=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam | ||
`mOOse` | any you guys run ident? | 01:19 |
robertzaccour | where can i get 64 bit version of xubuntu? | 02:37 |
`mOOse` | same place you get the 32 bit | 02:37 |
robertzaccour | i don't see it on the download page | 02:38 |
`mOOse` | so...did you find them yet? | 02:42 |
robertzaccour | not yet | 02:42 |
`mOOse` | @@ | 02:43 |
robertzaccour | maybe i should just install ubuntu 64 and do the pure xfce command | 02:43 |
`mOOse` | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/9.10/release/ | 02:43 |
`mOOse` | no, don't do that | 02:43 |
robertzaccour | thanks. is there one for 10.04? | 02:43 |
robertzaccour | hey it says amd | 02:44 |
robertzaccour | mine is intel | 02:44 |
robertzaccour | will it still work? | 02:44 |
`mOOse` | it says...core 2 | 02:44 |
`mOOse` | now I'm not gonna babysit you | 02:44 |
robertzaccour | oh i see that thanks | 02:44 |
`mOOse` | 10.4 - you want an experimental alpha distro? | 02:44 |
zerothis | I'm having trouble with the at command. in a terminal running on the desktop, I typed "a 7:12" then <enter> then "ksnapshot" then <control>+<d>. 7:12 went by & nothing happened. | 03:33 |
=== psycho_oreos is now known as hatake_kakashi | ||
Legendre | Evening.. | 04:37 |
Legendre | or morning/afternoon as it were.. I have a simple question. Is there a (gui) util that shows disk usage, how much space is being used by various files / dirs etc? | 04:38 |
Legendre | so like, when a partition fills up, you can figure out what's using all the space, target files for deletion / relocation and so forth? | 04:39 |
nikolam | http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html | 04:54 |
robert__ | are there any transparent themes for xfce? | 05:12 |
robert__ | that won't slow me down? | 05:12 |
robert__ | ? | 05:29 |
Balsaq | all is well in the land of Xubuntu.... | 06:29 |
genii | For now. | 06:32 |
Balsaq | good morning genii | 06:32 |
* genii slides Balsaq a coffee | 06:33 | |
* Balsaq hides his negro modelo he has been nursing and accepts the warm beverage.... | 06:34 | |
Balsaq | welcome to xubuntu titan_ark | 06:37 |
titan_ark | Balsaq, sorry saw your message just now. | 08:30 |
Balsaq | cold out there | 08:49 |
kushalsejwal | hello everyone, what can I install as an alternative to PowerPoint or OOo Impress in Xubuntu? | 13:14 |
pleia2 | I just use Impress, but the KDE office suite also has "kpresenter" | 13:19 |
pleia2 | if you're looking to write a presentation, there are other options aside from doing it in one of these programs, I've used the html/css based "s5" system before | 13:20 |
kushalsejwal | pleia2: me too use and love impress but I was installing Xubuntu on a system which has very less ram so thought if there is some lighter alternative like abiword | 13:20 |
pleia2 | unfortunately not | 13:20 |
kushalsejwal | pleia2: yes you are right, I think I have to settle for OOo impress only | 13:22 |
kushalsejwal | pleia2: will xubuntu 9.10 work fine on a system with 256 mb ram? | 13:23 |
pleia2 | kushalsejwal: 256 is the *minimum* requirement | 13:24 |
pleia2 | "Once installed, Xubuntu can run with starting from 192 (or even just 128) MB RAM, but it is strongly recommended to have at least 256 MB RAM." | 13:24 |
pleia2 | it won't be fast, but it should be ok | 13:24 |
kushalsejwal | okay | 13:24 |
kushalsejwal | I hope better than ubuntu, because I tried running ubuntu on the same system and it was very slow | 13:25 |
pleia2 | yeah | 13:25 |
pleia2 | you might also consider installing fluxbox, which is a lighter weight window manager | 13:25 |
kushalsejwal | okay | 13:26 |
kushalsejwal | thanks pleia2 for all the suggestions :) | 13:27 |
pleia2 | you're welcome :) | 13:27 |
kushalsejwal | I am complete Gnome lover and therefore always stick to ubuntu... but there is only one DE which attracts me after GNOME i.e XFCE | 13:30 |
kushalsejwal | its nice and simple | 13:31 |
mcqr | Hi, can anyone tell me why a user is not listet in Users and groups? I have also problems wiht login screen, where no user picture (not even default) is shown. | 15:04 |
TheSheep | mcqr: is it listed in /etc/passwd? | 15:04 |
mcqr | TheSheep, yes it is "matic:x:500:500:Matic,,,:/home/matic:/bin/bash" | 15:06 |
TheSheep | mcqr: its pid should be 1000 or larger | 15:07 |
TheSheep | mcqr: how did you create that user? | 15:08 |
mcqr | TheSheep, This is the user created during installation. | 15:08 |
TheSheep | mcqr: version? | 15:09 |
mcqr | TheSheep, 9.10 | 15:09 |
TheSheep | strange, mine has pid 1000, also user created during install | 15:10 |
TheSheep | mcqr: which cd? desktop or alternate? | 15:10 |
mcqr | TheSheep, desktop | 15:10 |
TheSheep | :/ | 15:10 |
TheSheep | same here | 15:11 |
mcqr | TheSheep, can this be because I used the home partition before in fedora and didn't formated it? | 15:11 |
TheSheep | no, I don't think so | 15:12 |
TheSheep | can you create new user and see what pid it has? | 15:12 |
mcqr | TheSheep, the pid of new created user is 1000 and is listed in "users and groups" | 15:14 |
TheSheep | mcqr: why don't you just use that user? | 15:16 |
mcqr | TheSheep: I'll log out and see if the user is listed in login screen | 15:17 |
mcqr | TheSheep: The new user is listed in login screen, so I'll use this one. Thak you for your support. | 15:23 |
mhall119 | okay, so I added a file in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/71something to set XDG_CONFIG_HOME to $HOME/.qimo | 15:35 |
mhall119 | which makes my new Qimo session work right | 15:35 |
mhall119 | but then logging out, gdm freezes up | 15:35 |
mhall119 | any ideas? | 15:37 |
alienkid10 | any of you use persistence? | 15:43 |
TheSheep | alienkid10: persistence of what? | 15:45 |
TheSheep | hehe, aparently his persistence was a little poor :) | 15:46 |
onaogh | is there anyway to fix the size and dimensions of Thunar | 15:55 |
onaogh | so that everytime i start Thunar file manager, it starts at that specific coords | 15:55 |
TheSheep | onaogh: I think it remembers the last size an position | 16:01 |
onaogh | it doesn't | 16:02 |
onaogh | always opens at far top left | 16:02 |
TheSheep | onaogh: works for me, it always opens where there is free space on my screen | 16:02 |
TheSheep | onaogh: with the last size | 16:02 |
onaogh | do you think it is because of my small screen 12" 1280x800 | 16:03 |
TheSheep | same screen size here | 16:05 |
Dark_Dragon | anyone here now?? | 16:29 |
eXpl0i7 | . | 16:30 |
Dark_Dragon | anyone know where I can get the mp3el codec? | 16:30 |
Dark_Dragon | google gives me spanish sites having nothing to do with the linux mp3el package | 16:30 |
eXpl0i7 | what is mp3el? | 16:30 |
Dark_Dragon | its a codec for broadwave internet radio server | 16:31 |
Dark_Dragon | I installed lame enc & lame acm but its still missing | 16:31 |
eXpl0i7 | !mp3el | 16:31 |
eXpl0i7 | xD | 16:31 |
eXpl0i7 | i don't know | 16:31 |
Dark_Dragon | yeah I am also trying to get broadwave configured using linux .... | 16:32 |
Dark_Dragon | not sure what to edit to get it to allow the ports & upnp ports & port 1088 avalible | 16:32 |
=== Dark_Dragon is now known as Soul_Shadow | ||
Soul_Shadow | ok back, that was odd | 16:40 |
=== Soul_Shadow_ is now known as Soul_Shadow | ||
=== Soul_Shadow is now known as dark_Dragon | ||
donata | hello | 17:11 |
donata | anyone can help me with wireless activation on dell laptop with xubuntu 9.10? | 17:11 |
onaogh | xubuntu have got much better than last time i used it | 17:21 |
TheSheep | dowhat's wireless activation? | 17:26 |
donata | hello | 18:22 |
donata | does anyone know how to activate wireless connection on xubuntu 9.10 which runs on dell laptop? | 18:22 |
Balsaq | prolly have to use ndswrapper donata | 18:28 |
Psilocybin_Elf | Does anyone know of a good command line program for torrents.....something like wget but for..well, torrents!? | 18:40 |
eXpl0i7 | why command line? | 18:45 |
onaogh | i never heard of cl torrent client | 18:45 |
eXpl0i7 | you don't have X? | 18:45 |
eXpl0i7 | or something else? | 18:45 |
onaogh | anyways, what does this line in ~/.config/Thunar/thurarrc mean: LastSeparatorPosition=118 | 18:46 |
onaogh | actually, i am looking for a way to let Thunar always start in a fixed position | 18:46 |
onaogh | right now, it starts in random positions | 18:46 |
eXpl0i7 | onaogh: hmm.... | 18:51 |
onaogh | eXpl0i7, hmmm... dont tell me google it, because google didnt return anything regarding this | 18:53 |
eXpl0i7 | i'm try to find something on google, but no luck | 18:54 |
onaogh | :) already googling for hours | 18:55 |
eXpl0i7 | :) | 18:56 |
onaogh | some dudes here told me that he is fine with Thunar positioning, he says thunar remember last position | 18:56 |
onaogh | but in mycase, it doesn't, i am using ubuntu 9.10 | 18:56 |
onaogh | maybe because my screen is small, it is X61 12" | 18:56 |
eXpl0i7 | i'm using 9.04 but thunar not remember position | 18:58 |
eXpl0i7 | xD | 18:58 |
onaogh | i checked the Thunar configuration file, there is nothing mentioning the last position, rather than that, there is a line about last saved dimensions | 18:59 |
onaogh | ~/.config/Thunar/thunarrc | 19:00 |
mhall119 | onaogh, it's the window manager that positions it | 19:13 |
mhall119 | I don't know if you can set xfwm rules to place it in the same place every time | 19:13 |
mhall119 | devilspie is a program that lets you do it though, you might try that | 19:14 |
Psilocybin_Elf | I do have X, I use Vuze for torrents....I just prefer smaller, cl programs to save memory... | 19:24 |
eXpl0i7 | Psilocybin_Elf: Deluge is a good torrent client | 19:28 |
Psilocybin_Elf | Cheers, I'll check it out :-) | 19:41 |
onaogh | good hint mhall119, thanks | 19:41 |
eXpl0i7 | how to set numlock auto on at boot | 19:59 |
eXpl0i7 | ? | 19:59 |
=== Dark_Dragon is now known as Soul^Dragon | ||
Soul^Dragon | hello ppl | 20:14 |
rooligan | hey guys | 21:09 |
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam |
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