
Lam3r_cowell, fffffuuuuuuu is all I can say, this cpu does not have padlock :(00:02
Sachse_SiechtumHow can I change floppy mount only for root?00:09
`mOOse`guys - is there any relief from the crap fonts that I have to endure when I use firefox?01:26
`mOOse`is there truetype-equivalent-font-set someplace?01:26
robertzaccouri'm on an iMac and i can't figure out how to boot xubuntu i have on a usb flash to install02:01
robertzaccourcan anyone help please?02:01
robertzaccourdoes anyone know how to install xubuntu on an imac with a usb flash drive? i already have it on the usb02:06
`mOOse`since I have zero experience with macs I don't think it's in your best interest that I help you - if someone DOES have the experience I'm sure they'd chime in02:07
robertzaccouri'm tryin to install xubuntu on my imac and i need help02:44
robertzaccourall i have is a usb flash drive with xubuntu no discs02:45
robertzaccourand i don't know how to boot it02:45
robertzaccouri tried holding the option key and it just brings up the HD icon and that just boots the mac desktop02:45
robertzaccourcan anyone help?02:45
robertzaccouranyone here?02:47
robertzaccourthis sucks02:49
`mOOse`everybody's here02:49
`mOOse`have you done any research? say...google?02:50
`mOOse`and what has your research told you?02:50
robertzaccouri tried holding option key and c and the apple logo key02:50
robertzaccourall option does is bring up HD icon and it just boots to the desktop02:50
robertzaccourthe other keys did nothing02:50
`mOOse`that's a lot of research, yep02:51
`mOOse`how about google?02:51
robertzaccourfor hours02:51
`mOOse`so do you think there's the slightest chance that maybe people don't install ubuntu on imacs for a reason?02:52
robertzaccouri dunno02:52
robertzaccouri decided i prefer xubuntu thats all02:52
`mOOse`that the architecture is not compatible to the code?02:52
`mOOse`that's fine but02:53
robertzaccourit supposedly is02:53
`mOOse`who supposed that/02:53
pleia2robertzaccour: might want to post your question to ubuntuforums02:53
* pleia2 doesn't have any experience with xubuntu on macs either02:53
`mOOse`I mean if it's doable then you know there's a howto out there someplace02:54
`mOOse`and if you googled it like you said you did then you'd have some notion of how to go about installing it02:54
robertzaccourmac doesn't operate my sub flash drive properly02:54
`mOOse`well there's your first problem02:55
robertzaccouri read hold down the option key, all that does is bring up the HD icon which boots the desktop02:55
robertzaccournot a problem02:55
`mOOse`why not download the iso and burn it to a cd and install it that way? assuming it's possible to install at all02:55
robertzaccouri'm tryin to boot from the flash drive02:55
robertzaccourwhat key do i hold to boot from the flash drive?02:55
`mOOse`yes, ad nauseum - we know that02:55
robertzaccouri don't have a cd02:55
`mOOse`no idea - I don't have an imac!02:55
`mOOse`is this a power pc?02:56
`mOOse`or intel? how old is it?02:56
robertzaccour3 years i think02:57
`mOOse`well once again, being at a crippling disadvantage I googled and got  137,000 hits on "boot flash drive imac key"...02:58
`mOOse`and again not having a clue WHAT model you ACTUALLY have because you haven't told us, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28326 tells me that you can't install from a usb port02:59
`mOOse`but then again - who knows?02:59
robertzaccourthat article is 200502:59
`mOOse`welp - how bout you finding the relevant article then?03:01
robertzaccouri've been looking for hours. scroll up03:01
`mOOse`yes I can read quite well thanks03:01
`mOOse`again - without knowing what model you have it's pretty difficult to help you03:02
robertzaccourModel Name:iMac03:02
robertzaccour  Model Identifier:iMac5,203:02
`mOOse`would that be it?03:03
`mOOse`listen - gotta run - good luck03:04
robertzaccouryes thats it03:04
aybabtuPost your screenshots here!!!  http://boards.4chan.org/b/res/196461101#19646529603:26
st4rscr34mhey all, can anyone tell me how I can turn off the icons in front of "Applications" and "Places"04:17
aybabtuGuys, I hit prnt scrn button and nothing happens. I can use compiz screenshot but I dont like dragging. Anyone help me out?04:37
robertzaccouri booted xubuntu karmic on my intel imac and got to the boot screen and it wouldn't go past the black screen after the white mouse in the middle04:39
robertzaccouris this a known issue?04:40
robertzaccourshould i try ubuntu instead of xubuntu?04:40
syn-ackrobertzaccour: it's a known issue.04:42
syn-ackIt was a bug in xserver-xorg-intel for me04:43
robertzaccouris there any xubuntu/ubuntu version that will work? daily build maybe?04:43
robertzaccouror should i just give up?04:43
syn-ackWell, Mine is working now... have you updated to the latest packages?04:44
syn-ackrobertzaccour: actually do this04:44
robertzaccourdo what?04:44
syn-ackALT, CTRL F1 and log into your console, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:44
syn-ackThen reboot04:45
robertzaccouri'm in mac now, xubuntu won't boot to the desktop04:45
robertzaccourit shows the white mouse in the center of the screen then goes black and doesn't go to the desktop04:45
syn-ackGo to your virtual terminal04:45
syn-ackyou don't need x for that04:46
robertzaccourhow do i go to virtual terminal?04:46
syn-ackyoure in a mac... apple ctrl f104:46
robertzaccouri'm not using virtualbox04:46
syn-ackdude did I say anything about virtualbox?04:47
syn-ackDo what I told you please04:47
syn-ackpress apple ctrl and f104:47
robertzaccourits not opening anything04:47
syn-ackdo you have an alt key?04:47
robertzaccouryes its alt and option04:48
syn-ackok so alt opt and f1 then04:48
robertzaccourstill nothing04:48
robertzaccourrunning snowleopard04:48
syn-ackthen boot to ubuntu04:48
robertzaccourso i should try ubuntu instead of xubuntu?04:49
syn-ackyou need to boot ubuntu, then do that key combo, login and upgrade your system04:49
syn-ackjust do what I ask, please04:49
robertzaccouron the black screen?04:49
robertzaccourok brb thanks04:50
syn-ackwhen you press that key combo, you'll be greeted with a text login, log in then do what I asked you to04:50
robertzaccouri'm back04:58
robertzaccourscreen stayed black04:58
robertzaccourstill having problems booting into xubuntu04:59
syn-ackdid you get to VT1?05:00
robertzaccourno i got to the black screen past the white mouse05:01
syn-ackdid it have any writing on it?05:01
robertzaccourthere was right before the white mouse but just for a couple seconds, that was before i pressed anything05:01
syn-ackand did you do the ctrl alt F1 combo?05:02
robertzaccouryes i did05:04
robertzaccournothing changed05:04
syn-ackIt should have.05:04
syn-ackI mean, it works for me then and now just fine05:04
robertzaccourmaybe i should try alternate iso05:05
syn-ackrobertzaccour: it's got nothing to do with your iso05:05
caimlasrobertzaccour, hi, it looks like you're trying to use Linux. Would you like help?05:05
robertzaccouryes please05:05
syn-ackit would have done it on Ubuntu as well05:05
syn-ackrobertzaccour: do you have another system from which you can log into here05:05
caimlasrobertzaccour, do what syn-ack said, then read/do this if it doesn't fix it: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-to-reconfigure-x-windows-system-xorg-server/05:06
bazhangthis is on a mac though, correct?05:06
caimlasif that doesn't work, maybe go back to OSX and stay there.05:06
robertzaccouryes on an imac right now05:06
syn-ackbazhang: yeah, but it shouldnt matter since the key combo is the same05:06
caimlasrobertzaccour, we gathered that.05:07
bazhangintel imac right?05:07
bazhangsorry to be late to the proceedings, so missed some details05:07
syn-ackbazhang: he's been hit by the intel xserver bug that was just fixed05:08
robertzaccouri try to boot the live cd and it doesn't go past the black screen right after the the white mouse after selecting boot live/install05:08
bazhangsyn-ack, ouch05:08
robertzaccourit was fixed?05:08
syn-ackI've been trying to get him to log into the console to log in and and update his system05:08
syn-ackyes, it was. Today05:08
caimlassyn-ack, that was -just- fixed? god, that problem was bothering me a year ago :-o05:08
robertzaccouri need to update mac?05:08
bazhangah right, sorry to interrupt syn-ack05:08
caimlasif it's the same bug05:09
bazhanghave to get lunch anyway :)05:09
syn-ackrobertzaccour: you need to update the software, not the hardware05:09
syn-ackcaimlas: it was a new one. :/05:09
caimlasrobertzaccour, think of it as a "driver issue"05:09
caimlassyn-ack, hmm.05:09
robertzaccourhow do i fix it?05:09
syn-ackrobertzaccour: you need to log into the console and update your system05:09
caimlassyn-ack, doesn't Ubuntu lock people out of going to VTs by default now?05:10
caimlasctl-alt-bk is, at least05:10
caimlasor was in 9.0405:10
robertzaccourwhats VTs?05:10
syn-ackthey lock zapping by default05:10
robertzaccourmaybe i should use the daily build05:10
caimlasrobertzaccour, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_console05:10
syn-ackit's a simple fix if you'd just relax.05:10
syn-ackrobertzaccour: so, do you have another system from which you can log into here while working on that mac?05:11
caimlasrobertzaccour, Ctl-Apple-F1 or some similar key combination to get to a VT05:11
robertzaccourno i don't05:11
robertzaccouractually the ps305:11
robertzaccourit has a web browser05:11
robertzaccourbut no irc05:11
syn-ackok, so reboot to ubuntu and do what caimlas just said05:11
robertzaccourso i guess i don't05:11
syn-ackyou will be greeted with a text login05:12
syn-ackenter the username05:12
syn-ackenter the pass05:12
syn-acksudo apt-get update05:12
caimlasrobertzaccour, might be Ctl-Apple-F1 might be Apple-Ctl-F1 might be some other key combo.05:12
caimlasWRITE IT DOWN05:12
robertzaccouri have never installed ubuntu on this system yet05:12
robertzaccouri'm tryin to install it05:12
syn-ackso you're not dual booting?05:12
robertzaccouri've only got mac on it05:12
robertzaccourtryin to install xubuntu05:13
syn-ackOk so get the daily then05:13
robertzaccourit should work fine?05:13
syn-ackthat issue is Casper related, not xserver x org related05:13
syn-ackit should if they solved the casper issue05:13
robertzaccourxubuntu or ubuntu daily?05:13
syn-ackwell what are you looking to run?05:14
syn-ackthen grab that daily05:14
robertzaccourbut i'm not sure which is more intel mac friendly gnome or xfce05:14
syn-ackdefine "mac friendly"\05:14
robertzaccourhardware friendly sorry05:15
robertzaccourless bugs on this hardware05:15
caimlassyn-ack, I think I know how to fix it05:15
caimlasrobertzaccour, are you on OSX right now?05:15
syn-ackdon't. :P05:16
syn-ackno larts for you, caimlas! :P05:16
caimlasdon't what? I'm trying to help.05:16
syn-ackI thought you were going to tell him to stay there. :P05:16
robertzaccouryes i am05:16
robertzaccourdownloaded daily right now05:16
syn-ackrobertzaccour: just grab the xubuntu daily05:16
syn-ackthen try try again05:16
robertzaccour9 minutes left05:16
robertzaccourthen burn then try again05:17
robertzaccouri'm watchin manswers while its downloading05:18
robertzaccourthanks for the help yall05:20
robertzaccourso, what to talk about while waiting05:20
robertzaccour1 minute then burn05:26
robertzaccouryall still there?05:30
robertzaccourhaha right05:32
robertzaccouri can skip verifying right?05:33
syn-ackI would verify just to be on the safe side, but you can, sure05:34
robertzaccourits a cd-r so i can't use it again anyway05:34
robertzaccourtime to try again brb thanks05:34
ubuntu_i'm back05:44
ubuntu_i'm the guy that couldn't get xubuntu goin on the imac, its runnin now yeehaw05:44
ubuntu_thanks yall05:44
ubuntu_this kicks mac's ass, i fell for the mac looks and soon realized its shitty05:45
syn-ackcongrats and please watch the language05:46
ubuntu_oh sorry about that05:46
syn-ackbut yea, I have the same hardware you do for a LOT less than you paid. :D05:46
ubuntu_figured kids are away and didn't think05:46
ubuntu_i paid 72505:47
ubuntu_it performs a lot better than mac thats for sure05:47
ubuntu_till recently i was using a netbook05:47
syn-ackI paid a little less than that for this machine05:48
ubuntu_oh cool05:48
syn-ackanyway, if you want to be of please go to #xubuntu-offtopic and I will gladly talk to you there05:48
ubuntu_and i thought i got a good deal haha05:48
caimlasI paid a little more than $72505:49
caimlasbut I also got a lot more machine, I suspect.05:49
caimlasit will last me 3 more years w/o upgrade, I suspect.05:49
st4rscr34mwhere are the icons for panels and such installed? I want to overwrite them06:05
Sysiif you want to get new icons put them to ~/.icons06:06
Sysi~ means your home folder06:07
st4rscr34mI'm trying to overwrite a specific icon, since it isn't allowing me to change it.06:07
st4rscr34mIt is "Places"06:07
Sysi/usr/share/icons and select right icon set06:08
st4rscr34mah okay thank you06:11
st4rscr34malso, do you know any guides for customizing the DE?06:11
Sysiahem, DE?06:11
st4rscr34mdesktop enviorment06:12
st4rscr34malso, the icon wasn't in their06:13
st4rscr34mthough it was a very similar series of icons06:14
Sysiand if you want transparency, Settings → window manager tweaks06:15
st4rscr34mthank you :)06:36
st4rscr34mwhat is terminal actually called?06:38
st4rscr34mI'm trying to make a launcher06:38
st4rscr34malright, I found it sorry06:40
anom01yxubuntu related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxmUKVrT0iI07:00
morphleswhen moving windows their movement in y dirrection is limmited(you cant move window above upper screen border) how do i dissable this limitation? (btw i think its _very_ stupid to have it in a first place07:16
Sysii'm able to do that07:21
morphleshm i checked that again it seems to work just hass some resistance07:22
morphlesso sorry then, probably false alarm :)07:25
morphlesstill ill have to test it again on citrix virtual install07:25
Sysinp :)07:25
alt_can somebody help how can i change the hostname on my xubuntu live usb plzz ??07:32
Sysiwhat do you mean exactly?07:32
alt_instead of ubuntu@ubuntu07:33
morphlesvim /etc/hostname07:34
morphlesthen you might need to restart some service, probably network07:34
morphlesdunno* about witch one though07:34
alt_ok no problem thnx :D07:34
morphlesbtw why you need that on livecd?07:34
alt_in live usb....07:35
morphlesmissed taht :07:35
Balsaqahhhhh, home at last, in the peaceful binary rainforest known as............xubuntu (zoo boon too).07:37
alt_im sorry can i have once more that command :S ???07:43
morphlesvim /etc/hostname08:36
morphlessimply said08:36
morphlesedit /etc/hostname file08:36
l4ng1tanyone know about qmail?08:36
l4ng1ti already setup but can't use smtp08:36
knomel4ng1t, you always need to auth w/ gmail, even smtp08:50
l4ng1tknome, even i use it for everybody who connected at my network?08:51
knomegmait smtp is *not* public08:52
knomeit's meant to be used by single users with their own auth info08:53
knomeyou should ask your isp for public/general smtp access08:53
likemindeadMy speakers make a crackling noise when I'm using WiFi, kind of like when your mobile phone is near a speaker and it makes distortion noise. Know what I mean? Any ideas?10:31
likemindeadIt wasn't an issue before Karmic. :-\10:32
eXpl0i7move the phone on some other place :D10:32
likemindeadNo, it's not the phone, it's my laptop doing it on its own.10:34
likemindeadI found some posts online saying that they stopped their speakers from crackling by commenting out the last line of /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf but it didn't work for me.10:35
Soul_Shadowhello ppl'z12:45
Soul_ShadowI have broadwave installed lame encoder & lame acm encoder installed for it & now its acting like its mising mp3el again & will not even run... any suggestions?12:46
Soul_Shadowit was working untill I restarted12:47
Soul_Shadowis anyone home??12:49
Soul_Shadowhello niko. welcome to the lonly Xubuntu chan13:00
* Soul_Shadow pokes everyone in channel13:18
blip-hi, how do I install gdm themes under ubuntu ?    the net talks about using some sort of gui, but I don't seem to have this on my 9.10 xubuntu system13:22
Soul_Shadowdunno im only one activw in htis damn chan :(13:23
Soul_ShadowI need help with broadwave for linux :(13:25
blip-you;'ve only got 57 that's why13:25
blip-i have no idea what broadwave is, sorry.   but in general the proper approach is to just ask the questions... and wait13:25
Soul_Shadow I have broadwave installed lame encoder & lame acm encoder installed for it & now its acting like its mising mp3el again & will not even run... any suggestions?13:25
blip-in some channels, I ask the question and leave my computer.  few hours later I get a useful answer13:26
Soul_Shadowsigh... Time I little of :(13:26
Soul_Shadowtrying to set up a linux internet radio server13:26
blip-Soul_Shadow: ask in #ubuntu also.   this isn't xubuntu specific13:29
Soul_Shadow#/join #ubuntu13:31
WierdAARHello everybody, I just installed Xubuntu and I am wondering what manager to use to connect to my Creative Zen? I used Gnomad2 on kubuntu, but maybe there is a app more native to Xubuntu?13:37
Soul_ShadowG/L nobody active except me13:50
=== bittin__ is now known as bittin`
Soul_Shadow I have broadwave installed lame encoder & lame acm encoder installed for it & now its acting like its mising mp3el again & will not even run... any suggestions?13:56
Soul_Shadowit worked first time I installed it13:56
Lusulehi guys, i'm having a problem with my new xubuntu install, it works fine when i first load it, then i update, and later it decides it's not going to let me log in - it sends me to the log inscreen (even though I told it not to) and hten when i log in, looks like it's going to work, but hcanges its mind and sends me back to login in an endless loop14:00
TheSheepLusule: make sure you select session at login14:09
LusuleTheSheep: I have14:09
TheSheepthere might be two with the same name, try both14:10
Lusulei have14:10
TheSheepthere was a bug...14:10
Lusulethere are two xfce sessions and they both boot me back to gdm14:12
Psilocybin_ElfHi guys, I got a kernal update on Xubuntu 8.10 the other day, does anyone know which version it was? I can't remember...14:23
Psilocybin_ElfOr is there a command to get the kernal version listed?14:23
bittin`uname -m14:23
Psilocybin_ElfCheers :-)14:24
Sysii use -a usually14:24
bittin`or uname -s i mean :<14:24
Psilocybin_ElfOh yeah, thanx :-)14:24
bittin`or -a :)14:24
bittin`iam in other minds at the moment :D14:24
Lusuleokay, i did sudo stop gdm, then startx, and that loads it up fine14:27
Lusuleso it looks like the problem is with gdm14:28
Lusuleright so it's definitely a gdm problem, maybe i should just uninstall gdm, i don't need it, this is the only login i'll ever use14:33
TheSheepLusule: be aware that gdm does quite some additional work in xubuntu, setting up ICE auth and some ssh-agents and such14:39
TheSheepLusule: I never manager to get 100% functional desktop without gdm14:39
Lusulei don't seem to have a 100% functional desktop with it ><14:39
Lusulei have to kill it before i can log in14:40
Lusulethis install is not going well for me >< also have no sound, on a toshiba laptop15:14
Sysikarmic? have you checked that everything is unmuted15:15
Lusulewhere do i find those settings?15:15
Sysiclick icon in panel15:16
LusuleGStreamer was unable to detect any sound devices.  Some sound system specific GStreamer packages may be missing.  It may also be a permissions problem.15:16
Sysii think there's two places now, different for gnome-volume-manager and xfce-*15:16
talohahello all i have a problem, how to disable shade/unshade titlebar in xfce ?16:42
Sysiyou mean hiding? right click and configure panel16:43
talohanot panel16:44
talohabut titlebar16:44
Sysihum, you can at least take that button of from window manager settings16:45
Sysi(sorry when bad english)16:46
talohanp my english is bad too :)16:47
talohabut nothing option to disable shade/unshade in window manager settings16:48
Sysii'm not sure if it's possible16:48
WierdAARHello, I just saw the following when install Battle for Wesnoth. "The following packages were installed and are no longer needed "20-30 names". Type sudo apt-get autoremove to remove them". What should I make of this?16:56
TheSheepWierdAAR: what is unclear about that message?17:10
=== nikolam__ is now known as nikolam
Lusulehi there, i've managed to completely stuff up my install trying to get some issues working.  Now I can't even startx, I only have console.  I want to create a live-usb-pen to try ubuntu and see if that works any better, is there a way to do so from within console or do i need to reinstall xubuntu first?17:39
TheSheepyou can use w3m to browse17:41
TheSheepfind some howto17:41
Lusulei'm using my iphone17:41
Lusuledoesn't look like there is :(17:41
TheSheepsure there is, that's how you did it before they made that fancy gui17:42
TheSheepit's just... complicated17:42
Lusuleyeah, i think it's easier just to reinstall and create it from there17:42
Lusulebearing in mind i can't get a basic out of the box laptop setup to work17:42
Lusulei'm going to avoid fancy stuff for now17:43
Lusuleif i didn't hate windows so much i'd give up at this point17:43
rlameirohi there18:11
rlameirohas anyone here made a net install with a minimal cd?18:11
rlameiroI made an mirror with apt-mirror18:11
rlameirobut the installer cant find the release file18:11
rlameiromy apache server is running18:12
rlameiroI can acess it via network from others computer18:12
Sachse_SiechtumHow can I make a makro or something so I can start several programs instead clicking on every single one in the start menu?18:17
rlameiroSachse_Siechtum, you can make a script in bash that opens the programs you want18:19
rlameiroI cant program bash18:19
Sachse_Siechtumis there a how-to somewhere?18:19
rlameirobut i am sure it is easy to do, read around the net18:19
Sachse_SiechtumI'm not familiar in programming in linux18:19
rlameirobash is easy18:19
rlameirobut you need to learn18:20
rlameiromaybe ask someone in programming18:20
Sachse_SiechtumI used to pogram in turbo pascal but that was 10 years ago *g*18:20
rlameiroor search linux bash progrqamming18:20
bazhangnothing like startup applications in preferences?18:21
rlameiroSachse_Siechtum, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html18:21
rlameiroyea, you can also add the software to the startup18:22
Sachse_Siechtumbazhang I thought about that too...18:22
rlameirobut it will always open the apps when you login18:22
bazhangapplications>settings>settings manager ?18:23
Sachse_Siechtumoh another thing...how can I change rights on my floppy drive? right now I cant mount it, only root can..18:23
bazhangseems a whole lot easier than learning bash18:23
Sachse_Siechtumbaz yeah18:23
rlameiroyou wanted a makro... not to open it always... i only said bash because is builtin in all ubuntu18:26
rlameiroit could be in python or whatever18:26
rlameiroSachse_Siechtum, about the floppy look at the user and groups... maybe there is a group for the floppy, if so you need to add yourself to the group18:27
Sachse_Siechtumok. :-)18:28
Sachse_SiechtumI found a group "floppy" and checked my name on it.18:29
rlameiroSachse_Siechtum, does it work now?18:36
Sachse_Siechtumjust a moment...18:36
Sachse_SiechtumNo. :-( still says "only root can mount...."18:36
geniiWhen you change groups in the gui you need a logout-login cycle to make it effective19:31
Sachse_Siechtumok Thanks.19:34

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