
JontheEchidnaah, that bug should be fixed in kubuntu 10.0400:00
ejatJontheEchidna: ok .. thanks ..00:00
JontheEchidnaturning of translations for root should fix that00:00
JontheEchidnabut that's a bit not nice :(00:00
ejatic ..00:01
ejatis that a temp fix to that bugs ?00:01
JontheEchidnaa real fix is in the software-properties-kde in 10.0400:02
ejatJontheEchidna: r u using lucid already ? :)00:03
JontheEchidnayeah :)00:03
Lex79ejat: me and JontheEchidna updated to Lucid when karmic was released :D00:04
ejatLex79: i do it last time before karmic release .. ...00:05
ejatnow my projects end .. thinking to upgrade to lucid next week :)00:05
ejatany big issues in lucid b4 i upgrade ? :)00:05
JontheEchidnanot that I can recall. things have smoothed out00:06
ejatthe most important is working with projector + krandrtray :)00:06
ejatJontheEchidna: c00l .. so no issue for me to upgrade :)00:06
ejathow about suspend n hibernate ?00:07
JontheEchidnalet me see :P00:07
ejatJontheEchidna: :)00:07
ejatJontheEchidna: btw .. if ya dont mind asking .. will kde/kubuntu support thinkpad function key? :)00:08
ejatsince in ubuntu all keys working out of the box .. just wondering if in kubuntu it also can work flawlessly .. ;p00:09
JontheEchidnaworks for me, your mileage may vary00:12
ejatwb JontheEchidna .. r u trying the suspend n hibernate ?00:12
ejatok .. thanks00:12
ejatJontheEchidna: btw .. if ya dont mind asking .. will kde/kubuntu support thinkpad function key? :)00:13
ejatsince in ubuntu all keys working out of the box .. just wondering if in kubuntu it also can work flawlessly .. ;p00:13
ejatits ok ..00:13
ejatanyway .. thanks for trying it for me .. either next week before the alpha3 release00:14
Lex79good, I need kleo_export.h to build kopete-cryptography, but it's in not-installed in kdepim :(00:16
Lex79btw kdepim-dev is empty00:19
verbalshadowis koffice-kde4 broken, rather krita-kde4 broken for anyone else?02:48
shadeslayerany triagers around?05:57
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, Lex79: dpkg --compare-versions 4:2.0.3-kde4.4.0-0ubuntu1 gt 4:2.0.3really2.0.2-kde4.4.0-0ubuntu1; echo $?07:26
apacheloggerwhen in doubt :)07:26
markeyhuhu apachelogger07:40
apacheloggerahoy markey07:43
Xand3rahoy apachelogger08:06
apacheloggerhoy Xand3r08:10
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Nightroseapachelogger: update just killed my session for the 3rd time in 2 days :(09:06
apacheloggerNightrose: final kill that should have been09:07
Nightrosecause that's no fun tbh :(09:07
apacheloggerpostrm (the script responsible for all the killery) is used from the old package, so that last kill was necessary to get the new postrm that does not kill everything in ;)09:07
Nightrosei see09:08
apacheloggerotherwise I would have to hack up the preinst script of the other thingy manually mangling the postrm script of the other thing, which is kind of dangerous to just think about :)09:08
markeyapachelogger: latest upgrade crashed my whole desktop09:17
markeyused Synaptic09:17
markeysame happened to Mamarok09:17
Mamarokmarkey: read above09:17
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I really think that you should use this when calling own methods09:37
apacheloggerin cpp it gets easily confusing otherwise IMHO09:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: fixed the cpp kfi up a bit09:45
* Sput never uses the this pointer for calling methods, except when technically required09:54
Sputand I also don't see that in others' code09:54
* jussi01 waits for the crash09:54
jussi01mind you may take a bit to get, only got a 3g connection here.09:55
apacheloggerSput: oh well, from looking at other's misuse of C I  must conclude that "others" are no good example to go by ;)09:59
Sputapachelogger: in C++ you are not supposed to have global methods, so anything that's not called via another object *is* a local method09:59
Sputno need for the this pointer10:00
Sputif you really need global methods, use ::myMethod()10:00
apacheloggerSput: true, maybe I am just too much of a C wrapper these days10:00
Sputwasting precious bytes for writing this-> all over the place is unnecessary :)_10:00
Sputand C doesn't have this-> !10:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: letz reimplement kfi in nicely C ontained asm10:01
apacheloggerSput: I know, I meant the fact that I find methods in cpp without object preceeding it awful looking10:02
Sputapachelogger: don't ever look at Qt, KDE or any other cpp code then :)10:03
apacheloggerSput: nah, I'll just spend the next semester implementing some wacko SVG app in cpp, that should straighten me up again ;)10:07
Tm_Tgah, it's a nightmare to try to find ppa repositories10:47
apacheloggerScottK: if you could take a glimps at bug 47792211:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 477922 in kubuntu-meta "kubuntu-netbook Dell Mini 10v touchpad motion on click area" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47792211:19
apacheloggerTm_T: how very true11:19
apacheloggera|wen: ping11:34
a|wenapachelogger: pong11:34
apacheloggera|wen: you were looking into iso mounting, werent you?11:34
a|wenapachelogger: jup; the best of existing options i could find is kfuseiso (but it only works for konqueror), so i'm thinking about simply going with some servicemenu shortcuts for it instead11:37
apacheloggera|wen: as long as we can get bugs fixed ... bug 66508 please :)11:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 66508 in kubuntu-meta "ISO mount from context menu" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6650811:37
apacheloggera|wen: why does kfuseiso only work with konqueror btw?11:37
a|wenapachelogger: it registers as a special protocol, and for some reason this is still only supported in konqueror11:41
a|wenapachelogger: I've added some service-menu shortcuts which makes sure to do things the same way as kfuseiso, so it works in dolphin (with less features) and mounted isos can then be seen and viewed in konqueror as if it was done using kfuseiso11:43
a|wenapachelogger: we could either distribute that as a whole; or it could be split up into two (having the service-menu entries by itself)11:44
apacheloggera|wen: your choice, if you think the servicemenu is enough, then we should just include that and save CD space :)11:46
apacheloggerotherwise JontheEchidna has to go around porting python stuff to cpp and that is gonna be a bit more work than kfi ;)11:46
a|wenapachelogger: as dolphin is the default, not much point in having a lot of extra features in konqueror for this ... then comes the question if it should be a seperate source-package; and what we should name it (or if we simply should add it to dolphin and have it recommend fuseiso (needs MIR))11:49
apacheloggerI still would just be rejecting the wish altogether :P11:50
apacheloggermount -o loop is not that much a hassle really :P11:50
apacheloggercould do more useful things with the disc space11:50
apacheloggera|wen: kde-service-menu-iso or something probably is a good name11:51
a|wenapachelogger: heh; i have a wrapper for those as well (but some people don't like that they have to have admin access)11:53
apacheloggersome people dont think that mounting a iso is a common task either :P12:28
a|wenapachelogger: true; well in any case http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kde-service-menu-iso13:13
apacheloggera|wen: imho it should be non-native13:14
apacheloggera|wen: maybe -fuseiso is a better name after all ;)13:16
apacheloggera|wen: kde-open > xdg-open13:18
apacheloggerdescriptions exceed 80 chars/line13:19
a|wenthen I should find somewhere to put it and all :P well i'll go make it non-native and change the name later today13:27
a|wenthx for the quick review13:28
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Guest65514hello nixternal15:53
apacheloggerQuintasan1: you were working on the input method stuff? ... http://primalcortex.wordpress.com/2010/02/12/kde-4-4-sc-kubuntu-backports-dead-keys-acentos-nos-caracteres-portugueses sounds like something related to that stuff16:27
* apachelogger is wondering if this is positive for lucid too16:31
jtechidnaapachelogger: confirming the kdm upgrade is fixed here16:41
apacheloggerjtechidna: did you doubt my superior timelord intellect :P16:42
apacheloggerok ^^16:46
ryanakcaapachelogger: assuming you were asking if dead keys were broken with lucid's 4.4.0 ... not here, áőîñ :)16:51
apacheloggerryanakca: I hope you are using ibus as input method?16:51
apacheloggerright click input field -> select im16:52
apacheloggershould have ibus selected16:52
ryanakcaapachelogger: Yes, looks like I am. Never played with it though...16:53
apacheloggerryanakca: I'll prepare to revert the ibus-for-default-patch for karmic then16:53
apacheloggerin case Quintasan1 chooses to agree with reverting16:54
apacheloggerjtechidna: ping17:10
shtylmando we have something to manage encrypted folders in kubuntu?17:17
apacheloggerI do not think so17:19
apacheloggerunless KDE comes with something builtin17:19
shtylmanapachelogger: gotcha17:19
claydoheye <3 u guys!17:27
claydoh4.4 is very nice17:27
a|wenapachelogger: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kde-service-menu-fuseiso <-- all points fixed; now it even uses cmake to install17:49
Xand3rmoin apachelogger17:49
mcguireHi everybody, I want to start to help development of Kubuntu specific software (programming, not packaging), could someone point me to the right documentation/wiki page that explain from where to checkout code, ...  I've only found https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/Development#Programming which is not really helpful in this case. Sorry if I missed something.17:49
a|wenapachelogger: have to run now; just leave a comment on revu if you find something missing17:59
shtylmanScottK: are we aware that our iso does not fit on a cd?18:16
Lex79apachelogger: thanks for the dpkg --compare-versions  command, it's usefull sometimes :)18:32
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mcguireRiddell: esdaniel on #kubuntu tell me to ask you where/how to start with programming in Kubuntu specific software. Have you some time to help me?18:40
jtechidnaapachelogger: pong18:51
apacheloggerLex79: yeah, it helps quite a bit with them fancy long version constructs :)18:52
apacheloggerjtechidna: zander suggested that we get a group of kubuntu users to try koffice, any thoughts on that?18:53
apacheloggerjtechidna: http://identi.ca/notice/2188657318:54
apacheloggermcguire: define programming kubuntu specific software?18:56
apacheloggerusually I would suspect that you have some itch you want to scratch18:56
apacheloggerit is not particular fun to get started with programming stuff someone else tells you to program ;)18:56
jtechidnaapachelogger: would be quite interesting18:57
jtechidnasounds a bit like usability testing?18:57
apacheloggerthough on a broarder scale than usability18:57
apacheloggerI suspect18:57
jtechidnausability + functionality18:58
apacheloggeralso more casual18:58
apacheloggersince we cannot really test specific cases at all18:58
apacheloggerwell, not not at all, but only limited ;)18:58
jtechidnaso, we set up a wiki table, make an announcement on kubuntu.org and let the users go nuts?18:58
jtechidnamayhaps an announcement on kubuntu-users18:58
mcguireapachelogger: kubuntu specific software=developed for Kubuntu, not in Ubuntu nor KDE19:00
claydohthe forum would get more users than the puny amount in kubuntu-users :(19:00
apacheloggermcguire: yeah well, what in particular, what do you think is missing19:01
claydohbut I just answered a koffice -specific q in the list just now :)19:01
apacheloggerjtechidna: I think we need more organization than that19:02
apacheloggerclaydoh: I expect we want to drain people from multiple resources19:02
mcguireapachelogger: no particular idea, I just just want to help other dev to create maintain and correct bugs in Kubuntu utilities, scripts and so on...19:03
claydohdrain away :) I think there would be good feedback from the few in there19:03
apacheloggerjtechidna: how about ... prepare packages for all sorts of setups if necessary, prepare a questionnaire ("how did you like it? 0-4 points" "how did you like kword? 0-4 points" ...), aggregate general feedback in wiki or somewhere19:06
apacheloggerjtechidna: use some forum for discussion and organization (in favor of mailing list as pointed out by claydoh)19:06
apacheloggerclaydoh: btw, how about that ppa policy discussion you started? ;)19:07
apacheloggermcguire: do you speak python?19:07
claydohapachelogger: I forget that one, will look at it again19:07
mcguireapachelogger: I've read and patch some program in this language in my company, don't appear to be a complex language to learn19:10
apacheloggerit isn't19:12
apacheloggerto use it in a bug free way is impossible though ;)19:12
apacheloggermcguire: anyhow, you could look for bugs at launchpad19:12
apacheloggerin the packages apturl and jockey and install-package and software-properties19:13
shadeslayerXand3r: ping19:13
mcguireapachelogger: ok, I will look at these projects19:16
apacheloggeromg jtechidna is not talking to me anymore19:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: maybe you went deaf? :P19:19
apacheloggermore like blind in this particular case19:20
apacheloggerclaydoh: ping19:20
claydohapachelogger: pong?19:23
apacheloggerwanna be my new brainstorm buddy, jtechidna doesnt have any time for me :P19:24
claydohapachelogger: I always do for you :)19:24
apacheloggerclaydoh: so, where do we organize that koffice review?19:25
apacheloggerI suspect a wiki would be most appropriate19:25
apacheloggerand I would go towards a KDE wiki because they support openid (hence one can login using launchpad stuff)19:26
claydoha wiki , yes19:26
apacheloggerquestion is ... techbase or userbase19:26
apacheloggerformer is probably more appropriate for organization, latter for execution?19:26
claydohuserbase? I dunno19:26
claydohI need to look19:26
apacheloggeror maybe use techbase for both19:27
apacheloggerNightrose: ping19:27
apacheloggerclaydoh: in any case I think using a kde wiki has loads of advantages over the ubuntu wiki19:27
apacheloggere.g. koffice devs can be included more easily in the preps19:27
claydohapachelogger: true19:27
claydohtho depending on the wiki, user input can be daunting for some folks19:28
apacheloggerthen again, usually when I try to use the powas of kubuntu to better kde I get bashed for treating kubuntu better or something ;)19:28
apacheloggerclaydoh: maybe get input via google spreadsheet or other means of questionnairing?19:29
apacheloggerkind of depends on which information we want to aggregate I suppose19:29
claydohapachelogger: that is key: what are we looking to find out?19:29
apacheloggerhow far along koffice is in terms of replacing ooo with it19:29
apacheloggeri.e. how good does koffice match the home user use case at this point19:30
claydohso doc import/export and usefulness19:30
apacheloggeralso overall usefulness vs. buggyness I suspect19:30
claydohprinting, etc19:30
apacheloggerthe stuff a regular home user would want to do with his office19:30
persiaWhy not also the stuff a regular office user might want?19:32
persia(mostly the same, but usually involves more spreadsheets and presentations)19:32
apacheloggerI would expect a regular office user to make use of advanced features ;)19:33
apacheloggerthough if indeed they do not, then koffice might also be an option there ;)19:33
apacheloggerpersia: there are very rough edges in presentation last I checked19:33
apacheloggerspreadsheet and text processing are in pretty good shape for what a regular user wants to do19:34
persiaAt least from what I saw during the time I spent doing helpdesk in an office, most users in offices spend their time writing mail in Word, reading misformatted spreadsheets, and preparing presentations.  This may not have been a typical office, but I doubt it was that far off.19:34
apacheloggerpersia: yeah19:34
persiaAh, if presentation is still very rough, then yeah, probably not suitable for professional use (as it seems that sending presentations rather than documents or email has become popular)19:34
apacheloggerthough, as usual the question is if kubuntu actually targets business users :S19:35
* persia inserts a missing "yet"19:35
apacheloggeroh yeah, them darn presentation sending people ^^19:35
* claydoh want koffice to replace ooo so we can add more kde apps, like kmymoney :)19:35
apacheloggerI did not manage to use kmymoney yet, so that is no good thing to consider :P19:36
persiathe GNOME folks seem to be doing a parallel thing with the netbook flavour.19:36
claydohapachelogger: kde4 version not quite there, but almost19:36
apacheloggerpersia: build the netbook flavour in ooo impress as presentation?19:36
claydohor add more games by default :)19:36
apacheloggerclaydoh: yeah, one or two games couldnt hurt19:37
apacheloggerand more translations19:37
persiaapachelogger: Right.  It's much easier to get the nice glossy look if you don't need the software to work :)19:37
persiaBut no, my comment was about dropping OOo from the default install.19:38
apacheloggeroh, especially for the netbook flavour I see a reason there19:38
apacheloggerooo is much to fat and clumsy for that use case IMHO19:38
persia(the little I've seen seems to imply use of abiword/gnumeric, which I thought were GNOME Office, which I thought would parallel KOffice)19:38
apacheloggerpersia: though I dont think it is officially gnome office19:39
claydohdarn techbase database errors!19:39
persiaapachelogger: I think that the "officialness" of gnome office went away several years back.19:39
apacheloggerback when they lost their presentation app I think19:39
persiaapachelogger: But apparently I'm wrong: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeOffice19:39
apacheloggernot particularimportant :D19:39
persiaNo ;)19:40
apacheloggerpersia: that is just a list of apps one might use in a office with gnome it seems19:40
apacheloggeralso not particular important19:40
apacheloggerclaydoh: thinking about it... in the fear of getting bashed again I do not think that using techbase is a good idea19:41
apacheloggerpeople might come and whip my ass until I include more distros etc.19:41
claydohyeah, how about this: we don't talk about kubuntu, just what works, doesn't, what needs help, and use that info for our ouwn purposes. Yhis does still give Koffice folks the useful info as well19:43
claydohwe are just looking to see if Koffice is worthy as a ooo replacement, right?19:45
apacheloggerwell, in a kubuntu context19:45
claydohor are we trying to also help out the koffice team (which would e cool too )19:46
apacheloggerI'll just use the kubuntu wiki for now to write down notes, we can always move stuff later on19:46
apacheloggerclaydoh: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KOfficeUserReview19:53
Riddellhi mcguire, you can get our source code with apt-get source foo20:09
mcguireRiddell: thanks20:15
bambulehi, i have just updated my kubuntu 9.10 to kde 4.4. i now have the problem that the "kde menubar" gets shown twice.21:33
bambuleboth are at the bottom of the screen (as expected). one is a bit larger than the other21:33
bambuleby clicking at the overlapping pixels i can bring one of them to the front21:34
bambulenotifications are shown by both of them. so it get everything twice21:34
bambuleany idea how i can get rid of this situation?21:34
bambulethe bug is stable. restarting showed the same behaviro21:35
claydohremove one of them21:36
bambulebut how?21:36
claydohright-clickmon one21:36
claydohright-click on one21:36
claydohbut remember, support questions go to #kubuntu :)21:37
bambuleclaydoh: oh sorry. i thought i was in #kubuntu. the tab of quassel only shows the first bit....21:38
bambulehow does right clicking help? btw.21:38
claydohyou get the option to remove panels, taskbars, etc21:39
bambuleok thanks!21:39
claydohtho another way to remove it is to click the 'cashew' on the right side of a panel, select "more Settings" then 'remove this panel',21:41
bambulewhats a "cashew"?21:42
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claydohthe wierd golden icon on the very right side of the panel21:42
claydohwell, golden if you mouse over it21:42
claydohanyone , what is up with this:21:48
ulysseswhat the hell is this?21:48
claydohand why is in the header as well?21:49
yuriy_i wondered that too when i saw it21:49
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jjessewe talking about the linked wiki page?21:49
ulyssesI think yes21:49
claydohand https://edge.launchpad.net/~sakthievel21:50
jjessewhat a silly page21:50
jjessethat page returs page not found21:50
yuriy_and there goes X!21:51
claydohexactly, the user who edited it does not exist (anymore?)21:51
claydohand why is it in the main kubuntu wiki header21:51
jjesseno idea21:52
yuriy_yeah looks like he created it too, no history, so it's not like an old real page that someone messed with21:55
* ryanakca grumbles at debuild -S -sa making changes to upstream's source...21:56
ryanakcaIn bangarang's case, is it still appropriate to use 'dh --with kde $@' as I've been doing, even if it isn't a KDE SC app? I'm asking because of http://pastebin.ca/1795661 ...22:00
JontheEchidnayeah, that's ignorable22:01
JontheEchidnawell, safe to ignore22:01
persiaryanakca: If that command is changing upstream source, fiddle more with debian/rules: clean22:05
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: OK, and what about modifying upstream's source: http://paste.ubuntu.com/375754/ (1.0.1 is a bugfix release for 1.0, so this particular package will go into Debian and then I can sync it)22:05
JontheEchidnathat field should be removed from upstream's .desktop file22:05
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: Then should I add a lintian override for 'W: bangarang source: patch-system-but-direct-changes-in-diff data/bangarang_play_dvd.desktop'?22:07
JontheEchidnayeah. there's no harm done by modifying the source in this way22:08
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: OK, thanks22:08
JontheEchidnaIt would be nice if the kubuntu l10n stuff didn't touch universe packages, but I suppose that's a bit hard to detect22:08
Lex79JontheEchidna: when you have time to sponsor some packages, they are in ninja wiki22:52
ScottKapachelogger: Looking at 47792222:57
ScottKshtylman: Generally, yes.  I didn't look recently at how bad it was (ISO size).  Riddell was working on it.22:57
_Groo_hi/2 all23:23
_Groo_is  dput still broken, i wanna contribute some new packages but i cant upload a 25k package!!!23:24
_Groo_anyone alive?23:33
markeyapachelogger: ping23:34

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