the fly transcoding?22:39
pH_ikonia: do you know any tut?22:39
NibzDabar: I know for a face that sda2 is correct but im not sure about /dev22:40
dabaRNibz: it is where file nodes22:40
mtrgikonia: my client is an xbox360, connected to Harman/Kardon AVR with 5.1 setup, and a 1080i screen22:40
ikoniaSpaceGhostC2C: it doesn't matter if he's serving files22:40
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: Ummmm....What does that do?? I dont care what it is called, I need to find out how to make it run. =)22:40
ikoniamtrg: so you're using upnp22:40
SpaceGhostC2Cikonia, good point.22:40
dabaRNibz: it is where "file nodes" for devices go.22:40
NibzDabar: Then Yes it should work22:40
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, that makes it executable and then runs it.22:40
dabaRNibz: in Unix, everything is a file, even a device - you read from it, and write to it22:40
mtrgikonia: i thought upnp is for auto configuring NAT on routers22:40
NibzDabar: I have the correct partition selected22:40
dabaRNibz: how do you know sda2 is good?22:40
ikoniamtrg: no,22:40
SpaceGhostC2C!info udev | Nibz22:40
ubottuNibz: udev (source: udev): rule-based device node and kernel event manager. In component main, is important. Version 147~-6.1 (karmic), package size 420 kB, installed size 1432 kB22:40
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: And, last time I tried playing in term, I lost these associations and crashed dolphin.22:41
* dabaR thinks SpaceGhostC2C is cute22:41
DaughainOK, I'll give it a try. =)22:41
ikoniamtrg: I'm asking as you'll need a client that's compatible with your server, so it depends what servers the xbox can use, hence why I was wondering if you where using upnp22:41
mtrgikonia: do you recommend any upnp streaming server, that supports WMA HD 5.1 streaming?22:41
Nibzdabar: I intstalled it on my second partiton or my d:/ drive so it should be 222:41
ikoniamtrg: the streaming isn't important - it's just a file. It's more important that the client can deal with the encoding and is compatible with the server22:42
dabaRI've seen hda222:42
dabaRI think it is the diff between sata and ide drives22:42
rambo298 i get authentication failed over and over at spash login; this is after ldap was installed now i am trying to recover. i've reset my password with grub recovery mode, but i still get authentication failed over and over HELP!22:42
* dabaR could be way off on this one22:42
maddhatsort of odd issue (in server 9.10), I can browse to a drive but the cmd "df" doesnt see it, nor does "ls /dev/sd*"22:42
omenmastercan some1 help - screen goes black while im using my laptop and it wont come back on forcing me to reboot. plz help and thanks in advance22:42
mtrgikonia: encoding aka codecs?22:42
SpaceGhostC2Cdabar are you replying to someone or asking a question?22:42
ikoniamtrg: a file is encoded with a "codec" if you want, if that's not compatible with the client, it won't matter22:43
maddhatanyone know how to get that drive to show up when i do df?22:43
NibzSpace: Hes talking to me22:43
icerootrambo298: is pam set to only accept ldap or also local /etc/passwd? if not, set /etc/passwd also22:43
ikoniamaddhat: mount it22:43
mtrgikonia: right, that's why I said WMA HD22:43
SpaceGhostC2CdabaR, you should use the usernames to reply to someone. like everyone else is doing.22:43
maddhatikonia: it must be mounted already.. as i said, i can browse to it22:43
ikoniamtrg: ok, so the server doesn't matter, it's just a file22:43
NibzDabar: Ok say it was hda2 Would dev will be the correct path22:44
ikoniamaddhat: is it a samba mount by any chance ?22:44
mtrgikonia: and that file must be encoded properly as WMA HD?22:44
Nibzspace: He missed it once22:44
rambo298iceroot i removed pam (i think); if i edit /etc/passwd in recovery mode (root), and just delete my password between the ":" like i did with /etc/shadow, will that work?22:44
ikoniamtrg: yes22:44
maddhatikonia: no, im browsing through term (ssh'd in)22:44
mtrgikonia: good to know22:44
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: That got it, thanks again. =)22:44
omenmastercan some1 help - screen goes black while im using my laptop and it wont come back on forcing me to reboot. plz help and thanks in advance22:44
mtrgikonia: I thought some servers are able to change encoding on the fly22:44
icerootrambo298: i bet you dont removed pam, if so you have a big problem22:44
ikoniamaddhat: show me the output of mount in a pastebin please22:44
SpaceGhostC2CNibz, more than once. I wanted to know if he was the one having the problem or what he was talking about. I'm not attacking him, chill.22:45
ikoniamtrg: they sure can, but that's going to take a large ammount of resources22:45
rambo298iceroot what pkg can i install to get pam back?22:45
mtrgikonia: any good names for such servers?22:45
icerootrambo298: with what you think you have REMOVED pam?22:45
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, no worries mate, if you need more help let me know.22:45
maddhatikonia: i cant mount it tho, its not showing up in dev22:45
dabaRSpaceGhostC2C: you are super cute.22:45
NibzSpaceghostc2c: alright sorry22:45
pH_ok guys22:45
ikoniamtrg: I'm not aware of any as wmv is a propratary codec22:45
pH_dvd on windows is not being shered22:45
pH_how do i get it from ubuntu?22:45
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: I always need help, I just need to find what I need help with next. =)22:45
ikoniamaddhat: then you can't be browsing it22:46
dabaRNibz: /dev is 99.9999999% correct. I would be super surprised if it was not.22:46
rambo298iceroot you assume i was thinking? i panicked when i couldn't login! i removed everything i installed with ldap, but i whacked the pam.d directory22:46
maddhatikonia: like i said.. odd22:46
SpaceGhostC2Cmtrg, here's a hint, see what clients you have available to you on your devices and then find a server compatible, not the otehr way around.22:46
ikoniamaddhat: please show me the output of the command "mount" on it's own22:46
SpaceGhostC2CdabaR, what is that supposed to mean?22:46
Nibzdabar: Ok great thanks so much for pointion out my stupid error I will try this But what happens when I do get it booted is it not going to presist with the sameproblem?22:46
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, well we're always here, and you can feel free to PM me anytime you need help.22:46
dabaRSpaceGhostC2C: You somehow come off as being a newcomer to the community, and very eager to help. I find it cute.22:46
icerootrambo298: hm, use a live-cd or recovery console and check /var/log/auth.log22:47
icerootrambo298: to see what is wrong22:47
dabaRNibz: no, it could just as much not be the case that that is the problem.22:47
rambo298ok let me see; this is windows i will switch over and check brb22:47
dabaRBut you gotta test that.22:47
SpaceGhostC2CdabaR, I'm not sure if you're being rude, but I think you are. I have been here for quite some time. The length doesn't matter, don't be insulting.22:47
dabaRSpaceGhostC2C: in other words, you remind me of me.22:47
ikoniaguys, please drop it22:48
Nibzdabar: OK I will and get back to you on that. Thank you so much for the help.22:48
icerootrambo298: you can understand german? i wrote an article about using ubuntu with ldap (and kerberos)22:48
ikoniait's a support channel, stick to it22:48
DaughainSpaceGhostC2C: You missed the fun when I set up lanboot on this system. =)22:48
SpaceGhostC2CDaughain, you should pm me to chat about things. Or we can go chat in #ubuntu-offtopic22:48
rambo298iceroot no i'd have to translate it; but i will try, what's the url for your article?  man did i screw myself big time with this one22:49
Nozyhmmm update to 9.10 from 9.04 am I going to cry =)22:49
dabaRNozy: Maybe, maybe not. Are you prone to crying when there are problems with your computer?22:50
ikoniadabaR: stop it22:50
dabaRikonia: stop what?22:50
icerootrambo298: http://sdb.univention.de/content/11/95/de/einrichtung-von-fremdsystemen-auf-basis-von-debian-und-ubuntu-zur-anbindung-an-ldap-und-kerberos.html22:50
Nozynop I like to fix22:50
ikoniadabaR: the smart/be-littling problems22:50
jageOK, I am trying to run install.exe from a CD under Wine.  Put the CD in and it automounts under the name (/media/QWBASMM) but when I right click and choose Open with Wine, it gives me a Blocked: not marked as executable.  I've tried mounting the CD as mount -o exec, but it says it's read only.  What should I do?22:50
helium3fusionwhat is channel topic?22:50
ikoniahelium3fusion: ubuntu support22:50
dabaRNozy: no way it is going to make you cry, then.22:50
ZykoticK9conky appearing under desktop background wallpaper (i'm using Compiz to draw wallpaper instead of Nautilus), when i switch to 3d Cube I can see conky, the rest of the time not-so-much.  Any ideas?22:50
iceroothelium3fusion: ubuntu-support22:50
NozydabaR:  thianks22:51
dabaRhelium3fusion: you can send /topic as a message to the channel to see22:51
SpaceGhostC2CdabaR, do you mind not belittling other bro? It's rude and degrading.22:51
dabaRikonia: ^ see how he thanked me?22:51
ikoniadabaR: it doesn't matter, you don't speak to people like that22:51
dabaRLike what?22:51
SpaceGhostC2C!Coc | dabaR22:51
ubottudabaR: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .22:51
SpaceGhostC2CdabaR, read that. It's in the rules.22:52
VCoolioZykoticK9: try removing 'below' from own_window_hints22:53
rambo298iceroot txs for the link; so the error is, surprise surprise, PAM pam_start: failed to initialize handlers could not open /etc/pam.conf; so what pkg can i install to get pam back?22:53
icerootrambo298: in /etc/nsswitch.conf just set passwd, shadow and group to comvat22:53
menguhi. how do i know if my vga driver is installed? if it is not installed, how can i install it?22:54
iceroot!info pam22:54
ubottuPackage pam does not exist in karmic22:54
mengui'm on 9.1022:54
icerootrambo298: i dont know the packagename but dpkg-reconfigure thepackage-name-of-pame should be enough22:54
jageis there a way to set the execute permission bit on a CD?22:54
rambo298iceroot ok txs i'll try to find the pkg name22:55
icerootrambo298: on jaunty, pam.conf is empty by default22:55
rambo298iceroot i'll be back, but i am sure it is because i whacked the pam directory and pam.conf in /etc ... bad move i know22:56
SpaceGhostC2Cjage, it'd be only for the time it's mounted. I think so though.22:56
icerootrambo298: always create a file like pam.conf.old before doing changes22:56
jagei only need the execute bit for the install, so a mount is OK, but mount -o exec fails saying the CD is read only22:56
rambo298iceroot i think i should always think before i delete things ... that is the first step; gray matter first, fingers second!22:56
icerootrambo298: that is a good start ;)22:57
ZykoticK9VCoolio, thanks for the suggestion - no dice unfortunately.  Tried with a different theme, which kills of Compiz's background altogether22:57
Kohar<mengu> lspci -v  and search VGA section22:57
andrew__Any good guides around for linux newbies?22:57
newfierichHello all. I am having problems connecting to the internet using ubuntu. I just reinstalled 9.10 and now I can't seem to connect wireless. I never had problems in the past on have no problems connecting via windows22:58
sebsebseb!new | andrew__22:58
ubottuandrew__: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com22:58
andrew__I mean explaining the file structure, what /var/www, /etc/ and stuff means?22:58
sebsebsebandrew__: Ubuntu Pocket Guide22:58
SpaceGhostC2Csebsebseb, you beat me to it...22:58
andrew__Ok right ta22:58
iceroot!dirs | andrew__22:59
ubottuandrew__: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier22:59
newfierichI also checked my wireless card and it seems to be working in ubuntu... any ideas?22:59
jageis there a ubottu for disabling the execute bit check?22:59
icerootnewfierich: sounds good if it is working22:59
ZykoticK9jage, chmod -x foo23:00
newfierichconnection manager does no give me any networks to connect too ...23:00
andrew__Oh cool, there's actually a nice guide on stuff there23:00
icerootnewfierich: but showing the card?23:00
ardchoillejage: Be careful when using that recursively, removing the execute bit from folders can lock users out of folders23:00
jagejage@Violet:/media/QWBASMMIR1F$ chmod -x install.exe23:00
jagechmod: changing permissions of `install.exe': Read-only file system (It's a CD23:00
newfierichiceroot: I checked it in terminal23:01
icerootjage: install.exe?23:01
icerootjage: on linux?23:01
menguKohar: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)23:01
sebsebsebSpaceGhostC2C: Which?23:01
menguit shows this.23:01
ZykoticK9jage, that's a windows program - i think everything from MS is set to executable...  you should probably be using something like "wine install.exe" instead23:01
jageiceroot: yes, trying to use Wine to install from CD and it doens't have a execute flag set23:01
mengubut in the display my max screen resolution is 1024. i had it larger in 9.0423:01
newfierichat least my wireless drivers are installed..23:01
icerootjage: wine file.exe  and not ./file.exe23:02
SpaceGhostC2Csebsebseb, about the !new factoid and the pocket book :P23:02
jage-r-------- 1 jage jage 14860 2000-08-03 16:57 install.exe23:02
icerootjage: again, wine install.exe23:03
newfierichDoes anyone have any idea why connection manager does not show any wireless connections but windows does? as far as a i can tell my network card is installed...23:03
dc0mnewfierich: because it sucks.23:03
sebsebsebSpaceGhostC2C: ok23:03
jageiceroot: yeah that worked, thanks.23:03
icerootjage: or just click the exe, wine will handle it23:04
newfierichdc0m: thanks for the help23:04
dc0mnewfierich: try wicd.23:04
dc0mnewfierich: maybe you'll have luck with that one. You are sure you have wireless card working in Ubuntu?23:05
dc0mnewfierich: if you card is working ... and network manager does not show any connections, try wicd as an alternative.23:05
newfierichdc0m: I know the there are drivers installed for it...23:06
newfierichdc0m: I will give that a try and report back thanks23:06
dc0mnewfierich: there are some nice tutorials on net for wicd on ubuntu, google it.23:06
sebsebsebandrew__: np23:07
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:08
=== orion is now known as Guest90325
newfierichdc0m: will do23:09
dc0mardchoille: there was no question.23:10
dabaRardchoille: did you actually know that message was gonna come up for !google?23:11
ardchoilleyes, Please don't tell people to "google it"23:11
renegaidwhat file system should be used for the boot partition?23:11
duffydackIve had to reinstall my win7/ubuntu laptop, and for some reason I`m getting this (http://imagebin.org/84589)  and when trying to add a partition in the last unallocated space it tells me I cant add anymore primary, but ive made extended, which holds home/swap... this is the same partition setup I used last time and I never saw any unallocated spaces inbetween the partitions like that..23:11
ardchoilledabaR: I've been here for years ;)23:11
dabaRrenegaid: ext423:11
SpaceGhostC2Crenegaid, depends on what your kernel has support for23:11
SpaceGhostC2Crenegaid, I'd stick with ext2 or ext323:11
dc0mdabaR: why ext4?23:12
dabaRardchoille: that is not what it used to say a long time ago.23:12
icerootSpaceGhostC2C: kernel supports everything23:12
dabaRdc0m: I think that is the default for ubuntu now.23:12
SpaceGhostC2Ciceroot, yeah. but as a rule of thumb, not all kernels support everything.23:12
icerootSpaceGhostC2C: all kernels support ext2-4 and some others23:12
renegaidso basically it doesn't matter?23:12
dc0mdabaR: i use ext3, sometimes ext2. So its pretty much up to you....23:12
erUSULSpaceGhostC2C: the problem is with grub. it does not have a stage for everything :)23:12
SpaceGhostC2CdabaR, the reason I wouldn't use ext4 for my /boot is because it's not stable yet.23:12
dc0mSpaceGhostC2C: i agree.23:13
Seveasiceroot, ext4 only since rather recent though23:13
dabaRrenegaid: well, you should probably use what ubuntu uses by default.23:13
erUSULrenegaid: use ext*23:13
SeveasSpaceGhostC2C, does grub2 support ext4 already?23:13
dabaRrenegaid: but you could use something else if you want.23:13
icerootSeveas: on all supported ubuntu-versions kernel support ext423:13
SpaceGhostC2Crenegaid, maybe. I use ext3 because it's stable.23:13
EPAstorJust anecdotal, but I'm running ext4 and grub2. Works fine for me.23:13
icerootSeveas: 8.04 can handle ext4 also23:13
renegaidit doesn't say what is default23:13
Seveasiceroot, I'm fairly sure dapper (6.04, still supported) doesn't :)23:13
dabaRrenegaid: what ubuntu are you gonna install?23:13
erUSULSeveas: it should at leat the ubuntu patched version :) or we all would be in much trouble23:13
SeveaserUSUL, kk :)23:14
EPAstorext4 is generally the default. Honestly, I don't think it makes much difference.23:14
SpaceGhostC2Ciceroot, I don't just use ubuntu. I run my own lfs distro for personal use among other things. So it's not a bandaid solution. Best idea is to let him know the ubuntu specific kernel has support, but not all.23:14
icerootSeveas: the server-edition, yes you are correct, its still supported (imo)23:14
dabaRrenegaid: and why do you need to know what type to use?23:14
dabaRrenegaid: I don't think the installer asks that.23:14
dc0mAll linux distros are flexible enough to fit them to your needs. So using ext4 just because Ubuntu use it as default is not a good reason.23:14
Seveasiceroot, for anout 15.5 more months :)23:14
SpaceGhostC2Crenegaid, if you want to live on the bleeding edge, try ext4 it's unstable but kinda cool and fast. If you want stable, go with ext3.23:14
icerootSpaceGhostC2C: this is ubuntu-support, so ubuntu is default distri23:14
seryldc0m: All is pretty encompassing, I'd say most.23:14
icerootSpaceGhostC2C: let me correct this, ubuntu is the only distri here23:15
administradorque cosa es esta23:15
SpaceGhostC2Ciceroot, Good job. Yes, this is ubuntu, but also I wouldn't pass on information that's only ubuntu specific as if it's true in all linux. I'd make sure to communicate that.23:15
SeveasSpaceGhostC2C, ext4 is definitely not unstable23:15
SpaceGhostC2C!es administrador23:15
erUSUL!es | administrador23:15
ubottuadministrador: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:15
dabaRadministrador: are you speaking italian?23:15
SpaceGhostC2CSeveas, umm, have they fixed some of the data loss bugs and other fails in the last two weeks?23:16
SeveasSpaceGhostC2C, so? That happens with any fs :)23:16
blakkheimlol no23:16
erUSULSpaceGhostC2C: yes; 32 has no problems at all. and the important bugfixes where backported to 3123:16
erUSULSpaceGhostC2C: also use jfs for a while and talk about a carppy fs ;P23:17
SpaceGhostC2CSeveas, my experience is that ext4 broke on me consistently for 17 reinstalls until I just went ext3. Plus my ext3 filesystems haven't broken ever.23:17
dc0mSeveas: ext4 is not recomended i production evironment.23:17
SeveasSpaceGhostC2C, lucky you :) ext3 cost me quite a bit of data (I was young and naive and didn't use backups :))23:17
SpaceGhostC2CSeveas, I've found that I'm a lucky person.23:18
SpaceGhostC2CI'll see if the newer ext4 isn't as fail as the previous.23:18
* erUSUL lost some pr0n once too23:18
administradordo not23:18
dabaRhee hee23:18
dabaRadministrador: what language?23:18
Seveas"On 15 January 2010, Google announced that it would upgrade its storage infrastructure from ext2 to ext4.[7]"23:18
erUSULdabaR: is spanish23:18
SpaceGhostC2CBut, I still say if you need some stability, then ext3 until ext4 has more time being stable under it's belt.23:18
Seveasnot that one companys opinion says all, but they do carry some weight :)23:18
dc0mext4 will certanly replace ext3, but it will be some time until that happens.23:19
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:19
erUSULadministrador: entra en #ubuntu-es23:19
SpaceGhostC2CSeveas, their decision bro. They can afford data loss.23:19
SeveasSpaceGhostC2C, that is true too23:19
administradorno hay nadie23:19
dc0mSpaceGhostC2C: that was my point, its up to them.23:19
erUSULSpaceGhostC2C: no they can afford to hire ext2-3-4 developer Ted T'so ;)23:19
dabaRadministrador: you might have to wait :-/ Or if you speak english, try here.23:20
EPAstorHonestly, once I had a major external hard drive fail, I decided to set up a real backup server. After that - I was a lot less worried about filesystem details. (rsync'd nightly, with dynamic snapshots taken and not overwritten for 30 days)23:20
serylEPAstor: raid's nice too... imo.23:20
serylEPAstor: drive failures shouldn't be something you should worry about23:20
SpaceGhostC2CerUSUL, anytime a cluster goes down in google they have more ready that are set up. The only real problem was in the last year the load balance was focusing to a specific group of clusters overloading them and leaving others idle.23:20
administradormy ingles es malo perdon23:20
EPAstorseryl: Sure... I didn't mention that the backup server is running a mirrored pair.23:20
erUSULSpaceGhostC2C: Seveas they've got journal-less ext4 mode coded just for them (google used ext2 becouse of this)23:21
SeveaserUSUL, as I said: they arry some weight :)23:21
jageadministrator: type /j #ubuntu-es23:21
SpaceGhostC2CerUSUL, why would I want to use it without the journal? Silly..23:21
dabaRjage: I think he said noone is there.23:21
erUSULSpaceGhostC2C: well if google do it there is food for thought23:21
dabaRadministrador: Maybe later someone will be in ubuntu-es23:22
SpaceGhostC2CWe've all been offtopic for so long. Can we move it to #ubuntu-offtopic, but not drop the subject?23:22
SeveasSpaceGhostC2C, in a system where you can live with dataloss, it's fine. Google's BigTable is one of those systems.23:22
erUSULdabaR: not true i'm op there.23:22
dabaRerUSUL: I thought he said that...23:22
jageno one is there vs. no one is answering23:22
Yushatakcan someone tell me a graphical GTK-based FTP client that's in the repo i can grab to use?23:22
dabaROK, well, all you need to do is get him there somehow :)23:22
SpaceGhostC2CSeveas, totally. I agree, hence why I said it earlier. But I doubt the original asker has that sort of system.23:22
erUSULdabaR: he must have misstyped channel name. he did not enter the channel23:22
Seveashehe, I don't even remember who the original asker was. The discussion was too good for those details ;)23:23
ldleworkHow can I force a Current Working Directory for an Application Menu item?23:23
erUSULSeveas: a common missconception. journal does not prevent data loss it only prevents big fsck after unclean shutdwon23:23
SpaceGhostC2CI'm glad I was a part of it. Can we keep going, but in offtopic?23:23
SeveaserUSUL, replaying the journal avoids dataloss23:24
Seveasnot prevents, but avoids :)23:24
Nozyhey all does some know the best way to over ride the "not enough free disk space" error on the upgrade ?23:24
dabaRSpaceGhostC2C: Do you really think it is necessary to keep the channel quiet if noone is asking questions>?23:24
dabaRNozy: you sure it is an error?23:24
icerootNozy: free some disk-space23:24
SeveasNozy, yeah, delete some files :)23:24
SpaceGhostC2CdabaR, it's not relative to the channel, there are rules.23:24
SpaceGhostC2Csee this.23:24
Nozy16 GB23:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:24
icerootNozy: sud apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean23:24
mneptokYasumoto: Nautilus. it's already installed.23:25
dabaRSpaceGhostC2C: ya, but do you know why the rule was made?23:25
Nozydid that23:25
mneptokgah tab-fail23:25
Nozyhas not help23:25
icerootNozy: 16gb on what? /boot? / /home or what?23:25
Seveashi mneptok :)23:25
Nozyboots low23:25
icerootNozy: post output of  df -h to pastebin23:25
dabaRWhere are .desktop files?23:25
mneptokSeveas: arrr!23:25
SeveasNozy, clean up some old kernels23:25
Nozyok 2 sec23:25
Michalxohello all! I am having a strange bug for a few weeks. My fonts are UGLY in firefox-3.6, vlc, opera and some other applications, but not in gnome-default apps, where can be a problem pls?23:25
mneptokYasumoto: sumi masen.23:25
NozySeveas: thinking that too now23:26
Seveasmneptok, your parrot is pooping on your back :P23:26
SpaceGhostC2CdabaR, because it cluttered the channel. This chat would be perfect for offtopic. Feel free to debate, but I'm out of here.23:26
mneptokSeveas: it's OK. so am i.23:26
erUSULSeveas: that's true only in the special journal=data mode of ext* fs in a normal journal (like the other ext modes of jfs and xfs) it does not.23:26
UncleDUpdate: Woman in U of Alabama-Huntsville shooting opened fire in faculty meeting when she learned she wouldn't get tenure.23:27
iceroot!ot | UncleD23:27
ubottuUncleD: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:27
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer23:28
* jp-- is dist-upgrading from 8.04 to 9.04 on a minimal system, hope it all goes well when rebooting :(23:28
david__HIIim having an issue to where i cannot select 1024x768 in the display manager23:28
=== good is now known as wubi
dabaRMichalxo: That might help.23:28
erUSULjp--: you have to do 8.04 --> 8.10 --> 9.0423:28
jp--i already did it23:29
FloodBot4jp--: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:29
jp--it's installing the packages.23:29
Seveasjp--, don't worry too much23:29
erUSULjp--: or wait until lucid is out in april and do 8.04 ---> 10.0423:29
jp--already dist upgraded erUSUL23:29
Nozylooks like /boot is what it say is low ....23:29
BORJSola o hello23:29
jp--hope it boots23:29
Seveasjp--, just let it continue. If it fails, use dpkg --configure -a and apt-get -f install and apt-get dist-upgrade to keep it going. If you can't make it go anymore and you get an error, pastebin the error and come back. Don't reboot before it all finished succesfully :)23:30
neil_dcan you run msdos programs on Linux?23:31
Seveasneil_d, with dosbox or wine23:31
jp--thanks Seveas :) it feels good to have your support23:31
Nozyneil_d:  yes dosbox23:31
Eremiteneil_d, there are DOS emulators in the Ubuntu repos.23:31
ldleworkCan anyone help me create an application launcher where I can decide what the current working directory is?23:31
andrew__So.. best app for gmail on ubuntu?23:32
Nozydam I have fix down boot ..... to only 102423:32
cheezey1so im getting a start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; ...and so i basically don't have graphics at all =(23:32
Seveasandrew__, thunderbird, evolution, firefox...23:33
SpaceGhostC2C!best | andrew__23:33
ubottuandrew__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:33
ldleworkIts like... unless my problem is "Omg ubuntu just crashed my computer, its not booting anymore" I can't get the easy answers in here heh.23:33
neil_dldlework: have you tried creating a small script to do a 'cd' etc. then using the application launcher to start the script.23:33
ldleworkneil_d, tada, good idea.23:33
Bertramhi, I need help with ubuntu, i get error "Grub Loading - error: no such partition and then the grub rescue prompt23:33
ldleworkI should have thought of that23:33
jp--i really did a lot of modifications to 8.04, changed ttys configurations, xorg.conf, xsession, omg.23:34
jp--and I'm doing all this to compile a stable version of vlc mozilla plugin23:35
mkanyicyBertram, what operating systems do you have? on which partitions? pastebin fdisk -l output23:35
Bertramis this the right place to get assistance with the grub loader problem I have?23:35
jp--that won't crash when refreshing a page on firefox.23:35
cheezey1this is so weird. i have graphics but i don't have the standard stuff like taskbars and stuff.23:35
Bertramok, thanks, i will explain23:35
Bertrami had dual boot system, xp and ubuntu 9.1023:35
mkanyicyBertram, how are you logged in now?23:36
Bertramdifferent pc23:36
mkanyicyBertram, do you have an ubuntu live cd?23:37
EremiteBertram, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351  <-- How to reinstall Grub with a Live CD23:37
Bertramyes, version 9.1023:37
Bertramit does not boot from cd23:37
Bertrami tried to boot from xp cd as well23:37
mkanyicyBertram, edit your boot sequence in your BIOS settings23:38
Bertrami formatted harddrive in other computer23:38
Bertrami cant, it does not allow me23:38
mkanyicyBertram, which hard drive did you format?23:38
Bertrami have to press f12 at boot to boot from cd23:38
Eremitemkanyicy is right, Bertram.  You need to hit (probably) DEL or F12 when your PC is just startinmg and then adjust the BIOS to boot from CD first.23:38
mkanyicyBertram, thats fine then23:38
Bertramthe hdd that had ubuntu and xp installed23:39
EremiteBertram, how did the error occure?  What made it happen?23:39
mkanyicyBertram, and you formated in now?23:39
Bertramafter format in other pc, i installed and still get error23:39
Bertramgrub rescue prompt23:40
Bertramim stuck23:40
HalabundIf a window is stretched horizontally all the way, the title bar and borders disappear here on Karmic.23:40
mkanyicyBertram, i am a bit lost23:40
mkanyicyBertram, you HAD windows xp and ubuntu BEFORE. and you took the hdd out to another pc and formatted it?23:41
mkanyicyBertram, what did you do after formatting?23:41
Bertrambut still get the grub rescue prompt and does not want to boot from cd23:42
tessarakt<Bertram> grub rescue prompt23:42
tessaraktyou use RAID?23:42
tessarakttry typing: insmod linux<Enter>normal<Enter>23:42
tessaraktbut I do not know how to fix it :-(23:42
tessaraktI have it myself23:42
Bertramit says no such partition23:43
mkanyicyBertram, I have no experience about RAID, i don't think i could be of any help, sorry23:43
tessaraktthen your problem is different from mine23:43
* jp-- is still unpacking and installing...23:43
tessaraktumm, what are you trying?23:44
tessaraktbooting from CD?23:44
Bertrami cant understand why pc wont boot from cd23:44
mkanyicyBertram, as a rough suggestion, you should not format a drive if you still want to boot from it23:44
tessaraktyou need to tell it in BIOS settings23:44
tessaraktthe HDD is bootable after all23:44
tessaraktonly the bootloader has nothing to boot23:45
Bertrami tried as i have read other forms and nothing helps23:45
Bertramstill stuck at grub rescue prompt23:46
cheezey1i can't get gdm to start =|23:46
cheezey1xserver starts... i think23:47
privateabstractYou think?23:47
Guest_894Where can I send a gnome-ppp config file for analysis?23:48
cheezey1privateabstract: i dunno. i have graphics, but no fancy ones. =P23:49
Dead_Linki need help with ubuntu 9.10 on a thinkpad x4023:54
Bertramok my problem-i had xp and ubuntu on same disk, different partitions, ubuntu stopped working so i deleted partion with Easus partition manager-when i rebooted it gave error "Grub Loading: no susch partition-i tried booting from xp cd but does not want to boot from cd-i then took out hdd and formated in other pc-i put hdd back but still get the grub rescue prompt-still unable to boot from xp or ubuntu cd-so there is no o/s on hdd-pleas23:54
MichalxoBertram 9.10?23:55
=== martin___ is now known as ratboy
snezI listed the channels and #ubuntu had 1337 users23:56
MichalxoBertram try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows23:56
Dead_Linkwhen my ubuntu is suspending to standby-mode and then awakes on my command the device is starting but the display stays black/turned off23:56
Michalxoyou should have grub2 if you haven't upgraded from earlier versions of ubuntu Bertram23:57
Bertramyes have grub2 but unable to boot from live cd23:57
Dead_Linki tried to install the intel drivers but it said that they were allready installed and xorg.conf cant be configurated because it isn't even there23:58
Bertrami checked bios but there are no options to boot from cd23:58
Bertramibm pentium 323:58
MichalxoBertram nor from usb-flash, right? :-/23:59
Bertrami tried that 223:59
iclebytedoes anyone know the cause of this error when using dpkg-buildpackage? 'tail: cannot open `debian/changelog' for reading: No such file or directory'23:59
Bertrami even tried win 98 startup disk23:59
MichalxoBertram try flashing bios :-/23:59

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