Dominian | hey any of you guys around? | 02:02 |
Flannel | Dominian: What's up? | 02:02 |
Dominian | tracking a on-join spammer.. apparently its in #ubuntu, someone said you guys have some sort of !ops onjoin thing? | 02:03 |
Flannel | !ops onjoin? | 02:03 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:03 |
Dominian | co_pemburuFS is the user | 02:03 |
Flannel | I'm not sure what that'd be referring to | 02:03 |
Dominian | k | 02:04 |
Dominian | nevermind then | 02:04 |
Flannel | Chanserv speaks to people onjoin, but thats normal | 02:04 |
Dominian | yeah I know | 02:04 |
Flannel | Dominian: You've seen him do it? | 02:04 |
Dominian | Flannel: yeah handling it right now though ;) | 02:04 |
Dominian | going to go 'another' route ;) | 02:04 |
Flannel | Ah, alright. I don't mind removing him hah. Alright | 02:04 |
Dominian | Just was curious :) | 02:04 |
Dominian | and fixed | 02:08 |
ubottu | FloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) | 02:17 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) | 02:17 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) | 02:17 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) | 02:17 |
tsimpson | Bacta: can we help you? | 03:31 |
genii | Apparently not | 03:41 |
Flannel | Hi llua, how can we help you today? | 03:52 |
Flannel | Ah | 03:52 |
genii | ll | 03:52 |
genii | llua: As per the channel /topic we reserve the right to remove idlers from this channel. Is there anything you wish to discuss before this happens? | 04:32 |
elky | please see bacta in #defocus | 04:45 |
bazhang | now trolling loco channels | 04:46 |
elky | yup | 04:46 |
Dominian | oh fun | 04:46 |
* genii keeps an eye on -ca | 04:46 | |
bazhang | talking about 'free tibet' in -cn | 04:46 |
genii | Heh, thats just asking for problems | 04:48 |
bazhang | llua, hi | 04:48 |
bazhang | this is a banforward if I'm not mistaken | 04:49 |
genii | bazhang: Yes, they have some part msg of "NIGGAS" or so | 04:51 |
bazhang | llua, you'll need to change your quit message. | 05:01 |
bazhang | time for Chinese New Year's dinner, back later | 07:12 |
genii | [Whois] Guest5768 is Guest5768! (Hitler) | 07:13 |
genii | OK I'm crawling to bed now, goodnight | 09:16 |
jussi01 | nini genii | 09:16 |
mneptok | bazhang: 恭喜发财 | 09:17 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, rabbi1 said: ubottu, my nick name is registered here, would like to change the pwd | 09:36 |
ubottu | Seveas called the ops in #ubuntu (SNIPER0215) | 09:41 |
Tm_T | I will regret my hilights someday | 09:44 |
Tm_T | someone should follow #u as it seems to collect some trash currently | 09:50 |
Tm_T | gotta eat something now | 09:50 |
ikonia | whats the wiki address for the meeting | 10:07 |
ikonia | as in the IRCC meeting | 10:07 |
jussi01 | | 10:09 |
ikonia | ahhh thank you | 10:10 |
ikonia | couldn't find it | 10:10 |
jussi01 | !ircc | 10:10 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu IRC Council is the team governance council for the the Ubuntu IRC channels on the freenode network - For serious inquiries please join #ubuntu-irc-council - See also | 10:10 |
jussi01 | its also linked from there iirc :D | 10:10 |
ikonia | well done, thank you | 10:10 |
Mamarok | jussi01: JFYI: I will not be able to attend, Saturday evenings is the least likely moment for me to attend a meeting | 10:13 |
Myrtti | I'll be tending to my parents | 10:14 |
Mamarok | *sigh* all Italians seem to be file sharers, definitely... | 10:27 |
ikonia | hola | 10:33 |
ubottu | sebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (Valonia) | 10:34 |
* jussi01 is not going to be at the meeting, but there should be quorum | 10:35 | |
ikonia | seems like the new process is working already then | 10:36 |
MenZa | ryaxnb_: Can I help you? | 15:43 |
Myrtti | hmmm | 15:50 |
Myrtti | mudkipz sounds familiar tho | 15:50 |
Myrtti | would someone poke the bt, i'm at mums wiith my n800 and lack proper connection | 15:51 |
Tm_T | Myrtti: say hi from me | 16:51 |
Tm_T | !package | 17:07 |
ubottu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 17:07 |
Tm_T | that adept should be changed to something else | 17:08 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, goose said: !ops andi_07 is PM spamming | 17:24 |
ubottu | goose called the ops in #ubuntu (andi_07 is PM spamming) | 17:24 |
ikonia | hello llua | 18:20 |
ikonia | llua: you have been in the channel a number of time without speaking | 18:24 |
nhandler | ~15 minutes until the IRC Council meeting | 19:46 |
ubot3 | nhandler: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:46 |
Tm_T | nhandler: thanks sir | 19:50 |
Myrtti | that was the speshul code for "the meeting's about to start, go make popcorn" | 19:53 |
Tm_T | in -meeting, right? | 19:59 |
tsimpson | yes, in -meeting | 19:59 |
Tm_T | thanks | 19:59 |
nhandler | MenZa: You here? | 20:01 |
ikonia | Tm_K: ? | 20:04 |
Tm_K | hi | 20:04 |
ikonia | hello | 20:04 |
ikonia | the "K" threw me off | 20:05 |
Tm_K | I'm on laptop and have cutty wlan so local irssi is better than ssh (: | 20:05 |
Tm_K | nhandler: "your idea" (;) | 20:25 |
Tm_K | pleia2: hi | 20:28 |
Tm_K | llua: hi | 20:45 |
Myrtti | have you changed your quit message yet? | 20:46 |
Tm_K | apparently llua has no desire to discuss about it | 20:55 |
Myrtti | once the meeting is over, I'll change the bf's to straight bans | 20:56 |
ikonia | ta | 20:56 |
ikonia | hi persia | 21:04 |
persia | Apparently I'm encouraged to idle here :) | 21:04 |
Myrtti | ♥ huggles ♥ | 21:05 |
Tm_K | persia: hi, you are op in where? (: | 21:05 |
persia | Tm_K: #ubuntu-arm, #ubuntu-mobile, #ubuntu-motu | 21:05 |
* persia thinks | 21:06 | |
Tm_K | persia: roger, welcome | 21:06 |
* Tm_K huggles persia | 21:06 | |
ikonia | are they core channels ? | 21:08 |
nhandler | ikonia: #ubuntu-motu is like a devel channel. He is not required to be here, but "encouraged to" | 21:09 |
ikonia | I'm clearly missing info on a regular basis, as I thought it was for core channels only | 21:10 |
ikonia | I don't mind, I'm just clearly out of sync | 21:10 |
Myrtti | | 21:10 |
ikonia | fair enough | 21:11 |
Pici | Aye, -motu is a core channel currently. (whatever that means) :P | 21:11 |
Tm_K | persia: you might find useful to be in -irc too (: | 21:11 |
* persia is running out of channel slots ) | 21:11 | |
ikonia | Pici: that page needs updating then, as it's not listed as a core channel | 21:11 |
Flannel | ikonia: Everyone's missing info, because things get changed without discussion/notification/forethought | 21:12 |
Pici | ikonia: er, or maybe I was just making it up | 21:12 |
tsimpson | it is listed | 21:12 |
persia | I think the language on development channels on that page is good. Developers tend to get extra prickly when they can't do stuff in their channels. | 21:12 |
* persia remembers a big fuss about ops for #ubuntu-devel some time back | 21:12 | |
Myrtti | ikonia: it's on the page | 21:12 |
tsimpson | "the following channels also come under the scope of #ubuntu-ops, however the operators do not have to idle in #ubuntu-ops, but are encouraged to. * #ubuntu-devel * #kubuntu-devel * #ubuntu-motu" | 21:12 |
jpds | persia: channel slots? | 21:16 |
* persia tries something | 21:16 | |
* persia hugs the new server environment, and retracts comments about channel slots | 21:17 | |
jussi01 | o/ | 21:18 |
jpds | persia: Limit boosted to 120. \o. | 21:18 |
Tm_K | jussi01: you show up (= | 21:18 |
jussi01 | Tm_K: Ive had engagement party all night... I think thats an acceptable excuse no? | 21:18 |
Myrtti | no it's not | 21:19 |
Myrtti | you had one month ago :-D | 21:19 |
Tm_K | jussi01: ofcourse, just the timing is nice, meeting was just ended (:) | 21:19 |
jussi01 | Myrtti: I had to have the "family" one... | 21:19 |
Tm_K | I skipped the meeting because of marriage (: | 21:19 |
jussi01 | well, rather "her family" one | 21:19 |
Myrtti | jussi01: aw, you mean I paid alotta moneys and I didn't even get to go to the REAL one?! | 21:19 |
Tm_K | ...and then went to the event couple days later | 21:19 |
Tm_K | Myrtti: yes | 21:20 |
Myrtti | I DEMAND MOAR CAKE | 21:20 |
Tm_K | I has keyboard! -> | 21:21 |
jussi01 | Myrtti: no, you got to come to the real one... this is the "other" one | 21:21 |
* jussi01 thinks Myrtti doesnt understand... the first one was the one I wanted to have, the second was the standard obligation :D | 21:22 | |
* Tm_T huggles good night all | 21:48 | |
ubottu | SpaceGhostC2C called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (timmarshall) | 23:24 |
topyli | removed | 23:25 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Hey, I just got a message from Karl, the one who is supposed to be being moderated. | 23:42 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Umm, it's rather ofensive. | 23:42 |
Flannel | SpaceGhostC2C: Karl? | 23:43 |
SpaceGhostC2C | A while ago I talked to some ops about it and they put him on moderations. | 23:43 |
SpaceGhostC2C | He just sent me a message, filled with swear words and really offensive. | 23:43 |
SpaceGhostC2C | I figured it'd be best to talk to the ops before I decided to forward it to the channel. | 23:44 |
SpaceGhostC2C | He's sent me a similar message and I told him I'd report him if he didn't stop, which he did. | 23:44 |
Flannel | SpaceGhostC2C: Who is karl? | 23:44 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Flannel Ubuntu-Users list. | 23:44 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Karl F. Larsen | 23:45 |
Flannel | SpaceGhostC2C: This channel doesn't really have anything to do with the mailing lists | 23:45 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Flannel: I'll just wait and see if I can get the ops that helped me before. | 23:45 |
SpaceGhostC2C | The ubuntu-users-owner doesn't check the mail. | 23:46 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Pici: you helped me when I came here for help in the mailing list, right? | 23:46 |
SpaceGhostC2C | And Myrtti, I think. | 23:47 |
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